The Patrika 604.852.2288 | “ B R I D G I N G
COMMUNITIES” Weekly | Friday Sep 14th, 2018 | Vol.22. No.52 | |
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The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
itAUn aWp, brykF, aYgjLfst, PrMt aYWz vrk, ieMjn irpyarjL, klWc, vftr pMp, trYnI srivs, XU- jfieMtjL, PrMt aYksl sLfPtjL afid
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THANK YOU! Our thanks to Dr. Amarjit S. Bajwa and Dr. Malwinder S. Dhami for being an integral part of making Building Bridges such a success. It was their vision to connect community to the SASI Research Fellowship initative that this event was established. A special thank you to all of our generous sponsors for making this event a success. MEDIA SPONSORS
Championship cup was kindly donated by Dr. Amarjit S. Bajwa and Dr. Malwinder S. Dhami
Learn more about how you can support UFV at PAGE 2
The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
ICBC CLAIMS afeI.sI.bI.sI dy dfavy
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The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
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The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
sB jUnf ivwcoN iekwlf mnuwK hI hY jo JUT boldf hY. hyrf PyrI, ivsLvfsLGfq, pKMz, durfcfr, Dwkf, luwt Koh, kbjLf, DrmF dy ivqkry, lflc, KudgrjLI isrP qy isrP mnuwK dy hI ihwsy afeIaF Gfqk burfeIaF hn. ieh Drm pYdf krdf hY pr afp DrmI nhIN bxdf. DrmI ho ky Drmf dy nf qy burfeIaF krdf hY, AUc nIc, jLfq pfq, kqlogfrq dIaF anHyrIaF nUM psLU pMCIaF ny aMjfm nhIN idwqy ieh kukrm isrP qy isrP mnuwK hI kr ihhf hY. asIN ies ivsLy nUM sMsfr pwDr qoN ht ky jy isrP Bfrq dy sMDrv ivwc hI ivcfr krIey qF imlLdy ieqhfsF dI jfxkfrI dwsdI hY ik nOvIN dsvIN sdI qwk mnuwK jMglI jIvn jIAu irhf sI. ies qoN aglIaF swq sdIaF ivwc Bfrq qy keI anHyrIaF JuwlIaF, kdI mrhwty, kdI gjLnvI, kdI gOrI qy kdI keI. hor jrvfxy rfj kfiemIaF leI inwq sMgrfm mcONdy rhy. QoVHf icr Pfrs lokF ny vI eyQy rfj kIqf pr bhuqI qbfhI mugl rfj vyly hoeI. afriQkqf nroeI hovygI qF hI ies dysL nUM sony dI icVI ikhf jFdf sI. ies sonicVI qy ieMglYNz dy rfj dI njLr peI qy Aus ny ivAupfr dy bhfny Bfrq nUM gulfm bxf ilaf qy rfj kIqf. gulfm rihxf iensfnI suBfa nhIN hY, ies leI Bfrq dy keI ihwisaF ivwc ajLfdI lihrF pYdf qF hoeIaF pr aMgryjLI hkUmq nUM ijwq nf skIaF. ies gulfmI df duwK pMjfbIaF ny ijLafdf Jwilaf. pMjfb ivwc vI vwK vwK jQybMdIaF, Dfrimk sMsQfvF aqy smfijk lihrF ny iewksur ho ky jwdojihd kIqI pr aMgryjL ny gdfr KrId ley ijnHF bhuqy nuksfn krf idwqy pr lihrF prcMz huMdIaF geIaF. jdoN mnuwK hwQoN mnuwK dI ikrq aqy snmfn luwty jfx lwg pYx, smfj asmfj ho jfvy, KudgrjLI, sInfjLorI, iewjLq afbrU dI imwtI plIq hox lwg pvy qF smNy dI kuwK ivcoN sUJvfn, isrVI aqy jwgpltfAU sUrmy jnmdy hn. hfkmF vloN pYdf kIqy vMzF ivqkry, AUc nIc, kflLf gorf, aMD ivsLvfsL, iPrkU dMgy, zvfeIz aYNz rul dI pOlsI dy iKLlfP prym, Aumfh, AuqsLfh, eykqf, ieqPfk, hmdrdI qy kurbfnI dI soc pYdf huMdI hY. kurbfnI dI soc sfkr ho ky kOqkI vrqfry krdI hY: sIs sIs qoN cwl ky jd qlLI qy afx itkdf hY iPr nf koeI idny itkdf hY qy nf koeI rfq itkdf hY. iPr pMjfbIaF nUM bIq cuwky ieiqhfs nUM Ausfrn vflLIaF mhfn sLksIaqF dIaF kurbfnIaF ny hlUixaF, ajLfdI dI mMg hr pMjfbI dI loV bxI, lihrF prcMz hoeIaF, pMjfbIaF df suBfg hY ik bfkI sUibaF dy mukfbly ienHF ny sLhIdIaF dIaF anHyrIaF vgf idwqIaF, mOq dy swicaF afsLkF ny nvyN ieqhfs nUM jnm idwqf, lok idlF dy ienHf rfijaF bfry pMjfb dy iewk mhfn kvI ienHf nUM bhuq vwzf mfx idMdy hoey ilKdy hn:
eyQy bIr bhfdr vsdy jfxy kuwl jLmfnf dysL kOm leI mrn df ijhVy lwBdy rihx bhfnf. eysy hI lVI nUM agFh qordy hoey pMjfb dy mhfn ieiqhfs ilKfrI qy kvIsL r muKiqafr isMG ‘jLPLr’ ieAuN kihMdy hn: kOm buwq qy rUh ieiqhfs huMdf, bfJ rUh dy bxy nf gwl koeI gfzI rfh ieiqhfs jvfnIaF leI ijs qy cwl ky kOm atwl hoeI jo nf jfxy ieiqhfs vzyiraF df ikvyN msilaF nUM kry hwl koeI ijhVI kOm ieiqhfs nUM Buwl jfvy smJo awj moeI jF iPr kwlH moeI mMijLlF qy phuMcx dI ijLd awgy musLiklF nUM hiQafr suwtxy pYNdy hn, iksmq quhfzy PYNsly nhIN bdl skdI pr quhfzy PYNsly iksmq nUM bdl idMdy hn. ijLMdgI ivwc pey bKq hI vkq dI kImq dwsdy hn. aMgryjL srkfr vloN gulfmI dIaF jMLjIrF idno idn hor kwsIaF jf rhIaF sn dUjy pfsy ajLfdI leI sMgrfm dI agnI vI DuK DuK ky BFbV bxn jf rhI sI afKr 1857 df sMgrfm micaf qF seI pr kuwJ kfrnf kr ky sPl nf ho sikaf. ijwQy Bfrq ivwc anykF lihrF pRcMz ho rhIaF sn, EQy prdysF ivwc gey hoey BfrqI afpxy ZMg nflL koisLsL kr rhy sn. ienHF ivwcoN amrIkf aqy knyzf gey BfrqIaF ny nyk kmfeIaF ivwcoN PMz iekwTy krky, kMmF coN ivhl kwZ ky, XojnfvF GVidaF iewk lihr pYdf kIqI qy ies smUh nUM ‘gdr pfrtI’ df nfm idqf. knyzf qy vI Aus smyN aMgryjL df rfj sI qy aMgryjL srkfr BfrqI kYnyzIanf qy bhuq bMdsLI vrqfrf kr rhI sI. BfrqIaF dy vYnkUvr bMdrgfh qy iswDy phuMcx leI bfbf guridwq isMG ny ‘kfmfgftf mfrU’ jhfj ikrfey qy ilaf BfrqIaF nUM ibTf ky jd jhfj vYnkUvr phuMicaf qF srkfr ny by-afsUl ho ky BfrqIaF nUM jhfj coN Auqrn hI nf idwqf, aqy ivcly svfrF smyq jhfj vfps Bfrq moV idqf. ienHf AuWqy hoey axmnuwKI vqIiraF ny ienHF ivwc roh dI agnI bflL idqI. rihMdI ksr AudoN pUrI kr idwqI jdoN ieh jhfj klkwqy puwjf bj bj Gft qy jhfj nUM Gyrf pf ky inhwQy musfPrF qy golLIaF vrfeIaF geIaF. BfrqI lok srkfr qoN aqI duKI sn aqy ienHf kfiraF ny blLdI qy qyl df kMm kIqf. sB ajLfdI lihrF “ihMdI aYsosIeysLn aOP pYsIiPk kost” pfrtI dy JMzy hyT gqIsLIl hoeIaF. pfrtI df AudysL hiQafrbMd ienklfb nflL dysL afjLfd krOxf aqy brfbrI dy afDfr qy lok-rfj sQfipq krnf sI. ies dI pUrqI leI pRYWs lgfeI geI, gdr aKbfr Cpx lwgI, ajLfdI leI sfihq iliKaf jfx lwgf, hr BfrqI afjLfdI leI hr kdm puwtx
lwgf, dysLF ivdysLF ivwc BfrqI gqIsLIl hox lwgy, gdfrF nUM soDy lwgx lwgy, aMgryjL srkfr df nwk ivwc dm aOx lwgf, lihrF AuWTx lwgIaF, lihrF dbOx leI jLulm dy BFbV mcx lwgy, myilaF ivwc qy iekwTF ivwc afjLfdI dy gIq gUMjx lwgy, styjF dy nftkF ny jLfilm dy ikrdfrF dy sIn lokF qwk phuMcdy kIqy, hr BfrqI nUM aMgryjL nflL nPrq hox lwgI, afjLfdI leI ngmy hr iewk dI jLbfn qoN bolx lwgy. ijvyN: hYQoN ilafeI hYQoN ilafeIN inMm df Gotxf sfmrfj dy isr’c Tokxf hr iewk Drm dy hr iewk bMdy nUM afjLfdI leI sONh Kfx leI ikhf igaf: “nflL qrilaF mUl nhIN kuwJ bxnf myrf afKrI suxo Purmfn vIro ihMdU vyd qy isMGF grMQ vflLI muslmfnf nUM ksm kurfn vIro” BfrqI POj ivwc bgfvq afeI, hr Gr, glLI, muhwly, ipMz, ngr, sLihr, dys, prdys ivwc lihr vDx lwgI, Dfrimk rfjnIqk, smfjk, afriQk ivqkry Kqm hox lwgy, dysL Bgq PVy jfx lwgy, JUTy mukwdmy drjL hox lwgy, inhwiQaF qy golI vrHn lwgI, sUrmy PFsIaF nUM cuMmx lwgy, krqfr isMG srfBf nUM hvfeI jhfj dI
tryinMg idqI jfx lwgI, BfeI hrnfm isMG tuMzI lft nUM bMb bxOx dI tryinMg idqI jfx lwgI. isafixaF df kQn hY ik iksy afdrsL leI KfDy Pwt, swc leI zuwilHaf KUn qy inaF leI AuwTI afvfjL rMg jLrUr ilaONdy ny, afjLfdI leI lVI ies lMmI lVfeI ny anykF qsIhy idwqy, gdr pfrtI dy hjLfrF sUrmy PFsIaF qy cVHy, jylHF ivwc ruwlLy, aMzymfn dIaF jylHF ivwc ijLMdgIaF gflLIaF, jfiedfdF dIaF kurkIaF krfeIaF qF ikqy jf ky Bfrq afjLfd hoieaf. motI ijhI igxqI anusfr ies lihr ivwc 182 sUrmy PFsI lfey gey, 171 gdrIaF nUM Aumr kYd hoeI, 67 gdrI gory dI golLI ny inglLy, 8 gdrI BuwK hVqfl nflL sLhId hoey. by-igxq sUrimaF keI iksm dIaF hor sjLfvF vI kwtIaF. bVy lMmy sMGrsLF ny rMg ilaFdf, Bfrq afjLfd hoieaf. awj asIN afjLfd Bfrq dy vfsI hF pr sfzf PrjL bxdf hY ik ies dI pRfpqI leI kIqy sMGrsLF dy ieiqhfs nUM sdf Xfd rwKIey qy aihsfs krIey ik “KIrF nflL Bry iks kfry muKVy idl idlgIrF dy kr gujLrfn suqMqrqf ivwc, pihn godVy lIrF dy.” DMnvfd sihq, sMpfdkI mMzl
The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
New benefit helps 60,000 more families with child care expenses
ith the launch of its new Affordable Child Care Benefit (ACCB), the provincial government is making child care more affordable for 80,000 B.C. families.
benefit amount for infant/toddler care has also been increased, with some families now eligible for up to $1,250 a month per child, up from $750 per child, marking a 67% increase.
This is four times the number of families that benefited from the previous child care subsidy. “Parents throughout this province have been struggling with rising child care costs, and it’s clear that we need to make child care more affordable for more middle-income families,” said Premier John Horgan. “Our hope is that this makes a big difference for families, and that they can get a little further ahead every month. When more parents can choose to rejoin the workforce if they want to, that’s good for people and the economy. In making the announcement, Premier Horgan said the new benefit program will expand the household income threshold for qualification to $111,000, up from $55,000 under the old subsidy.
“Child care was neglected for too long in this province, leaving families worried and scrambling. We’re listening to what families need and our priority is affordable, accessible and quality child care for people around the province,” said Katrina Chen, Minister of State of Child Care. “We’ve made a lot of changes since announcing our $1-billion ChildCare BC plan in February, and there’s more to come.”
Parents can apply now for the new benefit through My Family Services, a new online process that makes it faster and easier to apply for support. Parents can also use an online estimator to see The new Affordable Child Care Ben- if they are eligible for the benefit and efit is part of government’s ChildCare how much they may be able to save BC plan, released in Budget 2018. each month. Combined with the Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative announced earlier The Affordable Child Care Benefit is this year, this benefit means some B.C. the second affordability measure to be families may end up paying no fees for launched under ChildCare BC. The first, the Child Care Fee Reduction Inithe child care they need. tiative, was launched in April 2018 and “The new, expanded benefit will give is helping licensed child care providers parents more options – whether they reduce their fees by up to $350. As of choose to join or return to the work- Aug. 24, nearly 3,000 providers have force, find quality child care or just so far been approved for fee reductions, have a bit more breathing room in representing more than 50,000 spaces. their monthly budgets,” said Katrine Conroy, Minister of Children and Fam- Under ChildCare BC, the Province is ily Development. “Parents have been investing more than $1 billion in child clear that this benefit – either alone or care over the next three years, to lay in combination with this spring’s fee the foundation for a universal child reduction initiative – will make life care system. better for their families.” In the coming weeks, the B.C. govOver 80,000 B.C. families are now eligible for some level of support through the benefit. Under the previous subsidy, only 20,000 families were eligible. The
ernment will announce the child care facilities that have been selected as prototype sites to offer child care at $10 a day or less.
The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
Partnerships give B.C. families quicker access to child care British Columbia municipalities and regional districts can now access nearly $17 million in funding to plan and build licensed child care spaces that will best meet the needs of local families. “The Government of Canada is committed to helping middle-class families access quality early learning and child care," said Jean-Yves Duclos, federal Minister of Families, Children and Social Development. “Today’s announcement will ensure that more families and children have a real chance to succeed right across British Columbia.” The Government of B.C. is investing $13.7 million from its Early Learning and Child Care Agreement with the Government of Canada through the first of two new partnership programs with the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM). The first program, called the Community Child Care Space Creation Program, will create 1,370 new licensed child care spaces, with a focus on infant and toddler care.
Parents under age 25 who are completing their secondary education, and Minority language and cultural groups, including recent immigrants and refugees, and francophone families. “Local governments have been calling on the provincial government to invest in high-quality child care to make it affordable and accessible, so today’s announcement is welcome news,” said Wendy Booth, UBCM president. “This funding will strengthen understanding of local needs and develop new child care spaces in B.C. communities.” The second project will provide $3 million in new provincial funding to UBCM to administer a Community
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syl! syl! syl!
mnOx leI sfzy nflL juVo sinwcrvfr sqMbr 22, 2018 nUM svyry 10 vjy qoN sLfm 6 vjy qwk EvrsIjL PYbirks
32853 Ventura ave, aYbtsPorz bI sI
cfh,imTafeI,aqy nmkIn sfrf idn vrqygf, syljL aqy prfeIjLjL aqy keI srprfeIjL vI.
Child Care Planning grant program that will enable local governments to work with their communities to identify their specific needs around child care spaces. Local governments are now eligible to apply to UBCM for up to $25,000 from the planning program, which is targeted to communities that are interested in creating new child care spaces over the next 10 years.
“Local governments know their communities best and have strong relationships with public-sector organizations,” said Katrine Conroy, B.C.'s Minister of Children and Family Development. “This makes them uniquely able to create child care spaces where they are most needed in order to best meet the “The ability to plan for child care space needs of their local families.” at the local level will help ensure that new spaces are created in areas with Municipal and regional governments in the greatest need,” said Katrina Chen, B.C. are eligible for up to $1 million B.C.'s Minister of State for Child Care. per project through the new Commu“It will also help identify community nity Child Care Space Creation Proassets and partnerships that are the gram. Priority will be given to projects most likely to be successful and susthat build spaces that serve infants and tainable.” toddlers, offer care outside of regular business hours, are operated by a pub- Work is also underway to make sure lic body or non-profit, and/or benefit that Indigenous communities in B.C. underserved populations, including: — including First Nations, Métis and urban communities — also have supIndigenous families and communities, port to improve access to early learning Children with extra support needs, and child care. The Province will announce new partnerships in the coming Lower-income families, months.
604-864-8100 32853 Ventura Ave Abbotsford
The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
bIar krIk pfrk srI ivwc grYNz pyrYNts zy sLfno sLOkq nfl mnfieaf igaf: s[ kuldIp isMG syKoN jI dwsdy hn ik 9 sqMbr idn aYqvfr nUM dfdf dfdI, nfnf nfnI-zy mnfieaf igaf. mfmy mfsIaF, BUaf PuwPVF, BYxF BrfvF, poqy poqIaF dy idn qF mnfey jFdy hI hn, pr grYNz pyrYNts leI ieh bVf mfx Biraf idn sI. purfxI iprq anusfr ieh AuWdm s: guljLfr isMG ivilMg, aMimRqpfl isMG rMDfvf, zf: rivMdrpfl isMG qy jsvIr isMG romfxf jI ny kIqf qy ies nUM ieMtrnYsLnl pyrYNts zy mnOx dIaF mMijLlF vl qoiraf.
Friday, October 19th, 2018 Surrey Hospital & Outpatient Centre Foundation
Rani Manget 604.506.6123
gurduafrf sfihb suK sfgr gurduafrf sfihb suK sfgr ivKy BfeI ipMdrpfl isMG jI kQfvfck qy isMG sfihb BfeI mohx isMG sfbkf hYWz grMQI sRI aMimRqsr afey. AunHf nUM gurduafrf sfihb dI pRbMDk kmytI qy isrI gurU grMQ sfihb siqkfr kmytI aYbtsPorz vloN gurU sfihb dI bKisLsL isrpfE dyNdy hoey, muwK syvfdfr BfeI hrBjn isMG hYWz grMQI, BfeI hrbMs isMG, BfeI suirMdr isMG, BfeI hrivMdr isMG, siqkfr kmytI mYNbr kuldIp isMG, hrdIp isMG, gurdrsLn isMG, mndIp isMG aqy pqvMqy
Balwinder Hairan 778.862.1556 Tirath Sarai 604.760.7235 Donations for Breast Health Clinic
OUR BIG THANKS TO ALL OUR SPONSORS Design & Print By Ultimate Signs&Print
The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
September is Distracted Driving month... while
to focus on the road while in control of a vehicle.
ipCly hPqy lfeIP ikwk–afP leI sfiern dy aMkVy inÈcq tIcy dy mukfbly 128% rhy - mqlb ik asIN afm nfloN bhuq Aupr cly gey[ AuhnF sBnF df DMnvfd ijhnF ny ieh pRgtfvf kIqf! afpxI mnpsMd aYmrjYNsI syvf nUM sihXog dyx leI ieh koeI dyr nhIN[ sUcIbwD kIqIaF qfrIKF coN iksy iek `qy sfzy nfl juVo!
Please be safe, and keep your #eyesfwdBC !. sqMbr izstrYkitz zrfeIivMg mhInf hY [[[ sYlPon dI vrqoN sfzf bhuq sfrf iDafn iKHwc lYNdI hY, izstrYkitz zrfeIivMg ivc Auh hr ikiraf Èfml huMdI hY jo iksy vfhn nUM clfAuNdy smyN sVk qy iDafn kyNdirq krn dI quhfzI smrwQf nUM pRBfivq krdI hY[ ikRpf krky surwiKaq rho, aqy afpxI nËr sfhmxy rwKo!
You CRUSHED it Abbotsford! The Sirens For Life kick-off last week collected 128% to target- meaning we went over and above (as usual)! Thank you to everyone who showed up! Its not to late to support your fav #emergencyservice! Join us at one of the dates listed! #ItsInYouToGive
cellphone usage get alot of attention, distracted driving includes any activity that impacts your ability
sVkF surwiKaq rwKxf sfzy sfiraF dI iËMmyvfrI hY [[[ gwzI clfAuNdy smyN isrP sYl Pon hI sfzf iDafn nhIN BtkfAuNdy sgoN jIpIaYs, bwcy, Kfxf, bhuq iËafdf socxf vI Btk jfx dy kfrn hn[ sYwlPon dI surwiKaq vrqoN leI suJfakoeI kfl, tYkst jF eI-myl eynI mhwqvpUrn nhIN, ieh quhfzy jIvn nUM jF dUijaF dIaF
Driving?? Tips for safe cellphone use No call, text or email is so important it's worth risking your life or the lives of others. Assign a designated texter. Ask your passengers to make or receive calls and texts for you. Pull over to make or receive a call when it's safe to do so. Use the 'Do Not Disturb While iËMdgIaF nUM Éqry ivc pfAuxf hY[ Driving' feature on iOS devices, 'Iniewk tYksttr nfmËd kro[ afpxy nfl sPr krn vfilaF nUM kho ik Traffic Reply' on Samsung phones, Auh quhfzy leI kfl krn jF kfl suxn aqy tYkst krn df kfrj krn[ or download a similar app to help jy surwiKaq lwgdf hovy qF kfl krn jF suxn leI gwzI rok lvo[ you avoid using your phone while afpxy aYpl Pon `qy `zU nft izstrb vHfeIl zrfeIivMg` aqy sYmsMg driving. Pon qy `ien-tRYiPk irplfeI` sYNt kro jF `zRfeIivMg krdy hoey afpxy Pon dI vrqoN krn qoN bcx leI koeI aijhI hI aYp zfAUnloz kro[
sVk dy inXm iswKo lfl bwqI qy afpxy sYlPon nUM nf vrqo[ jdoN kdy vI gwzI kMtrol quhfzy hwQ ivc huMdf hY qF AudoN kfnUMn lfgU huMdf hY BfvyN qusIN lfl bwqI qy ruky hoey ho jF bMpr-tU-bMpr tRYiPk ivc ho[ afpxy hwQ bMd rwKo[ hYNzs-PrI df mqlb hY ik bilAUtuwQ, vfierz hYwzsYwt jF spIkrPon hovy jo iewk vfr twc krn nfl jF afvfË dI kmFz nflL clfieaf jf skdf hovy[ gwzI clfAux qoN pihlF XkInI bxfAu ik mobfiel vfhn ivc surwiKaq hY jF quhfzy srIr `nfl atYc hY[ jy quhfzy kol lrnr (aYwl) jF nOivs (aYn) lfiesYNs hY, qF quhfnUM iksy vI mksd leI iksy vI ielYktRfink XMqr dI vrqoN krn iewQoN qwk ik hYNz-PrI moz dI vI iejfËq nhIN hY[ XkInI bxfAu ik quhfnUM sB kfnUMnI jfxkfrI hY ik gwzI clfAux vyly ielYktRfink XMqrF dI
Learn the rules of the road Don't use your cellphone at a red light. The law applies whenever you're in control of the vehicle, whether stopped at a red light or in bumper-to-bumper traffic. Keep your hands off. Hands-free means a Bluetooth, wired headset or speakerphone that can be operated with one touch or voice commands. Make sure to secure the cellphone to the vehicle or attach it on your body before driving. If you have a Learner's (L) or Novice (N) licence, you aren't allowed to use any electronic device behind the wheel, for any purpose, even in hands-free mode. Make sure you understand the law on how to use electronic devices while driving (RoadSafetyBC)
Call APD non-emergency at 604-859-5225 or text ABBYPD (222973) To make an anonymous report, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or report online at
EST. 2005
O •C
aYbtsPorz pulIs zIpfrtmYNt nMU nfn-aYmrjMsI lfeIn 604-589-5225 'qy Pon kro jF 222973 'qy tYkst mYsj Bojo. aigafq rIport ilKvfAux leI krfeIm stfprjL nMU 1-800-222-7477 'qy Pon kroo jF afnleIn jf ky 'qy rIport ilKvfE.
BreakfastwithTheChief A N N UA L F U N D R A I S E R
Tickets at
The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
lfvfrsfˆ-apfhjfˆ dI syvf nUM smripq zf[ mfˆgt òú qoˆ òõ sqMMbr qwk srI ivwc
iËlHf luiDafxf dy ipMz srfBf nËdIk bxy “gurU amrdfs apfhj afÈrm” dy syvfdfr zf[ nOrMg isMG mfˆgt sMgqfˆ nfl ivcfr sfˆJy krn leI òú qoˆ òõ sqMbr (dupihr) qwk kYnyzIan isMG sBf gurduvfrf srI ivKy phuMc rhy hn . smyˆ dy muqfbk Auh dUsry gurU Grfˆ ivwc vI jfxgy .
aqy aijhy byshfrf loVvMdfˆ dI hor ibhqr ZMg nfl syvfsMBfl vfsqy sMgqfˆ dy sihXog nfl srfBf-shOlI-awbUvfl ipMzfˆ dy ivckfr do mMËlf “gurU amrdfs apfhj afÈrm” iqafr krvfieaf . ieh iewk rijstrz aqy cYrItybl sMsQf hY . sfrI jLmIn-jfiedfd afÈrm dy nfm hY.
pI[ ey[ XU[ luiDafxf, XUnIvristI afÌ ivMzsr (kYnyzf) aqy mOrIsn sfieMitiPk kYlgrI (kYnyzf) ivwc rih cuwky stYitsitks dy sfbkf pRoPYsr aqy sfieMsdfn zf[ mfˆgt ny keI sfl sfiekl qy iPrky luiDafxf Èihr ivwc sVkfˆ kMZy pey ibmfrIafˆ nfl pIVq lfvfrsfˆ-apfhjfˆ dI syvf vI kIqI
ies afÈrm ivwc ÷õ-øú dy krIb lfvfrs, byGr, byshfrf, apfhj, nyqrhIx, aDrMg dI ibmfrI nflL pIVq aqy idmfgI sMquln guaf cuwky loVvMd rihMdy hn . iehnfˆ ivwcoˆ òú-òò aijhy hn ijhVy pUrI hoÈ-hvfÈ nf hox kfrn afpxI ikiraf afp nhIˆ soD skdy . afÈrm ivwc rihx vfly sfry loVvMdfˆ nUM mMjf-ibsqrf, mYzIkl shfieqf, gurU df lMgr, kwpVy afid hr ËrUrI vsqU muÌq imldI hY . iksy vI loVvMd koloˆ koeI vI ÌIs jfˆ Ércf nhIN ilaf jfˆdf. hor jfxkfrI leI zf[ mfˆgt nfl kYnyzf ivwc sYwl ôúó-ôúñ-ø÷ø÷ qy, ieMzIaf ivwc mobfiel ùõúñø-ôòõúõ qy jfˆ eI-myl nsmangat14@ qy sMprk kIqf jf skdf hY . sVk iknfry iewk lfvfrs ibmfr nUM cuwkdy hoey zf[ mfˆgt
Minister’s statement on B.C.’s Canadaleading wage growth
ruce Ralston, Minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology, has issued the following statement on the release of the August Labour Force Survey: “British Columbia continues to lead Canada in wage growth. Higher wages, combined with gains in full-time jobs, mean people are now seeing the benefits of our strong economy. Around the province, the labour force is growing, which is good news for businesses looking to fill positions. “For the first time, B.C. has had the lowest unemployment rate in Canada for 12 consecutive months. People are re-entering the labour force, and that’s demonstrated by strong gains in employment. “Our economy has finally started working better for people.”
The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
Dhami Narang & Company LLP (“DNC Lawyers”) was established in 2010 by Rajan Dhami and Amrik Narang. With the help of our valued clients, DNC Lawyers has now grown into a mid-sized law rm with of ces in Abbotsford and Surrey, British Columbia. To serve our clients best, DNC Lawyers has an experienced team of 9 lawyers to cater to the individual needs of our clients. Every member of our law rm strives to provide outstanding service to produce the best results for our clients.
We use a collaborative team approach to your legal problems to get you the best results possible. We are only happy when you are happy and realize that our success depends on referrals from our client base.
rfjn DfmI aqy amrIk nfrMg vloN 2010 ivwc sQfpq kIqI geI sI. sfzy suihrd klfieMts dI mwdd nfl DNC Lawyers ny qrwkI kridaF imwz sfeIjLz lfa Prm bxf leI hY, ijs dy dPqr bI sI dy sLihrF aYbtsPorz aqy srI ivwc hn. afpxy klfieMts dIaF smUh musLiklF nfl nijwTx leI vwzy qjLribaF vfly 9 vkIlF dI tIm iqafr ho geI hY. afpxy klfieMts dIaf qmfm smwisafvF dy hYrfnIjnk nqIijaF leI hux awzI cotI dy Auprfly kIqy jfx gy.
qswlIbKsL proPYsLnl syvfvF quhfnMU vDIaf knMUnI nqIjy dyx leI asIN sfry sFJI tIm dy qOr qy Xqn krdy hF quhfzI KusLI hI sfzI KusLI hovy gI, asIN mihsUs krdy hF ik sfzIaF sPlqfvF quhfnMU idwqy cMgy nqIijaF AuWqy hI inrBr hn.
REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS We deal with all matters relating to the sale and purchase of residential and commercial property. By contacting us before you sign a contract, you can make sure your rights are protected. We will provide you with reliable and timely legal advice. PURCHASE & SALE: RESIDENTIAL ·Negotiating and Drafting Agreements of Purchase and Sale ·Acting for Buyers or Sellers on Purchases and Sales of New Homes, Condominiums, Assignments, Recreational and Cottage properties ·Acting for Borrowers or Lenders on Mortgage Transactions ·Advising Borrowers on Mortgage Liability PURCHASE AND SALE: COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL
·Purchases and Sales of Commercial Real Estate
Apartment and Office Buildings ·Land Purchases or Sales ·Acting for Borrowers or Lenders on Mortgage Transactions ·Advising Borrowers on Mortgage Liability ABBOTSFORD OFFICE
Dhami Narang & Company LLP Suite 301-2975 Gladwin Road Abbotsford, BC V2T 5T4
ICBC CASES We handle a full range of ICBC personal injury claims, including head injuries, broken bones, soft tissue injuries, muscle strains, psychological injuries & others asIN afeI sI bI sI nfl sbMDq iNnWjI srIrk swtF PytF ijnHF ivc isr dIaF swtF, tuWtIaF hWzIaF, koml itsULaF dIaF cotF, pWiTaF dIaF sWtF, mfnisk ivgfV aqy hor hfnIaF sLfml hn, dy klym hYNzl krdy hF. THE LAWYERS AT DNC PROVIDE COMPREHENSIVE LEGAL SERVICES IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS:
zI aYn sI dy vkIl iehnHF syvfvF ivwc quhfzI pUrI mdd kr skdy hn: Personal Injury / ICBC Business / Corporate Commercial Litigation Real Estate Wills / Probate Estate Litigation
prsnl swt jF af sI bI sI kfrobfr / kOrpryt kOmrsLIal mukwdmf rIal iestyt vsIaq jF pRobyt jfiedfd mukwdmf
rIal iestyt trFjLYksLns asIN vpfrk aqy rhfiesLI jfiedfdF vycx aqy KRIdx sbMDI sB kfrjF df kMm krdy hF. koeI vI kOntrYkt sfeIn krn qoN pihlF sfzI islfh jLrUr lvo. asIN quhfnUM qswlI kr ky dwsF gy ik quhfzy hwk syP hn ik nhIN? asIN afp jI nUM tfeIm isr shI aqy BrosyXog kfnUMnI msLvrf idMdy rhF gy.
prcyjL aYNz syl rYjLIzYNsLIal •KrId aqy vyc dy sihmqI zrfPitMg aYgrImYNts •asIN vycx vflLy dI vI aqy KRIdx vflLy dI vI shI mdwd krdy hF ijvyN nvyN Gr KrIdx, kONzmInIams, rhfiesLI dsqfvyjL. mn-prcfvy vflLIaF aqy kfitj prfprtIjL leI. •mfrtgyj idvOx ivwc asIN KRIdx vflLy dI vI aqy vycx vflLy dI vI mdwd krdy hF •KRIdx aqy vycx vflLy dI mfrtgyj Xogqf bfry dwsdy hF
kmrsLIal aqy ieMzstrIal prcyjL aqy syl •kmrsLIal rIal iestyt aYpfrtmYNt aqy afiPs iblizMgF dI KrId aqy vyc •jLmIn dI KrId aqy vyc •vycx vfilaF aqy KRIdx vfilaF leI mfrtgyj trFjLYkisLn •KRIdx vfilLaF nUM mfrtgyj lfieibltI vfry shI slfh idMdy hF.
SURREY OFFICE Dhami Narang & Company LLP Suite 313-14928 Hwy 10 Surrey, BC V3S 2N5 Toll Free: 1-877-864-6131
604-864-6131 PAGE 11
The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
Day You Went Away
Feb 1st 1943 - Sept 15th 2016
Today’s The Anniversary Of The Day That I Lost You, And For A Time It Felt As Though My Life Had Ended Too
But Loss Has Taught Me Many Things And Now I Face Each Day, With Hope And Happy Memories To Help Me On My Way And Though I’m Full Of Sadness That You’re No Longer Here, Your Influence Still Guides Me And I Still feel You Near What We Shared Will Never Die It Lives Within My Heart, Bringing Strength And Comfort While We Are Apart
Till We Meet Again...
Love: Sukhi, Gurmeet, Avin, Prith, Justin Harj, Dylan, Kory, Deepi Reehal, Dhillon & Kooner Family PAGE 12
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The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
sMq bfbf Aujfgr isMG jI (Auwcf zyrf ZuwzIky) dI Xfd ivwc aqy ipMz vfsIafˆ dI cVHdI klf leI rwKy sRI aKMz pfT sfihb dy Bog* hr sfl dI qrHfˆ ies sfl vI ibRitĂˆ kolMbIaf kYnyzf ivc rih rhy ipMz ZuwzIky nfl sbMiDq vfsIafˆ aqy ielfkf invfsIafˆ vwloˆ sMq bfbf Aujfgr iĂˆMG jI (Auwcf zyrf ZuwzIky) dI Xfd ivwc ipMz vfsIafˆ aqy smUh ielfkf invfsIafˆ dI qMdrusqI aqy cVHdI klf leI afKMz pfT krvfey jf rhy hn. ieh afKMz pfT gurduafrf Kflsf dIvfn susfietI aYbtsPorz ivKy 28 sqMbr idn suwkrvfr nUM afrMB hoxgy aqy 30 sqMbr idn aYqvfr nUM Bog pYxgy. ipMz ZuwzIky vfsIafˆ nUM, sfry guafNZI ipMzfˆ nUM aqy ielfkf invfsIafˆ nUM jo vI ibRitĂˆ kolMbIaf ivwc rihMdy hn AunHfˆ sfirafˆ nUM afKMz pfT dy Bog df swdf idwqf jfˆdf hY. ies idn Bog AuprMq rfgI isMGfˆ vwloˆ rsiBMnf kIrqn hovygf aqy ZfzI jQy vwloˆ gurU df js gfien kIqf jfvygf. sfrIafˆ sMgqfˆ nUM bynqI kIqI jfˆdI hY ik vwD qoˆ vwD gurU Gr phuMc ky drĂˆn
dyx dI ikRpflqf krnI..hor jfxkfrI leI iehnfˆ nMbrfˆ qy sMprk kIqf jf skdf hY. nCwqr isMG igwl 6048573419 gurmyl nfrMg 6048574720 blivMdr isMG srfˆ 7788584040 *vwlo smUh kmytI ZuwzIky. *
Exceptional Quality Blueberry Nursery Stock
BLUEBERRY PLANTS Sidhu Growers is British Columbia's leading quality blueberry nursery. At Sidhu Growers, we grow healthy, disease free, virus indexed and true-toname Blueberry plants. We specialize in growing blueberry plants and have 20 plus years of experience in the blueberry business.
  virus indexing � � � � � � � � � �   � € � � � � � � � �
We are the only authorized nursery in Canada to sell Reka, a northern blueberry variety and have documentation from where the variety originated from, which is New Zealand, and have proof of it. Make sure when purchasing Reka you ask to see the signed authorization from New Zealand. Being the only authorized nursery to sell Reka we can provide you with this.
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When purchasing blueberry plants, buy from a reputable blueberry nursery that specializes in growing blueberry plants. Ask to see virus testing documentation. Make sure plants are produced from cuttings. Plants produced from tissue culture or cuttings taken from tissue culture plants tend to be difficult to machine harvest and require more pruning.
€ � � � � † „� „ � � � � � „ � � † … † �† … ‡ „ ˆ � � � � � …� � � � � � � � � ‰ Š† � � ‹� � � � ‰
We are committed to provide you with only the best blueberry plants available and guarantee it.
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We offer: • Expert Consulting • Competitive Pricing • Exceptional Quality Stock • A Wide Selection of Varieties • Complete Customer Satisfaction
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For Further Information or to Place an Order Please Call:
Kam or Harry: (604) 853-1775
32787 Townshipline, Abbotsford, B.C. PAGE 13
The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
Evaluating charities worthy of your hard-earned dollars (NC) How much should a Canadian charity be spending on fundraising and overhead? How should you judge? If you’ve ever looked at a charity’s financial report and wondered whether they were spending too much or too little, you’re not alone.
ing, its overall budget and whether it is running a deficit.
Ideally, donors should look for signs of consistent management and stable costs over several years. A lot of us tend to judge by the fundraising ratio alone, but that is only one part of the picture, and The answer, although not as simple as it is often inaccurate as the sole source it sounds, is to look at the big picture. of information. When it comes to assessing a charity’s fundraising, the Canadian Revenue For example, charities that rely heavAgency does not rely solely upon the ily on small gifts from a large number fundraising ratio. Other factors can of donors will have higher fundraising be the size of the charity, its stage of costs. Amnesty’s fundraising expense growth, and its internal fundraising percentage of 32 per cent in 2016 was evaluation processes. typical of many Canadian non-profit These are all factors to be taken into organizations. The organization neither consideration when trying to evaluate seeks nor accepts government funding an organization as a donor. There may in order to remain independent. Most be very legitimate reasons for a charity non-governmental organizations do, to have what appears to be a high fund- and they take their fundraising costs raising ratio; conversely, an extremely and divide them into the total pot of low fundraising ratio may actually income — government funds included indicate erroneous or even fraudulent — which makes them look lower as reporting of expenses. Donors should a percentage of the private income also look at a charity’s cost of fundrais- raised.
The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
Local tourism funding supports 24 events eople in communities around the province are looking forward to welcoming even more visitors to their local events and festivals in the year ahead, with marketing support from the Province of B.C.
This year, the Province has awarded more than $1.98 million to 35 events and festivals in communities throughout B.C. This includes funding for the 24 new events and festivals announced on Sept. 9, 2018.
The funding is provided through the provincial government’s Tourism Events Program. This program provides marketing support in order to draw visitors from outside of the province to B.C.’s tourism experiences. These events generate tourism “British Columbians have created and economic impact throughout Britevents and festivals which deliver ish Columbia and inspire people from world-class entertainment for visitors around the world to visit B.C. and locals alike,” said Lisa Beare, MinApplications for Tourism Events ister of Tourism, Arts and Culture. “Our Program funding are accepted twice government is supporting communi- yearly. The application window is curties and local tourism by providing rently open through Oct. 31, 2018, for important funding that will help make events taking place between May 1, these events even more successful. This 2019, and April 30, 2020. Interested funding will help attract even more parties can view the application criteria people to enjoy the great experiences and submit applications online: http:// our province offers.” The funding will help promote two dozen events — from Vancouver’s Just for Laughs and Prince George’s Coldsnap music festival to ski, snowboarding, lacrosse and taekwondo championships around B.C.
The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
aYbtsPorz skUl trstI dI cox dOV ivwc kuldIp isMG aYbtsPorz imAunsIpl cox ivwc skUl borz afiPs ivwc skUl trstI dI cox lVn leI kuldIp isMG ny aYnFAUNs kr idw q f hY . im: isM G aY b tsPo r z ivw c mOrtgyj knsltYNt dIaF syvfvF inBf rhy hn. ies qoN ibnf afp Dominion Lending Centres Inc. leI vI kM m krdy hn. ienHf ny UBC Sauder School of Business, Canadian Securities Institute, Assiniboine Community
aYmrjMsI sosLl srivisjL, ACC aYmbYstr klwb leI bqOr aYmbYstr, ACC stU z Y N t aY s o s Iey s L n dy vfeIs prYjLIzYNt, Brandon dI pMjfbI klcrl aYsosIeysLn dy prDfn, afidk. mfipaF dIaF KuafihsLF hMZONidaF aYbtsPorz skUl izsitRkt ivwc Auh bwicaF nUM kuwJ ivsyLsL aqy kImqI kdrF dyxIaF cfhuMdy hn, AunHf df supnf hY ik bwicaF nUM kImqI vfDy vflLI guxvwqI ivwidaf idwqI jfvy, bwcy vwD qoN vwD iswK skx, srbmuwKI nOilj dy mOky pRfpq kr skx, skUlF df mhOl Gr vrgf aqy imwqrqf Biraf hovy, ivwidaf dI AuplwBqf rhfiesLF dy nyVy hovy afidk.
College, Humber College qoN ivwidaf leI. ies qoN ibnf kuldIp ny skosLIaf bYNk ivwc XUnIan ivwc vI kMm kIqf hY. ies qoN ibnf AnHf kolL vwK vwK vlMtIar syvfvF df vI ivsLfl nOilj hY ijvyN aYbtsPorz
afp dy bwcy cfhy skUl nhIN jf rhy pr bwicaF aqy ivwidaf df sB nflL sudIvI sbMD hY. so kuldIp afp sB nUM bynqI krdf hY ik iewk alwg soc dy mflk nUM cuxn vfsqy 20 akqUbr nUM vot pOx leI jLrUr afvo qy vwD qoN vwD votF pvfvo.
The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
Jaspreet Anand announces his name for Council Article Courtesy of: Jaspreet Anand
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Hello and thank you for reading. We would like to take the time to Announce that Jaspreet (Jas) Anand is putting his name in for this civic election being held in Abbotsford. He will be running for City Council for the Beautiful City in the County. Born and raised in Abbotsford in 1977 to immigrant parents of the early 70’s he, spent most of his life in the beautiful town/ city of Abbotsford. Yes, Abbotsford was a small town before it was recovered as the ‘City in the Country’. His father Ajit S. Anand worked in community services as a translator for over thirty years and served his community over forty years as the Stage Secretary at the local Sikh temple. Dad also believed children are our future and sold RESPs for over 20yrs. Our family has always had close ties with Abbotsford and a desire to make a difference. Mom, Satvinder Anand, is the same. She was the cafeteria lady at the Salvation Army and Pentecostal Bible College for over ten years. Their example of how to work hard, set goals, and working to achieve their goals set Jas up for a solid future (Jas has succeeded at most things he has set off to achieve and failed at some. You have to fail to succeed). Growing up mom and dad never let us feel as if we were broke. They both worked hard, going to work sick and injured to make ends meet. Life was not easy for them, but they made it easy for us. Seeing their struggle now, Jas wants to make it so no family has to go through the same struggle in this time and age. We are at a point in time how to find a way to make life easier for our fellow citizens. And, Jas had developed something that will do just that ( an RPSP… stay tuned for more details). Jas has a few ideas for our City in the County and a beautiful vision for the future. Though the ideas may be different and diverse, just like his cafe, SippChai Cafe, corner of townline and. One thing that remains the
same, the willingness to help support those looking to make a difference in their community, develop new ideas together to make Abbotsford the best city in the world… together! Currently, Jas is on the Board of Directors of Abbotsford Basketball Association, VP of Apples for Aya, a non-profit society selling local product to help refugees from around the world, and President of SOS Media Relations Society which produces a show called Spill Ur Beanz on JoyTVB. Jas is the host of the show which has a purpose of breaking down walls of stereotypes and prejudices while building bridges between the different cultures of Canada. Daily you can find Jas running his Cafe, SippChai, in West Abbotsford. He opened the cafe in 2011 and has never closed a day since opening. Jas has been there everyday since 2011. He grew up playing soccer and basketball when he learned how to work well in a team environment. Currently he helps coach and enjoys playing soccer whenever he can. Previously he worked at WestJet Airlines, ScotiaBank, and RBC. Having been around the world over 10 times and working in many different fields, he feels he would be a good strong Asset to the community of Abbotsford today and for years to come.
The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
Kflsf pMQ dI isrjnf df muwZ sRI gurU nfnk dyv jI ny kIqf qy ikhf ``nf hm ihMdU, nf muslmfn.`` AunHfˆ ny iewk akfl purK dI gwl kIqI. sRI gurU arjn dyv qy sRI gurU qyg bhfdr sfihb ny kurbfnI dy ky iswKI df bUtf pRPuwlq kIqf. dsvyˆ pfqÈfh ny nvIˆ rUh dy ky Kflsf pMQ dI rcnf kIqI. iswKI qy nfdr Èfh, aihmd sLfh abdflI afid dy hmly hoey. mIr mMnUM, muglfnI bygm, jkrIaf Kfˆ afid ny vI iswKI qy bhuq jLulm kIqy, pr ieh vDdI geI. mhfrfjf rxjIq isMG dy smyˆ iswKI nUM bl imilaf, pr Pyr Zfh lwgI. mhMqfˆ ny gurduafirafˆ nUM afpxI jwdI jfiedfq smJ ilaf. 1920 qoˆ 25 qwk cwlI akflI lihr dy hyT isMGfˆ ny kurbfnIafˆ kIqIafˆ. koeI 30 hjLfr jylHIN gey. 400 isMGfˆ dIafˆ jfnfˆ geIafˆ, 2000 jLKmI hoey 700 dy krIb srkfrI krmcfrI kwZy gey qy kOm ny 15 lwK jurmfnf vI Biraf. Pyr 1925 df gurduafrf aYkt afieaf. 1970 qwk gurduafrf pRbMD leI lVfeIafˆ vI hoeIafˆ. 1970 qwk aYkt ivwc koeI bhuqI qrmIm vI nf hoeI. kOm ny srdfr KVk isMG, s[ krqfr isMG Jwbr, iqMny JbflIey vIr, s[b[ mihqfb isMG, igafnI Èyr isMG, mfstr qfrf isMG afid bhuq lIzr kOm nUM idwqy. igafnI krqfr isMG kihMdy huMdy sn ik gurduafrf aYkt ivwc bhuq qrutIafˆ hn, pr pqf nhIN kdoˆ dUr hoxgIafˆ. mfstr qfrf isMG qy igafnI Èyr isMG 15-16 sfl pMQk isafsq qy lVdy rhy, pr nihrU irport, kMimAUnl avfrz qy gurduafrf ÈhId gMj qy iekwTy ho jfˆdy sn. ÈoRmxI kmytI qy ienHf qoˆ ipwCoˆ jwQydfr AUDm isMG nfgoky df DVf 1955 qwk kfbjL irhf. Pyr mfstr jI ny hrf idwqf. 1961 qoˆ ipwCoˆ sMq Piqh isMG hfvI ho gey. 1972 qoˆ 2004 qwk qkrIbn jwQydfr gurcrn isMG tOhVf hI krqf-Drqf rhy. AunHfˆ df Bfvyˆ bfdl sfihb nfl kdy-kdy ivroD irhf, pr Aus smyˆ qwk iksy ny pMQ ivruwD ÈkqIafˆ nUM AuqÈfhq nhIN sI kIqf. Pyr bfdl sfihb ny srsy vfly sfD nfl dosqI pf leI, Auh kdy kfˆgrs dI mwdq kr jfˆdf sI qy kdy akflIafˆ dI. 2007 ivwc srsy vfly sfD ny slfbqpury vwzf iekwT krky sRI gurU goibMd isMG vrgI puÈfk pfeI, sfˆg rcfieaf, aMimRq dI Èkl ivwc cUlLIafˆ idwqIafˆ geIafˆ. keI afdmI Èwk krdy sn ik ieh svfˆg bfdl sfihb dI mrjLI nfl rcfieaf igaf. dmdmf sfihb ivwKy vwzf iekwT krky ies dI ivroDqf kIqI geI. lokfˆ dy roh nUM BfeI rUpy hI rok ilaf igaf. 2015 ivwc brgfVI qoN `sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb` imQ ky corI krvfieaf. 3 mhIny koeI AuwGsuwG nf inwklI, puils ny kuwJ nf kIqf. srsy vfly sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb dI byhurmqI krky pRcfr krnf cfhuMdy sn. ZONgI sfD dI iPlm bx geI. pMjfb ivwc ies qy pfbMdI
qy jQydfrfˆ ny kOm nfl Droa kIqf
sI. srsy vfly dy cyly cfhuMdy sn ik pMjfb ivwc KuwlyH qOr qy idKfeI jfvy. jykr koeI smJ vflf dyKdf qfˆ ies df koeI lfB nhIˆ sI hoxf. ies nfl hoCy qy Pukry afdmI hI KuÈ hoxy sn. brgfVI qoˆ mYnUM Aus smyˆ 4-5 vwKo-vwK afdmIafˆ dy Pon afey ijhVy kihMdy sn ik bIV akflIafˆ ny srsy vfilafˆ nUM corI krvfeI hY. brgfVI dy afsy pfsy qy ipMzfˆ ivwc vI ieÈiqhfr lwgdy rhy, ijhVy hwQ nflL ilKy huMdy sn. AunHfˆ qy iliKaf sI, ``quhfzf gurU sfzy kol hY, afE lY jfE``, quhfzf gurU sfzI kYd ivwc hY, jykr iljf skdy ho qfˆ lY jfE aqy hor GtIaf iksm dy lPjL ilKy huMdy sn. Pyr sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb dI bIV brgfVI ivwc iKlfr idwqI geI qy afsy pfsy dy ipMzfˆ ivwc vI pwqry iKwlry imlLy. ies qy sfrf pMQ iewk dm KVHf ho igaf. iesy smyˆ ieh gwl lokfˆ dy sfhmxy af geI ik srsy vfly sfD qy s[ suKbIr isMG bfdl izptI muwK mMqrI dI mulfkfq muMbeI ivKy sRI akÈy kumfr pMjfbI aYktr dy Gr hoeI. AuQy sfry mOjUd sn. jQydfr vI AuwQy swidaf igaf qy hukmnfmf iqafr kIqf igaf, ijs anusfr srsy vfly sfD nUM muafPI idwqI geI. jwQydfr akfl qKq qy dUjy jwQydfrfˆ ny muafPInfmy qy dsqKq kIqy. ieh sfry sihmq sn qfˆ pMQ ivwc hfhfkfr mc geI. igafnI gurmuK isMG swc qy af gey, AunHfˆ ny ibafn idwqf Auh qy jwQydfr akfl qKq sfihb qy sRI afnMdpur sfihb muwK mMqrI dI koTI qy gey. AuwQy Auwp muwK mMqrI dI hfjLrI ivwc muafPInfmf jfrI kIqf igaf. ies qy igafnI gurmuK isMG dI bhuq Ausqq hoeI. AunHfˆ nUM bdl ky DmDfn sfihb hirafxy Byj idwqf qy AunHfˆ dy pirvfr dy kuaftr qy ibjlI qy pfxI ÈoRmxI kmytI ny kwt idwqy ÈoRmxI kmytI dy ivroDI mYˆbrfˆ ny vI pUry jLor nfl inMdf kIqI. Aus smyˆ dOrfn sfry jgq ivwc ros PYlx kfrn muafPInfmy df hukmnfmf vfps lY ilaf igaf. ijs qy ienHfˆ sfirafˆ dI hor vI ikrkrI hoeI. by a dbI dy ivKy v y N kfrn ko t kpU r f qy bihbl ivwc vwzy iekwT hoey, bihbl klfˆ ivwc amn nfl ivroDqf kr rhy ÈfNqmeI lokfˆ qy pihlfˆ lfTI cfrj kIqf aqy koeI vfrinMg nf idwqI qy PfieirMg vI kIqI geI. do isMG ÈhId hoey, iewk dI awK ivwc golLI vwjI keI gMBIr jLKmI hoey, jdoˆ ik pihlfˆ AuTfAux dI hor koiÈÈ krnI cfhIdI sI, pr Auh qfˆ byadbI ivruwD amn nfl ros prgt kr rhy sI. aijhy iekwT qfˆ awQrU gYs nfl vI Bjfey jf skdy sn. ies qy akflI srkfr ny koeI kfrvfeI nf kIqI, isrP awQrU pUMJx leI jsits jorf isMG kimÈn bxf idwqf, pr nf qfˆ Aus qy koeI kfrvfeI kIqI nf hI irport lokfˆ ivwc jfrI kIqI. kfˆ g rs srkfr afAu x qy 2017 ivw c jsits rxjIq isMG kimÈn kfiem kIqf
hrdyv isMG DflIvfl
igaf, Auh irport asYˆblI ivwc pyÈ ho geI hY. igafnI gurmuK isMG dy Brf ihMmq isMG ny afpxy afp jsits rxjIq isMG dy pyÈ ho ky Aus smyˆ 6 sPy df iliKaf ibafn pyÈ kIqf sI, ijs qy vyrvy ivsQfr pUrbk ilKy sn. Aus nUM kimÈn ny swidaf nhIN sI. hux igafnI gurmuK isMG horfˆ nUM akfl qKq sfihb dy muwK gMRQI lf idwqf igaf hY. koeI hrbf vrq ky ihMmq isMG afpxy ibafn qoˆ muwkr igaf hY ik AunHfˆ ny afpy hI ilK ilaf ikAuˆik AunHfˆ dI sMDI bfdl pirvfr nfl ho cuwkI hY. igafnI gurmK isMG cMgI Qfˆ qy phuMc gey hn. pMjfb asYˆblI ivwc
irport pyÈ hox smyˆ akflI dl ny iejlfs df bfeIkft kr idwqf. tI[vI[ qy sB ny dyiKaf hY Auh kihMdy sn, smfˆ vDfE spIkr ny hfˆ kr idwqI sI aqy ieh iejlfs qkrIbn 8 GMty cwilaf. spIkr ny 78 mYˆbrfˆ vflI pfrtI nUM pihl dyxI sI. ieh akflI smfˆ pihlfˆ mMgdy sn aqy alocnf nf sunx kfrn bfeIkft kr idwqf. cfhIdf sI ik spIkr qoˆ ijMnfˆ smfˆ mMgdy, jy Auh nf imldf qfˆ ros krdy. ies nfl akflI dl dI ÈfK kmjLor hoeI hY. iswK jgq mihsUs krdf hY ik ies Gfx ipwCy bfdl pirvfr jvfbdyh hY.
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778.522.2515 PAGE 19
The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
Study Club at i- Lead Abbotsford Hi! We have study club happening at i-Lead. Every Tuesday and Thursday from 4:00pm to 9:00pm and Saturday’s from 10:00am to 2:00pm I-Lead Abby will be hosting a study club for youth to come to the space to hangout and get some homework done! If you need help with your homework, studying, writing a resume or applying for scholarships, we are here to help!High-school ONLY! Contact: 604-621-3838 or email for more info!
asIN i-lead qy stwzI klwb clf rhy hF hr mMgl vfr aqy bIr vfr sLfm 4 vjy qoN rfq 9 vjy qwk aqy sinwcrvfr suvyry 10 vjy qoN dupihr 2 vjy qwk aYbI iewk stwzI klwb ivc syvf krdy hn, ijwQoN hYlp lY ky XUQ afpxf homvrk krky mn df boJ lfh skdy hn. jy afp nUM homvrk krn, pVHfeI krn, ilKx, rYjLmy jF skflrisLwp aYplfeI krn leI hYlp dI loV hovy qF asIN mdd leI hfjLr hF. isrP hfeI skUl leI. hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604-621-3838 jF eI myl kroL
The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
Josh Reynolds Announces His Candidacy For 2018 Abbotsford City Council
osh Reynolds is proud to announce his candidacy for the 2018 Abbotsford municipal elections for the position of City Councillor. Josh is the founder and director of Illustrate Collective, a local marketing agency serving nonprofits, churches, and small businesses. He is passionate about collaborating with great organizations, and loves helping them share their stories. Additionally, he is working at Summit Pacific College, a local Bible College in Abbotsford. Josh is also active in the nonprofit sector. He is the Executive Director of the War Zone Education Project, a nonprofit which funds and supports educational initiatives in war-torn South Sudan and refugee camps in Uganda. Josh’s focus, if elected, is
affordable housing, student representation for our over 15,000 college and university students, and developing small businesses in our growing city. Reynolds also desires to see more progress on Abbotsford’s current homelessness plan, which hasn’t seen an update since May of 2016. Election day is Saturday, October 20th, 2018. To learn more about Josh Reynolds and his campaign, visit
The Patrika
Fraser Valley Literary Festival comes to UFV
FV is hosting a revitalized additional funding from UFV InternaFraser Valley Literary Festival tional and sponsorship from Savittar this September. Productions. The festival will be held in the Student “A couple of years ago, the Mission Union Building on Fri, Sept 21 from Lifetime Learners contacted the Eng6-8 pm with an evening reception lish department about taking over the and keynote address shared by Billeh Mission Writers and Readers Festival,” Nickerson, Renee Saklikar, and Carleigh Baker The festival continues on MacPherson notes. “Our creative writSat, Sept 22, from 9 am-3:30 pm. The ing committee took on the project, festival is FREE to all students, and $10 and saw it as a perfect opportunity to reimagine and rebrand the festival. We for the general public. wanted to provide a bigger festival for The UFV English department accepted UFV students and community, one that an invitation from the Mission Lifeinvolved panels and readings (rather time Learning Centre to take over the than the previous workshop-based Mission Writers and Readers Festival, format). I agreed to primarily take on which had run for a decade. Former UFV writers-in-residence Billeh Nick- the planning of the project, with the erson, Jen Sookfung Lee, and Anosh input and consultation of the commitIrani will return to visit UFV for the tee. With our then–writer-in-residence, Billeh Nickerson, we curated the festifestival. val, including panel topics and invited Andrea MacPherson, an associate proauthors.” fessor of English at UFV and published novelist, is chairing the festival, which The mix of writers will be eclectic and is funded by the College of Arts with exciting, according to MacPherson.
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
“We are very excited to host a wide variety of writers this year — we have award-winning authors, debut authors, and everything in between. We have writers from every genre, from poetry to children’s literature. It will be a dynamic festival. We curated the panel topics, and panelists, very carefully. Our goal was to allow for an enthusiastic dialogue about writing and reading. The panel topics were meant to be broad enough to allow for interpretation, giving room for writers to express themselves. Each keynote speaker and panelist was commisafter the Festival as supplementary sioned to write a piece foe the festival, material for classes/teaching. and these pieces will be made available
The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
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The Patrika
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• Drug Offences
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• Assaults Including Domestic & Sexual • Impaired and Other Driving Offences • Theft, Fraud and Property Crimes • Weapons Offences • Proceeds Of Crime • Young Persons Charged with Criminal Offences RUBINDER DHANU
- Marijuana Grow Operations - Cocaine and Heroin Trafficking - Importing/Exporting
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
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The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
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Throughout the Lower Mainland PAGE 25
The Patrika
bblI bVf vDIaf nOjvfn sI. GroN vI cMgf sI. Gr bfr df kMm hI Aus krnf sI, ies krky Aus vIhF sflF dI Aumry hI afpxI pVHfeI mukf leI. ijhVy vI kMm nUM hwQ pfAuNdf, AuhI kMm nypry cVH jFdf. Gr dy vpfr qoN ielfvf Auh afpxI bsqI df vI Cotf motf kMm kr idMdf sI. ies qrHF GroN bfhroN vI Aus dy ihwsy pRsMsf afAux lwg peI sI. iek bRfhmx, dUjf bI[ey[pfs, qIjf cMgf suBf—lokF dI hmdrdI Aus nfl sI. ipMz dy cODrI ieh sfrf kuJ ikvyN shfrdy? AuhnF nUM afpxI isafaq dIaF nINhF ihldIaF jfpx lwgIaF. BfvyN bwblI nUM afpxf kMm Cwz isafaq ivc pYx df ivhl nhIN sI, pr Ausdy nOjvfn sfQI AusdI kfblIaq qy lokF vloN Aus nUM imldI pRsMsf vyKidaF ies gwl Auqy jLor dy rhy sn, “aYqkF srpMc bwblI nUM bxfAuxf hY. iehnF purfxy KuMzHF bQyrf icr rfj kr ilaf hY. hux nOjuafnF df vylf af igaf hY.” cODrI dI hvylI ivc icwt kpVIaF POj dI PyrI mIitMg swdI geI. srpMc horIN ies POj dy jrnYl sn. AuhnF nvyN pYdf hoey KyqrF qoN jfxU krFidaf ikhf, “qusIN qF PIm Kf ky qury iPrdy ho. AuDr Auh shurI df, bRfhmxF df muMzf, sfzy Aupr cVHdf afAuNdf hY. jy Ausdy ieho cfly rhy qF afAuNdIaF votF ivc afpxf pwqf sfPL. hr cUVHy cpVy df kMm sfr dyNdf ey, ijnHF nUM asF kdy mUMh nhIN sI lfieaf. svyry jdoN bfhr nUM jfeIdY, Eny sfnUM sfsrI kfl nhIN bulfAuNdy ijny Aus nUM!” jybf mjHbI AUNGdf boilaf, “srpMc iek vyr iesLfrf kry qF icq kr deIey. jy mihl isMG igwlF df nhIN sI aiVaf sfzy awgy, qF ieh bfhmxI df puq ikvyN aV jfAU?” “cup kr Auey! ajy qyrI slfh dI nhIN loV. Brfvo, agy vfly jLmfny nhIN rhy ik ijhVf aiVaf AuhnUM JfV idwqf. hux lokI isafxy ho gey ny. hux mYN quhfnUM afpxy mn ivclI skIm dwsdf hF, ikvyN ies bfhmx nUM sUq krnf hY. afpF jYby qoN drKLfsq dvfAuNdy hF ik bfhmx myrI kuVI dI bFh PVn pY igaf,” sprMc ny mOmI kfgjL ivcoN PIm kwZ ky AUNGdy jYby mjHbI vwl kridafN ikhf, “ikAuN beI TIk hY nf?” “iblkuLl srpMcf iehdy ivc kfhdy JUT hY. mYN afp afpxIaF awKF nfl vyiKaf qy hfl duhfeI pfeI. iPr hnHyry ivwc bfhmx alop ho igaf. vfh Auey sprMcf bVI cotI dI skIm socI af.” “mMgl ishF, srpMc sfzf qjLrbykfr bMdf hY. KLfs krky kuVIaF dy mfmly df vfhvf qjLrbf iehnUM,” kYly ny srpMc nUM cUMZI PAGE 26
coxF qoN pihlF
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
irqU rfj
vwZidaF ikhf, “Xfd eI srpMcf jdoN svrno “puwqrf, ieh qF mYnUM vI pqf hY, pr lokF dI cox-muihMm df AudGftn kridaF ipMz nUM ikvyN smJFvfgy!” dI isafsq Aupr cfnxf pfAuxgy. sfry nfl PiVaf igaf sYN?” ipMz-vfsIaF nUM bynqI kIqI jFdI hY ik huMm “cl, Cwz prHF AudoN inafxy, isafxy huMdy sfry ipMz ivc awj ieho gwlF huMdIaF rhIaF. “Xfr muMzf bVf cMgf sI. ies qrHF ikvyN ho huMmf ky skUly phuMcx.-vloN nOjvfn sBf.” sF,” srpMc kuJ Jikaf. igaf?” jYbf mjHbI nsLy ivc iKiVaf afQxy jdoN icwt-kwpVI POj ny aihm PYslf kIqf. sLfmF “duwD qy buwD iPwtidaF dyr nhIN lgdI. afpxy Gr afieaf qF afpxI Gr dI nUM pY geIaF sn. jvfnI bVI kfry - hw Q I hu M d I ey , ” mM g U kihx lwgf, “vyiKaf qyry Gr vfly dI ikMnI “jYibaf, jf KUh qoN pMj cfr PV ilaf. kirafny vfly ny ikhf. ieh kihMidaF AuhnUM iewjLq ey. pihlF qF ieMnf icr mUrK hI rhy, bhfdr kwZI hoeI hY.” lwgf ijvyN iesy krky myrI dukfn Auqy AunHF aYvyN srpMc mgr lgy rhy. srpMc horIN qF ‘Eey jYibaf’ afK ky vfj mfrdy sn, Gr dI kwZI Auzx lwgI. ijs iksy qwk vI dI dukfn nfloN gfhk vwD afAux lg pYxgy. agoN ipCoN qF ‘jYbU mjHbI’ hI afKdy sn. iehdI mihk Auz ky geI, AuhI iPLkrmMd purfxy buZy kihMdy, “BeI muMzf cMgf sI. hryk vyKy muMizaF dy kMm! ikvyN srdfr ajfieb sI, svyry cVHidaF koeI Bfxf vrqx vflf dy kMm af jFdf sI. lokF dy njLrIN cVH igaf isMG kihMdy iPrdy ny. Pyr vI pfVHy, pfVHy hI hY. sI. mMno jF nf mMno, ieh srpMc df kfrf huMdy ny. sfry ipMz ivc iesLiqhfr lf idqy ey. jYby dI ikhVI gwl. Auh vI qF srpMc ny-srdfr ajfieb isMG.” qVksfr iek hOldfr qy do ispfhIaF ny df eI bMdf ey. Aus PIm Kf ky drKLfsq dy pMzq jgq nrfiex dy Gr df drvfjLf afx nsLy dy lor ivc gwlF krdf jYbf sON igaf. idwqI hoxI eyN.” KVkfieaf. pMzqfxI ny bUhf KoilHaf. puls vyK ky Auh “rfm rfm” krdI aMdr clI hmdrdF ny hmdrdI dw s I. Kfr Kfx cODrIaF dI mIitMg dubfrf swdI geI. vfilaF gwlF rVkfeIaF. geI. pMzq horIN afp bfhr afey. “awgy vflI skIm sfzI ijLafdf kfmXfb “pMzqf, ikQy vy qyrf puqr, BYx df Xfr.” bwblI qy Auhdy sfQI ipMzoN bfhr Guwk dI nhIN hoeI. votF vI nyVy af rhIaF ny. sfnUM bMbI Aupr iekwTy hoey. sfry ies mfmly bfry soc smJ ky ies df hwl lwBxf cfhIdf ey,” pMzq hwQ joVI Kloqf sI, “kI KunfmI ho geI ivcfr krn lwgy. bwblI afpxy afp ivc icwt-kpVIaF df jrnYl kih irhf sI, jnfb myry kfky qoN?” sLrimMdgI mihsUs krdf nIvIN pfeI bYTf “hux qF jYbU vI AuDr ho igaf ey.” “kfkf dsdYN Aus bUrCy nUM! Aus jYby dI kuVI sI. Auh byksUr huMidaF hoieaF vI sfQIaF socF dy GoVy dOVn lwg pey. aKLIr nMbrdfr awgy afpxy afp nUM gunfhgfr smJ irhf sI. dI bFh PVI ey.” horF ikhf, “bImfrI golLIaF nfl hwtx vflI “qUM kfhqoN isr sutI bYTyN. ijvyN kuVI nwp ky nhIN jfpdI. mrjL ijLafdf vwD igaf ey. hux pMzq qF drvfjyL Auqy hI guMm sum ho igaf. afieaf hovyN. sfnUM pqY qUM byksUr eyN. ieh ielfj tIky nfl hI hovygf.” aMdroN rOlLf rwpf suxky bwblI afp inkilaf. sfrI cfl shury srpMc dI ey. asIN vI Aus ibnF AuhdI koeI gwl suxy ispfhI Aus nUM qoN bdlf lY ky rhFgy. prvfh nf kr. asIN “lMbVf-ikvyN df tIkf?” srpMc ny puwiCaf. PV ky lY gey. jo qyry nfl hF,” juVy sfQIaF ivcoN bfGf “kMzf kwZ idE.” pMzqF Gr sog ipaf irhf. aFZ guafZ boilaf. skIm nUM afKLrI sLkl dy idwqI geI. idlfsy idMdy rhy. Guwk sfrIaF gwlF suxn qoN bfad kihx kuJ icr mgroN srpMc vI af igaf, “eyQy lwgf, “Xfro, jy afpF srpMc qoN bdlf lYxf mIitMg TIk smyN sLurU ho geI. muMizaF dy hY qF afAux vflIaF coxF leI bwblI dy nF ivc ajfieb isMG icwtf cfdrf, kmIjL bVI BIV lwgI hoeI ey, suwK qF hY nf.” dI drKLfsq dy deIey pMcI leI; qy afpxy pfeI bYTf sI. jgq nrfiex ny sfrI gwl dwsI. pwK dy cMgy hor pMc vI mdd nfl bxvfeIey, Guk AuT ky kihx lgf, “BYxo qy BrfE, srpMc ny iek dm ichrf lfl kridaF qF jo Pyr Auh sfry sprMc leI bwblI nUM quhfnUM pqf hY, jo sfzy pihly bjLurg nyqf afiKaf, “jy Blf glqI kr hI leI sI hI cuxn.” kI kI lok-BlfeI krdy rhy ny? AuhnF ivcoN qF mYnUM dsdf, kuqy df puwq ieh pulsIaf. bwblI ny jLor dI nFh qF kIqI pr Auh nf iek Gtnf df vyrvf quhfnUM s: ajfieb pMcfieq PYslf krdI. qusIN pMzq jI iPkr mMny. PLYslf pwkf ho igaf ik bwblI pMcfieq isMG jI dwsxgy. asIN hux PLYslf kIqf hY nf kro. mYN huxy jf ky Cuzf ilafAuNdf hF muMzy leI Klovygf. ik aYqkI sprMc bwblI nUM bxfieaf jfvy. nUM,” srpMc sfiraF df idl ijwq ky AuQoN “vIro, afpF votF ivc qF hI kfmXfb bfkI quhfzy qy hY-qusIN ijhnUM cfhuMdy ho, qurdf hoieaf. hovFgy, jykr jYby dI DI vflf kys JUTf bxnf qF Ausy hI hY. hux quhfnUM ajfieb sLfm nUM bwblI qy srpMc qury afAuNdy idsy qF sfbq krIey,” sohxy ny afpxI rfey idwqI, isMG jI kuJ sLbd kihxgy.” “qy ieh qF hI ho skdf hY jykr jYbf mjHbI “vIro qy BrfE, mYN quhfzf gunHfgfr hF. ikqy pMzqfxI horF cuwlHf qfieaf. lokF dy iekwT ivc mMny ik srpMc dy kihx srpMc dy afKy lwg, mYN bwblI qy afpxI “afh lE, lflf jI, muMzf sFBo; pr ies Auqy Aus JUTI drKLfsq idwqI sI.” kuVI Auqy JUTI[[” nUM smJfxf, bfeI ipMz dI DI BYx sFJI “sfQIE, ieh myrf ijMmf irhf,” kMudU mjHbI kuJ muMzy rOlLf pfAuNdy afENdy idsy. huMdI hY.” dy muMzy ny ikhf, “votF pMdrF idnF nUM ny. ipAu, puwq, mF iqMny iek dUjy vl ieMj qwkx prsoN mIitMg rwK leIey qy lokF dy iekwT lokF dI BIV AuT ky AuDr vyKx lwg peI. lgy ijvyN iqMny iek twbr dy jIa nf hox. ivc jYby qoN ibafn krvf deIey.” afAuNdI BIV ivcoN roNdIaF kurlFdIaF afvfjF bwblI ny cuwp qoVidaF ikhf, “ipqf jI mYN ipMz ivc iesLiqhfr lwg gey, “13 qrIk ivcoN iek afvfjL afeI, “mfr idwqf Eey, sLfm 5 vjy srdfr ajfieb isMG jI bwblI QfeyN mfr qf sfzf bwblI.” byksUr hF.”
The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
iksy swiBaqf dy afcfr gVHuwc jIvn nUM swiBafcfr ikhf jFdf hY. ies dI bxqr qy buxqr ivwc EQoN dy Drfql pwDr, EQoN dy mOsm, EQoN dy kMm ikwqy, EQoN dy lokF dy suBfa, AunHF df jIvn ZMg, EQoN dy rsmo irvfj, qy EQoN dy mrny prny afidk hor bhuq kuwJ af jFdf hY. pMjfb nUM myilaF dI DrqI ikhf jFdf hY qy EQy hr rojL ikqy nf ikqy koeI nf koeI mylf lwgdf hY. pMjfb dy spUq prvfs kr ky ijwQy ijwQy vI gey hn ieh prMprf vI nfl hI lY phuMcy hn qy koisLsL krdy hn ik tfeIm kwZ ky ienHF dI hoNd kfiem rwKI jf sky.
vy sMDfiraf
ieh rsm asl ivwc qF DIaF BYxF dy ipafr qy mfx qfx nfl idwqy jFdy qohPy hI huMdy hn. ijvyN lwzU, pMjIrI jF ipMnIaF, suhxy kwpVy, ihMmq muqfibk cFdI sony dy gihxy vI idwqy jFdy sn. ieh rsmf awj vI hr dysL ivwc vsdy pMjfbI KusLI KusLI mnf rhy hn. awj vI pMjfbI kuVIaF ienHF nUM awzIaF cuwk cuwk AuzIkdIaF hn, qy mn hI mn ivwc kihMdIaF ny:
pRo: surjIq isMG bDysLf
af ky imlL imwqrf sIny nflL lgfvF
purfxy simaF ivwc ipMz dI DI nUM sfrf ipMz afpxI DI smJdf sI qy jF kuVIaF vhutIaF df iekwT huMdf sI, bohV qy ipwpl hr ipMz ivwc hoieaf krdy sn, ienHF dy nroieaF tfhixaF nflL nroey rwisaF dIaF pINGF pfeIaF jFdIaF eyQy pINGF vI JUtIaF jFdIaF qy igwDf vI KUB pfieaf jFdf. ieh igwDf sfrf sOx vy sMDfiraf, puwqF DIaF qoN vI vwD mhInf pYNdf rihMdf sI. ipV bMnH ky do do ipafiraf kuVIaF nwcdIaF qy bfkI bolI pONdIaF. sB kuVIaF vhutIaF df hfjLr hoxf iewk moh mmqf qy mfx qfx dy AuWicaf hulfiraf sLgn smiJaf jFdf sI qy hr hfjLr bolI awj qoN 80 ku sfl pihlF pMjfb ivwc BYxF vIrF qy mfipaF dI awK idaf qfiraf vI pONdI sI qy igwDy ivwc DUVF vI pwtdI sI. mINh Gwt pYx kfrn 37 vfr kflL pY cuwkf sI, grmI bhuq pYNdI huMdI sI, muglF dy mYN qF ijAUNdI mr jFAU gI qYN jy mYnUM igwDy dIaF bolIaF pMjfbI sfihq dIaF nIhF hn. ienHf ivwc sfihq dy nON dy nON hmilaF ivwc pMjfb dIaF husIn muitafrF vsfiraf dI luwt ksuwt qoN zridaF mkfnf dIaF kMDF rs, ivsLf, afsLf, lihjf, qol qukFq qy bDysLf jy nf idwqf sMDfrf ivwc qfkIaF nhIN sn rwKIaF jFdIaF, irdm huMdf sI. ienHF ivclf ivsLf afm ibwjlI hY nhIN sI, jyT hfVH BwTI vFg qpdy lok-jIvn sI. ies ivwc irsLiqaF dy klcr jfAU mfiraf. sn qy sfvx dy mhIny mINhF dIaF JVIaF, vrq vqIry, shuiraF dIaF vDIkIaF, swsF TMZIaF hvfvF, sKq kMmF qoN ivhl lokdf KusLhflIaF jF QuVF df vrnx huMdf sI. eysy hI Dun ivwc pMjfb df cotI df jIvn ivwc qbdIlI lY aONdf sI. GuMz kwZx jMmidaF sfr kuVIaF nUM mfrn df irvfj df irvfj, bMd GrF dI huwms qy coNidaF gIqkfr dyv QrIikaF vflLf ilKdf hY vI irhf, ies krky sfry muMizaF dy ivafh psIinaF nflL sj ivafhIaF bhutIaF nUM nhIN sn hoey huMdy, qy axivafhIaF nUM CVy mF jfieE, Dwky dI ibmfrI ho jFdI sI, ies leI sOx ikhf jFdf sI. ienHF ivciraF dy afpxy dy mhIny ivwc sjivafhIaF nUM pyky ilaOx vIirE vy-BYx nUM ikwDry Buwl nf jfieE duwKVy bQyry huMdy sn qy keI vfr ipafr df rvfj sLurU hoieaf. ijvyN Aus smyN dy muMzy dy njLfry vI luwt lYNdy sn sohxIaF nfrF rYsilMg jF kbwzI KHyz ky bdldy mOsm df qIaF qy vrqF nUM vIirE, qy ipafr dy jflL pOx leI ienHF igwiDaF lfhf lYNdy, Esy hI qrHF ieh muitafrF ipMzF ivwc CiVaF sbMDI pfeIaF bolIaF ienHF nUM lY ky sMDfrf afieE ksibaF dy bfhr sFJy QfhF qy KVHy vwzyH KusLI aqy qMdrusqI bKsLdIaF sn: ijvyN ruwKF nflL pINGF pf lYNdIaF qy inwq idhfVy kyrf kyrf kyrf smF bMnH ky pINGf JUtdIaF, AuWcI pING cVHOx GoVI qy joVI vy nf mYN mMgdI mwJ lvyrI dy mukfbly krdIaF qy igwDy df ipV bMnH ky qur cwlI bfblf vy qyiraF mihlF coN DI qyrI pUxIaF mYN iqMn kwqIaF, CVy df qyrvF gyVf KUB mOj msqIaF krdIaF. ienHF dy nfl CotIaF kuVIaF vI rlL ky rihMdIaF qy vwzHI sMDfry dI rsm sOx qy qIaF dy igwiDaF lY igEN rUh lwut ky, Blf kry rwb qyrf Aumr dIaF bIbIaF vI pykIN kuwJ smy leI nflL sbMDq hY. awq dI grmI qoN bfad phuMc jFdIaF, myl imlfp ho jFdy, duwK suwK sOx dIaF TMZIaF hvfvF qnf aqy mnf bx jF mYN qyrI, rwb supnf kry swc myrf sFJy ho jFdy qy ruhfnI KusLIaF df afnMdq AuWpr asr pONdIaF. ies scfeI nUM gory myly mwisaf dy imlL peIN kr ky jyrf nsLf mfixaF jFdf. iqRJxF ivwc kwqdIaF vI mMndy hn: muitafrF vI ienHF QfhF qy phuMcdIaF qy suwKF suwKdI df KflI nf jfxy gyVf.” Weather brings changes igwDy KuB mGdy. Es vyly dIaF kuVIaF gwBrUaF vFg lMmIaF JMmIaF qy nroeIaF jF here and there huMdIaF sn qy jdoN ieh igwDf mcdf qF sfry ipMz dIaF kMDF ihwldIaF qy PrsLF dI Then romanticism born everywhere swcf iesLk kry jy koeI, lY swDrF dI ZoeI srsrfht dwsdI ik ikqy igwDf pY irhf hY lUM lUM afpxf afpxf jfpy, Then what is this life if full or ca re “nwcF mYN luiDafxy ivwc iesLky dI loeI We have no time to stand and stare. qy myrI Dmk jlMDr pYNdI.” mflLf iesLky dI jFdy CVy proeI jyT hfVH dI grmI ny qF qn mn suwkxy pfey swc ho inwbVdI sI. ienHF muitafrF df sOx jF ipafr dy pMCI Julsy iPrdy mhInf gOx nwcx ivwc lMG jFdf iPr jdoN BfdoN ivwc ieh sOhiraF nUM jfx lgdIaF qF DfeIey DfeIey, DfeIey koeI inkt nf afey sMDfrf dy ky qorIaF jFdIaF, jy iksy ivwc AudoN ihMmq nf hovy qF iPr awsU ivwc ieh isPqF kr kr awg lY jFdy, sOx dy buwilaF TMZf pfeIaF sMDfrf pyikaF vloN idwqf jFdf. duafby mfJy kdy vI mUMh nf lfeIey ivwc ies rsm nUM iQafr ikhf jFdf hY. vgIaF ipafr JnfvF
KVH ky moVF qy awKF mfrdy, dV vwt ky lMG jfeIey ienHf CiVaF df rqf ivsfh nf KfeIey. jF mYxf mYxf mYxf kMn KolH ky sux lE CiVE vfr vfr nhIN kihxf suhxIaF rMnf dI Pyro mflLf qF mINh kuVIaF df pYxf jF lokF ny bIijaf moT bfjrf asF qF bIijaf iewK vy tuwt pYixaF CiVaF muDkr cuwkxf iswK vy. husn iesLk df pwkf irsLqf ieh nf gwl ivsfro hr mihbUb qy hr prymI nUM idl dy cubfry cfVHo rUh klbUq nUM mn ivwc rwK ky awTy pihr inhfro afsLko rwKo hOsly hor trfeIaF mfro bfkI pMnf 35 'qy PAGE 27
The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
imwtI dI pukfr cMn qfry sUrj aMbrF qy,
sqvMq kOr pMDyr AuhnUM vI gl nfl lfvF mYN.
suwK sLfqI df gIq
pIVfˆ dI pMz
igafn isMG kotlI bMidaf qyrI sohxI DrqI, qyrf rYx bsyrf hY.
Zoa Zoa ky pIVfˆ dIafˆ pMzfˆ,
blvMq srfˆ mwdoky
rusLnfeIaF rihx idAu.
mF dI DUV kih mwQy lfAuNdy ho,
qyrf jwg jhfn cOigrdf, qyrf cfr cuPyrf hY.
mYˆ QwkI mYˆ hfrI.
hwso KHyzo jIAu jI Br ky,
mF df ruqbf bixaf rihx idAu.
hr QF eyQy amn sLFqI, ipafr dy Puwl iKVfeI jf.
vy rfhIaf,mYnMU pMz cukf jf,
horF nUM jINdy rihx idAu.
mYN imwtI hF[[[
vMz ky KusLIaF KyVy sB nUM, dunIaF surg bxfeI jf.
myrI pMz pIVfˆ dI BfrI.
mYN imwtI hF imwtI loko,
GwlIaF sI msq hvfvF mYN,
lwK akfsL pqflF aMdr, ikxky mfqR qyrI DrqI.
myrI pMz ivc Gwut ky bMnHIafˆ,
mYnUM sdf slfmq rihx idAu.
sfh zUMGy lAu idl Tfr qusIN.
ies DrqI’qy jLwry vFgUM, ikMnI quwC hY qyrI hsqI.
GUrfˆ iJVkfˆ mfrfˆ.
mYN imwtI hF[[.
jLihrIlIaF iCVk dvfeIaF nUM,
eyho jfx scfeI iPr vI, bhuqf nf aPrfeI jf.
AuglF mYN somy aMimRq dy,
hrI cfdr myrI idwqI sfV qusIN.
nykI pRym hlImI lY ky, dunIaF surg bxfeI jf.
qusIN mYnUM jLihr ipafAuNdy ho.
Puwl klIaF ruwq bhfrF dI,
awvl awlf nUr Aupfieaf, sfry iewko nUr isqfry.
mYnUM vI rogx krdy ho,
myry ivhVy iKVIaF rihx idAu.
AuWqr dwKx pUrb pwCm, iewk hI gory kflLy sfry.
qy afpxy mUMh vI lfAuNdy ho.
mYN imwtI hF[[[
arsLI pING dy rMgF vFgUM, sFJf suhj sjfeI jf.
pfxI hY pfik smuMdrF df,
qusIN ieko ibrC dIaF tfhxIaF,
ieko rMg smo ky sB nUM, dunIaF surg bxfeI jf.
ikAuN afps ivc AulJfAuNdy ho.
sfV PUk qy jMgF XuwDF, mfr mrfeIafN cfr cuPyry.
jLfqF DrmF qy nfvF qy,
zr sihm qy BuwK lfcfrI, huMdy mfnv Gfx bQyry.
nf mYlL iehdy ivc pYx idAu. mYN imwtI hF[[[ buwkl ivx sFBI bYTI mYN,
ikAuN nPLrq dy bI boNdy ho.
axigxq KjLfny dOlq dy.
myrI rcnf isrjnhfr rcI,
nf kro iehnF dI durvrqoN,
Auhdy rMgF’c rMgI rihx idAu.
Kfqr kursI Dn dOlq dy.
mYN imwtI hF[[[
nf Pyro afrI ibrCF qy,
mYN imwtI hF, imwtI loko,
icVIaF dIaF cihkF rihx idAu.
mYnUM sdf slfmq rihx idAu.
mYN imwtI hF[[[
Puwl klIaF ruwq bhfrF dI,
krky kwTy pMj qwqF nUM,
duwK msIbq JgVy rPVy, sB dI alK mukfeI jf. Cwz ky sfVf hYNkV lflc, dunIaF surg bxfeI jf.
jrf ku qrs kirE
bol jlIlI Dwky-DOÜy , mUMh afeIafˆ gMdIafˆ gflfˆ. ho jlIl hMZfeI jfvfˆ, sB kuJ bfro bfrI. myrI pMz bwcIafˆ dIafˆ lfÈfˆ, nfl KUn dy rMgIafˆ. DOx mroVI qoVy mxky, nfly qoVIafˆ sMGIafˆ. nMnyH krMg DIafˆ dy bMny, keI sY lwK hjfrI. myrI pMz ivc bMnHIafˆ kuVIafˆ, nvIafˆ swj ivafhIafˆ.
lKvIr isMG Buwlr aY kvIE! aY kivwqrIE!
dfj dYˆq dy Dwky cVHIafˆ,
jrf ku qrs kirE
juV gey kfnHI isVHI cwuk leI,
kivqf nUM idl dI bolI rihx idE
rfh mVHIafˆ dy iqafrI.
myry ivhVy iKVIaF rihx idAu.
kivqf nUM idmfg dI bolI nf bxfieE
jobn ruwq ivDvf dIafˆ pIVfˆ,
qyrf ijsm bxfvF mYN.
mYN imwtI hF, imwtI loko,
kivqf ivclf skUn cYn sihj Jlkdf rihx idE
jd BOr AuzfrI mfr igaf,
mYN imwtI hF[[[
kivqf ivclf KyVf, afnMd rihx idE
dws ikwDr nMU jfvy.
kivqf nUM sLfijsLF, AulJxF dI KHyz nf bxfieE
ies smfj kilhxy awgy,
gurbKsL isMG pRIqlVI
muV nf pyky afeIafˆ.
ijAUˆdI icKf hMZfvy. dYˆq-smfj sMglfˆ nfl bMnHI,
nhIN cldI huiÈafrI.
bx geI pwQr qoN BfrI ijMLdgI.
kivqf nUM kI, ikAuN, ikvyN ivc nf AulJfieE
bx geI duwKF dI KfrI ijLMdgI.
qUM jdoN nfhIN ipafrI ijLMdgI.
kivqf nUM BfvyN qusIN qfrfsL idE
qUM jdoN nfhIN ipafrI ijLMdgI.
rulL geI krmF dI mfrI ijMLdgI.
kivqf nUM rfjnIqI ivc nf AulJfieE
ro Do qVp ky jUMn hMZfa,
bx geI gLm dI inhfrI ijLMdgI.
qUM jdoN nfhIN AuBfrI ijLMdgI.
aY kvIE! aY kivqrIE!
pMz pIVfˆ hyT hI mrIafˆ.
qUM jdoN nfhIN isMLgfrI ijLMdgI.
rih geI bx by-AuzfrI ijMLdgI.
jrf ku qrs kirE
Ksqf hflI ny lMgfrI ijMLdgI.
qUM jdoN nfhIN sMvfrI ijLMdgI.
kivqf nUM afDunikqf df rMg cVHfieE
qUM jdoN nfhIN AuBfrI ijLMdgI.
kI dwsF kIkUM gujLfrI ijMLdgI.
pr kivqf nUM AulJxF dI KHyz nf bxfieE.
qUM jdoN nfhIN sMvfrI ijLMdgI.
pIVfˆ dIafˆ pMzfˆ jugfˆ jugfˆ qoˆ, isr myry qy DrIafˆ.
``srfˆ` mYˆ qfˆ Kud pMz pIVfˆ dI, aid kfl qoˆ nfrI. vy rfhIaf myYˆnMU pMz cukf jfh, myrI pMz pIVfˆ dI BfrI
The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
gurdIp burj hsrqF mrdIaF mYN vI dyKIaF ny huMdf vyiKaf hY kql armfnF df myry swc ny AumrF dI kYd kwtI irhf hONslf hY AuWcf byeImfnF df awg iesLk dy Kyq nUM lfAux vflyL kdy jfxdy nf Bfa kwKF-kfinaF df ies awg ivwc rojL myrf idl jlLdf bYTf bx mYN rfhI sLmsLfnF df
icwtI isAuˆk jgdyv isMG jtfxf sohxy pMjfb nUM icMbVI, isAuˆk jo icwtI aY. kOm df BwTf ibTfieaf, pÜIq kIqI imwtI aY . afAuˆdI hY rUp vtf ky, nyqf dy qn qy cVHky. JUTI shuM Kf jfˆdIˆ hY, gutkf sihb hwQ `c PVky. luwt ky iPr votr qfˆeIˆ bih jfvy godI vVky krnf kI Blf dys df nIq qfˆ iÌwtI aY. sohxy pMjfb nUM icMbVI isAuˆk jo icwtI aY.
ijAUNidaF nf myrI hoeI KLbr ikwDry
afvy ikqy ryÈm pf ky, coÜy sjfAuˆdI aY
dyKF mOq AuWqy iekwT mihmfnF df
mUrK mjbUr lokfˆ df, Ìfiedf AuTfAuˆdI aY
myrI icKLf qy zolH ky do hMJU ikAuN pf rhy ny boJ aihsfnF df iswK gurdIp vy jLmfny nflL bdl jfxf bdl rUp irhf hY iensfnF df.
kI dwsIey hfl pMjfb df zf: surjIq pfqr kI dwsIey hfl pMjfb df
Aus sLrP dy surK gulfb df Aus awD coN tuwty gIq df Aus ivCVI hoeI rbfb df
luwty Dn dohIˆ hwQIˆ, qn vI hMZfAuˆdI aY hfkm dy nfl ieh rwKdI, pUrI igwt imtI aY sohxy pMjfb nUM icMbVI isAuˆk jo icwtI aY. Dn dI BuwK vD geI eynI, mwq geI mfrI aY icwty dI Gr Gr aMdr, vfVI bImfrI aY nÌy ivwc ipwCy suwt`qy qkVy ivAupfrI aY
ig: kyvl isMG inrdosL iswKf aml krnf hI, asl siqkfr bfxI df. ieh Bvjl qoN boihQ krygf pfr bfxI df. hIry moqIaF dy BUsLxF qn hI sjfAuxf hY, mn nUM jy sjfAuxf hY qF kr isLMgfr bfxI df. AuhdI rUh nUr nUr ho geI hnHyrf Auwz igaf sfrf, jlvf ijs vI qwikaf hY iksy iewk vfr bfxI df. qYnUM pMjF dy pMjy qoN CzfAuxf jys ny imqwrf, iehI iewk bRhm asqr hY acuwk hiQafr bfxI df. ibMdI aMs Cwz idwqI imlfvt pYx nhIN idwqI, swqvyN guru dy idl ivwc ikMnf sI ipafr bfxI df. ieh bfxI hY DuroN afeI nfnk joiq dy rfhIN, asl dy ivwc rcYqf hY Kud inrMkfr bfxI df. ieh asgfh smuMdr hY, iksy ny Qfh nhIN pfeI, anUTf jgq sfry ivwc hY, sLfhkfr bfxI df. “kyvl” eys dy bfJoN qyrI koeI bfq nf puwCdf, supny ivwc vI BuwlIN nf qUM Aupkfr bfxI df.
awj idn krmF vflLf afieaf
gurmyl isMG rozy awj idn krmF vflLf afieaf, jI awj idn BfgF vflLf afieaf, sB ny pRBU df js gfieaf, sB ny gurUaF df js gfieaf Aus pRBU ny imhrF krIaF, aMbroN rfg alfpx prIaF,
zrdf koeI mUMh nf Kohly, sBnfˆ Bfˆvyˆ izwTI aY
dyviqaF ny Puwl vrsfey, sxy GoVy asmfnoN afey,
sohxy pMjfb nUM icMbVI isAuˆk jo icwtI aY.
ijs dy krmF dy ivwc iliKaf, Aus ny drsLn pfieaf, awj idn krmF vflLf afieaf, sB ny pRBU df js gfieaf
EQy kuwKF hoeIaF kwc dIaF
qnKfhfˆ nUM dyx vfsqy, pYsf nhIˆ ivwc KËfny
EQy bwcIaF musLikl bcdIaF
bfibafˆ nUM cVHy cVHvf, pÜdy ikvyˆ vyK Xrfny
Jo bcx Auh awg ivwc mcdIaF
Èryafm mfrn zfky, lfAuˆdy nf koeI bhfny
sBnF qy rMg rfm nfm df, cVH igaf dUx svfieaf,
jMqf nf boÜx jogI, aMnHy KUh iswtI aY
sB ny pUrIaF rIJF lfeIaF, krIaF rsiqaF ivwc sPfeIaF,
ijAuN tukVf hoey kbfb df asIN Kyq jo KusLIaF bIjIaF bx KudkusLIaF ikAuN AuwgIaF
sohxy pMjfb nUM icMbVI isAuˆk ieh icwtI aY.
TMZIaF TMZIaF vwgx hvfvF, mOsm bx igaf aiq suhfvF sLrDf nfl kry kul syvf, syvf nUM jd lwgdf myvf,
pflkIaF dy mUhry mUhry, jl dy pYx Puhfry pUry cVH bwdlF ny BUrF pfeIaF, Duwp qoN krqI Cfieaf,
ieh ruwq hY ikhVy qOr dI
lIzr qy bfbf qMqr, niÈafˆ dy qskr ny
iJm iJm brsy aMimRq Dfrf, bx igaf sohxf ajb njLfrf,
ieh mOsm iks ihsfb df
vwKry ny rUp byÈk dI, socfˆ AuhI aksr ny
mUhry swjdy pMj ipafry, rwb dy nF qy Cwzx jYkfry,
asIN sfjLI qfrF kwsIey
Gux bx icMbVy sfry lIzr cfhy aÌsr ny
ies rfq nUM idn ivwc pltIey jy suhbq imlLy hjLUr dI jy hovy hukm jnfb df..
pI pI ky lhU`jgdyv”df peI ikvyˆ iPwtI aY? sohxy pMjfb nUM icMbVI isAuˆk ieh icwtI aY.
sfrIaF sMgqF ny rlL imlL ky mgry hI nfarf lfieaf, dUr nyV dIaF sMgqF juVIaF, kr pUrIaF pRkrmF muVIaF, afx gurU Gr kr ardfsF, sB dIaF pUrn ho geIaF afsF roizaF vfly ny vI sfrf, pfp mgrlf lfihaf PAGE 29
The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
BfdoN sMkRFqI
joiqS, Eqy Eqy 604-751-0220 kro
myK – ishq TIk, Dn lfB hoky vI hfnI, afpxy lokF df sihXog imly, rfj drbfr qoN sLuB, smfcfr, kfrobfr TIk rhygf. agsq 19, 20, 29 30, sqMbr 6, 7, 8, 15, 16 asLuwB.
A sudden turnaround of events connected to what has been an important priority could be a bit of a shock. You need to consider the true satisfaction level of late and if that is not so great then making a dramatic change is unlikely to be that bad. Only take directions that will benefit you financially and not risk future security.
It will be impossible to let dissatisfaction with any situation involving officials, those who have authority or too much that is expected of you to take charge of, continue down the path it has been taking. You have to stop worrying and be prepared to stand up for what you can see will be more sensible solutions for the future.
ibRK – Dn lfB hoky vI hfnI, imwqrF nfl myl imlfp, sMqfn aqy iesqrI pwKoN suK dI dI pRfpqI afmdnI nfloN Krcf aiDk, kfrobfr TIk rhygf. agsq 21,22,23,31, sqMbr 1,9,10, asLuwB .
imQun – ishq TIk, Dn lfB, lokF nfl anbn, gYs kfrx pyt dI KrfbI, iesqrI suK, sLqrU df pRBfv aiDk, kfrobfr TIk rhygf. agsq 24, 25 sqMbr 2,3,11,12 asLuB.
isMG – ishq ivwc gVbV, Dn lfB hoky vI hfnI df zr, sMpqI ivvfd, pyt rog, iesqrI ksLt qy gupq sLqrU qoN icMqf. agsq 19,20,29,30,sqMbr 6, 7,8,15,16 asLuB.
kMinaf – sihq TIk, Dn hfnI, injI lokF nfl JgVf, nvIaF Xojnf nfl afmdn, kfrobfr ivwc vfDf hovygf. agsq 21,22,23,31 sqMbr 1, 9, 10 asLuB hovygI.
7 qulf – ishq ivwc ivkfr, krjf vDygf, PjUl JgVy qoN dUr rho, kfrobfr jF sQfn bdlx df ivcfr bxygf. agsq 24,25 sqMbr 2,3,11,12 asLuB hovygI.
ibRsLick – ishq gVbV, Dn lfB, inwjI lokF jF irsLqydfrF nUM ksLt, nvIaF XojnfvF jF kMm bdlx ivwc lfB pRfpq hovygf, sLuB kMmF ivwc mn lgygf aqy Krc hovygf. agsq 17,18,26,27,28 sqMbr 4,5,13,14 asLuB hovygI.
DnU – ishq TIk, Dn lfB, Krc ijafdf, gupq icMqf, vMsL ivwc vfDf, sLuB smfcfr imly, iesqrI suK mhIny dy aMq ivwc rog ksLt agsq 19,20, 29,30, sqMbr 6,7,8,15,16 asLuB hovygI.
10 mkr- isr qy nyqr rog, iesqrI pwKoN icMqf iPkr, kfrobfr kmjor, afmdn Krc brfbr, sMqfn qy ivsLysL Krc, agsq 21,22,23,31 sqMbr 1,9,10 asLuB.
11 kuMB – ishq TIk afpxy lokF df sihXog imlygf, nvIaF XojnfvF aqy XfqrfvF ivwc lfB, iesqrI ksLt, gupq sLqrU qoN sfvDfn rho. Agsq 24, 25 sqMbr 2,3,11,12 asLuB hovygI.
mIn – gYs rog nfl pyt dI KrfbI, Dn lfB, cMgy lokF nfl myl imlfp, sMqfn pwKoN icMqf, kfrobfr ivwc kul Pyr bdl hovygf. agsq 17,18,26,27,28, sqMbr 4,5,13,14 asLuwB.
Somebody else could provide a completely different perspective on either a decision you have already made or information you have gathered in order to make a choice. Rethinking the financial side of things could be wise between now and mid August. You may discover previous financial advice may not be the best direction to take.
You could find yourself in a position where you will need to pause for thought and this is likely to be generated by sudden changes of direction that somebody else either takes or wants to take. It may bring out a side of them you have not seen before. As difficult as it might be, it is better for you to wait and see what develops.
Stay focussed on yourself and maintaining a peaceful situation in your surroundings. Don’t allow someone else to project uncertainly into your life with the result that you become a slave to sorting out their issues. There is a lot building up behind the scenes and it will take some time yet for what it all means to surface.
You can find yourself back in situations with people from the past that involves drama in some way. The difference now is that they need to accept that something cannot be maintained and this can lower a degree of arrogance they may have previously displayed. Don’t feel you have to be rushed. Contemplate carefully.
Rebellion of others can put you under a great deal of pressure when it comes to structuring matters as you have been setting out to do. Like it or not, you will have to rethink commitments from now to mid August that you were settled with. You might have to accept that your priorities are not necessarily those of others.
More innovative ways of planning future goals could emerge in a surprising or unexpected manner. This can cause you to be hesitant when it comes to making changes to present ideas or information. Be prepared to review things to mid August. Solutions can arise with commitments you felt unclear about as well.
Sit tight when it comes to finances and certainly don’t take any risks that you might be advised to do. Some changes might take place that you cannot control but do not set out to sort things out for someone else. You are in a powerful position to maintain a balanced position in the long term by not responding to unknowns.
The Lunar Eclipse this week falls in your sign while linking to Mars. This can turn many things around on a personal level in the next 6 months that will require you to fight for your rights. You can be dealing with dominant personalities but you should not let this deter you if what they are demanding in not in your interests.
On one level you can be dealing with others that pleases you in that they seem to be in tune with your priorities. You could also sense there are other situations building up that are quite the opposite. This can have an effect on regular routines. You are lucky your sense will be warning you but you will have to wait for things to surface.
krk- pyt dI KrfbI, Dn lfB, imwqrF df sihXog, sMpqI ivvfd ho skdf hY, sMqfn hyqU ivsLysL Krc ho skdf hY, iesqrI ksLt, kfrobfr ivwc lfB. Agsq 17, 18, 26, 27, 28, sqMbr 4,5,13,14 asLuB.
You could start to have second thoughts about something you thought you had come to a final decision over. Going back over things will be the best strategy from now to mid August. Maintaining harmony at the basis of things that can include family matters is most important. There cannot be doubts about obligations.
The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
sLok smfcfr bVy hI duKI idl nflL sUicq kIqf jFdf hY ik hmrn ipafry s: suKimMdr isMG sLyrigwl ipMz morFvflI, ijLlf sMgrUr, hux srI invfsI, pRmfqmf vloN imlI svfsF dI pUMjI Bog ky 6 sqMbr 2018 nUM clfxf kr gey hn. AunHF df sskfr aYqvfr 16 sqMbr duiphr 12:30 vjy irvrsfeIz iPAUnrl hom 7410 hOpkt roz zYltf ivKy hovy gf aqy aMqm ardfs gurduafrf bruwk sfeIz 8365-140 strIt, srHI ivKy sLfm iqMn vjy hovy gI.
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duKI ihrdy:
sLYnn mfn (bytI): 1-604-961pRIq sLyrigwl (supnqI): 604-582- 6242 8046
noits adfrf pMjfbI pwiqRkf bIbf prmjIq kOr supqnI s: gurdIp isMG igwl jI pfsoN muafPI mMgdf hY ik AunHF qoN gurdIp jI dI dy sLdIvI ivsLoVy dI Kbr glq lwg geI sI. bhuq hI aPsos krdy hoey asIN pRmfqmF dy crnf ivwc ardfs krdy hF ik gurdIp jI vI rUh nMU afpxy crnf ivwc invfj dyx, aqy AunHf dy pirvfr dy sdf aMg sMg shfeI hox.
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hlvfeI aqy kuWk Sweet Maker and Cook
GlotI (rfVf sfihb kMntIn vfly), luiDafxy vfly msLhUr hlvfeI (kwuk) dyv sLrmf), ijnHF kol 45 sflF df qjLrbf hY, ipCly 9 sflF qoN aYbtsPorz ivWc afp jI dI syvf kr rhy hn| iksy vI iksm dy vYjI jF nfn vYjI Kfxy jF miTafeIaF aqy snYks bnvfAux leI sMprk kro
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gurduafry qy mMidrF dy pRogrfmF leI Kfs izskfAuNt 103-30537 BLUERIDGE DR. ABBOTSFORD BC.
All kinds of Indian Veggie, Non-Veggie food and Sweets
The Patrika
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
insLkrsL jF iswtf
ANAND Irrigation Well Pump Installation and Service
5390 Gladwin Road Abbotsford BC HARRIS RD
HWY 11
HWY 11
asIN sYpitk tYNk lfAuNdy hF We install septic tanks
Anand Irrigation
qfqly ivwc rwKidaF pfvn gurbfxI df ielhfmI jOhr ilKqI rUp ivwc pRgt hoeaf hY. ies quk qoN pihlF ies slok dIaF AuWnI (19) qukF hor vI hn, ijnHF df AulyKx kIqf igaf hY jo rwbI rjLf nUM ivsfr ky, vfihgUrU dy nfm nUM Bulf ky, qRYguxI Brm-BulyKU jflL ivwc gRsy hoey hn. BfvyN koeI vI iensfn ikAuN nf hovy, jdoN rwbI ilv nUM ivsfr ky sMsfrI pdfrQF dy jflL ivwc gRisaf jFdf hY qd Auh lfjLmI hI duwK Bogdf hY, jo vfihgUrU dI rjLf nUM ivsfr ky burI qrHF sMsfrI AulJxF ivwc gRsy hoey hn. ijnHF ivwc klpq svrgI rfjf ieMdr, prsrfm, ajY rfm, dsrQ df bytf rfjf rfmcMdR, lMkf pqI rfvx, pMjy pFzv, rfjf jnmyjf, sLyK, msfiek, aqy kuJ pIr, BrQrI jYsy kMn pVvfAux vfly rfjy, ikrpn pRfxI jo Dn dI pRfpqI ihwq duKI hoey, afm pMizq aQvf ivdvfn lok jdoN AuhnF dI ivdvqf dIaF kdrF kImqF alop ho jFdIaF hn, bflI kMinaF Brqy dy nf hox krky roNdI aqy duK BogdI hY. Aukq drsfey sfry lok, Bfv ieMnHF lokF df ricaf hoieaf sfrf hI qRYguxI sMsfr duKIaf hY. duK dy kfrn roNdf hY. ieQy sfry sMsfr dI bfq nhIN kIqI blik AuhnF lokF df ricaf hoieaf sMsfr jo vfihgrU dI rjLf nUM iqafg ky aQvf vfihgurU dy nfm nUM ivsfr ky sMsfrI jflL ivwc gRsy hoey sn. AuhnF df sMsfr (jIvn) duKI sI. Aukq drsfey sMsfrIaF vFgUM koeI vI ivafkqI rwbI rjLf nUM ivsfr ky aQvf vfihgUrU dy nfm nUM ivsfr ky sMsfrI pdfrQF ivwc pWcq hovygf. Aus df sMsfr Bfv, smuwcf jIvn lfjLmI hI duKI hovygf. iehI vwzf kfrn hY jo hjLUr ny spwsLt sLbdF duafrf pRgt kIqf hY. ijvyN: nfnk duKIaf sBu sMsfr.. (rfmklI kI vfr, slok m: 1 pMnF 954 /5) Aukq drsfeI pRmfixk smgwrI dy anusfr pfvn gurbfxI ivwc anykF hI aYsy Audhrx pRfpq huMdy hn jo vfjLih krdy hn ik jo vI vfihgurU df nfm ivsrygf, Auh lfjLmI hI duKI hovygf Bfv Aus df sfrf jIvn sMsfrk duwKF ivwc bqIq hovygf. pRqUM jdoN Auh vfihgurU dI sLrx ivwc af ky pRBU dI rjLf ivwc ivcrdf hoieaf vfihgurU df nfm smHlygf, Aus dy duKF df sMsfr Kqm ho jfvygf aqy sdIvI suhylf jIvn pRfpq hovygf. ijvyN : duKu qdy jf ivsir jfvY.. ByK ivafpY bhu ibiD DfvY.. ismrq nfmu sdf suhylf ijsu dyvY dIn idaflf jIAu..1.. siqguru myrf vz smrQf.. jIie smflI qf sBu duKu lQf.. icMqf rog geI hAu pIVf afip kry pRiqpflf jIAu..2.. (mfJ mhlf5, pMnf 98/18) ieQy pihlf pRkrx smfpq huMdf hY. ies qoN awgy dUjf pRkrx “gurmiq mfrg� afrMB krn dI afigaf cfhFgy.
sMqf isMG ieQy qwk pihlf prkrx smfpq krn dI afigaf cfhFgy ijs ivwc aMqRIvI suKF dI bfbq ivcfr icmrsL kIqf igaf hY. ies ivcfr nUM nON Aup prkrxF duafrf sMpUrx krn dy Xqn kIqy gwey hn. ijvyN, aMqRIvI suK sLFqI, rfjnIiqk avqMqrqf, nvIn ivwidaf pRxflI, smwisaf kI hY? akyvyN df ivsqfr, kOmF dy swKxy ihrdy, apwDrI dunIaF, pfpF dI ngrI aqy insLkrsL jF iswtf afid. dunIaF df hr iensfn suasqavsQI jIvn bqIq krn ihwq, hr pRkfr dy Xqn krdf hY. keI dPf kuJ iensfn inwjI imhnq df sdkf sMsfrI suwKF dI pRfpqI krn ivwc cMgI sPlqf vI pRfpq kr lYNdy hn, pRMqU sMsfrI pdfrQF dI aiDkqf huMdy hoey vI aMiqRIvI qOr qy swKxy, Gbrfht, qOKlf, bycYnI, suBfa ivwc qlKI jYsIaF ielfmqF AuhnF df ipwCf nhIN CwzdIaF. aMqRIvI Klfa dy kfrn suK sLFqI dI bjfie jIvn iwc sWKxfht, inrfrQkqf, alKfkI kurUpqf jYsIaF insLfnIaF afm hI, suBfvk hI vyKIaF jf skdIaF hn. aYsy mfnisk rogF df smfDfn kyvl aqy kyvl iewk hI hY. sMsfrI kMm kfj krdy hoey, iewk idn ivwc kyvl pMdrF imMtF df smF gurbfxI dI ivcfr vfsqy kwZxf pvygf. ies cIjL nUM krn df ZMg iehI hY ik , 1, pfvn gurbfxI nUM aiq nIJ duafrf smJ smJ ky pVHnf hY. 2- pVHI hoeI gurbfxI nUM lfjLmI hI gihr gMBIr ivDI duafrf ivcfrnf hY. 3- jo ivcfr pfvn gurbfxI ivwcoN pRfpq hox AuhnF nUM idRV kr ky jIvn ivwc Zflxf hY, 4- dUijaF nUM iswiKaf dyx dI bjfey afpxy aMdr gihrI JfqI mfrnI hY ik mYN kI hF? myry ivwc ikhVy ikhVy aYb hn/ AuhnF ivkfrF nUM DIry DIry dUr krn dy Xqn inrMqr krny cfhIdy hn. 5 – Xqn krnf hY ik jIvn df hr kdm vfihgUrU dI rjLf ivwc ivcrdy hoey bqIq kIqf jfvy. afp jI vyKogy ik hilq pilq dy suK aqy sLFqI dy drvfjLy KulH jfxgy. jo iensfn mMjLl vwl cldf hY Aus dI ijLMdgI ivwc iek idn aYsf vI afAuNdf hY jdoN ik Auh mMjLl qy af phuMcdf hY. mMjLl dI pRfpqI hI sdIvI suK aqy sLFqI hY, mMjLl qwk rsfeI krn dI jugqI nfm ismrn hY. nfm dI pRfpqI df sfDn swcy siqgurU dI rihmq hY. ijvyN: sB nfvY no locdI ijsu ikRpf kry so pfey.. ibnu nfvY sBu duKu hY suKu iqsu ijsu mMin vsfey.. qUM byaMq dieafl hY qyrI srxfeI.. gur pUry qy peIaY nfmy vizafeI..1..rhfAu.. (afsf m: 3, pMnF 427/9) pfvn gurbfxI ivwc iewk suJfAu idwqf igaf hY ik sfrf sMsfr hI duKIaf hY. ijvyN “nfnk duKIaf sBu sMsfr�. ies quk df ieh Bfv nhIN ik jo afpF smJI bYTy hF ik sfrf sMsfr hI duKIaF df hY. gurbfxI nUM shI aqy XQfriQk ivDI duafrf smJx ihwq aiq afvsLk hY ik Aus dI siQqI nUM smiJaf jfvy ijs nUM iDafn PAGE 32
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
• Irrigation Installation
ierIgySn ienst`lySn
• Post Pounding
post l`auxy
• Drip and Sprinkler Systems
fir@p Eqy spirMklr
• Ditch Digging and Cleaning
if@c putxIE~ Eqy s`P krnIE~
• Farm Drains
Kyq~ iv@c fryn p`auxy
Workers Wanted: Welder & General helper good wages, must speak English, knowledge of Punjabi will be an asset We Specialize in Blueberry Draining Systems
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The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
suKbIr nUM pRDfngI qoˆ lfˆBy krn leI `afpixafˆ` dIafˆ bfgI surfˆ qyË
gurU gRMQ sfihb dy pihly pRkfÈ purb mOky drbfr sfihb `c ieiqhfsk jla sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb dy pihly pRkfÈ purb nUM smripq awj drbfr sfihb ivKy suMdr jla sjfey gey . dyÈfˆ-ivdyÈfˆ ivwcoˆ vwzI igxqI ivcw sMgqfˆ drbfr sfihb ivKy nqmsqk hox puwjIafˆ.awj dy hI idn ñöúô eI: (BfdroN sudI ñ,ññöñ ibkrmI sMmq) nUM gurU arjn dyv jI ny gurU gRMQ sfihb jI nUM sRI hirmMdr sfihb dy aMdr ibrfjmfn kIqf . ies dy pihly gRMQI hox df mfx bfbf buwZf jI nUM pRfpq hoieaf. drbfr sfihb nUM suMdr qrIky nfl sjfAux leI keI idnfˆ qoˆ iqafrIafˆ cwl rhIaf sn . swcKMz sRI hirmMdr sfihb ivKy ivdyÈI Puwlfˆ nfl sjfvt vI kIqI geI , jo sMgqfˆ leI iKHwc df kyˆdr bxI hoeI hY .
kfˆgrs df pMQk rMg,pUrf dyÈ bMd pr aMimRqsr `qy nhIˆ koeI asr kfˆgrs pfrtI vwloˆ pUry dyÈ ivwc bMd dy aYlfn ivwc aMimRqsr nUM Èfml nhIN kIqf igaf. drasl ,awj hirmMdr sfihb ivKy gurU gRMQ sfihb jI dy pihly pRkfÈ purb mOky lwKfˆ ÈrDflUafˆ dy puwjx kfrn gurU ngrI `c bMd df swdf nhIN idwqf igaf qfˆ jo AunHfˆ nUM idwkqfˆ df sfhmxf nf krnf pvy . hflfˆik, kfˆgrs dy kuJ sQfnk nyqfvfˆ ny kyˆdr srkfr ivrwuD pRdrÈn ËrUr kIqf pr Èihr ivwc bMd df swdf vfps lY ilaf igaf. kfˆgrsIafˆ ny modI srkfr dy puqly sfVy pr iksy ny bMd dy ivwc ihwsf nhIN ilaf. aMimRqsr dy bfËfr afˆm vfˆg KuwlHy rhy .
qyl dIafˆ cVHdIafˆ kImqfˆ dy iKÜfP pMjfbI,aOrqfˆ ny tYˆpU iKHwc ky kIqf `Bfrq bMd` kfˆgrs vwloˆ pUry dyÈ ivwc pYtrol qy zIËl dIafˆ vDIafˆ kImqfˆ dy ivroD ivwc pRdrÈn kIqf igaf.pMjfb ivwc ies bMd nUM rlLvfˆ imlLvfˆ huMgfrf imilaf. hflfˆik , kfˆgrsIafˆ vwloˆ ros mfrc kwZ ky bfËfr bMd krvfey gey. ies dOrfn sMgrUr ivwc aOrqfˆ vwloˆ iewk vwKry iksm df prdrÈn dyKx nUM imilaf.qyl qy rsoeI gYs dIafˆ kImqfˆ ivwc vfDy kfrn sMgrUr ivwc aOrqfˆ ny hwQfˆ nfl afto irkÈy iKHwc ky ros Ëfhr kIqf. iewQy vI vpfrIafˆ dIafˆ dukfnfˆ bMd krvfeIafˆ geIafˆ . luiDafxf ivwc Bfrq bMd nUM rlvfˆ imlvfˆ huMgfrf imilaf.pMjfb dy kYbint mMqrI Bfrq BUÈx afÈU,kfˆgrs dy sMsd mYˆbr rvnIq isMG ibwtU aqy XUQ kfˆgrs lIzr mfink zfbr ny vwzI ros rYlI kIqI .
Gr `c dfKÜ ho ky `afp` dy iËlHf pRIsLd AumIdvfr df kql afm afdmI pfrtI dy lIzr df Aus dy ipMz jyTUky ivwc kql kr idwqf igaf hY. vfrdfq rfq dyr nUM vfprI. puils muqfbk kfqlfˆ dI imRqk nfl pihlfˆ qoˆ hI jfx pCfx sI. hrivMdr isMG AurP ihMdf afm afdmI pfrtI df afAux vflIafˆ iËlHf pRIÈd coxfˆ leI ipMz igwl klfˆ qoˆ AumIdvfr sI .sInIar puils kpqfn zf[ nfnk isMG ny dwisaf ik bIqI rfq ihMdf nMU iqMn jxy imlx leI afey sn qy awj svyry Aus dI mOq dI Kbr imlI .puils nUM AunHfˆ iqMnfˆ `jfxkfrfˆ` qy Èwk hY .puils ny kys drjL kr ky mfmly dI jfˆc ÈurU kr idwqI hY .
ÈRomxI akflI dl ivwc ipCly do sflfˆ dOrfn ley gey PYsilafˆ kr ky ies smyˆ kohrfm mwicaf ipaf hY. tksflI akflI afgUafˆ qy ÈRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI dy sfbkf pRDfn qoˆ bfad hux pfrtI pRDfn suKbIr bfdl ivruwD bgfvqI sur AuwBry hn.aYsjIpIsI dy sfbkf jrnl skwqr ikrnjoq kOr ny suKbIr bfdl dy asqIPy dI mMg kIqI hY . ikrnjoq kOr ny ikhf ik suKbIr bfdl ny zyrf isrsf muKI nUM muafPI idvfAux ivwc jo BUimkf inBfeI hY Aus kr ky bfdl nUM Kud hI pRDfngI dy ahudy qoˆ asqIPf dyxf cfhIdf hY aqy pfrtI kmfˆn iksy Xog afgU nUM sOˆp dyxf cfhIdI hY .
byadbI mfmlf : nvjoq iswDU ny kotkpUrf cOˆk dI sI[sI[tI[vI Putyj jfrI kIqI
sQfnk srkfrfˆ bfry mMqrI nvjoq iswDU ny pYRws kfnPrMs dOrfn pMjfb `c hoeIafˆ byadbI dIafˆ Gtnfvfˆ sbMDI vwzy Kulfsy kIqy hn . nvjoq iswDU ny mIzIaf sfhmxy kotkpUrf cOˆk `c sI[sI[tI[vI Putyj jfrI kIqI hY, ijs `c dyiKaf igaf hY ik puls vwloˆ Drny `qy ÈfqI nfl bYTy lokfˆ `qy golI clfeI geI hY .AunHfˆ ikhf ik ies Putyj df iËkr rxjIq isMG dI irport `c vI hY aqy ieh Putyj muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG kol vI mOjUd hY .AunHfˆ ikhf ik ies dOrfn puls vloˆ pRdrÈnkfrIafˆ nUM burI qrHfˆ GVIisaf igaf aqy Putyj `c golLI cwldI hoeI sfP idKfeI dy rhI hY .
krqfrpur lfˆGf : `afp` ÜIzrfˆ ny GyrI modI srkfr
pfiksqfn srkfr vwloˆ krqfrpur lfˆGf KolHx pRqI ivKfeI pihlkdmI dI ÈlfGf kridafˆ afm afdmI pfrtI dI pMjfb iekfeI ny modI srkfr nUM Gyiraf hY . `afp` lIzrfˆ ny gurU nfnk dyv jI dy õõú sflf pRkfÈ purb mOky modI srkfr nUM vI awgy vDx dI apIl kIqI hY.`afp` dy sMgrUr qoˆ lok sBf mYˆbr BgvMq mfn qy pMjfb ivDfn sBf ivwc sunfm qoˆ ivDfiek amn aroVf ny ikhf hY ik pMjfb dy lok gurU nfnk dyv jI dy õõú sflf jnm ÈqfbdI mOky krqrpur kYrIzor KolHx dI mMg kr rhy hn. hux ies `qy pfiksqfn srkfr vwlo skfrqmk pihl kIqI geI hY qfˆ Bfrq srkfr qy pMjfb srkfr nUM vI iesy pihlkdmI dI loV hY .
iswDU vloˆ krqfrpur kfrIzor KolHy jfx dI gwl `qy cImf df ibafn akflI dl dy bulfry dljIq cImf ny kYbint mMqrI nvjoq iswDU vloˆ kfrIzor KolHy jfx dI gwl `qy afpxI pRqIikiraf idMdy hoey ikhf ik sRI krqfrpur sfihb dy kfrIzor nUM KolHy jfx dI gwl `qy koeI do rfey nhIˆ hY ik sfrI iswK kOm dI iehI mMg sI .AunHfˆ ikhf ik lMby smyˆ qoˆ keI pRDfn mMqrIafˆ aqy isafsI afgUafˆ dI iehI mMg rhI hY pr iksy nUM sPlqf nhIˆ imlI pr jykr ies gwl nUM lY ky GtIaf isafsq hovy qfˆ ies nfl iswK kOm nUM Tys puwjygI ikAuˆik ieh do dyÈf dy ivckfr df mfmlf hY .AunHfˆ ikhf ik nf ihMdosqfn qy nf hI pfiksqfn vloˆ ies dI aiDkfrk puÈtI hoeI hY pr nvjoq iswDU ny ies nUM lY ky aYlfn kr idwqf, joy Drm dy nfˆ `qy rfjnIqI krdy hn.
eyiÈafz cYˆpIan pMjfb srkfr qoˆ aOKy ,mfnsf dy ó iKzfrIaF ricaf ieqhfs eyÈIan KHyzfˆ ivwc mfnsf dy iqMn iKHzfrIafˆ ny sony qy cfˆdI dy qgmy ijwqy.ienHfˆ iqMnfˆ df mfnsf pwujx `qy iËlHf pRsLfsn qy Èihr vfsIafˆ vwloˆ Brvfˆ svfgq kIqf igaf.iKHzfrIafˆ nUM jIp ivc svfr krky Èihr df cwkr lvfieaf igaf. bfad ivwc ienHfˆ dy nfˆ `qy bxy cONk df AudGftn vI kIqf igaf. mfnsf phuMcy roieMg iKzfrI svrn isMG arjun aYvfrzI qy mihlf kbwzI iKHzfrn mnpRIq kOr ny pMjfb srkfr dI KHyz nIqI `qy svfl AuTfey.svrn isMG ny ikhf ik hirafxf srkfr golz ijwqx vfilafˆ nUM ó kroV dy rhI hY . ieMnI rkm pMjfb ivwc hfsl krn leI AunHfˆ nUM ñú golz mYzl ijwqxy pYxgy .
kYptn amirMdr vwloˆ õú qoˆ vwD sMqfˆ nflL mIitMg
suKbIr bfdl vwloˆ dfdUvfl qy mMz afeI aYs afeI dy eyjMt krfr
agly sfl mnfey jfx vfly gurU nfnk dyv jI dy õõú sflf pRkfÈ idhfVy dIafˆ iqafrIafˆ leI pMjfb dy muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr ny sulqfnpur loDI ivwc õú qoˆ vwD sMqfˆ nfl mIitMg kIqI. mIitMg ivwc mIzIaf nUM jfx qoˆ roikaf igaf sI . sMqfˆ nfl imlky bfhr afey sI aYm ny ikhf ik ññ mYˆbrI kmytI bxfeI jfvygI ijhVI smfgm bfry suJfa dyvygI. kYptn ny gurpurb leI kyˆdrI srkfr qoˆ òñõú kroV rupey dI ivÈyÈ shfieqf mMgI hY qy nfl hI AunHfˆ sMgq leI rfeykot nyVy hlvfrf eyar Pors styÈn nUM afrËI hvfeI awzy vjoˆ qbdIl krn df aYlfn kIqf. muwK mMqrI df kihxf hY ik jykr krqfrpur lfˆGf KuwlHdf hY qfˆ bhuq vDIaf hovygf .
ÈRomxI akflI dl dy pRDfn suKbIr bfdl ny ikhf ik kYptn amirMdr isMG afeI aYs afeI dy nfˆ Auwqy sUby ivwc awg lf rhy hn ijs nUM buJfieaf nhIˆ jf skygf.AunHfˆ ikhf ik kYptn muqvfËI jQydfr bljIq isMG dfdUvfl qy iDafn isMG mMz ijhy afeI aYs afeI eyjMt nUM awgy kr rhy hn jo mfhOl Krfb krn qy lwgy hoey hn.Auh ipMz Buwlr ivwc iËlffˆ pRIÈd cox leI Ëon kOxI dy AumIdvfr df aYÜfn krn leI puwjy sn.suKbIr bfdl ny dfdUvfl qy mMz `qy vrHidafˆ ikhf ik ieh lok Bgvyˆ colLy pf ky dyÈ nfl gwdfrI kr rhy hn qy sUby dy lok ies df jvfb dyxgy.sfbkf muwK mMqrI pRkfÈ isMG bfdl `qy byadbI dy ielËfm sbMDI AunHfˆ ikhf ik bfdl ny qfˆ awj qwk kIVI qwk nhIˆ mfrI .
The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
pMnHf 27 dI bfkI
hor ivisLaF nUM drsfAuNdy anykF twpy ienHF dIaF ieCfvF sn qy ienHF dI pUrqI leI bolIaF ivcoN iml jFdy hn ijvyN: quhfnUM BMgVy igwDy dIaF tImF iml jFdIaF hn jo quhfzIaF rUhF dIaF rIJF pUrIaF rfeI rfeI rfeI krn leI XqnsLIl hn. hux ieh lokivrsf nf rih ky ivAupfr bx igaf hY, swsy qyrI mwJ mr jy qusIN buikMg krfvo afp mfeIaF, ivafh, myry vIr nUM suwkI KMz pfeI jnm idn pfrtI, jF iksy vI KusLI dy iejLhfr leI igwDy BMgVy dIaF pRoPYsLnl jF tImF lY skdy ho. prdf prdf prdf bfhr af ky ienHF igwiDaF qy bolIaF dy rMg ZMg hI bdl gey hn. knyzf dy hr sLihr bfpU jI dy twl pf idE ivwc qIaF dIaF rsmF pUrIaF jFdIaF ivhVy vVdf ibVk nf krdf hn, skUlF, kfljF qy XUnIvristIaF ivwc igwDy dIaF tImf tryNz kIqIaF jFdIaF hn, jF isKflx vflIaF keI klwbF vI hn, ijs qrHF dy igwDy eyQy pYNdy hn, qy AunHF ivwc afK nI nxfny qyry vIr nUM, pYNdIaF bolIaF dy ivsLy aqy klf df ichrf kdI qF BYVf hwisaf kry mohrf svfrn leI muwK qOr qy bIbF bKsL, bIbF jrnYl kOr DflIvfl aqy suKpfl jF prmfr ny bhuq imhnq kIqI hY, sfihq qy smfj ienHF mhfn hsqIaF df DMnvfdI aVI vy aVI lwgI sOx dI JVI hY- dyKo: dwuD pI lY bflmf vy mYN kdoN dI KVHI qurdI mVk mVk sI huMdI, ienHF igwiDaF qy vI bVy BYVy smyN afey. sI kuVIaF qy srdfrI pihlf mfVf smF afieaf ik 1890 qoN 1938 qwk vwK simaF qy brsfqF nf lwgx kfrn PslF mrdIaF rhIaF, KyqI kfhdI dws mYN afeI knyzf, mwq kMmf ny mfrI isrP mINh qy inrBr hox kr ky grIbI dy idnf ivwc igwDy iks nUM suwJdy sn? Aus qoN ivwc GMitaF ijLMdgI bwJ geI, roNdI ibsLnI pihlF pMjfb dy jLr, jLoro qy jLmIn rwj rwj qy krqfrI luwty pMjfb dIaF suMdr muitafrF nUM mugl rfijaF ny nfc krn leI iekwTIaF krnf, idn rfq mYN rhF socdI, cuwk ky lY jfxf, hrmf ivwc rwKxf qy mMzIaF mwq ibwlF ny mfrIsuKpfl prmfr ivwc vycxf. EdoN vI lMmf smF igwDy bMd rhy, 1947 dI ihMd-pfk vMz vyly vI pMjfbI mfipaF qyiraF awz kr idwqf, muitafrF nflL durivvhfr hoieaf igwDy bMd rhy, iPr 1984 dy BYVy dOr ny pMjfbI dy iksLqF vflLf Gr vy muitafrF qoN qn qy mn dIaF BuwKF pUrIaF iewk isPtL nf Krcy cuwkdI, kIqIaF, igwiDaF qy mfrU asr ipaf. sMn 1950 dy lfgy pMjfbIaF ieMglYNz vl nUM iksq tuwtx df zr vy ruk kIqf qy iPr amrIkf, astrylIaf, qy hor by-igxq DrqIaF qy pMjfbI jf vsy myry vFgUM qUM vI Zolxf, do do isLPtF kr vy qy igwiDaF ny muitafrF qoN afs mihsUs kIqI. swqvyN dhfky ivwc skUlF, kfljF qIaF qy igwiDaF vFg sMDfry dy vI qy XU n IvristIaF ivw c sw i Bafcfrk bKsL rUp bdl gey hn. gqIivDIaF sLuru hoeIaF qy ieh igwDy ipMzF dy KuwlHy ivhiVaF coN inkl ky styjF qy jf nvIN pIVHI nUM ies dIaF kdrF kImqF dI cVHy. awj qwk ieh styjF df isLMgfr hn soJI nhIN qy purfxI pIVHI kolL smyN dI pr nf Eh muitafrF nf Auh nKrf, nf Auh Gft hY. pr hr DI iDafxI dI ieh pRbl DUV ptvF igwDf njLr af irhf hY-lgdf iewCf hY: hY ijvyN, igwDy dy klbUq hI vcy hoxH pr rUhF ikqy AuzfrIaF mfr geIaF hoxH. ijwQy vy sMDfiraf vy sfhF qoN ipafiraf vI pMjfbIaF ny vfsf kIqf hY EQy igwDy qF smJUM mYN ijAuNdI mr geI pYNdy hn pr rUp bdl gey hn. hr dysL ivwc iqQ iqAuhfr mnOx leI lokF
jy qUM mYnUM idlF qoN vsfiraf.
604.855.0770 Now Under New Management
asIN pMjfbI vI boldy hF We also carry a wide range of prescription foods . We can order special food on your request.
*Pre-paid food bags can be delivered to your home in nearby neighborhood.
The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
WE ARE EXCITED TO ANNOUNCE TO THE COMMUNITY ABOUT A REVOLUTIONARY PARTNERSHIP The Abbotsford Basketball Association.(ABA) and Rising Stars Basketball Academy (RSBA) have come together to form a new stronger organization that will fulfill the needs of the community. The ABA and RSBA are now named the Abbotsford Minor Basketball Association. asIN ieh dwsx leI Auqfvly hF ik BfeIcfiraF ivwc ienklfbI ihwsydfrI vDONidaF aYbtsPorz bfsikt bfl aYsosIeysLn (ABA) aqy rfeIijLMg stfrs bfsiktbfl akYzmI (RSBA) hux iewk juwt ho ky mjLbUq sMsQf bxf rhy hF qF ju BfeIcfry dIaF qsfm loVF dI pUrqI ho sky
Abbotsford Minor Basketball Association - Yearly Program (Practices only) Spots Times Grades Days Loca�ons (1 hour per day) Dates Cost Available
Mondays Thursdays Fridays
Dave Kandall Elementary 5:00pm to 6:00pm Dave Kandall Elementary 5:00pm to 6:00pm Clearbrook Elementary 5:00pm to 6:00pm
October 1st to June 14th
Mondays Thursdays Fridays
Dave Kandall Elementary 6:00pm to 8:00pm W.J. Mouat Secondary 6:00pm to 8:00pm Clearbrook Elementary
October 1st to June 14th
Mondays Thursdays Fridays
W.J. Mouat Secondary Eugene Reimer Middle Clearbrook Elementary
5:00pm to 6:00pm 5:00pm to 6:00pm 7:00pm to 8:00pm
October 2nd to June 14th
Mondays Thursdays Fridays
W.J. Mouat Secondary Eugene Reimer Middle Clearbrook Elementary
6:00pm to 8:00pm 6:00pm to 8:00pm 7:00pm to 8:00pm
October 2nd to June 14th
Includes reversible and BCMBA membership
Includes reversible and BCMBA membership
Includes reversible and BCMBA membership
Includes reversible and BCMBA membership
40 33 27 27
Premier Basketball League (formerly known as Super League) - Fall League (games only)
Grades Days 5-6 Sunday 7-8 Sunday
September 30th
Columbia Bible College 8:30am to 12:30pm to December 9th
Columbia Bible College 8:30am to 12:30pm September 30th
to December 9th
September 23rd @ Columbia Bible College 10:00am to 12:00pm September 25th @ W.J. Mouat Secondary 7:00am to 9:00pm September 27th @ W.J. Mouat Secondary 7:00am to 9:00pm
On Phone
Dylan Kular - 604 308 6281 Upkar Tatlay - 778 223 6987
By Email Contact ONLINE @
$80 $80
Spots Available
32 21
ABBOTSFORD MINOR BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION (AMBA) We are excited to have a dedicated team of volunteer board of directors, coaches, referees, community members and families who support our vision. Join Abbotsford's youth basketball association, registration is now open! See below for all programming information. Do you want to support the not-for-profit organization? Do you want to be a sponsor? Do you want to be a coach? Do you want to learn how to be a coach? Do you want to play? Call 604-308-6281 or e-mail for more information
SPACE IS FILLING UP FAST! Join your community not-for-profit basketball organization. Visit for more information PAGE 36
The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
Wilson Seeking 5th Term on Abbotsford Board of Education
hirley Wilson, Board of Education Chair for Abbotsford School District, has confirmed she will let her name stand for re-election to the Board of Education for the 2018-22 term in the October 20th municipal election. With 13 years of elected service, Wilson remains committed to education, families, and community. Dedicated to continued advocacy for the best possible opportunities to prepare students for a lifetime of success, she recognizes the value of experience and corporate knowledge necessary for the district over the next four years. “Students remain top of mind in my own personal decisions,” says Wilson, “Our community support and recognition of parents as primary educators of their children is vital to educational achievement. I remain committed to our children and families in Abbotsford.” Wilson believes each student’s success is supported by having the right people in the right places whether that be the teacher in the front of the classroom, principal of school, bus driver, custodian, secretary in the school, senior staff at the board office, or trustee at the table. Strategic vision and fiscal accountability are cornerstones for the Abbotsford district. Abbotsford has a solid history of providing world class, innovative, and individualized education for all students in Abbotsford schools. Wilson has played a significant role toward maintaining and surpassing this in her 13 years of public service on the board to date. Wilson has always been known as a strong advocate for families whether through her service in the charitable sector or in her elected school trustee position. Additionally, Wilson is elected as one of seven trustees to the BC Public School Employers’ Association. With 2019 bringing teacher and support staff bargaining to the public attention, she will bring valued employer experience and Fraser Valley perspective to the human
resources and labour relation’s role of trustees. An Abbotsford Senior Secondary graduate, Wilson has two children who have also graduated from the Abbotsford School District.
Wilson provides executive level planning services to the charitable sector in the Fraser Valley. Moving here in 1983 with her family, Wilson enjoys the many opportunities and activities available throughout the community.
Elected in 2005, Wilson has served many roles in the community on behalf of the Board of Education, including her current role as Chair, and remains personally active in organizations locally, provincially, and nationally.
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The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
24 vF lok ivrsf mylf iek vwKrI pihcfx Cwz igaf mOsm KLrfb hox dy bfvjUd gdrI XoiDaF nUM smripq 24 vF lok ivrsf mylf BfeIcfry df bhuq vwzf huMgfrf ipafr qy qfVIaF dI gUMj nfl rotrI styzIam 9 sqMbr aYqvfr nUM iek pMjfb dy pRisD myly nUM qfjLf krvf irhf sI.
The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
New infrastructure investments will build stronger communities
he federal and provincial governments are working together to deliver everything from new recreation centres to better internet, with two new infrastructure programs that will build up communities in every part of British Columbia. The newly launched programs – the Community, Culture and Recreation fund, and the Rural and Northern Communities fund – are part of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program. “Communities have been waiting too long for help building the arenas, community centres, and transit and energy infrastructure that people want and need,” said Selina Robinson, B.C.'s Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. “Together with the federal government, we are investing in infrastructure that will build up communities, strengthen local economies and create opportunities for people in every part of the province.” The Community, Culture and Recreation program will provide access to funding for projects that upgrade and build sports facilities, trails, local community centres and spaces for arts and culture. It will also support health and educational facilities that uphold the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action. The Rural and Northern Communities fund will ensure the unique needs of British Columbia’s small, rural and remote communities with populations under 25,000 are met. The fund will support communities’ wide range of infrastructure priorities, including broadband connectivity, efficient and reliable energy, Indigenous health and educational facilities, local public transit and reliable road, air or marine infrastructure, as well as improved resilience to natural disasters and environmental quality. For communities of 5,000 people or less, combined provincial and federal funding will cover up to 100% for eligible projects.
“The Government of Canada is pleased to see another part of this important funding agreement being put into action across B.C.,” said FrançoisPhilippe Champagne, federal Minister of Infrastructure and Communities. “Together with the Province, we are investing in infrastructure to strengthen local economies, improve public health and safety, and create greener, more socially inclusive communities where everyone has the chance to succeed.” The Province is partnering with the federal government to invest up to $95 million toward an initial intake under the Rural and Northern Communities Program and more than $134 million toward an initial intake under the Community, Culture and Recreation Program. “Investing in local infrastructure gives people better access to the services they need and helps build thriving communities,” said Claire Trevena, B.C.'s Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure. “With access to this new funding, people across B.C. and in northern and rural communities can stay connected and provide the important services people rely on to make life even better.” The Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program will inject $3.9 billion into projects throughout B.C. over the next 10 years. In addition to these two funds, the program offers two other funding streams: Green Infrastructure Public Transportation Stream “The programs announced today provide a further step towards closing the infrastructure gap in B.C.’s communities,” said Wendy Booth, Union of B.C. Municipalities president. “Both funds will contribute to the renewal and expansion of the services provided by local governments. I am very appreciative of the continuing investments by the federal and provincial governments in community infrastructure.” Beginning Sept. 12, 2018, local governments and Indigenous
communities, as well as eligible for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, are encouraged to submit applications for these programs through the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program - B.C. program website: Investing-in-Canada-Infrastructure-Program Approvals are expected to be made public in late 2019.
nvyN afAux vfilE, quhfzy leI afkrÈk bcqF ivwc quhfzf suafgq hY
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The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED ¯Truck Drivers ¯Local Work Only ¯No Long Haul Wages Based Upon Experience sfnMU trwk zrfeIvr, aqy lokl kfimaF, dI loV hY| lONg hfl nhIN hY. cMgI qnKfh qjLrby anusfr idwqI jfvygI | : Please send resumes too:
Contact Jordan : 778-240-3457 E-mail : | Fax: 604-850-7225 1702 Foy St, Abbotsford BC V2T6B1
The Patrika
Workers Needed for Framing Workers needed for framing. Wages $15.00/ hour, increased depending on experience. Transportation available from Surrey and Abbotsford. Call: 604-8250736 or 778-255-3135
Jatt Sikh, only son, from Punjab, handsome, B.Sc in Computer Sciences, 5’11, 27 years old, owner of 29 acres of land wants a woman with a PR or Canadian citizenship, height of 5’6 or more, skinny, beautiful girl wanted Call: 778-536-2999/ 236-887-2798
vr dI loV 35 sflf jwt isWK, ivjLtr afeI hoeI lVkI leI knyzIan PR jF istIjLn lVky dI loV hY. hor jfxkfrI leI sMprk kro: 604-744-5871 jF 778245-2369
FARM WORKERS NEEDED B & J Berry Farms Ltd. Requires 9 full-time employees in Abbotsford, BC. 50 hours/ week $12.65/hour. Duties include: weeding, tying, pruning, harvesting, digging and other farm related duties, in all weather conditions. Start date: Dec. 8/2018. Apply at
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
FARM WORKERS Change of Name NEEDED I, Rashpal Singh s/o Class 1 truck driver Truck Driver wanted
required to transport loads for our company. KN Berry Farms ReThe loads are for USA quires 10 full-time em(CA). Experience in ployees in Abbotsford, trucking industry will BC. 50-60 hours/week be preferred. Knowl$12.65/hour. Duties edge of English is a must and knowledge include: weeding, tyof Punjabi will be an ing, pruning, harvestasset. Good wages and ing, digging and other benefits as per the expe- farm related duties, rience. Driver's abstract in all weather condiand drug test required. Send resume to info@ tions. Start date: Dec. or 15/2018. Apply at, fax: 604-852-6690, or Help Wanted mail to 31137 Southern Drive, Abbotsford, BC, General Farm workers V2T 5K2. required on a berry farm in Abbotsford, BC. DukfimaF dI loV ties include harvesting, aYbtsPorz dI lokl cultivation, sorting fruit, zrfeIvfl kMpnI nMU kfimaF spraying, irrigation, liftdI qurMq loV hY. nvyN kfimaF ing berry containers, nMU $14.50 pRqI GMtf aqy packing, pruning, tying qjLrbykr nMU qjLrby as well other general anusfr. aYbtsPorz aqy farm work duties. Must aYlzrgRov qoN rfeIz df be productive. Should pRbMD hY. hor jfxkfrI leI be able to work with Pon kro: 778-552-6269 farm machinery and Workers Wanted be able to work in difFarm workers required ficult weather condition. starting Janurary 2019. 40-60 hours per week. Should be able to work Duties include pruning, with other. Experience planting, weeding, & preferred. 40-70 hrs/ harvesting berries. As week. Up to 8-month well as other general term. Beginning Feb 15, farm duties. Work is out- 2019. $12.65/hr. Fax doors & can be physire-sume to cally demanding. Wage $12.65/hour. Fax re- 604-850-7612 or mail sume to 604-850-7597. to Kahlon Farms Ltd. Columbia St. Townline Growers Ltd, 262 340 Townline Rd, Ab- Abbotsford, BC botsford, BC V2T 6C9. V2T 5X6.
Harpal Singh, holder of Indian Passport No, G7518157, Issued at Chandigarh, on 26/08/2008, permanent resident of #303 - 33850 Fern St, Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 6C3 Canada do hereby change my name from Rashpal Singh to Rashpal Singh Wander, with immediate effect.
lVkI dI loV
lVkI dI loV
jwt iswK cImf lVkf Aumr 24 sfl kwd 5 Puwt 11 ieMc +2 piVaf, nisLaf qoN rihq ivjLtr vIjy qy kYnyzf afey hoey lVky leI kYnyzIan istIjLn jf PR lVkI dI lo V hY . lVky dy irsLqydfr kYnyzf ivc sYtlz hn. Pon: 778-3445020 jF 778-344-5022
jwt iswK lVkf, Aumr 30 sfl kwd 5 Puwt 8 ieMc, vrk primt qy kYnyzf afey hoey, nisLaF qo rihq leI kYnyzIan iemIgRFt, istIjLn pirvfrk lVkI dI loV hY. lVky dI BYx kYnyzf ivwc vYl sYtlz hY. Pon: 778-2419822
Nanny Wanted WE ARE SEARCHING FOR A WONDERFUL FULL-TIME NANNY FOR A SWEET Must 11 YEARS OLD AND 7 YEARS OLD BOYS. Speak The schedule is Monday - Friday Punjabi The nanny wages is depending on your experience, education and skills. The ideal candidate is passionate about childcare, experienced, active and engaging with the children.
please email your resume at
Rose Land Trans Ltd.
139-32830 George Ferguson Way Abbotsford, BC
$25/Per Hour
Semi-Truck Driver Wanted
DUTIES At least 1-year experience in operating a class 1 vehicle Completion of High School Must be able to communicate in English
SKILL REQUIREMENTS Operate semi-truck Record hours of service on electric logbook Have to deliver and pick up freight (employees responsibility) Perform pre-trip and post-trip inspection
Contact PH : 604-615-3146
The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
Spl: We Do Cabinet Installation for New or Old Houses All Kinds of Renovations
SPECIALIZED IN NEW & OLD RENOVATION HOMES Tiles (Wall , & Floor Tiles, All Kinds Of Tiles) Entrance Way Tiles Kitchen (Floor & Backsplash) Kitchen Cabinet And CounterTop Full Bathroom Renovation (New & Old) Floor Lamination
Basement Washroom Kitchen Painting Plumbing
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Teja 778-246-0087
The Patrika
oel Friesen is one of five Canadians on the London Lightning, part of the National Basketball League. Friesen, Abbotsford raised, was an integral component to the back-toback championships in 2017 and 2018 with the London Lightning, as well as the NBL Championship he won his rookie season with the Halifax Hurricanes. Joel is known nationally for being one of the hardest workers and “one of the best perimeter defenders in the league” (London Press). Friesen, a 2008 graduate from Yale Secondary who won the AAA BC Championships and was named BC MVP is excited to be recognized as one of the top players in Canada. Thank you Joel for taking the time to speak with Abbotsford Basketball about your reflections.
What made you choose to invest so much of your life in the sport of basketball? Basketball has always kept me on the right path from a young age. It was my motivation to keep my grades up in school so that I could play at the next level. To have true success, you have to invest serious time in the appropriate areas of your game. I’ve been blessed to play at the level I do now, and am continuing to invest my time to improve my game everyday. Whether it’s a specific skill on the court, or reflecting on game tape.
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
In Transition: Joel Friesen
my first provincial team. Also being in the gym every – single – morning before school. Every single day after school. And if I wasn’t in the gym, I was outside working on my handle or jumper.
By: Dylan Kular
tangibles are such a huge part of being a high level pro.
What would you recommend to the youth of Abbotsford who In what ways did playing for UFV and have similar aspirain the CIS prepare you for professional tions? basketball? Never give up. Adam and Al Friesen, and Barnaby There’s going to be Craddock are great coaches with differ- hills and valleys durent styles. That helped me develop into ing the process of the player I am today. The FIBA play- becoming great. If ing style at the college level definitely you keep your eye helped me to prep to play overseas and on where you want to be and are doing in the NBL Canada. whats necessary to What type of mindset have you develget there. No one can oped in preparation for playing professtop you. I was told sional basketball? I wouldn’t go pro You have to embrace whats gotten because I didn’t play you to the professional level, and what in the NCAA. I was makes you special as player. At the told I may never play Team Canada invite list for the 2019 FIBA World Cup. same time you always want to continue again after an ACL staying resilient has been a huge part to get better and push yourself to ex- injury. I was told that making certain of that success. moves in my career would hurt me. pand your game and versatility. Now I’ve made history and won cham- We hope to see more Abbotsford playpionships at every level in Canada. ers on a list of invitees to the Team Canada tryout. Having big dreams, and
LABOUR CONTRACTORS LTD. Photo Credit: Canada Basketball, Joel Friesen at the Canada Basketball photoshoot. “…being in the gym every – single – morning before school. Every single day after school. And if I wasn’t in the gym, I was outside working on my handle or jumper.” – Joel Friesen on when he started noticing signifiant Photo Credit: London Lightning, Joel improvements in his game. It’s about consistently putting in the work! Friesen #32 What measures did you take to develop What has been your biggest key to success as a player? yourself as a player? My game has always been based off of Be a great teammate, and play with defensive effort and pure competitive- effort and positive energy. Those are ness. I had to focus that same effort 3 controllable concepts that will help into skill work at a young age to help increase your consistency in the court. evolve my game offensively. I would You obviously need to still work on say improvements started to get noticed fundamentals and your game, but inbetween grade 11 and 12 when I made
sfnMU prmfnYt Puwl tfeIm kfimaF dI loV hY isrP Puwl tfeImr prmFnYt kfmy hI sMprk krn iksy vI iksm df jMk mUv krvfAux leI aqy ryh zilvr krvfAux leI sMprk kro Residen al & Commercial Junk Removal
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The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
201—31205 Maclure Road, Abbotsford, BC V2T 5E5
30 FDA aYprUvz lyjLrs vI sLurU hY
sklpsUar PYt sYWl izstRksLn!!!
pfeIkosUar ipwgimntysLn, aYkny skfrs (ikwl muhfsLy)
ipwgimntysLn, aYkny skfrs (ikwl muhfsLy) PfeIn lfeIN rImUvl (JurVIaF df Kfqmf) aqy soprYno lfeIt lyjLr hYar rImUvl isstm
asIN syvfvF vDf idwqIaF hn ikwqf mfhr, tryNz, srtIPfeIz aqy stfP rijstrz nrsF mYzIkl pRYktIsLnrjL lyjLr tYknIsLIanjL eystItIsLIanjL
asIN hor kI kI krdy hF: mfeIkro nIzilMg, afeIzIal protIn sIEnjL mfeIkro zrmf brfa, kYmIkl pIls rIlYkisMg PysLIal lyjLr hyar rImUvl, bOzI rYps vYkisMg aqy QrYzinMg pUrI bOzI msfj aqy rYgUlr aYsQYikt syvfvF
The Patrika
c k b f our FuLL eMpLoyee pricing
2018 F-150
2018 super duty
F-150’s Stock No.
Employee Price
Sept. Bonus Cash
Total Adjustments
Total Sale Price
F1J00420 F1J04933 F1J04934 F1J04935 F1J04937 F1J04938 F1J06129 F1J06264 F1J10385 F1J10386 F1J10387 F1J10388 F1J10389 F1J10390 F1J10391 F1J10392 F1J10393 F1J10394 F1J10395 F1J10396 F1J10857 F1J10860 F1J11194 F1J18664 F1J18665 F1J18667 F1J18669 F1J18671 F1J18672 F1J18673 F1J18674 F1J19952 F1J20661 F1J20664 F1J20665 F1J20666 F1J20667 F1J20668 F1J20672 F1J20675 F1J20677 F1J27313 F1J27316 F1J27393 F1J27394 F1J33299 F1J33300 F1J33301 F1J33303 F1J33306 F1J35396 F1J35397 F1J35609 F1J35611 F1J35612 F1J35613 F1J35614 F1J36808 F1J42104 F1J46478 F1J46481 F1J48541 F1J48636 F1J48637 F1J48638 F1J48642 F1J50292 F1J50293 F1J54385 F1J54386 F1J54387
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Total Adjustments
Total Sale Price
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Sept. Bonus Cash $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 SOLD $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 SOLD $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 SOLD $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750
$13,322 $13,337 $13,286 $15,078 $16,688 $16,753 $16,688 $12,858 $12,885 $15,222 $16,046 $15,943 $12,060 $12,060 $12,060 $12,060 $12,060 $12,060 $12,060 $12,060 $12,060 $12,060 $13,258 $13,258 $16,464 $12,060 $15,240 $16,596 $15,298 $16,701 $13,337 $13,391 $13,355 $13,355 $16,441 $11,998 $14,614 $13,270 $13,287 $13,287 $11,613 $13,259 $13,258 $13,259 $13,258 $13,270 $13,287 $13,287 $12,945 $10,344 $14,848 $14,848 $14,848 $13,492 $13,279 $13,226 $16,363
$48,027 $48,062 $47,763 $59,101 $54,291 $54,776 $54,291 $44,141 $44,764 $60,177 $63,963 $63,286 $38,514 $38,514 $38,514 $38,514 $38,514 $38,514 $38,514 $38,514 $38,514 $38,514 $47,541 $47,541 $65,935 $38,514 $60,109 $68,083 $60,751 $69,278 $48,062 $48,459 $48,194 $48,194 $52,358 $38,401 $55,735 $47,629 $47,762 $47,762 $35,536 $47,540 $47,541 $47,540 $47,541 $47,629 $47,762 $47,762 $45,204 $27,305 $57,401 $57,401 $57,401 $48,807 $47,220 $46,823 $65,286
F-350’s F3J02812 F3J33053 F3J50987 F3J50988 F3J72636 F3J86631 F3J86633 F3J96928 F3K01381 F3K01382 F3K01383 F3K18842 F3K18844 F3K26672
2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019
$93,204 $91,269 $92,924 $92,924 $92,924 $92,924 $92,924 $92,924 $95,044 $95,044 $95,044 $88,249 $59,779 $89,194
$80,895 $79,200 $80,651 $80,651 $80,651 $80,648 $80,648 $80,651 $83,496 $83,496 $83,496 $77,699 $52,804 $78,522
$750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750 SOLD $750 $750 $750 $750 SOLD $750 $750 $750 $750
$13,059 $12,819 $13,023 $13,023 $13,023 $13,026 $13,026 $13,023 $12,298 $12,298 $12,298 $11,300 $7,725 $11,422
$80,145 $78,450 $79,901 $79,901 $79,901 $79,898 $79,898 $79,901 $82,746 $82,746 $82,746 $76,949 $52,054 $77,772
30295 mall d . bb f
•MON - THURS 8:30am - 7pm
highw y 1 - Mt LehM n exit - Fr ser v LLey uto M LL
•FRI & SAT 8:30am - 6pm
604.856.9000 .m af . m
• new c r • used c r • service rep ir shop
Prices net of all available incentives and discounts. Call or email one of our product experts for more information. Ask us about our sub-vented finance and lease terms and rates. Prices advertised do not include taxes, environmental levies, and $480 documentation fee. Dealer May Sell For Less. Vehicles may not be as shown. Vehicles advertised subject to prior sale.
The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
The Patrika
Friday, Sept 14th, 2018
$31,900 30355 Automall Drive, Abbotsford, BC V2T 5M1 | Toll Free: 1.888.220.1853 All prices do not include taxes, license or admin fee of $499, see dealer for details.
$70,999 jI[aYm[ (GM) dI koeI vI gwzI KRIdx jF lIjL 'qy lYx leI nvjoq isMG afhlUvflIaf nfl sMprk kro:
All prices, Details , Description may change .
“ All prices do not include license, taxes or documentation fee of $599. See dealer for complete details.”
Navjot Ahluwalia Cell: 778-344-0007
Friday, Sep 14th, 2018
Baldev Singh Gill
Kirandeep Singh Gill
604.825.8886 31046 SOUTHERN DRIVE
Very clean 3 storey house with a walkout basement in West Abbotsford. Heated kitchen, ensuite and a family room floors. New furnace and new central air conditioner. Roof was replaced few years ago. Close to all levels of schools, Fruiticana and Highstreet Mall. Call for more info.
Custom built 3 storey home with 2-5-10 years warranty in West Abbotsford’s newest subdivision. 4 bedrooms upstairs with 3 full baths. One bedroom with full bathroom on main floor. Walk out basement has 3 bedrooms , 2 full bath and very spacious media room.
2300 Sq. ft. Rancher with full basement is located in a quiet dead end street. 7700 Sq. ft. flat lot. Some recent updates are: New windows, new blinds, new washer/dryer, new carpet on stairs and brand new full bath in the basement.
Over 3200 Sq. ft. home in West Abbotsford. Several upgrades including: new laminate flooring in living and family rooms, new tiles in the foyer and kitchen, brand new blinds, only 4 years old roof, a fully fenced backyard and relatively new paint. Close to Rotary stadium, W.J. Mouat Secondary and Gordie Howe Middle School.
Farm Listing
3131 267A STREET
#207 1909 SALTON ROAD
19.44 Acre Full Production 33629 Clayburn RD Blueberry Farm
2 Bed & 1 Bath Apartment on the Main Floor with 2 parking spots. Many upgrades in past few years including: Laminate floors, white baseboards, designer paint, blinds, counter tops, white appliances, bathroom tile around tub, vanity fixtures, electrical plugs & switches! Great location viewing the private common area.
3130 267A STREET
11 year old 1/2 duplex with living, dining, kitchen, family room and 2 piece bath on main; 3 bedrooms and 2 full bath on upstairs. Single garage, fenced private backyard with covered patio and store. No strata fee, independent living, lot of privacy Close to elementary school.
Duke and Bluecrop varieties. Very good production for 2017 Full irrigation system and machine pick. House and Barn.
16.32 acre income producing blueberry farm. 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 1950 sqft rancher. 100x40 barn, has 2 storeys, oversized doors on both ends of barn, extra concrete slab. Peat moss, Huge potential here! Close to town and Mission Hwy.
440 Sumas Way, Abbotsford
1/2 acre property with 4 bedroom- 2kitchens basement entry home in great condition. all new carpets and freshly painted walls,doors,trim and exterior trim as well property has 10’side yard access to back yard on both sides of the home.50’ frontage by 400’ to park all your vehicles.lots of room to build shop.home has large east facing sundeck with view of mt.baker.large steel box container in back yard for plenty of extra storage.
Approx.3 acres of land-surrounded by industrial the corner of nordal way & sweson way-2 road frontages.beside alex fraser bridge,few minutes to hwy 77 & hwy 99-rare find of such big size of commerial property in delta.presently 4800sq.ft burger king building & truck card lock,explore your opportunity to rezone/develop.central locatioon.
$870,000 201-30505 Blueridge Drive Abbotsford
4021 Glenmore Road
BUILD YOUR DREAM HOUSE 1.38 acre corner lot..Beautiful nature's lover, tranquil , peaceful location to enjoy . Just minutes from MEI school ,Parks,Golf, Comuubity Church & Clearbrook Elementary School.
Best Deal: $ 1,350,000
$ 1,450,000 (U.S.A)
Best Deal: $ 998000
FOR LEASE 984 SQFT SPACE RETAIL OR OFFICE FOR YOUR PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS South side of Khalsa Credit Union Ideal for immigration consultant, accountants, travel agency, transportation dispatching, fabric/clothing store, audio/video store or any other professional business. parking. Ready to occupy.
Friday, Sep 14th, 2018
Oak Realty Parv Harry Shinder Gill PREC Little Independently Owned and Operated 604.832.0540 Top 1% Realtor of FVREB 2010-2015 604.832.0944 and Master Medallion 2006-2014
12 Years Experience!
12 Years Experience! |
Shinder Gill PREC
Parv Harry
Visit our Website for more pictures & New Listings 604-859-2341
NEW "Homes Coming Soon in Abbotsford & Maple Ridge!"
"20 Homes located on East Side of Abbotsford starting at $1.1 Million." "6 Coach Homes in Auguston coming June 2018 starting at $1.1 Million." "17 Homes in Auguston, some lots with greenbelt, starting at $1.2 Million."
“Ready to build lots available in Maple Ridge, Langley & Abbotsford”
$1,150,000 1.This house is a must see as it implements smart home technology that can be controlled by your very own Ipad. 2.Built in vacuum, fridge, stove, dishwasher, washer and dryer.
$ 1,679,000
1.Unobstructed view of Mt. Baker. Custom built home over 4900 sq.ft plus triple garage that is 784 sq.ft. 2.Enjoy the view through the huge windows throughout the home. 3.Enjoy the mini golf course on the front yard. 4.High end craftsmanship in the whole house, modern style custom chef like kitchen and designer colour scheme.
$ 1,029,000
32656 Marshall Rd,Abbotsford, BC
$ 679,900 1.Well maintained rancher on huge 8400 sqft lot with big 660 sqft shop. 2.This solid 3 bedroom rancher features vaulted livingroom ceiling. covered patio
Call To Reserve Yours
32633 PANDORA AVENUE, ABBOTSFORD 32276 Peardonville Road
1. 2 Lot subdivision of compact lots already applied for before the Urban 3 Infill cutoff date. 2. One lot over 3,100 sf and the other is almost 3,500 sf, with about 3,000sf homes proposed over 3 floors with big wide back yards.
$ 949,000
1.Investor Alert! OCP Urban 3-Infill, great opportunity for developer/builder to subdivide into 2 lots. 2.Both houses can face Bakerview or build your your dream house on this lot that is over 10,500 sq.ft. 3.House has 5 bedrooms and 2 washrooms which is currently rented out.
$ 560,000 1.Build your dream home today in a nice developing neighbourhood, 2. Lot size allows you to build a house over 3,000 sq.ft. with the possibility of 5 bedrooms and 4 washrooms. 4.House plans are avaible to view, this lot will not last long.
3316 SAANICH STREET, Abbotsford, BC
$738,800 1.Amazing corner lot with 2 driveways. 2.House is in mint condition with new kitchen cabinets, new paint, new baseboard and laminate flooring. 3.House has 5 bedrooms and 3 washrooms. Owner has made other upgrades to water tank and furnace as well. 4.Great neighborhood and is close to Rotary Stadium and walking distance to all levels of school.
23100 135 AVENUE, Maple Ridge
$ 666,000
1.Opportunity to build your dream home. Developing neighbourhood that has a great view of a greenbelt. 2.Build a house over 4,000 sq.ft. with 5 bedrooms and 4 washrooms. 3.Design your own house the way you like it. 4.Endless possibilities with this lot
$988,800 1.Beautiful Basement Entry Home located on a cul-de-sac with an amazing mountain and greenbelt view. 2.Included on the above floor is a huge kitchen, 4 bedrooms out of which 3 bedrooms have walk-in closets with 2 ensuite bathrooms. 3.3 bedrooms with one which has a walk-in closet.
Investor alert, big lot that can be subdivided.
$ 1,150,000
1.Amazing 2 storey house with 3 bedrooms and 3 washrooms. 2.Nice, spacious layout with an open kitchen and island. 3.Lots of natural lighting coming into the house, well kept.
$ 625,000
3492 Hazelwood Place, Abbotsford
$10,000 Sq Ft
1.Updated home on almost 7,500 sq.ft level lot. 2.House has new kitchen cabinets, new quartz counter tops, stainless steel appliances, laminate & tile flooring, updated main washroom. 3. 5 bedrooms and 3 washrooms plus rec room to entertain guests. Ground level legal suite for extra income. Open
1.Gorgeous 3 storey home in a great neighborhood. 2.The basement features a big recreational room, a multipurpose room, bedroom and bath.
"Townhome sites available in Langley, Mission & Maple Ridge"
1.This beautiful custom built house has 5 bedrooms and 4 washrooms in a newer developing neighbourhood. 2.The house along with high 10 ft. vaulted ceiling on the main floor. 3.Newer technology is implemented into this house with smart home technology, rough in security system, built in vacuum and many other features.
24271 112 Avenue, Maple Ridge
1.Lot close to 8,000 sq. ft. with plenty of room for RV parking in the front along with a spacious backyard. 2.Rancher has 4 bedrooms and 2 washrooms. 3.Central location that just minutes from Lougheed Highway. 4. Near mission hospital
33425 Kildare Terrace, Abbotsford
$ 949,500
$ 729,900
1.This new home is a must see that is located on a lot over 4,000 sq.ft. 2.There is a total of 4 bedrooms and 4 washrooms in the whole house. House has a very cozy feeling in it with quality appliances and chef like kitchen. 3.Great location that is close to all amenities and walking distance to nearby park. 4.Basement has a rec room for upstairs
. Close to 5 acres of bare land 31531 Upper Maclure Rd . Build your dream house or nice hobby . Lot for sale . Can build 5000 sq. ft. farm house
1.Nice well kept house with the same owners since 1992. 2.There are 5 bedrooms and 3 washrooms with a nice backyard. House has newer kitchen cabinets on the main and basement floor. 3.Newer blinds, water tank was replaced a few years ago. 4.Bigger windows than normal allowing for extra light into the house.
$ 625,000
1.Ready to build your dream, look no further as this lot that is over 5,400 sq.ft and plans allow for a legal suite. 2.House plans are available to view that has 6 bedrooms and 4 bedrooms accommodating any size family. 3.Great location that is close to all amenities and minutes from freeway access.
NEED MORE LISTINGS! hor ilsitMgjL dI loV hY.
We have qualified buyers PAGE R2
sfzy kol XogqfpUrn (kuaflIPfeIz) KrIddfr hn.
Friday, Sep 14th, 2018
Friday, Sep 14th, 2018
dIp iFloN 604.832.0480
Ph: 604-864-0666 • Fax: 604-864-0668 Toll Free: 1-866-967-0666
Call Today for your Free Market Evaluation!
#110- 30485 Cardinal Avenue, Abbotsford BC V4X 2M9
3789 Coachstone Way, 3363 Horn St Abbotsford Abbotsford Creekstone on the Park". Well-kept Custom built 2 storey w/walk-out basement backing onto green space. Very private setting. Many updates. 3 bedrooms up, 1 bedroom in the bsmt and den on main. home features 4 gas fireplaces, granite countertops, S/S appliances in the kitchen, hardwood floor on main and 2nd floor. W/O basement has 4th bedroom, rec room with marble decorated wet bar, theater room and sauna in the basement.
MILLION DOLLAR MOUNT BAKER VIEW CENTRAL Location, view, You can have it all! It offers Blueberry, panoramic views of mountains. Impressive 4799 sq.ft. mansion is located on 8.5 acres Planted Duke, 4 yrs old plants. Covered sundeck, spectacular bedrooms with Ensuites.
$ 1,899,000
3 SOLD ONE AVAILABLE Townhouse Legal Suite close to Baba Banda 407 31771 13505 62 Ave Singh Peardonville Rd Surrey Abbotsford Bahadur This home has 2 spacious Gurdwara bedrooms, 2 baths, living area, good size kitchen and dining space Penthouse. Lots of updates include new laminate flooring, fresh paint, newer roof and much more. The building has been very well maintainedwell managed.
$ 349,000
$ 599,000 For more info please call Deep or Harjinder
Protect Your Home Equity
The sale of your home affects many aspects of your life including finances, children, your equity and your future. This is one of the most important transactions of your lifetime. The average home sells for well over $100,000. For a small price, you can be assured that your investment is protected. When you are faced with a legal problem, you look to an experienced lawyer to represent your best interests. When it comes to the sale of your home, a professional Real Estate Professional is your best investment. Here are a few more ways a Real Estate Professional works to protect your equity: Price enhancement. A Real Estate Professional can recommend repairs or cosmetic work that can significantly enhance the salability of your home. You will not waste your time and money on non-recoverable repairs. He or she can also advise you on what items may need to be moved or put away. Right price guarantee. A Real Estate Professional understands your neighborhood, as well as the overall city market. He or she is also familiar with current real estate values, taxes, utility costs, city services and facilities. Your Real
Estate Professional should exercise diligence when it comes to providing an assessment of your home. This could include arranging for qualified professionals to conduct an investigation and prepare a written report. With a professional market evaluation, your home will be listed at the right price. You save time and trouble if your home is not listed too high or too low. Your Real Estate Professional will also assist you in obtaining a report on the title of the property. By doing this review initially, you will avoid the costly and length process of sorting out the status of past owners or rights of access. While most properties have some limitations such as easements (access rights) for utilities, you will want a title that is free and clear of any debts, liens or caveats. Objectivity. Using a variety of informational resources, a Real Estate Professional can provide community information on utilities, zoning, schools, shopping etc. Your Real Estate Professional will place your home in the best possible light, highlighting features, benefits and the advantages a buyer would enjoy as a homeowner of "your" home.
property into two RF lots
6757 134A St 33394 Hawthorne Ave Abbotsford Surrey Totally renovated gem located in quite and central location of West Newton. This 2700 sq.ft home features two and one bedrooms suites as great mortgage helper. Upgrades include new roof, furnace, hot water tank, flooring, kitchens, washroom , appliances and windows. big lot 66 by 122.
$ 1,250,000 $ 1,049,000
70 x 115 Rancher
Mainly Landvalue
$ 619,000
Friday, Sep 14th, 2018 MLS TOP 10%
Jag S Sidhu Personal Real Estate Corporation
Listing Needed Call Jag
#110 - 30485 Cardinal Ave Abbotsford, BC V2T0E5
Phone: 604.625.2245 Fax: 604.625.2249 Toll Free: 1.866.967.0666
Call Gurcharan or Jag for your FREE no obligation Market Evaluation
2 lot approval. Documents are available from seller once accepted offer and you can verify with the city of Abbotsford prior to making any offer for final approval of 2 lots. Close to French Immersion Elementary school, Stadium, Bus and recreation. Call Gur Dhillon
This home is centrally located in West Abbotsford, close to schools, shopping and parks. OVER 12000 SF Large lot, that can be subdivided into 2 lots that would be over 6000 sqft each. Build your dream home and sell the lot beside you or hold the property
West Abbotsford on firhill dr, 26 year old house 5 bedroom 3 bath family room, recroom legal suite close to all levels of school Call Gur Dhillon
3510 Promontory crt
We st Ab b y. 3 sto ry 5 bedrooms up den on main two bedroom legal suite and a Rec room for owner use.
New listing hitting the market this week. West Abby 3420 Headwater pl!!8 bedroom 9 bath, spice kitchen, radiant heat, high ceilings, A/C and generator ready. 2 suites, recroom/ theatre room/bar walking distance to schools!!
30966 Brookdale Crt
34041 Wavell Lane, Abbotsford
New listing near all levels of schools, gurdwara shaib, fully renovated home 3 bedroom family room and great room up 1 suite and huge theater room for owner use with bar!!
Unit 40 - 31255 Upper Maclure Road
3 story 7 bedroom and 8 bath with great views!!
It is a two bedroom house, close to Wal-Mart and freeway. It is rented for $950 per month. It is hard to find in this price in Abbotsford area, demolish it and make a new house. No sign on property.
Abbotsford near gurdwara on 30658 steelhead crt. 4 bedroom den(5th) bedroom legal suite clean cul-de-sac!!
THE GABLES, a family friendly community! A well maintained family home and complex. 4 Bdrms, 3 FULL baths, BIG rec-room, LARGE balcony and DOUBLE garage. Prime location, walking distance to Fruiticana Grocery Store, Eugene Reimer Middle School,Highstreet mall and easy access to highway.
3 Lot LEFT Subdivision
In Maple Ridge Green Belt Call for more detail
214500 Morris Valley Rd Off hwy 7 East Mission
5 Acres
2 bdrm + extra with private fenced yard with patio, extra parking/long driveway to a detached 20 x 5 garage/room. New roof & appliances.close to public transit/school, shopping
#30 - 31098 Westridge Pl 2 Bedroom Townhouse
Blueberry Farm West Abbotsford with a house. Good production Blueberry BlueCrop & Duke Variety call for more info
KETCH PLACE 4 BEDRM HOUSE single garage 700,00 sq feet
Sukh Malhi 604.832.6034
Personal Real Estate Corporation iksy vI qrHF dI pRfprtI KRIdx jF vycx leI suwK mwlI nflL sMprk kro Office 604.855.0800 NEW LISTING 3106 Mouat Drive
Great location! Just Steps Away from both Schools. Simply gorgeous home located on large corner lot with gated RV parking! This 5 bdrm/3 bath home! This home sits on 6550 Sq ft of land. Some of the Updates new roof, new laminate oor downstairs, new paint, Large sundeck over double garage.
32173 Mouat Drive
Great location!Investor or First time buyer alert. Just Steps Away from all levels of Schools. This home located on Quiet cul-desac! This 4 bdrm/2 bath home has legal suite. This home needs TLC - Either bring it back to its former glory or build your dream home here.
2553 Alderview St.
Great location! Just Steps Away from both Schools. Simply gorgeous home located on large corner lot with gated RV parking! This 5 bdrm/3 bath home! This home sits on 6550 Sq ft of land. Some of the Updates new roof, new laminate oor downstairs, new paint, Large sundeck over double garage.
RECENTLY SOLD 31914 Hopedale Ave
99 3030 Trethewey St.
29 46840 Russell Rd
30 35287 Old Yale Rd.
3106 Mouat Drive
Friday, Sep 14th, 2018
RESIDENTIAL | Near Sikh Temple LD
32372 Alpine ave, 5 bedroom, 2.5 bathrooms, 7738 sqft lot
2 Storey With Bsmt 5 Bdrm, 3.5 Bath Recroom & Bsmt Suite
44-31255 Upper Maclure 32043 Tims Avenue 32827 Hardwood place
3088 Princess st
House on 2 legal lots 12798 sqft
12240 sqft lot Duplex
2095 Beaver St
11-33682 Marshall rd 403-33960 Old Yale Road
2108 Vinewood st
34118 Larch Street 32107 Clinton Ave 2411 Adelaide st 122-2515 Park dr 2994 Eastview street
FARMS | 14.07 Acres
20 Acres
12 Acres
10 Acres
planted in blueberries flat rectangluar parcel build your dream home 5 min from abbotsford centre
126 Whatcom Rd, Abbotsford Income producing Bluberry Planted in Duke & Elliott Near Sumas border
19.5 Acres
565 MARION RD, ABBOTSFORD New listing Build your dream home Sumas prairie Drip irreg Duke & Elliot Variety 10 mins from sumas way
Flat fertile land Plant berries or other crops Near no. 3 rd exit
10 Acres
Sumas Prairie, Abbotsford
40721 No. 1 Rd, Abbotsford 12 Acres bare land 3 Bedroom hous
10 Acres
BEHARREL RD, ABBOTSFORD Planted In Blueberries Flat Rectangular Parcel Build Your Dream Home 5 Min From Abbotsford downtown
25.39 Acres
Full production blueberry 5 bedroom house (2012 built) near no. 3 rd exit
MISSION Good location Planted in Blueberries 2 bedroom house
32425 King Road..............................5 Acres 1723 Jackson Street.........................Appx 5 Acres 28028 layman avenue .....................Appx 5 Acres 6230 riverside street.........................Appx 5 Acres
69.29 Acres
6113 Beharrell Road..............................Appx 10 Acres 7.09 acres lot B Haverman ...................Appx 7 Acres 5111 Tolmie road................................... Appx 8 Acres 14627 Dixon road ..................................Appx 30 Acres
Friday, Sep 14th, 2018
ikRsims aqy nvyN sfl dIaF mubfrkF !
32712 Huntingdon House is fully renovated
6.9 Acres with House
2775 sq.ft. home. 3 bdrms + Den. GreatLocation. Recently Renovated. Landscaped yard.
$1,647,000 **LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION*** Priced to Sell. Here's your chance to own 6 Acres located in one of the most desirable areas of South Abbotsford. Located off of Huntingdon, close to Highway 1/Airport/Aldergrove Border.
Experience Our Service
32679 Avalon Cr
Nice view of the northern mountains from this 2 bedroom 2 bath condo in Cascade Green. Located on the quiet side of the building. Cozy gas fireplace in the living room. Great central location for all levels of schools, shopping and recreation.
Still Available $2,677,000
591 Short Rd
3000 SQFT home on huge 9500+SQFT lot in quiet cul-de-sac
14-3635 Bluejay
13 - 2962 Trethewey St
28 - 31125 Westridge Pl This three bedroom home features a flexible open plan layout with a gourmet kitchen featuring granite counter top. flat panel cabinetry.
Modern 8,000+ sq. ft. house with a barn on 4.9 Acres in one of the best locations
32698 Pandora Ave
8411 Harms St
SOLD 4 - 31235 Upper Maclure
210 - 32550 Maclure
2921 Babich St
162 - 3162 Townline Rd
aYbtsPorz ivwc iksy vI qrHF dI rYjIzYNsLIal jF kmrsLIal pROprtI KrIdx jF vycx leI qjLrbykfr iraltr crnjIq isMG jMzU nflL sMprk kro|
$1649000 Luxurious custom built 6060 sq ft home on 9078 sqft lot with lots of parking . Main floor Living room, Dining room, Great Size OFFICE on the Main floor and Powder Room, Modern kitchen with central island, also has spice kitchen, huge family room and main floor also has a bedroom with attached bathroom, Covered deck. Upstairs 5 Bedrooms and 3 Full washrooms which include 2 master bedrooms , One of master bedroom has covered deck, Both master bedrooms suite are luxury with glass shower. Downstairs: 2 bedrooms legal suite also has a spacious Living room, bedroom and Full washroom with Separate Entrance and modern bar in basement.
2700 sqft basement entry spacious home in Fairfield, a highly desirable area close to stadium, all levels of schools. Main floor 1550 SF of living space has living room,dining area, family room off kicthen.3 spacious bedrooms and 2 baths.Basement is level with separate entry, basement has living
Rancher with legal suite close to Terry Fox Elementary and Park. Spacious plan and a very private fenced back yard. 6 bedroom and 4 baths . Great for the first time home buyer. Basement suite is legal and has a separate laundry facility . Recroom and full washroom for the owner's own use in the basement . Renovations including New Windows and Newer Roof!
well maintained 3 beds and 3 baths end unit in "Birch Grove Terrace" close to all ammenities, all levels of schools and recreation. Main floor: Living room,kitchen,dining area, 2pcs bath. Upstairs: 3 bedrooms and 2 baths
Friday, Sep 14th, 2018
WELLNESS TODAY 4 TOMORROW Ron & Maggie Gale | Health Wellness Today for Tomorrow … Heart Health In the last 15 years the leading cause of death globally has been heart disease and stroke. A study out of McMaster University states that individuals of South Asian decent living in Canada have higher rates of heart disease, double the rate of diabetes and are more prone to becoming overweight compared to Caucasians. South Asians of all ages should be aware of this, which prompts me to comment on the importance of making healthier choices all around.
awj dI ishq kwlH leI--- idl dI ishq ipCly 15 sflF qoN ivsLv pwDr qy mOq df muwK kfrn idl dI ibmfrI aqy strok hY. mYkmfstr XUnIvristI dI stwzI ieh dwsdI hY ik knyzf ivwc rihx vfly dwKxI eysLIafeI ivwidak ivafkqIaF ivwc idl dI ibfrI bhuq ijLafdf hY, zfeIbtIjL dI dr duwgxI PAGE R8
td | | Cell: 604.789.6414
I have a family history of heart disease and believe that you cannot dismiss your heredity link. We must take a closer look at our lifestyle to see what we can improve on. Most people would agree that we all could make more of a focused effort when it comes to choosing healthy whole foods, foods that are very low in unhealthy carbohydrates, exercising moderately, getting enough sleep, drinking enough water and supplementing mindfully. I recently added a high-standard product to my supplement regime which can help me maintain normal circulation
and blood flow and support normal older, however young people in their cardiovascular, mental and physical 20s onward can suffer them as well function. At my house, heart month and this can often be seen in young isn’t just in February... athletes if they have hypertrophic That said, we also have to be cogcardiomyopathy, which is usually nizant of the relationship between heart health and inflammation. inherited. Free radical damage and chronic I strongly believe in ‘Wellness Toinflammation is truly a two-headed killer. I would encourage everyone day, for Tomorrow’, and it is never to ask their family physician for a too late to start. Do check out our C-Reactive Protein test - CRP, so as website for more health related to have a baseline reading to help information and the supplements determine a person’s risk for heart disease or stroke. Most heart attack we recommend. We welcome all victims tend to be middle aged or questions.
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