September 15th, 2017

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WEEKLY Friday, September 15th, 2017 Vol. 22, No.01

Punjabi Patrika celebrates the start of it’s 22nd year of publication.We wish to thank the community at large and all our advertisers for their continued support!


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The Patrika


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Friday, September 15th, 2017

Government of Canada helps communities at risk protect themselves from hate-motivated crimes


on Harjit S. Sajjan on behalf of the Minister for Public Safety and E m e rg e n c y P r e p a r e d n e s s announced $94,205.36 in federal funding to the Khalsa Diwan Society under the Communities at Risk: Security Infrastructure Program (SIP). This funding will support security infrastructure at the main building which is currently under renovations. Budget 2017 committed additional funding of $5 million over five years in support of SIP. The program helps communities enhance security infrastructure against hatemotivated crimes. When combined with existing funding, SIP will invest up to $10 million

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over the next five years. Each year, $2 million will be available to help support not-for-profit organizations make needed security improvements. This investment builds on recent work to broaden access to the program.

Friday, September 15th, 2017

The Patrika 




The Patrika

Friday, September 15th, 2017


“sMpfdkI” imqI 10 isqMbr 2017 nUM aYbtsPorz dy rotrI styzIam ivKy BfeI blvMq isMG Kurdpur dI sLqfbdI nUM smripq gdrI XoiDaF dI Xfd ivwc qyeIvF sflfnf sw i Bafcfrk my l f bVI DU m Dfm nfl mnfieaf igaf. suihrd pRbMDkF aqy sihXogIaF dI ihMmq df pRmfx hY ik bhuqfq ivwc swiBafcfrk BuwK dI pUrqI leI sroiqaF bfrF vjy sItF mwl leIaF aqy swq vjy qwk rUhfnI anMd mfxy. gdr sLbd dy arQF vl jfeIey qF ies leI iksy Kfs smyN, sQfn qy kfrjF dI loV huMdI hY, Bfv iksy QF koeI srkfr, koeI ainaF, durfcfr kry, AunHF df ijAUxf hrfm kr dyvy, by-pwq kr dyvy, AunHF nUM nrk ijhy jIvn nfloN mOq ipafrI lwgx lwg jfvy qF iksy iksy kOm ivwcoN kuwJ axKI rUhF pRcMzqf df rUp Dfrn kr ky ho rhy jLulm nUM TwlH pONdIaF hn qy jLfilm df nfmo insLfn imtOx qwk jFdIaF hn. ieh lok inrfsLf ivwcoN afsF lY, kwPn isrF qy bMnH lMmI lVfeI dy rfhgIr bx jFdy hn, sIs qlI qy rwK hyTlI AuWqy ilafAuNdy hn, ienHF leI iewk mhfn kvI ilKdf hY,

vfips cfly pf idwqy, EQy phuMc ky gdr lihr clfeI, aKbfr, rsfly cflU kIqy, lokF dy mn blvfn kIqy, hmiKafl pYdf kIqy, dusLmx nfl twkrF leIaF, qsIhy Jwly, Gr vfr qbfh krfey, pr hOsly nhIN hfry. gorI srkfr nUM nwk nflL cny cbfey. AunHF dy jlveI kfrjF sdkf Bfrq afjLfd hoieaf, sB DrmF qy jLfqF nUM eykqf imlI. afpF awj Bfrq qoN bfhr anykF dysLF ivwc vsdy hF qy KusLhflIaF mfxdy hF, ieh sB AunHF mhfn rUhF dI bdOlq hY aYbtsPorz aqy afs pfs dy afjLfdI psMd BYxF BrfvF dI soc df sfkfr rUp sI ieh “lok ivrsf mylf” asmfn qy sUrj cVHdf hY, Cupdf hY, iPr cVHdf hY, hnHyrf Kqm huMdf hY, nUr df psfrf huMdf hY. iblkul eysy hI qrF kOmF aqy dysLF nUM nUro nUr krn vflLy sUrj cVHdy hn, iCpdy hn, iPr cVHdy hn, axK afjLfdI df nUr iKlfrdy hn-nUr sdf kfiem rihMdf hY.

ienHF mhfn rUhF dy mhfn kfrjF nUM Xfd krdy rihxf aqy nvIaF pIVHIaF qwk phuMcdf krdy rihxf iewk mhfn kfrj hY. “sIs! sIs qoN cwl ky, ies myly dI lVI nUM bfeI sfl qoN guMddy aOxf iewk ikRsLmf hY. drsLk BYxF BrfvF jd qlI qy afx itkdf ey aqy nvIaF pIVHIaF dy bwicaF vloN ienHF iPr? iPr nf koeI idny itkdf ey, df DMnvfd hI nhIN kIqf jFdf sgoN bynqI vI kIqI jFdI hY ik dyiKE ikqy awk nf qy nf rfq itkdf ey.” jfieE, ikqy Qwk nf jfieE, ies nUr nUM ienHF mhfn rUhF dI soc aqy kfrj nUM hI hor inKfrnf qy iKlfrnf quhfzy hI hwQ hY. gdr ikhf jFdf hY qy ies kfrj dy pfqrF AurdU dy iewk mhfn kvI ny iesy locf nUM nUM gdrI ikhf jFdf hY, ieh koeI afm eydF pysL kIqf hY:iensfn nhIN huMdy, ieh asIN kih nhIN “swc kihnf iksI kf hY skdy ikMny mhfn… hrkq myN hI brkq hY, Bfrq dI gulfmI dy duwKF nflL BrI peI ijLMdgI qy iewk mhfn kvI ilKdf hY:jo kqrf jMm ky rih jfey, “KIrF nflL Bry iks kfry muwKVy idl idlgIrF dy kr gujLrfn suqMqrqf ivwc pihn godVy lIrF dy.” gulfmI qoVn leI keI lihrF Aumz rhIaF sn, pr pMjfbI axKIilaF dy josL sFBy nhIN sn jFdy, Auh sMGrsL leI qqpr sn, ikAuNik iewk mhfn kvI ilKdy hn:“eyQy bIr bhfdr vsdy, jfxy kuwl jLmfnf dysL kOm leI mrn df ijhVy lwBdy rihx bhfnf.” 1904 dy lfgy kuwJ pMjfbI, isMGfpur, ieMglYNz aqy kYnyzf ivwc phuMc gey. eyQoN dy jIvn ivwc pUry suwK shUlqF sn, mOsm vDIaf sI qy kmfeIaF vI bhuq sn, pr AunHF dI mhfn soc leI asIN sdf isr JkfAuNdy rhFgy ik AunHF ny ies sB kfsy nUM lwq mfridaF gulfmF nUM afjLfd krOx leI PAGE 4

vuh diraf bn nhIN skqf.” styj do vjy sLurU hoeI, KusLiksmqI hY ik styj sMcfln aYzvokyt gurdyv isMG ‘iZwloN’ aQvf “Bjnf amlI’ jI ny bhuq hI mjLfhIaf ZMg nflL kIqf qy hr klfkfr nUM tfeIm idMidaF afp koeI nf koeI qrk Biraf cutklf suxfAuNdy rhy qy lokF dIaF rUhF KusL krdy rhy, “PYimlI plYinMg” vflf AunHF df qrk bVf hI slfihaf igaf. imstr kYNQ dy do gIqF nfl mylf sLurU hoieaf, iPr pMjfb dy pRiswD ZfzI ‘pmfl’ sfihb dy jQy ny vfr rUp ivwc gdrI ieiqhfs qy pMCI-Jfq puafeI, bol sn:“gdrI bfby cwl pey, krn afjLfdI Gol.” ies qoN bfad dsmysL pMjfbI skUl dy bwicaF ny kYnyzf zy df nYsLnl sONg bhuq hI irdm ivwc pysL kIqf qy iPr bwcIaF ny srhMd dy sfky aqy sUby nUM nsIhq dy rUp ivwc bhuq hI ipafry lYa ivwc gIq

The Patrika

Friday, September 15th, 2017

pysL kIqf, Auh eynf Bfvkqf BrpUr sI ik afm sroqy dI awK ivwc awQrU dyKy gey. bol sn:“iewt nfl iewt KVkf idaFgy, sUibaF vy srhMd sLihr dI.” pRbMDkF vloN sfry bwicaF nUM Kfs srtIiPkyt dy ky snmfinaf siqkfrq imstr hYnrI grfAUn ny istI kONisl vloN sLhIdF nUM sIs Jukf ky prnfm kIqI aqy kimintI ivwc pMjfbIaF dy agFhvDU kfrjF dI sLlfGf kridaF awgy leI vI eysy hI aks dI duaf kIqI. iPr nO-juafn klfkfr ny isrF aqy srdfrIaF dy bIr-rsI gIq nfl pMjfb aqy sLhIdF dy qsIihaF aqy pRfpqIaF dI qsvIr pysL kIqI, sur ivwc gf ky sroqy mMqr mugd krn vflf ieh klfkfr hY jgjIq Bfrtf. ies qoN AuprMq bldyv isMG BIm, ryzIE host s: gurbfj isMG jI ny gdr lihr qy bolidaF kuwjy ivwc smuMdr pysL kIqf. pMjfbIaF dy mhfn kfrjF qy mfx kridaF burfeIaF nUM nwQ pfAux df sMdysL idwqf suKdIp isMG rfsLtrI sportsmYn ny bfl dy jOhr idKfey. bwbU Kfn ny keI rMg pysL kIqy aqy suMdr CbIly gwBrUaF



ny BMgVy dI qfl qy sfry drsLkF nUM mnF ivwc ncfieaf. ig: muKiqafr isMG jPr dy ZfzI jQy ny sLhIdF dI vfr gf ky mhOl bIr rsI bxfieaf, bol sn: “iswKF dy isdk dIaF ilKIaF nfl KUn dy lVIaF” AuGy smfj syvI isLrI sLFqI srUp jI ny gdrI bfibaF dy gOrvmeI ieiqhfs nMU eynI Bfbkqf Bry aMdfjL ivwc pysL kIqf ik sroiqaF dy rONgty KVHy kr idwqy. pMjfb aqy gdrI XoiDaF df mF puwq vflf irsLqf hY. ies irsLqy dIaF jVHF bhuq lMmy cOVy qy gOrvmeI ieiqhfs ivwc mOjUd hn. sImq smyN dIaF hwdF qoN mjbUr hoey asIN ies mhfn ivsLy nUM eyQy hI smfpq krn leI muafPI mMgdy hoey khFgy:byr byr byr myly dI smfpqI smyN sfzy pYNdI sI idlF nUM Gyr, hux sfnUM mfP kro, vrHy idnF nUM Pyr… DMnvfd sihq sMpfdkI mMzl.

mfilÈ nfl hox vfly nuksfn

zf[ hriÈMdr kOr mfilÈ dy Pfieidafˆ bfry kfPI purfxy simafˆ dy Auqrn aqy rIVH dI hwzI ivwcoN inkldI qoN jfxkfrI idwqI jfˆdI rhI hY pr ies ns dy dbx df iËkr kIqf igaf hY. nfl hox vfly nuksfn bfry iËafdf crcf gly dI mfilÈ nfl idmfg vwl jfˆdI ns dy nhIN kIqI jfˆdI. sfl 2007 ivwc 100 Ptx df kys sfhmxy af cuwikaf hY, ijs aijhy bMidafˆ AuWqy iewk Koj kIqI geI sI dI mOq ho geI. jo lgfqfr mfilÈ krvfAuNdy rihMdy sn. gly dy mxky iKskx nfl gly qoN hyTly ihwsy ienHfˆ lokfˆ AuWpr sfhmxy afey mfVy asr df lkvf mfiraf jfxf. ies qrHfˆ sn: ‘sdrn mYzIkl jrnl` ivwc 38 sflf ienHfˆ ivwco N10 PIsdI nUM mfilÈ qoN bfad aOrq dI mfilÈ qoN bfad hoeI mOq bfad hlkI iKwc mihsUs huMdI rihMdI sI qy cmVI post mfrtm krn AuWqy pqf lwigaf ik iGsVn df aihsfs huMdf sI. Aus dI gly ivclI kYroitz qy vritblr cmVI dy Ptx dI smwisaf. ns Pwtx nfl aijhf hoieaf. hlky hlky pwiTafˆ aMdr lhU cwlx nfl soiËÈ hoxI. Jtikafˆ nfl kIqI mfilÈ kfrn nsfˆ Pt krOink pyn isMzrom- lgfqfr hlkI pIV geIafˆ. huMdI rihxI. iqwKI isr pIV/imgryn. pIV vrgy lwCx nUM axgOilaf kr ky isrP pwt qy bfˆh dI hwzI df tuwtxf. mfilÈ krvfAuNdy rihx nfl keI vfr lhU ivclI Èwkr dI mfqrf df bhuq iËafdf hyTlI gMBIr ibmfrI Bfv kYˆsr kfPI viDaf Gtxf (Kfskr Èwkr rogIafˆ ivwc). hoieaf lwiBaf qy lfielfj sfibq ho igaf. nsfˆ df iKwicaf jfxf qy hwQfˆ pYrfˆ df suMn mfilÈ leI vrqI jf rhI KuÈbU qoN aYlrjI nfl DwPV pYxy jfˆ dmy df atYk hoxf. ho jfxf. aMqVIafˆ df Ptxf. joVfˆ ivwc iKcfE. ijgr dy kYpsUl (bfhrlI prq) df Ptxf. joV df iKskxf. konYkwitv itsLU (mfs qwq) df iKwicaf jfxf. ieh sfry mfVy asr vyKdy hoey jdoN mrËI iewk 88 virHafˆ dy bjLurg dI do GMty dI iksy vI jxy Kxy koloN mfilÈ krvf lYxI mfilÈ qoN bfad mOq ho geI. cYWk krn AuWqy TIk nhIN huMdI. isrP hlkI mfilÈ qy Auh pqf lwigaf ik lhU aMdr mfieEgloien vI sImq smyˆ leI, pr afpxy rogfˆ dI bhuq vDI peI sI jo gurdy PylH kr geI. pUrI pCfx krvf lYx bfad hI krvfAuxI mfieEgloibn PwtV pwiTafˆ ivwcoN inklI sI. cfhIdI hY. ies gwl df iKafl rhy ik ‘afrkfeIvË afP iPËIkl mYzIsn aYˆz zfktrI slfh qoN bgYr kdy vI mfilÈ nhIN rIhYiblItyÈn` jrnl ivwc mfilÈ nfl moZy krvfAuxI cfhIdI. PAGE 5


The Patrika 

Friday, September 15th, 2017

The benefits of eating sustainable seafood (NC) Want to feed your family something that is delicious, nutritious and sustainable? Try wild seafood — when sourced responsibly, it is healthy for you and for the planet.

eration the long-term preservation of our planet’s resources. Sustainable food is generally very good for you, and there are even more health benefits from choosing sustainable seafood.

Wild seafood is a renewable resource that requires minimal freshwater to produce, emits little carbon dioxide, uses no arable land, and produces a lean protein at a cost-per-pound that is lower than other animal proteins.

“To find more seafood that is healthy for the oceans, check with your local grocer and favourite restaurants to see if they buy from sustainable fisheries,” recommends Laughren.

Seafood is also rich in nutrients and filled with healthy omega-3 fats. Omega-3 can help lower the risk of heart disease, is linked to brain development in infants, and research shows it can play a role in lowering the risk of cancer, dementia, Alzheimer’s and depression.

Dungeness crab. Try this sustainable seafood in pasta recipes or on its own with butter. Look for Dungeness crab trap-caught in Canada, California, Oregon or Washington. Sablefish. This fish is considered a delicacy in many countries. A great source of omega-3 fatty acids, sablefish is perfect for grilling, smoking, frying or serving as sushi.

Health Canada recommends eating at least two servings of seafood a week, which will allow you to get the nutritional benefits that are found in food

Swordfish. This large fish is often sold as steaks and its relatively firm meat makes it ideal for cooking over the grill. Make sure it is caught by harpoon

sourced from the ocean.

or handline and is from Canada or the United States.

But ensuring seafood is sustainable has becoming an increasingly important issue. “When you are planning your next meal, remember that not all seafood is created equal,” explains Josh Laughren, executive director of Oceana Canada. “Some seafood has a bigger environmental impact and often can’t be consumed sustainably.” Eating sustainably usually means choosing food that takes into consid-


Here’s a list of some great seafood options that will help keep you and the oceans healthy:

Hand-dug clams. This tiny seafood is a big source of iron, protein, calcium, zinc, vitamin B and omega-3 fatty acids. Clams are delicious eaten raw, steamed, boiled, baked, fried or in a hearty bowl of clam chowder. Spot prawns. Trap-caught prawns from the Canadian Pacific are considered sustainable, cook quickly and easily and are great in soups, pastas, stir-fries or on their own with butter.

The Patrika

Friday, September 15th, 2017



Avoid hepatitis during beauty and medical treatments (NC) Did you know that routine beauty and health procedures, from getting your nails done to acupuncture,

1. When getting a tattoo or piercing. If you’re thinking of getting a tattoo, research possible companies and ask basic hygiene questions. Make sure they don’t reuse tools for piercings and tattooing, including needles, ink and ink pots. 2. When at the doctor. You’re at risk if medical professionals reuse medical equipment that was meant to be used only once, such as needles or other equipment. Ask your healthcare practitioners if you have any concerns.

can put you at greater risk of hepatitis B and C if equipment is not properly cleaned? These infections are more common than you may think, with hepatitis C affecting about 245,000 Canadians — an estimated 44 percent of whom do not know they’re infected.

3. When sharing personal care items. Razors, nail clippers and other personal care items that might have blood on them can all transmit hepatitis C, so ask your nail salon about their cleaning practices and don’t share yours with anyone.

A person can even live with hepatitis C for 20 to 30 years or more without feeling sick. During this time, the virus slowly damages the liver, eventually making it hard for the organ to function properly. Your liver is an organ you can’t live without, as it helps fight infections, break down toxins, digest food and more. It is also estimated that less than 1 percent of Canada’s population is infected with either acute or chronic hepatitis B. However, symptoms can take two to six months to appear, only 50 percent develop symptoms and many people who are infected do not know they have the virus. While you can receive a vaccination to protect against hepatitis B, remember that there’s no vaccine for hepatitis C. The virus gets into the blood through breaks in the skin or in the lining of the nose and mouth. This is a strong virus that can live outside of the body for many days, even in dried blood — meaning you’re at risk in certain situations in your everyday life. Here are some quick tips to avoid coming into contact with and potentially contracting hepatitis B or C:

4. When having beauty or therapeutic treatments. Any kind of treatment that use needles or draw blood can put you at risk if they aren’t cleaned properly or disposed of as necessary. Make sure practitioners aren’t re-using tools for services like electrolysis and acupuncture. Speak with your healthcare provider about your risk and get tested if needed. Find more prevention and treatment information at www.canada. ca/health.



The Patrika 

iekwlpuxy nUM mfnx dI jfc jdoN kdy vwzI Aumr dy ivakqI df jIvn sfQI ivwCV jfˆdf hY qfˆ Aus dIafˆ awKfˆ awgy anyHrf Cf jfˆdf hY. BivwK DuMdlf DuMdlf aqy Audfs lwgx lwg pYˆdf hY. Gr KflI-KflI lwgdf hY. cfhy Ausdf pirvfr ikMnf vI vwzf ikAuN nf hovy. iksy hwd qwk ieh gwl hY vI TIk ikAuNik asIN iewk dUjy `qy inrBr bhuq ho jfˆdy hfˆ. afm qOr `qy vyiKaf igaf hY ik jdoN koeI vwzI Aumr df ivakqI iekwlf rih jfvy qfˆ afpxIafˆ socfˆ ivwc zuwibaf rihMdf hY qy bycYnI ijhI mihsUs krdf hY. keI ivakqI iekwlpuxy df iÈkfr ho jfˆdy hn. mn icVicVf ho jfˆdf hY. Aus nUM Gr suMnf suMnf qy rOxk gfieb hoeI lwgdI hY. ijs krky mnuwK jIvn ivwc Audfs qy inrfÈ rihx lwg pYˆdf hY. ies leI ienHfˆ hflqfˆ qoN bcx leI mnuwK nUM AusfrU soc apxf ky iËMdgI nUM mfnx dI koiÈÈ krnI cfhIdI hY. iekwlpuxy nUM mfnxf vI iewk klf hY. ijs ivakqI nUM iekwlpuxf mfnx dI jfc af jfvy Auh hmyÈfˆ KuÈ rihMdf hY qy jIvn ivwc suKflf rihMdf hY. afpxy smyˆ nUM afnMdmeI ZMg nfl bqIq krdf hY. iekwlpuxy qoN bcx leI hmyÈfˆ afpxy afly duafly ivwc rcimc ky rho. vwD qoN vwD AusfrU kMmfˆ ivwc mn lgfE. jIvn ivwc kdy vI hmyÈfˆ hnyrf nhIN rihMdf. rfq ipwCoN svyr ËrUr afAuNdI


hY. kflIafˆ rfqfˆ ipwCoN cfnxIafˆ rfqfˆ ËrUr afAuNˆdIafˆ hn. jykr iksy smyˆ hnyrf af vI jfvy qfˆ vI quhfnUM dUr ikqy cfnx dI ikrn idKfeI dyvygI. qusIN Aus rOÈnI vwl vyKky afpxI mMiËl sr ËrUr kr skdy ho. sfnUM hmyÈfˆ afpxy afp ivwc msq rihxf cfhIdf hY. ies nUM mn iekfgr krky iDafn Drnf vI ikhf jfˆdf hY. qusIN iekwly iekfˆq jfˆ iksy pfrk ivwc bYT ky afpxy aMdr JfqI mfro. quhfzy aMdr gwlfˆ df KËfnf hY. ies iekwlI- iekwlI gwl nUM bfhr kwZo qy AunHfˆ df huMGfrf Bro. quhfnUM ijAUx leI aQfh ÈkqI imlygI. purfxIafˆ aqy imwTIafˆ Xfdfˆ jo aMdr dwbIafˆ peIafˆ hn, AunHfˆ nUM bfhr kwZo AunHfˆ df afnMd mfxo. sfnUM mfnisk qOr `qy skUn imlygf. jIvn dIafˆ mfVIafˆ Gtnfvfˆ nUM kdy vI Xfd nf kro. ienHfˆ nfl mn duKI ho jfˆdf hY. purfxy ËKm awly ho jfˆdy hn. mn qy srIr nUM pIV hox lwg pYˆdI hY. ies leI hmyÈfˆ KuÈ rihxf iswKo. afpxy ichry `qy hmyÈfˆ muskrfht ilaf ky rwKo. afp hwso qy lokfˆ nUM hsfE. iewQy mYnUM aMgryËI dI khfvq Xfd afAuNdI hY. ijs df pMjfbI ivwc qrjmf ies qrHfˆ hY. jykr qusIN hwsogy qfˆ lok quhfzf sfQ dyxgy, jykr qusIN rovogy qfˆ ieh kMm quhfnUM iekwilafˆ krnf pvygf. ies qrHfˆ dI sfriQk soc rwKx nfl quhfnUM

KuÈI imlygI. mn qy qn hmyÈfˆ qMdrusq rhygf. kdy vI mfnisk qxfa nhIN hovygf. ies qrHfˆ krn nfl sfnUM iksy iksm dI ibmfrI ijvyˆ blwz pRYÈr, sLUgr aqy idl dI ibmfrI nhIN lwgygI. BIV BVwky vflIafˆ Qfvfˆ qoN dUr rho. iËafdf BIV ivwc mn Aukqf jfˆdf hY. svyry Èfm lMbI sYr kro. iekfˆq ivwc GuMmx nfl quhfnUM iekwlpuxy df afnMd afAux lwg pvygf. iekwlpuxf vI iewk KuwlHI ikqfb vfˆg huMdf hY. ies df iekwlf iekwlf vrkf AultfAu qy ies nUM pVHo. jIvn afnMd qy KuÈI nfl Br jfvygf. hr roË QoVHf bhuq hlkf Pulkf sMgIq df afnMd vI mfxoˆ. mn AuWpr icMqf BfrU nf hox idE. mn nUM iËMdgI dIafˆ CotIafˆ-CotIafˆ KuÈIafˆ nfl pRsMn rwKo. KuÈI dy Coty-Coty mOikafˆ nUM cMgI qrHfˆ mfxo. ies qrHfˆ krn nfl qusIN afpxy jIvn nUM afnMd-dfiek bxf skdy ho. jykr Gr ivwc ivhVf hY qfˆ AuWQy Puwl bUty lfAuxy sLurU kr idE. ienHfˆ nUM svyry Èfm pfxI vgYrf lfE. Gr dI suMdrqf ivwc vfDf hovygf qy Gr Biraf-Biraf lgygf. Gr ivwc pirvfr nfl qy afˆZ-guafˆZ nfl rl iml ky rho. poqy poqIafˆ nUM ipafr kro AunHfˆ nfl QoVHf bhuq Kyzo, bwcy KuÈ rihxgy. Gr ivwc vnsuMvnqf afeygI qy quhfzf smfˆ vI bhuq sohxy ZMg nfl bIqygf. jykr qusIN

Friday, September 15th, 2017

jsvMq isMG jwsV ipMzfˆ ivwc rihMdy ho qfˆ afpxy Kyqfˆ vwl gyVf mfro. afpxI Psl nUM inhfro. Pslfˆ quhfnUM bol ky dwsxgIafˆ ik sfnUM pfxI dI loV hY jfˆ Kfd dI. ies qrHfˆ krn nfl quhfzI sYr vI hovygI qy nfly mn vI KuÈ rhygf. isafixafˆ dy kihx muqfbk ‘nfly puMn qy nfly PlIafˆ` Bfv nfly Kyqfˆ vwl gyVf mfrn nfl Pslfˆ dI suwK-sfˆd df pqf lwg jfˆdf hY qy nfly sYr ho jfˆdI hY. QoVHf bhuq smfˆ pVHn qy ilKx leI vI kwZxf cfhIdf hY. hmyÈfˆ igafn ivwc vfDf huMdf rihMdf hY. ivhly smyˆ qusIN bfhr ipMz dI swQ ivwc bYT ky qfÈ Kyzx df afnMd mfxo. afpxy ipMz ivwc jfˆ afly-duafly dy lokfˆ nfl smfj BlfeI dy kMmfˆ ivwc ihwsf lvo. kdy-kdy pMj cfr idnfˆ leI GuMmx iPrn df pRogrfm bxf lYxf cfhIdf hY. afpxy dyÈ ivwc vyKx leI bhuq kuJ ipaf hY, phfVfˆ dIafˆ vfdIafˆ qy smuMdr dI bIc quhfnUM afAux leI swdf idMdIafˆ hn. ies qrHfˆ Aukq ZMg nfl quhfnUM iekwlpuxf nhIN lwgygf. quhfzI iËMdgI df ipClf pihr cMgI qrHfˆ inklygf qy jIvn ivwc vnsuvMnqf rhygI. quhfzf jIvn suKI qy KuÈI nfl BrpUr rhygf. bs! iekwlpuxf mfnx dI jfˆc afAuxI cfhIdI hY.

The Patrika

Friday, September 15th, 2017



jy buwlH kflLy ho cuwky hox… zf[ hriÈMdr kOr aYm[zI

GtIaf qy ssqIafˆ ilpsitkfˆ , Du w p , isgrt, qmfkU, vfDU kOPI, hfrmonfˆ dI gVbVI, afid anyk kfrnfˆ krky buwlHfˆ df rMg kflLf ho jfˆdf hY. bËfr ivwc mihMgIafˆ krImfˆ qy dvfeIafˆ bQyrIafˆ imldIafˆ hn ijnHfˆ nfl CyqI afrfm iml skdf hY. kuwJ GrylU nusKy jo kfrgr sfbq hoey hn, AunHfˆ bfry iËkr krdy hfˆ. ieh nusKy hOlI-hOlLI asr ivKfAuNdy hn pr pYsf Dylf Krcy bgYr. ds GrylU nusKy ieh hn:inMbU: rfq nUM sOx qoN pihlfˆ qfËy incoVy inMbU nUM buwlHfˆ AuWqy lf lvo qy svyry Do lvo. do mhIny roË rfq nUM lfE. inMbU dy pqly tukVy AuWqy KMz lf ky buwlHfˆ AuWqy polf-polf rgVo. kuwJ hPqy roË vrqo. qfËy inMbU dy awDf cmc rs ivwc gilsrIn qy Èihd imlLf ky buwlHfˆ AuWqy rfq Br lf ky rwKo. gulfb: iek bUMd gulfb jl ivwc do bUMdfˆ Èihd imlLf ky idn ivwc iqMn-cfr vfr buwlHfˆ AuWqy lfE. gulfb dIafˆ pwqIafˆ dy iqMn cmc pyst ivwc iek cmc mwKx jfˆ mlfeI qy iek cmc Èihd imlfE. ies nfl buwlfˆ nUM hlkf hlkf hPqy ivwc do vfr rgVo. QoVy ijhy kwcy duwD ivwc cfr pwqIafˆ gulfb dIafˆ iek GMty leI zubo ky rwK idE. iPr imksI ivwc ihlf ky pyst bxf lvo. ies ivwc iek cmc Èihd qy cUMzI kysr dI imlf lvo. ies pyst nUM buwlHfˆ AuWqy 15 imMt lf ky rwKo. idn ivwc do vfr do iqMn mhIny lfE. Eilv df qyl: ieh qyl buwlHfˆ AuWqy kmfl df asr ivKfAuNdf hY. gulfbI nrm qy KUbsUrq vI bxfAuNdf hY. roË rfq sOx qoN pihlfˆ iqMn-cfr bUMdfˆ nfl buwlHfˆ dI polIpolI mfilÈ kro. Eilv qyl (vrijn) dIafˆ kuwJ bUMdfˆ ivwc awDf cmc KMz imlf ky hPqy ivwc iek vfr buwlHfˆ nUM poly-poly rgVo. iek jfˆ do mhIny ivwc asr idsx lwg pYˆdf hY.

Aus qoN bfad kosy pfxI nfl Do lvo. roË iek vfr do hPqy vrqo. anfr: anfr buwlHfˆ AuWqy kmfl df asr ivKfAuNdf hY. iqMn cmcy anfr dy pIsy hoey bIjfˆ ivwc QoVI mlfeI qy gulfb jl rlf ky, pyst bxf ky buwlHfˆ AuWqy ds imMt polf-polf rgVo qy kosy pfxI nfl Do lvo. roË iek vfr kro. iek cmc anfr df rs, iek cmc cukMdr df rs qy iek cmc gfjr df rs imlf ky roË rfq buwlHfˆ AuWqy lf ky rwKo. KIrf: rMg gorf krn leI KIrf kudrqI sugfq hY. roË rfq pMj imMt KIry dy tukVy nUM cMgI qrHfˆ buwlHfˆ AuWqy rgVo qy do mhIny ieMj hI vrqdy rho. rsBrI qy stfbyrI: rsfˆ dy Bry KUssUrq buwlHfˆ vfsqy ieh donoN vDIaf hn. Kfx dy nfl-nfl buwlHfˆ AuWqy lfAux nfl vI vDIaf asr idsdf hY. awDf cmc rsBrI df rs QoVHI ijhI aYlo vIrf (kuafr gMdl) qy Èihd imlf ky ds imMt buwlHfˆ AuWqy mlo. iPr kosy pfxI nfl Do lvo. hPqy ivwc iqMn jfˆ cfr vfr vrqo. strfbrI dy iqMn cmc rs ivwc vYslIn imlf ky roË idn ivc do vfr vrqo. Èihd: roË rfq nUM buwlHfˆ AuWqy Èihd lf ky sOx nfl qy svyry AuWT ky kosy pfxI nfl Dox nfl iqMn ku mhIinafˆ bfad buwlHfˆ dy rMg ivwc Prk pYxf sLurU ho jfˆdf hY. awDf cmc dhIN, awDf cmc Èihd qy awDf cmc vysx dI pyst bxf ky awDf GMtf buwlHfˆ AuWqy lf ky kosy pfxI nfl Do lvo. iehI pyst 15 imMt mUMh AuWqy vI lfeI jf skdI hY.

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bdfmfˆ df qyl: pMj bUMdfˆ bdfmfˆ df qyl qy iqMn cmc Èihd imlf ky roË buwlHfˆ AuWqy do jfˆ iqMn vfr lfE. kstrYl df awDf cmc qy awDf cmc bdfmfˆ dy qyl nUM imlf ky roË do vfr buwlHfˆ dI mfilÈ kro. iDafn rhy kstrYl mUMh aMdr nf lMGy. twtIafˆ lwg KMz: KMz Kfx nfl qfˆ hmyÈf hI hr iksy skdIafˆ hn. Kopy dy qyl qy bdfmfˆ dy qyl nUM nuksfn huMdf hY. iesy leI KMz dI vrqoNˆ dIafˆ pMj-pMj bUMdfˆ imlf ky roË rfq buwlHfˆ isrP buwlHfˆ AuWqy krnI hI TIk hY. ies AuWqy lf ky sON jfE. nUM rgVn nfl mry hoey sYWl cmVI qoN lwQ ËrUrI gwlfˆ: ieh sfry GrylU nusKy asrdfr jfˆdy hn qy hyToN nroeI lckdfr qy ilÈkdI hn. koeI nusKf iksy AuWqy asr vwD krdf cmVI idsx lwg pYˆdI hY. iqMn cmc KMz qy do cmc mwKx nUM imksI ivwc ihlf ky pyst hY, iksy Aupr Gwt. pr ienHfˆ ivwcoN koeI vI bxf lvo. hPqy ivc iek vfr buwlHfˆ nUM ies nusKf jfdUeI asr nhIN ivKfAuNdf. QoVHI nfl rgVo. iek cmc KMz, iek cmc Èihd qswlI nfl lMmy smyˆ qwk vrqx nfl hI qy awDf cmc bdfm qyl imlf ky hPqy ivwc asr idsdf hY. sB qoN ËrUrI gwl ieh hY ik ijs kfrn krky buwlH kfly hoey hn, iek vfr buwlfˆ nUM polf-polf rgVo. Auh ËrUr Cwzxy pYˆdy hn. msln, Krfb cukMdr: rfq nUM sOx vyly buwlHfˆ AuWqy qfËy jfˆ GtIaf ilpsitk, isgrt, qmfkU, cukMdr df jUs lf lvo. svyry AuWT ky Do vfDU kOPI, afid! hfrmonfˆ dI gVbVI lvo. ies nfl buwlH kudrqI blIc ho jfˆdy leI zfktrI ielfj krvfAuxf ËrUrI hY. hn. iek cmc cukMdr df rs qy iek cmc sMquilq Kurfk dI mhqwqf BulfAuxI nhIN gfjr df rs imlf ky buwlHfˆ dI hlkI mfilÈ cfhIdI ikAuNik Aus ny nf isrP buwlH blik kro. Pyr ds imMt ieMj hI lwgy rihx idE. sfrf srIr qMdrusq kr dyxf hY. PAGE 9

The Patrika



Friday, September 15th, 2017

Is your child’s car seat safely installed? Do the 6-step check (NC) Did you know that every year over 10,000 children age 12 and under are injured, some of them fatally, in traffic collisions? This is according to a 2014 report from the Children’s Health & Safety Association of Canada. Moreover, as many as 80 per cent of children are not properly restrained when travelling in motor vehicles. The only safe car seat is one that is installed correctly. A recent survey of parents hosted on Angus Reid Forum shows that most feel they need to do more proactive research and seek education on car seat safety. Erin Varano, a certified passenger safety

technician with Graco offers these five, on-the-spot checks to help with correct car seat installation: Pinch test. When tightening the harness straps, check next to your child’s collarbone to ensure you are unable to pinch any excess slack in the straps. If you can pinch excess material, tighten the harness. Chest clip. The chest clip must be level with your child’s armpits. One-inch test. Using your non-dominant hand at the belt path, always check your car seat to ensure it does not move more than one inch left-to-right or front-to-back. 80/20 rule. Make sure the base of the car seat is a minimum of 80 per cent on the vehicle seat. Car seat manufacturers, like Graco, have labels on car seats clearly marking 80 per cent of the seat to help show the allowable amount of overhang. Harness check. For children riding rear-facing, the harness height should be at or below the child’s shoulders. For forward-facing riders, it should sit at or above the child’s shoulders. The Right Car Seat. Transport Canada, who test and certify all car seats across the country, say that children are the safest in rear-facing car seats as long as they are still below the seat’s weight and height restrictions. To help parents avoid transitioning their children from rear-facing to forward-facing car seats too soon, Varano suggests choosing a car seat that allows children to ride rear-facing longer, like Graco’s Extend2Fit Convertible Car Seat, which features a four-position extension panel that provides five inches of extra legroom. Find more information at

kfimaF dI qurMq loV

rfszfAUn PfrmjL aqy nYcrl PUz ilmitz

svyry aqy sLfm nMU kMm krn vfly qjrbykfr aqy nf qjrbykfr kfimaF dI loV kwt aqy pYk, ieivskrysLn, sYnItysLn leI, msLIn nMU clfAux leI aqy qjLrbydfr ktrF dI loV hY. vDIaf qnKfh, pUry bYnIiPt, aqy vDIaf kMm krn vflf mhOl


Friday, September 15th, 2017

The Patrika 



The Patrika



lfvfrsfˆ-apfhjfˆ dI syvf nUM smripq zf[ mfˆgt òñ qoˆ òõ sqMbr qwk srI ivwc luiDafxf iËlHf dy ipMz srfBf dy nËdIk lfvfrsfˆ - apfhjfˆ leI bxy “gurU amrdfs apfhj afÈrm” dy syvfdfr zf[ nOrMg isMG mfˆgt òñ qoˆ òõ sqMbr qwk kYnyzIan isMG sBf gurduvfrf sfihb srI ivKy phuMc rhy hn . pI[ ey[ XU[ luiDafxf, XUnIvristI afÌ ivMzsr aqy mOrIsn sfieMitiPk rIsrc kMpnI kYlgrI ivwc rih cuwky pRoPYsr aqy sfieMsdfn zf[ mfˆgt ny keI sfl sfiekl qy iPrky luiDafxf ivwc sVkfˆ kMZy pey lfvfrsfˆ , ko V H I afˆ , apfhjfˆ , XqImfˆ , nyqrhIxfˆ, ibmfrIafˆ nfl pIVq grIb lokfˆ dI syvf vI kIqI aqy aijhy byshfrf loVvMdfˆ dI syvf-sMBfl vfsqy iswK sMgqfˆ dy sihXog nfl srfBf-shOlI-awbUvfl ipMzfˆ dy ivckfr cYrItybl “gurU amrdfs apfhj afÈrm” iqafr krvfieaf .

hI krdy y hn . keI ieh vI nhIˆ dws skdy ik Auh ikwQoˆ dy rihx vfly hn . afÈrm i v w c r i h x vfly ienHfˆ loVvMdfˆ nU M mM j fibsqrf, mYzIkl shfieqf, gurU df lMgr, kwpVy afid hr iewk ËrUrI vsqU muÌq imldI hY . iewQoˆ df sfrf pRbMD gurU dIafˆ sMgqfˆ dy sihXog nfl hI cwldf hY . hor jfxkfrI leI zf[ nO r M g isM G mfˆ g t nfl sY w l Pon ôúó-ôúñ-ø÷ø÷ qy jfˆ eI-myl nsmangatñô@hotmail[com qy sMprk kIqf jf skdf hY .

ies aÈrm ivwc hr smyˆ õú-õõ dy krIb byGr, lfvfrs, apfhj, idmfgI sMquln guaf cuwky, nyqrhIx, aDrMg dy mrIË aqy hor grIb ibmfr loVvMd rihMdy hn . iehnfˆ ivwcoˆ keI loVvMd AuwT-bYT vI nhIˆ iewk lfvfrs-ibmfr nUM sVk iknfry cuwkdy skdy aqy ml-mUqr vI kwpiVafˆ ivwc hoey zf[ mfˆgt

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Friday, September 15th, 2017

The Patrika

Friday, September 15th, 2017



lKbIr isMG dOdpur

crKy dI gUMj sux ky… afid mnuwK nUM jdoN mOsm dIafˆ mfrfˆ grmI, srdI, brsfq afid df sfhmxf krnf pYˆdf sI jfˆ Aus nUM prspr ilMgI sUJ af geI qfˆ Aus ny qn nUM Zkx dy vsIly kIqy. ies vfsqy sLurU-sLurU ivwc jfnvrfˆ dIafˆ Kwlfˆ, ruwKfˆ dy pwqy afid nfl kMm sfr ilaf igaf. pr kflFˆqr ivwc hoeI phIey dI Koj mgroN aqy KyqI dy DMdy nUM apxfAux qy ryÈydfr Pslfˆ dI soJI mgroN iewk aijhf XMqr hoNd ivwc afieaf ijs nUM crKf ikhf jfˆdf hY. Bfrq ivwc crKy df pRvyÈ mwD eyÈIaf qoN dsvIN sdI dy lgpg hoieaf mMinaf jfˆdf hY, pr iPr vI ieh iksy nf iksy rUp ivwc Bfrq ivwc pihlfˆ vI mOjUd irhf hovygf. crKf afid kfl qoN hI mnuwK leI bVI ËrUrI aqy kMm dI vsqU irhf hY. pMjfb dy sMdrB ivwc crKf Kfs Qfˆ rwKdf hY. crKf pMjfbI lokfˆ dy mnfˆ dIafˆ Dur aMdrlIafˆ zUMGfxfˆ qwk visaf hoieaf hY. crKf kuVI nUM dfj ivwc idwqIafˆ jfx vflIafˆ vsqUafˆ ivwcoN vI iewk ivÈyÈ vsqU sI. crKy rfhIN hI kuVI jfˆ mfipafˆ vwloN dfj leI drIafˆ, Kys, cfdrfˆ afid crKy dy kwqy sUq nfl iqafr kIqIafˆ jfˆdIafˆ sn.

ivwc bYTI crKf kwqdI hoeI Aus nUM Xfd krdI hY:

kwq kwq pUxIafˆ mYˆ sUq bxfieaf

kI krsY dfj iqafr kuVy?

Ehdf bxfieaf Kys mfey myrIey crKf zfh ky iqRMJxfˆ ivwc kuVIafˆ, muitafrfˆ jfˆ swj ivafhIafˆ jdoN kwqx lwgdIafˆ qfˆ crKy ivwcoN iewk anoKI sMgIqmeI gUMj inkldI jo afly-duafly nUM mMqr-mugD kr idMdI. ies ivclI sMgIqk gUMj hr idl nUM kIl lYˆdI. iewQoN qwk ik sMq, PkIr, jogI vI ies sMgIqk gUMj nUM sux ky mohy jfˆdy. iesy leI ikhf igaf hY: crKy dI gUMj sux ky jogI Auqr phfVoN afieaf crKf pMjfb qy pMjfbI lok mnfˆ dy aqI nyVy hY. ies ivwc pMjfbI swiBafcfr qy ivrsy dI KUÈbo rmI hoeI hY. lok gIqfˆ, bolIafˆ, twipafˆ afid ivwc crKf ivÈyÈ Qfˆ rwKdf hY. dfj ivwc idwqf jfx vflf crKf bVI imhnq nfl iqafr kIqf jfˆdf hY. Aus ivwc keI vfr ÈIÈy jVy huMdy qy AuNj vI Aus nUM mËbUqI nfl iqafr kIqf jfˆdf. bcno dy crKy `qy igx igx ky myKfˆ lfeIafˆ ies qrHfˆ pMjfbI lokfˆ dy jIvn qy ivvhfrfˆ df hI nhIN kMmfˆkfrfˆ df vI crKy rfhIN bVf suMdr icwqr AuWBr ky sfhmxy afAuNdf hY. pMjfbI irÈqf-nfqf pRxflI nUM vI crKy dy mfiDam rfhIN ibafn kIqf jfˆdf irhf hY. ies ivc sws-nUMh, nnfx-BrjfeI, vIrBYx, ipE-DI afid dy irÈqy nUM crKy dy hvfly rfhIN vwKo-vwK rMgfˆ ivwc pyÈ kIqf igaf hY. shury Gr BYx Brf dI AuzIk

pyVy vy vIrnf pyVy BYx qYnUM Xfd kry crKy dy hr gyVy pMjfb ivwc sLurU qoN hI crKy dy pRqIk rfhIN gurU sfihbfnfˆ, sUPI PkIrfˆ, ikwsfkfrfˆ aqy afDuink smyˆ ivwc glp aqy vfrqk rcnfkfrfˆ ny mfnvI jIvn dy iviBM n pihlUafˆ ny crKy nUM mfnv srIr df pRqIk mMn ky afm lokfeI nUM rwb dI bMdgI aqy swLuB aml kmfAux bfry AupdyÈ idwqy hn qfˆ jo AunHfˆ dy aiDafqmk, rUhfnI qy rhwsmeI ivcfrfˆ nUM jn-sfDfrn sOKy qy srl qrIky nfl smJ sky. sUPIafˆ ny crKy dy pRqIk nUM Qfˆ-Qfˆ vrq ky mnuwKI jIvn nfl joiVaf hY. sUPI PkIr rwb dI bMdgI krn vfsqy mnuwK nUM crKy Bfv mfnvI srIr nfl rwb dI bMdgI df dfj iekwTf krn vfsqy pRyrdy hn : qyrf sfhf nyVy afieaf hY, kuJ colI dfj bxfieaf hY? qUM crKy qMd nf pfeI hY, GuMm crKiVaf vy, qyrI kwqx vflI jIvy nlIafˆ vwtx vflI jIvy. ies qrHfˆ crKf duinafvIˆ kMmfˆ-kfrfˆ, rsmfˆ-rIqfˆ aqy irvfieqfˆ qoN lY ky rUhfnIaq qy aiDafmkqf df sPr qYa krdf hY. pr ajoky dOr ivwc pMjfbI jn-jIvn aqy swiBafcfr ivwcoN crKf lgpg alop ho igaf hY. hux crKy jfˆ qfˆ ipMzfˆ ivwc koTIafˆ dy AuWqy bykfr aqy qrsmeI hflq ivwc pey hn jfˆ iPr ieh mYirj pYlysfˆ ivwc styjfˆ awgy styjI rMgq vDfAux vfsqy rwKy jfˆdy hn. pr ies qrHfˆ krky ies nUM ies df gvfieaf hoieaf mfx vfps nhIN idvfieaf jf skdf. criKafˆ dI hwQI `qy sfzI dfdIafˆ, pVdfdIafˆ jfˆ mfvfˆ dy hwQfˆ dI Coh nUM asIN awj mihsUs nhIN kr pf rhy. jdoN ik ieh sfzy ivrsy aqy swiBafcfr df anmol KËfnf hY. byÈwk crKy dI rPqfr awj dy Ëmfny nfl myl nhIN Kf rhI, pr Bfrq ivwc kuJ Qfvfˆ `qy hfly vI prMprfgq ZMg nfl crKy rfhIN sUq kwq ky KfdI afid iqafr kIqI jfˆdI hY jo Coty jfˆ lGU AudXog, cflU rwKx vfsqy bVI cMgI gwl hY. lok ajoky dOr ivwc vI hwQIN iqafr kIqy kwpVy dI kdr krdy hn. Auh lok vDfeI dy nfl-nfl hOslf aPjfeI dy vI pfqr hn jo hwQIN kwqx qy prMprfgq ZMg nfl kwpVf iqafr krky roËI rotI kmf rhy hn qy jIvn inrvfh kr rhy hn. crKy nUM ajy vI qyË rPqfr Ëmfny nfl imlf ky clfAux leI XqnÈIl hn. PAGE 13


The Patrika 

Friday, September 15th, 2017

Budget update invests in a strong economy by investing in people


ith our budget update, government is making the choice to put people first. A budget should benefit all people, not just a few at the top. That means we’re taking the first steps to make life more affordable for people, provide them with services they need, and ensure our sustainable economy works for everyone. Housing affordability is an issue across our province. That’s why we’ve invested in the construction of more than 1,700 new units of affordable rental housing across B.C. and another 2,000 modular housing units and supports for people who are homeless. This helps address some urgent housing needs while we partner with all levels of government to develop a comprehensive housing strategy. We’re also taking first steps to assist those on income assistance and disability assistance by increasing assistance by $100 per month and increasing earnings exemptions by $200 per month. We’re moving forward with new investments to increase spending on early childhood development and child care to $330 million this year and support more than 4,000 new child care spaces. We’re also working towards fully eliminating the Medical Services Plan premiums within four years, starting with a 50 per cent reduction January 1, 2018 to save individuals up to $450 per year and families up to $900 per year. This budget invests in classrooms with $681 million over three years for smaller classes, increased resources, and more supports for children, including hiring approximately 3,500 teachers. We’re also providing $50 million in capital funding to address space requirements for kids going back to school. This investment will go directly to fund the future of our province by providing our school system with the resources it needs to help kids succeed. To provide immediate help for the pressures in our health system, we’re investing an additional $603 million over three years in the Ministry of Health. That includes $265 million to address the fentanyl emergency and $25 million to establish a new Ministry


BY CAROLE JAMES Minister of Finance of Mental Health and Addictions to develop a seamless, coordinated mental health and addictions system. We’ve restored free English Language Learning and Adult Basic Education courses. All adults can now enrol in approved post-secondary and K–12 courses without having to pay tuition. The benefits are obvious, because when people can grow their skills, they can further contribute to our economy. While investing in people, we’re also looking for ways to help B.C.’s economy continue to grow. We’re starting with an Innovation Commissioner who will be both advocate and ambassador for B.C.’s technology sector. We’re also establishing an Emerging Economy Task Force to develop “made-in-B.C. solutions” to encourage innovative and sustainable industries to drive our economic growth in the 21st century. This budget update supports muchneeded economic growth in small and rural communities, including restoring the tax benefit for credit unions and making it permanent. To help small businesses thrive, we’re lowering the small business corporate income tax rate from 2.5 per cent to 2 per cent. We’re also phasing out PST on electricity for businesses to give them the dollars to invest in new technologies and create more jobs while supporting industry to transition to less carbon-intensive energy sources. With this Budget Update 2017, government has begun to lay the foundation for a better B.C. We’re putting people first by improving the services they need and making their lives more affordable while supporting a strong, sustainable economy that provides good jobs across our province.

The Patrika

Friday, September 15th, 2017



Connect with your community through a love of food (NC) Everyone loves friendly and welcoming communities. And there are many benefits of living in a connected neighbourhood ( like feeling safe and providing a good environment for children. But a recent survey from Whirlpool Canada shows that only a third of us actually feel connected to the people closest to us — our neighbours. For those looking to establish a closer connection, sharing a meal is a great way to get to know one another. Whether you are new to your neighbourhood or have been living in the same community for years, food sharing and meal preparation are fun ways to help you connect with those around you. Food and lifestyle expert Pay Chen has helpful tips on how meal prep can bring you closer together. Share something that you enjoy making. If you know somebody is new to your neighbourhood, or new to Canada, make and share something that reflects you or your background. Sharing new foods is a great way to get to know someone as you can bond over

the ingredients, cooking techniques or the preparation of the meal. Spread the bounty by offering extras. Summer and fall are great times to grow fresh vegetables or herbs in your garden, or buy in abundance from local farmers’ markets. Often these hauls of leafy greens or fresh tomatoes are more than you need in a week, so why not offer this farm-fresh produce to a neighbour? Try new ingredients. Being exposed to a different culture’s cooking techniques gives us the opportunity to try many new foods and flavours. Accompanying a neighbour to their favourite local store or inviting them to join you on your weekly trips is an easy way to learn about new ingredients to try. You can even ask someone to teach you how to use them while they prepare a meal in their own home. Whether it’s a neighbourhood barbecue at a local park or a potluck get-together, enjoying these moments together will help grow and develop a strong, connected community.




1st Mortgages 2nd Mortgages pihlI mOrtgyj CONSTRUCTION MORTGAGES dUjI mOrtgyj kMstrwksLn mOrtgyj EQUITY TAKE-OUTS iekuietI tyk afAUt



The Patrika


Friday, September 15th, 2017


pMjfbI sfihq sBf muwZlI vwloN pwqrkfr gOrI lMkysL dI hwiqaf dI purjLor inKyDI aYbtsPorz:-(brfV-Bgqf BfeI kf) eyQoN dy gurduafrf sfihb Kflsf dIvfn sosfietI ivKy pMjfbI sfihq sBf muwZlI dy pRDfn gurbKsL isMG Zwt dI pRDfngI hyT hoeI sBf dI mfisk iekwqrqf mOky kuafrzInytr zf[ gurivMdr isMG DflIvfl vwloN bMglUr ivKy AuWGI pwqrkfr gOrI lMkysL dI hwiqaf dI sKLq sLbdF ivwc inKyDI kridaF kfqlF dI igRPqfrI dI mMg nUM lY ky mqf pfs kIqf igaf. ies mOky sBf dy smUh mYNbr aqy sfihq pRymIaF ny vwzI igxqI `c sLmUlIaq kIqI. sBf vwloN lyKkF aqy pwqrkfrF dIaF ivcfrF dI afjLfdI qy Bfrq aMdr ho rhy aijhy hmilaF `qy gihrI icMqf df pRgtfvf kIqf igaf. iesy dOrfn pMjfbI sfihq sBf muwZlI vwloN AuWGy sLfier zf[ surjIq pfqr nUM pMjfbI klf pRIsLd df cyarmYn bxfey jfx `qy KusLI df iejLhfr kIqf igaf. bIqy smyN dOrfn zf[ surjIq pfqr vwloN kYnyzf dI PyrI smyN sBf dy ivsLysL smfgm ivwc muwK mihmfn vjoN sLfml hox smyN AunHF df snmfn kIqf jf cuwkf hY. mfisk iekwqrqf ivwc ijMnHF kvIaF vwloN afpxIaF rcnfvF sFJIaF kIqIaF geIaF AunHF ivwc hornF qoN ielfvf gurbcn kOr iZwloN, blvMq isMG mfn, mulK rfj bjfj pRymI, sqvMq kOr pMDyr, gurmIq isMG itvfxf, kuldIp isMG syKoN aqy mwKxjIq kOr sLfml sn. afKr ivwc sBf dy pRDfn gurbKsL isMG Zwt ny afey sfry mihmfnF df sBf vwloN qih idloN DMnvfd kIqf.

asIN Coty aqy lMby rUtF leI Enr aprytr aqy zrfievr hfier kr rhy hF NEW PAY POLICY


Starting Rate for New Drivers*


Rate for Experienced Drivers*



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O F F IC E : 6 0 4 .7 4 6 .2 7 7 7

Friday, September 15th, 2017

The Patrika 




The Patrika 

hldI vflf duwD jIvn mihry df vwzf puwqr mYnUM sfzy gyt koloN hfkfˆ mfrdf hoieaf, Gr aMdr af viVaf. mYˆ mMjy qoN AuT ky Aus nUM awgy ho ky imilaf. brfbr afAuNidafˆ hI Auh myry goizafˆ vwl nUM Juk ky boilaf, ‘bfbf jI, quhfnUM pfpf jI vwloN spYÈl sunyhf hY ik qusIN AunHfˆ dI irtfiermYˆt pfrtI `qy ËrUr puwjxf hY. pfpf jI prsoN iekwqI qrIk nUM syvfmukq ho rhy ny.` Aumr ivwc mYˆ jIvn nfloN kfPI Cotf hfˆ, pr smfijk irÈiqafˆ ivwc mYˆ jIvn dy cficafˆ dy Qfˆ hfˆ. ies krky Aus df puwqr mYnUM bfbf jI kih ky bulf irhf hY. ‘ikMny ku vjy Diraf pRogrfm mwlf?` mYˆ KMGUrf ijhf mfr ky Aus Aus qoN puwiCaf. ‘bfbf jI, pRogrfm qfˆ afQxy hovygf, Auh vI afpxy Gr hI hY, pr qusIN ËrUr puwjxf hY.` Auh myry pfxI DfxI puwCx qoN pihlfˆ hI ieAuN kih ky vfps clf igaf. Aus dy jfx mgroN mYnUM imly ies spYÈl sunyhy ny cwkr `c pf idwqf ik isrP mYnUM hI spYÈl, bfkI vI sfrf ipMz vsdf hY. drasl jdoN df mYˆ pwky asUlfˆ vflI pfrtI df isrkwZ vrkr bixaf hfˆ, AudoN qoN myrf ipMz nfloN sbMD tuwtxf sLurU ho igaf sI. sfry ipMz nfl bolcfl bMd hox krky mYˆ afpxf mkfn vI ipMzoN bfhr Kyqfˆ `c pf bYTf hfˆ. mYˆ ipMz dy hr bMdy nUM swc bolx qy iemfndfrI dy rfh Auqy cwlx dI qfkId krdf rihMdf sfˆ. irÈvqKorI, JUT, corI qoN vrjdf rihMdf sfˆ. pfrtI dy ho rhy vwzy-vwzy pRogrfmfˆ ivwc mYˆ swc dy pwK ivwc DUMafˆDfr lYkcr dy ky vfh-vfh Kwt skdf sfˆ qfˆ iewQy afpxy ipMz koeI glq kMm ikvyˆ hox idMdf. AuQy myrI grdn igwT AucI ho jfˆdI, pr iewQy myrf ipMz myry qoN tuwitaf hY. jdoN df srpMc nUM duwD `c XUrIaf pfAux qoN roikaf hY, Aus idn Aus ny BVkfAU BfÈx dy ky sfrf ipMz myry iKlfP kr idwqf. iksy ny myrf sfQ dyx dI ihMmq nhIN idKfeI. mYˆ gyt kol KVy ny jIvn dI dlyrI bfry soicaf ‘ieh Borf vI nhIN ziraf, srpMc qoN vI. mYnUM vI afpxI irtfiermYˆt pfrtI df sunyhf Gwl idwqf, jdoN ik myry bfry ipMz vfsIafˆ dy ivcfr hI bVy BYVy hn ik mYˆ ijs dy vI mwQy lwg jfvfˆ, Aus nUM pUrf idn rotI nsIb nhIN huMdI. iPr jIvn ny ieh inwzrqf ikvyˆ idKfeI!` aMdr af ky mMjy Auqy bYTdy sfr mYnUM iekdm jIvn nUM duwD iplfAux vflf smfˆ cyqy af igaf. drasl jdoN jIvn dsvIN jmfq ivwc pVHdf sI, AudoN mYˆ hfly cOQI klfs pfs nhIN sI kIqI. AunHfˆ idnfˆ ivwc asIN afpxI ËmIn ivwc bor krvfAux leI KUhI ptvf rhy sfˆ. AudoN jIvn dy bfpU aqy dfdf jI vwloN ipMz leI KUhfˆ AuqoN pfxI dIafˆ mÈkfˆ Br ky ilafAux vflf jwdI puÈqI kMm Grfˆ ivwc nlky lwgx kr ky lgBg bMd ho igaf sI. ies krky jIvn df bfpU qfrf ishuM sfzy idhfVIey dy qOr `qy kMm krfAux afieaf sI. AunHfˆ simafˆ ivwc KUh putvf ky bor krvfAux nUM pMj Cy idn lwgxf mfmUlI gwl huMdI sI. ies leI pihly do idn kMm vfly bMidafˆ PAGE 18

dI Gft rVkdI rhI, pr dUjy idn afQxy bfpU jI ny qfrf ishuM nUM Gr jfx vyly ikhf, ‘qfry puwq, kwlH nUM iksy hor idhfVIey df ieMqËfm kr leIN qfˆ hI CyqI inwbVU afpxf kMm.` Auh bfpU jI kol KVf pYr ijhy ml irhf sI. Auh hlkf ijhf KMGUrf mfr ky boilaf, ‘cfcf jI, idhfVIey df ieMqËfm qfˆ hoieaf ipaf smJo.` ‘Auh ikvyˆ? iPr qUM kwlH nhIN dwisaf! awj afpfˆ nUM ieMny aOKy kMm krn dI loV nf pYˆdI!` ‘kI dwsfˆ cfcf jI, afpxf jIvn, Auh skUloN pVHnoN hwt igaf. kihMdf, mYˆ nhIN skUl jfxf Bfvyˆ DrqI plt jfey, pr mYnUM skUl jfx nUM nf kihxf. AuproN dsvIN dy pyprfˆ `c zyZ ku mhInf bfkI rihMdf hY. mYˆ Aus nUM ikhf ik qUM aOKf sOKf iekyrfˆ dsvIN kr lY, iPr krIN ijhVf kuJ krnf, pr Auh iksy dI nhIN mMndf!` ‘ieh qfˆ bVI mfVI gwl aY, BfeI qfrf isMhfˆ, jIvn dI. iËMdgI `c pVHfeI qfˆ bhuq ËrUrI aY. afAux vfly smyˆ `c ies dI bVI loV rihxI aY,` bfpU jI ny ikhf. ‘cfcf jI, idhVI kr-kr ky hux qwk Aus dIafˆ PIsfˆ Brdf irhf, ikqfbfˆ lY ky idMdf irhf. vrdIafˆ, bUt hI nhIN lot afAuNdy. AuproN kihMdf, pVHfeI nhINˆ krnI. dwso hY koeI hwl?` qfry ny jIvn dy BivwK dI icMqf pRgtfeI. ‘iPr hux kI krnf hY Aus ny?` bfpU jI ny gMBIrqf nfl puwiCaf. ‘krnf kI hY! svyry afpfˆ nUM iewQy bMdy dI loV hY. nfl ilafAUˆ Aus nUM. hor kI krfˆ…. jd kMm krnf ipaf, afpxy do idn `c surq itkfxy af jfxI aY.` ‘rihx dy qfrf isMhfˆ, muMzf inafxf hfly.` bfpU jI ny Aus df pwK pUiraf. ‘cfcf jI Auh inafxf nhIN. bUt Aus nUM bMidafˆ qoN vwzy nMbr dy afAuNdy ny. Aus ny kwd kfhdf kwiZaf! AUN hY inkMmf. jy ieAuN rih igaf, iksy ny Aus df ivafh nhIN krnf. mYnUM ijhVf duwK lwgxf sI Auh qfˆ alwg irhf, prsoN dI Aus dI mfˆ nhIN mMjy qoN AuTI.` ‘cwl TIk aY, iPr ilafeIN nfl. pihlfˆ smJf ky dyKfˆgy. jy nf mMinaf qfˆ idhfVI lf lfvfˆgy, qfrf vIr Gr nUM clf igaf. aglI svyry qfrf isMhu nUM kMm `qy iewkly afAuNdy dyK ky bfpU jI ny puwiCaf, ‘kI gwl qfrf isMhfˆ jIvn nhIN afieaf qyry nfl?` ‘Auh afAuNdY cfcf jI. skUl jfx nUM mMinaf nhIN, idhfVI `qy afAux nUM mMn igaf. kihMdf, qusIN cwlo quhfzy nfl qurdy nUM mYnUM sMg lwgdI hY, mYˆ mgry afieaf.` qfrf vIr ajy kMm krn lwgf hI sI ik ieMny icr nUM jIvn vI af igaf. kfkf ishuM imsqrI vI nfl dy ipMzoN phuMc igaf. iek hor idhfVIaf vI af igaf sI. awj KUhI ivwcoN imwtI kwZI jf rhI sI. iek bMdf Qwly KUhI ivwc Auqr igaf sI. jIvn qy qfrf dovyˆ ipAu puwqr bfhr sn. imwtI iKwcx vfly tokry nUM qfr bMnH ky Aupr cwkrI rfhIN pfeI hoeI sI, prHfˆ QoVHy Prk nfl lohy df iek vwzf cwkr, iek lwkV dy Zfˆcy ijhy `c gwizaf hoieaf sI, ijs Aupr lwkV dI ds ku Puwt lMmI grdl GuMm rhI sI. ijAuN-ijAuN cwkr Aupr qfr ilptdI, iqAuN-iqAuN EDr

imwtI df Biraf tokrf bfhr af irhf huMdf. jdoN tokrf bfhr af jfˆdf qfˆ qfrf ishuM Bwj ky afAuNdf, tokrf PV ky KUhI qoN QoVHf prHfˆ ZyrI kr idMdf. EhI dyr EDr jIvn grdl nUM PV ky KVf rihMdf. tokrf KflI hox qoN bfad jIvn EnI dyr grdl nUM puwTy gyVy idMdf, ijMnI dyr KUhI `c bMdf tokrf PV ky hfk nf mfr idMdf. ieh kMm lgfqfr cwl irhf sI. iËafdf grmI vI nhIN sI. iPr vI kMm kridafˆ nUM psInf af irhf sI. jIvn aqy qfrf grdl Aupr cfry hwQ lf ky Ëor nfl Dwk ky imwtI dy Bry hoey tokry nUM Aupr iKwc rhy sn. ies vfr jdoN tokrf bfhr afieaf qfˆ qfrf jIvn nUM ‘iDafn rwKIN` kih ky afp tokry vwl nUM Bwijaf. hfly qfry df tokry nUM sMvfr ky hwQ nhIN ipaf ik jIvn dy koml ijhy hwQ nUM afey psIny kfrn Aus dy hwQfˆ ivwcoN grdl iqlk geI. EDr tokrf qyËI nfl hyT nUM muVn lwigaf. cwkrI Aupr grdl ieMnI qyËI nfl GuMmI ik jIvn dy kuJ vI socx qoN pihlfˆ Auh GuMm ky af ky Aus dI kMgroV Auqy ieMnI Ëor dI vwjI ik jIvn nUM cuwk ky nfl dy ikafry ivwc suwt idwqf qy Auh lMmI cIk nfl kuJ plfˆ leI byhoÈ ho ky mUMh Bfr ËmIn `qy izwg ipaf. asIN sfry Auhdy vw l nU M Bw j y . mY ˆ pfxI df iglfs Br ilafieaf. pihlfˆ Aus dy mUMh `qy iCwty mfr ky Aus nUM hoÈ `c ilafˆdf. bfpU jI ny mYnUM ikhf, ‘qUM Bwj ky GroN hldI vflf grmgrm duwD lY ky af.` mYˆ GroN duwD ilafAux leI sfeIkl Bjf ilaf. qfry vIr df prvfr pihloN hI bVI muÈikl nfl afpxf guËfrf clf irhf sI. AuproN jIvn dy lwgI swt ny vIr dI surq Bulf idwqI. Auh afpxf isr PV ky bYT igaf, ijvyˆ ieh swt muMzy nUM nhIN sgoN Aus dy hI lwgI hovy. jdoN qIk mYˆ GroN duwD ilafieaf, jIvn dI ipwT Auqy soiËÈ afAux krky Aus nUM mMjy Aupr Aultf pfieaf ho i eaf sI. iPr Au s nU M du w D iplfieaf igaf. Auh duwD pI ky kfPI rfhq mihsUs kr irhf sI. bfpU jI Aus nUM smJf rhy sn, ‘kfkf, jy qUM nf pVHn vflf ierfdf bdl dyvyˆ qfˆ sfrI iËMdgI mOjfˆ kryˆgf, smiJaf?` iPr GMty ku mgroN jIvn nUM Ausy mMjy `qy ibTf ky Gr Cwz afey. bfpU jI ny mYnUM ikhf, ‘svyry skUl jfx vyly aqy ÈfmIN skUloN muV ky pUrf hPqf qyrI izAUtI aY ik ibnfˆ nfgf ies nUM hldI vflf duwD iplfAuxf hY.` aglI svyr mYˆ qfËy duwD nUM grm krvf ky, jIvn nUM AunHfˆ dy Gr dyx igaf. jdoN mYˆ Èfm nUM Aus vfsqy iPr duwD lY ky igaf qfˆ Auh mMjy Aupr ipaf afpxI dsvIN dI ikqfb lY ky pVH irhf sI qy pyprfˆ dI iqafrI `c ruwJ igaf sI. duwD pIx qoN bfad mYnUM kihx lwigaf, ‘gwjx cfcf[ swt ny iek sbk isKf idwqf ik bwcU qUM idhfVI nhIN kr skdf ikDry. hux ijMnI dyr qUM eydfˆ df duwD iplfeI jfvygf EnI dyr `c mYˆ afpxy pyprfˆ dI iqafrI kr lYxI aY. skUl `c mYˆ poly dy hwQ ibmfrI dI arËI Byj idwqI hY.` koeI ds ku idnfˆ ivwc jIvn nON-

Friday, September 15th, 2017

rivMdr rupfl kOlgVH br-nON ho igaf sI qy iPr Aus ny skUl jfxf vI sLurU kr idwqf sI. nqIjy ivwc Aus ny qIjf sQfn pRfpq kIqf. Auh kwdfvfr hox krky puls ivwc BrqI hox leI clf igaf qy pihlI vfr hI sfry tYst pfs krky cuixaf igaf sI. awj qfrf vIr aqy dybo BrjfeI ijAuNdy nhIN hn, jy huMdy qfˆ ikMnf PKr mihsUs krnf sI ies vkq. awj iekwqI qfrIK dI Èfm hY. mYˆ iqafr ho ky pfrtI ivwc Èfml hox leI GroN qur ipaf hfˆ. jdoN mYˆ ipMz dy drvfËy ivwc dI lMGx lwigaf qfˆ AuQy bhuq sfry lok jIvn dI irtfiermYˆt pfrtI `c Èfml hox leI iqafr bYTy sn. myry lMGx dI dyr sI, AuQy Gusr musr sLurU ho geI. jdoN mYˆ phuMicaf hfly pfrtI sLurU nhIN sI hoeI. iPr vI awDf ipMz puwijaf hoieaf sI. bfkI lok afAux vfly sn. iek pfsy zI jy cwl irhf sI. iek muMzf styj `qy KVf lokfˆ vwloN kIqI hoeI PrmfieÈ dy gIq suxf irhf sI. QoVHI dyr bfad sfrf ipMz pfrtI `c awpV igaf. sfry lok myry vwl kOV nËrfˆ nfl vyK rhy sn. mYnUM mihsUs hoieaf ik ieh lok pfrtI `c Gwt aqy myrI byiewËqI huMdI dyKx leI iËafdf huMm-huMmf ky puwjy hoey hn. mYnUM AuQy koeI bulf vI nhIN sI irhf, sgoN mYˆ iksy nUM bulfAux dI koiÈÈ krdf qfˆ aglf mYQoN ieAuN prHy ho jfˆdf ijvyˆ mYnUM CUq dI ibmfrI hovy. acfnk jIvn afpxy GroN inkilaf aqy iswDf styj `qy jf ciVHaf. sB qoN pihlfˆ sfzIafˆ nËrfˆ afps ivwc imlIafˆ. Aus ny muMzy koloN ijAuN hI mfeIk PiVaf, cuPyry cuwp psr geI. Aus ny ipMz vfsIafˆ nUM sMboDn kridafˆ ikhf, ‘mYˆ koeI bulfrf qfˆ nhIN aqy nf mYnUM koeI ies qrHfˆ df BfÈx dyxf afAuNdf hY. iPr vI jo swc myry aMdroN Puwt irhf hY, Aus dy do bol awj quhfnUM dwsx lwigaf hfˆ. awj mYˆ jo vI kuJ hfˆ, sB gwjx cfcy dI bdOlq hfˆ.` Aus ny lokfˆ dy iekwT `c myry vwl hwQ kIqf, ‘ies dy iplfey hoey hldI vfly duwD ny mYnUM ieMnI qfkq idwqI ik mYˆ CwqI sfl dI nOkrI krky awj irtfier ho igaf hfˆ. nhIN qfˆ myrI Bog vflI qfrIk pqf nhIN kdoN dI lMG cuwkI huMdI. awj anykfˆ smfj ivroDI ansrfˆ nfl jMg lVn leI iekwlf gwjx cfcf kuJ nhIN kr skdf. sfnUM sfirafˆ nUM Aus nUM sihXog dyx dI loV hY. jy asIN ishq aqy mfnisk qOr `qy ikDroN kmËor ho gey hfˆ qfˆ sfnUM mËbUq hox leI ies dy Ausy hldI vfly duwD dI iPr loV hY ijs ny myry vrgy nfjuk bMdy nUM lohy dI lwT vrgf bxf idwqf. afE pRx krIey ik ienHfˆ lokfˆ df sfQ dyeIey jo swc aqy iemfndfrI dy rfh Auqy cwlx dI ihMmq rwKdy hn. DMnvfd!` jIvn dy mUMhoN myry pRqI ieh Èbd sux ky ipMz dy lok myry nyVy nUM Zuwkx lwgy, pr mYˆ AunHfˆ qoN lgfqfr ipwCy htdf igaf. mYnUM ipwCy htidafˆ dyK ky lok myry mUMh vwl avfk Jfkx lwgy. pqf nhIN. ies vkq Auh PKr mihsUs kr rhy jfˆ Èrm. mYnUM kuJ vI smJ nhIN sI af irhf.

Friday, September 15th, 2017

The Patrika



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The Patrika



Can micro enterprises help solve global poverty? (NC) Governments like our own are exploring the power of micro enterprises to tackle the troubled economies in sub Saharan African nations, so that finances are shifted towards the private sector to modernize national economic structures. A micro enterprise is a small-scale business that is run by one individual with less than six employees. These small businesses have the power to expand the private sector in a financially feasible way. Examples vary, but can include anything from selling

handicrafts to an in-home catering company. And due to a lack of formal sector jobs in developing nations, individuals with a skill or craft are able to earn a sustainable income. That’s why in the least developed nations where aid dependency is highest, donors are shifting their emphasis in development towards youth and the private sector. The promotion of youth entrepreneurship has become a priority in many nations to ensure young people can make their own living in sectors outside agriculture and subsistence farming. Various studies show how micro enterprises have positive results in improving the incomes of individuals and the overall economies of developing nations.


For example, Bridget, a recent art college graduate from Uganda, is one individual who has found success in micro enterprises. The eldest of 10 children, she grew up with her parents

and siblings in a small town, but after the death of both her parents, they had to move to an even smaller village. Bridget eventually had to leave school in order to find work to support her younger siblings. Having learned the art of crafting in primary school, she started making handbags out of banana fibres found around her neighbourhood. Eventually, she began to earn enough money to go back to school and support her siblings’ educations. After completing secondary school with her own funds, Bridget received a scholarship from Beautiful World, a Canadian charity that supports higher education for girls living in poverty in Uganda, Rwanda and Sierra Leone. The creation of her crafted items has lead to a sustainable career. In the future, Bridget plans to teach the micro entrepreneurship skills she acquired in college to others in her community and show them a different way of life that can provide financial independence. Find more information at

Friday, September 15th, 2017

The Patrika

Friday, September 15th, 2017



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Travelling with kids? Keep them rear-facing longer (NC) Many parents know that infants should travel rear-facing in their car seat, but a recent survey of Canadian parents hosted on Angus Reid Forum reveals that nearly two-thirds answered incorrectly or were unsure about when to switch their child to a front-facing position. Almost half find that car seat safety standards are altogether confusing. While parents may be tempted to transition their children from rear-facing to forward-facing car seats as soon as possible, Transport Canada, which tests and certifies all car seats across the country, says children are the safest in rear-facing car seats as long as they are still below the seat’s weight and height restrictions. Erin Varano, a certified passenger safety technician with Graco, says one of the most common questions she has been asked over the years is when to switch from a rear-facing position to forward-facing. To help parents feel more confident, she recommends al-

leviating the guess work and looking for convertible car seats that grow and transition with your child, allowing them to travel forward-facing until 65 pounds. “Even if your child weighs 10 kilograms (22 pounds), is able to walk on their own and your local laws say you can use a forward-facing seat, the rearfacing position is safer. I recommend looking for seats designed to provide an extra five inches of legroom, like the Graco Extend2Fit Convertible Car Seat. This allows children to safely ride rear-facing longer and more comfortably as they grow.” Many parents worry about the comfort of their children when their feet and legs hit the vehicle’s rear seat, but Varano says it’s absolutely fine as long as they are within height and weight limits. If you just want to be able to see their smiling, happy faces while you’re driving, remind yourself that they’re safer facing the rear.


The Patrika



Friday, September 15th, 2017

biTMzf dy aslf izpU `c awg , POj ny buJfeI

zyry kfrn pMjfb srkfr nUM roËfnf lwg irhf zyZ kroV df rgVf

qVky pMj vjy biTMzf CfAuxI ielfky `c awg lwgx dI Kbr hY . ieh awg biTMzf dy aslf izpU `c lwgI sI. awg `qy afrmI ny qurMq hI kfbU pf ilaf. biTMzf qoˆ Pfier ibRgyz dIaf gwzIaf vI puwj geIaf. pr AunHfˆ nUM aMdr nhIˆ jfx idwqf igaf. ies Gtnf `c koeI jfnI nuksfn nhIˆ hoieaf.afrmI vwloˆ ies Gtnf bfry kuJ dwisaf nhIˆ jf irhf pr biTMzf dI aYzIÈnl izptI kimÈnr Èynf agrvfl ny awg lwgx dI gwl kbUlI hY . AunHf ikhf ik awg `qy kfbU qurMq pf ilaf igaf sI . ies bfry afrmI kuJ bolx nUM iqafr nhIˆ pr rylvy ny surwiKaf kfrnfˆ krky pitaflf vwloˆ jfx vflIafˆ sfrIafˆ tRynfˆ nUM iqMn GMty leI rok idwqf sI .

zyrf swcf sOdf isrsf dy muKI gurmIq rfm rhIm nUM blqfkfr dy kys ivwc doÈI krfr idwqy jfx dy bfad BVkI ihMsf nUM sMBflx dy leI bulfeI geI pYrf imltrI Pors dIafˆ øõ kMpnIaf hfly qwk vI pMjfb ivwc hn. kyˆdr srkfr vwloˆ pRqI kMpnI roË ñ[÷÷ lwK rupey df Krc vsUly jfx dy kfrn pMjfb `qy hr roË ñ[õú kroV df boJ pY irhf hY.mogf ivwc pYrf imltrI Pors dIafˆ swq kMpnIafˆ hn, ijs df Krcf ñò[óú lwK bxdf hY. pMjfb dy afriQk mfmilafˆ dy mfhr pRo[ amrjIq isMG dy muqbk pMjfb KfVkUvfd smyˆ qoˆ krjfeI hoieaf ipaf hY. hirafxf ivwc öõ pYrf imltrI Pors dIafˆ kMpnIafˆ hn. Aus nUM roË ñ[ñõ kroV surwiKaf df Krcf dyxf pY irhf hY .

zyrf isrsf dy nUM õñ lwK dy cYwk dyx dy svfl qoˆ hirafxf iswiKaf mMqrI rfm iblfs Èrmf Bwj gey hn. `eybIpI sfˆJf` ny AunHfˆ nUM puwiCafˆ ik zyrf muKI rfm rhIm dy jnm idn `qy õñ lwK rupey iks srkfrI koty `coˆ idwqy sn pr Auh svfl sux ky Bwj gey. hflfˆik Auh aYs[vfeI[aYl[ dy msly `qy boldy rhy pr õñ lwK dy cYwk dI gwl afAuidafˆ Bwj gey. zyrf muKI gurmIq rfm rhIm dy jnm idn `qy ñõ agsq nUM rfm iblfs Èrmf ny zyry jf ky õñ lwK rupey idwqy sn . ies nUM lY ky srkfr dI kfPI aflocnf hoeI sI .

ñô PrËI bfibafˆ dI sUcI jfrI

ierfk `c lfpqf pMjfbIafˆ bfry hux jfgI srkfr

sfDUafˆ dI cotI dI sMsQf aiKl BfrqI aKfVf pirÈd ny ñô PrËI bfibafˆ dI sUcI jfrI kIqI aqy ienHfˆ bfibafˆ ivruD kfrvfeI mMgI hY.sUcI jfrI kridafˆ mhMq igrI ny ikhf,`asI afm lokfˆ nUM apIÜ krdy hfˆ ik Auh aijhI PrËI aqy JUTy bfibafˆ qoˆ cOks rihx ijhVy iksy sMprdf jfˆ prMprf nfl juVy hoey nhIˆ aqy afpxIafˆ hrkqfˆ nfl sfDUafˆ sMqfˆ nUM klMkq kr rhy hn.` pirÈd dI ivÈyÈ bYTk ivc aKfiVafˆ dy òö `sMq`Èfml hoey. ies sUcI ivc isrsf vfly bfby rfm rhIm df vI nfm hY ijs nUM do sfDvIafˆ dy blfqkfr kfrn ipCly idnIˆ òú sfl dI sËf hoeI hY .

sfl òúñô ivwc ierfk dy mOsuÜ Èihr ivwc ieslfmk styt vwloˆ bMDk bxfey gey BfrqIafˆ dy pirvfrfˆ nUM ajy qwk AunHfˆ bfry koeI pqf nhIˆ. bMDk bxfey jfx mgroˆ lfpqf BfrqIafˆ ivwc õ nOjvfn aMimRqsr iËlHy nfl sbMDq sn.ivdyÈ mMqrfly ny ienHfˆ nOjvfnfˆ dy sbMDq iËilHafˆ dy aiDkfrIafˆ nUM AunHfˆ bfry sfrI jfxkfrI dyx nUM ikhf hY.mOsUÜ `c lfpqf hoey kuwl óù BfrqIafˆ ivwc aMimRqsr iËlyH dy ipMz Boeyvfl df hrismrnjIq isMG,jlflAusmfˆ df gurcrn isMG,ajnflf df inÈfn isMG,mfnfˆvflf df rxjIq isMG Èfml sn . ies qoˆ ielfvf gurdfspur dy ipMz rUpovflI df kMvljIq isMG,btflf df hrIÈ kumfr,qlvMzI BUrf df DrimMdr kumfr,btflf df mlkIq isMG vI Èfml hn. ierfk ivwc lfpqf hoey nOjvfnfˆ dy pirvfrfˆ df kihxf hY ik srkfr vwloˆ AunHfˆ nUM lfry hI lfey jf rhy hn. pIVq pirvfrfˆ nUM AunHfˆ dy irÈqydfrfˆ bfry ajy qwk koeI vI Tos jfxkfrI nhIˆ idwqI geI .

pMjfb dIafˆ jylHfˆ `c Kqrf, iksy vyly vI vrq skdf Bfˆxf! bIqy idnIˆ aMimRqsr dy ksbf reIaf qoˆ kuJ gYˆgstr afpxy sfQI nUM puils dI igRPq ivwcoˆ Bjf ky lY gey sI . ies vfrdfq qoˆ bfad puils jylH ivwc bMd kYdIafˆ `qy Kfs nËr rwK rhI hY. ies sKqI dy bfvjUd jylH ivwc bMd Kqrnfk gYˆgstrfˆ kolo mobfiel Pon imlx mgroˆ jylH pRÈfsn dI kfrguËfrI `qy keI svfl KVHy ho rhy hn .puils ny bIqy idnIˆ jylH ivwc clfey qlfÈI aiBafn dOrfn jylH ivwc bMd gYˆgstr jwgU BgvfnpurIey smyq cfr hor gYˆgstrfˆ koloˆ awT mobfiel Pon brfmd kIqy hn. puils nUM sUcnf imlI ik jylH ivwc bMd gYˆgstr jfˆ qfˆ jylH ivwcoM Prfr hox dI Xojnf bxf rhy hn jfˆ iPr adflq ivwc pyÈI dOrfn puils dI igRPq ivwcoˆ CU-mMqr hox dI iqafrI ivwc hn.

kYptn dy rfj `c vI trfˆsport mfPIaf dIaf mOjfˆ pMjfb ivwc srkfr bdlx mgroˆ vI trfˆsport mfPIaf dIafˆ KUb mOjfˆ hn. pIafrtIsI dy sUqrfˆ df mMnxf hY ik srkfr bdlx nfl nfËfieË bwsfˆ qfˆ GtIafˆ hn pr ajy vI mlfeI vfly rUtfˆ `qy pRfeIvyt trfˆsportfˆ df hI kbËf hY. ieMnHfˆ ivwc bfdl pirvfr dIafˆ sB qoˆ vwD bwsfˆ hn.kfblygOr hY ik kYptn srkfr ny swqfˆ ivwc afAuˆidafˆ aYlfn kIqf sI ik trfˆsport mfPIaf nUM mhIny aMdr nwQ pf leI jfvygI. srkfr bxI nUM Cy mhIny ho gey hn pr nvIˆ trfˆsport nIqI lfgU krn df mfmlf ajy iewk mhInf hor ltk igaf hY . ies krky srkfr dI nIaq `qy svfl AuwTxy ÈurU ho gey hn.

zyrf isrsf pRymI muV iswK Drm ivc vfpsI krn lwgy zyrf isrsf pRymI muV iswK Drm ivwc vfpsI krn lwgy hn. ipMz kmflU dy iek drjn dy krIb zyry nfl sbMDq pRymIafˆ ny ipMz dy gurudafrf sfihb puwj ky sRI guru gRMQ sfihb nUM hI afpxf guru mMnidafˆ isropf lY ky zyry nfloˆ nfqf qoVn df aYlfn kr idwqf. svyry gurduafrf sfihb kmflU ivKy puwjy Aukq pRymIafˆ ny zyrf isrsf df sfQ Cwz ky sRI guru gRMQ sfihb nUM hI afpxf guru mMnx df pRx ilaf, ijs AuprMq AunHfˆ nUM gurduafrf kmytI dy pMcfieq dI hfËrI ivc isrpfE dy ky pMQ dI muwK Dfrf ivc Èfiml kridafˆ ipMz vfsIafˆ nUM qfkId vI kIqI ik awj qoˆ bfad Aukq ivakqIafˆ qy AunHfˆ dy pirvfrfˆ nUM iswK Drm df atuwt aMg mMnidafˆ AunHfˆ df hr pwKoˆ mfx siqkfr krn . PAGE 22

zyry nUM õñ lwK dyx dy svfl qoˆ Bwj AuwTy mMqrI

gurdfspur lok sBf Aup coxfˆ nUM lY ky Bfjpf `c idKI gutbfËI gurdfspur lok sBf Aup cox nUM lY ky Bfjpf pMjfb dy bulfry pRBfq Jf qy pRDfn sfˆplf dy iqMn idnfˆ dy dOry dy pihly idn Bfjpf dI gutbfËI KuwlH ky sfhmxy afeI . itkt dI lfeIn `c lwgy svrn slfiraf qy sfbkf sMsd sv[ ivnod KMnf dI pqnI kivqf KMnf ny suËfnpur ,pTfnkot qy Boafˆ `c hoey kfrjkfm dOrfn iek dUjy nfl gwl qwk nhIˆ kIqI.pTfnkot `c aXoijq rYlI dOrfn kivqf KMnf ny ijwQy smfgm `c phuMc ky vI sfhmxy afAux qoˆ guryË kIqf,AuwQy hI Boaf `c donfˆ afgUafˆ dy smrQkfˆ ny nfarybfËI kr ky afpxy-afpxy itkt dI mMg kIqI.svrn slfiraf dy hwk `c nfarybfËI kr rhy vrkr AunHfˆ dy lokl hox dI gwl kih,hr hfl `c lok sBf Aup cox dI itkt AunHfˆ nUM dyx dI gwl kih rhy hn.dUjy pfsy kivqf KMnf dy smrQk sv[ ivnod KMnf dy dPqr `c hlky `c hoey ivkfs kfrjfˆ dy afDfr `qy iek vfr muV AunHfˆ dI pqnI nUM itkt dyx dI mMg krdy nËr afey .

pTfnkot `c blU vyHl df kihr [bwcy ny ilaf Pfhf,bxfeI vIzIE susfeIz gym blU vHyl ny pMjfb ivwc vI afpxI dsqk dy idwqI hY . ies vfr Aus ny afpxf iÈkfr afrmI skUl ivwc igafrHvIˆ jmfq ivc pVHdy ividafrQI nUM bxfieaf ijs ny afpxf tfsk pUrf krn dI koiÈÈ ivwc afpxy afp nUM hI Pfhf lf ilaf. ieMnf hI nhI,Auh pUrI Gtnf dI vIzIE vI bxf irhf sI.smfˆ rihMdy Aus dy pirvfrk mYˆbrfˆ ny Aus nUM vyK ilaf qy bcf ilaf. bwcy nUM hspqfl phuMcfieafˆ igaf, ijwQy Aus ny zfktr nUM keI hYrfnIjnk gwlfˆ dwsIafˆ.Aus ny zfktr nUM dwisaf ik Aus ny ieh gym afpxy dosqfˆ koloˆ afpxy mobfiel ivwc zfAUnloz krvfeI sI. Aus nfl Aus dy dy ñú dosq ies gym nUM Kyz rhy sn . ipCly ó-ô mhIinafˆ qoˆ ieh gym Kyz irhf sI pr gym puafieMt Gwt bxn kfrn Aus ny Cwq qoˆ vI Cfl mfrI sI qy afpxI bfˆh `qy cfkU nfl blU vHyl vI KuxI hoeI sI .

Friday, September 15th, 2017

The Patrika 

rfm rhIm `qy sRI gurU goibMd isMG jI df svfˆg rcx df kys muV hovygf bhfl jyl `c bMd gurmIq rfm rhIm isMG isrsf zyrf muKI dy iKlfP òúú÷ `c slfbqpurf biTMzf `c guUu goibMd isMG jI df svfˆg rwc ky jfm-ey-ieMsf iplfAux qy iswKfˆ dIafˆ Dfrimk Bfvnfvfˆ nUM BVkfAux dy iKlfP mfmlf drj kIqf igaf sI . ies mfmly nUM bfad `c Kfrj kr idwqf igaf sI . ies muwkdmy nUM iPr bhfl krvf ky zyrf muKI nUM sËf idlvfeI jfvygI . ieh gwl iProËpur `c pwqrkfrfˆ nfl gwlbfq krdy hoey sRI akfl qKq sfihb dy jwQydfr isMG sfihb igafnI gurbcn isMG ny khI . AunHfˆ ikhf ik Auh ies sbMD `c ÈRomxI kmytI dy pRDfn nfl ivcfr-vtfdrfˆ krngy qy jld hI ies kys nUM bhfl krvfAuxgy.

hux jÜMDr qoˆ Auzxgy XfqrI jhfË

Are you a small business owner? Doing your taxes just got easier (NC) As a business owner, whether you are a mom and pop shop, an online entrepreneur or have taken on a short-term project to earn a little extra money, your schedule is full and time is a valuable resource. Fortunately, one part of managing your finances is getting easier.

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) held consultations in 2016 to better understand how the tax agency can improve programs and services for small and medium businesses. People from every province and territory made their voices heard, providing valuable suggestions for improveaYsvfeIaYl ` pMjfb–hirafxf nUM imilaf smfˆ ments. This feedback is already leadsqluj-Xmnf ilMk nihr dy msly `qy suprIm kort `aglI qfrIK ø nvMbr pY geI hY ing to meaningful improvements for . ies mfmly dy hwl leI kyˆdr ,pMjfb qy hirafxf srkfr ny awuc adflq qoˆ Cy hPqy small and medium businesses. df smfˆ mMigaf hY . ies mfmly `qy kfPI lMmy smyˆ qoˆ suxvfeI cwl rhI hY . mfmly nUM One recommendation was for the afpo-afpxy pwK dwsx leI hirafxf dy lIzr qy pMjfb dy aiDkfrI kyˆdr srkfr dy CRA to improve its services related to aiDkfrIafˆ nUM imly sI .dwsxXog hY ik pMjfb vwloˆ ieh dlIl idwqI sI ik pfxI ñ÷[ñ÷ audits. As a result, small and medium aYmeyaYP qoˆGwt ky ñó[óø aYmeyaYP `qy phuMc igaf hY qy pfxI dy pwDr `c lgfqfr businesses will be able to share feedigrfvt afAuˆdI jf rhI hY.pMjfb `c hr sfl ËmInI pfxI df pwDr ñò aYmeyaYP Gwt back about their audit experience in a irhf hY ijs kfrn sUby kol aYsvfeIaYl rfhIˆ hor sUibafˆ nUM dyx leI PflqU pfxI new post-audit survey. The feedback nhIˆ.KyqI leI õò aYMeyaYP pfxI dI loV hY pr dirafvfˆ qoˆ isrP ò÷ PisdI pfxI hI iml irhf hY .

afdmpur `c ÈurU hox jf rhy eyarport XfqrI jhfË òõ sqMbr nUM aywqrygf. idwlI qoˆ jÜMDr dI spfeIsjYwt dI ies PlfeIt ivwc huiÈafrpur qoˆ sMsd mYˆbr qy kyˆdrI rfj mMqrI ivjy sfˆplf dy nfl kyˆdrI nfgirk Auzfx mMqrI aÈok gjpqI rfjU qy rfj mMqrI jXMq isnHf vI hoxgy.bIjypI dy iËlHf pRDfn rfmyÈ Èrmf ny dwisaf ik pMzq dInidafl AupfiDafey df jnm idhfVf òõ sqMbr nUM hY. ies leI iesy idn PlfeIt dI ÈurUafq kIqI jf rhI hY .


will help the CRA improve the way its auditors interact with taxpayers. Another suggestion was that the CRA work with businesses to make their services easier to access. Telephone authorization now allows businesses to sign up for digital services faster than ever before. More improvements are being made in the near future, meaning businesses have more to look forward to over the next two years. Find more information online at




The Patrika 

Friday, September 15th, 2017

The Patrika

Friday, September 15th, 2017



qusIN rIal iestyt KLrIdxf jF bycxf cfhuMdy ho? qusIN ieho ijhy rIal iestyt nUM lwB rhy ho jo ik rIal iestyt dI mfrikt dI aOiKafeI nUM kyvl suxdf hI nhIN pr smJdf hY? qusIN hor nf dyKo aqy rIal iestyt leI sfnUM sMprk kro.

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Well running Indian sweet shop and restaurants business for sale. Great opportunity to take over Beekaner Sweet Shop & Restaurants LTD. This established sweet shop has regular customers and earns a good income. Close to High Street Mall, Sikh Temple, freeway access


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Thinking of buying or selling real estate? Are you looking for a realtor that not only listens but understands the challenges and complexities of the real estate market? Look no further and contact us for all your real estate needs. PAGE 25



The Patrika 

Friday, September 15th, 2017

The Patrika

Friday, September 15th, 2017



How to establish a good succession plan for your farm business (NC) Family is often the greatest strength of a farming operation, but it can also be its greatest weakness. It is never easy to run a family business, especially when the interested parties may not have the same goals and aspirations as the owner. “A key challenge is figuring out what fair and equal means to all family members,” explains Gwen Paddock, national director of agriculture and agribusiness at RBC. “This becomes particularly important when succession planning. Splitting assets equally is rarely feasible, as some family members may not be interested in being involved in the business and simply want their equity. Often fair and equal can be two very different things.” It is possible to have a fair and equal succession plan if you reward those who are working in the business at market value and give options to buyin over time. Make sure to value sweat equity and reward it annually rather than taking the “work hard now and you’ll be rewarded down the line” approach. It’s also important to develop a buy-sell agreement that addresses both value of the business and terms of the transition. Succession planning should be conducted as a business function, not a family social gathering. Here are three key questions to help start the conversation:

1. Do you really want the operation to continue after you exit? 2. When do you want to make the transition of assets and skills and how will you do that? 3. Who can truly take on the responsibility of the business? Do they understand and can they manage the finances, risks and production sides of the business? Once you’ve had these discussions with all the relevant parties and considered their concerns, draft a will and a buy-sell agreement to review with them. Then everyone will know the rules of the game. Finally, you need a team of financial and legal advisors who can offer unbiased advice on possible options and make sure everyone keeps talking and working well together.

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Contact an RBC agriculture banking specialist to discuss your succession planning needs. Find more information online at

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks with Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke today with Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India. The Prime Minister offered his condolences to those who have been affected by recent monsoon floods and landslides in India. Prime Minister Modi offered condolences on the wildfires in Canada.

Paris Agreement.

Prime Minister Trudeau and Prime Minister Modi discussed their resolve to work together on the fight against climate change and to promote collective action in support of the

Prime Minister Trudeau expressed his support for ongoing efforts to further strengthen Canada-India relations and increasing trade and investment opportunities.

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The Patrika



Friday, September 15th, 2017

From Balwant Sanghera's Desk


t was a great honour for me to receive an invitation from Premier John Horgan to attend the Throne Speech and the Reception on Friday, September 8 at the Parliament Buildings in Victoria. In view of the special nature of this event, there was a lot of police and security presence at the Parliament Buildings to ensure that nothing untoward happened. As a matter of fact, the entire Parliament Buildings complex had a security ring around it. Only authorized persons, including invited guests, were allowed to enter the building. Having taken the ten O clock ferry from Tsawwassen, I arrived at the Parliament Buildings quite early. That gave me some time to walk around and chat with others.

elimination of tuition fees for basic Massey Tunnel Replacement Bridge English language classes, increase and the Kinder Morgan Pipeline- are in disability benefits more money for some of the biggest and immediate education, health care and fighting the challenges facing the new government. Finally, the economy may not perform All of the guests invited for the Throne fentanyl crisis etc. as well as it has been so far. Natural Speech were asked to pick up their Getting back into power after sixteen passes/tickets from the Rattenbury disasters like the current wildfires in Room in the Parliament Buildings and years in the wilderness is a matter of the BC interior can adversely affect the be seated in the legislature gallery by great joy for New Democrats and well provincial budget /economy. 1:45 PM. Exactly, at 2 PM; Lieutenant -wishers of the NDP. At the same time, Governor Judith Guichon entered the it presents a number of challenges. For In view of all of these variables the legislature with her entourage and example, despite Plecas’ defection, new government has to tread vary aides. As per the tradition and respect the minority government is still quite carefully. The Throne Speech on for the office, everyone in the Chamber tenuous. Furthermore, the Green September 8 and the Budget update as well as everyone in the Gallery, Party may not be an enthusiastic presented on September 11 reflect stood up till they were asked by the officials to take their seats. It was made supporter of the NDP agenda at all this government’s strong commitment clear to us that it was not permissible times. There will be times when the to serve British Columbians to the to leave the public galleries while NDP and Greens will have very stark best of its ability. So far John Horgan the Lieutenant difference in both policy and process. and his cabinet colleagues have been G o v e r n o r w a s The media, as well as big business, doing a commendable job. Let us hope in the Chamber. will be keeping a close eye on the that beautiful British Columbia will T h e T h r o n e NDP government’s performance.Any continue to flourish under the NDP Speech itself was missteps by the government will be leadership concise and to highlighted with bold headlines in the point. It gave Balwant Sanghera a brief overview the media. Final decision on three o f t h e N D P of the hot potato mega projects left (Balwant Sanghera is a retired School g o v e r n m e n t ’s in limbo by the BC Liberals –Site C, Psychologist and Community Activist) plan for British Columbians. Naturally, it contained implementation of On Tuesday, September 12 a number of students from Youth With A some of the NDP government’s Mission in Vancouver visited India Cultural Centre of Canada Gurdwara accomplishments so far and a Nanak Niwas in Richmond. Here they are seen with some members of the promise to do a lot more as outlined Gurdwara Management Committee. Youth With A Mission is a Christian in its election platform. These include organization that hosts groups from various parts of Canada and the U.S. removal of tolls from the Port Mann These groups come to learn more about God, the City and various issues. and Golden Ears bridges as well as As part of their learning experience they learn about different faiths,human trafficking,poverty and homelessness.The students in this group were new development. The change in mood of the political parties was also quite evident before, during and after the Throne Speech.

Youth Visit Gurdwara Nanak Niwas

Just outside the Parliament Buildings, in the spacious Parliament lawn there were some demonstrators who were kept out by a ring of police and security staff. They were protesting against the Site C Dam on the Peace River. In order to make their point the protesters had a fairly big what looked like a Papier Mache white elephant. It had the wording: Stop Site C. Go Green. Earlier in the day, Abbotsford South BC Liberal MLA Darryl Plecas had shocked his colleagues by accepting an offer from the NDP to become the Speaker of the Legislature. While the BC Liberals were in a miserable condition, the New Democrats were jubilant. Defection by Plecas has given the NDP a new lease on life. Some political commentators are predicting that with Plecas assuming the position of the Speaker will enable the NDP-Green alliance a lot more time to implement their agenda. Regardless, the NDP is breathing a bit easier with this


from two Christian schools,one in Prince George and one in Nanaimo. Management Committee member and retired School Psychologist Balwant Sanghera talked to them about the Sikh faith as well as the Indo-Canadian community in Canada. They showed very keen interest in learning about these subjects and followed up with very thoughtful questions about Sikhism. The students thoroughly enjoyed the warm welcome and experience at the Gurdwara

Friday, September 15th, 2017

The Patrika 




The Patrika 

Friday, September 15th, 2017

aYbtsPorz ivwc hoey lok ivrsf mylf dIaF kuJ JlkIaF

zf: surjIq pfqr nUM afrt klf df muKI bxfAuxf pMjfb srkfr df sLlfGfXog kdm bIqy aYqvfr imqI 10 isqMbr nUM ‘muwZlI sfihq sBf aYbtsPorz’ dI mhInfvfr mIitMg gurduafrf isrI Kflsf dIvfn sosfietI aYbtsPorz ivKy s: gurbKsL isMG Zwt dI pRDfngI hyT hoeI. ijs ivwc mhfn buwDIjIvIaF ny sB qoN pihlF pMjfb dy mhfn sfihqkfr, mhfn kvI aqy mhfn alock zf: surjIq pfqr nUM afrtklf pMjfb df muKI Qfpx qy srkfr dI BrpUr sLlfGf kIqI. zf: pfqr dy jIvn aqy sfihq Kyqr ivwc pfey Xogdfn bfry ivcfr vtFdry hoey.

ies dy nfl hI bIbI gOrI lMkysL sMpfdk dy kql dI BrpUr nKyDI kIqI geI, ies nUM srkfrF dI nflfiekI krfr idwqf. pwqrkfrF df ieh koeI pihlf jF dUjf kql nhIN hY. bIqy ivwc by-igxq kql ho cuwky hn. mOkf-ey-vfrdfq nUM dyKidaF dPf 302 lgdI hY pr mOky dIaF srkfrF dy iesLfry qy aYP[afeI[afr[ ilKx ivwc iZwl mwT vrqI jFdI hY jF aslIaq nUM qroV mroV ky pysL kridaF, nqIjy mn mrjLI dy kwZ ley jFdy hn ijvyN ik pwqrkfr CqrpqI dy kql vyly sfQI pwqrkfr dy kYmry qoV ky scfeI qy isafhI mlL idwqI geI. eydF dy mOikaF qy pwqrkfrF qy lfTIcfrj krnf, lwqF bfhF qoVnIaF jF jfno mfr mkfAuxf afm ijhf ieiqhfs hY, pr srkfrF pRYWs nUM afjLfdI dy alfp krdIaF nhIN QwkdIaF. mIitMg ivwc zf: gurivMdr isMG DflIvfl koafrzInytr, bIbI gurbcn kOr ko-koafrzInytr, bIbI sqvMq kOr pMDyr, bIbI mwKxjIq kOr sMDU, srpMc blivMdr isMG, hrdIp isMG qUr, kYptn blvMq isMG KjLfncI mulK rfj bjfj, gurdrsLn isMG sMDU, suKivMdr isMG brfV, aqy mIzIaf skwqr kuldIp isMG syKoN afid sfihqkfr sLfml hoey. kvIaF ny vwK vwK ivisLaF qy kivqfvF pysL kIqIaF. blfqkfrI bfbf swcf sOdf dI bhuq nKyDI kIqI, lokF nUM qmfm zyiraF qoN dUr rihx dI avfjL bulMd kIqI qy ikhf ik bfkI zyiraF qy vI ieho kuwJ hI ho irhf hY, ijs nUM qusIN pVH, sux qy dyK rhy ho.


The Patrika

Friday, September 15th, 2017



irÈiqafˆ dI guMJldfr bxqr suirMdr jdoN bwcf jnm lYˆdf hY qfˆ dunIafˆ ivwc afAuNidafˆ hI irÈiqafˆ dy bMDn ivwc bwJ jfˆdf hY aqy afpxy afKrI sfhfˆ qwk ies bMDn `c bwJf rihMdf hY. sB qoN pihlfˆ bwcy df afpxI mfˆ nfl irÈqf juVdf hY ikAuNik mfˆ aqy bwcy dy irÈqy ijMnf koeI vI ipafrf irÈqf nhIN hY. bs dunIafˆ `qy ieh hI ieko-iewk irÈqf hY jo pfk-pivwqr qy inrsvfrQ huMdf hY. kihMdy hn ik ijs irÈqy ivwc iemfndfrI nhIN huMdI Auh irÈqy iËMdgI dI ksOtI `qy kdy vI Kry nhIN AuWqrdy aqy smyˆ qoN pihlfˆ hI dm qoV idMdy hn. hr iensfn dI iËMdgI `c mfˆ df irÈqf hI aijhf huMdf hY jo bwcy dy hr duwK-suwK aqy qklIPfˆ nUM afpxy sIny aMdr smyt lYˆdI hY. mfˆ qoN hI bwcf irÈqy inBfAux dI jfc iswKdf hY. pihlfˆ irÈiqafˆ dI zor bVI pwkI huMdI sI jo afKrI sfhfˆ qwk nhIN sI tuwtdI. hr irÈqy ivwc ipafr, siqkfr aqy afpxypx dI Bfvnf kuwt-kuwt ky BrI huMdI sI. sfˆJy pirvfr ies dI imsfl huMdy sn. Aus smyˆ dIafˆ muitafrfˆ vI afpxy bfbul awgy arËoeI krky sfˆJy pirvfr ivwc ivafh krvfAux dI mMg krdIafˆ sn: dyeIN-dyeIN vy bfblf mYnUM Es Gr, ijwQy sws dy bfhly puwq.

kOr Èfˆq sbMDIafˆ dI suwK-sfˆd puwCI jfˆdI sI. Gr dI suafxI, BYx-Brf aqy swj ivafhI nUM icwTI dI bVI iÈwdq nfl qfˆG rihMdI sI. jdoN glI ivwc zfkIey dy sfeIkl dI GMtI vwjdI sI qfˆ ieh qfˆG ipafrI ijhI KuÈI ivwc bdl jfˆdI sI. nvIN ivafhI jdoN afpxy mfhIey vwloN ilKI icwTI pVHdI qfˆ Aus dy pYr DrqI `qy nhIN sn lwgdy qy Auh Kud nUM aMbrfˆ `c AuzfrIafˆ mfrdI mihsUs krdI sI. icwTI `c mfhIey dy afAux dI KLbr pVH ky qfˆ Aus dy cfa, swDrfˆ sMBfly nhIN sI jfˆdy. Aus df husn zuwlH-zuwlH pYx lwgdf qy Auh ÈIÈy ivwc Kud nUM vyK-vyK Èrmf jfˆdI. iPr Auh imlfp dIafˆ AunHfˆ GVIafˆ nUM mihsUs krdI ijnHfˆ dI Auh bysbrI nfl AuzIk kr rhI huMdI sI. ajoky smyˆ ny ienHfˆ husIn plfˆ nUM ijvyˆ hvf ivwc hI Auzf idwqf hovy. hux nf iksy zfkIey duafrf icwTI ilafAux dI AuzIk huMdI hY aqy nf hI mfhIey dy ivXog `c qVp rhI swj ivafhI nUM Aus nfl vsl dI AuzIk. hux hr irÈqf isrP svfrQ dI buinafd `qy KVHf hY. awj dy smyˆ ivwc koeI bwcf nf afpxy dfdf-dfdI qoN rfjy-rfxIafˆ jfˆ prIafˆ dIafˆ khfxIafˆ sux ky sONdf hY aqy nf hI AunHfˆ vwloN idKfey rfh `qy koeI cwldf hY. Grfˆ `c bjLurgfˆ pRqI ipafr-siqkfr dI Bfvnf Kqm huMdI jf rhI hY aqy AunHfˆ nUM Gr `c PflqU smJ ky kyar hom ivwc rwKx nUM qrjIh idwqI jfˆdI hY.

hux qfˆ muitafrfˆ ies qrHfˆ df shurf Gr locdIafˆ hn ijwQy AunHfˆ `c dKlaMdfËI krn vflf koeI qIsrf nf hovy aqy irÈqy ieMny nfjLuk ho gey hn ik iksy df iksy `qy koeI hwk hI nhIN irhf aqy jykr koeI hwk jqfAux dI koiÈÈ vI krdf hY qfˆ Aus nUM inrfÈqf df hI mUMh vyKxf pYˆdf hY.

pYsf kmfAux dI dOV `c mfipafˆ kol afpxy bwicafˆ leI tfeIm nhIˆ huMdf ijs kfrn bwcy AunHfˆ dy ipafr aqy sMskfrfˆ qoN dUr huMdy jf rhy hn. bwcy mfipafˆ kol bYTx dI jgfh mobfeIl Pon, vIzIE gymË, klwb, bfrfˆ dy ieMny afdI ho gey hn ik AunHfˆ nUM iksy irÈqy dI koeI smJ hI nhIN rhI. ijhVy gwBrU-muitafrfˆ pirvfrk irÈqy nhIN inBfa skdy AunHfˆ qoN smfijk irÈqy inBfAux dI AumId bymqlb hY? pirvfrfˆ dy hflfq ieMny bdqr ho gey hn ik muMizafˆ ny qfˆ mfipafˆ dI gwl suxnI hI kI sI kuVIafˆ vI afpxI mnmrËI krdIafˆ hn. mfpy afpxy bwicafˆ nUM jo smJfAuxf cfhuMdy hn Auh Aus qoN kohfˆ dUr hn. pihly simafˆ `c jy koeI iksy nfl nfrfË ho jfˆdf sI qfˆ Aus nUM imlx dI AuzIk kIqI jfˆdI sI ik jdoN imilaf qfˆ BVfs kwZ leI jfeygI, pr jdoN qwk Aus nUM imlx dI AuzIk Kqm huMdI sI, Aus smyˆ qwk guwsf TMZf ho cuwkf huMdf sI. hux jdoN iksy nUM iksy dI gwl `qy guwsf af jfvy qfˆ Auh mobfeIl `qy gflfˆ kwZ ky byieËqI krn lwgf dyr nhIN lgfAuNdf.

ajoky Xuwg ny qfˆ irÈiqafˆ dI nuhfr hI bdl ky rwK idwqI hY. ieMtrnYWt aqy soÈl sfeIts ny irÈiqafˆ aqy idlfˆ `c ieMnIafˆ dUrIafˆ vDf idwqIafˆ hn ik cfhuMdy hoey vI ieh imt nhIN skdIafˆ. asIN nyVy ho ky kohfˆ dUr gey hfˆ. pihlfˆ icwTI pwqr rfhIN hI sky

awjkwlH lokfˆ ivwcoN sihxÈIlqf Kqm huMdI jf rhI hY. sihxÈIlqf qoN ivrvf mnuwK hmyÈfˆ afpixafˆ nUM guaf bYTdf hY aqy jdoN qwk Aus nUM irÈiqafˆ nUM inBfAux dI smJ pYˆdI hY qfˆ ieh irÈqy Aus qoN bhuq dUr jf cuwky huMdy hn.

iewk mMgIey qy iewk ivafhIey, mYˆ ÈfdIafˆ dyKfˆ inwq. swcmuwc ikMnf inwG huMdf sI Aus vyly dy irÈiqafˆ `c. sfˆJy pirvfrfˆ ivwc qfˆ hr smyˆ ivafh ÈfdI vflf mfhOl bixaf rihMdf sI aqy Gr df muKI hI sfry Coty-vwzy PYsly lYˆdf sI jo sB nUM mnjLUr huMdy sn qy iksy ivwc ihMmq nhIN sI huMdI ik Aus PYsly `qy koeI ikMqU-pRMqU kr sky, pr ajoky smyˆ ivwc qfˆ irÈiqafˆ dI zor ieMnI kwcI ho geI hY ik pqf nhIN iks vyly QoVHI ijhI Tokr nfl hI tuwt jfvy. hux Gr df muKI jo PYsly lYˆdf hY, Auh iksy nUM vI gvfrf nhIN huMdy, cfhy Auh DI hovy jfˆ puwq.


The Patrika



svfl hI svfl

hrI isMG qqlf ieh drvfjLf ikAuN KuwlHf hY? ieh kmrf ikAuN bMd hY?

sUt pMjfbx df

smyN dI soc

gurdyv isMG buwtr

sqvMq kOr pMDyr DI Dn ibgfnf kih ky,

pqlf pqMg ijhf,

sfrf, Gr ikAuN KflI hY?

hYgf nI srIr myrf,

mYN ruk jFdf hF,

pf ilaf sUt mYN sftn df.

ies qrHF dI cuwp nhIN sI socdf, ies qrHF dI iekFq nhIN sI locdf,

Friday, September 15th, 2017

cMdrf nF nI lYNdf pftx df.

ies srkfr bfJoN suKivMdr isMG momI bMdnF korVf CMd

iewk idn ivafihaf krdy sI.

myhr jIhdy Auqy qyrI hoeI dfiqaf.

isr qy qor idMdy sI hwQ Dr ky,

rhI nf Pyr Aus nUM QoV koeI dfiqaf.

lyK ajLmfieaf krdy sI.

njLrF nf swcy vwloN kdy PyrIaF.

pr hux sdI iewkIvIN afeI, DI ny kr leI bVI pVHfeI.

isPqF kI krF dfqf jI mYN qyrIaF

sux nI kuVIey nwKry vflIey,

lY ky puwqF brfbr nOkrIaF,

rMg ilaf jIhny afpf qyry nfm `c.

acfnk, awj aOh sfhmxy diraf,

pfieaf sUt gulfbI.

Auhny afpxI QF bxfeI.

phuMc igaf Auh swc dy mukfm `c.

mYnUM vyK ky, ruk ikAuN igaf hY?

nI igwDy ivwc nwcdI nUM,

jykr DIaF ny puwqF nflLoN vI,

hox iPr gwlF jwg qy bQyrIaF.

myry vFgr, ieh sVk ikAuN cuwp hY?

myrf sfh vI ruk irhf hY, ieh mOq kI hY? hvf vI KfmosL hY,

vD ky PrjL inBfey. iPr vI mfipaF hr vyly,

iqwly vflI juwqI pf ky,

puwqF dy hI gux gfey.

dfqf qUM vMgfr idwqf sLfhI qfjL nUM.

DIaF puwq ijgr dy tukVy,

dwibaf sI ijMnHF swc dI avfjL nUM

ikAuN asIN Prk iehnF ivc pfeIey?

bfbr ny lfeIaF kUV dIaF ZyrIaF.

myrI hoNd, qy ieh sB irsLiqaF dI

sUt pfieaf nsvfrI.

sojLy-muhwbq kI hY?

nI qyrI nI blOrI awK ny,

Cwz “sqvMq” purfxIaF rIqF,

muMzf pwtqf jwgf ptvfrI.

brfbrqf df hwk idvfeIey.

idl sfzf ipaf goqy Kfvy,


ieh mjLhb kI hY? AuzIk, qy ieh BuwK kI ny? myry gmF dy hMJUaF aMdr qVp qy axCfxy drd ikAuN ny? pr, myry Gr df drvfjLf ikAuN KuwlHf hY?

dyK ky muwKVf qyrf.

kyvl isMG inrdosL awq mfrdI rfijaF rfixaF nUM,

nI awg lfvy sVkF nUM,

nf ieh CwzdI sfD qy sMq mIaF. awq cuwk leI ijnHF vI bIbIaF ny,

sLhIdF dy jI isrqfj afp bx gey. jLulm iKlfP aYsf qfxf qx gey. vyK mIaF mIr awKIaF ny kyrIaF. Drm isafsq qUM iekwTy joV qy. qvfrIK ivc ieh sLbd aOV dy.

ieh kmrf ikAuN…?

lfl sUt nI bcnIey qyrf.

ieh drvfjLf ikAuN…?

icwty rMg df sUt sMvfky,

mUMh bolIaF DIaF rKyl krIaF,

guMgy koloN arQ krfey dfiqaf.

sfrf Gr ikAuN…?

lY leI cuMnHIN kflI.

eys rfm rhIm asMq mIaF.

pMzqF dy Brm mkfey dfiqaf.

Aus dy jfx ipwCoN

nI Duwp ivc mfry cmkF,

blvMq srF mwdoky kuJ qF hoieaf hY. kflK dy Cwty-

nuwkry lfqy afpxy kMq mIaF.

eyQy qwk nf phuMcdI gwl jykr, kIqf huMdf jy AudoN KVkMq mIaF.

mIrI pIrI vfilaF nf lfeIaF dyrIaF.

inwkI ijhI afXU `c gwlF GnyrIaF. duKI hoey pMzqF leI sIs vfiraf.

qyry kMnF dI cMdrIey vflI.

KMB inkldy jdoN vI kIVIaF nUM,

sux nI kuVIey nwcx vflIey,

hox plF dy ivc BsmMq mIaF.

ksLt ijMnF df muwZ qoN invfiraf.

pr hox smrwQ prvfjL leI jd,

pfpF dIaF Pyr vgIaF hnHyrIaF.

sLihr ikAuN roieaf hY?

glIaF `c kOx dy igaf?

koeI klI Cwz geI jUhF-

muskfnF qy hfsy Cxkdy-

jF koeI Puwl moieaf hY.

Koh kOx lY igaf?

koeI boldf ikAuN nhIN,

jF puMinaF df hwsdf cMdrmF,

jIBF iks TfkIaF?

rfhU kyqU lkoieaf hY.

pfieaf moqIaf qUM sUt ibwlo ijhVf.

sB ny bMd ikAuN kIqy-

kuJ qF hoieaf hY.

hrI sLnIl df sUt qUM pf ky,

bUhy qy qfkIaF.

hr koeI ikAuN Audfs hY,

Br awKIaF sB ny-

ikAuN pRysLfn hY?

bUhf ikAuN Zoieaf hY?

ieh ikAuN Cxftf Cf igaf,

kuJ qF hoieaf hY.

hr koeI hYrfn hY!


isPqF kI krF…

muMzf dyK hoieaf iPrdf sLrfbI.

dy dy KuwlH ky gyVf. nI cfr cMn lfvy rUp nUM,

qUqIaF qoVy qUq dIaF. ‘dyv’ KVHf kry isPqF, kuVIey qyry gulfbI sUt dIaF.

ho jFvdy bot AuzMq mIaF. nyqf awj dy dyKy ny awg lfky, afp hoNvdy AuWQoN iKskMq mIaF.

blhfry jfeIey puwqrF dy dfnI dy. icMn jIhdy kfiem hr QF insLfnI dy.

zrIey sdf hI vkq dI mfr koloN,

tyk jIhdy awgy idwqy gozy vYrIaF.

smf srb smrwQ byaMq mIaF.

momI Twty vflf hY qusF df dfs jI.

kyvl guwzI asmfn ivc AudoN AuzdI,

crnF `c dyvo asF nUM invfs jI.

hovy smyN dI jdoN bsMq mIaF. awDk mfqrf jdoN inrdosL Aulty, kr dey awq df AudoN hI aMq mIaF.

‘avqfr’ vI gfAUgf qusF dIaF sLfierIaF. isPqF kI krF…

The Patrika

Friday, September 15th, 2017



puwq pMjfb dy

pMjfb dI axK-mhfrfxI ijMdF

hkUmq isMG inwJr

hrcMd isMG bfgVI

dfnIaF qy kurbfnIaF dy ivc, pihlf QF pMjfbI df. cMn dy vFgUM cmky imwqro, jwg qy nF pMjfbI df. nfl axK dy jIx pMjfbI, nhIN iksy df pfxI Brdy KUn psInf zolH ky afpxf, idn rfq kmfeIaF krdy dysL dI Kfqr vfr ky jfnF, awj mfxdy inwG ajLfdI df cMn dy vFgUM cmky imwqro, jwg qy nF pMjfbI df. dsF nhuMaF dI krn kmfeI, ieh nhIN hwk ibgfnf KFdy

12 PrvrI gPL nU M ivsL vI afx imilaf,

hrcMd isMGf lhOr nUM lYx leI,

afieaf krdf mfro-mfr mIaF.

ieh KLbr sux ky gPL, jnrl ‘ivsL’ jo mulqfn ijwq ky afieaf sI, nUM nfl lY ky isMGF nUM awigAuN rokx leI AuWT nwTf

hrcMd isMGf gPL ivc jfn afeI,

ivc prydsF mfrky mwlF, ieiqhfs ieh nvF bxFdy

muV lwgf Auh hox iqafr mIaF..

koeI ikMg hY dfKF df bixaF, koeI bilAU byrI dI vfdI df

pqf lwigaf isMGF nUM goiraF ny,

cMn dy vFgUM cmky imwqro, jwg qy nF pMjfbI df.

ijwqF hn mulqfn qy pf leIaF.

tYksI aqy trwkF dy ivc, hr QF awgy afAux pMjfbI

Auh POjF aqy hiQafr Bfry,

knyzf qy amrIkf dy ivc, sfry nF cmkfAux pMjfbI

nfl gPL ny Auh imlf leIaF.

gory sfnUM krn slfmF, muwl ieh imhnq sfzI df cMn dy vFgUM cmky imwqro, jwg qy nF pMjfbI df. duwD mwKxF dy pflLy gwBrU, nwc nwc ky BMgVy pfAuNdy kwd srU dy bUty vrgy, aMbroN qfry qoV ilafAuNdy

qopF vwzIaF aqy brUd goly, pltnF hor ny bhuq mMgvf leIaF. hrcMd isMGf goiraF do guxf,

dl gujrfq dy vwl vDf idwqy..

20 PrvrI gPL lY POj BfrI, Auho viDaf vFg quPfn bylI. gujrfq kol Auh isMGF nUM Gyr KiVHaf, kIqf hmlf AunHF qy afx bylI. 21 PrvrI dovyN dl iBVy, AuWQy, mwicaf Gor Gmsfn bylI hrcMd isMGf dovyN pfisaF qoN,

POjF isMGF qoN hn vDf leIaF..

qopF lwgIaF goly vrsfx bylI.. iqMn GMty jMm ky isMG lVy, qopF,

sB srdfrF bYT slfh kIqI,

KHyzF dy ivc mfrn mwlF, kI kihxf mMgI duwly lfzI df

bMdUkF lY nyjLy-ktfr BfeI.

jMg iewQy nf afpF lfeIey jI.

cMn dy vFgUM cmky imwqro, jwg qy nF pMjfbI df.

iPr isMGF df muwk brUd igaf,

qopF aqy golf-brUd QoVHf,

qopF bMdUkF hoeIaF bykfr BfeI.

BIV pey jf dysL dy AuWqy, sB qoN mUhry hox pMjfbI

mfr goiraF koloN nf KfeIey jI.

isMG lY BgOqIaF pey awgoN,

burI njLr nf qwky ijhVf, iewk dy iewkI pfAux pMjfbI

POj lY ky mfJy dy ivc vVIey,

krn hmly Auh llkfr BfeI.

hosL itkfxy kr ieh idMdy, mfrky rgVf gurgfbI df

hor lokF nUM nfl rlfeIey jI.

hrcMd isMGf qop-bMdUk awgy,

cMn dy vFgUM cmky imwqro, jwg qy nF pMjfbI df.

hrcMd isMGf bfbf bMdf isMG vflI,

kI krygf nyjLf qlvfr BfeI..


rxnIqI afpF apxfeIey jI..

dosq muhMmd KF jo pTfn Byjy,

sfrI POj aMgryjLF dI juVI iewQy,

Auh vI Bwjy afKr kfr bylI.

iswK POjF vI nfl rlfeIaF ny.

QfkvYWl ny mfry iKwc goly,

sfrf kuwJ iewQy hY Zo ilaf,

hmlf sky nf Auh shfr bylI.

kohF ivc af COxIaF pfeIaF ny.

dUroN qopF bMdUkF dI lf JVI,

pvn igwlF vflf iqwKIaF sUlF bol qyry nI,

zUMGIaF njLrF nfl dyK kdy,

kr gey sIny syk myry.

ikAuN smJy rfh df roVf nI.

dUroN hwQ ihlf ky lMGdI,

pwqIaF puwt-puwt Puwl dIaF aVIey,

KflI ipaf lhOr qy dysL mfJf,

isMG idwqy Drq iKlfr bylI.

kdy kol bih ky dyK myry.

asIN qyrf nfm bxfAuNdy hF.

afpF dyrIaF kfs nUM lfeIaF ny.

hrcMd isMGf iPrMgIaF Kflsy dy,

ievyN qF nhIN cfhux vfly,

lwg nf jfvx njLrF jwg dIaF,

hrcMd isMGf srdfrF slfh krky,

mfr mfr ky lfey swQfr bylI..

lhOr vwl nUM kIqIaF DfeIaF ny..

kdy dUroN dUroN lMGdy nI.

nflLy vfa qwqI koloN bcfAuNdy hF.

cfx-cwk ieh isMGF nUM rok peI,

cOdF PrvrI rfqo-rfq isMGF,

Auh sky nf kr psfr loko.

afsLk KusLidl hox imjfjI,

kr aihsfs muhwbqF df qUM

gujrfq vwl nUM cfly ny pf idwqy.

sLyr isMG nf kr kmfn sikaf,

jo swjxF dI KMG ivwc KMGdy nI.

qy rMg sfzy ivwc rMg lY.

idn ciVHaf ikqy nf njLr afey,

hoeI POj sI by-muhfr loko.

aYvyN ikAuN qUM idl sfzy qy,

bol ipafr nfl ‘pvn’ jLubfno,

qMbU isMGF ny sB putf idwqy.

koeI hukm nf iksy nUM kI krnf,

dwsx vfilaF gPL nUM KLbr kIqI,

mfrI jfvy loVF nI.

iPr BfvyN ijMd mMg lY.

iek dUey dI leI nf sfr loko.

zyry isMGf ny hn htf idwqy. PAGE 33

The Patrika


Friday, September 15th, 2017


The Bigs and Littles celebrate the Opening of The Art of Friendship at The Reach!


ig Brothers Big Sisters of the Fraser Valley (BBBS) celebrate the opening of The Art of Friendship on Tuesday, October 6, 2015 at 6:30pm at The Reach Gallery Museum Abbotsford, 32388 Veterans Way. The Bigs and Littles are proud to present their individual art of friendship which started as a collaboration with The Reach and a simple idea to showcase Big Brothers Big Sisters matches’ art work. It quickly turned into a comprehensive art program of weekly creative sessions running throughout the summer for the Big Brother and Big Sister matches. Explains, BBBS Director of Programs, Cheryl Unger: “This project has been a delightful exploration of creativity in how our mentors and mentees describe the significance of their friendship using various art mediums. Each artist was challenged to give meaning to what they value about the uniqueness of their relationship; both celebrat-


ing their common interests and their individuality.” For The Reach team, this project was about forging new friendships and enhancing life changing relationships by infusing them with cultural meaning and important hands-on experiences. It was an opportunity for The Reach education programmer/artist, Anna Williams to team up on an art facilitation practicum with student Jay Brandsma, to creatively inspire and teach the Bigs and Littles. The Art of Friendship showing at The Reach until October 21st, 2015, is made possible through financial support from TD Commercial Banking and Parm and Satwinder Bains. Big Brothers Big Sisters facilitates life changing relationships that inspire and empower children and youth to reach their potential both as individuals and citizens. The Reach at 32388 Veterans Way, is a registered charity, operated by a small staff team with the assistance of a

Board of Directors and 100+ fabulous volunteers. The Reach is committed to preserving and sharing the stories of our rich and diverse cultural heritage and showcasing the best in in the

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Friday, September 15th, 2017

The Patrika



loV pYx AuWqy POj dy jYWt vI mdd leI iqafr hn: PrIlYˆz brYˆptn XUnIvristI dy supny nUM sfkfr krn vl cuwikaf igaf vwzf kdm brYˆptn: awj brYˆptn istI kfAuNsl ivKy kfAuNslrË ny brYˆptn XUnIvristI dy supny nUM sfkfr krn vwl vwzf kdm cuwikaf. ies mOky afAux vfly ds sflfˆ leI ies post sYkMzrI PYisiltI vfsqy 50 imlIan zflr invyÈ kIqy jfx dy PYsly dI puÈtI kIqI geI hY. ies dy nfl hI kolYboryitv qy kimAUintI spys leI 100 imlIan zflr Krcx df PYslf kIqf igaf hY. brYˆptn dy KuÈhfl BivwK leI iewQoN dy imAuNspl numfieMidafˆ ny kmfl dI lIzriÈp qy smrpx Bfvnf ivKfeI hY. ipCly sfl dOrfn aYm[pI[ gryvfl ny afpxy imAuNspl, pRoivMÈIal qy PYzrl hmruqbf aiDkfrIafˆ nfl inwT ky kMm kIqf qy EntfrIE pRoivMs nUM brYˆptn ivwc PMz invyÈ krn leI rfËI krn vfsqy vI jMm ky pYrvI kIqI. AunHfˆ brYˆptn nUM ivwidak sMsQfvfˆ leI nvfˆ hwb dwisaf. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik kYnyzf dy nOˆvyˆ qy EntfrIE dy cOQy sB qoN vwzy Èihr brYˆptn dI

ipCly hPqy EntfrIE aijhf pihlf pRoivMs bx igaf sI ijs ny kfnUMnI dfiery ivwc afAux qoN bfad mYrIjuafnf sbMDI afpxI Xojnf df Kulfsf kIqf sI. pRoivMs vwloN spÈt kIqf igaf sI ik AunHfˆ dI Èrfb bfry ijhVI nIqI hY mYrIjuafnf dy sbMD ivwc vI AuhI nIqI aml ivwc ilafˆdI jfvygI. EntfrIE dy lIkr kMtrol borz vwloN clfey jf rhy 150 storfˆ AuWqy hI mYrIjuafnf vI vycI jfvygI. mYrIjuafnf 19 jfˆ ies qoN vwD Aumr dy lokfˆ nUM hI vycI jfvygI qy ies df syvn lok afpo afpxy Grfˆ ivwc hI Gr skxgy. ies pRsqfv AuWqy kuwJ aYktIivsts qy rItylrË ny guwsf qy icMqf pRgtfeI sI. AunHfˆ ieh cyqfvnI vI idwqI sI ik EntfrIE dy ies pRsqfivq mfzl kfrn splfeI sIimq ho jfvygI qy ies sbMDI kflf bfËfrI Kqm krn ivwc koeI mdd nhIN imlygI.

hY. ieh jhfË kYnyzIanfˆ nUM afpxy Gr ilafAux leI hI Byjy jf rhy hn. POj dy jYWt jhfj nf Byjy jfx leI aflocnf df iÈkfr hoeI srkfr vwloN pRqIikiraf pRgtfAuNidafˆ PrIlYˆz ny afiKaf ik srkfr ny POj dy jhfjfˆ nUM loV pYx AuWqy Cy GMty dy noits AuWqy kfrvfeI krn leI iqafr rwiKaf hoieaf hY. PrIlYˆz ny ieh vI afiKaf ik kmrÈIal afpÈn kYnyzIanfˆ nUM Gr ilafAux leI kfPI kfrgr rhI hY. AunHfˆ ieh vI dwisaf ik POj df sI-17 jYWt mMglvfr nUM pRBfivq ielfky ivwc mfnvqfvfdI shfieqf phuMcfAux leI phuMcygf qy hor kYnyzIanfˆ nUM vfips lY afvygf. AunHfˆ afs pRgtfeI ik awj asIN afpxy nfgirkfˆ nUM AunHfˆ dy pirvfrfˆ qy dosqfˆ imwqrfˆ nUM imlfAux leI kYnyzf lY afeIey.

afriQk smrwQf nUM sImq rwiKaf igaf hY. ies nUM kYnyzf dy sB qoN vwzy ds Èihrfˆ ivwcoN iewk mMinafˆ jfˆdf hY qy ieho ies dI KfsIaq vI dwsI jfˆdI hY pr mfVI gwl ieh hY ik aYnf vwzf Èihr hox dy bfvjUd iewQy koeI vwzf XUnIvristI kYˆps nhIN hY. ies aflocnf AuWqy pRqIikiraf pRgtfAuNidafˆ ivdyÈ mMqrI ikRstIaf PrIlYˆz ny somvfr aYm[pI[ rfj gryvfl ny afiKaf ik iewQoN nUM afiKaf ik kmrÈIal PlfeIts rfhIN dI nOjvfn qy imhnqI abfdI nfl asIN vIkYˆz AuWqy 390 kYnyzIanfˆ nUM Gr ilafˆdf afAux vfly smyˆ ivwc afpxI iswiKaf igaf qy do hor jhfj- vYstjYWt df jhfj dy imafr nUM hor AuWcf cuwk skdy hfˆ qy syˆt mfrtyn leI qy eyar kYnyzf df jhfj afpxI kimAUintI nUM KuÈhfl bxf skdy qurks qy kfiekOs leI rvfnf hox jf irhf hfˆ. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik mYˆbr pfrlIafmYˆt vjoN Auh roË joÈIly qy hunrmMd nOjvfnfˆ mYigMtI dy sfbkf shfiekfˆ iKlfP awj qoN sLurU hovygI gYs nfl mulfkfq krdy rihMdy hn. AunHfˆ ieh plfˆts kMipAUtr mfmly dI suxvfeI afs vI pRgtfeI ik iewk idn brYˆptn ivwc post sYkMzrI iswiKaf df AunHfˆ df EntfrIE: sfbkf pRImIar zfltn mYigMtI leI afiKaf. dUjy pfsy kMipAUtr mfihr supnf swc ho hI jfvygf. AunHfˆ myar ilMzf dy do shfiekfˆ iKlfP somvfr nUM mujrmfnfˆ Pyst ny iksy vI qrHfˆ df glq kMm kIqy jYPrI qy sfry istI kfAuNslrË dI qfrIP mfmly dI suxvfeI sLurU hovygI. ienHfˆ dovfˆ jfx qoN ienkfr kIqf sI. zrfeIvË nUM kridafˆ afiKaf ik Xog agvfeI qy inwT AuWqy ielËfm hY ik ienHfˆ ny ilbrlfˆ vwloN sfP krn leI Pyst nUM tYksdfqfvfˆ vwloN ky kMm krn dI ienHfˆ dI afdq nfl iewk Kqm kIqy gey gYs pfvr plfˆts nfl ilbrl kfks nUM idwqy jfx vfly PMz ivwcoN idn brYˆptn ivwc XUnIvristI kfiem ho sbMDq kMipAUtr hfrz zrfeIvË nUM kiQq 10,000 zflr adf kIqy gey. ies rkm ky hI rhygI. qOr AuWqy zlIt krn df kMm kIqf sI. nUM bfad ivwc pfrtI ny KËfny nUM moV idwqf.

mYrIjuafnf sbMDI pRoivMsfˆ vwloN apxfey jfx vfly inXmfˆ ivwc dKl nhIN dyvygI PYzrl srkfr: guzyl Etvf: mYrIjuafnf dy kfnUMnI dfiery ivwc afAux qoN bfad Aus dI ivwkrI qy vrqoN bfry pRoivMs ikho ijhI nIqI apxfAuNdy hn ies ivwc PYzrl srkfr ny iksy iksm df dKl nf dyx df PYslf kIqf hY.

Etvf: kYrybIan ivwc afey qUPfn iermf qoN pRBfivq hoey kYnyzIanfˆ nUM bcfa ky kYnyzf ilafAux dy mfmly ivwc srkfr AuWqy iZwlf mwTf rvweIaf apnfAux df doÈ lfieaf jf irhf hY. ieh vI afiKaf jf irhf hY ik amrIkf qy nIdrlYˆzË vwloN eyarilPt rfhIN kdoN df afpxy nfgirkfˆ nUM surwiKaq itkfixafˆ AuWqy phuMcfieaf jf cuwikaf hY pr kYnyzf srkfr ajy aijhf kuwJ soc vI nhIN skI.

EntfrIE dI ies pRsqfivq Xojnf AuWqy aYqvfr nUM pbilk syPtI mMqrI rflP guzyl ny iksy iksm dI tIkf itwpxI krn qoN ienkfr kr idwqf. AunHfˆ ieh vI spÈt kr idwqf ik mYrIjuafnf dy sbMD ivwc pRoivMsfˆ ikho ijhI nIqI apxfAuNdIafˆ hn ies qoN PYzrl srkfr pfsy rhygI. AunHfˆ afiKaf ik hryk pRoivMs nUM pUrf hwk hY ik Auh afpxy ihsfb nfl ies sbMDI izËfeIn iqafr krn. hor pRoivMs vI jld hI EntfrIE vfˆg afpxIafˆ isPfirÈfˆ df Kulfsf krngy. ho skdf hY AunHfˆ ivwcoN keI EntfrIE vfly mfzl nUM hI apnfAux jfˆ iPr AunHfˆ dI phuMc vwKrI vI ho skdI hY. afpxf kMm krdy hoey mfry gey PfierPfeItrË dy sbMD ivwc Etvf ivwc rwKy iewk smfroh ivwc pwqrkfrfˆ nfl gwlbfq kridafˆ guzyl ny afiKaf ik mYrIjuafnf nUM kfnUMnI dfiery ivwc ilafAux df mksd ies nUM nfbflgfˆ qy sMgiTq jurm qoN dUr rwKxf hY. AunHfˆ ieh Brosf vI pRgtfieaf ik pRoivMs ies sbMD ivwc koeI vI mfzl apnfAux ieh mksd pUrf ho jfvygf.

2013 ivwc mYigMtI dy afKrI cIP afP stfP 65 sflf zyivz ilivMgstn qy izptI cIP 38 sflf lfrf imlr brIc afP trst, zftf nfl CyVCfV krn qy kMipAUtr isstm dI durvrqoN krn dy mfmly ivwc mÈkUk hn. doÈI pfey jfx AuWqy ies joVI nUM ds sfl dI kYd dI sËf ho skdI hY. dovfˆ ny hI sfbkf pRImIar dy afiPs dy kMipAUtrË dIafˆ hfrz zrfeIvË nfl iksy iksm dI CyVCfV qoN ienkfr kIqf hY.

pRogrYisv kMËrvyitvË qy inAU zYmokRYts, dovfˆ pfrtIafˆ nUM ies gwl df pUrf XkIn hY ik AunHfˆ kMipAUtrË ivwc imsIsfgf qy Ekivwly ivwc lfey jfx vfly gYs plfˆts nUM 2011 dIafˆ coxfˆ qoN pihlfˆ rwd kIqy jfx vfly ivvfdgRsq PYsly dy sbMD ivwc pUrI jfxkfrI ho skdI sI. 2011 qy 2014 ivwc afpxI muihMm dOrfn ilbrlfˆ ny do pRsqfivq PYisiltIË nfl lwgdIafˆ sfrIafˆ pMj sItfˆ ijwqIafˆ. afzItr jnrl bonI iliËk ny afiKaf ik ienHfˆ nUM sfrnIaf qy nypfnI bcfa pwK dy vkIl somvfr nUM adflq iljfey jfx AuWqy afAux vfly 1[1 iblIan ivwc pyÈ hoxgy qy Auh ipwCy ijhy kRfAUn zflr Krcy df Bfr agly vIh sflfˆ qwk vwloN Ëfhr kIqy gey sbUqfˆ dI jfˆc krn tYksdfqfvfˆ nUM cuwkxf hovygf. leI iewk hor hPqy df smfˆ mMgxgy. iewQy dwsxf bxdf hY ik mYigMtI kdy vI jfˆc dy ies mfmly dI suxvfeI ieqPfkn somvfr dfiery ivwc nhIN afey qy AunHfˆ pUrI jfˆc nUM AudoN sLurU hox jf rhI hY jdoN ivDfnsBf dOrfn puils nUM hr iksm df sihXog idwqf dI kfrvfeI sLurU hovy gI qy dUjy pfsy hY. AunHfˆ nUM ies mfmly dI suxvfeI dOrfn 2015 dIafˆ szbrI iËmnI coxfˆ dy sbMD afpxy ibafn drj krvfAux leI swdy ivwc ielYkÈn tRfiel cwl irhf hovygf. jfx dI koeI AumId nhIN hY. Aus mfmly ivwc pRImIar kYQlIn ivMn dI sfbkf izptI cIP afP stfP pYtrIÈIaf EntfrIE pRoivMÈIal puils ny ieh doÈ sorbfrf qy sQfnk smfj syvk gYrI lOhIz lfieaf sI ik ilivMgstn ny kMipAUtr df nUM sfbkf ilbrl AumIdvfr nUM nfmËdgI spYÈl pfsvrz iewk gYr srkfrI krmdOV ivwcoN afpxf nfˆ vfips lYx leI mncfrI pItr Pyst nUM idwqf, jo ik imlr df fAux vfsqy vwzI pyÈkÈ krn leI cfrj kfmn-lfa hsbYˆz hY. iPr Aus nUM kYQlIn kIqf igaf sI. ienHfˆ dovfˆ AuWqy mOjUdf ivMn dy 11 PrvrI, 2013 nUM pRImIar vjoN AUrjf mMqrI glYn QIbflt leI rfh sfP sMhu cuwky jfx qoN pihlfˆ pRImIar dy afiPs krvfAux df doÈ hY. buwDvfr nUM ies mfmly dIafˆ kMipAUtr zrfeIvË nUM sfP krn ivwc ivMn afpxf ibafn dyvy gI. PAGE 35

The Patrika



Friday, September 15th, 2017

Now Hiring New & experienced Mechanincs

trUzo srkfr dIafˆ pRsqfivq tYks qbdIlIafˆ iKlfP zfktrË qy nrsfˆ hoey iewkjuwt

trwk aqy trYlr rIpyar ilmitz

asIN nvyN aqy qjLrbydfr mkYink hfier kr rhy hF. Contact:


torfˆto: trUzo srkfr vwloN pRsqfivq kfrporyÈn tYks qbdIlIafˆ sB qoN vwD vMzx vflIafˆ, qbfhkuMn qy zrfAuxIafˆ hn. afAux vfly keI dhfikafˆ qwk sfzf mulk ienHfˆ qoN pfr nhIN pf skygf. pr 139,000 rijstrz nrsfˆ dI agvfeI krn vflI kYnyzIan nrisË aYsoiseyÈn (sIaYney) dy pRDfn bfrb ÈYlIan ny afiKaf ik sfzI aYsosIeyÈn srkfr dy ies PYsly df smrQn krdI hY. sIaYney kYnyzf ivwc 139,000 rijstrz nrsfˆ dI agvfeI krdI hY qy afpxy sfry mYˆbrfˆ dy pwK AuWqy ies vwloN jfrI kIqy gey ibafn ivwc tYksfˆ ivwc ienHfˆ pRsqfivq qbdIlIafˆ dI qfeId kIqI geI hY. pr sIaYney dy pRDfn dy ies ibafn ny mUhrlI kqfr dIafˆ nrsfˆ nUM bycYn kr idwqf hY qy ieh nrsfˆ hux soÈl mIzIaf AuWqy afpxI BVfs kwZ rhIafˆ hn. bhuqIafˆ nrsfˆ df kihxf hY ik ies ibafn nUM vfips ilaf jfvy qy ies dy sbMD ivwc muafPI mMgI jfvy. kuwJ nrsfˆ vwloN qfˆ sIaYney dy pRDfn qoN asqIPy dI mMg vI kIqI jf rhI hY. smwisaf ieh hY ik kYnyzf dIafˆ nrsfˆ dI ies muwdy AuWqy rfie jfxy ibnfˆ hI pRDfn vwloN aijhf ibafn idwqf igaf hY. mUhrlI kqfr


dIafˆ hËfrfˆ nrsfˆ ienHfˆ aZukvIafˆ tYks qbdIlIafˆ dy iKlfP afnlfeIn ptIÈn sfeIn kr cuwkIafˆ hn qy ies bfry afpxf ieqrfË jqf cuwkIafˆ hn. AunHfˆ df kihxf hY ik srkfr vwloN pRsqfivq qbdIlIafˆ nfl kYnyzf ivwc hYlQkyar qwk phuMc krnf muÈkl ho jfvygf. afnlfeIn ptIÈn AuWqy kYnyzf Br qoN 40,000 dsqKq ho cuwky hn. zfktrfˆ df kihxf hY ik afpxy mrIËfˆ dI dyKBfl leI asIN afpxy nrisMg kulIgË dy nfl moZy nfl moZf joV ky KVHy hfˆ. kYnyzf dy zfktrfˆ, iksfnfˆ qy sfry inwky kfrobfrIafˆ leI kYnyzf dIafˆ nrsfˆ vwloN iml rhy smrQn qoN vI asIN mfx mihsUs kr rhy hfˆ. asIN ieh vI jfxdy hfˆ ik afpxIafˆ sfˆJIafˆ mMgfˆ leI sfzIafˆ nrsfˆ ny hmyÈfˆ sMGrÈ kIqf hY. sfry kYnyzIanfˆ leI hYlQkyar XkInI bxfAux leI Auh afpxy zfktrfˆ dy nfl hn ies gwl df vI sfnUM mfx hY. trUzo srkfr qwk ieh sunyhf spÈt phuMcxf cfhIdf hY ik PrMtlfeIn zfktrË qy nrsfˆ ies srkfr vwloN pRsqfivq tYks sbMDI qbdIlIafˆ dy iKlfP iewkjuwt hn. ienHfˆ qbdIlIafˆ nfl kYnyzf df hYlQkyar isstm qy arQcfrf ihwl skdf hY.

The Patrika

Friday, September 15th, 2017



iekwlpuxy nUM mfnx dI jfc jsvMq isMG jwsV jdoN kdy vwzI Aumr dy ivakqI df jIvn KuÈI imlygI. mn qy qn hmyÈfˆ qMdrusq sfQI ivwCV jfˆdf hY qfˆ Aus dIafˆ awKfˆ awgy rhygf. kdy vI mfnisk qxfa nhIN hovygf. anyHrf Cf jfˆdf hY. BivwK DuMdlf DuMdlf aqy ies qrHfˆ krn nfl sfnUM iksy iksm dI Audfs lwgx lwg pYˆdf hY. Gr KflI-KflI ibmfrI ijvyˆ blwz pRYÈr, sLUgr aqy idl lwgdf hY. cfhy Ausdf pirvfr ikMnf vI vwzf dI ibmfrI nhIN lwgygI. BIV BVwky vflIafˆ ikAuN nf hovy. iksy hwd qwk ieh gwl hY vI Qfvfˆ qoN dUr rho. iËafdf BIV ivwc mn TIk ikAuNik asIN iewk dUjy `qy inrBr bhuq Aukqf jfˆdf hY. svyry Èfm lMbI sYr kro. ho jfˆdy hfˆ. afm qOr `qy vyiKaf igaf hY iekfˆq ivwc GuMmx nfl quhfnUM iekwlpuxy ik jdoN koeI vwzI Aumr df ivakqI iekwlf df afnMd afAux lwg pvygf. iekwlpuxf rih jfvy qfˆ afpxIafˆ socfˆ ivwc zuwibaf vI iewk KuwlHI ikqfb vfˆg huMdf hY. ies df rihMdf hY qy bycYnI ijhI mihsUs krdf hY. iekwlf iekwlf vrkf AultfAu qy ies nUM keI ivakqI iekwlpuxy df iÈkfr ho jfˆdy pVHo. jIvn afnMd qy KuÈI nfl Br jfvygf. hn. mn icVicVf ho jfˆdf hY. Aus nUM Gr hr roË QoVHf bhuq hlkf Pulkf sMgIq df suMnf suMnf qy rOxk gfieb hoeI lwgdI hY. afnMd vI mfxoˆ. mn AuWpr icMqf BfrU nf hox ijs krky mnuwK jIvn ivwc Audfs qy inrfÈ idE. mn nUM iËMdgI dIafˆ CotIafˆ-CotIafˆ rihx lwg pYˆdf hY. ies leI ienHfˆ hflqfˆ KuÈIafˆ nfl pRsMn rwKo. KuÈI dy Coty-Coty qoN bcx leI mnuwK nUM AusfrU soc apxf ky mOikafˆ nUM cMgI qrHfˆ mfxo. ies qrHfˆ krn iËMdgI nUM mfnx dI koiÈÈ krnI cfhIdI hY. nfl qusIN afpxy jIvn nUM afnMd-dfiek iekwlpuxy nUM mfnxf vI iewk klf hY. ijs bxf skdy ho. ivakqI nUM iekwlpuxf mfnx dI jfc af jfvy Auh hmyÈfˆ KuÈ rihMdf hY qy jIvn ivwc suKflf rihMdf hY. afpxy smyˆ nUM afnMdmeI ZMg nfl bqIq krdf hY. iekwlpuxy qoN bcx leI hmyÈfˆ afpxy afly duafly ivwc rcimc ky rho. vwD qoN vwD AusfrU kMmfˆ ivwc mn lgfE. jIvn ivwc kdy vI hmyÈfˆ hnyrf nhIN rihMdf. rfq ipwCoN svyr ËrUr afAuNdI hY. kflIafˆ rfqfˆ ipwCoN cfnxIafˆ rfqfˆ ËrUr afAuNˆdIafˆ hn. jykr iksy smyˆ hnyrf af vI jfvy qfˆ vI quhfnUM dUr ikqy cfnx dI ikrn idKfeI dyvygI. qusIN Aus rOÈnI vwl vyKky afpxI mMiËl sr ËrUr kr skdy ho. sfnUM hmyÈfˆ afpxy afp ivwc msq rihxf cfhIdf hY. ies nUM mn iekfgr krky iDafn Drnf vI ikhf jfˆdf hY. qusIN iekwly iekfˆq jfˆ iksy pfrk ivwc bYT ky afpxy aMdr JfqI mfro. quhfzy aMdr gwlfˆ df KËfnf hY. ies iekwlI- iekwlI gwl nUM bfhr kwZo qy AunHfˆ df huMGfrf Bro. quhfnUM ijAUx leI aQfh ÈkqI imlygI. purfxIafˆ aqy imwTIafˆ Xfdfˆ jo aMdr dwbIafˆ peIafˆ hn, AunHfˆ nUM bfhr kwZo AunHfˆ df afnMd mfxo. sfnUM mfnisk qOr `qy skUn imlygf. jIvn dIafˆ mfVIafˆ Gtnfvfˆ nUM kdy vI Xfd nf kro. ienHfˆ nfl mn duKI ho jfˆdf hY. purfxy ËKm awly ho jfˆdy hn. mn qy srIr nUM pIV hox lwg pYˆdI hY. ies leI hmyÈfˆ KuÈ rihxf iswKo. afpxy ichry `qy hmyÈfˆ muskrfht ilaf ky rwKo. afp hwso qy lokfˆ nUM hsfE. iewQy mYnUM aMgryËI dI khfvq Xfd afAuNdI hY. ijs df pMjfbI ivwc qrjmf ies qrHfˆ hY. jykr qusIN hwsogy qfˆ lok quhfzf sfQ dyxgy, jykr qusIN rovogy qfˆ ieh kMm quhfnUM iekwilafˆ krnf pvygf. ies qrHfˆ dI sfriQk soc rwKx nfl quhfnUM

jykr Gr ivwc ivhVf hY qfˆ AuWQy Puwl bUty lfAuxy sLurU kr idE. ienHfˆ nUM svyry Èfm pfxI vgYrf lfE. Gr dI suMdrqf ivwc vfDf hovygf qy Gr Biraf-Biraf lgygf. Gr ivwc pirvfr nfl qy afˆZ-guafˆZ nfl rl iml ky rho. poqy poqIafˆ nUM ipafr kro AunHfˆ nfl QoVHf bhuq Kyzo, bwcy KuÈ rihxgy. Gr ivwc vnsuMvnqf afeygI qy quhfzf smfˆ vI bhuq sohxy ZMg nfl bIqygf. jykr qusIN ipMzfˆ ivwc rihMdy ho qfˆ afpxy Kyqfˆ vwl gyVf mfro. afpxI Psl nUM inhfro. Pslfˆ quhfnUM bol ky dwsxgIafˆ ik sfnUM pfxI dI loV hY jfˆ Kfd dI. ies qrHfˆ krn nfl quhfzI sYr vI hovygI qy nfly mn vI KuÈ rhygf. isafixafˆ dy kihx muqfbk ‘nfly puMn qy nfly PlIafˆ` Bfv nfly Kyqfˆ vwl gyVf mfrn nfl Pslfˆ dI suwK-sfˆd df pqf lwg jfˆdf hY qy nfly sYr ho jfˆdI hY.

“ZuwzIky” vfsIaF vloN aKMz pfT sfihb df Bog sMq bfbf Aujfgr isMG jI dI Xfd ivwc 24 sqMbr nUM pvygf

mogf ijLlHy dy ieiqhfsk ipMz ZuwzIky vfsIaF vloN hr sfl dI qrHF sMq bfbf Aujfgr isMG jI dI Xfd ivwc aqy ipMz dI suK sLFqI leI krvfey jFdy afKMz pfT sfihb gurduafrf Kflsf dIvfn susfietI aYbtsPorz ivKy 22 sqMbr idn sLuwkrvfr nUM arMB hoxgy aqy Bog 24 sqMbr idn aYqvfr nUM pfey jfxgy. smuwcy ZuwzIky vfsIaF, ipMz dIaF ivafhIaF hoeIaF lVkIaF pirvfrF smyq, ZuwzIky kflj dy ividafrQIaF aqy aiDafpk sfihbfn aqy QoVHf bhuq smfˆ pVHn qy ilKx leI vI ielfkf invfsI sMgqF nUM phuMcx leI bynqI kIqI jFdI hY. sfiraF nUM iqMno kwZxf cfhIdf hY. hmyÈfˆ igafn ivwc vfDf hI idn drsLn dyx leI bynqI krdy hF. huMdf rihMdf hY. ivhly smyˆ qusIN bfhr ipMz dI swQ ivwc bYT ky qfÈ Kyzx df afnMd mfxo. afpxy ipMz ivwc jfˆ afly-duafly dy lokfˆ nfl smfj BlfeI dy kMmfˆ ivwc ihwsf lvo. kdy-kdy pMj cfr idnfˆ leI GuMmx iPrn df pRogrfm bxf lYxf cfhIdf hY. afpxy dyÈ ivwc vyKx leI bhuq kuJ ipaf hY, phfVfˆ dIafˆ vfdIafˆ qy smuMdr dI bIc quhfnUM afAux leI swdf idMdIafˆ hn. ies qrHfˆ Aukq ZMg nfl quhfnUM iekwlpuxf nhIN lwgygf. quhfzI iËMdgI df ipClf pihr cMgI qrHfˆ inklygf qy jIvn ivwc vnsuvMnqf rhygI. quhfzf jIvn suKI qy KuÈI nfl BrpUr rhygf. bs! iekwlpuxf mfnx dI jfˆc afAuxI cfhIdI hY.

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The Patrika



Friday, September 15th, 2017

dogfxf-gfiekI dy sLfh svfr hfkm bKqVIvflf aqy dljIq kOr

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nvF stor sIzr pfrk plys qoN mUv ho ky 2646 Auburn Street qy Auburn Plaza ivwc nvF mYgf sLoarUm dsmysL PUzj dy ipWCy KolH idwqf igaf hY|

do g fxf gfiekI pM j fbI sw i Bafcfr df ainwKVvF aMg hY. pMjfbI irsLqf-nfqf pRxflI dy kuJ lukvyN ByqF nUM ijs hwd qwk dogfxf gfiekI pysL kr jFdI hY, Aus nUM koeI gfien-sLYlI nhIN kr skdI. afpxI ies ivlwKx pysLkfrI sdkf hI dogfxf gfiekI sroiqaF (Kfs krky pyNzU qbIaq vfilaF) dI pRQm qrjIh bxdI af rhI hY. ajoky smyN nvIN pIVHI dIaF kuJ gfiek joVIaF vI sroiqaF dI ies rucI nUM kYsL kr rhIaF hn. ies ruJfn df kuJ tI[vI[ cYnlF vfly vI BrpUr lfhf lY rhy hn. awj kwlH hryk iksm dI gfiekI afm lokF dy GrF qwk pRvysL kr geI hY, pr ienHF ivwc do gfxf gfiekI vI iewk hY. ienHF ivwc hI sLfml hY dogfxf-gfiekI dy sLfh svfr bKqVI ipMz vfly hfkm sLOkIn dI joVI. ijlHF sMgrUr dy iewk Coty ijhy ipMz bKqVI ivwc pYdf hoieaf hfkm afpxI sfQx gfiekf (pqnI) dljIq kOr nfl ipCly cfr dhfikaF qoN dogfxf gfiekI dy mYdfn ivwc JMzf gwzI bYTf hY. Aumr df prCfvF BfvyN kuJ Zl igaf hY, pr gfiekI ivwc Aus dI cVHq ajy kfiem hY. ies kfiemI ipwCy Aus dI sKq imhnq aqy lgn KVHI hoeI hY. mUl rUp ivwc Auh gIqkfr hY. Aus df iliKaf pihlf dogfxf ‘dyKI buVy dy gux nI’ afpxy simaF dI cricq gfiek-joVI krqfr rmlf aqy suKvMq kOr suwKI dI afvfjL ivwc irkfrz hoieaf sI. ieh dogfxf jdoN mMijaF vfly spIkrF rfhIN sroiqaF dy kMnF qwk phuMicaf qF hfkm bKqVIvflf gIqkfrF dI pihlI kqfr ivwc af igaf. hfkm ny smfj dy irsLqf-nfqf pRbMD dI qrjmfnI krn vfly anykF dogfxy ilKy/gfey hn, pr Aus dy lok-qwQF/scfeIaF nUM ibafn krn vfly gIqF/dogfixaF nUM Aus df ivsLysL hfsl ikhf jf skdf hY. Aus dy gIqF ivclIaF

Do GMOs cause food allergies?

(NC) Genetically modified foods — also known as GMOs — are blamed for many things, including an increase in the development of allergies. But that couldn't be further from the truth. In fact, GMOs like a gluten free wheat or a hypoallergenic peanut could make some foods safer for people with allergies. Food allergies are primarily caused by a small group of allergens. According to Health Canada, those are peanuts, tree nuts, sesame seeds, milk, eggs, fish, soy, wheat, sulphites and mustard.

604.864.8515 | #102 - 2646 Auburn St. Abbotsford BC V2T 3K1 PAGE 38

qsLbIhF kfbl-ey-qfrIP huMdIaF hn. jykr hfkm bKqVIvfly dI gfiekI dI gwl krIey qF ies ipV ivwc Aus df pRvysL iewk sFJy klfkfrF dy aYWl[pI[ irkfrz rfhIN huMdf hY. ies irkfrz ivwc Aus dy aqy dljIq kOr dy gfey hoey cfr dogfxy sn. ienHF dogfixaF ivwc zrfeIvr BfeIcfry dI ieKlfkI AuWcqf dI gwl krn vflf iewk dogxf sI ‘gwzI EprI clfAuxI Cwq qI mYN jdoN df trwk lY ilaf.’ ies dogfxy ny hfkm nUM ijwQy iewk invyklI pihcfx idwqI AuWQy Aus nUM stfr klfkfrF dI kqfr ivwc ilaf KVHf kIqf. ies qoN bfad bKqVIvfly ny awj qwk ipwCy muV ky nhIN dyiKaf. Aus ny byaMq kYstF, sI[zIjL ayq zI[vI[zIjL dogfxf gfiekI dy sLOkInF dI njLr kIqIaF hn ijnHF nUM sroiqaF aqy drsLkF vwloN BrvF huMgfrf idwqf igaf hY. iewk vDIaf gfiek aqy gIqkfr hox dy nfl-nfl Auh iewk smfj-syvI vI hY. klfkrF dy kilafx ihwq Aus ny iewk mMc vI bxfieaf hoieaf hY ijs df Auh srbrfh vI hY.

Soy is the only one of those that exists in a genetically modified version; none of the others are commercially available in genetically modified varieties. GMOs do not introduce new allergens, meaning that a person who is allergic to a GMO-plant will also be allergic to its non-GMO counterpart. Before a GMO is created, researchers look at more than 1,950 genes to see if there's a match between it and a known allergen. This complex process is overseen by Codex, an international food standards authority established by the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Friday, September 15th, 2017

The Patrika 



The Patrika



Friday, September 15th, 2017

jyT (ibRK) sMkRFqI


joiqS, Eqy  Eqy 604-751-0220 kro





myK-rkq-ipwq-ivkfr, afmdn nfloN Krc ijLafdf, durGtnf qoN bco, dusLmn aqy rog-BY-, nyqr-ksLt, iesqrI-pwK qoN lfB, kfrobfr TIk. sqMbr 16, 17, 25, 26; akqUbr 5, 6, 13, 14 asLuwB hn.

You cannot afford to be careless with detail. Anything you thought needed to be done to improve daily routines during August but didn’t get around to it has now come to action time. Handled the right way this could actually create more time for pleasurable activities but even here you need to view these in a practical manner.

There can be a fated sense about what is the right thing to work at getting in place or established so that you will feel secure in the future. There will be someone rather matter-of-fact who will support this or whose expectations will not interfere. Someone else focussed on pleasures could cause issues by rejecting your ideas.

 

ibRK-nyqr aqy isr-pIVf, PjLUl df Krc hovy, sMpqI-lfB, injI-jn ksLt, Xfqrf ivwc ksLt, kfrobfr bdlx df ivcfr, sqMbr 18, 19, 27, 28, 29, akqUbr 7, 8, 15, 16 asLuwB hn.





imQn-kwP-vfXU-ivkfr, BfeI-bMDU-suwK, sMqfn-pwK sLuwB, iesqrI-pwK sLuwB, kfrobfr TIk, sqMbr 20, 21, 22, 30; akqUbr 1, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.

krk-ishq TIk, afmdn nfloN Krc ijLafdf hovy, injI-jn-sihXog, dusLmn kmjLor, iesqrI-suwK, gupq icMqf. sqMbr 23, 24; akqUbr 2, 3, 4, 11, 12 asLuwB hn.





isMG-nyqr ksLt, pyt Krfb, Dn-lfB ho ky hfnI df zr, injI-jn bfry icMqf, iesqrI nUM ksLt, kfrobfr TIk rhy. sqMbr 16, 17, 25, 26; akqUbr 5, 6, 13, 14 asLuwB hn.

kMinaf-ishq kuJ TIk, Brf df suwK, gupq dusLmx qoN sfvDfn, iesqrI-pwK nfl ivgfV, GrylU JMjt, kfrobfr bdlx df ivcfr bxy. sqMbr 18, 19, 27, 28, 29; akqUbr 7, 8, 15, 16 asLuwB hn.

7  qulf-srIrk ksLt, mfnisk prysLfnI, imwqr-bMDU qoN sihXog imly, Xojnf qoN hfnI, iesqrIksLt, kfrobfr kmjLor, sqMbr 20, 21, 22, 30; akqUbr 1, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.



ibRsick-ishq TIk, GrylU JMjt aqy purfxy msly hwl hox, iesqrI-suwK, kfrobfr ivwc qbdIlI afvy. sqMbr 23, 24, akqUbr 2, 3, 4, 11, 12 asLuwB hn.



Dn-vfXU-rog qoN prysLfnI, afriQk-lfB hovy, nvyN imwqrF aqy cMgy lokF nfl imlfp hovy, iesqrI-ksLt, kfrobfr ivwc hfnI. sqMbr 16, 17, 25, 26; akqUbr 5, 6, 13, 14 asLuwB hn.

10  mkr-ishq TIk, gupq-icMqf, BfeI nUM ksLt, bMDU-suwK, sMqfn vwloN suwK, gupq-mMqrx smyN dusLmn qoN sfvDfn, acfnk ksLt, afmdn TIk rhy. sqMbr 18, 19, 27, 28, 29; akqUbr 7, 8, 15, 16 asLuwB hn.

11  kuMB-pyt Krfb, mn prysLfn, BfeI-bMDU df sihXog imly, sMqfn-pwK qoN icMqf, dusLmx mjLbUq, acfnk ksLt-BY, Xfqrf ivwc sfvDfn. sqMbr 20, 21, 22, 30; akqUbr 1, 9, 10 asLuwB hn.



mIn-ishq TIk, PjLUl df Krc hovy, Brf qoN ipafr imly, injI-jn-icMqf, iesqrI-pwK qoN lfB, kfrobfr ivwc suDfr hovy. sqMbr 23, 24; akqUbr 2, 3, 4, 11, 12 asLuwB hn.


Something can trigger consideration of just how much you are involved in personally and how much some of it can distract you from what should take priority. This may have been something you considered during August but now the time has come to take action so as to get a solid foundation in place to build upon in time.

Anything you first thought about or tried to plan during August that didn’t come to any conclusion can certainly do that from now to late September. You are in a better position now to see the details involved or the way in which your normal routines could be altered, though even here it could only be to the end of the year.

You need to refocus on money matters and certainly keep control of any impulse to spend without thinking. Practicality or how security for the sensible things could be threatened needs to be taken into account. Taking a balanced approach can have the effect of giving you pleasure because you know you are doing the right thing.

Mercury, your ruling planet is back in your sign until 30th September after having been there during August. This is the time to make those final decisions about anything that affects you personally. Its link up now with Mars in your sign will give you the confidence to take action and help to give you straightforward vision.

There is a lot going on behind the scenes. You would be wise not to fully trust situations you are dealing with. On the surface communication and involvement with others can seem easy and open but it would pay to hesitate with any final decisions or agreements so that you allow time for any hidden issues to surface.

You are once again in a situation to late September, where you need to put your thoughts to your most important priorities. This also occurred during August but the main difference here is finality and being prepared to take action on what you believe is best. Any affect this can have on finances should be easy to recognise.

Commitments you are prepared to take on can become clearer after perhaps trying to work this out during August. Life has demanded you become more responsible since 2015 and you are now in a good position to realise a balanced way forward in the long term that can be enjoyed, while knowing how to act on what is expected.

Analysing future goals is back on the agenda after having taken you down this path in August. The difference now is being able to see how to act on it or whether you still want to pursue certain goals. There can be greater support from others that have expectations but you still need to keep a sensible boundary on obligations.

Interactions with others can have a fated quality about them, especially if you are dealing with a group of people or someone who is part of an organisation. Don’t assume they are thinking along the same lines – you need to discover what they hope to gain or what are their true desires. Then compare this to your priorities.

The action somebody else is prepared to take will become obvious to late September. It is likely you thought this during August but then discovered it wasn’t the case. You have got the opportunity to create a greater sense of peace with whatever needs to be handled on a daily basis without compromising obligations.

The Patrika

Friday, September 15th, 2017



bfpU bldyv isMG dI bfkmfl pyÈkfrI nfl "awq bfpU" Èoa XfdgfrI ho inwbiVaf nfd PfAU ˆ z y È n vw l o ˆ krvfieaf jfˆ d f krvfey gey ies Èoa df mwuK afkrÈn AuwGy pRogrfm dI ÈurUafq bfpU bldyv sflfnf nfd PYstIvl hr sfl dI qrfˆ lok gfiek bfpU bldyv isMG dI bfkmfl isM G ny afpxy Au s qfd ÈR I pyÈkfrI rhI. lfl cMd Xmlf jwt dy gfey gIq "sqgur nfnk qyrI lIlf pIVIafˆ dy sPr dIafˆ bfqfˆ inafrI ey" dy nfl krky smHfˆ pfAuˆdy ies Èoa ivwc bfpU bMnH idwqf. ies dy bfd iewk bldyv isMG df sfQ Auhnfˆ qoˆ iewk vDky gIq afAuˆdy gey dy hoxhfr spuwqr ggndIp ijhnfˆ ivwc "Xf myry mO lf" isMG (jo ik sMgIq jgq qy "jy ikDry mYˆ bfbf huMdf" ivwc iewk jfixaf pCfixaf vrgy gIqfˆ ny smfj ivwc rwb nfm hY) ny dy ik ajokI pIVHI dy nfm hyT cwl rhy kfrobfrfˆ dI numfieMdgI kIqI. sMgIq dI aslIaq nUM iswDy ZMg nfl jgq ivwc aijhf Èfied bynkfb kIqf. pihlI vfr hoieaf ik ipAu qy puwqr ny styj Auwqy iekwiTafˆ afpxI pyÈkfrI dy aKIr ivwc hfl hI ivwc irlIË ies sfl vI bhuq sfry kfrnfˆ krky afpxI pIVHI dIafˆ sfˆJfˆ qy pey hoey vKryvyˆ hoey gIq "awq bfpU" ny Èroiqafˆ nUM hsf XfdgfrI ho inwbiVaf. ò sqMbr òúñ÷ nUM gIqfˆ ivwc aijhy ZMg nfl proieaf ik hsf ky iZwzIˆ pIVfˆ pf idwqIafˆ qy Èoa nUM idn Èinwcrvfr nUM srI dy istI hfl Èroqy aÈ-aÈ kr AuTy. iÈKrfˆ phuMcf idwqf. aOzItorIam ivwc "awq bfpU" tfeItl hyT "awq bfpU" gIq dy vIzIAu nUM XU itAUb aqy tI[vI cYnlfˆ Auwqy vyiKaf jf skdf hY ijsnUM ik pUrI dunIafˆ ivwc Brvfˆ huMgfrf iml irhf hY.

Auprflf kIqf igaf ijs dI puÈtI Èoa ivwc phuMcy hoey nOjvfn bwcy bwcIafˆ vwloˆ Èoa dy aKIr ivwc bfpU jI qoˆ puwCy gey svflfˆ qy jvfbfˆ qoˆ huMdI hY. ies mOky qy phuMcIafˆ sKÈIaqfˆ ivwc swK DflIvfl (mYˆbr pfrlImYˆt), suwK pMDyr, qyijMdr isMG sYxI, mIrf igwl, aYˆzI iswDU, hrpRIq isMG, ajmyr rozy (AuwGy lyKk) afid Aucycy qOr qy phuMcy.

pRogRfm dy aMq ivwc nfd PfAUˆzyÈn vwloˆ pRogrfm ivwc gfey gIqfˆ dy amrjIq isMG aqy ggndIp isMG ny ivwc mwK rUp ivwc nvIˆ pIVHI phuMcy hoey sfry pqvMqy swjxfˆ, dosqfˆ nU M pu r fxI pIVH I qy ivrsy imwqrfˆ, pirvfrfˆ aqy pRbMDkfˆ df DMnvfd nfl joVn df kfbly qfrIP kIqf igaf.




AND Single


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The Patrika


Friday, September 15th, 2017








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The Patrika

Friday, September 15th, 2017



Shraddha to have a double role in 'Saaho' A quick scan at the list of films hitting Indian screens over the past few years will reveal a sudden, but evident admiration from Bollywood filmmakers for double roles. After Arjun Kapoor won hearts with the unexpected box-office hit, Mubarakan, Varun Dhawan's upcoming sequel to the 1997 comedy, Judwaa, which will see him in a double role, is also garnering attention. The latest to join this list is Shraddha Kapoor, who, we hear, will feature in a double role in Saaho, her forthcoming film alongside Prabhas. A source says, "Shraddha will be seen playing two characters; both of them are important. While one is boisterous and performs action stunts, the other is a timid person. Shraddha has also started to learn Telugu for the Telugu, Hindi and Tamil trilingual."

Emraan Hashmi steps up his fight against cancer I was fortunate that I had the best medical facilities to treat my son, but not everyone has that privilege," says Emraan Hashmi, who knows how despairing the battle against cancer can be, all too well.His son Ayaan, who was diagnosed with Wilms tumour (a rare cancer that affects kidneys) in early 2014, triumphed in his fight against the deadly disease. Hashmi, since then, has been actively involved in spreading awareness about the Big C. Having penned a book on the subject, the actor has now joined hands with the foundation, 1SmallStep, to build an emergency fund for children suffering from cancer.His son's journey was an eye-opener for Hashmi — he was

shocked on learning the statistics of those succumbing to the disease as they can't afford treatment. "Four out of 10 children from low-income families suffering from cancer leave their treatment midway in our country, due to lack of funds," he rues.Believing that every child afflicted with the disease "should get complete treatment and live a better life", Hashmi set out to build the emergency fund. The money raised will help children from lowincome families to seek treatment at government hospitals. "Our foundation, along with Rotary Club of Mumbai [Queens Necklace], will be looking into the formalities. The emergency fund will help up to 1,000 such children survive cancer. Our aim is to reduce midway abandonment rates, and ensure the child gets complete treatment.

Can't keep fretting about box office results : Kriti In a year, Kriti Sanon has seen a hit in ""Bareilly Ki Barfi" and a flop in "Raabta", but the actor says she does not get troubled by failures.While "Raabta" tanked at the box office, "Bareilly Ki Barfi", became a success and also garnered critical acclaim.In an interview , Kriti says, "Failure and success are part of the industry. It comes and goes away very easily. You can never be at a position to say 'I've reached and now I can't fail'. It's more important to do things for the right reason."You have to do your job well. You can't keep fretting 'what if it doesn't work at the box office' because it isn't in our hands."The actor made her debut with "Heropanti" in 2014 and has so far worked in three Bollywood films.Kriti, , who holds a B Tech degree, says it was her education

which gave her the confidence to try "different" things in her career."When I came to Mumbai, I had a sense of security. I wasn't desperate, I was passionate. There is a very thin line between both. I knew I had something to fall back on. We say you shouldn't have a Plan B because then you're not focused on Plan A but the Plan B gives you a sense of security."When you're passionate about something, you'd never go to the other plan. It makes you feel secured, that your life doesn't end here. My educational degree gave me that security and made me confident," she says.

I'm a bit conscious about launching my son Karan : Sunny Actor Sunny Deol says he realises that launching his son Karan Deol is a "huge task" and he is fully aware of the responsibility.Sunny, 60, has begun work on his next directorial venture "Pal Pal Dil Ke Paas", which marks Karan's debut in Bollywood."My father did not direct me. It is a huge task since it is Karan's first film, I want to give my best to it. I am a bit conscious as I am launching him," he said.The "Singh Saab the Great" actor believes in letting his son discover things as an actor on his own. "I don't give him

any advice. He has to be honest to his profession and craft of acting, work hard and enjoy what he does," he says.When asked about star kids being subjected to excessive scrutiny, Sunny says the upcoming actor will deal with it when it is time."He (Karan) will tackle it when the time comes. Let him have some breathing space. It is too early to talk about him," "We are working around the film and the work is going on well. We have not thought about the release date yet," the actor says.

Farah slams Kangana Can't play woman's card every time Without taking any names, choreographerturned-director Farah Khan today reacted to the Hrithik Roshan - Kangana Ranaut controversy, saying the "Queen" actor is playing a woman card. Farah said for her feminism meant equality and if a man would have made statements like Kangana he would have faced the wrath of the society.When asked about her views on Kangana's recent interview, Farah said in a media interaction, "I don't want to take anyone's name, I don't want to get caught in between. But every time you are playing a woman's card. For me feminism is equality."In such a scenario a man should put himself in a woman's shoes and vice versa and then it becomes easy to understand each other. One should deal with such matters carefully."The "Happy New Year" director said both men and women should receive same treatment and judgement should not be made on the basis of gender."Just imagine if a man had said something like a woman, what would have happened. If a man had sent a picture or said anything like this, that man's life would have become hell or he might have been taken to the jail. If such things are not acceptable for a man, why it should be for woman?" she added.In a recent appearance on TV talk show "Aap Ki Adalat", Kangana had said that Hrithik should apologise to her publicly for causing her trauma after their alleged relationship ended.The actor also said her recent comment on her "Krrish 3" co-star was not a "promotional" gimmick, and she would continue to talk about him and their public feud whenever she is asked about it.


The Patrika


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Friday, September 15th, 2017

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Friday, September 15th, 2017

The Patrika


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

M.J. SIDHU LABOUR CONTRACTORS LTD. M.J. Sidhu Labour Contractors Ltd. nMU Pfrm, nrsrI, aqy grIn hfAUs leI vrkrF dI qurMq loV hY

iml vfsqy vrkrF dI qurMq loV hY

Pfrm vrkrF dI loV hY iksy vI iksm df jMk mUv krvfAux leI aqy ryh zilvr krvfAux leI sMprk kro Residen al & Commercial Junk Removal


nvyN jF purfxy GrF ivwc tfeIlF lgvfAux leI hmysLf Xfd rwKo Tile Installa on


Pfrm ivwc kMm krn vfilaF aqy iml leI vrkrF dI loV hY. hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro.

ALL DAY SERVICE muPq aYstImyt lYx leI ibwkr isMG isWDU nfl sMprk kro: Call Bikkar Sidhu for free es mate: 604-308-0266

For various farms,nurseries.processing plants etc. in the Fraser Valley. Applicants will have a choice of their individual job likings. Wages will be discussed upon interview. Work will be year round. For more informa on call


Shah:- 778 808 5437

jflIaF aqy blfeINzjL 50% to 80% OFF

PryjLr vYlI ivwc vWKry vwKry PfrmF aqy nrsrIaF leI kfimaF dI loV hY. kfimaF nMU afpxy psMdIdfr kMm krn df mOkf idwqf jfvygf. qnKLfh ieMtrvIE vyly dwsI jfvygI. pUry sfl Br df kMm hovygf. hor jfxkfrI leI sMprk kro:


sLfh- 778-808-5437

Starting from


(Reg. 1.99/sqft)

Tiles Starting from


(Reg. 2.99/sqft)

#1 - 2754 Garden Street, Abbotsford BC V2T 3R5 (across from Canadian Tire) Ramesh Chawla

604.832.1840 778.551.4744 PAGE 45

The Patrika



Friday, September 15th, 2017


Employment zrfeIvr dI loV aYbtsPorz dI trWikMg kMpnI nUM bI[ sI[ - kYlgrI, ipMn qoN ipMn cWlx leI klfs 1, sLrfb aqy nisLaF qoN rihq zrfeIvr dI qurMq loV hY | $6500 / mhInf dI grMtI, qnKLfh hr do hPqy bfad idWqI jfvygI | 3 sfl df qjLrbf aqy klIn aYbstRkt hovy | loz leI no-vyitMg | sMprk kro : (604)751-1500 PYks rYsmy : (604)744-9200

zrfievr aqy Enr aprytrF dI loV aY b tsPo r z dI kM p nI nU M bI[sI[ - albrtf cw l x leI 2 sflF dy qjLrby vflLy kMpnI zrfievrF aqy Enr aprytrF dI loV hY| vDIaf ryt aqy hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-908-4422 Driver Wanted Class 1 Driver needed for local work, Must be able to cross the border, Clean Driver Abstract, 2 years experience of driving B-Train, Good Wages, Contact: 604-832-3374

kwimAwN dI loV AvInw mSrUm kMpnI nMU pYikMg leI vrkrW dI qurMq loV hY[ kMm GMitAW dw hY, qnKwh hr 15 idn bwAd[ 40+ GMty pRqI hPqy[ $12.00 – $12.40 / GMty[ Awpxw rYYzmy PYks kro 604-856-9853 jW Awky AplweI kro th

28265 58 Avenue, Abbotsford hor jwxkrI leI Pon kro : 604-856-9833 jW 778-323-7727

kfimaF dI loV aYbtsPorz dI lokl zrfeIvfl kMpnI nUM kfimaF dI qurMq loV hY| nvyN kfimaF nUM $14 pRqI GMtf aqy qjLrbykfr nUM qjLrby anusfr | aYbtsPorz aqy aYlzrgRov qoN rfeIz df pRbMD hY| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-5526269

sfnMU byrI prUinMg aqy grInhfAUs ivwc kMm krn leI kfimaF dI loV hY. cMgI qnKfh aqy vDIaf mfhOl. rfeIz df pUrf pRbMD hovygf. Avtar Rai: 778-345-9595 Neil: 250-328-2626


asIN ipCly 20 sflF qoN BfeIcfry dI syvf krdy af rhy hF. 50 sYNt nMU kursIaF (ijMnIaF mrjLI) 5 zflr nMU tybl (ijMny mrjLI) (stor qoN lY ky jfxf aqy Cwz ky jfxf quhfzI ijMLmyvfrI hovygI)

20 x 20 df tYNt isrPL $150 df hfeI pIk tYNt, tybl aqy kursIaF, sfAUNz isstm, zFs PLlor, kuikMg leI pqIly, gYs stov, hItr, lfeItF, eyrIaf rgjL, Qrms, PUz vfrmrjL, bfrbIikAU aqy qMdUr aqy hr iksm df zYkorysLn df smfn jfgo df smfn qswlIbKsL syvfvF iek vfr syvf df mOkf jLrUr idAu asIN zYkorysLn vI krdy hF! zYkorysLn df smfn XU. aYsU. eyU. aqy ieMzIaf qoN ilaFdf igaf hY. WE ALSO DO DECORATIONS FOR ALL EVENTS! hor jfxkfrI leI awj hI PoLn kro:


778.552.3395, 778.552.3396

The Patrika

Friday, September 15th, 2017


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

Specialized In New & Renovation of Older Homes

High Quality Services at Very Reasonable Prices hr pRkfr dIaF tfielF iPks krvfAux leI sMprk kro

& & $& '')& + ' " +RW :DWHU :DVK ¡Hot Water Wash ¡House Wash

¡ grm pfxI nflL DoNdy hF ¡ Gr Doxy ¡ trwk Doxy ¡ zrfeIvya ¡ gtr sfP krny ¡ iKVkIaF sfP krnIaF afid

+RXVH :DVK 7UXFN :DVK ¡Drive Way 'ULYH :D\ *XWWHU &OHDQ ¡Gutter Clean &much more! :LQGRZ &OHDQ 0XFK 0RUH ¡Truck Wash

& Framing Ltd. J&J Fresh Look JJ Home Builders • • • •

Framing for two & three-story houses We have an excellent framing record Our framing is passed on the very first inspection We provide home warranties

EsINĂŠs`ryĂŠloErĂŠmynlYNfĂŠEqyĂŠPryzrĂŠvYlIĂŠivcĂŠdoĂŠEqyĂŠiqMnĂŠstorIĂŠ Gr~ĂŠdIĂŠPryimMgĂŠkrdyĂŠh~ s`fyĂŠkIqyĂŠhoeyĂŠkMmĂŠ(PryimMg)ĂŠd`ĂŠirk`rfĂŠs`&ĂŠsuQr`ĂŠhYĂŠEqyĂŠ hmyS`ĂŠpihlIĂŠv`rĂŠp`sĂŠhoieE`ĂŠhY|ĂŠ

iksy vI qrHF rYnovysLn krvfAux leI sMprk kro


Workers Wanted

kfimaF dI loV hY

Jarnail Maan


We build custom homes We provide 10 years home warranty tfAUn hfAUs, nvyN Gr grMtIsLudf kuafltI vrk & Pfst srivs rYjLIzYNsLIal aqy kmrsLIal • Fax 604-850-9308

Spl: We Do Cabinet Installation for New or Old Houses All Kinds of Renovations hux hfier kr rhy hn vyj: $15-24 bynIiPt nflL hn rfeIz vI idqI jfvy gI Now Hiring Wage: $15-24 Benefits & Tansportaiton Included

· New or Re-roofing · Cedar Shakes · Duroids · Gutter Cleaning · Torch- On · All Roof Repairs

Basement Washroom Kitchen Painting Plumbing

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For all your roofing needs call Parminder:

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HARDEEP BIRDI: 778-823-0765

Crown, Baseboard Door, Fireplace


The Patrika


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

Friday, September 15th, 2017


RENOVATION & SECURITY CAMERAS All kinds of Renvations *Basement *Washroom *Electrical *Kitchen *Painting *Plumbing *Drywall *Framing *Siding *Fencing *Tile Laminate *Finishing *Stone *Blinds *Window Screen *Deck Cover *Sundeck Railing *Pation Cover *sundeck Vinyl Paper & Much More... hr qrF dI rYnovysLn aqy sikErtI kYmry lfAux leI sFnMU Pon kro

Gurpreet Sidhu: 778-552-6439 Jatinder Sekhon:604-679-4000 Email:

BC NDP budget update brings relief for working families Victoria – Working families will see some relief and new opportunities based on the priorities set by the new NDP government’s budget update, says the BC Federation of Labour. “Finally we see a government ready to invest in vital public services,â€? said BCFED President Irene Lanzinger. “After 16 years of underfunding and neglect, this budget takes the first steps to address the affordability crisis and support working families.â€? “It’s a big job to fix the mess created by the BC Liberals, and this budget is a good start.â€? Lanzinger said she is pleased that the NDP government is following through with budget update funding for key election commitments, including: • almost $500 million for a $100 per month increase in social assistance rates; • funding to restore free Adult Basic Education and English as an Additional Language training to help British Columbians develop job skills; • increasing taxes for high income earners and corporations; and • maintaining the previous government’s undertaking to help the resource sector maintain jobs by phasing out the PST on electricity. Part of the BCFED’s ongoing Fight for $15 minimum wage campaign


is the call for a poverty reduction strategy. And Lanzinger says she’s pleased to see a number of spending commitments that underpin a poverty reduction plan reflected in the budget. “In a province as wealthy as BC, our poverty levels are unacceptable. We’ve been calling on government for years to establish a poverty reduction plan. Many of the initiatives proposed today by the new government—including the Fair Wages Commission—will help advance this important work,� said Lanzinger. On the employment front, Lanzinger says a three-year commitment of $15 billion in capital funding to build schools, health facilities, housing and transit will create good-paying construction jobs and build much needed infrastructure. “There are many areas that need attention if the government is really going to support working families, but this budget update is a step in the right direction to address affordability, create jobs and build an economy that works for everyone,� said Lanzinger.

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604-832-1675 604-850-8624

Friday, September 15th, 2017

The Patrika


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

Driving Business Success with the V2MOM: Start with a Vision


etting your entire company in sync is not an easy task. No matter the size of your organization, it’s certainly a challenge to make sure every team member is on the same page, effectively working towards the same goals.

Think of steering the direction of your company much like having a boat full of people and each person holding an oar. When you shout “Row!�, what happens? Will those people know where you want them to go and how they’re going to get there? Or will they each paddle aimlessly in their own direction? To run your organization well, whether you are a small local business or a massive global enterprise, you’ll need your entire team working together towards that common goal. The V2MOM (pronounced vee-two-mom) is the most effective method we’ve found that propels companies to success. And who doesn’t want that! Over the next few weeks, we’ll walk through the V2MOM charter, what each letter stands for, and why we use it at Ascension to keep our team on track with our company’s mission and to keep individual team members accountable for their own success. Vision — What’s your goal?

ANAND Irrigation Well Pump Installation and Service

5390 Gladwin Road Abbotsford BC HARRIS RD





HWY 11



HWY 11



asIN sYpitk tYNk lfAuNdy hF We install septic tanks

Anand Irrigation


When you know your goal, you’ll be able to look to your vision when you run into obstacles to inspire you to continue to do good work, and to learn where you can do better in the future.


Say you run a welding company. Your work is putting together trailer beds, metal work frames, and other necessary tools for trade, construction and transportation. However dull that seems, you can tailor your vision statement to communicate that you want “to help people build better tools and structures to ensure safety in our community�. See the main points there? You’re building something of value that ensures your community knows they are safe. Creativity, Value, Safety, Trust...these are your values. (More on that next week.) Your overall vision is to build a safer community.


Creating the overall vision for your company is the first and most important step. If your team doesn’t have a north star to guide them, then how will they know when they’ve fallen off track? People feel empowered to work more effectively and passionately when they understand why they’re doing the work they do and where their company is needed most.

Establishing a vision marks the ideation stage of your V2MOM plan. You strip away all the noise and focus on the reason your company exists. “But my company isn’t innovative�, you protest. Nonsense! Let’s show you an example of how you can take the work you do and transform it into an elegant vision for the future.

• Irrigation Installation

ierIgySn ienst`lySn

• Post Pounding

post l`auxy

• Drip and Sprinkler Systems

fir@p Eqy spirMklr

• Ditch Digging and Cleaning

if@c putxIE~ Eqy s`P krnIE~

• Farm Drains

Kyq~ iv@c fryn p`auxy

Workers Wanted: Welder & General helper good wages, must speak English, knowledge of Punjabi will be an asset We Specialize in Blueberry Draining Systems

Call Tarsem Singh at 604-897-2152 or 604-852-0552 PAGE 49


The Patrika 

3 tips to help your child deal with cyberbullying (NC) Did you know that 20 per cent of Canadian teens have experienced cyberbullying directly, while many more have witnessed it? While your children may never become cyberbullies or victims, they will most likely witness this type of behaviour and remaining silent or joining in can make matters worse. These tips can help guide their actions in these situations. 1. Use the right lingo. Most teens don't use the word “cyberbullying.” Instead, kids tend to dismiss this type of behaviour as “drama.” So, start there — ask if they see online drama between their friends and peers. Then you can have a broader conversation about social media conduct, dos and don'ts, and so on. 2. Recognize the personal nature of the online world. Being behind screens creates a great divide between bully and victim, and bystanders can fall prey to this, too. “For witnesses, the volume of noise on the internet or while playing video games can be overwhelming and they can simply

tune it out,” explains Nimmi Kanji, director of Telus Wise Internet and Smartphone Education. “In order to recognize bullying and do their part to mitigate it, remind your children that online words make an offline impact. These are real people and they deserve respect.” 3. Take a break. By age 16, one in three kids say they regret at least one thing they've said online. “Witnesses can easily become participants and can quickly escalate a situation,” notes Kanji. “To help your children avoid making poor decisions, encourage them to step back before contributing. Start by taking five seconds before engaging; it can make a world of difference.”

Friday, September 15th, 2017








$79 99*

*Conditions apply. See store for details.


VISIT OUR NEW LOCATION FOR A CHANCE TO WIN GREAT PRIZES OFFER ONLY AVAILABLE SEPTEMBER 15TH TO SEPTEMBER 17TH AT: Sevenoaks Shopping Centre Unit # 301, 32900 S Fraser Way, Abbotsford, BC604-758-0090 *Conditions apply. See store for details. **Valid at participating location(s) above and subject to change without notice. Only applicable to new data plan activations with the sign-up of pre-authorized payments with auto-pay. Taxes are extra. In-store credit cannot be applied to top-ups, bill payments or redeemed for cash and has no cash value. TM Trademarks used under license. © 2017.


Friday, September 15th, 2017

The Patrika 


Toyota Canada offers: • Up to $3,500 in Toyota Factory cash savings! • Finance or Lease from 0.0% oac! • 15,000 Aeroplan points for purchase! PLUS Additional BONUS offers from Sunrise Toyota: On remaining in-stock 2017 Camry models only • Up to $2,000 additional savings for cash or finance! • Additional 20,000 Bonus Aeroplan points DL# 5736


The Patrika


Friday, September 15th, 2017



Car proof report changes on us

Instant on-site approval

MSA Ford 152-point inspection

Guaranteed lowest dealer centre APR rates in BC

No payments for 6 months available

2003 HUMMER H2




4x4, Leather, Sunroof, DVD Screens, Low Mileage

Automatic, Air Conditioning, Power Windows/ Locks/ Mirrors, Keyless Entry

AWD, Remote Start, Bluetooth, Back-Up Camera and Sensors

Auto, Super Cab, Only 78,222Kms.












AWD, Cloth Seats, Heated Front Seats, Bluetooth, Back-Up Camera and Sensors

Automatic, 4x4, Navigation, ed, Custom Wheels & Tires

Convertible, Leather, Manual Transmission, 3.2L, Low Mileage




2011 CADILLAC ESCALADE EXT Only 49,601kms! 22” Wheels, Navigation, Sunroof, DVD, Full Load PTB72226













2004 HUMMER H2



AWD, Navigation, Sunroof, Power Heated Leather Seats, Rear Camera and Sensors

4x4, Leather, Sunroof, Heated Seats, Low Mileage

AWD, Fog Lamps, Back-Up Camera

5.0L, Leather, Navigation, Back-Up Camera, Automatic














AWD, Leather, Navigation, Sunroof, Back-Up Camera and Sensors

Navigation, Sunroof, Leather, Rear Camera, Bluetooth






Only $43,088kms! Automatic, A/C, Back-Up Sensors, New Tires

2.0L EcoBoost, Automatic, Bluetooth PTE39395










AWS, 2.7L V6, Leather, Navigation, Sunroof, Back-Up Camera

Manual Transmission, Low Mileage



4x4, Automatic, 4.0L, BackUp Camera, Local Vehicle

AWD, Sunroof, Rear DVD, Bluetooth, 7 Passenger
















Friday, September 15th, 2017




Friday, September 15th, 2017

Sukh Malhi 604.832.6034 Office 604.855.0800 iksy vI qrHF dI pRfprtI KRIdx jF vycx leI suwK mwlI nflL sMprk kro NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW LISTING 3330 Epson Court 2411 Rideau Street 34062 Mccrimmon Drive 14603 67A Ave - Surrey

$1,079,000 DESIRED LOCATION IN EAST NEWTON AREA!!Welcome to this stunning 2 story with basement house in East Newton.This beautiful, well maintained 3 storey home with 8 bedrooms and 6 full bathrooms has double door entry features high ceiling large living and dining area. Generous size kitchen & family room. One Bedroom on the main floor with full bath along with laundry room. The upper floor features 02 Master bedrooms with Ensuite and 02 bedrooms with a bathroom, perfect for a growing family.Close to all major amenities. The 2 Bed Legal Suite + 1 Bed basements suite (unauthorized) have separate

33277 Swansea Ave

$499,900 SUPER COOL PROJECT HOUSE - Charming rancher on a quiet street with plenty of privacy. This open plan home has lots of great features and much potential. Vaulted ceilings, large ensuite, large pantry, sunroom and a work shop. Good home for new couple or retirees. Call Now For All your Real Estate Needs! 13 3070 Townline Rd

SOLD $689,900 All you have to do is move in, nothing to do here. This well maintained home situtated on a corner lot is located on quiet cul-de-sac, close to freeway access. New entertaining and BBQ sundeck is over looking HUGE backyard, storage shed, greenhouse. Neighbours are awesome. Some new appliances. New hot water tank. New water line from City to house. Laminate and tile throughout the home. Carport could be built-in if needed. Perfect for the first time buyers or the investor, book your showing today. Walk to all level's of schools, hospital and Mill lake. Shopping and University close by..



3628 Heritage Drive



30849 Cardinal Ave

SOLD 32152 Dormick Ave

SOLD 30567 Northridge Way

East Abbotsford. Three bedroom rancher at the end of a cul-de-sac just waiting for your interior updating ideas. Well maintained over the years with new roof, vinyl windows, and fresh exterior paint. 2693 Caboose Pl









2317 Mouldstade Rd





16,000 sq ft lot!! Prime location 1 block from Mill Lake Park. Official Community Plan designates Urban 3 Infill! Explore your various subdivision options!! Executive rancher with basement in original condition. 4 bdrm, 3 baths, 3 wood burning fireplaces, wet bar down. Roof approx. 5 years old. Fabulous neighbourhood - steps to malls, Mill Lake, schools, hospital and freeway access. 2287 OTTER ST.







Contact me for subdivideable properties 30849 CARDINAL AVE.





Friday, September 15th, 2017


Little Oak Realty Independently Owned and Operated

โ Top 1% Real Estate Team of Year 2015.. Award Winning" ย ย Davinder Brar-PREC Harpreet Mann-PREC CALL FOR A FREE MARKET 604.302.2222 604.832.8485 EVALUATION NEW LISTING


31362 McConachie PL 34080 Higginson Cr 4 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom, legal bsmt suite, near Fruiticana NEW LISTING


3752 Harwood Cr

4 - 3270 Bluejay St

3 Bedroom on main floor with 2 Bedroom basement suite

6 Bedroom and 3 Bathroom, bsmt suite, near UFV NEW LISTING


2 Storey Townhome with 3 Bedrooms, 4 bathrooms. CUSTOM BUILT


30 -31255 Upper Maclure RD

2421 Cresent Way Renovate it or demolish to build dream home

32773 Cowichan Terrace 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms 10680 Sqft lot Near Stadium

31032 Westridge Pl 2224 Broadway St 33341 Whidden Ave Master suite features 6 Bedrooms, 4 3 Bedroom, 2


4 pc ensuite with his

with a beautiful house in Aldergrove

32635 Rossland Pl Great rental property


2 3070 Townline Road

4 bedrooms. 4 bathrooms Very Well desired area of Blue Jay Hills complex

30 Acres Blueberry Farm 2098 Beaver Street 6 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms with 7070 sqft lot size


32054 Scott PL 3 Bedroom home, near schools and shopping center

RENTAL PROPERTY 10 ACRES BIG FOR SALE HOUSE & SHOP NEAR UFV 3 story, 6 bdrm, 6 bath, bsmt suite, recroom, media room, wet bar, 4 bdrms up, big driveway, near University.

Condo Building in Good Condition 6% Return of Investment

103 - 2962 Trethewey

31098 Deertrail Road

Spacious and bright, 2 bedroom, 2 full bath. New floor, new

Great Family Home in desirable area of West

Abbotsford Blueberry (mix) Matsqui Area Shop Rented

3 - 3070 Townline Road 4 bedrooms,

3 bathrooms Near Shopping Mall

เจธเจพเจกเฉ เจ เฉ เจคเฉ เจนเจพเจกเฉ เจช เฉ เจชเจฐเจ เฉ เจฒเจ เจ เฉ เจ เจฒเฉ เจซเจพเจ เจก เจ เฉ เจฆเจฆเจพเจฐ เจนเจจเฅค เจนเฉ เจฃเฉ เฉ เฉ เจจ เจ เจฐเฉ เจ เฉ เฅค CALL US TO GET FORECLOSURE/BANK SALE PROPERTIES LIST PAGE R3


Friday, September 15th, 2017 MLS TOP 10%

Jag S Sidhu

Personal Real Estate Corporation

#110 - 30485 Cardinal Ave Abbotsford, BC V2T0E5

Listing Needed Call Jag

Phone: 604.625.2245 Fax: 604.625.2249 Toll Free: 1.866.967.0666

Call Gurcharan or Jag for your FREE no obligation Market Evaluation

NEW LISTING!! 5 Bedroom Legal Suite & Rec room near new hospital for sale on Pandora Ave

NEW LISTING!! 3358 Nakusp Dr

#115 - 3160 Townline Rd



two bedroom one washroom condo for sale, no rental restriction

22-3030 Trethewey St

6 Bedrooms, Legal Suite near stadiumg

3 Lots in West Abbotsford ranging from 3,000 to 4000 sqft for sale

33960 Old Yale Rd


43-3030 Tretheway st

4 Bedroom w/ family room 3 Bathroom Townhouse


32076 Austin Ave

Basement entry home 3 bedroom up 1 bedroom den down. call for more info




5 Acres

Lot for sale

17+ Acres

Blueberry Farm West Abbotsford with a house. Good production Blueberry BlueCrop & Duke Variety call for more info

214500 Morris Valley Rd Off hwy 7 East Mission

256th St, Langley Great Rental Income. Call for more infoClearbrook Village,




SOLD ING! ASK R E OV 8939 Cedar St Over 1 Acre

192 - 32550 Maclure Rd



3 bedrooms, 2 bath




321028 SOUTHERN DR 2596 Parkview St


406-30515 CARDINAL AVE




Almost 10,000 sqft lot

69 - 1973 WINFIELD DR

on Center St


3052 Mouat Dr



3 bdrms, 3 baths, family room double garage

5 Bedroom House 5800 Sqft

5 bedrooms


30966 Brookdale

Friday, September 15th, 2017




Friday, September 15th, 2017

2790 2 27 279 790 A 79 Allwood lllw llw llwood wood ood oo od St SStreet treet




• 2600 sqft home • 2 Bdrm bsmt suite


• Family room • Rec room




• Legal Suite $900/mth • OCP = Urban 3 Intill • 5 Bdrm, 3 Baths • Nicely Renovated • 7000 sf Lot

3120 Blue Jay St

604 4-85 55-0 0800 604-855-0800 irbinder77@gmail.ccom

778 8 -241-7451 -2 241- 7451


Abb Ab Abbotsford, bb botssfo for orrd, ord, d, BC C V2T 3R7

• Subdividable Lot

2095 Beaver Street



1.149 mill

6230 Riverside Street

• Full Production Berries • House w/ good rental income

50000 Prairie Central Road

cres A 9 25.3

cres A 1 .


• Blueberry Farm • 2700+ SF Home

• Chilliwack • SetUp for Machine Pick

•Matsqui Area

• Duke & Blue Crop

6521 Little Street

• 8 Acres = Duke • 10 Acres = Blue Crop • 6 Acres = Liberty

• Planted in

es Acr 2 6 9.

• Build Your Dream


• Flat RectangularParcel

Home • 5min from Abbotsford Centre

es Acr 5 . 19

• LAND ONLY • Expect 225-250k production

430 Bowman Road

• New Listing • 2 Houses • Mortgage Helper

• 7 Acres Duke • 2 Acres Blue Crop

Exclusive Listing

cres 10 A

• Build Your Dream • New Listing Home • Sumas Prairie • Duke & Elliot Variety • Drip Irreg

565 Marion Road

1723 Jackson Street........................................$1,875,000 28028 Layman Avenue ................................. $1,400,000 6113 Beharrell Road ...................................... $1,374,900 7.09 Acres Lot B Haverman ......................... $1,298,900


34631 First Avenue

33860 Hollister Place .........................................$629,900 27181 28B Avenue .............................................$595,000 2994 Eastview Street .........................................$680,000 33727 1st Avenue ...............................................$251,000

cres A 0 1


• Build your dream home • 20x30 Horse Barn • Price reduced to • 5 Bdrms, 2 Baths

• 1 Bath • Near Sumas Border • 2 Titles

es Acr 0 4 ox ppr

es Acr 1 2 4.

• Sub Division Potiential • 3 Bdrm House

34118 Larch St

2477 Lilac Cr .........................................................$599,900 2411 Adelaide St .................................................$925,000 1639 King Cres ................................................. $1,000,000 2477 Lilac Crescent ............................................$624,000





• House & Acerage • Abby/Mission Hwy • Easy to show

• Property has pool & hot tub • 4 acres is leased for Hay

5111 Tolmie Road ........................................... $1,149,900 4627 Dixon Raod ........................................... $2,399,000 5307 Boundary Road.........................................$874,700 39963 North Parallel Road .......................... $1,850,000


Friday, September 15th, 2017

Davesher Harmesh Davesher Rupinder Personal Real Estate Corporation Realtor



FREE Market Evaluation Specializing in Farms - Farm land - Building lots & homes




31118 Deertrail Ave, Abbotsford

3473 Hill Park Place, Abbotsford

3501 Hill Park Place, Abbotsford




OPEN HOUSE Sat / Sun 12:00 - 2:00 5,813 SF Lot / Abbotsford

OPEN HOUSE Sat / Sun 2:00 - 4:00 3965 SF Home/West Abby

OPEN HOUSE Sat / Sun 2:00 - 4:00 3887 SF Home/West Abby

2635 Railcar Crescent, Abbotsford


Real Estate Office

in the Entire Fraser Valley For 16 Years

(Production per Sales Person)


Off: 604.826.9000 T.F.: 1.888.826.1177 #103-33070 5th Ave Mission, B.C. V2V 1V5

31150 Firhill Drive, Abbotsford





Call Harmesh 604-897-4521


5,813 SF LOT W/3,881 SF home. Main has liv rm, din rm, kitchen, work kitchen, nook, fam rm & den. Upstairs has 3 bdrms. Bsmnt has 2 bdrms, kitch & liv room. Don’t miss out on this home!!



27665 Railcar Crescent, Abbotsford

Station Road Area/Abby!

2 bdrm legal suite/Abby!

3861 sq ft home on 5813 sq ft south facing lot. 8 bdrms, 6 baths, 2 gas f/p, 2 kitchens on main & 1 kitchen in bsmnt. 2 laundries. Upgraded LED lights and spanish crystal chandelier!!

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


2074 Dolphin Crescent, Abbotsford

6 Bdrm Home/West Abby!

Close to Abbotsford Hospital!

Beautiful 3745 sq ft 2 storey home w/ fully finished bsmnt. 6 large bdrms, 5 full washrooms. Close to all levels of schools, High St. Mall, churches & highway #1. High ceilings, open floor plan.


32660 Esquimalt Terrace, Abbotsford


2 bdrm Legal Suite, Abby 3 bdrm home with open living room, kitchen and den, double garage. Near the shopping mall, rec centre and rotary stadium.

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831

2552 Caboose Place, Abbotsford


31182 Firhill Drive, Abbotsford


Call Rupinder 604-832-2831

2 storey w/fullly finished basement. 8 bedrooms, 6 full baths. Close to all level of schools, High St. Mall, churches & hiway #1. High ceilings, granite countertops, open floor plan. Patio & Sundeck.


Near High St. Mall/Abby

2 storey w/fullly finished basement. 8 bedrooms, 6 full baths. Close to all level of schools, High St. Mall, churches & hi-way #1. High ceilings, granite countertops, open floor plan. Patio & Sundeck.

6,368 sq ft lot, 4,328 sq ft home. Main has liv rm, din rm, kitchen, nook, family rm and den. Upper has 4 bdrms and laundry!! Basement has liv rm, kitchen, 3 bdrms!! Don’t miss out on this amazing home!!

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


2582 Caboose Place, Abbotsford



31291 Wagner Place, Abbotsford




Call Harmesh 604-897-4521

2,342 sq ft basement entry style home. Main fl has living rm, dining rm, kitchen, family rm & 3 bdrms!! Basement has 2 bdrms, living rm and rec room. Great location!!



Quiet neighbourhood, great location. 3 bedrooms up and 1 bedroom down. Open floor plan. Private backyard. Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


27964 Ledunne Avenue, Abbotsford


Area of new Homes/Abby

Beautiful home on 2150 sq ft lot. 3 bdrm home, 2 full baths. Open living rm, huge dining rm. Close to High Street Mall, U.S. Border, easy access to Hwy #1. New floors, plumbing, paint & lots more. Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


4,000 sq ft home. Main has kitchen & spice kitchen, liv rm, din rm & family rm. Upstairs has 4 bdrms & 3 baths. 2 bdrm legal suite and separate media rm & bar for owner use down!! Great location!

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


3178 Engineer Crescent, Abbotsford


Abbotsford West

Basement entry, custom built home in new subdivision. Open floor plan, family rm & huge kitchen, 2 full washrms on main & 2 full washrms in basement. Close to shopping & easy access to HWY #1.

Call Harmesh 604-897-4521


27928 Conductor Drive, Abbotsford


New Home in Abbotsford!!

2 storey home with detached garage, 3 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms. Great neighbourhood, easy access to shops, U.S. border and Hi-way #1 Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


Prime Location, Abby

4 bdrms/West Abby!

3971 sq ft home!! Lot size 5813 sq ft. Near Hiway #1 & Fraser Hiway & shopping centers. Main has kitch, spice kitch, living rm & family rm. Up has 3 spacious bdrms. Finished basement w/rec rm, theatre rm.

4,500 sq ft home. Main has open kitchen, spice kitchen, den, family rm & liv rm. Bsmnt has 4 bdrms. Walking distance from rec center and schools!! Close to hi-way #1 & High Street Mall.

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831

Call Harmesh 604-897-4521


8835 Wooler Terrace, Mission


32095 Rogers Avenue, Abbotsford


Fairfield area Abbotsford!

2 bdrm legal suite/Mission 3,426 sq ft home on 6,170 sq ft lot. Main features kitchen, familly rm, living rm, dining rm & 3 bdrms. Below has rec rm, ikitchen, living rm, laundry & 3 bdrms. Don’t miss out on this home.

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


#37 - #50 - #52 - #71 20118 Beacon Road, Hope





4 New Homes Under Construction in Hope Don’t miss out, 2 bdrm & laundry Lots of natural light w/big back yard. Gated Community. Strata Fees only $25.00/m

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831

$365,000 each


Walking distance to Rotary Stadium. All levels of school. Legal suite. Quiet, desirable area. Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


Building / Development MISSION 10 Acre Building Site! 10394 Stave Lake Privacy among the hills. Large level building site. Septic and well in place. Build your dream home. (Owner can build for you!!) 10 minutes drive from West Coast Express. $599,000



4 building lots. Beautiful Hatzic Ridge Estates 34854 Ferndale Ave, Mission Gated quality controlled sub-division. Bring your fussiest buyers. The “Eagle Mountain” of Mission. $549,000 each

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831




Friday, September 15th, 2017

Friday, September 15th, 2017




Friday, September 15th, 2017

10 UPPER MACLURE SINGLE FAMILY LOTS PRE-SALE ON NOW Premium location near all amenities. West Abbotsford development with unmatched views. Now Accepting Offers. RS5 and RS5A Zoning. Don’t miss out on this one of a kind opportunity - no other lots in Abbotsford with this type of central and private location.



Friday, September 15th, 2017

pRfprtI vycxf jF KRIdxF quhfzI ijLMdgI df iewk aihm PYslf hY. BrosyXog rIal iestyt syvfvF aqy muPq mfrikt eIvYlUeysLn leI mYNnMU awj hI kfl kro. s


6547 130A STREET

$ 890,000



2 houses with big lots in the heart of abbotsford right across from Matsqui Rec Centre. currently 6BRs & 3WRs with separate entry for the basement Call me to buy.



Investors or first �me buyers alert!!! 4 bedrooms, one and a half washrooms with partly finished basement on a huge




Friday, September 15th, 2017

Home appliance trends report (NC) Appliances have not seen a significant design update in decades. However, with the recent explosion of styles, finishes and innovation, homeowners now have more options than ever. While you are dreaming about your next renovation, get inspired by the latest appliance trends from The Home Depot Canada. Seamless design. Homeowners want clean lines and integrated appliances in their kitchen spaces. While many brands offer slide-in ranges, consider diverging from traditional models and instead purchase a built-in wall oven with a separate cooktop. This allows for flexible layouts, especially in tight spaces. Contemporary finishes. Coordinate your kitchen colour palettes with a new range of finishes such as slate and matte black stainless steel, which are often equipped with fingerprintresistance. For the more design-

Rupinder AZAD& Associates 604-825-4321

forward individuals, copper and bronze veneers will complement the warm metals in your home Restaurant grade. Pioneered in fine dining and perfected for the home, professional-grade appliances are now available to aspiring chefs. The induction cooktop is a perfect example; it heats up using an electromagnetic field instead of radiant heat. This means precision and control so you can cook like a pro. High fashion. Ever wish you could get your clothes as crisp as when you first bought them from the store? Revolutionize the way you care for your garments in the comfort of your home by installing your own steam clothing care system. Without using harsh chemicals, the LG Styler clothing steamer is a chic, built-in unit that is easily integrated into any standard closet. Simply plug in, fill the water tank, and it’s ready for use.

koeI vI Gr, pRfprtI jF ibjins KRIdxf jF vycxf hovy qF ieh iewk bhuq hI smJdfrI vflf PYslf huMdf hY. aijhy mOky leI asIN quhfzI mwdd leI hfjLr hF. iewk vfrI jLrUr imlo jF Pon kro! WANT TO SELL YOUR HOME? FOR NO OBLIGATION, FREE MARKET EVALUATION OF YOUR PROPERTY, CALL ME TODAY!! NEED LISTINGS!! SELLER MARKET STILL HOLDING GOOD, CALL ME NOW!! HAVE QUALIFIED BUYERS WANTING TO BUY.

FOR SALE Indian Sweet Shop and Restaurant Established business. Turn Key operation! All equipment included in price. Low rent and low overhead expenses. Good cash flow business for the right minded. For further inquiry contact Rupinder Azad.

Price Reduced: $109,900

SPACE FOR LEASE Office/Retail 1540 sqft on 2 Floors (Main + Basement) In Cedar Park (Newer Complex)



SPACE FOR LEASE 3300 sqft - All on one floor with reception area infront. Back-Lane Access 4 or 5 offices, 3 bathrooms, Kitchen area, Board Room etc. A nice set up for any professional business. Downtown Abbotsford Location. For Inquiry or Viewing Call: Rupinder Azad 604-825-4321 or Email.



MOVE-IN READY! Open Saturday and Sunday from 2 pm to 4 pm. 32035 Mt. Waddington Ave. Abbotsford



4 Bed, 4 Bath Double-wide Garage


Re/Max Progroup Realty 5360 12 Avenue, Delta BC, V4M 2B3

High End Finishes Central Location

Prices Starting From $539,000

CALL: 778.880.2582

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