March 30th, 2018

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THE WEEKLY Friday, March 30th, 2018 Vol. 22, No.28

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PATRIKA “Bridging Communities�

A Secular, Independent and Progressive Newspaper

The Patrika


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Friday, March 30th, 2018

Easter Sunday in Canada


aster Sunday in Canada celebrates Jesus Christ’s resurrection after his death, which is described in the Christian Bible. Some people observe Easter Sunday by attending church while others spend time with their families and friends or engage in Easter egg activities.

The Bal en Blanc’s main event is held every Easter Sunday, attracting thousands of partygoers every year in Montreal. Many businesses, government offices, banks and liquor stores are closed on Easter Sunday.

Many people organized spring Easter eggs are part of the Easter festivals associated with the tradition in Canada. Pagan gods in ancient times. What Do People Do? Many festivals celebrated nature’s rebirth, the return the land to Easter is a religious holiday that comfertility and the birth of many young memorates the resurrection of Jesus animals.The idea of modern day EasChrist after his death by crucifixion. ter eggs derives from these festivals. For Christians, Easter is a day of religious services and family gather- Easter candles are sometimes lit in ings. Easter Day is a popular day for churches on the eve of Easter Sunattending church, getting together day. Some believe that these can be for a big family meal, and staging an directly linked to the Pagan customs Easter egg hunt. It is also a good time of lighting bonfires to welcome the for people to decorate Easter eggs, rebirth or resurrection of the sun god. join in Easter craft contests and to Eggs of all types are an important indulge in holiday recipes, such as symbol of Easter. They represent the mustard-crusted lamb and the Easter rebirth of nature in the spring and basket cake.

itAUn aWp, brykF, aYgjfst, PrMt aYWz vrk, ieMjn irpyarjL, klWc, vftr pMp, trYnI srivs, XU- jfieMtjL, PrMt aYksl sLfPtjL afid

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the promise of new life in the spring and summer months to come and are seen as a reflection of the resurrection of Christ after his crucifixion. Easter eggs, whether they are made of chocolate or candy or are decorated hens eggs, are common gifts all over the world during Easter. However, the biggest Easter egg in the world is a representation of a Ukrainian Easter egg, known as a Pysanka, located in Vegreville, Alberta.

nary of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and to celebrate Vegreville’s strong links with the Ukraine. It is made of more than 2000 aluminium triangles fixed together with nearly 7000 bolts and 177 internal struts. The egg is more than 25 feet (nearly eight meters) in diameter and is decorated with a gold, silver and bronze design. Its construction represented significant advances in computer modeling, mathematical theory, architectural design and engineering The Pysanka in Vegreville was conconstruction. structed in 1974 to mark the cente-

Friday, March 30th, 2018

The Patrika



asIN quhfzy Gr afky vI srivs idMdy hF




33222 Elz Xyl roz,aYbtsPorz, bI sI V2T 3LB imlx leI apufieMtmYNt jLrUrI hY

isrP aYbtsPorz rihx vfilaF leI puwCigwC


The Patrika



pMjfbI pwiqRkf df DMnvfd mulK rfj bjfj prymI golvflf pMjfbI pwiqRkf krF kI isPq qyrI

kfiv- ikafrI ilKdy keI pfqr

gux qyry ‘c keI hjLfr idsy

pwiqRkf sB df pUrf mfx krdf

jo pVH sux slfhuMdf Qwkdf nhIN

bfeI vkIlI qoN vkIlI hoieaf ieh qF

keI rMgF c mihkdf ipafr idsy

sB pyprF nUM idwqf pCfV loko

inrpwK suqMqr agFh vDU ivcfr qyry

pMjfbI pwiqRkf pMjfbI nF Auwcf

rIs kry nf koeI aKbfr idsy

hoieaf sB qoN ieh isrqfj loko

keI AuWTy dyK alop ho gey

kihxI krnI dy ivwc ieh KLrf Auwqry

bwbr sLyr KVHf ivwc mYdfn idsy

srkfry drbfry vI cVHq bxfeI loko

sfl qyeIvyN ivwc pRvysL hoieaf

stfP mYNbrF ny rlH ky rMg bMinHaF

pMjfbI pwiqRkf quhfzf DMnvfd krdf

qfeIAuN ciVHaf AuwcI cVHfeI loko

dosqF imwqrF ilKfrIaF sroiqaF df

aYNzI iswDU ny lfieaf Kud bUtf

idloN mfx qy pUrf siqkfr krdf

sfry mfxdy ies dI CF loko

vpfrI vIrF dy mn dIaF dy afiezF

pRIqm kOr ny pfl ky vwzf kIqf

vpfr ivwc hY mflo mfl krdf

idwqf puwqrF qoN vwD smF loko

pypr pVHdy sfry pfTkfN nUM

mihk ies dI dysL pRdysL iKwlry

Gry Byj ky rhy slfm krdf

hor qwrkI ijLMdgI dUx svfeI hovy

dysL ivdysL dIaF qfjLIaF ilK KbrF

pMjfbI pwiqRkf stfP qy sroiqaF nUM

Gry bYT sroiqaF nUM inhfl krdf

‘pRymI’vwloN lwK lwK vDfeI hovy


Friday, March 30th, 2018

sMpfdkI ieiqhfs bIqy dIaF pRfpqIaF df gOrvmeI vI iksy pMjfbI sLKsLIaq dy nfm qy rwKx icw T f hu M d f hY qy Bivw K df rfhdsy r f. dIaF ivcfrF ho rhIaF hn. amrIkf ivwc pMjfbIaF df isr sdf Auwcf rhygf ikAuNik gdrI bfibaF dI koeI Xfdgfr Ausfrn df sfzy bjLurgF ny ieiqhfs dy hr pMny nUM ivcfr hY, ieMglYNz ivwc ivktorIaf krfs sunihrI ho jfx leI isrkwZ Auprfly kIqy. aYvfrz jyqU pMjfbIaF dI vI koeI Xfdgfr bxfeI jf rhI aY. iesy hI qrHF trFto ivwc sfzy iKafl ivwc, “kfmfgftfmfrU pfrk” sQfipq kIqf jf “ihMmq qy imhnq guwJy nhIN rihMdy irhY. AuWdm dy dIvy buJy nhIN rihMdy bfkI KyqrF vFg dfn Kyqr ivwc vI pMjfbIaF cfly ipaf kWCU pf mMijLlF nUM hwsy dI vwKrI pihcfn hY. Drm duafiraF qy sdf atuwt lMgr, hspqflF dIaF iblizMgF qyjL dOVfkF nUM aklF Auh dwsy leI vzIaF AugrfhIaF, mrIjLF dIaF suwK pMCI qy pMjfbI dI AuzfrI dy vfry shUlqF leI loVINdIaF cIjLF dy dfn, hr sfl lfey jFdy KUndfn kYNp Kfs kfrj hn. swqy hI smuMdr jFdy bilhfry amrIkf ivwc rihMdy pMjfbI rqn Kosf ny pqfloN afkfsLI jf JMzy ny gwzy XUnIvristI nUM 50 lwK zflr ividafrQIaF dI BlfeI leI dfn kIqy hn. eydF hI sr kIqy kfrj Coty qy vwzy amrIkf ivwc mYzm sonIaf ahUjf jI nUM cMd iewk burfeIaF nUM CMzo qy BMzo KuPIaf puils dI muKI Qfp ky pMjfb df mfx Puwl ho gulfb dy mihkF hI vMzo.” vDfieaf hY. sMsfr df koeI dysL nhIN ijwQy pMjfbIaF df smyN smyN loVmMdF nUM Bojn aqy dvfeIaF vfsf nhIN hY. hr QF ienHF afpxI vwKrI phuMcdIaF krn leI vrHdy bMbF ivwc vI pihcfn bxf rwKI hY. sKq imhnqI hox dI jFdy pMjfbI iksy qoN Buwly hoey nhIN. pMjfb dfq ivrfsq ivwc imlI qF ienHF hr Kyqr ivwc ibrDafsLrm clOxy, awKF dy kYNp, ivwc ksr nhIN koeI rihx idwqI. KyqI ivwc lfvfrs bwicaF dI syvf sMBfl dy kfrj, ikqy ieh sOgI dy bfdsLfh amrIkf ivwc, Bgq pUrn isMG trstI, kYNsr BjfE ikqy byrIaF dy bfdsLfh kYnyzf ivwc, ikqy muihMmF, hspqfl qy ividak adfiraF nUM sbjLIaF dy bfdsLfh astrylIaf ivwc. dfn, mhfn kfrj hn. hr dysL ivwc trwikMg kMpnIaF aqy tYksI mIzIaF vfly BYx BrfvF df ivsLysL Xogdfn kMpnIaF, AusfrI Kyqr ivwc, rIalastyt hY jo smyN smyN lokF nUM sucyq krdy hn qy ho aqy mkfn AusfrI kMpnIaF, ivAupfr ivwc rhI hr glqI dI QFhyN bryk lOx dI sLkqI vwzy storF dIaF mflkIaF, sYNkiVaF dI rwKdy hn. huxy hI iewk pMjfbI muitafr igxqI ivwc pYtrol pMpF dIaF syvfvF, ny CotI Aumry aYbtsPorz puils df vwzf ivwidaf Kyqr ivwc aiDafpk, pRoPYsr, ruqbf hFsl kIqf hY. ijs nfl pMjfb df ipR M s Ipl, zfktr, vkIl, jw j , PO j I, siqkfr viDaf hY. cMd hI idnF qwk eyQoN dy aiDkfrI, puils aPsr, ieMjnIar afpo ividak Kyqr ivwc Auwc kotI dI kursI qy afpxy QFeI kfrjsLIl hn. isafsq dy iewk bhupwKI pMjfbI sLKsLIaq dy ibrfjmfn Kyqr ivwc Kfs mukfm hFisl kIqy hn. hox dI Kbr srkfr vloN suxfeI dy rhI hY. ieMglYNz, amrIkf aqy knyzf dIaF sUbfeI jo pMjfb dy siqkfr ivwc hor vfDf krygI. aqy kyNdrI srkfrF ivwc vwzI igxqI ivwc pM j fbI bw c y bw c IaF ienH F pR f pqIaF qo N sLmUlIaq mfxmwqI gwl hY. iswiKaf lY ky hor hMBly mfrn dI mMijLl vl ieMglYNz dI srkfr ny mhfNrfjf rxjIq vDdy jfx dI kfmnf krdy hF. isMG jI dI poqrI ‘soPIaf dlIp isMG’ df DMnvfd sihq, nfm EQoN dIaF nfmI hsqIaF ivwc ilKx df sMpfdkI mMzl mfx idwqf hY qy EQoN dy iksy pfrk df nfm

The Patrika

Friday, March 30th, 2018



pRdUÈq cOigrdf bx irhf dunIaF `c vDyry mOqfˆ df kfrn pMj sfl dI Aumr qoN Gwt cfr bwicafˆ ivcoN iek bwcy dI mOq df kfrn pRdUÈq cOigrdf bx irhf hY. vrlz hYlQ afrgynfeIËyÈn dI ijnyvf qoN iek irport muqfibk hr sfl 17 lwK bwcy hvf pRdUÈx, afly-duafly `c PYly isgrtfˆ dy DUMeyˆ, gMdy pfxI, KuwlHy ivc

lYtrIn, mnuwKI irhfieÈI cOigrdy `c PYlI gMdgI kfrn mr jfˆdy hn. ies BYVy cOigrdy kfrn PYlIafˆ bImfrIafˆ hYËf, mlyrIaf, inmonIaf ijnHfˆ qoN sfP pfxI, Kfxf pkfAux dy sucwjy sfDnfˆ afid dI AuplbDqf kfrn bcfAu ho skdf hY, nfl bwicafˆ dI mOq dI dr GtfeI jf skdI hY. pr dunIaF df amIrI-grIbI df pfVf, afm afdmI leI sfDnfˆ dI kmI, mOq dr `c vfDf kr rhI hY. AuproN bwicafˆ dy srIrfˆ ivc rogfˆ nfl lVn dI Gwt smrwQf, sfh dy rog, hvf pRdUÈx afid bwicafˆ `c dmf, kYˆsr, idl dy rogfˆ df kfrn bxdy jf rhy hn. zblXU[aYc[E[ (ivÈv ishq sMsQf) dI bwicafˆ bfry CpI iek irport ‘myrf BivwK pRdUÈq nf kro` kihMdI hY ik hr sfl, 5 sfl dI Aumr qoN Gwt pMj lwK, swqr hËfr bwcy hvf pRdUÈx aqy isgrtfˆ dy DUMeyˆ dy iÈkfr ho ky mrdy hn aqy 3,61,000 bwcy hYËy dI Byt cVHdy hn, ikAuNik AunHfˆ nUM sfP aflf-duaflf aqy sfP pfxI nhIN imldf. 2,70,000 bwcy afpxy jnm dy pihly mhIny `c hI axsuKfvyˆ vfqfvrn dI Byt cVH jfˆdy hn aqy do lwK bwcy mlyrIey kfrn aqy do lwK bwcy hor gYr-kudrqI kfrnfˆ krky mr rhy hn. asl ivc dUiÈq vfqfvrn sfzy Coty bwicafˆ dI ishq Krfb krn df kfrn bx irhf hY. iek Audfhrx lvo, sfzy vfqfvrn nUM dUiÈq krn df vwzf kfrn mnuwK vwloN inwq pRqI vrqy jfx vfly ielYktRoinks aqy ibjlI Aupkrn hn. Krfb hoey mobfeIl Pon, tYlIvIËn, hor ielYktRoink kcrf, shI ZMg nfl rIsfeIkl nhIN kIqf jfˆdf. BYVy ZMg nfl ies dI rIsfeIkilMg mnuwKI PyPiVafˆ nUM qbfh kr rhI hY aqy mnuwKI srIr `c kYˆsr (Kfs krky bwicafˆ `c) df kfrn bx rhI hY.

sfl 2014 qoN 2018 dy drimafn dunIaF Br ivc ibjlI aqy ielYktRoink vsqfˆ dI rihMd-KUMhd ivc 19% df vfDf hox dI sMBfvnf hY Bfv ieh vD ky sfl 2018 qwk 50 imlIan tn ho jfeygI. ies kcry nUM sMBflx df shI pRbMD nf hoxf mnuwKI ishq leI hfnIkfrk ho irhf hY.

Kfxy bxfAux vflIafˆ kMpnIafˆ dI cyn vwzI pw D r Au W qy kr rhI hY, mnuwKI srIr leI aiq Gfqk hY. ies df iËafdf asr mfsUm bwicafˆ dI ishq AuWqy pYˆdf hY, ijs nUM mfˆ dy duwD ivcoN vI zI[zI[tI[ aqy hor kItnfÈk pIx leI imldy hn. ijs sfPt zirMk aqy zwbf bMd jUs dI lok vrqoN krdy hn, Aus kfrn sLUgr, idl df rog qy motfpf afid ibmfrIafˆ srIr nUM GyrdIafˆ hn. PrUt jUs ivc mOjUd Purktoj aqy sfPt zirMk ivc mOjUd sozf ishq leI hfnIkfrk huMdf hY.

mOsm ivc lgfqfr qbdIlI af rhI hY. DrqI `qy qfpmfn vDdf jf irhf hY. hfnIkfrk kfrbnzfieafksfeIz `c inwq idn vfDf ho irhf hY, ijs df iswDf asr bwicafˆ dI ishq AuWqy pYxf kudrqI hY. iek irport kihMdI hY ik kfrbnzfeIafksfeIz dy vfDy dy iswty vjoN bwicafˆ `c dmy dI iÈkfieq (Bfv sfh lYx `c aOiKafeI, Kfs qOr `qy nvyˆ pRdUiÈq vfqfvrn, dUiÈq Kurfk, dUiÈq jMmy bwicafˆ `c) vD rhI hY. pfxI, dUiÈq Gr df aflf-duaflf, gMdI dunIaF Br dy grIb mulkfˆ dy bhuqy Grfˆ hvf nfl Bry Gr, mnuwKI ishq dI jfn df ivc ËrUrI suivDfvfˆ nhIN hn, aflf-duaflf KOa bxy hoey hn. grIb dyÈfˆ dy vwzy Èihrfˆ, gMdgI nfl Biraf ipaf nËr afAuNdf hY. slwm Kyqr ivc ieko CotI Cwq Qwly suwqy pIx leI sfP pfxI dI ikwlq hY, vwzI drjnfˆ srIr, ipMzfˆ `c mnuwK qy psLUafˆ dy igxqI dunIaF dy lok sYnItyÈn shUlqfˆ qoˆ swKxy hn. ihMdusqfn dI awDI abfdI KuwlHy sfˆJy irhfieÈI kwcy mkfn, ipMzfˆ aqy slwm `c jMgl-pfxI (lYtrIn) jfx leI mjbUr Kyqr ivc gMdy sIvryj pfxI dy Kyqrfˆ kMZy hY, ikAuNik Grfˆ jfˆ sfˆJy Qfvfˆ AuWqy lYtrInfˆ nhIN hn. Grfˆ ivc rotI pkfAux leI bflx AuplwbD nhIN. ihMdosqfn vrgy dyÈ ivc pfQIafˆ, KorI, tok (KyqIbfVI rihMd-KUMhd) Kfxf pkfAux leI vwzI igxqI `c lok vrqdy hn. kolf, gohf aqy hor rihMdKUMhd aqy Kyqfˆ `c vrqy jfx vfly inwksuwk nfl hvf df pRdUÈx vDdf hY. Èihrfˆ `c vwzI igxqI `c cl rhy vfhnfˆ, eyar kMzIÈnfˆ `coN inkldI gYs, smyˆ-smyˆ jlfeI jfˆdI PslI rihMd-KUMhd jlfAux qoN pYdf gYsfˆ hvf pRdUÈx df muwK kfrn hn. XUnIsyP vwloN jfrI aMkiVafˆ muqfbk ies smyˆ dunIaF dI 90% abfdI dUiÈq hvf ivc sfh lY rhI hY aqy dunIaF Br ivc hr sfl lgpg 60 lwK lok hvf dy pRdUÈx nfl mrdy hn. hvf-pfxI dy pRdUÈx dy pRBfv hyT mfˆ dy pyt `c pl rhy bwicafˆ dy aMg pRBfivq huMdy hn aqy AunHfˆ ivc rogfˆ nfl lVn dI ÈkqI `c Kqrnfk hwd qwk kmI pYdf krdy hn. bwicafˆ df grB ivc hI pRdUÈx dI mfr hyT afAuxf, mnuwK jfqI leI afAux vfly smyˆ `c gMBIr sMkt pYdf krygf.

gurmIq plfhI

irhfieÈfˆ, gMdy CwpV, nf rihxXog bsqIafˆ `c irhfieÈI JuwgIafˆ `c ieko Qfˆ pldy Coty bwcy qy psLU iek ieho ijhI iËMdgI dI koJI qsvIr pyÈ krdy hn. afAux vflI pIVHI dI cMgI ishq leI sfnUM cMgyry hvfdfr Gr, sfP-su Q rf vfqfvrn, sfP pfxI qy sYnItyÈn suivDfvfˆ, cMgyrIafˆ ishq shUlqfˆ, qMbfkU, DUMafˆ rihq vfqfvrn dy nfl-nfl cMgIafˆ lok ihwqU srkfrfˆ qy pRÈfsn vI iqafr krnf hovygf nhIN qfˆ mnuwKI nsl BivwK ivc Aus qbfhI dy kMZy puwj jfeygI, ijwQy koeI srIr ishqmMd, inrog nhIN sgoN cyqMn, isafxf AudmI mnuwK, kmlf-rmlf aqy apMg idsygf.

pRdUÈx pYdf krn vfly hor sroqfˆ ivc sfzy Kfxy, hvf, pfxI aqy sfzy afly-duafly `c vrqy jfx vfly kYmIkl hn. Kyqfˆ `c Kfdfˆ, kItnfÈkfˆ dI vrqoN, Kfx vfly pdfrQfˆ nUM sMBflx leI kYmIklfˆ dI vrqoN, ijs ivc PlorfeIz, pfrf, ijsq (lYz) afid Èfiml hn, aqy ijs dI vrqoN dunIaF Br dy PAGE 5

The Patrika



Anti-money laundering review produces recommendations for federal government


eter German has provided Attorney General David Eby with further interim recommendations on money laundering in B.C. casinos that are related to federal jurisdiction, ahead of Eby’s appearance before the federal finance committee. As part of the ongoing review into anti-money laundering practices in B.C. casinos, German provided recommendations that Eby will share at a meeting before the federal government’s ongoing public consultation regarding amendments to the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act.

their high value, these items can also be used to reintroduce illegal cash to the legitimate economy. Currently, there is no tracking by government of cash purchases for luxury items. As Vancouver is Canada’s luxury car capital, a geographic targeting order could require the submission of suspicious transaction reports and large cash transaction reports by motor-vehicle dealers in Greater Vancouver, but not in other parts of the country. However, to avoid displacing local buyers to other jurisdictions, another option may be to provide a reporting threshold higher than $10,000 for these industries.

“Through agencies like the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC), Revenue Canada, and the federal RCMP, the Government of Canada has a major role to play in combating money laundering,” said Eby. “British Columbia’s insight on this pressing issue will allow the federal committee to better understand the unique challenges and impacts that we face on this side of the Rockies. We must all be better equipped to take action in the fight against criminal gangs profiting from crime.” Resourcing for police: Police must Eby will appear before the commit- have adequate resources to deal with tee in Ottawa on Tuesday, March 27, leads on illegal activity provided by 2018, to discuss, among other specific FINTRAC. In 2012, the RCMP elimimatters, German’s findings related to: nated its national Proceeds of Crime and Commercial Crime Sections, in Information sharing between law en- favour of a new task force orientation forcement and FINTRAC: Currently, to investigations. Although the RCMP law enforcement officials do not work is rebuilding its financial crime experwithin FINTRAC, due to privacy con- tise, the gap in federal policing in this cerns. This means that Canadian police area between 2012 and 2017 shifted and FINTRAC may not know which responsibility for white-collar crime agency has, or needs, what informa- to provincial and municipal police tion until a proactive disclosure or a forces, which generally did not have request for information is made. Any the resources or expertise to take on opportunity to broaden the use of the these complex files. intelligence housed within FINTRAC German’s independent review of monwould be a benefit. ey laundering policies and practices Geographic targeting orders for auto in B.C.’s gambling industry began in dealers: The criminal lifestyle is of- late September 2017, with two interim ten attracted to expensive consumer recommendations implemented to date. goods, such as luxury cars, and due to


Friday, March 30th, 2018

Friday, March 30th, 2018

The Patrika 


Connectivity funding makes a real difference in lives around B.C. Following the March 13, 2018, funding announcement of $38 million for five regional projects, partners and stakeholders gathered to celebrate the people and communities that will benefit from this investment, announced Minister of Citizens’ Services, Jinny Sims.

learning as every other B.C. student, teachers need real-time access to online tools and services. High-speed connectivity makes the difference in a student’s future. From school-age kids to seniors, everyone everywhere needs to be reliably connected. Seniors in the Delta King Place Housing Society in Kitimat also need high-speed access for online courses, keeping in touch with loved ones, YouTube presentations and the latest information about government services. Aging in the North means broadband is even more necessary as support workers want to not only connect their clients, but serve them with the latest tools and supports. Much of that is on the web.

With recent news of federal, provincial and partner funding to improve reliable access to high-speed internet, Sims, First Nations Technology Council executive director Denise Williams, Shaw Communications vice-president Chima Nkemdirim and CityWest Cable vice-president Bart Kuntz gathered to highlight the impact and benefits this funding will have for the people of British Columbia. Joseph Lavoie from Gwaii Communications provided a video message. The funding announced by the federal People and places in B.C. have seen and provincial government, along with real and valuable change in their their partners, will mean students, new communities with the introduction Canadians, seniors and individuals can of high-speed connectivity. This new all get access to resources, opportunifunding means even more people and ties and each other in their communibusinesses in rural areas will soon have ties, any time they need it. expanded access to improved services Innovation, Science and Economic and opportunities. Development Canada committed People like Peter Randrup in Smithers, $19.7 million; Ministry of Citizens’ who is on disability assistance, has Services’ Connecting British Columbia found a new way to connect to people program will bring another $11.3 milin his present and his past, thanks to lion; and funding partners, Shaw Comonline genealogy research. Reliable munications, Gwaii Communications internet access has allowed him to find and CityWest Cable and Telephone more information about his Danish Corporation will collectively deliver routes; digging up details as far back at $7.2 million. Altogether this funding the 1700s. That, plus keeping in regular will mean 33 communities, includcontact with others in his community, ing 13 First Nations and Indigenous communities, will be much closer to means he is not so isolated. connectivity. When a Syrian refugee family arrived The provincial funding is managed by in Terrace, they had very little, includthe Northern Development Initiative ing scant financial resources. ConnecTrust and supports four of the five antivity in this community means they nounced projects. These four projects, can find local resources online, and once completed, will bring benefits to they can stay in touch with their fam32 rural communities, including 12 ily back home. They do it regularly, First Nations and Indigenous commuand they do it inexpensively. It’s a real nities. This funding includes: comfort that allows them to build their new lives and become a part of their $1.9 million to CityWest Cable and Telephone Corporation for the Renew country. gional District of Bulkley-Nechako; School District 52 in Prince Rupert is a long way from the many resources $400,000 to Gwaii Communications enjoyed by kids in Vancouver. Poor for communities on Haida Gwaii; bandwidth once meant students didn’t $1.9 million to Shaw Communications have access to “next-generation” learn- for fibre-optic cable along Highway 99, ing tools. Without these resources, they between Whistler and Cache Creek; were missing out and didn’t have the and, $7 million to Shaw Communicasame opportunities as those in more tions to build fibre-optic cable along populated areas of the province. In Highway 97 between Prince George order to deliver the same quality of and Dawson Creek.



The Patrika 

Friday, March 30th, 2018

Physiotherapy Association of BC (PABC) applauds provincial government’s new health care strategy to reduce surgical wait times The Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia (PABC) published a position paper leading up to the provincial-general election on May 9, 2017 that addressed lengthy surgical wait times and proposed how physiotherapy could reduce the growing demand for joint-replacement surgery.

is launching a new, four-part surgical strategy aimed at reducing wait times, and the announcement of five hip and knee replacement programs to be implemented throughout the province, the PABC’s position paper is more relevant than ever.

statistical analysis of wait times for joint-replacement surgery in BC and Canada. It concludes with a review of academic studies which have found that physiotherapy triage can significantly reduce wait times.

“We are encouraged that the provinEntitled Reducing Wait Times for cial government is taking steps to With last week’s announcement Orthopedic Surgery – Physio Can address the long waits in this provthat the BC provincial government Help, the PABC paper contains a ince for hip and knee replacement surgery,” says Christine Bradstock, Chief Executive Officer of the PABC. “The result of federal-transfer cuts in the 1990s was that wait times grew longer. These new monies and programs will go a long way to addressing the gap in service.” According to the province, under the surgical strategy, 9,400 more surgeries will be done throughout BC by the end of March 2019, compared to the 2018. The strategy is supported with ongoing targeted funding of $75 million starting in 2018-19 and increasing to $100 million in 2019-20.


In February, 2018, the PABC also released a summary of how Physio Can Help Improve Health Care for All British Columbians. Physiotherapists have the medical training and clinical expertise to effectively manage many patient conditions seen in Primary Care. As key players in Primary Health Care delivery with a focus on improving Population Health, physiotherapists can help improve the overall physical wellbeing and mental health of the people in this province, and hold the promise of resolving the challenge of successfully implementing Primary Care in British Columbia. “We hope to continue our dialogue with policy makers and health care administrators as to how physiotherapy can be part of this exciting step in making our outstanding health care system in BC even better,” said Bradstock.

Friday, March 30th, 2018

The Patrika



sPlqf df sUqr vkq dI shI vrqoN ieiqhfs dy siPaF `qy sunihrI awKrF dy ivwc afpxf nfm drj krfAux vfly hmysLf isrV aqy isdk nfl hvf dy rwuK qoN Ault qurdy njLr afAuNdy hn. aijhy lokF nUM sukrfq df ieh vcn hmysLf Xfd rihMdf hY ik ijLMdgI jIAux leI Kfxf cfhIdf hY nf ik Kfx leI ijAuNdy rihxf cfhIdf hY. sPlqf aksr AunHF lokF nUM imldI hY jo kiTnfeI Bry kMm krdy hn. asPl lok aksr nqIijaF qoN zrdy hn. puwjdy AuhI hn, jo qurdy hn. cldIaF rfhF `qy vI qurn vfly ijLafdf sPl nhIN huMdy. sPlqf dy pFDI qF afpxIaF rfhF AulIkx dy cfhvfn huMdy hn aqy AunHF nUM pqf huMdf hY ik sPlqf aqy arfm df koeI irsLqf nhIN. sPl mnwuK supinaF dy vxjfry huMdy hn. AunHF nUM supny lYx dI jfc huMdI hY aqy AunHF supinaF nUM hkIkq dy ivwc bdlx dI vI. iewk gwl spwsLt hoxI cfhIdI hY ik supny sLyK iclI dy vI huMdy hn jo mnuwK dy ihwsy isrP asPlqf hI pfAuNdy hn. mYN sLyK iclI vfly supny nhIN blik AunHF supinaF dI gwl kr irhf hF ijhVy quhfnUM idn vyly sOx nhIN idMdy. ijLMdgI nUM KUbsUrq bnfAuxf aqy anMd nfl ijAuxf quhfzf pYdfiesLI hwk hY. quhfzy jMmx `qy quhfzf hwk nhIN pr ijAux `qy quhfzf hwk hY. ijLMdgI dy mOsm nUM KusLgvfr bnfAux leI Xqn krnf jLrUrI huMdf hY. hr iksy nUM sony dy cmcy ivwc sLihd nsIb nhIN huMdf. sLihd nUM pRfpq krn leI zUmxy miKafl dy Cwqy ivwc hwQ pfAuxf hI pYNdf hY. sPl hox leI hmysLf vwzf socxf jLrUrI huMdf hY AuNJ vwzf socxf dunIaF dy lokF leI bhuq musLkl kMm hY. sLfied iesy krky bhuq Gwt lok ieh kMm krdy hn. asl ivwc ijLafdf igxqI ivwc lok ijLMdgI ijAuNdy hn, mfxdy nhIN, AudysLhIx ijLMdgI ijAux vfly lok kroVF dI igxqI ivwc hn. ijLMdgI nUM mUrKqf Bry qrIky nfl jIAUx df nqIjf asPlqf, anpVqf aqy grIbI hI hovygf. sPlqf pfAux leI AudysL, sMklp, idRV-insLcY, afqm-ivsLvfsL aqy imhnq dy nfl nfl iewk hor sUqr vkq df shI pRXog huMdf hY. mYN iksy kflj ivwc pRYktIkl dy islisly ivwc igaf hoieaf sI. mYN AuWQoN dy bwicaF nUM puwiCaf ik qusIN kflj afAux leI iqafr hox smyN ikMnf vkq lgfAuNdy ho qF lwgBg hr bwcy ny 40-50 imMt dwisaf. iewk muMzf kihx lwg 50 imMtF ivwcoN 25 imMt qF pwg bMnx qy hI lwg jFdy hn. mYN Aus nUM puwiCaf, “agr iewk idn ivwc pwg bMnx nUM 25 imMt lwgdy hn qF mhIny ivwc ikMny lwgdy hn aqy sfl ivwc ikMny.” Aus ny afpxf mobfiel kwiZaf aqy ihsfb lgf ky dwisaf ik “iewk sfl ivwc qkrIbn 9,000 imMt lgdy hn.” mYN Aus nUM ikhf ik “jy iewk mnuwK dI aOsq Aumr 65 sfl hY aqy 30 sfl qF Auh sON ky guaf idMdf hY. bfkI

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The Patrika 

Friday, March 30th, 2018

Three ways to upgrade your lifestyle (NC) Did you make yourself a promise that 2018 would bring exciting life changes? Here are three inspiring ideas to keep you motivated to create a happier, healthier and more successful you this year. 1. Learn something new. Developing a new skill is a great first step towards self-improvement. It benefits your self-confidence and can create a feeling of achievement that builds towards bigger accomplishments. Try joining a class or following online tutorials for some DIY skills to help you improve your home, or learn essential work skills for the modern economy like social media marketing or coding. 2. Be adventurous and spend time abroad. Living in a foreign country for a few months or a year can broaden your outlook, help you enhance your language skills, and introduce you to people from different walks of life. Consider a working holiday, co-op or internship, or professional development abroad. You'll gain valuable international work experience, work on teams with diverse cultural backgrounds and develop connections that strengthen your place in a global workforce—all of which can launch you into the next level in your career. If you're between 18 and 35, check out International Experience Canada to help make this work and travel experience happen. It's a government program that helps facilitate work permits to more than 30 partner countries and territories for up to two years. Find more information on work and travel abroad at 3. Make the most of winter. The winter months can be hard on our health, as we tend to hibernate indoors, eat more junk food and exercise less. Get out of this rut by focusing on the best the season has to offer, like skating, skiing and snowshoeing outdoors. Boost your health and beat the winter blues by getting enough vitamin D and eating nutrient-rich foods. PAGE 10

Friday, March 30th, 2018

The Patrika 



The Patrika



Friday, March 30th, 2018

I might write a book on my Bollywood journey : Katrina She is one of the top stars in the Hindi film industry and now Katrina Kaif is planning to share her journey, which was full of ups and downs, in the form a book. The actor, who made her Bollywood debut with 2003 film Boom was initially criticised for her acting abilities and dancing skills, but she has come a long way. When asked how she handled herself in an industry which was alien to her, Katrina said she is saving the answer for now."I educated myself (about the industry) but I might write a book (on it), so I won't waste the answer now. I seriously might write a book," she said.Though the actor has had some of the biggest blockbusters to her credit, most recently being Tiger Zinda Hai, she has also seen low phases in her career, spanning nearly 15 years. Katrina, however, considers the setbacks as the stepping stones to her success."You need to have a balanced attitude to life, need to accept that failures, hardships and hard times -- for me definitely -- they are the biggest teachers. They (failures) are the biggest steps. Once you get there, then you reach higher. You need them. Hardship and failures taught me to evolve and reach the next step," she said

Bollywood was never really the aim : Mahira Khan Pakistani actress Mahira Khan, who made her Bollywood debut with Shah Rukh Khan-starrer Raees last year, says the Hindi film industry was never her aim. Raees released in January 2017, just a few months after bilateral tensions intensified between India and Pakistan over the September 18, 2016 Uri attack that left 19 Indian soldiers dead and the September 28 surgical strikes by India on Pakistan terror camps.Raees did not release in Pakistan. And Mahira was not allowed to promote the film in India as the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena gave an ultimatum to Pakistani artistes to leave the country and to keep away from its showbiz."At that time I was angry. I was sad and angry and there were moments of disappointment and just hurt, you know. Now I've come to a place where I believe that anger doesn't really make me a better actor. It doesn't do anything for me as a person, so I've let

go of that, because at that time I was in the mix of it," said Mahira.Didn't it stall her career in a way?"Bollywood was never really the aim actually. I mean sure you could argue that I could have done more films there, for sure I could have. But right after 'Raees' I had already started working on (Pakistani film) Verna, even before all of this happened. My focus was always Pakistan," she said. Actor Manoj Bajpayee is confident his next release Missing, which unites the actor with one of his favourite costars Tabu, will leave the audience shocked. "We worked together in Hansal Mehta's Dil Pe Mat Le Yaar and Akash Deep's Ghaat many years ago. Now I can say we've finally done another film together that does justice to her talent, and the talent of Annu Kapoor. 'Missing' is basically about three characters played by three of us actors," said Manoj.

Hichki’s success shows good cinema is the only thing that matters : Rani Mukerji Actress Rani Mukerji is overwhelmed with the response she has got for her comeback film Hichki and says that the kind of love audiences have showered on the movie proves that good cinema and performance is the only thing that matters and not marital status or parenthood.Hichki marks Rani’s comeback to acting after a gap of four years. The film raked in Rs 3.30 crore on day one, a statement said.Ecstatic over the response, Rani said, “All my life, I have tried to entertain, tried to spread love and happiness to my fans and audiences through my films. Their happiness made me happy, motivated me. Yesterday, I felt the same emotions that I had faced when my first film had released.”“I was nervous. I was jittery. My first love is acting. Nothing gives me as much joy than being on the set of my film. I chose marriage when I wanted to.”The actress, who has a daughter Adira, 2, says she chose motherhood and “I chose to prioritise these for four years before I again returned to my passion, wanting to feel the rush of challenging myself with a truly remarkable role.”


Missing will shock, stun audiences : Manoj Bajpayee "I am never satisfied with my own performances. There's always a hunger... That's why I am led to new directors. Mukul Abhyankar, who directed Missing shocked me, as he will shock audiences. He was constantly excited about the scenes we shot every day. "He would call up at the end of the day and say, 'Sir, yeh aapne kaise kiya?' I did, because you give. An actor needs a director and co-stars who inspire him. I got both in Missing."

Celebrities should help bring about social change : Deepika

As multiple Bollywood films are celebrating how weaknesses can be turned into strengths, leading actress Deepika Padukone says it is important for celebrities to use their place of influence and power to bring about change in society.“I think it is extremely important for those who are in positions of influence or power to bring about social change. It is extremely important for them to speak up about whatever issue it might be,” Deepika said in an interview. Of late, film actors and filmmakers are attempting storylines which have a strong underlying message that can bring change in society. The latest example is Rani Mukerji’s Hichki, which talks about how a woman with Tourette Syndrome, a neuropsychiatric disorder, makes it her strength and becomes a teacher.Deepika, one of Bollywood’s top-earning actresses, believes people can see if you do not have genuine connect or if it is not authentic.“For many years, people always said, ‘You know you are successful, you should do work in social sectors as well or associate with an NGO’. There were so many options (for me), but I didn’t feel like I was being honest with them.”

The Patrika

Friday, March 30th, 2018


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Moving? How to find the right neighbourhood (NC) The search for the perfect house begins with the search for the perfect neighbourhood, which can be daunting. Searching for something so open-ended and with so many variables can be an overwhelming task, but it doesn't have to be. You just have to know where to start your search and where you can take it from there. Get ready to find that dream neighbourhood.

you've walked its streets at several different times of day. Get a feel for the level of traffic and noise, decide if you're okay with it. See how the streets feel. Are they lit enough at night? Would it be nice to go for a run through your neighbourhood? Make sure you visit each of your candidate neighbourhoods.

Search the stats. While you hunt at street level, make sure you take your research to a bird's-eye view at the same time. You would be amazed at the kinds of things you can learn about a neighbourhood just from its census data. How old are people there? How many kids are in the neighbourhood? How many people are home owners? How much are the average monthly costs to live there? What languages are spoken in the neighbourhood? Combine your research with your street-level hunting Search the streets. Don't underestimate and you'll soon find yourself walking the importance of this step. You re- through the perfect neighbourhood for ally can't know a neighbourhood until you and your family. Search yourself. You can't really know what to look for in a neighbourhood until you know exactly what you want. Make a list, take your time. Write down the things that really matter to you. Decide priorities. Order your list from most to least important. Moving in with your partner? Have them do the same, and see where your priorities line up and where you diverge. Now that you know what you want, it's time to go get it.

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Kam or Harry: (604) 853-1775

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The Patrika PAGE  14 


Can a healthy lifestyle improve your performance at work?

rky gurU hwkfˆ dI DIafˆ dI (NC) With the new year just begin- AddixI peI. ning and winter cold and flu season tional-

lfˆ nfl feIcfry, . afpxy ny nYiqk gurU qyg vroDIafˆ nI dy ky Aus dI imldI. hwkfˆ dI igixaf

well under way, many people will remind you of the importance of adopting a healthy lifestyle. And while we often think of the personal benefits of doing so, we seldom consider the impact our health has on others' lives.

Yet caring for ourselves and for our health is beneficial for the people around us, especially for our colleagues with whom we spend the Idfn nUM better part of our days.

ly, the quality of your sleep is just as important, as it helps maintain psychological balance. And good morale will positively affect your relationships with others and help you face difficulties and react to conflicts in a more positive and proactive way.

Qfvfˆ vI To make a change in a collective way drjf dy Sports have proven to be one of the is a lot easier and more enjoyable than

jQybMdI bhfdr qqf nfl kIqf sI. aiDkfrfˆ IN jYaMqI hfs bfry bMdI vwloN nuwKI hwkfˆ s ikqfb sI aqy aiDkfrfˆ nfm vI (1617am pYWn -1778)

best gifts you can offer your brain, as physical exercise encourages blood flow and connections between neurons. A brain that is in its best shape will allow you to better concentrate and perform at the office. Sports will also help lower your stress levels, an important factor in today's intense work culture.

doing so alone. Consider encouraging your colleagues to take charge of their health as well. A community that supports each other makes every person better. That's why SSQ Insurance recommends that everyone to take their health seriously. Find more tips online at en/health.

ihb dI r idwqI I cfdr` Idfn dI ËrIey nUM kmrfn, rhf huMdf n dy rfh klp sI, sI. iehI AuNdf hY.

dnI cOk Auqfiraf sihb nUM Dfrimk asQfn lihr dy hIdf hY. fiek qy nUM mfnqf af, pr

ristI, mks df



Friday, March 30th, 2018

Friday, March 30th, 2018

The Patrika 


Rainbow Refugee Assistance Pilot Program extended


overnment of Canada will work with stakeholders to strengthen their settlement and integration services for LGBTQ2 refugees The Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, announced today that the Government of Canada has renewed a cost-sharing agreement with Rainbow Refugee Society until March 31, 2020. As of April 1, additional funding of $100,000 will be made available to support refugees sponsored under the Rainbow Refugee Assistance Pilot.

have increased the number of LGBTQ2 refugees Canada has provided protection to in recent years.

The Government will collaborate with Rainbow Refugee Society and LGBTQ2 stakeholders to increase the resettlement of LGBTQ2 refugees in Canada, along with developing a longer-term strategy to support the The goal of the pilot is to increase resettlement of this vulnerable group. awareness of the unique needs of LGBTQ2 refugees amongst Canadian The Government will continue to work sponsors, and to strengthen overall with LGBTQ2 stakeholders and key sponsorship of this vulnerable group. partners to help ensure the necessary Through the pilot program, the Govern- supports are in place to make refugees’ ment of Canada and private sponsors integration in Canada as smooth as possible.



The Patrika 

anmol ivcfrfˆ df sMgRih

* mnuwK iek dukfn dI qrHfˆ hY aqy * iËMdgI dI ÈfˆqI leI do qrIky hn jLbfn iek qflf hY, jdoˆ qflf KulHdf hY qd iek AunHfˆ nUM mfP krdo, ijnHfˆ nUM qusIˆ Bwul pqf cldf hY ik dukfn ivc sonf hY jfˆ kolf. nhIˆ skdy. dUjf AunHfˆ nUM Buwl jfvo ijnHfˆ nUM pYr ivc moc aqy CotI soc ivakqI qusIN mfP nhIˆ kr skdy. * nUM awgy vwDx nhIˆ idMdI.

AuVo, pr AuQy qk ijwQy qk ËmIn * jo afpxy kMm Auqy Brosf krdy hn, nËr afAuˆdI rhy. * Auh nOkrI krdy hn, jo afpxy afp Auqy * bgfvq jvfnI df PYÈn hY, smJOqf Brosf krdy hn, ivAupfr krdy hn. buZfpy df gihxf hY. * sUrj aqy pqnI ivc iek smfnqf * dfdf aqy poqf iewk dUjy dy sUhIey hY ik qusIˆ dovfˆ nfl GUr ky nhIN dyK skdy. huMdy hn. * jdoˆ qoˆ aOrMgËyb roz df nfˆ bdl ky abdul klfm rwiKaf igaf hY, qd roz Auqy BIV Gt geI hY, ikAuˆik AunHfˆ dy rfh Auqy cwlxf aOKf hY.

mMdy aqy nIc bMidafˆ df sMg kfly * koilafˆ dI qrHfˆ huMdf hY, jo grm hox Auwqy sfVdf hY aqy TMzHf hox `qy kflK idMdf hY.


sihj krqf : mihMdr isMG vflIaf brYptn kYnYzf

* duÈmn bnfAux leI lVn dI loV * nhIN qusIN QoVHI sPlqf hfsl kro. duÈmn bfirÈ dIafˆ bUMdfˆ cfhy ikMnIafˆ vI CotIafˆ hox pRMqU AunHfˆ df lgfqfr vrHnf vwzIafˆ KYrfq ivc iml jfˆdy hn. ndIafˆ df bhfv bx jfˆdf hY. * sfry idn ivc Èyr 20 GMty sOˆdf hY, afpxI CvI df iDafn rwKo ikAuˆik jy iekwlI imhnq sPlqf dI kuMjI huMdI qd * CvI dI Aumr quhfzI Aumr qoˆ vwzI hY. gDf jMgl df rfjf huMdf. * iËMdgI ivc irsk lYx qoˆ nf zro muhwbq jy krnI hY qd rUh nfl jfˆ qfˆ ijwq imlygI nhIˆ qfˆ iswK imlygI. * kro, ichry qoˆ ÈurU hoeI muhwbq ibsqr pr bfirÈ smyˆ sfry pMCI surwiKaf Qfvfˆ * Kqm ho jfˆdI hY. dI Bfl krdy hn, pRMqU bfj bwdlfˆ qoˆ Aupr * mfVf dosq tuwtI hoeI cwpl dI qrHfˆ jf ky bfirÈ nUM mfq pf idMdf hY. huMdf hY, jo quhfzy nfl cldy-cldy smyˆ * lfpRvfhI nfl suwtI iek mfics dI Pt-Pt krdf hY, DUV Klyrdf hY. qIlI jMgl PUk skdI hY, pRMqU kYˆp Pfier * Èyr Cfl mfrn qoˆ pihlfˆ iek kdm smyˆ ÈurU krn leI mfics dI zwbI lwg jfˆdI hY. ipCy htdf hY.

* jy qusIˆ iksy ivÈy Aupr iËafdf * mYˆ quhfzI gwzI dI bryk qfˆ TIk igafn hfsl krnf cfhuMdy ho, qd hfsl * Èfndfr iËMdgI dy do ZMg hn, jo nhIˆ kr skdf, pr hornf dI afvfË AucI kIqf igafn vMzxf ÈurU kro. psMd hY, hfsl kro jfˆ jo hfsl hY Aus nUM kr idMdf hfˆ. * jy qusIˆ ijwq jfˆdy ho qd pRÈn psMd kro. * hIry dI pihcfx leI hnHyry df hoxgy, jy hfr jfˆdy ho qd iËafdf smJdfr * aiDafpk aqy iËMdgI ivc Prk ieMqËfr kro, Duwp ivc sfry kwc dy tukVy bxogy. ieh hY ik aiDafpk pVHf ky iemiqhfn lYˆdf lgdy hn. * iksy df kIqf aihsfn Buwlxf nhIˆ hY, iËMdgI iemiqhfn lY ky sbk isKfAuNdI mYdfn ivc hfiraf ivakqI iPr vI cfhIdf. afpxy vwloˆ kIqf aihsfn Xfd nhIˆ * ijwq skdf hY, pRMqU mn qoˆ hfiraf ivakqI rwKxf cfhIdf. kdy nhIˆ ijwq skdf. * jy kmIË df iek btn glq lwg * sB qoˆ vwzf rog, kI kihxgy lok. jfvy qd bfkI btn vI glq lwgxgy.

Friday, March 30th, 2018

eImfndfrI nfl 8 GMty kMm krn * nfl bfs bx skdy ho aqy 12 GMty kMm kr skdy ho. smyˆ dy pfbMd hox dI smwisaf ieh * hY ik phuMcx Aupr pRÈn krn vflf koeI nhIN huMdf.

* jy nIXq sfP rwKdy ho aqy iÈkfieqfˆ Gwt krdy ho qd koeI vI irÈqf pfxI dI bUMd df smuMdr ivc koeI inBf skdy ho. * aDfr nhIˆ huMdf, pMRqU jd pwqy Aupr phuMcdI * jy irÈqf sMBflx df smfˆ nhIN qd smfˆ irÈqy ingl jfvygf. hY moqI vfˆg ilÈkdI hY. hY.

Friday, March 30th, 2018

The Patrika 


Dn jfiedfd iewCf nUM aqy swqf * QoVHf hwsxf vI iswK roxf qfˆ jnm * hMkfr nUM vDfAuˆdIafˆ hn. vyly hI iswK ilaf sI. mYˆ vigaf df diraf bx ky Kyq * jy qusIN AuˆglIafˆ Aupr afpxIafˆ * glqIafˆ igxn lgdy ho qd hornf vl isMjy hn jy mYˆ ruikaf rihMdf qd Kyqfˆ ny hI pI ilaf huMdf. AuˆglI krn dI loV nhIN pvygI. ijhVy cldy hn aqy cldy rihMdy iewCf nfl kuJ nhIˆ bdldf PYsly * * nfl sB kuJ bdldf hY. inÈcY nfl sB kuJ hn, AuhI phuMcdy hn. bdl skdf hY. * pwqJV Bfvyˆ ikMnI hI jfbr hovy, * igrigt kihMdI hY ik awj kl rMg kwuJ Pwul bgfvq krky iKV jfˆdy hn. bdlx ivc lokfˆ df mukfblf krnf sMBv * cM g Iafˆ afdqfˆ mihM g Iafˆ nhIˆ nhIN. huMdIafˆ aqy mihMgIafˆ afdqfˆ cMgIafˆ nhIˆ iËMdgI iek sfeIkl dI qrHfˆ huMdI huMdIafˆ. * hY, qusIˆ Audoˆ qwk nhIN izgdy jd qk pYzl * mnuwK df blI hwQ hr cIË ivc mfrny bMd nhIN krdy. jfn pf idMdf hY. * qusIN ijs Byd nUM gupq rwKxf cfhuMdy * sYr krn nfl idRÈtIkox AusfrU ho qd kdy vI afpxy dosq nUM vI nf dwso nhIˆ ho jfˆdf, sYr krdy hI Auh hn ijnHfˆ ikAuˆik quhfzy dosq dy awgy dosq hn. df idRÈtIkox AusfrU hovy. kMm aijhI guxkfrI bUtI hY, ijhVI * * smfj sdf AunHfˆ nUM Xfd krdf hY, mnuwK df akyvfˆ, Qkyvfˆ aqy icMqf dUr krdI ijnHfˆ ny smfj qoˆ Gt ilaf huMdf hY, pRMqU hY. smfj nUM moiVaf vD huMdf hY. mnuwK dUjy dy doÈfˆ nUM qUVI vfˆg * * Dn iksy dI rwiKaf nhIˆ krdf, AuzfAuNdf hY, pr afpxy doÈfˆ nUM juafrI dIaF ikAuˆ jo Dn nUM Kud rwiKaf dI loV huMdI hY. igtIaf vfˆg CupfAuˆdf hY. * mflk nhIˆ Qwkdy ijhVy Qwkdy hn * jIvn dy hr Kyqr ivc sPlqf df Auh nOkr huMdy hn. isDfˆq hY ik inrDfirq kMm qoˆ iËafdf kIqf * vihmI lok joqÈIafˆ kol jfˆdy hn jfvy. aqy hor nvyˆ vihm lY ky af jfˆdy hn. Xog smyˆ kihxf mnuwKI ikrdfr dI * * purÈ Gr iqafg dyvygf pr isDfˆq AucfeI hY. nhIˆ Cwzygf. iesqrI Gr bcfAux leI * sfh lYxf ijAUxf nhIˆ huMdf. ijAUxf inXm iqafg dyvygI. qfˆ sUrj bxnf huMdf hY. * jy rwb nUM grIb mnuwK dI qrHfˆ jy qusIˆ afp eImfndfr bx jfvo iËMdgI bqIq krnI pY jfvy qd kuJ GMitafˆ * qd dunIaf ivc iek byeImfn Gt jfvygf. ivc hI afqm hwiqaf kr lvygf. ijhVf PlL imhnq qoˆ ibnf pRfpq * * Gr ivc afieaf mihmfn koeI huMdf hY, Auh hjLm nhIˆ huMdf. hovy, jfx smyˆ awCf lgdf hY. cMgy kMm dI pihcfx ieh hY ik jdoˆ * * aOrq, tI-bYg dI qrHfˆ huMdI hY, kr ilaf jfˆdf hY qd ies dy keI dfavydfr ijs dI qfkq grm pfxI ivc pf ky hI pqf pYdf ho jfˆdy hn. cldI hY. * igafn kdy vI muÈkl ivc nhIˆ * ijhVf mnu w K afpxy ikw q y nfl pfAuˆdf. vPfdfr hY, Auh iksy nfl vPfdfr nhIˆ ho afqm ivÈvfÈ dI kmI aMDivÈvfÈfˆ skdf. * dI jVH hY. hr ivakqI pRsMsf df BuwKf hY, pRMqU * * ijs afdmI ny kdy glqI nhIN jy pRsMsf hornf dI hfËrI ivc kIqI jfvy kIqI, qd smJ lvo ik Aus ny kdy kMm nhIˆ qd iËafdf anMd idMdI hY. kIqf. Drm vyKx nUM qfˆ Bfvyˆ lokfˆ nUM joVdy * afqm-ivÈvfÈ dI ivDI hY ik qusIN hn, pr swc ies qoˆ Ault hY. * ieh kMm kro ijs nUM krn qoˆ qusIN zrdy ho. * iensfn ijAuˆdy afdmI nUM musIbqfˆ kdy vI ibnf socy smJy hfˆ krnI, idMdf hY, pr mrn qoˆ bfad ÈrfD pUjdf hY. * mn dI srlqf, ierfdy dI kicafeI aqy * swc leI hr vsqU dI kurbfnI nfdfnI df pRqIk hY. idwqI jf skdI hY, pRMqU swc dI blI iksy bihs qoˆ lfB AuTfAux df iek dI vsqU leI nhIˆ idwqI jf skdI. * mfqr ivDI hY ik bihs nf kIqI jfvy. * mnuwK mfl gwzIafˆ dy zwby vfˆg huMdf * qUPfn qF mukfblf ardfsfˆ nfl hY. KflI bhuq KV-KV krdf hY, Biraf hoieaf cuwp cfp lMG jfˆdf hY. nhIˆ Audm nfl hI huMdf hY. PAGE 17

The Patrika



vDIaF Kfvo aqy vDIaf jIvo: glUtn PRI asIN sfry glUtn PRI dI imafd ivwc afAuNdy hF jdoN ik kirafny dI KrIddfrI jF bfhr Kfxf ieh mOjUdgI bhuq ivafpk hY ies leI glUtn kI hY aqy glUitn qoN mukq kI hY?


Here To Serve All Of Your Electrical Needs Gt jFdI hY aqy iDafn kyNdrq krn ivwc asmwrQqf huMdI hY.

qusIN kI KFdy ho aqy quhfzy pyt df vfqfvrx inrDfrq krdf hY ik quhfzf pyt ikvyN kMm krygf, idsLf- sMcfr pyt rFhIN huMdf hYaqy idmfg (idmfg dI Durf) aqy pyt qoN idmfg qwk sMkyq kudrq ivwc BVkf skdf hY. glq qrIky nfl KfDf pyt ivwc glUtn pRotIn pRxflI nUM iqwgxf kr skdf hY, ijs nfl pyt ivwc sojsL ho skdI hY aqy iesdf asr idmfg qy vI pY skdf hY. ijs kfrn ivakqI Qkfvt mihsUs krdf hY, Gbrf jFdf hY, icMqf aqy izprYsLn dy nfl nfl hor ivhfrk aqy Kpq qoN bfad pfcn dI sLyVCfV, Qkfvt, mfnisk smwisafvF vI pYdf ho jFdIaF hn. isr drd aqy joVF dy drd df anuBv vI so ies bfry quhfzf kI PYslf hY? glUtyn krdy hn. sfzy mn dI socx sLkqI nUM bhuq ijLafdf asIN sfry glUtn Kfx qoN bfad pRBfivq krdf hY. jdoN gwl ishqmMd Kfx gYstRoieMtystfeInl mfVy pRBfvF qoN jfxU dI afAuNdI hY qF Kfxy ivwc vrfietI, aqy hF, hflIaF Koj ny hux idmfg qy glUtn dI sMqulnqf bhuq hI mhwqvpUrn gwlF hn Kpq dy pRBfvF qy iDafn kyNdrq kIqf hY. ijMnHf df quhfnUM Kfs krky iDafn rwKxf aMisLk qOr qy pyt ivcly glUtn dy pRotIn cfhIdf hY. pr jykr qusIN ies gwl df (ijMnHF nUM glfeIzfPoriPn kihMdy hn- iDafn rwKdy ho ik qusI kI Kf rhy ho glfeIEtomoriPn vI kihMdy hn). jo aPIm qF quhfzf idmfg quhfzf DMnvfd krygf. dy iraYktrF nfl pRqIikRaf krdf hY ijvyN rijsrz zfeItIsLIan qoN zfiet bfry leI dvfeIaF ijMnHF ivwc mOriPn aqy hyroien slfh quhfnUM cMgf mihsUs krn ivwc mdd ieh imsLrx huMdf hY Auh bolI aqy suxn kr skdI hY. dI sUJ nfl sMbMDq idmfg dy tYNpryl lObI hor jfxkfrI leI qusIN irkf mfnisMG nUM Kyqr nUM pRBfivq krdy hn. sMprk kr skdy ho rijsrz zfeItIsLIan iewk BfrI glUtn Kfx vfly Bojn Kfx qoN hn 778-240-5951 bfad, iewk Qwk aqy susq mihsUs huMdf qusIN irkf nUM eI myl vI kr skdy ho:hY, isr drd huMdf hY mfnisk smwsLtqf PAGE 18


( Red Seal Certified / FSR)

glUtn iewk pRdUsLq pRotIn imsrx hY jo do pRotIn (glUtn aqy glfieizn ) rwKdf hY Kfs qOr qy kxk, jON aqy rfeI ivwc pfieaf jFdf hY. ieh keI sflF qoN cMgI qrF dsqfvyjLI qOr qy drjL kIqf igaf hY ik kxk aYlrjI aqy sYilafks dI ibmfrI vfly lokF leI iewk glUtn dI muPq Kurfk dI isPfrsL kIqI geI hY(iewk ivrfsq vflI ibmfrI ijs ivwc glUtn dI Kpq bhuq CotI aFdr dI aMdrlI sojsL kfrn ho skdI hY, ijs nfl gYstroieMtystfeInl byarfmI, posLitk mlysL spirMg aqy hwzIaF df nuksfn). nvIN Koj ieh drsfAuNdI hY ik sYlyXYks rogF dy ibnF lokF dI iewk vwzI abfdI hux glUtn pRqI sMvydnsLIl ho rhI hY. gYr sYlsIk glUtn sMvydsLIlqf vfly lok guMJldfr

Friday, March 30th, 2018

quhfzIaF sfrIaF eIlYktRIkl loVF leI sfzy nfl sMprk kro. Specializing In: Resindetial & Commercial Repairs & New Installation & Renovations

Friday, March 30th, 2018

The Patrika 


Homeless counts to help build provincial picture of homelessness


he Province will co-ordinate homeless counts in up to 12 communities during March and April to help inform B.C.’s Homelessness Action Plan, which will focus on permanent housing and services. Homeless counts provide vital information, including the demographics and service needs of people experiencing homelessness. They also help establish a benchmark to measure the progress made to reduce homelessness over time. A provincial picture of homelessness will be developed based on:

“Good solutions require good data. That’s where these counts come in,” said Selina Robinson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. “We know that homelessness is a challenge across British Columbia. Last September, when we announced funding for 2,000 units of modular housing for people struggling with homelessness, communities across the province – large and small – jumped at the opportunity to provide homes for those in need. Through these counts, we can get better data on the extent of the challenge in each region, giving us the information we need to plan future housing solutions.”

information gathered in the provincially funded counts; The Homelessness Services Assodata from homeless counts being ciation of BC has been contracted conducted in other communities this to co-ordinate the provincial count and will partner with the BC Nonyear; Profit Housing Association and Urban counts completed in 2017; and Matters to support communities and information from other sources, such compile the results. as shelters. “Too many people struggle to find housing in our province. It’s a major issue in many communities across B.C., and something we hear repeatedly as we talk to people about how to reduce poverty,” said Shane Simpson, Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction. “The information we gather, along with what we hear through the Poverty Reduction Strategy consultation, will help us determine what services we need to put in place through the Homelessness Action Plan, so that people can access the housing and supports they need.” Homelessness has long been an urban issue. But over the last few years, smaller communities have seen increases in the number of people who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness, due to high housing costs and lack of affordable housing.

“Our project team is very pleased to be given the opportunity to work with local communities to implement the count,” said Celine Mauboules, executive director, Homelessness Services Association of BC. “Although counts do not give us a full picture of the extent of homelessness, they do provide important information on the estimated number, key demographics and service needs of those experiencing homelessness. Using consistent methodology for the first co-ordinated count across the province is an excellent first step to better understanding and addressing the needs of our most vulnerable citizens.” The Province is investing $550,000 to fund the counts in the 12 communities, and plans to report on the preliminary results by early summer. The Homelessness Action Plan is expected to be released later this year. PAGE 19


The Patrika 

Friday, March 30th, 2018

Celebrate Easter Dr. David McLauren


aster Sunday is one of the most festive events among Christians worldwide. Many Christians celebrate Easter Sunday as the day of Jesus Christ's resurrection, which is documented in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. According to the Gospel of John in the New Testament, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb where Jesus was buried and found it empty. An angel told her that Jesus had risen. It is a day of joy and celebration to commemorate that Jesus Christ

is risen, according to Christian belief. It celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ which occurred on the third day after he was crucified on the cross. 40 days prior to Easter, Christians follow Lent, which is supposed to be 40 days of prayer, penance and fasting. The first Easter occurred on the first day of the week after the Passover Sabbath. The first day of the week became the Christian’s “sabbath rest” (Heb. 4:1-11), the time of weekly Christian celebration of the resurrection. Annually, the Lord’s Day immediately subsequent to the Jewish Passover was a day of special resurrection celebration. Today Easter is celebrated all over the world. PAGE 20

Many people use flowers to signify resurrection life, the lily being the most popular b e c a u s e of its long association with spring and the white of salvation. (Confidence i n t h e resurrection is also the historical significance of flowers, especially lilies, at funerals.) Some churches conclude their Easter services with a congregational feast, commemorating the marriage feast of God with His people made possible through Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. Most churches repeat the proclamation taken from the gospels and standard from the early second century of the church: He is Risen! He is Risen indeed! The resurrection gives your life meaning and direction and the opportunity to start over no matter what your circumstances. Experience and celebrate Easter! David McLauren, he can be reached by

Friday, March 30th, 2018

The Patrika 


Rising farmland costs are hurting farmers, Senate committee says Vancouver – Rising farmland prices tax reform proposals and land-use threaten the viability of the family planning changes. farm, the future of Canada’s agriIf the government increased the amount of money established farmers could receive from the sale of their property without having to pay capital gains Senators Robert Black, Diane F. Griffin (committee chair), Ghislain tax on it, it Maltais (committee deputy chair) and Raymonde Gagné share find- could make ings of the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry’s report it easier for at an official announcement in Vancouver new farmers to buy land, culture sector and a traditional way the report says. of life for thousands of Canadian families, the Senate Committee on Also, because many of the reasons for Agriculture and Forestry said in a the increasing cost of farmland are report. related to land-use planning policies, the committee urges the federal and In 2015, for example, the average provincial governments to provide price of an acre of farmland in Canfunding for research on farmland ada rose by 10% over the previous protection and to enhance the tools year. This puts farming in a pinch: used to track land transactions. established farmers are tempted to sell their land to developers while Quick Facts younger farmers, without much credit Canada’s footprint for farming is history, don’t have the capital to buy approximately 65 million hectares — land. nearly 7% of the country’s total area. Basic economics — supply and deThe average price of an acre of mand — is the reason for the steady farmland rose by 10% in 2015, with rise in farmland prices. Good farmAlberta, Manitoba and Quebec exland is being converted for residenperiencing double-digit increases. tial and commercial development, Ontario had the highest price at Canada’s growing population needs $10,000 per acre; Saskatchewan had more places to live and farmers are the lowest at $1,200. cashing in on their land to support Farm debt in Canada grew to $84.4 their retirement plans. billion in 2014 from $78 billion in The committee’s report, A Growing 2013, according to Agriculture and Concern: How to Keep Farmland Agri-Food Canada data. Farm Credit in the Hands of Canadian Farmers Canada says farmland accounts for makes five recommendations aimed 67% of total farm assets and farmers at helping farmers acquire the land question their ability to pay off their they need to make a living, including mortgages if interest rates rise. PAGE 21

The Patrika



Friday, March 30th, 2018

Tips as the tax deadline approaches (NC) As the deadline for filing your taxes quickly approaches, keep in mind these top tips for a smooth experience.


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Keep your receipts in a safe spot. If you make one-time donations to charities such as Amnesty International throughout the year, make sure you keep your tax receipts in a safe spot that you remember — either electronically or filed away. This way, you won't be left scrambling at the April last minute.

tiple charities throughout the year. This way, you know what receipts to look for and you can file an accurate and up-to-date return. If you are a monthly donor, charities are required to send you a cumulated tax receipt early in 2018. Be sure you know how to follow up with charities if you haven't received anything.

File on time. Even if you don't have all the paperwork in order, it's important to file your taxes on time. It's better to request an adjustment after Get help from a professional. Tax the deadline than to miss it. season can be overwhelming, and Find out if you're eligible for the the last thing you want to do is make First-time Donor's Super Credit. First a mistake. If you're confused, don't time donating to charity? 2017 is the be afraid to seek professional help. last tax year Canadians can file for the Many accounting firms will take First-time Donor's Super Credit. You walk-ins right up until the deadline. can claim the FDSC in addition to the Keep track of donations throughout tax credit for individual charitable the year. Be sure to keep track of donations. Find more information at your gifts if you're donating to mul-

Friday, March 30th, 2018

The Patrika



For World TB Day, BC Women’s celebrates ground-breaking advancements in respiratory care for critically-ill newborns


hen a baby is unable to breathe on its own, every second is a matter of life and death. For World TB Day, BC Women’s Hospital + Health Centre Foundation is looking back on the past year of medical advancements in respiratory care in the new Neonatal ICU. The new Teck Acute Care Centre (TACC) housing BC Women’s stateof-the-art Neonatal ICU opened its doors just six months ago. With 1,100 of the tiniest patients in western Canada given extra care at this facility each year, the new Newborn ICU features 70 private rooms designed for tiny patients and their families. 10 of these special rooms will actually allow mothers to receive care alongside their newborns – the first in North America (and only second in the world) to completely redesign the model of care.

It is estimated that up to 40% of these criticallyill patients will need a breathing tube during their stay. Insertion of a breathing tube is potentially traumatic, and even more so when the newborn has tiny and delicate air passageways. But groundbreaking advancements in respiratory care and donor support, have allowed BC Women’s to acquire a cuttingedge Video Laryngoscope system.

system to our team here at BC Women’s. We’ve seen truly revolutionary improvements to the specialized care we’re overseeing as neonatologists in the new NICU, and this is one key Video laryngoscopes have fiber optic piece of that puzzle.” - Dr. Deepak camera lenses built into their light Manhas, Clinical Neonatologist, BC source, allowing for the neonatoloWomen’s Hospital gist to “see around the corner” and quickly guide a breathing tube into A streamlined continuum of the higheven the most fragile babies. This al- est quality care possible is the goal lows neonatologists like Dr. Deepak of BC Women’s Neonatal ICU, and Manhas to perform intubations in the made possible in-part by TB Vets, who have been arming frontline gentlest manner possible. medical heroes through philanthropy “I am so thrilled to introduce this since 1946.” state-of-the-art video laryngoscope

“Every second in the NICU is a matter of life and death, and this new system will not only advance the care of our future leaders of medicine, but it will ultimately save lives right here, right now.” - Dr. Deepak Manhas, Clinical Neonatologist, BC Women’s Hospital Together with TB Vets, BC Women’s Hospital + Health Centre Foundation is taking this World TB Day to reflect on progress made, and continuing to pave the way to a new era of excellence in Neonatal Care.




The Patrika 

Friday, March 30th, 2018

The Patrika

Friday, March 30th, 2018



Cheque cashing fees: Is the convenience worth the price? (NC) Cashing a cheque at a payday loan centre may seem quick and easy, but the fees you'll be charged for these services can add up.

Owner Operatiors and Drivers BC - California - BC

Let's say you are receiving a monthly cheque for $500 for one year. If you cash your cheques at your bank, you get the full $6,000 over the 12-month period. However, a cheque-cashing service will charge you an item fee, as well as a percentage of the cheque's value. Continuing with the monthly $500 cheque example, if you have an item fee of $2.40 per cheque and owe a percentage rate of 3.6, altogether you would be paying $243.72 a year to access your funds — quite a dent in your wallet. Item fees and percentages differ slightly between services, but the averages used here are based on the rates charged by five of Canada's largest chequecashing/payday loans businesses.

● No Experience Required When you cash your cheque with a teller at your bank, you have a right to access the first $100 immediately, without paying any fees. Any remaining funds will be released after a maximum of four business days. If you are able plan ahead for this, you can avoid spending your money on cheque-cashing services.

● Training will be provided ● Ability to cross border ● Clean Driver Abstract

Learn more about your rights and responsibilities around cheque hold policies and access to funds at www.


The Patrika


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Friday, March 30th, 2018

Speculation tax details: speculators targeted, over 99% of British Columbians exempted


o help make housing in overheated markets more affordable and available, the B.C. government is targeting property speculators, while making sure that over 99% of British Columbians will not pay the speculation tax. Carole James, Minister of Finance, made the announcement while releasing details of the new tax on speculators, which was announced in the February budget.

the tax. We are going after speculators who are clearly taking advantage of the market, leaving homes vacant and driving up prices.� At the heart of the tax details are: A highly refined set of geographic areas in which the tax will apply, defined as: Metro Vancouver, the Capital Regional District (excluding the Gulf Islands and Juan de Fuca), Kelowna, West Kelowna, Nanaimo-Lantzville, Abbotsford, Chilliwack and Mission.

“Our government wants to make sure Details on the exemptions for British people who live and work here are

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able to find and afford a good home in their community,� said James. “For too long, this housing crisis was allowed to escalate, and it has hurt working families, renters, students, seniors and others around the province. With this new tax, we’re targeting speculation in the housing market and freeing up vacant housing to be homes for British Columbians.�

Columbians’ primary residences and for qualifying long-term rentals.

The tax details released today contain a series of thresholds, exemptions and geographic refinements that serve to focus their reach on people who own multiple homes left empty in overheated markets, while making sure that British Columbians who own vacation properties are largely exempted.

“We have focused the geographic areas so this tax only applies in urban housing markets hardest hit by this crisis,� said James. “With so many people desperate to find good homes in these urban areas, we need to take every step we can to free up and create more housing opportunities.�

“The speculation tax focuses on people who are treating our housing market like a stock market,� said James. “So people in smaller communities, those with cottages at the lake or on the islands, will not pay this tax. People with second homes outside of high-cost, designated urban areas will not pay

Additional details of the speculation tax include:

A rate design that will see British Columbians who are subject to the tax, paying lower rates than owners from outside the province in 2019 and beyond. Canadians from other provinces will have a rate of 1% in 2019 and beyond, while foreign investors and satellite families will pay a 2% rate.

Geographic areas On implementation, the speculation tax will apply to: Metro Vancouver

The Patrika

Friday, March 30th, 2018



The Capital Regional District (exclud- able tax credit that is immediately aping the Gulf Islands and Juan de Fuca) plied against the speculation tax. This credit will offset a total of $2,000 in Kelowna and West Kelowna speculation tax payable. This tax credit Nanaimo-Lantzville will ensure that British Columbians do not pay tax on a second home valued Abbotsford, Chilliwack and Mission up to $400,000. Rate design Definition of long-term rentals In 2018, the tax rate for all properties subject to the tax is 0.5% of the prop- A long-term rental is a property that is rented out for at least six months out erty value. of the calendar year in increments of In 2019 and subsequent years, the tax at least 30 days. In 2018, a long-term rates will be as follows: rental is a property that is rented out for 2% for foreign investors and satellite three months of that year. families;

Special case exemptions

1% for Canadian citizens and perma- As announced in Budget 2018, there nent residents who do not live in British will be exemptions for homeowners Columbia; and facing special circumstances. These 0.5% for British Columbians who are include: Canadian citizens or permanent resi- The owner or tenant is undergoing dents (and not members of a satellite medical care or residing in a hospital, family). long-term care or a supportive-care Exemptions and tax credit design


There are exemptions for British Co- The owner or tenant is temporarily lumbians’ primary residences and for absent for work purposes. qualifying long-term rentals. The registered owner is deceased, and British Columbians with vacant second the estate is in the process of being homes will be eligible for a non-refund- administered.  FIRST GOD CREATED LIGHT AND THEN BY HIS OMNIPOTENCE MADE ALL THE MORTALS FROM THE ONE LIGHT HAS WELLEDUP THE WHOLE UNIVERSE . THEN WHO IS GOOD AND WHO IS BAD ?


ÖÅñÃÅ çÆòÅé ùÃÅÇÂàÆ, ÁËìàÃë¯ðâ 33094 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 2A9 Ph: (604) 850-7338, Fax (604) 854-1165, e-mail:

gurduafrf sfihb dI voitMg mYNbr dy kfrz smUh voitMg mYNbrF nUM bynqI kIqI jFdI hY ik nvyN voitMg kfrz gurduafrf sfihb dy dPqr ivwcoN 23 PrvrI 2018 qoN bfad cuwk skdy ho.

ikRpf krky afpxI srkfrI Poto pihcfx pwqr (Canadian Picture ID) lY ky afE jI qF jo shI mYNbr afpxI votr kfrz cuwk sky.

smF hr sLnIvfr aqy aYqvfr 11 qoN lY ky 3 vjy qwk, 31 mfrc 2018 qwk hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kr skdy ho:- mIq pRDfn Bjn isMG qUr 1-604-864-7700 sYktrI jiqMdr isMG igwl (hYpI igwl) pRDfn | mihMdr isMG igwl

Kflsf dIvfn susfeItI gurduafrf ivwKy mfrc 2-8 svyr dy 6:30 qoN 8:00 vjy qwk svfmI asLivnI pirwigaf duafrf muPq Xogf klfsF idwqI jf rhIaF hn.


The Patrika



Friday, March 30th, 2018


pwtqf knyzf ny

lKbIr lwkI mYN qYnUM suMiGaf sI,

gurdyv isMG ‘buwtr’ pwtqf knyzf ny,

pwtqf knyzf ny

iewk sohxf Puwl jfxky.

pwt idwqf ey pMjfb hux sfrf.

jwtF dy jvfn muMzy KyqI bfVI Cwzgy.

ipafsf pfxI Kfqr qVPy.

jy cuMimafN qF swjxI,

pwtqf knyzf ny

GuMmx Auh ivhly BYVy nisLaF c lwggy.

rUh dI ipafs buJfvx Kfqr,

dy buwlH jfxky.

ivafh ky knyzf nUM ey kuVI hux qornI.

BMg zozy Kfx aPIm nUM,

kwZo do pl koisLsL krky.

mYnUM mfPL krIN,

kMm kfr krny dI hux koeI loV nI.

rFqI bwkry bulfAuNdy lf ky hfVf.

nIly aMbr vwl mYN qwikaf,

hoeI jy koeI Buwl jfxky.

Pfrm Auh jf ky BrdU,

mYN qYnUM suMiGaf sI, iewk sohxf Puwl jfx ky.

lMG jfAUgf twbr sfzf sfrf.

kI hvf tfhxI nfloN,

pwtqf knyzf ny,

kr vwK sI geI?

pwt idwqf ey pMjfb hux sfrf.

jF koeI qoVky hI,

pwtqf knyzf ny

myry hwQ rwK sI geI.

kudrq dy kOqk sqvMq kOr pMDyr

pwtqf knyzf ny, pwt idwqf ey pMjfb hux sfrf.

aYsf nsLf kr geI. ijvyN sfrI guljLfr, af vyhVy KVH geI.

msq hvfvF lor `c afeIaF, hr koeI dysL ivwcoN bfhr nUM ey Bwjdf. dUsry dI QflI ivwc lzU vwzf lgdf.

qUM tuwt ky mihkF, sfry vMzdf iPryN.

krdI nf kuJ kIqI ieQoN dI kmfeI ey.

pwt idwqf ey pMjfb hux sfrf. pwtqf knyzf ny

Puwl bUitaF nflL gwlF krky. pMCI Auzx klolF kr kr, dyiKaf mYN ieh sB kuJ KVHky.

JuwgI ZfihAu nf vyK ky cubfrf.

dyK ky aYsf ajLb njLfrf,

pwtqf knyzf ny,

idl hwisaf myrf iKV-iKV krky.

pwt idwqf ey pMjfb hux sfrf.

ikximx ikximx awKr brsy,

nf imhnq df muwl imldf,

pwtqf knyzf ny,

mINh df pfxI vihMdf suixafN,

pwtqf knyzf ny

vwDdI ey jFdI idnoN idn mihMgfeI ey.

bVf aOKf iewQy krnf gujLfrf.

buwk imwtI df hwQ ivwc PVky.

ivwc krIkF iqp-iqp krky.

imhnq nUM Pl lgdf, qyrI imTVI sugMD,

BuwKf rotI nUM ijvyN qrsy,

pwtqf knyzf ny Gr bfr Cwz pRdysIN cly jfAugy. sohxf kMm Cwz qusIN zfhZy pCqfAugy.

zolH geI ijvyN bwdlI Brky. Kur nf jfx pqfsy vFgUM, boc ley mYN lwpF Br ky.

qUM iKV ky dunIaF qoN vwK ho igaf,

pfsport hr muMzy kuVI ny bxfieaf ey.

qYnMU mwlo mwlI buwlHIaF qy rwK ho igaf.

eyjMtF bVf sohxf kMm ieh clfieaf ey.

qUM keIaF dI syj df isLMgfr bixafN,

lMG jfAU nYxI bxky,

“dyv” smiJE nf ieMnf ieh suKflf.

keI swjxF dy glLy df qUM hfr bixafN.

bs lgdf ey pMj lwK sfrf.

pwtqf knyzf ny,

‘lwkI’ pfieaf vI nf muwl mfxky,

pwtqf knyzf ny,

pwt idwqf ey pMjfb hux sfrf.

idlI afvfjL sI idl `coN inklLI,

mYN qYnUM suMiGaf sI, iewk sohxf Puwl jfxky.

pwt idwqf ey pMjfb hux sfrf.

pwtqf knyzf ny

mYN qF cfr huMgfry Br qy.


moqIaF vrgy sI, cfeIN cfeIN, AuwjV ky iPr vwsxf,

cuwk-cuwk mYN kfgjL qy Dr qy. mYN anjfx kI jfxf sfrF? kudrq vfry inafry kr qy.

The Patrika

Friday, March 30th, 2018


rwb idaF bMidaF nMU rwb jfxIey

isLv kumfr btflvI poh mhInf srd ieh bsqI phfVI XwK TMzHI rfq dy aMqm smyN myry lfgy, myrI hmdrdx dy vFg, sON rhI hY,



mon sfgr hY psrdf jf irhf

amfnq hY iksy dI

myrf idl, myrf ijsm, myrf qUM qF aYNvy pIxH igwlf pf irhfN ijLhn ry s L m I jhy vg rhy Au h dy brP sMg hY brPL huMdf jf irhf svfs qy dUr kflLf, ruwK lMmf cIlH df

njLr mYlI iks leI hYN pf irhf ?

Auh qF mMdr dI hY suwcI pOx sLIisLaF qoN pfr jo AuNGldf vrgf cfnxI dI JuMB mfrI irhf suafd qulsI df, hU-bhU cIny kbUqr vFkxF mYnUM bsqI dI, ijdHy coN af irhf! gutkdI qy son-KMBF nUM iKlfrI! bLOrI pfqlI ivwc hy mnF poh mhInf srd ieh__ sUl vwq cuwiBaf hY njLrIN af irhf kuJ sLrm kr, kuJ sLrm kr bsqI phfVI .

swjx isMG sIql dUeI kr dUr eIrKf nUM CoVdy

awKIaF jy hox,

vYr qy ivroD dy qgfdy qoVdy

qF Auh afpy sB hY

qyr myr dUr kr mOjF mfxIeyN

sfiraF duDF ivwc mwKx vKfxIey

rwb idaF bMidaF nMU rwb jfxIey

rwb idaF bMidaF nMU rwb jfxIey

rwb bnF hor izwTf nf kbIr ny

bwkry qoN rwb pf ilaf ksfeI ny

hr ivwc hr dwisaf jmIr ny

AuhnUM rwb rUp mMinaF lukfeI ny

GVy, KUh, glfs ijvyN iewko pfxI eyN rwb idaF bMidaF nMU rwb jfxIey awlf iewk nUr, Esdf psfrf hY. rcnf

ieh myrI vfkP,


qUM qF AuWkf hI,

akfl dI jhfn sfrf hY

qy hmdrdx df Gr

ieh mYnUM kI huMdf jf irhf?

sLrm hY lfh mfrI!

KLflkoN KLlk vwK nf pCfxIey

ijs c aj dI rfq mYN ieh hY gujLfrI. ijs dI sUrq, cyq dy sUrj vFg

myry KfbF dI srd qbIr ivwc hox dy jy suMn ho jfey ijsm qyrf myrI hmdrdx df kwcI grI ijhf hox dy jy suMn ho jfey Aumr sfrI suwq-AunINdf ijsm bxdf jf irhf

qU M qF Du r qo N gm dI iew k sMgrFd hYN nIm-inwGI duDIaf hY gulnfrI ihwm mfnv vFg cwilaf af irhf kr nf aYvyN , poh dI sMgrFd dy pRBfq vyly, kOx drvfjLy nUM hY KVkf irhf? mUrKf qUM njLr mfVI ! inwwqrI mMdr dI icrnfmq dy vFg sLfied ihwm-mfnv hY tuiraf lwB hmdrdI coN nf af irhf TMZI TMZI, koJI icMgfVI ! hy idlf! by hoisLaf! suwcI imwTI qy ipafrI! vyK, qyry qoN vI vD ky srd hY kuJ hosL kr, sON rhI hY mihk hoTF qy iPr vI hY ikMnI husIN, iKlfrI! nf qy koeI af qy nf hI koeI jf irhf bsqI phfVI! AuPL! ieh qF qyrf vihm qYnUM Kf XKL-TMZI rfq dy aMqm smyN irhf! myry lfgy, eys bsqI dI TrI hoeI bukly ieh qF hY, myrI hmdrdx dy vFg, mG rhI nf iewk qyrI hmdrdx df Gr sON rhI hY cfnxI dI JuMB mfrI ikqy vI koeI aMgfrI soc kr, kuJ soc kr, kuJ poh mhInf, sr ieh sockr cONhI pfsIN ikMnI ho rhI hY brP bfrI

jLihr-mOhrI brP df

Auh qF pihlF hI

bsqI phfVI!

rwb idaF bMidaF nMU rwb jfxIey nfmy nUM mugl PiVaf vMgfr jI Auhny jfqf EsnUM hrI murfr jI dwsdI Bgq dI peI khfxI ey rwb idaF bMidaF nMU rwb jfxIey ijMnF dy idlF dy ivwc rwb visaf hir-jn hir AuhnF iewk dwisaf jfvy nf Brm qyrf ijMd rfxIeyN

sfiraF coN kIhnUM Auqwm pCfxIeyN rwb idaF bMidaF nMU rwb jfxIey DMny dI khfxI suxI hoAU sB ny cfrIaF sI gAUaF jIhdIaF jI rwb ny DMny rwb ivwc Byd kI pCfxIeyN rwb idaF bMidaF nMU rwb jfxIey Twg qFeI iksy gurU sI bxf ilaf Esy dI AupfsLnf coN rwb pf ilaf idl dy Brosy qfrnf hY TfxIeyN rwb idaF bMidaF nMU rwb jfxIey ikwQoN pRmfqmf sMJfqf sYx ny ikvyN hir

rwb idaF bMidaF nMU rwb jfxIey

pfieaf bx ky inmfxI eyN

aMdroN dI Jfq kIqI jF dfqfr ny

rwb idaF bMidaF nMU rwb jfxIey

hokf idqf sfry jwg qy cmfr ny

kwZ ky Brm vflf idloN cor jI

jMglF dy ivwc kfhnUM Kfk CfxIeyN

rwb ibnF vyKIN Pyr kOx hyr jI

rwb idaF bMidaF nMU rwb jfxIey

‘sIql’ suxfvy

qUM vI rwb, mYN vI rwb,

guru jI dI bfxI eyN

Auh vI rwb hY

rwb idaF bMidaF nMU rwb jfxIey PAGE 29

The Patrika



Friday, March 30th, 2018

Pwgx (kMuB) sMkRFqI


joiqS, Eqy  Eqy 604-751-0220 kro





myK – ishq TIk rhy, Dn aqy pirvfr df suwK, imwqr bMD nfl myl, Xfqrf ivwc ksLt, sLnI aqy mMglvfr vfly idhfiVaF ivwc lVfeI JgVy, Xfqrf ivwc sfvDfnI, kfrobfr ivwc rukfvt. mfrc 18,19, 26,27; apRYl 4,5,6 asLwuB hn.

Something can begin to stir in your mind about action, which would be best taken when it comes to future goals. You could begin to gain a clearer picture of the commitments you would need to be prepared to make. There can be a tendency to overlook the amount of finer detail involved but you will find out soon enough.

Activities with others but particularly within a group of people can be most enjoyable. It could turn into something bigger than you initially expect. Be cautious about anything you are pressed to agree with or any person who is very strong about their ideas as it will be difficult to gauge exactly what they are looking for.

  ibRK – ishq TIk, Dn lfB ho ky ivsLysL Krc hovy, imwqr ksLt, iesqrI suwK TIk, nvIN Xojnf qoN lfB, sLnI aqy mMglvfr ksLtdfiek, mfrc 20,21,22,28,29,30; apRYl 7,8 asLwuB hn.



imQn – ishq TIk, Dn lfB ho ky hfnI, gupq dusLmn df BY, dusLmn kmjor, srkfr pwKoN BY, kMm bdlx nfl lfB. mfrc 14,22,23,31; apRYl 1,9,10 asLwuB hn.



isMG – pyt ivwc KrfbI, nyqr ksLt, Brf qoN mdd, nvIN Xojnf qoN lfB, awCy lokF nfl myl imlfp, gupq dusLmn qoN sfvDfn, kfrobfr ivwc hfnI. mfrc 18,19,26,27; apRYl 4,5,6 asLwuB hn.



kMinaf – ishq TIk, bMDU suwK, sMqfn pwK qoN icMqf, rfj pwK qoN BY, nvyN kfrj qoN lfB. mfrc 20,21,22,28,29,30; apRYl 7,8 asLwuB hn.

7  qulf – ishq TIk, GrylU JMJt, cor BY, kMm aqy sQfn bdlx nfl lfB, mfqf ipqf aqy bMDU vrg nfl snyh. mfrc 14,22,23,31; apRYl 1,9,10 asLwuB hn.



ibRsick – ishq TIk, mn pRysLfn, krjLf isr cVyH, bMDU ksLt, iesqrI swuK, hOslf bixaf rhy, GrylU JMJt. mfrc 15,16,17,24,25 ; apRYl 2,3,12,13 asLwuB hn.



Dn – rkq ipwq ivkfr, imwqr ksLt, sMqfn pwK qoN KusLI, iesqrI swuK, kfrobfr ivwc rukfvt, mhIny df aMq suwKdfeI, mfrc 18,19,26,27; apRYl 4,5,6 asLwuB hn.

10  mkr – mfnisk prysLfnI, sLnI mMgl df dfn kro, kMm bdlx nfl lfB, nvIN Xojnf, aqy kfrobfr TIk cly. mfrc 20,21,22,28,29,30; apRYl 7,8 asLwuB hn.

11  kuMB – nyqr ksLt, aqy pyt ivwc KrfbI, BfeI BMDU qoN suwK, dusLmn vwloN sfvDfn, kfrobfr ivwc lfB. mfrc 14,22,23,31; apRYl 1,9,10 asLwuB hn.



mIn – ishq TIk, afriQk lfB, BfeI bMDU suwK, nvIN Xojnf aqy Xfqrf ivwc ksLt, sMqfn nUM ksLt, kfrobfr pihlF dI qrF. mfrc 15,16,17,24,25 ; apRYl 2,3,12,13 asLwuB hn.


You can feel challenged with what might seem never ending matters to deal with on a daily basis and that there is no conclusion in sight. Rather than worry too much about this you should take an optimistic view on it working out satisfactorily. You do have support from people who have authority, so it will all work out eventually.

Anything you are uncertain about when it comes to the expectations of others, you should simply ask questions. If they don’t want to tell you it will be made very clear but this may not necessarily be the way things go. Anything practical that needs to be dealt with or impacts upon things on a daily basis can be sorted quite easily.

The Full Moon this week occurs in your sign. This can generate much self- awareness when it comes to your own position and that of others. You could feel overwhelmed by others right now but much is up to the way you decide to respond. You can be strong-minded about the manner in which you want to establish matters

It is important you get the right information that will enable you to get on top of any situation that makes you feel like a slave to circumstance. This is challenging you to put a structure in place that will be enduring but also something that you can have greater control over. If money is involved it is possible to improve the situation.

You will enjoy being in any situation that is either generous to you or allows you to create some benefit. You can express practical, down to earth ideas without seeming out of touch. This might be necessary, especially if there is any expectation for you to be putting money into something has been lacking boundaries.

You will be fired up to get things in place so that what follows on has a good foundation to operate from. Your vision won’t be bound but when it comes to others involved you will need to be persistent in leading the way so that matters take to path you want. This is because they can wander off the track quite easily.

There will be more to handle than you initially anticipate so be very careful about committing yourself to things when it seems you have plenty of time available. You need to deal with matters that involve you personally and require your attention and leave any opportunities for social involvement floating until the last minute.

There is a lot of focus on your finances with some aspects having the opportunity to work to your benefit. Any situation where you are owed money could come to a head and you should not hesitate to take appropriate action to state your priorities or to express what you expect. The final conclusion might be slow but it is positive.

You may not know how to take what becomes obvious about somebody else. You need to put your focus on your own position and be very clear and definite, in your own mind, when it comes to any responsibilities you are willing to accept. What will give you pleasure in the long term may need to be taken into account as well.


krk – ishq Krfb, rkq-ipwq ivkfr, acfnk Dn df nuksfn hovy, Twg aqy corf qoN sfvDfn, kfrobfr ivwc snmfn imly. mfrc 15,16,17,24,25 ; apRYl 2,3,12,13 asLwuB hn.


Tension can arise through somebody else taking a dominant approach, especially if they are of the opinion you should either be more responsible or enter into greater levels of commitment. There could be more to handle on a daily basis than you imagined but for the moment this is not likely to prove troublesome to you.

The Patrika

Friday, March 30th, 2018



New homebuyers reap added benefits in 2018 in line with today’s market. Changes af- home was more than $600,000, you are fect new homes with a purchase agree- eligible to receive up to 10 per cent of ment signed after January 1, 2018. the purchase price, to a maximum of Under the Ontario New Home War- $100,000. Previously, the maximum ranties Plan Act, buyers of new (non- coverage was $40,000. condominium) freehold homes are If you’ve decided to splurge on some now eligible for increased deposit protection. If the purchase price of upgrades, the payments for these extras your home was $600,000 or less, you are now protected as part of deposit With new home prices and deposit re- are eligible to receive up to $60,000 to coverage, thanks to the Strengthening quirements rising, these changes help reimburse you for amounts paid to the Protection for Ontario Consumers Act, bring the deposit protection levels more builder. If the purchase price of your 2017. (NC) A new home or condo is an investment in your future. But like any other major life decision, it also comes with risks. If you’re planning on taking the leap into home ownership in 2018, you can buy with added confidence thanks to some new consumer protection measures that come into force this year.

Deposit coverage for condos has not changed since the law requires that the full deposit be held in trust. If for some reason these funds are released improperly from the trust, Tarion, the protection plan administrator, will cover up to $20,000. Under these new regulations, builders of residential condominium conversion projects and vendors who wish to sell units in these projects must also be registered with Tarion.


The Patrika



Friday, March 30th, 2018


YOUTH BASKETBALL 2018 SUPER LEAGUE Abbotsford Basketball Association


sfrIaF gymf hr aYqvfr kolMbIaf bfeIbl kflj ivwc hoieaf krnrfIaF

10 GAME / 10 rymf

Ages Grades 1 to 3 co--ed Grades 4 to 6 co--ed Grades 7 to 9 co--ed


gryz 1 qoN 3 ko-iez gryz 4 qoN 6 ko-iez gryz 7 qoN 9 ko-iez


1 HOUR GAMES / 1 GMty dI gym SCHOLARSHIPS / sklrisLwps

Times 12:00pm --1:00pm 10:00am --12:00pm 12:00pm - 3:00pm

tfeIm 12:00 qoN 1:00 pm 10:00 qoN 12:00 pm 12:00 qoN 3:00 pm

Costs $80 $80 + jersey fee $80 + jersey fee

Dates April 8th to June 10th April 8th to June 10th April 8th to June 10th



$80 + $80 +


jrsI dI kImq jrsI dI kImq

aprYl 8 qoN jUn 10 aprYl 8 qoN jUn 10 aprYl 8 qoN jUn 10

Columbia Bible College: 2940 Clearbrook Rd, Abbotsford, BC

Register @ W.J. Mouat Secondary on Sunday April 1st, 4:00pm-6:00pm


or e-mail .


1 aprYl,aYqvfr sLfm 4:00 qoN 6:00 vjy qwk W.J mOt sYkMzrI ivwc rijstr hovo jF kro email rijstrysLn dI afKrI qfrIk 8 aprYl hY ies qoN ipwwCoN kOeI rijstrysLn mnjLUr nhIN hovy gI 604-308-6281 qy puwC pVqfl kr skdy ho PAGE 32



hPLqy dUr lgBg pUrI

Friday, March 30th, 2018

The Patrika



Senior Boys’ Basketball Season Review: Single A Senior Boys: The Dasmesh Punjabi School senior boys fell short of the Fraser Valley Championship Tournament this year. Seniors Dilpreet Gill and Princedeep Sekhon led the team; both were paramount in DPS’ offensive successes. Where the team lacked unity was on defense, if the pro- (Abby Kular of Abbotsford Traditional drives by Dasmesh gram wants to com- Punjabi School defender – PC: Joe Carlsson for Abbotsford Basketball Association). pete in the future their focus would need to for a few days. Needless to say, AAA be on the defensive end. No A teams this year was open for the taking and from Abbotsford qualified for the the teams across the province knew provincial tournament. it. This year M.E.I. was led by star Double AA Senior Boys: Isaiah Reimer, who demonstrated Carmelo Anthony level scoring abilAbbotsford Traditional Secondary ity all season. Who was the better School lost a heart breaker in the scorer? Isaiah Reimer or Bradley Fraser Valley Championship qualifier Braich? Isaiah led the M.E.I. Eagles versus Abbotsford Christian School. to a 10th place finish at the BC AAA The cross-town rivals went into overChampionships. Speaking of scortime where A.C.S. was victorious. ers, we can’t forget to mention Rick Coach Cole praised Abby Kular of Hansen’s Gurlal Mann. Gurlal and Abbotsford Traditional as a naturalthe defending champions finished leader and possessing a will to com11th at the BC AAA Championships. pete on both ends of the basketball They notably defeated the eventual court. Abbotsford Christian would champions and runners up when they then lost 67-60 in the next round tipped off earlier in the season. The versus Langley Christian and be Hurricanes did not shoot as well as disqualified from the Fraser Valley they did earlier in the season, and Tournament. Saint John Brebeuf lost when the shot isn’t falling, they will in the first round of the Fraser Valley keep shooting. This time it did not Tournament. No AA teams from Abwork in their favor. The Robert Batebotsford qualified for the provincial man Timberwolves did not qualify tournament. for the provincial tournament. Gurlal Triple AAA Senior Boys: Mann received a scholarship from the Two teams showed signs of greatness Abbotsford Basketball Association throughout the season; Rick Hansen for being the top Abbotsford player Hurricanes and M.E.I. Eagles. Both at the 2018 Timberwolves Classic defeated top ranked teams, Rick (Robert Bateman’s prestigious tourHansen even sat at #1 in the province nament).

Unwanted sexual touching at the University of the Fraser Valley The University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) has reported two incidents of unwanted sexual touching that occurred on the university’s Abbotsford campus to the Abbotsford Police Department (APD) who have issued a request for public assistance on this matter today.

ing he was also the victim of similar unwanted touching. This incident predated the March 20 incident and was nearly identical in pattern.

The APD and UFV Security are collaborating extensively on this ongoing investigation. UFV will continue to work with the police and has provided On Tuesday, March 20, UFV security detailed and important identifying inwas notified of an incident that oc- formation regarding a person of interest curred in a men’s washroom and that in these incidents. involved a male victim and a male As a precaution, security patrols in the perpetrator. After the assault, a brief area where the incidents occurred have altercation between the victim and the been increased. suspect occurred and the suspect fled on foot, eventually leaving the campus UFV is committed to providing a safe and secure learning, living, and workon a BC Transit bus. ing environment for students, faculty, University Security attended to the vic- staff, and visitors to the University of tim who was not physically harmed and the Fraser Valley. UFV Students have UFV reported the incident immediately been reminded to review UFV Security to the Abbotsford Police Department tips and to visit the university Safe on the victim’s behalf. The victim has Student Community website for further been offered counselling and support information and resources. services and the university is working with the Abbotsford Police Department If you can provide further information regarding these, or other incito investigate this incident. dents, please contact UFV Security The following day, Wednesday, March at 1.855.239.7654 or email Security21, UFV sent email messages directly to all students, faculty, and staff making them aware of this incident, providing You may also contact the Abbotsford safety resources, and asking for anyone Police Department at 604-859-5225 or #222973 from a mobile phone. Anonywho knew more to come forward. mous information can be submitted As a result of this university-wide to Crimestoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS communication, a second male came (8477) or report online at solvecrime. forward on Friday, March 23 indicat- ca.

Spring cleaning: It's not just for the home (NC) When tidying up your home for the warmer weather, don't forget to look in your garage. Keeping your vehicle clean isn't just about appearances, it should be included in your vehicle's ongoing maintenance regimen to help protect your investment. “Cleaning and protecting your vehicle's many surfaces will increase longevity and help ensure a higher re-sale value,” Clean and protect. Applying a coat says Michael Bettencourt, managing of wax regularly will add a layer of editor at protection. Here are three tips to keep in mind: Close examination. A thorough cleanTools of the trade. Invest in the proper ing may help identify small problems cleaning solutions including sponges, before they become big issues. brushes and a quality chamois. Find more tips at


The Patrika



Friday, March 30th, 2018

lMgfh df adflq `c ÈkqI pRdrÈn ,ÈRI akfl qKq `qy nqmsqk hox df aYlfn pMjfb dy sfbkf akflI mMqrI suwcf isMG lMgfh ny blqfkfr dy mfmly `c Ëmfnq imlx mgroˆ gurdfspur dI adflq `c ÈkqI pRdrÈn kIqf. pyÈI Bugqn phuMcy lMgfh ny afpxy smrQkfˆ nfl adflq nUUM hI rYlI grfAUˆz bxf idwqf.hflfˆik pyÈI dOrfn lMgfh gvfhIafˆ cwl rhIafˆ hn,pr blfqkfr dI iÈkfieq krqf ny afpxI iÈkfieq zf[ sMqoK isMG bxy cIP Kflsf dIvfn dy nvyˆ pRDfn iKlfP vfps lY leI hY . lMgfh dy pyÈI mOky vwzI igxqI `c smrQk iekwTy hoey . ies dOrfn zfktr sMqoK isMG cIP Kflsf dy nvyˆ pRDfn cuxy gey hn. cIP Kflsf dIvfn Aup cox lMgfh ny sMkyq idwqf ik ajy vI lok AunHfˆ dy nfl hn `qy Auh akfl qKq qy jfxgy . leI hoeI voitMg ivwc kuwl óöô votfˆ pol hoeIafˆ. ieMnHfˆ ivwcoˆ zf[ sMqoK isMG nUM ñõò qy sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb siqkfr kmytI ny akfl qKq dy jQydfr qoˆ mMg kIqI hY ik lMgfh rfjmoihMdr isMG mjITIey nUM ñôò vot imly. ies qoˆ ielfvf srbjIq isMG mIq pRDfn iKlfP sKq kfrvfeI kIqI jfvy . qy suirMdr isMG rumfilafˆ vfly afnryrI skwqr cuxy gey .cwZf dy aÈlIl vIizE qoˆ bfad Aus nUM pRDfngI dy ahudy qoˆ htf idwqf igaf sI qy hux iesy leI nvIˆ cox hoeI hY lMgr `qy jIaYstI df awDf Bfr pMjfb srkfr ny cuwikaf . iqMn vwK vwK DiVafˆ dy kuwl ù AumIdvfr cox mYdfn `c sn . ies leI sKq surwiKaf pMjfb srkfr ny hirmMdr sfihb qy durigafxf mMdr ivwc lMgr dy rfÈn `qy lwgdy pRbMD kIqy gey sn . jIaYstI df õú PIsdI ihwsf Kud dyx df aYlfn kIqf hY .ies sbMDI pMjfb ivDfn sBf

blkfr sMDU bxy luiDafxf dy nvyˆ myar

dy bjt iejlfs ivwc srb sMmqI nfl mqf pfs kIqf igaf. ies mqy muqfbk hirmMdr sfihb qy durigafxf mMdr ivwc rfÈn `qy lwgdy jIaYstI df õú PIsdI ihwsf pMjfb luiDafxf dy nvyˆ myar blkfr isMG sMDU cuxy gey hn . ies qoˆ ielfvf Èfm suMdr srkfr afpxy isr lvygI. ies mfmly `qy mqf ivwq mMqrI mnpRIq isMG bfdl ny mlhoqrf sInIar izptI myar qy srbjIq kOr izptI myar bxy hn . ngr ingm ilafˆdf.spIkr rfxf kypI isMG ny mqy bfry crcf krn leI ikhf.bfad ivc srbsMmqI coxfˆ òô PrvrI nUM hoeIafˆ sI ijnHfˆ ivwc kfˆgrs ny bfËI mfrI sI. myar vjoˆ inXukq nfl pfs kr idwqf igaf . hox `qy blkfr isMG ny ikhf ik Èihr dy ivkfs `c koeI ksr nhIˆ Cwzxgy. AunHfˆ ikhf ik srkfr qoˆ PMz lY ky Èihr df ivkfs krfAuxgy.mOky qy mOjUd sMsd mYˆbr rvnIq suprIm kort krygI iswDU dI iksmq df PYslf ! isMG ibwtU ny ikhf ik Èihr dy ruky ivkfs pRqI pihl dy afDfr `qy pUrf kIqf jfvygf. kYbint mMqrI nvjoq isMG iswDU ivruwD óú sfl purfxy kys dI suprIm kort ny aMqm suxvfeI ÈurU kr idwqI hY . ieh kys sVk hfdsy mgroˆ ivakqI dI kiQq rUp ivwc aYn afr afeI pirvfr dy ivafh `c cwlIafˆ kuwtmfr kfrn hoeI mOq df hY. suprIm kort kol iswDU ny hfeIkort dy PYsly iKlfP phuMc qlvfrfˆ[lfVI sxy iqMn ËKmI kIqI sI .mfmlf sbMDI drjL ò÷ dsMbr,ñùùø nUM drjL aYP[afeI[afr muqfbk jdoˆ huiÈafrpur ivKy kYnyzIan aYnafeIafr kuVI dy ivafh dI zolI AuwTx mOky lfVy dy nvjoq iswDU qy Aus df dosq ruipMdr isMG sMDU pitaflf dy Èyrfˆ vflf gyt ivwc afpxI irÈqydfrfˆ ny qyËDfr hiQafrfˆ nfl hmlf krky ivafh vflI kuVI smyq ó jxy ËKmI ijpsI ivwc KVHy sn qfˆ ipwCo mfrUqI kfr ivwc sfQIafˆ nfl afey gurnfm isMG ny AunHfˆ kr idwqy . imlI jfxkfrI dOrfn hmlf krn vfly vI kYnyzf dy aYnafrafeI sn . Gtnf qoˆ rfh mMigaf.qYÈ ivwc afey iswDU ny kiQq rUp `c gurnfm nUM gwzI `coˆ bfhr kwZ ilaf ivafh dI irsYpÈn pfrtI dOrfn vfprI. lfVy divMdr isMG ny ikhf hmlf krn vfly qy kuwtmfr kIqI.ËKmI hflq ivwc jdoˆ gurnfm isMG nUM hspqfl ilafˆdf igaf qfˆ AuwQy AunHfˆ dy irÈqydfr hI hn. divMdr ny ikhf ik hmlf krn vfilafˆ nfl Aunfˆ df keI Aus dI mOq ho geI. hyTÜI adflq coˆ brI hox dy bfvjUd hfeIkort ny iPr iswDU qy sih sflfˆ qoˆ ËmInI JgVf cwl irhf hY . ies dI KuMdk awj AunHfˆ ny hmlf krky kwZI hY . mulËm sMDU nUM gurnfm dI mOq leI doÈI Tihrfieaf sI . ies ivruwD iswDU ny suprIm mOky `qy phuMc ky puils ny mulËmfˆ nUM ihrfsq `c lY ilaf. kort `c ptIÈn pfeI sI .

iswK pRcfrk ZwzrIafˆ vfly dy smfgmfˆ nUM bryk iswK pRcfrk rxjIq isMG ZwzrIafˆ vfly iewk vfr muV crcf ivwc hn . ies crcf df kfrn qrn qfrn dy ksbf cohlf sfihb ivwc iqMn roËf `gurU mfinEˆ gRMQ cyqnf smfgm hY . kuJ grmiKaflI iswK jQybMdIafˆ vwloˆ ies smfgm df ivroD krn mgroˆ qxfa vflf mfhOl bx igaf sI pr ZwzrIafˆ vfly ny ieh smfgm rwd kr idwqf hY . ieMnHfˆ smfgmfˆ leI pRbMD krn vflI sMsQf gurduafrf prmyÈvr dvfr gurimq pRcfr syvf dl ,cohlf sfihb dy muwK syvfdfr BfeI rfm isMG qy AunHfˆ dy hmfieqIafˆ ny ikhf hY ik AunHfˆ nUM ieh smfgm rwd krn leI mËbUr krn ipwCy KfilsqfnI jQybMdIafˆ dy nfl nfl akfl qKq dy jQydfr vI iËMmyvfr hn .

iswDU qy mjITIaf dy nf hwQ imly, nf awK, idl qfˆ dUr dI gwl ! pMjfb ivDfn sBf `c iewk dUjy nUM twut ky pYx vfly nvjoq iswDU qy ibkrm mjITIaf jlMDr `c rfmnOmI dy smfgm `c iekwTy bYTy dyKy gey . iewQy lokfˆ dI ingHf ienHfˆ lIzrfˆ Auwpr hI rhI .pMjfb dI isafsq dy sB qoˆ vwzy ivroDIafˆ dy kMnfˆ nfl kMn vwjdy rhy qy nËfrf bfkI lIzr lYˆdy rhy . kYbint mMqrI nvjoq iswDU qy sfbkf akflI mMqrI ibkrm mjITIaf dovyˆ iewk kqfr `c krIb iqMn Puwt dy Pfsly `qy do GMty qwk bYTy rhy . ies dy bfvjUd dovfˆ ivcfly nf koeI gwl hoeI qy nf dohfˆ ny iewk dUjy vwl qwikaf.rfmnOmI df kIrqn muwkidafˆ hI iswDU ny pMzfl `coˆ inkl ky mjITIaf `qy iPr BVfs kwZI .


mfxhfnI kys `c mjITIaf dI ijwq qoˆ bfad akflIafˆ dy aiVwky afey Kihrf akflI dl mfxhfnI kys ivwc imlI ijwq qoˆ bfad hux afm afdmI pfrtI pMjfb df QMmH zygx dI iqafrI ivwc hY . brnflf qoˆ mihlf akflI nyqf jsivMdr Èyrigwl ny suKpfl Kihrf ivruwD pMjfb qy hirafxf Auwc adflq ivwc mfxhfnI df mukwdmf dfier kr idwqf hY .Èyrigwl AuhI mihlf akflI afgU hY , ijs nfl kuJ lokfˆ ny arD ngn kr ky kuwtmfr krn qy Aus dy vfl kwtx dI vIzIE bxf ky ieMtrnYwt `qy vfierl kr idwqI sI . Aus smyˆ Kihrf ny Èyrigwl ivruwD ivvfdq ibafn idwqf sI.

iks dunIafˆ `c rihMdy kYptn amirMdr? sfbkf mMqrI ibkrm mjITIaf iKlfP pMjfb qy hirafxf hfeIkort `c pyÈ kIqI ÈpYÈl tfsk Pors(ÈTZ) dI irport qoˆ muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG muwkr hI gey hn. bjt sYÈn dy pihly idn pMjfb ivDfn sBf `c aYstIaYP dI irport `qy aYkÈn bfry puwCy svfl `qy kYptn ny ikhf sfzy kol irport hfly qwk pcuMcI hI nhIˆ. svfl KVHf huMdf hY ik jykr kYptn kol irport hI nhIˆ phuMcI qfˆ iPr pMjfb dy aYzvokyt jrnl ny ikvyˆ hfeIkort nUM ikhf ik pMjfb srkfr vwloˆ aYstIaYP dI irport dI jfˆc krn leI do sInIar aPsr inXukq kIqy hn. ies nfl kYptn srkfr dI gMBIrqf `qy svflIaf icMnH lgdy hn.

The Patrika

Friday, March 30th, 2018



sLok smfcfr bVy duwK nflL sUicq kIqf jFdf hY ik s: mohx isMG lflI, ipMz qlvMzI Bor akfl clfxf kr gey hn, AunHf df sskfr pihlI aprYl, idn aYqvfr 12:30 vjy dopYhr 2061 irvrsfeIz roz aYbtsPorz ivKy aqy aMqm ardfs gurduafrf bfbf bMdf isMG bhfdr ivKy hovy gI. suKdyv isMG lflI: 778-552-0773

suKivMdr isMG lflI: 604-825-1354 hrnyk isMG: 604-807-1308 PAGE 35

The Patrika



Friday, March 30th, 2018

Opt-in deadline for child-care providers extended, savings for parents protected


he British Columbia government is extending the deadline for child-care providers to opt into the new child-care fee reduction, to allow more providers to pass on savings to parents for their April child-care fees, Katrina Chen, Minister of State for Child Care, an- participating facilities will see savings of up to: nounced today. “After waiting so many years for action $350 per month for group infant and on child care, we’re going to make sure toddler care. parents can start saving immediately,” said Chen. “At the same time, we’re listening to providers and assisting those who want to come on board, but who want more information to complete the process of opting in.”

$200 per month for family infant and toddler care. $100 per month for group care for children aged three years to kindergarten.

$60 per month for family care for chilThe British Columbia government in- dren aged three years to kindergarten. troduced its child-care strategy in Feb- All licensed child-care providers, who ruary’s budget, including a $1-billion pass along fee reductions to parents, investment over the next three years. will also receive a 10% funding boost As part of this strategy, many parents for any spaces that government funds of kids in licensed care will have their through the new initiative. fees reduced through direct payments “At the Association of Neighbourfrom government to providers. hood Houses of BC, we will certainly “Having government invest in families opt in to the child-care fee reduction and child care is brand-new territory initiative,” said Deb Bryant, CEO of for providers and parents, so it’s un- ANHBC. “We’re glad to be part of an derstandable that questions have come initiative that provides some financial up about how it will work,” said Chen. relief to the families we serve.” “We are going to work with providers to bring fees down and make life more ANHBC is a non-profit organization affordable for parents, and we want to that provides child care to hundreds of make sure those providers have the families across the Lower Mainland through its community-based proinformation and time they need.” grams. ANHBC has more than 1,000 Chen said the initial response from licensed spaces in all. child-care providers to the fee reduction program has been overwhelmingly “It is so good to finally see some recpositive, with an 85% opt-in rate from ognition of the importance of child the 765 providers whose contracts have care to the well-being of families and been processed, as of March 24, 2018. neighbourhoods, not to mention the The deadline for opting in has been health of our economy,” said Bryant. extended to April 20, 2018, to give pro- “We expect that this is the first of many viders more time, particularly because steps toward building an affordable, the startup is occurring over spring accessible, quality child-care system break when many providers are away. in B.C., and we are ready and willing Effective April 1, 2018, parents at to participate.”


WORKERS WANTED FOR LUMBER MILL Job Title: . Grader Man . Plainer Man

sfnUM lMbr imWl leI lMbr stYkrF dI loV hY, kMm aMdr df hovygf

Friday, March 30th, 2018

The Patrika 


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The Patrika 

Friday, March 30th, 2018

af jo bfibE

af jo bfibE QonUM byrIaF AuzIkdIaF

af jo aMtI jI roaF qyrIaF AuzIkdIaF qusIN gey ieMzIaF qy hoeI nf ktfeI jI, Puwt Puwt sLUtF sLkl jMgl bxfeI jI Gux vFg Kfx sfnUM bolIaF sLrIk dIaF af jo aMtI jI roaF qyrIaF AuzIkdIaF dyK ky hlfq Pon XfrF nUM Gumf ley klyr, iswDU, DflIvfl suwqy pey jgf ley leIaF ny syvFvF smrf, irsLI qy dlIp dIaF

pRo: surjIq isMG bDysLf

af jo bfibE GVIaF muwkIaF AuzIk dIaF dyKo sfzy pMjfbI bfibaF dy kOqk inafry pMjfb c ksrF kwZIaF eyQy Pyr mMzfsy mfry


bfhF sony ivwc mVHf ky qIlf, kokf, nwQ GVf ky

mohn mfn dI gwzI ivwc cVHky

buZfpy BwjI jFdy af

bfibaF df idl KusLIaF ivwc bVHky

dyKo ikmy …

iPr Pfrm dy ivwc KVHky

dfnf dIaF DuMmF cfr cuPyry

skImF kwZI jFdy af

kimAuintI c bIj muhwbqI kyry

dyKo ikmy pMjfbI bfby byrIaF vwZI jFdy af.

sLoBf huMdI dUr qy nyVy

mflk df Blf mnONdy

burfeIaF CwzI jFdy af

kYNc nUM soc smJ clONdy

dyKo ikmy …

cMgIaF sLUtF rihx vcONdy

buZfpy ivwc vI imhnqF krdy

inkMmIaF kwZI jFdy af

kMm nUM jfvx cuMgIaF Brdy

dyKo ikmy

mOq nUM inwq mKOlF krdy

hr iewk ivsLy qy gwlF krdy

pYVF CwzI jFdy af

hwsdy qusdy mKOlF krdy

dyKo ikmy …

inMidaF cuglI qoN sdf zrdy

bfibaF pUrI rIJ lgf qI

cutkly CwzI jFdy af

byrI “bOvI kwt” bxf qI

dyKo ikmy …

spryaF dI vI JVI lgf qI

vIhF nOhF dI krn kmfeI

Gfh PUs muwZoN kwZI jFdy af,

kMm nUM mUhry iPrn BjfeI

dyKo ikmy …

GrF nUM jFdy surg bxfeI

aglIaF ipClIaF ksrF kwZIaF

tOhrF kwZI jFdy af

jFdIaF Puwl trflIaF lwdIaF

dyKo ikmy …

nIdF guMmIaF sLrIk dIaF

grIb gurby dI bFh PVdy

afE bfibE …

hr irsLqy dI mdd krdy

ilKdf iPry surjIq inmfxf

ipMz leI ihwk qfx ky KVHdy

byrI qoVn kihMdf jfxf

JMzy gwzI jFdy af

ruwisaf iPry jgdyv jtfxf

dyKo ikmy …

klIaF lOxIaF sdIk dIaF

bIbIaF dy rfxIhfr pvf ky

afgy bfibE GVIaF muwkIaF AuzIkdIaF.

The Patrika

Friday, March 30th, 2018



BC Rural Dividend grants $200,000 to the Fraser Valley


nder the BC Rural Dividend Program, the Government of British Columbia is providing $100,000 each to the District of Kent and Skawahlook First Nation for two projects that will support community sustainability and outdoor recreation opportunities, Doug Donaldson, Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, announced today.

“Government is following through on its commitment to help rural communities navigate changes that have impacted local economies by supporting local business development and creating new partnerships to promote shared prosperity,” said Donaldson. “These rural dividend grants are bringing positive change to rural communities throughout B.C.”

economies. Grants can be up to $100,000 each, or up to $500,000 each for partnership projects. The District of Kent is being awarded $100,000 to develop a community industrial sustainability plan to identify future industrial uses in the district, and their corresponding land needs. The plan will assess industrial and agricultural capacity, as well as suitability.

Skawahlook First Nation is being awarded $100,000 to complete phase one of the Skawahlook Signature Destination Trail Initiative. This The funding is part of nearly $8 million includes completing engineering and in 58 project grants being awarded to technical studies, designing and buildeligible local governments, First Na- ing a bridge, and constructing trails. tions and not-for-profit organizations through the BC Rural Dividend pro- Earlier this month, nearly $5 million gram. Rural dividend grants help fund was granted to fund 30 projects in projects that that will stabilize rural wildfire-impacted areas and two com-

munities affected by the shutdown of As part of Budget 2018, the Government of British Columbia committed local mills. to extending the $25-million-per-year The Rural dividend encourages ecorural dividend to 2020-21. The rural nomic diversification, innovation, dividend is one aspect of government’s sustainability and collaboration, and rural development mandate, which is recognizes the diverse needs of indicommitted to making rural communividual communities. ties more resilient.



The Patrika 

aYbtsPorz dy irtfier ho rhy istI mYnyjr gOrj mwry dI QF lYxgy pItr spyarnIjL aYbtsPorz dy istI mYnyjr jOrj mwry pMj sfl dI syvf mgroN irtfier ho rhy hn aqy AuMnHF dI QF lYx gy pItr spyarnIjL jo ipCly, iqMn sfl ieMjInIairMg aqy rIjnXUitiltIjL dy jnrl mYnyjr vjoN kMm kr rhy hn| 19 mfrc dy pRYws rIlIjL ivc istI myar hYnrI brfn ny ikhf nvyN istImYnyjr dI cox srb sMmqI nfl kIqI geI hY| istI mYnyjr dy pd leI 41 AumIdvfrF ny bynqI pwqr Byjy sn ijMnHF ivcoN pItr spyarnIjL nUM sB qoN vwD Xog smiJaf igaf| brfn ny ikhf ik nv inXukq istI mYnyjr nUM imAuinspl aqy rIjnl mfmilaF dI vDIaf smJ hY. istI mYnyjr df pd istI aOP aYbtsPorz df sB qoN Auwcf gYr-isafsI pd hY| nvyN istI mYnyjr istI dy $260 imlIan dy bwjt aqy 1000 krmcfrIaF dy iencfrj hoxgy|

psLUaF nUM ipafr krn vfilaF vwloN jgrfqf zMkn ivc qrsXog hflq ivc mry kuwqy nfl hmdrdI pRgtfAux ihwq aqy dosLIaF nUM krVI sjLf idvfAux leI drjnf lok 18 mfrc nUM bI sI ivDfn sBf dy sfhmxy iekwqr hoey| iek kuwqf 16 PrvrI nUM burI hflq ivc mr igaf sI| iqMNn ieMc lMmI sMglI nfl bwDy ies kuwqy df glL pfieaf ptf ieMnf kwisaf hoieaf sI ik Aus df glLf jLKmI ho igaf sI| ies mujLfhry df afXojn rynkost zOg rYsikAU susfietI vwloN kIqf igaf sI| ies iekwT ivc ikhf igaf ik byjLbfn psLUaF nUM awiqafcfr qoN bcfAux vflI susfietI kol ieMny ieKiqafr nhIN ik Auh psLUaf nfl awiqafcfr krn vilaF nUM sjLf dy sky jF idvf sky| Xfd rhy ik 100,000 lokF vwloN ‘Justice for Teddy’ nfmI aOnlfeIn ptIsLn ‘qy hsqfKr kIqy gey hn | ies ivc mMg kIqI geI hY ik psLUaF ‘qy awiqafcfr krn vilaF nUM sKq sjLf idwqI jfvy ieh vI mMg kIqI geI hY ik aYs pI sI ey nUM aijhy aiDkfr idwqy jfx ik Auh psLUaF ‘qy awqafcfr krn vfilaF nUM sKq ajLf dy sky jF idvf sky| Xfd rhy ik 100,000 lokF vwloN Justice forTeddy nfmI aOnlfeI ptIsLn ijs ivc vI Auprokq mMg kIqI geI hY| Auprokq kuwqy dy mfmly ivc aYNzrsn joa aqy mYlIsf tUsLy psLUaF ‘qy awqafcfr krn dy dosLF df sfhmxf kr rhIaF hn| ies mukwdmy dI suxvfeI 3 aprYl nUM hovygI| Aus idn vI ryn kost zOg rYsikAU susfietI vwloN adflq dy bfhr sLFq meI ivKfvf kIqf jfvygf|

ikMzr morgn dy kMm vflI QF ‘qy ros pRgt krdy ivKfvfkfrI igRPqfr 17 mfrc nUM adflqI hukm dI prvfh nf krdy 28 ivKLfvkfrI brnbI afr sI aYm pI vwloN igRPqfr kr ley gey| adflqI hukm hY ik koeI vI ivKfvfkfrI kMm vflI QF qy 5 mItr dy aMdr nhIN af skdf| puils df kihxf hY ik igRPqfr kIqy lok Cwz idwqy gey hn pr AuMnHF nUM adflq ivc pysL hoxf pvygf| ivKfvfkfrIaF dy pRvkqf vwloN ikhf igaf hY ik igRPqfrIaF sLFqmeI ZMg nfl kIqIaF geIaF| AuMnHF ikhf ik ros ivKfvy26 mfrc qwk jfrI rihxgy| AudoN qwk ikMzr morgn vwloN Aus Kyqr ivcly ruwK kwtxy pYxgy|qF jo pMCI AuwQy nf af skx| Xfd rhy ik ies pRojYkt ivc bI sI aqy albrtf dI phuMc iek dUjy dy ivruwD hY | sLfied iesy krky albrtf dy XUnfeItz kMjLrvyitv pfrtI dy nyqf jysn kYnI ny ikhf ik ivKfkfrIaF nUM nUM pRvfn hoey pRojYkt nUM jF ies ivc ivGn pfAux dI aigaf nhIN dyxI cfhIdI|

jyn afsitn bxy bI sI dy nvyN lYPtInYNt gvrnr pRDfn mMqrI dI sPfrsL ‘qy gvrnr jnrl vwloN bI sI invfsI jyn afsitn nUM bI sI df lYPtInYNt gvrnr inXukq kIqf igaf hY| Xfd rhy ik iksy sUby df lYPtInYNt gvrnr sUby ivc mhfrfxI ailjLfibQ dI pRqIinD huMdI hY| nvIN lYPtInYNt gvrnr 15 sfl mYro vYnkUvr ivc YMCA dI sI eI E rih cuwkI hY| ies qoN ielfvf Auh ibwg isstrjL, bI sI hfAUisMg, tRFsilMk dI tIcrjL PYzrysLn aOP bI sI knyzIan pyzrIaYitRk sxy keI borzF ivc kMm kr cuwkI hY| jyn afsitn afpxy cMgy kMmF sdkf keI avfrz pRfpq kr cuwkI hY ijMnHF ivc aOrzr aOP bI sI vI sLfml hY| ijwQoN qwk AuMnHF dI ividak Xogqf df sbMD hY, Auh XUnIvristI aOP kYlgrI qoN bYcUlr izgrI ien ieMgilsL hY aqy swrHI dI kvMtiln polItYkink XUnIvristI qoN afnryrI Phd ien lfa nfl snmfnI jf cuwkI hY| hux agly pMj sfl jyn afsitn bI sI dy lYPtInYNt gvrnr rihxgy| PAGE 40

Friday, March 30th, 2018

bI sI ivc aYjUkysLn aistYNtF dI QuV tRyinMg dI Gft kfrn nhIN sgoN working conditions – aiDafpk XUnIan df dfavf bI sI dI tIcrjL PYzrysLn nUM suprIm kort aOP kYnyzf vloN klfsF df sfeIjL sImq krn df ieqhfsk PYslf pRfpq hoieaf sI| Aus smyN qoN lY ky hux qwk bI sI ivc 3500 skUl tIcr BrqI kIqy gey hn pr iPr vI Gft pUrI nhIN hoeI| aiDafpkF dI shfieqf krn vfly shfiek vI loVINdI igxqI ivc pRfpq nhIN ho rhy | ies Gft df kfrn tIcr PYzrysLn vwloN ieMnHF shfiekF nUM kMm krn dIaF Auicq shUlqF nf imlxf dwisaf igaf hY| BfvyN aijhy shfiekF nUM $24 qoN $28 pRqI GMtf idwqy jFdy hn pRMqU kMm krn dy kuwl GMty ieMny nhIN imldy ijnHF nfl AuMnHF nUM cMgI qnKfh iml sky | 20 sfl iswiKaf shfiek vjoN kMm kr cuwkI kYlI df kihxf hY ik iswiKaf shfiekF nUM decent living wage nhIN pRfpq huMdI ijs krky AuMnHF nUM hor kMm vI krny pYNdy hn|

bI sI ivc hux vDyry lokF nUM zYNtl srjrI dI shUlqpRfpq hovy gI -- ishq mMqrI ishq mMqrI aYzrIan izks vwloN aYlfn kIqf igaf hY ik ies sfl pihlF nfloN 900 vDyry lokF nUM zYntl srjrI dI shUlq pRfpq hovygI| AunHF ikhf ik sfl 2018-19 ivc 7100 lokF nUM zYNtl srjrI dI shUlq pRfpq hovygI jo 2017-18 dI sMiKaf 6200 nfloN 15% vD hovygI| ieh shUlq pRfpq krn vfilaF ivc bwcy, bjLurg aqy apMg ivakqI sLfml hoxgy| AuMnHF ikhf,” mYnUM lokF qoN pqf lwgf hY ik AuMnHF dy bwicaF nUM zYNtl srjrI dI loV hY ikAuNik Auh dMd dI pIV ivc gRsq hn| iesy qrF bhuq sfry bjLurgF nUM ies shfieqf dI loV hY| AuMnHF ikhf bIsI zYNtl aYsosIeysLn vwloN loVINdI shfieqf AuplbD krfAux ivc loVINdf sihXog dyx df ivsvfsL idvfieaf igaf hY| ieMnHF shUlqF ivc rUt kYnfl,iPilMg, aYktREksLn krfAUn jF zYNcr ijhIaF sLfml hn| sUby dIaF sfrIaF hYlQ aQfrtIaF ivc zYNtl aYsosIeysLnF dI shfieqf aqy sihXog nfl dMdF dI pIV qoN rfhq idvfAux dy Auprfly qyjL kIqy jfxgy|

pRsqfivq awqvfd-ivroDI kyNdr shfeI hovygf, awqvfd dy ruJfn nUM rokx ivwc XU bI sI dI nIqI-ivigafn dI pRoPYsr ikRs aYirksn df ivcfr hY ik pRsqfivq awqvfd-ivroDI kyNdr awqvfd dy ruJfn nUM rokx ivc shfeI hovygf| AuMnHF ikhf ik ieh ruJfn iksy ivsLysL Kyqr qwk sImq nhIN; vwD Gwt qIbrqf nfl sfry PYilaf hoieaf hY| kYnyzf ivc 2014 qoN ies dI qIbrqf vDdI rhI hY| ies df mMqv Aus vrg dI shfieqf krnf hY ijs dI ies vwl Jukx dI sMBfvnf hY| ieh kyNdr kYnyzf dy PYzrl afiPs Pfr kimAuintI afAUtrIc nfl iml ky kMm krygf| bI sI dy lokF nUM smJfAuxf pvygf ik ieh sUbf iksy dy ipAu dI jfiedfd nhIN sgoN sfry invfsIaF dI hY ; BfvyN Auh afvfsI hox jF pusLqF qoN iewQy rih rhy hn| dwsxf hovygf ik afvfsI jF afid vfsI iksy hor vfsqy Kqrf nhIN hn| iek dUjy nUM iensfn smJx nfl hI afpsI dUrIaF aqy vKryvyN imt skdy hn aqy hr koeI sLFqI nfl rih skdf hY| ieh kyNdr aijhIaF kdrF kImqF nUM PYlfAux leI afpxf qfx lfvygf|

BUry irwC nUM mfrn vfly isLkfrI nUM hoieaf $8000 df jurmfnf 2016 ivc pfvr irvr dy nyVy qIr kmfn nfl irwC mfrn vfly nUM $8000 df jurmfnf kIqf igaf hY | ieh rfsLI vfielzlfeIP kMjLrvysLn PfAuNzysLn nUM imlygI| bI sI kMjLrvysLn srivs df kihxf hY ik ies mdIn irwC nUM 2010 ivc iksy sLihr ivcoN ieWQy ilaFdf igaf sI| vrxnXog hY ik Auprokq irwC dy mfry jfx mgroN cfr irwC mfry gey sn ijMnf dy mfrn vfly df pqf nhIN lwgf sI | ieMnF nUM AuwqrI bI sI ivc lfigMg roz nyVy dPnfieaf igaf sIO| ies isLkfrI nUM isLkfr krn dI isKlfeI lYxI pvygI|

The Patrika

Friday, March 30th, 2018



GHD Home Renovations Ltd. We do all types of renovations bysmYNt vI irpyEr krdy h~ • Complete Renovations • Tiling • Hardwood & Laminate • Painting • Plumbing Pu@l rYnovySn h`rfvu@f EYNf lYmInyt t`iel~ pNyitMg plMimMg

Teja 778-246-0087

iksy vI qrHF rYnovysLn krvfAux leI sMprk kro


WCB EMPLOYEE INSURANCE COVERAGE Spl: We Do Cabinet Installation for New or Old Houses All Kinds of Renovations Basement Washroom Kitchen Painting Plumbing

Drywall Roofing Framing Siding Tile

* Full Finish Basement * Sundeck All Complete

Laminate Finishing Sundeck Vinyl Paper &more

Crown, Baseboard Door, Fireplace

HARDEEP BIRDI: 778-823-0765


The Patrika


kfimaF dI loV aYbtsPorz ivwc lokl imwl leI lMbr cuwkx vfly Pork ilPt zrfeIvr dI loV hY. 1 sfl df qjLrbf hoxf cfhIdf hY. sfMnU iek bIlzr dI vI loV hY! cMgI qnKfh aqy vDIaf mhOl. plynr dI vI loV hY. hor jfxkfrI lYx leI Pon kro: 604-807-2097.


Workers Wanted Vancouver Rebar and Dampproofing Ltd, Abbotsford requires 5 ironworkers. Wages $27.50$34.00/hour. Full time work. Minimum 1-year of experience. Contact: or vancouverrebar@

kpVy dy stor 'qy kMm

guwz luikMg aYtrYkitv krn leI Part Time kfript klIinMg asIN GrF, bysmYNtF, kmrsLIal iblizMgF, soPy, aqy kfrF, motrF dIaF sYpUM krdy hF. vDIaf srivs leI Pon kro 778-824-2068

Workers Needed for Framing Workers needed for framing. Wages $15.00/ hour, increased depending on experience. Transportation available from Surrey and Abbotsford. Call: 604-8250736 or 778-255-3135

zrfeIvr aqy Enr aprytrF dI loV

kfimaF dI loV hY

nrsrI kfimaF dI loV nrsrI leI kfimaF dI loV hY. kMm pMj qoN Cy idn hY. rfeIz df pUrf pRbMD hovygf. kMm GMitaf df hovygf. hor jfxkfrI leI Po n kro : 604-855-1065 jF 778242-9250 Farm workers required starting approx May 15,

slfeI afAuxI jrUrI hY.

2018 till Dec 15, 2018.

qnKfh $12/GMtf hovygI.

Duties include weed,

jI. Overseas Fabrics 32853 Ventura Ave

maintain, & harvest berry crops, prune & tie crops, as well as other general farm duties. 45


to 60 hrs/week, $11.35/

Change of Name

hr. Work is outdoors &

I Manvir Singh son of Nirmal Singh, holder of Indian Passport No.

can be physically demanding. Fax resume to 604-850-7597. Town-

line Growers Ltd, 340 G9172398, issued on: Townline Rd, Abbots27/06/2008 in Chan- ford, BC V2T 6C9. digarh, of Chandigarh

Workers Wanted

Ward No. 4 House No 801 Payal The Payal PS

Looking for Lawn Care Technician We do fertilizing, aerating, must have drivers licence. Will train, $16.00 an hour. Please send resume to

Change of Name

I Baljeet Kaur Hayer daughter of Surjeet Singh, holder of Indian Passport No. H5672705, issued on: 01/12/2009 in Jalandhar, permeant resident VPO. Heran, PS. Nakodar, District Jalandhar, Punjab, and presently residing at 30885 Brookdale Court, Abbotsford, BC, Canada V2T 5S3, hereby change my name from Baljeet Kaur Hayer to Farm Workers Wanted Baljeet Kaur Sidhu with immediate effect.

English, pMjfbI aqy

stor ivwc afky arjLI Bro

Friday, March 30th, 2018

Workers wanted for

Duke’s Pub. Kitchen Payal District Ludhiana, aYbtsPorz dI kMpnI nUM Cook & Helper required. and presently residing at bI sI- albrtf cwlx Must speak English. 31458 Legacy Crt. Ab- Part-time and full-time leI 2 sflF dy qjLrby vflLy botsford BC, V2T 6W5, positions available. kMpnI zrfeIvrF aqy Enr hereby change my name 41582 Yale Rd. ChilliaprytrF dI loV hY. vDIaf from Manvir Singh to wack, BC, V2R 4J3. ryt aqy hor jfxkfrI leI Manvir Singh Gill with Call Bhajan S. Toor: 604-864-7700 Pon kro: 778-908-4422 immediate effect. PAGE 42

Friday, March 30th, 2018

The Patrika






• Permanent work/ Guaranteed miles / • pwkf kMm/ mIlF dI gfrMtI / sfrf sfl pwky rUt/ Fixed lanes year around / Schedule work available imwQy smyN anusfr kMm AuplbD • Profitable Pay & Bonus Every Year • lfBdfiek qnKfh aqy hryk sfl bons • Automatic Fuel Surcharge, increases with • aftomYitk iPAUl srcfrj qyl dI kImq fuel price and exchange rate aqy akscyNj ryt BOB TAIL • Heavy discount on fuel cards • qyl dy kfrz qy BfrI izskfAUNt PARKING • Heavy discount on new Trucks • nvyN trwkF ‘qy BfrI izskfAUNt AVAILABLE • Company truck lease program available • kMpnI trwk lIjL pRogrfm AuplwbD hY • qnKfh iswDI akfAUNt ivwc jmHF hovygI • Direct deposit on pay • akstYNzz mYzIkl kvryj • Extended Medical coverage • bhuq hI vDIaf dosqfnf aqy afdr-mfx vflf mhOl • Very respectful and friendly environment. • z skylF ‘qy bfeIpfs imlLygf

C E L L : 6 0 4 .8 3 2 .6 3 6 3 - O F F IC E : 6 0 4 .7 4 6 .2 7 7 7 PAGE 43



The Patrika 

Friday, March 30th, 2018

Friday, March 30th, 2018

ikAuN, awj srkfrF ikvyN peIaF ny? anHyrf ho cwilaF ey, prvfny afAux vI lwg pey ny, pr sLmHF koeI iqafrI nhIN kr rhI? hYN! roxf? mYnUM lwgdf ey awj Pyr Auh Auh afieaf hoxf ey. qUM pfgl eyN jmf pfgl. sLmHf df kMm hI rosLnI vMzxf eyN. AuwT iqafr ho. bulf nfly iksy nUM, kuJ Kfx pIx nUM mMgvfeIey. Blf hovy lftF vflI mfeI df, awj df swtf qF kwTf hI cfr sO bcf igaf ey. vyKIN Pyr awj nhIN mYN mfrvfVI nUM awgy vDx dyxf, notF df mINh vrsf dyxf eyN” rMjn ny pfn nfl rMgI jIB buwlHF qy PyridaF afiKaf. “nhIN rMjn awj myrI qbIaq TIk nhIN” sLmHF ny zMUGIaF AudfsIaF ivwc Ko ky afiKaf. “ijs idn Auh, myry mUMhoN hor gflL inkldI aY, afpxI mnhUs sLkl idKf jFdf ey Ausy idn qyrI qbIaq Krfb ho jFdI ey. Cwz KihVf Aus rMg df aYvyN hAuky Brn lg jfnI aYN, shurf byvkUP sfzf vI mjLf Krfb kr jFdf ey.” “nhIN rMjn Auh bVf cMgf bMdf ey. qUM Aus nUM smJdf nhIN.””vfh ry, qUM sux leIaF Aus dIaF gwlF. cMgf huMdf qF iPr afAuNdf?” “iehI qy keI vfrI socdI hF. pr ieQy vI Auh quhfzy sBnF vFg nhIN afAuNdf. bVf anoKf bMdf ey. sLfied pihlF kdy iksy vysvf dy nhIN igaf qd hI keI vfrI bVIaF ajIb gwlF puwCdf ey. iewk idn mYnUM afKx lwgf sLmHF jdoN koeI siVaf ijhf jF sLrfbI bMdf afpxf mUMh qyry mUMh kol lY jFdf qYnMU ikvyN mihsUs huMdf ey?” “Pyr qYN kI jvfb idwqf? rMjn ny sfhmxI kMD qy lwgy vwzy sLIsLy ivwc afpxf mUMh qwkidaF puwiCaf. “mYN afiKaf ik pihly vfr pMj mhIny qF mYN bVI aOKI hoeI sI hux qy kuJ mihsUs hI nhIN huMdf. sLfied sfzy lokF ivwc mihsUs krn df mfdf mr jFdF ey.” “Cwz pry sLmHf iehnF PjLUl gwlF nUM qy cwl awj Pyr AuhI gfxf suxf dy “mjLf ly ly ijLMdgI myN” rMjn ny iewk pfn hor mUMh ivwc pFidaF afiKaf. “nhIN, rMjn nhIN, awj gfx nUM nhIN sgoN sgoN myrf qF cIkF mfr mfr ky rox nUM idl krdf ey” sLmHfh Aukf Br ky bolI. “bVI ajIb gwl ey myrI jfn! kI qYnUM sfzy grIbF qy nhIN qrs afAuNdf? sohixE quhfzI mrjLI. Pyr afpxy hwQF nfl iewk pYwg qF ipaf idE” rMjn ny glfs awgy kridaF afiKaf. “kI qusIN sfry afdmIaF ny ieko sfry lPjL Xfd kr rwKy huMdy ny. ijhVf vI afAuNdf ey “myrI jfn sohixEN, ipafirE, mlfeI dy zUinEN.”pr huMdy sB hI afdmI JUTy E.” “afdmI huMdy hoxgy pr mYN qF nhIN” rMjn ny gwl tok ky afiKaf. sLmHf df bdobdI hfsf inkl igaf qy iPr dwsx lwgI “Auh muwCl ijhf inwq zIgF mfiraf kry qy afiKaf kry “myrI jfn, dyK qyrI Kfqr puqilaF vrgIaF doNh nUM Gr

The Patrika 

iewk vysvf

iptdIaF Cwz ky afAuNdf hF” ipCoN jf ky pqf lwigaf ik Aus ny qF pMj sON qoN iewk qIvI muwl leI sI, ijhVI do mhIny ipwCoN hI iksy hor nfl inkl geI sI.” “ieAuN qF Pyr afdmI aOrq nUM KusL krn leI afKdy eI huMdy ny” rMjn ny jvfb idwqf. “qF qy qusIN bVy DoKybfjL huMdy E?” “nhIN, sLmF nhIN, jvfnI dI shuM, mYN swcI hI qyrf pRvfnf hF. swc sLmHf kI afdrsL bfbU qYnUM afKdf huMdY ijvyN hor afKdy ny?” nhI! Auh qy sgoN iewk idn afKdf sI “afpxI cMgI aPrq dy svC mUMh vwl qwk ky mYnUM keI vfrI afpxy afp nfl hilafx ijhI huMdI ey ik mYN ikAuN ies ickV BrI dunIaF ivc afAuNdf hF.” sLmHf ny dwisaf. “jy Aus nUM ieh rMgIn dunIaF qy hsIn dunIaF icwkV BrI lwgdI ey qF hkIm ny dwisaf ey ik jLrUr aieaf kry” rMjn boilaf. “pihly pihl qy Auh ies dunIaF nUM nyiVEN qwkx qy jfnx leI afAuNdf sI qF jo Auh afpxIaF ilKqF rFhIN….” “awCf qF Auh lyKk ey. dyKIN sLmHf AuhdIaF gwlF ivwc nf af jfvIN. pYsy dyx dy mfry ieh lok bQyry ZoNg rc lYNdy huMdy ny.” “nhIN rMjn, Auh jdoN vI afAuNdf ey pUry pYsy dy ky jFdf ey, BfvyN kdy kdy myrf bVf idl krdf ey ik pYsy moV idaF qy kih idaF “qUM hr rojL afieaf kr afdrsL bfbU, mYN qYQoN kuJ vI nhIN ilaf krFgI.” vfh rI iksmq, ikQy asIN hF jfn vfrdy hF qy iksy nUM pRvfh nhIN qy ikQy Auh hY jIhdy ipCy… suhixEN kdy sfnUM vI ieAuN afK Cwizaf kro.” “pr afdrsL bfbU nhIN cfhuMdf ik sfzI sFJ iewk sOdy qoN vwD kuJ hovy. iesy kr ky jfx lwigaF pUry pYsy dy jFdf ey. pqf nhIN rMjn, ikAuN iehnF pYisaF qoN zr ijhf lwgx lwg ipaf ey ijvyN iehnF ivwc jfn hovy. ijvyN bfeI jfn dI pytI ivwc rwKy Coty vwzy notF dy ieh Qwby jfn mYnUM pytI ivwcoN pYsy kwZx ByjdI hF qF ieAuN lwgdf ey ijvyN loQVy awKF AuGyV AuGyV myry vwl qwk rhy hox. mfnoN ieh myry ijsm ivwc pYdf hoey suMzF df Zyr hovy qy myrf jI kwcf kwcf hox lwg pYNdf ey.” “kI PjLUl gwlF kr rhIN eyN sLmHF qUM qF sgoN bVI BfrI sosLl srivs kr rhI eyN. Eynf inrpwK qF nihrU vI nhIN hoxf ijMnI qUM eyN. hr jfq kOm leI qyrf drvfjf hmysLF KuwlHf rihMdf ey. Qwky tuwty lok do GVI idl prcf jFdy hn. ieh QoVHI lok- BlfeI ey? jy mYN ihMdusqfn df prDfn huMdf qYnUM jLrUr ies smfjI syvf bdly sony df qgmf idMdf.” rMjn lor ivwc afieaf ikMnF kuJ afK igaf. ‘ieh smfj dI syvf nhIN rMjn, mYN qF sgoN smfj df kuhj hF, gMdgI hF” ieh kihMidaF hI sLmHf dIaF awKF Br afeIaF. “ieAuN nf afKo sohixE; sfzf XqImF df qF qusIN hI afsrf ho. myrf iKafl ey ieho ijhIaF PjLUl gwlF quhfnUM afdrsL bfbU hI

dwsdf hoxf ey. ieh lyKk lUKk ijhy Kfsy isr iPr huMdy ny, jy iehI hfl irhf qF sLmHF dy drvfjyL iewk idn prvfinaF ny afAuxf bMd kr dyxf.” “rMjn iewk idn afdrsL bfbU aFhdf sI, sLmHf qUM mYnUM bVI cMgI lgdI eyN. qy myrf idl kIqF jdoN vI afdrsL bfbU afvy mYN kihlf ByjF ik vyhlI nhIN qy Auhdy mn ivwc kdy iehnF gfhkF leI sfVf pYdf ho sky. kdy Auh afKU sLmHf klH sfrf idn myrf hoieaf.” “kdy myrI jfn sfnUM vI ieAuN afK idaf kro. pr awCf beI ijvyN qusIN rfjLI, swcy afsLk jo hoey.” rMjn boilaf. “bfeI jI, koeI bfbU motf sf…” nOkr ny af ky afiKaf. “kih do afj myrI qbIaq TIk nhIN” sLmHf iKwJ ky bolI. “jIqI rho myrI jfn” rMjn ny slfm kr ky afiKaf. “sLmHf rfxI jI qYnUM qy afdrsL bfbU eynF cMgf lgdf ey pr AuhnUM qF qyrI kwK prvfh nhIN, qdy qF eyny eyny idn muV ky nhIN afAuNdf.” “qUM TIk afhdF eyN rMjn. AuhnUM myrI kwK pRvfh nhIN qd hI qF myry nfl gwlF krdf krdf keI vfrI iewk dm KVHf ho jFdf ey ik myrI bIvI bwcy AuzIkdy hoxgy. myrf jvfb suxn qoN pihlF hI Auh dlIjF twp jFdf ey. kdy kdy mYnuM bVf hrK afAuNdf ey qy idl krdf ey AuhdI bIvI qy bwcy mr jfx iPr qF myry koloN jfx leI kfhlf nf hovy. pqf nhIN AuhnF axdyKy mUhF nfl mYnUM ieMnI eIrKf ikAuN ho geI. pr iewk idn qF afKdf sI, sLmHf qUM mYnUM AuhnF sBnF qoN ijLafdf cMgI lgdI eyN. qy jdoN Auh afpxy bwicaF dIaF inwkIaF inwkIaF gwlF bVy cfa nfl dwsdf ey qF myrf bVf idl krdf ey myry vI koeI bwcf hovy qy Aus bwcy df vI koeI cfAu nfl gwlF krn vflf bfp hovy, pr…pr bwcy qF aOrqF dy huMdy ny mYN aOrq QoVy hF” Bfvk ho ky sLmHf ikMnF kuJ afK geI. “mYnUM qF qyrIaF gwlF dI kwK smJ nhIN af rhI. sLmHf aOrq nhIN qF kI qUM afdmI eyN?” rMjn boilaf. “nhIN, rMjn nhIN, mYN aOrq nhIN. afdrsL bfbU afNhdf sI aOrq Auh huMdI ey jo iksy dI mF hovy …BYx hovy…pqnI hovy…rMjn qUM myrIaF pfglpx dIaF gwlF qoN Aukqf igaf hovyNgf. pr awj myrf idl krdf sI krI jfvF, khI jfvF jo idl afAuNdf. pqf nhIN awj myry idmfg nUM kI ho igaf ey ijvyN koeI hQOVf mfr irhf hovy.” “hQOVy df nfm n lE sohixEN, ikqy klH nUM vrMt eI inkly iPrn…nfly …hF, pr qyry vrgIaF sUrqF gvf ky rUsIaF vFg, dfqIaF, hQOiVaF nUM kI asIN ctdy iPrFgy? sfnUM qF myrI jfn qUM cfhIdI eyN.” nsLy dI lor ivw rMjn gwl hor dI hor pfsy lY igaf. “rMjn! Aus idn afdrsL bfbU aFhdf sI aOrq ivwc sLrm sB qoN ipafrI cIjL huMdI hY, pr sfzI lokfN dI sLrm qF gfhk cwt jFdy ny.”

PAGE 45 zf[ dlIp kOr itvfxf “qYnUM awj kI ho igaf ey sLmHf ! ieh nfjL nKry kI Gwt kImqI ny? dyK prvfny ikvyN Bwjy afAuNdy ny.” “hF rMjn prvfny! sLmHf dy puwqr dy hfx dy prvfny, sLmHf dy bfp dy hfx dy prvfny” sLmHF ny ivaMg nfl afiKaf. “awj qy qyrIaF gwlF nfl sgoN nsLf Auqrdf jf irhY. sohixEN sfzf ikhVf jLor ey” afKdf rMjn awDIey ivwcoN afKrI pYwg pI ky clf igaf. sLmHf kwpVy bdl ky koTy qy pY geI. bfeI jI ny iewk do vfrI tyZIaF njLrF nfl qwikaf. pr buwZI bfeI jI sLmHF dI kmfeI qy plx vflI hux Aus qy pihlF vflf roab nhIN sI pf skdI. coKI rfq lMG geI. sLmHf nUM awj nINd nhIN sI aff rhI. qVky ijhy jf ky Aus dI awK lwgI qy jdoN Auh jfgI qF coKIaF DuwpF cVHIaF sn. Aus df isr Bfrf Bfrf ipaf sI qy aMg aMg ivwc mfnoN cIsF pY rhIaF sn. dfqx lY ky Auh Dur AuprlI Cwq qy clI geI sI. zr ky AuzI jf rhI iewk kfvF dI zfr Auhdy isr AuproN lMG geI. hyTF glI ‘c BuwKf aMnHF PkIr JolLI awzI mMg irhf sI qy sLYqfn muMzy Aus dI JolLI ivwc TIkrIaF pf ky hws rhy sn. “mY kI hF?” Guwg vswdy sLihr qoN njLrF htfAuNdy hoey sLmHf ny afpxy afp nuM aiKaf. jvfb imlx qoN pihlF hI pOVIaF cVHdy iksy bUtF dy KVfk ny Aus df iDafn iKHwc ilaf qy dUjy hI pl afdrsL bfbU Aus dy sfhmxy sI. “afp? ies vyly svyry hI svyry?” sLmHf ny pRsMn awKF nfl Auhdy vwl qwkidaF ibKry vfl TIk kridaF kol peI kursI vwl iesLfrf krky afiKaf. “bs sLmHf mYN qy KVHf hI KVHf afieaF hF. myrI bdlI acfnk bIkfnyr dI ho geI ey qy Pyr qF ikqy sfl do sfl ipwCoN hI gyVf lgUgf. soicaf jFdy jFdy iml hI jfeIey. cfr pMj idn qF dosqF imwqrF dy cfhF pfrtIaF qy Kfxy KFidaF, imlidaF imlfAuNidaF hI lMG gey qy awj sLfm dI gwzI jfxf ey. swc sLmHF qUM qy mYnUM bVI Xfd afieaf kryNgI. hux qy qyry nfl bVf moh ho igaf sI. Auho nON vwj gey …muafP krIN sLmF nOM vjy qF mYN iksy nUM imlx jfxf ey… awCf Kudf hfiPjL.” ibnF iewk imMt vI TihiraF bONdilaF vFg KVIH qwk rhI sLmHF nUM Cwz afdrsL bfbU kfhlI kfhlI pOVIaF Auqr igaf. sLmHF sfh sq hIx AuwQy hI KVHI rhI. afpxIaF pqnIaF qy bwicaF nUM bdlI hoeI qy lokI nfl lY jFdy ny. afpxy aMgF sfkF nUM Auh idKfAux leI kol swd lYNdy ny. kdy afp AuhnF dy jf afAuNdy ny pr mYN…mYN qy afdrsL bfbU dI kuwK vI nhIN, kuJ vI nhIN. mYN qy isrP iewk vysvf hF.” “ies qoN ielfvf rUs ivwc koeI vysvf nhIN” sfhmxy koTy qy vrFzy ivwc hvf hfry bYTf mfstr “rUsI njLfm’ nfmI pusqk ivwcoN AuwcI AuwcI pVH irhf sI. PAGE 45

The Patrika



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Some vehicles advertised do not qualify for low APR financing because of the applicable *cash discount/rebate/non stackable cash. Vehicles advertised are subject to prior sale. Offers only valid at MSA Ford Sales. Retail offers may be canceled or changed at any time without notice. Limit one (1) incentive redemption per Eligible Model sale. Some offers are not rain-checkable. All prices are plus taxes and fees. All offers good on current in-stock MSA Ford Sales vehicles only. For factory orders, a customer may either take advantage of eligible Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited retail customer promotional incentives/offers available at the time of vehicle factory order or time of vehicle delivery, but not both or combinations thereof, subject to incentive rules and eligibility. Lease calculations are as follows, 2018 F-350 Total Paid: $20,536, lease end payout $26,120. 2018 F-150 Total Paid: $9,031, lease end payout $20,151. 2018 Escape Total Paid: $10,214, lease end payout $9,120. 2018 Edge Total Paid: $11,625, lease end payout $12,351. Prices advertised are net of all available rebates including, Built ford Tough Accessory Cash Alternative, SUV leadership Cash, and Non stackable cash incentive (* “Cash” Discount), and all Ford delivery allowances. Our advertised prices include Freight, and P.D.I. add dealer documentation and registration fees of $480, and applicable taxes and fees. All offers expire March 31, 2018 @ 5:00PM (PST) Dealer may sell for less.


Friday, March 30th, 2018

The Patrika 





The Patrika 

Friday, March 30th, 2018

Friday, March 30th, 2018




Friday, March 30th, 2018

Oak Realty Parv Harry Shinder Gill PREC Little Independently Owned and Operated 604.832.0540 Top 1% Realtor of FVREB 2010-2015 604.832.0944 12 Years Experience!

and Master Medallion 2006-2014

12 Years Experience! |

Shinder Gill PREC

Parv Harry

Visit our Website for more pictures & New Listings 604-859-2341

NEW "Homes Coming Soon in Abbotsford & Maple Ridge!"


"20 Homes located on East Side of Abbotsford starting at $1.1 Million." "6 Coach Homes in Auguston coming June 2018 starting at $1.1 Million." "17 Homes in Auguston, some lots with greenbelt, starting at $1.2 Million."

Call To Reserve Yours 11230 243 Street $ 1,050,000 Brand New 2 Storey with Basement Family Home! This gorgeous home has a spacious feel with open layout. The upper floor offers 4 Bdrms up with a Den on the Main Floor. One of the kids will enjoy a bathroom with their bedroom on the upper floor. Rec Room with also a legal 2 bedroom basement for a growing family.

27644 Lundeberg Ave $ 1,190,000 Custom built house on close to 6,000 sq.ft lot. House has 6 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms making it convenient for a larger sized family with children or extra guests. Theater room and bar are located in the basement for upstairs usage. This house includes a double garage with additional parking making parking easy at this home.Call today to get your very own personal tour!

2710 Mcmillan Rd $ 819,900 Superior built home that offers exceptional quality and design! Apprx 2300 sq ft home with legal coach suite for extra income!

2357 Bevan Crescent $ 1,125,000 Custom built 2 storey house with security cameras on a house over 3100 sq.ft. Main floor has high 10 ft ceilings and basement has 9 ft high ceilings. Driveway is extra wide, making it convenient for RV parking. Huge custom kitchen, with built in coffee table and quartz counter tops in the whole house. House has air conditioning and full fenced backyard.


“Ready to build lots available in Maple Ridge, Langley & Abbotsford” "CALL FOR MORE INFO”

"Townhome sites available in Langley, Mission & Maple Ridge"

Call To Reserve Yours

24279-112 Ave

11201 243 Street


$ 970,000

$ 1,069,000 This beautiful 2 storey home with basement is on a lot over 4700 sq.ft. The house has very cozy feeling with 4 bedrooms and 5 washrooms along with a laundry room to make laundry time more convenient. Parking is not a problem with 4 parking spots plus RV parking

36076 Emily Carr Green $ 850,000

NEWLY BUILT HOME on over 5,000 sq ft! The main level has a bedroom, bathroom, den and a huge kitchen with a gorgeous island in the center plus a spice kitchen and a pantry for extra storage. Has 4 bedrooms on the upper floor with 2 being Master Bedrooms with Walk-in Closets and Ensuites and a balcony off of the Master Bedroom and a beautiful sitting area.

3897 Brighton Place This beautiful custom built home sits on over 7,200 sq. ft. lot with an amazing floor plan. This house is a must see with a spacious layout and high ceilings giving this house a breathtaking finish. Upstairs rooms are spacious with natural light shining in.

32656 Marshall Rd


$ 700,000

Mint condition over 4,600 sq.ft easy access to highway long driveway 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms custom built kitchen

8296 204 Street, Langley

$1,140,000 Gorgeous 2 storey house with a basement is located in one of the more desirable neighbourhoods of Langley. Designed for comfortable living. House has 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. Quality finishing with high ceilings and spacious rooms. The chef like kitchen has stainless steel appliances with many units for extra storage

5038 Riverside Street

$ 1,089,000

Brand New 2 Storey with Basement Family Home! This gorgeous home has a spacious feel with open layout. The upper floor offers 4 Bdrms up with a Den on the Main Floor. One of the kids will enjoy a bathroom with their bedroom on the upper floor. Rec Room with also a legal 2 bedroom basement for a growing family.

3108 Engineer Court, Abbotsford

Beautiful 2 storey house with a basement and spacious room for a great family. upper floor has 4 bdrms plus 1 bdrm downstairs.

31531 Upper Maclure Rd $ 1,350,000

$ 948,000

Beautiful 2 Storey/W. Basment house. It offers a huge Great Room with a high efficiency gas fireplace. The main floor has an open concept with good sized dining room with gorgeous kitchen. The upper floor has 3 bedrooms with a master suite with huge walk-in closet and an ensuite. The basement has a rec room and basement suite.

Great location, almost 20 acres blueberry machine pick farm, close to town, on CITY water. Updated 4 bedroom rancher with double garage, newer paint inside and outside, 4 years roof w/windows and 2700 sqft shed. 8.5 acres Duke 8 years old, 7 acres bluedcrop 3 yrs/

Well maintained rancher on huge 8400 sqft lot with big 660 sqft shop.This solid 3 bedroom rancher features vaulted livingroom ceiling. covered patio,



Home you can subdivide into 2 or 3 lots 4 bedrooms home close by King rd / Jackson elementary school

4398 N Auguston Parkway

$ 1,150,000

This house is a must see as it implements smart home technology that can be controlled by your very own Ipad. The house has 4 bedrooms upstairs with a custom built shower in the master bedroom along with built in alarm system, built in vacuum, fridge, stove, dishwasher, washer and dryer.There is a 2 bedroom unauthorized suite in the basement plus a legal 589 sq. ft. coach home that has its very own hot water heat, fridge, stove, dishwasher, washer and dryer for extra income.

36061 Emily Carr Green

$ 825,000 Superior built home located in East Abbotsford that offers exceptional quality and design! Approximately 2900 Sq ft home. Designer color scheme, great attention to detail and finishing throughout the home with beautiful kitchen cabinets, quartz countertops and 10-ft ceiling on the main floor for an open, spacious feeling

NEED MORE LISTINGS! hor ilsitMgjL dI loV hY.

We have qualified buyers PAGE R2

sfzy kol XogqfpUrn (kuaflIPfeIz) KrIddfr hn.

Friday, March 30th, 2018





Friday, March 30th, 2018

Friday, March 30th, 2018





Friday, March 30th, 2018

Friday, March 30th, 2018




Friday, March 30th, 2018

Kirandeep Singh Gill

Baldev Singh Gill bldyv isMG ig@l




3130 267A STREET

Brand New 2 bedroom with spacious rec. room and 2.5 bath townhome, features a large fully fenced backyard, contemporary wide plank laminate flooring, large kitchen with white quartz countertops and sleek stainless steel appliances. *No GST.*




Very clean home located in quiet cul-de-sac with 5 bedrooms and 3 Full baths. Lots of updates has been done in past few years, including: New windows, flooring, plumbing, bathrooms, doors, crown moldings, lights and roof. Over 7,000 sq.ft. lot. Close to Mill lake, Sevenoaks mall and all levels of Schools.





3 Year old, 3 bedroom and 2 bath, 3 storey townhouse in West Abbotsford. Walking distance to various schools (elementary,middle,secondary), Apollo Gym and the Sikh Temple.




Extra clean house with 6 bedrooms, 4 full bathrooms, 2 BEDROOM LEGAL SUITE , rec. room plus one bedroom for upstairs use. Several updates done in the past few years. Walking distance to various schools (elementary,middle,secondary), Apollo Gym and the Sikh Temple.

19.44 Acre Full Production Blueberry Farm

Beautiful custom built over 5300 Sq. ft. home with 2-510 years warranty. Featuring 9 bedrooms, 6.5 baths and 3 kitchens. Open concept and 14’ high ceiling in living and dining room, Granite and quartz countertops throughout and 2 specious decks..

16.32 acre income producing blueberry farm. 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 1950 sqft rancher. 100x40 barn, has 2 storeys, oversized doors on both ends of barn, extra concrete slab. Peat moss, Huge potential here! Close to town and Mission Hwy.

$1,850,000 32448 Pandora Ave


33629 Clayburn RD

Duke and Bluecrop varieties. Very good production for 2017 Full irrigation system and machine pick. House and Barn.

#15 - 31235 Upper Maclure Rd

Stunning well-kept 1/2 duplex with living, dining, kitchen, family room and 2 piece bath on main; 3 bedrooms and 2 full bath on upstairs. Single garage, fenced private backyard with covered patio and store. No strata fee, independent living, lot of privacy Close to elementary school.

184 32550 MACLURE ROAD


32514 Pandora Ave

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