August 10th, 2018

Page 1

The Patrika 604.852.2288 | “BRIDGING COMMUNITIES” Weekly | Friday Aug 10th, 2018 | Vol.22. No.47 | | inrpwK, sqMqr aqy agFhvDU nMU prnfieaf hoieaf A SECULAR, INDEPENDENT & PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER

Councillor Moe Gill wants to be Abbotsford’s next Mayor!

kONslr moa igwl aYbtsPorz dy agly myar bxnf cfhuMdy ny see more on page 45

Gaba Auto Detailing & Tires


asIN nvy aqy purfxy tfier vycdy hF | kfr dy tfier $50 ivwc bdly jfNdy hn tfier dI irpyar kIqI jfNdI hy|

tfier pYNcr isrP $10

Office : 604.746.4222

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The Patrika ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

Friday, Aug 10th, 2018

itAUn aWp, brykF, aYgjfst, PrMt aYWz vrk, ieMjn irpyarjL, klWc, vftr pMp, trYnI srivs, XU- jfieMtjL, PrMt aYksl sLfPtjL afid

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The Patrika Friday, Aug 10th, 2018



ICBC CLAIMS afeI.sI.bI.sI dy dfavy

trfiel smyq asIN quhfzy Gr afky vI srivs idMdy hF




trfiel smyq

33222 Elz Xyl roz,aYbtsPorz, bI.sI. imlx leI apufieMtmYNt jLrUrI hY

isrP aYbtsPorz rihx vfilaF leI puwCigwC



The Patrika



Friday, Aug 10th, 2018


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LOOK YEARS YOUNGER kI qusIN JurVIaF jF sLfeHIaF (ichry dy dfg-Dwby) qoN Cutkfrf pfAuxf cfhuMdy ho? zf mnjIq gosl botOks aqy zrmfpYwnmfeIkro nIzilMg- dIaF afDuink qknIkF df iesqymfl krky quhfzI smwisaf df hwl kr skdy hn. Before

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Friday, Aug 10th, 2018

The Patrika 


Preparing your household for an evacuation order


any parts of British Columbia are experiencing intense fire activity this long weekend, and based on the weather outlook, this will continue for the foreseeable future.

ing to leave when asked to by officials puts yourself and others at risk. When an evacuation order is issued: Wear a long-sleeved shirt, long pants and sturdy shoes to help protect you from unforeseen hazards.

Residents of areas currently experiCollect family members, or go to the encing wildfires are urged to prepare place designated in your family plan ahead in case of an evacuation alert as a meeting place. or order. In such stressful circumstances, the Plan to take your pets with you. Do most important thing to remember not leave them behind. Because pets is to stay calm, listen to local public are not permitted in public shelters, officials, and if possible, access on- follow your plan to go to a relative or line social media channels like the friend’s home, or find a pet-friendly Emergency Info BC Twitter page or hotel. your local government website for Grab your emergency kit and follow information updates. the directions to the identified recepIn the event an evacuation alert is tion centre. Follow the routes specified by emerPrepare to leave your home on short gency officials. Avoid shortcuts, as they could take you to a blocked or notice. dangerous area. Stay tuned to your local authority’s public information channels, as well Take critical items already in your kit as Emergency Info BC for updates: (medicine, purse, wallet and keys). Take your pets in kennels or on a leash. Have your emergency kit and impor- Close all doors and windows. Close tant documents ready to go, which and latch gates, but do not lock them. should include things like insurance and personal papers, such as birth Take a cell phone, if you have one. certificates. You should also pack: If there is time and it is safe to do so, issued for your area:

shut off water at the main line into your home, and switch off electricity Medicine/prescriptions. at the breaker panel. Leave natural For your children, comfort items, like gas service on. a favourite toy or colouring books to Stay well away from any downed help keep them busy. power lines. Several days’ clothing.

For your pets, leashes, carriers and If you go to an evacuation centre, pet food. sign up with the registration desk so Consider collecting precious pho- you can be contacted or reunited with tos and mementoes that cannot be your family and loved ones. replaced. Contact your out-of-area emergency As well, please check in on any family, friends or neighbours who may need a helping hand due to mobility or other issues.

contact (identified in your personal emergency plan) to let them know what has happened, that you are okay, and how to contact you. Alert them to any separated family members.

In the event of an evacuation order, you must leave the area immediately. Your local authority officials will Local authorities will not ask you to advise you when it is safe to return leave without good reason, and fail- home.



The Patrika 

Friday, Aug 10th, 2018

Government receives independent report from Committee for Revitalizing the ALR and ALC


he independent Minister’s Advisory Committee for Revitalizing the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR) and the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC) has submitted its interim report to Lana Popham, Minister of Agriculture. “I want to thank the committee members for their significant work engaging British Columbians in the development of these recommendations,” said Popham. “The ALC plays a key role in protecting the ALR and encouraging farming throughout our province. This independent report is an important contribution to the conversation we’ve been having in B.C. to build a we heard” report summarizing the strong and resilient agricultural secfindings from stakeholder meetings tor for generations to come.” and public engagement held from The committee identified 13 rec- February to April 30, 2018. ommendations for legislative and The committee travelled to nine comregulatory change, and four recommunities around B.C. to hear from mendations for action to protect the regional stakeholders. There were ALR. It also identified 14 key issues also over 280 written submissions that are still under consideration for made as part of the engagement process, and over 2,300 British Columbians completed the committee’s online survey. The committee, formed in January 2018, is made up of eight British Columbians with diverse agricultural backgrounds and experiits final report. ence who were tasked with leading The Ministry of Agriculture will both the revitalization of the ALR review the committee’s recommen- and the ALC and an authentic and dations over the coming weeks to meaningful consultation process. analyze the impacts of the recomRevitalization of the ALR and the mendations. ALC is a key priority identified in Along with the interim report, the the Minister of Agriculture’s mandate committee also submitted a “what letter.


The Patrika

Friday, Aug 10th, 2018



Province launches new Building BC: Supportive Housing Fund


uilding on the success of its Rapid Response to Homelessness program, the Government of British Columbia has launched the Building BC: Supportive Housing Fund.

Quick Facts:

1.BC Housing will lead the creation of the new Supportive Housing Fund projects in partnership with nonprofit housing providers, government authorities and community groups. This investment will provide $1.2 The buildings and land will be owned billion over 10 years to build and by the Province. operate 2,500 units of supportive housing for people who are experi- 2.In addition to the support services encing homelessness or who are at funded by BC Housing, clinical risk of homelessness. services for supportive housing A call for expressions of interest has residents may be established through been issued to identify non-profit partnerships with health authorities housing providers interested in pro- and programs, such as multi-agency viding property management and intensive case management teams, support services for new housing which provide targeted supports for projects under the Supportive Hous- tenants in need. ing Fund.

3.The expression of interest packNon-profit housing providers se- age is available at MERX Canadian lected to operate these projects will Public Tenders: provide support services including, It is also available at BC Housbut not limited to: ing: or group support ser- services/funding-opportunities-forvices, such as life skills, community housing-providers information, social and recreational 4.Other Building BC programs programs; launched as part of Budget 2018 2.Case planning and resident needs include: assessments; a)Building BC: Community Housing 3.Connecting residents to community Fund – close to $1.9 billion over 10 supports and services, such as educa- years to deliver 14,350 affordable tion, employment, health, life skills, new rental homes, built through long-term housing; partnerships with municipalities, non-profit housing providers, hous4.A meal program; ing co-operatives and Indigenous 5.Supporting residents to maintain organizations. their homes, such as directly assisting with room maintenance and resident b)Building BC: Women’s Transition rent contributions and/or repayment Housing Fund – $734 million over 10 plans; and years to build and operate 1,500 new 6.Help in accessing income assis- units of housing, including transition tance, pension benefits, disability houses, safe homes, second-stage and benefits, obtaining a B.C. identifica- long-term housing. tion card or establishing a bank ac- c)Building BC: Indigenous Housing count as appropriate. Fund – $550 million over 10 years Service providers will be selected to build and operate 1,750 units of based upon the requirements of each social housing, both on- and offspecific community. reserve.

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The Patrika 

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quhfzIaF sfrIaF PslF dIaF loVF vfsqy byrI, sbjLIaF, nrsrI aqy grIn hfAUs groarjL leI


Friday, Aug 10th, 2018

The Patrika

Friday, Aug 10th, 2018



sMpfdkI anpVHqf, aMDivsLvfsL aqy grIbI bMdy dI hosL itkfxy nhIN rihx idMdI, ies siQqI ivwc Aus dI mfniskqf asiQr ho jFdI hY qy Auh iPr AuzidaF dy mgr lwgx leI mjbUr ho jFdf hY qy Aus dy ienHf hflfqF nUM zrf Dmkfa ky keI sLkqIaF ies nUM kmfeIaF dy sfDn bxf lYNdIaF hn. ies dI imsfl asIN Bfrq dy pMjfb dy bfibaF dy mhfn zyiraF, qFiqRk lokF, hwQ dyKx vflLy lotUaF aqy tovy qy rfsLIaF dwsx vflLy anykF TgF dIaF motIaF kmfeIaF dy DVfDV cwldy kfrobfrF dI dy skdy hF. jy asIN mnuwKqf dy jMglvfs dy smyN dI gwl krIey qF AudoN df mnuwK kwcf kMd mUl, pwq swq jF isLkfr mfr ky kwcf mfs Kf ky gujLfrf krdf sI. iPr Aus ny AuWcy QF qoN pwQr irVH ky Qwly

df Bf, cugl-Kor nUM lfAU buJfAU aOKy pYNzy nUM koilaF df rfh afidk khfvqF bolI rfhIN afpxy arQ drsfAuNdIaF rhIaF. pr jy ies dy svfrU pwK vl njLr mfrIey qF hYrfnI-jnk nqIjy dyK rhy hF. awg qoN ibnf koeI Bojn nhIN pwk skdf, sfrI AUrjf awg qoN pYdf huMdI hY, kfrnKfny cwldy hn, gwzIaF, bwsF, jhfjF dy ieMjx awg qoN ibnf AuzfrI nhIN mfr skdy, anykF hor kfrjF ivwc awg dI loV hY.

jdoN asIN ies dI durvrqoN krdy hF qF nqIjy bhuq hI Gfqk inkldy hn. grm KLusLk mOsm ivwc ibwjlI dy sLOrt srkt nfl, phfVF qoN pwQr irVHn nfl jF isgrt df totf buJy qoN vgYr suwtx nflL ieh BFbVF dy rUp ivwc vwzy nuksfn kr skdI hY. bI[sI df mOsm qkrIbn 9 mhIny qF TMZf rihMdf hY pr 3 ku mhIny grmI pYNdI hY qy ies smyN awg qoN bcfa leI sB nUM sucyq hox dI loV hY. hor vI vwD iDafn dyx vflIaF gwlF ieh vI ik ies dy jMglF ivwc suwky pwqy aqy suwky tfhxy afm pey izgdf dyiKaf ijs ivcoN awg inkl rhI huMdy hn qy EQy bhuq lok ies mOsm nUM sI qy Es awg ny isLkfr dy kwcy mfs nUM suhfvxf smJ ky kYNp lONdy hn, awg bflL sfV idwqf, BuwKy mnuwK ny mjbUrI ivwc Eho ky lwkVF qy mIt-mwCI BuMndy hn, bfrhI KfDf pr Auh qF Kfx leI polf qy svfdI bx igaf sI, Aus qoN bfad Au s ny idmfgI ju g fV vDONidaF awg bflx aqy ies nUM bJOx dy sfDn lwBy. Aus vyly dy hflfqF dI hfxI soc ny ies nUM pfxI dy v qf, qy sU r j dyvqf vFg agnI dyvqf mMn ilaf qy clfk lokF ny ienHf PrjLI dyviqaF dy nfm qy motIaF kmfeIaF krnIaF sLurU kr idwqIaF. ies qrHF, awg dyvqf dy rUp ivwc bIikAU krdy hn, smok krdy hn. ies ivwcrI qy ies dy imwTy, kOVy qy iPwky nq- vyly isgrt df totf mlLy vgYr suwtxf vI IijaF ny pMjfbIaF dI jLbfn rfhIN ies nUM ies nUM Jwt iPlfa idMdf hY, qyjL hvf dy idRsLtFq kIqf. ijvyN iksy kOVy suBfa vflLy bwuly vlLdy cuwlHy coN AuzfrI mfr skdy hn nUM awg dI nfV, iPkrF mfry nUM awg ivwc qy jMgl dI awg df rUp Dfr skdy hn. Buwjdf, iqwKI gwl krn vflLy nUM awg lOxf, ieh jMgl dI awg hvf dI idsLf nfl L musIbqF Jwlx vflLy nUM aigafr inglxf, iksy pfsy nUM vI ruk kr skdI hY qy keI iksy jLrUrI jLrUrq nUM awg lwgI qy msLkF keI mhIny ieh vDdI qurI jf skdI hY-

Call For More Info:



33839 Essendene Avenue Abbotsford BC V2S 2H3 hor vI iPkr vflI gwl hY ik eyQoN dIaF sB iemfrqF lwkV dIaF hn qy suwkI lwkV qy awg hmysLF qyjLI nfl vDdI hY, jy mINh nf pvy jF kMtrol tImf smy isr nf phuMcx qF ies dI iBafnkqf dy Kyqr df lyKf nhIN kIqf jf skdf. ipCly sfl dy nuksfnF df anudfjLf lfeIey qF kroVF zflrF df nuksfn CotIaF glqIaF nfl hI hoieaf sI qy dUjy dysLF qoN awg bJfAU tImf swdxIaF peIaF sn. ieh kropI ies sfl amrIkf qy tuwt peI hY. kYlIPornIaF ivwc cOdF QfvF qy awg lwgI, EQoN df mOsm vI grm hY qy hvfvF vI qyjL vgIaF, aYmrjMsI syvfvF aqy awg-bJfAU tImf dy Bwj dOV kridaF vI 8 bMdy sV ky mry hn. lwK eykV dIaF PslF suafh ho geIaF aqy bfrF qyrF sO dy lfgy Gr aqy dPqrI iemfrqF sV cuwkIaF hn. bI[sI aqy afs pfs dy KyqrF ivc bIqy hPqy awgF lwgIaF hn. mOsm KusLk hY, mINh dI AumId nhIN, hvf vI vgdI hY qy bhuq QfeIN awg dy PYlx dIaF icMqfvF dyK rhy hF. vsoN vflLy kfPI ielfky KflI krvf ley hn qy keIaF nUM cyqfvnI idwqI hY. awg bJfAU tImF rfq idn iek kr rhIaF hn. Ekfnfgn ivwc ies dI

kropI dy vwD cFs hn. iPkr vflI gwl hY ik ieh sfrf ielfkf vfeIn PYktrIaF vflLf hY. eyQy awg BVkfAU mfl ipaf hY. hor vI iPkr vflI gwl hY ik ieh eyrIaf tUirst spOt hY, dUroN dUroN XfqrI phuMcy hoey hn,ieMjOey krn dI QF awg df zr, vwzy ibjLinwsF qy mfrU asr pf skdf hY. eyQy vI 1 hjLfr iemfrqF KflI krvf leIaF hn. mfAUNt ienIas ielfky ivwc vI cOdF pMdrF skyar iklomItrF ivwc awg BVkI hoeI hY. eyQy CotIaF vwzIaF 750 awgF lwgIaF hoeIaF hn. ienHF’coN ijLafdf kYmlUps, kYrIbU, ipRMs jorj, kOstn lIatn, klonf aqy kYryimafs ielfikaF ivwc hn. ipCly hPqy bI[sI dy keI ihwisaF’c asmfnI ibwjlI izgx nflL hor keI ielfikaF ivwc awgF lwg qurIaF hn, EQy qyjL hvfvF dI kropI vI pysL nhIN jfx idMdI. sfvDfnI vrqidaF sfzf sfiraF df PrjL hY ik bfrbIikAU dIaF lftF lfgy suwkf bflx nf rwKIey, jMgl ivc KuwlHyafm awg nf bflLIey, kuwikMg sQfn pfxI dy lfgy hovy, isgrt bIVI nUM pUrf buJf ky suwtIey. DMnvfd sihq, sMpfdkI mMzl PAGE 9

The Patrika



Friday, Aug 10th, 2018

Driver- Hello Officer- can I show you my Drivers License picture on my phone? Police: No In BC, driver's licences displayed on a cell phone do not satisfy the requirement to “produce a driver's licence”. Police need to take the driver's licence IN HAND so they may read both the front and back. A ticket of “Fail to Produce Driver's Licence” may be issued $81

A reminder that our BC terrain is EXTREMELY DRY right now! Our grasses are crispy brown and a high risk for brush fires. Please obey the campfire bans and discard cigarette butts safely! Report any brush fires to 911 or *5555

If you are using public transit, keep these tips in mind to keep yourself safe! 1. Avoid isolated or poorly lit transit stops 2. Sit near the driver or emergency contact panel 3. Don't sleep on public transit 4. Don't leave your personal belongings on the floor, hold them on your lap 5. If you are travelling at night, ask the driver if it is possible to drop you closer to your home than at the bus stop

zrfeIvr: hYlo aPLsr, mYN quhfnUM afvdf zrfeIvr lfieisMs Pon qy idKf skdF? puilws: nhIN. bI[sI ivc Pon qy dKfey gey zrfeIvr lfieisMs, lfieisMs dI loV pUrI nhIN krdy. puils nUM quhfzf lfieisMs hwQ ivc lYxf pYNdf hY ikAuNik Auh lfieisMs dy dony pfsy vyKdy hn. jy qusIN afvdf lfiesMs nhIN dKONdy, qF quhfnUM 81 zflr dI itkt iml skdI hY.

ieh iek rImfeINzr hY ik bI[sI df pUrf ielfkf ies vKLq bhuq swukf hY. Gfh BUry rMg df hY aqy brwsL awg lwgx df Kqrf vI hY. qusIN kYmpPfier dy inXmF dI pflxf kro aqy isgirt nUM surwiKaq qrIky nflL iswto! koeI vI brwsL vflLI awgF nUM 911 jF *5555 qy irport kro.

jy qusIN pwbilk trYnist dI vrqoN krdy ho, qF ieh suJfa mn ivc rwKo! iksy vI Gwt lfeIt vflLy jF suny bws stOp qy nF ruko zrfeIvr dy jF aYmrjYNsI kOntYkt pYnl kolyL bYTo pwbilk trYnist qy nF sONvoN afvdIaF cIjLF Plor qy nF rwKo, afvdI god ivc rwKo jy qusIN rfq nUM sPLr kr rhy ho, qF zrfeIvr nUM pwuCo jy Auh quhfnUM quhfzy Gr kolL Cwz sky.

Call APD non-emergency at 604-859-5225 or text ABBYPD (222973) To make an anonymous report, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or report online at

aYbtsPorz pulIs zIpfrtmYNt nMU nfn-aYmrjMsI lfeIn 604-589-5225 'qy Pon kro jF 222973 'qy tYkst mYsj Bojo. aigafq rIport ilKvfAux leI krfeIm stfprjL nMU 1-800-222-7477 'qy Pon kroo jF afnleIn jf ky 'qy rIport ilKvfE.

Province celebrates Pride weekend with plans for human rights commission


n the eve of Vancouver's annual Pride festival, government has signalled its intention to introduce legislative amendments to the Human Rights Code this fall. These amendments, when passed, will re-establish a human rights commissioner for British Columbia and support progress on gender equity and LGBTQ rights.

The commissioner will have the key functions of educating British Columbians on human rights as well as examining and addressing issues of discrimination, and will have the mandate to develop educational tools, policies and guidelines to promote human rights and combat widespread patterns of inequality and discrimination in society.

“‘Knowing that B.C. will finally The proposed amendments to the again have a human rights commiscode will create an independent human rights commissioner who reports sion to stand up for gender equality and human rights for all of us is a to the legislative assembly. great reason to celebrate during the “This new human rights commission upcoming Pride festival and parade,” will work with people throughout said Spencer Chandra Herbert, MLA B.C. to promote equality and fairfor Vancouver-West End. “When ness,” said David Eby, Attorney groups are targeted by hate, we as a General. “ government and a society must act. The 16 years of British Columbia being the only province without a These changes will be a big step provincial organization dedicated forward toward building a more into the promotion and protection of clusive and welcoming community human rights are coming to an end.” for all.” PAGE 10

The proposed legislation follows an eight-week public engagement, conducted in fall 2017, that asked British Columbians what they want most from a human rights commission. Ravi Kahlon, Parliamentary Secretary for Sport and Multiculturalism, led the extensive consultation, culminating in the December 2017 report,

A Human Rights Commission for the 21st Century: British Columbians Talk About Human Rights. Once the legislation has passed, an all-party committee will be formed to unanimously recommend a commissioner who will be subject to approval by the house.


Friday, Aug 10th, 2018

The Patrika




Dhami Narang & Company LLP (“DNC Lawyers”) was established in 2010, by Rajan Dhami and Amrik Narang. With the help of our valued clients, DNC Lawyers has now grown into a mid-sized law with of in Abbotsford and Surrey, British Columbia. To serve our clients best, DNC Lawyers has an experienced team of 9 lawyers to cater to the individual needs of our clients. Every member of our strives to provide outstanding service to produce the best results for our clients.

RELIABLE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES We use a collaborative team approach to your legal problems to get you the best results possible. We are only happy when you are happy and realize that our success depends on referrals from our client base.

rfjn DfmI aqy amrIk nfrMg vloN 2010 ivwc sQfpq kIqI geI sI. sfzy suihrd klfieMts dI mwdd nfl DNC Lawyers ny qrwkI kridaF imwz sfeIjLz lfa Prm bxf leI hY, ijs dy dPqr bI sI dy sLihrF aYbtsPorz aqy srI ivwc hn. afpxy klfieMts dIaF smUh musLiklF nfl nijwTx leI vwzy qjLribaF vfly 9 vkIlF dI tIm iqafr ho geI hY. afpxy klfieMts dIaf qmfm smwisafvF dy hYrfnIjnk nqIijaF leI hux awzI cotI dy Auprfly kIqy jfx gy.

qswlIbKsL proPYsLnl syvfvF quhfnMU vDIaf knMUnI nqIjy dyx leI asIN sfry sFJI tIm dy qOr qy Xqn krdy hF quhfzI KusLI hI sfzI KusLI hovy gI, asIN mihsUs krdy hF ik sfzIaF sPlqfvF quhfnMU idwqy cMgy nqIijaF AuWqy hI inrBr hn.

REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS We deal with all matters relating to the sale and purchase of residential and commercial property. By contacting us before you sign a contract, you can make sure your rights are protected. We will provide reliable and timely legal advice. PURCHASE & SALE: RESIDENTIAL •Negotiating and Drafting Agreements of Purchase and Sale • Acting for Buyers or Sellers on Purchases and Sales of New Homes, Condominiums, Assignments Recreational and Cottages properties •Acting for Borrowers or Lenders on Mortgage Transactions •Advising Borrowers on Mortgage Liability PURCHASE AND SALE: COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL •Purchases and Sales of Commercial Real Estate, •Apartment and Office Buildings • Land Purchases or Sales • Acting for Borrowers or Lenders on Mortgage Transactions • Advising Borrowers on Mortgage Liability ABBOTSFORD OFFICE Dhami Narang & Company LLP Suite 301-2975 Gladwin Road Abbotsford, BC V2T 5T4

ICBC CASES We handle a full range of ICBC personal injury claims, including head injuries, broken bones, soft tissue injuries, muscle strains, psychological injuries & others asIN afeI sI bI sI nfl sbMDq iNnWjI srIrk swtF PytF ijnHF ivc isr dIaF swtF, tuWtIaF hWzIaF, koml itsULaF dIaF cotF, pWiTaF dIaF sWtF, mfnisk ivgfV aqy hor hfnIaF sLfml hn, dy klym hYNzl krdy hF. THE LAWYERS AT DNC PROVIDE COMPREHENSIVE LEGAL SERVICES IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS:

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prsnl swt jF af sI bI sI kfrobfr / kOrpryt kOmrsLIal mukwdmf rIal iestyt vsIaq jF pRobyt jfiedfd mukwdmf

rIal iestyt trFjLYksLns

asIN vpfrk aqy rhfiesLI jfiedfdF vycx aqy KRIdx sbMDI sB kfrjF df kMm krdy hF. koeI vI kOntrYkt sfeIn krn qoN pihlF sfzI islfh jLrUr lvo. asIN quhfnUM qswlI kr ky dwsF gy ik quhfzy hwk syP hn ik nhIN? asIN afp jI nUM tfeIm isr shI aqy BrosyXog kfnUMnI msLvrf idMdy rhF gy.

prcyjL aYNz syl rYjLIzYNsLIal

•KrId aqy vyc dy sihmqI zrfPitMg aYgrImYNts •asIN vycx vflLy dI vI aqy KRIdx vflLy dI vI shI mdwd krdy hF ijvyN nvyN Gr KrIdx, kONzmInIams, rhfiesLI dsqfvyjL. mn-prcfvy vflLIaF aqy kfitj prfprtIjL leI. •mfrtgyj idvOx ivwc asIN KRIdx vflLy dI vI aqy vycx vflLy dI vI mdwd krdy hF •KRIdx aqy vycx vflLy dI mfrtgyj Xogqf bfry dwsdy hF

kmrsLIal aqy ieMzstrIal prcyjL aqy syl

•kmrsLIal rIal iestyt aYpfrtmYNt aqy afiPs iblizMgF dI KrId aqy vyc •jLmIn dI KrId aqy vyc •vycx vfilaF aqy KRIdx vfilaF leI mfrtgyj trFjLYkisLn •KRIdx vfilLaF nUM mfrtgyj lfieibltI vfry shI slfh idMdy hF.

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604-864-6131 PAGE 11

The Patrika


4 tips for a smooth school year (NC) Starting a new year of classes and homework can be stressful for parents and kids alike. Fortunately, you can follow these few simple tips to get your family on the right track.

work late, when swimming lessons are and the night of the school play. This will make scheduling a breeze. While you’re at it, take time to book dentist appointments and physicals now to get the best timeslots.

Create a family calendar. Jot down key information that’s relevant for everyone, like when you’ll need to


stOp prYWs

duwKdfeI aqy icMqfjnk mfhOl ivwc aYbsPorz dy rotrI styzIam aMdr ÈfmIˆ 6[30 vjy, ies vIrvfr nUM kYˆzl lfeIt ivjl kIqf jf irhf hY jo ik hfl hI ivwc hoeI iBafnk ihMsf dI Byt cVHy mrhUm 19 sflf nOjvfn ggn DflIvfl aqy ies qoˆ pihlfˆ keI hornfˆ pirvfrfˆ dy iÈkfr hoey bwicafˆ dI Xfd ivwc "hor ihMsf nhIˆ sih skdy" aqy "jfgo aqy jgfE" dy sMklp Prepare a dedicated homework station. aDIn hovygf. ieh awg kwlH iks dy bUhy qy jf phuMcy, kwuJ nhIN ikhf jf Set up a spot that’s free of clutter and skdf. afE sfry pRx krIey ik iksy vI iBafnk ihMsf dy iÉlfÌ iekmuwT distraction to help even those with ho ky afvfË bulMd kIqI jfvy.

Inventory last year’s leftovers. Whether it’s school supplies, clothes or extracurricular gear, see what you can reuse or repurpose and what you need to put on your shopping list. Make sure there’s the shortest of attention spans to stay a place for everything and keep it all focused. Try putting it near the kitchen if your kids might need a bit of supervision. This is also a good opportunity to talk about ground rules around internet use.

organized so it’s easy for the kids to find when they need it.

Friday, Aug 10th, 2018


Get excited about a variety of activities. Some kids have a hard time with schoolwork and getting good grades, while others may obsess about their marks. Either way, teach them the all-important concept of balance by preparing for other aspects of life, like volunteering, sports and art.

The Patrika 

Friday, Aug 10th, 2018


jIvn AuqsLfh gurbKsL isMG pRIqlVI srgrmI, josL, ijLMdgI, sLONk, ihMmq, cusqI, qwk iblkul TIk hY ik nroaf afdmI kdy Awdm, hOslf, ijLMdf-idlI, cfE, AumMg, bhquy icr leI duKI nhIN rih skdf, pr imlxsfrI--- mnuwK suBf dIaF AuprlIaF aroigqf cMgy suBf Auqy inrBr hY. AuqsLfh sfrIaF isPqF jIvn AuqsLfh dy sUrj dIaF srIr dI sfrI pRxflI nM lfB pucFdf hY qy anykF ikrnF hn. iehnF isPqF vflI dvfeIaF qy zfktrF nfloN vI vDyry srIr sLKLsIaq vfly mnuwK dy duafly iewkKfs df suK vDfNdf hY. iqafr br iqafr sLRyxI dy iksm df Aujflf huMdf hY. ieh huMdy kMm nUM mnuwK vwzI afXU vfly huMdy hn. ikAuNik AuhnF afpxy Brosy nfl BrpUr kr skdf hY, qy sdf afs, afsdr qy pRsMbqf nfl Biraf nUM ijAUx df cfa huMdf hY, qy BfvyN AuhnF rihMdf hY. ieho ijhy mnuwK hI dunIaF dI dI srIrk bxqr nfjLk vI hovy, AuhnF rUh hn. ieh sfrIaF durGtnfvF nUM GoV dI afqmk pRPulqf rogF nUM prHy rwKdI hY. svfr dy aiBafs leI rfh ivwc rKIaF hfey---hfey krn vfly duwKF nUM ZMUz ZUMz ky PwtIaF dI inaFeI smJdy hn. iehnF df lwB lYNdy qy Auh rogI rihMdy hn. suBf ksLtF nUM vrjdf hY, qy iqAuVIaF vflf mwQf KfeIaF KwizaF nUM swdf dyNdf hY. iehnF ieh Bfv nhIN ik AuqsLfh isrP kudrqI dI zuwlHvIN pRsMnqf jnqf leI cMigafeI df dfq hY qy pYdf nhIN kIqf jf skdf. inMmokfrn huMdI hY qy nhIN nhIN dy suBfa vflLy JUxqf dI zYx df tfkrf vI kIqf jf skdf hY. ky iehnUM puckfiraf jfey qfF ieh hor dunIaF dI klf nUM ZfhuMdy hn. AuqsLfh BrI sLKLsIaq vfly mnuwK nUM afPq keIaF iBafnk sfQxF nUM bulf lYNdI hY, mfqihq dovyN psMd krdy hn. nYpolIan kol ijhVIaF ijLMNdgI nUM ksLtF dI iewk aquwt jdoN iksy aPsr dI qrwkI leI isPfirsL lVI bxf dyNdIaF hn. pr koeI loV nhIN kIqI jFdI sI, qF Auh puwCdf huMdf sI, ik ik inMmoJUxqf nUM jwPI pfeI jfey. jdoN ieh Auh iksmq vflf hY? ikAuNik isrP Au- pihlI vfrI afvy, AudoN hI Tuwzy mfr ky bfhr qsLfhI afdmI hI iksmq df DnI ho skdf kwZ dyxf cfhIdf hY, qy mn df drvfjLf hY, cyck-mUMhyN qy ivs GolLdy kolLoN iksmq iehdy mUMh Auqy Pfh mfrnf cfhIdf hY. keI dUr nwsdI hY. afdmI ierfdy dI qfkq nfl afpxy pIlLy ieh keI vfrI afiKaf jFdf hY ik suwK qy pIlLy iKaflF nUM cMgy pfsy moV ky suhfvxf pRsMnqf hI cMgI ishq hY. ieh gwl eys hwd bxfn ivwc kfmXfb ho jFdy hn.

kuafltI golz ijAUlrj

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nvF stor sIzr pfrk plys qoN mUv ho ky 2646 Auburn Street qy Auburn Plaza ivwc nvF mYgf sLoarUm dsmysL PUzj dy ipWCy KolH idwqf igaf hY|

604.864.8515 | #102 - 2646 Auburn St. Abbotsford BC V2T 3K1 PAGE 13


The Patrika 

Friday, Aug 10th, 2018

Watch Alberta-based artist Edmundson and crew create large Lantern Puppets at The Reach! Abbotsford, BC – Stop by The Reach at 32388 Veterans Way, this weekend and part of next week to watch Alberta-based artist Randi Edmundson and her crew create beautiful large puppet lantern art. They’re busy all weekend, plus August 7th and 8th, in the Reach’s foyer creating one of the temporary, socially engaging and totally fascinating Ramble: Art Outdoors pop-up projects. There’s also an area for children and adults to make a and the people who have made lanpersonalised, reusable lantern while terns! Hope to see everyone there!” watching the artists at work. She’s referring to bringing your Says Edmundson: “I am really in- lantern masterpiece to the Family Night in Mill Lake Park on Thursday, August 9 at 7pm, where Edmundson will entertain with her Lantern Puppet Performance, in an audienceinteractive nighttime event. This is an all-ages spectacle at Mill Lake Park that also includes an orchestra concert presented by Calvin Dyck, and a screening of the Disney film “Planes”. For schedules of the Randi Edmundson’s live on location puppet making, and the public creation station activity, call The Reach at: 604-864-8087 or email: spired by the story about the draining of the Sumas Lake and that is what inspired the sturgeon art piece. I am looking forward to collaborating with the Calvin Dyck orchestra symphony

Ramble is a series of socially engaged, pop-up art events taking place around Abbotsford throughout the summer, with thanks to funding partners TD Bank Group, Tourism Abbotsford, and Highstreet.

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qusIN vDIaf Gr lwB ilaf hY | qfN vDIaf mfrtgyj vI lwBo | rytF df mukfblf kr ky asIN spYsLl syvfvF idMdy hF asIN bYNkF leI nhIN asIN qF quhfzy leI kMm krdy hF bhuqy kysF ivwc syvfvF muPq hn ikANik sfnMU sfzy zr Krcf idMdy hn | lYNV

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The Patrika

Friday, Aug 10th, 2018



5 tips to get your family into a new routine (NC) Adjusting to a new routine can be difficult, especially for children and pets. Whether it’s going back to school or starting a new job, change can cause anxiety and stress. However, with proper planning you can ease everyone in gradually instead of all at once.

meetings to celebrate milestones and to keep everyone motivated. Set phone reminders, place post-it notes in main family areas, or use the end of a television program to prompt an action, like a bedtime routine, dinner prep, walking a dog or changing a litter box.

Build a schedule as soon as you anticipate a change, so you can ease your family into a routine. Discuss the timetable and agree on a date to begin implementing changes slowly.

Introduce new people gradually. If you need a sitter, see if they are compatible with your child or pet. Make sure you are present the first few times a sitter is over, so kids and Your new schedule can only succeed pets can build trust and respect. if everyone is cooperative and does what they are tasked to do. Set goals If you have pets, practicing alone for family members that are realistic time is key as they need to time to unand attach a timeline, so everyone derstand you’ll come back. To avoid knows when they are to be met. This separation anxiety PetSmart suggests will ensure everyone is held account- practicing leaving and coming back, able for their promises and the suc- all while gradually increasing the cess of this transition. Set up family amount of time you stay away.



The Patrika 

ijLMdgI df srmfieaf mYN afpxIaF khfxIaF df KrVf lY ky Poto stYt krvfAux leI sLihr jfx vfsqy bws ivc ciVHaf qF bws ivc iek purfxf jmfqI imlL igaf. Aus ny QoVHf ijhf pfsf mfridaF myry bYTx leI afpxy nflL hI QF bxf leI ikAuNik bws ivwc BIV bhuq sI ikqy KVHn nUM vI QF nhIN sI bYTx nUM QF ikwQy imlxI sI? mYN bVI KusLI nflL Aus dy nflL bYT igaf. purfxy sfQI acncyq imlL pYx qF bVf cfa cVHdf hY. asIN qF sI vI ieko zYsk dy sFJI aqy hux kudrqI bws ivc mylL ho igaf. asIN aqIq dIaF XfdF nUM sFJf kridafN aqy iek dUjy nUM Buwl jfx dy igly isLkvy kridaF keI bws stYNz lMGf idwqy. rfh ivc svfrIaF AuqrdIaF rhIaF, svfrIaF cVHdIaF rhIaF pr sfnUM afpxIaF gwlF ivc pqf hI nhIN lwgf ik ikMnf ku sPr inbyV ilaf hY. gwlF ivcoN inklLdIaF gwlF kbIldfrI `qy af geIaF. Aus bVy mfx nfl dwisaf, “afpF qF ijMLdgI ivc bhuq kuJ Kwitaf ey. bVI qrwkI kIqI hY. pVHfeI vwloN qF qYnUM pqf hI aY afpF rfm nfm swiq hI sI. aYP[ ey[ ivcoN do vfr


gozxI lwg jfx mgroN ipqf jI ny pVHno htf ky afpxy nflL afty vflLI cwkI `qy lf ilaf sI. AuhnF dI mOq mgroN ieh afty vflLI cwkI hI vrdfn bxI. mYN afpxI buwDI qy ihMmq nflL do Plor imwlF aqy iewk sYLlr df mflk bx igaf hF. do muMzy ny, dohF nUM hI iewk iewk imwl sMBflL idwqI hY. afp sYLlr `qy bYT CwzIdf hY. isafsI bMidaF nUM Borf cfrf pf dyeIdf hY aqy aYsL krIdI aY. bQyrf joV ilaf, hux qwk puwq poiqaF dIaF rotIaF bxf idwqIaF aY, isr AuWcf krky qurngy”. afpxI gwl df pRBfv jfxn leI Auh myry ichry vwl dyKx lwgf. Aus dIaF gwlF ivcoN mIsxypn aqy hMkfr dI Jlk sfP pRgt ho rhI sI. Aus afpxI klPfeI pRYWs kIqI dfhVI nUM swjy jLrf ku Qwp Qpfieaf. Aus dIaF ivckfrlIaF AuNglIaF ivwc peIaF ngIny jVIaF muMdrIaF ny myrIaF awKF cuMiDaf idwqIaF. kuJ icr KMGx mgroN glLf sfP kridaF Auh afpxIaF gwlF dI lVI nUM awgy qoridaF kihx lwgf, “tUr qoN vfps muV irhf sI, rfh ivc kfr Krfb ho geI qF bws PVnI peI. AuNJ bws ivwc sPr krn dI koeI quk nhIN, ijwQy eynf

BIV BVwkf hovy. zrfeIvr nUM kfr kolL Cwz afieaf hF. hux jf ky mkYnk nUM GwlFgf, afpy kfr lY afAuxgy. hor qusIN suxfE. kYsy gujLr ho rhI aY. ijMLdgI ikvyN lMG rhI ey?” mYN kuJ dyr Aus dy BrvyN juwsy aqy AuKVy sfh nUM inhfrdf irhf Pyr afpxy bfry dwisaf, “Brfvf; mYN qF bI[aYz[ krky aiDafpk bx igaf sI. eysy mhIny aiDafpk hI rItfier hoieaf hF. do muMzy aqy iek kuVI hY. dovyN muMzy afpxI pVHfeI pUrI krky cMgIaF nOkrIaF `qy lwgy hoey ny aqy afpo afpxI QfNeIN sYWt hn. lVkI bdysL ivc ivafhI geI sI. Auh vI afpxy QF suKI vsdI hY. quhfnUM pqf hI hY ik afpF nUM qF khfxIaF ilKx dI cytk kflj dy jLmfny qoN hI sI. Auho hI lgn hux vI lwgI jIvn nUM awgy leI jf rhI hY. khfxIaF dI ikqfb CpvfAux df ivcfr hY. awj AuWQy ikqfb df aih KrVf Potostyt krvfAux leI sLihr jf irhf hF. afpxy hwQ qy bws ieho hI ijLMdgI df srmfieaf hY.” mYN afpxy hYNz-bYg vwl hwQ df iesLfrf kIqf ijs ivc myrI khfxIaF dI pusqk df KrVf rwiKaf hoieaf sI.

Friday, Aug 10th, 2018

jrnYl isMG syKf bws ivc bhuqI BIV hox krky iek afdmI sfzy Aupr Juikaf hoieaf sI. sLfied sfzIaF gwlF vI suxdf irhf hovy. sfzy gwlF kridaF sLihr df bws-stYNz af igaf. bws lMmy rUt dI hox krky myrf sfQI qF bws dy ivc hI bYTf irhf pr jdoN mYN bws ivwcoN Auqrn lwgf qF myrf bYg guMm sI. mYnUM hwQF pYrF dI pY geI. myry kolL qF hor koeI khfxIaF dI nkl vI nhIN sI. bVI mfXUsI hoeI. mYN afpxf sB kwuJ luwitaf puwitaf mihsUs kr irhf sF. bws ivwc BflL kIqI geI. bws ivwcoN AuqrdIaF svfrIaF kolLoN vI puwC pVqfl kIqI, pr bYg df koeI pqf nf lwgf. myry jmfqI ny bYg dy guMm ho jfx `qy aPsos pRgt kIqf qy mYnUM Drvfs idvfAuNdf hoieaf kihx lwgf, “koeI gwl nhIN Xfr, aYvyN ikAuN iZwlf ijhf mUMh krIN KVHYN, cfr JrItF ho mfr lvIN, ieh ikhVf qyrIaF notF dIaF guwtIaF guMm ho geIaF ijhVf ZyrI Zfh bYTf hYN.” bws DUV AuzfAuNdI hoeI clI geI. bws dI DUV aqy myry jmfqI dIaF gwlF myry duaflLy iek vfvrolLf bx cwkr kwtI jf rhIaF sn.

The Patrika

Friday, Aug 10th, 2018



B’nai Brith Canada Appoints New National Director of the League for Human Rights conflict. He has written on issues related to Judaism, Israel, the Middle East and international politics for a number of outlets and has published a peer-reviewed article on Jewish inFor the first time in our long history, digeneity in Israel for the Peace and the League's national director will be Conflict Studies Journal. located outside Toronto. Ukashi's office will be in Winnipeg, further demon- Ukashi was the recipient of the 2016 strating the truly national reach of the Mark & Dorothy Danzker Scholarship, awarded in Manitoba for excellence organization. in the preservation of Jewish culture Ukashi began his work with B’nai and life. He is a member of the World Brith Canada as Regional Director in Jewish Congress’ Jewish Diplomatic Manitoba. In that capacity, he promoted Corps program, a global network of the work and mandate of B’nai Brith more than 200 members from a wide throughout the Midwest Region. In his variety of professions, to advocate lonew role, Ran will oversee the organi- cally and at international forums on zation’s advocacy objectives, the 24/7 issues surrounding interfaith relations, Anti-Hate Hotline and the League’s antisemitism, Holocaust awareness, flagship publication -- The Annual combating the delegitimization of the Audit of Antisemitic Incidents. State of Israel and securing human rights and minority rights. Ran brings a wealth of academic, professional and personal skills to this Aside from the Jewish community, position. A PhD from the University Ukashi has worked in a governmentof Manitoba’s Faculty of Peace and relations and advocacy role with the Conflict Studies is in his plans. His Manitoba Métis Federation on issues research is focused on the Arab-Israeli of importance to the Métis community B’nai Brith Canada is pleased to announce the appointment of Ran Ukashi to the position of National Director of the League for Human Rights.

Top 3 reasons to go organic (NC) More and more of us are opting to buy organic. In fact, 66 per cent of Canadians are already going this route. By choosing organic, you are helping yourself, your community and the environment. Here’s why:

environment and communities. Sourcing locally and eating seasonally supports local farmers, taking us one step further toward knowing where our food comes from and using less of the earth’s resources to acquire it.

Multiple studies have found lower levels of nitrates and pesticide residues in organic produce than in non-organic varieties. Several studies have also indicated greater levels of vitamin C, iron, magnesium and phosphorus in organic produce. In some cases, foods grown organically also contain higher levels of hearthealthy phytochemicals.

Organic foods must be certified, so look for the Canada Organic logo to be sure the foods you’re buying contain at least 95 per cent organic ingredients. The logo is your assurance that products have been grown and handled according to strict procedures and rules and are in compliance with Canada’s Organic Products Regulations.

There are more than 5,000 organic farms in Canada, covering almost 2.5 million acres of land. Each of them produces fresh home-grown food that’s nutritious, tastes great and is good for our

Ran Ukashi

in Manitoba, and Canada more broadly, including contributions to the securing of indigenous harvesting rights, selfgovernance and access to equitable health-service provision in Manitoba.

"Our work is truly national," he said. "We have regional offices throughout Canada. We have our Government Relations office in Ottawa. Now, our League headquarters are in Winnipeg.”

Ukashi said: “I am very excited about taking on this important role with B’nai Brith Canada and having the opportunity to combine my passion along with my skills in fighting antisemitism."

Ukashi succeeds Aidan Fishman as National Director of B'nai Brith's League for Human Rights. Fishman's contributions to the Jewish community and as an advocate for human rights in Canada have been outstanding. He flourished with numerous victories with B'nai Brith and the League and we anticipate him adding to his laurels as a lawyer. His next move will be articling at the legal firm of Borden Lander Gervais LLP, in Toronto.

Michael Mostyn, Chief Executive Officer of B’nai Brith Canada, is delighted that Ukashi has accepted the challenge to head the organization's all-important League for Human Rights. “We are thrilled to have Ran take over the reins of the League, leading the charge for B’nai Brith’s fight against antisemitism," Mostyn said. "He is bright, strong-minded, a pleasure to work with and knowledgeable. I am confident that we have found the right person for this vital role."

"It was an honour and a pleasure to serve the League for Human Rights," Fishman said. "A tremendous amount of work remains to be done in combating racism and antisemitism, but Mostyn also is pleased that the League's I have no doubt that Ran and the rest new national director will be based in a of the B'nai Brith team will continue Canadian city other than Toronto. to excel.”

Tips on avoiding outdoor air pollution (NC) Between car emissions, greenhouse gases and other pollutants, it can be worrisome to think about what kind of air we’re breathing.

tions like asthma are at a greater risk of the effects on health associated with high AQHI numbers.

The Air Quality Health Index is a scale designed to help you understand what the air quality around you means to your health, helping you make decisions to protect your breathing.

Follow these tips to protect your lungs and breathing from air pollution:

It measures the air quality in relation to your health on a scale from one to 10 – the higher the number, the greater the health risk associated with the air quality. The index describes the level of health risk associated with this number as low, moderate, high or very high, Head to your local Cana- and suggests steps you can take to reduce dian Health Food Association your exposure and improve the quality of member health food store to the air you breathe. find a wide selection of organic foods. Find your nearest Seniors, children, those working outdoors, and people with chronic heart or lung condilocation at

Follow the AQHI health messages based on whether you are in the at-risk population.

It is an easy habit to your local AQHI number Fortunately, a helpful tool that is available regularly, especially during the those lingerthroughout Ontario can help guide you in ing hot fall days that feel like the middle of reducing your risks from the effects of air summer when there is an increased likelihood that air pollution will affect your breathing. pollution.

Check the current and forecast maximums in your community online or by downloading the app.

Avoid areas that have a higher pollution level, such as near major roads. Exercise indoors if the AQHI level is too high. Ask your healthcare provider about protecting your lungs when air quality is poor. Sign up for air quality alerts online or hear recorded messages at 1-800-387-7768. PAGE 17

The Patrika



myz, ik mlkf


gurbKsL isMG pRIqlVI

sMn 1924 df dsMbr mhInf sI, ik rfq nUM jrmnI dI rfjDfnI, briln sLihr, dy iewk cMgy hotl ivwc phuMicaf, ijs ivwc QF mYN lMzn qoN rfKvIN krf rwKI sI. hotl df pfNzI myrf asbfb cuwk ky dUsrI dy nMbr swq kmry sfhmxy jf Kloqf. bUhf KuilHaf – bVI sohxI svwCqf qy imwTy afrfm dI dfvq sI. ieho ijhf kmrf nf amrIkf nf ieMgilssqfn ivwc mYnUM imilaf sI. pFzI asbfb Dr ky muV igaf. myz (syvkf) nvIaF cfdrF ibsqry Auwqy ivCf ky htI sI. Aus myry vwl qwikaf – isqfiraF vFg jgmgFdy idl ivcoN dfavq dydIaF sn Auh awKIaF. ieho ijhI myz nf amrIkf qy nf ieMgilsqfn ivwc mYN vyKI sI. myz ny myrf vwzf kot luhf ky tMg idwqf qy kot dy kwpVy AuWqy hwQ Pyr ky adfa nfl dwsxf cfihaf ik Auh kyzf nrm qy vDIaf sI. myz QoVI ijhI aMgryjLI bol lYNdI sI. qy sO ku lPjL jrmn dy mYN vI afpxI kfpI ivwc ilK ky ilafieaf sI. myz ny myrIaF cIjLF almfrI numf kmry ivwc rwK idwqIaF qy mYnUM puwiCaf ik kI mYN rfq dy kwpVy sUtkys ivwcoN kwwZx leI AuhdI mdd cfhFgF? myry nf afKx Auwqy Aus mYnUM Auh btn dwisaf, ijs dy dbfieaF vwzI myz nUM myrI loV df pqf lwg jfeygf. myrf svyry gusl df vkq puwiCaf qy bVy iKVy aMdfjL nflL sLuwB rfq dI iewCf dy ky Auh mlHkVy bUhf KolH qy bMd kr ky clI geI, ijvyN koeI Duwp sfzy sfhmxy bwdl dI CF ipwCy luk jFdI hY. AsudI iksy hrkq ivwc koeI avfjL nhIN sI Auhdy bUt pqf nhIN KMBfN dy bxy hoey sn, icwty pMCIaF vFg kflIn AuWqy pYNdy qy Pudk jFdy sn. mYN koeI nvF ihMdosqfnoN nhIN sF afieaf ik myz dI imlxI myrf idl DVkf skI sI. keI mlkF dy hotlF ivwc Tihrdf, cfr vrHy amrIkf vrgy mulk ivwc rih ky afieaf sF, ijwQoN afieaF nUM lMzn kuJ idn iksy ipMz nfloN vDIaf nhIN sI jfpdf. pr ieh iks qrHF dI myz sI. nf iehdy buwlF AuWqy afm myzF vrgI ssqI ijhI muskrfht sI nf iehdy ivwc CyqI KusL krn dI kfhlL sI nf pRdysI leI Auqsukqf df bhfnf pf ky puwC igwC dI lVI lMmI krn df jqn sI. iksy hor QF koeI myz eyny QoVHy lPjLF nfl pihlI mulfkfq AuWqy, myrf kmrf Cwz ky nhIN sI geI. koeI myz eys qrHF dI rwjI puwjI qy by grjL mYN nhIN sI vyKI. iksy mlkf nfl iml ky mYN nhIN vyiKaf, pr qsvIrF ivwc mYN AuhnF dIaF muskrfhtF vyKIaF sn. bVI hunrmMdI nfl buwlH hsfey huMdy hn. pr eys myz vrgI muskrfht mYN iksy hunrmMd mlkf dy buwlHF AuWqy nhIN dyKI. dUjy idn vI mYN Auhdy koloN sMgdf irhf ijhVIaF afpxIaF cIjLF df mYnUM mfx nhIN sI, Auh mYN Auhdy koloN lukFdf irhf. sfry PAGE 18

sUtkys mYN KolHy nf, mqy iksy GtIaf kwpVy, GtIaf bursL nUM Auh vyK lvy. pr qIjy idn qwk Asu myz ny myrI afqmf qoN sB prdy prHF cuwk idqy. myrIaF kuMjIaF AuhdI jyb ivwc clIaF geIaF. myry vwtF vfly sUt, sPr ivwc afpIN Doqy rumfl, Aus ny afpI iesqrI kr idwqy, ijhVy kwpVy AuhdIaF awKF qoN bcfx leI mYN bMd rwKdf sF AuhnF sfiraF nUM grm hvf nfl KusLk krky Auhny imwTy imwTy bxf idwqy, myry sfry bUt pflsL krvf ky nvyN ilsLkf idwqy. mYN afieaF sF briln vyKx, kYNsl dy mihl qy icwqr sLlfvF vyKx, pr sohxy briln dIaF sohxIaF JfqIaF mYnUM lMmIaF lMmIaF jfpx lwg peIaF. ijQy ikqy bhuqf kuJ vyKx vflf huMdf, ijQy ikqy myrf agvfn lMmIaF qfrIPF CUh bihMdf, AuQy mYN kfhlf pY jFdf. myrf jIa krdf ik idn df vyK vKflf CyqI muwky qy mYN hootl muVF. myz nUM vyKx leI afpxIaF cIjLF dy inwq nvyN rwK rKfa ivcwoN AuhdI rUh dIaF sLwB ieCfvF pCfnx leI. kmry ivwc vVidaF hI Auhdy iksy nvyN iKafl df pqf lwg jFdf sI, myry iewk sUtkys ivc do qsvIrF sn. iewk df ipwClf afsrf tuwt igaf sI. Aus nUM Aus ny afpy murMmq krvfieaf qy dovyN myjL Auwqy sjLf idwqIaF. Puwldfn ivwc rojLfnf nvyN Puwl qy rojLfnf AuhnF df nvF ZMg. mYnUM jfpdf sI, Auh kmrf iewk slyt sI. Auhdy ivwc peIaF cIjLF iksy bolI dy awKr sn, myrI myz ienHF awKrF nUM inwq nvyN iPkiraF ivwc joV ky nvyN sunyhNy myry qwk phuMcf dyNdI sI. mfq bolIaF vwKrIaF sn, pr Aus nUM iewk sFJI bolI df hunr afAuNdf sI. bfhroN afAuNdf sF, bUhf KolHdf sF ik iksy nvIN khfxI df KfmosL icwqr myrIaF awKF ivwc smf jFdf sI. soc sfc ky mYN koeI bhfnf myz nUM afpxy kmry ivwc bulfx df kwZdf sF, Auh afAuNdI sI koeI ingUxf ijhf kMm mYN AuhnUM afKdf sF pr Auh myrIaF awKF ivwcoN afpxI nvIN khfxI df Auwqr lwB lYNdI qy iksy cIjL bfbq gwl kr ky myry Auwqr dI pRsMsF mYnUM mihsUs krf dyNdI. ieh anoKI ijhI by sLbd iPlm cwldI rhI. iewk hPqy ivwc msF do drjnF sLbd asF vrqy hoxgy, pr jo kuJ asF sux ilaf, Auh mYnUM hYrfn kr irhf sI. hotl dy knUMn bVy sKq sn. keI myzF nUM mihmFnF nfl vfkPIaq krfx dy jurm ivwc jLurmfny kIqy jfNdy sn. iksy myz nUM iejfjLq nhIN sI ik kMm dI loV nfloN bhuqI gwl mihmfn nfl kry, pr myrI myz ny gwlF nflL htl df kfnUMn qoVy ibnF hI myrf aMdr bfhr vyK ilaf. mYnUM vI AuhdI ijLMdgI df igafn BfvyN ies qoN vwD nf ho sikaf ik Auh iewk bVI KusL ivafhI nOjuafn iesqrI sI pr AuhdI afqmf dy nksL qsvIr vFg myrIaF awKF dy sfhmxy Aujly ho gey.

Friday, Aug 10th, 2018

zrfieivMg skUl

roz tYst pihlI afeI sI bI sI nOlyj tYst dI iqafrI muPq vfr hI pfs kro ivwc, Gr bYT ky pMjfbI aqy aMgryjLI ivwc kro.

asIN aYbtsPorz aYlzrgrov aqy imsLn ivwc isKlfeI idMdy hF. sfzy 94% stUzYNt pihlI vfr hI pfs ho jFdy hn.

afrv zrfieivMg skUl mobfiel aYp aYpl aqy aYnzrfiez qy AuplbD hY|

· vfr vfr PylH ho cuwky ho qF iewk lYsn sfzy nfl jLrUr lY ky dyKo qy iPr prKo. · asIN CotI kfr qy isKlfeI idMdy hF jo ik iswKx aqy pfrikMg lgfAux ivwc bhuq ijLafdf asfn huMdI hY. · asIN pfrikMg bhuq hI asfn qrIky nfl lgfAxf isKfAuNdy hF. · ijnHF ny kdy vI kfr nhIN clfeI asIN AuhnF nUM vI pwky zrfievr bxfAux dI pUrI smrwQf rwKdy hF. · asIN roz tYst qoN pihlF quhfnUM 100 qoN vI vwD Kfs suJfa idMdy hF ik roz tYst mOky iknHF iknHF glqIaF qoN bcxf hY. · quhfzy smyN muqfbk svyr qoN dyr sLfm qwk isKlfeI idMdy hF. · isKlfeI pMjfbI, ihMdI aqy aMgryjLI ivwc idMdy hF.

· nOlyj tYst dI iqafrI krn leI afpxy Pon qy sfzI aYp muPq zfAUnloz kro. · ieh iqafrI qusIN ibnF aYp zfAUnloz kIqy hoey sfzI vYbsfeIt qy jf ky afpxy kMipAUtr jF lYptfp qy vI kr skdy ho. · sfzI aYp ivwc 428 pRsLn/Auwqr pMjfbI ivwc aqy 564 aMgryjLI ivwc hn jo ik hux qwk iksI hor aYp ivwc nhIN hn. · ieh sfry pRsLn/Auwqr afeI sI bI sI dI buwk ivwcoN hI hn.

ijLMdgI bhuq kImqI hY qy iesnUM afpxI jF dUsiraF dI lfprvfhI nfl gvf nf bYTo.

App:Apple & Android

asIN quhfnUM isrP roz tYst pfs hox dy mksd nfl hI nhIN isKfAuNdy blik sfzf mksd quhfnUM surwiKaq aqy rwiKafqmk zrfievr bxfAuxf vI hY jo roz qy afpxy afp aqy dUsiraF nUM bcf ky clfvy.

Aus iewk idn mYnUM puwiCaf ik mYN ikMnF icr hor briln ivwc TihrFgF. mYN jfqf hux dwsxf cfhuMdI sI ik mYN AuhnUM bVf cMgf lwgf sI. pr ieh gwl eys qrHF nhIN sI. Aus ny CuwtI dI arjLI idwqI hoeI sI Auh mnjLUr ho geI sI. Auh jfnxf cfhuMdI sI ik jy mYN CyqI qur jfxf hovy qF Auh afpxI CuwtI lY lvy, qy jy mYN ajy Tihrnf hovy qy jy mYN cfhF qF Auh afpxI CuwtI mnsUK krf ky kdy Pyr lY leygI. mYN Auhdf DMnvfd kIqf. iewk hPqf mYN afpxy pRogrfm muqfbk AuQy Tihrnf sI--- iewk hPqf mYN Aus dI Kfqr pRogrfm lMmF kr ilaf. Aus ny CuwtI mnsUK krf leI. pr Ausy sLfm mYnUM pftszYm qoN qfr afeI ik briln df pRogrfm Kqm krn qoN pihlF hI mYN kuJ idn afpxI iewk dosq kol ho afvF, ijhVI myry nfl amrIkf ivwc pVHdI rhI hY, qy hux Auh mYnUM afpxy dosqF nfl imlfxf cfhuMdI sI. mYN bVI soc ivwc pY igaf. sLfied kuJ icr mYnUM pftszYm ivwc hI Tihrnf pY jfey, mYN myz koloN puwiCaf, Auh ikMnI CuwtI jfxf cfhuMdI sI. Aus ny dwisaf, “ do hPqy”. EVk mYN ieh slfh bxfeI ik hotl ivwc kmrf nf CwzF, krfieaf deI jfvF, nhIN qF ho skdf hY vfpsI AuWqy iksy hor myz vfly KflI kmry ivwc mYnUM QF imly. ieh hotl vDIaf hox kr ky mihMgf jLrUr sI, pr Es myz df sfQ kr ky kyzf ssqf jfp irhf sI.

iekbfl iZwloN 604-300-7799

pftszYm qoN vfpsI Auwqy mYnUM mihsUs ho irhf sI, mYN Gr af irhf sF. pUrf iewk hPqf mYN briln ivwc Tihiraf. mYN koisLsL kIqI ik koeI munfsb sugfq myz nUM dyvF. pr mYnUM gwlF gwlF ivwc hI dws idwqf keI myzF sugfq lY lYNdIaF hn, hr hotl dI cMgI myz nUM sugfq mnjLUr krn dI mnfhI hY. aKIrly idn mYN sfry mulfjLmF nUM ienfm idwqy, sfiraF ny asfnI nfl lY ley. Auh idn jrmnI ivwc bVI musIbq aqy aiq drjyL dI grIbI dy idn sn. vwzy vwzy ahudydfr vI ienfmF ibnF inrfs ho jFdy sn. pr myrI myz ny ieh kih ky ienkfr kr idwqf ik Auhdf ienfm hotl vfly afp hI myry koloN ibwl dy nfl vsUl kr lYxgy. ieh TIk sI hotl vfly ibwl qoN ielfvf mulfjLmF dy ienfm vwKry vsUl krdy sn. ijs rsm nUM Auh itp afKdy sn. myrI myz ny suLwB ieCfvF dy iejLhfr leI mYnHUM koeI Aucycf rfh nf idwqf. mYN quhfnUM ds cuwkF sfF ik Auh myrIaF aBuwl XfdF ivwc rhygI. do amRIkn iesqrIaF ny mYnUM do sugfqF idwqIaF. iewk lfl gfnI qy dUjI sony dI pYnislF AuhnF afiKaf sI ik ijMnHF do ihMdusqfnI iesqrIaF nUM mYN afpxy bhuq nyVy smJF AuhnF nHUM dy idaF. ieh myrI myz ihMdusqfnI nhIN sI. pr myry nyVy ho geI sI. mYN afiKaf Auh koeI iewk lY lvy. pr Auhny gfnI qy pYnisl dohF nUM cuMm ky moV idqf. ieh kihMidaF ik jdoN Auh KrIdIaF geIaF sn mYN AuhnUM jfxdf nhIN sF. ies leI iksy dI hwk qlPI jLrUr ho jfeygI.

Friday, Aug 10th, 2018

jd Aus ny myry koloN kuJ vI lYxf nf mMinafN qy hyTF tYlIPon AuWqy dPqr ny afiKaf ik tYksI af geI sI, qy mYN ruk ruk ky afiKaf ik Auh ieh by muwlI ijhI cIjL hI myry koloN pRvfn kr lvy. Aus awKF nfl puwiCaf kI? mYN bfhF Aulfr idwqIaF. Aus vI afpxIaF vDf idwqIaF. ieho ijhI asfnI nfl ijho ijhI bVy vwzy quhPy lY dy skx dy aiBafs nfl hI ho skdI hY. mYN tYksI ivwc cVH igaf. myrI myz mYnUM Cwzx nhIN sI afeI, ikAuNik ieh hotl dy kfiedy dy Ault huMdf. isrP mYnyjr ny alivdf afKI. mYN BON ky nhIN qwikaf, BfvyN mYnuM pqf sI ik bfhr izAuVI Auwqy KulHdI sI. pr myrI sfrI dI sfrI afqmf ipCFh BON ky qwk rhI sI.

The Patrika



stysLn Auwqy pftszYm vfly dosq mYnUM Cwzx afey hoey sn. mY AuhnF dy nfl gwlIN lwgF hoieaF sF, pr idloN cfhuMdf sF gwzI CyqI qur pvy qy mYN iewklf ho ky do hPiqaF dIaF XfdF dI iPlm awKF awgy ilaf rKF, gwzI qurdI jfey , myrI iPlm vI qurdI jfey. gwzI dI sItI suxnI mMg irhF sF ik plytPfrm Auwqy CyqI CyqI qurdy kdm mYN afpxy vl vDdy vyKy. pihloN mYN pCfqf nf pr myz af rhI sI. ieho ijhy kwpVy mYN Auhdy glL vyKy nhIN sI mYN AuhnUM hmysLF hotl dI vrdI ivwc dyiKaf sI. Auh ies vyly sfAU qoN sfAU iesqrI nUM mfq pf rhI sI. myry aMdr PLKLr AuwT irhf sI. mYN AuhdI vfkPIaq dosqF nflL myz dI hYsIaq nfl nf krvfeI. isrP imisjL ivlhm hI afiKaf. Auh smJ geI,

qy GoK ky puwCx df rvfj nf hox krky sfQIaF ny jfx ilaf, hotl ivwc myrI koeI guaFZx hovygI. Auh mYnuM Puwl dyx afeI sI. rojLfnf nvyN PuwlF leI Aus myry koloLN kuJ pysy lY rwKy sn. AuhnF dI bfkI hovygI , jF isrP Auh myrI Bytf df jvfb dyx afeI sI. mYN kih nhIN skdf. briln qo qur ky keI QfvF iPr iPrf ky mYN pYirs phuMicaf. keI hor myzF afstrIaf, bYljIam, rom, sivtjLrlYNz, PrFs, ivwc mYnUM imlIaF. sB cMgIaF pr hotl qoN bfhr afAuNidaF Buwl jFdIaF sn. pYirs dI iewk dukfn Auwpr jf ky, iewk suGV ijhI ivkryqf iesqrI dI slfh

nfl mYN bVf vDIaf ijhf rysLm KrIidaf. koeI solF gjL df totf sI. pfrsl bxvf ky mYN briln Byijaf qy Auh sLbd pVHn leI AuzIk irhF sF ijhVy Auh myrI cox dI pRsMsF ivwc ilKygI. myry iKafl ivwc, myrI cox bVI KusL krn vflLI sI qy Aus ivwc Krc df jrf sMkoc nhI sI. pr mYN hYrfn ho igaf, jdoN Auh pfrsl muV myry hwQF ivwc PVfieaf igaf. Aus AuWqy iliKaf sI DMnvfd, Kq ilK rhI hF.” Kq vI dUjy idn iml igaf. Auhdy ivwc do sqrF ieh sn: “myry quhfzy irsLqy dI nyVqf ivwc nf gfnI, nf pYNsl qy nf eyzy sohxy rysLm dI iewk qih vI af skdI hY………….” –1924

Bojn ijnHF dI pOsLtkqf aqy apOsLtkqf bfry ivsLv ivafpI sihmqI hY kuJ BojnF dI pOsLtkqf aqy apOsLtkqf bfry ivsLv dy Bojn mfhrF dI sihmqI hY ijvyN : Aumygf 3: srIr nUM ijwQy crbI pRotIn kfrbo ivtfimna qy imnrl dI loV huMdI hY, AuQy do PYtI aYisz Aumygf 1 aqy Aumygf 6 dI vI aqI loV huMdI hY. ieh PYtI aYisz nUM srIr afp nhIN bxfAuNdf ienHF nUM bfhroN hI lYxf pYNdf hY. Aumygf 6 qF keI BojnF ivcoN iml jFdf hY, pRMqU Aumygf 3 leI Kfs iDafn dyxf pYNdf hY. ienHF dI Gft kfrn srIr dy kMm krn dI smrQf Gwt ho jFdI hY, qnfv, idl dy rog afid rog ho skdy hn. Aumygf 3 alsI dy bIj, sflmn aqy tUnf mwCI, QoVHI mfqrf ivc aKrot, korn qyl, soafbIn, srhoN dy bIj afid ivwcoN imldf hY. mfhr Aumygf 3 dy kYpsUl Kfx dI isPfrsL krdy hn. KMz: KMz srIr dIaF kuJ gqIivDIaF leI loVINdI hY, pRMqU loV qoN vwD KfDI inrI jLihr hY. vfDU KMz idl dy rog, sLUgr rog, vwD blwz pRYsLr, keI iksm df kYNsr, motfpf, kbjL, kmjLor hwzIaF afid leI dosLI hY. KMz df syvn do qrHF df huMdf hY. 1 kudrqI (2) bfhrlI KMz 1 kudrqI KMz: PlL, dwuD afid rfhIN imldI hY. ieh nuksfn nhIN krdI. mfhrF anusfr pRqI idn 75 gRfm qwk KfDI jf skdI hY. 2 bfhrlI KM z : KM z dIaF 57 iksmF hn, ijvyN tybl sLUgr (skoros, gulUkos) brfAUn sLUgr, sLihd afid, miTafeIaF, kolz zirMks, ibskut, kyk, pystrI, PrUt jUs, afid ivc bfhrI KMz huMdI hY. mfhrF anusfr pursL iek idn ivc vD qoN vD 35/40 gRfm aqy aOrqF 25 gRfm syvn kr skdy hn. 3 PfeIbr rysLy: srIr ivc Bojn df Pokt mfl, tykisn, tuwt Bwj afid bfhr kwZx leI rysLy JfVU df kMm krdy hn. ieh kudrqI JfVU hn. ieh kyvl bnspqI qoN imldy hn. ienHf ivc kYlorIjL nhIN huMdIaF aqy afm qOr ‘qy hjLm nhIN huMdy. mfhr hr rojL pursLF nUM 30 gRfm rysLy Kfx dI isPfrsL krdy hn, jo

Gt rysLy Kfx kfrn hrnIafN aqy pyt ivc nuks, gYs, prnf, kYNsr, bvfsIr, motfpf afid rog lwgx dI sMBfvnf huMdI hY. 4 suDry hoey kfrbo (rIPfieMz): srIr nUM muK loV pfxI qoN bfad kfrbo dI hY. anfj, PlL, sbjLIaF, aflU afid muK kfrbo hn. KfDIaF jf rhIaF kuwl kYlorIjL df 60 qoN 65 pRqIsLq Bfg kfrbo’qoN afAuxf cfhIdf hY, pRMqU suDry hoey kfrbo ijvyN mYdf jF mYdy qoN bxy pdfrQ, icwtI zbl rotI aqy icwty cfvl mfrU hn, ikAuNik ienHF’coN posLitk aMsL kwZy huMdy hn. 5 trFs PYtI aYisz: bnspqI qylF ivc heIzrojLn gYs lMGfeI jfNdI hY, qd qyl bnspqI GI ivc bdl jFdf hY, jo afm qfpmfn Auqy Tos huMdf hY. ienHF qoN bxy Bojn ijLafdf dyr KLrfb nhIN huMdy, pRMqU ies GI ivc mfrU trfs PYtI aYisz pYdf ho jFdy hn, jo idl dy rog aqy hor keI ibmfrIaF leI ijLMmyvfr huMdy hn. keI dysLF ivc bnspqI GI Auqy pfbMdI hY. ibskuwt, kukIs, qlLy hoey Bojn afid ivc pfey jFdy hn. koeI vI Bojn lYx qoN pihlF lybl pVH ky cYk kro kI trFd PYtI aYisz jLIro hn. 6 nmk: srIr leI nmk (so z Iam klo r feIz) ivcly sozIam dI bhuq mhwqqf hY ijvyN KUn dI mfqrf AuWqy kfbU pfAuxf, srIr ivcly qrlfN ivc sMquln, blwz pRYsLr Auqy kfbU, mfsLpysLIaF dIaF gqIivDIaF afid vrlz hYlQ afrgynfeIjysLn anusfr hr ivakqI hr rojL 2 gRfm qk sozIam lY skdf hY, jo nmk dy Coty cmc qoN pRfpq huMdf hY. loV qoN vwD mfqrf ivc KfDf nmk keI ibmfrIaF nUM swdf idMdf hY. ivsLv ivc hr sfl 17 lwK mOqF vfDU nmk Kf ky huMdIaF hn. iek anumfn anusfr ivsLv ivc iek ivakqI loVINdf mfqrf qoN duwgxf sozIam KFdf hY, jo icMqf df ivsLf hY. 7 ivtfimn zI: ieh ivtfimn srIr ivc stIrfiez vrgI BUimkf inBfAuNdf hY. ies dI kmI kfrn

sLUgr rog, kYNsr, kmjLor hwzIaF afid rog lwg skdy hn. ieh cmVI pYdf krdI hY, jdoN sUrj dIaF ikrnF tkrfAuNdIaF hn. duiphr vyly dI Duwp ivc 15 qoN 20 imMt gujLfrnf kfPI huMdf hY. ieh Bojn qoN Gwt hI imldf hY.

tmYto sfs, zwbf bMd icwty cny, PlLIaF, zfrk cfklyt, pInt btr afid posLitk hn, jdik icwty cfvl, mYdf, kyk, ibskut afid posLitk nhIN huMdy. KrIdx qoN pihlF lybl jLrUr pVHo aqy PYt, KMz, nmk afid nUM GoKo.

8 prosYsz Bojn:

9 hrIaF sbjLIaF:

kudrqI Bojn nUM Kfx qoN pihlF koeI qbdIl kIqy nUM afKdy hn, cfhy ieh bdnfm hY, pr asl ivc sfry prosYsz Bojn aposLitk nhIN huMdy hn. Xogurt, ProjLn sbjLIaF,

sbjLIaF df koeI mukfblf nhIN ieh ivtfimns, imnrljL, aYNtI afksIzYNts afid nfl BrpUr huMdIaF hn. ienHF nUM Kfx nUM pihl dyvo.



The Patrika

Friday, Aug 10th, 2018


In It Together – Fact Sheet About In It Together (IIT)

their families in our community. In 2017, Abbotsford had the 2nd highest homicide rate in Canada. There was 10 homicides (7 of which were gang related) in the Abbotsford-Mission CMA, which on a per capita basis is 5.53 per 100,000 residents.

The purpose of the In It Together (IIT), more formally known as the Abbotsford Comprehensive Youth Gang Reduction Program, is to disrupt and/ or interrupt the flow of young people (ages 12-30) into organized crime or Once IIT is gone, there will be no spegangs in Abbotsford, BC. cialized community based resources We provide individual case manage- available to support youth in leaving ment, youth outreach, parent and youth gang related activity. groups, recreation, essential skills and counselling for youth and their families IIT Success Statistics who are at high risk of being involved 427 youth participants (ages • in organized crime and gangs. 12 – 30) supported since April 1, 2014 IIT is one of 90 programs within Ab• Over 1,100 parents, grandparbotsford Community Services (ACS). ents, and guardians of youth at-risk of The program is a collaborative initiagangs supported tive of the Youth Resource Centre and South Asian Community Resource • Over 95% engagement rate Office(SACRO) ACS program streams (participants become involved and stay and has Abbotsford Police Department, involved long term) John Howard Society and Abbotsford 54% decrease in total risk • School District as project partners. scores after 20 months Program Timeline • 32% decrease in education, Oct 1, 2013- Program began training and employment related risk • with funding from the federal Ministry factors of Public Safety 31% decrease in negative at• • Sept 30, 2018 - Current funding titudes towards offending for program ends Demographics April 1, 2019 – Program may • be able to re-start services if funding Ethnicity: 83% are ethnic minority youth is approved 77% South Asian, For six months, there will be no sup- • ports for youth at-risk of gang involvement and their families. A minimum of $423,000 is required to provide essential services to the highest-risk youth and their family members living in Abbotsford from October 1, 2018 – March 31, 2019.

20% Indigenous and

3% other ethnic minorities

Current participants include:

• 62 (45%) youth currently involved in gang activity (including associated with gang members, close Gang Violence in Abbotsford family of a gang member, has lost Gang activity in Abbotsford is continu- a sibling to gang shooting/violence, ing to impact the lives of youth and


Friday, Aug 10th, 2018

The Patrika 


dealing drugs and using hard drugs tions and to maintain a minimal level (heroine, fentanyl, cocaine, etc.) of service, 8.25 FTEs are required. • 53 (38%) youth at high risk of At least half of the positions must involvement be able to provide Punjabi speaking services. All staff are trained in using 24 (17%) youth at moderate • trauma informed practice, motivational risk of involvement interviewing, non-violent crisis interEnd of Program Impact vention and extensive knowledge of If the In It Together Program ends the risk factors that lead youth to be gang impact will be widespread across youth involved. and their families. The following are Essential Staff possible outcomes. Community Coordinator – • Expected increase in Abbotsford youth monitoring program activities and who will: liaising with community partners Be at higher risk of being killed • • Case Managers – intake of new through shootings and stabbings youth and supervising staff • Be victims of crime, violence • Youth Outreach Workers – and opioid overdoses building a positive relationship that Be on waitlists to receive will support the youth in setting and • minimal services primarily unrelated to achieving goals leading to their reduccriminal involvement and gang activity tion in risk factors associated with gang involvement • Be less likely to adhere to Family Educators – role inyouth probation conditions and com- • cludes: engaging family members to plete restorative justice process support them in learning how to parent • Not receive local language gang and criminally involved youth specific support to exit gangs • Clinical Counselling – role • Not graduate from secondary includes: school Punjabi speaking counsellor o • Become more entrenched in o English speaking counsellor criminal activity o Music Therapist counsellor (engages youth in music recreation and Specially trained family edu• provides clinical counselling). cators with extensive knowledge on gangs, substance use, criminal justice Government Mandate system and how to support youth in- Premier Horgan tasked the Ministry volved in these areas of Public Safety and Solicitor General Parents will not have access to:

• Support for engaging with the with the mandate to: School District and Abbotsford Police • Take action on gang and gun Department violence. • Services specifically designed • Work in partnership to impleto meet the needs of their family for an ment the Surrey Accord and provide extended period of time the Surrey Wraparound (WRAP) program with increased, stable and secure Continuation of Essential Services annual funding. IIT is seeking $423,000 to continue a Increase support for initiatives minimum level of service for the youth • at highest risk for six months until that are proven to prevent and reduce more federal funding is available. The crime, and increase the use of restorprogram currently has 12 FTE posi- ative justice programs.


The Patrika



Friday, Aug 10th, 2018

Bottle drive for elementary school programs on August 11


eva BC, a non-profit organization, will be holding a bottle drive at HIGHSTREET Central Plaza in Abbotsford on Saturday, August 11th. Seva BC is committed to improving the lives of those in our communities – especially the bright, young individuals that are our future. The non-profit organization, led by volunteers, provides meal and mentorship programs geared towards uplifting and inspiring children in the Lower Mainland. “According to the Abbotsford Food Bank, 1 in 20 children enrolled in elementary schools go without food over the weekend and 37% of the people using the food bank are youth under the age of 18. Seva BC was developed around the concept of langar – providing free meals to all. Seva BC’s mission however, is aimed at children in need. Providing children with a school lunch is a step


forward in minimizing local hunger,” very motivated to help more said Director, Jasneet Brar. elementary “Our goal is to provide nourishment children during and mentorship opportunities. We the upcoming want to empower youth to exceed school year” their p ote ntia l by impr oving e x p l a i n s academic performance, social skills Director, Gurv and ultimately becoming productive Thandi. members of our communities,” To c o n t i n u e continues Brar. providing meal Since May 2018, Seva BC has held and mentorship free lunch programs. As a result programs, Seva of generous donations from local BC will be a businesses: Fresh Slice (Whatcom holding a bottle drive fundraiser location) and Cor’s 2 for 1 Pizza at HIGHSTREET, Abbotsford (Aldergrove), Seva BC has provided on Saturday, August 11. “We’re lunches to over 370 low-income asking residents to come donate elementary children. their recyclable bottles and cans. All “We received very enthusiastic and proceeds raised will go towards Seva appreciative feedback from the BC’s initiatives for the 2018-2019 school year.” children and their teachers. It feels rewarding knowing that we are The non-profit is still growing. making a positive difference in our “We’re also always looking for new community. The Seva BC team is

volunteers to join our team, and for individuals and businesses to sponsor lunch programs” adds Thandi.” To learn more about how to volunteer with Seva BC, donate money, or sponsor a lunch, visit: www.sevabc. org or email: The bottle drive is on Aug. 11th at HIGHSTREET Central Plaza in Abbotsford from 11 am to 7 pm.

Friday, Aug 10th, 2018

The Patrika 


FVRL TO PARTICIPATE IN LIBRARY DAY AT THE FAIR AT THE PNE On August 22, show your FVRL library libraries. FVRL will feature its Library Live and On Tour (LiLi) vehicle, the card and get into the Fair for $6. peddle-powered Book Chariot, and Abbotsford, B.C. – Fraser Valley Re- Playground items including green gional Library (FVRL) is excited to screens, KEVA Planks, Makey Makey, participate in Library Day at the Fair Sphero SPRK+, telescopes, ukuleles, at the PNE. Thanks to a partnership and virtual reality. There will also be between the Fair, Tim Hortons, Raise a impromptu storytimes, maker activiReader, and Public Library InterLINK, ties, games, and more! teen and adult fair-goers can get into the Fair for only $6 on Wednesday, “The Library Zone at the Fair is full of August 22 by presenting their FVRL fun activities that families can expect library card! The Fair is always free for when they visit their local library there will be something for every age,” children under the age of 13. says Public Library InterLINK ExecuFVRL will participate alongside In- tive Director Michael Burris. terLINK member libraries in onsite activities on Library Day. Once in the Presenting a BC public library card Fair, attendees can stop by the Library grants one cardholder admission for Zone, near Toon City and the Popnol- $6 (one card must be shown per person ogy Exhibit, for some fun and FREE to receive the discount and supplemenactivities with staff from various BC tary ID is recommended). Don’t have an FVRL card yet? Visit anyone of our 25 locations to get your free card today! Visit for more information.


The Patrika




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auph`r kOr D`lIv`l


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604-746-3330 Fax: 604-746-3331

auph`r kOr D`lIv`l

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ruibMdr (rOb) DMnU

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• Immigration Appeals • Refugee Claims • Sponsorship & Citizenship • Permanent Resident & Green Card • Visas (Tourist, Employment, Student, Nafta) • Provincial Nominations • Investor & Business Applications

FAMILY • Divorce, Custody & Adoption • Child/Spousal Support • Provincial Court and Supreme Court


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• Drug Offences

• âz¼× Ãì³èÆ ç¯ô

• Assaults Including Domestic & Sexual • Impaired and Other Driving Offences • Theft, Fraud and Property Crimes • Weapons Offences • Proceeds Of Crime • Young Persons Charged with Criminal Offences RUBINDER DHANU



- Marijuana Grow Operations - Cocaine and Heroin Trafficking - Importing/Exporting


Friday, Aug 10th, 2018

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The Patrika



Friday, Aug 10th, 2018

SELMAK Realty Ltd. 2629 kingsway Vancouver BC V5R 5H4

Sahinder Lidder

Bus: 604.456.0873




Harpreet S Kaler

iksy vI qrHF dI pROprtI KRIdx jF vycx leI hrpRIq isMG klyr aqy sihMdr ilwdV nfl sMprk kro|

87-6383 140 st Surrey, BC, V3W0E9

5351 Abbey Crescent Chilliwack, BC, V2R 0J6

Panorama West Village very functional and clean 4 bedroom To w n h o m e . S t a i n l e s s s t e e l appliances, Granite counters in kitchen and all washrooms. This is one of few units in complex with Greenbelt, kids playground and Clubhouse just behind. The 4th bedroom has separate entrance and may function as a rec room, office or man cave

Beautiful 3 storey house in a new development site at the top of Promontory. Having 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, rec room, living room, study room, and extra large great room in a very desirable location on big size lot over 10,000 sq. ft.


$644,888 154 32550 MACLURE RD.

84-15155 62A Ave Surrey, BC

42 30989 Westridge place, Abbotsford, BC

32319 nakusp


111-30515 Cardinal Ave






OPEN HOUSE Epn hfAUs SUNDAY August 12 12PM - 4PM

agsq 12 aYqvfr 12 vjy qoN 4-00 5 BEDROOM HOUSE WITH A LEGAL SUITE

jsvMq bfsI


SOLD SOLD 46076 King Avenue

32641 Nootka close

SOLD SOLD SOLD Rupinder AZAD& Associates 604-825-4321 “SINCE 1987”


5 bYWz rUm nfl lIgl sUt


38863 Kenny ave

34-30857 Sandpiper dr






1000 Sqft Now Available On South Fraser Way, Abbotsford .good Exposure And Parking Convenience Will Suit Any Professional Or Personal Service Business, Retail etc. LEASE RATE IS NEGOTIABLE CALL FIRST TO VIEW THE LOCATION !!

36 2475 EMERSON STREET Abbotsford, BC

FOR SALE If You Are Looking For COMMERCIAL PROPERTY With Good Cash Flow In Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Langley Or Mission Areas, GIVE US A CALL WILL GET YOU ONE !!

very clean, bright and updated house upper unit,ready to move in.quick possession.Well managed, clean, enjoyable Complex for Age 55+ allowing no rentals, no pets.For further inquiry, Call: Rupinder Azad.

$369,000 (Price Negotiable)

SPACE FOR LEASE 1540 sqft (2 levels) in cedar park.newer complex,end unit. suitable for any retail or professional business !!


The Patrika




Friday, Aug 10th, 2018


zivlprF duafrf tfAUn hfAUs vyc idwqy gey |

hor jfxkfrI leI kfl kro

604 500 0936 Congratulations – you have sold your home. You may be wondering – what’s next? You will be packing, reorganizing, sending out change of address cards and notifying people of your move. While you are packing, remember not to pack anything that you have sold. Unless you mention items in the contract, the fixtures must remain in place. You could be in violation of the contract if these items are removed. As a seller, you are responsible for ensuring the home is in the same condition it was at the time of closing. This means that the terms of the agreement must be upheld. If the home suffers damage after the time of closing, you must tell the purchaser. At this time, the purchaser could walk away and have the deposit returned, choose to close and receive any insurance proceeds. If the condition of the home changes prior to possession date, be sure to check with your lawyer, real estate agent and the purchaser before completing any repairs. Once the offer to purchase agreement has been signed both the buyer and the seller are under legal contract to close. If you change your mind, or decide not to sell your home for whatever reason, the buyer has the legal right to com-


After You Sellest,Your Home any funds held in a tax fund and taking your mortgage with you and

mence legal actions. If the purchaser decides to walk away from the deal, you can claim the purchaser's deposit or sue for damages. When you arre closing the sale of your home, you will also want to be aware of adjustments, net proceeds and possession date. The costs of these items could be substantial. Adjustments Adjustments (credits or debts regarding financial costs) will be made to settle the sale of the home. This will account for any expense incurred, (or income earned on rental properties), by yourself or the buyer, as of the day of closing. These fees could include city property taxes, school taxes, monthly condominium fees, utilities and insurance. Any expenses you have prepaid before closing day are pro-rated. The buyer will reimburse you for the period during when you no longer own the property. Expenses you might not have yet paid, but which apply to the time during which you owned the home, are also pro-rated and reimbursed by you to the buyer. If the buyer is assuming your mortgage, adjustments will also be made - the outstanding principal, accrued inter-

first and last month's rent on rental premises. Net proceeds You have agreed on a selling price. But this is not the same as your net price. You still need to consider the following items: The buyer is typically responsible for most of the closing costs including: legal/notarial fees for handling the sales transaction depending on jurisdiction any disbursements or out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the lawyer or notary property tax and utility adjustments land transfer or "welcome" taxes The seller has some debts to discharge before funds can be accessed. The seller is responsible for paying: real estate commissions the certificate of location or survey (depending on jurisdiction and offer to purchase) legal and discharge fees (depending on your jurisdiction and/ or preference) outstanding adjustments owed to the buyeroutstanding municipal/school taxes or public service assessments outstanding mortgage balance along with any associated prepayment charge or contract breakage cost for retiring your mortgage early - if you are not

your buyer doesn't assume it Your real estate agent, the local real estate board, your banker, lawyer or notary can advise you of the fees you are most likely to encounter when you sell your home. The possession date On the contract, give careful attention to the details of possession date. The day you move out of your home and hand the keys to the Real Estate Professional, may not always coincide with your closing day. Be sure these dates and time (12 noon, Saturday November 10), are clearly indicated in the contract. Try and avoid having the buyers move in while you are trying to move out. You might be liable for the buyers moving costs. At the same time however, the buyers may have to move earlier than expected. Perhaps the lease has expired or they have sold they previous home with an earlier possession date. If possible, try and be accommodating. This will not only help with a smooth closing process but you will reap the benefits. Often the possession date is factored into the final selling price.

The Patrika



Friday, Aug 10th, 2018

Rajinder Dhutti Personal Real Estate Corporation

pRfprtI KRIdxf qy vyrxf iek shWqvpUrk PYslf hY, ies leI muPLq aqy shI slfh vfsqy rijMdr DuWqI nfl sMprk kro:






Investors and 1st time home buyers Alert! Rentals allowed. This Ground Level unit features 2 bedrooms/ 1 bathroom, bright living room, spacious kitchen, dining area, fireplace & a good size balcony. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, malls, restaurants, parks & easy access to freeway.



Very Rare Find! 2 homes on one lot. They both are detached with their own separate entrances & private backyards. 1st house features - 2 bedrooms/ 1 bathroom, bright living room.




Only 6 years old Quality built home in a great neighborhood! This home features 4 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms with an ensuite in the master, huge & bright great room, dining area, spacious kitchen with granite counter tops/ tons of storage, den/ ofce space, laundry room & a sunny sundeck off master bedroom with a nice mountains view.

$739,700 1534 KIPLING STREET

Perfect family home in one of the best neighborhoods of Abbotsford. This home features 5 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms with a Legal Suite. Main oor has 3 bedrooms/ 1.5 bathrooms with a 2 pc in the master, huge living room, dining area, spacious kitchen & a sunny sundeck. Basement has a Legal Suite with it's separate entrance.




Allwood Place! This Townhome features 2 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms with an ensuite in the master PLUS a huge rec room in the basement, bright living space, open layout & modern kitchen concept with quartz counter tops/ stainless steel appliances & a nice balcony for entertainment. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, parks, malls, restaurants, public transit & easy access to freeway



Solid Rancher w/ basement in West Abbotsford. This home features 5 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, bright living room, dining area, kitchen, huge rec room & a nice at backyard for entertainment. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit, malls, parks & easy access to



Solid home with Legal Suite in West Abbotsford! This home features 5 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms with an ensuite in the master. Main floor features- 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, bright & spacious living room, dining area, kitchen, family room with a cozy fireplace, nook & sunny sundeck. Basement has a Legal Suite, wide foyer & laundry room,new paint, new flooring, newer roof, new toilet seats, new tiles in kitchen upstairs, new tiles in bathroom upstairs, new fence, new garage door & much more.




Cascade Green! Neat & Clean Ground Level Unit. Affordable and great starter home in a friendly neighborhood which is perfect to raise your kids. 2 Bedrooms/ 2 full bathrooms with an ensuite in the master, good size living space, kitchen, laundry room & a balcony. Close to all levels of schools, shopping, stadium, malls, recreation, public transit & parks. Easy to show. Call to view now!.

Rancher on a 7800 sqft Lot with Back Lane Access! This home features 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, bright living room, kitchen, dining, laundry & huge backyard. Lots of potential and a good holding property. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit, malls, parks & easy access to freeway.

NEW LISTING Perfect family home in a great neighborhood. This home features 5 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms with a 2 pc ensuite in the master, bright living room, spacious dining room, kitchen with eating area, 2 bedrooms unauthorized suite with its own separate entrance rented at $1,050 per month PLUS a big rec room in the basement, nicely landscaped





115 32175 OLD YALE ROAD














Flat leveled with a nice house, huge barns, mobile home, shed, berry production, city water.....and the list goes on!!! The home features 6 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms, huge & bright living room, spacious kitchen, nice d r i v e w a y, s u n n y s u n d e c k w i t h awesome mountains view, quiet location, tons of parking & much more. Great revenue potential.

Ground Level Unit! Low Strata Fee. Perfect for a 1st time home buyer or someone who is downsizing. Centrally located & well managed complex. This bright & spacious unit features 1 bedroom/ 1 bathroom, living room, kitchen with stainless steel fridge/ stove & a sunny balcony. Some of the recent updates are- new carpet, new kitchen floor, new tiles in bathroom, new sink in bathroom & new paint. Close to schools, recreation, parks, malls, restaurants.



32133 George Ferguson Way


Only 16 years old Basement Entry home in West Abbotsford. This home features 4 bedrooms/ 3.5 bathrooms, huge & bright living room, dining area, open kitchen concept with tons of storage, rec room, laundry room, double garage & a sunny sundeck.

Solid Rancher w/ basement in West Abbotsford. This home features 5 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, bright living room, dining area, kitchen, huge rec room & a nice at backyard for entertainment. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit, malls, parks & easy access to freeway..







The Patrika 

Friday, Aug 10th, 2018

10 UPPER MACLURE SINGLE FAMILY LOTS PRE-SALE ON NOW Premium location near all amenities. West Abbotsford development with unmatched views. Now Accepting Offers. RS5 and RS5A Zoning. Don’t miss out on this one of a kind opportunity - no other lots in Abbotsford with this type of central and private location.


The Patrika



Friday, Aug 10th, 2018

Professional, Certified, Committed, Full Time Agents for You 2014

Little Oak Realty

Independently Owned and Operated

“Top 1% Real Estate Team of Year 2015.. Award Winning"

iksy vI qrH~ dI pR`prtI vycx Eqy KRIdx qoN pihl~ iek v`r s`nUM jrUr k`l kro jI| Davinder Brar -PREC Harpreet Mann- PREC CALL FOR A divMdr isMG br`V hrpRIq isMG m`n FREE MARKET 604.302.2222 604.832.8485 EVALUATION NEW LISTING

3338 Goldnch St. 5bedrm, 4bath, 2900sft house, 7361 corner lot, Legalsuite, family-room, recroom, excellent location.

135-32550 Maclure Rd. Townhouse! 3bedrm, 2bath, Renovated, best complex Clearbrook Village, near stadium.

32817 Gateeld Ave. Renovated, 5bedrm, 3bath, Legal Bsmtsuite.


45345 Watson Rd. Chilliwack. Brand new house, 7bedrm, 5bath, 10170sft lot, two bsmt-suites.

27636 Roundhouse Dr. . Aldergrove. 3-story, custom built, 8bedrm, 7bath, Bsmt-suite, theatre room, 14000sft lot.

3501 Hillpark Dr. 3-Story, Brand New, 8bedrm, 6bath, Two Bsmt-suites, Good quality, Near Rick Henson School.

30 Acres Blueberry 10 ACRES BIG Farm HOUSE & SHOP 2-Lots for Sale, Abbotsford. Build your 3-Story big houses with view. 4963 sft and 5794 sft.

34080 Higgionson Cre.

31861 Beech Ave. 2-Lots one lot is ready to built 3story house with legal suite. 2nd lot has 3200sft 6bed, 3bath with bsmt-suite Renovated.

3510 WAGNER DR 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, rec room with full bathroom, 2 room suit, wheelchair access

46467 Valleyview Rd Chilliwack

With a beautiful house in Aldergrove

32425 King Rd 5 ACRES with VI Clear land, big front. in Heart of Abbotsford city. Solid 5bedrm rented house.

30788 Sandpiper Dr

Abbotsford Blueberry (mix) Matsqui Area Shop Rented

2944 Townline Rd.

3138 Engineer ct


7 bedrooms 5 baths and suites only 6 year old house in Aldergrove. Beautiful location

31022 Headwater Pl

Fully renovated, 4bedrm, 3bath, family and rec rooms, Legal Suite, Near Fruticana.

Townline Rd. Abbotsford

ਸਾਡੇ ਕੋਲ਼ ਤੁਹਾਡੀ ਪੋਪਰਟੀ ਲਈ ਕੁਆਲੀਫਾਈਡ ਖੀਦਦਾਰ ਹਨ। ਹਣ ੁ ੇ ਫ਼ਨ ੋ ਕਰੋ ਜੀ। Call us to get foreclosure/ bank sale properties list


The Patrika



Friday, Aug 10th, 2018

hfV sMkRFqI


joiqS, Eqy  Eqy 604-751-0220 kro





myK – pyt dI KrfbI, sQfn bdlx df Xog, afmdn qoN vD Krcf, imwqrF qoN mdd, sMqfn qy iesqrI qoN icMqF, kfrobfr TIk rhy. julfeI 22,23,24, agsq 1,2,3,10,11, asLuwB.

A sudden turnaround of events connected to what has been an important priority could be a bit of a shock. You need to consider the true satisfaction level of late and if that is not so great then making a dramatic change is unlikely to be that bad. Only take directions that will benefit you financially and not risk future security.

It will be impossible to let dissatisfaction with any situation involving officials, those who have authority or too much that is expected of you to take charge of, continue down the path it has been taking. You have to stop worrying and be prepared to stand up for what you can see will be more sensible solutions for the future.

  ibRK – pyt gYs rog nfl pRysLfnI, BrfvF df suK, imqrF nfl myl imlfp, sMqfn icMqf, iesqrI suK, kfrobfr ivwc suDfr, mhIny dy aMq ivwc Krcf aiDk. julfeI 16, 17,25,26,agsq 4,5,12,13 asLuwB.



imQun – gupq icMqf, afriQk siQqI ivwc suDfr, inwjI lokF df sihXog, sMqfn ksLt iesqrI suK, mhIny dy aMq ivwc pRysLfnI vDy. julfeI 18,19,27,28,29, agsq 6,7,14,15 asLuB.



isMG – cmVI df rog, afmdn qoN vwD Krcf, nvIaF XojnfvF qoN lfB, rfj drbffr qoN sfvDfn rihx dO loV. julfeI 22, 23, 24, agsq 1,2,3,10,11 asLuwB.



kMinaf – ishq TIk rhygI, sLnI df dfn kro, Dn lfB qy Krcf brfbr, iesqrI pwK qoN KusLI, ividafrQIaF leIN mMgl df dfnkrnf sLuwB, julfeI 16,17,25,26 agsq 4,5,12,13 asLuwB hovygI.

7  qulf- sbr qoN kMm lvo, GrylU JgiVaF qoN dUr rho, Dn lfB hovygf, dusLmx AuBr ky sfhmxy afAuxgy, svfrI aqy jfiedfd df pUrf suK imlygf, kfrobfr TIk rhygf. julfeI 18,19,27,28,29 agsq 6, 7, 14,15 asLuwB hovygI.



ibRsLick – Kun dI KrfbI nfl pRysLfnI rhygI, Dn lfB hoky vI hfnI df Xog hY. Xfqrf TIk rhygI, imwqrF df suK pRfpq hovygf, sMqfn dI icMqf, iesqrI suK, kfrobfr TIk rhygf. julfeI 20,21,30,31, agsq 8,9,16 asLuwB.



DnU- gYs ivkfr nfl pRysLfnI, sMqfn pwKoN icMqf, gupq sLqrU qoN sfvDfn rho, kMm bdlx jF sQfn bdlx df ivcfr bxygf. julfeI 22, 23, 24, agsq 1,2,3,10,11 asLuwB

10  mkr – ishq TIk rhygI, rfj drbfr qoN lfB, imwqrF BrfvF nUM ksLt, iesqrI pwKoN lfB hovygf, kfrobfr ibvwc qrwkI hovygI. julfeI 16,17,25,26 agsq 4,5,12,13 asLuwB hovygI.

11  kuMB – jmIn jfiedfd JgVy isrdrdI bxxngy. Afpxy lokF nfl anbx hovygI, sLqrU pRBfvsLflI hoxgy, svfrI qoN swt df Kqrf rhygf, kfrobfr TIk rhygf, julfeI 18,19,27,28,29 agsq 6, 7, 14,15 asLuwB hovygI.



mIn – Dn hfnI df zr, gupq icMqf rhygI aqy pRysLfnI, sMqfn qoN KusLI suwK pRfpqI df Xog hY, iesqrI ksLt, afmdn qoN vD Krcf rhy. julfeI 20,21,30,31, agsq 8,9,16 asLuwB.


Somebody else could provide a completely different perspective on either a decision you have already made or information you have gathered in order to make a choice. Rethinking the financial side of things could be wise between now and mid August. You may discover previous financial advice may not be the best direction to take.

You could find yourself in a position where you will need to pause for thought and this is likely to be generated by sudden changes of direction that somebody else either takes or wants to take. It may bring out a side of them you have not seen before. As difficult as it might be, it is better for you to wait and see what develops.

Stay focussed on yourself and maintaining a peaceful situation in your surroundings. Don’t allow someone else to project uncertainly into your life with the result that you become a slave to sorting out their issues. There is a lot building up behind the scenes and it will take some time yet for what it all means to surface.

You can find yourself back in situations with people from the past that involves drama in some way. The difference now is that they need to accept that something cannot be maintained and this can lower a degree of arrogance they may have previously displayed. Don’t feel you have to be rushed. Contemplate carefully.

Rebellion of others can put you under a great deal of pressure when it comes to structuring matters as you have been setting out to do. Like it or not, you will have to rethink commitments from now to mid August that you were settled with. You might have to accept that your priorities are not necessarily those of others.

More innovative ways of planning future goals could emerge in a surprising or unexpected manner. This can cause you to be hesitant when it comes to making changes to present ideas or information. Be prepared to review things to mid August. Solutions can arise with commitments you felt unclear about as well.

Sit tight when it comes to finances and certainly don’t take any risks that you might be advised to do. Some changes might take place that you cannot control but do not set out to sort things out for someone else. You are in a powerful position to maintain a balanced position in the long term by not responding to unknowns.

The Lunar Eclipse this week falls in your sign while linking to Mars. This can turn many things around on a personal level in the next 6 months that will require you to fight for your rights. You can be dealing with dominant personalities but you should not let this deter you if what they are demanding in not in your interests.

On one level you can be dealing with others that pleases you in that they seem to be in tune with your priorities. You could also sense there are other situations building up that are quite the opposite. This can have an effect on regular routines. You are lucky your sense will be warning you but you will have to wait for things to surface.


krk- ishq TIk rhygI, acfnk ksLt aqy zr, Dn lfB hovygf. BfeI bMDUaF df sihXog pRfpq hovygf Xfqrf ivwc ksLt, sMqfn qy iesqrI pwKoN KusLI pRfpq hovygI. julfeI 20,21,30,31, agsq 8,9,16 asLuwB.


You could start to have second thoughts about something you thought you had come to a final decision over. Going back over things will be the best strategy from now to mid August. Maintaining harmony at the basis of things that can include family matters is most important. There cannot be doubts about obligations.

The Patrika

Friday, Aug 10th, 2018



ÖÅñÃÅ çÆòÅé ùÃÅÇÂàÆ, ÁËìàÃë¯ðâ



ÖÅñÃÅ çÆòÅé ùÃÅÇÂàÆ, ÁËìàÃë¯ðâ

33094 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 2A9 Ph: (604) 850-7338, Fax (604) 854-1165, e-mail: kds@canadiansikhheritage .ca

TO THE MEMBERS OF THE KHALSA DIWAN SOCIETY, ABBOTSFORD NOTICE OF SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING On or about June 20, 2018, the Society received a requisition from the members of the Society under section 75 of the Societies Act, SBC 2014 c. (the "Act") and section 20 of the Society's Bylaws

Resolution for the meeting: Not to expelled the following members 1.Baljinder Singh Bains



8.Gurcharan Singh Dhaliwal

2.Gurdarshan Singh Sandhu 9.Roop Singh Sandhu 3.Jagdev Singh Gill

10.Sukhraj Singh Brar

4.Nirmal Singh Sanghera

11.Jaskarn Singh Dhaliwal

5.Nachhattar Singh Sangha

12.Satnam Singh Gill

6.Rajinder Singh Dhillon

13.Balbir Singh Raiwal

7.Ranjodh Singh Sidhu A vote of 75% of all members in good standing present and voting at the special general meet required for the said resolutions to pass. The Society informs its members that it initially announced this special general meeting under Section 7 5( 4) of the Societies Act to be held on August 26, 2018. The members are therefore notified that the special general meeting is being held on August 26, 2018, at:

33094 South Fraser Way Abbotsford, British Columbia V2S 2A9 MAIN DARBAR HALL TIME: 1:00 PM

33094 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 2A9 Ph: (604) 850-7338, Fax (604) 854-1165, e-mail: 1[

hr aYqvfr nUM svyry 10 vjy qoN dupihr 12 vjy qwk myn drbfr hfl ivwc ivsLysL dIvfn sjfey jFdy hn.


hryk sMgrFd vfly idn smUh sMgqF vloN hYrItyjL gurduafrf sfihb ivKy sRI sihj pfT sfihb dy Bog AuprMq 10 vjy qoN 12 vjy qwk kIrqn, kQf aqy ZfzI vfrF df gfien kIqf jFdf hY. sLfm nUM 5:45 qoN 7:45 vjy Kflsf dIvfn sosfietI dy myn hfl ivwc kQf, kIrqn aqy ZfzI drbfr huMdy hn. sMgqF pRqI bynqI hY ik donoN vkq gurbfxI kIrqn sux ky jIvn sPl bxfE jI.


hr aYqvfr vfly idn bIbIaF vloN gurduafrf sfihb dy Auprly hfl (qIjI Plor) ivwc dupihr 12[30 vjy qoN 4[00 vjy qwk sMgqI rUp 'c sRI suKmnI


hYrItyj gurduafrf sfihb ivKy hr mMglvfr qy vIrvfr nUM Xogf dIaF klfsF sLfm 7[00 qoN 9[00 vjy qwk lgfeIaF jFdIaF hn.


hYrItyj gurduafrf sfihb drbfr hfl ivKy hr sLnIvfr nUM sLfm 6 qoN 8 vjy qwk ismrn huMdf hY. ismrn krky afpxf jIvn sPl kro.


hYrItyj gurduafrf sfihb (imAUjIam hfl) ajfieb Gr sMgqF dy drsLnF leI hr rojL svyry 9[00 qoN sLfm 5[00 vjy qwk KoilHaf jFdf hY.


gurduafrf Kflsf dIvfn sosfietI ivKy iswK ieiqhfs dI jfxkfrI leI lfiebRyrI sQfpq kIqI geI hY. sMgqF vwD qoN vwD lfB AuTfE jI.


pMjfbI dIaF klfsF gurduafrf sfihb ivKy hr sLnIvfr aqy aYqvfr nUM 9 vjy qoN 11 vjy qwk lgfeIaF jFdIaF hn.

sfihb jI dy pfT huMdy hn.

pRB kf ismrnu sB qy AUcf..

sUcnfvF:- mhIny ivwc hr vIrvfr nUM grBvqI aOrqF vfsqy klfsF lgfeIaF jFdIaF hn ijs ivwc Kfx pIx qy Kurfk vfsqy jfxkfrI vI idwqI jFdI hY.

hYwz gRMQI BfeI suKdyv isMG luiDafxy vfly

kQf vfck BfeI hrjIq isMG nfBy vflf

2[ hr vIrvfr nUM 10 vjy qoN 12 vjy dupihr nUM ishq bfry jfxkfrI idwqI jFdI hY ijs ivwc bwcy, jvfn aqy bjLurg vI sLfml ho skdy hn. moinkf 604-308-8216

rfgI jQf

ZfzI jQf

BfeI blivMdr isMG ktfxf sfihb vfl BfeI hrijMdr isMG ryrU sfihb vfly y

BfeI goivMdr isMG jYpurf vfly

hYrItyj guruGr sRI sihj pfT dI syvf

BfeI gurjIq isMG

êz¯×ðÅî agsq-10 suLkrvfr, afrMB sRI afKMz pfT sfihb jI gurU Gr ivKy kuldIp isMG DflIvfl dy pRIvfr vloN. agsq-11 sLnIvfr, anMd kfrj dI rsm blivMdr isMG iswDU dy pRIvfr vloN. agsq-11 sLnIvfr, suKmnI sfihb dy pfT, kIrqn gRih ivKy mnjIq isMG sMgyVf dy pRIvfr vloN. agsq-11 sLnIvfr, svrgvfsI mnjIq kOr igwl dI aMqm ardfs aqy Bog sRI sfihj pfT sfihb jI bfad dupihr 4:30 vjy syvf pRIvfr vloN. agsq-12 aYqvfr, Bog sRI afKMz pfT sfihb jI gurU Gr ivKy syvf kuldIp isMG DflIvfl dy pRIvfr vloN. agsq-12 aYqvfr, svrgvfsI mfqf surjIq kOr DflIvfl dI aMqm ardfs aqy Bog sRI sfihj pfT sfihb jI bfad dupihr 2:30 vjy syvf pRIvfr vloN. agsq-12 aYqvfr, suKmnI sfihb dy pfT, kIrqn gRih ivKy rCpfl isMG iQMd dy pRIvfr vloN. agsq-16 vIrvfr, sMgrFd BfdroN agsq-16 vIrvfr, afrMB sRI afKMz pfT sfihb jI gRih ivKy brkpfl isMG gryvfl dy pRIvfr vloN agsq-16 vIrvfr, hYrItyj gurduafrf sfihb afrMB sRI sfihj pfT sfihb jI syvf joigMdr isMG gurm pRIvfr vloN. agsq-17 sLuwkrvfr, afrMB sRI afKMz pfT sfihb jI gurU Gr ivKy syvf gurpfl kOr igwl dy pRIvfr vloN. agsq-18 sLnIvfr, anMd kfrj dI rsm rCpfl isMG iQMd dy pRIvfr vloN. agsq-18 sLnIvfr, Bog sRI afKMz pfT sfihb jI gRih ivKy brklfp isMG gryvfl dy pRIvfr vlo. agsq-18 sLnIvfr, sLfm dy lMgrF dI syvf lKivMdr isMG sMDU dy pRIvfr vloN. agsq-19 aYqvfr, Bog sRI afKMz pfT sfihb jI gurU Gr ivKy syvf gurpfl kOr igwl dy pRIvfr vloN. agsq-19 aYqvfr, sLfm dy lMgrF dI syvf bljIq isMG ilwDV dy pRIvfr vloN. agsq-22 buwDvfr, suKmnI sfihb dy pfT, kIrqn gRih ivKy hrimMdr isMG iswDU dy pRIvfr vloN. agsq-24 sLukrvfr, anMd kfrj dI rsm hrnyk isMG lflI dy pRIvfr vloN. agsq-25 sLnIvfr, anMd kfrj dI rsm brkpfl isMG gryvfl dy pRIvfr vloN. agsq-25 sLnIvfr, Bog sRI sfihj pfT sfihb jI gRih ivKy syvf jsvys isMG mfn, sonIaf kOr mfn dy pRIvfr vloN. agsq-25 sLnIvfr, sLfm dy lMgrF dI syvf hrijMdr isMG brfV dy pRIvfr vloN. agsq-26 aYqvfr, Bog sRI sfihj pfT sfihb jI gurU Gr ivKy syvf bldyv isMG brfV dy pRIvfr vloN. agsq-26 aYqvfr, sLfm dy lMgrF dI syvf pRym isMG grcf dy pRIvfr vloN.

sMprk kro:


mIq pRDfn Bjn isMG qUr: 604-832-7777 sYktrI, jiqMdr isMG igwl (hYpI igwl): 1-604-832-4000 zfierYktr qrsym isMG idafl: 1-778-552-4466


The Patrika


Friday, Aug 10th, 2018


pRIqF df pihrydfr sMqoK isMG DIr

myrf pMjfb

hkUmq isMG inwJr AulJI pMjfb myry dI qfxI, imldf nf koeI ibjlI pfxI

kudrq dy kOqk sqvMq kOr pMDyr BuwKf rotI nUM ijvyN qrsy, idl hwisaf myrf

sUrj AudY hoieaf

afpxy idl dy lhU ivcoN

pRIqF df pihrydfr

inwky inwky zoby ley

afpxI koTI ivcoN inkilaf

ijhVy awKr ilKy

eyDr GuMmy, AuDr GuMmy

Auh zoilaf Auh kMibaf

mfVy ijhy rog df ielfj nf huMdf ikqy

lopokI df kwlr afKy:

Auh lrijLaf, Auh DVikaf.

af jFdf arfm kdy mMgqy dI lIr qoN

gurU prm mnuwK sn,

lYinn ny kbUqr Cwzy

kuwlI ivwc imlL jfxH KusLIaF hjLfr kdy

cflLI lwK dyxf pihlF ds ivafh qy lfAuxf

ipafr kbjLf nhIN hY,

Aus dy kMm dI myjL Auqy

mMgdf amIr suwKF zyry vflLy pIr qoN

pMjfh dyxf ivafh qoN mgroN knyzf pRvfr phMcfAuxf

pihcfx hY-pihcfx hY

gutkUM gutkMU krn lwgy

ijwqI bfjLI hfr koeI hMJUaF nUM ijwq lYNdf

pRIq DOlI nhIN huMdI

icwty rMg dI GuwgI afeI

huMdf nhINAuN shfr ikqy awKIaF dy nIr qoN

sdf hI sUhI huMdI hY.

qlI dy Auqy bYT geI

quwky df bxf qIr lfAuNdy vyKy sYdy kfxy

Aus ny icwty rMg dI GuwgI

KuMJdy insLfny kdy imrjLy dy qIr qoN

afpxI ihwk nfl, idl nfl,

gurdIp nUM qF swjxf c rwb ipaf idKdf

corf nUM pey mor ‘pRymI”mF puwq vfps afey


lgdy ny sohxy AuhnUM ikqy vwD hIr qoN

ieMzIaf vflyL roNdy ipwtdy GrF nUM cfly pfey

hr pfsy iPrdI lotU ZfxI, luwtdI ieh ikrqI lokF nUM

ipafsf pfxI Kfqr qVPy.

iKV iKV krky.

afAu imlky dUr BjfeIey, iehnF KUn pIxIaF jokF nUM.

rUh dI ipafs

ikximx ikximx

mMzIaF dy ivwc Jonf ruldf, Gr ivwc ruldy bfl inafxy

buJfvx Kfqr,

awKr brsy, kw Z o do pl ko i sL s L kr ky . icwtI, AujlI, cfnxI pwg Auh Puwl vI bxy qy moqI vI zolH geI ijvyN bwdlI Br ky. sfzy hwkF Auwqy mfrn zfky, ieh lIzr lok jrvfxy nIly aMbr vwl mYN qwikaf, icwtI jLrI dIaF qfrF vrgI Kur nf jfx pqfsy vFgMU, pMjfb myry dy jfg iksfnF, nwQ pfeIey aWQr bokF nUM awg dy cMigafVy vI, buwk imwtI df hwQ ivwc PV ky. boc ley mYN lwpF Br ky. afAu imlky dUr BjfeIey, iehnF KUn pIxIaF jokF nUM. suuwcI aqy AujlI dfVHI afkfsL dy isqfry vI. mINh df pfxI vihMdf suixafN, moqIaF vrgy sI cfeIN cfeIN, bysLrmF vFgUN BfsLx idMdy, inwq nvIaF GVn skImF ivwc krIkF iqp iqp krky. kfly rMg dI ackx Auqy iek prcf Cfipaf cuwk cuwk mYN kfgjL qy Dr qy. votF Kfqr vMzdy iPrdy, Gr Gr dfrU BuwkI aPLImF msq hvfvF lor c afeIaF, ijvyN cFdI dI afbsLfr ijQy ijQy phuMicaf gMgF ivwc PVky roVH dyvo, ieh nf vwzIaF vwzIaF qopF nUM Puwl bUitaF nfl gwlF krky. mYN anjfx kI jfxf sfrF, sUrj rfxf hwisaf nvIN qy qkVI dunIafN df afAu imlky dUr BjfeIey, iehnF KUn pIxIaF jokF nUM. pMCI Auzx klolF kr kr, kudrq vfry inafry kr qy. idlI avfjL sI dyiKaf mYN ieh Aus df afisLk bfhr afieaf sunyhf idMdf clf igaf icVI sony dI ijs nUM kihMdy, awj ieh kwKF qoN hOlI hoeI idl coN inklI, sB kuJ KVHky. Ausny lfl sUrj krjLy dI pMz BfrI isr qy, drdI idswdf nf awj koeI Puuwl iKVy dyK ky aYsf ajb njLfrf, mYN qF cfr huMgHfry Br qy. ho s L itkfxy kro iehnF dy , jd mM g x afAu N d y vo t F nU M afpxIaF awKF ivc Auqmihk AuwzI corfN nUM pey mor afAu imlky dUr BjfeIey, iehnF KUn pIxIaF jokF nUM. firaf mulK rfj ‘bjfj’ nvIN dunIaF bxn lwgI. nisLaF df Cwzo KihVf vIro, awj afpxy PrjL inBfE Pyr afpxy sIny ivc nvIN Kbr pMjfboN afeI suxI awj svyry lfl qfrf cmikaf kfimaF dy nfl joV ky moZf, ieh zuwbdf pMjfb bcfE lflc burI blf huMdI isafxy kihx bQyry qy Pyr idl dIaF qihaF mYN geI puwqr nUM ieMzIaf ivafh krvfAux Aus nUM lYinn njLr afieaf ‘inwJr’ dI gwl pwly bMnH ky, qoV idE srkfrI rokF nUM ivc. ivwc pyprF dyqf jf ky irsLqy lwgy afAux afAu imlky dUr BjfeIey, iehnF KUn pIxIaF jokF nUM. Aus ny ikhf: mhfn lYinn inwky inwky GuwtvyN pYr aONqry Brf dI pYlLI imlLI ivwc sVk dy afeI quwky df qIr awj df prm mnuwK hY! kfly kfly moihn bUt do kroV imilaf qfjLf pRvfr ny KusLI mnfeI gurdIp burj muMzf kuVI kihx dovyN ivdysL ivafh krvfAuxf sUrj ilsLkF mfrIaF, Aus dI nvIN dunIafN Auqy qVPy keI mwCI vFgUM ibnF ijvyN pfxI qoN knyzf amrIkf hovy koeI dyr nhIN lgfAuxf inwky inwky kdm AuTy aYtm bMb Auwliraf qVPdI rUh ikqy ibnF koeI srIr qoN suBf pypr dyK bfpU Pon KVkfeI jfvy

QoVHy ijhy cMn qy QoVHy ijhy sUrj ivcoN Aus ny afpxI klm GVI PAGE 32

muMzy dI mF cuwikaf Pon awgoN mwul suxfvy kuVI dy ipAu ny ikhf awgoN sfnUM hY mnjLUr vyK ivKfeI gwlbfq kr sLgn dohF ny pfey

ivafh rcf ky dohF PrIkF irsLqy nvyN bxfey GuMmy iPry nfl pRvfr rupey zflrF ivwc vtfey do mhIny rihky ieMzIaf knyzf cfly pfey KusLI KusLI pRvfr sfrf idwlI cVHfAux afey zfkU lutyry pey rfh c zflr jyvr lfihaf mfr dyvFgy sB nUM jykr Pon iksy KVkfieaf

The Patrika

Friday, Aug 10th, 2018

kivqf zf: gurBjn igwl suxo suxfvF bol jo purKy kih gey ny.



afpxf pMjfb gurmyl isMG brfV rozy

kfiv-afiqmk blvMq srfˆ (mdoky)

jI kI myr ibgfnIaF cIjLF dI, kdy amr PlLF dI dfb dIaF duÈmx vyhVy bUtf Auigaf,

surq tkfixE hwlI ho.

hoeI gwl kvwlI ho.

duÈmx ny iPr duÈmx jMmy,

duÈmx Aus dy cfr cuPyry,

pfVf vDdf jfvy ho.

jI isEny dIaF

Aus dI ijMd iekwlI ho.

rUh qfˆ hrdm rihMdI sVdI,

nhIN rIsF dys pMjfb dIaF

aslI zlLIaF dI,

vwzf ruwK qy Cotf bUtf,

awg hr koeI lfvy ho.

doicwqI dy pYNKV pYroN lih gey ny.

dwibafˆ tfhxIafˆ Qwly ho.

jI KLusLIaF ivwc iKV iKV

kI krnI rIs mulMimaF ny

jd jd koeI lfey cuafqI,

lfl awK dy hyTfˆ pilLafˆ,

kMipAUtr dI hukm adUlI ijs kIqI,

hwsidaF dI,

mn mcdI qVQwlI ho.

kdI dfinsLmMd iensfnf dI,

pyÈ koeI nf jfvy ho.

duÈmx afsy duÈmx pfsy,

GuMmdy phIey cwldy lIhoN lih gey ny.

kdy krdI rIs AudfsI nf

nhIN krnI rIs inkMimaF ny

nÌrq kflLI vgI hnHyrI,

kIkx vkq lMGfvy Auh.

Aus qoˆ geI nf TwlHI ho.

hr rsqy qy duÈmx bYTf,

grjLF leI ikAuN bMdy inwky rih gey ny. sKq ivgocf aMbr nUM ies gwl df hY, Auwzdy AuWzdy pMCI hux ikAuN bih gey ny. qyry iewk ivsLvfsL shfry quiraF hF,

lok rfj dI lfVI lY gey QYlIsLfh,

jo afp dIaF jo afvdIaF

lwK vyr knyzf af vsIey[[

lwK vyr knyzf af vsIey

Jwt ivwCVy cyqy af jFdy,

hY rIs iksy KuLsLKLbrI dI,

pilaf Auh duÈmx dy vyhVy,

ikhVy rsqy jfvy Auh.

kry iCwk dI rIs AubfsI nf

kI krnI JoiraF lMimaF ny

imly nf ikqoˆ dlfsy ho.

Btkx Btkx cfr cuPyry,

jLKmI hwQ ivwc zor crKVI rih gey ny.

kdI sMg pfrs

AumrF dy drd hMZONidaF nUM,

cfr-Cupyry Gwumy Aus dy ,

ikqoˆ nf imly qswlI hoo.

sVkF kMZy ruwK hirafly ikDr gey,

CvIafˆ aqy gMzfsy ho.

dIaF vwtIaF dy

duÈmx vwzy duÈmx Coty,

kI dwsxf kwlH dy jMimaF ny

iek ctfn pwQr dI BfrI,

imq nf imilafˆ koeI ho.

rlL skdy qFbf kFsI nf

nf afAux brobr aqrF dy,

iek lUx dI zwlI ho.

iksyy nfl nf hovy ijhVI,

duÈmx dy Gr hoeI mMgxI,

ies bUty nfl hoeI ho.

aklF vfly hfAuky Brdy rih gey ny. sfzI awD asmfny guwzI boa hoewI,

muwZ ivcfry kwl m kwly rih gey ny.

drd dI dOlq

lwK lfz lzfvy by-sLwk dI,

sO boqlF hox sLrfb dIaF

iewk mYN hF AujfV jgHf df iewk nF

kry mF dIaF rIsF mfsI nf

lwK vyr knyzf af vsIey[[

ijwQy afAuNdf nhIEN koeI BfvyN bxI hoeI srF.

nhIN rIsF aMimRq bUMd dIaF

cfhy swqr hovx cfnxIaF

gurdIp burj

duÈmx Gry ivafihaf ho. “srfˆ ” bUtVf sV swuk cwilaf, duÈmx nMU Auh zolI pf ky, Gr afpxy lY afieaf ho.

ijMd jhfno cwlI ho.

GuMz cuwk jd duÈmx qwikaf,

hoeI gwl kvwlI ho.

iewQy vgdy hoey pfxI ivwc lfAuNdf nf koeI qfrI

cfhy ndIaF vgx sLrfb dIaF nf idn sMg rIsF rfq dIaF

iewQy rihMdf AuhdI pYN jFdI drdF nfl XfrI

suwkf pwqf

lwK vyr knyzf af vsIey[[[ nhIN sMiDaf rIsF kr skdI,

jspfl irsLI kiVafl mYN iek swukf pwq vy swjxf. jfN koeI pf dy Kq vy swjxf,

iewQy vwKrf eI Bys Xfro, vwKrI iPjLf iewQy mihMigaF KfbF df Xfro bldf isvf iewQy awKF dI AuzIk kdy muwkdI nhIN igwly nYxF coN qps kdy swukdI nhIN eys dunIaF c BuwK qy ipafs koeI nhIN iewQy sKI nhINE koeI qy inrfsL koeI nhIN eys dunIaF c jo vI koeI pYr af ky pfAuNdf pihlF drd dI dOlq nUM sIny lfAuNdf gurdIp iewQy ipafr ijhVf gmF nfl pfAuNdf eys dunIaF coN bfhr Xfro kdy vI nhIN afAuNdf

koeI duwD nhIN

idn cVHdy dI pRBfq dIaF

mF dy dwuD vrgf,

kdy hox brobrqfeIaF nf

koeI iGE nhIN

gIqF sMg nklI bfq dIaF

Gr dy iGE vrgf

sB jwg dI DrqI nhIN krdI

nhIN cfcf qfieaf dy skdf,

kdy rIsF BUmI mfq dIaF

suK afp dy sky ipE vrgf

dws guldOdI gurmyl isMGf

lwBF Gr dI Cwq vy swjxf TMZIaF TMZIaF vgx hvfvF

koeI puwqrF vrgf myvf nhIN

ikvyN rIsF krU gulfb dIaF

mYN iek swukf pwq vy swjxf.

sohxIaF sohxIaF

dyKo bfg aMgUrF isEN vrgf

lwK vyr knyzf af vsIey,

son sinhrI sI sB rfqF,

msq adfvF

nf rIsF aMbr vyl kry

nhIN rIsF dys pMjfb dIaF

muwkI ies dI rwq vy swjxf. mYN iek swukf pwq vy swjxf. hrf Brf tihxI sI lwgf

pRdysF dy ivc afAuxf aOKf,

cuwkI sI myrI awq vy swjxf. rihxf ieQy lwgdf ijvyN DoKf kx kx dy ivc jIvn Biraf

jI krdf ey mfr AuzfrI

lwgdf sI sB hiraf Biraf ipMz dI mfxf swQ vy swjxf hux mYN iek jugnMU bxky

mYN iek swukf pwq vy swjxf.

bwuJdy sI sB mn dIaF bfqF idl qy lVdf swp vy swjxf Auzky af jf pMCI bxky

mYN iek swukf pwq vy swjxf. PAGE 33


ipwCly hPqy dI bfkI jy koeI Aus nUM AulHfmf idMdf qF Auh agly dy glL pY jFdf, AulHfmf dyx vfly koloN KihVf CzfAuxf aOKf ho jFdf. Auh mwlo mwlIdI lVHfeI muwl lYNdf. lok Aus koloN pfsf vwt ky lMGdy, Aus dI idwK hI hux bdmfsLF vrgI lgdI sI. KyqF ivwc iPrdf Auh iqwqr btyr aqy shy mfr mfr KfNdf. iewk idn Auh afpxf iewjV mOly vflI jUh vwl lY igaf. qF Aus ny EQy ibwlI mfrF nUM awg Auwpr ibwl BuMnidaF dyiKaf, Auh vI AuhnF kol BYT ibwly dy mfs bfry gwlF krn lwgf. Aus dI Auqsukqf nUM BFp AuhnF Aus nUM mfs Kfx leI sulfh mfrI qF AUsny ibnF iJjk AuhnF kolLoN mfs vflLf kOlf PV ilaf. Aus nuM ibwly df mfs bVf suafdI lwgf. bs, Aus udn mgroN ielfky dy ibwilaF dI sLfmq af geI. ijwQy ikqy vI koeI ibwlf Aus dy njLrIN pY jFdf Auh Aus nUM mfr ky hI sfh lYNdf. Auh ibwly Kf Kf ky sfl ivwc hI bfHV ibwly vrgf ho igaf. BfvyN qlokf nisLaF df afdI qF nf hoieaf pr nisLaF qoN dUr vI nhI irhf. jdoN kdI icwq krdf isgrt df sUtf lf lYNdf. jy kdI amlI zozy pI irhf huMdf qy Aus nuM sulfh mfr lYNdf qF Auh nfNh nF krdf. sLrfb qF AUh afm hI Gry kwZ lYNdf sI. sLrfb pI ky iksy nf iksy nfl JgVf shyV lYNdf. iewk do vfr puils qoN kuwt vI Kf cuwikaf sI. ieho ijhI ijLMdgI bqIq kridaF Auh awTqI sfl nUM ho Zuwikaf sI pr Aus df ivafh nhIN sI ho sikaf. qloky dy mn dy iksy kony ivwc vI rIJ pnpdI sI ik Aus df ivafh hovy. Aus dy vI bfl bwcy hox, qy Auh vI afpxy dfdy dy Brf dy prvfr vFg lokF ivwc siqkfr hfsl kry. lok Aus vfry gwlF krn, “ahu jFdf beI knUMnIaF df qrlok ishuM ijhny afpxy pVdfdy dI rwK idKfeI. pr Ausdf awKV suBfa aqy lokF ivwc vYlI puxy df roab pwtI nf bMnHx idMdf. iewk idn igMdr JtkeI bwkry KrIdx Aus kol afieaf qF qloky ny afpxy mn dI gwl Aus nfl sFJI kIqI, “ Xfr igMdrf, qUM qF sfry ipMz ivwc qurdf iPrdf rihnY. sO qyrf jfxU af. ikqy myrf vI qopf Brf Cwz. “lY, ieh gwl qUM pihlF ikAuN nf kIqI. mY qF smJdf sI ik qUM sLfhI jIvn ijAux ivwc eI KusL aYN. “neIN Xfr, ieh gwl nhIN, myrf vI jIa krdY ik myry Gr vI rOxk hovy. ies Gr ivwc bwicaF dIaF iklkfrIaF vwjx, afpF ivafh jLrUr krvfAuxY BfvYN dYVF vflF ikwlf gihxy nF krnf pvy. “”koeI gwl eI nI. ajy ikhVf qyrI Aumr Zl cwlI aY. dyKx nUM qF qUM pwcIaF sflF df lgdYN. “pr kuVI kuafrI hovy. ivDvf jF CuwtV nf mwQy mVH dyvIN. “qUM iPkr nf kr”, PAGE 34

The Patrika 

Friday, Aug 10th, 2018

afpxf afpxf surg

jrnYl qloky vwloN ivafh dI gwl CyVn qy igMdr nUM snHyrF vfly bKqOry dI BqIjI df iKafl af igaf. iewk vfr bKqOry ny vI igMdr nUM ikhf sI iksy loV vMd ijhy jwt dy Gr dI dws pfeIN. apF pflU dI kuVI bfroN AuTfAuxI aYN. dfnI kMjrI qF kuVI nUM afvdy rfh qorn nUM iPrdI aY. Aus idn igMdr ibnF sOdf kIiqaF hI qloky koloN do bwkry lY afieaf aqy agly idn idn hI snHyrIN clf igaf. bKqOr qF iqafr hI sI. igMdr ny dfnI nUM vI mnf ilaf. ibnF iksy dy kMnI iBxk ipaF qloky df ivafh pwkf ho igaf. igMdr ny qloky nUM icqfvnI krvf idwqI sI ik BfnImfrF qoN hr hflq bcxf hY. eys ivafh dI Kbr jdoN jMg isMG ny svyry svyry sMqy nUM suxfeI qF jMg isMG dy mUMh vwl hI ivhMdf rih igaf ijvyN Aus ny jwgoN qyrHvIN kr idwqI hovy. lok ikafs arFeIaF kr dy rhy qy qloky dy Gr Cxn Cxn krdI suKvMq kOr suwKo af geI. suwKo ny afAuNidaF hI Gr sFB ilaf. Aus ny BfgF nUM vfVI dI sPfeI qoN agFh nf vDx idwqf. guaFZxF ny qloky dy lwCxF qy vihbqF bfry dwisaf qF AunHy sux ky hws Cwizaf pr Auh soGI jLrUr ho geI aqy afpxy cMgy vrqfry nfl qloky nUM iswDy rfh pfAux df PYslf kr ilaf. hux suwKo dy Gr af jfx kfrn hux qlokf vI pihlF vflLf qlokf nhIN irhf sI. Auh sLrfb bhuq Gwt pINdf. jy kdy pINdf vI qF pI ky pihlF vFg llkfry nf mfrdf. hux Auh iksy nfl lVdf vI nf qy JgVy qoN pfsf vwt lYNdf. ies smyN suwKo dI mF dfnI keI vfr AuhnF nUM imlx afeI pr suwKo ny AUs nuM bhuqf mUMh nf lfieaf. Auh jdoN dI ivafhI afeI sI muV ky pykIN nhIN sI geI. mF ny keI vfr suwKo nUM afiKaf ik Auh snHyrI af ky rihx aqy AuwQoN dI jLmIn dI dyK Bfl krn. eyQy Auhnf df kI ipaf hY. pr suwKo tflf vwt jFdI. Auh afpxI mF nUM qloky nfl bhuqIaF gwlF vI nf krn dyNdI. jdoN vI dfnI AuhnF nUM imlx jFdI qF suwKo nUM sfrI rfq nINd nf afAuNdI. Aus dy awKF awgy pyky Gr dI hoxI df iBafnk idRsL cwkr kwtx lwg jFdf. ijvyN Aus ny sux rwiKaf sI ik Aus dI mF dy mqyr bfp ny Aus nfl njfiej sMbMD bxf ley sn. jdoN Aus nUM afpxy bfp df zr nf irhf qF Auh bfhr KulH KHyzI. ivafh hox mgroN vI Asu dy Xfr bylI, koeI nf koeI irsLqydfrI dws ky Aus dy shurIN gyVf mfrn lwgy ijs df suwKo dy ipAu pflU nUM koeI ielm nhIN sI. ieh islslf bVI dyr cldf irhf. ieMnHF sflF ivwc iCMdI aqy suwKo df jnm hoieaf. aKIr jdoN pflU nUM aslIaq df pqf lwgf qF Gr ivwc klysL rihx lwgf. iew k idn Au h nF dy Gr iew k prfhu x f afieaf ijs nM dfnI afpxy mfmy df puwqr dwsdI huMdI sI. Aus idn pflU ny Aus dI cMgI syvf kIqI. pflU aqy Gr afieaf prfhuxf

isMG syKf iewk kmry ivwc sON gey aqy dfnI kuVIaF kol pY geI. sLrfb df rwijaf pflU CyqI hI gUVHI nINd sON igaf. awDI ku rfq jdoN Aus dI awK KulHI qF prfhuxy nuM afpxy mMjy Aupr nf dyK AUnUM Jwt sLwk pY igaf qy Auh dwby pYrIN dUjy kmry ivwc igaf. Aus nUM dfnI nfl ipaf dyK pflU dy swqIN kwpVIN awg lwg geI. Aus ny prfhuxy nUM jUMizaF qoN PV ilaf. svyry sdyhF hI lokF ny dfnI dy vYx suxy. guaFZI Bwj ky AuhnF dy Gr afey. AUhnF mMjy Auwpr pflU dI lfsL peI dyKI. dfnI dy dwsx anusfr pflU rfqIN sLrfb pI ky ipaf sI. bs bhuqI sLrfb pIx mgroN suwqf hI rih igaf. ieh qF bhqu icr mgroN isLMdI ny suwKo nuM dwisaf, “Aus rfq mfmy qy bfpU df JgVf hoieaf sI. bfpU nUM byby qy mfmf DUa ky dUjy koTy ivwc lY gey sI. Pyr pqf nhIN kI hoieaf bfpU nUM svyry miraf ipaf hI dyiKaf. pflU dy mrn mgroN qF dfnI dIaF vFgF pUrI qrHF iZwlIaF ho geIaF. BfvyN ik pflU df vwzf Brf bKqOrf awz sI Pyr vI Aus ny Gr dI iewjLq ruldI dyK dfnI nUM bVf smJfieaf. kuVIaF dy BwivK df vfsqf vI pfieaf aqy iewk vfr aMdr vfV ky Aus dI kuwt mfr vI kIqI pr Auh afpxy lwCxF qoN bfj nf afeI. Aultf AunHy bKqOry nUM puils kol PVvf idwqf. Aus mgroN dohF dI bol bfxI bMd ho geI. kuVIaF dy jvfnI ivwc pYr Drn qy isLMdI qF mF vfly rfh hI qur peI pr suwKo Aupr pqf nhIN iks df asr sI ik Auh bhuqf hI sLrmfkl qy lwjvfn sI. jdoN vI UAhnF dy Gr koeI af jfNdf qF Auh aMdr vV ky ksIdf kwZx lwg jFdI . mF rokidaF tokidaF vI afpxI qfeI kol clI jFdI. Auh mF dy afKy Gwt hI lwgdI. dfnI ny afpxI psMd df muMzf tolH ky isMdI df ivafh kr idwqf aqy Aus nUM Gr jvfeI bxf ilaf. prfhuxf isLMdI dI mF nfl bhuqf myl rwKdf sI. isLMdI Gr ivwc klysL pfeI rwKdI. iewk do vfr prfhuxy ny isLMdI nUM kutfpf vI kIqf mF dIaF momoTgxIaF qy pqI dI kuwt ny isLMdI aMdr kroD dI awg BVkf idwqI. iewk idn jdoN mF vFZy geI hoeI sI isLMdI ny pqf nhIN kwuJ Kfxy ivwc imlfieaf jF kI kIqf ik svyry dohF nUM iewko mMjy Auwpr mry pey dyiKaf. dfnI dy ipMz muVn qoN pihlF hI lfsLF qfxy phuMc geIaF. Gr dI ieh hoxI icqv ky suwKo Dur aMdr qwk kMb jFdI. Aus nUM Auh idn vI Xfd afieaf jdoN iewk idn rsoeI ivwc bYTI suwKo nUM iewk bMdy ny ipwCoN dI af jwPI pfeI aqy Aus nuM cuMmx lwgf. suwKo ny AnUM Dwkf dy ky ipCfh suwitaf aqy BfrI pIqI Bwj ky mF kol geI aqy Aus nuM sfrI gwl dwsI pr mF ny awgo hws ky kih idwqf, “qyrf eys nfl ivafh nf kr dyeIey? suwKo ny vI lfl pIlI huMidaF kih idwqf, “mF, jy qUM eys bMdy jF iksy vI hor nfl myry

ivafh dI gwl kIqI qF mYN KUh ivwc Cfl mfr ky mr jfAUN qy qyry nF icwTI Cwz jfAUN ik mYN afpxI mF dy isr cVH ky mrI aF. awgy qUM bc geI, Pyr neIN qUM bwJI ny Cuwtxf”. mF sLfied suwKo dI DmkI qoN zr geI jF Aus nUM afpxf aMdrlf pflLf hI mfr irhf hovy Pyr nhIN Aus ny ivafh dI gwl kIqI. Gr afieaf koeI bMdf vI Aus vwl burI ingfh nfl dyKx dI jurwq nf krdf. suwKo nUM mF nfl aMqF dI nPrq ho geI sI. hux Auh ibnf iJjk afpxy qfey bKqOry dy Gr clI jFdI aqy afpxI qfeI nMd kOr nfl duK sFJf kr lYNdI. rsoeI ivwc vfprI Aus Gtnf aqy Aus mgroN mF nfl hoeI JVp qy gwl bfq suwKo ny afpxI qfeIN rFhI qfey bKqOry qwk pujdI kr idwqI sI. nMd kOr ny afpxy Gr vfly Auwpr jLor pfieaf, “qUM hI kuVI dy hwQ pIlLy krn df koeI hIlf kr. kuVI afpxy qy mfx krdI aY. Pyr vI afpxy Gr dI iewjLq af. mF qoN prvfhI ho ky Gry afAuNdI aY. bKqOry nUM vI Gr vflLI vwloN khI hoeI gwl TIk lwgI qy Ausny keIaF kol pflU dI kuVI dy irsLqy dI gwl qorI ijnHF ivwcoN iewk igMdr JtkdI vI sI. hux jdoN vI mF suwKo nfl snHyrI jf ky vsx dI gwl krdI qF Aus nUM afpxy BYx BxoeIey df hsLr Xfd af jFdf qy Auh nfNh kr idMdI. aKIr dfnI qloky nUM ikhf, “dyK sfAU, qUM afp isafxf aYN. hux koeI myrI Aumr aY KyqF ivwc Dwky Kfx dI. ipwCoN vI qusIN hI sMBflxI aY. qusIN AuQy jf ky hux pYlLI dI sMBfl ikAuN nhIN krdy? suwKo nfl mYN keI vfr gwl kIqI aY Auh jfx leI nMnf hI PVI bYTI aY. qlokf vI idloN ieho cfhuMdf sI. Auh hux qwk BfvyN iewk ijMLmydfr iensfn bx igaf sI pr ipwT ipwCy lok Aus nUM ajy vI bdmfsL ijhy nF vrqdy. iewQy ipMz ivwc AusdI soa ajy vI cMgI nhIN sI. Auh iewQy rihx nUM nrk smJdf aqy shurIN jf ky KyqI krn nUM locdf pr suwKo koeI pwlLf nf PVfAuNdI. iewk idn Aus ny suwKo nUM ikhf, “ myrI slfh aY iewjV vyc dyeIey, bfhr crfNdF qF rih neIN geIaF”. “cMgI gwl aY, iewjV vyc ky Tyky qy pYlLI lY lLYNdy aF. trYktr nfl vfh ibjvf lvFgy” suwKo ny KusL ho ky hFmIN Br idwqI. “nhIN, myrI slfh aY bIbI sws ny ikMnI vfr AuwQy jfx leI qrly kIqy aY. ikAuN nf afpF snHyrI cwl ky KyqI krIey? eyQy kI ipaf aY? cwl iewQoN nrk ivwcoN inklIey. hyToN AuWqoN zUZ ikwlf aY afpxy kol. ieh vyc ky AuQy hor pYlI jf lvFgy. afpxf qF surg bx jU.” suwKo dIaF awKF ivwcoN cMigafVy inklx lwgy, “ kI ikhf? ieh Gr nrk aY? ieh ipMz nrkY?—Auh myrI mF aY qy mYN Es nUM BlI BFqI jfxdI hF ik Auh kI aY? Pyr AuWQy jfx df nfm vI nf lvIN qloky nUM smJ nhIN sI af rhI ik suwKo nUM ieWQy ikhVf surg idsdf hY.

The Patrika Friday, Aug 10th, 2018



kyjrIvfl vwloˆ muV pMjfb dy ruK df PYslf, Kud sMBflxgy kmfn

Üok sBf `c gUMijaf sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb dI byadbI df mfmlf pMjfb `c sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dy aMgfˆ dI byadbI hoeI. keI sfl bIqx qoˆ bfad vI mfmlf ltk irhf hY. nf doÈI PVy qy nf koeI kfrvfeI hoeI. srkfr Bfvyˆ akflIafˆ dI hovy jfˆ kfˆgrs dI brgfVI kfˆz df mfmlf TMZy bsqy ipaf jfpdf hY. akflI dl dy sfˆsd mYˆbr pRym isMG cMdUmfjrf ny lok sBf `c ies mfmly leI afvfË cuwkI hY. cMdUmfjrf ny ikhf ik kfˆgrs srkfr mfmlf hwl krn `c nfkfmXfb hY . cMdUmfjrf ny ikhf ik ijs qrHfˆ hux ieh mfmlf srkfr vwloˆ sI bI afeI nUM sOˆipaf jf irhf hY, ilhfËf hux ieh hor vI ltk jfvygf.

afm afdmI pfrtI dI pMjfb iekfeI `c KuwlHI bgfvq qoˆ bfad hux pfrtI pRDfn qy idwlI dy muwK mMqrI arivMd kyjrIvfl Kud kmfn sfˆBx dI iqafrI `c hn. sUqrfˆ muqfbk hfl hI `c afp dy pMjfb GtnfkRm nUM dyKidafˆ kyjrIvfl sqMbr-akqUbr `c lgfqfr pMjfb df dOrf krngy. ies dOrfn pfrtI dI pMjfb iekfeI `c vwzf Pyrbdl dyKx nUM iml skdf hY. ies dOrfn Auh òúñù lok sBf coxfˆ leI iqafrIafˆ df jfieËf vI lYxgy . `afp` ivDfiek suKpfl Kihrf nUM ivroDI iDr dy ahudy qoˆ htfey jfx qoˆ bfad Kihrf dy pfrtI ivruwD bfgI qyvr hn.

sfDUafˆ nUM inpuMsk bxfAux dy kys `c rfm rhIm nUM Jtkf

pMckUlf adflq ny Èuwkrvfr nUM zyrf isrsf muKI gurmIq rfm rhIm isMG nUM afpxy sfDUafˆ nUM inpuMsk bxfAux dy mfmly ivwc doÈ afied kr idwqy hn. zyrf muKI ivruwD DoKfDVI,Kqrnfk hiQafrfˆ dI vrqoˆ kridafˆ mfrU Pwt dyx sbMDI Dfrvfˆ qYa hoeIafˆ hn . iËkrXog hY ik zyrf muKI `qy ôúú sfDUafˆ nUM inpuMsk bxfAux df ielËfm hY . ies mfmly ivwc do zfktrfˆ dI nyVlI BUimkf mMnI jf rhI hY.AunHfˆ `qy sfDUafˆ nUM inpuMsk bxfAux leI aprfDk sfËÈ rcx dy doÈ afied hoey hn. òó dsMbr òúñô ivwc ÈRomxI akflI dl krygf ô vwzIafˆ rYÜIafˆ pMjfb hirafxf hfeIkort ny sfDUafˆ nUM inpuMsk bxfAux vfly mfmly dI jfˆc sIbIafeI ÈROmxI akflI dl ny òúñù dIafˆ coxfˆ nUM iDafn ivc rwKidafˆ ô vwzIafˆ pol Kol rYlIafˆ hvfly kIqI sI. dubfrf ÈurU krn df aYlfn kIqf hY akflI dl dy Aup pRDfn zf[ dljIq isMG cImf ny nÈf vycx vfly isafsqdfnfˆ df kro mUMh kflLf: rMDfvf dwisaf ik pihlI kfnPrMs ñõ agsq nUM eIsVU ivc hovygI. Ausny ikhf ik pfrtI dI siQqI mjLbUq krn leI jn-sMprk muihMm nUM hor qyj kIqf jfvygf. pMjfb dy jylH mMqrI suKijMdr rMDfvf ny ikhf hY ik jykr iksy vI ivDfiek jfˆ isaf-

iswKfˆ df ieiqhfs dwsx leI BfeI lOˆgovfl krngy ivÈyÈ Xqn

sqdfn `qy nÈy vycx dy ielËfm lwgdy hn qfˆ Aus df mUMh kflLf krnf cfhIdf hY. rMDfvf ny ikhf lokfˆ nUM jLLuarq nfl KVHy ho ky lIzrfˆ `qy Auˆgl cuwkxI cfhIdI hY ikAuˆik votfˆ pfAux vfilafˆ nUM lIzrfˆ dI jvfbdyhI df pUrf aiDkfr hY. ies leI jykr lIzr glq ÈRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI dy pRDfn BfeI goibMd isMG lOˆgovfl ny dwisaf ik vwK kMm krdy hn qfˆ lokfˆ kol AunHfˆ nUM puwCx df zYmokRyitk aiDkfr hY. rMDfvf ny ikhf ik vwK dyÈfˆ ivc pCfx nUM lY ky iswK BfeIcfry AWupr ho rhy nslI hmilaf nUM rokx leI jylH ivwc bMd nÈy dy afdI kYdIafˆ leI mYzItyÈn qy Xog klfsfˆ ÈurU kIqIafˆ jfxgIafˆ. aYs[jI[pI[ sI[ iek ivÈyÈ pusqk iqafr krvfky sB dyÈfˆ dy dUq Grfˆ nUM ByjygI, qfˆ AunHfˆ ikhf ik iËilHafˆ muqfbk mfihrfˆ nfl gwlbfq cwl rhI hY qfˆ ik kYdIafˆ df iDafn nÈy qoˆ htf ky mYzItyÈn qy Xogf vfly pfsy lfieaf jf sky. ñõ agsq qoˆ jylH ivwc ik iswKfˆ aqy iswK Drm bfry Brm dUr ho skx. klfsfˆ ÈurU kIqIaf jfxgIaf.

Kihrf DVy df BgvMq mfn nUM do tuwk jvfb

afm afdmI pfrtI dy bfgI DVy ny aYlfn kIqf hY ik AunHfˆ nUM BgvMq mfn df pfrtI pRDfn bxnf mnËUr nhIˆ. hfeIkmfn BgvMq mfn nUM awgy ilaf ky ivroDI DVy df pwkf bMdobsq krnf cfhuMdI hY pr bfgI lIzr suKpfl Kihrf ny spÈt kr idwqf hY ik jykr BgvMq mfn pfrtI dy pRDfn bxdy qfˆ AunHfˆ nUM mnËUr nhIˆ. ivDfiek kMvr sMDU ny ies bfry qrk idMidafˆ ikhf ik pMjfb dy vlMtIarË ny purfxy Zfˆcy nUM BMg krn df mqf pfs kIqf hY. BgvMq mfn vI Ausy Zfˆcy df iewk ihwsf hn. ies leI Aunfˆ nUM pfrtI pRDfn vjoˆ svIkfr nhIˆ kIqf jf skdf.

akfl qKq nUM afpxy ihwqfˆ leI vrq rhy isafsqdfn

pMjfb dy PrËI trYvl eyjMtfˆ dI pfrlImYˆt `c gUMj pMjfb ivwc PrËI trYvl eyjMsIafˆ qy eyjMtfˆ df muwdf pfrlImYˆt ivwc vI gUMijaf.Bfjpf dy sMsd mYˆbr Èvyq milk ny PrËI trYvl eyjMsIafˆ dI igxqI acfnk vDx df muwdf rfj sBf ivwc cuwkdy hoey srkfr qoˆ ies dI jfˆc krfAux dI mMg kIqI. AunHfˆ ikhf ik PrËI trYvl eyjMsIafˆ vwloˆ gYrkfnUMnI qrIky nfl lokfˆ nUM ivdyÈ Byjx dI smwisaf gMBIr huMdI jf rhI hY. AunHfˆ ikhf aiDkfrq rUp ivwc isrP ññúú rijstrz trYvl eyjMt hn. jdoˆik pUry rfj ivwc PrËI eyjMsIafˆ dI Brmfr hY.

iswDU ny kIqI rfhul gfˆDI nfl mulfkfq, pr mIzIaf nUM nf idwqf koeI surfg

isafsqdfnfˆ vwloˆ afpxy Pfiedy leI akfl qKq sfihb dI vrqoˆ krn dy mfmly `qy bolidaF pRiswD KyqIbfVI arQ-ÈfsqrI qy sYˆtrl XUnIvristI, biTMzf dy cfˆslr srdfrf isMG jOhl ny ikhf ik iswK Drm dy sB qoˆ Auwcy sQfn akfl qKq sfihb nUM isafsqdfnfˆ qoˆ afËfd krfAux dI ÜoV hY .jOhl ny ikhf akfl qKq sfihb qoˆ jQydfr ibnf socy smJy koeI vI PYslf suxf idMdy hn ijvyˆ ik pihlfˆ rfm rhIm nUM mfPI idwqI geI qy iPr muafPInfmf vfps lY ilaf . jOhl ny ikhf ik jQydfr iesfeI Drm dy pop dy brfbr df drjLf rwKdy hn pr AunHfˆ dI cox leI koeI Auwicq mfpdMz hI nhIˆ. AunHfˆ ikhf ik jQydfr vI pop dI qrHfˆ hI cuxy jfxy cfhIdy hn.

kfˆgrs dy kYbint mMqrI nvjoq iswDU ny rfhul gfˆDI nfl mulfkfq kIqI. mulfkfq qoˆ bfad iswDU ny vwzf ibafn idMidaf ikhf ik iswDU dI iÈkfieq huMdI hY pr iswDU iksy dI iÈkfieq nhIˆ krdf. iswDU ny ikhf ik iÈkfieq kmËor lok krdy hn. AunHfˆ qoˆ vfr vfr mIzIaf ny puwiCaf ik AunHfˆ dI rfhul nfl kI gwlbfq hoeI hY qfˆ iswDU ny ikhf ik rfhul sfzy lIzr hn qy mYˆ AunHfˆ nfl hoeI gwl nhIˆ dws skdf. jdoˆ mIzIafˆ ny iswDU nUM ikhf ik qusIˆ kYptn dI iÈkfieq krky afey ho qfˆ iswDU ny mIzIafˆ `qy vrHidafˆ ikhf ik ijs skUÜ `c qusIN pVHdy ho mYˆ AuwQoˆ df zfierYktr rih cuwkf hfˆ.

zyrf isrsf df most vfˆitz dboicaf

Kihrf dy smrQn `c afey gurpRIq GuwgI

pMckUlf ihMsf mfmly ivwc puils ny õú hËfr dy ienfmI qy most vfˆitz gulfb isMG nUM PV ky vwzI kfmXfbI hfsl kIqI hY. gulfb isMG nUM ËIrkpur qoˆ igRPqfr kIqf igaf hY . ipCly keI idnfˆ qoˆ puils Aus dI Bfl kr rhI sI . hirafxf puils qy sIafeIzI dIafˆ keI tImfˆ iqMn idnfˆ qoˆ ËIrkpur qy afspfs dy ielfky ivwc alrt `qy sn . ÈnIvfr ijvyˆ hI Auh iewk afto ivwcoˆ AuWqiraf, puils ny Ausy vyly Aus nUM dboc ilaf. Xfd rhy ik gulfb isMG qy pMckulf ivwc dMgy PYlfAux df ielËfm hY . zyrf muKI rfm rhIm dI õõ mYˆbrI kmytI ivwc gulfb isMG df nfˆ vI Èfml sI .

afm afdmI pfrtI pMjfb dy sfbkf pRDfn gurpRIq GUwgI ny suKpfl Kihrf dy pwK ivwc hfa df nfarf mfiraf hY. gurpRIq GuwgI ny Kihrf nUM pMjfb ihqYÈI lIzr krfr idwqf. hflfˆik, GwugI ny suKpfl Kihrf dI biTMzf ivwc hoeI knvYnÈn ivwc Kud phuMcx qoˆ qfˆ ienkfr kIqf sI pr afp vrkrfˆ qy afm lokfˆ nUM ies rYlI ivwc ËrUr phuMcx df swdf idwqf sI. iËkrXog hY ik suKpfl Kihrf nUM ivroDI iDr dy lIzr vjoˆ htfAux qoˆ bfad afm afdmI pfrtI ivwc Gsmfx iCiVaf hoieaf hY . pMjfb dy keI ivDfiek suKpfl Kihrf df smrQn kr rhy hn qy keI pfrtI hfeIkmfn dy nfl hn. PAGE 35

The Patrika


Friday, Aug 10th, 2018


gurU arjn dyv jI (iek bhu-pwKI sLKLsIaq) arjn dyv jI nUM qwqI qvI qy ibTfieaf, afpxy idl ivwc blL rhy eIrKf dy BFbVF nUM sLFq krn leI Aus ny BwTI ivc awg bflLI. bdly dI Bfvnf ivc AubflL Kf rhy idl nUM sIq krn leI Aus ny gurU arjn dyv jI nUM dygLF ivwc Aubfilaf. ikDry myry sIs qoN Cqr nf lih jfvy. Aus ny gurU arjn dyv jI qy qwqI ryq dy kVCy pfAuxy sLurU kr idwqy. pr Aus df idl iPr vI sV irhf sI Aus dI afqmf iPr vI jlL rhI sI. lfhOr dy gvrnr murqjLF KF nUM kihx lwgf, gurU arjn dyv jI nUM jf ky khu ‘vyiKaf jhFgIr dy kMnF ivc swc dI afvfjL pfAux vflLy Auqy mYN jLulm krn dI ksr nhIN Cwzdf.’ ies df Auwqr soZI kul dy nO inhfl, BfnI mF dy scf so sfihb scu qpfvsu scVf inafAu lfl, sLhIdF dy isrqfj, gurU arjn dyv BfvyN suXog lyKk ny afpxI vloN pUrf Xqn krygu msolf] jI mhFrfj ny ies qrHF idwqfkrky AuhnF dI mhfnqf df mulFkx kIqf hY pr gurU arjn dyv jI df ivakqIqv kfieaf kpVu tuku tuku hosI ihdusqfnu ajy qyry jLulm’c ksr bfkI hY. ieMnf mhfn hY ik Auh lwK Xqn kIiqaF vI smflsI bolf] sLbdF dI pkV ivc nhIN af skdf. sfzI mjLlUm dI afh’c asr bfkI hY. soc df dfierf kyvl ieMnf ku msy hY:afvin aTqrY jfin sqfnvY hour BI AuTsI ikqy qyrf jLbr mwuk jfey nf jLfilm. mrd kf cylf] qU sulqfn khf hAu mIaf qyrI kvn vzfeI] myrf qy ajy kfPI sbr bfkI hY. sc kI bfxI nfnku afKY scu sxfiesI sc jo qU dyih su khf suafmI mY mUrK khxu n kI bylf] ò]ó] õ] ies qrHF anykF qsIihaF nUM shfr ky gurU jfeI] ñ] (aMg ÷òó) arjn dyv jI 30 meI sMn 1606 muqfbk (aMg ÷ùõ) jyT sudI cOQ sMmq 1662 nUM sLhfdq dy ky sLfied bfbr gurU nfnk nUM sLhId kr swcKMz ipafnf kr gey. iksy AurdU dy sLfier df ieh sLyar vI AuhnF idMdf, swc dI avfjL nUM dbfAux vfsqy. dI mhfnqf qy KUb Zuwkdf hY:pr bfdsLfh iksy PkIr dI afh df BfgI iswK Drm ivwc sbr qy jbr dI twkr ivcoN nhIN sI bxnf cfhuMdf. Aus df puwqr hmfXUM iek QIAurI iek ivcfrDfr AugmI, ijs nUM iek aFK sy ikaf bulbulf kul bihr ko sLyr sLfh sUrI kolLoN meI 1540 ivc knOj amlI jfmf gurU hrgoibMd jI ny apnfieaf dyKy. dI lVfeI dy mYdfn ivcoN BFj Kf ky KzUr qy aslI jfmy dy nflL nflL klmI jfmf gurU sfihl ko, mMJDfr ko Xf lihr ko dyKy. afieaf. mksd sfPL sI ik myry ipqf ny goibMd isMG jI ny— vI gurU nfnk sfihb jI dI rUhfnI sLkqI gurU arjn dyv jI nUM pRfpq hoey mhfn nUM kbUilaf sI, mYN AuhnF dy jfnsLIn qoN cUM-kfr ajL hmh hIlqy dr gujLsq, ivrsy ny qy AunHF dy afpxy mhfn jIvn- asLIrvfd lvF. awgy gurU aMgd dyv jI Coty krqvF ny AunHF dy smyN ivwc hI smfjk, Coty bwicaF dI kusLqI vyKx ivwc mgn sn. hlfl asq burdn b-sLmsLIr dsq. rfjnIqk qy Dfrimk Kyqr ivc ienklfb hmfXUM ny afpxI hwqk smJI ik iek PkIr (Bfv jdoN sLFqmeI dy sfry vsIly twp jfx lY aFdf sI. AuhnF dI sLhfdq hI ies gwl ny myrf AuWTky siqkfr ikAuN nhIN kIqf? qF qlvfr hwQ ivc PVnI Drm hY.) guwsy ivwc imafn ivcoN qlvfr iKHwc leI, dI sLhfdq (gvfh) hY. mYN ies gusqfKL PLkIr df isr klm kr vkq dI njLfkq nUM smJidaF aMimRqsr qoN gurU arjn dyv jI dI sLhfdq qoN bfad idaFgf. gurU aMgd dyv jI ny isrP eynf lfhOr nUM qurn vyly jo AupdysL gurU arjn CyvyN siqgurU hrgoibMd jI ny vkq dI afiKaf, ‘bfdsLfh! bhfdrI nflL lVn dI dyv jI ny afpxy spuwqr CyvyN gurU hrgoibMd njLfkq pihcfxidaF qy ipqf gurU jI dy QF qUM mYdfin-jMg ivwcoN qlvfr suwt ky Bwj sfihb jI nUM idwqf Auh sMKyp qOr qy ies bcnF qy pihrF dyNidaF mIrI qy pIrI dIaF afieaf hYN qy hux qYnUM PLkIrF qy qlvfr qrHF hY:do qlvfrF Dfrn krky sLfhI slqnq nfl clfAuNidaF sLrm nhIN afAuNdI?’ qy hmfXUM twkr lf idwqI. smkflI lyKk muihsnPLfnI nUM sLrm af geI. AusdI qlvfr jLmIn qy ‘bytf afAux vflLf smF inrf mflf df nhIN dI ilKq nUM aDfr mMnky qy AusdI ilKq izwg peI qy isr gurU dy crnF qy izwg ipaf. hovygf. mflLf dI rwiKaf vfsqy Bflf vI dy glq arQ kwZky agFh mwKI qy mwKI hmfXUM swc dI afvfjL sux ky suMn ho igaf. lfjLmI ho igaf hY. jLflmF dy nfsL leI qy mfrn vFg keI ieiqhfskfrF ny keI tply sLhfdq huMdI huMdI ruwk geI. pr gurU arjn DrmI pursLF dI rwiKaf leI mIrI qy pIrI lgfey hn. kuJ iek ny jfxky, kuJ iek ny dyv jI dy smyN swc dI avfjL bhuq bulMd ho dIaF do qlvfrF pihnxIaF. asIN hux jf gLlq PihmI df isLkfr ho ky qy kuJ iek ny cuwkI sI. pMjfb dy byilaF, ngrF, sLihrF, rhy hF ieh pihlI twkr sbr qy jbr afpxI kOm nUM brI krvfx dI nIXq nflL phfVF qy mYdfnF ivcoN hr pfisEN swc dI ivckfr hovygI. pr sfzy KUn nflL vI jy keI ilcigVwcIaF ilK mfrIaF hn. ijhnF afvfjL gUMj rhI sI. gurU nfnk sfihb jI Aus df isafh mn Aujlf nf hoieaf, jy df qfqprj ieh hY ik gurU nfnk sfihb qy AuhnF dy jFnsLInF ny ijs suqMqr ivcfr Aus df pwQr idl nf ipGilaf jy Aus ny jI ny inrol BgqI dI inrml Dfrf vgfeI Dfrf nUM jnm idwqf Auh swcy acfr dI kuwK qsLwdd dy GoVy nUM lgfm nf idwqI qF iPr sI, ijsdf CyvyN gurU ny qlvfrF qy ZflF ivcoN AugmI. vkq df bfdsLfh bONdl igaf qusIN qlvfr nflL jfbr df mUMh BMnxf. KUh nfl lVfeIaF dI kMD pf ky vihx mfrUQlF Aus ny afpxy idl nUM TMzHf krn leI gurU ivcoN pfxI kwZx leI gfgr dy glL rwsf vl nUM kr idwqf qy ieh lihr qlvfr dI CF hyT af ky dm qoV geI. hkIkq iesdy iblkul Ault hY. swc kihxf qy suxnf dovyN aOKy hn qy jyhVf swc kih nhIN skdf Auh dInF df bfdsLfh bxn df hwkdfr nhIN. dIn dy pfqsLfh ny AuWcI sur ivc swc alfipaf “Now appeared on the scene a man, jyhnUM dunI df bfdsLfh sux nf sikaf. swc who was a born poet, a practical dI afvfjL nUM jylH ivc bMd kr idwqf. gurU philosopher, a powerful engineer, and ny swc ikhfa great statesman.” sfihb ky gux nfnku gfvY mfs purI ivic (Bfv hux Auh afdmI (gurU arjn dyv afKu msolf] jI) sfhmxy afieaf jo jmFdrU kvI, amlI icMqk, mjLbUq jQybMdk aqy mhfn ijin AupfeI rMig rvfeI bYTf vyKY viK iekylf] isafsqdfn sI.) su pRiswD ieiqhfskfr zfktr gokl cMd nfrMg ny afpxI pusqk Transformation of Sikhism ivc gurU dyv jI dI bhupwKI sLkLsIaq nUM ienHF sLbdF ivc aMikq kIqf hY:-


igafnI kyvl isMG inrdosL

pfxf hI pYNdf hY. kflLy swp dI isrI nUM imD ky hI mxI pRfpq ho skdI hY. iqlLF ivcoN qyl bgLYr GfxI ivc pIiVaF pRfpq nhIN huMdf. nfrIal nUM BMn ky hI grI bfhr kwZI jf skdI hY. iesy qrHF by-muKF, aiqafcfrIaF nUM lohy nflL hI soiDaf nf skdf hY qy aijhf krnf Drm hYijAu kir KUhhu inklY gil bDy pfxI] ijAu mix kfly sp isir his dyie n jfxI] jfx kQUrI imrg qin mir mukY afxI] qyl iqlhu ikAuN inklY ivxu pIVy GfxI] ijAuN muhu BMny grI dy nlIeyru insfxI] bymuKy lohf sfDIaY vgdI vfdfxI] ñó] (vfrF BfeI gurdfs jI, pMnf óô) “by-mqlb kImqI ijLMdgfnIaF sLfNqmeI siqafrgRih krky gvfx df koeI Pfiedf nhIN hovygf. pr ies gwl df hmysLF iKafl rwKxf ik ijwQy jhFgIr dI qlvfr ijMLdgIaF Kqm krn leI cwl rhI hY AuQy quhfzI ikrpfn suXog zfktr dI nsLqr vFg cwly. asIN sLhId hox jf rhy hF. sLhIdF df KUn kdy ajLfeIN nhIN jFdf ieh ijwQy zuwlHygf DrqI dI ihwk qy Cfly pf dyvygf. hr iek Dfrimk sLhfdq rfjsI kuitl-nIqwgF dI mOq df pYgLfm huMdI hY. swcy sLhId dy pivwqr KUn dy qupky Drm df aMkur huMdy hn.” jo vI pRvcn gurU arjn dyv sfihb jI ny aMiqm smyN jfx lwigaF khy, Auh awKrawKr swc inklLy. AuhnF dI sLhfdq ny iswK kOm df BivwK snihrf kr idwqf. ieiqhfs df ividafrQI ieh pVHky hYrfn ho jFdf hY ik muwdqF qoN qlvfr vfhuMdy af rhy bkfiedf tRyinMg ivc inpuMn mugLlF nflL, jnm qoN qlvfr dy ax-aiDkfrI qy axiswKy iswKF ny siqgurF dy kysrI insLfn Qwly iekwqr ho ky mugLl hkUmq ivruwD cfr lVfeIaF lVIaF qy cOhF ivc hI Piqh pRfpq kIqI. ieh pfvn KLUn dI krfmfq hI sI. iksy sLfier ny ikMnf suMdr iliKaf hYibrQf nhIN sLhIdF df KUn jFdf, jd ieh zuwlHdf juwg pltf dyNdf. ieho KuUn bfrUd dI icxg bxky, sIny jjLibaF dy BFbV lf dyNdf. ieho cVHy qUPfnF nUM sLFq krdf, ikDry eyho Bucfl ilaf dyNdf. ieho KUn mnuwKqf leI tIkf, kOmF mrdIaF ivc jfn pf dyNdf.

The Patrika

Friday, Aug 10th, 2018



Wanted to make a movie that was inclusive, real : Sonam Actress Sonam Kapoor has thanked music artiste Leo Kalyan for liking her latest film "Veere Di Wedding". She said that the film's team wanted to make a movie which was real and inclusive.The British-Pakistani musician, who is gay, had tweeted: "Okay, so I thought 'Veere Di Wedding' was the most progressive, well-rounded and three dimensional representation of both women and queer people that I have ever seen in mainstream Bollywood. Plus, it was classic feel-good vibes." To which, Sonam replied "I am so happy you feel that way Leo! We wanted to make a movie that was inclusive and real, thank you for your words." Directed by Shashanka Ghosh, "Veere Di Wedding", a female buddy film, also stars Swara Bhasker, Kareena Kapoor Khan and Shikha Talsania. "Veere Di Wedding" centres around the wedding of a girl named Kalindi and her friends Avni, Sakshi and Meera.

I do what I do without any ill will and malice : Ranveer In his eight-year-long journey in the Hindi film industry, Ranveer Singh has tasted immense success with blockbusters like Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram-Leela, Bajirao Mastani and Padmaavat. The actor says attaining this stardom comes with a “small” price to pay. Popularly known as Bollywood’s livewire, Ranveer made his acting debut in 2010 with the hit film Band Baaja Baaraat. Since then, he has starred in movies like Ladies vs Ricky Bahl, Lootera and Dil Dhadakne Do among many others which did well at the box office. Asked if he agrees stardom comes with a price tag, Ranveer said in an e-mail interview from Mumbai: “Yes, but my point of view is that it is a small price to pay. I feel very lucky and blessed that I’m one of those people who is getting to do what I love to do for a living and I could not ask for more.”Ranveer Singh's 83 to hit theaters in 2020 Ranveer Singh will be next seen in ’83. With big and diverse projects like Simmba, Gully Boy and ’83, Ranveer, 32, has no reason to complain.“I’m doing good work, apart from other aspects," she I’ve collaborated with the finest says.

John didn't make me feel like a newcomer : Aisha Sharma Set to make her Bollywood debut in Milap Zaveri's Independence Day release, Satyameva Jayate, Aisha Sharma says co-star John Abraham was a delight to collaborate with. "He is the easiest actor to work with, and did not, for once, [disregard] me because I was a newcomer," says Abraham's on-screen love interest, who plays a vet, also a social crusader.The former calendar girl has featured alongside industry bigwigs like Varun Dhawan, who she paired with in a footwear ad, and in the

music video Ik Vaari in 2016 with Ayushmann Khurrana. Sister of Tum Bin 2 (2016) actor Neha Sharma, she bagged the role following a round of auditions. "I was called by casting director Jogiji [Jogi Mallang] to audition for the film. He has always been supportive. When I wouldn't bag any role in the past, he would urge me to keep trying. Luckily, producer Nikkhil Advani and Milap Zaveri liked my audition tape, and I was eventually cast in it." A series of acting workshops ensued. "I had to work on my scenes and voice modulation,

I've enjoyed every moment on sets : Disha Patani

Disha Patani, who has started shooting for Salman Khan starrer Bharat expressed her excitement on working with ace choreographer Vaibhavi Merchant. After the blockbuster success of Baaghi 2, Disha Patani is now set to steal the hearts of the audience as a trapeze artist in her upcoming

next Bharat. The shoot for the film has already begun and the actress has been piquing the interests of the audience by sharing insights into her shooting schedule. Recently, Disha Patani and Salman Khan wrapped the shoot of a song for the film, which is choreographed by Vaibhavi Merchant. Touted to be a proper Bollywood number, the song includes extensive dance routine with a few action sequences in a circus set up. Interestingly, Disha Patani has been a huge admirer of Vaibhavi Merchant and was extremely excited to work with the choreographer for the upcoming film. The actress said, "I have seen a lot of Vaibhavi's songs and have been a huge fan of hers.

filmmakers in the business, I’m a part of some exciting stories that are there to be told and I’m a part of some of the largest projects. So, the work is good.

Actor Aparshakti Khurana, who was romantically linked with his Dangal co-star Fatima Sana Shaikh, says link-up rumours don't affect him at all. He also hinted that the two might be working together

Link-up rumours don't affect me : Aparshakti Khurana again.The two actors were spotted together several times in the last few weeks leaving many wondering what's brewing between them. Asked if they are working on a project together, Aparshakti said "There might be something in the pipeline. Will know in a couple of months."As far as link-up rumours are concerned, he said: "They don't affect me at all because these are rumours. Plus Sanya (Malhotra) and Fatima are close enough to my wife (Aakriti Ahuja) for her to understand the equation."On the work front, he is excited about this month as three of his films are releasing. Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi is slated to release on August 24. This will be followed by Stree, which will hit the theatres on August 31. He will also be seen in Leena Yadav's Rajma Chawal, which is releasing on the same day as Stree. So does he think he has made a mark in Bollywood? "This is for the audience to decide. According to me, there is a long way to go," he said. He has also joined the cast of Luka Chuppi, starring Kriti Sanon and Kartik Aaryan. "My

character's name is Abbas. I am the one who has the solution for every situation. Kartik and Kriti kind of blindly trust this guy," said Aparshakti. He has shared screen space with actors like Aamir Khan, Rajkummar Rao and Rishi Kapoor. Did he ever feel overshadowed by them? "Honestly, all the three actors are so giving that you never get that feeling. It's been such a pleasure working with them," he said.It's not like he was never offered a solo film."In the past two years, a few scripts came my way for a solo lead. But I am looking only for a content-driven role for a solo lead as well. One thing that I have realised is that these transitions take time so, I am just being patient," said the brother of actor Ayushmann Khurrana.Aparshakti said the brothers will "definitely work together, but one thing is for sure that we have to organically fit into our parts. We never do things just for the heck of it".He also shared that there is "something which I am about to sign and is going to be very very special".


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The Patrika

Friday, Aug 10th, 2018


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Friday, Aug 10th, 2018

The Patrika 




The Patrika

Friday, Aug 10th, 2018


bwcy Kyz ivc kI iswKdy hn? # 1- afAUtzor KyHz - bwicafˆ nUM AunHfˆ dy ijvNy ijLp lgfEuxf, btn lgfEuxf aqy tfeI afly duafly dy kudrqI sMsfr dI pVcol bMnHxf, nfm ilKxf leI ikvyˆ mdd krygf[ krn, soDx aqy AunHfˆ dI kdr krn dy iewk # 5 - ÈIÈy ijvyˆ ik moqIafˆ dI mflf aqy klpnfk mOky pRdfn kro[ kTpuqlIafN dIafˆ awKfˆ bxfAux nfl bwicafˆ # 2 - bwcy dy vwzy mfspyÈI (gors motr), nUM ihsfb aqy rMgfˆ bfry iswKx df mOkf hwQ aqy awK df qflmyl aqy krfs vfly imldf hY (swjy hwQ, Kwby hwQ dy) hunr nUM ivksq # 6 - klf aqy iÈlpkfrI duafrf, bwcy krn leI iewk KyHz dy mYdfn ivwc KHyzxf, sDfrx hI ieh iswKdy hn ik, hr dIafˆ iewk trfeI sfeIkl clfAuxf, rwsI kuwdx cIËfˆ dI bhuq sfry vwK vwK qrHfN kIqI jf # 3 - iehnfˆ hunrvfˆ df ivkfs bwicafˆ nUM BOiqk qfkq aqy sihxÈIlqf, ilKx aqy pVHx dy hunr aqy CpfeI vrgy BivwK dy Xqnfˆ ivc sÌlqf pRfpq krn dy Xog bxfAuˆdf hY[ bfhr dy smy ivc bwicafˆ nUM hor bwicafˆ nfl KHyzx df mOkf vI bhuq vDIaf mOkf hY[

skdI hY: purfxf tUQbuwrÈ iewk Èfndfr icwqrkfrI sMd ho skdf hY[ duwD dy zwby aqy pypr tOvl vfly rOl nflL Èfndfr rfkt jhfjfˆ, vfhnfˆ, mkfn jfˆ jfnvr vI bxf skdy hn[ # 7 sMgIq aqy zfˆs - bwicafˆ dI kuwl motr muhfrq, qflmyl aqy sMquln ivkisq huMdy hn jdoˆ Auh iswKdy hn ik AunHfˆ dy srIr nUM spys aqy AunHfˆ dy vfqfvrx ivwc ikvyˆ iljfAuxf hY[ sMgIq aqy zfˆs gqIivDIaf bwicafˆ nUM afpxy srIr, Bfvnfvfˆ aqy Bfvnfvfˆ nUM suBfvk qOr `qy suxn leI iewk mOkf pRdfn krdy hn[

# 4 klf gqIivDIafˆ - byaMq isrjxf aqy svY-pRgtfvy leI bwicafˆ nUM iewk mOkf pRdfn krdf hY. kYNcI dy nfl kwtx, pysitMg, glU krnf aqy pyˆt brwÈ nfl pyˆitMg dy iesqymfl rfhIˆ PfeIn motr dy hunr dI vrqoˆ kIqI jfˆdI hY[ pysitMg, glU krnf, rMg krnf aqy kwtxf bwicafˆ leI afpxf # 8 sMgIq aqy zfˆs - sMgIq Bfvnf bfhr hwQfN aqy awKfN dy qflmyl bxfAux ivwc kwZx dI ÈkqI hY aqy nfc aqy gqIivDIaf Èfndfr mOky hn[ iehnfˆ hunrfˆ dy ivkfs dy nfl, bwcy nUM iehnfˆ Bfvnfvfˆ dy svY-

mYrI gorzn

pR g tfvy dI iew k gux pRdfn krdf hY[ iewk XUnIvrsl BfÈf dy rUp ivwc, sMgIq iewk rcnfqmk klf hY aqy bwicafˆ nUM Auhnfˆ dI klpnf aqy srIrfˆ nUM Auhnfˆ qrIikafˆ nfl vrqx leI Èfml krdf hY, jo ik Audfhrn leI: pOidafˆ nUM hvf vgx, pwiqaf df - tYkst (gTqf) dI iewk lVI cuxo ËmIn Auwqy izwgx jfˆ asmfn qoˆ af rhy mIˆh - cmk, rMg, ply zoh, rMg, kwtx afid suJfa: leI aÉbfr[ -afpxy Gr ivwc iewk Qfˆ df pRbMD kro ijQy -mËf lvo aqy gMd pYx qo nfˆ zro! bwcy gMd pf skx “ÈurUafqI sflfˆ ivc KyHzx df mqlb ieh -ijvyˆ bysmYˆt jfˆ vrkrUm- PrsL qy plfnhIˆ hY ik Auh sMgiTq, suQrf, Èfˆq jfˆ sitk pfE aqy purfxf kwpVf sfÌ krn jldI ivwc hovy[ bwicafˆ nUM ijwqx dI bjfey leI AuplbD hovy (sÌfeI krn ivwc mdd smyˆ aqy sQfn dI Koj krn dI ËrUrq krn leI bwcy nUM Auqsfihq kro) huMdI hY ijwQy kuJ ijwq jfˆdy hn aqy kuJ - keI qrHfˆ dIafˆ gqIivDIafˆ dI cox kro hfr jfˆdy hn." ijvyˆ ik Auˆglfˆ qy pyNitMg, kolfjL, isrjxfqmk/gYr-iviBMn sfmwgrI ijvyˆ puizMg

326 scholarships and bursaries awarded to Smart ways to use your graduating high school students in Abbotsford limited vacation days Lead: The Abbotsford Community Foundation al- the Abbotsford locates $319,000 to local high school grads. School District to facilitate this The Abbotsford Community Foundation (ACF) is program for the pleased to announce that the 2018 Student Awards community”, program allocated 326 scholarship and bursary said ACF Exawards - totaling over $319,000 - to graduating stuecutive Director, dents for their post-secondary education goals. Wendy Neufeld. “Thanks to the generosity of local community groups, “Our impact on companies and individuals, we have been able to these students’ financially assist 326 students planning to attend learning is a lastuniversity, college, or training institutions this com- ing legacy for the ing fall,” said Lorna Hart, Board Chair of the ACF. community. We are pleased to invest in the future of our local young people. This program is inspiring in Over the past so many ways!” seven years, the ACF has pro- Student awards are funded by income from endowvided over $1.8 ments and from annual donations. This year there million dollars were several new student awards including: Cst John in scholarships Davidson “Shine On” Legacy Memorial, Groove and bursaries Force Productions, Liz Louwersheimer Memorial, to Abbotsford Peter Dobson Memorial and Geoff Horner Memorial. h i g h s c h o o l The following high schools are part of ACF’s Student g r a d u a t e s . Awards Program: Abbotsford Senior Secondary, Ab“ACF is proud botsford School of Integrated Arts (ASIA), Abbotsto partner with ford Traditional Secondary, Bakerview Centre for Learning, Mennonite Educational Institute Secondary


(NC) Feeling burned out with the daily grind? Most of us only have two or three weeks of vacation every year, but you can stretch that time out and make the most of your holidays with these tips. Bookend with weekends. This is a quick and easy way to squeeze in more rest and relaxation on your trip. Just by starting and ending your trip on a weekend you almost double your time off, without using up more vacation days.

Bonus points if you book around a long weekend. Talk to your HR department. You might have the ability to take more time off than you think. Many companies have flexible policies that allow you to use personal and sick days towards your vacation days. Others may allow you to add on a couple of vacation days to a work trip, or occasionally work overtime to rack up extra days.

The Patrika



Friday, Aug 10th, 2018





Best back-to-school basics for 2018 (NC) It is great to have your universityaged kids home for the summer, but let’s be honest—parents are happy to send them back to school. Fortunately, heading back to school does not have to be stressful. By keeping it simple, students can easily get organized and prioritize their time more efficiently. Here are some easy tips that all students can incorporate into their next school year. Print on the fly. Every university library will have one, but for any student pulling an all-nighter to sneak a paper in close to the deadline an at-home printer is essential for maximizing convenience and saving time. Write on the wall. With everything they must juggle, it’s easy for students to be forgetful. A dry-erase calendar can help them stay on track so they easily stay up-to-date on big deliverables and events.

Schedule free time. Between any combination of attending classes, studying, working at a job and extra-curricular activities, it’s not hard for students to become over-extended. An inevitable jam-packed schedule can lead to added stress, as if there is not enough of that! Specifically setting aside some downtime will ensure students get some much needed – and well-deserved – relaxation time. Connectivity is king. The LG G7 ThinQ has built in features that provide a high-quality listening experience (with or without headphones). Whether they are listening to music during those long study sessions or podcasts on their down time, the LG G7 ThinQ will make sure their audio is full of base, and that voices are crystal clear. The G7 also packs a stunning Quad HD display for any video’s they might be watching and 3 amazing cameras for any photos they might be taking.

& Framing Ltd. J&J Fresh Look JJ Home Builders • • • •

Framing for two & three-story houses We have an excellent framing record Our framing is passed on the very first inspection We provide home warranties

EsINÊs`ryÊloErÊmynlYNfÊEqyÊPryzrÊvYlIÊivcÊdoÊEqyÊiqMnÊstorIÊ Gr~ÊdIÊPryimMgÊkrdyÊh~ s`fyÊkIqyÊhoeyÊkMmÊ(PryimMg)Êd`Êirk`rfÊs`&ÊsuQr`ÊhYÊEqyÊ hmyS`ÊpihlIÊv`rÊp`sÊhoieE`ÊhY|Ê

We build custom homes We provide 10 years home warranty tfAUn hfAUs, nvyN Gr grMtIsLudf kuafltI vrk & Pfst srivs rYjLIzYNsLIal aqy kmrsLIal

Workers Wanted Jarnail Maan


kfimaF dI loV hY • Fax 604-850-9308


The Patrika



Workers Needed for Truck Driver wanted Framing Class 1 truck driver Workers needed for required to transport framing. Wages $15.00/ loads for our company. hour, increased de- The loads are for USA pending on experience. (CA). Experience in Transportation available trucking industry will be preferred. Knowlfrom Surrey and Abedge of English is a botsford. Call: 604-825- must and knowledge 0736 or 778-255-3135 of Punjabi will be an kfimaF dI loV

aYbtsPorz ivwc lokl imwl leI lMbr cuwkx vfly Pork ilPt zrfeIvr dI loV hY. 1 sfl df qjLrbf hoxf cfhIdf hY. sfMnU iek bIlzr dI vI loV hY! cMgI qnKfh aqy vDIaf mhOl.plynr dI vI loV hY. hor jfxkfrI lYx leI Pon kro: 604-8072097

asset. Good wages and benefits as per the experience. Driver's abstract and drug test required. Send resume to info@ or, fax: 604-852-6690, or mail to 31137 Southern Drive, Abbotsford, BC, V2T 5K2.


kfimaF dI loV

Jatt Sikh, only son, from Punjab, handsome, B.Sc in Computer Sciences, 5’11, 27 years old, owner of 29 acres of land wants a woman with a PR or Canadian citizenship, height of 5’6 or more, skinny, beautiful girl wanted Call:

aYbtsPorz dI lokl zrfeIvfl kMpnI nMU kfimaF dI qurMq loV hY. nvyN kfimaF nMU $14.50 pRqI GMtf aqy qjLrbykr nMU qjLrby anusfr. aYbtsPorz aqy aYlzrgRov qoN rfeIz df pRbMD hY. hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-552-6269

778-536-2999/ 236-887-2798 vr dI loV jw t isw K istIjL n lVkI Au m r 28 sfl, mY z Ikl afiPs aiswstYNt, suhxI suxwKI 5’5 vfsqy P.R. jF istIijLn lVky dI loV hY sMprk nM: 604-8328641 jF 778-246-3605 PAGE 42

bysmYNt ikrfey leI KflI nvyN bxy mkfn ivwc KuwlHI zuwlHI sB shUlqF vflLI do bYWz rUm dI bysmYNt ikrfey leI KflI hY. pYts vflLy qy mmokr iKmf krn. 33695 Vy e R o a d m Y k w l m roz aqy Vye Road/ Huntington roz dy krfs dy nflL Bjn isMG Jwj Pon: 604-853-7314

Friday, Aug 10th, 2018

The Patrika



Friday, Aug 10th, 2018



Tiles (Wall , & Floor Tiles, All Kinds Of Tiles) Entrance Way Tiles Backsplash) iksy vIKitchen qrHF rYn(Floor ovysLn &krvfAu x leI sMprk kro Kitchen Cabinet And CounterTop Full Bathroom Renovation (New & Old) Floor Lamination

tfeIlF (kMDF qy, PrsL tfeIlF, hr iksm dIaF tfeIlF ieMtryNs vy tfeIls ikcn PrsL, bYk splYsL ikcn kYbinwt, aqy kFAUtr tOp nvyN aqy purfxy bfQrUm dI pUrI rYnovysLn Plor lYmInysLn

High Quality Services at Very Reasonable Prices hr pRkfr dIaF tfielF iPks krvfAux leI sMprk kro

Spl: We Do Cabinet Installation for New or Old Houses All Kinds of Renovations Basement Washroom Kitchen Painting Plumbing

Drywall Roofing Framing Siding Tile

* Full Finish Basement * Sundeck All Complete

Laminate Finishing Sundeck Vinyl Paper &more

iksy vI qrHF rYnovysLn krvfAux leI sMprk kro

Crown, Baseboard Door, Fireplace

HARDEEP BIRDI: 778-823-0765

GHD Home Renovations Ltd. We do all types of renovations bysmYNt vI irpyEr krdy h~ • Complete Renovations • Tiling • Plumbing • Hardwood & Laminate • Painting Pu@l rYnovySn • h`rfvu@f EYNf lYmInyt t`iel~ • pNyitMg • plMimMg




Spl: We Do Cabinet Installation for New or Old Houses All Kinds of Renovations Basement Washroom Kitchen Painting Plumbing

Drywall Roofing Framing Siding Tile

* Full Finish Basement * Sundeck All Complete

Laminate Finishing Sundeck Vinyl Paper &more

Crown, Baseboard Door, Fireplace

HARDEEP BIRDI: 778-823-0765


The Patrika


sLok smfcfr

A Star Excavating & Demolition

All kind of excavation

Friday, Aug 10th, 2018

ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

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Demolition Services Drain Tile Service Lot dig and back fill Mini excavating Service Bobcat Service Snow Removal Tree Removal big or small Ditch digging and cleaning Retaining wall Free old car removal Any kind of Fencing Top soil, Sand, Gravel, Mushroom manure 16 Years Experience

Dav Mobile Car Wash & Detailing Starting from $50 Shampooing, Cut Polish, Power Wax.


Cedar and Chainlink Fencing kMkrIt zrfeIavya qy sfeIzvfk jF pyivMg qurMq krvfAux leI gurjIq nUM Pon kro. For excellent services call Gurjit

604-832-1675 604-850-8624

afp jI nUM bVy hI duKI ihrdy nfl sUicq kIqf jfˆdf hY ik sfzy siqkfrXog mfqf jI srdfrnI mnjIq kOr igwl (ijnHfˆ df ipClf ipMz tUsy ijLlHf luiDafxf sI)vfihgurU vwloˆ bĂ‰ĂˆI hoeI suvfsfˆ dI pUMjI pUrI krky iewk drdnfk sVk hfdsy ivwc sfnUM sdIvI ivCoVf dy gey hn. ijnfˆ df iPAUnrl ĂˆnIvfr 11 agsq 2018, nUM PryĂ‹r irvr kimAUintI kirmtorIam 2061 irvrsfeIz roz aYbtsPorz ivKy bfad dupihr iqMn vjy hovygf. sihj pfT dy Bog aqy aMiqm ardfs Ausy idn pMj vjy gurduafrf sfihb Kflsf dIvfn iswK susfietI 33094 sfAUQ Pryjr vya aYbtsPorz ivKy hovygI. igwl pirvfr nfl duwK sfˆJf krn leI jfN hor jfxkfrI leI hyT ilKy nMbrfˆ qy sMprk kr skdy ho.

jYs igwl 604 832 2524

jwgf igwl 604 832 4135

gurpRIq igwl 604 217 7371

swnprIq igwl 778 552 2501

sLok smfcfr bhuq hI duKI ihrdy nflL dwisaf jFdf hY ik bhuq hI siqkfrq bIbI surjIq kOr DflIvfl supqnI lyt kYptn Bfg isMG DflIvfl 91 sfl dI Aumr Bog ky akfl clfxf kr gey hn. AunHf df ipMz cImf, qih, jgrfEN, ijlHf luiDafxf sI. AunHf dI imqRk dyh df sskfr 12 agsq idn aYqvfr PryjLr irvr iPAUnrl hom 2061

irvr sfeIz roz aYbtsPorz ivKy suvyry 9:30 vjy hovy gf. Ausy hI idn Bog aqy aMiqm ardfs

ANAND Irrigation Well Pump Installation and Service

vy aYbtsPorz ivKy 11 vjy hovy gI. Anand Irrigation 5390 Gladwin Road Abbotsford BC HARRIS RD





HWY 11





HWY 11




asIN sYpitk tYNk lfAuNdy hF We install septic tanks

gurduafrf Kflsf idvfn sosfietI sfAUQ PryjLr

• Irrigation Installation

ierIgySn ienst`lySn

• Post Pounding

post l`auxy

• Drip and Sprinkler Systems

fir@p Eqy spirMklr

• Ditch Digging and Cleaning

if@c putxIE~ Eqy s`P krnIE~

• Farm Drains

Kyq~ iv@c fryn p`auxy

Workers Wanted: Welder & General helper good wages, must speak English, knowledge of Punjabi will be an asset We Specialize in Blueberry Draining Systems

Call Tarsem Singh at 604-897-2152 or 604-852-0552 PAGE 44

sLok smfcfr bVy hI duKI ihrdy nfl sUicq kIqf jFdf hY ik sfzy ipafry s: gurjMt isMG brfV, spwuqr s: rxjIq isMG brfV, ipClf ipMz rfijafxf ijLlHf mogf 55 sfl dI Aumr Bog ky 5 agsq nUM sdIvI ivCoVf dy gey sn. AunHf dy pMj BUiqk srIr df sskfr County Hills Crematorium 11995-16 Street NE Calgary AB T3K 059 qy 11 agsq dopYhr dy 1 vjy hovy gf aqy aMiqm ardfs gurduafrf dsmysL klcr 135 Martindale Blvd. NE Calgary AB T35.2X5 ivKy 3 vjy hovy gI. duKI ihrdy: suKdyv isMG brfV 604-625-4423 rfijMdr isMG brfV 403-813-4006

The Patrika

Friday, Aug 10th, 2018



Moe Gill Announces his Candidacy for City of Abbotsford Mayor in upcoming City Elections!


orn in Punjab, India, Moe Gill arrived in Canada in 1955 and eventually settled in Abbotsford in 1975 from Mission, B.C. Selflessly serving on the Abbotsford City Council for the past 23 years, Moe has become a key member of the Abbotsford community and has worked relentlessly to bring Abbotsford forward in its economical, cultural, environmental, agricultural and political fronts. A firm believer in the power of community, Moe Gill has shown his pride and love for Abbotsford through his involvement with a number of local charity and service organizations. Moe has served on numerous committees including t h e : Tr a ff i c S a f e t y A d v i s o r y Committee; Delta Heritage Airpark Management Committee; Matsqui Dyking, Drainage, and Irrigation Committee; AgriFair Board; Fraser Valley Regional District Board; Glen Valley Dyking District Committee; Local Court of Revisions for Frontage Tax, and the Parcel Tax Review Panel. Aside from serving on committees, Moe has also served with many organizations including: Fraser Valley Cole Crop Growers Association; Fraser Valley Strawberry Growers Association; B.C. Raspberry Growers Association; Federal Agricultural Employment Services; MSA Museum Society; AbbotsfordMatsqui Rotary; Dasmesh Punjabi School; and Abbotsford Foundation. He also served as a founding member of the Fraser Valley Indo-Canadian Business Association. As a young impressionable teenager, Moe recalls the day when he first caught the “political bug.” It was mid afternoon, and young Moe was walking home from school in Mission, B.C. As he passed his usual route along a large storage container, he heard loud voices which sounded to him a lot like people were shouting at one another. Due to his weak English at the time, he was not able to understand what exactly was being said, but he did recognize a voice amongst the chaos. It was of Naranjan Singh Grewall, the first Sikh mayor in North America who served a number of years in Mission, B.C. Moe later

found out that what he thought was an argument at the time was actually a political debate among Naranjan Singh and another political leader from Alberta. Naranjan Singh was a role model for Moe, as he one day wished to be able to help people of his community with the same passion and enthusiasm. Gill’s ancestral history has a storied past in the lower mainland as his grandfather was an early settler and was heavily involved in helping the community. Gill was strongly influenced by his grandfather’s presence and involvement with the Abbotsford community. He recalls his grandfather being a philanthropic man, giving his heart and soul to the community. As the saying goes, the apple does not fall far from the tree. Moe followed in his grandfather’s footsteps as he continued his efforts in assisting early immigrant settlers, committing himself to philanthropic initiatives in the city, and aiding the development of the city through his service with many different organizations. As Moe Gill continued to be involved in the city’s advancements, he had a strong sense of all the city’s needs and advancement opportunities. This is when members of the community began reaching out to him and asked him to represent them in the city council. Moe Gill first tested out the political waters in 1986 as a candidate for council. Unfortunately, he lost. However, he is not one to give up. This was followed by the persistent Moe Gill’s 5 additional campaigns, all which were unsuccessful. However, he was never brought down with his defeats and eventually secured a place on the council in 1996. Since then, he has not looked back and has continued to serve the Abbotsford community.

why my goal is to make the city hall a welcoming and an open place for all community members.”, stated Gill. Moe Gill states that his first course of action as mayor would be to make Abbotsford safe for everyone to work, learn, and p l a y. “ N o o n e should have to fear for their lives, or feel that they are endangered in any way” said Moe. His plans if elected to the chair include initiating a police task force, with specially trained members to work with at risk youth and their families. His plan also includes adding equipment and more members to the Abbotsford Police Department to eradicate gang violence issues in the community. Gill stressed the importance of preventative measures to keep children safe and aware, including programs in schools for children, and educational conferences for parents. “We will parent our children collectively, as a community”, stated Gill. As a growing city, with a rapidly growing population, Moe Gill hopes to work towards urbanizing business spaces in Abbotsford. He believes that densification in residential areas must continue, and favours allowing second basement suites and smaller lot sizes. He also hopes to work with developers in creating new spaces for new businesses hoping to make a shift to Abbotsford. A part of his plan also includes working with developers to make living space for the homeless in their projects. Gill’s hope is to resolve homelessness at its roots by providing counselling, rehab, and mental health services for those on the streets. He hopes to work with both the provincial government and Fraser Health agencies to ensure the best possible treatment, and a more permanent solution.

this by increasing transportation services in the community which will further improve the flow of commerce. His action plan includes improvements at the airport to make it a central hub, and invite people from all across lower mainland and metro Vancouver to bring in more business. He also hopes to improve road conditions, and widen main streets in Abbotsford including South Fraser Way to allow for a better flow of traffic. Gill will work with the provincial government and bring to their attention the immediate need for widening Highway #1. “Transportation aids urbanization” stated Gill as he drew an emphasis on making Abbotsford well connected all around B.C. via public transportation and hopes to increase more busses travelling in and out of the city and at increased frequencies of departures and arrivals in and out of the city. Last but not least, Moe Gill hopes to bring residents and families relief from health care wait times. As Mayor, Moe will advocate for the Province and Government of Canada to commit more funding for the Abbotsford Regional Hospital and health clinics. Moe Gill urges all Abbotsford residents to go out and vote this year for real change in Abbotsford. He hopes to make all services offered at the city hall more approachable to the residents of the city, and invites everyone to come learn about what can be offered.

A couple of days ago, the members of Patrika Media had a chance to sit down and talk with Moe Gill, just prior to announcing his intent to run for the Mayor of Abbotsford seat. Moe Gill has promising plans for the community. “The people of Abbotsford are a top priority of Moe Gill is determined to put the For more information, to volunteer, or mine. I understand all the needs City of Abbotsford on a firmer to contact Moe Gill, visit his website of Abbotsford residents, which is financial footing. He hopes to do at


The Patrika


Friday, Aug 10th, 2018


aYbtsPorz dy myar cox dMgl ivwc inwqry moa igwl pMjfb ivwc 1943’c jMmy muihMdr igwl 1955 ivwc knyzf dy sLihr imsLn phuMcy 1975 ivwc aYbtsPorz dy pwky sLihrI bx gey. ipCly 23 sflF qoN afpxy sLihr nUM vwK vwK rUpF ivwc insLkfm syvfvF dy rhy hn. aYbtsPorz nUM afriQk, swiBafcfrk, vfqfvfixk, KyqI-bfVI aqy polItIkl KyqrF ivwc awgy ilaOx leI kIqIaF axQwk syvfvF ny afp dI hrmnipafrqf df dfierf bhuq vDfieaf. kimAUintI nUM Auh afpxy twbr qoN vwD ipafr krdy hn qy kimAUintI vI AunHf nUM swcy idloN ipafr krdI hY. bVy hI mfx vflLI gwl hY ik moa igwl qkrIbn pMdrF ku sBf susfietIaF ivwc axQwk syvfvF idMdy rhy hn aqy hux vI lgn nflL kMm kr rhy hn. isafsI lgn nflL juVn dI vI AunHf df iewk anoKI Gtnf hY. Auh ieh ik moa skUl qoN pVH ky Gr af rhy sn qF AunHf nUM do KrHvIaF mnuwKI afvfjLF suxfeI idwqIaF, ienHF nUM lwgf lVdy hn, bwicaF vFg ieh AunHf afvfjLF vl nUM hoey qF EQy s: inrMjn isMG gryvfl jo ik norQ amrIkf dy pihly iswK myar dy ruqby dy mfilk sn, Auh albrtf dy iksy polItIkl lIzr nflL rfjnIqk ivcfrF kr rhy sn, ienHf nUM ieh AusfrU aqy lok-BulfeI zIbyt cMgf lwigaf qF bcpn ivwc hI s: gryvfl nUM ijLMdgI df rol mfzl bxf ky AunHf dIaF pYVF dy rfhI ho gey. duwDF qy buwDF ny jfxf hI huMdf hY. ienHf dy dfdf jI eyQy lokF dI hr mdwd leI qqpr rihMdy sn, nvyN afey iemIgrFtF leI Auh rfq idn qnoN, mnoN qy Dno syvf kr rhy sn, hYrItyj gurduafrf sfihb dy pihly pRDfn huMidaF lokF dIaF smwisafvF suxnIaF, AunHF nUM

hwl krnf, kfgjL pwqr Brny, mYzIkl qy rhfiesLI shUlqF dyx bfad jdoN lok AunHF df sLukrfnf kridaF siqkfr idMdy sn; Auh GVIaF ienHF nUM pOlitks vl lY afeIaF. jdoN kmuintI ivwc ienHF dy cMgy kMmf dI crcf hoeI qF pbilk nUM aihsfs hoieaf ik jy ieh bMdf kONisl ivwc mYNbr hovy, ies df iewk afiPs hovy qF afm lokF nUM imlxf sOKf ho jfvy, lokF dI mMg qy aqy imwqrF dI hwlfsLyrI nflL 1986 ivwc pihlI cox lVy pr hfr gey, idl nhIN Cwizaf, lokF dIaF loVF nUM mwuK rwKidaF lgfqfr pMj coxf lVIaF pr pMjy vfrI hfr hI nsIb hoeI. isafxy kihMdy hn ik hfrdy Auh hn jo hfr ky mYdfn Cwz jfx, ijhVy mYdfn ivwc zty rihx ijwq AunHf dy pYr cMumdI hY. iesy hI lgn nflL 1996 ivwc ienHf nUM sLfndfr ijwq pRfpq hoeI, Aus pl qoN awj qwl ienHF ipwCy muV ky nhIN dyiKaf. kuwJ idn pihlF pwiqRkf dy mYNbrF nUM AunHf nflL ivcfrF krn df mOkf imilaf qF AunHf dwisaf ik hux kimAUintI nflL ipafr dIaF gMZF eynIaF pwkIaF ho geIaF hn ik hux bhuq sfry BYxF BrfvF ny jLor pf ky ikhf ik myar dI cox jLrUr lVo, bihx nUM iewk dPqr hovy gf, ijwQy aYbtsPorz vfsI hr vyly afpxIaF qmfm loVF dy hwl lwB skx gy, so sLihrIaF dIaF loVF dI pUrqI leI, sLihr dy srbpuwKI ivkfs leI mn bxf ilaf hY. AunHf ikhf hY ik jy myry ipafry qy siqkfry votrF ny mYnUM mOkf idwqf qF mYN myar dy qOr qy jo jLrUrI kMm hn AunHf nUM jldI qoN jldI pUry krFgf ijvyN lokF dI syPtI, Bfv koeI vI sLihrI hr QF, hr smyN

afpxy afp nUM syP smJy, ies leI Auh puils tfsk Pors bxOx gy jo pbilk ivwc jf ky nO-juafn muMzy kuVIaF aqy mfipaF nUM syD dy skx, puils Pors vDfeI jfvy gI, hiQafr vDfey jfxH gy, gwzIaF vDfeIaF jfxH gIaF qF ik ibnf dyrI msly inptfey jfxH, skUlF dy bwicaF nUM aqy mfipaF nUM jfgrUk krn leI kfAUNsilMg aqy strONg PorsjL gqIsLIl hoxHgIaF. sLihr dI vD rhI vsoN nUM iDafn ivwc rwKidaF AunHf df ivcfr hY ik zvYlprF nflL mIitMg kr ky nvIaF plYnjL bxfvF gy, vsoN leI GrF dIaf lftF CotIaF aqy AunHf nUM bhumMjLlf dIaF sB loVF dI pUrqI leI PYzrl aqy kridaF vsoaF KuwlHIaF kIqIaF jfx gIaF. bI[sI srkfr dI mdwd nfl PMizMg vDfeI jfvy gI. vfk-ien-klIink hor vDfey jfx sOLipMg sYNtr vsoN nflLoN alwg kIqy jfx gy, gy AunHf ikhf hY ik Auh afp qF pbilk ivwc AunHf leI sVkF cOVIaF kIqIaF jfxHgIaF, jf rhy hn pr BYxF BrfvF nUM vI bynqI hY homlYWs by-shfiraF leI alwg vsybf Gr ik AunHf df Gr cOvI GMty KuwlHf hY afE, loVF bxfey jfx gy aqy ies burfeI nUM jVHoN Kqm vI dwso qy mYnUM gfeIz vI kro. krn leI ienHf dI kfAUNsilMg kr ky ienHf nUM kMm krn vl pryiraf jfvy gf, nsLyVIaF aKIr ivwc AunHf ikhf hY ik ‘sB kimAUinnUM nsLf CzfAU kyNdrF ivwc BrqI kr ky tIaF dy ipafry qy siqkfry BYxF BrfvF nUM nsLy Cuzfey jfxH gy, ies burfeI nUM iblkul bynqI hY ik vot pOx leI jLrUr phuMcx, Kqm krn leI bI[sI srkfr aqy PYzrl mYnUM vot pf ky syvf df mOkf dyx, qF jo mYN srkfr qoN PMz AuplBd krf ky ienHf lokF sLihr nUM Kfs nmUny df bxf skx dy supny nUM vI afm sLihrI vflLf iewjLqF Biraf jIvn pUry kr skF.” mhfn kvI hfsLm sLfh ny pRdfn kIqf jfvy gf. swc iliKaf hY: afriQkqf ivkfs df Durf huMdf hY, ies leI “hfsLm Pqih nsIb iqnHf nUM, sLihr dI afriQkqf nUM pwky pYrIN krn leI ijnHf ihMmq Xfr bxfeI.” eyarport dIaF qrutIaF pUrIaF kIqIaF jfxHgIaF. sVHkF nUM cOVf kIqf jfvy gf, ies ihMmq nUM slUt mfridaF adfrf ienHf hfeIvy 1 cOVf hovygf, pbilk trFsport df dI sLfndfr ijwq leI duaf krdf hY. ivkfs hovy gf, bwsF dy KyqrI ivkfs hoxH gy, DMnvfd sihq, bwsF dy tfeIm vDfey jfxH gy, trYiPk dIaF smwisafvF dy hwl lwBy jfx gy, hwspqfl sMpfdkI mMzl

Emerging trends: What to expect in Canada (NC) You did the work and filled out the census, which helped set the record for the highest response rate yet. Now, it's time to check out the information and insights your data helped reveal about Canada. Here are some interesting facts! Condo craze: Fuelled by trends like urbanization, the housing landscape is changing, and condos are on the rise, both literally and figuratively. The growth rate of households living in condominiums in the city was more than 16 per cent since 2011, and condos represent one-third of all occupied private dwellings built between 2011 and 2016. Changing commutes: The way people get to work is changing. More people PAGE 46

are now using public transit than before. Nearly one-third of commuters use sustainable transportation— public transit, walking, cycling or carpooling—and women are more likely than men to use greener transportation.

a trend that is similar in other countries like the United States and the United Kingdom. Oneperson households became the most common type of household for the first time in 2016, surpassing Work wonders: Canadians are equipcouples with children. This ping themselves for today's jobs, type of household went with 81.4 per cent of postsecondary down to 26.5 per cent. graduates aged 25 to 64 choosing fields that are essential for building Doubling down on dia strong social infrastructure. These versity: Positive gains in include education, communications, representation are also happening in justice, health and others. the workforce and education. For example, over half of recent immigrants Solitary style: At 28.2 per cent of have a bachelor's degree or higher, all private households, the number and women now make up the majorof people living alone is the highest it's ever been since Confederation—

ity of people working in the health and social assistance sector. Find more information at

The Patrika 

Friday, Aug 10th, 2018


Try these super brain boosters (NC) Between winding down from milk, meat, poultry and seafood. While summer travel and getting into the most of us get enough from our diets, back-to-school swing of things, many 10 to 30 per cent of older adults may of us are in need of a boost during the fall. Here are some vitamins and supplements for your brain and body. Omega-3 fatty acid. Acids like ALA, EPA and DHA play an important role in the human body, with some studies showing a link between the latter two and positive effects on slowing cognitive decline, not absorb vitamin B12 properly. If such as memory and thinking skills, you don’t receive enough from food in older adults. sources or are over 50, you can get But since the body doesn’t produce vitamin B12 in a multivitamin or foods them on their own, we have to get that are fortified with vitamin B12. omega-3s through diet or supplemen- Melatonin. Getting adequate sleep is important, as it affects almost every type of tissue and system in the body – from the brain, heart and lungs to metabolism, mood and disease resistance. Studies have shown that melatonin supplements can help reduce the effects of jet lag and re-set the body’s sleep-wake cycle. Melatonin can also increase total sleep time in people suffering from altered sleep schedules, such as shift workers, and reduce the time it takes people with sleep disorders to fall asleep. tation. Fatty fish like salmon and tuna are good sources of EPA and DHA, but most people do not get the recommended amount of omega-3s in their daily diet. If you don’t, fish oil supplements can help.

While melatonin can be helpful in regulating sleep patterns, it is not recommended for use longer than four weeks. The dosage is different in adults and children; consult with your healthcare practitioner about what dose is right for you and your family members.

Vitamin B12. This essential vitamin helps make DNA and red blood cells. But it’s another one you need to get through the foods you eat. Foods that are rich in vitamin B12 include eggs,

Head to your local Canadian Health Food Association member health food store to stock up on these brain boosters. Find your nearest location at chfa. ca.

Rubina Bedi

Akash Sharma



Akash: 604-722-1890 | Rubina: 604-220-1549 Office: 778-945-7626


The Patrika



building bridges

Friday, Aug 10th, 2018



By recognizing that the Fraser Valley has grown into a diverse population, Dr.’s Bajwa and Dhami are partnering with UFV to build a bridge that fosters deeper understanding of issues in our community while gaining respect for all and growing friendships. Join us at Fraser Valley Community Golf day — a fundraiser in support of UFV’s South Asian Studies Institute (SASI) Research Fellowship Endowment. Registration includes golf, prizes, sponsored eatery and wine tastings at holes, dinner, and more. Funds raised will support expert scholarly research aimed at answering questions and tacking issues that matter to you.

FRIDAY, AUG 24 AT 11 AM Chilliwack Golf & Country Club

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koeI 2 lfrj pIjLf - vYjI jF cIjL pIjLf lvo isrP



Friday, Aug 10th, 2018




$789,900 YOUR SEARCH STOPS HERE! Welcome to a very quiet cul-de-sac street within walking distance to W.J. Mouat Secondary School, Gordie Howe Middle School & Matsqui Rec Centre. This nice home has been recently renovated and offers 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms upstairs, and 2 bdrm legal suite in the basement plus 3rd bedroom for upstairs use.

Central Abbotsford

Subdividable Lot

10,240 sqft lot, 7 bedroom, 3 full bath, open concept throughout, kitchen, dining, living rm and sunroom with roman columns. french traditional kitchen, large sunroom with windows and more windows to take in the panoramic mountain view. please call for more information.



7510 JAMES STREET, Mission


Quiet area of fairfield island featuring a large family home on a large lot. so many improvements like low e windows, 96% efficient furnace, bosch hot water on demand with a booster as well. no chlorine taste because all the water in the home is filtered. there is room to park the motor home, (rv dump) the boat, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths with suite potential and roughed in bath below.

INVESTORS/BUILDERS ALERT! Come Discover Mission BC. Sitting on 2 legal lots with 2 PID's this ready to move into 2 level, 5 bedroom home has lots of tasteful upgrades and features including an Updated kitchen with upgraded stainless steel appliances, Newer flooring, newer furnace, hot water tank and roof. 3 bedrooms up with the master having an hal Show More

Central Abbotsford

INVESTOR ALERT! The luxurious character home sits on a 1/2 acre private paradise backing on to Switzer creek in the newly designated McCallum Corridor. Would suit someone looking to create a family estate or Investors/ developers . RS3 zoning allows for multi family,


SOLDAboveAsking Investors!Massivelyrenovated rentable2bedroom2bathroom unit!Brightgroundfloorcornersuite withnewerflooring,tastefulpaint colours,crownmouldings,light fixtures,2inchwindowblinds! Nothingtodobutmovein.Largeunit 1065sq.ft!Kidsandpetswelcome.



your search stops here! renovated 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom townhouse at garden court estates.this townhouse is tucked aways in the quiet part of the complex. towards the back giving you ample privacy. renovations include,new paint,carpet,flooring, kitchen, lights, and window coverings. close to all the amenities. Rental are allowed.please call for your personal tour.

2471 Hill Tout St - Commerical


11,000 sqft lot, 2,078 sf home converted to secondary business commercial zone (c-4) with handicapped accessible office and 2 suites with a total of 5 bedrooms. the property, just off of south fraser way, may be used for car sales, animal hospital services, coffee shop, auto repair, office and many commercial uses

New Listing - Chilliwack




2 Bedroom Condo



Friday, Aug 10th, 2018

Baldev Singh Gill 

Kirandeep Singh Gill


604.825.8886 3361 TRETHEWEY STREET

Over 3200 Sq. ft. home in West Abbotsford. Several upgrades including: new laminate flooring in living and family rooms, new tiles in the foyer and kitchen, brand new blinds, only 4 years old roof, a fully fenced backyard and relatively new paint. Close to Rotary stadium, W.J. Mouat Secondary and Gordie Howe Middle School.

3131 267A STREET


Custom built 3 storey home with 2-5-10 years warranty in West Abbotsford’s newest subdivision. 4 bedrooms upstairs with 3 full baths. One bedroom with full bathroom on main floor. Walk out basement has 3 bedrooms , 2 full bath and very spacious media room.

#207 1909 SALTON ROAD

2 Bed & 1 Bath Apartment on the Main Floor with 2 parking spots. Many upgrades in past few years including: Laminate floors, white baseboards, designer paint, blinds, counter tops, white appliances, bathroom tile around tub, vanity fixtures, electrical plugs & switches! Great location viewing the private common area.

Farm Listing 19.44 Acre Full Production 33629 Clayburn RD Blueberry Farm

11 year old 1/2 duplex with living, dining, kitchen, family room and 2 piece bath on main; 3 bedrooms and 2 full bath on upstairs. Single garage, fenced private backyard with covered patio and store. No strata fee, independent living, lot of privacy Close to elementary school.




2300 Sq. ft. Rancher with full basement is located in a quiet dead end street. 7700 Sq. ft. flat lot. Some recent updates are: New windows, new blinds, new washer/dryer, new carpet on stairs and brand new full bath in the basement.


Beautiful custom built over 5300 Sq. ft. home with 2-5-10 years warranty. Featuring 9 bedrooms, 6.5 baths and 3 kitchens. Open concept and 14’ high ceiling in living and dining room, Granite

3130 267A STREET

88 32633 SIMON AVENUE Duke and Bluecrop varieties. Very good production for 2017 Full irrigation system and machine pick. House and Barn.

16.32 acre income producing blueberry farm. 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 1950 sqft rancher. 100x40 barn, has 2 storeys, oversized doors on both ends of barn, extra concrete slab. Peat moss, Huge potential here! Close to town and Mission Hwy.

$1,850,000 Royal Lepage Global Force Realty

off:604-596-1800, fax:604-596-1885

604-825-0832 ANJU KAPOOR

New Listing


New Listing

30921 Sandpiper Drive, Abbotsford

31768 Belmond Ave, Abbotsford

$830,000 Stop your search, its time to send an offer on this beautiful, spotless clean house and make it your own home. You will love this gorgeous 2 story home, with 5 bedrooms + 1 rec-room and 3 full bath. SEPARATE entry for the suite, great income potential from. Great neighbourhood close to school, High Street Mall. Vaulted ceilings in living room .


Great opportunity for investor's looking for income accumulating properties OR owners who want to live in 1/2 and rent out the other 1/2 duplex. This is prime LOCATION in Central Abbotsford, near school, shopping and minute away from the highway. Tenants have taken good care of the property. Renovations were done only a few months ago. Each side of the Duplex has 4 beds, 2 bath, 2 kitchens, 2 living rooms and it is all tremendously spacious. Large corner lot of potential future plans.


Awpn hfAUs sinwcrvfr

SAT. AUG 11 & 12 FROM 1:00 PM TO 5:00 PM

778-552-6439 OR 778-242-0816

3 story, 7 bedroom, 3 kitchens and 3 separate entries 4400 sq ft potential rent is anywhere from 5000 and up. iqMn mMijLlf,swq bYwz rUm,iqMn ikcn, sYpfryt iqMn aYNtrIaF,4400 sLkyar Puwt, 5000 zflr jF ies qoN Auwpr ikrfey qy pRqI mhInf afmdn dyn vflf Gr ivkfAU hY



Friday, Aug 10th, 2018


6 604.309.9298 04.309 09.9 09 9298

Joe Chahal


LOT SIZE FLOOR BDRM 5 ac 8,262 sq. ft. 12


LOT SIZE FLOOR BDRM BATH 5,834 sq. ft. 2,605 sq. ft. 5 4 SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL!!! West Abbotsford Home Boasts: 3 - spacious bedrooms on main floor, plus Rec. room with 3 piece bathroom & 2- Bedroom LEGAL SUITE (Great Mortgage Helper), Bright living room with gas fireplace opens to large formal dining area, Gourmet maple kitchen with Stainless Steel appliances, Covered barbecue deck, Recently updated with laminate flooring & paint. Extra wide driveway for plenty of parking, Fenced back yard.

View at

View at




• The tempo - Luxury Living! • Pets ok with restrictions •Gourmet Granite Chef Kitchen • Rentable ($1150/month) • Open floor plan - In suite Laundry



LOT SIZE FLOOR BDRM 9690 sqft 2460sqft 5


ACRES 20.03 ac

CROP CROP YIELD Blueberries full

• Build Your Dream Home! • Walk to UFV & Shopping • High production 10 year old • 4 Outbuildings & Barns • 2 - Road Frontages Huge Lot • Quick Freeway access plants • Drip irrigation system • Surrounded by new Homes • Reeka, Duke & Elliot varieties • Large Farmhouse View at

View at

View at




LOT SIZE FLOOR BDRM 6.43 ac 4053sqft 5 • SPECTACULAR LUXURY HOME • 5-Spacious bedrooms • 4-full bathrooms


• Quartz countertops • Gloucester Industrial Park

View at







FLOOR BDRM 1150 sqft 2

604.855.7393 Lighthouse Realty


NEW LUXURY ESTATE HOME ON LEVEL PICTURESQUE 5 ACRES - This 8268 sqft custom built masterpiece is centrally located near UFV. Home offers soaring ceilings in the Great Room, Gourmet gas kitchen with quartz counters, Separate spice kitchen, 3-Master full bedrooms + 2 bedroom with jack-jill bathroom, Separate LEGAL 2-bdrm Nanny Suite above garage, Downstairs entertain & enjoy in your Media Room with full wet bar, Fitness Room.


joigMdr isMG cwhl





FO $225,000


FLOOR BDRM 678 sqft 1+DEN


• The Crossing - Luxury Living! • Pets ok with restrictions •Gourmet Granite Chef Kitchen • Rentable ($1150/month) • Open floor plan - In suite Laundry View at



FLOOR TYPE 26,000sqft Layer Poultry


• 2 - Poultry Barns • Loading Docks (42' X 310' each) Truck level •Capacity for upto 30,000 birds • All equipment • 3-Phase Power for turn key View at

LOT SIZE FLOOR 5813 sqft 2769sqft • West Abborsford - AgriRec Stadium • Full Basement • Fenced Yard View at




• TREMENDOUS INVESTMENT • long-term, 3 net lease • Reno’s new kitchen, OPPORTUNITY! • national retail franchise roof & flooring chain • New deck with Hot Tub • 7500 sq.ft. freestanding building View at




Friday, Aug 10th, 2018 MLS TOP 10%

Jag S Sidhu

Personal Real Estate Corporation

Listing Needed Call Jag

#110 - 30485 Cardinal Ave Abbotsford, BC V2T0E5

Phone: 604.625.2245 Fax: 604.625.2249 Toll Free: 1.866.967.0666

Call Gurcharan or Jag for your FREE no obligation Market Evaluation

Unit 40 - 31255 Upper Maclure Road

34041 Wavell Lane, Abbotsford



It is a two bedroom house, close to Wal-Mart and freeway. It is rented for $950 per month. It is hard to find in this price in Abbotsford area, demolish it and make a new house. No sign on property.

THE GABLES, a family friendly community! A well maintained family home and complex. 4 Bdrms, 3 FULL baths, BIG recroom, LARGE balcony and DOUBLE garage. Prime location, walking distance to Fruiticana Grocery Store, Eugene Reimer Middle School,Highstreet mall and easy access to highway.

3 bedrooms Basement Entry (2 story) Townhouse in west Abbotsford in Country Lane Estates near Fruticana. Very nicely kept hardly becomes available for sale. Come check it out on our open house.For inquires you can call Jag or Gurcharan.


3510 Promontory crt

30966 Brookdale Crt


BARE LAND IN WEST ABBOTSFORD 4 bedroom house 3 bathroom on glenmore road perfect for blueberry or farming



West Abby. 3 story 5 bedrooms up den on main two bedroom legal suite and a Rec room for owner use.

3 story 7 bedroom and 8 bath with great views!!

New listing near all levels of schools, gurdwara shaib, fully renovated home 3 bedroom family room and great room up 1 suite and huge theater room for owner use with bar!!

#30 - 31098 Westridge Pl 2 Bedroom Townhouse

Beautifully renovated rancher, perfect alternative to renting. 2 bdrm + extra with private fenced yard with patio, extra parking/long driveway to a detached 20 x 5 garage/room. New roof & appliances.close to public transit/school, shopping (Walmart, HomeDepot) and choice of quick access to 2 freeway exits.

KETCH PLACE 4 BEDRM HOUSE single garage 700,00 sq feet


This home is centrally located in West Abbotsford, close to schools, shopping and parks. OVER 12000 SF Large lot, that can be subdivided into 2 lots that would be over 6000 sqft each. Build your dream home and sell the lot beside you or hold the property

3 Lot LEFT Subdivision In Maple Ridge Green Belt Call for more detail

5 Acres

LOT POTENTIAL FOR SALE 214500 Morris Valley Rd Off hwy 7 East Mission 7 LOT POTENTIAL 2887 Bergman St, West Abbotsford

1 Acre

Subdivision Potential

6 bedroom house

Blueberry Farm West Abbotsford with a house. Good production Blueberry BlueCrop & Duke Variety call for more info

Road 4bedrm 3 bathrm UNIT 132-3160 TOWLINE



Friday, Aug 10th, 2018



HARJ BRAR Real Estate Advisor

ROBBY GILL Real Estate Advisor




ABBOTSFORD ABBOTSFORD ABBOTSFORD ABBOTSFORD New Price $294,777 New Price $1,498,888 New Price $798,888 New Price $724,426

MISSION $899,888

ABBOTSFORD ABBOTSFORD $329,900 $1,324,888

New Price

D L O S 3473 Hill Park Place * 2 storey w/bsmt * 8 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms * House size: 3,965 sq. ft. * Lot size: 5,800 sq. ft. * Two unauth. suites (1 & 2 bedroom) * High quality finishings throughout * Double car garage * Central location, cul-de-sac







* Fully renovated Rancher * 6 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms * House size: 2,400 sq. ft. * Lot size: 8,712 sq. ft. * Tons of parking * Gorgeous views * Central location * Suite potential

* Desirable Cascade Greens * 2 bathrooms, 2 bedrooms * Unit size: 921 sq. ft. * Upgrades: new blinds, new shower * Newer paint/carpets * Prime location * Underground parking * Pet friendly, no rentals

* Rancher/Bungalow w/Bsmt * over $300,000 in renovations * 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms * House size: 3,713 sq. ft. * Lot size: 16,366 sq. ft. * Unauthorized suite * Detached shop w/ 200 amp power * Contact me for a list of features

* Basement Entry * 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms * House size: 2,461 sq. ft. * Lot size: 6,382 sq. Ft. * Fully finished basement * Unauthorized suite * Great location

* Architecturally designed * 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms * House size: 3,361 sq. ft. * Lot size: 3,875 sq. ft. * Unfinished floor area 960 sq. ft. * Gorgeous mountain views * Central location * Open to trades for homes in Abbotsford

* 7 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms * House size: 3,732 sq. ft. * Lot size: 6,050 sq. ft. * 2 bedroom suite * Great for Investors * Central location * Potential for secondary suite

# 322 – 30525 CARDINAL AVE * Top floor unit at Tamarind * 1 bedroom,1 bathroom * Unit Size : 622 sq.ft * Easy hwy access * Rentals & pets are ok *Low strata fee $ 163.11 * Shopping nearby

* 2 Storey w/bsmt, custom built * 8 bedrooms, 7 bathrooms * House size: 4,133 sq. ft. * Lot size: 5,163 sq. ft. * Two unauth. suites (one & two bedroom) * 2 master bedrooms, 3 ensuites * Central location, cul de sac

Call Harj 604-309-1111

Call Harj, 604-309-1111

Call Harj 604-309-1111

Call Harj, 604-309-1111

Call Harj, 604-309-1111

Call Harj, 604-309-1111

Call Harj, 604-309-1111

Call Harj, 604-309-1111

Call Harj 604-309-1111


Sukh Malhi 604.832.6034

Personal Real Estate Corporation iksy vI qrHF dI pRfprtI KRIdx jF vycx leI suwK mwlI nflL sMprk kro Office 604.855.0800 NEW LISTING 3106 Mouat Drive


Great location! Just Steps Away from both Schools. Simply gorgeous home located on large corner lot with gated RV parking! This 5 bdrm/3 bath home! This home sits on 6550 Sq ft of land. Some of the Updates new roof, new laminate floor downstairs, new paint, Large sundeck over double garage.

32173 Mouat Drive


Great location!Investor or First time buyer alert. Just Steps Away from all levels of Schools. This home located on Quiet cul-desac! This 4 bdrm/2 bath home has legal suite. This home needs TLC - Either bring it back to its former glory or build your dream home here.

2553 Alderview St.


Great location! Just Steps Away from both Schools. Simply gorgeous home located on large corner lot with gated RV parking! This 5 bdrm/3 bath home! This home sits on 6550 Sq ft of land. Some of the Updates new roof, new laminate floor downstairs, new paint, Large sundeck over double garage.

RECENTLY SOLD 31914 Hopedale Ave

99 3030 Trethewey St.

29 46840 Russell Rd


30 35287 Old Yale Rd.

3106 Mouat Drive




Friday, Aug 10th, 2018


Friday, Aug 10th, 2018

Rupinder Davesher

E tion E R F alua

Personal Real Estate Corporation


t Ev e k r Ma




Real Estate Office

Specializing in Farms - Farm land - Building lots & homes 5460

3465 Merritt Street, Abbotsford

327916 Conductor Drive, Abbotsford


3171 Engineer Crescent, Abbotsford


in the Entire Fraser Valley Board Area (1997 - 2016)

(Based on FVREB MLS® statistics for production per salesperson in all categories)

604-826-9000 Off: 604.826.9000 T.F.: 1.888.826.1177 #103-33070 5th Ave Mission, B.C. V2V 1V5


Very Likeable Home!!!

3 bdrms, 3 baths, w/large kitch on main. Fullly fin bsmnt. w/4th bdrm & rec rm. Flat backyard perfect for outdoor living area. Central location makes this property perfect for growing families.

3473 Hill Park Place, Abbotsford


3965 SF Home/West Abby

2 storey w/fullly finished basement. 8 bedrooms, 6 full baths. Close to all level of schools, Highstreet Mall, churches & hi-way #1. High ceilings, granite countertops, open floor plan. Patio & Sundeck.


Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


27665 Railcar Crescent, Abbotsford

2 Bedroom Legal Suite!!!



Call Rupinder 604-832-2831

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


Close to Abbotsford Hospital!

Quiet neighbourhood, great location. 3 bedrooms up and 1 bedroom down. Open floor plan. Private backyard. Potential to subdivide to two lots!! Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


Coming Soon In Mission

Near Clark Theatre & University


For information please call our Property Management Division


30596 Sandpiper Drive, Abbotsford

Renovated!!! Prime Location

5,481 sq ft lot w/2,459 sqft home. New cbinets & countertops in kitch. H.W tank 2017. New furnace 2017. Repainted in 2017, roof is 3 yrs old. Main has liv rm, din rm, kitch & family rm. Near schools & shops.


Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


26775 16th Ave, Langley

Full Production Farm!! 15 acre blueberry farm with wide frontage in prime Langley location! Near U.S. border, town & shopping centers! Two homes, 1 - 5 bedroom house & 1 - 2 bedroom manufactured home!! Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


6650 sq ft lot with green belt. Close to University & schools. For Further Information Call Rupinder

Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


2074 Dolphin Crescent, Abbotsford

33991 Tooley Place, Mission

Build Your Dream Home!!

Custom Home on Corner Lot

Open fl plan w/5 master bdrms, 5 custom baths, jetted tub, steam shower, laundry & sundeck up. Vaulted ceilings on main. 2 kitchens & potential 3rd kitchen. Near USA border, Highstreet Mall, rec center & Hwy 1.

36 Brand New Homes

4,470 sq ft home!!! Main has kitchen & spice Kitchen, liv rm, din rm & family rm. 4 bdrms, 3 baths up. 2 bdrm legal suite & separate media room & bar for owner usage!!! Great Location!!! Call Rupinder 604-832-2831


Call Rupinder 604-832-2831

Legal Coach House above Garage

4005.25 sq ft lot. 2498 sq ft home. 6 bdrms, 5 baths. 10’ ceil on main, 9’ ceil up. Master has double sided walk in closet. Close to new rec center, HWY 1 and USA border.

Peace of Mind

for Your Investment

qualified prescreened 604-820-9000 We have tenants ready to rent.


Lots For Sale

Starting @$449,000 Near Clark Theatre & University In Mission



Friday, Aug 10th, 2018

Amit Sudhakar

Nav Aulakh

Seller’s Agent 778.552.5658

Buyer’s Agent 778.347.8700

Exceptional Client Service & Professional Real Estate Advice RESIDENTIAL 403 3170 GLADWIN ROAD

32773 Cowichan Terrace

Large updated super clean 2 bedroom 2 bathroom corner unit apartment for 35+

Make a huge 6000+ sq ft duplex on this 10680 sq ft lot .

3500 sq ft house built in 2018 with suite available in Chilliwack,

$950,000 $459,900

Asking $825,000


Maple Ridge Asking $7.6M • 19 Lot Subdivision

Maple Ridge Asking $599,000

25 unit townhouse site in South Surrey asking 5,625,000

Site in Clayton Asking $15.5M

• 6,200 sq.ft. Lots Available

• 83 Unit Townhome site

Lots available in Abbotsford, Mission, Maple Ridge, Surrey and Langley

2 lot subdivision in Abbotsford on Babich st. Already application done.



10 Acre assembly in Langley Asking $1.8M/acre • Brookswood - for Mixed


2 & 3 Lot Development Potential in Abbotsford. Call for more info!

Site in Central Gordon Asking $7M • 50 Unit Townhome site

South Surrey Starting from $565,000/lot • 55 Lot Subdivision


44 unit apartment building in maple ridge with PLA. Asking 3.5 mill

10 acre assembly Langley


1990 Coquitlam Ave. Asking $4.2M • 10 units available

21 unit apartment site in Abby with 4 commercial unit asking 2 mill

South Surrey Asking $9.5M • 19 Lot Subdivision

White Rock Asking $1.2M only • 2 lots available in White Rock


UPS store for sale in Chilliwack Asking $259k.

5 Acre Farm Asking $2M • With 5 bedroom house • In Mt. Lehman area.

13 Acre Farm Asking $2.3M • With 4000 sq. ft. house in Abbotsford

10 Acre Blueberry Farm 5050 157 Street Asking Asking $1.6M This is a 35.35 Acre blueberry Farm

• Close to 256 & 16th Ave • Lots of outbuildings & 3 bedroom house. • Variety is Duke.

with very central location. Build your beautiful dream house to live in a country side living.

$4,499,000 .

Looking to sell your property ? Call us today for a FREE no obligation evaluation ! PAGE R8

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