July 27th, 2018

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The Patrika 604.852.2288 | “BRIDGING COMMUNITIES” Weekly | Friday July 27th, 2018 | Vol.22. No.45 | www.patrika.ca/e-newspaper | e:info@patrika.ca inrpwK, sqMqr aqy agFhvpU nMU prnfieaf hoieaf A SECULAR, INDEPENDENT & PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER

Memorial Butterfly Release mYmorIal btrPlfeI rIlIjL

11:00- rijstrysLn sLurU 12:00- btrPlfeI rIlIjL, bfrbIikAU, Pys pyNitMg aqy bwicaF dIaF KHyzF

Gaba Auto Detailing & Tires


asIN nvy aqy purfxy tfier vycdy hF | kfr dy tfier $50 ivwc bdly jfNdy hn tfier dI irpyar kIqI jfNdI hy|

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The Patrika ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

Friday, July 27th 2018

itAUn aWp, brykF, aYgjfst, PrMt aYWz vrk, ieMjn irpyarjL, klWc, vftr pMp, trYnI srivs, XU- jfieMtjL, PrMt aYksl sLfPtjL afid

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T h eP a tr ik a


The Patrika Friday, July 27th, 2018



ICBC CLAIMS afeI.sI.bI.sI dy dfavy

trfiel smyq asIN quhfzy Gr afky vI srivs idMdy hF




trfiel smyq

33222 Elz Xyl roz,aYbtsPorz, bI.sI. imlx leI apufieMtmYNt jLrUrI hY

isrP aYbtsPorz rihx vfilaF leI puwCigwC



The Patrika



Friday, July 27th 2018


ਬੋਟੌਕਸ ਰਾਹ ਿਚਹਰੇ ਦੀਆਂ ਝੁ ਰੜੀਆਂ ਘਟਾਓ! Reduce Wrinkles Look Years Younger botOks trItmYNt rfhIN ichry dIaF JurVIaF qoN Cutkfrf pf ky afpxI suMdrqf nUM brkrfr rwKo.

Call For More Info:


Advanced Fellowship Functional Medicine Masters in Metabolic and Nutritional Medicine UBC School of Medicine Clinical Preceptor Certified Medical Acupuncturist Ultrasound guided PRP and prolotherapist Certified in Botox and Facial PRP Rejuvenation

What is Botox ? How Does It Work ?

Wrinkles are a part of aging. With time, skin becomes less elastic and wrinkles are more likely to form. Skin is damaged by many things as we age. UV light, smoking, stress and poor nutrition are the main causes of wrinkled skin. So it's best to wear sunblock, avoid smoking, eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits and live a stress free life. It is important to keep the skin well hydrated by drinking plenty of water and also by using moisturizing creams. Omega-3 Fish Oils, Vitamin C and Vitamin D are important supplements for skin health. Exercising on a regular basis also helps with skin health.

botOks kI hY? ieh ikvyN kMm krdf hY?

JurVIaF quhfzy buZypy vwl vwDdy kdmF dI insLfnI hn| vwDdI Aumr dy nfl cmVI iZwlI pY jFdI hY aqy ichry,qy JurVIaF bx jFdIaF hn | JurVIaF pYx df muwK kfrn sUrj dI altrfvfielt rOsLnI, isgrtnosLI aqy mfVI Kurfk hn | ies krky ieh bhuq jLrUrI hY ik qusIN sikwn nMU Dwup qo bcf ky rwKo,isgrtnosLI nMU iqafgo,qfjLy PlLf qy sbjIaF nMU afpxI Kurfk ivwc sLfiml kro aq iewk qnfa mukq jIvn ijAux dI koisLs kro | isrP iehI nhIN cmVI dI shI dyK Bfl krn leI vwD qo vwD mfqrf ivwc pfxI pIxf aqy nmI brkrfr rwKx vflIaF krImf df iesqymfl krnf bhuq jLrUrI hY | ies qoN ielfvf Emygf-3 dy kYpsUl,ivtfimn sI aqy ivtfimn zI bhuq hI guxkfrI swplImYNt hn | More and more people are now turning to Botox injections both to prevent inXmq qOr qy ksrq krnf vI kfPI lfBdfiek hY| wrinkles from occurring and also as a treatment. It has been used for the treatment of wrinkles for about 30 years. Botox works by temporarily awj kwl botOks dy tIky kfPI crcf ivwc hn ,jo ik nf isrPL JurVIaF GtfANudy hn, sgoN affecting a nerve so that the muscles relax. When a muscle relaxes, the hor bxn qoN vI rokdy hn |botOks trItmYNt ipCly 30 viraF qoN vrqI jf rhI hY botOks lines formed by the muscle get softer and less noticeable. Eventually our body gets rid of the Botox and the muscle starts to get tight again and df tIkf JurVI vflI QF,cmVI dy Kwly, mfspysLI ivwc lwgdf hY | ijs nfl mfspysLI iZwlI wrinkles can reappear. Botox usually lasts in the body for about 3- 4 pY jfNdI hY aqy sikwn dIaF lfienf Gwt jFdIaF hn | botOks trItmYNt df asr 3-4 months. Over time, in some cases, wrinkles become less and less mhIinaF qwk rihMdf hY| ies qoN AuprMq JurVIaF muV prq afAudIaF hn | aksr noticeable with repeated Botox injections. The Botox injections are done lgfqfr hr 3-4 mhIinaF ipwCoN botOks krfAux nfl JurVIaF pihlF nfloN Gwt vfips with very small needles and the injections can be placed in the muscle of afAudIaF hn| botOks dy tIky dI sUeI bhuq bfrIk hMudI hY aqy ieh tIkf mwQy ivwc,awKF the forehead, around the side of the eyes, and between the eyebrows. The procedure will take 10-15 minutes and only you will know you had it dy duafly aqy BrwvitaF dy ivckfr lwgdf hY| iehnF QFvF qy JurVIaF af jfx nflL qusIN done. Wrinkles in these areas are telltale signs that we have aged but this Aumr nfloN vyzy lgdy ho. botOks trItmYNt rfhIN GVI dIaF sUeIaF nUM ipwCy moV ky, afpxy treatment is effective at turning back the clock and making you look well afp nUM hr mOky, ijvyN ik pfrtIaF, ivafh sLfdIaF, afid leI, suMdr aqy jvfn rwKo. rested and more youthful for all occasions. botOks trItmYNt dy kuwJ ku nuksfn vI ho skdy hn. ijvyN ik tIky vflI QF qy ienPYwkisLn There are risks to this treatment, for example, getting an infection, or too much Botox can weaken a muscle too much. As with any medical ho jfxf. bhuq ijLafdf botOks krfAux nfl mfspysLIaF kmjLor pY jFdIaF hn. ies treatment, discuss this treatment with a medical expert certified in Botox krky iksy mfhr dy nfl gwlbfq krky ieh jfxo ik botOks quhfzy vfsqy srwiKaq hY jF treatment to make sure that it's safe for you. nhIN. Address: #300-2845 Cruickshank St. Abbotsford. OFFICE HOURS : MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9AM - 5PM


The Patrika

Friday, July 27th, 2018



aOrqfˆ nUM vDyry KUn afAux dy kfrn aqy Aupcfr

zf[ mnjIq ‘jxnI` qoN Bfv hY jxn vflI jfˆ jnm dyx vflI. kudrq dI ieh dyx hY ik ies jnm dyx vflI (aOrq) nUM jIvn-kfl dOrfn, mrdfˆ nfloN ikqy vwD srIrk qy mfnisk qbdIlIafˆ df sfhmxf krnf pYˆdf hY. ieh qbdIlIafˆ srIrk qy mfnisk kÈt vI idMdIafˆ hn pr lVkI jfˆ aOrq afpxy-afp nUM AunHfˆ muqfibk Zfl lYˆdI hY. iesy krky hI Aus ivwc sbr, sMqoK, jyrf, sihj, suhj, sihxÈilqf aqy kMm krn ivwc sMjIdgI afid gux mrd nfloN vDyry huMdy hn. 12-13 sfl dI Aumr qoN lY ky 45-50 sfl qwk hr mhIny inrMqr afAux vflI mfhvfrI nfl aOrqfˆ dI bfzI sYWt ho jfˆdI hY. AunHfˆ cfrpMj idnfˆ dOrfn vI kuVIafˆ jfˆ aOrqfˆ, Bfvyˆ iKzfrnfˆ hox, zfˆsr hox jfˆ iksy vI hor izAUtI `qy hox, Ausy iekfgrqf qy qndyhI nfl kMm krdIafˆ hn. jIvn dy Aukq sflfˆ ivwc mfhvfrI dOrfn hryk lVkI jfˆ aOrq nUM KUn pYˆdf hY jo sfDfrn (nfrml) hY. bfrfˆ-qyrHfˆ sfl dI Aumr ivwc mfhvfrI nf sLurU hovy qfˆ vI iewk asfDfrn siQqI huMdI hY. grB Dfrx krn vyly mfhvfrI bMd ho jfˆdI hY. vDyry KUn pYx jfˆ byqrqIbI mfhvfrI nfl KUn dI Gft ho jfˆdI hY. ies dy lwCx hn- aOrq jfˆ lVkI df rMg pIlf ipaf huMdf hY, iksy kMm nUM jI nf krnf, sfh Puwlxf qy pOVIafˆ nf cVH skxf. jy KUn bhuq hI iËafdf vg jfvy aqy smyˆ isr hspqfl phuMcf ky KUn nf cVHfieaf jfvy qfˆ keI vfr mOq vI ho jfˆdI hY. aijhf Kfs krky dUrdurfzy Kyqrfˆ dy mrIËfˆ ivwc huMdf hY. ies qrHfˆ keI vfr axjfxpuxy kfrn, sMg-Èrm jfˆ GrylU EhV-pohV vfly totikafˆ dy cwkr ivwc lok jvfn DI jfˆ nUMh gvf bihMdy hn. hspqfl iljfˆdy smyˆ KUndfnI irÈqydfrfˆ nUM nfl jfxf cfhIdf hY. bflg Aumr ivwc asfDfrn KUn pYx dy kfrngrB nfl sbMiDq kfrn: jdoN grB igr irhf hovy (abfrÈn). grB df bwcydfnI qoN bfhr hoxf. bwcydfnI dy aMdr aOl df glq shI jgHf `qy juVy hoxf (plysYˆtf pRIvIaf). vzyrI Aumr ivwc grB Dfrx, ijs df pqf hI nf lwgy qy kuJ smyˆ ipwCoN KUn pYx lwg pvy. dvfeIafˆ qy hfrmonË vrqx nfl: KUn pqlf krn vflIafˆ dvfeIafˆ (aYˆtIkoaYgUlYˆts) lYx nfl. ies leI srIr dy

isMG bwl iksy vI ihwsy `coN KUn vgdf hovy qfˆ aYsprIn nhIN KfxI cfhIdI. mnorogfˆ leI vrqIafˆ jfx vflIafˆ dvfeIafˆ. ‘stIrOiez` dvfeIafˆ jo dmy dy rogI jfˆ cmVI rogfˆ jfˆ aMg bdlI vfly rogI lYˆdy hn. hfrmonË vflIafˆ dvfeIafˆ. iekwly projYstrOn hfrmon vflIafˆ grB inroDk golIafˆ. iewk hor dvf ‘tYmoksIPYn` jo CfqI dy kYˆsr dy ielfj vjoN vrqI jfˆdI hY. ielfj vjoN QfierOiez hfrmon golIafˆ. KUn dy nuks ijnHfˆ ivwc KUn jMmx dI smwisaf huMdI hY ijvyˆ: aYikAUt ilAUkImIaf- CotI Aumry hox vflf KUn df kYˆsr. zyˆgU buKfr ijs nfl KUn dy plytlYt sYWl Gt jfx. ijgr rog ijs kfrn KUn jMmfAux vfly qwqfˆ (ivtfimn ‘ky` qy pRotInË) dI kmI ho jfˆdI hY. jnx-aMgfˆ dy nuks: bwcydfnI dy mUMh- srivks dI ienPYkÈn (srvysfieits). bwcydfnI dI ienPYkÈn (aYz ˆ o-mYtrfieits). itAUbfˆ dI ienPYkÈn (sYlipMjfieits). bwcydfnI dy aMdr rwKx vfly grBinroDk ijvyˆ ‘kfpr tI`. aOrq dy jnx aMgfˆ (XUtrs, srivks, EvrI qy itAUb afid) ivwc kYˆsr hoxf. jy sMBog qoN bfad KUn pvy qfˆ smJxf cfhIdf hY ‘srivks` df kYˆsr ho skdf hY qy ibnfˆ dyrI dy jfˆc krvfAuxI cfhIdI hY. ies kYˆsr dy rogI nUM KUn-imilaf bdbo vflf qrl inklx dI iÈkfieq rihMdI hY. BuwK aqy Bfr Gt jfˆdy hn, KUn dI kmI qy kYˆsr krky Qkfvt, kmËorI qy srIr inZfl ijhf rihMdf hY. srivks kYˆsr dy skrIinMg tYst nUM pYp tYst kihMdy hn qy 40 sfl dI Aumr qoN bfad ieh tYst hr sfl krvfAuNdy rihxf cfhIdf hY. jykr ies df sLurU vfly pVfa `qy hI pqf lgf ilaf jfvy qfˆ kfPI hwd qwk ielfj sMBv hY. bfkI pMnf 9 'qy PAGE 5


The Patrika 

Friday, July 27th 2018

sMpfdkI rotI, kwpVf qy mkfn mnuwK dIaF jLrUrI loVF hn. jy ieh loVF jnm BUmI qy nf pUrIaF hox qF bMdf iksy prfeI DrqI vl mUMh krn leI mjbUr huMdf hY. pMjfb dy afriQk hflfq cMgy nf hox kfrn pMjfbI svf ku sO sflF qoN prdys jfx leI mjbUr rhy hn. vIhvIN sdI dy aMq qwk pVHy ilKy lokF nUM nOkrIaF iml jFdIaF sn pr hux vIh ku sflF qoN pVHy ilKy vI ivhly hn. ies dy hor vI keI kfrn hn pr muwK kfrn ieh hY ik ijnHF KyqrF ivwc awj nOkrIaF leI QF hY AunHf dy anukUl pMjfb dy kfljF aqy XUnIvristIaF ivwc kors nhIN pVHfey jFdy qy bwcy pVH ilK ky, izgrIaF lY ky vI by-rujLgfrI dI mfr hMZf rhy hn, mfpy eys gwloN duKI hn ik mihMgIaF pVHfeIaF vI krvf idwqIaF qy bwcy ivhly ikAuN iPrdy hn? ienHf sMqfpF df hwl srkfr vI nhIN soc rhI. eysy krky awj qoN 15-20 sflF qoN pMjfb dy muMzy kuVIaF ieMglYNz, amrIkf, qy astrylIaf pVHn jfx lwgy qy hux cfr ku sflF qoN knyzf srkfr ny ividafrQIaF leI kuwJ sLrqF nrm kIqIaF hn qF bhuq sfry bwcy 12 jmfqF qoN bfad afeIlYts kr ky af rhy hn, pVH ky suhxy BivwK vl qur rhy hn qy eyQy hI pwky hox dy jugfV bxf rhy hn. knyzf’c icrF qoN afey lokF ny aqy gurduafrf sfihbfn dIaF kmytIaF ny ienHf bwicaF leI gurU dy lMgrF dy pRbMD kIqy hoey hn. ipCly sfl mfrc mhIny bwcy trtFto dy iewk gurU Gr jfx lwgy , ijwQy pihlF lMgrF dy prbMD nhIN sn. sMgqF aqy pRbMDkF ny ienHF bwicaF nUM afpxy DIaF puwq smJidaF qy ienHF dIaF loVF aqy smwisafvF nUM iDafn ivwc rwKidaF lMgrF dI syvf sLurU kr idwqI. bwcy jdoN mrjLI afAux qy sLkx. pr hYrfnI AudoN hoeI jdoN kuwJ muMizaF ny lVkIaF nfl lMgr hfl ivc hI romFs rcOxy sLurU kr idwqy, gurU mwq qoN bfhr jFidaF bwicaF nUM jd pRbMDk qy syvfdfr aMkl aFtIaF ny roikaf qF Auh mUhirEN glq boly, gflLI gloc kIqf qy hiQafr lY ky lVn leI phuMc gey. eyQy swiBafcfr jLKLmI hoieaf, afpxy DIaF puwq smJx vflLy aMkl aFtIaF dy aihsfs jLKLmI hoey, afm lok hYrfn hoey, BfeI cfrf sLrimMdf hoieaf.

mslf bixaF. QoVHy idnf bfad iewk pMjfbI bjLurg kuwitaf aKy qUM sfzy vl awzIaF cuwk cuwk dyKdf hYN, pr Auh bfpU jI kihMdy peI mYN qF bws nUM dyKx dI koisLsL kr irhf sI. eydF hI lfeIn ivwc KVH ky bfrI AuzIkx dI qF sB qoN mUhry jF KVHn dIaF vfrdfqF vI keI dPqrF ivwc hoeIaF hn. kfljF XUnIvristIaF dIaF CotIaF bwsF pyNzU KyqrF ivwcoN stUzYNts nUM cuwkx jF lfhux jFdIaF hn, AunHf ivwc pMjfbI pfVHy cVH jFdy hn qy sfrf idn Auwqrdy hI nhIN, sItF KflI nf hox krky loVmMd stUzYNt cVH nhIN skdy qF AunHf dI gYrhfjLrI lwg jFdI hY. ieh sB kuwJ afm stUzYNts nhIN krdy. kuwJ lVky pVHn nhIN sgoN lIzrI krn afey hn, keIaF df ipCokV murjmfnf hY, keI bhuq amIr mfipaF dy bwcy hn, AunHf dI soc hMkfrI hY, keI pMjfb dI isafsqI ZMg dy afdI hn, keI luwcf sB qoN Auwcf df BulyKf rwK rhy hn- ienHf sfiraF kfrnf qoN bfad loV hY ies AulJI gwuQI nUM sulJOx dI. ies gMBIr msly leI keI ivcfrF ho rhIaF hn. afm ividafrQI Auprokq sfry nUM TIk nhIN smJ rhy, hmdrd aMkl aMtIaF duKI hn peI nf ienHf qoN rotI pwkxI hY nf dfl sbjLI, ieh kI KfxH gy, bysmYNtF ikrfey qy dyx vfilLaF ny qF ies nUM kmfeI df sfDn bxfieaf sI, Auh KflI rihxgIaF, bwcy hYrfn hn ik hostlF df Krcf Auh dyx jogy nhIN, bysmYNt imlxI nhIN, irhf ikwQy jfvy gf? ividak adfry hYrfn hn ik jy eydF dy ividafrQI pMjfb qoN hor af gey qF iPr qF ieh lVfeI dy mYdfn bxn gy, pVHfeIaF df kI bxU? BfeIcfrf hYrfn hY ik eyQoN dy jMmy plLy afm bwcy mfnisk qOr qy zry hoey hn, Auh ienHF nflL klfsF lOxIaF syP nhIN smJ rhy, srkfr nUM koeI hwl kwZxf hI pYxf hY, pMjfbI mUl dy isafsqdfn sivDfn dy anusfr cwlx gy, AunHF df PrjL hY. ies sB dy hwl leI srkfr ny kwuJ kdm cuwky hn ijvyN hux ieMzIaf qoN kIqI afeIlYts Xoh nhIN mMnI jfvy gI aqy pVHn afey ividafrQIaF df knyzf dy eyar-port qy afeIlYts df iemiqhfn hovy gf, ies ivwcoN 6 bYNz lYxy jLrUrI hox gy, ies dy iqMn Bfg hn Bfv hr kYNzIzyt nUM ieMgilsL pVHn, ilKx, qy bolx ivwc Cy Cy bYNz lYxy jLrUrI hox gy, jy iewk coN vI Gty qF PylH. ies qoN ibnf iewk sfl dI PIs aqy ds hjLfr zflr afpxf bYNk Kfqf KolH ky jmHf idKflxf pvy gf, jdoN ik pihlF pMjfb qoN pYsy nhIN sn mgONdy qy eyQy kMm kr ky PIsF qfr idMdy sn, hux ieh nhIN ho sky gf. glq gqIivDI qy iskMjf kwisaf jfvy gf.

2018 dy jUn dy mhIny brYNptn dy sLfprjL vrlz plfjLf aqy sLYrIzn kflj eyrIey ivwc bysmYNt dy JgVy ivwc by-ksUr bMdy qy pMjfbI pfiVHaF ny hiQafrF nflL Gfqk hmlf bol idwqf, ijs ivc iek mOq hoeI, kuwJ gMBIr jLKLmI hoey. huwlHVbfjLI dy iBafnk sInf qoN aflLf duaflLf BY-BIq hoieaf, afm sLuihrI sihm gey, eyQoN dy “jo kry so Bry” sLurU ho jfey gf pr “kry jMmy bwcy dihl gey, BfeIcfrf dMg rih koeI qy Bry koeI” ny nuksfn bhuq kr igaf, isafsq aqy srkfr leI gMBIr idwqf hY. afm bwcy hux ieh irsk nhIN PAGE 6

The Patrika

Friday, July 27th, 2018

lYxH gy ik knyzf dy eyarport qoN PylH ho ky lwKF rupey df nuksfn hovy, qy zIport hovy. dUjy dysL ivc aMgryjLI aYksYNt df Prk hox nflL smJx aqy smJOx ivwc Prk pY skdf hY qy nMbr kwty jf skdy hn, tYst dy vyly acfnk ishq TIk nf hovy, qF vI PylH, ies sB kfsy ny ies ruJfn nUM brykF lf dyxIaF hn, pMjfbI ividafrQIaF dy svrg dy supny cknfcUr ho jfxy hn qy pMjfb dI by-rujLgfrI dI BwTI ivwc Bwujxf pYxf hY. keI sUibaF ny ividafrQIaF nUM PR qy vI rok dy inXm bxf idwqy hn, srkfrI nIqIaF dI pUrI irport cMd idnf qwk sfhmxy af jfxI hY jo pMjfbI ividafrQIaF leI mMdBgI hovy gI.

leI eyQoN dy lokF dIaF BfvnfvF sKqI nUM psMd krdIaF hn, isafsq psMd krdI hY, pMjfbI mUl dy isafsqdfn TIk smJdy hn qy srkfr vI TIk smJdI hY. ienHf bwicaF dI soc bcpnI hY ies nUM TIk rfhy pf deIey qF TIk itkfxy phuMcx gy jy glq rfhy pf idwqy qF… ies leI burfeI nUM sLurU ivc Kqm kr dyx ivwc hI ibhqrI huMdI hY. asIN aYbtsPorz dy sB gurduafrf sfihbfn ivwc bVf sLlfGfXog vrqfrf not kIqf hY, Auh ieh ik pfVHy muMzy kuVIaF bhuq hI inhcf nflL lMgr iqafr krn aqy vrqOx dI syvf krdy hn qy pRbMDk qy syvfdfr aMkl qy aMtIaF ienHF nUM afpxy bwicaF qoN vI vwD ipafr krdIaF hn aqy eydUM vI Kfs soc ieh ik jy iksy idn iksy kfrn koeI pfVHf jF pfVHI lMgr Ckx nhIN phuMcdf qF ieh afpxy poqy poqIaF qoN vI vwD iPkr krdy hn. so nqIjf kwZdy hF ik Auprokq sB kfsy ny svfiraf kuwJ vI nhIN pr ivgfV bhuq kuwJ idwqf hY. so bwicaF nUM eyQoN dy swiBafcfr aqy srkfrI kfnUMnf ivwc rih ky afpxI mMijLl vl gqIsLIl rihxf cfhIdf hY.

ies sB Auwpr vwKry vwKry ivcfr AuwTy hn. kuwJ ividafrQIaF ny ies sKqI leI icrF qoN pMjfb qoN afey vYwlsYtlz knyzf vfsIaF nUM ipClIaF grIbIaF dy imhxy idwqy hn jo ik glq hY, kuwJ srkfr ivroDI isafsqdfnf ny srkfrI PYNsilaF dI nukqfcInI kIqI hY, pMjfb qoN keI jQybMdIaF ny vI srkfrI PYNsilaF df ivroD kIqf hY pr jy bhumwq dy ivcfrF mgr jfeIey qF AunHf df mwq hY ik glq nUM glq kihxf iensfnI Drm hY, glq nUM sjLf dyxI drusq kdm hY, ividafrQIaF ny pVHn leI aYplfeI kIqf sI, nf ik lVfeIaF krn leI, jy ies vwzI gwl nUM mhfn kvI ig: kyvl isMG ienHF nUM roikaf nf igaf qF hux qF iewk ‘inrdosL’ sMKyp ivwwc eydF kihMdy ny: kql hoieaf hY iPr by-ihsfby hoxH gy, bIbf eyN qF bIbf bx ky rih bIbf eyQy jMmy plLy pMjfbI mUl dy bwcy eydF dy bhuqf sux, soc qy QoVHf, kih bIbf. ividafrQIaF nflL klfsF lOx nUM psMd nhIN krdy, ienHf krqUqF nflL BfeIcfry dy DMnvfd sihq, siqkfr izgy hn, bfkI kimAUintIaF ivwc nf-psMdIdf aksL pYdf hoieaf hY. ies sMpfdkI mMzl

Statement from the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing


elina Robinson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, has released the following statement in response to the findings and recommendations in Technical Safety BC’s Fernie Incident Investigation Report:



will improve safety in ice-rink refrigeration systems throughout the province, so people can feel safe when they attend hockey games, skating practice or other community events.

“This has been a very difficult process for the entire community of Fernie. I want to again extend my condolences to the three families who lost loved ones in the Memorial Arena tragedy last October.

“Technical Safety BC’s recommendations are the result of a thorough investigation under the Safety Standards Act to determine the cause of the tragedy, and identify how to help make sure something like this does not happen again.

“I want to thank Technical Safety BC for the 18 recommendations designed to prevent a similar ammonia release. The recommendations, for arena owners, maintenance contractors, training providers, local B.C. governments and the Canadian Standards Association,

“Moving forward, Technical Safety BC will work with communities and stakeholders to advance the recommendations, and implement safety improvements for ice-rink refrigeration systems, to help ensure that British Columbians are safer.”

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The Patrika



5 things to add to your morning routine same conversation with your dentist every six months, try using an electric toothbrush like Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean. Unlike other electric toothbrushes, it has a pressure sensor that lets you know when you’re pressing too hard, so you can protect your 1. Get up earlier. To get ahead of teeth and gums while removing up to the game, you’ll need a head start. In seven times more plaque. today’s competitive world, it helps to 4. Set your priorities. Time is prehave an extra hour or two in the morn- cious and being organized will ensure ing to get things done. But this starts you maximize every minute. Whether the night before. To hit the ground you’re at home, on public transit or at running, you need to make sure you’re work, take 15 minutes each morning getting enough sleep. to write down your priorities for the 2. Exercise. It’s hard to work out day. This will give you a clear plan of in the morning, but with balancing a attack, keeping you focused on imporcareer and family, finding time to be tant tasks. active in the evening is often more 5. Start strong. Research shows that challenging. Starting the day with a willpower is highest in the morning. workout will help kickstart your brain So instead of checking your email and provide an improved sense of welland getting side-tracked with endless being throughout the day. small tasks, stay unplugged and begin 3. Brush better. To feel your best, each day by first tackling harder asit’s important to maintain your oral signments that require more focus and health. If you’re tired of having the determination. (NC) The way you spend your morning can set the tone for your whole day. That’s why many successful people often have defined morning habits. To help yourself feel better and get more done, here are five easy ways to improve your routine:

$ 11.35

DrimMdr sLrmf: 778-683-3019 PAGE 8

Friday, July 27th 2018

Friday, July 27th, 2018

The Patrika



Coty bwicafˆ nfl mfqf-ipqf leI sMcfr dIafˆ rxnIqIafˆ quhfzy bwcy dI BfÈf aqy smJ nUM bxfAux dy suJfa sMkyq # 1 QoVHy ijhy sDfrn vfkfˆ dI vrqoˆ kro - afpxI BfÈf dy pwDr nUM anukUl kro qfˆ ik ieh quhfzy bwcy dy leI iewk kdm hovy (ijvyˆ ik jy quhfzf bwcf iek Èbd df vfk - “duwD” vrq irhf hY, qfˆ do Èbd df vfk dI vrqoˆ kro “ duwD cfhIdf hY? “jfˆ jy quhfzf bwcf 3 Èbd df vfk vrqdf hY, qfˆ iPr 4 jfˆ 5 Èbd dI vrqoˆ kro)

sMkyq # 6 ichry aqy srIr dy pRgtfivafˆ dI vrqoˆ kro - quhfzy bwcy duafrf vrqy gey Èbdfˆ nUM arQ rwKx ivwc afpxy bwcy dI mdd krn leI iewk ivËUal pRyrnf muhweIaf kro, Kfs qOr `qy jdoˆ qusIˆ ÈurUafqI BfÈf df ivkfs krdy ho; kuJ bwicafˆ leI rsmI ieÈfrf BfÈf vI lfBdfiek ho skdI hY

sMkyq # 7 quhfzy bwcy dy vfk df ivsQfr - jdoˆ sfzf bwcf koeI vfk boldf hY aqy qusIˆ guMm hoey iksy Èbd nUM not krdy ho, qfˆ AuhI Èbd vrqo jo quhfzy bwcy ny ikhf hY pr Auh lfpqf Èbd (ijvyˆ ik bwcf kihMdf hY: sMkyq # 3 afpxy bwcy dI agvfeI kro - “Auh qyËI nfl cwl hY”; mfpy kihMdy hn: afpxy bwcy dy srIrk pwDr `qy Kry Auqro “hfˆ, Auh qyË cwl irhf hY“ aqy Auh kI kr rhy hn KHyzdy hn vyK rhy Gr ivwc afpxy bwcy dI muwK BfÈf df ivkfs hn - jy qusIˆ ies ivwc idlcspI rwKogy, qfˆ krnf Auh quhfnUM byiJjk KuwlH ky suxngy 1) afpxy bwcy nfl bhuq gwlfN kro[ ijMnf sMkyq # 4 puwCx vfly pRÈnfˆ dI igxqI iËafdf qusIˆ gwlF krdy ho aqy ijMny iËafdf GtfE - afpxy bwcy nfl gwl krdy smyˆ qusIˆ awKr vrqdy ho, ies nflL bwcy dI BfÈf gYr-pRÈn iksm dy vfkfˆ dI vrqoˆ kro - nUM mËbUq krogy[ Èbd socx dy sMd hn[ (ijvyˆ ik bwcy df kihxf hY “kfr”; mfpy 2) ipafry qy vwizafˆ nfl gwl krn nfl kihMdy hn “lfl kfr” - ieh kihx dI iewk vDIaf qrIkf hY, bwcy dI skUl aqy bjfey “kfr df ikhVf rMg hY?” ijLdMgI nUM bxfAux df sB qoˆ vDIaf qrIkf sMkyq dyxf # 5 dwso - quhfzf bwcf kI kr hY sMkyq # 2 duhrfE, duhrfE, duhrfE sfrf idn iewko Èbd bfr bfr vrqx qoN nf zro[ bwcy bfr bfr duhrfAux nfl ijLafdf iswKxgy[

4) bwicafˆ dy Èbdfˆ aqy mn dIafˆ Bfvnfvfˆ suxo aqy Auhnfˆ dy nfm nfl crcf kro ieh idKfE ik qusIˆ afpxy bwcy dy ivcfrfˆ ivc idlcspI rwKdy ho aqy Aus qoˆ puwCo ik qusIˆ Aus qoˆ kI suxdy ho[ 5) afpxy bwcy nUM Aus qsvIr bfry puwCo jo qsvIr Aus ny bxfeI hY | afpxI pihlI BfÈf rwKo bwicafˆ nUM afpxI pihlI BfÈf cMgI qrHfˆ iswKx dI ËrUrq hY ieh vDyry gwlfˆ kro aqy tI vI Gwt dyKo Auhnfˆ nUM aMgryËI iswKx ivwc mdd krygf[ afpxy bwicafˆ nfl roËfnf dIafˆ gqIivDIafˆ bwicafˆ nUM afpxI pihlI BfÈf ivwc ieh (Bojn dy smyˆ, nhfAux dy smyˆ, afid) dOrfn gwlbfq kro krn dI loV hY: iewk mËbUq pirvfrk jIvn hY

Auwnfˆ dy siBafcfr bfry jfxo

bwicafˆ nUM ieh jfxn dI ËrUrq huMdI hY ik afpxI pihlI BfÈf ivwc kdoˆ bolxf hY aqy Auwnfˆ dy mfipafˆ aqy bËurgfˆ nfl gwl kro aMgryËI nUM kdoˆ bolxf hY jdoˆ ieh AunHfˆ leI spwÈt nhIˆ huMdf, bwcy BfÈfvfˆ nUM imlf skdy Auwnfˆ dy siBafcfr nUM jfxo hn BfÈfvfˆ nUM vwK rwKo ies nfl Auh dovyˆ mfpy quhfzI shfieqf kr skdy hn BfÈfvfˆ cMgI qrHfˆ iswKx ivwc mdd krygf irhf hY, vyK irhf hY, mihsUs krn, soc 3) qusIˆ kI soc rhy ho Aus bfry gwl kro qusIˆ afpxy bwicafˆ nfl Auh BfÈf bolo jo qusIN jdoˆ Auh skUl jfˆdy hn, bwcy aMgryËI bolx irhf hY, aqy qusIˆ kI kr rhy ho, vyK aqy bwicafˆ nUM idKf skdy ho Auhnf dI mhwqqf vfly imwqrfˆ qoˆ aMgRyËI iswKxgy vDIafˆ jfxdy ho aqy smwimaf ikvy hwl kr sky ho mihsUs kr rhy ho pMnF 5 dI bfkI iesy qrHfˆ jykr 45-50 sfl dI Aumr ivwc mfhvfrI mukMml bMd ho jfx qoN bfad iPr KUn pYxf sLurU ho jfvy qfˆ ieh vI Kqry dI inÈfnI hY ikAu N i k aijhf bw c y d fnI (XUtrs) dy kYˆsr ivwc huMdf hY. EvrI dy kuJ kYˆsr jvfnI vflI Aumr ivwc vI huMdy hn. ijMnI Gwt Aumr ivwc kYˆsr hovygf, Enf hI Kqrnfk hovygf. aMz-koÈ (EvrI) dIafˆ pfxI dy gubfry vrgIafˆ (issitk) rsOlIafˆ- bwcydfnI dIafˆ kY ˆsr-rihq rsOlIafˆ (Pfiebrfiez): ieh kYˆsr dIafˆ rsOlIafˆ nhIN huMdIafˆ. afm hI pfeIafˆ jfx vflIafˆ ieh rsOlIafˆ, jo 35 qoN 45 sfl dI Aumr dy afs-pfs huMdIafˆ hn qy qkrIbn 70 PIsdI aOrqfˆ ivwc bx jfˆdIafˆ hn. ienHfˆ krky by-qrqIbI qy kfPI iËafdf mfhvfrI, bfˆJ-px, DuMnI qoN hyTfˆ pIV, pyt dy hyTly ihwsy ivwc BfrI-px aqy keI vfr ienHfˆ df dbfa pYx nfl ipÈfb pRxflI qy aMqVIafˆ dIafˆ smwisafvfˆ dy lwCx huMdy hn. aYˆzomYtrIEiss: bwcy-dfnI dy aMdr

vfly sYl (aYˆzomYtrIam) hr mhIny JVdy qy nvyˆ afAuNdy rihMdy hn qy ijnHfˆ krky sfDfrn (nfrml) mfhvfrI df KUn pYˆdf hY. keIafˆ aOrqfˆ ivwc ieh sYWl bwcy-dfnI dI pwiTafˆ vflI qih ivwc (mfieE-mYtrIam) sQfipq ho jfˆdy hn. ienHfˆ aOrqfˆ ivwc jdoN mfhvfrI dy idn huMdy hn qfˆ pyt dy hyTly ihwsy ivwc bhuq pIV huMdI hY. ies leI aYˆzomYtrIEiss qoN Bfv hY XUtrs dy pwiTafˆ ivwc glYˆzs df hoxf. ieh kYˆsr nhIN huMdf pr hr mhIny mfhvfrI dy dOrfn aOrq nUM bhuq qklIP rihMdI hY. jdoN dvfeIafˆ afid nfl ieh mslf hwl nf hovy qfˆ ihstrYktmI (vwzy apRyÈn nfl bwcydfnI nUM kwZ dyx) qoN ibnfˆ hor koeI cfrf hI nhIN rih jfˆdf. bwcIafˆ ivwc jfˆ mfhvfrI sLurU hox dI Aumr qoN pihlfˆ asfDfrn KUn pYx dy kfrn hn: blfqkfr, lVfeI-JgVy jfˆ durGtnf dOrfn gupq-aMgfˆ `qy swt lwg jfxf, bwicafˆ `c hox vfly gupq aMgfˆ dy kYˆsr. aijhy kysfˆ dI jfˆc leI byhoÈI dI dvfeI (aYnfsQIËIaf)

afpxy BfeIcfry ivwc ihwsf lE

dy ky bwcy dI ‘aMdroN` muafienf kIqf jfˆdf hY. qkrIbn 55 PIsdI kysfˆ ivwc jnx aMgfˆ dI hI koeI smwisaf huMdI hY qy ienHfˆ ivwcoN 21 PIsdI ivwc bwcIafˆ dy kYˆsr ho skdy hn. sfl 1993-94 dOrfn mhfrfÈtr ivwc pUny kol siQwq idmfgI qOr AuWqy apMg bwicafˆ dI sMsQf ‘iÈrUr hom` ivwc 17 lVkIafˆ dIafˆ bwcydfnIafˆ ies leI srjrI rfhIN kwZ idwqIafˆ geIafˆ sn (ihstrYktmIË) ik idmfgI sUJ-bUJ qoN swKxIafˆ Auh lVkIafˆ vDyry mhfvrI dOrfn afpxy-afp nUM sMBfl nhIN sn skdIafˆ aqy inwjI sfP-sPfeI (prsnl hfeIjIn) dI smwisaf sI. ieh mfmlf mnuwKI aiDkfr rfhIN bMby hfeI kort ivwc irhf jdoNik sMsQf ny ikhf ik Aus ny srkfrI pRvfngI qoN bfad hI ieh apRyÈn kIqy sn. sfzI tIm duafrf ihstrYktmI dy ivÈy `qy iewk aiDan kIqf igaf jo apRyÈn qoN bfad pYQflojI jfˆc vfsqy pRfpq kIqy gey bwcydfnI dy sYˆplfˆ `qy afDfirq sI. ienHfˆ ivwc sB qoN vwD kys Pfiebrfiez dy sn.

kYˆsr, lMmy smyˆ qoN byihsfbf KUn pYxf, aYˆzomYtrIEiss aqy aMz-koÈfˆ dIafˆ rsOlIafˆ afid muwK kfrn pfey gey sn. apRyÈn qoN pihlfˆ awj-kwlH keI qrHfˆ dIafˆ qPqIÈfˆ AuplBd hn iPr vI iksy ivrly kys ivwc BrUx vI iml jfˆdf hY. ienHIN idnIN jfˆc vfsqy kfPI ihstrYktmI spYsImnË af rhy hn. iDafn ivwc rwKx vflIafˆ gwlfˆ: afpxy srIr aqy gupq-aMgfˆ dI sfPsPfeI vwl Kfs iDafn idE. sM q u i lq qy pO È itk Bo j n KfE qfˆ ik ibmfrIafˆ dy iKlfPL lVn leI srIr qkVf rhy. iksy bwcI, jvfn jfˆ vwzI aOrq nUM jykr asfDfrn KUn pvy qfˆ sMg-Èrm dI vjHf krky vkq nf gvfE. ibnfˆ dyrI zfktr koloN jfˆc qy ielfj krvfE. GrylU totky aËmfAux ivwc vkq Krfb nf kro. PAGE 9

The Patrika



Friday, July 27th 2018

Who says police officers don't have wings??!! Thank you Cst Walker for being a good sport and making this little girl's night!! kOx kihMdf hY ik puils aPsrF dy KMB nhIN huMdy??! kFstybl vflkr df bhuq vDIaf iKHzfrI bxn dy leI aqy iewk inwkI kuVI dI rfq nUM hor vDIaf bxfAux leI!!

The Abbotsford Police introduced its newest tool today - an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), also known as a “drone”. Currently, the Abbotsford Police's one UAV pilot is Cst. Rob Hryhorczuk, a private pilot who previously �ew small ��ed-wing aircraft. By this fall, the Department anticipates having three of�cers certi�ed to operate the drone. Training will encompass both ground school and hands-on �ight training The drone, a Matrice 210C Transport Canada Compliant Aircraft, was generously donated by the Abbotsford Police Foundation. It will be used for aerial photography of serious motor vehicle collisions, outdoor crime scenes, search and rescue, disaster recovery, and for tactical purposes when necessary. The drone may also be used to view �res and assist with aYbtsPorz puils iewk nvF XMqr ilaf rhI hY- aYn an mYnz eyrIla vIhkl (XU ey vI)ijs nUM zron vI ikhf jFdf hY. hfl hI ivwc aYbtsPorz puils ny XU ey vI ijsnUM kfstybl rOb hryhrkjLk joik iewk pRfeIvyt pfilt hn ijnHF ny Coty eyar krfPt clfey sn. ies sfl pqJV dI ruwq ivwc zron clfAux leI iqMn aPsrF nUM pRmfixq krygI. AuhnF nUM donoN qrHF dI tryinMg idwqI jfvygI grfAUNz tRyinMg aqy hYNzs afn PlfeIt tRyinMg. ieh zron, mYtirs 210sI trFsport kYnyzf komplyNt eytarkrfPt, aYbtsPorz puils izpfrtmYNt duafrf dfn kIqf igaf hY. ieh iksy Kqrnfk motr aYksIzYNt , bfhrlI jgHf qy hoey krfeIm, izjLfstr irkvrI aqy ijwQy ikqy hor vI loV peI dI eyrIal PotogrfPI leI vriqaf jfvygf. ies zron nUM awg lwgx dI jfxkfrI bfry jF hor kudrqI afPqF dI jfxkfrI lYx leI vI vriqaf jf skdf hY.

West Abby All Stars Police Camp was all about healthy life choices on Tuesday with a visit from the Gang Crime unit!

vYst aYbI afl stfr puils kYNp isrP ishq leI cMgIaF cIjLF Kfx dI jfxkfrI bfry hY ijs ivwc gYNg krfeIm XUint vI sLfiml ho rhI hY.

The AbbyPD were honoured to be able to be part of the 2018 Fraser Valley Pride Festival! Shout out to the organizers and everyone that attended this fabulous day at Jubilee Park! A great time for everyone who attended- big smiles all around! A great vibe, lots of smiles!

aYbI pI zI nUM 2018 dy PryjLr vYlI pRfeIz iqAuhfr df ihwsf bxn dy Xog snmfn idwqf igaf sI jublI pfrk ivwc afXojkF aqy hr Aus sLfndfr idn ivwc hfjLr hoieaf Auh vDfeI df pfqr hY. jo vI Aus smfroh ivwc sLfml hoey AuhnF ny AuQy bhuq vDIaf smF gujLfiraf hr iewk dy ichry qy KusLI sI.

Join the AbbyPD & Abbotsford Police Foundation at the AgriFair this year! Check out the custom AbbyPD Lego building kits that will be available- ONLY at AgriFair. Limited quanitiy available - so come early! Look for us next to the Abbotsford Police Department (ABBYPD) display by the Main Gate from 10 – 2 each day. These custom AbbyPD Lego building kits depict the annual AbbyPD City Basketball Tournament ($10); and the AbbyPD 'Gator' ($15). Cash sales only. (while supplies last!) Through the generosity of our citizens and businesses, the Foundation was able to fund the purchase of the ABBYPD Gator last year; and we are proud to have been able to help fund the APD City Basketball Tournament for many years. These are just two of the initiatives that help demonstrate how our Foundation motto 'Together for Safer Abbotsford' comes to life when citizens, businesses and the police the work together. See you at the Fair! For more details, please visit the AgriFair website: https://www.agrifair.ca/ ies sfl qusIN aYbtsPorz puils nUM aYgrIPyar Aupr dyKogy! aYbI pI zI dI lYgo ikwt jo aYgrI Pyar qy qusIN pRfpq kr skdy ho. lYgo ikwt Gwt mfqrf ivwc hI iqafr kIqIaF geIaF hn ies krky jldI afE qy pRfpq kro. aYbtsPorz puils myn gyt qy 10-2 vjy qwk afpxf pRdrsLn krygI. ieh kstm aYbI pI zI logo ikwtF slfnf bfsktbfl tUrnfmYNt nUM drsfAuNdIaF hn ($10) aYbI pI zI gytr (15) kYsL Aupr syl qwd hI hovygI jdoN splfeI ivwc bhuq Gwt rih jfxgIaF. sfzy nfgirkF aqy kfrobfrIaF dI shfieqf jLrIey ipCly sfl aYbI pI zI gytr nUM KrIdx ivwc kfmXfb irhf. aqy sfnUM mfx hY ik asIN keI sflF qoN eypIzI istI bfsktbfl tUrnfmYNt leI PMz pRfpq krn ivwc shfieqf kr rhy hF. jdoN sLihr dy sfry lok ibjLnsmYn, aqy puils iewkTy ho ky kMm krdy hn qF sfzI PfAUNnzysLn df mksd “ tUgYdr Pfr syPr aYbtsPorz” pUrf ho jFdf hY. qy iPr afpF myly qy imlFgy! hor ijLafdf jfxkfrI leI qusI hyTF idwqI vYbsfiet qy jf skdy ho:- h ps://www.agrifair.ca/

Call APD non-emergency at 604-859-5225 or text ABBYPD (222973) To make an anonymous report, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or report online at solvecrime.ca

aYbtsPorz pulIs zIpfrtmYNt nMU nfn-aYmrjMsI lfeIn 604-589-5225 'qy Pon kro jF 222973 'qy tYkst mYsj Bojo. aigafq rIport ilKvfAux leI krfeIm stfprjL nMU 1-800-222-7477 'qy Pon kroo jF afnleIn jf ky solvecrime.ca 'qy rIport ilKvfE.

We wish Noorjoot Kaur Dhillon a very Happy 5th Birthday!

pMjfbI sfihq aqy ieqhfs dy gihr gMBIr pfTk, cyqwn alock, styj dy DnI qy mhfn kvI ig: kyvl isMG “inrdosL” afpxIaF iqMn pusqkF Byt krn leI dPqr pDfry cFslr zf: aYNzI iswDU, s: kyvl isMG ‘inrdosL’, pRo: surjIq isMG bDysLf, aqy inrdosL jI dy bwcy PAGE 10


Friday, July 27th, 2018

The Patrika




Dhami Narang & Company LLP (“DNC Lawyers”) was established in 2010, by Rajan Dhami and Amrik Narang. With the help of our valued clients, DNC Lawyers has now grown into a mid-sized law with of in Abbotsford and Surrey, British Columbia. To serve our clients best, DNC Lawyers has an experienced team of 9 lawyers to cater to the individual needs of our clients. Every member of our strives to provide outstanding service to produce the best results for our clients.

RELIABLE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES We use a collaborative team approach to your legal problems to get you the best results possible. We are only happy when you are happy and realize that our success depends on referrals from our client base.

rfjn DfmI aqy amrIk nfrMg vloN 2010 ivwc sQfpq kIqI geI sI. sfzy suihrd klfieMts dI mwdd nfl DNC Lawyers ny qrwkI kridaF imwz sfeIjLz lfa Prm bxf leI hY, ijs dy dPqr bI sI dy sLihrF aYbtsPorz aqy srI ivwc hn. afpxy klfieMts dIaF smUh musLiklF nfl nijwTx leI vwzy qjLribaF vfly 9 vkIlF dI tIm iqafr ho geI hY. afpxy klfieMts dIaf qmfm smwisafvF dy hYrfnIjnk nqIijaF leI hux awzI cotI dy Auprfly kIqy jfx gy.

qswlIbKsL proPYsLnl syvfvF quhfnMU vDIaf knMUnI nqIjy dyx leI asIN sfry sFJI tIm dy qOr qy Xqn krdy hF quhfzI KusLI hI sfzI KusLI hovy gI, asIN mihsUs krdy hF ik sfzIaF sPlqfvF quhfnMU idwqy cMgy nqIijaF AuWqy hI inrBr hn.

REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS We deal with all matters relating to the sale and purchase of residential and commercial property. By contacting us before you sign a contract, you can make sure your rights are protected. We will provide reliable and timely legal advice. PURCHASE & SALE: RESIDENTIAL •Negotiating and Drafting Agreements of Purchase and Sale • Acting for Buyers or Sellers on Purchases and Sales of New Homes, Condominiums, Assignments Recreational and Cottages properties •Acting for Borrowers or Lenders on Mortgage Transactions •Advising Borrowers on Mortgage Liability PURCHASE AND SALE: COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL •Purchases and Sales of Commercial Real Estate, •Apartment and Office Buildings • Land Purchases or Sales • Acting for Borrowers or Lenders on Mortgage Transactions • Advising Borrowers on Mortgage Liability ABBOTSFORD OFFICE Dhami Narang & Company LLP Suite 301-2975 Gladwin Road Abbotsford, BC V2T 5T4

ICBC CASES We handle a full range of ICBC personal injury claims, including head injuries, broken bones, soft tissue injuries, muscle strains, psychological injuries & others asIN afeI sI bI sI nfl sbMDq iNnWjI srIrk swtF PytF ijnHF ivc isr dIaF swtF, tuWtIaF hWzIaF, koml itsULaF dIaF cotF, pWiTaF dIaF sWtF, mfnisk ivgfV aqy hor hfnIaF sLfml hn, dy klym hYNzl krdy hF. THE LAWYERS AT DNC PROVIDE COMPREHENSIVE LEGAL SERVICES IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS:

zI aYn sI dy vkIl iehnHF syvfvF ivwc quhfzI pUrI mdd kr skdy hn: Personal Injury / ICBC Business / Corporate Commercial Litigation Real Estate Wills / Probate Estate Litigation

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•KrId aqy vyc dy sihmqI zrfPitMg aYgrImYNts •asIN vycx vflLy dI vI aqy KRIdx vflLy dI vI shI mdwd krdy hF ijvyN nvyN Gr KrIdx, kONzmInIams, rhfiesLI dsqfvyjL. mn-prcfvy vflLIaF aqy kfitj prfprtIjL leI. •mfrtgyj idvOx ivwc asIN KRIdx vflLy dI vI aqy vycx vflLy dI vI mdwd krdy hF •KRIdx aqy vycx vflLy dI mfrtgyj Xogqf bfry dwsdy hF

kmrsLIal aqy ieMzstrIal prcyjL aqy syl

•kmrsLIal rIal iestyt aYpfrtmYNt aqy afiPs iblizMgF dI KrId aqy vyc •jLmIn dI KrId aqy vyc •vycx vfilaF aqy KRIdx vfilaF leI mfrtgyj trFjLYkisLn •KRIdx vfilLaF nUM mfrtgyj lfieibltI vfry shI slfh idMdy hF.

SURREY OFFICE Dhami Narang & Company LLP Suite 313-14928 Hwy 10 Surrey, BC V3S 2N5 Toll Free: 1-877-864-6131


604-864-6131 PAGE 11


The Patrika 

Friday, July 27th 2018

Government adopts key This summer, The Reach engages families in three pop-up arts events recommendations on modernizing taxi industry in the community! Abbotsford, BC – The Reach is pulling out all the stops to celebrate its 10th Anniversary this year! A handful of makers’ workshops have already piqued community interest in this year’s exciting new initiative entitled Ramble: Art Outdoors. Ramble is a series of socially engaged, pop-up art events taking place around Abbotsford throughout the summer, with thanks to funding exploratory walks of the creek with partners TD Bank Group, Tourism Ab- students from the high school, local residents, and others. They’re gatherbotsford, and Highstreet. ing stories, memories and other data The Reach is working with skilled, pro- about the creek to annotate the largefessional artists to develop art projects scale map. The finished product will that create entertaining spectacle while be an anecdotal, collaborative record also engaging with our community in of interactions between humans, wilddiverse and creative ways. Each of the life, and the natural environment in our three projects in the Ramble program community. Young and young at heart creates a temporary, interactive art are invited to share knowledge, stories, destination and will culminate in a fin- and memories about the stream and the ished work of art that will be exhibited surrounding area at a public Stream at The Reach, and later, at sites around Walk on Sunday, August 19, 2018 at the community. 1:00pm. The walk will leave from the “Keep an eye out this summer for The parking lot at Bateman Park, at 34638 Reach crew at local outdoor events Bateman Road. for your opportunity to take part in Ramble activities. For example, stop by The Reach table at the weekly Jam in Jubilee concert series to make a personalised, reusable lantern,” says Laura Schneider, Executive Director of The Reach. “Once you’ve created your illuminated masterpiece, bring it to the Family Night in Mill Lake Park on Thursday, August 9th at 7pm where Alberta-based artist Randi Edmundson will entertain with her Lantern Puppet Performance, in an audienceinteractive nighttime event. You will have such fun as you actively join this all-ages spectacle at Mill Lake Park that also includes an orchestra concert presented by Calvin Dyck, and a screening of the Disney film “Planes”.

The final Ramble: Art Outdoors project will be led by local artists Shannon Thiesen and Chelaine Froese, who are also educators at Abbotsford School of Integrated Arts - North Poplar Campus. For their Human Loomin’ project, the artists invite the public to take part in “colouring” large-scale wire sculptures by weaving through them with coloured materials. On August 24 - 26, 2018 from 9am to 5pm, join artists Thiesen and Froese to weave technicolour sculptures into life at Highstreet Shopping Centre.

The Reach encourages locals and visitors to participate and create at its Ramble: Art Outdoors projects throughout the summer. For more deRamble artist Jay White has deep roots tails and schedules visit www.thereach. in Abbotsford and is a former Robert ca/ramble-art-outdoors/ Bateman Secondary student. White’s The completed Ramble: Art Outdoors Stoney Creek Project features a hand- artworks will be on display at the drawn 20 ft. map of Stoney Creek, Reach’s 10th anniversary ticketed which runs past Robert Bateman school fundraiser Bacchanal on September to the Fraser River. Over the course 15, 2018 at The Reach, 32388 Veterans of the summer, White is conducting Way, Abbotsford.



he B.C. government is helping people find a safe ride when they need it, by increasing the number of taxis on the streets, while easing the way for other rideshare services to offer services to British Columbians by fall 2019. “People need to be able to get around safely and reliably,” said Claire Trevena, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure. “That’s why we’re putting more taxis on the streets, and laying the groundwork for new services to enter the market.”

more cabs in the Lower Mainland, and 200 more cabs throughout the rest of the province.

Giving the taxi industry the flexibility to discount fares when trips are These first steps in the action plan booked through an app. are intended to improve marketplace conditions for innovative transporta- Customers like the convenience and tion companies. Government expects security of booking and paying with applications from rideshare com- an app. The PTB will better enable panies wanting to enter the market companies to use this technology as will be submitted to the Passenger part of their approach to fares. Transportation Board (PTB) by Sep- Equipping the PTB with better data tember 2019. to make smarter decisions on meetLast fall, government hired industry ing transportation demand, including expert, Dan Hara of Hara Associ- the number of accessible vehicles ates, to consult with industry and required. stakeholders. Hara was tasked with recommending ways to help people move around how they want and when they want, while maintaining accessibility and safety standards for British Columbians.

Government’s action plan on ridesharing includes:

Retaining Hara to assist and advise government, and working with the PTB to further consult with industry, including major rideshare stakeholdA report, released in February 2018 ers. by an all-party legislative committee, Implementing policy changes through identified the need to modernize the the PTB. Passenger Transportation Act. These recommendations, along with Hara’s Working with the PTB on data colreport, will help government create a lection and analysis. new regulatory framework and legisGovernment is preparing legislation lative changes that will pave the way for the fall session. The focus of the for ridesharing to come to B.C. fall legislation will be: The ministry will immediately begin Consumer safety, and enforcement. working with the PTB to implement a number of the changes Hara has Streamlining licence applications for recommended. They include: drivers. Boosting the number of taxis to make Supply and boundaries for taxis, and it easier for people to get around, other passenger-directed vehicles (rideshares). quickly. Hara suggests a 15% increase, which Working with ICBC to enable a modwould translate to approximately 300 ern insurance product.

Friday, July 27th, 2018

The Patrika 


Top 5 questions you should ask your doctor about prescribed medications (NC) How and When Should I Use This Medication? Many medications are most effective when taken at certain times of the day and in some cases with or without food. Some medications require learning how to use a device (such as an inhaler, of which there are many types).

How Do I Know When I Should Stop Taking This Medication? Some medications are prescribed for a short period based on a symptom you are experiencing, while others are for long-term use to help slow down or control disease progression. Check with your doctor before stopping a medication because you are feeling What Are the Best Ways I Can Manbetter. age Multiple Medications? If you have several medications, it is often What Should I Do If I Miss a Dose? good to ask whether they are best It happens to everyone, but doubling taken together or throughout the day. a dose the next day can be dangerous Some pharmacies can pack your pills for some medications. Ask your docinto pouches saving you time and tor or pharmacist what you should do confusion about which medications if you miss a dose of your medication, to take when. and tips for making your daily routine less complex and easier to follow. Is There a Simpler Way to Get My Medication Dosing? When it comes Always confirm instructions before to multiple pills and inhalers it is easy starting or changing a medication. Be to get overwhelmed. Advances in sure to ask your doctor if there are optreatment may have resulted in easier tions available that may work better, to use medications. Ask your doctor or help to cut down on the number of for the best strategy to use for you. medications you take.



The Patrika 

Friday, July 27th 2018

Helping students succeed through work-integrated learning


ost-secondary students throughout British Columbia will get better opportunities to take part in co-op and other work-integrated learning opportunities. These opportunities are a result of almost $1.9 million in funding provided to all of B.C.’s 25 public universities, colleges and institutes. Melanie Mark, Minister of Advanced Education, Skills and Training, made the announcement during a visit to SAP Labs Canada in Vancouver, where 175 co-op students and interns are working.

Technology. “Co-op education also provides immense benefit to employers, who get assistance meeting their service and production needs from promising new talent.”

The British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) has several students in tech programs. These students are “Work-integrated learning gives stu- benefiting from co-op programs at SAP dents the opportunities to build the Labs in Vancouver. best future for themselves and their families,” said Mark. “These co-op Each of B.C.’s 25 public post-secondopportunities allow students to apply ary institutions has received $75,000 what they learn in the classroom in the in one-time funding, for a total investreal world. Employers get the chance to ment of nearly $1.9 million, to enhance identify new talent and benefit from the co-op and other work-integrated learnfresh ideas and energy students bring.” ing opportunities for students. Public post-secondary institutions will use these funds to support outreach to more employers, increase awareness of the benefits of work-integrated learning to employers and students, and improve their capacity to place students in meaningful workplace-based learning opportunities. “Co-op education and integrated learning provide students with the opportunity to develop new skills and valuable work experience that will help them excel in the workplace,” said Bruce Ralston, Minister of Jobs, Trades and

The B.C. government is working with public post-secondary institutions to expand opportunities for students to gain relevant work experience through co-op education and other forms of work-integrated learning. This funding supports a mandate commitment for the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training, as well as the Confidence and Supply Agreement with the B.C. Green Party caucus, to support co-op, apprenticeship and work experience programs for high school and undergraduate students through a four-year investment.

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Friday, July 27th, 2018

The Patrika 




raser Health has facilitated an agreement between Madison and Lakeshore Care Facilities and the Hospital Employees Union (HEU) that represents their employees. The negotiated agreement will see continuity of care maintained at both sites with all existing workers retaining their positions and provides employees the opportunity to vote for union certification 30 days after the new contractor assumes responsibility for each of the two care contracts. “We are very pleased we were able to ensure seniors receive the best care possible and that means maintaining their connection to the staff that have been caring for them for years,” said Adrian Dix, Minister of Health. “This agreement shows that the people who call residential care their home have a right to the best care possible from faces that are familiar to them,

and that the rights of workers will be a solution that benefits everyone involved,” said Jim Sinclair, Fraser respected.” Health Board Chair. “We said we Madison and Lakeshore Care Faciliwould work with the parties to find ties are owned by The Care Group. a better solution, and that’s exactly The Care Group has contracted Pro what we did. This provides stability Vita Care Management Inc. (Pro that residents need because all emVita) to provide care services at its ployees will be offered a job.” two facilities. Pro Vita will assume responsibility for Lakeshore on Au- The fate of the workers came in gust 8 and for Madison on September question on May 22, 2018, when the 12. If a majority of employees at a site owner of a company The Care Group vote in favour of Hospital Employees’ contracted to provide care aide and Union (HEU) representation, Pro Vita support staff services gave notice will voluntarily recognize the HEU that she was retiring and ending her as the exclusive bargaining agent. companies later this year. The deciEach Pro Vita site will have a separate sion came a few weeks after staff held a vote in favour of union certification bargaining unit. under the HEU. “We looked at all of our options, we worked closely with our contractor “We would like to thank the exceland the HEU and I want to thank both lent care team, residents and families of them for finding a way to retain this at Lakeshore and The Madison for staff, retain continuity of care for our their patience and support through residents and for working towards this process,” said Gavin McIntosh,

Director of Corporate Development and Administration for The Care Group. “Our new contractor, Pro Vita, shares our passion for excellent care. We look forward to working in partnership with them and Fraser Health to continue the legacy of great care at Lakeshore and The Madison.” “This agreement was the right thing to do for health care workers, seniors and their families,” says HEU secretary-business manager Jennifer Whiteside. “We thank everyone involved, especially the Fraser Health Authority and Health Minister Adrian Dix for their instrumental roles in resolving this crisis.” The Care Group operates both private pay and publicly funded residential care beds at the Madison and Lakeshore Care Facilities. Fraser Health contracts 96 residential care beds at Madison and 35 beds at Lakeshore.



The Patrika 

kMbl qy lyKk srdIaF dy mOsm ivwc iewk sfihq sBf vwloN rfq Br cwlx vflLf khfxI drbfr krvfAux df pRbMD kIqf igaf. mOsm aqy rfq df smF iDafn ivwc rwKdy hoey bhuqy khfxIkfr srdI qoN bcx leI afpo afpxf kMbl, Kys jF loeI afid lY ky afey. sLfm nUM ilKfrI afAuNdy gey, cfh, ibskut, nmkIn afid Kf pI ky hfl ivwc ivCIaF icwtIaF cfdrF Auwpr golL isrhfixaF nfl Zoa lgf ky bYTdy gey. AuQy dI rijstr ivwc nF drjL kIqf igaf. hOlLI hOlLI dUroN nyiVEN ilKfrI vfhvf juV gey. khfxI drbfr sLurU krn qoN pihlF rFqIN 9 ku vjy sB nUM Kfxy leI dUjy kmry ivwc bulfieaf igaf. Kfxy df anMd mfnx leI keI swjxF ny kMbl afpxI sIt qy hI rwK idwqf. vYsy vI kMbl sIt qy ipaf hovygf qF sIt irjLrv rhygI. dUjy hfl ivwc kfPI gihmf gihmI rhI,lor ivwc afey lyKk KFxy dI qfrIP kr rhy sn, koeI jfx pCfx kwZ rhy sn, iewk KUMjy ivwc somrs dI vrqoN vI ho rhI sI. pRbMDkF df sfrf kMm TIk sI pr jdoN Kf pI ky khfxI drbfr vflLy hfl ivwc puwjy qF iewk ilKfrI pRysLfn ijhf hoeaf buV buV krdf iPry. puwCx qy pqf cwilaf ik Auhdf kMbl iksy ny cuwk ilaf jF ikqy lko idwqf hY. pRbMDk vI dOVy afey iqrCI njLr nfl bYgF, atYcIaF, buwklF df jLfiejLf ilaf, dUjy ilKfrIaF qoN


mfVI motI puwC pVqfl kIqI, pr kMbl CUh mMqr hI irhf. ilKfrI df mn bVf Krfb hoeaf, iewk qF rfq nUM TMZ lgx df iPkr, dUjf ieh kMbl shuiraF kolLoN imilaf sI, ijs df gvfcxf asih sI. AuTHy pRbMDkF nUM kOVI ingHf nfl dyiKaf ik quhfzf pRbMD TIk nf hox krky ieh Bfxf vriqaf hY. iksy ny myry iKlfP sfijsL rcI hY ik mYN khfxI nf pVH skF. myry qy mfnisk dbfa vDfAux leI pRysLfn krn leI koJI cfl cwlI hY. lyKk hux mfeIk dy sfhmxy KVH ky BfsLx dyx lwgf. Brfvo, mYN ieQy pMjfbI mF bolI dI syvf krn afieaF sI, pr Kwitaf kI? kI syvf df iehI PlL imilLaf ik kMbl guaf ilaf. ijwQy lyKk df kMbl surwiKaq nhIN Auh bolI qrwkI ikvyN kr skdI hY? jy myrf kMbl eynI CyqI corI ho skdf hY qF svyr hox qwk atYcI , kMbl, bYg, Kys vI nhIN lBxy. ijwQy lyKk hI cor bx jfx, AuwQy nfvl, nftk, khfxIaF kivqfvF aqy sLbd surwiKaq nhIN rihMdy. jy myrf eynf vwzf aqy eynf Bfrf kMbl corI ho skdf hY qF ieh CotIaF ikqfbF, rsfly, aKbfr, prcy afid corI krny musLkl nhIN. ijQy lyKk dI kdr nhIN AusdIaF cIjLF dI sMBFl nhIN, Aus smfj ivwc mYN nhIN rihxf cfhuMdf. sfQIE asIN qF cor bjLfr ivwc Gyry gey, so AuwTo ies aMDyr ngrI qoN bfhr cwlIey.

ijwQy lyKk nUM afpxy smfn df hI iPkr lwgf rhy, AuQy vDIaf rcnf nhIN ho skdI. iehI kMbl mYN bfhrly dysL lY ky jFdf qF lokF ny isr mwQy cuwkxf sI. ik mhfn lyKk ies kMbl ivwc bYT ky mhfn rcnf krdf hY. lyKk dy mrn qoN bfad vI sYNkVy sfl AusdIaF klmF kfgjL, kursI, myjL, isrhfxy iqpfeIaF, gwdIaF sMBfly jFdy hn. iewQy sB kuJ awKF dy sfhmxy vfpr igaf aqy pRbMDk mUk drsLk bxy hoey ny. jdoN qwk myrf kMbl nhIN lwBdf AudoN qwk smfgm sLurU nhIN hoxf. iBRsLt smfj iKlfP mYN ieQy hI Drnf dy irhf hF.

Friday, July 27th 2018

gurdrsLn isMG mfvI

sI, qy sfry lyKk kfhlyL sn. kuJ lyKkF ny qF bgfvqI sur ivwc kihxf sLurU kr idwqf, ik sfnUM spsLt dwso smfgm krnf hY ik asIN jfeIey? pRbMDkF ny gMBIr, bjLurg, aqy isafxy lyKkF dI sMkt kflIn mIitMg iewk kony ivwc kIqI. soc ivcfr qoN bfad PYslf hoieaf ik lyKk nUM guafcy kMbl dI BrpfeI leI igafrf sON rupey idwqy jfx. so iewk isafxy lyKk nUM sBf dy pRDfn nflL Byj ky gwl inptf idwqI geI. hux lyKk df mUz khfxI pVHn df nhIN sI irhf. pRbMDk vI aijhy kMbl mfrkf lyKk qoN KihVf CzfAuxf chuMdy sn. Aus nUM rcnf pVHn df bxdf mfn Bwqf aqy afAux jfx df ikrfieaf dy ky Ausdy BfsLx aqy Drny ny pRbMDkF nUM hwQF ivdf kIqf qF sB nUM suwK df sfh afieaf. pYrF dI pf idwqI. kMbl lwBx dI muihMm hor qyjL ho geI, pr inrfsLf hI pwly peI. aKIr irksLy qy bYTf lyKk afpxI pRfpqI qy KusL pRbMDkf vwloN nvF kMbl dyx dI pysLksL kIqI sI ik purfxy kMbl df Ausny muwl pf hI ilaf geI. gvficaf kMbl qF shuiraF vwloN im- hY. Aus nNUM afpxy dysL qy bVf mfx mihsUs ilLaf sI so lyKk qF aslI kMbl hI lYxf ho irhf sI, ijwQy ilKfrI dy purfxy kMbl dI chuMdf sI. Aus ny sfP kih idqf ik nvyN aYnI vwzI kImq peI sI ik Auh hux zbl kMbl df mYnUM koeI lflc nhIN hY, sOhiraF bYwz df ieMportz nvF kMbl lY skdf sI. vwloN iewjLq rihxI cfhIdI hY. bfhroN afey AuDr pRbMDk Aus nUM mgroN lfh ky KusL sn lyKk hux afps ivwc Gusr musr kr rhy ik iewjLq bc geI aqy pRogrfm amn amfn sn. AuhnF nUM afpxIaF rcnfvF pVHn df nfl isry cVH igaf. hux ilKfrI sBf swdf mOkf Kusdf ids irhf sI. pRbMDk vI chuMdy pwqr qy ilKvf idMdI hY ik koeI lyKk, kMbl sn ik mslf CyqI hwl hovy. qF jo bdnfmI qoN jF Kys lY ky nf afvy, sfrf pRbMD sBf krygI. bicaf jf sky. hux tfeIm vI kfPI ho cuwkf lyKk afpxy smfn df afp ijLMmyvfr hovygf.

The Patrika

Friday, July 27th, 2018



KUn ivc vfDU kolYstrol bnfm idl dy rog kolYstrol iek rsfiex hY jo lIvr pYdf krdf hY aqy srIr dIafˆ anykfˆ gqIivDIafˆ leI loVIˆdf hY[ ies qoˆ ibnf koeI sYl, hwzIafˆ df Zfˆ c f, XfdÈkqI, idmfgI ikRafvfˆ, hfrmon df bxnf, sYks, afid sMBv nhIˆ hn[

afrtrIs ivc rukfvt pYdf krdf hY[ lhU dy dOry ivc ivgfV af jfˆdf hY[ idl nUM pUrf KUn nhIˆ phuMcdf aqy mOq ho jfˆdI hY[ bcfE leI kolYstrol Gwt krn dIafˆ mihMgIafˆ dvfeIafˆ idwqIafˆ jfˆdIafˆ hn[ pRMqU ipCly keI dhfikafˆ qoˆ ies Dfrnf Auwqy ikMqU-pRMqU ho irhf hY[ keI zfktr ies Koj ivc lwgy ieh Dfrnf bhuq pRclq hY ik iek kolYs- hoey hn ik kI vwD kolYstrol aqy idl dy trol aYl zI aYl mfVf huMdf hY[ dUjI iksm rogfˆ df koeI sbMD hY? iËafdf sbUq iswD df aYc zI aYl cMgf huMdf hY, pRMqU ieh Dfrnf krdy hn ik ienHfˆ donf df koeI sbMD nhIˆ hY[ glq hY, ikAuˆik kolYstrol df kyvl ieko hI rsfiexk PfrmUlf hY[ ieQoˆ qk ik sfzy sbUqfˆ df vyrvf kolYstrol dy mfpx df koeI sfriQk ZMg 1 amrIkf dy ishq ivBfg vwloˆ hdfieqfˆ :nhIˆ hY[ kyvl aMdfËf hI lgdf hY[ lIvr srIr nUM loVIˆdI mfqrf lgBg 80 pRqIÈq 1980 ivc XU aYs ey dI srkfr ny PYslf Bfg bnfAuˆdf hY[ bfkI bfhrI mfsfhfrI kIqf ik KyqIbfVI mihkmf aqy ishq Bojn qoˆ Kf ky imldf hY[ ijvyˆ aMzf, mIt, ivBfg iml ky hr pMj sfl bfad mulk dI ishq nUM muwK rK ky Bojn sbMDI hdfieqfˆ mwCI, duwD jfˆ ies qoˆ bxy pdfrQ[ jfrI kiraf krn gy[ ivÈv ivc 2015 ivc 56 imlIan mOqfˆ 2015-2020 dy smyˆ leI jfrI kIqIafˆ keI hoeIafˆ sn[ ienHfˆ ivwcoˆ sB qoˆ vwD arQfq hdfieqfˆ hYrfnIjnk hn[ nvIafˆ hdfieqfˆ 15 imlIan mOqfˆ idl dy rog aqy strok anusfr kolYstrol df idl dy rogfˆ nfl koeI kfrn hoeIafˆ[ sbMD nhIˆ hY[ koeI mfVf jfˆ cMgf kolYstrol 1950 eI: ivc zf aYnisl ny iek Koj du- nhIˆ huMdf[ ies dy syvn dI mfqrf qYa nhIˆ afrf iswD kIqf ik kolYstrol dI vwD mfqrf kIqI jf skdI[ vwD kolYstrol vfly Bojn idl rogfˆ leI iËMmyvfr hY[ ieh rsfiex aMzf, btr, arjn mIt, cIË afid sImq

mihMdr isMG vflIaf

mfqrf ivc KfDy jf skdy hn[ kolYstrol Gt krn dIafˆ dvfeIafˆ dI koeI BUimkf nhIˆ hY[ vfDU KMz aqy vfDU nmk dI mfqrf Kfx qoˆ icqfvnI idwqI geI hY[ 2 idl dy rog kfrn huMdIafˆ mOqfˆ vfly 75 pRqIÈq rogIafˆ ivc kolYstrol dI mfqrf nfrml huMdI hY[ 3 kuwJ mulkfˆ ivc afm lokfˆ dI kolYstrol aOsqn vD hY, pRMqU idl dy rogfˆ nfl mrn vfilafˆ dI igxqI Gt hY[ 4 ieh rsfiex srIr leI bhuq ËrUrI hY[ lIvr afp bnfAuˆdf hY[ iksI bfhrly Bojn Auprokq qwQfˆ qoˆ sfP jLfihr ho irhf hY ik Auwqy inrBr nhIˆ krdf[ lhU ivc vwD kolYstrol dI mfqrf bfry 5 Bojn rfhIˆ KfDf Bojn KUn ivc kolYstrol bhuq BMblBUsf hY, ijQy XU aYs ey vrgy dyÈ dI mfqrf nhIˆ vDfAuˆdf[ ivc ieh koeI muwdf nhIˆ smiJaf jfˆdf, AuQy 6 KUn ivc ies rsfiex dI mfqrf jIns ivÈv dy bfkI mulkfˆ ivc ies nUM gMBIrqf Auwqy inrBr krdI hY[ nflL ilaf jfˆdf hY[ 7 2016 ivc zfktr inÈfr ny iswD kIqf ik kolYstrol Gwt krn vflIafˆ dvfeIafˆ bogs hn[ vDdI Aumr nfl srIr ivc ies rsfiex dI mfqrf Gt ho jfˆdI hY, jdik idl dy rogfˆ nflL mrn vfilafˆ dI igxqI vDdI hY[

mfhrfˆ anusfr dvfeIafˆ bnfAux vflIafˆ ÈkqIÈflI aqy amIr kMpnIafˆ iek bhuq vwzf roVf hn[ vrlz hYlQ afrgynfeIjyLÈn nUM awgy afAuxf cfhIdf hY aqy ies sbMDI hdfieqfˆ jfrI krnIafˆ cfhIdIafˆ hn[



The Patrika 

Air India terror attack victim’s memoir released in Canada


he autobiography of a philanthropist who lost his wife and two children in the Air India bombing was released in Delta, British Columbia, on Sunday afternoon. Ray of Hope is the memoir of Dr. Chandra Sankurathri whose wife Manjari, son Srikiran and daughter Sarada were aboard the ill-fated Air India Flight 182 that was bombed mid-air in June 1985, killing all 329 people aboard. This was the worst attack in the history of aviation terrorism before 9/11. Widely blamed on the Sikh separatists seeking revenge for the repression of Sikhs in 1984, the attack had turned the life of Sankurathri upside down. Yet, turning his grief into strength, Sankurathri estab- rathri joined the unveiling ceremony lished a foundation in memory of his on his behalf. wife in her native city of Kakinada, A short documentary on Dr. SankuAndhra Pradesh in India. rathri’s work was shown at the event The Manjarai Sankurathri Memo- that was opened with a Punjabi poem rial Foundation currently runs a free dedicated to the Air India victims school and an eye hospital for poor by Amrit Diwana. Both Smith and and needy. Whereas, the school is Matas spoke at length about the Air named after his daughter whose India tragedy and encouraged people dream of going to school was shat- to read Ray of Hope that inspires tered as she was only four. He named everyone to fight hatred with love. the hospital after his son. Describing the Air India disaster as The memoir was released at George an attack on the Indian diversity, the Mackie Library in his absence by IAPI cofounder Gurpreet Singh threw other Air India victims’ families and light on the ugly political events of friends and two prominent journal- 1984 that led to the bombing and ists Charlie Smith and Robert Matas. cautioned the gathering about growHowever, his message was read out ing attacks on religious minorities at the beginning of the event that was in India from Hindu Right and its organized by Indians Abroad for Plu- impending consequences. He pointed ralist India (IAPI) in commemoration out that the Air India bombing was of the Air India bombing anniversary the culmination of similar violence that falls on June 23. A day before the against Sikhs. book launch, the victims’ families had gathered at the Air India memorial in Among those in attendance were Stanley Park in Vancouver, Canada, former British Columbia Premier Ujjal Dosanjh, World Sikh Organito remember their loved ones. zation founder Gian Singh Sandhu Among those who unveiled the book and University of British Columbia were Major Singh Sidhu – who lost researcher and an activist Sukhvinder his sister, a nephew and a niece and Kaur Vinning. Others present inMandeep Grewal who lost his father. cluded the IAPI cofounder Parshotam Bahama, a close friend of Dr. Sanku- Dosanjh and visiting Punjabi leftist activist from India Sardara Mahil. PAGE 18

Friday, July 27th 2018


zrfieivMg skUl

roz tYst pihlI afeI sI bI sI nOlyj tYst dI iqafrI muPq vfr hI pfs kro ivwc, Gr bYT ky pMjfbI aqy aMgryjLI ivwc kro.

asIN aYbtsPorz aYlzrgrov aqy imsLn ivwc isKlfeI idMdy hF. sfzy 94% stUzYNt pihlI vfr hI pfs ho jFdy hn.

afrv zrfieivMg skUl mobfiel aYp aYpl aqy aYnzrfiez qy AuplbD hY|

· vfr vfr PylH ho cuwky ho qF iewk lYsn sfzy nfl jLrUr lY ky dyKo qy iPr prKo. · asIN CotI kfr qy isKlfeI idMdy hF jo ik iswKx aqy pfrikMg lgfAux ivwc bhuq ijLafdf asfn huMdI hY. · asIN pfrikMg bhuq hI asfn qrIky nfl lgfAxf isKfAuNdy hF. · ijnHF ny kdy vI kfr nhIN clfeI asIN AuhnF nUM vI pwky zrfievr bxfAux dI pUrI smrwQf rwKdy hF. · asIN roz tYst qoN pihlF quhfnUM 100 qoN vI vwD Kfs suJfa idMdy hF ik roz tYst mOky iknHF iknHF glqIaF qoN bcxf hY. · quhfzy smyN muqfbk svyr qoN dyr sLfm qwk isKlfeI idMdy hF. · isKlfeI pMjfbI, ihMdI aqy aMgryjLI ivwc idMdy hF.

· nOlyj tYst dI iqafrI krn leI afpxy Pon qy sfzI aYp muPq zfAUnloz kro. · ieh iqafrI qusIN ibnF aYp zfAUnloz kIqy hoey sfzI vYbsfeIt qy jf ky afpxy kMipAUtr jF lYptfp qy vI kr skdy ho. · sfzI aYp ivwc 428 pRsLn/Auwqr pMjfbI ivwc aqy 564 aMgryjLI ivwc hn jo ik hux qwk iksI hor aYp ivwc nhIN hn. · ieh sfry pRsLn/Auwqr afeI sI bI sI dI buwk ivwcoN hI hn.

ijLMdgI bhuq kImqI hY qy iesnUM afpxI jF dUsiraF dI lfprvfhI nfl gvf nf bYTo.

App:Apple & Android

asIN quhfnUM isrP roz tYst pfs hox dy mksd nfl hI nhIN isKfAuNdy blik sfzf mksd quhfnUM surwiKaq aqy rwiKafqmk zrfievr bxfAuxf vI hY jo roz qy afpxy afp aqy dUsiraF nUM bcf ky clfvy.

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The Patrika

Friday, July 27th, 2018



mF pRo: mohn isMG Auh iek icwty vflLF vflLI popt ijhI bu w Z I sI. Bfvy N sw T F ku virHaF dI lgdI sI iPr vI bVI hOlLI Puwl qy cusq sI. Aus dI JolLI ivc iek gMZl ijhI potlI sI ijs nUM Aus ny afpxIaF kfny vrgIaF AuNglF ivc Guwt ky PV riKaf sI, jfxo Aus ivc koeI bVI kImqI cIjL hY. Auh pihly hI AuwQy bYTI sI jdoN mYN mMDirEN gwzI ciVHaf sF. zwby ivc hor koeI nhIN sI. mYnUM cMgI qrHF cyqf nhIN ik bwuZI ny ikvyN gwl bfq sLurU kr idwqI sI. mYN Aus vyly iksy afpxy hI iKafl ivc ipaf hoieaf sF aqy Auh myrf iKafl iKHwcx qoN kuJ imMt pihloN gwl Coh cwukI jfpdI sI. mYN coNikaF qy soicaf, hYN! ieh alf dfd kOxY? mYN Aus nUM puwC nhIN sI skdf ikAuNik Auh pihloN hI mYnUM sB kuJ dws cuwkI sI aqy Aus dIaF gwlF suxn lwg ipaf qy afiKr ies iswty qy apiVaf ik alf dfd Ausdf puwqr hY.

glqI aY, mYN afiKaf krF, jy jInI rhIaF qy qugLI dwssF qyrf puqr swqf kI hIrIaF dysI qy gujfrf vI sohxf krsI.” “qy mF kI Ausdf gujLfrf cMgY?” mYN puiCaf

“qy hor ky, sLfh jI” buwZI cusq hoky bolI. “rj ky sKwly, afpxI jLmIns, afpxy Kuhs, afpxy dFds, mJFs, geIaFs, GoVIaFs vihqrs sB kuJs-rwbf sBsy ny pwuqr jhy “Auh bVf bIbf muMzf hoxY” mYN afKx dI hox. ieqnf sKwlf qy ipAu vI nhIN aihafs, BfvyN mrny qIkx imwtI nfl imwtI honf irhY.” dlyrI kIqI. “hor ky sLfh jI” buwZI ny Auqr idwqf qy Aus mYN isr ihlfieaf qy kuJ icr asIN cuwp ho gey. pr muV muV buwZI nUM bulfAux qy jI dy bol ivc mfx sI. krdf sI. “kihrF nf jfqk aY” Aus ny mfVf ijhf hOkf ilaf qy iek DuMDlI ijhI muskVI Aus dy suwky “kI qusF afpxy puwqR dI koeI mdd vI kIqI hoTF Auqy nwcx lwgI. “gjLbF nf jfqk aY” sI?” mYN puiCaf, “myrf mqlbY kI qusF AuhnUM Aus ny duhrfieaf “qy sLklvMd vI rwj ky, sLurU ivc koeI rfs mUVI vI idwqI sI?” inikaF hoinaF sfry afKny ahy-mfAU, qYNZf “hor ky, sLfh jI” Aun ny afiKaf, “mdd jfqk qy kuVI hoxy jogf iehf, pr hux vwzf nhIN kIqI qy hor ky, jy mdd nf krIey hr hoieaY qy jfqkF nf pVjfqk inkilaY.” qF ihQy ikMj apVy hr. ipAu qy brKlfP ‘muMzy muMzy hI huMdy ny mF” mYN ieho kihxf iehfs pr mYN afpxf tUMb Cwlf vyc ky Aus nI JolLI pf idqf qy afiKaf hFh iGMn ipCUM munfsb smiJaf. vI qUhyN lYxf iehf.” buwZI isr ihlUx ihlUx ky hwsI. “TIk afKnyAu sLfh jI” Aus ny afiKaf, “iehf gwl “qy Aus rUpY nUM vfh vfh vriqaf mF?” afKnI honIaF. jfqkF kih lgY qy kuVIaF “hor ky sLfh jI, bVf isafxY, awlf hXfqI hfr sLrmfxf kih lgY? sBsy ny jfqk AuwcI deys. ieQUM jfinaF eIN pihlI bhutI mr nIvIN krny hI afeyn ky. eIhf gwl mYN Aus geIs. iCaF mhIinaF ipCUM agilaF hor dy ny pIAU kI afKnIN honI ahIaF. Aus nf ipAu idqIs. mfAUN pIAU ny Gr ihkf hI ihkf DI keI vfr lVHn lgnf ieafs, pr mYN qrpulHI aY: AuQy AunHF kol hI rihnY. AunHF dI jdfd mfrky ivckfr jf pYnI ahIaFs: qUM vI qy vI lB geIs. hux suixaY suKF nfl tFgf vI kdy jfqk eI iehfeyN, mYN afKnI ahIaFs. afpxf iGdfs.” qUM kdy koeI AuwcI nIvIN nhIN kIqI? ‘hfhF qy mINgI cutnf vI qy irhY ng’ Auh afKnf honf “qy mF qUM Aus nUM ipwCy jhy kdoN imlI eyN?” aihaf. mYN afKnI hYnI ahIaF, cut kfDI “bwcy imilaF qy imMgI ds sfl afx lgyn. af qy vl vI qy ho igaf eyN nf, hux qwk nf Aus kdy muV ky vwtI hI nhIN vfhI. mYN Aus afpxy dfr. kdy qy Auh hws pYnf aihaf kI kft pfieaf aihaf peI mYN imlx afnI qy kdy ies gwlF Aupr asIN bONsL pYny hony peI AUN. Aus iliKaf, af ky kih krsyN buZI aihaF. Auh afiKaf kry quN puc puc krky Aumry hYzI dUr. mYN iPr kft pfieaf lok jfqky kI ivgfV CoiVaY. vwzf ho ky ihkI imhxy mfrnyn hYzf icr ho igafs puqry muV BMnI kOzI nf nhIN rihx lwgf. hIaf qy qyrI

ky vfq nhIN puCIs, mYN jLrUr afsF, mINgI “ho aOh qwkY myrf puwqr, myrf awlf dfd Kfn” Aus ny iesLfrf krdI ny afiKaf. tysLxy Aupr lYx afeyN.” “mF qYnUM puqr vyKx df bVf sLONk aY.” “hovy nf qy hor ky sLfh jI, afpxIaF aFdrF jy hoeIaF.” “Auh dsF sflF ivwc iblkul bdl igaf hovygf?” “nhIN sLfh jI, mYzy qfeIN qy AUhf ijhf hosI.” “qYnUM hfly vI muMzf hI lgdY, mF?”

mYN Aus dy puwqr vl vyiKaf. Auh koeI pYNqIaF virHaF dy lg pg jfpdf sI. Aus df mUMh golL qy CrHvf ijhf sI qy muwCF qy Kcry-pn qy awKF dy zUMGy-pn qoN koeI cMgf afdmI nhIN sI jfpdf. Aus dy kwpVy vI joeI sfAUaF vfly nhIN sn. Auh bVI byprvfhI nflL plYt-Pfrm dy ivckfr KVHf sI. Aus dIaF lwqF KulHIaF qy hwQ ipwT ipwCy kMGI pey hoey sn. Auh buwZI vl guwsy nflL GUr GUr ky vyK irhf sI. Auh bVI KusLI qy Aumfh nfl puwqr vl vDI. pr jdoN Auh Aus dy lfgy apVI qF Aus dy mgry mgr bfhr inkl geI.

Aus ny pMCI vFg CyqI nfl isr mfiraf, “jfqk nhIN qy hor ky sLfh jI, qusF kI BfvyN virT idsy.” jdoN gwzI stysLnoN bfhr inklLI qF mYN AunHF mYN koeI Auwqr nf idwqf. bwuZI vI cup kr nUM iek vfrI Pyr vyiKaf ikAuNik sVk qy gwzI dI lYx nflo nfl jFdy sn. Auh iek geI. hux Aus ivc vlvilaF ny Gsmfn icwkV-ilbVy qFgy ivc nflLo nflL bYTy sn, pYdf kr idwqf sI. Aus dIaF awKF dI cmk ijs nUM iek kflLy rMg dI ickV-ilbVI hux qyjL ho geI sI qy Aus dIaF sukVIl GoVI iKHc rhI sI. buwZI Aus vl JukI hoeI AuNglF potlI nflL KHyz rhIaF sn. gwzI sI qy bVy josL nfl gwlF krdI sI qy kdI hOlLI huMdI jFdI sI, buwZI cusqI nfl jLMjIr kdI afpxf swukf hoieaf mUMh AuqFh cwuk ky PV ky Klo geI. Aus vl vyK lYNdI sI, jfxo iksy ipafr Bry “bs ihQY hI sLfh jI, ihQy eI mYN lihsF.” bol dI AuzIk ivc hY. pr Auh kUhxIaF goizaF qy rwKI, vfgF nUM hwQ ivwc PVI, mwQy mYN Aus leI bUhf Kohilaf qy Auh Pwul vFg qy GUr pfeI GoVI qoN agFh sVk vl tk bMnHI vyK irhf sI. Auz ky plYt Pfrm qy jf AuwqrI.



The Patrika

Friday, July 27th 2018


suafd aMb df krnl hrjIq bsI

dlIpy ny afpxI pwgVI mMjI qo N cu w k I qy isr qy lpy t lI. sUrj awgy hI Auwcf cVH afieaf sI. pqf nhIN ikAuN AusdI awK nhIN sI KuwlHI. ibnF kuJ KfDy pIqy hI Auh lyt igaf sI. sfrI rfq pfsy pltdy hoey BuwKy pyt nUM PVI bhuq dyr qwk Auh rfqI sOx df Au p rflf krdf irhf. AusnUM cyqy afieaf ik svyry jd mu r gy ny pihlI bFg idwqI sI qF Auh jfg hI irhf sI. Auh bFg dI avfjL sLfied iqMn ku vjy afeI hovygI. iPr ijAuN ijAuN svyr dI inHMmI inHMmI TMZ ny afpxf asr idKfieaf Auh nINd dI JolI ivwc izwgf. sLfied iksy imwTy supny ny af Aus nUM dboc ilaf, ijsdI DuMdlI ijhI Xfd ajy vI af rhI sI. aMbF dy bfg ivwc Auh GuMm irhf sI. iksy iksy drKq qy hI aMb lwgy hoey sn. supny ivwc hI Ausdy mUMhoN pfxI vg irhf sI. “ikAuN nf iewk aMb hI qoV ky Kf lvF. . suafd df suafd qy pyt nUM vI afsrf ho jfvygf. hF hF ieh TIk hY. iPr supny ivwc Aus ny qwikaf ky drKq dy Qwly cfr pMj aMb izwgy pey sn. iewk Ausny cUpx leI cuwikaf qy mUMh nflL lf ilaf. ajy dMd ivwc KBoey hI sn ik koeI vwzf ijhf idE idKx vflf afdmI zFg PVI sfhmxy af igaf qy hwQoN aMb Koh ky lY igaf. hF hF AudoN hI AusdI awK KuwlHI sI. ivcfrf supny iwvc vI KflI pyt rih igaf sI.

nUM rokx dI koisLsL kr irhf sI hwQF dy iesLfiraF dy nfl. Pr sfry vfhn lMGI jf rhy sn. afiKr iwvc iewk KflI gwzI ruk hI geI. donHF zrfievrF iwvc pqf nhIN kI gwlbfq hoeI. pr dUjy ny afpxf trwk Krfb hoey trwk nfl KVHf kr idwqf. dlIpf Aus vyly kolLoN dI lMG irhf sI. pihly zrfievr ny ikhf, “srdfrf gwzI df smfn dUjI gwzI ivwc rwKxf hY. krFeyNgf mdd, pYsy dy idaFgy. af jf sfmfn jldI mMzI ivwc phuMcfxf hY nhIN qF sfrf kuJ sV jfeygf ies grmI iwvc.” “kI hY ies iwvc” trwk vwl hwQ nfl iesLfrf krdy dlIpy ny puwiCaf. shfrnpur qoN aMb ilafNdy ny pitafly mMzI leI. gwzI df igar tuwt igaf lwgdf. pihlF PLlF nUM iksy qrHF mMzI phuMcf idaF iPr krFgf iesdf Auprflf.”

aMbF df nF suxky dlIpy nUM afpxf svyr df supnf Jwt Xfd af igaf. Aus ibnF sVk qy lwgy sfhmxy dy nlky ivwcoN pfxI iksy iJjk dy hF kr idwqI. pqf nhIN ikAuN df buwk Br Aus kurlI kIqI qy do buwkF AusnUM lwg irhf sI ik awj AusdI iksmq pI vI ilaf. afpxI vfx dI tuwtI mMjI nUM ivwc aMb hn. KVHI krky afpxy kmry dI dIvfr nfl iewk trwk ivwcoN pytIaF kwZ dUsry trwk ivwc tkrfieaf qy Auh KyqF vwl qur ipaf. zyZ ku rKFdy koeI zyZ GMtf hI lwigaf. kMm Kqm koh df Pfslf sI pr Ausdy kdm AuwT nhIN hox qy dlIpy nUM zrfeIvr ny dsF df not rhy sn. AUh soc irhf sI ik Auh kI krygf idwqf. nflL hI mdd krn qy sLfbfsLI vI. Kyq jf ky. ipCly iqMn mhIinaF qoN nihr ivwc pfxI df iewk qupkf vI nhIN afieaf. “zrfievr sfihb do aMb hI dy Cwzo. pqf Psl bIjx df vkq vI inkl igaf sI. qF lwgy shfrnpurI aMbF df suafd” kih Ausdy qy nfl dy sfiraF dy Kyq bMjr ho dlIpy ny not nUM qih krky afpxy Jwgy dy rhy sn. ikqy vI hirafvl df nF insLfn KIsy ivwc rwK ilaf. nhIN sI Auh prly pfsy vflf muKiqafr qF “lY qUM vI kI Xfd kryNgf nfl hI iewk pytI afpxy bYl vyc pqf nhIN ikwQy qur igaf sI. df Zwkx KolH do pIs aMb dy zrfievr ny GrvflI vI nfl hI geI. Kyq ivwc koeI nhIN AusnUM PVf idwqy. dUsry trwk ivwc bih Auh sI idKdf. dlIpf kMb AuwiTaf kI AusnUM vI mMzI vwl qur ipaf. Gr bfr Cwzxf pAU? nhIN nhIN Auh koeI Auprflf qF jLrUr krygf. afpxI jLmIn nUM dlIpy ny aMbF nUM hwQF iwvc PiVaf. iPr poly ijhy ploisaf qy soc irhf sI ik ikwQy rwKy. ikvyN vI alwg nhIN krygf. Aus df hwQ acfnk afpxy isr vwl igaf. dlIpf iesI Dun ivwc qurdf qurdf afpxf hF ieh TIk hY. Aus ny afpxI pwg lfhI Kyq ipwCy Cwz vwzI sVk dy njLdIk jf qy Ausdy lV nfl AuhnF nUM bMnH ilaf. ies puwijaf Aus ny dyiKAf ik koeI trwk Krfb qrHF nfl iksy dI njLry nhIN pYxgy. Auh Gr hoieaf KVHf sI qy zrfievr iksy hor trwk jfky hI Kfvygf. Auh Gr vwl prq ipaf. PAGE 20

The Patrika

Friday, July 27th, 2018



AuNj vI Kyq qF ipwCy hI rih gey sn qy AuQy df mfs, Kfs qyry leI lY ky afieaF, ies qoN pihlF dlIpf kuJ kihMdf krImf qur ipaf. krnf vI kI sI jf ky. bUhy awgy pwujky Aus muV afpxI mMjI zfhI. pYroN juwqI lfhky JfVI. ik jLrf kmr iswDI kr lvF, lyt igaf. iKaflF df iptfrf iPr KulH igaf qy Aus nUM Proldf Proldf Auh muV nINd dI godI ivwc jf izwgf. hwQ ivwc PiVaf sfPf vI iPsl iPsl ky BuMjy igr igaf qy aMb igr pey ivhVy ivwc. bfhr df drvfjf vI KulHf sI. krImf JtkdI AusdI glI dy kony vfly mkfn ivwc hI rihMdf sI. afpxy nfl do bwkry bnNHI Auh dlIpy dy Gr awgoN inkilaf. Aus soicaf ikAuN nf Kbr sfr lYNdy cwlIey. Aus ny avfjL lgfeI, “dlIp ishF kI hfl ey. KYr qF hY suwqf ipaF ey ies vyly. nflL hI aMdr vV afieaf. bwkiraF nUM hwQoN Cwz afp dlIpy nUM jgfAux lwgf. Auh jfigaf qy AuwT bYTf. ieDr Auh awKF mldf sucyq hox dI koisLsL kr irhf sI qy EDr bwkiraF nUM dono aMb ids pey, qy Auh AuhnF nUM Kf rhy sI. dlIpy ny jd AuhnF dy mUMh aMb dyKy qy Auh cIk ipaf. “Eey krIimafN kkry Kf gey myry aMb” ikAuN lY ky afieaF aMdr iehnF nUM? “mfP krIN dlIipaf mY qF cwilaf sI iehnF nUM Jtkfx, sfly mrn jFdy jFdy ……aMb vI Kf gey” gMdI ijhI gflL kwZ Auh clf igaf. dlIpy dy supny dI afKrI gwl vI swcI ho geI sI. Auh aMb swcImuwcI guaf bYTf sI. Auh Buwl nhIN sikaf qy inMmoJUxI iwvc hI sfrf idn kwZ idwqf. qrkflF muV afeIaF. iksy ny Ausdf bUhf af KVkfieaf. awgy krImf KVHf sI iewk plfsitk df ilPfPf Aus dlIpy nUM idwqf. ikhf , dlIp ishF awj bwkiraF ny qyry aMb Kf ley sI af lY AuhnF

Aus AuwT cuwlHf jlfieaf qy mfs cfVH idwqf. do motIaF motIaF rotIaF vI syk leIaF jdoN dI AuhdI vhutI prkfsLo clfxf kr geI qF Auh hI Kud kwcI pwkI bxf lYNdf sI. ikMny vrHy ho gey sI. Auh ihsfb lgfieaf ds… hF ieMny qF…. prkfsLo jfx qoN bfad awj pihlI vfrI sI ik GrIN mfs bixafN sI. pqf nHI pr Ausdf mn Br afieaf qy Auh muV afpxI mMjI qy bih igaf. glLI ivwc srkfrI KMBy qy lftU vI jlL ipaf sI. Aus AuwT rsoeI ivwc jldI lfltYx cuwkI qy ilaf mMjI kol rwK idwqI jfnvr afpxy afpxy GrIN prq cuwky sn. glLI ivwcoN AuhnF dI avfjL nhIN af rhI sI. avfrf kuwqf kflLU rojL vFg af AusdI mMjI kol bih igaf sI. rojL Auh AuzIkdf ik jd dlIpf rotI Kfvy qy iwvcoN awD tukVf Aus nUM vI imly. pr awj Auh muV cUM cUM kr irhf sI. ijvyN kuJ mMg irhf hovy. AusnUM vI hFzI c pey mfs dI vfsLnf af rhI sI. Auh AuwiTaf rotIaF QflI ivwc pfeIaF qy ktory c mfs dy tukVy qy qrI. pihlI burkI qoVdy hI Ausdf hwQ ruk igaf. “hfey rwbf kI krn lwigaf sI mYN? Auh bwkry qF ivcfry ivhVy ivwc izwgy aMb hI Kf gey sn qy bdly iwvc mYN AuhnF df mfs….” AuhdIaF awKF ivc pfxI Br afieaf. Aus ktorf cuwikaf Aus vwl vyKdf irhf, vyKdf irhf qy iPr sfry df sfrf ktorf vgfh vyhVy ivwc suwt idwqf. kflU ny Jwtpt tukVy cuwky. Pyr pry bYTf AunHf nUM cbf irhf sI. ktory dI qrI vI ivhVy ivc iKwlrI peI sI. pr Aus ivwcoN mfs dI nhIN aMbF dI KusLbo ijvyN dlIpy qwk af rhI sI. Auhdf mn hux Tihr igaf qy Auh mjLy nfl suwkI rotI cbfAux lwg ipaf.

rfijMdrjIq KudI nUM afsrf idwqf bygfnI afs qoN pihlF mYN aQrU pUMJ cuwkf sI qyry Drvfs qoN pihlF ndI AuWCly bhuq, mYN KusL vI huMdf hF qy zrdf hF buJf jfvy n mYnUM Auh myrI ipafs qoN pihlF qUM hux ByjyN jF agly pl, qyrI hAUmY dI hY mrjLI mYN kuwl jMgl df jfxUM ho igaf bxvfs qoN pihlF hirk tukVy c sI koeI koisLsL, koeI qVp aYsI mYN juV cuwikaf sI KMizq hox dy aihsfs qoN pihlF AudHy supny c sYaF ipMjry idsdy rhy rfqIN pirMdf pr luhf afieaf iksy prvfs qoN pihlF iqrf jfxf ijvyN dunIaF df sB drd hY Bfrf kuJ aYsf jfpdf sI rox dy aiBafs qoN pihlF bVf kuJ vkq ny iliKaf myry qn qy myrI rUh qy vI qusIN mYnUM hI pVH lYxf imry ieiqhfs qoN pihlF PAGE 21


The Patrika 

Friday, July 27th 2018

Canada’s Labour Leaders Urge Premiers to Collaborate on a National Universal Pharmacare Plan


ational, Provincial and Territorial Labour Leaders encourage Canada’s Premiers to unite behind a universal, singlepayer, public prescription drug coverage program. In addition to giving every Canadian access to life-saving prescriptions, a universal Pharmacare plan will free up money for much needed investment in health care. Saint Andrews, NB - During the Council of the Federation meeting in Saint Andrews, NB, Labour leaders from across the country united to deliver a message to Canada’s Premiers – collaboration is critical. “Canada’s Premiers will soon be asked to support a Pharmacare plan built on a simple principle - equal access. No matter where in Canada you live, you should be able to access the medications you require to live a healthy life,” said Irene Lanzinger,


President of the British Columbia “With another $415 million, we Federation of Labour (BCFED). could build 78 more community health centres, providing 390,000 Between 2006 and 2015 Canada more British Columbia residents wasted $62 billion health care dollars with high quality integrated care without a Pharmacare plan. We waste that would respond to both their $7.3 billion a year, or $14,000 every physical and mental health needs. minute of every day, monies, that with A $51 million investment could an additional $1 billion investment in provide 850 more public longpublic sector spending could be rediterm care beds per year in our rected within our health care system. province, and with the remaining “The research is clear; a national $258 million, British Columbia could Pharmacare plan could save British hire additional nurses and health care Columbians $1.14 billion per year. workers, invest in hospitals, put an Think of the potential investment to end to hallway health care. Think of be made in British Columbia’s health the impact and net benefit to Britcare system with a savings of that ish Columbia with those additional magnitude. The benefit to the people investments in Canadians health and of British Columbia is enormous. well-being,” Lanzinger added. $415 million could be allocated to Without Pharmacare, between 370 help seniors, providing six million and 640 Canadians with ischemic more public home care visits, that heart disease prematurely lose their is nearly 16,243 more seniors who lives, every year. Between 270 and would receive daily homecare visits 420 working-age Canadians with diaper year,” said Lanzinger. betes die prematurely every year, the

data suggests that between 550 to 670 older working age Canadians (55-64) die each year, before their time. “Without a universal single-payer Pharmacare plan - up to 70,000 Canadians suffer avoidable health decline and hospitalization every year. That’s roughly the population of Prince George. Imagine if the entire population of Prince George was unnecessarily hospitalized every year, we would demand preventative measures from our government. Universal Pharmacare is that preventa-

Friday, July 27th, 2018

The Patrika 


tive measure, and we’re demanding strengthening the relationship with action from our governments,” said labour in their communities. Lanzinger. To build inclusive, strong and prosEvery developed country with a uni- perous provinces, we must collaboversal health care system provides rate to support the most vulnerable universal coverage of prescription among us. We must also work todrugs – except Canada. In a country gether to develop poverty reduction like Canada, no one should be forced strategies that include a recognition to skip their medications or otherwise of the needs for a living wage, decent ignore their doctor’s orders because working conditions and access to afof costs. Doing so only leads to ad- fordable housing. ditional pressures on our health care Together, Canada’s provincial and systems, and that costs everyone territorial labour federations give more in the long run. voice to over three million workers, “The only plan that will deliver bet- represented by the Alberta Federation ter health outcomes, while saving of Labour, British Columbia FedCanadians money, is a universal eration of Labour, Canadian Labour single-payer Pharmacare system,” Congress, Manitoba Federation of said Hassan Yussuff, President of the Labour, New Brunswick Federation of Labour, Newfoundland and LabCanadian Labour Congress. rador Federation of Labour, Northern In addition to urging that Premiers Territories Federation of Labour, to support a universal Pharmacare Nova Scotia Federation of Labour, plan, of which the federal advisory Ontario Federation of Labour, Prince council is expected to make recom- Edward Island Federation of Labour, mendations on how to implement, Fédération des travailleurs et travailPresidents of provincial and territo- leises du Québec, Saskatchewan rial labour federations highlighted for Federation of Labour and Yukon Premiers the need and importance of Federation of Labour.


The Patrika




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ruibMdr (rOb) DMnU

ÇÕzîÆéñ ìÚÅÀ° òÕÆñ


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• âz¼× Ãì³èÆ ç¯ô

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- Marijuana Grow Operations - Cocaine and Heroin Trafficking - Importing/Exporting


Friday, July 27th 2018

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Friday, July 27th, 2018

The Patrika



qfj qy srU gurbKsL isMG pRIqlVI jdoN kdy mYN sfQIaF nfl qfj mihl vyKx igaf hF, EdoN hr vyKx vflI QF vyKI qy hr cVHn vflI QF Auqy ciVHaF hF, pr jdoN kdy mYN iekwlf AuQy igaf hF, isvfey pihlI vfr dy, kdy vI iksy munfry Auqy nhIN ciVHaf, nf mkbry dy aMdr vVn dI qFG qk afpxy ivc vyKI hY. qfj mihl dy swjy pfsy iek Auwcf qy Biraf hoieaf srU hoieaf krdf sI-ipClI vfr jdoN mYN AuQy igaf, ieh srU kwt idqf igaf sI qy Aus dI QF iek Cotf ijhf nOjvfn srU lwgf hoieaf sI. Aus Awucy srU dy kol Kloiqaf qfj bVf sLfndfr idwisaf krdf sI, qfj df cOqrPLf vI eyQoN cMgf idsdf sI. mYN idrvfijLEN dfKLl huMdf hI ies srU dy kol clf jfieaf krdf sF. sYNkVy afdmI iesqRIaF myry koloN dI lMG ky hryk vyKx vflI cIjL vyKdy sn. keI mYnUM bVy Qwky hoey vI jfpdy sn, pr ieh Qwky hoey vI sB QfvF Auqy cVHdy qy sB nuwkrF kony vyKdy sn, jIkr AuQy afAux df ieh krm huMdf hY. mYnUM vI keIaF msLhUr XfdgfrF qy qIrQF Auqy iesy qrHF hI Bfisaf hY, lwqF BfvyN QwkIaF hox, idl vyK vyK ky awk cuwkf hovy, qd vI sfQIaF jF agvfnf dy nfl nfl axcfhuMdIaF lwqF nUM DRIkdy iPrnf. pr rsmF df jfdU isroN jdoN lih jfey, isrP iksy QfEN awK Br ky vyK lYxf qy Aus df ieiqhfs pVH lYxf kfPLI ho jFdf hY. eys qrHF dI mfnisk avsQf ivc, iek vfrI qfj mihl dy suMdr iehfqy ivc Aus Auwcy srU hyTF mYN Kloqf sF. kdy qfj vl qwkdf sF, kdy qfj dy bfgL vl, qy kdy Aus srU dIaF tihxIaF vl. qfj mihl dy sohxy hox sMbMDI keI rfvF hn, pr Aus dI sLfn sMbMDI do rfvF nhIN. bVf sLfndfr idRsL hY. keI kihMdy hn ieh mumqfjL bygm dI Xfdgfr hY, pr keI kihMdy hn, ieh sLfhjhfn dI sLuhrq-psMdI dI Xfd hY. sLfied dovyN gwlF TIk hox, jF dovyN hI glq, jF dovyN hI awDIaF TIk hox. myrI khfxI nf sLfhjhfn qy nf mumqfjL dI hY. mYN qfj mihl qy srU df ijLkr afpxy pfTkF nUM suxf irhf sF. mYN Aus srU dy hyTF pihloN Kloqf qy Pyr bYTf hoieaf sF. pihloN mYnUM afpxy koloN dI lMGdy lok idwsdy rhy- AunHF ivcoN keI myry vl vI kdy qk jFdy sn. keI vfrI qfj vl qy BON ky srU vl dI myrI qkxI ny myry isr ivc iek cwkr ijhf lY aFdf. mYnUM lok idwsxo ht gey. isrP qfj qy srU myrI Xfd ivc rih gey. ieh sMKyp ijhI myrI dunIafN bVI hOlLI hOlLI Bfsx lwgI. idmfgL AuqoN dunIaF dIaF axigxq cIjLF df Bfr iekdm lih igaf.

myrI soc-sLkqI kdy vI eydUM bhuqI sfPL leI myrf gvfh hovygf. mYN suixafN hY, keI vfrI drKLqF dy tfhx tuwt ky jLflmF Auqy nhIN hoeI sI. izwg pey qy drKLqF dy aihsfs df sbUq mYN vyiKaf, sUrj dIaF ikrnF gubMd Auqy smJy gey hn. ieh mYN mMn nhIN sikaf, pr iswDIaF pY rhIaF sn. gubMd dI pQrIlI pqf nhIN ikAuN jdoN mYN KuwlyH mYdfn ivc iksy ihwk sB ikrnF moVdI jf rhI sI. pr srU dI by-iensfPI jF Aus dy Dwky dy brfbr nf Ausy qrHF hrf sI, ies dI hrI ihwk ikrnF Auqr skdf hovF qF mYN dOV ky iksy drKLq nUM afpxy ivc jjLb kr rhI sI Aus vwl kolL phuMcx df jqn krdf hF. jy mYnUM koeI vyKdI koeI awK cuMiDafeI nhIN sI. AuQy mfr vI dyvy, qF mYnUM XkIn ijhf hY ik mYN iKafl kIqf ik Aus vyly srU hyTF hox dI myrI lfsL Auqy drKLq dI hmdrd idRsLtI QF jy mYN gubMd hyTF huMdf, qF myrf idRsL bMd hovygI. mrnf afsfn ho jFdf hY, jy iksy huMdf. Duwp qF BfvyN nf lgdI huMdI, pr mYnUM vyKdI awK ivc hmdrd hMJUaF df XkIn sfh eyzf KulHf nf afAuNdf, jyzf srU hyTF af hovy. irhf sI, AuQy mYnUM bMd hvf dI musLk afAuNdI, ies df rfjL mYnUM iehI jfipaf hY, ik drKLq eyQy KuwlHI hvf dI KusLbU sI. jIAuNdf hY, ijhVI icxg myry aMdr hY, AuhI Aus vyly bVI TMZI qy rumkdI pox dy JONky Aus ivc hovygI. afey. myrf sfrf srIr sfh lYNdf jfipaf. qfj Ezf hI hY jyzf bxf ky iksy muMkml mYN srU vwl qwikaf, Auh JUMm irhf sI, sLfKF kIqf sI. srU df iKlfrf hr sfl vwzf huMdf ijvyN nfc kr rhIaF sn. pOx hor vI jLor jFdf hY, qfj purfxf huMdf jf irhf hY, srU dI vgI, sMgIq BrI sLF-sLF myry kMnF ivc hr sfl nvF ho jFdf hY. koeI murdf pwqr peI, srU df sfrf isr smqI ivc ihwilaf. ies df Bfg nhIN bixafN rih skdf. jdoN pr qfj mihl KVoqf sI. Aus dy iksy aMg ieh nvF hoxo asmrQ ho jfeygf, AudoN ieh ivc nfc nhIN sI. hF, iek vfrI eyzI jLor iksy nvyN nUM afpxI QF sONp dyvygf. ijLMdgI dI hvf smyN jdoN mYN qfj mihl dI kMD nyVy leI purfqnqf asih hY. Kloqf sF, qF pMCIaF dIaF suwkIaF ivwTF iehI mukfblf myry idmfgL ivc iek bihs df Zyr ijhf Auz ky myry Auqy af ipaf sI. dI qrHF Ktpt kr irhf sI, ik CotI ijhI do kbUqr Auzdy srU Auqy af bYTy. myry isr koml tihxI myry isr Auqy izwgI, mYN awKF AuqlI tihxI JUty lYx lgI, ijvyN Auh joVf AuwcIaF kIqIaF, iek bulbul myry vwl qwk ‘hUty mfhIaf; kr irhf sI. sfhmxy qfj rhI sI. ieh tihxI Aus sLfeid afpxy dI iek muMzry Aqy vI kbUqr bYTy sn, pr aflHxy ivc iljfx leI qoVI sI, ieh AuhdI AunHF nUM hux nf asmfn idwsdf sI, nf Pu- cMuJ ‘coN inkl ky myry Auqy Zih peI. mUYN Aus hfiraF vfly qlfa ivc izwgdIaF kxIaF. nUM lY lYx leI afiKaf, Aus suixafN nf, Auh myry Auqy ajy koeI kxI nhIN sI peI, srU myry nyVy hI sI, mYN Aus nUM hwQ nflL dyx df dy hry pwiqaF dIaF cuMJF izwgdIaF kxIaF jqn kIqf, Auh Auwz geI, pr Auwz ky iksy hor srU Auqy jf bYTI, qfj Auwqy nhIN. nUM pINdIaF jf rhIaF sn. mYN KusL sF ik mYN srU hyTF Kloqf sF, qfj dy qfj sLfied Aus leI Auwcf sI, jF Aus dy pwQrF ivc Aus leI hUtf nhIN sI—mYN iksy aMdr nhIN sF. bulbul nuM qfj Auqy bYiTaF nhIN vyiKaf. prCfvyN Zlx lgy. srU dy hyTF ajy KUb cfnx sI. pr qfj dy aMdr hnHyrf bhuq sfry drsLk bfhr inkldy jf rhy sn. mYN gUVHf huMdf jf irhf hovygf ik drsLk muV AuQy hI bYTf sF. mYnUM srU bVf ipafrf lgx rhy sn. mYN soicaf, jy kdy qfj dy aMdr lwg ipaf sI. myrf jIa krdf sI ik cfnxI BONdy nUM vkq lMG jfx df pqf nf lgy, lok rfq hovy qF mYN awj AuQy hI bYTf rhF. myry cly jfx qy drvfjLf bMd ho jfey qy mYN AuQy qy srU dy ivckfr koeI rO qurdI mihsUs iekwlf rih jfvF. …myrf klyjf Dwk Dwk ho rhI sI. asIN AumrF dy sfQI jfpdy sF. krn lg ipaf. gubMd dy aMdrlIaF sLfhI, EVk mYN qurn lwgf, pr myry kdm ruk gey. hIiraF-jVIaF kbrF zrfAuxIaF lwgx mYnUM TIk srU ivcoN kuJ afpxy aMdr afAuNdf lwg peIaF. anuBv hoieaf. mYN Aus dy qxy dy nflL ho ky mYN afpxy srU vwl vyiKaf. Aus dy qxy nUM jwPI KVo igaf. mYnUM pqf nhIN kdoN, pr myrIaF pf leI. Auh mYnUM iek jIAuNdf sfQI jfipaf. bfhF Aus duafly vlyHtIaF geIaF. Aus dy hyTF mYN inzr, rfq kwt skdf sF. Aus dy aMdr mYN kuJ boldf suixafN—‘jy qUM jy ikqy Aus iehfqy ivc myry Auqy Dwkf hox cfhyN qF mYN qYnUM sLfndfr qfj dI iksmq lwgy, qF mYN dOV ky Aus srU hyT af jfvF. duaf skdf hF—lwKF awKF qYnUM vyKxgIaF, qfj dy aMdr nf vVF. qfj dy aMdr jfbr hjLfrF sdIaF qyry AuqoN bhuqf asr nhIN nUM hor vI jbr krn dI KuwlH iml jfey. srU krngy. qyrf ieiqhfs hr iksy dI jLbfn mYnUM bcf nhIN skygf, pr Auh myrI qswlI Auqy hovygf…’

mYN afp-muhfry bol ipaf, “nhIN, mYN srU hoxf cfhuMdf hF.” “pr srU iek sdI vI nhIN rih skygf. kwt idqf jfeygf. ies dI QF hor lgf idqf jfeygf.” “pr iek sdI qoN vD ies QF Kloqy rihx dI mYnUM cfh nhIN. myry pYr BfvyN DrqI Auqy gwzy hI hox, pr mYN cfhuMdf hF myrf isr afkfsL ivc afjLfd hovy. mYnUM koeI icMqf nhIN ik mYN afpxI QfEN puwt suwitaf jfvFgf--- mYN KuwsL hovFgf—kdy myrI QF mYQoN cMgyrf srU lihrFdf hovygf—myry pwqy Aus nvyN dI Kfd bxngy[[[” “hF-hF, mYN srU[[[” ieh lPjL myry mUhoN AuwcI inkl pey hoxgy, ik qfj mihl df syvfdfr myry kolL afieaf. “srdfr jI, bVf hnHyrf huMdf jf irhf hY.” “muafP krnf—mYN afpxy iKafl lwgf irhf—” mYN qur ipaf qy sfrI vft rfh ivc srU dIaF lckdfr tihxIaF myry Auqy JUMmdIaF rhIaF. ienHF tihxIaF ivc ijLMdgI sI, qfj ivc sLuhrq sI. myry aMdroN afvfjL afeI:“mYN jIAuxf cfhuMdf hF, koeI mYnUM jfxy jF nf jfxy. “mYN JUMmxf cfhuMdf hF, BfvyN do hUitaF ivc hI jIvn muwk jfey. “amrqf myrI qFG nhIN, sLfn myrI iswk nhIN, Xfd myrI cfh nhIN. “mYN pYrF qoN lY ky isr qwk hr aMg rfhIN jIAuxf qy muwk jfxf cfhuMdf hF.” PAGE 25

The Patrika



Premier’s statement on BC Summer Games


remier John Horgan has issued the following statement in celebration of the 2018 BC Summer Games: “Over the next four days, athletes, coaches, volunteers and fans portunities to get involved in lifewill come together in Cowichan to be long healthy pursuits. This includes part of the 40th BC Summer Games. delivering $21 million each year for “Sport brings people together, helps grants to sports organizations around us overcome barriers and differences, the province. and plays a powerful role in the lives “We’re going to keep working hard to of young people. make sure every young person in B.C. “A kid trying a new sport today could has the opportunity to be involved in be a BC Summer Games champion recreational and competitive sports. of the future, and move on to higher “Congratulations to all participating levels of competition, like Team BC, athletes, and thanks to the coaches, Team Canada and beyond. The expe- families and volunteers who make rience, camaraderie and confidence the BC Summer Games great. I wish they build will help them succeed you all fair play, camaraderie and in life. memories that will last a lifetime. “Our government is investing in “Good luck, and have fun!” sports so more kids have more op-


Friday, July 27th 2018

Enhanced Canada Child Benefit arrives in Vancouver tarting on July 20, Canadian families will receive more money thanks to the indexation of the Canada Child Benefit


change comes two years ahead of schedule and will give parents even more money each month to help them provide for their children.

Helping hard-working middle-class families provide the best start in life for their children is a top priority for the Government of Canada. That is why two years ago the Government launched the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) to help families with the high cost of raising kids. The CCB— which is targeted to middle-class families and those working hard to join the middle class—is simpler, tax free and more generous than previous child benefit programs.

Indexing the CCB sooner will ensure that it will continue to play a vital role in supporting families. This means that the CCB will now have a maximum annual benefit of $6,496 per child under age 6 and $5,481 per child age 6 through 17. On average, families benefitting from the CCB received $4,600 more over the last two years.

Today, the Honourable Jody WilsonRaybould, Member of Parliament for Vancouver Granville, announced that the CCB will be increased to keep up with the cost of living. This

Thanks to the CCB, 9 out of 10 Canadian families have more money to help pay for things like healthy food, sports programs and music lessons. Even more importantly, the CCB has helped lift more than half a million people—including 300,000 children—out of poverty.

Friday, July 27th, 2018

The Patrika

Basic Income is money for nothing


work that threatens their children’s tomorrow, just to feed those children today.” Does that mean they won’t be “forced” to ride a diesel-fuelled transit bus to their barista jobs? Nobody Premier John Horgan and Shane knows, but we’re expected to pay, Simpson, the minister of social de- just in case. velopment and poverty reduction, This idea has lofted around in trial have tasked three academics, again, balloons since the 16th century when to study a pet idea of the far left — Sir Thomas More proposed it in guaranteed annual income or “basic his book, Utopia, giving rise to the income.” term now applied to the ideal, but he B.C. government is spending $4 million of your money to study how to give more of your money away to people who don’t work.

unattainable, harmony of man. Other than a sense of unfairness that some feel for having their wages given to someone who doesn’t work, coming up against the charitable notion that people do need a hand up sometimes, the problem with this concept is that The seed of this idea was planted it doesn’t work in practice. in modern discussion by economist Milton Friedman as a form of nega- Even in the progressivist country tive income tax. Basically, he argued, of Finland, which has open prisons the complex web of welfare, employ- where convicts plant flowers and pet ment insurance, disability payments, bunnies, the idea has been tested and old age security cheques, etc., was will soon be abandoned. In that case, too gangly, costly and inefficient. 2,000 unemployed Finns were given Obliterate the tangled social safety about $900 per month. However, nets, he reasoned, and replace them after the OECD found that income with a base line of income. If you taxes on the working stiffs would make over that minimum income need to be raised by 30 per cent to make the program stick, the governlevel, you are in the taxed populament decided to let it go. tion, if you make under that, you get a payback at the end of the year to As we have seen in socialist dictatormake up the difference. ships around the world, the mantra of “from each according to his ability to It sounds plausible, in theory. But each according to his need” has been as the renowned philosopher Homer a death sentence for both innovation Simpson said: “In theory, commuand people for more than a century nism works. In theory.” of experiments. Nowadays, our friends on the proGiven that nobody in British Cogressivist side of the spectrum like lumbia, or anywhere in Canada, is to push the notion of “guaranteed proposing to eliminate every posincome” given to those who don’t sible social program, while firing the earn it, taken from those who do hundreds of thousands of bureaucrats earn it, while happily quoting Friedthat administer them, it’s best to not man. Only, they want to keep all the waste $4 million in taxpayers’ money other payments on top of the new to learn if basic income works again, social program. The NDP-coddled in theory. Leap Manifesto even says that we should have a basic income because Kris Sims is B.C. director of the Ca“no one should be forced to take nadian Taxpayers Federation The guaranteed question that needs to be answered is: Where exactly is this money for nothing supposed to come from? From people who do go to work and earn a paycheque, of course.





ÖÅñÃÅ çÆòÅé ùÃÅÇÂàÆ, ÁËìàÃë¯ðâ 33094 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 2A9 Ph: (604) 850-7338, Fax (604) 854-1165, e-mail: kds@canadiansikhheritage.ca www.canadiansikhheritage.ca


hr aYqvfr nUM svyry 10 vjy qoN dupihr 12 vjy qwk myn drbfr hfl ivwc ivsLysL dIvfn sjfey jFdy hn.


hryk sMgrFd vfly idn smUh sMgqF vloN hYrItyjL gurduafrf sfihb ivKy sRI sihj pfT sfihb dy Bog AuprMq 10 vjy qoN 12 vjy qwk kIrqn, kQf aqy ZfzI vfrF df gfien kIqf jFdf hY. sLfm nUM 5:45 qoN 7:45 vjy Kflsf dIvfn sosfietI dy myn hfl ivwc kQf, kIrqn aqy ZfzI drbfr huMdy hn. sMgqF pRqI bynqI hY ik donoN vkq gurbfxI kIrqn sux ky jIvn sPl bxfE jI.


hr aYqvfr vfly idn bIbIaF vloN gurduafrf sfihb dy Auprly hfl (qIjI Plor) ivwc dupihr 12[30 vjy qoN 4[00 vjy qwk sMgqI rUp 'c sRI suKmnI


hYrItyj gurduafrf sfihb ivKy hr mMglvfr qy vIrvfr nUM Xogf dIaF klfsF sLfm 7[00 qoN 9[00 vjy qwk lgfeIaF jFdIaF hn.


hYrItyj gurduafrf sfihb drbfr hfl ivKy hr sLnIvfr nUM sLfm 6 qoN 8 vjy qwk ismrn huMdf hY. ismrn krky afpxf jIvn sPl kro.


hYrItyj gurduafrf sfihb (imAUjIam hfl) ajfieb Gr sMgqF dy drsLnF leI hr rojL svyry 9[00 qoN sLfm 5[00 vjy qwk KoilHaf jFdf hY.


gurduafrf Kflsf dIvfn sosfietI ivKy iswK ieiqhfs dI jfxkfrI leI lfiebRyrI sQfpq kIqI geI hY. sMgqF vwD qoN vwD lfB AuTfE jI.


pMjfbI dIaF klfsF gurduafrf sfihb ivKy hr sLnIvfr aqy aYqvfr nUM 9 vjy qoN 11 vjy qwk lgfeIaF jFdIaF hn.

sfihb jI dy pfT huMdy hn.

pRB kf ismrnu sB qy AUcf..

sUcnfvF:- mhIny ivwc hr vIrvfr nUM grBvqI aOrqF vfsqy klfsF lgfeIaF jFdIaF hn ijs ivwc Kfx pIx qy Kurfk vfsqy jfxkfrI vI idwqI jFdI hY.

hYwz gRMQI BfeI suKdyv isMG luiDafxy vfly

kQf vfck BfeI hrjIq isMG nfBy vflf

2[ hr vIrvfr nUM 10 vjy qoN 12 vjy dupihr nUM ishq bfry jfxkfrI idwqI jFdI hY ijs ivwc bwcy, jvfn aqy bjLurg vI sLfml ho skdy hn. moinkf 604-308-8216

rfgI jQf

ZfzI jQf

BfeI blivMdr isMG ktfxf sfihb vfl BfeI hrijMdr isMG ryrU sfihb vfly y

bIbI amndIp kOr Kflsf (nkodr vfly)

hYrItyj guruGr sRI sihj pfT dI syvf

BfeI gurjIq isMG

êz¯×ðÅî julfeI – 27 sLuwkrvfr, afrMB sRI afKMz sfihb jI gurU Gr ivwc gurivMdr isMG (gYrI gryvfl) dy pirvfr vloN. julfeI – 28 sLnIvfr, anMd kfrj dI rsm jgjIq cfvlf dy pirvfr vloN. julfeI – 28 sLnIvfr, suKmnI sfihb dy pfT, sLfm dy lMgrF dI syvf gurU Gr ivKy ieMdrjIq isMG Gwg, rqn isMG Gwg pirvfr vloN. julfeI – 29 aYqvfr, Bog sRI afKMz sfihb jI gurU Gr ivwc gurivMdr isMG (gYrI gryvfl) dy pirvfr vloN. julfeI – 29 aYqvfr, suKmnI sfihb dy pfT, kIrqn gRih ivwKy amndIp isG, divMdr kOr dy pirvfr vwloN. julfeI – 29 aYqvfr, suKmnI sfihb dy pfT, kIrqn gRih ivKy kulivMdr isMG rMgdU dy pirvfr vloN. agsq – 03 sLuwkrvfr, anMd kfrj dI rsm prmjIq isMG vfihd dy pirvfr vloN. agsq – 04 sLnIvfr, anMd kfrj dI rsm gurdIp isMG klyr dy pirvfr vloN. agsq – 05 aYqvfr, anMd kfrj dI rsm mnjIq isMG igwl dy pirvfr vloN. agsq – 06 somvfr Bog sRI sihj pfT sfihb jI syvf srvx isMG qUr dy pirvfr vloN. agsq - 10 sLukrvfr, afrMB sRI afKMz pfT sfihb jI gurU Gr ivKy kuldIp isMG DflIvfl dy pirvfr vloN. agsq - 11 sLnIvfr, anMd kfrj dI rsm blivMdr isMG iswDU dy pirvfr vloN. agsq - 11 sLnIvfr, suKmnI sfihb dy pfT, kIrqn gRih ivKy mnjIq isMG sMGyVf dy pirvfr vloN. agsq – 12 aYqvfr, Bog sRI afKMz pfT sfihb jI gurU Gr ivKy kuldIp isMG DflIvfl dy pirvfr vloN. agsq - 12 aYqvfr, suKmnI sfihb dy pfT, kIrqn gRih ivKy rCpfl isMG iQMd dy pirvfr vwloN. agsq - 16 vIrvfr, sMgrFd BfdroN agsq- 16 sLukrvfr afrMB sRI afKMz pfT sfihb jI gRih ivKy brkpfl isMG gryvfl dy pirvfr vloN. agsq- 16 sLukrvfr, hYrItyjL gurduafrf sfihb afrMB sRI sihj pfT sfihb jI syvf joigMdr isMG gurm pirvfr vwloN. agsq - 17 sLnIvfr, afrMB sRI afKMz pfT sfihb jI gurU Gr ivKy syvf gurpfl kOr igwl dy pirvfr vloN. agsq - 17 sLnIvfr,sLfm dy lMgrF dI syvf qyjieMdr isMG dy pirvfr vloN.

sMprk kro: mIq pRDfn Bjn isMG qUr: 604-832-7777 sYktrI, jiqMdr isMG igwl (hYpI igwl): 1-604-832-4000 zfierYktr qrsym isMG idafl: 1-778-552-4466



The Patrika 

Friday, July 27th 2018

iek dfgI aOrq jrnYl isMG syKf

ieDroN AuDroN GuMmdI hoeI gwl jdoN ivafh sLfdIaF `qy af geI qF gwl nUM sMBfldI hoeI sMqI kihx lwgI, “imMdr kury, qUM qF awDf ipMz mMg ivafh idwqf, kuVy, ikqy sfzy Gr vwl vI JfqI mfr. qyrI qF sfk skIrIaF ivc bQyrI mMnIdI aY. qUM kwZ ies KuwBI nUM. jy myry muMzy dI Aumr cVH geI qF Pyr neIN iksy puwCxf. jy myry muMzy nUM sfk ilaf dyvyN qF sfrI Aumr neIN qyry gux nUM BulfAuNdI.” muihMdr kOr kuJ dyr TozI Aupr hwQ rwK ky socdI rhI qy sMqI Ausdy ichry dy hfv Bfv nUM inhfrdI rhI. kuJ icr dI cuwpI mgroN Auh bolI, “byby jI, sfk qF hYgf myrI ingfh ivc, myry nfnikaF `coN. GrF `coN mfmy dI poqI aY. kuVI suhxI-sunwKI qy lMmI lMJI aY pr kuVI nUM dfg lwgf hoieaf. TfixE jf afeI aY. imsl bxI sI Tfxy ivc.” “kuVy! ieho jyhI ikhVI KunfmI ho geI sI Es qoN?” sMqI ny hYrfn huMidaF puwC ilaf. pIhVI `qy pfsf vtdI muihMdr kOr sMqI dy hor nyVy ZukdI hoeI kihx lwgI, “byby jI, mYN qYnUM KolH ky sfrI gwl dws idMnI aF qF jo Pyr irsLiqaF ivc iPwk nf pvy. gwl ieAuN hoeI ik iek idn kuVI afpxI sIrn nflL nrmf cug ky ipMz nUM af rhI sI. nrmy dIaF pMzF BfrIaF hox krky AunHF rfh ivc lfhf kr ilaf. kusL icr sfh lY ky sIrn ny qF kuVI kolLoN pMz cukvf leI qy Aus nUM kihMdI ‘qUM dfry qoN cukvf lY.’ dfrf ipMz df hI iek muMzf sI ijhVf AunHF dy kolL dI nMG irhf sI. pMz cukfAuNidaF jfey Kfxy ny kuVI dIaF duwDIaF nwp idwqIaF. kuVI sMgdI hoeI bolI nf. kuVI dI cuwp nUM kusL hor eI smJ ky Auh Aus dy mgr eI pY igaf. rfh pYNzy jFdI nUM PbqIaF kwsy qy sItIaF mfiraf kry. kuVI ny sLrm dI mfrI ny GridaF kolL vI gwl nf kIqI. iek svyry, svyry kuVI jdoN gohy df kVfhIaf lY ky pwQkx ivc geI qF Es kMjr dy puwq ny ghIiraF AuilHAuN inklL ky kuVI nUM Gyr ilaf. pihlF qF Aus ny bhuq imMnqF kIqIaF, vfsqy pfey pr jdoN Auh nf hI tilaf. jdoN Auh kuVI nUM hwQ pfAux lwgf qF Auhny gohy vflLf KflI kVfhIaf muMzy dI totnI ivc mfiraf. isr df BrfV KulH igaf qy isr ivcoN lhU dIaF qqIrIaF Cuwt peIaF. muMzf isr nUM PV ky AuWQy bYT igaf qy Pyr vgdy lhU Gr nUM Bwj igaf. kuVI vI BrI pIqI ibnf pfQIaF pwQy Gr nUM af geI aqy mF nUM sfrI gwl dws idwqI. kuVI dy Brf krqfry ny jdoN sfrI gwl suxI qF Auh lohf lfKf hoieaf AunHF dy Gr nUM Bwj quiraf pr


ipAu ny Aus nUM rok ilaf ik ‘ikAuN Gr dI nsIb kOr ny shurIN af ky Aus Gr dI hflq imwtI plIq krn lwgf aYN.’ nUM dyiKaf, BFipaf. Gr BfvyN awD pwkf sI. ivhVf vI KuwlHf sI, nflL hI psLUaF vflLf vfVf Gr dI imwtI BYxy, pwtI geI sI jdoN dfry sI ijhVf ik psLUaF ibnf KflI BF BF krdf ikaF ny Tfxy prcf drj krvf idwqf ik sI. Gr dI hflq qF sDfrn iksfnF vflLI ‘krqfry ny gMzfsf mfr ky dfry df isr pfV vI nhIN sI. sws qoN ibnf Gr ivc iqMn jIa idwqf hY.’ Tfxf cVH ky af igaf. krqfry hor sn. sB qoN vwzf blivMdr isMG, ijs qy Aus dy ipAu nUM swd ky DrmsLflf ivc nUM ‘iblU’ kihMdy sn, Auh dohF lwqF qoN hI ibTf ilaf. kuVI dy mn ivc pqf nhIN kI afhrI sI, kuMd bwuDI df sDfrn ijhf muMzf ivcfr afieaf, Auh iswDI DrmsLflf geI sI. sws dy dwsx anusfr swq sfl qwk qF qy Tfxydfr nUM jf ikhf, “dfry df isr mYN Auh bolxf vI nhIN sI iswiKaf. hux vI Auh pfiVaf aY, kVfhIaf mfr ky. myry Brf nUM msF afpxI ikiraf hI sfD skdf sI. bs inhwkf bnHfAuNdy aY” qy kuVI ny sfrI hoeI lf pf ky Gr ivc kMm krn vflLf Aus df bIqI BrI pMcfieq ivc Tfxydfr nUM dws idpqI qyjf isMG hI sI. Auh vI koeI Kfs kMm wqI. kuVI dy Brf qy ipAu ny bQyrf afiKaf ik nhIN sI krdf. Auh lokF nflL kMm krvf ‘afpxy ieko iek suKI lwDy Brf nUM bcfAux Czdf aqy ievjL ivc AunHF koloN mfrUaF leI kuVI JUT boldI aY pr Tfxydfr ny kuVI vflLI jLmIn ivc ibjfeI krvf lYNdf. nihrI dy ibafnF nUM hI swc mMinaf. Tfxydfr ny pfxI vflI jLmIn AunHF ihwsy Aupr idwqI hoeI kuVI dy ipAu nUM ikhf, ‘kuVI ny bhfdrI df sI. sfrI afmdn nflL msF Gr df gujLfrf kMm kIqf. mYN ies nUM Borf aFc neIN afAux cldf sI. idMdf pr hux mukwdmf qF cwlxf hI aY. so BfeI, kuVI dI imsl bx geI. dfrf DuxK iek idn JkidaF JkfAuNidaF Aus afpxI vfa hox nflL mr igaf. kuVI BfvyN pihlI sws koloN puwC hI ilaf, ‘byby jI, BUaf qF pysLI `qy hI brI ho geI pr BYxy, dfry dy Gr kihMdI sI afpxI pwcI ikwly jLmIn aY pr” vflLy qF kuVI dy vYr eI pY gey aY. Aus df vfk pUrf hox qoN pihlF hI sMqI ny hux Auh AuhI imsl cuwkI iPrdy aY. ijwQy AuWqr moiVaf, “hF, jLmIn qF pwcI ikwly ikqy kuVI dI gwl qurdI aY, AuWQy hI jf BfnI hI aY. qyrI BUaf jLmIn dI kfpI nflL vI mfrdy aY, aKy, ‘kuVI dI sfzy muMzy nflL sItI lY ky geI sI Qozy GridaF nUM idKfAux. rlLI hoeI sI. ienHF DoKy nflL sfzy muMzy nUM Aus ny koeI JUT nhIN boilaf. swcI gwl qF mfiraf hYgf.’ iek vfr qF BfeI brfq ienHF ieh aY ik Aus ivcoN vfhI vflLI qF msF dy bUihAuN muVI aY qYnUM swcI dwsF. ijhVI gwl iqMn ikwly eI aY. Auh ihwsy `qy dy CwzIdI df kwlH nUM pqf lwg jfvy Auh pihlF dwsI aY qy Aus ivcoN Kfx jogy dfxy af jFdy cMgI huMdI aY.” muihMdr kOr ny sfrI gwl aY.” KolH ky dws idwqI. “qy bfkI?” “bfkI sfrI pYlLI roVF vflLI aY jF DoVy muihMdr kOr dI gwl sux ky pihlF qF sMqI itwibaF. eys pYlLI dI lMmI khfxI aY bhU, kuJ dyr socF ivc peI rhI. iek soc Aus eysy pYlLI ny eys Gr nUM BuMjy lfihaf aY.” dy mn ivc afvy qy iek soc jfvy. Pyr “Auh ikvyN?” afpxy mn nflL iek pwkf PYslf kridaF “murwbybMdI qoN pihlF jwdI ZyrI ‘TfrF sMqI ny ihwk QfpVidaF afiKaf, “mYGuMmf sI. do hlL dI vfhI cldI sI. qyrf nUM mnjUr aY, ilaf shI qUM ieh sfk.” shurf kfmf bVf qkVf sI pr sI bhuq “nhIN byby jI, pihlF ieh gwlF eI huMaVb. iksy dI DrI DrfeI nhIN sI rihx dIaF Py r qfhny my h xy su x ny pY N d y aY . idMdf. AudoN murwbybMdI ho rhI sI. iek idn pihlF qusIN cMgI qrHF soc ivcfr kr lvo cOkIdfr ny af ky sunyhf idwqf, ‘ipMz `c qy muMzy nflL vI slfh kr lYxI. Pyr mYN sI[E[ afieaf hoieaf aY, pMj swq bMidaF jfAUN nfnkIN qy AuhnF nflL gwl clfAUN.” dI rotI qyry Gr khI aY ptvfrI sfhb “soc ilaf, mYN sB soc ilaf. qUM ilaf shI ieh ny. do kuwkV lY afvIN qy iek nvF nkor sfk. muMzy dI slfh dI qUM koeI iPkr nf kr. ibsqrf sMdUK `coN kZvf CwzIN. mYN afQxy muMzf myrf qF gAU aY. AuhdI ijLMmydfrI myrI.” ijhy afAUN.’ awgoN qyrf shurf cOkIdfr muihMdr kOr dI ihMmq aqy isafxp nflL nUM avYVf hI kUieaf, ‘nvyN ibsqry Gry Auh dfgI kuVI, ijs df nfm nsIb kOr sI, sUMdy aY. ijho ijhf ibsqrf Gry hYgf aY sMqI dI nUMh bx ky Aus dy Gr af geI. Auh huxy hI lY jfh. rotI neIN bxnI qyrI BrjfeI iZwlI rihMdI aY.’ AudoN gulU mhIny

df vI nhIN sI hoieaf. cOkIdfr ny vDf cVHf ky ptvfrI nUM jf dwisaf. bws Pyr kI sI ptvfrI ny Auh gwl idl dy ivc rwKI. jdoN jLmIn dy twk kwty jfx lwgy qF afpxf inafeIN vflLf twk cfr GuMmf qoN iqMn ikwly rih igaf qy bfkI sfrI pYlLI mfrUaF ivc pf idwqI. qyrf shurf bQyrf ipwitaf. srkfry drbfry apIlF vI kIqIaF pr suxvfeI ikqy nf hoeI. iek idn guwsy ivc Aus ny ptvfrI dy zFg kwZ mfrI qy sfl Br leI aMdr ho igaf. AuWqoN musIbq hor af peI. iek idn qyjy nUM ibwlU kolL Cwz ky, gulU nUM kuwCV cuk ProjLpur pysLI `qy geI. Aus idn ibwlU nUM mfVI ijhI kns sI, ipwCoN pMj BwT qfp cVH igaf. bws qfp ivc hI Aus dIaF dovyN lwqF mfrIaF geIaF. jo kusL vI Gr ivc sI sfrf ibmfrI aqy mukwdmy `qy lwg igaf.” sMqI kuJ dyr awKF ivc hMJU BrI cuwp kIqI bYTI rhI aqy Pyr mn nUM krVf krky nsIb kOr nUM Gr dI rfm khfxI ibafn krn lwgI, “qyrf shurf jdoN jyhloN Cuwt ky afieaf qF Aus dy qybr hI bdly hoey sn. Auh KyqIN cilaf jFdf. AuWQoN roVF dI JolI Brdf qy roV! roV!! krdf quiraf iPrdf. kdI itwibaF qoN qrMglI nflL ryqf AuzfAux lwg jFdf. mYN krmF mfrI Aus dy mgr mgr qurI iPrdI. juafk awz Gry ivlUM ivlUM krdy rihMdy. iek idn mYN byKbr Gr ivc juafkF nUM sMBflx ivc lwgI hoeI sI ik mYnUM pqf hI nf lwgf Auh kdoN mfrUaF vwl inkl igaf. AuWQoN Auh roVF dI JolI Br roV! roV!! krdf CwpV ivc jf izwigaf. jdoN nUM lokF ny Aus nUM kwiZaf qF sfrI Kyz Kqm ho cuwkI sI. Auh idn jf qy af idn af bs musIbqF hI JwlIaF aY. mYN aOKI ho ky kwt leIaF pr jLmIn nUM vfZf nhIN pfieaf. jLmIn qF jwt dI jfn huMdI aY.” afp bIqI suxfAuNidaF sMqI dIaF awKF ivcoN hMJUaF dy prnflLy vih qury. nsIb kOr ny sfrI khfxI suxI qF Aus nUM afpxI sws Aupr bhuq qrs afieaf. qrs Bfvnf ivc Eq poq huMidaF Aus afpxI sws nUM idlfsf idwqf, “koeI nf byby jI, hux Jorf nf kro. rwb BlI krUgf. afpF afp vfhI krFgy. dyiKE shI muV AuhI idn afAuxgy eys Gr ivc.” nsIb kOr ny afp vfhI krn bfry rfqIN qyjf isMG nfl vI gwl kIqI. Aus ny ienkfr kridaF ikhf, “Gr ivc sMd sMdyVf qF hY koeI nhIN qy bld lYx dI afpxy ivc ajy bfkI pMnHf 35

The Patrika Friday, July 27th, 2018



ÈRomxI kmytI dy Brosy mgroˆ rfjoafxf vwloˆ BuwK hVqfl Kqm byaMq isMG kql kfˆz ivwc PfˆsI dI sËf df sfhmxf kr rhy blvMq isMG rfjoafxf ny afpxI BuwK hVqfl Kqm kr idwqI hY. ÈRomxI kmytI dy pRDfn goibMd isMG lOˆgovfl qy mYˆbr pfrlImYˆt pRym isMG cMdUmfjrf dI agvfeI hyT akflI dl dy vPd nfl mulfkfq mgroˆ Aus ny hVqfl Kqm krn df PYslf kIqf. rfjoafxf ny ÈRomxI kmytI vwloˆ blvMq isMG dI PfˆsI nUM Aumr kYd `c qbdIl krn leI rfÈtrpqI kol pfeI geI arËI `qy shI pYrvI nf krn krky BuwK hVqfl kIqI sI. ies mOky lOˆgovfl vwloˆ iewk icwTI rfjQydfrF vwloˆ modI srkfr nUM cyqfvnI joafxf nUM idwqI geI ijs `qy ÈRomxI kmytI ny rfjoafxf nUM ôõ idn qwk arËI dI apIl qKq sfihbfn dy jQydfrfˆ vwloˆ modI srkfr nUM cyqfvnI idwqI geI hY ik jykr blvMq `qy koeI nf koeI PYslf afAux df Brosf idwqf. isMG rfjoafxf dy mfmly df zyZ mhIny aMdr koeI inbyVf nhIˆ kIqf igaf qfˆ sRI akfl qKq sfihb vwloˆ sKq PYslf ilaf jfvygf. sRI akfl qKq sfihb dI skwqryq ivKy niÈaf iKÜfP jMg: kyˆdr qoˆ bfad kYptn ny guafˆZI pMj sfihbfn dI aihm iekwqrqf hoeI. ies ivwc cMzIgVH ivwc iswK aOrqfˆ leI hYÜmyt sUibaf nUM ilKy Kq lfAuxf lfËmI kIqy jfx smyq vwK vwK muwidafˆ sbMDI ivcfr crcf kIqI geI.

mwCI mfr imwl qoˆ pYsy kZvfAux leI iksfnfˆ ivwZI afrpfr dI lVfeI gurdfspur iËlHy dy ipMz aPgfnf ivwc cwZf ÈUgr imwl qoˆ gMny dI kroVfˆ dI bkfieaf rkm lYx leI aximQy smyˆ leI Drnf lf idwqf hY. iksfnfˆ df kihxf hY ik ijMnfˆ icr KMz imwl AunHfˆ dy bkfey nhIN idMdI, Auh ieh Drnf nhIˆ cwukxgy. mfJf iksfn sMGrÈ kmytI dy bYnr hyT iekwTy hoey hËfrfˆ iksfnfˆ ny bkfieaf pYsy hfsl krn leI aximwQy smyˆ leI afpxf Drnf ÈurU kr idwqf hY. iksfnfˆ dy qkrIbn ùú kroV rupey bkfieaf hn.

afp dy do aYm[aYÜ[ ey kIqy kYnyzf qoˆ zIport afm afdmI pfrtI dy pMjfb dy do ivDfiekfˆ nUM kYnyzf dI rfjDfnI Etfvf dy kOmfˆqrI hvfeI awzy qoˆ zIport kr ky Bfrq Byj idwqf igaf hY . jfxkfrI muqfbk amrjIq isMG sMdoaf Awuqy rUpngr dI adflq vwloˆ iewk kys ivwc aOrq ivroDI Dfrfvfˆ lgfey jfx nUM afDfr bxf ky kYnyzfeI aiDkfrIafˆ ny dovfˆ ivDfiekfˆ nUM afpxy dyÈ ivwc dfKl nhIˆ hox idwqf. iehnfˆ dy nfl ivDfiek kulqfr sMDvfˆ vI sI. ies mfmly `qy isafsq vI grmf geI hY. idwlI dy akflI afgU mnijMdr isMG isrsf ny tvIt kridafˆ doÈ lfieaf ik kYnyzf dy aiDkfrIafˆ ny vI aOrq nfl CyVCfV dy ielËfmfˆ nUM gMBIrqf nfl ilaf, pr kyjrIvfl cuwp hn.

gAU rwiKaf dy nfˆ `qy guMzfgrdI ny kIqI gAUafˆ dI bykdrI

muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG ny nÈy qskrI qy pYdfvfr `qy kfbU pfAux leI guafˆZI sUby ihmfcl, hirafxf qy rfjsQfn dy muwK mMqrIafˆ nUM sihXog dyx leI icwTIafˆ ilKIafˆ hn. AunHfˆ kyˆdrI mMqrI nUM vI mdd dI guhfr lfeI hY. icwTI ivwc AunHfˆ muwK mMqrIafˆ nUM afpxy aDIn Kyqrf `c nÈf qskrfˆ leI iksy vI qrHfˆ df surwiKaq awzf nf bxn nUM XkInI bxfAux leI ikhf hY. kyˆdrI gRih mMqrI rfjnfQ isMG qoˆ ielfvf kYptn ny hirafxf dy muwK mMqrI mnohr lfl Kwtr,ihmfcl pRdyÈ dy muwK mMqrI jY rfm Tfkur qy rfjsQfn dy mwuK mMqrI vsuMDrf rfjy nUM nÈfKorI dI smwisaf bfry vwKrI icwTI ilKI hY .

izPfltr akflIafˆ dI sUcI jfrI, lMgfh sxy vwzy lIzrfˆ df Kulfsf pMjfb dy sihkfrqf mMqrI suKijMdr isMG rMDfvf ny akflI dl `qy vrHidafˆ ikhf ik kriËafˆ dy izPfltrfˆ nUM lY ky akfÜI dl dy pRDfn suKbIr bfdl nUM bhuqf syk ies leI lwg irhf hY ikAuˆik izPfltrfˆ `c vwzI igxqI akflI afgU qy AunHfˆ dy irÈqydfr Èfml hn. rMDfvf ny izPfltrfˆ dI sUcI jfrI kridafˆ ikhf hY ik ies `c sfbkf mMqrI swucf isMG lMgfh, jnmyjf isMG syKoˆ dy nËdIkI irÈqydfr qy ÈrnjIq iZwloˆ dy dovyN Brf Èfml hn. ies qoˆ ielfvf pitaflf iËlyH dy izPfltrfˆ `c akflI dl df srkl pRDfn rxDIr isMG,sfbkf sMsd mYˆbr sqivMdr kOr, mfrikt kmytI dy cyarmYn inrml isMG mlkpur, brnflf iËlHy qoˆ akflI AumIdvfr rijMdr kOr df pqI crnjIq isMG qy pwuqr guribMdrjIq isMG, lihrfgfgf qoˆ akflI dl dy sfbkf ivDfiek amr isMG df bytf gurdyv isMG , imlk plfˆt dy sfbkf cyarmYn jgqfr isMG smyq akflI dl nfl juVy ñ÷÷ izPfltr Èfml hn .

pÈU pflx qy zyarI ivkfs mMqrI blbIr iswDU ny ikhf hY ik gAU rwiKaf dy nfˆ `qy akflI Bfjpf nUM hrfAux leI kfˆgrs, `afp` qy bIaYguMzfgrdI krn vfilafˆ krky pMjfb `c gAUafˆ dI bykdrI hoeI hY. ies krky gAUafˆ spI leI dr KuwlHy ssqIafˆ ho geIafˆ hn. zyZ zyZ lwK dIafˆ gAUafˆ ôú-ôú hËfr ivwc ivk rhIafˆ hn. AunHfˆ ikhf ik Auh ies bfry pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI nUM ilKxgy ik kyˆdr srkfr ienHfˆ cMzIgVH ivKy sIpIafeI (aYm) dy jrnl skwqr sIqf rfm XycUrI ny ikhf hY ik pMjfb iKÜfP sKq kfnUMn bxfey. iswDU ny ikhf ik pMjfb srkfr aijhy lokfˆ iKlfP sKq ivwc akflI Bfjpf nUM hrfAux leI òúñù dIafˆ lok sBf coxfˆ ivwc sYkUlr pfrtIafˆ kfrvfeI leI pRqIbwD hY. nflL gwTjoV krfˆgy. kfˆgrs, afp qy bIaYspI leI drvfËy KuwlHy hn pr hr pfrtI gTjoV df PYslf sUbf kmytI krygI. AunHfˆ ikhf hY ik dyÈ pwDr df koeI gwTjoV nÈf qskrfˆ dI jfxkfrI dyx leI vfwtsaYp nMbr jfrI nfl nhIˆ krfˆgy. hr pfrtI dI sUbf kmytI muqfbk hI gwTjoV hoxgy. modI nUM swqf ivwcoˆ mukqsr dy aYsaYspI mnjIq isMG ZysI ny nÈf qskrfˆ dI jfxkfrI dyx leI iek bfhr rwKxf sfzf muwK mksd hY. XycUrI ny ikhf ik bIjypI ny hmyÈf Drm dy afDfr `qy vtsaYp nMbr jfrI kIqf hY. puils vwloˆ jfrI vtsaYp nMbr øúõôòúúñöö `qy iksy smfj vMz qy isafsq kIqI hY qy asIˆ ies qrHfˆ dI isafsq dy sKq iKÜfP hfˆ. AunHfˆ vI nÈf qskr bfry jfxkfrI sfˆJI kIqI jf skdI hY. jfxkfrI imlx bfad puils ikhf ik dyÈ dy lok vI bIjypI dy iKlfP hn. pUrf mfhOl bIjypI dy iKÜfP bx irhf hY . qurMq kfrvfeI kridafˆ nÈf qskrfˆ nUM kfbU krygI. koeI vI ivakqI ies nMbr `qy nÈf vycx vfilafˆ dI jfxkfrI dy skdf hY. Coty iksfnfˆ dI ËmIn kurk nhIˆ hovygI –rMDfvf

rfhul dy pYˆqVy ny kIqf modI icwq, bIjypI vfly vyKdy hI rih gey!

kfˆgrs pRDfn rfhul gfˆDI ny awj aijhf pYˆqVf mfiraf ijs nfl pRDfn mMqrI modI icwq ho gey. rfhul dy qurMq aYkÈn nUM vyK bIjypI vfly vI hYrfn rih gey. drasl pihlfˆ qfˆ rfhul gfˆDI ny bIjypI nUM pUry rgVY lfey qy iPr acfnk jf ky modI nUM jwPI pf leI. rfhuÜ ny ikhf ik jy koeI quhfzy nfl nPrq krdf hY qfˆ Aus nUM glLy lfE. AunHfˆ ikhf ik kuwJ lokfˆ dy idlfˆ aMdr myry leI nPrq hY. Auh mYnUM pwpU jfˆ gflLfˆ nfl bulf skdy hn, pr myry idl aMdr AunHfˆ lokfˆ leI nPrq nhIN.

pMjfb srkfr ny dfavf kIqf hY ik iksy Coty iksfn dI ËmIn kurk nhIˆN kIqI jf rhI . isrP DnfZ iksfnfˆ dI ËmIn kurk ho rhI hY. jo moty krËy lY ky nhIˆ moV rhy. kYbint mMqrI suKijMdr rMDfvf ny ikhf hY ik akflI dl dy pRDfn suKbIr bfdl dy krIbI blkrn nUM vI noits Byijaf igaf hY. iesy leI akflI rOÜf pf rhy hn. AunHfˆ ikhf, “asIN iksy grIb iksfn dI ËmIn kurk krn leI nhIˆ ikhf. bYˆk ny amIr iksfnfˆ nUM noits ËrUr Byjy hn. Auh vI isrP afpxy pYsy lYx leI . sfzy iKÜfP sB glq pRcfr hY . iksy iksfn dI ËmIn kurk nhIˆ hovygI”. mMqrI ny ikhf, “jy iksfnfˆ qoˆ pYsy vfps nhIˆ lvfˆgy qfˆ bYˆk ikvyˆ cwlxgy”. PAGE 29

The Patrika



Friday, July 27th 2018

hfV sMkRFqI


joiqS, Eqy  Eqy 604-751-0220 kro





myK – pyt dI KrfbI, sQfn bdlx df Xog, afmdn qoN vD Krcf, imwqrF qoN mdd, sMqfn qy iesqrI qoN icMqF, kfrobfr TIk rhy. julfeI 22,23,24, agsq 1,2,3,10,11, asLuwB.

A sudden turnaround of events connected to what has been an important priority could be a bit of a shock. You need to consider the true satisfaction level of late and if that is not so great then making a dramatic change is unlikely to be that bad. Only take directions that will benefit you financially and not risk future security.

It will be impossible to let dissatisfaction with any situation involving officials, those who have authority or too much that is expected of you to take charge of, continue down the path it has been taking. You have to stop worrying and be prepared to stand up for what you can see will be more sensible solutions for the future.

  ibRK – pyt gYs rog nfl pRysLfnI, BrfvF df suK, imqrF nfl myl imlfp, sMqfn icMqf, iesqrI suK, kfrobfr ivwc suDfr, mhIny dy aMq ivwc Krcf aiDk. julfeI 16, 17,25,26,agsq 4,5,12,13 asLuwB.



imQun – gupq icMqf, afriQk siQqI ivwc suDfr, inwjI lokF df sihXog, sMqfn ksLt iesqrI suK, mhIny dy aMq ivwc pRysLfnI vDy. julfeI 18,19,27,28,29, agsq 6,7,14,15 asLuB.



isMG – cmVI df rog, afmdn qoN vwD Krcf, nvIaF XojnfvF qoN lfB, rfj drbffr qoN sfvDfn rihx dO loV. julfeI 22, 23, 24, agsq 1,2,3,10,11 asLuwB.



kMinaf – ishq TIk rhygI, sLnI df dfn kro, Dn lfB qy Krcf brfbr, iesqrI pwK qoN KusLI, ividafrQIaF leIN mMgl df dfnkrnf sLuwB, julfeI 16,17,25,26 agsq 4,5,12,13 asLuwB hovygI.

7  qulf- sbr qoN kMm lvo, GrylU JgiVaF qoN dUr rho, Dn lfB hovygf, dusLmx AuBr ky sfhmxy afAuxgy, svfrI aqy jfiedfd df pUrf suK imlygf, kfrobfr TIk rhygf. julfeI 18,19,27,28,29 agsq 6, 7, 14,15 asLuwB hovygI.



ibRsLick – Kun dI KrfbI nfl pRysLfnI rhygI, Dn lfB hoky vI hfnI df Xog hY. Xfqrf TIk rhygI, imwqrF df suK pRfpq hovygf, sMqfn dI icMqf, iesqrI suK, kfrobfr TIk rhygf. julfeI 20,21,30,31, agsq 8,9,16 asLuwB.



DnU- gYs ivkfr nfl pRysLfnI, sMqfn pwKoN icMqf, gupq sLqrU qoN sfvDfn rho, kMm bdlx jF sQfn bdlx df ivcfr bxygf. julfeI 22, 23, 24, agsq 1,2,3,10,11 asLuwB

10  mkr – ishq TIk rhygI, rfj drbfr qoN lfB, imwqrF BrfvF nUM ksLt, iesqrI pwKoN lfB hovygf, kfrobfr ibvwc qrwkI hovygI. julfeI 16,17,25,26 agsq 4,5,12,13 asLuwB hovygI.

11  kuMB – jmIn jfiedfd JgVy isrdrdI bxxngy. Afpxy lokF nfl anbx hovygI, sLqrU pRBfvsLflI hoxgy, svfrI qoN swt df Kqrf rhygf, kfrobfr TIk rhygf, julfeI 18,19,27,28,29 agsq 6, 7, 14,15 asLuwB hovygI.



mIn – Dn hfnI df zr, gupq icMqf rhygI aqy pRysLfnI, sMqfn qoN KusLI suwK pRfpqI df Xog hY, iesqrI ksLt, afmdn qoN vD Krcf rhy. julfeI 20,21,30,31, agsq 8,9,16 asLuwB.


Somebody else could provide a completely different perspective on either a decision you have already made or information you have gathered in order to make a choice. Rethinking the financial side of things could be wise between now and mid August. You may discover previous financial advice may not be the best direction to take.

You could find yourself in a position where you will need to pause for thought and this is likely to be generated by sudden changes of direction that somebody else either takes or wants to take. It may bring out a side of them you have not seen before. As difficult as it might be, it is better for you to wait and see what develops.

Stay focussed on yourself and maintaining a peaceful situation in your surroundings. Don’t allow someone else to project uncertainly into your life with the result that you become a slave to sorting out their issues. There is a lot building up behind the scenes and it will take some time yet for what it all means to surface.

You can find yourself back in situations with people from the past that involves drama in some way. The difference now is that they need to accept that something cannot be maintained and this can lower a degree of arrogance they may have previously displayed. Don’t feel you have to be rushed. Contemplate carefully.

Rebellion of others can put you under a great deal of pressure when it comes to structuring matters as you have been setting out to do. Like it or not, you will have to rethink commitments from now to mid August that you were settled with. You might have to accept that your priorities are not necessarily those of others.

More innovative ways of planning future goals could emerge in a surprising or unexpected manner. This can cause you to be hesitant when it comes to making changes to present ideas or information. Be prepared to review things to mid August. Solutions can arise with commitments you felt unclear about as well.

Sit tight when it comes to finances and certainly don’t take any risks that you might be advised to do. Some changes might take place that you cannot control but do not set out to sort things out for someone else. You are in a powerful position to maintain a balanced position in the long term by not responding to unknowns.

The Lunar Eclipse this week falls in your sign while linking to Mars. This can turn many things around on a personal level in the next 6 months that will require you to fight for your rights. You can be dealing with dominant personalities but you should not let this deter you if what they are demanding in not in your interests.

On one level you can be dealing with others that pleases you in that they seem to be in tune with your priorities. You could also sense there are other situations building up that are quite the opposite. This can have an effect on regular routines. You are lucky your sense will be warning you but you will have to wait for things to surface.


krk- ishq TIk rhygI, acfnk ksLt aqy zr, Dn lfB hovygf. BfeI bMDUaF df sihXog pRfpq hovygf Xfqrf ivwc ksLt, sMqfn qy iesqrI pwKoN KusLI pRfpq hovygI. julfeI 20,21,30,31, agsq 8,9,16 asLuwB.


You could start to have second thoughts about something you thought you had come to a final decision over. Going back over things will be the best strategy from now to mid August. Maintaining harmony at the basis of things that can include family matters is most important. There cannot be doubts about obligations.

The Patrika

Friday, July 27th, 2018



iPwkf bol nf bolIey


hrbMs isMG mUMzI ieh dunIaF kuwPr hY rihMdI qoldI.

mMgl isMG brfV bMdf bMdy df dfrU hY bMdf bMdy df drdI hY

iewk nUM kuwC dUjy nUM hor hY boldI.

bMdf bMdy qy icVHdf hY bMdy qy bMdf sVdf hY

sO JUT bolky swc CupfAuxf pYNdf hY.

ieh sLkloN zfZf suhxf hY qy aklF df BMzfrf hY

iPwkf bol nf bolIey iPr pCqfAuxf pYNdf hY. iewk vfr mUMhoN inwkilaf bol vfips nhIN afAuNdf. ipwCoN hI pqf lwgdf jdoN isafxf smJfAuNdf. pihlF qolo iPr bolo aMdr vsfAuxf pYNdf hY. iPwkf bol nf bolIey iPr pCqfAuxf pYNdf hY.

pr bMdf eynf mclf hY kMn puwTy pfisAuN PVdf hY jy gON hovy qF swq Pwutf vI goizaF prny irVHdf hY afpxy qoN mfVy dy sfhvyN afkV afkV KVHdf hY bMdf isrjxhfrf bMdy df, bMdy df EhIE rfjLk hY pr bMdf rwb qoN afkI hY hr dosL Auhdy isr mVHdf hY

ieh dunIaF bhurMgI bhuZMgI vI ey hwQF qy srHoN jmfAuNdI cMigaF nUM jFdI zMgI ey.

imwTq dI guVHqI dy dy ky keI pIr pYgMbr hfr gey

jfl’c Psy nUM rwb iDafAuxf pYNdf hY.

ieh vwZUM KfAUN krdf hY do-mUMhIN vFgUM lVdf hY

iPwkf bol nf bolIey iPr pCqfAuxf pYNdf hY.

by sbrf by sMqoKf hY hfbV hfbV ky pYNdf hY

Bgq mn socy vcn PrmfAuNdy rhy ny.

vws lgy qF hwk prfieaf irAuVI vFgUM cwbdf hY

dunIaF vfly hmysLF mKOl AuzfAuNdy rhy ny.

iksy dy lwgI hovy qF iPr lwjLq lYNdy sykx dI

mn qy lwgy bolF qoN KihVf CzfAuxf pYNdf hY.

afpxf isr vI duKy qF ipwtdf koTy qy jf cVHdf hY

iPwkf bol nf bolIey iPr pCqfAuxf pYNdf hY. cfr idnF dI ijLMdgI ieh dunIaF iewk BlyKf hY. jwg Cwz jfxf bMdf ikAuN idMdf lyKf hY.

cfr kOzIaF joV lvy qF Auwcf ho ho qurdf hY qkly df jy dfg lwg jfey BFbV vFgUM sVdf hY dUjy dI bYTk ivwc bih ky hfsV KUbH mcfAuNdf hY

pRym BgqI leI mn smJfAuxf pYNdf hY. iPwkf bol nf bolIey iPr pCqfAuxf pYNdf hY.

jy koeI afpxy dr’qy af jfey aMdr dOV vVdf hY

mukqI df dr kyvl isMG inrdoÈ mukqI df dr zfZf BIVf ijAuˆ rfeI df dfxf . iesdy dsvyˆ ihwsy ivcoˆ lMGUM ikMj axjfxf . mn hAumY dI mdrf pIky bx hsqI kryN msqI . ikMj dr BIVy ivwcoˆ lMGy iesdI gAurI hsqI . vfihgurU nUM Buwlky bMdf hMgqf dy ivc rihMdf . afpxy Ëor df kry muËfhrf hr iek dy nfl KihMdf . jd qwk bMdf hAuˆ nhI Cwzdf hOÜf kdy nf hovy . mn dI KMnlI hoey nf AujlI jy sO vfrI Dovy . kpiVafˆ nUM sfbx Dovy qn dI mYÜ nUM pfxI . mn mYÜY nUM Aujlf krdI Dur qoˆ afeI bfxI . jy mukqI dy dr `coˆ lMGxf kr mn inwkI hsqI . ho inrdoÈ itkfxf iml jU by-gm pury dI bsqI .

ardfs suKvMq mihmUdpurI rfgIaF nUM rfg imly, jogIaF nUM nfd imly, vfd nUM sMvfd imly, izgidaF nUM QMmHIaF. pRymIaF nUM pRIq imly, mMgqy nUM BIK imly, lyKkF nUM gIq imly, bwicaF nUM aMmIaF.

E bMidaf mfVf bol nf khIey rwboN zrIey.

qVky qoN lY ky afQx qwk ieh mwqF idMdf iPrdf hY

mUhoN cMgf kwZIey kdy inMidaf nf krIey.

mwq nUM suwt ky dUr afQxy Tyky ivwc jf vVdf hY

jjLibaF nUM bol imly, BrI hoeI Jol imly,

swc qy cwlx leI afpf gvfAuxf pYNdf hY.

afKx nUM qF lokI aFhdy mMgl isAuN vI nyk bVY

ibrhxf nUM Zol imly, ibrKF nUM tfhxIaF.

iPwkf bol nf bolIey iPr pCqfAuxf pYNdf hY.

rwb df sLukr kro ik awj qwk bixafN Ausdf pVdf hY

ipafisaF nUM nIr imly, kwijaF srIr imly,

myiraf pMjfbf

rfiJaF nUM hIr imly, cftI nUM mDfxIaF.

sqvMq kOr pMDyr

myiraf pMjfbf suwKF qyrIaF mYN mMgdI vy, donoN hwQ rwb qoN PYlfa. dunIaF dy kony kony ivwc awj vwsdf qUM,

qyry vwl nf koeI afvy qwqI vfa.

vwKrI Dmfl idwqI pf.

pYdf qyrI imwtI aqy pfxIAF coN hoey ijhVy,

Zol qy Zmwky jdoN lfAuNdy ny pMjfbI,

qYQoN nf ho skdy judfa.

qyry vDxy df sfnUM bVf cfa.

idnoN idn pYr ieh agFh nUM DrI jfxH,

hry hry Kyq jd dyKIey pMjfb jf ky,

lwgy pihlF qoN hI iehnF df suBfa.

lgdf qUM surg ijhf, mMgdy duafvF sdf rwb kolLoN rhIey,

vyK qyry vfrsF ny afx ky knyzf ivwc,

dyx KusLIaF nUM cfr cMn lf.

dyhI aMdr Jfq imly, idlI jjLbfq imly, rfq nUM pRBfq imly, aOV nUM bdlotIaF. KusLI dI koeI Kbr imly, vsdf hr ngr imly, loBIaF nUM sbr imly, BuwiKaF nUM rotIaF.

vDy PuwlyN sdf suKI vsyN vy pMjfbf, pRdysIaF dI ieho hY duaf.

BtkidaF nUM pMD imly, criKaF nUM qMd imly, jLflmF nUM PMD qy musfPrF nUM lfrIaF.

rhIey BfvyN dUr Buwl hovy nf hjLUr,

kuafrIaF kMq imly KojIaF nUM sMq imly,

qyry sfhF nfl vgy sfzf sfh.

sB nUM suKvMq imly, mnF c jo DfrIaF. PAGE 31

The Patrika


Friday, July 27th 2018


CVf kuwtxf bIhI ivwc PV ky vy hrcMd isMG bfgVI mrd – kI lYxf CVy nfl lVky nI duwK suwK ivwc BfeI nflL KVH dy nI. idn kwt lY qUM aMdr vV ky nI

kI lYxf CVy nfl lVky nI

arq – idn kwtxy nf aMdr vV ky vy.

aOrq – zMgrF jnOrF ivwcIN inwq mYnUM CyVdf.

CVf kuwtxf bIhI ivwc PV ky vy.

mYnUM afKy bwkrI ivgfV lU kI sLyr df

rubfeIaF gurdrsLn isMG bfdl E iswKo! kuwJ iswKo, ikAuN afps dy ivc lVdy ho? imlL rihxf iswKo. kuwJ hosL kro, nf ros kro, iek-dUjy Auwqy nf BVko, rlL bihxf iswKo. ieh pMQ hY, ieh pMQ rhygf, ies nhIN bdlxf, lwK koisLs kr lE,

mrd- vfh ky jLmIn AuhdI afpF bwcy pflLIey.

mYN qF mrjMU Auhdy isr cVH ky vy.

ikAuN ‘bfdl’ Buwly? mjHbF ivc ruwly, vWK kIqy cuwlHy, gwl sihxf iswKo.

aOKy sOKy ho ky afpf ienHF nUM pVHf leIey.

CVf kuwtxf bIhI ivwc PV ky vy.

mrd Esy nUM kihMdy ny, jLmfnf bdl idMdy jo.

lok phuMc gey knyzf qwk pVH ky nI.

mrd – kr Auprflf AuhnUM sfk ijhf krf dIey.

sfkI nUM bdl idMdy jo, mYKLfnf bdl idMdy jo.

kI lYxf CVy nfl lVky nI

motI ijhI nwQ Auhdy nwk ivwc pf dIey

aOrq – af igaf kI lohVf jy jLmIn AuhdI vfh leI.

ZwTf Pyr nf bIhI ivwc bVHky nI.

CVy mr jfxy ny qF jfn myrI Kf leI.

kI lYxf CVy nfl lVky nI

awD lY igaf bohl muhry KVHky vy.

aOrq – sFJI kMD ivwc Auhny morIaF bxfeIaF ny

icVIaF qoN bfjL mr skdY, ho igdVoN biGafV skdf hY.

CVf kuwtxf bIhI ivwc PV ky vy.

idn rfq awKF Auhny sfzy Auwqy lfeIaF ny

jo bUty jLulm dy puwt skdf hY, jo jLfilm AujfV skdf hY.

mrd – kuwtxf CVy nUM koeI bwicaF dI KHyl nI.

idAUN qyl awKF c qwqf krky vy.

ijLly qy kicihrIaF c Auhdf qfl myl nI.

CVf kuwtxf bIhI ivwc PV ky vy.

Qfxy Byj dU hQkVI jV ky nI.

mrd – CiVaF dy Gr jdoN af jfx qIvIaF

kI lYxf CVy nfl lVky nI

sdf leI ho jfx Pyr awKF nIvIaF

aOrq – pqf nhIN jwtf qYnUM AuhdI krqUq df.

pfieaf awK c kdy nf Pyr rVky nI

kwlH kihMdf af jf BfbI gMnf porI cUp jf.

kI lYxf CVy nfl lVky nI

mYnUM CyiVaf kmfdI muwZ KVH ky vy.

aOrq – gwl qyrI cMnf myry isr ivwc vV geI.

CVf kuwtxf bIhI ivwc PV ky vy.

by-aklI dI BMg mYnUM sIgI cVH geI.

mrd – ikhVf Auh ibgfnf Auh qF myrf skf vIr nI

jfAUN pyikaF nUM pihlI bws cVH ky vy.

iewko mF dy jfey asIN pIqf iewko sIr nI.

‘cMd Cwzxf brfbr krky vy.


jo jLulm dy awgy, grdn JukFdy nhIN, AuTFdy ny, Auh sfjLf nUM bdl idMdy ny, qrfnf bdl idMdy jo.

ijsny ies pMQ KLfiqr, apxf srbMs vfr Cwizaf, Auh isrP muwTI ku isMGF dy, bydfvy pfV skdf hY.

sfDF nUM mwQf tykdIey gurbcn kOr iZwloN sfDF nUM mwQf tykdIey, kI mMgdI eyN qUM puwq kuVy. jF sfeIN qyrf rihMdf ey, pI dfrU sdf Duwq kuVy. kI BYVy supny afAuNdy ny, jF blLdI dyKI awg kuVy. jF DI qyrI df sFeIN nI, igaf bUhy qyry Cwz kuVy. sfDF dy zyry rOxk hY, inq KIrF pUVy pwkdy ny. Zyro Zyr cVHfvf cVHdf ey, nfly lMgr bYTy Ckdy ny. sMqF df pIhVf rMglf ey, bYT idMdy ny AupdysL kuVy.

pvn igwlF vflf

sux inscy Btkx muwk jfvy, qyry muwkx sB klysL kuVy.

qYnUM cMdry nUM kOx smJfvy,

pI ky sON qUM jfvyN

rulLdI jnfnI vy.

vy cMgI nhIN sLrfb swjxf.

dyvy mMjy AUwqy mUq vy,

kI mYN awg lfAuxy aYsy muklfvy,

qUM nhIN pINdf,

bwicaF nUM dwsF ikvyN

vy cMgI nhIN sLrfb

pINdI qYnUM eyhy jfvy.

qyrI krqUq vy.

imwtI ho ky imwtI dI

ijLMdgI svfr qF,

nf kdy ipafr nfl AuhnF nUM iKHzfvyN,

kdr kI qUM jfxygf, ‘igwlF dy pvn’ kdoN,

huMnF ikAuN trwkF Auwqy

vy cMgI nhIN sLrfb

afpxy pCfxygf.

mYnUM lgdf ey rfhoN Btk geI, ieh kUVo kUV dIaF ijLwdF ny.

Kwjl Kuafr qF.

boqlF c rolLI jfnf

Cwz eyhnUM pihlF Cwz qYnUM jfvy,

asIN apnf inscf Cwz ky qy, kI AuDr kI qy ikwdF ny.

jdoN afeyN eyhnUM nfl hI ilafvyN,

sony ijhI jvfnI vy,

vy cMgI nHIN sLrfb swjxf,

sfDF dy zyry afAux nfl, nf sMsy huMdy dUr kuVy.

vy cMgI nhIN sLrfb ….

KflI boql dy vFgUM

qUM nI pINdf pINdI qYnUM eyhy jfvy.

swcy nfm ibn BtkyN peI, iZwloN kr sbr sbUr kuVy.

cMgy jy mulK afieaF


qyrI sLrDf bVI azol kuVy, qyrf XkIn koeI gwl suxdf nf. bwicaF nUM BuwKf rwK ky qy, qyrf duwD zolnf KuMJdf nf. qyrI ihkVI ey XkIn BrI, qUM KVI azol XkIn krI. qUM lgdI eyN axBol bVI, mqF zuwl jfvy nf Jol BrI. sfDF dy zyry afAux nfl, kI sMsy ho gey dUr kuVy. Br leI Jol qUM KusLIaF nF, qUM ho geI nUro nUr kuVy.

Friday, July 27th, 2018

Learn the signs, act

The Patrika



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The Patrika 

Friday, July 27th 2018

PAY YOUR FINES WITH FOOD AT Grad students get new scholarships FRASER VALLEY REGIONAL LIBRARY to help build the best B.C. educe your fines and help feed those in need.


Abbotsford, BC – Fraser Valley Regional Library’s (FVRL) extremely popular Food for Fines campaign is back! Usually held during the winter months, this is the first time FVRL has held Food for Fines during the summer. Take advantage of this opportunity to to reduce or eliminate their library reduce your library fines and help fines while supporting their local feed your community. community food banks during a critiUntil July 29, you can “pay” your cal time. Last winter’s Food for Fines fines with food. It’s simple – bring in campaign was our most successful commercially packaged, unexpired, to date, during which our customnon-perishable food items to any ers generously donated 17,330 food FVRL location and have your fines items, and in turn we cleared apreduced. One food item equals $2 proximately $34,660 worth of fines.” in fines/fees, and up to $30 of fines/ Local pantries are especially in need fees owed per library account can of rice; flour; powdered baby formube cleared during the campaign. All la; peanut butter and jams; pasta and items collected will be donated to the sauces; canned fruit and vegetables; local area food bank. canned and dry soups; canned fish/ “At this time of year many of our meat; and cereal. community food banks experience For more information, please visit empty shelves and are in desperate www.fvrl.ca or your favourite FVRL need of donations,” says Heather location. Connect with FVRL online Scoular, FVRL’s Director of Cus24/7 through Facebook, Twitter, and tomer Experience. “Food for Fines is Instagram. a great opportunity for our customers

BC Cancer study finds lower breast cancer screening rates for some immigrant populations Fewer women who have immigrated to British Columbia are being screened for breast cancer than women born in British Columbia, according to new research by BC Cancer.

cancer during the study period, women who have more interactions with a primary care physician were also more likely to get a mammogram. Also, women who had screened once in the The study, published in the peer- program showed higher re-screening reviewed journal Cancer Medicine rates, a result that showed less variation and funded by the Canadian Institutes by birth country. of Health Research, found screening Screening for breast cancer saves lives. participation rates for eligible women It can find cancer early when it’s easier from several world regions and countries including Eastern Europe, Cen- to treat. tral Asia, South Korea, India, China, BC Cancer has abundant informaMacau, Hong Kong, Taiwan and the tion available about breast cancer and Philippines that were lower than those screening, including information about identified for non-immigrant women. who should get a mammogram, what Although the study found that only 52 to expect and where to find a clinic, per cent of all eligible women in the with information available in a variety province had been screened for breast of languages.



tudents in graduate-level degree programs at the University of British Columbia (UBC) will be able to focus more intently on research and innovation because of a $6-million scholarship fund that will also help recruit and retain the province’s brightest minds.

Trade and Technology. "Our $6-million scholarship investment will directly help grad students, so they can spend more energy focused on their innovative research.”

“Graduate students at UBC are pushing the boundaries of research, while improving the quality of life for all British Columbians,” said Melanie Mark, Minister of Advanced Education, Skills and Training. “This long overdue investment in scholarships will help recruit and retain more graduate talent, so we can build the best B.C. for everyone.”

mathematics, as well as professional, Indigenous and regional programs.

The graduate scholarships are research focused, with an emphasis on science, technology, engineering and

Graduate students at UBC and throughout the province are creating new knowledge and finding solutions to pressing real-world challenges. In October 2018, Matthew Noestheden, a UBC Okanagan PhD student, developed a new test to detect wildfire-tainted wine grapes, helping wine producers better manage their crops during the wildfire seasons. New research from Christine Ou, a nursing PhD student at UBC’s Vancouver campus, is looking to help women during their postpartum period by identifying anger as an often-overlooked feature of postnatal mood disorders.

The merit-based graduate student scholarship funding from government will be administered by UBC, making 400 awards of $15,000 each available for eligible domestic students. UBC is also leveraging this provincial funding to encourage donors to support graduate students. Donors will be invited, under UBC’s Blue & Gold fundraising campaign, to add their own donations to benefit The scholarships reflect B.C.’s comgraduate students in Vancouver and mitment to true, lasting reconciliation the Okanagan. with Indigenous peoples through implementing recommendations made “The University of British Columbia by the United Nations Declaration is an integral partner in developing on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples the highly skilled graduates, and reand Calls to Action by the Truth and search, that our tech and innovation Reconciliation Commission. Eligible sector relies on to continue thriving Indigenous graduate students will and expanding B.C.’s economy," be supported in the graduate student said Bruce Ralston, Minister of Jobs, scholarship program.

Friday, July 27th, 2018

pMnHf 28 dI bfkI proKoN nhIN Pyr vfhI ikwQoN? afpxf qF ievyN hI gujfrf hoeI jFdf. ZwgI nf vwCI nINd afvy awCI. ijvyN cldI aY clx dy.” ieh afK qyjf isMG ny gwl Kqm kr idwqI. prMqU nsIb kOr ny gwl Kqm nhIN kIqI. Auh agly idn hI afpxI sws nflL mfrUaF vwl geI. Aus ny dyiKaf ik roVF vflLy Kyq ivc do ikwkrF aqy iek byrI KVHI hY. awgy DoiVaF vflLI pYlI ivc kuJ jMz krIr hn. Aus ny afpxI sws nUM dovyN ikwkrF aqy byrI vyc ky bld lY lYx dI slfh idwqI. sws ny qF nsIb kOr dI slfh nUM iKVy mwQy pRvfn kr ilaf pr qyjf isMG iksy sUrq vI afp vfhI krn leI iqafr nhIN sI pr ibwlU ny do idn mwQf mfr ky qyjf isMG nUM KyqI df DMdf krn leI mnf hI ilaf. drKq vyc ky drimafny ijhy bldF dI joVI KrId leI geI.

The Patrika 

nrmf bMdy dy isr ijwzf ho jfieaf krnf. qUM by iPkr ho jfh. lokF nUM BONkI jfx dy. byby df vI do idnF ivc guwsf ZYlLf ho jfxf qy Auhny Gr muV afAuxf.”

ibwlU dIaF gwlF ny qyjf isMG df hOslf bnHf idwqf aqy Auh Drvfs Dr igaf. gihxy peI jLmIn dy pYisaF nflL bor hI ho sikaf. hux bor `qy ieMjx rwKx df mslf sfhmxy af igaf. ibwlU iek ikwlf hor gihxy krn leI iqafr sI pr mF kolLoN zrdf qyjf hfmI nhIN sI Br irhf. nsIb kOr vI nhIN sI cfhuMdI ik hor jLmIn gihxy kIqI jfvy. iek idn Aus ny hOslf ijhf krky afpxIaF sfrIaF tUmF, jo vI shuiraF, pyikaF vwloN Aus nUM idwqIaF geIaF sn, ilaf ky qyjf isMG dI JolLI ivc ilaf DrIaF aqy ienHF nUM vyc ky ieMjx lY afAux leI ikhf. qyjf isMG ivc eynI ihMmq nhIN peI ik Auh tUMmF nUM vyc dyvy. Aus nfnkIN jf ky sfrI gwl afpxI mF Pyr nsIb kOr ny pykIN jf ky afpxy BrfvF nUM nUM dws idwqI. mF sux ky hYrfn hoeI aqy KusLI jf vgfr pfeI. Auh ds idn Aus dy shurIN KusLI vfps ipMz muV afeI. rhy aqy krfhf lf ky mfrUaF vfly cfr ikwly pwDrf kr gey. Aus sfl mfnsUn agyqI hI qyjf isMG hux hOsly nfl kMm ivc jwut af geI sI. AunHF agyqf gvfrf bIj idwqf. igaf. ibwlU BfvyN afp kMm nhIN sI kr skdf pr Auh qyjf isMG nUM hOslf dyeI rwKdf. Gr nsIb kOr ny Pyr slfh idwqI ik inafeIN df kfieaf klp ho irhf sI. sfry GridaF vflLy Kyq ivcoN iek ikwlf gihxy krky mfrUaF dy kwpVy Doqy huMdy. cMgI rotI Kfx nUM imlLdI. ivc bor krvf ilaf jfvy. pr sws jLmIn nsIb kOr sfry pRvfr df pUrf iKafl rwKdI. gihxy rwKx leI iksy sUrq ivc vI iqafr Auh Gr dI rOxk bx geI sI. nhIN sI ho rhI. nsIb kOr vI afpxI ijwLd AuWqy aVI rhI. Aus df kihxf sI, “jdoN sfnUM chuM ikwilaF ivcoN gvfrf cMgf JfV dy igaf. do vyly dI rotI dy lfly pey hoey sI, mYN qF AudoN Pyr Aus Kwqy nUM vfh suafr ky Aus ivc vyJV vI jLmIn `qy awK nhIN sI rwKI. hux qUM af ky (rlvyN kxk Coly) bIj idwqI. isafl ivc jLmIn nUM gihxy rwKx bfry socx lwg peI.” qyjf isMG ny do ikwly hor krfhf lf ky pwDrf Aus ny dlIlF dy dy ky sws nUM kuJ ZYlLI kr ley. hfVHI dI Psl kwZI jfx mgroN kr ilaf. ibwlU aqy qyjf qF pihlF hI ihwsy Aupr idwqI hoeI jLmIn vI afpxy hlL Aus dI slfh nUM mMn cuwky sn. iek ikwlf hyT kr leI. zyZ ku sfl mgroN nsIb kOr gihxy rwK ky mfrUaF ivc bor kIqf jfx ny iek muMzy nUM jnm idwqf. muMzy dI ishq lwgf. lok ies bfry BFq BFq dIaF gwlF bhuq suhxI sI. Aus df nfm gfmf (gurnfm krdy, “sMqI ny qF aOKI ho ky kwt leI isMG) rwiKaf igaf. pr jLmIn nhIN sI DrI. bhU ny afAuNidaF mfrU KyqF ivc Psl cMgI hox lwg peI sI. hI jLmIn nUM vfZI pf leI. rwb KYr kry.” vfhI df kMm bhuq vD igaf sI. so qyjf isMG koeI kihMdf, “ipwCy ijhVI Kyh AuzfAuNdI ny afpxy nfl iek sIrI rwK ilaf. hux nvyN afeI aY sB nUM pqY. ieh iewQy vI BlI nhIN bIj aqy KfdF dy afAux nflL PslF dy JfV gujfrn lwgI.” cMgy hox lwg pey sn. iksfnF ny itAUvYWl lokF dIaF gwlF df sws `qy kuJ asr ho lfAux vwl qF pihlF hI iDafn dyxf sLurU hI igaf. Auh lV JgV ky gulU nUM nflL lY kr idwqf sI. hux AuhnF dI rucI trYktr afpxy pyky qur geI. qyjf isMG bhuq duKI lYx vwl vDx lwgI. qyjf isMG hurF vI ikhoieaf pr ibwlU ny Aus nUM smJfieaf, “sIbo sLqF Aupr nvF trYktr lY ilaf. trYktr jLmIn dy pYsy lY ky ikqy pyikaF nUM qF nhIN afAux nflL krfhy df kMm sOKf ho igaf. dy afeI. ieh afpxf hI suafrdI aY. pihlF qyjf isMG ny do slF ivc hI sfrf mfrUaF dyK ikvyN KPy KUn ho ky iehdy BrfvF ny cfr vflLf twk krfh ky pwDrf kr ilaf. hux ikwly suafr idwqy aY. hux AunHF ivc ikMnf ieh nfm df mfrU twk sI. ibwlU dy kihx suhxf gvfrf KVf. jdoN bor ho igaf qF iewQy anusfr, “kihMdy aY qyijaf, afpxy mfrUaF

ivc qF asvfr dy isr ijwzf nrmf hoieaf.” hux AunHF ny inafeIN vflLy Kyq ivc bor krf ky ibjlI vflLI motr luaf leI. cOdF pMdrF sflF ivc Gr dI kfieaf hI plt geI. hux ieh Gr ipMz dy cMgy KFdy pINdy GrF ivc igixaf jfx lwgf. iblU leI hwQ nflL cwlx vflLf trfeI sfeIkl lY aFdf. Auh hux KyqIN cfh rotI PVf afAuNdf aqy nflL bfhr gyVf mfr afAuNdf. Cotf gulU BfvyN isDrf sI pr BrvF jvfn inkl afieaf sI. Auh KyqF ivc do jixaF ijMnf kMm krdf. gfmy dy jnm mgroN nsIb kOr dy hor koeI aOlfd nf hoeI. hux pihly ijhI Cmk ijhI nsIb kOr nhIN sI rhI. Aus df srIr BrvF ho igaf sI pr boJl nhIN sI. sgoN srIr szOl ho igaf sI. Gr ivc lfzlf jIa gfmf sI. qfey ibwlU df Auh gfmf Blvfn aqy mF df aPsr puwqr. prvfr df lfzlf gfmf pVHn ivc vI bhuq huisLafr sI. sMqI qF Aus nUM dyK dyK ijAuNdI aqy nflL nflL rwb awgy ardfsF vI krdI ik Aus dy Gr ivc iek hor poqrf KHyzy, joVI bxy. gfmf cOdvyN sfl ivc ho igaf sI aqy awTvIN jmfq ivc pVHdf sI pr rwb ny sMqI dI ardfs ajy qwk nhIN sI suxI. sMqI dIaF ardfsF ivc BMgxF pY geI. iek idn prvfr Aupr musIbq df phfV tuwt ipaf. gfmf hsdf KHyzdf skUloN afieaf aqy afAuNdf hI mMjy `qy pY igaf. Aus dIaF gwlHF lfl qy ipMzf pMj BwT qp irhf sI. pihlF ipMz ivc rihMdy hkIm kolLoN Aus df ielfj krvfieaf pr koeI moV nf ipaf. Aus nUM CyqI hI sLihr dy vwzy hspqfl ivc lY gey. pqf nhIN ikho ijhI ibmfrI sI ik sLihroN gfmy dI lfsL hI vfps afeI. nsIb kOr dy Bfa dI qF iksmq hI af geI. Aus nUM dMdlF pY pY jfx. jdoN vI Aus nUM surq afvy AudoN hI Auh ro ro ipwt ipwt afpxf burf hfl kr lvy qy Pyr by surq ho jfvy. sMqI ijhVI pihlF hI sotI dy shfry qurn lwgI sI, poqry dy ivXog ivc mMjf mwl ky pY geI. smyN dy bIqx nfl puwqr dy ivCoVy df swl BfvyN Gitaf qF nhIN sI Pyr vI nsIb kor cuwp cuwp, Audfs Audfs, rihMdI hoeI Gr dy kMm krI jFdI aqy nflL hI ibmfr sws dI dyK BflL vI krdI. hux Gr ivc Aus df pihlF ijhf moh nhIN sI irhf. Auh glL ipaf Zol hI vjfAuNdI. qyjf isMG ijhVf hr gwl nsIb kor koloN puwC ky krdf sI. hux jdoN Auh koeI gwl puCdf qF Auh afpxI koeI rfie nf idMdI. gfmy dy mrn mgroN qF ibwlU vI ZyrI Zf bYTf sI. Auh muridaF vFg


afpxy mMjy Aupr ipaf rihMdf. qyjf isMG nUM ijvyN suJdI Auh AuvyN hI kbIldfrI dI gwzI nUM ryVHI jFdf. Gr dI ieh hflq dyK sMqI hor inGrdI jFdI. iek idn, jdoN sMqI nUM jfipaf ik hux Aus dy idn pUry hox hI vflyL hn qF Aus ny nsIb kor nUM afpxy kol swidaf aqy murdnI afvfjL ivc bolI, “nsIb kury, qUM hI eys Gr dI kfieaf pltI sI. qyry isr `qy hI ieh Gr, Gr bixafN sI. qUM kdy vI afpxy jyT ibwlU qy idAur gulU nflL koeI durFJf nhIN sI kIqf. Auh hux vI qyry hI afsry ny. jy qUM hI sB Cwz Czf ky bih geI qF eys Gr df kI bxU?” kuJ dyr cuwp rihx mgroN Auh sfh lY ky Pyr bolx lwgI, “iksy vwzy zfkdfr kol jF iksy isafxy kol hI jf afvo qF jo pIVHI qurdI rhy.” ‘mF jI, Qozy kol kfhdf lko. awj qoN swq sfl pihlF hI asIN zfktr nUM cYWk krvfieaf sI. gfmy dy jnm smyN hI koeI vwzf nuks pY igaf sI. hux hor bwcf nhIN ho skdf. iewQy isafixaF dy qvIq kI krngy?” nsIb kOr ny zuwb zbfeIaF awKF nflL, bVI mfXUs afvfjL ivc ikhf. “Auh qF dovyN afhrI ny. iek srIroN qy iek dmfgoN. Auh qF ivafhuxo rhy. jy kuVy qUM qyjy[[[” gwl ajy sMqI dy mUMh ivc hI sI ik nsIb kOr sIhxI vFg BbkI, “bws mf jI, bws. eydUM awgy nf bolIN.” ieMnf afK Auh gfmy dy vYx pf pf rox lwgI. “BfbI kfhqoN ronI aYN?” gulU Aus koloN puwC irhf sI. Aus afpxI ingfh Aupr cuwkI qF Aus nUM iek kVI vrgf jvfn mrd afpxy sfhmxy KVhf idisaf. Auh roNdI roNdI cuwp ho geI aqy nIvIN pfeI kuJ socdI rhI. Pyr sMqI nUM kihx lwgI, “mF jI, eys Gr dI jVH lwgUgI. pIVHI jLrUr awgy qurUgI. afpF gulvMq isAuN nUM ivafhvFgy.” Aus dI gwl sux ky sMqI avfk rih geI. Pyr sMBldI hoeI bolI, “nf, nf kuVy bhU, Buwl ky vI ieh gwl nf socIN. ieh ivcfrf isDrf ijhf qIvIN ikvyN sMBflU? iksy mfVy Gr dI af geI qF eys nUM vyc ky Kf jfAU. Gr dI iewt iewt iKlfr idAU.” “iPkr nf kr mF jI, mYN dwsUM eys nUM ik qIvIN ikvyN sMBflLIdI aY. ijMnf icr mYN bYTI aF eys Gr dIaF iewtF hor pwkIaF hoxgIaF. mYN awj hI jfAUN pykIN qy gulU, nf swc gulvMq isAuN df bxfAUN koeI jugfV.” sMqI Aus dfgI aOrq dy ichry vwl kuJ nIJ lf dyKdI rhI qy Pyr awKF mIt ky afrfm nflL lyt geI. PAGE 35


The Patrika 

Friday, July 27th 2018

Mother-in-Law is a Human Too By: Sukhdev Sandhu Marriage is a union between a couple who has joined together in holy alliance. We all play a different and distinct role in this alliance and most of us swim through this sea of expectations and social scrutiny unscathed. However, no two individuals’ roles are under more social acrimony than the motherin-law and the daughter-in-law. But the mother-in-law’s problems are the most dreaded and talked about. In fact, no relative in a family structure is more maligned, denigrated or vilified than the mother-in-law and she has gained the dubious distinction of a “monster”, and “mother-in-law from hell” etc. Her role has been typically depicted in a significant number of Indian dramas, domestic soap operas, folk songs or movies where her fictional character has been shown as being selfish, a villain, narcissistic and vindictive of her daughter-in-law. There are only a few exceptions where mother-in-laws are treated as considerate, adjusting and amenable. Furthermore, when we talk about the mother in-law, especially from an Indian perspective, we are talking about the mother of a male spouse. The mother of a female spouse is often described as a kind person and often perceived to be a victim. However, women are born daughters, and then become women, brides, wives, mothers and mother-in-laws. Therefore, the mother-in-law is not an alien. It is assumed that most of the women in India and around the world would like to become mother-in-laws and have grandchildren. Yet, ironically, the relationship between a mother-inlaw and a daughter-in-law in some parts of the world and particularly in India has been described as conflictual, irreconcilable, antagonistic, full of rivalry and jealousy. There are stories of humiliation, death threats and in some cases murder. Their roles are akin to two boxers who fight to win at any cost. This adverse and highly publicized role has entered our social psyche and we have begun to believe that a motherin-law is incapable of living with her daughter-in-law. In the socio-economic literature, the influence of the Indian mother-in -law is taken for granted. This is because newlywed brides traditionally move in with their groom’s family after marriage and are unwittingly thrusted into a dependent role. The mother-in-law has become the scapegoat of our social/family system,


which is built on patriarchal hierarchy. She is used as an instrument for sons to maintain the male preference, thereby pitting her against her daughter-in-law.

usually inherit land and other family assets. A mother-in-law tries to carry on the patriarchal values with whatever power her husband bestows on her.

The following question therefore arises: why has the mother-in-law become the target of ridicule, humiliation and mistrust? The answer lies in a number of separate yet interrelated cultural and societal factors.

Third, our family base is predicated on a strong preference for sons. If a woman cannot give birth to a son, her personal value as a person is devalued. A boy’s birth is celebrated with jubilance and considered a “good thing”. Mothers want to hang onto the “good thing” in life at the cost of their daughters. If daughters are treated equally from every aspect of the family structure, mother-in-laws may not need to cling to their sons for power and control. Usually, sons are perceived as natural heirs to family roots and the laws of property inheritance for girls remain on paper. Even girls of Indian origin living in western countries with all the awareness of their inherent rights are generally unable to shake the tradition of passing their inherent property rights on to their brothers. They are disinherited of their fathers’ property in favor of their brothers to keep unity and integrity of the family. When a woman becomes the motherin-law, she exercises the little power she has available to her sex to protect her son. Therefore she is he is under social pressure to enforce order in the family based on son preference and align with him.

First, the mother-in-law is the product of a social environment over which she has little control. She is brought up in a culture and a society that reflects skewed power and controls relationship between the sexes and between the generations. Most men feel comfortable and in control of their homes, which are considered their castles. Men with traditional values and beliefs tend to exert their power and control over their female partners. Because of this power differential, women are susceptible to abuse and they live in fear and are forced to play a subservient role. They seem to internalize abusive treatment given to them. Then, when they become mother-in-laws themselves, they tend to use the little power they gained because of the preferred status of their sons. It is inherently advantageous for them to affiliate with their sons than their daughters. They unknowingly become oppressors themselves in dealing with their daughter-in-laws who initially have no power in their host family. A mother-in -law who may have experienced forced adjustment in her life tends to oppress the weaker than she. So a victim can become a victimizer later in her life, influenced by our inherently skewed social and familial structures. She becomes the upholder of patriarchal traditions and the natural Indian social structure to protect a male heir. Second, gender imbalance is another factor influencing hostility between the mother-in-law and daughter-inlaw. The imbalance begins at birth or even before birth. Women are more likely to be subjected to infanticides or death in childhood. They generally are provided with fewer facilities of life such as food, shelter, education and employment opportunities. In fact, currently in some parts of India, girl child marriages are rampant and they are passed on to families foreign to them as servants and wives. Boys wield more economic power as they

control on the daughter-in-law are not coming from coercion within the marital system, but from socialization factors that tend to perpetuate a patriarchal arrangement in a family unit. This leads to hostility, disharmony, conflicts, and in some cases danger to personal safety between a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law despite their common interests as women.

Thus, instead of personifying a motherin-law as a monster to avoid, we need to focus on the real issues of gender inequality and unfair practices of treating women as less than equals. Women also need to understand that they need to unite their efforts to exercise their rights in terms of family inheritance and equal rights. Equality between a man and a woman will make the relationship with a son as insignificant as is the case with daughters. Then a motherin-law’s reliance on power sharing with her son, protection and family roots will most likely shift to a neutral zone in terms of gender preference. This will, in turn, likely lead to a flexible model of the family relationship giving freedom to a mother-in-law to live amicably with her son or daughter. As a consequence, a mother-in-law will be less likely to control her daughterin-law as is the case with her son-inlaw. Therefore, we need to correct our thinking errors, faulty belief system, Based on the above ideas, it appears and rigid family system that demonize the mother-in-law’s actions to exert the mother-in-law as a person.

5 ways to get ahead on home safety (NC) Home is where the heart is, and it’s important to help keep all those who live in our homes safe and sound. This fall, take preventative measures to help ensure that your family is safe.

detectors on every floor of the house and schedule routine battery checks to ensure proper function. Install home monitoring systems. In the past, home security systems always came with significant investment. Today, home security and monitoring systems have become increasingly common and affordable. Many systems can be monitored from a smartphone, giving you the ability to check in when you are not present.

Be prepared in the event of a fire. Whether it be faulty wiring or dinner gone wrong, it doesn’t take much for a fire to ignite and quickly spread. It is important for everyone in the household to know what to do in the event of a fire. This includes routine testing of smoke alarms, ensuring fire extinGet insurance coverage. While taking guishers are present and establishing preventable measures to help ensure an escape route. your family’s safety, it is important Test carbon monoxide detectors. While to remember that some things in life you can’t see it, the danger of a carbon cannot be foreseen or prevented. By monoxide leak is very real. Carbon calling a good insurance provider like monoxide has no colour, taste or smell PC home insurance, families can relax and can have serious, even fatal, ef- knowing they have the coverage they fects. Install multiple carbon monoxide need.

Friday, July 27th, 2018

The Patrika



I feel I give back less than Bhumi Pednekar happy to get star 'named' after herself what I receive : Amitabh Actress Bhumi Pednekar has a 'star' registered in her name now. And she has promised "this star" will keep shining "brighter". "I am a STAR....and only cause of all the love you guys give me. Really. Team Bhumi Pednekar you truly made my day. I'm so overwhelmed by your love and faith in me. This star will keep shining brighter, I promise... So thoughtful," Bhumi tweeted.The Dum Laga Ke Haisha actress turned a year older on Wednesday. Along with her post, she uploaded a 'Certificate of Registry' from the Intergalactic Star Database, which is essentially like a novelty gift. It reads: "Intergalactic Star Database number ISD0411819 will hereby be known as The Bhumi Star. This star was registered in star location NGC162 within the intergalactic star database situated in the constellation Andromeda. This listing will be recorded with the Intergalactic Star Database and members will be made aware of future publications featuring this information."

importance and a liberty it astonishes me.”“I feel guilty at times at what is on offer from the unit at times… Their care and concern, their efforts to make everything so comfortable and pleasant, all with such alacrity and love. I do know, and am intelligent enough to know my Megastar Amitabh present standing and what I Bachchan, who is in Bulgaria to deserve. But when it exceeds shoot Brahmastra, spared a that, I feel a discomfort. “I feel I thought about the care and give back less than what I concern he gets wherever he receive, and this disturbs me.” goes. But he finds it disturbing The veteran actor was also lost that he feels he gives back less in nostalgia as he recounted the than he gets.n a blog post from old times.“There were times in Bulgaria, where he is enjoying the the past when prominence was sun, Amitabh wrote, “Filmmaking shown in much the same from my times has undergone manner. Well not to the extent it substantial change… Hundreds is nowadays, and I felt maybe it of unit and crew work was justifiable. But now with Mouni Roy is set to play Gujarati businessman and Mouni a assiduously on projects these diminished presence, I feel it not Rajkummar Rao’s wife in the upcoming Mumbai girl who moves to Ahmedabad right. I try hard to skip past it but days, every little detail of the film Made in China, and the actor of after marrying him. She’s a simple it catches up .. as does most making and production is looked Naagin fame says he is a tremendous housewife, living in a lowerat with such a degree of things in life,” he added. actor. “I think Rajkummar is a middle-class locality, feisty and tremendous actor and I have always crazy about Raj. She’s by his Pooja Hegde is currently looked up to his work. I can’t wait to side through his struggle and stationed in London for the first schedule start working with him. I am even more pushes him to go to China of Sajid Nadiadwala's Housefull 4. The ecstatic to be a part of Maddock Films,” when the opportunity calls. actress had to shoot for a song in the Mouni said. Made in China will start Raj, who wants to give her film and that got her extremely excited. rolling in September in Mumbai and then the best, crosses the Great Reason being, it was to be travel to Gujarat and China. The film will Wall hoping to become a choreographed by the ace be directed by Gujarati director Mikhil successful entrepreneur. It’s choreographer and filmmaker Farah Musale. A source told Mumbai Mirror, the couple’s fascinating Khan. For Pooja Hegde, it was "the “Rajkummar Rao plays a struggling journey.” most incredible experience". It was a full house with Akshay Kumar, Kriti Sanon, Bobby Deol, Pooja Hegde, fourth installment of the franchise Riteish Deshmukh and Kriti had gone on floors a few weeks Kharbanda grooving to Farah’s ago and has already wrapped its cues. But what gave the song its first schedule. Wrapping the first twist were doppelgangers of schedule of 25 days in London, Actress Shikha Talsania, the royal family. Sharing her the team celebrated the wrap of who has received rave reviews for experience of working with the first schedule by cutting two her performance in the film "Veere the ace, she says, cakes and will now fly down to Di Wedding", says she cannot do "Farah Khan is great Rajasthan for the next schedule. one-dimensional characters and fun to work with. It Announcing the wrap, the makers prefers to have layers in her roles. was a fun shoot. The Nadiadwala Grandson Shikha, along with celebrities like song is a catchy Entertainment took to Twitter to Pulkit Samrat and Angira Dhar, number and by the end share," Sajid Khan, who had opened up in "Open House with of it, the entire unit was directed the first two films in the Renil" on zoom. "I cannot do onesinging along. I was working Housefull franchise would return to dimensional characters. I cannot with Farah for the first time and direct the fourth installment in the play a fat girl who is either just aback as my father was very keen really looking forward to it." "I have series. Revolving around the theme of hungry or horny and I want layers to see me as a Bollywood actor learnt Bharatanatyam for around 10 reincarnation, the film follows a non- to my characters. Give me such when my mother was expecting years and it definitely helps. Also, linear narrative and all the flashback a character and I'll give you a me."So, when I reminded him of Bollywood dance is not a different sequences will be shot in Rajasthan. A performance. You want me to play his golden words, he told me he genre, we do incorporate a lot of other dance lavishly mounted set is being built in Mumbai for a man? Done! I'll do it," Shikha made a mistake. But all's well that forms. It’s all about just enjoying the music. For the finale. Chunky Panday, Johnny Lever, Boman said.Pulkit said he is no exception ends well. Now my father is super this film, I am also working on my comic timing, Irani and Nana Patekar are also a part of this to struggle. "I wanted to act since proud of me and happy with my as comedy is serious business," she adds. The instalment. childhood and one day I told my decision." Angira shared a similar parents that I intended to go to experience wherein her then Bombay (Mumbai) to become an boyfriend stopped talking to her actor. After this, my father stopped when she told him she wanted to talking to me for days. I was taken act.

Can’t wait to start working with Rajkummar Rao : Mouni Roy

Can't do one-dimensional characters : Shikha Talsania

Farah is great fun to work with : Pooja Hegd


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The Patrika

Friday, July 27th 2018


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The Patrika Friday, July 27th, 2018



ey pI zI gYNg krfeIm XUint – gYNg ivwc BrqI nOjuafnF ivwc gYNg- zrwg- ihMsf sMbMD ikMny ivafpk hn? loar mynlYNz ivwc gYNg- zrwg- ihMsf df idRsL sdf leI bdl irhf hY. sfl dy vwK vwK smyN dOrfn puils ny ies ivwc vD rhIaF gqIvIDIaF nUM dyiKaf hY. ies ivwc koeI sLwk nhIN ik gYNg ivwc BrqI hox dI pRIikraf hfeI skUl qoN hI sLurU huMdI hY. nOjuafn gYNg ivwc iks qrHF sLfiml huMdy hn? pYsy kmfAux df sfDn, nvyN kwpVy, aqy afpxI iewCf anusfr hr iewk cIjL KrIdx dI cfh, vDIaF mihMgIaF gwzIaF, afm krky aijhIaF rIJF hn jo nOjuafnF nUM ies gYNg ivwc jfx leI Ausqk krdIaF hn. afm krky ieh hI aijhIaF cIjLF hn jo nOjuafnF nUM grohF ivwc BrqI krn leI vrqIaF jFdIaF hn. gYNg df mYNbr bxn qy ikhVIaF gwlF hn jo quhfzy leI Kqrf bx skdIaF hn? gYNg dI mYNbrisLwp ivwc hox dy keI jLoKm ho skdy hn. asIN 2009 dy sLurU ivwc do nOjuafnF hfeI skUl dy ividafrQIaF dI dUhrI hwiqaf bfry nhIN Buwl skdy. gYNg ivwc sLfml lokF leI asl ivwc do nqIjy hn pihlf: puils duafrf igRPqfrI aqy dUjf mOq. ieh isrP smyN qy hI inrBr krdf hY ik qusIN ikMNny iicr qoN gYNg ivwc ho ijLafdf smF gYNg ivwc hox df mqlb hY quhfzI jfn jfxf. ikhVy ieho ijhy kfrn hn ijnHf nfl qusIN afpxy bwcy nU gYNg qoN dUr rwK skdy ho? ey pI zI gYNg krfeIm XUint QonUM smJfAuNdf hY ik qusIN afpxy bwcy dI jfn iks qrHF bcfAuxI hY. qusIN afpxy bwcy dy dosqF nfl imlvrqn rwKo, dyKo ik Auh ikMnHf nfl imldf juldf hY . ijs gwl qy quhfnUM sLwk hY Aus bfry afpxy bwcy nUM jLrUr puwCo aqy jo Aus ivwc cMigafeI hY Aus dI qfrIP krnf nf Buwlo. afpxy bwicaF leI qusIN rol mozl bxo aqy puils nUM mdd lyx leI kdy vI zro nf. asIN quhfzI mdd krn leI hI hF aqy koisLsL huMdI hY ik asIN quhfzy bwcy nUM dubfrf afpxI shI ijLMdgI ivwc iks qrHF ilafAuxf hY. gYNgF dy bfry ivwc quhfzy bwcy nUM kI jfnx dI jLrUrq hY qF jo AuhnF nUM sLfml hox aqy iksy dbfa dy ivwc af ky gYNg ivwc sLfml nf ho skx? bwicaF nUM ies gwl dI jfxkfrI hoxI cfhIdI hY ik gYNgstr dI ijLMdgI bhuq hI CotI huMdI hY. gYNgstr aksr mfry jFdy hn aqy AuhnF dy dosqF nUM vI Aus ivwc imlf ilaf jFdf hY. gYNg dI jIvn jFc aijhI huMdI hY jo aksr qusIN pfAuxf cfhuMdy ho jo quhfzI ieCf huMdI hY. pr quhfnUM ies gwl bfry jfnx dI bVI loV hY ik quhfzy aslI dosq kOx hn? mYN afpxy aflLy duaflLy iks qrHF cMgy dosqF nfl rihxf hy. mYN afpxy bwcy nUM gYNg ivwc nf sLfml hox bfry iks qrHF dI slfh dy skdf hF? asl ivwc sB qoN sOKf qrIkf hY ik gYNg dy jIvn qoN pryH rho. bwcy aksr ieh socdy hn ik Auh ibhqr jfxdy hn jF AuhnF ny jo huMdf hoieaf dyiKaf jo dUsry krdy hn Auh nhIN krngy. gYNg nf qF quhfzI PYmlI hY aqy nf hI Auh quhfzy cMgy imwqr. quhfnUM aksr hI AuhnF duafrf glq kMm krn jF glq ihMsk gqIivDIaF ivwc ihwsf lYx leI ikhf jfvygf. quhfzy duafrf iewk vfr krn qy Auh quhfnUM bfhr nhIN inklx dyxgy. ey pI zI gYNg krfeIm XUint isrP puils nUM hI nhIN mfpiaF nUM vI shfieqf krn leI hY. mfpy aqy nOjuafn ey pI zI gYNg krfeIm XUint dy hyTF idwqy nMbrF qy Pon kr skdy hn aqy ies bfry hor svfl vI puwC skdy hn:- 604-8§4-4777 jF qusI eI myl vI kr skdy ho :- at helpyouth@abbypd.ca.


The Patrika



Friday, July 27th 2018

The art of Languages, Music, the Arts, Food, and Mathematics


ow important are the art of Languages, Music, the Arts, Food, and Mathematics to our youth? Surprisingly very important. One can not travel the world without them. One may know nothing about anything. Being knowledgeable with any of the above allows one to interact and let you into ay culture. No matter what colour, culture, heritage, religion, lifestyle is displayed.

other than English. Listening to music or playing an instrument. Looking at art or making it a painting, drawing, photograph, poem, sculpture, pottery, or craft. Making and tasting food. Or looking at or building an arch, sculpture, steeple, turret, or a beautiful gable where extensive mathematics is used like configurations seen in algebra, calculus, trigonometry. To construct them, there is a mathematical equation to everything you see, This art is independent of each other touch, and use. yet work closely in relation to activity, creativity, thought, and emotion. Their ideas may come from nature. Art reflects the most intelligibility They all express a beautiful expeavailable to man. All are learned as a rience be it love, joy, freedom, or purposive skill. All have depth to ro- relaxation. manticism and love. All involve senThis is what bridges families and sations and style. As humans they all communities together. The fat bank help us understand each other. They account won’t do it. The company open the springs of trust and friendstock won’t do it. The fancy house, ships and love for one another. They fancy clothing, fancy car and jewopen doors to cultures and people you elry, and fancy education won’t do may have never met before. it either. The love and beauty, the All are so different, yet all can be used sensation, and emotion of the art of in so many practical ways. Each sees Languages, Music, the Arts, Food, beauty in everything often derived and Mathematics will. They are there from nature. They all are universal for us to participate in. and embrace the unity of bridging Their sensation echoes the represencultures and communities together. tation of sensory values in experiThey are the operational software of ence, image, colour, texture, shape, our souls and serve as a refuge for us intensity, feeling, metaphor, and to go to. We see beauty about them stimulation of our senses. From the in everything. richest people living in luxury places They are closely related to each other to the poorest lowly family living in a common development known as in a tent, who have no where to lay expression. The concept of expres- their heads; from the well to the sick, sion embraces speaking languages comfortless, distressed, unknown,

uncared for- art is universal. It affects all of us in a good way. Let’s look and see what each can do for us universally and multi-culturally. Languages beside English, spoken in our biggest citiesMandarin, Cantonese, Punjabi, Spanish, Tagalog (Philippine), Arabic, Italian, German, Urdu, Persian, Portuguese, Russian, Hindi, Tamil, Vietnamese, Polish, Korean, Gujrati, Greek learn to speak one. It awaits your tongue. Music is the highest of the fine art. Music is the thinking in sounds from the loudest sound to the most deepest shrill, vibrations and rhythm. Each octave is art each vibrate has its own cultural tone. Listen to the sounds of nature. Bind music in between four from six in mornings. It awaits your ears. The Arts involves textures, patterns, colours, forms, tones, shapes, styles, shade, shadows, darkness, brightness, hues it awaits your eyes. Food is ceremonial it brings people together of all cultures and nationalities. It rekindles ones spirit and gives comfort to heart, mind, body,

and soul. There are billions of food recipes available online and or cook books. They await your taste buds. Enjoyment of smelling food. It awaits your nose. Mathematics has been evolving like Languages, Music, the Arts, and Food for over four thousand years. One still measures angles using the 360- degree system introduced by the Babylonians, Geometry came of age with the ancient Greeks. The Moorish civilization developed algebra, mathematics is profoundly satisfying as an intellectual pursuit. Computers have provided help in providing explorations of the unknown. Look at natures monstrous moonshine as art and the mathematics involved in calculating its space. An art for us to look at photograph. Share and enjoy. There is a thing that doesn’t require numbers.

-Ed RR Witzke

Vacation with kids? Essential hacks (NC) Going on a holiday with your little ones in tow can be a challenge, whether they’re two or 12. Make the trip a smooth, low-stress experience everyone will enjoy with these helpful tips. Give them a job. Whether it’s packing before your flight, during a long road trip or as you wait in line for a popular tourist attraction, making sure they have something that holds their attention works wonders at keeping them happy and you sane. A goal-oriented task like “can you help me find gate 35?” will help them feel useful and PAGE 40

important, while keeping boredom Create a scavenger hunt. A fun idea is to develop a vacation-long scavand fussiness at bay. enger hunt game, with a passport Find smart ways to save. Travelling that you stamp as they discover the adds up, but a clever way to stay on items. Some general clues you can budget is by seeing which elements include are a yellow tow truck, a you can pay for with rewards points. blue sign and someone with a funny Some programs let you redeem for hat. Tailor it to your vacation — for experiences like zoos and amuse- example, if you’re going to Califorment parks, while others offer special nia include a palm tree, someone in discounts for members. You can even a bathing suit or the golden arches. use your points to pay for your hotel. You can also customize it with their If you’re a member of Marriott Re- favourite things and make it more wards or SPG, starting in August all challenging as they get older. programs will be combined to offer Start a travel journal. This sweet keepsake will keep them entertained new rewards and benefits.

for hours, and is something they can do in the car, on the plane and at the hotel room. Artists and younger ones can keep a visual journal of drawings and sketches, and older ones can create more of a scrapbook with ticket stubs and brochures.

The Patrika



Friday, July 27th, 2018

sLok smfcfr sR: kulvMq isMG bopfrfey Aumr 77 sfl invfsI jgrfAuN agvfV zflf ijlHf luiDafxf awj kwl aYbtsPorz bI sI rih rhy sn. 23 julfeI 2018 nUM idn somvfr akflL clfxf kr gey sn aqy AuhnF df aMiqm sskfr idn sL n Ivfr tfiem 12:30 qrIK 28 julfeI 2018 irvr sfeIz aYbtsPorz ivKy aqy aMiqm ardfs bfbf bMdf isMG bhfdr ivKy 2:30 vjy hovygI.

Pon: 604-504-3172

puwqr: kmljIq isMG aqy hrjIq 778-552-6172 isMG

It’s time to simplify living with COPD (NC) Data collected between 20002001 and 2012-2013, notes that the number of Canadians aged 35 years and older living with COPD has almost doubled. In 2012-2013, there were over two million people living with this progressive lung disease. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) most commonly affects people over 35 years old who have had long term exposure to lung irritants.

ingly isolated. Lung attacks can make it difficult to socialize and work. They may result in hospitalization and can leave patients feeling as though they have lost independence because they are unable to do what they love, or go where they like.

It can be discouraging to need to use multiple inhalers and medications to be able to breathe each day. However, treatments are available that may make For anyone living with COPD, prevent- living with COPD simpler. ing lung attacks is critical. During a Living with fewer symptoms means lung attack, existing COPD symptoms you may be more physically active, get worse, or new symptoms can debreathe better, and be able to socialvelop. Breathing becomes extremely ize with friends and family over the difficult, mucus becomes plentiful and holidays. Better managed COPD could a persistent cough seems impossible mean going outside in both hot or cold to shake. weather and being able to live life The good news is that COPD can be without having to worry about being managed, and the likelihood of getting able to breath. an energy-draining lung attacks can be If you, or someone you love, struggles reduced by using medication regularly. with COPD, now is the best time to talk When lung attacks start to happen to a doctor about finding a simplified more frequently, individuals living approach to help manage your medicawith COPD may begin to feel increas- tions and breathe easier every day.

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kfimaF dI loV hY www.buildbc.ca/jjframing • jjframing@buildbc.ca Fax 604-850-9308


The Patrika


Workers Needed for lVkI dI loV Framing pMjfb ivwc rihMdy jwt Workers needed for iswK iekloqy, suhxy suxK y , bI[aY s [sI kM i pAU t r framing. Wages $15.00/ wsfieM s, kwd 5’11, Aumr hour, increased de- 27 sfl, 29 ikwly jLmIn pending on experience. dy mfilk lVky leI PR jF Transportation available istIjLn, 5’6 jF vwD suhxI from Surrey and Ab- pqlI lVkI dI loV hY Pon: botsford. Call: 604-825- 778-536-2999 0736 or 778-255-3135 236-887-2798 kfimaF dI loV

byrI ipwkrF dI loV

aYbtsPorz ivwc lokl imwl leI lMbr cuwkx vfly Pork ilPt zrfeIvr dI loV hY. 1 sfl df qjLrbf hoxf cfhIdf hY. sfMnU iek bIlzr dI vI loV hY! cMgI qnKfh aqy vDIaf mhOl.plynr dI vI loV hY. hor jfxkfrI lYx leI Pon kro: 604-8072097

aYbtsPorz dy byrI Pfrm leI ipwkrF dI loV hY aqy rfeIz df pRbMD hovygf. 50 sYNt pRqI pONz. hor jfxkfrI leI gu r dIp kly r nfl sMprk kro: 604-8598123

kfimaF dI loV aYbtsPorz dI lokl zrfeIvfl kMpnI nMU kfimaF dI qurMq loV hY. nvyN kfimaF nMU $14.50 pRqI GMtf aqy qjLrbykr nMU qjLrby anusfr. aYbtsPorz aqy aYlzrgRov qoN rfeIz df pRbMD hY. hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-552-6269 lVky dI loV iswDU jwt iswK, 1998 df jnm, kwd 5 Puwt 6 ieMc, kMipAUtr ienPrmysLn isstm ivc kMm krdI lVkI leI suhxy suxwKy vYwl sYtlz lVky dI loV hY, lVkI df sfrf hI pirvfr knyzf ivwc hY. Pon kro: 236-8877608 jF 604-832-0437 PAGE 42

Friday, July 27th 2018


Truck Driver wanted Class 1 truck driver required to transport loads for our company. The loads are for USA (CA). Experience in trucking industry will be preferred. Knowledge of English is a must and knowledge of Punjabi will be an asset. Good wages and benefits as per the experience. Driver's abstract and drug test required. Send resume to info@ gloadtransport.com or gloadhr@gmail.com, fax: 604-852-6690, or mail to 31137 Southern Drive, Abbotsford, BC, V2T 5K2.

lVkI dI loV

ਡਰਾਈਵਰ ਦੀ ਲੋੜ

knyzf dy istIjLn, 31 sfl ਮਸ਼ਰੂਮ ਫਾਰਮ ਲੋੜ ਹੈ ਲੋਕਲ jwt iswK lVky leI ivjLtr jF vrkprimt qy afeI ਕਲਾਸ 1 ਤਜਰਬੇਕਾਰ ਡਰਾਈਵਰ ਦੀ। lVkI dI loV hY. ikrpf ਤਨਖਾਹ : $18.00-$20.00 ਕੰਮ – ਸੋਮ ਤੋਂ ਸ਼ੁਕਰ ਤੱਕ। kr ky Pon kro: 778-598- ikrpf krky Pon kro: 604-856-9833 jF PYks: 604856-9853 5701 rYjLmy- 28265 58 aYvIinAU, aYbtsPorz bI sI

The Patrika



Friday, July 27th, 2018



Tiles (Wall , & Floor Tiles, All Kinds Of Tiles) Entrance Way Tiles Backsplash) iksy vIKitchen qrHF rYn(Floor ovysLn &krvfAu x leI sMprk kro Kitchen Cabinet And CounterTop Full Bathroom Renovation (New & Old) Floor Lamination

tfeIlF (kMDF qy, PrsL tfeIlF, hr iksm dIaF tfeIlF ieMtryNs vy tfeIls ikcn PrsL, bYk splYsL ikcn kYbinwt, aqy kFAUtr tOp nvyN aqy purfxy bfQrUm dI pUrI rYnovysLn Plor lYmInysLn

High Quality Services at Very Reasonable Prices hr pRkfr dIaF tfielF iPks krvfAux leI sMprk kro

Spl: We Do Cabinet Installation for New or Old Houses All Kinds of Renovations Basement Washroom Kitchen Painting Plumbing

Drywall Roofing Framing Siding Tile

* Full Finish Basement * Sundeck All Complete

Laminate Finishing Sundeck Vinyl Paper &more

iksy vI qrHF rYnovysLn krvfAux leI sMprk kro

Crown, Baseboard Door, Fireplace

HARDEEP BIRDI: 778-823-0765

GHD Home Renovations Ltd. We do all types of renovations bysmYNt vI irpyEr krdy h~ • Complete Renovations • Tiling • Plumbing • Hardwood & Laminate • Painting Pu@l rYnovySn • h`rfvu@f EYNf lYmInyt t`iel~ • pNyitMg • plMimMg




Spl: We Do Cabinet Installation for New or Old Houses All Kinds of Renovations Basement Washroom Kitchen Painting Plumbing

Drywall Roofing Framing Siding Tile

* Full Finish Basement * Sundeck All Complete

Laminate Finishing Sundeck Vinyl Paper &more

Crown, Baseboard Door, Fireplace

HARDEEP BIRDI: 778-823-0765


The Patrika


icwtI isAuNk

A Star Excavating & Demolition

jgdyv isMG jtfxf sohxy pMjfb nUM icMbVI, isAuNk jo icwtI aY.

All kind of excavation

Friday, July 27th 2018

ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

Fully insured

Demolition Services Drain Tile Service Lot dig and back fill Mini excavating Service Bobcat Service Snow Removal Tree Removal big or small Ditch digging and cleaning Retaining wall Free old car removal Any kind of Fencing Top soil, Sand, Gravel, Mushroom manure 16 Years Experience

Dav Mobile Car Wash & Detailing Starting from $50 Shampooing, Cut Polish, Power Wax.

kOm df BwTf ibTfieaf, plIq kIqI imwtI aY. afAuˆdI hY rUp vtf ky, nyqf dy qn qy cVHky. JUTI shuM Kf jfˆdIˆ hY, gutkf sfihb hwQ `c PVky. luwt ky iPr votr qfˆeIˆ bih jfvy godI vVky krnf kI Blf dys df nIq qfˆ iĂŒwtI aY. sohxy pMjfb nUM icMbVI isAuNk jo icwtI aY. afvy ikqy ryĂˆm pf ky, coĂœy sjfAuNdI aY mUrK mĂ‹bUr lokfˆ df, ĂŒfiedf AuTfAuNdI aY


luwty Dn dohIN hwQIN, qn vI hMZfAuˆdI aY hfkm dy nfl ieh rwKdI, pUrI igwt imwtI aY sohxy pMjfb nUM icMbVI isAuˆk jo icwtI aY. Dn dI BuwK vD geI eynI, mwq geI mfrI aY

Cedar and Chainlink Fencing kMkrIt zrfeIavya qy sfeIzvfk jF pyivMg qurMq krvfAux leI gurjIq nUM Pon kro. For excellent services call Gurjit

604-832-1675 604-850-8624

icwty dI Gr Gr aMdr, vfVI bImfrI aY nĂŒy ivwc ipwCy suwt`qy qkVy ivAupfrI aY zrdf koeI mUMh nf Kohly, sBnfˆ Bfˆvyˆ izwTI aY sohxy pMjfb nUM icMbVI isAuNk jo icwtI aY. qnKfhfˆ nUM dyx vfsqy, pYsf nhIN ivwc KĂ‹fny bfibafˆ nUM cVHy cVHvf, pĂœdy ikvyˆ vyK Xrfny Ăˆryafm mfrn zfky, lfAuˆdy nf koeI bhfny jMqf nf boĂœx jogI, aMnHy KUh iswtI aY sohxy pMjfb nUM icMbVI isAuˆk ieh icwtI aY.

lIzr qy bfbf qMqr, niĂˆafˆ dy qskr ny vwKry ny rUp byĂˆk dI, socfˆ AuhI aksr ny

ANAND Irrigation Well Pump Installation and Service

pI pI ky lhU`jgdyv�df peI ikvyˆ iPwtI aY? sohxy pMjfb nUM icMbVI isAuˆk ieh icwtI aY. Anand Irrigation 5390 Gladwin Road Abbotsford BC HARRIS RD





HWY 11





HWY 11




asIN sYpitk tYNk lfAuNdy hF We install septic tanks

Gux bx icMbVy sfry lIzr cfhy aĂŒsr ny

• Irrigation Installation

ierIgySn ienst`lySn

• Post Pounding

post l`auxy

• Drip and Sprinkler Systems

fir@p Eqy spirMklr

• Ditch Digging and Cleaning

if@c putxIE~ Eqy s`P krnIE~

• Farm Drains

Kyq~ iv@c fryn p`auxy

Workers Wanted: Welder & General helper good wages, must speak English, knowledge of Punjabi will be an asset We Specialize in Blueberry Draining Systems

Call Tarsem Singh at 604-897-2152 or 604-852-0552 PAGE 44

bldyv sIhrf qswvr ivwc idl prvfjL BrdY, n KfbF vfsqy asmfn lwBy. imly rfhF c qF ikMny musfPr, bxy myrf, n myrI jfn lwBy. Bgq isMG df bQyry nfm lYNdy, mgr nf Aus ijhf iensfn lwBy. mYN drgfhIN bQyry nwk rgVy, imlLy pwQr n pr Bgvfn lwBy. jdoN dy byvqn hoey hF vqnoN, hirwk Gr ivwc hux suMnsfn lwBy. ieh kYsI iesLk dI hY mrjL lwgI, n dfrU eys df lukmfn lwBy.

The Patrika Friday, July 27th, 2018



ey pI zI gYNg krfeIm XUint – iks qrHF gYNg nUM clfieaf jFdf hY aqy ies ivwcoN iks qrF bfhr inkilaf jf skdf hY hYlp lfeIn awjkwl dI nOjuafn pIVHI gYNg ivwc ikAuN pY jFdI hY AuhnF nUM ikhVIaF gwlF afkrsLq krdIaF hn? pYsy kmfAux df sfDn, nvyN kwpVy, aqy afpxI iewCf anusfr hr iewk cIjL KrIdx dI cfh, vDIaF mihMgIaF gwzIaF, afm krky aijhIaF cIjLF hn jo nOjuafnF nUM ies gYNg ivwc jfx leI iKHc krdIaF hn. afm krky ieh hI aijhIaF cIjLF hn jo nOjuafnF nUM grohF ivwc BrqI krn leI vrqIaF jFdIaF hn. kI kuVIaF dy gYNg vI bx rhy hn qy vwD rhy hn? kuVIaF vI BrqI hom qoN mukq nhIN hn. gYNgstr hmysLF kuVIaF nUM afpxy gYNg ivwc rlfAuNdy hn ikAuNik puls kuVIaF Auwpr Gwt sLwk krdI hY. pr scfeI qF ieh hY ik kuVIaF vI muMizaF ijMnI mfqrf ivwc gYNg ivwc sLfml huMdIaF hn. strIr aqy nOjuafn gYNg bfry kI kIqf jf skdf hY? jnqf aqy puils dohF nUM rlL ky gYNg dI rokQfm, ividak pwK qy iml ky kMm krn dI jLrUrq hY. puls ies dI rokQfm leI lgfqfr kdm cuwk rhI hY pr ies ivwc puils nUM jnqf dy sihXog dI loV huMdI hY . gYNg bfry jfxkfrI idMdy rihxf ieh sfibq krdf hY ik asIN AuhnF nUM Kqm krn ivwc pUrf Xogdfn dy rhy hF. gYNg dy ivwc iml jfx qy CotI imafd aqy lMmy smyN dy nqIjy ikhVy hn? gYNg dI mYNbrisLp qy CotI imafd dy nqIjy ieh hn ik jF qF qusIN iksy aprfD ivwc igRPqfr ho jFdy ho jF ihMsf dy ivruwD huMdy ho. aqy lMmy smyN dy nqIjy ieh huMdy hn ik quhfnUM gYNg ivwcoN inklxf bhuq aOKf ho jFdf hY ieh vI iewk scfeI hY ik qusIN lMmyN smyN qwk nhIN ijAu pfAuNdy aqy iewk ihMsk mOq sMBv hY. nOjuafn dy ikMny ihwsy gYNgF ivwc sLfml huMdy hn aqy Auh Aus ivwc ikMnf icr rihMdy hn? ies smyN bhuq hI vwzI igxqI ivwc nOjuafn gYNgF dy ivwc sLfiml ho rhy hn. bhuqy qF ieh jldI smJ jFdy hn ik ieh iewk glq idsLf hY pr keI ies ivwc mOq dI ByNt cVH jFdy hn. myrf mMnxf hY ik myry bwcy nsLy aqy groh ihMsf iwvc sLfml ho skdy hn. mYnUM kI krnf cfhIdf hY? jI sI XU AuhnF mfipaF nUM AuqsLfihq krdf hY aqy AuhnF dI shfieqf krdf hY jo mfpy afpxy bwicaF df iksy gYNg ivwc sLfiml hox df sLwk krdy hn. jI sI XU pirvfr nflL iml ky AuhnF nUM afpxy bwcy nUM gYNg ivwcoN bfhr kwZx ivwc shfieqf krygI aqy muV bwcy nUM cMgIaF coxF krn leI AuqsLfihq krygI. mYN puils nflL ikvyN iml ky afpxy bwcy nUM bcfa skdf hF? ey pI zI gYNg krfeIm XUint iewk aijhI kmytI nhIN hY jo isrP puils izpfrrtmYNt dI shfieqf leI hI hY sgoN ieh iksy vI pirvfr jF nOjvfn nfl shfieqf leI vI AuplwbD hY jo iksy gYNg ivwcoN bfhr afAuxf cfhuMdy hn jF iksy gYNg ivwc dfKl hox dy dbfa aMdr afey huMdy hn. sfzy aPsr iewk kfl dI dUrI qy huMdy hn jo quhfzy aqy quhfzy bwcy dy pirvfr leI sPlqfpUrvk nqIijaF nUM XkInI bxfAuNdy hn. jykr myrf bwcf afpxI jfn nUM Kqry ivwc smJdf hY qF mYnUM kI krnf cfhIdf hY? ey pI zI gYNg krfeIm XUint quhfnUM hOslf idMdf hY XkIn dvfAuNdf hY quhfzI mdd krn df. jdoN qusIN ieh smJdy ho ik quhfzI jF quhfzy bwcy dI jfn nUM Kqrf hY, ijMnI jldI puils ies ivwc sLfml huMdI hY Auh sB qoN pihlF quhfzI surwiKaf bfry socdI hY. ies gwl qoN dUr Bwjxf quhfnUM hor vI Kqry ivwc pf skdf hY. nojuafn gYNg nUM iks qrHF Cwz skdy hn? ies bfry ivwc puils quhfzI iks qrHF mdd kr skdI hY? mfpy aqy nOjuafn ey pI zI gYNg krfeIm XUint dy hyTF idwqy nMbrF qy Pon kr skdy hn aqy ies bfry hor svfl vI puwC skdy hn:- 604-8§4-4777 jF qusIN eI myl vI kr skdy ho :- at helpyouth@abbypd.ca. PAGE 45


The Patrika 

Friday, July 27th 2018

Minister Hussen meets with European partners to discuss Canada’s immigration advantage July 24, 2018 – Ottawa, ON – The Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, completed a successful week long visit to the United Kingdom (U.K.), Belgium and Germany, where he met with key European partners and stakeholders to discuss global migration trends and speak to how Canada is growing our

economy through diversity and immigration. Minister Hussen highlighted immigration as a powerful economic tool as he led a fireside chat at the University of Oxford, provided the keynote address at a luncheon with the Canada U.K. Chamber of Commerce, delivered a speech at the London School of Economics and participated in a roundtable discussion with U.K. businesses that have invested in Canada. Through these events, the Minister outlined how Canada’s multi year levels plan and economic programs work to attract top talent to help grow Canada’s economy and meet labour shortages, which are a result of our aging population. The Minister encouraged European leaders and employers to look to immigrants for their innovative perspectives, entrepreneurial spirit, global experience and unique skill sets. Canada’s humanitarian commitment to refugees was also a key discussion point throughout the trip. During a meeting with the Honourable Sajid Javid, Home Secretary of the U.K., Minister Hussen applauded the leadership the U.K. has shown in piloting a community based refugee sponsorship program. Minister Hussen also thanked the U.K. for co Minister Hussen also had the opportunity to hosting the Global Refugee Sponsorship Initiative (GRSI) Technical Workshop in May 2018 and for supporting the visit the ReDI School of Digital Integration and meet with officials from the betterplace growth of the GRSI. In Germany, Minister Hussen met with officials from vari- lab, Kiron Open Higher Education, GoVolous levels of government, which included bilateral meetings with cabinet members of the German government who are involved in migration issues. The meetings were positive, and Minister Hussen thanked Germany for its leadership in dealing with migration challenges in Europe. While in Berlin, PAGE 46

Minister Hussen led Canada’s delegation to the Somalia Partnership Forum on behalf of his colleague, the Honourable Marie Claude Bibeau, Minister of International Development, and participated in bilateral meetings unteer.ca and Wefugees to learn more about with African officials, including the President of Somalia and the United Nations Special digital technologies and other innovative Representative of the Secretary General to solutions being developed to facilitate the Somalia, to engage with them on matters of mutual interest. integration of refugees and newcomers.

The Patrika



Friday, July 27th, 2018

Advance Hair & Skin Care



he Fraser Valley's favourite country fair is set to return Aug 3-5th with more attractions and shows than ever before!

Eyebrows..................... $2.99 Color roots touch up..... $24.99 Euopeam Facial ........ $34.99 Manicure- Pedicure ..... $34.99 Wax Full Arms ........ $11.99 Wax Full Legs ....... $24.99 Wax Brazilian ....... $24.99

July 23, 2018 (Abbotsford, B.C.) – Voted Abbotsford’s favourite community event, the 108th annual Abbotsford Agrifair is set to return for another weekend of summertime fun in the country, August 3-5th at the Abbotsford Exhibition Park. This year, the fair will be honouring family and com-

Laser Hair Removal

We Specialize In :

of 34,000 attendees over the three days of the popular fair. Returning this year will be the popular midway rides, the Demolition Derby, the Laughing Logger Show, 4-H Shows and the Country Horse Classic, the Global FMX Motocross Show, Cannon Top Gun Logger Competition, the pig and duck races, nightly concerts, roving entertainers, and so much more!

IPL Tratment For Laser Hair Removal & Skin Rejuvenation Pigmatation Age Spots, Fine Lines Scars & Much More ....


Hair Removal



Antiaging Skin Rejuvenation



Shellac Nail Polish-14.99 | Make Up & Updo-Combo-74.99

Mention This Ad & Get 2808 Clearbrook Road, Abbotsford V2T 2Z4 778.549.4019 | 778.344.0099

NEW this year will be daily performances of the RCMP Musical Ride, the Dock Dog Show, the Horse Whisperer and the Dally & Spanky Show, plus a special concert performance by Canadian country music star, Jojo Mason and Sunday night munity with a celebration of our past and embracing our future through innovative fun, family festivities, and interactive education. As Abbotsford’s biggest annual summer fair for 108 years, the Agrifair is proud to be a summer highlight for locals and tourists alike, attracting an average

Christian concert featuring Citizen 1 Day Senior $10/day Way. For the full schedule and all Weekend Pass $18 for all 3 days the exciting event details, visit www. agrifair.ca. Kids 10 years & under FREE WHAT: The Abbotsford Agrifair - WEB: www.agrifair.ca "the best little country fair on earth" WHEN: August 3 – 5th, 2018 10:00 am - 11:00 pm WHERE: Abbotsford Exhibition Park, 32470 Haida Drive, Abbotsford, B.C. PRICES: 1 Day Adult


1 Day Student $10/day PAGE 47


The Patrika 

Friday, July 27th 2018

Rubina Bedi

Akash Sharma



Akash: 604-722-1890 | Rubina: 604-220-1549 Office: 778-945-7626 PAGE 48


Friday, July 27th, 2018




$789,900 YOUR SEARCH STOPS HERE! Welcome to a very quiet cul-de-sac street within walking distance to W.J. Mouat Secondary School, Gordie Howe Middle School & Matsqui Rec Centre. This nice home has been recently renovated and offers 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms upstairs, and 2 bdrm legal suite in the basement plus 3rd bedroom for upstairs use.

Central Abbotsford

Subdividable Lot

10,240 sqft lot, 7 bedroom, 3 full bath, open concept throughout, kitchen, dining, living rm and sunroom with roman columns. french traditional kitchen, large sunroom with windows and more windows to take in the panoramic mountain view. please call for more information.



7510 JAMES STREET, Mission


Quiet area of fairfield island featuring a large family home on a large lot. so many improvements like low e windows, 96% efficient furnace, bosch hot water on demand with a booster as well. no chlorine taste because all the water in the home is filtered. there is room to park the motor home, (rv dump) the boat, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths with suite potential and roughed in bath below.

INVESTORS/BUILDERS ALERT! Come Discover Mission BC. Sitting on 2 legal lots with 2 PID's this ready to move into 2 level, 5 bedroom home has lots of tasteful upgrades and features including an Updated kitchen with upgraded stainless steel appliances, Newer flooring, newer furnace, hot water tank and roof. 3 bedrooms up with the master having an hal Show More

Central Abbotsford

INVESTOR ALERT! The luxurious character home sits on a 1/2 acre private paradise backing on to Switzer creek in the newly designated McCallum Corridor. Would suit someone looking to create a family estate or Investors/ developers . RS3 zoning allows for multi family,


SOLDAboveAsking Investors!Massivelyrenovated rentable2bedroom2bathroom unit!Brightgroundfloorcornersuite withnewerflooring,tastefulpaint colours,crownmouldings,light fixtures,2inchwindowblinds! Nothingtodobutmovein.Largeunit 1065sq.ft!Kidsandpetswelcome.



your search stops here! renovated 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom townhouse at garden court estates.this townhouse is tucked aways in the quiet part of the complex. towards the back giving you ample privacy. renovations include,new paint,carpet,flooring, kitchen, lights, and window coverings. close to all the amenities. Rental are allowed.please call for your personal tour.

2471 Hill Tout St - Commerical


11,000 sqft lot, 2,078 sf home converted to secondary business commercial zone (c-4) with handicapped accessible office and 2 suites with a total of 5 bedrooms. the property, just off of south fraser way, may be used for car sales, animal hospital services, coffee shop, auto repair, office and many commercial uses

New Listing - Chilliwack




2 Bedroom Condo



Friday, July 27th, 2018

Baldev Singh Gill 

Kirandeep Singh Gill


604.825.8886 3361 TRETHEWEY STREET

Over 3200 Sq. ft. home in West Abbotsford. Several upgrades including: new laminate flooring in living and family rooms, new tiles in the foyer and kitchen, brand new blinds, only 4 years old roof, a fully fenced backyard and relatively new paint. Close to Rotary stadium, W.J. Mouat Secondary and Gordie Howe Middle School.


Custom built 3 storey home with 2-5-10 years warranty in West Abbotsford’s newest subdivision. 4 bedrooms upstairs with 3 full baths. One bedroom with full bathroom on main floor. Walk out basement has 3 bedrooms , 2 full bath and very spacious media room.

#207 1909 SALTON ROAD

19.44 Acre Full Production 33629 Clayburn RD Blueberry Farm

11 year old 1/2 duplex with living, dining, kitchen, family room and 2 piece bath on main; 3 bedrooms and 2 full bath on upstairs. Single garage, fenced private backyard with covered patio and store. No strata fee, independent living, lot of privacy Close to elementary school.


2300 Sq. ft. Rancher with full basement is located in a quiet dead end street. 7700 Sq. ft. flat lot. Some recent updates are: New windows, new blinds, new washer/dryer, new carpet on stairs and brand new full bath in the basement.

2 Bed & 1 Bath Apartment on the Main Floor with 2 parking spots. Many upgrades in past few years including: Laminate floors, white baseboards, designer paint, blinds, counter tops, white appliances, bathroom tile around tub, vanity fixtures, electrical plugs & switches! Great location viewing the private common area.

Farm Listing

3131 267A STREET




Beautiful custom built over 5300 Sq. ft. home with 2-5-10 years warranty. Featuring 9 bedrooms, 6.5 baths and 3 kitchens. Open concept and 14’ high ceiling in living and dining room, Granite

3130 267A STREET

88 32633 SIMON AVENUE Duke and Bluecrop varieties. Very good production for 2017 Full irrigation system and machine pick. House and Barn.

16.32 acre income producing blueberry farm. 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 1950 sqft rancher. 100x40 barn, has 2 storeys, oversized doors on both ends of barn, extra concrete slab. Peat moss, Huge potential here! Close to town and Mission Hwy.

$1,850,000 Royal Lepage Global Force Realty

off:604-596-1800, fax:604-596-1885


604-825-0832 ANJU KAPOOR Realtor

New Listing

New Listing

30921 Sandpiper Drive, Abbotsford

31768 Belmond Ave, Abbotsford

$830,000 Stop your search, its time to send an offer on this beautiful, spotless clean house and make it your own home. You will love this gorgeous 2 story home, with 5 bedrooms + 1 rec-room and 3 full bath. SEPARATE entry for the suite, great income potential from. Great neighbourhood close to school, High Street Mall. Vaulted ceilings in living room .

Hidden Costs of Selling Your Home

You have spent considerable time and money on home improvements to bring your home into "show" condition. You have taken the dog to the neighbours when your Real Estate Professional hosted open houses. You are pleased that your Real Estate Professional has negotiated the best price on your behalf. The offer has been accepted and you are all set for your move. Congratulations! You have accomplished a major milestone in selling your home. There are financial items you will want to consider upon the sale of your home. The


buyer is typically responsible for these closing costs including: • legal/notarial fees for handling the sales transaction

• building location certificate or survey • legal and discharge fees

• outstanding adjustments owed to the buyer

• disbursements or out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the lawyer or notary

• outstanding municipal/school taxes or public service

• property tax and utility adjustments

• assessments

• land transfer or "welcome" taxes

• outstanding mortgage balance and any charges associated with discharging your mortgage early (if you are not transferring your mortgage to your new home, or the buyer is not assuming it)

As the seller, you will also have some debts to discharge before you can access your funds including: • real estate commissions


Great opportunity for investor's looking for income accumulating properties OR owners who want to live in 1/2 and rent out the other 1/2 duplex. This is prime LOCATION in Central Abbotsford, near school, shopping and minute away from the highway. Tenants have taken good care of the property. Renovations were done only a few months ago. Each side of the Duplex has 4 beds, 2 bath, 2 kitchens, 2 living rooms and it is all tremendously spacious. Large corner lot of potential future plans.


Friday, July 27th, 2018


6 604.309.9298 04.309 09.9 09 9298

Joe Chahal joechahal@shaw.ca shaw.ca w.ca



LOT SIZE FLOOR BDRM 5 ac 8,262 sq. ft. 12


LOT SIZE FLOOR BDRM BATH 5,834 sq. ft. 2,605 sq. ft. 5 4 SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL!!! West Abbotsford Home Boasts: 3 - spacious bedrooms on main floor, plus Rec. room with 3 piece bathroom & 2- Bedroom LEGAL SUITE (Great Mortgage Helper), Bright living room with gas fireplace opens to large formal dining area, Gourmet maple kitchen with Stainless Steel appliances, Covered barbecue deck, Recently updated with laminate flooring & paint. Extra wide driveway for plenty of parking, Fenced back yard.

View at joechahal.com

View at joechahal.com




• The tempo - Luxury Living! • Pets ok with restrictions •Gourmet Granite Chef Kitchen • Rentable ($1150/month) • Open floor plan - In suite Laundry



LOT SIZE FLOOR BDRM 9690 sqft 2460sqft 5


ACRES 20.03 ac

CROP CROP YIELD Blueberries full

• Build Your Dream Home! • Walk to UFV & Shopping • High production 10 year old • 4 Outbuildings & Barns • 2 - Road Frontages Huge Lot • Quick Freeway access plants • Drip irrigation system • Surrounded by new Homes • Reeka, Duke & Elliot varieties • Large Farmhouse View at joechahal.com

View at joechahal.com

View at joechahal.com




LOT SIZE FLOOR BDRM 6.43 ac 4053sqft 5 • SPECTACULAR LUXURY HOME • 5-Spacious bedrooms • 4-full bathrooms


• Quartz countertops • Gloucester Industrial Park

View at joechahal.com







FLOOR BDRM 1150 sqft 2

604.855.7393 Lighthouse Realty


NEW LUXURY ESTATE HOME ON LEVEL PICTURESQUE 5 ACRES - This 8268 sqft custom built masterpiece is centrally located near UFV. Home offers soaring ceilings in the Great Room, Gourmet gas kitchen with quartz counters, Separate spice kitchen, 3-Master full bedrooms + 2 bedroom with jack-jill bathroom, Separate LEGAL 2-bdrm Nanny Suite above garage, Downstairs entertain & enjoy in your Media Room with full wet bar, Fitness Room.


joigMdr isMG cwhl





FO $225,000


FLOOR BDRM 678 sqft 1+DEN


• The Crossing - Luxury Living! • Pets ok with restrictions •Gourmet Granite Chef Kitchen • Rentable ($1150/month) • Open floor plan - In suite Laundry View at joechahal.com



FLOOR TYPE 26,000sqft Layer Poultry


• 2 - Poultry Barns • Loading Docks (42' X 310' each) Truck level •Capacity for upto 30,000 birds • All equipment • 3-Phase Power for turn key View at joechahal.com

LOT SIZE FLOOR 5813 sqft 2769sqft • West Abborsford - AgriRec Stadium • Full Basement • Fenced Yard View at joechahal.com




• TREMENDOUS INVESTMENT • long-term, 3 net lease • Reno’s new kitchen, OPPORTUNITY! • national retail franchise roof & flooring chain • New deck with Hot Tub • 7500 sq.ft. freestanding building View at joechahal.com




Friday, July 27th, 2018 MLS TOP 10%

Jag S Sidhu

Personal Real Estate Corporation

Listing Needed Call Jag

#110 - 30485 Cardinal Ave Abbotsford, BC V2T0E5

Phone: 604.625.2245 Fax: 604.625.2249 Toll Free: 1.866.967.0666

Call Gurcharan or Jag for your FREE no obligation Market Evaluation

Unit 40 - 31255 Upper Maclure Road

34041 Wavell Lane, Abbotsford



It is a two bedroom house, close to Wal-Mart and freeway. It is rented for $950 per month. It is hard to find in this price in Abbotsford area, demolish it and make a new house. No sign on property.

THE GABLES, a family friendly community! A well maintained family home and complex. 4 Bdrms, 3 FULL baths, BIG recroom, LARGE balcony and DOUBLE garage. Prime location, walking distance to Fruiticana Grocery Store, Eugene Reimer Middle School,Highstreet mall and easy access to highway.

3 bedrooms Basement Entry (2 story) Townhouse in west Abbotsford in Country Lane Estates near Fruticana. Very nicely kept hardly becomes available for sale. Come check it out on our open house.For inquires you can call Jag or Gurcharan.


3510 Promontory crt

30966 Brookdale Crt


BARE LAND IN WEST ABBOTSFORD 4 bedroom house 3 bathroom on glenmore road perfect for blueberry or farming



West Abby. 3 story 5 bedrooms up den on main two bedroom legal suite and a Rec room for owner use.

3 story 7 bedroom and 8 bath with great views!!

New listing near all levels of schools, gurdwara shaib, fully renovated home 3 bedroom family room and great room up 1 suite and huge theater room for owner use with bar!!

#30 - 31098 Westridge Pl 2 Bedroom Townhouse

Beautifully renovated rancher, perfect alternative to renting. 2 bdrm + extra with private fenced yard with patio, extra parking/long driveway to a detached 20 x 5 garage/room. New roof & appliances.close to public transit/school, shopping (Walmart, HomeDepot) and choice of quick access to 2 freeway exits.

KETCH PLACE 4 BEDRM HOUSE single garage 700,00 sq feet


This home is centrally located in West Abbotsford, close to schools, shopping and parks. OVER 12000 SF Large lot, that can be subdivided into 2 lots that would be over 6000 sqft each. Build your dream home and sell the lot beside you or hold the property

3 Lot LEFT Subdivision In Maple Ridge Green Belt Call for more detail

5 Acres

LOT POTENTIAL FOR SALE 214500 Morris Valley Rd Off hwy 7 East Mission 7 LOT POTENTIAL 2887 Bergman St, West Abbotsford

1 Acre

Subdivision Potential

6 bedroom house

Blueberry Farm West Abbotsford with a house. Good production Blueberry BlueCrop & Duke Variety call for more info

Road 4bedrm 3 bathrm UNIT 132-3160 TOWLINE



Friday, July 27th, 2018


604.870.4343 www.titanrealestateteam.com

HARJ BRAR Real Estate Advisor

ROBBY GILL Real Estate Advisor



ABBOTSFORD ABBOTSFORD ABBOTSFORD ABBOTSFORD $299,877 $1,689,888 $1,349,888 New Price $798,888







* Fully renovated Rancher * 6 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms * House size: 2,400 sq. ft. * Lot size: 8,712 sq. ft. * Tons of parking * Gorgeous views * Central location * Suite potential

* Desirable Cascade Greens * 2 bathrooms, 2 bedrooms * Unit size: 921 sq. ft. * Upgrades: new blinds, new shower * Newer paint/carpets * Prime location * Underground parking * Pet friendly, no rentals

* Rancher/Bungalow w/Bsmt * over $300,000 in renovations * 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms * House size: 3,713 sq. ft. * Lot size: 16,366 sq. ft. * Unauthorized suite * Detached shop w/ 200 amp power * Contact me for a list of features

* 2 Storey w/bsmt, custom built * 8 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms * House size: 4,387 sq. ft. * Lot size: 6,695 sq. ft. * Two unauth. suites (one & two bedroom) * High quality finishings throughout * Double car garage, RV parking * Great for INVESTORS

Call Harj 604-309-1111

Call Harj, 604-309-1111

Call Harj 604-309-1111

Call Harj, 604-309-1111

SUN. JUL. 29, 2-4PM

ABBOTSFORD ABBOTSFORD ABBOTSFORD MISSION $899,888 New Price $724,426 New Price $329,900 $1,324,888

SAT. JUL. 28, 12-2PM



* Basement Entry * 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms * House size: 2,461 sq. ft. * Lot size: 6,382 sq. Ft. * Fully finished basement * Unauthorized suite * Great location

* 7 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms * House size: 3,732 sq. ft. * Lot size: 6,050 sq. ft. * 2 bedroom suite * Great for Investors * Central location * Potential for secondary suite

* Architecturally designed * 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms * House size: 3,361 sq. ft. * Lot size: 3,875 sq. ft. * Unfinished floor area 960 sq. ft. * Gorgeous mountain views * Central location * Open to trades for homes in Abbotsford

# 322 – 30525 CARDINAL AVE * Top floor unit at Tamarind * 1 bedroom,1 bathroom * Unit Size : 622 sq.ft * Easy hwy access * Rentals & pets are ok *Low strata fee $ 163.11 * Shopping nearby

* 2 Storey w/bsmt, custom built * 8 bedrooms, 7 bathrooms * House size: 4,133 sq. ft. * Lot size: 5,163 sq. ft. * Two unauth. suites (one & two bedroom) * 2 master bedrooms, 3 ensuites * Central location, cul de sac

Call Harj, 604-309-1111

Call Harj, 604-309-1111

Call Harj, 604-309-1111

Call Harj, 604-309-1111

Call Harj, 604-309-1111



Sukh Malhi 604.832.6034

Personal Real Estate Corporation

Sukh@sukhmalhi.com iksy vI qrHF dI pRfprtI KRIdx jF vycx leI suwK mwlI nflL sMprk kro Office 604.855.0800 NEW LISTING 3106 Mouat Drive


Great location! Just Steps Away from both Schools. Simply gorgeous home located on large corner lot with gated RV parking! This 5 bdrm/3 bath home! This home sits on 6550 Sq ft of land. Some of the Updates new roof, new laminate floor downstairs, new paint, Large sundeck over double garage.

32173 Mouat Drive


Great location!Investor or First time buyer alert. Just Steps Away from all levels of Schools. This home located on Quiet cul-desac! This 4 bdrm/2 bath home has legal suite. This home needs TLC - Either bring it back to its former glory or build your dream home here.

2553 Alderview St.


Great location! Just Steps Away from both Schools. Simply gorgeous home located on large corner lot with gated RV parking! This 5 bdrm/3 bath home! This home sits on 6550 Sq ft of land. Some of the Updates new roof, new laminate floor downstairs, new paint, Large sundeck over double garage.

RECENTLY SOLD 31914 Hopedale Ave

99 3030 Trethewey St.

29 46840 Russell Rd


30 35287 Old Yale Rd.

3106 Mouat Drive




Friday, July 27th, 2018


Friday, July 27th, 2018

Rupinder Davesher

E tion E R F alua

Personal Real Estate Corporation


t Ev e k r Ma






Real Estate Office

Specializing in Farms - Farm land - Building lots & homes NE


in the Entire Fraser Valley Board Area (1997 - 2016)

30748 Cardinal Avenue, Abbotsford

3171 Engineer Crescent, Abbotsford

327916 Conductor Drive, Abbotsford










(Based on FVREB MLS® statistics for production per salesperson in all categories)

604-826-9000 Off: 604.826.9000 T.F.: 1.888.826.1177 #103-33070 5th Ave Mission, B.C. V2V 1V5


Legal Coach House above Garage

5 bdrms, 4 baths. 2 road access, double garage, 9’ ceiling, family rm, liv rm & din rm. Close to all schools, temples & churches, public transit, auto mall and access to Hwy #1

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831

2074 Dolphin Crescent, Abbotsford

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831



Quiet neighbourhood, great location. 3 bedrooms up and 1 bedroom down. Open floor plan. Private backyard. Potential to subdivide to two lots!!


36 Brand New Homes Coming Soon In Mission

Near Clark Theatre & University


30596 Sandpiper Drive, Abbotsford


Renovated!!! Prime Location

5,481 sq ft lot w/2,459 sqft home. New cbinets & countertops in kitch. H.W tank 2017. New furnace 2017. Repainted in 2017, roof is 3 yrs old. Main has liv rm, din rm, kitch & family rm. Near schools & shops.


Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


26775 16th Ave, Langley

15 acre blueberry farm with wide frontage in prime Langley location! Near U.S. border, town & shopping centers! Two homes, 1 - 5 bedroom house & 1 - 2 bedroom manufactured home!! Call Rupinder 604-832-2831



Build Your Dream Home!!

6650 sq ft lot with green belt. Close to University & schools. For Further Information Call Rupinder



3473 Hill Park Place, Abbotsford

3965 SF Home/West Abby

2 storey w/fullly finished basement. 8 bedrooms, 6 full baths. Close to all level of schools, Highstreet Mall, churches & hi-way #1. High ceilings, granite countertops, open floor plan. Patio & Sundeck.


Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


27665 Railcar Crescent, Abbotsford

Full Production Farm!!

33991 Tooley Place, Mission

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831

Townhouse Near Highstreet Mall

Open fl plan w/5 master bdrms, 5 custom baths, jetted tub, steam shower, laundry & sundeck up. Vaulted ceilings on main. 2 kitchens & potential 3rd kitchen. Near USA border, Highstreet Mall, rec center & Hwy 1.

Close to Abbotsford Hospital!


Custom Home on Corner Lot

4005.25 sq ft lot. 2498 sq ft home. 6 bdrms, 5 baths. 10’ ceil on main, 9’ ceil up. Master has double sided walk in closet. Close to new rec center, HWY 1 and USA border.

Peace of Mind For information please call our Property Management Division for Your Investment


We have qualified prescreened tenants ready to rent.


2 Bedroom Legal Suite!!!

4,470 sq ft home!!! Main has kitchen & spice Kitchen, liv rm, din rm & family rm. 4 bdrms, 3 baths up. 2 bdrm legal suite & separate media room & bar for owner usage!!! Great Location!!! Call Rupinder 604-832-2831



33925 Prentis Avenue, Mission

New Mission Subdivision!!!

Build your dream home on 7,500 sq ft lot, can build two storey home w/bsmnt. Close to UFV, shopping & rec center. Approx. 5 minutes from Mission Bridge. Call Rupinder 604-832-2831




Friday, July 27th, 2018

Amit Sudhakar

Nav Aulakh

Seller’s Agent 778.552.5658 navaulakh1@gmail.com

Buyer’s Agent 778.347.8700 aidbcc@gmail.com

Exceptional Client Service & Professional Real Estate Advice RESIDENTIAL 403 3170 GLADWIN ROAD

32773 Cowichan Terrace

34365 George ferguson way 5 bedroom including 2 bed suite for 750 k in central abbotsford

Large updated super clean 2 bedroom 2 bathroom corner unit apartment for 35+

Make a huge 6000+ sq ft duplex on this 10680 sq ft lot .

3500 sq ft house built in 2018 with suite available in Chilliwack,




Asking $825,000


Brookswood, Langley Asking $2.2M

Maple Ridge Asking $7.6M • 19 Lot Subdivision

• 5 Lot Subdivision

Maple Ridge Asking $599,000 • 6,200 sq.ft. Lots Available

Site in Clayton Asking $15.5M • 83 Unit Townhome site

25 unit townhouse site in South Surrey asking 5,625,000

Lots available in Abbotsford, Mission, Maple Ridge, Surrey and Langley

2 lot subdivision in Abbotsford on Babich st. Already application done.



Aldergrove Lot with house Asking $3.2M

10 Acre assembly in Langley Asking $1.8M/acre

• 4 Lots Available

• Brookswood - for Mixed


2 & 3 Lot Development Potential in Abbotsford. Call for more info!

Site in Central Gordon Asking $7M • 50 Unit Townhome site

South Surrey Starting from $565,000/lot • 55 Lot Subdivision


44 unit apartment building in maple ridge with PLA. Asking 3.5 mill

Lots in Mapleridge 6000 plus sqft call for more details.

10 acre assembly Langley


Industrial land in Campbell Heights Asking $1.4M/acre • 5 Acre Parcel

21 unit apartment site in Abby with 4 commercial unit asking 2 mill

South Surrey Asking $9.5M • 19 Lot Subdivision

White Rock Asking $1.2M only • 2 lots available in White Rock


1990 Coquitlam Ave. Asking $4.2M • 10 units available

UPS store for sale in Chilliwack Asking $259k.

5 Acre Farm Asking $2M • With 5 bedroom house • In Mt. Lehman area.

13 Acre Farm Asking $2.3M • With 4000 sq. ft. house in Abbotsford

10 Acre Blueberry Farm 5050 157 Street Asking Asking $1.6M This is a 35.35 Acre blueberry Farm

• Close to 256 & 16th Ave • Lots of outbuildings & 3 bedroom house. • Variety is Duke.

with very central location. Build your beautiful dream house to live in a country side living.

$4,499,000 .

Looking to sell your property ? Call us today for a FREE no obligation evaluation ! PAGE R8


Friday, July 27th, 2018

Oak Realty Parv Harry Shinder Gill PREC Little Independently Owned and Operated 604.832.0540 Top 1% Realtor of FVREB 2010-2015 604.832.0944 and Master Medallion 2006-2014

12 Years Experience!

12 Years Experience!

shindersgill@gmail.com | parvharry@gmail.com

Shinder Gill PREC

Parv Harry

Visit our Website for more pictures & New Listings www.teamelite.ca info@teamelite.ca 604-859-2341

NEW "Homes Coming Soon in Abbotsford & Maple Ridge!"


"20 Homes located on East Side of Abbotsford starting at $1.1 Million." "6 Coach Homes in Auguston coming June 2018 starting at $1.1 Million." "17 Homes in Auguston, some lots with greenbelt, starting at $1.2 Million."


“Ready to build lots available in Maple Ridge, Langley & Abbotsford” "CALL FOR MORE INFO”

Call To Reserve Yours 4398 ,N AUGUSTON PARKWAY, Abbotsford

31907 OLD YALE ROAD, Abbotsford

32633 PANDORA AVENUE, Abbotsford

36400 EPWORTH COURT, Abbotsford 32208 PEARDONVILLE ROAD, Abbotsford 8576 Cedar Street, Mission

$ 1,679,000

4426 N AUGUSTON PARKWAY, Abbotsford

$ 949,000

$ 1,029,000

$ 560,000

32656 Marshall Rd,Abbotsford, BC

$ 679,900 Well maintained rancher on huge 8400 sqft lot with big 660 sqft shop.This solid 3 bedroom rancher features vaulted livingroom ceiling. covered patio,

$738,800 Amazing corner lot with 2 driveways. House is in mint condition with new kitchen cabinets, new paint, new baseboard and laminate flooring. House has 5 bedrooms and 3 washrooms. Owner has made other upgrades to water tank and furnace as well. Great neighborhood and is close to Rotary Stadium and walking distance to all levels of school.

7,700 SQ.FT. HOME

Investor alert, big lot that can be subdivided.

$ 1,150,000 This beautiful custom built house has 5 bedrooms and 4 washrooms in a newer developing neighbourhood. House has quality finishing throughout the house along with high 10 ft. vaulted ceiling on the m a i n f l o o r. N e w e r t e c h n o l o g y i s implemented into this house with smart home technology, rough in security system, built in vacuum and many other features.

11126 241A ST, Maple Ridge, BC



. Close to 5 acres of bare land 31531 Upper Maclure Rd . Build your dream house or nice hobby . Lot for sale farm

. Can build 5000 sq. ft.


Mission Hospital is steps away from this amazing house sits on a lot close to 8,000 sq. ft. with plenty of room for RV parking in the front along with a spacious backyard. Roof and water tank is in good and working condition. Rancher has 4 bedrooms and 2 washrooms. Central location that just minutes from Lougheed Highway. Great holding property or build your dream home. * PREC - Personal Real Estate Corporation

$ 949,500

Opportunity to build your dream home. Developing neighbourhood that has a great view of a greenbelt. Build a house over 4,000 sq.ft. with 5 bedrooms and 4 washrooms. Design your own house the way you like it. Endless possibilities with this lot over 5,400 sq.ft.

Home you can subdivide into 2 or WITH PLANS READY FOR A TRIPLE GARAGE 3 lots 4 bedrooms home close by HOUSE IN TOWNLINE King rd / Jackson


24271 112 Avenue, Maple Ridge

$ 625,000

Build your dream home today in a nice developing neighbourhood, just minutes from nearby shops and schools. Lot size allows you to build a house over 3,000 sq.ft. with the possibility of 5 bedrooms and 4 washrooms. House plans are avaible to view, this lot will not last long.

3316 SAANICH STREET, Abbotsford, BC


23100 135 AVENUE, Maple Ridge

$ 666,000

23092 135 AVENUE, Maple Ridge

Gorgeous 3 storey home in a great neighborhood. It has an open concept main floor with a huge kitchen, dining and great room. Also on the main floor is a powder room and den. On the above floor there is 2 bedrooms plus a master bedroom with ensuite and walk in closet. The basement features a big recreational room, a multipurpose room, bedroom and bath.

Updated home on almost 7,500 sq.ft level lot. House has new kitchen cabinets, new quartz counter tops, stainless steel appliances, laminate & tile flooring, updated main washroom. There are 5 bedrooms and 3 washrooms plus rec room to entertain guests. Ground level legal suite for extra income. Open backyard with shed for extra storage.

Amazing 2 storey house with 3 bedrooms and 3 washrooms. Nice, spacious layout with an open kitchen and island. Lots of natural lighting coming into the house, well kept. Laundry located above to make it more convenient. Garage is spacious and backyard is fenced giving privacy.

Investor Alert! OCP Urban 3-Infill, great opportunity for developer/builder to subdivide into 2 lots. Both houses can face Bakerview or build your your dream house on this lot that is over 10,500 sq.ft. Nice neighbourhood, property has a lot of potential. House has 5 bedrooms and 2 washrooms which is currently rented out.

32276 Peardonville Road


2 Lot subdivision of compact lots already applied for before the Urban 3 Infill cutoff date, so 1st and 2nd Readings will be coming soon. Surveys, Arborist Reports, Civil drawings & Prelim House Plans all submitted. One lot over 3,100 sf and the other is almost 3,500 sf, with about 3,000sf homes proposed over 3 floors with big wide back yards. Very little servicing cost as all roads already exist and one lot is already registered and serviced. The seller can do the demolition for the existing dwelling as it's of no value. Demolition permit is in place and ready to go

This house is a must see as it implements smart home technology that can be controlled by your very own Ipad. The house has 4 bedrooms upstairs with a custom built shower in the master bedroom along with built in alarm system, built in vacuum, fridge, stove, dishwasher, washer and dryer. There is a 2 bedroom unauthorized suite in the basement plus a legal 589 sq. ft. coach home that has its very own hot water heat, fridge, stove, dishwasher, washer and dryer for extra income.

Unobstructed view of Mt. Baker. Custom built home over 4900 sq.ft plus triple garage that is 784 sq.ft. Enjoy the view through the huge windows throughout the home. Enjoy the mini golf course on the front yard. High end craftsmanship in the whole house, modern style custom chef like kitchen and designer colour scheme. .

Call To Reserve Yours



"Townhome sites available in Langley, Mission & Maple Ridge"

This new home is a must see that is located on a lot over 4,000 sq.ft. There is a total of 4 bedrooms and 4 washrooms in the whole house. House has a very cozy feeling in it with quality appliances and chef like kitchen. Great location that is close to all amenities and walking distance to nearby park. Basement has a rec room for upstairs usage along with a nice open bar to entertain guests

LOT FOR SALE WEST ABBOTSFORD 8296 204 Street,Langley


$ 625,000


Ready to build your dream, look no further as this lot that is over 5,400 sq.ft and plans allow for a legal suite. House plans are available to view that has 6 bedrooms and 4 bedrooms accommodating any size family. Great location that is close to all amenities and minutes from freeway access. Call

Gorgeous 2 storey house with a basement is located in one of the more desirable neighbourhoods of Langley. Designed for comfortable living. House has 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. Quality finishing with high ceilings and spacious rooms. The chef like kitchen has stainless steel appliances with many units for extra storage

NEED MORE LISTINGS! hor ilsitMgjL dI loV hY.

We have qualified buyers

sfzy kol XogqfpUrn (kuaflIPfeIz) KrIddfr hn. PAGE R9


Friday, July 27th, 2018

10 UPPER MACLURE SINGLE FAMILY LOTS PRE-SALE ON NOW Premium location near all amenities. West Abbotsford development with unmatched views. Now Accepting Offers. RS5 and RS5A Zoning. Don’t miss out on this one of a kind opportunity - no other lots in Abbotsford with this type of central and private location.



Friday, July 27th, 2018

Rajinder Dhutti Personal Real Estate Corporation

pRfprtI KRIdxf qy vyrxf iek shWqvpUrk PYslf hY, ies leI muPLq aqy shI slfh vfsqy rijMdr DuWqI nfl sMprk kro:







Investors and 1st time home buyers Alert! Rentals allowed. This Ground Level unit features 2 bedrooms/ 1 bathroom, bright living room, spacious kitchen, dining area, fireplace & a good size balcony. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, malls, restaurants, parks & easy access to freeway.



Very Rare Find! 2 homes on one lot. They both are detached with their own separate entrances & private backyards. 1st house features - 2 bedrooms/ 1 bathroom, bright living room.




Only 6 years old Quality built home in a great neighborhood! This home features 4 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms with an ensuite in the master, huge & bright great room, dining area, spacious kitchen with granite counter tops/ tons of storage, den/ ofce space, laundry room & a sunny sundeck off master bedroom with a nice mountains view.

$739,700 1534 KIPLING STREET

Perfect family home in one of the best neighborhoods of Abbotsford. This home features 5 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms with a Legal Suite. Main oor has 3 bedrooms/ 1.5 bathrooms with a 2 pc in the master, huge living room, dining area, spacious kitchen & a sunny sundeck. Basement has a Legal Suite with it's separate entrance.




Allwood Place! This Townhome features 2 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms with an ensuite in the master PLUS a huge rec room in the basement, bright living space, open layout & modern kitchen concept with quartz counter tops/ stainless steel appliances & a nice balcony for entertainment. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, parks, malls, restaurants, public transit & easy access to freeway



Solid Rancher w/ basement in West Abbotsford. This home features 5 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, bright living room, dining area, kitchen, huge rec room & a nice at backyard for entertainment. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit, malls, parks & easy access to



Solid home with Legal Suite in West Abbotsford! This home features 5 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms with an ensuite in the master. Main floor features- 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, bright & spacious living room, dining area, kitchen, family room with a cozy fireplace, nook & sunny sundeck. Basement has a Legal Suite, wide foyer & laundry room,new paint, new flooring, newer roof, new toilet seats, new tiles in kitchen upstairs, new tiles in bathroom upstairs, new fence, new garage door & much more.




Cascade Green! Neat & Clean Ground Level Unit. Affordable and great starter home in a friendly neighborhood which is perfect to raise your kids. 2 Bedrooms/ 2 full bathrooms with an ensuite in the master, good size living space, kitchen, laundry room & a balcony. Close to all levels of schools, shopping, stadium, malls, recreation, public transit & parks. Easy to show. Call to view now!.

Rancher on a 7800 sqft Lot with Back Lane Access! This home features 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, bright living room, kitchen, dining, laundry & huge backyard. Lots of potential and a good holding property. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit, malls, parks & easy access to freeway.

NEW LISTING Perfect family home in a great neighborhood. This home features 5 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms with a 2 pc ensuite in the master, bright living room, spacious dining room, kitchen with eating area, 2 bedrooms unauthorized suite with its own separate entrance rented at $1,050 per month PLUS a big rec room in the basement, nicely landscaped





115 32175 OLD YALE ROAD














Flat leveled with a nice house, huge barns, mobile home, shed, berry production, city water.....and the list goes on!!! The home features 6 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms, huge & bright living room, spacious kitchen, nice d r i v e w a y, s u n n y s u n d e c k w i t h awesome mountains view, quiet location, tons of parking & much more. Great revenue potential.

Ground Level Unit! Low Strata Fee. Perfect for a 1st time home buyer or someone who is downsizing. Centrally located & well managed complex. This bright & spacious unit features 1 bedroom/ 1 bathroom, living room, kitchen with stainless steel fridge/ stove & a sunny balcony. Some of the recent updates are- new carpet, new kitchen floor, new tiles in bathroom, new sink in bathroom & new paint. Close to schools, recreation, parks, malls, restaurants.



32133 George Ferguson Way


Only 16 years old Basement Entry home in West Abbotsford. This home features 4 bedrooms/ 3.5 bathrooms, huge & bright living room, dining area, open kitchen concept with tons of storage, rec room, laundry room, double garage & a sunny sundeck.

Solid Rancher w/ basement in West Abbotsford. This home features 5 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, bright living room, dining area, kitchen, huge rec room & a nice at backyard for entertainment. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit, malls, parks & easy access to freeway..







Friday, July 27th, 2018



$ 1,145,000

This private estate sits on 43,000sq feet.4 bedrooms, 3bathroom, a 2 car garage. Features include, security cameras, a 25 ft round koi pond,a massive yard, a very large 40x40 workshop(with 200 amp service!!) large trees along the property line for maximum privacy. In a great location close to all amenities.


8851 Dewdney Trunk Road

$ 4,488,888

5.20 acres of prime development land. zoned for row houses. Potential for town houses. house/shop rented for $1650 month

2353 Webber Crescent. Prince George, BC.


Great Price. Huge family home in a great location, backyard is a Must See (14,069 sq. ft.) and a big basement Renovations asement to help with the mortgage. Renovatio include new carpets, paint, and trim, ample storage space and big bedrooms all throughout the house. Don't miss out on your opportunity to own this home

Rupinder AZAD& Associates 604-825-4321

azad@shaw.ca “SINCE 1987”





1000 Sqft Now Available On South Fraser Way, Abbotsford .good Exposure And Parking Convenience Will Suit Any Professional Or Personal Service Business, Retail etc. LEASE RATE IS NEGOTIABLE CALL FIRST TO VIEW THE LOCATION !!

36 2475 EMERSON STREET Abbotsford, BC

FOR SALE If You Are Looking For COMMERCIAL PROPERTY With Good Cash Flow In Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Langley Or Mission Areas, GIVE US A CALL WILL GET YOU ONE !! PAGE R12

very clean, bright and updated house upper unit,ready to move in.quick possession.Well managed, clean, enjoyable Complex for Age 55+ allowing no rentals, no pets.For further inquiry, Call: Rupinder Azad.

$369,000 (Price Negotiable)

SPACE FOR LEASE 1540 sqft (2 levels) in cedar park.newer complex,end unit. suitable for any retail or professional business !!


Friday, July 27th, 2018

What Can You Reasonably Afford to Buy? Non-fixed expenses (for example, medical expenditures) for the last year. This will give you an estimate of average expenses of this type. Records or an estimate of personal expenses (entertainment, travel, etc.) Once you subtract your expenses from your total income, the amount left over is called your net worth. This will give you an estimate of your financial situation at present and will help you determine how much you can afford for a down payment. What Can I Afford? There are two types of costs in buying a home -- the initial down payment and the ongoing monthly mortgage payments. The largest one-time cost is the down payment. When purchasing a home, there are also many one time costs and monthly expenses that you will need to budget for. Typical One-time Expenses Include: Mortgage application and appraisal fee Property inspection (optional), due at time of inspection When preparing your budget, you will want to discuss what resources you can allocate to mortgage payments, living expenses, and other financial situations. As your Real Estate Advisor, I can either help or recommend you to a professional who can assist you in establishing a budget and reviewing your financial position. In addition they may suggest some alternative methods to obtain financing, either through traditional lenders or other institutions. To purchase a home, a down payment of as little as 5% down is required. Fortunately, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation offers a federal insurance program designed to help Canadians purchase their first home at an affordable cost. If you choose to put down 20% or more, you will not be required to have any CMHC insurance. Your Real Estate Professional or Mortgage Broker can provide additional details on this program.

Legal fees, due at the time of closing Legal disbursements, due at the time of closing Property survey (sometimes provided by seller), due at the time of closing Land transfer, deed tax or property purchase tax, due at the time of closing. (in Quebec within three months following signing) Mortgage interest adjustment (if applicable), due at the time of closing Home and property insurance, at closing and ongoing Moving expenses, due on the date of move PST on High Ratio mortgages

To prepare your budget, collect the following:

Realty Tax Holdback

Credit card statements

Typical Monthly Expenses:

Monthly rent or mortgage payments

Mortgage payments

Utility payments (gas, water, power, telephone)

Maintenance (this could be condominium fees, or allocated maintenance

All other monthly expenses (such as food, child care, dues, etc.). Annual or semi-annual expenses (such as insurance, car repair, taxes).

fees) Property and content insurance

Property taxes As well allow for unexpected items such as medical emergencies, travel Utilities and education. PAGE R13


Friday, July 27th, 2018

SELMAK Realty Ltd. 2629 kingsway Vancouver BC V5R 5H4

Sahinder Lidder




Bus: 604.456.0873

Harpreet S Kaler




iksy vI qrHF dI pROprtI KRIdx jF vycx leI hrpRIq isMG klyr aqy sihMdr ilwdV nfl sMprk kro|

87-6383 140 st Surrey, BC, V3W0E9

5351 Abbey Crescent Chilliwack, BC, V2R 0J6

Panorama West Village very functional and clean 4 bedroom To w n h o m e . S t a i n l e s s s t e e l appliances, Granite counters in kitchen and all washrooms. This is one of few units in complex with Greenbelt, kids playground and Clubhouse just behind. The 4th bedroom has separate entrance and may function as a rec room, office or man cave

Beautiful 3 storey house in a new development site at the top of Promontory. Having 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, rec room, living room, study room, and extra large great room in a very desirable location on big size lot over 10,000 sq. ft.


$644,888 154 32550 MACLURE RD.

84-15155 62A Ave Surrey, BC

42 30989 Westridge place, Abbotsford, BC

32319 nakusp


111-30515 Cardinal Ave






34-30857 Sandpiper dr

SOLD SOLD 46076 King Avenue

32641 Nootka close




zivlprF duafrf tfAUn hfAUs vyc idwqy gey |

hor jfxkfrI leI kfl kro

604 500 0936 PAGE R14

38863 Kenny ave


Friday, July 27th, 2018

Professional, Certified, Committed, Full Time Agents for You 2014

Little Oak Realty

Independently Owned and Operated

“Top 1% Real Estate Team of Year 2015.. Award Winning"

iksy vI qrH~ dI pR`prtI vycx Eqy KRIdx qoN pihl~ iek v`r s`nUM jrUr k`l kro jI| Davinder Brar -PREC Harpreet Mann- PREC CALL FOR A divMdr isMG br`V hrpRIq isMG m`n FREE MARKET 604.302.2222 604.832.8485 EVALUATION NEW LISTING

3338 Goldnch St. 5bedrm, 4bath, 2900sft house, 7361 corner lot, Legalsuite, family-room, recroom, excellent location.

135-32550 Maclure Rd. Townhouse! 3bedrm, 2bath, Renovated, best complex Clearbrook Village, near stadium.

32817 Gateeld Ave. Renovated, 5bedrm, 3bath, Legal Bsmtsuite.


45345 Watson Rd. Chilliwack. Brand new house, 7bedrm, 5bath, 10170sft lot, two bsmt-suites.

27636 Roundhouse Dr. . Aldergrove. 3-story, custom built, 8bedrm, 7bath, Bsmt-suite, theatre room, 14000sft lot.

3501 Hillpark Dr. 3-Story, Brand New, 8bedrm, 6bath, Two Bsmt-suites, Good quality, Near Rick Henson School.

30 Acres Blueberry 10 ACRES BIG Farm HOUSE & SHOP 2-Lots for Sale, Abbotsford. Build your 3-Story big houses with view. 4963 sft and 5794 sft.

34080 Higgionson Cre.

31861 Beech Ave. 2-Lots one lot is ready to built 3story house with legal suite. 2nd lot has 3200sft 6bed, 3bath with bsmt-suite Renovated.

3510 WAGNER DR 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, rec room with full bathroom, 2 room suit, wheelchair access

46467 Valleyview Rd Chilliwack

With a beautiful house in Aldergrove

32425 King Rd 5 ACRES with VI Clear land, big front. in Heart of Abbotsford city. Solid 5bedrm rented house.

30788 Sandpiper Dr

Abbotsford Blueberry (mix) Matsqui Area Shop Rented

2944 Townline Rd.

3138 Engineer ct


7 bedrooms 5 baths and suites only 6 year old house in Aldergrove. Beautiful location

31022 Headwater Pl

Fully renovated, 4bedrm, 3bath, family and rec rooms, Legal Suite, Near Fruticana.

Townline Rd. Abbotsford

ਸਾਡੇ ਕੋਲ਼ ਤੁਹਾਡੀ ਪੋਪਰਟੀ ਲਈ ਕੁਆਲੀਫਾਈਡ ਖੀਦਦਾਰ ਹਨ। ਹਣ ੁ ੇ ਫ਼ਨ ੋ ਕਰੋ ਜੀ। Call us to get foreclosure/ bank sale properties list



Friday, July 27th, 2018

When is the Best Time to Sell Your Home? Whether you are looking to downsize, upgrade, relocate or simply want a lifestyle change, the process of selling your home can be a positive one. As a professional Real Estate agent, my goal is to help you sell your home with little hassle, as quickly as possible and for top dollar.

By discovering your motives for selling, I will be able to assist you better when it comes to searching for a new home and figuring out what you ultimately require in the outcome of selling your existing home.

selling price. Alternatively, in the spring there may be more inventory and also more buyers. If the balance of buyers versus inventory in both spring and winter is on par, the pricing will remain the same or similar.

Market trends may also play a part depending on whether it is a buyers or sellers market. Typically, in a buyers' market, there are more homes for sale then there are actual buyers. In a buyers market, homes will tend to When is the best time to sell your Keep in mind, your time is the right stay on the market longer and prices home? time. In most cases, the best time may stabilize or decrease. Just beBefore taking the step forward in to sell is likely when your existing cause it is a buyers market though, While more houses typically go on terms of placing that "Just Listed" home no longer meets your needs. does not mean that your home will the market in the spring, this does sign on your property, I recommend not necessarily indicate that this is Economic factors are an important not sell, take longer to sell and or be sold at significantly decreased prices. By making sure that your home is priced at a fair value and is show ready, your home should still sell in a decent amount of time and at a great price.

taking time to assess the reasons why you want to move. Perhaps: - The kids have moved out and you are ready to downgrade? - Maybe you are wanting to start a family and need more room? - Have you changed employment and want to move closer to the office? - Perhaps, you simply want to change your lifestyle whether to embrace a more urban atmosphere or a suburb. - or a factor of various other reasons... PAGE R16

In comparison, a sellers market tends to have more buyers then houses available to be purchased. A sellers market typically translates into quicker sales and higher selling prices with buyers having to make decisions at a quicker pace and being prepared for potential multiple offer scenarios. Other than a buyers and sellers market, many times there is what is considered a balanced market. A balanced market occurs when the number of homes of the market is approximately equal to the quantity of buyers looking for new homes. the only good time to list your home. Ultimately, there are always buyers and sellers so it really comes down to your situation and what works best for you. While the winter months are typically assumed to be the worst time to sell, there are many occasions that indicate otherwise. For example if a person sells their home in the fall, they will need a new home anywhere from the next month to 3 months away. This means that this person may have less inventory to choose from and therefore your property may stand out more, resulting in an increased demand and higher

factor When selling, you may want to also take into consideration economic factors. Are interest rates low or high and how do these interest rates compare to your current mortgage? If rates are higher, your monthly payment amounts may be higher than your existing ones upon the purchase of another home. If rates are lower, it could be a great time to trade up to a more expensive home without enduring a significant increase in your monthly financial obligations.

Regardless of the market, I am able to provide you with the most knowledge and offer resources in order to make the most of your move. Through comprehensive training in the real estate market, I can take advantage of all the factors discussed above to help assess your situation and determine the right buying or selling time that would work best for you personally.

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