August 17th, 2018

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The Patrika 604.852.2288 | “ B R I D G I N G

COMMUNITIES” Weekly | Friday Aug 17th, 2018 | Vol.22. No.48 | |

inrpwK, suqMqr aqy agFhvDU soc nMU prnfieaf hoieaf A SECULAR, INDEPENDENT & PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER

Winner of Six Prestigious g Crowns – Abbotsford's Sweta Dixit mfxmwqy Cy qfjF dI ivjyqf-sivqf aYbtsPorz dI sivqf dIksLq

Introducing The Abbotsford Police Community Page : See Page 9 For Weekly Press Releases And Community Safety Tips pysL krdy hF aYbtsPorz pulIs kimAUintI pyj ijwQoN qusIN hr hPqy pulIs vloN idwqIaF geIaF sUcnfvF aqy pRYs rlIjLF pVH skdy ho| ies hPqy vyKo pMnH 9


asIN nvy aqy purfxy tfier vycdy hF | kfr dy tfier $50 ivwc bdly jfNdy hn tfier dI irpyar kIqI jfNdI hy|

Office : 604.746.4222

Rajiv Gaba : 604.897.3235 31324 -107 A Peardonville Rd, Abbotsford

The Patrika





Friday, Aug 17th, 2018

itAUn aWp, brykF, aYgjLfst, PrMt aYWz vrk, ieMjn irpyarjL, klWc, vftr pMp, trYnI srivs, XU- jfieMtjL, PrMt aYksl sLfPtjL afid

Repair Shop E`p dI k`r j~ ip@kE@p dI hryk qrH~ dI mkYnIkl sm@isE` d` h@l qs@lIbKS kMm r`hIN kIq` j~d` hY! Looking for a 3rd or 4th year Mechanic!

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The Patrika


Friday, Aug 17th, 2018




ICBC CLAIMS afeI.sI.bI.sI dy dfavy

trfiel smyq asIN quhfzy Gr afky vI srivs idMdy hF




trfiel smyq

33222 Elz Xyl roz,aYbtsPorz, bI.sI. imlx leI apufieMtmYNt jLrUrI hY

isrP aYbtsPorz rihx vfilaF leI puwCigwC



The Patrika





Friday, Aug 17th, 2018


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The Patrika




Friday, Aug 17th, 2018


Canada’s immigration system continues to innovate and deliver better service Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has taken great strides towards improving its clients’ service experience. A reduction in backlogs and processing times is a cornerstone of that work. Today the Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, highlighted some of the substantial improvements that IRCC has made over the past year. IRCC has been able to reduce backlogs significantly and make family reunification a priority, thanks to a historic multi-year immigration levels plan. For example, the Live-In Caregiver Program (LCP) inventory was reduced from a high of 62,000 in May 2014, to less than 12,000 by April 2018. We are on track to meet our 2017 commitment to process at least 80% of the remaining LCP backlog by the end of 2018, and are processing new LCP permanent residence applications within 12 months. IRCC also recently began using an improved method to estimate processing

times for some new permanent residence China, India, the Philippines and Viet- -We changed the definition of the age of applications. nam get their study permits faster. dependants from “under 19” to “under 22”, to enable more families stay toIn addition, we reduced the spousal Other substantial improvements in- gether in Canada. sponsorship inventory from a high of clude: 75,000 to 15,000 as of December 31, -We invested in an innovative pilot proj2017, and are processing new spousal -We partnered on new initiatives to better ect to employ up to 1,300 newcomers in sponsorship applications within 12 support Francophone immigration, such sustainable, long-term jobs in the hotel months. To help spouses further, we as the creation of a new Francophone industry. extended the Open Work Permit Pilot Immigration Policy hub to support the for spousal sponsorship applicants and Action Plan for Increasing Francophone -We continue to meet the 6-month proImmigration Outside of Quebec. We also cessing time for Express Entry applicasimplified the guides and checklists. improved Francophone immigration ser- tions in the Federal Skilled Worker ProWe also made changes to the Citizenship vices at Toronto’s Pearson International gram and Canadian Experience Class. Act that give more flexibility to citizen- Airport. In the next 12 months, IRCC is planning ship applicants to meet the requirements -We changed our medical inadmissibility improvements to offer clients more selffor Canadian citizenship and encourage policy to ensure that our immigration service options online. New initiatives more immigrants to take the path to policies better refl ect the importance that will be implemented, such as expancitizenship. the Government places on the inclusion sion of online applications and adding This year we also helped workers and of persons with disabilities. new functionalities to clients’ online students. In June we celebrated the sucaccounts. We will continue to improve cessful first year of the Global Skills -IRCC increased its presence in China, how we communicate anticipated proStrategy, which has supported Canada’s with 7 new visa application centres. cessing times, so they make more sense economy and benefited 10,000 highly -To continue supporting clients applying to clients. skilled workers and more than 100 em- from overseas, we plan to add additional ployers. We also launched the Student visa applications centres internationally As we consider these improvements, we continue to actively listen to our clients Direct Stream to help students from in 2018 and 2019. and are approaching these changes with their comments and concerns in mind.

Taxpayers: overhaul ICBC and give drivers a choice CTF calls for ICBC to be opened up to competition VANCOUVER, BC: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) is calling on the British Columbia government to open the Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC) up to competition to give B.C. drivers a choice in auto insurance and a chance to actually save money.

B.C. drivers already pay the highest auto insurance rates in all of Canada, with the average landing around $1,700 per year – and they have no choice in the matter because ICBC is a government-forced monopoly. The CTF recently received documents that showed an average motorhome cost $1,400 to insure in Burnaby, “Today’s announcement about good while that same camper would cost drivers versus bad drivers only just $400 to insure in Calgary. tinkers with a clunker that needs a full overhaul,” said Kris Sims, BC “It’s puzzling that grown adults are Director of the Canadian Taxpay- being told by the government what ers Federation. “Be careful of the their auto insurance rates shall be, language these politicians are us- rather than allowing these drivers the ing today when they say that good freedom to shop around and make drivers will pay lower rates than their own insurance choices and find they ‘otherwise would’ under the lower rates,” added Sims. “Imagine previous framework – that could if we only had a government-owned just mean that good driver rates are grocery store in B.C. and there was skyrocketing up slower than those of nowhere else bad drivers.” PAGE 5

The Patrika





Friday, Aug 17th, 2018

Successful Abbotsford antigang program to lose funding the Abbotsford Police Department, John Howard Society and Abbotsford School District. Abbotsford Police Chief Constable, Bob Rich, supports the program and is helping rally government support. “The lower mainland gang conflict has deep roots in both Surrey and Abbotsford. Both communities need comprehensive prevention strategies to ensure this gang problem doesn't continue in the years to come.” “Since the program has been put in place, we have been able to more readily identify and support students who are at-risk of school failure due to their On Sept 30th, the federal funding for the involvement with gangs,” said Kevin Abbotsford gang prevention program, In Godden, Superintendent of Schools for It Together (IIT), will run out and over Abbotsford School District. 100 at-risk youth and their families will be without support. “This commitment to prevention and intervention has been key in supporting The funding was provided by Ministry a number of our students and without of Public Safety for five years starting this partnership, we would lose our in 2013. While there is a new funding ability to identify these youth early on approval round in process, the funding and to “wrap-around” the youth with the is uncertain and isn’t scheduled to start supports needed.” until April 2019. Gutrath is already hearing from con“Without funding for the six months, cerned parents of youth in the program. we’ll have to shut down the program One client’s mother, who did not wish and stop supporting youth and their to be identified, said “There is a good families. It will be a devastating setback possibility that had SACRO [a program to a proven and successful program,” of IIT] not have been there for him, my said Alison Gutrath, the community son would not be alive today.” coordinator of IIT. Here’s what Abbotsford is saying: Requests to the provincial government to provide temporary funding have not “The lower mainland gang conflict has been approved. IIT needs $423,000 to deep roots in both Surrey and Abbotsprovide essential services in the six ford. Both communities need compremonths for the highest risk youth and hensive prevention strategies to ensure their families. this gang problem doesn't continue in the years to come. Since the program began in 2013, staff have provided prevention, intervention The Abbotsford Police Department and re-entry support over 1,500 at-risk fully endorses Abbotsford Community youth and their family members. Services’ request for continued funding of the In It Together program, which Participants usually spend more than a provides required gang prevention and year in the program and there have been intervention work with youth and their over 15,000 hours of one-to-one youth families in our community. outreach work. Without this program we will have less “We work to stop the flow of young peo- support for youth in Abbotsford who ple into gangs, help support those who are at-risk of/involved in the Lower want to leave a gang and provide case Mainland gang conflict.” management for those leaving prison,” said Gutrath. “We know that prevention – Bob Rich, Chief Constable, Abbotsis less expensive than dealing with the ford Police Department aftermath of gang conflict.” “The Abbotsford School District lends The IIT program is a partnership be- its support to the continued funding for tween Abbotsford Community Services, the “In It Together” program. Since


The Patrika


Friday, Aug 17th, 2018

the program has been put in place, we have been able to more readily identify and support students who are at-risk of school failure due to their involvement with gangs.




– Alison Gutrath, Community Coordinator, In It Together “Youth in Abbotsford who are involved with criminal and gang activity benefit greatly from the support of the voluntary program, In It Together. Without the support of this program, the community ability to respond to the ongoing gang conflict will be greatly hindered.

This commitment to prevention and intervention has been key in supporting a number of our students and without this partnership with the “In It Together” program, we would lose our ability to identify these youth early on and to “wrap-around” the youth with the sup- We will lose one of the main support ports needed.” services who provide prevention and – Kevin Godden, Superintendent, Ab- intervention for families who have youth who have become involved in local gang botsford School District violence. These programs provide fre“My son started to get involved in gangs. quent contact with youth who are at risk He continued to sneak out and would of gang involvement and others who are get into fights. To get him out of these already deeply involved with high-risk circumstances, [IIT] SACRO helped me gang life. out the most. If [IIT] SACRO hadn’t been there, I might have given up and In It Together has become one of our I would not be here today. Now I am preeminent services in addressing seeing positive changes in him such as these cases and they provide an invaluincreased respect, lowered aggression, able service for the parents of these he’s also trying hard to connect to his youth, teaching them how to manage potentially dangerous behaviours and younger brother and I. associations while providing support to There is a good possibility that had [IIT] parents often feeling trapped in helpless SACRO not have been there for him, my parenting situations. son would not be alive today.” This program provides additional hours of intervention with youth by well– Mother of youth client trained and experienced youth outreach “In It Together was initially funded as workers; that fundamentally support a 5 year project; however the issue of the work Youth Probation officers are gangs has not gone away. The govern- doing. Without this program there will ment is committed to funding anti-gang be a substantial service gap which will and public safety programs, but due to be very difficult and expensive to fill.” unfortunate proposal timing, we are facing an unavoidable funding gap. This – Pat Giasson, Youth Probation Team gap will leave youth and their families Leader, East Fraser, Ministry of Chilwithout the support services they need.” dren and Family Development – FGC


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rwKVI syl

RAKHI SALE nvyN PYybirwk aqy sUt lY jfE

cMnIaF smyq sUt $30 dy 2 sUt

inAU brokyz, kryp, aqy islk, stor ivwc hor vI bhuq kuwC

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cMnIaF smyq sUt $50 dy 2 sUt nvyN

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60” 100% kOtn $20 df 1 sUt $36 dy 2 sUt

604-864-8100 32853 Ventura Ave Abbotsford


The Patrika





gurdafrf suK sfgr ivKy sfihb jQydfr joigMdr isMG ivdFqI dy aOx qy gurdafrf pRbMDk kmytI vloN snmfnq kridaF


Friday, Aug 17th, 2018

The Patrika




Friday, Aug 17th, 2018


Incident: Police warn of public risk: Varinderpal Singh GILL puils dI cyqfvnI: pwbilk nUM KLqrf: virMdrpfl isMG igwl The Abbotsford Police Department (APD) has determined that Varinderpal Singh Gill poses a significant risk to the public. Varinderpal Gill is involved in the gang conflict here in Abbotsford and in the lower mainland. The APD believes he poses a serious risk to other gang members in the conflict. He is also at risk of violence by other gang members. Because many gang shootings occur in public places, this means Varinderpal Gill’s presence in public places creates a serious risk to public safety as well. Varinderpal Gill is very tall and slim (6’,2” and 165 lbs.) and nineteen years of age. He often goes by the name, “VP”. The APD is taking the unusual step of asking that anyone who sees Varinderpal Gill in a public place within Abbotsford to contact the police by calling 911. Where possible, members of the APD will respond to that location and take steps to ensure the public are kept safe. The Abbotsford Police Department is appealing to anyone with information to call us at 604-859-5225, text us at 222973 (abbypd), or to report anonymously to Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477(TIPS) or online at

aYbtsPorz puils izpfrtmYNt ny virMdrpfl isMG igwl nUM pwbilk leI iek Kqrf smiJaf hY. virMdrpfl igwl aYbtsPorz aqy loar mynlYNz ivc vfpr rhy gYNg kOnPilkt ivc sLfml hY. puils nUM lgdf hY ik ieh dUjy gYNg mYNmbrF leI Kqrnfk hY jo ik ies kOnPilkt ivc sLfml hn. ies nUM dUjy gYNg mYNmbrF qoN vI Kqrf hY. ikAuNik qkrIbn sfry gYNg sLUitMg pwbilk QfvF qy huMdy hn, ies krky virMdrpfl igwl df pwbilk plys qy hoxf pwbilk leI vI Kqrnfk hY. virMdrpfl igwl bhuq lMbf aqy pqlf hY (6'2” aqy 165 pfAUNz) aqy Aus dI Aumr 19 sflF dI hY. Auh afm qOr qy “vI pI” dy nF qoN pihcfixaf jFdf hY. aYbtsPorz puils bynqI krdI hY, jy qusIN virMdrpfl igwl nUM iksy vI aybtsPorz dy pwbilk QF dy dyKdy ho, qF 911 nUM Pon kro. aYbtsPorz puils dy mYNmbr iksy vI QF qy phuMcx gy aqy pwbilk dI surwksLf krn gy. aYbtsPorz puils apIl krdI hY, jy iksy kolLy jfxkfrI hovy, qF Pon kro 604-859-5225, jF tYkst kro 222973 (abbypd), jF ibnF nF idwqy krfeIm stOpr nUM Pon kro 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS) jF vYbsfeIt qy

Call APD non-emergency at 604-859-5225 or text ABBYPD (222973) To make an anonymous report, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or report online at

aYbtsPorz pulIs zIpfrtmYNt nMU nfn-aYmrjMsI lfeIn 604-589-5225 'qy Pon kro jF 222973 'qy tYkst mYsj Bojo. aigafq rIport ilKvfAux leI krfeIm stfprjL nMU 1-800-222-7477 'qy Pon kroo jF afnleIn jf ky 'qy rIport ilKvfE.

building bridges



By recognizing that the Fraser Valley has grown into a diverse population, Dr.’s Bajwa and Dhami are partnering with UFV to build a bridge that fosters deeper understanding of issues in our community while gaining respect for all and growing friendships. Join us at Fraser Valley Community Golf day — a fundraiser in support of UFV’s South Asian Studies Institute (SASI) Research Fellowship Endowment. Registration includes golf, prizes, sponsored eatery and wine tastings at holes, dinner, and more. Funds raised will support expert scholarly research aimed at answering questions and tacking issues that matter to you.

FRIDAY, AUG 24 AT 11 AM Chilliwack Golf & Country Club

Questions? Contact Sheila Reimer: | 604-854-4513 Sign up as an individual or team today at


The Patrika





Friday, Aug 17th, 2018

Government modernizes ICBC rate design to make insurance fairer The provincial government wants to make sure B.C. drivers pay ICBC premiums “Right now, the system is broken. A driver with no crashes could be paying the that more fairly and accurately reflect the risk they represent on the roads. same premium as a driver with three at-fault crashes in a year. We heard from British Columbians that their insurance rates need to be fair and we agree — good ICBC’s current rate structure is more than 30 years old. It is built around insuring drivers shouldn’t have to continue paying more to cover the costs for those who the vehicle rather than the driver, and allowing discounts to drivers despite multiple cause crashes or present a higher risk on our roads.” crashes. Combined, this has resulted in British Columbians with crash-free, clean driving records subsidizing bad drivers, including those with multiple accidents. The proposed changes align with feedback government received from nearly 35,000 David Eby, Attorney General, said the submission ICBC is making to the BC British Columbians on how to make insurance fairer. Key proposed changes to Utilities Commission (BCUC) will include revenue-neutral proposals aimed at basic insurance include: levelling that playing field. Moving to a driver-based model, so that at-fault crashes are tied to the driver and “We want to modernize ICBC so that British Columbians pay according to their not the person who owns the vehicle; crash history, driving records and level of risk, and take responsibility for their Increasing insurance discounts for drivers with up to 40 years of driving experidriving habits. It’s only fair,” said Eby. ence, up from the current limit of nine years; and, New discounts available for vehicles with original, manufacturer-installed automatic emergency braking technology and for vehicles driven less than 5,000 kilometres per year. If approved by the BCUC, these changes will benefit an estimated two-thirds of ICBC’s customers. The changes will not increase the total funds that ICBC collects through basic policies, but instead will rebalance individual driver premiums and reset the way rates are determined. “The changes we are proposing are the most significant updates to how ICBC’s basic insurance premiums are set in more than 30 years,” said Joy MacPhail, ICBC’s board chair. “When British Columbians were asked for their feedback on this topic, one message came out loud and clear — lower-risk drivers shouldn’t be paying the same as some high-risk drivers. We wholeheartedly agree.” Other proposed changes include: Basic insurance discounts for inexperienced drivers will be adjusted to better reflect their risk; At-fault crashes will have a larger impact on the premium a driver pays; Rate classes and territories data will be updated for the first time in more than 10 years to reflect significant changes in traffic density, population growth and changes in the urban infrastructure; and, An increase to the Driver Penalty Point (DPP) and Driver Risk Premium (DRP) programs of 20% in fall 2018 and 20% in fall 2019, as previously announced. As part of these changes, ICBC is proposing a “transition cap” that limits how much the premium can change annually based on a customer’s driving record and at-fault crash history. Most customers will fully transition to their new basic premium within three years under the proposed changes. The B.C. government has directed ICBC to file an application with the BCUC by Aug. 15, 2018. Subject to approval, the changes would come into effect September 2019. Separately, the government has also directed ICBC to move the timing of its basic insurance rate application to the BCUC from late August to December to align any rate change with the other product changes already announce


The Patrika


Friday, Aug 17th, 2018





Dhami Narang & Company LLP (“DNC Lawyers”) was established in 2010 by Rajan Dhami and Amrik Narang. With the help of our valued clients, DNC Lawyers has now grown into a mid-sized law rm with of ces in Abbotsford and Surrey, British Columbia. To serve our clients best, DNC Lawyers has an experienced team of 9 lawyers to cater to the individual needs of our clients. Every member of our law rm strives to provide outstanding service to produce the best results for our clients.


We use a collaborative team approach to your legal problems to get you the best results possible. We are only happy when you are happy and realize that our success depends on referrals from our client base.

rfjn DfmI aqy amrIk nfrMg vloN 2010 ivwc sQfpq kIqI geI sI. sfzy suihrd klfieMts dI mwdd nfl DNC Lawyers ny qrwkI kridaF imwz sfeIjLz lfa Prm bxf leI hY, ijs dy dPqr bI sI dy sLihrF aYbtsPorz aqy srI ivwc hn. afpxy klfieMts dIaF smUh musLiklF nfl nijwTx leI vwzy qjLribaF vfly 9 vkIlF dI tIm iqafr ho geI hY. afpxy klfieMts dIaf qmfm smwisafvF dy hYrfnIjnk nqIijaF leI hux awzI cotI dy Auprfly kIqy jfx gy.

qswlIbKsL proPYsLnl syvfvF quhfnMU vDIaf knMUnI nqIjy dyx leI asIN sfry sFJI tIm dy qOr qy Xqn krdy hF quhfzI KusLI hI sfzI KusLI hovy gI, asIN mihsUs krdy hF ik sfzIaF sPlqfvF quhfnMU idwqy cMgy nqIijaF AuWqy hI inrBr hn.

REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS We deal with all matters relating to the sale and purchase of residential and commercial property. By contacting us before you sign a contract, you can make sure your rights are protected. We will provide you with reliable and timely legal advice. PURCHASE & SALE: RESIDENTIAL ·Negotiating and Drafting Agreements of Purchase and Sale ·Acting for Buyers or Sellers on Purchases and Sales of New Homes, Condominiums, Assignments, Recreational and Cottage properties ·Acting for Borrowers or Lenders on Mortgage Transactions ·Advising Borrowers on Mortgage Liability PURCHASE AND SALE: COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL

·Purchases and Sales of Commercial Real Estate

Apartment and Office Buildings ·Land Purchases or Sales ·Acting for Borrowers or Lenders on Mortgage Transactions ·Advising Borrowers on Mortgage Liability ABBOTSFORD OFFICE

Dhami Narang & Company LLP Suite 301-2975 Gladwin Road Abbotsford, BC V2T 5T4

ICBC CASES We handle a full range of ICBC personal injury claims, including head injuries, broken bones, soft tissue injuries, muscle strains, psychological injuries & others asIN afeI sI bI sI nfl sbMDq iNnWjI srIrk swtF PytF ijnHF ivc isr dIaF swtF, tuWtIaF hWzIaF, koml itsULaF dIaF cotF, pWiTaF dIaF sWtF, mfnisk ivgfV aqy hor hfnIaF sLfml hn, dy klym hYNzl krdy hF. THE LAWYERS AT DNC PROVIDE COMPREHENSIVE LEGAL SERVICES IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS:

zI aYn sI dy vkIl iehnHF syvfvF ivwc quhfzI pUrI mdd kr skdy hn: Personal Injury / ICBC Business / Corporate Commercial Litigation Real Estate Wills / Probate Estate Litigation

prsnl swt jF af sI bI sI kfrobfr / kOrpryt kOmrsLIal mukwdmf rIal iestyt vsIaq jF pRobyt jfiedfd mukwdmf

rIal iestyt trFjLYksLns asIN vpfrk aqy rhfiesLI jfiedfdF vycx aqy KRIdx sbMDI sB kfrjF df kMm krdy hF. koeI vI kOntrYkt sfeIn krn qoN pihlF sfzI islfh jLrUr lvo. asIN quhfnUM qswlI kr ky dwsF gy ik quhfzy hwk syP hn ik nhIN? asIN afp jI nUM tfeIm isr shI aqy BrosyXog kfnUMnI msLvrf idMdy rhF gy.

prcyjL aYNz syl rYjLIzYNsLIal •KrId aqy vyc dy sihmqI zrfPitMg aYgrImYNts •asIN vycx vflLy dI vI aqy KRIdx vflLy dI vI shI mdwd krdy hF ijvyN nvyN Gr KrIdx, kONzmInIams, rhfiesLI dsqfvyjL. mn-prcfvy vflLIaF aqy kfitj prfprtIjL leI. •mfrtgyj idvOx ivwc asIN KRIdx vflLy dI vI aqy vycx vflLy dI vI mdwd krdy hF •KRIdx aqy vycx vflLy dI mfrtgyj Xogqf bfry dwsdy hF

kmrsLIal aqy ieMzstrIal prcyjL aqy syl •kmrsLIal rIal iestyt aYpfrtmYNt aqy afiPs iblizMgF dI KrId aqy vyc •jLmIn dI KrId aqy vyc •vycx vfilaF aqy KRIdx vfilaF leI mfrtgyj trFjLYkisLn •KRIdx vfilLaF nUM mfrtgyj lfieibltI vfry shI slfh idMdy hF.

SURREY OFFICE Dhami Narang & Company LLP Suite 313-14928 Hwy 10 Surrey, BC V3S 2N5 Toll Free: 1-877-864-6131


604-864-6131 PAGE 11

The Patrika




A Closer look at The Abbotsford Winner of six prestigious crowns Recently crowned Ms Canada’s Top Choice 2018 Runner up Sweta Dixit brought glory of six crowns to the gracious city of Abbotsford by winning Miss Talent, Miss Congeniality, Miss People's Choice Award and Miss Queen of Substance. She is the first from Abbotsford to win so many crowns back to back on a National Platform that was held in Toronto, Canada. Sweta is an aspiring role model to girls and young women because of her hard work, dedication and commitment. She is committed to enhancing and glorifying the image of the South Asian Community as she sets out to mark her service in the community by facilitation with this platform. Post her win she has also been selected as the candidate recruiting director from British Columbia.

post graduate from renowned KMC, Manipal and FDU, Vancouver. She is bright academically as well as in extra curricular activities. Since childhood she has participated in many events and won many awards. She has single handily worked hard in Canada day and night and built her dreams step by step. Being an international student, she has fought all her battles alone and is very well established within Abbotsford

Sweta is involved in various health events, fundraising and spreading awareness. She is associated with Ketto Foundation, and an online Volunteer to United Nations, a Goodwill worker at Hey Hi foundation, Heart and stroke Foundation and MS society. She wishes to uplift the quality of health globally being a certified learner from Harvard University. We Sweta has lived in Canada for the past 7 wish Sweta good luck in all her future years and being a citizen of Canada has endeavours. always had a keen interest in arts and a knack to showcase her talents. A double

mfxmwqy Cy qfjF dI ivjyqf-sivqf aybtsPorz dy isqfiraF ivwc hor vfDf krn vflLI bIbf sivqf dIksLq PirsLqy qoN Gwt nhIN. Aus ny bVI qyjLI nfl sMsfr dy ieiqhfs nUM nvIN idwK dyx leI axQwk qy lMmIaF dOVF ijwqIaF hn. trFto ivwc hoey 2018 dy imws knyzf mukfbilaF ivwc rnr awp rhI sivqf dIksLq ny vwK vwK KyqrF dy 6 qfj hfisl kIqy hn. sivqf ny imws tylYNt, imws knjInIaYltI, imws pIpljL coies aYvfrz, imws kueIn afP sbstFs afid iKqfb ijwqy hn.

sivqf swq sfl qoN knyzf rih rhI hY qy sLurU qoN hI Aus nUM afpxIaF klfvF aqy afrt idKOx df Jws hY. Auh KML, Manipal, aqy FDU vYnkUvr qoN zbl grYjUeyt hY.

Auh bcpn qoN hI pVHfeI dy nflL hor gqIivDIaF ivwc ienfm ijwqdI af rhI hY. knyzf ivwc Aus ny idn rfq imhnq kridaF afpxy supny sfkfr kIqy hn. aMqrrfsLtrI ividafrQx hox dy nfqy Aus nUM bhuq sMGrsLF nflL mwQy lOxy pey, hux ieh jIvn aYbtsPorz df nfm dunIaF ivwc phuMcOx vflLI ieh ivwc pUrI sQfpq aqy sMqusLt hY. BfrqI plyTI lVkI hY, ijs ny iewko hI smyN 6 qfj sivqf bhuq sfrIaF ishq sbMDI gqI ivDIaF nUM vI pRfpq kIqy hn. smripq hY, ijvyN PMz ryijLMg, jfgrUkqf dI lihr, sivqf muitafr kuVIaF aqy nO-juafn aOrqF leI lok BlfeIaF afid. sivqf KETTO PfAUNzysLn iewk afdrsL mfzl hY. rwb ny ies ivwc CotI Aumry XUnfieitz nysLnl dI aOn lfeIn vlMtIar hY, HEY hI bhuq gux Br idwqy hn, ijvyN sKq imhnq, HI PfAUNzyisLn dI guwz ivwl vrkr, hrt aYNz strok axQwk smrpn, pwQr qy lIk vrgI vcnbwDqf. PfAUNzysLn aqy MS susfietI’c Kfs rol Dfrk hY. ies dI afdrsLk qy ikRsLmeI soc ivc sfry sMsfr sivqf Harvard University dI izgrI Dfrk aqy eysLIan kmuintI dI syvf aqy siqkfr dI hox dy nf qy ieh sDrF rwKdI hY ik sMsfr ivwc AusfrI leI bhuq AuWcy afkIdy hn. ies plYtPfrm ishq syvfvF dI gqI hor qyjLI PVy. Aus dIaF nyk qy KVH ky Aus ny sfiraF nUM qUPfn vFg awgy vDx nIqIaF, sKq imhnqF ayq sunihrI supinaF dI df rfh dws idwqf hY. ienHf ijwqF df muwl pONidaF pUrqI leI asIN sivqf bytI nUM swuLB kfmnfvF idMdy srkfr ny ies nUM bI sI rIkrUitMg zfierYktr hF qy ies dy BivwKI hMBilaF dI kfmXfbI leI rwb nUM Pirafd krdy hF. cux ilaf hY.


Friday, Aug 17th, 2018


jnrl lokl ielYksLn 2018 aYbtsPorz sLihr aqy aYbtsPorz skUl izstirkt

noits aYbtsPorz istI kONisl dI cox dOV bfry soc rhy ho? AumIdvfrF leI pRInOmInysLn kONisl sYsLn aYbtsPorz istI kYNzIzyts dI prInOmInysLn leI swdf idMdf hY ik qusIN dws sko ik afp myar dy aOiPsleI jF kONslr dy afiPs leI AumIdvfr ho sYsLn qrqIb bwuDvfr, 29 agsq 2018 sLfm 3:00-sLfm 4:30 kmrf 530, pMjvIN mMijLl, aYbtsPorz istI hfl ies sbMDI jy hor jfxkfrI lYxI hovy qF ielYksLn dPqr nflL hyT ilKy anusfr rfbqf bxfE: ibwl Piltn cIPL ielYksLn aPsr

sLyrI zyivs jF kytI krn izptI cIP ielYksLn aPsr

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The Patrika


Friday, Aug 17th, 2018


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď


Universal, single-payer pharmacare plan the best solution to ensure all Canadians can afford prescription drugs, BCFED tells Ottawa’s advisory council With millions of Canadians unable to afford to pay for vital prescription drugs to keep them alive and healthy, the BC Federation of Labour says it’s time for concerted national action through the cooperation of all federal, provincial and territorial governments to address a growing crisis.

employer-funded prescription drug coverage.

“BC also has the highest percentage of precarious, low-paying part-time workers of the major provinces. The inequality gap here between the rich and the poor is staggering, and it puts the high cost of many prescription drugs beyond “Canada is the only developed country the financial reach of hundreds of thouin the world with a universal health care sands more workers.� program that doesn’t include universal prescription drug coverage,� says Lanzinger says the BC labour movement BCFED President Irene Lanzinger. “And believes one option stands out as the everyone here knows someone who isn’t best path for change. “A single-payer, able to afford to take their medication as universal prescription drug plan would ensure that no matter where Canadians prescribed. live and work, everyone with a health “The facts are clear about the magnitude card would have coverage for their preof the problem,� says Lanzinger. “About scription medications’� she says. one out of three working British Columbians—close to 800,000 people—lack

Exceptional Quality Blueberry Nursery Stock

BLUEBERRY PLANTS Sidhu Growers is British Columbia's leading quality blueberry nursery. At Sidhu Growers, we grow healthy, disease free, virus indexed and true-toname Blueberry plants. We specialize in growing blueberry plants and have 20 plus years of experience in the blueberry business.

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We are the only authorized nursery in Canada to sell Reka, a northern blueberry variety and have documentation from where the variety originated from, which is New Zealand, and have proof of it. Make sure when purchasing Reka you ask to see the signed authorization from New Zealand. Being the only authorized nursery to sell Reka we can provide you with this.

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When purchasing blueberry plants, buy from a reputable blueberry nursery that specializes in growing blueberry plants. Ask to see virus testing documentation. Make sure plants are produced from cuttings. Plants produced from tissue culture or cuttings taken from tissue culture plants tend to be difficult to machine harvest and require more pruning.

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We are committed to provide you with only the best blueberry plants available and guarantee it.

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For Further Information or to Place an Order Please Call:

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32787 Townshipline, Abbotsford, B.C. PAGE 13

The Patrika





Friday, Aug 17th, 2018

Red-light cameras now 24/7 to cut crashes, save lives

updated service and data-transmission capacity. It also increased its staff to review incidents and process additional tickets in a timely manner. Some locations began to operate at higher levels in November 2017, with all locations fully activated by the end of July 2018.

The Province’s increased ISC activation is consistent with international jurisdictions and every province west of Quebec. In B.C., a red-light camera offence occurs when a vehicle enters an intersection after the signal light turns red. The vehicle’s registered owner is responsible “For too long, cameras with a proven for the ticket even if they are not driving, record of curbing red-light runners and but does not receive penalty points on the serious crashes they cause were not their licence. operating at full capacity,” said Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety In March 2018, the ministry announced and Solicitor General. “Last year, we plans to add technology at certain ISC saw a record 350,000 crashes in B.C., locations to ticket the fastest drivers passwith about 60% of them happening at ing through those intersections on red, intersections. The full activation of these yellow or green lights. Analysis of crash cameras is overdue and an important and speed data is ongoing to determine step for safety on some of our busiest which locations will receive this technology. New signs will warn approaching roadways.” drivers about the enhanced intersection Since announcing the move to full acti- enforcement. The number and locations vation in September 2017, the Intersec- of the speed-activated cameras will be tion Safety Camera (ISC) program has announced in fall 2018. The red-light cameras at 140 high-crash intersections throughout B.C. are now operating at all times — up from six hours a day — to help reduce deaths and serious injuries on the province’s roads.

For All Your Crop Input Needs For Berry, Vegetable, Nursery And Greenhouse Growers CHEMICALS SOIL AMENDMENTS

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quhfzIaF sfrIaF PslF dIaF loVF vfsqy byrI, sbjLIaF, nrsrI aqy grIn hfAUs groarjL leI


The Patrika


Friday, Aug 17th, 2018




MSOC: Cascades pick up three wins on preseason stateside swing With the Canada West regular season fast approaching, the University of the Fraser Valley men’s soccer team served notice that it’s rounding into form. The Cascades won three times in four games on a preseason road trip through Washington and Oregon. They reeled off a trio of victories to open the jaunt, defeating Whatcom College 1-0 on Friday, Multnomah University 5-1 on Saturday, and Northwest Christian 5-0 on Monday. Evergreen State College handed UFV its lone defeat of the trip by a 1-0 score on Tuesday. “Really happy with the trip as a whole,” Cascades head coach Tom Lowndes summarized. “It gave the squad a great chance to bond both on and off the pitch. We were able to get all players significant minutes to boost their match fitness as we continue to prepare for our opening weekend just ten days away.

players learning our style of play in competitive environments, whilst strengthening their bodies to deal with the stress and physical demands that will come with Canada West conference games.” The Cascades have just two more matches on their exhibition slate: Friday at home vs. the Simon Fraser Clan (7 p.m., MRC Sports Complex, Field 4), and Monday on the road vs. Northwest University in Kirkland, Wash. (1 p.m.). After that, it’s right into the Canada West schedule. The UFV men open with a pair of games on the road – Saturday, Aug. 25 at Thompson Rivers (1 p.m.), and Sunday, Aug. 26 at UBC Okanagan (3 p.m.). They host their home openers the following weekend at MRC Sports Complex, taking on the UBC Thunderbirds on Friday, Aug. 31 (6:30 p.m.) and the Victoria Vikes on Sunday, Sept. 2 (2 p.m.).

“For me, I’m not concerned with results for our preseason games, it’s about the


The Patrika






Friday, Aug 17th, 2018

The Patrika


Friday, Aug 17th, 2018




kfto klysL kulvIr isMG zfnsIvfl afpo ivc Ps Ps, qIlf qIlf ho igaf sfnUM ijhVy JfVU qoN, sPfeIaF dI AumId sI iewk iewk kr Auh, icrfg buJ cwly af sfnUM ijnF kolLoN, rusLnfeIaF dI AumId sI kYNsrF, smYk aqy, kwPx nsIb hoey pr rujLgfr qy, pVHfeIaF dI AumId sI KMjr KBoey AuhnF, DoKy by-vPfeIaF dy sfnUM ijhVy XfrF qoN, by-vPfeIaF dI AumId sI myhxoN myhxI ho ky awj, tuwt geIaF XfrIaF sLgnF, ivafhF, kuVmfeIaF dI AumId sI gYNgvfrF, icwitaF, smYkF ny hI Kf ley sfnUM ijnHF puwqF qoN, kmfeIaF dI AumId sI by ieqPLfkI dIaF, awgF ny hI sfVqy ijQoN TMZ buwly, purvfeIaF dI AumId sI lUx AuhnF jLKLmF qy, Buwikaf sfhoqyaf ijnHF kolLoN mwlHmF, dvfeIaF dI AumId sI


The Patrika





Friday, Aug 17th, 2018



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Sports fans throughout the Fraser Valley and across British Columbia and northwest Washington eager to get their hands on the best seats in the house for the inaugural season of the Fraser Valley Bandits of the Canadian Elite Basketball League may do so now. The tipoff for putting down a deposit and securing a priority spot in line for 2019 season tickets begins Wednesday, August 15. Fans may place a $50 deposit by logging onto Fraser Valley Bandits season tickets start at $179.

in addition to the Fraser Valley Bandits in Abbotsford.

A league created by Canadians for Canadians, CEBL rosters will be comprised predominately of Canadians playing professionally during the traditional basketball season, along with international players and players drafted out of U Sports programs. It is the only FIBAaffiliated professional league in Canada, with a mandate to develop players, coaches, officials and sports executives. Each game day will feature a full slate “Since we announced the formation of of entertainment offerings before, during, the Canadian Elite Basketball League and after games. on May 2, fans across Canada have been asking when they can purchase tickets. “Canada is emerging as one of the We are very excited to announce that pri- world’s leading producers of basketball ority seating begins now with the simple talent, and the CEBL will fuel that movestep of putting down a deposit on season ment,” Morreale added. “The league tickets,” said Mike Morreale, chief ex- provides Canadians with a competitive ecutive officer of the CEBL. “Making platform during the summer months, and world class professional basketball ac- creates an opportunity for fans to watch cessible and affordable to people across that talent in person at premier arenas. Canada is a priority for our league. In Combining world class professional each of our six markets, the local team basketball and exceptional entertainment has put together a pricing structure that at family-friendly prices will provide a includes something for everyone who new experience for people of all ages has varying expectations for their game that make these events more than just games.” experience.” Season seats for the inaugural campaign Each team will play 20 games, including are expected to go on sale to the public 10 home dates, during the 2019 season. in the fall, with individual game tickets The Bandits will play out of the 7,000going on sale in spring 2019. The CEBL seat Abbotsford Centre. Plans call for season runs from May through August the 2019 regular season scheduled to be 2019, with teams located in Saskatch- announced in the fall. ewan (Saskatoon), Edmonton, Guelph, For More Information: www.thebandits. Niagara (St. Catharines), and Hamilton, ca or

The Patrika


Friday, Aug 17th, 2018




sMpfdkI curfsI lwK jUnf ivwcoN bMdy dI jUn AuWqm hY. ies ny afpxy qn qy mn dIaF sKq imhnqF nfl ies dunIaF ivwc vwKrf svrg pYdf kr ilaf hY. hr Kyqr ivwc mwlfN mfridaF ies ny DrqI qy qF hYrfnIjnk KojF kIqIaF hI hn sgoN pqfl dIaF prqF KMGflidaF asmfn dI Polf PflI vI afrMB idwqI hY. Auh idn dUr nhIN jdoN cMdrmf AWupr ies df suwKF Biraf vfsf hovygf. ivigafnk KojF ny JUT nUM swc aqy swc nUM JUT dI aslIaq dy rfh idKfl idwqy hn. bVI hI KusLI dI gwl hY ik mnuwK ny afpxy qn mn dy skUnf leI hYrfnIjnk anykF ajUby Koj ley hn pr ies sB kfsy dy huMidaF kuwJ burfeIaF vI bIj leIaF hn qy buirafeIaF dy Kyqr ivwc vI hwdF twp leIaF hn. sfzI murfd hY anykF iksm dy nsLy iqafr krny, ienHF nisLaF dI mfrkIitMg leI tIneyjrjL nUM cfty lOxf, sOKy ZMg nfl aqy bhuqI spIz nfl amIr hox dI soc apxf lYxI, nsLy vycx leI eyjMt lVI iqafr krnI, dUjy dI luwt Koh aqy Aus nUM mfr mkOx leI hiQafr rwKxy, hor sLkqIsLflI hox leI gruwp bxOxy, dUjy gYNgs nUM nf jrnf qy AunHf dy Kfqmy dIaF gqIivDIaF, KUn Krfby, mfrF DfVF, hwsdy vwsdy GrF dy AujfVy aqy GrF dy crfg guwl krny, nPrq dI awg ivwc mcidaF twbrF dIaF qbfhIaF qy hor bhuq kuwJ. knyzf dI DrqI qy vsidaF bVy hI suK shUlqF pRfpq hn. hvf sfP suQrI qy afksIjn nfl BrpUr hY, pfxI sfP suQrf aqy ishqXfPLqf hY, PUz qfjLy aqy imlfvt rihq hn, kuwlI, guwlI qy juwlI dy jLrIhy hn, ishq syvfvF, ivwidaf, afvfjfeI, jIE aqy dUijaF nUM ijAux idE dI soc hY, hmdrdI hY, syvf sMBfl dy pRbMD hn. ies sB kfsy dy huMidaF buirafeIaF dy bUty vI vDdy Puwldy dyKy jf skdy hn. ieh sfzI mfVI krnI aqy glq soc dy nqIjy hn. mhfn kvI bfbf PrId jI ilKdy ny “loVy dfK ibjOrIaF, ikwkr bIjy jwt” Bfv mfVy krm kr ky cMgy PlL dI AumId krnI glq soc hY, nf-mumikn gwl hY. nsLf qskrI aqy gYNgjL kqlogfrq ny bhuq awq cuwkI hoeI hY ienHf dohF hI burfeIaF ny 1994 ivwc vYnkUvr aqy srI ivwc mMdBfgf Kfqf KoilHaf qy hOlLI hOlLI ieh burfeI pYr psfrdI psfrdI sfry bI sI ivc jflL bux ky bYTI hY, kuwJ icr qoN aYbtsPorz ivwc vI ies ny keI GrF dy crfg buJfey hn. ienHf qyeI cOvI sflF ivwc 380 dy krIb gBrU ies zYx ny hVwp ley hn. Brf ny kdy BgqI nf kIqI, koeI dfn nf kIqf, Auh Gr bYTf hI zbl gwPf lY igaf, qIvIN afdmI ivwc vI JgVf hoieaf qy Es GVI qy bhuq pCqfvf hoieaf jdoN rwb nUM ieh svfl kIqf sI. pr hux qF rwb dy pwky afrzr qo cuwky sn. bxI ilst muqfibk sB mMgF pUrIaF ho geIaF. jo kuwJ imilaf sI, Es dI EnI KusLI nf hoeI ijwnI hoxI cfhIdI sI pr Brf dy zbl gwPy ny ijAUxf duwBr kr idwqf bVy idn zIpRYsLn ivwc lMG gey, pr pysL koeI nf jfvy. acfnk bIbI nUM iewk Prnf Puiraf Auh aFhdI iewk jtkf PfrmUlf hY, Auh vrq ky dyKdy hF- “opqI jI nHf Do ky aj iPr arfDnf kro qy rwb qoN do mMgF hor mMgo, mMgF sux ky pqI dI rUh KusL ho gI- rwb qoN mMgF mMgIaF, “rwb jI sfzy Gr dy dr mUhry vwzf sfrf KUh puwt idE, qy sfzy sfiraF dI iewk iewk awK kwZ lE.” rwb mUrKF dy afKy lwg igaf qy Brf dy drF mUhry do KUh hox kr ky lFGf bMd ho igaf qy Brf dy sfry twbr dIaF do do awKF jFdIaF rhIaF. ijhVf GroN bfhr nUM inkly KUh’c DVMm kr ky jf mry. iewk idn ivwc hI Gr qbfh kr ky jo sMqusLtI qy KusLI imlLI Auh ibafnI ies durfcfrIaF BrI anHyrI nUM Kqm krn dI loV hY. ies dy Kfqmy leI smUihk Xqnf dI loV hY. afm nhIN jf skdI. sfrf twbr kfxy ho ky vI pUry KusL sn, ikAuNik jYls dI buJI awg ny bVf cYn idwqf sI. lok kihMdy hn ik ijwQy pMjfbI vsoN vDx lgdI hY AuQoN bfkI kOmf dy lok Gr vyc ky jfxf sLurU kr idMdy ieh qF kQf sI pMjfb dI. knyzf dy jIvn ZMg aqy lokF dy vrqoN ibhfr dI kdr krnI bxdI hY. ienHf hn, eyQy sfnUM afpxI pIVHI hyT sotf Pyrn dI loV hY. bwcy qF sFJf Dn huMdy hn, ies leI jy sfnUM iksy dy cMgy asUlF qy cwlidaF jIvn svrg bx skdf hY. afpF jfx buwJ ky nrk dy Auprfly nf krIey. iksy bwcy dy cfly TIk nhIN lgdy qF Aus dI drusqI leI kuwJ krnf cfhIdY, hux isafsq ivwc pMjfbIaF dI nUM AujfV ky KusL hoxf iensfnIaq nhIN sgoN bfbf PrId anusfr qF bury df vI Blf krnf iensfnIaq hY. cMgI siQqI hY, ies leI ienHF nUM kfnUMnI sKqI vl qurnf cfhIdY, kfnUMn sKq hovy, sjLfvF lMmIaF qy mihMgIaF hox, puils nPrI vDfeI jfvy, ienHf dy hiQafr aqy pYtroilMg gwzIaF vDfeIaF jfxH, ienHf KusLI dI gwl hY ik afpxy sLihr aYbtsPorz ivwc myar aqy imAuNspl kmytI dI cox 20 akqUbr nUM df Canadian Security Intelligence Service ivMg kfrjsLIl hovy qy Auh hr bury qoN jfxU hovy, ho rhI hY. AumIdvfrF ny quhfzy qoN votF mMgx aOxf hY. jy asIN sfry bfkI mMgF ivwc sB qoN pihlI mMg mfpy, aiDafpk aqy smfj syvI jQybMdIaF bwicaF dI mfniskqf TIk rwKx leI XqnsLIl hoxH, mIzIaf gYNg klcr aqy gMn klcr dy Kfqmy dI krIey qF jLrUr sfriQk nqIijaF dI AumId kIqI jf skdI hY. puils dI jfxkfrI muqfibk ies kropI df bhuqf jLor pMjfbI BfeIcfry dy gwBrUaF qy hY, ijwQy vI pMjfbIaF dI vsoN vwD hY, EQy ies df jLor hY. ieh bVI mfVI gwl hY. ies dy kfrnf ivwc pMjfbIaF dy jYlsI suBfa, aKOqI axK aqy dUjy nUM jr nf skxf, pMjfb’c hoeIaF lVfeIaF dy bdly lYxy, ivafhF dy Cwz CzfeIy, nsLy dIaF lorF, Pukrfpn, dUraMdysLI dI Gft, puils dI nrmI, knUnI iZwl, isafsqdfnf dI nrmI afidk. myjOrtI pMjfbI afriQk mMdrflI ivwcoN afey sn eyQy hwz BnvIaF imhnqF kr ky KusLhflI af geI hY qy aglI pIVHI PukrI soc apnf rhI hY. kfrF dIaF typF ivwc pMjfb dy Pukry klfkfrF dy ilKy qy gfey gIq nMbr plytF qy, KUnI jwt, vYlI jwt, kbjLy, svfl muwC df, ilKOxf, skUlF, kfljF qy XUnIvristIaF dy gytF qy afsLkF vflLy rol, cMgy kfrj nhIN hn. ienHF qoN mfpy, irsLqydfr, BfeIcfrf, aqy bfkI kimAUintIjL icMqq hn.

sfihqkfr, gfiek klfkfr ies nUM ivsLf bxOx, ividak adfiraF ivwc ies ivsLy nflL sbMiDq iPlmf idKfeIaF jfieaf krn, vYpn lsMs dyx qy sKLq sLrqF hox, afidk Auprfly aqI jLrUrI hn. pr gwl burfeI nfloN bury dI jVH nflL sbMiDq hY. kdI lok kihMdy sn ik pMjfbIaF df klcr aYgrIklcr hY pr awj knyzf ivwc bhuqy lokF df mwq hY ik pMjfbIaF klcr jYls klcr hY. swc kOVf qF sfnUM vI lwgdf hY pr swc qF swc hI hY. sfnUM iewk kQfkfr dI kQf dI gwl Xfd hY jo sfzy ikrdfrF dI shI qsvIr iKwHcdI hY, Auh ies qrF hY ik iewk vfrI rwb iewk pMjfbI dI BgqI aqy cMgy guxf qy bhuq hI KusL ho igaf. KusL ho ky rwb ny pMjfbI nUM ikhf ‘Bgqf mMg lY jo mMgxf hY, mYN qyrI hr mMg pUrI krF gf.” pMjfbI kihMdf hY “100 eykV jLmIn dy idE, vwzf sfrf Gr, do vwzIaF kfrF, iewjLq mfn, qy korV dI ngdI.” pMjfbI dy nflL Aus vyly Aus dI pqnI vI bYTI sI, Aus dy mn aMdr jYls dI icxg AuWTI qy iPkr kridaF Auh puwC bYTI peI “jI ienHf dy Brf nUM qF nf kuwJ imlU?” rwb nUM BulyKf pY igaf peI ieh bIbI qF bfbf nfnk vflLy srbwq dy Bly dI rIJx hY, rwb KusL ho igaf qy Aus ny KusLI ivwc KIvy huMidaF ikhf, “bytI ies dy BfeI nUM ies qoN duwgxf imly gf.” rwb dy duafry qoN Gr nUM qur pey bhuq duKI qy bhuq Audfs. rotI Kfx nUM jI nf kry, kuwJ krn nUM jI nf kry, nINd nf afvy, Auprfmqf ny sUlLI cVHf idwqy. mslf vI Kfs sI,

afE afpF vI Es rwb qoN mMgF mMgIey : sfeIN vy sfeIN mINh myhrF df vrHfeIN sfeIN vy sfeIN sfqoN burf nf krfeIN sfeIN vy sfeIN sdf crnI lgfeIN sfeIN vy sfeIN suKI sB nUM vsfeIN sfeIN vy sfeIN jYlsI awg qoN bcfeIN DMnvfd sihq sMpfdkI mMzl


The Patrika




Friday, Aug 17th, 2018


qrMgf JMzf kro slfm jnrl zfier pfpI, golIaF df mINh vrfieaf AUDm isMG sI ilaf bdlf, jY ihMd nfhrf lfeIey qrMgf JMzf kro slfm, gIq ajLfdI gfeIey

ajLfdI prvfny, Bgq isMG qy sfQI, hw sky PFsI cVHgy dysL kOm ajLfdI leI, nF dunIaf’c rosLn krgy ienklfb ijLMdfbfd, nfhrf rlL lgfeIey qrMgf JMzf kro slfm

qrMgf JMzf kro slfm, gIq ajLfdI gfeIey

pMdrF agsq idn mhfn, Bfrq ajLfd krfieaf CwbI jnvrI sMn pMjfh, svrfj hoNd’c afieaf

dysL ivdysL rlH pMjfbI, gxqMqr idvs mnfAuNdy

svqMqr Bfrq idn mhfn, KusLIaF nfl mnfeIey

sLkqI pRdrsLn sYnf krdI, gvweIey rMg jmfAuNdy

qrMgf JMzf kro slfm, gIq ajLfdI gfeIey

dysL ajLfd rhy, abfd rhy, sB dI suwK mnfeIey qrMgf JMzf kro slfm, gIq ajLfdI gfeIey

sYNkVy sflF qoN dwuKF nflL, imlLI ieh ajLfdI gurUaF pIrF dI DrqI sfzI, hox dyxI nhIN brbfdI rMg nsl nf Byd Bfv, afpxf dysL afpxf rfj sLhId kOm df hY srmfieaf, crnIN sIs JukfeIey

lok cuxn afpxI srkfr, Bfrq mF dy isr’qy qfj

qrMgf JMzf kro slfm, gIq ajLfdI gfeIey

‘pRymI’ iBRsLtfcfr nsLf KorI ies nUM jVHoN mukfeIey qrMgf JMzf kro slfm, gIq ajLfdI gfeIey

jilHaF vfly bfgL df sfkf, Buwldf nhIN Bulfieaf




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asI Coty ibjLinsF, mIzIam ibjLinsF aqy svY-rujLgfrI kMntrYktrF nMU zy-tU-zy dI buwkkIipMg aqy py-rol dIaF syvfvF idMdy hF asIN rOjLfnf aqy mhInfvfr kMntrYkt Gwt qoN Gwt rytF qy krdy hF inwjI,pirvfrk aqy byisk ienkmtYks Pfrm vI Brdy hF

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The Patrika


Friday, Aug 17th, 2018




iewQy kI hY? nf bfbl dIaF glLIaF ijwQy Jurmt pfvx DIaF, kuwkV dI bFg koeI nf, nf bdlF glL twlIaF, nf koeI cftI ivwc mDfxI, nf koeI Bwqf lY ky cwlIaF, hfVHI sOxI jfxy koeI nf, nf koeI idn-iqAuhfr mqlb qwk hI sImq rihMdy swjx bylI Xfr nf Auh DrqI nf Auh pfxI, nf awg nf hvf, nf hI ikDry gMgf jmnf, nf idsx myry pMj diraf, iewQy kI hY?

iksy nflL nf ipafr iksy nUM, hr koeI kUky pYsf,

lKbIr ‘lwkI’ gwKV

pYsf hI Bgvfn bMdy df, pYsf hI hY puwqr jYsf,

Puwl iKVdy ny rMg brMgy, iksy ivwc vI nhIN KusLbo,

nf hI irsLqf BYx-BfeI df, nf koeI jnm-dfqf

nf hI mnuwKqf pihlF vrgI, nf Auh ijhf moh,

jd iksy qy pey musIbq, Buwl jFdy sB afpxf nfqf,

swp bwicaF dy bxy iKlOxy, ijnHF ivwc nf jLihr,

bolI, Kfxf, pIxf vwKrf, nf hI koeI pihrfvf,

hr iewk nUM peI afpo afpxI, hr pfsy vriqaf ‘imwTI jylH’ coN kd inklFgy, rihMdf ey pCqfvf, kihr, Bhu-ruwqf myrf vqn ipafrf afvy Aus dI Xfd, nf hI koeI iqrvYxI idsdI, nf Auh TMZIaF CfvF, awj pYsy Kfqr bxy gulfm, ‘lwkI’ Cwzky mulk nf swQ nf PilaF vrgIaF iewQy idsx QfvF, afjLfd! iqRMJxF ivwc nf crKy idsdy, nf igWDy nF qIaF,


The Patrika



Friday, Aug 17th, 2018



Health and safety during wildfires ticulate air) filter and creating a clean-air Self-evacuation is not recommended. shelter in one room of your home. Staying where you are, or shelteringin-place, is usually a more reliable way In a vehicle, keep windows closed with of reducing exposure to wildfire smoke air conditioning set to recirculate. when you have access to a clean indoor Visit places with air conditioning, such air environment. Smoky conditions can as shopping malls, community centres, change quickly, so relocating to another swimming pools, public libraries, etc., as community may not reduce smoke expothey often have cleaner, cooler air than sure, and may cause unnecessary stress and anxiety. smaller buildings or the outdoors.

Air quality in British Columbia continues to fluctuate, and smoky-sky bulletins have been issued due to wildfire activity. The wildfire risk throughout the province remains a concern. A number of evacuation orders and alerts are in place. British Columbians are urged to exercise caution and remain vigilant to help prevent human-caused wildfires. Health and Wellness Poor air quality can be harmful to health, especially for infants, young children, the elderly and people with underlying medical conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,


People with asthma or other chronic illness should activate their personal care plans, and ensure they have an adequate heart disease or diabetes. The best way supply of life-saving medication with to protect yourself from the effects of them at all times. wildfire smoke is to reduce exposure to it. Visit HealthLink BC, call 811 (nonHere are some additional tips for breath- emergency), see a health-care profesing easier during a smoky-sky bulletin. sional, or call 911 (emergency) if you are experiencing symptoms, including Reduce the amount of time spent out- difficulty breathing and cardiovascular doors, stay hydrated and avoid rigorous distress. outdoor activities. Pay attention to local air-quality reports When indoors, keep the air clean (win- and the nearby conditions because smoke dows/doors closed, no smoking, no levels can change over short periods burning fireplaces/candles/incense, no and over small distances. Check the vacuuming). Air Quality Health Index for your area: Consider purchasing a commercially available HEPA (high efficiency par- Self-evacuation

Seek medical attention if you feel your condition is worsening due to smoke exposure. If you have mobility concerns, please check with family, friends or neighbours who may be able to assist should an evacuation order be put in place. Connect with your local government to make them aware of mobility issues that might hinder a quick evacuation. Know Before You Go: DriveBC Provincial transportation routes will be busy, and drivers can expect possible delays or closures due to wildfire activity. Please plan travel in advance, pack food and bottled water for yourselves as well as your pets. Allow plenty of extra time, and drive safely.

The Patrika


Friday, Aug 17th, 2018




Smart City Abbotsford Initiative Launch with ICF Canada This book will establish best practices “ICF Canada is looking forward to workthat will be utilized to help other com- ing with Abbotsford on its exciting path munities understand which smart to work through ICF’s infrastructure, related digital technolo- Community Accelerator program, ICF’s gies and other Intelligent Community unique methodology to help communiindicators are necessary for them to ties on their journey to become compete in the global market and secure recognized as SMART21 communities. and develop smart infrastructure in their Through this process, which includes own communities. civic engagement, benchmarking Quotes: ABBOTSFORD, August 15, 2018 - The technologies, and climate change. AbSmart City Abbotsford initiative was botsford aims to become what is known as an “Intelligent Community” launched today as the City of Abbotsford and the Intelligent Com- and able to attract and retain investment, munity Forum (ICF) Canada announced jobs and talent through ICF’s Community Accelerator Program. their partnership for the

and strategic leadership, communities benefit from understanding what it takes “Through innovative economic develop- to become investment-ready ment and community collaboration, the Smart City Abbotsford Initiative Intelligent Communities, with the ultimate goal to attract and retain jobs, ensures our community is fully equipped investment and talent.” and ready to welcome foreign direct investment as we build the Hub John Jung

development of a Smart Infrastructure Innovation leaders from across Abbots- of the Fraser Valley. Abbotsford’s jourand Foreign Direct Investment Readi- ford gathered at the University of the ney towards becoming an ‘intelligent Fraser Valley for today’s ness Strategy. community’ will provide leadership Smart City Abbotsford will seek to ad- announcement. This was followed by a and tools to benefit other cities across dress some of the most significant chal- day-long masterclass led by ICF on smart Canada.” infrastructure and foreign lenges faced by cities around the Henry Braun world: global competition, shifts in direct investment. Mayor, City of Abbotsford employment and the changing nature of The initial project for Smart City Abwork, disruptions caused by digital botsford will include the creation of a “how to book” modelled on Abbotsford.

Chairman and Co-founder, Intelligent Communities Forum “TELUS is pleased to be able to support the Intelligent Communities Forum and work with the City of Abbotsford on their journey to become recognized as a SMART21 community. TELUS is enhancing the

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The Patrika




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• âz¼× Ãì³èÆ ç¯ô

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- Marijuana Grow Operations - Cocaine and Heroin Trafficking - Importing/Exporting


Friday, Aug 17th, 2018

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The Patrika




Friday, Aug 17th, 2018




2,181 Sq. Ft. Commercial plus residential building located at 45841 Railway Ave. In Chilliwack. Very clean and shows like new. CSM Zoning permitted.

Established Pizza Take out business located in Mission. This business has been open for 35 years, is very profitable and has lots of room to grow. Call for more information.

Asking $749,900.00

Asking $229,900.00


RESTAURANT SPACE FOR LEASE 3,675 Sq. Ft. Restaurant space for lease in popular Vedder Village Center. Great street exposure, lots of foot traffic. Restaurant is turn-key, 120 guest occupancy and includes equipment and furniture in Chilliwack

Asking $22/Sq.Ft.

2 story residential/ commercial building On a 4,440 sq.ft lot on popular mill st. In the heart of Downtown chilliwack. Beautiful modern/vintage Style building completely renovated in 2015. 3 ground floor commercial units plus 3 residential units On the second floor with a gross building area of 7,320 sq.ft Lots of parking in the back. Tons of foots traffic. C3 zoning

1,081 Sq.Ft. Storefront plus warehouse unit located on busy young road in chilliwack. CSM zoning Lots of parking. Join restaurant, fitness center, doctors clinic and more!

Asking $2.8 Million

$ 15/Sq.Ft OR $299,900.00


Automotive Business for Sale Successful 35+ Year Establishment Located At 44344 W.Yale Rd. Chilliwack

Asking $120,000.00

#103-104 8705 Young Road Chilliwack

Liquor Store For Sale PRICE REDUCED


well established liquor store located in the popular auguston community. substantial development potentia in the area which will bring tons of business growth! turn key operation and very easy to manage !

$ 750,000.00

1,555 Sq.ft. Retail/Office Unit For Sale.Ground Floor Unit. Currently Occupied By A Family Medical Clinic; Would Be Great For A Physiotherapy Clinic, massage Therapy Clinic Or A Doctor. this Unit Shows Like New. located In A High Traffic Count Area With Lots Of Parking

$ 550,000.00

3690 TOWNLINE ROAD ABBOTSFORD Perfect Opportunity To Open Your Business In Popular Gian’s Business Center

1,379-1655 Sq.Ft For Lease

CONVENIENCE STORE FOR SALE Profitable convenience store for sale located on Menzies St. close to Fairfield Island in Chilliwack. Located in a busy strip mall. Room to add more product to increase sales. Call for more information.

$ 98,000.00

RESIDENTIAL PRICE REDUCED 2373 Westerly St. Half duplex Rancher w/basement (including a separate entry and 2nd kitchen) boasts a large enclosed backyard with plenty of privacy, as well as new kitchen, renovated bathroom, new flooring and lighting. Why buy a townhome when you can live here and enjoy your own yard, ample parking and NO STRATA FEE!


31811 Downes Rd.

Beautiful 2 story estate home built in 2015 - 5 bedrooms (3 with ensuites), open concept kitchen, spacious family room, a flex room and more. Property is .24 Acres and is completely fenced off with a gate entry driveway. Walking distance to MEI Elementary and High school. One of the most sought out areas in Abbotsford. Huge Driveway to park multiple cars.


2288 Mouldstade Rd. 748 Sq.ft. Character home with updates located on a large lot in Abbotsford. An excellent property to subdivide or live in. Lot is 76 x 109 square feet. Ask city about subdivision possibilities.

Asking $ 749,900.00

#223-30515 Cardinal Ave

The Tamarind located in West Abbotsford, just minutes away from High Street Mall, Highway 1 and more. This 1 Bedroom Junior suite features beautiful laminate flooring, in suite laundry, a clean open concept, and a mountain view. Plenty of visitor parking as well. Rentals allowed, currently tenanted



The Patrika




Friday, Aug 17th, 2018


Falcon Sports This past weekend the Abbotsford Fal- Great work guys for allowing a total of cons attended the 110th annual Chilli- 6 points scored against in a total of 8 bowl tournament, hosted by the always games. hospitable Chilliwack Giants. The Falcons Pee Wee white squads had The falcons have been long time support- great days as well, with our younger ers of this tournament and this year we group coming in a solid 5thplace out of sent our teams out in force. the total of 10 teams. On the first day of the tournament we sent out our Little flag team for a fun start to the season. By all accounts these future tackle stars had a blast. Our oldest group for this year were the Junior Bantams. These boys played the same day and made us proud ending up placing third in their division.




lVky aqy lVkIaF dy aYtm tYkl aqy pI.vI tYkl leI qusIN KyHzx leI imwqrF,bwicaF aqy mfipaF nMU vI nflL ilaf skdy ho

Benefits Of Tackle Football

Helps To Reduce Anxiety Increased Aerobic Capacity Improves Cardiovascular Health Increases Bone Strength Promotes Teamwork & Sharing Improves Body Awareness & Coordination Increases Con dence & Self Esteem Build Muscle Strength

ATOM TACKLE IS FOR KIDS AGED 7 TO 9 PEEWEE TACKLE AGES 10 TO 12 WHEN YOU REGISTER ENTER A CHANCE TO WIN 4 TICKETS TO BC LIONS GAME jd rijstr ho gey qF qusIN bI.sI. lfienjL gym ivwc sLfml hox leI 4 itktfN ijwq skdy ho

Contact Bobby :

778-968-3871 PAGE 26


This was an amazing result considering the level of competition that we all faced. Pee Wee Black ended up winning the pee wee portion of the tournament based on points scored.

This was the first time in the history of the Chillibowl where the top four teams went 4-0 so the decision was made for the Sunday brought fair skies and a whole total points for the winning team. pile of Atom and Pee Wee teams. The Falcons sent two teams to compete in The Future looks bright for the Falcons each of the divisions with great success. community football program. Our team On the Atoms level the Abbotsford Fal- of experienced and passionate volunteers cons placed first and second place! This invite anyone out to watch any of our was an amazing effort by both teams and games. Come on out to support your local community football team. the coaching staff.

The Patrika


Friday, Aug 17th, 2018




bI sI ivc 144 nvIaF awgF BVkIaF 12 agwsq, aYqvfr nUM asmfnI ibjlI cmkx nfl bI sI dIaF a40 nvIaF QfvF ‘qy awgF BVk AuwTIaF| bI sI vfilz Pfier srivs dy muK jfxkfI aiDkfrI kyivn skrYpink df kihxf hY ik aYqvfr vfly idn sUby ivc 600 awgF vyKIaF geIaF ijMnHF ivcoN 40 jMglI awgF sn| AuMnHF ikhf,” asIN ipCly keIsflF ivc ieMnIaF awgF nhIN vyKIaF | ieMnF AuwqykfbU pfAux leI sfzy afpxy sRoq kfPI nf hox krky bfhroN shfieqf lYz dI lgfqfr kosLsL kr rhy hF| Quesnel dy bhuq sfr Bfg ivc lokF nUM AuwQo inwkl jfx leI iqafr rihx dy hukm idwqy gey hn| AuMnHF nUM iksy vI smyN afpxy Gr Cwzxy pY skdy hn| |

vYnkUvr dIaF iqMn bIcF leI qYrfkI bfry slfhF jfrI kIqIaF geIaF ieMilsL by, sbsYwt aqy jYrIko bIcF bfry vYnkUvr kostl hYlQ vwloN KbrdfrI sUcnf idwqI geI hY ik AuwQy jfxf surwiKaq nhIN ikAuNik AuwQy eI kolI bYktIiraf vyiKaf igaf hY| ieh icqfvnI ies krky idwqI geI hY ikAuNik ies hPqy grmI vDx dI sMBfvnf hox krky lokF df ieMnHF bIcF ‘qy jfx df mn bx skdf hY| ieMnHF grmIaF ivc ieqrF dI icqfvnI dUjI vfr idwqI geI hY| aijhy bYktIiraf vfly pfxI dIlfg nfl jIkwcf hox, AultIaF lwgx, isr drd hox, buKfr hox,aqy KunI dsq aifd dI qklIP ho skdI hY|

bI sI mfnXog jwj vwloN brnbI ivKy ikMzr morgn vflI QF dy nyVly ivKLfvf kYNp nUM Zfhux dI pRvfngI bI sI suprIm dy jwj ny istI aOP brnbI nUM ikMzrmorgn trmInl dy bfhr ivKfvf kYNp Zfhux dy afdyusL idwqy hn| Aus ny ieh vI hukm idwqf hY ik bhuq hI KusLk mOsm ivc blL rhI ipvwqr awG buJfeI jfvy| pr sL Fq ZNg nfl ivKfvf krn dI ajy vI afigaf hY| Xfdrhy ivKfvfkfrIaF vwloN adflq ivc koeI hfjLr nhIN sI| hF kuJ drsLk gYlrI ivc jLrUr bYTy sn| jwj sfihb ny ikhf ik ivKfvf kfrI Aukq jLmIn dy mflk mUlvfsIaF nfl sbMDq nhIN hn| ies dy bfvjUd AuMnHF ny afpxy afp nUM ies BUmI dy mflk smJxf sLurU kr idwqf hY| Auh afm pbilk dI afvfjfeI ivc aiVwkf bx rhy hn|

afeI sI bI sI Kqrnfk zRfeIvrF leI pRImIam Evrhfl krn lwgI srkfrI bImf kMpnI afeI sI bI sI Kqrnfk zRfeIvrF leI nvIaF pRImIam drF bxfAuxdf ivcfr kr rhI hY| pRsqfivq qbdIlIaF bI sI XUitiltIjL kmisLn nUM ByjIaF jfxgIaF aqy pRvfn hox qy sqMbr,2019 qoN lfgU hoxgIaF| 15 sfl qoNGwt qjrby vfl zRfeIvrF nUM vwD iksq dyxI ipaf krygI | ies bfry iek inAUjL kfnPrMs ivc atfrnI jnrl zyivz aYbI ny ikhf ik kfrporysLn df iksq pqf krn df vrqmfn mfzl tuwitaf hoieaf hY aqy 30 sfl purfxf hY|

ivktorIaf kfAuNisl sr jOn ey mYkzfnlz dy htfey gey buwq nUM afpxy kol rwKxf cfhuMdI hY ipwCy ijhy kYnyzf dy pihly pRDfn mMqrI df buwq ivktorIaF kfAuNisl dy istI hfl ivcoN htfieaf igaf sI | ieh buwq sQfnk mUlvfsIaF nfl smJOqy vwjoN htfieaf igaf sI | mUlvfsI mYkzfnlz vwloN mUlvfsIaF leI vwKry irhfiesLI skUl Kolx dy kMm qoN KusL nhIN sn| Aus qoN bfad ieh buq EntorIE srkfr ny mMigaf sI pr ivktorIaf kfAuNisl ny nFh kr idwqI| EntorIE dI sYrspftf mMqrI islvIaf joNjL df kihxf hY ik mYkzfnl dI mOq qoN 125 sfl bfad kYnyzf dy pihly pRDfn mMqrI df nfm afpxy dysL dI sQfpqI ivc AuwGf nfm hY | Aus df buwq siqkfr sihq rwiKaf jfxf cfhIdf hY | iksy stor ivc nhIN rulxf cfhIdf|vrxnXog hY ik ieh buwq htfey jfx smyN iekwTy hoey 150ku lokF ivc rilaf imlaf pRqIkRm vyKx ivc afieaf|

jhfjL iKwcx vflI iksLqI PRyjL diraf ivc zuwbI 14 agwsq nUM jhfjL iKwcx vflI iek iksLqI PRyjLr diraf ivc zuwb geI ijs ivc 2000 iltr zIjLl disaf jf irhf hY | ieh hfdsf vYnkUvr dy nyVy zIairMg tfpU ivc vfpiraf| istIaOP vYnkUvr df kihxfhY ik ies ivcoN nhuq sfrf zIjLl pfxI ivc vih jfx df zr hY| kYnyzIan kost gfrz vwloN ies iksLqI dy duaflLy gylIaF suwtIaFgeIaF hn ies qoN ielfvf soKxhfr pYz vI pfey gey hn jolIk hoeyzIjL nUM cUs lYxgy| ies tfpU ivc keI Gr hn aqy vYnkUvr dy sfAUQlYNzjL nUM istI nfl imlfAux vflf pulL vI hY

dunIaf dy 10 vDIaf rihxXog sLihrF ivc vYnkUvr vI sLfml| iekfnoimst rsfly vwloN dunIaF dy 140 sLihrF dI vwK vwK 30 pwKF qoN drjf bMdI kIqI geI hY| ieMnHF pwKF ivc isiKaf df imafr aqy buinafdI ZFcy dy pwK vI sLfml hn| ies drjf bMdI ivc dunIaF dy Auc kotI dy 10 sLihr sLumfr kIqy gey hn| ieMnHF dsF ivc kYnyzf dy iqMn sIhr –kYlgrI,tRFto aqy vYnkUvr igxygey hn| kYgrI cOQy nMbr qy, vYnkUvrCyvyN nMbr qy aqy tRFto 7vyN nMbr qy igxy gey hn| vIaYnf df nMbr pihlf hY jdoN ik pihlF ieh sQfn mYlbOrn nUM 7 vfr lgfqfr pRfpq irhf|

srkfr vwloN sMktkflIn siQqI df aYlfn jMglI awgF dI vrqmfn hflq nUM vyKidaFbI sI srkfr ny sMktkflIn siQqI df aYlfn kIqf hY| ieh GosLnf pbilk syPtI mMqrI mfeIk PfrnvrQ vwloN 15 agwsq nUM kIqf igaf| ieh aYlfn 15 idnF leI kIqf igaf hY ji sUbf Br ivc lfgU hY| AuMnHF ikhf,” lokF dI surwiKaf sfzy leI pRQm sQfn rKdIO hY| ies siQqI df tfkrf krn leI hr AupfAu kIqf jfvygf| ies surwiKaf ivc jfn aqy mfl (donF) dI surwiKaf sLfml hY| ies smyN 3372 PfierPfeItr aqy Tykydfr sUbf Br ivc siQqI df tfkrf krn ivc ruwJy hoey hn| ieMnHF ivc kYnyzf Br ivcoN afey shfiek sLfml hn| PYzrl srkfr pUrI shfieqf kr rhI hY| vwK vwK mMqRfly afpxf Xogdfn pf rhy hn| jMglI awgF df nfanumfnxXog vrqfAu hflfq nUM hor gMBir bxf irhf hY| iPr vI hflfq qy kfbU pfAux leI hr sMBv Xqn kIqf jf irhf hY|”

jMglI awgF dy PYlx krky bI sI SPCA dy rwiKaf sQfnF ivcoN drjnF psUL hor QF iljfey gey psLU BlfeI eyjYNsI aYs pI sI ey df kihxf hY ik jMglI awgF dy syk qoNbcfAux leI iknfl aqyivlIam lyk brFcF ivcON 60kuwqy aqy ibwlIaF loarlYNz dy surwiKaf sQfnF ivc qbdIl kIqy gey| eyjYNsI dy muK afprysLn aPsr mfrk qwKVdf kihxf hY ,”psLUaF nUM ieAuN qbdIlkrnf sOKf kMm nhIN ikAuNik nvIN QF qy pihlIaF suKshUlqF AuplbD krfAux ivc musLkl pysL afAuNdI hY pr sfzf stfP aijhy jfnvrF ,psLUaF nUM hr sMBv shUlq dyx df Xqn krdf hY| hux qwk stfP ies kMmleI 2000 GMty lf cuwikaf hY |iknfl dy bfhr nrkoslI kRIk vflI awg 34 vrg iklo mItr ivc PYl cuwkI hY| ivlIamlykqoN 24 iklomItr dUr myPIlz lyk jMglI awg nUM muK rKidaF psLUaFnUM AuwQoN kwZx dI cyqfvnI jfrI kIqI geI hY|


The Patrika





awK qIsrI KolH ajmyr rozy bflk vfgUM Jfky iewk awK qyrI awQrU awQrU

ivjog gIq pRo: mohn isG kxIaF dI ruwq afeI af myrI pIV svfeI af

Friday, Aug 17th, 2018


zf: gurBjn igwl ipafr dy pujfrIaF dI vwKrI hI qor hY.

cuwp cpIqI rovy

iewk awK qyrI Puwl kml df

kxIaF dI ruwq afeI af,

kxIaF dI ruwq afeI af……

grjLF dI pYsy vflI dunIaF hI hor hY.

iewk awK qyrI cIsF cIsF

msqI ivwc kuJ afKy

vy mfhIaf

aMbrF qy ksqUrIaF huwlIaF,

jLflmF dy hwQ ivwc qIr qy kmfn hY,

bwdlF dIaF gMZF KwulHIaF

ienHF df insLfnF sdf pYl pfAuNdf mor hY.

qUM kyhI gMZ pfeI af

rwb ny proey qF sI mflf ivwc GUMgrU,

hws ky drd lukovy

mq smJIN ieh imsLrI imsLrI kxIaF dI ruwq afeI af……

do awKIaF jy Br Br zuwlHIaF

cfnx dy ny bol

hor nf moqI rolL

afpy afpxf dIp jgf lY

msqk aMdr supny lYNdI

awK qIsrI KolH

awK qIsrI KolH

nIvyN bwdlF dy lV iCwjy

Ql, prbq qy jMgl iBwjy, kxIaF dI ruwq afeI af…… myrI ijMd iqhfeI af

iewk awK qyrI kivqf kivqf kxIaF dI ruwq afeI af……

tuwt geI hY qMd, ruly kwlf kwlf bor hY.

lfh idwqI dunIaF ny sMg vy

kUVf Dn mfl sfnUM DrmF ny dwisaf,

KulH gey DrqI dy aMg vy

eysy nUM PVfeI asF ijLMdgI dI zor hY.

asF pRIq hMZfeI af

bhuqI vfrI tuwt jfeIey, Kud nfloN afp hI,

iewk awK qyrI JukdI JukdI

nf koeI pVHy nf gfvy

pYrF Qwly ivC geI

iewk awK qyrI lYNjL gRMQI

iewk awK qyrI rfhF qwkdI

axKolHI rih jfvy

sYl pwQr ho itk geI

irsLmf qyrf dr KVkfvx

qyry leI bs DUV crn dI

jIa afieaF nUM bol

bldyv sIhrf nYxF df KUh igVdf rihxf,

rfmcMdr dy kolL

jugF jugF qoN socIN zuwbI

Xfd AuhnF ny afAuNdy rihxf.

awK qIsrI KolH

qVp imlx dI rihxI hr pl,

sfDF nUM mwQf tykdIey

ibrhf df Pwt awly rihxf.

gurbcn kOr iZwloN

XfdF ny kMzy bx bx ky,

sfDF nUM mwQf tykdIey, kI mMgdI eyN qUM puwq kuVy.

cIc vhutI qy sfieMs dy cmqkfr

mryy idl ivwc puVHdy rihxf.

jF sfeIN qyrf rihMdf ey, pI dfrU sdf Duwq kuVy.

nvqyj BfrqI asIN sfieMs dy

ibrhf dI qsbI ny qyrf,

kI BYVy supny afAuNdy ny, jF blLdI dyKI awg kuVy.

XugF qwk nF jpdy rihxf.

jF DI qyrI df sFeIN nI, igaf bUhy qyry Cwz kuVy.

Ausdy ibn AumrF dI byVI,

sfDF dy zyry rOxk hY, inq KIrF pUVy pwkdy ny.

Zuwbdy rihxf, qrdy rihxF.

Zyro Zyr cVHfvf cVHdf ey, nfly lMgr bYTy Ckdy ny.

dyv lgf ky sIny XfdF

sMqF df pIhVf rMglf ey, bYT idMdy ny AupdysL kuVy.

aQrUaF ny vihMdy rihxf.

sux inscy Btkx muwk jfvy, qyry muwkx sB klysL kuVy.

pf muhwbq hlfl krdF eyN,

qyrI sLrDf bVI azol kuVy, qyrf XkIn koeI gwl suxdf nf.

Xfr qUM vI kmfl krdf eyN.

bwicaF nUM BuwKf rwK ky qy, qyrf duwD zolnf KuMJdf nf.

Pyr vI awj cmqkfr vyK ky

qUM Kudf nfl rfbqf rwKyN,

qyrI ihkVI ey XkIn BrI, qUM KVI azol XkIn krI.

mYN EnF hYrfn nhIN huMdf

ivwc kfjLI dlfl krdf eyN.

qUM lgdI eyN axBol bVI, mqF zuwl jfvy nf Jol BrI.

ijMnF Cotf huMdf

kuJ pqf cwldf nhIN qyrf,

sfDF dy zyry afAux nfl, kI sMsy ho gey dUr kuVy.

mINh pYx ipwCoN inklIaF

kih ky kfiPr hlfl krdf eyN,

Br leI Jol qUM KusLIaF nF, qUM ho geI nUro nUr kuVy.

lfl surK cIc bhutIaF vyK ky

mMigaf idl, qF jfn dy idwqI,

mYnUM lgdf ey rfhoN Btk geI, ieh kUVo kUV dIaF ijLwdF ny.

jF buwkdy boqy dy mUMhoN

hor hux kI svfl krdf eyN?

asIN apnf inscf Cwz ky qy, kI AuDr kI qy ikwdF ny.

izgdI Jwg vyK ky

dyv idl df mrIjL hY icr qoN,

sfDF dy zyry afAux nfl, nf sMsy huMdy dUr kuVy.

hYrfn huMdf sI

qUM n Ausdf iKafl krdF eyN.

swcy nfm ibn BtkyN peI, iZwloN kr sbr sbUr kuVy.

plkF AuwqoN DUVF CMz dy awK qIsrI KolH

(nftk ‘qIsrI awK’ df iewk awK qyrI nYx imrg df gIq)

cmqkfrF ivwc rihMdy hF rMgdfr tI vI ivzIE qy kMipAUtr qF hux alP lYlf dIaF khfxIaF bx geIaF hn hux qF hr sUrj nvyN cmqkfr ivwc cVHdf hY qy nvyN ivwc iCpdf hY


iBwj geI DrqI dI colI

nfl KusLI sB dunIaF mOlI kxIaF dI ruwq afeI af……


qn ikqy hor iPry mn ikqy hor hY. cwl E Brfvf pihlF Es nUM hI mfrIey, qyry myry mn ivwc bYTf ijhVf cor hY. cuMnI surmeI vyK aMbrF c suwkdI sUrjy cuPyry lfeI Duwp rMgI kor hY.

The Patrika


Friday, Aug 17th, 2018




kivqf qy kvI

mfNeyN nI

hrcMd isMG bfgVI

jMmx pIVF vwt mroVf qy sLwkI sfihb dI gl sux sB ny ieklfpf Asu dI hF ivwc hF rlLfeI rfqIN sfzy kivqf jfeI. ‘drdI sfhb’ ny idl kwZ ilaf kosf kosf cfnx lY ky ‘prymI’ sMG c AuNglI pfeI. polf polf ml nuhfeI idl kivqf df DVk irhf sI sohl qn nUM iCVI kMbxI cfh dy kwp qy ijvyN mlfeI. dIvy kolLy kr sykfeI potf potf krky Aus df

lY blYzr afieaf BfeI.

iksy qoN ilaFdI mMg rjfeI

Zfb dy pfxI vrgI dfrU

gwl suxy nf kMn c pfeI.

AuhnF zolU ivwc cuafeI.

pVHy ilKy klmF dy mflk

sfrf idn Pol ky rUVI

kOVy pfxI kry sLudfeI.

Gr dy ivhVy Coty hoey

Qfl kOlIaF kwTIaF kr ky

pYr nf puwitaf jfey nI,

murgI Kuwzy dy vl afeI. murgI ajy pCfxy bMdy iek ny Aus qy Jpt clfeI

nyrHf pIh pf awKIN surmf

kivqf myrI JolLI pfeI

myry rOlLf pfAuNdy pfAuNdy

mYN kfgjL dI syj

swdy sI beI ipafr dyxgy

kiVwc EsdI DOx GumfeI

AuhnF kivqf mfr mukfeI

kivqf qF awKrF dI mflLf

jFdy hoey mYnUM kihgy

ieh qF jIAUNdI jfn mukfeI.

dIvf kivqf qy mYN jfgF GUk suwqI sI sB lukfeI.

pvn igwlF vflf mfNeNy nIN! asIN duwK krmF dy pfey nI

mihmfnF nUM rotI lfeI.

DIaF vfly lyK iksy nUM, ilKxy hI nf afey nI. jMmx sfr hI pIVf imlIaF, pYrF ivwc jLjMIrF imlIaF.

mfNeyN nI… vIrF qoN vwKryvF imilaf,

pfxI zuwlHy dflF zulHIaF

mfvF qoN AudryvF imilaf.

iksy nf mUMh ivwc burkI pfeI.

bfbl socy icwtI pwg nUM,

iKHwc iKHwc ky iswDy krky

dfg hI nf lwg jfey nI, mfNeyN nI…

msF pltn asF sulLfeI

rMgF ny jd moihaf mYnuM. sMg iksy proieaf mYnUM.

awDI rfq geI qoN ipwCoN

myrIaF KusLIaF, myry hfsy,

lorIaF dy ky mwQf cuMm ky,

idl nf Cwz kr Pyr trfeI.

murgI irwJy dfrU cwly

QfpV QfpV msF sulfeI.

jd mYN Aus nUM dwbx quiraf

ivwc KusLI dy hoey sLudfeI.

sfzy ihwsy rotI afeI.

sMGI Guwtx afey nI, mfNeyN nI…

idn ciVHaf prsUqoN AuwT ky

myrI pqnI kolLy afeI

by nMbrI aMdr geI jd

vwjx lwgy Pyr GrfVy

juwqI smJy isrdf sFeIN, dyvF AusnUM jLihr ivKfeI.

mYN kvIaF nUM Kbr phuMcfeI.

jIaf Gfq ikAuN inwq krdy EN

Try hwzF ivwc grmI afeI.

ijvyN zwzUaF dI jMJ afeI.

dUr durfizEN kvI dosq

kr lE koeI hor kmfeI.

dfrU dy muwk jfx dy zr qoN

duKIaf jI ny lY ihjkIaF

mn aMdr kurlfey nI, mfNeyN nI…

mYnUM afey dyx vDfeI.

ies qoN cMgf mwJ pflL lY

sB ny kIqI hwQ sPfeI

KfDI pIqI BOeyN rlLfeI.

jIvn dfn ieh dyx vflIaF,

pIpy pIpIaF JfV pUMJky

pI duwD qy Kfh mlLfeI

ijsny hfQI puwTy kIqy

isr cuwkx dI suwD rhI nf

mYN AuhnF leI QF bxfeI.

pyt c BuwKF awKIN nINdr

kI ivcfrf nwqf nfeI?

drdI jI ny BrI rjfeI

Kf pI ky kr klmF iqKIaF

mUMh quhfzy jrdI CfeI.

awKF suMgV ky hoeIaF inwkIaF

mfVf ivq sI jLor Kf igaf

AUhnF ny iPr mihPl lfeI

mfNeyN nI asIN duwK krmF

sony vrgI dyh nUM aiVaf

vDI jIB dI hor lMbfeI.

dy pfey nI …

ipwpl dI plpIsI vrgI

sB kuJ ivwcy kr igaf bfeI.

ieh kYNsr hY ikQoN lfeI?

kMn dy Auwqy hwQ rwK ky

kivqf ilaf tybl qy pfeI

keI swjx qF muVy GrF nUM

bfbU ny iPr bolI pfeI.

dyK AuhnF dIaF iwqKIaF njLrF

keIaF ny rlL bxq bxfeI.

msqI ivwc hoieaf ‘msqfnf’

ijLMd inafxI bhqu GbrfeI

sfzf ajy rudn nf muwkf

Ausny hIr dI klI lgfeI

koeI afKy nwk vfhlLf iqwKf

sfAU tolI Gr muV afeI

KuMdk Kfh ‘drdI’ qy ‘duKIaf’

iesdI kr qUM hor GsfeI.

rozvyjL df gyar aV igaf

hovx lwgy hwQoN pfeI.

koeI afKy bulH bfhlLy pqly

kihMdy sfzI bs nhIN afeI

lokIN puwCx iks KusLI ivwc

hor dyh cMd duwD mlfeI

mMjIaF muV tyZIaF krIaF

koeI afKy ieh iKV iKV hwsdI

ijhVf AuwTy AUhI qur jy

guMgy ho ky bol eyh myry

mwQy kflK lYx vflIaF. ikAuN by vws lfcfr ieh kuVIaF. smJ “pvn” nf pfey nI,


idn cVHdy nUM irhf nf kfeI.

jspfl irsLI kiVaflvI sihkdy plF ’c hoieaf sI jnm myrf

bYTk ivwcoN afvx lptF

mOkf afieaf qF qur igaf snm myrf

ijAuN toBy ivwc sx dbfeI. POjF qF lV rfh pY gIaF

vYd DnMqr ny bhuq qfx lfieaf nsUr iPr vI bx igaf jLKLm myrf BtkidaF iPridaF nUM pqf hI nf lwgf

sfzy ihwsy pfeI sPfeI

kd ruk igaf Ehdy dr qy kdm myrf

‘cMd ny jlsf tIm mMgvfeI.

bYTk DoqI kwpVy Doqy

bVIaF mMijLlF mukfeIaF rfq idn kr ky

hws ky ikhf af jo BfeI

gflL gloc sItIaF cIkF

Doky juwqI suwkxI pfeI.

sPLr kdy vI nf hoieaf Kqm myrf

hwsxf awj kwlH nhIN vizafeI.

BMn pfQIaF qoV CtIaF

Kfx vfilaF kdr nf jfxI

Auh idn igaf qy

koeI afKy ieh gorI icwtI

asF cuwlHy ivwc awg DuKfeI.

murgI afpxI jfn guafeI.

afh idn afieaf

qyrI nhIN ieh lgdI jfeI

awzy ivwc dy afey sunyhfN

drI iksy qoN iksy qoN cfdr

mYN nf muV mihPl lfeI.

bVf kuwJ Jwilaf AunHf df hr vyly QoVHf ijhf tokxf nf hoieaf hjLm myrf bhuq kuwJ ilK skdf Es dy bfry ivwc Aus dy nfm qy ruk igaf klm myrf PAGE 29

The Patrika





BfdoN mhInf (isMG sMgrFd) (17 agsq qoN 16 sqMbr 2018 eI) isMG sgrFd pRvysL kfl (17-80-18 eI nUM 6G, 49 imMt mhUrqI 30 qoN puMn kfl 10G, 40 imMt qwk 12 rfsLIaF df PlFdysL:myK: ishq TIk, Dn lfB hoky hfnI, afpxy lokF df sihXogimly, rfj drbfr qoN

sLuB smfcfr, kfrobfr TIk rhygf. agsq 19,20,29,30,sqMbr 6,7,8,15,16 asLuwB.

ibRK: Dn lfB hoky hfnI, imwqrF nfl myl imlfp, sMqfn aqy iesqrI pwKoN suK dI

pRfpqI, afmdnI nflo Krc, aiDk, kfrobfr TIk rhygf. agsq 21,22,23,41, sqMbr 1,9,10 asLuB.

A sudden turnaround of events connected to what has been an important priority could be a bit of a shock. You need to consider the true satisfaction level of late and if that is not so great then making a dramatic change is unlikely to be that bad. Only take directions that will benefit you financially and not risk future security.

Friday, Aug 17th, 2018

It will be impossible to let dissatisfaction with any situation involving officials, those who have authority or too much that is expected of you to take charge of, continue down the path it has been taking. You have to stop worrying and be prepared to stand up for what you can see will be more sensible solutions for the future.

You could start to have second thoughts about something you thought you had come to a final decision over. Going back over things will be the best strategy from now to mid August. Maintaining harmony at the basis of things that can include family matters is most important. There cannot be doubts about obligations.

Somebody else could provide a completely different perspective on either a decision you have already made or information you have gathered in order to make a choice. Rethinking the financial side of things could be wise between now and mid August. You may discover previous financial advice may not be the best direction to take.

You could find yourself in a position where you will need to pause for thought and this is likely to be generated by sudden changes of direction that somebody else either takes or wants to take. It may bring out a side of them you have not seen before. As difficult as it might be, it is better for you to wait and see what develops.

Stay focussed on yourself and maintaining a peaceful situation in your surroundings. Don’t allow someone else to project uncertainly into your life with the result that you become a slave to sorting out their issues. There is a lot building up behind the scenes and it will take some time yet for what it all means to surface.

You can find yourself back in situations with people from the past that involves drama in some way. The difference now is that they need to accept that something cannot be maintained and this can lower a degree of arrogance they may have previously displayed. Don’t feel you have to be rushed. Contemplate carefully.

Rebellion of others can put you under a great deal of pressure when it comes to structuring matters as you have been setting out to do. Like it or not, you will have to rethink commitments from now to mid August that you were settled with. You might have to accept that your priorities are not necessarily those of others.

More innovative ways of planning future goals could emerge in a surprising or unexpected manner. This can cause you to be hesitant when it comes to making changes to present ideas or information. Be prepared to review things to mid August. Solutions can arise with commitments you felt unclear about as well.

Sit tight when it comes to finances and certainly don’t take any risks that you might be advised to do. Some changes might take place that you cannot control but do not set out to sort things out for someone else. You are in a powerful position to maintain a balanced position in the long term by not responding to unknowns.

The Lunar Eclipse this week falls in your sign while linking to Mars. This can turn many things around on a personal level in the next 6 months that will require you to fight for your rights. You can be dealing with dominant personalities but you should not let this deter you if what they are demanding in not in your interests.

On one level you can be dealing with others that pleases you in that they seem to be in tune with your priorities. You could also sense there are other situations building up that are quite the opposite. This can have an effect on regular routines. You are lucky your sense will be warning you but you will have to wait for things to surface.

imQun: ishq TIk, Dn lfB, lokF nfl anbn, gYs kfrx pyt Krfb, iesqrI

suK, sLqrU df pRBfv aiDk, kfrobfr TIk rhygf. agsq 24,25,sqMbr 2,3,11,12 asLuwB.

Krk : pyt dI KrfbI, Dn lfB, imwqrF df sihXog, sMpqI ivvfd, sMqfn hyqU

ivsLysL Krcf, iesqrI ksLt, kfrobfr ivwc lfB, agsq 17,18,26,27,28, sqMbr 4,5,13,14 asLuwB.

isMG : ishq ivwc gVbV, Dn lfB hoky vI hfnI df zr, sMpqI ivvfd, pyt

rog, iesqrI ksLt qy gupq sLqrU qoN icMqf. agsq 19,20,29,30, sqMbr 6,7,8,15,16 asLuwB.

kMinaf : ishq TIk, Dn hfnI, inwjI lokF nfl JgVf, nIaF XoojnfvF nfl af-

mdn, kfrobfr ivwc vfDf hovygf. agsq 21,22,23,31 sqMbr 1,9,10, asLuwB.

qulf : ishq ivwc vkfr, krjLf vDygf, PjLUl JgVy qoN dUr rho, kfrobfr jF

sQfn bdlx df ivcfr bxygf. agsq 24,25, sqMbr 2,3,11,12 asLuwB rhygI.

ibrsLck – ishq gVbV , Dn lfB, inwjI lokF jF irsLqydfrF nUM ksLt, nvIaF

XojnfvF jF kMm bdln ivwc lfB pRfpq hovygf. sLuB kMmF iwvc mn lgygf aqy Krc hovygf. agsq 17,18,26,27,28, sqMbr 4,5,13,14 asLuwB.

Dnu – ishq TIk, Dn lfB, Krc ijLafdf, gupq icMqf, vMsL ivwc vfDf, sLuwB

smfcfr imly, iesqrI suK, mhIny dy aMq ivwc rog ksLt, agsq 19,20,29,30, sqMbr 6,7,8,15,16 asLuwB.

mkr – isr qy nyqr rog, iesqrI pwKoN icMqf iPkr, kfrobfr kmjLor, afmdn

Krc brfbr, sMqfn qy ivsLysL Krc, agsq 21,22,23,31 sqMbr 1,9,10, asLuwB.

kuMB – ishq TIk, afpxy lokF df sihXog imlygf, nvIaF XojnfvF aqy XfqrfvF

ivwc lfB, iesqrI ksLt, gupq sLqrU qoN sfvDfn, rho. agsq 24,25, sqMbr 2,3,11,12 asLuwB rhygI.

mIn – gYs rog nfl pyt dI KrfbI, Dn lfB, cMgy lokF nfl myl imlfp, sMqfn

pwKoN icMqF, kfrobfr ivwc kul Pyr bdl hovygf. agsq 17,18,26,27,28, sqMbr 4,5,13,14 asLuwB.


The Patrika


Friday, Aug 17th, 2018




zfierI Auh jd dI ivafhI afeI sI, afpxy Gr vfly qoN iek vDIaf ijhf sony df sYWt vI nhIN lY skI hY. ieh swc sI ik AusdI qnKfh nfl Gr df Krcf afrfm nfl cldf sI. pr rIJF nhIN sI pUrIaF huMdIaF. nfl hI Aus nUM sLrm mihsUs huMdI Kfs kr Aus vyly jd iksy iekwT ivc Auh hor lokF nUM imldI sI. AuhnF dI sLfn vyKdI qy JurdI ik Auh vI kdy afpxy Gr ivwc rih skygI jF ieMj hI ikrfey vfly Gr ivc hI sfrI Aumr[[.

krnl hrjIq bsI Aus idn vI siqMdr nUM XkIn nhIN af irhf sI. sMqoK scmuwc hI dPqr ivc kMm hox krky dyr nfl Gr afieaf sI. hflFik Aus ny Pon krky ikhf vI sI ik, “swqI, vrmf sfihb ny huxy huxy mYnUM kuJ jLrUrI pypr tfeIp krn leI idwqy ny, ijnHF nUM Kqm krky hI mYN Gr prq skFgf. AuhnF dI klH koeI jLrUrI mIitMg hY aqy svyry svyry AuhnF ny cMzIgVH phuMcxf hY. qUM iPkr nf krIN. hF afAuNdy hoey mYN afrIaf smfj qoN sbjLI PV ilafvFgf. pr sLfm dy zMg qUM dflL hI bxf lYxf. mYnUM lgdf hY dyr ho hI jfxI hY.” pr ies qrHF aksr hI sMqoK Pon krdf rihMdf sI. siqMdr nUM shI nhIN lwgdf sI ik hr vfrI vrmf sihb sMqoK nUM hI ikAuN rok lYNdy ny. jLrUr koeI cwkr hovygf ijs krky ieh bhfnf mfrdy ny. ieh iKafl AusnUM prysLfn kr idMdf sI. Auhdf sfh swuk jFdf iPLkr nfl. ivafh hoey nUM vIh sfl qoN AuWqy ho cuwky sn pr ajy vI siqMdr nUM sMqoK bfry BulyKy hI GyrI rwKdy. Auh pbilk vrks mihkmy dy ivwc sInIar klrk lwgf hoieaf sI. sMqoK bhuq imlxsfr, imhnqI aqy iemfndfr mMinafN jFdf sI. dPLqr ivc sfry AusdI iewjLq krdy. Auh vI hr iek leI iek vwzy Brf jF dosq dI qrHF sI. iksy nUM vI koeI musLikl huMdI qF sfiraF qoN pihlF sMqoK hI AusdI mdd leI awgy vDdf. pr siqMdr nUM ieh smJ nhIN sI afAuNdI ik Ausdy nfl dy jUnIar bMdy Aus nfloN bhuqI kmfeI ikvyN kr lYNdy ny. Auh sB afpxy Gr vI bxfeI bYTy ny.

Ausdy donoN lVky vI vwzy ho rhy sI. hor dsF ku sflF ivc do nUMhF vI af jfxgIaF. iPr irtfier hox df smF vI ho jfeygf. isr Zwkx nUM afpxI Cwq qF jLrUrI sI. mOkf pfAuNdy hI siqMdr sMqoK nUM Xfd krfAuxf nf BuwldI. pr Auh hws Cwzdf qy kihMdf, “swqI mYnUM iPLkr hY pr hr kMm vkq isr hI huMdf hY. jldbfjLI krdy smyN ikqy nf ikqy gLlq PLYsly lYxy pY jFdy ny qy iPr bfad ivc pCqfxf pY skdf hY. mYN irtfier hox qoN pihlF iek Gr BfvyN Cotf ijhf hI shI, bxf lvFgf. pYnsLn vyly jo iekwTy pYsy imldy ny iesI kMm afAuxgy.” vkq dy nfl nfl AuhnF dI ijMLdgI ivc hux imTfs Gwt qy qlKLIaF vDx lwgIaF. siqMdr nUM lwgdf ik Ausdf Grvflf prvfh nhIN krdf. hovy nf hovy ikqy ikDry hor hI afpxI kmfeI PUkdf hY, nhIN qF horF vFg sfzf vI Gr huMdf. so jdoN vI Auh dPqroN dyr nfl afAux dI gwl krdf, Aus nUM XkIn hI nf huMdf. ivcfrI nUM kI pqf sI ik Auh dyr nfl kMm qoN ies leI prqdf hY qF ik EvrtfeIm krky kuJ ijLafdf pYsy iekwTy kr sky. nfly afpxy aPsrF dIaF njLrF ivwc AuWcf AuWiTaf rhy. koeI njLfiejL sLOk nf hox kfrn sMqoK afpxf KflI smF jF qF ikqfbF pVHn qy jF purfxIaF gLjLlF suxn ivc lMGFdf sI. hF iek kMm Auh aksr krdf. afpxI ijMLdgI dI zfierI ilKdf sI aqy iksy nUM vI nhIN idKFdf sI, iewQoN qwk ik swqI nUM vI nhIN. ieh hmysLF Ausdy dPLqr dI almfrI ivc bMd rihMdI. iek iehI gwl sI jo Aus kdI vI sFJI nhIN kIqI. srkfr vwloN iek skIm inklI ijs anusfr bhuq Gwt ivafj Auqy mulfjLmF nUM Gr bxfAux leI krjLf dyx df PYslf kIqf igaf. CotIaF CotIaF iksLqF ivc vfpsI aqy jy koeI bkfieaf rih vI igaf qF irtfier hox lwgy pYisaF ivwcoN kwtx df

ieMqjLfm vI kIqf igaf. ies nfl sMqoK ny soicaf, “ikAuN nf mYN vI koeI Gr KrId lvF. swqI nUM hmysLF isLkfieq hI rhI hY. ies vfrI AusnUM dwsy ibnf hI mYN Gr KrId AusnUM qohPy dy qOr qy idaFgf. myrI swqI dy sfry guwsy igly muwk jfxgy.” bs AusI idn Auh iksy cMgy bxy bxfey mkfn jF iksy bhumMijLlI iemfrq ivc iek PlYt dI Bfl ivc lwg igaf. jldI hI iek pRfprtI zIlr ny mkfn dyKx leI ikhf. pihlI vfr AusnUM dPLqr qoN jfx dI jldI hoeI. iPr vI afpxy bfs imstr vrmf qoN iejfjLq lYx leI igaf. Ausdy kfrn puwCx qy sfrI gwl dwsI. hF imldy hI Auh skUtr lY mkfn dyKx jf pujf. sLihroN bfhr XUnIvristI dy nyVy iek nvIN klonI arbn astyt bxI sI. iksy POjI df pMdrF sflf mkfn sI. Auh POjI irtfier ho cuwikaf sI aqy hux afpxy bwicaF dy nfl rihx leI ivdysL jf irhf dI. jldI ivc mkfn vycxf qy smfn ismytxf jLrUrI sI. mkfn vDIaf qy hvfdfr sI. sLihroN dUr huMdy hoey vI mfVf nhIN sI. koeI sO ku mItr pry qoN vwzI sVk lMGdI, pMdrF imMtF ivc hI bjLfr pucf idMdI sI. sMqoK ny Jwt hI hF kr idwqI. agly idn ibafny dy qOr qy kuwJ pYsy vI dy idwqy. mhIny dy aKIr qwk rijstrI hoxI pwkI hoeI. srkfrI lon leI vI aplfeI kr idwqf. vrmf sfihb ny Kud hI Pon krky Ausdf lon mnjLUr krfAux dI musLikl nUM hwl kr idqf sI. AusdI syvf qy insLTf nfl dPqrI kMm krn dy jjLby ny rMg idKfieaf. nfl dy klrk vI hYrfn rih gey ik hPqy ivc hI srkfrI lon mnjLUr ho igaf. nf koeI cwkr kwtxy pey qy nf hI koeI jyb grm krnI peI. sMqoK dI KusLI df itkfxf nhIN sI, pr ajy Aus afpxI swqI nUM iesdf ijLkr vI nhIN kIqf sI. agly mhIny nUM AuhnF dy ivafh dI vIhvIN sfl igrHf dy mOky qy hI ieh KLbr qohPLy dy qOr qy swqI dy kMnIN pvygI. afpxy Gr dIaF cfbIaF vI Ausdy hwQF’qy rwKygf. ikMnI KusL hovygI? sLfied Kud hI af AusnUM cuMmygI. ies klpnf nfl hI Ausdf mn KusLI nfl JUm AuWiTaf. sLfdI bfad bIqy smyN ivc jo isLkfieq swqI nUM rhI ik Auhny Aus leI kuwJ vI nhIN kIqf, plF ivc hI dUr ho jfvygI. agly afAux vfly vkqF ivc vI iKVI rhygI. rojL vFg hI Aus afpxI klpnf nUM klmbMd krky afpxI zfierI ivc smyitaf qy kfrvfeI pUrI kr mkfn dI rijstrI krvf leI qy kbjLf lY igaf.

awgy qF kdI vI nhIN sI ieMJ hoieaf. nf qF Ausdy ichry qy koeI Qkfvt dy insLfn sn qy nf hI Auhdf rvweIaf rojL vFg sI. swqI dy mn’c muV sLwk AuWBr afieaf. Aus puwiCaf, “ikwdF df irhf awj dPqr ivc smF?” “bs puwC hI nf bhuq vDIaf lMiGaf. koeI Kfs kMm vI nhIN sI. sfrf idn gwpF ivc hI kwitaf.” aslI gwl nUM CupFdy hoey Auh bVI sPfeI nfl JUT bol igaf. Aus nUM Kud vI hYrfnI hoeI ikAuN jo ieh pihlI vfr sI jdoN Auh jfx bwuJ ky ieMJ kr irhf sI. pr bfad ivc vwzI KusLI dI afs ny Ausdf iDafn swqI dy ichry qoN pry rwiKaf. Auh vyK nhIN sikaf ik Aus qy iek qnfa ijhf af igaf sI. swqI vI cwup-cfp AusnUM cfh pINdy nUM qwkdI rhI. kwp KflI hox qy cuwk ikcn ivc lY geI. sLfm dy Kfxy dI iqafrI ivc lwg geI. sMqoK afpxIaF purfxIaF gLjLlF suxdf irhf. rfqIN vI donHF ivckfr nf koeI hor ijLkr hoieaf qy nf hI sFJ. iek do vfrI Ausdf mn kIqf ik swqI nUM dws dyvy. afpxf hwQ vDf ky swqI nUM jgfx vI lwigaf pr mn ny rok ilaf, “Bly lokf kuJ ruk. sbr df PlL imwTf huMdf hY. hor hPqy dI qF gwl hY. ieqnf vwzf mOkf nf guaf. ijLMdgI ivwc bfr-bfr aijhf smF nf imly ik qUM swqI dy leI hor kuJ kr skyN, Tihr jf.” Auh ruk igaf. ibsqr AWuqy iek isry qy lytI swqI soc rhI sI, “ieh iksy hor dy cwkr ivc pY gey lwgdy ny. dPqr’c dyrI df bhfnf krnf qF sLfied idl nUM Drvfs dy vI idMdf pr awj pfsf moV ky cwupcfp lyt jfxf. bfhroN KusLI nfl prqxf. hux ijvyN jLbrdsqI nfl lyty hoey ny. hfey! rwbf kI ho irhf hY hux myry nfl? ieMny sfl ho gey ny ivafh nUM, myrf kI bxygf.” donHoN afpxI afpxI soc ivc vihMdy kdI qrdy rhy qy kdI zwubdy. rfq suKfvIN nhIN rhI. pr svyry sMqoK ijwQy qro-qfjLf sI AuQy swqI df mn zfvFzol qy Biraf hoieaf sI. sLfied Auh ieqny sflF bfad vI afpxy Gr vfly nUM TIk qrHF smJ nhIN sI skI. sLwk ny iek vfr jo Gr kIqf sI AuhI afpxIaF jVHF PYlfa irhf sI. siqMdr ny mn ivwc Tfx ilaf ik PYslf kr lYxf hY. sLfmI sfP-sfP puwCxf hY jy sLwk shI inkilaf qF Auh AuhnF dy rsqy ivcoN ht jfvygI.

idn ciVHaf dunIaF ivc muV cihl-pihl hoeI. sfry afpxy kMmI ruwJ gey. ieh donoN Auh cfh ky vI KusLI nUM Cupf nhIN pf irhf vI ibnF iksy dy khy suxy afpxy Kfx vfly sI. Aus sLfm Gr awpVdy hI siqMdr bUhf kmry ivc af gey. KoilHaf qy hwkI-bwkI rih geI. awj sMqoK msqI ivc kuJ guxguxFdf af irhf dI. bfkIy pMnf 33 qy PAGE 31

The Patrika



B.C. Air Access program improves travelling experience





HWY 11


HWY 11

“Our airports are critical for B.C. – they are the socio-economic drivers for the communities they serve, and the B.C. Air Access Program offers vital support to these heavily used facilities,� said Heather Bell, chair of the British Columbia Aviation Council. “We’re thrilled that, once again, the Province is providing this welcome funding relief that makes it possible for B.C. airports to upgrade their facilities with important improvements that will benefit the communities, staff and travellers who use them.�




Projects can range from minor upgrades, like Bob Quinn Lake Airport’s runway vegetation management, to major advancements, like Qualicum Beach Airport’s terminal expansion. All B.C. aviation facilities can apply for funding each winter, to be awarded the following fiscal year.

asIN sYpitk tYNk lfAuNdy hF We install septic tanks

5390 Gladwin Road Abbotsford BC GLADWIN RD

“Funding from the B.C. Air Access Program made it possible for us to complete crucial safety upgrades at Chetwynd Airport,� said Carol Newsom, chief administrative officer with the District of Chetwynd. “There was a critical need to resurface this runway, so planes and emergency air craft could continue to land safely and our airport could remain open. We’re grateful for the long-term impact this will have on our facility and community.�

Well Pump Installation and Service

Anand Irrigation


Past recipients, like Chetwynd Airport, have seen major improvements thanks to the support. The airport was awarded $1.3 million last year to repave its runway – a safety upgrade that was required to fix cracking pavement and halt the risk of closure.

ANAND Irrigation


“Airports are a vital transportation link across the province and a lifeline for the many smaller communities they serve,� said Claire Trevena, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure. “These grants make sure airports have the support they need to make important upgrades that would otherwise be too costly.�


The British Columbia government is giving grants to 23 regional airports through the B.C. Air Access Program (BCAAP) to make safety and capacity upgrades, and create a better experience for people travelling by air.


Friday, Aug 17th, 2018

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The Patrika


Friday, Aug 17th, 2018

swqI ny gwl sLurU krdy hoey ikhf, “myrf idl krdf hY ik kuJ idnF leI mYN mMmI jI nUM imlL afvF. bhuq dyr ho geI hY imilaF. sMqoK ny Aus vyly gLjLlF dI kYst PVI hoeI sI. Aus AuWqr idqf, “hF hF jLrUr jfh. kwlH hI ho af. myrf iPkr nf krIN mYN sMBfl lvFgf. nflLy kuwJ idn qfey dy Zfby df Kfxf vI imlL jfAU. ikaf murgf bxFdf hY. mjLf af jFdf hY. qUM qF mIt nhIN KFdI. myrI vI pfrtI ho jfvygI. pr swq idnF ivc af jfeIN.” Auh hws ipaf.



hY. ajy vI do idnF bfad clxf sI. acfnk mF nUM suwJI ik ibnF dwsy iek idn pihlF hI puwj jFdy hF. nflLy rMgy hfQIN PiVaf igaf qF JgVf jldI inwbV jfvygf. kOx soc skdf sI ik swqI dy sLwk ny iks moV qy lY jfxf hY. ikhVI mMijLl qy jf rukxf hY.

iehnIN idnIN sMqoK ny afpxI zfierI ivc idl KolH ky rwK idqf sI. hr lfien ivc, hr vrky ivc Ausdf swqI leI ipafr zuwlHzuwlH pYNdf sI. zfierI Aus leI Aus dosq vFg sI ijs nfl afpxIaF zUMGIaF Byd swqI df iKafl sI ik jy koeI sLwk vflI gwl BrIaF gwlF sFJIaF kIqIaF jfx. nhIN hovygI qF Auh jfx leI mnHF krygf pr CyvyN idn sLfm nUM sMqoK dy dPqroN vfips iewQy qF sMqoK idl ivc kih irhf sI ik cMgf puwjx qoN koeI awDy GMty bfad hI siqMdr qy hY ieh idn mYnUM Gr vflI gwl CupfAux ivc sws vI af geIaF. sMqoK nUM hYrfnI qF hoeI mdd iml jfvygI. jdoN Auh muVky afvygI pr nfl iek imwTf ijhf srUr vI afieaf qF sfzI sfl igrHf vI hovygI. iPr bwly bwly swqI dI vfpsI qy. “mYN hI nhIN swqI vI mYN swqI nUM dwsFgf. dwsxf kI skUtr qy ibTf swcmuwc mYnUM bhuq ipafr[[[.” Ausdf idl bhfny isr nvyN Gr ivc lY jfvFgf. AuWQy gvfhI dy irhf sI hF hF qF hI qF pihlF hI cfbIaF AusnUM idaFgf. Auh qflf KolHygI hI af geI. aMdr jfeygI. iPr acfnk myry vwl vyK muskrf afpxf hwQ awgy krygI. mYN vI[[. rfqIN Kfxf Kfky sfry lyt gey. iksy iksm df ijLkr nhIN hoieaf. sws ny vI TIk smiJaf siqMdr ny afpxI iqafrI kIqI aqy svyry ik ies vyly kuwJ vInf dwisaf jfvy nf hI pihlI hI bws pkV sMgrUr afpxy pyky puwiCaf jfvy. rfq df vylf hY. ikqy afvfjL qur geI. AuWcI ho geI qF aFZ guaFZ ivc vI PYlygI. sMqoK vI rojL dI ijLMdgI ivc ruwiJaf irhf. pr mF DI dI rfq awKIaF ivc hI gujLrI. pr hPqy ivc donF dI Pon qy koeI gwlbfq sws rojL vFg svyry AuWTI. nhfqI, DoqI, pfT nhIN hoeI. Ausdy Gr qF Pon nhIN sI pr kIqf. afp hI rsoeI ivc jf cfh bxfky lY ssurfl ivc sI. awgy vI siqMdr pyky qoN afeI. bYWz Auqy hI bYT sfiraF ny cfh pIqI. Aus nUM dPqr ivc hr rojL hI Pon krdI sws ny puwiCaf, “sMqoK kI gwl hY jo mYnUM sI pr ies vfr nhIN. sLfied mF nfl gwpF bulfieaf hY?” mfrn ivc ruwJI hoxI soc Aus koeI iPkr nhIN kIqf. iek hPqy dI qF gwl hY nflLy Aus ikhf, “sLfmIN gwl krFgy hux qF mYN iksy sbr df PlL imwTf[[Kud nUM hI Aus ikhf qy nUM imlxf hY.” Auh Jwtpt iqafr ho skUtr Kud hI hwsdf irhf. cwuk jfx lwgf. siqMdr dy sbr df bMnH ijvyN tuwt igaf hovy. ies dOrfn Aus Gr bdlx leI trwk bfry pqf kIqf qy ihsfb lgfieaf ik Gr Auh cIK peI, “hF hF jfE pihlF slfh pRvysL leI pihlF pfT krfeygf. nfly AuhdI kr afE afpxI Aus nfl ijs koloN dPqr sws qF swqI dy nfl hI af skdI hY. mdd dy bhfny dyr nfl GrIN prqdy ho” Auh pYr ho jfvygI qy nfly bjLurgI afsLIrvfd vI nfl skUtr nUM ikwk mfrn hI lwgf sI ik imlygf. pr Auh ibnF dwsy ikvyN bulfvy? hF swqI dy bolF ny pYr vfips iKHwc ilwqy. Auh jLrUrI PLYsly df koeI bhfnf TIk rhygf. suMn ho igaf. lwigaf ik acfnk ikqoN kihr swqI leI iek vfr hor JUT shI. Aus sws dI ibjlI igr geI hovy. ieh swqI kI kih nUM pbilk bUQ qy jf gwl kIqI qy qfkId rhI hY. kOx ey Auh? iks nfl kI slfh kIqI ik nfl jLrUr af jfvy. ikhf ieh krnI hY? iksnUM imldf hF mYN dPqr dI AuhdI qy swqI dI ijMLdgI df aihm mfmlf dyrI df bhfnf mfr? pqf nhIN ikwQoN suaflF hY. sws nUM Auh siqkfr nfl bIjI swddf sI. dI boCfr hI ho geI Ausdy idmfg ivc. Auh Ausdy ivcfr ivc Auh bhuq sbr vflI qy afpxy afp nUM jLmInI Disaf mihsUs krn smJdfr aOrq sI. ieh gwl AusnUM aKrI lwgf. Ausdy swqI nUM lYky dyKy supny kwc vFg vI sI ik ikqy Ausdy bulfx df kfrn kuJ igr cknfcUr ho ibKrn lwgy. hor hI nf mMn lvy. nhIN nhIN ieh ikvyN ho Aus ny musLikl nfl afpxy afp nUM sMBfilaf skdf hY? AuhnF dy afAuNdy hI qF mkfn qy Gr dy drvfjLy kol QVHy’qy bih igaf. bfry dws dyxf hY. Aus ivc nf qF ihMmq bcI sI ik Auh vfips swqI nUM pqf lwigaf ik sMqoK ny mF nUM vI aMdr jfvy qy nf hI hONslf sI ik sws dy mwQy bulfieaf hY qF Auh ro peI. mF dy puwCx lwgy. afpxI sPfeI ikMJ dyvy? Auh vI Aus qy Aus afpxf sLwk jLfihr kIqf. aMmVI ny gwl leI ijs bfry Auh Kud hI anjfx hY. AusnUM ihwkIN lgfieaf. nflyL Drvfs vI idwqf koeI pMj swq imMtF bfad afpxy afp nUM ik iPLkr nf kry. hux Auh qF nflL jf rhI sMBfldf hoieaf Auh AuWiTaf, muV skUtr

nUM stfrt kIqf qy afiPs vwl clf igaf. AuQy jfky pihlF sfry idn dI CwutI leI. iPr afpxI zfierI cwukI qy muV sVkIN af igaf. ibnF mqlb qoN hI GMtf Br GuMmdf irhf. iPr bfrFdrI bfg koloN lMiGaf. skUtr KVHf kr Auh mYdfn ivc iek drwKq Qwly Gfh qy bYT igaf. socF ny AusnUM Gyr ilaf. AusnUM lwigaf ijvyN Ausdf sfrf kuJ luwitaf igaf hovy qy AuhnUM nMgf kr idqf hovy. GMty ku bfad AuhnUM cyqy afieaf ik awj qF AusdI sLfdI dI sfl igrHf vI hY qy Ausny swqI nUM Gr df igPLt vI dyxf hY, pr kI ieh hux mumikn hY? siqMdr nUM lgdf ey XkIn hI nf afvy. kI kry? koeI aijhf Xfd nhIN sI af irhf ijs nfl Auh afpxI smwisaf df ijLkr kr koeI slfh lY sky. AusI vyly zfierI cyqy afeI. skUtr ivcoN kwZ Auh Ausdy vrky Proln lwgf. iksy anjfnI iKwHc nfl afpxf pYWn ilqf qy Aus ivc sfrI prysLfnI, pIV qy mn dI avsQf drjL krn lwg ipaf. ipCly bfrHF virHaF dI ijLMdgI iek qsvIr vFg sfhmxy qoN gujLrn lwgI. awj kI hoieaf vI hux vrikaF ivc Auqfr cwukf sI. mn Tihr igaf sI. AusdI hmrfjL, AusdI zfierI dosq ny af sMBflnf sLurU kr idqf sI sMqoK nUM. dyr qwk sFJI krdf irhf pIV nUM Aus nfl qy afpxIaF awKIaF’c afey hJMUaF nUM awKrF df rUp idMdf irhf. pqf hIN nhIN lwigaf kdoN sLfm ho geI. bfg ivc pMKyrUaF df sLor sLurU ho igaf sI. sfry afpxy GurinaF ivc prq rhy sI. afvfjLF kwZ rhy sI. sMqoK nUM lgf ik AusnUM vI kih rhy hox ik Auh vI muV jfvy hux. Auh AuWiTaf, skUtr qy bYT cwl ipaf, pr mfnisk qOr qy Auh prq nhIN irhf sI. hlcl jfrI sI. iDafn nhIN lwg irhf sI sVk qy. iek trwk sfhmxy qoN afAuNdf hoieaf AusnUM afpxI cpyt ivc lY igaf. Auh twkr Kf igr igaf. isrIN qwgVI cot lwgI. Auh byhosL ho igaf sI. iksy ny puils nUM Pon kIqf. aYNbUlYNs afeI qy AusnUM cwuk srkfrI hspqfl lY geI.

PAGE 33 hspqfl dy aYmrjYNsI vfrz ivc Auh ipaf sI qy AusnUM hosL af igaf sI. sLukr ik Auh Kqry qoN bfhr sI pr zfktrF ny nINd df ieMjYksLn lgf sulLfieaf hoieaf sI. so gwlbfq nhIN ho skI. donoN bfhr af bYNc qy bYT geIaF. ieMny nUM iek puils vfly ny af ky skUtr ivcoN imlIaF sfrIaF cIjLF siqMdr nUM idwqIaF. bfhr bYTI bYTI AusnUM nINd df Jokf afieaf qy sfmfn hwQoN Qwly igr igaf. Auh hVbVf ky jfgI. Ausny soicaf qy afh kI hY. sMqoK dI zfierI sI aqy iek cfbIaF df guwCf. Auh jo vI ilKdf sI jLrUr ies ivc Ausny ijLkr kIqf hovygf ijs nfl[[. swqI ny AuWT vfsLrUm ivc jf ky mUMh Doqf. vfips af bYNc qy bih zfierI dy pMny vyKx lwgI. sLurU qoN aKIrlI ilKI lfien ivc isrP ieko nF drjL sI. swqI swqI qy swqI. nf koeI dUjf nF qy nf hI koeI dUjy ipafr df ijLkr sI. aKIrly ilKy keI pMinaF’c iksy nvyN Gr qy ivafh dI sfligrHf qy igPt dyx bfry vI dwisaf hoieaf sI. Auh ieh cfbIaF AusI Gr dIaF qF nhIN siqMdr dy awgoN DuMd ht rhI sI. sfPL-sfPL njLr af irhf sI. Ausdf mn BwubF mfr ivrlfp krn lwgf. “hfey! mYN ieh kI kr rhI sI mYN duinafvI gwlF ivc vih sMqoK nUM nhIN pihcfx skI. hF awj hI qF sfzI sfl igrfh ey qy swcmuwc afpxf igPt mYnUM dy hI idwqf. pUrI kr leI afpxy idl dI KfihsL. qy mYN hfey rwbf[[[.” Auh ro rhI sI.

mF nUM vI Jokf afieaf hoieaf sI. DI dIaF ihckIaF ny jgf idwqf. Aus Gbrf ky puwiCaf, “ikAuN roNdI eyN? TIk ho jfvygf sMqoK. zfktr ny ikhf qF hY Auh Kqry qoN bfhr hY. hOslf rwK.” pr swqI dIaF awKIaF’coN hMJU vgI jf rhy sn. mF ivcfrI nUM pqf nhIN sI ies sfrI gwl df. bhuq puwCx qoN bfad siqMdr dy mUMhoN bs ieh inkilaf, “mF qUM TIk kihMdI sI. myry qoN nf-bKsLx vflLI Bwul ho geI ey. myrf sMqoK iblkul by-ksUr ey. myrI hI mwq mfrI geI sI ik mYN sLwk kr bYTI.” hux Auh AuWTI qy nrs nUM puwC iek njLr sMqoK nUM suwqy nUM siqMdr qy AusdI mF AuzIk rhIaF sn. ipwCoN vyiKaf. Auh afrfm nfl ichry’qy iek mF ny DI nUM QoVHf JfiVaf vI sI GroN jFdy nUM muskfn leI suwqf ipaf sI. siqMdr nUM lwgf burf Blf kihx qoN pihlF soc lYxf cfhIdf ijvyN Auh sfligrHf mnf irhf hovy. sI ik Auh glLqI qF nhIN kr rhI sMqoK nUM smJx ivc. vfpsI qy vI Auh Gr hI imilLaf sI jd ik donoN ibnF dwsy puuwjy sn. hux Gr prqx dI dyrI nUM svyry nfl joV Auh kuwJ kuwJ prysLfn ho rhI sI. iek puils dI jIp af ky rukI. nfl dy GroN pqf kr iehnF df bUhf KVkfieaf. dwisaf ik sMqoK ikvyN jLKLmI ho hspqfl ivc BrqI hY. Ausdf pqf Auhdy skUtr ivcoN inkly lfiesYNs qoN lwgf hY. puils dI jIp muV geI. mF DI dI KfinEN geI. donNo nws puwjIaF sMqoK nUM dyKx.


The Patrika





Friday, Aug 17th, 2018

amn aroVf ny pfrtI dI DVybMdI Kqm krn dI dwsI anoKI qrkIb

kotkpUrf PfieirMg `c bfdl, sumyD sYxI qy Aumrf nMgl nUM vI lgygf syk ipMjfb srkfr ny jsits rxjIq isMG kimÈn dIafˆ isPfrÈfˆ nUM mMndy hoey dUsrI vwzI kfrvfeI kIqI hY . byhwd gupq ZMg nfl sfbkf muwK mMqrI pRkfÈ isMG bfdl ,sfbkf zI[jI[pI sumyD sYxI ,afeI[ jI[ prmrfj isMG AumrfnMgl , ey[zI[jI[pI[ jiqMdr jYn, sfbkf aYs[aYs[pI suKivMdr isMG mfn, sfbkf ivDfiek mnqfr isMG brfV qy bfdl dy ipRMsIpl skwqr rhy ggnjIq isMG brfV afid nUM kotkpUrf PfieirMg nUM lY ky kotkpUrf istI puils styÈn ivwc afeI[pI[sI Dfrf óú÷-óòó-óôñ-óôø-óôù qy afrm aYkt dI Dfrf ò÷-òù-õù dy qihq nfmjd kr ilaf hY . afAux vfly idnfˆ ivwc pMjfb dI isafsI ËmIn ivc ihljul hox dI AumId hY .

inrdoÈ nUM njfieË ihrfsq `c rwKx `qy geI Qfxydfr dI nOkrI Qfxf sdr pwtI dy aYsaYcE nUM inrdoÈ nUM njfieË ihrfsq `c rwKx aqy irÈvq mMgx dy doÈfˆ qihq nOkrI qoˆ brKfsq kr idwqf igaf . Qfxydfr pRIqieMdr isMG ny iewk inrdoÈ ivakqI nUM nÈf qskrI dy ielËfmfˆ `c igRPqfr kIqf sI qy Aus nUM Cwzx bdly õú,úúú rupey dI irÈvq dI mMg kIqI sI . bfrzr ryˆj dy afeIjI suirMdrpfl isMG prmfr ny jfxkfrI idMidafˆ dwisaf ik brKfsq kIqy aYsaYcE pRIqieMdr isMG ny bIqI ù agsq nUM iProËpur iËlHy dy ipMz kmflpurf dy hrBuipMdr isMG nUM Aus dy Groˆ igRPqfr krky do idn gYrkfnUMnI qOr `qy puils kstzI `c rwiKaf qy Cwzx bldy irÈvq mMgI .

aMimRqsr –kafllMpur ivckfr iswDI azfx hovygI ÈurU aËfdI idvs dy agly idn qoˆ gurU rfmdfs jI aMqrfÈtrI eyar port qoˆ kuafllMpur leI eyar eyÈIaf dI iswDI Auzfx ÈurU hox jf rhI hY . ies Auzfx dI Kfs gwl ieh hY ik kuafllMpur qoˆ awgy ñòø dyÈfˆ nfl iswDf sMprk ho jfvygf. iewQoˆ hI spfeIs jYwt dI bYˆkfk leI Auzfx jldI ÈurU ho jfvygI. ieh jfxkfrI sMsd gurjIq aOjlf ny idwqI . aMimRqsr eyarport qy trmInlfˆ dI igxqI vI vDfeI jf rhI hY .

pMjfb `c pihlI vfr iewkiTafˆ bxngy òò,úúú Qfxydfr pMjfb puils dy ieiqhfs ivwc pihlI vfr iekwTy òò,úúú hOldfrfˆ nMM qrwkI dy ky shfiek sb ieMspYktr df rYˆk imlx jf irhf hY . ies qoˆ ielfvf ñ,ú÷÷ eyaYsafeI nUM sb ieMspYktr qy òõñ sb ieMspYktr nUM ieMspYktr bxfieaf jf irhf hY . ieMnI vwzI igxqI ivwc holdfrfˆ nUM eyaYsafeI bxfey jfx df kMm Aumr dy ihsfb muqfbk iqMn pVfvfˆ ivwc pUrf kIqf jfvygf .pihly pVfa ivwc afËfdI idvs mOky ÷,õúú hOÜdfrfˆ nUM qrwkI dy ky Qfxydfr bxfieaf jfvygf. bfkI qrwkIafˆ iewk iewk mhIny dy vkPy dOrfn dy idwqIafˆ jfxgIafˆ.

`afp` suprImo kyjrIvfl leI nvIˆ musIbq

afm admI pfrtI dy sunfm qoˆ ivDfiek amn aroVf ny vI pfrtI dI aMdrUnI lVfeI `qy afKr mUMh KolH hI idwqf hY. pr AunHfˆ pfrtI dI KfnfjMgI nUM mihË soÈl mIzIaf dI jMg qk hI sImq kr idwqf hY . nfl hI aroVf ny pfrtI ivwc pYdf hoeI DVybMdI nUM Kqm krn dI iewk qrkIb vI dwsI . amn aroVf ny mIzIaf nfl gwlbfq kridafˆ ikhf ik Auh afpxy sfQIafˆ nUM bynqI krdy hn ik soÈl mIzIaf `qy koeI vI ibafnbfËI nf krn qy nf hI kuJ glq post krn .AunHfˆ ikhf ik ies qrHfˆ lokfˆ ivwc glq sMdyÈ jfˆdf hY .aijhf nhIˆ krnf cfhIdf sgoˆ iewk Qfˆ bYT ky gwlbfq rfhIˆ hwl qlfÈxy cfhIdy hn.

rfmUMvflIaf dI muV pMjfb dI isafsq ivwc aYˆtrI blvMq isMG rfmUMvflIaf ny muV pMjfb dI isafsq ivwc aYˆtrI mfrI hY . AunHfˆ nUM pMjfb ivwc smfjvfdI pfrtI dIafˆ jVHfˆ lfAux leI iËMmyvfrI sOˆpI geI hY . ies df aYlfn rfmUMvflIaf ny kIqf hY . AunHfˆ ikhf ik pfrtI pRDfn aiKlyÈ Xfdv ny PYslf kIqf hY ik pMjfb qy cMzIgVH `c smfjvfdI pfrtI nUM mËbUq kIqf jfvy. ies leI AunHfˆ nUM pMjfb qy cMzIgVH df ieMcfrj lfieaf igaf hY . rfmUMvflIaf ny ikhf ik afAux vfly idnfˆ `c pMjfb df Zfˆcf KVHf kIqf jfvygf.Xfd rhy do sfl pihlfˆ rfmUMvflIaf cuwp cupIqy akflI dl nUM Cwz ky smfjvfdI pfrtI ivwc Èfml ho gey sI . Auh pMjfb Cwz ky Auwqr pRdyÈ dy mMqrI bx gey sI .

snOr `c iswK nOjvfnfˆ `qy qÈwdd dI Gtnf df ÈRomxI kmytI ny ilaf sKq noits pitaflf dy snOr dy nOjvfnfˆ `qy puils vwloˆ qÈwdd kIqy jfx df ÈRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI ny sKq noits ilaf hY . Gtnf dI pVqfl leI cfr mYˆbrI sb-kmytI giTq kIqI geI hY . snOr Qfxy `x qfienfq shfiek sb ieMspYktr nirMdr isMG ny kiQq qOr `qy qÈwdd kIqf sI . eyaYsafeI ivruwD prcf vI drj ho igaf hY . ÈRomxI kmytI dy bulfry qy skwqr idljIq isMG bydI ny dwisaf ik kmytI pRDfn goibMd isMG lOˆgovfl ny pitaflf nyVly snOr ivwc puils vwloˆ iswK nOjvfnfˆ qy kIqy gey axmnuwKI qÈwdd aqy kysfˆ dI byadbI dy mfmly sbMDI mukMml jfxkfrI pRfpq krn leI cfr mYˆbrI sb-kmytI bxfeI hY .

brgfVI kfˆz dy doÈIafˆ nUM bcfAux `c jutI kYptn srkfr : Kihrf suKpfl isMG Kihrf ny ikhf hY ik brgfVI kfˆz dy doÈIafˆ nUM igRPqfr krn dI mMg nUM lY ky afm afdmI pfrtI dy ivDfiekfˆ df vPd pMjfb dy rfjpfl nUM imlygf. AunHfˆ ikhf ik gvrnr nUM iml ky ivDfn sBf df ivÈyÈ sYÈn swdx dI mMg kIqI jfvygI . Kihrf ny ikhf ik jsits rxjIq isMG kmiÈn dI irport afAux dy bfvjUd ies `qy koeI aYkÈn nhIˆ ilaf igaf. AunHf ikhf ik kYptn srkfr akflI dl dI srkfr vfˆg doÈIafˆ nUM bcfAux dI koiÈÈ kr rhI hY qfˆ ik brgfVI kfˆz dy doÈI nf PVy jfx. Kihrf ny mMg kIqI hY ik bydoÈy iswK nOjvfnfˆ Auwpr golI clfAux vfly pMjfb puils dy mulfËmfˆ iKÜfP nfvfˆ sihq prcf drj hovy .

afp` lIzrfˆ dy klyÈ qoˆ vrkr aOKy, pfrtI PMz vfps krvfAux dI DmkI

afm afdmI pfrtI ivwc jfrI kfto klyÈ df syk hux ipMzfˆ qk phuMc igaf hY . iksy idwlI srkfr dy muwK skwqr aMÈU pRkfÈ nfl hoeI kiQq kuwtmfr dy mfmly ivwc idwlI vyly `afp` dy kOmI knvInr arivMd kyjrIvfl dy sfh ivwc sfh Brn vfly ipMzfˆ dy puils ny awj pitaflf hfAUs kort ivwc cfrjÈIt dfKl kIqI hY . ies ivwc idwlI vflMtIarfˆ ny idwlI hfeIkmfn ivruwD morcf KolH idwqf hY . iewQy hI bs nhIˆ `afp` dy mwuK mMqrI arivMd kyjrIvfl qoˆ ielfvf Aup mwuK mMqrI mnIÈ issodIaf smyq kuwl kfrkuMnfˆ ny ivDfiekfˆ nMU afpo-afpxy ipMzfˆ qy ielfikafˆ ivwcoˆ iekwTf kr ky idwqf ñó lokfˆ dy nfˆ Èfml hn.ies qoˆ pihlfˆ ñø meI nUM idwlI puils ny kyjrIvfl qoˆ ies pfrtI PMz vfps krvfAux dI DmkI vI idwqI hY.suKpfl isMG Kihrf nUM ivroDI iDr mfmly `c iqMn Gwty puwCigwC kIqI sI. drasl aMÈU pRkfÈ ny ñù PrvrI nUM kyjrIvfl dy nyqf dy ahudy qoˆ htfAux mgroˆ mwcy Gsmfx qoˆ bfad ijwQy afm afdmI pfrtI dy dPqr `c hoeI mIitMg dOrfn kuwtmfr dy doÈ lfey hn. puils muqfbk ieh Gtnf DVybMdI df iÈkfr ho geI hY ,AuwQy pfrtI vrkr vI vMzy gey hn . suKpfl Kihrf dy kyjrIvfl dI hfËrI `c vfprI hY . hmfieqI vflMtIarfˆ ny cyqfvnI idwqI hY ik jykr pMjfb qoˆ cuxy gey pfrtI ivDfiek Kihrf dy Kymy ivc nhIˆ rldy qfˆ AunHfˆ qoˆ òúñ÷ dIafˆ ivDfn sBf coxfˆ ivwc idwqf igaf PMz vfips ilaf jfvygf. PAGE 34

The Patrika


Friday, Aug 17th, 2018




apwDrI dunIafN apwDrI dunIafN (Topsyturvy) sMqf isMG qfqly awj asIN gVbV-Gutflf BrpUr apwDrI dunIafN ivc jIvn dIaF GVIaF bqIq kr rhy hF. KLfs krky pMjfb ivc ijQy kfnUMn jF ivDfn nF dI koeI vI cIjL nhIN hY. kfnUMn dy QF pdvI df bol-bflLf hY. inafie BrpUr jIvn bqIq krnf pMjfbI jIvn ivwcoN lgpg KLqm ho cuwkf hY. asfnUM ieh XkIn krnf pvygf ik hPVf-dPVI aQvf Gbrfht Biraf jIvn AunHF kOmF df ivrsf hoie inbVdf hY jo rwbI jOhr nUM Bulf ky sLYqfnIaq dI vlgx ivc kIlIaF jfx. sLYqfnI vlgx iek aYsf Kyqr hY ijQy DoKf, ClL, kpt, TwgI-bwgI aqy PLrybkfrI, jIvn dy suBfvk pihlU bx jFdy hn. aYsI Cl-kptI nIqI, ijQy sfrI dunIafN nUM dfvf agnI vwl DkyldI hYY AuQy kuJ lok svY, qOr’qy vI afphuM rcI hoeI Cl-kptI kiVwkI ivc Pfhy jFdy hn. awj ieh ClkptI nIqI dunIafN dIaF sfrIaF kOmF ivc qMdUey dy jfl vFgUM psrI peI hY. agr aYsy Cl-kptI pdvI-dfrF nUM koeI rwbI iswiKaf dI gwl sxfAux df Xqn kIqf jfvy, Auh qd vI ies nUM suxn leI afmfdf (rjLfmMd) nhIN huMdy. ijvyN :

Ausfr skdy hF. bhuq qyjL AuzfrIaF AuWzx vfly hvfeI jhfjL vI bxf skdy hF. dirafvF nUM pfr krn ihwq bhuq hI lMmy lMmy pulF dI AusfrI krn dI Xogqf vI rwKdy hF. dUrdurfzy pulfVI qfiraF ivc vI rsfeI kIqI geI hY, pRMqU awj qwk afpxy afpy nUM iksy sLfsink ivDI ivc gqIvwD krn dI Xogqf nhIN rwKdy. smfnqf dIaF kdrF-kImqF nUM smJdy hoey prspr iml ky nhIN bYT skdy. iensfnI jIvn dIaF kdrF-kImqF nUM smJdy hoey prspr snyh duafrf juV ky jIvn bqIq krnf hI suK aqy sFqI df durlwV somf hY ijs nUM asIN lgpg alivdf kih cuwky hF.

sMBv hY ik afpF vwzy vwzy skUl, kflj, aqy mhfN ividafly vI Ausfr leIey, ho skdf hY ik afpF ishq nUM cMgI rwKx ihwq, nvIn Koj dy afDfr’qy anykF qrHF dy jIvn aMsL (Vitamins) vI lwB leIe, pRMqU awj qk iksy aYsI vsqU dI lwBq nhIN kIqI geI, jo asfzIaF inqfpRiq jIvn smwisafvF df smfDfn vI kr sky. asfzIaF smwisafvF awj vI AuhI hn jo awj qoN hjLfrF sfl pihlF sn. aMqr kyvl iehI hY ik asIN ienHF smwiafvF nUM nvIn rUp idMdy hoey pRBfvsLflI ivDI duafrf hor vDyry hIxq aqy ivMgy tyZy ZMg duafrf pysL krn dy Xqn kIqy hn. ieh nvIn ivvfd PrIdf kUkyidaf cFgyidaf mqI dyidaf inq] ivsLy aYsy hn ijnHF dI Aupj aiq iqwKI vydnf aqy pRysLfnIaF df sMgRih hovygf. mUlk qOr’qy jo sYqfin vMvfieaf qy ikq Pyrih icq] ñõ] asIN AunHF hI Brm-BulyiKaF, AuhI hfnIkfrk aOkVF, AuhI pRIiKaf, AuhI pRqIq ksvwtIaF (pMnf 1378/13) vrqI jf rhy hF, ijnHF df tfkrf hjLfrF hI afpF sfry hI ies cIjL nUM smJdy hF ik dUjy sdIaF pihlF asfzy pUrvj krdy afey sn. ivsLv XwuD qoN bfad ies dunIafN ivc bhuq qyjLI nfl pirvrqn afieaf hY. asfnUM ieh iensfn dy sfhmxy sB qoN sLokmeI iCn-mfqr vI pqf hY ik prspr dysF dI jMgI rucI aiq smF AuhI huMdf hY jdoN ieh rwb dI rjLf nUM lFBy qyjLI nfl gmnkfrI ho rhI hY. jug-grdI rwK ky inwjI hujq-bfjLI df isLkfr huMdf aQvf df jjLbf purfqn swiBak insLfnIaF nUM hUMJf vfihgurU dy ivrwuD afpxI rjLf df mfp-qol PyrI jf irhf hY. ies qyjLI ivc asfzI BfsLf KVHf krdf hY. ijvyN : dI nuhfr, ric-sihx dy ZMg, smfjI rsmo- mnmuKu aMDu kry cqurfeI. Bfxf n mMny bhuqu irvfj, jIvn ZMg, aMqRIvI Dfrxf, ivcfr duKu pfeI] sLYlI afid ivc jLrUrq qoN ijLafdf pirvrqn Brmy BUlf afvY jfey Gru mhlu n kbhU af cwukf hY. pfiedf] õ] kuJ smF hoieaf jdoN kuJ dyhfqI lok rylvy stysLn ‘qy afeI ryl gwzI nUM vyK ky aiq pRsMn (mfrU m: ó pMnf 1064/3) huMdy sn. awjkwl afm lok pulfVI bwsF nUM vfihgurU dI rjLf ivc jIvn bqIq krn dI vyK ky nwk vwtdy hn. pulfVI bwsF dI ieqnI bjfie mn dI AulIkI hoeI miq dy pYrokfr Brmfr ho cuwkI hY ik lokF nUM ieh pqf nhIN bxnf hI duKF dI rfsLI iekwqr krnf hY. mn lwgdf ik agly cMd imMtF ivc ikqnIaF ku dI miq iek aYsI lf-ielfj bImfrI hY, jo pulfVI bwsF ny afsmfn ivc Xfqrf krnI hY. iensfnI jIvn iec iek nhIN, blik hjLfrF asIN aiq lGU smyN ivc afpxy Gr ivc bYTy hI musIbqF AuqpMn krdI hY. hukm adUlI hI dunIafN dy afr-pfr prspr gwlF bfqF iek aYsI lfanq hY ijs df pRXog kIiqaF, krn df afnMd mfxdy hF. Gr ivc bYTy hI mnmqI jIvn ivwcoN suK aqy sLFqI hmysLf sfrI dunIafN aqy pulfVI cmqkfr dUrdrsLn vfsqy alop ho jFdy hn. ijvyN : dy rfhIN vyK skdy hF. bhuq smF nhIN hoieaf, jdoN kuJ srIrk rog aYsy sn ijnHF df koeI hukmu n jfxY bhuqf rovY] aMdir DoKf nId n vI ielfj nhIN sI. rog-gRsq lok inrfsqf sovY] df jIvn bqIq krdy hoey kuJ smyN qoN bfad pRfx iqafg idMdy sn, pRMqU pRcilq smyN ivc (isrIrfg kI vfr, m: ó, pMnf 85/7) asfzy pfs aYsIaF guxkfrI aAuKDIaF hn, vfihgurU dI rjLf ivc nf cwlxf hI iensfnI ijnHF df pRXog kIiqaF, Aumr Br dy rogIaF nUM jIvn df dUisLq cirwqr aqy mMd krmI suBf kusLlqf aqy suasq-avsQI jIvn df qohPf hY. ieh dUisLq cirwqr aqy pfpI KLslq hI pRfpq huMdf hY. ies ivc koeI sMdyh krn dI ies nUM iGrxf, dvYK, lflc aqy hsd jYsy guMjfiesL nhIN hY ik asIN bhuq hI sucwjIaF duKdfeI rogF ivc gRsq krdIaF hn. ies aqy pRvIn vsqUaF dy huMidaF hoieaF vI dy qn aqy mn ivc dUisLq krmF dI lfanq dunIaf df iensfn buinafdI smwisaf df hI ies nUM hmysLf vfsqy mOq dy iBaMkr PMdy aAuKD lwBx ivc asPl irhf hY. asIN ivc AulJfeI rwKdI hY. ies dI apvfdI bhuq AuWcIaF atfrIaF aqy Bvn mMzl mno-ivrqI hI ies nUM dUisLq krmF vwl

pRyrq krdI hY. Bfv, apvfdI mno-ivrqI dy kfrn hI iGrxf, eIrKf, dYK aqy lflc jYsy krmF vwl AuqsLfhq huMdf hY. pRMqU, iensfn df mUilk cirwqr inrsMdyh AuhI hY ijQoN ieh cwilaf sI. sMBv hY ik iensfn dy jIvn ivc pirvrqn af sky agr ieh mn dI miq iqafg ky siqgurU dy Bfxy ivc, siqgurU dy hukm ivc, Dur kI bfxI dI anukUlqf ivc, siqgurU dI rjLf ivc jIvn bqIq kry. Bfxy ivc jIvn bqIq kIiqaF dUisLq krmF dI rfsLI vfihgurU dI rihmq ivc bdl jFdI hY. vfihgurU dI pRsMnqf hI sdIvI suK aqy aMqRIvI sLFqI pRdfn krdI hY. ijvyN : Bfxf mMny so suKu pfey Bfxy ivic suKu pfiedf] ñ] (mfrU m: ó, pMnf 1063/18) 1[8 pfpF dI ngrI jo krm, Drm dy ivrwuD kIqf jfvy Auh pfp hY. vfihgurU vwloN bymuK hoxf vwzf pfp drsfieaf hY. gurmiq df iqafg aqy mnmiq df DfrxI hoxf hI bwjr pfp hY. ‘rihqnfmy’ dy anusfr cfr kurihqF krnIaF AugR pfp hn. cflU smyN dy iensfn ny mnoklpq sLFqI pRfpq krn ihwq, pfpF dI jLihr BrI boql df nF bdlI krn leI Aus Aupr nvIn lybl icpkfAux dy Xqn kIqy hn, qfik pfp dI vfsqivkqf nUM pfp afKx dI bjfie asLuwDI, gLlqI, Bwul-cwuk jYsy sLbdF duafrf nvIn posLfk pihnfeI jf sky, pRMqU pfp aqy pfpgRsq lokF dI iek vwKrI dunIafN hY ijs df afpxf KLfs sQfn hY. pfp duafrf Aupjy hoey klysLF nUM ijqnI mrjLI hY mlHm-pwtI kIqI

jfvy, pRMqU iensfnI jLmIr dI sqh (Surface) AuWqy kIqy pfpF dy prCfvyN hmysLf hI inwjI icwqr pysL krdy rihxgy. pfp iek aYsI krm ikRaf hY ijQoN AudfsI, inrfsqf, Brm-BRFqI, Auprfmqf jYsIaF bImfrIaF dI buinafd rwKI jFdI hY. pfp smwgrI dy iswDFq nUM smJfvn ihwq hjLUr ny kQn kIqf hY ik ieh sMsfr iek musfiPLr-Kfnf hY, pRMqU duinafvI srfie ivc rihMdf hoieaf ahMkfrI iensfn ies qwq qoN avyslf ho cwukf hY ik ieh musfiPr-Kfnf hY, sQfeI sQfn nhIN blik afrjLI rYxbsyrf hY. ies srfie dy jIvn nUM iQr QfvrI smJ ky mfieaf ivc rwqf hoieaf jIv anykF pRkfr dy pfp krdf hY. sMsfrI pdfrQF nUM iekwqr krn df lflc aqy ienHF dI pkV krdf hoieaf, ieqnf aiBmfnI ho cuwkf hY ik ieh mOq dI atwlqf nUM ivsfrI bYTf hY. ies dI sfrI afXU iesqrI, puwqrF, DIaF aqy imwqrF dy ivAuhfr kridaF lMG jFdI hY. hr iensfn dI ijLMdgI ivc iek smF aYsf aFvdf hY, jdoN mOq df PLirsLqf smyN df ieqnf pfbMd hY jo kdI vI awgy ipwCy nhIN huMdf. mOq qoN bfad ijQy ijQy jIv jFdf hY, ies dy kIqy hoey krmF dI gMZVI, icwqr gupq dy rfhIN hmysLf hI ies dy nfl jFdI hY. amlF dI gMZVI ivc nfm Dn qoN ibnF, kIqy pfpF dI mfqrf bhuq vwzI hY. ies iKLafl pRiq pfvn gurbfxI df ivcfr inmn-ilKq duafrf pRgt kIqf igaf hY. ijvyN ; pfDfxU sMsfru gfrib aitaf] krqy pfp anyk mfieaf rMg ritaf] loiB moih aiBmfin bUzy mrxu cIiq nf afvey] puqR imqR ibAuhfr binqf eyh krq ibhfvey]


The Patrika





puij idvs afey ilKy mfey duKu Drm dUqh nf Ehu mrY nf hovY sogu] dyNdf rhY nf cUkY gqIbwD rihMdf hY. gLrjLyik pfpI ivrqI BfrU hox krky, pfp krmF vwloN qobf nhIN kr Bogu] iziTaf] skdf. pfpF dI pRxflI ivwcoN, iksy dI inMdf ikrq krn n imtY nfnk hir nfm Dnu nhI guxu eyho horu nfhI koie] nf ko hoaf nf ko krnI vI gMBIr pfp hY. aMq nUM aYsy inMdk hoie] ó] Kitaf] ñ] pfpIaF nUM jmdUq af pkVdy hn. pfpIaF dy isr’qy jm zMizaF dI mfr pYNdI hY. pfpI (afsf m: ñ, pMnf 349/10) (jYqsrI m: õ, CMq, pMnf 705/5) pursL inwjI suafrQ dI pflxf ihwq anykF pfvn gurbfxI ivc ieh Dfrf insLicq kIqI aigafnI pursL vfsqy pfpF dI kmfeI ieMJ pfp krdf hY, pRMqU Auh iksy dUjy df kuJ vI geI hY ik hr iensfn dI imRqU inrsMdyh huMdI hY ijvyN jLihrIlI vsqU dIaF gMZVIaF, nhIN ivgfV skdf, blik afpxy kIqy pfpF hovygI. sfDfrx lokF nUM JFsf dyx pRiq hjLfrF iksy imwTI cIjL nfl lypn kIqIaF hox, dI ktfrI duafrf inwjI mfniskqf nUM PwtV hI drsLn sLfsqrIaF, anykF hI Dfrimk vfsqivk qOr’qy Auh jLihr dIaF gMZVIaF aQvf kql krdf hY. Aukq drsfey pfp aqy sMsQfvF ny inwjI XqnF dy afDfr ‘qy rwb dy hI huMdIaF hn. ivcfr qoN swKxy aqy asUJ pfpI krmF dI Jlk pfvn gurbfxI duafrf nfm pRiq klpnfqmk phylIaF vI GVIaF lok AunHF nUM rwj rwj ky KFdy hn. asUJ pRfxI avlokn krnI hor vDyry lfBdfiek hovygI. hn. keI iek nv-kflIn drsLn sLfsqrI dIaF awKIaF Aus jLihrIlI vsqU dI pCfx aqy mno-ivigafnI hux qIk ieh pRgt krn krnoN asmrwQ huMdIaF hn. AunHF dy sLRvxF ijvyN : dy Xqn kr rhy hn ik mOq’qy kfbU pfAux df ivwcoN sr-apsr suxn dI Xogqf vI KLqm aMDy Kfvih ibsU ky gtfk] mfrg Drm ivc drsfey gey mfrg qoN vwKrf hoie inbVdI hY. jLihrIly pdfrQF df pRXog vI ho skdf hY. ieh sB kuJ hox dy bfvjUd krn krky srIrk bl vI huws jFdf hY. jIvn nYn sRvn srIru sBu huitE sfs gieE qq vI ivrqIhfx smyN dy drsLn-vyqf aqy mno- ivwcoN qwqR vsqU dI Gft huMdI huMdI lgpg Gft] ñ] ivigafnI iksy mMqv ‘qy rsfeI krn dy QF, aMqm suafsF’qy af jFdI hY. AunHF dy jIvn aDogqI ivc gRsy hoey jIvn ivc inKfr ivc ieqnI mlIxqf Cf jFdI hY ik Auh by- anfQ rvfix Auru ly poKih mfieaf geIaf ilafvn dI bjfie DUMeyN dy bwdlF ivc pRvysL shfrf lokF nUM luwt mfr ky afpxf pyt Brdy hfit] aqy mfiek pdfrQF dI iekwqRqf krdy hn. iklibK krq krq pCuqfvih kbhu n sfkih kr cuwky hn. ijnHF mfiek pdfrQF nUM iekwqr krn ihwq jdoN ies sMsfr dy Drfql ‘qy pfvn gurbfxI anfQF nUM ksLt idMdy hn, aMq nUM Auh mfiek CFit] ñ] df pRkfsL hoieaf, qd ies ny asF pfpIaF pdfrQ vI ienHF pfpI pursLF qoN pry ht jFdy inMdku jmdUqI afie sMGfirE dyvih mUMz dy AuWDfr ihwq, mOq duafrf psrIaF hoeIaF hn. BfvyN koeI iensfn ikqnf vI qMgidl aqy Aupir mtfk] icr-sQfeI smwisafvF df smfDn drsfieaf pfpI ikAuN nf hovy, aksr Aus dy aMqhkrx hY. mOq duafrf psrI hoeI inrfsqf nUM iksy ivc iek aYsf anuBvI jOhr huMdf hY, jo Aus nfnk afpn ktfrI afps kAu leI mnu apnf sfrQk afsfvfdI sYNcy ivc ZflL idwqf. ieh nUM aMqRIvI qOr ‘qy bfr bfr sUicq krdf hY ik kIno Pft] ò] kyvl ieko iek pfvn gurbfxI df sLbd hY jo ieh jo pfp krm qUM krdf hYN, ieh shI aqy (sfrg m: õ, pMnf 1224/12) sQfeI aqy atwl hY. nf ieh mrdf hY, nf hI vfijb aml nhIN hY. ilhfjLF kIqy kukrmF dy kdI sog aqy AudfsInqf dI siQqI AuqpMn pCqfvy pRiq Aus dI jLmIr ivc, iek pCqfvf vfihgurU dy injLfm ivc anykF pRkfr dIaF huMdI hY. sQfeI kfl ihwq, afqmk pRsMnqf ivrqI df afrMB vI, pfpI krmF dy nfl nfl ivsLsLqfeIaF prIpUrx ho rhIaF hn ijnHF df koeI pfrfvfr nhIN hY. aqy rUhfnI KyVf hI KyVf hY. ijvyN :


The Punjabi Patrika Newspaper is looking for a Punjabi Patrika Graphic Design/Layout Assistant to join their team. pMj`bI p@iqRk` Qualifications • General knowledge of Graphic/Layout Programs including but not limited to Indesign, Photoshop, CorelDRAW, Acrobat)

• Design and Layout Experience • Typing Skills (English and Punjabi) Ability to type multiple Punjabi Fonts is an asset

• Being Fluent in both English & Punjabi is a must.

ê³ÜÅìÆ ê¼ÇåzÕÅ ù ×ÌÅÇëÕà ñ¶ÁÅÀ±à Çâ÷ÅÇÂéð çÆ ñ¯ó ÔË Ü¯ ê³ÜÅìÆ Çò¼Ú àÅÂÆê ÕðéÅ ÜÅäçÅ Ô¯ò¶Í À°Ô Õ¯ðñâðÅÁ, Áâ½ì ÇÂéâ÷ÅÇÂé, ë¯à¯ôÅê ìÅð¶ ÜÅäÕÅðÆ ð¼ÖçÅ Ô¯ò¶Í ÇÂÔ ÜÅì êÅðà àÅÇÂî ÔËÍ

This is a Part-Time position which could lead to Full-Time Employment. Wages negotiable depending on experience.

Interested persons please Email us your resume

Tel: 604-852-2288 (Monday to Wednesday only)


1481 Tracey Street Abbotsford, BC Canada V2T 6G4

Friday, Aug 17th, 2018

ienHF sfrIaF KLUbIaF ivwcoN iek ivsLysLqf ieh vI hY ik jo bImfrIaF sMsfrI jIvF nUM ienHF vwloN kIqIaF axgihlIaF dy kfrn lwgdIaF hn, AunHF bImfrIaF df ielfj vI vfihgurU dy sLfsink ZFcy ivc mOjUd hY. ies sMsfr ivc iqMn pRkfr dy rog hn ijnHF ivc afiD, AupfiD aqy ivafiD aQvf srIrk rog, mfnisk rog aqy afqmk rog. jo AupfiD hY ieh mfnisk rog hY. pfp dI ivAuNqbMdI mn dI vlgx ivc AulIkI jFdI hY. ies AulIkI hoeI ivAuNqbMdI nUM igafn aqy krm-ieMdRIaF duafrf isry cfiVHaf jFdf hY. jdoN pfp dI ivAuNq pUrI ho jfvy Auh pfpF dI sLRyxI ivwcoN inkl ky aprfD dI sLRyxI ivc af jFdf hY. ienHF pfpI ibrqIaF aqy aprfDI krqUqF df smfDfn pfvn gurbfxI ivc anykF hI ivDIaF duafrf AulyKx kIqf igaf hY. sB qoN ivisLsLt aAuKD vfihgurU dI rihmq hY. gurmiq qy afDfr’qy BfvyN krmgqI df jLfvIaf sQfpq kIqf igaf hY, pRMqU vfihgurU dI rihmq jo siqgurU jI dy rfhIN pRqwK rUp ivc pRgt hoie aFvdI hY, Auh krm gqI dy lyKy nUM mUilk qOr’qy imtf idMdI hY. ijvyN : eyh kUVYkI mlu AuqrY koeI kZhu iehu vIcfru] siqguru imlY qf nfmu idVfey siB iklivK ktxhfr] (rfmklI kI vfr, m: ó, pMnf 950/18)

The Patrika



Friday, Aug 17th, 2018




rwKVI df iqAhfr vIrfN -BYxF df ipafr!

spYsLl syl nvyN izjLfienfN vfly sUtF iewk sUt KrIdo dI isLpmYNt phMuc cuwkI hY h

dUjf sUt

sIqy aqy ax sIqy sUt pfrtI vfly sUt ismpl aqy afm pihnx vfly sUt vI bxfAuNdy hF

asIN afrzr qy vI sUt bxfAuNdy hF asIN sUtF dI islfeI vI krdy hF

SUPER SALE sMprk kro: 604-615-2971 aYbtsPorz

Rotary Club of Abbotsford Presents $9,000 in Scholarships to Abbotsford Grads

The Rotary Club of Abbotsford was Crystal Gegenfurtner - Bakerview honoured to continue its long stand- Centre for Learning ing support of Abbotsford students at the end of the 2018 school year. Megan Greenbank - Abbotsford School of Integrated Arts “We are committed to support students to pursue further education Avneet Sandhu - Rick Hansen that will make a positive difference Secondary for their future and our commu- Jasmohit Hayer - Abbotsford Tranity. Each year our award selection ditional Secondary committee is impressed with the humanitarianism and accomplish- Katelyn Ward - Mennonite Educaments of so many students.” Pat tional Institute Secondary Tonn, Awards Chair. Rachel Leeming - W. J. Mouat A trust fund held by the Abbots- Secondary ford Community Foundation for the Rotary Club of Abbotsford Neha Ravikumar - Abbotsford Seprovides the opportunity to award nior Secondary outstanding students each year. Kali Lee - Robert Bateman SecThe criteria for the award includes: ondary demonstrated leadership, volunteer service in the community or at “Congratulations to the hard workschool, consistent academic ac- ing students who are the recipients complishment and financial need of the Rotary Club of Abbotsford’s scholarship awards. We wish them for postsecondary education. the very best in their future studies. The 2018 recipients receiving These awards are one aspect of Ro$1,000 each were: tary‘s involvement in the commuZoey Howe – Yale Secondary nity.”, commented Bill Bramwell, President. School


The Patrika




Friday, Aug 17th, 2018


jnrl lokl ielYksLn 2018 istI afP aYbtsPorz aqy aYbtsPorz skUl izsitRkt noits afP nOmInysLn

noits: aYzvFs ielYktr rijstrysLn

kI qusIN 20 akqUbr 2018 nUM hox jf rhI istI afP aYbtsPorz aqy aYbtsPorz skUl izsitRkt cox leI vot pOx dy Xog hY, kI qfjLf bxI votr sUcI c quhfzf nfm drjL hY? jy ies vfry afp nUM pUrI jfxkfrI pRfpq nhIN hY qF afp aYbtsPorz istI dy ielYksLn dPqr, pMjvIN mMijLl, 32315 sfAUQ PryjLr vy qy jf ky jF ielYksLn dPqr nfl 604-851-VOTE(8683) qy sMprk kro jF eI myl kro. srkfrI CuwtIaF qoN ibnf sLnI aYq qoN ibnf dPqr somvfr qoN sLukrvfr qwk svyry 8:30 qoN 4:30 qwk Kuwlf huMdf hY. jy iksy ny aYzvFs votr rijstrysLn krOxI hovy qF aYbtsPorz dy ielYksLn dPLqr ivwc phuMc ky 28 agsq qwk krf jfvy qF mnjLUr hovy gI. ielYktr rijstRysLn 28 agsq qoN 20 akqUbr 2018 qwk sFBI rhy gI aqy votF dy idnf ivwc jLyr-ey-gOr hovy gI.

ielYktr dIaF XogqfvF -

rYjLIzYNt ielYktr rjLfmMd vot leI jF afp vot pOx vflLy dI alYksLn vfly idn Aumr 18 sfl jF ies qoN vwD hovy knyzIan istIjLn hovy rijstrysLn vfly idn qwk 6 mhIny pihlF qoN bI[sI df visLMdf hovy rijstrysLn vflLy idn qoN 30 idn pihlF df aYbtsPorz ivwc vsdf hovy aqy gOrimMt dy cox aYkt anusfr jF vot dI ienaYktimMt anusfr jF votF vyly eysYNt voitMg kr ky kdI izskuaflIPfeI nf hoieaf hovy jF iksy kfnUMn kr ky izskuaflIPfeI nf hoieaf hovy nOn rYjLIzYNt prfprtI ielYktr ielYksLn vflLy idn qwk Aumr 18 sfl jF ies qoN vwD hovy knyzIan istIjLn hoxf jLrUrI hY rijstrysLn vfly idn qwk Aus df bI[sI ivwc rihx df smF 6 mhIny hovy rijstrysLn vfly idn qoN 30 idn pihlF qoN aYbtsPorz sLihr ivwc iksy rijstrz prfprtI dy mflk ho cfhIdy hn ijhVy lok pRfprtI dy rijstrz mfilk hn, jF ihwsydfr hn jF afm tYnyNt hn aqy Auh iksy kfrporysLn dI prfprtI qy kfbjL nhIN hn qy nf hI iksy hor trst qy kbjL hn ijhVy rYjLIzYNsLIal ielYktr dI rijstrysLn dy Xog nhIN hn: lokl gOrimMt aYkt aDIn izskuaflIPvfeIz, iksy hor ienaYktimMt krky vot pOx df hwk nf rwKdy hox, jF iksy KLfs kfnUMn anusfr Xog nf rhy hox. jy iksy pRfprtI dy iewk qoN vwD rijstrz mflk hoxH qF sfry ihwsydfrF dI ilKqI rjLfmMdI nflL koeI iewj bMdf afpxy afp nUM nOn rYjLIzYNt pRfprtI ielYktr dy qOr qy rijstr krf skdf hY.

shI pihcfn leI ikhVy zfkUmYNts loVINdy hn: quhfzy kol Gwto Gwt do sbUq hoxy cfhIdy hn jo quhfzI pihcfn aqy quhfzy Gr df pqf dwsdy hoxH aqy iewk qy quhfzy sfeIn vI idsdy hoxy cfhIdy hn. sYksLn 57 jF 57.1 afP dI lokl gorimMt anusfr ijhVy pihcfn dy sbUqF dI loV hY aqy ijhVy mnjLUr hn, Auh ieh hn: (a) bI sI df zrfeIvr lfiesYNs (b) bI sI df pihcfn-pwqr jo pihcfn rUljL anusfr hovy -Poto vflf kfrz jo bI sI rUljL anusfr hovy -iewk ibnf Poto qoN kfrz jo bI sI rUlF muqfibk hovy (c) iensUrYNs df srtIiPkyt aqy vhIkl lfiesYNs hoxf jLrUrI hY jo bI[sI dI iensUrYNs kfrporysLn vloN idwqf igaf hovy. (d) bI[sI df kyar kfrz jF bI sI df golz kyar kfrz (e) minstrI afP sosLl zvYlpimMt aqy sosLl sikAuirtI nUM Pfrm SDES8 dI aisstYNs jfrI rwKx leI ibnY pwqr (nvF mhInfvfr Pfrm E.A 181) (f) sosLl ieMsUrYNs df nMbr kfrz jF knyzf srkfr vloN jfrI kIqf hoieaf sosLl ieMsUrYNs lYtr nMbr. (g) istIjLnisp aqy iemIgrysLn afP knyzf vloN jfrI kIqf hoieaf istIjnisLwp kfrz. (h) sYksLn 237 afP kimAUintI cfrtr jF sYksLn 21 aP rUrl eyrIaf aYkt anusfr idwqf hoieaf prfprtI tYks df aslI noits. (i) syivMg adfry vloN imilaf hoieaf krYizt kfrz jF zYibt kfrz ijvyN ik ieMtrprytysLn aYkt dy sYksLn 29 ivwc dwisaf hoieaf hY. (j) sYksLn 1 dIaF kimsLn aYkt XUitiltIjL anusfr ielYktrIistI dI splfeI leI, nYcrul gYs, pfxI, tYlIPon (1) syvfvF aqy koaYksIal kybl syvfvF vfsqy pRfpq hoieaf XUitiltI ibwl. (2) gYs XUitiltI aYkt dI Dfrf sYksLn 1 muqfbk vrqoN dy sbUq. (3) pfxI dIaF shUlqF Act dy sYksLn 1 anusfr pfxI dI vrqoN dy sbUq (4) bI sI dI hfeIzro aqy pfvr aQOirtI dy sbUq (5) iksy prvfnq aqy lfiesYNsI kfroprysLn vloN knyzIan ryzIE, tYlIivjLn aqy tYlI-kimnIkysLnjL dI vrqoN dy puKqf sbUq. Auprokq pihcfn sbUq ielYksLn aPsrF vloN mMny jfxH, gy aqy sYksLn 72(3) aqy 73(3) lokl srkfr dy aYkt (sYksLn 30(3) muqfibk jy koeI sbUq ienHf qoN bfhrf hoieaf qF ielYksLn aPsr Xog PYslf mOky qy kr skx gy (jfiejL qy nvF pfsport)

rijstrz votrF dI ilst af rhI sqMbr 4, 2018 nUM 20 akqUbr 2018 nUM ho rhI ielYksLn leI iqafr hoeI ilst aYbtsPorz ielYksLn afiPs 5 vI mMjl 32315 sfAUQ PryjLr vy qy syK skdy ho ienHf ivwc Xog votrF dy nfm hn qy ienHF nUM koeI vI cYWk kr skdf hY. srkfrI CuwtIaF qoN ibnf sLnI aYq qoN ibnf dPqr somvfr qoN sLuwkrvfr qwk svyry 8:30 qoN 4:30 qwk KuwlHf huMdf hY. ilst cYWk krn vflLy hr ivakqI nUM iewk stytmYNt AuWpr sfeIn krny jrUrI hoxH gy ik Aus ilst dI dur-vrqoN nhIN kry gf aqy ies dy piCly 3 ielYksLn lokl gOrimMt Act anusfr Aus nUM hwk hovygf ik jy Auh cfhy qF ilst ivwcoN afpxf aYzrYWs jF hor jfxkfrI ktvf sky gf.

votr rijstrysLn qy ieqrfjL 2018 dI sqMbr 14 dy sLfm dy 4 vjy qwk ilst ivwc soD kIqI jf skdI hY. ky iksy rijstrz votr nUM iksy vot glq hox df XkIn hovy qF Auh ilKqI qOr qy ieqrfjL kr skdf hY. jy iksy nUM jfxkfrI hovy ik votr ilst ivclf koeI votr mr cuwkf hY pr Aus dI vot kfiem hY jF Aus nUM XkIn hovy ik koeI vootr qF vot bxfAux dIaF sfrIaF sLrqF pUrIaF nhIN krdf, vot glq hY, qF Auh ilKqI qOr qy ieqrfjL kr skdf hY pr Auh afp vot pOx dIaF sB sLrqF pUrIaF krdf hoxf cfhIdY. ienHF mfmilaF bfry jy koeI hor jfxkfrI lYxI hovy qF ielYksLn dPqr nflL hyT ilKy ZMgF nflL rfbqf bxf skdy ho: ibwl iPltn cIP cOx aPsr Pon: PYks: eI.myl: vYb sfeIt:

sYLrI zYivs jF kytI kYm izptI cIP cox aPsr 604-851-VOTE(8683) 604-853-1934


hyT ilKy ahuidaF leI aYbtsPorz dy votrF nUM pbilk noits dy idwqf hY aqy ieh istI afP aYbtsPorz aqy aYbtsPorz skUl trstIjL nflL sbMiDq hY: iek (1) myar awT (8) kfAUNislr swq (7) skUl trstI ienHf dI trm 4 sfl dI hovygI. ienHf leI nfmjLdgIaF cIP ielYksLn afPIsr jF izptI cIP ielYksLn afPIsr vloN bfeI hYNz, - myl rfhIN, jF hor zilvrI syvfvF rfhIN pRfpq kIqIaF jfxHgIaF: Election Office Abbotsford City Hall 5th Floor, 32315 South Fraser Way Abbotsford, BC,V2T 1W7 - PYks: 604-853-1914 - eI.myl: 4 sqMbr mMglvfr 2018 svyry 9 vjy qoN 14 sqMbr sLuwkrvfr 2018 sLfm 4 vjy qwk (srkfrI CutIaF, aqy vIkaYNz Cwz ky) Auirjnl zfkUmYNts (nfmInysLn vfsqy)lyt qoNlyt 21 sqMbr 2018 dy sLfm dy 4:30 vjy qwk cIP ielYksLn aPsr nUM PYksF jF eImyl jLrIhy hr hflq ivwc phuMcxy cfhIdy hn. nOmInyisLn Pfrm istI dI vYb sfeIt qy dPqr qoN AuplBd hn aqy nOmInysLn pIrIaz dy Kfqmy qwk aYbtsPorz istI hfl, pMjvIN mMijLl 32315 sfAUQ PryjLr vy qoN lY skdy ho. jy iewko hI ruqby leI loVIdIaF sItF qoN vwD kYNzIzyt KVH jFdy hn qF ienHf dI cox leI sLnIvfr 20 akqUbr 2018 nUM svyry 8 vjy qoN sLfm dy 8 vjy qwk votF pvfeIaF jfxHgIaF.

aOiPs vfsqy XogqfvF nOmInysLn vfsqy, ielYksLn vfsqy, afiPs aiDkfrI ho ky, lokl srkfr df numfieMdf bxn vfsqy hyT ilKIaF sLrqF dI pUrqI dI loV hY - knyzIan istIjLn hovy - votF vflLy idn qwk Aumr 18 sfl jF ies qoN vD hovy. Bfv 20 akqUbr 2018 qwk. - Gwto Gt 6 mhIny pihlF qoN bI[sI df visLMdf hovy (nOmInysLn pypr PfeIl krn vflLI qfrIk qoN 6 mhIny pihlF df visLMdf hovy) - srkfrI kfnUMn anusfr lokl srkfr dI iksy cox ivwc izskuaflIPfeI nf hoieaf hovy, iksy nOmInysLn ivwc axAuicq nf grdfinaF hovy, inrDfrq dPqr dy Xog nf hovy, aqy kfnUMnI qOr qy izskuaflIPfeIz nf hovy.

kMpyn smyN kIqy jfxy KricaF dIaF sImfvF: -lokl ielYksLn kMpyn qy hox vflLy KricaF sbMDI PfeInfnisMg aYkt Pfr 2018 jnrl lokl ielYksLn muqfibk kYNzIzyts dy kMpyn dOrfn krn vflLy KricaF dIaF hwdF ies pRkfr hn: myar$86,556 kfAUNslr$43,928 skUl trstI- $44,003

Qrz pfrtI aYzvrtfeIijMLg hwdF lokl ielYksLn kMpyn PfeInfnisMg aYkt 2018 anusfr Qrz pfrtI leI aYzvrtfeIijLMg ilmts ies pRkfr hn: -2018 dI jnrl ielYksLn leI Qrz pfrtI spONsrjL leI do iksm dIaF Krc hwdF hn| zfierYktz aYzvrtfeIijLMg iekspYNs ilimts zfierYktz aYzvrtfeIijMLg iekspYNs ilimts iksy ielYksLn eyrIey dy sfeIjL nfl sbMDq huMdIaF hn EQy hr QF AumIdvfr dI vI aYzvrtfeIijLMg hoxI huMdI hY qy votrF dI aOrgynfeIjLysLn qy vI Krcy hoxy huMdy hn. myar leI, kfAUNslr leI aqy skUl trstI leI KricaF dIaF hwdF imQIaF hoeIaF huMdIaF hn, jo ies pRkfr hn: myar$4 327[81 kfAUNslr$4 327[81 skUl trstI- $2 200[19

kmUlyitv aYzvrtfeIijMLg ilmtF kmUlyitv aYzvtfeIijLMg KricaF dI hwd $150 000[00 hY. ieh ielYksLn dy sfry ielfikaF leI aYzvtfeIijLMg leI aqy aYzvtfeIijLMg spONsr ies qoN vwD Krcf nhIN kr skdy. ieh dono hI ilmtF 2018 dI cox dI kYNpyn leI hn. jnrl lokl ielYksLn sqMbr 22, 2018 qoN akqUbr 20, 2018 leI vI ieh Krcy dIaF hwdF inrDfrq hn. jy qusIN bhuqy ielfikaF ivwc afp jf ky aYzvtfeIijLMg krnf hY, jF Qrz pfrtI dy spONsrF nfl sLyar krnf hY qF qusIN lokl ielYksLns bI[sI nflL rfbqf kro|

hor jfxkfeI leI rfbqf bxfE ibwl iPltn cIP cOx aPsr Pon: PYks: eI.myl: vYb sfeIt:

sYLrI zYivs jF kytI kYm izptI cIP cox aPsr 604-851-VOTE (8683) 604-853-1934

kMpyn dOrfn KricaF sbMDI jF Drz pfrtI dy aYYzvrtfeIijLMg dy KricaF dIaF ilmtF sbMDI jfxn leI ielYksLns bI[sI nMU imlo tol PrI Pon: eI.myl: vYb sfeIt:





The Patrika




Friday, Aug 17th, 2018


jati sidhu invites you to the



family barbecue Sunday, August 19, 2018 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m


sfnUM 130 KUndfnIaF dI loV hY Thursday, Aug 30th.Emmanuel Mennonite Church vIrvfr 30 agsq nUM eymYnUal mYnonYWt crc

3471 Clearbrook Rd 10:00am – 4:45pm

Mastsqui Village Park | 6074 Riverside Street

everyone welcome Hamburgers, Veggie Burgers, Salads, Fruit, Dessert Will Be Served!


jqI iswDU afp jI nUM qIjy sflfnf PYmlI bfrbIkU leI hfridk swdf idMdy ny

YOU 1 HOUR CAN SAVE UP TO 3 LIVES! 1 in 2 people can donate,check our website for more infomation on Eligibility Criteria and Donation Tips:

aYqvfr agsq 19, 2018 dopihr 12 vjy qoN sLfm 4 vjy qwk


mYtskueI ivlyj pfrk 6074 irvrsfeIz strIt hr iewk nUM KulHf swdf hY Member Of Parliament Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon

mYNbr aP pfrlIamYNt imsLn-mYtskueI-PryjLr kYnXn

604-814-5710 | | #jatisidhump 1-866-599-4999 |

quhfzf iewk GMtf 3 jfnF vcf skdf hY iewk jF so bMdy KUn dy skdy hn hor jfxkfrI leI sfzI vYbsfeIt qy jfE KUndfn dI Xogqf, KUn dyx dIaF ivDIaF aqy dfn dy nukqy You can book at, call 888-2-DONATE or walk in! qusIN afpxI buwikMg jF Pon 888-2-DONATE qy jF Kud af ky krvf skdy ho


The Patrika






Friday, Aug 17th, 2018

The Patrika



Friday, Aug 17th, 2018



TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED ¯Truck Drivers ¯Local Work Only ¯No Long Haul Evening and Day Shift Available

Wages based upon experience sfnMU trwk zrfeIvr, aqy lokl kfimaF, dI loV hY| lONg hfl nhIN hY. cMgI qnKfh qjLrby anusfr idwqI jfvygI idn aqy sLfm dIaF isLPtF lY skdy ho

: Please send resumes too:

Contact Jordan : 778-240-3457 E-mail : | Fax: 604-850-7225 1702 Foy St, Abbotsford BC V2T6B1



ELECTRIC Spring Is Here Time for cleanup and mulching to get your great outdoors ready!

For More Info Call



GAVIN SAROWA 604.751.4602

JIM MAKKAR 604.807.0293


The Patrika



Workers Needed for Truck Driver wanted Framing Class 1 truck driver Workers needed for required to transport framing. Wages $15.00/ loads for our company. hour, increased de- The loads are for USA pending on experience. (CA). Experience in Transportation available trucking industry will be preferred. Knowlfrom Surrey and Abedge of English is a botsford. Call: 604-825- must and knowledge 0736 or 778-255-3135 of Punjabi will be an kfimaF dI loV

aYbtsPorz ivwc lokl imwl leI lMbr cuwkx vfly Pork ilPt zrfeIvr dI loV hY. 1 sfl df qjLrbf hoxf cfhIdf hY. sfMnU iek bIlzr dI vI loV hY! cMgI qnKfh aqy vDIaf mhOl.plynr dI vI loV hY. hor jfxkfrI lYx leI Pon kro: 604-8072097

asset. Good wages and benefits as per the experience. Driver's abstract and drug test required. Send resume to info@ or, fax: 604-852-6690, or mail to 31137 Southern Drive, Abbotsford, BC, V2T 5K2.


kfimaF dI loV

Jatt Sikh, only son, from Punjab, handsome, B.Sc in Computer Sciences, 5’11, 27 years old, owner of 29 acres of land wants a woman with a PR or Canadian citizenship, height of 5’6 or more, skinny, beautiful girl wanted Call:

aYbtsPorz dI lokl zrfeIvfl kMpnI nMU kfimaF dI qurMq loV hY. nvyN kfimaF nMU $14.50 pRqI GMtf aqy qjLrbykr nMU qjLrby anusfr. aYbtsPorz aqy aYlzrgRov qoN rfeIz df pRbMD hY. hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-552-6269

778-536-2999/ 236-887-2798

vr dI loV 35 sflf jwt isWK, ivjLtr afeI hoeI lVkI leI knyzIan PR jF istIjLn lVky dI loV hY. hor jfxkfrI leI sMprk kro: 604-744-5871 jF 778245-2369 PAGE 42

Friday, Aug 17th, 2018



lVkI dI loV

FARM WORKERS NEEDED KN Berry Farms Requires 10 full-time employees in Abbotsford, BC. 50-60 hours/week $12.65/hour. Duties include: weeding, tying, pruning, harvesting, digging and other farm related duties, in all weather conditions. Start date: Dec. 15/2018. Apply at FARM WORKERS NEEDED B & J Berry Farms Ltd. Requires 9 full-time employees in Abbotsford, BC. 50 hours/ week $12.65/hour. Duties include: weeding, tying, pruning, harvesting, digging and other farm related duties, in all weather conditions. Start date: Dec. 8/2018. Apply at Nursery workers Required workers 40 hrs per week at $12.65. Duties digging planting, harvesting. Employment starts Jan 7th ,2019. Apply to: Evergreen Propagators Ltd Fax

pMjfbI KqrI pirvfr nfl sbM D I lVkf, Au m r 27 sfl, kwd 5’6, PR, MBA, lVky vfsqy knyzIan istIjLn, iemIgRMt, jF stUizMt, lVkI pVHI-ilKI aqy pirvfrk hovy. sMprk 604 745 4076 nM : 604-615-0569

Farm Workers Wanted Seven Fruit Farm Workers wanted in Abbotsford, BC for Bathe Farms Ltd. Work location is at 30069 Huntingdon Rd, 672 Ross Rd and 695 Ross Rd. Work involves pruning, weeding, tying, harvesting and other farm work. Work is outdoors, seasonal and full time, in all weather conditions and physically demanding. Starting February 5, 2019. $12.65/hr + 4% vacation pay and possible bonuses, 40-60 hrs/wk. No minimum education or work experience required. Fax resume to 604-856-9747 or mail to 695 Ross Rd, Abbotsford, BC V4X 2M6. WITNESS NEEDED

Witness Needed For Vehicle Collision on August 10,2018 at 4:40 pm on Simpson and Peardonville rd.Please call 604-832-1576

The Patrika


Friday, Aug 17th, 2018





SPECIALIZED IN NEW & OLD RENOVATION HOMES Tiles (Wall , & Floor Tiles, All Kinds Of Tiles) Entrance Way Tiles Kitchen (Floor & Backsplash) Kitchen Cabinet And CounterTop Full Bathroom Renovation (New & Old) Floor Lamination

tfeIlF (kMDF qy, PrsL tfeIlF, hr iksm dIaF tfeIlF ieMtryNs vy tfeIls ikcn PrsL, bYk splYsL ikcn kYbinwt, aqy kFAUtr tOp nvyN aqy purfxy bfQrUm dI pUrI rYnovysLn Plor lYmInysLn

High Quality Services at Very Reasonable Prices hr pRkfr dIaF tfielF iPks krvfAux leI sMprk kro

Spl: We Do Cabinet Installation for New or Old Houses All Kinds of Renovations Basement Washroom Kitchen Painting Plumbing

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* Full Finish Basement * Sundeck All Complete

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Crown, Baseboard Door, Fireplace

HARDEEP BIRDI: 778-823-0765

GHD Home Renovations Ltd. We do all types of renovations bysmYNt vI irpyEr krdy h~ • Complete Renovations • Tiling • Hardwood & Laminate • Painting • Plumbing Pu@l rYnovySn h`rfvu@f EYNf lYmInyt t`iel~ pNyitMg plMimMg

Teja 778-246-0087



The Patrika





Friday, Aug 17th, 2018

sMDUr krm isMG mfn ipCly iqMn idnF qoN rojLI dPqr ivwc nhIN af rhI. AusdI hfjLrI ibnF dPqr suMnf suMnf, Audfs Audfs lgdf hY. ieAuN lgdf hY ijvyN dPqr dI rUh gfieb ho geI hovy, bfkI ipwCy klbUq rih igaf hovy. dPqr dy krmcfrIaF ny rojLI dI shylI klpnf qoN Aus bfry puwiCaf. “pqf nhIN ikwQy geI af. mYN vI do iqMn vfr Ausdy Gr Pon kIqf, msLIn eI bolI, plIjL mYisj Cwz idAu.” klpnf ny inrfsLqf nfl ikhf. rojLI qy klpnf ipCly sLukrvfr dPqr bMd hox ipwCoN vfeInrI dy gYstrUm ivwc bYT geIaF sn. rojLI ny iewk BrvF pYwg ivskI df bxfieaf qy klpnf leI jUs df glfs Br idwqf. rojLI ny glfs cuwikaf. iewk lMbf hAukf Biraf. “kI glw aY, awj AuKVI AuKVI iPrdI aYN? klpnf ny rojLI dy ichry vwl nIJ nfl qwikaf. ro j L I ny ichry qy bxfAu t I mu s krfht ilafAuNdy kuJ kihxf cfihaf, pr Auh kih nf skI. Aus ny glfs cuwikaf. iewky sfh ivwc awDf glfs kr idwqf. klpnf ny vI QoVHf ijhf jUs pI ilaf. “stIvn nUM zfeIvors-.” Aus dy mUMhoN ieh sLbd bVI musLikl nfl inkly. “stUpz! nOnsYNs! cwj dI gwl kr.” Ausdy ieh sLbd sux ky rojLI awKF Br afeI. “inwkI motI trwbl PYmlI c hYpn ho jfNdI af. afeI mIn nft tU tyk hfrt (idl qy nI lfeIdf)” “no. iet iejL sIrIas.” rojLI dy mwQy dIaF nfVF AuwBr afeIaF. vwt hYpnz (kI gwl hoeI) vkysLn kwt ky cMgy Bly afey sI.” “vkysLn! hYl!” rojLI dy ichry qy zUMGy mfnisk qxfAu dIaF lkIrF AuWBr afeIaF. ieh kihky rojLI ny glfs cuwikaf, iewky sfh ivwc KflI krky tybl qy rwKdI bolI, “afeIjLk nUM vI nfl lY cwlIey.” mYN stIvn nUM ikhf. “afeIjLk! Ey ibwg prfblm.” Auh iclfieaf.


“vwt?” afeIjLk prfblm! qYnUM afeIjLk “dws kI gwl hogI?” klpnf ny Ausdy mwQy Auh dUjI vfr qF afeI sI shury Gr. ajy prfblm lgdf)? qy hwQ rwKky bVy ipafr nfl ikhf. qF Ausdy hwQF dI mihMdI df rMg vI iPwkf nhIN sI ipaf. stIv sosYz, mYN vI guwsy nfl ikhf. “dubfrf jFdf PrMt qy.mry,Kpy,izwgy izwc c” “CuwtI hor vDf lY hrpfl.” Aus ny hrpfl “AudoN socxf sI afeIjLk bfry. mfeIkl dy nUM ikhf sI. GroN cuMnI cuwk ky stIvn dy afgeI. qYnUM “ieh vI koeI gwl hoeI? qYnUM qF ies qy afeIjLk nfl kI sI?” bolx lwgI klpnf mfx hoxf cfhIdf.” “vFgF Cwzdy hMJUaF vflIey nI, pYr Drn ny rojLI dy jjLbfq df koeI aihsfs nf kIqf. dy mYnUM rkfb AUwqy- srU vrgI jvfnI mYN “vwt? hYWl ivd. mYN hor afpxI lfeIP PUkxI ey bih gey BUMz jy afx gulfb AuWqy. “gOn so gOn (bIqI so bIqI)” ieh kihMdy supfiel nhIN krnf cfhuMdI.” rojLI df hrpfl Thfkf mfr ky hwsaf sI. rojLI ny lMbI AubfsI leI. qixafN ichrf Ausdy mn df aks sI. klpnf ny vI hws ky ikhf, “jI, rkfb nI rojLI dI Aumr solF sfl dI sI jdoN Auh Gr qUM sYink dI pqnI aYN. mfx hoxf cfhIdf qYnUM jI, jLhfjL Auwqy.” Cwz ky mfeIkl dy nfl apfrtmYNt ivwc iesqy. dys leI srhwdF qy jUJdy pqI qy. rihx lwg peI sI qy iewk sfl ipwCoN afijLk afpxy dysL Bgq pqI qy.” rojLI Aus vwl nf hI AudoN koeI lVfeI lwgI sI qy nf klpnf ny jnm ilaf. pr ieh ipafr cfr idnF bhqu hI iGrxf nfl JfkI. nUM AudoN pqf sI ik sOKI qrHF CuwtI vDdI vI dI cfNdnI iPr hnHyrI rfq” sfbq hoieaf. nhIN sI. “soljLr!(sYink) zysL bht (dysLBgq)” ies qoV ivCoVy df vwzf kfrn afriQk qMgI Auh KcrI hfsI hwsI. hrpfl CuwtI kwt ky cilaf igaf. Aus dy qursLI sI. mUMh qy psrdI AudfsI nUM dUr krn leI, ijvyN Auh klpnf dy ivcfrF df mUMh icVfAuNdI mfeIkl iewk stor ivwc kMm krdf, ijs afpxy aMdr dy ibrhf qy kfbU pf ky hsdI hovy. ivwc GMty dy Cy zflr imldy. ies nfl Gr ny bglgIr hoeI. Auh dubfrf CyqI CuwtI afAux kI qurnf sI? Auh iKiJaf qy vwitaf rihMdf. “bkvfs. KudgrjL, byrihm, sYksI aOrq. df vfadf krky tryn qy svfr ho igaf. Auh GroN bgYr dwsy keI idn bfhr clf qyry nfl qF gwl krnI vI pfp hY. klpnf pltx ivwc jfx qoN keI idn ipwCoN hrpfl jFdf. Ausdy vqIry nUM dyKky rojLI stIvn shylpunf Buwl ky bhuq kOVf bol geI. ny icwTI ilKI sI. drd qy ivCoVy ivwc iBwj vwl iKHwcI geI jo nfl dy apfrtmYNt ivwc rojLI nUM klpnf dy ieh sLbd bhuq hI bury ky. moh BrI Audfs icTI. ijvyN CuwtI kwt ky iewklf rihMdf sI. lwgy. pr iPr vI Ausny afpxy afp qy kfbU jfx vflLf POjI ilKdf hI huMdf. Ausny Aus Auh vwKry ho gey. Auh kYlIPornIaf qoN rwiKaf. nUM arfm krn leI ivsLysL qfkId kIqI ik dUr pUrb ivwc cilaf igaf. CyqI hI rojLI Ausdy ik Ausdy pyt ivwc pldy ipafr dI QoVHf ruwk ky rojLI iPr tuwtI PuwtI aMgryjLI stIvn dIaF bfhF ivwc af izwgI. insLfnI nUM koeI aFc nf afvy. ivwc bolI, ijsdf Bfv sI “golLI mfrn vflf stIvn qy rojLI ivwc afeIjLk hI syh df vI dysL Bgq qy golLI Kfx vflLf vI dysL Auh afp vI qF pMj swq idn dy vkPy qwklf bxdf. ijMnF rojLI afeIjLk vwl vwD Bgq. PokI dysL BgqI. mfrnf, dhfVnf. nflL icwTIaF ilKdI ivCoVy dy swl dIaF, iDafn idMdI, Auh Aus qoN AunF hI dUr jFdf. sfnHF vFg iBVnf. AudoN qwk lVI jfxf aglIaF- ipClIaF XfdF dIaF hr rojL ijMnHF icr iewk jxf mr nI jFdf. lVdy dy kfr ivhfr dIaF. afAux vfly idnF dy “ies df vqIrf qF pihlF eI nI cMgf nhIN lVfAuNdy ny hfkm afpxy ihwqF leI rMgIn supinaF dIaF. afeIjLk nfl. nvF bwcf afAux nfl qF rfj vDfAux, Dn btorn, ikV kwZx, DONs afeIjLk dI hflq hor vI BYVI hOjU. jy Auh “dusLmx ny sfzI POj qy acfnk hmlf kr jmfAux leI.” Cwz ky cilaf igaf qF, ikvyN pfllx posx idwqf hY. sfzI pltx lVfeI dy PrMt qy jf krygI Auh byrVy prvfr df? “iekwly pYsy leI nI lVdy. ieh afpxI jfn rhI hY.” ieh hrpfl dI afKrI icwTI sI. hUl ky sfzI rwiKaf krdy ny dysL dI, Dn sfzI Poj AuhnF dy dMd Kwty kr rhI hY. afeIjLk hvf ho jfvygf. stIvn df vI pqf dOlq dI, aOrqF dI, sfzy sB dI.” klpnf jfn hUl ky dusLmx df mukfblf. sYinkF dI lwgjU ieMny sflF ivwc. bhfdrI dy kfrnfmy, nyqfvF dy jusLIly BfsLx. dy sbr df ipaflf nwko nwk Br igaf. Auh itkygf ik nhIN.” Auh ieh socky ajy aKbfrF KbrF nfl BrIaF huMdIaF. “aOrq nUM ryp krdy ny vfr c, zysL bgt. stIvn df bwcf jMmx leI iqafr nhIN sI. vihsLI! ByVIey. mYN nI sON skdI stIvn nfl. “dyhu isLvf br moih iehY suB krmn qy ies krky vI Auh rojLI qy KLPLf sI. Ausdy sfhF ivwcoN blfqkfr qy lONzybfjLI dI kbhUM n troN. jb afv kI aAuD inDfn bnY stIvn rojLI dy rokx dy bfvjUd vI POj bU mfrdI af.” rojLI AuWcI AuwcI idhfVI. aiq hI rn my qb jUJ mroN. sYinkF qy kOm ivwc PrMt qy cilaf igaf. Ausdy jfx smyN df mnobl krn leI hwlfsLyrI dyx vfly “slyv mntYltI. mYN qyry vFgUM nI lfeIP rojLI nUM ieAuN jfipaf ijvyN Auh AusqoN KihVf BfsLx afAuNdy. supfiel krdI. POjI Gr vflLf mr igaf. CzfAux leI igaf hY pr Ausdy vqIry ny sfrI Aumr rMzypf kwto. noN vy no lfeIP.” klpnf df idl DVkdf. Auh hr rojL Ausdy Ausdy mn df Brm dUr kr idwqf. Auh rojLI sLrfb dy nsLy c hor vI abf qvf bolI slfmq muVn dI ardfs krdI. Auh aMdroN lgfqfr Aus leI zflr vI Byjdf irhf. roNdI. pr afpxy jLjbfq qy kfbU rwKdI. geI. Auh iqMn sfl ipwCoN PrMt qoN vfps afieaf. hrpfl dy buwZy mF ipAu nUM idlfsf idMdI. klpnf nUM ieh nf lwigaf ik guwsy ivwc BrI iqMn sfl bVI aOKI ho ky iewklI rojLI ny hrpfl dI mOq dI qfr af geI. kuJ vI klpnf ikhVy vyly AuwT ky qur peI. afeIjLk nUM pfilLaf. Auh iqMn sfl iewklI nhIN sI bicaf. koeI iewk dUjy nUM Drvfs rhI. iewklqf Aus nUM vwZ vwZ KFdI. sLfied Auh hwQ mUMh Do ky ibsqry ivwc pY geI. rojLI dyx vflLf nhIN sI. Auh Aus iqafg qoN swKxI sI ijhVf iewk nfl hoeI gwl bfq Aus nUM bhuq pRysLfn kr (bfkI agly aMk ivc) sYink dI pqnI dy mn c hoxf cfhIdf sI. rhI sI. Auh rojLI nfl kIqy BYVy slUk bfry socdI aqIq ivc guMm ho geI.

The Patrika




Friday, Aug 17th, 2018


sRI gurU gRMQ swihb jI dy 414 swlw pihly pRkwS idvs dI smUMh sMgqW nMU l`K-l`K vDweI hovy

ngr kIrqn nagar kirtan

Channel Punjabi TV v`loN ngr kIrqn dw is`Dw pRswrx hovygw

Plot syvw ngr kIrqn leI dSmyS gurduAwrw swihb ygI v ho N o l drbwr v`

gurU GrW qoN svyry 9 vjy ngr kIrqn leI b`sW c`lxgIAW

Sunday Starts Sept 2 nd, 2018 10:30am

AwrMB sRI AKMf pwT swihb: 31 Ag`sq idn Su`krvwr svyry 8 vjy Bog sRI AKMf pwT swihb: 02 sqMbr idn AYqvwr svyry 8 vjy ngr kIrqn: 02 sqMbr idn AYqvwr svyry 10:30 vjy qoN 3:30 vjy q`k iesy idn klgIDr pwrk ivKy 12 qoN 5 vjy q`k ivSyS dIvwn s`jxgy

Bw: suKijMdr isMG jI

Bw: jspwl isMG dIvwlI

FwfI mihqwb isMG iBMfr

kIrqn drbwr

FwfI imlkw isMG mOjI

FwFI drbwr

vIrvwr 30 Ag`sq, 2018 (Swm 6:30 - 8:30) BweI suKijMdr isMG (hzUrI rwgI sRI drbwr swihb) BweI XSpwl isMG idvwlI, BweI gurpRIq isMG

kQw drbwr

SnIvwr 01 sqMbr, 2018 Aqy somvwr 03 sqMbr, 2018 (Swm 6:15 - 9:00) igAwnI AnUp isMG jI, igAwnI ipMdrpwl isMG jI, igAwnI gurivMdr isMG jI

Su`krvwr Ag`sq 31, 2018 (Swm 6:30 - 8:30) BweI surjIq isMG vwrs, BweI imlKw isMG mOjI, BweI mihqwb isMG iBMfr PARADE ROUTE:

ig: ipMdrpwl isMG jI

ig: AnUp isMG jI

* ig: ipMdrpwl isMG jI 1 sqMbr qoN 3 sqMbr Swm 7:30 qoN 9 vjy q`k kQw krngy[ * ig: AnUp isMG jI 4 sqMbr qoN 15 sqMbr Swm 6:45 qoN 7:30 vjy q`k kQw krngy[

Note : Speeches will be at Kalgidhar Park Beside Gurudwara Sahib


Ã˺â Sa êÅÂÆê nd pip ð âð er Å Dr. ÂÆò

Townline Rd.

30640 Blueridge Drive




àÅÀ±éñÅÂÆé ð¯â

×¹: Õñ×Æèð çðìÅð ÃÅÇÔì

Blue Jay St.


ìÇñÀ±Çð÷ âðÅÂÆò

ìÇñÀ±Ü¶ ÃððÆà


FwfI surjIq isMG vwrs

Southern Dr. ÃÅÀ±æðé âðÅÂÆò O ld Yale R d.

bIbI ismrnjIq kOr (spu`qrI ShId BweI jugrwj isMG qu&wn)

isMG swihb igAwnI mohn isMG jI (swbkw hY~f gRMQI s`cKMf sRI drbwr swihb)

* AMimRq sMcwr: 01 sqMbr, idn SnIvwr svyry 6 vjy hovygw[

hor jwxkwrI leI sMprk kro: gurduAwrw swihb 604-504-5530 • BweI srbjIq isMG 778-808-7042 • BweI surdyv isMG 604-217-9273


The Patrika





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604.856.9000 604.856. BBOT


BDC # I=JGH .0)&am - 7pm | ;G> HǚI .0)&am - 6pm | HJC9ǚN 8ADH:9 BDC # I=JGH .0)&

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Prices net of all available incentives and discounts, Costco Member Rebate (must be member in good standing as of June 30th 2018), and Ford delivery allowances. Call or email one of our product experts for more information. Ask us about our sub-vented finance and lease terms and rates. Prices advertised do not include taxes, environmental levies, and $480 documentation fee. Dealer May Sell For Less. Vehicles may not be as shown. Vehicles advertised subject to prior sale.


The Patrika


Friday, Aug 17th, 2018





The Patrika




Friday, Aug 17th, 2018

















30355 Automall Drive, Abbotsford, BC V2T 5M1 | Toll Free: 1.888.220.1853 All prices do not include taxes, license or admin fee of $599, see dealer for details.

$69,999 $63,900

BLOW-OUT SALE jI[aYm[ (GM) dI koeI vI gwzI KRIdx jF lIjL 'qy lYx leI nvjoq isMG afhlUvflIaf nfl sMprk kro:

All prices, Details , Description may change .

“ All prices do not include license, taxes or documentation fee of $599. See dealer for complete details.”








Navjot Ahluwalia Cell: 778-344-0007


Friday, Aug 17th, 2018



zivlprF duafrf tfAUn hfAUs vyc idwqy gey |

hor jfxkfrI leI kfl kro

604 500 0936



Friday, Aug 17th, 2018

Oak Realty Parv Harry Shinder Gill PREC Little Independently Owned and Operated 604.832.0540 Top 1% Realtor of FVREB 2010-2015 604.832.0944 and Master Medallion 2006-2014

12 Years Experience!

12 Years Experience! |

Shinder Gill PREC

Parv Harry

Visit our Website for more pictures & New Listings 604-859-2341

NEW "Homes Coming Soon in Abbotsford & Maple Ridge!"


"20 Homes located on East Side of Abbotsford starting at $1.1 Million." "6 Coach Homes in Auguston coming June 2018 starting at $1.1 Million." "17 Homes in Auguston, some lots with greenbelt, starting at $1.2 Million."


“Ready to build lots available in Maple Ridge, Langley & Abbotsford” "CALL FOR MORE INFO”


$1,150,000 1.This house is a must see as it implements smart home technology that can be controlled by your very own Ipad. 2.Built in vacuum, fridge, stove, dishwasher, washer and dryer.



$ 1,029,000

1.Gorgeous 3 storey home in a great neighborhood. 2.The basement features a big recreational room, a multipurpose room, bedroom and bath.

32656 Marshall Rd,Abbotsford, BC

$ 679,900 1.Well maintained rancher on huge 8400 sqft lot with big 660 sqft shop. 2.This solid 3 bedroom rancher features vaulted livingroom ceiling. covered patio

32633 PANDORA AVENUE, ABBOTSFORD 32276 Peardonville Road


$738,800 $899,900

1. 2 Lot subdivision of compact lots already applied for before the Urban 3 Infill cutoff date. 2. One lot over 3,100 sf and the other is almost 3,500 sf, with about 3,000sf homes proposed over 3 floors with big wide back yards.

1.Updated home on almost 7,500 sq.ft level lot. 2.House has new kitchen cabinets, new quartz counter tops, stainless steel appliances, laminate & tile flooring, updated main washroom. 3. 5 bedrooms and 3 washrooms plus rec room to entertain guests. Ground level legal suite for extra income. Open


$ 949,000

$ 1,679,000

Call To Reserve Yours



1.Unobstructed view of Mt. Baker. Custom built home over 4900 sq.ft plus triple garage that is 784 sq.ft. 2.Enjoy the view through the huge windows throughout the home. 3.Enjoy the mini golf course on the front yard. 4.High end craftsmanship in the whole house, modern style custom chef like kitchen and designer colour scheme.

"Townhome sites available in Langley, Mission & Maple Ridge"


11126 241A ST, MAPLE RIDGE

$ 560,000

$738,800 1.Amazing corner lot with 2 driveways. 2.House is in mint condition with new kitchen cabinets, new paint, new baseboard and laminate flooring. 3.House has 5 bedrooms and 3 washrooms. Owner has made other upgrades to water tank and furnace as well. 4.Great neighborhood and is close to Rotary Stadium and walking distance to all levels of school.

1.Opportunity to build your dream home. Developing neighbourhood that has a great view of a greenbelt. 2.Build a house over 4,000 sq.ft. with 5 bedrooms and 4 washrooms. 3.Design your own house the way you like it. 4.Endless possibilities with this lot


$ 1,150,000


1.This beautiful custom built house has 5 bedrooms and 4 washrooms in a newer developing neighbourhood. 2.The house along with high 10 ft. vaulted ceiling on the main floor. 3.Newer technology is implemented into this house with smart home technology, rough in security system, built in vacuum and many other features.

24271 112 Avenue, Maple Ridge

$ 625,000

1.Build your dream home today in a nice developing neighbourhood, 2. Lot size allows you to build a house over 3,000 sq.ft. with the possibility of 5 bedrooms and 4 washrooms. 4.House plans are avaible to view, this lot will not last long.

3316 SAANICH STREET, Abbotsford, BC

1.Amazing 2 storey house with 3 bedrooms and 3 washrooms. 2.Nice, spacious layout with an open kitchen and island. 3.Lots of natural lighting coming into the house, well kept.

$739,900 1.Beautiful Basement Entry Home located on a cul-de-sac with an amazing mountain and greenbelt view. 2.Included on the above floor is a huge kitchen, 4 bedrooms out of which 3 bedrooms have walk-in closets with 2 ensuite bathrooms. 3.3 bedrooms with one which has a walk-in closet.

Investor alert, big lot that can be subdivided.

23100 135 AVENUE, Maple Ridge

$ 666,000

1.Investor Alert! OCP Urban 3-Infill, great opportunity for developer/builder to subdivide into 2 lots. 2.Both houses can face Bakerview or build your your dream house on this lot that is over 10,500 sq.ft. 3.House has 5 bedrooms and 2 washrooms which is currently rented out.

3492 Hazelwood Place, Abbotsford

1.Lot close to 8,000 sq. ft. with plenty of room for RV parking in the front along with a spacious backyard. 2.Rancher has 4 bedrooms and 2 washrooms. 3.Central location that just minutes from Lougheed Highway. 4. Near mission hospital

33425 Kildare Terrace, Abbotsford

$ 949,500 1.This new home is a must see that is located on a lot over 4,000 sq.ft. 2.There is a total of 4 bedrooms and 4 washrooms in the whole house. House has a very cozy feeling in it with quality appliances and chef like kitchen. 3.Great location that is close to all amenities and walking distance to nearby park. 4.Basement has a rec room for upstairs

$ 949,500 1.Nice well kept house with the same owners since 1992. 2.There are 5 bedrooms and 3 washrooms with a nice backyard. House has newer kitchen cabinets on the main and basement floor. 3.Newer blinds, water tank was replaced a few years ago. 4.Bigger windows than normal allowing for extra light into the house.

7,700 SQ.FT. HOME SUBDIVIDABLE 240 STREET FARM LOT FOR SALE WEST ABBOTSFORD 8296 204 Street,Langley FOR SALE $1,000,000 $ 625,000 Home you can subdivide into 2

WITH PLANS READY or 3 lots 4 FOR A TRIPLE GARAGE bedrooms home HOUSE IN TOWNLINE close by King rd / AREA

. Close to 5 acres of bare land 31531 Upper Maclure Rd . Build your dream house or nice hobby . Lot for sale . Can build 5000 sq. ft. farm house Jackson elementary


1.Ready to build your dream, look no further as this lot that is over 5,400 sq.ft and plans allow for a legal suite. 2.House plans are available to view that has 6 bedrooms and 4 bedrooms accommodating any size family. 3.Great location that is close to all amenities and minutes from freeway access.

1.Gorgeous 2 storey house with a basement is located in one of the more desirable neighbourhoods of Langley. Designed for comfortable living. 2.House has 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. Quality finishing with high ceilings and spacious rooms. 3.The chef like kitchen has stainless steel appliances with many units for extra storage

NEED MORE LISTINGS! hor ilsitMgjL dI loV hY.

We have qualified buyers PAGE R2

sfzy kol XogqfpUrn (kuaflIPfeIz) KrIddfr hn.

Friday, Aug 17th, 2018




Friday, Aug 17th, 2018



dIp iFloN 604.832.0480

Ph: 604-864-0666 • Fax: 604-864-0668 Toll Free: 1-866-967-0666

Call Today for your Free Market Evaluation!

#110- 30485 Cardinal Avenue, Abbotsford BC V4X 2M9


3789 Coachstone Way, 3363 Horn St Abbotsford Abbotsford Creekstone on the Park". Well-kept Custom built 2 storey w/walk-out basement backing onto green space. Very private setting. Many updates. 3 bedrooms up, 1 bedroom in the bsmt and den on main. home features 4 gas fireplaces, granite countertops, S/S appliances in the kitchen, hardwood floor on main and 2nd floor. W/O basement has 4th bedroom, rec room with marble decorated wet bar, theater room and sauna in the basement.

MILLION DOLLAR MOUNT BAKER VIEW CENTRAL Location, view, You can have it all! It offers Blueberry, panoramic views of mountains. Impressive 4799 sq.ft. mansion is located on 8.5 acres Planted Duke, 4 yrs old plants. Covered sundeck, spectacular bedrooms with Ensuites.

$ 1,899,000

3 SOLD ONE AVAILABLE Townhouse Legal Suite close to Baba Banda 407 31771 13505 62 Ave Singh Peardonville Rd Surrey Abbotsford Bahadur This home has 2 spacious Gurdwara bedrooms, 2 baths, living area, good size kitchen and dining space Penthouse. Lots of updates include new laminate flooring, fresh paint, newer roof and much more. The building has been very well maintainedwell managed.

$ 349,000


$ 599,000 For more info please call Deep or Harjinder

Gary Tiwana

gYrI itvfxf Cell


7 Lots In West Abby 2 Lots In East Abby All Lots With Legal Suites. You Can Build 3 Story Homes. Ready to build Now Prices from $ 599,900 - $ 609,900 Call Gary For More Info

Commercial Building Lot. Fraser Hwy & 271 St.


Fully Renovated, Clean Family Home. 5 Bdrm, 2 full baths, Kitchen With Island .Great For 1st Time Buyers Or Investors. Loads Of Parking. Nice Fenced Backyard, Private Walk To School & Shopping. Call Gary For More Info

5 Acres - House & Blueberries

$689,900 Flat 6000 Comm. Lot Ready to build in downtown Aldergrove. No G.S.T Building plans submitted. Zoning C-2 allows Rental/Office and Residential. Can build multi-storey Call Gary



Beautiful 5 Acres & Renovated Home 3 Bdrm Rancher . Office & Big 22 X 70 Shed. 7 Yr Old Blueberries (Bluecrop & Duke). TOTAL INCOME $50,000/yr Close To Town. Drive by 2034 - Bradner Rd.

property into two RF lots

6757 134A St 33394 Hawthorne A Abbotsford Ave Surrey Totally renovated gem T located in quite and central location of West Newton. This 2700 sq.ft home features two and one bedrooms suites as great mortgage helper. Upgrades include new roof, furnace, hot water tank, flooring, kitchens, washroom , appliances and windows. big lot 66 by 122.

$ 1,250,000 $ 1,049,000

70 x 115 Rancher

Mainly Landvalue

$ 619,000


Friday, Aug 17th, 2018 MLS TOP 10%

Jag S Sidhu

Personal Real Estate Corporation

Listing Needed Call Jag

#110 - 30485 Cardinal Ave Abbotsford, BC V2T0E5

Phone: 604.625.2245 Fax: 604.625.2249 Toll Free: 1.866.967.0666

Call Gurcharan or Jag for your FREE no obligation Market Evaluation



34041 Wavell Lane, Abbotsford


It is a two bedroom house, close to Wal-Mart and freeway. It is rented for $950 per month. It is hard to find in this price in Abbotsford area, demolish it and make a new house. No sign on property.

THE GABLES, a family friendly community! A well maintained family home and complex. 4 Bdrms, 3 FULL baths, BIG recroom, LARGE balcony and DOUBLE garage. Prime location, walking distance to Fruiticana Grocery Store, Eugene Reimer Middle School,Highstreet mall and easy access to highway.


New listing hitting the market this week. West Abby 3420 Headwater pl!!8 bedroom 9 bath, spice kitchen, radiant heat, high ceilings, A/C and generator ready. 2 suites, recroom/ theatre room/bar walking distance to schools!!


This home is centrally located in West Abbotsford, close to schools, shopping and parks. OVER 12000 SF Large lot, that can be subdivided into 2 lots that would be over 6000 sqft each. Build your dream home and sell the lot beside you or hold the property


Abbotsford near gurdwara on 30658 steelhead crt. 4 bedroom den(5th) bedroom legal suite clean cul-de-sac!!

3510 Promontory crt

We st Ab b y. 3 sto ry 5 bedrooms up den on main two bedroom legal suite and a Rec room for owner use.

30966 Brookdale Crt

New listing near all levels of schools, gurdwara shaib, fully renovated home 3 bedroom family room and great room up 1 suite and huge theater room for owner use with bar!!

Unit 40 - 31255 Upper Maclure Road


Beautifully renovated rancher, perfect alternative to renting. 2 bdrm + extra with private fenced yard with patio, extra parking/long driveway to a detached 20 x 5 garage/room. New roof & appliances.close to public transit/school, shopping (Walmart, HomeDepot) and choice of quick access to 2 freeway exits.

3 story 7 bedroom and 8 bath with great views!!

#30 - 31098 Westridge Pl 2 Bedroom Townhouse

3 Lot LEFT Subdivision In Maple Ridge Green Belt Call for more detail

5 Acres

LOT POTENTIAL FOR SALE 214500 Morris Valley Rd Off hwy 7 East Mission 7 LOT POTENTIAL 2887 Bergman St, West Abbotsford

1 Acre

Subdivision Potential

6 bedroom house

Blueberry Farm West Abbotsford with a house. Good production Blueberry BlueCrop & Duke Variety call for more info

KETCH PLACE 4 BEDRM HOUSE single garage 700,00 sq feet


Sukh Malhi 604.832.6034

Personal Real Estate Corporation iksy vI qrHF dI pRfprtI KRIdx jF vycx leI suwK mwlI nflL sMprk kro Office 604.855.0800 NEW LISTING 3106 Mouat Drive


Great location! Just Steps Away from both Schools. Simply gorgeous home located on large corner lot with gated RV parking! This 5 bdrm/3 bath home! This home sits on 6550 Sq ft of land. Some of the Updates new roof, new laminate floor downstairs, new paint, Large sundeck over double garage.

32173 Mouat Drive


Great location!Investor or First time buyer alert. Just Steps Away from all levels of Schools. This home located on Quiet cul-desac! This 4 bdrm/2 bath home has legal suite. This home needs TLC - Either bring it back to its former glory or build your dream home here.

2553 Alderview St.


Great location! Just Steps Away from both Schools. Simply gorgeous home located on large corner lot with gated RV parking! This 5 bdrm/3 bath home! This home sits on 6550 Sq ft of land. Some of the Updates new roof, new laminate floor downstairs, new paint, Large sundeck over double garage.

RECENTLY SOLD 31914 Hopedale Ave

99 3030 Trethewey St.

29 46840 Russell Rd


30 35287 Old Yale Rd.

3106 Mouat Drive



Friday, Aug 17th, 2018

RESIDENTIAL | 3432 Promontory St.

Near Sikh Temple

2 Storey With Bsmt 5 Bdrm, 3.5 Bath Recroom & Bsmt Suite


44-31255 Upper Maclure 32043 Tims Avenue 32827 Hardwood place

3088 Princess st



House on 2 legal lots 12798 sqft

12240 sqft lot Duplex

2095 Beaver St

11-33682 Marshall rd 403-33960 Old Yale Road

2108 Vinewood st



34118 Larch Street 32107 Clinton Ave 2411 Adelaide st 122-2515 Park dr 2994 Eastview street

FARMS | 14.07 Acres

20 Acres

12 Acres

10 Acres

planted in blueberries flat rectangluar parcel build your dream home 5 min from abbotsford centre

126 Whatcom Rd, Abbotsford Income producing Bluberry Planted in Duke & Elliott Near Sumas border

19.5 Acres

Sumas Prairie, Abbotsford Flat fertile land Plant berries or other crops Near no. 3 rd exit

40721 No. 1 Rd, Abbotsford 12 Acres bare land 3 Bedroom hous

10 Acres


BEHARREL RD, ABBOTSFORD Planted In Blueberries Flat Rectangular Parcel Build Your Dream Home 5 Min From Abbotsford downtown

10 Acres


25.39 Acres


$2,299,000 565 MARION RD, ABBOTSFORD New listing Build your dream home Sumas prairie Drip irreg Duke & Elliot Variety


Full production blueberry 5 bedroom house (2012 built) near no. 3 rd exit

Good location Planted in Blueberries 2 bedroom house

10 mins from sumas way





69.29 Acres


32425 King Road..............................5 Acres 1723 Jackson Street.........................Appx 5 Acres 28028 layman avenue .....................Appx 5 Acres 6230 riverside street.........................Appx 5 Acres

6113 Beharrell Road..............................Appx 10 Acres 7.09 acres lot B Haverman ...................Appx 7 Acres 5111 Tolmie road................................... Appx 8 Acres 14627 Dixon road ..................................Appx 30 Acres


Friday, Aug 17th, 2018




$1649000 Luxurious custom built 6060 sq ft home on 9078 sqft lot with lots of parking . Main floor Living room, Dining room, Great Size OFFICE on the Main floor and Powder Room, Modern kitchen with central island, also has spice kitchen, huge family room and main floor also has a bedroom with attached bathroom, Covered deck. Upstairs 5 Bedrooms and 3 Full washrooms which include 2 master bedrooms , One of master bedroom has covered deck, Both master bedrooms suite are luxury with glass shower. Downstairs: 2 bedrooms legal suite also has a spacious Living room, bedroom and Full washroom with Separate Entrance and modern bar in basement.




2700 sqft basement entry spacious home in Fairfield, a highly desirable area close to stadium, all levels of schools. Main floor 1550 SF of living space has living room,dining area, family room off kicthen.3 spacious bedrooms and 2 baths.Basement is level with separate entry, basement has living




Rancher with legal suite close to Terry Fox Elementary and Park. Spacious plan and a very private fenced back yard. 6 bedroom and 4 baths . Great for the first time home buyer. Basement suite is legal and has a separate laundry facility . Recroom and full washroom for the owner's own use in the basement . Renovations including New Windows and Newer Roof!




well maintained 3 beds and 3 baths end unit in "Birch Grove Terrace" close to all ammenities, all levels of schools and recreation. Main floor: Living room,kitchen,dining area, 2pcs bath. Upstairs: 3 bedrooms and 2 baths



Friday, Aug 17th, 2018

440 Sumas Way, Abbotsford


1/2 acre property with 4 bedroom- 2kitchens basement entry home in great condition. all new carpets and freshly painted walls,doors,trim and exterior trim as well property has 10’side yard access to back yard on both sides of the home.50’ frontage by 400’ to park all your vehicles.lots of room to build shop.home has large east facing sundeck with view of mt.baker.large steel box container in back yard for plenty of extra storage.

Approx.3 acres of land-surrounded by industrial the corner of nordal way & sweson way-2 road frontages.beside alex fraser bridge,few minutes to hwy 77 & hwy 99-rare find of such big size of commerial property in delta.presently 4800sq.ft burger king building & truck card lock,explore your opportunity to rezone/develop.central locatioon.

$870,000 201-30505 Blueridge Drive Abbotsford


BUILD YOUR DREAM HOUSE 1.38 acre corner lot..Beautiful nature's lover, tranquil , peaceful location to enjoy . Just minutes from MEI school ,Parks,Golf, Comuubity Church & Clearbrook Elementary School.

Best Deal: $ 1,350,000


34-8638 159TH STREET











$ 1,450,000 (U.S.A)

Best Deal: $ 998000






4021 Glenmore Road

South side of Khalsa Credit Union Ideal for immigration consultant, accountants, travel agency, transportation dispatching, fabric/clothing store, audio/video store or any other professional business. parking. Ready to occupy.


Baldev Singh Gill 

Kirandeep Singh Gill


604.825.8886 3361 TRETHEWEY STREET

Over 3200 Sq. ft. home in West Abbotsford. Several upgrades including: new laminate flooring in living and family rooms, new tiles in the foyer and kitchen, brand new blinds, only 4 years old roof, a fully fenced backyard and relatively new paint. Close to Rotary stadium, W.J. Mouat Secondary and Gordie Howe Middle School.

3131 267A STREET


Custom built 3 storey home with 2-5-10 years warranty in West Abbotsford’s newest subdivision. 4 bedrooms upstairs with 3 full baths. One bedroom with full bathroom on main floor. Walk out basement has 3 bedrooms , 2 full bath and very spacious media room.

#207 1909 SALTON ROAD

2 Bed & 1 Bath Apartment on the Main Floor with 2 parking spots. Many upgrades in past few years including: Laminate floors, white baseboards, designer paint, blinds, counter tops, white appliances, bathroom tile around tub, vanity fixtures, electrical plugs & switches! Great location viewing the private common area.

Farm Listing 19.44 Acre Full Production 33629 Clayburn RD Blueberry Farm

11 year old 1/2 duplex with living, dining, kitchen, family room and 2 piece bath on main; 3 bedrooms and 2 full bath on upstairs. Single garage, fenced private backyard with covered patio and store. No strata fee, independent living, lot of privacy Close to elementary school.





2300 Sq. ft. Rancher with full basement is located in a quiet dead end street. 7700 Sq. ft. flat lot. Some recent updates are: New windows, new blinds, new washer/dryer, new carpet on stairs and brand new full bath in the basement.


Beautiful custom built over 5300 Sq. ft. home with 2-5-10 years warranty. Featuring 9 bedrooms, 6.5 baths and 3 kitchens. Open concept and 14’ high ceiling in living and dining room, Granite

3130 267A STREET

88 32633 SIMON AVENUE Duke and Bluecrop varieties. Very good production for 2017 Full irrigation system and machine pick. House and Barn.


16.32 acre income producing blueberry farm. 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 1950 sqft rancher. 100x40 barn, has 2 storeys, oversized doors on both ends of barn, extra concrete slab. Peat moss, Huge potential here! Close to town and Mission Hwy.

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