WEEKLY WEEKLY Friday, June 01st, 2018 Friday, -XQH , 2018 Vol. 22, 22, No.3 No.37 Vol.
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PATRIKA “Bridging Communities�
A Secular, Independent and Progressive Newspaper
jsmIq PUlkf ny sfsfrI golz kwbIqy p idnIN ijwialbrtf qaf sUby dy bhuq hI sohxy sLihr aYzimMtn ivKy knyzf hfeI skUl rysilMg aYsoiseysLn vloN knyzf hfeI skUl rYsilMg cYpIa-
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blvIr isMG Plpoqf | 604-807-6455 See More On Page 13
The Patrika
ERMS Integrity Community Project
n May 16th , 2018 Eugene Reimer Middle celebrated their 3rd annual School of Character Initiative. Each year the school has chosen one of the 6 character traits of the Abbotsford City of Character. This year the focus on was integrity. All teachers and all students in the school joined with 20 community members, which included educators, business professionals and community leaders, to provide insight and share their own life lessons on integrity. The community partnerships were a huge part of the success of the program as Eugene Reimer strives to instill these lifelong character traits that students will use at school and in our community. PAGE 2
All students took part in lessons that explored the meaning of integrity beforehand. During the event students, community members and teachers worked alongside one another to develop a culminating statement of what integrity meant to them. Next, Eugene Reimer will create a lasting legacy by permanently installing those 16 statements on a “walk of integrity” inside the school. For years to come, the Eugene Reimer community will be inspired by this meaningful project.
Friday, June 1st 2018
Friday, June 1st, 2018
The Patrika
asIN quhfzy Gr afky vI srivs idMdy hF
33222 Elz Xyl roz,aYbtsPorz, bI sI V2T 3LB imlx leI apufieMtmYNt jLrUrI hY
isrP aYbtsPorz rihx vfilaF leI puwCigwC
The Patrika
QoVHIaF ijhIaF jUnF nUM Cwz ky bfkI 84 lwK jUnF dy pRfxIaF ny afpo afpxy rYx bsyry jLrUr bxfey hn, nyl qy cUhy ny zuz iqafr kr leI ,pMCIaF ny aflHxy qy mnuwKf jfq ny kuwlI. qrwkI kridaF mnuwK ny kwKF kfinaF dI kuwlI qoN Cwq vfly koTy Ausfrny sLurU kIqy, qy iPr ienHF dI aMdrlI bfhrlI idwK nUM hor suMdr aqy suKmeI bxfAuNidaF koTy koTIaF df rUp Dfr gey. sMsfr ivwc ijwQy ikqy vI mnuwK vsdf hY EWQy Auh Gr jLrUr Ausfrdf hY. Gr Aus koTy nUM ikhf jFdf hY ijs ivwc mnuwK afpxy twbr kbIly nfl iewk Cwq hyT ipafr aqy arfm nfl rih sky aqy qrwkIaF kr sky. Gr ikwdF df hovy, ieh bxfAux vfly dIaF sB rhfiesLI loVF pUrIaF krdf hovy, mOsmI qy Zo ZuafeI dIaF shUlqF idMdf hovy. sMsfr dy bhuqy dysLF dy visLMdy afpxI kmfeI nfl mnmrjLI dy Gr bxfAuNdy hn aqy EQoN dIaF srkfrF df ienHF ivwc koeI vI dKl nHIN huMdf, koeI Gr bxfvy jF Zfvy, vycy jF KrIdy, srkfrF nUM koeI pRfblm nhIN huMdI pr knyzf dI srkfr kuJ hor agFh vDU dysLF vFg Gr AusfrI ivwc bhuq hI sfrQk dKl idMdI hY. srkfr kfnUMn AusfrIaF df hwk rwKdI hY. vfqfvrx vl iDafn idMidaF srkfr ny qYa krnf huMdf hY ik ikMny rkby ivwcoN ikMnf Cwiqaf jf skdf hY, iewk blfk ivwc ikMny Gr Ausfrny hn?GrF dy sfeIjL, agly ipCly lfan, sVkF, vfk, vsoN dy ihsfb nfl skUl kflj, PUz stor, hwspqfl, afvfjfeI sfDn, ibjlI, pfxI, tYlIPon, suhfvxy pfrk, pfrkI shUlqF, bwicaF qy bjLurgF dIaF loVF dI pUrqI dy sfDn, bws stfp, hr iksm dI sikAurtI dy pRbMD afid srkfr dy hwQ ivwc hn. bhuq hI KusLI dI gwl hY ik ieQoN dIaF srkfrF aqy lok kMm siBafcfr (vrk klcr) hMZfAudy hn afm visLMdf ivhly nUM psMd nHIN krdf pr kfmy nUM hr QF siqkfr aqy pihl pRfpq hY. eys suwcy mfrg df hr pFDI KusLhfl jIvn ijAux Xog bx jFdf hY. asIN dyKdy hF ik keI dysLF dy lok kMm krnf cfhuMdy huMdy hn pr kMm AuplbD nhIN huMdy, ies qoN Ault keI dysLF ivwc kMm AuplbD huMdy hn pr keI lok kMm krn dI nIaq nhIN rwKdy huMdy. rwb ny bMdy nUM kMm krn leI hwQ pYr idwqy hn qy ikrq krky ijLMdgI ijAux df shI rfh idwqf hoieaf hY pr kuJ lok kMm nUM nf psMd kridaF nrk Bogdy dyKy jf skdy hn, hr bMdy nUM hwk hY ik Auh jIvn rfh cuxy. Auh socy ik Aus ny KusLhfl hoxf hy ik mMdhfl? ijAux leI by igxq loVF hn qy loVF dI pUrqI leI ikrq dI sKq loV hY. eys swc nUM BlIBFq jfxidaF hoieaF vI knyzf ivwc keI aOrqF mrd ivhly hn, by-Gr hn. mnuwKI shUlqF ivhuxy ienHf lokF dI mwq qy kI prdf ipaf hY, mMg ky jF corIaF krky ijAu rhy hn. eyQoN dIaF srkfrF df cfhy ieh PrjL qF nhIN bxdf pr iPr vI ienHF nUM ijAuNdy rwKx leI ienHF nUM hr rojL PUz aqy ishq shUlqF idwqIaF jf rhIaF hn. hr ipMz, ksby aqy sLihr ivwc PUzbYNk hn ijwQoN ienHF nUM rwjvF Bojn muPq idwqf jFdf hY qy ieh Kf pI ky sfrf idn ivhly bYTy dyKy jf skdy hn. vwD
loV pYx qy ieh lokF kolo mMgdy vI hn, keI qrs krn vfly ienHF nUM Bojn dfn vjoN dy jFdy hn, keI afpxy bwicaF dy jnm idnF jF hor KusLI idhfVy qy ienHF nUM PUz aqy kwpVy dfn kr jFdy hn keI Drm duafiraF qy jF iswK gurU GrF ivwc jf ky vI ieh rwj ky Kf lYNdy hn. ieh qF hoeI iZwz Brn dI gwl, hux krIey isr lukfAux dI gwl. afpxI kuwlI jF Gr bxfAuxf mnuwKI PrjL hY, ieh srkfr df PrjL nhIN bxdf pr knyzf dIaF srkfrF ny ienHF leI hmdrdI Biraf vqIrf kridaF ienHF leI Coty Gr bxf ky dy vI bYTIaF qy BivwK ivwc hor Gr bxf ky ienHF nUM dyx dy Auprfly ivwc hn. ieh lok srkfrI QfvF qy jfN suMny QfvF ivwc qrpYlF dIaF JuwgIaF bxf ky rihMdy hn, nIvyN QfvF qy keI vfr pfxI af jFdf hY, sno Pfl vyly koeI rfh rsqy nhIN huMdy, TMZ df koeI Aupfa nhIN huMdf, TMZ nfl pfxI jMm gey huMdy hn ieh Tur Tur krdy EQy hI rhI jFdy hn. mINh anHyrI qoN koeI bcfa nHIN huMdf, mfrU jfnvrF qoN koeI isikAurtI nhIN huMdI grmI srdI nijwTx leI koeI sfDn nhIN huMdf, ibjlI dI, pfxI dI tfielt dI bfQrUmF dI koeI shUlq nhIN huMdI. eynIaF qMgIaF ivwc rih ky vI ieMnHF dy pwQr mn nhIN socdy ik kMm kIqf jfvy qy musLiklF qoN injLfq pfeI jfvy. ipCly ZfeI sflF qoN mkfnF dIaF kImqF asmfnI cVH rhIaF hn. srkfrI Koj df Kulfsf hY ik bjLurgF dI igxqI vD rhI hY, bfhroN af ky keI lok vwzy nvysL kr rhy hn, pfpUlysLn ivwc vfDf ho irhf hY, ividafrQI lVky lVkIaF af rhy hn, ienHF sB nUM GrF dI loV hY. so srkfr ienHF leI Coty Gr Ausfr rhI hY. kImqF nUM cuwkx ivwc tYksF dIaF cormorIaF df bhuq vwzf hwQ hY, hux ieh corI bMd hovygI. mkfnI kImqF nUM itkfxy rwKx leI hr ielfky dy lokF dIaF loVF pUrIaF krdy Gr Ausfry jfxgy qF ik kImqF itkIaF rihx. AusfrIaF eynIaF vDf dyxIaF hn ik zImFz kfbU ivwc rhy. keI vwzy sLihrF ivwc lok bysimMtF dy ikrfey dyx jogy nhIN hn, ikrfey $800-1300 qwk ho gey hn, ies qoN ibnF vI bysmYNtF iml hI nhIN rhIaF srkfr ienHF sB smwisafvF nUM njLr ivwc rwKidaF ienHF dy ZukvyN hwl qlfsL rhI hY aqy XkIn idvf rhI hY ik bhqu hI jldI ienHF musLiklF qoN afp injLfq pRfpq kr skogy. bI sI srkfr ny ssqy GrF dI AuplBqf leI Tos kdm cuwky hn ijvyN hux mkfn bxdf bxdf vyc ky tYks dI corI bMd hovygI, munfsP GrF nUM ZOxf roikaf jfvygf, mihMgy konzo Ausfrn dI QF Coty Gr Ausfry jfxgy, ikrfey vfly GrF dI alwg AusfrI hovygI, POrn KrIddfr tYks, spYkUlysLn tYks qy sKqI, rijstrIaF smyN tYksF dy Gply kfbU kIqy jfxgy. sfzy pRImIar df vfadf hY ik jldI qoN jldI ienHF musLiklF nUM hwl kr ilaf jfvygf. afE afpF ienHF vfaidaF dIaF pUrqIaF dI AuzIk krIey – “jo vfadf kIaf vo inBfnf pVygf” DMnvfd sihq sMpfdkI mMzl
Friday, June 1st 2018
Friday, June 1st, 2018
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, June 1st 2018
You're Invited! Sikh Heritage Museum Launches 'Desis in the Diaspora' Exhibit l June 10th, 3PM
e are pleased to invite you to attend the opening reception and launch of our latest exhibit, titled Desis in the Diaspora on Sunday, June 10th at 3pm. This exhibit features the work of Jagdeep Singh Raina. Jagdeep Singh Raina (b.1991), is a Canadian artist from Guelph, Ontario. He holds an MFA degree in painting from the Rhode Island School
of Design and has been an artist in residence at the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture in Madison, Maine, the Fine Arts Work Center in
Provincetown, Massachusetts and the Camden Arts Centre/Slade School of Fine Art in London, United Kingdom. The exhibit also features four youth photographers whose work was selected as part of a nation-wide call for artists. The opening reception will includes an artist talk by Jagdeep Singh as well as a talk by Buncy Pagely, in legacy of her father Sardar Mahinder Singh Beadall. We will also be unveiling a new Legacy Hall during this opening reception. ALL are invited to attend and please feel free to send this invitation to others. We are excited about this opportunity to showcase the talent of youth artists as they interpret their meanings of ‘Desi.’ Please feel free to connect with me if you have any additional questions.
The Patrika
Friday, June 1st, 2018
Prime growing areas for B.C. oysters contain alarmingly high concentrations of plastic microbeads New research from SFU’s Ecotoxicology Research Group shows Lambert Channel and Baynes Sound off Denman Island are awash with microbeads and other microplastics including fragments and fibres.
Bendell points out that the shellfish industry makes extensive use of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), in the form of netting, oyster bags, trays, cages and fences which makes up a large amount of the recovered plastic.
The area is also home to approximately 130 shellfish farms – which is part of the problem and a health concern says lead author Leah Bendell, a professor of marine ecology and ecotoxicology at SFU.
Previous studies have shown that oyster reproduction and overall health has been adversely affected by exposure to polystyrene microplastics because it interferes with their energy uptake and allocation, reproduction and overall Using a technique developed by co- performance. author and PhD candidate Tamara Kazmiruk, the team analyzed dozens of As for consumption of these shellfish sediment samples taken from 16 differ- by humans and organisms in the food ent sites around the island to ascertain chain, Bendell says that it would be prudent to investigate. the presence of microplastics. A painstaking process of drying and characterizing tiny bits of sediment that was later sieved, treated and then filtered through a glass microfibre filter by vacuum filtration was used to divide organic from non-organic materials.
Finally, Bendell notes this is also an industry challenged by climate change, ocean acidification and increased incidences of shellfish borne diseases.
“It is not business as usual and the governments responsible should be “We found microbeads in the smallest providing direction to the industry on bits of sediment and in a concentration how to adapt to a changing environequal to the amounts of silt and organic ment. Existing practices are not going matter,” Bendell says. to work in the long run.” Microbeads are an unwelcome presThe region around Denman Island ence because they also sorb trace has been designated by the Departmetals. Bendell explains that plastics ment of Fisheries as an Ecologically accumulate trace metals making them a potential source of toxic metals to Biologically Sensitive Area (EBSA). It provides a critical habitat for migraintertidal food webs. tory birds and its waterways offer an Bendell has been studying the area for important marine pathway for orcas. almost 20 years and reports that since 2006 when the island community be- Bendell is adamant that while microgan their yearly beach cleanup, each beads and plastics seriously impact the year, three to five tonnes of debris, environment, it is within our ability to comprised primarily of plastic materi- take action. als are recovered from the intertidal “There should be zero tolerance for regions of Baynes Sound. plastics in our aquatic systems. We can “While there is also contamination take responsibility for some of those from urban sources, 90 per cent of plastics but the shellfish industry has these plastics can be attributed to shell- to get onboard and recognize that this fish farms,” Bendell says. is a very serious problem that has to Her research confirms that sites where be addressed.” the greatest number of micro fragments The study was published today in and microfibres were found where PLOS One. also in regions of extensive shellfish aquaculture equipment.
The Patrika
Friday, June 1st 2018
kMD qy irsLqf ieMdrjIq kOr iswDU
“qUM TIk afKdYN kMDf nfl irsLqy QoVHI huMdy ny, pr kI asIN ajIb afdmI nhIN, jo sfrI hXfqI irsLiqaF dI kMD nfl lwg ky kMD ho rihMdy hF qy iPr vI munkr rihMdy hF irsLqy qoN qy irsLqy dI hkIkq qoN.” mYnuM jfpdY myry cuPyry koeI quPfn AuT Kloqf hY. ikM n I ajIb Btkx ey , ijs ijLMdgI nUM asIN iewt qy iewt rwK ky Ausfrdy hF, afs AumId dIaF inwkIaF inwkIaF culLIaF nfl ijLMdgI df sfgr Brdy rihMdy hF, AuhI iewk qUPfn ho jFdI ey.
kdI kdI socdI hF ieh ieklfpf vI qF asIN afp hI Ausfrdy hF. hr gujLry idn inwkI inwkI icxfeI krky iewk mhwl vFg Ausfrdy hF qy iPr acfnk sfnUM ievyN jfpdY asIN qF ies afp Ausfry mhwl ivwc kYd ho gey hF.
awj toh toh vyiKaF vI Auh KMB ikqy idsdy nhIN, ijnHF dy isr qy mYN AuzdI iPrdI sF dUr qwk, sunihrI supny AuxdI.
cMgI BYx
cMgI pqnI qy sucwjI mF bxF, pr ikwzI kmlLI soc sI koeI sB kuJ cMgf ikvyN ho myry cuPyry bVf mfrU ieklfpy df qUPfn af skdf hY? igaf jfpdf hY. myry duafly bVf mfrU diraf afdmI qF afdmI hI hY nf. qy mYN pqf nhIN vgdf hY- ieklfpy df. ikhVy KMB sn, ijMnHF nflL AuzdI iPrdI sF.
ipMzoN bfhr pVHfAux ivwc bfpU jI nUM koeI joLKm nhIN sI AuTfAuxf ipaf. bs hostl mhwl jo ijMLdgI dy sLhu sfgr ivwc afp hI ivwc dfKl krvf idwqf. kuJ idn iewklqf AudfsI lwgI. Ausfiraf sI. hux koeI qfjLI hvf bfhroN aMdr nHI afAuNdI. iPr AuzfrIaF sLurU. AudoN AudfsI bhuq inwkI ijhI lwgdI sI. inwky ijhy hfsy nfl hI twpI ieh KfmosLI, ieh iekwlqf, ieh cuwp jo kdI jf skdI sI. inwky ijhy huMgfry nfl prc myrf Kvfb sI, awj srfp bx geI hY, qy jFdI sI, awj dI iewklqf qy AudfsI df rUp mYN afp hI kYd ho geI hF, sLIsL mhwl ivwc. qF ikafisaf vI nhIN sI. “kuVIey! pVHnf ilKxf afpxI QF qy ivafh hostl dy kmry dIaF nuwkrF ivwc bYT bYT sLfdI afpxI QF, hr cIjL df vkq mukrr iekwl BfldI. AuP! ikqy do imMt vI iewkl huMdf hY. smF lMGx qy hwQ iwvc isrP pC- nhIN ieh kuVIaF, eynF rOlLf pqf nHIN kfqfvf hI rih jFdf hY. ieh nf hovy ik iPr hqoN pfAuNdIaF hn- afpxy coN bfhr inkl qyrI hAuN hI rih jfvy.” qurdIaF hn. Kvry iehnF nUM kI acvI dUroN gujLry vkq dy hnHyry ivwc avfjLF af lVdI rihMdI hY. rhIaF hn, myrf ipwCf krdIaF hn. bfpU AudoN ikwQy pqf sI ik ieh iekwl eynI BfrI jI dI avfjL bVI sfP suxfeI dy rhI hY. ho jfxI ey ik myly ivwc vI iekwlI hI ho “iehdy nfl kfhdf mwQf mfrdy ho, zmfk qF jfvFgI. qusIN afp Krfb kr idwqf iehdf pVHf pVHf ANj ievyN jfpdf hY myry qwk ikiqAuN koeI ky. AudoN bQyrI roeI, beI ds jmfqF bhuq avfjL nhIN phuMcdI. koeI hrkq, koeI ny iehny ikhVI zfktrnI bxnf ey, ijho KVkf vI nhIN kuJ vI nhIN. mYN afp Ausfry ijhI jwt bUt hF Auho ijhf koeI muMzf lwB ies sLIsL mhwl ivwc kYd ho geI hF. mYnUM ky iehdy hwQ pIlyL kr idE. hux ikAuN roNdy koeI Cuzf nhIN skdf. hux koeI rfjkumfr E. AudoN qF iksy dI suxdy hI nHIN sI.” mF hvf dy GoVy qy cVH ky nhIN afvygf, mYnUM ies dI avfjL vI myry bhuq nyiVEN af rhI sI. kYd qoN Cutkfrf duafx. sfry rfjkumfr qF bfpU qy mF ivwc aksr JVp huMdI rihMdI. mYN afp hI nkfr idwqy sn. POjI bfpU jI cfhuMdy mYN bhuq sfrF pVHF- “hux iehdy leI iksy rfjy dI kOr Bfldy ho, hr iewk nUM nFh krI jFdI ey, ijwdx dI nOkrI krF PAGE 8
Friday, June 1st, 2018
The Patrika
nOkrI lwg geI ey, zmfk Krfb ho igaf nhIN, ijs nfl mYN gwl kr skF, huMgfrf lY ey.” skF, huMgfrF dy skF, Brf , BrjfeI, bwcy sB afpo afpxI dunIaF ivwc ivcrdy hn. mF BUsrI iPrdI. asIN sB iewk dUjy nUM isrP vyK skdy hF, “pr mYN hux hr aYry gYry nfl ivafh nhIN CUh nHIN skdy. kr skdI, nfly ikhVI jldI ey, sfrI Aumr qy mYN qF isrP ies kYd qoN Cutkfrf cfihaf ivafh hI hoxY. AudoN Jtk idwqI gwl awj sI. afpxI nvIN dunIaF AusfrnI cfhI sI, ikMnI sfrQk sI, hux qF koeI irsLqy leI ijs ivwc iksy mrd dI muQfjI nf hovy, ijwQy puwCdf vI nhIN. mYnUM sfh lYx leI vI puwCxf nf pvy. “Cwzo jI, ies kuVI df zmfk iPr igaY, vIr dy knyzf ivafh qoN kuJ icr bfad mYN bQyrf vIr nUM ikhf, nf pVHf iehny nOkrI bfpU qy byby nfl knyzf af geI. kI krnI ey! awj hr iewk nUM inMddI iPrdI ey. hux lokIN qF puwCxoN vI ht gey.” vwzI bfpU jI nUM qF knyzf psMd hI nHI afieaf. BUaf dI avfjL myry bhuq nyiVAuN ikqy suxfeI “Auey, mYN srdfr bMdf, iewk vfj mfrF sO dy rhI hY. hfjLr, sO sfb slfm krn vfly. mYN ieQy kI Awj ievyN jfpdf ijvyN ieh mF, bfpU, BUaf, krUM nf lokF dy KyqF ivc kMm krMU- ijMnHF ny bhuq dUr rih gey hn. ipwCy ikwlf nhIN sI vyiKaf. myry vrgy bMdy nUM kMm qy swddy af. Awj mYN ihsfb krn lwgI hF qF sB kuJ smuMdr dIaF CwlF vFg myry nfl tkrf “nf BfeI quhfzI knyzf qusIN vso rso. sfnUM irhf hY. myrI iekwlqf dy Ausry sLIsL mhwl ipwCy koeI Gft nhIN, nflLy inwky inwky ruwK qF vwl. ieh myrf vgfV qF kuJ nHIN skdIaF, qusI puwt ky hor QF lf skdy ho, Blf kdy pr jfpdY mYN zuwb rhIN hF, sfh lYx leI ipwpl bohV vI lwgf ey dUjI QF? asIN qF qrs rhI hF. cMgy aF puwq ipMz hI…bs iewk gwl rVkdI ey hux qF ikqy kuVI df kMzf inkl jFdf bs Awj sB kuJ hY myry kol. Gr, dOlq, smfj iPr mYN srKurU sI. qUM koeI muMzf njLr hyTF ivwc ruqbf, isrP irsLqy dy nF qy koeI jLrUr rwKI puwq, DI BYx Gr dI iewjLq huMdI bfkI pMnHf 40 'qy
The Patrika
Friday, June 1st 2018
Canada Day
Calling all Volunteers The City of Abbotsford and Prospera Credit Union are looking for volunteers to help make this year’s Canada Day Celebration a success.
New ity Opportun de ra Be a Pa Host!
To sign up as a volunteer, visit to create your profile. Shift registration starts May 24. For details contact Chrissy Borseth, Volunteer Coordinator, at 604.557.7050 or email
Volunteer Sunday, July 1st
jUn 2018, c istI ivwc nvF kI hY ierIgysLn aqy lYLz skyipMg progrm ies pRogrfm nfl qusIN afpxy pfxI df ibwl Gtf skdy ho;bgIcf suMdr bxf skdy ho aqy pYsy vfps lY skdy ho| isMjfeI aqy lYNzskyp rfhIN afpxy bgIcy dI isMjfeIcMgy qrIky nfl kr skdy ho|jdoN qusIN afpxf lYNzskyp vftrvfeIjL pOidaF krogy; imwtI bdlogy aqy isMjfeI ZMg bdlogy qF rIbyt dy hwkdfr bx jfvogy| ies bfry hor jfxkfrI lYx leI aqy irbyt lYx leI vyKo: 1 meI qo NpfxI dIaF pfbMdIaF lfgU pVf 1, 1 meI qoN pfxI dIaF pfbMdIaF lfgU hn| lfnF nUM hPqy ivc do vfr svyry 6 vjy qoN 8 vjy pfxI dy skdy ho| eIvn nMbr ly GrF ivc buwDvfr aqy sLnIvfr, aOz mbr vfly GrF ivc vIrvfr aqy aYqvfr| gIicaF nUM loV anusfr pfxI dy skdy ho| pfxI dIaF pfbNdIaF bfr pUrI jfxkfrI lYx leI vyKo: jIvn guxvwqf srvyKx: sLihrIaf dI jIvn guxvwqf nUM pRBfivq krn vfly kfrn jfxn leI aYbtsPorz kuafiltI aOP lfeIPL srvyKx kr irhf hY| afp jI qoN imlI jfxkfrI nvyN pRogrfm, syvfvF aqy shUlqF ivksq krn ivc shfeI hovygI | srvyKx ivc Bfg lY ky ieh pRogrfm AulIkx ivc shfiek hovo|
2018 pRfprtI tYks sfry ngr invfsIaF nUM pRfprtI tYks dy noits 1 jUn, 2018 qwk iml jfxy cfhIdy hn| ieh3 juleI,mMglvfr dyxy bxdy hn| mkfn mflkI gRft dy klym istI hfl afp jf ky, zfk rfhIN jF aOnlfeIn klym kIqy jf skdy hn| ienHF sbMDI ivsiqRq jfxkfrI lYx leI vyKo myz ien aYbtsPorz knyzf-zy sYlIbrysLn asIN kYnyzf dy jnm idn dy jsLn mnfAux dI iqafrI kr rhy hF aqy afp jI nUM ies ivc sLfml hox df swdf idMdy hF| rYgUlr pYryz Plot, kimAunitI bUQ, jF vflMtIar kMm krn leI irijstr hovo | hor jfxkfrI leI imAuinspl cox ivc vot pfAux leI rijstr hovo istI afpxIaF coxF leI sUbfeI votrF dI sUcI dI vrqoN krdI hY| jy qusIN aYbtsPorz ivc nvyN afey ho jF afpxf nfm bdilaf hY qF rijstr hoxf XkInI bxfE aqy jfxkfrI leI vyKo: abbotsford.bc,ca/register-to vote/. bsMq rwqy afpxy pfxI dI vrqoN cYwk kro| istI df nvF vftr portl hY ijwQoN qusIN afpxy pfxI dI vrqoN cYwk kr skdy ho| hor jfxkfrI leI vyKo:
istI kfAuNisl pRkfsLn sLihr invfsI istI kfAuNisl dIaF cwl rhIaF mIitMgF 'qy vyK skdy ho| sfrIaF mIitMg lfeIv ivKfeIaF jFdIaF hn aqy bfad ivc vI vyKIaF jf skdIaF hn
istI kfAuNisl dIaF mIitMgF aqy eyjMzy mIitMgF dI sfrnI jUn 11 3 vjy bfad dupihr kfrjkfrInI kmytI 7 vjy sLfm jnqk suxvfeI/rYgUlr kfAuNisl jUn 18 1 vjy dupihry sfrI kmytI kmrf 530 jUn 25 3 vjy bfad dupihr kfrjkfrnI kmytI 7 vjy sLfm jnqk suxvfeI/rYgUlr kfAuNisl julfeI 9 3 vjy bfad dupihr kfrj kfrnI 7 vjy sLfm jnqk suxvfeI/rYgUlr kfAuNisl julfeI 16 1 vjy dupihry sfrIkmytI kmrf 530 julfeI 23 3 vjy bfad dupihr kfrj kfrnI 7 vjy sLfm jnqksuxvfeI/rYgUlr kfAuNisl julfeI 30 1 vjy dupihry sfrI kmytI kmrf 5:30
Friday, June 1st, 2018
aYbtsPorz vfsIE iDafn rwKo! jdoN qusIN spIz rIzr dyKdy ho qF qusINM rYzfr nfl tRYiPk ienPorsmYNt aPsr nUM nhIN dyK skdy! post kIqI hoeI spIz+spIz rIzr+ rfzfr= $$ ikrpf krky hOlLI cwlo.
Heads Up Abbotsford! When you see the Speed Readers, you may NOT see the Traffic Enforcement officers with radar! Posted speed+ speed reader+ radar= $$ Please slow down!
izptI muKI mfiek syr ny aglI cIP kFstybl nUM nfmjLd kIqf hY aYbI pI zI puils borz ny awj aYlfn kIqf hY ik 1 akqUbr 2018 qoN Aup muKI izptI muKI mfiek syr aYbtsPorz dy agly cIP kFstybl hoxgy. mfeIk syr ies vyly ey pI zI dy Aup muKI kFstybl afP aprysLnjL dy qOr qy kMm krdy hn, ipCly dhfky qoN aYbtsPorz dI syvf dy bfad cIP kFstybl bOb irc irtfier hoxgy, Ausdf afKrI idn sqMbr 30 hovygf. pUry vyrvy leI ies vYbsfeIt qy jf skdy ho:- h ps:// Deputy Chief Mike Serr Named Next Chief Constable: #AbbyPD Police Board announced today that, effec ve October 1st, 2018, Deputy Chief Mike Serr will be Abbotsford's next Chief Constable. Mike Serr currently serves as APD's Deputy Chief Constable of Opera ons. Chief Constable Bob Rich will be re ring a�er serving Abbotsford for the last decade. His last day is September 30th. For full details: h ps://
The Patrika
ies hPqy dy sfzy nMbrs hn:meI 20-26, 2018: PfeIlF dI sMiKaf: 760 KricaF vflIaF PfeIlF dI igxqI: 15 afto krfeIm bMd kro`- 1197
Our #'s for this week are: May 20 – 26, 2018: Number of files: 760 Number of files with charges: 15 Lock out auto crime: 1197
aYbI pI zI kFstybl rOibn lfrfmcy, jOzI Qfms aqy nIl kol 2018 tUr zI vYlI dI rfeIz leI mIzIaf lFc dy nfl bfhr hoxgy. quhfzy kol 75 aYmrjMsI krmcfrIaF nUM dyKx df mOkf hovygf jo 2018 dI tUr zI vYlI aqy tUr zI kost dIaF tImF bxfAuNdy hn!!! jy qusIN AuhnF nUM ikqy imldy ho jF dyKdy ho qF AuhnF dy kIqy XqnF dI AuhnF kol sLlfGf kro aqy AuhnF nUM jLrUr bulfE jo AuhnF ny kYNsr dy bwicaF dI shfieqf krn leI kdm AuTfey hn. quhfzf DMnvfd!!
AbbyPD constables Robyn Lamarche, Jody Thomas and Neil Cole will be out with the media launch for the 2018 Tour de Valley ride! You will may have the opportunity to see the 75 emergency service personnel who make up the 2018 Tour de Valley and Tour de Coast teams for this year!!! If you see them... cheer, wave, honk and thank them for all their efforts for riding to support children with cancer! Thank You!\ iewk kfr df trMk cIjLF KrIdx jF vycx vflI jgHf nhIN hY- gihixaF, priPAUm, ielYktRoinks, afid. aYbtsPorz puils nUM hux iehnF sB cIjLF dy ielfvF kfrF vycx dIaF irportF vI iml rhIaF hn. ieh bhuq jLrUrI hY ik qusIN cIjL nUM lYx qoN pihlF AusdI pusLtI cMgI qrHF kro. jykr quhfnUM iehnF cIjLF nUM KrIdx leI ikhf jFdf hY jo ik jfalI hn qF ikrpf krky afpxI sQfnk puils nUM ies dI irport kro. The TRUNK of a car is not the recommended area to buy- jewelry, perfume, electronics. AbbyPD con nues to get reports of scammers selling "gold", perfume, electronics and now... cars?!! Please ENSURE you take the necessary steps to confirm the quality and authen city of the items BEFORE making a purchase. If you are approached and offered fake merchandise, please report to your local police agency.
ies grmI dI rwuq ivwc sVkF qy surwiKaq rho. knyzf kol 900,000 iklomItr dIaF sVkF hn, jo dunIaF df 22 vfr cwkr lfAux leI vI kfPI hn. hr sfl knyzf ivwc, qkrIbn 10,000 bwcy(3 sfl qoN lY ky 12 sfl dy bwcy)sVk durGtnf ivwc jLKLmI jF mfry jFdy hn. ies gwl df iDan rwKo ik quhfzf bwcf cMgI qrHF bYlt lgf ky bYTf hY, BfvyN qusIN iblkul nyVy hI jf rhy ho. bwicaF dy bYTx vflI kfr sIt quhfzy bwcy leI sB qoN surwiKaq sQfn hY. kfr sIt dI ieMnstflysLn dI shfieqf leI qusIN bI sI cfielz psYNjr syPtI aYjUkytr 1-877-247-5551 jF cfielz sIt syPtI sy suJfvF aqy inXmF nUM hyT ilKI vYbsfeIt qy pVH skdy ho h ps:// Stay safe on the roads this summer! Canada has nearly 900,000 kilometres of road — enough to circle the globe 22 mes! Every year in Canada, about 10,000 children (from infants to 12-year olds) are hurt or killed on the roads. Make sure your children are always buckled-up properly while in the car, even for short trips. And remember, the back seat is always the safest place for your children. For car seat installa on assistance: Call a BCAA Child Passenger Safety Educator: 1-877-247-5551 Or for child seat safety ps and aYbtsPorz puils ivBfg quhfnUM ey pI zI dy nfl cfh sleI swdf idMdf hY. sfzy nfl juVo kfPI cfh, afid sfzy nfl bYT ky sFJI kro. vIrvfr 14 jUn nUM dupihr 12 vjy aqy sQfnk aPsrF nfl gwlbfq kro. Abbotsford Police Department would like to invite you to “Chai with the APD”! Come join us at Sipp Chai Café (11-31205 Maclure Road, Abbotsford B.C) on Thursday, June 14 from 12-1 pm to have Chai (coffee, tea, etc.) on us and take a moment to chat with your local officers! See you there! Call APD non-emergency at 604-859-5225 or text ABBYPD (222973) To make an anonymous report, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or report online at
aYbtsPorz pulIs zIpfrtmYNt nMU nfn-aYmrjMsI lfeIn 604-589-5225 'qy Pon kro jF 222973 'qy tYkst mYsj Bojo. aigafq rIport ilKvfAux leI krfeIm stfprjL nMU 1-800-222-7477 'qy Pon kroo jF afnleIn jf ky 'qy rIport ilKvfE.
The Patrika
Friday, June 1st 2018
4th Annual Breakfast with the Mayor held in Abbotsford
How to meaningfully honour a loved one (NC) Friends and family are our support systems and role models. After losing someone close to you, it is common to want to honour their memory. If you are feeling affected by a recent loss, it can be a powerful and healing experience to regularly commemorate your loved one.
global women’s issues or education, check out Beautiful World Canada, a non-profit that provides comprehensive scholarships to women in Africa.
There are several different ways to support a charity. If you are short on time, consider establishing a monthly donation. You can also volunteer regularly Donating your time or money in or hold fundraising events. someone’s name is a beautiful way to continue their legacy. Supporting a Make sure to tell the non-profit you charity can celebrate a generous, caring choose about the person you are meperson. Choose an organization that morializing. If you show continued represents a cause they were passionate support, they might publish something about. For example, if they cared about about your loved one in a newsletter or name a fund after them.
Friday, June 1st, 2018
The Patrika
Congratulations to Jasmit Phulka for winning the 2018 International wrestling Sassari Gold Cup at Sassari city in Italy on May 26th.
embers of the Miri Piri wrestling club together with their parents and friends were at the Vancouver airport to welcome Jasmit back with his victory medals on Sunday. The tournament was a very high level European Olympic style wrestling tournament wherein Jasmit is the only gold medal winner of Team Canada at the tournament. Jasmit a 24 year old graduate of Rick Hansen School and a winning member of the “Hurricane Wrestling” team has been wrestling since he was a 4th. grade toddler with the Miri Piri wreslting club on Ross Road in Abbotsford under the guidance of head coach Sucha Mann who has a record of winning continuously-3 Provincial Wrestling Champion-
ships, and many other local wrestling events for the Hurricane Club. Jasmit’s dad Harjit Phulka is a local nursery owner in Abbotsford and takes a very keen interest in Jasmit’s participation in wrestling. In total Jasmit won 4 matches at the tournament on the way to victory in gold. Once again we congratulate Jasmit for his great effort.
The Patrika
Friday, June 1st 2018
New law to safeguard freedom of expression
ritish Columbians’ right to freely participate in debating matters of public interest – without fear of facing unfair litigation and associated costs – will be better protected under proposed legislation introduced today. The Protection of Public Participation Act will safeguard people from strategic lawsuits against public participation (often referred to as SLAPPs) that limit or prevent the expression of individuals’ or groups’ points of view on matters of public interest. “Lawsuits that serve to silence and financially exhaust those exercising their right of expression exploit our legal system and only serve those with significantly deeper pockets,” said David Eby, Attorney General. “We’re committed to ensuring a robust, healthy democracy that defends British Columbians’ fundamental rights – in part, by helping people who want and deserve the freedom to peacefully engage in public debate without fear of unreasonable and financially ruinous legal action against them.”
the harm the plaintiff likely would suffer as a result of that free speech would outweigh the public interest in protecting it. The act would further protect public participation by allowing the court to fully indemnify defendants for costs.
“British Columbians should have the right to participate freely in public debates without fear of retribution,” said Wally Oppal, OBC, QC, former attorney general of British Columbia and former justice of the Supreme Court of British Columbia. “The legal system is vulnerable to so-called SLAPP lawsuits that are intended solely to censor public opinion, to intimidate people and to silence critics. SLAPP lawsuits strategically, and without merit, prevent free The act strives to improve access to discussion on matters of public interest. justice and protect freedom of expres- I welcome today’s legislation.” sion, while allowing for legitimate In 2001, British Columbia became was claims that involve real harm. the first jurisdiction in Canada to enact A key feature is an expedited process legislation of this kind, but it was subby which a defendant may apply to the sequently repealed the same year. The court to dismiss a lawsuit on the basis proposed act is based on the Uniform that it impinges on the defendant’s abil- Protection of Public Participation Act, ity to speak freely on a matter of public adopted by the Uniform Law Conferinterest. If the court so determined, it ence of Canada in 2017, which, in turn, would dismiss the lawsuit, unless the is closely based on Ontario’s related plaintiff could satisfy the court that legislation.
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Friday, June 1st, 2018
The Patrika
Social connection is a key health indicator for Lower Mainland residents, survey finds
Surrey, B.C. – Our sense of community belonging and having people to confide in can have an enormous effect on our health, and is as important to measure as smoking and physical activity. According to the latest My Health My Community report, Lower Mainland residents who feel a strong connection to their community are 2.6 times more likely to report being in good health and 3.2 times more likely to report good mental health. Social connection is linked to people’s ability to deal with stress, and those who have positive relationships also have healthier behaviours like being physically active and eating fruits and vegetables. Studies have shown people with poor social connection have 50 per cent greater risk of premature death than those with stronger connections; an effect as strong as smoking 15 cigarettes a day. To better understand this emerging public health issue, My Health My Community asked residents about two key indicators of social connection: Sense of community belong-
ing and how many people they have with communities to confide in. and other partners “My Health My Community is an ef- to maximize the fective tool to assess the health of our health of all our population,” said Vancouver Coastal residents,” said Health Medical Health Officer Dr. F r a s e r H e a l t h Réka Gustafson. “By measuring it, Medical Health we are highlighting social connection, Officer Dr. Ingrid an important area of focus for all of us who are interesting in improving the Tyler. health of people in our communities.” The report reinAccording to the report, those who forces the imporhave at least seven people they can tance of work already underway to confide in are 70 per cent more likely improve social connection. Vancouver to report good health and 3.4 times Coastal Health is working with its commore likely to be in good mental health. munities to improve social connection However, the survey also found that though grants and initiatives like the 43 per cent of residents in Vancouver Coastal Health and Fraser Health re- City of Vancouver’s Healthy City Stratported “low” or “very low” sense of egy and the Richmond Community Wellness Strategy. Fraser Health supcommunity belonging. ports the health promotion activities of “The My Health My Community data suggests that some of our residents communities across the region through are experiencing poor social connec- Healthy Community Partnerships that tions which can affect their overall work with local municipalities and health. We are committed to working community groups to support healthy living initiatives that also foster mental wellness. The Canadian Mental Health Association also has a helpful guide for people on how they can work on their own social connections. The latest My Health My Community report will continue to inform municipalities as they build healthier communities.
dividual health and wellness, an important issue that we should highlight to our medical students and health professional trainees,” said Dr. Kendall Ho, a professor in UBC’s department of emergency medicine and lead of the digital emergency medicine unit. “Health care professionals should discuss these issues with their patients to get a better picture of their overall health and wellbeing.” The My Health My Community survey was created in partnership by Vancouver Coastal Health, Fraser Health and researchers with UBC Faculty of Medicine. Recently analyzed results from the survey, which was conducted in 2013-2014, asked more than 33,000 people to provide information about their health, lifestyle choices, community involvement and neighbourhood characteristics.
Additional highlights from the report Vancouver Coastal Health is responinclude: sible for the delivery of $3.3 billion in Women were 19 per cent more community, hospital and residential • likely to have a strong sense of com- care to more than one million people munity and 54 per cent more likely to in communities including Richmond, have 4+ people to confide in. Vancouver, the North Shore, Sunshine Coast, Sea to Sky corridor, Powell Income has no association with • River, Bella Bella and Bella Coola. a strong sense of community belongVCH also provides highly specialized ing. care and services for people through• People who report that their out B.C., and is the province’s hub of neighbourhood has pathways for health care education and research. cycling or walking, well-maintained Fraser Health provides a wide range of sidewalks, amenities within walking integrated health services to the largest distance, access to fruits and vegand fastest-growing population in Britetables, less traffic, attractive natural ish Columbia. The health authority is sites and feeling safe walking after dark committed to improving the health of were 2.7 times more likely to report a the population and the quality of life of strong sense of community belonging. more than 1.8 million people living in “This report certainly affirms the communities from Burnaby to White importance of connectedness to in- Rock to Hope.
The Patrika
Friday, June 1st 2018
Is Weight Gain an Alarming Sign of Hidden Diseases?
verybody wants to be in shape. Either for wedding, reunion, fitting into favorite dresses that were chosen to last few years, good job. But being overweight has the consequences beyond how we look and feel. You cannot escape from the changes that happen to your body over the years. Remember the days when you could eat anything, and nothing made you fat and now eating the small portion of food makes you fat. No matter how hard exercise you do, join many of weight lose programs, eat low carb, low fat diet and nothing works in your favor. Do you know, there is reason for that? You are not hitting the right target. You don’t know what’s wrong inside that makes you fat. You can find out and know more about those changes that make you over weight. Watch for the following symptoms: •Breathing difficulty while running or climbing stairs •Frequent head aches •Foggy brain
•Joint pain, low energy
that are developing within your body •Metabolic syndrome in addition to weight gain. Addressing Syndrome X •Muscle stiffness these issues is very important. •Type 2 diabetes •Cold or numb hand and feet Almost 60% of all Canadian adults and •Sinus, snoring, sleep apnea and other 26% of our children and adolescents Thyroid are overweight or obese. The old breathing problems •Gallbladder disease idea is weight gain is simply a matter •Sugar or food cravings of calories in and calories out. New Arthritis •Mood up or down, low self-esteem evidence proves that weight gain can •Vision loss occur in the absence of excess calorie •Stress, anger and anxiety, sleep dis- intake. Imbalance immune system turbed Old thinking is achieving and main- •Digestive disorders •Indigestion, constipation, gas, cramps taining a healthy weight is important Liver and kidney diseases to reduce the risk of those diseases •Feeling too hot or cold and improve overall health. New and •Mental illness, and depression. •Swelling in the body smart thinking is addressing the above- Stroke mentioned issues and fixing them at •Hormone imbalance first place is the key to lose weight •Some cancers such as breast, colon •Heavy, painful or irregular periods permanently without much efforts. If and endometrial cancer •Dry mouth or excess saliva in mouth you have these symptoms, you may Weight gain is the symptom indicating be at risk for a wide range of serious that things are not normal inside and •Allergies or food sensitivity diseases and conditions including: any of the above-mentioned diseases are at the developing stage that are not If you have few of the above symptoms •High blood pressure yet at diagnostic level. in addition to weight gain, then you need to think beyond staying in shape High cholesterol Science behind weight gain or fitting yourself into your old favor•Heart disease ite clothes. Because all these are risk When things are running smoothly, your fat cells produce leptin. This mesfactors for number of chronic diseases Poor blood circulation
Friday, June 1st, 2018
senger sends two signals to your brain; One that you are full now. That shuts down your hunger. Two, it tells the fat inside your body to break down into a kind of fat that can be burned as energy. Problem no. 1. As you age, most of the things go out of balance (hormones, immune system, digestive system, reproductive system, etc.). Especially, when the food you eat is processed, full of chemicals, additives, pesticides, etc. This interferes with the signals that receive from DNA to your body cells. Young generation is the victim of this problem as they get attracted to fast and unhealthy food. Problem no. 2. When there is too much inflammation, too many fat cells, a protein called CRP sticks to the leptin and prevents it from delivering message to brain. The result-signal lost. Problem no. 3. In the face of chronic stress, your level of insulin, cortisol, and inflammatory compounds called cytokines increase. This drives relentless metabolic dysfunction that leads to weight gain, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes. Diabetics have fourfold risk of getting brain diseases. Medical research reports that too much
The Patrika
sugar can reduce your ability to fight with diseases up to 92%. According to study published in Cell Metabolism, patients who develop diabetes may have an increased risk of blocked arteries, and heart diseases. Safe and permanent way to lose weight Awakening the fat burning DNA in your body is not difficult, as long as you have the right instructions to follow. You can reprogram your body to burn fat instead of storing them as pack in your body. Our body is just like a car and blood sugar is the fuel in the tank. The right blend of gas means your car is running smooth. The food you eat are converted into sugar called sugar- it is the fuel your body burn for energy. But to get glucose to your cells, your pancreas must produce Insulin. Insulin helps to move glucose from your blood vessels into every cell, tissues, organs, bones of your body. If you are insulin resistance, your body can not send glucose to your cells. So, your cells begin to starve. Brain cells that are not properly nourished create fuzzy thinking, and memory problem. If insulin resistance can harm to your brain, imagine what it can do to your heart,
kidneys, liver, lungs, eyes, stomach, Advanced Genomics can help to let sex organs, etc. Therefore, addressing you know exactly why you are gaining these health issues are very important. weight. What are your inside symptoms that are crucial to your health in a long Key message here is: run. How can you change your diet in Stay away from fast food, toxins, pes- harmony with your genes that support ticides, and chemicals, heavy metals your weight lose permanently and such as mercury, lead, and arsenic. Get protect your health timely? enough sleep, eat right food on a right Advanced Genomics is a preventive time in a right way; forgive and forget. healthcare company, using 21st cenEat in harmony with your genes. You tury next generation technologies like can reverse the deadly dietary and life microarrays, gene testing, epigenomics style habits that are making you sick to find out the root cause of chronic disand fat. The truth is you can reverse eases, information about the diseases most of the diseases if you catch them you are likely to be affected in future, on time. You just need to know how. and health risk of diseases that runs in If you have any of the above-mentioned your family. They perform specific symptoms, talk to your doctors. Fix tests to let you know your specific your symptoms at the first place before reason and condition of heart disease. they reach to diagnostic level with Advanced Genomics is using 360-dedreadful chronic diseases. gree approach to designed unique Remember it is not the calories you eat, personalized prevention programs that can reverse back these chronic it’s the information you eat that is so diseases. The good news is all these important to make your cells healthy prevention programs are inexpensive and fully functional. Once you learn and affordable. how to balance your hormones, immune system, blood sugar, etc., rapid No more dieting, no more exercises!! weight loss will be yours. See page 19 "Advance Genomics" for Help from Advanced Genomics more.
The Patrika
Friday, June 1st 2018
Sgt Vic Gamboa & Drug Enforcement Unit WHAT CAN PARENTS DO TO MITIGATE THE RISK FACTORS TO CRIMINAL BEHAVIOUR? Be involved with your child. Encourage your child to participate in sports or other activities that will hold their attention in a positive activity. HOW CAN I BE INFORMED ABOUT WHERE MY CHILD IS AND WHAT HE IS DOING? Ask questions. Know your child's friends and know where they are throughout the day. HOW DO I APPROACH MY CHILD ABOUT DANGERS OF GANGS AND DRUGS? The best approach is to be direct and to be involved. Set boundaries early in your child's life WHAT IS THE MOST COMMON DRUG USED IN ABBOTSFORD? HOW ARE YOUTH GETTING INVOLVED IN THE TRADE? Abbotsford youth typically start with seemingly harmless drugs like marijuana, but addictions can escalate quickly. Ecstasy, Cocaine, and Heroin are often abused by youths. WHAT ARE SOME EARLY SIGNS OF GANG INVOLVEMENT? Gang involvement can be deceiving, but a sudden change of behaviour can be a clue that your child is being influenced by others. WHAT ARE SOME EARLY PREVENTATIVE MEASURES I CAN TAKE TO PROTECT MY CHILD? Be involved in your child's day to day activities.Know where they are at all times. I BELIEVE MY CHILD MAY HAVE A DRUG ADDICTION. WHERE DO I GO FOR HELP? Community Programs such as IMPACT offer counseling for both youth and parents regarding drug addiction. If you sense immediate danger call 911 and seek police help. WHAT ADVISE CAN I GIVE TO MY YOUTH ABOUT BEING INVOLVED IN DRUG TRADES? Take the time to speak frankly with your child and help them see that even seemingly harmless drugs can have grave consequences
Friday, June 1st, 2018
The Patrika
Are you skipping the dentist visit because of the cost? (NC) Somewhere along the line, as costs need to be cut and savings need to be made, many of us end up sacrificing dental care as a way to make ends meet. In fact, more than one in four Canadians still report not going to the dentist for reasons related to money. Studies consistently show that oral health issues impede quality of life and overall health, but access to dental care remains limited. Financial cuts to employment-based dental insurance and living in rural and remote areas only add to the pains of those seeking medical attention. Fortunately, there are some resources and organizations in communities across the country that are stepping up to the plate with support from Green Shield Canada, a not-for-profit focused on improving accessibility to healthcare. Here are some places to turn to for more affordable care that doesn’t break the bank:
Community health centres. Programs like the Oral Health Program at Gateway Community Health Centre target low-income seniors, families and individuals without dental insurance. They provide preventative and acute oral health services for problems including infection, tooth decay and tooth pain management. Every new client that accesses the program is seen by an outreach worker to identify health and social barriers to care and suggest additional services. The outreach worker acts as a patient navigator, facilitating referrals to support self-identified barriers. Community loans. Programs like “Something to Smile About” at Grand River Community Health Centre act as micro-loan programs, where participants can borrow up to $1,000 for dental treatments such as check-ups, cleanings, repairs or dentures. Find more information at
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The Patrika
Friday, June 1st 2018
iewk hor krm kOr siqpfl kOr igwl, knyzf
krm kOr jdoN dI knyzf iwvc afeI sI, Auh Aus vyly qoN pUrf pUrf hPqf PYktrI ivwc kMm krdI rhI sI. kdI CwutI imlI nhIN sI qy nf hI Aus ny kdy CwutI kIqI sI. pr mhIny ku qoN pqf nhIN kMm sLfied Gt igaf sI qy Aus nUM do idn df vIk aYNz imlx lwg ipaf sI. vIk aYNz qy Aus df sfrf idn rsoeI ivwc inkl jFdf. Auh rsoeI ivwc hI ruwJI sI ik jdoN tYlIPon dI GMtI ny Aus nUM cyqMn kIqf. Aus ny Pon cuwk ky hYlo afiKaf qF aigEN afvfjL Aus dI vwzI DI ibMdr dI hI sI. Auh awj Aus nUM imlx af rhI sI. krm kOr nUM ieh sux KusLI hoeI qy Aus ny Aus nUM afAux dy vkq bfry puwiCaf. bs ieho koeI awDy GMty ivwc ibMdr df jvfb sI. krm kOr nUM bVI hI rIJ sI ik ikqy Ausdf jvfeI vI Aus dy Gr AusdI DI qy dohiqaF nfl afvy. pr ibMdr jd vI afpxI mF dy Gr afAuNdI qF hmysLF hI Ausdf ivckfrlf jyT Ausdy nfl afAuNdf. ieh dyK ky krm kOr dI rUh srfpI jFdI.
smJyN.” pr krm kOr ny koeI prvfh nhIN sI kIqI. qy hux AusdIaF vfgF KulHIaF sI. koeI rokx tokx vflf nhIN sI Aus nUM. DIaF puwq jdoN vwzy hoey qF Aus ny vwzI DI df ivafh dsvIN krn AuprMq kr idwqf sI. dUjy nMbr dI DI ibMdr vI sLihr ivwc pVHdI sI. Auh sfeIkl qy pVHn jFdI sI. Gr ivwc keI hI aMkl bwicaF dy afAuNdy jfNdy rhy. pr iewk Kfs aMkl sI jo inwq pRqI hI Ausdy Gr cwkr lfAuNdf sI. iewk idn krm kOr ny afiKaf beI afpF ibMdr vI CyqI hI ivafh dyxI hY. Aus nUM ijvyN koeI zr aMdroN aMdrI Kfx lwg ipaf sI. ibMdr bVI hI qyjL qrfr kuVI sI qy krm kOr nUM zr sI ik jykr Auh Ausdy kIqy krmF nUM jfx geI qF…. Aus afdmI dy koeI irsLqydfrF nUM knyzf df vIjLf iml igaf sI. qy sfrf pirvfr iewkTf hI knyzf jf irhf sI. lVkf kuldIp jlMDr bI ey ivwc pVHdf sI. vIjLf imlx kfrn pVHfeI ivwcy hI Cwz ky knyzf jf irhf sI. gwl kI dyK dyKflI ho geI. kuVI BfvyN AuhnF nUM bhuqI psMd nhIN zor bYwl hox qy krm kOr ny jdoN drvfjLf sI pr ivcoly ny pY ky irsLqf krvf idwqf. Kohilaf qF awgy Aus dI DI ibMdr sjI DjI KVHI sI. nfl Ausdf jyT hrI vI sI. DI nUM pirvfr ny knyzf phuMc ky ibMdr dy kfgjL ipafr dy ky Aus ny Aus dy jyT dy isr qy vI Byj idwqy qy koeI awTIN mhInI Auh vI vI ipafr idwqf. hrI ny bVy hI qpfk nfl knyzf af phuMcI. koeI mhIny ku bfad hI mfsI jI mwQf tykdfN afiKaf. krm kOr cfh ibMdr dy mfimaF Aus df ivafh kr idwqf. pfxI dy afhr lwg geI qy rsoeI ivwc kMm kuJ dyr bfad ibMdr nUM Aus dI nxfn ny kridaF Aus nUM Aus dI DI ibMdr df hfsf kMm qy lvf ilaf. Auh AuQy do ku hPqy vI Cxkdf suxfeI idwqf. Auh afpxy jyT nfl nf itkI qy Gr af geI. ibMdr hr rojL hws hws dohrI ho ho gwlF kr rhI sI. ieh GroN kMm Bflx dy bhfny inkldI qy bfhr sB dyK sux ky krm kOr dI rUh ipwCy vwl GuMmdI rihMdI. bfhr Ausdy shury nUM lokIN prq geI. Aus vyly vwl jdoN Auh pihlF afKdy ik quhfzI nUMh iPrdI bhuq hY pr pihl afp Kud ivafhI afeI sI, qy ikvyN iksy ivwc koeI vI ihMmq nf hoeI ik ibMdr sflF ivwc Aus dy iqMn DIaF iewk puwqr ny nUM koeI kwuJ afK skdf. jnm ilaf sI. Auhdf pqI Aus nUM qy bwicaF krm kOr dI soc dI lVI tuwtI qy Aus ny nUM bhuq ipafr krdf sI. Aus dI sws vI iqafr kIqI rotI ibMdr aqy Aus dy jyT hrI kwlI nUMh hox krky Aus dy vfry sdky jFdI dy awgy ilaf rwKI. gwl qorn leI Aus cor sI. pr juafnI dI lor ivwc krm kOr vI awK nfl hrI vwl vyKdI ny ibMdr nUM svfl iksy vyly iesy qrHF hI BtkdI sI ijvyN awj puwiCaf, “bwicaF nUM nfl lY afAuxf sI. suwK Aus dI DI. lokF ny bhuq kuJ krm kOr dI nfl kuldIp shuM vI af jFdf. ikMnf hI icr sws qy pqI nUM dwsx dI koisLsL kIqI pr AunHF hoieaf dyKy nUM.” ibMdr df iDafn pqf nhIN ny iksy dI koeI gwl nhIN sI suxI . ikDr phuMc igaf sI ik Aus ny koeI jvfb acfnk Aus df pqI idl dy dOry nfl ies nf idwqf. sgoN ibMdr dI QF hrI boilaf ik, dunIaF qoN PfnI ho igaf sI. krm kOr dI “quhfzI dohqI irMkI nUM skUloN CuwtI huMdy sfr sws df rox QMimaF nhIN sI jFdf. iewko iewk hI ipwk krnf hY. kuldIp vI kMm qy hY.” puwq dy qur jfx nfl Aus dI sws hmysLF hI krm kOr ny rotI mgroN cfh vI nfl hI zOr BOr ijhI rihMdI sI. jdoN ies qrF Auh tybl qy rwK idwqI. AuhnF dohF ny kfhlI ivrfg ivwc KpdI sI qF krm kOr ny afnfl cfh dI ipaflI pI ky GroN bfhr ho gey. pxI sws nUM afK idwqf sI, bQyrf ro ilaf. krm kOr kfr ivwc jFidaF nUM dyKdI rhI miraF nfl miraf qy nhIN jFdf. cuwp krky qy koeI soc tukr tukr krdI Aus nUM Dur bYT mFjI.” aMdroN KfeI jFdI sI. Ausdf afpxf aqIq krm kOr dy cfly qF pihlF hI sws nUM cMgy vI cyqy af irhf sI ijs df Aus ny kdI koeI nhIN sn lwgdy pr ieh kVvy bol sux pCcfqfp hI nhI kIqf sI qy hux AusdI DI ky Auhdy idl ivwcoN inklI koeI bdduaf ibMdr vI Auhnf hI rfhF qy qur peI sI. ik “qyry qy koeI kihr jLrUr gujLry qF qUM PAGE 20
Friday, June 1st, 2018
shury Gr ibMdr ivafhI kI afeI sI ik quPfn af igaf sI. ijDr vI jIa krdf Auh qurI iPrdI sI. kMm df zwkf qoVdI nhIN sI. ibMdr dy sws shurf qF iewk pfsy Ausdf pqI vI ijvyN Aus qoN zrdf sI. pihlF qF ieh socdy rhy ky clo juafnI dI qrQwl ivwc hY. pr hux qF Aus nUM ivafhI vrHI nUM vI bfrF qyrF vrHy ho gey sn .hux qF Aus dy afpxy vI iqMn bwcy ho gey sn. sfry pirvfr qy hfvI hoeI ibMdr nUM koeI rok tok nf skdf. hr koeI afpxI iewjLq bcfAuNdf ipwCy ho jFdf. Aus dy bjLurg sws shurf qF eys leI cuwp sn ik jykr kuJ ikhf qF pqf nhIN kI bxUM. lwQI hwQ nhIN afAuNdI. ibMdr dI shury Gr ivwc iewko hI bMdy nfl bxdI sI Auh sI Ausdf jyT ‘hrI’. lokF ny bQyrf Gr vfilaF nUM dwisaf smJfieaf ik ieh koeI aYvyN ikvyN dI gwl nhIN hY. pr Gr Pyr vI cuwp sn ik sLfied ieh kwlH nUM suDr jfvy. pr iewk idn AusdI sws ny sBo kuJ hI awKIN dyK ilaf. gwl Ausny afpxy afdmI aqy sB qoN vwzy puwqr kol vI phuMcfeI. Auh Aus idn bhuq qVPI… qy afpxy puwqr nUMh dI krqUq dyK ky Auh DrqI ivwc inGrdI jfvy. shurf vI qViPaf ik awgy qF bfhroN hI KbrF suxdy sI hux ieh Gr ivwc vI krqUqF idKf rhI hY. kuldIp df vwzf Brf bhuq qViPaf ik Aus dy gBly Brf ny afpxy Coty Brf dI ipwT ivwc aijhf KMjr KoiBaf hY ijs df nfsUr hmysLF hI irsdf rhygf. Auh qViPaf, bhuq qViPaf, qy Aus ny ierfdf bxfieaf ik awj Auh afpxy Brf hrI nfl Kud gwl krygf. jdoN sLfmIN ibMdr afeI qy gwl qorI qF Auh cuwp kIqI afpxy kmry nUM clI geI. koeI pMdrF imMt nhIN gujLry hoxgy jdoN puils ny af drvfjLf KVkfieaf. Aus vyly kuldIp vI Gr af igaf sI. puils ny puiwCaf ik, “quhfzy Gr kI prfblm hY?” kuldIp ny Auwqr idwqf, “ jI nhIN, koeI prfblm nhIN.” ieh gwlF ho hI rhIaF sn ik ibMdr sLyrnI dI qrHF aMdroN grjLdI inklI qy puils vfilaF nUM afKx lwgI, “myrf jyT mYnUM tfrcr krdf hY. myry sws shurf mYnUM qMg krdy hn, kuwtdy mfrdy hn. Gr dy sB jIa KVHy dyK rhy sn ik Auh kih kI rhI hY? ibMdr afK rhI sI ik mYN iehnF lokF dy nfl nhIN rih skdI. ienHF sBnF nUM huxy hI GroN bfhr kwZo. Gr myrf hY, mYN iehnF lokF dIaF gwlF nhIN sux skdI.” puils vfilaF ny AuhnF sb nUM afiKaf ik, “qusIN huxy hI jfAu, nhIN qF klysL hovygf. qusIN ibMdr nUM byGr nhIN kr skdy ieh mulK ajLfd mulk hY. jykr ieh nhIN cf-
The Patrika
huMdI ik qusIN ies dy Gr rhoN qF qusIN nhIN rih skdy.” AuhnF sBnF nUM GroN bfhr kwZ ky puils mYn AuQoN qury. ibMdr ny vI afpxI ies kIqI krqUq leI afpxI mF krm kOr nUM Pon qy ieqlfh kr idwqI ik mYN buwZy buZI nUM GroN kwZ idwqf hY… qy hux Gr ivwc TMZ vrqI hY. vkq Pyr afpxI rPqfr nfl qurn lwgf. sB dy mn mruMzy gey. ibMdr dy bwicaF qy vI ies gwl df asr ipaf. bwcy keI vfrI sB kuJ smJdy hoey vI kuJ kihx qoN asmrwQ huMdy hn. hr iewk gwl nUM Auh bVy hI ghu nfl suxdy hn. nf pqf clwx qy svfl krdy hn.iesy qrHF hI ibMdr dI vwzI bytI ny afpxy zYzI kuldIp nUM puwiCaf, “zYzI, lv mMmI qy zYzI krdy hn jF mMmI qy qfieaf jI krdy hn?” nON sflF dI bytI dy svfl nfl kuldIp df isr Pwtx lwg ipaf. jIa kwcf kwcf hox lwg ipaf ik aYnI CotI Aumr dI myrI DI kI kuJ dyK rhI hY qy kI smJ rhI hY. Aus dI DI dy svfl ny Aus dI gYrq nUM keI jLrbF dy idwqIaF sn. Auh afpxy mn dI AuQl puwQl hflIN kr hI irhf sI ik ibMdr qy Aus df Brf hrI hwsdy hwsdy aMdr vVy. kuldIp dy sbr df BfzF Br cuwikaf sI. vryH Br qoN Auh sB kuJ sihn krdf af irhf sI pr Auh kdI supny ivwc vI nhIN sI soc skdf ik ibMdr Aus dy afpxy Brf nfl…. jy Brf ijs ny Aus dI ipwT ivwc Curf KoiBaf sI. Aus df guwsf Aus vyly kfbU ivwc nhIN sI qy Ausy vyly Aus nUM afpxI DI dI afKI gwl vfr vfr suxfeI dy rhI sI. Auh Bwjf Bwjf igaf qy rsoeI ivwcoN cfkU cuwk ilafieaf. imMtF sikMtF ivwc hI Aus ny keI lfsLF dy Zyr lf idwqy. ibMdr qy afpxIaF iqMny DIaF. ijMnHF df Aus nUM zr sI ik kwlH nUM Auh vI ibMdr dI hI nkl krngIaF. afly duafly KUn hI KUn ruVH irhf sI qy Pyr Aus ny Ausy hI cfkU nUM afpxy idl dy kony koloN ljf ky aMdr vwl Dwk ilaf. hrI KVHf hfl duhfeI pfAuNdf vyK irhf sI. Auh kdI kuldIp vwl Bwjdf irhf qy kdI bwcIaF vwl qy kdI ibMdr vwl qy kdI afpxy vflF nUM DUh DUh ky puwtdf. kuldIp ny Aus nUM nhIN sI mfiraf sLfied iehI Aus dI sjLf sI. hrI dy kMbdy hwQ tYlIPon vwl vDy qy imMtF ivwc hI puils af geI. jdoN ies hfdsy df krm kOr nUM pqf lwgf qF Auh roNdI KpdI af phuMcI. Auh pYrF ivwc peIaF lfsLF dy Zyr nUM qwk rhI sI qy afpxf aqIq Pol rhI sI. ijvyN afK rhI hovy, cMgf kIqf kuldIp ishF …ieh iewk hor krm kOr bx bYTI sI. ……qy Auh bYTI kdI hwsx lwg pYNdI qy kdI rox lwg pYNdI. PAGE 21
The Patrika
Friday, June 1st 2018
For the Record: Right Needs to Take-Back Progressive Narrative
’m not sure when it happened, though it seems to have happened rather recently. Every time I turnon the news or load-up a social media app I hear about the ‘progressive’ left. In a previous edition of For the Record I talked about the notion that those who are right-of-centre allegedly lack a social conscious. That we are all focused on making money and could care less about the implications of environmental mis-management or those struggling to put a roof over their head. In fact, more and more the left seems to have less reservation than ever before with regard to demonizing the right.
you have the faux-Christian who, in the name of ‘God’ spouts hate rhetoric with respect to those whose sexual identity is something other than heterosexual, while focusing on damnation instead of love. Suffice it to say, while I have no interest in discussing the extremes as they inevitably fail to represent the majority on either side, they do, however, become part of the narrative used by those attempting to diminish others. So, what does it mean to be ‘progressive’? According to, to be progressive means “favouring or advocating progress, change, improvement, or reform, as opposed to wishing to maintain things as they are, especially in political matters.” Based on that definition, and in accordance with my personal values and my political ideologies, I consider myself a ‘progressive’ conservative.
Of course, as is the case anytime you are dealing with issues that fall on a spectrum, you will have extremes. On the far left, you have “the modernday socialist who takes an Uber to the Starbucks where they post on social media from an iPhone to complain about capitalism” (a statement I’ve Now before I go any further, let me borrowed from a recent online postremind you that the title of this ediing I came across). On the far right
tion is “Right Needs to Take-Back Progressive Narrative.” To that end, let me further remind you that the term progressive has always ‘belonged’ to the right. It has been used by political parties across the world to denote conservative political principles coupled with progressive social values. Based on the above, this is why I consider myself a progressive conservative. On the one-hand I believe strongly in free enterprise, small government, and a strong For the Record national defense. On the other-hand, Justin P. Goodrich, LL.M. I believe in group rights, consider myself environmentally friendly and the same brush as the small percenthave dedicated my entire adult life to age of members who make-up the extreme right. social justice. Therefore, based on definition of what it means to be progressive, I am exactly that (one might also describe me as a moderate or a centrist). However, more and more those on the left regularly diminish my progressive values based solely on my party membership; painting me with
For The Record… As regular readers know, I am currently seeking an NPA Council Nomination here in Vancouver. As part of this process I often make comments via social media in which I refer to
Friday, June 1st, 2018
The Patrika
my progressive values and those of to wishing to maintain things as they the vast majority of NPA members. are, especially in political matters”, then those of us on the right who are Recently, someone who follows me passionate about balancing economic on social media replied to one of prosperity and social responsibility my comments with a singular word must hold those on the left accountand a question mark in quotations – able for the manner in which they “progressive?” – and then attached a have hijacked the sentiments behind rather adolescent pic that stated “You what it means to be progressive. keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” Finally, for those who are interested in making their communities better, In response, I simply sent him the let’s stop with all the cheap-shots on same definition I used at the begin- social media and do what grown-ups ning of this edition with a note “… do… ask thoughtful questions, listen maybe it just means you don’t know to the answers, and then engage in enough about us” followed by a link genuine discussion instead of politito my website. I never heard any- cal rhetoric. In the meantime, for all thing back. those on the ‘right’ of the ideological The thing is, this person – who spectrum I encourage you not to aldoesn’t know me, has never met me, low the left to bastardize our values and has clearly not made any effort by manipulating a word that, for to get to know what I’m about – had many, is at the foundation of our values. seemingly no reservations about making a brash remark based solely Justin P. Goodrich is the Managing on my political affiliation. So, what’s Partner at Alliance Public Affairs Group my point? ( If being progressive means “favour- Previous editions of For The Record ing or advocating progress, change, can be found online at: improvement, or reform, as opposed for-the-record.
The Patrika
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Friday, June 1st 2018
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Friday, June 1st, 2018
The Patrika
brsI qy ivsLysL siqkfrXog pfTko,
mOqF ny sfnUM JMJoV ky rwK idwqf sI qoN afeI sI, dI mOq vI kYNsr krky awj afpxy Brf nUM Xfd kridaF mYN
awj qoN pUry 38 sfl pihlF 27 meI nUM aqy ies dy Jtky qoN asIN hfly qwk hI hoeI hY. mYnUM Aus dy iPAUnrl qy vI sfry BYx BrfvF nUM bynqI krdf 1980 vfly idn myry Coty Brf qipMdr vI nhIN inkl sky. hOlI hOlI krky jfx df mOkf imilaf. ieh scwmuc hF ik afAu asIN sfry rlL imlL ky isMG cImf dI blwz kYNsr nfl Bfrq kuJ sflF ivwc hI mYN afpxy mfqf ipqf bhqu duKdfeI sI. 2013‘c sfzy iewk iewk ishqmMd smfj dI isrjxF ivwc Xogdfn pfeIey. sR: ieMdrjIq isMG ivwc mOq ho geI sI. Auh Aus vyly aqy dUjy 2 BrfvF nUM vI Koh bYTf. asIN dosq ieMdrjIq isMG bYNs dy hoxhfr bYNs hurF dy kYNsr sbMDI `gurigafn 17 sfl df sI. kYNsr dy pqf lwgx sfry jfxdy hF ik kYNsr iewk bhuq nOjvfn puwqr dI mOq vI ies ibmfrI PfAUnzysLn nF,dI iewk sMsQf bnfAux qoN qkrIbn 8-9 mhIny dy aMdr hI hI Kqrnfk ibmfrI hY. hflF ik awj nfl hoeI. sR: bYNs vI ies stUzYNt dy kdm dI vI mYN bhuq sLlfGf krdf Auh cwl visaf sI. sLfied Aus vyly dy Xuwg ivwc ies dy kfPI hwd qwk lVkI dy iPAUnrl qy mOjUd sn. hF aqy afAux vfly smyN ivwc bYNs kYNsr dy ielfj df Gwt hoxf vI iewk ielfj lwB ley hn. pr sfieMs hfly sR: ieMdrjIq bYNs ny bwcI nUM sLrDsfihb nUM afpxf pUrf sihXog dyx kfrn mMinaF jf skdf sI. vI pUrI qrHF ies ibmfrI qy kfbU nhIN FjlI idMdy hoey ieh gwl Kfs krky df vcn vI krdf hF. pf skI. sfrI du n IaF dy ivigafnI afKI ik sfnUM afpxI ishq dy nfl mYN Aus vyly pMjfb XUnIvristI ivwc DMnvfd sihq aYm ey ieMgilsL pfrt 1 dy iemiqhfn lgfqfr imhnq kr rhy hn ik ies nfl afpxy Kfx pIx qy vI pUrf iDafn mlivMdr isMG cImf dy irhf sF. Brf dI mOq qoN lwgBg Cy ibmfrI df ielfj lwiBaf jf sky. dyxf cfhIdY AuhnF ny jLor idMdy hoey mhIny bfad 1 dsMbr 1980 nUM myry hfly ipCly hPqy hI aYbtsPorz ivwc afAux vflI pIVHI nUM vI sfdf Bojn qy ieMsoLrYNs aYzvfeIjLr Pon 778-246ipqf jI dI hfrt atYk krky mOq iewk 24 sflf lVkI jo ik stUzYNt hrIaF sbjLIaF dy syvn nUM apnfAux 0862 ho geI. iewk sfl ivwc hI hoeIaF do vIjLy qy dsMbr 2017 ivwc hI Bfrq dI slfh idwqI.
eI myl cheema_18
The Patrika
Study finds growing interest in local B.C. food
hen making a trip to their local grocery store, farmers market or going out for dinner, British Columbians are strongly influenced by their interest in supporting the local economy, and their desire for food that is fresh and safe to eat. These findings are part of a B.C. Agrifood and Seafood Domestic Study funded by the federal and provincial governments, under Growing Forward 2. A key finding from the study is that B.C. residents would be more inclined to buy B.C. products if there was a recognizable “From B.C.” logo or seal that was identifiable on the product.
The B.C. Agrifood and Seafood Domestic Study had the following objectives: Identify consumer segments in B.C. that are currently buying local agrifood and seafood products; Determine what local agrifood and seafood products they are consuming; Uncover motivations for buying local agrifood and seafood, instead of other competitive products; Assess where they shop for local agrifood and seafood products; Determine where key consumer segments are located in B.C.; and
Gauge the degree to which these segments are influenced by different “Buy The study also found that while resi- BC” messaging and promotions. dents are buying B.C. products primar- The participants in the study were B.C. ily from mainstream outlets, diversifi- residents, 19 years and older, who do cation is taking place. More than 60% at least some of the grocery shopping of people are buying local products at for their household in the Mainland/ specialty stores and farmers’ markets, Southwest, Vancouver Island/Coast, and from emerging options, such as Thompson-Okanagan/Kootenay, and Cariboo/North. subscription and delivery services.
Friday, June 1st 2018
Friday, June 1st, 2018
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, June 1st 2018
ZwzrIafˆ vfly dI surwiKaf `c vfDf kYptn srkfr ny iswK pRcfrk rxjIq isMG ZwzrIafˆ vfly dI puils surwiKaf ivwc vfDf krn dy hukm idwqy hn. ZwzrIafˆ vfly `qy meI òúñö ivwc jfnlyvf hmlf hoieaf sI , ijs qoˆ bfad AunHfˆ nUM pMjfb srkfr ny surwiKaf idwqI hoeI sI. dmdmI tksfl dy afgU ny ipCly idnIˆ ikhf sI ik jo vI tksfl iKÜfP bolygf, Aus df ihsfb ikqfb krfˆgy. ZwzrIafˆ vfly dy jQy `qy jfnlyvf hmly qoˆ bfad AunHfˆ ies ipwCy dmdmI tksfl df hwQ hox dy ielËfm lfey sn . ies hmly ivwc ZwzrIafˆ vfly dy iek sfQI dI mOq vI hoeI Èfhkot ivc ÷ö[öú% votfˆ peIafˆ sI. ZwzrIafˆ vfly ny ieh vI ielËfm lfey hn ik dmdmI tksfl bfdlfˆ dy ieÈfry qy Èfhkot iËmnI cox leI ÷ö[öú% PIsdI votfˆ pfky lokfˆ ny ieh sfbq kr idwqf hY ik kMm krdI hY . ôõ izgrI grmI dy bfvjUd lokfˆ ivc votfˆ leI BfrI AuqÈfh irhf. kuJ Qfvfˆ qy mmUÜI JVpfˆ qoˆ ibnf hr pfsy amn-amfn irhf. akflI dl, kfˆgrs, afm afdmI pfrtI iswDU vwloˆ akflI dl nfl nvyˆ joÈo-KroÈ nfl qy kuJ aËfd AumIdvfrfˆ dI iksmq eI[vI[aYm mÈInfˆ ivwc bMd ho geI hY qy óñ meI twkr lYx df aYlfn qwk AumIdvfrfˆ dy idlfˆ dIafˆ DVkxfˆ vDIafˆ rihxgIafˆ . rozryË mfmly ivwc brI hox mgroˆ pMjfb dy kYbint mMqrI nvjoq iswDU ny swcKMz sRI pMjfbI gfiek nvjoq dI hwiqaf hirmMdr sfihb mwQf tyk ky vfihgurU df Èukrfnf kIqf.ies dOrfn AunHfˆ gurbfnI df brvflf roz qy rfmpur sYinafˆ ipMz dy kol pMjfbI gfiek nvjoq isMG dI golIafˆ mfr jfp vI kIqf. iswDU ny ies mOky ikhf ik Auh akflI dl nfl hux nvyˆ joÈ KroÈ nfl ky hwiqaf kr idwqI geI . Auh ipMz byhVf df rihx vflf sI. eIsfpurIaf ivrk dy nfm twkr lYxgy. AunHfˆ ikhf ik hfeIkort df PYslf hox nfl dyÈ qy pMjfb dy lokfˆ sfhmxy qy Ausny gfiekI ivc pYr rwiKaf sI. puils ny ipqf suKbIr isMG dy ibafn `qy aigafq swc af jfvygf. ies nflL AunHfˆ ibkrm mjITIaf `qy inÈfnf kwsidafˆ ikhf ik icwty dy lokfˆ dy iKÜfP kys drjL kr ilaf hY. ajy qwk kql dy kfrnfˆ df pqf nhIN lwg sikaf. vpfrI jylH `c hoxgy .
sfbkf gRih mMqrI ibRj BuipMdr isMG lflI ley gey ihrfsq `c
Èfhkot iËmnI cox dOrfn mlsIafˆ dy iek poilMg bUQ `qy gey sfbkf gRih mMqrI ibRj BuipMdr isMG lflI nUM puils vwloˆ ihrfsq `c lY ilaf igaf hY . imlI jfxkfrI muqfbk lflI jdoˆ poilMg bUQ `qy gey sn qfˆ Auh ipsqOÜ vI afpxy nfl aMdr lY gey sn , ijs krky kfˆgrsI vrkrfˆ dy nfl AunHfˆ dI qkrfr ho geI aqy AuQy qfienfq mulfËmfˆ vwloˆ AunHfˆ nUM ipsqOl smyq ihrfsq `c lY ilaf igaf.quhfnUM dws deIey ik ibRj BuipMdr isMG lflI sfl ñùùò `c kfˆgrs dI sIt ijwq ky Aus vyly dI srkfr qihq gRih mMqrI vjoˆ nfmËd hoey sn .
lMgr `qy nhIˆ lwgygf jI[aYws[tI[, hrismrq awgy JukI srkfr
Dfrimk sMsQfvfˆ vwloˆ muPq `c prosy jfx vfly lMgr aqy BMzfry nUM kyˆdrI mfl aqy syvf tYks(jI[aYs[tI) qoˆ Cot dyx dI iqafrI cwl rhI hY . ies nUM lY ky kyˆdr srkr QoVHf nrm huMdI idKfeI dy rhI hY . nfl hI hr pfisEN isafsI dbfa nUM dyKdy hoey jld hI afpxy ibwl `c srkfr bdlfa vI krn jf rhI hY .ies nfl pUry dyÈ dy ieiqhfisk gurduafirafˆ `c proisaf jfx vflf lMgr aqy ieiqhfisk mMdrfˆ `c atuwt cwlx vfly BMzfirafˆ nUM rfhq imlx dI sMBfvnf hY . iswKf dIafˆ smUh sMsQfvfˆ aqy Kud kyˆdrI mMqrI hrismrq kOr bfdl dy dbfa `c kyˆdr srkfr jI[aYws[tI nUM lYky QoVHf JukdI nËr af rhI hY . hrismrq kOr bfdl ny Kud pRDfn mMqrI nUM ies sbMDI ivÈyÈ apIÜ kIqI sI.
iksfnfˆ vwloˆ qYa smyˆ qoˆ pihlfˆ hI Jonf lfAux df aYlfn srkfr dI krË muafPI qy bYˆkfˆ vwloˆ KflI cYwkfˆ dI gfrMtI dy ivroD ivwc iksfnfˆ ny pMjfb Br ivwc sihkfrI bYˆk hYwzkuaftrfˆ `qy Ëordfr ros pRdrÈn kIqf hY . ies dy nfl hI iksfnfˆ ny Jony dI kfÈq qYa kIqy srkfrI smyˆ qoˆ pihlfˆ krn df aYÜfn vI kIqf. iksfnfˆ df ielËfm hY ik bYˆk AunHfˆ qoˆ krË dyx leI gfrMtI vjoˆ KflI cYwk lYˆdy hn qy iPr AunHfˆ Auwpr ôòú dy mukwdmy drjL krvf idMdy hn. iksfnfˆ ny srkfr nUM cyqfvnI idMidafˆ ikhf ik Auh ñú jUn qoˆ Jonf bIjxf ÈurU krngy qy jykr srkfr ny ies idn qoˆ ibjlI splfeI bhfl nf kIqI qfˆ pMjfb dy sfry girwzfˆ df iGrfE vI krngy .
PUlkf ny idwqI asqIPy dI DmkI afm afdmI pfrtI dy sInIar lIzr aYc[aYs[PUlkf ny pfrtI asqIPf dyx dI DmkI idwqI hY .PUÜkf ny ikhf hY ik jykr `afp` ny kfˆgrs nfl iksy qrHfˆ df gwTjoV krn dI koiÈÈ kIqI qfˆ Auh qurMq iqafg pwqr dy dyxgy . PUlkf ny ikhf hY ik Auh ñùøô iswK kqlyafm krky kfˆgrs nfl iksy vI qrHfˆ df sbMD nhIˆ rwK skdy.AunHfˆ afpxf stYˆz spwÈt kridafˆ ikhf hY ik jykr hfeIkmfˆz kfˆgrs nfl iksy vI qrHfˆ df gwTjoV krdI hY qfˆ Auh ies ivwc Èfml nhIˆ hoxgy. drasl `afp` afgU qy pMjfb ivDfn sBf ivwc ivroDI iDr dy nyqf suKpfl isMG Kihrf ny ibafn idwqf sI ik afAux vflIafˆ lok sBf coxfˆ ivwc BfrqI jnqf pfrtI nUM hrfAux leI sfrIafˆ pfrtIafˆ nUM iewkjuwt hoxf cfhIdf hY . PAGE 28
iswK ieiqhfs bfry iPÜmfˆ leI vwKrf sYˆsr borz bxfieaf sRI akfl qKq sfihb ny òñ mYˆbrI iswK sYˆsr borz df gTn kIqf hY . ieh borz iswK Drm sbMDI bxfeIafˆ jfˆdIafˆ zfkUmYˆtrI ,PIcr qy aYnImyÈn iPlmfˆ ivwc iswK gurU sfihbfn qy pirvfr dy rol qy iswK ieiqhfs nUM qoV mroV ky pyÈ krn sbMDI pYdf huMdy ivvfd nfl nijwTygf. iswK sYˆsr borz iksy vI iPÜm ivwc idKfey jfx vfly iswK ieiqhfs dI GoK pVqfl krygf.akfl qKq ny afdyÈ kIqf ik iswK Drm nfl sbMDq koeI vI iPÜm , nftk afid bxfAux qoˆ pihlfˆ zfierYktr akfl qKq sfihb dI pRvfngI lYxI jLrUrI smJx.
iksfnfˆ nUM nhIˆ imlygI òú jUn qoˆ pihlfˆ ibjlI iksfnfˆ nUM Jony dI luafeI leI ibjlI splfeI òú jUn qoˆ hI imlygI. pfvrkOm mYnyjmYˆt ny ieh spwÈt kridafˆ ikhf hY ik hr sfl vfˆg aYqkI vI ieh splfeI iqMn gruwpfˆ ivwc vMz ky hryk iksfn nUM roËfnf awT GMitafˆ leI idwqI jfvygI.pfvrkOm mYnyjmYˆt ny sUby dIafˆ iqMn iksfn jQybMdIafˆ nfl hoeI bYTk dOrfn ieh gwl khI. Xfd rhy ies vfr srkfr ny Jony dI luafeI leI qfrIK òú jUn imQI hY.iksfn ies qoˆ pihlfˆ ibjlI splfeI dI mMg kr rhy sI .pfvrkOm mYnyjmYˆt ny spÈt kIqf hY ik Jony leI splfeI pMjfb srkfr dy hukmfˆ muqfbk òú jUn qoˆ hI idwqI jfvygI .
rMDfvf ny jylH suprzYˆt sxy cfr aiDkfrI Jtkfey jylH mMqrI suKijMdr isMG rMDfvf ny jylH aiDkfrIafˆ `qy iskMjf kws idwqf hY .AunHfˆ ny jylH suprzYˆt ÈmÈyr isMG bopfrfey,izptI suprzYˆt mnjIq isMG itvfxf,shfiek suprzYˆt privMdr isMG qy hYˆwz vfrzr inÈfn isMG nUM muawql kr idwqf hY . ieh kfrvfeI kyˆdrI jylH luiDafxf ivwcoˆ bIqI ñó meI nUM jylH pRÈfsn nUM JkfnI dy ky do hvflfqIafˆ dy Prfr hox dy mfmly ivwc kIqI geI hY . afeIjI jylH vwloˆ pyÈ jfˆc irport ivwc ienHfˆ aiDkfrIafˆ dI axgihlI sfhmxy afeI sI . ñó meI dyr Èfm rotI lYx qoˆ bfad amloh ielfky dy rihx vfly hrivMdr isMG qy Aus df Brf jsbIr isMG jylH dI ñõ Puwt AuwcI kMD twp ky Prfr ho gey sI. puils vwloˆ kIqI geI jfˆc ivwc pqf lwigaf ik Auh sIsItIvI kYmiraf dI qfr dy shfry Prfr hoey hn.
mjITIaf iKÜfP kfrvfeI bfry sI bMd irport hfeIkort nUM sONpI pMjfb srkfr ny sfbkf akflI mMqrI ibkrm mjITIaf iKÜfP kfrvfeI bfry sI bMd irport hfeIkort nUM sOˆpI hY.aYstIaYP cIP hrpRIq iswDU vwloˆ mjITIaf iKÜfP pyÈ irport Auwqy pMjfb srkfr ny afpxI styts irport sIlbMd kvr ivwc hfeIkort nUM idwqI hY.pMjfb srkfr vwloˆ inXukq kIqI do mYˆbrfˆ dI tIm gRih skwqr inrmljIq isMG klsI qy zIjIpI suryÈ aroVf vwloˆ ieh irport idwqI geI hY . ies bfry hfeIkort ny ieh ikhf hY ik irport pVHn qoˆ bfad hI koeI itwpxI kIqI jfvygI .
The Patrika
Friday, June 1st, 2018
InternshIps Internsh InternshIIps
Hiring Students for Summer Jobs
Gurdwara Sahib Kalgidhar Darbar is now looking for full time students for PaiD Summer internships from JUNE to aUGUSt 2018. (8 weeks job placement)
InternshIp CategorIes: • 2 Camp Coordinators • 1 event planner
Assist in providing services and programs to children, youth and seniors including summer programs and community events. This position will involve hands-on experience working with children, youth and seniors in a recreational setting with a focus on community and asset building.
requIrements: Applicants must meet the following criteria, as set out by Service Canada: • Be between the ages of 15 and 30 years at the start of employment; • Have been registered as full-time students in the previous academic year and intend to return to school on a full-time basis in the next academic year; • Be a Canadian citizen or permanent residents. • Be legally entitled to work in Canada in accordance with relevant provincial/territorial legislation and regulations.
report to: sarabjit singh sarai (president) application Instructions: please send your resume and cover letter to
application deadline date: June 10, 2018
The Patrika
Friday, June 1st 2018
vYsfK sMkRFqI
joiqS, Eqy Eqy 604-751-0220 kro
myK – aYsL prsqI ivwc mn lgygf. afriQk siQqI ivwc suDfr hovygf. inwjI lokF krky mn dI asLFqI ho skdI hY. sMqfn ksLt, iesqrI suwK aqy kfrobfr TIk rhygf. meI 20,21,29,30, jUn 8, 9 asLuwB.
Life is moving onto another major stage after putting you through all sorts of surprises and possibly upheavals since 2010. In the next 6 months you can get an inkling of what you need to stabilise, particularly financially, for the longer term. Don’t be tempted to make sudden decisions with this change – there will be time.
There can be the sensation that much has been cleared away in preparation for your life to take new directions you have not experienced before. Take note of how you feel this week as there can be an element of sudden turnarounds but this is just a start. The real changes will settle into place next year and continue to 2026.
ibRK – vfXU rog, PjLUl KrcI hovy, imwqrF df sihXog imlygf, sMqfn suwK, iesqrI pwKo sLfqI, mhIny dy aMq ivwc cot df zr. meI 14,15,22,23,31 jUn 1,2,10,11 asLuwB.
imQun – isr qy nyqr rog, imwqr-ipafiraF df sihXog rhygf. iesqrI ksLt, dusLmx kmjLor rhygf. afmdn qoN Krcf vwD rhygf. meI 16,17,24, 25, jUn 3,4,12,14 asLuwB.
isMG – kfrobfr ivwc lfB, sMpqI ivvfd iwvc nf AulJo, imwqrF qoN DoKf ho skdf hY. kMm bdlx df ivcfr bx skdf hY. meI 20,21,29,30 jUn 8,9 asLuwB hovygI.
kMinaF – ishq TIk rhygI, purfxy msly hwl hoxgy, iesqrI pwKoN lfB pRfpq hovygf. nvyN kfrobfr df ivcfr bxygf. meI 14,15,22,23,31,jUn 1,2,10,11 asLuwB hovygI.
7 qulf – KUn-ipwq ivkfr, afmdn qoN vwD Krc, afpixaF nUM icMqF, iesqrI uswK, kfrobfr dy rwdo bdl df ivcfr, mhIny df aMq sLuwB rhy. meI 16,17,24,25, jUn 3,4,12,13 asLwuB.
The unpredictability of those who have had authority that you have had to deal with since 2010 can now be useful when it comes to what you prioritise, as well as the way you deal with the pressure of someone else’s expectations. You can know how to find peace for yourself. The next 6 months is a taste of long-term situations.
Your view of your world and what you believe in has likely changed and expanded since 2010. You will now need to consider, initially for the next 6 months, what you are prepared to commit yourself to in the longer term. Don’t base this just yet on any sudden events involving other people that could bring responsibility your way.
A sense of relief or release can be experience in the next 6 months from never knowing what pressures would be exerted next by others, that you have had to deal with since 2010. You will be given the opportunity in the longer term to learn what your goals need to be, based on what will become important for you to believe in.
Since 2010 you have had to deal with a lot of changeability least expected with other people. There will be an alteration to this during the next 6 months to something more determined, so pay attention. This is behaviour you will need to get used to dealing with in the longer term so steel yourself to resist the unwanted.
Expect the unexpected when it comes to others over the next 6 months. It may seem to be a reaction to any changes you are making in your own life but this will not necessarily be the case. You will have to adjust to others being rebellious and or seemingly not caring about the effect this has on you from March to 2026.
You may need to learn to deal with new methods and means in something that you do daily over the next 6 months. It is just the beginning of what will become part of life in the longer term. This could also involve you in situations where you put things into place that gets rid of unnecessary work, resulting in more efficiency.
One way or another a lot of change has taken place within the family unit since 2010 that has likely had elements of surprise attached. The opportunity for greater enjoyment should present itself in the next 6 months but then become a theme from March in the longer term. Don’t take risks that have not been well considered.
You will likely sense a big shift in your life this week. Part of this can be realising that you have to be prepared to fight for your rights to ensure a pattern does not get established that you do not want. Be mindful of this in the next 6 months while at the same time realising this can be big change in the family in the longer term.
Be mindful of distractions that could arise more than usual over the next 6 months as this can all too easily become part of life in the longer term. There will be things you need to learn and information you might have to gather. This can all be very interesting as long as you remain focussed on the end result you want to gain.
krk – ishq dI KrfbI, Dn dI hfnI df zr, sMqfn Auwqy ivsLysL Krc, nIc ivakqIaF qoN apmfn df zr, mhIny df aMq TIk rhygf. meI 18,19, 26,27, 28, jUn 5,6,7,14 asLuwB.
Your priorities in life have likely gone through all sorts of changes since 2010. You will have little choice but to play the games people play during the next 6 months. Subtlety will be the name of the game, particularly with those who have authority. Pay attention because this will become a long term experience from March next year
ibRsLick – gupq icMqf bxI rhygI. kP ivkfr qoN pRysLfnI, imwqrF df sihXog rhygf. iesqrI pwKoN lfB. kfrobfr suDrygf. meI 18,19,26,28 jUn 5,7,14 asLuwB hovygI.
DnU – isr qy nyqr df rog, acfnk Dn lfB, Xfqrf ivwc swt df zr, kfrobfr ivwc lfB, iesqrI pwKoN sLuwB smfcfr imly. meI 20,21,29,30 jUn 8,9 asLuwB hovygI.
10 mkr – ishq TIk rhy, Dn lfB, imwqr ipafiraF df suwK, sMqfn pwKoN icMqf, iesqrI ksLt, kfrobfr ivwc lfB hovygf. meI 14,15,22,23,31,jUn 3,4,12,13,asLuwB hovygI.
11 kuMB – vfXU rog, Dn lfB, iksI ivsLysL Dfrimk smfgm qy Krcf ho skdf hY. jmIn jfiedfd pRfpqI df Xog, sMqfn aqy koeI nvIN Xojnf qy Krcf vI ho skdf hY meI 16,17,24,25, jUn 3,4,12,13 asLwuB.
mIn – ishq TIk rhygI , Dn lfB hoky hfnI ho skdI hY. inwjI lokF nfl JgVf ho skdf hY. iesqrI pwKoN sihXog imlygf. kfrobfr iwvc rwdo bdl qoN bfad suDfr hovygf. meI 18,19,26,28 jUn 5,6,7,14 asLuwB hovygI.
Friday, June 1st, 2018
The Patrika
pMjfbI sfihq sBf aYbtsPorz (rij:) dI mfisk mIitMg rIport pMjfbI sfihq sBf aYbtsPorz (rij:) dI mfisk mIitMg gurduafrf Kflsf idvfn susfietI ivKy 27 meI nUM pRDfn pvn igwlF vflf dI pRDfngI hyT hoeI. hfjLrI qoN bfad hfjLr kvIaF ny afpxIaF rcnfvF pVHIaF. ijnHf ivwc, BfgsrI, ENkfr sMDU, gurmyl brfV, bldyv sIhrf, jgdIp BwtI, jgdyv jtfxf, iqlk rfj moNgf, pvn igwlF vflf, ajmyr rozy, aqy gurdIp burj sLfml sn. gurdIp burj cMgy lyKk qy gfiek vI hn. mIitMg dy dUsry Bfg ivwc gurdIp burj df kfiv sMgRih `drd dI dOlq`lok arpx kIqf igaf, ijs bfry ipRMsIpl jgrUp isMG jI ny prcf piVHaf qy gurdIp burj bfry jfxkfrI idwqI. ajmyr rozy ny gurdIp burj dI pusqk nUM pM-
jfbI sfihq ivwc pRvysL krn qy vDfeI idwqI aqy kivqf qy sfihq ipafr nUM ijMLdgI Br sfQ dyx vflI cMgI afdq dwisaf. sroiqaF ivwc jsLndIp kOr syKoN, dsivMdr syKoN, gurdIp syKoN, mnDIr isMG BfgIrQ, ivjy DINgVf, sqnfm igwl, hYpI igwl aqy hor hfjLr sn. pusqk ‘drd dI dOlq` nUM lok arpx krn dI rsm s: mihMdr isMG igwl, aqy ipMRsIpl jgrUp isMG ny inBfeI. pRDfngI mMzl ivwc pvn igwlF vflf, ajmyr rozy, aqy ipRMsIpl jgrUp isMG sLsoLBq sn. bldyv suwKI rozy ny styj skwqr dI ijLwmyvfrI inBfeI. sBf dI jUn mhIny dI mIitMg 24 nUM aYqvfr nUM hovygI. hor jfxkfrI leI pvn igwlF vflf nUM 604-615-9877 jF bldyv suKI rozy nUM 604-855-1952 qy kfl kr skdy ho. PAGE 31
The Patrika
Friday, June 1st 2018
pfxI hY qF khfxI hY
supnf qy kuVI
kulvIr isMG zfnsIvfl KfdF pf pf jLYhrI imwtI krqI pMjfb dI
ipMR: suirMdrpfl kOr brfV supny buxdIey alVH kuVIey sihk sihk ky ijAuNidaF moey.
jgdyv isMG jtfxf hr kdm zr hY, iÌkr hY - ieh iËMdgI kYsf sÌr hY?
pfxIaF nUM qrsy beI DrqI pMjfb dI
supny bux bux kI kryNgI?
supny buxdIey iksmq puVIey
afpy nUM cUMzy,jfn sukfvy -cfnx hY kMbdf,anyrf inzr hY.
ikhdy nfl KyHzFgy jy, hfxI nf rhy
ikhVy cMdry dys vryNgI?
supny bux bux kI kryNgI?
lhU luhfx afÜf duafÜf-dihÈq dhfVy,ÈfˆqI pwQr hY.
asIN vI nI rihxf jy pfxI nf rhy
kuJ supny qyry kMj kuafry-
ikhVy cMdry dys vryNgI?
ajy vI aOrq afty df dIvf-afbrU Éqry `c bfhr jfˆ Gr hY.
ijLMdgI nI rihxI jy pfxI nf rhy
cuwp dI sUlLI cVH jfvxgy.
supny qyry mr jfvxgy
nÈy df Qfˆ Qfˆ diraf vihMdf-jo bx irhf idsdf sfgr hY.
mihl pfey bMidaF ny aflHxy AujfV ky
kuJ supny qyry asloN kory
dfj vrHI sMg rulL jfvxgy
guMzfÊrdI df aYsf bolbflLf-skqy `c idsdf hr nfrI nr hY.
ijMLdgI ijExf cfhuMdy, mwCIaF nUM mfr ky
rsmF hwQoN mr jfvxgy
qyrIaF kwc dIaF cUVIaF vfkx
DVfˆ qoˆ isr gfieb hoeI jfˆdy-nrkfˆ qoˆ vI hflfq bdqr hY.
PlL ikhnUM lwgxy jy tfhxI nf rhy
Pyr ienHF df kI kryNgI?
qlIaF dy ivwc puV jfvxgy
nyqf dI GurkI inpuMsk kr jfˆdI-guMgf qy bihrf hr aÌsr hY.
asIN vI nI rihxf jy pfxI nf rhy
ikhVy cMdry dys vryNgI?
supny buxdIey kmlIey kuVIey
mjbUrI df bwDf jIBf geI TfkI-bol kI inkÜy idsdI kbr hY.
shoqyaf ipafs qyl pIiqaF nf lwQxI
supny buxdIey alHV kuVIey
supny bux bux kI kryNgI?
ÉudkÈIafˆ leI mjbUr aMndfqf-pfxI ËihrI DrqI bMjr hY.
iZwz vflLI BwuK not KfiDaF nf hwtxI
supny bux bux kI kryNgI?
ikhVy cMdry dys vryNgI?
nsIb iksfn df bxI ÉudkuÈI krËf sUeI jfˆdf ies kdr hY.
pihlf pfxI jIE hY, bfxI ieh khy
kuJ supny qyry bfl vrysy,
supny buxdIey iksmq puVIey,
kx kx df lyKf dyxf hI pYxf-ies gwl qoˆ nfˆ koeI nfbr hY.
asIN vI nI rihxf jy pfxI nf rhy
bfbul dy Gr corI hoey
supny buxdIey alHV kuVIey,
axÉI,sUrbIr XoDf sI huMdf kdy- ivrsf pMjfbI igaf ikDr hY?
ijLMdgI nI rihxI jy pfxI nf rhy
kuJ supny qF PrjLF Kfqr
supny bux bux kI kryNgI?
swc dI CfqI qy kUV mUMg dÜdf- hr pfsy idsdf iehI mMËr hY. gMdgI dy kIVy qoˆ vI jUn BYVI-kI smJy `jtfxf` ieh kYsf sbr hY?
idl ny dirafvF vrgy
isr vwZvyN vYr puafqy
igwl surjIq
idl ny dirafvF vrgy
rfvI cnfb dy
nKry qy nfjL adfvF
bohVF dIaF CfvF vrgy
vgdy ny pfxI ijwQy
vFgUM nvfb dy
bfpU dy ipafrF vrgy
pIhlU df imrjLf ijwQy
mfvF idaF cfvF vrgy
rxjIq ikMgrf gMgf jmnf sI myry do nYx bx gey, tuwtdy moh idldfrF dy. isr vZvyN ro ro afpxf afp gvf ilaf mYN.
ikAuN rwKVI dy kuJ Dfgy,
vgdy ny pfxI ijwQy
pwQr idly qyrI awK nf hoeI igwlI,
guwt qy bMnHy pfp bxy.
vfirs dI hIr dy ikwsy
rfvI cnfb dy
qyry sfhmxy drd hMZf ilaf mYN.
ikAuN apxfey irsLqy, sfzy leI srfp bxy.
rMgly pMjfb dy
suhxI mhINvfl dI joVI
vgdy ny pfxI ijwQy
lY ky buwkl ivwc, awQrU pUMJ myry,
vgdy ny pfxI ijwQy
iesLky dI qMd ny qoVI
igwl surjIq nUM ipafrI
ikAuN nf cuwk ky sIny nfl lf ilaf qYN?
ikAuN mOsm ipwCy lwg igaf, DoKybfj bhfrF dy. isr vZvyN
kihMdy Xfr qF Xfr df rwb huMdf,
ikAuN kMnF nfl suxky AuhnUM,
rfvI cnfb dy
lokIN ny icwTy gfAuNdy
gIqF dI kfivAuzfrI
kfhqoN ‘ikMgry’ rwb rusf ilaf qYN?
bwJ XkIn igaf
vgdy ny pfxI ijwQy
awj vI sLbfb dy
rwb qoN rihmq mMgdf
asIN iewk dUjy dy mUMh ivwc
ikAuN Kf awKF df DoKf,
BYxF ijwQy GoVIaF gfeIaF
vgdy ny pfxI ijwQy
mMgdf vI rihMdf sMgdf
burkIaF pfAuNdy sI.
Auhdf Auwz puwz dIn igaf ikAuN pwg vtf ky Buwl igaf,
mfvF ijwQy lYx vDfeIaF
rfvI cnfb dy
awgy nf cfrf cwldf
asIN kwTy KFdy pIdy aYsL AuzfAuNdy sI. koeI pfp dI ibjlI izwg peI
vfady kOl krfrF dy? isr vZvyN
BfbI dI imwTI msLkrI
vgdy ny pfxI ijwQy
idl dy Kuafb dy
sfzy sohl ipafrF qy.
qUM KUn myry df ipafsf,
imsLrI dI lwgy qsLkrI
XoiDaF dIaF vfrF ijwQy
vgdy ny pfxI ijwQy
isr vwZvyN vYr puaf qy lokF ijgrI XfrF dy.
mYN qyry ipafr nUM qrs irhf
lfzo ijwQy hwsky sihMdI
gfeIaF srdfrF ijwQy
rfvI cnfb dy
asIN bcpn KyHzy ‘kwTy iewk skUl pVdy sI.
ipMz ckr ivwc ikMgry,
nKry jnfb dy
buwkdI ijwQy cVHI jvfnI
vgdy ny pfxI ijwQy
asIN iewk dUjy dI Kfqr,
awiKEN sfvx vrs irhf
mUhry ho ho lVdy sI.
Tfr dy qpdf sInf TMZIaF nfl Puhfrf dy.
vgdy ny pfxI ijwQy
qor ivwc ajb rvfnI
rfvI cnfb dy
ikAuN aYnf ipafr vDf ky,
isr vwZvyN vYr puaf qy lokF ijgrI XfrF dy.
The Patrika
Friday, June 1st, 2018
myrf mfhI
gurmyl isMG brfV kMizaF dI syjf qy Kbry nINd iks qrHf afeI idn afAux vKyiVaF dy jfvx ivCwV puwqF qoN mfvF
mMgl isMG brfV dunIaF dI durkfrI awK lwK lukoieaF vwK vwK idsdI
nf bolo jfnvro, suwqf jfg pvy nf mfhI
ivwc Gor anyHry dy bMdy df Cwz jfey sfQ prCfvF
swjxF dI siqkfrI awK.
sfAU aqy bjLfrI awK.
ruwK sF sF krdy ny, ikwkrF, jMz, byrIaF ryrU
ivwc suwK dy supinaF dy sB koeI iPry kMGVIaF pfeI
awK dI jLfq pCfxy ikhVf
lwK pqMgy sV sV qur gey,
pYrF ivwc kMizaF ny krqy igxqI qoN vwD myrU
nf bolo…
hr koeI awK inafrI awK.
ijAuN dI iqAuN kvfrI awK.
cuwp kro nI icVIE, kfhqoN icV icV icV lfeI
jI bws qyrIaF qUM jfxy mYN kI khF grIb invfjf
pl ivwc ikMny rMg bdldI
qKq hjLfrF bxy ivrfnf
nf bolo…
kr sB kuC skdf eyN qum ho sB rfjn ky rfjf
cMcl, KyKxhfrI awK.
bx jfey jdoN ivcfrI awK.
awK boly awK Bry huMgfrf
msq rihx dI afdq eI aY,
awg lwg jfey srsf nUM pf geI cfVH prvfr ivCoVf hY dunIaF vfilaF nUM jfnY hukm c rihx isKfeI jo hukm c rihMdI sI, mfiraf kI qkdIry lohVf?
nf bolo…
BydF BrI ptfrI awK.
kOx khy hMkfrI awK.
sB sfjL bfj iKMz gey, qurnf pY igaf vfho dfhI
krnf aOKf huMdf sOKIaF bhuq pfAuxIaF bfqF
loV pYx qy ho jFdI aY,
sdf hI BuwKx BfxI rihMdI,
nf bolo…
hY pfpI rfj ivcwoN af igaf kwZx nyrHIaF rfqF
swjxF dI vI BfrI awK.
qyrI sdf isMLgfrI awK.
ikqy rulLdy hovxgy jI siqgur dy bfl inafxy
hY Drm bcOx leI bYTf twkr jLulm nfl lfeI
Kbry drsLn ho eI jFdy
qUM qF eydF awK curfvyN,
bx lUx hrfmI nf gMgUaf qUM PVfAuNdf Tfxy
nf bolo…
KuwlH geI afp muhfrI awK.
sfnUM ijvyN duipafrI awK
hY drd poiqaF df iks ibD jrjU gujrI mfeI
ipaf vft mukf ky hY sLOt kwt rsqy ivKVIaF zMzIaF
sfzy cYn dI vYrn bx geI,
keI bydrd JnfvF AuwqoN,
nf bolo…
iewk rfq isaflF dI dUjIaF vgx hvfvF TMzHIaF
qyrI ieh hiqafrI awK.
lf jFdI aY qfrI awK.
hY dInF duKIaF dI Kfqr lwgx cuwky hoey bIVy
qIjf gurmyl isMGf qUM vI jfvNy rOlLf pfeI
sFBI bYTI lwK vIrfny,
kwicaF qy qrnoN nhIN JkdI
hoey zUMiGaF jLKmF qy icMbVy iPrn ipMzy dy lIVy
nf bolo jfnvro suwqf jfg pvy nf mfhI
surmy nfl isLMgfrI awK.
ieh isdkF dI mfrI awK.
AuNj nUrI muwKVy qoN hY koeI lgdf sMq ispfhI
kMizaF dIaF syjF qy Kbry nINd iks qrHF afeI?
afpxy afp ivwc dunIaF hY iewk,
jMz dy pwqy sUhy ho gey
nf bolo…
nf bolo jfnvro, suwqf jfg pvy nf mfhI!
ieh sfrI dI sfrI awK.
bx geI by-ieqbfrI awK.
gurbcn kOr iZwloN
lwKbIr lwkI jy mYnUM qUM bKisLaf ikwqf,
pMjfb myrf sI suMdr bgIcf
Cfly pYrIN rMg brMgy.
afgeI afPq KflI KIsf
ijLhn vI sfry jLKmF mwly.
ieh dIaF imwTIaF imwTIaF mihkF
jLoKm BrIaF msLkwqF pwly.
jLihrI hoeIaF ies dIaF DrykF
mrIaF axKF luwt geI pwq.
icwitaF iesdy Puwl PUkqy.
KusLbUaF sVIaF sV igaf nwk.
jy vI nf iPr Dn kmfvF,
krijLaF ies dy kuwl PUkqy.
jLihrI ho gey mOsm sfry.
jLihr Kfx leI pwly kuJ nf, ikQoN KfvF cUrI?
nMgIaF ho geIaF inwGIaF bhfrF.
muwk gey pfxI ho ho Kfry .
eyhnUM kI nF dyvF? iksmq jF mjLbUrI?
luwt gey mOsm afeIaF hfrF.
huMdIaF ryp nbflg klIaF.
jLihrI hvfvF Gwiqaf Gyrf.
Koh koh pwqf pYrIN mlIaF.
kflIaF rfqF ikwQy svyrf.
jLsn ey ajLfdI iqrMgy JUlx.
jLKm idlF dy zUMGy ho ho .
iksfnF gl PfhIaF ruwKIN JUtx.
‘lwkI’ nUM nf BuwKf svfeIN,
qFGF mrIaF bybs ho ho.
dysL prfey iZwloN jI kI lwgy.
DrqI qy af vyK iewk vfrI, kI huMdI mjLbUrI.
pYroN lY ky isr qwk nMgy.
pMjfb c nyHrI kihr dI vgy
eyhnUM kI nF dyvF? iksmq jF mjLbUrI?
ikAuN nhIN myrf hwk mYnUM idwqf, sfrI Aumr qyrI iKdmq kIqI, pwly nf peI mjLUrI. eyhnUM kI nF dyvF? iksmq jF mjLbUrI? eyhnUM kI nF dyvF? qn mn sfrf dfa qy lfvF,
pYsy nfl koeI pYsf bxfvy, inrDn hor inWGrdf jfvy, hr rojL hI vDdI jFdI, AUc nIc dI dUrI. eyhnUM kI nF dyvF? iksmq jF mjLbUrI? rotI dyeIN rwbf sB qFeI,
The Patrika
I am a director’s actor : Aditi forward. I have been working since 2010-2011 finding my way slowly and steadily step by step, fumbling sometimes but managing to find the light,” Aditi said. “What kept me going is my unwavering belief and I’m always able to turn a negative into a positive… You can put all the crap in front of me, I will find something to be happy about… It is because of a strong family. Yes, it is true I didn’t have a filmi insider to hold me when I fell, but that’s the way it is, it’s the same in any industry.” Born in Hyderabad and brought up in Delhi, Aditi made her debut with Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra’s Delhi 6 and Bollywood actress Aditi went on to work in Hindi and Tamil Rao Hydari knows she has no film industry. She says there are one making films for her or days when she feels like she planning her career but she has “might pass out”. “I also enjoy the Aamir Khan is known a huge sense of belief in herself hecticness… I’m only looking for his excellent choice of — which makes her take forward… to doing more, to scripts and roles and has been fearless decisions. “I live in the learning more and to being one of the pioneers in moment and I’m always looking challenged more,” she said. introducing what is now considered as a replacement of yesteryears’ ‘jubilee weeks’ – the 100 crore club. The actor took a trip down the memory lane as he completed 30 years in the movie business. At a group interview that was held by She may be playing an
I will never pick a role just because its glamorous : Swara Bhasker
ultra-glamorous role in her upcoming movie Veere Di Wedding, but actor Swara Bhasker says she will not compromise on the content of the film even if she is choosing an outand-out commercial project. The actor, who has been part of critically-acclaimed projects like Nil Battey Sannata and Anaarkali of Aarah, says her past choices have made her aware of the fact that she needs to pick performance-oriented characters. "There are people who have offered me films that were socalled glamorous but there was nothing much for me to do in them. So I didn't do that. I have a body of work that justifies that I should have something fairly substantial to do. I can't do something random just to be seen in a certain clothing... I will not be able to do that," Swara saidI. The actor said filmmakers tend to stereotype her because of her previous films, but producer Rhea believed in her and offered the role of Sakshi to her. "I have done more desi characters and so people assume 'she can do only this'. Kudos to Rhea's vision. It shows she has an imagination. Also, the fact that Rhea's sister Sonam knows me, helped because she knows the person I am," Swara Bhasker said.
Friday, June 1st 2018
My biggest strength as an actor is that I am not scared to fail : Aamir the Dangal actor this week on the occasion of his accomplishing 30 successful years in the film industry, the actor revealed how different elements at various stages of his life helped him make what he is today. Having a long career stint is made up of plenty of memories right from your first film to the one that he worked on last that is Thugs of Hindostan. Talking about one such vivid memory from his first day shoot of Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak, Aamir said, “It was my first day of shooting, we were in Ooty. The scene was where we are lost, and I was lying on the straws. All of a sudden there was so much fog there that we had to wait the whole day to shoot, and I felt that if my first day of shooting as an actor is a
washout, then this isn’t a good omen. I hoped my career wouldn’t be like that (laughs).” Aamir has upped his performance with every film and hence is still one of the reigning superstars of Bollywood. But ask the actor about his opinion regarding his acting chops, and he gives you a simple answer, “I’m not a born actor… like Naseeruddin Shah, Om Puri, Dilip Kumar, Amitji (Amitabh Bachchan), Zaira (Wasim). They all are a powerhouse. When they give a shot, it comes out very naturally and effortlessly. I don’t think I have that gift.” He explains this referring to a case he observed while shooting for Dangal. “When we were rehearsing for Dangal, Zaira got the accent in about a week’s time while I took four months to get it right and still on the days we used to shoot I used to struggle with it. So I need to work my way to get it right, I’m not a natural.”
Having a six-pack doesn’t mean you’re a good actor: Saiyami Kher Mirzya actor Saiyami Kher, a sports and fitness enthusiast, says she finds actor Akshay Kumar inspirational. While fitness is a way of life for Saiyami, who has played badminton and cricket professionally, she says it’s not necessarily a decisive factor for a career as an actor in the entertainment industry. “Looks
Kartik was interacting with the media at the GQ 100 Best Dressed Awards 2018
fallout between the two due to monetary issues, Kartik said, “There hasn’t been discussion between me and Luv (Ranjan) sir about money. So, I don’t know from where these kind of news (reports) are emerging.”“We both have started our respective careers together so there hasn’t been discussion about money and Actor Kartik Aaryan, who is it will never be in the future as well. I just riding high after the success of his last want to clarify that there is nothing wrong film Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety, says between me and Luv sir. I think we both there is nothing wrong between him are the same as we used to be earlier.”On and his mentor and director Luv his fashion preferences, Kartik said, “I Ranjan. Kartik was interacting with the always prefer to wear clothes which are media at the GQ 100 Best Dressed comfortable. I always prefer to wear Awards 2018 .Kartik and Ranjan have simple and comfortable outfits like plain worked together in four films, after t-shirts or bottom wear. My fashion sense starting their career together with has always been simplistic.”There have Pyaar Ka Punchnama, Akaash Vani, been reports that Kartik will be working Pyaar Ka Punchnama 2 and Sonu Ke with Kareena Kapoor Khan in a Dharma Titu Ki Sweety.On the buzz around a Productions film.Asked about it, he said
and glamour are one part of the entertainment industry, but if you have a six-pack, it doesn’t mean that you’re a good actor. If you are doing an action film, you will need to physically look like an action hero. That’s when the physicality comes in; but to be an actor, body type is not important. “What’s important is how you act and if the character requires you to have a particular kind of a body, then one has to work on that,” Saiyami said. She cited the examples of Bhumi Pednekar who first gained weight for Dum Laga Ke Haisha and then lost it for her subsequent projects, Randeep Hooda who went through drastic weight loss for Sarbjit and Aamir Khan who went through weight fluctuations for Dangal. “With regards to fitness, you definitely need to remain very fit because if you are fit, you will get to do more work. But in the entertainment industry, I don’t think that’s the only focus because obviously acting always remains the main focus. “I really look up to Akshay Kumar. He is tremendously fit and an inspiration.”
Friday, June 1st, 2018
The Patrika
Learning Stars Arts Academy organized a Mother's Day Dinner & Dance in Abbotsford
It was a fun evening filled with dance performances, Live Comedy by Deepak Raja, and Songs dedicated to mothers sung by bollywood singer Teji Sandhu.
I would like to Thank Hi-Peak Railing & Gates, Integrity Driving School, Manju and Bhinder Sharma realtors, Talhan Training and Fitness, and Sleek Studio for sponsoring this show. DJ FLASH (BOBBY) PLAYED GREAT MUSIC AND HAD LADIES DANCING ALL NIGHT.
Rishma and Sonali Johal did a fantastic job as the mc of the night. PAGE 35
The Patrika
kYmlUps nyVy zuwlH qyl nUM sfP krn ivc lwgy kfmy kYmlUps dy Auwqr ivc siQQ zfrPIlz stysLn ‘qy ikMzr morgn dI pfeIplfeIn lIk hox nfl AuwQy qyl PYl igaf ijs nUM bI sI vfqfvrn dy kfmy sfP kr rhy hn| aiDkfrIaF df kihxf hY ik iesqylnfl pfxI dUisLq hoxo bc igaf| ies stsLn nUM qurMq alwg Qlwg kr idwqf igafaqy tRFsmfAuntyn pfeIplfeIn bMd kr idwqI geI| kMpnI df kihxf ik Auh hvf dI guxvwqf ‘qy ingfh rwKI jf rhI hY| Xfd rhy ik ies kMpnI ny 31 meI df idn imiQaf hY jdoN Auh ies gwldIjLfmnI lYxf cfhuMdy hn ik AuMnHF df ivvfidq pRojYkt ibnf rok tok dy awgy vD skygf|
isgrt dy DuKdy tukVy nfl qbfh hoieaf 100 sfl purfxf pulL iek pRqwK drsLI mYlorI mOg df kihxf hY ik Aus ny iksy hor nUM isgrt df DuKdf tukVf sutidaF vyKaf ijs nfl hop dy nyVy df rylvy df lYznr krIk tRYsl ibRwj sVky suaf hoigaf|Aus ny jdoN isgrt suwtx vfly nUM ieAuN krn qoN rokx df XqnkIqf qF Auh avf qvf boldf AuwQoN clf igaf| Aus dy nfl iek aOrq vI sI| iPr Aus ny afpxy sfQIaF nfl iml ky awg buJfAux df XqnkIqf prMqU Auh sPl nf ho sky| 20 imMtF ivc hI awg BVk AuwTI| iPr AuMnHF ny jMglI awg buJfAuxvfilaF nUM sUicq kIqf pr Auh vI sPl nf hoey aqy 100 sflpurfxf pul Zih ZyrI ho igaf.
bI sI dy aPsr ivruwD lwgy kfmuk jbr dy dosLF dI puils vwloN puwC igwC
Friday, June 1st 2018
ailjLfbYQ mya ny pfeIplfeI df ivroD krn dy aml nUM aprfDk mMinaf grIn pfrtI dI nyqf ailjLfbYQ mya ny bI sI dI suprIm kort ivc tRFs mfAuntyn pfeIplfeI df ivroD krn dy aml nUM aprfDk mMinaf| ies dy Pl srUp mfnXog adflq dy jsits kYnQ aPlYk ny mya nUM $1500 df jurmfnf kIqf hY| nrxnXog hY iksrkfrI vkIl ny $500 dfjurmfnf krn dI mMg kIqI sI prMqU jwj ny ikhf ik mya dI pRBfvsLflI pdvI hornF nUM ivKfvf krn aqy adlqI hukMF dI AulMGxf krn leI pRyr skdI hY| ies krky $500 df jurmfnf kfPI nhIN| iessbMD ivc my any ikhf,” ies jurmfny nf mYM sjLfXfPqf aprfDI nhIN bx rhI|
PYzrl srkfr vwloN pfeIplfeIn KrIdx nfl bI sI dy qOKly dUr nhIN huMdy – pRImIar jOn hfrgn 29 meI nUM tRUzo srkfr ny aYlfn kIqf ik Auh tRFsmfAuntyn pfeIp lfeIn $4[5 iblIan ivc KRIdx dIXjnf bxf rhy hn| ies dy pRqIkRm vjoN bI sI dy pRImIar jOn hfrgn ny itwpxI kridaF ikhf ik ies nflbI sI dy qOKly dUr nhIN huMdy| AuMNnHF ikhf ,” hux sfzy leI ieh qOKly aqy Kqry srkfr dy iDafn ivc ilafAuxy sOKy ho jfxgy|”ies sbMD ivc PYzrl KjLfnf mMqrI ibwl mfrny ny smfcfr kfnPrMs ivc PYzrl srkfr ieh PYslf ivsQfr nfl dwisaf| AuMnHF ikhf,” ieh PYslf kYnyzf dy BivwKq ihqF nUM muKrKidaF kIqf igaf hY| srkfr afKr ieh pRojYkt knyzIan invysLkfrF nUM vyc dyvygI ijMnHF ivc mUlvfsI invysLkfr sLfml hoxgy|
akqUbr 1 qoN aYbtsPorz puils dy bI sI dy apRgt mihkmy dy iek aPsr ivruwD lwgy jbr jnfh dy dosLF dI pVqfl ho rhI hY| ieh dosL Aus dIaF do sihkrmIaF vwloN lgfey gey sn| ieh puwC igwC krn dI muKI hoxgy mfeIk sr pusLtI inAU vYstimMstr ivBfg vwloN kIqI geI hY| sfrjYNt jYwP skft ny ikhf ik Aus aPsr df nF gupq rwiKaf jf irhf hY| AuMnHF ikhf ik ieh pVqfl lgBg pUrI ho cuwkI aYbtsPorz puils dy muKI bOb irc 30 sqMbr, 2018 nUMirtfier ho jfxgy aqy AuMnHF hY| ieh kiQq jbr inAU vYstimMstr ivc hI hoieaf sI| puils iksLnr dy dPqr nUM dI QF lYx gy Mike Serr jo 2015 qoN iewQy hI kMM kr rhy hn| aYbtsPorz puils borz dy muKI aqy aYbtsPorz dy myar hYnrI brfn df kihxf hY,” aYbtsPorz puils dy pVqfl dI jfxkfrI nfl nfl idwqI jf rhI hY| izptI mfeIk sr ny afpxy gyxF nfl iswD kr idwqf ik AuhI ivakqI hn aqy shI cox suDfrF bfry atfrnI nrl ny ByjIaF sPfrsLF ivakqI hn ijMnHF dI Bfl istI kr irhf sI|” ies sbMD ivc mfeIk ny ikhf,” mYN aYbtsPorz borz df DMnvfdI hY ijMnHF ny myry ivc ieh pd gRihx krn df ivsLvfsL bI sI dyatfrnI jnrl zyivz aYbI ny 2018 dI pwq JV smy cox suDfrFN bfry hox vflI pRgtfieaf hY| mYN ies ivsvLfsL ‘qy mfn anuBv krdf hF| mYnUM ies ivBfg dy mrd aqy rfie sLumfrI bfry afpxIaF sPfrsL:F ByjIaF hn| ieMnHF ivc ivsQfr nfl dwisaf igaf aOrq aPsrF nfl kMmkrn df suBfg pRfpq hoieaf hY| bOb iorc ny ies sbMD ivc ikhf ik ieh rfie sLumfrI ikvyN krfeI jfvy| ieh sPfrsLF 91,725 lokF qoN ouwCy geysvflF ‘wqy ,” mfeIk iek ihMqI aPsr hY| AusnUM kimAuintI nfl shI qfl myl pYdf krn df vwl aDfirq hn| ieMnHF sPfrsLF dy afDfr qy lok PYslf krngy ik kI bI sI nUM votF pfAux df hY|mYN borz dy PYsly ‘qy KusL hF| vrqmfn First Past the Post jfrI rwKxf cfhIdf hY jF anupfqI pRqIinDqf vflI pRXflI apnfAuxI cfhI dI hY jo kfPI guMJldfr pRxflI hY aqy keIdysLF ivc pRcwlq hY| zRwgF nfl hox vflIaF mOqF nUM rokx ivc ruwJy hoey hn jn ishq aiDkfrI jnvrI ivc zf: bonI hYnrI bxy sn bI sI dy sUbfeI ishq aPsr| AudoN hIsUby ivc pbilk hYlQ aYmrjYNsI aYlfnI geI sI| AudoN qoN hI zRwgF nfl hox vflIaF mOqF nUM TlH pfAux leI sbMDq aPsr pwbF Bfr hoey hoey hn| mfrc ivc gYr kfnUMnI zRwgF nfl 161 mOqF ho geIaF| sUby ivc 45 qfvF aijhIaF hn ijwQy EvrzojL nfl hox vflIaF mOqF nUM rokx dy pRbMD AuplbD hn| EvrzojL dy asr nUM nsLt krn vbflI dvfeI Naloxone ieMnHF QfvF ‘qy AuplbD hY| zf:hYnrI df kihxf hY ik EvrzojL vfly hjLfrF lok ies dvfeI nfl bcfey jf cuwky hn|
puils vwloN 90 idnF dIaF sVkI pfbMdIaF lfAux dy aiDkfr nUM idwqI cxOqI jwj vwloN rwd sLrfbI zRfeIvrF ‘qy 90 idnF dIaF sVkI pfbMdIaF lfAux dy puils nUM idwqy aiDkfr nUM adflq ivc cxOqI idwqI geI sI pr mfnXog jwj jYnIPr zMkn ny ies cxOqI nUMrwd kr idwqf hY| puils nUM ieh aiDkfr 2010 ivc idwqy gey sn| jwj ny afpxy PYsly ivc ikhf ik ieMnHF pfbMdIaF kfrn sLrfb pI ky kfrF clfAux vwloN ho rhIaF durGtnfvF ivc 52% dI kmI hoeI hY| sLrfb pI ky kfr clfAuNdy smy TrHfmy ivc rihx df dfavf krn vfilaF nUM sfbq krnf pvygf ik sLrfb df AuMnHF Aupr koeI mfVf pRBfv nhIN pYNdf| PAGE 36
aYbtsPorz dy irtfier ho rhy istI mYnyjr gOrj mwry dI QF lYxgy pItr spyarnIjL
aYbtsPorz dy istI mYnyjr jOrj mwry pMj sfl dI syvf mgroN irtfier ho rhy hn aqy AuMnHF dI QF lYx gy pItr spyarnIjL jo ipCly, iqMn sfl ieMjInIairMg aqy rIjnXUitiltIjL dy jnrl mYnyjr vjoN kMm kr rhy hn| 19 mfrc dy pRYws rIlIjL ivc istI myar hYnrI brfn ny ikhf nvyN istImYnyjr dI cox srb sMmqI nfl kIqI geI hY| istI mYnyjr dy pd leI 41 AumIdvfrF ny bynqI pwqr Byjy sn ijMnHF ivcoN pItr
The Patrika
Friday, June 1st, 2018
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The Patrika
Friday, June 1st 2018
16 julfeI qoN sLurU
sfiraF dy prsnl aYkFAUNts ivwc muPq E trFsPrs aqy muPq cYwk syvfvF ABBOTSFORD BRANCH 32112 South Fraser Way Abbotsford, BC V2T 1W4 PAGE 38
Mon-Thur 10 am-5 pm Friday 10 am-6 pm Saturday 10 am-5 pm
The Patrika
Friday, June 1st, 2018
Abbotsford Student Awarded by Lt. Governor
n May 12, 2018 it was a proud moment for family and friends of Saagar Arya a student of Grade 11 at Yale Secondary School , Abbotsford when he was awarded a Silver Pin and Certificate by the Lt. Governor of BC, Honorable Janet Austin at the Duke of Edinburgh Award Ceremony held at Government House in Victoria, BC. Saagar Arya was awarded by the Lt Governor for his Exemplary unteering activities, maintaining an leadership qualities, constant vol- active life style while helping others and keeping good grades. Saagar Arya along with working in the community, is also involved in Key club & school Theater productions and is a 2nd Degree Black Belt holder in Martial Arts. Coming from a family of doctors, Saagar is constantly looking to help others & the environment. He is looking forward to completing High school with good grades and going to UBC for his Degree
Staying fit with your kids (NC) Exercising as a family is a fun way to get outside in nature, reduce stress and bond with your kids. One new fitness trend that’s perfect for parents and kids is plogging, which combines the activity of outdoor jogging with picking up litter as you go. First started in Sweden in 2016, the plogging craze is sweeping North America, helped by growing concerns about the harmful impacts of plastic and other litter in oceans, lakes and rivers. The eco-friendly workout mixes up a daily run with squats, lunges and bends as you scoop up trash along the way. An unexpected benefit of plogging is the positive response from others to the green sport. “We were surprised to hear so many appreciative shouts of ‘thanks’ from fellow park users,” shares Rachel Schoeler, manager for the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup who has organized several plogging events.
To start plogging with your family, check out these tips: 1. Remember that you can plog anywhere — on city sidewalks and urban trails, near storm drains, or along a beach, lake or river. 2. Carry a pair of reusable gloves and reusable trash bag. 3. Unless equipped, don’t pick up sharp metal or glass trash. By registering a plog with Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup, you can contribute to a national database of shoreline litter. Find more information and register online at
How to enhance safety for people with dementia (NC) Imagine if someone you love them know the situation and location goes missing — the worry can be ago- of the person. nizing. When the person has dementia, it takes it up a notch. And with over half a million Canadians having dementia, more and better care is needed now. That’s why MedicAlert Foundation Canada partnered with the Alzheimer Society of Canada to help people living with dementia who are at risk of getting lost. The program is a service specially designed for people with dementia. The foundation’s 24/7 emergency hotline number is engraved on the back of a bracelet the user wears. When called, emergency hotline specialists supply police and emergency responders with the person’s photo, physical description, emergency contacts and critical health information. They may also notify caregivers or family to let
According to the Alzheimer Society, Good Samaritans are often the ones who find the person with dementia and call. Family is contacted directly to help return the person home safely. Often there is no need to involve police. Find more information online at www.
The Patrika
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Workers Wanted: Welder & General helper good wages, must speak English, knowledge of Punjabi will be an asset We Specialize in Blueberry Draining Systems
Call Tarsem Singh at 604-897-2152 or 604-852-0552 PAGE 40
Friday, June 1st 2018
“ibMdr, qUM ipMz hI jf ky ivafh krvf lY.� myry nflL kMm krn vflIaF gorIaF ikdF BfbI ny keI vfrI ikhf. AuzdIaF iPrdIaF sn- koeI boJ nhIN, iPkr nhI, iksy irsLqy dI prvfh nhIN.� “pr BfbI, ieMzIaF qoN jo afAU, knyzf leI afAU qy jF pwgV bMnH ky bih rhU ik mYN “sLfied myrI mF mr rhI hY hspqfl ivc srdfrF df puwq hF, afh kMm qF myry Gr – pr mYN CuwtI aPorz nhIN kr skdI. afeI nOkr vI nhIN krdy. qy kOx KvfAU AuhnUM hYv mfeI En lfeIP.� Aumr Br. nf bfbf nf mYnUM nhIN cfhIdf lUsIaf ny jdoN ikhf qF mYN hYrfn ho ky Aus Aumr Br df kuwqI cIkf. vwl dyiKaf. “sLI iejL XUar mdr, lUsI.� hux vIr qy BfbI kihxoN hwt gey sn, myrf “hU kyarjL.� boJ koeI hY hI nhIN sI. pr myry aMdr iewk myry mUMh df svfd keI idn Krfb irhf. rih toieaf puwitaf jf irhf sI. rih byby df myry leI icMqn myry afsy pfsy iPr nvIN nOkrI qy jdoN mYN aOtvf clI geI GuMmdf irhf. bfpU jI df iPkrmMd vjUd, qF iksy ny roikaf nhIN. vIr kuJ kihMdf pwj lf lf, JfV JfV bMnHdf idsdf irhf. ruk igaf sI. BfbI nUM mYN bfpU jI nfl Pon iPr mYN qYnUM vyiKaf. qyry ichry qoN qyrI Aumr qy gwl kridaF sux ilaf sI. df pqf nhIN sI lwg sikaf. “jdoN krn df vylf sI qusIN afp kuJ kIqf nHI, Gr ibTf Cwizaf. hux Auh hwQoN inkl pr qUM mYnUM bhuq sfAU ijhf, mskIn ijhf geI ey, hux asIN kI krIey? Auh ikhVf lwigaf. piVHaf iliKaf, sohxf sunwKf knyzf ilhfjL krdI ey. Jwt jvfb dy dAU qusIN kih dy QpyiVaF dI mfr hyTF JMibaf. kyu dyK lE, Jwt kih dAU, eynI vwzI nOkrI afpxy vjUd nUM sFBx ivwc pYrF hyTlI iKiksy eIst ieMzIan kuVI nUM ikQoN lwB skdI skdI jLmIn rokx dy Xqn ivwc. guafcf ey- nfly hux qF cflLIaF dy nyVy ho geI ey, guafcf. jy asIN khFgy qF aglI afpxf awz Gr lY pihlI vfr myrf jIa kIqf jy qUM mYnUM pihlF ky clI jfAUgI. iPr kI krFgy-?� imilaf huMdf qF mYN qyry nfl ivafh jLrUr BfbI df kusYlf mUMh vyK ky mYN smJ geI sF. kr lYNdI. Aus mYnUM ikhf kuJ nHIN. qkdIr vI ajIb lukx imwtI KHyzdI hY. iPr mYN aOtvf af geI, BfbI dI khI gwl asIN sfry grdsL dy mfry iewk dUjy dy nfl myry afsy pfsy cwkr kwtdI rihMdI. nfl qur ky vI iewk dUjy nUM lBdy rihMdy hF, “hux cflLI dy nyVy apV geI ey- .� sfrI hXfqI. -cflLI dy nyVY? qYnUM jfixaF, ipafr nhIN kIqf. Kvry ipafr hYN, cflI sfl lMG gey. lyKf joKf krn bYTI dI koeI Aumr huMdI hovygI qy mYN qF Aus AumroN bhuq agFh af geI sF. qF hwQ kuwJ nhIN sI afieaf. ieh nHIN ik ipCly sflF ivwc iksy ny mYnUM qUM afpxIaF mjbUrIaF ivwc iGiraf, vwzf aPsr, pVHI ilKI hsfs bIvI, bwcy sB ivafh leI nf afiKaf hovy. kuJ ibKr igaf sI. qyry afsy pfsy vI kwc myrf ipClf bOs myry bfry bVf sIrIas hI kwc, ibKr rhy Gr df kwc, kMDF izg sI. kihx lwgf mYN afpxI bIvI qoN qlfk lY rhIaF sn. lAUN. nflLy hux AuhnUM ikhVI myrI loV ey, qy r I bIvI bhu q JgVflU ho geI sI. bwcy afpy tyk kyar krngy. bdjLubfn, qursL, CurI vFg kwtdI sI. soicaf mnF iksy df Gr Zfh mYN ikhVf mhwl Ausfr lAUNgI qy iPr swuK ikMnF ku pfvFgI. pr Auh vI afpxf mhFBfrq lV rhI sI. ijMnF ivc ivafh bfry soicaf nhIN sI bs asIN sfrI ijLMdgI jnOrF vFg hI lVI jFdy hF. BfbI vIr nUM myhxy vFg afK rhI sI. “kuVI leI hux muMzf lwBxf sLurU kr idAu ajIb kYPIaq hY. ikqy ieh vI nf BUaf dI cfly qur pvy mYN soicaf qyrI dosqI cMgI rhygI. qYnUM jfixshy nUM roNdI phy nUM roNdI rhF.� aF, mn ny soicaf, qYnUM pf ky pUrn hoieaf BfbI ny pVHI ilKI ho ky eyzI inwkI gwl kr jf skdf sI. idwqI sI.
The Patrika
Friday, June 1st, 2018
pr nhIN qUM qF afp mqlbI sYN. afpxy idaF? pYsy dI kdr dI KrcF qy loVF krky mqlb leI tohxIaF lwBdf. Gr dy nrk pYNdI hY. coN bcdf, sfh lYx leI Tfhr lwBdf.
bs iewk Btkx lwgI hY jfpdY mYN iksy aMnHy
qYnUM jfnx bfad iekwl hor gihrI lwgI. KUh iwvc AuqrI rhI hF- Auwqr nhIN irVH rhI hF. zuwb rhI hF. jF mYN isrP iewk nHyrf vwD kflf lwgf. afpxf afpf eynf aDUrf kdy nhIN sI lwgf. idn bidn iekwlqf vDdI geI. socF ivwc Tihr kI afieaf, ijMLdgI Klo geI. jfpdY bs aYvyN hI ivarQ ho geI.
iekwlI kMD ho geI hF. qUM TIk afKdY kMDF nfl irsLqy QoVHI bxdy af. ajIb kMDF ny ieh, ieho kMDF, kMDF nflL juV ky Gr bxfAuNdIaF ny, ieho kMDF kYdKfny
pihlF Gr, pqI, bwcy JUTy jfpdy sn, kMDF bxdIaF hn. lgdy sn ijnHF ivwc aOrq kYd ho jFdI sI. jdoN ieh kMDF iewklIaF rih jfx qF iehnF awj jdoN afpxy afp nUM pVqfldI hF qF dI koeI hsqI nhIN rih jFdI. socdI hF-
qy mYN qF swc muwc kwlI kMD ho geI hF.
ikMnF qurI hF…Duwp CF hnHyrI qUPfn kfsy dI vI prvfh nhIN kIqI. puwjI ikqy vI nhIN.
Gr qF kMD dy brfbr kMD KVHI krn nfl bxdf hY nf…. qy mYN ikhVy irsLqy lwB rhI hF. nsIb nfl
pYsf bhqu hY, hr do hPqI cYwk iml jFdf lwB rhI hF- ieh nsIb jo mYN afp GiVaf hY—pihlf ajy AuuvyN hI ipaf huMdf hY. koeI hY afjLfdI dI Bfl ivwc , afpy dI qlfsL hY nhIN ijhVf ies nUM Krc kry, iks nUM ivwc….
GHD Home Renovations Ltd. We do all types of renovations bysmYNt vI irpyEr krdy h~ • Complete Renovations • Tiling • Hardwood & Laminate • Painting • Plumbing Pu@l rYnovySn h`rfvu@f EYNf lYmInyt t`iel~ pNyitMg plMimMg
Teja 778-246-0087
The Patrika
Workers Needed for Framing Workers needed for framing. Wages $15.00/ hour, increased depending on experience. Transportation available from Surrey and Abbotsford. Call: 604-8250736 or 778-255-3135
kfimaF dI loV
kfimaF dI loV
aYbtsPorz dI lokl aYbtsPorz ivwc lokl zrfeIvfl kM p nI nM U imwl leI lMbr cuwkx vfly kfimaF dI qurMq loV Po r k ilPt zrfeIvr hY. nvyN kfimaF nMU dI lo V hY . 1 sfl df $14.50 pRqI GMtf aqy qjLrbf hoxf cfhIdf hY.
qjLrbykr nMU qjL rby PAVI Gill anusfr. aYbtsPorz asIN GrF, bysmYNtF, aqy DETAILING Auto aYlzrgRov qoN kmrsLIal iblizMgF,
GLA kfript klIinMg
sfMnU iek bIlzr dI vI loV hY! cMgI qnKfh aqy vDIaf mhOl.plynr dI
soPy, aqy kfrF, motrF rfeIz df pRbMD hY. hor vI loV hY. hor jfxkfrI dIaF sY p U M krdy hF. jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: lYx leI Pon kro: 604vDIaf srivs leI Pon 778-552-6269 kro 778-241-2068 807-2097
quhfzIaF For all sfrIaF your Car gwzIaF dIaF Detailing loVF leI Needs Call pvI nfl Pavi at: sMprk kro:
Friday, June 1st 2018
The Patrika
Friday, June 1st, 2018
& Framing Ltd. J&J Fresh Look JJ Home Builders • • • •
Framing for two & three-story houses We have an excellent framing record Our framing is passed on the very first inspection We provide home warranties
EsINÊs`ryÊloErÊmynlYNfÊEqyÊPryzrÊvYlIÊivcÊdoÊEqyÊiqMnÊstorIÊ Gr~ÊdIÊPryimMgÊkrdyÊh~ s`fyÊkIqyÊhoeyÊkMmÊ(PryimMg)Êd`Êirk`rfÊs`&ÊsuQr`ÊhYÊEqyÊ hmyS`ÊpihlIÊv`rÊp`sÊhoieE`ÊhY|Ê
iksy vI qrHF rYnovysLn krvfAux leI sMprk kro
We build custom homes We provide 10 years home warranty tfAUn hfAUs, nvyN Gr grMtIsLudf kuafltI vrk & Pfst srivs rYjLIzYNsLIal aqy kmrsLIal
Workers Wanted Jarnail Maan
kfimaF dI loV hY • Fax 604-850-9308
Spl: We Do Cabinet Installation for New or Old Houses All Kinds of Renovations Basement Washroom Kitchen Painting Plumbing
Drywall Roofing Framing Siding Tile
* Full Finish Basement * Sundeck All Complete
Laminate Finishing Sundeck Vinyl Paper &more
Crown, Baseboard Door, Fireplace
HARDEEP BIRDI: 778-823-0765
The Patrika
Friday, June 1st 2018
UDistrict Neighbourhood Plan Adopted By Council – First of 20 Plan 200K Plans
he UDistrict Neighbourhood Plan has been officially adopted by Council announced Mayor Braun today. It is the first of 20 Master Plans, Neighbourhood Plans and studies to position Abbotsford for a population of 200,000 residents. The City of Abbotsford and the University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) worked together to develop The UDistrict Neighbourhood Plan and the UFV Abbotsford Campus Master Plan. These plans will help guide future development and growth of the UFV campus and surrounding neighbourhood. The UDistrict Neighbourhood Plan is the first of 20 Master Plans, Neighbourhood Plans and studies to be adopted under the banner of the ‘Plan 200K Initiative.’ Plan 200K encompassed all the key areas the City would focus on to meet the needs of a growing population.
The UDistrict Neighbourhood Plan outlines land uses, densities, built form guidelines, public spaces, multimodal transportation networks, and infrastructure servicing strategies. The UDistrict Neighbourhood Plan lays the foundation for planned and predictable growth that enriches the community while supporting the long-term growth and diversification of UFV. The UDistrict Vision was developed through a collaborative process between the City, UFV and the community. It will guide future development in the area surrounding UFV making the local community a healthier, more vibrant and sustainable place to live, work and play.a
Friday, June 1st, 2018
The Patrika
WESTBERRY FARMS LTD. vYstbyrI P`rmz (bYNs~ dI kYnrI) prmjIq isMG bYNs Eqy bldyv isMG Du@g`
aYbtsPorz kYnrI ivwc aqy Pfrm ivwc kfimaF dI loV
aYbtsPorz ivwc byrI ipwkrF nUM rfeIz vI idqI jfvygI | 1 Cannery Workers (kYnrI vrkr) 2 Quality Control Supervisor 3 4 5 6
aYbtsPorz ivWc byrI ipkrF dI vI loV hY.
(kuE`ltI kMtrol suprv`iejr) Farm Worker (P`rm vrkr) STARTING HOURLY WAGE Forklift Operators (PorkilPt Aprytr) $12.65 PER HOUR Truck Driver (tr@k fr`eIvr) Computer Scale Operator (kMipAUtr skyl Eprytr)
hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: Office: 604-850-0377 Hardev Virk: 778-241-1914 | Amrik Chahal: 778-929-4530
Apply in person:34488 Bateman Rd., Abbotsford, British Columbia Fax your resume: 604.855.1625 | Hours: 9am - 5pm (Monday - Friday) PAGE 45
The Patrika
Friday, June 1st 2018
Coast Capital donation funds peer-to-peer student support at UFV
oast Capital Savings is helping the University of the Fraser Valley invest in student success.
Peer Resource and Leadership Centre is helping to build young leaders who will provide invaluable peer support to their fellow students in helping to manage life’s stresses as they pursue A gift of $50,000 is fuelling the their post-secondary education.” UFV Coast Capital Peer Resource and Leadership Centre (PRLC) to This funding continues a long history continue helping students using a of Coast Capital Savings’ support peer-to-peer support model. fostering student leadership at UFV. Since 2008, Coast Capital Savings The PRLC‘s mandate is to provide has contributed over $425,000 to holistic help for students. At the Coast leadership, peer mentoring, and caCapital PRLC, student peer leaders reer and personal development initiahelp students in a safe, welcoming, tives at UFV. and inclusive space by identifying resources available to them and “UFV is very pleased to continue ofproviding peer-to-peer support and fering new ways of supporting student mentorship. success,” said UFV President Joanne MacLean. “It is well documented “At Coast Capital Savings we promthat peer-to-peer engagement helps ise to help build a richer future for students learn and further develop youth in our communities, and by their skills. Since launching the Coast investing in partnerships like this Capital Savings Peer Resource and program with UFV, we are making Leadership Centre with the generous good on that promise,” explains support of Coast Capital Savings, we Wendy Lachance, Director, Comhave been able to implement student munity Leadership, Coast Capital support and referral services that Savings. “The Coast Capital Savings strengthen a sense of community
at UFV. Community supporters like Coast Capital Savings help make UFV the kind of university that embraces a holistic view of student success.” The PRLC began offering one-on-one peer support in 2016 with 18 peer leaders, and trained 20 more in 2017. The leaders receive training in areas such as active listening, diversity and inclusion, mental health awareness, and self-care. More than 1,000 students visited the PRLC, seeking support and guidance this past academic year.
Valley Pride, and brought in guest speaker Ben O’Keefe. In 2017/18, the centre helped introduce a Sexualized Violence Prevention program, coordinated the distribution of Naloxone on campus, played a major role in UFV Lead, a new mentorship program, and offered stress-relief activities such as Wellness Wednesdays and visits from Mac, UFV’s resident therapy dog.
In addition, the PRLC offers a variety of services and special events. For example, the PRLC co-hosted the Canadian Conference on Student Leadership (CCSL) in November 2017, with representation from 23 In 2018/19, the PRLC plans to expand institutions. its services to the UFV Chilliwack campus, explore food insecurity In 2016/17, it provided “positive solutions for students, and offer sexspace” and LGBTQ+ awareness positive programming as well as training, sponsored a booth at Fraser specialized support for trans students.
2019 Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon Conservative Candidate Chosen
he Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon Conservative Association is pleased to announce that Brad Vis will stand as its candidate for the 2019 federal election. The Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, Andrew Scheer, congratulated Brad on his successful nomination. “Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon Conservatives have an excellent candidate in Brad,” said Scheer. “Brad is a strong addition to our team as we bring forward our positive
our team is looking forward to executing an extensive outreach program to understand the concerns of residents across the constituency in order to help Brad represent “Our entire Board of Directors is those views in Ottawa in pleased to have Brad as our candidate 2019.” in the 2019 election,” noted Riding President Marc Vella. “Anyone “I’ve heard loud and clear that who knows Brad understands that the constituents of this riding he brings a level of intensity, enthu- are looking for change, and siasm, expertise, and unparalleled that this Liberal Government commitment to the electoral process.” has been a major disappointment,” observed Candidate “Mission-MatsBrad Vis. “People are very qui Fraser Canconcerned that Mr. Trudeau’s yon is a massive out-of-control spending will impact riding spanning the future prosperity of Canada. At from Abbotsford the same time, life has become inand Mission all creasingly unaffordable for seniors the way north of on fixed incomes and young famiLillooet,” conlies trying to purchase a home in the tinued Mr. Velcommunity they were raised. I will la. “With over be working on and advocating for a year until the policies to address these concerns.” next election, Conservative vision for Canada that puts people before government, and focuses on what helps Canadians, not what helps well-connected Trudeau Liberal insiders.”
“The Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon Electoral District Association prides itself on being a grassroots and community based organization,” stated Mr. Vella. “Brad and our entire team look forward to working with any interested person wishing to play their part in building a stronger Canada.”
Photo Courtesy: Abbotsford News PAGE 46
Friday, June 1st, 2018
The Patrika
The best father-daughter activities Looking for a job? Think skills, not (NC) Father’s Day is coming up, and bike to, making it fun to exercise and credentials there is no better time to nourish your relax together. special bond. If you are looking for fun Cooking. If you are planning on having ways to spend the holiday with your a Father’s Day meal, why not prepare daughter, check out this list of sure-tothe food together? Cooking is not only be-favourite activities: an essential life skill, but is good fun Gardening. You can spend a nice sum- if done right. Who knows, you might mer morning out in the yard. Garden- even spark your daughter’s interest in ing is hard work that requires a lot of the chemistry involved with cooking. knowledge, but it is also fun. You can Fathers have the special ability to teach teach your daughter about different girls that they are just as good as boys types of plants and how best to take are, and that they can be anything they want. If you are a dad who believes girls deserve an equal chance, consider donating to an organization like Beautiful World Canada, which provides care of them. comprehensive higher education scholBiking. This is one of the best sports arships to girls in sub-Saharan Africa. to do with someone else, because you can still talk while cycling. Plus, there Learn more about how you can help are so many beautiful places you can girls around the world achieve their dreams at www.beautifulworldcanada. org.
(NC) Over the last several years, the job market in Canada has started to evolve dramatically and leaders in business have begun to think about how to change the way they hire new employees.
One key difference is how businesses will assess candidates — based on skills, not credentials. That’s why RBC has recently started a program called Future Launch, which is dedicated to empowering Canadian youth for the jobs of tomorrow. The financial institution has identified these six core “skill clusters” that they see as defining 21st century jobs.
These are the least at risk of disruption from automation and will also be highly in demand in the future. Facilitators. Employees with a high emotional intelligence but who may lag in technical skills, for example customer service reps and administrative assistants. These are moderately at risk of disruption in the future and will likely also have a surplus of job seekers in the coming years.
Technicians. Technicians have the most diverse set of skills, with technical skills valued most highly. These are the machinists, electricians and carpenters, and while some of these jobs are at a Solvers. These are critical thinkers, moderate risk of disruption, there will typically those in roles like judges, also be new positions created by the architects and mechanical engineers. tech boom. They aren’t at much risk for automaCrafters. Crafters are known for tion and will be in high demand over working with their hands. As roofers, the next four years. fishermen, bakers and cashiers, they’re Providers. Think of veterinarians or relatively high in technical skills but child care providers, those with a high are at the greatest risk for disruption degree of empathy and analytical skills. in the future.
The Patrika
ABBOTsfORD BC • June 7-10 Surrey, May 17 - 21 • Tsawwassen, May 25 - 27 • Richmond, May 31 - June 3
*Acts subject to chAnge.
or: On-site Circus Box Office (on day of performance) - Cash Sales only
Friday, June 1st 2018
Friday, June 01st, 2018
$1,499,900 YOUR SEARCH STOPS HERE! Welcome to a very quiet cul-de-sac street within walking distance to W.J. Mouat Secondary School, Gordie Howe Middle School & Matsqui Rec Centre. This nice home has been recently renovated and offers 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms upstairs, and 2 bdrm legal suite in the basement plus 3rd bedroom for upstairs use.
7510 JAMES STREET, Mission
INVESTOR ALERT! The luxurious character home sits on a 1/2 acre private paradise backing on to Switzer creek in the newly designated McCallum Corridor. Would suit someone looking to create a family estate or Investors/ developers . RS3 zoning allows for multi family,
INVESTORS/BUILDERS ALERT! Come Discover Mission BC. Sitting on 2 legal lots with 2 PID's this ready to move into 2 level, 5 bedroom home has lots of tasteful upgrades and features including an Updated kitchen with upgraded stainless steel appliances, Newer flooring, newer furnace, hot water tank and roof. 3 bedrooms up with the master having an hal Show More
Central Abbotsford - 2877 Mccallum
2471 Hill Tout St - Commerical
your search stops here! renovated 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom townhouse at garden court estates.this townhouse is tucked aways in the quiet part of the complex. towards the back giving you ample privacy. renovations include,new paint,carpet,flooring, kitchen, lights, and window coverings. close to all the amenities .All you have to do is move in or rent it out. rental are allowed.please call for your personal tour.
Subdividable Lot
10,240 sqft lot, 7 bedroom, 3 full bath, open concept throughout, kitchen, dining, living rm and sunroom with roman columns. french traditional kitchen, large sunroom with windows and more windows to take in the panoramic mountain view. please call for more information.
SOLDAboveAsking Investors!Massivelyrenovated rentable2bedroom2bathroom unit!Brightgroundfloorcornersuite withnewerflooring,tastefulpaint colours,crownmouldings,light fixtures,2inchwindowblinds! Nothingtodobutmovein.Largeunit 1065sq.ft!Kidsandpetswelcome.
Quiet area of fairfield island featuring a large family home on a large lot. so many improvements like low e windows, 96% efficient furnace, bosch hot water on demand with a booster as well. no chlorine taste because all the water in the home is filtered. there is room to park the motor home, (rv dump) the boat, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths with suite potential and roughed in bath below.
SOLD $299,900
11,000 sqft lot, 2,078 sf home converted to secondary business commercial zone (c-4) with handicapped accessible office and 2 suites with a total of 5 bedrooms. the property, just off of south fraser way, may be used for car sales, animal hospital services, coffee shop, auto repair, office and many commercial uses
New Listing - Chilliwack
2 Bedroom Condo
Friday, June 01st, 2018
Kirandeep Singh Gill
Baldev Singh Gill bldyv isMG ig@l
604.825.8886 33257 CHELSEA AVENUE
2300 Sq. ft. Rancher with full basement is located in a quiet dead end street. 7700 Sq. ft. flat lot. Some recent updates are: New windows, new blinds, new washer/dryer, new carpet on stairs and brand new full bath in the basement. TO 4:15Pm OPEN HOUSE 2:15PM SUNDAY
3 Year old, 3 bedroom and 2 bath, 3 storey townhouse in West Abbotsford. Walking distance to various schools (elementary,middle,secondary), Apollo Gym and the Sikh Temple.
Brand New 2 bedroom with spacious rec. room and 2.5 bath townhome, features a large fully fenced backyard, contemporary wide plank laminate flooring, large kitchen with white quartz countertops and sleek stainless steel appliances. *No GST.*
Very clean home located in quiet cul-desac with 5 bedrooms and 3 Full baths. Lots of updates has been done in past few years, including: New windows, flooring, plumbing, bathrooms, doors, crown moldings, lights and roof. Over
3131 267A STREET
11 year old 1/2 duplex with living, dining, kitchen, family room and 2 piece bath on main; 3 bedrooms and 2 full bath on upstairs. Single garage, fenced private backyard with covered patio and store. No strata fee, independent living, lot of privacy Close to elementary school.
Extra clean house with 6 bedrooms, 4 full bathrooms, 2 BEDROOM LEGAL SUITE , rec. room plus one bedroom for upstairs use. Several updates done in the past few years. Walking distance to various schools (elementary,middle,secondary),
Beautiful custom built over 5300 Sq. ft. home with 2-5-10 years warranty. Featuring 9 bedrooms, 6.5 baths and 3 kitchens. Open concept and 14’ high ceiling in living and dining room, Granite
33629 Clayburn RD
Duke and Bluecrop varieties. Very good production for 2017 Full irrigation system and machine pick. House and Barn.
16.32 acre income producing blueberry farm. 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 1950 sqft rancher. 100x40 barn, has 2 storeys, oversized doors on both ends of barn, extra concrete slab. Peat moss, Huge potential here! Close to town and Mission Hwy.
$1,850,000 32448 Pandora Ave
Stunning well-kept 1/2 duplex with living, dining, kitchen, family room and 2 piece bath on main; 3 bedrooms and 2 full bath on upstairs. Single garage, fenced private backyard with covered patio and store. No strata fee, independent living, lot of privacy Close to elementary school.
19.44 Acre Full Production Blueberry Farm
#15 - 31235 Upper Maclure Rd
3130 267A STREET
184 32550 MACLURE ROAD
32514 Pandora Ave
Friday, June 01st, 2018
6 604.309.9298 04.309 09.9 09 9298
Joe Chahal
LOT SIZE FLOOR BDRM 5 ac 8,262 sq. ft. 12
LOT SIZE FLOOR BDRM BATH 5,834 sq. ft. 2,605 sq. ft. 5 4 SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL!!! West Abbotsford Home Boasts: 3 - spacious bedrooms on main floor, plus Rec. room with 3 piece bathroom & 2- Bedroom LEGAL SUITE (Great Mortgage Helper), Bright living room with gas fireplace opens to large formal dining area, Gourmet maple kitchen with Stainless Steel appliances, Covered barbecue deck, Recently updated with laminate flooring & paint. Extra wide driveway for plenty of parking, Fenced back yard.
View at
View at
• The tempo - Luxury Living! • Pets ok with restrictions •Gourmet Granite Chef Kitchen • Rentable ($1150/month) • Open floor plan - In suite Laundry
LOT SIZE FLOOR BDRM 9690 sqft 2460sqft 5
ACRES 20.03 ac
CROP CROP YIELD Blueberries full
• Build Your Dream Home! • Walk to UFV & Shopping • High production 10 year old • 4 Outbuildings & Barns • 2 - Road Frontages Huge Lot • Quick Freeway access plants • Drip irrigation system • Surrounded by new Homes • Reeka, Duke & Elliot varieties • Large Farmhouse View at
View at
View at
LOT SIZE FLOOR BDRM 6.43 ac 4053sqft 5 • SPECTACULAR LUXURY HOME • 5-Spacious bedrooms • 4-full bathrooms
• Quartz countertops • Gloucester Industrial Park
View at
FLOOR BDRM 1150 sqft 2
604.855.7393 Lighthouse Realty
NEW LUXURY ESTATE HOME ON LEVEL PICTURESQUE 5 ACRES - This 8268 sqft custom built masterpiece is centrally located near UFV. Home offers soaring ceilings in the Great Room, Gourmet gas kitchen with quartz counters, Separate spice kitchen, 3-Master full bedrooms + 2 bedroom with jack-jill bathroom, Separate LEGAL 2-bdrm Nanny Suite above garage, Downstairs entertain & enjoy in your Media Room with full wet bar, Fitness Room.
joigMdr isMG cwhl
FO $225,000
FLOOR BDRM 678 sqft 1+DEN
• The Crossing - Luxury Living! • Pets ok with restrictions •Gourmet Granite Chef Kitchen • Rentable ($1150/month) • Open floor plan - In suite Laundry View at
FLOOR TYPE 26,000sqft Layer Poultry
• 2 - Poultry Barns • Loading Docks (42' X 310' each) Truck level •Capacity for upto 30,000 birds • All equipment • 3-Phase Power for turn key View at
LOT SIZE FLOOR 5813 sqft 2769sqft • West Abborsford - AgriRec Stadium • Full Basement • Fenced Yard View at
• TREMENDOUS INVESTMENT • long-term, 3 net lease • Reno’s new kitchen, OPPORTUNITY! • national retail franchise roof & flooring chain • New deck with Hot Tub • 7500 sq.ft. freestanding building View at
Friday, June 01st, 2018 MLS TOP 10%
Jag S Sidhu
Personal Real Estate Corporation
Listing Needed Call Jag
#110 - 30485 Cardinal Ave Abbotsford, BC V2T0E5
Phone: 604.625.2245 Fax: 604.625.2249 Toll Free: 1.866.967.0666
Call Gurcharan or Jag for your FREE no obligation Market Evaluation
West Abby 3678 Greendale CR
34041 Wavell Lane, Abbotsford
3 bedrooms Basement Entry (2 story) Townhouse in west Abbotsford in Country Lane Estates near Fruticana. Very nicely kept hardly becomes available for sale. Come check it out on our open house.For inquires you can call Jag or Gurcharan.
It is a two bedroom house, close to WalMart and freeway. It is rented for $950 per month. It is hard to find in this price in Abbotsford area, demolish it and make a new house. No sign on property.
THE GABLES, a family friendly community! A well maintained family home and complex. 4 Bdrms, 3 FULL baths, BIG rec-room, LARGE balcony and DOUBLE garage. Prime location, walking distance to Fruiticana Grocery Store, Eugene Reimer Middle School,Highstreet mall and easy access to highway.
30966 Brookdale Crt
3 Lot LEFT Subdivision
Unit 40 - 31255 Upper Maclure Road
NEW LISTING!! Large 7 bedroom, 6 bath, over 4600 sqft of luxury living, over 1800 sqft on main floor, with master bedroom, den, family room, living room and large kitchen and laundry on main, upper floor has 4 more bedrooms and (2nd) master bedroom up. 2 bedroom legal suite with separate driveway and rented for $1200 a month. custom built!! must see!!!! 3510 Promontory crt
Saturday | Sunday June 1st & 2nd 1pm-3pm
in Maple Ridge Green Belt Call for more detail West Abby. 3 story 5 bedrooms up den on main two bedroom legal suite and a Rec room for owner use.
New listing near all levels of schools, gurdwara shaib, fully renovated home 3 bedroom family room and great room up 1 suite and huge theater room for owner use with bar!!
3 story 7 bedroom and 8 bath with great views!!
Beautifully renovated rancher, perfect alternative to renting. 2 bdrm + extra with private fenced yard with patio, extra parking/long driveway to a detached 20 x 5 garage/room. New roof & appliances.close to public transit/school, shopping (Walmart, HomeDepot) and choice of quick access to 2 freeway exits.
#30 - 31098 Westridge Pl 2 Bedroom Townhouse
KETCH PLACE 4 BEDRM HOUSE single garage 700,00 sq feet
5 Acres
This home is centrally located in West Abbotsford, close to schools, shopping and parks. OVER 12000 SF Large lot, that can be subdivided into 2 lots that would be over 6000 sqft each. Build your dream home and sell the lot beside you or hold the property
214500 Morris Valley Rd Off hwy 7 East Mission
2887 Bergman St, West Abbotsford
1 Acre
Subdivision Potential
6 bedroom house
Blueberry Farm West Abbotsford with a house. Good production Blueberry BlueCrop & Duke Variety call for more info
Road 4bedrm 3 bathrm UNIT 132-3160 TOWLINE
Friday, June 01st, 2018
Friday, June 01st, 2018
Friday, June 01st, 2018
Rupinder Davesher Personal Real Estate Corporation
Harmesh Davesher Realtor
FREE Market Evaluation
Real Estate Office
Specializing in Farms - Farm land - Building lots & homes 5474
27665 Railcar Crescent, Abbotsford
in the Entire Fraser Valley Board Area (1997 - 2016)
32925 Peebles Drive, Mission
3465 Merritt Street, Abbotsford
(Based on FVREB MLS® statistics for production per salesperson in all categories)
604-826-9000 Off: 604.826.9000 T.F.: 1.888.826.1177 #103-33070 5th Ave Mission, B.C. V2V 1V5
2 Bedroom Legal Suite!!!
Open fl plan w/lots of windows. 9’ ceiling thru-out Formal family room, dining area, kitchen, 2 bdrms & bath, master bdrm w/ensuite up. Main has den/office/ playroom w/bath, rec rm, 2 bdrms & full bath.
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
2074 Dolphin Crescent, Abbotsford
Renovated!!! Prime Location
Close to Abbotsford Hospital!
Quiet neighbourhood, great location. 3 bedrooms up and 1 bedroom down. Open floor plan. Private backyard. Potential to subdivide to two lots!!
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
Coming Soon In Mission
Near Clark Theatre & University
New subdivision. 8 bdrms. Main has liv rm & din rm, spice kitch, main kitch & full bath. Upper has 4 bdrms, concrete fl soundproof!! Bsmnt has 3 bdrms, rec rm, games rm & bar. Great location.
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
3473 Hill Park Place, Abbotsford
2 storey w/fullly finished basement. 8 bedrooms, 6 full baths. Close to all level of schools, Highstreet Mall, churches & hi-way #1. High ceilings, granite countertops, open floor plan. Patio & Sundeck. Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
26775 16th Ave, Langley
Very Likeable Home!!!
3 bdrms, 3 baths, w/large kitch on main. Fullly fin bsmnt. w/4th bdrm & rec rm. Flat backyard perfect for outdoor living area. Central location makes this property perfect for growing families. Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
33991 Tooley Place, Mission
Build Your Dream Home!!
6650 sq ft lot with green belt. Close to University & schools. For Further Information Call Rupinder Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
34061 Townshipline Road, Abbotsford
Full Production Farm!! 15 acre blueberry farm with wide frontage in prime Langley location! Near U.S. border, town & shopping centers! Two homes, 1 - 5 bedroom house & 1 - 2 bedroom manufactured home!!
20 acre blueberry farm w/2 houses, 2 barns, 1 shed. Great rental income approx. $6,000/m. 10 acres of Duke, 2 acres of Elliot, 5 acres of Bluegold. Production records available on accepted offer. Great location, middle of Mission and Abbotsford.
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
2626 Railcar Crescent, Abbotsford
7,674 Sq. Ft. Corner Lot
3965 SF Home/West Abby
5,481 sq ft lot w/2,459 sqft home. New cbinets & countertops in kitch. H.W tank 2017. New furnace 2017. Repainted in 2017, roof is 3 yrs old. Main has liv rm, din rm, kitch & family rm. Near schools & shops.
36 Brand New Homes
30596 Sandpiper Drive, Abbotsford
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
Brand new home!!
4,470 sq ft home!!! Main has kitchen & spice Kitchen, liv rm, din rm & family rm. 4 bdrms, 3 baths up. 2 bdrm legal suite & separate media room & bar for owner usage!!! Great Location!!!
PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT OF YOUR RENTAL PROPERTIES For information please call our Property Management Division
Peace of Mind
for Your Investment
qualified prescreened 604-820-9000 We have tenants ready to rent.
Lots For Sale
Starting @$449,000 Near Clark Theatre & University In Mission
Friday, June 01st, 2018
Amit Sudhakar
Nav Aulakh
Seller’s Agent 778.552.5658
Buyer’s Agent 778.347.8700
Exceptional Client Service & Professional Real Estate Advice RESIDENTIAL 34365 George ferguson way
Corner lot property for sale,very well maintained with 5 bedrooms in west abbotsford.
4 lot subdividable lot asking 1.2 million in Abbotsford
5 bedroom including 2 bed suite for 750k in central Abbotsford
Lot 2 or Lot 3, Bench Ave., Mission Asking $549,000/each • Desirable neighbourhood • Build your dream home or invest
Brookswood, Langley Asking $2.2M • 5 Lot Subdivision
Maple Ridge Asking $7.6M • 19 Lot Subdivision
Maple Ridge Asking $599,000 • 6,200 sq.ft. Lots Available
Site in Clayton Asking $15.5M • 83 Unit Townhome site
25 unit townhouse site in South Surrey asking 5,625,000
Lots available in Abbotsford, Mission, Maple Ridge, Surrey and Langley
Aldergrove Lot with house Asking $3.2M • 4 Lots Available
10 Acre assembly in Langley Asking $1.8M/acre • Brookswood - for Mixed
2 & 3 Lot Development Potential in Abbotsford. Call for more info!
Site in Central Gordon Asking $7M • 50 Unit Townhome site
South Surrey Starting from $565,000/lot • 55 Lot Subdivision
44 unit apartment building in maple ridge with PLA. Asking 3.5 mill
Lots in Mapleridge 6000 plus sqft call for more details.
10 acre assembly Langley
Industrial land in Campbell Heights Asking $1.4M/acre • 5 Acre Parcel
21 unit apartment site in Abby with 4 commercial unit asking 2 mill
South Surrey Asking $9.5M • 19 Lot Subdivision
White Rock Asking $1.2M only • 2 lots available in White Rock
1990 Coquitlam Ave. Asking $4.2M • 10 units available
5 Acre Farm Asking $2M • With 5 bedroom house • In Mt. Lehman area.
13 Acre Farm Asking $2.3M • With 4000 sq. ft. house in Abbotsford
10 Acre Blueberry Farm Asking $1.6M • Close to 256 & 16th Ave • Lots of outbuildings & 3 bedroom house. • Variety is Duke.
Looking to sell your property ? Call us today for a FREE no obligation evaluation ! PAGE R8
Friday, June 01st, 2018
Oak Realty Parv Harry Shinder Gill PREC Little Independently Owned and Operated 604.832.0540 Top 1% Realtor of FVREB 2010-2015 604.832.0944 12 Years Experience!
and Master Medallion 2006-2014
12 Years Experience! |
Shinder Gill PREC
Parv Harry
Visit our Website for more pictures & New Listings 604-859-2341
NEW "Homes Coming Soon in Abbotsford & Maple Ridge!"
"20 Homes located on East Side of Abbotsford starting at $1.1 Million." "6 Coach Homes in Auguston coming June 2018 starting at $1.1 Million." "17 Homes in Auguston, some lots with greenbelt, starting at $1.2 Million."
Call To Reserve Yours 24265 112 Avenue, Maple Ridge
$ 960,000 This spacious corner lot has a lot to offer both inside and outside the house. It has extra windows that gives the home great lighting and main floor has 10 ft. ceilings. The floor plan is designed to give comfortable living by having 4 bedrooms and 4 washrooms in the whole house along with a rec room in the basement for upstair usage.
3090 Goldfinch St, Abbotsford
$ 843,800 Huge house over 3,800 sq.ft on big lot over 7,200 sq.ft that has 6 bedrooms with 3 bathrooms making it a nice size for any family. Along with 2 bedroom legal suite with solid 2x6 construction makes the house heat efficient. Both main floor and basement have laundry making it convenient.
$ 625,000
Ready to build your dream, look no further as this lot that is over 5,400 sq.ft and plans allow for a legal suite. House plans are available to view that has 6 bedrooms and 4 bedrooms accommodating any size family. Great location that is close to all amenities and minutes from freeway access.
8296 204 Street, Langley
$1,050,000 Gorgeous 2 storey house with a basement is located in one of the more desirable neighbourhoods of Langley. Designed for comfortable living. House has 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. Quality finishing with high ceilings and spacious rooms. The chef like kitchen has stainless steel appliances with many units for extra
“Ready to build lots available in Maple Ridge, Langley & Abbotsford” "CALL FOR MORE INFO”
24271 112 Avenue, Maple Ridge
$ 950,000
Custom built house on close to 6,000 sq.ft lot. House has 6 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms making it convenient for a larger sized family with children or extra guests. Theater room and bar are located in the basement for upstairs usage. This house includes a double garage with additional parking making parking easy at this home.Call today to get your very own personal tour!
3897 Brighton Place $ 1,000,000 This beautiful custom built home sits on over 7,200 sq. ft. lot with an amazing floor plan. This house is a must see with a spacious layout and high ceilings giving this house a breathtaking finish. Upstairs rooms are spacious with natural
33412 KILDARE TERRACE, Abbotsford
$ 369,000
$ 695,000
Spacious 2 bedroom and 2 bathroom corner unit with granite counter tops. House has a lot of natural light. Great tenants that kept the property in mint condition. This is a good investment or perfect for a first time buyer. Good location that is walking distance to nearby shops and schools.
This well kept house is located on a corner 6,000 sq.ft lot and is close to all amenities. There is a view of a greenbelt on the side of the house. Owner did some recent upgrades with new laminate floors and new painting giving the house a nice finishing. Large driveway allowing for RV parking. Close to UFV, Hospital, Abbotsford Center and easy access to freeway.
11230 243 Street
32656 Marshall Rd
$ 1,050,000
$ 700,000
Brand New 2 Storey with Basement Family Home! This gorgeous home has a spacious feel with open layout. The upper floor offers 4 Bdrms up with a Den on the Main Floor. One of the kids will enjoy a bathroom with their bedroom on the upper floor. Rec Room with also a legal 2 bedroom basement for a growing family.
Custom built 2 storey house with security cameras on a house over 3100 sq.ft. Main floor has high 10 ft ceilings and basement has 9 ft high ceilings. Driveway is extra wide, making it convenient for RV parking. Huge custom kitchen, with built in coffee table and quartz counter tops in the whole house. House has air conditioning and full fenced backyard.
27644 Lundeberg Ave $ 1,190,000
Call To Reserve Yours
216-2955 Diamond Crescent,Abbotsford
This new home is a must see that is located on a lot over 4,000 sq.ft. There is a total of 4 bedrooms and 4 washrooms in the whole house. House has a very cozy feeling in it with quality appliances and chef like kitchen. Great location that is close to all amenities and walking distance to nearby park. Basement has a rec room for upstairs usage along with a nice open bar to entertain guests
2357 Bevan Crescent $ 1,125,000
"Townhome sites available in Langley, Mission & Maple Ridge"
Well maintained rancher on huge 8400 sqft lot with big 660 sqft shop.This solid 3 bedroom rancher features vaulted livingroom ceiling. covered patio,
36061 Emily Carr Green
Home you can subdivide into 2 or 3 lots 4 bedrooms home close by King rd / Jackson elementary school
This house is a must see as it implements smart home technology that can be controlled by your very own Ipad. The house has 4 bedrooms upstairs with a custom built shower in the master bedroom along with built in alarm system, built in vacuum, fridge, stove, dishwasher, washer and dryer.There is a 2 bedroom unauthorized suite in the basement plus a legal 589 sq. ft. coach home that has its very own hot water heat, fridge, stove, dishwasher, washer and dryer for extra income.
Lot only that they can build new house on over 5,000 sq. ft. lot
Close To 5 Acres Clear Land For $1,700,000.00
24279-112 Ave
$ 970,000
$ 825,000
$ 1,150,000
31531 Upper Maclure Rd
36076 Emily Carr Green
$ 850,000 SO
Superior built home located in East Abbotsford that offers exceptional quality and design! Approximately 2900 Sq ft home. Designer color scheme, great attention to detail and finishing throughout the home with beautiful kitchen cabinets, quartz countertops and 10-ft ceiling on the main floor for an open, spacious feeling
3108 Engineer Court, Abbotsford
$900,000 Mint condition over 4,600 sq.ft easy access to highway long driveway 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms custom built kitchen
NEED MORE LISTINGS! hor ilsitMgjL dI loV hY.
We have qualified buyers
sfzy kol XogqfpUrn (kuaflIPfeIz) KrIddfr hn.
Friday, June 01st, 2018
10 UPPER MACLURE SINGLE FAMILY LOTS PRE-SALE ON NOW Premium location near all amenities. West Abbotsford development with unmatched views. Now Accepting Offers. RS5 and RS5A Zoning. Don’t miss out on this one of a kind opportunity - no other lots in Abbotsford with this type of central and private location.
Friday, June 01st, 2018
Rajinder Dhutti
Rookie of the YEAR
Personal Real Estate Corporation
pRfprtI KRIdxf qy vyrxf iek shWqvpUrk PYslf hY, ies leI muPLq aqy shI slfh vfsqy rijMdr DuWqI nfl sMprk kro:
32133 George Ferguson Way
Cascade Green! Neat & Clean Ground Level Unit. Affordable and great starter home in a friendly neighborhood which is perfect to raise your kids. 2 Bedrooms/ 2 full bathrooms with an ensuite in the master, good size living space, kitchen, laundry room & a balcony. Close to all levels of schools, shopping, stadium, malls, recreation, public transit & parks. Easy to show. Call to view now!.
Klazina Estates - Rare Find! 2 Storey w/basement Corner Unit Townhome in West Abbotsford. This unit features 3 Bedrooms/ 4 bathrooms with an ensuite & walk in closet in the master, cozy living room, dining area, huge rec room, kitchen with granite counter tops & stainless steel appliances, laundry & a fenced backyard for entertainment. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, malls, Cineplex, public transit & easy access to freeway.
Well maintained Rancher w/ basement with a Legal Suite in West Abbotsford. This home features 5 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms, private backyard for entertainment and lots of parking. Main floor features- 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms with an ensuite in the master, bright living room, dining area, spacious kitchen with tons of storage, welcoming foyer & a big sundeck. Basement has a Legal Suite with separate entrance, laundry room PLUS a rec room for owner's use. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, parks, public transit & easy access to freeway..
$574,700 2155 RIDGEWAY STREET
Rancher on a 7800 sqft Lot with Back Lane Access! This home features 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, bright living room, kitchen, dining, laundry & huge backyard. Lots of potential and a good holding p r o p e r t y. C l o s e t o s c h o o l s , shopping, recreation, public transit, malls, parks & easy access to freeway.
Only 16 years old Basement Entry home in West Abbotsford. This home features 4 bedrooms/ 3.5 bathrooms, huge & bright living room, dining area, open kitchen concept with tons of storage, rec room, laundry room, double garage & a sunny sundeck.
Solid Rancher w/ basement in West Abbotsford. This home features 5 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, bright living room, dining area, kitchen, huge rec room & a nice flat backyard for entertainment. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit, malls, parks & easy access to freeway..
Very Rare Find! 2 homes on one lot. They both are detached with their own separate entrances & private backyards. 1st house
17298 64 AVE
2826 Clearbrook Road
33188 Westbury Ave
Solid Rancher w/ basement in West Abbotsford. This home features 5 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, bright living room, dining area, kitchen, huge rec room & a nice flat b a c k y a r d f o r entertainment. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit, malls, parks & easy access to freeway..
Neat & Clean Basement Entry home with a Legal Suite in West Abbotsford. This home features 5 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms and a nice backyard. Main floor features- 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms with an ensuite in the master, bright living room, dining area, open kitchen layout, family room & sundeck.
33837 Mayfair Ave
33853 Mayfair Ave
Investors Alert! 5400 Only 3 years old-Custom Your home search Built Quality Home in a sq ft flat lot in a stops here! Basement central location. This home Central location. entry home with a features 7 bedrooms/8 Priced to sell. Close to bathrooms, Legal Suite, Legal Suite on a quiet nice backyard & tons of street near cul-de-sac. schools, shopping, parking. Main floor Good neighborhood recreation, malls, to raise your kids. public transit and easy features huge living area, dining,kitchen with huge This home features 4 access to freeway. island, tons of storage & bedrooms/ 3 Hurry!!! granite counter tops, spice bathrooms, backyard kitchen, big family room for entertainment.
Investors Alert! Centrally located Huge 20,400 plus sq ft lot with a Rancher on it. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit & easy access to freeway. Lots of potential.
Perfect family home in one of the best neighborhoods of Abbotsford. This home features 5 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms with a Legal Suite. Main floor has 3 bedrooms/ 1.5 bathrooms with a 2 pc in the master, huge living room, dining area, spacious kitchen & a sunny sundeck. Basement has a Legal Suite with it's separate entrance.
City of Abbotsford. OCP is Urban 3-Infill. This home throoms with a Legal Suite & a huge backyard. Main floor features 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms with a 2 pc ensuite in the master, huge living room, kitchen, dining area & a sundeck. Basement has 2 bedrooms in the suite with it's separate entrance.!
31362 McConachie Pl
Investors Alert! Centrally located Huge 20,400 plus sq ft lot with a Rancher on it. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit & easy access to freeway. Lots of potential.
407 - 31831 Peardonville Road
SOLD West Point Villa! This top floor unit features 2 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, spacious living area, kitchen and laundry. Well maintained complex. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, malls, parks & easy access to freeway. Don't miss this one! Call to view now!
31011 Gardner Ave
SOLD Location! Location! A cute basement entry home on a corner lot & cul-de-sac location. This home features 5 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms, bright living room, kitchen, dining, fenced backyard, double garage and much more. Some of the updates inculde high end appliances in main kitchen, new kitchen cabinets, newer paint, new vanities in bathrooms,
2537 Park Dr
124 1909 SALTON ROAD
2208-2210 BEAVER ST
A wonderful revenue generating property sitting on a huge flat 10,500 sq ft corner lot. Each side features 3 b e d r o o m s , 2 bathrooms, living, kitchen, dining, rec room and a nice backyard for entertainment.
#35- 30748 Cardinal Ave
Corner Unit. Huge backyard. 4 bedrooms/ 2.5 bathrooms PLUS Den. Modern Concept, Open Kitchen Layout, Granite Counter Tops & Stainless Steel Appliances.
2868 Gardner Pl
4 Level split home 5 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms living room family room rec room cul de sac and much more
Only 3 years old Town home in West Abbotsford. This home features 3 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms with a nice floor plan. Main floor features cozy living room, modern kitchen concept with quartz
Friday, June 01st, 2018
"Sell with Confidence, Buy with Trust" JUST LISTED
33970 Car Lin Lane Central Abbotsford 5 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom DUPLEX
2974 Palm Cr. 11,195 sq.ft. lot 5 Bedroom, 3 Bathroom
#200-8705 Young Road, Chilliwack, BC Detached Commercial Unit
14722 59TH AVENUE, Surrey, BC,
203-33165 2nd Avenue
5568 Mt.Lehman
Sutton Group-West Coast Realty |
778-242-SOLD (7653)
“I come from a background of sales, customer service and business management. I thrive to provide my clients with exceptional service and results. With the benefits of my large network, unique marketing plan and diligent work ethic, I take pridein my abilities of having your property SOLD!”
Friday, June 01st, 2018
PIZZA BUSINESS FOR SALE #120-30485 Cardinal Ave
1,397 sq. ft. unit located in West Abbotsford. Like new, fully equipped kitchen including cooler, pizza ovens, mixer, and more. Lots of repeat customers. Tons of potential here!
2373 Westerly St.
Half duplex Rancher w/basement (including a separate entry and 2nd kitchen) boasts a large enclosed backyard with plenty of privacy, as well as new kitchen, renovated bathroom, new flooring and lighting. Why buy a townhome when you can live here and enjoy your own yard, ample parking and NO STRATA FEE!
#103-32870 George Ferguson Way- 920 Sq. Ft. 2 Bedroom 1 bathroom unit on the first floor at Abbotsford Place. Located in Central Abbotsford near all amenities including Sevenoaks Mall. Great for first time home buyers or investors! Rentals Allowed! Ground Floor unit.
31811 Downes Rd.
Beautiful 2 story estate home built in 2015 - 5 bedrooms (3 with ensuites), open concept kitchen, spacious family room, a flex room and more. Property is .24 Acres and is completely fenced off with a gate entry driveway. Walking distance to MEI Elementary and High school. One of the most sought out areas in Abbotsford. Huge Driveway to park multiple cars.
#2709 – 888 Carnarvon St. – 817 Sq. Ft. 2 Bedroom 2 bathroom unit in the luxurious Marinus Condominiums. This unit has been renovated and features a gourmet kitchen and a large balcony overlooking the Fraser River and City life. Located in New Westminster. Connected to a shopping center and the skytrain station. Most desired layout in the building.
30414 Sandpiper Dr.
2,762 Sq. Ft. basement entry home in West Abbotsford featuring 3 bedrooms up and 1 bedroom down as well as a 2 bedroom suite in the basement. Kitchen is brand new featuring stainless steel appliances, modern cabinetry and beautiful tile flooring. New laminate floor installed throughout the main living area. Backyard is completely enclosed. Close to all amenities including Highstreet Mall and easy access to Highway1 $879,900.00
#303-45640 Alma Ave. 2 bedroom plus den, two bathroom in the highly sought after AMEERA Place. 1,070 sq ft third floor unit has a stunning mountain view, boasts in suite laundry, like new appliances, laminate flooring and more. Includes one underground parking spot as well as visitor parking. Just minutes away from Garrison Village, The University of the Fraser Valley and the Vedder River. Rentals and pets allowed
#223-30515 Cardinal Ave
The Tamarind located in West Abbotsford, just minutes away from High Street Mall, Highway 1 and more. This 1 Bedroom Junior suite features beautiful laminate flooring, in suite laundry, a clean open concept, and a mountain view. Plenty of visitor parking as well. Rentals allowed, currently tenanted
How to Buy a Home Before It's Built: Pre-Sale Tips Thinking of buying a pre-sale condo? You might be tempted by the tantalizing array of pre-sale development units available in the Lower Mainland, some with attractive incentives. (Just check out our Developments section!) Here's how it works. When you agree to buy a pre-sale unit, you're actually entering into a contract for the right to receive and an obligation to pay for a finished condo at a set point in the future. This forms the basis for some of the unique opportunities and risks that go along with buying pre-sale. There are definitely advantages to buying pre-sale. You can pay just a small deposit now, save money while it's being built, then pay the balance of your deposit when you move in. Or you can pay your deposit in bite-sized increments during the building process. You can also customize design elements, finishes and even your layout. Because you're buying a brand-new home, you won't have to worry about doing costly repairs for at least another decade. And your unit will be covered under the BC government's 2-5-10 Year Home Warranty Insurance program, so that if something does go wrong, you won't have to pay for it. But there are also risks and unique obligations that need to be considered before you sign on the dotted line and hand over your deposit. Here's what you need to know: your rights and responsibilities under the Real Estate Development Marketing Act (REDMA). Though there are advantages to buying pre-sale in any market, the greatest opportunities arise in a rising or hot real estate market. That's because, by the time you move into your completed condo, it's already worth more than what you agreed to pay for it. In a softening market, on the other hand, by the time you complete the sale, you might already have lost money. If you're relying on a mortgage, lenders may only cover the market value of the property at the time of completion, leaving you scrambling to raise more cash for the difference. The mortgage climate can change without warning as well. Many people who purchased before the federal government administered tighter mortgage rules found they no longer qualified for the amount they were pre-approved for by the time they had to pay up.
Friday, June 01st, 2018
Friday, June 01st, 2018
zivlprF duafrf tfAUn hfAUs vyc idwqy gey |
hor jfxkfrI leI kfl kro
604 500 0936
Friday, June 01st, 2018
Little Oak Realty
Independently Owned and Operated
“Top 1% Real Estate Team of Year 2015.. Award Winning"
34080 Higgionson Cre. Big Subdivideable Lot. Renovated 5bedrm, 3bath, Bedroom-Suite. Near University.
iksy vI qrH~ dI pR`prtI vycx Eqy KRIdx qoN pihl~ iek v`r s`nUM jrUr k`l kro jI| Davinder Brar-PREC Harpreet Mann-PREC CALL FOR A divMdr isMG br`V hrpRIq isMG m`n FREE MARKET 604.302.2222 604.832.8485 EVALUATION
46467 Valleyview Rd Chilliwack 3-story, 11yrs, 6bedrm, 5bath, 2bed-Suite, Recoom. Full city-view.
31861 Beech Ave. 2-Lots one lot is ready to built 3story house with legal suite. 2nd lot has 3200sft 6bed, 3bath with bsmt-suite Renovated.
30788 Sandpiper Dr. 3000sft house on 6885sft lot with 5bedrm, 4bath, Legal suite, Family room, recroom with bath. Near Gurudewara.
30 Acres Blueberry 10 ACRES BIG HOUSE & SHOP Farm 31022 Headwater Pl 3510 WAGNER DR Fully renovated, 4bedrm, 3bath, family and rec rooms, Legal Suite, Near Fruticana.
32730 Avalon Cr
5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, rec room with full bathroom, 2 room suit, wheelchair access
3109 Goldfinch St
3752 Harwood Cr
With a beautiful house in Aldergrove
32425 King Rd 5 ACRES with VI Clear land, big front. in Heart of Abbotsford city. Solid 5bedrm rented house.
2 3070 Townline Road
3138 Engineer ct
2944 Townline Rd.
7 bedrooms 5 baths and suites only 6 year old house in Aldergrove. Beautiful location
Townhouse Bigger Than A Normal House 166 3160 Townline Rd. Abbotsford 'Southpoint-Ridge' Gorgeous, updated 2400 SF, Dbl SxS garage in desirable area, close to High street Mall, fruticana plaza, schools, amenities & freeway access. Recent updates tasteful decor w/updated paint, flooring, toilets, lights & appliances. Entertainment sized dinning room & living room w/laminate floors & cozy gas f/p. Island kit boasts updated floors, cabinets, island w/breakfast bar, stainless appliances, family room. Master bedroom, 2 bathrooms on main floors. Lower level has 3 spacious bdrms, 4pc bath, spacious recroom room w/door to rear patio & large storage areas.
Abbotsford Blueberry (mix) Matsqui Area Shop Rented
30 -31255 Upper Maclure RD
Fully renovated, 4bedrm, 3bath, family and rec rooms, Legal Suite, Near Fruticana.
2098 Beaver Street
2-CONDOS for Sale, unit 306 & 208.
2638 Railcar Cre. 21710 48 Ave, Aldergrove ! Langley
ਸਾਡੇ ਕੋਲ਼ ਤੁਹਾਡੀ ਪੋਪਰਟੀ ਲਈ ਕੁਆਲੀਫਾਈਡ ਖੀਦਦਾਰ ਹਨ। ਹਣ ੁ ੇ ਫ਼ਨ ੋ ਕਰੋ ਜੀ। CALL US TO GET FORECLOSURE/BANK SALE PROPERTIES LIST PAGE R16