WEEKLY Friday, January 5th, 2018 Vol. 22, No.16
Greetings on the dsmysL ipqf sRI gurU Birthday of Sri Guru goibMd isMG jI dy pRkfsL Gobind Singh Ji purb dI afp sB nMU lwK lwK vDfeI hovy jI.
The Patrika
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
Friday, January 5th, 2018
Premier Horgan’s New Year’s Day statement Premier John Horgan has issued the following statement in recognition of New Year’s Day 2018: “The new year brings new beginnings and new opportunities. It is a chance to look back at the challenges we have faced, and to resolve ourselves to overcome obstacles in the year to come. “From addressing housing affordability to tackling the opioid crisis, and the ongoing recovery from last year’s devastating wildfires, we have no shortage of important work to do in the coming year. “On New Year’s Day we are given the opportunity to think about where we are and where we have to go. It is a day to consider the path ahead and to set our minds to meet our goals.
that benefits everyone, to make life more affordable for families and to improve the services people rely on.
“On behalf of the government of British Columbia, I wish you a safe, healthy and happy new year with many more “In 2018, we will be working hard to to come.� create a strong, sustainable economy
itAUn aWp, brykF, aYgjfst, PrMt aYWz vrk, ieMjn irpyarjL, klWc, vftr pMp, trYnI srivs, XU- jfieMtjL, PrMt aYksl sLfPtjL afid
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Sat Sharma
Friday, January 5th, 2018
The Patrika
asIN quhfzy Gr afky vI srivs idMdy hF
33222 Elz Xyl roz,aYbtsPorz, bI sI V2T 3LB imlx leI apufieMtmYNt jLrUrI hY
isrP aYbtsPorz rihx vfilaF leI puwCigwC
The Patrika
Friday, January 5th, 2018
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The Patrika
Friday, January 5th, 2018
qyrI KusLI ivwc zwbf gurUGr vMzxf, E nvyN nvyN sfl hovIN kul nUM svMzxf
iswK Drm dy pihly pfqsLfh gurU nfnk dyv jI dy jnm 1469 eI: ivwc Bfrq vfsIaF dy jIvn ivwc ainaF, luwt Gsuwt, sfV PUk vwZ tuwk, guMzfgrdI, AUc nIc, jfq pfq, gurmyl isMG brfV rozy rfjf rMk, aOrq mrd, grIb amI, Drm aDrm, vihm pKMz sInf jorI dIaF, anHyrIaF bVf cMgf huMdf duwK dUijaF df KMzxf, ijvyN koeI mMgy mMgF krI cwlIN pUrIaF, Juwl rhIaF sn. rfjy sLyr vFg aqy aihlkfr kuwiqaF vFg jnqf nUM noc rhy sn. gurU sfihb ny CotI Aumry kRFqIkfrI soc apxf ky cfr idsLfvF vl BRmx kIqf qy jnqf nUM mfr ky lkIrF sbo kwtI mjbUrIaF, E nvyN nvyN sfl hovIN kul nUM svMzxf mihsUs hoieaf ky burfeIaF dI DuMd Kqm hox lwgI hY qy lokF df iksy dIaF afsF rihx dyvIN nf aDUrIaF, idlF dIaF rIJF krIN pUrIaF qUM sfrIaF, jIvn nvIN soc nUM Dfrn lwgf hY. cfhIdf hY sfiraF df igwtf gozf mMzxf, qkrIbn 1499 qoN lY ky 1699 ieMzIaf nUM ikhVy vyly mfrIey AuzfrIaF, qwk df do sO sfl df smF Bfrq E nvyN nvyN sfl hovIN kul nUM svMzxf bVy icr dIaF krI jFny aF iqafrIaF, leI kRFqIaF Biraf smF hY. ies ivwc ds guru sihbfn ny afpo loVvMd qFeIN qF qUM dyeIN DIaF puwqF nUM, iksy dIaF KusLIaF nUM cfhIey nf krMzxf. afpxy ZMg nfl smfj suDfr leI vDIaf qoN vDIaf ilafeIN idnF suwqf nUM, sMGrsL kIqy. E nvyN nvyN sfl hovIN kul nUM svMzxf pihlI pfqsLfhI vloN grIb df CyqI CyqI Gwl dI ‘bhfrF’ dIaF ruwqF nUM, iZwz Brn leI clfeI pRQf dUjy afKrI dlIl sfnUM sBo KusL cfhIdf, pfqsLfh jI ny inXm bwD kIqI, sfrI ijMdgI qF aOKf duwKF ivwc hMzxf, qIsry gurF ies df pRsfr kIqf, sfrI dunIaF df sfnUM sfrf kusL cfhIdf, E nvyN nvyN sfl hovIN kul nUM svMzxf pMjvyN gurF gurU bfxI ihridaF qwk phuMcdI kIqI, qy nfl hI lyt hoieaF dIaF krIN CyqI CyqI sLfdIaF, pr XfrF nUM mnfAux lwgy afpF ruws jfeIdf, jLfbr qy jLulmF nUM sLFq rih ky Jwilaf, nOvyN gurF ihMdU Drm pirvrqn nUM rokidaF jLflm dy dr qy jf ky sLhIdI jfm pIqf, aqy dsmyN pfqsLfh jI ny 1699 dI ivsfKI mnfAuNidaF bYTIaF iqafr hoeIaF nfnIaF qy dfdIaF, gurmyl isMG cfhIey iksy nUM nf BMzxf, ikRsLmeI kOqk kridaF smuwcI sMgq qoN iewk isr mMg ilaf. sMsfr dy ieiqhfs ivwc ieh pihlf qy anoKf ZMg sI qy ies iemiqhfn ivwcoN dieaf rfm isr hfjr kridaF pfs hoieaf, nMgI qlvfr ilsLkI, qMbU ivwcoN Jtky dI avfj afeI qy styj qoN dUjy isr dI loV dwsI geI, lhU coNdI qlvfr hY, BY BIq mhOl hY pr Drm cMd isr lY ky hfjr KVf hY, iPr mohkm cMd qy ihMmq rfey hfjLr ho gey, jy gurU jI mMgI jFdy qF isr ipCoN isr qury afAuxy sI gurU sfihb ny sMgqF nfl moh ipafr hI ienF kIqf sI ik hr bsLr hr smyN, hr kurbfnI leI qqpr sI. AuhnF dy ipafr leI awj vI isMG sIs qlI itkfeI rKdy hn. pMjF qoN aimRq sLkf ky qy AuhnF pMjF nMU afp aimRq sLk ky kRFqI df kfPlf qor idwqf. dsm ipqf ny bhuq hI qyj gqI nfl kOqk vrqfey aqy rg rg ivwc kRFqI df vrqfrf pYdf kIqf jLflm qoN gYrqF gvfeI bYTy lokF nUM axK nfl ijAux df rfh idqf qy jnqf nUM ijMdgI cMgI cMgI lgx lwgI. vzmuwlI gwl ieh hY ky gurU ny kRFqI dy AuBfr leI kurbfnIaF kIqIaF. gurU sfihb df srbMs vfr dyxf iewk alOikk vrqfrf hY. isMGF isGxIaF ny KopVIaF lhfAuxIaF, afiraF nfl cIry jfxf, bMd bMd ktvf lYxf, crKVIaF qy quMbf quMbf ho jfxf, bwicaF dIaF lfsLF JolIaF ‘c pvfAuxIaF, puwqrF df mfs mUMh ivwc pvfAuxf aqy hor bhuq kuJ gurU jI nfl aduwqI pRym dy sfky hn. gurU jI df ikWzf ijgrf hY:-
bMdnF c bwJy mfx lYx dy ajfdIaF,
E nvyN nvyN sfl hovIN kul nUM svMzxf
“cfr mUey qo ikaf hUaf jIvq keI hjLfr” sfhby kmfl gurU jI ny sfry isMGF nUM afpxy puwqr pRvfn kIqf qy AunHF dI soc dy DfrnI isMGF qy vI bhuq mfx hY ik dunIaF ivwc ijQy ijQy vIisMG vsdy hn, EQy EQy gurU sfihb df jnm idn mnfAuNidaF AunHF dI soc dy myc df smfj isrijaf jf irhf hY. rihMdI dunIaF qwk gurU jI df asLIrvfd lYNidaF isMG AunHF dy supinaF nUM sfkfr krn leI rfq idn qury rihxgy. adfrf pMjfbI piqRkf nvyN sfl dI afmd qy dsm ipqf jI dy jnm dIaF afp sB nUM bhuq bhuq vDfeIaF idMdf hY. DMnvfd sfihq, sMpfdkI mMzl. PAGE 5
The Patrika
Province invests in communityowned clean energy projects
he Province is supporting local governments and First Nations investments in projects that will lower energy costs, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and lead to more affordable and sustainable community infrastructure.
climate targets and making life more affordable for families.”
The total funding for the projects is $620,000, with $482,000 coming from the Community Energy Leadership Program (CELP) and $138,000 coming from the Remote Community ImpleOne of the projects receiving funding mentation (RCI) Program. is a solar-powered Zamboni ice resurfacer at the Chilton Regional Arena in “The Zamboni project was first prothe Regional District of Mount Wad- posed to the arena committee as just dington. This unique project funds a conversion to replace the existing the Zamboni’s conversion from pro- 20-year-old unit,” said Andrew Hory, pane power to solar-charged/lithium- chair, Regional District of Mount Wadion-battery electric. The upgrade in dington. “However, by fundraising technology is estimated to save about with corporate and private partners and with provincial support, we were $9,000-per-year in operating costs. able to come up with this innovative Four additional communities through- machine which saves us money and out British Columbia are receiving will help bring our arena service to funding for projects. These include operational carbon neutral in 2018.” energy efficiency retrofits to community-owned facilities in the District CELP supports investments in energy of Clearwater and the Township of efficiency and clean-energy projects Langley, a run-of-river hydro project in that help communities reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, increase Wuikinuxv Nation and a solar-energy energy efficiency, stimulate economic system in Xeni Gwet’in First Nations. activity and promote partnerships that “From renewable energy projects in advance British Columbia’s growing remote First Nations communities, to clean-energy sector. energy efficiency retrofits in public Funding for CELP comes from the B.C. buildings and a solar-powered ZamInnovative Clean Energy (ICE) Fund, boni, these innovative projects will designed to support the Province’s reduce energy costs and greenhouse energy, economic, environmental and gas emissions,” said Michelle Mungreenhouse gas reduction priorities and gall, Minister of Energy, Mines and advance B.C.’s clean energy sector. Petroleum Resources. “By promoting conservation, we are also creating The RCI Program has helped B.C.’s good jobs and encouraging economic remote communities in reducing their activity that will benefit communities dependence on diesel generation by throughout the province.” funding capital costs of implementation or construction of clean energy “Our government is investing in clean systems, such as hydro, wind and solar technology, and by funding projects energy. like these, we are encouraging the development of innovative solutions Support for these projects is aligned that can make a significant impact in with the government’s commitment the fight against climate change,” said to re-invigorate the ICE Fund to boost George Heyman, Minister of Environ- investments in ground-breaking new ment and Climate Change Strategy. energy technologies, climate change “We are committed to fostering a sus- solutions and community-focused entainable, clean-growth economy that ergy projects — especially projects that puts people to work while reducing our drive development in rural, northern dependence on fossil fuels, meeting our and First Nations communities.
Friday, January 5th, 2018
Friday, January 5th, 2018
The Patrika
The Patrika
Kqry ivwc guriswK df PrjL keI sjx sfQoN puwC rhy hn ik aYsy iBafnk simaF Auqy jd iensfn df vihsLIpn KLqrnfk sLkl aKLiqafr kr jfvy aqy Brf Brf df glf ktnf, Brf Brf dy bwicaF nUM kql krnf, Brf afpxy Brf nUM luwtxf cMgf kMm smJx lg jfvy, Aus vyly guriswKF df kI PrjL hoxf cfhIdf hY? gurisK nMU kI krnf cfhIdf hY?
1 guriswK nUM afpxy akfl purK vfihgurU nUM dunIaF dIaF sB sLkqIaF qoN vwzI mhF sLkqI smJxf cfhIdf hY. iksy kOm, iksy dysL dI sLkqI vfihgurU jI pfsoN imldI hY jo afp srb sLkqImfn hY.
2 gurisK nUM ieh vI inscf hoxf cfhIdf hY ik mhfn sLkqI vfihgurU akfl purK gur iswK dy hr smyN aMg sMg hY aqy jo Aus ies svfl df jvfb, gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI swcy idloN inrmfx ho ky shfieqf cfhy, dI isiKaf dI rosLnI ivwc ivcfiraF ies vfihgurU Aus dI shfieqf krn dy Xog hY. pRkfr imldf hY— swcy qy inrmfx idloN shfieqs mMgx vfly
dy vfihgurU gux aOgux nhIN ivcfrdf, sgoN Aus dy aOguxF df iLKafl nf krdf hoieaf afpxy kdImI suBfa anusfr afpxI sLrn afey dI lfj rKdf hY. 3 ijs gurisK df ieh inscf hovy ik vfihgurU srb sLkqImfn hY aqy Aus dy aMg sMg Aus df rfKf hY, Auh gurisK Kqry vyly sdf azol rhygf. Aus df mn afm dunIaFdfrF dI qrF Kqry vyly zFvF zol, prysLfn aqy bybs nhIN hovygf. aYsf gurisK Kqry vyly Kqry dy sfhmxy Jukx dI bjfey phfV dI qrF azol rhygf, ikAuNik Aus nUM afpxy aMg sMg srbsLkqImfn vfihgurU akfl purK afpxf rfKf, sFeI aqy shfrf idsdf hY. Kqry vyly zoldf Auh pursL huMdf hYijhVf Kqry nUM vfihgurU nfloN nyVy, vfihgurU nfloN vDyry sLkqImfn smJy. Kqrf Aus afdmI leI huMdf hY ijhVf smJy ik ies Kqry dy sfhmxy qF vfihgurU vI myrI kuJ shfieqf nhIN kr skdf. aYsf smJxf hI vfihgurU nUM nf smJxf hY, aYsf smJxf vfihgurU jI qy inrI by-ivsLvfsI hY.
Friday, January 5th, 2018
rGbIr isMG ‘bIr’ Kqry df sB qoN cMgf mukfblf krn dy Xog hovygf. PrjL kro iewk gurisK dy mhwly ivwc iewk kOm ny dUsrI kOm dy GrF nUM awg lf idqI hY, Aus vyly gurisK afpxy vfihgurU nUM afpxy aMg sMg jfxdf hoieaf nf awg lfAux vflI kOm pfsoN zrygf nf awwg pfsoN hI. Auh afpxy muhwly dy dUsry afdmIaF nUM hOslf dyvygf aqy AuhnF nUM nfl lY ky awg bJfAux dI koisLsL krygf, awg nfl qbfh hoey pirvfrF nUM idlbrI qy hOslf dyvygf. duKI pIVq lokF nUM afpxy ivwq anusfr muV suKI bnfAux dI koisLsL krygf aqy asPl aqy inrfsL nhIN hovygf Aus dI qswlI aqy KusLI afpxy PLrj nUM guru gRMQ sfib jI dI isKsLf anusfr inBfAux ivwc pUrI ho jfvygI.
PrjL kro gur iswK dy afpxy Gr Auqy iksy gYr kOm dy lokF ny vloN hmlf huMdf hY. aYsy smyN gurisK nUM hmlf krn vfilaF nUM vfihgurU pfsoN vDyry sLkqImfn nhIN smJxf cfhIdf gurisK df vwzf afiqmk iemiqhfn Aus vyly huMdf hYjd Aus dy sfhmxy bdI iBafnk sLkl bxf ky Klo jfvy aqy afKy ds qyrf vfihgurU hux ikQy hY? aYsy smyN 4 vfihgurU nUM srb sLkqImfn, afpxy vfihgurU nUM afpxy aMgsMg jfnxf aqy aMgsMg, afpxf rfLKf qy shfrf smJx bdI nUM vfihgurU dy mukfbly ivwc quC qy vflf gurisK Kqry vyly azol hox dy kfrn hkIr smJxf guriswK df bdI Auqy Piqh bfkI pMnHf 25 'qy
Friday, January 5th, 2018
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, January 5th, 2018
New Year's resolutions that help others (NC) The new year is a great time to work on self-improvement. Many people do this by setting goals like going to the gym more or eating healthier. While these are great practices, resolutions that help others are ones that often get overlooked. If you are looking to have a more selfless year, check out these ideas. Reduce, reuse, recycle. If you are looking for an easy resolution that will help the world, look no further than increasing your eco-friendly practices. Bring your own bags to the grocery store, and chose glass or paper containers over plastic when you can. Try things like bringing your lunch to work in reusable Tupperware instead of plastic bags. These habits might take time to get used to, but once you do you'll forget there was ever another way. Clean out your home. Believe it or not, spring cleaning is good for you and your community. If you donate your unwanted things, you could be providing furniture, clothing, or other goods to people in need. Plus, donating used items is an eco-friendly practice, so you can knock two things off your resolutions list. Give to charity. You can contribute by donating your time or money. If you are too busy to make a regular commitment, consider setting up a monthly donation. Many organizations allow you to establish an installment plan so that the same amount of money will be charged to your account every month while keeping it easy to opt out if finances get tight. Find more information at www.beautifulworldcanada. org/donate.
The Patrika
Friday, January 5th, 2018
Get the most out of your rewards program (NC) Almost every brand now has its own unique rewards program filled with great opportunities to earn and cash in great rewards. But how can you make your points go the extra mile? Here are some tips that give you the most bang for your buck. Choose the right one. Everyone has different lifestyle priorities and expenses — maybe you have a big family and high grocery bill, maybe you travel a lot for work or pleasure, or maybe you enjoy watching all the latest movies in theatres. To get the most benefits out of your rewards program, choose one that either gives you points for every purchase or one that's tailored to what you spend on or value most. Link your accounts. Many rewards programs include several brands or partner with other programs, allowing you to earn more frequently or even exchange your points. Other programs add brands and earning opportunities as they expand and merge with other companies. For example, since Marriott acquired
Starwood l a s t year, members of both hotel chains' rewards programs have been able to link their accounts and transfer points, giving them access to 6,200 properties in 125 countries. Go mobile. Rewards programs love connecting with their members and look for opportunities to engage with them whenever possible. Often, there are extra bonuses and perks for downloading mobile apps, like special discounts and the ability to track your rewards status. Marriott's app unlocks a Mobile Key that lets you skip the front desk and go straight to your room; get priority room upgrade notifications; and request services like robes, amenities, room service or luggage assistance at any time.
asIN nvyN mrIjLF nUM svIkfrdy hF. koeI rYPLrl dI loV nhIN asIN kOmpRIhYNisv afeI agjLYm krdy hF ijvyN zfiegnOsitk tYsitMg glfkomf vrgIaF ibmfrIaF leI asIN zfeIrYkt ibilMg krdy hF bwcy aYm aYs pI nfl kvr ny sLLurUafqI ryt hn
sfzI zfktrF dI tIm Dr. Harpreet Gill
Dr. Priya Vohora
hPqy dy 6 idn Kuwly hF
Dr. Sukhpreet Gill
120-32156 Hillcrest Ave., Abbotsford, BC, V2T 1S5 604-776-4393 PAGE 11
The Patrika
Friday, January 5th, 2018
The New Year's resolution you can actually keep (NC) Every New Year's Eve we do the same thing — decide on a list of goals for the upcoming year. Maybe you manage to keep some of the resolutions you set, but if you are like the rest of us, you forget by February. Let this year be the start of something new. Instead of creating a list, focus on one doable resolution — a monthly gift to charity. Giving back is one of the most important things we can do as citizens of this world, so it should already be a top priority for the new year.
You'd be amazed at how much your money can do for people in need. For example, just $50 a month can provide a girl in Africa with everything she needs to go to school. Giving is also flexible; if finances get tight it is very easy to end your monthly donation.
Monthly gifts are an effortless way to Find more information at www.beautisupport a charity. You simply decide fulworldcanada.org. how much you want to give, then set up a 12-month installment plan.
The Patrika
Friday, January 5th, 2018
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
6 ways to introduce babies to books (NC) Raising a life-long reader starts early, but knowing how to bring books into baby's routine isn't always easy. Here, Charlotte Teeple, executive director of the Canadian Children's Book Centre and head of the TD Grade One Book Giveaway, Canada's largest free book distribution program for school-aged children, shares how to bring books to life for babies. 1. Choose the right book. Books using simple language, repeating sounds and simple images of familiar shapes are a great first introduction to reading. 2. Build baby's first library. Encourage family members to buy books as gifts or organize a book exchange with other parents to help build a home library that keeps reading interesting for everyone.
4. Read daily. Whether it's reading first thing in the morning, at the library or as part of a bedtime routine, look for ways to incorporate reading every day. 5. Make books accessible. Have books visible in different places throughout the home, not just on bookshelves, to keep reading top of mind.
6. Visit the library. Check out your 3. Make it interactive. As baby gets old- local library to discover new books, er, look for age-appropriate interactive take part in reading programs and get books that let them get hands-on with age-appropriate suggestions. the story through interesting textures, mirrors and more.
Exceptional Quality Blueberry Nursery Stock
BLUEBERRY PLANTS Sidhu Growers is British Columbia's leading quality blueberry nursery. At Sidhu Growers, we grow healthy, disease free, virus indexed and true-toname Blueberry plants. We specialize in growing blueberry plants and have 20 plus years of experience in the blueberry business.
  virus indexing � � � � � � � � � �   � € � � � � � � � �
We are the only authorized nursery in Canada to sell Reka, a northern blueberry variety and have documentation from where the variety originated from, which is New Zealand, and have proof of it. Make sure when purchasing Reka you ask to see the signed authorization from New Zealand. Being the only authorized nursery to sell Reka we can provide you with this.
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When purchasing blueberry plants, buy from a reputable blueberry nursery that specializes in growing blueberry plants. Ask to see virus testing documentation. Make sure plants are produced from cuttings. Plants produced from tissue culture or cuttings taken from tissue culture plants tend to be difficult to machine harvest and require more pruning.
€ � � � � † „� „ � � � � � „ � � † … † �† … ‡ „ ˆ � � � � � …� � � � � � � � � ‰ Š† � � ‹� � � � ‰
We are committed to provide you with only the best blueberry plants available and guarantee it.
�€ � � � � �„ … � � … � �
We offer: • Expert Consulting • Competitive Pricing • Exceptional Quality Stock • A Wide Selection of Varieties • Complete Customer Satisfaction
Â? ÂŒ Â? ‰ Â? Â? † € Â? € „ Â… ÂŒ ÂŽ ‘ÂÂ’ “”• –——”
• •  • • � •
For Further Information or to Place an Order Please Call:
Kam or Harry: (604) 853-1775
32787 Townshipline, Abbotsford, B.C. PAGE 13
The Patrika PAGE5
The Patrika PAGE 14
Rajin Gill 778.982.4008
rky gurU hwkfˆ dI DIafˆ dI xI peI.
lfˆ nfl feIcfry, . afpxy ny nYiqk gurU qyg vroDIafˆ nI dy ky Aus dI imldI. hwkfˆ dI igixaf
Idfn nUM Qfvfˆ vI drjf dy
jQybMdI bhfdr qqf nfl kIqf sI. aiDkfrfˆ IN jYaMqI hfs bfry bMdI vwloN nuwKI hwkfˆ s ikqfb sI aqy aiDkfrfˆ nfm vI (1617am pYWn -1778)
rajinrealtor@gmail.com @RajinRealtor Homelife Glenayre Realty
Born and raised in the Fraser Valley and looking to give back to my community. I’ve a ended the University of the Fraser Valley and I am a Mennonite Educa onal Ins tute (MEI) graduate. I’ve also represented and brought home Gold Medals for Bri sh Columbia in wrestling on many different occasions, just to name a few the Western Canada Summer Games, Canada Summer Games and also a mul ple me Provincial and Na onal Medalist. I’ve already built up the work ethic and dedica on and now want to translate this to a field where I can give back to a community that supported me in my endeavours for many years.
PryjLr vYlI df jMimaf pilaf hux kmXUnItI dI shfieqf krnf cfhuMdf hF. mYN XUnIvristI aP PryjLr vYlI piVaF hF aqy mYnonfeIt eYjUkysLnl ieMstItUt df grfjUeyt hF. mYN bI sI leI rYsilMg kIqI hY aqy bI sI leI golz mYzl vI lYky afieaF hF ijvyN ik vYstrn knyzf smr gymjL, knyzf smr gymjL, aqy proivMsLl aqy nYsLnl mYizilst vI irh cuwikaF hF. mYN kMm aqy imhnq krnf iswK igaf hF aqy mYN ies nfl kmXUnItI, ijs ny ieMnHy sfl myrI shfieqf kIqI, Aus dI shfieqf krnf cfhuMdf hF. FEATURED LISTINGS 31530 Northdale Crt
2423 Sugarpine
Holding/Potential Property
Bradner Road - 6 Acre Farm $ 1,650,000
FARM FOR SALE This 2850 sq/ft home sits on a 6230 sq/ft lot featuring 3 bedrooms upstairs, 2 bedroom LEGAL SUITE (Huge Mortgage Helper) and a spacious recreation room with washroom and bedroom for upstairs use.
3339 Siskin Drive
Ajmer (Jerry) Sei 604.832.
2 Lot Subdivideable. 8200 square feet corner Lot. Live now develop later. A massive 3000 square feet updated home in an amazing central location.
OPEN HOUSE NOV 18 12-3pm & NOV 19 2-4pm
INVESTORS! Amazing POTENTIAL/HOLDING property! This home is located in a central redevloping area. OCP designated this property as Urban 1 Midrise. Home is in terrific condition, tenantable. Easily suitable only needs conversion back too 220 outlet (wiring present) for stove. Roof is only 1yr old."
***LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION*** Here's your chance to get your hands on a rare parcel, 6 Acres located in one of the most desirable areas of South Abbotsford. 2 Houses in great condition (1 renovated), 200 ft. frontage, and currently planted with raspberries. Great for parking trucks or building your dream house.
101 - 33328 Bourquin
2960 Evergreen
$ 667,000
jseikhon@hotm Friday, January 5th, 2018 www.bcfarmandran
What type of relationship do you have with your dietitian? (NC) Registered dietitians (RDs) are regulated health professionals. As such, they have a duty to protect their therapeutic relationship with clients. What does this mean?
keep the therapeutic space safe. Most of the time, it is best for dietitians to avoid treating friends and family. It is important to keep in mind that RDs are not allowed to have a romantic or It means that as a client, you should be sexual relationship with a client. By confident that your RD will act profes- law, this dual relationship is considered sionally and take care of your nutri- sexual abuse. tional needs above everything else. You Exchanging gifts with your dietitian is should also expect that your dietitian a type of boundary crossing that can be will respect professional boundaries to problematic. Gifts have an emotional keep you safe. component that can change the dyOne way to respect boundaries is to namics of the therapeutic relationship. avoid dual relationships. Dual rela- Receiving or giving a gift may indicate tionships are a type of professional that a friendship is developing between boundary crossing that can damage the an RD and a client. RD-client relationship. An example of RDs are accountable to their college for Reduced Price! a dual relationship is when a dietitian quality, client-centred dietetic 24 Acre Blueberry farm located near practice. Sumas Way exit. treats a friend or family member or Property featuers a custom If you think a dietitian has crossed a built rancher. 5 bedrooms and 3 baths. becomes friends with a client. Although and 2 storey barn. boundary, you can contact2 Bay theshops College Great income potential. dietitians are permitted to treat friends of Dietitians of Ontario for help. and family (except their spouse or romantic partner), they must use pro- Find more information at www.mydifessional judgement in such cases to etitian.ca
ihb dI r idwqI I cfdr` Idfn dI ËrIey nUM kmrfn, rhf huMdf n dy rfh klp sI, sI. iehI AuNdf hY.
Looking to sell your home or farm? Call1st meMortgages today for2nd a Mortgages FREE CONSTRUCTION MORTGAGES NO OBLIGATION EVALUATION!! EQUITY TAKE-OUTS
dnI cOk Auqfiraf sihb nUM Dfrimk asQfn lihr dy hIdf hY. fiek qy nUM mfnqf af, pr
pihlI mOrtgyj dUjI mOrtgyj kMstrwksLn mOrtgyj iekuietI tyk afAUt
ristI, mks df
Friday, January 5th, 2018
The Patrika
BC Hydro restores power to more than 150,000 customers; crews continue repair work after ice storms Crews continue to work on repairing damage caused by two ice storms that hit the Fraser Valley area, resulting in hundreds of individual power outages. As of 3 p.m., BC Hydro crews have restored more than 159,000 customers; around 2,200 remain without power. The ice storms have caused significant damage to BC Hydro’s infrastructure, including hundreds of spans of wire, and dozens of power poles, cross-arms and transformers. The outages are a result of ice forming on trees, causing them to break and fall on to power lines and knock down power poles. In other cases, BC Hydro’s equipment has been encased with ice, which crews have to remove in order to make repairs. This, in addi-
tion to difficult and dangerous conditions – icy roads, poor visibility, and falling trees – have created challenges for crews. Numerous smaller outages remain in hard-to-access, rural areas that crews have to attend individually. BC Hydro is continuing to prioritize customers that have been without power the longest. Over 450 field workers have been working around-the-clock since Thursday to make repairs and restore power. BC Hydro appreciates its customers’ patience as repair work continues and will provide updated estimates for power restoration as they become available at bchydro.com/outages.
The Patrika
Friday, January 5th, 2018
grIb invfjL gurU goibMd isMG jI muKiqafr isMG jLPr
gu r U qy g bhfdr sfihb jI prvfrk iKcoqfx GtfAux aqy lihr dy ivkfs leI pUrb dI pRcfr Xfqrf qy gey. ies qoN pihlF gurU nfnk jI dI pUrb dI AudfsI vyly qoN sQfpq iswK sMgqF nfl qflmyl bnfAux leI Auh kIrqpur qoN kurKyqr, mQrf, ielfhfbfd, bnfrs aqy gXf dy rsqy ibhfr dy ngr ptnf phuMcy. eysy smyN aOrMgjyb df Byijaf jrnYl rfjf rfm isMG puwqr jY isMG rfjpUq (gurU Gr nfl sMbDq pirvfr) ahmoeIaf kbIly dy rfjf cwkr Dvwj nUM aDIn krn vfsqy POjI lVfeI krn vfsqy afieaf sI. gurU qyg bhfdr jI ny eyhnUM aOrMgjLyb vwloN Brf mfrU jMg rFhIN BfrqI sLkqI Kqm krn df pYNqVf jfx ky dohF iDrF ivwc sMDI krvf idwqI. ieh asQfn DUbVI sfihb asfm ivwc hY. eysy smyN 13 poh 1723ibkrmI 22 dsMbr 1666 nUM gurU qyg bhfdr jI dy Gr mfqf gujrI jI dI kuwKoN puwqr pYdf hoieaf.
pMCI bolx lwgy lgdy idMdy vDfeIaF
bjfey pUrb nUM isjdf ikAuN kIqf? muslmfn kyvl mwky sLrIP nMU hI isjdf krdy hn. rumky pOx jfpdy ruWK msqI ivwc JUmdy BoilE! by-sLwk mwkf sLrIP myry leI qy hr muslmfn leI siqkfrXog hY pr awlf KIvy morF KMB iKlfr ky pYlF pfeIaF qflf Kudf kx kx ivwc ibrfjmfn hY. ijs ipClI Aumry bKisLsL hoeI mfqf gujrI nUM df nUr pUrb idsLf ivwc pRgt hoieaf ies krky ieh ieslfmI sLrHF dI iKlfP vrdI dfdI NnfnkI mn KusLIaF dUx svfeIaF nhIN. murIdF pRmfx bfry ikhf. afKx lokIN af ky mfqf jI jwg vyl vDI pIr jI pRmfx dyx leI dUsry idn kuC lMmI Aumrf hovy pYr cuMmx vizafeIaF murIdF nfl rvfnf hoey. mMjlo mMjlIN ptny Br Br JolI pfAuNdI buwk pqfsy afieaF dy phuMc ky gurU pirvfr dI rhfiesL gfh dihlIj qy isr invf idwqf. drvfjLy ivwc jIhdIaF jVHF ivDfqy afp pqfl c lfeIaF ikrpfl dfs rwbI joq goiMd dfs dy mfmf drdI duKIaF df Auh af igaf mfx jI mfqf gujrI dy Brf imly. AuhnF siqkfr nfl ikhf sFeI jI kI syvf krIey? juafb inmfixaF df ivwc BIKx sLfh jI boly, "imhrvfn, quhfzy doKI rfTF df ijnF awqfN isr qy cfeIaF Gr awlf qflf df nUr pRgt hoieaf hY, Ahdy drsLn dI isk lY ky pMjfb qoN afey hF. ikRpf isjdf BIKx sLfh ny kIqf EdoN cVHdy nUM krky dIdfr krvf idE. ptny phuMc jLPr drsLn rIJF lfhIaF ikRpfl dfs jI ny Gr ivwc mfqf nfnkI klI pIr BIKx sLfh ipMz Tskf pMjfb ivwc jI(gurU qyg bhfdr jI dy mfqf jI) nUM puwqr jnimaF nOvyN siqgur qyg bhfdr dy rihx vflf anuBvI drvysL sI. Auhny pUrb drvysL dI KfihsL dwsI, AunHF ienkfr kr (ptny) vl mUMh krky isjdf kIqf. murIdF idwqf ikAuNik Auhnf dy mn ivwc gurU Gr ivwc hoeIaF chMu kOtF dy ivwc jfxoN rusLnfeIaF ny ieqrfjL kridaF ikhf, pIr jI ieslfmI cl rhI ivroDqfeI krky zr sI. gurU hr sL r H F dI Au l M G xf krky kfPrF vFgU pw C m dI goibMd sfihb nUM bfbf ipRQI cMd vloN Kqm gMgf pfroN rwqf sUrj ciVHaf KusLIaF df
krn leI kIqy kflyy kfiraF vFgU BYa sI. koeI doKI Auhdy poqry dy Kfqmy leI vfr nf kr dyvy. DIr mwl qy rfmrfey kuJ vI krvf skdy hn, mfqf nfnkI jI ny ikRpfl dfs nUM ikhf,”drvysL nUM kho, bflk df ipqf pRdys igaf AuhnF dI vfpsI qoN bfad iddfr krvfey jfxgy.” ikRpfl dfs ny mfqf dI khI drvysL nUM afK idwqI. sux ky BIKx sLfh boly, “Bilaf dUroN qFG lY ky afey hF, drsLn dyx vfly dI jdoN rjLf hovygI kr lvFgy, koeI AujLr nhIN.” kih ky drvfjyL dy iewk pfsy sP ivsLf ky murIdF smyq bYT gey. “ sFeI jI, rwb dy bMidaF nUM ieAuN ijd nhIN soBdI” ikRpfl dfs jI boly. awgoN BIKx sLfh ny inmrqf nfl ieAuN kihxf sLurU kIqf. bYNq BIKx sLfh jI kihx ikrpfl qFeI, bUhy afieaF nUM KflI nf moV sfnUM. sfzI sLrDf hY Pul gulfb vrgI, pRIq tfhxIAuN hfVHf nf qoV sfnUUM. sfzI Bfvnf afby-hXfq vrgI,
The Patrika
Friday, January 5th, 2018
aYNvy dyvIN nf clHy c roV sfnUM. dUroN afey hF isrP iddfr dy leI,
lMgr Ckfieaf aqy pIr jI murIdF smyq pirvfrk siqkfr mfxdy gurU Gr Tihry.
guru qyg bhfdr jI pMj virHaF bfd asfm bMgfl qoN vfps afey. pirvfr aqy sMgqF ny KusLIaF mnfeIaF. kuJ icr guru jI Aumr Br nf BuwlF aihsfn QoVf, ptnf sfihb Tihry. eys vkq aOrMgjyb myhrvfn jI mUl nf joVH sfnUM. dI kihrI ingHf ksLmIr dI PwulF PlI lwdI DrqI ‘qy peI. Auh jfxdy sI pIVHIaF dy burf drd ivCoVy idldfr vflf, hkUmqI qsLwdd kfrn ihMdusqfnI AuWc kotI vFg inMbUaF irhf incoV sfnUM. dy ivdvfn aqy hkUmq dy bfgI phfVF dI sLrn ivwc hn. Auh ajy vI afpxI hoNd mMn bynqI jLPr muKiqafr afKy, leI XqnsLIl hn. jy ieh lok ieslfm dI iksy hor nf vsq dI loV sfnUM. gwzI cVH jfx bhuq vwzy ieslfimk pRcfrk ikrpfl jI ny drvy s L dI Bfvnf aqy iswD hoxgy. inrClqf bfry dubfrf bynqI kIqI. mfqf lhOr df gvrnr iPdfien Kfn sI, ksLmIr jI ny ikhf, “ jfE ikRpfl quhfzI iewCf df sLyr aPgfn KF mfsI dy puwq Brf sn. Blky pUrI hovygI, AuhnF dy Tihrn aqy dovF nUM iml ky kfrvfeI krky ieslfm lMgr pfxI df ieMqjLfm kro.” dUsry idn dy ivkfs df hukm sI. dovF ny jLor sLor ivsyLs iqafrI krky BIKx sLfh jI nfl hor nfl hukm qy aml kIqf, cuPyry hfhfkfr gurU ipafrIaF sMgqF nUM drsLn dI afigaf mwc geI. ieh KbrF gurU sfihb nUM ptny hoeI. pIr jI murIdF smyq dIdfiraF vflI puwjIaF, smF ieh mMg krdf sI, nfjLuk QF phuMcy. AuhnF dy hwQ ivwc do kwujIaF aqy GVI ivwc Zfrs dy ky, pbilk dy mn nUM mn ivc kuJ jfnx dI cfh sI. drsLn smyN Auicaf ky, DwkysLfhI df mukfblf kIqf jfey. dovyN kuwjIaF hjLUr sfhmxy kIqIaF, ikAuNik:AuhnUM imlx qoN hfVHf nf hoV sfnUM.
nUrI ichry vl qwikaf. rwbI nUr ny iewko “ jyhVy lok ny smJdy ijMLdgI nUM, vfr dovyN kuwjIaF Auqy hwQ rwK idwqy. PkIr jyhVy smyN dI rmjL pCfxdy ny. ny rmjL smJI aqy KusLI ivwc kUk AuiTwaf. AunHF lokf nUM lok siqkfr idMdy, jyhVy jLbr mUhry ihkF qfx dy ny sfiraF nUM sFJf pIr glL lfAUgf (korVf ihMmq ijnHF dI CfqI ivwc DVkdI ey, CMd) krUgf ipafr ieh bMdy dI jLfq nUM
EhI vYrI nUM rx ivwc rfxdy ny.
krdU KLqm duwKF vflI rfq nUM
jLPr ijMnF nUM smJ hkIkqF dI,
ivwc mfrUQl dy bfhr ilafAUgf……
EhI axK leI mrnf jfxdy ny.”
cVHdI klf ‘c zoilaF nUM krUgf
guru qg bhfdr jI anMdpur sfihb puwjy. privfr ptny Cwizaf. hoxhfrqf pGMUVy ivwcoN JlkdI hY. ptny ‘c rihMidaF sfihbykmfl dIaF keI khfxIaF pRclq hn. bcpn dy sfQIaF nfl KHyzidaF do dl bnfAuxy, nklI lVfeIaF krnIaF, AunHF dy BivK dy jrnYlI lwCx sn. AunHF AuWcI surq vfly pMzq isLv dwq, mYxI rfjf qy rfxI, nvfb rhIm bKsL, krIm bKsL ijMnHF guru sfihb nUM pRym Byt vjoN bfg aripq kIqf nUM moihaf. ijwQy awj gurduafrf gurU kf bfg sLusLoibq hY. ptny nUM Cy sfl Bfg lf ky ipqf jI dy hukm nfl anMdpur sfihb nUM pRymIaF nUM Drvfs idMidaF cfly pfey. Nvfb BrfvF nUM ikhf jdoN nmfjL pVogy mYN quhfzy ivwc hovFgf. isLv dwq jI Xfd krogy hfjLr hovFgf.
myhr vflf hwQ jIhdy sIs DrUgf Auh vI bx eys df srUp jfAUgf…… afpf vfrU sUrmf dlyr hoAUgf jIhnUM vyK sInfjLor jLyr hoAUgf jfbrF dy nwkF ivwc nwQ pfAUgf…… Piqh pYr cuMmU sUrmy juJfr dy dusLtF nUM soDU nfl qlvfr dy lok vYrIaF nUM dojLkIN pcfAUgf…… pfp dy jLulm vflf ________ jLPr horF leI kwZU gfzI rsqf
pirvfr anMdpur puwjf, eyQy gurmuKI awKr mfqf jI ny isKfey. gurbfxI sMiQaf munCI pIr jI dy bcnF ny sMgq nUM pRBfivq kIqf. sfihb cMd jI ny, sMsikRq pMzq hr js sBnF ny sLrDF nfl siqgurF dy drsLn rfie ny PfrsI kfjI pIr muhMmd sloh vfly kIqy aqy inhfl ho e y . Gr afieaF nU M ny pVHfeI. nHyry ivwc dIvy afsF dy jgfAUgf……
pRImIar jOn hOrgn vwloN nvyN sfl dIaF sLuwB kfmnfvF mfnXog pRImIar jOn hOrgn vwloN nvF sfl cVHNn dy mOky idwqy ibafn ivc ikhf” nvyN sfl nfl nvIaF sLurUafqF huMdIaF hn aqy nvyN mOky pYdf huMdy hn| smF hY bIqIaF cxOqIaF vwl iDafn mfrn df aqy nvyN sfl dOrfn AuMnHF df shmxf krn leI qwheIaf krn df| ieMnHF cxOqaFI ivc vfrfKFdy GrF dI cxOqI aqy nisLaF dI lfanq qoN Cutkfrf pfAux dIaF cxOqIaF sLfml hn| srkfr ieMnHF nUM hwl krn df hr hIlf krygI| AuMnHF ikhf,” mYN hr bI sI invfsI nUM nvyN sfl dIaF vDfeIaF aqy sLuwB kfmnfvF pysL krdf hF|”
bI sI ilbrl pfrtI lIzrisLp dOV puhMcI afKrI pVfB ‘qy bI sI dy Cy nyqf bI sI ilbrl pfrtI dI bfg zor sMBflx dI lVfeI lV rhy hn| AuMnHF dI ieh lVfeI hux aMqm pVf ‘qy phuMc geI hY| ies dOV ivcvotr bxn dI afKrI imqI 29 dsMbr sI| pfrtI vwloN pfrtI aykul mYNbrF dI sUcI ajy qwk vI jfrI nhIN kIqI geI| 2011 ivc ies pfrtI dy kul mYNbr 82,000 sn| ies dOV ivc bI sI ilbrl pfrtI dy pMj ivDfiek sLfml hn aqy CyvIN AumIdvfr hY kMjLrvyitv pfrtI dI sfbkf aYm pI zfienf vfts| voitMg 1PrvrI qoN 3 PrvrI qwk aOnlfeIn jF Pon ‘qy pvygI| hr votr Cy dy Cy AumIdvfrF dI drjfbMdI krky vot pf skygf| voitMg dI ies pRikiraf leI kul 87 cox izsitRkt hn| ieMnHF Cy AumIdvfrF dI afKrI bihs 23 jnvrI nUM vYnkUvr ivKy hovygI| Cy AumIdvfr hn -ivDfiek mfeIk zI jONg, tOz ston,sYm sulvIan, mfeIkl lI, aYNzrIAU ivlksn aqy sfbkf kMjLrvyitv aYm pI zfienf vfts|
ivslr, bI sI ivc hotl dy ikrfey pwKoN sB qoN mihMgf rfq Br ibqfAux leI ivslr, bI sI ivc quhfnUM kmry df ikrfieaf $745 dyxf pvygf| kYnyzf dy hor iksy sLihr ivc ieMnf ikrfieaf nhIN| vYnkUvr ijhy sLihr ivc vI ioeMnf ryt nhIN| ivslr dI hotl aYsopsIeysLn df kihxf hY ik Whistler is almost sold out for New Year’s| ryt nUM Buwl jfE; sLukr kro jy quhfnUM iksy hotl ivc kmrf iml jfvy| afvf ivslr hotl ivc iek ikrfieaf $88 ho igaf pr Sundial Boutique hotel ivc Tihrn vfilaF nUM $1589 dyxf ipaf aqy kyvl iek kmrf bfkI bicaf| iehpRgtfvf Auprokq aYsosIeysLn dy muKI sfd hsn vwloN kIqf igaf| ieh hfl 31 dsMbr dI rfq nUM hoieaf| Gt ryt kyvl Auh dy sky ijMnf ny buikMg agwsq ivc krfeI sI| 15 nvMbr buikMg pwKoN sB qoN ruJyvN vflf idn sI| ieh pRgtfvf vI kIqf igaf ik ivslr ivcafAux vfly imhmfnF ivcoN bhuq XU aYs ivcoN sn | XU ky, jrmnI aqy afstRyilaf dI vfrI ieMnHF qoN mgroN afAuNdI hY| srvyKx qoN pqf lwgf hY ik ikAUbYk istI ivc aijhf ikrfieaf $414 aqy inafgrf PfljL ivc $329 irhf| PAGE 18
The Patrika
Friday, January 5th, 2018
ircmMz ivKy iek aOrq dI mOq kYnyzf mihlf aYm pIjL vI ijnsI durivhfr df isLkfr hoeIaF post dy tRwk nfl hoeI puils dy sUqrF anusfr ipCly idnIN ircmMz ivc iek aOrq kYnyzf post dy tRwk nfl mfrI geI| 27 sfl aOrq nfl ieh mMdBfgI Gtnf gfrzn istI roz aqy sI afeIlYNz dy cOk ivc GtI| smF rfq dy do vjy df sI| swtFlwgx mgroN Aus nUM hspqfl phuMcfieaf igaf prMqU Auh bc nf skI| afr sI aYm pI vwloN ies durGtnf dI jFc kIqI jf rhI hY| AuMnHF vwloN apIl kIqI geI hY ik jy iksy nUM ieshfdsy bfry koeI jfxkfrI hovy qF Auh 604-278-1212 ‘qy sMprk krn dI ikrpf kry jF RRichmond_Tips@rcmp-grc.ca ‘qy jfxkfrI dyx dI Kycl kry|
PRyjLr vYlI dy hjLfrF lokF dI nvyN sfl dI svyr ibjlI qoN ibnf cVHI 1 jnvrI 2018: bI sI hfeIzro df amlf bfhroN swdy gey ibjlI kfimaF dI shfieqf nfl ibjlI dI splfeI bhfl krn ivc lwgf irhf prMqU iPr vI PRyjLr vYlI dy hjLfrF lokF dI nvyN sfl dI svyr ibjlI qoN ibnf hI lMGI| ies sbMDI bI sI hfeIzro dy pRvkqf tfnIaf iPsL df kihxfhY ik aiq TMZy mOsm kfrn kfimaF dI pysL nhIN cwl rhI| drwKqF dIaF brP nfl lwdIaF motIaF tfhxIaF dy izwgx krky ibjlI dI splfeI ivc ivGn pf rhIaF hn| 31 dsMbr dI sLfm smyN bI sI hfeIzro dy 90 toly PRyjLr vYlI dI ibjlI bhfl krn ivc lwgy hoey sn| vYnkUvr tfpU qoN dwKxI ientIrIar qoN vI kfmy swdy gey sn| iPsL ny ikhf ik bI sI hfeIzro lokF dy sbr dI pRsLMsf krdf hY | bI sI hfeIzro nUM lokF dI musLkl df pUrf aihsfs hY pr kudrq dy krop awgy iksy dI vfh nhIN cldI|
bI sI ishq mMqrI vwloN ishq syvf vDfAux dy tIcy imQy gey bI sI dy ishq mMqrI aYzrIan izks dfkihxf hY ik ik bI sI ilbrlF vwloN 2015 qwk hr sLihrI nUM pirvfrk zfktr AuplbD krfAux df tIcf pUrf nf ho sikaf pr AuMnHF df tIcf ieh hY ik 2018 ivc ieh tIcf pUrf kIqf jfvy| AuMnHF ikhf,” ies mMqv dI pRfpqI leI asIN zfktrF, pRYktIsLnr nrsF aqy hornF nfliml ky jLrUrI kyar sYNtr sQfipq krIey| “ AuMnHF ikhf ik zfktrF dy irtfier hox nfl ishqsMBfl dI smwisaf hor vI gMBIr hox dI sMBfvnf hY| vrxnXog hY ik mYzIkl aYsosIeysLn jrnl anusfr bI sI dy15% lokF nUM rYgUlr pirvfrk zfktr dI syvf nhIN iml rhI| 40% zfktr 55 sfl qoN vzyry ho cuwky hn| AuMnHF dy irtfier hox nfl hr bI sI invfsI nUM PYimlI zfktr nhINiml skygf| mMqrI ny ikhf ik srkfr ieMnHF musLklF qoN jfxU hY aqyieMnHF nUM hwl krn leI hr sMBv jqn kIqf jfvygf|
rfjnIqI dy Kyqr ivc mihlfvF dy sPl hox ivc afAux vflIaF musLklF dI afmgwl kIqI jFdI hY| ipCly mhIny kYnyzf pRYs vwloN vwK vwK rfjnIq pfrtIaF dIaF mihlf aYm pIjL df srvyKx ieh jfxn leI kIqf igaf ik AuMnHF nUMijnsI dur ivhfr df sfhmxf krnf pYNdf hY| jvfb ieh imilaf ik aOtvf vI aijhy durivhfr qoN nhIN bicaf| srvyKx ivc 89 aYm pIjL qoN Auprokq svfl puwiCaf igaf pr jvfb kyvl 38 vwlo NhI imilaf| jvfb gupq rwKx df vfadf kIqf igaf sI| ieMnHF ivcoN 58% ny ikhf ik ik Auh iksy nf iksy ilMgI dur ivhfr df isLkfr hoeIaF| ieMnHF dur ivhfrF ivc anuicq jF axcfhy bol aqy itwpxIaF , sYnqF, iesLfry aqy ilMgI rMgq dy tYkst sMdysL sLfml sn| iqMn aYm pIjL ny qF kfmuk hmilaF dI gwl vI khI| ieMnHF df kihxf sI ik AuMnHF df qjrbf drsfAuNdfhY ik aOrq Aupr kfmuk hmlf ikqy vI ho skdf hY == Auh aOr aYm pI vI ikAuN nf hovy| ies qrF df hmlfkrn vfly mrd aijhI hrkq krnf afpxf hwk smJdy hn| aijhy durivhfr ikqy hor nhIN sgoN pfrlImYNt ihwl ‘qy ho rhy hn| ikAUbYk dI aYm pI alYgjLYNzr ny ikhf aijhI sLrfrqF mrd mfniskqf df aMg bx cuwkIaF hn|
bI sI dIaF sB qoN mihMgIaF aMkIaF geIaF pMj pRfprtIaF bI sIasYsmYNt vwloN pRkfisLq jfxkfrI ivc dwisaf igaf hY ik bI sI ivcrIal aYstyt pihlF nfloN 11[9% vD ky $1[86 itRlIan hogeI hY| sB qoN mihMgI pRfprtI imQI geI hY Point Grey Road Aupr siQq ivlsn df Gr ijs df muwl $78[8 imlIan aMikaf igaf hY| bfkI dIaF cfr hor pRfprtIaF hn – spyinsL bYNks bIc dy nyVy 4707 bYnlmFt ddI 71[8 imlIan dy muwl dI pRfprtI qIjy nMbr qy hY $54[4 imlIan df nvyklf aqy asMquilq jymjL afeIlYNz nF df Gr| ies ivc Cymihmfn kmry hn, 18surfKIglP kors hY| cOQy nbMr dI mihMgI pRfprtI hY gRytvYnkUvr dy 4719 bYlmFt aYivinAU dI $46[7 imlIan dI jfiedfd| iesy roz ‘qy 10 hor pRfprtIaF dfmuwl vI $20 imlIan qoN vD hY| pMjvI mihMgI pRfprtI hY Point Grey Road ‘qy siQq 45[9 imlIan dI jfiedfd ies ivc iek pUl hY jo ieMgilsL bya ‘qy hY| ies ivc cfr pfrkF hn joPRMtzor qoN QoVI ivwQ ‘qy hn| Xfd rhy ik iktImYt ivc jfiedfd dIaF kImqF ivc 16[2% dI kmI afeI hY iewQy aOsq isMgl PYimlI Gr df muwl 278,000 qoN Gt ky $233000 ho igaf hY|
Friday, January 5th, 2018
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, January 5th, 2018
You can count on Canada Pension Plan being around when you retire (NC) No matter how old you are, when planning for retirement, there are many things to consider, like how much money you will need and where you'll live. Fortunately, while many questions may remain unanswered, there is something that you can count on — your Canada Pension Plan.
whatever happens, contributors and beneficiaries of the CPP can remain confident that one element of their retirement income is secure, thanks to a well-managed and diverse portfolio of equities, bonds, real estate and infrastructure investments.
Though only one in three non-retirees believes that the CPP will have enough money to cover their retirement benefits, this couldn't be further from the truth.
“Canadians can rest easy knowing that their CPP will be there when they need it,” says Dan Madge, senior manager at the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, which is responsible for investing the fund's contributions.
According to the Chief Actuary of Canada, the Canada Pension Plan is sustainable for at least the next 75 years at current contribution rates and he projects it will continue growing over this period to approximately $6.7 trillion in 2090.
“With the simple objective of maximizing returns without taking undue risk, CPPIB will continue to ensure that a portion of your retirement income is sustainable, so that you can concentrate on what matters most — family and new experiences.”
Sustaining growth in an ever-changing Find more information at www.cppib. environment is no small feat. But com.
The Patrika
Friday, January 5th, 2018
Fraser Valley Cultural Diversity Awards
FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 2017 F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N :
Patricia 604-308-5673
online nomination form: http://www.abbotsfordcommunityservices.com/CDA or email: cda@abbotsfordcommunityservices.com SPEAKER SPONSOR:
SUPPORTING PARTNERS: People Helping People
The Patrika
Friday, January 5th, 2018
Radon health risks require testing (NC) Since you can’t smell, taste or see radon gas that is present in most homes, how can you make sure your home is safe? The only way to know for sure is to purchase a radon test kit and measure the levels of radon in your home. Outdoors, radon gas is diluted and doesn’t pose a health risk. The problem occurs when radon enters enclosed spaces like your home and accumulates to high levels, contaminating the air you breathe. The amount of radon in homes across Canada varies widely. On average, seven per cent of homes are estimated to have high radon, but in some areas that number jumps to 20 to 40 per cent. Radon exposure is the second-leading cause of lung cancer behind smoking. In fact, Health Canada estimates that over 3,000 people a year — more than eight a day — die of radon-related
lung cancer. That’s why it’s essential that you test your home for you and your family’s health. Your risk of developing lung cancer due to radon depends on its concentration in the air you breathe and the duration of exposure. Time between exposure and the onset of cancer is usually many years — all the more reason to test sooner rather than later. For smokers, the exposure to radon combined with tobacco use can cause a significant increase in their risk of lung cancer. Fortunately, indoor radon levels can be reduced easily and affordably. Find more information and learn how to reduce radon in your home at www. canada.ca/radon.
Friday, January 5th, 2018
The Patrika
Shop smarter — when to stick with brand names
Pancake Breakfast/Community Reading Challenge
Literacy Matters Abbotsford is Annual Community Reading Challenge it’s probably worth it to splurge on holding their annual Community the brand for better absorbency and Literacy Challenge, “Read What You Love”. It will run from Janucomfort. When it comes to staple pan- ary 28 – February 17, 2018. Look READ WHAT YOU try foods and cleaning products, the for flyers in the community; there generic or cheaper alternative should will be a reading log to complete which will be your entry into a do the trick. draw for prizes. All you need to do is read for 15 minutes each day. Saturday, January 27, 10 am – 11:30 am Car maintenance. You don’t want to The reading challenge is open to Firehall #1 (32270 George Ferguson Way) Electronics. Before purchasing online skimp when protecting this major all ages! FREE PANCAKE BREAKFAST or in-store, do some internet research investment that is charged with transThe kick off for this event will and look up consumer reviews, profes- porting you and your family around be a free pancake breakfast Janusional reviews and manufacturer recall safely. Consider guarantees offered on ary 27 hosted by Clearbrook Fire notices. You may find more inexpen- replacement parts and the history and Hall at 32270 George Ferguson Way. The breakfast will run from sive or generic options work just as longevity of a brand. For example, Pre- 10 – 11:30am. Be sure to visit well or even better than the branded stone antifreeze/coolant is made with the 11th Annual Family Literacy competition. However, be careful that superior rust and corrosion inhibitors Day at the Clearbrook Library and REACH after breakfast! If you have questions about this event, anything electrical you buy is CSA- that aren’t found in other coolants. So join in on the fun and “Read What if you have prizes to donate, or you are approved. Guaranteed for all vehicles including You Love”. Challenge your friends, interested in volunteering to promote Household goods. Here, it all depends any car or light-duty truck, there’s no families, classmates, and colleagues. literacy in Abbotsford please contact Make the Literacy Matters Abbots- Sharon Crowley, Abbotsford Literacy on the product. If you’re buying pa- need to buy multiple vehicle-specific ford’s annual Community Literacy Outreach Coordinator, sharon@literacymattersabbotsford.com per items like tissue and paper towel, formulas for each car in your home. Challenge a success! (NC) If you’re still dealing with sticker shock after the holidays, one easy way to save is to curb your spending on unnecessary brand names. Here are some ideas for when you might want to switch it up and when it’s in your best interest to stick to the tried and true.
Co-hosted by Literacy Matters Abbotsford and Fire Rescue Services.
Celebrate literacy with breakfast prepared by the firefighters. Pick up your Read What You Love reading log and you could be a winner in the Community Reading Challenge! After breakfast, head to the Clearbrook Library and The Reach for the 12th annual Abbotsford Family Literacy Day Celebration, from 11 am to 2 pm. Enjoy entertainment, activities, refreshments and more. www.facebook.com/LiteracyAbbotsford www.literacymattersabbbotsford.com
The Patrika
Friday, January 5th, 2018
The Patrika
Friday, January 5th, 2018
pMnHf 8 dI bfkI df pihlf kdm huMdf hY. bdI df iewk vwzf Kfsf ieh hY ik jd ies nUM iBafnk aqy qfkqvr nf mMinaf jfvy qF ieh iBafnk aqy qfkqvr nhIN rihMdI gurisK hd afpxy nfl srb sLkqImfn nUM mihsUs krygf aqy bdI nUM quC smJygf, qF Auh dyK ky hYrfn hovygf ik bdI DUMeyN dy phfVF vFg pqlI qy inrbl ho geI hY. Afpxy nfl vfihgurU nUM dyKx vfly guriswK do qrIikaF ivwc mukfblf krdy afey hn. iewk sLfq meI rih ky dUjf KMzf pkV ky. ienHF dohF qrIikaF dI buinafd ivwc asUl iewko hI kMm krdf hY aqy Auh srb sLkqImfn nUM aMg sMg, afpxf hmdrd, KYrKfh rfKf qy shfrf jfxdf hY. sLFq meI rih ky bdI dI ksvwtI ivwcoN lMG jfxf aqy lMGdy lMGdy inrBYa aqy itrvYr rihxf, bdI dI hsqI nUM hkIr qy quC sfbq krn df musLikl qrIkf qF hY pr ies qrIky nUM afm qOr qy AunHF gurisKF nUM vrqxf cfhIdf hY ijMnHF df ismrn aiBafs AuWcI mMjl qy phuMicaf hovy. aqy ijnHF df df afpxIaF ieMdrIaF qy pUrf kfbU hovy sLFqmeI dy qrIky nfl bdI dI hsqI nUM quC jF JUTI sfbq krn dy qjrby ivwc, sLurU qoN aKIr qwk guriswK nUM iewk rs, azol inrBY qy inrvYr rihxf jrUrI hY . ies krky kTn kMm EhI gurmuK kr skdy hn, ijMnHF dI surq nUM akflpurK dy crnF ivwc pUrn lIn hox df aiBafs hovy aqy ijMnHF df afpxy afp Awqy pUrn kfbU hovy. bdI df dUsry qrIky nfl mukfblf KMzf pkV ky ho skdf hY. ieh qrIkf sLFqmeI vfly qrIky nfloN asfn hY pr ies df asr jF nqIjf sLFqmeI qrIky nfloN dyr nfl inkldf hY. asfn hox krky ieh qrIkf afm gurisK sPlqf nfl vrqdy afey hn. ies qrIky ivw c vI mu w Z lf asU l srb sL k qImfn vfihgurU nUM afpxy aMg sMg, afpxf rfKf qy shfrf smJxf hY. gurisK jd hflfq qoN mjbUr ho jfvy jF jd AusdI jF Aus dy bfl bwicaF dI iewjq, jfn mfl Kqry ivwc hovy jF pMQ jF dysL nUM jLrUrq hovy, vfihguru jI df nfm lY ky afpxy afp nuM vfihgurU jI df Kflsf jfxdf hoieaf KMzf KVkFdf qy inrBY ho ky ies df iesqmfl krdf hY. asl guuriswK Auh hY ijhVf KMzf kyvl julm aqy aiqafcfrF dy iKlfP AuTfvy aqy KMzf KVkfAudf hoieaf vI inrvYr rih sky. gurisK KMzy nUM hwQ ivwc lY ky vfihgurU nUM aMgsMg smJdf, vfihgurU dy shfry Auqy afpxI ijwq nUM sdf afpxIaF awKf awgy rwKdf hY. ieh gl Xfd rwKx vflI hY ik ijq hmysLF pihloN mn ivwc afAuNdI hY qy iPr dirsLtmfn dunIaF ivwc. ies krky guru goibMd isMG jI mhfrfj ny akfl purK
pfsoN ieh vr mMigaf sI ik jd sLqrU dy sfhmxy mYdfn ivwc jFvF qF hy akflpurK mYnUM ieh sLkqI dyvIN ik mYN sLqrU qoN zrF nf aqy inscy krky XkInI qOr qy sLqrU Auwqy ijwq pRfpq krF. sRI guru gRMQ sfihb jI dI ies iswiKaf nUM, gurU smJx vfly gurisK nUM pqf huMdf hY ik sdf slfmq vfihgurU dI rcnf ivwc agr koeI cIj nhIN bxI qF Auh ‘mOq’ hY . mOq df nfm kyvl iensfn dI afpxI GfVq hY, drasl mOq koeI cIj nhIN iesy krky guru gRMQ sfihb jI dy iswK afpxy afp nUM ‘akflI’ afKdy hn. akflI bVf ivigafink arQ hY. akflI Auh hY jo akfl purK df iswK, AupfsLk, aqy numFieNdf hY. akflI nUM ieh vI pqf huMdf hY ik Auh afp akfl purK df srUp, mOq dy kfl qoN rihq hY. ies leI jd akflI KMzf PV ky rx ivwc jUJdf hY qF afpxf isr dyx ivwc afpxI mOq nhIN smJdf aqy dUsry df isr lYx ivwc dUsry dI mOq nhIN smJdf.
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afpn cilq afp hI krY.. dyh isLvf br moih iehY, sLuB krmn qy kbhUM n troN. nf zroN air soN jb jfie lroN, inscy kr apnI jIq kroN. ar isK hoN apny hI mn ko, ieh lflc hAu gux qoN AucroN. jb afv kI aAuD inDfn bnY, aq hI rx myN qb jUJ mroN. Aukq svWXy ivwc gurU goibMd isMG sfihb sfP dsdy hn ik gurisKF nUM Kqry dy simaF ivwc kI krnf cfhIdf hY. sLuwB kMm krn qoN kdI nf tlxf, vYrI qoN cfhy Auh ikqnf vwzf ikAuN nf hovy, kdI nf zrnf, inscy ivwc, mn ivwc Piqh nUM invfs dyxf, afpxy ierfdy Auqy zty rihxf, vfihgurU dy js gfAuxy aqy AunHF df rMg afpxy mn Auqy cx dyxf, aMq rx aMdr vfihgurU dy snmuK rih ky jUJxf qy srIr iqafgxf. ieh hn gurmuK dy krqv jF PrjL ijnHF nUM guriswK KqiraF dy smyN afpxy sfhmxy rwKdf hY.
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The Patrika
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Preventative medication will protect people at risk of HIV Effective Jan. 1, 2018, British Columbians at high risk of HIV infection will be able to receive pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), a daily oral antiretroviral medication that prevents new HIV infection, at no cost.
- Professional and precise
asIN aOrqF aqy mrdF dI hyar kwt krdy hF. vflF nMU rMg afeIbrfE QrYizMg vYkisMg hyar stfeIl aqy jUVy vI bnfAuxy hF hor jfxkfrI leI izMpl nMU Pon kro.
Friday, January 5th, 2018
“Our government is committed to helping fight the spread of HIV/AIDS and supporting people as they take action to protect themselves from this virus,” said Adrian Dix, Minister of Health. “Making this medication free for people will prevent the drug Truvada being secured. This new HIV infections, remove barriers to condition has been met through the care and services, and help people live availability of generic Truvada. longer and healthier lives.” While HIV/AIDS-related deaths in “B.C. has led the country and the B.C. have decreased by more than 90% world on efforts to control HIV and since 1996, new cases of HIV continue AIDS over the last three decades with to emerge. In 2015, there were 5.1 new the development and implementation diagnoses of HIV per every 100,000 of the made-in-B.C. Treatment as people in British Columbia. Increased Prevention strategy. The addition of access to PrEP will help prevent new PrEP and expansion of post-exposure HIV infections. prophylaxis (PEP) to our Treatment as Prevention strategy has the potential to PrEP will be available through the further accelerate the decline of new BC Centre for Excellence’s HIV Drug HIV infections in the province,” said Treatment program, which is funded Dr. Julio Montaner, director, BC Centre by the Ministry of Health through the B.C. PharmaCare program. People for Excellence in HIV/AIDS. interested in accessing it should talk Daily use of PrEP is recommended by to their health-care provider. the World Health Organization and the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/ Since its establishment in 1992, the BC AIDS as an effective method to prevent Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS HIV in people at risk of infection. It is has worked to improve the health and part of a suite of tools to prevent new longevity of people living with HIV, HIV infections, including use of con- and to prevent new HIV infections doms and sterile drug use equipment, through research, innovation and treatand other risk-reduction services and ment programs. supports. In addition, the Province is expanding People at risk include men and trans- the existing PEP program to include women who have sex with men, people coverage for non-occupational expowho inject drugs, and people who have sure. This publicly funded program ensex with individuals living with HIV. sures that British Columbians who are not taking PrEP, but who are exposed In August 2016, the Common Drug Reto HIV, have immediate access to PEP view recommended PrEP for coverage, in order to prevent a new infection. contingent in part on a lower price for
Friday, January 5th, 2018
The Patrika
The Patrika
sfijaf pMQ Kflsf kOm vwKrI iprq DVF nf lVn dI pfeI AuhnF gurbcn kOr iZwloN
Friday, January 5th, 2018
sfzy isr qy pwg
lKbIr lwkI gwKV awj sfzy isr qy pwg nf huMdI, jy goibMd isMG srdfr nf huMdy,
pihlF sLhIdI leI Byijaf ipqf idwlI,
bx srbMsdfnI iswK kOm dy leI,
nf ieh iCMJF myly lgdy, nf Zol KusLI dy vjdy.
mfqf kOm dI blI cVfeI AuhnF.
murdf kOm nUM jIxf isKfieaf AuhnF.
nf ieh vIr qy BYxF Pbdy, kdy koeI isLMgfr nf huMdy.
PVf hwQ qlvfr juJfr qFeIN,
KMzn jfqF qy pfqF df krn dy leI,
awj sfzy isr qy pwg nf huMdI, jy Bgq isMG srdfr nf huMdy,
ipafsy puwqr dI ipafs buJfeI AuhnF.
iewk bfty hI aimMRq sLkfieaf AuhnF.
nf sI ieQy iksy ny bihxf, nf sI igwDf BMgVf pYxf,
ipafs buJUgI vYrI df KUn pI ky,
afpy gur afpy bx cylf,
pqf nI kI kI pYNdf sihxf, jy cwky hiQafr nf huMdy.
kMn puwqr dy gwl suxfeI AuhnF.
gurU cyly df Prk imtfieaf AuhnF.
awj sfzy isr qy pwg nf huMdI, jy srfBy ijhy srdfr nf huMdy,
sLhId ipqf poqry puwq sfry,
pfhul aimMRq lY pMjF ipafiraF qoN,
rIq kOm nUM pf idKfeI AuhnF.
cylf afpxy qoN vwzf idKfieaf AuhnF.
ipwT idKfAuxf kMm nhIN Kflsy df,
pihlF srbMsdfnI iPr ijMd dfnI,
kOm igwdVoN sLyr bxfeI AuhnF.
ijMdVI kOm dy lyKy jf lfeI AuhnF.
sfijaf pMQ Kflsf kOm vwKrI,
sfijaf pMQ Kflsf kOm vwKrI,
iprq DVF nfl lVn dI pfeI AuhnF.
iprq DVF nfl lVn dI pfeI AuhnF.
iCwt aMimRq dI icVI nUM iewk dyky,
gly nfl lgf rMgryitaF nUM,
nMnHI ijMd qoN bfj quVfey AuhnF.
brfbr puwqF dy kr idKfieaf AuhnF.
mfDo dfs nUM aimRq phul dyky,
Tyzf Kf ky puwqr dI lfsL AuWqoN,
bMdf bhfdr isMG qoN rfj krfey AuhnF.
hMJU iek nf awKoN bhfieaf AuhnF.
ilK ilK sLfhF nUM jLPrnfmy,
nMgy pYrIN gfhy kMizafly jMgl,
inwq nvyN ieiqhfs bxfey AuhnF.
isdk afpxf nhIN zulfieaf AuhnF.
inwGI god bwicaF dI hox mfpy,
KOPnfk jMglI jf suwqy,
lfl kMDF dI god ibTfey AuhnF.
srhfxf itMz df
ilKx leI ieiehfs df iewk vrkf,
cwk lgfieaf AuhnF.
afpxI klm qlvfr bxfeI AuhnF.
jbq dsx leI kOm afpxI nUM,
sfijaf pMQ Kflsf kOm vwKrI,
kdy nf DOx akVf ky qurdy, sfry nIvIaF pf ky qurdy. qurdy ieAuN ijAuN iPrdy murdy, jy ieh mrn nMU iqafr nf huMdy. awj sfzy isr qy pwg nf huMdI, jy nlUey ijhy srdfr nf huMdy, afE nyk ierfdy krIey, ksmF KfeIey vfady krIey, JUT, Pryb, nisLaF qoN zrIey, ieh kdy vI lfAuNdy pfr nf huMdy, awj sfzy isr qy pwg nf huMdI, jy vfry puwq cfr nf huMdy, sLhIdF nUM pRxfm hY sfzf, gurUaF nUM pRxfm hY sfzf, qFhIEN ‘lwkI’ nfm hY sfzf, dys huMdf bdnfm nf sfzf, ivwc jy koeI gdfr nf huMdy, awj sfzy isr qy pwg nf huMdI, jy goibMd isMG srdfr nf huMdy,
sbr sMqoK
igafnI kyvl isMG inrdosL iek idn iek PkIr dy koly, ikhf PkIr ny sLrq hY myrI,
eys zol df Qwlf hY nhIN,
iek amIr sI afieaf.
mUMhoN nf kuJ bolIN.
iCwt nhIN afAuxf pfxI.
hwQ joV ky sIs invfky,
vyKI jfvIN cuwp cpIqf,
cfho mWKx Pyr Pyr ky,
kuafry zoly dI iprq vI pfeI AuhnF.
muwK qoN ieAuN Purmfieaf.
buwlH nf afpxy KohlIN.
pfxI ivwc mDfxI.
iprq DVF nfl lVn dI pfeI AuhnF.
sfijaf pMQ Kflsf kOm vwKrI,
loVoN vwD ky jLor jLulm nfl,
lwj zol cuwk kuwlI ivcoN,
ieh sux ikhf kbIr ny awgoN,
bicwqr isMG BfeI nUM ipaf aimMRq,
iprq DVF nfl lVn dI pfeI AuhnF.
mY Dn kr ilaf ‘kwTf.
Pwkr KUh qy afieaf.
mfr akl nUM pwlf.
msq hfQI qoN ikwly quVvfey AuhnF,.
BgqI sLkqI df pihlF sumyl kIqf,
hor hor dI dOVH ‘c ieh mn,
BOxI AuproN zol afpxf,
qyrI rUh dy zol nUM vI nhIM,
aimMRq QfpVf dy isMGF qFeIN,
ipwCoN iswK kOm dI nINh itkfeI AuhnF.
ajy vI iPrd nwTf.
svf lwK nfl iewk lVfey AuhnF.
idsy lwKF ivcoN iswK vKrf,
pMjF isMGf hwQoN bfty dI phul lY ky,
pMjF kwkfiraF dI
goibMd isMG jI nfm rKvfey AuhnF.
vrdI pihnfeI AuhnF.
ivqkrf qyr qy myr df kwZ ivwcoN,
ikly jmrOd vdgy sr kIqy,
mwQy nfl jrvfixaF lfey AuhnF.
kOmI insLfn dI JMzI JulfeI AuhnF.
dgdI awg vI isMGF qoN BY Kfvy,
dyvI pRgtI nf jdoN hvn ivwcoN,
BiTaF ivwc vI rfq bqfeI AuhnF.
imafno iKc ky qyg ilhrfeI AuhnF.
sfijaf pMQ Kflsf kOm vwKrI,
sfijaf pMQ Kflsf kOm vwKrI,
iprq DVF nfl lVn dI pfeI AuhnF.
iprq DVF nfl lVn dI pfeI AuhnF.
KUh dy ivwc lmkfieaf.
koeI sbr df Qwlf. bfhr jF kw i Zaf zo l sI mYnMU iksy ny dwisaf, jo vI, ibnf sbr qoN ies jwg aMdr, KflI, sLrn quhfzI afvy. kdy koeI nhIN rwjdf. Pyr AuvyN hI kIqf. ho jfey iqRpq imty BuwK sfrI, muV-muV AuhI krnI bMdf, rUh AusdI rwj jfvy. vyKy cuwp cpIqf.
Biraf kdy avfjL nf dyvy, KflI GVf hI vwjdf.
jyhVI gwl nUM smJ nf skx, afKr Aus qoN rih nf hoieaf KflI hwQ qMU jwg qy afieaf, sfry jwg dIaF smJF.
ikhf PkIr dy qFeI.
Aus gwl nUM smJFAuNdy Pwkr, krky Kycl ikAuN gvfAuNdy, mfr zUMGIaF rmjF.
afpxf vkq ajFeIN.
KflI hwQ qur jfxf. mfieaf Kfqr inrdosL qUM, Cwzdy jLlm kmfxf.
The Patrika
Friday, January 5th, 2018
gurU goibMd isMG jI goibMd gurU
pRo: mohn isMG ijs rMg ‘qy hor nf rMg cVHy
Bfrq dy Auqwr pwCm ivc
jgmg krdy sLsqr asqr
AuwcIaF isKrF dy ivc iGrI
jo hn pRqIk amrqf dy
ieh sUry sMq ispfhI ny igafn isMG kotlI ieh sUry sMq ispfhI ny, qlIaF qy sIs itkfvxgy.
iek tukVI pfvn DrqI dI
moZy bRhmMzI DnusL DrI
hoxI dI ryKf mytxgy,
ijwQy ikrnF sUrj dIaF
BwQy ikrnF dy bfx BrI
ieh lfVI mOq ivafhvxgy.
swq isMg phfVI isKrF dy
dsqfr qy qoVf igtIaF df
hr sLfm svyry rMgdIaF
qn qfiraF dI sMjoa jVI
ijwQy prikrqI sLFq-peI
ggnF dy nIly GoVy qy
AuWqy lY cfdr brPF dI
pf cMn dI kfTI kOx afieaf?
ieh axKI iek iek XoDy nUM,
ijWQy csLmy cuwp dy vihMdy
goibMd gurU! goibMd gurU!!
lwKF dy nfl lVfvxgy.
qy hym kuMz ijs nUM kihMdy
jy ipqf ihMd dI cfdr sI
Cwz aYsy sLFq cuigrdy nUM
qF ihMd dI ijMd goibMd gurU
r w x - q w q y d y i v c k O x imwqr gx leI ibMd aimRq dI afieaf?
ieh pI ky phul KMzy dI,
iehnF dy lmhyN sdIaF dy, pMinaF qy ilKy jfvxgy. ieh sUry sMq ispfhI ny,
sLqrU gx leI imrigMd gurU
swjy hwQ nyjf lohy df
rx qwqy dy ivwc chr inrf
ho icMn vwjr qy rohy df
ivc komlqf arivMd gurU.
Kwby hwQ icwtf bfj PVI
dUqF leI sUeI df nwkf
jLflm dI alK mukfAuNdy ny.
jo hY pRqIk ibRhspiq df
qy sMqf dy leI isMD gurU.
ieh pfp dI jMJ nUM TwlH idMdy,
qy irsILaF ny ijs nUM iliKaf
sMqf mfno dUqF zfno
ivc irgvyd dy ‘gfXqrI’ df nfhrf lf ky kOx afieaf? goibMd gurU! goibMd gurU!!
sLhIdF dI mOq
qlIaF qy sIs itkfvxgy. ieh Kf ky sONh mjlUmF dI,
qlvfr AuTf ky axK leI, ieh dysL dI Zfl khfAuNdy ny. ieh dIn duKI mjLlUmF leI,
Auh aMbr qy qfrf bx ky cVHdy ny
ijMd hws ky Gol GumfAuNdy ny.
jfn ijhVI vI
axKF dI lMmI gfQf df,
Auh ggnF ivwc
ieh ieiqhfs bnfvxgy.
sUrj bx ky dgdI hY
ieh sUry sMq ispfhI ny,
Auh asmfnI bwdl bx ky srdy ny!
qlIaF qy sIs itkfvxgy
mOq sLhIdF dI jo lokI mrdy ny DrqI Auwpr ijMny vI ny
ieh imTq nIvIN nfnkf,
Puwl iKVdy
qy prym dy soihly gfAuNdy ny.
Auh ny sfry Kfb
ieh mMgdyy Blf mnuwKqf df,
sLhIdF dy idl dy Puwl AuhnF dy lhUaF nUM hI lgdy ny!
hwk swc dI TMZ vrqfAuNdy ny.
mOq sLhIdF dI jo lokI mrdy ny
Grbfr lutf ky dysL leI,
koeI vI vwzf sUrf nhIN
ieh dysL dI sLmHf jgfAudy ny.
sLhIdF qoN koeI vI vwzf vlI nhIN
ienHF dy ikwsy kfierF ‘c,
sLhIdF qoN
axKF dI joq jgfvxgy.
sLfh, guxI ivdvfn AuhnF dy brdy ny!
ieh sUry sMq ispfhI ny,
mOq sLhIdF dI jo lokI mrdy ny
sohx isMG sIql dUeI kr dUr eIrKf nUM CoVdy
qUM vI rwb, mYN vI rwb, Auh vI rwb hY
vYr qy ivroD dy qgfdy qoVdy
awKIaF jy hox, qF Auh afpy sB hY
qyr myr dUr kr mOjF mfxIeyN
sfiraF duDF ivwc mwKx vKfxIey
rwb idaF bMidaF nMU rwb jfxIeyN
rwb idaF bMidaF nMU rwb jfxIeyN
rwb ibnF hor izwTf nf kbIr ny
bwkry qoN rwb pf ilaf ksfeI ny
hr ivwc hr dwisaf jLmIr ny
AuhnUM rwb rUp mMinaF lukfeI ny
GVy, KUh, glfs ijvyN iewko pfxI eyN
sfiraF coN kIhnUM Auqwm pCfxIeyN
rwb idaF bMidaF nMU rwb jfxIey
rwb idaF bMidaF nMU rwb jfxIeNy
awlf iewk nUr, Esdf psfrf hY.
DMny dI khfxI suxI hoAU sB ny
rcnf akfl dI jhfn sfrf hY
cfrIaF sI gAUaF jIhdIaF jI rwb ny
KLflkoN KLlk vwK nf pCfxIeNy
DMny rwb ivwc Byd kI pCfxIeyN
rwb idaF bMidaF nMU rwb jfxIeyN
rwb idaF bMidaF nMU rwb jfxIeyN
nfmy nUM mugl PiVaf vMgfr jI
Twg qFeI iksy gurU sI bxf ilaf
Auhny jfqf EsnUM hrI murfr jI
Esy dI AupfsLnf coN rwb pf ilaf
dwsdI Bgq dI peI khfxI ey
idl dy Brosy qfrnf hY TfxIeyN
rwb idaF bMidaF nMU rwb jfxIeNy
rwb idaF bMidaF nMU rwb jfxIeyN
ijMHnF dy idlF dy ivwc rwb visaf
ikwQoN pRmfqmf sMJfqf sYx ny
hir-jn hir AuhnF iewk dwisaf
ikvy N mIrF bfeI pfieaf bx ky
jfvy nf Brm qyrf ijMd rfxIeyN
inmfxI eyN BIlxI sLudYx ny
rwb idaF bMidaF nMU rwb jfxIeyN
rwb idaF bMidaF nMU rwb jfxIey
aMdroN dI Jfq kIqI jF dfqfr ny
kwZ ky Brm vflf idloN cor jI
hokf idqf sfry jwg qy cMmfr ny
rwb ibnF vyKIN Pyr kOx hor jI
jMglF dy ivwc kfhnUM Kfk CfxIey
‘sIql’ suxfvy guru jI dI bfxI eyN
rwb idaF bMidaF nMU rwb jfxIeNy
rwb idaF bMidaF nMU rwb jfxIeyN
ieh AultI gMg vhfAuNdy ny.
isLv kumfr btflvI mOq sLhIdF dI jo lokI mrdy ny
dysL dy lyKy lgdI hY
rwb idaF bMidaF nMU rwb jfxIey
icVIaF qoN bfj quVfvxgy.
goibMd gurU! goibMd gurU!!
pihnI nIly rMg dy bsqr
qlIaF qy sIs itkfvxgy.
The Patrika
Friday, January 5th, 2018
The Patrika
Friday, January 5th, 2018
SPORTSByINDylanABBOTSFORD Kular. Abbotsford is home to many established youth sports organizations and is fortunate to have new organizations establishing themselves every year. That means there are many options for you and your family. Do not feel overwhelmed by the options or the pricing. Nearly every sport is now being offered by an organization or the City of Abbotsford at the recreation centers. With that being said, there are also cheaper and more expensive sport programs to register your child into.
Èok smfcfr
2.KidSport – applications for 2018 bVy duKI ihrdy nfl open soon – visit http://www.kidsportcanada.ca/british-columbia/ab- sUicq kIqf jfˆ d f hY botsford/apply-for-assistance/ ik srdfrnI divM d r 3.Athletics4Kids – applications for kOr igwl supqnI s[ 2018 are open – visit http://www.a4k. hrcMd isMG igwl (sfbkf ca/apply_now GET IN THE GAME
The many benefits of youth sports are: teaches youth the importance of teamwork, respect, perseverance, dignity and determination. Youth means both girls and boys. It is equally as important for the girls to participate in sports than it is for boys. With the DID YOU KNOW!? three funding options available to You can apply for sport funding from you (check DID YOU KNOW?!), various organizations in Abbotsford? be sure to try more than one sport in These organizations will pay part Abbotsford in 2018. of or all of your child’s outside-of- WHAT’S NEXT? school sports costs. Youth Sports: The benefits of playing 1.JumpStart – applications for 2018 multiple sports as a youth.
ipM R s Ipl Kflsf skU l
srI) ijhnfˆ df ipClf ipM z dO D r iËlH f mo g f sI, ò jnvrI nUM ÷ø sfl dI ay u m r Bo g ky akfl clfxf kr gey hn.iehnfˆ df aMqm sskfr ø jnvrI idn somvfr bfd dupihr ñ vjy PfeIv irvr iPAUnrl hom zYltf ivKy hovygf.AuprMq Auhnfˆ nimq rKfey sihjpfT dy Bog aqy aMqm ardfs Kflsf skUl srI (Elz Xyl ñúõøùñòô strIt) ivKy Èfm ó vjy hovygI.pirvfr nfl duwK sfˆJf krn leI sMprk kr skdy ho hrcMd isMG igwl öúô-øù÷-úõñô jfˆ srbjIq isMG igwl öúô-ö÷ñ-ñõõñ
sLok smfcfr
are open – visit http://jumpstart.cana- Athlete Spotlight: Gurvir Chattu – diantire.ca/ for more information – or Basketball player for Robert Bateman bVy duKI ihrdy nfl ieh sUicq Secondary School e-mail laszlo@westabby.org
Exploring new opportunities for affordable home ownership (NC) As more millennials look to become first-time homebuyers and boomers search for housing that better fits their needs, smart solutions are needed to ensure home affordability for years to come.
developers in reducing the barriers that have impeded necessary growth in the housing market,” says Ettore Cardarelli, President of the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA). According to Ontario Realtors, increasing housing supply in the province is the best long-term solution to keep home ownership within reach for young buyers and future generations.
One idea being recommended by Ontario Realtors is more housing supply. To meet the needs of diverse families, it's important to add more variety of homes to the market, such as townhouses, stacked flats and mid“OREA's plan for increasing housing rise buildings — and government can supply in Ontario includes speedsupport these efforts. ing up building approval processes, “Over the past year, Ontario Real- encouraging building more 'missing tors have been sounding the alarm middle' type homes and making sure on the lack of housing supply in the infrastructure funding is targeted toGreater Golden Horseshoe. It is im- wards water, sewer, roads and transit perative that governments work col- to land already designated for devellaboratively with municipalities and opment,” says Cardarelli.
kIqf jFdf hY ik pU j nIk mfqf qIrQo afhUjf spwqnI sv: vIrcMd afhUjf, jo ik qkrIbn 28 sflF qoN aYbtsPorz ivwKy rih rhy sn, ijMnHf df ipwClf ipMz iPwzy, ijLlf PIrojLpur sI pRmfqmf vloN bKsLI 90 sfl dI svfsF dI pMUjI Bogky imqI 3 jnvrI nMU akfl purK dy crnf ivwc jf ibrfjy hn. AunHF dy aMiqm drsLn qy sskfr imqI 6 jnvrI 2017 sLnIvfr nMMU 3 vjy irvrsfeIz iPAUnrl hom 2061 irvr sfeIz roz, aYbtsPorz ivKy hoxgy, AuprMq AunHF dy nimq rwKy sihjpfT dy Bog qy aMiqm ardfs gurduafrf sfihb Kflsf dIvfn sosfeItI aYbtsPorz 33094 sfAUQ PryjLr vya aYbtsPorz ivwKy 4:30 vjy hovygI. duwK sFJf krn leI sMprk kr skdy ho- isLv kumfr afhUjf: 604-832-3766 jF dyv kumfr afhUjf: 604-309-7152 PAGE 31
The Patrika
Friday, January 5th, 2018
jyT (ibRK) sMkRFqI
joiqS, Eqy Eqy 604-751-0220 kro
myK- kwP vfXU ivkfr, afriQk hfnI, PjLUl df Krcf hovy, mn pryslfn, apmfn df zr, Brf dy pwKo aqy imwqr bMDU qoN lfB, sMqfn df suwK, kfrobfr afs anusfr TIk rhy. dsMbr 16,17,26,27, jnvrI(2018 eI:) 3,4,12,13,asLuwB hn.
Both the goals and beliefs you have established over the last 3 years now move to a stage that will put you under pressure to commit in a serious way during the next 3 years. You can experience a sudden insight this week that encourages a new approach, with your thinking becoming clearer for decision making to mid January.
You will move on from underlying pressure from the expectations of somebody else that has affected your life in an underlying manner for the last 3 years. There are certain things you have had to learn to let go of as well. The next 3 years will lack the same boundaries and encourage you to work out what is important long term.
ibRK – ishq Krfb, iesqrI pwK nfl axvx, Drm krm ivwc mn lwgy, afmdn – Krc brfbr, dusLmn guwJy ZMg nfl quhfzf nuksfn krngy. dsMbr 18,19,20,28,29, jnvrI(2018 eI:) 5,6,asLuwB hn.
imQn – isr aqy nyqrF ivwc qklIP, afriQk lfB ho ky hfnI hovygI, swty df kMm nf kro, injI lokF qoN suwK imly, dusLmn pRysLfn kry, sLuB kfrj hux pr swt cot qoN bco. dsMbr 21,22,30,31, jnvrI(2018 eI:) 7,8,9,asLuwB hn.
isMG- ishq TIk, ivkfs rfhF qy awgy vDogy, afriQk lfB, nvIN Xojnf bxy, icMqf ivwc vfDf, njLdIkI lokF nfl axbx, sMpqI aqy GrylU JMJt. dsMbr ,16,17,26,27 jnvrI(2018 eI:) 3,4,12,13,asLuwB hn.
7 qulf- nyqr-ksLt, vfXU-ivkfr, dusLmnF qon sfvDfn, kfrobfr ivwc vfDf, aqy nvyN nvyN pRogrfm bxn, PjUl df Krc hovy. dsMbr 21,22,30,31, jnvrI(2018 eI:) 7,8,9,asLuwB hn.
ibRsick – pyt Krfb rhy, ishq vfsqy ivsLsyL Krc hovy, BfeI bMDU qoN suK ilmy, dusLmnF qoN sfvDfn rho, Xfqrf suKdfeI rhy, afmdn Krc brfbr rihx. dsMbr 15,23,24,25, jnvrI(2018 eI:) 1,2,10,11,asLuwB hn.
Dn- vfXU rog kfrx prisLfnI, ipafry swjxF nUM ksLt, nvIN Xojnf aqy puwqr qoN hfnI df zr, iesqrI-suwK, Drm-krm ivwc mn lwgy, suLwB kfrj hox. dsMbr ,16,17,26,27 jnvrI(2018 eI:) 3,4,12,13,asLuwB hn.
10 mkr- ishq Krfb, afriQk lfB ho ky ivsLysL Krc hovy, injI jn ksLt, imwqr nfl ivgfV, iesqrI-pwK qoN icMqf. dsMbr 18,19,20,28,29, jnvrI(2018 eI:) 5,6,asLuwB hn.
11 kuMB- ishq TIk, afriQk sMkt kfrx mn prysLfn, injI lokF nfl axbx, nvIn Xojnf aqy Xfqrf ivwc ksLt, iesqrI-suwK, kfrobfr ivec hfnI df zr. dsMbr 21,22,30,31, jnvrI(2018 eI:) 7,8,9,asLuwB hn.
mIn – nyqr aqy isr pIVf, PjLUl Krc hovy, Brf nfl axbx, imwqr qoN sihXog, afmdn Krc nfl sMqosLt. dsMbr 15,23,24,25, jnvrI(2018 eI:) 1,2,10,11,asLuwB hn
Greater attention to detail will be required of you over the next 3 years, which could inhibit your natural skill to take things as they come or deal with them at the time. If you embrace this you can develop the ability to speed up processes through greater efficiency. Praise can be lacking so you need to be content with yourself.
The greater your focus has been in the last 3 years on getting a good foundation in place with any set of circumstances in your life, including family, the more you can enjoy the rewards in the next 3 years. With this can come a greater sense of peace or the ability to relax. Responsibilities involving young people can be important.
Things you have learnt, which can include study or information you have gathered over the last 3 years now take you to the next stage of committing yourself during the next 3 years. You now have to get serious about what you are putting in place because it will form a foundation for a long period of time. It can include family.
There has been a need to apply sense and caution to your personal finances during the last 3 years. What you have learned from this can now open up your mind to all sorts of ideas and possibilities during the next 3 years. To your birthday 2018, you need to keep any sense of impulse under control to make the most of future growth
Saturn moves on from your sign where it has been for the last 3 years putting you under pressure to be serious and responsible and perhaps bringing restrictions into your life. This will now be the case with your finances during the next 3 years. You can do extremely well here as long as you are not wasteful. Fall back on your newfound maturity that should have developed in the last 3 years.
Saturn, your ruling planet, moves into your sign where it will remain for the next 3 years. This will provide plenty of opportunity for you to be successful with any situation you are prepared to commit yourself to. You have natural tendencies towards serious commitment and this can pay hansom dividends, though you might need to teach others to be more responsible, rather than you doing it for them.
Life has directed you to focus in a serious way on priorities that need to be most important in your life during the last 3 years. You have likely changed your view on these as well. During the next 3 years you will need a lot of patience as progress might seem held back as you will need to withdraw a lot for deep considerations.
Commitments and responsibilities have put you under a lot of pressure during the last 3 years. At times it probably felt like overload. As a result, this will now take you to the stage of becoming more acutely aware of what should take priority, based on what you wish to get out of life. These decisions need to come from you.
kMinaf- gupq icMqf, ishq TIk, Brf df ksLt, rfj pwK sLuB, iesqrI suwK, kfrobfr TIk. dsMbr 18,19,20,28,29, jnvrI(2018 eI:) 5,6,asLuwB hn.
You will move out of the realm, which has affected you for the last 3 years, where it has been difficult to know the level of appreciation others really have for your efforts or to know where you stand. You will certainly get more attention in the next 3 years but need to be mindful of just how much responsibility you take on.
krk- vfXU- ivkfr, afriQk lfB hovy, BfeI bMDU df suwK, nvIN Xojnf aqy sMqfn pwK qoN hfnI df zr, mhIny dy awD qon iesqrI pwK qoN icMqf, Xfqrf ivwc swt lwgx df zr, afmdn nfloN Krc ijafdf. dsMbr 15,23,24,25, jnvrI(2018 eI:) 1,2,3,10,11,asLuwB hn.
You should review what you have learned about commitments involving others in the last 3 years and the pressure you might have experienced as a result. This will not magically disappear in the next 3 years but can become more subtle, though there will be a definite controlling factor, either by others or life’s circumstances.
The Patrika
Friday, January 5th, 2018
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gurU goibMd isMG jI lflf dOlq rfm
jdoN guru qyg bhfdr jI joDpur dy rfjy nfl bMgfl vl afpxI mrjI nfl jF aOrMgjyb dy Byjy hoey gey sn, gu r u jI afpxI Drm pqnI qy mfqf nfnkI jI nUM ikrpfl cMd jI smyq ptny Cwz gey ikAuNik Aus smyN mfqf ies Kyz qoN qMg af ky AunHF dI dfdI mfqf gujrI jI grBvqI sn. aqy guru jI afp nfnkI pfs isLkfieq krdIaF qy dfdI mF rfjy dy nfl asfm vl cly gey. AunHf nUM zFtdI vI sI. jnm asQfn qy vkqCotI Aumr qoN hI bVy inzr sn AnHF bfry sMmq 1723 ibkRmI 17-18 poh, sLnIvfr bcpn dI iewk khfxI pRisD hY- iek idn qy aYNqvfr dI drimafnI rfq zyZ pihr Auh muMizaF nfl Kyz rhy sn qy Ausy pfisEN bfkI sI, ik ptnf ivKy mfqf gujrI jI kuwKoN ptnf dy nvfb dI svfrI gujrI. Cobdfr ny spuwqr pYdf hoieaf ijs df nfm goibMd muMizaF nUM dyK ky afiKaf ik nvfb sfihb rwiKaf igaf. guru qyg bhfdr jI Kud dI svfrI af rhI hY, AunHF nUM slfm kro afdysL dy gey sn ik jy lVkf pYdf hoieaf goibMd rfey ny muMizaF nUM sMboDn krky qF Aus df nfm goibMd riKaf jfvy. AunHF afiKaf ik slfm nhIN krnf, sgoN mUMh dy jnm sbMDI AunHF dy iswKF ny keI qrF icVfieE. muMizaF ny Ausy qrF hI kIqf qy dIaF krfmfqF ilKIaF hoeIaF hn ijvyN ky Auh ns gey. bcpn ivwc hI bVy cMcl qy hor DrmF vfly vI afpxy rihbr pYgMbrF inzr sn. gulylbfjLI dy bVy hI sLokIn sn. bfry afm ilKdy hn. pr ies ivwc kyvl jdoN guru qyg bhfdr jI pMjfb prqy qF sLrDflUaF qy iswKF dI Bfvnf aqy AuqsLfh afpxy pirvfr nUM ptny hI Cwz afey. pMjfb hI luikaf hoieaf hY, swcfeI kuJ Gwt hI phuMc ky AunHF anMdpur nfmI ipMz vsfieaf huMdI hY. iesy krky ieQy aijhIaF krfmfqF qy iPr ipCoN afpxy pirvfr nUM vI ipMz bulf df vrnx krn dI ivsLysL loV nhIN BfsdI. ilaf. guru jI df bcpngoibMd rfey dI ivwidaf-
HWY 11
HWY 11
bfkI pMnHf 36 'qy
jdoN goibMd rfey ajy ivwidaf pRfpq kr rhy sn, sYr qy isLkfr dy sLugl ivwc hI sn ik AunHF dy ipqf guru qyg bhfdr jI iewk aduwqI kurbfnI dI iqafrI ivwc sn ijs nUM jmfnf icrF qoN AuzIk irhf sI. smF aOrMgjyb dy rfj df sI qy Auh ies gl qy
asIN sYpitk tYNk lfAuNdy hF We install septic tanks
5390 Gladwin Road Abbotsford BC
ipqf guru dyv dI kurbfnI-
Well Pump Installation and Service
Anand Irrigation
gurU jI df spuwqr jfx ky lok AuhnF df bVf hI siqkfr krdy sn, qy lVky vI KyzF ivwc AuhnF df afdr krdy. jdoN muMzy POjF dIaF nklF Auqfrdy qF goibMd dy ihwsy sYnfpqI jF bfdsLfh df pfrt hI huMdf. kdy Auh adflqF dI nkl lfh ky lVikaF df iensfP krdy gulyl rfhIN insLfny dI msLk Auh Kud vI krdy aqy afpxy sfQIaF nUM vI krvfAuNdy. kdy kdy jd aOrqF KflI GVy isrF qy rwK ky KUhF jF diraf qoN pfxI Brn jFdIaF qF AunHF dy GiVaF dy insLfny vI PuMzdy qy GVy qoV idMdy. aOrqF AuhnF dI
guru qyg bhfdr jI dy sfhmxy smyN dy sfry hlfq mOjUd sn. gwdI-nsLInI vI hux keI qrF dI eIrKf juV geI sI. iesy vfsqy AunHF afpxy bwcy goibMd nUM Dfrimk ivdaf dy nfl nfl hr qrF dI jMgI ividaf, sLsqR ividaf qy GoV svfrI dI isKfeI. PfrsI pVHfAux vlI Kfs iDafn idwqf. ijs qrF dI ividaf AunHF dy ipqf jI ny AunHF nUM dUr aMdysLI nfl dvfeI, Aus df istf gurU goibMd isMG dy jIvn ivwc bhuq hI guxkfrI sfibq hoieaf.
ANAND Irrigation
jdoN goibMd jI kuJ vwzy hoey aqy afpxy sfQIaF nfl Kylx kudx lwgy qF AunHF dI sB qoN ipafrI Kyz iehI sI ik Auh muMizaF nUM afps ivwc tolIaF bxf ky bkfiedf jMg krfAuNdy sn. qIr kmfn qy gulyl dy insLfny dy vI soLkIn sn.
• Irrigation Installation
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• Post Pounding
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• Drip and Sprinkler Systems
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Call Tarsem Singh at 604-897-2152 or 604-852-0552 PAGE 33
pMjfb ivwc trYvlË eyjMtfˆ qy kwisaf iskMjf pMjfb hirafxf hfeIkort dy inrdyÈfN mgroˆ pMjfb ivwc trYvl eyjMtfN Auwpr iswkjf kwisaf jf irhf hY . hfeIkort ny trYvlË eyjMtfˆ vwloˆ iksy vI mfiDam rfhIˆ kIqI jfx vflI ieÈiqhfrbfËI `qy rijstryÈn nMbr drjL krnf lfËmI krfr idwqf hY.pRÈfsn ieh sKqI nfl lfgU krfAux leI srgrm ho igaf hY . srkfrI aiDkfrIafˆ ny dwisaf ik pMjfb srkfr dy gRih qy inafˆ ivBfg vwloˆ jfrI pwqr ivwc ikhf igaf hY ik BivwK ivwc trYvl eyjMtfˆ dy jo vI ieÈiqhfr iksy vI mfiDam (tYlIivËn,ipRMt,kMDfˆ `qy vfhnfˆ `qy) lvfey jfx,AunHfˆ `qy eyjMtfˆ df rijstryÈn nMbr ËrUr drjL hoxf cfhIdf hY .
Qrml plfˆt bMd dy PYsly mgroˆ twutx lwgy sfk
gurU nfnk dyv Qrml plfˆt nUM bMd krn dy PYsly mgroˆ lgfqfr mulfËm sMGrÈ kr rhy hn.ies dy cwlidafˆ biTMzf ivwc Qrml plfˆt dy bfhr mulfËmfˆ ny vwzI igxqI’c iekwTy ho ky srkfr iKlfP jMm ky nfarybfËI kIqI.AunHfˆ vwloˆ mfrc vI kwiZaf igaf jo Qrml plfˆt qoˆ ÈurU ho ky isvIafˆ qoˆ nhIafˆvflf rfhIˆN goinafxf mMzI huMdf hoieaf iglpwqI ,BoKVf qoˆ vfps af ky biTMzf phuMicaf. ies dOrfn Qrml bMd dy PYsly nfl keIafˆ dI iksmq dy drvfËy bMd hoxy ÈurU ho gey hn. Qrml ivwc kMm krdy do kfimafˆ dy irÈqy tuwt gey hn.
nvfˆ sfl cVHidafˆ hI sMGrÈ `c juwty Qrml mulfËm ijwQy pUrI dunIafN nvyˆ sfl dy jÈn mfn rhI hY ,AuwQy biTMzf Qrml dy mulfËm sVkfˆ `qy ros muËfhrf kr rhy hn.nOkrIafˆ jfx dy KdÈy krky ieh mulfËm nvfˆ sfl nhINˆ mnf rhy . Qrml plfˆt dy mulfËmfˆ ny ivwq mMqrI mnpRIq bfdl df puqlf PUk jy ros pRdrÈn kIqf.drasl pMjfb srkfr vwloˆ biTMzf qy ropV Qrml plfˆt bMd dy PYsly mgroˆ ieh mulfËm sVkfˆ qy af gey hn. byÈwk srkfr ny ienHfˆ mulfËmfˆ nUM Brosf idwqf hY ik AunHfˆ dIafˆ nOkrIafˆ surwiKaq hn qy AunHfˆ nUM nyVly plftfˆ `qy qbdIl kr idwqf jfvygf pr mulfËm srkfr dy ies PYsly df ivroD kr rhy hn.
The Patrika
akflI afgU izMpI iZwloˆ qy hornfˆ iKlfP prcf drjL
ÈhIdI joV myly `c burhfn vfnI vfly mYgËIn `qy ryVkf
akflI dl dy vrkr nUM nfjfieË ihrfsq `c rwKx dy mfmly nUM lY ky ÈRomxI akflI dl dy hlkf ieMcfrj rhy hrdIp isMG izMpI iZwloˆ dI agvfeI `c sNYkVy vrkrfˆ vwloˆ Qfxf kotBfeI awgy Drnf idwqf igaf sI . ies Drny dOrfn sfbkf cyarmYn iËlHf Xojnf borz aqy sInIar akflI afgU hrdIp isMG izMpI iZwloˆ aqy hor afgUafˆ dI Qfxf muKI nfl hoeI iqwKI bihs nUM lY ky kotBfeI puls vwloˆ izMpI iZwloˆ smyq ñö ivakqIafˆ ivruwD vwK-vwK Dfrfvfˆ qihq mfmlf drjL kIqf igaf hY .akflI dl dy pRDfn suKbIr bfdl ny cyqfvnI idwqI hY ik akflIafˆ iKlfP prcy drjL krn vfly aPsrfˆ nUM akflI srkfr afAux qy iewk mhIny ivc lfˆBy kr idwqf jfvygf .
ieQy ÈhIdI joV myly mOky ijwQy gurduafirafˆ ivwc mfqf gujrI qy Coty ÈfihbËfidafˆ nUM sMgqfˆ ÈrDf dy Puwl Byt krn puwj rhIafˆ sn ,AuwQy bfËfr vI sfjfey hoey sn. iewQy ivk rhy `vMgfr` nfˆ dy mYgËIn df ryVkf vD igaf hY,ikAuˆik ies ivwc srkfr vwloˆ awqvfdI krfr idwqy gey burhfn vfnI dy pwK ivwc lyK Cipaf hY . ies bfry muwK mMqrI kYptn ny rsfly dy ivkx `qy pfbMdI lfAuˆidafˆ ikhf ik jykr ies rsfly nfl koeI sMvydnÈIl hflq pYdf huMdI hY qfˆ ies leI puils pUrI qrHfˆ iqafr hY qy ies rsfly nUM ivkx nhIˆN idwqf jfvygf.
kYptn amirMdr isMG srkfr ny swqf ivwc afAux mgroˆ lokfˆ nfl vwzy vwzy vfady kIqy sn ijs krky jnqf ny kfˆgrs ivwc Brosf pRgtfieaf sI . hux nO mhIinaf bfad jnqf srkfr iKlfP sVkfˆ `qy Auwqrn lwgI hY . hux pMjfb dIafˆ jnqk jQybMdIafˆ ny kYptn srkfr vwlNo bxfey jf rhy `kfly kfnUMnfˆ` ivrwuD lfmbMd hox df swdf idMidaf sMGrÈ df ibgl vjf idwqf hY . jÜMDr dy dyÈ Bgq hfl ivwc iekwTy hoey lokfˆ dy icihirafˆ `qy kYptn srkfr iKlfP roh nËr afieaf. qflmyl PrMt pMjfb dy swdy `qy iewQy pMj drjn qoˆ vwD jnqk jQybMdIafˆ vwloˆ kIqI knvYnÈn ny sUby dy hr vrg dy lokfˆ nUM pMjfb dI kfˆgrs srkfr vwloˆ kflLy kfnUMnfˆ rfhIˆ jmhUrI hwkfˆ qy kIqy jf rhy hmly ivrwuD sMGrÈ krn df swdf idwqf hY . jQybMdIafˆ dy sUbfeI ahudydfrfˆ dI pRDfngI hyT hoeI ies knvYnÈn dOrfn ñö PrvrI nUM brnflf qy ñ÷ PrvrI nUM jlMDr ivwc sUbf pwDr dIafˆ do mhfˆ rYlIafˆ krn df aYÜfn kIqf igaf .
modI srkfr dy(guwzË aYˆz srivs tYks) jIaYstI ny ÈRomxI gurduafrf pRbMdk kmytI df bjt ihlf idwqf hY . jIaYstI lfgU hox kfrn ÈRomxI kmytI nUM lMgr `qy pRqI sfl qkrIbn ñú kroV vfDU qfrny pYxgy. ÈRomxI kmytI qy akflI lIzrfˆ dI cfrfjoeI dy bfvjUd kyˆdr srkfr ajy qwk tws qoˆ mws nhIˆ hoeI .ÈRomxI kmytI dy sfbkf pRDfn pRo[ ikrpfl isMG bzMUgr qoˆ ielfvf iswK sMsQfvfˆ qy aYnzIey BfeIvfl ÈRomxI akflI dl vwloˆ vI lMgr nUM jIaYstI mukq krn dI mMg kIqI geI hY pr ajy qwk koeI rfhq nhINˆ imlI. kydrI mMqrI hrismrq kOr bfdl vwloˆ afvfË AuTfey jfx dy bf vjUd kyˆdr qy jIaYstI kOˆNsl ies mfmly `qy cuwp vwtI bYTI hY .ÈRomxI kmytI dy pRDfn goibMd isMG lONgovfl ies mfmly qy pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI qwk phuMc krngy.
kYptn srkfr dy aOKy idn ÈurU
ÈhIdf dI DrqI `qy kYptn dy pMj aYlfn
mhfn ÈhIdfˆ dI pivwqr DrqI PqihgVH sfihb ivKy ÈhIdI sBf dy dUjy idn bfbf joLrfvr isMG ,bfbf Piqh isMG qy mfqf gujrI jI dI lfsfnI Èhfdq mOky muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG ny pMj aYlfn kIqy. kYptn iewQy afm ÈrDflU vfˆg afey, gurU Gr nqmsqk vI hoey. ies mOky muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG ny pRYs kfnPrMs dOrfn ikhf ik PqihgVH sfihb dI pivwqrqf qy mhfnqf nUM dyKdy hoey kfˆgrs srkfr vwloˆ ies DrqI `qy pMj muwK nvyˆ sfl moky ey aYs afeI dy muMzy ny Auprfly kIqy jfxgy. ienHfˆ qihq PqihgVH sfihb ivKy nvfˆ bws stYˆz bxfieaf jfvygf,coa dy suMdrIkrn leI kIqf nOjvfn df kqls õ[÷ñ kroV sYNkÈn ho cuwkf hY ijs nUM pwkf krky ies dI nvyˆ sfl dI pfrtI qNo afey iewk eyaYsafeI dy muMzy ny nuhfr bdlI jfvygI . luiDafxf bws stYˆd dy bfhr iksy gwl qy qUM-qUM mYˆ-mYˆ hox PrIdkot jylH ivwc bMd pfiksqfnI kfrn iewk nOjvfn df kql kr idwqf. mulËm mndIp isMG bwcy dI hoeI vqn vfpsI , jo pMjfb puils dy eyaYsafeI df muMzf hY, nUM igRPqfr kr ilaf igaf hY . mndIp ny afpxy pMj sfQIafˆ nflL iml qkrIbn ds mhInyˆ pihlfˆ pfiksqfn vfly pfisEN BfrqI ky ies vfrdfq nUM aMËfm idwqf. imRqk dI pCfx rivMdr srhwd aMdr dfKl hoey ñó sflfˆ bwcy dI nvyˆ sfl moky isMG vjoˆ hoeI hY .aYspI minMdr bydI ny ikhf ik ies kys vqn vfpsI hoeI hY . ieh bflk guMgf bolLf hY ijs kfrn dI inrpwK jfˆc hovygI .AunHfˆ ny dfavf kIqf ik puils ies dI ÈnfKq bhuq hI aOKI hoeI hY. ies bwcy dI pihcfn mulfËm dy muMzy nflL iksy qrHfˆ dI nrmI nhIˆ kIqI jfvygI hsnYn vjoˆ hoeI hY ieh lfhor df rihx vflLf hY . nvyˆ . bydI ny ikhf ik jld hI mndIp dy bfkI pMj sfQI vI sfl moky aMimRqsr dy vfhgf bfzr rfhIˆ Aus nUM pfiksfnI igRPqfr kr ley jfxgy . ryˆjrfˆ hvfly kIqf igaf . PAGE 34
Friday, January 5th, 2018
modI dy jIaYstI ny ihlfieaf ÈRomxI kmytI df bjt
Kihrf ny arUsf aflm nUM lY ky kYptn dI kIqI rfhul kol iÈkfieq
pMjfb ivDfn sBf ivwc ivroDI iDr dy afgU suKpfl isMG Kihrf ny muwK mMqrI amirMdr isMG dI pfiksqfnI imwqr arUsf aflm dI nyVqf `qy svfl KVHy kridafˆ kfˆgrs pRDfn rfhul gfˆDI nUM icwTI ilKI hY. Kihrf ny iliKaf hY ik pfiksqfn dI PojI smIiKafkfr qy pwqrkfr arUsf aflm df muwK mMqrI nfl srkfrI irhfieÈ ivwc rihxf gYr vfjb hY . Kihrf ny ikhf ik arUsf kfrn muwK mMqrI kfnUMn dI AulMGxf kr rhy hn ikAuˆik Aus dy Tihrn bfry ivdyÈI KyqrI rijstryÈn dPqr nUM sUicq nhIˆN kIqf igaf .ies sbMDI Kihrf ny iek vIzIE vI rfhul gfˆDI nUM Byijaf hY ijs ivwc kYptn arUsf nfl Èrfb pI rhy hn.Kihrf df kihxf hY ik pfiksqfnI rwiKaf ivÈlyÈk arUsf nUM muwK mMqrI dI srkfrI irhfieÈ qy Tihrf ky muwK mMqrI amirMdr isMG vwloˆ anYiqk kMm kIqy jf rhy hn.
suKpfl Kihrf ny afÈf kumfrI qoˆ y muafPI mMgx dI kIqI mMg afm afdmI pfrtI dy ivDfn sBf ivwc ivroDI iDr dy afgU suKpfl isMG Kihrf ny afiKaf ik kuwl ihMd kfˆgrs kmytI dI afgU afÈf kumfrI vwloˆ iÈmlf ivwc puils mihlf krmcfrI nUM QwpV mfrn dy mfmly ivwc jnqk muafPI mMgxI cfhIdI hY . Auh awKfN dy AwuGy srjn zf[ dljIq isMG dy akfl clfxy `qy AunHfˆ dy pirvfr nfl duwK sfˆJf krn afey sn .
The Patrika
Friday, January 5th, 2018
Province puts more naloxone into the hands of British Columbians to save lives
o help save lives and prevent overdose deaths, take-home naloxone kits are now available at community pharmacies throughout British Columbia, free to people who use opioids or are likely to witness an overdose, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions Judy Darcy announced today. “Our most urgent priority is to keep people alive, so we’re dramatically expanding easy access to naloxone,” Darcy said. “Bringing a friend or a loved one back from the brink of death can hinge on people knowing how to use a naloxone kit and having access to one – and making them available at local pharmacies makes them more accessible than ever.” About 1,900 kits have been distributed to 220 pharmacies for the first time this month, including pharmacies in the London Drugs and Save-on-Foods chains, as well as a number of independent pharmacies. Under this expansion of the Take Home Naloxone program,
pharmacists provide kits free-of-charge to people who are eligible, as well as training in overdose recognition and response.
the opioid crisis as one of the most accessible health-care providers in nearly every community across the province,” said Geraldine Vance, BC Pharmacy Association chief executive officer. “Pharmacists are trained, experienced and knowledgeable, not only in medication but in providing an essential health-care service to our patients and to our community. Providing the life-saving naloxone kit from the community pharmacy level to treat opioid overdose is an important step in dealing with the current crisis.”
“Take-home naloxone kits are a key harm-reduction measure in our multipronged approach to combat the overdose crisis and have saved countless lives,” said Dr. Jane Buxton, BC Centre for Disease Control harm reduction lead. “Through this new collaboration, naloxone will now be readily available at more locations, making it easier for people to look out for each other and be safer.” “London Drugs is pleased to partner To receive a free naloxone kit, British with the Ministry of Mental Health and Columbians can visit a participating Addictions and the BC Pharmacy Aspharmacy and talk to a pharmacist sociation to implement this take-home to determine their eligibility. No-cost naloxone kit program across British kits are available for people who use Columbia,” said Chris Chiew, London opioids or are likely to witness and Drugs, pharmacy general manager. respond to an overdose. To ensure priAll of the province’s pharmacies are vacy, identifying information about the being encouraged to participate. Noperson receiving the kit is not tracked. charge naloxone kits also continue to “B.C. pharmacies play a significant be available at harm-reduction sites, role in being a part of the solution in local health units, hospital emergency
departments, corrections facilities and First Nations sites. The expansion of the Take Home Naloxone Program into pharmacies is part of a new $322-million provincial investment over the next three years to address the overdose crisis. About $2 million per year has been allocated to increase access to naloxone, including through this new partnership between the BC Pharmacy Association and the BC Centre for Disease Control. Broader access to naloxone is key to the provincial response, now being coordinated through the new provincial Overdose Emergency Response Centre. Additional areas of focus include expanding access to opioid substitution medications to treat opioid addiction, opening more overdose prevention and supervised consumption sites, expanding access to drug checking services, proactively identifying and supporting people at risk of overdose, and improving the system of treatment and recovery services.
The Patrika
PAGE 36 pMnHf 33 dI bfkI quilaf ipaf sI ik ijs qrF vI ho sky sfry ihMdUaF nUM muslmfn bxf ky iewk vrn kr dyvy qy ies leI Auh hr qrHF df jbr jLor qy julm vrq irhf sI. Aus ny ipMzF dy ipMz muslmfn bxf ley sn. swc qF ieh hY ky Aus smyN Auwc jfqIey qy afm sfry ihMdU hI muslmfnF dy aikh qy asih julmF qoN awky Qwky pey sn. ihMdU Drm ivwc Puwt qy durblqf ieMnI ijafdf sI ik AunHf dI suwK sLFqI Kqm ho cuwkI sI. vwzIaf kOmF AunHF nUM iGrxf krdIaF sn. AunHF ivwc kOmI eykqf aqy sFJ df bl aijhf nhI sI ik Auh suwK arfm df jIvn jI skx, jF afpxy bcfa dy Aupfa soc skx. ieslfm ivwc pRvysL krn nfl Auh jyqU qy hfkm toly dy mYNbr bx jFdy sn. ihMdU Drm dIaF sfrIaF burfeIaF qy iml rhy qsIihaF qoN KlfsI ho jFdI sI. ihMdU Drm dIaF kmjLorIaF aqy AUc nIc dy ivqkry aqy iGrxf afid qoN sdf leI Cutkfrf iml jFdf sI. iesy leI nIvIaF jfqF ny ihMdU Drm dy tfkry ivwc ieslfm nUM rihmq smiJaf qy pRsMnqf nfl ieslfm ivwc pRvysL krn lwgy. ienHF pRivrqIaF kfrn AunHF nUM qF jbrn muslmfn bxfAux leI aOrMgjyb df koeI Kfs iDafn nhI sI. Auh qF afpxy afp hI afpxI gulfmI qoN ajLfdI pOx Kfqr iKHcy cly afAuNdy sn. aOrMgjyb qF AuWcIaF jfqF, Kfs krky KqrIaF qy bRhfmxF nUM jLbrI muslmfn bxfAuxf chuMdf sI. iehI kfrn sI ik ksLmIr ivc muslmfn bxfAux leI Aus ny sfrf itl lf idwqf qy sfrI qfkq KLrc kr idwqI. ksLmIr ivwc keI bRfhmxF ny ihMdU Drm iqafg ky ieslfm Dfrn krn qoN ienkfr kr idqf. Aus ny AunHF qy jLulm Zfhy qy AunHF nUM idWlI drbfr ivwc bulfieaf. iesy smyN qwk iswKF dI hflq kfPI cMgI qy mjbUq bx cuwkI sI. AunHF df kuJ dbdbf vI bx cuwkf sI. AunHF df afpxf Drm pRcfr vI kfiem sI. gurU hrgoibMd sfihb vkq dI srkfr nfl twkr lY ky ivroDI PojF nUM keI vfr hfr vI dy cuwky sn. ies vfsqy ksLmIrI bRhfmx guru qyg bhfdr jI pfs afey qy afpxI sfrI duWK BrI iviQaf suxfeI. gurU jI AunHF dI ieh drd BrI khfxI sux ky dRv gey aqy socx lwg pey. bVI hI icMqf jnk gl sI. iewk pfsy bRhfmxF dI ieh dsLf sI PAGE 36
qy dUjy pfsy aOrMgjyb dI qfkq. bRfhmxF dI ieh siQqI qy Drm dI rwiKaf ksLwqrI KUn dy josL dI mMg krdI sI ik mjlUmF dI bFh PVI jfey qy shfieqf kIqI jfvy. aOrMgjyb dI qfkq, jbrI jLulm qy hYNkV icqfvnI idMdy sn ik ieh gwl koeI asfn nhIN. iesy hI socs ivcfr dy zUMGy sfgr ivwc gurU jI sn ik goibMd rfey afpxy ipqf dy kol afey qy AunHF nUM puwCx lwgy ik aj qusI ieqny cup ikAuN ho? Ipqf jI ny Auwqr idqf ky hux ihMdU Drm qy dysL dI jflq aijhI hY ik iksy pivqr afqmf dy bildfn dI loV hY. goibMd rfey jI ny sihj suBfa hI ikhf ik afp jI nfloN hor ikhVI pivwqr afqmf hY, jo KqrI Drm leI afpxf isr bildfn kry? gurU qyg bhfdr jI ny Auqwr idwqf, jy iesLvr dI iehI iesLf hY qF iehI pUrI hovygI. iswKF dI cVdI klf aOrMgjyb dIaF awKF ivwc inwq kMzy vFg rVkdI rhI sI qy ksLmIrI bRhfmxf nUM idwqI shfieqf ny qF Aus nUM awg hI kf idwqI. aOrMgjyb ny guru sfihb nUM idlI qlb kIqf. guru qyg bhfdr jI ny goibMd rfey nUM gwdI sOp idwqI qy AunHF nUM afiKaf ky akfl purK dI afigaf nfl Auh idwlI afpxf sIs ByNt krn jf rhy hn. sfzI dyh nUM rulx qoN bcfAux qy ies df imrqk sMskfr krnf. pIVq ihMdU Drm dI rwiKaf hux quhfzy jLumy hY qy afpxy pRfxF dI ahUqI dy ky vI ies nUM inBfAuxf. jo kuJ guru qyg bhfdr jI ny afdysL idqf sI, afKLr Eh kuJ hI ho ky irhf. guru qyg bhfdr jI nUM aOrMgjyb ny idlI ivwc sLhId kr idwqf qy AunHF df sIs iewk rMgV jfq df jIvn nfmI iswK anMdpur sfihb gurU goibMd sfihb pfs lY afieaf. guru jI ny ipqf jI df sIs vyK ky ieh duhf piVHaf :sfDn hyq ieqI ijn krI. sIs dIaF pr sI n AucrI. Drm hyq sfkf ijin kIaf. sIs dIaf pr isrru nf dIaf. AnHF dy sIs df sskfr kIqf igaf. AnHF dy DV nUM iek pRymI (lKI sLfh gwzy ivwc Cupf ky) afpxy Gr lY igaf qy AuQy ies iKafl nfl ik ikDry bfhr sskfr nfl Byq nf Kuwl jfey, Aus ny afpxy Gr nUM awg lf ky guru jI dy DV df sskfr kr idqf.
Friday, January 5th, 2018
Medical Services Plan premium cut starts Jan. 1, 2018 Medical Services Plan (MSP) premiums will be cut by 50% on Jan. 1, 2018, marking an important step toward improving fairness for all British Columbians, Finance Minister Carole James said today.
In addition to the 50% rate cut, the income threshold for full exemption from MSP premiums under the premium assistance program will also be raised by $2,000, as of Jan. 1, 2018.
a significant burden on British Columbians,” James said. “I’m proud that we are moving away from these regressive fees and creating a more equitable system by eliminating MSP premiums entirely within four years.”
examine the best approach to replacing the revenue from eliminating MSP premiums. The task force is comprised of respected experts in economics, law and public policy, to advise on the best path to eliminating MSP premiums. Government will receive its report by March 31, 2018.
In November 2017, the Minister of “MSP premiums are unfair and place Finance established a task force to
Friday, January 5th, 2018
The Patrika
Punjabi Patrika and Hearts for Humanity Foundation host a clothing and hygiene giveaway for those in need in Abbotsford
The Patrika
Friday, January 5th, 2018
The Patrika
Friday, January 5th, 2018
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The Patrika
Friday, January 5th, 2018
Friday, January 5th, 2018
The Patrika
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The Patrika
Friday, January 5th, 2018
kfimaF dI loV aYbtsPorz ivwc lokl imwl leI lMbr cuwkx vfly Pork ilPt zrfeIvr dI loV hY. 1 sfl df qjLrbf hoxf cfhIdf hY. sfMnU iek bIlzr dI vI loV hY! cMgI qnKfh aqy vDIaf mhOl. plynr dI vI loV hY. hor jfxkfrI lYx leI Pon kro:
Farm Workers Needed
nsLy Cwzx leI jy qusIN sLrfb jF zrwg dy kfrn musIbq ivwc ho aqy Cwzx leI mdwd dy cfhvfn ho qF jOhn nUM Pon kro: 604-859-8244 jF 778-7791337 jF jjt.fvu@gmail.com
Farm Workers Needed for MSB Farms LTD. 5331 Riverside Street, Matsqui, BC, V4X 3R2. General farm duties include berry picking, cultivating, irrigation, cleaning, harvesting. Up to 50 hours/week. Wages are $11.35 per 604-807-2097. hour. No education is Knowledge kpVy dy stor 'qy required; of English and farm kMm krn leI work experience will Part Time be assets. For more kfimaF dI loV hY information call 236English, pMjfbI aqy 887-1329 or e-mail slfeI afAuxI jrUrI hY. msbfarms@hotmail.com qnKfh $12/GMtf hovygI. stor ivwc afky arjLI Bro I, Kirpal Kaur Dhaliwal w/o Hari Singh Brar, jI. Overseas Fabrics holder of Indian Passport No# J4484730 32853 Ventura Ave issued at Vancouver, B.C. permanent aYbtsProz resident of VPO: Rajiana Tehi Bagha Purana Dist: Moga, Punjab, India- pin code 142038 zrfeIvr aqy Enr and presently residing at 31474 Legacy Crt. Abbotsford, B.C. V2T 6W5 Canada do aprytrF dI loV hereby change my name from Kirpal Kaur aYbtsPorz dI kMpnI nUM Dhaliwal to Kirpal Kaur Brar with bI sI- albrtf cwlx immediate effect. leI 2 sflF dy qjLrby vflLy kMpnI zrfeIvrF aqy Enr aprytrF dI loV hY. vDIaf ryt aqy hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-908-4422
kfimaF dI loV gryvfl byrI groar nMU rsby r I bM n H x vfsqy 10 kfimaF dI jld qoN jld loV hY. hor jfxkfrI sMprk kro: 604-832-3441 PAGE 42
asIN ipCly 20 sflF qoN BfeIcfry dI syvf krdy af rhy hF. 50 sYNt nMU kursIaF (ijMnIaF mrjLI) 5 zflr nMU tybl (ijMny mrjLI) (stor qoN lY ky jfxf aqy Cwz ky jfxf quhfzI ijMLmyvfrI hovygI)
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The Patrika
Friday, January 5th, 2018
The post-antibiotic era: Why everyone needs to be concerned (NC) When you get sick with an infection, you go to the doctor, who might prescribe an antibiotic. You take the medication as indicated, and in a few days, you start to feel better and are soon back to your old self. But what if it weren't so simple?
a greater economic cost to society from increased healthcare and absenteeism from A post-antibiotic era is a very near pos- work. sibility, and some say that we are actu- Fortunately, there is something we ally in the post-antibiotic era already, can do. Healthcare experts are callas there are currently bacteria that are ing for new innovations in science to becoming resistant to all medications tackle antimicrobial resistance. We'll we have on hand. A recent report by the need more investment in research for World Health Organization warns that medical technology to rapidly diagnose common infections and minor injuries infections, technology to monitor and can kill if we reach the point of a post- track resistant infections, and the deantibiotic era. If this happens, common velopment of new medicines. Healthinfections that we rely on antibiotics to care companies like BD - Canada are treat, like pneumonia and urinary tract working to help raise awareness about infections, would become quite danger- the risks of antimicrobial-resistant inous and potentially deadly. fections and creating the technologies Patients infected with antimicrobial- to combat them. resistant infections, sometimes referred to as superbugs, may experience increased risk of death and recovery time, leading to a greater emotional and financial burden for families, as well as
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C E L L : 6 0 4 .8 3 2 .6 3 6 3 - O F F IC E : 6 0 4 .7 4 6 .2 7 7 7 PAGE 43
In October, 2017, Surrey School District conducted a survey in its elementary schools to determine parent interest in second language at their child’s school. The survey was directed at students in grades 2, 3 and 4. The five languages included in the survey were French, Punjabi, Mandarin, Japanese and Korean. The district staff is in the process of tabulating the survey results and prepare a report for the Board of School Trustees. This report will likely be presented to the Board early in January. PLEA has been informed that the Punjabi speaking parents have taken a keen interest in filling out the survey form and returning it to the school of their child. For this, I would like to thank each one of the parents who took the time to complete the survey form and return it to the school. For the past few years, PLEA has been working hard in getting Punjabi classes under way in Surrey’s elementary schools which have a fairly large number of Indo-Canadian students. These include Chimney Hill, T.E. Scott, F.D. Sinclair, Woodward Hill and Georges Vanier etc... Once the report is made public, we will be able to pinpoint the targeted schools more accurately. At this time, eight high schools in Surrey
The Patrika
Friday, January 5th, 2018
From Balwant Sanghera’s Desk
are offering Punjabi classes. PLEA’s goal is to increase the student numbers for Punjabi classes in the four elementary schools currently offering Punjabi– Newton, Green Timbers, Strawberry Hill and Beaver Creek. In addition to that, PLEA would like to add at least four and possibly more schools, to this list. For this, we need full support of the parents, Indo-Canadian media and the community.
In the meantime, on behalf of PLEA, I would like to urge parents, media and our community to continue to assist us in this process. We will be discussing these issues at our upcoming fifteenth International Mother Language Day (IMLD) on Saturday, January 20 at North Delta Recreation Centre (11415 at 84 Avenue) in Delta beginning at 2 PM (Doors open at 1:30 PM). PLEA is lining up an exciting program for IMLD. Well known police officer Sgt. Jag Khosa from CFSEU will share as to how the Punjabi language has impacted/helped his professional and volunteer work. As you are aware, Jag and his team have been doing an amazing job in helping parents and youth tackle the issues of gangs and violence. In addition to that, a panel consisting of prominent members of
the community and professionals will discuss the issues relating to Punjabi. Well known Punjabi scholars including Dr. Sadhu Singh, Surrey School Board member Garry Thind and UBC’s Sukhwant Hundal will also be sharing their thoughts about Punjabi with the audience. There will also be an update on PLEA’s activities during 2017 and upcoming plans. Every year PLEA honours a prominent member of our community for his/her contribution to Punjabi language. This year again we will honour a special individual –Mr. Gian Singh Thind- a retired aircraft mechanic with Air Canada. Mr. Thind learned to read and write Punjabi here on his own in Canada and published a magazine in Punjabi in the 1950s. PLEA will also be recognizing two dedicated teachers and promoters of Punjabi language for their contribution. In addition to that, there will be poetry reading by students and prominent poets in our community. Admission to this function is free and there will be light refreshments. On behalf of PLEA, I would like to invite everyone to join us in celebrating our mother tongue Punjabi. Further information can be obtained by phoning
me at 604-836-8976 or Sadhu Binning at 778-773-1886. I would like to wish you, your family, colleagues and readers a Happy and Healthy New Year!
Balwant Sanghera President, Punjabi Language Education Association (PLEA)
mfxXog sMpfdk jI, siq sRI Èkfl . akqUbr mhIny ivwc srHI skUl izstirkt vloˆ srHI dy sfry aYlImYMtrI skUlfˆ ivc dUjI BfÈf leI idlcspI jfnx leI iek srvy kIqf igaf sI.ieh srvy dUjI,qIjI aqy cOQI jmfq dy biwcafˆ df pMjvIˆ jmfq ivc dUjI BfÈf lYx vfry kIqf igaf sI. ies ivc PrfˆsIsI ,pMjfbI,mYMzfirn, korIan aqy jpfnI BfÈfvfˆ Èfml kIqIaf geIafˆ sn. plI nUM ieh jfx ky bhuq KuÈI hoeI hY ik pMjfbI mfipafˆ ny ies srvy ivc vwD cHV ky ihwysf ilaf. ies leI plI vloˆ Auhnfˆ sB df bhuq DMnvfd hY.afs kIqI jfˆdI hY ik iesy hI qrHfˆ plI nUM Auhnfˆ sB mfipafˆ,mIzIaf aqy kimAUintI pUrf df sihXog imldf rhygf.
igxqI hor BI vDy. ies qoˆ ibnfˆ plI dI koiÈÈ hY ik sqMbr,òúñø qoˆ Gwto Gwt pMj hor skUlfˆ- tI[ eI[ skOt, icmnI ihwl, aYP[zI [isnklyar,jorjj vYnIey aqy vuzvrz ihwl - vrgy skUlfˆ ivc BI pMjfbI dIafˆ klfsfˆ ÈurU hox.ies srvy dI irport jo ik jnvrI ivc skUl borz nUM idwqI jfvygI nfl plI nMU hor syD imlygI. plI vloˆ mYˆ iehnfˆ skUlfˆ dy cOQI jmfq dy bwicafˆ dy mfipafˆ nUM apIl krdf hfˆ ik Auh CyqI hI afpxy bwcy dy skUl dy ipRMsIpl nUM pMjfbI BfÈf dy pRy mIafˆ leI ieh bhuq imlx jfˆ PUun kr ky afpxy bwcy nUM pMjfbI KuÈI dI gwl hY ik ies sfl srHI dy awT klfs leI rijstr krn dI iewCf jfhr hfeI skUlfˆ aqy cfr aYlImYMtrI skUlfˆ krn. ivc pMjfbI BfÈf dIafˆ klfsfˆ cwl rhIafˆ vYsy BI plI vloˆ smucI kimAUintI aqy hn.cfr alImYMtrI skUl ijwQy pMjfbI dIafˆ iehnfˆ sB skUlfˆ ivc jfˆdy bwiwcafˆ dy klfsfˆ cl rhIafˆ hn Auh hn: bIvr krIk mfipafˆ nUM apIl hY ik vwD qoˆ vwD bwcy hr ,strfbyrI ihwl, grIn itMbrj aqy inAUtn iek pMjfbI klfs leI rijstr krvfAu. .plI dI koiÈÈ hY ik iehnfˆ aYlImYMtrI afAu afpxI mfˆ bolI pMjfbI dI prPuwlqf skUlfˆ ivc pMjfbI lYx vfly biwcafˆ dI leI afpxf Xogdfn pfeIey. ies vfry jy PAGE 44
hor jfxkfrI lYxI hovy qfˆ dfs nfl öúôøóö-øù÷ö Aupr jfˆ sfDU ibinMg nfl ÷÷ø-÷÷ó-ñøøö qy sMprk kIqf jf skdf hY .hux loV hY ik afpfˆ vwD cVH ky afpxI mfˆ bolI pMjfbI leI hMBlf mfrIey. hr sfl dI qrHfˆ plI pMdrvfˆ aMqr rfÈtrI mfˆ bolI idn òú jnvrI idn sincrvfr nUM nOrQ zYltf rYkrIeyÈn sYMtr, ññôñõ-øô aYvIinAU zYltf ivKy mnf rhI hY. ies ivc kimAUintI dy kfPI pqvMqy swjx ihwsf lY rhy hn. iehnfˆ ivc sfrjYMt jYg Kosf,srHI skUl borz dy mYMbr gYrI iQMd, zfktr sfDU isMG aqy XU[bI[sI[ dy aiDafipk suKvMq huMdl hurfˆ dy nfm vrnx Xog hn.hr sfl dI qrHfˆ ies sfl kimAUintI dy iek pqvMqy swjx nUM ijs ny mfˆ bolI pMjfbI ivc kfPI Xogdfn pfieaf hovy nUM snmfnq kIqf jfvygf. ies sfl igafn isMG iQMd, ijhnfˆ ny kYnyzf ivc af ky Kud ihMmq krky pMjfbI iswKI aqy ñùõú ivafˆ ivc pMjfbI
df mYgjIn ÈurU kIqf Auhnfˆ df snmfn kIqf jfvygf . ies qoˆ ibnfˆ do hor aiDafipk ijhnfˆ dI pMjfbI bolI leI kfPI dyx hY Auhnfˆ nUM BI snmfinafˆ jfvygf. ieh smfgm iblkul muPq hY. cfh pfxI df ieMqjfm BI hovygf. plI vloˆ mYˆ sB nUM sfzy nfl ies ivc Èfml ho ky mfˆ bolI pMjfbI df mfx vDfAux leI swdf idMdf hfˆ . plI aqy myry vloˆ quhfnUM,quhfzy prvfr ,stfP aqy pfTkfˆ nUM nvyˆ sfl dI vDfeI aqy ÈuB ieCfvfˆ Byjdf hfˆ. DMnvfd. afp jI df ÈuBicMqk blvMq isMG sMGyVf pRDfn, pMjfbI lYMgUej aYjUkyÈn asosIeyÈn (plI)
The Patrika
Friday, January 5th, 2018
Kriti Sanon reveals what has enabled her to improve as a performer Having spent four years in the industry, Kriti Sanon says her outings have enabled her to improve as a performer. "I never thought of becoming an actor when I was doing B-Tech. Then, I came to a city unknown to me. And now, I have four films to my credit, and a space [in the industry] that I created myself. This feels great. With every film, I have grown as a person, and an actor. I learnt on the job as I had no real training of being an actor. When I look back at the roles that I played, [I realise that] the approach I have towards my work is different now. For me, growth is important," she says. Sanon adds that she is willing to take risks for roles that interests her. "I am not restricting myself as an actor. I want to play different kinds of characters, but it's essential that I like the offers."
A good commercial film will always work : Rohit Filmmaker Rohit Shetty, who scored a hit with Reliance Entertainmentbacked Golmaal Again in a year which has seen Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan’s films fall flat at the box office, says a good commercial movie will always work. During a conversation on Saavn’s “Take 2 with Anupama and Rajeev”, Shetty was asked if there was any sort of anxiety about the fact that a chunk of commercial films were rejected in 2017 before “Judwaa 2” and “Golmaal Again” came, read a statement. Shetty said: “No... What has happened is that just because you have a big star, you tag it as a commercial film. I don’t see ‘Tubelight’ as a commercial film. Whereas Salman Khan’s ‘Tiger Zinda Hai’ is a commercial film — you can make out, there is action, there is song and there is everything what a Salman Khan film should be like. “And
I really admire and respect Kabir (Khan) for taking Salman Khan after Bajrangi (Bhaijaan) and making a film like Tubelight. It didn’t work, that’s a different story altogether but at least he was honest in what he was doing. So I don’t see Tubelight as a commercial film. “I don’t see ‘Jab Harry Met Sejal’ as an out and out Shah Rukh Khan commercial film. So you can’t call these two films commercial. And other than that what happened this year was that a lot of people took back-foot, ‘Oh, commercial is not going to work’, which is a wrong theory altogether. A good commercial film will always work.” As for himself, he says he doesn’t know if there’s a success formula.
I've not struggled in showbiz: Ayesha Jhulka
Been though hiccups personally, professionally : Rani
Actress Ayesha Jhulka, who is making her Bollywood comeback after seven years with Anil Sharmas "Genius", says she has survived in the entertainment industry on her own terms and conditions, and never struggled because of work. Ayesha, 45, is often remembered for her roles in films like "Kurbaan", "Khiladi", "Jo Jeeta Wohi Sikandar", "Waqt Hamara Hai" and "Masoom". She was last seen in "ADA...A Way of Life" in 2010. "I have been very lucky that I have not struggled in the industry and never wanted to. So, I didn't want to be kicked out of the industry. I was a little selfish that way. I wanted to leave it on my own terms, and it is very difficult to say no when you are doing really well," Ayesha said."When I got married (to Sameer Vashi), I wanted to lead a civilian's life and wanted to see the other side of the world. As I started working at a very young age (in 1983), for many years, I just worked. "After a point I wanted to enjoy my life, I wanted to party with my friends
"What is life without a few hiccups" -- the tagline of the upcoming film "Hichki" resonates with the ideology of the film's lead actress Rani Mukerji. "Hichki", meaning a hiccup, is about Naina who suffers from a speech difficulty. It is about turning disadvantages into opportunities and staring down at challenges and ultimately winning over them. Asked if she has faced any hiccups in her two-decade career, Rani said from Mumbai: "Yes, of course. I think hiccup is a normal process for any actor, for any person in their life. Sometimes you have a hiccup in your personal life and sometimes in your professional life. "The beauty of a hiccup is that you can get over it as well. It's not like that you have a hiccup and you keep hiccuping all your life... There been times professionally and personally, I have been through hiccups." Without elucidating on the hurdles she has faced, Rani said hiccups can be a learning experience.
and do lot of things for which I have to thank my husband, who has opened that world for me which I have been enjoying all these years," she added. During her break, Ayesha also went through harsh times."I was bed-ridden for some time because I had a slip disc problem. Because of that, I had gained a lot of weight which I'm losing now. So, I took a break," she said. Why she chose "Genius" for her Bollywood comeback? Ayesha explained: "I have not been doing much work because I felt something really nice would comes my way. I signed 'Genius' out of respect and he (Anil Sharma) really wanted me to do this film. After seven years I have signed a film. We shot in Mauritius and we have few days schedule left which we will shoot in Mumbai."
Will soon be on feet again : Amitabh Megastar Amitabh Bachchan, who has been suffering from pain due to an aggravated old injury and was advised bed rest, says his health is improving and he will be back in action soon. Earlier this week, the 75-yearold actor, said he was suffering from excruciating pain on the left shoulder due to an extra tear in the rotor cup. He was also seen sporting a sling and an ice pack.Thanking his 'extended family' -- his
fans and social media followers -- for the concern and wishes for his recovery, "It goes well. Yes, the sling is and shall be there for sometime. The rotor cup on my left shoulder has a tear due to an earlier injury."This has got aggravated during recent action sequences... Medication and ice fermentations and rest is prescribed and being diligently followed. So, do not despair. Yes, the day before the condition worsened due to the drugs being taken for the pain."They were too strong and had affected my stomach which gave me a lot of discomfort. So, was bed ridden. But now a huge improvement now and soon to be on feet again."
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The Patrika
Friday, January 5th, 2018
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A beginner’s guide to buying appliances (NC) With so many options to consider, shopping for appliances can sometimes feel overwhelming. Function, size and design — it’s about finding the right model for your lifestyle. Here are a few helpful insights from The Home Depot Canada to consider before making your next appliance purchase. Refrigerator Function. The sky’s the limit when it comes to configuration — top-mount, bottom-mount and side-by-side are just the beginning. Review your daily needs and consider special features such as easy access doors, multi-tier freezer sections, icemakers, second refrigerator drawer options, convertible freezer sections, wine chillers and even smart home-connected capabilities. Design. Think outside traditional white or stainless-steel finishes. Instead, bring a contemporary feel to your kitchen with slate, glossy or
matte black stainless or even a warm, goldhued veneer. Range Configuration. New designs have a host of convenient options available, like double ovens that cook at two different temperatures simultaneously and warming and baking drawers to help with multi-tasking and entertaining. If space is tight, a safer alternative because the coils also consider installing a separate are underneath glass, protecting little cooktop for maximum flexibility in hands. your kitchen. Dishwasher Cooking requirements. If take-out is Capability. Take the work out of your regular go-to, a standard elecwashing dishes by opting for a dishtric model will work for your needs. washer with multiple tiers and washer However, if you are an aspiring chef arms for full water coverage. To entake it up a notch and consider going sure your cycle doesn’t stop until your with either gas or induction, which dishes are clean, look for models with both deliver intense heat for quick new sensor technology that monitor cooking and boiling. If you have food debris in the water. Ensure the small children, induction cooking is
model you choose considers future changes to your family size so it grows with you, and look into getting a model with a third rack. Efficiency. Energy efficient options can provide long-term savings to your monthly bills. For example, two-drawer dishwashers operate like separate dishwashers in one unit, offering increased flexibility and efficiency. To save you time, look for bonus features like quiet operation or advanced cleaning functions. PAGE 47
The Patrika
Friday, January 5th, 2018
Friday, January 5th, 2018
Friday, January 5th, 2018
Friday, January 5th, 2018
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Great Location 16.44 acres Blueberry farm with beautiful Home. 7 year old Mega house 6700 SF with 10 bedroom and 8 Washrooms. 4 kitchens. Over 13 acres of land was planted in 2000 with Duke Blueberries, One acre Blue crop, one acre.Elliot and one acre Dixie Plants. Last year production 140,000 lbs.
1825 BRADNER RD Almost 20 acres of High production Blueberry farm minutes away from town and new Mt. Lehman mall. Fully renovated beautiful house, second accommodation for farm workers or rental income. Great location for truckers with lots of parking. Easy access to Freeway and US border.
$2,499,000 West Abbotsford 6 bedrooms and 4 baths house with LEGAL SUITE - mortgage helper neat & very clean. 4 big bdrm up, 5pce Jac. enste, sep. shwr + big W/I closet in MB. Main flr lvgrm w/vault.ceil. Laund. Solid oak kit. w/bay nook. Fam rm, 2 gas F/P's. Walking distance to all level of schools, Apollo gym, easy freeway access. Close to High Street Mall.
High production farm, 20+ ACRES Blue crop variety, very well kept, great location Duke & Blue Crop. with smaller house. High production.
2 units. Almost 8400 sq. ft. Can be sold separately. Financing available. CHILLIWACK For Sale Townhouse site & 7 storey apartment building site. Prime Location!
8 Brand New HOUSES! in Promontory Area Chillwack! 2 & 3 Storey Houses Available NOW!
Friday, January 5th, 2018
"Sell with Confidence, Buy with Trust" JUST LISTED
2 lot subdivision approved and in process with the City of Abbotsford
30966 Brookdale "sold in 2 weeks"
3074 Princess St. "sold - over asking"
30920 Brookdale
#200 - 8705 Young Rd. Chilliwack "full commercial building for sale or business for lease"
SUNNY AHUJA REALTOR® @realtorahuja Sutton Group-West Coast Realty sunnya@sutton.com www.sunnyahuja.ca
“I come from a background of sales, customer service and business management. I thrive to provide my clients with exceptional service and results. With the benefits of my large network, unique marketing plan and diligent work ethic, I take pridein my abilities of having your property SOLD!”
Contact us : PAGE R4
778-242-SOLD (7653)
Friday, January 5th, 2018
Friday, January 5th, 2018
How to Sell Your Abbotsford Home For Top Dollar
Buyers do not see your home the same way you do. They are very discriminating about its condition, the neighborhood and the price. An average buyer will view between 15-20, ranking yours among all the that they have viewed. With this in mind, here are some measures you can take to ensure your home presents well to a potential buyer and garners help you to achieve the best price in the shortest amount of time. Be clear about why you are selling Knowing the reasons for your move determines everything from setting the price to allocating funds for repairs and improvements. Is the price you obtain more important than how long your home is on the market? Do you need to sell immediately? Each why requires a different strategy. At the same time, you do not need to reveal your why to anyone. Something negative might be used as a bargaining tool at the negotiating table. If someone wants to know why you are selling,
politely respond that your housing needs have changed.
Conduct thorough research before setting a price Establishing an offering price is an investment in your future. Find out what similar homes in your neighbourhood have sold for in the 6-12 months. Also check out the prices of homes currently listed. The price you ask should be within the range of similar homes in the neighbourhood. If it is too high or too low, buyers will question the reasons for this discrepancy. Your home could stay on the market longer than you would like. You may also have to adjust the price and wind up getting less than you hoped. Find a good real estate agent to represent your needs A Real Estate Professional is your best bet. This person has the educational background, the industry and community connections to work in your best interests. Maximize your home's sales potential
First impressions are absolutely critical. The look, the feel and the care of your home promote an emotional response. Even before they walk in your door, prospective buyers will try to imagine themselves living in your home. Just like a new outfit, buyers want to see if this home will "fit" their lifestyle. Clean everything until it sparkles. Pick up, organize, throwaway, scrub, scour, dust and disinfect. Be sure to complete all minor repairs. Buyers are especially keen on work that may need to be completed. Ensure all areas of the contract are covered
it is in your best interests to disclose everything you know about the property. Failure to disclose could result in costly delays, litigation or even cancellation of the sale transaction. Most importantly, if a buyer knows about an item, he or she has no future recourse. Be sure you understand all terms, costs and responsibilities. Stay in your home until closing It may be harder to sell a vacant home. Furniture, drapes and all the assort-
ment of daily activities go a long way to create the warmth and comfort of a home. To some buyers, an unoccupied home could be seen as forlorn, forgotten and not as appealing. You might have to reduce your price, depending upon the buyer. At the same time, you are sending the message that you have found a new home, and you likely need to sell fast. Stay out of the way during showings When buyers view your home, gently remove yourself and allow buyers to feel at home. By pointing out features, improvements and decorating items, that are meaningful to you, or you have spent money on, you could be seen as adding pressure to the sale. Best to leave the showing to your Real Estate Professional. Get pre-approval for your next mortgage Prior to shopping for your new home, be smart and get a pre-approval letter from your bank and financial institution. This means you will have your financial matters in place and that you are serious about making an offer.
Friday, January 5th, 2018
Friday, January 5th, 2018
Friday, January 5th, 2018
Friday, January 5th, 2018
Friday, January 5th, 2018
Friday, January 5th, 2018
When is the Best Time to Sell Your Home? Whether you are looking to downsize, upgrade, relocate or simply want a lifestyle change, the process of selling your home can be a positive one. As a professional Real Estate agent, my goal is to help you sell your home with little hassle, as quickly as possible and for top dollar. Before taking the step forward in terms of placing that "Just Listed" sign on your property, I recommend taking time to assess the reasons why you want to move. Perhaps: - The kids have moved out and you are ready to downgrade? - Maybe you are wanting to start a family and need more room? - Have you changed employment and want to move closer to the office? - Perhaps, you simply want to change your lifestyle whether to embrace a more urban atmosphere or a suburb. - or a factor of various other reasons... By discovering your motives for selling, I will be able to assist you better when it comes to searching for a new home and figuring out what you ultimately require in the outcome of selling your existing home.
When is the best time to sell your home? While more houses typically go on the market in the spring, this does not necessarily indicate that this is the only good time to list your home. Ultimately, there are always buyers and sellers so it really comes down to your situation and what works best for you. While the winter months are typically assumed to be the worst time to sell, there are many occasions that indicate otherwise. For example if a person sells their home in the fall, they will need a new home anywhere from the next month to 3 months away. This means that this person may have less inventory to choose from and therefore your property may stand out more, resulting in an increased demand and higher selling price. Alternatively, in the spring there may be more inventory and also more buyers. If the balance of buyers versus inventory in both spring and winter is on par, the pricing will remain the same or similar. Keep in mind, your time is the right time. In most cases, the best time to sell is likely when your existing home no longer meets your needs. Economic factors are an important factor When selling, you may want to also take into consideration economic factors. Are interest rates low or high and
how do these interest rates compare to your current mortgage? If rates are higher, your monthly payment amounts may be higher than your existing ones upon the purchase of another home. If rates are lower, it could be a great time to trade up to a more expensive home without enduring a significant increase in your monthly financial obligations. Market trends may also play a part depending on whether it is a buyers or sellers market. Typically, in a buyers' market, there are more homes for sale then there are actual buyers. In a buyers market, homes will tend to stay on the market longer and prices may stabilize or decrease. Just because it is a buyers market though, does not mean that your home will not sell, take longer to sell and or be sold at significantly decreased prices. By making sure that your home is priced at a fair value and is show ready, your home should still sell in a decent amount of time and at a great price. In comparison, a sellers market tends to have more buyers then houses avail-
able to be purchased. A sellers market typically translates into quicker sales and higher selling prices with buyers having to make decisions at a quicker pace and being prepared for potential multiple offer scenarios. Other than a buyers and sellers market, many times there is what is considered a balanced market. A balanced market occurs when the number of homes of the market is approximately equal to the quantity of buyers looking for new homes. Regardless of the market, I am able to provide you with the most knowledge and offer resources in order to make the most of your move. Through comprehensive training in the real estate market, I can take advantage of all the factors discussed above to help assess your situation and determine the right buying or selling time that would work best for you personally.
Hidden Costs of Selling Your Home The costs associated with selling You have spent considerable time and money on home improvements to bring your home into "show" condition. You have taken the dog to the neighbours when your Real Estate Professional hosted open houses. You are pleased that your Real Estate Professional has negotiated the best price on your behalf. The offer has been accepted and you are all set for your move. Congratulations! You have accomplished a major milestone in selling your home. There are financial items you will want to consider upon the sale of your home. The buyer is typically responsible for these closing costs including:
• legal/notarial fees for handling the sales transaction • disbursements or out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the lawyer or notary • property tax and utility adjustments • land transfer or "welcome" taxes As the seller, you will also have some debts to discharge before you can access your funds including: • real estate commissions • building location certificate or survey
• outstanding municipal/school taxes or public service • assessments • outstanding mortgage balance and any charges associated with discharging your mortgage early (if you are not transferring your mortgage to your new home, or the buyer is not assuming it)
• legal and discharge fees • outstanding adjustments owed to the buyer
As fees and costs vary from province to province and city to city, your Real Estate Professional can advise you on
the costs you are likely to face when selling your home. It is also a good idea to check with your financial advisor, your accountant and your lawyer prior to the sale.