The Patrika 604.852.2288 | “BRIDGING COMMUNITIES” Weekly | Friday Aug 24th, 2018 | Vol.22. No.49 | | inrpwK, sqMqr aqy agFhvDU soc nMU prnfieaf hoieaf A SECULAR, INDEPENDENT & PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER
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The Patrika ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
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The Patrika Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
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trfiel smyq asIN quhfzy Gr afky vI srivs idMdy hF
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The Patrika
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
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The Patrika
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
Sikhs Urge Dialogue to Promote Their Inclusion in Quebec
he World Sikh Organization of Canada today called upon the City of Montreal and the Government of Quebec to work far harder to implement concrete measures to break down systemic barriers that make it difficult for Sikhs, and other minorities, to play their full role in Quebec society.
tion and that there would be a serious effort to advance on this important social debate. Since that time, however, we have heard no more and no one has contacted us,” stated Mr. Singh.
wearing their kirpans. The organization believes this unreasonable barrier sends a negative message about Sikhs to the general population.
Councilor Rotrand who urged the Montreal administration last March to recognize that today’s Montreal is a far more multicultural and multiracial milieu than in the past, promised to continue to lobby for reasonable changes that will allow religious and other minorities to contribute positively to Quebec society.
The World Sikh Organization accordingly issued 4 requests today:
- that in the context of the upcoming WSO President Mukhbir Singh said Quebec election that the four party that there are over 500,000 Sikhs leaders meet with the community leadacross Canada representing some 1.5% ership to establish a dialogue; of the national population and that - that the SPVM and SQ meet with the there are approximately 15,000 Sikhs community to rapidly develop policies in Quebec with significant populations that will permit otherwise qualified in the Montreal Borough of Lasalle and Sikh candidates who wear turbans to the Cities of Dollard des Ormeaux, be recruited; Laval, Brossard and Vaudreuil-Dorion. He indicated that many Sikhs in Que- - that the City administration and next bec were born here and that young Government of Quebec mandate the Sikhs have successfully graduated relevant officers in their civil services from Quebec educational institutions to develop policies that remove unand are fluent in French. reasonable barriers and aid Sikhs in applying for positions in both civil “Sadly we note that there are virtually services as well as in the paramunicipal no Sikhs employees in the Montreal and parapublic sectors; and provincial civil services. Moreover, the Montreal police and Surete du - that the four provincial party leadQuebec have yet to allow the wearing ers work with the next speaker of the of the turban and develop hiring poli- National Assembly to examine the cies that could attract otherwise quali- policies of the other legislatures and fied Sikh candidates,” Mr. Singh said. put in place practices that would allow The WSO also noted that the Quebec practicing Sikhs to attend National National Assembly is the only legis- Assembly debates or meet with their lature in Canada that bars Sikhs from MNAS at the legislature.
Mr. Singh said that the organization is endorsing the efforts of Montreal Councilor Marvin Rotrand who earlier this year proposed that Montreal and its police department adopt rules that would facilitate the hiring of Sikhs into “We need to recognize that Quebec the civil service including the public has evolved and that our policies have security agencies. to prevent the exclusion of those who “We were pleased to receive a letter can contribute positively to our future dated May 14, 2018 from the Montreal success. I support the efforts of the police in which the service indicated WSO to promote dialogue. The City that the SPVM respects human rights, administration has a major role to play wants to promote diversity through here and I count on the leadership of recruitment strategies to assure the Mayor Valerie Plante,” said Councillor force well reflects Montreal’s popula- Rotrand.
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
sMpfdkI mnuwK ny pIVHI-dr pIVHI bhupwKI KyqrF ivwc hYrfnIjnk mwlF mfrIaF hn. awj asIN isrP sMcfr sfDnf dy ascrjnk jfl dI hI gwl krnI hY. sfieMs dy ienHf Aupkrnf ny hr cVHdy sUrj koeI nf koeI nvF jMmy ikRsLmf idKfieaf hY. awj qoN 70-80 sfl pihlF jMmy mnuwKF dy bcpn nUM iDafn ivc rwK ky qurIey qF Aus vyly dy qy awj dy jIvn ivwc jLmIn asmfn df Prk idsdf hY. zfk rfhIN icwTI dUr nyVy dy Prk nflL iqMn idn qoN iqMn mhIny ivwc imlxI, dUr bYiTaF df mUMh dyKx nUM qrs jfxf, iksy dI afvfjL suxn nUM qrs jfxf, bImfrIaF ivwc grsidaF mOq dy mUMh pYxf, ihsfb ikqfb dy rIkfrz nf iQaOxy afidk by-igxq hor smwisafvF hoieaf krdIaF sn. awj dy sfieMtyiPk dOr ny jIvn nUM nvIn cfl-Zfl idwqI hY. ieMtrnYWt aqy Pon AuprlIaF suivDfvF ny hYrfnIjnk vrqfry idKf idwqy. Pon dI CotI ijhI zwbI ivwc sfrf sMsfr vsf idwqf hY. qusIN Pys-buwk qy Poto dyK skdy ho, idKfl skdy ho, gwlF sux skdy ho, gwlF suxf skdy ho, eI-myl’c PotoaF rfhIN pRqwK drsLn kr krf skdy ho, pYsy ijwQy mrjLI Byj skdy ho, mMgvf skdy ho, tYkst mYisj kr skdy ho, vts aYp qy PotoaF aqy vIzIE dyK skdy ho, kYlkUlytr qoN ihsfb krvf skdy ho, sMsfr dy hr QF df tfeIm pqf kr skdy ho, hr QF phuMcx leI shI aYzrYWs Bro quhfnUM ieh gfeIz kry gf. ivkfAU Gr dI Poto dyK skdy ho, pMjfb ivwc afpxy KyqF dIaF PslF dyK skdy ho, Gr’c vVdf cor kYmry qoN dyK skdy ho, itAUbvYWl knyzf qoN clf skdy ho qy bMd kr skdy ho, afpxf bYNk aYkfAUNt cYwk kr skdy ho, srIrk rogF bfry jfx skdy ho, mOsm dy aMg sMg rih skdy ho, hom vrk kr skdy ho, afidk eynIaF shUlqF ho geIaF hn ik igxIaF nhIN jf skdIaF. ienHF shUlqF ny awj dy jIvn ivwc hr iewk nUM afpxy dIvfny bxf ilaf hY. Coty bwcy qoN lY ky mhF ibrD lokF qwk kIlI rwKxf ies dI krfmfq hY. iewk idn bws df sPr kridaF dyiKaf ik iewk gorI lVkI df 6 mhIny df bwcf Pon sux rhI mF qy jor pf irhf sI ik Pon Aus nUM PVfvy, Aus bytI ny bwcy dy jLor pOx qy iKHzOxf Pon idwqf qF Aus ny cuwk ky mfiraf qy aslI Pon lY ky Es Auwpr mfihrF vFg AuNglF mfridaF, iDafn nflL dyKidaF, kdI roNidaF, kdI hwsidaF sfnUM hYrfn kr idwqf. pfrk ivwc bYiTaF vwK vwK Aumr grwupF dy lokF qy ingHf mfrI qF dyKx ivwc afieaf ik hr bMdf Pon ivwc gvfcf hoieaf sI. skUlF, kfljF, qy XUnIvristIaF dy bwcy ies ivwc ilvlIn rihMdy hn. pVHfeI dy sbjYkts, KHyzF, iPlmF qy hor anykF mnBrmfAU progrfm dyKx ivwc Auh eyny PAGE 6
msq huMdy hn ik rotI KfxI vI Buwl jFdy hn keI vfr qF burkI hwQ ivc hI GMtf PVI rKdy hn. iewk pfsy ies df Pfiedf hY dUjy pfsy srIrk ihwljuwl Gtx kfrn ienHF dI zfeIt Gt rhI hY, bImfrIaF lwg rhIaF hn qy ishq ivhUxf jobn isrj irhf hY. ijLMdgI dy hr Kyqr ivwc ies df bolbflf hY, ivAupfrI, isLkfrI, pujfrI, klfkfr, zrfeIvr, kMstrwktr, vkIl, zfktr, aiDafpk, aDIn aiDkfrI, aPsr, pRymI, pRymkfvF, nsLyVI, gYNgstr, nsLf qskr, lutyry, DoKybfjL, rfgI, ZfzI, sroqy, gwl mkfE ik jo vI awj sMsfr ivwc vsdf hY, ies qoN ibnf iksy df nhIN srdf. ijwQy ies kfZ ny jIvn dy anykF ksLt invfr idwqy hn, jIvn sOKf qy suKYx ho igaf hY EQy ies dI durvrqoN ny burfeIaF vI byihsfbIaF kr idwqIaF hn qy ho rhIaF hn. ijvyN iksy dy bYNk Kfqy df nMbr imlx qy Es dy pYsy kZvf lYxy, puls df Pon-nMbr jfrI kr ky, puils aPsr dwsidaF suxn vflLy nUM zrf Dmkf ky Es qoN rkm btornI, iksy aihm mihkmy df aPsr dws ky iksy qoN jbrdsqI pYsy iksy Kfqy ivwc trFsPr krvf lYxy, ibwjlI mihkmy, vftr splfeI mihkmy jF ienkm tYks mihkm df aPsr dws ky afpxy KfiqaF ivwc pYsy trFsPr krvf ley hn pr PV nhIN hoey. iPkr hor vI vD jFdf hY jd puils df corI hoieaf nMbr puils qoN hI nhIN lwiBaf jFdf. ies gunfh nUM nwQ pOx leI hux Pysbuwk isstm ivwc qbdIlI kIqI hY. PrjLI aYkfAUNts aqy ies durfcfr nUM Kqm krn leI hux sosLl sfeIt ny iewk nvIN ivvsQf kfiem kIqI hY, ies qihq qmfm XUjrs nUM afpxI afpxI pihcfn dI pusLtI krOxI jLrUrI hovy gI aqy bhuqy Ploar rwKx vfilaF nUM ienHF aMkiVaF vfsqy kunYkt hoxf pvygf. jdoN XujLr ny afpxI pihcfn dI sIkrysI dy idwqI qF AunHF nUM afpo afpxI pyj qy kuwJ vI pRkfsLq krn df hwk hovy gf aqy sfry KfiqaF nUM tUPYktr azYNtIiPkysLn nflL syv kIqf jf sky gf. ipCly idnI vYnkUvr ivwc do hjLfr zflr dI TwgI vfsqy eI[myl afeI sI, imsLn ivwc vI iewk lVkI nUM Pon qy zrf Dmkf ky aqy Es dy pyrYNts qy kys rijstr krn dI DmkI ijhI vfrdfq ho cuwkI hY aqy lVkI ny bVI prysLfnI vflLy hflfqF qoN jfxU krfieaf, sfnUM vI Pon afieaf sI peI quhfzy tYksF dI adfiegI Gwt hoeI hoeI hY, hor zflr jmHf krfE nhIN qF puils cwuk ky aMdr dy dyvy gI, Pon nMbr vI puils afiPs df hI sI, pr puils nUM Pon kr ky puwiCaf qF dPqr nUM koeI Kbr nhIN sI. puils ny ikhf hY ik jy quhfnUM eydF df Pon qfvy qF bMd kr idE, gOr nf kro, ky iksy nUM eI myl afvy qF Auh afpxf pfs vrz bdl ky myl mYsyj zIlIt kr dyvy qy ies
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
dI sUcnf puils dPqr aqy kYnyzIan aYNtI qy keI idn muhwbqI lHIlf cwldI rhI, Prfz dPqr nUM idwqI jfvy. bjLurg vI bihsLqI njLfiraF’c msq ho igaf, bVy nftkI ZMg rfhIN JUT nUM swc ies isstm dIaF burfeIaF ivwc asLlIlqf bxfAuNidaF aYnI ny buwZy dosq qoN 35 lwK df psfr vI iewk smfjk burfeI hY, ngn rupey btor ley. ies supneI vrqfry df ho ky lVkIaF df gymf KHyzxf, ngn ho iksy nUM Koj Kurf nhIN lwB irhf. iewjLqF jF ky styj AuWpr zFs krny (ivafh vgYrf pYisaF df nuksfn hI nhIN ho irhf ies hx qy), asLlIl qy kfm AuksfAU idRsL pysL qF ieh isafsI aKfiVaF ivwc vI prvysL krny, asLlIl gwlF ilwKxIaF, Pysbuwk qy kr geI hY. ies df asr, qusIN amrIkf PirMzisLwp kfiem krnI qy by-ksUrF nUM dy rfsLtrpqI imstr trMp dy izgdy cVHdy Psf ky pYsy btorny aqy iewjLq rolxI cMgy grfPF qoN dyK skdy ho qy pMjfb ivwc afm vrqfry nhIN hn. afdmI pfrtI dy aYm[pI BgvMq mfn df jo cIn ivwc iewk 70 sflf cyn sfn Xuafn nF hfl hoieaf hY, Auprokq sB kuwJ ies inwkI df bMdf sfeIkl dy hYNzl qy 11 Pon iPwt ijhI zwbI df hI kirsLmf hY. krI bYTf hY qy pokymon gym qy ibjLins krdf pqflLoN asmfnI CflLF mfry ieh inwkI ijhI hY- ies Kyqr ivwc 1-8 iblIan zflr lok zwbI Krc cuwky hn, ies ivwc lok dUjy lokF nUM cYt krdy hn, vgYrf vgYrf. rwb dI rIs psfry ieh inwkI ijhI zwbI ipCly sfl pMjfb ivwc iewk 50 sfl dy dPqrI bfvU nUM iewk aOrq ny ipafr jflL’c Psf ky afpxy Gr ies kih ky swd ilaf ik Auh Plfxy idn Gr iekwlI hovy gI, qy rfq iekwTy afnMd mfx skF gy. bfvU jI phuMc gey, GMtI vjfeI, husIn aOrq ny muhwbqI aMdfjLF ivwc koTy cVHf ilaf, pfxI DfxI iplf ky asLlIl Kyqr ivwc pf ilaf, eyny nUM nflL dy kmry ivwc bYTy afpxy pqI nUM swd ky pihlF bfvU dy hwz BMny, iPr puils df zrfvf dy ky Es qoN do lwK rupey afpxy akfAUNt ivwc trFsPr krvf ley qy iPr Aus nUM GroN kwZ idwqf, ipCly idnI hirafxy ivwc iewk 66 sflf bjLurg nUM Pysbuwk rfhIN lMzn dI rihx vflLI aYnI aYNzrsn nf dI kuVI ny ipafr leI aOPr kIqf. vtsaYp
krdI kOqk inafry ieh inwkI ijhI zwbI kIl ky rwKdI sfry ieh inwkI ijhI zwbI
syl! syl! syl!
úòðÃÆ÷ ëËìÇðÕÃ
idny idKfvy qfry ieh inwkI ijhI zwbI ihsfb nflL vrqo jI cIjL bVI kMm dI hY nvIaF KojF dy bwcy rihMdI sdf jMmdI hY.
nvyN PYybirwk aqy sUt lY jfE
inAU brokyz, kryp, aqy islk, stor ivwc hor vI bhuq kuwC
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cMnIaF smyq sUt $50 dy 2 sUt
dyvy ieCk hulfry ieh inwkI ijhI zwbI vsdy Gr AujfVy ieh inwkI ijhI zwbI
cMnIaF smyq sUt $30 dy 2 sUt
ipafr dy bIj iKlfry ieh inwkI ijhI zwbI hr Kyqr nUM llkfry ieh inwkI ijhI zwbI
rwKVI syl
DMnvfd sihq, sMpfdkI mMzl.
sflfnf mhfn ngr kIrqn òúñø smuwcIafˆ sMgqfˆ nMU sU i cq kridafˆ sfnM U mfn mihsUs ho irhf hY ik gu r du a frf sfihb klgIDr drbfr, aYbtsPorz, bI[sI, ivKy smuwcI mfnvqf nMU srb sfˆJf AupdyÈ bKiÈÈ krn vfly DMn sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dy ôñô sflf pihly pRkfÈ idhfVy nMU smripq sflfnf ngr kIrqn ò sqMbr, òúñø idn aYqvfr nMU svyry ñú:óú vjy qoˆ ó:óú vjy qwk afXoijq kIqf igaf hY.iesy idn klgIDr pfrk ivKy ñò qoˆ õ vjy qwk ivÈyÈ dIvfn swjxgy ijs ivwc kIrqn, kQf, ZfZI vfrfˆ dy nfl-nfl Dfrimk aqy rfjnIqk afgUafˆ vwloˆ afpxy ivcfr sfˆJy kIqy jfxgy.ngr kIrqn smfgmfˆ ivwc igafnI anUp isMG jI, igafnI ipMdrpfl isMG jI, isMG sfihb igafnI mohn isMG jI (sfbkf hYwz gRMQI swcKMz sRI drbfr sfihb), bIbI ismrnjIq kOr (spuwqrI ÈhId BfeI jugrfj isMG jI qUPfn) aqy hor pMQ pRiswD pRcfrk jQy phuMc rhy hn. ies KflsfeI idhfVy `qy sfrIafˆ Dfrimk aqy smfj-syvI sMsQfvfˆ, ividafk adfry aqy smuwcy BfeIcfry nMU pirvfrfˆ smyq huMm-hMumf ky phuMcx leI sinmr bynqI kIqI jfˆdI hY.vfhnfˆ dI pfrikMg jfˆ hor jfxkfrI leI sfzf Pysbuwk pyj Gurdwara Kalgidhar Darbar `qy jfAu jfˆ sfzy nfl sMprk kro.
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The Patrika
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quhfzIaF sfrIaF PslF dIaF loVF vfsqy byrI, sbjLIaF, nrsrI aqy grIn hfAUs groarjL leI
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
istI ivwc agsq dy mhIny kI nvF hY?
PryjLr vYlI dI hwb aYbtsPorz
sMcfeI aqy lYNzskyipMg progrfm
pqJV dI ruwq leI pI afr sI ivwc pRogrfmF dI jfxkfrI
istI kONisl df brfzkfst
ieh iewk PrI pRogrfm hY ho quhfzy ibwl nUM Gwt krn ivwc quhfzI shfieqf krdf hY. qusIN iewk sohxI ijhI gfrzn bxf ky afpxy pYsy vfps lY skdy ho. sMcfeI aqy lYNzskyp pRogrfm quhfnUM dswygf ik qusIN afpxy gfrzn ivwc pfxI iks qrHF lgfAuxf hY. jy qusIN apxI gfrzn nUM Gwt pfxI zolHx ivwc qbdIl kr lYNdy ho qF qusIN ies qy istI qoN irbyt (pYsy) lY skdy ho. jykr qusIN afpxI gfrzn ivwc 50 % pOdy jo Gwt pfxI lYNdy hn lgfAuNdy ho qF qusIN rIbyt lYx dy hwkdfr ho. ies bfry ijLafdf jfxkfrI lYx bfry qusIN vYbsfeIt qy jf skdy ho.
qusIN pfrks aqy irkrysLn sYNtrs ivwc Pfl ruwq dy pRogrfm ivwc afpxy afp nUM dfKl krvf skdy ho. qusI EnlfeIn jf ky vI rijstr krvf skdy ho direct2rec qusIN iPtnYs dy pRogrfm bfry afpxI pUrI PYmlI nfl rijstr krvf skdy ho.
ngr invfsI kFsl mIitMgF nUM istI vYbsfeIt qy jf ky dyK skdy hn. sfrIaF mIitMgF lfeIv huMdIaF hn aqy iksy kfrn krky qusIN mIitMg nhIN dyK skdy qfN bfad ivwc vI qusI Aus mIitMg nUM sux skdy ho.
kFsl dIaF mIitMgF df vyrvf: agsq 27 3 vjy aYgjLIikAuitv kmytI sLfm 7 vjy pbilk hIairMg / rYgUlr kfAUNsl
2018 dIaF lokl jnrl coxF
pfxI lgfAux qy rok meI 1 qoN sLUrU hY. pihlI styj dI pfxI Auwpr pfbMdI meI 1 qoN sLurU ho geI sI. qusIN lfan nUM pfxI hPqy ivwc 2 idn lgf skdy ho. svyr vyly 6 qoN 8 vjy qwk ijMnHF dy Gr dy nMbr eIvn hn buwDvfr aqy sLnIvfr, Ez nMbrF vfly Gr hr vIrvfr aqy aYqvfr nUM pfxI lgf skdy hn. ies bfry jfxkfrI leI qusIN vYbsfeIt qy jf skdy ho:
pfxI dI vrqoN loV muqfibk hI kro: istI ny nvyN vftr portl rwKy hn ijnHF qoN Auh asfnI nfl GrF ivwc vrqy jfx vfly pfxI dI mfqrf dyK skdy hn. qusIN vI mfeIistIWnlfeIn qy jf ky apxy akfAUNt ivwc jf ky pfxI dI ho rhI Kpq bfry jfx skdy ho aqy hr mhIny dI pfxI dI Kpq qy afpxI njLr rwK skdy ho.
istI kONisl dIaF mIitMgF aqy eyjMzy qy AuplBd hn
2018 dIaF lokl jnrl coxF 20 akqUbr nUM hox jf rhIaF hn. ieh quhfzy leI mOkf hY ik qusIN istI ivcw afpxf lIzr cuxn ivwc Xogdfn pf skdy ho. ijnHF ivwc iewk myar, awT kFslr, aqy swq skUl izstirkt trstI hn. aYbtsPorz dy sLihr ivwc myar jF kNONslr dy dPqr ivwc kMm krn ivwc idlcspI rwKx vfilaF leI sLihr pRI nfmjLd krygf.
sqMbr 3 koeI mIitMg nhIN sqMbr 10 koeI mIitMg nhIN sqMbr 17 3 vjy aYgjLIikAuitv kmytI sLfm 7 vjy pbilk hIairMg / rYgUlr kfAUNsl
sYsLn dIaF zItyljL hn: buwDvfr, agsq 29, 2018 bfad doiphr 3:00-4:30 aYbtsPorz istI hfl rUm 5:30 ijLafdf jfxkfrI leI vYbsfeIt Auwpr cYk kro:
sqMbr 24 3 vjy aYgjLIikAuitv kmytI sLfm 7 vjy pbilk hIairMg / rYgUlr kfAUNsl akqUbr 1 dupihr 1 vjy sfrI kmytI rUm 530 sqMbr 8 koeI mIitMg nhIN
awg mcfAux Aupr mnfhI hY. votr vfeIjL portl
Xfd rwiKE ik 1 jUn qoN 30 sqMbr qwk KyqIbfVI aqy hr rihMd KUMhd nUM KuwlHI hvf ivwc jlfAux Auwpr mnfhI hY KulHI hvf ivwc awg mcfAux qy jurmfnf ho skdf hY. 30 sqMbr qoN ipwCoN qusIN brinMg prmt leI aplfeI kr skdy ho.
“Manocha announces plans to run for Abbotsford council” Harmit (Harry) Manocha announced this week that he will run for Abbotsford City Council in this fall’s municipal election. Manocha immigrated to Canada 24 years ago and has resided in Abbotsford with this wife and their three children. His concerns are; quality of life, homelessness, and school violence He said he has chosen to run for a council seat because he believes there are areas where he can help make a difference and there is more to Abbotsford than building its businesses. Manocha said he would also like to focus on the issue of homelessness Sidhu announced as a candidate and work with school trustees to re- under the AbbotsfordFirst banner in solve violence in the school system. April, and Aird Flavelle announced his candidacy last week. Manocha joins two other non-incumbents in the race for council. Dave
20 afkqUbr nMU istI dI ielYksLn hY afpxI vot cYwk kro @CityofAbbotsfordEvents
jnrl lokl ielYksLn 2018 aYbtsPorz sLihr aqy aYbtsPorz skUl izstirkt
noits aYbtsPorz istI kONisl dI cox dOV bfry soc rhy ho? AumIdvfrF leI pRInOmInysLn kONisl sYsLn aYbtsPorz istI kYNzIzyts dI prInOmInysLn leI swdf idMdf hY ik qusIN dws sko ik afp myar dy aOiPsleI jF kONslr dy afiPs leI AumIdvfr ho sYsLn qrqIb bwuDvfr, 29 agsq 2018 sLfm 3:00-sLfm 4:30 kmrf 530, pMjvIN mMijLl, aYbtsPorz istI hfl ies sbMDI jy hor jfxkfrI lYxI hovy qF ielYksLn dPqr nflL hyT ilKy anusfr rfbqf bxfE: ibwl Piltn cIPL ielYksLn aPsr
sLyrI zyivs jF kytI krn izptI cIP ielYksLn aPsr
Pon: PYks: eImyl: vYbsfeIt:
604-851-VOTE (8683) 604-853-1934
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
ngr invfsIaF nUM afs pfs dy mhOl qoN sucyq hox leI ikhf jFdf hY aqy koeI vI DUMey jF awg dyKx qy qurMq 5-5-5-5 jF 911 qy bI sI vfeIlzPfier mYnyjmYNt brFc nUM Pfier izpfrtmYNt nfl gwl krn leI bulfAuxf cfhIdf hY. Residents are asked to be aware of their surroundings and anyone who notices smoke or fire should immediately call the BC Wildfire Management Branch at *5-5-55, or 9-1-1 to speak to the fire department. We are so proud of this recent announcement from the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police: "We are truly honoured to announce the recognition bestowed on @DeputySerrAPD of @AbbyPoliceDept as #CACP2018 Volunteer of the Year. His outstanding effort in leading CACP's response regarding the legalization of marijuana and opioid crisis has been so valued by policing across this land". CONGRATULATIONS Deputy Chief Serr!! kYnyzIan aYsosIeysLn afP cIPs afP puils vwloN qfjLf kIqy aYlfn Auwpr sfnUM mfx hY. “asIN @ izptI cIP ey pI zI jo @aYbI puils zIpfrtmYNt nUM sfl 2018 mfxXog vlMtIar hox qy mfx mihsUs krdy hF. mirjuafnf aqy EpIEd krfeIss dy kfnUMnIkrn bfry sIeysI pI dI pRIikiraf dI agvfeI krn ivwc AunHF dy byimsfl Xqn ny ies dysL ivwc puils dI ingrfnI kIqI. izptI cIP sr nUM bhuq bhuq vDfeIaF!!
sfzy nfl juVo “sfeirMjL Por lfeIP” leI aYbtsPorz dy Prst rspONzr kimAUintI nUM afvdf KUn dfn krn leI swdf dy rhy hn. “sfeirMjL Por lfeIP” puils, Pfier PfeItr, aqy mYzIkl srivsjL nUM kwTf kr rhy hn aqy iek mukfblf hovygf ik ienHf grmIaF ivc kOx sB qoN ijLafdf KUn dfn krygf. qrIkF aqy QfvF leI: h ps:// Find the #hero in you- help save a life! Join US for Sirens for Life... your Abbotsford First Responders are inviting our community to join us to donate blood on behalf of your local heroes this summer. The “Sirens for Life” campaign brings together police, fire fighters and medical services in a friendly competition to donate the most units of blood over the course of the summer. For dates and locations: h ps://
ieh nfQfn hY; kFstybl ivlIam aqy Qfms dI kYNsr pRqI Aus Xfqrf df ieh kfrn hY jo kynyzIan kYNsr susfeItI bI sI aqy XUkon zvIjLn ivwc kOps Pfr kYNsr duafrf PMz iewkTf krdf hY. ieh d oaPsrF nUM mfx pRfpq hoieaf hY ik Auh kops Pfr kYNsr nUM clfAux, aqy hfl hI ivwc AuhnF nUM nfQfn aqy Ausdy pirvfr nfl imlx df mOkf imilaf aqy AuhnF ny AuQy kfPI cMgf smF ibqfieaf. nfQfn nUM burkIts lUikmIaf hY jo iewk gurdy tRFsplFt leI lY rhy dvfeIaF qoN pYx vflf iewk sfeIz iePYkt hY jo Ausdy iemIAUn isstm nUM prbfvq kr irhf hY. Auh iewk bhuq hI bhfdr hY jo afpxI ibmfrI nfl bhfdrI nfl lV irhf hY aqy asIN sfry Aus dy nfl hF. ijLafdf grmI aqy vD rhy qfpmfn dI vjhf krky aYP vI afr zI ny sUmYs mfAUNtyn rIjnl pfrk afAux vfly noits qwk bMd kr idwqf hY. qusIN sfry sfzI shfieqf kro qF ik afpF rl ky afpxI kimAUintI nUM surwiKaq rwK skIey.
This is Nathan; he is one of the reasons Csts Williams and Thomas train, and raise money for Canadian Cancer Society, B.C. & Yukon Division with Cops for Cancer - Tour de Valley! These two officers are honoured to ride for Cops for Cancer; and recently met and spent time with Nathan and his family at Camp Goodtimes. Nathan has Burkitts Leukemia which occured as a rare side-effect from immune-suppressive medications he was taking for a kidney transplant. He is a fighter and we fight alongside him!
Call APD non-emergency at 604-859-5225 or text ABBYPD (222973) To make an anonymous report, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or report online at
aYbtsPorz pulIs zIpfrtmYNt nMU nfn-aYmrjMsI lfeIn 604-589-5225 'qy Pon kro jF 222973 'qy tYkst mYsj Bojo. aigafq rIport ilKvfAux leI krfeIm stfprjL nMU 1-800-222-7477 'qy Pon kroo jF afnleIn jf ky 'qy rIport ilKvfE.
Could your diet be causing you pain? (NC) If you’re experiencing abdominal cramps, irregularity and bloating that won’t go away, the bad news is medicine might not be enough to fix the problem. Before jumping on medication or fads to help manage your stomach pain, give some thought to your diet to see if that might be the culprit. Those symptoms might be Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS, a sometimes debilitating group of symptoms that millions suffer through. One problem with treating it is that its exact cause is still unknown. But research is uncovering better and easier ways to treat or manage the condition.
the work for you. They’ve worked out a guide to find those sweet spot foods, which you can find online for free. Even with a smart diet, getting the fibre you need to help with IBS can be tough. Using a fibre supplement can be a great idea, but one you need to be careful with. Picking the wrong supplements can actually make your systems worse. In particular, watch out for wheat branbased supplements, which can increase already-high gas production.
A recent study from Australia’s Monash University identified one culprit in sufferers’ diets to target — a group of sugars called FODMAPs. Their study showed that reducing intake of foods high in these sugars while also eating a high-fibre diet can do wonders to Look for supplements based on PHGG, manage IBS. which stands for Partly Hydrolysed One complication is that high-FOD- Guar Gum. It’s a prebiotic, so it helps MAP foods, like wheat, also have lots encourage the right kind of bacteria of fibre, so you’ll need to be careful to to set up shop in your gut. It’s also replace what you take out of your diet low-FODMAP, which with its fibre with high-fibre, low FODMAP foods. and prebiotics make it a one-two-three If that sounds tricky, it kind of is, but punch to IBS symptoms. the same study’s researchers have done
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
The Patrika
Dhami Narang & Company LLP (“DNC Lawyers”) was established in 2010, by Rajan Dhami and Amrik Narang. With the help of our valued clients, DNC Lawyers has now grown into a mid-sized law with of in Abbotsford and Surrey, British Columbia. To serve our clients best, DNC Lawyers has an experienced team of 9 lawyers to cater to the individual needs of our clients. Every member of our strives to provide outstanding service to produce the best results for our clients.
RELIABLE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES We use a collaborative team approach to your legal problems to get you the best results possible. We are only happy when you are happy and realize that our success depends on referrals from our client base.
rfjn DfmI aqy amrIk nfrMg vloN 2010 ivwc sQfpq kIqI geI sI. sfzy suihrd klfieMts dI mwdd nfl DNC Lawyers ny qrwkI kridaF imwz sfeIjLz lfa Prm bxf leI hY, ijs dy dPqr bI sI dy sLihrF aYbtsPorz aqy srI ivwc hn. afpxy klfieMts dIaF smUh musLiklF nfl nijwTx leI vwzy qjLribaF vfly 9 vkIlF dI tIm iqafr ho geI hY. afpxy klfieMts dIaf qmfm smwisafvF dy hYrfnIjnk nqIijaF leI hux awzI cotI dy Auprfly kIqy jfx gy.
qswlIbKsL proPYsLnl syvfvF quhfnMU vDIaf knMUnI nqIjy dyx leI asIN sfry sFJI tIm dy qOr qy Xqn krdy hF quhfzI KusLI hI sfzI KusLI hovy gI, asIN mihsUs krdy hF ik sfzIaF sPlqfvF quhfnMU idwqy cMgy nqIijaF AuWqy hI inrBr hn.
REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS We deal with all matters relating to the sale and purchase of residential and commercial property. By contacting us before you sign a contract, you can make sure your rights are protected. We will provide reliable and timely legal advice. PURCHASE & SALE: RESIDENTIAL •Negotiating and Drafting Agreements of Purchase and Sale • Acting for Buyers or Sellers on Purchases and Sales of New Homes, Condominiums, Assignments Recreational and Cottages properties •Acting for Borrowers or Lenders on Mortgage Transactions •Advising Borrowers on Mortgage Liability PURCHASE AND SALE: COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL •Purchases and Sales of Commercial Real Estate, •Apartment and Office Buildings • Land Purchases or Sales • Acting for Borrowers or Lenders on Mortgage Transactions • Advising Borrowers on Mortgage Liability ABBOTSFORD OFFICE Dhami Narang & Company LLP Suite 301-2975 Gladwin Road Abbotsford, BC V2T 5T4
ICBC CASES We handle a full range of ICBC personal injury claims, including head injuries, broken bones, soft tissue injuries, muscle strains, psychological injuries & others asIN afeI sI bI sI nfl sbMDq iNnWjI srIrk swtF PytF ijnHF ivc isr dIaF swtF, tuWtIaF hWzIaF, koml itsULaF dIaF cotF, pWiTaF dIaF sWtF, mfnisk ivgfV aqy hor hfnIaF sLfml hn, dy klym hYNzl krdy hF. THE LAWYERS AT DNC PROVIDE COMPREHENSIVE LEGAL SERVICES IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS:
zI aYn sI dy vkIl iehnHF syvfvF ivwc quhfzI pUrI mdd kr skdy hn: Personal Injury / ICBC Business / Corporate Commercial Litigation Real Estate Wills / Probate Estate Litigation
prsnl swt jF af sI bI sI kfrobfr / kOrpryt kOmrsLIal mukwdmf rIal iestyt vsIaq jF pRobyt jfiedfd mukwdmf
rIal iestyt trFjLYksLns
asIN vpfrk aqy rhfiesLI jfiedfdF vycx aqy KRIdx sbMDI sB kfrjF df kMm krdy hF. koeI vI kOntrYkt sfeIn krn qoN pihlF sfzI islfh jLrUr lvo. asIN quhfnUM qswlI kr ky dwsF gy ik quhfzy hwk syP hn ik nhIN? asIN afp jI nUM tfeIm isr shI aqy BrosyXog kfnUMnI msLvrf idMdy rhF gy.
prcyjL aYNz syl rYjLIzYNsLIal
•KrId aqy vyc dy sihmqI zrfPitMg aYgrImYNts •asIN vycx vflLy dI vI aqy KRIdx vflLy dI vI shI mdwd krdy hF ijvyN nvyN Gr KrIdx, kONzmInIams, rhfiesLI dsqfvyjL. mn-prcfvy vflLIaF aqy kfitj prfprtIjL leI. •mfrtgyj idvOx ivwc asIN KRIdx vflLy dI vI aqy vycx vflLy dI vI mdwd krdy hF •KRIdx aqy vycx vflLy dI mfrtgyj Xogqf bfry dwsdy hF
kmrsLIal aqy ieMzstrIal prcyjL aqy syl
•kmrsLIal rIal iestyt aYpfrtmYNt aqy afiPs iblizMgF dI KrId aqy vyc •jLmIn dI KrId aqy vyc •vycx vfilaF aqy KRIdx vfilaF leI mfrtgyj trFjLYkisLn •KRIdx vfilLaF nUM mfrtgyj lfieibltI vfry shI slfh idMdy hF.
SURREY OFFICE Dhami Narang & Company LLP Suite 313-14928 Hwy 10 Surrey, BC V3S 2N5 Toll Free: 1-877-864-6131
604-864-6131 PAGE 11
The Patrika
4 tips for quick, healthy brownbag lunches (NC) Packing a nutritious lunch for work or school is one of the best ways you can trim your budget – and your waistline. Use these four tips to help you pack something you’ll look forward to and feel good about eating. Load up on nutrients. When you’re making a healthy lunch, be sure to include vegetables and fruit, whole grains and protein-rich foods. Focus on choosing plant-based sources of protein, such as legumes, tofu, nuts and seeds. Stay hydrated. Your body loses water by sweating, breathing and getting rid of waste. If you lose more fluid than you take in, you can become dehydrated. A glass or two of water with your meal will help you stay hydrated. For something different, tickle your taste buds with delicious flavoured water, kombucha or organic juice for healthy and refreshing flavour.
a n d minerals it needs to stay healthy. However, Health Canada reports that many adults have inadequate intakes of calcium, vitamin A and vitamin D. If you aren’t sure that you’re getting all the vitamins and nutrients you need through diet, consider a vitamin or multi-vitamin supplement. Respect the environment. Think about making organic choices when you’re buying ingredients. Organic fruit and vegetables are good for you and the environment. It’s in everyone’s best interest to utilize agriculture that is sustainable.
Head to your local Canadian Health Food Association member health food Pay attention to vitamins and minerals. store to stock up on healthy lunch opA balanced diet goes a long way toward tions. Find your nearest location at providing your body with the vitamins
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
rwKVI df iqAhfr vIrfN -BYxF df ipafr!
spYsLl syl nvyN izjLfienfN vfly sUtF iewk sUt KrIdo dI isLpmYNt phMuc cuwkI hY h
dUjf sUt
sIqy aqy ax sIqy sUt pfrtI vfly sUt ismpl aqy afm pihnx vfly sUt vI bxfAuNdy hF
asIN afrzr qy vI sUt bxfAuNdy hF asIN sUtF dI islfeI vI krdy hF
SUPER SALE sMprk kro: 604-615-2971 aYbtsPorz
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
Smart City Abbotsford Initiative Launch with ICF Canada he Smart City Abbotsford initiative was launched today as the City of Abbotsford and the Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) Canada announced their partnership for the development of a Smart Infrastructure and Foreign Direct Investment Readiness Strategy. Smart City Abbotsford will seek to address some of the most significant challenges faced by cities around the world: global competition, shifts in employment and the changing nature of work, disruptions caused by digital technologies, and climate change. Abbotsford aims to become what is known as an “Intelligent Community” and able to attract and retain investment, jobs and talent through ICF’s Community Accelerator Program.
of the Fraser Valley for today’s announcement. This was followed by a day-long masterclass led by ICF on smart infrastructure and foreign direct investment. The initial project for Smart City Abbotsford will include the creation of a “how to book” modelled on Abbotsford. This book will establish best practices that will be utilized to help other communities understand which smart infrastructure, related digital technologies and other Intelligent Community indicators are necessary for them to compete in the global market and secure Innovation leaders from across Aband develop smart infrastructure in botsford gathered at the University their own communities
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ijAUlrI dy nvyN izjLfien phuMc cuWky hn|
nvF stor sIzr pfrk plys qoN mUv ho ky 2646 Auburn Street qy Auburn Plaza ivwc nvF mYgf sLoarUm dsmysL PUzj dy ipWCy KolH idwqf igaf hY|
604.864.8515 | #102 - 2646 Auburn St. Abbotsford BC V2T 3K1 PAGE 13
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
Universal, single-payer pharmacare plan the best solution to ensure all Canadians can afford prescription drugs, BCFED tells Ottawa’s advisory council
ith millions of Canadians unable to afford to pay for vital prescription drugs to keep them alive and healthy, the BC Federation of Labour says it’s time for concerted national action through the cooperation of all federal, provincial and territorial governments to address a growing crisis.
“Canada is the only developed country in the world with a universal health care program that doesn’t include universal prescription drug coverage,” says BCFED President Irene Lanzinger. “And everyone here knows someone who isn’t able to afford to take their medication as prescribed.
hundreds of thousands more workers.” Lanzinger says the BC labour movement believes one option stands out as the best path for change. “A single-payer, universal prescription drug plan would ensure that no matter where Canadians live and work, everyone with a health card would have coverage for their prescription medications’” she says.
“The facts are clear about the magnitude of the problem,” says Lanzinger. “About one out of three working British Columbians—close to 800,000 people—lack employer-funded preThis evening a special federal adscription drug coverage. visory council chaired by Dr. Eric “BC also has the highest percentage Hoskins, will hold a community conof precarious, low-paying part-time sultation on a national prescription workers of the major provinces. The drug plan in downtown Vancouver, inequality gap here between the rich which Lanzinger will be attending. and the poor is staggering, and it puts The Federation outlined its recomthe high cost of many prescription mendations in a letter sent to the drugs beyond the financial reach of council today.
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qusIN vDIaf Gr lwB ilaf hY | qfN vDIaf mfrtgyj vI lwBo | rytF df mukfblf kr ky asIN spYsLl syvfvF idMdy hF asIN bYNkF leI nhIN asIN qF quhfzy leI kMm krdy hF bhuqy kysF ivwc syvfvF muPq hn ikANik sfnMU sfzy zr Krcf idMdy hn | lYNV
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The Patrika Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
4 helpful guidelines for raising healthy children 3. Set the example. As a parent, you are the most significant role model for your child. This means whatever you do, they are likely to follow or at least file away as acceptable and appropriate behaviour. So, don’t be too hard on 1. Encourage good habits. Whether yourself, practice the good habits you they are two, 12 or 20, you can help want them to keep and model healthy them make good decisions to nurture relationships with friends and family. their bodies and minds. Eating lots of fruit and veggies, maintaining a 4. Teach them to give back. Comconsistent bedtime and ensuring time passion, empathy and gratitude are esfor rest and relaxation are essential for sential qualities for a well-rounded inpeople of all ages. Regular exercise dividual. Fortunately, there are simple and unstructured play for younger ones ways you can teach them to be grateful is also important. and give back, like by contributing 2. Expect effort, not perfection. Some to a charity. A great organization that of us can easily become focused on kids can relate to is Save the Children. results, without considering the time In Canada, the charity believes all and energy that goes into a goal like Indigenous children have the right to making the soccer team or getting straight A’s. But this can put undue develop their full potential as valued pressure on anyone, so make sure you and engaged citizens within their Nahave realistic expectations that involve tions and Canada. Learn more or make trying their best, not being the best. a donation at (NC) We all want our kids to grow up to be happy and well-adjusted. Achieving this is a lifelong process that starts when they’re little. To help put your children on the path to success, follow these key tips.
zrfieivMg skUl
roz tYst pihlI afeI sI bI sI nOlyj tYst dI iqafrI muPq vfr hI pfs kro ivwc, Gr bYT ky pMjfbI aqy aMgryjLI ivwc kro.
asIN aYbtsPorz aYlzrgrov aqy imsLn ivwc isKlfeI idMdy hF. sfzy 94% stUzYNt pihlI vfr hI pfs ho jFdy hn.
afrv zrfieivMg skUl mobfiel aYp aYpl aqy aYnzrfiez qy AuplbD hY|
· vfr vfr PylH ho cuwky ho qF iewk lYsn sfzy nfl jLrUr lY ky dyKo qy iPr prKo. · asIN CotI kfr qy isKlfeI idMdy hF jo ik iswKx aqy pfrikMg lgfAux ivwc bhuq ijLafdf asfn huMdI hY. · asIN pfrikMg bhuq hI asfn qrIky nfl lgfAxf isKfAuNdy hF. · ijnHF ny kdy vI kfr nhIN clfeI asIN AuhnF nUM vI pwky zrfievr bxfAux dI pUrI smrwQf rwKdy hF. · asIN roz tYst qoN pihlF quhfnUM 100 qoN vI vwD Kfs suJfa idMdy hF ik roz tYst mOky iknHF iknHF glqIaF qoN bcxf hY. · quhfzy smyN muqfbk svyr qoN dyr sLfm qwk isKlfeI idMdy hF. · isKlfeI pMjfbI, ihMdI aqy aMgryjLI ivwc idMdy hF.
· nOlyj tYst dI iqafrI krn leI afpxy Pon qy sfzI aYp muPq zfAUnloz kro. · ieh iqafrI qusIN ibnF aYp zfAUnloz kIqy hoey sfzI vYbsfeIt qy jf ky afpxy kMipAUtr jF lYptfp qy vI kr skdy ho. · sfzI aYp ivwc 428 pRsLn/Auwqr pMjfbI ivwc aqy 564 aMgryjLI ivwc hn jo ik hux qwk iksI hor aYp ivwc nhIN hn. · ieh sfry pRsLn/Auwqr afeI sI bI sI dI buwk ivwcoN hI hn.
ijLMdgI bhuq kImqI hY qy iesnUM afpxI jF dUsiraF dI lfprvfhI nfl gvf nf bYTo.
App:Apple & Android
asIN quhfnUM isrP roz tYst pfs hox dy mksd nfl hI nhIN isKfAuNdy blik sfzf mksd quhfnUM surwiKaq aqy rwiKafqmk zrfievr bxfAuxf vI hY jo roz qy afpxy afp aqy dUsiraF nUM bcf ky clfvy.
iekbfl iZwloN 604-300-7799
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
Planning for climate change in the agriculture sector he British Columbia agriculture sector will have new resources available to support its efforts in adapting to climate change.
The Farm Adaptation Innovator Program will:
The Climate Change Adaptation Program is providing $6 million in federal and provincial government support, over the next five years, through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership. The program builds on previous government-supported work and is focused on building resilience to climate change at the farm level, and at the wider regional level.
pilot and demonstrate farm practices and technologies that support climate adaptation.
The Regional Adaptation Program will: establish three new regional strategies; and provide support for the implementation of projects in new and existing regions.
fund seven to nine new research projects on B.C. farms; and
$ 12.65
Application packages will be available in fall 2018. The Climate Change Adaptation Program will run for the duration of the five-year Canadian Agricultural Partnership. The partnership is a federal-provincial-territorial agreement that includes $2 billion in costshared strategic initiatives delivered by the provinces and territories, and $1 billion for federal programs and services, through March 2023.
DrimMdr sLrmf: 778-683-3019
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
sMpfdkI rfey srkfr df iewk sfl -kfimafˆ dI surwiKaf, aiDkfrfˆ aqy KuÈhflI `qy kyˆdirq hYrI bYˆs, lybr mMqrI ivktorIaf - ipClf vrHf sfzy sUby, BfeIcfry aqy sfzI vrk-Pors leI vDIaf sfl irhf.
lVky aqy lVkIaF dy aYtm tYkl aqy pI.vI tYkl leI qusIN KyHzx leI imwqrF,bwicaF aqy mfipaF nMU vI nflL ilaf skdy ho
Benefits Of Tackle Football
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ATOM TACKLE IS FOR KIDS AGED 7 TO 9 PEEWEE TACKLE AGES 10 TO 12 WHEN YOU REGISTER ENTER A CHANCE TO WIN 4 TICKETS TO BC LIONS GAME jd rijstr ho gey qF qusIN bI.sI. lfienjL gym ivwc sLfml hox leI 4 itktfN ijwq skdy ho
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ipCly iewk sfl dy syvf-kfl dOrfn mYnUM afpxI srkfr dIafˆ AuplwbDIafˆ Auwqy aqy iewk mukmMl svYcfilq lybr mMqrfly dy gTn qy mfx hY. asIN quhfzy leI kMMm kr rhy hfˆ-iËMdgI nUM vDyry kPfieqI bxfAux leI, afpxI ËrUrq dIafˆ syvfvfˆ ibhqr krn leI aqy sfzy sB leI PfiedymMd asIN afpxy sUby ivwc kfimafˆ nUM sihXog dyx cMgIafˆ nOkrIafˆ aqy mËbUq, icrsQfeI vfly mhqwvpUrn lybr kfnUnfˆ df nvInIafriQkqf df inrmfx krn leI. krx krn dI pRikiraf ÈurU kIqI hY. lybr lybr mMqrI hox dy nfqy myrI pfRQimkqf irlyÈn koz aqy iemplOeymYˆt stYˆzrz kfimafˆ dI ishq aqy surwiKaf nUM sihXog aYkt leI ies smyˆ suqMqr inrIKx jfrI dyxf aqy ieh XkInI bxfAuxf hY ik ruËgfr hY qfˆ ik Auhnfˆ suDfrfˆ nUM pCfixaf jf sky, dy mfpdMz inrpwK aqy afdrXog hox aqy jo kfnUMnfˆ dy nvInIkrx aqy mOjUdf kMm smfj dIafˆ ËrUrqfˆ dI qrjLmfnI krn. vflIafˆ Qfvfˆ df rUp bdlx leI ËrUrI hn. myry pihly kMmfˆ ivwcoˆ iewk Pyar vyj kimÈn df inrmfx krnf sI. ijsdy ËrIey òúòñ qwk hux sfzy kol ñõ zflr pRqI GMtf qoˆ vwD dI Gwto-Gwt qnÉfh leI iewk vfjb aqy pUrv-anumfinq rsqf hY. agly ö mhIinafˆ qwk iewk KyqIbfVI arQÈfsqrI Kyqfˆ ivwc hwQIˆ kMm krn vfly kfimafˆ dy pIs-ryt vwl iDafn dyvygf-jo ik iewk bhuq guMJldfr isstm hY. kimÈn GwtoGwt qnÉfh aqy guËfryXog qnÉfh ivclf aMqr vI vfc irhf hYy ik iks qrfˆH asIN ieh aMqr Gtf skdy hfˆ. mYˆ bI[sI[ dIafˆ sfrIafˆ kMm vflIafˆ Qfvfˆ nUM kYnyzf Br ivwc surwiKaq bxfAux leI vcnbwD hfˆ, ikAuˆik kMm qoˆ bfd sfry kfmy Gr surwiKaq aqy ishqmMd phuMcx dy hwkdfr hn. pr jykr koeI durGtnf jfˆ mOq ho jfˆdI hY qfˆ kfmy aqy Auhnfˆ dy pirvfrfˆ nfl inrpwKqf, sMvydnf, snmfn aqy iewËq nfl pyÈ afAuxf cfhIdf hY. iesy kfrn asIN vrksyP bI[sI[ ivwc bhuq sfrIafˆ qbdIlIafˆ kIqIafˆ hn qfˆ ik kfimafˆ nUM syvfvfˆ pRdfn krn vflIafˆ sMsQfvfˆ nUM nvfˆ nËrIaf pRdfn kIqf jfvy aqy kfimafˆ pRqI iDafn kyˆdirq kIqf jfvy.
afAux vfly sfl ivwc myrIafˆ pRfQimkqfvfˆ ivwcoˆ iewk tYmpryrI POorn vrkr rijstrI df inrmfx krnf hY qfˆ ik anuicq mflkfˆ aqy BrqI krn vfilafˆ vwloˆ kmËor kfimafˆ df ÈoÈx roikaf jf sky. sfzI vrk-Pors nUM aMqrrfÈtrI kfimafˆ vwloˆ hulfrf imilaf hY aqy Auh hr roË nvyˆ kYnyzIan bx rhy hn, jo sfzI kimAUntI ivwc keIafˆ vfˆg bI[sI[ dI afriQkqf, iviBMnqf aqy mËbUqI leI shfeI hn. asIN afpxy sUby dy BivwK leI mhwqvpUrn invyÈ kr rhy hfˆ. asIˆ nvyˆ skUl, hspqfl, sVkfˆ aqy Grfˆ df inrmfx kr rhy hfˆ, kPfieqI cfeIlz kyar Qfvfˆ bxf rhy hfˆ aqy ishq sMBfl aqy kimAUntI syvfvfˆ ivwc suDfr kr rhy hfˆ. iehnfˆ ivwc kuJ pRfjYkt kimAuUntI bYnIiPts aYgrImYˆt aDIn bxfey jfxgy-jo sQfnk kfimafˆ dIafˆ rihx vflIafˆ Qfvfˆ `qy hI ruËgfr aqy tryinMg dy mOikafˆ qy kyˆdirq hoxgy. sfzI srkfr ny ibRitÈ kolMbIaf dy lokfˆ dI iËMdgI ibhqr krn leI ÈurUafqI kdm cwk ley hn. ajy hor bhuq kMMm krny bfkI hn. pr mYnUM pihly sfl ivwc hI afpxy kIqy kMmfˆ qy mfx hY. mYˆ Auhnfˆ sfirafˆ df DMnvfdI hfˆ ijhnfˆ ny ies ivwc afpxf Xodgfn idwqf. PAGE 17
The Patrika
Provincial state of emergency declared
he British Columbia government has declared a provincial state of emergency to support the provincewide response to the ongoing wildfire situation.
thunderstorms in some parts of the province.
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
Province to match Red Cross donations to help people affected by wildfires
o help people affected by the Currently, more than 3,372 firefightwildfires that are burning ers and contractors are actively around B.C., the Province of engaged in fighting fires in all fire British Columbia will match all doMike Farnworth, Minister of Public regions of the province. This includes nations to the Red Cross, up to $20 Safety and Solicitor General, made 1,427 B.C. contract personnel, as million. the declaration based on the recom- well as 436 out-of-province person“The Red Cross is on the ground, helping people and communities affected by the wildfires burning around the province,” said Jennifer Rice, Parliamentary Secretary for Emergency Preparedness. “The Province is supporting this critical work by matching contributions to the Red Cross, so donations will go even further.”
tions and Rural Development. “Our government is doing everything we can to support firefighters and emergency responders, and keep people and communities as safe as possible. The Red Cross provides critical help in emergency situations like this. It’s important that we support that work.” The Province will match donations from individual British Columbians until Oct. 12, 2018.
British Columbians wishing to make a financial donation to help those impacted by the B.C. fires can do so by calling 1 800 418-1111, contacting The Canadian Red Cross works their local Canadian Red Cross office with the Province, local authorities or online:
mendation from B.C.’s wildfire and nel from Alberta, New Brunswick, emergency management officials. Northwest Territories, Quebec, SasThe state of emergency is initially katchewan, Parks Canada, Australia, in effect for 14 days, once issued, Mexico and New Zealand. and may be extended or rescinded as necessary. The state of emergency applies to the whole province and ensures federal, provincial and local resources can be delivered in a co-ordinated response to protect the public, which remains the provincial government’s top priority.
The federal government has responded to and accepted British Columbia’s request for assistance. In the coming days, federal personnel and resources will be arriving in B.C. to assist with wildfire efforts.
“Public safety is always our first priority and, as wildfire activity is expected to increase, this is a progressive step in our wildfire response to make sure British Columbia has access to any and all resources necessary,” Farnworth said. “Taking this step will further ensure we can protect the public, property and infrastructure, and assist with firefighting efforts.”
“Given the unpredictable behaviour of wildfires and the number of significant wildfires in all areas of the province, we’re bringing in the additional resources we need to keep people and communities as safe as possible,” said Doug Donaldson, Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development. “We’re asking British Columbians to do their part and follow burning bans and restrictions to prevent humancaused fires.”
As of Aug. 14, there were 566 wildfires burning in B.C., with 29 evacuation orders affecting approximately 3,050 people (1,521 properties), in addition to 48 evacuation alerts impacting approximately 18,720 people (9,359 properties). The extended weather forecast calls for continued hot and dry condtions, with risk of
The state of emergency gives agencies, such as the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, Emergency Management BC, the fire commissioner and the RCMP, the authority to take every action necessary to fight the wildfires and protect people and communities.
and First Nations leadership to help The B.C. government declared a propeople and communities impacted by vincial state of emergency on Aug. 15 the wildfires. to support the provincewide response “We know people in B.C. and across to the ongoing wildfire situation. the country are concerned and want The state of emergency is initially in effect for 14 days once issued, and may be extended or rescinded as necessary. To report a wildfire or open-burning violation, call 1 800 663-5555 toll-free, or *5555 on a cellphone.
to help. Donating to the Red Cross is a great way to do that,” said Doug Donaldson, Minister of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Opera-
For up-to-date information on current wildfire activity, burning restrictions, road closures and air quality advisories, call 1 888 3-FOREST or visit: www.bcwildfire. ca
The Patrika Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
jgqu iBKfrI iPrqu hY sB ko dfqf rfmu] jgq ivc ijs nUM dyKo kuJ nf kuJ mMg irhf njLr afvygf. hjLfrF vflf lwKF pqI aqy lwKF vflf kroVF pqI bnxf cfhuMdf hY. kroVF vflf awvl qF arbF pqI hoxf cfhuMdf hY, nhIN qy ieh ipaf cfhuMdf hY ik kroVF pqI bixafN hI rhF aqy pfqsLfh cfhuMdy hn ik AunHF dI pfqsLfhI kfiem rhy. grIb jIvn dy sfDfrn suKF nUM locdf hY aqy amIr afpxI amIrI dy kfiem rKx qy afhr ivc njLr afvygf. ishq dy pfsy vl afeIey qF hr iek iensfn nUM BfvyN Auh grIb hovy BfvyN amIr qMdrusqI mMgdf qwkFgy. koeI sLKs nhIN jo qMdrusqI jF arogqf nf mMgdf hovy. Pyr jo KusLI dy Kfqy Jfq mfrIey qF hr iek jIv suK jF KusLI mMgdf njLr afvygf. pirvfr dI KusLI, dosqF imqrF ivc rlL bYTx dI KusLI, sMgIq sunx aqy qmfsLy vyKx dI KusLI, hr iek jIv nUM awgy nfloN kuJ vDyry mMgx vfsqy mjbUr krdI dyKFgy.
hn. ieh mMgF ies pRkfr sn-arogqf, jLrUrqF pUrIaF krn jogf Dn, pirvfr dI KuLsIN, dosqF imwqrF ivc siqkfr, agly jnm df igafn (knowledge about next world).
kmry ivc bfrI KohilaF Dwup af jfvy qF Aus dy nfl rOsLnI aqy inwG KuLd bKuLd hI af jFdy hn. jd kmry ivc Dwup af jfvy qF iPr sfnUM Dup koloN cfnx aqy grmI mMgx dI loV nhIN pYNdI. ieh cIjLF Duwp dy afAux ies imsfl qoN iswD huMdf hY ik jgq swcI nfl afpy hI afAuNdIaF hn. muwcI iBKfrI hY aqy hr vyly vfihgurU pfsoN gurmq jF sRI gurU grMQ sfihb df piqq dfqF mMgdf rihMdf hY. jgq dy jIv BfvyN pfvn AupdysL jIv nUM CotIaF CotIaF aqy nfsqk hox BfvyN afsqk, hr vyly kuJ nf nfsvMd cIjLF mMgx dI bjfey srb dfqF dy kuJ mMgdy rihMdy hn, hr vyly kuJ nf kuJ dfqf, srb suKF dy sfgr srb sLkqImfn cfhuMdy rihMdy hn aqy BfvyN hr iek nUM Auqnf vfihgurU nUM hI mMgx dI pryrnf krdf hY. jo ik Auh mMg irhf huMdf hY nhIN imldf, pr ieqnf jLrUr imldf rihMdf hY ik ijs nfl Auh kfiem rih sky.
mMgiqaF dy ies jgq ivc hor gwl dyKI jfvygI ik ijqnf isafxf mMgqf, Aus dI AuqnI hI isafxI mMg hovygI. iek bwcy nUM pwuCo qUM kI cfhuMdf hYN? qF Auh afKygf mYnUM hvf ivc Auzx vflf bYlUn lY dyvo. jykr Aus qoN vDyrI Aumr dy skUl jFdy lVky nUM puwCo qyrI ielm dy pfsy dyKIey qF jo jo iksy ielm df kI mMg hY qF Auh afKygf mYnUM bfeIsfeIkl cfhIdI hY. jykr kflj jfx vfly muMzy nUM puwCo ik iks cIjL nUM lYxf cfhuMdf hYN, bYlUn jF bfeIiskl? qF Auh afKygf ik mYN motrsfeIkl cfhUMdf hF. iesy qrHF asIN dyKFgy ik ijAuN ijAuN jIv isafxf aqy qjrbykfr mMgqf bxdf jfvy Auh vzmulIaF aqy vDyry arsy leI rihx vflIaF cIjLF mMgygf.
jF igafn df ividafrQI hY, Aus igafn df aMq nhIN pf irhf aqy Aus igafn ivc hor vDyry sUJ, hor vDyry rosLnI mMgdf njLr afvygf. sfDU sMq mhfqmf vI BfvyN jgq dy nfsvMd suK nf mMgdy idsx pr iksy abnfsLI suK, iksy sdIvI suK dI qlfsL ivc ibhbl njLr afvxgy. sVk qy qurdy iksy afdmI nUM KVHf krky puC dyKo, Auh quhfnUM afpxIaF keI mMgF igxf ky suxf dyvygf. amrIkf ivc iek Dfrmk susfietI ny iek imlIan (ds lK) afdmIaF pfsoN ilKq ivwc pwuiCaf ik AunHF dy mn dI kI avsQf hY? qF ds lwK ivcoN ds lwK ny hI ilKq ivc jvfb idqf ik Auh kuJ cfhuMdy hn, kuJ mMgdy hn, AunHF aMdr keI KfihsLF lukIaF peIaF hn, ijnHF dI pUrqI vfsqy Auh hr vkq kosLsL krdy rihMdy
rGbIr isMG ‘bIr’ vfihgurU Aus nUM imldf hY ijhVf vfihgurU jI nUM imlxf cfhy. ijs dy idl ivc vfihgurU nfl Aus dIaF dfqF nflLoN vDyry prym hovy aqy ijhVf vfihgurU jI nUM hr dm mMg sky, jF hr dm svfs svfs Xfd kr sky. ieCf pUrku srb suKdfqf hir jf kY vis hY kfmDynf] so aYsf hir iDafeIaY myry jIaVy. qf srb suK pfvih myry mnf]
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11 sflF df qjLrbf
hr jfxkfrI leI kuljIq nMU Pon kro
PlfeIt itktF
vkysLn pYkyj
jIv dIaF anyk mMgF ipwCy iek asUl luikaf hoieaf hY aqy Auh ieh hY ik jIv sdf Auh dfqF cfhuMdf hY ijhVIaF ies nUM sdf KusLI qy prsMn rww w K skx. pr ikAuNik jIv aigafnI hY, by-smJ hY, ieh bwcy vFgr aYsIaF dfqF mMgdf rihMdf hY ijhVIaF rbV dy bYlUn dI qrHF POrn nfs hox vflIaF huMdIaF hn. ieQy sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dI iswiKaf jIv nUM bVI BfrI shfieqf bKsLdI hY. gurmq, jIv nUM iek isafxf mMgqf bnfAuxf cfhuMdI hY qfNik Aus dIaF mMgF aYsIaF pwkIaF aqy abnfsLI hox, ijnHF dy pUrf hox mgroN jIv nUM kdI Pyr mMgxf hI nf pvy. gurmq jIv qoN anykF jnmF df pysLf iBKfrI-punf hmysLF leI Cuzfxf cfhuMdI hY. gurmq gurisK nUM dwsdI hY ik jykr iksy nUM tksfl iml jfvy qF Aus nUM Pyr rupey vfsqy qrly krn dI loV nhIN rihMdI. ijqnf ruipaf Aus df idl kry, tksfl dy jLrIey bxf skdf hY. iesy qrHF agr dfqy koloN dfqF mMgx dI bjfey, dfqf KLud hI iml jfvy qF iPr dfqF mMgx dI loV hI nhIN rhygI. dfqy dy imlx nfl dfqy dIaF dfqF KuLd-bKuLd iml jfxgIaF. jd sfzy PAGE 19
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
sfbx dI icwpr
kulvMq isMG ivrk asIN iqMny hotl ivwc bYTy cfh pI rhy sF, nirMdr buwlHF ivwc muskrfieaf. awK dy Por mYN , pRym qy nirMdr. nirMdr srdfrF df leI ies qrHF lwgf ijvyN kuJ kihx lwgf hovy muMzf sI. hux khfxIaF ilKx lg ipaf sI. pr boilaf kuJ nhIN. mYdfn sfzy hwQ sI. ieh qy koeI anoKI gwl nhIN sI. srdfrF dy muMizaF qoN ikhVf kMm Buwilaf hoieaf hY? pRym ny cfh dy do Guwt hor Bry qy iPr josL afpxIaF pYlIaF dIaF vwtF qy Pyry vI mfrdy ivwc af ik ikhf: ny qy vjLIrIaF vI krdy ny. hvfeI jhfjL vI “mYnUM Auh lok bhqu bury lgdy ny ijhVI clFdy ny qy isLkfr mgr kuwqy vI BjFdy ny, dysL dI vsoN dy vwzy ihwsy nUM kdI qy mDoilaf nOkrIaF vI krdy ny qy jlUs kwZ ky kYd hoieaf kihMdy ny qy kdI ilqfiVaf hoieaf. vI jFdy ny. mjLy dI gwl qF ieh hY ik Auh Auh ikhVI lihr hY ijs ivwc ieh afey hox khfxIaF mfrks dy sLbdF ivwc luwty hoey qy Auh sPl nf hoeI hovy. ieh iewkly sfzy lokF df pwK pUrdIaF sn. smfjk inaF dysL dI gwl nhIN, hr dysL ivwc iesy qrHF leI rOlLf pfAuNdIaF sn. iesy bfry hI gwlF hI hoieaf ey. iujhVy lokF dI Coh lihrF nUM ho rhIaF sn. bMny lfAuNdI aY AuhnF nUM qusIN lqfVy hoey pRym qy mYN ies dy hwk ivwc nhIN sF ik kh- ikvyN kih skdy ho?” pRym afpxI dlIl dy fxIaF iesy svfl dI Bytf kr idwqIaF jfx. qyj nfl afp hI grm ho irhf sI. Aus ieh aKIrlI gwl aYzI AuwcI mukfeI ik AuQy bYTy ieh grIbI amIrI df rOlLf aYNvyN motI buwDI keI lok sfzy vwl vyKx lwg pey. dI insLfnI ey, pRym kih irhf sI., “ijnHF lokF dI sUJ ilwsI Auh smJdy ny ik bhuqy afpxy vwloN AuhnF df iDafn htfx leI kuJ pYsy nfl bhuqIaF mOjF ny qy QoVHf hovy qF icr asIN cuwp kr ky cfh pINdy rhy, pr sfzy koeI svfd nhIN. Auh lok grIb dy idl nUM idmfg ies bihs kr ky iqwKy hoey hoey sn aYsI QF igxdy ny ijs vwl kyvl iewk pfsy qy cuwp rihxf aOKf sI. mYN iPr hOlLI ijhI df rsqf hI KulHf hY. Aus rsqy qy duwK klys gwl CyV leI: Aus vl Bwjy jFdy ny, pr AuDroN dUjy pfisEN “mYN dunIaF dy do suafd sB qoN Auwqm mMndf koeI KyVf, koeI ilsLk Aus dy mUMh qy nhIN hF—inafxF KHzFdI mF df suafd qy muklfvy af skdI. rsqf hI bMd kr dyNdy ny ieh afeI vhutI df suafd. ieh suafd mfxdIaF lok mYN ieh nhIN mMndf”. pRym ny nFh ivwc iesqrIaF nUM mYN Klo Klo ky, luk luk ky isr ihlfieaf qy nirMdr vwl ies qrHF vyiKaf ey. mYnUM qy aYQy grIb amIr ivwc dyiKaf Aus dy Ault gwl krdy sfr hI hUro kdI Prk nhIN lwgf. dohF dy mUMh iewk ijhy hUrI ho peygf. iKVy hoey huMdy hn.” pfsy vfly kmry df bUhf KulHf, ivwcoN iewk KUbsUrq aOrq, iewk afdmI qy iewk bwcf “asIN dovyN eI bolI jFny aF, qUM ikAuN nhIN inkly. asIN AuhnF vwl vyKx lwg pey. boldf?” pRym ny iKJ ky nirMdr nUM ikhf. aOrq ieMny afdmIaF dIaF iqwKIaF njLrF “mYN ies mfmly qy bihs nhIN krnI cfhyT GbrfeI hoeI iswDI drvfjyL vwl vyKdI huMdf.” nirMdr svY ivsLvfsL dy cubfry qoN bfhr inkl geI. bwcf myjL qy itkfey PuwlF boilaf. nUM hwQ lf ky vyKx leI KVHf ho igaf. afdmI “ikAuN?’ bfhroN vfps af ky Aus nUM nfl lY igaf. sfzf iDafn iPr afpxI cfh qy afpxIaF “ikAuNik ies qy bihs nhIN ho skdI.” gwlF vwl muV afieaf. “pr gwlF ies qy ho skdIaF ny.” mYnUM pRym dI gwl isafxI lwgI. “ieh iQAUrI “hF” qy mYnUM vI glq jfpdI hY.” “jy asIN ies hotl ivwc bYT ky coK pYisaF dI cfh pI rhy “iPr koeI gwl hI dws dy” hF qF ies df mqlb ieh nhIN ik hotl qoN bfhr iksy cfh df suafd hI nhIN af irhf. “koeI kfeI nhIN bs iewko hI gwl aY. ho skdf hY ik koeI afpxI vhutI jF DI sfrIaF myrIaF ilKqF qy eys iewko gwl dI hwQoN cfh pI ky ikqy suafd lY irhf hovy.” hI pfx cVHI hoeI hY.” hux nirMdr kuJ iZwlf ho afieaf sI.” pRym myrI gwl dI qfdId ivwc do vfr isr ihlfieaf qy iPr cfh df Guwt Biraf sLfied “hwCf ! eynI bhuqI ilsLk vflI gwl qy asIN awj sux ky hI AuWTxf . ieh vyKx leI ik ik ies mihMgI hotl dI cfh ikMnI ku suafd af. iPr Aus ny myry ey” pRym ny cfa nfl afiKaf. Aus dI gwl vwl vyK ik ikhf, “hF iehI qy mYN kihMdf hF. ivwc hux qrlf sI. mYN puwCxf vf kI rFJf bhuq amIr sI? pr awj ikhVf ey ijhVf ieh afKy ik AusdI nirMdr dy mn ivwc imhr peI qy Auh gwl ijMLdgI bhuq GtIaf qy PjLUl sI? suxfn lwg ipaf. PAGE 20
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
The Patrika
“ieh gwl hY qy icrokxI, pr myry vfsqy qy “iewk idn bfhr Duwpy sfzy kwpVy Do rhI sI. mYN afpxy kmry ivwc bYTf bfrI ivwcoN bfhr hr vyly swjrI ey.” Aus nUM vyK irhf sI bfrI awgy jflLI lwgI “mYnUM aYm ey pfs kIiqaF ajy QoVHf icr hI hoeI sI. AuNj vI kmry ivwc anHyrf ijhf sI. hoieaf sI qy ipMz hI rihMdf sI. sfzI hvylI Auh mYnUM vyK nhIN skdI sI. Aus nUM pqf hI dy nflL hI sfzy KyqF ivwc kMm krn vfly nhIN sI ik mYN AuQy bYTf sF. afdmI df Gr sI. Aus dI iewk kuVI sfzy Gr kMm krdI sI kMm koeI Auh rsoeI df “Aus df afpxf kmIjL vI bhuq mYlLf hoieaf qy nhIN sI krdI. rsoeI dy qy Aus nUM koeI sI. Aus kol sLfied hor kmIjL hY hI nhIN nyVy vI nhIN sI lgx idMdf. bs sPfeI qy sI. qy Dox df ieho qrIkf sI ik Auh kmIjL hor Auqlf Auqlf kMm krdI sI. ies gwl lfh ky Aunf icr afpxy aflLy duaflLy cfdr dI mYnuM bhuq hYrfnI huMdI sI ik Gr ivwc vlHytI iPry Aus nUM iksy bMdy dy nyVy hox df iKafl nhIN sI Aus ny byKbr KVHy ho ky bYTI Auh Aus kMm krdI Auh iksy nUM rVkdI kmIjL lfhI qy aflLy duafly cfdr vlHyt leI hI nhIN sI. koeI Aus vwl awK Br ky vyKdf iewk iCn leI. iewk suMdr srIr dI Jlk nhIN sI. Asu dy kol iPridaF koeI vI gwl mYnUM idsI. jI krdf sI ik ieh iCn lMmf kr skdy sF. AusdIaF vI awKF sn, kMn ho jfey. kdI jI vI rwijaf ey? sn, idmfg sI, idl sI, ieh sfzy twbr dy iksy vI jIa dy mn ivwc afAuNdf hI nhIN sI. “hux myrI Aus dy nyVy hox dI Auqsukqf hor vI vD geI. sfry twbr dy ies vqIry kr ky myrI Aus ivwc idlcspI ho geI. Auh sfzy bfry kI “iewk idn Auh myrf kmrf sfP kr rhI sI. socdI sI? sfzy ivwc afpxI kI QF imQdI mYN aMdr af igaf. kuJ QoVHI ijhI sFJ df sI? bfhrlI dunIaF ivwc afpxI kI QF mYnUM pihly hI ivsLvfsL sI. myry leI ieh vyKdI sI? Aus dIaF kI AumMgF sn? bVI mhfn GVI sI mYN afpxy jjLby Auhdy “mYN vyiKaf ik Aus dI sLkl mfVI nhIN sI. pYrF ivwc iKlfr ky AuhnUM iewk AUwcI dunIaF dI Jlk dyxf cfhuMdf sF. Aus dy hwQ ivcoN kyvl Aus nUM afpxy afp df pqf nhIN sI. mYN JfVU lY ky BoNeNy qy rwK idwqf qy iPr Aus “iewk idn sLfm nUM myry mfqf jI ny Aus nUM nUM bfhoN PV ky afpxI mMjI qy bhf ilaf. mYN hwtIEN rITy ilaOx leI iewk aiTafnI id- afp Zuk ky Aus dy nflL bYT igaf qy iewk wqI. hwtI ipz dy dUjy isry sI. hwtI vfly ny hwQ Aus dy moZy qy rwK hor Aus nUM afpxy ikhf, rITy muky hoey ny, pr myrf muMzf sLihr nfl Guwt ilaf. sOdf lYx igaf hoieaY ey. gwzI nUM tysLn qoN “ieh gwl cMgI nhIN srdfr jI, quhfzy lMiGaf Zyr icr ho igaf ey, huxy afAuNdf eI leI” Aus ny inmHf ijhf AUlHfmf idwqf. hovygf, rITy vI ilafvygf. qUM Jwt AuzIk lY. “nhIN cMgI ey, bVI cMgI.” mYN Bwdy ijhy “kuVI AuwQy hI bYT geI. anHyrf ho igaf, pr qrIky nflL Aus nUM nflL lf qy Auh muskrf hwtI vflLy df muMzf apiVaF nf. by-AumId peI, sLfied myry ies iswDy ijhy jvfb qy.” ho ky kuVI muV afeI. anHyrf ho jfx kr ky asIN bUhf bMd kIqf hoieaf sI. vfps af “bhuq cMgf muwZ bwJ igaf smJ ky mYN Aus ky Aus ny KVkfieaf. mYN KoilHaf qF Aus ny df hwQ Cz idwqf qy Auh AuWT ky Klo geI. ikhf, mfqf jI nUM kih ik rITy nhIN imly “ieh sfbx lY lvF srdfr jI?” Aus ny svyry lY afvFgI. hux pYsy rwK lYx. AuTidaF sfr hI mMg kIqI. ijwQy asIN bYTy sF AUs dy sfhmxy aMgITI qy myry nhfAux mfqf jI ny sux ky dUroN hI ikhf, qUM pYsy vfly sfbx dI icwpr peI hoeI sI. ies afpxy kol hI rwK, svyry jf ky lY afvIN. pr sfrI KHyz ivwc Aus df iDafn sLfied Aus AUs ny ieh gwl axsuxI kr ky aiTafnI icwpr ivwc hI irhf sI. jy koeI mYnUM puwCy myry hwQ ivwc PVf idwqI. qF mYnUM ies mjLydfr supny vwcoN iksy cIjL “pr qUM afpxy kol hI ikAuN nhIN rwKdI?” dI hosL nhIN sI. mYN puwiCaf. “hF, lY lY’ kih ky mYN Ausy mMjI qy iPr bYT igaf. “lE srdfr jI jy ikDry gvfc jfvy qF asF grIbF ny ikwQoN Br ky dyxI aYN?” “Aus idn qoN ipwCoN hr iewk leI rwjvIN rotI “mYnUM ies gwl qy bVI hYrfnI hoeI ik ke- qoN ibnF hor koeI gwl myry mn ivwc KwuBxI IaF lokF nUM iek rfq leI iewk aiTafnI asMBv hoeI hoeI aY. jd kuJ lokF leI QuVF srIr dy hor sfry rsqy qy suafd bMd sFBx qoN vI zr afAuNdf hY. kr dyx qF bfkI dy lokF nUM kuJ icr hor “Aus idn qoN myrI idlcspI Aus ivwc hor gwlF bMd kr dyxIaF cfhIdIaF ny. bws, vI vD geI. Auhdy qOr qrIky qoN vI pqf afpxIaF ilKqF kdI sPfeI iwvc myry kol cwldf sI ik Auh mYnUM burf nhIN smJdI. hor koeI dlIl nhIN.” PAGE 21
The Patrika
Canada doesn't need a death tax
hese are challenging times for the Canadian economy. An unpredictable president to the south has contributed to uncertainty around NAFTA, while American business tax cuts have erased Canada's longstanding competitive tax advantage as we struggle to attract foreign investment. Even the Justin Trudeau government, which as recently as its spring budget was content to pretend all was well, finally seems to be acknowledging there's actually a problem that needs to be tackled. But how? Would you believe that against this depressing backdrop there are still those who argue that what we really need are even more taxes? That's the conclusion reached by the left-leaning Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) in a recent study. As part of a raft of new tax hikes, the CCPA proposes that Canada implement a new death tax
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
(for those who find the term off-put- that in 2016, nearly half of Canada's ting, the more genteel term is "estate 87 richest families weren't heirs to a tax" or "inheritance tax.") fortune, and that by the third generation a mere 18 per cent of the ultraInspired by the CCPA call-to-arms, rich owe their status to the simple over at the Washington Post, resident luck of having wealthy forebearers. Canadian contributor David Moscrop In other words, for the vast majorpicked up the death-tax baton and ran ity, the huge advantage of inherited with it, arguing that nothing less than wealth naturally dissipates over time, the foundation of democracy itself is and income inequality does not auat stake. "The most obscene way that tomatically perpetuate itself across wealth is made is through large-scale generations. inheritance," warns Moscrop, claiming that "passing along wealth facili- But even if the generational transfer tates the concentration of resources in argument fails, is it really so bad to the hands of the few, generation over tax deceased millionaires? After all, generation." when a rich person dies, it's not as if they can use their money. Coddled, One might protest that it's actually spoiled heirs didn't earn it. So, what's more obscene for fortunes to be made wrong with the government grabbing by using governments to block coma big piece to divvy up among us poor petition, or to suck money directly living saps who still have bills to pay? from the pockets of taxpayers. But is it really true that passing your estate To be clear: good reasons to oppose over to your kids ensures they'll stay death taxes do not include "they're well-off forever? awful for the children of the wealthy" or "we should feel extra sorry for The evidence suggests otherwise. the recently departed rich." The real Indeed, even the CCPA study shows problem with death taxes lie in what
by Aaron Wudrick, Federal Director
they do while t h e i r eventual targets are still alive. Death taxes effectively double tax these Canadians, and create strong perverse incentives against long-term saving and investment. They impose a penalty on future consumption by taxing it at a much higher rate than current consumption, meaning thrifty wealthy people who save and invest their whole lives end up paying far more tax than profligate ones who fritter theirs away. From a society-wide standpoint, this is bad: it means less economic growth, less job creation and slower improvements in living standards for all. We also need look no further than the United States to see that death
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
taxes also create a big incentive for aggressive estate planning, ensuring that wealth is allocated in less efficient (but more protected) ways. This again reduces economic growth and job creation, while simultaneously frustrating the main objective of the high-tax crowd (more revenue!) by minimizing the government's eventual take (under our existing tax code, billions in assets are parked offshore to help avoid taxes.) While it's true that Canada is currently the only G7 country without a death tax, broadening the analysis shows that the global trend has been to ditch, rather than impose, them. Australia and Norway abolished theirs in 1979 and 2014, respectively. Sweden did away with its death tax in 2004, which at its peak had been set at an eye-watering 70 per cent, and had been causing many wealthy Swedes to leave the country altogether simply to avoid high taxes.
The Patrika
raised by such taxes has been falling since the 1960s as wealthy individuals get better and better at using legal loopholes to minimize their tax burden. Finally, there's no empirical support for the assertion that the absence of a death tax in Canada is causing inequality. Post-death tax Sweden remains a relatively egalitarian country, suggesting a death tax is not a prerequisite to fostering societal equality, while the U.S. and United Kingdom, which both have death taxes, remain more unequal than death-tax-free Australia, Norway and Canada.
It's understandable that some activists, who never met a government program they didn't like, will always be on the hunt for new revenue streams to fuel an ever-expanding government. But whatever their superficial appeal, death taxes are a bad way to raise revenue, while causing And despite arguments of easy rev- major, detrimental side effects. Caenue, in OECD countries the propor- nadian policymakers should ensure tion of total government revenues they stay buried for good.
The Patrika
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Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
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The Patrika Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
From Balwant Sanghera's Desk
he Aboriginal community is fully justified in its anger and resentment against the residential schools. Thousands of children and youth were taken away from their parents and put in residential schools run by the church in order to “civilize” them. Its adverse impacts are still being felt by the Aboriginal community. Sir John A. Macdonald , Canada’s first Prime Minister (1867-1873,1878-1891) is being labelled as one of the architects of this policy .I fully empathise with the Aboriginal community about their feelings, hurts and damage inflicted on their culture and children as a result of the residential schools. Their anger and resentment about Canadian leaders like Sir John A. Macdonald are fully justified. Creation of residential schools and depriving thousands of Aboriginal children and youth of their heritage, language and culture was an ill – conceived and misguided policy.
RCMP’s Musical Ride is a world famous Canadian icon. It is a formal event showcasing the equestrian skills performed by 32 cavalry who are regular members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). The event
Residential Schools and Sir John A. Macdonald However, removing statues of spanned almost half a century. He was these historical figures as happened a visionary. Enabling and supporting in Victoria recently, may not be the Canadian Pacific Railway to very appropriate. In some places build the rail link from east to west even some schools and buildings that brought British Columbia into bearing such leaders names are being the Confederation in 1871 was due changed. We cannot change history to Macdonald’s determination. This by removing the symbols associated was also essential in building a with our leaders of the past. In other nation. Not only that, a number of words, history cannot be erased other initiatives under his leadership whether we like it or not. There is put Canada on the map. As a matter no denying the fact that Sir John A. of fact, a number of steps taken by Macdonald, despite his numerous Macdonald and his successors have flaws, shortcomings and prejudice, made Canada unique in many ways. was one of the key people in creating As such, one wrong/inappropriate the Dominion of Canada on July 1, policy should not deprive him of the 1867. Macdonald not only helped honour and respect he deserves. to create Canada but also made a commendable contribution to its Canadian history, like that of character. In polls, Macdonald has many of the other countries, is consistently been ranked as one of the full of instances where different greatest Prime Ministers of Canada. communities were treated badly, unfairly and inappropriately. In many Macdonald (1815-1891), the first cases, the succeeding governments Prime Minister of Canada was a have apologised for the actions of dominant figure of Canadian previous governments. This is the Confederation. His political career first step towards reconciliation. The RCMP Musical Ride others and enjoy the beautiful acts of opportunity for the public to experithe Ride. ence the heritage and traditions of the RCMP. The riders from every province The first official Musical Ride was held of Canada act as goodwill ambassain 1887 in Regina, known as District dors in promoting the RCMP’s image of Assiniboia at that time. Incidentally, throughout Canada and the world. later on, this city became the headquarters of RCMP Personally, I have enjoyed watching Officers’ Training The Ride on many occasions. Every Centre/The Depot. time I have found it to be amazing. Only The Ride at that time a few years ago the Musical Ride was was commanded by held at the same place in Richmond. As Inspector George in previous years a very large number Matthews. Over the past 131 years, The Ride has become extremely popular. On Sunday, AuConsequently, it was gust 19, a number featured on the Ca- of Buddhist devnadian fifty –dollar otees who pracbill of the Scenes of tise meditation Canada banknote series produced from at International Buddhist Temple 1969 to 1979. on Richmond's The RCMP Musical Ride performance Steveston Highconsists of intricate figure and drill way visited India choreographed to music. These moveCultural Centre of Canada Gurdwara ments demand the utmost control, timing and co-ordination. The Musical Nanak Niwas (8600 # 5 Road) in Ride performs in up to 50 communities Richmond . They were keen to learn across Canada between the months of about Sikhism and the Indo-Canadian May and October. It helps raise thou- community in Canada. On behalf of sands of dollars for local charities and the Management Committee, Balwant non-profit organizations. At the same Sanghera welcomed them and acted time, The Ride provides an excellent as their guide and resource person. He
recommendations contained in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission are an excellent road map towards reconciliation .Incidentally, to their credit, previous and current federal governments under Brian Mulroney, Jean Chretien, Stephen Harper and Justin Trudeau have acknowledged wrongs of the past and have apologised to all of the affected communities. Apologising to the Aboriginal community and compensating the victims of residential schools was a necessary, appropriate and noble gesture by Ottawa. Canada of 2018 is a symbol of inclusion. Its multiculturalism, respect for diversity and human rights has made it a shining example for others around the globe. Rather than removing statutes and other symbols of the past, we need to focus more on reconciliation and in making Canada even a better place to live. of adults, youth and children came out to enjoy this spectacular event. Before the big show, a very special Japanese drummers group of performers entertained the audience. That was followed by the Force’s dog squad displaying their special skills. The special guests included Richmond’s elected officials, RCMP high ranking officials as well as chief guest Her Excellency Janet Austin, Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia.
Gurdwara Visitors
is held all over Canada and worldwide. The Richmond RCMP, along with Richmond Rotary Club and Twin Oaks Farm made the Musical Ride available to the people of Richmond and area on Tuesday, August 14. Superintendent Will Ng, Officer in-Charge of the Richmond detachment of the RCMP was kind enough to invite members of the Management Committee of India Cultural Centre of Canada Gurdwara Nanak Niwas to this event. Thus, it was a pleasure for some of us to join
also answered their questions about the fifth largest religion in the world. The visitors enjoyed delicious vegetarian meal (langar). Before departing, these visitors expressed their sincere thanks and appreciation to the Management of the Gurdwara for a very warm welcome and invited them to visit the International Buddhist Temple.
The Patrika Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
The Patrika
eId mOky pRImIar df ibafn eId mOky bI sI dy mfnXog pRImIar jOn hfrgn ny ibafn idMidaF ikhf,“awj 21 agwsq eId-al-aDf dIaF KusLIaF mnfAux df idn hY ieslfm ivc ieh idn bhuq pivwqr idnF ivcoN iek idn hY aqy mwky dI hwj Xfqrf df afKrI idn hY| smUh bI[sI invfsIaF vwloN mYN dunIaF dy muslmfn vIrF BYxF nUM sLuwB kfmnfvF arpn krdf hF| ieh dUUsiraF leI kuJ cMgf krn df mOkf hY --dfn dyx df, cMgy kMm krn df, aqy loVvMdF dI shfieqf krn df idn hY| bI sI invfsIaF nUM iml ky lokF dI shfieqf krdy rihxf cfhIdf hY| eId mubfrk!
jMglI awgF kfrn bI sI Br ivc hvf hoeI dUsLq
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
swq sflf aflIaf rojLf nUM mfrn vflI mF ‘qy kql dy dosL lwgy hn swq sflf aflIaf rojLf dy mrn qoN iek mhIny mgroN lYNGlI invfsI AusdI mF ‘qy kql dy dosL lfey gey hn| 22 julfeI nUM Aus dI imrqk dyh lYNglI dy 68 aYvinAU qoN imlI sI| hux 20 agwsq nUM ientYgryitz homIsfeIz ienvYstIgysLn tIm ny Aus dI 36 sflF mF ‘qy dUsry drjy dy kql dy dosL syDq kIqy hn| 20 agwsq nUM Aus dI mF lIivjL nUM swrHI dI sUbfeI adflq ivc pysL kIqf igaf ijwQy Auh cuwp cfp KVHI rhI | vrxnXog hY ik lIvIjL afpxy pqI qoN awz rihMdI hY aqy aflIaf Aus kol rihMdI sI| ies mOq dy kfrnF df pqf lgfAux leI pwC pVqfl jfrI hY|
mfnXog pRDfn mMqrI jsitn trUzo bI sI dy awg pIVqF
bI sI ivc vwK vwK 600 QfvF ‘qy jMglI awgF lwgIaF hoeIaF | iswty vjoN sUby Br dI nUM imlxgy hvf ‘qy burf pRBfv ipaf| hr pfsy asmfn ivc DUeyN vrgI siwQqI bxI hoeI hY| lokF nUM svwC aqy sfP hvf qoN vMicq hoxf pY irhf hY| sB qoN burf pRBfv Ekfnfgn Kyqr 21 agwsq nUM pRDfn mMqrI jsitn trUzo aqy bI sI dy pRImIar jOnhfrgn dI imlxI ivc ipaf hY iojwQy lgBg 1600 iklo mItr ikMbrly dy 4500 lokF nUM afpxy Gr Cwzx hoeI ijs ivc pRDfn mMqrI ny awg pIVqF nUM imlx dI aqy sfry sUby df dOrf krn dI dI icqfvnI idwqI geI hY| KbrF hn ik ajy vrqmfn siQqI ivc suDfr hox dI afs iewCf pRgtfeI | AuMnHF ikhf,” sfzI hmdrdI awg pIVqF, PfierPfeItrF aqy AuMnHF nhIN|asmfn DuMlf hox krky vYnkUvr eyarport qoN AuzfnF kYNsl krnIaF peIaF| lokF nfl hY ijhVy sMktkflIn siQqI nfl jUJ rhy hn| ies mOky hfrgn ny ikhf ik krmcfrI ies sMkt smyN hr pwDr ‘qy iml ky kMm kr rhy hn | pRDfn mMqrI jylH ivc mOq ho jfx mgroN bI sI puils dy ingrfn nUM srkfrI ny hr sMBv shfieqf df ivsLvfsL idvfieaf| ipMs jOrj dy awg pIVq eyrIey df dOrf kridaF hfrgn ny Gbrfht/hOl df pRgtfvf kIqf| vrxnXog hYik 20,000 lokF nUM bulfieaf igaf AuMnHF dy GrF ivcoN kwZx dI icqfvnI idwqI geI hY| pYnNitktn jylH ivc iek afdmI dI mOq hox mgroN bI sI puils dy ingrfn nUM bulfieaf igaf| ieh55 sflf afdmI afrI sI aYm pI vwloN igRPqfr kIqf igaf sI ikAuNik Aus vYnkUvr puils dy sfbkf sUhIey nUM kfmuk CyV CfV dy dy ivruD igRPqfrI vfrMt sn| iek puils pRkfsLn ivc dwisaf igaf hY ik 15agwsq dos Livc jylH Byijaf igaf nUM 9 vjy svyry jdoN rutIn cYikMg ivc cuwpgVuwp vyiKaf igaf qoN Aus nUM pYrfmYizks dy afAux qwk puils aPsrF ny hosL ivc ilafAux dI kosLsL sLurU kIqI aqy iPr Aus vYnkUvr puils dy sfbkF sUhIey jymjL iPsLr ny 17 sflf lVkI aqy 21 sflf aOrq nUM hspqfl iljfieaf igaf AuwQy Aus nUM imrqk krfr idwqf igaf| hux ieMzIpYNzYNt nUM kfmuk CyV CfV dy dosL nUM kbUl kIqf ijs ‘qy adflq ny Aus nUM 20 mhIinaF leI ienvYstIgysLn dPqr GoK krygf ik kI puils vwloN amlkrn qy jF nf krn df Aus jylH Byj idwqf| Aus dy dosL ivc Brosf isLknI df dosL vI sLfml hY| 20 mhIinaF dI dI mOq nfl koeI sMBMD hY ik nhIN| kYd ivc 12 mhIny dI sjLf Brosf isLknI dI hY| Aus ny adflq ivc ikhf ik Auh ieh kukrm krn leI bhuq sLrmsfr hY| Aus dy ies mfVy vrqfAu kfrn 17 sflf lVkI Xyl ivc cInI afbfdkfrF df snmfn kIqf igaf nsLf Kfx lwg peI aqy Aus ny skUl vI Cwz idwqf| vrxnXog hY ik ieh aPsr 29 sfl Xyl ivKy cInI ibRitsL kolMbIan, Pst nysLn dy lIzr,aqy Xyl invfsI pihly cInI vYnkUvr puils ivc mfnXog aPsr irhf aqy child sex abuse ,exploitation afbfdkfrF df snmfn krn ihq lgfey gey XfdgfrI plYk df prdf cuwkx leI iekwTy and prositution dIpVqf krn vflI tIm df mYNbrr irhf | jylH qoN bfhr afAux mgroN hoey |plyk df prdf tRyz mMqrI jOrj cAu ny AuTfieaf| ieh plYk ivqkr Bry kfnUMnF Auh do sfl dI pRobysLn ‘qy rhygf| nUM sihx dy sMGrsL dI Xfd krfAuNdf hY| mMqrI ny ikhf,” mYN KusL hF ik srkfr pihly bI sI dy ivigafnIaF ny nvIN iksm dIaF cInI afbfdkfrF df snmfn kr rhI hY aqy AuMnHF vwloN pfey Xogdfn nUM snmfn sihq mDUmwKIaF pYdf kIqIaF Xfd kr rhI hY| ieh plYk cIninaF nfl hoey DwikaF bfry 2014 ivc mMgI muafPI nUM qfjLf krdf hY| pihly cInI afbfdkfr 1800ivaF dy awD ivc PRyjLr kYnyan golz rws mDUmwKIaF dI AuqpqI dy ivigafnI afien glfs df kihxf hY ik Auh vYnkUvr dy sQfnk ivc Bfg lYx leI aqy kYnyzIan pYisiPk rylvy bxfAux ivc shfieqf krn leI afey mDUmwKI pflkF nfl iml ky AuqpqI dy aijhy guxF vflIaF mDU mwKiaF pYdf krn jf rhy sn| Lrylvy df kMm pUrf hox AuprMq kuJ AuwQy hI itk gey aqy sOdfgr bx ky kimAuintI hn ijhVIaF sKq srdI ivc vI ijAUNdIaF rih skx aqy prjIvF( Parasite) dy dy QMm bxy| ieh XfdgfrI plYk cInI knyzIanF vwloN bI sI dy ivkfs ivc pfey Xogdfn pRBfv qoN mukq hox| AuMnHF ny ieh Xqn ies krky arMBy hn ikAuNik ipClIaF srdIaF nUM pRvfn krdy $1 imlIan dy ivrsy pRojYktF df iek Bfg hY| dOrfn vwzy pwDr qy mDU mwKIaF mr geIaF sn| aijhy guxF nUM bhuq sfry ivigafnI aqy mDUmwKI pflk arogqfdfiek kihMdy hn| ieh gux mDUmwKI nUM ies Xog bxf idMdy hn ik Auh bImfr lfvy nUM Cwqy dy Aus Bfg ivcoN kwZ skdI hY ijwQy rfxI mwKI ny aFzy dyxy huMdy hn| glfs ny ikhf ik buinafdI qOr qy ieh kMm psLU pflx nfl sbMDq hY | nvIN iksm dIaF mwKIaF pYdf krn ivc Gwto Gwt cfr sfl lwg skdy hn|
pfeIplfeIn df ivroD krn vfly igRPqfr kIqy ivKfvfkfrI jylH ivcoN smyN qoN pihlF Cwzy gey 15 agsq nUM pfeIplfeIn df ivroD krn vfly 7 ivKfvfkfrI iek hPqy leI jylH Byjy gey sn pr AuMnHF nUM jylH df ieh smF Kqm hox qoN pihlF hI Cwz idwqf igaf hY| Cwzygey ivKfvfkrIaF df kihxf hY Auh aprfDI nhIN hn sgoN isafsI kYdI hn| Auh afpxf ivroD jfrI rwKxgy. Xfd rhy ik mfrc qoN hux qwk 200 ivKfvfkfrI igRPqfr kIqy gey hn| ieMnHF ivKfvfkfrIaF ivc bI sI tIctjL PYzrysLn dI sfbkfpRDfn sUsnlYNbrt vI sLfml hY| AuMnHF df dfavf hY ik AuMnHF df sMGrsL vfqfvrn nUM dUsLq hox qoN rokx df sMGrsL hY| jylH ivc Byjy jfx nfl AuMnHF df ivroD mwTf nhIN pvygf| PAGE 28
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
pMcmuKI igafn pMcmuKI igafn df PlL Kyqr, sMsfrI sLkqI dI pR f pqI (gaining o f external power) huMdf hY. sMsfrI sLkqI dI Aupj BRmBRFqI ivrqI, sMdyh ivrqI aQvf vihm pRsqI df Kyqr AulIkxf huMdf hY. ijQy Brm hY AuQy BY, zr aqy sihm jYsIaF AupfDIaF df mnuwKI jIvn ivc af jfxf iek sfDfrx ijhI siQqI hI afKI jf skdI hY. ijQy prspr BY hY AuQy duqrPLI isLkvf, sLkfieq, dUsLnf, aflocnf aqy ivroDI inrxY afid jYsIaF ielfmqF jIvn df aivwCV aMg aksr bx hI jFdIaF hn. ijQy aivwidaf hY AuQy aMDyry df Cf jfxf koeI acMBy dI gwl nhIN hY. ijQy aMDyrf hovy AuQy gLfilbn, Brm-BulyiKaF df mMzp sQfpn hoxf iek suBfvk siQqI hI afKI jf skdI hY. ijQy sMdyh/Brm hovy AuQy iek dUjy dy ivruD BY dI dunIafN AulIkI jfxI iek sfDfrn gfQf hI hoie inbVdI hY. ijvyN ihMdusqfn aqy pfiksqfn dy ivckfr Aukq drsfeIaF pMjy vsqU afm hI vyKIaF jf skdIaF hn. jfxy anjfxy, gvFZI vwloN ihrdy ivc BY df AuqpMn hoxf iek aYsI durblqf hY, jo dUijaF qoN BY-BIq hox krky, sMsfrI sLkqI dI vrqoN df pRxfm, ihMsf, aprfD, Dwkf, jLulm, apivwqRqf, blfqkfrI jYsIaF nfkfrfqmk hrkqF, BYBIq hoey avfm dy jIvn df aMg bx jFdIaF hn. afp jI Aukq vfrqf ivc pVH afey hoo ik hr kIqy krm df PlL huMdf hY. Brm aqy BY nUM jIvn df afDfr bxf ky jo vI krm kIqy jfxgy, AunHF df PlL lfjLmI hI sMqfp Bogxf hovygf. ies lf-ielmI (anpVHqf) dy kfrn afpF sfry hI aqIq dy hjLfrF hI sflF qoN, prspr sMqfp idMdy aqy Bogdy af rhy hF. iek ivakqI nUM dUjf ivakqI, iek DVy nUM dUjf, dysL nUM dUjf dysL, Drm nUM dUjf Drm, sMqfp idMdf hY. ies pRsLn df AuWqr ieqnf kTn nhIN ijqnf ik asI smJdy hF. aYsI duhkrmI jIvnsLYlI df afDfr kyvl lfielmI aQvf aivwidaf df psfrf hY. afp jI ies qoN pUrbly pMinaF ivc pVH afey ho ik ivwidaf pRfpqI df arQ izgrI, izplomf jF snd pRfpq krnf nhIN hY blik ivwidaf pRfpqI df aslI mnorQ, ivsLysLqf aqy ibbkyqf aQvf jLfqI KLUbI jF gux sMpMnqf aqy dUr-aMdysLI, dfnfeI PLihmo-PLrfsq afid (Quality and Wisdom) jYsy gux huMdy hn. ijs sMsfrI ielm dy gRihx kIiqaF jIvn ivc loB lflc aqy ahMkfrI ivrqI dy bIj bIjy jfx, aYsy iBRsLtI ivdvfnF vfsqy pfvn gurbfxI df PLurmfn hY. ijvyN :
piVHaf mUrKu afKIaY ijsu lbu loBu ahMkfrf] vfsqy aiq lfjLmI hY ik koeI BfsLf iswKI jfvy. BfsLfeI Kyqr ivc inpuMnqf pRfpqI nfAu pVHIaY nfAu buJIaY gurmqI vIcfrf] ihwq, afvsLk hY ik iksy awKrI igafn dI (mfJ vfr, m: 1, pMnf 140/15) pRfpqI kIqI jfvy qfik afpF sfry hI inwjI pM c mu K I igafn dI Au p j lo B , lflc, jIvn nUM suasqavsQI bnfvn ihwq, ielm pdfrQF df pkV aqy ahMkfrI ivrqI hY. df dfierf AulIk skIey. Aukq drsfeI duinafvI sLkqI, duinafvI pdfrQF dI ivcfr df sfrMsL iehI hY ik awKrI sUJ lflsf, ienHF dI pRfpqI ihwq, dUjy sfQIaF qoN ibnF, ivwidaf df iswKxf jF isKlfAuxf nUM anykF ivDIaF duafrf dbfAuxf, bdnfm asMBv hY. awKrI igafn df ijLkr krdy krnf pMcmuKI sMsfrI ivwidaf df niKwDfqmk hoey siqgurU nfnk pfiqsLfh jI ny iek krm-Drm aqy aMjfm hY. ies pVHy-ilKy suJfAu pysL kIqf hY ijsdy afDfr’qy agMm rog df ielfj pMcmuKI igafn nhIN hY blik aqy aphuMc iKaflF dI smwgrI nUM sugMmqf ies sMsfrI ivwidaf dI sOgLfq, prspr dy Kyqr ivc pirvrq kIqf jf skdf hY. klysL, duK sMqfp, iGrxf, drd pIV, Dwkf agMmqf nUM sugMmqf ivc ies dy ivpRIq aqy brbfdI jYsIaF iBRsLtI khfxIaF dI sugMmqf nUM agMmqf ivc privrq krn amUk dfsqF hI pysL krdf hY. gLrjLyik, dI sMigaf hI srbmuKI igafn hY, ijd sf iehI asfzf inqfpRiq jIvn hY. iehI Auh afrMB awKrI igafn qoN huMdf hY. ijvyN : niKwDfqmk ivrfsq hY jo asIN BivwK ivc asMK nfv asMK Qfv] afvx vflLIaF nslF nUM sONpxI hY. kI asIN agMm agMm asMK loa] koeI sfkfrqmk sMBfvnf rwK skdy hF ik asfzIaF BivwK ivc afvx vflIaF nslF asMK khih isir Bfru hoie] ienHF iBRsLtI kItfxUaF qoN surwiKaq rih aKrI nfmu aKrI sflfh] skx? ies jLulfmq df shI aqy vfijb aKrI igafnu gIq gux gfh] aAuKD srbmuKI igafn dy afsry kIqf jf aKrI ilKxu bolxu bfix] skdf hY. ijvyN, pMcmuKI igafn df afDfr, pMj igafn ieMdRIaF hn, ijnHF ivc aKrf isir sMjogu vKfix] ijin eyih ilKy iqsu isir nfih] 1—idRsLtI jo awKIaF duafrf pkVI jFdI hY. 2—sRvx sRoq jo kMnf dy afsry gRihx kIqI jFdI hY. 3—gMD jo nfiskf duafrf sugMDI aqy durgMDI, jIvn dyx vflI hvf jF mfrU gYsF df inrxY krdI hY. 4—rs jo rsnf dy afsry iBMn iBMn pRkfr dy rsF ksF df iemiqafjL (vKryvF) pRgt krdI hY. 5—sprsL sLkqI jo, qucf jF cmVI dy afsry mfxI jFdI hY. ijvyN mOsm df vKryvF, sMBog rs afid cmVI duafrf hI mfxy jf skdy hn. pMcmuKI igafn qoN Aupr igafn dI iek hor mMjLl hY ijs dI sMigaf srbmuKI igafn hY. srbmuKI igafn pMcmuKI igafn vFgUM, srbmuKI igafn dI pRfpqI vfsqy vI pRQm kdm ivwidaf pRfpqI hY. ielm iek aYsI pOVI hY ijs dy sy jLIinaF’qy cVHn krky, afqmk jigafsU jLmInI Drfql qoN AuWT ky afsmfnI Kyqr ivc pRvysL krdf hY. jLIinaF’qy cVHn dI ivDI, awKrF dy afsry pfvn gurbfxI df pVHnf, vIcfrnf, jIvn ivc Zflxf aqy jIvn nUM sMvfrnf hY. ienHF cfr ikRafvF df afDfr ivwidaf pRfpqI hY. ivwidaf pRfpqI
ijv Prumfey iqv iqv pfih] jyqf kIqf qyqf nfAu] ivxu nfvY nfhI ko QfAu]
sMqf isMG qfqly
vfihgurU aqy Aus dI kudrq pRiq jfxkfrI vI awKrF duafrf hI pRfpq kIqI jf skdI hY. awKrF duafrf hI Aus dI vizafeI dy gIq (kIrqn) aqy guxF dI jfxkfrI pRfpq kIqI jf skdI hY. awKrF duafrf hI vfihgurU dI bfxI df ilKxf aqy bolxf vI smiJaf aqy smJfieaf jFdf hY. awKrF dy afsry hI jIvF dy isr AuWqy (jIvF dy ijLMmy) vfihgurU df imlfp (sMjog) AulyKn kIqf jf skdf hY. ijs vfihgurU ny ieh awKr ilKy hn Aus dy isr AuWqy koeI lyKf nhIN hY. ijvyN ijvyN Auh vfihgurU hukm krdf hY iqvyN hI sMsfrI jIv (awKrF dy rfhIN) Aus dy nfvF QfvF, isPiqsflfh dy gIqF aqy guxF dI pRsMsf (kQf duafrf) krdy hn.
jo kuJ vfihgurU ny ricaf hY ieh sB kuJ Aus df nfAuN, Bfv, Aus df srUp hY. Aus arQ: (vfihgurU dI rcI hoeI kudrq ivc dy nfm qoN ibnF Bfv Aus dy srUp qoN ibnf jIvF dy aqy hor vsqUaF dy) anykF hI nfAuN koeI vI sQfn nhIN hY. (Bfv, Auh vfihgurU inwjI rcnf dy hr jLwry jLwry ivc ivafpk aqy itkfxy hn. ho irhf hY, Aus dI ivafpkqf nUM smJxf anykF hI lok aQvf Bvn hn ijnHF qk hI srbmuKI igafn hY. asfzI rsfeI nhIN ho skdI. (jo pRfxI ienHF df lyKf-joKf krn ihwq) asMK (sMiKaf vfihgurU dI rcnf ivwcoN jo mnuwKf jnm hY, qoN rihq) sLbdF dI vrqoN krdy hn AunHF ieh sfrIaF qoN sLRomxI rcnf hY. dUjI rcnf dy isr AuWqy Bfr huMdf hY (Bfv, asMK dy qul, ies nUM bhuq kuJ vfihgurU dI dfiq sLbd duafrf vI Aus dy nfvF aqy QfvF dI vjoN pRfpq hY. iehI ivsLysL kfrn hY ik ieh ivafiKaf nhIN ho skdI). jo pRfxI asMK afpxy kIqy krmF pRiq ijMLmyvfr hY. ijQy sLbd dI vrqoN krdy hn AunHF dy isr Bfr ies nUM pMj igafn ieMdRIaF dI pRfpqI hY, ijnHF dy afsry pMcmuKI igafn df afrMB huMdf hY (Bfv Auh gLlq hn). huMdf hY. ies qoN ielfvf ies nUM iqMn vsqUaF (ilhfjLF, vfihgurU dI rcnf df lyKf-joKf hor mn, buwDI aqy surqI jYsIaF dfqF vI krn ihwq, asMK sLbd dI vrqoN krnI vI iek qohPy vjoN pRfpq hn. srbmuKI igafn dosL hY) pRMqU, Auh vfihgurU df nfm awKrF dI ivafiKaf qoN pihlF aiq lfjLmI hY ik duafrf hI Xfd kIqf jFdf hY. Aus dI pRsMsf sMKyp qOr’qy ienHF iqMnF cIjLF dI ivafiKaf kIqI jfvy. vI awKrF dy rfhIN hI kIqI jf skdI hY. (jpu, pMnf 4/7)
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
hfV sMkRFqI
joiqS, Eqy Eqy 604-751-0220 kro
myK – pyt dI KrfbI, sQfn bdlx df Xog, afmdn qoN vD Krcf, imwqrF qoN mdd, sMqfn qy iesqrI qoN icMqF, kfrobfr TIk rhy. julfeI 22,23,24, agsq 1,2,3,10,11, asLuwB.
A sudden turnaround of events connected to what has been an important priority could be a bit of a shock. You need to consider the true satisfaction level of late and if that is not so great then making a dramatic change is unlikely to be that bad. Only take directions that will benefit you financially and not risk future security.
It will be impossible to let dissatisfaction with any situation involving officials, those who have authority or too much that is expected of you to take charge of, continue down the path it has been taking. You have to stop worrying and be prepared to stand up for what you can see will be more sensible solutions for the future.
ibRK – pyt gYs rog nfl pRysLfnI, BrfvF df suK, imqrF nfl myl imlfp, sMqfn icMqf, iesqrI suK, kfrobfr ivwc suDfr, mhIny dy aMq ivwc Krcf aiDk. julfeI 16, 17,25,26,agsq 4,5,12,13 asLuwB.
imQun – gupq icMqf, afriQk siQqI ivwc suDfr, inwjI lokF df sihXog, sMqfn ksLt iesqrI suK, mhIny dy aMq ivwc pRysLfnI vDy. julfeI 18,19,27,28,29, agsq 6,7,14,15 asLuB.
isMG – cmVI df rog, afmdn qoN vwD Krcf, nvIaF XojnfvF qoN lfB, rfj drbffr qoN sfvDfn rihx dO loV. julfeI 22, 23, 24, agsq 1,2,3,10,11 asLuwB.
kMinaf – ishq TIk rhygI, sLnI df dfn kro, Dn lfB qy Krcf brfbr, iesqrI pwK qoN KusLI, ividafrQIaF leIN mMgl df dfnkrnf sLuwB, julfeI 16,17,25,26 agsq 4,5,12,13 asLuwB hovygI.
7 qulf- sbr qoN kMm lvo, GrylU JgiVaF qoN dUr rho, Dn lfB hovygf, dusLmx AuBr ky sfhmxy afAuxgy, svfrI aqy jfiedfd df pUrf suK imlygf, kfrobfr TIk rhygf. julfeI 18,19,27,28,29 agsq 6, 7, 14,15 asLuwB hovygI.
ibRsLick – Kun dI KrfbI nfl pRysLfnI rhygI, Dn lfB hoky vI hfnI df Xog hY. Xfqrf TIk rhygI, imwqrF df suK pRfpq hovygf, sMqfn dI icMqf, iesqrI suK, kfrobfr TIk rhygf. julfeI 20,21,30,31, agsq 8,9,16 asLuwB.
DnU- gYs ivkfr nfl pRysLfnI, sMqfn pwKoN icMqf, gupq sLqrU qoN sfvDfn rho, kMm bdlx jF sQfn bdlx df ivcfr bxygf. julfeI 22, 23, 24, agsq 1,2,3,10,11 asLuwB
10 mkr – ishq TIk rhygI, rfj drbfr qoN lfB, imwqrF BrfvF nUM ksLt, iesqrI pwKoN lfB hovygf, kfrobfr ibvwc qrwkI hovygI. julfeI 16,17,25,26 agsq 4,5,12,13 asLuwB hovygI.
11 kuMB – jmIn jfiedfd JgVy isrdrdI bxxngy. Afpxy lokF nfl anbx hovygI, sLqrU pRBfvsLflI hoxgy, svfrI qoN swt df Kqrf rhygf, kfrobfr TIk rhygf, julfeI 18,19,27,28,29 agsq 6, 7, 14,15 asLuwB hovygI.
mIn – Dn hfnI df zr, gupq icMqf rhygI aqy pRysLfnI, sMqfn qoN KusLI suwK pRfpqI df Xog hY, iesqrI ksLt, afmdn qoN vD Krcf rhy. julfeI 20,21,30,31, agsq 8,9,16 asLuwB.
Somebody else could provide a completely different perspective on either a decision you have already made or information you have gathered in order to make a choice. Rethinking the financial side of things could be wise between now and mid August. You may discover previous financial advice may not be the best direction to take.
You could find yourself in a position where you will need to pause for thought and this is likely to be generated by sudden changes of direction that somebody else either takes or wants to take. It may bring out a side of them you have not seen before. As difficult as it might be, it is better for you to wait and see what develops.
Stay focussed on yourself and maintaining a peaceful situation in your surroundings. Don’t allow someone else to project uncertainly into your life with the result that you become a slave to sorting out their issues. There is a lot building up behind the scenes and it will take some time yet for what it all means to surface.
You can find yourself back in situations with people from the past that involves drama in some way. The difference now is that they need to accept that something cannot be maintained and this can lower a degree of arrogance they may have previously displayed. Don’t feel you have to be rushed. Contemplate carefully.
Rebellion of others can put you under a great deal of pressure when it comes to structuring matters as you have been setting out to do. Like it or not, you will have to rethink commitments from now to mid August that you were settled with. You might have to accept that your priorities are not necessarily those of others.
More innovative ways of planning future goals could emerge in a surprising or unexpected manner. This can cause you to be hesitant when it comes to making changes to present ideas or information. Be prepared to review things to mid August. Solutions can arise with commitments you felt unclear about as well.
Sit tight when it comes to finances and certainly don’t take any risks that you might be advised to do. Some changes might take place that you cannot control but do not set out to sort things out for someone else. You are in a powerful position to maintain a balanced position in the long term by not responding to unknowns.
The Lunar Eclipse this week falls in your sign while linking to Mars. This can turn many things around on a personal level in the next 6 months that will require you to fight for your rights. You can be dealing with dominant personalities but you should not let this deter you if what they are demanding in not in your interests.
On one level you can be dealing with others that pleases you in that they seem to be in tune with your priorities. You could also sense there are other situations building up that are quite the opposite. This can have an effect on regular routines. You are lucky your sense will be warning you but you will have to wait for things to surface.
krk- ishq TIk rhygI, acfnk ksLt aqy zr, Dn lfB hovygf. BfeI bMDUaF df sihXog pRfpq hovygf Xfqrf ivwc ksLt, sMqfn qy iesqrI pwKoN KusLI pRfpq hovygI. julfeI 20,21,30,31, agsq 8,9,16 asLuwB.
You could start to have second thoughts about something you thought you had come to a final decision over. Going back over things will be the best strategy from now to mid August. Maintaining harmony at the basis of things that can include family matters is most important. There cannot be doubts about obligations.
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
Kflsf dIvfn susfietI vloN: jLrUrI sUcnf gurduafrf sfihb Kflsf dIvfn susfietI dy sfry mYNbrF nUM sUicq kIqf jFdf hY ik kmytI dI jo spYsLl mIitMg 26 agsq 2018 nUM hoxI sI, puils dI hdfieq aqy surwiKaf nUM muwK rwKidaF rwd kIqI geI hY. aglI mIitMg dI pUrI jfxkfrI aKbfr rfhIN aqy noits borz rfhIN idwqI jfvygI.
ÖÅñÃÅ çÆòÅé ùÃÅÇÂàÆ, ÁËìàÃë¯ðâ
33094 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 2A9 Ph: (604) 850-7338, Fax (604) 854-1165, e-mail: 1[
hr aYqvfr nUM svyry 10 vjy qoN dupihr 12 vjy qwk myn drbfr hfl ivwc ivsLysL dIvfn sjfey jFdy hn.
hryk sMgrFd vfly idn smUh sMgqF vloN hYrItyjL gurduafrf sfihb ivKy sRI sihj pfT sfihb dy Bog AuprMq 10 vjy qoN 12 vjy qwk kIrqn, kQf aqy ZfzI vfrF df gfien kIqf jFdf hY. sLfm nUM 5:45 qoN 7:45 vjy Kflsf dIvfn sosfietI dy myn hfl ivwc kQf, kIrqn aqy ZfzI drbfr huMdy hn. sMgqF
DMnvfd sihq, pRbMDk kmytI
More Families to Reunite in Canada
overnment of Canada to improve application intake system and accept more sponsorship applications for parents and grandparents To help reunite even more parents and grandparents with their families in Canada, today, the Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, announced that the Government of Canada will accept up to 20 000 applications for the sponsorship of parents and grandparents, in 2019. This is 4 times the number of applications accepted when the program reopened in 2014, when the cap was set at 5000 applications.
pRqI bynqI hY ik donoN vkq gurbfxI kIrqn sux ky jIvn sPl bxfE jI. 3[
hr aYqvfr vfly idn bIbIaF vloN gurduafrf sfihb dy Auprly hfl (qIjI Plor) ivwc dupihr 12[30 vjy qoN 4[00 vjy qwk sMgqI rUp 'c sRI suKmnI
hYrItyj gurduafrf sfihb ivKy hr mMglvfr qy vIrvfr nUM Xogf dIaF klfsF sLfm 7[00 qoN 9[00 vjy qwk lgfeIaF jFdIaF hn.
hYrItyj gurduafrf sfihb drbfr hfl ivKy hr sLnIvfr nUM sLfm 6 qoN 8 vjy qwk ismrn huMdf hY. ismrn krky afpxf jIvn sPl kro.
hYrItyj gurduafrf sfihb (imAUjIam hfl) ajfieb Gr sMgqF dy drsLnF leI hr rojL svyry 9[00 qoN sLfm 5[00 vjy qwk KoilHaf jFdf hY.
gurduafrf Kflsf dIvfn sosfietI ivKy iswK ieiqhfs dI jfxkfrI leI lfiebRyrI sQfpq kIqI geI hY. sMgqF vwD qoN vwD lfB AuTfE jI.
pMjfbI dIaF klfsF gurduafrf sfihb ivKy hr sLnIvfr aqy aYqvfr nUM 9 vjy qoN 11 vjy qwk lgfeIaF jFdIaF hn.
sfihb jI dy pfT huMdy hn.
pRB kf ismrnu sB qy AUcf..
sUcnfvF:- mhIny ivwc hr vIrvfr nUM grBvqI aOrqF vfsqy klfsF lgfeIaF jFdIaF hn ijs ivwc Kfx pIx qy Kurfk vfsqy jfxkfrI vI idwqI jFdI hY.
hYwz gRMQI BfeI suKdyv isMG luiDafxy vfly
kQf vfck BfeI hrjIq isMG nfBy vflf
2[ hr vIrvfr nUM 10 vjy qoN 12 vjy dupihr nUM ishq bfry jfxkfrI idwqI jFdI hY ijs ivwc bwcy, jvfn aqy bjLurg vI sLfml ho skdy hn. moinkf 604-308-8216
rfgI jQf
ZfzI jQf
BfeI blivMdr isMG ktfxf sfihb vfl BfeI hrijMdr isMG ryrU sfihb vfly y
BfeI goivMdr isMG jYpurf vfly
hYrItyj guruGr sRI sihj pfT dI syvf
BfeI gurjIq isMG
êz¯×ðÅî Minister Hussen also announced that, as a result of listening to stakeholders and closely examining the PGP Program, the government is making further changes to the application intake process that will streamline access to the program and improve client experience.
Using this modified intake process will give the government more flexThis decision to increase the number ibility in the application process, of applications that Immigration, ensuring that we receive as many Refugees and Citizenship Canada applications as possible. (IRCC) will accept for processing is a result of continually high demand in In 2019, as in previous years, the the Parents and Grandparents (PGP) Interest to Sponsor form will be availProgram and the fact that we have able online, at the beginning of the significantly reduced the inventory year, so eligible potential sponsors of applications. The inventory has can let IRCC know they wish to spondropped from a peak of 167 000 sor their parents and grandparents to people, in 2011, to just under 26 000 come to Canada. However, instead of randomly selecting the sponsors to people, in June 2018. apply, we will invite them to submit After increasing the 2018 cap to 17 an application to sponsor their parents 000 complete applications, IRCC and grandparents based on the order sent a second round of invitations to in which we receive their Interest randomly selected potential sponsors to Sponsor forms. This process will who submitted an Interest to Sponsor continue until we reach the 2019 cap form in early 2018. Those invited to of 20 000 complete applications. the second round have until October 5, 2018, to submit a complete ap- Further details of these improvements to the system will be announced this plication. fall.
agsq-24 sLukrvfr, anMd kfrj dI rsm hrnyk isMG lflI dy pRIvfr vloN. agsq-25 sLnIvfr, anMd kfrj dI rsm brkpfl isMG gryvfl dy pRIvfr vloN. agsq-25 sLnIvfr, arMB sRI sfihj pfT sfihb jI gRih ivKy syvf suKdyv isMG qUr dy pRIvfr vloN. agsq-25 sLnIvfr, Bog sRI sfihj pfT sfihb jI gRih ivKy syvf jsvys isMG mfn, sonIaf kOr mfn dy pRIvfr vloN. agsq-25 sLnIvfr, suKmnI sfihb jI dy pfT gRih ivKy syvf gurivMdr isMG iswDU dy pRIvfr vloN. agsq-25 sLnIvfr, suKmnI sfihb jI dy pfT gRih ivKy syvf gurjMt isMG brfV dy pRIvfr vloN. agsq-26 aYqvfr, Bog sRI sfihj pfT sfihb jI gurU Gr ivKy syvf bldyv isMG brfV dy pRIvfr vloN. agsq-30 vIrvfr, anMd kfrj dI rsm gurmIq kOr igwl dy pRIvfr vloN. agsq-31 sLukrvfr, anMd kfrj dI rsm drsn bsMqI dy pRIvfr vloN. sqMbr-1 sLnIvfr, sLfm dy lMgrF dI syvf hrijMdr isMG brfV dy pRIvfr vloN. sqMbr-3 somvfr, anMd kfrj dI rsm ibwtU isMG iZwloN dy pRIvfr vloN. sqMbr-5 buDvfr, suKmnI sfihb jI dy pfT gRih ivKy syvf amndIp kOr dy pRIvfr vloN. sqMbr-7 sLukrvfr, anMd kfrj dI rsm kulivMdr isMG sMGf dy pRIvfr vloN. sqMbr-7 sLukrvfr, afrMB sRI afKMz pfT sfihb jI gurU Gr ivKy bwbrf dI Xfd ivc syvf suwcf isMG QFdI dy pRIvfr vloN. sqMbr-8 sLnIvfr, anMd kfrj dI rsm hrnyk isMG DflIvfl dy pRIvfr vloN. sqMbr-8 sLnIvfr, suKmnI sfihb jI dy pfT gRih ivKy syvf blivMdr isMG brfV dy pRIvfr vloN. sqMbr-8 sLnIvfr, sLfm dy lMgrF dI syvf divMdr isMG iZwloN dy pRIvfr vloN. sqMbr-9 aYqvfr, Bog sRI afKMz pfT sfihb jI gurU Gr ivKy bwbrf dI Xfd ivc syvf suwcf isMG QFdI dy pRIvfr vloN. sqMbr-9 aYqvfr, sLfm dy lMgrF dI syvf cmkOr isMG iswDU dy pRIvfr vloN.
sMprk kro: mIq pRDfn Bjn isMG qUr: 604-832-7777 sYktrI, jiqMdr isMG igwl (hYpI igwl): 1-604-832-4000 zfierYktr qrsym isMG idafl: 1-778-552-4466
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
brsfq afeI
sfDF nUM mwQf tykdIey
s: igafn isMG kotlI suwKxF swuKky msq PkIr BOrF, qyeIey vFg pMjfb srkfr kMbdI,
gurbcn kOr iZwloN sfDF nUM mwQf tykdIey, kI mMgdI eyN qUM puwq kuVy.
ijhdy dId leI swDrF vfrIaF ny.
lwgy morcy dyK akflIaF dy.
ijhdy jobn qy ho mdhosL pOxF,
mrn imwtI ey cVHI afsfmIaF nUM,
mihkF kudrq dI JolLI iKlfrIaF ny.
kihr vrqdy Auwqy bMgflIaF dy.
kI BYVy supny afAuNdy ny, jF blLdI dyKI awg kuVy.
gf gf ky ijhdy leI pMCIaF ny,
idwsy cIn dI awK BI hoeI kihrI,
jF DI qyrI df sFeIN nI, igaf bUhy qyry Cwz kuVy.
iswkF rwj ky idloN AuqfrIaF ny.
idlIM AuWiTaf KOP inpflIaF dy.
ijhdy sLOk c sLoK juafnIaF ny,
eyDr kyNdr dy ivwc PqUr micaf
jF sfeIN qyrf rihMdf ey, pI dfrU sdf Duwq kuVy.
sfDF dy zyry rOxk hY, inq KIrF pUVy pwkdy ny.
pINGF arsL qoN pry AulfrIaF ny.
rMg ZMg nUM vyK hVqflIaF dy.
Zyro Zyr cVHfvf cVHdf ey, nfly lMgr bYTy Ckdy ny.
ijhdy dr qoN aOVF dy mfiraF nUM,
dyK amn df KUn ieh ikvyN khIey,
sMqF df pIhVf rMglf ey, bYT idMdy ny AupdysL kuVy.
iswDI arsL qoN koeI sugfq afeI.
sfzI KusLI qy koeI pRBfq afeI.
Auho Drq nUM sonf bnfAux vflI,
Puwt dyK ky vIrF dI eykqf ivwc,
lokF afiKaf Pyr brsfq afeI.
ikvyN afKIey suhxI brsfq afeI. qyrI sLrDf bVI azol kuVy, qyrf XkIn koeI gwl suxdf nf.
aYpr idsdI mYnUM qy vwKrI hI,
hr pfsy hI jdoN ey kihr koeI,
JfkI kihr dI eys bhfr aMdr.
ikvyN KusLI dy jsLn mnf leIey?
idsy iBwjdf ikqy mjLdUr nMgf,
dyK vqn dy KUn nUM Puwt pINdI,
sux inscy Btkx muwk jfvy, qyry muwkx sB klysL kuVy.
bwicaF nUM BuwKf rwK ky qy, qyrf duwD zolnf KuMJdf nf. qyrI ihkVI ey XkIn BrI, qUM KVI azol XkIn krI.
Puwt pfQ qy sry bfjLfr aMdr.
roNdy idlF nUM ikvyN hsf leIey?
qUM lgdI eyN axBol bVI, mqF zuwl jfvy nf Jol BrI.
koeI idsdf kihr ey ZfiraF leI,
lwgI ipafr qy eyky dI qyh sfnUM,
sfDF dy zyry afAux nfl, kI sMsy ho gey dUr kuVy.
JVIaF lMmIaF dI Dfrodfr aMdr.
KUn pI ky ikvyN buJf leIey?
idsy jwt dI iksmq BI ruVHI jFdI,
AulJI PrsL dI qfxI ey jdoN sfzI,
sLUkF mfrdy hVHF dI mfr aMdr.
ikvN arsL dy sohly gf leIey?
Br leI Jol qUM KusLIaF nF, qUM ho geI nUro nUr kuVy. mYnUM lgdf ey rfhoN Btk geI, ieh kUVo kUV dIaF ijLwdF ny.
kxIaF nhIN eyh kihr dy hMJUaF nUM eyh kuJ sfhmxy dyK ky ikvyN khIey, asIN apnf inscf Cwz ky qy, kI AuDr kI qy ikwdF ny. hoxI Jol c lY afPfq afeI.
sfzy vfsqy KusLI dI dfq afeI?
mYnUM jfpdf prlo df rUp koeI,
ijs dI iPjLf coN hMJU hI tpkdy ny,
AuNJ kihx nUM BfvyN brsfq afeI.
kohy jyhI ey Blf brsfq afeI?
mINh dI ruwqy tolI bMnH ky, aMbF bfgIN jfxf,
aMb jfmx
twp twp igrdy aMbF nUM asIN tokrIaF ivwc pfxf tpkf, pYwlI qy koeI lMgVf, klmI qy koeI motf koeI kwtx koeI cUpx vfly, ieh hY ruwq df Kfjf ies vrgf koeI PlL nf dUjf ieh sBnF df rfjf aMb Kfx qoN ipwCoN sfry, pINdy kwcI lwsI
sfDF dy zyry afAux nfl, nf sMsy huMdy dUr kuVy. swcy nfm ibn BtkyN peI, iZwloN kr sbr sbUr kuVy. susLIl kOr kuC mUMh afpxy pf lYNdy kuJ pYrF Qwly iPsx
rFey jfmx jhI hornf koeI, ieh jfmx ptrfxI hux vI Xfd jdoN af jfvy mUMh Br afvy pfxI imwTy rs ivwc Biraf guwdf, kflLI sLfh qy motI vyKx ivwc ieh golL mtolI igtk hY ies dI CotI
hrlIn sonf mYN Aus diraf dy kMZy qy ijs ivckfr myrf bylI, kdy bih jfvF kdy KlovF AuzIkF aihsfs krF mYN iekwlI, bylI vy bylI hr iewk pl myry leI iewk phylI. iewk axjfx rfh myry vwl qwkdI krdI myry nfl aTKylI; kI krF……kI krF??? AuwTF …bih jfvF iPr AuwTF nwT ky Pirafd krF “hy dfqf kIqf kI sI ksUr qyrI ies shylI???”
gjLl zf: surjIq pfqr kI dwsIey hfl pMjfb df kI dwsIey hfl pMjfb df Aus sLrP dy surK gulfb df Aus awD coN tuwty gIq df Aus ivCVI hoeI rbfb df EQy kuwKF hoeIaF kwc dIaF EQy bwcIaF musLikl bcdIaF jo bcx Auh awg ivwc mcdIaF ijAuN tukVf hoey kbfb df asIN Kyq jo KusLIaF bIjIaF bx KudkusLIaf ikAuN AuWgIaF ieh ruwq hY ikhVy qOr dI ieh mOsm iks ihsfb df asIN sfjLIN qfrF kwsIey ies rfq nUM idn ivwc pltIey
pyt ivwc nHIN gVbV huMdI kihMdI qfeI jwsI.
corI iCwpy zflLI PV ky dyxf jf hlUxf
kolL hI jfmn dy ruwK AuwqoN, kflLIaF jfmxF izgx
zMzf PV mflI ny sfnUM gflF kwZ dVOxf.
jy suhbq imlLy hjLUr dI jy hovy hukm jnfb df..
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
zf: gurBjn igwl idl dy bUhy KolH ky myrI qpdI rUh nUM Tfrdf.
iksy aihsfs df buwlf myry ivwc zoldf quiraf
Auh bx ky rih gey ibMdU ijnHF ny
awDI rfqIN supny dy ivwc ikhVf vfjF mfrdf.
qy myry idl dIaF guMmnfm prqF Poldf quiraf
aQfh asmfn qIkr PYlxf sI
suwq AunINdI BIV dy aMdr iewko ichrf jfg irhf,
ikqy ikrcF’c nMgy pYr vI mYN sMBl ky cwilaf
jy nf afAuNdf qUM eynI qFG krky
isr qy icwtI cuMnI BfvyN, iPr vI nhIEN hfrdf.
qy ikDry mKmlI rfhF’qy vI mYN zoldf quiraf
mYN pl-pl krky ieMj hI bIqxf sI
mYN qYnUM imlx qoN pihlF koeI byafs bUtf sI
idsLf myrI smuMdr vwl ikAuN hoeI
qy iml ky rUh dIaF klIaF nUM hwQIN KolHdf quiraf
ajy mYN sVidaF’qy brsxf sI
clo eynf bhuq hY mYN qyry qwk phuMicaf qF hF
hr iewk mYlLI njLr dy nflL kuJ kuJ iqVkdf sLIsLf
mY BfvyN DVkdy hr pl’c qYnUM toldf quiraf
qy mYlyL aks nUM sIny d lihxoN rokdf sLIsLf
keI siPaF dy myry KLq nUM Auh pVHdf igaf eydF
iksy dy sfhmxy af jfx’qy hY DVkdf sLIsLf
ik hr iewk hrPL nUM njLrF dy pYrIN rolLdf quiraf
KLud apxy aks nUM horF dy aMdr vyKdf sLIsLf
iqry sLIsLy nUM pwQr afKxf sI
myrI rUh dy jdoN sB dfgL Aus prqwK kr idwqy
mYN vI eys glLI dy iwvcoN, cuwp kIqy lMG jfxf sI,
mYN qyrf jLbq hI bws prKxf sI
mYN awKF mIt ky roieaf ik pfgl ho igaf sLIsLf
vkq guafcf jy nf mYnUM ipwCoN vfjF mfrdf.
ajy afpy coN ho ky lMGxf sI
iksy ichry’qy icMqf hY, iksy’qy KLOP df sfieaf
mfr mymxy Èyr khfAuxf
ajy mYN afp jIa ky vyKxf sI
anykF hfdsy inwq apxy aMdr sFBdf sLIsLf
bcf lYNdf mYN KuLd nUM zuwbxy qoN
iksy nUM nIJ lfey qoN vI Ausdf aks nf idisaf
ajy lihrF ny kuJ pl atkxf sI
qF Ausny soicaf eyho ik sLfied mr igaf sLIsLf
iqry qwk ieMj hI mYN phuMc jFdf
nf ieAuN sfkfr kr sYaF ku tukVy myry aMdr dy
mYN afpy nUM Klfa ivwc Golxf sI
imry sfhvyN nf af hwQF’c lY ky iqVikaf sLIsLf
smyN dy JwKV ivwc
qYnUM vyKx sfr myry ichry qy rOxk af jfvy, tfhxI hrI kcUr dy Auwqy, ichrf ijAuN gulnfr df. ivCVn vyly qUM qF mYQoN vfps sB kwuJ lY geI sI, ikdF cyqy rwKdf jy nf, rUh ivwc nksL Auqfrdf. icVIaF vflLI mOq gMvfrF Kfqr jIkUM hfsf hY, ijLMdgI nfl mjLfk krdf, hr vrkf aKbfr df. mfrUQl ivwc rfq peI jd, cfr cuPyry hnHyrf sI, ilsLkxhfr bryqI Auwqy ikwdF iksLqI qfrdf?
kulvIr isMG zfnsIvfl mfr mymxy Èyr khfAuxf,iswKI nhIˆ pwgfˆ bMnH ky pwgfˆ lfhuxf,iswKI nhIˆ mwJfˆ qy bwkry JtkfAuxf,iswKI nhIˆ Èsqr Auwqy lhU lgfAuxf, iswKI nhIˆ afpxy pwilEˆ Krc ky GoVy rwKIdy
mndIp igwl ikwDry buwq igrfey, ikwDry lgfey jfˆdy ny, ieMJ hI lokI muwidaf qoˆ Btkfey jfˆdy ny[
mMgl isMG brfV smyN dy JwKV ivwc Xfro myrI aYsI hoNd guaFcI myrf Gr puwCdf iPrdf hY myrf hI isrnfvF.
iksy jwt dI Psl gvfAuˆxf,iswKI nhIˆ
nfm lY ky Bgvfn df qy kdy ÈYqfn df Xfro,
ivhly bih ky iZwz GumfAuxf,iswKI nhIˆ
afpixafˆ qoˆ apxy hI mrvfey jfˆdy ny[
ijAuNidaF myry afpixaF ny hwQIN vwZIaF CfvF.
guMzy bx kbjLy dbfAuxf,iswKI nhIˆ
kOx jgfAU dyÈ myry dI soeI jnqf nUM,
buwDI lwK smJfAuNdI rihMdI’afpxf iPr vI afpxf”
eyQy qfˆ PirÈqy vI sUlI qy cVHfey jfˆdy ny?
ivMnHy, AucVy lIrF hoey idl nUM ikvyN mnfvF?
lokfˆ nUM supny idKf ky bihsLq coˆ hUrfˆ dy,
zOr BOrIaF awKF dy koieaF ivwc awQrU suwky,
iPr Drm dy nfˆ `qy dMgy BVkfey jfˆdy ny [
isskIaF swDrF glLy lgf ky hOikaF nUM vrcfvF.
myry dyÈ nUM luwitaf hY BYVy isafsqdfnfˆ ,
DrqI ruwsI, qfry dusLmx, sUrj vYrI hoieaf,
zOilLafˆ Auwqy KMzy vfhOxf,iswKI nhIˆ
jumly suxf Xfro votr Brmfey jfˆdy ny [
idn cVHdy nflL dy jFdF hY isivaF df isrnfvF.
nfnk afiKaf ikrq kmf ky KfeIdf
kdr nf eyQy igwl kry koeI iensfnfˆ dI,
pfty buwlH qy Auqry ichry, awKF hyT GrflLF,
zfnsIvflIaf mMg mMg Kfxf,iswKI nhIˆ
aYpr pwQrfˆ nUM Bojn krvfey jfˆdy ny
awj kwlH swjxf myry ipMz df, eyho hY isrnfvF.
bfxI pVH ky rwb nfl surq lgfeIdI pI ky BMgfˆ isr GmfAuxf,iswKI nhIˆ kOmfˆ leI qfˆ KMzy vfhxy pYˆdy af
mOq myrI qy sB bygfny BuwbF mfr ky roey,
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
iZwzF’coN iZwz pRo:surjIq isMG ‘bDysLf’
amrIkf ivwc pMjfh sfl rihx qoN bfad mYN qy myry cfr sfQI jd pMjfb afpxy ipMzy phuMcy qF sfzy sfiraF dy iZwz bhuq vwzy sn. pYrF Bfr bYT ky jMgl nhIN sI kr skdy, gYls qoN ibnF pYNt nf rihxI, KVHy ho ky nhfAuxf. AudoN gogV vflLy nUM vwzy krmF vflf, DnI, Dnfz, bMdf smiJaf jFdf sI. myrf iZwz AunHF sfiraF qoN vwzf hox krky mYnUM lok bhuqf amIr smJdy sI. myry moty iZwz nUM dyK ky psU zrky dOV jfxy, juafk roNdy hwsx lwg pYxy. idnF ivc hI myry afpxy ipMz, gvFZI ipMzf aqy irsLqydfrF ivc myrI iewjLq bhuq vwD geI. ivafhF sLfdIaF qy mYnUM spYsLl swdy afAux lwgy. iewk ivafh qy mYN imlxI krnI sI, lVkI vfilaF ny pMjfb puils df iewk Tfxydfr ilaFdf, pr myry iZwz df Auh koeI mukfblf nhIN sI, sfzI glvwkVI nf pY skI pr dohF dy iZwz KUb imly. lfvF qy afey iewk ivDfnkfr ny aYlfn kr idwqf ik agly sfl qoN kbwzI kuMB qy prvfsI pMjfbIaF dy iZwzF dy mukflby vI hoieaf krngy. bws iPr kI sI? mIzIey ny lfh leIaF Poto qy Xfr aKLbfrF ivwc Cf gey. lfvF qoN bfad mrfsxf ny aKfVf lfieaf qy myry iZwz dy gIq gfey : JfvF JfvF JfvF nwcdI twpdI nI mYN ivafh dy sLgn mnfvF, moty iZwz dI bxI srdfrI, idl dI bfq suxfvF jy rwb imhr kry, qF mYN EhdI bx jfvF[[ jy rwb imhr kry. afrI afrI afrI, moty iZwz vfilaf qyrI dunIaF qy srdfrI, iZwz qyrf sLfhdIaF Bry ik qUM sfmIN hYN BfrI qyrI gogV qy sfzI tIm hY mrdI sfrI. qyrI gogV qy[[ curfsI lwK jUnF ivwc iZwz dI hoNd hY, jy iZwz nf hovy qF ieh sMsfr nf hovy, koeI kfrobfr nf hovy. iZwz Brn leI sB dOiVaf iPrdf, Dwky krdf, aprfD krdf, iZwz hI nINdF hrfm krfAuNdf hY, jy iZwz nf lwgf huMdf qF bMdf suwqf hI nf AuWTdf, koeI kfZ nf inkldI, koeI qrwkI nf huMdI, ieh suMdr sMsfr inrf nrk huMdf. PAGE 34
iewk tUrnfmYNt qy mYnUM rusqm- ey- iZwz dI sLIlz idwqI geI. asIN iPr Kurfk vwl hor iDafn dyxf sLurU kIqf. iewk vfrI sLrq lf ky 40 imMt ivwc do ikwlo brPI, ikwlo pkOVy qy do ikwly duwD pI ky sLrq ijwqI, dUjI vfrI ikwlo iGE, do ikwlo sLwkr qy ikwlo mIt KfDf, qIjI sLrq ivwx bfrF drjx gol gwpy, 12 kyly, bfrF sMqry qy 12 aMzy Kf ky rIkfrz bxfieaf. Gr ivwc vI svyr nUM Cy prONTy, dhIN, lwsI dI cftI dupihr nUM dflL sbjLI, rotIaF, rfq nUM lMzU pYWg lf ky qF eynI BuwK lgdI hY ik idn df bicaf sfrf Bojn smyt jfeIdY. iewk vfr irsLqydfrF dy asIN do bMdy gey, Gr dI suafxI rotIaF qvy qy iewk iewk kr ky pkfeI geI qy asIN nfl dI nfl KfeI gey, jd nUM suwqI hoeI Aus dI inwkI ijhI kuVI jfg peI. kuVI roeI jfvy, mF kol afAux dI aVI kry pr mF qF sfzy leI rotIaF pkfAux’c ruwJI hoeI sI. kuVI dI mF kihMdI, ‘roxo ht jf, nhIN qF mYN rotIaF dy QF prfhuixaF dI QflLI ivwx pf dyxI aF,’ qF myry nfl df bMdf kihMdf, ‘bIbI pf dy jI sdky, pr dfl nfl lbyV ky pfeIN.’ afpxy Gr vI mF ny kihxf dfl sbjLI svyr qwk qF Krfb ho jfxI hY, qF asIN BfvyN afp Krfb hoeIey, pr Gr df pwikaf rfsLn kdI nhIN sI Krfb hox idwqf. QoVHf icr pihlF mYN knyzf afieaf qF mYnUM keI myry vrgy moty motIaF imly. mYN soicaf mnF, eyQy qF qyry vrgy bQyry af qyrI qF ivlwKxqf Gwty rulL jfxI hY. mYN Kurfk hor vDfAux leI soc hI irhf sI ik bwcy iewk idn gurU Gr lY gey. AuWQy qF jI gurU jI dy lMgrF dIaF rihmqF hI spYsLl.
hux mYN qkrIbn hr rojL hI gurU Gr phuMcdf hF pOVIaF cVHnf aOKf lwgdf ies krky lMgr hfl’coN hI dovyN hwQ joV ky gurU jI nUM mwQf tyk leIdf. cfr pMj imwsy prONTy mwKx dI kVCI, dhIN df kOlf, cfh’c ijMnf mrjLI imwTf pfeIdf. igafrF vjy syb, sMqrf, syvIaF, KIr jF kVfh, duiphr nUM Pulky, dflLF, BfjIaF, acfr, ctxI. cfr vjy pkOVy, smosy, lwzU jlybI, bysx, jUs, cfh. Gr afAux lwgy syb, kyly, sMqry hwQ’c PV leIdy qy bws’c bYTy CkI jfeIdf. mhfNrfj df vfk hY ‘so dr kyhf, so Gr kyhf,’ swc hY. sMsfr ivc gurU Gr qoN ibnf iksy kol vI aYsf Gr nhIN, ijwQy bfrF mhIny qIh idn CwqI prkfr dy Bojn imldy hox. Gr phuMc ky rfq dI rotI Kf ky sOx dI krIdI aY. iewk idn mYN gurU Gr kol bws AuzIkdf sI qF mINh af igaf. iewk bwcf myry iZwz hyTF suwkf hI KVHf do hor muMizaF nUM hfkF mfr ky kihMdf “kMm afn iet iejL ey syP sLYWz.” jd nUM bws af geI, mYN bws cVHn hI lwgf sI qF gorI zrfeIvr ny ikhf ‘cfr sItF iekwTIaF KflI nhIN hn, sOrI.” mYN KusL hoieaf peI afpxy iZwz df tOhr gory mMnx lwg pey af, Gr Pon kIqf qF kfkf kihMdf peI kfr dI qfkI ivwc qusIN Ps jfEgy, iksy df ipwkf ilaf ky mYN lY jfAuNgf, qusIN ruko. ipwky qy ibTf ky ajy
qury hI sI ik piuls dI gwzI ny rok ilaf, AunHF hdfieq idwqI peI, Gr nhIN ies nUM hspqfl phuMcfE. hspqfl phuMc gey. zfktr afieaf qF myry srIr dy aMgF ny hVqfl kr idwqI. imhdy ny ikhf, “mYN ies dy Kfxy nUM pcf nhIN skdf, gozy boly, ‘asIN ies df Bfr cuwkdy Gs gey hF asIN awj qoN ieh Bfr nhIN cwkFgy.” blwz pRYsLr aqy sUgr ny vI iZwz df krVf ivroD kIqf. pr mYN awKF, jIB, nfsF, nIq dI vPLfdfrI kdI nhIN Bulf skdf. awKfN ny ikhf “hr Kfx vflI cIjL df pqf idaFgIaF,” nfsF ny ikhf, “suMG ky dwsFgy pkOVy ikwQy qldy qy kVfh dI vfsLnf ikwDroN afAuNdI hY. “jIB kihMdI, jo mUMh ivwc pfAUNgf, Aus nUM lpyt lpyt ky iZwz’c phuMcdI krdI rhFgI.” nIq ny ihwk QfpV ky ikhf, “mYN kdI nhIN rwjFgI, iZwz nUM Evr iPwl krn leI vPfdfr hF.” zfktr ny sfry tYst krky ikhf, “qMdrusq ijMLdgI leI Kfx pIx qy kMtrol kro, afh mYN ilst dy irhF ies qoN vD iewk Borf vI nhIN Kfxf.” qy 2 GMty rojL ksrq krnI aqI jLrUrI hY. hux srIr qF iblkul qMdrusq hY, koeI vI qklIP nhIN pr ijs iZwz df sfihq gfieaf jFdf irhf, ijs iZwz ny eyzf vwzf ieiqhfs isrijaf Auh nhIN irhf, nhIN irhf myrf iZwzF’coN iZwz[[.
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
suKpfl Kihrf nUM pfrtI ny ikAuˆ htfieaf,BgvMq mfn ny kIqf Kulfsf
nvjoq iswDU iKlfP DRoh df mukwdmf drjL pMjfb dy kYbint mMqrI nvjoq iswDU iKÜfP ibhfr dI adflq `c BfrqI POj nUM Tys phuMcfey jfx `qy dyÈ DRoh df muwkdmf drjL kIqf igaf ijs `qy agly hPqy suxvfeI hovygI. drasl nvjoq iswDU ny afpxI pfiksqfn PyrI dOrfn pfiksqfn afrmI cIP nUM glLy lfieaf sI . ies qoˆ bfad iswDU df cuPyirEˆ iqwKf ivroD ho irhf sI. muËwPngr dI adflq `c vkIÜ suDIr EJf vwloˆ ieh kys drjL krvfieaf igaf. AunHfˆ ieMzIan pInl koz dIaf Dfrfvfˆ qihq dyÈDRoh df mukwdmf iswDU iKlfP dfier krvfieaf . AunHfˆ iÈkfieq `c iliKaf ik iswDU dI hrkq ny dyÈ vfsIafˆ nUM Tys phuMcfeI hY. Xfd rhy ik nvjoq iswDU pfiksqfn dy pRDfn mMqrI iemrfn Kfn dy shuM cuwk smfroh `c Bfg lYx gey sn .
afm afdmI pfrtI dy sMgrUr qoˆ sMsd mYˆbr BgvMq mfn df kihxf hY ik suKpfl Kihrf dIafˆ aYˆtI pfrtI gqIivDIafˆ kfrn pfrtI ny AunHfˆ nUM ivroDI iDr dy ahudy qoˆ htfieaf hY . AunHfˆ ny Kihrf nUM htfey jfx df muwK kfrn AunHfˆ dIafˆ bYˆs bRdrË nfl nËdIkIafˆ nUM dwisaf hY .AunHfˆ ikhf ik pfrtI vwloˆ bYˆs bRdrË nfl gTjoV qoVn dy bfvjUd vI Kihrf AunHfˆ nflL Drny sfˆJy krdy rhy. BgvMq mfn ny dwisaf luiDafxy kfrporyÈn dIafˆ coxfˆ dOrfn vI Kihrf hr Qfˆ `qy bYˆs bRdrË nflL hI idKfeI idwqy.iewQo qk ik afstRylIaf dy keI ahudydfrfˆ nUM AunHfˆ ny bYˆs bRdrË dI pfrtI `c Èfml krvf ilaf.
niÈafˆ dy Kfqmy leI mwuK mMqrI ny mMgI gUgl qy Pysbuwk qoˆ mdd
pMjfb ivc niÈafˆ dI smwisaf dy tfkry leI muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG ny hux gUgl qy Pysbuwk nUM mdd dI apIl kIqI hY. muwK mMqrI ny qkfnlojI pwDr `qy shfieqf leI bIqI ù agsq nUM pwqr ilK dovfˆ idwgjfˆ qoˆ mdd mMgI hY . muwK mMqrI ny tvIt krky jfxkfrI idwqI hY ik sUby ivwco nÈy dy Kfqmy leI loVIˆdI qknIkI shfieqf dyx leI gUgl dy sIeIE suMdr ipcfeI qy Pysbuwk dy sIeIE mfrk Ëukrbrg nUM pwqr iÜK ky mdd dI apIÜ kIqI hY. kYptn ny Pysbuwk dy sIeIE mfrk Ëukrbrg nUM iliKaf hY iswDU nfl ztI kfˆgrs , , “ijvyˆ ik ieMtrnYwt nUM bhuq nOjvfn vrqdy hn qy iewQy (nÈy) df aYizkt hox leI keI qrHfˆ dy nvyˆ ZMg qrIky qyy mfl dI splfeI bfry jfxkfrI vwzI mfqrf ivwc AuplbwD jy pfik jfxf dyÈDRoh qfˆ modI vI dyÈDRohI ? hY . ies leI quhfzy vwloˆ bxfeIafˆ geIafˆ syvfvfˆ qy pRozkts rfhIN pMjfb nUM nÈfˆ mukq iemrfn Kfn dy shuM cuwk smfgm ivwc Èfml hox leI pfiksqfn gey kfˆgrsI mMqrI bxfAux ivwc qusIˆ sfzI shfieqf krogy . nvjoq iswDU df bcfa kridafˆ kfˆgrs ny pIaYm nirMdr modI nUM puwiCaf hY ik jy kyrlf `qy ibpqf dI GVI `c ÈRomxI kmytI bhuVI pfiksqfn jfxf dyÈDRoh hY qfˆ kI pRDfn mMqrI vI dyÈDRohI hn . kfˆgrs ny pIaYm modI vwloˆ pfiksqfn dy pRDfn mMqrI iemrfn Kfn nUM icwTI Byjx sbMDI modI `qy jlybI vrgI kyrlf ivwc hVHfˆ kfrn hoeI qbfhI qoˆ bfad ÈRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI ny AuwQy rfhq nIqI apnfAux df ielËfm lfAuˆidafˆ ikhf ik pIaYm modI nUM spwÈt krnf cfhIdf hY Byjx df PYslf ilaf hY . ies kVI vjoˆ awj ÈRomxI kmytI dy muwK dPqr qoˆ rfhq vjoˆ ik guafˆZI dyÈ sbMDI AunHfˆ dI kI nIqI hY . sfmfn kyrlf leI rvfnf kIqf igaf. ies ivwc cOl,dvfeIafˆ qy hor loVIˆdIaF vsqfˆ hn. ÈRomxI kmytI vwloˆ bYˆglOr ivwc gurduafrf isMG sBf nUM bys kYˆp bxfieaf jfvygf. kyjrIvfl dy prqidafˆ hI Kihrf DVy df vwzf Dmfkf ieQoˆ ieh sfrI rfhq smwgrI kyrlf nUM ByjI jfvygI. ÈRomxI kmytI ny ies qoˆ pihlfˆ Bfrq ivwc keI jgHf qy rfhq smwgrI ByjI hY . hux kyrlf ivwc hoeI qbfhI qoˆ bfad afm afdmI pfrtI dy suprImo arivMd kyjrIvfl dy pMjfb dOry dy dUjy idn bfad hI sLRomxI kmytI ny smwgrI Byjx df PYslf ilaf hY . bfgI DVy ny vwzf Dmfkf kIqf hY. AunHfˆ ny suKpfl Kihrf nUM afrËI qOr `qy pfrtI pRDfn suKbIr bfdl ny kyˆdr srkfr kol AuTfey pMQk muwdy bxfAux df aYlfn kr idwqf hY . ieh PYslf bfgI DVy vwloˆ bxfeI rfjsI mfmilafˆ bfry kmytI (pIeysI) ny kIqf pr Kihrf ny nFh nuwkr kIqI . ies mgroˆ Kihrf ny ikhf ik ÈRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI qy idwlI iswK gurduafrf kmytI dy Pvd ny awj kyˆdrI afAux vflLI knvYnÈn dOrfn pRvfngI lYx `qy hI ahudf mnËUr krngy. ies dy nflL gRih mMqrI rfjnfQ isMG nfl mulfkfq kIqI. dovyˆ iDrfˆ drimafn iewk GMtf hoeI gwlbfq hI bfgI DVy ny ikhf hY ik pfrtI suprImo arivMd kyjrIvfl nfl gwlbfq bfry pIeysI `c iswKfˆ nfl sbMDq vwK vwK muwdy gRih mMqrI kol AuTfey gey . akflIafˆ ny ñùøô iswK hI PYslf krygI. ieh vI PYslf kIqf igaf hY ik jld hI styt lYvl dIaF inXukqIafˆ kqlyafm dy bkfieaf kysfˆ qoˆ ÜY ky rfjoafxf dI irhfeI bfry gRih mMqrI kolL afvfË kIqIafˆ jfxgIafˆ. ies qoˆ ielfvf iËlHf pwDrI inXukqIafˆ vI kIqIafˆ jfxgIafˆ . AuTfeI . bYTk qoˆ bfad pwqrkfrfˆ nfl gwlbfq kridafˆ suKbIr bfdl ny dwisaf ik gRih mMqrI kolL mMg AuTfeI geI ik ñùøô dy ijMny vI pYˆizMg kys hn AunHfˆ leI iewk È tRfiel kort bxfieaf jfvy qfˆ jo sfry kysfˆ dI suxvfeI kridafˆ ö mhIinafˆ dy pMjfb dy Cyvyˆ diraf `c vI GuilLaf Ëihr , öú PIsdI ivÈy aMdr aMdr inbyVf kry. ies mulfkfq dOrfn hor pMQk muwidaf `qy vI gwl hoeI .
duwD pIx Xog nhIN !
kdy mMinaf jfˆdf sI ik pMjfb ivwc Cyvfˆ diraf duwD df vihMdf hY pr awj ies Cyvyˆ diraf ivwc vI Ëihr vihx lwgf hY . aMkiVafˆ dI mMnIey qfˆ pMjfb df öú PIsdI duwD pIx Xog nhIN hY . ies duwD ivwc kYmIkl hY ijhVf ishq leI nuksfndyh hY. ieh Kulfsf ishq ivBfg vwloˆ ley gey duwD dy nmUinafˆ qoˆ hoieaf hY . ipCly ñú idnfˆ ivwc hoeI CfpymfrI dOrfn pMjfb Br ivwcoˆ pnIr qy dysI iGAu dy ley gey sYˆplfˆ ivwcoˆ öú PIsdI PylH hoey hn .
zyrf isrsf nflL juVy byadbI dy qfr, aYs afeI tI dI irport `c vwzy Kulfsy pMjfb ivwc vwK vwK QfeIN hoeIafˆ byadbI dIafˆ Gtnfvfˆ ipwCy zyrf isrsf dI ÈmUlIaq sfhmxy afeI hY . ies gwl df Kulfsf pihlfˆ byadbI mfmilafˆ dI pVqfl leI bxI ivÈyÈ jfˆc tIm ny kIqf qy bfad ivwc jsits (syvfmukq) rxjIq isMG kimÈn ny vI ies dI puÈtI kr idwqI. ies gwl nUM sfhmxy afAux ivwc ieMnf smfˆ lwg igaf, ies ipwCy isafsq dI ÈmUlIaq sfhmxy afeI hY . pMjfb puils dy izptI ieMspYktr jnrl rxbIr isMG KtVf ny kys dI pYV nwpidafˆ zyrf pRymI mihMdr pfl isMG ibwtU qy zyrf muKI dy inwjI shfiek rfkyÈ idVHbf nUM igRPqfr kIqf .
eyÈIan cYˆpIan aQÜIt hfkm isMG df srkfrI snmfnfˆ nfl aMqm sMskfr eyÈIan cYˆpIan aQlIt hfkm isMG df srkfrI snmfnfˆ nfl AunHfˆ dy jwdI ipMz BwTlfˆ ivwc sskfr kr idwqf igaf hY . aQlIt hfkm isMG ipCÜy mhIny qoˆ ijgr dI ibmfrI nflL jUJ rhy sn . AunHfˆ dy akfl clfxy `qy muwK mMqrI ny vI duwK df pRgtfvf kIqf hY . do vfr dyÈ leI son qgmf ijwqx vfly sfbkf iKHzfrI hfkm isMG BwTlfˆ nUM pMjfb srkfr vwloˆ õ lwK rupey qy kyˆdrI KHyz mMqrI rfjvrDn rfTOV vwloˆ ñú lwK rupey ielfj leI jfrI kIqy sn . pRMqU srkfrI mwdd dy cwlidafˆ vI hfkm isMG ijLMdgI dI jMg hfr igaf .
pMjfb ivDfn sBf dy pMj idnf iejlfs df aYlfn pMjfb mMqrI mMzl ny PYslf kIqf hY ik ivDfn sBf df aglf iejlfs afAux vflI òô qoˆ òø agsq qwk rwiKaf jfvygf. muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG dI agvfeI ivwc hoeI kYbint bYTk ivwc ieh PYslf ilaf igaf hY . ieh sYÈn kfPI grmfAux vflf hY,ikAuˆik pMjfb srkfr ny sRI grU gRMQ sfihb dI byadbI leI bxy jsits (syvfmukq) rxjIq isMG kimÈn dI irport ivDfn sBf ivc pyÈ krnI hY . ies qoˆ ielfvf niÈafˆ qy pfxIafˆ dy muwdy `qy ivroDI srkfr nUM Gyrn dI koiÈÈ krngy . PAGE 35
The Patrika
Abbotsford Falcons!
his past weekend the Abbotsford Falcons sent three teams to compete at the “battle for the Axe” tournament in New West. We had some great competition and a few nail biter games to watch. By all accounts all of the Falcons came out to Play! Our Junior Bantam team came away with the overall win in their division, bringing home the Axe for JB
Final! Congratulations to the Abby Black for their second tournament win this season. A mention needs to made for Abby White. This amazing group of kids battled all day to make it through the morning seeding round. After a tough morning, Abby White faced two powerhouse teams to advance to the finals, beating squads out of Chilliwack and the defending provincial champions from Coquitlam. Both were come from behind victories that really had the Abbotsford fans excited.
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
hlvfeI aqy kuWk Sweet Maker and Cook
GlotI (rfVf sfihb kMntIn vfly), luiDafxy vfly msLhUr hlvfeI (kwuk) dyv sLrmf), ijnHF kol 45 sflF df qjLrbf hY, ipCly 9 sflF qoN aYbtsPorz ivWc afp jI dI syvf kr rhy hn| iksy vI iksm dy vYjI jF nfn vYjI Kfxy jF miTafeIaF aqy snYks bnvfAux leI sMprk kro
The pee wee division was hotly contested with some very tight back and forth games. Abbotsford Falcons Great work to all the Falcons and sent both their Pee Wee White and congratulations on your success. Black to compete. Lets see more fans out this weekend Both teams showed great teamwork as we send our teams over to Maple and heart to push through the day. Our Ridge for the Knights of the Round Abby Black team took the overall win table tournament! for Pee Wee after an all Abbotsford
45 Yrs. Experience
gurduafry qy mMidrF dy pRogrfmF leI Kfs izskfAuNt All kinds of Indian Veggie, Non-Veggie food and Sweets
from left to right Abbotsford Falcons Junior Bantam Back row standing: #48 Gabe Currie, #45 Rohan Dherari, #57 AJ Dawit, #53 Evan Bhatti, #23 Joel Muller, #58 Rajan Sidhu, #17 Elijah Black, #10 Names: Santiago Llarena, #22 Jaiden Sharma, #84 Ishaan Sahota, #66 Tyler Ste. Croix (Front) L-R: Braeden Tuchsherer, Owen Buchanan, Jovan Rakhra, Derek Kneeling on ground: #27 Matthias Wall, #54 Aryan Dawit, #52 Steve Mora, Landon Hickli, Taejshon Catlin, Hunter Henderson, Bikram Laila, Quintin Wyatt Bowering, #85 Balkaran Khera, #44 Ryelly MacDonald, #21 Cade Handy, #89 Phoenix Trolland, #88 Mahlon Peters water boy-Owen Macdonald
(Middle) L-R: Ethaniel Lynn, Keaton Mclachlan, Adam Neufeld, Elliott Castaneda, Conner Jack
Coaches from left to right: Coach Stu, Coach Leonard, Coach Ethan, Coach (Back) L-R: Dawson Hendriks, Von Pitzel, Justin Menning, Gurkaran Sidhu, Coach Buchanan, Kayden St. Croix, Coach Bedore, Coach Henderson, Dherari, Coach Sidhu Justan Belanger, Linden Bos, Maxum Sidhu, Liam Penner, Owen Lal, AJ Nguyen Missing from game: Coach Luis, #20 Kalen Bench, #82 Justyn Lobban, #63 Jeevyn Pangli, #65 Jaggi Sangha Photos courtesy of: Abbotsford Falcons
See page 17 for more PAGE 36
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
Kajol lights up screen when she's there : Neha Dhupia Actress Neha Dhupia says her Helicopter Eela co-star Kajol is phenomenal and lights up the screen. Neha will be seen in a special role alongside Kajol and Riddhi Sen in the forthcoming film."I feel there are only a few people who are meant to be onscreen and Kajol is definitely one such person. She lights up the screen when she is there," Neha said in a statement."It
wouldn't be fair if I say I am not a fan of hers. There is nobody in the entire nation or anybody who follows Bollywood who is not a Kajol fan. She is phenomenal. She is beautiful and she makes it look so easy on the screen," she added. "Helicopter Eela", presented by Ajay Devgn and Jayantilal Gada (Pen), is set to release on September 7.
I enjoy doing comedy because I’m a funny person in real life: Sonakshi Sonakshi Sinha says much of her learning about acting happened on film sets, unlike today’s newcomers who enter the industry prepared in every aspect. Sonakshi, who made her debut in 2010 with Salman Khan’s Dabangg, says since she never wanted to be an actor, she gradually learned things along the way in the industry.“I never wanted to be an actor in the first place, I never went for workshops, acting or dancing classes. Everybody who is making their debut today is so well prepared.“They know how to face the camera, how to pose for photographers. I didn’t know any of that. I was a fat kid, I lost weight and was put in a film. I learned everything on set,” Sonakshi said.The actor may have come along a long way but said the process of learning has
I used to flirt with my teacher : Salman Superstar Salman Khan says he used to flirt a lot with his school teacher. While shooting for the upcoming episode of "Dus Ka Dum - Dumdaar Weekend", Salman discussed his flirting history. When a question was asked about Indians falling in love for the first time with their school teacher, Salman said he used to flirt with his teacher when he was in school, read a statement. He also admitted that he used to drop his school teacher home on a bicycle and even removed the carrier to ensure that he got the teacher to sit in front of him. "It is impossible for someone to not have a crush on their teacher. Most people won't admit it, but I openly say that I used to flirt a lot with my teacher," said Salman.
still not stopped for her. “The learning process still continues. Even today I make sure whoever I meet, work with, teaches me something. It may not be related to work but just something they said. Everybody teaches you something and I hope that process never stops,” she added.While the 31-year-old actor began her career with commercial potboilers like Dabangg, Rowdy Rathore, R…Rajkumar, Sonakshi gradually shifted to headlining films like Akira, Noor among others.This change in her film selection, Sonakshi said, was not “deliberate”.“The decision to change the kind of films I was doing was not conscious. I never sat down and strategised what I am supposed to do. I was doing commercial potboilers at the beginning of my career and that gave me a wide reach as an actor.”
I never said I am working with Shahid : Imtiaz Ali Shahid Kapoor sent fans into a frenzy when he had said he would be teaming up with Jab We Met (2007) director Imtiaz Ali for a film. But, the project never took off. Now, the filmmaker says queries around the movie should not be directed to him because he never announced it in the first place. In December last year, Shahid had expressed excitement about teaming up with Ali for a new film with an "interesting" subject. The actor had said he would start shooting for it after wrapping up his upcoming release, Batti Gul Meter Chalu. Soon after, there were reports that the project was shelved.
Kapoor had apparently then told reporters that the film is "not happening this year" and they might "probably work on something else." However, when asked about reports regarding the film, Imtiaz said, "There will be more news like this because, the fact is, I keep meeting actors and there is always going to be some speculation. I never announced a film. I never said I am making a film. I never said I am working with Shahid Kapoor. So, now when people ask me about the film, I reply, 'Which film?' I never said it. Talk to the person who spoke about it. There's no truth to it," the director said.
Small town people find happiness in small things : shraddha Actress Shraddha Kapoor, who visited the Madhya Pradesh town of Chanderi while filming for the movie Stree, says the vibe of the place was heart-warming as she felt that people in small towns don't run after materialistic things. The film Stree revolves around a female ghost who exists in Chanderi town. To maintain the authenticity of the story, director Amar Kaushik took the cast and crew there. On the experience, Shraddha said "I was so excited to go there in Chanderi, especially the fort area where I shot the film. Chanderi is a small town and the vibe of the place is so easy. Living in Mumbai, we are always running after deadlines and our life revolves around work." "People there (in Chanderi) are really simple and not in hurry. They really have a life after work. Maybe people of small town are not so wealthy, neither do they have the high materialistic desire, but I think they really know how to find happiness from small things that we urban people do not even notice," she added with a smile. In Chanderi, which is known for its saris, Shraddha went on a shopping spree. "After our shooting got over, I went out for shopping and bought so many chanderi saris for my family members. I do not wear a lot of saris, but I bought some for myself as well. We all know how famous Chanderi saris are, and they are really beautiful," she said.
The Patrika
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Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
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The Patrika
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
Healthy bodies, healthy minds:
Keep the lines of communication open: Experts share back-to-school tips to boost resiliency in students things like packing lunches or walking to • Parents and caregivers can try talking to their Vancouver – As students of all ages get ready to say goodbye school. children over meals, taking a walk or during a to the summer and hello to a new school year, experts from BC Keep active as a family: Getting active car ride. Children’s Hospital are sharing tips to help parents and kids • support positive physical and mental health. Practice self-care: Parents and caregivers together can increase connectedness and • should also take steps to ease their own stress. “When students are active in their bodies and minds, they are togetherness, which supports positive mental Try practicing mindfulness, talking to a friend more able to learn, be creative, build healthy relationships and or taking a walk. try new things,” said Dr. Ashley Miller, a psychiatrist with health. BC Children’s Hospital. “Young people can also be more able to cope in healthy ways when faced with stress or feelings of anxiety.” Research shows that children, youth and young adults who participate in regular physical activity and practice self-care activities such as mindfulness are more likely to meet academic goals, improve their memory and focus and boost self-esteem and confidence.
nvyN afAux vfilE, quhfzy leI afkrÈk bcqF ivwc quhfzf suafgq hY
Tips for students: • T a k e a breather: Tr y p r a c t i c i n g mindfulness. It can reduce stress, boost positive emotions, and improve focus and memory. • Unplug: Take time to turn off your phone, computer and TV. Try disconnecting and taking time to relax and enjoy hobbies and activities or time with friends and family. • Take care of your body: Enjoy regular physical activity, eat nutritious foods and ensure you’re getting enough sleep.
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RBC® aqy pfrtnr bRFzF qoN $500 qoN vwD dy muwl^ df anÀd mfxo
• Ask for help when you need it: Try talking to someone if you’re not feeling like yourself, and access medical help and resources when you need the support. Tips for parents/caregivers: • Prepare for transitions: Whether it’s your child’s first day of kindergarten or university, try taking steps before school starts to help them work through the change. • Start a regular routine: Ease back-to-school stress and anxiety through getting into a regular routine and practicing
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pqf nhIN ikAuN gwl nUM inafxf pf ky bih igaf Aus idn lMbVdfr gurf isMG aKbfr pVHdf pVHdf? kihx lwgf, “aKbfr vI pfdsLfho iewko, Kbr vI iewko, CfpI doNh QFeIN judI judI? eydF ikAuN ho geI?”
The Patrika
aKbfr dy dPqr df gyVf
gurf isMG ny ikhf, “ilaFdI qF hY , pr sMpfdk smJfAux lwgf, “keI hwQF ivwcoN Kbr lMGdI aY. aYzItr qoN kMipAUtr vfly qwk, AuwQoN prUP pVHn vfly kol. glqI iksy qoN vI rih skdI hY.” dfs ny jfnxf cfihaf, “bIbI dI Kbr vrgI glqI kdy aw g y vI hoeI aY.” hYrfnI nfl awKF twz ky sMpfdk nUM dfs ny smJfieaf, “BfeI sfihb lMbVdfr quhfzI aKbfr ivwc CpI Kbr dI gwl krn lwgf aY. qusIN smiJaf, Kbr CpvfAux leI afieaY. qusIN jdoN ilaFdI puwiCaF, Aus qoN Aus nUM afpxy Kfx vflI cIjL df BulyKf pY igaf.” sMpfdk dIaF awKF muskurfAux lwgIaF. lMbVdfr iPr AunUM AUlJx vflI Kbr df ikwsf CyV bYTf. dovF KbrF nUM pVH ky sMpfdk ny spsLtIkrx idwqf, “gwl ieh hY ik KbrF dovyN do vwK vwK pwqkfrF ny ByjIaF sn. vjLIrI imlx dI Kbr quhfzy ivDfiek ny afpxy chyqy pqwrkfr qoN iBjvf idwqI qy dUjI Kbr Aus dy ivroDIaF ny pwqrkfr qoN PAGE 40
jiqMdr isMG pMnUM
iBjvf idwqI. afpy TIk glq df insqfrf grm dlIey nyqf ny tYlIPon AuWqy mYnUM gflLF huMdf rhU, asIN dovyN Cfp idwqIaF. kwZ CwzIaF .purfxI jfx- pCfx nf huMdI qF sLfied grmI gflLF qo vI awgy vwD jFdI. lMbVdfr ny puwiCaf, “dm bhquf ikhVI Kbr ivwc lgdf hY quhfnUM?” Cfh dI dukfn vfly df sMpfdk ny sLfied iblw dyxf sI, iqMn vfr kihx dy bfvjUd sMpfdk ny jfnxf cfihaf,”ikAuN?” cfh nhIN sI af rhI. dfs iekwlf huMdf qF lMbVdfr ny ikhf, ijhVy pfsy dm hoAu, do iksy hor mOky df vfadf krky AuWT afAuNdf idn pihlF hI AunHF dI bYTk jf vVFgy. ,pr hux qF gurf isMG nfl bYTf sI. KflI asIN ikhVy quhfzy pwqrkfrF qoN Gwt aF?” bYTy AuNglF dy ptfky pfAux nfloN dfs ny sMpfdk nUM mjLf afAux lwgf qF Aus ny sMpfdk sfihb nUM puwC ilaf, ik asIN kMisyvfdfr nUM cfh ilafAux leI kih idwqf. pAUtr vyK skdy hF jI quhfzy?”
Kbr sI pMjfb dI vjLfrq ivwc vfDy bfry. pihly sPy qy Cipaf sI ik sfzy hlky dy aYm aYl ey nUM vjLIr bxfieaf jf irhf hY qy pMjvyN sPy qy lwgI Kbr kihMdI sI ik muwK mMqrI Auhdf nFa suxn nUM vI iqafr nhIN. bQHyrf smJfieaf dfs ny, “gurf isMhF, afpF kI lYxF eyN?” lIzrI krn vflLy jfxn Jwt bfad AuwQy iewk bIbI sLkfieq lY ky qy KbrF Cfpx vfly jfxn.” pr Auh nF af geI, bVy guwsy ivwc sI Auh. afAuNdy mMinaF. kihx lwgf “pfdsLho, puwCx jLrUr sfr guwCf muCf kIqf aKbfr Aus ny myjL qy jfxf hY aKbfr vfilLaF qoN. suwitaf qy AubldI hoeI bolI, “mYN mujLhgurf isMG ny qF vfhvf sfrI PIm KfDI hoeI frf krfAUNgI BgqF nUM iekwTy krky. qusIN sI, pr dfs df bwsF bdlidaF qy irksLy dy smiJaf kI hY?” Jtky JwlidaF vfhx ho igaf rwb rwb krky sMpfdk sfihb ny puwiCaf, “bIbI hoieaf aKbfr dy dPqr puwjy qF awgoN ieh nf pqf kI?” lwgy ik aYzy vwzy dPqr ivwc imilLaf iks nUM jfvy? puwC puwC ky aKbfr dy smfcfr bIbI bolI, “svfh swqF cuwilHaF dI. mYN sMpfdk qwk jf phuMcy. kwlH Kbr dy ky geI sI ik “cMzI BgqF dI tolI jgrfqf krUgI,” quhfzI aKbfr ny jFdy sfr sMpfdk sfihb ny puwiCaf, “hF ilK idwqf, “rMzI BgqF dI tolI jgrfqf jI dwso.” krUgI.” gurf isMG ny gwl sLurU kIqI, jI Kbr iewk bVI musLkl nfl mfPI mMg ky sMpfdk …….” ny cMzI df rUp DfrI iPrdI Aus bIbI nUM Aus dI gwl tok ky kfhly sMpfdk ny puwiCaf, tfilaf. Aus dy jfx mgroN gurf isMG ny puwC ilaf, “eydF ikvyN ho igaf jI?” “ilaFdI jy?”
afpxy jogI ey.”
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
sMpfdk dwsx lwg ipaf, “kdy kI jI, keI vfrI. iewk vfr “dysf isMG ZysI dI qF kfhlI ivwc Zysf isMG dysI Cp igaf sI. iewk kimAuinst pfrtI dy kyNdrI afgU kfmryz mukIm PfrUkI dy mukIm ivwc k dI QF n Cp igaf qy kimAUinst afgUaF ny ros pRgt kr idqf sI. iewk vfr ‘asgr Kfn’ jI QF ‘ajgr Kfn’ Cp igaf sI. iewk vfr qF kmfl hI ho geI sI. iewk grm dlIey lIzr dI goq “cfvlf” hY. kMipAUtr vfly nUM mgrlf kMnf pfAuxf Buwl igaf. prUP rIzr ny insLfnI qF lfeI sI kMnf pfAux dI, pr lf idwqI kfhlI ivwc aKIr dI QF c qy v dy ivckfrly kMny AuWqy. kMipAUtr vfly ny smiJaf ik kMnF AuzfAux dI insLfnI hY,Aus ny Auh kMnF vI Auzf idwqf qy agly idn dy aKbfr ivwc ‘cvl’ Cipaf pVH ky Aus
sLfied bhfnf hI Bfl irhf sI sMpfdk, Jwt AWuT ky qur ipaf. kMipAUtr vfly kmry ivwc tYlIvIjLn ijhy pey sn. muMzy kuVIaF tfeIp msLIn vfilaF vFg itk itk krI jfx qy sfhmxy sfrf kuJ tYlIvIjLn qy afeI jfvy. sfnUM afpxy iDafn lwgy Cwz sMpfdk afpxy stfP nUM kMm puwCx lwg ipaf. sB afpo afpxf jvfb dyeI gey. iPr Aus ny iewk kuVI nUM puwiCaf, “qUM kI kr rhI eyN?” Aus ny jvfb idwqf, “glqIaF kr rhI aF.”
ieMcfrj ny iPr puwiCaf, “ikMny jxy mry?” Aus ny ikhf, “swq mry, nON gMBIr jLKmI. hux kI krF?” ieMcfrj ny iewk kfgjL PVfieaf qy ikhf, “bYNk zkYqI.”
zOr BOr ijhy hoey pey sF ik eyny nUM ieMcfrj lMbVdfr ny hOlLI ijhI dfs dy kMn ivwc dI avfjL iPr suxfeI idwqI. Auh iewk jxy nUM puwC irhf sI, “ikRpfl, qUM kI krIN jfnYN?” ikhf, “bfhlLf kMm Krfb hY eyQy.” Aus ny hOlLI ijhI ikhf, “blfqkfr.” dfs ny puwiCaf, ikvyN?” Aus ny ikhf, “suixafN nhIN, klH dI kuVI qy ipE dI Aumr dy sfihb nUM qVfk nfl kih idwqf, “glqIaF kr rhI aF. nOkrI qoN kwZ nhIN dyeIdf ieho ijhI kuVI nUM?” sMpfdk ny vI sux ilaf sI. Auh hws ky boilaf, “Auhdf ieh mqlb nhIN sI. asl ivwc ieh aKbfrI bolI hY, prUPL pVHn vflLy ijhVIaF glqIaF kwZx, AunHf nUM TIk krn vflLf ieho afKdf hY, jo Aus kuVI ny ikhf hY.” EQy qF gurf isMG cuwp irhf, pr jLrf ku prHy hty qF kihx lwgf, “bVf clfk aY, dfl zuwlH geI, Xfr hurIN BuMjy Kfdy aF.” kuVI ny lfh ky rwK qI, bol sikaf nI, hux bhfny bxfAuNdY.” sLukr hY jI dfs dy hwQ dwbidaF gurF isMG cuwp kr igaf. agly kmry ivwc iewk myjL duafly ikMny sfry jxy bYTy sn. sMpfdk ny dwisaf, “ieh sfzI KbrF bxfAux vfly sMpfdkF dI myjL hY. iewQy isLPtF ivwc kMm huMdY qy ivckfrlI kursI qy bYTf swjx iehnF df ies isLPt df ieMcfrj huMdf hY. iksy ny kI krnf hY, ieh ieMcfrj dwsygf. qusIN do imMt Klo ky kMm huMdf vyKo, mYN cfh df pqf kr afvF.
ieMcfrj ny icwt PVfeI qy ikhf, “kql vI kr dyeIN mgroN.” idl qfN dfs df vI jLor nfl DVkx lwg ipaf sI, pr gurf isMG ijLafdf hI kfhlf pY igaf qy dfs nUM bfhoN PV ky pOVIaF vwl iKHwc quiraf. awgoN smfcfr sMpfdk iml ipaf. Auh cfh df jLor lfvy qy gurf isMG khI jfvy,” ijMnI nHfqI, Enf puMn. hux sfnUM inkl jfx idE bc ky, bws rook nf.” sMpfdk ny Gbrf ky puwiCaf, “gwl kI ho geI?” dfs ny KbrF vflI myjL qy suixaf sfrf kuJ suxf idwqf. gwl Kqm huMdy sfr gurf isMG boilaf, “pfpI, sB pfpI bYTy ny aKbfr c. sfnUM jfx idE.”
sMpfdk AuwcI sfrI hws ky boilaf, “cly jfieE, pr GbrfE nf. ieh aKbfrI bolI aY. jdoN Aus ny ikhf’aYksIzYNt kIqf hY” Aus df mqlb sI ky aYksIzYNt dI Kbr bxfeI aY. ieMcfrj dy puwCx qy ik Auh kI kr irhf hY, jdoN ikRpfl ny “blfqkfr” ikhf qF Aus df Bfv sI ik Auh blfqkfr dI Kbr bxf irhf ey. ieMcfrj kol kql asIN ghu nfl suxn qy vyKx lwg pey. Eyny dI Kbr peI hoAU qy Aus ny Auh Kbr vI nUM iksy muMzy ny ieMcfrj nUM puiwCaf, “hux nfl hI PVf idwqI hoAUgI.” kI krF jI?” QoVHf bhuqf mn df boJ Gt BfvyN igaf, pr cfh pIx leI ruk jfx dI juarwq nhIN sI ieMcfrj ny isr cuwk ky puwC ilaf, “pihlF pY skI, nf dfs dI qy nf gurf isMG dI. zr kI kr ky hitaF eyN?” nfl sUqy gey sfh ipMz phuMcx qwk itkfxy nhIN sn af rhy. Aus ny ikhf “aYksIzYNt.”
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED ¯Truck Drivers ¯Local Work Only ¯No Long Haul Evening and Day Shift Available
Wages based upon experience sfnMU trwk zrfeIvr, aqy lokl kfimaF, dI loV hY| lONg hfl nhIN hY. cMgI qnKfh qjLrby anusfr idwqI jfvygI idn aqy sLfm dIaF isLPtF lY skdy ho
& Framing Ltd. J&J Fresh Look JJ Home Builders • • • •
Framing for two & three-story houses We have an excellent framing record Our framing is passed on the very first inspection We provide home warranties
EsINÊs`ryÊloErÊmynlYNfÊEqyÊPryzrÊvYlIÊivcÊdoÊEqyÊiqMnÊstorIÊ Gr~ÊdIÊPryimMgÊkrdyÊh~ s`fyÊkIqyÊhoeyÊkMmÊ(PryimMg)Êd`Êirk`rfÊs`&ÊsuQr`ÊhYÊEqyÊ hmyS`ÊpihlIÊv`rÊp`sÊhoieE`ÊhY|Ê
Workers Wanted
: Please send resumes too:
Contact Jordan : 778-240-3457 E-mail : | Fax: 604-850-7225 1702 Foy St, Abbotsford BC V2T6B1
We build custom homes We provide 10 years home warranty tfAUn hfAUs, nvyN Gr grMtIsLudf kuafltI vrk & Pfst srivs rYjLIzYNsLIal aqy kmrsLIal
Jarnail Maan
kfimaF dI loV hY • Fax 604-850-9308
The Patrika
Workers Needed for Framing Workers needed for framing. Wages $15.00/ hour, increased depending on experience. Transportation available from Surrey and Abbotsford. Call: 604-8250736 or 778-255-3135
Matrimonial Jatt Sikh, only son, from Punjab, handsome, B.Sc in Computer Sciences, 5’11, 27 years old, owner of 29 acres of land wants a woman with a PR or Canadian citizenship, height of 5’6 or more, skinny, beautiful girl wanted Call: 778-536-2999/ 236-887-2798
vr dI loV 35 sflf jwt isWK, ivjLtr afeI hoeI lVkI leI knyzIan PR jF istIjLn lVky dI loV hY. hor jfxkfrI leI sMprk kro: 604-7445871 jF 778-245-2369
FARM WORKERS NEEDED Class 1 truck driver
Farm Workers Wanted
Truck Driver wanted
required to transport loads for our company. The loads are for USA (CA). Experience in trucking industry will be preferred. Knowledge of English is a must and knowledge of Punjabi will be an asset. Good wages and benefits as per the experience. Driver's abstract and drug test required. Send resume to info@ or, fax: 604-852-6690, or mail to 31137 Southern Drive, Abbotsford, BC, V2T 5K2. kfimaF dI loV
KN Berry Farms Requires 10 full-time employees in Abbotsford, BC. 50-60 hours/week $12.65/hour. Duties include: weeding, tying, pruning, harvesting, digging and other farm related duties, in all weather conditions. Start date: Dec. 15/2018. Apply at
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
Seven Fruit Farm Workers wanted in Abbotsford, BC for Bathe Farms Ltd. Work location is at 30069 Huntingdon Rd, 672 Ross Rd and 695 Ross Rd. Work involves pruning, weeding, tying, harvesting and other farm work. Work is outdoors, seasonal and full time, in all weather conditions and physically demanding. Starting February 5, 2019. $12.65/hr + 4% vacation pay and possible bonuses, 40-60 hrs/wk. No minimum education or work experience required. Fax resume to 604-856-9747 or mail to 695 Ross Rd, Abbotsford, BC V4X 2M6. bysmYNt ikrfey leI KflI
nvyN bxy mkfn ivwc KuwlHI zuwlHI sB shUlqF vflLI do bYWz rUm dI bysmYNt ikrfey leI KflI hY. pYts vflLy qy mmokr iKmf krn. 33695 Vye Road mYkwlm roz aqy Vye Road/Huntington roz dy krfs dy nflL Bjn isMG Jwj Pon: 604-853-7314
aYbtsPorz dI lokl zrfeIvfl kMpnI nMU kfimaF dI qurMq loV hY. nvyN kfimaF nMU $14.50 pRqI GMtf aqy qjLrbykr nMU qjLrby anusfr. aYbtsPorz aqy FARM WORKERS aYlzrgRov qoN rfeIz df pRbMD hY. hor jfxkfrI leI NEEDED Pon kro: 778-552-6269
B & J Berry Farms Ltd. Requires 9 full-time employees in Abbotsford, BC. 50 hours/ week $12.65/hour. Duties include: weeding, tying, pruning, harvesting, digging and other farm related duties, in all weather conditions. Start date: Dec. 8/2018. Apply at PAGE 42
Nursery workers Required workers 40 hrs per week at $12.65. Duties digging planting, harvesting. Employment starts Jan 7th ,2019. Apply to: Evergreen Propagators Ltd Fax 604 745 4076
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The Patrika
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Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
Tiles (Wall , & Floor Tiles, All Kinds Of Tiles) Entrance Way Tiles Backsplash) iksy vIKitchen qrHF rYn(Floor ovysLn &krvfAu x leI sMprk kro Kitchen Cabinet And CounterTop Full Bathroom Renovation (New & Old) Floor Lamination
tfeIlF (kMDF qy, PrsL tfeIlF, hr iksm dIaF tfeIlF ieMtryNs vy tfeIls ikcn PrsL, bYk splYsL ikcn kYbinwt, aqy kFAUtr tOp nvyN aqy purfxy bfQrUm dI pUrI rYnovysLn Plor lYmInysLn
High Quality Services at Very Reasonable Prices hr pRkfr dIaF tfielF iPks krvfAux leI sMprk kro
Spl: We Do Cabinet Installation for New or Old Houses All Kinds of Renovations Basement Washroom Kitchen Painting Plumbing
Drywall Roofing Framing Siding Tile
* Full Finish Basement * Sundeck All Complete
Laminate Finishing Sundeck Vinyl Paper &more
Crown, Baseboard Door, Fireplace
HARDEEP BIRDI: 778-823-0765
GHD Home Renovations Ltd. We do all types of renovations bysmYNt vI irpyEr krdy h~ • Complete Renovations • Tiling • Plumbing • Hardwood & Laminate • Painting Pu@l rYnovySn • h`rfvu@f EYNf lYmInyt t`iel~ • pNyitMg • plMimMg
ANAND Irrigation Well Pump Installation and Service
5390 Gladwin Road Abbotsford BC HARRIS RD
HWY 11
HWY 11
asIN sYpitk tYNk lfAuNdy hF We install septic tanks
Anand Irrigation
• Irrigation Installation
ierIgySn ienst`lySn
• Post Pounding
post l`auxy
• Drip and Sprinkler Systems
fir@p Eqy spirMklr
• Ditch Digging and Cleaning
if@c putxIE~ Eqy s`P krnIE~
• Farm Drains
Kyq~ iv@c fryn p`auxy
Workers Wanted: Welder & General helper good wages, must speak English, knowledge of Punjabi will be an asset We Specialize in Blueberry Draining Systems
Call Tarsem Singh at 604-897-2152 or 604-852-0552 PAGE 43
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
Working on your feet takes a toll (NC) There has been much discussion about the health risks of sitting all day at work. But jobs that require you to be on your feet most of the time can cause health complications too. Experts say prolonged standing can accelerate and cause a range of problems to your overall health, as well as to your feet and lower limbs. “We all know how much our joints and muscles hurt after spending just one full day on our feet,” says Anthony Harper, a Canadian certified pedorthist and president of the Pedorthic Association of Canada. “Years spent standing all day can cause serious issues, including back, knee and hip pain; swelling in the feet and lower limbs; plantar fasciitis; bunions; varicose veins; and arthritis.”
SCHEER TO TRAVEL TO INDIA A n d r e w Scheer, Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada and Leader of the Official Opposition, will travel to India this fall for a nine-day mission to repair and strengthen Canada-India relations. He will meet with senior Indian government officials, business leaders, and civil society and faith leaders to establish personal relationships and highlight the powerful values and strong alliance that underpins the relationship between Canada and India. The Conservative Party of Canada will pay for the mission. “As the world’s largest democracy and one of its fast-growing economies, India in recent years is transforming into a rising power in the vast Indo-Pacific region and beyond,” Scheer said. “Our
Move around. When you stand still you are using the same muscles, tendons and ligaments all the time, causing them to get tired and soft tissue injuries to develop. Change positions, walk around and shift your weight from foot to foot so that you use different muscle groups and joints. Wear properly fitted, supportive footwear. Today there are a wide variety of shoe brands that have numerous features to increase your comfort and protect your feet. Consult with a footwear expert to find a brand and style that offer the best features for your needs. Be sure the shoes fit correctly.
Consider foot orthotics. Foot orthotics shift weight off high pressure areas, correct biomechanical issues, relieve stress on joints and help improve posture. But don’t self prescribe. A CanaHarper says these issues are com- dian certified pedorthist can determine pounded as people age, if they are which foot orthotics will benefit you. pregnant and if they have experienced Save high heels for parties. High heels past injuries or have pre-existing condiare not a good choice if you work on tions. People whose jobs require they your feet, as they shift your weight remain standing in one place, in an onto the ball of your foot and squish awkward position or do repetitive ac- your toes. Reserve your high heels for tions further increase the risks. special occasions. To reduce your risk of a standing- Make stretching a part of your daily related injury, he recommends these routine. Stretch your calves and hamseven tips: strings, flex your knees and circle your hips. Your muscles are working hard Take sitting breaks. Make sure you sit for you, so take care of them. during lunch and coffee breaks as well as during periods when work is quiet. Find more information at
Keep your gas equipment safe this winter (NC) Preparing and protecting your away from your meter, and always two countries share symbolic and cul- household for the frigid months ahead maintain a clear path. tural bonds borne from decades of mi- could be one of the best ways to keep Never kick or hit your gas meter or gration and common heritage. Standing your family safe. piping in order to free up snow and ice. with a united India is Canada’s gateway Although your outdoor natural gas meto unprecedented human and economic ter is designed to withstand the harsh You should also clear any snow or development, and an essential alliance weather, heavy or hard-packed snow ice from the external vent for your furnace, fireplace, water heater and for Canada to strengthen in the face of and ice on it can be a safety hazard. clothes dryer. shared threats. Here are a few tips to keep things runNever shovel, blow or plow snow up “Unfortunately, Justin Trudeau’s di- ning smoothly this winter: against your gas meter equipment. sastrous trip to India damaged this key Have your furnace and other natural relationship and we must now work to If there’s a fire hydrant near your home, repair it. A Conservative government gas equipment inspected by a licensed make sure it is clear and accessible in will dramatically expand the strategic technician before the cold weather case there is an emergency. relationship between our countries and arrives. our peoples and advance our shared Never let snow or ice completely cover Find more safety tips at security, prosperity, and values.” your meter. Use a broom to sweep snow
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
sRI gurU gRMQ swihb jI dy 414 swlw pihly pRkwS idvs dI smUMh sMgqW nMU l`K-l`K vDweI hovy
ngr kIrqn nagar kirtan
Channel Punjabi TV v`loN ngr kIrqn dw is`Dw pRswrx hovygw
Plot syvw ngr kIrqn leI dSmyS gurduAwrw swihb drbwr v`loN hovygI
gurU GrW qoN svyry 9 vjy ngr kIrqn leI b`sW c`lxgIAW
Sunday Starts nd Sept 2 , 2018 10:30am
AwrMB sRI AKMf pwT swihb: 31 Ag`sq idn Su`krvwr svyry 8 vjy Bog sRI AKMf pwT swihb: 02 sqMbr idn AYqvwr svyry 8 vjy ngr kIrqn: 02 sqMbr idn AYqvwr svyry 10:30 vjy qoN 3:30 vjy q`k iesy idn klgIDr pwrk ivKy 12 qoN 5 vjy q`k ivSyS dIvwn s`jxgy
Bw: suKijMdr isMG jI
Bw: jspwl isMG dIvwlI
FwfI mihqwb isMG iBMfr
kIrqn drbwr
FwfI imlkw isMG mOjI
FwFI drbwr
vIrvwr 30 Ag`sq, 2018 (Swm 6:30 - 8:30) BweI suKijMdr isMG (hzUrI rwgI sRI drbwr swihb) BweI XSpwl isMG idvwlI, BweI gurpRIq isMG
kQw drbwr
SnIvwr 01 sqMbr, 2018 Aqy somvwr 03 sqMbr, 2018 (Swm 6:15 - 9:00) igAwnI AnUp isMG jI, igAwnI ipMdrpwl isMG jI, igAwnI gurivMdr isMG jI
Su`krvwr Ag`sq 31, 2018 (Swm 6:30 - 8:30) BweI surjIq isMG vwrs, BweI imlKw isMG mOjI, BweI mihqwb isMG iBMfr PARADE ROUTE:
ig: ipMdrpwl isMG jI
ig: AnUp isMG jI
* ig: ipMdrpwl isMG jI 1 sqMbr qoN 3 sqMbr Swm 7:30 qoN 9 vjy q`k kQw krngy[ * ig: AnUp isMG jI 4 sqMbr qoN 15 sqMbr Swm 6:45 qoN 7:30 vjy q`k kQw krngy[
Note : Speeches will be at Kalgidhar Park Beside Gurudwara Sahib
Ã˺â Sa êÅÂÆê nd pip ð âð er Å Dr. ÂÆò
Townline Rd.
30640 Blueridge Drive
e Blu
àÅÀ±éñÅÂÆé ð¯â
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Blue Jay St.
ìÇñÀ±Çð÷ âðÅÂÆò
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FwfI surjIq isMG vwrs
Southern Dr. ÃÅÀ±æðé âðÅÂÆò O ld Yale R d.
bIbI ismrnjIq kOr (spu`qrI ShId BweI jugrwj isMG qu&wn)
isMG swihb igAwnI mohn isMG jI (swbkw hY~f gRMQI s`cKMf sRI drbwr swihb)
* AMimRq sMcwr: 01 sqMbr, idn SnIvwr svyry 6 vjy hovygw[
hor jwxkwrI leI sMprk kro: gurduAwrw swihb 604-504-5530 • BweI srbjIq isMG 778-808-7042 • BweI surdyv isMG 604-217-9273
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
MP Sidhu hosts successful 3rd annual constituent barbecue
ati Sidhu, Member of Parliament for Mission-Matsqui Fraser Canyon, would like to thank all those who joined him and his team Sunday, August 19, at Matsqui Village Park for his office’s Third Annual Family Barbecue.
Fraser Valley Antique Farm Machinery Association proved popular for photo opportunities. More than just food, fun and photos, however, MP Sidhu views this event as a chance to get real-time feedback from his constituents. “It’s crucial that people know their Member of Parliament is available and accessible,” he said. “Today the
“ I t ’s b e coming a real tradition, and we’ve had people saying how much they look forward to it as part of their summers,” Sidhu said. “We were a little unlucky with the smoke affecting the air quality, but everyone who turned out had a great time—especially the kids.”
feedback was very positive, but I still meet people who’re always surprised with the assistance my staff and I can offer on a wide range of issues, including pensions, CRA questions, Service Canada inquiries and immigration. I urge all my constituents to not hesitate in reaching out to my office for help with federal services.”
Mr. Sidhu’s staff estimates that at least 300 people attended the fourhour event, with guests being treated to hot dogs, burgers and salads, as well as cold drinks and desserts. Food was once again provided by There were games and face paintValley Caterers with the extras— ing for the younger attendees, and a enough for about 50 people—later bright pink tractor on loan from the donated. PAGE 46
sfnUM 130 KUndfnIaF dI loV hY Thursday, Aug 30th.Emmanuel Mennonite Church vIrvfr 30 agsq nUM eymYnUal mYnonYWt crc
3471 Clearbrook Rd 10:00am – 4:45pm
YOU 1 HOUR CAN SAVE UP TO 3 LIVES! 1 in 2 people can donate,check our website for more infomation on Eligibility Criteria and Donation Tips:
quhfzf iewk GMtf 3 jfnF vcf skdf hY iewk jF so bMdy KUn dy skdy hn hor jfxkfrI leI sfzI vYbsfeIt qy jfE KUndfn dI Xogqf, KUn dyx dIaF ivDIaF aqy dfn dy nukqy You can book at, call 888-2-DONATE or walk in! qusIN afpxI buwikMg jF Pon 888-2-DONATE qy jF Kud af ky krvf skdy ho
The Patrika
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
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The Patrika
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
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for consecutive years!
koeI PIs nhIN MSA Ford is the Valley’s only
The countdown is on….Ford Canada presents…. THE BIGGEST AND BEST NATIONAL SALE EVENT of the year.
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Here are just 3 samples of YOUR EMPLOYEE PRICES available until August 31st!
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Prices net of all available incentives and discounts, Costco Member Rebate (must be member in good standing as of June 30th 2018), and Ford delivery allowances. Call or email one of our product experts for more information. Ask us about our sub-vented finance and lease terms and rates. Prices advertised do not include taxes, environmental levies, and $480 documentation fee. Dealer May Sell For Less. Vehicles may not be as shown. Vehicles advertised subject to prior sale.
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
zivlprF duafrf tfAUn hfAUs vyc idwqy gey |
hor jfxkfrI leI kfl kro
604 500 0936
$789,900 YOUR SEARCH STOPS HERE! Welcome to a very quiet cul-de-sac street within walking distance to W.J. Mouat Secondary School, Gordie Howe Middle School & Matsqui Rec Centre. This nice home has been recently renovated and offers 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms upstairs, and 2 bdrm legal suite in the basement plus 3rd bedroom for upstairs use.
Central Abbotsford
Subdividable Lot
10,240 sqft lot, 7 bedroom, 3 full bath, open concept throughout, kitchen, dining, living rm and sunroom with roman columns. french traditional kitchen, large sunroom with windows and more windows to take in the panoramic mountain view. please call for more information.
7510 JAMES STREET, Mission
Quiet area of fairfield island featuring a large family home on a large lot. so many improvements like low e windows, 96% efficient furnace, bosch hot water on demand with a booster as well. no chlorine taste because all the water in the home is filtered. there is room to park the motor home, (rv dump) the boat, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths with suite potential and roughed in bath below.
INVESTORS/BUILDERS ALERT! Come Discover Mission BC. Sitting on 2 legal lots with 2 PID's this ready to move into 2 level, 5 bedroom home has lots of tasteful upgrades and features including an Updated kitchen with upgraded stainless steel appliances, Newer flooring, newer furnace, hot water tank and roof. 3 bedrooms up with the master having an hal Show More
Central Abbotsford
INVESTOR ALERT! The luxurious character home sits on a 1/2 acre private paradise backing on to Switzer creek in the newly designated McCallum Corridor. Would suit someone looking to create a family estate or Investors/ developers . RS3 zoning allows for multi family,
SOLDAboveAsking Investors!Massivelyrenovated rentable2bedroom2bathroom unit!Brightgroundfloorcornersuite withnewerflooring,tastefulpaint colours,crownmouldings,light fixtures,2inchwindowblinds! Nothingtodobutmovein.Largeunit 1065sq.ft!Kidsandpetswelcome.
your search stops here! renovated 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom townhouse at garden court estates.this townhouse is tucked aways in the quiet part of the complex. towards the back giving you ample privacy. renovations include,new paint,carpet,flooring, kitchen, lights, and window coverings. close to all the amenities. Rental are allowed.please call for your personal tour.
2471 Hill Tout St - Commerical
11,000 sqft lot, 2,078 sf home converted to secondary business commercial zone (c-4) with handicapped accessible office and 2 suites with a total of 5 bedrooms. the property, just off of south fraser way, may be used for car sales, animal hospital services, coffee shop, auto repair, office and many commercial uses
New Listing - Chilliwack
2 Bedroom Condo
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
Baldev Singh Gill
Kirandeep Singh Gill
604.825.8886 3361 TRETHEWEY STREET
Over 3200 Sq. ft. home in West Abbotsford. Several upgrades including: new laminate flooring in living and family rooms, new tiles in the foyer and kitchen, brand new blinds, only 4 years old roof, a fully fenced backyard and relatively new paint. Close to Rotary stadium, W.J. Mouat Secondary and Gordie Howe Middle School.
3131 267A STREET
Custom built 3 storey home with 2-5-10 years warranty in West Abbotsford’s newest subdivision. 4 bedrooms upstairs with 3 full baths. One bedroom with full bathroom on main floor. Walk out basement has 3 bedrooms , 2 full bath and very spacious media room.
#207 1909 SALTON ROAD
2 Bed & 1 Bath Apartment on the Main Floor with 2 parking spots. Many upgrades in past few years including: Laminate floors, white baseboards, designer paint, blinds, counter tops, white appliances, bathroom tile around tub, vanity fixtures, electrical plugs & switches! Great location viewing the private common area.
Farm Listing 19.44 Acre Full Production 33629 Clayburn RD Blueberry Farm
11 year old 1/2 duplex with living, dining, kitchen, family room and 2 piece bath on main; 3 bedrooms and 2 full bath on upstairs. Single garage, fenced private backyard with covered patio and store. No strata fee, independent living, lot of privacy Close to elementary school.
2300 Sq. ft. Rancher with full basement is located in a quiet dead end street. 7700 Sq. ft. flat lot. Some recent updates are: New windows, new blinds, new washer/dryer, new carpet on stairs and brand new full bath in the basement.
Beautiful custom built over 5300 Sq. ft. home with 2-5-10 years warranty. Featuring 9 bedrooms, 6.5 baths and 3 kitchens. Open concept and 14’ high ceiling in living and dining room, Granite
3130 267A STREET
88 32633 SIMON AVENUE Duke and Bluecrop varieties. Very good production for 2017 Full irrigation system and machine pick. House and Barn.
16.32 acre income producing blueberry farm. 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 1950 sqft rancher. 100x40 barn, has 2 storeys, oversized doors on both ends of barn, extra concrete slab. Peat moss, Huge potential here! Close to town and Mission Hwy.
$1,850,000 Royal Lepage Global Force Realty
off:604-596-1800, fax:604-596-1885
604-825-0832 ANJU KAPOOR
New Listing 30921 Sandpiper Drive, Abbotsford
$830,000 Stop your search, its time to send an offer on this beautiful, spotless clean house and make it your own home. You will love this gorgeous 2 story home, with 5 bedrooms + 1 rec-room and 3 full bath. SEPARATE entry for the suite, great income potential from. Great neighbourhood close to school, High Street Mall. Vaulted ceilings in living room .
New Listing 31768 Belmond Ave, Abbotsford
$1.1 million
Great opportunity for investor's looking for income accumulating properties OR owners who want to live in 1/2 and rent out the other 1/2 duplex. This is prime LOCATION in Central Abbotsford, near school, shopping and minute away from the highway. Tenants have taken good care of the property. Renovations were done only a few months ago. Each side of the Duplex has 4 beds, 2 bath, 2 kitchens, 2 living rooms and it is all tremendously spacious. Large corner lot of potential future plans.
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
6 604.309.9298 04.309 09.9 09 9298
Joe Chahal
LOT SIZE FLOOR BDRM 5 ac 8,262 sq. ft. 12
LOT SIZE FLOOR BDRM BATH 5,834 sq. ft. 2,605 sq. ft. 5 4 SIMPLY BEAUTIFUL!!! West Abbotsford Home Boasts: 3 - spacious bedrooms on main floor, plus Rec. room with 3 piece bathroom & 2- Bedroom LEGAL SUITE (Great Mortgage Helper), Bright living room with gas fireplace opens to large formal dining area, Gourmet maple kitchen with Stainless Steel appliances, Covered barbecue deck, Recently updated with laminate flooring & paint. Extra wide driveway for plenty of parking, Fenced back yard.
View at
View at
• The tempo - Luxury Living! • Pets ok with restrictions •Gourmet Granite Chef Kitchen • Rentable ($1150/month) • Open floor plan - In suite Laundry
LOT SIZE FLOOR BDRM 9690 sqft 2460sqft 5
ACRES 20.03 ac
CROP CROP YIELD Blueberries full
• Build Your Dream Home! • Walk to UFV & Shopping • High production 10 year old • 4 Outbuildings & Barns • 2 - Road Frontages Huge Lot • Quick Freeway access plants • Drip irrigation system • Surrounded by new Homes • Reeka, Duke & Elliot varieties • Large Farmhouse View at
View at
View at
LOT SIZE FLOOR BDRM 6.43 ac 4053sqft 5 • SPECTACULAR LUXURY HOME • 5-Spacious bedrooms • 4-full bathrooms
• Quartz countertops • Gloucester Industrial Park
View at
FLOOR BDRM 1150 sqft 2
604.855.7393 Lighthouse Realty
NEW LUXURY ESTATE HOME ON LEVEL PICTURESQUE 5 ACRES - This 8268 sqft custom built masterpiece is centrally located near UFV. Home offers soaring ceilings in the Great Room, Gourmet gas kitchen with quartz counters, Separate spice kitchen, 3-Master full bedrooms + 2 bedroom with jack-jill bathroom, Separate LEGAL 2-bdrm Nanny Suite above garage, Downstairs entertain & enjoy in your Media Room with full wet bar, Fitness Room.
joigMdr isMG cwhl
FO $225,000
FLOOR BDRM 678 sqft 1+DEN
• The Crossing - Luxury Living! • Pets ok with restrictions •Gourmet Granite Chef Kitchen • Rentable ($1150/month) • Open floor plan - In suite Laundry View at
FLOOR TYPE 26,000sqft Layer Poultry
• 2 - Poultry Barns • Loading Docks (42' X 310' each) Truck level •Capacity for upto 30,000 birds • All equipment • 3-Phase Power for turn key View at
LOT SIZE FLOOR 5813 sqft 2769sqft • West Abborsford - AgriRec Stadium • Full Basement • Fenced Yard View at
• TREMENDOUS INVESTMENT • long-term, 3 net lease • Reno’s new kitchen, OPPORTUNITY! • national retail franchise roof & flooring chain • New deck with Hot Tub • 7500 sq.ft. freestanding building View at
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018 MLS TOP 10%
Jag S Sidhu
Personal Real Estate Corporation
Listing Needed Call Jag
#110 - 30485 Cardinal Ave Abbotsford, BC V2T0E5
Phone: 604.625.2245 Fax: 604.625.2249 Toll Free: 1.866.967.0666
Call Gurcharan or Jag for your FREE no obligation Market Evaluation
New listing hitting the market this week. West Abby 3420 Headwater pl!!8 bedroom 9 bath, spice kitchen, radiant heat, high ceilings, A/C and generator ready. 2 suites, recroom/ theatre room/bar walking distance to schools!!
This home is centrally located in West Abbotsford, close to schools, shopping and parks. OVER 12000 SF Large lot, that can be subdivided into 2 lots that would be over 6000 sqft each. Build your dream home and sell the lot beside you or hold the property
OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY AUGUST 25TH, FROM 2:00-4:00 Abbotsford near gurdwara on 30658 steelhead crt. 4 bedroom den(5th) bedroom legal suite clean cul-de-sac!!
3510 Promontory crt
West Abby. 3 story 5 bedrooms up den on main two bedroom legal suite and a Rec room for owner use.
30966 Brookdale Crt
New listing near all levels of schools, gurdwara shaib, fully renovated home 3 bedroom family room and great room up 1 suite and huge theater room for owner use with bar!!
Unit 40 - 31255 Upper Maclure Road
34041 Wavell Lane, Abbotsford
It is a two bedroom house, close to Wal-Mart and freeway. It is rented for $950 per month. It is hard to find in this price in Abbotsford area, demolish it and make a new house. No sign on property.
THE GABLES, a family friendly community! A well maintained family home and complex. 4 Bdrms, 3 FULL baths, BIG recroom, LARGE balcony and DOUBLE garage. Prime location, walking distance to Fruiticana Grocery Store, Eugene Reimer Middle School,Highstreet mall and easy access to highway.
3 Lot LEFT Subdivision
Beautifully renovated rancher, perfect alternative to renting. 2 bdrm + extra with private fenced yard with patio, extra parking/long driveway to a detached 20 x 5 garage/room. New roof & appliances.close to public transit/school, shopping (Walmart, HomeDepot) and choice of quick access to 2 freeway exits.
3 story 7 bedroom and 8 bath with great views!!
#30 - 31098 Westridge Pl 2 Bedroom Townhouse
In Maple Ridge Green Belt Call for more detail
5 Acres
LOT POTENTIAL FOR SALE 214500 Morris Valley Rd Off hwy 7 East Mission 7 LOT POTENTIAL 2887 Bergman St, West Abbotsford
1 Acre
Subdivision Potential
6 bedroom house
Blueberry Farm West Abbotsford with a house. Good production Blueberry BlueCrop & Duke Variety call for more info
KETCH PLACE 4 BEDRM HOUSE single garage 700,00 sq feet
Thinking of Buying or Selling? Give me a call today! Residing in the Fraser Valley for the past 20 years
#110-30485 Cardinal Ave
Abbotsford, BC V2T 0E5
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
HARJ BRAR Real Estate Advisor
ROBBY GILL Real Estate Advisor
Sat. Aug. 25, 2-4PM 27328 – 33A AVENUE
* House size: 3,565 sq. ft. * Lot size: 5, 006 sq. ft. * 2 bedroom legal suite * Fully fenced private backyard * Close to all amenities
Call Robby 604-300-0472
CHILLIWACK ABBOTSFORD ABBOTSFORD ABBOTSFORD $649,888 New Price $284,777 New Price $1,498,888 New Price $798,888
New Price
Sat. Aug. 25, 2-4PM 3473 Hill Park Place
* Fully renovated Rancher * 6 Bedrooms, 3 bathrooms * House size: 2,251 sq. ft. * House size: 3,965 sq. ft. * House size: 2,400 sq. ft. * Lot size: 6,000 sq. ft. * Lot size: 5,800 sq. ft. * Lot size: 8,712 sq. ft. * Suite potential * Two unauth. suites (1 & 2 bedroom) * Tons of parking * Felly fenced backyard w/ greenhouse * High quality finishings throughout * Gorgeous views * Many upgrades, call for list * Double car garage * Central location * Close to all levels of schools * Central location, cul-de-sac * Suite potential * 2 storey w/bsmt
* 8 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms
Call Harj 604-309-1111
MISSION $899,888
New Price
Sat. Aug. 25, 2-4PM
* Desirable STONEBRIDGE ESTATES * Basement Entry * 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms * Custom Built – 2 Storey w/ Bsmt * 8 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms
ABBOTSFORD $1,324,888
Call Harj 604-309-1111
Call Harj 604-309-1111
* Desirable Cascade Greens * 2 bathrooms, 2 bedrooms * Unit size: 921 sq. ft. * Upgrades: new blinds, new shower * Newer paint/carpets * Prime location * Underground parking * Pet friendly, no rentals
* Rancher/Bungalow w/Bsmt * over $300,000 in renovations * 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms * House size: 3,713 sq. ft. * Lot size: 16,366 sq. ft. * Unauthorized suite * Detached shop w/ 200 amp power * Contact me for a list of features
* Basement Entry * 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms * House size: 2,461 sq. ft. * Lot size: 6,382 sq. Ft. * Fully finished basement * Unauthorized suite * Great location
* 7 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms * House size: 3,732 sq. ft. * Lot size: 6,050 sq. ft. * 2 bedroom suite * Great for Investors * Central location * Potential for secondary suite
# 322 – 30525 CARDINAL AVE * Top floor unit at Tamarind * 1 bedroom,1 bathroom * Unit Size : 622 sq.ft * Easy hwy access * Rentals & pets are ok *Low strata fee $ 163.11 * Shopping nearby
Call Harj, 604-309-1111
Call Harj 604-309-1111
Call Harj, 604-309-1111
Call Harj, 604-309-1111
Call Harj, 604-309-1111
Sukh Malhi 604.832.6034
Personal Real Estate Corporation iksy vI qrHF dI pRfprtI KRIdx jF vycx leI suwK mwlI nflL sMprk kro Office 604.855.0800 NEW LISTING 3106 Mouat Drive
Great location! Just Steps Away from both Schools. Simply gorgeous home located on large corner lot with gated RV parking! This 5 bdrm/3 bath home! This home sits on 6550 Sq ft of land. Some of the Updates new roof, new laminate floor downstairs, new paint, Large sundeck over double garage.
32173 Mouat Drive
Great location!Investor or First time buyer alert. Just Steps Away from all levels of Schools. This home located on Quiet cul-desac! This 4 bdrm/2 bath home has legal suite. This home needs TLC - Either bring it back to its former glory or build your dream home here.
2553 Alderview St.
Great location! Just Steps Away from both Schools. Simply gorgeous home located on large corner lot with gated RV parking! This 5 bdrm/3 bath home! This home sits on 6550 Sq ft of land. Some of the Updates new roof, new laminate floor downstairs, new paint, Large sundeck over double garage.
RECENTLY SOLD 31914 Hopedale Ave
99 3030 Trethewey St.
29 46840 Russell Rd
30 35287 Old Yale Rd.
3106 Mouat Drive
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
RESIDENTIAL | 3432 Promontory St.
Near Sikh Temple
2 Storey With Bsmt 5 Bdrm, 3.5 Bath Recroom & Bsmt Suite
44-31255 Upper Maclure 32043 Tims Avenue 32827 Hardwood place
3088 Princess st
House on 2 legal lots 12798 sqft
12240 sqft lot Duplex
2095 Beaver St
11-33682 Marshall rd 403-33960 Old Yale Road
2108 Vinewood st
34118 Larch Street 32107 Clinton Ave 2411 Adelaide st 122-2515 Park dr 2994 Eastview street
FARMS | 14.07 Acres
20 Acres
12 Acres
10 Acres
planted in blueberries ï¬&#x201A;at rectangluar parcel build your dream home 5 min from abbotsford centre
126 Whatcom Rd, Abbotsford Income producing Bluberry Planted in Duke & Elliott Near Sumas border
19.5 Acres
Sumas Prairie, Abbotsford Flat fertile land Plant berries or other crops Near no. 3 rd exit
40721 No. 1 Rd, Abbotsford 12 Acres bare land 3 Bedroom hous
10 Acres
BEHARREL RD, ABBOTSFORD Planted In Blueberries Flat Rectangular Parcel Build Your Dream Home 5 Min From Abbotsford downtown
10 Acres
25.39 Acres
$2,299,000 565 MARION RD, ABBOTSFORD New listing Build your dream home Sumas prairie Drip irreg Duke & Elliot Variety
Full production blueberry 5 bedroom house (2012 built) near no. 3 rd exit
Good location Planted in Blueberries 2 bedroom house
10 mins from sumas way
69.29 Acres
32425 King Road..............................5 Acres 1723 Jackson Street.........................Appx 5 Acres 28028 layman avenue .....................Appx 5 Acres 6230 riverside street.........................Appx 5 Acres
6113 Beharrell Road..............................Appx 10 Acres 7.09 acres lot B Haverman ...................Appx 7 Acres 5111 Tolmie road................................... Appx 8 Acres 14627 Dixon road ..................................Appx 30 Acres
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
Rupinder Davesher
E tion FREE a valu
Personal Real Estate Corporation
et k r a M
Real Estate Office
in the Entire Fraser Valley Board Area (1997 - 2016)
(Based on FVREB MLS® statistics for production per salesperson in all categories)
604-826-9000 Off: 604.826.9000 T.F.: 1.888.826.1177 #103-33070 5th Ave Mission, B.C. V2V 1V5
Specializing in Farms - Farm land - Building lots & homes #38 - 30748 Cardinal Avenue, Abbotsford
Townhouse by Highstreet Mall
5 bdrms, (two master bdrms) w/walk-in closets! 4 baths & finished bsmnt. 2 road access points, double garage, jacuzzi tub, 9’ ceiling & spacious family rm, living rm & dining rm. Close to all levels of schools, temples and churches, public transit, access to HWY 1.
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
3171 Engineer Crescent, Abbotsford
Custom Home on Corner Lot
Open fl plan w/5 master bdrms, 5 custom baths, jetted tub, steam shower, laundry & sundeck up. Vaulted ceilings on main. 2 kitchens & potential 3rd kitchen. Near USA border, Highstreet Mall, rec center & Hwy 1. Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
Coming Soon In Mission
27665 Railcar Crescent, Abbotsford
2 Bedroom Legal Suite!!!
Near Clark Theatre & University
4,470 sq ft home!!! Main has kitchen & spice Kitchen, liv rm, din rm & family rm. 4 bdrms, 3 baths up. 2 bdrm legal suite & separate media room & bar for owner usage!!! Great Location!!! Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
for Your Investment
qualified prescreened 604-820-9000 We have tenants ready to rent.
5,813 SF lot. Main has liv rm, kitchen also work kitchen & fam rm, nook & bath. 4 bdrms & 3 baths up. Liv rm, 2 bdrms, kitch, rec rm & office + 2 baths in bsmnt. Near new Aldergrove Rec Center, transportation, shopping & HWY #1 & US border. Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
Legal Coach House above Garage
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
Outstanding 4,601 SF Home!!!
4005.25 sq ft lot. 2498 sq ft home. 6 bdrms, 5 baths. 10’ ceil on main, 9’ ceil up. Master has double sided walk in closet. Close to new rec center, HWY 1 and USA border.
36 Brand New Homes
For information please call our Property Management Division
327916 Conductor Drive, Abbotsford
2588 Caboose Place, Abbotsford
2074 Dolphin Crescent, Abbotsford
Close to Abbotsford Hospital!
Quiet neighbourhood, great location. 3 bedrooms up and 1 bedroom down. Open floor plan. Private backyard. Potential to subdivide to two lots!! Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
3343 Townline , Abbotsford
3 Building Lots $725,000
Lots For Sale
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
33991 Tooley Place, Mission
Starting @$449,000 Near Clark Theatre & University In Mission
Build Your Dream Home!!
6650 sq ft lot with green belt. Close to University & schools. For Further Information Call Rupinder
Call Rupinder 604-832-2831
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
Amit Sudhakar
Nav Aulakh
Seller’s Agent 778.552.5658
Buyer’s Agent 778.347.8700
Exceptional Client Service & Professional Real Estate Advice RESIDENTIAL 403 3170 GLADWIN ROAD
32773 Cowichan Terrace
Large updated super clean 2 bedroom 2 bathroom corner unit apartment for 35+
Make a huge 6000+ sq ft duplex on this 10680 sq ft lot .
3500 sq ft house built in 2018 with suite available in Chilliwack,
$950,000 $459,900
Asking $825,000
Maple Ridge Asking $7.6M • 19 Lot Subdivision
Maple Ridge Asking $599,000
25 unit townhouse site in South Surrey asking 5,625,000
Site in Clayton Asking $15.5M
• 6,200 sq.ft. Lots Available
• 83 Unit Townhome site
Lots available in Abbotsford, Mission, Maple Ridge, Surrey and Langley
2 lot subdivision in Abbotsford on Babich st. Already application done.
10 Acre assembly in Langley Asking $1.8M/acre • Brookswood - for Mixed
2 & 3 Lot Development Potential in Abbotsford. Call for more info!
Site in Central Gordon Asking $7M • 50 Unit Townhome site
South Surrey Starting from $565,000/lot • 55 Lot Subdivision
44 unit apartment building in maple ridge with PLA. Asking 3.5 mill
10 acre assembly Langley
1990 Coquitlam Ave. Asking $4.2M • 10 units available
21 unit apartment site in Abby with 4 commercial unit asking 2 mill
South Surrey Asking $9.5M • 19 Lot Subdivision
White Rock Asking $1.2M only • 2 lots available in White Rock
UPS store for sale in Chilliwack Asking $259k.
5 Acre Farm Asking $2M • With 5 bedroom house • In Mt. Lehman area.
13 Acre Farm Asking $2.3M • With 4000 sq. ft. house in Abbotsford
10 Acre Blueberry Farm 5050 157 Street Asking Asking $1.6M This is a 35.35 Acre blueberry Farm
• Close to 256 & 16th Ave • Lots of outbuildings & 3 bedroom house. • Variety is Duke.
with very central location. Build your beautiful dream house to live in a country side living.
$4,499,000 .
Looking to sell your property ? Call us today for a FREE no obligation evaluation ! PAGE R8
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
SELMAK Realty Ltd.
Sahinder Lidder
2629 kingsway Vancouver BC V5R 5H4
Bus: 604.456.0873
Harpreet S Kaler
iksy vI qrHF dI pROprtI KRIdx jF vycx leI hrpRIq isMG klyr aqy sihMdr ilwdV nfl sMprk kro|
87-6383 140 st Surrey, BC, V3W0E9
Panorama West Village very functional and clean 4 bedroom To w n h o m e . S t a i n l e s s s t e e l appliances, Granite counters in kitchen and all washrooms. This is one of few units in complex with Greenbelt, kids playground and Clubhouse just behind. The 4th bedroom has separate entrance and may function as a rec room, office or man cave
5351 Abbey Crescent Chilliwack, BC, V2R 0J6 Beautiful 3 storey house in a new development site at the top of Promontory. Having 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, rec room, living room, study room, and extra large great room in a very desirable location on big size lot over 10,000 sq. ft.
$644,888 154 32550 MACLURE RD.
84-15155 62A Ave Surrey, BC
42 30989 Westridge place, Abbotsford, BC
32319 nakusp
SOLD SOLD SOLD Hidden Costs of Selling Your Home
You have spent considerable time and money on home improvements to bring your home into "show" condition. You have taken the dog to the neighbours when your Real Estate Professional hosted open houses. You are pleased that your Real Estate Professional has negotiated the best price on your behalf. The offer has been accepted and you are all set for your move. Congratulations! You have accomplished a major milestone in selling your home. There are financial items you will want to consider upon the sale of your home. The buyer is typically responsible for these closing costs including: • legal/notarial fees for handling the sales transaction • disbursements or out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the lawyer or notary • property tax and utility adjustments • land transfer or "welcome" taxes As the seller, you will also have some debts to discharge before you can access your funds including:
• real estate commissions • building location certificate or survey • legal and discharge fees • outstanding adjustments owed to the buyer • outstanding municipal/school taxes or public service • assessments • outstanding mortgage balance and any charges associated with discharging your mortgage early (if you are not transferring your mortgage to your new home, or the buyer is not assuming it) As fees and costs vary from province to province and city to city, your Real Estate Professional can advise you on the costs you are likely to face when selling your home. It is also a good idea to check with your financial advisor, your accountant and your lawyer prior to the sale.
111-30515 Cardinal Ave
34-30857 Sandpiper dr
38863 Kenny ave
46076 King Avenue
32641 Nootka close
SOLD SOLD SOLD Rupinder AZAD& Associates 604-825-4321 “SINCE 1987”
1000 Sqft Now Available On South Fraser Way, Abbotsford .good Exposure And Parking Convenience Will Suit Any Professional Or Personal Service Business, Retail etc. LEASE RATE IS NEGOTIABLE CALL FIRST TO VIEW THE LOCATION !!
36 2475 EMERSON STREET Abbotsford, BC
FOR SALE If You Are Looking For COMMERCIAL PROPERTY With Good Cash Flow In Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Langley Or Mission Areas, GIVE US A CALL WILL GET YOU ONE !!
very clean, bright and updated house upper unit,ready to move in.quick possession.Well managed, clean, enjoyable Complex for Age 55+ allowing no rentals, no pets.For further inquiry, Call: Rupinder Azad.
$369,000 (Price Negotiable)
SPACE FOR LEASE 1540 sqft (2 levels) in cedar park.newer complex,end unit. suitable for any retail or professional business !!
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
10 UPPER MACLURE SINGLE FAMILY LOTS PRE-SALE ON NOW Premium location near all amenities. West Abbotsford development with unmatched views. Now Accepting Offers. RS5 and RS5A Zoning. Don’t miss out on this one of a kind opportunity - no other lots in Abbotsford with this type of central and private location.
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
Rajinder Dhutti Personal Real Estate Corporation
pRfprtI KRIdxf qy vyrxf iek shWqvpUrk PYslf hY, ies leI muPLq aqy shI slfh vfsqy rijMdr DuWqI nfl sMprk kro:
Rare Find! Solid built family home sitting on a huge 9500 PLUS sqft lot located on a quiet Cul-de-sac. Perfect for the ones who are looking for Master Bedroom with an ensuite on main floor. This home features 4 bedrooms/3 bathrooms, huge & bright living room, dining area, open kitchen with stainless steel appliances & tons of storage, sunken family room with fireplace, nook, private patio & a huge rec
Ground Level Unit! Low Strata Fee. Perfect for a 1st time home buyer or someone who is downsizing. Centrally located & well managed complex. This bright & spacious unit features 1 bedroom/ 1 bathroom, living room, kitchen with stainless steel fridge/ stove & a sunny balcony. Some of the recent updates are- new carpet, new kitchen floor, new tiles in bathroom, new sink in bathroom & new paint.
Investors and 1st time home buyers Alert! Rentals allowed. This Ground Level unit features 2 bedrooms/ 1 bathroom, bright living room, spacious kitchen, dining area, fireplace & a good size balcony. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, malls, restaurants, parks & easy access to freeway.
$199,700 1534 KIPLING STREET
NEW LISTING Flat leveled with a nice house, huge barns, mobile home, shed, berry production, city water.....and the list goes on!!! The home features 6 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms, huge & bright living room, spacious kitchen, nice driveway, sunny sundeck with awesome mountains view, quiet location, tons of parking & much more. Great revenue potential.
Perfect family home in one of the best neighborhoods of Abbotsford. This home features 5 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms with a Legal Suite. Main floor has 3 bedrooms/ 1.5 bathrooms with a 2 pc in the master, huge living room, dining area, spacious kitchen & a sunny sundeck. Basement has a Legal Suite with it's separate entrance.
Only 6 years old Quality built home in a great neighborhood! This home features 4 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms with an ensuite in the master, huge & bright great room, dining area, spacious kitchen with granite counter tops/ tons of storage, den/ office space, laundry room & a sunny sundeck off master bedroom with a nice mountains view.
Allwood Place! This Townhome features 2 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms with an ensuite in the master PLUS a huge rec room in the basement, bright living space, open layout & modern kitchen concept with quartz counter tops/ stainless steel appliances & a nice balcony for entertainment. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, parks, malls, restaurants, public transit &
308 2860 Trethewey St
Rookie of the YEAR
277-32550 Maclure Road
Executive Custom Built Home in a secure gated community. This home has an excellent finishing throughout & features 6 bedrooms/4 bathrooms & a nice backyard for entertainment. Main floor features huge & bright living room, formal dining area, family room, open kitchen with granite counter tops/ huge island/ lots of storage, den(can be used as 7th bedroom or office) & laundry room. Top floor features 4 Bedrooms/2 full bathrooms with an en suite & walk in closet in master.
Clearbrook Village! This unit is located in one of the best locations in the complex. This unit features 3 bedrooms/2 bathrooms with granite counter tops, bright & spacious living room, dining area, kitchen with stainless steel appliances and tons of storage. Other features- fenced backyard, storage room, single carport, tons of visitor parking, low strata fee and much more. This is a great starter home and a good neighborhood to raise your kids.
Luxury Condo at La Galleria- 10/10!! This unit features 2 Bedrooms/2 bathrooms PLUS a Den with an ensuite & walk in closet in master, dining area, open kitchen tops/stainless steel appliances/built in microwave/tons of storage, & BONUS huge solarium with a gas BBQ hook up for entertainment. Other features- Heated floors & mirrors in bathrooms custom blinds in solarium, custom slide out pantry, built in safe in master, strata fee includes basic Shaw cable until 2022, air conditioning, 3 high speed elevators in complex, 2 parking stalls, storage & much more
Cascade Green! Neat & Clean Ground Level Unit. Affordable and great starter home in a friendly neighborhood which is perfect to raise your kids. 2 Bedrooms/ 2 full bathrooms with an ensuite in the master, good size living space, kitchen, laundry room & a balcony. Close to all levels of schools, shopping, stadium, malls, recreation, public transit & parks. Easy to show. Call to view now!.
Rancher on a 7800 sqft Lot with Back Lane Access! This home features 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, bright living room, kitchen, dining, laundry & huge backyard. Lots of potential and a good holding property. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit, malls, parks & easy access to freeway.
NEW LISTING Perfect family home in a great neighborhood. This home features 5 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms with a 2 pc ensuite in the master, bright living room, spacious dining room, kitchen with eating area, 2 bedrooms unauthorized suite with its own separate entrance rented at $1,050 per month PLUS a big rec room in
Friday, Aug 24th, 2018
Professional, Certified, Committed, Full Time Agents for You 2014
Little Oak Realty
Independently Owned and Operated
Award Wining Real Estate Team
iksy vI qrH~ dI pR`prtI vycx Eqy KRIdx qoN pihl~ iek v`r s`nUM jrUr k`l kro jI| Davinder Brar -PREC Harpreet Mann- PREC CALL FOR A divMdr isMG br`V hrpRIq isMG m`n FREE MARKET 604.302.2222 604.832.8485 EVALUATION NEW LISTING
30674 Steelhead Ct
33817 Mayfair Ave
3-story, 4bed up, corner lot, near Gurudewara Kalangidhar.
3-Story, Brand New, 9 bedrm, 9 bath, 2-two bedroom suites, Quality built, luxury,
135-32550 Maclure Rd. Townhouse! 3bedrm, 2bath, Renovated, best complex Clearbrook Village, near stadium.
View lots in Silverdale area, Build 3-Story with legal suite Houses.
45345 Watson Rd. Chilliwack. Brand new house, 7bedrm, 5bath, 10170sft lot, two bsmt-suites.
27636 Roundhouse Dr. . Aldergrove. 3-story, custom built, 8bedrm, 7bath, Bsmt-suite, theatre room, 14000sft lot.
3501 Hillpark Dr. 3-Story, Brand New, 8bedrm, 6bath, Two Bsmt-suites, Good quality, Near Rick Henson School.
30 Acres Blueberry 10 ACRES BIG Farm HOUSE & SHOP 3338 Goldnch St. 5bedrm, 4bath, 2900sft house, 7361 corner lot, Legalsuite, family-room, recroom, excellent location.
32817 Gateeld Ave.
2-Lots for Sale, Abbotsford. Build your 3-Story big houses with view. 4963 sft and 5794 sft.
31861 Beech Ave. 2-Lots one lot is ready to built 3story house with legal suite. 2nd lot has 3200sft 6bed, 3bath with bsmt-suite Renovated.
34080 Higgionson Cre. Chilliwack
With a beautiful house in Aldergrove
32425 King Rd 5 ACRES with VI Clear land, big front. in Heart of Abbotsford city. Solid 5bedrm rented house.
46467 Valleyview Rd
Abbotsford Blueberry (mix) Matsqui Area Shop Rented
3138 Engineer ct
7 bedrooms 5 baths and suites only 6 year old house in Aldergrove. Beautiful location
30788 Sandpiper Dr
2944 Townline Rd. Fully renovated, 4bedrm, 3bath, family and rec rooms, Legal Suite, Near Fruticana.
31022 Headwater Pl
ਸਾਡੇ ਕੋਲ਼ ਤੁਹਾਡੀ ਪੋਪਰਟੀ ਲਈ ਕੁਆਲੀਫਾਈਡ ਖੀਦਦਾਰ ਹਨ। ਹਣ ੁ ੇ ਫ਼ਨ ੋ ਕਰੋ ਜੀ। PAGE R12