April 27, 2018

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website: www.patrika.ca

THE WEEKLY Friday, April 27, 2018 Vol. 22, No.32

604-852-2288 www.patrika.ca @PatrikaMedia

PATRIKA “Bridging Communities�

A Secular, Independent and Progressive Newspaper


The Patrika 

Sandhu and Sran Mortgages now Open!


Friday, April 27th, 2018

The Patrika Friday, April 27th, 2018



asIN quhfzy Gr afky vI srivs idMdy hF




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The Patrika


iensfn aqy hYvfn ivwc bVy hI Prk hn. jd iensfnI srIr ivwc hYvfnI rUhF df vfsf ho jfvy qF nrk hI nrk bx jFdf hY. Bfrq ivwc vsdy pMjfb nUM bVf icr ieh nrk hMZOxf ipaf. ies dy smF sImF df qF pUrf rIkfrz nhIN hY pr 15 vI sdI qoN lY ky 18 vI sdI dy awD qwk df smF mcdy BFbVF df smF hY, jdoN iensfnI jfimaF ivw c hY v fnIaq dIaF by a M q hny H r IaF JuwlIaF. awiqwafcfr, durfcfr, iBRsLtfcfr blfqkfr,jLfq pfq, AUc nIc, DwkysLfhI, luwt Koh, by-iensfPI, sInfjLOrI, mfrvwZ, hwk-nhwk, Drm iBRsLt, AUc nIc dy vrqfiraF ny aYsy kuhrfm mcfey ik lok mrnf cfhux lwgy, hOsly hfr gey, gYrqF rul geIaF, afsF dy Gfx hoey, inrfsLf dy nfc hoey. hmlfvrF nUM sqfrF hmly kr ky vI sbr nf afieaf, qn, mn, Dn, luwt ley, husn hI vYrI ho gey, tky tky nMU suMdr muitafrF mMzIaF ivwc ivkx lwgIaF, zoly luwty jfx lwgy, Dwky nfl mfVy AujfVy jfx lwgy, ienHF by- iensfPIaF ny hOsly Zfh idwqy lok mOq nMU PirafdF krn lwgy.



ieh vrqfry ihMdUaF qy muslmfnF qy inrMqr ho rhy sn, cIk pukfr suxn vflf koeI nhIN sI, jLfbrF nUM ksUrvfr kihx dI koeI jLUarq nhIN sI rwKdf. Gr Gr sog dy swQr sn, iPr iewk kOqk hoieaf. avfjL afeI “rfjy sLINh mukwdm kuwqy” jfie jgfien bYTy suwqy” “jAu qAu pRym Kylx kf cfAu, isr Dir qlI glI myrI afAu.”

ieh avfjL krFqI dI pihlI avfj LsI, ieh avfjL iswKF dy pihly pfqsLfh guru nfnk dyv jI dI, ies avfjL ny jfbr dy jLulm Jwly, kYdF kwtIaF, ies nUM sdf leI bMd krn leI bVy hI azMbr rcy gey, pr avfjL hor AuwcI hor lMmI huMdI geI. ieh avfjL Bfrq ivwc krFqI dI jfgo bx geI qy iPr ies afvfjL ny cfrF idsLfvF ivwc Brmx kridaF lokF dy duw K dUr kry, hwk swc dy hoky bulMd hoey, lokF ivwc afsF dIaF ikrnF PuwtIaF, ijLMdgIaF ijAux nUM idl kIqf iPr ieh avfjL ds jfimaF ivwc bulMd huMdI clI geI. kdI ies avfjL nUM qwqI qvI qy “DrqI dIaF sux ky afhF, ibTf, kysF ivwc qwqI ryq pf, kdI cFdnI aMbr ny mfrIaF DfhF, cOk ivwc afp phuMc ky sIs df dfn, kdI srbMs dfn, kdI koVmy dy blIdfn, kdI by ieMdr df afsx zoilaf, ihsfbIaF kqlo gfrqI anHyrIaF pr ieh dyv-lok jf ky boilaf avfjL mwDm nf peI, idno idn bulMd huMdI pMz pfpF vflI jFdI nI shfrI, geI. ies afvfjL ny lok idlF nUM moh ilaf, lokF dy duwK hry, suwqIaF axKF jgfeIaF, anHyr Cfieaf dunIaF qy, KMzy dIaF DfrF ny hulfry idwqy, KMzy bfty dy lwgdI ijLMdgI qoN mOq ipafrI. “ aMimRq ny PulfdI isMG isMGxIaF pYdf kIqy guru nfnk dyv jI bfbr bfxI ivwc ilKdy jLbrF dIaF anHyrIaF QMmIaF, jLflmF nUM nwk nfl cny cbfey, lokfeI nUM nyk rsqy hn, qoiraf, sLFqI df vfsf hoieaf, gYrqF dy “bfbr bfxI iPr geI, sUhy Puwl iKVy, ivkfs dy pMD pfr kIqy, hr Kyqr ivwc ies afvfjL dy sroqy bulMdIaF koier nf rotI Kfie.” qy dyK rhy hF.


Friday, April 27th, 2018

dsm ipqf ny isMGf nUM hukm kIqf ky hux dyhDfrI gurU nhIN sgoN smUh BgqF aqy guru sfihbf dIaF bfxIaF dy srovr guru gRMQ afihb hI ‘gUrU” mMny jfx. sfzf awj df ivsLf hY ik ngr kIrqn ikAuN aXoijq kIqy jfdy hn? sfzI smJy gwl ieAuN hY ik ijMnHF mhfn gurU sfihbF ny vwzy irsk lY ky, bildfn dy ky, srbMs vfr ky, puwqF qoN ipafry isMGF isMGxIaF vfr ky, sfzIaF ruldIaF iewjLqF bcfeIaF, jLfq-pfq dy pfVy Kqm kIqy, axKF jgfeIaF, sfnUM Dox AuwcI kr ky ijAuxf isKfieaf, asIN AunHF df sLukrfnf kIqy ibnF nhIN rih skdy. guru sfihbf leI lokfeI ivwc AudoN vI eynf ipafr siqkfr sI peI ijwDr nUM vI ienHF dI PyrI huMdI lokfeI rfh AuzIkdI huMdI, qy jy ienHF dI PyrI lyt ho jFdI qF sMgqF ienHF dy duafiraF qy afp nqmsqk huMdIaF sn qy sflfnf joV myly ivsfKI qy ngr kIrqnF ivwc phuMc ky gurU jI dI crnsLoh pRfpq kr ky KusLIaF pRfpq krdy hn. ieh ipafr aqy sLrDf df alOikk myl hY. ijwQy vI iswK vsdy hn hr QF ieh ngr kIrqn ho rhy hn. bhuq sfrIaF srkfrF ny vI ies pRQf ivwc rucI idKfeI hY. inAUXfrk dy sLihr hobokYn ivwc iswK myar ribMdr isMG Bwlf dy Audmf sdkf AuQoN dy istI hfl ivwc insLfn sfihb Julfey gey hn. afier lYNz dy zbiln sLihr ivwc pihlI vfrI ngrkIrqn inkilaf hY. aYs vIkaYNz qy troNto ivwc ivsLfl ngr kIrqn inkl irhf hY. cOdF aprYl nUM vYnkUvr ivwc do lwK sMgqF ny guru sfihbF dI crn Coh pRfpq kIqI ,21 apRYl nU srI sLihr ivwc pMj lwK sMgqF df joV mylf hoieaf. ies ivwc bfhrly dysLF qoN vI sMgqF ny drsLn kIqy. ieh sLrDf dIaF iKwcF hn. ieh vI sLrDf hY ik 20 sfl pihlF hOlYNz qoN iewk gorf jOrj kYm drbfr sfihb aMimRqsr drsLnF nUM phuMicaF, Aus nUM AuQON jo pRfpq hoeaf , Es ny Aus dy zubdy byVy pfr lf idwqy, Aus dI sLrDf juV geI qy vIh sfl qoN hirmMdr sfihb jI dy skYwc bxf ky lokF nUM

qohPy idMdF af irhY hY. ieh vI sLrDf hY ik srHI dy ngrkIrqn ivwc ividafrQI muMzy kuVIaF ny ny sfrf idn sPfeI kIqI, AunHF ivwc iewk pMjfbI sI qy bfkI hor dysLF dy sn. ieh vI sLrDf hY ik knYzf dy nyitvjL ny anoKy aMdfjL nfl ngrkIrqn ivwc isLrkq idMidaF guru Gr c sPfeI kIqI. ieh vI sLrDf hY ik ibRtyn dI pRDfn mMqrI ny blYk kONtrI ivKy pRsLfdy iqafr kIqy qy iswK XoiDaF nUM sLrDFjlI idwqI. ieh vI sLrDf hY ik ieQoN dIaF jl Ql qy hvfeI sYnfvF ny vwKry aMdfjLF ivwc pysLkfrI kIqI, ieh vI sLrDf hY hY ik by igxq iksm dIaF afeItmF dy lMgr atuwt cwly, pMj lwK sMgq ny Ck ley iPr vI muwky nhIN qy iPr PUz bYNkF nUM idwqy gey. rfgIaF, ZfzIaF, kvIsLrF qy kQf vfckF ny gurAupdysL srvx krvfey, gqky qy BMgVy vflIaF tImF ny guru sfihbF duy XuwD KyqrF dI Xfd dvfeI. eys sLrDf bxn nUM bVf lMmF smF lwgf sI qy hux ieh sLrDf vsdI dunIaF qwk ievyN hI brkrfr rhygI. eysy hI sLrDf dI pusLtI kridaF pMjfb dy mhfn kvI s: gurmuK isMG jI eydF kihMdy hn, “sLUdr, izwgy, lokF qFeIN, ijn srdfr bxfieaf Aulty vihx vhf ky swc df prcm ijn vhfieaf jLbrF mUhry axK, bIrqf zt geI ivwc mYdfnI ngrkIrqn sdf sjOxy bxy PrjL iensfnI.” DMnvfd sihq, sMpfdkI mMzl.

The Patrika



Friday, April 27th, 2018

For the Record: The Value of Conventional Political Engagement n a previous edition (April 6th, 2018) I wrote about protestors and the role that protesting plays within political activism. In that column I outlined what I saw as the ‘right’ way versus the ‘wrong’ way to protest. Having said that, as someone who is politically engaged it only seems fitting that I now dedicate an edition to the value of conventional political engagement – i.e., working ‘within the system.’


This, of course, is just one example of what I considered to be political apathy. In the same spirit, there are other ‘classic excuses’ not to vote such as… it’s only one vote, it can’t possibly matter… I don’t really know enough about the candidates or the parties… or one of my *favourites* which is… all politicians are crooked and can’t be trusted. The reality is that not a singular one of these statements are legitimate.

For me – as someone who is a proficient communicator (which is not a statement rooted in ego, but rather self-awareness as, believe me, I could do an entire column on my weaknesses) I have always felt compelled to use my strengths within my system. Thus, from my days on DCTV-4 (Delta), to my contributions on 101.7FM (Abbotsford), to presently seeking an NPA Council Nomination (Vancouver), I have always been a firm believer that actively engaging within the system – whether that be indirectly by asking questions that hold elected officials accountable, or whether that be directly by throwing my own hat in to the ring – yields the greatest, most positive results. Of course, it is that final statement – “greatest, most positive results” – that requires context.

For the couple that votes differently, it’s important to note that the number of votes cast make a difference – especially now when discussions are taking place about changing our electoral system. For those who suggest that it’s just one vote and won’t really matter, there have been elections that have come down to only a handful of votes (in some instances, fewer than a dozen). For those who say they don’t know enough about the candidates and/or the parties… well, I’m sure if they gave-up an hour of Netflix they could get enough of a sense that they could – at the very least – make a ‘semiinformed’ decision (though, I’d be far too embarrassed to admit that I didn’t know enough to cast a ballot given the sacrifices made by so many to ensure we live in a country that affords us the opportunity to vote). Finally, when it comes to politicians and the ‘trustworthy factor’, this is perhaps the most absurd. Simply put, only those who do not vote are responsible for elected officials who don’t live-up to the standards they ought to as public servants.

One of the greatest complaints I have heard regarding ‘working within the system’ is that nothing ever gets done. Not true. What is true is that, often times, working within the system means it takes time and patience in order to see the desired outcomes. Some will, naturally, view this through a cynical lens and talk about ‘red tape’. Others, meanwhile, will talk about checks-and-balances, due-diligence, etc. The reality is that the truth lies somewhere in the middle, but at the end of the day working within the system yields a favourable result with far greater consistency than attempting to work outside of it; a statement rooted in both qualitative and quantitative data. For The Record… During a recent radio interview on Roundhouse Radio with host Jody Vance, the conversation turned to those who do not vote. The example used by Ms. Vance was the couple that don’t bother to vote because one votes oneway and the other votes another-way; thus, the belief that their two votes ‘cancel each other out’ and therefore there is no reason to go to the polls.

The bottom line is this… the system will only ever be as effective and as meaningful as those who engage within it. Therefore, while there are ways to engage outside of the system (i.e., protesting), I cannot help but think that if those same people got politically active within the system and sought to change it from within, the system in its entirety would become far more effectual; thereby creating a greater climate of cooperation, while minimizing cynicism. Will this ever be the case? Who knows? In many ways this is one of those cyclical challenges that will always result in opposing views (unless, of course, voting became mandatory?). However, if people could just park their cynicism and genuinely try engaging within the system I am certain things

For the Record Justin P. Goodrich, LL.M.

would be better all-around. Naive? Maybe. But worth a shot! Justin P. Goodrich is the Managing Partner at Alliance Public Affairs Group (www.alliancepag.ca). Previous editions of For The Record can be found online at: www.patrika.ca/ for-the-record.

So, what’s my point? Admittedly – as I have stated in the past – there is no such thing as a ‘perfect system’. However, that comment goes well-beyond ‘first-past-the-post’ versus ‘proportional representation’. Indeed, that comment speaks to a fundamental truth that far too many people – in this columnists’ opinion – do not take in to consideration: decisions are made by those who show-up! Thus, with all of the above in mind, it should be clear that political engagement should not only be important to everyone as a matter of principle, but also because if everyone engaged within the system – if only by casting a ballot on election day – it would undoubtedly result in a more representative, well-balanced, holistic outcome that better epitomises the majority of the populace.


The Patrika



Community Clean-Up Week Thank you ABBOTSFORD – April 24, 2018: The City of Abbotsford wishes to thank the many dedicated residents who participated in Community Clean-Up Week 2018. Volunteer efforts contribute to increased environmental stewardship in our community. This year saw more Abbotsford residents pitching in than ever before. 4,240 residents volunteered their time to help beautify their neighbourhood and do their part to celebrate Earth day. Thank you to everyone involved: • Abbotsford Community Church • Abbotsford Community Services • Abbotsford Mission Nature Club • Abbotsford Rotary Club • Abbotsford-Sumas Rotary Club

• Eugene Reimer Middle School • Fraser Valley Trout Hatchery • FreeBird Safety Services • Gurmat Center • Hearthstone Place • Home Depot • Lowes • Margaret Stenersen Elementary School • MEI Middle School • Quality Hotel Abbotsford • Rising Stars Basketball Academy • Rotary Club of Abbotsford-Sumas • Sandy Hill Elementary School • SpeedLine Solutions

• Starbucks - Bakerview • Abbotsford Seventh Day Adventist • Studio Green Wellness Centre Church • Thomas Swift Elementary School • Abby Middle School • Abby Senior Green Team

• Transformations Hair Design

• ACS New immigrants

• WJ Mouat Key Club

If you are interested in being part of • Auguston Traditional Elementary ongoing clean-up efforts in our community through our Adopt a Park, Street or School Trail programs, or One-time beautifica• Centennial Park Elementary School tion events, visit www.abbotsford.ca/ • Creative Center Society volunteerapplication • Auguston Community Group

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Friday, April 27th, 2018

The Patrika 

Friday, April 27th, 2018


Emergency Week Seminars Help Seniors Prepare for Emergencies


he City of Abbotsford and the Abbotsford Emergency Program are geared up to help residents prepare for an emergency during Emergency Preparedness Week from May 6-12. For millions of seniors, fires, floods and disasters such as earthquakes present a real challenge. The amenities that get you through the day might not be available such as power for motorized scooters, or oxygen tanks. Emergencies and disasters can strike quickly and without warning and could result in an evacuation of your home or neighbourhood.

THURSDAY, MAY 10 Workshop B: 7:00pm - 9:00pm 32315 South Fraser Way Matsqui Centennial Auditorium

Life472 will also be selling Emergency Kits and providing personal preparedAll residents in Abbotsford are invited ness information throughout the week to attend one of two workshops to learn at City facilities: about the hazards that can affect them, what to include in their home emer- Date: Monday, May 7 gency kit, what they can do to minimize Time: 8:30am - 1:30 pm injury and protect their home from an earthquake, and how to reunite with Location: Abbotsford Rec Centre loved ones after a disaster. Address: 2499 MacMilan Rd The workshops will be led by Barbara Morgan, an Emergency Management Specialist with over 30 years of experience, and representatives from the Maple Ridge, Pitt Meadows and Katzie First Nation Senior Network who have spent over 4 years researching seniors and their needs in a large scale disaster. Join them by registering for one of two 120 - minute workshops that showcase the reasons why you need to be prepared as well as guide you through the steps of being prepared for a power outage, winter storm or a natural disaster such as an earthquake or tsunami. Emergency Supply representatives will be on site to showcase the new and innovative products available on the market today. All residents needing guidance on emergency preparedness are encouraged to register. THURSDAY, MAY 10 Workshop A: 3:00pm - 5:00pm 32315 South Fraser Way Matsqui Centennial Auditorium

Date: Tuesday, May 8 Time: 8:30am - 1:30 pm Location: City Hall Lobby Address: 32315 South Fraser Way Date: Wednesday, May 9 Time: 8:30am - 1:30 pm Location: Matsqui Rec Centre Date: Thursday, May 10 Time: 8:30am - 1:30 pm Location: City Hall Lobby Address: 3106 Clearbrook Rd Address: 32315 South Fraser Way These events will help to ensure residents and their families learn life saving tips from emergency responders so that they can be better prepared in the event of emergencies such as earthquakes, flooding, and other disasters. For more details on these events and Emergency Preparedness Week: www. abbotsford.ca/emergency .


The Patrika



Friday, April 27th, 2018

Premier announces awards for excellence in education


ominations open today for the new Premier’s Awards for Excellence in Education, an opportunity to recognize the enormous contributions of education professionals who go above and beyond to make life better for students in British Columbia.

“B.C.’s talented teachers, administrators and support workers deserve to be honoured and celebrated for the important work they do,” said Premier John Horgan. “We are focused on investing

in British Columbia’s education system, and developing new relationships with our education partners that are built on trust and respect.” Premier Horgan’s announcement kicked off B.C. Education Week, April 23-27, 2018. The week includes students, teachers, staff and parents participating in a variety of activities celebrating the innovative approach to learning that occurs in their respective schools and communities.

“We hope community members throughout B.C. will take the time to nominate education professionals who have made a positive difference in their own lives, or those of their children or grandchildren,” said Rob Fleming, Minister of Education. “Highly skilled and innovative teachers, administrators, principals, vice-principals and support workers – who operate school buses safely, help our kids read and keep schools clean and well maintained – deserve acknowledgement for their dedication to helping students succeed.” The Premier’s Awards for Excellence in Education will honour the achievements of public, independent and First Nations school-system teachers, principals, vice-principals, administrators and support staff. Awards will be given out in nine categories, ranging from community engagement to Indigenous education. Nominations will be accepted until June 18, 2018.

for all our students,” said Glen Hansman, president of the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation. “We are teachers, mentors, coaches, club sponsors and much more. It’s very encouraging to have a government that emphasizes its respect for teachers, and the incredibly valuable work all educators do in our schools and communities.” Shortlisted nominees will be announced in late August. Finalists will be invited to an awards ceremony at Government House in Victoria on World Teachers’ Day, Oct. 5, 2018. Premier Horgan and Fleming will be in attendance. Winners will receive a $3,000 personal bursary for professional learning, and a $2,000 contribution to their school community for professional learning.

“CUPE BC represents more than 27,000 education workers who work in B.C.’s K-12 education system,” said Paul Faoro, president of CUPE BC. “I’m pleased the new government has established a category of awards “B.C.’s 43,000 public school teachers to recognize the important work our all work hard every day to create safe, members do making public schools fun and enriched learning environments welcoming, inclusive and safe.”


The Patrika



Friday, April 27th, 2018

Service BC helps BC Transplant acknowledge record number of lives saved in 2017


uring National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week, Minister of Citizens’ Services Jinny Sims wants to remind British Columbians to register their decisions on organ donation at any Service BC office. “With 479 lives saved in 2017, we want to keep the awareness and the momentum going to break this record, and save even more lives next year,” said Sims. “Staff at Service BC offices know how hard, and how important, conversations about organ donation can be, so I want to commend them for all the work they do to help British Columbians understand what it means to be an organ donor.”

April 22-29, 2018, is National Organ and Tissue Donation Awareness Week. It is a chance to encourage more British Columbians to discuss their wishes for organ donation with loved ones, and register their decision in B.C.’s organ donor registry.

Service BC has helped more than 60,000 British Columbians register their wishes for organ donation.

The Ministry of Citizens’ Services operates 62 Service BC locations throughout British Columbia. As part of the many services provided at these offices, staff provide information about organ donation and the registration process.

“Having more conversations about organ donation is one of the ways British Columbians can make a difference during this awareness week,” said Leanne Appleton, provincial executive director of BC Transplant. “We know the more conversations we have about organ donation, the more people register their decisions and let their loved ones know what their wishes are.”

These dedicated public servants helped to register 23,364 British Columbians with BC Transplant in 2017-18, exceeding their goal of 18,000. Since partnering with BC Transplant in 2015,

According to BC Transplant and Canadian Blood Services, approximately 4,500 Canadians, including more than 600 British Columbians, are on a wait list for a life-saving

transplant. Part of the challenge is that while 90% of Canadians approve of organ and tissue donation, only 20% have actually registered their decisions.

Good-bye to the discriminatory server wage BCFED applauds commitment to end liquor servers, live-in caregivers, for British Columbians. “Strong wages residential care-takers, live-in camp are a critical piece to poverty reduclower wages for liquor servers leaders, and piece rate for farm tion and levelling the playing field for workers. working people. “We have long fought to have all exemptions from minimum wage laws removed. Our position is that the minimum wage is the minimum any worker can be paid for any work,” said Lanzinger. “Today we see important progress for workers in two areas – liquor servers and live-in caregivers. But we will continue to push for all exemptions to be removed.”

“After 16 years of neglect that fostered growing poverty in the province, we are finally taking steps in the right direction.”

The government announced further study into how farm workers are compensated for their work. The BC Federation of Labour is pleased with the announcement that the BC government will phase out the discriminatory server wage, ensuring by June 2021 servers will no longer be exempt from minimum wage laws. “I am relieved that we can say goodbye to the server wage in BC,” said Irene Lanzinger, president of the BC Federation of Labour. “Make no mistake, the server wage is a sexist policy that puts women at risk. It has no place in a fair and balanced economy.”

“The government has indicated that it will further investigate farm worker piece rates. We expect them to do this work quickly and in direct consultation with farm workers,” said Lanzinger. “This is a group of workers who are particularly marginalized and vulnerable to exploitation. It is critical that the government move forward to make life better for them and ensure fair and decent wages for their work.”

Lanzinger added that she looks forward to the final stage of the Fair Wages The issue of exemptions to minimum Commissions’ work into the transition wage laws was reviewed by the Fair from a minimum wage to a living wage Wages Commission, specifically for



The Patrika 

Friday, April 27th, 2018

How a pet can improve your health “Studies show that pets bring a range of health benefits to the people they live with. They can improve heart health, boost immunity, lessen anxiety, reduce the risk of obesity and more,” explains Rose Ferrante of Pet Valu. The regular exercise dogs require helps dog owners meet their daily requirements for physical activity. This in turn leads to overall better cardiovascular health, including weight management and lower cholesterol. People who own dogs have also been shown to have better survival rates following a heart

attack. Pets also reduce stress and anxiety in children and adults. In difficult, demanding situations, dog and cat owners had lower blood pressure than those who didn't have a pet. “Adopting a pet is a win-win. You provide a forever home to a pet in need and they'll make you healthier,” says Ferrante. “We host regular adoption weekends at all of our stores to give individuals a chance to meet a wide range of cats and dogs. You can then select a pet that has the right temperament for your lifestyle.”


The Patrika Friday, April 27th, 2018





The Patrika ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

Friday, April 27th, 2018

Rick Hansen Vaisakhi Show


ick Hansen Secondary School, has a very unique approach on multiculturalism and celebrating different ethnicities. On April 12 th, the school showcased their annual Vaisakhi Show. This event consisted of many performances from various age groups ranging from 2 years old to 18 years old, including a grad fashion show from this year’s graduating class. The focus of this event has been to very own, Little Dreamers Preschool create a safe and fun environment for and our RHSS 2018 Grads. The show the community to come and celebrate was sold out show with over 450 tickets sold. Our school believes in giving back to the community, so large parts of the funds that were raised are donated. This year we chose two places for our donation. The first was Abbotsford Canuck Place. Canuck Place is a children’s hospice which provides pediatric palliative care to children and families in BC. With our $1,000 donation we believe that we could give back and help those children and families the occasion of Vaisakhi. Vaisakhi is that are living with life-threatening widely celebrated in all areas of the diseases. The second $1,000 donation world and is known as the “harvest went towards helping the Mullhi famfestival.� We believe that we were ily that was affected with the tragic car accident of losing their loved one. Manjit Kaur was struck and killed by a car last month while she was walking her two grandsons to school near R i d g e v i e w. Since the acable to bring the entire community cident, the family is facing many together through this occasion. This health care bills from the two weeks was an opportunity for many parents that she was in the hospital before she to come together and witness their passed away. With our donation, we young children connecting back to believe that we can assist the family their cultural roots. This was also an with some of their expenses and creenjoyable experience for those who ate an awareness for others to help are not of the culture. There were per- donate. Overall, we believe that this formances from our feeder schools, event was a huge success and we were Harry Sayers, Eugene Reimer, Dave able to raise money for a local charKandal and outside groups such as ity and family that was in need. Rick Gordie Howe, Learning Stars Arts Hansen Secondary is committed and Academy, Bhangra Beats, and Little focused to showcasing the amazing Twinkle Pre School. Along with that work happening in the school each we also had a fashion show from our and every day! PAGE 12

itAUn aWp, brykF, aYgjfst, PrMt aYWz vrk, ieMjn irpyarjL, klWc, vftr pMp, trYnI srivs, XU- jfieMtjL, PrMt aYksl sLfPtjL afid

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sLok smfcfr bVy hI sdmy nflL sUicq kIqf jFdf hY ik sfzy sBnf dy ipafry qy siqkfry bIbI jI jgIr kOr ivrk supqnI s: kulvMq isMG ivrk, mfqf jI mndIp, bldIp aqy rItf ivrk idn buwDvfr imqI 18 apRYl nUM Gr ivc acfnk sdIvI ivsLoVf dy gey hn. AunHF dI dyh df sskfr sinwcrvfr 28 apRYl nUM 12:10 vjy PryjLr irvr iPAUnrl hom, 2061 irvrsfeIz roz aYbtsPorz ivKy hovy gf aqy aMiqm ardfs gurduafrf Kflsf dIvfn sosfietI aYbtsPorz ivKy sLfm 2 vjy hovy gI. hor jfxkfrI leImndIp ivrk: 778-240-4311 Mrs. Jagir Kaur Wirk, beloved wife Mr. Kalwant Singh Wirk and 12:00 noon) till 1:30pm followed by beloved cremation at Fraser River Funeral mother to daughters Mandeep, Home, 2061 Riverside Road Baldeep, and Rita Wirk passed in Abbotsford, BC. Afterwards, away peacefully on the morning there is service (Bhog) at the of Wednesday, April 18 at her Khalsa Diwan Society Temple in Abbotsford at 2:00 pm. home in Abbotsford. Funeral service is on Saturday, To contact the family call Mandeep April 28 at 12:30 pm (doors pen at Wirk at 778-240-4311.

The Patrika


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Friday, April 27th, 2018

The Province welcomes new Lieutenant Governor remier John Horgan offered his congratulations today to Janet Austin, OBC, on being sworn in as British Columbia’s 30th lieutenant governor.


“It’s a privilege to welcome Janet Austin as the new Lieutenant Governor to British Columbia,� said Premier Horgan. “She brings an extraordinary list of accomplishments and tireless advocacy for people in British Columbia to this appointment. We are truly fortunate to have such an accomplished and engaged leader front of the Parliament Buildings. She received a 15-gun salute fired by to fulfil this important role.� a troop of the 5th (British Columbia) At an installation ceremony at the Field Regiment, Royal Canadian ArtilParliament Bulidings, Austin took lery and the Naden Band of Maritime the Oath of Allegiance and Oaths of Forces Pacific played the Vice Regal Office, administered by Chief Justice Salute in tribute to her appointment. Robert J. Bauman, before members of the legislative assembly, dignitaries, The lieutenant governor is appointed by the governor general on the advice family and friends. of the prime minister and serves a term One of her first duties as the new of at least five years. Austin succeeds Lieutenant Governor was to inspect Judith Guichon as the Queen’s reprea 100-person guard of honour at the sentative in B.C.

Exceptional Quality Blueberry Nursery Stock

BLUEBERRY PLANTS Sidhu Growers is British Columbia's leading quality blueberry nursery. At Sidhu Growers, we grow healthy, disease free, virus indexed and true-toname Blueberry plants. We specialize in growing blueberry plants and have 20 plus years of experience in the blueberry business.

  virus indexing Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â?  ­ Â? € Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â?

We are the only authorized nursery in Canada to sell Reka, a northern blueberry variety and have documentation from where the variety originated from, which is New Zealand, and have proof of it. Make sure when purchasing Reka you ask to see the signed authorization from New Zealand. Being the only authorized nursery to sell Reka we can provide you with this.

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When purchasing blueberry plants, buy from a reputable blueberry nursery that specializes in growing blueberry plants. Ask to see virus testing documentation. Make sure plants are produced from cuttings. Plants produced from tissue culture or cuttings taken from tissue culture plants tend to be difficult to machine harvest and require more pruning.

€ � � � � † „� „ � � � � � „ � � † … † �† … ‡ „ ˆ � � � � � …� � � � � � � � � ‰ Š† � � ‹� � � � ‰

We are committed to provide you with only the best blueberry plants available and guarantee it.

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We offer: • Expert Consulting • Competitive Pricing • Exceptional Quality Stock • A Wide Selection of Varieties • Complete Customer Satisfaction

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• •  • • � •

For Further Information or to Place an Order Please Call:

Kam or Harry: (604) 853-1775

32787 Townshipline, Abbotsford, B.C. PAGE 13

The Patrika PAGE  14 


The Patrika  PAGE5

Simple spring ideas add seasonal touches to your home

rky gurU hwkfˆ dI DIafˆ dI (NC) A new season is here, and that xI peI. means it’s time to give your living spaces an update. Refresh your home lfˆ nfl with a few strategic elements that can feIcfry, . afpxy take you from winter to wow.

ny nYiqk gurU qyg vroDIafˆ nI dy ky Aus dI imldI. hwkfˆ dI igixaf

Surprise with unexpected florals. Flowers during springtime are not exactly a groundbreaking idea, but you can add a twist by incorporating them in creative ways. Think removable wallpaper or a reupholstered statement armchair with pretty, punchy or playful florals. Fresh flowers are never a miss, and you can make them bloom and last longer by Idfn nUM placing an ice cube in their water every Qfvfˆ vI other day. drjf dy Transport outdoor greenery inside. Nothing says spring like new plants, jQybMdI flowers and shrubs. Even if you don’t bhfdr have a backyard, you can give your qqf nfl kIqf sI. interiors a touch of the garden with aiDkfrfˆ easy-to-maintain plants around your IN jYaMqI home. Popular varieties this year are hfs bfry coloured plants like the Pink Princess bMdI vwloN Philodendron, aquatic plants that renuwKI hwkfˆ quire less care, and dwarf fruit trees. s ikqfb sI aqy aiDkfrfˆ nfm vI (1617am pYWn -1778)

Brighten with a pastel palette. Today’s trending colours are perfect for the season. Add some millennial pink, soft lavender and cheerful yellow with decorative accessories like pillows and art prints for an easy update. For a more substantial makeover, try painting an accent wall one of these shades for a pop of colour and keep everything else neutral for a balanced look. Update your window’s look. Sometimes all it takes to energize a space are new window fashions. Be sure to choose something that lets in plenty of the sun’s rays after a long winter, like Pirouette window shadings from Hunter Douglas. Soft horizontal fabric vanes float on a sheer backing, allowing you to achieve infinite combinations of light control, view-through and privacy. The sheer fabric back panel diffuses sunlight, transforming it into a warm glow while filtering out ultraviolet rays.

ihb dI r idwqI I cfdr` Idfn dI ËrIey nUM kmrfn, rhf huMdf n dy rfh klp sI, sI. iehI AuNdf hY.

dnI cOk Auqfiraf sihb nUM Dfrimk asQfn lihr dy hIdf hY. fiek qy nUM mfnqf af, pr

ristI, mks df



Friday, April 27th, 2018

The Patrika 

Friday, April 27th, 2018


Shopping tips for laundry appliances (NC) Buying a new laundry pair can feel overwhelming — a trip to your local big box store can feel like an onslaught of features and benefits. How can you cut through the clutter to find a washer and dryer that will truly make your life easier? Take a few tips from Mike Holmes, Canada’s most trusted contractor and handyman. For him, it’s all about three key decisions: 1. The right format. While front-load laundry appliances were all the rage a few years ago, top load laundry pairs are making a big comeback. They’re just as energy-efficient and often more functional, with a more ergonomic design and an agitator to get really tough on dirt. Plus, because the top-load style doesn’t require a tight seal, you reduce the possibility of nasty mould and mildew build-up. 2. The right features. While you may not use every feature and benefit on your laundry pair, there are a few to look for that make a big difference. The smart dispense system offered by GE Appliances, for example, allows

you to add up to two months’ worth of detergent at once — the machine will then automatically dispense the right amount for every load. Another great feature is deep fill, which is an easy way to add additional water with the touch of a button and ensures your most heavily soiled laundry comes out clean every time. 3. The right finish. Finally, think about the look of your laundry room when you are selecting the materials. We’ve come a long way from Plain Jane laundry pairs — manufacturers are now offering beautiful colours and finishes to spruce up any space.



The Patrika 

ÈhId myvf isMG dI ptIÈn nUM lokfˆ vloˆ Brvfˆ huMgfrf bIqy sinwcrvfr nUM kYnyzf dy srHI Èihr ivwc iswKfˆ df jnm idhfVf qy ivsfKI df iqAuhfr lokfˆ ny lwKfˆ dI igxqI ivwc iekwTy ho ky mnfieaf. ijwQy lokfˆ ny vwK vwK Kfixafˆ qy ibËns dIafˆ stflfˆ df KUb anMd mfixaf AuwQy eIst ieMzIan zIPYˆs kmytI vloˆ vI hr sfl dI qrHfˆ Êdr lihr dI pRdrÈnI qy pVHn leI muÌq ikqfbfˆ lokfˆ nUM idwqIafˆ geIafˆ. "afE Ëulm iKlfÌ svY rwiKaf leI iekwTy hoeIey" nfˆ df prcf vI vMizaf igaf. ÈhId myvf isMG lopoky nUM kYnyzIan kOmI ÈhId df drËf idvfAux leI ptIÈn qy óõúú dy krIb lokfˆ qoˆ sfeIn krvfey gey. sMqoK ZysI ny styj dI kfrvfeI lokfˆ nUM ivsfKI dIafˆ vDfeIafˆ dy ky ÈurU kIqI qy jilHafˆ vfly sfky dy ÈhIdfˆ nUM ÈrDfˆËlI vI idwqI geI. iPr vwK vwK bulfirafˆ ny afpxy ivcfr idwqy. zIPYˆs kmytI dy jnrl skwqr hrBjn cImf ny ijwQy ivsfKI dIafˆ vDfeIafˆ idwqIafˆ AuwQy knyzf qy ieMzIaf dy awj dy hlfqfˆ qy cfnxf pfieaf ik lokfˆ dIafˆ hflqfˆ idno idn bdqr huMdIafˆ jf rhIafˆ hn. afsPf bfno ø sfl dI bwcI nfl ho rhI iGnfAuxI isafsq bfry vI dwisaf. gurdvfrf dÈmyÈ drbfr dy bulfry igafn isMG igwl ny eIst ieMzIan zIPYˆs kmytI dI awj qwk dI kfrguËfrI nUM dwsdy hoey Bfrq dI modI srkfr dIafˆ lokfˆ nfl vDIkIafˆ qy lfhnqfˆ pfeIafˆ. syv kYnyzIan ikzË dy gurpRIq qUr ny kYnyzIan bwcy jo zrwg qy gYˆgvfr ivwc afpxIafˆ iËMdgIafˆ gvf rhy hn, AunHfˆ bfry bhuq hI ivsQfr pUrvk dwisaf qy pulIs dy kihx muqfbk mfpy ksUrvfr hn. ies qy lokfˆ nUM svfl KVHf kIqf ik kI mfpy zrwg Grfˆ ivwc pYdf krdy hn jfˆ bfrzrfˆ qoˆ Auhnfˆ dI ingrfnI hyToˆ nhIˆ lMGdI. Auh styj qy bhuq Bfvk ho igaf, Xfd rhy ieh iewk pIVHq mfpf hY. bUtf isMG nvfˆ Èihr jo Bfrq qoˆ afey sn Auhnfˆ ny vI Bfrq ivwc jo modI srkfr vloˆ Gwt igxqIafˆ, aOrqfˆ, dilqfˆ qy awiqafcfr ho irhf hY Aus bfry sfrIafˆ Gtnfvfˆ dy mwdynËr jo sMGvfd dy lIzr hr roË ibafnbfËI kr rhy hn bfry ivsQfr nfl sfˆJ pfeI. pqrkfr zf[ gurivMdr DflIvfl ny gurU goibMd isMG dI Ëulm nfl twkr nUM awj dy sMdrB ivwc iesdI iPr loV ikAuˆ hY ? bfry cfnxf pfieaf. iqrlocn dUhVy ny vI smyˆ smyˆ qy afpxy ivcfr rwKy ikAuˆik styj svyr dy ù vjy qoˆ ÈurU ho ky Èfm dy ö vjy qwk cwldI rhI. iewk drÈk jo ieMglYˆz qoˆ afieaf sI Ausny ptIÈn qy sfeIn krvfAux dy vzmuwly kMm nUM huMgfrf dyx leI lokfˆ nUM pur Ëor apIl kIqI ik vwD qoˆ vwD sfeIn kro. hor drÈk bulfry vI bol ky afpxI hfËrI Brdy rhy. styj dI smuwcI kfrvfeI primMdr svYc ny inBfeI qy lokfˆ nUM vfr vfr sfeIn krn leI pRyiraf aqy ñú jUn nUM hox vflI nOvIˆ sÜfnf ÈhId Bgq isMG dOV jo byar krIk pfrk ivwc hox jf rhI hY, Auhdy Pfrm vI Brvfey gey qy Aus bfry dwisaf vI igaf. ies idn zIPYˆs kmytI dy sfry mYˆbrfˆ qy vlMtIarfˆ ny bhuq hI AuqÈfh nfl sfrf kMm nypry cfiVHaf.


Friday, April 27th, 2018

sB df kfj suafrU bx igafn isMG kotlI vYnkUvr sohxf suMdr sfAU sfidk swcI soc sucfrU bx. surgI supny arsLI dfeIey AuWcI hosL AusfrU bx. afPq AulJn ibKVy pYNzy JwKV JFjf mINh hnHyrI, lihrF BMvrF Xfr bxf ky sLhu-sfgr df qfrU bx. CMz ky kUV hnHyr cuPyry kr dy suwcI ikrq Aujfgr, KolH eImfn dI hwtI koeI jF ‘mwJIaF df cfrU’ bx. sfVf pfVf cuglI inMdf gYr ivroDI doKI dusLmx, ivwQF vMzIaF dUr htf ky sB pIVF df dfrU bx. ipafr muhwbq AulPq KyVf sLOk sucyry rIJF arsLI, sB df suhj sjf ky sIny sB df kfj suafrU bx. (DMnu lyKfrI nfnkf ivcoN)

The Patrika 

Friday, April 27th, 2018


Standing up for B.C. jobs, protecting our coast, and working for you


rom day one, our government’s priority has been to make life better for people in B.C. That’s why we’ve been working hard to make your more affordable, improve the services you count on, and build a strong sustainable economy that creates jobs in every corner of B.C. And that’s why we’re standing up for B.C.’s interests in the face of the Kinder Morgan pipeline expansion. People in B.C. are rightly worried

about a seven-fold increase in tanker traffic and the impact a heavy oil spill would have on our economy and environment. Tens of thousands of B.C. jobs, businesses and industries depend on healthy, oil-free, coastal and inland waters.

British Columbians — and all Canadians — should come before those in Texas boardrooms. That’s why we want to consult British Columbians about the transport of diluted bitumen, though B.C.’s land and water. Others disagree with this and they have that right. So we’re preparing a court reference to confirm our rights within our provincial jurisdiction. Defending our coast means defending

our jobs, our economy, our communities, and our way of life.

Whether a community was built on fishing, forestry or mining, agriculture or small business, an oil spill will hurt all British Columbians, cost us tens of thousands of good-paying A single spill on our coast would jobs, and make it harder for people to cost billions in economic activity get ahead. That’s a high price to pay. and threaten jobs in tourism, fisher- We believe a strong, sustainable ies, seafood, restaurants, retail, film economy should work for everyone, and more. Anyone who plays on our in every community in B.C., not just beaches, digs for with clams their the few at the top. family, or takes fresh Dungeness crab home for dinner from the seafood People in B.C. work hard every day, market understands what we could and they deserve a government that works for them. I’m proud to be a lose. British Columbian and to stand up for We’re taking responsibility and fight- the people of this province for now, ing for BC’s interests. That’s what our and for future generations. government was elected to do. That’s what we’ve been doing, as best we Our government is working for you, and we’re going to keep working hard can, for all of B.C. make life in B.C. better and more afWe believe that people should have fordable, with more opportunity for a say in the things that happen here. the people who live here. We also believe that the interests of PAGE 17

The Patrika



Friday, April 27th, 2018

nIlf qy kysrI bfxf

zf: hrBjn isMG syKoN prvdgfr dfqfr ny sMsfr dI suMdr qy sRI grU goibMd isMG jI ny pMj ipafiraF mnmo h xI idw K leI aqy sM s frIaF dy nUM aMimrq CkfAux aqy afp Ckx vkq mnpRcfvy Kfqr bhurMgI dunIaF sfjI hoeI nIly coly pihnfey aqy pihny hoey sn. iewk hY. mnuwK vl JfqI mfrIey koeI gorf hY, vfr dI vfrqf hY, sMgq guru klgIDr dy koeI kflf hY qy iksy df rMg kxkvMnf hY crnf ivwc juVI hoeI sI. sMgq ny siqgurF afid. iesy qrHF psLU pMsLIaF kIVy- mkOiVaF, nuM bynqI kIqI, “swcy pfqsLfh! sfnUM akfl ibrCF – bUitaF aqy PuwlF PlF dy rMg iBMn purK dy drsLn krvfAu”. iBMn hn. DfqF, imwtI, pwQr, kwpiVaF afid ieiqhfsk qwQ drsfAuNdy hn ik Aus vkq dy rMg Bfq BFq dy hn. mINh pYx AuprMq Coty sfihbjLfdy bfbf Piqh isMG jI dI akfsL vl njLr mfrIey qF sqrMgI pING jo afXU qkrIbn 4 ku sfl dI sI siqgurF dI bxdI hY Aus nuM dyK ky sB dy mn KusLI nfl inwGI god ivwc bYTy sn. bhuq ipafr aqy iKV jFdy hn. ijwQy mnuKF dy rMg vwKo vwKry siqkfr Bry sLbdF c siqgurF ny afiKaf, hn AuwQy hr iewk munK dI rMgF sMbMDI cox “lfl jI jfAu qy sMgq nUM akfl purK dy vI vwKo vwKrI hY aqy iehnF df pRBfv vI drsLn srgux srUp ivwc krvfAu ipqf df vwKrf hY. mOsm dy ihsfb nfl, kMm kfj aqy hukm mMn ky bfbf Piqh isMG jI god ivwcoN kfrjF (ivafh sLfdIaF gmI afid) anusfr AuwTy aqy kysgVH iklHy dy awgy mMjI sfihb vI mnuwK vMn suvMny kwpVy pihndf hY. dy asQfn qy phuMc gey. AuwQy phuMc ky nIlf dunIaF aMdr vwK vwK ikwiqaF dy bMdy qrHF bfxf, AuwcI dsqfr Auw qy dumflf qy sLsqr qrHF dy rMgF dy bsqr pihndy hn. PYsLn Dfrn kr ley. AuWcy itkfxy qoN AuqridaF muqfbk vI rMg bdldy hn. ieh sB kuK bfbf jI df suMdr rUp ieAuN cmk irhf sI mn psMd anusfr aqy afpxy afp nUM sohxf ijvyN nIly akfsL ivwc puMinaF df cMd soBdf idKfAux leI kIqf jFdf hY. ijvyN guru hY. siqgurF ny sfrI sMgq nUM KVHy ho ky sfihbfn ny iswK nUM iewk akfl purK dI svfgq krn leI afiKaf aqy bcn kIqf, pUjf leI AupdysL idwqf iqvyN guru klgIDr “ aOh vyKo akfl purK jI srgux srUp pfqsLfh ny Kflsy df bfxf pwky qOr qy imwQ ivwc af rhy hn.” bhuq hI afdr sihq idwqf, jo ik jug jug eyko vys df lKfiek bfbf jI nUM Auwcy itkfxy qy ibrfjnmfn hox hY. ieh bfxf jdoN isMG pihndf hY qF Aus leI bynqI kIqI aqy sMgqF ieh srUp dyK df suMdr nUrI ichrf zlHkF mfrdf hY aqy ky inhfl ho geIaF. so ieh Gtnf akfl dyKx vfilaF dIaF awKF cuMiDaF jFdIaF purK jI df nIlMbr DfrI hox df sMkyq idMdI hn. guru sfihb ny ies coly leI nIly qy hY. siqgurF ny sMgq nUM Aus smyN Purmfieaf, kysrI(pIly) rMg nUM qrjIh idwqI hY aqy “sMgq jI! asIN afpxy pMjvyN puwqr Kflsy Kflsy dy insLfn sfihb (JMzy) dy coly df rMg nUM vI iehI bfxf bKisLaf hY ikAuNik: vI kysrI rwiKaf. BFvy Kflsf rMgF dy vihmF hir kf jnu su hr hI jyhf, ivwc XkIn nhIN rwKdf pr ikAuNik Kflsy nUM sMq ispfhI bxf idwqf ies leI ijvyN hr ijn hir jipaf sy hir hoey.. iewk dysL dy POjIaF dI vrdI vwKo vwKrI hY ijs asQfn qy bfbf Piqh isMG jI ny bfxf aqy JMizaF dy rMg awz awz hn. ies leI pihinafN Aus df nF dumflf sfihb rwK idwqf. Kflsy dI vrdI aqy insLfn sfihb df rMg ieMJ ijvyN sMsfr aMdr nIlI klgI, nIlI nIlf aqy kysrI rwiKaf. iehnF rMgf aMdr grdn aqy nIly lMby KMBfN vflf pMCI mor bhuq hI zUMGI nIqI iCpI hoeI hY. sB pMCIaF coN Auwqm pMCI hY iqvyN sMsfrIaF Kflsy df nIlf bfxf ikAuN? lMbyN KMBF vflf pMCI mor sB pMCIaF coN Auwqm pMCI hY iqvyN sMsfrIaF coN iqafr br iqafr nIlf rMg agMm aqy apfr df sUck hY. ieh Kflsy dI sLfnosLOkq, inrflI qy Auwqm hY. amn, sLFqI, azolqf, inrBYa, iensfP aqy smJOqy df srUp hY. afkfsL df BfvyN Kflsf nIly bfxy aMdr afpxI afBf ieAuN afpxf koeI rMg nhIN pr Auh nIly rMg dI pRgt krdf hY ijs qrHF nIly bRhmMz ivwc Bfa mfrdf hY. mhFpurKF anusfr pRBU jdoN cMd, qfry qy sUrj sLsoLBq hn. vYd gurcrn srgux srUp ivwc ivcrdf hY qF Aus dy isMG jI jo pMQ dI mhfn hsqI sn aqy bsqr vI nIly pIly rMg dy huMdy hn ijvyN pRuswD kQfvfck sn ilKdy hn ik bRhm bfxI aMdr drjL hY: igafnIaF df ieh mwq hY ik ijwQy afdmI dIaF awKF df igafn muwk jFdf hY Aus qoN pRB jI qo kih lfj hmfrI.. awgy nIlf bRhm hI bRhm hY. kyvl bRhmMz nIl kMT nrhir nfrfXn nIl bsn hI nhIN smuMdrF dy pfxI vI nIly rMg dI bnvfrI.. Bfa mfrdy hn. sRI ivsLnUM, sRI rfm cMdr qy sRI ikrsLn jI nUM vI isLafm (nIlf) kih pIq pIqMbr iqRBvx DxI..1082 ky pukfiraf qy siqkfiraf jFdf hY. prfcIn kfl aMdr rMgF dI sMkyqk mhfnqf PAGE 18

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Bfrq vrsL aMdr AuhnF irsLIaF munIaF ijMnF ny vyd rcy AuhnF ny vydF nUM pVHn vfilaF dy bsqrF dy rMg vI mukrr kIqy hoey sn. ijvyN irg, Xjur qy isafm dy pfTI kRmvfr nIly, pIly aqy sPYd (icwty)kpVy pihndy hn. BfeI gurdfs jI ny afpxIaF vfrF aMdr ies gwl dI pusLtI kIqI hY:

3) suPYd (icwty) bsqr qy suPYd JMzy AuhnF lokF leI mukrr kIqy jo Drm kFz, ividaf pVHn pVHfn afid dI Bfvnf rwKdy hox. iehnF dI soc huMdI hY koeI mry koeI jIvy suQrf Gol pqfsy pIvy’. iehnF dI syqFbr sMigaf mukrr kIqI.

4) lfl bsqr aqy lfl JMzy AuhnF lokF irig nIlMbir jujr pIq svyqMbir kr leI mu k rr kIqy ijM n H F dy mnf aM d r isafm suDfrf.. ivawkqIgq lfBF dI soc hY iehnF dI vfr 1 pAuVI 6 sMigaf rkqFbr sMkyq kIqI geI. kfly bsqr qy kfly JMzy sog dI insLfnI hn. iehnF vyd Aucfrn vfilaF ny smfjk, rfjnIqk aqy rwiKaf afid dy kfrjF muslmfn hry rMg dy bsqr aqy JMzy nUM nUM TIk ZMg nfl clfAux leI vwKo vwKry qrjIh idMdy hn. jdoN Bfrq 1947 ivwc sMigaf inscq kIqI hoeI sI: afjL f d ho i ead qF kFgrs pfrtI ny rfsLtrI JMzy iqafr krn vkq iqMn kOmF 1) pIly (kysrI) bsqr Auh vIr lok ihMdU, iswK qy muslmfn nUM muwK rwiKaf. pihcfx jo dysL Drm aqy mfnvqf dI rfKI afbfdI dy ilhfj nfl ihMdU Bfrq ivwc sLsqrDfrI ho ky krnf cfhuMdy hn. AuhnF bhuigxqI ivwc hn, muslmfn dUjy nMbr qy nUM pIqFbr sMigaf insicq kIqI geI. aqy iswK qIjy nMbr qy hn. pr JMzy ivwc dusLmx Auwqy hmlf krn smyN Auh pIlf bfxf kysrI rMg iswKF df sB qoN Auwpr rwiKaf jo pihnxgy aqy hwQF ivwc pIly JMzy pkVngy. kurbfnI df pRqIk hY. ivckfr icwtf ihMdUaF 2) nIly bsqR aqy nIly Auh JMzy Auh lok df rMg rwiKaf ijs nUM sLFqI df pRqIk pihnxgy qy rwKxgy jo mfnvqf dy kilafx mMinaf aqy sB qoN Qwly hrf muslmfnF df leI sulHf sPfeI eykqf, amn, dy muwdeI, rMg rwiKaF ijs nUM KusLhflI aqy hiraflI iensfP psMd qy dusLmxF dI suDfeI leI df pRqIk afiKaf. icwty rMg dI pwtI ivwc sdf qqpr rihxgy. iehnF nUM nIlFbr asL o k cw k r bxfieaf ijs nU M aihM s f pujfrI afiKaf ikAuNik asLok buwD Drm df sMigaF idwqI geI. pujfrI sI aqy buwD Drm ihMsf df ivroDI

The Patrika Friday, April 27th, 2018



hY. asLok cwkr df rMg nIlf rwiKaf ijs kRsLx rfmON mudf Xukqy mflf kfrrf df Bfv sulfh sPfeI, eykqf aqy iensfP gsMdqo..17.. psMd afiKaf. pIq nIlMbr DroN qON dRstvf qy mnOhrO.. nIly qy kysrI rMg df ipCokV bhuq hI sqRkXf mfs qdf Bub qy BubMdyvu pfgqo..20.. mhfn hY. aQrbx vyd ivwc bRhmf sMbMDI iewk gfQf drjL hY: iewk hor ieiqhfsk gfQf hY jo ivsLnUM purfx ivwc drjL hY. ies anusfr rfjf jnk nIl mhXodrM lohqM pRsLTm .. 7.. kFz 15 dI kuwl ivwc do rfjy hoey hn. iewk df qF Bfv bRhmf ijs nUM prjfpq vI afKdy hn kysLDvjL qy dUjy df nf KFzkX sI. rfjf df pyt nIlf aqy ipwT lflI ’c hY: kysLDvjL ivwidaf df pMzq sI aqy KFzkX ivwidaf igafqf. rfj dy vfDy leI dohF ivwc nIly nyvf ipRXM BfqR vfXM pRyrxo iq BfrI XuwD hoieaf. mYdfny jMg ivwc DvjL lohy qyn idvsMqM ivDXqI bRhm bfdno ijwwq igaf aqy KFzkX hfr Kf ky jMglF ivwc jf luikaf. ies dy mMqrI qy pRoihq vdMqI..8.. vI rfjy nfl jMgl ivwc rihx lwgy. kuJ arQfq bRhmf dusLmx nUM nIly rMg df pfsf smyN ipCoN kysLvDvjL dI gAU mrn df bhuq (pyt) ivKf ky Gyrdf hY, smJfAuNdf hY ik psLcfqfp hoieaf. Aus ny afpxy pRoihq iksy Auwpr hmlf krnf mfVI gwl hY. jykr sunk nUM puwiCaf, ‘ mYnUM ies df hwl dws, dusLmx nhIN smJdf qF Aus nUM lohy nfl ijs kfrn myrf pfp dUr ho jfvy”. tukVy tukVy kr idMdf hY. iesy qrHF gurU df isMG jo nILMbrI hY kdy iksy qy hmlf nhIN sunk ny ikhf, “hy rfjn ! mYnUM ies bfry krdf. jykr koeI bfj nf afvy qF Aus dusLt igafn nhIN. afpdf sLqrU KfNzkX ies df nUM soDxf afpxf prm Drm smJdf hY. sRI hwl jfxdf hY. rfjf kysLDvjL sulHf krn vfsqy qy pfp dy hwl leI afpxy srIr qy guru goibMd isMG dy bcn hn: nIlI Bfa mfrdI kflI imrgsLflf ikRsLxf cu kfr ajL hmf hIlqy dr gujLsLq.. pihx ky KFzkX vwl nUM cwl ipaf. ivsLxU hlfl asqu burdn b sLmsLyr dsq.. purfx aMdr ieMJ drj hY: (jLPrnfmf) ieq Xukqf rQmfrU ijn Dro nrpq.. Bfv jd sulfh sPfeI dy sB hIly-vsIly vM n jM g fm XqR f sqy s KFzkXo mhf Kqm ho jfx, qd dusLtF nUM soDx leI mqI..20.. qlvfr cuwkxI jfiejL hY. jdoN hI KFzkX ny kysLDvjL nUM dyiKaf Aus sMsfr aMdr ieh mMinafN-pRmMinaF asUl hY ny DnuWK qy qIr cfVH ilaf qy awKF nm ik jdoN DrqI qy jLulm vD jFdf hY, jMgl krky boilaf, kysLDvjl qUM mYnUM mfrn leI df rfj ho jFdf hY qy ijs dI lfTI Aus kI afieaF hY? awgy kysLDvjL ny dvyN hwQ joV BYNs vflI hflq ho jFdI hY qF pRBU Aus bynqI kIqI, ‘hy KFzkX! mYN qF afp jI df jLulm dy Kfqmy leI koeI nf koeI mhfn syvk bx ky suwlHf sPfeI krn afieaf hF, hsqI pRgt kr idMdf hY. sRI ikRsLn jI ijMnHF mfrn leI nhIN, ies krky myry nIly rMg nUM solF klF sMpUrn avqfr mMinaF jFdf dI imrgsLflf pihnI hoeI hY”. iPr KFzkX hY, dy kOrv aqy pFzvF ivckfr JgVf sI. ny kysLDvjL nUM gAU mrn dy pfp dUr krn durXoDn nUM smJfAux leI sRI ikRsLn jI mor df igafn bKisLaf. dy nIly KMBF df mor mukt isr qy Dfrn krky Aus pfs gey aqy bfr bfr arjL kIqI ik sRI guru nfnk dyv jI muslmfn nUM Kudf df pFzvF nUM Gwto Gwt pMj ipMz jLrUr dy idAu. srb ivafpI igafn syx leI aqy kPr pr durXoDn qF sUeI dy nwky ijMnI QF dyx nUM bolx qy qolx vfilaF nUM iswDy rsqy pfAux vI sihmq nf hoieaf. iPr ikRsLn jI pFzvF leI mwky gey qF Auhf nIly bsqr pihny. mwky jfx vfly muslmfn PkIr jo afpxy afp nUM XuwD krn leI aiKaf. nUM Auwc dy pIr aKvfAuNdy sn Auh kysDfrI iesy qrHF kMs aqy AugrsYn (afpxy mfmy qy huMdy sn qy nIly bsqr pihndy sn. jLfhr nfny) ivcfly smJOqf krvfAux leI ikRsLn hY pIr bfby nfnk ny vI muslmfn nUM jI ny afpxy Brf blrfm jI nUM nIlf bfxf smJfAux df Xqn kIqf ik sB bMdy iewk pihnf ky sulHf leI dUq bxf ky Byijaf. pr nUr dI pdfiesL hn ies krky afps ivwc kMs afpxI BYx dyvkI (ikRsLn jI dI mfqf), Kihxf mfVI gwl hY: sdyv (ikRsLn jI dy ipqf) aqy AugrsYn (kMs df ipqf qy ikRsLn jI df nfnf) nUM irhf avil alh nUr Aupfieaf kudriq dy sB krn leI sihmq nf hoieaf qF ikRsLn jI bMdy.. ny pIly aqy sRI blrfm jI ny nIly bsqr eyk nUr qy sB jg Aupijaf kAun Bly ko Dfrn krky kMs nUM mfiraf. mMdy.. ieh gfQf ibsLnUM purfx ivwc drjL hY. bfby nfnk dy nIly bsqr pihnx sMbMDI BfeI gurdfs jI Aucfr krdy hn: hqvf dfX vsqRfiX pIq nIlMbro qq.. bfkI pMnHf 32 'qy PAGE 19


The Patrika 

Friday, April 27th, 2018

ies meI idvs qy

awj Auqpfdn krn ivwc mjLdUr jmfq dI shfiek aqy kIqI geI pYdfvfr dI vMz krn smyN dusLmx ‘srmfeydfr jmfq’ ies pUMjIvfdI ivkfs mfzl dI nfkfmI sfhmxy afAux kfrn gMBIr afriQk sMkt df isLkfr hY pRMqU rfjnIiqk qOr qy ajy BfrU hY. ies df hor keI kfrnF dy nfl nfl muwK kfrn mjLdUr vrg dy bulfiraF, afgUaF df iBMn iBMn rfjnIiqk mMcF ivwc vMizaf hoieaf hoxf hY. ies ivwc mukMml eykqf qF bysLk ajy qwk ieiqhfs ivwc kdy nhIN hoeI pr iPr vI aml ivwc eykqf dy blboqy ies ny rUs, cIn aqy hor Coty afkfr vfly anykF dysLF ivwc ienklfb krky afpxy ihwqF dI rwiKaf aqy sosLx rihq smfj sQfpq krn dIaF sLfndfr imsflF sMsfr dy sfhmxy pysL kr idwqIaF hoeIaF hn. ies pRbMDk ZFcy ivwc iesnUM rotI, kwpVf, mkfn afid imlx dy nfl nfl smfijk inaF aqy snmfn vI pRfpq hoieaf. ies dy bdly ivwc ies ny sMsfr amn df JMzf bulMdIaF qwk lY jfx dy BrpUr Xqn vI kIqy ijs ivwc srbwq df Blf sLfml sI. hux ieh ieiqhfs duhrfAux dI jLrUrq hY. duhrfAuxf asMBv nhIN. hflfq ieh hn ik jmfqI dusLmx mjbUrI vws hI shI kOmFqrI pwDr dy gwTjoV vwl vwD irhf hY aqy sMsfrIkrx aqy inwjIkrx rfhIN ikrq df hor ijLafdf sosLx krn sdIvI pRbMD kr irhf hY ikAuNik ies ibnF hux Aus df bcxf musLikl hY. ieh ivigafnk swcfeI hY, ijs nUM dovyN iDrF buwDImfn vI mMndy hn aqy sMBv XqnF duafrf afpxy kfzr nUM smJfAux df Xqn krdy hn. ieh ieiqhfsk moV hY qy afpxy bcfE leI, sfzy leI vI Xqn krnf jrUrI hY. srmfeydfrF dy mukfblqn ikrqI vrg ivwc anykqf bhuqI hY. ies dy rfjnIiqk mMc jfxdy hn ik ieh Puwt ikAuN hY aqy ikvyN dUr kIqI jf skdI hY? sB nUM mfrksvfd df igafn hY aqy ies ivwc pUrn sLrDf aqy ivsLvfsL hY. ies duafrf ivafiKaf kIqy gey Auqpfdn dy cfr sfDnF – BUMmI, ikrq, pUMjI aqy pRbMDk dIaF BUimkfvF bfry sihmqI hY ik sB qoN vwD ksLt ikrqI nUM Jwlxf pYNdf hY, jo ies dI vMz smyN sB qoN Gwt ihwsf pRfpq krdf hY aqy awj qwk afpxIaF muZlIaF loVF qoN vI mihrUm hY. kuJ hunrvfn qF cwj dI rotI Kf rhy hn ijs ivwc ividwaf, hunr jF sMgTn afid dI kmI hovy, Auh qF nrk hI Bog rhy hn. iPr ieh inwky inwky lflcF jF Gwt gqIsLIlqF kfrn afpxy dusLmx dI cuMgl ivwcoN inkl nhIN sikaf. sMgiTq mjLdUr dIaF jwQybMdIaF ny 28 PrvrI 2012 dI sPl hVqfl smyN eykqf df sunihrI pRdrsLn krky drsf idwqf hY ik hux ienHF dIaF isafsIaF pfrtIaF ivwc nyVqf eykqf hoxI cfhIdI hY ijs dI sMBfvnf nUM rwd nhIN kIqf jf skdf. ikAuNik XUnIanF df ieh aYksLn sMbMDq isafsI pfrtIaF dy inrdysLF qy hI aDfrq sI ies leI ies dy kfmXfb iswty muVvyN PAGE 20

rUp rUp ivwc ienHF nUM afp vI eykqf vwl vwDx leI pRBfivq kr skdy hn. afgUaF ivwc akl aqy ieCfvF dI kmI nhIN pr pihl krn ivwc iJjk hY. Xfd rhy hr sLuwB kmM krn dI pihl kdmI krn vflLf rihMdy simaF qwk sLrDf nfl Xfd kIqf jFdf hY. hr Dfrimk, rfjnIiqk sLfsqr, ivigafn, arQ sLfsqr, BOiqk, rsfiex aqy jIv ivigafn, mnoivigafn sMgIq afid dy KyqrF ivwc bfnI isDFqkfrF, ienHF nUM pRIBfsLq krn vfilaF dy nF awj qwk mOjUd hn. pihlF ienHF df dwisaf hoieaf ivcfr pVHn qoN bfad hI ivsLf pVHnf afrMB kIqf jFdf hY. ieh bhuq hI mhwqvpUrn swcfeI hY. sfzy rfjnIiqk mMc qy ajy qwk sMqosLjnk qIjf PrMt nhIN bx sikaf. ies ivwc sLfml sihXogI bdldy rihMdy hn. sihXogI afpxy pRogrfmF nUM kfiem rwKdy hoey ies ivwc af jFdy hn pRMqU jfqI avsrvfdI qy vwD aDfrq huMdI hY. ikho ijhI ajIb kqfrbMdI aml ivwc af cuwkI hY ik qIjy morcy dy rih cuwky BfeIvfl awj XU pI ey srkfr nUM zuwbx qoN pihlF hI ies dy bcfE leI afpxIaF bcfE ikwtF pihx ky iqafr bYTy hn aqy afpxIaf syvfvF pysL kr cuwky hn. ies leI iehnF ajIb qjLribaF nfloN isDFqk sFJ nUM pRomot krn vwl kdm vDfAuxf vwD sfriQk iswty kwZ skdf hY. sfzy dusLmx dyKo dUr dUr bYTy vI iewko nIqI apxf rhy hn, afpxy vpfrk Kyqr nUM cOVf aqy pwkf krdy jFdy hn: iewk dUjy nUM imlx dI qFG ivwc rihMdy hn aqy ies nuksdfr afriQk –rfjnIiqk pRbMD dI Aumr ivwc vfDf krn ivwc lwgy hoey hn. sfzy dysL ivwc jQybMdk qOr qy sMgiTq Kyqr ivwc hux ikrqIaF dI igxqI msF 7 % hY ijnHF df ijLafdf ihwsf jnqk Kyqr ivwc inwjI hY. inwjI Kyqr ivwc ienHF qy gYr rsmI vrqfrf vD irhf hY. kOmI srvy sMgTn muqfibk inrmfx Kyqr ivwc 32% ikrqI Tyky qy rwKy hoey hn. ipMzF aqy sLihrF ivwc afrjLI kfimaF dI igxqI vwD rhI hY jo 21 imlIan qwk phuMc geI hY aqy pwky kyvl 5.8 imlIan hI hn. mjLdUrF dI bhuq vwzI igxqI bhu-muKI ikwqy krdI hY ijs nfl AuhnF dI koeI invyklI pihcfx hI nhIN bx pYNdI. Auqpfdn pRIikiraf ivwc ivkyNdrIkrn df ruJfn hY. mflk aqy mjLdUr ivwc iswDf sMbMD Gwtdf jf irhf hT. ienHF ivckfr keI iksm dy vwzy Coty Tykydfr, suprvfiejLr aqy eyjMt af gey hn. ies nfl iewk Cwq Qwly jo vwzI igxqI dy mjLdUrF aqy kfrKfnydfrF df tkrfa jF sFJy sMGrsL krn df aiBafs huMdf rihMdf sI, hux idnoN idn Gwtdf jFdf hY. ieh pqlf qflmyl ipCly 20 sflF qoN vfprx lwgf hY. mjLdUrF dIaF rhfiesLF vflIaF purfxIaF bsqIaF Zfh idwqIaF geIaF hn aqy Aus QF vwzy vwzy mfl, KrId kyNdr, bhu- mMijLlf iemfrqF bx rhIaF hn. mjLdUr vrg dI smfijk, swiBafcfrk hoNd Kurx nfl

The Patrika Friday, April 27th, 2018

ies dy rfjnIiqk vjLn ivwc igrfvt af jfxI hY. aijhy ipCokV ivwc KMz KMz ho rhI mjLdUr eykqf nUM njLr ivwc rwKdy hoieaF ienHF dy ihwqF nUM smripq rfjsI mMcF nUM afpsI nyVqf vDfAux dI jLrUrq hY. ies ibnF jmfqI smqol kfiem rwKxf musLikl hY. ieh KwbI soc awgy cxOqI hY. ies mksd nUM ieh PrMt ikvyN sboDq huMdf hY ies dy afgUaF aqy kfrkun dI ihMmq qy inrBr krdf hY. gYr-jwQybMdk mjLdUr df hmysLF ieh zr rihMdf hY ik Auh afpxy ivcrx dy aijhy rsqy apxf bYTdf hY ijs nfl Aus dI hoNd hI Kur jFdI hY. Auh ienklfb df Durf njLr nf af ky iksy df JolLI cuwk jF aihsfnmMd hI bx bYTdf hY. aijhI siQqI ivwc hux smuwcI mjLdUr jmfq dy sLosLx nfl sMbMDq muwidaF, isDFqF aqy sMGrsLF sMbMDI amlF nUM qrjLIh dyxI pvygI jF kho ik afm qoN Kfs vwl nIqI apjfAuxI pvygI. jd vwzI igxqI ivwc mjLdUr iewko Kfs sQfn Auwqy AuplwBD huMdf hY qF sMGrsL dI vMngI Kfs qoN afm vwl huMdI hY. aijhy smyN ies soisLq, pr afpxI bMd KlfsI qoN Cutkfrf pRfpq krn dy rfh qoN Gwt jfxkfr vrg nUM bcfAuNidaF hoieaF iesnUM iewk ienklfbI sLkqI vjoN AuBfrx ihwq iewk spsLt aqy idl iKHwcvyN cfnx munfry nUM hoNd ivwc ilafAux dI jLrUrq jfpdI hY. ies jmfq dy afgU jo dfa pyck mqBydF kfrn iewk dUjy qoN kuJ dUrI bxfeI bYTy hn, ivwc smwrQkF dI koeI kmI nhIN. ikqnI ajIb



siQqI hY ik hr koeI iewk dysL dy njLdIk afAux dI jLrUrq vI smJdf hY aqy ies koisLsL ivwc hI rihMdf hY, pr iPr vI ajy af nhIN sikaf. hux sMsfrIkrn nfl mjLdUr jmfq qy bwJvF hmlf ho cuwkf hY. ies df Auwqr bwJvyN rUp ivwc hI idwqf jf skdf hY. aijhI eykqf cfhIdI qF kOmFqrI pwDr qy hY pr ies dI buinafd kOmI pwDr dI iewkmuTqf hY. KwbIaF pfrtIaF dI bxqr, ivcfr crcf df vihx hmysLF hyTF qoN Auwpr vwl jFdf hY iPr inrxy mukMml hox qy bkfiedf pRkfsLq kIqy jFdy hn. Auwpr qoN hyTF qwk pRkfsLq kIqy jFdy hn aqy anusLfsLnbwD ZMg nfl aml ivwc ilaFdy jFdy hn. ies leI GtnfvF, atklpwcU nf ho ky iksy qrqIb anusfr hI vfrprdIaF hn ijs leI smF jLrUr lwgdf hY. ies kfrj leI vI lwgygf. ienHF hlfqF nUM ies lihr dy kfrknF, afgUaF awgy pysL krnf ieh lyK iewk inguxf ijhf Auprflf hY. eykqf dI mMijLl aOKI qF hY pr asMBv nhIN. ies df suLwB afrMB krnf hI mhfn kfrj hovygf. ies vwl puwitaf pihlf kdm jF nyqfvF df apxwq BrI njLr nfl afps iwvc imlxf hI dusLmx, jo ies smyN afriQk sMkt df burI qrHF isLkfr hY, nUM kMbxI CyV dyvygf. dyK lYxF ies AudysL leI pRsqfv pfs krky pihlF afpxIaF aqy iPr sFJIaF knvYnsLnF AuprMq hor awgy vDx vwl cwlx nfl hI rfjswqf nUM Buwilaf hoieaf smfjvfd df sLbd afpxy afp Xfd afAuNdf jfvygf.


The Patrika



Friday, April 27th, 2018



ustomers with print disabilities will have free access to electronic materials from the Centre for Equitable Library Access.


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Fraser Valley Regional Library’s (FVRL) Outreach Services department coordinates Library For You – accessible library materials and services, including free delivery, for customers unable to use traditional library services due to illness, age or disability. Accessible library materials available to borrow include audiobooks in MP3 and CD Book format, electronic audiobooks, large print books, braille and audiobook players. “FVRL’s Outreach department does an amazing job providing library services and specialized collections to customers who can’t visit the library or use traditional books. I am excited for the expansion of its accessible materials collection,” says Chuck Stam, FVRL Board Chair and City of Chilliwack Councillor.

tomers with print disabilities through the National Network for Equitable Library Service (NNELS). Beginning April 23, FVRL will expand access to accessible electronic materials and more through a one-year pilot project offering customers with print disabilities free access to the Centre for Equitable Library Access (CELA). CELA offers a large collection of items in accessible formats, including DAISY audiobooks, print braille, electronic braille, as well as DAISY and e-text newspapers and magazines. “I am thrilled that FVRL is expanding its offerings for customers with print disabilities by offering free access to CELA,” says Petrina Arnason, FVRL Board Member and Langley Township Councillor.

To learn more, or to apply for Library For You services, contact FVRL’s Outreach Services Department at 1-888-668-4141 (ext 7076) or email libraryforyou@fvrl.bc.ca. Visit www. FVRL currently offers much of its ac- fvrl.ca to learn more about FVRL’s cessible electronic materials for cus- other programs and services.

The Patrika Friday, April 27th, 2018



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The Patrika 

Friday, April 27th, 2018

The Patrika Friday, April 27th, 2018



The all new Royal Canadian Family Circus SPECTAC!® 2018 brings tradition and thrilling acts under the Magnificent Big Top to Abbotsford May 17- June 10, 2018 at TRADEX Abbotsford, BC -- The all new Royal Canadian Family Circus SPECTAC!® 2018, touring Canada is coming to the Lower Mainland from June 7-10th for 8 shows at TRADEX that will mesmerize, astound, and thrill audiences beyond the extraordinary. The internationally renowned cast from throughout the world includes; the famed Guerrero 4 Man High Wire (America’s Got Talent) from Portugal, the S Caleb Carinci – Asch Equestrian Acrobats from Europe, the Bilea Transformation Act from Romania, Gonzales Duo Aerial Act from Peru and Puerto Rico, the Juggling world record holder, Tommy Tequila, the sensational Trapeze, The Chinese Acrobats from the People’s Republic of China, the TZ Aerialists, Hula Hoops and the death defying Wheel of Destiny with Joseph Dominik Bauer. (there are NO exotic animals in this Spectac! show) “It’s an incredible showcase of elite circus artists from all around the world that has been designed for multi-generational families,” says Ringmaster Joseph Bauer. “It’s the essence of a traditional circus; this year families from Abbotsford and across Canada will be fascinated by the amazing new global cast of performers coming to perform for families.” Joseph is not only one of the finest Ringmasters on the continent, but is also a 9th generation daredevil performer. Royal Canadian Family Circus SPECTAC!® 2018 is about giving children and adults alike a glimpse into a traditional world where “10th generation circus families are performing for your families”, and where everyone can enjoy a truly affordable show together regardless of age. Because of the uncompromising quest for excellence, you’ll be amazed by this year’s all new Royal Canadian Family Circus SPECTAC!® 2018. Our entourage of circus families from 12 countries have travelled the world sharing their talents with circus audiences on four continents. Take the family and run away to the Circus for one day … it’s simply SPECTAC!® 2018 www.royalcanadiancircus.ca

LOWER MAINLAND BC TOUR the High Wire while Aura is singing. They wowed the judges in Americas SCHEDULE Got Talent in 2016; Judge Howie ManAbbotsford, BC, Tradex – S. Parking del said, “this was the most amazing Lot, 1190 Cornell Street, 8 Shows, June death defying thing I have ever seen”. 7-10, 2018 Over the past 30 years this incredible Thu, June 7, 2018 7 : 0 0 p m husband-wife duo has won every presFri, June 8, 2018 4pm & 7:30p tigious Gold Medal award throughout m Sat Europe, been featured at the Winter June 9, 2018 12Noon, 4pm & 7:30pm Olympics in Lillehammer, headlined Sun, June 10, 2018 1pm & 5pm Television Specials, recorded albums, and travelled the world performing. Get TICKETS ready to sit on the edge of your seats O n - L i n e T i c k e t s w w w . in amazement! r o y a l c a n a d i a n c i r c u s . c a The magnificent S. CALEB CORINCIOn-site at the Royal Canadian Circus ASCH EQUESTRIANS & ACROBig Top Box Office on show days from BATS are featured in the newly re10am-8pm leased movie “The Greatest Showman For More Information & Interviews with Hugh Jackman”. You’ll be blown Contact: Cathy Sproule (403) 815-7499 away by this horse and rider acrobatic equestrian team, displaying complexcathys@festivalxpress.com ity, finesse, and stunts fearlessly; atop a For 2 For the Price of 1’ go to royalca- galloping horse. You’ll experience real nadiancircus.ca Promo Code: patrika European medieval artistry and romanticism. Combining equine feats, incred ible athleticism, beauty and amazing THE CAST choreography; expect equestrian skill at it’s best. JOSEPH DOMINIK BAUER from Switzerland - Our RINGMASTER THE CHINESE and DAREDEVIL Extraordinaire! A C R O B A T S Born to Swiss parents, Joseph Dominik TROUPE is a traBauer comes from a 9th generation ditional Chinese pedigree of circus performers. His cultural showaccomplishments in the world of the case masterfully circus and aerial thrills are astonishing. presented with His numerous Daredevil feats over 35 movement of acyears include performances on the 50’ robatics, beauty, Wheel of Destiny, High Wire, Stunts, colour, and wonSkywalks, Sway Poles, & the Incline der. The cast pushes the stunts, skits, Motorcycles. He has been featured and feats to extraordinary limits. You’ll on every major network in the United be mesmerized as The Chinese AcroStates, headlined Cirque de Soleil, bats perform manoeuvres that you’ve Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey never seen before that includes; Hoop Circus, Circus Sarasota, Equitana USA, Diving, Chinese Pole, Contortionists, Piccadilly Circus, Moscow Cirque and Diablo, and Chinese Lion Dance. The more. And now Joseph Bauer happens finest celebration of Chinese circus to also be one of the finest and most history is a virtual feast for the eyes. sought-after ringmasters in the circus Incredible ANDREA & MARTIN world today. GONZALES AERIAL STRAP from DUO GUERRERO 4 MAN HIGH Peru & Puerto Rico WIRE from Portugal are 5th generation circus artist perThis is the only act of its kind in the formers. Since the age of 3 Martin has world. Originally from Portugal, wife mastered almost every extreme thrill Aura and Werner Cardinali and their act in the circus today and now, with troupe will execute unbelievable acro- rigorous training and discipline, the batic manoeuvres with 4 wire walkers 29-year-old has developed an explosive in daring stunts and footwork across magical Duo Strap Act with his wife,

Andrea. As they perform their aerial manoeuvres, with unparalleled gymnastic ability, beauty and strength you can see why these world class athletes are truly renowned! The thrilling TOMMY TEQUILA (Thomas Aguila) is a one-of-a-kind Juggling act like no other. Quite simply he will out-perform, dazzle and astound. Tommy Tequila is the worlds fastest juggler and is a world record holder for juggling 9 ping pong balls with his mouth. He has performed around the globe that has included Cirque du Soleil, Barnum and Bailey, television features and film. It’s an outstanding display of precision, speed and agility as he pushes the limits of what’s possible. Don’t blink, you may miss something. This astounding Tommy Tequila is non-stop! The BILEA TRANSFORMATION QUICK CHANGE ACT with Vyorel and Elena Bilea is unlike anything you have seen before. With a blink of the eye, a split-second transformation occurs. Impossible? Perhaps. But anything is possible with the magical

Bileas! The BILEAS family, from Romania, have performed around the world and headlined in Las Vegas. Whirly Twirling ELENA BILEA will display an incredible Hula Hoop maze. It’s fun, fast and you’ll be mesmerized at the precision of the hula hoops as they spin and twirl, defying gravity. The TARZAN ZERBINI DANCERS AND AERIALISTS The beautiful and colourful Tarzan Zerbini Dancers and Aerialists are talented performing artists and help us all focus on and celebrate Canada’s multicultural landscape and our peoples’ backgrounds as this amazing entourage travels across our great land. www.royalcanadiancircus.ca


The Patrika


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Friday, April 27th, 2018

SEE WHAT’S UP WHEN YOU BORROW A TELESCOPE FROM THE LIBRARY Fraser Valley Regional Library’s tele- sociation. “Telescopes contribute to scope lending program takes off. the whole STEAM learning concept, particularly in the areas of science and “FVRL had been looking for another engaging STEAM (science, technol- technology. Libraries are repositories ogy, engineering, arts, and math) expe- of knowledge. They are a place where rience to add to its Playground lending people come together to learn and so collections, and the stars seem to align it is perfect for a telescope lending when the Mission Heritage Association program.� approached the library with a donation As part of the launch celebrations, of seven telescopes�, says Heather FVRL will be hosting an Astronomer Scoular, Director of Customer Experi- Series at the Terry Fox Library on April ence. “They inspired us to launch a col26 from 7. to 8 p.m. and Maple Ridge lection of 50 telescopes, and in turn we Public Library on May 10 from 7 to 8 hope to inspire customers to start their p.m. Customers can learn more about astronomy journey with the library.� Over the coming months FVRL will the universe as local expert Christa van grow the collection with a range of Laerhoven brings light to some of the telescopes for different backgrounds wonders of the night sky. and knowledge levels. Looking for other STEAM experi“With the naked eye, you can only see ences? FVRL’s Playground also feaa few thousand stars. Put a telescope tures a lending collection of Sphero on that and all of a sudden you can SPRK+s (app-enabled robotic balls) see millions of stars – it’s just amaz- and ukuleles. In-library experiences ing! This collection is going to open include virtual reality, green screens, a lot of eyes,� says Brian Antonson, Makey Makeys, and KEVA Planks. President of the Mission Heritage As- Learn more by visiting www.fvrl.ca.

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The Patrika 

Friday, April 27th, 2018



mndIp igwl ciVHaf ivsfK mhInf, mnfE ivsfKI nUM, Xfd kro ies nfl juVI hr iewk sfKI nUM. jLmIn nfl juVy lokF df iqAuhfr hY, KyqoN Gr afAuNdI son rMgI ijhI bhfr hY. purfqn kflqoN hI krdy sB ieMqjLfr hY, ikrsfnF, mjLdUrF leI rotI qy vpfr hY. nwcdf-twpdf hr koeI KusLI mnfAuNdf hY, rOxk myilaF dI qy jf ky vDfAuNdf hY. dsmysL ipqf ny Kflsf pMQ sjfieaf sI, afpy gur afpy cylf aiDafey clfieaf sI. iswKF nUM idwqI invyklI qy anoKI pihcfn, bKsLy idwqy kwC, kVf kys, kMGf qy ikrpfn. iswK Drm coN jLfq pfq nUM imtf idwqf sI, icVIaF nUM bfjL ivruwD lVnf isKf idwqf sI. jLflm aMgryjLF ny bVf kihr kmfieaf sI, jnrl zfier ny vI BYVf hukm suxfieaf sI. roieaf sI pwqf pwqf AudoN ijLilHaf vfly bfg df, hoieaf Pyr gol ibsqrf aMgryjL rfj- Bfg df, “mndIp’ mnfE ivsfKI Buwl ky Byd Bfv nUM, kro KusLhfl afpxy sohxy dysL pMjfb nUM.

hlvfeI aqy kuWk Sweet Maker and Cook GlotI (rfVf sfihb kMntIn vfly), luiDafxy vfly msLhUr hlvfeI (kwuk) dyv sLrmf), ijnHF kol 45 sflF df qjLrbf hY, ipCly 9 sflF qoN aYbtsPorz ivWc afp jI dI syvf kr rhy hn| iksy vI iksm dy vYjI jF nfn vYjI Kfxy jF miTafeIaF aqy snYks bnvfAux leI sMprk kro

45 Yrs. Experience

gurduafry qy mMidrF dy pRogrfmF leI Kfs izskfAuNt All kinds of Indian Veggie, Non-Veggie food and Sweets

778.246.2311 PAGE 27

The Patrika


mYnUM nfgrf Pfl qUM idKf dy hfxIaF


sfAU bMdf BuMjy bYTf

Friday, April 27th, 2018

awCI ivcfr Dfrf

hIrf jnm

mMgl isMG brfV sfAU bMdf BuMjy bYTf DrqI Kurc irhY

mulK rfj bjfj pRymI dOlq ikqnI bdnsIb huMdI hY log

ijhnF KfDI irsLvq vyKo cVH gey isKr cubfry ‘qy

ies nUM pf kr afpixaF nUM Buwl jFdy ny.

lMG gey pfr jo awKF mIc ky CflF mfr gey

drd ikqnf KusnsIb huMdf hY log

jwko qwkI krdy mHfqV bYTy rhy iknfry ’qy

ies nUM pf kr afpixaF nUM Xfd krdy ny.

mfr cONkVI bYT gey jo isdk inBfAux leI

kOVf bolx vfly df sihq ivkdf nhIN,

hY iliKaf qyry lyK.

bYTI rhF sfrf idn, bMnHIN qyry tI[vI awgy,

hws ky hoey doPfV ros iPr kfhdf afry ‘qy

pr imwTf bolx vfly dI imrc vI ivk jFdI hY.

idl nUM jLKmI krny jfxdYN,

Gr vflLI jylH qoN Cuzf dy hfxIaF.

ipClf JMibaf rfs nhIN afieaf aMg aMg duKy pMjfb df

ijAuNdy iensfnF dI inMdf huMdI rihMdI hY,

hfVHf qIlI nf lfE kro kuJ qF qrs ivcfry ‘qy

pr miraF dI qrIP lokI jLrUr krdy ny.

qyry dr ‘qy pihrf idMdy afpxI aAuD hMZf bYTy

idl aqy suBfa dovyN awCy hoxy jLrUrI hn

JuwgIaF ivwc

ivafh `qy kYnyzf dIaF isPqF sI krdf.

ijAuN dI iqAuN KflI hY JolLI rih gey qyry lfry ‘qy

donF dy ieh gux hoxgy qy irsLqy jLrUr inBxgy.

rihx vfilaF dy,

KuwlHf zuwlHf dysL nhIN hor iehdy vrgf.

byilaF dy ivwc moVy lfAuNdy rFJy hMB gey

dIvy ivwc qyl hovygf, qF Aujflf vI hovygf

gurdyv isMG buwtr mYnUM nfgrf Pfl qUM idKf dy hfxIaF. mfipaF dy Gr cMnF KusLIaF mnfAuNdI sI. gwzI lY ky `kwlI sfrI idwlI GuMm afAuNdI sI.

mYnUM nfgrf Pfl qUM idKf dy hfxIaF.

ilaf ky qUM ibTfqf cMnf mYnUM srI ivwc, dyK BIV myrf idl Gbrfvy hfxIaF. mYnUM nfgrf Pfl qUM idKf dy hfxIaF. kihMdf sI kYnyzf ivwc bVy hI ajUby ny.

cuwp cpIqy nMbr lf gey KyVy afx Cuhfry ‘qy.

Kud cMgf, sbMD cMgy, hoxgy, cmkdy vI hoxgy.

sqvMq kOr pMDyr hor hor nf mMg qUM, kdy sbr vI kr ky dyK. hIrf jnm mnuwKI rwb ny,

kdy mrhm vI lf ky dyK.

kdy mihlIN rih

myiraf pMjfbf

smf, pfxI qy Aumr iqMno ipwCy nhIN muVdy

ky supny dyK.

sqvMq kOr ‘pMDyr’ myiraf pMjfbF suwKF qyrIaF mYN mMgdI vy,

irsLqy, dosq, idl dy krIb Gwt hI imldy.

qyrf hwQ DnfZF vwl vDy,

donoN hwQ rwb qoN PYlfa. dunIaF dy kony ivwc awj vwsdf qUM,

bVf vwzf dysL ijhdy bfrF vwzy sUby ny.

qyry vDxy df sfnUM cfa.

afAuxI nhIN cMdrI jvfnI muV muV cMnF.

hry hry Kyq jd dyKIey pMjfb jf ky,

pfxI nfl KUn sfP kr skdy, pr KUn nhIN awCy ky sfQ awCf kro bury ky sfQ burf nhIN. iksI dy Gr jfeIey qF awKF nUM kfbU rwKIey Kfxf Kfx bYTIey qF iZwz nUM kfbU rwKIey.

mjLdUrF nfl imlf ky dyK. vy rUh iewko hI hY iensfn dI,

lwgdf qUM surg ijhf,

aMDyry ivwc afpxI Cfieaf sfQ nhIN dyNdI

mMgdy duafvF sdf rwb koloN rhIey,

buZfpy ivwc afpxI kfieaf sfQ nhIN dyNdI.

qyry vwl nf koeI afvy qwqI vfa.

sfrI Aumr dfa qy lgfeI mfieaf sfQ nf idMdI

pYdf qyrI imwtI aqy pfxIaF ‘coN hoey ijhVy,

krnI df Pl imly pRymI ieh ijMd sfQ nf dyNdI.

Jul, Puwl vI bIj ky dyK.

qYQoN nf ho skdy judfa.

dwsdy ny lokIN, nhIN trFto bhuqI dUr vy.

rojL, suBf sLfm nfm leIey rwb df

idno idn pYr ieh agFh nUM DrI jfx,

“sqvMq” vfsqf

dovyN hwQ joV ky, Blf mMgIey sB df.

afAuNdf rihMdf mfimaF df Pon mYnUM rojL cMnf.

lwgy pihlF qoN hI iehnF df suBfa.


sYr sfry dysL dI krf dy hfxIaF. mYnUM nfgrf Pfl qUM idKf dy hfxIaF. nfgrf Pfl dunIaF `c kihMdy msLhUr vy.

iewk vfrI AunHF nUM imlLf dy hfxIaF. mYnUM nfgrf Pfl qUM idKf dy hfxIaF. bfrF GMty imwl ivwc rhyN kMm krdf.

vyK qyry vfrsF ny afx ky knyzf ivwc vwKrI Dmfl idwqI pf. Zol qy Zmky jdoN lfAuNdy ny pMjfbI, dyx KusLIaF nUM cfr cMn lf. vDy Puwly sdf swuKI vsNy vy pMjfbf,

lKbIr ‘lwkI’ gwKV iksy ny puwiCaf ik qUM sLfier ikvyN bx igaf? qyrf iksy ny idl qoiVaY jF ipafr `c DoKf imilaY?

zfZy vwKry ilKy ny lyK. DrqI mF dI god ivwc,

mnuwKqf df, koeI nf bdlfieE Bys. hIrf jnm igaf, jy vFg kOzIaF,

Krc qUM aYnf kryN msF qyrf srdf.

pRdysIaF dI ieho hY duaf.

mYN ikhf jdoN idl tuwt igaf qF ieh

iPr, nf koeI clxI pysL.

cMdrI sLrfb Cwz joV cfr pYsy ‘dyv’,

rhIey BFvyN dUr Buwl hovy nf hjLUr,

kfgjL bx igaf aqy hMJU isafhI!

ijhVy Kwt ky gey

mYN ilK ilK afpxf drd suxfAuNdf hF

kuJ jwg qoN,

qwqVI df idl prcf dy hfxIaF. mYnUM nfgrf Pfl qUM idKf dy hfxIaF. PAGE 28

qyry sfhF nfl vgy sfzf sfh. myiraf pMjfbf…… myiraf pMjfbf……

pr lok kihMdy mYN sLfier bx igaf hF!

lokI lYNdy nfm hmysL.

The Patrika

iewk idn

pvn igwlF vflf rfhF nUM rusLnfAuNdy cwl, Puwl bUtf koeI lfAuNdy cwl. PlL dI bhuqI afs nf rwKIN,



Friday, April 27th, 2018

sfrf jhfn qyrf igafn isMG kotlI

ieh mfr DfV cwkr, ieh Brm ByK hnHyrf. muwkdf kdI nf idwsdf, ieh golLmfl Pyrf. rsmF dy roVH aMdr, ruVHdy ny lok jFdy,



mlkIq mIq asIN ies iËMdgI `coN eynf hI Kwtxf kmfAuxf hY.

pfl iZwloN nf msIqF,

hnHyrI rfq hY qy afpfˆ iewk dIvf jgfAuxf hY.

nf isLvfly

nf qfry qoVny afpfˆ, nf cMn `qy pYr pfAuxf hY, asfzI rIJ qfˆ eyQy hI bMidafˆ vfˆg ijAuxf hY.

nf koeI idsdI srF.

iksy ny Dn kmfAuxf hY, iksy ny nfˆa kmfAuxf hY,

mYN ikwQy af igaf

bYTI hY cflbfjLI, hr QF jmfeI zyrf.

PkIrfˆ ny qfˆ afpxI mOj ivwc nwcxf qy gfAuxf hY.

hF ieh nhIN myrf grF.

AuNJ vI ijLMdgI pl do pl

gux igafn qy dlIlF, nf sUJ bUJ idsdI,

Auh iewËq-mfx jo iensfn dI iensfnIaq Koh ley,

ikwkrF nf, byrIaF nf,

mMijLl jykr pfAuxI swjx,

Cfieaf cuPyr lgdf, aigafn df hnyHrf.

ieh imwtI ijs nUM qUM awj kwlH pYr `qy pYx nhIN idMdf,

pwly iPr iewk bMnHlo gwl.

lokF nUM luwt rhy ny, sLYqfn cqur lotU,

iesy imwtI `coN AuWigaf eyˆ qUM eysy ivwc smfAuxf hY.

awj nhIN imlL jfAU kwlH. qurdy smyN nf ZfhIN afsF,

tyZy myzy aOKy pYNzy, clwdy cwl bs cwldy cwl. ihMmq kdy vI hfrnI nfhIN, CoNhdI dyK iknfry Cwl. iewk nf iewk idn dyKI pvny, hr musLikl df lwBU hwl.

kihMdy ny pYr hyTF, afieaf msF btyrf. sV suwk rhy ny lwgdy, suwK sLFqI dy somy, PuwlF dI bfs ikwQoN, BflLygf hux Pulyrf? QF QF bfrUd bMbF, DrqI dI ihwk lUhI, pfieaf hY sLFqI nUM, hux afPqF ny Gyrf.

sUrj-cMn, isqfry sfry

bMidaf nf kuwJ qyrf, nf hI ey kuwJ myrf,

muV afAuxy ny qyry vwl.

afpxf bxf lvyN qF, sfrf jhfn qyrf.

Auh iewËq-mfx nUM kI rgV ky PoVy `qy lfAuxf hY?

tflHIaF nf jfmxF hux nhIN lwBdI ikqy vI

ieh KudgrËI dy kfrn hI qyry duwK drd ny swjxf,

sMGxI bohVF dI CF.

iksy dy vfsqy ijAuN lY jy qUM suK cYn pfAuxf hY.

CwpVF, KUhF,

pdfrQ krdFˆ `kwTy, kr lY, kuJ hfisl nhIN hoxf,

qlfbF qy nf lIVy Dox hux

jIhnUM, qUM pRfpqI smJyˆ asl ivwc ieh gvfAuxf hY. ieho hY sfr jIvn df smJ aY ‘mIq` ipafry qUM, ijvyˆ Puwlfˆ df iKV ky rMg qy KuÈbU iKMzfAuxf hY.

“hwk…iewk hkIkq” hrlIn sonf

nf iqRjxF qIaF dy ivc idsdIaF ny rOxkF. hr svyry, sLfm huMdI KuMZ crcf rojL sI lwiBaF vI lwBdI nf

mYN qur peI iek sPr qy… mukfm vI myry nflL sI,

swQ ivc mYnUM Auh QF.

pqf kwuJ anjfxy hmsPrF df myry nflL sI,

hr kdm hr moV `qy

gl ivc iPrdf pf mxkf

bxfieaf ierfdy sMpUrn krn df iek Purmfn sI,

mYN puwC irhf Kud qoN svfl

ieh idl `qy vjdf Tfh mxkf

mxky qy mxkf Tfh mxkf…

sLurUafq ieh hyTF iliKaf mOq df iek Purmfn sI…

afpxy hI sLihr ivc mYN

ieh mxkf iek JroKf ey

iPr JUm JUm ky nwcdf Auh

“hfr nUM ijwq smJ ky Kud nUM mukf ilaf iek iensfn sI…

ajnbI ikAuN ho igaF.

ieh mxkf bVf anoKf ey

hwQ icmtf lY ky hws df Auh

ieh ipafr df dyNdf hokf ey

qy gIq ipafr dy rcdf Auh

Auh mr igaf…ieh sIny ivc qIr koeI Gwt sI?

jo ipafr dI BfsLf smJ sky,

aqy rwb nUM lYNdf pf mxkf,

jLfilm bx geI axsulJy pRsLnF dI iek JVI sI,

Aus qoN hI Kxkdf ieh mxkf

mxky qy mxkf Tfh mxkf,

afpxI hI dunIaF Aus dy sfry pirvfr leI bx bYTI


mxky qy mxkf Tfh mxkf,

mxky qy mxkf Tfh mxkf…

susLIl kOr

ieh idl qy vjdf Tfh mxkf

jIhny sbk iesLk

hY bVf pivqr ieh mxkf

df piVHaf nhIN

ley rwb nUM Xfr bxf mxkf

jIhdf ipafr kdy isry ciVHaf nhIN, jIhny sbr df pwlf PiVaf nhIN Auh nIm suLdfeI ho jFdf qy,

soicaf Aus mYN mr igaf qF myry twbr nUM imlL hI igaf smJoN cYnoN afrfm sI,

iek hwQkVI sI…” afpF rlL-imlL qoVF gy iehnF jLMjIrF nUM hwk, sLFqI aqy qfkq nflL Auh jIAUx gy hr pl…

ajnbI ny lok sfry ajnbI hr ruwq hY vkq dy sLIsLy `coN afpxf afp hF mYN BfldF. hl, suhfgy, bYl gwzIaF, KUh dIaF itMzF vI guMm guMm ny ikDry PlHy,

mlfh afp hI qory gf cwpU nflL byVI afpxI nUM mihkdy

qMgV, qy rMby dfqIaF.

“susLIl” dI ieh drgfh mxkf

iknfiraF vwl…

aflsI ho geI jvfnI

ieh dwsy rwb df rfh mxkf,

jfx ky afpxy ZFcy nUM qur hI peI hF awj mYN ies

guMm hY nisLaF dy ivc

mxky qy mxkf Tfh mxkf, ieh idl qy vjdf Tfh mxkf.

hkIkq dIaF kVIaF vl…ies hkIkq dI asl

hux nhIN jMnq ijhf lgdf,

pihcfx vl….

kdy jo sI grF. PAGE 29

The Patrika



Friday, April 27th, 2018

Pwgx (kMuB) sMkRFqI


joiqS, Eqy  Eqy 604-751-0220 kro





myK – ishq TIk rhy, svfrI qoN cot df Kqrf, inwjI lokF nfl anbn rhy, jfiedfd sMbMDI JgiVaF qoN dUr rho. sMqfn suwK imlygf. DoKybfj qoN sucyq rho. apRYl 14,15,23,24 meI 1,2,3,11,12,14 asLuwB.

Something can begin to stir in your mind about action, which would be best taken when it comes to future goals. You could begin to gain a clearer picture of the commitments you would need to be prepared to make. There can be a tendency to overlook the amount of finer detail involved but you will find out soon enough.

Activities with others but particularly within a group of people can be most enjoyable. It could turn into something bigger than you initially expect. Be cautious about anything you are pressed to agree with or any person who is very strong about their ideas as it will be difficult to gauge exactly what they are looking for.

  ibRK – nyqr rog, zr, Dn lfB, inwjI lokF nfl lVfeI JgVf, imwqrF qoN mdd imlygI, iesqrI pwK qoN icMqf, kfrobfr ivwc rukfvt. apRYl 16, 17 25,26, meI 4,5 asLuwB hn.



imQun – ishq TIk rhygI. afmdnI nfloN Krcf vDyry hovygf. imwqrF qy irsLqydfrF qoN suwK imlygf. sMqfn leI sLuwB kMmF qy Krc hovygf. iesqrI ksLt aqy AulJxF ivwc vfDf hovygf. apRYl 18, 19, 27, 28, meI 6,7,8,asLuwB hovygI.






isMG - ishq TIk rhy, Dn lfB, Krcf vI aiDk hovygf, imqrF nUM ksLt ho skdf hY. PflqU lVHfeI JgVy qoN dUr rhy. aOrq pwK qoN icMqf rhygI. Kfrobfr drimafnF rhygf, apRYl 14,15,23,24 aqy meI 1,2,3,11,12,14 asLuwB hovygI. kMinaf – ishq TIk rhygI, gupq icMqF vDygI, BfeI aqy imwqrF qoN pRysLfnI, sMqfn dI icMqf, kMm df sQfn bdlx df ivcfr bxygf, apRYl 16, 17, 25,26 meI 4,5 asLuwB hovygI.

7  qulf – rfj drbfr qoN icMqf dUr hovygI, pqnI suwK imlygf, PjLUl dy Krcy JgiVaF qoN dUr rho, afpxy lokF nfl anbn ho skdI hY. ishq TIk rhygI. apRYl 18, 19, 27, 28, meI 6,7,8,asLuwB hovygI.


ibRsLick – KUn qy ipwq ivkfr, afriQk sMkt hovy, mfnisk pRysLfnI vDygI, iesqrI pwK qoN lfB hovy qy kfrobfr ivwc rwdobdl df ivcfr bxygf, apRYl 20,21,22,29,30 meI 9,10 asLuwB hovygI.



DnU – kRoD ivwc vfDf, PjULl KrcI, corfN qoN sfvDfn rihx dI loV hY, afpxy lokF df sihXog rhygf. sMqfn suwK rhygf, iesqrI ksLt rhygf. kMm bdlx qoN lfB imly, Xfqrf suKkfrI rhy. apRYl 14,15,23,24 aqy meI 1,2,3,11,12,14 asLuwB hovygI.

10  pyt dI KrfbI, nyqr Xog, Dn lfB, imwqr ipafiraF qoN suwK dI pRfpqI hovy iesqrI pwKoN icMqf qy kfrobfr ivwc suDfr rhygf. apRYl 16, 17, 25, 26 meI 4, 5 asLuwB hovygf.

11  sMkRmx (ienPYksLn) nfl pRysLfnI ivwc vfDf, afmdn qoN Krc ijLafdf rhy. imwqr- ipafiraF df sfQ bixaf rhy. ivroDI pwK kmjor rhygf. iesqrI pwKoN KuwsLI imlygI. apRYL 18, 19 , 27 ,28, meI 6, 7 , 8 asLuwB hovygI.



KFsI qy vfXU rog rhygf. afriQk siQqI TIk rhygI. PjUl KrcI bI ho skdI hY, imwqrF nfl JgVf vI ho skdf hY. iesqrI pwKoN suK qy kfrobfr ivwc rukfvt af skdI hY. apRYl 20, 21, 22, 29, 30 meI 10 aswuB hn/


You can feel challenged with what might seem never ending matters to deal with on a daily basis and that there is no conclusion in sight. Rather than worry too much about this you should take an optimistic view on it working out satisfactorily. You do have support from people who have authority, so it will all work out eventually.

Anything you are uncertain about when it comes to the expectations of others, you should simply ask questions. If they don’t want to tell you it will be made very clear but this may not necessarily be the way things go. Anything practical that needs to be dealt with or impacts upon things on a daily basis can be sorted quite easily.

The Full Moon this week occurs in your sign. This can generate much self- awareness when it comes to your own position and that of others. You could feel overwhelmed by others right now but much is up to the way you decide to respond. You can be strong-minded about the manner in which you want to establish matters

It is important you get the right information that will enable you to get on top of any situation that makes you feel like a slave to circumstance. This is challenging you to put a structure in place that will be enduring but also something that you can have greater control over. If money is involved it is possible to improve the situation.

You will enjoy being in any situation that is either generous to you or allows you to create some benefit. You can express practical, down to earth ideas without seeming out of touch. This might be necessary, especially if there is any expectation for you to be putting money into something has been lacking boundaries.

You will be fired up to get things in place so that what follows on has a good foundation to operate from. Your vision won’t be bound but when it comes to others involved you will need to be persistent in leading the way so that matters take to path you want. This is because they can wander off the track quite easily.

There will be more to handle than you initially anticipate so be very careful about committing yourself to things when it seems you have plenty of time available. You need to deal with matters that involve you personally and require your attention and leave any opportunities for social involvement floating until the last minute.

There is a lot of focus on your finances with some aspects having the opportunity to work to your benefit. Any situation where you are owed money could come to a head and you should not hesitate to take appropriate action to state your priorities or to express what you expect. The final conclusion might be slow but it is positive.

You may not know how to take what becomes obvious about somebody else. You need to put your focus on your own position and be very clear and definite, in your own mind, when it comes to any responsibilities you are willing to accept. What will give you pleasure in the long term may need to be taken into account as well.


krk – pyt qy nyqr rog, sLrIrk ksLt, kfrobfr TIk rhygf. BrfvF df sfQ pRfpq hovygf, rfhdfr qoN lfB, XsL dI pRfpqI hovygI. purfxy JMjt dUr hoxgy. kMm bdlx nfl lfB pRfpq hovygf. apRYl 20,21,22,29,30 meI 9,10 asLuwB hovygI.


Tension can arise through somebody else taking a dominant approach, especially if they are of the opinion you should either be more responsible or enter into greater levels of commitment. There could be more to handle on a daily basis than you imagined but for the moment this is not likely to prove troublesome to you.

The Patrika



Friday, April 27th, 2018

Jubilee Park Improvement Project Underway


ignificant improvements for Jubilee Park, in Historic Downtown Abbotsford, are now underway announced Mayor Henry Braun today. The park will be upgraded to enhance safety, improve visibility and increase parking. The project is jointly funded by the City of Abbotsford, the Province of BC, and the Abbotsford Downtown Business Association (ADBA) and totals $1.8 million in investment.

Improvements are proposed to be implemented in two phases, with the first phase scheduled to be completed by June 30, 2018. The park will be available for planned 2018 summer events, such as Jam in Jubilee and the ADBA car show.

As part of the project, the current lawn bowling facility will be relocated to a new venue for the 2019 season. The second phase is scheduled to begin on September 4, 2018, including the existing lawn bowling facility removal and parking lot construction at the north and south ends of the park. Jubilee Park is centrally located near historic downtown Abbotsford, and has a history as a preferred venue for many community events.



The Patrika 

pMnHf 19 dI bfkI bfbf iPir mwky gieaf nIl bsqr Dfry bnvfrI..vfr 1 pAuVI 32 sRI guru goibMd isMG jI jdoN cmkOr dI gVHI coN inkl ky mfCIvfVy phuMcy qy BfeI pMjfby qy gulfby dy gRih ivKy Tihry. cfr cuPyry ipMzF ivwc POj ny AuhnF nUM pkVn leI Gyrf pfieaf hoieaf sI. siqgurF nIqI muqfbk BfeI pMjfby nUM afiKaf, “BfeI pMjfby, llfrI nUM bulvf ky ilafAu”. llfrI afieaf qy guru sfihb ny Kwdr df Qfn jo mfCIvfVy dI iewk ibrD mfqf ny AuhnF nUM bVy ipafr sihq ByNt kIqf sI llfrI nUM idwqf qy afiKaf, “sfzy leI iewk colf aqy iewk cfdrf iqafr krvfky nIly rMg df rMg ky ilaf. ijs imwtI dy mtky ivwc ieh bsqr rMgy sn Auh awj vI mfCIvfVy ivKy ipaf hY aqy sMgqF Aus dy drsLn krdIaF hn. siqgurF ny mfCIvfVy qoN awgy jfx leI BfeI nbI KF aqy gnI KF nfl iewk slfh mCvrf krky iewk plMG iqafr krvfieaf. plMG dy cfry pfivaF qy mor pMK bMnHy gey. klgIDr pfqpfqsLfh ny nIlf colf pihinafN, kys KuwlHy Cwz ley qy nIlf cfdrf Auwpr lY ilaf aqy plMG qy svfr ho ky Auwc dy pIrfn pIr bx ky ieQoN cwly. BfeI nbI KF aqy gnI KF ny plMG dy mhUrly pfivaF nUM moZf idwqf aqy BfeI dieaf isMG mor KMBF vflf cOr kr rhy sn. ieh Bys siqgurF ies leI Dfrn kIqf ik mugl POjF ieh smJx ik ieh koeI Auwc df pIr hwj krn mwky jf irhf hY. ies ikwsy df ibrqFq mhFkvI BfeI sMqoK isMG ny afpxy gRMQ aMdr aMkq kIqf hY:

Friday, April 27th, 2018

smUh pMCIaF ivwcoN mor ijs df rMg klgI qoN lY ky KMBF qwk nIlf nUM pMCI rfjy dI pdvI idwqI geI hY, vwzf hox dy bfvjUd vI Coty pMCIaF qy hmlf nhIN krdf aqy nhIN mfrdf aqy nf hI iksy df hwk hI KoNhdf hY, pr swp df vYrI hY. jdoN vI swp mor nUM ids pYNdf hY qF ieh qyjLI nfl dOV ky Aus nUM mfr idMdf hY. gurU jI vwloN nIlf GoVf ipafr nfl rwKxf eysy hI Dfrnf df sbUq hY asIN gurU jI nUM nIly GoVy dy sLfh svfr vfly afK ky pukfrdy hF.

iekIvIN sdI ivwc ivigafnIaF ny KojF dy aDfr qy iswD kIqf hY ik mnuwKI KfixaF aqy PlF dy rMg vI srIr qy vwK vwK pRBfv pfAuNdy hn. apnf inAUjL pypr dy lfeIP stfeIl pMny qy 27 mfrc 2009 jo ibRitsL kolMbIaf qoN aMgryjLI ivwc Cpdf hY aMdr ilKy lyK anusfr nIlf rMg Kfxy jF PlF ivwc aYNQrosfeInn krky huMdf hY ijhVf aYNtIafksIzYNt hox kr ky KUn dy dbfa nUM TIk rwKdf hY aqy idl afid dIaF ibmfrIaF GtfAuNdf hY. ipwCy ijhy Koj dy aDfr qy nYsLnl hYlQ aYNz inAUtRIsLn afrgnfeIjysLn dy aMkiVaf ny iswD kIqf hY ik nIly rMg dy Pl aqy sbjLIaF KUn dy dbfa nUM GtfAuNdy hn qy klYstrol vDx nhIN idMdy ijvyN nIly rMg dy aMgUr, bilAU byrI afid. iesy qrHF kysrI rMgF dy Pl qy KfixaF aMdr bItf kYrotIn vDyry huMdf hY aqy ieh vI aYNtIaOksIzYNt hY jo ik kYNsr, idl dy rogF afid nUM GtfAux ivwc mdd krdy hn aqy XfdfsLq nUM vI vDfAuNdy hn ijvyN aMb ppIqf afid. vYsy vI jdoN Pl sbjLIaF pwk jFdIaF hn qF pwk ky pIly rMg nihM dsqfr sIs pr rfKI pICy kys dIey Dfrn kr lYNdIaF hn ijs df Bfv hY Auh lrkfey…… Kfx leI aQvf kurbfnI leI iqafr hn. sRI pRB cly pRXMk arUZy isr pr lIn gurU sfihb ny bhuq soc ivcfr ky Kflsy nUM AuTfey. nIly kysrI rMg dy aMdr bsqr pihnfeyN. kys ipCfrI lrkiq suMdr sLfm cfdrf Kflsy df jIvn AudtsL hY, Kih Kih ky mrn vfilaF aMdr sulHf sPfeI krvfAuxf, Auwpr lIn. iensf idvfAu x f, grIb dI rw i Kaf qy dIrG smsL iprfhn gr mih muwTf mor jrvfxy dI Bwikaf, dusLtF nUM mfr mukfAuxf, pMK ko kIn. jLulm ivruD kurbfnI dy dyxf aqy srbwq df Blf socxf. ijvyN mor Coty pMCIaF qy kdy dXf isMG isr pr kib Pyriq chum pfvn hmlf nhIN krdf aqy swp nUM mfr ky dm pr bMiD so dIn.. lYNdf hY iqvyN inlMbrI Kflsf kdy iksy qy (sRI gur prqfp sUrj gRMQ) KfhmKfh hmlf nhIN krdf pr hmlfvr nUM dohIN hwQI lYNdf aqy nfsL kr idMdf hY. so nIlf rMg sLuwB ivcfrF, igafn suwK qy sLFqI Kflsy df nIlf qy pIqMbrI bfxf sLFqI aqy df pRqIk hY. sMn 1923 ivwc rMgF dy mfhrF kurbfnI df pRqIk hY. dI iewk kfnPrMs ieMglYNz ivwc hoeI. ies ivwc rMgF dy mfhrF ny iewk ivigafnk qOr gurU gobMd isMG jI dy afpxy muwK qoN Aucfry qy KojF sMbMdI nIly rMg dI mhfnqf bfry bcn hn: drsfieaf ik nIlf rMg bRhmMz ivwcoN igafn krUM Kflsf pMQ qIjo pRvysf.. jgy isMG joDy aqy sLuB ivcfrF dIaF ikrnF pkV ky DrqI DrYN nIl Bysf.. qy pfAuNdf hY ijs nfl mnuKI mn aqy awKF (BgAuqI Cwky pfqsLfhI 10) aMdr swuK sLFqI df mhOl pYdf huMdf hY. PAGE 32

The Patrika Friday, April 27th, 2018





The Patrika 

Friday, April 27th, 2018

iswK jwQy nfl geI mihlf df pfik `c inkfh `qy viDaf ivvfd,sfhmxy afieaf pihlf ibafn

akfl qKq dy jQydfr qy bfdl prIvfr dy iKlfP aprfiDk kys drj krn dI mMg hirMdr iswkf duafrf inrmq iPlm `nfnk Èfh PkIr`Auwpr aYs[jI[pI[sI qQf akfl qKq duafrf pfbMdI lfAux qoˆ bfad vI ivvfd Kqm nhIˆ ho irhf. hux pMQk nyqf bldyv isMG isrsf ny aMimRqsr dy puils kimÈnr nUM idwqy Èkfieq pwqr ivc iPlm inrmfqf ,sRI akfl qKq dy jQydfr ,bfdl pirvfr,aYs[jI[pI[sI dy mOjUdf pRDfn qy do sfbkf pRDfn smyq òó lokfˆ ivrwuD aprfiDk mfmlf drj krn dI mMg kIqI hY .

rfm rhIm iKlfP Kwtf isMG dI gvfhI nUM mnËUrI blfqkfrI bfbf rfm rhIm iKlfP cwl rhy CwqrpqI qy rxjIq isMG kql kys `c hux Kwtf isMG gvfhI dyvygf.pMjfb qy hirafxf hfeIkort ny rfm rhIm dy sfbkf zrfeIvr Kwtf isMG dI gvfhI dyx vflI arËI mnËUr kr leI hY . hflfˆik Kwtf isMG òúñò `c rfm rhIm iKlfP gvfhI dyx qoˆ muwkr igaf sI pr rfm rhIm nUM blfqkfr dy mfmly `c sËf hox mgroˆ Kwtf isMG ny iPr gvfhI dyx dI iewCf jfihr kIqI sI . ies bfry Aus ny hfeIkort ivwc arËI pfeI sI jo hux mnËUr ho geI hY .

qy hux mÈhUr pMjfbI gfiek blkfr iswDU nUM imlI DmkI,Pysbuwk akfAUˆt hYk pMjfbI gfiek prmIÈ vrmf qoˆ iPrOqI mMgy jfx qy Aus Aupr kfqlfnf hmlf krn qoˆ bfad hux pMjfb dy mÈhUr pMjfbI gfiek blkfr iswDU qoˆ iewk lwK rupey dI iPrOqI mMgI geI aqy ieh DmkI idwqI geI hY ik jykr Aus ny pYsy nhIˆ idwqy qfˆ Aus dI Pysbuwk `qy aÈlIl smwgrI pf idwqI jfvygI. jfxkfrI muqfbk blkfr iswDU ny dwisaf ik prmIÈ vrmf `qy hmlf hox dy kwuJ idnfˆ bfad hI Aus nUM mobfiel `qy Pon afieaf aqy Aus dy Pysbuwk akfAUˆt nUM hYk kr ilaf igaf hY aqy jykr Aus ny bcxf hY qfˆ iewk lwK rupey dyxy pYxgy. Pon krn vfly ny ieh DmkI idwqI jykr Aus dI gwl nhIˆ mMnI geI qfˆ Auh blkfr iswDU dI Pysbuwk `qy aÈlIl mYsj pf dyvygf, ijs kfrn Aus df sfrf BivwK Krfb ho jfvygf.

pTfnkot `c pfiksqfnI nkÈy vfly bYg ny pfeIafˆ BfjVfˆ

iswK jwQy nfl pfiksqfn geI huiÈafrpur dI mihlf dy pfiksqfn `c Drm bdl ky musilm nOjvfn nfl inkfh krn dy mfmly `c ivvfd vwD igaf hY . ikrn bflf nfmk ies mihlf dy pfiksqfnI KuPIaf eyjMsI afeI[aYs[afeI[ dy hwQy cVHn qy Aus dy kbËy `c hox df Èwk jqfieaf hY . mihlf dy shury qrsym isMG ny pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI qy pMjfb dy muwK mMqrI qoˆ guhfr lfeI hY ik ikrn bflf nUM vfps ilafˆdf jfvy. Bfrq `c afpxy iqMn bwicafˆ nUM Cwz ky mihlf dy ies qrHfˆ pfiksqfn `c ivafh krvfAux nfl Aus df pirvfr sdmy `c hY . ikrn bflf ny musilm bxn qoˆ bfad afpnf nfˆ amInf bygm rwK ilaf. ies dOrfn ikrn qoˆ amInf bxI mihlf df pihlf ibafn sfhmxy afieaf hY . Aus ny jwQy nfl Bfrq vfps afAux qoˆ sfP ienkfr kr idwqf hY .amInf df kihxf hY ik Auh ijAUˆdy jIa Bfrq nhI jfvygI, jykr Aus nfl ËbrdsqI kIqI geI qfˆ Aus dI lfÈ hI Bfrq phuMcygI. ies dy nfl hI Aus ny srkfr qoˆ pfiksqfn `c rihx dI ieËfjq mMgI hY .

pTfnkot `c iPr hfeI alrt !

pTfnkot eyarbys kol iqMn ivakqIafˆ vwloˆ ÈwkI gqIivDIafˆ kIqy jfx dI jfxkfrI imlx qoˆ bfad pTfnkot aqy ies dy afs-pfs dy ielfikafˆ ivwc surwiKaf bl hfeI alrt `qy hn. ieh jfxkfrI iewk surwiKaf aiDkfrI ny idwqI. AunHfˆ dwisaf ik sQfink lokfˆ ny eyarbys nyVy iqMn ÈwkI ivakqIafˆ dIafˆ gqIivDIafˆ bfry dwisaf ijs ipwCoˆ pMjfb puils ny cyqfvnI jfrI kIqI hY.aiDkfrI ny dwisaf ik iewk src afpryÈn ÈurU kIqf igaf hY.pTfnkot eyarbys dy nËdIk surwiKaf dy sKq pRbMD kIqy hey hn. ijs afeItIafeI iemfrq dy nyVy ÈwkIafˆ nUM vyiKaf igaf, dy nËdIk vI src afpryÈn cwl irhf hY .

akflI afgU syvf isMG syKvfˆ dy puwqr `qy gurdfspur `c mfmlf drj

sInIar akflI afgU aqy sfbkf akflI mMqrI syvf isMG syKvfˆ dy puwqr jgrUp isMG syKvfˆ aqy blfk kmytI kfhnUMvfn dy sfbkf cyarmYn kMvlpRIq isMG kfkI iKlfP iek purfxI jfˆc dy afDfr `qy gYrkfnUMnI mfeIinMg qy hor gMBIr Dfrvfˆ qihq mfmlf drj kIqf igaf hY . Qfxf BYxI imafˆ Kfˆ dI puils ny ieh kfrvfeI kIqI pr ajy qwk dovfˆ afgUafˆ nUM igRPqfr nhI kIqf jf sikaf hY kMvlpRIq isMG kfkI afm afdmI pfrtI dI itkt `qy ivDfn sBf cox lV cuwkf hY . ies sbMDI jfxkfrI idMdy hoey BYxI mIafˆ Kfˆ puls Qfxy dy ieMcfrj srbjIq isMG ny dwisaf ik ibafs diraf dy nyVy pYˆdy kfhnUMvfn blfk dy ipMz muglfˆ dI ËmIn `c jgrUp isMG syKvfˆ aqy kvlpIq isMG kfkI afpxI isafsI pfhuMc dy cwldy nfjfieË mfeIinMg sfl òúñò qoˆ krdy af rhy sn .

ipCly kuJ idnfˆ qoˆ pTfnkot ivwc ÈwkI srgrmIafˆ lgfqfr vDdIafˆ jf rhIafˆ hn. arUsf nfl cwZf pirvfr dIafˆ nUMhfˆ dI Bfrq-pfik srhwd nyVy qy pTfnkkot eyarbys nyVy ÈwkI vyKy jfx ipwCoˆ hux POj dy Poto `qy BKI isafsq irtfierz kYptn dy Gr iksI axpCfqy ivakqI ny ÈwkI bYg suwt idwqf. sUqrfˆ muqfbk ies bYg ivwcoˆ ó kfrqUs , iewk kolz zirMk dI boql, iewk Coilafˆ df pYkt,pfiksqfnI arUsf aflm qy cwZf pirvfr dIafˆ nUMhfˆ dI ies qsvIr ny pMjfb dI isafsq dy ivwc nkÈf qy tOPIafˆ df pYkt imilaf hY .mOky qy pfhuMcI puils ny bYg nUM kbËy `c lY ky jfˆc hlcl ÈurU kr idwqI hY . mIzIaf ivc afeIafˆ Kbrfˆ qoˆ bfad isafsI gilafrIafˆ ÈurU kr idwqI hY pr mIzIaf sfhmxy puils ny ajy koeI puÈtI nhIˆ kIqI . ivwc AuQl puQl vDdI nËr af rhI hY . vwK vwK pfrtIafˆ dy nyqf ies qy kYptn amirMdr isMG qy zIjIpI isDfrQ ctopfiDafey nUM svflfˆ dy Gyry ivwc ilaf rhy hn.pMjfb kYptn dy nvyˆ ù mMqrIafˆ ny ilaf hlP ivDfn sBf ivwc ivroDI iDr dy nyqf qy afm afdmI pfrtI dy sInIar afgU suKpfl pMjfb dy rfjpfl sRI vI[pI isMG bdnOr vwloˆ pMjfb rfj Bvn ivc iewk ivÈyÈ smfgm isMG Kihrf ny ikhf hY ik ieh puils dI aMdrUnI lVfeI nhIˆ . ieh sfrf mslf zrwg dOrfn ù nvyˆ kYbint mMqriafˆ qy do mOjUdf rfj mMqrIafˆ nUM kYbint mMqrIafˆ vjoˆ shUM nfl juiVaf hoieaf hY .Kihrf ny ikhf ik zIjIpI ctopfiDafey pihlfˆ hI kih rhy hn cukfeI.Bfrq BUÈx afÈU,suKijMdr isMG rMDfvf,ivjyieMdr isMglf,E[pI[sonI ,rfxf gurmIq ik AunHfˆ nUM Psfieaf jf irhf hY . hux cwZf pirvfr dI nUMh dI arUsf nfl mulfkfq ny isMG soZI,gurpRIq kfˆgV,blbIr isMG iswDU,suMDr rfm aroVf,aruxf cODrI,suKijMdr sfbq kr idwqf ik sB kuJ gVbV hY .afp nyqf ny pUry mfmly dI sIbIafeI jfˆc dI isMG suwK afcfrIafˆ aqy rËIafˆ sulqfnf Èfml hn.sfry mMqrIafˆ ny pMjfbI ivc shuM mMg vI kIqI hY . cuwkI. kuJ ivDfiekfˆ ivc nrfËgI vI pfeI geI . surjIq DImfn qy nwQU rfm ny kfˆgrs dy sfry afhuidafˆ qoˆ asqIPf dy idwqf.cImf qy kOtlI vI nrfË hn . iehnfˆ nUM mnfAuxdy bfdl byadbI mfmly dI jfˆc `c Èfml hox qoˆ ienkfrI? Xqn ËfrI hn . sfbkf muwK mMqrI pRkfÈ isMG bfdl qy ÈRomxI akflI dl dy pRDfn suKbIr bfdl byadbI kfˆgrs srkfr ny lfeI vrlz kbwzI kwp nUM bryk kfˆz dI jfˆc kr rhy jsits rxjIq isMG kimÈn sfhmxy pyÈ hox jfˆ nf jfˆc iport agly mhIny srkfr nUM sOˆp idwqI jfeygI. sMgrUr phuMcy jsits rxjIq isMG ny ikhf nvyˆ bxy Kyz mMqrI rfxf gurmIq soZI ny ikhf hY ik akflI dl dI srkfr smyˆ huMdf hY ik jfˆc ivwc iksy nUM ËbrdsqI Èfml nhIˆ kIqf jfeyygf.AunHfˆ ikhf ik iksy dy kimÈn vrlz kbwzI kwp nhIˆ hovygf.AunHfˆ ikhf ik kbwzI kwp srkfr df nhIˆ akflI dl df sfhmxy pyÈ nf hox nfl jfˆc `qy koeI asr nhIˆ hoeygf . kfblygOr hY ik jfˆc kimÈn inwjI Èoa sI. rfxf soZI ny ikhf ik suKbIr bfdl dI Kyz mMqrI vjoˆ kfrguËfrI cMgI ny icwTI iÜK ky akflI-Bfjpf kfrjkfl dOrfn vfprIafˆ byadbI dIafˆ Gtnfvfˆ sbMDI nhIˆ rhI .AunHfˆ ikhf ik kfˆgrs srkfr afm kbwzI tUrnfmYˆt krvfeygI.ipClI akflI bfdl nUM jvfb dyx leI ikhf hY . kimÈn dI icwTI df jvfb dyx dI Qfˆ bfdl vwloˆ dl-bIjypI srkfr ny ÈurU kIqf vrlz kbwzI kwp ivvfdfˆ ivwc hI irhf sI . ies krky kimÈn dy muKI jsits(syvf mukq) rxjIq isMG `qy inÈfnf syiDaf igaf hY .bfdl ny kfˆgrs ny ies nUM jfrI rwKx qoˆ hwQ ipCfˆh iKwc ilaf hY . jfˆc kimÈn dy muKI `qy kfˆgrs dy hwQfˆ `c Kyzx dy doÈ lfieaf hY. PAGE 34

The Patrika Friday, April 27th, 2018




The Patrika



Friday, April 27th, 2018

Are you pregnant? Follow these four food safety steps! (NC) When you're pregnant, food safety is more important than ever because you and your unborn baby are at an increased risk of foodborne illness or food poisoning. Your immune system is weakened, making it harder to fight off infections and leaving you vulnerable to serious health problems. Your unborn baby's immune system is also not developed enough to fight off harmful foodborne bacteria.

• Separate: Make sure to always separate raw foods, such as meat and eggs, from cooked foods and vegetables. • Cook: Always cook food to the safe internal temperature. You can check this by using a digital food thermometer. • Chill: Always refrigerate food and leftovers promptly at 4°C or below.

• Make sure to cook hot dogs and nonIf you develop food poisoning during dried deli meats until they are steaming the first three months of pregnancy, it hot before eating them. can cause a miscarriage. It if happens • Don't eat raw or undercooked meat, later in the pregnancy, it can cause your poultry and seafood. baby to be born prematurely. Food poisoning can also cause a stillbirth or a • Avoid refrigerated smoked seafood. baby who is born very ill. Because your • Avoid unpasteurized juice, cider and baby depends on you for everything it dairy products. needs, it is very important that you are careful about what you eat and how • Avoid unpasteurized and pasteurized you store, prepare and cook your food. soft and semi-soft cheeses including blue-veined cheeses. You can protect yourself and your unborn baby by following four key steps • Avoid refrigerated pâtés and meat spreads. to food safety — clean, separate, cook and chill. • Avoid uncooked foods made from raw or unpasteurized eggs. • Clean: Wash hands and surfaces often • Avoid raw sprouts. with warm, soapy water.

WORKERS WANTED FOR LUMBER MILL Job Title: . Grader Man . Plainer Man

sfnUM lMbr imWl leI lMbr stYkrF dI loV hY, kMm aMdr df hovygf PAGE 36

The Patrika Friday, April 27th, 2018



Fraser Valley crime writer Seamus Heffernan's debut novel launched at UFV on April 24


rivate eye thriller NAPALM HEARTS now available in paperback and for Kindle

An exciting new voice in modern crime fiction, author Seamus Heffernan’s thrilling debut novel, NAPALM HEARTS, was released worldwide on April 24th, 2018. Described by publisher Crooked Cat Books as a “cinematic neonoir told with breakneck urgency,” NAPALM HEARTS is the story of Thaddeus Grayle, a successful-but-bored American private investigator specializing in infidelity cases in London, England. An opportunity to find a wealthy businessman's missing (and much younger) wife arises, and he jumps at the chance to do some real detective work. The case sinks him deep into a dangerous and amoral underworld he may regret entering, however—if

The story's human element was one that the book's editor, Jeff Gardiner, was also quick to highlight. “Seamus has succeeded in putting a modern twist on the Raymond Chandler/Dashiell Hammett vibe,” said Gardiner. “But he’s swapped the pulp cynicism for some real pathos, and even a bit of heart. You end up caring about the these characters, and I look forward to seeing their stories continue in future books.”

Early signs of dementia — when to see your doctor

(NC) It's normal to forget some things as we get older. According to the Alzheimer Society of Canada, almost 40 per cent of people over age 65 experience some type of memory loss. Dementia and related conditions like “It's a clever mystery with unexpect- Alzheimer's disease are more than just ed twists and surprises, a debut novel forgetfulness. that delivers interesting characters, a Dementia is a loss of mental function weaving storyline, along with engag- that affects daily activities. It is caused ing sub plots that keep the pages turn- by a loss of cells in the brain and the ing,” Kalteis said. “It's a great read, breakdown of important nerve connecone I thoroughly enjoyed.” tions. Since early diagnosis may help to The novel’s launch party took place slow the progression of the condition, on April 24th in Alumni Hall at the it's essential to know when to see your he's lucky enough to make it out alive. University of the Fraser Valley Ab- doctor. “We were impressed with the book's botsford campus. Over 80 guests Use these signs to understand if what lightning pace and its lean, muscu- joined the festivities and the evening you or a relative is experiencing is lar prose,” said Crooked Cat's co- was capped off with a brief reading age-related or something more. The director, Laurence Patterson. “It's a from the novel and a lively Q&A ses- symptoms below are only signs, so if classic detective novel, but Seamus sion between the author and attend- you have doubts see your physician. has also crafted a very human story ees. The UFV Alumni Association Memory loss. This symptom becomes about intimacy, love and loyalty. It's sponsored the event, as Heffernan is a warning sign when it affects your the kind of book we expect to see both a graduate of the university's mas- everyday life, like if you're forgetting on a lot of holiday beaches and in a ter's program in criminal justice and things often or struggling to retain new criminology. lot of book clubs.” information.

Award-winning crime author Dietrich Kalteis (Triggerfish, Zero Avenue) was more than happy to endorse Heffernan’s first book ahead of its release.

Behavioural changes. Severe mood swings can be a sign, as well as changes to your personality, or if you are feeling paranoid and threatened. Judgment and reasoning problems. This can be something as simple as wearing heavier clothing on a warm day, or a more serious issue like not realizing a medical problem needs attention. Difficulty with abstract thinking — like not understanding what numbers mean on a calculator or how they're used — can also be cause for concern. Trouble communicating. It's okay if you occasionally can't find the right words, but if you notice yourself needing to frequently pause or find substitutions when searching for words, this could be an early warning sign of dementia.



The Patrika 

Friday, April 27th, 2018






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The Patrika 

Friday, April 27th, 2018


A Glimpse of Vaisakhi 2018

Photos provided by Harjeet Singh and All Singh Photography, Surrey, B.C.


The Patrika



Friday, April 27th, 2018

AuwqrI bI sI invfsIaF vwloN pfeIplfeIn dy hwk ivc ivKfvf

aYzlt aYjUkysLn & ieMgils dI koeI PIs nhIN hovygI --- pRImIar jOn hfrgn

iek pfsy bI sI srkfr adflq qoN ieh spwsLt krvfAux jf irhI ik bI sI df tRFsmfAuntyn ivc dKl dyx df hwk hY jF nhIN dUsry pfsy Port jOn ivc 100ku lok iekwTy ho ky pfeIp lfeIn dy hwkivc rYlI kr cuwky hn| AuyMnHF df kihxf hYik Auh dwsxf cfhuMdy hn ik sfry bI sI invfsI Aukq pfeIplfeIn dy ivruwD nhIN| 7[4 iblIan nfl bxn jfrhI pfeIplfeIn dy ivbCfey jfx nfl aYmMtn qoN vYnkUvr qwk phuMcx vfly qyl dI mfqRf iqwgxI ho jfvygI | ivroD krn cfilaF dI dlIl hY ik jy ikDry pfeIplfeI lIk ho geI qF vfqfvrn Aupr bhuq mfVf asr pvygf| ies rYlI dy pRbMD krn vfly aYln XU df kihxf hY ik Auh ikMzr morgn aqy LNG dI hmfieq ivc iekwTy hoey hn|

mfnXog pRImIar jOn hfrgn vwloN aYlfn kIqf igaf hY ik hux aYzltaYjUkysLn & ieMgils leI PIs nhIN hovygI | 2015 ivc Aus smyN dI bI sI ilbrl srkfr ny $1600pRqI sImYstr dI PIs lfgU kIqI sI| hfrgn sfihb df kihxf hY ik aYn zI pI srkfr AuMnHF bflg lokF nUM Auqsihq krnf cfhuMdI hY ik Auh pVHfeI kr skx| AuyMnHf ny ies kdm nUM lMmy smyN dI ienvYstmYNt ikhf | Auh cfhuMdy hn ijhVy lok iksy kfrn pVHfeI nhI kr sky pr hux pVHn cfhuMdy hn, AuMnHF dy rfh ivc PIs aiVwkf nf bxy| 20125 ivc PIs lwgx nfl aYzlt aYjUkysLn pRogrfm ivc igxqI lgBg 35% Gt geI sI| hux koeI vI hor pVHfeI krky afpxI Xogqf vDf skygf|

vYnkUvr istI ny cIinaf nfl hoeIaF vDIkIaF leI mMgI muafPI

bI sI srkfr CyqI hI suwKy/BMg dI ivkrI bfry kfnUMn bxfvygI

22 apRYl nUM cfeInf tfAUn ivKy hoeI bYTk ivc vYnkUvr dy myar gRYgr rfbrtsn ny ilKqI ibafn ivc cInI lokF qoN AuMnHF nfl ipCly smyN dOrfn hoeIaF vDIkIaF leI muafPI mMgI| AuMnHF dy istI kfAuNslr vI sn| AuMnHF ikhf ik 1886 qoN 1949 qwk cInI lokF nfl an-mnuKI ivhfr huMdf irhf; AuMnHF nUM klMkq kIqf jFdf irhf| cInI nyqfvF vwloN ies muafPI dI pRsLMsf kIqI geI| AuMnHF ikhf ik ieh kdm bhuq hOsly vflf kdm hY dwisaf igaf hY ik muafPI nfmf cInI aqy gYr-cInI mfhrF vwloN iml ky iqafr kIqf igaf sI ijMnHF ivc rItfierz jwj, sfbkf istIkFAuNslr , ieiqhfskfr aqy sfbkf POjI sUrmy sLfml sn| pRImIar jOn hOrgn ny ikhf ik ieh kMm bhuq jLrUrI aqy mhwqvpUrn sI|

bI sI dy sOilstr jnrl mfeIk PfrnvrQ vwloN aYlfn kIqf igaf hY ik srkfr iesy hPqy suKy dI ivkrI bfry kfnUM bxf rhI hY ikAuNik julfeI ivc suwKy dI ivkrI kfnUMnI bx jfvygI| bxn vfly kfnUMn ivc 19 sfl jF ies qoN vD Aumr dy lok 30 grfm suwKf afpxy kol rwK skxgy| suwKf aQvf BMg srkfrI storF qy hI AuplbD hovygI jo ilwkr storF qoNvwKry hoxgy| AuMnHf ieh vI ikhf ik sQfnk srkfrF nfl iml ky kMm krFgy ikAuNik afKr kfnUMn Aupr aml ieMnHF dI shfieqf nfl hI krfieaf jf skygf| Xfd rhy ies mfmly ivc bI sI dUsry sUibaF nfloN ipwCy hY|

QwikaF-tuwitaF qoN zRfeIivMg lfiesYNs Kohx vfly ibwl dI bI sI dy sB qoN purfxy skUl ivc hIitMg leI sdI purfxI iek vkIl vwloN aflocnf msLInrI vrqI jf rhI hY vYnkUvr dy pirvfrk vkIl lIn XUjLPI ny Aus pRsqfivq ibwl dI aflocnf kIqI ijs ibwl dy pfs hox nfl afeI sI bI sI AuMnHF Qwky tuwty mfipaF qoN zRfeIivMg lfiesYNs Koh skygI ijhVy bwicaF dI spfAUjlL pymYNt nhIN dy sky| ieh AudoN ho skygf jdoN ieh bkfieaf rfsLI $3000 ho geI hovy| vkIl ny ikhf ik kuJ aijhy lok hn ijhVy aijhIaF adfiegIaF krn qoN asmrwQ hn| Aus ny ieh vI ikhf ik vwK vwK hflqF vfly aqy vwK afmdn vfilaF nUM iewko rwsy bMnHxf jfiejL nhIN;Kfs kr AudoN jdoN Ayh rImOt eyrIaF ivwc rih rhy hox|

ivktorIaf hfeI skUlf bI sI df Auh purfxf skUl hY ijwQy skUl nUM grm krn leI 100 sfl p[urfxI msLInrI vrqI jf rhI hY| ies msLInrI nUM clfAux vfly ieMjnIar jLYn jYsn hn| ieh skUl 1876 ivc KuilHaf sI aqy pihly sMsfr XuwD qoN kuJ mhIny pihlF hux vflI iblizMg ivc ilaFdf igaf sI| skUl ivc do stIm bfielr hn jo kudrqI gYs nfl cldy hn| pqf lwgf hY ik hux skUl izsitRkt ies skUl nUM Zfhux bfry soc irhf hY| vrxnXog hY ik bI sI ivc 155 skUl aijhy hn ijMnHF ivc BUcfl rokU pRbMD nhIN hn.

afto iensLurYNs dy klymF nUM sImq krn leI srkfr kfnUMn bxfAux lwgI

sskYcfvn qoN bI sI ivc afAux vfly AUrjf pdfrQF nUM rokx leI kfnUMn pfs hox lwgf

bI sIsrkfr vwloN ivDfnsBf ivc iek ivDfn pysL kIqf hY ijs dy pRvfn hox nfl CotI motI swt dy klym dI sImf $5500 ho jfvygI| aijhy klym df PYslf vI 2-3 sflF dI QF 90 idnF ivc kIqf jfieaf krygf| atfrnI jnrl zyivz aYbI ny ikhf ik afeIsIbI sI dy $1[3 iblIan dy Gfty nUM pUrf krn leI inXmF ivc qbdIlI hoxI jLrUrI hY| Auprokq qbdIlI hox qy Coty klymF dy mukwdmy bI sI suprIm kort ivc nhIN jf skxgy| srkfr df ieh vI kihxf hY ik swtF PytF dy klymF bhuq ijLafdf vD jfx krky qbdIlI jLrUrI hY 2009 aqy 2016 dy ivckfr aijhy klymF ivc 80% df vfDf hoieaf| jy Auprokq kfnUMn pfs ho igaf qF ieh 1 apRYl, 2019 qoN lfgU hovygf|

sskYcfvn srkfr vwloN iek kfnUMn pfs kIqf jf irhf ijs dy pfs hox nfl sskYcfvn qoN bI sI ivc afAux vfly AUrjf pdfrQF ‘qy rok lwg jfvygI| AuQoN dI pRImIar skft moa ny ikhf ik Auh cfhuMdI hY ik ieh kfnUMn 31 meI qwk pfs ho jfvy| ieMnHF vsqF ivc qyl, kudrqI gYs aqy sfP kIqI pYtrOlIam pdfrQ sLfml hn| ipCly hPqy albrtf vwloN vI aijhf kfnUMn pfs kIqf igaf | hux sskYcfvndI Aus rfh qur ipaf hY| AuDr bI sI dy atfrnI jnrl zyivz aYbI df kihxf hY ik jy albrtf dy kfnUMn nfl bI sI ivc gYs dIaF kImqF asmfny cVHIaF qF albrtf dy ivruwD mukwdmf dfier kIqf jfvygf|


The Patrika



Friday, April 27th, 2018

iksy vI qrHF rYnovysLn krvfAux leI sMprk kro

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The Patrika


kfimaF dI loV

aYbtsPorz ivwc lokl imwl leI lMbr cuwkx vfly Pork ilPt zrfeIvr dI loV hY. 1 sfl df qjLrbf hoxf cfhIdf hY. sfMnU iek bIlzr dI vI loV hY! cMgI qnKfh aqy vDIaf mhOl. plynr dI vI loV hY. hor jfxkfrI lYx leI Pon kro: 604-807-2097 trYktr Eprytr dI loV brign PfrmjL vfilaF nMU trYktr Eprytr dI loV hY jo Pfrm dIaF sB izAUtIaF aqy ijLwmyvfrIaF nMU inBfAux dy Xog hovy. rYjLmy 604854-5631 qy Byjo jF eImyl kro info@bergenfarms. ca ies qoN ibnf qusIN ies vfry kuwJ hor jfnxf cfhuMdy ho qF by-iJjk ho ky 604854-5661 ‘qy sMprk kro.

Workers Needed for Framing


kMinafN dI loV jwt iswK aMimRqDfrI lVkf Aumr 25 sfl kwd 5 Puwt 9 ieM c . B.A pfs lVkf qy sfrf pirvfr kynYzf ivwc hY guriswK pirvfr dI aMimRqDfrI lVkI dI loV hY. Pon nM: 778-551-1592 sMprk: 604-744-4916 Workers Wanted Sidhu Grower’s needs farm workers starting April 6th, 2018. 40‐60 hours/week. Duties include pruning, planting, weeding, manual and mechanical harvesting berries. As well as other general farm du-

Workers needed for framing. Wages $15.00/ hour, increased depending on experience. Transportation available from Surrey and Abbotsford. Call: 604-8250736 or 778-255-3135 kMinafN dI loV jwt iswK lVkf Aumr 27 sfl kwd 6 Pwut. imhnqI lVkf qy sfrf pirvfr knyzf ivwc hI sYwt hY. imhnqI pirvfr dI lVkI dI loV hY. sMprk krn leI 778345-9746 jF 778-7571049


ties. Must be willing to work in all weather conditions. Wage $11.35/ hour. For more information call 604-853-1775 or email sidhugrowersoffice1@shaw.ca.

Friday, April 27th, 2018

nrsrI kfimaF dI loV

Looking for Lawn Care Technician

GLA kfript klIinMg

nrsrI leI kfimaF dI loV hY. kMm pMj qoN Cy idn hY. rfeIz df pUrf pRbMD hovygf. kMm GMitaf df hovygf. hor jfxkfrI leI Po n kro : 604-855-1065 jF 778242-9250

We do fertilizing, aerating, must have drivers licence.Will train, $16.00 an hour. Please send resume to abbotsford@ weedmancanada.com.

asIN GrF, bysmYNtF, kmrsLIal iblizMgF, soPy, aqy kfrF, motrF dIaF sYpUM krdy hF. vDIaf srivs leI Pon kro 778-2412068

Truck Driver wanted Class 1 truck driver required to transport loads for our company. The loads are for USA (CA). Experience in trucking industry will be preferred. Knowledge of English is a must and knowledge of Punjabi will be an asset. Good wages and benefits as per the experience. Driver's abstract and drug test required. Send resume to info@ gloadtransport.com or gloadhr@gmail.com, fax: 604-852-6690, or mail to 31137 Southern Drive, Abbotsford, BC, V2T 5K2.

The Patrika Friday, April 27th, 2018





The Patrika 

Friday, April 27th, 2018

Semiahmoo’s Mihaila, Mouat’s Bhogal sign with Cascades


he University of the Fraser Valley men’s basketball program has fortified its roster by signing a pair of outstanding talents from the local high school ranks.

namic guard had a phenomenal senior campaign, leading his team to a silver medal at the B.C. 4A provincial championships while averaging 26.5 points,

Vlad Mihaila, a guard from Semiahmoo Secondary in Surrey, B.C., and Dhivaan Bhogal, a forward out of Abbotsford’s W.J. Mouat Secondary, have committed to join the Cascades. “They’re both excellent players who we think will have very good careers,” Cascades head coach Adam Friesen enthused. “The fact that they are local is big, too. That’s a goal of our 8.5 rebounds and 5.6 assists. Along the program – to keep the best players in way, he became Semiahmoo’s all-time leading scorer. the Fraser Valley.” Vlad Mihaila 6’4” guard, Surrey, B.C. Semiahmoo Secondary

Mihaila, who suited up for the B.C. provincial team from 2015 through 2017, plans to enrol in Arts at UFV with an eye on eventually earning a Bachelor of Education degree.

Mihaila played his high school hoops under the tutelage of Semiahmoo To- “It was a tough choice for me, looking tems head coach Ed Lefurgy, a Cas- at all the schools and considering it,” cades men’s basketball alum. The dy- said Mihaila, who was born in Brasov,


The Patrika Friday, April 27th, 2018


Romania, and moved to Surrey with his family when he was two years old. “But I put a list together of what I value, and at the top of that list was my development and becoming the best player I can be. Adam and Trevor (Pridie, Cascades assistant coach) are going to be in the gym with me a lot – they’re really dedicated people, and I have a strong connection with them. I’ve known them since I was in Grade 8, I know they’re good people, and I trust in their ability to develop me. And I know they trust in me as a player as provincials, where they finished 13th. well.” He joined Mihaila on the all-star team Dhivaan Bhogal at the Western Canada Tournament in Kelowna, and also earned a first team 6’8” forward, Mission, B.C. all-star nod at the Fraser Valleys. W.J. Mouat Secondary Bhogal, who plans to study business Bhogal boasts a rare combination of at UFV, said he loves bringing energy size, skill and athleticism. At the ofto his team by investing in blue-collar fensive end, he’s capable of playing in the post or knocking down shots from tasks like defence and rebounding. the perimeter. Defensively, his length “I really like the look of the team – it’s and agility allow him to be a disrup- a good young team,” he said, breaktive force. ing down his decision to sign with As a senior, Bhogal averaged 20 points, the Cascades. “I love the coach, and 11 rebounds and three blocks per game it worked out for me. I was talking to in leading his W.J. Mouat Hawks to a a few other schools, but I didn’t like silver medal at the Fraser Valley cham- those looks, and I wanted to stay close pionships and a berth to the B.C. 4A to home, too.”


mohI ipMz dy jgdIp isMG imMtU aYbtsPorz’c akfl clfxf kr gey ijLlf luiDafxf dy ipMz mohI nfl sbMiDq aYbtsPorz invfsI jgdIp isMG “imMtU” DflIvfl bIqy idnI acfnk akfl clfxf kr gey. Auh 42 viraF dy sn. srdfr krqfr isMG DflIvfl dy spuwqr jgdIp isMG ikwwqy vjoN Prymr sn. Auh afpxy ipwCy DrmpqnI bIbI svrnjIq kOr qy zyZ sfl dI iek lOqI bwcI Cwz gey hn. jgdIp isMG DflIvfl df aM i qm sskfr 28 apRYl idn sinwcrvfr nUM duiphr ZfeI vjy PryjLr irvr iPAUnrl hfl aYbtsPorz ivKy hovygf. sLfm 4 vjy hovygI. DflIvfl pirvfr nfl AuprMq aMiqm ardfs gurduafrf sfihb 604-832-2831 jF 604-758-1442 qy bfbf bMdf isMG bhfdr iswK susfietI ivKy duwK sFJf kIqf jf skdf hY.



The Patrika 


Andy Sidhu Installed As Ufv’s

Third Chancellor Takes Over Position From Dr. Gwen Point

Andy Sidhu was installed as the University of the Fraser Valley’s third Chancellor at a ceremony on April 19 in Evered Hall in the Student Union Building on the Abbotsford campus. A longtime proponent of community engagement and integration, Sidhu takes over from Dr. Gwen Point, who served as UFV’s second Chancellor from 2015 to the present, following two terms by Brian Minter. “I’m extremely honoured and proud to join the University of the Fraser Valley in this capacity,” Sidhu said. “UFV has a rich history of inclusivity and community leadership. Needless to say, I’m very excited


to contribute as we move forward together.” An accountant by trade before emigrating from Malaysia in 1974, Sidhu worked first on a dairy farm, then as a bookkeeper with the Canada Farm Labour Pool, where over the course of his 21-year career he became an unofficial ambassador, bridging gaps in culture and language between local businesses and people emigrating from the Punjab. Sidhu is best known for founding B.C.’s first multi-language newspaper, the Punjabi Patrika. Printing 15,000 copies every Friday in English and Punjabi, the Patrika was established as a beacon

of inclusivity and multicultural connection nearly 22 years ago. Sidhu received an honorary degree from UFV in 2017 in recognition of his community service. As Chancellor, Sidhu will act as ceremonial head of UFV while serving as a member of the Board of Governors and the Senate. He will also preside over convocation, conferring UFV degrees, diplomas, and certificates and serve as an ambassador for UFV at major events. The Chancellor is appointed by the UFV Board of Governors upon the recommendation of the Alumni Association and consultation with the UFV Sen-

ate. UFV started the practice of appointing a Chancellor after receiving university status in 2008. “By recommending him as UFV’s next Chancellor, the Alumni Association sought to recognize Andy Sidhu as a hardworking and community driven business leader who will serve as an excellent role model for our students,” said UFV Alumni Association chair Nav Bains. UFV Board Chair John Pankratz couldn’t agree more. “In Andy Sidhu, the UFV Board of Governors welcomes an experienced community leader with deep international experience.”

The Patrika Friday, April 27th, 2018




The Patrika



Friday, April 27th, 2018













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The Patrika Friday, April 27th, 2018






The Patrika 

Friday, April 27th, 2018

The Patrika Friday, April 27th, 2018






The Patrika 

Friday, April 27th, 2018

Friday, April 27th, 2018




Friday, April 27th, 2018

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"20 Homes located on East Side of Abbotsford starting at $1.1 Million." "6 Coach Homes in Auguston coming June 2018 starting at $1.1 Million." "17 Homes in Auguston, some lots with greenbelt, starting at $1.2 Million."

Call To Reserve Yours 11230 243 Street $ 1,050,000 Brand New 2 Storey with Basement Family Home! This gorgeous home has a spacious feel with open layout. The upper floor offers 4 Bdrms up with a Den on the Main Floor. One of the kids will enjoy a bathroom with their bedroom on the upper floor. Rec Room with also a legal 2 bedroom basement for a growing family.

27644 Lundeberg Ave $ 1,190,000 Custom built house on close to 6,000 sq.ft lot. House has 6 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms making it convenient for a larger sized family with children or extra guests. Theater room and bar are located in the basement for upstairs usage. This house includes a double garage with additional parking making parking easy at this home.Call today to get your very own personal tour!

2710 Mcmillan Rd $ 819,900 Superior built home that offers exceptional quality and design! Apprx 2300 sq ft home with legal coach suite for extra income!

2357 Bevan Crescent $ 1,125,000 Custom built 2 storey house with security cameras on a house over 3100 sq.ft. Main floor has high 10 ft ceilings and basement has 9 ft high ceilings. Driveway is extra wide, making it convenient for RV parking. Huge custom kitchen, with built in coffee table and quartz counter tops in the whole house. House has air conditioning and full fenced backyard.


“Ready to build lots available in Maple Ridge, Langley & Abbotsford” "CALL FOR MORE INFO”

"Townhome sites available in Langley, Mission & Maple Ridge"

Call To Reserve Yours

24279-112 Ave

11201 243 Street


$ 970,000

$ 1,069,000 This beautiful 2 storey home with basement is on a lot over 4700 sq.ft. The house has very cozy feeling with 4 bedrooms and 5 washrooms along with a laundry room to make laundry time more convenient. Parking is not a problem with 4 parking spots plus RV parking

36076 Emily Carr Green $ 850,000

NEWLY BUILT HOME on over 5,000 sq ft! The main level has a bedroom, bathroom, den and a huge kitchen with a gorgeous island in the center plus a spice kitchen and a pantry for extra storage. Has 4 bedrooms on the upper floor with 2 being Master Bedrooms with Walk-in Closets and Ensuites and a balcony off of the Master Bedroom and a beautiful sitting area.

3897 Brighton Place This beautiful custom built home sits on over 7,200 sq. ft. lot with an amazing floor plan. This house is a must see with a spacious layout and high ceilings giving this house a breathtaking finish. Upstairs rooms are spacious with natural light shining in.

32656 Marshall Rd


$ 700,000

Mint condition over 4,600 sq.ft easy access to highway long driveway 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms custom built kitchen

8296 204 Street, Langley

$1,140,000 Gorgeous 2 storey house with a basement is located in one of the more desirable neighbourhoods of Langley. Designed for comfortable living. House has 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. Quality finishing with high ceilings and spacious rooms. The chef like kitchen has stainless steel appliances with many units for extra storage

5038 Riverside Str Street

$ 1,089,000

Brand New 2 Storey with Basement Family Home! This gorgeous home has a spacious feel with open layout. The upper floor offers 4 Bdrms up with a Den on the Main Floor. One of the kids will enjoy a bathroom with their bedroom on the upper floor. Rec Room with also a legal 2 bedroom basement for a growing family.

3108 Engineer Court, Abbotsford

Beautiful 2 storey house with a basement and spacious room for a great family. upper floor has 4 bdrms plus 1 bdrm downstairs.

31531 Upper Maclure Rd $ 1,350,000

$ 948,000

Beautiful 2 Storey/W. Basment house. It offers a huge Great Room with a high efficiency gas fireplace. The main floor has an open concept with good sized dining room with gorgeous kitchen. The upper floor has 3 bedrooms with a master suite with huge walk-in closet and an ensuite. The basement has a rec room and basement suite.

Great location, almost 20 acres blueberry machine pick farm, close to town, on CITY water. Updated 4 bedroom rancher with double garage, newer paint inside and outside, 4 years roof w/windows and 2700 sqft shed. 8.5 acres Duke 8 years old, 7 acres bluedcrop 3 yrs/

Well maintained rancher on huge 8400 sqft lot with big 660 sqft shop.This solid 3 bedroom rancher features vaulted livingroom ceiling. covered patio,



Home you can subdivide into 2 or 3 lots 4 bedrooms home close by King rd / Jackson elementary school

4398 N Auguston Parkway

$ 1,150,000

This house is a must see as it implements smart home technology that can be controlled by your very own Ipad. The house has 4 bedrooms upstairs with a custom built shower in the master bedroom along with built in alarm system, built in vacuum, fridge, stove, dishwasher, washer and dryer.There is a 2 bedroom unauthorized suite in the basement plus a legal 589 sq. ft. coach home that has its very own hot water heat, fridge, stove, dishwasher, washer and dryer for extra income.

36061 Emily Carr Green

$ 825,000 Superior built home located in East Abbotsford that offers exceptional quality and design! Approximately 2900 Sq ft home. Designer color scheme, great attention to detail and finishing throughout the home with beautiful kitchen cabinets, quartz countertops and 10-ft ceiling on the main floor for an open, spacious feeling

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Friday, April 27th, 2018





Friday, April 27th, 2018

Friday, April 27th, 2018





Friday, April 27th, 2018

Friday, April 27th, 2018





Friday, April 27th, 2018

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