March 16th, 2018

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THE WEEKLY Friday, March 16th, 2018 Vol. 22, No.26

604-852-2288 @PatrikaMedia

PATRIKA “Bridging Communities�

A Secular, Independent and Progressive Newspaper

The Patrika


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guaFZ-Bfvnf arjLI dyx dI aMqm imqI 14 apRYl

quwC gRFt pRogrfm

aFZ-guaFZ nfl myl-jol vDfE, idl-lgI kro,

kimAuintI sPfeI,bwiwcaF leI cYws-klwb,nybrhuz stRIt

aqy guaFZ-Bfvnf qIKx kro| kI quhfnUM shfieqf dI loV hY?

hfkI tUrnfmYNt afid dI Xojnf bxfE| tIcf qF BfeIcfry

aYbtsPorz istI aYbtsPorz kimAuintI PfAuNzysLn aqy

ivc guaFZ-Bfvnf aqy sMvydnsLIlqf vDfAux df hY| nvyN

vYnkUvr PfAuNzysLn iml ky guaFZI BfeIcfry nUM Auqsfihq

ivcfrF dI loV hY? kimAuintI izvYlpr nfl

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krn ivc KusLI mihsUs krdI hY| vDyry jfxkfrI leI


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afpxy aFZ-guaFZ leI koeI Xojnf bxfE aqy afpxI khfxI dUsiraF nfl sFJI kro!

itAUn aWp, brykF, aYgjfst, PrMt aYWz vrk, ieMjn irpyarjL, klWc, vftr pMp, trYnI srivs, XU- jfieMtjL, PrMt aYksl sLfPtjL afid

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Friday, March 16th, 2018

The Patrika Friday, March 16th, 2018



asIN quhfzy Gr afky vI srivs idMdy hF




33222 Elz Xyl roz,aYbtsPorz, bI sI V2T 3LB imlx leI apufieMtmYNt jLrUrI hY

isrP aYbtsPorz rihx vfilaF leI puwCigwC



The Patrika 

Friday, March 16th, 2018

sMpfdkI bMdf BfvyN siBak bxn leI nY i qkqf dI svfrI krdf hY pr keI afdqF psLU pirMidaF qoN vI GtIaf leI iPrdf hY. nPrq, sfVf, hMkfr, DoKf DVI, DwkysLfhI, by iensfPI, kRoD lflc, loB, aiqafcfr, df shfrf lY ky amIr qy mhfn hox df Brm pfldf hY. iehnF krqUqF ny Aus nUM bMdf nhIN kubMdf bxf idwqf hY. ienHF kukrmF ivwcoN bI sI ivwc gYNg pYdf hoey qy ienHF gYNgs ny jo Kwitaf kmfieaf Ausy qy hI sfzI awj dI crcf hY. CyqI amIr hox dy Brm ny iewk do gYNgs qoN vfDf kridaF awj by ihsfby gYNg pYdf kr idwqy hn. hr gYNg df muKI isafxI Aumr df bMdf huMdf hY aqy Auh afpxy afp nUM gupq rwK ky nisLaF dIaF KypF aqy hiQafr KrId ky stor krdf hY. iPr tIn eyj dy muMzy kuVIaF nUM nisLaF qy lf ky hiQafr isKf ky DMdy ivwcoN amIrI dy sbj bfg idKf ky tIm iqafr krdf hY. iehnF nUM zfiel ey zopr ikhf jFdf hY. hr zfiel ey zopr df kMm hY ik idny jF rFqI gfhk nUM Aus df sOdf

phuMcdf krnf. gfhk df Pon nMbr iDafn ivwc rwK ky ieh imMtF ivwc imQy itkfxy qy srivs idMdy hn. ienHF kol puVI CotI ByjI jFdI hY qF ik aprfD Cotf igixaf jfvy


qy jylH qoN bcy rihx. ienHF df sMbMD iswDf rIlozr nfl huMdf hY qy ies qoN iksy vyly vI loVINdf nsLf jF hiQafr pRfpq kIqf jf skdf hY. rIlozr koeI suMnf Gr, koeI AujfV ivclf Pfrm ikrfey qy lY ky ies nUM stor vjoN vrqdy hn. iewk rIlozr nfl vwzI igxqI ivwc ieh kirMdy kMm krdy hn qy hr kirMdf qkrIbn 1500 zflr vwt ky hr idn iehnF nUM phuMcdf krdf hY. ieh lok AuDfr vI kr lYNdy hn qy awgoN muMzy kuVIaF nUM ies DMdy vwl pRyrdy qy nsLyVI bxfAuNdy hn. idnF ivwc amIr ho jfx dI qswlI idMdy hn qy kfrobfr ivwc vfDf krdy hn. ienHF nUM mfrikitMg dy qOr qrIky pVHfey jFdy hn. iewk zfiel ey zopr kol kfPI bdlvyN nMbrF dy Pon huMdy hn, Cotf motf hiQafr huMdf hY zrfieivMg lfiesMs hoxf aiq jLrUrI hY pr vIhkl jy afpxf nf vI hovy qF vI corI kIqf do cfr idn cwl jFdf hY. iewk eyrIey ivwc kfPI rIlozr huMdy hn qy bOs iewk hI huMdf hY. QoVI dUr qy koeI hor gYNg bOs kmFz sMBfldf hY qy iewk dUjy nUM

sihXog idMdf hY. iewk dUjy qoN nsLy lYx dyx leI, dUr durfzy phuMcdy krn leI AuDfr dI AgrfhI leI jF puils qoN bcx leI iewk dUjy dI mdd krdf hY. pfsf puwTf pYNidaF

iksy df kMm bhuqf vDx qoN eIrKf krky pYsy dy lYx dyx krky iewk dUjy dy kirMdy puwtx krky dusLmxIaF pY jFdIaF hn jo afm qOr qy KUn KrfibaF qwk phuMc jFdIaF hn, Gr AujfVn qy pirvfrF nUM nrk ivwc bdl idMdIaF hn. ies iBafnk hnHyrI nUM TwlH pfAux leI bI sI ivwc do siqkfrq hsqIaF rfq idn XqnsLIl hn. s: blvMq isMG sMGyVf cyar sfAUQ eysLian kimAUintI kolIsLn agyNst XUQ vfielMs aqy im: im: kYivn hYikt cIP afiPsr kMbfien PorsjL kYivn hYikt cIP afiPsr kMbfien spYsLl ienPorsmYNt XUint bI sI Po r sjL spY s L l ienPo r smY N t XU i nt gYNgstrjL df jIvn suwK cYn vflf nhIN bI sI. ienHF df mwq hY ik ies burfeI dy sgoN KqiraF aqy musLikl Biraf huMdf smUhI AuprfilaF dI loV hY. ijvyN mfpy, hY. ienHF dy mfpy ienHF qoN vI vwD duKI huMdy BfeIcfrf, aFZI guaFZI, skUl ,kflj hn, hr irsLqf ziraf sihimaf huMdf hY. qy XU n IvristiaF dy ies Kfqmy leI aiDafpk puils, sfihqkfr aqy srkfrF. ienHF dI smfj ivwc koeI iewjLq nhIN huMdI mfipaF df PrjL hY ik Auh bwcy nUM iekwlf nf sgoN isafxy lok ienHF qoN dUrI ivwc hI Blf Cwzx, pVH ky Gr afey qy Ausdf bsqf jF smJdy huMdy hn. ieh lok cOvI GMty nrk kwpVy gupq ZMg nfl cYwk krn, vyly kuvyly Bogdy hn ikAuNik supinaF df sMsfr vsx Gr qoN bfhr jfx qy aqy Aus dI nsLy dI dI QF AuwjV irhf huMdf hY. ieh lok zry hflq nUM not krn, burI sMgq df vI iDafn sihmy Aprfm aqy Audfs huMdy hn. ienHF rwiKaf jfvy. irsLqydfr aqy BfeIcfrf vI dI Aumr 30 sfl qoN vwD nhIN huMdI. mOq qoN jykr iksy bwcy nUM kurfhy ipaf dyKx qF ipWCoN irsLqydfr qy mfipaF qy jo bIqdf hY, iDafn ivwc rwKx. iesy qrF aFZ guaFZ dy dwisaf nhIN jf skdf. ies gihr gMBIr lokF nUM vI hr bwcf afpxf bwcf smJ ky Aus ivsLy nUM bI sI dy mhfn sfihqkfr hrcMd dy cfilaF nUM iDafn ivwc rwKxf cfhIdf hY. isMG jI ‘bfgVI’ eydF ibafn krdy hn:ivwidak adfiraF aqy tIcrF jF muKIaF nUM “ipafr muhwbq vflLI ruwqy qusIN vYr kmf ley vI eyDr krVI njr rwKx dI loV hY. puils dy KuPIaf ivBfg nUM eyDr Kfs iDafn dyx mfr mrfeI vfly kYsy qusIN vxj ivhf ley? dI loV hY. Kfs gwl hY ik sfihqkfr vIrF nsLy klwbF vfly QonUM ikWQoN ikwQy lY gey? BYxF kol bVI nroeI sLkqI hY Auh afpxIaF ilKqF nUM ies gMBIr smeisafvF df ivsLf ikhVy pfsy pY gey bwicE ikhVy rFhIN pY bxf ky loVIdf sunyhf phuMcdf krn. iehnF gey? dI sLYlI Dur idl qy asr krn dI sLkqI rwKdI hY. srkfr df Prj hY ky knUMnI sKqI ajy smF hY bdlo rsqy kihM d f ‘cM d PrvfhI’ vDfeI jfvy jylH df rsqf idKfieaf jfvy. bwcy bwcIaF dy gYNgF ivwc jfx dy kfrnf vwl kI krnI Auh cMdrI dOlq ijhVI kry qbfhI Jfq mfrIey qF pqf lgdf hY ik mMmI zYzI df qlfk huMdf hYqF bwcf strYws aDIn ieh ikAuN surgF nUM qusIN sohixEN nrk bxf ky rfh cuxdf hY. ies qoN ibnF GrF ivclIaF bih gey lVfeIaF, bwcy nUM ipafr nf imlxf, skUlF ikhVy pfsy pY gey bwicE ikhVy rFhIN pY kfljF ivwc nkfry jfxf, dosqF qoN ipafr nf gey? imlxf, aFZ guaFZ nfl axbx, irsLqydfrF vloN axgOly krnf, dfdf-dfdI, nfnf-nfnI pfl pos ky mfpy QonUM rovx jogy rih gey df Gr ivwc nf hoxf, mfVI sMgq ivwc pYxf gYNgs dy JFisaF ivwc af jfxf, idnF ivwc ikhVy pfsy pY gey bwicE ikhVy rFhIN pY gey? amIr aqy mhfn bxn dI klpnf, muPq dy nisLaF df svfd dyKidaF pwky ho jfxf, loV DMnvfd sihq qoN vwD jyb Krc imlxf, Gr ivwc hiQafr sMpfdkI mMzl df qy nisLaF df hoxf afid.

The Patrika



Friday, March 16th, 2018

For the Record: The Politics of Politicking


its candidates – which is allowable, as parties are membership driven and, thus, members could have such provisions in their by-laws – those interested in becoming a candidate must first endure a process rooted almost exclusively in membership sign-ups. The challenge with membership signs-up as a singular metric is that memberships can be manipulated. Though many sign-up because they believe in a particular person, it’s also not uncommon for individuals to sign-up based on a sense of obligation, or even duress (and other such factors not at all related to To be clear, I am not talking about the the candidate and what they offer). Trump Factor. President Trump is what we would call an ‘outlier’. Frankly, he From there, once someone becomes takes things to an entirely new low that a candidate it isn’t long before they is almost incomprehensible for most. begin getting indoctrinated. Indeed, Believe it or not – even if you take the only the most tenacious, out-spoken, Trump Factor out of the equation – resilient individuals are able to pour things are still not what they used to be the Kool-Aid down the drain. Sadly and haven’t been for a long time. The – from what I am told – that is easier said than done, and often times makes question then becomes: Why? life challenging for them. In order to answer that we need to first acknowledge that there is no such thing Finally, even if they manage not to as a perfect electoral system – thus, let the indoctrination get the better of no such thing as a perfect outcome. them, these individuals are – by default Whether it be ‘first past the post’ or – cast with the ‘Sins of their Fathers’. ‘proportional representation’ (some That is to say, every political party has versions of which hold promise, while baggage; thus, no matter how old the others pose an inherit vulnerability ‘sins’ may be, no matter how many to the stability of a government) the players around the table may have system itself is flawed well-before we changed, and no matter how many ever get to conducting elections. To new and forward-thinking ideas are that end, if we recognize that the sys- introduced, there will always be those tem itself isn’t perfect, then we must who are so set in their ways that they explore these questions by examining have no reservation about confronting, rather than listening. the process in its entirety. here used to be a time (I think?) when politics was principled. It was a time where people could have differing view-points but express them in a manner that was civil. It was a time when people could argue their positions based on merit, not rhetoric. It was a time where those who held public office where highly respected rather than a punch-line on late-night television. Finally, it was a time before social media was used to shape not only political discourse, but public policy and even global affairs.

The first step in the process is finding good, well-qualified individuals to even considering running. Increasingly, it has become more difficult to find such people. Why? In my estimation, it is because of the ‘politics’ of ‘politicking’. From the challenges of navigating the internal systems (this applies to those affiliated with political parties), to a willingness to live one’s life in the spotlight, to what seems to be an increasingly thankless job (something that could be said of public services across the spectrum these days), one really has to be prepared to make some substantial sacrifices in order to have the ‘privilege’ of serving. Should one decide to move forward, and should one be affiliated with a party, the next element that discourages good people from running is the nomination process. Unless a party appoints

in events, attending debates and casting ballots; both in the nomination process and on election day! The second thing it requires is everyone to do the right thing, for the right reason. This, of course, is problematic. However, if enough people engage the system in this manner, the law of averages tells us that the subsequent outcomes will be favourable. To that end – specifically when it comes to candidate selection – people need to cast their ballots based on an individual’s education, experience, key competencies, and a track-record of making evidence-based, principled decisions. In other words, the only way to stem the tide of those who leverage the system in order to manipulate the outcome is by getting good people to engaged in integrity-based decisions. Will this ever be the case? Who knows? But for now, if you’re one of those people that strives to live by the kinds of principles I have outlined above, then I encourage you to find others who share these values and,

For the Record Justin P. Goodrich, LL.M

collectively, get involved. It may be challenging and even painful at time (something I have personally experienced as those I counted on left me feeling betrayed), but if it’s for the greater good then it’s worth the effort (and even the pain). Justin P. Goodrich is the Managing Partner of Alliance Public Affairs Group. Previous editions of 'For the Record' can be found online at: www.

For The Record… If we accept that the process isn’t perfect, how then do we begin to change the outcomes? I suppose, there are certain practical things that can be done (take, for example, ‘Green Light Committees’ that parties use to determine if someone is even eligible to be a candidate), but the reality is that in order for there to be substantial, broad-sweeping change, that change must begin with each and every person. More specifically, it requires two things. The first thing it requires is active participation. While there is a role working outside the ‘system’ (i.e., advocacy), the reality is the ‘system’ itself will not change – or at least won’t change as quickly as it could – if people don’t engage it directly. That means taking-out memberships, participating



The Patrika 

ICBA Joins Small Business Organizations Calling for Payroll Tax Repeal he Independent Contractors and Businesses Association (ICBA) today joined eight other associations representing small businesses in several B.C. industries in calling on Fi- • Property tax increases, which nance Minister Carole James to cancel will be exacerbated by this new NDP her poorly planned payroll tax. payroll tax;


The B.C. Government stunned business • Environmental regulations and owners when it introduced the tax in its new fees such as Recycle BC (formerly 2018-19 provincial budget. MMBC) and movement away from single-use items; and, “This tax is a job killer,” said Chris Gardner, ICBA President. “It came • Gas prices will rise due to the completely out of left field, with ab- increase in the carbon tax – an extra $5 solutely no consultation before it was per tonne annually until 2021, starting announced. How can government April 1. announce a brand new, $2-billion tax “Small business is the heart of healthy without any discussion or warning and strong communities, but the backs beforehand? It’s heavy-handed and of entrepreneurs looking to start or insends a clear message that the new vest in a business are being broken by NDP government is out of touch with government’s never-ending tax hikes the affordability concerns of working and -growing red tape,” said Gardner. families and small businesses.” “This payroll tax is punitive and will Gardner pointed out several other costs dampen the creation of new jobs and heaped on job creators since the NDP opportunities for young people and for took power last summer (to highlight those looking for work, it will push up this burden, ICBA this week released costs for consumers, and it will prompt a Facebook video showing the plight significant tax increases from local of small business owners. To watch it, governments. There is nothing affordclick HERE): able or balanced about this new tax.” • Unexpected minimum wage The letter calls on James to cancel the hikes; payroll tax and instead consult with stakeholders to find a fair and balanced • Federal EI hikes starting in approach. It was signed by ICBA, 2019; Canadian Federation of Independent • Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Business, BC Construction Employers, payroll costs will increase by 20 per- Urban Development Institute, Restaucent starting in 2019 until 2023; rants Canada, B.C. Hotel Association, Progressive Contractors Association, Tourism Industry of B.C., and Retail Council of Canada.


Friday, March 16th, 2018

Friday, March 16th, 2018

The Patrika 


Local Gang Prevention Community Coordinator Speaks at National Conference


lison Gutrath shared the successes of the local In It Together program at the Summit on Gun and Gang Violence in Ottawa hosted by the Ministry of Public Safety. As the community coordinator of In It Together, Gutrath works with an integrated team to disrupt the flow of young people into organized crime or gang. In It Together (IIT), a program of Abbotsford Community Service, works with the John Howard Society, the Abbotsford Police, and the school district to support youth and factors for youth along with commutheir families with resisting or leav- nity perceptions in the shorter term, ing gangs. can lead to reduced gang activity in Since the program began in 2013, the long term.” staff have provided prevention, inter- The client base for In it Together is vention and re-entry support to 355 diverse with South Asian (64%) and young adults ages 12 – 30 and over Aboriginal (22%) clients. Several 1,000 family members. Participants staff members are fluent in Punjabi usually spend more than a year in the so they can offer culturally specific program and there have been over support to youth and family members. 15,000 hours of one-to-one youth “Our successes are when young outreach work. adults don’t make the news for crime Gutrath’s speech highlighted some and we measure positive actions such of the individual success stories of as finishing high school, staying out participants. In one case, a youth who of jail and changing attitudes towards had been exposed to domestic vio- gangs.” lence and trauma had started dealing drugs. After his entire family worked A common concern in presentations with the program, he was ultimately and round table discussions at the advised to relocate for his own safety. summit was the lack of sustained “This is an extreme case, but at the funding for several prevention proend of the day, he is alive, no longer grams across Canada. While the feddealing and not in jail,” says Gutrath. eral government announced $327.6 million in funding for anti-gun and Another participant was supported gang initiatives in November 2017 at after he finished his sentence for a Surrey press conference, the process gang-related crimes and was able to for applying for the funding has been obtain his GED, find employment unclear. Currently, In It Together, has and housing. Now a parent he gives not secured funding to continue after complete credit to the program for the five year mark in September. helping him avoid getting roped back into gang life. Overall, formal evalu- “September is our busiest time as ations have shown a 54% decrease in youth go back to school and even total risk scores among participants. a small interruption in our services will set us back considerably,” said Gutrath acknowledges that there is Gutrath. In the meantime, referrals still a lot of work to be done around are still being accepted and staff are the Lower Mainland gang conflict. supporting youth and families to meet “We’re in a peak time for gang their goals over the next 6 months. violence. Changing attitudes and risk PAGE 7


The Patrika 

Friday, March 16th, 2018

qoPy dI cox irÈiqafˆ ivc nËdIkI ilafAux ivc qohÌy aihm BUimkf inBfAuˆdy hn. iek-dUjy nUM qohÌf dy ky asIˆ anMd mihsUs krdy hfˆ. iksy vI ivakqI nUM qohÌf dyx leI sfnUM bhuq socxf pYˆdf hY, Kfs krky jykr Auh purÈ hovy. qohÌf KrIdx lwigaf, ijs nUM qusIN dyxf cfhuMdy ho, Aus dy aqy afpxy irÈqy qy gOr kro. Aus dI psMd dy bfry iKafl rwKo. Brf leI qohÌf :

ikqfb jfˆ zfierI. aijhIafˆ cIËfˆ sfirafˆ koeI vI qrwkI hox `qy ivakqI nUM psMd afAuˆdIafˆ hn. nfeIt-sUt, kuVqf, qxfa, iËMmyvfrI, dyr qwk pjfmf, kmIË vI dy skdy ho. vrHygMZ df jfgxf afid nfl pRBfivq huMdf qohÌf : hY. aijhI hflq ivc ishq aijhf hoxf cfhIdf hY, ijs nUM pqI afpxI sbMDI pusqkfˆ Byˆt kIqIafˆ jf pqnI dy nfl Èyar kr sky. asIN aksr skdIafˆ hn. iek suMdr lMcieh Buwl jfˆdy hfˆ ik vrHygMZ df qohÌf joVy dy leI hoxf cfhIdf hY, ijs nUM pqI-pqnI bfks vI Byt kIqf jf skdf hY dovyˆ Èyar kr skx. aijhI hflq ivc qfˆ ik Bojn krdy smyˆ Auh quhfnUM vwzy Brf dy jnm idn `qy kuwJ aijhf qohÌf bYwzÈIt, tfvl sYwt, isrhfxf-kvr jfˆ Xfd kry. ipqf dy leI jnm idn dyxf cfhIdf hY jo Aus nUM psMd af jfvy. cMgI krOkrI dy skdy ho. qrwkI hox `qy : df qohÌf : ijvyˆ koeI cMgf nfvl, kYsyt, sI[zI[ jfˆ koeI Xfd rwKo ik ipqf quhfnUM bcpn ivc iks qrHfˆ quhfzI psMd dIafˆ cIËfˆ lY ky idMdy sn. afpxy ipqf jI nUM iksy kwpVy dI dukfn `qy lY jfE aqy AunHfˆ nUM jo psMd afvy, Auh lY idE. ÈfdI dI vrHygMZ df qohÌf : afpxy mfqf-ipqf dy leI iek hotl ivc iznr buwk krvfE, ijs ivc AunHfˆ dI psMd df Kfxf hovy. AunHfˆ nUM AunHfˆ dI psMd dIafˆ purfxy gIqfˆ dIafˆ kYsytfˆ vI dy skdy ho. mfˆ nUM psMd df sUt aqy ipqf nUM kuVqf-pjfmf Byt kIqf jf skdf hY. iÌlm dIafˆ itktfˆ aqy iznr vI idwqf jf skdf hY. pqI leI qohÌf vYlyntfeIn zy :


afpxI pqnI nUM isnymy dIafˆ do itktfˆ Byt kro aqy isnymf dyKx qoˆ bfad iznr lvo. afpxf Gr sjfE aqy hor qohiÌafˆ nfl vYlyntfeIn zy mnfE. jnm idn jfˆ pRmoÈn `qy Aus nUM isrÌ vDfeI dyxf hI ibhqr hY. imwqr nUM qohÌf : jykr quhfzf imwqr ivafihaf hoieaf hY qfˆ Aus nUM aijhf qohPf idE jo Auh afpxI pqnI dy nfl Èyar kr sky. ijvyˆ qusIˆ Aus nUM Gr leI koeI ÈoapIs dy skdy ho. jykr Auh kuafrf hY qfˆ qusIˆ Aus nUM dosqfˆ dy nfl iznr `qy bulf skdy ho aqy Aus dy jnm idn `qy kuJ qohÌf vI dy skdy ho. ijvyˆ priPAUm, kmIË, tfeI, cmVy df prs, bYlt afid. mihMdr isMG vflIaf

The Patrika



Friday, March 16th, 2018

From Balwant Sanghera’s Desk have been here for almost six weeks now. The shift in weather from cold in February to warm in March has been quite gradual. Now it is getting warmer every day. The wheat crop certainly needs hot weather for the next few weeks in order to ripen. Pursuing the local media, one gets the impression that two developments continue to get worse. Every day there are sad stories of farmer suicides. It is a very serious issue with no easy solution. For the farming community it needs a major mental shift. They need to become more fiscally responsible and not get into debt they can’t manage. At the same time they need some counselling not only in managing their affairs better but also to have the skills and attitude to face the problem in a methodical manner rather than taking their own


injuries and fatalities. Every day there are lot of tragic accidents on Punjab’s roads and highways. Most of them are due to aggressiveness and carelessness of the drivers. These tragedies have grown exponentially over the years. The on-going increase in vehicles on the road as well as inability of some drivers to follow the rules of the roads and lack of enforcement seem to be some of the major causes of these tragedies. Speaking of transportation, the current and previous governments must be commended for linking every village and town in the province with roads. Now there is hardly any village that doesn’t have some sort of transport link with other centres. Small buses ply between small communities ferrying passengers. On the whole public transportation is fairly reasonable and frequent. For example, my own hometown Pharwala has hourly bus service to two centres-Goraya and Bilga. At the political level, as usual there is lot of activity. Every political party is trying to put its best foot forward and blame the other for the problems Punjab is facing. This is like a very interesting drama. Anyway, people in general are going about their normal business in their own merry way.

lives and leave their loved ones in dire situation.The financial institutions and the government agencies also need to be more pro active in this regard. Agriculture is the backbone of Punjab. As such the government needs to take an active role in ensuring that no farmer, big or small is forced to take his own life. It also needs to be emphasized that One very positive approach by the the non-productive use of farm loans previous Badal government and the current Captain Amrinder Singh government is their commitment to enhance tourism to the state. Building various facilities recognizing the freedom fighters and other prominent personalities and historical figures is bound to increase tourism to the state. The latest inauguration of phase 2 of Jang-e-Azadi Memorial in Kartarpur near Jalandhar is an excellent and commendable effort in this regard.

Balwant Sanghera such as buying expensive vehicles or (Balwant Sanghera is a retired spending too much money on weddings School Psychologist and Community etc. should be discouraged at all costs. Activist. He is currently on a family The other major problem I have noticed vacation in India. ) is the traffic and untimely traffic related

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The Patrika

Friday, March 16th, 2018


Sandeep Singh sets another World Record! Sandeep Singh has recently achieved the Guinness World Record title for the longest duration spinning a basketball on a toothbrush for 53 seconds!


Friday, March 16th, 2018

The Patrika 



The Patrika


Friday, March 16th, 2018


The Spring Sales Event. On Now.

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20801 Langley Bypass, Langley, BC Tel: 604.533.1205 | | #40046 © 2018 Mercedes-Benz Canada Inc. Lease and finance offers based on the 2018 C 300 4MATIC Sedan/2018 GLC 300 4MATIC are available only through Mercedes-Benz Financial Services on approved credit for a limited time. *Total price of $48,603/$49,803 for advertised vehicle includes MSRP plus all applicable dealer fees. **Lease example based on $458/$528 per month for 45/45 months. Down payment or equivalent trade of $3,700/$3,925 plus security deposit of $500/$550 and applicable taxes due at lease inception. MSRP starting at $44,700/$45,900. Lease APR of 2.9%/3.9% applies. Freight/PDI of $2,195, dealer admin fee of $595, air-conditioning levy of $100, EHF tires, filters, batteries of $25, Wheel locks and All Season Mats of $488 and PPSA of $34.30/$34.30 are due at signing. Total obligation is $28,020/$31,450. 18,000 km/year allowance ($0.20/km for excess kilometres applies). †Cash credit of $1,000 only applicable on the 2018 C-Class Sedan (excluding AMG). ††First, second and third month payment waivers are capped for 2018 C-Class Sedan/GLC (including AMG) up to a total of $450/$550 (including taxes) for lease programs and up to a total of $650/$750 (including taxes) for finance programs. Vehicle license, insurance, registration, and taxes are extra. Dealer may lease or finance for less. Offers may change without notice and cannot be combined with any other offers. See Mercedes-Benz Langley or for more details. Offers end April 1, 2018.


The Patrika

Friday, March 16th, 2018


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

kYnyzIan srkfr tYks vfilaF nfl byiensfPI kr rhI hY:- qrnjIq puryvfl pIpljL Pfrm afP kYnyzf dy pRDfn qrnjIq isMG puryvfl aqy vfies pRDfn rOn simwQ ny iewk ibafn ivwc ikhf hY ik knyzf dI srkfr nUM glq nIqIaF bfry dubfrf socx dI loV hY. ies nIqI anusfr knyzf ivwc afey hr sLrnfrQI (ijs ny kdI vI koeI tYks nhIN idwqf huMdf) nUM knyzf dI srkfr hr mhIny $2400 zflr idMdI hY. jdoN ik Auh nfgirk ijMnHF ny ies mulk dI BlfeI ivwc 60/70 sfl qwk tYks idwqf huMdf hY AuhnF nUM $1,200 mhIny dI pYnsLn imldI hY. qrnjIq puryvfl ny ikhf hY ik knyzf dI srkfr nUM ieh ivqkrf Kqm krn leI mjLbUr krn leI Porm vloN iewk muihMm sLurU kiqI geI hY ijs aDIn iewk lwK nfgirkF vloN dsqKq krky pfrlImYNt ivwc ptIsLn

pysL kIqI jfvygI. Xfd rhy ipCly s f l kny z Ian srkfr v l o N 25,000 sLrnfrQI sIrIaf qoN mMgvfey gey sn jo hr mhIny sfzy tYks ivwcoN kroVF zflr lY rhy hn.

For Better Results CALLToday! Advertise in the Punjabi Patrika


Exceptional Quality Blueberry Nursery Stock

BLUEBERRY PLANTS Sidhu Growers is British Columbia's leading quality blueberry nursery. At Sidhu Growers, we grow healthy, disease free, virus indexed and true-toname Blueberry plants. We specialize in growing blueberry plants and have 20 plus years of experience in the blueberry business.

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We are the only authorized nursery in Canada to sell Reka, a northern blueberry variety and have documentation from where the variety originated from, which is New Zealand, and have proof of it. Make sure when purchasing Reka you ask to see the signed authorization from New Zealand. Being the only authorized nursery to sell Reka we can provide you with this.

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When purchasing blueberry plants, buy from a reputable blueberry nursery that specializes in growing blueberry plants. Ask to see virus testing documentation. Make sure plants are produced from cuttings. Plants produced from tissue culture or cuttings taken from tissue culture plants tend to be difficult to machine harvest and require more pruning.

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We are committed to provide you with only the best blueberry plants available and guarantee it.

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32787 Townshipline, Abbotsford, B.C. PAGE 13

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The Patrika PAGE  14 


Friday, March 16th, 2018

Easy trick to get rid of winter blues

rky gurU (NC) As March rolls in, the final hwkfˆ dI weeks of winter seem to feel inDIafˆ dI creasingly longer and colder. The xI peI.

lfˆ nfl feIcfry, . afpxy ny nYiqk gurU qyg vroDIafˆ nI dy ky Aus dI imldI. hwkfˆ dI igixaf

grey skies and frigid winds can make even the most optimistic person feel blue. This year, get ahead of winter sadness by doing something good for yourself and others: supporting a charity.

There are several different ways to support non-profits. The easiest option is to donate money. Some organizations will let you know exactly what your money is supporting. For example, Beautiful World Canada Idfn nUM will update you on the female stuQfvfˆ vI dents in sub-Saharan Africa that they drjf dy support through donation-funded scholarships.

jQybMdI bhfdr qqf nfl kIqf sI. aiDkfrfˆ IN jYaMqI hfs bfry bMdI vwloN nuwKI hwkfˆ s ikqfb sI aqy aiDkfrfˆ nfm vI (1617am pYWn -1778)

end up giving back, you can take comfort in the good that you are doing for yourself and others. Charities are so important because they help people in need. But did you know that giving back can also help you? Helping others can improve your mood and give you a more positive outlook on life. On a more practical level, you can write off charitable donations on your taxes. Looks like helping others really does help you, too.

If you are a more hands-on person, consider volunteering instead of, or in addition to, donating. Depending on the charity you chose, you may be doing administrative work in an office or directly giving back to the community. Regardless of how you


ihb dI r idwqI I cfdr` Idfn dI ËrIey nUM kmrfn, rhf huMdf n dy rfh klp sI, sI. iehI AuNdf hY.



dnI cOk Auqfiraf sihb nUM Dfrimk asQfn lihr dy hIdf hY. fiek qy nUM mfnqf af, pr

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ristI, mks df




Friday, March 16th, 2018

The Patrika 


Three steps to building a rainy day fund (NC) At some point in life, you’ll need a new roof. You might need to fix your car brakes. Unforeseen events happen, and when they do, it’s important to be financially prepared. Budgets are an effective way to plan your month-to-month expenses and savings. They can also help you keep 3. Determine where you’d like money available for the unexpected. to save your rainy day fund. It might Here are three steps to start building be appealing to keep your money in investments that earn interest, but your rainy day fund: watch out for early withdrawal penal1. Determine the amount you’d ties on investments. like to save. This could be any amount you feel would cover your expenses If you need guidance in planning in the case of an emergency. A com- your rainy day fund or your savings mon measure is six months of ex- strategy as a whole, a financial advisor can guide you through the process penses in the case of job loss. and be your coach when it comes to 2. Once you’ve determined an finances. It’s never too late to become amount, work your rainy day savings an engaged, informed investor. into your budget until you’ve hit your goal. If you’d like to save $5,000, Find more information online at infor instance, you might want to stash away approximately $200 per month over two years.



The Patrika 

afpxy afp nUM vws `c kro ivdvfnF df kQn hY ik jo mnuwK afpxy df sfrf suwK cYn Koh ilaf aqy Auh ijAuNdy afp nUM vws `c kr skdf hY, Auh sMsfr jIa nrk ivwc jf izwgy. nUM ijwq lYNdf hY. asl ivwc iswiKaq AuhI bhuqy lok hn jo guwsy ivwc afpxf afpf hY jo afpxy afp nUM vws ivwc kr lYNdf hY. Buwl jfx dy kfrn gRihsQI jIvn qbfh jo afpxy afn nUM vs ivwc kr lYNdf hY, AuhI kr lYNdy hn. mhfn bxdf hY. jIvn ivwc svY-sMjm jLrUrI pqI guwsy ivwc pqnI Auwqy hwQ cuwk idMMdf hY. ijhVy lokF ivwc svY-sMjm dI Gft hY hY, pqnI guwsy ivwc pykIN clI jFdI hY qF qy ijMnHf nUM QoVHI-QoVHI ijhI gwl qy guwsf pqI Aus nUM apmfinq kr idMdf hY, Auh af jFdf hY, Auh kdy vI afpxIaF AuwcIaF pqI nUM apmfinq kr idMdI hY. dovF ivwc ieCfvF nUM pUrf nhIN kr skdy. qxfE vDdy hn, Gr dI sLFqI BMg huMdI hY, afpxy afp nUM vws ivwc nf kr skx kfrn bwicaF Auwqy BYVf asr pRBfv pYNdf hY, mn bhuq sfry pRiqBfvfn ivakqI vI ipCVy Gbrfieaf aqy Audfs ho jFdf hY. kdy kdy rihMdy hn. Auh awgy vDxf cfhuMdy hoey vI qF dUrIaF ieMnIaF vD jFdIaF hn ik nObq awgy nhIN vD skdy. AuhnF dy BivwK nUM sB qlfk qwk af jFdI hY. cMgf dsdy sn Pyr vI Auh pCV gey. ieh sB guwsy dy kfrn huMdf hY. afey idn aijhIaF GtnfvF huMdIaF hn bhuq sfry lok guwsy Auwqy kMtrol rwKx ivwc ik koeI iksy dI hwiqaf kr idMdf hY, corI smrQ huMdy hn ik Auh byhwd pRiqBfsLflI kr lYNdf hY, jLKmI kr idMdf hY, aijhIaF aqy Xog huMdy hn. GtnfvF jo ijLafdfqr guwsy ivwc huMdIaF hn jdoN mnuwK afpxf sMquln gvf bYTdf hY. afpxI Xogqf dy blbUqy pfey hoey Auwcy ahudy guwsy dy vyg ivwc lok glqI kr idMdy hn. aqy iewjLq nUM lok pl Br dy guwsy dy vyg ivwc guaf bYTdy hn. QoVHI ijhI gwl Auwqy guwsy dy kfrn, afvysL ivwc kIqy gunfh dI ahudf iqafg dyx vfly aijhy bhuq sfry sjLf Bog rhy mujLrm qoN koeI puwCy qF pqf Auwcy aiDkfrI dyKy jf skdy hn jo bfad lwgy ik Aus ny afvysL ivwc af ky gunfh kr ivwc pCqfAuNdy hn pr Ausy glqI nUM hor idwqf sI. mujLrm ies qrF dy gunfh krky jgHf vfr vfr duhrfAuNdy vI hn. ikAuNik afpxI afjLfdI, sLFqI, suwK aqy afnMd nUM afpxy afp Auwqy kMtrol nhIN rwK pfAuNdy. guaf bYTdf hY. AunHF nUM guwsf af hI jFdf hY. pl Br df afvysL jIvn Br nUM kuVqxF aqy vwzy vwzy pwqrkfr, lyKk, pRoPYsr, duwKF ivwc Br idMdf hY. ivigafnk aqy Auwcy ahuidaF AuWqy kMm quhfzf pl dI pl df guwsf iksy dI jfn kr rhy srkfrI aiDkfrI qwk vI glqIaF vI lYNdf hY. krdy hn. afpxy guwsy Auwqy kfbU nf kr ky qusIN dUsiraF guwsf ivvyk df dusLmx hY. dy jIvn ivwc jLihr vI Gol idMdy ho. Aus guwsy ivwc ivakqI afpxf sMquln guaf jLihr qoN qusIN vI bcy nhIN rihMdy. bihMdf hY aqy aijhy kMm kr bihMdf hY jo anyk lok awj sMsfr ivwc guwsy dI sjLf Ausdy leI sLoBf nhIN idMdy, jo Ausdy leI Bog rhy hn. AuhnF dy jIvn kdy hry-Bry nf krn vfly huMdy hn. aijhy lok guwsy dy sn. pl hI pl dy guwsy hmysLf dy leI AunHF gulfm hn.


Friday, March 16th, 2018

svyt mfrzn

qusIN hryk Kyqr ivwc guwsy dy gulfm lokF dy drsLn kr skdy ho. aijhy lokF nUM bVI jldI guwsf afAuNdf hY, ijs kfrn Auh afpxy sB kIqy krfey qy pfxI Pyr bihMdy hn, sB kuJ pl Br ivwc imtf gRhfkF nUM Bjf idMdy hn ikAuNik bihs ivwc guwsy ho jFdy hn. gflLF qwk dyx lwg pYNdy hn. lYNdy hn. gusYly suBfa kfrn keI Auwcy ahuidaF qy aijhI bihs qoN bcxf cfhIdf hY. ikAuNik bYTy ivakqIaF ny afpxy ahudy gvfey hn. ivarQ dI bihs kMm ivgfVdI hY. bhuq afpxf jIvn ivgfV ilaf. Auh vwzy vwzy lok qF guwsy vws rfKsL bx jFdy hn. kMm kr skdy sn, jy Auh dUsiraF dIaF mYN iewk aijhy afdmI nUM jfxdf hF jo guwsy BfvnfvF dI iewjLq krdy, afpxy Auqy kfbU ivwc qoV PoV kr idMdf sI, rOlLf pfAux rwKdy qF ahudf aqy iewjLq nf gvfAuNdy. guwsy lgdf sI. iksy nUM vI gfl kwZx ivwc ivwc pfgl ho ky AuhnF ny jIvn Krfb kr iJjkdf nhIN sI. Aus nUM smJfAux vflf vI ilaf hY. afpxf BivwK vI ivgfV ilaf hY. Aus dy guwsy df isLkfr ho jFdf sI. nqIjf aijhy vpfrI aqy dukfndfr vI huMdy hn ieh huMdf sI ik lok Aus qoN pfsf vwtdy jo afpxy ivcfrF nUM dUsiraF Auqy Qopx dy sn. Ausdy Kfs dosq aqy jfxkfr vI Aus kfrn afpxf DMdf cOpt kr lYNdy hn. afpxy qoN iknfrf kr jFdy sn. pr jdoN Aus df guwsf Auwqr jFdf sI qF Auh afpxy afp qy

The Patrika

Friday, March 16th, 2018



sLrimMdf huMdf sI. TMZf pY jFdf sI. pCqfvf pUrf mn sLFq nHIN ho jFdf, ivvyk shI nhIN krn lwgdf sI. qMdrusq huMdy hoey vI bydm ho jFdf, Auh kMm nhIN kr skdy aqy jo ijhf ho jFdf sI. krngy qF axAuicq hI krngy. guwsy ivwc asl ivwc mnuwK afpxI suwD buwD guaf bYTdf hY pfgl ijhf ho jFdf hY. Aus nUM ieh vI pqf nhIN rihMdf ik Aus ny ikhVI gwl kihxI hY aqy ikhVI nhIN kihxI. bhuq sfry aijhy sLbdF dI Auh vrqoN kr jFdf hY jo AusdI pCfx dy myl dy nhIN huMdy . guwsy df iBafnk dYNq AusnUM BYVf rfKsL bxf idMdf hY. jo ivakqI guwsy nUM nhIN mfr skdf, Auh cfhy ikMnf vI piVHaf iliKaf hovy, sfDU sMq jF ivdvfn hovy, Aus nUM smJdfr mnuwK nhIN mMinafN jf skdf. aijhy ivdvfn nUM mUrK hI mMnxf cfhIdf hY. guwsy dy vs ivwc aijhy ivdvfnF nUM vI byisr pYr dI bkvfs krn dy bfad pCqfvf krnf pYNdf hY.

Bhuq sfry aijhy pirvfr hn ijnHF ivc sfry mYNbr hr smyN lVky rihMdy hn. guwsy kfrn AunHF ny Gr nUM nrk bxfieaf huMdf hY. guwsy kfrn iewk mYNbr dUsry nUM vwZx nUM dOVdf hY. AunHF dy Gr dy bfhr iek aijhIaF afvfjLF afAuNdIaF hn ijvyN dYNq lV rhy hox. aijhy GrF dy guaFZ ivwc rihx vfly vI prysLfn rihMdy hn. duwKF nfl jUJdy rihMdy hn. Gr dI sLFqI aqy KusLhflI nUM ieh guwsf Kqm kr idMdf hY. pirvfr qbfh ho jFdf hY. aijhy pirvfrF ivwcoN aYsLo arfm, suwK aqy anMd gfieb ho jFdy hn.

guwsy ivwc kIqy gey kMmF dy leI hryk mnuwK nUM pCqfAuxf pYNdf hY. aijhy lokF nUM Kud Auwqy sLrm afAuNdI hY, mfnisk iglfnI Auwqy duwK huMdf hY. eIrKf, nPrq aqy bdly dIaF BfvnfvF vI guwsy df kfrn bxdIaF hn.

Auh afpxy afp nUM vs ivwc nhIN kr pfAuNdy blik guwsf AuhnF ivcfiraF nUM afpxy vs krI rwKdf hY. ieh BYVf guwsf aijhy lokF qoN kdy kdy qF afpxy bwcy pqnI aqy Brf jF dosq dI hwiqaf qwk krvf idMdf hY.

kuJ lok qF guwsy dy gulfm ho jFdy hn.

vwzIaF vwzIaF lVfeIaF, JgVy, dMgy aqy ieh iewk scfeI hY ik srIr nUM guwsf cwt durGtnfvF guwsy dy kfrn GtdIaF hn. jFdf hY aqy KoKlf kr idMdf hY. ijLafdfqr lokF dI ibmfrI df kfrn hI guwsf huMdf hY. lok bVI imhnq nfl jIvn ivwc bhuq kuJ hFsl krdy hn. sfKL bxfAundy hn, guwsy df mUl kfrn mqlb hY. pRiqsLTf aqy iewjLq kmfAuNdy hn. smfj mqlb nUM jo ivakqI ijwq lYNdf hY, Auh guwsy ivwc nfm kmfAuNdy hn pr guwsy dy gulfm nUM vI ijwq lYNdf hY. bx jfx qy Auh QoVHI ijhI dyr ivwc sB kuJ brbfd kr lYNdy hn. afpxf pUrf BivwK mqlb iksy vI qrF df hovy, Aus nUM iqafg dyvo qF duwK nhIN rihMdf. duwK df kfrn vI ivgfV lYNdy hn. ieh mqlb hI hY. srIr dy leI guwsf bVf Gfqk huMdf hY. qusIN koeI aihsfn krdy ho Auh quhfzf ishq nUM vI ieh guwsf brbfd kr idMdf hY imwqr hY, Brf hY, jF irsLqydfr hY. Auh ikAuNik srIr dy sfry jIvfxU qMqUaF Auwqy bdly ivwc quhfzy nfl burf krdf hY. quhfnUM guwsf bVf pRBfv pfAuNdf hY. guwsf cirwqr nUM duwK vI afAuNdf hY qy guwsf vI. kfrn ieh kmjoLr krn dy nfl srIr ivwc vI kmjoLrI hY ik Aus aihsfn ivwc mqlb sI. qusIN ilafAuNdf hY. aihsfn dy bdly ivwc aihsfn, BlfeI jF gusYly ivakqI dI sfry buirafeI krdy hn pRsMsF dy BuwKy sI. ikAuNik Auh gusy ivwc aksr buirafeI Xog iksy nUM kuJ dyvo vI qF bdly dI afs nf rwKo. kMm krdf hY. Quhfzy nfl koeI burf krdf hY qF bdly dI icMqf ksLt qy nsLy nfl vI ieMnI hfnI nhIN Bfvnf nf rwKo. bKsL dyx df Bfv mn ivwc huMdI ijMnI gwusy nfmI dYNq nfl ho jFdI hY. rwKo. guwsf nhIN af skygf. guwsy rUpI awg dy nfl vwzy vwzy sLRysLt afdmI quhfnUM sB qrHF dy mqlbF df iqafg krky, vI duwK Bogdy hn. mn ivwc muafPI, DIrj, pRym aqy inaF dy Bfv rwKxy cfhIdy hn. guwsf mnwuK dI Aumr nUM Gwt krdf hY. bhuq sfry lok guwsy ivwc afAux qoN bfad bhuq dyr qk kMbdy rihMdy hn. Auh GMitaF qwk koeI kMm vI nhIN kr skdy ikAuNik AuhnF df idmfg asLFq hUMdf hY. jdoN qwk

quhfzy ivwc Pyr Auwc afdrsLF df sMcfr hovygf. qusIN AucfeIaF vwl vDogy, qrwkI krogy aqy lokF ivwc qusIN iewjLqdfr bxogy. Pyr qusIN kI nhIN kr skdy? PAGE 17


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Friday, March 16th, 2018


lfvF vflf sUt dfs jdoN vI Audfs huMdf Auh dyvkI df lfvF “BfvyN dyvkI nUM pqf huMdf sI ik dfs df vflf sUt kwZ ky sfhmxy rwK lYNdf. jIa iesLfrf kI hY?” Br ky AusnUM dyKdf. sUt nUM ieDroN AuDroN Auh jfx buJky dfs nUM kihMdI. Poldf. itwk itwkI lf ky ivhMdf rihMdf. sUt nfl afpy gwlF krI jFdF. ijvyN Aus nUM awgoN mYN ikhf iksy dI avfjL afAux dI AumId hovy. jdoN “kI kihMdy jy”? awgoN koeI huMgfrf nf imldf iPr cuwp kr jFdf. keI- keI GMty Auh cuwp vwtI rwKdf. Auh jfx buJ ky dfs nUM iKJFdI. nF hI kuJ KFdf qy nf hI kuJ pINdf. gm nfl ibmfr pY jFdf. jdoN iksy BYx, BfeI nUM jdoN dfs klp jFdF iPr dyvkI kihMdI dfs dI ies hrkq df pqf lgdf. Auh af “iswDf ikAuN nhIN kihMdy beI myrI psMd ky AusnUM smJfAuNdy qy dvf dfrU lY ky dyNdy. vflf sUt pFeIN”? lfvF vflf sUt qy dfs dI ijMd jfn sI. ies sUt nUM qy Auh vI awKoN proKy nhIN sI hox dyNdf. keI sfl ho gey ies sUt nUM sFB ky rwiKafN. keI sfl bIq gey sn pr ieh sUt ajy vI nvF nkor sI. ijs qrF huxy iksy dukfn qoN KrIidaf hovy. ieh sUt qy kIqI islvr rMg dI kZfeI AuvyN hI cmkf mfr rhI sI. ieh sUt dfs leI bhuq kImqI sI. Ausny iesnUM gihxy vFg sFB ky rwiKaf hoieaf sI.

dwso ikhVI gwl ey? qUM cfhuMdI ey beI mYN vI qyry vFgUM srkfrI nOkrI krF. pr ieh sB kuJ myry vs dI gwl nhIN. ieh sB kuJ iksmq df lYx dyx ey. jykr ieh sB kuJ myry vws ivwc hovy mYN qy iewk pl vI nf lfvF. ieh sB kuJ pRmfqmf dy hwQ vs hY. jy myrI iksmq ivwc srkfrI Dn iliKaf hovygf qF iPr mYnUM jLrUr imlygf. qUN icMqf iks gwl dI krdI eyN? vyK qUM qnKfh lY rhIN ey. kuJ mYN kmf irhf hF. eyny pYisaF nfl asIN vDIaf gujLfrf kr skdy hF. dfs ny dyvkI nUM sfrf kuJ smJf idwqf. pr ieh sfrf kuJ dyvkI dI smJ qoN bfhr sI. nOkrI pysLf hox kfrn Aus ivwc eIgo bhuq sI. Auh smJdI sI beI mYN pVHI ilKI hF nOkrI pysLf aOrq hF bhuq smJdfr hF.

eydF ipafr dI nok Jok kfPI dyr cldI rihMdI sI. jdoN dfs dI psMd df sUt pf ky dyvkI iqafr ho jFdI, dfs KusLI nfl KIvf ho jFdf qy ipafr nfl AusnUM gly lf ky kihMdf “ikaf bfq hY, zfrilMg awj qy akfsLNo prI AuWqrI lgdI eNy.” rysLm df kZfeI vflf gulfbI sUt pf ky qy Auh kZfeI vflI cuMnI mYnUM kOx smJfAux vflf jMimafN? lY ky dyvkI jdoN iqafr ho jFdI sI iksy prI nfloN Gwt nhIN sI lgdI. Ausdf iPwkf dfs, dyvkI dI ies eIgo pfvr qoN cMgI qrF sFvlF rMg, BrvF sLrIr gulfbI sUt pf ky vfikP sI pr Aus ny bVy DIrj nfl ikhf bhuq Pwbdf sI. ipEr rysLm dy Dfgy df bixafN hoieaf sI “vyKo dyvkI sfzf pirvfr hY. ieh sUt. dfs iesnUM hmysLF lfl rMg dy dfs qy dyvkI dI afpsI pihcfx kfPI kwpVy ivwc lpyt ky rwKdf sI. sLgnF df icrfkI sI. jdoN dfs kflj pVHn jFdf sI, bwcy hn. ieh sUt sMdUk ivwc bMd rihMdf mqy iksy AudoN dyvkI koeI tRyinMg krdI huMdI sI. Auh dI njLr ies qy pY nf jfvy. dfs dI vwzI rojLfnf iewko bws ivwc jFdy sn. sPr ivwc ies qrHF iKiJaf Kipaf cMgf nhIN lwgdf. BYx ny keI vfr ies sUt dI mMg kIqI sI. AUh iewk dUjy nUM cMgI qrF jfxdy sn. iPr bwicaF qy mfVf pRBfv pYNdf hY. Ehny ikhf sI dohF df irsLqf qYa ho igaf. dohF dy pirvfr nfly dI hfso hIxI bxdI hY. nUM koeI ieqrfjL nhIN sI hoieaf. bVI KusLI “dfs ieh sUt mYnUM dy dy. nfl ieh irsLqf qYa ho igaf. tRyinMg krn jykr mYN srkfrI mulfjLm nhIN hF. mYN ieh sUt qyrI BxyNvI dy ivafh qy anMd qoN QoVHI dyr bfad dyvkI nUM nOkrI iml geI. pr mYN ivhlf bYTky vI nhIN KFdf. kfrj vyly pfvFgI” dfs ajy byrojLgfr sI. piVHaf iliKaf qy Auh bhuq sI pr nOkrI nHIN iml rhI sI. afpxI rotI mYN kmf lYNdf hF. dfs ny afpxI BYx nUM korf jvfb dy dyNdy Bwj nwT Aus ny bhuq kIqI pr sB ivarQ ikhf sI. jy bhuqI kmfeI qy nhIN hY. sI. aKIr hfr hMB ky Aus ny afpxf kfrobfr “nhIN BYx jI. KHol ilaf. Gr df rotI pfxI qy mYN clfeI jFdf hF.” mYN ieh sUt afpxy ijAuNidaF jIa iksy nUM awzy dI dukfn hox kfrn dukfn bhuq cwlI. nhIN dyxf. Aus nUM kfPI bwcq ho jFdI sI. svyr vyly Auh dyvkI nUM bws awzy qy Cwz afAuNdf sI qy dyvkI dI ieh afKrI insLfnI bcI hY, myry iPr sLfm vyly vI lY afAuNdf sI. dyvkI afp kol.” srkfrI mulfjm hox kfrn dfs df ieh ieh sUt dfs dI pqnI dyvkI dy anMd DMdf psMd nhIN sI krdI. iesy krky Auh kfrj vflf sUt sI. ijs nUM ieh ijMd jfn dfs dy hr kMm ivwc nuks kwZdI rihMdI sI. qoN vI ipafrf smJdf sI. lfvF vflf ieh dfs vI AusdI ieh nukqfcInI bhuqI psMd sUt dyvkI ny afpxy hwQIN KrIidaf sI. nhIN sI krdf. keI vfrF qy Auh inwkI motI coKI kImq sI ies sUt dI Aus smyN. dyvkI gwl qy hI KihbVn lwg pYdI sI. dyvkI df iewk srkfrI mulfjm sI qF hI Aus ny ieMnF aMdroN mn sI ik dfs vI AusdI qrF srkfrI mihMgf sUt KrIidaf sI. bVy cfvF nfl Aus nOkrI kry. dfs ny iewk vfrI dyvkI nUM kol ny drjLI koloN svfieaf sI. dyvkI jdoN ies ibTf ky ikhf sI sUt nUM pfAuNdI sI prI vFg lgdI sI. dfs “dyvkI” df ipafr AudoN TwilHaf nhIN sI jFdf jdoN koeI vI sLfdI jF iqwQ iqAuhfr huMdf, dfs “hF” jdoN dyvkI nUM ieh sUt pf ky iqafr hox “dwso” leI isPfrsL krdf. mYN qyry nfl koeI gwl sFJI krnI cfhuMdf hF. PAGE 18

nUM ikhf “ ik Auh bfhrly dys jfxf cfhuMdI hY. dfs, dyvkI dI gwl suxky dMg rih igaf. Aus ny dfs nUM dwisaf ky bfhrly dysL ivwc Ausdy izpfrtmYNt izplomf dI bhuq loV hY. mYN bwicaF nUM vI nfl lY ky jfvFgI. bwcy cMgy QF jf ky pVHfeI kr jfxgy. AuhnF nUM vI nOkrI leI bhuqI pROblm nhIN afvygI.” qusIN vI inwq aKbfrF rsfilaF ivwc pVHdy rihMdy ho ik knyzf amrIkf ivwc izplomf holzrF dI ikMnI mMg hY. dfs nUM qy Ausny iesLfrf hI kIqf pr ivwcoN Auh pUrI qrF iqafr sI. afpxy Brf nUM nfl lY ky Aus ny pfs buwk iqafr kr leI sI qy vIjLF vI lvf ilaf sI.

dyvkI dy Brf ny vI dfs nUM dws idwqf sI beI dyvkI bfhrly dys jf rhI hY. kI qYnUM koeI ieqrfjL qy nhIN? Aus nUM jfx qoN rokI nf. iehdy ivwc lfB eI ey hfnI koeI nhIN. nfl Aus ny smJf idwqf ky koeI gwl nhIN bwicaF df BivwK suDr jfvygf. smF pYx qy Auh qYnUM vI bulf lvygI. dfs leI ieh gMBIr smwisaf qy iemiqhfn dI sB qoN aOKI GVI sI. subfh Auzfn sI. dfs nUM smJ nhIN sI af rhI ik Auh kI kry. Bry mn nfl Auh sfry kMm kr irhf sI. nf cfhuMidaF hoieaF vI Auh dyvkI qy bwicaF nUM idwlI cVHfAux leI igaf. Auhdf ichrf Auqiraf hoieaf qy Audfs sI. qurn lwigaF dyvkI qy bwcy bhuq KusL sn pr dfs bhuq Audfs sI. jFdI vfrI AuhnF ny dfs nUM alivdf khI. Bry mn nfl dfs sLfm nUM iewklf Gr prq afieaf. Gr dI iekwlqf AusnUM pRysLfn kr rhI sI. Auh soc irhf sI ik bwcy hux kdoN vfips afAuxgy? pqf nhIN vfips afAuNdy vI ik nhIN. pUry mhIny mgroN dyvkI df KLq afieaf. Ausny dwisaf ky asIN TIk amrIkf phuMc gey hF. myrI jOb vI lwg geI hY qy mYN bwicaF nUM vI cMgy skUl ivwc dfKl krvf idwqf hY. dfs iemfndfr qy sfAU suBfa df bMdf sI. hr gwl ihrdy ivwc ibTf lYNdf sI. sLFq Kq nUM dfs ny keI vfrI piVHaf. Auhdf koeI suBfa hox kfrn Auh gwl bVy DIrj nfl kMm krn nUM icwq nhIN sI kr irhf. Auh krdf sI. AusdI afdq sI. beI keI vfr soc irhf sI ik ieh ikho ijhI sjLf iml Auh ijLafdqI huMdI dyK ky vI brdfsLq geI mYnUM. iewkilaF phfV ijwzI ijLMdgI kr lYNdf sI. AusdI ieh iemfndfrI df hI ikvyN ibqfvFgF. Auh hr vkq ibVkF lYNdf iswtf sI ik dyvkI hr vfr AusdI Bfvnf rihMdf sI. nUM kucl dyNdI sI. jy dfs Aus nUM mfVf motf jdoN vI koeI gyt KVkdf, iJVk dyNdf sI qF dyvkI nrfjL ho ky pyky clI jFdI sI qy keI keI mhIny muVdI nhIN dfs Jwt jf ky gyt awgy Klo jFdF. sI. dfs iewklf Gr idn kwtI krI jFdf sI. Gr dI gwl bfhr jFdI dyK ky Auh kdy vI ikqy Auhdf afpxf gyt qF nhIN sI KVk irhf. iksy sfhmxy nhI sI AuBfsrdf. Auh sgoN dyvkI nUM hr qrF ko-apryt kr lYNdf sI. sLfied. dyvkI df suBfa bVf awKV iksm df sI. “nv” afieaf hovy. dfs nUM smJ nhIN sI afAuNdI ik Auh ies qrF ikAuN krdI hY? afpy hI mn nfl aMdr bYTf Auh pYrF dIaF ibVkF lYNdf rihMdf. smJfAuqf kr lYNdf sI. hflfq bd qoN bdqr ho gey sn. iewk idn dyvkI ny dfs

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Friday, March 16th, 2018



glI ivwcoN jdoN vI bwcf lMGdf, Auh afht koeI bhuqy mfieny nhIN sI rwKdI. Auh qy pihcfxdf. bws vkq lMGf irhf sI. Auhdy sfhmxy hmysLF Aus dy bwcy afAuNdy jFdy rihMdy sn. AusnUM “nv” vrgf BulyKf pYNdf. Auh socdf sI ik dyvkI nUM GroN igaF bhuq gyt ivwc Klo ky ieDr EDr ivhMdf rihMdf. sfl ho gey ny. hux bwcy jvfn ho gey hoxgy. sLfied Aus nUM afpxy byty vrgI koeI sLkl “nv” nUM qF dfhVI af geI hoxI aY. Auhdy ids pvy. Auh hr bwcy ivwcoN byty df muhFdrf aMdr keI qrF dy svfl AuwTdy rihMdy sn. Auh ajy vI afs lfeI bYTf sI ik dyvkI inhfrdf. vfps jLrUr afeygI. iesy AuzIk ivwc AuhdI pihlF pihl qy dyvkI dy Kq jldI af jFdy afpxI jvfnI Zl geI sI. Auh afpxI sn. ijvyN ijvyN smF bIqdf igaf, dyvkI dy Aumr qoN vwD isafxf lwgx lwg igaf sI. Kq vI afAuxy Gwt gey qy iPr vkq aijhf Auh kdI afpxI iksmq nUM kosdf kdI afieaf ky dyvkI dy Auwkf eI Kq afAuxy afpxI jnm dyx vflI mF nUM. bMd ho gey. hux qF keI sfl bIq gey sn AusnUM GroN gey. Auh vfips nhIN sn prqy. ivCoVy df ieh drd AuhnUM bhuq bihbl ijLMdgI qoN Qwk hfr cuwkf dfs iewk mrjIvVf krdf sI. ijLMdgI ijAux vfsqy Auhdy kol sI. ijhVf sfhF krky isrP ijAu irhf sI. kuJ nhIN sI bicaf. bs dyvkI df ieh lfvF Auhdy ijAux df cfrm sfrf Kqm ho cuwkf vflf sUt sI. ijs nfl AusdI jvfnI dy sI. Gr dIaF kMDf AuhnUM zrf rhIaF sn. keI Kfb juVy sn. ies sUt nUM Aus ny bhuq afpxy prfey nfl Auh iksy nfl vI koeI sFB ky rwiKaf hoieaf sI. AuhdI mfnisk sMbD nhIN sI rwKdf nf Auh ikqy jFdf sI nF klpnf sI ik dyvkI jdoN vI vfips afvygI mYN khFgf. hI afAuNdf sI. bws iekwlf hI Gr dI cfr idvfrI aMdr iGiraf rihMdf sI. “dyvkI” Auh qy afpxf ichrf vI iksy nUM idKfAuxf aY dyK psMd nhIN sI krdf. pqf nhIN Auh ikhVy vyly dukfn qy clf jFdf sI? Kfx, pfAux mYN qyrf lfvF vflf sUt iks qrF sMBfl ky dI vI koeI bhuqI prvfh nhIN sI krdf. rwiKaf hoieaf hY. afpxy aMgF sfkF dy Gr vI bhuq Gwt jFdf ieh sUt afpF afpxI DI nUM idaFgy. sI. irsLqydfr vI Aysdy ies ivhfr qoN dMg sn. bhuqI lMbI ijLMdgI ijAuxf Auhdy leI Auh vI ieh sUt pf ky qyry vFg prI lwgygI.

DrqI sfzI mF

mMgl isMG brfV

sUrj bfbl dy ivhVy ivwc lY sfvI PulkfrI afeI cFdI rMgI prbq mflf kMT duafly KUb sjfeI rMg brMgy PuwlF pwqIaF aMbrF qIkx mihk iKMzfeI sB jIaF dI pflxhfrI QF DrqI sfzI mF jd vIr myGlf aMbr vwloN nwcdf Zol vjfAuNdf afvy aMg aMg co KusLbo afvy kx kx iPr mOlx lwg jfvy afpxI ihwk qy aMn Augfvy BuwiKaF qFeI KUb rjfvy TMZI imwTI aqy GxyrI ho jfvy hr ruwK dI CF DrqI sfzI mF ies dI ihwk qy sohxy inrml nIr dy csLmy vgdy ies dI rihmq sdkf hI jIvn dy dIvy jgdy ies nUM vfhux qy bIjx vfly dyviqaF jhy lgdy ijMdVI ies qoN Gol GumfvF vfrI vfrI jF DrqI sfzI mF ies DrqI qy rwbf ikDroN qwqI vf nf afey rUp iehdy dy nUM njLr kuilhxI ikDry lg nf jfey suKI vsyNdy rihx hmysLF ies DrqI dy jfey jMnq vrgy suhxy bx jfx ksby sLihr grF DrqI sfzI mF PAGE 19


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joVIaF jwg QoVHIaF pvn igwlF vflf Tykydfr dI vYn ivwc vVidaF hI jYly ny gflLF df mINh vrHf idwqf sI, “gMdy Klxy dI, mfVI jnfnI, ijwdx dI afeI aY ijLMdgI nrk bxfqI, nf mrdI nf KihVf CwzdI aY. mYN qF kosdf Aus vyly nUM jdoN ieMzIaf jf ky iehdy nfl ivafh krvfieaf sI, pqf nhIN ikhVy jnmF df vYr sI kuwzr nfl ijhVf isMg Ps gey AuWQy jf ky.” AudMU pihlF jYlf hor sfh lY ky mfVf cMgf boldf ivwcoN hI tonI ny puwC ilaf, “Auh kI gwl hogI cfcf awj svyry svKqy hI lwgf ipaF qy hux, hPqy ‘c hI inbyV idMdy sfrf kuJ awgy qF idny hI Pon qy boldf huMnf qy Auh vI nfly jdoN lokI rwb df nF lYNdy af.” qy Pyr sLurU ho jFdf iewt kuwqy df vYr…kuVI “Auh puwC nf puwqrf! ieh vI sB Aus rwb ikqy qy muMzf ikqy. keI vfrI qF mF ipE nUM dIaF kiDwqF ny ijhVf ibnF socy smJy ieh vI nhIN pqf lgdf ik kI gwl hogI kuMzIaF joV idMdf qy lokI kihMdy ieh sMXogF ikAuNik pirvfrF nfl qF awj kwl koeI rih dI KHyz af, ijhVy DuroN hI joV ky rwb Kud ky nhIN rfjI aKy sfnUM pRfeIvysI cfhIdI hY, Byjdf. pr pqf nhIN myry vfrI ikwQy suwqf bwcy pRfeIvysI dy.” rih igaf, mF df puwq qy pqMdr ny hor eI Pfhy lf qf.” iPr jwsI vI bol ipaf, “jy sMXogf dI KyHz nhIN qF iewQy lwB lYNdf koeI ikwQy jf ky zMzF zuikaf qUM vI, jYlf guwsy ‘c AuhnUM pY inkilaf aKy “sflf zMzy zuwkx df aYzI pqf nhIN ikhVI mYN ipRtI jMtf ivafh ilaFdI.” jwsI ny Pyr tFc mfrdy ny ikhf, “ipRtI jMtf qoN vI sohxI sI cfcI jdoN PotoaF dy Qwby coN kwZI sI qy nfly AudoN qF kihMdf sI bws eysy nfl krfAuxf jy krfAuxf qF nhI qF Xfr CVy hI cMgy af.”

“ gwl qF bfeI qyrI iblkul shI hY pr iewQoN jf ky krn kI mhIny qF do imldy af CuwtI dy qy AuhnF c hI sfrf kMm inptfAuxf huMdf ey bfkI hor sO isafpy jLmIn dy ikqy nwpIaF koTIaF dy eydF hI sfzy nfl hoeI, eyQy akqUbr dy awD ijhy ‘c gey kihMdy nfly kuVI dyK lvFgy nfly idvflI. ijvyN kuVI qF ptfikaF coN lwBxI huMdI af.” ieh sux ky jwsI df hfsf inkl igaf qy Pyr ivwcy hI bol ipaf, “ ikAuN Pyr lwBgI ptfky argI ijhVI pfAuNdI hux qyry ptfky?” jYly ny jwsI dI gwl df guwsy nfl jvfb idMidaF ikhf, “ Auhdf qF pqf nhI puwq, qyry awj jLrUr ptfky pYxgy myry hwQoN, ikvyN BONkI jFdf. iewk mYN awgy duKI aF, AuwqNo ieh sflI aFgMU itwcrf hI nI krno htdf.”

“ Auh gwl qF qyrI TIk af jwsI lwBI qF PotoaF dy QWby ‘coN hI sI, AudoN qF bVI BolLI BflLI lwgdI sI. ijvyN mUMh ‘c jLbfn nhIN huMdI, aYQy af ky hI KMB inkl afey qy itwzIEN swp bxgI. hux qF BfvyN jIB vwZ ky suwt idE AuQy peI vI tYNa tYNa krdI rhU.” “cwl cwl cfcf qUM dws ikvyN lwBI sI cfcI.” suxdf suxdf mwGr vI bol ipaf, Auey jYlf tonI ny dohF nUM bolxo rokidaF ikhf. Auh isMhF aYNvy qF nhIN isafxy kihMdy beI, ‘bld lwBI kfhnUM mfVy krmF nUM rwKI peI sI sO lfxy df DI puwq Grfxy df’ dyK ky leI df. kroV dI abfdI coN. bws PotoaF dyKidaF pr awj kwl idaF nUM qF bws psMd afeI nI dyKdaF qF mYN kihqf beI afh kuVI sohxI qy AuwQy hI Pyry lYx nUM iqaffr ho jFdy ijvyN af. bws Pyr kI AuwQy eI sfry myry mgr pY koeI ivafh sLfdI nhIN hwtI qoN iKHzOxf lYxf gey, aKy jy qYnUM kuVI sohxI lgdI af qF huMdf. pihlF isafxy lokIN awgf ipwCf dyK Pyr gwl qor lYny aF. pr ikhVf suxdf sfry ky hF krdy sI qy ikMnF ikMnf icr lwg jFdf afvdf eI AuwlU iswDf krdy af qy ieMzIaF sI mMgxy ivafhfN nUM. ikAuNik ivafh mIaF vfilaF nUM ieh huMdf beI iewk hor ivafh bIvI df nhIN sgoN pirvfrF df imlfp huMdf dyKx nUM imljU qy PrI Kfx nUM, ijhVf Psdf sI qy AumrF qwk inBdy sI sfk skIrIaF Ps jfvy.” PAGE 20

Friday, March 16th, 2018

bws jI iqMn-cfr idn iehIE rwtf lfeI rwiKaf kuVI psMd af qF hor kI cfhIdf aKIr nUM vwzy pRhfAuxy ny kuVI qy Ausdy bfp nUM bulf ilaf. gwlF bfqF kridaF mYN sfrf kuJ dwsqf afpxy bfry beI Xfr qF grIn hfAUs c kMm krdy af QozI kuVI nUM vI AuwQy jf ky kMm qF krnf eI pAU, AQy kMm kIqy ibnF nhIN srdf. Jwt dyxy kuVI df ipAu boilaf, “aKy kMm qF sfry hI krdy af eyQy ikhVf ivhilaF nUM rotI imldI, kMm qF krnf eI pYNdf. nfly jdoN iewk dy pcvMjf bxdy hox qF afpy Bwj Bwj krU. “qy hux bfhr qF kMm kr lYNdI pr Gry af ky zwkf nI qoVdI, jy KusL huMdI qF rotI lfh lYNdI nhIN khU pIjLf mMgvf lo. mY qF QwkI peIaF mYQoN nI lihMdIaF rotIaF, inwq pIjf Kf Kf AuNJ iZwz df nfs vwijaf ipaf.” “Auey Cwz qUM cfcf eyQy dIaF AudoN dI dws ivwcy hor qor lYnF.” tonI boilaf, bws Pyr kI sI tonI puwqrf pRhuxy ny mF ipE nUM lfqI AuNgl qy kihMdf, “pirvfr ivwc muMzf, kuVI qy mF-ipE hI hY, ipCy koeI vwzf twbr nhIN, ijhVI QonUM swdx ivwc iKjLflq krnI pAU.” clo jI mYN vI soicaf beI sfry khI jFdy aF ik ivafh qF iewk idn krfAuxf hI krfAuxf hY nfly do sflF nUM sfry BYx Brf iewkTy ho skIey. so mYN GridaF dI gwl mMn leI qy hF kr idwqI Auh qF awgy hI kfhly sI. clo jI ho igaf ivafh, do ku mhIny GuMmy pr ieMny ku tfeIm ivwc iksy dy suBfa df kI pqf lgdf nfly pihlF pihlF sMgdy eI boldy mqlb df Pyr hI kuhfVy mUMh pftdy. isafxy kihMdy beI “jF rfh pey qoN jfxIey jF vfh pey qoN” eyQy af ky Pyr juVgy kMmF qy nIvIN pf ky awgy afpxf Krcf nhIN sI cukIdf AuwqoN hor cwkr pY igaf ienkm bxfAux df, clo jI swdxI qF sI afpF ikhVf koeI JUTf ivafh krvfieaf sI. kih khf ky pYsy dy ky Tykydfr nUM lY lY ky ienkm Brqy pypr qy Cy mhIinaF ‘c hI af vwjI eyQy.” “bws afAuNidaF hI nvF ryVkf pf ilaf beI myry Brf dI Aumr lMG jU hux mF ipE dy vI pypr Bro? Auhdy afAux dI KusLI qF kI hoxI sI AuqoN hor isafpf pY igaf qy soicaf beI jYlf isMhf hux qF kMnHf ipaf vI af cwlo Pyr pf lo nIvIN qy lwg jo kMm qy ijhVIaF idl ivwc socIaF sI sB idl

The Patrika 


ivwc hI rih geIaF beI ikqy ieQy hnImUn mnfAux jfvFgy mhInf CuwtI ly ky ikqy GuMmx jfvFgy Auh KfihsLF sB idl ivwc hI rih geIaF dwbIaF dIaF dwbIaF. afp vI kMm qy lwg geI ikAuNik kihMdy af gONa Bunfvy jONa” hjy pihly msF lfhy sI Tykydfr dy, Pyr cl ipaf kMm beI krlFgy hyTf Auwqf ikvyN nf ikvyN sfr myrf. nfly mY N qF ieQy hI kMm krnf hor ikwQy jfxf XfrF ny qy shuiraF nUM vI qyry nfl lfAUN qUM iPkr nf kr. BfeI Auhny hF krqI qyry Xfr rihgy vYn jogy, swqy idn cwl so cwl pqf hI nf lgf knyzIan afN jF ibhfrI afN awgy qF iewk awDI CuwtI kr leI dI sI hux qf kMm hI kMm, Qwky tuty af ky sON jfxf, svyry Pyr AuhI gDI gyV sLurU. iedF kridaF kridaF swq sfl bfad vIjf imilaf qy afAuidaF sfr hI lwg geI knyzf …… lwg gey mwqF dyx. beI Plfxy df muMzf vI qyry nfl hI afieaf Auh qF Gr leI bYTf nfly ieMzIaF eyny pYsy ByjI jFdF qy qusIN hjy bysmYNtF ‘c hI ruldy iPrdy aF, ikqy kihx BfeI muMizaF qUM qF sfzI kuVIE hI rolqI, AuhdI lfeIP hI Krfb krqI ieQy kMmF c rol ky, Blf puwCx vflf hovy sfilE mYN eyQy cIP minstr lwgF mYN vI qF nfl hI Dwky KfeI jFnF……Auh vI swqy idn pihlF iehnUM swidaf qy hux QonUM, ijMLdgI qF myrI rulgI mYN mr igaf ienkmF bxfAuNdf ieh kihMdy qUM kIqf hI kI af. “BrfE ieho ijhy bMidaF nfl hwQ juVgy, kihMdy huMdy af beI hr kfmXfb bMdy ipwCy jnfnI df hwQ huMdf. iPr ieh koeI nhIN dsdf beI bMdy nUM zobx ivwc jnfnI mUhry huMdI af. ieh af myrI khfxI aYvyN nI svyry svyry boldf nfly jy bMdf GroN sOKf hoey qF rwb df nfm lAU nhIN qF Pyr kosxf eI ey duKI hoey ny.” ibwlf zrfievr jo cuwp cfp qy sfrI khfxI sux irhf sI Ausny gwl mukFidaF ikhf,”Auey jYilaf ieh qyrf kwly df hfl nhIN ieh qF eyQy Gr Gr dI khfxI afN. bws eynf eI af bfeI qUM dwsqI qy keI cuwp kr shI jFdy af…… pr huMdI sB nfl eI af QoVHIbhuqI, lE hux cuwp kro, ryzIE vI lf ky dyK leIey beI ieh kI kihMdf, “ ijAuN hI ibwly ny ryzIE dI sivwc mroVI qF awgy bfeI sdIk df gfxf cwl irhf sI ik “joVIaF jwg QoVHIaF qy nrV bQyry” ieh suxdy sfr hI vYn ivwc cuwp psr geI. PAGE 21


The Patrika

Friday, March 16th, 2018


Put heart health first for a longer life (NC) Everyone should take steps at all life stages to protect against heart attack and stroke. This is especially important for people who have diabetes. In fact, approximately one in two people with type 2 diabetes die from heart disease, making it the most common cause of death? People living with diabetes are up to three times more likely to be hospitalized for heart health problems, and may develop heart disease 10 to 15 years earlier than those without the condition.

Symptoms associated with heart problems can be silent. Risk factors — including uncontrolled or high blood pressure, poor diet, lack of exercise and smoking — can put a person at increased risk of developing heart disease. Fortunately, understanding the connection between diabetes and heart disease can better position you to take preventative steps to help reduce your risk. Listening to your body is important too. For example, signs like leg cramps when walking or chest pain are worth mentioning to your doctor.

Award-winning singer and songwriter Jann Arden understands the impact According to Diabetes Canada, there are several ways you can help reduce diabetes can have on a loved one. your risk of heart disease, like control“My dad had diabetes, and many other ling blood pressure and cholesterol, health problems, including heart dis- managing weight, avoiding smoking, ease. I was surprised to learn the two and taking medications to protect your conditions were so strongly linked. It’s heart.

important to know your risk and take Speak to your doctor about what you action to protect your heart health when can do to lower your risk and take a risk assessment at you have diabetes.”


Friday, March 16th, 2018

The Patrika



5 things to do immediately after your identity is stolen (NC) If you keep up-to-date with popular movies and newspaper headlines, then you probably are aware of extreme versions of identity theft. But if this were to happen to you in real life, would you know what to do? Identity theft is when scammers acquire and collect your personal information for criminal purposes. Identity thieves are eager to steal your credit card information, bank account details, full name, date of birth, social insurance number, full address, mother’s maiden name,

online usernames and passwords, be able to reverse a driver’s license number, signature and transaction if they believe your card was passport number. billed fraudulently. If you fall victim to this sneaky scam, here are the steps you should take: 3. Use the right contact info. Never use the 1. Confirm. The best way to find out c o n t a c t d e t a i l s o f if your identity has been stolen is to financial institutions monitor your financial accounts and that appear in emails your credit card statements frequently. or websites you are If you’re getting calls from collection suspicious of — they agencies about unfamiliar accounts will probably be fake or your credit applications are turned and lead you to a scammer. You down unexpectedly, investigate can find legitimate contact details further. in the phone book, on your account statement or on the back of your card. 2. Contact your financial institution. If you think 4. Report it. By reporting the scam someone has gained to authorities, they may be able to access to your personal warn other people and minimize financial information, the chances of it spreading further. call your financial The best places to report this are the institution immediately Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre and the so they can suspend Competition Bureau. your accounts and limit the amount of money 5. Protect yourself. Take steps to you lose. Credit card keep this unfortunate scam from companies may also happening. Be wary of unsolicited

attempts to extract personal or financial information, shred documents before recycling them, shield your PIN when using your credit or debit cards, and notify the post office and your financial institutions when you change your address. Familiarize yourself with the billing cycles of your credit and debit cards, double checking all statements for irregularities. Find more information at www.




The Patrika 

Friday, March 16th, 2018

Friday, March 16th, 2018

The Patrika 


Report on 2017 flooding makes recommendations to keep British Columbians safe


n independent review has credited ministry staff for their professional management of the 2017 Interior floods and has proposed recommendations to keep British Columbians safe. The report concluded that a wetter-than-average spring, combined with unusual weather conditions in the previous fall and winter, were the primary drivers behind the severe flooding in the Thompson Okanagan.

Consultants Inc., contains 65 recommendations regarding staffing levels, experience and training, and streamflow forecasting models in the face “When B.C. communities are im- of climate change. pacted by flooding or wildfires, we The review looked at the operational have a responsibility to make sure we management of the ministry-owned are doing all we can to keep residents and ministry-operated Okanagan safe,” said Doug Donaldson, Minister Lake Regulation System and Nicola of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Dam, and included an extensive Operations and Rural Development. analysis of the information, data and “Last spring’s flooding in the Thomp- models used to make decisions on son Okanagan was quickly followed both systems. by an unprecedented wildfire season throughout the province. It’s impor- Despite the severe weather, the overtant to review our response actions all findings of the report conclude and determine how we can do better.” that the Okanagan Lake Regulation System, Kalamalka Lake and Nicola The Ministry of Forests, Lands, Lake were managed professionally Natural Resource Operations and and appropriately by ministry staff, Rural Development initiated the and that the decisions made by staff independent review by Associated were operationally sound. Environmental Consultants Inc. to determine the effectiveness of the The ministry has already started ministry’s flood response and to see implementing some of the report’s what could have been done differently recommendations and is developing an action plan to address the remainto reduce flooding impacts. ing recommendations. High inflows to Okanagan Lake, Kalamalka Lake and Nicola Lake At the request of the B.C. governin the spring of 2017 were part of a ment, George Abbott and Chief general pattern of high flows in creeks Maureen Chapman are conducting a and rivers in this area of B.C. that re- strategic review of the 2017 freshet sulted in widespread flooding due to and wildfire seasons. The B.C. Flood high lake levels, a high groundwater and Wildfire Review will provide a table and high streamflows. The high comprehensive assessment of govflows resulted from a combination of ernment activities related to: planning high elevation snow melt and above- and preparedness; prevention and average rainfall. Both Okanagan and mitigation; response; and recovery. Nicola Lakes experienced their high- It’s anticipated that Abbott and Chapman will take the findings of the est May inflows on record. Thompson Okanagan technical flood The resulting report, A Review of review into account in their report, 2017 Flood Response: Okanagan which is expected to be delivered by Lake Regulation System and Nicola April 30, 2018. Dam, by Associated Environmental

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The Patrika 

mOq dy drsLn pqI dy sMbMDI afAuNdy sn qF Auhnf df ipqf nfl icMmVI, nf ipE ny DrU ky AuhnUM nfloN imldf sI, bfkI sMbMDI cuwp bYTy rihMdy sn. lfihaf. qIjy idn asIN kMpnI vwlo aPsos krn aMqm prdf izwg igaf. kPn df Zwkx izwg leI gey. imstr klfrk sfzy iewk iewk igaf. ikwl lwg gey mohrF jVIaF geIaF, nfl kmry dy bfhr bUhy Auwqy Klo ky hwQ moh ny hfr mMn leI, hwQ iKHwc ley. afqmf imlfAuNdf sI. Es vyly imstr klfrk dI pusLfk pUrI sI, nYwk tfeI vI lwgI hoeI clI geI sI srIr nfl do idn hor lfz sI, vfl bursL kIqy hoey sn, isrP ichrf kr ley, EVk Auh vI ijdHf sI Auhdy hvfly gmgIn qy awKF axvgy aQrUaF nfl lfl kr idwqf. ajy Cy mhIny nhIN hoey sn, jdoN asIN iewk qy BrIaF hoeIaF sn. bybsI hY pr qrlf koeI nhIN: gm hY rMj kMpnI dy sfry ieMjInIar, iewk ieMjInIar hr iewk afdmI hwQ imlfAuNdf qy awKF hY, pr nksF df ivgfV koeI nhIN: sgoN mUMh vIr dI sLfdI qy bVy suafdly rOxk myly ivwc ivwc qwkdf sI, pr mUMhoN iewk lPjL nhI sI imwTy imwTy jfpdy hn. iewkTy hoey sF. EdoN dIaF sugfqF dI afb boldf, aMdr lMG jFdf sI. kPn dy kol vI ajy lwQI nhIN sI ik acfnk tYlIPon topI lfh ky, cfr pMj sikMt Klo ky, drsLn gm vI TIk iewk hulfrf hY. iewk nsLf hY, afeI ik imisjL klfrk dI motr Ault krky agFh lMG jFdf sI, qy dUjy kmry ivwc ijhVf aYsL dy hulfry nfloN Gwt nhIN. Eys geI. pqI dy mOky Auwqy phuMcx qoN pihlF hI kursI Auwqy bYT jFdf sI. hulfry nUM EhI smJ skdf hY. eys hulfry imisjL klfrk pUrI ho geI. . nU EhI smJ skdf hY ijsny kdy mhfn mYN hwQ joV ky isr invfieaf qwikaf dwbx dI rsm pwCm ivwc mOqoN qIjy idn alOikk drsLn sI. murdy qF BfvyN mYN keI gm dyiKaf hovy. nf KusLI sdIvI hY, nf rMj pUrI kIqI jFdI hY. mOq huMidaF sfr vpfrI vyKy hoey sn, pr mOq df drsLn Edx sdIvI hY, nf rMj sdIvI ho skdf hY. iewk acfrjI nUM bulfieaf jFdf hY. vwzy sLihrF mYN pihlI vfrI kIqf sI____ inrpwK, sfr rihx dI mMg gYr kudrqI hY. ivwc iehnF dIaF vwzIaF kMpnIaF huMdIaF inrvYr, inrdosL, dvYq qoN KflI, ihrK iehdy bfad kPn bVy afdr nfl cuwikaf hn. iehnF df vpfr bVf kfmXfb smiJaf sog dIaF lkIrF imtIaF hoeIaF pivwqr qy lfrI ivwc cVHfieaf igaf. iPr sB swjx jFdf hY. ikAuNik ies vpfr ivwc smyN smyN sLFq qy by-njLr. myry pYr juV gey mflUm vbfafid krky Kfs KusLhflI BfvyN af jfvy hoNdy sn. iewk nhIN do iqMn afdmI myry kol imwqr motrF ivwc svfr ho gey. hr sMbMDI mMdhflI kdy nhI afAuNdI. bVf XkInI dI agFh jf bYTy mYN iewk anoKI iKHwc df afpxI motr ilAuNdf hY. rsUK vfilaF dy vpfr smiJaf jFdf hY. anuBv kr irhf sI. myry sfhmxy aidwK nVoey nfl bVI lMmI kqfr motrF dI huMdI hY. afdmI BfvyN ivwc bhuqy nhIN huMdy. idKfvy afqmf df aks sI. vpfrI acfrjI af ky ijsm nNUM nhfAuNdf krn vfly keI ikrfey qy vI motrF lY hY, Xog pusLfk pfAuNdf hY, qy ichry Auwqy jd sfzI vfrI ho cuwkI qF imstr klfrk afAuNdy hn. rsqy ivwc cOkF moVF Auwqy ies hfdsy dI sLkqI dy insLfn Auzf ky mOq dI dI QF Auhdf ipqf jf Kloqf, ikAuNik do cfr nVoey nUM pihl idwqI jFdI hY. rfh ivwc lok sLFqI pRgt kr idMdf hY, qy Auh KusLboeIaF ngr kmytI dy mYNbr vI af gey. vrqdf hY ijhVIaF loQ nUM CyqI ivgVn TIk sfZy cfr vjy, ijhVf vkq imwqrF suBfvk topI lfh ky slfm krdy qy afpxy nhIN idMdIaF. Pyr ijsm nUM kPn ivwc iltf snyhIaF nUM dwisaf igaf sI pfdrI jI rfh qur jFdy. idwqf jFdf hY. ieh kPn iewk sOVf ijhf afey. AunHF ny pRfrQnf kIqI sB ny Klo kbirsqfn ivwc awpVy iewk QF Auwqy phuMc ky lMmf bks huMdf hY. sO zyZ sO qoN lY ky keI ky suxI. pfdrI jI ny aMq ivwc afiKaf motrF Klo geIaF. iPr aglIaF iqMn cfr hjLfr rupey dy kPn huMdy hn. mjHbI lok kfsL! eys rsm dI adfiegI myry ihwsy nf motrF qur peIaF, bfkI KloqIaF rhIafN. kPn ivwc aMjIl qy mflf afid rwK idMdy afAuNdI_____ mYnUM ajy Auh idn Buwlf nhI Pqf lwgf ky kbr Auwqy bhuq njLdIkI sfk hn. eys kPn df Zwkx KuwlHf rwK ky Gr dy jdoN Cy mhIny hoey, eys moihxI leI mYN eydUN sMbMDI ijMnHF mfqmI ilbfs pihinaF huMdf hY, cMgy kmry ivwc rwK idwqf jFdf hY. iewk vwKrI iksm dI pRfrQnf kIqI sI. kOx EhI jFdy ny jF pfdrI qy vpfrI acfrjI. sfkF, sMbMDIaF, imwqrF vloN Puwl afAuNdy hn. EdoN afK skdf sI ik ijs PuwlF dI gwzI mYnUM Xfd hY sfzI kMpnI vwloN do sO rupey dy ivwc asF ies nUM cVHf ky qoiraf sI, EhI iewk nvI puwtI kbr Auwqy kPn lfrI jf KloqI. mlHkVy kPn Auqfiraf igaf. bVI Puwl Byjy gey sn. ieh Puwl qy guldsqy gwzI eys koml klI nUM msl suwtygI. kPn kmry ivwc sucwjqf nfl icx idwqy ienHF lPjLF Auwqy keI rumfl awKF nfl lwg suKYnqf nfl kbr ivwc rwiKaf igaf. Puwl jFdy hn. mOq kmrf iksy risk Pulyry df gey, iewk awD rukI afh vI AuwcI ho geI, suwty gey pRfrQnf kIqI geI. imwtI dy pihly numfiesL kmrf idsdf hY. Gr dy mnuwK nfl pr eydUM AucyrI avfjL nf vIrF vwloN afeI bylcy sMbMDIaF ny pfey. imwtI df bylcf dy kmry ivwc bihMdy hn. izgidaF sfr ipWCy KVHIaF motrF Gro GrIN qy nf BYxF vloN. bhuqI iksm dy sfkF sbMDIaF dI hflq pRfrQnf dy aMq Auqy vpfrI acfrjI kPn jf vVIaF. ivwc, aPsos krn vfilaF leI idn nIXq kmry ivwc igaf, qy afpxf sB kMm TIk jdoN pMdrF idnF ipwCo imstr klfrk ny kIqy jFdy hn. pihly idn imisj klfrk Tfk kr ky afKx lwgf, “aKIrly drsLn! dPqr afAuxf sI, mYN afpxy sfQIaF koloN dy imwqrF aqy pyky sfkF leI sI, dUjf …………kPn bMd hox lwgf hY. dys df irvfj puwiCaf AuhnF afiKaf ik Auhdy shury sfkF leI, qIjf Auhdy pqI dy imstr klfrk qy hor sMbMDI aMdr gey. pihly iqMn idnF mgroN mOq df ijLkr krnf imwqrF aqy Putkl drdmMdF leI nIXq mOq JfqI df aMqlf prdf izwg irhf sI. mfVf smiJaf jFdf hY. iKafl ieh huMdf hY kIqf igaf. Auhdy pRymIaF ny ipRX- muK nUM cuMmx idwqy. ik gm Bulfx ivwc ijMnI mdd idwqI jf sky jdoN kuVI dIaF shylIaF afAuNdIaF sn qF EdoN vI hAuNikaF qoN AucyrI afvfjL koeI idqI jfvy. mOq dI Xfd krvf ky imldy Pwt mF jF BYx AunHF nUM bUhy qy imldI sI. jdoN nf afeI_____ nf mF illHF dy kPn muV awly nhIN krny cfhIdy.

Friday, March 16th, 2018

gurbKsL isMG pRIqlVI

pwCmI dysLF dy ivafhvF sLfdIaF dI sfdgI qoN rsmF rIqF dy pwty dysLF nUM keI cMgy sbk iml skdy hn, pr ijhVf asr AuQoN dI mOq dy drsLn ny myry qy pfieaf Auh mYnUM kdy Buwl nhIN skdf. jy awj myry suxfn nfl Aus asr df kuJ ihwsf vI myry pfTkF qwk phuMc sikaf qF mYnuM afs hY ik keIaF leI mOq dI mMnI hoeI iBafnkqf jLrUr kuJ Gwt jfeygI.


iehdy AuwqoN mYnUM afpxI aOiKafeI cyqy af geI, jdoN mYN pihlI vfrI pRdys dy sPr qoN Gr muiVaf sF. Gr df vwzf puwqr hox dI hYsIaq ivwc mfqf jI dy hukm anusfr do do virHaF dy moieaF dI mfqm pursI leI jfxf sI. keIaF eyny icr ivwc Buwl Bulf ky sDfrx hws KyHz afrMB leI sI. pr aPsos krn afey df mUMh motf dyK ky AunHF ny vI aijhf mUMh bxf ilaf sI. eys leI pwCm ivwc aPsos krn df KfmosL ZMg myry bhuq mn lwgf. pr awj jdoN ieh sqrF ilK cuwkf hF, mYnUM Aus dysL dI hr gwl ivwc suhj ZUMzx vflI rFglI ivcfrn afeIsf zorf zMkn dI hsrq Xfd af rhI hY: “kyzf kTn hY, iewk idn ivwc koJy suBfa dUr kIqy jf skx qy suMdrqf pYdf ho jfvy! kdy myry vs huMdf, qF kfly vys vflf mnuwK njr nf afAuNdf, nf jnfjy Auwqy Auh koJf ivKflf ijhVf mOq nUM pUrnqf dI QF iewk zrfAuxf BUq ivKfAuNdf hY. “jLrUr Auh idn afvygf jdoN akl ienHF bdsUrq mjHbI rsmF rIqF qoN bfgI ho jfvygI, qy mOq dI aMqm kfrvfeI nUM zfZf suMdr idRsL bxfeygI.” jo kuJ mYN afeIsf zorf zMkn dy dysL ivwc dyiKaf qy ijs ny myry Auwpr aijhy suMdr gm df pRBfv pfieaf, jy Auh vI eysy sohxy sUKm BfvF vflI iesqRI nUM koJf lgdf sI, qF Auh sfzy dysL dy mOq nfloN vDyry iBafnk mOq-isafpy, cOQy, ikiraf, qyrHvyN sqFrvyN, vrHIxf, duvrHI, cuvrHI, dy amuwk iKlfry nUM kI afKy!

Friday, March 16th, 2018

The Patrika 


SFU helps close STEM gender gap through summer AI program cifically AI, both in terms of university programs and careers,” says Angelica Lim, SFU computing science professor and Invent the Future program lead. “Gender diversity in these fields SFU is helping close the STEM gender help ensure that technologies used by gap through Invent the Future, a trail- everyone on a daily basis are inclusive blazing summer enrichment program to and contain minimal bias.” help increase the number of Canadian girls considering careers in computer Lim, who is on Forbes’ leading women science (CS) and artificial intelligence in AI research list, is currently developing sympathetic humanoid robots in (AI). SFU’s Robots with Social Intelligence STEM is an acronym representing and Empathy lab (ROSIE). The goal science, technology, engineering and is to build robots that can help teach mathematics. Twenty-four female second languages to kids, fetch objects Grade 11 students from across Canada from the floor for seniors and act as a will be immersed in life as an AI re- human companion. searcher on SFU’s Burnaby campus “Amazon’s Alexa or Apple’s Siri are from July 8-20, 2018. great examples of everyday uses of Registration for this program is now AI, but we are still in the infancy of open and the application deadline is the technology. In our lab, we hope April 3. Young women from rural areas to bring human interaction to the next who may have less access to STEM level by developing robots that not only programs will be given priority. have conversations with humans, but The program will introduce the stu- also have the capacity for compassion. dents to AI through exploratory proj- “One of the key research areas for our ects, lectures by experts in the field, robots is that they can understand the tours of research facilities at SFU, and nuances of tone in human conversation, field trips to local companies. and how it can change the meaning of rogram to be taught by engineering alumna, now an SFU professor, who is currently creating ‘empathic’ robots on campus


“Many female students are unaware words and phrases. Machine learning of opportunities in CS and more spe- is key in making this work.”

Learn English with a Friend – Community Adult Literacy Program (CALP) I C S i n p a r t n e r s h i p w i t h communication while working in pairs KWANTLEN POLYTECHNIC or group activities. Hands-on computer UNIVERSITY in Surrey is ofactivities, visits to the WorkBC fering Free English


language classes for newcomers, Cana- centre and presentations by guest dian citizens and work permit holders. speakers are part of the curriculum. Daily news events and other topics of Classes run every Monday and Tuesday morning from 10 am to 12 pm. interest Participants learn about the Canadian to the students are part of the daily work culture such as resume writing, routine. cover letter, job search, interview skills Free on-site childcare is available for and work expectations through Engstudents with children. lish. Our qualified teacher, Gita who is certified to teach English as a Second Please call Eva Touzard at 604 596Language and is highly experienced, 7722 ext. 138 to register. Space is entices students to practice English limited.



ÖÅñÃÅ çÆòÅé ùÃÅÇÂàÆ, ÁËìàÃë¯ðâ 33094 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 2A9 Ph: (604) 850-7338, Fax (604) 854-1165, e-mail:

gurduafrf sfihb dI voitMg mYNbr dy kfrz smUh voitMg mYNbrF nUM bynqI kIqI jFdI hY ik nvyN voitMg kfrz gurduafrf sfihb dy dPqr ivwcoN 23 PrvrI 2018 qoN bfad cuwk skdy ho.

ikRpf krky afpxI srkfrI Poto pihcfx pwqr (Canadian Picture ID) lY ky afE jI qF jo shI mYNbr afpxI votr kfrz cuwk sky.

smF hr sLnIvfr aqy aYqvfr 11 qoN lY ky 3 vjy qwk, 31 mfrc 2018 qwk hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kr skdy ho:- mIq pRDfn Bjn isMG qUr 1-604-864-7700 sYktrI jiqMdr isMG igwl (hYpI igwl) pRDfn | mihMdr isMG igwl

Kflsf dIvfn susfeItI gurduafrf ivwKy mfrc 2-8 svyr dy 6:30 qoN 8:00 vjy qwk svfmI asLivnI pirwigaf duafrf muPq Xogf klfsF idwqI jf rhIaF hn.


The Patrika


Drq dy mwQy

jf gorK dy itwly

isLv kumfr btflvI

rxjIq ikMgrf kdr kOl iekrfrF dI kI huMdI,

prdys vwsx vfilaf

pr kulihxf nYx

rojL jd afQx df qfrf

simaF df asr kuJ krygf!

aMbrF qy cVHygf

prdys vwsx vfilaf !

koeI Xfd qYnUM krygf!

pfldy by-sLwk BFvyN

prdys vwsx vfilaf !

kfg ny koielF dy bot,

Xfd kr ky qYNzVy

pr nf qyry bfJ

nukreI hfsy dI afvfjL, ijgr myrf ihjr dy swkF dI awg ivwc sVygf! prdys vwsx vfilaf ! qyry qy myry vfkxF hI PUk idwqf jfeygf, jo Xfr sfzI mOq qy af mrsIaf vI pVHygf!

myrI ijLMdgI df srygf! prdys vwsx vfilaf ! lwK BFvyN CuMg ky cwlF mYN lihMgf sbr df,

Cyk drd dy sIny ivwc ikvyN pYNdy, pwuC ‘ikMgry’ ivCVy Xfr kolLoN cuwp kr jf kuJ n kih hIry,

mfqf ipqf, puwqr DIaF, irsLqy bxky afey, lYxf dyxf krky pUrf tfiem dy cfly pfey, iewklf afvy, iewklf jfvy, JUTf iewQy ipafr. nf kr myrI myrI bMidaf, Cwz jfxf sMsfr. pYsy dI ieQy dOV lwgI, mqlb kwZy dunIaF, pYsf hovy qF hr koeI nyVy, Bys vtfAuNdI dunIaF. irsLqy nfqy tutwdy dyKy, vfips mMigaf jdoN AuDfr.

sYdy dI bx ky rih hIry, asIN byilaF dy ivwc mwJIaF nf hux muPq crfvFgy. iksy jf gorK dy itwly qy asIN alK jgfvFgy. sfnUM vxj iesLk dy jwtIey, nI pY gey mihMgy.

nf kr myrI myrI bMidaf, Cwz jfxf sMsfr. puwqr ipE nUM mfrI jFdf, pqnI koeI sfVI jFdf, Brf Brf df vYrI bixafN, hwk vIr df KfeI jFdf,

n koeI ieqbfr jLnfnIaF, swc lokI kihMdy.

kuwt kuwt ky cUrI cfk leI, hIry sI ilafAuNdI.

ivwc kuwK jf jMmdI DI nUM, pfpI dyNdy mfr. nf kr myrI myrI bMidaF, Cwz jfxf sMsfr. kOro rfj luwt KjLfny, lwKF gMj bxfey,

iPr idl dy kol ibTf ky qUM afp KuafAuNdI. prdys vwsx vfilaf ! bKsL idwqI jfeygI

qyrf idl-humf jo PVygf! kOx iehnUM nUr dI


mulK rfj bjfj pRymI golyvflf

puwC gujLry gBryty dI nfr kolLoN

nfl jf hI aVygf!

ivwc gLrk jfeygf idl,

qy tMgI arsL dI kuwnI

isr qy CF suhfg dI kI huMdI,

iksy jf gorK…………

cFdI dy buxky jfl

Drq dy mwQy

puwC ivlkdI mF lfcfr kolLoN

Xfd qyrI dy krIrF

grm sfhvF dy smuMdr

prdys vwsx vfilaf !

duwK puwqF dy mrn df kI huMdf,

Pwt ijgr nUM idwqy qUM asIN pflL ivKfvFgy.

qyry ijsm dI slqnq

iksLqI dy qIkx KVygf?

nf kr myrI myrI bMidaf, Cwz jfxf sMsfr.

puwC iesLk dy iksy ibmfr kolLoN

prdys vwsx vfilaf !


Friday, March 16th, 2018


prdys vwsx vfilaf ! rojL jd afQx df qfrf aMbrF qy cVHygf, koeI Xfd qYnUM krygf!

hux qF dr dr Btk ky asIN Dwky KfvFgy. iksy jf gorK………… (awj) awby dI pwg qoN, qUM ho geI cMgI.

rfjf iskMdr pysL nf geI, jFdf roieaf BuwbF mfr. nf kr myrI myrI bMidaf, Cwz jfxf sMsfr.

hws hws ky zolI cVH geI Borf nf sMgI. kql dupihry ho gey, sfzy suicwaF cfvF dy. iksy jf gorK………… dusLmx sfzI pRIq df jo kYdoN lMgf.

nfnk, goibMd, Bgq, PkIr, qfrn dunIaF afey, kOzy rfKsL, swjx Twg, iswDy rsqy pfey, cMgy mfVy kMm df lyKf, Bugqx leI ho iqafr,

awj EhIE cfcf bx igaf, qyry leI cMgf. (asIN) lfsL iesLk dI hwQF dy nfl, Kud dPnfvFgy. iksy jf gorK………… qYnUM hoey mubfrk jwtIey, hwQF dI mihMdI.

nf kr myrI myrI bMidaf, Cwz jfxf sMsfr. dfxf pfxI iKwHc ilAuNdf, bhfny nfl pucfvy, bhfnf koeI bxf ky AuwQy, Aus qoN krjL cukfvy,

ijMd inmfxI jr lAU, sB izgdI ZihMdI. ipMz ckr dy ikMgry qoN asIN drd ilKfvFgy.

prdys vwsx vfilaf !

igafn hoieaf Bry KjLfny, grIbF nUM lutfey,

iksy jf gorK…………

Bjn ismrn kr, “pRymI” JUTf Cwz ipafr. nf kr myrI myrI bMidaf, Cwz jfxf sMsfr.

The Patrika

Friday, March 16th, 2018

awKF dy igafrF rUp

ByK df jLor

qylU rfm kuhfVf

igafn isMG ‘kotlI’


jdoN iksy nUM hor idKfeIaF,

sB aMgF qoN suMdr kfdr,

agly kwZ idKfeIaF awKF.

qn dy ivwc sjfeIaF awKF.


iksy dy kflIaF iksy dy ibwlIaF,

ivwc jvfnI jo puwCdy sn,

nIlIaF iksy dy lfeIaF awKF.

iks dy nfl lgfeIaF awKF?


buwZy vfry hux puwCdy ny

mF jd cuMmky khy puwq nUM,

iks qoN ny bxvfeIaF awKF?

cVH mwcygI vihmF dI hor eyQy.

qUM myrIaF awKF df qfrf.


cwkr cwlxgy jfdUaF tUixaF dy,

cMd qfry vI Jwuk Juwk dyKx,

mnfKy nUM khy, awKF vflf,

vrKf ‘dfqF’ dI hAU GnGor eyQy.

mmqf df ieh idRsL ipafrf.

idwsdf nhI qUM pfsy hwt.


ieh nhIN aMnHF qUM aMnHF hY,

dysL myry dy pihrydfro hrBjn isMG mFgt

eyhI ByK dI rhI jy qor eyQy.

dysL myry dy pihrydfro, sdf jfgdy rihxf

hfnI Drm dI hoeygI hor eyQy.

sfvDfn hF sfvDfn, mYN hor nhIN kuJ kihxf

hyr Pyr dI mcygI hnyr grdI,

dysL myry dy…

CfAU mwisaf kUV dI Gor eyQy.

joq sdf kurbfnI vflLI, lwt lwt qusIN jgfE,

blI cVHngy lok aigafnqf dI,

loV pvy qF Bfrq-mMdr, jIvn Puwl cVHfE,

lfry lfAuxgy lokF nUM hor lotU, pYsy hoxgy hor btor eyQy.

awK mcolI KHyz ky lMiGaf,

iewk boilaf kolLoN Jwt.

bcpn BolLf BflLf


kdy nf muVky lwBxf swjxf

awKF mIt igaf jd bfpU,

hoAU kuPr df hor vI jLor eyQy,

smF Auh rMgF vflLf.

pY geI isr qy BfrI.

hAU Drm dy nfm qy hor DMdf,


bfpU huMidaF qF lMGI sI,

rhI dMBIaF hwQ jy zor eyQy.

ijgrf awK imlfvx df,

hr iewk GVI ipafrI.

qF huMdf hY.


jykr mn ivwc sfP ijhf,



KurdI swc dI rhI jy sfK eydF,

jIvn lfVI dy glL pfE, qusIN sLhIdI gihxf dysL myry dy… PuwlF Biraf cmn quhfzf, rfKI krdy jfE jy koeI awg lgfvx afey, imwtI ivc imlLfE lfl bhfdr sLfsqrI df, kdI nf BuilE kihxf dysL myry dy… rfh ivc quhfzy afey jykr, bIro kdy ihmflf

jwPf pfAuxgy kursIaF cODrF nUM, inry lflcI mUVH qy Zor eyQy.

iewk awK nfl, krU hor vI nfs juafnIaF df,

koeI QF huMdf hY.

dyKIey sB nUM,


dUeI duvYq imtf ky. hr bMdy ivwc

BuwkI BMgI qy boql dI lor eyQy.

awKF dy hMJU nf suwkdy,

rwb vsdf hY,

aYb vDygf hor aXfsLIaF df,

Bry srovr suwk jFdy ny.

rwKIey mn smJf ky.

awKF sfhvyN,


jd swjxF dy sfh muwk jFdy ny.

ijLMdgI nyHrI,nyHrI ijsdI,


Aus ivwc cfnxf BrIey.

Zfktr nUM idKfeIaF awKF, jdoN duKxIaF afeIaF awKF.

‘qyn isMG’ qy ‘jorfvr’ df dyxf sdf hvflf ihMmq sUrj dy GoVy qy, kfTI pf ky bihxf dysL myry dy… buwD, nfnk dy bolF nUM vI, ihrdy ivwc vsfxf, ipafr nflL jy koeI bulfey, glL dy nflL lgfxf gFDI jI nUM cyqy krky, hr iek duwKVf sihxf

nsLy Kfxgy XuvkF nUM Bor eyQy.

dysL myry dy…

nykI inmrqf AuWzygI KMB lf ky,

dysL dI Kfqr jIxf mrnf, myry bIr ispfhIE

ihrdy hoxgy hor kTor eyQy.

dysL rwiKaf iewko mMjLl, hy mqvfly rfhIE.

mhF dfn awKF df

eyks ipqf dy lVHngy puwq eyQy,

‘mFgt’ dunIaF afAuxI jfxI, bYT iksy nhIN rihxf.

afE rl ky krIey.

lwQU pwg qy pYxgy sLor eyQy.

dysL myry dy… PAGE 29


qwgVF df rfm isMG POj ivwc jfx qoN pihlF dfs nlf pVHdf irhf sI. ipCly idnIN jdoN iek sLfm Auh acfnk afx viVaf qF vyK ky vfhvf KusLI hoeI sI dfs nUM, imly ju koeI pMdrF-solF sflF mgroN sF. soicaf, CuwtI afieaf hovygf, imlx af igaf. kihx dI loV nf peI, Auh qF pihlF hI rfq rihx dI Dfr ky afieaf sI. rfq nUM Kfx-pIx qoN ivhly hoey qF Aus ny gwl CyVI, ‘mYN bfeI jI quhfzy nfl slfh krn afieaf hF. quhfnUM pqY awj kwlH ijLMdgI KqiraF nfl BrI peI ey. PrjL kro, qusIN KyqF nUM gey, pfxI lfAux lwgy. ikDirEN iek swp inkilaf, zMg mfr igaf. quhfzI jfn jf skdI ey.’ smJ qF nf afeI ik Auh kihxf kI cfhuMdf sI, qd vI dfs ny Aus df idl rwKx leI afK idwqf sI, ‘qusIN iPkr nf kro, asIN kdy KyqF ivwc pfxI lfAux jFdy hI nhIN. Aus ny gwl awgy qorI, ‘qusIN myrf mqlb nhIN smJy. mYN qf smJ irhf sI ik mOq nUM nhIN Buwlxf cfhIdf. qusIN sLihr nUM jFdy ho, koeI trwk quhfzI kfr nUM imwD ky inkl skdf hY….’ QoVHf hYrfnI nfl dfs ny puwiCaf, ‘ieh kI khI jfnY rfm isMGf, asIN kfr `qy cVHdy hI nhIN huMdy. jfxf pvy qF bws `qy cly jfeIdY.’ Auh ruikaf nhIN sI, awgy kihx lwgf, ‘bfeI jI ieh nhIN gwl. mOq ikvyN vI af skdI aY. bws qoN AuWqrn vyly koeI dUjI bws vflf vI imwD skdY.’ acMBy nfl dfs ny pwuiCaf, ‘rfm isMGf, KuwlH ky gwl kr, mOq-mOq krky zrfeI kfhqoN jfnY?’ awgoN Aus ny ikhf sI, “gwl drasl ieh hY ik POj `coN irtfiermYNt lY ky quhfzy vIr ny bImy dI eyjMsI lY leI ey. kMm qF hor vI bQyry sn krn vfly, pr asIN POj dy jvfn Kqry df prbMD krn nUM pihl dyNdy hF. iesy leI hux ieh eyjMsI leI hY, qF ju dosqF-imwqrF nUM Kqry qoN sucyq krky AunHF dy vfrsF leI prbMD krn ivc mdd kr skF.”


The Patrika 

bImy vflf rfm isMG

hux smJ peI sI asl gwl, rfm isMG qF dfs df bImf krn leI BUimkf iqafr kr irhf sI. krfAux jogy pYsy Krcx df mn BfvyN nhIN sI, pr Aus df idl rwKx leI kih idwqf, ‘awCf bfeI rfm isMGf, cwl smJf iPr afpxI skIm df ihsfb-ikqfb.’ qy Auh smJfAux lwg ipaf sI, ‘vyKo bfeI jI, iek skIm sfzI hY ieho ijhI, ijs ivwc munfPf vwD hY, pr iksLq vI QoVHI vwD.’ dfs ny kfhlI nfl puwiCaf, ‘munfPf smJf Xfr qUM pihlF.’ Auhny dwsxf sLurU kIqf, ‘lE jI ies skIm ivwc PrjL kro awj qusIN bImf krfieaf, kwlH kys pfs hoieaf qy prsoN qusIN iksy kfrn cwl vwsy. quhfzy pirvfr nUM Ausy vyly iek lwK rupey iml jfxgy.’ dfs ny puwiCaf, ‘bImf krfAuNdy sfr mr jfxf jLrUrI huMdY?’ Aus ny ikhf, ‘nhIN , ieh qF aYvyN imsfl idwqI sI. jy qusIN TIk-Tfk rhy, pMj sfl mgroN quhfnUM vIh hjLfr rupey iml jfxgy. pr jy svf pMj sfl bfad vI ieh Gtnf vfpr geI, quhfzy vfrsF nUM iek lwK rupey pUry imlxgy, quhfnUM idwqf vIh hjLfr nhIN kwtxf mihkmy ny.’ qy ieh kih ky Auh bImy dy Pfrm kwZx lwg ipaf sI. kuJ pYsy dyx dy iPkr qy kuJ mOq dy vfrvfr hoey ijLkr kfrn Gbrfey hoey dfs dy mUMhoN inkl igaf, ‘rfm isMGf, hfly rihx dyh, hfly asIN mrn df ierfdf nhIN bxfieaf.’ rfm isMG iek-dm boilaf, ‘bfeI jI, kI gwlF krdy ho? mOq ny ikqy quhfzf ierfdf puwCxf eyN? Aus ny qF jdoN afAuxf hoieaf, af eI jfxf eyN bs.’ dfs ny ikhf, ‘aYvyN af jfvygI ibnF iksy kfrn qoN?’ Aus ny afiKaf, ‘kfrn bxf lvygI. qusIN svyry nhfAux lwgy, iqlk ky izwg pey, qF vI jfn jf skdI ey.’ dfs ny ikhf, ‘asIN pihlF hI sfl-Cy mhInIN nhfAux vfly hF, hux Auh vI Cwz idaFgy.’

Auh boilaf, ‘iPr vI kfrn ny, qusIN rfq nUM bwqI buJfAux lwgy, sivwc sLfrt ho igaf qF ibjlI nfl vI mOq ho skdI ey.’ dfs ny ikhf, ‘asIN dsqfny pf ky ibjlI jgf-buJf ilaf krFgy, qUM icMqf nf kr.’ rfm isMG afKx lwgf, ‘Cwzo jI, mOq qF ibnF kfrn vI af skdI ey. hfrt PyHl ho skdY….’ Aus dI gwl kwtdy hoey dfs ny ikhf, ‘Cwz rfm isMGf, sOx df vkq ey, aYvyN zrfeI nf jfh. ieho ijhIaF gwlF rfq vyly nhIN krIdIaF, svyry AuWT ky krdf rhIN. jy nINd nhIN afAuNdI qF qUM mOq df rfh vyK, sfnUM sOx dyh.’ eynI afK ky dfs ny rjfeI ivwc isr dy ilaf sI. ikMnI dyr qwk qF nINd hI nf afeI. jdoN afeI qF BYVy-BYVy suPny afAux lwg pey. kdy rfm isMG kfgjL-pYnisl PV ky bImy dIaF skImF smJfAux lwg pvy. kdy Auh isMgF vflf dYNq bx ky moZy `qy Jolf ltkfeI mOq dy lwzU vMzdf iPry. kdy Auh iek lwK df cYWk dfs dI bIvI dy hwQ PVfAuNdf jfpy. idl qF kmjLor nhIN, pr dfs dI Auh rfq pfsy vwtidaF qy qRBkidaF hI lMGI sI. svyry AuWTy qF pihlI afvfjL ieh kMnIN peI, “BrjfeI jI, bfeI jI qF nrfjL ho e I jFdy ny . qu s IN iDafn nfl su x o , ijL M d gI ivw c pY r -pY r `qy Kqrf ey . ” iekdm iKJ cVH geI dfs nUM ik ieh bMdf kI Kqry dI munfdI krI jFdf ey suwcy mUMh. pr suwJy nf ik afiKaf ikvyN jfvy ik Auh nfrfjL vI nf hovy qy qurdf vI bxy. dfs ny hOlI ijhI rjfeI ivcoN hI afvfjL idwqI, ‘rfm isMGf, svyry svyry ieho ijhIaF bdsLgnIaF dIaF gwlF nhIN krIdIaF.’ Aus ny jvfb idwqf, “bdsLgnI nhIN bfeI jI, bImy dI gwl kr irhF, Kqrf pYr pYr `qy hY.” dfs ny QoVHf kOV nfl ikhf, “bImy dI gw l ‘mO q -mO q ’ kIqy ibnF nhIN hu M d I qYQoN? hor nhIN koeI Pfiedf ies df?” Aus ny ikhf, “hY ikAuN nhIN? Pfiedy qF bQyry ny, pr asIN POjI lok sB qoN vwD Pfiedf

Friday, March 16th, 2018

Kqry df prbMD krn ivwc hI smJdy hF. mYN qF hux BrjfeI nUM dws irhf sF ik iek pflsI quhfzI dovF dI sFJI ho skdI ey. Auhdy ivwc Pfiedf ieh aY ik jy quhfnUM kuJ ho jfvy qF BrjfeI nUM iek lwK rupeIey vI iml jfxgy, Aus dI afpxI pflsI vI cwldI rhygI qy awgoN iksLqF vI nhIN dyxIaF pYxgIaF.” swqIN kwpVIN awg lwg geI sI dfs nUM, iekdm guwsy nfl afiKaf, ‘mYnUM ikAuN kuJ ho jfvy? ho jfvy qYnUM, nfly qyrI Gr dI nUM iek lwK imljU, nfly….’ Auh gwl kwt ky boilaf, ‘myrI nhIN jI, ies vkq quhfzI pflsI dI gwl ho rhI ey.’ hux nf jr hoieaf dfs qoN, iekdm AuWT ky Aus dy mUMh `qy GsuMn jiVaf igaf. Aus ny burf mnfAux dI QF ikhf, ‘PrjL kro bfeI jI, ieho GsuMn myrI QF quhfzy vwjf huMdf. mYN qF POjI bMdf Jwl igaf, quhfzf kMm Kqm ho jfxf sI. bImf kMpnI ieho ijhy kys nUM aYksIzYNt kys mMn ky iek dI QF do lwK rupey dyNdI hY vfrsF nUM….’ dfs qF AuWbl ipaf, pr sRImqI iekdm dOV ky ivcfly af geI qy kihx lwgI, ‘pihlF qF nhIN sI mn bxdf, pr quhfzI gwl hux smJ ivwc afeI ey. iehnF df suBfa jLrf vfhvf icVicVf huMdf jFdY. pqf nhIN iksy idn koeI do GsuMn jV dyvy. qusIN cfh iPr pIxI, pihlF sfzI dovF dI sFJI bImf pfilsI kr idE.’ iPr? iPr kI hoxf sI? EnI afvfjL dfs dy dMdIaF krIcx dI nhIN sI af rhI, ijMnI bImf PfrmF AuWqy rfm isMG df pYWn Bwjx dI af rhI sI. nfsLqy qoN pihlF hI dMd-GsfeI vFg bImy dI iksLq btor cuwkf POjI rfm isMG goBI vfly pMj prONTy Kf ky jdoN quiraf qF Aus dy sfeIkl dI spIz 1971 dI jMg smyN srgoDy dy hvfeI awzy AuWqy bMb suwt ky shI slfmq muVy afAuNdy BfrqI hvfeI POj dy jhfjL vrgI sI qy dfs dI? bs puwCo hI nf qF cMgY. ieMJ lwgdf sI ijvyN Kqrf tl igaf hovy, Auh vI hfl dI GVI.

The Patrika

Friday, March 16th, 2018



Pwgx (kMuB) sMkRFqI


joiqS, Eqy  Eqy 604-751-0220 kro





myK – ishq TIk rhy, Dn aqy pirvfr df suwK, imwqr bMD nfl myl, Xfqrf ivwc ksLt, sLnI aqy mMglvfr vfly idhfiVaF ivwc lVfeI JgVy, Xfqrf ivwc sfvDfnI, kfrobfr ivwc rukfvt. mfrc 18,19, 26,27; apRYl 4,5,6 asLwuB hn.

Something can begin to stir in your mind about action, which would be best taken when it comes to future goals. You could begin to gain a clearer picture of the commitments you would need to be prepared to make. There can be a tendency to overlook the amount of finer detail involved but you will find out soon enough.

Activities with others but particularly within a group of people can be most enjoyable. It could turn into something bigger than you initially expect. Be cautious about anything you are pressed to agree with or any person who is very strong about their ideas as it will be difficult to gauge exactly what they are looking for.

  ibRK – ishq TIk, Dn lfB ho ky ivsLysL Krc hovy, imwqr ksLt, iesqrI suwK TIk, nvIN Xojnf qoN lfB, sLnI aqy mMglvfr ksLtdfiek, mfrc 20,21,22,28,29,30; apRYl 7,8 asLwuB hn.



imQn – ishq TIk, Dn lfB ho ky hfnI, gupq dusLmn df BY, dusLmn kmjor, srkfr pwKoN BY, kMm bdlx nfl lfB. mfrc 14,22,23,31; apRYl 1,9,10 asLwuB hn.



isMG – pyt ivwc KrfbI, nyqr ksLt, Brf qoN mdd, nvIN Xojnf qoN lfB, awCy lokF nfl myl imlfp, gupq dusLmn qoN sfvDfn, kfrobfr ivwc hfnI. mfrc 18,19,26,27; apRYl 4,5,6 asLwuB hn.



kMinaf – ishq TIk, bMDU suwK, sMqfn pwK qoN icMqf, rfj pwK qoN BY, nvyN kfrj qoN lfB. mfrc 20,21,22,28,29,30; apRYl 7,8 asLwuB hn.

7  qulf – ishq TIk, GrylU JMJt, cor BY, kMm aqy sQfn bdlx nfl lfB, mfqf ipqf aqy bMDU vrg nfl snyh. mfrc 14,22,23,31; apRYl 1,9,10 asLwuB hn.



ibRsick – ishq TIk, mn pRysLfn, krjLf isr cVyH, bMDU ksLt, iesqrI swuK, hOslf bixaf rhy, GrylU JMJt. mfrc 15,16,17,24,25 ; apRYl 2,3,12,13 asLwuB hn.



Dn – rkq ipwq ivkfr, imwqr ksLt, sMqfn pwK qoN KusLI, iesqrI swuK, kfrobfr ivwc rukfvt, mhIny df aMq suwKdfeI, mfrc 18,19,26,27; apRYl 4,5,6 asLwuB hn.

10  mkr – mfnisk prysLfnI, sLnI mMgl df dfn kro, kMm bdlx nfl lfB, nvIN Xojnf, aqy kfrobfr TIk cly. mfrc 20,21,22,28,29,30; apRYl 7,8 asLwuB hn.

11  kuMB – nyqr ksLt, aqy pyt ivwc KrfbI, BfeI BMDU qoN suwK, dusLmn vwloN sfvDfn, kfrobfr ivwc lfB. mfrc 14,22,23,31; apRYl 1,9,10 asLwuB hn.


You can feel challenged with what might seem never ending matters to deal with on a daily basis and that there is no conclusion in sight. Rather than worry too much about this you should take an optimistic view on it working out satisfactorily. You do have support from people who have authority, so it will all work out eventually.

Anything you are uncertain about when it comes to the expectations of others, you should simply ask questions. If they don’t want to tell you it will be made very clear but this may not necessarily be the way things go. Anything practical that needs to be dealt with or impacts upon things on a daily basis can be sorted quite easily.

The Full Moon this week occurs in your sign. This can generate much self- awareness when it comes to your own position and that of others. You could feel overwhelmed by others right now but much is up to the way you decide to respond. You can be strong-minded about the manner in which you want to establish matters

It is important you get the right information that will enable you to get on top of any situation that makes you feel like a slave to circumstance. This is challenging you to put a structure in place that will be enduring but also something that you can have greater control over. If money is involved it is possible to improve the situation.

You will enjoy being in any situation that is either generous to you or allows you to create some benefit. You can express practical, down to earth ideas without seeming out of touch. This might be necessary, especially if there is any expectation for you to be putting money into something has been lacking boundaries.

You will be fired up to get things in place so that what follows on has a good foundation to operate from. Your vision won’t be bound but when it comes to others involved you will need to be persistent in leading the way so that matters take to path you want. This is because they can wander off the track quite easily.

There will be more to handle than you initially anticipate so be very careful about committing yourself to things when it seems you have plenty of time available. You need to deal with matters that involve you personally and require your attention and leave any opportunities for social involvement floating until the last minute.

There is a lot of focus on your finances with some aspects having the opportunity to work to your benefit. Any situation where you are owed money could come to a head and you should not hesitate to take appropriate action to state your priorities or to express what you expect. The final conclusion might be slow but it is positive.

You may not know how to take what becomes obvious about somebody else. You need to put your focus on your own position and be very clear and definite, in your own mind, when it comes to any responsibilities you are willing to accept. What will give you pleasure in the long term may need to be taken into account as well.


krk – ishq Krfb, rkq-ipwq ivkfr, acfnk Dn df nuksfn hovy, Twg aqy corf qoN sfvDfn, kfrobfr ivwc snmfn imly. mfrc 15,16,17,24,25 ; apRYl 2,3,12,13 asLwuB hn.


Tension can arise through somebody else taking a dominant approach, especially if they are of the opinion you should either be more responsible or enter into greater levels of commitment. There could be more to handle on a daily basis than you imagined but for the moment this is not likely to prove troublesome to you.


mIn – ishq TIk, afriQk lfB, BfeI bMDU suwK, nvIN Xojnf aqy Xfqrf ivwc ksLt, sMqfn nUM ksLt, kfrobfr pihlF dI qrF. mfrc 15,16,17,24,25 ; apRYl 2,3,12,13 asLwuB hn.



sivwqrI bhuq hI KusL imjfjL suBfa vflI aOrq sI. ijs ipMz ivwc Auh ivafhI hoeI sI, Auh ipMz sLihr dy iblkul njLdIk sI. ies ipMz dy njLdIk mMgiqaF dI abfdI vI kfPI sI. ienHF dy afpxy pwky zyry bxy sn. jdoN vI koeI ivafh sLfdI huMdI; ieh iBKfrI lok afpy af Dmkdy sn. ivafh vfly Gr pRfhuixaF nfloN ienHF dI igxqI ijLafdf huMdI sI. sivwqrI keI vfr ieh gwl afpxy mUMhoN vI dsdI huMdI sI. qy awj sivwqrI bhuq KusL lwg rhI sI. sLfied afpxy puwqr dy ivafh krky. jdoN bwcf jvfn huMdf hY, kudrqI gwl hY, ik mF-bfp dy ichry qy KyVf af jFdf hY. nfly mF bfp nUM Aus idn dI AuzIk huMdI hY ik kdoN AunHF df bwcf jvfn hovy, AuhdI mMgxI qy ivafh kIqf jfvy. sivwqrI ny afp vI qy bhuq burf vkq dyiKaf sI. Auhdf lwgBg sfrf jIvn sMGrsL ivwc lMiGaf sI. keI vfr bYiTaF Auw iTafN Auh afpxf sfrf duwK suwK Pol lYNdI sI. Auh dsdI sI ik Ausny afp bVI musLikl nfl pVHfeI kIqI sI. ivafh qF BfvyN Auhdf cMgy pirvfr ivwc ho igaf pr pqI Ausdf aiq drjy df sLrfbI sI. hYgf vI Auh iewk srkfrI mulfjLm sI. afpxI qnKfh Auh sfrI sLrfb rFhIN Auzf idMdf sI qy rihMdI KUMhdI ksr Auh sivwqrI dI qnKfh nfl pUrI kr Cwzdf. iewk idn aijhf afieaf ik sLrfbI pqI sivwqrI koloN pwlf Cuzf ky clf igaf. mgr aYzy vwzy pirvfr dI ijMLmyvfrI sivwqrI dy isr af peI. cfr DIaF, puwqr, sws-shurf, ies sfry pirvfr dI rojLI rotI sivwqrI dI qnKLfh qy hI inrBr sI. cfr bwicaF nUM Aus ny bVI musLikl nfl pVHfieaf ilKfieaf qy pflx posLx kIqf. kuVIaF qF BfvyN Aus ny cMgy pirvfr ivwc ivafh idwqIaF sn pr puwqr Ausdf kuVIaF qoN Cotf sI. aKIrlf Gol smJ ky Auh cfhuMdI ik Auh sfrIaF sDrF pUrIaF kry. iesy krky Auh puwqr dy ivafh df inAuNqrf Kud afp hr iewk dy Gr dy rhI sI. rivMdr nUM vI kihx lwgI Bfa jI myry byty df ivafh jnvrI mhIny df pwkf kr idwqf hY. Gr kihx leI afvF ik eyQy khy qy sr jfvygf. rivMdr kihx lwgf sivwqrI qyrI mrjLI hY. Gr kihx leI afvyNgI qF hor vI sony qy suhfgf hovygf nfly Gr vI pqf hoAU beI sivwqrI dy byty df ivafh hY. sivwqrI kihx lwgI TIk hY BfjI sMzy nUM mYN Gr afvFgI nfly BfbI nUM vI kih idaFgI. rivMdr ny Gr jf ky afpxI pqnI nUM dwisaf ik sivwqrI ny afpxy byty df ivafh dy idwqf hY. kihMdI sI mYN Gr vI kihx leI afAuxf. quhfzf kI ivcfr hY? AusdI pqnI PAGE 32

The Patrika 


ny rivMdr nUM ikhf jykr koeI ipafr nfl bulfey qF jLrUr phuMcxf cfhIdf hY. sLgn vfly idn rivMdr qy AusdI pqnI sivwqrI dy Gr phuMc gey. AuhnF nUM Gr afieaF dyK ky sivwqrI bhuq KusL hoeI qy kihx lwgI,” Bfa jI pihlF cfh pIE, bfad ivwc bfbf jI dy mwQf tyikE”. afey hoey sfry mihmfn pihlF pMzfl ivwc jFdy sn. cfh pfxI pINdy sn qy iewk dUjy nfl vDfeIaF sFJIaF krdy sn. ivafh vflf Gr hox kfrn bhuq rOxkF lwgIaF hoeIaF sn. pMzfl dy aMdr bfhr bhuq sjfvt kIqI hoeI sI. pMzfl dy sfhmxy kuJ Epry ijhy lok bYTy sn. rivMdr dI pqnI ny puiCwaf ieh sfhmxy bYTy lok kOx hn? Aus ny muV ky dyiKaf pMzfl dy sfhmxy kuJ pMj swq mMgqIaF bYTIaF sn. sLihrI hox kfrn AusdI pqnI ny puiWCaf, “ kI ienHF nUM iksy ny bulfieaf jf ieh lok afpxy afp hI af gey hn.” rivMdr ny ikhf. “Auh sfhmxy sVk bx rhI hY, BeIey rfxIaF hoxgIaF, ivafh vflf Gr smJky af geIaF hoxgIaF beI cfh pfxI pIx nUM iml jfvygf. pRfhuxy af jf rhy sn ienHF mMgqIaF vwl koeI nhIN sI vyK irhf. ieh mMgqIaF bws mUkpfqr bxIaF bYTIaF sn. ieMnHF mMgqIaF nUM koeI nhIN sI puwC irhf. ijvyN vfDU axswdy mihmfn hox. rivMdr qy AusdI pqnI ny plytF ivwc izsLs pfeIaF qy pMzfl dy sfhmxy iewk pfsy Klo ky Kfx lwgy. sfrIaF mMgqIaF AuhnF vwl vyK rhIaF sn. ijvyN AuhnF nUM iksy Bly dI AumId hovy. rivMdr vI soc irhf sI ik jykr ieh axswdy mihmfn cfh pfxI pI lYx qF ies ivwc kI hrjL hY? eynF rfsLn pwikaf ipaf hY. ienHF dy Kfx nfl ikhVf Gwt cwilaf hY. pqf nhIN ivcfrIaF ikhVy vyly dIaF bYTIaF hn. ieMny icr nUM iewk mMgqI AuhnF kol af ky Klo geI qy kihx lwgI, “ vy srdfrf sfnUM vI kuJ Kfx pIx nUM dy idE.” sfry Kfx lwgy hn. rivMdr soc irhf sI ik Auh ikvyN AuhnF nUM hOslf dyvy. Auh qF afp afm irsLqydfrF vFg ivafh dyKx leI afieaf hoieaf hY. AusdI koeI Kfs irsLqydfrI qF hY nhIN. bws sivwqrI dy nfl iewk srkfrI mulfjLm jLrUr hY! Auh mMgqI bolxoN nf htI hfr ky rivMdr ny ikhf, “bIbI qusIN vI ieQON plytF PV ky pvf lAu. nhIN srdfrf , asIN eyny jogIaF ikQoN? AunHF ny afpxI mjbUrI dws idwqI.” iPr iewk hor mMgqI AuhnF kol af ky Klo geI qy kihx lwgI, hfVHy vy vIrf asIN svyr dIaF eyQy KVHIaF hF, sfnUM iksy nhIN puwiCaf.

Ahu vyK BeI rfxI nUM pkOVy pf ky dyx zhy. asIN qy iPr vI ies ipMz dIaF hF. sfnUM vI kuJ Kfx pIx nUM dy idAu. Auh qrly kwZx lwgI.” pr hY Auh byvws sn. afpy pf ky Auh Kf nhIN sn skdIaF. rivMdr ikAuNik iewk piVHaf iliKaf bMdf sI Auh smJ rhIaF sn ik Auh sivwqrI dy nyVy df irsLqydfr hY qy vDyry phuMc vflf hY. eysy krky Auh bfr bfr rivMdr vwl af rhIaF sn. ajy Auh afps ivwc gwlF hI kr khy an ik sivwqrI vI AuDroN GuMmdI GumfAuNdI hoeI rivMdr hoxF dy kol af phuMcI. kihx lwgI BfjI cfh pfxI pI ky Auwpr Cwq qy bYT jfieE. sfry gYst Cwq qy Duwpy bYTy sn. rivMdr ny ikhf sivwqrI TIk hY asIN qy Duwpy cly jfvFgy qy afh mMgqIaF. ieMnI gwl ajy Ausdy mUMh ivwc sI ik sivwqrI ny ikhf, koeI gwl nhIN Bfa jI ieh sfzy ipMz dy mMgqy ny. ipMz dy bfhr ieMnHF df zyrf hY. ieh ieQoN dy pwky vsnIk hn. pihlF gYstF nUM cfh pfxI ipaf leIey iPr jo sry bxygf ienHF nUM vI dy idaFgy. nfly ienHf ikhVf huxy bMd ho jfxf rfq qwk qury rihxf ieMnHF ny. ieh gwl sux ky sfrIaF mMgqIaF AuhnF dy duafly iewkTIaF ho geIaF. ijAuNdf rih srdfrf. qyry puwq ijAux. rwb bhuqf dyvy. BMzfry Bry rihx. pqf nhIN ikMnIaF ku asIsF dyky AuhnF ny rivMdr dI JolIaF Br idwqIaF sn. iPr Aus koloN irhf nf igaf qy Ausny dubfrf iewk mMgqI nUM ikhf bIbI qusIN vI ieQoN plytF PVo, bihry koloN pkOVy qy miTafeI pvf lvo. rivMdr dy eynF kihx dI dyr hoeI ik do mMgqIaF ny plytF PVIaF bihry koloN miTafeI qy pkOVy puafey qy BuMjy bYh ky Kfx lwgIaF. Auh soc irhf sI ik ienHF grIbF dy Gr ikhVf kVHfeI qfxI huMdI ey. jjLmfnF dy GrF qoN hI ienHF nUM afs huMdI hY. ieh lok ivcfry AuzIkdy rihMdy hn ik kdoN iksy dy Gr ivafh hovy qy ieMnHF dy vI rojLy KuwlHx. ieh kI hoieaf bfeI? quhfnUM iksy swdf Byijaf? sivwqrI df shurf AuWcI AuWcI AunHF nUM bolx lwg ipaf. mUMh cuwk ky af vVdy ny. gMd pfieaf ies mFgq jLfq ny. dwso Blf sfzy nfl quhfzI koeI irsLqydfrI ey? ies qrHF AuWcI avfjL c bolidaF sux ky sfry irsLqydfr iewkTy ho gey. kI hoieaf bfeI? hr iewk dUjy nUM puwCI jfvy Auh mMgqIaF kuJ vI nhIN sn bol rhIaF. afpxy afhry lwgIaF rhIaF. KihVf Cuwtdf nf vyK ky rivMdr bol ipaf. kuJ nhIN hoieaf BfeI sfihb. kI Prk pYx lwgf? eynf rfsLn pwikaf ipaf ey, Krfb ho jU. kuwqy ibwlI dy awgy suwtx nfloN qy cMgf iksy iensfn dy mUMh pY jfvy. AuDroN hwt ky Auh rivMdr nfl KihbVn lwg ipaf. “nhIN”

Friday, March 16th, 2018

ipRM: jgqfr isMG srdfr jI, qusIN smJ ikAuN nhIN rhy? ieh iBKfrI, ieh mMgqy. pqf nhIN Ausny kI kI pux Cfx mfiraf? AunHF grIbF df. sfrf rfsLn iBRsLt kr idwqf ienHF ny. Kfx dy Xog nhIN irhf. kdI nhfAuNdy nhIN ieh kwpVy nhIN DoNdy. pMzF nfl mYl cwkI iPrdy ny ieh. ieh rfsLn hux ikvyN KfeIey. rivMdr ny bhuq ikhf, BfeI sfihb, kuJ nhIN hoieaf, quhfzy rfsLn nUM. qusIN vI iewk pfisEN pf ky Kf lvo. sfry Kfx lwgy ny. kuJ nhIN lwgf ieMnHF dy hwQF nUM. ieh vI iensfn ny rwb dy Byjy hoey. iehdy ivwc jLfq kujLfq vflI koeI gwl nhIN. abf qbf boldf hoieaf Auh pMzfl ivwcoN bfhr clf igaf. Aus ny iksy cIjL nUM hwQ nhIN lfieaf. rivMdr soc irhf sIik rwb ny vI kI ieh bMdy bxfey hn? keI bhuq amIr qy keI bhuq grIb. grIbF ivcfiraF nUM kOx puwCdf? ieh qy ivcfry do jhfn qoN Dwky hoey ny. Auhdy mn ivwc keI qrHF dy svfl AuWT rhy sn. ieh lok mMgqy ikAuN bxy? kI smfj ny ieMnHF nUM mMgqy bxfieaf? jF hlfqF ny ieMnHf nUM mMgqy bxn leI mjbUr kr idwqf hY. kI ieh afpxy ipCly jnmF df koeI sMqfp Bog rhy hn? sfzIaF srkfrF ieMnHF mMgiqaF df kuJ nhIN kr skdIaF. jykr srkfrF df mn hovy qF ieMnHF mMgiqaF dI igxqI Gwt skdI hY pr dUjy pl hI Ausny soicaf “nhIN” ieh qy AunHF df vot bYNk hY. pwky votr hn srkfr dy. jdoN ielYksLn isr qy afAuNdf hY, isafsI lok ienHF JuwgI JOpVI vfilaF dy GrF sfhmxy zyrf lfAuNdy hn. pYsf idKf ky KrId lYNdy hn; ieMnHF grIb lokF nUM. ies krky kI loV hY, ienHF dI hflfq suDfrn dI? Kfxf Kfx qoN bfad sLgn AuhnF ny sivwqrI nUM PVfieaf qy Gr vfpsI leI bws awzy phuMc gey. bws ivwc bYT gey. bws ivwc bY T idaF Au s dy sfhmxy Au h I mM gqIaF dy ichry GuMmdy rhy. Auh sfry rfh AunHF mMgqIaF dy BivwK nUM suDfrn leI socdf irhf. Auh mn ivwc ivcfr kr irhf sI ik ieMnHF grIbF nUM pVHfeI ilKfeI nfl kI vfsqf? ieh qy ivcfry pyt pflx qwk hI sIimq hn. bws mMg ky Kf ilaf. ienHF socF ivwc zuwbf Auh Gr dy moV qwk jf phuMcf. AusdI pqnI ny rivMdr nUM ikhf, “ jI Gr jfx qoN pihlF sLnI leI koeI Kfx pIx vflI cIjL lY ilE svyry GroN qurn lwigaF roNdf sI.”

The Patrika

Friday, March 16th, 2018


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vfr bMdf isMG bhfdr aMimRqpfl isMG rfey

klgIaF vfly dfqf aYsf KyHl rcf idwqf, mfDo dfs vYrfgI qoN iewk isMG sjf idwqf, aMimRq df Guwt dy ky suwqf sLyr jgf idwqf, bMdf isMG bhfdr Ausdf nF rKvf idwqf. muglF dy juLlmF df sUry nUM hfl suxf idwqf, pMj qIr BwQy ivwcoN dy jrnYl bxf idwqf. PV sLmsLIr nUM joDf GoVy Auwqy jf ciVaf, kOl pugfvx gurU nfl pMjfb c af viVaf isMGF dI axKIlI bMdy ny POj bxf idwqI, jLulm rfj dy Ault ngfry cot lgf idwqI, lhU lflF df zol ky muglF mOq shyV leI, gurF mfrI srhMd bMdy ny sfrI Gyr leI. cpV icVI c mulgF nUM Pyr BfjV pf idwqI, bMdy ny srhMd dI iewt nfl iewt KVkf idwqI, isMGf ny jYkfiraF nfl asmfn gUMjf idwqf, ‘vjIry’ df isr vwZky nyjy qy tMgf idwqf. swq sO sfl gulfmI vflf PMdf lfh idwqf, insLfn kysrI lohgVH vfly ikly Julf idwqf,





HWY 11




HWY 11



asIN sYpitk tYNk lfAuNdy hF We install septic tanks

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kwcI gVI dI vIrqf dy jOhr ivKf idwqy,

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Anand Irrigation


iswkf nfnk sLfhI ivwc pMjfb clf idwqf.

ANAND Irrigation


BoNie df jwtF nUM sI mflk bxf idwqf,

• Irrigation Installation

ierIgySn ienst`lySn

muwTI Br isMG POj sLfhI qy BfrI pf idwqy,

• Post Pounding

post l`auxy

isMGF dy isrF df jkrIey muwl pvf idwqf,

• Drip and Sprinkler Systems

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• Ditch Digging and Cleaning

if@c putxIE~ Eqy s`P krnIE~

• Farm Drains

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sUrimaF dI nslkusLI df hukm suxf idwqf. Drm dI Kfqr sUry ny hr aMg ktf idwqf, puwq afpxy df kfljf ivwc mUMh pvf ilwqf, pihly Kflsy rfj df bMdf mihl Ausfr igaf, ijMd kOm leI isdkI joDf afpxI vfr igaf.

Workers Wanted: Welder & General helper good wages, must speak English, knowledge of Punjabi will be an asset We Specialize in Blueberry Draining Systems

Call Tarsem Singh at 604-897-2152 or 604-852-0552 PAGE 33

The Patrika



Friday, March 16th, 2018

jilHafˆvflf bfg ivwc lwgygf ÈhId AUDm isMG df buwq

bfjvf df modI `qy vwzf hmlf mOjUdf rfj sBf mYˆbr qy sfbkf pMjfb kfˆgrs pRDfn pRqfp isMG bfjvf ny kyˆdr srkfr `qy vwzf hmlf kIqf hY. bfjvf muqfbk modI srkfr Gwto-Gwt smrQn muwl dI iprq nUM Kqm krn jf rhI hY.ies qoˆ ielfvf bfjvf muqfbk kYptn srkfr bhuqf vDIaf `prPOrm` nhINˆ kr skI . bfjvf ny ielËfm lfieaf ik bIqy idnI pMjfb afeI nIqI afXog dI tIm ny sUby ivwc pYdf ho rhIafˆ muwK Pslfˆ kxk qy cOlL nUM awgy KrIdx qoˆ ienkfr kr idwqf hY . modI srkfr `qy ielËfm lfieaf ik Auh iksfnfˆ leI Gwto-Gwt smrQn muwl iPks kr skdI hY .

rfhul ivroD `c pr mnpRIq bfdl jIaYstI dy hwk `c zty kYptn srkfr dy iewk sfl pUry hox `qy krvfey jf rhy isKr sMmyln ivwc vsqU qy syvf kr dy sohly gfey. ies dy Ault kfˆgrs dy pRDfn jIaYstI nUM gwbr isMG tYks df nfˆ dy cuwky hn.ivwq mMqrI ny muPq smfrtPon nUM vI CyqI hI vMzx dI gwl khI hY. mnpRIq bfdl ny ikhf ik KyqI pRDfn sUbf hox kr ky pMjfb nUM jIaYstI kfrn Pfiedf hoieaf hY pr dyÈ nUM ies df nuksfn hY . bfdl ny ikhf ik jIaYstI kfˆgrs df hI pRfjYkt sI pr modI srkfr ny ies nUM bVy glq qrIky nfl lfgU kIqf hY. ivwq mMqrI df kihxf hY ik jIaYstI kfrn pMjfb df mflIaf kfPI vD jfvygf qy ieh sQfeI rUp ivwc sUby nUM imldf rhygf .

pol-KolH rYlI leI phuMcy ibkrm mjITIaf dy kfPly `qy hmlf pMjfb dy sfbkf mMqrI ibkrm mjITIaf awj jdoˆ smfxf ivKy ho rhI akflI dl dI pol KolH rYÜI ivc Èfml hox leI phuMc rhy sn qfˆ rYlI sQfn qoˆ kuJ dUrI `qy AunfˆH dy kfPly `qy hmlf kr idwqf igaf. AunHfˆ dI gwzI `qy smfxf nyVy pQrfa kIqf igaf, ijs ivwc Auh vfl vfl bc gey. jfxkfrI idMidafˆ mjITIaf ny dwisaf ik jdoˆ Auh rYlI vfsqy af rhy sn qfˆ rsqy ivwc ñõ qoˆ òú ivakqIafˆ df tolf mOjUd sI , ijs ivwcoˆ kuJ iek ny AunHfˆ dI kfr vwl ruwK kIqf.byÈwk puils mOky qy mOjUd sI pr iek puils krmI ny ivKfvfkfrI nUM ies qrIky Dwkf idwqf ik Auh AunHfˆ dI gwzI awgy af jfvy .

jwilHafˆvflf bfg dy KUnI sfky dy doÈI qy pMjfb dy qqkflI lYPtInYˆt gvrnr mfeIkl aYzvfier nMU mOq dy Gft Auqfr ky Aukq sfky df bdlf lYx vfly XoDy ÈhId AUDm isMG df buwq jwilHafˆvflf bfg ivc sQfpq kIqf jfvygf. kyˆdrI gRih mMqrI rfjnfQ isMG iesdf AudGftn krngy . ies smyˆ pMjfb dy muwK mMqrI,mMqrI aqy kyˆdrI mMqrI vI Èfml hoxgy.

rfm rhIm dy lYˆz mfPIaf `c sInIar puils aPsr vI Èfml . zyrf isrsf vwloˆ clfey jf rhy lYˆz mfPIaf dy srgnf qy rfm rhIm dy Kfs-m-Kfs cmkOr isMG ny ikhf ik ËmIn hVwpx dy mfmly `c puils df vwzf aPsr vI Èfml hY . cmkOr isMG jo pMckUlf dI adflq `c òõ agsq nUM dMgy BVkfAux dy mfmly `c pyÈI Bugqx afieaf , ny mIzIaf kol ieh vwzf ibafn idwqf. cmkOr isMG ny adflq dy aMdr jfˆdy ikhf, ies mfmly ivwc puils df sB qoˆ vwzf aPsr Èfml hY . cmkOr isMG smyq ôú lokfˆ iKÜfP pMckUlf puils ny iek kolonfeIËr dI qkrIbn øú kroV dI ËmIn vI hVwpx dy ielËfmfˆ qihq mfmlf drjL kIqf sI .

ivDfn sBf df bjt sYÈn òú mfrc qoˆ pMjfb ivDfn sBf df bwjt sYÈn òú qoˆ òø mfrc qwk hoeygf. bwjt òô mfrc nUM pyÈ kIqf jf skdf hY . ieh PYslf muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG dI pRDfngI hyT hoeI kYbint mIitMg ivwc ilaf igaf. kYbint dy ies PYsly anusfr BfrqI sMivDfn dI Dfrf ñ÷ô dI klfË(ñ) anusfr ñõvIˆ pMjfb ivDfn sBf df cOQf smfgm swdy jfx leI pMjfb dy rfjpfl nUM aiDkfrq kIqf igaf hY . bjt sYÈn òú mfrc nUM ÈrDfˆjlIafˆ dy nfl ÈUrU hovygf qy Ausy idn svyry ññ vjy rfjpfl df BfÈx hovygf. pihly idn do sYÈn hoxgy. rfjpfl dy BfÈx `qy DMnvfd df mqf òñ mfrc nUM pyÈ kIqf jfvygf. ies qoˆ bfad ies qy crcf hovygI. ies mqy `qy bihs agly do idn qwk cwly gI .

ÈROmxI kmytI dy õúú mulfËmfˆ dIafˆ nOkrIafˆ qy qlvfr

ÈRomxI grduafrf pRbMDk kmytI dy õúú mulfËmfˆ dIafˆ nokrIafˆ `qy qlvfr ltk geI hY . aMiqMRg kmytI dI mIitMg ivwc ipCly smyˆ hoeIafˆ BrqIafˆ nUM lY ky cwl rhy ivvfd bfry crcf kIqI geI. ies sbMDI jfˆc irport pyÈ kIqI geI ijs nUM jld hI jnqk kIqf jfeygf. ies nfl õúú mulfËmfˆ dIafˆ nOkrIafˆ Kuws skdIafˆ hn. ies qoˆ ielfvf ÈRomxI kmytI df slfnf bjt iejlfs óú mfrc nUM swdx df PYslf kIqf igaf. ies jfˆc kmytI nUM ipCly vryH sfbkf pRDfn pRo[ ikrpfl isMG bzUMgr vyly hoeIafˆ õúú qoˆ vwD BrqIafˆ dI jfˆc df mfmlf sOˆipaf igaf sI . ieh BrqIafˆ Aus vyly ivvfd dy Gyry ivwc afeIafˆ sn jdoˆ ÈRomxI akfÜI dl dy pRDfn suKbIr isMG bfdl vwloˆ ipCly vrHy Kihrf lYxgy kYptn dy iewk hor mMqrI dI blI nvMbr ivwc ÈROmxI kmytI mYˆbrfˆ nfl mIitMgfˆ kIqIafˆ geIafˆ sn .ÈRomxI kmytI vwloˆ kfˆgrs dy iewk sfl pUrf hox qy iewk sMmyln ivwc jfrI bihs dy pihly sYÈn ivwc afm aijhIafˆ BrqIafˆ nUM vI rwd kIqf jf skdf hY . afdmI pfrtI dy sInIar lIzr suKpfl isMG Kihrf ny kfˆgrs pfrtI qoˆ sfbkf muwK nÈf qskrfˆ nUM mOq dI sËf idvfAux leI mMqrI rfijMdr kOr BwTl dy svflfˆ dy jvfb ivwc ikhf ik rfxf gurjIq isMG qoˆ bfad hux kYbint mMqrI crnjIq cMnI df skYˆzl byprd krngy . Kihrf ny nvfˆ Èihr dI inwqirafˆ akfÜI dl mlkpur Kwz `c qknIkI iswiKaf mMqrI crnjIq cMnI dy irÈqydfr df invyÈ hox df dfavf kIqf hY. suKpfl Kihrf ny ieh vI dfavf kIqf hY ik AunHfˆ kol mlkpur Kwz jykr nÈf qskrfˆ nUM mOq dI sËf huMdI hY qfˆ akflI dl ies df smrQn krygf .ies nfl juVy puKqf dsqfvyË mOjUd hn. kYptn amirMdr isMG ny ö mfrc nUM cMzIgVH qoˆ gwl df pRgtfvf akflI Bfjpf srkfr smyˆ ivwq mMqrI primMdr isMG ZIˆzsf ny kIqf kpUrQlf hvfeI sPr dOrfn hYlIkfptr rfhIˆ asmfn qoˆ nfjfieË ijnHfˆ Kwzfˆ ivwc hY . akflI lIzr df ieh ibafn Aus smyˆ afieaf hY jdoˆ AunHfˆ dy msyry Brf amnvIr isMG cYrI `qy gYˆgstr rvI idEl vwloˆ gMBIr ielËfm lfey hn. rvI idEl ny ikhf mfeIinMg huMdI dyKI sI mlkpur dI Kwz vI AunHfˆ Kwzfˆ `co iewk hY . sI ik sfbkf mMqrI dy E[aYs[zI ny Aus nUM gYˆgstr bxfieaf qy hor vI keI kuVIafˆ qy muMizafˆ dIafˆ iËMdgIafˆ qbfh kIqIafˆ hn. ies `qy primMdr ZIˆzsf dy ipqf qy rfj iswDU dy `Cwky nfl duafbf dy awDf drjn sBf mYˆbr suKdyv isMG ZIzsf vI cYrI df bcfa kr cuwky hn .

kfˆgrsI ivDfiek Zyr

iswDU ny pwqrkfrfˆ nfl gwlbfq kridafˆ ikhf ik AunHfˆ dI idlI KfihÈ hY ik pMjfb nUM cMgf KyHz mMqrI imly.gwlbfq AunHfˆ dy dosq qy jlMDr kYˆt qoˆ ivDfiek prgt isMG qwk jfxI hI sI qy geI vI . pihlfˆ iswDU ny ikhf “mYˆ prgt isMG qoˆ bhuq Qwly hfˆ . Auh Èfndfr iKHzfrI hn . hfkI dy izPYˆzr. izPYˆz krdy krdy gol vI kr jfˆdy hn .bVy ÈrfrqI hn. dUjI gwl afKI, “ mY qfˆ Qfˆ-Qfˆ AunHfˆ nUM irkmYˆz krdf rihMdf hfˆ. awj vI kr irhf hfˆ. bfkI PYslf rfhul gfˆDI jI ny lYxf hY.AuhI sfzy bOs ny “. ies vyly mMqrI bxn dI dOV ivc bhuq ivDfiek hn. pRgt isMG df smrQn krky iswDU ny kfˆgrs dy bfkI ivDfiekfˆ dI pryÈfnI vDf idwqI hY . PAGE 34

ihMdU lIzr ivpn Èrmf dy kql kys `c sfrj sMDU igRPqfr aMimRqsr ivwc ihMdU jQybMdI dy lIzr ivpn Èrmf dy kql mfmly ivwc loVIˆdy sfrj sMDU nUM puils ny igRPqfr kr ilaf hY . sfrj sMDU ny Pysbwuk qy post pf ky ivpn dy kql dI iËMmyvfrI leI sI . ienkfAUˆtr ieMtYlIjYˆs ny Aus nUM jÜMDr dy ibDIpur Pftk qoˆ igRPqfr kIqf hY . Auh tryn rfhIˆ aMmRqsr jf irhf sI . ihMdU sMGrÈ sYnf dy lIzr ivpn Èrmf df óú akqUbr nUM aMimRqsr ivwc Èryafm kql kr idwqf igaf sI .

The Patrika

Friday, March 16th, 2018



Premier unveils supports for women building a career in the trades remier John Horgan today announced a suite of initiatives to pave the way for women working or entering a career in the building trades through improved workplace supports, services and practices.


dressing bullying and harassment in the workplace;

employer-human resource supports, including a virtual team to help develop customized workplace policies, plus onsite mediation to manage staff Premier Horgan made the announce- situations; and ment following a speech to the BC exemplary employer campaigns to Building Trades conference in Vicrecognize employers. toria on International Women’s Day. “There are only 3,600 registered “Our construction industry is boomfemale apprentices in B.C., but with ing, but we’re facing a shortage 900,000 job openings expected by of skilled workers in a number of 2027, women play an important role trades,” said Premier Horgan. “Right in keeping our province’s economy now, only 5% of apprentices in the diverse, strong and growing,” said construction trades are women. ReBruce Ralston, Minister of Jobs, moving barriers to women’s particiTrade and Technology. “These inipation will ensure women can get into tiatives will help women find wellthese good-paying jobs.” paying jobs in every corner of the Less than 3% of working women province, and be role models to in the province are in the building younger generations.” trades. A labour-market report reThe programs are being piloted to leased in fall 2017 recommended break down barriers to women who providing women with workplace are seeking jobs in the construction supports. It noted that many of the trades, as well as getting rid of bullyrecommended anti-bullying policies ing and harassment on the worksite. and better health and safety practices would benefit everyone on the “We’ve worked for years to level the worksite. playing field for women in trades and non-traditional jobs,” said Irene “Our government is marking InterLanzinger, president of the BC Fednational Women’s Day with many eration of Labour. “The Premier’s actions this year,” said Melanie commitment to break down barriers Mark, Minister of Advanced Educafor us to work in high-paying jobs and tion, Skills and Training. “Removing address skills shortages is good for barriers to women’s participation in women, good for families, and good the trades is part of achieving gender for our economy.” parity in our society. An inclusive workforce is about building a bet- “We’re proud of this partnership beter B.C. and meeting labour-market tween the Province and our women’s demand.” committee, Build TogetHER, which not only provides support to increase Following a call for responses, two the number of women in the trades, groups were selected to develop a but to improve their experiences in range of programs. One is led by the the trades,” said BC Building Trades BC Construction Association and the president Dave Holmes. “Today’s other by the BC Federation of Labour. announcement gives women the Services and programs include: support, mentorship, training and opportunities they have most-certainly outreach and mentoring for tradesearned.” women; “Changing the culture of trades and leadership-development training to focusing on retaining the women improve workplace culture by adcurrently working in the trades is es-

sential to the future of this industry,” said Lisa Langevin, assistant business manager and journey electrician, IBEW 213. “Those current tradeswomen are excited that we will have the support to pave the road for future women in trades.”

challenges,” said BC Construction Association president Chris Atchison. “The retention rates for tradeswomen are notoriously low, and employers know they need to do better. This funding unites a powerful group of industry partners with a laser focus on improving retention of women, “I love my work, and with these new and I see it as a very real opportunity supports, more women like me will for progress.” have the opportunity to not only find a trade they love, but to stay in it,” Due to retirement and economic desaid Amy Carr, who just last month velopment, around 59,000 job openearned her Red Seal with Sheet Metal ings are expected in the construction Workers Local 276. “Remember, it trades in B.C. through to 2027. Inisn’t just about recruiting women, it’s demand trades’ occupations include about changing the culture so they millwrights, heavy-duty mechanics and carpenters. Increasing the parwant to stay.” ticipation of women in the building British Columbia has a booming trades would help to fill many of these economy, with much of it driven by job openings and meet labour-market the construction industry. Demand for demand. construction workers is strongest in Funding for the programs is exthe Lower Mainland, Kamloops and pected to be up to $1.8 million over on Vancouver Island. two years. The programs are funded “It’s no secret that women in the through the Canada-B.C. Labour construction trades face unnecessary Market Development Agreement. PAGE 35


The Patrika 

Friday, March 16th, 2018

Revitalizing B.C.’s environmental assessment process The provincial government is reviewing British Columbia’s environmental assessment process to ensure the legal rights of First Nations are respected and the public’s expectation of a strong, transparent process is met, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy George Heyman announced today. The newly formed Environmental Assessment Advisory Committee will review and make recommendations on the environmental assessment process. Revitalization of the environmental assessment process will focus on three key outcomes: Enhancing public confidence, transparency and meaningful participation;

ciliation. Initial engagement will run Advancing reconciliation with First through April. Nations; and Complementing the work of the Protecting the environment while advisory committee, the FNEMC is supporting sustainable economic leading a series of regional workshops with First Nations. The EAO development. will also be leading government to “We are working to ensure First government meetings with First NaNations, local governments and the tions and inviting key stakeholders, general public can meaningfully par- including industry, environmental ticipate in all stages of a revitalized non-governmental organizations, loenvironmental assessment process,” cal governments, labour and others, said Heyman. “Our government to gather specific feedback about their wants to ensure we have a process views, experiences and proposed that’s transparent, science-based, measures to revitalize the environtimely and provides early indica- mental assessment process. tions of the likelihood of success. This work will also contribute to our Following the initial engagement government’s commitment to fully phase, a discussion paper will be implement the United Nations Dec- developed to capture feedback, inlaration on the Rights of Indigenous cluding recommended changes to the Peoples. We’ll be working with In- process. The discussion paper will be digenous groups at every step of the available for public comment in the spring, with changes to the environrevitalization process.” mental assessment process expected The Environmental Assessment Of- in late fall 2018. Environmental fice (EAO) is working directly with assessments already underway will the First Nations Energy and Mining continue under the current process. Council (FNEMC), on behalf of the First Nations Leadership Council, to Revitalizing the environmental asensure a revitalized environmental sessment process is one of Heyman’s assessment process advances recon- ministerial mandate commitments. PAGE 36

WORKERS WANTED FOR LUMBER MILL Job Title: . Grader Man . Plainer Man

sfnUM lMbr imWl leI lMbr stYkrF dI loV hY, kMm aMdr df hovygf

The Patrika



Friday, March 16th, 2018

2017 marks an impressive year for tourism in British Columbia

Discover Profound Wisdom & Divine Beauty

eople from around the world are choosing British Columbia as their destination for business and leisure travel.


The latest numbers from Statistics Canada show a 3% increase in visitor arrivals in December 2017 over the same month in 2016, resulting in 11,869 more visitors arriving in British Columbia. In total, over 5.7 million overnight visitors came to the province last year — an increase of 3.3%, or 181,700 visitors, over 2016. The growth in 2017 is attributed to several factors, including increased access to B.C. from several key international markets, such as Australia, Germany, Mexico, China and France. Increased air traffic to Vancouver contributes to the vitality of the tourism industry. The government’s tourism marketing agency, Destination BC, works with tourism stakeholders throughout the province to market British Columbia as a world-class tourist destination. Tourism supports over 133,000 jobs that help people all over B.C. pay

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Australia – up 15.7% China – up 14.5% Germany – up 14.4% United States (excluding same-day visitors) – up 1.9% Asia/Pacific – up 8.9% Europe – up 5.3% Increases for 2017 include: Australia – up 20.4% Germany – up 15.4% Mexico – up 12.9% China – up 7.1% France – up 5.7% Japan – up 5.1% South Korea – up 3% United States (excluding same-day visitors) – up 1.9% United Kingdom – up 0.2% Asia/Pacific – up 6.4% Europe – up 3.4%

Destination BC is their rent and mortgages, purchase an industry-led Crown corporation food, cover their post-secondary that works collaboratively with tourtuition and provide for their families. ism stakeholders around the province Increases for December 2017 (over to co-ordinate tourism marketing at the international, provincial, regional December 2016) include: and local levels. It also supports reFrance – up 42.9% gions, communities and Indigenous people in developing or expanding Japan – up 26.2% tourism experiences, businesses and South Korea – up 21.3% jobs.

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The Patrika 

Friday, March 16th, 2018

Prize winners take home 2018 Ford Car and Airline Tickets at Taj Mahal Tea’s Wah Wah Vroom Contest Award Ceremony.


he Planet Ford dealership at 111 Canam Crescent, Brampton, was the venue of many happy faces, as winners came to collect their grand prizes in the Taj Mahal Tea Wah Wah Vroom Contest. Mr. Kamran Siddiqui won a brand new 2018 Ford car, while others took home airline tickets and gold coins.

told me when they called,” said a beaming Kamran Siddiqui. “But now seeing this beautiful Ford car, it has finally become a reality!”

His happy wife was also present at the award ceremony and was thrilled with the new sparkling white car. The couple was given the keys, and posed inside the car for the media present at The Taj Mahal Wah Wah Vroom the event. Contest was launched in October, and ran until the end of November, 2017. One of the airline ticket winners was The prizes were exciting, and could Poorva Bhakkad, who had been makbe won by just buying and enjoying ing plans to travel back home to see their favourite Taj Mahal tea, and her family, when she got the exciting entering. The Wah Wah Vroom con- news that she had won! test was advertised across TV, Social

Media, OOH, print, radio and in the “As a brand that is so loved by South retail space as well. Asian consumers, we feel it is our privilege to reward our customers The contest received an overwhelmwho have stayed loyal to their favouing response with over 150,000 conrite Taj Mahal tea for generations,” test entries. The campaign recorded said Partha Guha, Sr. Manager, Mar80.4 Million impressions across all keting & Business Development, media. Consumer participation also Unilever, Ethnic Business Unit, who spread by word-of-mouth, as the exwas present to give out the prizes to citement for the tea brand popularly the ecstatic winners. known as “Wah! Taj” took over. At the prize draw event, 14 lucky names were chosen, and the happy winners notified. “I didn’t believe I had won, even though they PAGE 38

Friday, March 16th, 2018


The Patrika 


Eat Well, Feel Well - The Effect of Gluten on the Brain

e have all come across the term “Gluten free” while grocery shopping or eating out - the occurrence is widespread. So what is gluten and what is all the hype around going gluten free? Gluten is an insoluble protein composite consisting of two proteins (glutenin and gliadin) and is found in certain grains particularly wheat, barley and rye.

disease in which gluten consumption may cause inflammation of the lining of the small intestine, leading to gastrointestinal discomfort, nutrient malabsorption and bone loss). New research is showing that a large population of people can now become sensitive to gluten without having Celiacs disease. People with ‘Non Celiac Gluten Sensitivity’ may also experience bloating, digestive disturbances, fatigue, headaches and joint pain after gluten is consumed.

It has been well documented for years that a gluten free diet has been recomWe are all aware of the gastrointesmended for people with wheat allergy tinal side effects after eating gluten. and Celiacs disease (an inherited Recent research has now focused on the effects of gluten consumption on the brain.

Partially digested gluten forms proteins (called gliadorphins – also known as gluteomorphins), which react with opium receptors in the brain mimicking the effects of opiate drugs like morphine and

heroin. These compounds affect the temporal lobe area of the brain associated with speech and hearing comprehension. After eating a heavy, gluten containing meal one would feel tired and lethargic, have headaches, reduced mental clarity and inability to focus. What you eat and the ecosystem of your gut determines how your gut will function. Bidirectional communication occurs via the gut and the brain (the gut brain axis) and signals from the gut to the brain can be inflammatory in nature. Improperly digested gluten can trigger the immune system causing inflammation in the gut. Inflammation in the gut is linked to inflammation in the brain, causing one to feel fatigued, cloudy and give symptoms of anxiety and depression as well as other behavioral and mental problems.

healthy eating; variety, moderation and balance is key but if you’re mindful about what you eat - your brain will thank you. Dietary intervention from a Registered Dietitian can help you Eat Well to Feel Well. To make an appointment with Rika Mansingh - Registered Dietitian, contact 778So what is the verdict? Gluten im- 2405951. You can also email Rika pacts our mind far more than previ- on ously thought. When it comes to PAGE 39

The Patrika


Money can come from anywhere : Rani

Always wanted to work on my terms, conditions : Ajay He has kept the audience on the edge of their seats with his action roles, made them laugh out loud in his comical avatar and even cry with his emotional characters. Actor Ajay Devgn looks back at his Bollywood career with contentment -- having worked on his own terms and conditions. Over the years, he diversified from being just an actor to also going behind the scenes as a director and producer."Content" with how his journey has shaped up, Ajay said. "Whatever I am doing, I am doing it all on my terms and conditions, and that's what I wanted to do."Ajay's filmography spans action, comedy, romance and drama, and starting with Phool Aur Kaante, he has been lauded for his work in Dilwale, Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam, Company, Omkara and Yuva as well as the Golmaal and Singham franchises.His next release is Raid,

Friday, March 16th, 2018


based on a true story about money laundering.About working in myriad genres, he said: "Everything is tough... Making people laugh is as tough as making people feel for you. So it is really not easy. As an actor, you never think about a genre."In "Raid", Ajay essays the role of an Income T a x officer hailing f r o m Uttar Pradesh.The a c t o r, whose own house was once raided in the 1990s, is confident the movie will make people sit up and think about people who are in the Income Tax Department."They are so silent and nobody knows about them... Officers like these keep doing their job and we talk about other people, and people who become famous," he said.

Even as the dialogue on pay divide has intensified, Rani Mukerji says when she started out, she cared little about the monetary kicks. "That's not what drove me to work. I worked to be happy. My parents took care of my finances," says the actor. Her aim was to act well and get appreciated. "Nowadays, a lot of people who don't know how to act are also talking of pay parity. It's important to hone your skills and become good at what you do, money will follow. Actors make money from endorsements or cutting ribbons. Money can come from anywhere," says Mukerji.

Bobby Deol's now fitter, slimmer, younger self Unlike 'He-Man' dad Dharmendra and 'dhai kilo ka haath' brother Sunny, Bobs was not exactly known for his body Every time we spot Bobby Deol, 51, he appears leaner. The actor has taken years off his look. Unlike 'He-Man' dad Dharmendra and 'dhai kilo ka haath' brother Sunny,

Bobs was not exactly known for his body. He has been religiously working out for over six months. His trainer is Race 3 co-actor Salman Khan, who has been providing fitness and nutrition tips. Sallu is said to be keeping a hawk's eye on him. No wonder Bobs is amazing us with his transformation.

Ban plastic completely Shoojit Sircar

People rush to typecast me as a comedian : Rajpal Yadav

Filmmaker Shoojit Sircar has demanded the authorities to ban plastic completely to save the environment. "Ban plastic completely. I am not requesting, I am demanding to the authorities," ."If we genuinely want to save the environment, we need to do this right away...Let us set an example," he added.Talking about his love for nature, Sircar said: "My favourite past time is watching trees and watching nature is my meditation."Sircar, known for films like Vicky Donor, Madras Cafe and Piku, picked up a story which celebrates love, nature and the autumn season to narrate Despite getting mostly small roles, Rajpal through his next directorial Yadav has managed to leave his mark on the audience October. and become a household name. Having started his stint as an actor with popular serial Mungeri ke bhai Naurangilal, Rajpal went on to surprise all with varied roles in his almost 20 years of TV and film career. Rajpal Yadav, 46, is now playing a role in Barefoot Warrior, an Indo-American film based on the true story of India’s first football team in 1948 London


Olympics and 1950 Football World Cup. India withdrew from the 1950 World Cup because they were not allowed to play barefoot. The film is directed by Kavi Raz, who has previously helmed The Black Prince in 2017. Talking about the shift from comedy roles to noncomedy ones, Rajpal Yadav said, “I have a problem being called a comedian. An actor must never be typecast in one way or the other. I am an actor and can perform any role depending on the requirement of the film. I have done several serious and multidimensional roles. The role of a cabbie in Barefoot Warriors is of this kind only.” He also adds, “In India, big stars like Akshay Kumar or Salman Khan do comedy and serious films and we call them great actors. But when it comes to actors of my stature, people rush to typecast me as a comedian without giving a look to all my work. People who call me a comic actor are uneducated. It is their weakness. I feel pity for them.”

The Patrika

Friday, March 16th, 2018



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The Patrika


kfimaF dI loV aYbtsPorz ivwc lokl imwl leI lMbr cuwkx vfly Pork ilPt zrfeIvr dI loV hY. 1 sfl df qjLrbf hoxf cfhIdf hY. sfMnU iek bIlzr dI vI loV hY! cMgI qnKfh aqy vDIaf mhOl. plynr dI vI loV hY. hor jfxkfrI lYx leI Pon kro: 604-807-2097.

Workers Wanted Vancouver Rebar and Dampproofing Ltd, Abbotsford requires 5 ironworkers. Wages $27.50$34.00/hour. Full time work. Minimum 1-year of experience. Contact: or vancouverrebar@

lVky dI loV jwt iswK lVkI leI vr dI loV hY. lVkI dI Aumr 28, kwd 5’4 hY. eyar hostYWs df izplomf pfs, nYnI df kors pfs, ILETS ivwcoN 5.5 bYNz nfl pfs hY qy ivjLtr vIjLy qy kYnyzf afeI

kpVy dy stor 'qy kMm

hoeI hY. sMprk kro: 778-

kfimaF dI loV hY

Farm Workers Wanted

English, pMjfbI aqy

Farm workers required starting approx May 15, 2018 till Dec 15, 2018. Duties include weed, maintain, & harvest berry crops, prune & tie crops, as well as other general farm duties. 45 to 60 hrs/week, $11.35/ hr. Work is outdoors & can be physically demanding. Fax resume to 604-850-7597. Townline Growers Ltd, 340 Townline Rd, Abbotsford, BC V2T 6C9.

guwz luikMg aYtrYkitv krn leI Part Time 552-7022 kfript klIinMg asIN GrF, bysmYNtF, kmrsLIal iblizMgF, soPy, aqy kfrF, motrF dIaF sYpUM krdy hF. vDIaf srivs leI Pon kro 778-824-2068

Workers Needed for Framing Workers needed for framing. Wages $15.00/ hour, increased depending on experience. Transportation available from Surrey and Abbotsford. Call: 604-8250736 or 778-255-3135

zrfeIvr aqy Enr aprytrF dI loV aYbtsPorz dI kMpnI nUM bI sI- albrtf cwlx leI 2 sflF dy qjLrby vflLy kMpnI zrfeIvrF aqy Enr aprytrF dI loV hY. vDIaf ryt aqy hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-908-4422 PAGE 42

Friday, March 16th, 2018


slfeI afAuxI jrUrI hY. qnKfh $12/GMtf hovygI. stor ivwc afky arjLI Bro jI. Overseas Fabrics 32853 Ventura Ave aYbtsProz Change of Name I Manvir Singh son of Nirmal Singh, holder of Indian Passport No. G9172398, issued on: 27/06/2008 in Chandigarh, of Chandigarh Ward No. 4 House No

Workers Wanted

801 Payal The Payal PS Workers wanted for Payal District Ludhiana, Duke’s Pub. Kitchen and presently residing at Cook & Helper required. Must speak English. 31458 Legacy Crt. AbPart-time and full-time botsford BC, V2T 6W5, positions available. hereby change my name 41582 Yale Rd. Chillifrom Manvir Singh to wack, BC, V2R 4J3. Manvir Singh Gill with Call Bhajan S. Toor: 604-864-7700 immediate effect.

sIzr sLyk & isLMgl imWlL imsLn bI sI ivWc PuWl tfeIm kfimaF dI loV hY | afvydk BrosymMd imhnqI aqy nvy kMm isWKx dy kfbl hox | LstIl to vfly bUt luVINdy hn blOk pfeIlr $16.50 / GMtf bUm mYn $20.00 / GMtf kWt EP sfa apRytr $20.00 / GMtf spiltr mYn $20.00 / GMtf vYlzr $20.00 / GMtf (qjrbykfr hoxf jrUrI hY pr vYlizMg srtIiPkyt dI loV nhIN)

kubrmYn – pIs vrk (py ryt leI Pon kro) kMm leI rfeIz df pRbMD imsLn, aYbtsPorz, srI aqy iclfvYk qoN kIqf jf skdf hY

sMprk kro : amr sLfm 3:30 qoN bfad @


The Patrika Friday, March 16th, 2018






• Permanent work/ Guaranteed miles / • pwkf kMm/ mIlF dI gfrMtI / sfrf sfl pwky rUt/ Fixed lanes year around / Schedule work available imwQy smyN anusfr kMm AuplbD • Profitable Pay & Bonus Every Year • lfBdfiek qnKfh aqy hryk sfl bons • Automatic Fuel Surcharge, increases with • aftomYitk iPAUl srcfrj qyl dI kImq fuel price and exchange rate aqy akscyNj ryt BOB TAIL • Heavy discount on fuel cards • qyl dy kfrz qy BfrI izskfAUNt PARKING • Heavy discount on new Trucks • nvyN trwkF ‘qy BfrI izskfAUNt AVAILABLE • Company truck lease program available • kMpnI trwk lIjL pRogrfm AuplwbD hY • qnKfh iswDI akfAUNt ivwc jmHF hovygI • Direct deposit on pay • akstYNzz mYzIkl kvryj • Extended Medical coverage • bhuq hI vDIaf dosqfnf aqy afdr-mfx vflf mhOl • Very respectful and friendly environment. • z skylF ‘qy bfeIpfs imlLygf

C E L L : 6 0 4 .8 3 2 .6 3 6 3 - O F F IC E : 6 0 4 .7 4 6 .2 7 7 7 PAGE 43



The Patrika 

Friday, March 16th, 2018

The Patrika

Friday, March 16th, 2018

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The Patrika




Car proof report changes on us

Instant on-site approval

MSA Ford 152-point inspection

Guaranteed lowest dealer centre APR rates in BC

No payments for 6 months available

(&'- ;>ǚI '(* HE>9:G

(&'* ?::E LGǚC<A:G HEDGI

2006 HUMMER H2

(&'' ?::E LGǚC<A:G GJ7>8DC

8dckZgi^WaZ" ǚjidbVi^X" AZVi]Zg" CVk^\Vi^dc" 7VX`#Je 8VbZgV

4x4, Manual Transmission, A/C, Soft Top

Only 99,799kms, 4x4, Leather, Sunroof, Navigation

4x4, Manual, Leather, Navigation, Winch, Excellent Condition









2014 NISSAN EǚI=;>C9:G HK

(&'' ?::E LGǚC<A:G SAHARA


4x4, Power Lift gate, Back-Up Camera, Heated Front Seats, New Tires

4x4, Manual Transmission, Navigation, Hard Top

Back-Up Camera, Heated Front Seats, USB Port



Car proof report changes on us

Instant on-site approval

MSA Ford 152-point inspection

Guaranteed lowest dealer centre APR rates in BC

No payments for 6 months available

2017 FORD

FUSION SE (&'- ;>ǚI '(* HE>9:G



AWD, 3.5L V6, Sunroof, Only 99,799kms, 4x4, Leather, EdlZg A^÷\ViZ" GZVg Sunroof, Navigation 8VbZgV" Idl EVX`V\Z

2wd, Supercab, 2.7L EcoBoost, Bluetooth

4x4, Automatic, A/C, Upgraded Wheels & Tires

4x4, Manual, Leather, Navigation, Winch, Excellent Condition






2014 NISSAN EǚI=;>C9:G HK






4x4, Manual Transmission, Navigation, Hard Top

Back-Up Camera, Heated Front Seats, USB Port




Dcan *"+&&`bh" AZVi]Zg" Sunroof, 2.7L EcoBoost, 7VX`#Je 8VbZgV" CVk^\Vi^dc


*m*" AZVi]Zg" Hjcgdd["

2017 FORD 2016 FORD FLEX SEL CVk^\Vi^dc" 7VX`#Je FUSION SE

8VbZgV" K.

2wd, Supercab, 2.7L EcoBoost, Bluetooth






(&&/ B:G8:9:H#7:CO <++& *m*" AZVi]Zg" Hjcgdd[" CVk^\Vi^dc" 7VX`#Je 8VbZgV" K.

2012 MUSTANG EG:B>JB Convertible, SALE EI/-.)*(


2.5L, BackUp Camera, Roof Racks, Fog Lamps, Bluetooth



2015 FORD :H8ǚE: H:

(&'* 8ǚ9>AAǚ8 :AG

AWD, Leather, Sunroof, Navigation, Heated & Cooled Front Seats

Navigation, Rear Camera, Bluetooth, Power Liftgate

Electric, Leather, Navigation, Rear Camera, Front & Rear Sensors, Still Under Factory Warranty


2015 FORD :H8ǚE: H: PTF71164

2.5L, BackSALE Up Camera, Roof Racks, Fog Lamps, Bluetooth


(&'* C>HHǚC EǚI=;>C9:G UTF85538



$26,889 $696 $1000









1500 DOWN 3000 DOWN 5000 DOWN








BHǚ HǚA: EG>8:



;>CǚC8: 7> L::@AN .* BDCI=H IǚM >C8AJ9:9 0 DOWN


(&'* 8ǚ9>AAǚ8 :AG

1500 DOWN 3000 DOWN 5000 DOWN

218 $210 $201 $188

(&'. ;DG9 :MEADG:G MAI *M* Electric,

;>CǚC8: 7> L::@AN .* BDCI=H IǚM >C8AJ9:9 0 DOWN

1500 DOWN 3000 DOWN 5000 DOWN

386 $378 $369 $358


(&'- ;DG9 ;>:HIǚ H =ǚI8=7ǚ8@ BHGE ................................................................................. $18,198 BHǚ 9>H8DJCIH.............................................. $3,510


BHǚ HǚA: EG>8:




$24,900 $23,400 SALE


;>CǚC8: 7> L::@AN .* BDCI=H IǚM >C8AJ9:9

Leather, PLUS GET .99% Navigation, FINANCE APR OR 1.99% Rear Camera,LEASE Front & Rear $ Sensors, LEASE (BI WEEKLY) 48 MONTHS + TAX Still Under 0 DOWN 1500 DOWN 3000 DOWN 5000 DOWN $ 268 $253 $Factory 238 $218 ;>CǚC8: 7> L::@AN -( BDCI=H IǚM >C8AJ9:9 Warranty 0 DOWN 1500 DOWN 3000 DOWN 5000 DOWN PCE01021 $ 345 $335 $325 $312


$39,900 STK#20491

BHGE ........................................................................... $22,898 BHǚ 9>H8DJCIH.............................................$5,730

BHǚ HǚA: EG>8:


17,168 (&&+ EDGH8=:



;>CǚC8: 7> L::@AN .* BDCI=H IǚM >C8AJ9:9

Convertible, $ $ 131 $121 $112 99 Manual Transmission, Leather, 2017 FORD FUSION SE Local Car BHGE $27,388 0 DOWN

1500 DOWN 3000 DOWN 5000 DOWN



PC613333 BHǚ 9>H8DJCIH................................................ $4,671 FORD LOYALTY BONUS.................................. $750 BHǚ HǚA: EG>8:




;>CǚC8: 7> L::@AN .* BDCI=H IǚM >C8AJ9:9

$23,400 30295 Automall Dr. Abbotsford 0 DOWN

1500 DOWN 3000 DOWN 5000 DOWN

113 $103









1500 DOWN 3000 DOWN 5000 DOWN



160 $146




BHGE .......................................................................... $48,689 BHǚ 9>H8DJCIH............................................$2,420 SUV LEADER BONUS .................................. $1000 BHǚ HǚA: EG>8:

1500 DOWN 3000 DOWN 5000 DOWN

326 $315 $303 $287




SALE SALE (&'- ;DG9 ;D8JH H: =ǚI8=7ǚ8@

BHGE ................................................................................ $61,738 BHǚ 9>H8DJCIH........................................... $3,996










BDC # I=JGH .0)&ǚB # .EB ;G> HǚI .0)&ǚB # +EB HJC ''ǚB # *EB


1500 DOWN 3000 DOWN 5000 DOWN

173 $162 $149

(&'. ;DG9 ;D8JH GH ǚL9









SALE *m*" EdlZg A^÷\ViZ" GZVg $39,900 8VbZgV" Idl EVX`V\Z" STK#68703 7ajZiddi] (&&+ EDGH8=:

Convertible, Manual Transmission, Leather, Local Car

1500 DOWN 3000 DOWN 5000 DOWN

161 169 152


57,742 (&'* C>HHǚC EǚI=;>C9:G


$33,900 $19,900 $19,900 $27,900 $19,900 $24,900 $27,900

$33,900 $19,900









BHGE PLUS GET Rear Camera, .99% BHǚ 9>H8DJCIH FINANCE APR SUV LEADER BONUS Bluetooth, OR 1 .99% BHǚ HǚA: EG>8: LEASE Power Liftgate $









*m*" EdlZg A^÷\ViZ" GZVg 8VbZgV" Idl EVX`V\Z" 7ajZiddi]


1500 DOWN 3000 DOWN 5000 DOWN

(&'. ;DG9 :8DHEDGI H: Navigation,




Convertible, Automatic, Leather, Power Driver’s Chair





Automatic, $64,900 Leather, Power

2015 FORD :H8ǚE: H:

;>CǚC8: 7> L::@AN .* BDCI=H IǚM >C8AJ9:9

2015 FORD 194 185 176 :H8ǚE: H:



Chair 2012 Driver’s MUSTANG UCC17168 EG:B>JB



;>CǚC8: 7> L::@AN .* BDCI=H IǚM >C8AJ9:9


$64,900 $24,900

1500 DOWN 3000 DOWN 5000 DOWN

152 $140 $126

AWD, Leather, (&'+ ?::E Sunroof, WRANGLER Navigation, 4x4, Automatic, Heated & A/C, Upgraded Cooled Front Wheels & Seats Tires

BHGE ............................................................................ $35,289 BHǚ 9>H8DJCIH........................................... $2,849 SUV LEADER BONUS .................................. $1000 BHǚ HǚA: EG>8:





$ 31,440 28,826 $24,900

$ $

2015 FORD F-150 XLT

AWD, 3.5L V6, Sunroof, EdlZg A^÷\ViZ" GZVg 8VbZgV" Idl EVX`V\Z

AWD Leather, Sunroof, Navigation,EI/-.)*( Back-Up Camera, Bluetooth

BHGE ............................................................................$32,489 BHǚ 9>H8DJCIH............................................$2,663 SUV LEADER BONUS .................................. $1000 BHǚ HǚA: EG>8:



SALE (&&/ B:G8:9:H#7:CO <++& SALE SALE SALE $24,900 $24,900 $19,900 $31,900



(&'. ;DG9 :H8ǚE: H: *L9







(&'' ?::E LGǚC<A:G SAHARA


4x4, Power Lift gate, Back-Up Camera, Heated Front Seats, New Tires


(&'' ?::E LGǚC<A:G GJ7>8DC

2006 HUMMER H2




4x4, Manual Transmission, A/C, Soft Top

Back-Up Camera, Bluetooth



(&'* ?::E LGǚC<A:G HEDGI

AWD Leather, 8dckZgi^WaZ" ǚjidbVi^X" AZVi]Zg" CVk^\Vi^dc" Sunroof, 7VX`#Je 8VbZgV Navigation,






$33,900 Dcan *"+&&`bh" AZVi]Zg" Sunroof, 2.7L EcoBoost, 7VX`#Je 8VbZgV" CVk^\Vi^dc





(&'- ;DG9 ;JH>DC HEDGI


BHǚ ;dgY 8Zgi^ñZY









Some vehicles advertised do not qualify for low APR financing because of the applicable *cash discount/rebate/non stackable cash. Vehicles advertised are subject to prior sale. Offers only valid at MSA Ford Sales. Retail offers may be canceled or changed at any time without notice. Limit one (1) incentive redemption per Eligible Model sale. Some offers are not rain-checkable. All prices are plus taxes and fees. All offers good on current in-stock MSA Ford Sales vehicles only. For factory orders, a customer may either take advantage of eligible Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited retail customer promotional incentives/offers available at the time of vehicle factory order or time of vehicle delivery, but not both or combinations thereof, subject to incentive rules and eligibility. Lease calculations are as follows, 2018 F-350 Total Paid: $44,495, lease end payout $26,120. 2018 F-150 Total Paid: $19,568, lease end payout $20,151. 2018 Escape Total Paid: $22,131, lease end payout $9,120. 2018 Edge Total Paid: $25,188, lease end payout $12,351. 2018 Ecosport Total Paid: $20,820, lease end payout $9,680. 2018 Explorer Total Paid: $00,000, lease end payout $21,423. 2018 Focus RS Total Paid: $47,465, lease end payout $18,521. 2018 F-150 Lariat Total Paid: $26,732, lease end payout $29,196. Prices advertised are net of all available rebates including, Built ford Tough Accessory Cash Alternative, SUV leadership Cash, and Non stackable cash incentive (* “Cash” Discount), and all Ford delivery allowances. Our advertised prices include Freight, and P.D.I. add dealer documentation and registration fees of $480, and applicable taxes and fees. All offers expire March 17, 2018 @ 5:00PM (PST) Dealer may sell for less.




Friday, March 16th, 2018

The Patrika 





The Patrika 

Friday, March 16th, 2018

Friday, March 16th, 2018





Friday, March 16th, 2018

Friday, March 16th, 2018





Friday, March 16th, 2018

Friday, March 16th, 2018





Friday, March 16th, 2018

Friday, March 16th, 2018





Friday, March 16th, 2018

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