May 25th, 2018

Page 1

WEEKLY Friday, May 25, 2018 Vol. 22, No.36


See More On Page 02

tfeItn gYNgs ivrwuD KVH igaf hY

The Patrika



Friday, May 25th, 2018

Titans Against Gangs Day – At Abbotsford Traditional Secondary School


ast Thursday, May 17 th , Abbotsford Traditional Secondary School hosted Titans Against Gangs(TAG) Day. This event was initiated by Jaskamal Khela, a grade 1 2 s t u d e n t a t AT S S . Jaskamal wanted to start this initiative to bring change to the Abbotsford c o m m u n i t y, w h e r e gang violence has and continues to drastically impact the lives of the youth because of their choice in becoming a gang member. She felt that something had to be done, not only by our Abbotsford law enforcement team, but also by the community to work towards

improvement for the youth. The day began with the schoolwide distribution of t-shirts and the opportunity for students to make a personal pledge to healthy life choices. This personal pledge was not only to make healthy life choices and promote a positive lifestyle but accepting that this personal pledge means that the student can become a leader towards a positive change. With this pledge, students can show their confidence, honesty, and respect, and also inspire others to stand for the same cause.

to connect with valuable community stakeholders and discuss the reaching effects of gang involvement and violence (and potentially, how organizations are responding) and to make a connection that offers students the occasion to consider positive future life choices, careers, and networks. Stakeholders included the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit, APD (including Chief Rich and Sgt. Vinet), Abbotsford Fire and Rescue Service, Canadian Forces, Corrections Canada, In It Together, SACRO, Gurdwara Sahib Kalgidar Darbar (Blueridge Temple), BC Ambulance, City of Abbotsford (including Mayor Braun), Crimestoppers, Abbotsford Restorative Justice, School District #34 Board of Trustees and Administration Team.

There was also a very impactful speech by Jordan Buna, who told the story of his former life as a gang member and why gang life is not that glamorous as it may appear. It was only after paying his debt to society that Jordan was Students had an important opportunity able to turn his life around, eventually

Canada Day

Calling all Volunteers The City of Abbotsford and Prospera Credit Union are looking for volunteers to help make this year’s Canada Day Celebration a success.

New ity Opportun de ra Be a Pa Host!

To sign up as a volunteer, visit to create your profile. Shift registration starts May 24. For details contact Chrissy Borseth, Volunteer Coordinator, at 604.557.7050 or email

Volunteer Sunday, July 1st


going to university for a criminology degree and delivering anti-gang talks. Buna stressed to students he was not lecturing them, but simply reminding them their lives turn on a series of choices.

Friday, May 25th, 2018

The Patrika



asIN quhfzy Gr afky vI srivs idMdy hF




33222 Elz Xyl roz,aYbtsPorz, bI sI V2T 3LB imlx leI apufieMtmYNt jLrUrI hY

isrP aYbtsPorz rihx vfilaF leI puwCigwC


The Patrika



Friday, May 25th, 2018

Premier announces tech and innovation investments to spark economic growth, job creation


o help spark B.C. innovation, economic growth and new jobs, the provincial government is investing in tech-based research and advanced training opportunities in all parts of the province, Premier John Horgan announced today at the #BCTECH Summit.

the B.C. Knowledge Development Fund (BCKDF). The projects will develop B.C.’s expertise and innovation in fields such as advanced supercomputing and clean technology, to spur job creation, talent development and commercialize innovation.

“B.C. succeeds when British Columbians succeed — and our province’s tech sector is proving that every day,” said Premier Horgan, adding that the sector has over 10,000 companies employing more than 106,000 people.

“Investing in innovation is the best thing we can do to set our province up for success,” said Andrew Weaver, BC Green Party leader. “Technology is driving global growth and has the potential to add value to every sector of B.C.’s economy. This minority government is a unique opportunity to come together to champion a bold vision for the future of our province, and I am proud to be working in partnership with the government to support our tech sector.”

To attract and retain the best graduate students, the B.C. government will invest $12 million in graduate degree scholarships over the next three years. The funding will support priority areas such as science, tech, engineering and mathematics programs, as well as Indigenous “Our job is to provide opportunities students and regional programs. The and partnerships that help companies Province will also invest in womenand individuals innovate, succeed and in-technology scholarships to inspire a new generation of women to take up science and tech-based The B.C. government will unveil a professions. provincewide tech strategy next year To further develop tech talent, that will help provide all people with $10.5 million will be invested the ability to work and prosper in the i n c o - o p o p p o r t u n i t i e s a n d communities they call home. In turn, entrepreneurial training for postsecondary students, so they can gain vital hands-on experience to be job-ready when they enter the grow. This approach delivers more tech sector. jobs and a stronger economy, and “B.C.’s success comes from the ideas, helps support health care, education, innovation and inspiration of people housing and other public services that who call this province home,” said make British Columbia a great place Bruce Ralston, Minister of Jobs, to live and work.” Trade and Technology. “From a twoThe Province announced that it person startup, to large established is investing over $102.6 million tech firms and traditional resource in funding for 75 post-secondary industries, innovation can deliver a wealth of benefits to people, companies and our provincial economy. It is about creating good jobs for people in every corner of the province.”

research projects in B.C., through PAGE 4

To help make it easier for tech companies to recruit top international talent to B.C., government will expand its Provincial Nominee Program Tech Pilot. That means priority processing for people in tech occupations, such as biotechnologists, software engineers and web developers.

the Province will invest in health care, education, housing and other public services that make B.C. a great place to live and work. The Province of British Columbia is hosting the third-annual #BCTECH Summit on May 14-16, 2018, in partnership with Innovate BC, the Province’s Crown agency. Innovate BC encourages the development and application of advanced or innovative technologies to meet the needs of B.C. industry.

Friday, May 25th, 2018

The Patrika



sMpfdkI Kurfk aqy srIr df jIvn aqy mOq vflf irsLqf hY. Kurfk nhI qF jIvn nhIN . Kurfk df sMbMD srIr dI smwrQf aqy musLwkq nfl hY. Bfrf kMm krn vfly dI aqy ivhlV dI Kurfk, gBrU aqy ibrD dI Kurfk ivwc Prk kudrqI vrqfrf hY. awj qoN swqr ku sfl pihlF pMjfb ivwc bhuqy kMm hwQIN kIqy jFdy sn qy Aus vyly dy pMjfbI aOrqF mrdF dI Kurfk ivwc duwD, mwKx aqy iGE dI vrqoN by-ihsfbI huMdI sI. Gr lvyry huMdy sn, duwD vycxf puwq vycx dy brfbr smiJaf jFdf sI. , lok rwjvF Kf pI ky hwz BMnNvyN kMm krdy sn qy qMdrusq jIvn mfxdy sn. afm bImfrI df ielfj qwqf qwqf duwD qy iGE huMdf sI qy khfvq sI:sO cfcf iewk ipE qy sO dvfeI iewk iGE. AuhnF simaF ivwc jMmy ply vIr BYxF awj kwl knyzf ivwc af gey hn qy af rhy hn. kYnyzIan srkfr df aqy hYlQ knyzf df insLfnf hY ik eyQoN df hr visMLdf qMdrusq hovy. bhu kOmI aqy bhu siBafcfrI DrqI qy pMjfbI bjuLurgF dIaF ishq sMbMDI bhuq smwisafvF hn aqy ishq mihkmy dI qfjLF rIport dwsdI hY ik pMjfbI bjLurgF dI glq Kurfk aqy bdprhyjLI smwisafvF pYdf krdI hY. asIMN mwKx, iGE aqy ipMnIaF nUM sLONk nfl qy vwD qoN vwD KFdy hF. ivhly srIr qMdrusqI dI QF ibmfr ho rhy hn. imwTy df qy motfpy df bVf ipafr hY. hr pMjfbI imwTy df sLOkIn hY, dyKidaF sfr mUMh ivwc pfxI aOxf hI afAuxf qy nf pwcidaF qy nf chuMidaF hoieaF vI asIN vwD qoN vwD dfa lf jFdy hF, motfpf by-kfbU ho jFdY, motfpy iwvc by igxq ibmfrIaF lukIaF hoeIaF huMdIaF hn. qlIaF hoeIaF cIjLF vI sfnUM mnHf hn pr pkOVy ikdF CwzIey? ienHF dI mihk afeI nhIN qy sfzf mUz bixaF nhIN, QoVf Tihrky mwTI BujIaf bdfnf qy itwkI ikhVf Cwz huMdI hY. guru GrF ivwc asIN bxI hoeI cfh ivwc dwb ky KMz hor pf lYny aF slfd dI QF acfr qy jor idMny aF. lUx hor pfAuxf hI huMdf qy imrc vI jLrUrI hY krfr vfsqy ieh sB cIjF sfzIaF vwK vwK ibmfrIaF dy kfrn hn, ijs qy sfnUM kfbU rwKxf cfhIdf hY. mihkmf kihMdf hY ik qusIN iKafl rwKo ik kI Kfxf cfhIdf hY? Aus anusfr Kfxf Kfx qoN pihlF slfd aqy Pl vwD qoN vwD dUjy nMbr qy sbjLI qy qIjy qy dfl aqy cOQy nMbr qy rotI, koisLsL kIqI jfxy ik rotI Gtf idE, acfr qy vfDU lUx blwz pRYsLr pYdf krdy hn, ienMHF nUM mUMh nf lfvo. aglf svfl hY

ik kdoN Kfxf cfhIdf hYÉ jdoN BuwK lwgy AudoN hI Kflo, jy BuwK nhIN qF afdq qy kfbU pfE. aglf svfl hY ik ikMnF ku Kfxf cfhIdf hY? ies df Auqr hY ik pyt nUM quMinaF nf jfvy. ihsfb df hI KfDf jfvy.

ieMnf dohF pwKF qy AudoN pfxI iPr jFdf hY afKIey qUM jlybIaF nf Kfh rwsguly bhuqy

aglI zfktrI slfh hY ik ijMnF vI ho sky kMm jrUr krnf cfhIdf hY kMm nfl srIr dy sfry aMgF dI vrijsL huMdI hY, qy srIr arog rihMdf hY. jy kMm nhIN qF sYr kro, mINh Duwp df bhfnf nf lfE, CqrI cuwko qy sYr leI GroN inklo, kImqI aOksIjn Gr dy aMdr nhIN huMdI. sYr leI cMgy sfQI cuxo ijnHF nfl qusIN KuwlI gwp sLwp mfr sko. sYr vyly inMbUN pfxI dI boql kol rwKo aqy idn rfq ivwc 8-10 glfs pfxI dy pI jfvo, koisLsL kro pfxI kosf hovy.

Brf DnMqr vYd bx ky quhfnUM ielfj dI krf leIey. pr glqI asIN jfx ky krIey

jdoN asIN suxI suxfeI gwl nUM mMn ky afpy nf Kf, qF Es df jvfb huMdY, kry krfey hI ielfj krn lwgdy hF. qusIN afpxI afpy afp``Es Xfr dI ieh afdq sfnUM qF qklIP dI gwl qF kro, lfgy bYTy sfry BYx glq lgdI hY- rwb qoN koeI cMgy kMm qF dvfeI dws dwsxgy, dwsx dI dyr asIN Jwt qy TIk rwKx leI rwb nUM Kbrdfr krIeyvrqx sLurU kr dyNdy hF. qF nqIjf bhuqI ieh soc mUrKfnf hY. eydF dIaF avfjLF qoN vfr glq inkldf hY. hr srIr df afpo vI Kbrdfr rihx dI loV hY. afpxf ihsfb hY, sfrIaF cIjF sfiraF nUM iewko ijhf lfB nhIN dy skdIaF, sgoN

ies qoN vI jLrUrI gwl hY ik eyQoN dy hfeI

spIz jIvn dI. sfzy bwicaF df kMmF kfrF nuksfn krdIaF hn, ies leI jy cIjL coN eynf ivhl nhIN hY ik sfzy bImfr ipaF vrqxI sLurU krnI vI qF afpxy PYmlI dy kol syvf leI bYT skx qy nf hI iksy zfktr dI slfh qoN ibnF iblkul nf sLurU kol ieh ivhl hY ik sfnUM rojL hspqflF kro, suxy suxfey ielfj iblkul nf kro. ivwc leI iPrn. so sfnUM afp hI TIk qOr

ishq ivigafn kihMdf hY ik jy KVH skdy ho qF bYTo nf, jy qur skdy ho qF KVHo nf, iewk sfzf imwqr Kfx pIx, qMdrusqI jF hr qrIky vrqxy cfhIdy hn, eydF krn nfl jy dOV skdy ho qF quro nf iPr koisLsL kro iewk kMm di ijMmyvfrI rwb nUM dyx qy by-ijLwd hYlQ knyzf aqy bIsI srkfr dI shI soc dOVn dI. afpxy Bfr qy kfbU rwKo, loVINdy ho jFdY. asIN ishq sMbMDI klfsF lf rhy qy pUry Auwqr skdy hF. Bfr nUM vDx nf idE. sF, qF Es dI slfh sI peI zfktrF vloN DMnvfd sihq, ieh qF hn srIr nUM qMdrusq rwKx dy moty pVHfieaf quhfzy iksy kMm nhIN afAuxf. jo moty asUl pr iewk Kfs gwl qF afpF Buwl hI sMpfdkI mMzl. gey hF, Auh ieh ik qn mn dI pwkI dosqI krnf nIlI Cwq vfly ny krnf hY. jy Aus nUM hY. ieh iewk dUjy dy sdf hI kMm afAuNdy hn. mn qn nfloN sLkqIsLflI hY. jy mn KusL hovy qF hI qn TIk rih skdf hY, jy mn duKI jF prysLfn hovy qF srIr nUM jrUr koeI nf koeI smwisaf af GyrdI hY. so mn nUM qMdrusq rwKx leI kI kIqf jfvy? sfzI smJy jy asIN iblkul qMdrusq rihxf hY qF mn dI qMdrusqI leI vI kuJ dvf dfrU KojIeybfbf jI dI bfxI kihMdI hY,`kr Blf, ho Blf aMq Bly df Blf. jy eys qoN Ault socIey peI kr burf, ho burf, aMq bury df burf. ieh sfzy mn dy vs hY. suwK qy mn dI qMdrusqI leI hr iewk df blf kiqf jfvy, bfbf PrId jI qF bury df vI Blf krn df sunyhf dy ky sohxy jIvn dI idwK pysL krdy hn. sfzy pRQm guru nfnk sfihb jI ikwzI vwzI jfiedfd Bfv `cVHdI klf `dI pRfpqI leI srbwq dy Bly dI qfgId krdy hn. loVmMd di loV pUrI krnI, ikRq kmfeI KfxI, dgf, Pryb, DoKf nhIN krnf, rihm krnf, nPrq qoN dUrI rwKxI, rMg rUp jfq pfq df Kfqmf, hr iewk nUM ipafr krnf qy siqkfr dyxf, hMkfr qoN dUrI rwKxI, inMidaf cuglI iblkul nhIN krnI, afidk kuJ asUl hn, ho sfzy mn dI qMdrusqI leI aiq jrUrI hn.


The Patrika



Government, First Nations and industry collaborate to promote B.C. An innovative collaboration is taking B.C.’s mining success stories to the international stage, Michelle Mungall, Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources, has announced. Government, along with First Nations and several exploration companies from B.C.’s northwest region, has cre-

ated the B.C. Regional Mining Alliance (BCRMA) to promote British Columbia’s mining opportunities internationally. The alliance will showcase how collaboration is leading to world-class mineral development in B.C.

ing firms based in the United Kingdom and Europe, about mining investment opportunities in British Columbia. “The modern-day success of B.C.’s mining industry is based, in large part, on the relationships built between industry and local Indigenous peoples during mineral exploration and development,” said Edie Thome, president and CEO, Association for Mineral Exploration. “We look forward to sharing with the investor community both B.C.’s mineral development potential and o u r c o r n e rstones for future success.” A series of recent infrastructure investments in B.C.’s “Golden Triangle” region, which covers an area bigger than Vancouver Island, means this onceremote region is now more accessible. Upgraded transmission lines supply clean, affordable, reliable hydroelectric power to mining operations throughout the region. Other recent infrastructure improvements include highway upgrades, new ocean-port infrastructure at the ice-free port of Stewart and the commissioning of three hydroelectric facilities

“We have a strong, vibrant and competitive mining sector in this province, and now, for the first time, government, First Nations and industry have joined together to tell British Columbia’s story to international investors,” said Mungall. “Each of the partners in the B.C. Regional Mining Alliance have come together to share their successes, and provide potential investors with first-hand knowledge on every aspect “The B.C. Regional Mining Alliance is an opportunity for First Nations and of exploration and mining.” industry to showcase how collaboraThe new BCRMA is a pilot project tion is leading to world-class mineral between the Province, the Tahltan Cen- development in our province,” said tral Government (TCG), the Nisga’a Mungall. “It also reiterates our governLisims Government (NLG), the As- ments’ commitment to working with sociation for Mineral Exploration, First Nations and industry to build a Dolly Varden Silver Corp., Skeena new generation of relationships and Resources Ltd. and GT Gold Corp. This partnerships.” collaboration represents projects in the northwest area of B.C., known as the May is Mining Month in British Columbia. B.C. is rich in mining history, “Golden Triangle”. home to 16 operating mines and a Members of the BCRMA attended the thriving mineral exploration sector. The Canadian Mining Symposium in Lon- provincial government has developed don, England, on April 24-25, 2018. At cutting-edge geological databases and the symposium, BCRMA representa- online systems, cataloguing a growing tives met with potential investors, as inventory of more than 15,000 mineral well as high-level executives from min- occurrences throughout the province.


Friday, May 25th, 2018

Friday, May 25th, 2018

The Patrika



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SALE! syl! SALE! syl! SALE! syl! nvyN PYybirwk aqy sUt lY jfE

inAU brokyz, kryp, aqy islk, stor ivwc hor vI bhuq kuwC nvy 45” vfsLybl kryp $45 dy 2 sUt

nvIN 60” brosLf vYlvt $30 df 1 sUt $55 dy 2 sUt nvy

60” 100% ryaOn $40 dy 2 sUt

60” 100% kOtn $35 dy 2 sUt kwpVy dy stor 'qy kMm krn leI pfrt tfeIm kfimaF dI loV hY English aqy pMjfbI afAuxI jLrUrI hY. qnKfh $12/GMtf hovygI. stor ivwc afky arjLI Bro jI.

604-864-8100 32853 Ventura Ave Abbotsford PAGE 7


The Patrika 

nIly rMg dI roÈnI, nIˆd leI Gfqk hY awCI ishq leI ijwQy sMquln Bojn, ksrq ËrUrI hn, AuQy nINd dI mhwqqf ienHfˆ qoˆ Gwt nhIN. nINd smyˆ ijQy sYlfˆ dI tuwt-Puwt dI murMmq huMdI hY, AuQy srIr nUM agly idn leI ikRafÈIl PurqIlf aqy cusq rwKxf huMdf hY. pRMqU Gwt nINd kfrn keI rogfˆ ijvyˆ idl dy rog, motfpf, ÈUgr rog, Qkfvt, qnfv afid leI swdf huMdf hY. lyK dy agly Bfg nUM ilKx qoˆ pihlfˆ kuwJ muZlI jfxkfrI ËrUrI hY. 1[ sUrj : grmI aqy roÈnI afid df muwK somf hY sUrj aYksry, altrf vfielt ikrnf, ienPrf rYz aqy


idsdf Bfg hn. ies dy Bfg ivc sB rMg huMdy hn ijvyˆ lfl, nIlf, pIlf, hrf, sMgqrI, jfmxI, vYNgxI sfry rMgfˆ ivc nIly rMg ivc sB qoˆ vwD aYnrjI huMdI hY. 2[ hfrmon : ieh iek hfrmon huMdf hY. ieh srIr dy idmfÊ ivc bxdf hY. ieh hfrmon nINd leI iËMmyvfr huMdf hY. idn dy smyˆ ies dI loV nhIN huMdI, ijAuˆ-ijAuˆ Èfm pYxI ÈurU huMdI hY aqy aflf-duaflf ivc hnHyrf hox lgdf hY, qd idmfÊ sMdyÈ idMdf hY ik mYlftoiln pYdf kIqI jfvy, ijAuˆ-ijAuˆ hnHyrf ivc vfDf huMdf rihMdf hY, ies hfrmon dI

mfqrf vwDdI rihMdI hY. svyr hox smyˆ idmfÊ ies hfrmon nUM pYdf nf hox df hukm idMdf hY. srIr dy idn Br dy kMm kfj leI cusq, PurqIlf rwKxf huMdf hY. 3[ srkyzIan irdm : hr iek jIv, pOdy aqy AulI afid ivc aMdrUnI srkyzIan df klfk huMdf hY. ieh nINd aqy jfgx dy sfeIkl Auwqy kMtrol rKdf hY. ieh lgBg 24 GMty kMm krdf hY. idn dI roÈnI aqy rfq df hnHyrf ies klfk nUM pRBfivq krdy hn. nIˆd ikvyˆ pRBfivq huMdI hY. nIly rMg dI roÈnI ivc bhuq aYnrËI huMdI hY. ieh srkyzIan irdm ivc KlblI krn dy smrwQ huMdI hY. ies klfk ivc ivgfV af jfˆdf hY, ijs kfrn mYlftoiln df pYdf hoxf pRBfivq huMdf hY. Èfm aqy rfq dy smyˆ nIlI roÈnI Brm pYdf krdI hY ik ajy qfˆ idn hY. mYlftoiln dI loV nhIˆ PlsrUp nIˆd Auwqy mfrU pRBfv pYˆdf hY. rfq dy smyˆ cfhy nIlI sUrj dI roÈnI nhIN huMdI, pRMqU sfrIafˆ bnfAutI roÈnIafˆ ijvyˆ blb, itXUbfˆ aqy sfry ielYktRoink XMqr ijvyˆ kMipAUtr,

Friday, May 25th, 2018

moihMdr isMG vflIaf

mobfeIl Pon afid nIlI roÈnI Cwzdy hn. ieh nIlI roÈnI sUrj dI roÈnI qoˆ vI vwD mfr krdI hY, ikAuˆik bnfvtI roÈnI ivc iËafdf smfˆ ibqfieaf jfˆdf hY. bcfv leI suJfv : 1[ Èfm Zldy hI Gr aqy afly duafly qyË roÈnI dI Qfˆ mDm roÈnI kro. 2[ Èfm hox qoˆ bfad aMbr (sonf aqy sMgqrI rMg df myl) rMg vflIafˆ aYnkfˆ vrqoˆ 3[ sOx vfly kmry ivc pUrn hnHyrf kro, ikqoˆ vI kmry ivc roÈnI nf afvy. kmry ivc pUrn hnHyry dI pihcfx hY ik KuwlIafˆ awKfˆ hwQ nf dyK skx. 4[ sfry ielYktRoink XMqrfˆ nUM kvr nfl pUry Zk dyvo. 5[ rfq df blb aYˆbr jfˆ pIly rMg dI roÈnI vflLf hI vrqo.

The Patrika

Friday, May 25th, 2018





16 julfeI qoN sLurU



sfiraF dy prsnl aYkFAUNts ivwc muPq E trFsPrs aqy muPq cYwk syvfvF ABBOTSFORD BRANCH 32112 South Fraser Way Abbotsford, BC V2T 1W4

Mon-Thur 10 am-5 pm Friday 10 am-6 pm Saturday 10 am-5 pm PAGE 9


The Patrika 

Friday, May 25th, 2018

Fraser Vally Indo-Canadian Business Associations' Young Professional Networking Event


Friday, May 25th, 2018

The Patrika



sUrj dy bfhr afAux nfl sfeIkl vI bfhr af gey hn. quhfzy sfeIkilMg krn vfilaF leI kuJ hYlmt dy suJfa:

abbypd Gutfly bfry cyqfvnI- pfrikMg ivwc afAux vfly pRvfsI

XkInI bxfE ik AuhnF df Auprlf isrf 4 aYs sdf iesqymfl krkt iPwt afAuNdf hY.

musfiPrF qoN sony dy gihxy KrIdx leI dbfa pfAux vfly lokF dIaF keI jUn 1 qwk aOnlfeIn jF ivakqIgq qOr qy rijstr krn qy XkInI

qxI:XkInI bxfAu ik qxI nUM aYzjst kIqf jf skdf hY aqy CyqI Koilaf jf skdf hY.

irportF sfnUM imlIaF hn kI quhfnUM ies bfry pqf hY?

qOr qy qusIN tI sLrt lY skdy ho. asIN quhfnUM sB nUM AuQy imlx dI

hYlmt ivwc iksy pfisE icwb nhIN hY

#ABBYPD SCAM WARNING - We've received several

AumId krdy hF. h p://

ieh XkInI bxfE ik hYlmt mwQy dy Auprly ihwsy nUM kvr krdf hY aqy XkInI bxfE ky isr Aupr shI bYTdf hY.

reports of people feeling pressured into buying "gold"


sitwkr hYlmYt hmysLF idwqy hoey sitkrF duafrf aprUv hoxf cfhIdf hY(snell,CSA,ANSI,BSI,or SAA)

jewelry from out-of-province travelers in parking lots.

APD CHALLENGE RUN! Register online or in person

kdy vI pihlF vriqaf igaf hYlmt dUjI vfr nf vrqo; ikAuNik quhfnUM nhIN pqf ik ieh pihlF krYsL ho cuwkf hY.

Does any of this sound legit?

by June 1 to guarantee you'll get a t-shirt included!

2018 ey pI zI cYlyNj rn leI sfeIn awp krn df smF cwl irhf hY.

hYlmt nUM hr pMj sfl bfad bdlxf jLrUrI huMdf hY ikAuNik ies ivclIaF Pom dIaF qihaF twut jFdIaF hn.

Hope to see you all there!

XkInI bxfE ik qusI svfrI krdy smyN hYlmt pihnxf hY.

h p://

hor jfxkfrI leI qusIN h ps:// qy jf ky cYwk kr skdy ho.

THE SUN HAS COME OUT AND SO HAVE THE BICYCLES! SOME HELMET TIPS FOR YOUR CYCLING TOTS: Make sure their helmet fits by using the 4 S's: - Strap: make sure the strap is adjusted and has a quick release button; - Straight- the helmet is on straight (not tilted); - Size: make sure the helmet covers the upper part of the forehead and sits level on the head - Sticker- a helmet must be approved- look for the right sticker (Snell, CSA, ANSI, ASTM, BSI or SAA). Do not use a second hand helmet as you do not know if it has been in a crash. Helmets have a life span- best to replace after 5 yrs as the foam lining breaks down. Lead by example- make sure YOU wear your helmet when you ride. Would like more info? Check out: h ps://

TITANS AGAINST GANGS aYbtsPorz trizsLnl sYkMzrI skUl dI iewk ividafrQx ny gYNgs dy Aupwr khfxI ilKI ijs ivwc Ausny gYNgs nUM bdlx bfry afpxy ivcfr dwsy. Auh TAG `Titans Against Gangs qoN pRBfivq hY. aYbI pI zI nUM mfx hY ik Auh aihjhy iewk pRogrfm ivwc ihwsf lY rhy hn. ijs ivwc CFSEUF aqy hor vI afpxy BfeIcfrk kimAuintIaF dy lok hn. A student at Abbotsford Traditional Secondary School had a vision to change the narrative on Gangs. She inspired TAG "Titans Against Gangs". AbbyPD proud be part of this great event with CFSEUf and other community partners.

SUMMER TIP: grmI dy mOsm bfry kuJ suJfa:- jykr quhfnUM koeI kUgr idsdf hY qF sLFq rho. afpxy afp nUM vwzf rwK ky hOlLI hOlLI ipwCy hwt jfE aqy Aus nUM vI bfhr jfx leI rfsqf idE. ikrpf krky hyTF dwsy hoey nMbr qy kfl kro 1877-952-7277 Aus jgHf bfry ijwQy qusIN Aus kfguafr nUM dyiKaf sI. h ps:// Summer Tip: If you encounter a Cougar, keep calm. Make yourself look as large as possible and back away slowly, keeping the cougar in view, allow a clear exit for the cougar. Please report sigh ngs to the Conserva on Office line at (1-877-952-7277). For more tips: h ps://

Call APD non-emergency at 604-859-5225 or text ABBYPD (222973) To make an anonymous report, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or report online at

aYbtsPorz pulIs zIpfrtmYNt nMU nfn-aYmrjMsI lfeIn 604-589-5225 'qy Pon kro jF 222973 'qy tYkst mYsj Bojo. aigafq rIport ilKvfAux leI krfeIm stfprjL nMU 1-800-222-7477 'qy Pon kroo jF afnleIn jf ky 'qy rIport ilKvfE.


The Patrika



Friday, May 25th, 2018

Abbotsford News

Friday, May 26, 2017 A3

On the 26th of May, help a child play! Abbotsford News

Friday, May 26, 2017 A3

the 26 meI nMU afE aqy sfzIOn shfieqf kor 27 qF ik bwcof y KyHz May, skn! th

th On the 27 of May, help a child play! Jumpstart Day jM p stfrt th On the 27 of May, help a child play! Abbotsford News

Friday, May 26, 2017 A3

Saturday sLnIvfr suhelp vyry-a11am 3pm child -play!

Jumpstart Day Jumpstart Day Jumpstart changes that. jMp stfrt poRgrfm ies nMU bdl skdf hY|

1 in 3 Canadian families knyzf dy iqMn pirvfrF ivwcoN iewk pirvfr apxy bwicaF dIaF KyHzF df Krcf cuWkx jog vI nhIN hMudf

Jumpstart Day Saturday 11 am-3 pm Saturday 11 am-3 pm Saturday 11 am-3 pm

Tons of fun games & activites for the family! TonsTons of fun games & activites for the family! of fun games & activites for the family! TonsHot of fun Dog games & Pop $4& activities for the family! Hot Dog Pop Hot& Dog & $4 Pop $4

Basketball • Hot Dog & Pop $4

DONATE & receive receive design jump start sticker Donate $2 $2 and newnew design jump start sticker

DONATE & receive design jump start sticker DONATE $2 &$2 receive new new design jump start sticker Thanks to your generous support, we helped over Thanks to your generous support, Thanks to your generous support, Thanks to your generous support, 270,00 kids intoover sports in 2017. we helped 270,000 kids weget helped 270,000 kidsget get get we helped overover 270,000 kids Help us give the gifts of sports to eveninmore kids this year! into sports in 2017. sports 2017. intointo sports in 2017.

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Help us the gift of sport to ThankHelp you togive our supporters: Help usgive give the gift of sport us the gift of sport to to even more kids this year! this year! eveneven moremore kids kids this year!

The Patrika

Friday, May 25th, 2018


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jgdyv isMG jtfxf hr kdm zr hY, iĂŒkr hY - ieh iĂ‹MdgI kYsf sĂŒr hY. afpy nUM cUMzy,jfn sukfvy -cfnx hY kMbdf,hnHyrf inzr hY. lhU luhfx afĂœf duafĂœf-dihĂˆq dhfVy,ĂˆfˆqI pwQr hY. ajy vI aOrq afty df dIvf-afbrU Éqry `c bfhr jfˆ Gr hY. nĂˆy df Qfˆ Qfˆ diraf vihMdf-jo bx irhf idsdf sfgr hY. guMzfĂŠrdI df aYsf bolbflf-skqy `c idsdf hr nfrI nr hY. DVfˆ qoˆ isr gfieb hoeI jfˆdy-nrkfˆ qoˆ vI hflfq bdqr hY. nyqf dI GurkI inpuMsk kr jfˆdI-guMgf qy bihrf hr aĂŒsr hY. mĂ‹bUrI dI bwDI jIBf geI TfkI-bol kI inkĂœy idsdI kbr hY. ÉudkĂˆIafˆ leI mjbUr aMndfqf-pfxI Ă‹ihrI DrqI bMjr hY. nsIb iksfn df bxI ÉudkuĂˆI krĂ‹f sUeI jfˆdf ies kdr hY. kx kx df lyKf dyxf hI pYxf-ies gwl qoˆ nfˆ koeI nfbr hY. axÉI,sUrbIr XoDf sI huMdf kdy- ivrsf pMjfbI igaf ikDr hY? swc dI CfqI qy kUV mUMg dĂœdf- hr pfsy idsdf iehI mMĂ‹r hY. gMdgI dy kIVy qoˆ vI jUn BYVI-kI smJy `jtfxf` ieh kYsf sbr hY?

Exceptional Quality Blueberry Nursery Stock

BLUEBERRY PLANTS Sidhu Growers is British Columbia's leading quality blueberry nursery. At Sidhu Growers, we grow healthy, disease free, virus indexed and true-toname Blueberry plants. We specialize in growing blueberry plants and have 20 plus years of experience in the blueberry business.

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We are the only authorized nursery in Canada to sell Reka, a northern blueberry variety and have documentation from where the variety originated from, which is New Zealand, and have proof of it. Make sure when purchasing Reka you ask to see the signed authorization from New Zealand. Being the only authorized nursery to sell Reka we can provide you with this.

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When purchasing blueberry plants, buy from a reputable blueberry nursery that specializes in growing blueberry plants. Ask to see virus testing documentation. Make sure plants are produced from cuttings. Plants produced from tissue culture or cuttings taken from tissue culture plants tend to be difficult to machine harvest and require more pruning.

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The Patrika 

UTA tag management meeting attracts over 300 members, MLAs and MPs


ajor breakthrough in container trucking policy achieved after years of working with government

A United Truckers Association (“UTA”) meeting announcing new labour mobility for Independent Operator (“IO”) truck owners resulted in the organization’s largest meeting of the year. Presentations by government MLAs and government Members of Parliament also demonstrated the strong working relationships that have been established between the UTA and elected officials.

ing the election campaign, and we are very pleased with this first step after years of being ignored by the BC Liberal government,” says Singh. “The Commissioner’s office, which had also failed to act since being opened in 2015, finally listened to the voices of the 1,100 members of the UTA, which were loudly communicated to the new government caucus.”

While there are a number of issues that are still outstanding, including continued illegal pay rates by licence holders and a lack of effective enforcement, the UTA has made major progress with both levels of government in terms of After years of being locked into regulaproducing results for its membership. tions that treated IOs as a modern form Depending on the level of commitment from members, the UTA is comtemplating expanding its operations and access in 2018, confirms Singh. of indentured labourers, container truck owners finally have the ability to seek out new clients like any other small business in British Columbia.

“Tag mobility was our number one issue for many years, and our organization was able to achieve a great result,” explains Singh. “With the support of more members, the UTA can continue to fight hard for new standards across the industry, as well as assisting individual owner operators with their particular problems and concerns.”

This new policy recently announced by the Office of the BC Container Trucking Commissioner is as a direct result of the UTA’s consultations with the NDP government, according to Gagan More details of the UTA’s plans will be Singh, spokesperson for the UTA. announced by the end of January 2018. “We have held the government’s feet to the fire on the promises made dur-


Friday, May 25th, 2018

The Patrika

Friday, May 25th, 2018



Choose the bank account that’s right for you (NC) When you’re looking to open a new bank account, do you choose the first one that is presented to you? Do you stick with whatever your current financial institution offers? Before choosing an account, it’s a good idea to explore your options and make sure you pick the one that best suits your needs. The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) has a new and improved tool to help you do just that the tool is unbiased because it that. doesn’t promote or endorse any parThe Account Comparison Tool com- ticular product. pares features for different chequ- Finding the right bank account depends ing and savings accounts, including on your personal financial circumstancmonthly fees, the number and types es and the account features that matter of transactions, and interest rates. The to you. This tool will dig through all of free online tool includes information on the information available and provide over 150 chequing accounts and over you with a list of bank accounts that 70 savings accounts from more than 30 meet your selected criteria, allowing banks and credit unions. you to make a better decision. With The FCAC also regularly ensures participating financial institutions keep their information up to date and accurate for consumers. You can make a more informed decision in knowing

the research done, you can focus on choosing the chequing or savings account that’s right for you. Find the tool online at financial-tools.




The Patrika 

Friday, May 25th, 2018

Friday, May 25th, 2018

The Patrika 


Warm weather brings tick risk for the whole family (NC) With warmer weather comes the risk of ticks, which can affect everyone in the family, including your pet. As a dog owner, you want the best for your four-legged friend. An important part of their care is protection against fleas and ticks, but are you There are multiple options available to armed with the knowledge you need to help prevent and control fleas and ticks protect them? depending on your needs. It doesn’t Fleas and ticks are more than just have to be an unpleasant or difficult uncomfortable annoyances. They can experience for you or your dog either. lead to serious discomfort and diseases, For example, you can choose a once-asuch as tapeworm or Lyme disease, month chewable flavoured to taste like which can be dangerous for both your a treat, so it’s fun to give to your dog. The once-a-month chewable ensures dog and your family. your pup is flea- and tick-free throughAlthough peak flea and tick season out the year. starts in the summer, fleas can survive indoors during the winter and ticks Talk to your veterinarian about flea and thrive in cooler temperatures, so it’s tick treatments that will keep your pet important to continue to protect your and your whole family healthy, happy and safe all year long. dog year-round.




The Patrika 

Friday, May 25th, 2018

Friday, May 25th, 2018

The Patrika 

iewk Krfb aOrq awj Pyr Auh bhuq sfrI sLrfb pI ky swuqf pr Auh nhIN hwisaf. sI. bUhf bMd kr ky Auh ibsqry ivwc jf bYTf. swuqf sLfied Auh nhIN sI. sLrfb pI ky Aus Auh sfhmxy kursI Auwqy bYT geI. hws peI. nUM iesy iksm dI nINd afAuNdI sI. “kI gwl?” Auh boilaf. kdy awK lg geI, kdy KwulH geI. “qusIN puwiCaf nhIN mYN ies vyly ikAuN af geI Aus nUM lwigaf Auh afeI hY. hF quhfzy kol?” Auh BfvyN ies Gr kdy nhIN sI afeI, pr “jdoN af hI gey ho iPr TIk hY. pYr rjfeI drvfjLy AuWqy iksy ny dsqk idwqI hY. ivwc rwK lE. TMZ bVI hY.” pr nhIN poly ijhy iksy ny Pyr dsqk idwqI Aus ny pYr rjfeI ivwc rwK ley. hY. mrd ny Aus dy Try pYrF nUM afpxy inwGy hwQF Auh lVKVFdf AwuTdf hY anHyry ivwc juwqI nfl Guwitaf. nhIN lwBdI. aOrq dIaF awKF imc geIaF ijvyN kursI Auh nMgy pYNrIN lfeIt bflLdf hY qy bUhf Auwqy sOx lwgI hovy. KolHdf hY. quhfzy pYr ikwzy sohxy ny” mrd ny rjeI df Auh . swc-muwc AuhI sI. lV cuk ky Aus dy pYrF vl qwikaf. “qusIN?” Aus dy bol lVKVf gey. “hF” Auh bolI. “hF mYN.” Auh byprvfhI nfl hwsI qy aMdr bVf jI krdf huMdf sI quhfzy nfl gwlF krn lMG afeI. nUM, pr myrI qF quhfnuM bulfx dI ihMmq nhIN Auh kuJ jwko qwko koeI dyK lvygf.” afK ky sI pYNdI.” Auh jrf ku ruk ky boilaf. Auh iPr hws peI. “ies leI ik quhfzI bdnfmI nf ho jfvy?’

PAGE 19 zf: dlIp kOr itvfxf

AudoN mYN hyTF zrfieMg rUm ivwc jf sONdf hF. suvyry ies kmry dI hr cIjL ivwcoN musLk “hor kI?” afAuNdI prqIq huMdI hY. iPr mYN sfrf kmrf “mYnUM qy quhfzy koloN zr lgdf sI. mYnUM lUx vfly pfxI nfl DoNdf hF. pr quhfzy lgdf sI Aus dy kol bYiTaF mYnUM Kbry kI afAux nfl qF ijvyN kmry ivwcoN mihk afAux ho jfvygf. sLfied mYN pfgl ho jfvF. iesy lwg peI.” leI mYN quhfnUM jfx buJ ky nhIN sI imldf.” “pr quhfnUM pqf hY ik lok mYnUM Krfb aOrq “pr awj qF mYN afp cwl ky quhfzy kol smJdy ny. Auh afKdy ny koeI sLrIP aOrq afeIaF.” kdoN mrdF nfl kYntIn Auwqy bYT ky cfh pINdI hY.” “awj mYnUM lgdf hY mYN quhfnUM hr rojL AuzIkdf sI. hux mYnUM Cwz ky qF nhIN “iewk sLrIP aOrq kdoN iksy mrd nUM afpxy jfAugy?” Gr afAux leI afKdI hY. iewk sLrIP aOrq afpxy mrd nUM CwxdI hY. iewk sLrIP Auh hws peI qy ro vI peI. aOrq……” “svyry idn dy icwty cfnx ivwc vI ieh “mYN ieh sB suxdf sI qy kdy kdy mYnUM lgdf afK skogy?” sI sLfied ieh sB swc hY, pr iPr jdoN mYN “mYN rwb nUM nhIN mMndf, pr awj rwb dy quhfzy mUMh vwl vyKdfN qy lgdY ieh sB JUT sfhmxy vI afKx nUM iqafr hF.” hY bkvfs hY.” “nhIN.”

quhfnUM ieh nhIN lgdf ik iek Krfb aOrq “sLklF DoKybfjL vI qF huMdIaF hn.” iekwlI iksy prfey mrd dy Gr ieAuN jf “quhfzI sLkl nhIN pr iewk gwl Auwqy mYN skdI hY?” jLrUr hYrfn huMdf sI. ikho ijhf hovygf Auh “nhIN. mYN jfxdf hF Krfb aOrqF ikho mrd ijs dI ies nfl vI nf bxI?” ijhIaF huMdIaF ny. myrf iewk dosq kdy kdy Krfb aOrq nUM rfq leI ilaONdf huMdf hY. bfkI pMnf 45 'qy

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The Patrika 

Friday, May 25th, 2018

Security for renters facing eviction comes into effect


where the landlord uses a “vacate” clause because they had plans to move back in, but then re-rented the unit to someone else; and

Changes to the Residential Tenancy Act support the government’s commitment to provide stronger protections for tenants by:

including a first right of refusal for tenants in multi-unit buildings who are evicted because of renovation or repair. The requirement to offer units to the original tenant will also help address improper uses of this provision by allowing the tenant to confirm that the renovations did, in fact, occur.

ew protections and compensation for renters in British Columbia, who are facing eviction as a result of renovation or demolition, have officially come into effect.

providing tenants with more time to find alternate housing if their landlord ends a tenancy to demolish or renovate All updated forms and guidelines and a unit and requires the unit to be vacant; information about the amendments, including questions and answers can be providing tenants with more time to found online: dispute a notice to end a tenancy for gov/content?id=8BDF58F680E34E83 demolition, conversion or renovation; A15F706D3BAB4113 increasing the amount of compensation a landlord must pay a former tenant if they end a tenancy for renovation/ demolition and then do not follow through on their plans. This compensation would also apply in situations


The Province’s changes to the Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Act, to create fairness for tenants when landlords choose to close or convert a manufactured home park, are expected to come into effect in the coming weeks.

The Patrika

Friday, May 25th, 2018



Smart shopping choices can help the environment (NC) When you purchase foods that Using advance weed control methods were grown by farmers who use the allows farmers to drive their equiplatest in technology, you are helping ment in the field less often, thus savto protect the environment. ing fuel; turn their soil less often, thus When farmers are able to protect their reducing the amount of carbon dioxide crops from insects, weeds and diseases, emissions that escape; and leave plant they grow more food on each acre of land. That means they can farm less stubble in the ground, thus adding more land and still meet the global demand nutrients to the land and making it less for nutritious food. susceptible to wind and water erosion.

An answer to allergies

(NC) For allergy sufferers everywhere, the first sign of ragweed is a terrifying one. It signals a long season of coughing, itchy eyes and sore throat — basically a constant state of misery. This weed is more than just an eyesore for Canadians; it’s a major health concern. Up to 10 per cent of the population suffers from allergies and, according to a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the ragweed pollen season has grown by almost a month over the last decade, causing dismay for helpless allergy sufferers everywhere.

And there are costs to this. Estimates are that the financial costs of hay fever — both medications and lost productivity — were $1.8 billion in the United States back in 1990. But allergy-causing weeds don’t have to go untamed. According to a study published by Pest Management Science, herbicides are key to controlling allergenic plants. These are the same tools farmers have been relying on for decades to control pests in their fields and produce a safe and abundant food supply.


The Patrika



Friday, May 25th, 2018

Property Tax Deferment Program benefits homeowners


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id you know you may be Eligible homeowners are then able to eligible to defer your property use some of the appreciation in the taxes? value of their home to pay their propProperty tax deferment is a provincial erty taxes at a later date. low-interest loan program that helps How it Works qualified homeowners pay their annual property taxes on their principal You must apply each year you wish to defer your property taxes. There are residence. two options: the Regular Program, and Taxes can be deferred for any year the Families with Children Program. the homeowner lives in the home and For new applications to the Regular continues to qualify for the program. Program there is a one-time fee of $60, Who Can Defer and a $10 annual renewal fee. For the Property tax deferment is available to Families with Children Program, there B.C. homeowners who are 55 years or is no fee for applying or renewing. older, a surviving spouse, or eligible persons with disabilities. Deferment is also available for homeowners who financially support a dependent child. How it Helps

When you defer your annual property taxes, the Province charges interest on your tax deferment loan. The current loan rate is 1.2% for the Regular Program and 3.2% for the Families with Children Program.

Deferment helps seniors stay in their homes longer and allows families to The deferred taxes and interest are paid focus on providing for their children. when your home is sold or transferred.

The Patrika

Friday, May 25th, 2018



NYPD gets first turbaned female Sikh officer


he New York Police Department (NYPD) has got its first female turbaned Sikh auxiliary police officer, whose induction aims to motivate others to join law enforcement and help create better understanding of Sikhism. Gursoach Kaur will join the New York Police Department as an Auxiliary Police Officer (APO) after graduating last week from the New York City Police Academy.

Puri tweeted while quoting restaurateur Harjinder Singh K u k r e j a ’s tweet about the same.

Puri was referring to a recent incident where Canada cabinet minister Navdeep Bains, a practising Sikh, was Minister of state for housing and urban recently was asked to remove his turaffairs Hardeep Singh Puri on Saturday ban at an American airport. tweeted his wishes at the news of the New York Police Department gets its Former Jammu and Kashmir chief minfirst turbaned Sikh female auxiliary ister Omar Abdullah also commented on Puri’s tweet. police officer. “Delighted to see a turbaned lady officer in NYPD. Hope this fosters better understanding of Sikhism & Sikhs & corrects perceptions in US so that incident which happened with me in 2010 & recently with @Canada minister @ NavdeepSBains do not recur. Sikhs are ambassadors of harmony (sic),”

“Reminded me of the turbaned officer I saw in NYC when I was last there. I wanted to go up & say hi but he was in the middle of the road & more importantly would have wondered who the idiot was interfering in his work (sic),” Abdullah wrote, along with pictures of the turbaned Sikh officer.

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quhfzIaF hr qrHF dI ieMsLorYNs dIaF syvfvF leI hfjr hF.


30650 Crestview Ave., Abbotsford BC V2T 6T5 PAGE 23



The Patrika 

Friday, May 25th, 2018

The Patrika

Friday, May 25th, 2018



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3 Year old, 3 bedroom and 2 bath, 3 storey townhouse in West Abbotsford. Walking distance to various schools (elementary,middle,secondary), Apollo Gym and the Sikh Temple.



Brand New 2 bedroom with spacious rec. room and 2.5 bath townhome, features a large fully fenced backyard, contemporary wide plank laminate flooring, large kitchen with white quartz countertops and sleek stainless steel appliances. *No GST.*




Very clean home located in quiet cul-desac with 5 bedrooms and 3 Full baths. Lots of updates has been done in past few years, including: New windows, flooring, plumbing, bathrooms, doors, crown moldings, lights and roof. Over


3131 267A STREET

Stunning well-kept 1/2 duplex with living, dining, kitchen, family room and 2 piece bath on main; 3 bedrooms and 2 full bath on upstairs. Single garage, fenced private backyard with covered patio and store. No strata fee, independent living, lot of privacy Close to elementary school.



Extra clean house with 6 bedrooms, 4 full bathrooms, 2 BEDROOM LEGAL SUITE , rec. room plus one bedroom for upstairs use. Several updates done in the past few years. Walking distance to various schools (elementary,middle,secondary),

Beautiful custom built over 5300 Sq. ft. home with 2-5-10 years warranty. Featuring 9 bedrooms, 6.5 baths and 3 kitchens. Open concept and 14’ high ceiling in living and dining room, Granite

33629 Clayburn RD

Duke and Bluecrop varieties. Very good production for 2017 Full irrigation system and machine pick. House and Barn.

16.32 acre income producing blueberry farm. 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 1950 sqft rancher. 100x40 barn, has 2 storeys, oversized doors on both ends of barn, extra concrete slab. Peat moss, Huge potential here! Close to town and Mission Hwy.

$1,850,000 32448 Pandora Ave

Stunning well-kept 1/2 duplex with living, dining, kitchen, family room and 2 piece bath on main; 3 bedrooms and 2 full bath on upstairs. Single garage, fenced private backyard with covered patio and store. No strata fee, independent living, lot of privacy Close to elementary school.


19.44 Acre Full Production Blueberry Farm

#15 - 31235 Upper Maclure Rd

3130 267A STREET

184 32550 MACLURE ROAD


32514 Pandora Ave




The Patrika 

Friday, May 25th, 2018

Friday, May 25th, 2018

The Patrika 



The Patrika




blvMq srF mwdoky kvI qF huMdy hMsF vrgy mn nUM dyx JMjoV vy loko. pr ieh cugdy roV vy loko!

kvI qF huMdy hMsF vrgy

roVF qFeI bxf ky moqI

dUr durfzy koh hjFrIN

vfps idMdy moV vy loko!

rUuh koeI roNdI hovy.

socF dy sfgr ivwc jf ky

jd iswlHI pOx kvI nUM Cohvy

jd ieh cuwBI lfAuNdy.

Auh vI bih ky rovy.

iksy aigafq Drq dy ql qoN

iPr hMJUaF df hfr pRovy

hIry lwB ilafAuNdy .

iek iek hMJU joV vy loko!

aYsy kfiv dy moqI cuxdy

kvI qF huMdy hMsF vrgy

muwl nf lwK kroV vy loko!

kvI sfAux dy bwdl vrgf

kvI qF huMdy hMsF vrgy

Cm Cm vrHdf jfvy.

kvI AuzfrI aYsI mfry

qm mn dy ivwc KyVf Aupjy

swq aMbr lMG jfvy.

rUh nU ieh nisLafvy.

ijwQy rFJf hIr slytI

iPr kivqf pYrIN JFjr pf ky

afpxy glL nflL lfvy. vsl dI kivqf lY ky Auqry ijs df nf koeI qoV vy loko! kvI qF huMdy hMsF vrgy kvI aijhy Puwl vy loko! muwl nf jfxy koeI. kwlrF, bMjrF ivwc vI Auwg ky ieh vMzdy KusLboeI. rUh nUM ieh dyx hulfrf

qurdI lwk mroV vy loko! kvI qF huMdy hMsF vrgy kvI qF huMdf cMn puMinaF df vMzI jfvy cfnx. kivqf rfq cfnxI vrgI jo mfnx so jfnx. ‘blvMq srF’ nUM ies kivqf dI lwgI rihMdI hoV vy loko! kvI qF huMdy hMsF vrgy

nOkr bIvI df

hkUmq isMG inwJr jy suKI knyzf rihxf, bx nOkr imwqrf bIvI df. ijLMdgI df mjLf jy lYxf, bx nOkr swjxf bIvI df. JfVU pocf lfAuxf iswK lY, sbjLI dfl bxfAuxf iswK lY qvy qy Pulkf lfAuxf iswK lY, iswK lY mYzm nUM jI jI kihxf bx nOkr imwqrf bIvI df, bx nOkr swjxf bIvI df. qVky AuwT ky cfh bxfAuxf, imwTf pwqI puwCky pfAuxf AuNglI PVky sYr nUM jfxf, iswK lY hr QF AuwTxf bihxf bx nOkr imwqrf bIvI df, bx nOkr swjxf bIvI df. kMm qy do do isLPtF lfAuxf, bIvI dy hwQ cYwk PVfAuxf


zf: gurBjn igwl qyry kol ikqfb peI hY, ikAuN nhIN PLVdf. jbr jLulm jo kMD qy iliKaY, ikAuN nhIN pVHdf. pVH pVH gwzy lwdley, pfT pusqkF vfly, sUrjvMsLI puwq nyrH sMg ikAuN nhIN lVdf. sfnUM swjxf qYQoN ies dI afs nhIN sI, sUrj hYN qUM, DrqI Auwqy ikAuN nhIN cVHdf. bx bx bihnYN, DrmI puwq XuiDsLtr vFgUM, hwk swc iensfP dI Kfqr ikAuN nhIN aVdf.

hr sMzy nUM isnmy jfxf, iswK lY hr QF AuTxf bihxf

aMbroN qfry qoVn, kUV isafsq vfly,

bx nOkr imwqrf bIvI df, bx nOkr swjxf bIvI df.

KflI qUM cMd isqfry ikAuN nhIN jVdf.

gLlqI ho jfey sOrI kihxf, kuVqI dy nfl lihMgf lYxf

qury KrIdx JuwgIaF Zfry sB vxjfry,

rfxI hfr nfl Jumky lYxy, BuwlIN nf surKI pfAUzr lYxf

nINvIN QF qy mfr kry ijAuN pfxI hVH df.

bx nOkr imwqrf bIvI df, bx nOkr swjxf bIvI df.

sLihrF qoN qF rfjDfnIaF chuM kdmF qy,

‘inwJr’ dI gwl JUT nf jfxI, rUp rwb df huMdI suafxI

ipMzF qoN hI dUr sPr hY cMzINgVH df.

kdy nF ies nUM mMdf bolIN, svrgF df mjLf jy lYxf

ibrKL Gxy hirafvly bfby ikwDr qur gey,

bx nOkr imwqrf bIvI df, bx nOkr swjxf bIvI df.

DrqI mF df pfrf qfhIEN jfvy cVHdf.


ikAuN nhIN bxdf, mYN qyrI qUM myrI sLkqI

mndIp igwl

cuwkxf dy ivwc af ky rhyN bhfny GVdf.

hr koeI lwBdf hY jIvn coˆ shfrf eyQy ,

ijs bUty dI jVH nUM imwtI qfkq dyvy

bhuqf icr nf hovy iewkilafˆ df guËfrf eyQy [

supny ivwc vI Aus df bUr kdy nhIN JVdf.

ieh sB iksmq qy qdbIrfˆ dy KylH ny sfry ,

imafno qyg nf qrksL

kdy qfˆ iml jfvx ijwqfˆ, qy kdy hfrf eyQy [

surjIq pfqr imafno qyg nf qrksL coN koeI qIr iKcFgF

qUM hI qUM …

bdly mOsm jfˆ krMsI, kI Ìrk amIrfˆ nUM ,

lwkI lKbIr gwKV lwgI vfly qF kdI nhIN awK lfAuNdy ,

pr pYx ÊrIbfˆ nUM hr pfsy hI mfrfˆ eyQy [

awK lwg geI qF vyiKaf Kfb, Auhdy ivwc qyrI qsvIr.

Friday, May 25th, 2018

imldf hY mfieaf qoˆ bcx df inwq sunyhfˆ,

mYN ies rmxIk jMgl dI isrP qsvIr iKcfgF ju pfxI vFg Guilaf ey ju bfxI vFg rimaf ey ikvyN afpxy qy Ausdy drimafn lkIr iKcFgf

sYr krn igaf iewk sohxy bfgL ivwc,

iPr ikAuˆ golk ipwCy cwlx qlvfrfˆ eyQy [

iewk qwikaf lfl gulfb, Auhdy ivwc qyrI qsvIr.

bdlI vyKI nf mY ÊrIbfˆ dI iksmq Xfrf ,

ikvyN imly, ikWQy imly, ibqfey hr iek pl

Bfvyˆ lwKfˆ dfavy krn ieh srkfrfˆ eyQy [

qy afKr qMg af ky imafn coN sLmsLIr iKcFgf

mihl Zhy qfˆ surÉI bx jfey aÉbfrfˆ dI ,

nhIN mYN jMg df nfiek nhIN, pfqr hF aY DrqI

kOx puwCy jd izgdf hY ÊrIb df Zfrf eyQy [

hF jLKmI pr qyrI ihwk coN vI KuwiBaf qIr iKwcFgf

icrF bfad soc soc ‘lwkI’ ilKI iewk ikqfb,

sfˆJy nf rhy pirvfr qy bdly rMg lhU dy ,

jLmIno Puwt pAU csLmf jy KuwiBaf qIr iKcFgf

Auhdy ivwc qyrI qsvIr.

hox slfhfN nfloˆ vwD hux qkrfrfˆ eyQy

gurU dy nF qy mYN vI iewk vlI df nIr iKwcFgf

krn lwgf ijAuN ihsfb, Auhdy ivwc qyrI qsvIr. bYTf GuMmfAuNdf irhf mYN glob, jd dyiKaf pMjfb, Auhdy ivwc qyrI qsvIr.


mYN pihlF qF jhFgIrI adl jLMjLIr iKcFgF

The Patrika

Friday, May 25th, 2018





ajy drpysL zr hY kfPly nUM

rfijMdrjIq buJ igaf nUM nf bfldf koeI

hY nf zwkf XkIn agnI df

jLrf ieh rfq kwt jfvy qF jfvIN

myry ies rMgmMc df Xfro

qy n pfxI dI cfl df koeI

tuwty nf Ìuwl zflL ÌkIrf [

iPr sfgr hMgflL ÌkIrf [

sPr df nyHr KOry kd imtygf

rojL prdf AuTfldf koeI

QoVHI imwtI qy QoVHf pfxI hY

mflk dy dr GflLI hoeI ,

moh dI qpÈ muhwbq sfVU ,

jy mn dI DuMd Ct jfvy qF jfvIN

myry nftk c myrf pl vI nhIN

nfl kuJ awg sMBflI hY

mYN mMndf hF iqry sIny dy aMdr

afid afiKr, ivcfl df koeI

apxy sIny dI iksy qih aMdr

bVI iewCf hY, Kud nUM pfAux dI,pr

afey pfsy AuCwldI rihMdI hY

bIj dIvy df pfldf koeI

ieh jl, DrqI, hvf, afkfsL-sB kuC

koeI PVdf hY tfldf koeI

qyry nYxF c qyry msqk ivwc

iqry aMdr ismt jfvy qF jfvIN

dy ky hr vfr iesnUM rMg nvF

qy iqry afs-pfs afieny

jy chuMnf eyN ik sur qflF dy aMdr

iewk iKwdo AuCfldf koeI

nIJ lfvyN qF qYnUM ids jfvy

iKVy srgm nvyN PuwlF dy vFgr

afpxf afpf sMvfr ky rwKF

qyry supny AuDfldf koeI

jdoN pihcfx qyry poitaF dI

nIr mYlf inqfr ky rwKF

surfN dy nfl vt jfvy qF jfvIN

rojL eyDr dI lMGdf jd vI

ajy qUM BtkxYN kuJ hor dr dr

myry pfxI hMGfldf koeI

bVf gUVHf hY hfly pYr cwkr

sLfm sIny qy af ky bih jFdI

jy Gr jfx df vylf nhIN hY

afpxf ikwsf arok kih jFdI

ijgr dI cIs ht jfvy qF jfvIN

bMd kr kr ky hosL dy dIdy

ajnmy keI gIq cfhuMdy ny afAuxf

rojL hoxI nUM tfldf koeI

ikvyN klm-kfgjL qoN ienkfr hovy

ikrmcI eys dI iknfrI hY

kdy afp bIqI kdy jwg bIqI

Puwlvfhy anyk rMgF dy

sdf drd afpxf hI sfkfr hovy

qyry cfvF dy nfl imldf hY

curwsqy c suwqf ipaf iewk rfhI

rMg qyry rumfl df koeI

Kbr nI ik iksqoN ieh hoeI kuqfhI

iewk vfrI jo kdy vyK ilaf

ik cfry idsLfvF hI ny gYr hfjLr

swc hovygf lfjLmI iewk idn

ikvyN nf sPr iPr ieh bykfr hovy

BfvyN hovy svyr df jF iPr

cuPyry icxy hox sLbdF dy moqI

hovy supnf iqkfl df koeI

qy cfnx iKlfry iKaflF dI joqI

mIlF lMby ny mfrUQl eyQy

iPr nf imilaf surfg rfhIaF df

cfr bUMdF kuJ aOkfq nhIN

qy n rfhIaF dy mfl df koeI

ijvyN isr sjI hoeI dsqfr hovy

moey –guMmy nf prq ky afey

koeI iewCf jF ipafs hovygI

mYN rfqF nUM suwqy pMKyrU jgfey

aYNvyN dIdy hY gflLdf koeI

jF qyry mn dI afs hovygI

dupihrIN mDoly drwKqF dy sfey

cIjL jcdI hryk QF apxI

eyQoN EQoN jvfb lwB jfxYN

ieh sB kuJ krF, Pyr vI mYN ieh cfhF

ijwQy guMm hY EQoN lwBygI

qYnUM qyry svfl df koeI

myrI nINd qy nf koeI Bfr hovy

cMd irsLqy guafcy Gr aMdr

pYr awky akfAU rfhvF qoN

dwsdy ny Drm ikhVf ikhVf afcfr dwsdy,

sfry sfbq srUp sFBxgy

iPrdf sVkF qy Bfldf koeI

bol Qwky ivkfAU nfvF qoN

lfh ky hXf dy kwpVy ngmy sunfAux vfly [

pr nf tukVy sMBfldf koeI

sLFq rihMdy qF ijLMdgI rihMdI

sYaF rMgF dy BOx co hux qF

siBaqf qy mfq bolI Kud hI Bulf rhy ny,

joq mwQy dI sFB ky rwKIN

mOq nwcy ienF dy qFzv qy

rMg AuWgy kmfl df koeI

Qfˆ Qfˆ «vzyirafˆ» dy myly mnfAux vfly

sjLfvF ienHF nUM mYN ieAuN vrikaF qy

nf qF ieh iml skI kYlMzr coN nf hI XfdF dy iksy KMzr coN plt idMdf hY pOx dy pMny qyrI qsvIr Bfldf koeI

kyvl isMG inrdoÈ coÜy nUM sMBflL ÌkIrf [ jy lwBxy ny mfxk moqI ,

ibrQI jfie n GflL ÌkIrf [ ies nUM hux hI jflL ÌkIrf [ ieÈk dy pYˆzy ny sr huMdy ,

ÈmHf jlyL suV jfey pqMgf ,

isdk sbUrI nflL ÌkIrf [ ieh qy ieÈk nUM gflL ÌkIrf hAuˆ dy pwQr pIh suwt sfry , doÈIafˆ nUM inrdoÈ bxfey , ho jf vfˆg rvflL ÌkIrf [

aYsf murÈd BflH ÌkIrf [

syvk sdfAux vfly igafn isMG kotlI krdy ny kI ieh bMdy syvk sdfAux vfly [ sB dy Bly df hr Qfˆ zMkf vjfAux vfly [ syvf iqafg Cwz ky bx gey inrol cmcy,

jd qury sI qF mn ivwc inhcf sI

srdfrIafN dy mfilk sUry khfAux vfly [

nfly suwcI qVp sI mMijLl dI

ikEˆ afn Èfn afpxI cODr qoˆ vfrdy ny,

Pyr sB kfPly coN ikrdy gey

hws ky nvfbIafˆ nUM Tohkr lgfAux vfly [

rok sikaf nf nfl df koeI

afpxI hI aYÈ ieÈRq suKsfˆd `c ny AulJy,

Coh jdoN iml skI n kysF nUM

dUjy df duwK afpxy isr qy hMZfAux vfly [

inwG jd qur gey bdysLF nUM

idn rfq dOV lwgI vf ies qrHfˆ dI vwgI,

Pyr pwly AuhnF dy rih jfxf

bwcy guaf rhy ny zflr kmfAux vfly [

srd supnf isafl df koeI

nf igafn iDafn pwly nf ÈfNqI hY aMdr,

hwsdy KHyzdy sPr qy qury quridaF rfh c iewk srF afeI

cmVI sjfeI jfˆdy suhxy khfAux vfly [ iks Qfˆ iÈkfieq krnI iks ny pukfr suxnI, bx gey mnUr pwQr duwKVy vMzfAux vfly [ krdy BrUx hwiqaf bx gey ny DI dy kfiql, jxnI mhfnqm dI gfQf sunfAux vfly [ kdrfˆ qy kImqf df hulIaf ivgfVdy ny, ivrsy dI dugdugI nUM Qfˆ Qfˆ vjfAux vfly [


The Patrika



Friday, May 25th, 2018

vYsfK sMkRFqI


joiqS, Eqy  Eqy 604-751-0220 kro





myK – aYsL prsqI ivwc mn lgygf. afriQk siQqI ivwc suDfr hovygf. inwjI lokF krky mn dI asLFqI ho skdI hY. sMqfn ksLt, iesqrI suwK aqy kfrobfr TIk rhygf. meI 20,21,29,30, jUn 8, 9 asLuwB.

Life is moving onto another major stage after putting you through all sorts of surprises and possibly upheavals since 2010. In the next 6 months you can get an inkling of what you need to stabilise, particularly financially, for the longer term. Don’t be tempted to make sudden decisions with this change – there will be time.

There can be the sensation that much has been cleared away in preparation for your life to take new directions you have not experienced before. Take note of how you feel this week as there can be an element of sudden turnarounds but this is just a start. The real changes will settle into place next year and continue to 2026.

  ibRK – vfXU rog, PjLUl KrcI hovy, imwqrF df sihXog imlygf, sMqfn suwK, iesqrI pwKo sLfqI, mhIny dy aMq ivwc cot df zr. meI 14,15,22,23,31 jUn 1,2,10,11 asLuwB.



imQun – isr qy nyqr rog, imwqr-ipafiraF df sihXog rhygf. iesqrI ksLt, dusLmx kmjLor rhygf. afmdn qoN Krcf vwD rhygf. meI 16,17,24, 25, jUn 3,4,12,14 asLuwB.



isMG – kfrobfr ivwc lfB, sMpqI ivvfd iwvc nf AulJo, imwqrF qoN DoKf ho skdf hY. kMm bdlx df ivcfr bx skdf hY. meI 20,21,29,30 jUn 8,9 asLuwB hovygI.



kMinaF – ishq TIk rhygI, purfxy msly hwl hoxgy, iesqrI pwKoN lfB pRfpq hovygf. nvyN kfrobfr df ivcfr bxygf. meI 14,15,22,23,31,jUn 1,2,10,11 asLuwB hovygI.

7  qulf – KUn-ipwq ivkfr, afmdn qoN vwD Krc, afpixaF nUM icMqF, iesqrI uswK, kfrobfr dy rwdo bdl df ivcfr, mhIny df aMq sLuwB rhy. meI 16,17,24,25, jUn 3,4,12,13 asLwuB.


The unpredictability of those who have had authority that you have had to deal with since 2010 can now be useful when it comes to what you prioritise, as well as the way you deal with the pressure of someone else’s expectations. You can know how to find peace for yourself. The next 6 months is a taste of long-term situations.

Your view of your world and what you believe in has likely changed and expanded since 2010. You will now need to consider, initially for the next 6 months, what you are prepared to commit yourself to in the longer term. Don’t base this just yet on any sudden events involving other people that could bring responsibility your way.

A sense of relief or release can be experience in the next 6 months from never knowing what pressures would be exerted next by others, that you have had to deal with since 2010. You will be given the opportunity in the longer term to learn what your goals need to be, based on what will become important for you to believe in.

Since 2010 you have had to deal with a lot of changeability least expected with other people. There will be an alteration to this during the next 6 months to something more determined, so pay attention. This is behaviour you will need to get used to dealing with in the longer term so steel yourself to resist the unwanted.

Expect the unexpected when it comes to others over the next 6 months. It may seem to be a reaction to any changes you are making in your own life but this will not necessarily be the case. You will have to adjust to others being rebellious and or seemingly not caring about the effect this has on you from March to 2026.

You may need to learn to deal with new methods and means in something that you do daily over the next 6 months. It is just the beginning of what will become part of life in the longer term. This could also involve you in situations where you put things into place that gets rid of unnecessary work, resulting in more efficiency.

One way or another a lot of change has taken place within the family unit since 2010 that has likely had elements of surprise attached. The opportunity for greater enjoyment should present itself in the next 6 months but then become a theme from March in the longer term. Don’t take risks that have not been well considered.

You will likely sense a big shift in your life this week. Part of this can be realising that you have to be prepared to fight for your rights to ensure a pattern does not get established that you do not want. Be mindful of this in the next 6 months while at the same time realising this can be big change in the family in the longer term.

Be mindful of distractions that could arise more than usual over the next 6 months as this can all too easily become part of life in the longer term. There will be things you need to learn and information you might have to gather. This can all be very interesting as long as you remain focussed on the end result you want to gain.


krk – ishq dI KrfbI, Dn dI hfnI df zr, sMqfn Auwqy ivsLysL Krc, nIc ivakqIaF qoN apmfn df zr, mhIny df aMq TIk rhygf. meI 18,19, 26,27, 28, jUn 5,6,7,14 asLuwB.


Your priorities in life have likely gone through all sorts of changes since 2010. You will have little choice but to play the games people play during the next 6 months. Subtlety will be the name of the game, particularly with those who have authority. Pay attention because this will become a long term experience from March next year


ibRsLick – gupq icMqf bxI rhygI. kP ivkfr qoN pRysLfnI, imwqrF df sihXog rhygf. iesqrI pwKoN lfB. kfrobfr suDrygf. meI 18,19,26,28 jUn 5,7,14 asLuwB hovygI.



DnU – isr qy nyqr df rog, acfnk Dn lfB, Xfqrf ivwc swt df zr, kfrobfr ivwc lfB, iesqrI pwKoN sLuwB smfcfr imly. meI 20,21,29,30 jUn 8,9 asLuwB hovygI.

10  mkr – ishq TIk rhy, Dn lfB, imwqr ipafiraF df suwK, sMqfn pwKoN icMqf, iesqrI ksLt, kfrobfr ivwc lfB hovygf. meI 14,15,22,23,31,jUn 3,4,12,13,asLuwB hovygI.

11  kuMB – vfXU rog, Dn lfB, iksI ivsLysL Dfrimk smfgm qy Krcf ho skdf hY. jmIn jfiedfd pRfpqI df Xog, sMqfn aqy koeI nvIN Xojnf qy Krcf vI ho skdf hY meI 16,17,24,25, jUn 3,4,12,13 asLwuB.



mIn – ishq TIk rhygI , Dn lfB hoky hfnI ho skdI hY. inwjI lokF nfl JgVf ho skdf hY. iesqrI pwKoN sihXog imlygf. kfrobfr iwvc rwdo bdl qoN bfad suDfr hovygf. meI 18,19,26,28 jUn 5,6,7,14 asLuwB hovygI.


Friday, May 25th, 2018

The Patrika



sLok smfcfr gu r du a frf klgIDr drbfr dy sfbkf skwqr srdfr bfjL isMG nUM sdmf ipqf srdfr gurbcn isMG jI df idhFq aYbtsPorz- srdfr bfjL isMG sfbkf skwqr gurduafrf sfihb klgIDr drbfr dy siqkfr Xog ipqf jI srdfr gurbcn isMG jI 17, meI 2018 idn vIrvfr nUM akfl clfxf kr gey hn. AunF df aMqm sMskfr 27, meI idn aY q vfr nU M 12:30 vjy Pry j L r irvr iPAUnrl hom aYbtsPorz ivKy hovygf aqy aKMz pfT sfihb dy Bog qy aMiqm ardfs gurduafrf sfihb hyT ilKy Pon qy sMprk kIqf jf skdf hY. klgIDr drbfr aY b tsPo r z 2 vjy Pon: 604-825-6681 hovygI. pirvfr nfl duK sFJf krn leI

sLok smfcfr bhuq hI duKI ihrdy nfl sUicq kr rhyN hF sfihb jI dy ik sfzy bhuq hI siqkfrXog s: suKdyv brdr-ienisM G jI brfV (aflmvflf) 19 meI lf sn. sLnIvfr nUM sdIvI ivsLoVf dy gey hn. AunHf

duKI ihrdy:

df sskfr 26 meI nUM 12:30 vjy PryjLr irvr PIAUnrl hom 2061 irvrsfeIz aYbtsPorz ivKy hovy gf aqy aMqm ardfs 2 vjy gurduafrf sfihb Kflsf idvfn sosfietI aYbtsPorz ivKy hovygI.

bldy v isM G brfV: 604853-7614 gurpRIq isMG igwl: 778-240-4250

srdfr sfihb s: jgdIp isMG jI rumfxf jgdIp isMG romfxf: 604-897-3245


The Patrika



Friday, May 25th, 2018

Spring into a more active lifestyle (NC) Warmer weather is the perfect motivation for ending your winter hibernation and making healthier choices. Whether your goal is run a short race or lose a few pounds before summer, these simple tips can help you get started. Create your own exercise plan. Most of us know that regular exercise and physical activity are two of the best ways to keep our body healthy, but sticking to a new gym routine or fitness class can be hard. An exercise plan with clear, specific goals and schedules can help you stay on track. Don't diet, eat healthy. A lot of fad diets promise fast results, but they often limit your nutritional intake and tend to fail in the long run. Eating healthier food and fewer calories is the key to achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Focus on preparing nutritious meals with fresh ingredients and choosing your portion sizes carefully.

healthy recipes or new exercises. A fitness tracker or workout app can be useful for setting up friendly reminders to keep moving and stick to your exercise appointments. Be strategic at restaurants. When eating out, there are some great tricks that let you enjoy your favourites while avoiding overindulging. The three-bite rule lets you take three bites out of a treat and then set it aside for a few minutes — you might discover that those few bites can be very satisfying, and might be all you really wanted in the first place. Substitute fries with healthier sides such as steamed vegetables, brown rice or a salad with dressing on the side.

Control your cravings. Sometimes you feel like you're doing everything right, yet still not getting results. Things like cravings can get in the way of your weight loss by leading you to eat even when you're not hungry. If you're overweight and have health problems Stay motivated with smart tech. Using because of it, talk to your doctor about a fitness app on your smartphone to a new treatment option for chronic keep track of your progress and learn weight management.

Clever weight-loss tips to help you succeed (NC) For any amount of weight you may want to lose, starting can be the hardest part. But you can set yourself up for success by creating a plan. Here are some tips to help you achieve and maintain a healthier weight. Set smaller goals that you can hit along the way. Short-term goals can keep you motivated and on track for the long haul. Don't be vague — the best goals are specific and achievable, like “walking a 5K”, “adding 50 per cent more veggies to my weekday meals,” or “Taking the stairs instead of the elevator at work.”

Stick with your plan for at least four months. Weight loss can take time, a healthier pace that is more likely to help you keep it off. You likely won't see results right away, but keep making healthier choices anyway. Give yourself at least four months to see a noticeable change.

Change your daily habits. Healthy, maintainable weight loss is best achieved through minor changes to your lifestyle. You're better off making small, consistent changes you can adopt into your everyday life rather than trying a major fad diet or lifestyle overhaul.

Get extra help with cravings. For some people, diet and lifestyle changes may only be effective for achieving weight loss in the short term. If you're overweight and have health problems because of it, a new anti-obesity prescription treatment that targets cravings can help. Talk to your doctor about a new treatment option for chronic weight management.


5 tips for your next barbecue (NC) Get out on your deck and enjoy a delicious meal with friends and family and your grill favourites. John Thomson, Canada's national barbecue champion, shares his tips and tricks to make sure your next feast is easy, fun and delicious. Pick the best cuts of meat. To prepare the best dishes, you need to start with the right cuts of meat. Always look for pieces that have some marbling to them. Fat serves two purposes, adding both flavour and moisture to the meat. As it melts, fat moisturizes the meats. When the drippings hit the hot coals underneath, you add a different level of flavour. Try the Real Canadian Superstore, they carry a large selection of grilling meat, cut fresh from AAA beef, including the line of PC Free From meats that are raised without the use of antibiotics or added hormones. Brine your meats. Dry-brine your steak by sprinkling kosher salt over each side, then put it on a wire rack and let it sit in the fridge for two hours prior to cooking. 1/2 tsp of kosher salt per

pound of meat is a good ratio. Pork and chicken can be wet-brined for a couple of hours in a simple brine of 4 liters of cold water, 3/4 cup of kosher salt and 2/3 cup of sugar. To increase flavour, add herbs and spices. Keep rubs simple. Thomson's simple go-to rub is four parts salt, two parts granulated garlic and one part black pepper. This versatile rub is great on all your classic barbecue meats and is especially good on beef. It's also a great base if you want to develop your own rubs; simply add other ingredients like cumin, sugar, coriander seed, chili powder and ground thyme. Try the reverse sear technique. Cook slowly and then finish on a hot grill to ensure you have tender, flavourful and eye-catching meat. Thomson calls this the reverse sear, and it's a technique that is starting to catch on. Use the right tools. You don't need gadgets and gizmos, just a solid pair of barbecue tongs, a long-handled spatula and an instant-read thermometer

The Patrika

Friday, May 25th, 2018

I'm a Salman Khan fan : Upen Patel

Playing an intelligence officer commands certain degree of discipline : Yami Actress Yami Gautam, who is currently preparing for her upcoming film "Uri", says playing an intelligence officer commands certain degree of discipline. "The prep work for 'Uri' has just begun. Playing an intelligence officer on screen commands a certain degree of discipline and needs a body mannerism which is tough and MMA training will serve exactly that," Yami said in a statement. The film, directed by Aditya Dhar, is based on the Uri attacks of September 2016. Yami Gautam plays an intelligence officer alongside actor Vicky Kaushal in the

Model-actor Upen Patel says he is a Salman Khan fan and loved the trailer of the superstar's upcoming film "Race 3". "I loved the trailer of 'Race 3'. I am a Salman Khan Fan, so obviously I loved it. I am also a fan of 'Race 3' and the trailer is looking very stylish with lots of action and lots of one-liners. So, I really enjoyed it," Upen said . An avid traveller, Upen says he loves India the most. On his favourite travel destination, he said: "I like to travel to London as my family is there and every time I get a chance, I try and visit London. But other than London, I love Dubai. It is beautiful and close to India. But honestly I love India the most. India is my favourite."

My aim is to do films that have longevity : Ranveer Bringing versatility with every film has been Ranveer Singh’s aim from the beginning as the actor believes in always surprising the audience with his work. For the 32-year-old actor, it is essential to be a versatile performer and growing up, he has aspired to have a “chameleonlike quality”. “You watch one film of an actor and then the other one and you can’t believe it is the same person… I used to find that very fascinating. Actors who have that chameleon-like quality, they are able to be anything. I have always aspired to be like that,” Ranveer said. This outlook



somehow reflects in the choice of films the actor makes. Within a year, in 2013, Ranveer played a doe-eyed conman in Lootera and did a complete switch as a larger-than-life passionate lover in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Goliyon ki Raasleela: Ram-Leela. Two years later, the actor was seen playing a rich happy-go-lucky brat in Dil Dhadakne Do and embraced the armour of a fearless Maratha warrior in Bajirao Mastani. His turned rapper for Zoya Akhtar’s roles in upcoming films are as Gully Boy and a cop in the Rohit stark as they come – he has Shetty-directed Simmba.

Love is still taboo in our culture : Zoya Akhtar Filmmaker Zoya Akhtar, who is awaiting the release of Lust Stories, says lust has been depicted both poorly and beautifully in the films. After 2013 film Bombay Talkies on 100 years of Indian cinema, Lust Stories brings together four filmmakers - Karan Johar, Anurag Kashyap, Zoya Akhtar and Dibakar Banerjee who are making an anthology film for Netflix on themes of love and lust."One of the main reasons why our audience goes to cinema houses is escapism, fantasy, aspiration and to hope for something they don't have. Love is still a taboo in our culture sadly. We don't have that many love marriages happening, your parents decide who you spend your life with. "We are not allowed to date. In terms of lust, some people have depicted beautifully and some people are just crass. It has been in our films. People are now being more open," Zoya told reporters at the trailer

launch of Lust Stories. Sharing similar views, Karan Johar believes that lust has been misused. "One has not shown lust sensitively. Both love and lust and co exist. But many times it has had bad influence on society. And we are responsible bunch of filmmakers. We have used it in right way. Lust cannot always be gauged by negativity, it is a bona-fide emotion." Karan says his film is about seeking pleasure and it is also about the right of women for pleasure. Dibakar's film is about infidelity. The film features Radhika Apte, Manisha Koirala, Vicky Kaushal, Bhumi Pednekar, Sanjay Kapoor and Kiara Advani. "When Zoya called me I was jumping from the bed as she has been on my wish list for the longest time. I am always looking for newer characters newer stories, newer emotions to feel, newer boundaries to break and this story did it all.

film. "In terms of the action training, we are shortlisting best options and MMA is a crucial part of the role and that's why intense training for that will be what time would be invested in. The MMA is more to suit the body language which the script demands," she added. In September 18, 2016, terrorists from Pakistan attacked a military base in Uri in Jammu and Kashmir leaving 19 Indian soldiers dead. Eleven days later, the Indian Army retaliated with a surgical strike, heightening India-Pakistan tensions. Vicky will undergo some para-military training for a month to bulk up some kilos before starting the shoot.

I am a middle class man leading a simple life : John Actor John Abraham, who started off as a model before venturing into the Hindi film industry, says he is a middle class person and believes in leading a simple and frugal life. "I am not a narcissistic person by nature, I don't like going out looking for attention. I don't have a bodyguard, I have a simple life, I don't wear a watch, I have a basic car. I am a middle class person and I will not lose that. I live my life on my own terms, I am frugal in my lifestyle," John said.Being in the filmdom for about 15 years, John says he believes in staying true to his roots. "It beats me when in south India you are called megastar or superstar. Vanity to another level scares me. I connect to audience (with a thought) that I am not like a star to them. I

don't want to become a star to them, I want to be John Abraham the person." He said he is "very secure as a person and as an actor" and is well aware of how much a film starring him would do business as compared to other actors. For every "Garam Masala" or a "Housefull", the actor says he has also featured in content-driven movies like "Madras Cafe" or a "Water". "I have done every kind of film. The subtlety in my performance is lauded today more than it was earlier. Those days it was about being over expressive, garish, loud as that was considered as good acting. Times have changed, subtlety in performance is important and that comes across in most of my work," he said.


The Patrika



Friday, May 25th, 2018

ibafs `c mwCIafˆ dy hwiqafirafˆ iKÜfP ztI `afp` afm afdmI pfrtI(afp) pMjfb ny muwK mMqrI pMjfb kYptn amirMdr isMG dy byhwd krIbI cwZf pirvfr dI kIVI aPgfnf siQq KMz qy Èrfb PYktrI vwloˆ ËihrIlf sIrf(Èrfb iqafr krn vflf pdfrQ) ibafs diraf ivwc suwty jfx df Ëordfr ivroD krdy hoey PYktrI mflkfˆ nUM qurMq igRPqfr krn dI mMg kIqI hY.`afp` vwloˆ jfrI pRYws ibafn rfhIˆ pfrtI dy sUbf sih pRDfn zf[ blbIr isMG ny ikhf ik doÈI PYktrI mflkfˆ kYptn mnflI `c mnfAuxgy arUsf df jnm idn , Auwqy sKq kfrvfeI kYptn amirMdr dI agnI pRIiKaf vfˆg hY,hux dyKxf ieh hY ik õ idnfˆ dI CuwtI `qy muwK mMqrI chyiqafˆ qy Èrfb mfPIafˆ nfl KVHdy hn jfˆ iPr inrpwK ho ky pMjfb dy lokfˆ pMjfb dy muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG õ idnfˆ dI CuwtI `qy mnflI dIafˆ KUbsUrq pRqI afpxf PrË inBfAuˆdy hn. vfdIafˆ df afnMd mfx rhy hn. ieh dOrf ies leI Kfs hY ikAuˆik muwK mMqrI kYptn dI rfhul nfl mulfkfq kr ivroDIafˆ nUM mihlf imwqr arUsf df jnm idn hY .Auh arUsf df jnm idn iËafdfqr phfVfˆ ivwc hI mnfAuˆdy hn. ipCÜy sfl AunHfˆ arUsf df jnm idn ihmfcl dI rfjDfnI iÈmlf qoˆ lukvfˆ sMkyq dy gey gurU ñö iklomItr dUr mÈobrf dy PrIdkot hfAUs ivwc mnfieaf sI . pqf lwgf hY ik ies vfr pfrtI dy iËafdfqr mihmfnfˆ nUM nhIN bulfieaf igaf . ies df muwK kfrn Èfhkot pMjfb srkfr ivwc axdyKI dIafˆ irportfˆ ivcfly sQfnk srkfrfˆ bfry mMqrI nvjoq iswDU ny suprIm kort vwloˆ kql kys ivwcoˆ brI kIqy jfx bfad kuwl ihMd kfˆgrs kmytI dIafˆ iËmnI coxfˆ hn. pRDfn rfhul gfˆDI nfl mulfkfq kIqI. ies mulfkfq dy vwzy arQ hn ikAuˆik mIzIaf rMDfvf dy dbky qoˆ bfad hux kfˆgrsI vI irportfˆ ivwc crcf hY ik iswDU dI cVHq qoˆ kuJ kfˆgrsI mMqrI vI KuÈ nhIˆ.mMinafN jf qfrn lwgy bYˆk dy krËy irhf hY ik iswDU ny ieh mulfkfq krky pMjfb dI lIzrisp nUM sMkyq idwqf hY ik AunHfˆ akflI lIzr idafl isMG koilafˆvflI `qy kfrvfeI qoˆ bfad sInIar kfˆgrsI lIzr dIafˆ qfrfˆ iswwDIafˆ hfeIkmfn nfl juVIafˆ hn. ies leI Auh afpxy aMdfË ivwc kMm rmn zwlf ny òú lwK rupey dI adfiegI kr idwqI hY . mMqrI suKijMdr rMDfvf ny ikhf krdy rihxgy. ANuJ vI iswDU dI kfˆgrs ivwc aYˆtrI iswDI Auwproˆ hI hoeI sI .

sI ik kfˆgrsIafˆ nUM vI bKiÈaf nhIN jfvygf.mfJy dy jfxy pCfxy lIzr rmn Bwlf ny akfÜI-bIjypI srkfr iKlfP phMucIafˆ ôòñó iÈkfieqfˆ pTfnkot pRfeImrI ko-afpRyitv aYgrIklcr izvYlpmYˆt bYˆk ilmitz nUM cYwkfˆ ËrIey ñù lwK ù÷ hËfr òôö rupey dI rkm Byj idwqI hY. ies qy sihkfrqf mMqrI suKijMdr akflI dl bIjypI srkfr vyly JUTy qy bdlfKorI qihq drjL kysfˆ dIafˆ ôòñó iÈkfieqfˆ rMDfvf ny ikhf ik kfˆgrsI hovy jfˆ akflI sB qoˆ krË dy pYsy vfps lvfˆgy . afeIafˆ hn.ienHfˆ lokfˆ ny dfavf kIqf hY ik AunHfˆ iKÜfP isafsI bdlfKorI qihq kys kIqy gey hn. ies mfmly dI jfˆc kr rhy jsits(syvf mukq) mihqfb isMG igwl aYws[ tI[aYwP dI irport KulHx `qy aMdr hovygf mjITIaf drjL kimÈn ny ôòñó iÈkfieqfˆ ivwcoˆ ñú÷ô df inbyVf kr idwqf hY .kimÈn ny ienHfˆ ivwcoˆ mYˆbr pfrlImYˆt rvnIq ibwtU ny akflI dl dy sfbkf mMqrI ibkrm mjITIaf `qy cutkI ÷ôö iÈkfieqfˆ nUM Kfrj kr idwqf hY jdik óòø iÈkfieqfˆ `qy kfrvfeI krn dI leI hY . ibwtU df kihxf hY ik ijs idn aYws[tI[aYwP aqy ctopfiDafey dI irport hfeIkort isPfrÈ kIqI geI hY. igwl kimÈn ny akflI –Bfjpf srkfr dOrfn isafsI qOr `qy vwloˆ KolHI jfvygI Aus idn mjITIaf jyl `c hovygf.ies qoˆ ielfvf ibwtU ny DrmvIr gfˆDI pRyirq qy JUTy kysfˆ bfry afpxI ÷vIˆ aMiqRm irport muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG vwloˆ iksfnfˆ nUM cUrf posq dI KyqI krn dI ieËfjLq dyx dI mMg `qy pRqIkrm idMidafˆ nUM sOˆp idwqI hY.ies ivwc òñ kys rwd krn dI isPfrÈ kIqI hY . ikhf ik ieh izbyt df mslf hY .AunHfˆ ikhf ik srkfr nÈy nUM nkyl pf rhI hY qy nÈy afm afdmI pfrtI ny Qfpy nvyˆ jrnYl dIafˆ dukfnfˆ KHolxIafˆ vI cMgI gwl nhIˆ hY .

Èfhkot iËmnI cox `c Ëor-Èor nfl lvo ihwsf BfrqI jnqf pfrtI dy pMjfb pRDfn Èvyq milk ny awj jlMDr `c pRYs kfnPRMs kIqI. ies dOrfn ijwQy AunHfˆ ny Bfjpf vrkrfˆ nUM Èfhkot iËmnI cox `c Ëor-Èor nfl ihwsf lYx dI apIl kIqI,AuQy hI AunHfˆ ny kfˆgrs nUM llkfiraf.AunHfˆ ikhf ikhf ik dyÈ Br `c burI qrHfˆ asPl rhI kfˆgrs ny swqf dI lflsf `c krnftk `c Qrz izvIËn `c pfs hox vflI jy[zI[aYws[ dy nfl hwQ imlfieaf hY jdik Bfjpf AuwQy ñúô sItfˆ hfsl krky sB qoˆ vwzI pfrtI dy rUp ivwc jyqU rhI. milk ny ikhf ik kfˆgrs ny afpxI mfx mirafdf dI hwiqaf kIqI hY .

Èfhkot iËmnI cox : kfˆgrs dy lflI akflI dl `c Èfml

pMjfb kfˆgrs dy vwzy ichry qy sfbkf mMqrI ibRj BuipMdr isMG lflI akflI dl ivwc Èfml ho gey hn.Èfhkot iËmnI cox leI pfrtI qoˆ itkt nf imlx krky nfrfË lflI ny pMjf Cwz qwkVI df afsrf lY ilaf hY. kfˆgrs dI byaMq isMG srkfr mOky gRih mMqrI rih cuwky lflI nUM suKbIr bfdl ny akflI dl ivwc KuÈafmdId kIqI.kfˆgrs muKI rfhul gfˆDI ny Èfhkot qoˆ òúñ÷ dI ivDfn sBf cox hfry AumIdvfr hrdyv isMG lfzI ÈyrovflIaf Auwqy hI afpxf ivÈvfs jqfieaf sI .

Èfhkot iËmnI cox mgroˆ pMcfieqI coxfˆ df aKfVf iqafr Èfhkot iËmnI cox qoˆ bfad pMcfieq coxfˆ ivwc isafsI pfrtIafˆ afhmo –sfhmxy hoxgIafˆ. ies vfr pMcfieqI coxfˆ julfeI dy afKr `c jfˆ agsq dy pihly hPqy hoxgIafˆ. sUqrfˆ muqfbk srkfr vwloˆ ù agsq qoˆ pihlfˆ coxfˆ krvfAux dI sMBfvnf hY. ipCÜI vfr pMcfieqI coxfˆ ó julfeI òúñó nUM hoeIafˆ sI . pMcfieqfˆ nUM ñú agsq ,òúñó nUM ahuidafˆ dI shuM cukfeI geI sI . ies ihsfb nfl mOjUdf pMicfieqfˆ dI imafd ù agsq òúñø qwk hY . PAGE 34

afm afdmI pfrtI ny vIrvfr nUM pMjfb ivwc ahudydfrfˆ dI nvIˆN sUcI jfrI kIqI hY .`afp` vwloˆ jfrI pRYs irlIË `c `afp` dy sih pRDfn zf blbIr isMG ny ikhf ik inXukqIafˆ pfrtI dy sInIar afgUafˆ nfl ivcfr vtfˆdrfˆ krn qoˆ bfad hI kIqIafˆ geIafˆ hn. pfrtI dy sInIar afgU jgqfr isMG sMGyVf nUM sUby df skwqr vjoˆ inXukq kIqf igaf hY .pMjfb mMzI borz dy sfbkf izptI jrnl mYynyjr jgqfr isMG sMGyVf mwuZ qoˆ hI pfrtI nfl juVy hoey hn . ies qoˆ pihlfˆ Auh afm afdmI pfrtI dy aYnafrafeI sYwl dy knvInr rih cuwky hn.

gAU rwiKak mfPIaf nUM sbk isKfAuxgy kYptn dy mMqrI gAU rwiKaf dy nfˆa `qy guMzfgrdI krn vfilafˆ nUM jylH Byyijaf jfvygf. ieh kihxf hY nvyˆ bxy pÈU pflx qy zyarI ivkfs mMqrI blbIr isMG iswDU df Auhnfˆ ikhf ik gAUafˆ vycx vfly iksfnfˆ nUM Gyrn vfly nhIˆ bKÈy jfxgy. jdoˆ iswDU nUM puwiCaf igaf hY ik iÈv sYnf dy gruwp aijhf bhuq kuJ krdy hn qfˆ AunHfˆ ikhf ik iÈv sYnf hovy jfˆ koeI vI, sB iKÜfP bxdI kfnUMnI kfrvfeI hovygI.AunHfˆ ikhf ik mYˆ iewk vfr aijhy lokfˆ nUM apIl krdf hfˆ ik Auh aijhy kMm nf krn ijs kr ky AunHfˆ nUM KimafËf Bugqxf pvy. AunHfˆ ikhf ik pMjfb dI afriQkqf nUM cMgI nsl vflIafˆ gAUafˆ vycx nfl vwzf Pfiedf huMdf hY .

hux afraYsaYs vwloˆ iswK ieiqhfs nfl CyVCfV ! iswK ieiqhfs nfl CyVCfV dy mfmly ivwc ÈRomxI akflI dl qy ÈRomxI kmytI vI ksUqy iGr gey hn. mfmlf afraYsaYs vwloˆ CfpIafˆ ikqfbF nfl sbMDq hY. ÈRomxI akflI dl bIjypI dI BfeIvfl hY jo sMG pirvfr df isafsI ivMg hY . drasl afraYsaYs dy muwK kyˆdr nfgpur ivwc sRI BfrqI pRkfÈn vwloˆ CfpIafˆ ikqfbfˆ ivwc iswK gurU sfihbfn nUM ihMdU drsfAux smyq ieiqhfsk qwQfˆ nfl CyVCfV df mfmlf grmf igaf hY . ies leI pMjfb skUÜ iswiKaf borz dI pusqk ivwcoˆ iswK ieiqhfs nfl CyVCfV dy mfmly `qy kfˆgrs srkfr nUM Gyr irhf ÈRomxI akflI dl Kud hI iGr igaf hY .

Friday, May 25th, 2018

The Patrika 

jgdy buJdy irsLqy awj sLIql dy jfx bfad pfl nUM aihsfs hoieaf ik Aus dy vjUd ivclf josL isrP sLIql krky sI. awj ijvyN AuhnUM Biraf BukMinaF Gr Kfx nUM af irhf sI. AuhnUM jfipaf jy rwb AuhnUM dubfrf bIqy idn ijAux df mOkf dyvy qF Auh afpxI Aumr dy sfry pMny sLIql dy nF ilK ky Br dyvy pr hux qF smF hwQoN inkl cuwkf sI. sLIql nfloN Auh ikqy ipwCy rih igaf sI. sLfied pUrf jnm axQwk tur ky vI Auh sLIql qwk nhIN sI awpV skdf sI. awj qF pfl nUM sLIql dy hwQF nfl sjfeIaF cIjLF vI aihm lgdIaF sn. jy koeI sLIql dI rwKI cIjL nUM iewDr AuDr ihlf idMdf, pfl guwsy c quPfn KVHf kr idMdf sI. sLIql dI sLIq KfmosLI awj AuhnUM arQ BrpUr lwgdI sI, Auhdy dPqr c awj qwk ijMnIaF kuVIaF ny kMm kIqf sI jF ijMnIaF kuVIafN AuhdI dosqI dy dfiery ivwc afeIaF sn, sBnF dy kwd sLIql sfhvyN bOxy ho gey sn. awj sLIql rwb vFg aphuMc ho geI . jdoN pfl dI iebfdq byasr ho geI. bVy dfavy nfl dovF df ivafh hoieaf sI. vyKx vfilaF nUM Auh iewk dUjy leI bxy jfpdy. dovF dy lMby kwd, gory rMg, brfbr dI pVHfeI ijvyN rwb ny dovyN iewk dUjy leI GVy hox. sLfdI qoN bfad shury Gr afAuNidaF hI sLIql dI Gr c aihm jgHf bx geI. sws shurf hr gwl AuhdI rfie lY ky krdy. pfl dy Coty BYx Brf dy nfl vI sLIql df byieMqhf ipafr sI. sLFq ndI dy vihx vFg ibnF sLUk-sLrfby qoN ijLMdgI afpxI tory turI jf rhI sI. iksmq df cMdrmf pUry jlOa nfl AuhnF dI ijLMdgI qy cFdI rMgf cfnx ibKyr irhf sI, pqf nhIN kIhdI njLr nfl cMn gRihixaF igaf qy nsIbF df cfnx KyrUM-KyrUM hoigaf. iewk KlblI ijLMdgI qy srfp bx ky pY geI. pfl df afpxI sYktrI nfl Kfs hI lgfE ho igaf. ieh qy koeI sLwk nhIN sI ik mIqfN sLrIP sI, imhnqI sI. sws dy sKq suBfa kfrx Gor duKI eI sI, pr mIqfN dI bdnsIbI df kfrx sLIql qF nhIN sI. pfl nUM hr vyly mIqfN dy kMmF df iPkr rihMdf. kdI Aus dIaF jOVIaF DIaF nUM skUl Cwzx clf jFdf. mIqfN kMm vI sPfeI nfl krdI hY. mIqfN Kfxf bhuq svfd bxfAuNdI hY. kuJ ku qrIP qF pfl rojL hI kr Cwzdf. kdI kdI Auh sLIql nUM BulyKy nfl mIqfN kih ky bulf jFdf. sLIql nUM ienHF gwlF df koeI Prk nhIN sI. Aus nUM Auhdy hwk TIk TIk iml rhy sn. acfnk sLIql dy pyikaF coN AuhdI BfbI iqMn ku mhIinaF leI AuhnF dy sLihr af geI. Aus ny kuJ klfsF lYxIaF sn. sLIql dI mUMh bolI BfbI rysLm df iKafl sI ik

Aus nUM koeI ihwsydfrI iml jfeygI jo Aus nfl ikrfey qy kmrf lY ky rih lvygI. ieMj iml ky do jfxIaF df vkq vI cMgf inkl jfvygf qy Krcy vI awDy rih jfxgy. rysLm nUM AuNj koeI sfQ imilaf vI nf qy sLIql ny vI jLor pf ky BfbI nUM kolL rwiKaf. do iqMn mhIny leI rysLm ikwQy Zfrs krdI iPrygI. AuhnF pfs vI iewk kmrf KflI hI ipaf sI. rysLm sLIql dy Gr hI rih peI. sLIql dI BfbI hox krky pfl ny vI byhd moh qy siqkfr idKfieaf. pfl hr rojL qrHF qrHF dI imTfeI, kyk qy pIjLf rysLm leI lY ky afAuNdf. rysLm leI KrIdo ProKq vfsqy, tryinMg skUl Cwzx leI pfl cFeIN cfeIN afpxIaF syvfvF hfjLr krdf. keI vfr sLIql nUM pfl jnUMnI ijhf lwgdf, pr Auh pfl nUM iksy sfhvyN Cotf nhIN sI dyKxf cfhuMdI. sLIql sdf pfl dy pwK dI hI gwl krdI. Pyr rysLm vI vwD cVH ky pfl dI qrIP krdI. Aus nUM afpxy pqI qyijMdr ivwc byhwd nuks njLr afAuNdy. Auh kihMdI qyijMdr Gwt piVHaf hY. lfpRvfh hY. Gr ivwc idlcspI nhIN lYNdf. AuNj sLIql nUM qF Auh muwZ qoN hI bIbf ijhf lwgdf hY. KYr sLIql qF ijvyN ikvyN muskrf ky hI glL ipaf Zol vjf rhI sI. acfnk iewk idn Gr ivwc kuJ mihmfn af gey. sLIql ny pfl nUM dPqr ivwc Pon lfieaf qF mIqfN ny dwisaf ky pfl qF iewk hPqy qoN dPqr nhIN af irhf. Auh qF kihMdf sI ik sfzf hvfeI jfx df pRogRfm hY. sLIql ny mOkf sFBidaF ikhf ik jfxf qF sI, pr Gr kuJ mihmfn afey hox krky pRogrfm awgy pf idwqf pr awj pfl ny iksy jLrUrI kMm leI GMtf ku dPqr afAuxf sI. sYwl Pon qF Gr hI Buwl gey. sLIql ny prdf pf ky sfry kuhj Zwk ley. qyijMdr qy rysLm dy irsLqy c koeI Prk nf afvy. sLIql ny sdf leI afpxf mUMh sINa ilaf. rwb rwb krky rysLm dy jfx df idn af igaf. sLIql ny sLukr mnfieaf pr ieh iek ieho ijhI lVI sI, jo inrMqr cldI rhI, atut qy byDVkI. iewk blf qoN sLIql df KihVf Cuwtdf. cfhy Auh iksy hor sLihr clI jFdI jF pfl df hI Aus nfl mn mtfv ho jFdf qF pfl kuJ icr bfad sLIql nfl Pyr sihj ho jFdf. Gr ivwc sB kuJ bVI suBfivkqf nfl cldf. pr ieh sB vkqI huMdf. kdI kdI sLIql dI shylI vI Gr af jFdI pfl muV Aus qy imhrbfn ho jFdf. sLIql nUM ibnF dwsy AuhnF nUM Pon GumfAux lwg jFdf. sIql Pyr vI shylIaF nUM afpxy qy hfvI nf hox idMdI. eydfN iehI jLfihr krdI, ijvyN Aus nUM sB kfsy df pqY huMdy. pfl AuNj vI Kuwly suBf df hY pr iewk idn sLIql dI iewk shylI rfjI ny kih ky sLIql nUM pYrF QilAuN imwtI kwZ leI ik Auh isrP sLIql kr ky AuhnF nfl vrqdI hY. jIjf

jI nfl Auh klfm nhIN krnf cfhuMdI iewk vfr AuhnF ny Aus nfl koeI sLrfrq krn dI koisLsL kIqI sI. sLrimMdI hoeI sLIql hux KuwlH ky pfl dy hwk ivwc bolxoN ht geI sI. sLIql sB kfsy qoN atMk rihx dI koisLsL krdI. Pyr vI AuhnUM pqf sI pfl vDIaf iensfn ey. hor koeI mfVf aYb Aus nUM nhIN sI. KuwlHf zuwlHf idldfr suBfa df mflk! hux qF sLIql dy bwcy vI vwzy ho gey sn. pfl dy BYx Brf ny vI afpxy Gr vsf ley sn. ijLMdgI df coKf ihwsf qF lMG hI igaf sI. sLIql nhIN chuMdI sI ik ijLMdgI dI AuDyV bux kIqI jfey. AuhnUM ieh rsqf KuafrI df lwgdf sI.

PAGE 35 mnjIq kOr syKoN byhwd msLrUP sI. Gr nfl Aus df irsLqf suMgV ky rih igaf sI. GrylU loVF c nf qF AuhdI idlcspI sI qy nf Aus pfs vkq. Gr dI hr ijMLmyvfrI, KRIdo iProkq df kMm sLIql qy sI. iewk idn gwlF gwlF ivwc pfl ny sLIql qoN qlfk dy pyprF qy dsqKq krvf ley. pfl ny sPfeI idMidaF ikhf ik swcIN df qlfk nf smJ lYx. iPr PrjLI qlfk idKf ky afpF srkfr qoN keI PfeIdy lY skdy hF. tYks ivwcoN kfPI rkm bcfeI jf skdI hY sLIql ny soicaf ky pfl smJdfr hY, koeI Pfiedy leI hI ieMj kIqf hovygf. kuJ dyr bfad pfl ny sLIql nUM isPfrsL kIqI ik Auh qlfksLudf qF hY hI? ikMnf cMgf hovy ky jy Auh cfcf jI dy byty nfl kfgjLI ivafh krvf ley qy amrIkf bulf lvy. ieh sux ky sLIql dy hwQF dy qoqy Auwz gey. AuhnUM lwgf bfkI qF pfl dy bhfny hI sn. cfcy dy pirvfr dI iksLqI lMGfAux leI hI pfl ny qlfk kIqf sI. gurbIr Aus nUM Coty Brf vFg sI. sLIql ny nFh kr idwqI.sLIql dI nFh nfl hI Gr ivwc sws shurf sB dy qOr qrIky bdl gey.

hOlI hOlI sLIql dI kdr GtdI geI. ibgfnIaF aOrqF guxF dy KjLfny sfbq huMdIaF geIaF. pr iehdf Bfv ieh qF nhIN sI ik sLIql AUDI sI. Auhdy aMdr iewk hor roh isr cuwkdf ik vfr vfr iks ksUr dI sjLf Auh Bog rhI sI? sfrI Aumr pfl BOr bx ky mMzrfAuNdf irhf. AuNj hux sIql nUM skUn sI ik sLfied ies KHyl df aMq af jfeygf, hux pfl dI jvfnI dy akfsL ivwc icwtIaF bdlIaF cmkx lwgIaF sI. bwcy sB kfsy qoN awKF mIt sLIql KUh dIaF itMzF vI brfbr dy ho cuwky sn. vFg gRihsqI dI mfhl duafly GuMmdI rhI. pr hux pfl afpxI ibjLns pfrtnr sLIql df sBnF pRqI rvweIaf hF pwKI sI qy df byhwd msLkUr sI. Auh iewk Dmfkydfr Auh brfbr sB df siqkfr krdI sI, pr qlfksLudf aOrq sI. ieMzoN amrIkn Gr df hux iKJy hoey sws shury dIaF sLkfieqF sux iewk kroVpqI isqfrf. hr pihlU qoN pwCmI ky pfl sLIql qy hwQ cuwkx lwgf. iewk pfsV iKaflF dI aOrq! pfl dI ijLMdgI iwvc jMg hox krky dyKx vfly nUM sB kuJ sLFq pUrinmF dy quafrP nfl sLIql dy jLihn lgdf. pr sLFqI qUPfn afAux qoN pihlF dy ivwc Pyr BUcfl af igaf. AuNj qF pfl df sMnfty vrgI sI. ibjLns hux bulMdIaF nUM CUhMdf sI. hux qF pfl CuwtI vfly idn vI Gr nf itkdf. AuNj qF sB kuJ suBfivk lwgdf sI pr hnHyrI vFg afAuNdf qy qUPfn vFg prq jFdf. sLIql aMdr iewk ivdrohI aOrq jnm peI hux qF Auh Kfxf vI rYstorYNt qoN Kf lYNdf. sI jo idno idn byhwd ijLwdI qy bgfvqI huMdI pfl df stfP hux kfPI vwzf sI. pfl df geI. ies aMdrly qUPfn nUM cuwp c lko mihMgIaF kfrF vycx df qy ilmoijn ikrfey ky sLIql idn ktI krI jFdI sI. sB nUM qy dyx df sLoa rUm sI. hux qF pUrinmF nfl sB kuJ vkq isr imlLI jFdf sI. virHaF ihwsydfrI krn qy jLoKm df zr awDf munfPf qoN sB kuJ sihMdI af rhI zrpok sLIql acfnk awj GroN gfieb ho geI. sB dy dugxf hoigaf sI. hOsly AuNj hI brkrfr njLr af rhy sn. sLIql dy bwcy XUnIvristI jf cuwky sn. mF agly idn jdoN svyry dI zfk iwvc pfl nUM bfp nUM sLosLl sikEirtI dy pYsy afAuNdy sLIql vYzjL aibnfsL df swdf pwqr imilaf sn. mF bfp dI dyK Bfl krnf, afey gey qF pfl iKaflI GoVy qoN DVwm kr ky DrqI dI syvf krnI, Gr c sLIql dI hoNd nOkrF qy afx izwgf. vfg jfpdI sI. sLIql nUM nf aKbfr df sLOk vfl dI Kwl lfhux vfly pfl ny swcfeI nUM sI nf tI vI df. ieMzIaf dI kIqI pVHfeI vI KolH ky dm ilaf. iksy KFdy pINdy Gr df ivsr geI sI. hux qF Auh dyKx vfly nUM puwqr aibnfsL ijhdIaF aDrMg nfl lwqF ijLfadf pVHI ilKI lwgdI vI nf. mr cuwkIaF sn qy idmfg vI suMn sI. vIlH hOlLI hOlLI sLIql dy bwcy pwCmI swiBafqf dI cyar qy AuhdI dyK ryK krn leI mmqf Byt cVH gey. Auh ies gwloN axjfx sn ik BrpUr nrs dI loV sI. bVI vMgfrU ijLMyvfrI mF aMdr koeI dvMD vI cl irhf hY. sLIql sI. prAupkfrI sLIql ny kfnUMnx AuhdI qF msLInI Xuwg ivwc iewk irbot bx ky rih pqnI bx ky afpf AuhdI syvf leI aripq geI sI. iewk suMn iewk Klfa Auhdy bdn kr idwqf. Auhdy msqk qy iewk skUn af qy PYl irhf sI. pfl afpxI dunIaF iwvc igaf jfpdf sI. PAGE 35

The Patrika



Rajin Gill 778.982.4008



Homelife Glenayre Realty

OPEN Price: $889,000

Friday, May 25th, 2018



Saturday 26th 11:30am to 1:30pm Sunday 27th 1:30pm to 4:00pm

2 Road Frontage large family home, live now develop later! Beautiful corner lot with 2 lot potential. 3 bedrooms upstairs and 2 bedroom suite. Renovations completed in 2010 including new windows, paint, flooring and carpet. As per conversation with City, 2 lot split either from Lilac (82 front) or Sugarpine (100 front).

Price: $1,199,000

3704 Hajula Court ABBOTSFORD

OPEN HOUSE Saturday 26th & Sunday 27th 2:00pm to 4:00pm

Another amazing masterpiece by the outstanding Sucasa Design. This Reverse Rancher is really one of a kind, inside the home you will see great attention to detail & quality and outside the most peaceful and breathtaking yard with $250k garden paradise terraced and proffesionally placed "beauty"!! Your new home features bright & open living/dining room...large master w/ luxurious ensuite. High-end kitchen w/ eating area and additonal 2 bedrooms for upstairs use. 2 bedroom Legal Suite is a HUGE mortgage helper ($1250 market rent). Home is located in a private cul-de-sac, backing onto a Ministery of Fishery greenbelt, only steps away from community play area & hiking

Price: $799,900

WORKERS WANTED FOR LUMBER MILL Job Title: . Grader Man . Plainer Man



Saturday 26th 2:00pm to 4:00pm Sunday 27th 11:00pm to 1:00pm

Beautiful fully renovated 5 bedroom home including 2 bedroom suite. new stainless steel appliances, white custom cabinets, granite counter tops, over-sized island with power and designer drop hood-fan. All new window coverings, floors, doors, gutters, woodwork, plumbing, furnace, and light fixtures. Below you will find 4th bedroom, additional bathroom/laundry/kitchen. Sitting on flat 5800 sq ft lot.


sfnUM lMbr imWl leI lMbr stYkrF dI loV hY, kMm aMdr df hovygf

The Patrika

Friday, May 25th, 2018



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Teja 778-246-0087



The Patrika


kfimaF dI loV

aYbtsPorz ivwc lokl imwl leI lMbr cuwkx vfly Pork ilPt zrfeIvr dI loV hY. 1 sfl df qjLrbf hoxf cfhIdf hY. sfMnU iek bIlzr dI vI loV hY! cMgI qnKfh aqy vDIaf mhOl. plynr dI vI loV hY. hor jfxkfrI lYx leI Pon kro: 604-807-2097 Wo r k e r s N e e d e d f o r Framing Workers needed for framing. Wages $15.00/hour, increased depending on experience. Transportation available from Surrey and Abbotsford. Call: 604-825-0736 or 778-2553135

kfimaF dI loV aYbtsPorz dI lokl zrfeIvfl kMpnI nMU kfimaF dI qurMq loV hY. nvyN kfimaF nMU $14.50 pRqI GMtf aqy qjLrbykr nMU qjLrby anusfr. aYbtsPorz aqy aYlzrgRov qoN rfeIz df pRbMD hY. hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-552-6269



GLA kfript klIinMg asIN GrF, bysmYNtF, kmrsLIal iblizMgF, soPy, aqy kfrF, motrF dIaF sYpUM krdy hF. vDIaf srivs leI Pon kro 778-241-2068 vr dI loV ivjLtr vIjLy qy knyzf afeI hoeI jwt iswK lVkI (qlfk sLudf bgYr bwcy qoN) Aumr 35 sfl, kwd 5’5 ieMc rMg sfP, idwlI qoN bYclr aP afrts, iqMn sfl df ieMtIrIar zIjLfeInr df izplomf, 10 sfl df kMm df qjLrbf. lVkI df pirvfr knyzf ivc vYwl sYtl hY, vfsqy Xog vr dI loV hY. lVkf ieMzIpYNzYNt aqy vYwl sYtl hovy, ibnf bwcy qoN lVky nUM pihl idwqI jfvygI.hor jfxkfrI leI sMprk nM: 778-551-6365

Friday, May 25th, 2018

Friday, May 25th, 2018

The Patrika 


Farming in B.C. goes high tech with $14-million innovation program


armers and food processors in British Columbia will have $14 million in federal and provincial government support over the next five years, to help them develop new products and processes that will support food production in B.C.

improved support for minor sector commodities and emerging/transformative areas including agri-tech; enhanced efforts in clean growth, environment and climate change;

accelerating the growth of the sector, particularly in the agrifood and valueB.C. farmers are already using com- added food processing sectors; and puterized sensors, drones and wireless strengthening knowledge transfer and technology to monitor the growth and adoption. condition of their crops and livestock. Applications and program criteria are They are also experimenting with new available at: of traditional crops and grow- opportunities/innovation/ ing experimental ones, such as quinoa, The program will run for the duration wasabi and tea. of the five-year Canadian Agriculture Partnership. The partnership is a fedThe Canada-BC Agri-Innovation Proeral-provincial agreement that includes gram encourages entrepreneurs and $2 billion in cost-shared strategic initech-leaders in B.C. by supporting tiatives delivered by the provinces and projects that advance innovation and territories, and $1 billion for federal programs and services through March competitiveness, including: 2023. The partnership replaces Growinvestments in applied science for ma- ing Forward 2, which ended March 31, 2018. jor sector commodities;



The Patrika 

albrtf vwloN qyl dI Zo-ZuafeI ‘qy lgfeIaF pfbMdIaF ivruwD bI sI ny dfier kIqf mukwdmf ipwCy ijhy albrtf srkfr ny albrtf qoN bI sI ivc afAux vfly qyl dI Zo-ZuafeI ‘qy pfbMdI lgfeI sI| bI sI srkfr ny ies PYsly ivruwD adflq df drvfjLf KVkfieaf hY | bI sI dyatfrnI jnrl zyivz aYbI df kihxf hY ik ieh mukwdmf albrtf dI Court of Queen’s Ben ivc dfier kIqf igaf hY ijs ivc ies PYsly nUM asivDfnk ikhf igaf hY| albrtf ny ieh pfbMdI ies krky lgfeI hY ik bI sI srkfr ikMzr morgn pRojYkt df ivroD ikAuN kr rhI hY| Aus pRojYkt aDIn albrtf qoN bI sI ivc afAux vflf qyl iqwgxf ho jfvygf| bI sI ivcieh qOKlf bixaf hoieaf hY ik ieMj hox nfl bI sI dy vfqfvrn Aupr mfVf pRBfv pvygf| ieh pfbMdI albrtf dI bI sI ivruwD pYdf hoeI iKJ df nqIjf smiJaf jFdf hY|

hVH nfl pRBfivq lokF dI shfieqf leI srkfr $20 imlIan qwk dI mYiocMg gRFt dyvygI ipwCy ijhy bI sI ivc afey hVHF dI mfr hyT afey lokF dI shfieqf krn leI dfnI swjxF aqy sMsQfvF nUM apIl kr rhI hY ik ijMnI shfieqf Auh krngy, srkfr $20 imlIan qwk dI mYicMg dfndyx leI iqafr hY| pRImIar ny ikhf bI sI dy lok sMkt smyN pIVqF dI shfieqf idl kOlH ky krdy hn| rYzkrfs aijhI sMsQF hY ijs rfhIN lokshfieq krdy hn| ies krky srkfr ny rYz krfs nfl imly hVH pIVqF dI shfieqf krndI socIhY | lokF nUM apIl hY ik Auh hVH pIVqF dI shfieqf ies sMsQF nUM dyx| srkfr $20 imlIan df mYicMg dfn dyvygI| rYz pihlF hI aijhI shfieqf kr irhf hY| AuMnHF ny hVH pIVqF nUM bynqI kIqIhY ik shfieqf lYx leI rYwzkrfs nfl irijstr hox qF jo Auh jLrUrI shfieqf pRfpq kr skx aqy AuMnHF dI piVf iksy hwd qwk Gt sky|

POjI dsiqaF df iDafn gRYNz Pork qoNht ky PRyjLr vYlI vwl gRYNz Pork ivc hVH dy pRBfv ivc kmI hox krky hux AuMnHF df iDafn PRyjLr vYlI vwl ho igaf | imsLn nyVy PRyjLr diraf dy pfxI df lYvl vD jfx krky POjI dsiqaF df iDafn vI ies vYlI vwl ho igaf hY| aYqvfr 20 meI nUM PRyjLr vYlI rIjnl izsitRkt dy muKI jysn lM ny ikhf ik Ah iPkrmMd qF hn pr AuMnHF nUM afs hY ik hVH dI mfr dubfrf nhIN pvygI prMqU Auh mfVy hflfq df sfhmxf krn leI vI iqafr hn| AuMnHF ikhf AuMnHF df tIcf ieh hY ik vwD qoNvwD lokF nUMGr vfps afAux leI pRyiraf jfvy aqy grYNz Pork dyvpfrIaF dy vfps afAux leI ryq dy bory bfjLfr ivcoN cuwky jfx aqy bMnH Zfh ky rfh pwDry kIqy jfx| lokF dI afvf -jfeI sOKI ho sky|

aYbtsPorz ajy kfnUnI suwKy dI vkrI bfry iqafr nhIN ipCly idnIN aYbtsPorz imAuinspl kmytI dI mIitMg ivc hoeI crcf mgroN PYslf hoieaf ik ajy istI suwKy nUM kfnUMnI krfr dyx bfry iqafr nhIN; myar hYnrI brfn ny ikhf,” hfl dI GVIsuwKy dI ivkrI kfnUMnI nhIN| jdoN qwk kyNdrI srkfr ies bfry koeI iek tuwk PYslf nhIN krdI, istI leI cuwp rihxf TIk hY| mYN ies bfry hor myarF aqy kfAuNslrF nfl vI gwlbfq kIqI hY| “ kfAuNslr lYs bfrkmYn ny ikhf,” jnqk QfvF ‘qy BMg dy syuvn krn vfly AuwQy ivcr rhy lokF nUM DUeyN nfl qMg krngy| kfnUMnI BMg vrqx vfilaF nUM qF KulH ho jfvygI prMqU afm lokF nUM qklIPL hovygI|”

twkr mfr ky kql vfly dosLI ny afpxf dosL kbUilaf 28 apRYl, 2009 nUM sLfm dy 7[30 vjy jdoN kulivMdr kOr igwl afpxy pqI nfl aYbtsPorz dI tfAunlfeIn roz ‘qy jf rhI sI qF iek ipwkawp tRwk ny Aus nUM drV idwqf aqy Aus dI mOq ho geI| 3013 ivc ientYgryitz homIsfeIz ienvYstIgysLn tIm ny pVqfl kren bfad ik ieh kql igximQ ky kIqf jfpdf hY| tIm ny Aus dy pqI iekbfl isMG igwl ‘qy ies kql df dosdL lf idwqf| nvMbr 2017 ivc iekbfl isMG nUM 17 sfl dI sjLf ho geI| Aus qoN ielfvf iqMn hro afdmIaF ‘qy vIies kql ivc sLfml hox dy dosL lgfey gey| AuMnHF ivcoN gurpRIq isMG atvfl nUM vI 42 sflf kulivMdr nUMkql krn df dosLI pfieaf igaf hY | Aus nUM agwsq ivc sjLf suxfeI jfvygI | Ausdy vkIl jymjL hYlr df kihxf hY ik Auh aqy srkfrI vkIl Aus nUM 21 sfl dI sjLf dyx dI mMg krngy ijs ivco Nhux qwk bIq cuwkf smF Gt jfvygf|Xfd rhy ik gurpRIq isMG ny afpxf dosL mMn ilaf hY| PAGE 40

Friday, May 25th, 2018

eI-mylF mytx bfry pRImIar ny mMgI muafPI bI sI dy mfnXog pRImIar jOn hfrgn ny bI sI ivDfn sBf ivc eI-mylF mytx ‘qymuafPI mMgI| AuMnHF ikhf, “mY afpxy leI qYa kIqf imafr kfiem rwKx ivc sPLl nhIN hoieaf| jdoNsfzI srkfr bxI sI qF asIN iekrfr kIqf sI ik srkfrI kMmF ivc Auwc imafr kfiemrwKy jfxgy pr aijhf nhIN ho sikaf| asIN PrIzm aOP ienPrmysLn ivc pfrdrsLqf kfiem rwKx ivc PylH hoey hF| myry mMqrI ny vI eI-mylF mytx bfry iKmf jfcnf kIqI hY| jo kuJ hoieaf mYN afpxy afp nUM ksUrvfr smJdff hF| mYN afpxy izptI mMqrI zfnrfeIt nUM ies gMBIr mfmly dI jFc krn leI ikhf hY| asIN hux mMqrIaF nUM irkfrz shI qrF rwKx z dI tRyinMg dy rhy hF qF jo BivwK ivc aijhf nf hovy| ies qrF aYn zI pI srkfr dIies kfrgujLfrI qy jOn hfrgn nUM jnqk qOr ‘qy sLrimMdf hoxf ipaf hY|

bI sI dI KyqI dy nvInIkrn leI $14 imlIan Krc kIqf jfvygf pMj sfl cwlx vflI knyzIan aYgrIklcr pfrtnrisLp aDIn PYzrl srkfr aqy sUby dIaF srkfrF KyqI dy nvInIkrn ihq imlky $3 iblIan Krc krngIaF | ies sbMD ivc bI sI ivc $14 imlIan df invysL kIqf jfvygf| iksfnF nUM nvyN pdfrQ bxfAux aqy nvIaFpRikirafvF dI jfxkfrI idwqI jfvygI| iksfn ies sbMDI arjLIaF dyx dI loVINdI jfxkfrI http/ ‘qO lY skdy hn| ieh nvF pRogrfm mfrc 31,2018 nUM Kqm hoey Growing Forward 2 dI QF lvygf| Xfd rhy ik sfP vfqfvrn, mOsmI adlf bdlI,pRXogI ivigafn ivc invysL,aYgrIPUz pRosYisMg afid bfry iksfnF nUM jfxkfrI idwqI jfvygI aqynvIaF qknIkF apnfAux leI Auqsfihq kIqf jfvygf|

tRFijLt bws ivc iek kuVI nfl CyV CfV krn vfly ihrsI bjLurg ‘qy lwgy dosL ipCly idnIN jdoN iek muitafr tRFijLt bws ivc sPr kr rhI sI qF Aus ivc iek bjLurg vI bYTf sI| puils sUqrF anusfr Aus 74 sflf bjLurg ny Aus kuVI nfl kfmuk CyVKfnI sLurU kr idwqI| CyVKfnI AuprMq Auh bws ivcoN Auwqr igaf pr iksy ny ipWCf krnf sLurUkr idwqf aqy nfl hI puils nUM sUicq kridwqf| ds imMt dI Bfl mgroN Aus ihrsI ilAUnfrzo bI PRYNc nUM igRPqfr kr ilaf igaf| Aus Aupr kfmuk hmlf krn aqy sprsL krn dy dosL lgfey gey hn| puils df kihxf hY ik Auh ies bjLurg nUM cMgI qrF jfxdy hn ik Auh iks ikrdfr df mflk hY aqy ikwQo Nqwk Tihcilaf hoieaf hY|

mihlf mrIjL nfl CyVKfnI vflf mflsLIaf muawql lgBg 10ku mhIny pihlF iek aOrq ny kflj aOPL mYsfj QYrfipst nUM ikRStfPr sLyrmfn nfmI mflsLIey dy ivruwD sLkfieq kIqI sI. Aus QYrfipst ny mflsL dOrfn Aus nfl kfmuk CyVKLfnI kIqI sI| puwC pVqfl AuprMq 14 meI nMU kflj ny Aus mflsLIey nUM muawql kr idwqf aqy $2600 df jurmfnf vI kIqf hY| ies qoN ielfvf Aus nUM vI $2400 dyxy pYxgy| dubfr kMm sLurU krn qoN pihlF Aus nUM ielfjI isKlfeI lYxI pvygI|

Friday, May 25th, 2018

The Patrika 



The Patrika



AbbotsfordFIRST Councillor Brenda Falk announces her re-election campaign


bbotsfordFIRST announced Councillor Brenda Falk will be seeking re-election for the upcoming 2018 municipal election at a party event last night. Councillor Falk was first elected to Abbotsford city council in 2014. She is the longtime owner of Tanglebank Gardens, a boutique style nursery situated in West Abbotsford which her and her husband Arnold operate together. In 2012 she launched Bramble’s Bistro, a popular café attached to the garden centre that builds its menu around seasonal produce from local farmers. “It’s been an honour to serve Abbotsford as one of your city councillors these past four years”, said Falk. “I am very pleased with the progress our city has made this term and I hope to build upon our successes.” Councillor Falk’s candidacy was announced by AbbotsfordFIRST’s president Markus Delves to a gathering of forty of her friends and family at Bramble’s Bistro. “I am pleased to announce that Brenda will be seeking a second term in office” said Delves. “She is a leader in our community and


a valuable contributor to the great work the City of Abbotsford has accomplished this term.” Falk has always been active in the community, especially in the areas of business and agriculture. She is a champion of Abbotsford’s involvement in the Communities in Bloom Competition and is the co-creator of the Circle Farm Tour, a self-guided tour that allows visitors to see the best of Abbotsford’s agriculture community. She spent many years as a mentor and leader in women’s ministry in her church and is a recipient of the Paul Harris Fellowship Award. Councillors Sandy Blue, Kelly Chahal and Ross Siemens along with city council candidate Dave Sidhu were in attendance.

Friday, May 25th, 2018

Friday, May 25th, 2018

The Patrika 


A Gem in the Fraser Valley- The Abbotsford International Airport


conomic progress has often been spurred on through the connectedness of roads, highways, and rail lines. Today, as nations look around the world for foreign direct investment, airline connectivity provides convenient access for visitors, residents, and businesses alike. Nestled in the Fraser Valley, the Abbotsford International Airport (YXX) provides the region immense strategic advantage. The Abbotsford International Airport, operated by the Abbotsford Airport Authority was structured as a privatesector business. Its history is unique as the Airport was purchased by the City of Abbotsford from Transport Canada for $10 in 1997; a move that has led to 21 years of economic development in the region. Since then, YXX has operated profitably- never borrowing money from the City, or placing a tax burden on residents.

owned by WestJet, and will be offering flights from Abbotsford in June of this year. With ultra-low fares, modern planes, and customizable flight options, the board is confident that this new airline will be "taking us [Abbotsford International Airport] to new levels." Swoop will initially offer direct flights to Hamilton (starting June 20) and later this summer add direct flights to Winnipeg and Edmonton. Currently Swoop is offering flights from Abbotsford to Edmonton for as low as $39, and from Abbotsford to gary, “Abbotsford International Air- Winnipeg for only $99! port is one stop from the world" says The story of growth continues for Abbotsford Mayor, Henry Braun. YXX with further expansion planes In 2017, YXX was known "second to accommodate projected passenger fastest growing airport by percentincreases. This month, the Abbotsford age" in Canada, servicing 677,653 passengers - a 27.7% increase from the previous year. This growth is largely due to the increased number of airlines offering flights from YXX. This summer the Abbotsford Airport will support 12 – 13 flights per day; however the goal is to have 12 to 13 flights per day year-round as a baseline.

Airport Authority board broke ground on a 14,000 square foot expansion. This expansion will create two new gates, double the size of the Departure Lounge (post- security area), and expand the pre-board screening space. With ample available land for development, space to accommodate new retailers and food vendors, and a business friendly platform, the Abbotsford International Airport is full of opportunities.

Braun is hopeful that the airport will see a million passengers by 2020 -"a lot of people are starting to fly from Abbotsford that never would have considered it before." Abbotsford is an attractive option for travelers because of the short wait times, easy parking and check-in procedures, and its accessible location. YXX is a convenient origin point for many destinations- soon to include direct flights to Toronto! Only one stop from Cal-

The Airport‘s success as a business hub and economic enabler is a direct result of the solid partnerships built with airport stakeholders, including West Jet, Air Canada rouge, Cascade Aerospace, Shell Aero Centre, Conair Aviation, Campbell Helicopters, Alpine Aerotech, Sequoia Helicopters, training facilities, such as CP Advance Flight, Coastal Pacific Aviation, the University of the Fraser Valley, Chinook Helicopters, and the newest addition - Swoop Airlines. Swoop is a Canadian ultralow cost carrier PAGE 43

The Patrika


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Friday, May 25th, 2018

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3JXjU idn aYqvfr nMU Qsvy y 10 vjy dupihr 8 1LY6\ vjy6qw k ivsLys smfgm Un GX,$2018 ZUZ VZLKE LY.\ M8 TRr1 M8 Q TCqo Nˆ 6ZP Q0 VPZJP KR [J\ kQf drbfr sRI aKMz pfT sfihb ZfZI drbfr 1 jUn, 2018 Ăˆuwkrvfr 2 jUn, 2018 ĂˆnIvfr afrMB sRI aKMz pfT Ăˆfm 6:úú – 8:3Ăş Ăˆfm6:úú – 8:3Ăş sfihb: 1 jUn Ăˆuwkrvfr phuMc rhy ivdvfn: phuMc rhy ZfZI jQy: (svyry 9 vjy) VX U M,T LV0 * BfeI prmjIq isMG jI Kflsf * BfeI bKĂˆIĂˆ * isMG rfxIvlfh LQUY< U M4Z Bog sRI aKM z pfT sfihb: YZLUV * BfeI gurivMdr isMG jI * BfeI imlKf isMG mOĂ‹I 3 jUn aYqvfr ;8N\ * BfeI kfbl isMG jI * BfeI ipRqpfl isMG bYˆs )ZI, M4Z

(svyry 9 vjy) * BfeI suKijMdr isMG jI * BfeI surjIq isMG vfrs

SKX0F UK\ LY6\6 M4\ $T\

Bhai Paramjit Singh Khalsa


hor jfxkfrI leI sMprk kro: gurduafrf sfihb: 604-504-5530 BfeI srbjIq isMG: 778-808-7042

Friday, May 25th, 2018

The Patrika 

pMnHf 19 dI bfkI “pihlI rfq Aus ny sLrfb pIqI hoeI sI Auh iewko sfh pI geI. qy Aus ny jyb ivwcoN iewk Poto kZ ky mYnUM “bws ? mrd ny puwiCaf. ivKfeI qy afiKaf mYN ies nUM muhwbq krdf hF ies leI qYnUM nhIN apxf skdf qUM mYnUM “nhIN hor .” Auh bolI. muafP kr dyeIN.” mrd ny iewk pYwg hor pf idwqf. “Pyr?” nhIN iglfs Br idE.” Auh bolI. “Pyr mYN afpxy Gr af geI.” mrd ny awDf pfxI qy awDI sLrfb pf ky glfs Br idwqf. Auh gtf gt pI geI. “Pyr?”


hI iksy nUM puwiCaf sI ieh lyzI kOx ey! iPr Auh AuWcI AuWcI hwsx lwg peI. pihly idn myrf mn kIqf ies nUM Kq ilKF. “kI gwl?” Auh cONikaf. qUM mYnUM bhuq cMgI lwgI. iPr mYN Jk igaf Kbry Auh kI smJy.” Auh dws irhf sI ijvyN “bws mYN KusL hF gwl qy kuJ vI nhIN.” afpxy afp nUM. “awj mYN vI bhuq KusL hF.” “ipCly sfl mYN vI idwlI vflI nOkrI iesy “ikAuN?” leI nhIN sI leI ik ieQy qusIN sI.” “qusIN afey ho.” “pr qUM kdy mYnUM dwisaf ikAuN nF?” “qusIN kdy myry Gr ikAuN nf af gey?” “kI?” “dwisaf qF hY mYnUM quhfzy koloN zr lwgdf “kwuJ vI.” sI.” “socdI sI ieh ssqIaF gwlF ny. qusIN “ikAuNik mYN Krfb aOrq hF?” Kbry kI smJo. kuJ Kfx nUM hY mYN kwlH df “nhIN” kuJ nhIN KfDf?”

“Pyr khfxI Kqm ho geI. pr awj mYN quhfzy “iewk glfs hor.” Auh bolI. nfl ieh gwlF krn nhIN afeI.” “awgy kdy pIqI aY?” mrd ny puwiCaf. “iPr Aus bMdy ny qyry nfl ivafh hI ikAuN “nhIN. kIqf sI?” “Pyr hor nf pIE.” “ikAuNik Aus dI mF afKdI huMdI sI jykr “hor?” “ilafE mYN bxfAuNdI hF.” Auh AuwTI. ivafh nhIN kryNgf qF jLihr Kf ky mr “bws iewko glfs.” Aus ny ijLd kIqI. jfvFgI.” Aus ny iewk glfs hor Br idwqf qy iewk “Pyr qusIN bxf idaf krnf awj mYN hI “ikAuNik mYN qYnUM mhuwbq krdf hF. jy mYN qYnUM iewk Krfb aOrq smJdf qF jLrUr afpxy leI vI Br ilaf. bxfAuNdf hF.” Auh boilaf. “hor?” cilaf jFdf.” “kI qusIN ajy vI socdy ho ik mYN iewk Krfb “Pyr kdoN?” Auh bolI qy Aus dy bol lVKVf “sLrfb hY?” “mYN vI awj quhfnUM iehI dwsx afeI hF ik aOrq nhIN?” Auh bolI. gey. “hF, kI gwl?” mYN Krfb aOrq nhIN.” “hF.” “awj qoN mgroN.” “mYN pIxI cfhuMdI hF.” afK Auh hws peI. “qusIN JUT boldy ho.” Auh kuJ socx lg peI. mrd ny AuT ky glfs ivwc sLrfb pf ky qy do pl cuwp vrqI rhI. “nhIN mYN swc afKdf hF. cfr sfl pihlF Auh afmlyt bxf ilafieaf. dohF ny rlL pfxI pf ky Aus nUM PVf idwqf. “mYN nhfAuxf cfhuMdI hF.” Auh bolI. jdoN mYN ieQy nOkrI kIqI sI mYN pihly idn ky KfDf. bfkI pMnHf 46 'qy


PAGE 46 pMnHf 45 dI bfkI “ies vyly?� “hF.� Auh AuT ky guslKfny ivwc sfP qOlIaf rwK afieaf. Auh ikMnF icr TMZy pfxI nfl hI nhfAuNdI rhI. nhf ky jdoN Auh inklI Aus ny isrP jogIaf rMg dI sLfl afpxy duafly lpytI hoeI sI.

ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

“hF mYN ajy vI smJdf hF qUM Krfb aOrq nhIN.� Ah Aus nUM afpxIaF bfhvF ivwc vldf boilaf. ies gwl df sbUq vI Aus mrd nUM iml igaf. Auh Krfb aOrq nhIN sI. awj dI rfq qwk Aus df kMvfr kfiem sI. pr awj Aus nUM kI hoigaf sI? mrd nUM smJ nhIN sI lwg rhI.

Well Pump Installation and Service

5390 Gladwin Road Abbotsford BC HARRIS RD





HWY 11



HWY 11



asIN sYpitk tYNk lfAuNdy hF We install septic tanks

Anand Irrigation



ANAND Irrigation


qy iPr Auh arfm nfl sON igaf. afKr qF Auh mrd sI Aus dy sfry ipMzy ajy mUMh hnHyrf hI sI jdoN Auh AuTI. kwpVy ivwcoN lftF inklx lg peIaF. pfey. suqy pey mrd df mwQf cuMimafN “mYN “mYN hyTF zrfieMg rUm ivwc jf sONdf hF.� cwlI hF. sLukrIaf� Aus ny ibsqry ivwcoN AuTidaf ikhf. qy Auh clI geI. “nhIN ieQy hI sON jFvFgy.� afKidaF Aus svyr bVI dyr nfl awj Auh dPqr jfx ny sLIsLy awgy bYT ky afpxy vfl vfhy. sfry leI iqafr hoieaf. ipMzy Auwqy pOzr iCVikaf. dPqr jdoN igaf iek ajIb hI Kbr suxI mrd sfh rokI ipaf Aus vwl qwkdf irhf. ik klH Aus aOrq nUM nOkrI qoN ies leI “pry nUM ho jfE.� Aus ny ibsqry kol af jvfb idwqf igaf sI ik Ah iewk Krfb aOrq sI qy awj svyry mUMh hnHyry Auh gwzI ky afiKaf. hyT af ky mr geI hY. ibsqry ivwc vVn ligaF Aus ny sLfl vI lok ijMny mUMh EnIaF gwlF kr rhy sn pr lfh idwqf. Aus mrd df cIK cIK ky afKx nUM mn “kI qusIN ajy vI smJdy E ik mYN Krfb kIqf Auh Krfb aOrq nhIN sI. Auh Krfb aOrq nhIN sI. aOrq nhIN?� Auh bolI.


Auh cuMiDaf igaf.

The Patrika

• Irrigation Installation

ierIgySn ienst`lySn

• Post Pounding

post l`auxy

• Drip and Sprinkler Systems

fir@p Eqy spirMklr

• Ditch Digging and Cleaning

if@c putxIE~ Eqy s`P krnIE~

• Farm Drains

Kyq~ iv@c fryn p`auxy

Workers Wanted: Welder & General helper good wages, must speak English, knowledge of Punjabi will be an asset We Specialize in Blueberry Draining Systems

Call Tarsem Singh at 604-897-2152 or 604-852-0552

Friday, May 25th, 2018

The Patrika 

kMDF dy kMn

bfhrly drvfjLy dI GMtI vwjI qF ieMdrjIq “srkfr ibjlI dy dr vI cuwkI qurI jFdI kOr ny EDr quridaF AWucI avfjL ivwc aY.” ieMdrjIq kOr ny AWuTidaF ikhf. Aus ny kUlr vwl vwDidaF awgy ikhf, “iksy vI puwiCaf, “kOx aYN?” iDr nUM ibjlI muPq nhIN dyxI cfhIdI, muPq “mYN aF jsvMq.” jsvMq isMG ny bfhroN ibjlI lYx vfly iewk qF ibl nhIN idMdy dUjf hI dwisaf. Aih iPr vI boldf igaf, aMnHyvfh ibjlI PUkdy hn. jykr ibjlI “awjkwl corIaF bhuq ho rhIaF hn aMnHyvfh nf PUkI jfvy qF ibl afpxy afp ieMdrjIq. sLihr ivwc qF lok dihly pey eI Gwt afAux lwg jfxgy. srkfr kol pYsy ny. ijQy ikqy vI gwl cldI ey, corIaF qy dI Gft nhIN rhygI.” kihMidaF kihMidaF luwtF KohF dI hI cldI aY. awgoN leI vI Auh kUlr kol puwj geI sI. pihlF Aus qUM ieAuN hI drvfjLf KoHilaf krIN, bMdy nUM ny kUlr df pfxI Cwizaf. sPF iBwj jfx ajmf ky priqaf ky. vyly kuvyly drvfjLf qy Aus ny kUlr clf idwqf. Kfxf pfAuNdI KolHx lwigaF kdy kfhlI vI nhIN krnI.” ieMdrjIq kOr nUM kjsvMq isMG ny kUlr jsvMq isMG ny afpxI pqnI vwloN KolyH gey dy KVky kfrn jrf AuwcI avfjL ivwc ikhf, drvfjLy nUM bMd kridaF awgy awgy jFdI “afpF nUM smfj dI iksy vI iDr dy bMidaF afpxI bIvI nUM sMboDn kridaF dwisaf vI nUM inMdx dI koeI loV nhIN. afpF ny kfhnUM sI aqy smJfieaf vI sI. iksy nfl vYr pfAuxY qy aYNvY vfV c bohIey “qu s IN qFhI su v kqy af gey , Bfvy N dI qVfAuxy ny?” ieQy myrf kwlI df koeI glL hI Guwt jy.” “gwl qF quhfzI TIk hY srdfr jI, pr ieMdrjIq kOr ny ipwCy vwl muV ky dyKidaF awkIN dyK ky mwKI vI qF nhIN nf KfDI jFdI.” ikhf. Aus ny iPr awgy quridaF ikhf, “cwlo, Kfxy dy myjL qy eI bYTo. mYN Kfxf lfAuNdI aF. “gwl qF qyrI vI TIk ey Bfgvfny, pr bfkI dI gwl EQy eI krFgy.” ieMdrjIq kOr awj kwl smfj ivwc bMdy nUM gfjr mUlI eI ny rsoeI dy drvfjy dy ikwl Auwqy cfbIaF df smiJaf jFdf. bMdy nUM mfrn vfly dy dMdF Cwlf tMgidaF jsvMq isMG vwl dyKidaF hyT Borf Br vI ikrk nhIN afAuNdI.” ipafrf ijhf afdysL idwqf. Aus ny awgoN “qusIN bVy zrpok E.” ieMdrjIq kOr ny ieMdrjIq kOr nUM zOilaF qoN PV ky Aus hwsidaF ikhf. dy zOly arfm ijhy nfl GuwtidaF, ipafry ijhy sLbdF nfl ikhf, “vDIaF nUM koeI gm “mYN zrpok nhIN mYzm jI. mYN ieh vI jfxdY nhIN Bfgvfny. AUN awgy qoN mYN smyN isr hI af ik hwsidaF ijhf ikhf. lokF ny afvdy rfjf ijaf krFgF.” kih ky jsvMq isMG Kfxy lUeI solHvyN qy Es dI rfxI myrI aYntoienYt dy myj Auwqy bYT igaf. Aus ny dubfrf AuwT qoN ikvyN mukqI pfeI sI. duwK dwuK ies gwl df ky sfhmxy ipaf tYlIvIjn cflU kr idwqf peI sfzf PrFsIsIaF vrgf ikrdfr nhIN sI. iPr afpxI jgHf qy bYT ky Auh KbrF hYgf. afpxy iewkilaF dy afKy qoN kuJ vI vflf cYNbr lwBx lwg ipaf sI. Auh luwtF nhIN sMvfrnf. ies leI afpF ikAuN khIey ik KohF qy corI zfikaF df pqf krnf cfhuMdf af bYl muJy mfr. bfkI koeI vI aijhI gwl sI. ies leI Auhu ijwQy vI dyKdf msLhUrIaF ijho ijhI afpF kr rhy sF, kUlr dy KVky hI msLhUrIaF af rhIaF sn. awD nMgIaF ivwc kdy vI nf kro. kihMdy ny beI kMDf nUM vI kuVIaF qy buVIaF nfl gIqF dI Brmfr sI. kMn huMdy ny. cldy tYlIvIjLn vyly vI aijhI Auh sIn vI skrIn qy af rhy sn ijMnHF nUM gwl nhIN krnI cfhIdI. ies qrF afpxI mF puwq qy BYx Brf iewkTy bYT ky nhIN sn gwl bfhr clI jFdI aY. Qy bfhrlI avfj vyK skdy. ieMny icr ivwc ieMdrjIq kOr ny afpF nUM suxfeI nhIN idMdI. afpF nUM afpxy myjL AuWqy Kfxf lf idwqf. iewk sFJF iglfs qy aFZI guaFZI df vI iKafl rwKxf cfhIdf. rYPrIjIrytr ivwcoN TMZy pfxI dI boql kwZ jykr afpF iksy aFZI guaFZI df iKafl ky afpxIaF sItF dy sfhmxy myjL Auwqy itkf rwKFgy qF Auh afpxf vI iKafl rwKygf. idwqI sI. afpxI sIt mwlidaF ieMdrjIq kOr tYlIvIjLn vwl dyKidaF ikhf, “ies “shI aY quhfzI gwl” kih ky ieMdrjIq vfr vrgI grmI pihlF kdy vI nhIN peI.” kOr ny iPlhfl mUMh nUM ijMdrf lf ilaf. jsvMq isMG vI Kfxf smfpq krn qIk “hr sfl afpF ieAuN hI kihMny huMny aF. nhIN boilaf. cwldy tYlIvIjLn aqy clwdy bMdf kdy vI sMqusLt nhIN huMdf Bfgvfny. bMdf kUlr ivwc AihnF dI njLr Kfxy Auwqy peI grmI ivwc srdI mMgUgf.” jsvMq isMG ny sI aqy kMn bfhr vwl sn. kdy kdy jsvMq kurqy dy KIsy ivwcoN rumfl kwZidaF afpxI isMG afpxy afpxy swjy hwQ nfl gfqry nUM vI DOx pUMJidaF dwisaf. toh lYNdf sI. ieMdrjIq kOr afpxy hwQF nUM jUTy smJidaF aihl bYTI KfxF KfNdI rhI. “grmI lwgdI ey qF kUlr lf idaF? jy ibjlI df ibwl nhIN vwDx dyxF qF dyK “Kfxf Kf ky AuhnF ny afpo afpxy BFzyN rsoeI lvo.” ieMdrjIq kOr ny afpxy jIvn sfQI dy twb ivwc rwK idwqy. jsvMq isMG ny kUlr qoN pwuiCaf. bMd kridaF ikhf, “ BFzy nF mFjIN hux. jykr rfqIN cor ckfr af gey qF Auh Gwto “ lf dy jfn nfloN hor kI ipafrY, jfn Gwt jUTy BFzy qF Cwz eI jfxgy nf?” geI jhfn igaf. bc igaf qF ibl vI Br idaFgy.” jsvMq isMG ny Auwpr cwldy pwKy ieMdrjIq kOr nUM bVf hfsf afieaf sI, pr vwl dyKidaF ikhf. Ausny imMnf imMnf hwsidaF pwKf aqy kUlr vI bMd kr idwqf sI. agly pl Auh hr

rojL vFg afpxy Gr dI Cwq AuWqy cly gey sn, ijQy ik Auh hux hr sLfm svyry tihlx jfieaf krdy sn. AuhnF df Gr BfvyN bhuq suMdr nhIN sI, pr Aus Gr dI Cwq vfhvf lMbI cOVI sI. Auh kfPI smyN qoN sYr aksr Aus Cwq AuWpr hI kr ilaf krdy sn. Aus idn ieMdrjIq kOr ny jsvMq isMG nUM puwC hI ilaf sI, ``afpF sYr krn leI bfhr ikAuN nhIN jFdy`?` jsvMq isMG ny Auwqr idwqf sI, ``afpF awj kwl sYr krn leI bfhr ies leI nhIN jFdy ik pihlF nfloN hux corI ckfrI df zr vD igaY. bfkI, pihlF qF afpF nUM Gr dy awDI drjx ijMdry mfrny pYxgy. GroN bfhr igaYN nUM GMtf awDf GMtf lwg hI jFdY. suBf sLfm aFZI guaFZI afpo afpxy GrF ivwc vVy rihMdy hn. ies leI cor arfm nfl ijMdry qoV ky jF kMD twp ky vI corI kr skdy hn. dUsrf sVkF AuwqlI tRYiPk qoN hux mYnUM bVf eI zr lgdY. axjfx zrfievr ijMnHF kol afm krky isPfrsLI zrfieivMg lfieisMs huMdy ny, sVk Auwqy durGtnf kr idMdy ny. qIsrf bfhr avfrf kuwiqaF df zr vI mfrdY. kuwqf qF vwZ igaf so vwZ igaf. bMdy nUM iZwz ivwc tIky lvfAuxy bVy aOKy ny. ies leI afpF GroN bfhr Gwt vwD hI jFny aF. nfly mYN ieh vI jfxdY Bfgvfny ik vsq nF rwKI afpxI corf gflI dy.` `TIk. af geI smJ.` kih ky ieMdrjIq kOr cuwp kr geI sI. cuwp cfp Cwq Auwqy sYr kridaF jsvMq isMG ny ipCly pfsy KflI pey plft vwl acfnk hI dyiKaF, aqy ieMdrjIq kOr nUM vI idKfieaf. Aus plft ivwc avfrf gAUaF iPr rhIaF sn. gaUaF Auwqy njLr htf ky jsvMq isMG dwsx lwgf sI, ieMdrjIq kOr`mYN gAUaF dI bVI iewjLq krdfN, pUjf krdfN, ikAuNik ieh KyqI krn vfilaF nUM vwCy idMdI huMdI sI. hux qF trYktrF, kMbfienF qy rIprF ny vwiCaF dI vI kdr Gtf idwqI. afvdy pirvfr nUM duwD mwKx dhIN lwsI idMdI hY. KyqF nUM Auh hux vI QoVHI bhuqI Kfd idMdI hY. ipMzF vfilaF nUM Auh kpfh dIaF iCtIaF dy nfl bflx vfsqy pfQIaF leI gohf vI idMdI hY. ies qoN ibnF ies df mUqr afXUrvYidk dvfeIaF ivwc KUb vriqaf jFdf. ies leI pihlf gAU dy jfey bld ny buwZf ho jfx qy Aus nUM GroN bfhr nhIN sI kwiZaf jFdf. jykr Auh mr vI jFdf Auh vI bMdy vFg Gr ivwc hI mrdf sI. Auh jFdf jFdF juwqIaF vfsqy cmVf vI Cwz jFdf sI. hux eyDr vI dyK lE ajoky Xuwg ivwc lok duwD pI ky gF dy puiVaF qy mfrdy ny zMzF. cwl qUM kOx qy mYN kOx. kih ky pihlF qF jsvMq isMG ny hOkf ilaf aqy Aus ny iPr kihxf sLurU kr idwqf, `gwl eyQy hI nhIN mukdI Bfgvfny, ieh avfrf gAUaF durGtnf ivwc vI bVf vwzf ihwsf pfAuNdIaF, hux iPr afpF kI kr skdy aF? pr qUM jwg df bhuqf iPkr nf kiraf kr. afpy srkfr jF qF ienHF vfsqy hor gAU sLflf KHolygI, jF iPr Cotf mUMh qy vwzI gwl, bucVKfny qF ikDry gey nhIN. TokrF Kfx nfloN qF iksy dy kMm af jfxf qF ikqy bihqr ey nf.```

PAGE 47 pRo: sulwKx mIq hux qusIN vI AuwcI bol gey sfihb jI. jykr iksy lfly ny sux ilaf qF afpxI KYr nhIN. aglf nvIN BsUVI pfky bihjUgf. myrI qF keIaF idnF qoN KwbI awK vI PrkdI aY. vyKI clo AUT iks krvt bihMdf bws.` ieMdrjIq kOr ny iewk zr ijhf mihsUs kIqf sI. `gwl bdlo. vDIaF nUM koeI gm nhIN.`jsvMq isMG ny vI zr ijhf mihsUs kridaF gwl bdlx df suJf idMidaF afp hI gwl bdlI, `mINh pey nUM hux keI idn hogy. huMm ijhf hoieaf ipaf. BfdoN bVI hI jrvfxI huMdI hY. ies mhInyy qF jwt dy bwcy vI sfD bx jFdy ny. `hux jwtF dy muMzy sfD nI bxdy. hux qF ieh vI isr munfeI iPrdy ny qy mfVy moty gvweIey jLrUr bxy iPrdy ny Kfn sLfn vrgy. ieh sfry jfxy Kyq dy kMm qoN zrdy mfry Bwjy hoey ny. ivhlIaF qoVdy ny. ibhfr qy XU pI dy BeIey pMjfb nUM ieMglYNz knyzf qy astRylIaf smJidaF jwtF idaF KyqF ivwc kMm krdy ny. hux qF jwtF dy muMzy qF mMuzy jwt afp vI aYsL krdy ny. GrF ivwc pwKy qy Gwto Gwt kUlr lwgy hoey ny. iPlmF dyKx nUM Gro GrIN tYlIvIjLn lwgy hoey ny. idn rfq awD nMgIaF aOrqF dy drsLn krdy ny. hux Auh sfD ikvyN bxngy? `` ieMdrjIq kOr ny iksy iPkr ijhy ivwc ikhf. `hux qUM AuwcI sur ivwc bol geI aYN nfly qYnUM pqf beI jwt, Jotf AUT idloN Kor nI BulfAuNdy huMdy. jsvMq isMG ny vI vfrI df vwtf lfh ilaf sI pr ieMdrjIq kOr ny aglI gwl qorI, `hux corf qy lutyiraF ivwc vI bhuqy lok bykfr ny ijnHF nUM pVH ilK ky vI rojLgfr nhIN imilaf Auh hor kI krn.`` ieMdrjIq kOr iPr Auwcf bol geI sI. `gwl qyrI iPr shI hY swc khy ibnF mYN vI rih nhIN skdf, BfvyN iksy dy gozy qy vwjy iksy dy igwty vwjy.`` `gwl QozI vI TIk hY srdfr jI pr iDafn rwiKE keI idnF qoN myrI KwbI awK PrkdI hY. ieh quhfnUM mYN dUjI vfr Xfd krvf rhI aF. `qUM aYNvyN eI vihm nf kIqf kr. pihlI gwl ky aOrq dI KwbI awK PrkxI cMgI huMdI eY. dUsrf, iswK Drm ivwc gurU sihbfn anusfr vihm Brm krn dI koeI loV nhIN ieMdrjIq kury. ieh gwl qUM koTy dI Cwq qoN vI kih skdI aNY. pihlI gwl jykr afpF mMn vI leIey, aOrq df Kwbf aMg Prkxf TIk hY. dUsrI gwl ijhVf iswK BUqF pRyqF ivwc ivsLvfsL krdf, jfdU tUxy, mVHIaF msfxIaF pUjx ivwc XkIn krdY Auh iswK nhIN hovygf. qy ijhVy iswK nyqf ieh sfrf kuJ krdy iPrdy ny srdfr jI, AuhnF bfry quhfzf kI iKafl hY? ieMdrjIq kOr iPr AuwcI sur ivwc bol geI sI. kOx khy rfxIey, beI awgf Zk. jsvMq isMG kih ky , iPr gwl bdlx dy rO ivwc kihx lwgf, mYzm jI afpF iPr afpxI gwl cor qy PAGE 47

PAGE 48 corI dy ivsLy qy hI lY afeIey. Auh vI idn sn jdoN sfrf eI twbr iewko ivhVy ivwc sONdf huMdf sI. Coty vwzy mMijaF nfl ivhVf Biraf Biraf huMdf sI. mrd afpxy isrhfxy zFg, gMzfsI jF brCf rwK ky sONdf sI. awj idn dyKo corfN leI mYdfn sfP. ivhVf KflI qy corfN nfl iBaflI. ey sI lf ky muMzf bhU afvdy kmry ivwc. inafxy isafxy afvdy kmry ivwc kUlr sLUlr lf ky sO jFdy af . gUhVI nINd. ibwlI afAux qy iCwkf tut jFdY. corfN dy pON bfrF! ieh gwl vI shI aY srdfr jI QozI. pr afpxy muMzy sfnUM kwilaF nUM Cwz afp cly gey afpo afpxy kfrobfrF qy. Auh bhUaF lY gey nfl. DIaF nUM lY gey jvfeI. hux qF hflq aY : DIaF jvfeI lY gey nUMhF lY gey pUq hm rih gey AUq ky AUq ieh qF iewk idn vfprnf eI sI Bfgvfny. bfl bwcf Gr huMdf sI qF afpF vI GuMm iPr afAuNdy huMdy sI. irsLqydfrF qy dosqF imwqrF dy duwK suwK ivwc jf afAuNdy sF. kdy kdy sYr spftf vI kr afAuNdy sF. pr hux qF GroN pYr puwtxf vI aOKf eI ey. bfhr jfx lwigaF BfvyN aFZI guafNZI nUM iKafl rwKx leI kih jfeIey, pr iPr vI Gr dI icMqf hI lwgI rihMdI eY. gAUaF kfhlI kfhlI ipCly KflI plft ivwc clIaF geIaF sn. jsvMq isMG nUM iksy bMdy dy hox df vI BulyKf ipaf sI, pr Auh cuwp cfp GuMmdf irhf. Aus dI cuwp nuM qoVidaF ieMdrjIq kOr ny ikhf sI, ‘cwl eI peI pury dI vf, iPr afpy eI awgy ikhf, ‘cMgI cMgI lwg rhI ey pury dI vf. Drmrfj ny iksy DIaF vfly ipE nUM hvf vflf pwKf dy ky bhfieaf lgdY. ikAuN nf afpF Cwq Auwqy eI sON jfeIey? “aOKY” jsvMq isMG ny Klo ik ikhf, “nf mumikn” “quhfzI izksLnrI ivwc qF aOKf qy nfmumikn sLbd eI nI hYgy!” “eYQy sMdrB bdl igaf srdfrnIeNy” iesy leI aOKy qy nfmumikn sLbd hYgy ny eyQy. “Cwzo jI afvdI iPlfsPI. Auqly stor qy mMjy pey ny. hlky ibsqry vI pey ny. qy mMjIaF zfh ky pY eI jfxY, bws!” kih ky ieMdrjIq kOr ny swjy hwq dI cutkI vI mfrI sI. pr jsvMq isMG ny ipCly plft ivwc iPrdy bMdy df Brm pflidaF ikhf, ‘afpxf Jwgf cukIey qF afpxf eI iZwz nMgf huMdf’. Bfgvfny. koTy qy cVH ky hOlLI bolx dI afdq pfE. iesy leI aOKY qy nf mumikn sLbd hYgy ny.” “nfmumikn ikAuN aY? mYnUM plIjL smJfE?, ieMdrjIq kOr ny qrlf ilaf. “jy kr afpF Auwqy pY gey qy jy cor hyToN hwQ Pyr gey Pyr?” PAGE 48

The Patrika 

“qusI bVy zrpok EN srdfr jI!” ieMdrjIq mrx dI Kbr huMdI. nsLy nfl mrn vfilaF, kOr ny pYrF Auwqy hI rukidaF ikhf. nsLy vycdy zfktrF, aqy vwzy vwzy aPsrF dI irsLvq lYNidaF dI Kbr huMdI. eyzjL vfilaF “zr swcY mYzm! BfvyN AuwqoN dbkf rwKdF qy aqy eyzjL PYlfAux vfilaF aqy vwzy vwzy mfrdf vI aF pr mYN corf qoN bhuq zrdF. mMqrIaF dy sYks skYNzl ivwc Psx dI Kbr agilaF jLmfinaF ivwc koeI tfvF tfvF eI huMdI. sVk hfdisaF aqy susq cl rhI cor huMdf sI. qYnUM vI pqY beI hux byrujLgfrI puils dI Kbr huMdI. nklI not nklI duwD bhuq vD geI aY. pVHy ilKy qy byrujLgfr muMzy bnfAux vfilaF df BfNzf BMinaF igaf huMdf. hux iewklI corI hI nhIN krdy, luwtF KohF vI krdy ny. afpF hr rojL aKbfrF ivwc pVHdy ieMdrjIq afpxy mnpsMd df sIrIal aF beI iewk bIbI dy gl coN cYnI iKwHc leI. dyKx lwg geI sI ijs ivwc dilq lokF iewk bIbI dy hwQoN prs Koh ilaf igaf. iewk dI mfVI dsLf idKfeI jf rhI sI. dUjy bMdy dy hwQ co N mobfiel KHo ilaf. iewk DnfZ pfsy jsvMq isMG afdq anusfr svyr df bwcf cuwk ilaf ijs nUM vfips krn leI vfly aKbfr nUM bVI qswlI nfl pVH irhf vwzI rkm mMgI. bVf kuJ ho irhY smfj ivwc sI. AuhnF ivclIaF KbrF hI tYlIvIjLn Bfgvfny. iPr ijhVf mfVf DIVf cor aY Auh ivwc af rhIaF sn. rfq dy igafrF vjy afpxy vrigaF dy GrF ivwc hwQ Pyr jFdY. ieMdrjIq kOr ny tYlIvIjLn bMd kr idwqf. jsvMq isMG ny aKbfr sMBfl idwqy. AuhnF “qusI swc kihMny E jnfb, pr afpxy kol ny afpo afpxIaF awKF ivwc afeI zrOps rwiKaf vI kIaY? kI nMgI nHfAUgI qy kI nMgI pfey. rYPrIjIrytr ivwcoN TMzHy pfxI dI boql ncoVUgI?” kwZ ky vfro vfrI pfxI pIqf. vfrI qy Aus “qUM vI swc kihnI ey Bfgvfny. bMdy nUM rfq jsvMq isMG ny kIrqn soihlf df pfT afpxI akl qy ibgfnI mfieaf sdf eI kIqf aqy afdq anusfr ieMdrjIq kOr ny vwD lgdI ey. AUN afpxy Gr iksy cIjL dI isr Auwqy cuMnI krky pfT suixafN. pfT dy Gft vI nhIN. afpxy Gr kMipAUtr hY. jykr Bog pYx qy afdq anusfr AuhnF ny afpxy ieho corI ho igaY qF mua ikQoN ilafvFgy. gfqry lfh ky isrhfxy rwKidaF ibsqr afpxy Gr nvF nkor skUtr aY, Pirwj aY, Auwqy afpo afpxI QF mwl leI. ieMdrjIq jy kr ieh vI cuwky gey qF afpF pYnsLn coN kOr jsvMq isMG dy kol ijhy ho ky sfh ikvyN KrIdFgy. jykr koeI BuwKf nMgf rsoeI dy ijhy ivwc hI bolI, afpF corI bfry bVIaF BFzy eI cuwk ky lY igaf muV ky kdoN bxngy? hI gwlf kIqIaF ny awj, BfvyN dI kMDNo pfr Auho ijhy brqn ijhVy asIN afpxI nOkrI koeI suxdf eI hovy, mYnUM qF lgdY beI hux dOrfn bxfey hn qy Auh vI dsF nhUMaF dI iewk awDy idn ivwc afpxy Gr vI corI qF kmfeI nfl. jykr koeI cor Gr dy drvfjLy ho ky hI rhUgI. sMDU ikaF aFg.” bfrIaF hI qoV ky lY igaf qF dubfrf bUhy EdoN vI afpF eI jfg pey sF. qfN hI bcfa bfrIaF kI sOKIaF hI bx jfxgIaF? so, ho igaf sI. bfkI aYvyN iPjLUl dy aMdfjLy nhIN kihMdy ny beI murgy nUM qF qkly df dfgL hI lfAuxy cfhIdy bMdy nUM. jykr sfzIaF gwlF vwzf lgdf huMdf. koeI jxf suxdf vI hoAU iPr vI kI aY. nMgI “awj kwl qF cor rokV nUM pYNdy aF, jF iPr kI nHfAU qy kI ncoVU. bfkI ijhVI aF pYnsLn gihxy gwty nUM. srdfr jI dono cIjLF afpxy ilaf ky rwKI af AuhnUM kwlH nUM ibjlI df qy duwD df ibwl Br ky qy rfsLn vgYrf ilaf ky kol ikQy af?. ibly lf dyxf. hx AuhnF pYisaF aqy afpxy “qUM swc kihnI aY Bfgvfny, pr mYN vI pihlF nwk kMn dy gihxy qUM lfh ky rwKy. nUM iksy Kwl eI kih cuwkf beI hr iewk nUM afpxI akl KUMjy ivwc lukf dy.” jsvMq isMG ny ieMdrjIq qy dUjy dI mfieaf bhuwq ijLafdf lgdI ey. kOr nUM afpxI rfie idwqI. AuhnUM kI pqY beI asIN hux pYnsLn qy eI zMg tpfAuvyd aF. AuhnF corf nUM qF bws ikwQy lukfvfN? cor qF corI krdf pwq pwq afpxf Gr idsdf, jy hor nhIN qF cor jF krky Prol idMdf srdfr jI.” lutyry qyrf myrf glLf qF Guwt eI skdy af. jsvMq isMG ny soc ky dwisaf, “ikcn ivwc “vfihgurU, vfihgurU, bolo srdfr jI. afAu ibskutF vfly zwby ivwc rwK af.” hyTF clIey, koeI aYny nUM eI nf sPfeI kr “shI suJfa idwqf qusIN. nfly pYsy qy gihxy igaf hovy kih ky ieMdrjIq kOr AuqlIaF bc jfxgyqy nfly jfn vI bc jUgI. aKy pOVIaF dIaF aMdrlIaF ictkxIaF lf ky jfn bcI lfKoN pfey. bfkI qusIN hux eI Kbr bYwz rUm ivwc jf vVI. Aus ny pwKy aqy kUlr pVHdy sAu ik cor iewk bjLurg mIaF bIvI df df btn dbf ky rmot nfl tYlIvIjLn cflU kql krgy qy nfly Gr df sPfieaf krgy. kr idwqf. Auh ibsqry Auwqy bYTy jsvMq so mYN qF chuMnI aF ik koeI jxf sfnUM kql ismG dy brobr bYTdI hoeI ijAuN ijAuN nf kry, Gr ivclf BfvyN eI sfry df sfrf cYnl bdldI geI, iqAuN iqAuN jsvMq isMG smfn cwk ky lY jfey. ieh dunIaF bVI eI hyTF aMzrlfeIn kIqIaF KbrF pVHdf clf suhfxI hY. DIaF puwq afpo afpxy GrIN suKI igaf. hr cYnl Auwqy klfkfr dI Kbr huMdI. vsdy ny. afpF cMgI rotI KfeI jfny aF. ies corI zfky dI Kbr huMdI. bwcy cuwkx, jfdU leI ies rMgIlI dunIaF qoN jfx nUM myrf qF tUxy nfl leI geI jfn dI Kbr huMdI. rul jIa nI krdf. srdfrf!” rhy buZfpy aqy bfl mjLdUrF dI durdsLf dI Kbr huMdI Gwto Gwt dfj ilAux vflIaF “qUM qF kmlI eyN. cor bfhro afieaf huMdf. bhUaF aqy krjLy hyTF dwby iksfn dy jlx Auh Gr vfly qoN zrdf vI huMdf. hux qF

Friday, May 25th, 2018

pihlF cor Gr vfilaF nUM hI itkfxy lfAuNdy ny qy iPr cukdy ny smfn.” “mfl BfvyN dI BfvyN cor cuwk ky lY jy srdfrf, pr sfnUM mfry nf, sfnUM BfvyN dI bfhrlI kuMzI eI lf dyvy. asIN Aus dy rMg ivwc BMg nhIN pfvFgy. Aus ny jo iljfxY Auh lY jy. jUTy BfNzyN Aus ny cuwkxy nI jUTy jUTy Auh cuwkU gf qF Auh KVHkxgy , qF afpF jfg pvFgy. afpF jfg pvFgy qF sfzIaF cIkF jLrUr inklxgIaF. cor zr jfeygf. iPr Auh sfnUM eI mfr dyvygf. srdfr jI.” “ijvyN aYnI awgy Aumr lMG geI ieh rfq vI lMGjUgI Bfgvfny.” sB df rwb rfKf. kwlH nUM mfr afpdy pfpf jI nUM tYlIPUn. mfstr hwQ sunyhf kI ByjxY. bMdf Buwl Bulf eI jFdY. iPr cuwp psr geI sI. dovyN jIa GoVy vyc ky sON gey sn. svyry mMdrF qy gurduafiraF dy lfAUzspIkrF ny AuhnF nUM jgf idwqf sI. pihlF qF ieMdrjIq kOr jfg ky lMmI peI rihMdI sI qy jsvMq isMG Aus qoN pihlF ibsqrf Cwz jFdf huMdf sI pr Aus idn Auh dono hI afr lwgy bld vFgU afpxy ibsqry qoN AuwTy sn. jsvMq isMG pihlF bfQrUm igaf aqy kfhlI ivwc dbf db bursL kIqf. Auh hr rojL vFg cfh bxfAux leI rsoeI vl viDaf. ieMdrjIq kOr vI rsoeI ivwc jf vVI sI. jsvMq isMG ny rsoeI ivwc jfx vfsqy drvfjLf KolHxf cfihaf qF Auh drvfjf bfhroN bMd sI. Auh afpxy drvfjLy nUM bfhroN bMd nhIN sn krdy huMdy ies leI jsvMq isMG df mwQf Txikaf. Aus ny ieMdrjIq nUM dwsy ibnF hI ivhVy vwl KuwlHdy drvfjLy nUM KoHlx df Xqn kIqf ieQy vI Auh asPl ho igaf iPr Aus ny ieMdrjIq kOr dy kol ijhy ho ky ikhf, “qUM arfm nfl bursL kr. afpxy drvfjLy bfhroN bMd ny. EhI hoxH mYN sMDUaF dy tYlIPon krdF.” ieMdrjIq ny afpxy tuwQ bursL nUM mUMh ivwcoN kwZ ky bVI hYrfnI nfl puwiCaf, “krgy Auh kMm afvdf ijMnHF nUM asIN qusIN bVI isLwdq nfl AuzIk kr rhy sI, cor Brf? jy rsoeI vwl df drvfjLf bMd hY qF Auh lfgy afpF nUM Quwk.” “hF mYzm! lgdy, Auh lfgy ny luwprI.” jsvMq isMG df ichrf ievyN sI ijvyN AusdI mF mrn vyly hoieaf sI. “ieAuN nf kro. idl rwKo srdfr sfihb. qusIN afp hI qF ikhf krdy E beI jfn bcI lfKoN pfey.” kih ky ieMdrjIq kOr kurlI krn lwgI. Aus ny awKfN ivcly hMJU nfl dI nfl sfP kr ley. dUsry pfsy jdoN jsvMq isMG ny ibskutF vflf zwbf cwuikaf qF KusLI ivwc Aus dI cIk inkl geI sI, ieMdrjIq mYN afieaf cfh nfl ibskut vI KfeIN. gihxy vI pfeIN qy afpxy Krcy vI krIN.” EDr ieMdrjIq kOr vI sfrf kuJ smJ geI sI. lgdf ijvyN Auh dovyN jIa mrdy mrdy bc gey hox.

The Patrika

Friday, May 25th, 2018

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The Patrika


2018 F-150

Friday, May 25th, 2018



2018 F-150


2018 F-150







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-$7,934 -$7,969 -$7,981 -$7,885 -$7,969 -$7,393 -$7,541



50,705 51,120 51,258 $ 50,104 $ 51,120 $ 42,646 $ 44,283 $



2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD $60799 -$1000 -$14,039 $46,760 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD $58199 -$1000 -$13,834 $44,365 EXJ01061 F1J39833 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD $50024 -$1000 -$13,429 $36,595 FEH65426 EXJ16668 F1J39834 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD $50024 -$1000 -$13,429 $36,595 FEH68702 EXJ14167 F1J15410 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD $60649 -$1000 -$14,024 $46,625 FOH50390 EXJ92683 F1J15411 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD $60649 -$1000 -$14,024 $46,625 FOH26220 EXJ16670 F1J91855 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD $60799 -$1000 -$14,039 $46,760 FOH20491 THE LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR ON ALL F-SERIES F1J91857 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD $60799 -$1000 -$14,039 $46,760 $ FOH21144 F1J74985 2018 FORD F-150 KING RANCH CREW CAB 145” WB 4WD $82549 -$1000 -$16,200 66,349 F1J91858 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD $60799 -$1000 -$14,038 $46,761 $ FNH35461 -$1000 -$15,3291000 F1J35393 2018 FORD F-150 LARIAT CREW CAB 145” WB 4WD 59,020 DOWN F1J06263 2018 FORD(&&& 9DLC F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD $60799 -$1000 -$14,038 $46,761 0$74349 DOWN )&&& 9DLC $ FNH72956 F1J17647 2018 FORD F-150 LARIAT CREW CAB 145” WB 4WD F1J06264 $73349 -$1000 -$15,266 58,083 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD $60799 -$1000 -$14,038 $46,761 $ FNH25302 F1J76109 2018 FORD F-150 LARIAT CREW CAB 145” WB 4WD F1J91861 $73949 -$1000 -$15,298 58,651 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD $53499 -$1000 -$13,715 $39,784 $ FNH38040 F1J76111 2018 FORD F-150 LARIAT CREW CAB 145” WB 4WD F1J48664DT 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB SOLD $70299 -$1000 -$15,015 55,284 4WD $59379 -$1000 -$14,196 $45,183 $ TVH03055 F1J36808 2018 FORD F-150 LARIAT CREW CAB 145” WB 4WD F1J00420 $67549 -$1000 -$14,814 52,735 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD $61299 -$1000 -$14,351 $46,948 $ Total $17,706 CANADAS BEST LINE UP OF SUV’S F1J99757 2018 FORD F-150 LIMITED CREW CAB 145” WBSOLD 4WD F1J62646 $81649 -$1000 -$15,963 65,686 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 157” WB 4WDpaid $60299 -$1000 -$14,323 $45,976 $ $ ECJ62903 2018 FORD ECOSPORT SE 4DR $26889 -$1000 -$3,972 F1J74512 2018 FORD F-150 PLATINUM CREW CAB 145” WB 4WD 22,917 F1J48741DT 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 157” WB SOLD $77809 -$1000 -$15,883 61,926 4WD $57614 -$1000 -$13,844 $43,770 Ecoboost Engine 10 Speed Automatic Transmission $ $ 2018 FORD ECOSPORT SE 4DR WB 4WD $31489 -$1000 -$4,815 26,674 F1J35396Theft 2018 FORD F-150 PLATINUM CREW CAB 145” WB 4WD F1J04928 $79229 -$1000 -$16,000 63,229 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 157” WB 4WD $60549 -$1000 -$14,071 $46,478 AirECJ74165 Conditioning Power Group, SYNC Keyless Entry/Anti $ ECJ86497 2018 FORD ECOSPORT SES 4DR 4WD $31189 -$1000 -$4,773 $26,416 F1J91026 2018 FORD F-150 XL CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD F1J96902 $45049 -$1000 -$12,985 32,064 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 157” WB 4WD $58049 -$1000 -$14,139 $43,910 Class IV Trailer Hitch XTR Package 18” Chrome Wheels $ $ ECJ86810 2018 FORD ECOSPORT TITANIUM 4DR SUV 4WD $32889 -$1000 -$4,888 28,001 F1J91027 2018 FORD F-150 XL CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD F1J04909DT 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 157” WB SOLD $45049 -$1000 -$12,985 32,064 4WD $60609 -$1000 -$14,349 $46,260 Chrome Running Boards All Terrain Tires. $ $ EDJ14031 2018 FORD EDGE SE 4DR SUV $35289 -$1000 -$5,706 29,584 F1J91028 2018 FORD F-150 XL CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD F1J27396 $47149 -$1000 -$13,157 33,992 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 157” WB 4WD $50024 -$1000 -$13,476 $36,548 $ $ EDJ82444 2018 FORD EDGE SE 4DR SUV $35389 -$1000 -$5,710 29,679 F1J91029 2018 FORD F-150 XL CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD F1J19952 $47149 -$1000 -$13,157 33,992 2018 FORD F-150 XLT SUPER CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD $56549 -$1000 -$13,675 $42,874 $ $ EDJ82445 2018 FORD EDGE SE 4DR SUV $35389 -$1000 -$5,710 29,679 SOLD F1J91030 2018 FORD F-150 XL CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD F1J19953 $47149 -$1000 -$13,157 33,992 2018 FORD F-150 XLT SUPER CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD $56549 -$1000 -$13,675 $42,874 $ $ EDJ76530 2018 FORD EDGE SEL 4DR SUV $44489 -$1000 -$7,053 37,436 ............................................................................... F1J91031 2018 FORD F-150 XL CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD F1J10866 $47149 -$1000 -$13,157 33,992 2018 FORD F-150 XLT SUPER CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD $51699 -$1000 -$13,532 $38,167 $ $ EDJ46288 2018 FORD EDGE SPORT 4DR SUV $57389 -$1000 -$8,763 48,626 F1J91853 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB F1J10867 $42649 -$1000 -$12,740 29,909 2018 FORD F-150 XLT SUPER CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD $50049 -$1000 -$13,397 $36,652 ............................................ $ $ EDJ69293 2018 FORD EDGE TITANIUM 4DR SUV $48389 -$1000 -$7,314 41,075 F1J09816 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD F1J10868 $53849 -$1000 -$13,740 40,109 2018 FORD F-150 XLT SUPER CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD $50049 -$1000 -$13,397 $36,652 $ $ EDJ66377 2018 FORD EDGE TITANIUM 4DR SUV $49534 -$1000 -$7,402 42,132 F1J62696 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD F1J04939 $60799 -$1000 -$14,038 46,761 2018 FORD F-150 XLT SUPER CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD $47524 -$1000 -$13,190 $34,335 ............................ $ EDJ54727 2018 FORD EDGE TITANIUM 4DR SUV $48339 -$1000 -$7,310 $41,029 F1J62697 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD F1J76112 $60799 -$1000 -$14,038 46,761 2018 FORD F-150 XLT SUPER CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD $47029 -$1000 -$13,149 $33,880 $ EDJ18297 2018 FORD EDGE TITANIUM 4DR SUV $53389 -$1000 -$7,702 $45,687 ........................ F1J62699 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD F1J76113 $53049 -$1000 -$14,734 38,315 2018 FORD F-150 XLT SUPER CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD $50399 -$1000 -$13,426 $36,973 $ EDJ76531 2018 FORD EDGE TITANIUM 4DR SUV $47839 -$1000 -$7,272 $40,567 F1J62700 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD F1J76114 $49149 -$1000 -$13,693 35,457 2018 FORD F-150 XLT SUPER CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD $49299 -$1000 -$13,336 $35,963 $ EAJ77906 2018 FORD ESCAPE SE 4DR SUV $30339 -$1000 -$5,654 $24,685 F1J62701 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD F3J15689 $49149 -$1000 -$13,357 35,792 2018 FORD F-350 LARIAT CREW CAB 4DR 160” WB 4WD $90839 -$1000 -$15,590 $75,249 $ EAJ77907 2018 FORD ESCAPE SE 4DR SUV $30339 -$1000 -$5,654 $24,685 F1J62705 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD F3J01753 $49149 -$1000 -$13,357 35,792 2018 FORD F-350 LARIAT CREW CAB 4DR 160” WB 4WD $89859 -$1000 -$15,511 $74,348 $ EAJ13985 2018 FORD ESCAPE SE 4DR SUV $31989 -$1000 -$5,785 $26,204 SOLD F1J62706 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WBSOLD 4WD F3J01754 $49149 -$1000 -$13,357 35,792 2018 FORD F-350 LARIAT CREW CAB 4DR 160” WB 4WD $92848 -$1000 -$16,409 $76,439 $ EAJ91385 2018 FORD ESCAPE SE 4DR SUV $30789 -$1000 -$5,689 $25,100 F1J62707 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD F3J93765 $49149 -$1000 -$13,357 35,792 2018 FORD F-350 LARIAT CREW CAB 4DR 160” WB 4WD $85459 -$1000 -$15,149 $70,311 SOLD STK#62700 $ EAJ91387 2018 FORD ESCAPE SE 4DR SUV $30339 -$1000 -$5,654 $24,685 F1J62708 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD F3J62205 $49149 -$1000 -$13,357 35,792 2018 FORD F-350 LARIAT CREW CAB 4DR 176” WB 4WD $86499 -$1000 -$15,246 $71,253 $ EAJ91388 2018 FORD ESCAPE SE 4DR SUV $30339 -$1000 -$5,654 $24,685 F1J62709 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD F3J01703 $49849 -$1000 -$13,414 36,435 2018 FORD F-350 LARIAT CREW CAB 4DR 176” WB 4WD $87669 -$1000 -$15,344 $72,325 $ $ EAJ91389 FORD ESCAPE SE 4DR SUV $30339 -$1000Ford -$5,654bedliner Price and2018 payments include a no-charge F1J62712 24,685 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD F3J01751 $49149 -$1000 -$13,357 35,792 2018 FORD F-350 LARIAT CREW CAB 4DR 176” WB 4WD $83659 -$1000 -$15,015 $68,644 $ EAJ45573 2018 FORD ESCAPE SE 4DR SUV $30039 -$1000 -$5,634 $24,405 F1J62713 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD F3J01755 $49149 -$1000 -$13,357 35,792 2018 FORD F-350 LARIAT CREW CAB 4DR 176” WB 4WD $84364 -$1000 -$15,072 $69,292 $ EAJ15556 SOLD 2018 FORD ESCAPE SE 4DR SUV $30339 -$1000 -$5,654 $24,685 -$13,357 F1J62714 35,792 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WBSOLD 4WD F3J93761 $49149 -$1000 2018 FORD F-350 LARIAT CREW CAB 4DR 176” WB 4WD $82789 -$1000 -$14,942 $67,847 Car proof report changes on us $ EAJ15557 2018 FORD ESCAPE SE 4DR SUV $30789 -$1000 -$5,689 $25,100 -$14,046Ford F1J04933 46,853 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD F3J93763 $60899 -$1000 2018 FORD F-350 LARIAT CREW CAB 4DR 176” WB 4WD HD $83239 -$1000 -$14,979 $68,260 MSA 152-point inspection $ EAJ77908 2018 FORD ESCAPE SE 4DR SUV 4WD $32489 -$1000 -$5,802 $26,687 -$14,057 F1J04938 46,992 for 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD F3J672786 months No payments available $61049 -$1000 2018 FORD F-350 PLATINUM CREW CAB 4DR 160” WB 4WD $92924 -$1000 -$14,111 $78,813 BHǚ ;dgY 8Zgi^ñZY EAJ77910 2018 FORD ESCAPE SE 4DR SUV 4WD $32939 -$1000 -$5,837 $27,102 Instant on-siteF3J15688 approval -$13,881 $44,918 F1J11194 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD $58799 -$1000 2018 FORD F-350 PLATINUM CREW CAB 4DR 160” WB 4WD $92924 -$1000 -$14,111 $78,813 EAJ32720 2018 FORD ESCAPE SE 4DR SUV 4WD $32139 -$1000 -$5,775 $26,364 Guaranteed dealer rates BC-$1000 -$14,151 $ -$13,225 $34,349 lowest F1J11209 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD F3J86634 $47574 -$1000 2018 FORD F-350centre PLATINUM CREWAPR CAB 4DR 160” WB 4WD in $93474 79,323 $ EAJ32842 2018 FORD ESCAPE SE 4DR SUV 4WD $33989 -$1000 -$5,919 $28,070 F1J96896 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD F3J86635 $60899 -$1000 -$14,046 46,853 2018 FORD F-350 PLATINUM CREW CAB 4DR 160” WB 4WD $93204 -$1000 -$14,131 $79,073 $ EAJ57527 2018 FORD ESCAPE SE 4DR SUV 4WD $32489 -$1000 -$5,802 $26,687 (&'( ;DG9 BJHIǚC< (&&, (&'+ ;DG9 ;#'+& F1J96901 44,054 F3J54890 2018 FORD F-350 PLATINUM CREW 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD $58149 -$1000 -$14,095 CAB 4DR 176” WB 4WD $92629 -$1000 -$14,107 $78,522 $ EAJ57529 EG:B>JB 2018 FORD ESCAPE SE 4DR SUV 4WD $33639 -$1000 -$5,891 $27,748 =JBB:G =( MAI H%8 F1J91017 46,853 F3J45759 2018 FORD F-350 PLATINUM CREW 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD $60899 -$1000 -$14,046 CAB 4DR 176” WB 4WD $93824 -$1000 -$14,191 $79,633 $ EAJ30059 2018 FORD ESCAPE SE 4DR SUV 4WD $34539 -$1000 -$5,961 $28,578 Convertible, Only 8dckZgi^WaZ" ǚjidbVi^X" F1J91018 46,853 F3J01757 2018 FORD F-350 XLT CREW CAB2.74DRL,160” WB 4WD 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD $60899 -$1000 -$14,046 $68739 -$1000 -$13,576 $55,164 V6, Leather , 99,799kms, $ Eco Boost, EAJ18013 2018 FORD ESCAPE SE 4DR SUV 4WD $33989 -$1000 -$5,919 $28,070 AZVi]Zg" CVk^\Vi^dc" F1J91019 46,853 F4J78449 2018 FORD F-450 PLATINUM CREW 2018 FORD F-150 CREW CAB 4DR 145” WBSOLD 4WD $60899 -$1000 -$14,046 CAB 4DR 176” WB 4WD $99064 -$1000 -$14,875 $84,189 4x4, Leather, PonyXLT Pack Trailer tow, $ UCC17168 EAJ64857 7VX`#Je 8VbZgV 2018 FORD ESCAPE SE 4DR SUV 4WD $32789 -$1000 -$5,823 $26,966 Sunroof, F1J91020 46,992 F4J78450 2018 FORD F-450 PLATINUM CREW 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD $61049 -$1000 -$14,057 4DR 176” WB 4WD $100164 -$1000 -$14,955 $85,209 17”CAB alloys, E8<&+,&* Navigation $ EAJ64858 2018 FORD ESCAPE SE 4DR SUV 4WD $32489 -$1000 -$5,802 $26,687 A/C F1J91021 46,992 F4J22931 2018 FORD F-450 PLATINUM CREW 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD $61049 -$1000 -$14,057 CAB 4DR 176” WB 4WD $98964 -$1000 -$14,868 $84,096 PT610011 #UTF64957 $ EAJ64859 2018 FORD ESCAPE SE 4DR SUV 4WD $34539 -$1000 -$5,961 $28,578 SOLD F1J91022 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD $61049 -$1000 -$14,057 46,992 CLEAROUT PRICES ON ALL 2018 NEW FORD CARS $ EAJ14004 2018 FORD ESCAPE SEL 4DR SUV 4WD $38284 -$1000 -$6,231 $32,053 F1J91023 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD FOJ26521 $61738 0 $61049 -$1000 -$14,057 46,992 -$7,065 $54,673 2018 FORD FOCUS RS 4DR HB AWD $ EAJ14005 2018 FORD ESCAPE SEL 4DR SUV 4WD $38284 -$1000 -$6,241 $32,043 F1J91024 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD FOJ26525 $61738 0 $61049 -$1000 -$14,057 46,992 -$7,065 $54,673 2018 FORD FOCUS RS 4DR HB AWD $ EAJ57530 2018 FORD ESCAPE SEL 4DR SUV 4WD $35889 -$1000 -$6,048 $29,841 F1J91025 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD FOJ48193 $23418 0 $61049 -$1000 -$14,057 46,992 -$5,146 $18,272 2018 FORD FOCUS SE 4DR HB $ EAJ15558 2018 FORD ESCAPE SEL 4DR SUV 4WD $35884 -$1000 -$6,048 $29,836 F1J39150 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD FOJ63630 $23518 0 $57249 -$1000 -$13,730 43,519 -$5,155 $18,363 2018 FORD FOCUS SE 4DR HB $ EAJ64860 2018 FORD ESCAPE SEL 4DR SUV 4WD $36439 -$1000 -$6,091 $30,348 F1J48541 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD FOJ63631 $23518 0 $52484 -$1000 -$13,630 38,854 -$5,155 $18,363 2018 FORD FOCUS SE 4DR HB $ EAJ59321 2018 FORD ESCAPE SEL 4DR SUV 4WD $34039 -$1000 -$5,905 $28,134 F1J76108 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD FOJ06147 $23518 0 $49149 -$1000 -$13,357 35,792 -$5,155 $18,363 2018 FORD FOCUS SE 4DR HB $ EAJ47462 2018 FORD ESCAPE TITANIUM 4DR SUV 4WD $41424 -$1000 -$6,423 $35,001 F1J48636 2018 FORD (&'* IDNDIǚ F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD FOJ74029 $24518 0 $60799 -$1000 -$14,038 46,761 -$5,246 $19,272 2018 FORD FOCUS SE 4DR HB (&'* C>HHǚC (&'' ?::E LGǚC<A:G $ EAJ13991 2018 FORD ESCAPE TITANIUM 4DR SUV 4WD $42039 -$1000 -$6,472 $35,567 F1J48637 2018 FORD GǚK* A: F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD FOJ74031 $25018 0 $60799 -$1000 -$14,038 46,761 -$5,291 $19,727 2018 FORD FOCUS SE 4DR HB EǚI=;>C9:G HK SAHARA $ EAJ57531 2018 FORD ESCAPE TITANIUM 4DR SUV 4WD $41974 -$1000 -$6,465 $35,509 F1J48638 2018 FORD Back-Up F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD FOJ53837 $24298 0 $60799 -$1000 -$14,861 45,938 -$5,239 $19,059 2018 FORD FOCUS SE 4DR SDN 4x4, Power 4x4, $ EAJ45575 Dcan *"+&&`bh" AZVi]Zg" 2018 FORD ESCAPE TITANIUM 4DR SUV 4WD $41389 -$1000 -$6,421 $34,968 F1J48639 46,761 FOJ63633 2018 FORD FOCUS SEL 4DR HB 2018 FORD Camera, F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WBSOLD 4WD Lift gate, Manual $27638 0 $60799 -$1000 -$14,038 -$5,004 $22,634 $ Back-Up Transmission, Front EAJ57556DT Hjcgdd[" ($-A :Xd7ddhi" 2018 FORD ESCAPE TITANIUM 4DR SUV 4WD $43179 -$1000 -$6,559 $36,620 F1J48640 46,761 FOJ53838 2018 FORD FOCUS SEL 4DR SDN 2018 FORD Heated F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD $27638 0 $60799 -$1000 -$14,038 -$5,004 $22,634 Camera, Navigation, Seats, $ $ EAJ64861 7VX`#Je 8VbZgV" 2018 FORD ESCAPE TITANIUM 4DR SUV 4WD $41974 -$1000 F1J48641 46,761 FOJ48192 2018 FORD FOCUS SEL 4DR SDN 2018 FORD USB F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD Heated Hard Top -$6,465 35,509 Port $27438 0 $60799 -$1000 -$14,038 -$4,987 $22,451 PTB47506 UTE97440 $ CVk^\Vi^dc Front Seats, EAJ64862 2018 FORD ESCAPE TITANIUM 4DR SUV 4WD $41424 -$1000 -$6,423 $35,001 F1J48642 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD FOJ74028 $27538 0 $60799 -$1000 -$14,038 -$4,995 $22,543 2018 FORD FOCUS SEL 4DR SDN E8=++,.) 46,761 New Tires $ EAJ64864 $41589 -$1000 -$6,436 $35,153 UTE168822018 FORD ESCAPE TITANIUM 4DR SUV 4WD F1J48643 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD 750 $27838 -$1000 -$5,888 $21,950 $60799 -$1000 -$14,038 46,761 2018 FORD FUSION SE 4DR SDN $ EAJ64865 2018 FORD ESCAPE TITANIUM 4DR SUV 4WD $42784 -$1000 -$6,528 $36,256 F1J48644 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD FNJ12600 $39438 -$1000 -$6,858 $32,580 $53049 -$1000 -$13,677 39,372 2018 FORD FUSION TITANIUM AWD $ EAJ64866 2018 FORD ESCAPE TITANIUM 4DR SUV 4WD $42634 -$1000 -$6,516 $36,118 F1J48645 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD FNJ92821 $36888 -$1000 -$6,625 $30,263 $53049 -$1000 -$13,677 39,372 2018 FORD FUSION TITANIUM AWD $ EAJ64867 2018 FORD ESCAPE TITANIUM 4DR SUV 4WD $42939 -$1000 -$6,540 $36,399 F1J48647 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD FNJ05624 $45688 -$1000 -$7,338 $38,350 $53049 -$1000 -$13,677 39,372 2018 FORD FUSION V6 SPORT AWD $ EXJ01062 2018 FORD EXPLORER PLATINUM 4DR SUV 4WD $63289 -$1000 -$8,229 $55,060 F1J48648 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD MUJ31161 2018 FORD MUSTANG ECOBOOST 2DR CPE $32238 -$1000 -$3,500 $28,738 $53049 -$1000 -$13,677 39,372 $ EXJ74452 2018 FORD EXPLORER PLATINUM 4DR SUV 4WD $64039 -$1000 -$8,287 $55,752 F1J27393 2018 FORD F-150 XLT CREW CAB 4DR 145” WB 4WD MUJ50685 2018 FORD MUSTANG ECOBOOST 2DR CPE $32488 -$1000 -$3,500 $28,988 $60649 -$1000 -$14,024 46,625 F3H97538


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Some vehicles advertised do not qualify for low APR financing because of the applicable *cash discount/rebate/non stackable cash. Vehicles advertised are subject to prior sale. Offers only valid at MSA Ford Sales. Retail offers may be canceled or changed at any time without notice. Limit one (1) incentive redemption per Eligible Model sale. Some offers are not rain-checkable. All prices are plus taxes and fees. All offers good on current in-stock MSA Ford Sales vehicles only. For factory orders, a customer may either take advantage of eligible Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited retail customer promotional incentives/offers available at the time of vehicle factory order or time of vehicle delivery, but not both or combinations thereof, subject to incentive rules and eligibility. Lease calculations are as follows, 2018 F-350 Total Paid: $20,536, lease end payout $26,120. 2018 F-150 Total Paid: $9,031, lease end payout $20,151. 2018 Escape Total Paid: $10,214, lease end payout $9,120. 2018 Edge Total Paid: $11,625, lease end payout $12,351. Prices advertised are net of all available rebates including, Built ford Tough Accessory Cash Alternative, SUV leadership Cash, and Non stackable cash incentive (* “Cash” Discount), and all Ford delivery allowances. Our advertised prices include Freight, and P.D.I. add dealer documentation and registration fees of $480, and applicable taxes and fees. All offers expire March 31, 2018 @ 5:00PM (PST) Dealer may sell for less.



Friday, May 25th, 2018

The Patrika 



The Patrika



Friday, May 25th, 2018













$24,999 2013 BMW 328XI 328I XDRIVE SEDAN

$22,999 30355 Automall Drive, Abbotsford, BC V2T 5M1 | Toll Free: 1.888.220.1853 All prices do not include taxes, license or admin fee of $499, see dealer for details. All prices, Details , Description may change .

Balwinder S. Sran Cell: 778-242-1202

jI[aYm[ (GM) dI koeI vI gwzI KRIdx jF lIjL 'qy lYx leI blivMdr isMG srHF jF nvjoq isMG afhlUvflIaf nfl sMprk kro:

“ All prices do not include license, taxes or documentation fee of $599. See dealer for complete details.”


Navjot Ahluwalia Cell: 778-344-0007

Friday, May 25th, 2018




Friday, May 25th, 2018

Oak Realty Parv Harry Shinder Gill PREC Little Independently Owned and Operated 604.832.0540 Top 1% Realtor of FVREB 2010-2015 604.832.0944 12 Years Experience!

and Master Medallion 2006-2014

12 Years Experience! |

Shinder Gill PREC

Parv Harry

Visit our Website for more pictures & New Listings 604-859-2341

NEW "Homes Coming Soon in Abbotsford & Maple Ridge!"


"20 Homes located on East Side of Abbotsford starting at $1.1 Million." "6 Coach Homes in Auguston coming June 2018 starting at $1.1 Million." "17 Homes in Auguston, some lots with greenbelt, starting at $1.2 Million."

Call To Reserve Yours 24265 112 Avenue, Maple Ridge

$ 960,000 This spacious corner lot has a lot to offer both inside and outside the house. It has extra windows that gives the home great lighting and main floor has 10 ft. ceilings. The floor plan is designed to give comfortable living by having 4 bedrooms and 4 washrooms in the whole house along with a rec room in the basement for upstair usage.

3090 Goldfinch St, Abbotsford

$ 843,800 Huge house over 3,800 sq.ft on big lot over 7,200 sq.ft that has 6 bedrooms with 3 bathrooms making it a nice size for any family. Along with 2 bedroom legal suite with solid 2x6 construction makes the house heat efficient. Both main floor and basement have laundry making it convenient.


$ 625,000


Ready to build your dream, look no further as this lot that is over 5,400 sq.ft and plans allow for a legal suite. House plans are available to view that has 6 bedrooms and 4 bedrooms accommodating any size family. Great location that is close to all amenities and minutes from freeway access.

8296 204 Street, Langley

$1,050,000 Gorgeous 2 storey house with a basement is located in one of the more desirable neighbourhoods of Langley. Designed for comfortable living. House has 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. Quality finishing with high ceilings and spacious rooms. The chef like kitchen has stainless steel appliances with many units for extra


“Ready to build lots available in Maple Ridge, Langley & Abbotsford” "CALL FOR MORE INFO”

24271 112 Avenue, Maple Ridge

$ 950,000

Custom built house on close to 6,000 sq.ft lot. House has 6 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms making it convenient for a larger sized family with children or extra guests. Theater room and bar are located in the basement for upstairs usage. This house includes a double garage with additional parking making parking easy at this home.Call today to get your very own personal tour!

3897 Brighton Place $ 1,000,000 This beautiful custom built home sits on over 7,200 sq. ft. lot with an amazing floor plan. This house is a must see with a spacious layout and high ceilings giving this house a breathtaking finish. Upstairs rooms are spacious with natural

33412 KILDARE TERRACE, Abbotsford

$ 369,000

$ 695,000

Spacious 2 bedroom and 2 bathroom corner unit with granite counter tops. House has a lot of natural light. Great tenants that kept the property in mint condition. This is a good investment or perfect for a first time buyer. Good location that is walking distance to nearby shops and schools.

This well kept house is located on a corner 6,000 sq.ft lot and is close to all amenities. There is a view of a greenbelt on the side of the house. Owner did some recent upgrades with new laminate floors and new painting giving the house a nice finishing. Large driveway allowing for RV parking. Close to UFV, Hospital, Abbotsford Center and easy access to freeway.

11230 243 Street

32656 Marshall Rd

$ 1,050,000

$ 700,000

Brand New 2 Storey with Basement Family Home! This gorgeous home has a spacious feel with open layout. The upper floor offers 4 Bdrms up with a Den on the Main Floor. One of the kids will enjoy a bathroom with their bedroom on the upper floor. Rec Room with also a legal 2 bedroom basement for a growing family.

Custom built 2 storey house with security cameras on a house over 3100 sq.ft. Main floor has high 10 ft ceilings and basement has 9 ft high ceilings. Driveway is extra wide, making it convenient for RV parking. Huge custom kitchen, with built in coffee table and quartz counter tops in the whole house. House has air conditioning and full fenced backyard.

27644 Lundeberg Ave $ 1,190,000

Call To Reserve Yours

216-2955 Diamond Crescent,Abbotsford

This new home is a must see that is located on a lot over 4,000 sq.ft. There is a total of 4 bedrooms and 4 washrooms in the whole house. House has a very cozy feeling in it with quality appliances and chef like kitchen. Great location that is close to all amenities and walking distance to nearby park. Basement has a rec room for upstairs usage along with a nice open bar to entertain guests

2357 Bevan Crescent $ 1,125,000

"Townhome sites available in Langley, Mission & Maple Ridge"

Well maintained rancher on huge 8400 sqft lot with big 660 sqft shop.This solid 3 bedroom rancher features vaulted livingroom ceiling. covered patio,

36061 Emily Carr Green



Home you can subdivide into 2 or 3 lots 4 bedrooms home close by King rd / Jackson elementary school

This house is a must see as it implements smart home technology that can be controlled by your very own Ipad. The house has 4 bedrooms upstairs with a custom built shower in the master bedroom along with built in alarm system, built in vacuum, fridge, stove, dishwasher, washer and dryer.There is a 2 bedroom unauthorized suite in the basement plus a legal 589 sq. ft. coach home that has its very own hot water heat, fridge, stove, dishwasher, washer and dryer for extra income.

Lot only that they can build new house on over 5,000 sq. ft. lot


Close To 5 Acres Clear Land For $1,700,000.00

24279-112 Ave

$ 970,000



$ 825,000

$ 1,150,000

31531 Upper Maclure Rd

36076 Emily Carr Green

$ 850,000 SO


Superior built home located in East Abbotsford that offers exceptional quality and design! Approximately 2900 Sq ft home. Designer color scheme, great attention to detail and finishing throughout the home with beautiful kitchen cabinets, quartz countertops and 10-ft ceiling on the main floor for an open, spacious feeling

3108 Engineer Court, Abbotsford




$900,000 Mint condition over 4,600 sq.ft easy access to highway long driveway 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms custom built kitchen

NEED MORE LISTINGS! hor ilsitMgjL dI loV hY.

We have qualified buyers PAGE R2

sfzy kol XogqfpUrn (kuaflIPfeIz) KrIddfr hn.

Friday, May 25th, 2018




Friday, May 25th, 2018



dIp iFloN 604.832.0480

Ph: 604-864-0666 • Fax: 604-864-0668 Toll Free: 1-866-967-0666

Call Today for your Free Market Evaluation!

#110- 30485 Cardinal Avenue, Abbotsford BC V4X 2M9


3789 Coachstone Way, 3363 Horn St Abbotsford Abbotsford Creekstone on the Park". Well-kept Custom built 2 storey w/walk-out basement backing onto green space. Very private setting. Many updates. 3 bedrooms up, 1 bedroom in the bsmt and den on main. home features 4 gas fireplaces, granite countertops, S/S appliances in the kitchen, hardwood floor on main and 2nd floor. W/O basement has 4th bedroom, rec room with marble decorated wet bar, theater room and sauna in the basement.

MILLION DOLLAR MOUNT BAKER VIEW CENTRAL Location, view, You can have it all! It offers Blueberry, panoramic views of mountains. Impressive 4799 sq.ft. mansion is located on 8.5 acres Planted Duke, 4 yrs old plants. Covered sundeck, spectacular bedrooms with Ensuites.

$ 1,899,000

3 SOLD ONE AVAILABLE Townhouse Legal Suite close to Baba Banda 407 31771 13505 62 Ave Singh Peardonville Rd Surrey Abbotsford Bahadur This home has 2 spacious Gurdwara bedrooms, 2 baths, living area, good size kitchen and dining space Penthouse. Lots of updates include new laminate flooring, fresh paint, newer roof and much more. The building has been very well maintainedwell managed.

$ 349,000


$ 599,000 For more info please call Deep or Harjinder

Gary Tiwana

gYrI itvfxf Cell

604-807-6477 4 Building Lots

2 Lots In West Abby, 2 Lots In East Abby All Lots With Legal Suites. You Can Build 3 Story Homes. Ready to build in June 2018. Prices from $ 609,900 - $ 695,000 Call Gary For More Info

Commercial Building Lot. Fraser Hwy & 271 St.

5 Acres - House & Blueberries

Beautiful 5 Acres & Renovated Home 3 Bdrm Rancher . Office & Big 22 X 70 Shed. 7 Yr Old Blueberries (Bluecrop & Duke). TOTAL INCOME $50,000/yr Close To Town. Drive by 2034 - Bradner Rd.

LARGE RANCHER WITH FINISHED W/O BSMT Flat 6000 Comm. Lot Ready to build in downtown Aldergrove. No G.S.T Building plans submitted. Zoning C-2 allows Rental/Office and Residential. Can build multi-storey Call Gary



Spacious, Clean home on a big 10,672 sq.ft lot Urban 3 infill zoning. Subdivision potential 2 lots Over 2800 sq.ft on 2 floors. Unauthorized suite down. Great tenants pay $2350/mo. Double garage. RV parking Quiet cul-de-sac location.

property into two RF lots

6757 134A St 33394 Hawthorne Ave Abbotsford Surrey Totally renovated gem located in quite and central location of West Newton. This 2700 sq.ft home features two and one bedrooms suites as great mortgage helper. Upgrades include new roof, furnace, hot water tank, flooring, kitchens, washroom , appliances and windows. big lot 66 by 122.

$ 1,250,000 $ 1,049,000

70 x 115 Rancher

Mainly Landvalue

$ 619,000

Friday, May 25th, 2018




Friday, May 25th, 2018

RESIDENTIAL | 3432 Promontory St.

Near Sikh Temple

LD 32107


Clinton Ave

2 Storey With Bsmt 6 Bdrm, 3.5 Bath Recroom & Bsmt Suite

44-31255 Upper Maclure 32043 Tims Avenue 32827 Hardwood place


D L122-2515


2 Bedroom condo Rentals allowed

2095 Beaver St

11-33682 Marshall rd 403-33960 Old Yale Road

Park dr

2 bdrm 2 bath Strata fee 230.61/mo

34118 Larch Street 2411 Adelaide st 2994 Eastview street

FARMS | 14.07 Acres

20 Acres

12 Acres

10 Acres

planted in blueberries flat rectangluar parcel build your dream home 5 min from abbotsford centre

126 Whatcom Rd, Abbotsford Income producing Bluberry Planted in Duke & Elliott Near Sumas border

Sumas Prairie, Abbotsford

19.5 Acres

10 Acres

Flat fertile land Plant berries or other crops Near no. 3 rd exit

40721 No. 1 Rd, Abbotsford 12 Acres bare land 3 Bedroom hous

69.29 Acres


BEHARREL RD, ABBOTSFORD Planted In Blueberries Flat Rectangular Parcel Build Your Dream Home 5 Min From Abbotsford Centre

25.39 Acres

$2,299,000 565 MARION RD, ABBOTSFORD New listing Build your dream home Sumas prairie Drip irreg Duke & Elliot Variety

10 mins from sumas way


ABBOTSFORD /MISSION HWY Home & Acreage Easy To Show Property Has Pool & Hot Tub 4 Acres Is Leased For Hay

5927 SUMAS PRAIRIE RD, CHILLIWACK 2 Homes & Big Machine Shed Planted In Duke & Elliott Full Production Blueberry Set Up For Machine Pick Easy Access To Hwy 1

32425 King Road..............................5 Acres 1723 Jackson Street.........................Appx 5 Acres 28028 layman avenue .....................Appx 5 Acres 6230 riverside street.........................Appx 5 Acres

430 BOWMAN RD, ABBOTSFORD Full Production Blueberry, Duke, Blue Crop, Liberty

6113 Beharrell Road..............................Appx 10 Acres 7.09 acres lot B Haverman ...................Appx 7 Acres 5111 Tolmie road................................... Appx 8 Acres 14627 Dixon road ..................................Appx 30 Acres

Friday, May 25th, 2018





Friday, May 25th, 2018

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