The Patrika 604.852.2288 | “ B R I D G I N G
COMMUNITIES” Weekly | Friday Aug 3rd, 2018 | Vol.22. No.46 | |
inrpwK, suqMqr aqy agFhvDU soc nMU prnfieaf hoieaf A SECULAR, INDEPENDENT & PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER
(Kids Awareness Program)
Introducing The Abbotsford Police Community Page : See Page 9 For Weekly Press Releases And Community Safety Tips pysL krdy hF aYbtsPorz pulIs kimAUintI pyj ijwQoN qusIN hr hPqy pulIs vloN idwqIaF geIaF sUcnfvF aqy pRYs rlIjLF pVH skdy ho| ies hPqy vyKo pMnH 9
asIN nvy aqy purfxy tfier vycdy hF | kfr dy tfier $50 ivwc bdly jfNdy hn tfier dI irpyar kIqI jfNdI hy|
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syvf gruwp PFAUNzysLn pysL krdy hn
ikwzs ieMn aYksLn (ikwzs jfgrUkqf poRgrfm)
see more on page 37
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
itAUn aWp, brykF, aYgjLfst, PrMt aYWz vrk, ieMjn irpyarjL, klWc, vftr pMp, trYnI srivs, XU- jfieMtjL, PrMt aYksl sLfPtjL afid
Repair Shop E`p dI k`r j~ ip@kE@p dI hryk qrH~ dI mkYnIkl sm@isE` d` h@l qs@lIbKS kMm r`hIN kIq` j~d` hY! Looking for a 3rd or 4th year Mechanic!
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The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
ICBC CLAIMS afeI.sI.bI.sI dy dfavy
trfiel smyq asIN quhfzy Gr afky vI srivs idMdy hF
trfiel smyq
33222 Elz Xyl roz,aYbtsPorz, bI.sI. imlx leI apufieMtmYNt jLrUrI hY
isrP aYbtsPorz rihx vfilaF leI puwCigwC
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
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The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
sMpfdkI bYrI dI Psl ijs nUM afm pMjfbI byrI jF byrIaF dI Psl kih idMdy hn, bI[sI dI aihm Psl hY. bI[sI dy Drfql pwDr jF Drfql iksmF dI gwl krIey qF pqf lgdf hY ik ies sUby dI DrqI df bhuq ihwsf phfV hY qy QoVHy ijhy ihwsy ivwc vwK vwK PslF dI KyqI kIqI jFdI hY ijnHF ivcoN byrI dI KyqI aihm hY. ies nUM pUrf pOsLitk PrUt mMnidaF eyQoN dy lok ies nUM vwK ZMgF nflL vrqdy hn. guxvwqqf BfvyN qkrIbn iewko hI hY pr rMg rUp aqy sLklsUrq qoN ies dIaF bhuq iksmF hn. bI[sI[ ivwc izAUk, rIkf, bilAU krfp aqy aYlIat sYNkVy sflF qoN bIjI jFdI hY pr hux zirpr, ilbrtI, aqy aYrorf nvIaF iksmF dI kfsLq ho rhI hY aqy ienHF dy nqIjy vI vDIaf ids rhy hn. ishq dy afsLk lok ies nUM smUdI bxf ky, kyk bxf ky, jF dhIN ivwc pf ku iewk tfeIm df Kfxf hI ies df KFdy hn qy irsLt psLt rihMdy hn. ies dI KyqI krn vflLy pMjfbI iksfn dwsdy hn ik pMjfb dI aflUaF dI KyqI vflLf hI ies df tfeIm tybl hY, jo lok ies nUM 12 sfl lgfqfr krI jFdy hn, Auh Gfty ivwc nhIN jFdy qy afm qOr qy 12 sflF ivwc do ku sfl Gftf vI pY jFdf hY pr pUrf kors krn nflL aYvryj shI ho jFdI hY. sno Kqm hox qoN bfad ies ny cfr ky mhIinaF ivwc iqafr hoxf huMdf hY, ies leI ies smy ies dI bhuqI dyK-BflL dI loV huMdI hY, KyqF ivwcoN vIzjL kwZxy, KfdF pOxIaF, vwK vwK qrHF dy spry krny, pfxI loV muqfibk dyxf, meI ivwc hox vflLy Pulfky dI sFB sMBfl krnI, krfspflInysLn leI sLihd dIaF mwKIaF df pRbMD krnf, mwKI nUM sMBflxf, Aus dI Kurfk pUrI krdy rihxf aqy Es nUM spryaF dy nuksfn qoN vcOxf aqy iksy ibmfrI dy acncyqI PYlx qoN sucyq rihxf iDafn dyx Xog gwlF hn. iksfn dwsdy hn ik sfl ivwc iewk vfr hox vflLI Psl kr ky ieh bhuqf nPy vflf sOdf nhIN hY qy nf hI ies dI KyqI qoN twbr pfilLaf jf skdf, ies nUM qF sfeIzibjLnYws dy qOr qy kIqf jFdf hY pr ies Psl dI ibjfeI idno idn vD rhI hY. jMgl kwt ky pwDr kr ky jF sbjLIaF vflLI jLmIn ivwc sbjLI Cwz ky ies dI ibjfeI nUM pihl df iewko hI kfrn hY ik jLmIn dI kImq vD rhI hY qy ieh Psl lgfqfr afpxy KricaF df Bfr cuwkdI cuwkdI Pfrm vycx vyly munfPy dy rUp ivwc Gr pUrf kr idMdI hY.
qoN bUtf 2 1/2 Puwt df Prk rwK ky bIjI jfx lwgI hY. mnuwKI imhnq dI kImq nf igxidaF afm qOr qy ies qy 1200 ku sO zflr pr eykV Krc af jFdf hY ikAuNik do qoN iqMn vfr Kfd pOx dI aqy 7 qoN 10 spryaF dI loV pYNdI hY. sfry Pfrmf dI byrI df pwkx df smF qkrIbn iewk hox kr ky ipwkrF dI smwisaf sdf aOx lwg peI hY. ies dy kfrn keI hn, pihlF qF ieh peI mOq dy atwl asUl anusfr sfl ivwc kfPI bjLurg sdIvI ivCoVf dy jFdy hn, dUjf kfrn hY ik Gwt kmfeI qy Gwt smyN dI jOb hox kr ky nvIN pIVHI ieh kMm krnf psMd nhIN krdI qIjf kfrn hY ik ivjLtr vIjLy qy afey BYxF BrfvF nUM kfnUMn aizwkf bx jFdf hY, jy ies knUMn ivwc Xog soD kr idwqI jfvy Bfv ienHf mjbUrI’c ivhly bYiTaF nUM kMm imlL jfvy, iksfn dI Psl tfeIm isr twut jfvy qy Evr ho ky Krfb nf hovy qy kynrIaF nUM bryk nf lOxI pvy. ieh srkfr dy iDafn ihwq mslf hY iehdf koeI sfrQk hwl lwB lYxf aqI loVINdf hY. PlL df tfeIm isr tuwt ky tfeIm isr kynrI phuMcxf aqI jLrUrI hY. ies nUM 12 GMty qwk vI rwiKaf nhIN jf skdf. bhuq QoVHy iksfnf ny afpxy stor bxfey hoey hn aqy Auh afpxy nPy dy ihsfb nflL vyc lYNdy hn, kuwJ ku vIrF dIaF kynrIaF vI hn pr afm iksfn Kqry dI GMtI smJ ky quVfeI vyly iPkrF’c zwbf dyiKaf jf irhf hY, Aus df sdf eyho roxf huMdf hY ik sIjLn dy pihly pMj swq idn cMgf ryt huMdf hY qy iPr iek dwm ryt izg pYNdy hn.
PlfvirMg KuwlH ky qy iewk sfr nf hoeI, mOsmI KrfbIaF ny Puwl bhuq JfiVaf, sLihd dIaF mwKIaF dy Prym ikrfey qy imlL nf sky, kfnUMnI sKqI kfrn ipwkr Gty hn pr ies sB GfitaF qoN AuwprdI ijhVf Gftf ipaf hY Auh ieh hY ik kYnrIaF vfilaF ny hYNz ipwk aqy msLIn ipwk df ryt iewk kr idwqf, ijs nfl iksfn mjbUr ho igaf msLIn nfl qVOx leI. Xog ipwkrF df sIjLn nhIN lwg sikaf. ijhVy sLyridl bjLurg do iqMn mhIny kMm kr ky E.I lY lYNdy sn, AunHf leI ieh afriQk swt vI hY qy mfnisk vI. hr pMjfbI mfpy df pRx hY ik asIN juafkF qy Bfr nf bxIeyN sgoN AunHf dI hYlp krIey, eys soc anusfr jy srkfr KyqI nUM afriQkqf df aihm pihlU mMndI hY qF ies ivclIaF smwisafvF dy hwl pihl dy afDfr qy krny aqI jLrUrI
hn. hYrfnI ies gwl ivwc hY ik hr iewk df iZwz Brn vflLy iksfnf dI gq sMsfr dy hr dysL ivwc mfVI hY qy ies nUM axgOilaf vI hr QF jf irhY- rwb vI KfmosL hY. qyry suhxy rfj’c rwb jI sfzf idl Audfs bVf hY dunIaF dy iZwz Brny vflLf, BwuK-x-Bfxf afp KVHf hY. DMnvfd sihq sMpfdkI mMzl
hY vI hYrfnI vflLI gwl, ijvyN jy iewk zflr nUM hYNzipwk ivky qF 40-45 sYNt ipwkr dy ho gey, Es nUM GroN cwkx Cwzx dy pMj sYNt ikrfieaf igx lE, ieh ho gey 50 sYNt. bfkI iksfn dy pwly pey 50 sYNt. Es ny sfrf sfl KfdF pfeIaF, spry kIqy, pfxI lfieaf, jfnvrF dy nuksfn df iDafn rwiKaf, jLmIn df muafmlf igx ky Es nUM vcdf kwK vI nhIN. so srkfr nUM ienHF smwisafvF dy hwl vl iDafn dyxf cfhI dY nhIN qF inrfsL lok ikqy DMdf hI nf iqafg dyxH. iewk hor smwisaf vI njLr af rhI hY Auh ieh ik amrIkf df KyqI eyrIaf knyzf dI hwd nflL lgdf hox kr ky keI vfr AunHf dI Psl knyzf dI mMzI ivwc ivkx leI phuMc jFdI hY qF hor vI, ryt izgx dy KdsLy idsx lwg pYNdy hn, jF cIn vrgy gfhk jy knyzf qoN byrI dI Psl nf KrIdx qF vI mMzI-krn df KdsLf KVHf ho jFdf hY. loV hY iksfn jQybMd ho ky srkfr nUM afpxIaF qklIPF dwsx qy srkfr ienHf anMdfiqaF dI bFh jLrUr PVy.
iewk vfr bUty lf ky qusIN qkrIbn 50 sfl ies qoN PlL lY skdy ho. pihlF qF ies dI quVfeI hwQF nflL huMdI sI pr kuwJ sflF qoN lybr GtdI ids rhI hY qy msLInf qoVn lwg peIaF hn. pihlI qknIk anusfr bUty qoN bUtf 4 Puwt aqy ro qoN ro 8 jF 9 Puwt ies sfl ies Psl dIaF musLiklF hor df vkPf huMdf sI pr msLIn dI quVfeI nUM pycIdf hoeIaF hn. Auh ies qrHF ik ies muwK rwK ky hux ro qoN ro 10 Puwt aqy bUty sfl mOsm zwb KVwbf ijhf rihx kr ky
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
Do you have asthma? You need an Asthma Action Plan (NC) According to Canadian asthma experts, everyone with asthma should have a written asthma action plan. Studies show that people who use their asthma action plan have better control of their asthma. An asthma action plan is a personalized set of instructions from your healthcare provider that guides you with checking if your asthma is under control, such as by monitoring your symptoms like a cough, shortness of breath, chest tightness and wheezing. The plan also helps you to adjust your asthma medications based on your level of control and to
in the green “Go: Maintain Therapy” zone. The green zone means your asthma is under control. When your asthma is starting to get out of control, you are in the yellow “Caution: Step-up Therapy” zone. Follow the instructions to adjust your medications to get you back into the green zone and keep yourself out of the red zone. When your asthma is getting more out of control or it’s not getting better, you are in the red “Stop: Get Help Now” zone. This is an asthma emergency
and you should immediately seek medical attention. To find out if your asthma is under control, ask yourself these five questions: Do I need my reliever inhaler (usually blue) more than three times per week? Do I experience symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and/or chest tightness more than three days per week? Does asthma limit my ability to exercise or play sports? Do I have nighttime symptoms once a week or more? Do I miss school or work because of asthma?
decide when to call your healthcare If you answer yes to any of these quesprovider or get to a hospital. A common format is based on the tions, your asthma is not under control. green, yellow and red traffic lights. See your healthcare provider to discuss When you are feeling well and have what you can do. no regular asthma symptoms, you are
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
Ready to improve ties with India: Imran Khan, PM-elect, Pakistan Courtesy of: Babushahi M elect and Pakistan Tehreek- ago added: “God has given me the e-Insaf chief Imran Khan said chance to make my dream come on Thursday that he is ready to true.” improve ties with India. “All my policies will focus on “If India is ready to resolve disputes, strengthening the weak,” he asserted. we are ready to take two steps, but The PTI chief, whose party was in they need to take that one step.... power in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa but blame game will take us nowhere,” has never got a stint at premiership, he said in a televised address in Ismaintained that he wants to make lamabad while declearing victory in Pakistan a welfare state. the general elections. “I vow that my government will be Khan began his presser thanking the first that does not engage in politithe nation for stepping out to vote cal victimization,” he said. on Wednesday. He said he felt disappointed over the Indian media’s Imran Khan added that accountability coverage of his electoral campaign. will begin from him and his ministers
úòðÃÆ÷ ëËìÇðÕÃ
SALE! syl! SALE! syl! SALE! syl! nvyN PYybirwk aqy sUt lY jfE
inAU brokyz, kryp, aqy islk, stor ivwc hor vI bhuq kuwC nvNy 45” vfsLybl kryp $45 dy 2 sUt
nvIN 60” brosLf vYlvt $30 df 1 sUt $55 dy 2 sUt nvyN
“I felt like I was a Bollywood villain,” in his mission to battle the scourge he said. of terrorism in the country. “We will Khan said dialogue with India is the make an example and show to the only way forward to ensure a peaceful nation that accountability needs to be across the board.” South Asia. Talking about his past, he said: “I came into politics because I wanted Pakistan to become the country that Jinnah had envisioned. This has been a historic election. I especially want to thank the people of Balochistan who despite terrorism came out in huge numbers to vote.” “We are witnessing the strengthening of democracy in Pakistan. The election process was completed successfully despite many terror attacks,” he added.
The PTI chairman further pledged to safeguard the tax money of the citizens. “PM House might be turned into an educational institute and governors’ houses may be used to boost tourism.” Imran Khan also stressed that he wants to improve relations with Afghanistan and that his government will strive to ensure peace in the neighbouring country.
Regarding relations with the US, the The cricketer-turned-politician who PTI chief said, “We want mutually began his political struggle 22 years beneficial relations with the US.”
60” 100% ryaOn $40 dy 2 sUt
60” 100% kOtn $20 df 1 sUt $36 dy 2 sUt
604-864-8100 32853 Ventura Ave Abbotsford
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
‘Blurred face’ news anonymity gets an artificial intelligence spin
research team from SFU’s School of Interactive Arts and Technology (SIAT) has come up with a way to replace the use of ‘blurring’ faces in news reports when anonymity is needed. The team’s method uses artificial intelligence (AI) techniques that aim to improve visuals while amplifying emotions tied to the story.
received a Google/Knight Foundation grant to carry out the research. They presented the work to international journalists at a Journalism 360 demo event honoring grantees in New York on July 24, and the next day at a full conference held across the street from the New York Times headquarters.
“Our goal is to create a working technique that would be much better at SIAT professors Steve DiPaola and conveying emotional and knowledge Kate Hennessy, together with Taylor information than current anonymizaOwen from UBC’s journalism school, tion techniques,” says DiPaola, a
pioneer in AI/VR facial recognition The system doesn’t change the pixels of the video frames as Adobe-like processes. systems can, but instead produces a Based on its research, the team has painting-style result of every frame, created an updated pixelating techDiPaola notes. “It’s actually an open nique using an AI “painting” apand dynamic process that allows levproach to anonymization. els of control throughout. We eventu“When artists paint a portrait, they try ally want to the subject or producer to to convey the subject’s outer and in- be able to customize the final result ner resemblance,” says DiPaola, who based on their needs.” heads SFU’s Interactive Visualization DiPaola says the tool’s effectiveness Lab. “With our AI, which learns from at anonymizing while retaining a more than 1,000 years of artistic techstrong degree of emotional connecnique, we have taught the system to tion or resonance should result in lower the outer resemblance and keep better final product for anonymized as high as possible the subject’s inner video, especially in 360 or VR. The resemblance – in other words, what team plans to put the technology to they are conveying and how they are work in a variety of projects. feeling. While at the conference DiPaola’s “Our system uses five levels of AI team garnished interest from several processing to simulate a smart paintmajor media companies looking to er, using art abstraction to repaint the explore new media approaches, invideo as if an artist was painting every cluding the New York Times, Washframe. The result is more engaging, ington Post and the BBC. especially since not everyone listens to stories – so the art component be- For more on the research see www. comes more relevant.”
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
Its summer & ieh grmI dI ruwq hY aqy everyone is out on hr koeI bfhr Duwp df the road enjoying anMd mfx irhf hY. the sun. AbbyPD aYbtsPorz puils quhfnUM wants to remind Xfd idvfAuxf cfhuMdI hY you that if you see ik jykr qusIN sVk dy any of cial vehicles iknfry qy koeI vfhn displaying lfl/nIlIaF/ gUVHY pIlLy red/blue/amber rMg dIaF bwqIaF jgdIaF lights on the side dyKdy ho qF qF ikrpf of the road- please krky Aus vfhn kolLoN dI Slow Down & hOlLI ho ky lMGo. Move Over.
Counting down to AgriFair 2018 this August 3-5! Come on out and get your custom AbbyPD Lego building kits that will be available- ONLY at AgriFair. Limited quantity available - so come early! Look for us next to the Abbotsford Police Department (ABBYPD) display by the Main Gate from 10 – 2 each day. These custom AbbyPD Lego building kits depicts the annual AbbyPD City Basketball Tournament ($10); and the AbbyPD 'Gator' ($15). Cash sales only. (while supplies last!) For more details, please visit the AgriFair website: ies sfl df aYgrIPyar agsq 3-5 qwk hY! qusIN ies myly ivwc afE aqy aYbI pI zI lygo iblizMg ikwt jo qusIN isrP aYgrPyar qoN hI lY skdy ho. ikwt bhuq Gwt mfqrf ivwc hI hn so ies nUM lYx leI qusIN ijMnI jldI af skdy ho afE. ieh kstm myz lygo iblizMgikwt slfnf aYbI pI zI istI bfsktbfl tUrnfmYNt nUM drsfAuNdIaF hn. ijnF dI kImq $10 hY aqy aYbI pI zI gYtr $15 isrP nkd hI ivkrI kIqI jfvygI. ijLafdf jfxkfrI leI qusIN ies vYbsfeIt qy jf skdy ho.
Does your seatbelt cut across your neck? Many vehicles have an adjustable slider at the top where the seat belt attaches. Lower the chest strap so that it hugs your shoulder better. Belts worn under the arm (not worn properly) face the same $167 penalty.
Get AbbyPD alerts directly to your email! Sign up to receive media releases, messages from the Chief and community events sent directly to YOUR email! How to sign up: visit, scroll to the bottom of the page and enter your name and email. Email alerts will begin AUGUST 1!
kI quhfzI sIt bYlt quhfzI grdn nUM CUMhdI hY? bhqu sfry vfhnF dy ivwc sIt bYlt nUM azjst krn leI iewk slfeIzr lwgf huMdf hY sIt bYlt nUM afpxy ihsfb nfl aYzjst kro. sIt bYlt dI strYp nUM CfqI qoN Qwly rwKo ieh quhfzy moiZaF nUM GuwtdI hoxI cfhIdI hY. sIt bYlt nuM afpxy moiZaF jF bfhF dy Qwly dI nf pfE. glq sIt bYlt pfAux kfrn quhfnUM $167 qwk df jurmfnf ho skdf hY.
qusIM aYbI pI zI dIaF qfjLf KbrF dI jfxkfrI afpxI eI myl ivwc pRfpq kr skdy ho!! qusIN sfeIn awp krn qy mIzIaF dIaF KbrF, cIP vwloN idwqf igaf sunyhfN, kimAUintI dy ivwc ho rhy eIvYNts nUM iswDf afpxI eI myl ivwc dyK skdy ho. qusIN, vYbsfeIt qy jf ky pyj dy iblkul hyTF jf ky afxf nF qy pqf aqy eI myl Br idE. quhfnUM 1 agsq qoN hI eImylF imlx lwg jfxgIaF.
Call APD non-emergency at 604-859-5225 or text ABBYPD (222973) To make an anonymous report, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or report online at
aYbtsPorz pulIs zIpfrtmYNt nMU nfn-aYmrjMsI lfeIn 604-589-5225 'qy Pon kro jF 222973 'qy tYkst mYsj Bojo. aigafq rIport ilKvfAux leI krfeIm stfprjL nMU 1-800-222-7477 'qy Pon kroo jF afnleIn jf ky 'qy rIport ilKvfE.
3 common air pollutants lurking in your home (NC) While our homes are supposed to be safe spaces, there are a few everyday pollutants that we need to watch out for. Check out common culprits as well as tips for purifying your space: Dust danger. The dust we wipe off our countertops, crevices, furniture and floors is made up of mostly dead skin. If that’s not gross enough, microscopic living organisms known as dust mites live off these skin cells. Many people are allergic to dust mites, and they can even trigger an asthma attack in some. The remainder of dust is comprised of things like pet dander, rodent waste, paint particles, pollen, bacteria, viruses, plant and insect parts, heavy metals or even cigarette smoke and flame retardants.
the other “fun” stuff they t r a c k into the house, pets also c a r r y dander, a common allergy trigger for most people. Fortunately, you can improve the air quality in your home, while keeping your pet.
Savvy summer running tips (NC) Whether you’re an advanced runner or just lacing up, running outside during the summer is a great way to experience and enjoy the outdoors. Make the most of the experience with a pump-up playlist and some muscle music.
Set the tone. Looking to beat a personal record or run further on your favourite trail? Set the tone by picking music with the right tempo. Although it may seem intuitive, research shows a direct correlation between fast-paced music and athletic performance. When building a playlist, look for songs between 120 Consider getting a connected air purifier, which can to 140 beats per minute to maximize your potential. let you monitor your indoor and outdoor air quality Customize for challenge. Find exhaustion kicks in at via a smartphone app. Your best bet is the Philips five or 10 km? Build your playlist to help push you Air Purifier Series 2000i, which captures 99.97 through the most challenging parts of your workout per cent of particles that pass through the filter. It’s proven to reduce allergens, odours, VOCs and even by picking a song that either inspires you or has the highest beats per minute. certain bacteria.
Household products. Chemical-laden products can have a big impact on your home’s air quality. Things like household cleaners, detergents, shampoos and fabric softeners emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air. While many of us try to mask bad smells by spraying an air freshener or lighting a candle, that only adds more toxins to the air you Experts also recommend cleaning your home breathe. regularly, turning the hood fan on while cooking, Pet dander. Even the most ardent animal lover would opening your windows a couple times of day, and admit their pet smells. Aside from the odour and limiting your use of candles and air fresheners.
Download to save. Streaming music services provide vast libraries to build your playlists, but can devour your data. Count miles not megabytes on your run and take a moment to download playlists in advance. PAGE 9
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
Summer safety tips for parents (NC) Between camp, playgrounds and travel, your kids will be spending plenty of time outdoors this season. While now’s the perfect time to enjoy nature, summer also comes with some health risks. Use these tips from Health Canada to protect your kids.
Check the forecast. Stay informed about local weather forecasts and alerts so you know when to take extra care. Also, check the local Air Quality Health Index conditions in your area if available. Note that children are more sensitive to air pollution, which tends to be at higher levels during Understand heat risks. Extreme heat can be dangerextreme heat. ous for anyone, but especially for infants and young children. They can be vulnerable to heat illnesses Use sunscreen. If sun exposure can’t be avoided, such as heat stroke, heat exhaustion, fainting, heat use sunscreen that is SPF 30 or higher and folrash and muscle cramps. Stay alert for symptoms low the manufacturer’s directions. Remember, like dizziness, fainting, extreme thirst and headache. sunscreen will protect against the sun’s ultraviolet rays but not from the heat. Have children wear a rimmed, breathable sun hat and sunglasses, and cover their skin with clothes or sunscreen. Keep babies under one year out of direct sunlight to prevent skin damage and dehydration; keep them in the shade, under a tree, an umbrella or a canopy. Do not put sunscreen on a baby less than 6 months old without asking your health care provider first. Keep hydrated. Dehydration is dangerous. Give plenty of cool liquids to drink, especially water, before your child feels thirsty. Make it fun by leaving a colourful glass by the sink, and remind your child to drink after every hand washing. Ramp up the taste by flavouring water with natural fruit juice or encourage them to eat more fruits and veggies with high water content, like watermelon. Take a break. Spend a few hours with your child in a cool place. It could be a tree-shaded area, swimming facility, spray pad or an airconditioned spot such as a shopping mall,
grocery store or public library. Give your child a supervised bath in cool water until they feel refreshed. If using a fan, keep it at a safe distance and aim the airflow in their direction. Keep bugs away. If you are in an area where mosquitoes are active, protect uncovered skin with insect repellent and follow the manufacturer’s directions. Sunscreen and insect repellents can be used safely together — just apply the sunscreen first. PAGE 10
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
Dhami Narang & Company LLP (“DNC Lawyers”) was established in 2010 by Rajan Dhami and Amrik Narang. With the help of our valued clients, DNC Lawyers has now grown into a mid-sized law rm with of ces in Abbotsford and Surrey, British Columbia. To serve our clients best, DNC Lawyers has an experienced team of 9 lawyers to cater to the individual needs of our clients. Every member of our law rm strives to provide outstanding service to produce the best results for our clients.
We use a collaborative team approach to your legal problems to get you the best results possible. We are only happy when you are happy and realize that our success depends on referrals from our client base.
rfjn DfmI aqy amrIk nfrMg vloN 2010 ivwc sQfpq kIqI geI sI. sfzy suihrd klfieMts dI mwdd nfl DNC Lawyers ny qrwkI kridaF imwz sfeIjLz lfa Prm bxf leI hY, ijs dy dPqr bI sI dy sLihrF aYbtsPorz aqy srI ivwc hn. afpxy klfieMts dIaF smUh musLiklF nfl nijwTx leI vwzy qjLribaF vfly 9 vkIlF dI tIm iqafr ho geI hY. afpxy klfieMts dIaf qmfm smwisafvF dy hYrfnIjnk nqIijaF leI hux awzI cotI dy Auprfly kIqy jfx gy.
qswlIbKsL proPYsLnl syvfvF quhfnMU vDIaf knMUnI nqIjy dyx leI asIN sfry sFJI tIm dy qOr qy Xqn krdy hF quhfzI KusLI hI sfzI KusLI hovy gI, asIN mihsUs krdy hF ik sfzIaF sPlqfvF quhfnMU idwqy cMgy nqIijaF AuWqy hI inrBr hn.
REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS We deal with all matters relating to the sale and purchase of residential and commercial property. By contacting us before you sign a contract, you can make sure your rights are protected. We will provide you with reliable and timely legal advice. PURCHASE & SALE: RESIDENTIAL ·Negotiating and Drafting Agreements of Purchase and Sale ·Acting for Buyers or Sellers on Purchases and Sales of New Homes, Condominiums, Assignments, Recreational and Cottage properties ·Acting for Borrowers or Lenders on Mortgage Transactions ·Advising Borrowers on Mortgage Liability PURCHASE AND SALE: COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL
·Purchases and Sales of Commercial Real Estate
Apartment and Office Buildings ·Land Purchases or Sales ·Acting for Borrowers or Lenders on Mortgage Transactions ·Advising Borrowers on Mortgage Liability ABBOTSFORD OFFICE
Dhami Narang & Company LLP Suite 301-2975 Gladwin Road Abbotsford, BC V2T 5T4
ICBC CASES We handle a full range of ICBC personal injury claims, including head injuries, broken bones, soft tissue injuries, muscle strains, psychological injuries & others asIN afeI sI bI sI nfl sbMDq iNnWjI srIrk swtF PytF ijnHF ivc isr dIaF swtF, tuWtIaF hWzIaF, koml itsULaF dIaF cotF, pWiTaF dIaF sWtF, mfnisk ivgfV aqy hor hfnIaF sLfml hn, dy klym hYNzl krdy hF. THE LAWYERS AT DNC PROVIDE COMPREHENSIVE LEGAL SERVICES IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS:
zI aYn sI dy vkIl iehnHF syvfvF ivwc quhfzI pUrI mdd kr skdy hn: Personal Injury / ICBC Business / Corporate Commercial Litigation Real Estate Wills / Probate Estate Litigation
prsnl swt jF af sI bI sI kfrobfr / kOrpryt kOmrsLIal mukwdmf rIal iestyt vsIaq jF pRobyt jfiedfd mukwdmf
rIal iestyt trFjLYksLns asIN vpfrk aqy rhfiesLI jfiedfdF vycx aqy KRIdx sbMDI sB kfrjF df kMm krdy hF. koeI vI kOntrYkt sfeIn krn qoN pihlF sfzI islfh jLrUr lvo. asIN quhfnUM qswlI kr ky dwsF gy ik quhfzy hwk syP hn ik nhIN? asIN afp jI nUM tfeIm isr shI aqy BrosyXog kfnUMnI msLvrf idMdy rhF gy.
prcyjL aYNz syl rYjLIzYNsLIal •KrId aqy vyc dy sihmqI zrfPitMg aYgrImYNts •asIN vycx vflLy dI vI aqy KRIdx vflLy dI vI shI mdwd krdy hF ijvyN nvyN Gr KrIdx, kONzmInIams, rhfiesLI dsqfvyjL. mn-prcfvy vflLIaF aqy kfitj prfprtIjL leI. •mfrtgyj idvOx ivwc asIN KRIdx vflLy dI vI aqy vycx vflLy dI vI mdwd krdy hF •KRIdx aqy vycx vflLy dI mfrtgyj Xogqf bfry dwsdy hF
kmrsLIal aqy ieMzstrIal prcyjL aqy syl •kmrsLIal rIal iestyt aYpfrtmYNt aqy afiPs iblizMgF dI KrId aqy vyc •jLmIn dI KrId aqy vyc •vycx vfilaF aqy KRIdx vfilaF leI mfrtgyj trFjLYkisLn •KRIdx vfilLaF nUM mfrtgyj lfieibltI vfry shI slfh idMdy hF.
SURREY OFFICE Dhami Narang & Company LLP Suite 313-14928 Hwy 10 Surrey, BC V3S 2N5 Toll Free: 1-877-864-6131
604-864-6131 PAGE 11
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
7 Canadian travel experiences to try this summer (NC) Looking to stay more local for your next getaway? Whether you’re an outdoor explorer or big-city cultural maven, there are plenty of exciting destinations across the country to choose from. With input from Robin Esrock, an internationally recognized bucket list expert, the InterContinental Hotels Group’s Great Canadian Bucket List offers 25 experiences to inspire exploring our national backyard. Here are a few coast-to-coast highlights that made the list: 1. Gaze across the Ouimet Canyon. A short drive from Thunder Bay in Pass Lake is a canyon with knife-edge cliffs looming over a ravine. It’s the perfect backdrop for one of Canada’s longest and fastest ziplines.
2. Scale the Via Ferrata du Diable. Via Ferrata du Diable soars above Quebec’s largest national park and features epic views and pristine wilderness. Supervised by a guide and hooked up to a secure climbing route,
5. Arm a cannon. In Halifax the star-shaped Citadel was built by British forces in 1856 and offers fantastic views of the city. You can tour the barracks, watch firing practice, help arm a cannon or sign up to inside Assiniboine Park in Winnipeg. be a soldier for a day. Watch the rescued polar bears in a make your way along a sheer unique 10-foot wide transparent tun6. Embrace Indigenous history. One cliff above a 650-foot drop. of Canada’s sunniest cities, Saskatoon nel that places you just inches away 3. Cycle along a wine route. In is the perfect place to discover six from them swimming. British Columbia, the Okanagan Valley’s fragrant countryside is home to over two hundred vineyards. With the sparkling 135-kilometre Lake Okanagan as a backdrop, it’s not surpris-
pvn igwlF vflf df nfvl ‘kwcI kMD’ pMjfb Bvn srI ivKy rIlIjL
14 julfeI nUM pMjfb Bvn srI ivKy pvn igwlF vflf dI 11vIN pusqk ‘kwcI kMD’ nfvl nfmvr sfihq pRymIaF dy Bfry iekwT ivwc rIlIjL hoieaf. ies suBfgy smyN sMjIdf sroqy, mhfn icMqk, gMBIr aflock, koml klfvF dy koml klfkfr sLfml hoey. lgfqfr iqMn GMty dI ies Aumfh BfrI imlxI ny bhuBFqy rMg bKyry qy sB afqmfN bfgo bfg hoeIaF. pvn jI ny phuMcIaF sB siqkfrq hsqIaF df qih idl qoN DMnvfd kIqf.
ing just how beautiful this part of the thousand years of First Nation hisworld is. tory at the fascinating Wanuskewin Heritage Park, a national historic site. 4. Try to spot Canada’s national aniBeyond the exhibits and artifacts, mal. The beaver can be very difficult the 600-acre grounds have various to see unless you are at the wooded trails and a medicine wheel as old as Beaver Boardwalk in Hinton, Alberta. Stonehenge. There you can stroll around an active beaver dam and hang out on the 7. Stand beneath a polar bear. Get upobservation tower over the beaver close and personal with a polar bear lodge to get a glimpse of our nickel’s at the Polar Bear Conservation Centre focal point.
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
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gLjLl lKbIr isMG Buwlr jFbfjL kr mukfblf musIbqF dy nflL jFbfjL kr mukfblf musIbqF dy nflL cUihaF dy vFg Cupx leI KuwzF nf BflL
cUihaF dy vFg Cupx leI KuwzF nf BflL
soc nf pCfx ky jrf sfhmxy qF af
sMGrsL nfl imlLdI KuLsLI anoKI
bhfinaF dI JVI nUM aYvyN nf lf
sMGrsL qoN ibnF ijLMdgI PokI
mjbUrIaF nmosLIaF QkfvtF jlLf
qn qy mn dy rog tuwt jFdy
awgy vDx dI icxg nUM bulf
imhnq musLwkq dI dvf jo lFdy
ijMLdgI aKfVy ivc kwpVy qUM lfh
cYn qy sbr dI nINdr ny sONdy
iknfry qy KVH ky nf aYvyN Gbrf
afls inkMmypx qoN jo bc pfAuNdy
Guwt Guwt DuKL DuKL aYvyN nf mr
muwkdy ny vYr nPLrq dy dIvy
afeI musIbq nUM hws ky qUM jr
aMdroN hI KLusLIaF ivc rihMdy ny KIvy
hsqI qUM mhfn afpxI mhfnqf pCfx
hwsdy gfAuNdy Zoly dIaF lfAuNdy
ho ky gulfm aYvyN KLfk nf Cfx
ruJyivaF’c rihx df jo iKLafl jgfAuNdy
KolH dy idmfg qoN AulJxF df jflL
sMGrsL nflL imldI KuLsLI anoKI
awgy qUM jd quryN kfPlf qurygf nflL
sMGrsL qoN ibnF ijMLdgI PokI
Exceptional Quality Blueberry Nursery Stock
BLUEBERRY PLANTS Sidhu Growers is British Columbia's leading quality blueberry nursery. At Sidhu Growers, we grow healthy, disease free, virus indexed and true-toname Blueberry plants. We specialize in growing blueberry plants and have 20 plus years of experience in the blueberry business.
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We are the only authorized nursery in Canada to sell Reka, a northern blueberry variety and have documentation from where the variety originated from, which is New Zealand, and have proof of it. Make sure when purchasing Reka you ask to see the signed authorization from New Zealand. Being the only authorized nursery to sell Reka we can provide you with this.
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When purchasing blueberry plants, buy from a reputable blueberry nursery that specializes in growing blueberry plants. Ask to see virus testing documentation. Make sure plants are produced from cuttings. Plants produced from tissue culture or cuttings taken from tissue culture plants tend to be difficult to machine harvest and require more pruning.
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We are committed to provide you with only the best blueberry plants available and guarantee it.
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For Further Information or to Place an Order Please Call:
Kam or Harry: (604) 853-1775
32787 Townshipline, Abbotsford, B.C. PAGE 13
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
B.C. Liberals support court challenge that would block people from having their say
Andrew Wilkinson’s B.C. Liberals and big business are trying every trick in the book to stop people from having their say in the referendum on how we vote.
requested an injunction to suspend the referendum on electoral reform preventing British Columbians from having their voice heard.
“Andrew Wilkinson and the B.C. Liberals want the status quo, because under proportional representation, they know they won’t be able to win 100 per cent of the power with less than half of the votes,” said Rachna Singh, New Democrat MLA for Surrey-Green Timbers. “That’s exactly how the B.C. Liberal Party was able to hold onto power for 16 long years, making life less affordable for families, and neglecting important services like health and education. That’s unfair, and people paid the price.”
“With proportional representation, people will get what they vote for, so it is obvious why the B.C. Liberals are trying to stop that from happening,”
Singh’s comments follow a recent
said Katrina Chen, New Democrat MLA for Burnaby-Lougheed. “People will have more of a say, and the ability of the people at the top to control elections will be reduced. One of the first things our new New Democrat government did was to work with others to ban big money from politics, and put people back at the centre of elections. The next step is to make every person’s vote count.”
B.C. Liberal MLA Dan Davies said he is “glad” that big business is in the courts trying to stop the referendum that would allow people to have their say. The Independent Contractors and Businesses Association (ICBA) has
“Regardless of what side you are on, everyone has the right to have their say this fall. Elections BC called the question ‘simple and clear.’ This is just a tactic to prevent people from having their voice heard,” said Chen.
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
Expert availability: How to talk to your teen about distracted driving
ates of distracted-driving related crashes spike in the summer months and long weekends and can lead to more accidents. In 2016, nearly one-third of all distracted-driving related deaths in BC occurred in July and August alone.
and why you’re 23 times more likely to have a crash if you are texting while driving
As teens across the province prepare to hit the road this BC Day long weekend, injury research experts at BC Children’s Hospital are urging parents to take a moment and talk to their teens about distracted driving and how they can stay safe behind the wheel. Our experts are available to comment on:
- New research into the prevalence and prevention of distracted driving and new technologies aimed at keeping everyone safer on the road
- Why cell phones aren’t the only distraction from the road and how you can help your teen stay safe and focused on driving
Dr. Ian Pike, Director of the BC Injury Research & Prevention Unit at BC Children’s Hospital, is available for interviews Tuesday, July 31 to - Simple steps your teen can Friday, August 2. take now so they’re not tempted to Dr. Motao Zhu, visiting expert from check their phone when they’re in the the Center for Injury Research and driver’s seat Policy at Nationwide Children’s Hos- Why looking at your phone is pital in Ohio is available on Tuesday, like closing your eyes while driving July 31 before noon.
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
Watch your mouth: 3 signs of gum disease could develop into g u m disease if left Gum disease is caused by a build-up of alone. plaque along the gum line, and when left untreated can lead to tooth loss and It’s ima higher risk of cardiovascular disease portant to remember that using a and diabetes. Here are the three key manual toothbrush isn’t enough to warning signs that experts recommend protect your teeth and gums. Today, many dentists are recommending payou inspect your gums for: tients upgrade to an electric toothbrush 1. Colour. Healthy gums should be because they offer a gentler way to get a light pink colour. If they’re a deeper a deep clean. pink or red, this may be a sign of early Toothbrushes that have a built-in gum disease. pressure sensor, like Philips Sonicare 2. Touch. If your gums are puffy or ProtectiveClean, will make a pulsing tender to touch, it means they are likely sound to remind you to ease off on to be inflamed. This could be due to the pressure if you’re applying too plaque build-up along your gum-line much. This toothbrush is also proven and an early sign of gum disease. to remove up to seven times more 3. Bleeding. If your gums bleed each plaque and reduce gum disease by up time you brush or as you floss, this to 100 per cent compared to a manual means there is a build-up of bacteria that toothbrush. (NC) Did you know that most of us develop gum disease? According to the Canadian Dental Association, seven out of 10 Canadians will develop the condition at some time in their lives.
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
Pattullo Bridge project to invest in local people he Community Benefit Agreement for the Pattullo Bridge replacement project focuses on opening work opportunities for people where they live and will provide training for the future workforce of the province.
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The agreement is now publicly available as part of the request for qualifications (RFQ) for the Pattullo Bridge replacement project. The landmark agreement prioritizes the hiring of qualified people who live within a 100-kilometre radius of the project and includes terms to increase the participation of women, Indigenous workers and apprentices.
The agreement includes a requirement for workers to join the Allied Infrastructure and Related Construction Council of British Columbia for the duration of the project within 30 days of being on the project worksite. This requirement is intended to ensure the goals of the agreement are reached, including the ratio of apprentices, hiring of women and Indigenous workers, along with benefits and the alignment of wages with prevailing construction industry rates.
“This agreement will ensure every worker will be treated fairly, paid good wages and receive benefits for their work, and the no-strike clause provides stability to the project. That’s a good “Hiring local people means growing deal for taxpayers and it helps ensure local economies and building thriv- projects get completed on time and on ing communities across the province. budget,” Trevena said. We are increasing the participation of Following the completion of the RFQ women, Indigenous workers and ap- process, the request for proposals prentices, to help them support their (RFP) for the Pattullo Bridge replacefamilies and further their career path,” ment project will be posted in fall 2018. said Claire Trevena, Minister of Trans- Construction will begin in 2019 and the new bridge will open in 2023. portation and Infrastructure.
B.C. Air Access program improves travelling experience
Owner Operatiors and Drivers BC - California - BC ● No Experience Required ● Training will be provided ● Ability to cross border ● Clean Driver Abstract
The British Columbia government is giving grants to 23 regional airports through the B.C. Air Access Program (BCAAP) to make safety and capacity upgrades, and create a better experience for people travelling by air. “Airports are a vital transportation link across the province and a lifeline for the many smaller communities they serve,” said Claire Trevena, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure. “These grants make sure airports have the support they need to make important upgrades that would otherwise be too costly.” Past recipients, like Chetwynd Airport, have seen major improvements thanks to the support. The airport was awarded $1.3 million last year to repave its runway – a safety upgrade that was required to fix cracking pavement and halt the risk of closure. “Funding from the B.C. Air Access Program made it possible for us to complete crucial safety upgrades at Chetwynd Airport,” said Carol Newsom, chief administrative officer with the District of Chetwynd. “There was
a critical need to resurface this runway, so planes and emergency air craft could continue to land safely and our airport could remain open. We’re grateful for the long-term impact this will have on our facility and community.” Projects can range from minor upgrades, like Bob Quinn Lake Airport’s runway vegetation management, to major advancements, like Qualicum Beach Airport’s terminal expansion. All B.C. aviation facilities can apply for funding each winter, to be awarded the following fiscal year. “Our airports are critical for B.C. – they are the socio-economic drivers for the communities they serve, and the B.C. Air Access Program offers vital support to these heavily used facilities,” said Heather Bell, chair of the British Columbia Aviation Council. “We’re thrilled that, once again, the Province is providing this welcome funding relief that makes it possible for B.C. airports to upgrade their facilities with important improvements that will benefit the communities, staff and travellers who use them.”
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
rMgF dI dukfn pvn igwlF vflf rMgF dI dukfn lf llfrIaF
hovy nf inlfm rMg
ikhVf-ikhVf vycdf eyN rMg vy,
iksy dI mjbUrI df.
aYsf koeI rMg dy ipafr df
kuwlI-guwlI-juwlI imly sB nUM,
tuwtIaF vI dyvy ijhVf gMZ vy.
hor nf koeI idl dI AumMg vy,
bwicaF nUM rMg dy koeI
rMgF dI dukfn[[[
mF-bfp dy ipafr df,
pRdysIaF nUM imlLy
CoitaF nUM dyvIN koeI
rMg afpxy vqn df,
vwizaF dy siqkfr df.
PLOjIaF nUM imly swdf
ikvyN pflL-pos ky jvfn
sfkUn qy amn df.
huMdy ny isKf eyho ZMg vy,
aYsf rMg mnF ivwc GolLdy
rMgF dI dukfn[[[
muwl jfvy bfzrF dI jMg vy,
BYxF qfeIN imlLy rMg
rMgF dI dukfn[[[
rwKVI dy gUVHy ipafr df,
swBy rMg sohxy
suhfgxF nUM rMg imlLy
rMg icwtf isr Bfvy nf,
mfhI dy ipafr df.
“igwlF dy pvn” koeI
bfhIN cUVy mwQy qy isLMgfr df
rMg idl nUM duKfvy nf.
sUhf-sUhf rhy sdf rMg vy,
KusLIaF dy rMg rihx iKwlry
rMgF dI dukfn[[[
hovy nf koeI ijLMdgI by-rMg vy,
kfimaF nUM rMg
rMgF dI dukfn lf llfrIaF,
imlL jfvy mjLdUrI df,
ikhVf-ikhVf vycdf eyN rMg vy.
guMmnfm muhwbq gurdIp burj musLikl hY myrf ijMdf hoxf pwly myry AumrF df roxf guMm hY muwhbq kbrF dy ivwc pqf nhIN ieQy kd qwk sOxf kd Ehdf muwK kd qwkFgF kd hojFgf mYN lwKF df kd DVkx myrI DVkygI kd mYN ijsm c rUh rwKFgf imly bgYr mYN dUr hoigaf imwtI dy ivwc cUr ho igaf ijMdf mYnUM iksy nf puwiCaf mr ky mYN msLhUr ho igaf cfhq myrI ho jfey pUrI iewk hI iewCf bcI aDUrI mulfkfq iewk ho jfey myrI gurdIp df imlxf bhqu jLrUrI. PAGE 19
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
Canada expands its biometrics screening program Facilitating travel to Canada while The Government of Canada has taken keeping Canadians safe several steps to make giving biometrics easier for travellers, including only The Government of Canada is comrequiring that temporary residents mitted to the safety and security of all provide their biometrics once every Canadians and to the integrity of our 10 years (those applying for a visa, immigration system. or a study or work permit). Canada On July 31, 2018, all nationals from is also increasing its Visa Application countries in Europe, Africa and the Centre (VAC) presence in the next 2 Middle East are required to provide years. Canada has one of the largest biometrics (fingerprints and a photo) VAC networks in comparison with if they are applying for a Canadian other countries; more than 97% of visitor visa, a work or study permit, or applicants can access a VAC in their country of residence. By November permanent residence. 2019, Canada will have a network of Accurately establishing identity is an at least 157 VACs in 105 countries. In important part of immigration deci- addition, applicants living in the U.S. sions and helps keep Canadians safe. can use the extensive network of 135 For more than 20 years, biometrics U.S. Application Support Centers for (fingerprints and a photo) have played a biometrics collection. role in supporting immigration screening and decision-making in Canada. In advance of additional VACs opening this summer and fall, some Canadian Canada currently collects biometrics embassies in Europe will offer interim from in-Canada refugee claimants biometrics collection service points for and overseas refugee resettlement ap- applicants who have applied online or plicants, individuals ordered removed by mail and have received a Biometrics from Canada and individuals from 30 Instruction Letter. Please see: To supforeign nationalities applying for a port biometrics expansion, Canada is temporary resident visa, work permit, opening new Visa Application Centres or study permit. and offering interim services at some missions. Biometric screening has proven effective in protecting the safety and More than 70 countries are using security of Canadians and the integrity biometrics in immigration and border of the immigration system. Systematic management. Canada’s Migration fingerprint verification allows border 5 partners – the United Kingdom, service officers to confirm a traveller’s Australia, the United States, and New identity and better manage traffic flow Zealand – have implemented biometric at the border. This will in turn make programs; so have the 26 Schengen international travel a convenient, pre- states in Europe, and other countries dictable and secure process for travel- around the world like Japan, South Africa and India. lers with genuine identities.
Bookkeeping & Payroll Services We offer day-day bookkeeping and payroll services for small businesses and medium-sized businesses as well as self – employed contractors. We offer competitive hourly and monthly contract rates. Personal, family, and basic Income Tax Returns
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asI Coty ibjLinsF, mIzIam ibjLinsF aqy svY-rujLgfrI kMntrYktrF nMU zy-tU-zy dI buwkkIipMg aqy py-rol dIaF syvfvF idMdy hF asIN rOjLfnf aqy mhInfvfr kMntrYkt Gwt qoN Gwt rytF qy krdy hF inwjI,pirvfrk aqy byisk ienkmtYks Pfrm vI Brdy hF
21 sflF df kMbfeINz qjLrbf
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The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
sUcnf smUh sMgqF nUM sUicq kIqf jFdf hY ik jo spYsLl mIitMg 6 agsq nUM swdI jfxI hY, Aus nUM kYNsl kr idwqf igaf hY, hux Aus mIitMg dy smyN bfry noits borz Auwpr aqy aKbfr rfhIN sUicq kIqf jfvy gf. vloN: pRbMDk kmytI Kflsf dIvfn susfietI aYbtsPorz
pMjfbI sfihq sBf aYbtsPorz dI mfisk rIport pMjfbI sfihq sBf aYbtsPorz dI julfeI mhIny dI mIitMg pvn igwlF vflf dI pRDfngI hyT gurduafrf Kflsf dIvfn susfietI ivKy hoeI. hfjLrI qoN bfd mfstr hfkm isMG ‘sfgr’ jI dy ivCoVy dI Xfd ivwc do imMt df mon Dfr ky sLrDFjlI Byt kIqI geI. kivqf pfT, pVcol ivc gurmyl ktfrIaf, surjIq isMG acrvfl, ENkfr sMDU, gurdyv buwtr, bldyv suKI rozy, pvn igwlF vflf, bldyv sIhrf, gurmyl brfV, aqy hkUmq inwJr nyN rcnfvF pVHIaF. sBf dI sFJI qIsrI pusqk ‘sLbdF dI sFJ’ dI iqafrI leI rcnfvF iekwTIaF kIqIaF geIaF. ijHnF lyKkF dIaF rcnfvF nhIN puwjIaF, AuhnF nUM bynqI hY ik afpxIaF 10-10-rcnfvF 15 agsq qoN pihlF bldyv suKI rozy qwk pwujdIaF krn! agwsq mhInyN dI mIitMg 26 qrIK nUM hovygI. hor jfxkfrI leI pvn igwlF vflf jF bldyv suKI rozy nUM sMprk kro jI. 604-615-9877 jF 604-855-1952
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
B.C. supports sustainable farming with new research farm and lab
he British Columbia government is supporting local organic farmers to grow sustainable and healthy food options for people at a new research farm and seed lab at Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) in Richmond. “British Columbians deserve access to high-quality local food options grown by people they know and trust,” said Lana Popham, Minister of Agriculture. “This cutting-edge research at KPU will help local farmers develop better seeds, crops and growing methods, and lead to more B.C.-grown healthy food produced for people in an innovative and sustainable way.” To help support this initiative, the Province has invested $670,000 through the B.C. Knowledge Development Fund (BCKDF), which funds world-class research and innovation throughout British Columbia. Projects funded by the BCKDF have the
ing for future job opportunities and B.C. growers will get training and technical services Funding has helped support the to help improve purchase of seed-testing equipment their business.” for a newly renovated seed lab, as well as farm infrastructure including The 8.1-hectare irrigation systems, high tunnels, a (20-acre) research greenhouse and post-harvest process- farm, located on the ing facilities. The provincial funds Garden City Lands are being matched by the federal in Richmond, will government’s Canada Foundation for be certified organic and will give Innovation. An additional $335,000 growers, researchers and students the has been contributed by partners in ability to observe new technologies the organic seed industry and through being tested and participate in workshops highlighting research results. funding raised by KPU. The seed lab will allow seed growers “Through this exciting project, to carry out quality control on their Kwantlen Polytechnic University seed and use the data to inform better is generating innovative research growing practices. in sustainable agriculture that has real-world applications to local agri- “West Coast Seeds is excited to colculture,” said Alan Davis, president, laborate with Kwantlen Polytechnic Kwantlen Polytechnic University. University on its leading-edge re“Kwantlen students will get train- search and development,” said Orrin potential to grow B.C.’s economy and improve the lives of all British Columbians by spurring new technologies and innovation.
Morishita, president, West Coast Seeds. “Its work on reliable organic seed supply and testing will help strengthen the organic seed and food production industries, and benefit all organic agriculture in the province.” Research outcomes will advance organic production practices, develop better crops, produce high-quality seed for B.C. growers, and expand the number of workers trained in organic seed and crop production systems.
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
Government takes action to stop tax evasion in real estate s part of the Province’s 30-point plan for housing affordability, property buyers — including real estate speculators — will have to disclose more complete information when they make purchases through a corporation or trust.
through a corporation or trust. This will allow government to identify people with a significant interest in the property, and ensure the correct amount of tax is paid. The updated return will require the following additional information:
“Our government has been clear that the days of skirting tax laws and hiding property ownership behind numbered companies and trusts are over. Not only is tax evasion in real estate fundamentally unfair, but it’s driving up the cost of housing for people who live and work in our communities,” said Carole James, Minister of Finance. “These changes give authorities another tool to make sure people are paying the taxes they owe.”
name date of birth citizenship information contact details tax identification numbers (such as a social insurance number)
The new reporting requirements will apply to all property types, including residential and commercial. There will be exemptions for certain trusts, such as charitable trusts, and certain corporations, such as hospitals, Starting Sept. 17, 2018, the new propschools and libraries. erty transfer tax return will require people to report additional informa- This change complements other action when a transaction is structured tions the B.C. government is taking to
address tax fraud and close loopholes Sharing information on the homein the real estate market, including: owner grant with federal tax officials to improve tax enforcement. Consulting on legislation to establish a new, publicly accessible registry of Strengthening property transfer tax auditors’ abilities to take action on who owns real estate in B.C. tax evasion. Introducing a new law to track presale condominium contract assign- Establishing a federal-provincial working group on tax fraud and ments, and prevent tax evasion. money laundering.
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The Patrika
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- Marijuana Grow Operations - Cocaine and Heroin Trafficking - Importing/Exporting
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
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The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
afpxf afpxf surg
“qloky ieaflI df ivafh aY!” swjn isMG dy poqry jMg isMG ny khI moZy qoN lfh ky jLmIn Aupr itkfAuNidaF, sMqU nUM rfh ivwc rok ky dwisaf. “sMhu Kfh!” “shuM ZFzIN dI, rFqIN Auh afieaf sI bfpU kol kihMdf ‘myry nfl cwlo sLihr vrI lYx, do tUmF vI bxfAuxIaF. bfpU huxy igaf sfZy swq vflLI bws mogy nUM Auhdy nfl. pr Xfr, AUN qF pqf nhIN ikwQy ZwukxY”. sMqUM nUM qloky dy ivafh vflI gwl suxf ky jMg isMG ny khI muV moZy qy rwKI aqy agFh Kyq vwl nUM qur ipaf. sMqU ieh Kbr awgy hornF nfl sFJI krn leI ipMz vwl kfhly kdmI ho igaf. qlokf, ijs dy ivafh dI Kbr nM sMqU ny bVI hYrfnI nfl suixafN, aTwqI ku sfl df vYlI numf afjVI sI. ipCokV qF Aus df lfxy vfly Grfxy df sI. Aus df pVdfdf ielfky df mMinafN JgVflU jwt sI. Auh lokF dy mukdmy muwl lY lYNdf. iksy koloN JgVy vflI jLmIn df awD, iksy koloN Gr ivwcoN ihwsf, iksy dy koloN nkd nrfien aqy iksy koloN inaFeI vflI jLmIn df kuJ ihwsf lY lYx df iekrfrnfmf ilKvf lYNdf aqy mukdmf JgVn leI lfhOr qwk qur ky jFdf. bhuq sfry mukwdmy Aus ijwqy sn. Gwt hI mukwdmy hox gy ijnHF ivwc Aus nUM hfr df mUMh dyKxf ipaf hovygf. eysy krky jdoN ivroDI iDr nUM pqf lwg jFdf ik eys mukwdmy nUM kfnUMnIey ny afpxy hwQ ivwc lY ilaf hY qF Auh ipMz ivwc hI kuJ lY dy ky rfjLInfmF krn dI kosLsL krdy. ies qrHF Aus ny afpxy dohF puwqrF leI jwdI jLmIn dy nfl hor vIh GumF bxf idwqI sI. Aus df vwzf muMzf swjn isMG Gr dI sfrI kbIldfrI aqy vfhI KyqI df kMm sMBfldf pr gwjn isMG Cotf hox krky mfipaF df lfzlf sI Auh kMm nUM hwQ nf lfAuNdf bws kbUqr Auzf Cwzdf. ipAu dy ijAuNidaF Aus ny koeI kMm nhIN kIqf sI. ipAu dy mrn mgroN vI jdoN Auh kMm qoN tflf krn lwgf qF swjn isMG Aus nfloN awz ho igaf. kbIldfrI isr pY jfx qy vI gwjn isMG ny zwkf BMn ky dUhrf nf kIqf. ies qrHF dohF BrfvF dI afrQk hflq df pfVf vwDdf igaf. awgoN gwjn isMG df iewko iewk muMzf jvflf isMG aijhf alwQ inkilaf ik kbUqrbfjLI dy nfl nfl nsLybfjLI vI cflU kr idwqwI. Auh afpxy kbUqrF nUM lY ky kdI iksy ipMz qur jFdf qy kdI iksy ipMz. kdI kdI Auh afpxy ipMz vI kbUqrbfjLI dy mukfbly rKvf lYNdf. kbUqrbfjL afpxy ipMjry lY ipMz ivwc phuMc jFdy. sUrj dI itwkI inkln sfr
jrnYl isMG syKf hI kbUqrF dIaF burdF CutdIaF, sLrqF jLmIn ivwcN iewk ikwlf gihxy krn lwgf qF lgdIaF, ZfxIaF dIaF ZfxIaF glIaF ivwc Bgvfn kOr ny DUaF swQr pf ilaf. sbwbIN hrl hrl krdIaF iPrdIaF. kbUrqbfj Aus idn Bgvfn kOr df Brf imlx afieaf afpxy hwQF dIaF kokIaF bxf afkfsL vwl hoieaf sI jvflf isMG ny klysL krnf cMgf ingfh itwkI kbUqrF nUM dyKdy rihMdy. kbUqr nf smiJaf qy cuwp krky GroN inkl igaf. asmfn dIaF qfrIaF lfAuNdy, klfbfjLIaF afQx nUM jdN Bgvfn kOr jdoN mwJ dI Dfr mfrdy afpxy mflkF df hOslf bnHfeI rwKdy. kwZx leI psLUaF vfly vfVy ivwc geI qF dupihr Zlx mgroN kbUqr hOlLI hOlLI mwJ nUM ikwly Auwpr nf dyK ky Aus dI KfinEN ikrn lwg pYNdy. ijs kbUqrbfj df kbUqr geI. AUs nUM guaFZx ny dwisaf ky mwJ qF aKIr qwk AuzfrIaF lfAuNdf, Auh KusLI nfl jIqU mihrf leI jFdf sI, “aKy mYN do sO dI iklkfrIaF mfrdf iPrdf ijvyN Aus nUM kfrUM leI af”. Aus idn dy mgroN Bgvfn kOr df KjLfnf iml igaf hovy. Aus idn jvflf dy Gr mwJ nhIN afeI. Ausy rfq jdoN sLrfbI isMG dy Gr mylf lwigaf rihMdf. rfq nUM hoieaf jvflf isMG Gr puwjf qF Bgvfn kOr boqlF dy zwt Auzdy, ipMz dy murigaF dIaF ny suwqy pey dIaF jybF ProlIaF. Aus dI jyb bFgF bMd ho jFdIaF. sfrI rfq ieh cMzfl ivwcoN swT rupey inkly. Bgvfn kOr ny AuhnF cOkVI Auh huVmMd mcfAuNdI ik guaFZIaF nUM rupeIaF ivwc iewk bwkrI KrId leI. cfh kMnF ivwc AuNglF dy ky awKF Auwqr pwtI bMnH leI Gr ivwc duwD vI qF cfhIdf sI. ky rfq lMGfAuxI pYNdI. Aus idn jvflf isMG qloky df pVHfeI ivwc iDafn hI nhIN sI. dy Gr vflI Bgvfn kOr df qF Bgvfn hI jdoN qIjI ivwcoN dUjI vfr PylH ho igaf qF rfKf huMdf ijs nUM qOxF guMnH ky pkfAuxIaF mF bwkrIaF (ijhVIaF hux qwk iewk qoN cfr pYNdIaF. bx geIaF sn) mgr lf ky ijMdr afjVI aijhy mfhOl ivwc jvflf isMG dy ieklOqy puwqr iqRlok isMG dI pflxf posLxf ho rhI sI. mF cfhuMdI sI ik ipAu dIaF afdq df pRCfvF muMzy Auwpr nf pvy pr muMzf inwkf huMdf hI kbUqr bxf bxf KHyzx lwg ipaf sI. CyvyN sfl ivwc huMidaF hI mF ny puwqr nUM pVHny pf idwqf pr Auh skUloN Bwj ky ivhlV muMizaF dIaF ZfxIaF nfl KHyzx jf lgdf. ipAu nUM koeI prvfh nf huMdI sI ik muMzf pVHdf nhIN. mF ny keI vfr ikhf,” qloky dy bfpU, qUM sLrIkF vwl vyK. ZyrIaF qF QozIaF iewko jyhIaF sI. AuhnF afpxI ZyrI zyZI kr leI qy qUM Gr nUM qMglI lfeI hoeI aY. afvdy muMzy df kI kusL iKafl kIqf huMdf ijhVf huxy qoN hI qyry lwCxF qy qur ipaf. kusL hosL kr. ajy vylf aY sMBl jf. ikAuN muMzy dy ipVH nfAuNxH lgYN. kwl kloqr nUM iksy eys nUM sfk nhIN krnf”. eynI afK Auh huMBkIN huMBkI rox lgdI pr jvflf isMG dy Auwqr Bgvfn kOr dIaF gwlF df ieMnF ku asr huMdF ijMnF ku iQMdy GVy Auwpr pfxI df. Auh iewk do idn Gr rihMdf, Bgvfn kOr nfl kbIldfrI nUM qorn dIaF slfhF vI krdf pr jdoN hI Aus dy iksy sfQI df sunyhfN af jFdf qF Auh afpxf kbUqrF vflLf ipMjrf cuwk ky bfhr inklL jFdf qy keI keI idn Gr nf muVdf. jvflf isMG dIaF PYlsUPIaF kfrn inaFeI vflf twk qF AuhnF hwQoN bhuq pihlF hI inkl igaf sI. dYVF dI jLmIn ipMzoN zyZ mIl hox kfrn Bgvfn kOr nUM mwJ cfry leI musLkl pysL afAuNdI sI iewk idn jvflf isMG ny ieh musLkl vI asfn kr idwqI. hoieaf ieAuN, jdoN jvflf isMG dYVF vflI
Auwqr jfxf pr ies vfr mlyrIaf ivgV ky nmonIaF bx igaf. jdoN qlokf mF nUM lY ky vwzy hspqfl phuMicaF qF bhqu dyr ho cuwkI sI. Bgvfn kOr bc vI nf skI qy joVI hoeI pUMjI ibmfrI Auwpr lwg geI. mF dI mOq mgroN qlokf iblkul iewklf rih igaf. hux Aus nUM afp hI ivMgIaF tyZIaF rotIaF pkf ky KfxIaF pYNdIaF aqy bkrIaF dI vfVI dI vI sPfeI afpnUM hI krnI pYNdI. qloky kol bwkrIaF df pUrf vwzf iewjV bx igaf. murwbybMdI hox krky crFdf Kqm ho geIaF. iewkTy do iewjV cfrny lokF dIaF PslF df nfs krnf sI. so imMdr ny qloky nfloN afpxf iewjV inKyV ilaf. qloky ny amrU ijhVf iksy vyly AuhnF df sIrI irhf sI, dy poqry nUM afpxy nfl CyVU rwK ilaf aqy Aus dI ivDvf mF nUM vfVI dI sPfeI leI mnf ilaf. kuJ smyN mgroN BfgF Gr nUM suMBrn svfrn vI lwgI. iewk idn qloky ny hwsdy hoey ikhf BfbI , myrIaF rotIaF vI lfh Cwizaf kr.
nfl qor idwqf. ies qrHF qlokf pfVHy qoN awgoN BfgF ny vI sLrfrqI hfsf hwsidaF afjVI bx igaf. afiKaf, “ idAurf, rotIaF qF mYN qyrIaF sO Bgvfn kOr vwloN idwqIaF smJOqIaF aqy vfr lfh dU pr myrIaF rotIaF Kfx leI lfeIaF afrF df jvflf isMG Auwpr koeI mihM ijwzf jyrf cfhIdf. lokIN imhxy mfrn asr nhIN hoieaf. Auh pihlF iewk ikwlf gy ik jwt mjHbx dIaF pwkIaF KfNdf. qlokf gihxy Drdf Pyr Aus Auwqy hor pYsy lY lYdf ibnf boilaF muskrFdf hoieaf ZFgI cuwk aqy mgroN Aus ikwly nUM hor pYsy lY ky bYa kr iewjV mgr qur ipaf. idMdf. iPr iewk hor ikwly dI vfrI af jFdI. hux Bgvfn kOr nUM afpdy puwqr dy BivwK dI ies qrHF hI qloky dy idn bqIq hox icMqf sqfAux lwgI. Auh iPkrmMd rihMdI ik lwgy. lok qloky fy BfgF bfry gwlF krn ikqy sfrI jLmIn hI ies dy vYlF ivwc nf clI lwgy. qlokf kuJ smF qF ieMnHF nUM brdfsLq jfvy. jdoN kul zyZ ikwlf jLmIn hI rih geI krdf irhf pr jdoN iewk idn swQ ivwcoN dI qF Aus dIaF vI gihxy Drn dIaF ivAUqF lMGidaF Aus nUM qfany vFg gwl rVkI qF bxn lwgIaF qF Aus dI iBxk Bgvfn kOr gwl krn vfly nUM qloky ny afpxI CotI ZFgI nUM pY geI. bws agly idn jvflf isMG mMjy nfl JMb suwitaf. Aus Aupwr 323 df mukdmf Auwqy suwqf ipaf hI rih igaf. lok kihMdy drjL ho igaf qy Auh Cy mhIny leI jylH ho sn ik Aus ny sLrfb hI bhuqI pI leI sI igaf. jylH jfx mgroN BfgF qy Auhdy muMzy sIry ny hI Gr aqy iewjV dI sMBfl kIqI. jo Aus dI mOq df kfrn bxI. Bgvfn kOr ny pUrf Xqn lfieaf ik puwqr ipAu vfly pg icMnF qy nf cwly. Aus ny sfry kbUqr jvflf isMG dy sfQIaF nUM PVF idwqy. kbUqrF vflI CqrI nUM cuwlHy df bflx bxf ilaf. imMdr afjVI dIaF imMnqF kIqIaF ik Auh qloky nUM nisLaF qoN bcf ky rwKy.
jdoN qlokf jylH ivwcoN Cuwt ky afieaf qF hor df hor hI bx igaf sI. hux Auh tyZI pwg qy DUMhvF cfdrf bMnHdf sI. dfVHI dy Kq kwZ ky rwKdf qy muwCF nUM sdf qfa idMdf rihMdf sI. BfgF nUM hux Aus ny afpxy Gr hI rwK ilaf sI hor hor gwlF krn vfly sB cuwp vwt gey. iewjV dI sFB sMBfl hIrf hI krdf. afp Auh iksy drKq hyTF bYT klIaF lfAuNdf. qlokf hIr dy ikwsy ivwcoN Auh Bfg bVy sLOk nfl gfAuNdf ijwQy jogI dy Bys ivwc KyVIN jFdy rFJy nUM bkrIaF cfrdf ieaflI pihlcfx lYNdf hY. ieMnHF bYqF nUM gfAux krky lok AuhnF nUM qlokf ieaflI kihx lg pey sn.
Bgvfn kOr ny afpxy mn nfl idRVH ierfdf kr ilaf sI ik Auh ies bkrIaF dy iewjV qoN hI Gr dI afrQk hflq nUM muV pYrF isr kr lvygI aqy qloky nUM vI ivafh lvygI. pr Bgvfn kOr nUM nUMh rfxI df mUMh vyKxf mnjLUr nhIN sI hoieaf. iewk idn Aus nuM kMb ky buKfr ciVHaf Aus ny koeI dvfeI nf leI ik afpy hI pihlF vfg lih jfvygf . afpxy lMmy ZFgy nfl qlokf ikwkrF byrIaF pihlF vI Aus nUM kdI buKfr cVHnf qF Aus nUM CFg CFg afpxIaF bkrIaF awgy suwtI ny Gr ivwc hI dosLFdf afid lY lYxf qy buKfr jFdf. bfkI awgly hPqy
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
Fireworks ignite Vancouver skies at B.C.’s largest festival
he Honda Celebration of Light fireworks festival, which draws more than one million spectators over three nights, kicked off last weekend in Vancouver’s English Bay.
lVky aqy lVkIaF dy aYtm tYkl aqy pI.vI tYkl leI qusIN KyHzx leI imwqrF,bwicaF aqy mfipaF nMU vI nflL ilaf skdy ho
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According to organizers, the annual event is the world’s longest running off-shore fireworks competition. “The Honda Celebration of Light is a summer highlight for British Columbians and their families, and a huge draw for visitors,” said Lisa Beare, Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture. “With live music, food and a variety of free family activities, this fireworks festival offers top-notch entertainment and provides a terrific boost to local tourism.”
such a sensational way because of the continuous support of the provincial government,” said Paul Tilbury and Heather Owen, joint co-chairs of the Vancouver Fireworks Festival Society. “The Honda Celebration of Light truly lights up the city, by bringing people together with those they love to enjoy a festival of music, food and culture This year’s Celebration of Light takes throughout the day, leading up to the place on July 28, Aug. 1 and Aug. 4, breath-taking fireworks each night.” 2018. It is expected to generate $173 million in visitor spending. The Min- The Tourism Events Program supports istry of Tourism, Arts and Culture sup- events that raise awareness of B.C.’s ported promotion of the festival with tourism experiences and inspire people a $250,000 grant through the Tourism from around the world to visit the province. The events supported by the Events Program. program generate tourism and boost “We are thrilled to bring back one of economic activity throughout British Vancouver’s favourite summer events Columbia. for its 28th year, and are able to do so in
Doctors warn that older Canadians need this health test (NC) Were you born between 1945 and 1975? If so, you might not know you’re at an increased risk of certain illnesses, including hepatitis C.
There is no warning for hepatitis C because its symptoms often don’t appear until the liver is severely damaged. Undiagnosed and untreated chronic hepatitis C can lead to liver Recently, the Canadian Association cancer and is the number one reason for the Study of the Liver recom- for liver transplants in Canada. mended that Canadians be tested Many people who have this liver disbased on their age, not just pos- ease show no symptoms, and up to an sible risk factors. According to the estimated 70 per cent of people with new guidelines on the management chronic hepatitis C in Canada don’t of chronic hepatitis C, those born even know they have the infection. between 1945 and 1975 should be To find out your hepatitis risk, comtested for the virus, aligning with the plete the Canadian Liver Foundarecommendations established by the tion’s viral hepatitis questionnaire at Canadian Liver Foundation.
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
New members for BC Arts Council
ive new members have been appointed to the BC Arts Council board and one member has had his term renewed. The arts council board, appointed by Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture Lisa Beare, represents diverse cultural and artistic communities throughout British Columbia. The new appointees to the board are:
4 self-care tips for first-year students
throughout Canada. Henman serves as director of the Capital Theatre Society and the Amy Ferguson Institute (NC) Adjusting to a new life away from home can be challenging for first-year in Nelson, B.C. students, especially when they’re used Norman Armour – international devel- to being cared for by their parents. opment manager for North America Now, with the onus on students to take for the Australia Council for the Arts. care of themselves, it’s important for Co-founder of the PuSh International them to prioritize health and well-being Performing Arts Festival, Armour as key ways to manage stress and excel served as its artistic and executive in school.
José Delgado-Guevara – concert master of the Prince George Symphony Orchestra and owner of Delgado Strings. Delgado-Guevara has held principal positions in several orchestras in the United States, Europe and
director for many years. Armour is an external advisory member of the Office of Cultural Affairs and a member of the Arts and Culture Policy Council for the City of Vancouver. Simone Orlando – artistic director and chief executive officer of Ballet
selves whenever possible. Encourage them to try prepping nutritious meals that can be taken to campus and eaten between classes during the week. If their residence or apartment has newer appliances like Whirlpool refrigerators, they’ll be able to adjust bins, shelves and drawers to make room for prepped meals and ensure healthy snacks are easily accessible.
Parents, you can help your students succeed by encouraging them to prac- Attend social events. University is tice these essential self-care tips for a about having fun. That’s why students are better off trying not to let stressful healthy and balanced life: exams and group projects get in the Stay active. A busy schedule may way of making new friends and taking a leave students feeling unmotivated to mental break. Joining a team or club on exercise, but it doesn’t take hours at campus or seeing how they can get inthe gym to see the benefits. They can volved within the local community will try walking, biking or rollerblading to help them feel connected and engaged. classes across campus, or signing up for a fitness class with friends. Any Get enough sleep. It’s easy to stay movement or time spent outside will be up late when cramming for a final or watching movies with roommates, but beneficial to overall well-being. it’s important to get a good night’s Make nutritional choices. While it’s sleep. Not only will they be more alert easier said than done, it’s important for in class, but they’ll have more energy young people to try cooking for them- throughout the day.
Canada. Phillip Djwa – president and chief executive officer of Agentic Digital Media in Vancouver. Djwa is a creative technologist and interactive strategist with many years of experience in interactive design, digital media and film/TV for Indigenous peoples, Kelowna. She has worked as a choreographer and received numerous commissions, including commissions from Ballet BC, Ballet Kelowna and Toronto Dance Theatre. Reappointment to the board: Derral Moriyama – senior vice president of business development for Western Canada at Bank of Montreal and accounting firm MNP. The BC Arts Council is funded by progressive organizations and social the provincial government. From professional dance companies to art venture companies. galleries, local museums and music Patricia Henman – professional ac- festivals, the council works to enrich tor, producer and director working the lives of everyone in B.C.
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
sLyry pMjfb dI brsI’qy sLrDf dy Puwl
mhF isMG dy bnyry cMn cmikaf,
sqvMq kOr pMDyr ijhVI qyg qoN sI vYrI Qr Qr kMbdy,
kihMdy drdmMdf idaf drdIaf,
bldyv sIhrf Xfd qyrI ivwc mYN sVdf irhf,
kry dUr qfeIN rOsLnI ipaf.
ikqy afps’c nf ilAu KVkf.
kOx bxU sfzy sfhF df sfh?
hsrqF dy nflL bws lVdf irhf.
DrqI supny lYx lwgI pMjfb dI,
hwQ PV ky KVk isMG puwq df,
sdIaF qoN mugLlF sI jkV ilaf.
iDafn isMG hwQ idwqf sI PVf.
kIhdI lwg geI njLr pMjfb nUM,
tuwt ky pfxI c, mYN hVHdf irhf.
rfj Bfg nfvyN puwq qy vjLIr qUM,
cVH asmfnIN qfrf tuwt ikAuN igaf?
myt idwqI pYV qyrI pOx ny,
bx vPfdfr PrjL inBfa.
byeImfn lflcI inkly zogry,
pYV mYN sey dI PVdf irhf.
Gr dy ByqI bx lMkf gey Zfa.
rIJ myrI nUM ipaf jy bUr vI,
bxky kohynUr vFg Auh cmikaf, DuMmF kfbl kMDfr pfeIaF jf.
pOx ivc pwqy dy vFgUM Awizaf,
Auh gLmF dy nflL hY JVdf irhf.
AuhnUM dyK vYrI Qr Qr kMbdy,
ijhVf mihl Cwz cwilaF Ausfr ky,
vfr kIqf kdy KflLI nf igaf.
iehnUM lV ky nf bYiTE Zfh.
lUx Kf ky hrfm kr gey sLyr df,
byvPLfeI df pqf sI EsnUM,
hr pMjfbI’c vwsdI rUh myrI,
dyKo iks qrHF inBfAuNdy ny vPLf.
dyv dI pr akl’qy pVdf irhf.
iswK ieiqhfs ivwc lfhnqF pYxIaF,
nYx kr bYTy muhwbq dI KLqf,
pMjfbI ikvyN QonUM skxgy Bulf?
ies KLqf dI imlL geI idl nUM sjLf.
atk vrgy vI qwk AuhnUM atkdy,
pMjfb KusLI sdf vwsy myrf.
pOxF Cwz idMdIaF sI Auhdy rfh. AuhnUM ijMd nflLoN ipafrf pMjfb sI,
vDy Puwly hoey eys pMjfb nUM,
qfhIAuN ‘sLyry pMjfb’ igaf aKvf.
ikqy DUV vFg idAu nf Auzf. hr kImq qy rwKxf afjLfd hY,
rfj Kflsy df, JMzy dsmysL dy,
ieho afKrI myrI hY iewCf.
qfj qKLq ivwc hIry igaf jVf.
hoxhfr jo icrfg sI pMjfb dy,
dyKxf hux mihk AwuTxI iPjLf.
kr iek iek idwqy qusIN buJfa.
rwKxf ikrdfr Auwcf afpxf,
vDy Puwly hoey iswKI dy ies rfj qy,
ijLMdgI ikwDry n jfvy kjLf.
afiKr kbjLf aMgryjL df ho igaf.
afKdYN aksr mYN qYnUM Bwul jF, Buwlxy ivc hI Kry rwb dI rjLf.
iDafn isMG qy gulfb isMG zogry,
afiKr, 27 jUn 1839 nUM,
ley sI POj ivc BrqI krf.
hoxI lY ky sunyhf geI af. idn duiphr dy sUrj pMjfb df,
14500 murwbf mIl rfj df,
dwuK sih ky hI hmysLF suK imly,
pwCm vwl Cuipaf jf.
ieiqhfs pMinaF qy cVH igaf.
ijhVf afKrI icrfg sI pMjfb df,
Bwuldf jFdf hY Aus nUM dyv hux,
ibRitsL rfj ivwc Auh vI muwk igaf.
Buwlxy ivc vI bVf afAuNdf mjLf.
cVHdIaF, lihMdIaF sdf hI jwg qy rihMdIaF,
hux kdy swjx jdoN vI Xfd afieaf krngy,
pr pVH ky rukdy pMjfbIaF dy sfh.
Xfd kr mYnUM jdoN, awKF c, hMJU afAuxgy,
nYx AusdI Xfd ivc hMJU vhfieaf krngy.
mMdBfgI qkdIr pMjfb dI,
jd lFbU Auhdy isvy ivcoN inklLy,
ibmfrI ny sI Gyrf Gwq ilaf.
Drq pMjfb dI ny mfrI AuwcI Dfa.
Puwl qoV ky ‘sqvMq’ pMjfbI bfg’coN
sB igLly, isLkvy AudoN, imt jfxgy mn’coN imry,
ngfry ijwq dy nf kMnIN hux pYxHgy,
sLrDf nfl AuhdI brsI cVHfa.
gIq myrf jd kdy Auh guxgxfieaf krngy.
vYrI rhy sIgy KusLIaF mnf.
sLrmsfr hoey pMny ieiqhfs dy,
bih ky rfqF nUM iekwly, dyK ky Poto imrI,
jdoN pVHIey nIr awKIN jFdy af.
cuwk Poto afpxy idl nflL lfieaf krngy.
kwTy kr jrnYl, XoDy, bIrF nUM, Auhny afKrI drbfr’c ikhf.
iPr dupwty nflL Auh hMJU Cupfieaf krngy.
ijMnI ho skI syvf kr idwqI sU,
bwcf bwcf sI pMjfb df roNvdf,
dIvf qyl bfJoN suwk igaf pMjfb df,
ieh iqry mn df BulyKf hY ik qyry bfad Auh,
AuwcI sLfn QozI cwilaF bxf.
pOx gIq sI gmF dy rhI gf.
lwgy rwb hI kropI ho igaf.
dyv af ky kbr qy dIvy jgfieaf krngy.
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
rovx mfvfˆ
kyvl isMG inrdoÈ aYsI hr Qfˆ afÌq afeI. niÈafˆ dunIafˆ suwkxy pfeI.
mYN iek idn Pyr afAuxf hY zf: surjIq pfqr
zf: gurBjn igwl
E KuLsLidl suhxIEN rUho AunHF qIkr vI phuMcfieE
ikx imx kxIaF Drq AuzIky, jfnF aOV sukfeIaF ny.
Gr Gr mwcI hfl duhfeI. rovx BYxfˆ ivlkx BfeI.
E rumJum rumkdy KUho
mYN iek idn Pyr afAuxf hY
pOxF qy asvfr bdlIaF, dws qUM ikwDr DfeIaF ny.
iks iks df mYˆ hfl suxfvfˆ. mr gey puwq qy rovx mfvfˆ.
E myry ipMz dIE jUho
iksy vMJlI idE Cyko
qn dI ipafs imtfvx Kfqr vrH jfvygf bwdl qF,
qusIN hrigjL nf kumlfieE
myry imrjLy dIE hyko
myrI rUh qy drd ivCoVy, ieh ikAuN lIkF lfeIaF ny?
nfl isirMjfˆ lf lf tIky. bysuD hoey nÈy pI pI ky.
mYN iek idn Pyr afAuxf hY
myry sIny idE syko
twbr Gr ivwc ipaf AuzIky. rwK idwqI ijMd iPkrfˆ pIh ky.
nI ikwkro tfhlIE zyko
ikqy mwTy nf pY jfieE
suwk cwly ny mfnsrovr, mn dy inwqry pfxI vI,
nI inMmo sfPL idl nyko
mYN iek idn Pyr afAuxf hY
kMiZaF Auwqy vyK ikvyN afh hMsxIaF iqrhfeIaF ny.
E ipwplo bfibE vyKo
ienHF do cfr sflF ivc
qusIN DoKf nf dy jfieE
ieh bws afAuNdy isaflF ivc
iZwzoˆ jMmy dyx sËfvfˆ. mr gey puwq qy ivlkx mfvfˆ.
mMgy puwq kr kr ardfsfˆ. dyvxgy suwK lfeIafˆ afsfˆ. DrIafˆ rih geIafˆ Drvfsfˆ. jfxf Cwz kd sfQ svfsfˆ. cIr ky idl iks nUM idKlfvfˆ. mr gey puwq qy ivlkx mfvfˆ.
mYN CfvyN bihx afAuxf hY ienHF hfVF qy cyqF nUM luky kudrq dy ByqF nUM ienHF rmxIk KyqF nUM
dunIafˆ df ieiqhfs gvfh hY. niÈafˆ df iewk pfsV rfh hY.
myrf pRxfm phuMcfieE
cwldI iPr nf koeI vfh hYl jy muiVaf qfˆ golI Tfh hY.
mYN iek idn Pyr afAuxf hY
smJ nhIˆ afAuˆdf ikMJ smJfvfˆ. mr gey puwq qy ivlkx mfvfˆ.
ies dfvf-nl sB ruwK sfVy. dOlq Èohrq pfey pvfVy. Drm sQfn vI bxy aKfVy. af gey ny idn sB dy mfVy.
XfdF bMnH kqfrF afeIaF, ieh kI hoieaf myry nfl, bcpn ruwq dy nksL purfxy, kUMjF lY ky afeIaF ny.
ik jF sLfied iKLaflF ivc qusIN idl qoN nf ivsrfieE
qyrI myrI pRIq kdy vI ijsmF dI mhoqfj nhIN,
mYN iek idn Pyr afAuxf hY
mn dI KusLk bryqI Auwqy, ieh iks pYVF pfeIaF ny?
smuMdr BfPL bx Auzdf brPL bx prbqIN cVHdf
mYN jMgl nUM ikAuN jfxf sI, qyry huMidaF KusLboeIey,
jo cwk GuMmy GumfrF df
qy ndIaF bx ky iPr muVdf
imrg kQUrI myry aMdr, qF hI cuMgIaF lfeIaF ny.
qpy lohf luhfrF df
myrf iekrfr priqafieE
myrf sMdysL ipafrF df
mYN iek idn Pyr afAuxf hY
hux qF qyrI rUh df cfnx, vfhvf cfr cuPyry hY, qYQoN pihlF mwisaf jhIaF, rfqF bhuq lMGfeIaF ny. mnjIq brfV
vwzf grIb bfpU XfdF nUM Proldf,
ikhVf kdI kdFeI df kMm sI?
aksr Aus bwcy dI bfq pfAuNdf
hux sfihb mnjIq isMG dPqr ivwc bYTdf hY
iZwz dI Kfqr
bVf afAuxf jfx hY myry dPqr ivwc
roˆdf Jl hux bfp nhIˆ huMdf. mfˆ df sux ivrlfp nhIˆ huMdf.
jUTy pwqlF iwvc hwQ mfrdf
jIvn qoN tuwty, QuVF mfry lokF df
mirafˆ nfl mr afp nhIˆ huMdf. pr duwK sih cuwp cfp nhIˆ huMdf.
jo Kfx leI kuJ lwBdf, Btkdf rihMdf
mYN kdI AuhnF dy ichry nhIN
AudoN bwcf sF ajy mYN.
jyb dyKdf hF
iPr mYN mIqy qoN mnjIq bixafN
mjLbUr kuVI qoN afs rwKdf hF
aMnHF jLor
cfh vI kdI pwilAuN nhIN pINdf.
ijwDr vyKfˆ idwsy vYrfnI. niÈafˆ idwqI gfÜ jvfnI.
psLU ibrqI
ibrD ho igaf hF
Aus dI dÈf nf jfey ibafnI. qur igaf ijsdf idlbr jfnI.
skUl ivwc iksy nUM afpxI vI rotI nhIN sF Kfx idMdf
ihwilaf juwilaf vI hux bhuqf nhIN jFdf
huxy ajy sI leIafˆ lfvfˆ. mr gey puwq qy ivlkx mfvfˆ.
Koh Kfxf hws Cwzxf.
rojL rfq nUM supny ivwc
iPr mnjIq nfl isMG sLbd af juiVaf
afpxy afp nUM gMdgI dy Zyr ivwc KVHf vyKdy hF
hux mYN vwzf ho igaf sF QoVHf
ijsnUM iewk tuwkr dI qlfsL hY
bws dI itkt vI mYN kdI afp nf ktfeI
ijsdy hwQ ilbVy ny
afpxI vI iPr vfrI afeI. iPr kI dws kroˆgy BfeI.
irksLy vfly nfl JgVnf,
ijsdy qn kwpVf nhIN
swco swc inrdoÈ suxfvfˆ lmr gey puwq qy ivlkx mfvfˆ.
AuhdIaF bd duafvF
AuNJ mYN bhuq amIr hF awjkwl.
ikDry vI mihPUË nf Qfvfˆ. mr gey puwq qy ivlkx mfvfˆ.
hMJU pIvfˆ qy Êm Kfvfˆl mr gey puwq qy ivlkx mfvfˆ.
smJo nf ieh awg prfeI. rlL ky jy nf huxy buJfeI.
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
hfV sMkRFqI
joiqS, Eqy Eqy 604-751-0220 kro
myK – pyt dI KrfbI, sQfn bdlx df Xog, afmdn qoN vD Krcf, imwqrF qoN mdd, sMqfn qy iesqrI qoN icMqF, kfrobfr TIk rhy. julfeI 22,23,24, agsq 1,2,3,10,11, asLuwB.
A sudden turnaround of events connected to what has been an important priority could be a bit of a shock. You need to consider the true satisfaction level of late and if that is not so great then making a dramatic change is unlikely to be that bad. Only take directions that will benefit you financially and not risk future security.
It will be impossible to let dissatisfaction with any situation involving officials, those who have authority or too much that is expected of you to take charge of, continue down the path it has been taking. You have to stop worrying and be prepared to stand up for what you can see will be more sensible solutions for the future.
ibRK – pyt gYs rog nfl pRysLfnI, BrfvF df suK, imqrF nfl myl imlfp, sMqfn icMqf, iesqrI suK, kfrobfr ivwc suDfr, mhIny dy aMq ivwc Krcf aiDk. julfeI 16, 17,25,26,agsq 4,5,12,13 asLuwB.
imQun – gupq icMqf, afriQk siQqI ivwc suDfr, inwjI lokF df sihXog, sMqfn ksLt iesqrI suK, mhIny dy aMq ivwc pRysLfnI vDy. julfeI 18,19,27,28,29, agsq 6,7,14,15 asLuB.
isMG – cmVI df rog, afmdn qoN vwD Krcf, nvIaF XojnfvF qoN lfB, rfj drbffr qoN sfvDfn rihx dO loV. julfeI 22, 23, 24, agsq 1,2,3,10,11 asLuwB.
kMinaf – ishq TIk rhygI, sLnI df dfn kro, Dn lfB qy Krcf brfbr, iesqrI pwK qoN KusLI, ividafrQIaF leIN mMgl df dfnkrnf sLuwB, julfeI 16,17,25,26 agsq 4,5,12,13 asLuwB hovygI.
7 qulf- sbr qoN kMm lvo, GrylU JgiVaF qoN dUr rho, Dn lfB hovygf, dusLmx AuBr ky sfhmxy afAuxgy, svfrI aqy jfiedfd df pUrf suK imlygf, kfrobfr TIk rhygf. julfeI 18,19,27,28,29 agsq 6, 7, 14,15 asLuwB hovygI.
ibRsLick – Kun dI KrfbI nfl pRysLfnI rhygI, Dn lfB hoky vI hfnI df Xog hY. Xfqrf TIk rhygI, imwqrF df suK pRfpq hovygf, sMqfn dI icMqf, iesqrI suK, kfrobfr TIk rhygf. julfeI 20,21,30,31, agsq 8,9,16 asLuwB.
DnU- gYs ivkfr nfl pRysLfnI, sMqfn pwKoN icMqf, gupq sLqrU qoN sfvDfn rho, kMm bdlx jF sQfn bdlx df ivcfr bxygf. julfeI 22, 23, 24, agsq 1,2,3,10,11 asLuwB
10 mkr – ishq TIk rhygI, rfj drbfr qoN lfB, imwqrF BrfvF nUM ksLt, iesqrI pwKoN lfB hovygf, kfrobfr ibvwc qrwkI hovygI. julfeI 16,17,25,26 agsq 4,5,12,13 asLuwB hovygI.
11 kuMB – jmIn jfiedfd JgVy isrdrdI bxxngy. Afpxy lokF nfl anbx hovygI, sLqrU pRBfvsLflI hoxgy, svfrI qoN swt df Kqrf rhygf, kfrobfr TIk rhygf, julfeI 18,19,27,28,29 agsq 6, 7, 14,15 asLuwB hovygI.
mIn – Dn hfnI df zr, gupq icMqf rhygI aqy pRysLfnI, sMqfn qoN KusLI suwK pRfpqI df Xog hY, iesqrI ksLt, afmdn qoN vD Krcf rhy. julfeI 20,21,30,31, agsq 8,9,16 asLuwB.
Somebody else could provide a completely different perspective on either a decision you have already made or information you have gathered in order to make a choice. Rethinking the financial side of things could be wise between now and mid August. You may discover previous financial advice may not be the best direction to take.
You could find yourself in a position where you will need to pause for thought and this is likely to be generated by sudden changes of direction that somebody else either takes or wants to take. It may bring out a side of them you have not seen before. As difficult as it might be, it is better for you to wait and see what develops.
Stay focussed on yourself and maintaining a peaceful situation in your surroundings. Don’t allow someone else to project uncertainly into your life with the result that you become a slave to sorting out their issues. There is a lot building up behind the scenes and it will take some time yet for what it all means to surface.
You can find yourself back in situations with people from the past that involves drama in some way. The difference now is that they need to accept that something cannot be maintained and this can lower a degree of arrogance they may have previously displayed. Don’t feel you have to be rushed. Contemplate carefully.
Rebellion of others can put you under a great deal of pressure when it comes to structuring matters as you have been setting out to do. Like it or not, you will have to rethink commitments from now to mid August that you were settled with. You might have to accept that your priorities are not necessarily those of others.
More innovative ways of planning future goals could emerge in a surprising or unexpected manner. This can cause you to be hesitant when it comes to making changes to present ideas or information. Be prepared to review things to mid August. Solutions can arise with commitments you felt unclear about as well.
Sit tight when it comes to finances and certainly don’t take any risks that you might be advised to do. Some changes might take place that you cannot control but do not set out to sort things out for someone else. You are in a powerful position to maintain a balanced position in the long term by not responding to unknowns.
The Lunar Eclipse this week falls in your sign while linking to Mars. This can turn many things around on a personal level in the next 6 months that will require you to fight for your rights. You can be dealing with dominant personalities but you should not let this deter you if what they are demanding in not in your interests.
On one level you can be dealing with others that pleases you in that they seem to be in tune with your priorities. You could also sense there are other situations building up that are quite the opposite. This can have an effect on regular routines. You are lucky your sense will be warning you but you will have to wait for things to surface.
krk- ishq TIk rhygI, acfnk ksLt aqy zr, Dn lfB hovygf. BfeI bMDUaF df sihXog pRfpq hovygf Xfqrf ivwc ksLt, sMqfn qy iesqrI pwKoN KusLI pRfpq hovygI. julfeI 20,21,30,31, agsq 8,9,16 asLuwB.
You could start to have second thoughts about something you thought you had come to a final decision over. Going back over things will be the best strategy from now to mid August. Maintaining harmony at the basis of things that can include family matters is most important. There cannot be doubts about obligations.
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
Vancouver’s Largest On-Street Bike Ride Sep 15th
ore than 5000 People Ex- Night end up using their bikes more pected for BC’s only Open frequently after the event. Streets Night Ride HUB Cycling expects that more than HUB Cycling is organizing BC’s only 5000 people, including over 500 fully permitted, open streets night children, will participate this year. ride again on Saturday, September “Bike the Night was one of the best 15, 2018. experiences we have shared together “The combination of music, cos- as a family,” said one 2017 Bike the tumes, bikes, glowing lights, and Night participant. thousands of other people creates a very unique community experience,” says adds Wilkins. “Many cities have been hosting mass bike ride events like this for decades because they’re a lot of fun - and because they encourage people to get their bikes out of the garage.” Bike the Night is modelled after Montreal’s hugely popular ‘Tour La Nuit’, which is organized by Vélo Québec and after two decades now gets over 15,000 participants each year. HUB Cycling surveys show that people who participate in Bike the
While the ride is mostly getting people on bikes, building community and helping Va n c o u v e r become an even “more fun city”, it also helps to improve safety. In 2017 thousands of free lights were also given away to participants to encourage safe riding after the event. Based on the findings from our surveys, 70% of participants reported that they use lights while riding at night, a 10% increase from before the ride.
Bike the Night will kick off on September 15th at 6pm with a pre-party featuring free snacks, bike repairs and giveaways for registered participants. The easy 10 kilometre route will start at Concord Pacific Place (corner of Carrall St. and Pacific) and wind through some of Vancouver’s most iconic streets including a car-free Burrard Bridge. Thousands of people of all ages and abilities are expected to sign up for the ride and are en- Registration is only $15 until Septemcouraged to decorate their bikes with ber 1st and includes access to the ride, one entry to win a grand prize from lights and come in costume.
MEC and other great prizes, and an admission to the kick-off party with live music, free bike tune-ups and decorating, relay races, free snacks, giveaways and entertainment. Youth 16 and under are free. Everyone who signs up at www. before July 31st will also be entered to win a Pannier form Two Wheel Gear. PAGE 31
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
kI bxMU
lKbIr lwkI tI vI lfE jF ryzIE lfE, BfvyN pVHo aKLbfr, iewko Kbr ky golLI cwl geI, keI bMdy idwqy mfr. lwut Ksuwt, bYNk qy zfky, ikqy huMdy blfqkfr, ikwQy bwcq hoAU Auey rwbf, aMdr krIey ik bfhr? bwcy suMgVy mfpy sihmy, hr dy aMdr iewko buKfr,
HWY 11
HWY 11
kI kfhl axgihlI hY jF ieh hY kudrqI mfr?
• Irrigation Installation
ierIgySn ienst`lySn
pfxI hVH kYtrInf sunfmI, qbfhI kIqI by-sLumfr,
• Post Pounding
post l`auxy
ikqy hY awg lpytI jFdI, keI Gr sxy pirvfr.
• Drip and Sprinkler Systems
fir@p Eqy spirMklr
• Ditch Digging and Cleaning
if@c putxIE~ Eqy s`P krnIE~
• Farm Drains
Kyq~ iv@c fryn p`auxy
hvfeI sPLr nf irhf suKflLf, krIey ikvyN ieqbfr, GroN qurky ikqy phuMc jfvFgy, jF rhFgy awD ivckfr. nisLaF ny Kf leI jvfnI, buZfpf qF hY idn cfr, hOlLI hOlLI eyvYN Kqm ho jfxY, lwgdY ieh sMsfr. Gr klysL qlfk mukWdmy PV rhy rPqfr, KudkusLIaF ny QF hY mwlI, nF muhwbq nF ipafr.
Workers Wanted: Welder & General helper good wages, must speak English, knowledge of Punjabi will be an asset
CoitaF nUM god df inwG n, nf vwizaF df siqkfr,
We Specialize in Blueberry Draining Systems
kihx qUM jfxy kuJ vI nF, bx rihMdy Kud- muKiqafr.
Call Tarsem Singh at 604-897-2152 or 604-852-0552
dyvIN mwq sumwq qUM sB nUM, rwbf qyry hwQ muhfr, jy qUM nhIN af skdf Drq qy, ‘lwkI’ jfgy iPr srkfr.
bMd kmiraF’coN ikrdI rOsLnI ipR: suirMdrpfl kOr brfV
bMd kmiraF’coN ikrdI rOsLnI kfPLI hY myry dosq[[[ myrIaF gihrI DuMd’c ilptIaF vftF leI. AuNj vI qF asIN cfr ikrnF ijMnI hI afAuD hMZfAuNdy hF msln cfr idnF dI cFdnI cfr igwT jLmIn
kdI ‘arjn’ qy kdI ‘sukrfq’ bxn dI koisLsL’c sfry rMgF dy pwqy guaf ky vI lwp ku cfnx hI qlfsLdf ey. ivrlF, lkIrF qy hfsLIey ijMnI ijLMdgI simaF df hfisl nhIN qkdIrF df hfisl ho inbVdy ny. ijwQy puKLqgIaF dm qoVdIaF ny
cwpf ku afsmfn
qy supny aMnHy ho ky byKLOPL iknfiraF dI qlfsL’c inkldy ny
qy iPr cfr idn dI ijLMdgI.
qy iPr rOsLnI dsqk nhIN
AuNj vI qF afdmI qfa-Aumr
iek axikafsI bIafbfnI vft bx jFdI ey
gihrI DuMd dI cfdr’c ilpitaf ivrlF qlfsLdf ey jIAux leI
ijwQy cwlxf sfzI sB dI mjLbUrI huMdI ey qy vkq sfzIaF pYVF nfl ilptx lgdf ey
qy iPr mwkVI dy jfilLaF vfkux
iPr asIN iksy kbrF vrgI sLFqI dI qlfsL ivwc
ivrlF df jflL buxdf-buxdf
afpxIaF afpxIaF prlwBqF dy tukVy cuxdy
icpicpy qy iljLiljLy
hor guafcx leI awgy tur pYNdy hF
irsLiqaF dI bybsI’c guaficaf
hor guafcx leI awgy tur pYNdy hF.
sVk hfdsy QF QF Auwqy, kI trwk bws jF kfr,
sLrDf syvf isdk Bfvnf, eyhnF leI hY kOx iqafr?
asIN sYpitk tYNk lfAuNdy hF We install septic tanks
5390 Gladwin Road Abbotsford BC GLADWIN RD
Dfrimk QfvF bxy aKfVy, hr dy isr hY cODr svfr,
Well Pump Installation and Service
Anand Irrigation
skUl jfx qoN zrdy sfry, ho nf jfeIey ikqy isLkfr.
ANAND Irrigation
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
hkUmq isMG inwJr
izAUt bolIaF gwBrU:
gwBrU :
QflI QflI QflI,
Dfvy Dfvy Dfvy,
zyrf zyrf zyrf,
sLyr jMg Bfg purIaf shury jIhdy jMzflI,
sulPy dI lft vrgI kuVI Zfb c qfrIaF lfvy,
sony dy qvIqF vflIey lY geI kwZky kfljf myrf,
muwC Aqy inMbU itkdf moZy rwKdf rPLl dunflI,
gBwrU qKfxvwD dy icwty cfdry pwgF nUM mfvy,
hwsky nf kdy boldI DMn qyrf vYrny jyrf,
mVk nfl pwb Drdf cfl cwly mqvflI,
surmF brylI sLihr df kuVI KVHky moV qy pfvy,
qyry drsLn leI myrf pMjvF glI c gyVf,
prHF ho jf ibsLn kury jfvy jwt df PYr nf KflI,
awK nfl gwl kr geI AuNglI nfl smJfvy,
prHF ho jf ibsLn kury
awK nfl gwl kr geI
rVky rVky rVky,
rfieaf rfieaf rfieaf,
mMuizaf sLukIn cobrf gwl sux jf jwtI dI KVHky,
gBwrU PrIdkot df pVHny cMzIgV lfieaf,
qyry jyhy hjLfrF gwBrU nfAuN jwpdy jwtI df AuwT qVky,
kuVI pitafly sLihr dI jIhny ryb pjfmf pfieaf,
swQF ivwc gwlF huMdIaF huMdy Gr Gr myry crcy,
swp vFgMU jfvy mylHdI vYrI rUp sfx qy lfieaf,
idl dI ikqfb dy Awqy qyrf iliKaf jwtI ny nfvF,
awg vFgUM rUp mwcdf jfvyNgf cMdiraf sVky,
prHF ho jf Bfn ishF ikAUN iPrdf Gbrfieaf,
ipMz ivwc pihrf lwgdf dws ikhVy mYN bhfny afvF,
awg vFgUM rUp mwcdf
prHF ho jf Bfn ishF
duwKF ivwc pY geI ijMdVI kwlf twkryN qF hfl suxfvF,
sMmF vflI zFg dy Auwqy nF iliKaf Bjn kury qyrf, sMmF vflI zFg dy Auwqy
muitafr : JFvF JFvF JFvF, muMizaf sLOkIn cobrf mYN sdky qyry qoN jFvF,
duwKF ivwc pY geI ijMdVI gwBrU:
pfvy pfvy pfvy
mfieaf mfieaf mfieaf,
qorI qorI qorI,
kuVIey bdfmI rMgIey qyrI mVk JwlI nf jfvy,
Buwco mMzI sfrI GMum leI koeI gwBrU psMd nf afieaf,
kuVI klkWqy sLihr dI duwD dI Dfr qoN gorI,
cMzIgVH qUM nwcdI qyrI Dmk jlMDr jfvy,
mogy mMzI hyVH iPrdI cMgf iewk nf AuWQy iQafieaf,
hOlLI hOlLI nwc pqlo ikqy lwk nf jLrb Kf jfvy,
mflvy nMU geI inMdky jIhny surmf DfrF bMnH pfieaf,
gwBrU ny bFh PV leI hux pysL koeI nf jfvy,
gBwrU duafby df kuVI ihwk df qvIq bxfieaf,
gwBrU ny bFh PV leI
gBwrU duafby df
mxky mxky mxky,
afrI afrI afrI,
cMd kur lMbVF dI inklI kbUqrI bxky,
prIqI nMd kur dI jIhdI ipMz dy mMuzy nfl XfrI,
ihwk qy qvIq mylHdy pYrF c JFjr peI Cxky,
DMn kur lMbVF dI gwl dsqI bfp nUM sfrI,
mMuzF myrf rovy aMb nMU leI vyK qyrI srdfrI,
boc boc pwb rwKdI pfAux bolIaF gfnI dy mxky,
zFgF KVk peIaF vwZ suitwaf rVy ptvfrI,
CiVaF dy awg nUM geI AuhnF cwpxI vgfh ky mfrI,
muMizaF nUM pYx dMdlF jwtI inklI ptolf bxky,
bfxIeyN ny awq cuwk leI myrI ihek qy jlybI mfrI,
tuwt geI qVwk krky kfhdI awlHVF dI XfrI,
muMizaF nUM pYx dMdlF
bfxIeyN ny awq cuk leI
hfkF Gr vwjIaF Cwz ‘inJrf’ PulkfrI,
igwDy ivwc nwcdI dI Poto iKwHc leI muMzy ny corI, Gr Gr ho geI crcf gory rMg ny puafVf pfieaf, nYx prIqo dy iewk awK df CwbI sO muwl pfieaf, nYx prIqo dy
muitafr: XfrI XfrI XfrI,
hfkF Gr vwjIaF
pwg df gIq cMnf dyK ky sMDUrI qyrI pwg vy.
qrI pwg dyK dyK idl nhI rwjdf.
jfvyˆ rfjy mhfrfjy vfgMU Ìb vy.
qYnMU jfey nf njLr myrI lwg vy.
gory mwuK qy sMDUrI rMg iknf swjdf.
qYnMU jfey nf njLr myrI lwg vy.
qyrI pwg ijhf jlvf nf hor qwikaf.
qyrI pwg myrf idl ilaf Twg vy.
pitafly-ÈfhI pwg qyrI sB qoˆ kmfl vy.
ikvyN poc poc pyc Auqy pyc riKaf.
qYnMU jfey nf njr myrI lwg vy.
qfj nflLo Aucf qyrI pwg df jlfl vy.
qyrI pwg dI isÌq kry jwg vy.
jd ÈIÈy mUhry KVH bMnHy pwg nokdfr qMU.
qYnMU qwkI jfvfˆ mYˆ qfˆ rwj rwj vy.
qYnMU jfey nf njLr myrI lwg vy.
rfxI mfˆ df jfieaf lwgyˆ rfjkumr qMU.
qYnMU jfey nf njLr myrI lwg vy.
blvMq srfˆ (mwdoky) pwg bMnHx dI klf krfmfq hMudI hY. rwb vwloˆ idqI ieh sOgfq huMdI hY. “srfˆ"JolLI qyrI pfeI ijhVI rwb vy qYnMU jfey nf njLr myrI lwg vy. PAGE 33
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
Kihrf dI kursI Kuwsx mgroˆ kMvr sMDU vwloˆ asqIPf
kyjrIvfl ny Psfey bYˆs Brfvfˆ nfl isMg afm afdmI pfrtI dy kOmI knvInr arivMd kyjrIvfl ny bYˆs Brfvfˆ `qy Ëordfr hmlf boilaf hY .AunHfˆ bYˆs Brfvfˆ nUM dilq ivroDI krfr idwqf. kyjrIvfl ny bYˆs Brfvfˆ nUM rItvIt kIqf ijs ivwc bYˆs Brfvf ny nvyˆ bxy ivroDI iDr dy nyqf hrpfl isMG cImf nUM pfrtI df `pwpU` dwisaf sI. kyjrIvfl ny ikhf ik bYˆs Brfvfˆ dI dilq smfj pRqI aIjhI soc Èrmnfk hY. kyjrIvfl ny bYˆsfˆ nUM akflI –Bfjpf qy kfˆgrs nfl mylidafˆ ikhf ik ienHfˆ dI pUry dilq smfj pRqI aijhI gMdI soc hY qy ieh lok dilqfˆ `qy hmyÈf Ëulm krdy af rhy hn .
bMbIhf gYˆg dy ññ mYˆbr asly smyq igRPqfr
afm afdmI pfrtI dy sInIar afgU kMvr sMDU ny pfrtI dy ivDfiek ivMg dy bulfry vjoˆ asqIPf dy idwqf hY .sMDU ny ieh jfxkfrI tvIt krky idwqI .kMvr sMDU ny afpxy tvIt ivc ikhf ik jdoˆ hux hrpfl cImf nUM pMjfb ivDfn sBf ivwc ivroDI iDr df lIzr Qfp idwqf hY,qfˆ Auh afpxI tIm inXukq krngy. AunHfˆ dI shUlq leI mYˆ Kud `afp` dy ivDfiek ivMg dy bulfry vjoˆ asqIPf dy irhf hfˆ. sMDU ny cImf leI sMboDn kIqy tvIt rfhIˆ ÈuBkfmnfvfˆ vI idwqIafˆ. iËkrXog hY ik suKpfl isMG Kihrf nUM vIrvfr Èfm nUM ivroDI iDr dy ahudy qoˆ lfˆBy kr idwqf igaf sI .
aMimRqsr ieMprUvmYˆt trwst Gply `coN kYptn brI pMjfb dy muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG nUM ipCÜy ds sflfˆ qoˆ cwl rhy aMimRqsr ieMprUvmYyˆt trwst mfmly `c vwzI rfhq imlLI hY . muhflI adflq ny ivjIlYˆs vwloˆ kys rwd krn leI dfier kIqI irport nUM mnËUr kr ilaf hY. kYptn sxy ñõ hor nUM vI ies kys ivwcoˆ brI kr idwqf igaf hY . muwK mMqrI PYslf suxn leI Kud muhflI adflq phuMcy sn. adflq ny pMjfb ivjIlYˆs ibAUro vwloˆ idwqI hoeI mfmly dI kYˆslyÈn irport `qy mohr lf idwqI hY. kichrI `coN bfhr af ky kYptn ny ikhf ik AunHfˆ Auwpr kys isafsI dbfa Qwly drË hoieaf sI.adflq ny awgy apIÜ krn leI iewk mhIny dI mohlq vI idwqI hY .
pMjfb puils ny divMdr bMbIhf gYˆg dy ññ mYˆbrfˆ nUM igRPqfr krn df dfavf kIqf hY . puils ny ienHfˆ bdmfÈfˆ qoˆ ñ÷ hiQafr vI brfmd kIqy hn. puils ny igRPqfrI mOky ivroDI iDr dy nvyˆ nyqf hrpfl cImf nUM prmIÈ vrmf qy golLI clfAux mOky vrqI gwzI vI brfmd kIqI hY . pMjfb puils dy BgvMq mfn df QfpVf ? afeIjI kuMvr ivjY pRqfp ny dwisaf ik ieh gYˆgstr gYˆgvfr krky pMjfb ivwc dihÈq PYlfAuˆdy sn . AunHfˆ dwisaf ik ieh bdmfÈ divMdr bMbIhf gYˆg dy hn qy idlpRIq bfbf pMjfb ivDfn sBf ny nvyˆ bxy ivroDI iDr dy nyqf hrpfl isMG cImf df isafsI kYrIar gYˆg nfl lgfqfr sMprk ivwc sn . bhuq lMmf nhIN. Auh òúñö ivwc bfr aYsosIeyÈn dy pRDfn bxn nfl crcf ivwc afey sn. ies qoˆ bfad Auh isafsq ivc rucI lYx lwgy. ivDfn sBf coxfˆ dOrfn AunHfˆ irËrv suwcf isMG lMgfh ryp dy kys `coN brI hlky idVHbf qoM afm afdmI pfrtI dI itkt leI ibnY kIqf sI . pfrtI ny vI nvyˆ, gurdfspur lok sBf Aup-cox smyˆ suwcf isMG lMgfh Aupwr lwgy doÈfˆ qy Tos sbUq nf bydfg qy dilq ichrf hox krky AunHfˆ nUM itkt dy idwqf. cImf sMgrUr qoˆ pfrtI dy lok imlx kfrn adflq ny brI kr idwqf hY . ryp df doÈ lgfAux vflI aOrq dy mukrn sBf mYˆbr BgvMq mfn dy nËdIkI mMny jfˆdy hn. crcf hY ik cImf nUM ivDfn sBf dI qoˆ bfad lMgfh nUM Pfiedf imilaf hY . lMgfh ny ikhf ik mYnUM iensfP imilaf hY . itkt idvfAux leI vI mfn df hwQ sI. ivroDI iDr dy nyqf bxn ivwc vI cImf nUM mfn kfˆgrs ny mYnUM JUTy afrop ivc Psfieaf sI .Xfd rhy suwcf isMG lMgfh sYks-sIzI df sfQ imilaf jfpdf hY . kfˆz ivc Pisaf sI .
byadbI mfmilafˆ `qy irport `c vwzy Kulfsy, bihbl klfˆ golIkfˆz dI jfˆc sIbIafeI hvfly sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb dI byadbI vfly mfmilafˆ df ivroD kr rhy iswKfˆ Auwpr kotkpUrf qy bihbl klfˆ ivwc cwlI golLI dI jfˆc hux sIbIafeI krygI . pMjfb dy muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG ny jsits (syvf mukq) rxjIq isMG kimÈn dIafˆ isPfrÈfˆ `qy kfrvfeI kridafˆ golIkfˆzfˆ dI jfˆc kyˆdrI jfˆc ibAUro hvfly krn df PYslf ilaf hY . muwK mMqrI ny ikhf ik golLI clfAux qy qfkq dI vrqoˆ krn dy hukm dyx vfly afeIjI qy eyzIjIpI pwDr dy aPsrfˆ iKÜfP sbUq mOjUd hn, ijs krky mfmly dI jfˆc sIbIafeI nUM sOˆpI jf rhI hY .ies dy nfl hI kYptn ny ies kfˆz ivwc mfry gey ivakqIafˆ nUM iewk- iewk kroV ruipaf qy prvfr dy iewk mYˆbr nUM srkfrI nOkrI dyx df aYÜfn kIqf hY .
kYptn dI sfˆJI rsoeI df mMdf hfl
grIbfˆ nUM ssqf Kfxf muhweIaf krvfAux df cox vfadf pUrf krn leI pMjfb ivwc sfˆJI rsoeI dI ÈurUafq kIqI geI sI. mwuK mMqrI dy jwdI Èihr pitaflf dy gurduafrf duwK invfrn sfihb qoˆ imMnI skwqryq vwl jfˆdI muwK sVk Auwyqy vI rYz krfs dI shfieqf nfl bxfeI ` rihmq rsoeI` nUM iewk sfl bIq igaf hY . pr ieMny smyˆ ivwc iksy ny vI dubfrf ies rsoeI dI sfr nhIN leI. ies rsoeI df Tykydfr pwilEN sfZy iqMn lwK rupey df Krc kr cuwkf hY . Tykydfrfˆ muqfbk AunHfˆ nUM koeI srkfrI shfieqf nhIN idwqI jf rhI . iewQoˆ qwk ik pRsfÈn df koeI numfieMdf vI AunHfˆ dI sfr nhIˆ lY irhf .
PUlkf vwloˆ afm afdmI pfrtI Cwzx dI DmkI afm afdmI pfrtI dy sInIar nyqf qy dfKf qoˆ ivDfiek aYc aYs PUÜkf ny iewk vfr iPr aYÜfn kIqf hY ik jykr AunHfˆ dI pfrtI ny kfˆgrs nfl iksy vI iksm df nfqf joiVaf qfˆ Auh `afp` Cwz dyxgy.AunHfˆ spwÈt kIqf ik kfˆgrs nfl kiQq muËrmfˆ nUM klIn icwt dyx vfˆg hovygf. PUlkf ny ikhf ik jykr `afp` iswDy jfˆ aiswDy qOr `qy hwQ imlfAuˆdI hY qfˆ Auh pihly ivakqI hoxgy jo pfrtI Cwzxgy. iËkrXog hY ik PUlkf vkIÜ hn jo adflq ivwc iswK kqlyafm pIVqfˆ dI adflq ivwc pYrvI krdy hn. PAGE 34
pMQk votrfˆ nUM KuÈ krn leI akflI dl ny ilaf ÈRomxI kmytI df shfrf
ÈRomxI akflI dl ny iewk vfr iPr `pMQ` df shfrf lYˆidafˆ rfjnIqk pYˆqVf KHyzdy hoey ÈRomxI kmytI rfˆhI iswK votrfˆ nUM nyVy lfAux dI koiÈÈ kIqI hY .ÈRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI hux Dfrimk sQfnfˆ dI Xfqrf ÈurU krygI ijhVI suKbIr bfdl ny akflI bIjypI srkfr vyly clfeI sI . ÈRomxI kmytI vwloˆ mfJy ivwc siQq sRI drbfr sfihb qoˆ duafby qy mflvy dy Dfrimk sQfnfˆ qwk bwsfˆ clfeIafˆ jfxgIafˆ. ies qoˆ ielfvf sMgqfˆ nUM qKq sRI kysgVH sfihb qy qKq sRI dmdmf sfihb dy drÈn dIdfry krvfAux leI eysLI bwsfˆ ÈurU kIqIafˆ hn.
ipMz koTy ihMmqpurf ny pyÈ kIqI imsfl aOrqfˆ nUM smfj ivc bxdf hwk dyx leI ipMz dy hr Gr dy bfhr aOrq muKI dy nfm dI plyt lgvf ky ipMz koTy ihMmqpurf ny afpxI vwKrI pihcfx kfiem kr leI hY . hux Auhnfˆ ny niÈafˆ iKÜfP vI muihMm ivwZ leI hY . ipMz ivc ieÈiqhfr lgf idwqy hn ik ijhVf vI nÈy krdf jfˆ vycdf PV ilaf,AusnUM puils hvfly kr idwqf jfvygf. ipMz ivc iksy nUM gflHL kwZx `qy õúú rupey jurmfnf kIqf jfˆdf hY. lVkI dI ÈfdI `qy vI pMcfieq vwloˆ õñúú rupey Ègn idwqf jfˆdf hY. pMcfieq vI hr vfr srv-sMmqI nfl bxdI hY .
kYptn srkfr dy lfirafˆ qoˆ awky aiDafpk pMjfb srkfr dI tfl mtol dI nIqI krky aiDafpkfˆ df pfrf swqvyˆ asmfn qy phuMc igaf hY. mMglvfr nUM iswiKaf mMqrI EpI sonI nfl mIitMg qoˆ bfad sfˆJf aiDafpk morcf ny aglI rxnIqI GV leI hY .aiDafpk XUnIanfˆ hux afrfpfr dI lVfeI df mn bxf rhIafˆ hn.aiDafpkfˆ df sMGrÈ pMcfieqI coxfˆ qy agly sfl hox jf rhIafˆ lok sBf coxfˆ ivwc kfˆgrs ksUqI iGr skdI hY . drasl muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG mMglvfr nUM iewk vfr iPr sfˆJf aiDafpk morcf dy vPd nUM smfˆ dy ky nhIˆ imly. iswiKaf mMqrI EpI sonI ny vPd nfl mIitMg krky buwqf sfiraf.
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
kMgfl kvIaF df klwb
gurbKsL isMG pRIqlVI pfsport vfsqy axCohI Poto mMgI jFdI ijAuN hI mYN aMdr viVaf, kvI lockF dIaF hY, ikAuNik pfsport dy mMqv leI hU-b- inwGIaF njLrF ny myry qn mn dovyN grmf hU aks dI loV huMdI hY. bxfvt sjfvt idwqy. myrI dsqfr qy EprI sUrq dyK ky BulyiKaF df kfrn bx skdy hn. Ausy keIaF hwQF ivwc sLrfb dy iglfs ruk gey qrHF kMgfl kvI afpxI kivqf dI axCohI qy keIaF joiVaF ny afpxy nfc QMm ley. kivqf df idRsL huMdf hY. ies axCohI Poto bVf cOVf qy lMmf kmrf sI. koeI zyZ sO ivwc CUh bxfeI Poto vrgI nf sPYdI huMdI iesqrIaF mrd BFq BFq dI msqI ivwc hY, nf ichry qy mhuky dfg htfey jFdy hn, ruwJy hoey sI. iewkV duwkV joVf iksy nuwkry pr jfn bhuqI huMdI hY. BFvyN ieh ikqy KrvI bYTf gwlF vI kr irhf sI. eys klwb dy Kfx qy kurwKq jfpy, pr iehdf pRBfv vDyry pIx df Tykf iewk iesqrI kol sI. Auh CyqI nfl sfzy kol af geI. myry sfQI ny myrI ijAuNdf huMdf hY. vfkiPaq krvfeI. Auh sfnUM agyry iewk PrFs dI rfjDfnI, pYirs ivwc iewk vfr myjL Auqy lY geI. AuQy bYTx dI iZwl sI ik myrI inrol kvIaF nfl mulfkfq ho geI. vfro vfrI sfry kmry ny myry duaflLy Jurmt Aus vyly qwk kvI qy mYN bhuq vyKy hoey sn. lf idwqf. iksy afpxI jUTI sLrfb ipafr pRiswD qy sPl kvIaF dy pqly akfsL dy nfl agFh kr idwqI, iksy Guwt ky hwQ ivwc DImf sfh lY ky vyiKaf hoieaf sI, pr imlfieaf, iksy ny iewk qfV muskrFidaF inrol kvI ijnHF dy duaflLy nf qF sPlqf nf awKF ivwcoN myry vwl qwikaf. pRisDI hovy, mYN pYirs ivwc hI vyKy. hoxgy qy sBnIN QFeIN, pr mYnUM imlx df avsr AuQy hornIN QFeI vI myrI anoKI sUrq ny awKF hI hoieaf. AunHF dy akfsL ivwc ihwk Br ky dy Jurmt iekwTy kIqy sn, pr Auh awKF bhuqI qmfsLbIn qy aKlfk qoN zr ky corI sfh ilaf jf skdf sI. corI qwkx vflIaF huMdIaF sn. AuhnF ivwcoN pYirs df iewk nOjvfn myrf imwqr ho igaf. bhuqIaF isrP vyKx nfl hI sMqusLt ho Auh myry hotl ivwc af ky myrI lyKxI jFdIaf sn. mYnUM PrFsIsI bolI bhuqI nhIN piVHaf suixafN krdf sI, Auh afp kvI sI afAuNdI, AunHF ivwcoN aMgryjLI bolI iksy qy nhIN sI pr kivqf df prm snyhI sI. nUM vI bolx ijMnI nhIN sI afAuNdI, pr ibn Aus mYnUM disaf ik AuWQy iewk kMgfl kvIaF boilEN ijMnIaF gwlF mY Aus rfq kmry ivwc df klwb hY, pr AuQy AuWc sLRyxI dy afdmI kIqIaF, EnIaF mYN afpxy dys ivwc sfl Br iesqrIaF jfxoN sMgdy hn, ikAuNik iewk qF ivwc nhIN sI kr skdf. awj kwl mYnUM gwlF Auh klwb bVy nfmurfd ijhy pfsy hY, dUjy krn dI BuwK lwgI rihMdI hY. mhIny bIq Aus klwb dy mYNbr afm smfjk inXmF dy jFdy hn jdoN koeI nf qF gwl suxn vflf qy anusfrI nhIN huMdy. ieh sux jIkr iksy nF hI suxfAux vflf imldf hY. iehdf Bfv durfzy mnuK-dIp df by-qfr sunyhf myry ieh nhIN ik mYN iksy ihmfilaF dI gfr ivwc ihrdy ivcoN tuxk lMiGaf. nfmurfd pfsy vsdf hF. nhIN jIB qy myrI ihldI hI rihMdI dI qy by-inXmI dI AuhnUM kI rok hoxI sI hY kMnF nUM cuwp Xqn kIiqaF vI nsIb nhIN ijhdy leI kMjrKfinaF ivwc mihlF nfloN huMdI, pr Aus idlF dy ryzIE XMqr ivwcoN, Gwt siqkfrXog mnuwK nhIN vsdy; ijs dy Aus kvI klwb ivwcoN ijhVf ijLMmI asmfn bhuqy swjx qy swjxIaF Aus qbky ivwc df rfg mYN suixafN sI Auh idl ivwc sdf rihMdy hn, ijs df sfAU qbkf durfcfrI cUMZIaF Brdf hY; ijhVf qrfnf Aus rfg dy afKdf hY. pRBfv hyTF myry aMdroN nwicaf sI, Auh afp asIN klwb dy bUhy awgy phuMcy. iewk keI muhfry mYnUM pYirs dIaF lMgfl koTVIaF ivwc Cwqy mkfn dy qihKfny ivwc bUhf KuwlHdf sI. ncf KVdf hY. sLfm df smF qy pfsf kMgflF df hox krky myry ivwc qurwtIaF bhuq sn, pr AnHF rwb ngr kmytI vwloN vI rosLnI EnI nhIN sI, nfl juiVaF ny iksy iewk dI pRvfh nf kIqI, ijMnI murfdF vfilaF dy bjfrF ivwc. ijs mYnUM iewk dm afpxf bxf ilaf. bolI nhIN pYirs ivwc mYN ieMnf icr irhF sF, Auhdy sI afAuNdI sLrfb pIx df hIaf nhIN sI; nfloN pYirs df ieh pfsf eyzf vwKrf sI ik nwcx dI jfc nhIN sI, mfs KfxoN sMkoc sI, mYN AuhnUM koeI hor sLihr smJdf sF. qy kwpiVaF nUM vI AuhnF idaF vFg tfkIaF asIN aMdr vVy bVf inwGf sI. inwG aMgITI nhIN sI lwgIaF hoeIaF. gMZy qruwpy kpVy ivwc bldIaF lwkVF df nhIN, mnuKfN dI Es klwb df mfno ibwlf sI. nf AuhnF vrgI hwsdI qy iKVvIN BIV df sI. aMgITI TMZI inXm qoN suqMqrf myry ivwc sI. ieMnIaF Tfr peI sI. jnvrI df mhInf hox krky qurwtIaF dI hoNd ivwc myrI pdvI EQy iewk myrf srIr TMZf sI, qy pRdysI hox krky myrf aCUq dI hoxI cfhIdI sI, pr iewk gwl ivwc idl vI iksy sMg nfl XK jfpdf sI. pr rqI mfsf kmfl mYnUM vI hFsl sI---- mYN
ieho ijhy vyly afpxf idl CfqI qoN kwZ ky awKF dIaF puqlIaF ivwc Dr skdf sF. myrIaF awKF ivwc eys hunr dI glvkVI dI dlyrI Gwt hY, pr myrIaF awKF ivwc eys hunr dI isKr hY---- ieh prly myjL Auwqy bYTy aMgF ivwc glL-lwgxI dI kMbxI CyV skdIaF hn. aw D I rfq lL M G geI my r y leI swjxF ny AucycIaF tmftrF dIaF sYNzivwcF bxvfeIaF. hr iewk ny afpxI bolI ivwc iewk iewk iPkrf afpxy mno mYnUM afiKaf, qy iewk iewk mYN pMjfbI ivwc afiKaf. mMqv ieh nhIN sI ik asIN iewk dUjy dy sLbd smJ skIey--- isrP idl dI gwl afKx df sI, Bfv afpy idl pey smJx. hr iewk ny afpxI afpxI kivqf suxfeI, mYN vI pMjfbI ivwc kuJ suxfieaf. Aus kmry ivwc lgBg mYN sfrf smF pMjfbI hI bolI, ikANik AuQy asIN sLbdF ivwc gwlF nhIN sI krdy, icMnF ivwc krdy sF eys leI mYnUM afpxI bolI prfeI nfloN vDyry arQ BrpUr icMn Bfsdf sI. keIaF kuVIaF ny myrI dfVHI ivwc pqlIaF pqlIaF AuNglF PyrIaF, gl ivwc bfhF pfeIaF awKF dy nyVy mUMh kr ky kivqf pVHI. kwpVy vwK vwK sn, pr AuQy iesqRI mrd dI pCfx nhIN sI pYNdI. sfry kivqf dI iewko-ilMgI afqmf mflUm huMdy sn.
ieh Au h rM g Ily kvI sn, ijnH F dIaF rcnfvF CpdIaF nhIN, koeI AunHF nUM pVHdf nhIN, iksy dI slfhqf df suBfg AunHF df Bfg nhIN huMdf. ieh Auh kvI hn ijhVy bfrF bfrF GMty inrfsIaF QfvF qy kMm krdy hn, qy ijnHf dIaF kivqfvF gMdIaF plytF sfP kridaF, gMdy kpVy DoNidaF, mYlIaF glLIaF hUMJidaF, ijlHdF bMnHidaF, hotlF ivwc afkVIaF DOxF vfly mihmfn nUM rotIaF KuaFidaF, lokF dy bwcy iKHzFidaF, apuwCqf dy pflLy nfl sMugVdIaF ihwkF ivwcoN AuTdI hY, qy afey KqF dy ilPfiPaF jF KqF dIaF korIaF QFvF qy ilKI huMdI hY. ieh kvI rfq nUM TMZI aMgITI dy sfhmxy iewk dUjy AuWqy afpxy grm idl zHol ky inWGy ho lYNdy hn. hr iewk afpxI kivqf pVHdf hY, sfry suxdy qy slfhuMdy jF pVcol krdy hn. ijhVy cfr pYsy ieh mjUrI ivwcoN bcfAuNdy hn, Auh ieh eys klwb ivwc pfAuNdy hn. qdy ienHF dy bUt tuwty hoey qy kwpVy tfkIaF vfly huMdy hn. pr Auh kvI kmry ivwc hr iewk mhfn kvI jfpdf sI. mUMh pRsMn qy awKF ilsLkdIaF, bFhF KuwlHIaF qy idl nwcdy. bfrF bfrF GMty kMm krky, cfr cfr GMty sON ky, ieh sohxy ihrdy ienHF cOhF plF dy KyVy dy afsry afpxy jIvn dI mombwqI dohIN isrIN bflLdy hn. Auh buJ CyqI jFdy hn, pr Aus kvI-kmry ivwc icr lt lt qF kr jFdy hn. PAGE 35
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
aPsr df nwk gurdrsLn isMG mfvI
aPsr bx ky afdmI df nwk kuJ vwzf ho jFdf hY ijs dy hyT inwkI motI koeI cIjL KVH nhIN skdI. kdy kdy nwk TUMhy zygx lwg jFdf hY. iehnF TMUihaF qoN hyTly krmcfrIaF nUM BYa lwgx lwgdf hY, TMUihaF dI mfr hyT keI vfr dosq imwqr qy irsLqydfr vI af jFdy hn. asl ivwc aPsr bx ky hI nwk df aihsfs huMdf hY. pihlF qF bMdf nwk nUM gOlLdf hI nhIN BfvyN prnflyL vFg vgy. aPsr bx ky nwk nUM mONdf lg jFdf hY- mjLfl hY Borf lIk kr jy. BfvyN ies qrHF dy mONdy kfrn nwk nUM hr sLYa ivwcoN musLk afAux lgdf hY. keI vfr musLk Gr vflI qy bwicaF qoN vI sLurU ho jFdI hY. aPsr nUM nwk dI tOhr cfhIdI hY, sB kuJ stYNzrz bxfeI rwKxf hI vwzy nwk dI insLfnI hY. ijMnF vwzf nwk AuhnF hI ijLafdf stYNzrz. keI aPsr nwk vwzf rwKx leI afpxy mF ipE, BYx BrfvF qoN vI dUr ho jFdy hn ikAuNik vwzf nwk vwzI kurbfnI mMgdf hY. vYsy iewko ijhy nwk iewkTy ho ky KusL huMdy hn, iewk dUjy dI hvf GoKdy, nwk nUM hor vwzf krn dy qrIky lwBdy hn. keI cMgy nwk vflLy aPsr CoitaF dy nwk vwzy krn ivwc shfieqf vI kr idMdy hn. aPsrF dy Gr vflIaF dy nwk qF awq asmfnI jf cVHdy hn. bwicaF nUM vI nwk qy hwQ rwK ky dwisaf jFdf hY ik hux qusIN nlLI coco nhIN rhy, nwk vflLy bx gey E. nwk dI avfjL kuJ aMgryjLI tfeIp ho jFdI hY. nwk vwzf krn ivwc kursI df Xogdfn bhuqf hY. kuJ cfplUs krmcfrI vI nwk iKHwc iKHwc vwzf krI rwKxgy. sDfrn Gr qoN iewk vfr skUl df zI[ pI[ eI[ iksy kfrn muwK aiDafpk swq ku sfl dI srivs qoN bfad bx igaf. nvyN skUl jf ky vwzI kursI qy bYiTaF jdoN slfmf hox lwgIaF qF srUr ivwc af igaf. syvfdfr pfxI lY ky afieaf qF kol bYTy pI tI afeI ny pihlF hI tok idwqf ik glfs cMgI qrHF sfP nhIN. aPsr df nwk vI vwt Kf igaf. dUjI vfrI pfxI ilafieaf qF aPsr dy nwk ny trya ivwcoN imwtI suMG leI. qIjI vfrI afieaf qF pfxI Guwt Guwt krky pIqf. syvfdfr ny sB nUM dws idwqf ik aPsr vwzy nwk vflLf Bfv sPfeI psMd hY, iensfP psMd BfvyN nf hI hovy. hux aPsr dI afdq bx geI ik nwk cVHfAuxf hI cVHFAuxf hY. cfplUs hr vyly nwk dI mfilsL krdy rihMdy hn PAGE 36
qy sfAU nIvIN pf ky tfeIm kwtI jFdy hn. cfplUs qF gulguly vrgy nwk nUM qlvfr dI Dfr vrgf dwsdy hn. hwsx vyly awKF bMd qy nfsF cOVIaF vflLy aPsr nUM XUsP vrgf suMdr ibafndy hn. nwk BfvyN Kurk nfl AuciVaf ipaf hovy pr afpxf kMm kZfAux leI hr iewk nUM aPsr dy nwk dI mfVI motI isPq krnI hI pYNdI hY.
leI aijhy aPsrF dy nwk dI isPq krdy hoey afpxf kM m kZvf lY N d y hn. jy vwzf aPsr koeI axsuKfvIN gMD suMG lvy qF mMqrI df nwk sMkt ivwc af jfNdf hY. vwzy aPsrF dy nwk iqwKy, sfP, cusq, drusq qy Aupr vwl hI rihM d y hn. asl ivw c srkfr Auho hI cMgI cl skdI hY ijQy Auc aPsrF qy mMqrIaF dy nwkF dI hvf mylL KfNdI hY. kdy kdy vwzy nwkF dy ByV ivwc jnqf df nuksfn ho jFdf hY. iewk isafsI pfrtI df nwk dUjI isafsI pfrtI nUM iblkul cMgf nhIN lgdf. ijQy bhuqIaF isafsI pfrtIaF AuQy bhuqy nwk qy ivcflLy PsI hoeI jnqf nrk BogdI hY.
aPsr df nwk iewko vyly keI kMm krny iswK jFdf hY. Auprly aPsrF dI hvf suMGxI qy hyTly krmcfrIaF qoN jrf vwt ky rihxf. Auprly aPsr jy TIk inaq nfl isr qy KVH jfx qF hyTly krmcfrIaF df nwk vI qIr vrgf iswDf ho ky sB sugMDIaF jF durgMDIaF Buwl jFdf hY. afm aPsr df nwk ies vyly Auprly aPsr dy nwk dI grm jF srd hvf nUM hI Bfpdf hY. jy hvf srd qF pUC ihlxI sLurU prMqU jy hvf grm qF pUC dy nfl nlf hwQ vI juV jFdy hn. ies vyly Coty nwk df jIa krdf hY ik vwzy grm nwk qy TMZf TMZf pfxI pf idaF qf ik hvf TMZI hI afvy. AuMj ijMnF suqMqr dysL ivwc hr nfgirk afpxf vwzf aPsr nwk Aunf hI vwzf qy guMJldfr. nwk Auwcf vyKxf cfhuMdf hY. cMgy rfj dI Cotf aPsr sLsopMj ivwc ik vwzy nwk df isstm smJ ikvyN afvy. hOlLI hOlLI Auhdy dPqr dy iksy krmcfrI, irsLqydfr jF dosq imwqr qoN nwk bfry smiJaf. pqf lwigaf ik nwk qF iswDf hI sI aYvyN iksy ny cuglI krky vwt cfVH idwqf. jdoN ivcoly rFhIN dohF nwkF dI mIitMg sLihr dy vDIaf hotl ivwc hoeI qF sB kuJ nfrml. mMqrIaF dy nwk rwuq anusfr bdlx dy afdI ho jFdy hn. coxF dOrfn gMdIaF bsqIaF ivwcoN vI votF dI sugM D afAuNdI hY. hr dUjy qIjy idn mMqrI jI gyVf mfrdy hn BfvyN nwk qy rumfl rwK lYNdy hn. Dfrimk QfvF qy vI nwk rgV afAuNdy hn. DUV imwtI Pwkdf nwk sB bdboaF Jwl lYNdf hY. ijwqx qNo bfad hux AuhI nwk hotlF bMgilaF jF rYst hfAUsF ivwc hI sfh lYNdf hY. votrF dI hvf hux pRdUisLq lwgdI hY. hfry hoey ivcfry lIzr df nwk kuJ iZlk jFdf hY. DoKybfjL dosqF, imwqrF, irsLqydfrF qoN KudgrjLI dI bdbU afAux lwgdI hY. smfj ivwcoN svfrQ dI durgMD mNihsUs krdf hY . cMzIgVH vfly vwzy aPsrF dy nwk qF mMqrIaF dy nwk nfloN vI vwzy huMdy hn. hvf koeI vI cwlI jfey Auh nwk Auwcf hI rwKdy hn. Psy hoey mMqrI afpxf nwk bcfAux
insLfnI vI iehI hY ik hryk df nwk Auwcf lwgy. ieh qF hI sMBv hY jy nyqf cMgy hox, inaF sBnUM CyqI, ssqf qy ieksfr imlLy. hr iewk dy hwk surwiKaq hox, puils rfj Kqm hovy. ajy qF jnqf df nwk suwK df sfh lYx leI qrlo mwClI ho irhf hY, Auwcf vI kdy ho hI jfvygf.
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
A Glimpse of Seva Group Foundation's Kids in Action Youth Awareness Event
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
building bridges
By recognizing that the Fraser Valley has grown into a diverse population, Dr.’s Bajwa and Dhami are partnering with UFV to build a bridge that fosters deeper understanding of issues in our community while gaining respect for all and growing friendships. Join us at Fraser Valley Community Golf day — a fundraiser in support of UFV’s South Asian Studies Institute (SASI) Research Fellowship Endowment. Registration includes golf, prizes, sponsored eatery and wine tastings at holes, dinner, and more. Funds raised will support expert scholarly research aimed at answering questions and tacking issues that matter to you.
FRIDAY, AUG 24 AT 11 AM Chilliwack Golf & Country Club
Questions? Contact Sheila Reimer: | 604-854-4513 Sign up as an individual or team today at
Meaningful birthday traditions to start now (NC) Another year older, another year wiser. No matter how many candles on your cake, your birthday is an important time to celebrate, reflect and be grateful for what you have. Make your special day even more memorable with these super-fun ways to honour your last 365 days on earth and build memories for your future. Write a letter to your future self. Note your favourite moments from this year and record your hopes for the next year. Ask others to do the same and tuck them away for safekeeping. Thank your parents. You would not be here without them, so tell them how much you love and appreciate them. Know that you are their greatest joy, so share a heartfelt note, conversation or bouquet of flowers. Recognizing this will make them over-the-moon proud.
fresh year with a little adventure or by accomplishing something new. If you don’t already have a list, it’s the perfect opportunity to start.
Pay it forward. Instead of receiving gifts, ask friends and family to contribute to a birthday fundraiser. Ronald McDonald House Charities has an online birthday fundraising tool that makes donations easy and helps you contribute to helping families stay close to their sick child. Find more Check something off your bucket information online at makefunmatlist. There’s nothing like starting a PAGE 38
Family getting a new pet? Don’t forget these essentials (NC) A new pet is exciting, and shopping for one should be too. But before you get wrapped up in the must-have accessories like a bed, toys and apparel, there are essential items and services pets require in order to maintain a healthy and happy lifestyle.
appointments, groom your pet yourself when possible.
Food. Many first-time pet parents don’t know pets require different diets or special foods for optimum health. When choosing food, consider your pet’s age, breed, type and health. Also, opt for brands that use high-quality ingredients to deliver the most nutrients. Look to your new pet’s shelter or breeder for recommendations and be sure to consult your vet.
Cleaning supplies. Accidents happen when training a new pet, which can leave stains and odours. You may already have cleaners at home to wipe up the mess, but most are chemical-based and will only remove the stain. Enzyme-based and pet-specific cleaners will remove stains and neutralize the smell to prevent repeat accidents.
Grooming. Grooming is good for the overall health of your pet. Depending on the type you have, there are various grooming needs. PetSmart recommends professionally grooming your pet every four to six weeks and to commit to one groomer so your pet is familiar and comfortable when they visit. Between
Vet hospital. Pets require scheduled check-ups, so it is important to find a family vet who knows your pet and their individual requirements. It is also important to locate the nearest 24-hour vet hospital in case of emergencies.
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
Helping people act FAST to recognize the signs of stroke
f the signs of a stroke are spotted — facial drooping, trouble raising both arms or slurred speech — it is time to call 911 right away.
Minister of Health. “People of any age or walk of life can have a stroke. The more people we support to think FAST, the greater chance people who do have a stroke will receive the timeThat is the life-saving message being sensitive care they need.” supported with $1.5 million provided by the Ministry of Health to Heart & In B.C., someone has a stroke every Stroke’s FAST (face, arms, speech 80 minutes. It is the leading cause of and time) signs-of-stroke campaign. acquired long-term disability, one of the leading causes of dementia and the “Improving people’s awareness of third-leading cause of death in British stroke will have a tangible impact on
improving the health of British CoColumbia. A stroke occurs when there lumbian families,” said Adrian Dix, is a disruption of blood supply to the brain. If this supply is not restored quickly, the affected part of the brain dies, causing disability or death. Every minute without oxygen after a stroke, 1.9 million brain cells die. This expanded support from the Ministry of Health will help Heart & Stroke continue
its signs-of-stroke awareness campaign throughout the province. The annual campaign, now in its fourth year, will reach British Columbians in various ways, including traditional media, social media and outdoor advertising, such as digital superboards. It will also add to the over 500 FAST decals on ambulances, and place posters in workplaces, community centres and healthcare facilities. The campaign highlights how all British Columbians can recognize and react to the signs that someone is having a stroke. It will expand to include a focus on the Mandarin, Cantonese and Punjabi speaking communities. For example, Heart & Stroke partnerships with organizations such as Fruiticana grocery stores and the Punjabi Press Club of BC will give a jump start to the campaign and help bring this vital message to the South Asian community.
stroke neurologist with the Royal Columbian Hospital acute stroke team. “I am very excited to see the FAST campaign being used to help raise awareness of the signs of stroke to enable patients to seek treatment faster, so that we can help save lives and minimize the long term effects of stroke.”
Approximately 8,100 people are admitted to hospital with a stroke or a temporary stroke, also known as a transient ischemic attack, throughout the province annually. Fortunately, “We are very grateful for the pro- British Columbia has the lowest vincial government’s support of the stroke mortality rate in the country. FAST campaign,” said Adrienne A number of factors can increase Bakker, CEO of Heart & Stroke, B.C. the chance of stroke, including high and Yukon. “Through this partner- blood pressure, being overweight, ship, we will continue to build on eating an unhealthy diet, physical the progress we have made in raising inactivity, smoking and excessive stroke awareness, and improving re- alcohol consumption. The Ministry covery outcomes for people. Over the of Health’s health-promotion strategy campaign’s three-year duration, the helps encourage British Columbians proportion of people who can name to develop healthier habits and live two or more major signs of stroke has an active life in order to reduce those increased from 14% to 53%.” risks. These include programs aimed "Many people, including those in the at decreasing tobacco use, increasing South Asian community of which I opportunities for physical activity, am a member, do not know what a encouraging moderation when drinkstroke is or understand common signs ing alcohol, supporting healthy eating of stroke,” said Dr. Preet Chahal, and promoting healthy body weights. PAGE 39
The Patrika
mym dI khfxI
“mYN qy hux kohVKfny cwlI aF, qusIN vI nfl qy hux myrI Xfd AuwGV rhI sI. mYN keI cwlogy?” mym ny afpxI koTI dy bgIcy ivc vfr kohVy vyKy sn. nnkfxy sfihb dy myly qy pMj cfr idnF ivc sYNkVy kohVy iekwTy af ky pwuiCaf. kuJ icr mYN koeI jvfb nf idwqf. asl ivc ho jFdy sn qy iPr mylf muwkx qy lokF dy mYN kohVKfny df nF sux ky TTMbr igaf sF. nfl hI AuQoN gwzI cVH jFdy. myly ivc koeI Gwt kohVf jF cMgf Blf afdmI iewk bhuqy iksy sfQ nfl mYN hr QF jfx nUM iqafr hF, kohVy jF kohVI nUM inwky inwky phIaF vflI pr kohVf qy iek awDf vyK ky hI jI kwcf gwzI ivc pf ky rwsI nfl iKHcI iPrdf qy jo jFdf ey, AuhnF nfl Bry hoey gudfm ivc mMgdf iPrdf. kOx jfvy? iehnF kohiVaF nUM mYN kdI iDafn nfl nhIN pr jy ieh cwlI ey qF iehdy nfl mYnUM kI zr vyiKaf sI, bws vyKidaF hI iDafn dUjy pfsy ey? QoVHf ijhf hor ruk ky mYN hF kr idqI. kr lYxf. pr awj qy mYN AuhnF nUM cMgI qrHF mymF nUM nFh kOx krdf ey? vyKx jf irhf sF. mYN afpxy bMidaF ivc iek “ieQoN kuwJ dUr ey.” mym ny aMbfly sLihr qoN bdysLI iesqrI nfloN Gwt idlcspI lYx dI CfAuxI jFdI sVky pY ky ikhf. “kohVKfny sLrm iks qrHF shfr skdf sF? nyVy kOx bxFdf ey? asl ivc ieh CfAuxI “AuhnF leI EQy bYrkF ijhIaF bxIaF qoN bhuq dUr kwZ ky bxfieaf igaf sI qy hoeIaF ny,” mym mYnUM kohVKfny df hfl dwsx iPr asIN hspqfl vI ies qoN kuJ dUr hI lwgI. “rojL kuJ icr leI zfktr afAuNdf bxfieaf”. Auh iek amrIkn hspqfl dI ey qy AuhnF dIaF Aus vyly dIaF qklIPLF muKI sI. Aus dI ieh koTI ijs ivcoN asIN leI kwuJ dvfeIaF dy jFdf ey. mYN ieh koisLsL inkly sF ies hspqfl dy nfl lgdI sI. krnI aF ik Auh iksy kMm ivc ruwJy rihx. “kohVKfny bnfx df mqlb hI CfAuxI keIaF ny ivcoN hI kukVIaF pflIaF hoeIaF nUM kohVIaF qoN ivhlf krnf sI”. Aus ny ny qy kuJ ivrilaF nUM kwpVy sIAux dIaF kohVKfny df muwZ nMgf krdy hoey ikhf. msLInF lY idqIaF ny. kohVKfny ivc AuhnF “CfAuxI pYx krky kI phfVF qy kI mYdfnF ny afpxf iek sFJf murgIKfnf vI KoilHaf qoN, sO sO mIl qoN kohVy eyQy mMgx leI iekwTy hoieaf ey.” ho gey, qy iehnF iekwTy hoieaF nUM zwkx leI kohVKfny ivc sFJy murgIKfny dI gwl sux aPLsrF ny eyQy kohVKfnf bxf idwqf qF jo ky mYN bVf hYrfn hoieaf. myrI hYrfnI buwJdy CfAuxI kohVIaF qoN sfP rhy. bs EdoN df hoey Aus dwisaf: ieh kohVKfnf Biraf afAuNdf ey.” “mYN qy eyQoN dy zMgr zfktr ny rlL ky eyDroN mYN awgy kohVKfnf qy kdI koeI nhIN vyiKaf EDroN qy kuwJ pYsy srkfroN PV ky iehnF nUM sI pr inwky huMdy afpxy sLihr dI gAU-sLflf aMgryjLI kukVIaF lY idqIaF ny. vwzf sfrf vyKI sI. iksy Koqy dI awDI lwq nhIN sI, iksy jflIdfr jMglf vI lvf idqf ey. hux Auh gF df Kur swuj ky iksy rwuK dI muwZI ijzf afpy kukVIaF pflLdy ny. aFzy cUcy vycx df hoieaf hoieaf sI. iehnF sfry zMgrF nUM bMdobsq asIN kr dyny aF.” aMdr zwikaf hoieaf sI ikAuNik lokI iehnF “quhfzf bMdobsq qy Blf hoieaf, pr AuhnF nUM vyK nhIN skdy sn. kohVKfny bfry vI dy kMm krn qy iPr rlLky kMm krn qy mYnUM myrf kuJ ies qrHF df hI iKLafl sI. bVI hYrfnI ey ik qusIN smJdy EN ik ky iksy “hor rogF leI hspqfl bxf ky bImfrF nUM kohV ho jfey qF bfkI dI Aumr Auh bYTf nUM AuQy swidaf jFdf ey” mym ny ikhf, “pr kyvl mOq dI AuzIk krdf rihMdf ey?” kohVKfnf EQy hI bxdf hY ijQy kohVy iekwTy “jy mYnUM ho jfey qF mYN qy ies qoN vwD kuJ nf kr skF!” hox lwg pYx.” “kohVKfny ivc kohiVaF df ielfj krdy “quhfnUM kfhnUM hovy! bVI nfmurfd bImfrI ey. pr jy ho jfvy qF qusIN vI ies qrHF nhIN E?” mYN pwuiCaf. “nhIN, kohV df koeI ielfj nhIN. asIN ieh krogy qy nf hI koeI hor krdf ey. sFJf murgIKfnf clfxf qy iek inwkI ijhI gwl cfrf krdy aF ik AuhnF dI pIV GtI rhy. ey, mYN quhfnUM iek hor gwl suxFdI aF.” ies qrHF AuQy cMgy idn kwZ lYNdy ny. keI qy iPr Aus ny kohVKfny dI ieh “hor gwl” rfjLI vI jo jFdy ny.” afrMB idqI: mYnUM ieh gwl bVI anoKI lwgI ik sfzy ies iCxky hoey Bfg dI syvf leI ieQoN koeI awgy “kohVKfny sLihr qoN iek mIl dUr ey. asF nf afieaf qy iek mym nUM afpxf ipMz dysL iehnF lokF nUM ieh pwkI kIqI hoeI ey ik Cwz ky hjLfrF mIl dI dUrI qoN afAuxf ipaf. Aus afbfdI vl kdy kdfeIN hI jfieaf krn. sfry kohiVaF qoN kohV nhIN iKwlrdf “amrIkf ivc vI lokF nUM kohV huMdf ey?” pr kuJ ku ieho ijhy huMdy ny ijhVy bImfrI afKLr ies df kohiVaF ivc rihx nUM idl nUM agFh tor skdy ny. sfzy ies hukm dy iks qrHF mMn jFdf ey, mYN hYrfn ho irhf sF. huMidaF hoieaF vI iehnF ivcoN keI idny Jwt “hF, ho qy jFdf ey. ieh bImfrI amIr grIb ku iPrn turn leI ieDr AuDr tur jFdy ny. dI sFJI ey. pr sfrI dunIaF dy awDy kohVy asIN sKLqI nfl nhIN tokdy. afKLr iehnF dy mn nUM iKVfAux leI dunIaF ivc kI hY? Bfrq ivwc ny.” PAGE 40
“ies ilwsI ijhI rok ivc asF vyiKaf ik iek phfVIaF jwPU rfm, dUijaF nfloN bhuqf gLYr hfjLr rihMdf ey. ieh kohVKfnf hspqflF vFg nhIN ijwQy bImfr df awTo pihr iDafn riKaf jFdf ey, dvfeI idwqI jFdI ey qy bImfr dy nON br nON ho ky hspqfloN jfx dy idn dI AuzIk kIqI jFdI ey. asIN qy eyQy kuJ rfsLx hI dyny aF. mfVf motf rihx df pRbMD ey. sfzy vsIly ies qoN vwD kr skn dI afigaf nhIN dyNdy. ies leI jy koeI sfnUM bfhr jfx ivc KLusL idwsy qy Auhdf kohV dUijaF nUM lgx vflf nf hovy qF asIN Aus dy bhuqf bfhr rihx qoN vI awKIN mIt lYNdy hF. “jwPU rfm nUM vI asF kuJ nf ikhf pr hOlLI hOlLI Aus dI hflq pihlF qoN izgdI idwsx lwgI. Auh rfq sONdf nhIN sI, cFgrF mfrdf rihMdf sI. Auh afKy pIV myry juwsy ivc ies qrHF turdI ey ijvyN sUr iksy pYlLI ivcoN afpxy leI rfh bxFdf turdf ey. pr agly idn Auh iPr bfhr tur jFdf. “sfzf ieh ivcfr sI ik bhuqf iPrn turn nfl Aus dI bImfrI ivgV rhI ey pr jdoN asIN Aus nUM bfhr nf jfx nUM aFhdy qF Auh sfzy vl ies qrHF vyKdf ijvyN asIN qlvfrF lY ky Aus nUM mfrn afey huMny aF. AuhdIaF awKF ivc hMJU af jFdy, Aus df kohV KfDf srIr iek qrlf ijhf bx jFdf qy asIN Aus nUM moVnoN ht jFdy. agly idn Auh iPr bfhr tur jFdf. “iek idn svyry jd mYN kohVKfny afeI qF lokF mYnUM dwisaf ik jwPU rfm klH rfq priqaf hI nhIN. mYnUM iPLkr lwgf pr iPr mYN soicaf ik rfq kwtx leI ikwDry pY igaf hovygf qy dupihr qwk af jfvygf. pr Auh dupihr nUM vI nf afieaf qy ipCly pihr vI koeI nf. mYN zrI, jIAUNdf hovy shI! “puls ivc irport kIqI. agly idn AuhnF qoN Pyr puwiCaf. Auh nf jIAUNdf qy nf moieaf hoieaf ikDry lwBf hI nf. Aus qoN agly idn vI koeI pqf nf lwgf. “awTF ku idnF mgroN kohVKfny qoN iek afdmI Bwjdf hoieaf hspqfl myry kol afieaf. Aus disaf jwPU rfm muV afieaf hY. eynI gwl dwsx leI sLfied Auh Aucycf nf afAuNdf. ijhVI gwl Aus nUM Bjf ky ilafeI sI Auh ieh sI ik Auh afpxy nfl iek bVI sohxI vhutI ilafieaf sI. “iqMn cfr idnF qoN jwPU rfm muV afieaf hY. Aus df muV afAuxf sux ky mYnUM ies qrHF hI lwgf ijvyN koeI moieaf hoieaf jIAU ipaf hovy. nfl ieh suhxI vhutI dI gwl qF ies nUM asloN iek prI khfxI bxf rhI sI. “mYN AuWT ky KLbr ilafAux vfly dy nfl turI. “jwPU rfm qy Aus dI vhutI afpxy koTy sfhmxy QVHy qy bYTy sIaf syk rhy sn. Aus dI hflq pihlF nfloN cMgI nhIN sI. Aus df mUMh pihlF vFg kflLf qy Gwuitaf hoieaf sI qy Aus qy rOxk nhIN sI. pr vhutI ies nvyN vfXU mMzl ivc hsUM hsUM kr rhI sI.
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
kulvMq isLG ‘ivrk’ kohVKfny dy sfry kohVy AuhnF dy dvflLy iekwTy hoey hoey sn ijvyN nvIN vhutI nUM jI afieaF afK rhy hox. “mYnUM vyK ky jwPU rfm ny myry pYrF qy prxfm kIqf. kohVKfny sfry mYnUM mfqf afKdy ny qy mfqf vFg hI sqkfrdy ny. mYN Aus dI vhutI nUM rvfjI jI afieaF afiKaf. “jwPU rfm jfxdf sI ik mYN AuhdI khfxI suxn hI afeI hF. Auh myry nflL lokF qoN awzrf iewk pfsy nUM tur ipaf qy iPr Aus ny afpxI khfxI arMBI: “myrf ipE myry cMgI qrHF surq sMBflx qoN pihlF hI mr igaf. jdoN mYnUM kohV hoieaf qF Auhdy hfxIaF ny cyqf krfieaf ik Aus dI DOx qy vI iek PoVf ijhf sI qy Aus kr ky hI mYnUM kohV hoieaf hY. kohiVaF dI hflq quhfzy qoN koeI guwJI nhIN. afpxI hr sLY qoN myrf mn AuWT igaf, bImfrI qoN afqur mYN aMny-vfh GroN inkl tuiraf. mYN qy iek dYNq dI muwT ivc afieaf hoieaf sF, iksy cIjL nfl myrf kI moh ho skdf sI? “myrI ieh vhutI vI ipwCy rih geI. sfzy ivafh nUM ajy ieko vrHf hI hoieaf sI, aMJfxf koeI nhIN sI. myry inkl afAux ipCoN ieh AwuT ky afpxy mfipaF kol tur geI qy AuhnF zyZ sO rupeIaf lY ky awgy iek hor kol bhf idwqI. sfzy phfVF ivc ies qrHF afm huMdf hY. “ieQy af ky quhfzI vyK Bfl qy dvf dfrU nfl jdoN mYnuM kuJ afpxy afp dI surq afeI qF iehdf ipafr iPr mYnUM tuMbx lwgf. myrI bImfrI ajy geI nhIN sI pr bfhr df pfkf ht igaf sI. “mYN afpxy ipMz iek imwqr nUM iehdy bfry icwTI ilKI. jvfb afieaf ik by-AumIdI ivc iehdy pyikaF ny zyZ sO rupeIaf lY ky iek afdmI dy Gr bhf idqI hY, qfrn qy hI muV skdI ey. myry kol rupeIaf qy koeI nhIN sI pr mYnUM ies qrHF jfpy ijvyN ieh rupeIaf myry kol iek dm iksy pfisEN af jfxf ey, mYnUM ikDroN lwB pYxf ey. ies ipafr ivc myrf mn ieh nhIN mMndf sI ik iek eyzI vwzI qy hwkI loV pYisaF kr ky aVI rhygI. mYnUM ivsLvfs sI ik eyny pYsy kudrq jLrUr myry rfh ivc suwtygI. “mYN ieh vI jfxdf sF ik kohVyKLfny ivcoN ieh pYsy nhIN lwBxy ikAuNik eyQy qy kdI kdfeIN hI koeI afAuNdf ey qy jy Aus dy izwg vI pey qF hor eyny kohVy eyQy iPrdy ny, iksy nUM myry qoN pihlF lwB pYxgy. ies leI AuhnF pfisaF qy AuhnF rfhF vl iPrdf rihMdf ijwQoN lok lMGdy qy hox pr bhuqy nf, qF jo jo iksy dy pYsy izwgx qF iksy hor dy hwQ nf afAux. mYN JfVIaF ipwCy, vwtF Auhly JfqIaF mfrdf rihMdf. “keI vfr mYnUM pwkf inscf ho jFdf ik bws Aus bUtI Auhly myry leI btUaf izwgf ipaf ey. mYN kfhlI nfl ipwCy JfqI mfrdf pr AuQy btUaf koeI nf huMdf. iksy twuty hoey rbV dy
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
bUt df awDf jF sbUqf qlLf huMdf, koeI lwkV jF GVy dI bwbrI peI huMdI. “iPr mYN rfhF qy bUitaF AuhilAuN rupeIey lwBxy Cwz idwqy. mYnUM ieh suwJ igaf ik ieh pYsy kmfxy pYxgy. bhuqf kMm vI mYN nhIN kr skdf sF. QoVHy QoVHy kr ky hI iekwTy krny sn. mYN eyQoN inkl jFdf, awzy qoN, stysLn qoN iksy df hOlLf Bfr cwukx, iksy sOdf lYNdI jnfnI dI cIjL vsq PVn. ies qrHF myrf idn lMG jFdf qy kuwJ pYsy ho jFdy. pr rfq bVI aOKI lMGdI pIV nfl. mYN ht BI iks qrHF skdf sF? pYsy qy iekwTy krny hI sn. jdoN cIjLF ivc grmI afAuNdI mYN CfbVI vI lf lYNdf. ieh imhnq Gwt mMgdI ey. keI vyr ies
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qrHF bhuqy pYsy bx jFdy. iehnF GfitaF, niPLafN, pIVF, cIsF ivwc sfl ipCoN myry kol zyZ sO rupeIaf qy BfVy jogy pYsy ho gey. mYN ibnf quhfnUM jF iksy hor nUM dwisaF phfVF vl afpxy dysL nUM tur igaf. “sfzy dysL jLnfnI df bhuqf KihVf nhIN krdy, pYsy qfrn dI gwl huMdI ey. pYsy qfr ky mYN ies nUM ieQy lY afieaf hF.” mym dI gwl suxidaF nUM asIN kohVyKLfny awpV gey. PLOjI qrIky dIaF bYrkF dIaF iqMn cfr lVIaF sn, awgy brFzy. brYkF dy sfhmxy Gwtf ijhf sI. kyvl jwPU rfm dI bYTk sfhmxy guwty dy Pwul sn.
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Workers Needed for Framing
byrI ipwkrF dI loV aYbtsPorz dy byrI Pfrm leI ipwkrF dI loV hY aqy rfeIz df pRbMD hovygf. 50 sYNt pRqI pONz. hor jfxkfrI leI gu r dIp kly r nfl sM p rk kro : 604-8598123
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Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
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The Patrika
pfik cyhry nfpfk idl
(not: ieh lyK mYN 20 dsMbr 71 nUM bMglf afey qy kihx lwgy, “scy pfqsLfh jdoN qurkF dysL ivc pfiksqfn dI msLhUr CfAuxI jysUr ny ihMdU dyvIaF dy sq BMg kIqy hn qF quhfzy ivc iliKaf sI ies nUM hU-b-hI dy irhf hF) bcn ikAuN iPr vI bdlf nhIN lYx idMdy. sUrj pRkfsL ivc mhfNkvI sMqoK isMG jI ny ieh sqrF mYN awj 10 dsMbr 1971 nUM ies qrHF iliKaf hY. bMglf dy pRiswD sLihr jYsUr qoN ilK irhf hF. ipCly kuJ idnF dIaF GtnfvF myrIaF puin isKn bUJih gun KfnI. awKF sfhmxy iPr rhIaF hn. XhIaf Kfn skl qurk Bugvih ihMdvfnI. dy jLflm POjIaF ny jo jo jLulm bMglf dysL dIaF mfsUm bytIaF Auqy Zfey hn AuhnF nUM isK bdlf lY Blf jxfvY. vyK suxky kfljf mUMh nUM afAuNdf hY. ieQy gur sLfsqR ikAuN vrj htfvY. AuhnF byaMq GtnfvF ivcoN mYN isrP AuhI ilK irhf hF jo mYN awKIN vyKIaF hn. ies AunHF iswKF nUM jo juafb gurU sfihb jI ny idwqf qoN pihlF ik mYN ijLkr krF iswK ieiehfs Auh vI BfeI sfihb ny nflL iliKaf hY:dI iewk CotI ijhI sfKI ilKxI cfhuMdf hF suix siqgur boly iqs byry. ijs qoN sfzy krYktr dI buinafd df pqf lwg jfvy. awj vI ieh gwl PLKLr nfl asIN hm ly jfxo pMQ Aucyry. kih skdy hF ik sfzy jvfnF KLfs krky nfih aDogiq ibKY phuMcfvih. iswK POjIaF afpxy clx nUM Aus bulMdI AuWqy rwiKaf ijs Aupr iehnF dy pUrvjF XF qy klml krn htfvih. df huMdf sI. siqgurF ikhf ik mYN afpxy iswKF nUM pfp dI gurU goibMd isMG jI dy smyN df vfikaf hY AudoN Kwz ivc izgx nhIN dyxf myrf rsqf swcf Kflsf pMQ dI sfjxf nhIN sI ajy hoeI. iek qy suwcf hY, pwDrf hY ies ivc ivsLy ivkfrF jMg ijwqx qoN bfad isK luwt dy smfn ivc dy, bdly dIaF Bfvnf dy kMzy mYN rihx nhIN AuQoN dy nvfb dI nOjvfn lVkI cuwk ilafey. dyxy sgoN AuhnF isKF nUM qfVnf kIqI bjLurg ieiqhfs gvfh hY ik ihMdusqfn dIaF bhU ispfhIE ieh lVkI quhfzI bytI hY, nOjvfno bytIaF dI iewjLq ibdysLI hkUmq vyly kdy ieh lVkI quhfzI BYx hY, ies nUM Aus dy vI suriKaq nhIN sI rhI. do do pYsy nUM siqkfr nfl vfps Czky afvo ijvyN iek dysL dIaf bwcIaF gjLnI dy bjLfrF ivc bfp afpxI DI nUM ivdf krdf hY ijvyN iek ivkdIaF rhIaF hn. icwty idn ienHF Auqy Brf afpxI BYx nUM Cwzx jFdf hY qy iswK aijhy aiqafcfr huMdy sn ik kfljf mUMh nUM gurU jI df bcn mMn ky Aus lVkI nUM zolLy afAuNdf hY, mnuwKqf pVH ky sLrm nfl pfxI ivc pf ky vfps Cwzky afey. pfxI ho jFdI hY. nvIN isrjI jf rhI kOm nUM aijhIaF gwlF Buwl nhIN sn geIaF. aksr nUM Auh iehnF dIaF hI qy DIaF BYxF sn. ies leI bdly dI Bfvnf ivc af ky iswK POjI, Aus nfl Auh hI dur-ivvhfr krnf cfhuMdy sn jo muslmfn lok sdIaF qoN ieQoN dIaF bhU-bytIaF nfl krdy af rhy sn. pr siqgurF dI pfvn bfxI AuhnF nUM aijhy BYVy kMm krn qoN vrj rhI sI. suKmnI df afsLk iswK jdoN ies quk qy afAuNdf “pr iqRa rUpu n pyKY nyqR]” qF AusdIaF awKF Juk jFdIaF, gurbfxI dI kuMjI BfeI gurdfs jI dIaF vfrF df rsIaf jdoN pVHdf “vyK prfeIaF cMgIaF mfvF DIaF BYxF jfxY.” qF Aus dy isroN pfp inkl ky ipqrI moh jfg pYNdf qy sulqfnF dy sulqfn gurU goibMd isMG jI df lfzlf jdoN AunHF dy hI pfvn muwK qoN ieh suxdfsuD jb qy hm DrI bcn gur dey hmfry. pUq iehY pRx quhY pRfx jb lg Gt Qfry. inj nfrI ky sfQ nyhuM qum inq bZIahu. pr nfrI kI syj BUl supny hUM n jeIahu. qF Auh kMb AuTdf. ies qrHF iswK JukIaF awKF nfl Aus lVkI nUM gurU jI dy pfs lY PAGE 44
bMglf dysL ivc 1971 dI jMg vyly sfzI pltn dI pihlI twkr iek Coty ijhy ipMz “grIbpur” ivwc hoeI. bVI Gsmfn dI lVfeI hoeI do GMty. dusLmx dy ds sLPLI tYNk QF qy hI sfzy bhfdr jvfnF ny qbfh kr idwqy. iek tYNk ivc iqMn aD-sVIaF lfsLF kwZIaF ijhnF ivcoN do pfiksqfnI POjIaF dIaF qy iek bMglf dysL dI bd-nsIb bytI dI sI. ies idn dI Gsmfn dI lVfeI qoN bfad pfiksqfn dI POj nUM ipwCy htx leI mjbUr hoxf ipaf qy sfzI POj df kbjLf “cuafgcf” sLihr Auqy ho igaf. pltnF agFh mfrc kr geIaF qy zvIjLn hYzkuafrtr AuQy af igaf. iek skUl dI AuprlI Cwq Aupr asIN insLfn sfihb gwz ky gurduafrf sfihb sjf ilaf qy mhfNrfj df pRkfsL kr idwqf. ieQy pfkI POj df bVf BfrI zIPYNs sI, bVIaF zUMGIaF zUMGIaF KfeIaF sn bVy kMkrIt dy mjLbUq bYNkr sn. sfzI akl hYrfn sI ik ieMny QoVHy smyN ivc ieMnf ijLafdf kMm dusLmx dI POj ikvyN krdI hovygI? afKr nUM ieh rfjL vI KulH igaf. iek buwZy bfby ny mYnUM dwisaf ik pfiksqfn dI POj ipMzF ivcoN coxvyN anykF gwBrU pkV ilafAuNdI sI. AuhnF sBnF nUM iek lfeIn ivc KVHy krky
ivcoN iqMn cfr nUM sLUt kr idqf jFdf bfkI ivcfry kMb jFdy qy AuhnF nUM morcy qy KfeIaF pwtx qy lf idqf jFdf, sLfm nUM Kfxy dI QF rPlF dy bwt qy gflLF Kf ky ivcfry muV jFdy.
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
ig: kyvl isMG inrdosL mfrn nUM Auhdy ivcoN iek ivwc gurduafrf mMdr sjf ky asIN kIqrn qy vfrF gfAuxIaF sLurU kr idwqIaF. 9 dsMbr nUM svyry awT vjy pUrbI kmfn dy jI[A[sI ien[ sI[ lYPtInYNt jrnl jgjIq isMG jI aroVF ijhnF dI kmFz hyT bMglf dysL dI lVfeI lVI jf rhI sI afey. AuhnF ny pltn df drbfr ilaf qy jvfnF dy hONsilaF qy AunhF dIaF ijwqF qy vDfeI idwqI.
AunHF kMkrItF dy bxy bMkrF ivcoN mYN afpxIaF aw K F dy nfl pftIaF ho e IaF sfVH I aF, tuwtIaF hoeIaF vMgF, DUhIaF hoeIaF kMnF ivcoN vflIaF qy lfhIaF hoeIaF CfqIaF qoN aMgIaF nUM vyiKaf jyhVIaF cwup jLubfn ivc mYnUM afpxf ro ro ieiqhfs suxf rhIaF sn. aj ds dsMbr nUM mYN afpxI ey kMpnI ivc igaf. kM p nI kmFzr my j r ey [ pI iek hor Gtnf iek buwZy bfp dI jLubfnI ivsLvfnfQn* jo bhuq hI nyk iensfn hn ny mYN suxI. Aus ny afpxy kwuCV iek iqMn ku myrf bVf siqkfr kIqf. do sUbydfr sfihb mhIny df bwcf cwuikaf hoieaf sI. bwcy dI myry nflL Byj ky AunHF mYnUM Auh sfrf ielfkf koml dyhI ipCoN rgV nfl iCwlI hoeI sI. cMgI qrHF GuMmfieaf. AuQy sfnUM jYsUr ielfky Aus ro ro dwisaf ik myrI iewko bytI sI dI blfk sMmqI df cyarmYn imilLaf. Ausdy ijs df ivafh mYN awj qoN do sfl pihlF do lVky mukqI POj ivc sn qy Auh ipCly kIqf sI ‘ieh bwcf Aus df’ hY. pihlF myrf cfr mhIinaF qoN sYNtrl jylH ivc kYd sI. juafeI iehnF pfiksqfnI POjIaF dy jLulm ijs idn BfrqI POj df kbjLf jYsUr Auqy df isLkfr hoieaf. iPr iek idn kuJ POjI hoieaf, Aus idn hI jylH dy sB drvfjLy BMn afey, myrI bwcI Aus vyly ies bwcy nUM duwD inrdosL kYdIaF nUM irhfa kr idwqf igaf. iplf rhI sI. jLflmF, bwcf Aus koloN pkVky AuhnF ivcoN iqMn sO nON (309) kMvfrIaF jLmIn qy mfiraf qy myrI bwcI nUM DUh ky lY kfljIeyt lVkIaF vI sn. AunHF ivcoN iek gey. aj qwk nf Auh ijMdf imlI hY qy nf hI lVkI Aus cyafrmYn dI vI sI. Ausny ruMnI Aus dI lfsL, qy mYN soc irhf sF Kbry jyhVI avfjL ivc dwisaf ik ienHF ivocN kuJ iek grIbpur tYNk ivcoN iek lVkI dI awDjlI nUM Cwz ky bfkI sB lVkIaF pfkI POjIaF lfsL kwZI sI ies bdnsIb bfp dI bytI dI dy nfpfk pfpF dIaF pMzF pyt ivc cuwkI hI hovy jF ies vrgy iksy hor dI hovygI. iPrdIaF hn. ies qoN aglI GtnF cuafgcf qoN bfrF cOdF *jU n 84 dy hirmM d r sfihb dy hmly mIl awgy iek ipMz ‘rfie ngr’ dI hY. ies smyN jdoN ies pltn dy jvfnF ny bgLfvq QF qy pMj dsMbr 1971 nUM sfzf kbjLf ho krky pUny qoN aMimRqsr nUM cfly pfey AudoN igaf sI. gurduafrf ajy cuafgrf hI sI pr ivsLvfnfQn sfihb iesy pltn dI kmFz mYN Cy dsMbr svyry hI pltn ivc jvfnF kr rhy sn qy bhuq duKI sn. vfsqy ardfs krn puwj igaf. sfzy brgyz dI iek pltn dusLmx qy atYk kr rhI sI aTfrF dsMbr 1971 jdoN asIN ijwq qy JMzy awgy vDky ies leI Aus smyN dohF pfisaF qoN lihrFdy Kulny sLihr ivc dfKl hoey qF lohVy dI sLYilMg ho rhI sI. ijvyN hI hoieaf bcy hoey bMglf dys vfsIaF ny sfzf bVf kdy rINGky kdy bYTky mYN hr kMpnI ivc inwGf svfgq kIqf. nOjvfn lVkIaF afpxy iPr inkilaf AuhnF dI cVHdI klf leI bMdI-CoV vIrF dy hwQF nUM rfKIaF bMnHdIaF ardfs krdf afKr ivc zI (D) kMpnI peIaF sn. AuhnF dy mF bfp dws rhy sn ivc afieaf. ardfs qoN ivhlf ho ky mYnUM ik sfzIaF ienHF bwcIaF ny Cy mhIny bfad kMpnI hOldfr myjr mnsf rfm iek Coty sUrj df mUMh qwikaf hY. iek bYNk dI vwzI ijhy CwpV kol lY igaf. jo kuJ mYN vyiKaf iblizMg qy diraf dy nflL lgdy iewk kflj mnuwK hox dy nfqy mYN bhuq hI sLrmsfr ivc asIN zyry lfey hoey sn. keI duKI hoieaf. ies vIhvIN sdI ivc, ies rOsLnI dy mfipaF dwisaf ik pfkI POjIaF ny nON nON Xug ivc ijhVI hnHyrI Gtnf mYN vyKI Auhdy sfl dIaF bwcIaF nfl vI mUMh kflLf kIqf. vrgI ipCly iksy ieiqhfs dy pMinafN qy vI tYNkF ivcoN, moricaF ivcoN, CfAuxIaF ivcoN mYN nhIN pVHI. iek vyKxy vflf mnuwKqf df qlfvF qy jylHF dIaF kfl koTVIaF ivcoN jnfjLf sfhmxy vyKky grk hox nUM krdf hY bM g lf dy s L dIaF bdnsIb bw c IaF dI pr lfhnq hY Aus siBaqf Auqy; iDrkfr hY kurlfht Ausy qrHF myry kMnF ivc vwj Aus qihjLIb Auqy ijhdy numfieMidaF aijhy rhI sI ijs qrHF Auh asmq lutINdI vyly kukrm kIqy. koeI cOdF pMdrF sfl dI lVkI kurlFdIaF sn. dI ngn lfsL CwpV ivc PuwlI hoeI sI ijs dIaF dovyN CfqIaF vwZIaF hoeIaF qy dovyN pfiksqfn dI POj dy pqn df kfrn AuhnF gupq aMgF ivc ikwlIaF idqIaF hoeIaF sn. df ieKlfk qoN izwgxf sI qy sfzI ijwq df kfrn sI Auwcf qy suwcf krYktr. ikAuNik swq dsMbr nUM sfzI POj df kbjLf bMglf bfxI ivc vI Purmfn hYdysL dI pRiswD CfAuxI jYsUr qy ho igaf sI, sfzI pltn nUM jo bYrkF imlIaF do idn dm schu ErY sBu ko Aupir scu sfcfr]p]
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
When you are young, you tend to be misguided : Prateik Babbar
Is Katrina Kaif the new female lead of Salman Khan’s Bharat? Priyanka Chopra is no longer a part of Ali Abbas Zafar’s upcoming directorial Bharat, and if the reports are to be believed, Katrina Kaif has been roped in as a replacement of Priyanka. It is also being said that Katrina was the “original choice of the movie producers.” “Katrina will join the team September onwards, and before that, she will finish all her other work commitments,” “Producers Atul and Alvira
Agnihotri share a warm relationship with Katrina Kaif and when this whole mishap happened, they just called her and sorted out her dates. She will play the lead opposite Salman Khan now,” a source informed . However, nothing has been confirmed yet. It is also being reported that Kareena Kapoor Khan was also in the running for the role but apparently, she had already given her dates to another film.
Cinema is the best medium for me to state my views : Taapsee Actor Taapsee Pannu says she prefers to address social issues and express her opinion through the medium of cinema rather than using other platforms. Her forthcoming film Mulk talks about a minority community in India and how they face injustice due to their religion.Asked if she subscribes to the idea of the film, Taapsee said “From my school days I have learnt that India is a secular, democratic and republic country where we treat people from every religion with equality. In fact, that is how we lead our life around our close circuit. Conflict started when we all grew up seeing a certain hatred is also growing, that we read in newspaper, see among few groups of people… Of course, such issues should be addressed and as an actress, all I can do, is use cinema as a medium to express my opinion.”“Since I am an actress and not a social activist, cinema is the best medium for me to state my views. I cannot talk about issues randomly, so I would rather use acting as a tool to reach out to more and more people,” she added.Taapsee is known for films like Pink, Naam Shabana and the short fillm Nitishastra, which have dealt with issues like moral policing on girls, rape and gender
Bollywood actor Prateik Babbar, who is playing the character of a terrorist in the upcoming multi-starrer film Mulk, says youngsters tend to get brainwashed and misguided easily and as he is growing mature, he is becoming wiser and a better creative person by heart. Asked if he has taken some reference from his own life to play the character of Shahid, a young Muslim boy, Prateik said "I went through an internal process to build the character in my head before performing it and yes, I took some reference from my own life. "The character Shahid is a misguided youth, like I was, for the different reason. The fact is, when you are young, if you are mingling with wrong people, you tend to be misguided. You tend to be brainwashed easily."The actor who went through a solid preparation to get the insight of the world of budding terrorists and how they get trained, also added: "It is unfortunate that they do not understand that they are committing a crime by killing people. "For them, this is the path to get connected to the Almighty. Is this is the right thing to do? they lose their logical thinking. It was a tough process for me to play the character but the challenge is fun!" "
Took me a while to find my feet in Bollywood : Diana Penty From the shy and simple Meera of Cocktail to the vivacious and free-spirited Happy of Happy Bhag Jayegi, Diana Penty, who will next be seen in its sequel Happy Phir Bhag Jayegi, is glad her sophomore film itself gave her a chance to break the mould and find her feet in Bollywood, where she is now in a "happy" space.Looking back at her career, the model-turned-actress said in an interview: "'Cocktail' was the perfect debut but I knew that with it came a certain standard that I had to try and live up to moving forward. So I
guess there was a certain pressure to choose the right script and do the right kind of film. At that time, I was very new to the industry."I didn't know too many people and didn't have anyone to really guide me. It took me a while to figure out how to proceed, what direction to take - whether I should be doing a small part in a big film or an interesting role in a smaller film. Whether to follow my intuition or blindly follow what people were telling me to do, whether to stick to stories I genuinely believed in, or do everything that
inequality.Being a Sikh girl who has grown up in an environment of communal harmony, Taapsee said, “I was taught how to pray while visiting Gurdwara, who are the Gurus we have in Sikhism and every other basic things that a Sikh girl should know.”“However, I was also told that as a human, I am free to celebrate other festivals and mingle with people from other religions. So, I have no conflict in mind to celebrate Christmas, Holi or Eid.”Taapsee believes the negativity is over-served in current times where social media and news channels are in the rush to grab eyeballs.Citing an example, she said, “When the Maratha Kranti Morcha started, I was getting calls from my father who lives in Delhi. Since he watched the news channel, he panicked that maybe a violent protest broke out in the whole of Mumbai city. I tried hard to make him understand that this part of the city is fine and I am okay.
came my way. It was indeed a confusing time."But four years after Cocktail came out, Happy Bhag Jaayegi happened."When I came across 'Happy Bhag Jayegi', I knew it would be the perfect second film for me. It was a funny, yet sweet story and it gave me the opportunity to play a character that was remarkably different from Meera. Since people had already labelled me as the shy, girl next door, I thought this would be a great way to give them something they weren't expecting."When I look back now, I realise that though it took me a while to find my feet, I eventually managed to chart my own course and find a space I'm happy in," Diana said.
The Patrika
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The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
30355 Automall Drive, Abbotsford, BC V2T 5M1 | Toll Free: 1.888.220.1853 All prices do not include taxes, license or admin fee of $599, see dealer for details.
$69,999 $63,900
BLOW-OUT SALE jI[aYm[ (GM) dI koeI vI gwzI KRIdx jF lIjL 'qy lYx leI nvjoq isMG afhlUvflIaf nfl sMprk kro:
All prices, Details , Description may change .
“ All prices do not include license, taxes or documentation fee of $599. See dealer for complete details.”
Navjot Ahluwalia Cell: 778-344-0007
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
zivlprF duafrf tfAUn hfAUs vyc idwqy gey |
hor jfxkfrI leI kfl kro
604 500 0936
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
Oak Realty Parv Harry Shinder Gill PREC Little Independently Owned and Operated 604.832.0540 Top 1% Realtor of FVREB 2010-2015 604.832.0944 and Master Medallion 2006-2014
12 Years Experience!
12 Years Experience! |
Shinder Gill PREC
Parv Harry
Visit our Website for more pictures & New Listings 604-859-2341
NEW "Homes Coming Soon in Abbotsford & Maple Ridge!"
"20 Homes located on East Side of Abbotsford starting at $1.1 Million." "6 Coach Homes in Auguston coming June 2018 starting at $1.1 Million." "17 Homes in Auguston, some lots with greenbelt, starting at $1.2 Million."
“Ready to build lots available in Maple Ridge, Langley & Abbotsford” "CALL FOR MORE INFO”
$1,150,000 1.This house is a must see as it implements smart home technology that can be controlled by your very own Ipad. 2.Built in vacuum, fridge, stove, dishwasher, washer and dryer.
$ 1,029,000
1.Gorgeous 3 storey home in a great neighborhood. 2.The basement features a big recreational room, a multipurpose room, bedroom and bath.
32656 Marshall Rd,Abbotsford, BC
$ 679,900 1.Well maintained rancher on huge 8400 sqft lot with big 660 sqft shop. 2.This solid 3 bedroom rancher features vaulted livingroom ceiling. covered patio
32633 PANDORA AVENUE, ABBOTSFORD 32276 Peardonville Road
$738,800 $899,900
1. 2 Lot subdivision of compact lots already applied for before the Urban 3 Infill cutoff date. 2. One lot over 3,100 sf and the other is almost 3,500 sf, with about 3,000sf homes proposed over 3 floors with big wide back yards.
1.Updated home on almost 7,500 sq.ft level lot. 2.House has new kitchen cabinets, new quartz counter tops, stainless steel appliances, laminate & tile flooring, updated main washroom. 3. 5 bedrooms and 3 washrooms plus rec room to entertain guests. Ground level legal suite for extra income. Open
$ 949,000
$ 1,679,000
Call To Reserve Yours
1.Unobstructed view of Mt. Baker. Custom built home over 4900 sq.ft plus triple garage that is 784 sq.ft. 2.Enjoy the view through the huge windows throughout the home. 3.Enjoy the mini golf course on the front yard. 4.High end craftsmanship in the whole house, modern style custom chef like kitchen and designer colour scheme.
"Townhome sites available in Langley, Mission & Maple Ridge"
11126 241A ST, MAPLE RIDGE
$ 560,000
$738,800 1.Amazing corner lot with 2 driveways. 2.House is in mint condition with new kitchen cabinets, new paint, new baseboard and laminate flooring. 3.House has 5 bedrooms and 3 washrooms. Owner has made other upgrades to water tank and furnace as well. 4.Great neighborhood and is close to Rotary Stadium and walking distance to all levels of school.
1.Opportunity to build your dream home. Developing neighbourhood that has a great view of a greenbelt. 2.Build a house over 4,000 sq.ft. with 5 bedrooms and 4 washrooms. 3.Design your own house the way you like it. 4.Endless possibilities with this lot
$ 1,150,000
1.This beautiful custom built house has 5 bedrooms and 4 washrooms in a newer developing neighbourhood. 2.The house along with high 10 ft. vaulted ceiling on the main floor. 3.Newer technology is implemented into this house with smart home technology, rough in security system, built in vacuum and many other features.
24271 112 Avenue, Maple Ridge
$ 625,000
1.Build your dream home today in a nice developing neighbourhood, 2. Lot size allows you to build a house over 3,000 sq.ft. with the possibility of 5 bedrooms and 4 washrooms. 4.House plans are avaible to view, this lot will not last long.
3316 SAANICH STREET, Abbotsford, BC
1.Amazing 2 storey house with 3 bedrooms and 3 washrooms. 2.Nice, spacious layout with an open kitchen and island. 3.Lots of natural lighting coming into the house, well kept.
$739,900 1.Beautiful Basement Entry Home located on a cul-de-sac with an amazing mountain and greenbelt view. 2.Included on the above floor is a huge kitchen, 4 bedrooms out of which 3 bedrooms have walk-in closets with 2 ensuite bathrooms. 3.3 bedrooms with one which has a walk-in closet.
Investor alert, big lot that can be subdivided.
23100 135 AVENUE, Maple Ridge
$ 666,000
1.Investor Alert! OCP Urban 3-Infill, great opportunity for developer/builder to subdivide into 2 lots. 2.Both houses can face Bakerview or build your your dream house on this lot that is over 10,500 sq.ft. 3.House has 5 bedrooms and 2 washrooms which is currently rented out.
3492 Hazelwood Place, Abbotsford
1.Lot close to 8,000 sq. ft. with plenty of room for RV parking in the front along with a spacious backyard. 2.Rancher has 4 bedrooms and 2 washrooms. 3.Central location that just minutes from Lougheed Highway. 4. Near mission hospital
33425 Kildare Terrace, Abbotsford
$ 949,500 1.This new home is a must see that is located on a lot over 4,000 sq.ft. 2.There is a total of 4 bedrooms and 4 washrooms in the whole house. House has a very cozy feeling in it with quality appliances and chef like kitchen. 3.Great location that is close to all amenities and walking distance to nearby park. 4.Basement has a rec room for upstairs
$ 949,500 1.Nice well kept house with the same owners since 1992. 2.There are 5 bedrooms and 3 washrooms with a nice backyard. House has newer kitchen cabinets on the main and basement floor. 3.Newer blinds, water tank was replaced a few years ago. 4.Bigger windows than normal allowing for extra light into the house.
7,700 SQ.FT. HOME SUBDIVIDABLE 240 STREET FARM LOT FOR SALE WEST ABBOTSFORD 8296 204 Street,Langley FOR SALE $1,000,000 $ 625,000 Home you can subdivide into 2
WITH PLANS READY or 3 lots 4 FOR A TRIPLE GARAGE bedrooms home HOUSE IN TOWNLINE close by King rd / AREA
. Close to 5 acres of bare land 31531 Upper Maclure Rd . Build your dream house or nice hobby . Lot for sale . Can build 5000 sq. ft. farm house Jackson elementary
1.Ready to build your dream, look no further as this lot that is over 5,400 sq.ft and plans allow for a legal suite. 2.House plans are available to view that has 6 bedrooms and 4 bedrooms accommodating any size family. 3.Great location that is close to all amenities and minutes from freeway access.
1.Gorgeous 2 storey house with a basement is located in one of the more desirable neighbourhoods of Langley. Designed for comfortable living. 2.House has 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. Quality finishing with high ceilings and spacious rooms. 3.The chef like kitchen has stainless steel appliances with many units for extra storage
NEED MORE LISTINGS! hor ilsitMgjL dI loV hY.
We have qualified buyers PAGE R2
sfzy kol XogqfpUrn (kuaflIPfeIz) KrIddfr hn.
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
dIp iFloN 604.832.0480
Ph: 604-864-0666 • Fax: 604-864-0668 Toll Free: 1-866-967-0666
Call Today for your Free Market Evaluation!
#110- 30485 Cardinal Avenue, Abbotsford BC V4X 2M9
3789 Coachstone Way, 3363 Horn St Abbotsford Abbotsford Creekstone on the Park". Well-kept Custom built 2 storey w/walk-out basement backing onto green space. Very private setting. Many updates. 3 bedrooms up, 1 bedroom in the bsmt and den on main. home features 4 gas fireplaces, granite countertops, S/S appliances in the kitchen, hardwood floor on main and 2nd floor. W/O basement has 4th bedroom, rec room with marble decorated wet bar, theater room and sauna in the basement.
MILLION DOLLAR MOUNT BAKER VIEW CENTRAL Location, view, You can have it all! It offers Blueberry, panoramic views of mountains. Impressive 4799 sq.ft. mansion is located on 8.5 acres Planted Duke, 4 yrs old plants. Covered sundeck, spectacular bedrooms with Ensuites.
$ 1,899,000
3 SOLD ONE AVAILABLE Townhouse Legal Suite close to Baba Banda 407 31771 13505 62 Ave Singh Peardonville Rd Surrey Abbotsford Bahadur This home has 2 spacious Gurdwara bedrooms, 2 baths, living area, good size kitchen and dining space Penthouse. Lots of updates include new laminate flooring, fresh paint, newer roof and much more. The building has been very well maintainedwell managed.
$ 349,000
$ 599,000 For more info please call Deep or Harjinder
Gary Tiwana
gYrI itvfxf Cell
9 Lots In West Abby 2 Lots In East Abby All Lots With Legal Suites. You Can Build 3 Story Homes. Ready to build in Now Prices from $ 599,900 - $ 675,000 Call Gary For More Info
Commercial Building Lot. Fraser Hwy & 271 St.
Fully Renovated, Clean Family Home. 5 Bdrm, 2 full baths, Kitchen With Island .Great For 1st Time Buyers Or Investors. Loads Of Parking. Nice Fenced Backyard, Private Walk To School & Shopping. Call Gary For More Info
5 Acres - House & Blueberries
$689,900 Flat 6000 Comm. Lot Ready to build in downtown Aldergrove. No G.S.T Building plans submitted. Zoning C-2 allows Rental/Office and Residential. Can build multi-storey Call Gary
Beautiful 5 Acres & Renovated Home 3 Bdrm Rancher . Office & Big 22 X 70 Shed. 7 Yr Old Blueberries (Bluecrop & Duke). TOTAL INCOME $50,000/yr Close To Town. Drive by 2034 - Bradner Rd.
property into two RF lots
6757 134A St 33394 Hawthorne A Abbotsford Ave Surrey Totally renovated gem T located in quite and central location of West Newton. This 2700 sq.ft home features two and one bedrooms suites as great mortgage helper. Upgrades include new roof, furnace, hot water tank, flooring, kitchens, washroom , appliances and windows. big lot 66 by 122.
$ 1,250,000 $ 1,049,000
70 x 115 Rancher
Mainly Landvalue
$ 619,000
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018 MLS TOP 10%
Jag S Sidhu
Personal Real Estate Corporation
Listing Needed Call Jag
#110 - 30485 Cardinal Ave Abbotsford, BC V2T0E5
Phone: 604.625.2245 Fax: 604.625.2249 Toll Free: 1.866.967.0666
Call Gurcharan or Jag for your FREE no obligation Market Evaluation
Unit 40 - 31255 Upper Maclure Road
34041 Wavell Lane, Abbotsford
It is a two bedroom house, close to Wal-Mart and freeway. It is rented for $950 per month. It is hard to find in this price in Abbotsford area, demolish it and make a new house. No sign on property.
THE GABLES, a family friendly community! A well maintained family home and complex. 4 Bdrms, 3 FULL baths, BIG recroom, LARGE balcony and DOUBLE garage. Prime location, walking distance to Fruiticana Grocery Store, Eugene Reimer Middle School,Highstreet mall and easy access to highway.
3 bedrooms Basement Entry (2 story) Townhouse in west Abbotsford in Country Lane Estates near Fruticana. Very nicely kept hardly becomes available for sale. Come check it out on our open house.For inquires you can call Jag or Gurcharan.
3510 Promontory crt
30966 Brookdale Crt
BARE LAND IN WEST ABBOTSFORD 4 bedroom house 3 bathroom on glenmore road perfect for blueberry or farming
We st Ab b y. 3 sto ry 5 bedrooms up den on main two bedroom legal suite and a Rec room for owner use.
3 story 7 bedroom and 8 bath with great views!!
New listing near all levels of schools, gurdwara shaib, fully renovated home 3 bedroom family room and great room up 1 suite and huge theater room for owner use with bar!!
#30 - 31098 Westridge Pl 2 Bedroom Townhouse
Beautifully renovated rancher, perfect alternative to renting. 2 bdrm + extra with private fenced yard with patio, extra parking/long driveway to a detached 20 x 5 garage/room. New roof & appliances.close to public transit/school, shopping (Walmart, HomeDepot) and choice of quick access to 2 freeway exits.
KETCH PLACE 4 BEDRM HOUSE single garage 700,00 sq feet
This home is centrally located in West Abbotsford, close to schools, shopping and parks. OVER 12000 SF Large lot, that can be subdivided into 2 lots that would be over 6000 sqft each. Build your dream home and sell the lot beside you or hold the property
3 Lot LEFT Subdivision In Maple Ridge Green Belt Call for more detail
5 Acres
LOT POTENTIAL FOR SALE 214500 Morris Valley Rd Off hwy 7 East Mission 7 LOT POTENTIAL 2887 Bergman St, West Abbotsford
1 Acre
Subdivision Potential
6 bedroom house
Blueberry Farm West Abbotsford with a house. Good production Blueberry BlueCrop & Duke Variety call for more info
Road 4bedrm 3 bathrm UNIT 132-3160 TOWLINE
Sukh Malhi 604.832.6034
Personal Real Estate Corporation iksy vI qrHF dI pRfprtI KRIdx jF vycx leI suwK mwlI nflL sMprk kro Office 604.855.0800 NEW LISTING 3106 Mouat Drive
Great location! Just Steps Away from both Schools. Simply gorgeous home located on large corner lot with gated RV parking! This 5 bdrm/3 bath home! This home sits on 6550 Sq ft of land. Some of the Updates new roof, new laminate floor downstairs, new paint, Large sundeck over double garage.
32173 Mouat Drive
Great location!Investor or First time buyer alert. Just Steps Away from all levels of Schools. This home located on Quiet cul-desac! This 4 bdrm/2 bath home has legal suite. This home needs TLC - Either bring it back to its former glory or build your dream home here.
2553 Alderview St.
Great location! Just Steps Away from both Schools. Simply gorgeous home located on large corner lot with gated RV parking! This 5 bdrm/3 bath home! This home sits on 6550 Sq ft of land. Some of the Updates new roof, new laminate floor downstairs, new paint, Large sundeck over double garage.
RECENTLY SOLD 31914 Hopedale Ave
99 3030 Trethewey St.
29 46840 Russell Rd
30 35287 Old Yale Rd.
3106 Mouat Drive
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
RESIDENTIAL | 3432 Promontory St.
Near Sikh Temple
2 Storey With Bsmt 5 Bdrm, 3.5 Bath Recroom & Bsmt Suite
44-31255 Upper Maclure 32043 Tims Avenue 32827 Hardwood place
3088 Princess st
House on 2 legal lots 12798 sqft
12240 sqft lot Duplex
2095 Beaver St
11-33682 Marshall rd 403-33960 Old Yale Road
2108 Vinewood st
34118 Larch Street 32107 Clinton Ave 2411 Adelaide st 122-2515 Park dr 2994 Eastview street
FARMS | 14.07 Acres
20 Acres
12 Acres
10 Acres
planted in blueberries flat rectangluar parcel build your dream home 5 min from abbotsford centre
126 Whatcom Rd, Abbotsford Income producing Bluberry Planted in Duke & Elliott Near Sumas border
19.5 Acres
Sumas Prairie, Abbotsford Flat fertile land Plant berries or other crops Near no. 3 rd exit
40721 No. 1 Rd, Abbotsford 12 Acres bare land 3 Bedroom hous
10 Acres
BEHARREL RD, ABBOTSFORD Planted In Blueberries Flat Rectangular Parcel Build Your Dream Home 5 Min From Abbotsford downtown
10 Acres
25.39 Acres
$2,299,000 565 MARION RD, ABBOTSFORD New listing Build your dream home Sumas prairie Drip irreg Duke & Elliot Variety
Full production blueberry 5 bedroom house (2012 built) near no. 3 rd exit
Good location Planted in Blueberries 2 bedroom house
10 mins from sumas way
69.29 Acres
32425 King Road..............................5 Acres 1723 Jackson Street.........................Appx 5 Acres 28028 layman avenue .....................Appx 5 Acres 6230 riverside street.........................Appx 5 Acres
6113 Beharrell Road..............................Appx 10 Acres 7.09 acres lot B Haverman ...................Appx 7 Acres 5111 Tolmie road................................... Appx 8 Acres 14627 Dixon road ..................................Appx 30 Acres
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
440 Sumas Way, Abbotsford
1/2 acre property with 4 bedroom- 2kitchens basement entry home in great condition. all new carpets and freshly painted walls,doors,trim and exterior trim as well property has 10’side yard access to back yard on both sides of the home.50’ frontage by 400’ to park all your vehicles.lots of room to build shop.home has large east facing sundeck with view of mt.baker.large steel box container in back yard for plenty of extra storage.
Approx.3 acres of land-surrounded by industrial the corner of nordal way & sweson way-2 road frontages.beside alex fraser bridge,few minutes to hwy 77 & hwy 99-rare find of such big size of commerial property in delta.presently 4800sq.ft burger king building & truck card lock,explore your opportunity to rezone/develop.central locatioon.
$870,000 201-30505 Blueridge Drive Abbotsford
4021 Glenmore Road
BUILD YOUR DREAM HOUSE 1.38 acre corner lot..Beautiful nature's lover, tranquil , peaceful location to enjoy . Just minutes from MEI school ,Parks,Golf, Comuubity Church & Clearbrook Elementary School.
Best Deal: $ 1,350,000
$ 1,450,000 (U.S.A)
Best Deal: $ 998000
FOR LEASE 984 SQFT SPACE RETAIL OR OFFICE FOR YOUR PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS South side of Khalsa Credit Union Ideal for immigration consultant, accountants, travel agency, transportation dispatching, fabric/clothing store, audio/video store or any other professional business. parking. Ready to occupy.
An Overview of Home Mortgages Most people who purchase a home require some financial assistance. That is, they require someone to lend them sufficient funds to cover the price of a home. Most often, this financial arrangement is handled through a bank or other institution through a MORTGAGE. A mortgage is a legally binding agreement that states a certain party (mortgagor) lends money to another party (mortgagee). The mortgagee agrees to pay back the money at a certain rate, plus interest, over a certain time period. There are two parts to this financial agreement: principal and interest. Principal is the actual amount borrowed. Interest is the lender's fee you are charged for borrowing. You also have to determine the amortization period (the length of time it will take to completely pay off the mortgage) and the term, or length of time each mortgage agreement guarantees the interest rate. When you are considering a mortgage, you have many options to consider such as type of mortgage (closed, open, high
ratio, vendor take back, convertible), payment schedule (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly) amortization period. Before you sign any documents, shop at several institutions and compare rates and features. You could save, or lose thousands of dollars when the terms, interest rates and payment schedules are not working in your favor. These items are negotiable. Mortgage amount When interest rates are lower, your monthly payments are lower, so you might qualify for a larger mortgage. However, the larger the mortgage, the more you will pay in interest over the length of the mortgage. Your home will cost you more. If you can afford a bit more, without sacrificing your lifestyle, this will greatly contribute to reducing your financial obligation. Down payment To qualify for a conventional mortgage, you need a down payment of 25% of the purchase price. The mortgage cannot exceed 75% of the appraised value.
If you have less than the 25%, you may qualify for a high ratio mortgage. If you qualify, you can purchase a home with a minimum 5% down payment through CMHC (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation). Insurance, for an additional 0.5% to 2.75% of the mortgage amount, is mandatory with a high ratio mortgage. The house price may also be capped. See article in this series. Get pre-approved prior to home shopping House hunting takes a great deal of time and energy. And that is even with preapproval. Before you start shopping for your dream home, go to the bank. Talk to the lending officer and review your mortgage options. Fill out the necessary paperwork (which only takes a few minutes), and you will know within a matter of days whether you are approved for a mortgage, and for how much. You will know what you can spend on a home before you start looking, you will be protected against interest rate increases, and most importantly,
you will be well prepared to make an immediate offer on a home you like. A seller is more likely to consider an offer free and clear of encumbrances. With pre-approval, you are showing you are serious and ready to buy. With this simple and FREE service, you will eliminate problems down the road. When you are shopping for a preapproved mortgage, here are some areas to consider: Competitive interest rates. Check out all options and interest rates. Sometimes, flexible features may cost more. 90-day rate guarantee. You will be protected against rising interest rates while allowing you to take advantage of falling rates. Flexible payment options. With these areas, you can tailor the mortgage to your lifestyle. Discuss payment frequency and lump-sum payment options. Can you skip a payment in special circumstances or double-up on your payments?
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
For Sale By Owner Home Selling Tips
So you want to sell your home yourself? Can you determine whether a buyer qualifies for a mortgage?
Incorrect understanding of how the home buying and home selling processes work.
Do you understand real estate regulations and can prepare a binding sales agreement? What about counter-offers?
Before you sell your home yourself, why not consider the benefits of a professional real estate team. Most importantly,
Will you give up your evenings and weekends to show your home to prospective buyers, many who may be "tire-kickers" or bargain hunters?
Full-service real estate services
Do you know the best places to advertise? What about the costs? Did you know that prospective buyers and bargain hunters might want a price reduction because there is no Real Estate Professional involved?
You have decided to sell your home. The next question is: who is going to do the work? You ponder about choosing a real estate agent. You ponder about doing it yourself. Then you ponder again and again. Finally, you decide to do it yourself. After all, you will save money by doing it this way. Before you begin, however, take some time to review the following list of items you will need to complete to ensure the successful sale of your home. Be sure you are fully equipped to handle each of these areas before selling your home. Deciding to sell. You will need to conduct your own research regarding the current housing market, moving costs, your tax situation and your home equity. Preparing to sell. You may want to get a pre-sale inspection, to determine if any repairs should be made as well as an appraisal to assess the value of your property. Set the price. The challenge of setting the right price is a balance between your desire to get the best price for your home without deterring or missing qualified buyers. You will need to consider such items as recent sales for comparable homes in your neighbourhood, location, current market conditions, season, amenities, repairs, and extras like deck, pool, garage, etc. Prepare your home. You will want to present your home in the best possible light. Make needed repairs, remove the clutter, and make your home warm and inviting. Negotiate the deal. After reviewing all the factors associated with the price, you will want
to determine in advance the lowest price you are willing or able to accept. Advertise your home. You will want to place and pay for advertising in newspapers, Internet and other places. Then you will field asked questions, handle open house and show your home to potential buyers. Close the sale. Other factors contribute to a successful closing including unsatisfactory home inspection, an appraisal that is to low to qualify for a mortgage, title problems and even a buyer with cold feet. You will need to process all the paperwork, usually, with the assistance of a lawyer. Be prepared for the work You can easily see that selling your home involves more than posting a "For Sale" sign on your lawn. There are many details to consider. There are also many aspects of the sale that you may not have considered. In addition, you will want to ask yourself some questions, to realistically assess the work involved:
Do you understand the various types of mortgage financing available and the effect they may have on you, the seller? Can you bring an objective opinion to the sale of your home, seeing it from a buyer's prospective? Can you put your emotional attachments to your home aside and realize that selling your home is also a business transaction? Can you handle the numerous details involved in the sale? Do you have the necessary forms and legal documents used in the selling of real estate? Consider a Real Estate Professional For most people, a home represents the largest financial asset they will ever have. But it is more than dollars. It represents your family, your memories, your goals and your dreams. From the time you start thinking about selling your home, you are presented with numerous choices, decisions and uncertainties:
Access to the most current market conditions and stats. Placement and payment of effective advertising in the right places and for the best results. Correct pricing of your home, to give you the highest profit. Showing of your home in the most professional, effective and favorable manner. Screening of potential buyers and elimination of bargain shoppers. Effective negotiation. Availability. Most Real Estate Professionals are always on call, answering the phone at all hour, and being available at all times to show your home. Objective representation for offers and counteroffers. A professional team that listens to your needs, respects your opinions and allows you to make decisions. A professional team that understands the real estate industry, from both the buyer and seller perspective.
Is selling my home myself the right thing to do? Is now a good time to sell? Will I get the right price? Should I remodel the house before selling?
Do you have the necessary knowledge, patience and sales skills?
Here is a list of the benefits you will receive when you choose a Real Estate Professional to sell your home:
What if my home does not sell?
Can you negotiate a successful outcome when an aggressive buyer presents a less-favorable offer?
All of these questions can seem overwhelming. Most of the errors made in the selling of homes relate to the following areas:
Can you accurately access the current market value of your home, from your research sources?
Incorrect understanding about market conditions and pricing
Do you know about the marketplace conditions that affect the value of your home?
Relying on inappropriate advertising and marketing that does not generate buyers.
A professional team that protects your rights. Full-time staff that handle the numerous details involved in the sale of your home. Resources to complete your transaction, from lawyers, inspectors, renovators, engineers to mortgage and insurance brokers. Access to a network of real estate marketing resources to place your home before the most qualified buyers.A professional team that adheres to a professional code of conduct, established by local and national real estate associations. Expert advise on making improvements that will increase the profit you will receive on your home.
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
Baldev Singh Gill
Kirandeep Singh Gill
604.825.8886 3361 TRETHEWEY STREET
Over 3200 Sq. ft. home in West Abbotsford. Several upgrades including: new laminate flooring in living and family rooms, new tiles in the foyer and kitchen, brand new blinds, only 4 years old roof, a fully fenced backyard and relatively new paint. Close to Rotary stadium, W.J. Mouat Secondary and Gordie Howe Middle School.
3131 267A STREET
Custom built 3 storey home with 2-5-10 years warranty in West Abbotsford’s newest subdivision. 4 bedrooms upstairs with 3 full baths. One bedroom with full bathroom on main floor. Walk out basement has 3 bedrooms , 2 full bath and very spacious media room.
#207 1909 SALTON ROAD
2 Bed & 1 Bath Apartment on the Main Floor with 2 parking spots. Many upgrades in past few years including: Laminate floors, white baseboards, designer paint, blinds, counter tops, white appliances, bathroom tile around tub, vanity fixtures, electrical plugs & switches! Great location viewing the private common area.
Farm Listing 19.44 Acre Full Production 33629 Clayburn RD Blueberry Farm
11 year old 1/2 duplex with living, dining, kitchen, family room and 2 piece bath on main; 3 bedrooms and 2 full bath on upstairs. Single garage, fenced private backyard with covered patio and store. No strata fee, independent living, lot of privacy Close to elementary school.
2300 Sq. ft. Rancher with full basement is located in a quiet dead end street. 7700 Sq. ft. flat lot. Some recent updates are: New windows, new blinds, new washer/dryer, new carpet on stairs and brand new full bath in the basement.
Beautiful custom built over 5300 Sq. ft. home with 2-5-10 years warranty. Featuring 9 bedrooms, 6.5 baths and 3 kitchens. Open concept and 14’ high ceiling in living and dining room, Granite
3130 267A STREET
88 32633 SIMON AVENUE Duke and Bluecrop varieties. Very good production for 2017 Full irrigation system and machine pick. House and Barn.
16.32 acre income producing blueberry farm. 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 1950 sqft rancher. 100x40 barn, has 2 storeys, oversized doors on both ends of barn, extra concrete slab. Peat moss, Huge potential here! Close to town and Mission Hwy.
8851 Dewdney Trunk Road
$ 1,145,000
This private estate sits on 43,000sq feet.4 bedrooms, 3bathroom, a 2 car garage. Features include, security cameras, a 25 ft round koi pond,a massive yard, a very large 40x40 workshop(with 200 amp service!!) large trees along the property line for maximum privacy. In a great location close to all amenities.
$ 4,488,888
5.20 acres of prime development land. zoned for row houses. Potential for town houses. house/shop rented for $1650 month
2353 Webber Crescent. Prince George, BC.
Great Price. Huge family home in a great location, backyard is a Must See (14,069 sq. ft.) and a big basement Renovations asement to help with the mortgage. Renovatio include new carpets, paint, and trim, ample storage space and big bedrooms all throughout the house. Don't miss out on your opportunity to own this home
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
2,181 Sq. Ft. Commercial plus residential building located at 45841 Railway Ave. In Chilliwack. Very clean and shows like new. CSM Zoning permitted.
Established Pizza Take out business located in Mission. This business has been open for 35 years, is very profitable and has lots of room to grow. Call for more information.
Asking $749,900.00
Asking $229,900.00
RESTAURANT SPACE FOR LEASE 3,675 Sq. Ft. Restaurant space for lease in popular Vedder Village Center. Great street exposure, lots of foot traffic. Restaurant is turn-key, 120 guest occupancy and includes equipment and furniture in Chilliwack
Asking $22/Sq.Ft.
2 story residential/ commercial building On a 4,440 sq.ft lot on popular mill st. In the heart of Downtown chilliwack. Beautiful modern/vintage Style building completely renovated in 2015. 3 ground floor commercial units plus 3 residential units On the second floor with a gross building area of 7,320 sq.ft Lots of parking in the back. Tons of foots traffic. C3 zoning
1,081 Sq.Ft. Storefront plus warehouse unit located on busy young road in chilliwack. CSM zoning Lots of parking. Join restaurant, fitness center, doctors clinic and more!
Asking $2.8 Million
$ 15/Sq.Ft OR $299,900.00
Automotive Business for Sale Successful 35+ Year Establishment Located At 44344 W.Yale Rd. Chilliwack
Asking $120,000.00
#103-104 8705 Young Road Chilliwack
Liquor Store For Sale PRICE REDUCED
well established liquor store located in the popular auguston community. substantial development potentia in the area which will bring tons of business growth! turn key operation and very easy to manage !
$ 750,000.00
1,555 Sq.ft. Retail/Office Unit For Sale.Ground Floor Unit. Currently Occupied By A Family Medical Clinic; Would Be Great For A Physiotherapy Clinic, massage Therapy Clinic Or A Doctor. this Unit Shows Like New. located In A High Traffic Count Area With Lots Of Parking
$ 550,000.00
3690 TOWNLINE ROAD ABBOTSFORD Perfect Opportunity To Open Your Business In Popular Gian’s Business Center
1,379-1655 Sq.Ft For Lease
CONVENIENCE STORE FOR SALE Profitable convenience store for sale located on Menzies St. close to Fairfield Island in Chilliwack. Located in a busy strip mall. Room to add more product to increase sales. Call for more information.
$ 98,000.00
RESIDENTIAL PRICE REDUCED 2373 Westerly St. Half duplex Rancher w/basement (including a separate entry and 2nd kitchen) boasts a large enclosed backyard with plenty of privacy, as well as new kitchen, renovated bathroom, new flooring and lighting. Why buy a townhome when you can live here and enjoy your own yard, ample parking and NO STRATA FEE!
31811 Downes Rd.
Beautiful 2 story estate home built in 2015 - 5 bedrooms (3 with ensuites), open concept kitchen, spacious family room, a flex room and more. Property is .24 Acres and is completely fenced off with a gate entry driveway. Walking distance to MEI Elementary and High school. One of the most sought out areas in Abbotsford. Huge Driveway to park multiple cars.
2288 Mouldstade Rd. 748 Sq.ft. Character home with updates located on a large lot in Abbotsford. An excellent property to subdivide or live in. Lot is 76 x 109 square feet. Ask city about subdivision possibilities.
Asking $ 749,900.00
#223-30515 Cardinal Ave
The Tamarind located in West Abbotsford, just minutes away from High Street Mall, Highway 1 and more. This 1 Bedroom Junior suite features beautiful laminate flooring, in suite laundry, a clean open concept, and a mountain view. Plenty of visitor parking as well. Rentals allowed, currently tenanted
Friday, Aug 3rd, 2018
Vancouver housing market cools off, but buying still ‘insanely expensive’ is still too pricey for millennials, unless they get help with down payments from parents. Mr. Landherr listed his Vancouver condo in June in order to upgrade. The 29-year-old financial technology consultant hopes to make a decent profit on his one-bedroom unit in the Mount Pleasant neighbourhood on Vancouver’s east side. Selling would then allow Mr. Landherr to fulfill his quest to buy a larger place in Gastown, located closer to his downtown office. “The housing market is insanely expensive in Vancouver. That’s the bottom line,” he said. “Our salaries don’t allow us to afford homes unless you come from a wealthy family that gives you financial help in the beginning.” His parents helped him in 2014 with a large down payment on the presale condo that he agreed to buy for $326,000. He wants to sell the 615-square-foot unit for close to his current list price of $599,800, marked down from his original asking price in June of $648,000.
Lower housing sales in Vancouver have yet to translate into bargain buys at the entry level, despite headlines in recent months on the city’s real estate market cooling down, industry experts say. Buying is no closer to being within reach for millennials because the market downturn has mostly hit detached houses while having only a relatively muted impact so far on pricing for entry-level condos and townhouses, said demographer Andy Yan, director of Simon Fraser University’s city program. To make starter homes in Vancouver affordable, wages would have to skyrocket and/or condo prices would have to collapse, Mr. Yan said. “It could be a mix, of course – some version of doubling incomes or halving prices so that the market is realigned to local incomes,” he said in an interview on Tuesday. Since mid-2014, condo prices in Vancouver have soared more than 50 per cent, even after factoring in a pricing drop in the first half of 2018. It has been two years since the provincial government, then led by the B.C. Liberals,
slapped a 15-per-cent tax on foreign buyers in the Vancouver region. In February, 2018, the B.C. NDP minority government raised that tax to 20 per cent and also expanded its reach to include other urban areas in British Columbia. The implementation of the foreign-buyers tax in August, 2016, helped end the boom in detached housing, but prices for starter condos haven’t been deeply discounted during the lingering crisis over affordability, said Steve Saretsky, a real estate agent who also writes a housing newsletter. Over the past two years, Vancouver condo prices jumped 13.9 per cent on average while townhouse prices rose 6.5 per cent, according to his analysis. The price for condos sold within Vancouver averaged $857,503 in June, compared with $753,065 in the same month in 2016, while the average price for townhouses climbed to $1,162,466 from $1,091,106 over the twoyear period. By contrast, the price for detached houses sold in Vancouver in June averaged $2,550,708, down 12 per cent from $2,899,698 in the same month in 2016.
Federally, a stress test imposed this year by Canada’s banking regulator has reduced the amount that borrowers qualify for and slowed demand for real estate. Total sales of various housing types have tumbled to multiyear lows in Vancouver as a result of the B.C. NDP government’s housing policies and the federal stress test, which combined have made it tougher on borrowers already coping with higher mortgage rates, Mr. Saretsky said. “It’s still pretty hard to afford to buy, especially when there is a clampdown on mortgage financing,” he said. “If you have an expensive two-bedroom condo for sale in Vancouver, it’s going to sit longer on the market than an entry-level one-bedroom condo.” The city’s condo market peaked in January this year and the townhouse segment hit new highs last August. The average price for attached properties sold in June was more than 15 per cent lower than the record highs. Nevertheless, condo owner Cohen Landherr’s experience underlines the reality for young buyers in Vancouver – even with the slump in the first half of 2018, the market
Mr. Landherr said he missed out on the pricing peak of Vancouver’s condo market in January, when he might have fetched at least $600,000 for his condo, located about four blocks east of Main Street. Still, assuming all goes well with selling, he reckons he will benefit from the increased value of his current condo and then buy a slightly larger unit for roughly $800,000 in Gastown. Hani Lammam, executive vice-president at Cressey Development Group, said condo listings between $500,000 and $600,000 are considered desirable by first-time buyers, with that price range realistic on Vancouver’s east side or in the suburbs. “Anything under $500,000 has been selling like hotcakes, though that might mean an older condo on the east side,” Mr. Lammam said. “For properties below $3-million, I’m not seeing sellers panic or buyers lose consumer confidence,” Mr. Price said. “But many buyers and sellers aren’t seeing eye-to-eye. A lot of sellers are in a strong financial position and they don’t have to sell and they will just stay put until they get a number that they like.”