WEEKLY Friday, November 3rd, 2017 Vol. 22, No.04
rijMdr isMG lflI aqy pirvfr vloN gurU nfnk dyv jI dy 548vyN pRkfsL idhfVy dIaF smUh jgq nMU lwK lwK vDfeIaF!
Nankana Sahib Guru Nanak’s Birthplace
Best Wishes on Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s 548th Anniversary from Rajinder Singh Lally & Family
The Patrika
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Friday, November 3rd, 2017
jI[aYm[ (GM) dI koeI vI gwzI KRIdx jF lIjL 'qy lYx leI blivMdr isMG srHF jF nvjoq isMG afhlUvflIaf nfl sMprk kro:
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itAUn aWp, brykF, aYgjfst, PrMt aYWz vrk, ieMjn irpyarjL, klWc, vftr pMp, trYnI srivs, XU- jfieMtjL, PrMt aYksl sLfPtjL afid
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The Patrika Friday, November 3rd, 2017
asIN quhfzy Gr afky vI srivs idMdy hF
33222 Elz Xyl roz,aYbtsPorz, bI sI V2T 3LB imlx leI apufieMtmYNt jLrUrI hY
isrP aYbtsPorz rihx vfilaF leI puwCigwC
The Patrika
iswK Drm ivwc isrI gurU grMQ sfihb jI nUM hfjLr nfjLr gurU smJidaF asIN afpxy duinafvI kfrjF dI pUrqI leI dovyN hwQ joV arjLoeIaF bynqIaF krn leI sdf ardfs krdy hF qy aKIr qy vfk aONdf hY “nfnk nfm cVHdI klf, qyry Bfxy srbwq df Blf.” arQ hn ik gurU nfnk df sMdysL hY ik rwb nMU sfiraF dy Bly vflI soc qy krm psMd hn so bMdy qUM sfiraF dy Bly leI lIn ho jf iPr qYnUM cVHdI klf dI pRfpqI ho jfvygI. so cVHdI klf iewk mn dI avsQf hY, mfnisk styj hY. ieh Auh styj hY jdoN bMdy df mn pUrf KusL, pUrf sMqusLt aqy pUrf KyVy ivwc huMdf hY. gurU jI dy sMklp anusfr jy asIN sfry hI sfiraF df Blf krn lwg pvFgy qF ieh dunIaF KusL qy KusLhfl bx jfvygIsvrg vrgI. ieh vI soc hY“kr Blf, ho Blf, aMq Bly df Blf” asIN duinafvI kMmF kfrF ivwc, ijLMdgI dy vwK hflfqF ivwc keI vfr cVHdI klf ivwc huMdy nhIN pr hr iewk dy puwCx qy, kI hfl hY jI? qF jvfb imldf hY “cVHdI klf.” asIN cVHdI klf ivwc hF qF nhIN pr mUMhoN lokfcfrI anusfr hI afK idwqf huMdf hY. afE afpF Auh kfrn lwBIey ijhVy sfzI cVHdI klf dI siQqI nUM Korf lONdy hn. isafxy kihMdy hn ik dunIaF KUh dI afvfjL hY, jo bolygy Eho hI vfps suxogy. so sB qoN pihlF qF afpxI bolI nUM inmrqf, siqkfr aqy imTfs BrpUr bxfeIey qF ik AuWqr vI vDIaf afvy. gurU bfxI sdf kihMdI hY: “imwTq nIvIN nfnkf, gux cMigafeIaF qwq”
keI vfr asIN iksy qoN bdlf lYx leI
jdoN rxf aMdr KMzy KVkdy ny.”
“jYsy ko qYsf” bx jFdy hF qy
eysy hI lVI nUM awgy qoridaF pMjfb dy mhfn kvIsLr aqy ZfzI s: muKiqafr isMG jI jLPLr eydF ibafn krdy hn:-
cVHdI klf guaf bYTdy hF. sihxsLIlqf iewk mhfn mnuwKI gux hY. bfbf PrId jI kihMdy hn:-
ijhVy lok ny smJdy ijLMdgI nUM, ijhVy smyN dI rmjL pCfxdy ny
“PrIdf jo qYN mfrn muwkIaF,
AunHF lokF nUM lok siqkfr idMdy,
iqnf nf mfry GuMm,
ijhVy jbr mUhry ihwkF qfxdy ny
apnVy Gr jfeIaY, pYr iqnF dy cuMm.”
ihMmq ijnHF dI CfqI
aMgryjLF dI iewk vzmwulf swc hY:-
ivwc DVkdI ey,
Live and let others live.
AuhI vYrI nUM rx ivwc Tfxdy ny
asIN keI vfrI mfVy nUM mfrky, Aus dy jIvn jF Drm ivwc dKl idMdy hF qF afp duKI huMdy hF qy agly nUM duKI krdy hF. ies dI imsfl pMjfb dy qyrvIN qoN pMdrvIN sdI dy hflfq hn jdoN muglF ihMdU qy iswK Drm nUM Kqm krn leI axmnuwKI qsLwdd kIqy, kqlo gfrqF hoeIaF, lhU dIaF ndIaF vgIaF, mnuwKqf vlUMDrI, iewjLqF luwtIaF, gurU nfnk sfihb dI krFqIkfrI afvfjL AuWTI qy, BgqI aqy sLkqI df sumyl hoieaf, gurU arjn dyv jI, dI sLhIdI nOvyN gurU jI df blIdfn, dsm ipqf jI dy pirvfr aqy irsLqydfrF qy kihr Kflsf pMQ qy awj qwk ho rhy Dwky-keIaF nUM cVHdI klf dy gey qy keIaF dI Koh gey ies lVI nUM pMjfb aqy pMjfbI dy mhfn kvI gurBjn igwl ievyN pysL krdy hn:-
jLPLr ijnHF nUM smJ hkIkqF dI,
“sInf qfhIEN qfx brfbr rwKdy hF
Bgq kflI dfs jI aglf sunyhf idMdy hn ik mr muwkx dI bfx brfbr rwKdy hF sfzy sfry kMm AusfrU, lok pwKI qy agFhvDU hoxy cfhIdy hn, buirafeIaF dy kdy siqkfr akl CurI nUM qyjL krn leI hr vyly nhIN hoey sgoN sjLfvF hI hoeIaF hn, AunHF df kQn hY:sLbd gurU dI sfx brfbr rwKdy hF.” axK iensfn nUM cVHdI klf pRdfn krdI hY “lok cfVH Koqy krn mUMh kflf, gly iCwqrF axK ivhUxy lok iksy igxqI ivwc nhIN aONdy df hfr pOxgy jI, ipwCoN vwZxf pvygf nfl gurU pIrF dIaF nyk kmfeIaF ny pMjfbIaF hwQF, ijhVf bIj burfeI df boxgy jI.” ivwc axK kuwt kuwt ky Br idwqI qy ieh sLyr bfbf PrId jI ilKdy hn bx gey. mhfn ivdvfn poR: pUrn isMG ienHF bfry ieAuN ilKdy hn:loVy dfK bjOrIaF ikwkr bIjy jwt. Bfv hY ik jYsf krogy vYsf Brogy.
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
“ieh by-prvfh pMjfb dy
AuhI axK leI mrnf jfxdy ny mnuwKf jnm ivwc KusLhfl aqy qMdrusq jIvn leI cVHdI klf ivwc rihx dI sKq loV hY.
ieiqhfs dy sUrj bx mGdy ny mfxdy jo cVHdI klf
ieMglYNz dy iewk mhfn kvI jI[ aYs[ igwl ies soc nUM ieAuN pysL krdy hn:ies nUM sdf kfiem rwKx dI loV hY. ies dI slfmqI leI asIN swc qy pihrf deIey, JUT “swc qoN ijhVy zrdy lok, qoN bUhy bMd rwKIey, jIvn nUM sdgux BrpUr bxfeIey, pfpI nf bxIeyN puMnI bxn leI rihx hmysLf hrdy lok sdf iqafr rhIey, ikrq nUM BgqI smJ ky PV ky hwQ eImfn df JMzf, krIey, ikrq hI mnuwKqf dI KusLhflI df Durf hY. nyk kmfeI qy pYhrf deIey, glq ZMg byeImfnIaF krdy lok nflL kmfey Dn ivwc kdI brkq pYr nhIN pONdI, irsLvq dyx jF lYx df rfh nf dyKIey, afV Drm dI lY ky dyKy, jfq jF ruqbf kfm, kroD, loB, moh, hMkfr nUM lfgy nf Zuwkx idE, ieh pMj dusLmx kdI kUV dI pOVI cVHdy lok iksy nUM cYn nhIN bKsLdy. nPrq, sfVf, AUc EhI lVdy nflL jLulm dy, nIc dI soc, iesqrI mrd rMg rUp ivwc Prk smJxf aOgxf dI ptfrI hY. bdI, jLulm nhIN jo krdy lok bKIlI, inMidaf cuglI sfzI ijLMdgI dy bUty nUM Kf jFdy hn. ienHF df vrqfrf afpxy pYrF surgIN kfbjL ho jFdy ny Qwly afp kMzy bIjx dy inafeIN huMdf hY. hyrf PyrI, GtIaf vDIaf dI soc, DoKf DVI dur nrkF ivwc ivcrdy lok. ivhfr ijLMdgI dy plF nUM ikrikrf kr idMdy hn. cVHdI klf `c rihx vflLy lok ijLMdgI so asIN khFgy ik cVHdI klf dI siQqI df dy sB kImqI KjLfinaF dy mflk huMdy hn, sroq srbwq df Blf hY, asIN hr smyN, hr AunHF dI iqjOrI guxF nflL AuWpr qwk BrI QF, hr iewk df Blf krFgy qF ies cVHdI klf dy KjLfny dy bfdsLfh hovFgy. huMdI hY, Auh rihmqF dy sfgr, muhwbqF dy aMbr aqy shfiraF dy QMm, huMdy hn. DMn “nykIaF kr lY bMidaf pwlf hn Auh mhF pursL jo ies rUhfnI bfdsLfhI dy mflk hn. iswK ieiqhfs ivwc sMsfr dy Cwz buirafeIaF df, sfry swiBafcfrF aqy ieiqhfsLF ivwcoN iewk ivlwKx aqy nroeI alwgqf idsdI hY ik inMidaf cuglI sfiVaF BiraF nfl gumfnf. BfeI knHweIaf jI mYdfn-ey-jMg ivwc afpxy dusLmxF nUM vI ipafr nflL jl Ckf rhy sn. Blf srbwq df kr qUM bfbf nfnk kihMdy ny
mOq nUM mKOlF krn aglI gwl hY hwk qy nhwk dI. bMdf loB vws ho ky dUjy df hwk dwbx dI koisLsL krdf hY mrn QIN nf zrdy.” qy iPr cVHdI klf dy pwDr qoN iKsk qurdf hY gurU nfnk pfqsLfh jI ny prfey hwk qoN mhfn kvIsLr jogf isMG XogI dy ivcfr hn bcx leI bVI sKq sLrq rwKI hY ik bMidaF “aONdf josL jvfnI df KUn aMdr, “nrkF dy dr sdf KolHdI bMdy dI sVdI klf cVHdI klf df mfx lY Biraf ipaf KjLfnf.” qUM aDrmI ho jfvyNgf-pfqsLfh kihMdy hn:hwk prfieaf nfnkf,
zOlLy bIrqf dy ivwc PVkdy ny.
krmf qy hoxgy nbyVy eyQy af ky KVHdI klf
DMnvfd sihq,
Aus sUar, Aus gfey.
AudoN mrdF idaF puwqF dI prK huMdI,
mnoN hor mUMhoN hor bolIey rhy sdf TrdI klf
sMpfdkI mMzl
The Patrika Friday, November 3rd, 2017
bfbygurqfry cfr cwk drsLn isMG bfdl pRIqmF! ipafr qyrf, sfry jwg vfsIaF dy, idlF idaF KUMijaF `c iKwHcF pfeI jf irhf. hr iek bol qyrf, imwTVf jo bol igEN, sfzy hnHyry rfhF qfeIN, rusLnfeI jf irhf. sYNkVy ny sfl bIqy, bIqdy nf icr lwgf, jnm vflf smF qyrf, nyVy afeI jf irhf. smF ieh suhfvxf jo, bIq irhf aYs vyly, sfzy BYVy smyN qfeIN, ieh mukfeI jf irhf. qyrI imwTI Xfd ivc, iql Pul ByNt sfzf, sIs hr jwg vfsI hY, invfeI jf irhf. jwg idaF vfsIaF nUM, Buwl nf qUM jfvIN ikqy, ieho myry hwzF qfeIN, Jorf KfeI jf irhf. vMz vyly vMzI geI, qyrI qlvMzI EQy, ijwQy dfqf! pUjdy ny, pIrF qy PkIrF nUM. mwJIaF rjfeIaF dfqf! cfr-cfr ky qUM ijwQy, inwq Xfd krdy hF, jMzF qy krIrF nUM. geI sfzy hwQoN dfqf! iek-iek Xfd qyrI, hAuky Br vyK leIey, pYVF qy lkIrF nUM. jdoN vI aDIr hoeIey, hor kuwJ suJdf nf, cup-cfp awKF `coN vgf leIey nIrF nUM. iewk pfsy krdy sI, swp pey CfvF qYnUM, dUjy pfsy igx qyrF, sI lutfeI jf irhf. jwg idaF vfsIaF nUM, Buwl nf qUM jfvIN ikqy, ieho myry hwzF qfeIN, Jorf KfeI jf irhf. qyry swcy sOidaF ny, swc nUM sI swc kIqf, hrIaF qUM kr idMdf, PslF nUM cfr ky. kOzy ijhy rfKsLF nUM, afdmI bxf ilaf sI, afdmIaF qfeIN dfqf! qYnUM jo hMkfr ky jo sI KFdf mfrky. cwkIaF dy ivwc pf ky, dilLaf hMkfr sfrf, afp qur igAuN dfqf qpidaF nUM Tfr ky. jdoN BYx nfnkI ny, Pulkf iqafr kIqf, qYnUM Xfd kIqf bfbf! qUM sI KfeI jf irhf. jwg idaF vfsIaF nUM, Buwl nf qUM jfvIN ikqy, ieho myry hwzF qfeIN, Jorf KfeI jf irhf. ruVHidaF pwQrF nUM, pMjy nfl roikaf sI, pwQrF dy ivwcoN bfbf! pfxI nUM vgf ilaf. ijs pfsy vyKdf qUM, Es pfsy rwb huMdf, mwky nUM Gumf ky sI qUM, krky ivKfilaf. ikrqIaF, mjLdUrF qy grIbF nUM sI nfnkf qUM, cuwk-cuwk sfiraF nUM, sIny nflL lf ilaf. cfr-cwk qfr idwqy, ijwQy ijwQy igaf bfbf! DMn Auh kMn jIhny, bol kMnIN pf ilaf. koDry dI rotI ivwcoN duwD dIaF DfrF ikqy, ikqy KUn pUrIaF `coN, sI vgfeI jf irhf. jwg idaF vfsIaF nUM, Buwl nf qUM jfvIN ikqy, ieho myry hwzF qfeIN, Jorf KfeI jf irhf. idlF idaF jLKmF nUM Br dyvy bfxI qyrI, sLrDf dy nflL jIhny idl `c vsf leI. bfxI qyrI aYvyN nhIN bxI gurbfxI bfbf! hvf ny vI afpxy ieh sIny qy ilKf leI. jIB dI klm qyrI DMn-DMn hoeI qfhIN, nYxF idaF hrPF ny pVHnI isKf leI. EhI EhI jwg AuWqy hoieaf pYrokfr qyrf, jIhny-jIhny bfxI mUhry DOx hY Jukf leI. ikvyN mn afpxy nUM bMdf ieh itkfvy bfbf! idn-rfq ieho hI iKafl afeI jf irhf? jwg idaF vfsIaF nUM, Buwl nf qUM jfvIN ikqy, ieho myry hwzF qfeIN, Jorf KfeI jf irhf. iek gwl dunIaF dI dwsxI mYN Buwl igaf, smyN nflL bdilaf smF ieAuN hY nfnkf. bIbIaF dy nfvF nflLoN kOr AuWz cwilaf hY, mrdF dy nfvF nfloN ilhf isAuN hY nfnkf. qyry iswK mIxIeyN, msMd awj bxIN jFdy, iswKI dI ihlfAux lwgy sfry inAuN hY nfnkf. siqgurf! siqXug kdoN qUM ilafvxf hY? klXug hoeI jFdf lMbf ikAuN hY nfnkf? hr rojL nvF bfbf ‘bfdl’ dy Gr nyVy, iewk nvF pMQ roj hY clfeI jf irhf. jwg idaF vfsIaF nUM, Buwl nf qUM jfvIN ikqy, ieho myry hwzF qfeIN, Jorf KfeI jf irhf. PAGE 5
The Patrika
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
‘Kumar Sanu hit songs perfect for square dancing’
bbotsford square dance teacher uses Sanu’s tunes for modern western square dancing
She is not talking about what has been taught in public schools and barn dances all over North America for more than half a century. That is now known as old time square dancing. We are talking about modern western square dancing. Wendy Krueger, a public school teacher by profession, is a square dance caller. She teaches the modern version of a North American dance form that was extremely popular in cities and rural areas, and is, unofficially, the national dance of the United States of America. Square dancing is done with simply a walking step. That is what makes it “Music is why people dance,” says easy and fun for anyone to learn, if Krueger. “The rhythm of a song tells they can walk and smile at the same you how to move, whether it is time. It is the arm turns and formations There is no “fancy footwork” in mod- the dancers move through that make it ern western square dancing, she states. interesting and even challenging.
There are 19 square dance clubs in the Fraser Valley region from Vancouver to Chilliwack. Every club’s caller brings his or her own collection of music to dance to, mainly American country, rock and roll, and pop music.
“No one is currently dancing to Indian music,” Krueger says, “but I have discovered many songs recorded by Kumar Sanu have the perfect walking beat beneath beautifully complex rhythms. I am sure there are hundreds of songs within Vancouver – On Sunday, October 29, will likely be a bit longer during this Indian play lists that could played for a square dance.” The BC Children’s Hospital Emer- beginning period.” gency Department moves to its new If your child needs emergency treatlocation in the nearby Teck Acute Care ment, don’t hesitate to bring them to Centre. The move coincides with the our door, Hay said. opening of the Teck Acute Care Centre located at 880 West 28th Ave. “As always the emergency department will prioritize care according to need. Starting at 5 a.m. all new ED patients The most serious cases will receive will be directed to the new location. immediate treatment. Others will be Security staff will be positioned at the seen, but may have to wait.” old ED entrance to show people the way to the new building. And signs will Here are some useful tips about when be posted throughout the BC Children’s it is appropriate to visit BC Children’s and BC Women’s Hospital campus Hospital’s emergency department: directing patients to the new entrance. For serious and life-threatening • Emergency rooms in many new hospi- issues like difficulty breathing, high tals experience increased traffic when fever after administering Tylenol/Adthey first open. vil, seizures or a major accident, the emergency department is always the And although the new emergency deright place. Remember to call 9-1-1 in partment is physically larger, that does an emergency. not mean wait times will decrease. In fact, it is likely that for the first while, • For non-urgent situations, they may increase, said Christy Hay, contact a family doctor, visit a lothe department’s program manager. cal walk-in clinic where available. If you’re unsure, call the free 8-1-1 ser“The new emergency department was vice line (7-1-1 for hearing-impaired) built to last well into the future. It is operated by HealthLink BC. It is open larger in order to accommodate greater 24 hours a day, seven days a week and demand as the province’s population operates in more than 130 languages. A grows,” said Hay. nurse will provide trustworthy advice “For now, staffing levels will remain and information about where to seek constant and medical staff are getting help. Pharmacists are also available for used to a new care model, so wait times medication advice through HealthLink BC.
BC Children’s Hospital Emergency Department is moving
“All cultural dances adapt and change with influences from other places, but at the heart of dance is cultural identity and tradition.”
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
The Patrika
The Patrika
Labour Position Available at Mill in Mission Framing or Roofing Experience is Helpful Must have steel toe boots Must be a hard worker Must be able to lift 30lbs $16-18 hour 40-50 Hours a week Phone Jeevan at
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
imsLn imwl leI kfimaF dI loV hY|
rfq dI rfxI
mYN guaFZI jgqfr AurP jwgU dy Gr sfJry hI phuMc igaf sI, rojLfnf dI qrHF. awj vI PryimMg jF rUiPMg df qjLrbf lfhyvMd mYnUM AunHF dy Gr ‘rfq dI rfxI’ dy bUty dy hovygf| stIt toa bUt hoxy jrUrI hn| PuwlF nUM vyKx df mn `c cfa sI.
“mYN qF PwulF nUM dyKx afieaF, awj ikMny iKVy af.” kuJ dyr AuQy PuwlF dy iKVy hoieaF nUM dyK ky mYN iPr Gr nUM vfps af jFdf. iPr af ky nhfAuNdf, bsqf cuwkdf qy jwgy dy Gr nUM jFdI sVk qoN huMdf hoieaf jwgy nUM lY ky imhnqI bMidaF nMU pihl aqy 30 pONz drasl ieho ijhy do bUty asF sLihr qoN pRfiemrI skUl phuMc jFdf. KrId ky ilaFdy sn, pr myrI bdnsIbI Bfr cwukx dy Xog hoxy cfhIdy ho| ieh rhI ik myry Gr rfq dI rfxI df bUtf smF afpxI cfly cldf irhf. jdoN mYN bI[ey[ qnKfh $16-18 pRqI GMtf aqy nf hoieaf pr jwgU dy Gr ies bUty ny jVH dy pihly sfl pVHdf sF qy jwgf Gr dI 40-50 GMty pRqI hPqf kMm hovygf| jmf leI. mYnUM ies bUty dI Gr ivc hmysLf afriQk hflq cMgI nf hox krky sLihr dy hI Gft rVkdI rihMdI qy svyry sfJry iek sYLlr `qy munIm lwg igaf. qnKfh qF hor jfxkfrI lYx leI jIvn nUM AuTidaF sfr hI Aus bUty dy iKVy PuwlF nUM BfvyN QoVHI sI pr gujLfrf Gr df cMgf cwl sMprk kro: 604-329-5394 vyKx jLrUr jFdf. jwgU dI mF nUM mYN ipMz dI irhf sI. hox kfrn cfcI hI afKdf, BfvyN ik Auh jwgy dy pirvfr `c Aus dIaF do BYxF qy dUsrI jfq nfl sbMDq sn. AunHF dI sfzy mfqf-ipqf sn. AuhdI vwzI BYx qF pihlF ipMz `c isrP do-cfr GrF nfl nyVqf sI. hI ivafhI jf cuwkI sI. inwkI BYx Aus qoN “qUM awj iPr svyry-svyry phuMc igaf, CotI sI. jwgy df ipAu lwkV df kMm krdf kdy qF nfgf pf ilaf kr.” jwgU dI mF ny sI pr Auh vI QoVHf bhuq. rojLfnf iehI sLbd bolxy qy bfad `c cfh mYN jdoN bI[ey[ PfeInl `c ho igaf sF. qF dI glfsI PVHI myry kol af jfxf qy iPr vI hr rojL krIb rfq nUM afpxy ipMz lfglI kihxf sLurU krnf. rylvy lfeIn dy bxy Pftk `qy asIN rfq “sfzy jwgy nUM smJf CyqI AuWiTaf kry, ajy krIb nON vjy bYTy hoxf. afpxy idn Br dy suwqf ey. skUl jfx leI iqafr qF ho jy.” ruJyivaF bfry gwlbfq krnI. sfzI dohF dI XfrI ipMz `c msLhUr sI, ik ieh dovyN iek “cfcI ajy ikhVf smF hoieaf skUl df, dUjy ibnF nhIN rih skdy. suwqf rihx dy.” bI[ey[ krn AuprMq mYN luiDafxy dy iek “vy qUM iPr ikAuN AuT ky af igaf.” cfcI aKLbfr `c kMm krn lwigaf. hux pihlF dI ny kihxf.
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
The Patrika
qrHF hr rojL qF nhIN sF asIN rylvy lfeIn “Auh Aus idn kMm qy igaf qy do ku vjy dy Pftk `qy bYTdy pr hPqy jF do hPiqaF Gr vfps af igaf. rsqy `c hI jLihrIlI bfad jLrUr Ausy jgfh bYTdy sF. dvfeI pI leI qy Gr msF phuMicaf qy iek idn jdoN mYN afpxy ipMz lfgly stysLn AuhnUM AultIaF afAux lwgIaF. Auhdy Gr `qy Auqiraf qF pqf lwigaf ik jwgy ny vfilaF nUM dvfeI df pqf lwgx `qy Auh jLihrIlI dvfeI pI leI hY. myrf mn bVf AuhnUM hspqfl lY gey sI.” qy kuJ ruk ky lE jfxIey Audfs hoieaf. mYN hOlI-hOlI pYr GVIsdf Auhny ikhfafpxy Gr phuMicaf. awgoN pqf lwigaf “Xfr qUM agly aYqvfr ipMz af jf, Auhdy imwTf ijLafdf mfqrf `c lYx nfl icwqf, ik jwgy dy Gr vfly AuhnUM gMgfngr iksy mF-ipE hux ieQoN cwly ny, qYnUM Xfd krdy sqrkqf, Xfd sLkqI aqy nINd qy mfVf hspqfl lY gey ny. mYN cfhuMdf hoieaf vI asr pYNdf hY. KUn ivwc sLUgr dI asiQrqf sI.” isLMdy ny awgy dsidaF ikhf. Aus vwl nf jf sikaf. nfl Qkfvt, susqI, icVcVfpx, cwkr, mYN aYqvfr nUM ipMz af igaf. jFidaF hI mYN afAuxy aqy Auprfmqf vrgy lwCx pYdf rfq krIb do vjy acfnk hI ZfhF mfrn Gr smfn rwK ky jwgy ky Gr phuMc igaf. huMdy hn. dIaF afvfjLF afAux lwgIaF. myry mfqf jI ny mYnUM AuTfieaf qy ikhf“af vy rfjU, sfnUM rfxI klmUMhIN ny qF jdoN imwTy Bojn df anMd ilaf jFdf hY qF idmfg dy sYrIbRl kor-tYks ihwsy nUM “puwq AuT lgdf jwgf surgvfs ho igaf.” AujfV ky rwKqf. dws asIN iksy nUM kI mUMh iewk sunyhf jFdf hY qy idmfg df irvfrz idKfvFgy. sfnUM Auhny jLrf vI iBxk nf lwgx mYN AubVvfhy AuiTaf qy Ausy vkq pirvfr idwqI. sfnUM pihlF dwsdI qF sLfied asIN isstm suikiraf ho jFdf hY. idmfg df ieh smyq AunHF dy Gr phuMc igaf. AunHF df sfrf ies irsLqy nUM kbUl vI kr lYNdy.” cfcI ny irvfrz isstm bhuq sfrIaF rsfiexk aqy ielYktRIkl pRikirafvF rfhIN acyq pirvfr rox lwigaf hoieaf sI qy QoVHy hI roNidaF ikhf. mn nUM ieh smJx ivwc smrwQ kr idMdf hY smyN ivc sfrf ipMz iekwTf ho igaf sI. sfry ik Kfx pIx aqy Aus dy suafd df afpsI “cfcI qusIN hux ikwQy jf rhy ho, rho nf iesy kI sbMD hY. ies axhoxI `qy duKI sn. ipMz. asIN quhfzy nfl hI hF.” mYN Brosf agly hI idn jwgy df dfh-sskfr kr idwqf sLUgr dI bhuqI vrqoN kfrn inAUrotrFsmItr idvfAuNidaF ikhf. igaf. pr Aus dI jLihrIlI dvfeI pIx dI (idmfg df rsfiexk sunyhI), zYPomfeIn vjfh sfry ipMz vfilaF nUM nf mflUm sI ijs “nhIN puwqrf hux ieQy rihky asIN kI vD jFdf hY. sLurU sLurU `c jdoN zYPomfeIn nfl sfry iek dUjy nUM ieko svfl ‘jwgy ny krnf, iesy QF `qy sfzf iek vI idn pYdf huMdI hY qF KusLI df anuBv huMdf hY. pr kfhnUM dvfeI pI leI, AuhnUM kI duwK sI?’ gujLrnf aOKf, ikDry hor jfvFgy qF sfnUM iewk-do GMitaF bfad Auprfmqf, awKF awgy hnyrf afAuxf, icVcVfpx afid ielfmqF jwgy dI Xfd qoN kuJ Cutkfrf imlygf.” puwC rhy sn. “nhIN cfcI, ipafiraF dI Xfd qF hmysLf mYN Aus qoN agly idn afpxy kMm `qy vfps nfl rihMdI hY.” mYN ikhf pr ieMny nUM cfcy af igaf sI. mYnUM do ku idnF bfad myry ny cfcI nUM afvfjL idwqI, “jldI kr, hux cfcy dy lVky isLMdy df Pon afieaf. Auhny cwlIey.” jwgy df dvfeI pI ky mrn df kfrn mYnUM dwsidaF ikhf, “Xfr gwl ieMJ hoeI Aus Gr dy loV df smfn qF pihlF hI trwk `qy idn AuhdI CotI BYx df irsLqf lY ky AuhdI loz kIqf hoieaf sI. Ausy vkq pqf nhIN BUaf afeI sI. muMzy vfilaF ny vI kuVI cfcI nUM kI swuiJaf, Auhny iek khI cuwk psMd kr leI qy sfrI gwlbfq AunHF dI ho ilaFdI qy myry hwQF ivc PVHfAuNidaF ikhf, geI pr Aus dI BYx inrlwj ny afpxy Brf “puwq asIN qF ieQoN jf rhy hF pr qUM ieMJ qy mF-ipE dI iewjLq imwtI `c rolqI.” kr afh rfq dI rfxI df bUtf puwt ky afpxy “kI krqf Auhny?” mYN AubVvfhy puwiCaf. Gr lY jf, kdy asIN afvFgy qF quhfzI ies “krnf kI sI Auhdf afpxy ipMz dy nMbrdfr bUty nfl peI sFJ nUM qF vyK ilaf krFgy.” pYdf huMdIaF hn. dy muMzy nfl iesLk sI Ausy rfq Auhdy nfl mYN khI dy dsqy nUM pkVidaF kdy cfcI qy jykr sLUgr dI aiDkqm mfqrf nfl idmfg Bwj geI. ies kfrn hI Auhdf pirvfr kdy Aus rfq dI rfxI dIaF vwzIaF ho ky nUM hor zopfmfeIn bnfAux leI mjLbUr ipMz `c mUMh idKfAux jogf nhIN sI irhf.” PYl cuwkIaF tfhxIaF qy hyTF AuWgy anykF kIqf jfvy qF Auh jvfbI qOr qy zopfmfeIn ieh gwl suxidaF hI mYnUM ievyN lwigaf ijvyN pOidaF nUM vyK irhf sF qy soc irhf sF ik irsYptrjL nUM kMtrol krn dI pRqIikiraf myry srIr ivclf KUn dugxI rPqfr nfl cfcI hux sfzy ipMz nfl sFJ qF qoV rhI hY nUM Gtf idMdf hY. PlsrUp kudrqI qOr qy dOV irhf hovy. myry hwQlf mobfiel kMb irhf pr ies bUty nfl hmysLf sFJ bxfeI rwKx zopfmfeIn bnfAux dI pRqI ikiraf mwDm pY jFdI hY. ies qoN bfad susqI, ilQfrjI sI. sLfied Aus kuVI ny ieh kdm cuwkx qoN df Xqn kr rhI ey. vrgIaF ielfmqF pYdf ho jFdIaF hn. pihlF afpxy Gr vfilaF nUM Brosy ivc ilaf huMdf jF iPr ies kdm cuwkx qoN pihlF “cMgf puwqrf qUM vsdf rih, qYnUM asIN kdy- sLUgr dI vfr-vfr vrqoN nfl srIr nUM ies dy Gr vfilaF `qy pYx vfly iswitaF kdfeIN jLrUr imlx afieaf krFgy. qyry qoV lwgdI hY jo ies df pRmwuK lwCx hY. nUM mwdynjLr rwiKaf huMdf. isrP ies iek ivc mYnUM afpxf jwgf idsdf ey.” cfcI ny ies qoN pqf lgdf hY ik kuJ Bojn idmfg hfdsy ny hI mYQoN myrf ipafrf dosq Koh myry isr `qy hwQ Pyiraf qy KVHy trwk vwl qy burf asr pfAuNdy hn. sLUgr dI Gft kfrn Qkfvt, susqI, icwq df iZwlfpx aqy ilaf sI. nUM qur peI.
vDIaf ahfr, vDIaf ishq kI qusIN imwTf (sLUgr) Kfx dy afdI ho? kI imwTf srIr leI Gfqk hY?
isrdrd afid sLurU ho jFdf hY. imwTf lYx dI afdq df isLkfr hox nfl keI srIrk smwisafvF ijvyN ky motfpf, mDUmyh idl nfl sbMDq ibmfrIaF, Auprfmqf aqy AuKVI hoeI nINd afid pYdf ho jFdIaF hn. ijafdf gulUkosL nfl idmfg `c soj af jFdI hY aqy ieh pRotIn nfl iml ky qMqU sYWl dIaF kosLkfvF dIaF iJwlIaF nUM hor sKq bxf idMdI hY. ijs nfl qMqU kosLkfvF ivckfr sMcfrn dI pRqI ikiraf qy mfVf asr pYNdf hY aqy soc sLkqI qy vI. Koj nfl ieh pqf lwigaf hY ky vDyry, imwTy dI vrqoN nfl gusYlf ivhfr, icMqf, avwigaf, Auprfmqf, Kfx-pIx dIaF afdqF `c Pyr bdl aqy Qkfvt pYdf huMdI hY. rijstrz zfietIsLIan dy msLvry nfl Kfx-pIx dIaF afdqF `c suDfr krky, KUn `c imTfs dI imkdfr qy kfbU pfieaf jf skdf hY. ies nfl idmfg df shI posLx vI huMdf rihMdf hY. Bojn idmfg leI jfxkfrI df sroq hY. cMgf KfE aqy cMgf mihsUs kro zf: irkfmfn isMG rijLstrz zfietIsLIan nfl ies pqy qy sMprk kro: Pon nMbr: 778-240-5951 eI myl pqf: Rika Mansingh@g mail. com PAGE 9
The Patrika
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
The pharmacy assistant program is for any student that is interested in learning about dispensing, pharmacology, pharmacy billing software ad medical terminology. The student will also be acquainted with basic bookkeeping and accounting principles. Assistants help the pharmacists with the day to day needs of running the pharmacy. Their tasks may consist of running the cash register, filling and filing paperwork, stocking shelves, dealing directly with the customer to meet their prescription needs. With an increasing number of seniors, comes a huge demand for prescription drugs, making the need for pharmacy workers higher. The graduated student will easily be able to find employment in any community or hospital pharmacy.
WAGES: $16 - $26.30 PER HOUR WAGES: $12.08 - $20.84 PER HOUR
www.westerncommunitycollege.ca info@westerncommunitycollege.ca ABBOTSFORD #100-31838,SOUTH FRASER WAY
WAGES: $21 - $40.73 PER HOUR WAGES: $18.42 - $23.50 PER HOUR
StudentAidBC SURREY UNIT 201,12899-80TH AVE.
The Patrika Friday, November 3rd, 2017
asIN nvyN mrIjLF nUM svIkfrdy hF. koeI rYPLrl dI loV nhIN asIN kOmpRIhYNisv afeI agjLYm krdy hF ijvyN zfiegnOsitk tYsitMg glfkomf vrgIaF ibmfrIaF leI asIN zfeIrYkt ibilMg krdy hF bwcy aYm aYs pI nfl kvr ny sLLurUafqI ryt hn
sfzI zfktrF dI tIm Dr. Harpreet Gill
Dr. Priya Vohora
hPqy dy 6 idn Kuwly hF
Dr. Sukhpreet Gill
120-32156 Hillcrest Ave., Abbotsford, BC, V2T 1S5 604-776-4393 PAGE 11
The Patrika
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
(604) 859-6774 nvyN mrIjLF aqy vfk ieMn mrIjLF df suafgq
Dr. MN Arham
MD, Dip. F.med. (South Africa), CCFP FAMILY PRACTICE MEDICAL CLINIC WITH EXTENDED HOURS IN ABBOTSFORD BC sOmvfr qoN sLukrvfr svyry 9:30 vjy qoN 4:30 vjy qwk afpuafieMtmYNt bxfE. sOmvfr qoN sLukrvfr sLfm 3:00 vjy qoN 7:00 vjy qwk afpuafieMtmYNt bxfAux dI koeI loV nhIN. vfk ieMn afE.
Mon to Fri 9:30 PM to 4:30 PM - booked appointments. Mon to Fri 3:00 PM to 7:00 PM - walk-in extended hours (no appointment needed).
New Patients & Walk-ins Welcome! Windermere Medical Clinic, 204-32450 Simon Ave, Abbotsford, BC, V2T 4J2, Canada For more info pleae our website : windermeremedicalclinic.ca
MORTGAGE URGENCY Government has changed the Mortgage Rules effective 1st January, 2018 Get Your Mortgages + Line of Credit Reviewed & Rechecked without delay
604 564 1000 PAGE 12
Every Monday in November
50% off personal chicken dishes and all pizzas
nvMbr dy hr somvfr nMU ickn idsLjL aqy pIjLf 50% aOP
BANK OF MONTREAL Surrey & Abbotsford UCO BANK, London UK, Moga, Alamgir
Unit 200-6330 Fraser St @47 Ave & Fraser St
(Formerly Abbotsford Nando’s) Have you tried our flame-grilled chicken, rustic pizza, and presto pasta yet?
*eat-in and take out only (excludes delivery) *cannot be combined with any other offers *we reserve the right to restrict quantity *while supplies last *Valid for November 2017
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Unit 244 8138 128 St
604 507 1000 www.quickapproval.ca
103-2777 Gladwin Road, Abbotsford (parking and underground parking at rear)
The Patrika
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
gurU nfnk inrMkfrI igafn isMG kotlI qyry coj inafry izwTy
ieko dy lV lfAuˆdf iPirEˆ .
igafn isMG kotlI vYnkUvr
dIn duKI nUM PV PV sIny,
sdIafˆ jyz lMmyry pYˆzy ,
lfAuˆdf qy muskfAuˆdf iPirEˆ .
ijMdVI vItH mukfAuˆdf iPirEˆ .
Cwz ky afpxy Gr nUM suMnf,
BuwlI BtkI luwCdI dunIafˆ,
AujVy Qyh vsfAuˆdf iPirEˆ .
jIvn pMD qy pfAuˆdf iPirEˆ . kul lokfeI qUM vrosfeI, kUV amfvs df hr konf,
sB nUM qUM vrsfAuˆdf iPirEˆ .
Qfˆ Qfˆ jf rusnfAuˆdf iPirEˆ .
Cl Clfvy ByK idKfvy,
qpdy jgq jlMdy Auqy,
sB dI alK mukfAuˆdf iPirEˆ .
swc dI TMz vrqfAuˆdf iPirEˆ. qyry nUr ny lokIˆ ikwdfˆ, imTq nIvIˆ rwb rËf dy ,
Bvjl pfr Auqfry izwTy .
Qfˆ Qfˆ sohly gfAuˆdf iPirEˆ .
arĂˆfˆ dy E nUr ielfhI,
ieĂˆtfˆ dI Brmfr dI Qfvyˆ,
qyry coj inafry izwTy .
Exceptional Quality Blueberry Nursery Stock
BLUEBERRY PLANTS Sidhu Growers is British Columbia's leading quality blueberry nursery. At Sidhu Growers, we grow healthy, disease free, virus indexed and true-toname Blueberry plants. We specialize in growing blueberry plants and have 20 plus years of experience in the blueberry business.
  virus indexing � � � � � � � � � �   � € � � � � � � � �
We are the only authorized nursery in Canada to sell Reka, a northern blueberry variety and have documentation from where the variety originated from, which is New Zealand, and have proof of it. Make sure when purchasing Reka you ask to see the signed authorization from New Zealand. Being the only authorized nursery to sell Reka we can provide you with this.
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When purchasing blueberry plants, buy from a reputable blueberry nursery that specializes in growing blueberry plants. Ask to see virus testing documentation. Make sure plants are produced from cuttings. Plants produced from tissue culture or cuttings taken from tissue culture plants tend to be difficult to machine harvest and require more pruning.
€ � � � � † „� „ � � � � � „ � � † … † �† … ‡ „ ˆ � � � � � …� � � � � � � � � ‰ Š† � � ‹� � � � ‰
We are committed to provide you with only the best blueberry plants available and guarantee it.
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We offer: • Expert Consulting • Competitive Pricing • Exceptional Quality Stock • A Wide Selection of Varieties • Complete Customer Satisfaction
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For Further Information or to Place an Order Please Call:
Kam or Harry: (604) 853-1775
32787 Townshipline, Abbotsford, B.C. PAGE 13
The Patrika PAGE5
The Patrika PAGE 14
Rajin Gill 778.982.4008
rky gurU hwkfˆ dI DIafˆ dI xI peI.
lfˆ nfl feIcfry, . afpxy ny nYiqk gurU qyg vroDIafˆ nI dy ky Aus dI imldI. hwkfˆ dI igixaf
Idfn nUM Qfvfˆ vI drjf dy
jQybMdI bhfdr qqf nfl kIqf sI. aiDkfrfˆ IN jYaMqI hfs bfry bMdI vwloN nuwKI hwkfˆ s ikqfb sI aqy aiDkfrfˆ nfm vI (1617am pYWn -1778)
Ajmer (Jerry) Sei 604.832.
rajinrealtor@gmail.com @RajinRealtor Homelife Glenayre Realty
Born and raised in the Fraser Valley and looking to give back to my community. I’ve a ended the University of the Fraser Valley and I am a Mennonite Educa onal Ins tute (MEI) graduate. I’ve also represented and brought home Gold Medals for Bri sh Columbia in wrestling on many different occasions, just to name a few the Western Canada Summer Games, Canada Summer Games and also a mul ple me Provincial and Na onal Medalist. I’ve already built up the work ethic and dedica on and now want to translate this to a field where I can give back to a community that supported me in my endeavours for many years.
PryjLr vYlI df jMimaf pilaf hux kmXUnItI dI shfieqf krnf cfhuMdf hF. mYN XUnIvristI aP PryjLr vYlI piVaF hF aqy mYnonfeIt eYjUkysLnl ieMstItUt df grfjUeyt hF. mYN bI sI leI rYsilMg kIqI hY aqy bI sI leI golz mYzl vI lYky afieaF hF ijvyN ik vYstrn knyzf smr gymjL, knyzf smr gymjL, aqy proivMsLl aqy nYsLnl mYizilst vI irh cuwikaF hF. mYN kMm aqy imhnq krnf iswK igaf hF aqy mYN ies nfl kmXUnItI, ijs ny ieMnHy sfl myrI shfieqf kIqI, Aus dI shfieqf krnf cfhuMdf hF. FEATURED LISTINGS 2825 256th
3339 Siskin Drive
Holding/Potential Property
31324 Coghlan Place
37 acres blueberry farm 14 acres are planted in Duke, 9 acres in Bluecrop and 9 acres in Elliot varieties. Featuring a 82x108 former diary building in excellent condition and rental home which both generate over $70,000 in annual revenue.
Beautiful 4 bedroom 4 bathroom home w/ rec room. Fresh coat of paint. Located close to gurdwaras, high street mall and easy hwy 1 access.
INVESTORS! Amazing POTENTIAL/HOLDING property! This home is located in a central redevloping area. OCP designated this property as Urban 1 Midrise. Home is in terrific condition, tenantable. Easily suitable only needs conversion back too 220 outlet (wiring present) for stove. Roof is only 1yr old."
Beautiful 3 storey home with basement in quiet cul-de-sac. Perfect Family home in West Abbotsford. Open floor plan with family room, Kitchen overlooking living room w/ gas fireplace. Sundecks have beautiful view of Mt. Baker. Close to schools, recreation, Cineplex, mall, public transit & easy access to freeway.
3498 Valdes
101 - 33328 Bourquin
2960 Evergreen
3266 Firhill
$ 799,000
$ 667,000
jseikhon@hotm Friday, November 3rd, 2017 www.bcfarmandran
Richmond artist leads a Painting Workshop at The Reach! In Cognitive Dissonance, the artist’s current exhibition at The Reach, the artist combines his interest in the inner-self with broader social and environmental issues, particularly the complex status of Indigenous territory and ongoing industrial threats to the environment. Lecoy’s characteristic blend of engaging imagery and consequential subject matter recall the works of his mentors, who include high-profile In the workshop, the artist, who is of First Nations painters Lawrence Paul Sylix and Lekwungen ancestry, will Yuxweluptun and Shawn Hunt. introduce basic elements of painting composition while encouraging The introductory painting workshop participants to portray aspects of is a rare and exciting opportunity for their interior lives. The 20th Century the general public to work side by Surrealist artists believed in the im- side with an exhibiting artist in a creportance of dreams, the subconscious, ative exercise that is sure to provide and chance. Lecoy shares this interest, exceptional insight into his new body and his paintings incorporate the vivid, of work. It is for ages 12 and up, takes Reduced Price! 1-4 illusory qualities of Surrealism with place on November 4, 2017 from 24 Acre Blueberry farm located near Way, Northwest Coast formline and Coast pm at The Reach, 32388 Veterans Sumas Way exit. Property featuers a custom built is5required Salish design. Drawing from these Abbotsford. Pre-registration rancher. bedrooms and 3 baths. Bay shops and 2 storey barn. concepts, Lecoy says he’ll “encourage and the $20 participation 2fee Greatincludes income potential. participants to bring forth representa- all supplies. For more information and tions of their identity, their journey, to register/pay go thereach.ca/eventstheir memories and other aspects of programs or phone: 604 864 8087 (dial “0”). the self.” Abbotsford, BC – If you’ve had the chance to see the boldly-coloured, remarkably imaginative paintings of Cody Lecoy at The Reach Gallery Museum, you’ve probably wondered about the artist behind them. The Reach invites you to meet Lecoy and to try your hand at painting in a workshop he’ll lead on Saturday November 4, 2017 from 1 to 4pm.
ihb dI r idwqI I cfdr` Idfn dI ËrIey nUM kmrfn, rhf huMdf n dy rfh klp sI, sI. iehI AuNdf hY.
Looking to sell your home or farm? Call1st meMortgages today for2nd a Mortgages FREE CONSTRUCTION MORTGAGES NO OBLIGATION EVALUATION!! EQUITY TAKE-OUTS
dnI cOk Auqfiraf sihb nUM Dfrimk asQfn lihr dy hIdf hY. fiek qy nUM mfnqf af, pr
pihlI mOrtgyj dUjI mOrtgyj kMstrwksLn mOrtgyj iekuietI tyk afAUt
ristI, mks df
The Patrika
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
Breathe easier this fall (NC) As we fall back into our regular routines, we don’t always realize the impact the weather has on our health. For most, feeling the crisp fall air while walking and enjoying the changing colours is a welcome and enjoyable activity, so many of us are looking forward to an active outdoor season. However, others may notice a shift in their ability to breathe as easily. Some people may not notice if they are becoming short of breath until doing simple daily tasks and having difficulty breathing. This could be something as routine as cleaning your home or walking to the corner store. Changes in your ability to breathe well, or a slow decline over time, may be more noticeable for those with a serious lung disease like Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, or COPD. COPD includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema and affects over 750,000 Canadians. If you are living with COPD and have a history of one or more disease flares each year, it means your COPD could be better managed.
Difficulty in breathing can be a result of worsening symptoms or new persistent ones. If the symptoms are serious enough, hospitalization may be required. Talk to your doctor about your difficulty in breathing. There are treatment options available that may help you manage your COPD. Living with COPD doesn’t mean you are limited to a life of not getting out and about. Don’t let fear of a disease flare prevent you from enjoying a walk through the park, a corn maze with your grandkids, or apple picking with your family. Speak with your doctor about better management options.
The Patrika
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
buZfpy nUM isrP snyh dI loV pRo[ kulvMq isMG aOjlf ajoky afÈrmnumf simafˆ `c buZfpf bhuq avfËfr qy iekwlf rih igaf hY. zMgorIafˆ, vihMgIafˆ qy KU M z Iafˆ bxn df Xu w g kdoN df smfpq ho igaf hY. bMdf ijnHfˆ leI Aumr Br joVdf bxfAuNdf qy Au s frdf rihM d f, Au h I puwq-DIafˆ bhuq aOKy ho ky aMiqm rsmfˆ leI phuMcdy hn qy kfhlI-kfhlI, duinafvI rsmfˆ inBfa ky afpxy afpxy dyÈ-ivdyÈ ivcly Gurinafˆ `c jf vVdy hn. qur igafˆ bfry moh-BorIafˆ, mfnvI qy muhwbqI gwlfˆ krn dI iksy kol Pursq nhIN. ÈmÈfnfˆ qy ÈrDfˆjlIafˆ mOky rsmI hfËrIafˆ Brn vfly lokfˆ ny mOq dIafˆ mhIn qy mhfqmI gwlfˆ iqafg ky isrP qy isrP duinafvI mUMh mulfhjy dIafˆ adfkfrIafˆ df ikwqf apxf ilaf hY. Ëmfnf jdoN mOq nUM idl `qy lfAuxf Buwl jfvy qfˆ smJ lvo mOq bfry kfivk qy krqfrI bfqfˆ krn df Ëyrf qy jugq Aus dIafˆ rcnfqmk afˆdrfˆ `coN suwk jfˆdI hY.
buZfpy kol bYT ky bwicafˆ nUM mfnvI moh dy afˆqirk igafn df suBfivkI ielm huMdf. ajoky bwcy ieMtrnYWt, mobfeIl qy tYlIvIËn dy nÈweI ho gey hn. bfhrI igafn smwgrI qy shUlqfˆ nfVfˆ `c DVkdy iensfnI moh nUM pfk nhIN hox idMdIafˆ. myrI mfˆ nhIN rhI, pr mYˆ afpxI ibrD mfsI nUM jdoN vI mfˆ vfˆgU imldf hfˆ qfˆ jo inwG, inhuM qy nyVqf myry aMdr pMGrdI hY, Aus nUM Èbdfˆ ivwc ibafn nhIN kIqf jf skdf. vwizafˆ dI sMvydnf qy siqkfr nfl duinafvI pdvIafˆ, phuMcfˆ qy pfqÈfhIafˆ mfxXog qy mfnvI ho jfˆdIafˆ. vwzy sfnUM mUl qy mksd dy mfany smJfAuNdy.
The Patrika
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
pdfrQk qrwkIafˆ qy ivigafnk lwBqfˆ nfl zuwby hoey sUrjfˆ nUM punr surjIq nhIN kIqf jf skdf. ilv qy lYa nUM jIvMq qy jfgdy rwKxf bVf aOKf. bfhrI pRfpqIafˆ, pdvIafˆ qy pdfrQfˆ ivwc lIn ho ky ajokI pIVHI rUh, rvfieq, irdm, irÈqy qy rfmdfrIafˆ qoN korI ho geI hY. DrqIafˆ, pvnfˆ, pfxIafˆ qy aMbrfˆ vrgy dfdy-dfdIafˆ qy nfny-nfnIafˆ afAUtzyitz ho gey hn. kfrporyt Xuwg ivwc hr vsq dy zyitz hox dI imafd bhuq QoVHI hY. jIvn nUM srfˆ, bulbulf, prCfvfˆ qy cfr idn dI cfˆdnI kihx vfly lok pikafeI, pfkIËgI qy pfhul dIafˆ pfTÈflfvfˆ huMdy hn. ajoky qQfasqU qy qwqPwt Ëmfny `c buZfpy nUM sfˆBx qy snyh krn vfly QoVHy rih gey hn. iensfnI iebfrqfˆ nUM idl `c vsfAux leI Ëyrf, jfn qy iËMdgI cfhIdI: clo eyhnfˆ nUM iksy ibrD afÈrm `c Cwz afeIey ikM n f ku icr sfˆ B I jfvfˆ g y afAU z y i tz pusqkfˆ nUM ies afAUzyitz ivsPot nUM smJxsmJfAux lwigafˆ sB Dfrnfvfˆ, Drfql qy Drm asPl ho gey hn. myry iewk Èfier imwqr df vwz-afkfrI pirvfr amrIkf rihMdf. sB nUM rotI, rwb qy irÈqy dyx vfly mfˆ-bfp amrIkf dy shUlqI hspqfl `c rihMdy hn. buZfpy leI kMmfˆ qy kmfeIafˆ nUM Cwzxf aiqaMq aOKf. ivdyÈfˆ ivwc rih rhy bhuqy lokfˆ dy ibrD mfˆ-bfp dyÈ ivcly vwzy Grfˆ ivwc nOkrfˆ shfry rih rhy hn. iksy df jIa nhIN lwgdf, iksy kol jIa lvfAux vflf koeI nhIN. pMjfbIafˆ kol qfˆ jIa lfAux leI sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb hI bhuq sI, pr asIN anpVHfˆ ny ienHfˆ pfk aqy pRfxvMq awKrfˆ nUM qyrf-qyrf dI Qfˆ myrf myrf dIafˆ sOdfgrIafˆ qy isafsqfˆ df aKfVf bxf idwqf. BIVfˆ dI Brmfr ny sB kuJ sihj, surIlf qy sfdf nhIN rihx idwqf. sMvydnf, isafxp sbr-sMqoK nfloN shUlqfˆ, suK qy inwjqf iËafdf BfrU ho geI hY. Èbd nUM aMdr vsfAux dI surq qy ÈkqI nUM idwK qy dyh df afzMbrI moh hOlI-hOlI ingl lYˆdf hY.
hox dy sdimafˆ qy swtfˆ nUM luko-luko ky awDf pMjfb izprYÈn df iÈkfr ho igaf hY. puwqr qfˆ prdysIˆ jf ky pONz, zflr bx jfxgy mfvfˆ afpxy idl dy sdmy iZw z fˆ ivw c lukoxgIafˆ. nf ihMmq, nf hMBly, nf supny, nf Auzfx. DIafˆ-puwqr, ipwqrfˆ df nhIN jfiedfdfˆ df hfl-cfl puwCx afAuNdy hn. myry imwqr dI pqnI aYqkIˆ jdoN prdys jfx lwgI qfˆ ro peI. kihMdI jfx nUM jIa nhIN krdf. puwqrfˆ-DIafˆ nUM mfˆ nhIN kMm vflI aOrq cfhIdI hY. loVfˆ qy lflc purfxy lokfˆ kol vI sI, pr mfnvI afˆdrfˆ df supnÈIl srmfieaf sI. ajokf Xuwg loVvMd qy lflcI ho igaf. nOkr-cfkr QoVH icry qy DfVvI ho gey hn. pwky, pRfxvMq qy pfk irÈqy hux ikwQy gey? ibrD mfˆ-bfp ivdyÈfˆ ivwc byrIafˆ qoVdy hn qfˆ bwcy afpxI zflrI soc anukUl sB kuJ nUM qQfasqU mMnI jfˆdy hn. lok pYisafˆ nfl iZwz Brn dy afhr lwgy hoey hn. aijhy Xuwg ivwc buZfpf ikwQy idl Proly? buZfpy dy AuTx-bYTx leI Qfvfˆ nhIN, bohVfˆ-ipwplfˆ, tfhlIafˆ vrgIafˆ Cfvfˆ nhIN. pMjfb kol iekwTy hox leI ivafh qy Bog bcy hn. afzMbrI afqMkfˆ nfl ikMnf ku icr icwq nUM Zfrs dyvfˆgy. dyh qy idwK ny kmly kr idwqf. aijhy mohhIx qy mfqmI mfhOl ivwc kI-kI sfˆB-sMBfl lvfˆgy. buZfpy nUM ibrD Grfˆ qy sInIar istIËn homË dI Qfˆ siqkfr, snyh, sihXog qy sfQ dI loV hY. ikqy-ikqy DIafˆ, puwqr srvx puwqr bx ky idKfAuNdy hn, pr aijhy ivrly hn. mMdrfˆ, msijdfˆ qy gurduafirafˆ dy guMbd ijMny mrËI AuWcy qy sony rMgy krI jfvo jy guVqIafˆ, asIsfˆ, arjoeIafˆ, glvkVIafˆ qy isafxpfˆ guaf bYTy qfˆ nvIafˆ nslfˆ ny pUrn qOr `qy bymuwK qy bihry ho jfxf. buZfpy dI AuNgl PV ky hI rihbrfˆ, ÈhIdfˆ, PkIrfˆ qy XoiDafˆ dy rUhfnI rsiqafˆ nUM jfixaf qy mfixaf jf skdf hY. iksy leI zMgorI, iksy leI vihMgI,
iekwly rihx dI ibrqI ny sfˆJy pMjfb, iksy leI huMgHfrf bxIey cuwilHafˆ, Grfˆ, KyqIafˆ, pfxIafˆ qy sfˆJfˆ nUM clo Xfro sVk pfr krdy buZfpy leI cIr ilaf hY. pihlfˆ awz qy alihdf hoey hux awDy qy aDUry ho gey hfˆ. awDy-aDUry QoVHf jyhf shfrf bxIey. PAGE 17
The Patrika
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
Let Us Save Lives
Blood Donation by Sikh Nation to commemorate
Genocide 1984
More than
Lives have been saved
Campaign Schedule 2017 BRITISH COLUMBIA
SURREY: Unit C2 15285-101 Ave Sat, Nov. 11 2017: 10:00am - 5:00pm SURREY: Ecole Gabrielle - Roy School 6887 - 132 Street Sun, Nov. 12 2017: 10:00am - 5:00pm
VANCOUVER: 4750 Oak Street Sat, Nov. 04 2017: 10:00am - 5:00pm VICTORIA: 3449 Saanich Road Sat, Nov. 04 2017: 11:00am - 2:00pm KAMLOOPS: 1205 Rogers Way Tue, Nov. 7 2017: 12:00pm - 7:00pm KELOWNA: 103-1865 Dilworth Drive Sat, Nov. 11 2017: 9:00am - 4:00pm ABBOTSFORD: (Pentecostal Church) 3145 Gladwin Road Sat, Nov. 11 2017: 10:00am - 5:00pm
Please observe
One Minute of Silence Every year on November Ist at 6:00 PM
In the memory of the victims of
Ph: 604-218-1984 • www.genocide1984.com “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” PAGE 18
The Patrika Friday, November 3rd, 2017
Awards honour leaders in healing, crime prevention wo police officers, two Lower Mainland community leaders and a local service provider of 35 years were presented with provincial awards to acknowledge their legacies of community safety, healing and prevention of victimization in British Columbia.
Columbia Institute of Technology to develop smartphone alert from Richmond RCMP on road closures, missing children, silver alerts concerning missing seniors and other information. He also spearheaded a 20-member volunteer team to combat auto-theft, break and enter, and mail and bike theft, and has worked to Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor build positive relationships between General Mike Farnworth presented police and students and between the the 20th annual Community Safety Jewish and Muslim communities and and Crime Prevention Awards to: the community at large. Vancouver’s Don Wright, who won Victoria Police Const. Chris Gilbert, of the Award of Distinction for his winner of the Youth Leadership extraordinary decades of work. Award, recognizing exceptional Wright co-founded the Vancouver commitment to working with youth. Society for Male Survivors of Sexual A school resource officer since 2013, Abuse in 1990 and has provided Gilbert bonds with students in a counselling, healing therapies and
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make a difference to prevent crime, make our neighbours safer and help vulnerable and victimized people,” Farnworth said. “On behalf of the Province, I thank each of our award winners for their vision, perseverance and exceptional service to their Surrey’s Alana Abramson, winner communities.” of the Restorative Justice Memorial “These award winners, two of whom Award, which recognizes commitment are based in Vancouver, have taken to innovative partnerships that have advanced restorative justice. An real action to prevent crime, and educator, trainer, academic and build safer, more just, and welcoming practitioner, Abramson has aided communities. We are very thankful people at all levels of restorative for their work,” said Vancouver-West justice experience through her End MLA Spencer Chandra Herbert. ongoing work with various post- The awards acknowledge volunteers, secondary institutions and community non-profit organizations and other groups. She has served as executive local public safety partners for director of North Shore Restorative work to reduce crime, violence and Justice, where she worked directly with victims and offenders and led victimization in the community and community circles to promote local support law enforcement and others safety, inclusion and support. In 2016, in the justice sector. These efforts she helped develop victim-sensitive complement provincial investments standards for restorative justice in policing, community safety and victim services. providers in criminal matters. Crisis Line and 24-Hour hospital accompaniment for victims, youth programs, and specialized services for Aboriginal women and youth. WAVAW has also helped to develop sexual assault policies for postsecondary institutions.
help to its clients. He has spoken at more than 30 international conferences and universities, has advised organizations in other countries focused on stopping sexual victimization of males, and has published widely on the topic. He was awarded the Human Rights Medal of Honour by the B.C. Human Rights Coalition in 2001 for his pioneering work in the field. Richmond RCMP Cpl. Kevin Krygier, winner of the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Award, which recognizes exemplary leadership in developing innovative projects and key activities or initiatives to promote safe communities. Krygier recently partnered with the British
non-judgemental, supportive and often humorous way. In 2016, he was part of a team that developed well-received school presentations on fentanyl – and he continues to visit schools weekly to maintain awareness of the drug’s dangers. He has been highly involved in Youth for Change and Inclusion, the Chief’s Youth Council, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Youth Wilderness Camp and many youth fundraisers.
Vancouver-based WAVAW Rape Crisis Centre, winner of the Service to Victims Award, which celebrates exemplary leadership in providing services and supports to victims. Since 1982, the centre has provided individual counselling, support “These awards remind British The award presentation preceded groups, victim services, a 24-Hour Columbians that each of us can Crime Prevention Week, Nov. 1-7.
The Patrika
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
asIN isw K hF bfby nfnk dy igafnI kyvl isMG ‘inrdosL’
sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI nfloN tuwt ky dr-dr dI AuWn lfhux df. AunHF dI afqimk iqRpqI `qy Btkdy aKOqI iswKF bfry iksy isafxy ny leI, kuJ vI nhIN sI krdf. swc hI ikhf hY:gurU nfnk dyv jI ny inrml pMQ dI nINh kuJ hMny dy kuJ bMny dy, kuJ phfVF vflI rwKI qy sfnUM gurmiq gfzI rfh dy pFDI rMny dy. bxfieaf. krm-kFzF df jUlLf lfh ky vgfh Zol Zmwkf srvr df, asIN iswK hF bfby mfiraf qy ikhf:nfnk dy. Gfil Kfie ikCu hQhu dyie.. nfnk rfhu iksy sfD dy zyry cly jfvo, iksy anmwqI pCfxih syie.. Drm asQfn `qy jf ky vyK lE quhfnUM “hwk dI kmfeI, KLlkq dI syvf qy Kflk dsqfrDfrI nfl DrIk iswKF dy drsLn ho dI bMdgI”, iehI qF iswK Drm hY pRMqU awj jfxgy. sfihb sRI gurU nfnk dyv jI ny BrmF Dfrimk qOr `qy gurU df iswK hI aOJVy ipaf vihmF ivc BuwlI BtkI lukfeI nUM ijLMdgI hoieaf hY. clfk dusLmx imwTf ipafrf bx dI syD idwqI. sfnUM gurmiq gfzI rfh dy ky sfzy ivc GuspYT kr cuwkf hY. gurU nfnk pFDI bxfieaf. kudrqI sI, ijs sLRyxI df dyv jI ny srfDF df KMzn kIqf, asIN Ausy hlvf mMzf BolLI BflLI jnqf nUM krm-kFz gurU dy srfD krn lwg pey. dsvIN iks idn dy cwkrF ivc Psf ky cldf sI, Auh ivhlV hY, sMgrFd kdoN hY, puMinafN iks qrIk dI jmfq iswK Drm df ivroD krdI. ieh ivroD hY? aijhIaF puwCF aksr gurU GrF ivc pRoihq sLRyxI ny rwj ky kIqf. surgF dy lfry Pon kr ky pwuCIaF jFdIaF hn. ikhVy gurU lgf ky, BivwK dIaF KusLIaF ivc AulJf df gurpurb hux nyVy af irhf hY, aYsf Pon ky, afm lukfeI df vrqmfn luwtINdf vyK ky Gwto-Gwt mYN kdy nhIN suixaf. gurU nfnk sfihb ny cfr AudfsIaF (lMmIaF XfqrfvF) kIqIaF. bol BfeI gurdfs jI:- Brm vihm ieMny vD rhy hn, jo ik ivwidaf dI rosLnI ivc Gtxy cfhIdy sn pr hYrfnI bfbf dyKY iDafnu Dir jlqI siB ipRQvI huMdI hY. gurU GrF ivc ivsLysL idnF `qy pIlyL idis afeI. PlL, mFh dI dflL, srHoN df qyl, afid cVHfey bfby ByK bxfieaf AudfsI dI rIiq clfeI. jFdy hn. keI vfr qF mFh dI dflL ivc lohy dIaF myKF huMdIaF hn. ieh tUxy tfmx ciVHaf soDix Driq lukfeI..ñô.. kOx isKfAuNdf hY? insLcy hI afqimk jIvn (vfr ñ, pAuVI òô) ivc ivgVy Dfrimk lok. BolLI BflLI jnqf afpxy suwKF nUM iqlFjlI dy ky, afpxy nUM, igafn ivhUxy lokF nUM aijhy Dfrimk pirvfr df moh Cwz ky vfihgurU dy pirvfr lok luwt rhy hn. igafn ivhUxI prjf vI smUh jgq dI sfr leI. ivroDIaF ny qrHF- hnHyry ivc twkrF mfr rhI hY. ipMzF ivc qrHF dy ivaMg kwsy, kOVy iPwky bol boly. afp afm qOr `qy dIvflI nUM cOrfihaF `qy sqnfjf gurU sfihb jI bfxI ivc PurmfAuNdy hn:- (swq iksm df anfj) nlyr, hor ikMnf Kyh suafh rwiKaf huMdf qF vyiKaf sI, pr hux koeI afKY BUqnf ko khY byqflf.. qF gurU GrF nUM vI bKisLaf nhIN jFdf. kdy koeI afKY afdmI nfnku vycfrf.. iesqrIaF dy hfr isLMgfr dIaF vsqUaF (aMg ùùñ) smyq mMgl sUqr dy (jo insLcy hI iswK pRMqU gurU sfihb ny Ausqq inMidaf nUM pry aOrqF Dfrn nhIN krdIaF) corI iCpy rwK rwK ky, eIrKf aqy vYr ivroD dI awg ivc jFdIaF hn. smfijk qOr `qy vI lokF nUM jlL rhy sMsfr nUM nfm bfxI dy iCwty mfr cyqMn krn dI loV hY, KflI kQf khfxIaF ky Tfiraf. suxf ky hI lokF nUM bdilaf nhIN jf skdf. rUVIvfdI, kwtV iksm dy Dfrimk lokF AunHF dI soc `qy igafn dy hQOVy nflL vfr ny ivroD jLrUr kIqf pRMqU ijvyN-ijvyN lok krn dI loV hY. iek gwl sfnUM kdy vI BwulxI jfgrUk hoey, bRfhmx dy pMjy ivwcoN inkldy nhIN cfhIdI, Blf kIiqaF hI Blf hoxf hY. gey. Dfrimk suDfr dI ies vwDdI kFg jy kMzy iKlfrFgy qF hwQ pYr sfzy vI lhU awgy krm-kFz kwKF vFg ruVH gey. lokF nUM luhfx hoxgy. iswK dI qF ardfs hI srbwq smJ afAux lwgI ik jnm qoN lY ky mrn dy Bly `qy sMpUrn huMdI hY: qwk sMskfrF ivc AulJf ky, sfzf ikvyN sosLx nfnk nfm cVHdI klf, kIqf jf irhf hY? zf[ gokl cMd nfrMg ny qyry Bfxy srbwq df Blf. afpxI pusqk “iswK mwq df pirvrqn” ivc iblkul hI TIk iliKaf hY ik ByzF dy vIro qy BYxoN! BrmF vihmF ivcoN inklLo qy iewjV df mflk ByzF dI sfrf sfl sMBfl aijhy sLYqfnf dI pihcfx kro jo aijhy krdf hY, AunHF dI sPfeI df iDafn rwKdf kMm kr ky lokF ivc BMbl Busy pYdf krdy hY, jMglI jfnvrF qoN AunHF dI rfKI krdf hY, hn. gurU nfnk df dfmn pkVIey. mVHIaF iPr Auh AunHF dI AuWn lfh ky vyc ky afpxf msfxF, jTyiraF dI pUjf Cwz ky pUjf akfl rujLgfr qordf hY pRMqU Dfrimk lukfeI df dI, prcf sLbd df, dIdfr Kflsy df, ies afgU iewko hI kMm krdf sI, BolLI BflLI jnqf dy DfrnI bxIeNy. PAGE 20
The Patrika
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
sRI gurU nfnk dyv jI dy PlsPy df sMdyÈ pRo[ ikrpfl isMG bzUMgr BfrqI icMqn anusfr sMqfˆ mhfˆ purKfˆ df afgmn mnuwKf jIvn nUM igrfvt vwl lY jfx vflyL pwKfˆ nUM Kqm krn leI huMdf hY. pMjfb ivwc sRI gurU nfnk dyv jI df afgmn (1469 eIsvI) iesy Dfrnf anusfr ‘imtI DuMDu jig cfnxu hoaf` vwl sMkyq krdf hY. ies qrHfˆ dy mhfˆpurÈ DrmvIr, krmvIr, dfnvIr qy dXfvIr hox dy nflL nflL jnmfns nUM kruxf df aMimRq pRdfn krky shI idÈf idMdy hn aqy lokfˆ df mfrg drÈn krdy hn. ieh mfrg drÈn ipafr dy ËrIey nvyˆ afdrÈfˆ dI sQfpnf krky sMsfr nUM igafn dI rOÈnI pRdfn krdy hn. gurU jI df afgmn ijs smyˆ hoieaf AudoN Bfrq dy rfjnIqk, smfijk, Dfrimk, afriQk, aqy swiBafcfrk hflqfˆ ivwc igrfvt af cuwkI sI. smyˆ dy hflfq df mnuwK dy idRÈtIkox dy inrmfx ivwc bhuq vwzf hwQ huMdf hY. gurU nfnk dyv jI ny smyˆ dy anusfr afpxy mksd nUM snmuwK rwiKaf aqy Aus AuWpr aml kIqf. gurU jI ny afpxy smyˆ dy BfrqI jIvn nUM zUMGI nIJ nflL dyiKaf aqy Aus ivwc ivafpk Dfrimk aMDkfr, smfijk igrfvt aqy rfjsI ainafˆ nUM afpxI bfxI ivwc cMgI qrHfˆ icqiraf hY qy Aus dI krVI pVcol kIqI hY. gurU nfnk dyv jI ny aijhy Drm dI nINh rwKI, ijs ny ‘sBy sfJIvfl sdfiein` df ielfhI nfd dunIafˆ ivwc guMjf ky mnuwKqf dy aflLy-duaflLy KVHIafˆ kIqIafˆ vlgxfˆ nUM Kqm kr ÈoiÈq qoN suqMqrqf df pRsMg sQfipq kIqf. gurU sfihb jI bhumuwKI pRiqBf dy suafmI sn. afp afdrÈ ÈKsIaq dy mflk, scfeI, pRym, ismrn, syvf qy ÈkqI dy puMj sn. AunHfˆ df jIvn sdIafˆ qoN lwKfˆ lokfˆ leI cfnx munfry df kMm krdf af irhf hY. gurU sfihb ny jo vI sMdyÈ idwqy, Auh srvkflIn hn. AunHfˆ dy mhfn sMdyÈ df aiDaYn jy awj dIafˆ smfijk, rfjnIqk qy afriQk smwisafvfˆ nUM muwK rwK ky kIqf jfvy qfˆ vI Auh pRyrnfdfiek hY. gurU nfnk dyv jI jgq gurU sn, AunHfˆ ny mnuwKf jIvn dIafˆ sfrIafˆ smwisafvfˆ df gihrf aiDaYn kIqf aqy afpxf sfrf jIvn lokfˆ nUM jIvn-jfc isKfAux leI arpx kr idwqf. AunHfˆ afpxI iËMdgI df bhuqf ihwsf lokfˆ nUM swcI iswiKaf dyx leI dyÈ dysfˆqrfˆ dIafˆ Xfqrfvfˆ ivwc guËfiraf, ijnHfˆ nUM gurU nfnk sfihb dIafˆ AudfsIafˆ ikhf jfˆdf hY. afp dIafˆ Xfqrfvfˆ cldIafˆ iPrdIafˆ pfTÈflfvfˆ sn. smyˆ dy Èfskfˆ nflL gurU jI df imlfp hoieaf. AunHfˆ ny gurU jI nUM suqMqr ivcfrfˆ kfrn kYd kr ilaf sI. Aus smyˆ sËf dy inXm bhuq sKq sn. doÈIafˆ nUM afm qOr `qy aMg BMg krn aqy mOq dI sËf idwqI jfˆdI sI. doÈIafˆ kolLoN doÈ df iekbfl krvfAux leI sKqI qy jLulm df pRXog kIqf jfˆdf sI. smyˆ
dy aPsrfˆ ivwc irÈvq df bolbflLf sI. ieiqhfs dy anusfr ieh smfˆ rfjnIqk hlcl qy arfjkqf df Ëmfnf sI. afpxy smyˆ df hfl gurU jI ny bfxI ivwc ibafn kIqf hY:kil kfqI rfjy kfsfeI Drmu pMK kir Auziraf] kUVu amfvs scu cMdRmf dIsY nfhI kh ciVaf] Aus vkq dI musilm hkUmq afpxf Drm PYlfAux df Xqn kr rhI sI. ihMdUafˆ nUM hr pfsy qoN mfrfˆ pY rhIafˆ sn. Auh afpxy afp nUM inhwQy qy inqfxy smJ rhy sn. AunHfˆ ivwcoN svYmfn aqy afqm ivÈvfs dI Bfvnf Kqm ho cuwkI sI. sqfey qy gulfm mfniskqf vfilLafˆ nUM AuWcf AuTfAux leI gurU jI ny AunHfˆ nUM iewk nvfˆ rfh idKfieaf. dUjy pfsy Drm kyvl idKfvf mfqr hI rih gey sn. AunHfˆ dI afqmf mr cuwkI sI. Dfrimk afgU afpxy svfrQ leI lokfˆ nUM Twg rhy sn. Dfrimk prpMcfˆ aqy Poky rIqI irvfjfˆ ny lokfˆ nUM jkV rwiKaf sI. gurU jI ny lokfˆ nUM smJfieaf ik mnuwK df aslI Drm kI hY? AunHfˆ ny swcy Drm df srUp AunHfˆ dy sfhmxy srl BfÈf ivwc rwiKaf. ijhVy jn-sfDfrn lok sdIafˆ qoN Dfrimk krmkfzfˆ ivwc jkVy af rhy sn, Kfs krky iesqrI aqy pCiVaf vrg AunHfˆ dy jLulm df iÈkfr ho irhf sI. gurU jI dI bfxI ny jn-sfDfrn ivwc iewk nvIN ruhfnI ÈkqI aqy iewk nvfˆ afqm-ivÈvfs pYdf kIqf. gurU sfihb jI ny cMgy smfj dy inrmfx leI dunIafˆ sfhmxy iqMn isDfˆq rwKy ikrq kro, nfm jpo, vMz Cko. ies qrHfˆ asIN dyKdy hfˆ ik gurU nfnk sfihb jI ny sfˆJIvflqf, BfeIcfry, aqy rfÈtrI eykqf df AupdyÈ idwqf. AunHfˆ df PlsPf, AunHfˆ df mfrg hr dyÈ qy hr kOm dy Aus pRfxI leI hY jo swc df pfˆDI hovy, ÈfˆqI qy mfnv eykqf df cfhvfn hovy. gurU sfihb jI dy mn ivwc kyvl afpxy dyÈ leI hI ipafr nhIN sI, Auh qfˆ sfrI isRÈtI dy kilafx leI prmfqmf awgy bynqI krdy hn: jgqu jlMdf riK lY afpxI ikrpf Dfir] ijqu duafrY AubrY iqqY lYhu Aubfir] awj jdoN asIN gurU jI df pRkfÈ idhfVf mnf rhy hfˆ qfˆ smUh gurU nfnk nfmlyvf sMgqfˆ nUM afpxy aMdr Jfq mfr ky dyKxf hovygf ik kI asIN gurU sfihb jI dIafˆ iswiKafvfˆ `qy aml kr rhy hfˆ? ies mubfrk mOky `qy sfzf PLrË bxdf hY ik gurU zMm qy hor smfijk kurIqIafˆ qoN dUr huMdy hoey kudrqI KËfinafˆ nUM sfˆBx leI kfrjÈIl hoeIey. PAGE 21
The Patrika
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
New definition of age of dependants now in force Expanded definition of dependent children whose parents had existing children will help more families stay applications in process on May 3, 2017, together in Canada or who have applied since that time. The Government of Canada has changed the definition of the age of dependants from “under 19” to “under 22,” fulfilling a key mandate commitment of the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship. This change will help more immigrant families stay together. When newcomer families are able to stay together, their integration into Canada, and their ability to work and contribute to their communities all improve.
Permanent residence applicants who wish to add or sponsor a child under the public policy can also check our web tool to see if their child qualifies – specifically, if they were 19, 20, or 21 years of age on May 3, 2017, or on the date we received the parents’ application, if between May 3, and October 23, 2017. Applicants should notify IRCC as soon as possible, using a web form, as the notification period will end on January 31, 2018.
This change applies to all new applications received by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) on or after October 24, 2017. Parents who want to see if their child qualifies should first check our web tool.
Once IRCC has been advised, we will contact applicants directly to tell them what they need to do to sponsor or add their child to their application.
Director, Marketing & New Business Development
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To help even more families stay together, the government has introduced a public policy that would allow for the addition or sponsorship of some
Those who do not qualify as dependants may still have several other options. Visit IRCC’s website to find out the ways someone may be eligible to immigrate to Canada.
The Patrika
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
How to turn your passion into a small business (NC) Do you dream of starting your own business one day, but don’t know where to begin? Making a living out of your passions can be more possible than you think, and lots of entrepreneurs have been able to create successful businesses out of theirs. For example, Trisha Bower turned her dream of making people happy with her baking into a reality when she opened Eat My Shortbread, a bakery café. She began by operating her shortbread business out of her home and eventually launched the full café and bakery a few years ago. Here, Bower shares three tips for turning your passion into a small business reality: 1. Fill a void with your passion. In order for your customers to buy into the product or service you are selling, you have to offer a solution to a problem. Look for the gaps or things that could be done better within the industry. Once you’ve established that, then it’s all about developing an awesome business plan.
2. Become an expert on the subject. It’s not enough to say you’ll open a bakery because you love baking — you need to know how to operate in the business. This means doing lots of research to learn all about suppliers, maintenance, insurance, real estate, marketing and more. Do not underestimate how much time is required in the research phase. Ensuring your ducks are in a row before launching will help you save time, money and resources. 3. Join a community of small business owners. Joining the Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) can be key to increasing the odds of your business success. You are given access to specialized business resources, established important partnerships with businesses like Interac Association, and are consulted on government issues that are important to your business. With CFIB, you don’t have to do it all yourself – so don’t be afraid to ask for help!
WORKERS WANTED FOR LUMBER MILL Job Title: . Grader Man . Plainer Man
sfnUM lMbr imWl leI lMbr stYkrF dI loV hY, kMm aMdr df hovygf
The Patrika
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
The Patrika
arQcfry dI siQqI ivwc hoieaf suDfr
KrUdI XfqrI kfrn Auqfrnf ipaf vYstjYWt df jhfË Port mYkmrI, albrtf: AuWqrI albrtf dI afr[sI[aYm[pI[ ny dwisaf ik ies hPqy dy suLrU ivwc iewk ÈrfbI dIafˆ bykfbU hrkqfˆ kfrn vYstjYWt dy iewk jhfË nUM Port mYkmrI Auqfiraf igaf.
nhIN dwisaf ik ies sbMD ivwc koeI cfrijË lfey gey hn jfˆ nhIN. ies mfmly dI jfˆc trfˆsport kYnyzf vwloN kIqI jf rhI hY. bRya mrnIkl nfˆ dy XfqrI ny Port mYkmrI ivwc Tihrfv dOrfn ies Gtnf bfry afpxy Pysbuwk pyj AuWqy post kIqf. AunHfˆ iliKaf ik ÈrfbI ivakqI ny iewk aOrq AuWqy hmlf kr idwqf qy afpxf Pon PlfeIt atYˆzYˆt AuWqy vgfh mfiraf. Auh rOlf pf irhf sI qy pRDfn mMqrI nUM kos irhf sI qy afK irhf sI ik iks qrHfˆ asIN sfry hI nrk jf rhy hfˆ.
kfrporl tYrI aYn izEbflz ny iewk inAUË rlIË ivwc afiKaf ik somvfr nUM Auzfn 3177 ny kYlgrI qoN XYlonfeIP jfxf sI. pr AunHfˆ dwisaf ik afpxI mMiËl AuWqy phuMcx qoN pihlfˆ hI ies jhfË nUM Port mYkmrI Auqfrnf ipaf ijwQy mfAUNtIË ny Èrfb nfl rwjy iewk XfqrI nUM igRPqfr kr ilaf qy jdoN qwk Aus dI dfrU Auqr nhIN geI Aus sfirafˆ ny Aus nUM kfbU krn dI koiÈÈ kIqI nUM ihrfsq ivwc hI rwiKaf igaf. pr Auh kfbU qoN bfhr hI irhf. do hor iPr jhfË afpxI qYasLudf mMiËl vwl XfqrI vI dfrU pI rhy sn qy AunHfˆ vI jdoN vwD igaf. izEbflz ny dwisaf ik ieh KrUd mcfAux dI koiÈÈ kIqI qfˆ AunHfˆ nUM vI iewkmfqr aijhI Gtnf sI qy AunHfˆ ieh Auqr jfx leI afiKaf igaf.
mnHfˆ krn dy bfvjUd eyar kYnyzf dy jhfË ny kIqf lYˆz, jfˆc sLurU aYqvfr rfq nUM sYn Prfˆissko jf rhy eyar kYnyzf dy jhfË dy do imMtfˆ leI Èfˆq ho jfx kfrn sfry aiDkfrIafˆ nUM hwQfˆ pYrf dI pY geI. iewk hor jhfË dy rnvya AuWqy mOjUd hox dy zr kfrn eyar trYiPk kMtrolr ny eyar kYnyzf dy ies jhfË nUM lYˆz nf krn dI hdfieq idwqI. ieh hdfieq Cy vfrI idwqI geI. hr vfrI eyar kYnyzf vwloN koeI jvfb nhIN imilaf. iPr suprvfeIËr ny pfielt df iDafn iKwcx leI jhfË vwloN rYWz lfeIt df ieÈfrf kIqf. ieh jhfË dy amly nUM hyTfˆ nf Auqrn dyx leI cOks krn dI iewk hor koiÈÈ sI. sQfnk smyˆ anusfr jhfË 9:26 AuWqy lYˆz kIqf. pfielt ny dwisaf ik AunHfˆ dy ryzIE nfl koeI idwkq sI. ies AuWqy sYn PrYˆissko ieMtrnYÈnl eyarport dy kMtrolr ny dwisaf ik Ëfihrf qOr AuWqy ieho gwl sI. iqMn mhIinafˆ ivwc ieh dUjf aijhf mfmlf hY jdoN iesy eyarport AuWqy glq ZMg nfl lYˆz krn leI eyar kYnyzf surKIafˆ ivwc afeI hY. eyarbws ey 320 dy mfmly ivwc kimAUinkyÈn ivwc gMBIr koqfhI kfrn kYnyzIan qy amrIkI eyvIeyÈn aiDkfrIafˆ vwloN mfmly dI jfˆc kIqI jf rhI hY.
eyar trYiPk kMtrol quhfnUM afKdf hY ik Qwly nf Auqro qy cwkr lgfE qfˆ ieh inrdyÈ huMdy hn qy quhfnUM Auh hukm mMnxy huMdy hn. ies Gtnf qoN bfad mYkOnYWl df mMnxf hY ik iksy vwzy hfdsy qoN pihlfˆ kYnyzf nUM eyvIeyÈn ieMzstrI df afizt krvfAuxf cfhIdf hY. aYPeyey dy bulfry ieafn gRYgr ny afiKaf ik jdoN Auzfn eysI781 eyarport qoN 10 iklomItr dI dUrI AuWqy sI qfˆ Aus nUM lYˆz krn dI iejfËq dy idwqI geI sI qy amly ny ies nUM svIkfr vI kIqf sI. pr iPr vfrI vfrI hdfieq kIqy jfx dy bfvjUd jhfË lYˆz kr igaf ikAuNik pfielt qy amly nUM Cy vfrI mYsyj hI nhIN imilaf.
mYkOnYWl df kihxf hY ik ieh bVI hI ajIb gwl lwgdI hY ik rnvya AuWqy lYˆz krn leI ijs jhfË nUM hrI JMzI idwqI geI hovy Aus df aYnI jldI ryzIE PylIar ikvyˆ ho skdf hY. mYkOnYWl qy aYro kMslitMg aYksprts dy sIeIE rOs eymr ny dwisaf ik afDuink jhfËfˆ ivwc hmyÈfˆ do jfˆ iqMn ryzIE kMm krdy rihMdy hn-iewk pRfiemrI, sYkMzrI qy iewk bYk awp. eyar kYnyzf pfielts aYsoiseyÈn dy bulfry ikRs pRft ny afiKaf ik gVbVI ikwQy hoeI ies df pqf lfAux leI aYPeyey nfl rl ky jhfË df amlf kYnyzIan PYzrl pfielts aYsoiseyÈn dy kMm kr irhf hY. cyarmYn gRYWg mYkOnYWl ny afiKaf ik jdoN
ivwq mMqrI kYnyzf ibwl mOrinAU 2017-18 ivwc Gftf 19[9 iblIan zflr rihx dI sMBfvnf Etvf: ivwqI siQqI ivwc hoey suDfr mgroN PYzrl srkfr mwD vrg qy Gwt afmdn vfly kYnyzIanfˆ leI tYks mfpdMzfˆ ivwc vfDf kr rhI hY. pr srkfr vwloN arQcfry dy nON-br-nON hox qoN bfad PYzrl iqjorIafˆ ivwc afey vfDU pYsy nUM bhuqf nhIN Kricaf jf irhf. arQcfry ivwc hoey suDfr qoN Bfv ieh hY ik Etvf kYnyzf cfeIlz bYnyiPt qoN ielfvf hornfˆ PYzrl tYks bYnyiPwts ivwc vI vfDf krygf. ivwq mMqrI ibwl mOrinAU vwloN jfrI afriQk ibafn qoN ieh spÈt hoieaf hY ik 2017-18 ivwc PYzrl srkfr dy KËfny ivwc 8[9 iblIan zflr df hulfrf afieaf. nqIjy vjoN 2017 leI pihlfˆ 28[5 iblIan zflr dy Gfty dI kIqI geI pyÈIingoeI dI Qfˆ hux ieh Gftf Gwt ky 19[9 iblIan zflr AuWqy af igaf hY. 19[9 iblIan zflr dy aMkVy ivwc 1[5 iblIan irsk aYzjstmYˆt vI Èfml hY. kuwl imlf ky afriQk ibafn ivwc nvyˆ Krcy leI 14[9 iblIan zflr Èfml kIqy gey
hn. jo ik agly pMj sflfˆ vfsqy 2017 dy bjt ivwc drsfeI rkm nfloN iËafdf hn. ieh vI afiKaf jf irhf hY ik agly pMj sflfˆ ivwc Gfty ivwc iesy qrHfˆ igrfvt jfrI rhygI qy 2022-23 ivwc ies dy 12[5 iblIan zflr rih jfx dI AumId hY. pr ajy nyV BivwK ivwc ikqy vI bjt sMquilq huMdf nËr nhIN af irhf. 2015 dI PYzrl cox muihMm dOrfn pRDfn mMqrI jsitn trUzo ny 2019 qwk Gftf 10 iblIan zflr qwk ilafAux qy bjt nUM sMquilq krn df qhweIaf pRgtfieaf sI. iew k ieM t rivAU ivw c ivw q mM q rI ibw l mOrinAU ny bjt sMquilq krn dy tuwty vfady df pwK pUrn dI koiÈÈ kIqI. ieMj lwg irhf hY ik ies vfady nUM pUrf krn dI Qfˆ PYzrl ilbrl pUry Gfty nUM Kqm krn dI bjfey kuwl GrylU Auqpfd nfl juVy krËy nUM Kqm krn nUM qrjIh dy rhy hn. 2017 ivwc arQcfry ivwc 3[1 PIsdI vfDf hox dI sMBfvnf hY qy 2018 ivwc ieh Gwt ky 2[1 PIsdI rih jfvygf qy 2019 ivwc ies dy 1[6 PIsdI qwk awpVn dI guMjfieÈ hY.
kYnyzf pnfh lYx phuMcy lokfˆ nUM tYˆtfˆ dI Qfˆ jld trylr muhweIaf krvfey jfxgy
mfˆtrIal: ikAUibk amrIkI srhwd pfr krky pnfh lYx leI kYnyzf dfKl hoey ÈrnfrQIafˆ leI tYˆtfˆ dI Qfˆ hux jldI hI TMZ qoN bcx leI trylr muhweIaf krvfey jfxgy. iewQy ieh vI dwsxf bxdf hY ik ainXimq bfrzr krfisMg ivwc hux kfPI igrfvt afeI hY. pbilk syPtI mMqrI rflP guzyl df kihxf hY ik ies sbMD ivwc iewk pRfeIvyt kMpnI nUM kfˆtrYkt dy idwqf igaf hY. ieh kMpnI hux syˆt brnfrz zI lYkOl bfrzr styÈn nyVy 200 lokfˆ nUM hIt vflLI irhfieÈ muhweIaf krfvygI. skOt bfrzslya df kihxf hY ik awDy trylrfˆ nUM qfˆ nvMbr dy awD qoN hI kMm krnf sLurU kr dyxf cfhIdf hY jdik
bfkI trylr iewk mhIny dy bfad kMm krn lwgxgy. ieh trylr asQfeI qOr AuWqy Aus tYˆt kYˆp nUM bdl dyxgy ijhVf grmIafˆ ivwc afey ÈrnfrQIafˆ dy hVH nUM kfbU krn leI lfieaf igaf sI. PYzrl srkfr df kihxf hY ik ipCly hPiqafˆ ivwc lYkOl ivwc hoeIafˆ srhwdI byinXmIafˆ dOrfn ijwQy grmIafˆ ivwc 200 qoN 250 ivakqI srhwd pfr krky kYnyzf af irhf sI AuWQy hI hux bIqy idnfˆ ivwc ieh islislf Gt ky 50 ivakqI roËfnf rih igaf sI. nvyˆ trylrfˆ ivwc sOx, Kfxf bxfAux qy hor kMmfˆ kfrfˆ leI vwKrI Qfˆ hovygI.
amrIkf jfx vflLy XfqrIafˆ dI cMgI qrHfˆ hoieaf krygI jfˆc: trfˆsport kYnyzf
amrIkf jfx vflLy kYnyzIanfˆ qoN hux hor qPsIl nflL puwC igwC hoieaf krygI qy AunHfˆ dI jfˆc vI hor cMgI qrHfˆ kIqI jfieaf krygI. aijhf ies leI hovygf ikAuNik vIrvfr qo N amrIkf jfx vflL y jhfËfˆ ivwc svfr XfqrIafˆ leI nvIN sikAuirtI skrIinMg sLurU kIqI geI hY. ieh jfxkfrI trfˆsport kYnyzf vwloN idwqI geI. trfˆsport kYnyzf ny iewk ibafn jfrI krky afiKaf ik amrIkf jfx vflLy XfqrIafˆ dIafˆ ielYktROink izvfeIisË afid nUM hor jfˆc df sfhmxf krnf hovygf qy eyarlfeIn dy krmcfrIafˆ vwloN AunHfˆ qoN hor puwC igwC vI ho skdI hY. iewk jfxkfr sUqr ny
dwisaf ik vfDU skrIinMg mfpdMz kYnyzf dy vwzy eyarports AuWqy amrIkf dy bfrzr gfrzs vwloN apxfey jfxgy. amrIkI aiDkfrIafˆ ny dwisaf ik nvyˆ inXmfˆ qihq dunIafˆ dy iksy vI kony qoN amrIkf dfKl hox vflLIafˆ 2100 Auzfnfˆ dI vI roËfnf jfˆc hovygI. ies jfˆc qihq XfqrIafˆ qoN kuwJ svfl puwCy jfieaf krngy, AunHfˆ dIafˆ ielYktROinks izvfiesË jfˆcIafˆ jfxgIafˆ qy eyarports AuWqy sKq sikAUirtI mfpdMz apxfey jfxgy. ajy qwk ieh spÈt nhIN ho sikaf hY ik amrIkI aiDkfrI nvyˆ skrIinMg inXmfˆ nUM iks qrHfˆ ilafAuxgy qy lfgU krngy? PAGE 25
The Patrika
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
B.C. appoints three provincial court judges The Government of British Columbia has appointed three new provincial court judges to fill vacancies created by two judicial transfers to other jurisdictions within the province and one retirement.
and special prosecutor, as well as for the Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner. He has been an adjunct professor of advocacy law at UBC since 2013. Jetté is active in minor and amateur sports associations in Port The new appointments and effective Moody and Coquitlam. He will be assigned to the Fraser Region. dates are: Ormiston was called to the bar in Dawn Boblin – Nov. 6, 2017 Ontario and British Columbia after Mark Jetté – Nov. 10, 2017 earning a law degree from the University of Ottawa in 2001. She served as Andrea Ormiston – Nov. 6, 2017 Crown counsel both in Ontario and, Boblin received a bachelor of laws since 2005, in B.C. with a focus on degree from the University of Brit- criminal law. Between September 2003 ish Columbia (UBC) in 1992 and has and March 2004, Ormiston interned at served as Crown counsel for the Prov- the Canadian Department of Foreign ince of B.C. from 1994 to 2002 and Affairs, Native Law Centre of Canada again from 2009 to the present, with and the University of Vienna, where a focus on serious crime files. During she concentrated on the international 2002 to 2009, she was with the City of rights of Indigenous peoples. She Vancouver, where she provided legal volunteers with the Chilliwack Public and operational advice to members Safety Committee. Ormiston will be of the Vancouver Police Department. assigned to the Fraser Region. Boblin has been both a volunteer and director with the PuSh International Government and the public rely on Performing Arts Festival Society. She judges for their integrity and imparwill be assigned to the Fraser Region. tiality and trust they will deliver fair, learned decisions. These qualities are Jetté graduated from the University of essential for maintaining the public’s Victoria with a bachelor of laws degree confidence in the courts and are a vital in 1990. With an interest in criminal component of any democratic justice law and litigation, he worked in pri- system. vate practice and was most recently a partner with Sutherland Jetté Bar- British Columbia’s judicial system is risters, where his practice consisted of recognized as one of the best in the criminal defence and extradition. Jetté world because of the diversity, experihas worked as an ad-hoc prosecutor ence and knowledge of its judges.
Saving a school lunch favourite with science
(NC) Bananas are a school lunch and snack favourite for many families, and are widely considered part of a healthy diet. Approximately a third of the world's bananas are grown in Africa, and bananas are one of the main staple foods for more than 100 million people in countries like Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi and Rwanda. But the crop is now at risk for a disease called Banana Xanthomonas Wilt, which is threatening to wipe out banana production in East Africa. There are no treatments or cures, and once an area is infected, bananas can no longer be grown there.
The key to saving the crop could lie with sweet pepper and a scientist named Leena Tripathi. She's leading cutting-edge research at the East Africa hub of the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture that could put a stop to banana crop production losses of more than half a billion dollars annually. Using genetic engineering techniques, scientists have transferred sweet pepper genes to bananas, making them 100 per cent resistant to the bacterial wilt disease. Fortunately, these new and improved bananas aren't going to taste like sweet peppers — their flavour remains unchanged.
The Patrika
Making housing more affordable for renters
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By B.C. Premier John Horgan Housing is the foundation of family stability. Our homes are where we make family meals and family memories.
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After 16 years of inaction under the B.C. Liberals, housing is too expensive and too hard to find for many families. And because of loopholes the previous government left in the law, monthly rents are skyrocketing and the housing many families find isn’t secure.
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One of the big problems the B.C. Liberals failed to fix is the abuse of fixed-term leases. Fixed term tenancies are supposed to provide certainty for landlords and tenants when both are only looking to rent for a short time.
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
mediate action to make housing more secure and affordable for everyone.
Unfortunately, too many landlords We increased funding for the resihave been using a legal loophole to by- dential tenancy branch, so that when pass annual rent controls, to raise rents landlords and renters have conflict it gets solved faster, in a way that is fair for everyone.
asIN aOrqF aqy mrdF dI hyar kwt krdy hF. vflF nMU rMg afeIbrfE QrYizMg vYkisMg hyar stfeIl aqy jUVy vI bnfAuxy hF hor jfxkfrI leI izMpl nMU Pon kro.
For more information or to make an appointment please call 604.850.8916 or text @ 604.217.6680 or 604.621.4572 #2 - 2664 Gladys Ave. Abbotsford, BC.
Our government is also working hard to increase the supply of housing. We understand that the number one barrier to housing affordability is limited supply. That is why our September budget update included funding to build more than 1,700 units of affordable housing for families. We are working with local governments throughout B.C. to create 2,000 new units of modular housing to help people get on tenants at the end of a fixed-term off the street. lease. These increases are much higher than what is otherwise allowed under Working with municipalities, cothe law, hurting families and making operatives and the private sector, our life even less affordable for people. government will increase the supply of rental, social, co-op and ownerWith record low vacancy rates, families purchase homes. And we are studying often have no choice but to accept these options to curb speculation in B.C.’s unfair rent increases because they’re housing market. afraid they won’t be able to find another place to live. Every family deserves to have the safety, security and peace of mind Our government is taking action to that comes with having a place to call fix the problem. This week, we put home. We are closing the fixed-term forward legislation to close this major lease loophole, so that renters can stay loophole to protect renters from unfair in their homes without the threat of rent increases. skyrocketing rents. And we will make Ending the abuse of fixed-term leases housing more affordable for families is just one of the ways we’re taking im- throughout B.C.
The Patrika
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
aMimEN rs
ig: kyvl isMG inrdosL ndir qyrI ivc siqgur nfnk, myhr kIqI myry siqgur nfnk, aMimEN rs hY Jrdf.
myhrF dy Gr af ky.
qn mn inrml ho jfey Aus df,
mYN bwuZf jI iqMn BwiBaF nUM,
ijs Aupr ieh vrHdf.
Buwlky nhIN Bulfieaf.
qYNzy crnF nUM jo Coh igaf,
Blf, Buwlf qy qIjf Bfxf,
pwQr vq idl tuwkVf.
ihrdy sdf vsfieaf.
rfh nykI dy cwl ho igaf,
ivsry dfqf mYN mr jfvF,
koihnUr ijhf muwKVf.
cyqy kr kr jIvF.
nflL myhr dy BrIaF njLrF,
hr iswK df hy siqgur rwKIN,
ijs jn Aupr peIaF.
mwq AuWcI mn nIvF.
Au s bM d y dIaF jnm jnm dIaF,
isMbl AuWcf Puwl PlL iPwky,
sB BuwKF imwt geIaF. ijs ny qyry nUrI mwuK df, qwikaf iek Jlkfrf. aYsI cVH geI nfm KumfrI, Buwilaf aflm sfrf. igafn df somf bfxI qyrI, irsLmF peI ibKyry. ihrdf Br jfey nflL nUr dy,
pwqy nf kMm afAuNdy. nIivaF ruwKF dy PlL imwTy, jo sBnF nUM BfAuNdy. bfhroN Aujly aMdroN kflLy, jo swjx aKvFdy. Drm dy nF qy mfrn TwgIaF, aMq smyN pCqFdy. mfx huMdy jo jwg dy aMdr,
hovx dUr hnHyry.
bx ky rihx inmfxy,
ndir qyrI pfqr bx sI,
afKr iek idn puwj jFdy ny,
jd lihxf ndrfieaf.
ay iensfn qUM blvfn, qyry `c Cuipaf hY Bgvfn mulK rfj bjfj hY akfl purK suafmI, qUM sMsfr df gyV clfieaf imwtI, hvf, awg qy pfxI nflL, jIvn rfh idKfieaf psLU, pMCI, Cwz jIv jMqU, qUM mnuwK nUM idwqf mfx ay iensfn qUM blvfn, qyry `c Cuipaf hY Bgvfn lwKF sfl pihlF kihMdy, mnuwK DrqI `qy afieaf Gfh PUs sI KFdf iPrdf, jfnvr Bys bxfieaf jfnvr nfloN vwKrf rUp, akl idwqI Bgvfn ay iensfn qUM blvfn, qyry `c Cuipaf hY Bgvfn pMj qwq df puqlf, ieh BolLf nhIN sYLqfn sfrI dunIaF `c PYl igaf, keI jLfqF, bolI qy jLubfn moh, mfieaf, hMkfr `c Ps, Buwl igaf Bgvfn ay iensfn qUM blvfn, qyry `c Cuipaf hY Bgvfn siqjug qRyqf, duafpr lMGy, kljug bx avqfr sI afieaf Bgq pRihlfd, rfm cMdr, ikRsLn, gurU nfnk, avqfr dy rUp `c pfieaf axigxq, pfpI, DrmI, rfjy Bgq sUrmy afey ivc jhfn ay iensfn qUM blvfn, qyry `c Cuipaf hY Bgvfn iek hjLfr sfl `c abfdI, dunIaF pMJI kroV sI kihMdy do hjLfr ds `c abfdI, AuWpr Cy arb qoN kihMdy eydF pRdUsLx qy abfdI vDdI geI, aOKf hovygf iensfn ay iensfn qUM blvfn, qyry `c Cuipaf hY Bgvfn ‘pRymI’ cMgy krm krky mnuwK, ies jfmy ivc afieaf sfjx, pflx, iljfx vflLf, iqnHf KyHl rcfieaf mnuwKI jfmf sB qoN AuWqm, pr kuJ icr df mihmfn ay iensfn qUM blvfn, qyry `c Cuipaf hY Bgvfnf
hfs ivaMg: mYN vI ienfm pfvF igafn isMG kotlI
idl ahuldf hY eydF, kuJ nfm mYN kmfvF. sMgqF dy syvkF ivc, mYN vI sQfn pfvfN. iek sMsQf bxf ky, vDIaf sulyK vflLI, prDfn jF skwqr, mYN Es df khfvF. myrf vI nfm boly, hr QF smfgmF `c, bih ky styj Auqy, kuJ tOhr mYN idKfvF. BfvyN ieh jsLn hovy, jF sog df smfgm, hr QF qy muskrf ky, Poto vI mYN iKHcfvF. myry vI Bfg jfgx, ikDry styj Auqy, Cotf jF koeI vwzf, mYN vI ienfm pfvF. afvy jF koeI lIzr, mYN nflL nflL ivcrF, icMbV ky nflL Ausdy, Poto vI mYN iKHcfvf. hovy ikqy musLfierf, mylf jlUs jlsf, Jwbdy pDfr EQy, mYN hfjLrI luafvF. kuJ qoV PoV krky, jF bfq koeI GV ky, mYN vI qy mfl apxf, aKbfr `c CpfvF. bx ky smfj syvk, syvf df puMj khfvF, nyqf dy vFg ivcrF, hwsF qy muskrfvF. pfvx dy leI tRfPI, qgmf jF mfx-pwqr, CwzF mYN qIr quwkf, cwkr jF koeI clfvF.
bfby nfnk nUM hkUmq isMG inwJr siqgur nfnk afjf, af ky vyK lukfeI nUM. ikvyN luwtI hY jFdf, awj BfeI BfeI nUM. siqgur nfnk afjf, af ky vyK lukfeI nUM.
lwKF tn Kf XUrIaf, koeI hoieaf motfey
afpxy asl itkfxy.
awj dy swjx Twg vI, bfbf bVy isafxy ny
kPn vyc jvfnF dy, mMqrI duwDIN Doqf ey
rom rom JrnftF iCVIaF,
ndir svwlI ijs dy Aupr,
kOzy rfKsL nUM nf pYNdy, hux qyl qpfxy ny
kOx khy Zk awgf, jY BfeI mfeI nUM
Byd agMmI pfieaf.
gurU nfnk jI krdy.
inwq dfj dI blLI cVHfAuNdy, iksy aMmf jfeI nUM
siqgur nfnk afjf, af ky vyK lukfeI nUM.
siqgur nfnk afjf, af ky vyK lukfeI nUM.
hirmMdr qy sfzy lIzrF, awj tYNk cVHfey ny
iek idn bfby buwZy puwiCaf,
swcf ismrn df Dn dy ky,
awj kwlH dy mhMq nrYxy, iPrdy Bys vtfeI ny
nfdr sLfh qoN vwDky, iehnF jLulm kmfey ny
gurU aMgd dy qfeIN.
JolLI Aus dI Brdy.
bfxf pf ky qyry isMGF df, krdy KUb kmfeI ny
golLIaF dy nfl BuMinaF, eyQy sB mfeI BfeI nUM
mYnUM dwso nflL pRym dy,
swcy idl nflL ies dr AuWqy,
koeI nhIN hY puwCdf, awj vI lflo BfeI nUM
siqgur nfnk afjf, af ky vyK lukfeI nUM.
ikvyN rIJfieaf sFeIN?
jo vI afey svflI.
siqgur nfnk afjf, af ky vyK lukfeI nUM.
ikMJ jrIey dws bfbf, eyho jyhy Bfxy nUM
bfbr nfloN vwDky bfbf, awj dy rfjy jfbr ny
jLKm Bry nhIN hfly, Cwz pMjy nnkfxy nUM
nflL pRym dy gurU aMgd jI,
gey nf Auh inrdosL inrfsLy,
hjLm krI ieh jFdy, Kf ky srIey gfzr ny
‘inwJr’ ivc gmF dy zuwibaf, BflLy rusLnfeI nUM
kihMdy ieAuN suxfky.
afieaF dI lwj pflI.
psLUaF df cfrf nyqf, vrqy cqurfeI nUM
siqgur nfnk afjf, af ky vyK lukfeI nUM.
The Patrika
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
bgfvq pfl iZwloN koJI soc qy Bwdy iKaflF nflL bgfvq kr idE ijnHF df imldf nhIN koeI jvfb AunHF svflF nflL bgfvq kr idE rsmI irvfjL qy rsmI irsLqy iBRsLtfcfrI lok jo rwKdy jMgflI soc JUT, corI, vYr, nPLrq ieh by-ielfj kohV dI isLkfieq kr idE kwTy ho ky awj bgfvq kr idE. ikhVy ny sfD ikhVy ny cor ijhnF ny kIqf ieh smfj kmjLor slIbF `qy tMgx nUM corfhy `c sfVn nUM iehnF dy dosL sfbq kr idE afAu bgfvq kr idE. jo sfzI rosLnI lY gey jo sfnUM dy gey hnHyry asIN vfrs sI sUrj dy qy sfQoN Koh ley svyry ikvyN awj qfr qfr hF by-vws, lfcfr hF smyN df kql hoieaf hY kfql Prfr ny ijnHF dyKy ny kfql Auh gvfhI Br idE afE iekwTy ho ky bgfvq kr idE. mYN suixafN hY ik asIN afjLfd hF cuPyry dyiKaf qF socdfN ik brbfd hF hvf, pfxI, scfeI qy iemfndfrI `c imlfvt hI imlfvt hY qrwkI dy jLmfny ivc igrfvt hI igrfvt hY kro kuJ hONslf hlfqF qoN zridE koJI soc qy Bwdy iKaflF nflL bgfvq kr idE
kYsI mfVI hflq ho geI, dfqf ies sMsfr dI pvn igwlF vflf ieh ijLMdgI dy rMzI roxyN,
pMjfb dI axK-mhfrfxI ijMdF hrcMd isMG bfgVI
jdoN ivDfqf ilKy qYN hoxy. zfZf Auh pRysLfn hI hoxf, pr Auh awj hYrfn hI hoxf.
rfxI ijMdF ny bFdI nfl gwl kIqI,
‘bUhf KolHo’ df hukm suxFvdI ey..
mYnUM cfhIdI qyrI mdd BYxy.
pihrydfr ny puwiCaf kOx ey qUM,
mYN iklHy cunfr `coN nwsxf ey,
jLrf ichry qoN vfl htf mfeI.
awj kwlH eyQy iensfnF df.
pUrI krdy myrI murfd BYxy.
awDI rfq nUM ikwQy hYN qUM cwlI,
nf sLrDf nf BgqI ikwDry,
byVf grky ies aMgryjL vflf,
ikvyN iklHy ivc geI eyN af mfeI.
muwl vwtx BgvfnF df.
sfzf kIqf eI dysL brbfd BYxy.
jLrf dIvy dy hor njLdIk af ky,
koeI roNdf iPry pYsy nUM,
hrcMd isMGf sjLf peI kwtxI aF,
ichrf afpxf mYnUM ivKf mfeI.
qy koeI rovy eyQy Dyly nUM.
mYN kIqf nf koeI aprfD BYxy..
hrcMd isMGf kdy nf qUM izwTI,
koeI roNdf ieklfpy nUM,
golI, afKdI qyrf mYN lUx KfDf,
dws mYnUM qUM kI eyN blf mfeI..
qy koeI roNdf bih myly nUM.
krUM eys nUM mYN hlfl rfxI.
iksy df puwqr nf hoieaF ijhf,
ijMdF afKdI mYN qy sMqnI hF,
jo khyNgI AuNJ hI krUMgI mYN,
bwcf ikAuN qUM rOlf pfieaf eI.
bol afpxy dyxy ny pfl rfxI.
afeI iklHy `c QoVHI dyr pihlF,
qsIhy dyxgy lhuxgy Kwl myrI,
mYnUM afp ny huxy lMGfieaf eI.
pr JwlUM mYN ijgry nfl rfxI.
afxI-jfxI iklHy dy ivc myrI,
hrcMd isMGf iPkr nf kr myrf,
qUM qy lwgdYN nvf hI afieaf eI.
koeI jnfnI nflL pRymI,
hwl afpxy kr svfl rfxI..
hrcMd isMGf CyqI qor sfnUM,
Cwz pqI nUM Bwj geI ey.
sLfhI vsqr bFdI dy pf idwqy,
sfzy ismrn df smF KuMJfieaf eI..
koeI rotI ibn BuwKy iZwz hI,
afp bFdI dy ley ny pf ijMdF.
pihrydfr df rih igaf mUMh awzf,
sON gey ny awj sVk dy AuWqy.
gihxy afpxy rfxI ny lfh sfry,
sux Aus nUM hONkxI cVH geI.
keI lwKF imwtI ivwc imlfvx,
idwqy bFdI dy qn sjf ijMdF.
afpxI JUTI mVHk dy AuWqy.
ieh sfDxI kdoN qy ikvyN afeI,
kflK dIvy dI lfh ky kMD AuqoN,
ivc iklHy dy afx ky vV geI.
leI ichry Auqy sI lf ijMdF.
agr sfhb nUM ho mflUm igaf,
hrcMd isMGf KolH ky kys afpxy,
iksmq myrI qy smJo sV geI.
rUp sMqnI df ilaf bxf ijMdF..
hrcMd isMGf mOq df dUq bx ky, i
pUrf bFdI df hfr-isLMgfr krky,
sr-sVI af isr qy KVH geI..
kfhdIaF pRym-pRIqF ny?
afpxy ibsqry Auqy pFvdI ey.
Aus soicaf dPLf kr ies nUM,
DoKy-bfjLI, dgf-PrybI,
peI rhIN mMjy qy dyr qfeIN,
afpF afpxI jfn bcfeIey jI.
kyhIaF jwg dIaF rIqF ny?
Aus nUM sfrI gwl smJFvdI ey.
awDI rfq qy suwqy hYn sfry,
afpo-DfpI peI hY sB nUM,
awDI rfq nUM gurF df nfm lY ky,
bfhr qfkI qoN ienUM lMGfeIey jI.
jo hwQ afieaf lwutdy ny.
ijMdF iklHy dy bUhy vwl jFvdI ey.
AuhIE kfiql ny hwQ ‘pvny’
ieh qy hoieaf awj gunfh vwzf,
hrcMd isMGf pihrydfr qfeIN,
mry swp nUM gloN lfhIey jI.
vyK ky eyhy dunIaF-dfrI, ivwkdI jo hY sry-bjLfrI. kOzI mwul vI hYnI ikwDry,
mF-ipE nUM GroN kwZdf ey. koeI Brf iewQy mqlb dy leI, Brf df glLf ipaf vwZdf ey. iksy dI DI qF AuDl ky awj, lfh bfp dI pwg geI ey.
pwqJV luwtIaF msq bhfrF, gwl rhI nf ipafr dI. kYsI mfVI hflq ho geI, dfqf ies sMsfr dI. mqlb dy ny irsLqy-nfqy,
jo duaf leI AuTdy ny.
The Patrika
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
5 facts every parent needs to know ahead of marijuana legalization
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(NC) With the federal government intending to legalize cannabis in Canada soon, many parents are wondering what this means for kids, especially for their teens. If you’re worried about the coming changes or simply want to start a conversation with your child about marijuana, here are five facts to know and share.
4. Pot and alcohol don’t mix. Combin1. Legal weed is only for adults. Access will be restricted to anyone under the ing drugs, such as cannabis, with alcoage of 18. This means no one can sell hol doesn’t work to “balance out” the effects — it only worsens driving peror provide cannabis to youth. formance. Many car crashes involving 2. Marijuana slows you down. This is teenagers are caused by inexperience crucial for young drivers to understand. and poor judgment. When these factors When you drive a vehicle, your brain are combined with alcohol, cannabis or needs to be alert and focused. Even other drugs, the results can be tragic. small amounts of marijuana can affect your attention, judgment, motor 5. Kids shouldn’t accept rides from skills, reaction time, decision-making, friends who are high. According to balance and coordination. Marijuana the most recent Canadian Student is second only to alcohol as the most Tobacco, Alcohol and Drugs Survey, commonly detected substance among 15 percent of students in grades seven drivers who die in traffic crashes in to 12 reported being a passenger in a Canada. motor vehicle driven by someone who 3. Drug impaired driving is illegal. had used cannabis in the previous two Driving under the influence of any hours.
INSURANCE SERVICES quhfzIaF ieMsLorYNs (bImy) dIaF syvfvF leI hfjr hF. “supr vIjLf” leI hr svfl leI sMprk kro.
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sfzy kol kuJ nvIaF skImF afeIaF hn|
afp jI dI jfxkfrI pUrI qrHF nfl surwiKaq aqy gupq rwKI jfvygI.
sfzf kMm gRMtI hY, shI slfh, ZukvIN skIm aqy qswlI bKsL! Come visit us for all your insurance needs! ijvyN lfeIPL ieMsLorYNs, mOrgyjL ieMsLorYNs, kMm krn dy Xog nF hovy, iksy iksm df aYksIzYNt, ikqy sPLr qy jf rhy ho, rwb nF kry iksy nf murfd ibmfrI df isLkfr ho jfvoN qF, bwicaF dI agFh pVHfeI leI skIm, buZfpy vyly pYsf ikvyN kMm afvy, jF supr vIjLf afid. hmysLF iewko nfm Xfd rwKxf! We guarantee that you will not be disappointed by our expertise insurance services!
Karamjit Rajwan: 604-897-9646 asIN afp jI dI pUrI jfxkfrI lYky afp nMU shI slfh ZukvIN skIm aqy ieMsLorYNs (bImf) lYky dyvFgy.
drug, including marijuana, is illegal and dangerous. But a whopping 24 per cent of young adults believe it’s safe to drive a vehicle only a couple of hours or less after using marijuana. This isn’t true, and neither is the myth that driving after using cannabis is safer than drunk driving.
The Patrika
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
Health system to improve radiology services
arlier this year, following concerns about the quality of work performed by a radiologist who worked in several communities throughout the province, the Ministry of Health and health authorities undertook reviews of radiology in British Columbia. The Ministry of Health review, conducted by Dr. Martin Wale of the BC Medical Quality Initiative, is complete. The review, commissioned in June 2017, examined the factors that led to this incident as well as progress made on the recommendations from the 2011 Cochrane review.
Vancouver Coastal Health reviewed more than 13,000 images for clinical discrepancies once the concern was identified. These images included MRIs, CTs, ultrasounds, mammograms
and X-rays from 9,757 patients. All affected patients and their physicians have been contacted.
Interior Health reviewed 2,190 medical images and found a 6% discrepancy The review found that this incident was rate. Seven patients needed followup different than those that triggered the care. 2011 review. It also notes that work has been done to improve and standardize Island Health reviewed 2,375 CT licensing, credentialing and privileg- scans from 2,066 patients and found ing of radiologists – all focuses of the a discrepancy rate of 15%. Of those, Cochrane review. Of the Cochrane 25 patients required followup care. recommendations, 22 of the 35 are Island Health is expanding its review complete or mostly complete, eight are to include re-reading all 383 mammography exams and a sampling of underway, and five are not done. ultrasounds and X-rays as a precaution. Dr. Wale provided 20 recommenda- These images are not as complex as tions, which range from strengthening CT scans and regularly have a lower the reference-check process for locums discrepancy rate. This work is expected to standardizing additional training to be completed in the coming weeks. required of physicians as a condition of receiving privileges. In addition, he Northern Health reviewed approxirecommended the Radiology Quality mately 8,400 medical images and Improvement System – intended to be found a 10% discrepancy rate. In a key response to the Cochrane recom- instances where a discrepancy was mendations – be fully implemented and noted, patients and their physicians leveraged across the health system to were contacted. support individuals in their practice and Vancouver Coastal Health reviewed overall quality improvement. 861 medical images from 626 patients. All recommendations are widely sup- No clinical discrepancies were found ported by British Columbia’s medical in these scans. leadership. The ministry is developing an action plan in response to the report that will address both the Wale recommendations and bring to completion the Cochrane recommendations. The impacted health authorities also undertook reviews of scans performed by the radiologist. Interior Health, Island Health, Northern Health and
It is important to note that a clinical discrepancy does not necessarily mean treatment for patients would have been altered or that adverse health impacts may have occurred. All clinical discrepancies were referred back to the ordering practitioner, who determined if there was any clinical impact on the patient.
The Patrika
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
The Patrika
bI sI dI grIbI GtfAux dI nIqI bfry AuqsLfh dI bulfrI mnorQ pwqr ivc ieh vcnbwDqf pRgtfeI geI sI ik asIN bI sI ivc grIbI GtfAux ihq kdm puwtFgy| asIN 2018 ivc 27 slfhkfrF dI shieqf nfl iqafr kIqI geI grIbI GtfAux dI jugqI/nIqI nsLr krFgy| ies dI mMg Kfs qOr ‘qy First Call ,B.C Child & Youth Coalition vwloN kIqI geI sI| “ ies nIqI nfl bI sI dy 700,000 grIb lokF dI shfieqf kIqI jfvygI| ieMnHF ivc 120,000 bwcy sLfml hn | Auprokq sMsQf dI bulfrI aYzrIN mgntfnI df kihxf hY ik Auh afsvMd hn ik srkfr nvIN nIqI aDIn grIbI M GtfAux leI loVINdy kdm cuwkygI|
imAuinspl pwDr ‘qy vI vwzy isafsI dfn dy mnfhI hovygI hux
bI sI srkfr vwloN XUnIanF aqy isafsIpfrtIaF nUM dfn nf dyx df kfnUMn bxfieaf sI| hux imAuinspl mfmilaF dI mMqrI sYlInf rfibnsn ny aYlfn kIqf hY ik srkfr aijhf kfnUMn bxf rhI ijs dy qihq imAuinspl coxF ivc vI myar, kfAuNslr, skUl borz dy mYNbr bxn vfilaF nUM coxF ivc vwzf dfn dyx dI mnfhI hovygI| aijhy dfn dI hwd $1200 pRqI sfl hovygI | ieh kfnUMn 31, akqUbr,2017 qoN lfgU smiJaf jfvygf| ies imqI qoN pihlF idwqy dfn dI rfsLI 2018 dIaF imAuinspl coxF ivc vrqI jfs kygI| vxnxXog hY ik bI sI XUnIan aOP imAuinspltIjL ny 2015 ivc ilbrl aYbtsPorz ivKy 9 GMitaF aMdr EvrzojL srkfr nUM aijhfkfnUM bxfAux dI bynqI kIqI sI pr ilbrl srkfr ny ieAuN nf kIqf| ies XUnIan dI pRDfn vYnzI bUQ df kihxf hY ik ies qbdIlI nfl imAuinspl cox lV nfl hoeIaF 5 mOqF rhy AumIdvfrF leI cox mYdfn pWDrf aqy iewko ijhf ho jfvygf| pYsy dI aXog vrqoN nUM aYbtsPorz puils dy lok sMprk aPsr iean mYkzfnlz df kihxf ik 27 akqUbr nUM TwlH pvygI| AuMnHF ikhf ik aijhf kfnUM bhuq icr pihlF bxnf cfhIdf sI| sfP suQrIaF svyr dy 10:15 vjy qoN lY ky 7:20 dupihr bfad ivckfr pMj ivakqIaF dI EvrzojL coxF dy sB cfhvfnF vwloN ies qbdIlI df suafgq kIqf jf irhf hY| nfl mOq ho geI|jo bhuq duKdfiek Gtnf hY | ieMnHF ivc iqMn mrdaqy do aOrqF sn| mOq smyN Auh iekwly sn| ieMnHF dI Aumr 40-67 sI | AuMnHF ikhf ik aijhy lok EvrzojL Gwto-Gwt qnKfh $15 pRqI GMtf krn ihq Fair Wage aqy nisLaF dy Kqrnfk nqIijaF bfry bfr bfr idwqI jf rhI icqfvnI dyx dI pRvfh Commission lokF qoN suJfAu lvygf nhIN krdy| ieh lok glIaF ivc nsLy vycx vfilaFdy Xfhy cVH jFdy hn aqy jfn qoNhwQ Do bYTdy hn| aijhIaF mOqF ieMnHF dy sky sMbMDIaF leI ikMnIaF duKdfiek ho inwbVdIaF bI sI df Pyar vyj kimsLn lokF qoN slfh lvygf ik bI sI dy vwK vwK vrgdy kfimaF hn| ies smMD ivc bI sI kfronr df kihxf hY ik bI sI ivc cflU sfl dy ies smyN dI qnKfh/mjLdUrI $15 ikvyN kIqI jfvy| ies mMqv leI 7 dsMbr, 2017 qwk hyT qwk 1013 mOqF EvrzojL nfl ho cuwkIaF hn jdoN ik 2016 dOrfn kul 922 mOqF hoeIaF ilKy sLihrF ivc jf ky vpfrk afdiraF, vwK vwK sMgTnF aqy afriQk mfhrF qoN sn| ies sbMD ivc pRImIar jOn hOrgn ny mMinaf ik EvrzojLKF nfl hox vflIaF mOqF slfh lvygf| hyT ilKy anusfr lokF qoN suJfAu ley jfxgy: nvMbr 16 –aYbtsPorz; 17 nvMbr nnYmo,21 nvMbr kYlonf; 23 nvMbr vYnkUvr; 28 nvMbr -ipRMs jOrj; 29 nUM GtfAux ivc loVINdI sPlqf pRfpq nhIN hoeI| nvMbr-ivktorIaf; 30 nvMbr- swrHI aqy 7 dsMbr nUM kRYnbRuwk ivKy kimsLn pDfrygf| tol tYks htfAux nfl mflIaf Gitaf tRYiPk viDaf ieh kimsLn akqUbr ivc hI bxfieaf igaf hY jo lokF nfl slfh krky srkfr nUM dwsygf ik $15 dI Gwto Gwt qnKfh ikvyN idwqI jf skygI | iehkimsLn srkfr nUM ieh XU bI sI dy skULl aOP afrkItYkcr aqy lYNzskyp afrkItYkcr dy pRoPYsr pYitRk vI dwsygf ik iehryt lfgU krn mgroN ies dI rYgUlr ingrfnI ikvyN kIqI jfvy| ies dy knzOn df kihxf hY ik kyvl aqy kyvl votF lYx leI htfey gey tOl tYksF htfAx nfl hI Gwto-Gwt qnKfh aqy ilivMg vyj dy Prk nfl ikvyN nijwiTaf jfvy| nfl srkfr dy KjLfny ivc afAux vflf mflIaf Kqmho igaf aqy tRYiPk bhuq vD igaf| portmfn ibRwj ‘qy ieh vfDf 25% ho igaf hY aqy golzn eIarjL ibRwj ‘qy vI aYbtsPorz dy do ivakqIaF ‘qy tRYiPk bhuq vD igafhY | AuMnHF df kihxf hY ik ieh tol tYks rfjnIqI dI ByNt cVH iek aOrq nUM kuwtx df dosL gey| pRoPYsrkMzondf ivcfr hY ik aYn zI pI pfrtI dy lIzr sLfied ies mflI nuksfn df aMdfjLf nf lgf sky | AuDr moibilitI pRfeIisMg ieMzIpYNzYNt kisLn df mwq hY ik kyvl 12 akqUbr nUM aYbtsPorz puils nUM glYzivn roz dy vYlI golP sYNtr ivc bulfieaf do ibRwjF ‘qytol tyKs lgfAuxf ieMnHFibRwjFdI vrqoN krn vfilaF nfl iensfP nhIN sI igaf ikAuNik AuwQy iek aOrq nUM kuiwtaf mfiraf jf iorhf sI| jdoN puils dy aiDkfrI | aijhy idRsLtIkox dy qihq 1963 ivc Lion Bridge qoN tOl tYks bMd kIqf igaf sI| AuwQy phuMcy qF AuMnHF iek 46 sflf aOrq nUM jokuwt mfr df isLkfr hoeI sI| pVqfl krn ies sMgTn dymuKI aYln sIkl df kihxf hY ik bdlvyN hwlF df jfiejLf ilaf jfirhf mgroN puils ny 26 sflf ivlIam aYNzrIAU aqy 22 sflf cYlsIaf rIhfn nUM igRPqfr hY ijMnHF ivc zrfeIvrF qoN plYt ryt ‘qy PIs lYxf vI sLfml hY | krky AuMnHF ‘qyiek aOrq nUM kuwt mfr krn aqy bMdI bnfAux dy dosL afropy gey hn| puils df mMnxf hY ik buvflzf nfm dy afdmI ny puils nUM ies vfrdfq bfry 911 kIqf iptmYzo dy kfAuNslr nUM kfmuk jbr dI sjLf imlx ‘qy sI ikAuN Aus ny aqy Aus dy sfQI ivMs ny AuMnHF nUM kuwt mfr kridaf vyiKaf sI|
asqIPf dyxf ipaf
ipCly hPqy iek adflqI PYsly ivc iptmYzo dy kfAuNslr zyivz mwry nUM kfmuk hmlf krn df dosLI krfr idwqf igaf | ies PYsly mgroN lokF vwloN Aus Aupr dbfa pfieaf jf irhf sI ik Auh afpxy pd qoN asqIPf dyvy| myar ny vI hflfq nUM muK rKidaF Aus qoN iehI mMg kIqI sI| afKr zyivz mwry nUM asqIPf dyxf hI ipaf| vrxnXog hY ik ies dosL dI sjLf jnvrI 2018 ivc suxfeI jfvygI | kfmuk hmly dI Gtnf 25 sfl pihlF vfprI sI|
hYlovIn smyN afqsL bfjLI ‘qy pfbMdI lfAux dI mMg 1000 lokF ny iek ptIsLn ‘qy hsqfKr krky vYnkUvr imAunspYiltI qoN mMg kIqI hY ik hYlovIn vflI rfq nUM afqsL bfjLI ‘qy pfbMdI lgfeI jfvy| ies ptIsLn dy mohrI ikRs bysly AuMj vYnkUvr df kihxf hY ik hr sfl afqsLbfjLI dI pRQf vD rhI hY | lok dyr rfq qwk afqsLbfjLI krdy rihMdy hn aqy lokF dI nINd Krfb krdy hn| iewQy hI bws nhIN agjnI dI sMBfvnf vI bxI rihMdI hY| AuNj vYnkUvr ivKy 2008 ivc primt isstm lfgU kIqf igaf sI ijs anusfr kyvl Aus primt nfl hI afqsKbfjLI df sfmfn KRIidaf jf skdf hY| AulMGxf krn vfly nUM $500 jurmfnf Brnf pY jFdf hY| PAGE 33
The Patrika
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
Federal Government Delivers Growing Economy and More Support for Families Sukh Dhaliwal, Member of Parliament for Surrey-Newton, said this update “shows that the government’s plan is working, because parents have more Surrey, BC - The 2017 Fall Economic families to invest in their growing kids, Statement shows Canada has the fast- and entrepreneurs are investing in their est growing economy in the G-7, and growing businesses.” has created over 450,000 jobs since People and businesses in Surrey will October 2015. With this record growth, benefit from new measures announced the federal government is returning the in the Fall Economic Statement includbenefits of this success to middle class ing: families by strengthening the Canada Strengthening the Canada Child Benefit, enhancing the Working • Income Tax Benefit, and cutting the Child Benefit (CCB) by making annual small business tax rate. cost of living increases starting in July
2018—two years ahead of schedule. For a single parent of two children making $35,000, a strengthened CCB will contribute $560 more in the 2019–20 benefit year towards the cost of raising his or her children.
Local election reforms take big money out of politics
Helping small businesses • invest, grow and create jobs by lowering the small business tax rate to 10 per cent, effective January 1, 2018, and to 9 per cent, effective January 1, 2019. This will provide a small business with up to $7,500 in federal corporate tax savings per year to reinvest in and grow their business.
2017 Fall Economic Statement: Delivering More Canada Child Benefit support, Small Business Tax Cut, and Growing Economy
Campaign finance reforms announced today by the British Columbia government will limit the influence of big money on local elections, putting people at the centre of community politics and decisions. “With this legislation, people can be confident that their local and provincial governments will be working for all voters, not just those able to write the largest cheques,” said Selina Robinson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. “Our government has already taken action to get big money out of politics at the provincial level. These amendments will make sure that democracy at the local level works for everyone, not just a select few.”
donations and a cap on contributions to local election campaigns since 2015,” said Wendy Booth, Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) president. “We reaffirmed this request Make important changes to the • just last month, and appreciate the tax system that will ensure Canada’s commitment demonstrated by Minister Robinson to address this issue. The proposed changes will support fairness during campaigns and make running for office more accessible by strengthening the rules for local elections.” The proposed amendments to the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act follow consultations with key stakeholders such as Elections BC and UBCM, which represents B.C.’s 189 local governments and the Islands Trust.
The legislation would ban corporate and union donations, put limits on The amendments will apply to all local individual contributions and ban out- elections starting with the 2018 general of-province donations at the local level. local elections and any byelections thereafter, including campaigns for Contributions for the election camcouncillors, mayors, electoral area paign of a candidate or elector ordirectors and school trustees. ganization will be limited to $1,200 per donor per year. One donor’s total Once passed, the changes will be retcontributions to the election campaign roactive to Oct. 31, 2017, the day after for an elector organization and all of the first reading of the legislation. To its endorsed candidates cannot exceed allow candidates to transition to the this amount. These changes follow the new campaign financing framework, approach of the proposed provincial contributions allowed under the former Election Amendment Act. rules and received before Oct. 31, 2017, “B.C. local governments have been may be used for the 2018 general local asking for a ban on corporate and union elections.
The enhanced Working In• come Tax Benefit will allow lowincome workers—including families without children and the growing number of single Canadians—to keep more hard-earned money from every paycheque.
low corporate tax rates go towards supporting businesses, not to providing unfair tax advantages to the top 1 per cent wealthiest Canadians.
The Patrika
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
NDP FORCES LIBERALS TO INTRODUCE LEGISLATION ON ABANDONED VESSELS On Monday, the government finally introduced legislation on abandoned vessels, an issue the NDP has raised over 80 times since the Liberals were elected. The announcement comes weeks ahead of scheduled debate on an NDP bill which would force the government to implement a comprehensive solution to clean up thousands of abandoned vessels polluting Canada’s coasts.
the risks abandoned vessels pose to the environment, local fishing and tourism jobs. The NDP is encouraged with today’s news that the government has finally bowed to the pressure of coastal communities and will introduce legislation,” said Sheila Malcolmson, NDP MP for Nanaimo—Ladysmith. “Although with the Liberals, it’s often style over substance. We will review the legislation and ensure it lives up to “Coastal communities have been expectations of coastal communities sounding the alarm for decades over and that it offers real solutions.”
“We welcome the announcement that legislation was tabled to manage abandoned vessels that pose a risk to the environment,” said Anne MinhThu Quach, NDP MP for Salaberry– Suroît. “We expect the Transport amateur photographers to develop and Minister to present strong measures improve their proficiency. Many people to reinforce the polluter-pays prinfind that a photography club fills a gap between the knowledge they acquire from a course in basic photography and the experience they need to operate independently as fulfilled amateur photographers. APAC is fortunate to have members whose proficiency is unquestioned, and who stay with the club to help others achieve a higher standard.
Youth Photography Project Abbotsford, BC— The Abbotsford Arts Council, Cameras for Change, Telus, and Abbotsford Photo Arts Club have partnered to create a seven-week series of photography workshops for youths ages 12-16 living here in Abbotsford. This workshop started Oct 25th and will continue until Dec 6th and will include five workshops instructed by professional photographers and two field trips. This program was developed to provide youth in the community with
a positive and creative outlet to express themselves through the medium of photography. Providing a sense of community for those feeling displaced. Abbotsford Arts Council will showcase their art in the New Year with an exhibition at the Kariton Art Gallery to be showcased in the beginning of January 2018. Camera for Change, C4C is a registered non-profit group, and seeks to engage and inspire marginalized and vulnerable populations. Through educational photography workshops, C4C provides them an opportunity to transform through creative self-expression, sharing, and collaboration. Abbotsford Photo Arts Club is a registered non-profit, the club’s main objective has always been to help
Last week, another vessel sank and leaked fuel in Ladysmith Harbour when Transport Canada knew of the vessel’s risk, but failed to take any action before the sinking and resulting oil spill. The NDP has long called for a coast-wide strategy that would deal with abandoned vessels before they become a major source of oil spills, pollution and marine debris.
For over 40 years, the Abbotsford Arts Council has been a resource for local artists while promoting the vision, creativity, and energy of the Abbotsford community through the arts. The Abbotsford Arts Council consists of members, volunteers, and directors representing diverse artistic, economic, and cultural interests of community members of all ages. Almost 70 local arts, heritage, and culture organizations receive support under the umbrella of the Abbotsford Arts Council and the talents of hundreds of local artists are showcased by the Abbotsford Arts Council each year at the Kariton Art Gallery and Boutique, Fraser Valley Coffee House and Concert in the Park Series, the Arty Awards, Jam in Jubilee, and the Aboriginal Arts & Culture Day .For more information about other programs, please visit the Abbotsford Art Council’s website at www.abbotsfordartscouncil.com.
ciple in order to ensure that no community suffers the way the residents of Beauharnois have suffered. The Kathryn Spirit cost taxpayers almost 24 million dollars.” Malcolmson has tabled legislation to create a national strategy to address abandoned vessels which is scheduled to be debated in Parliament the first week of December. Bill C-352 will fix vessel registration, pilot a vessel turn-in program, create good green jobs by supporting local marine salvage businesses and vessel recycling, and end jurisdictional disputes by making the Coast Guard responsible for directing the removal of abandoned vessels.
DrimMdr sLrmf: 778-683-3019 PAGE 35
The Patrika
prAupkfrI gurU nfnk DrqI kMbdI pfpF dy Bfr hyTF
mMgl isMG brfV ikrqI lflo df suwkf tuwk Kf ky
iqlk jMJU df bxky kdy rfKf
hY sI bVf hI hnHyr gubfr Cfieaf
mlk Bfgo jhy Es invfa Cwzy
bYTf cFdnI cONk dI QVHI AuWqy
CfeI mwisaf jLulm qy jbr vflLI
jf ky soiDaf iswDF nUM prbqF qy
sUrj swc df kdy nf njLr afieaf
Zfkf aqy afsfm vrosfa Cwzy
PuwtI nUr dI irsLm kflLI rfq aMdr
cfry kUt sumyr bgdfd mwkf
swcy rwb df afp avqfr afieaf
QF QF rwbI pYgLfm pucf Cwzy.
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
myry dfqy nUM pukfr lKbIr ‘lwkI’ gwKV “dfqf DMn qUM, DMn avqfr qyrf, mYN pUjdf hF inwq qsvIr qyrI.
sIs dy idwqf isrV nhIN idwqf
pYrF nfl qUM mwkf sI bdl idwqf,
sdky! aYho ijhy isdk dI lVI AuWqy
qy ikAuN nhIN bdldf hux qkdIr myrI.
cfry vfr ky jLulm dI mVHI AuWqy
awgy zuwbdy sI kUV qy pfp vflLy, qy hux puMnI vI zuwbdf jf irhf ey.
drdmMdF dI cIk pukfr suxky
idwqI iswiKaf Es brfbrI dI
imDdf iPry kMizaflIaF JfVIaF nUM
zuwbdI byVI nUM krn leI pfr afieaf
ikhf iewko hI hYn iensfn sfry
srbMs vfr ky Kflsf pMQ AuqoN
sOdy kry swcy kdy cfry mwJIN
nf koeI Auqm qy nf koeI nIc eyQy
lIro lIr bfxf, pYroN iPry nMgf
AuNJ qF pwQr sI qUM pfxI qy qfr idwqy,
kdy swpF qoN CF krvf Cwzy
iewko ipqf dI hYn sMqfn sfry
kihMdf BwT jfpy rihxf KyiVaF df
qy byafsfry nUM ikAuN nhIN qfrdf qUM?
kdy qIrQIN jf Buwly BtikaF dy
Auhny mMigaf Blf srbwq vflLf
swQr XfrVy df sfnUM ikqy cMgf
JolI awz ky mMgI hY dfq qYQoN,
Auhny sdf leI Brm imtf Cwzy
Jwly sfzy leI Es ny ksLt Bfry
Auhny TwgF qoN swjx bxf Cwzy
Btky lokF leI hwQ msLfl lY ky
kOzy rfKsL vI rsqy pf Cwzy
ds jnm mnuwKqf leI vfry
mfx qoVy Aus vlI kMkfrIaF dy
iksy jnm Aus Drq df rtx kIqf
sdf rhU mnuwKqf irxI qyrI
qyry AuWqy hI sB nUM afs dfqf,
pMjy nflL phfV atkf Cwzy
iksy jnm bYTf qwqI qvI AuWqy
mYN bilhfr dfqf, mYN bilhfr qyry.
qfhIAuN pUjdy lok qsvIr qyrI!!”
nfnk pfqsLfh, DMn DMn hYN DMn hY qUM igxy jFdy nhIN sfQoN Aupkfr qyry
AuWDr JUTy qy Twg dI ijwq huMdI, qy iewDr hIrf vI buwJdf jf irhf ey.
ieko dfqf hY kul sMsfr df qUM. KfhsL rwK ky isr JukFvdf hF, ik dfqf bdlygf jLrUr qkdIr myrI.
The Patrika
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
jyT (ibRK) sMkRFqI
joiqS, Eqy Eqy 604-751-0220 kro
myK-nyqr aqy isr pIVf, AuWqm lfB pr ivsLysL Krc, BfeI bMDU suwK, gupq dusLmx df BY, jLmIn-jfiedfs bfry JMJt, kfrobfr ivwc rukfvt. akqUbr 22, 23, 24; nvMbr 1, 2, 9, 10, 11 asLuwB hn.
What might have seemed openness over the last year in your dealings with others could now become more secretive during the next year. Be mindful of any change of mind or agreement on their part over the next week – it could be their way of rebelling. Coupled with this can be an expectation that you take responsibility.
A much better time when it comes to interaction with others will begin to take shape now and continue for a year. If you have been in a situation of not knowing exactly where you stand over the last year, it will now change. You may have been appreciated more than you realised. Stay focussed on health and fitness for now.
ibRK-vfXU-ivkfr, afriQk sMkt, injI-jn df ivroD, sMqfn-suwK iesqrI-pwK sLuwB, kfrobfr bdlx df ivcfr bxy. akqUbr 17, 25, 26; nvMbr 3, 4, 12, 13 asLuwB hn.
imQn-kwP-ivkfr, afmdn-Krc brfbr, krjLf bixaf rhy. imwqr qoN mdd, sMqfn-suwK, iesqrI-ksLt, mhIny dy aKIr ivwc ivsLysL prysLfnI bxy. akqUbr 18, 19, 27, 28, 29; nvMbr 5, 6, 14, 15 asLuwB hn. krk-pyt Krfb, nyqr-ksLt, PjLUl df Krc hovy, dusLmxF ivwc vfDf, iesqrI-ksLt, ivvfd aqy GrylU JMJtF ivwc vfDf, afmdn nfloN Krc ijLafdf, mn prysLfn. akqUbr 20, 21, 30, 31; nvMbr 7, 8 asLuwB hn.
isMG-krjLf isr cVHy, sMpqI ivky, BfeI-bMDU qoN sihXog nf imly, Drm-krm ivwc mn nf lwgy, kfrobfr Twp. akqUbr 22, 23, 24; nvMbr 1, 2, 9, 10, 11 asLuwB hn.
kMinaf-vfXU-ivkfr, Dn-lfB hovy, pirvfrk-suwK TIk, Xfqrf ivwc ksLt, cot-BY, PjLUl dy JgiVaF qoN bco, kfrobfr bdlx nfl lfB. akqUbr 17, 25, 26; nvMbr 3, 4, 12, 13 asLuwB hn.
7 qulf-ishq TIk, kfrobfr bdlx nfl lfB, sMpqI aqy GrylU JgVy, iesqrI-pwK qoN icMqf, gupq icMqf df hwl imly. akqUbr 18, 19, 27, 28, 29; nvMbr 5, 6, 14, 15 asLuwB hn.
ibRsick-ishq TIk, Brf vwloN prysLfnI, aOlfd df suwK, iesqrI-pwK qoN hfnI, kMm-kfr aqy sQfn bdlx df ivcfr bxy. akqUbr 20, 21, 30, 31; nvMbr 7, 8 asLuwB hn.
Dn-ishq afm krky TIk, afriQk sMkt ivwc vfDf, imwqr sihXog dyx, iesqrI-suwK, dusLmx mjLbUq, mn prysLfn rhy. akqUbr 22, 23, 24; nvMbr 1, 2, 9, 10, 11 asLuwB hn.
10 mkr-ishq Krfb, Dn-lfB ho ky ivsLysL Krc af pvy, BfeI-bMDU df sihXog imly, iesqrIpwK qoN icMqf, kfrobfr kmjLor. akqUbr 17, 25, 26; nvMbr 3, 4, 12, 13 asLuwB hn.
11 kuMB-ishq TIk, Dn-lfB hox dy bfvjUd krjLf bixaf rhy. bMDU qoN mdd imly, dusLmxF ivwc vfDf, kfrobfr kmjLor, mn prysLfn rhy. akqUbr 18, 19, 27, 28, 29; nvMbr 5, 6, 14, 15 asLwuB hn.
mIn-byiejLqI df zr, gupq dusLmx qoN sfvDfn rho, Dn-lfBF qF hovy pr Krc vI aiDk hox, Brf aqy sMqfn pwK qoN icMqf, mhIny dy aKIr ivwc cot qoN sfvDfn. akqUbr 20, 21, 30, 31; nvMbr 7, 8 asLuwB hn.
You have had plenty of opportunity to generally enjoy yourself over the last year. You might now need to consider how this has impacted on your health and fitness. You will gain weight easily over the next year, so be mindful of that now. It will be difficult to get the recognition you think you deserve for your efforts as well.
Efforts you have taken to establish a good foundation or to put matters in place over the last year now move onto a phase that will feel more fortunate and easier to navigate over the next year. Don’t be too concerned about pressure being applied at the moment. You should be able to generate alternative ways around it.
Life has likely been full of distractions of one sort or another over the last year. It has also been a good time to think about life and gather information on anything you would like to pursue. Now you are entering a cycle for the next year where you need to get some sort of order in place so that you establish a solid foundation.
Hopefully you have made extra money over the last year and not gone overboard with spending. A busy cycle will now begin and continue for the next year. It is an excellent time to take up any study or to seek out information on anything you would like to do long term. It is also a great year for travelling or a change of pace.
Jupiter is now moving on from your sign, where it has been since September 2016. Right now you can be in awe of just how much change has taken place. Your focus for the next year will be your finances. This can bring the opportunity to generate a greater income but it may also encourage you to overspend or overcommit.
Jupiter, the planet of expansion moves into your sign, where it will stay until 8th November 2018. This will end the holding back feeling you have had to endure for the last year and should give a greater sense of personal freedom when it comes to choices you want to make. The one thing you will need to watch is weight gain.
You are entering a cycle for the next year that will have a holding back feeling or generate situations that produce no clear outcome and require you to wait for matters to sort themselves out. You have had some practice in being patient since 2015 when Saturn entered your sign. Obviously life thinks you need one last dose.
There has likely been a lot more to handle in the last year than you would have chosen. As a result, you can look at what should be your priorities quite differently over the next year. There is more significant change to come in December. You need to be thinking of yourself and how situations in life impact upon you.
You have been encouraged to look at longterm goals over the last year and what you really want from the future. Over the next year you will need to commit yourself in some way. Responsibilities or commitments could easily get out of hand so ensure you go into any situation with this in mind so that you can keep control.
A sense of being set free from the expectations of others can be your experience now and over the next year. There is probably a lot you have learned about the true desires or intentions of others in the last year. This experience could encourage you to look at what you want from your future from a different perspective.
The Patrika
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
iswDU qy mjITIaf hoey `kuwiqE-kuwqI, mfJy dy `jrnYÜfˆ` dy Psy isMg bzUMgr muV bxngy ÈRomxI kmytI dy pRDfn ? akflI dl dy pRDfn suKbIr isMG bfdl qy ÈRomxI kmytI dy pRDfn pRo, ikrpfl isMG bzUMgr dI kwlH iek aihm bYTk hoeI hY.sUqrfˆ qoˆ imlLI jfxkfrI anusfr pRo, bzUMgr nUM iewk sfl hor idwqf jf skdf hY.pRDfngI leI awDI drjn dy krIb afgUafˆ dy nfvfˆ dI crcf hY . ies bYTk hox nflL dfavydfrfˆ dI nIˆd Auz geI hY . nvMbr dy aKIr ivwc jnrl iejlfs bulf ky pRDfn sxy aMiqRMg kmytI dy bfkI ahudydfrfˆ dI cox kIqy jfx dI sMBfvnf nflL ahudy hfsl krn leI ÈRomxI kmytI dy mYˆbrfˆ ivwc joV-qoV cwl irhf hY .
izAUtI qy jf rhy aiDafpk df golLIafˆ mfr ky kql
pMjfb ivwc amn-kfnUMn dI hflq ivgVdI jf rhI hY.awj mlyrkotlf nyVy iewk aiDafpk df kql kr idwqf igaf. imRqk hrkIrq isMG cMUGfˆ aiDafpk dl df lIzr sI . Aus dI pqnI mnpRIq kOr ipMz mubfrkpur cMUGfˆ dI srpMc hY . hfsl jfxkfrI muqfbk ieh Gtnf awj svyr dI hY jdoˆ hrkIrq isMG afpxy iewk hor sfQI aiDafpk nflL nyVly ipMz burj dy srkfrI pRfiemrI skUl izAUtI leI jf irhf sI.hmlfvfrfˆ ny mfstr hrkIrq isMG cUMGfˆ dy pMj golLIafˆ mfrIafˆ. Auh mOky `qy hI dm qoV igaf. hrkIrq isMG nflL jf irhf sfQI aiDafpk vI ËKmI ho igaf .
aMimRqsr `c ihMdU nyqf df kql
pMjfb dy kYbint mMqrI nvjoq isMG iswDU qy sfbkf mMqrI ibkrm mjITIaf ivc ÈurU hoeI ÈbdI jMg rukx df nfm nhIˆ lY rhI. ieh jMg sgoˆ idnoˆ idn hor qyË huMdI jf rhI hY qy ÈbdfvlI df pwDr vI hyTfˆ jfˆdf idKfeI dy irhf hY .awj iPr dohfˆ lIzrfˆ ivcfly iCVI jMg ivwc kuwd ky ies nUM hor qyË kridafˆ ibkrm mjITIaf ny ikhf ik iswDU dl bdlU hY . ies krky Auh roË puwTy iswDy ibafn idMdf hY. drasl awj mjITIaf dI agvfeI ivwc pMjfb skfr vwloˆ pRfiemrI skUlfˆ nUM bMd krn dy PYsly iKlfP zIsI dPqr dy bfhr Drnf idwqf igaf sI . ies mOky mjITIaf ny ikhf ik iswDU BOˆkf hY qy Aus nMU BOkx qoˆ ielfvf hor koeI kMm nhI.mjITIaf vwloˆ pMjfb srkfr qy Kfs krky nvjoq iswDu `qy jfnvr tYks lfAux bhfny hmlf kIqf sI .
hnIpRIq dI jylH `c pUrI afE Bgq,vIafeIpI trItmYˆt df hoieaf Kulfsf dyÈ DRoh dy ielËfmf hyT aMbflf kyˆdrI jylH `c bMd hnIpRIq nUM vIafeIpI trItmYˆt iml irhf hY. ies gwl df Kulfsf Aus smyˆ hoieaf jdoˆ hnIpRIq dy pirvfr dI gwzI jylH aMdr dfKl ho jfˆdI hyY.jylH aMdr iksy vI bfhrI ivakqI dI kfr nhIˆ jf skdI. hnIpRIq df pirvfr ijs `c Aus df Brf sfihl qnyjf, BfbI sonflI,BYx inÈU, qy jIjf sicq bjfj cfr bYg lY ky imlx phuMcdy hn. ieh sfry qkrIbn ô vjy jylH aMdr dfKl huMdy hn qy ö vjy dy nyVy vfps jfdy hn . ijhVI jylH `c pirMdf vI pr nhIˆ mfr skdf, AuwQy kfr lY ky jfx qoˆ bfad hirafxf puils `qy Èwk hoxf suBfivk hY ikAuˆik dUjy kYdIafˆ qy pirvfrik mYˆbrf nUM nyVy afAux dI vI mnfhI huMdI hY .
aMimRqsr ivc Èryafm ihMdU nyqf ivpn Èrmf df golLIafˆ mfr ky kql kr idwqf igaf. kYptn vI cwly bfdl srkfr dI rfh, DwkV PYsilaf qy btflf roz,Bfrq ngr `c cfr kfql do motr sfeIklfˆ `qy afey.Ausdy bhuq nyVy qoˆ puils dI vrqoˆ qoˆ lok aOKy. ñú golLIafˆ mfrIafˆ geIafˆ. ivpn Èrmf df kybl nYtvrk df kfrobfr sI, ieh kql iksy rMiËÈ qihq vI ho skdf hY . ivroDI iDrfˆ df mwq hY ik ipCly kuuJ smyˆ qoˆ pMjfb kYptn srkfr afpxy vfaidafˆ qoˆ ipwCy htky nf isrP afpxy qoˆ pihly hukmrfnfˆ dI aMdr amn-kfnUMn dI siQqI idnoˆ idn Krfb huMdI jf rhI hY . qrHfˆ DwkV qy lok ivroDI PYsly lY rhI hY sgoˆ nfgirkfˆ dy cox vfaidafˆ dI jvfbdyhI pfxI vflIafˆ bwsfˆ mgroˆ hux cwlxgy pfxI vfly jhfj dI mMg krn qy sMGrÈ krn dy jmhUrI hwk nuM puils dI qfkq nfl kucl rhI hY. ieh ivcfr jmhUrI aiDkfr sBf pMjfb dy sUbf pRDfn pRoPYsr ey[ky,mlyrI qy jrnl skwqr suKbIr bfdl dIafˆ pfxI vflIafˆ bwsfˆ df kfPI mËfk Auwizaf sI pr hux Bfrq `c pRoPYsr jgmohx isMG ny pRYws ibafn jfrI kridaF sfˆJy kIqy.AunHfˆ ikhf ik ipCly idnIˆ aYmPIibas jhfj (pfxI qy ËmIn `qy vrqoˆ krn vfly jhfj) cwlxgy. kyˆdrI trfˆsport afpxy ruËgfr nUM bcfAux leI sMGrÈ kr rhIafˆ afˆgnvfVI vrkrfˆ dI afvfË nUM mMqrI iniqn gzkrI ny jfxkfrI idMidafˆ ikhf ik ies sbMDI rUs qy jfpfn dIafˆ dbfAux leI pitaflf ivwc AunHfˆ dy puramn ros pRdrÈn Auwpr byqhfÈf Ëbr kIqf kMpnIafˆ ny idlscpI jLfihr kIqI hY . mMqrI ny ikhf ik jlmfrgfˆ dy ivkfs leI igaf. ies qoˆ pihlfˆ ividafrQI qy iksfnfˆ dy puramn pRdrÈnfˆ nUM puils qfkq nfl tRfˆsport mMqrflf pihlfˆ qoˆ hI iqafr hY . ijMnHfˆ coˆ dyÈ dy ñññ rfÈtrI jlmfrgfˆ `c asPÜ bxfAux dI koiÈÈ kIqI geI . Gwt qoˆ Gwt ñú nUM agly sfl qwk ÈurU krnf srkfr dI pRmuwK qrjIh hY .
aYsjIpIsI ajfieb Gr `c lgfeygI iswK jrnYlfˆ dy icwqr !
zyrf isrsf ivrwuD hirafxf srkfr dI kfrvfeI df Kuwilaf Byq
dyÈ leI vwzf Xogdfn pfAux vfly POjI iswK jrnYÜfˆ dy rol AuBfrn aqy nvIˆ, pIVI nUM AuqÈfihq krn leI ÈRomxI kmytI vwloˆ kyˆdrI iswK ajfieb Gr ivwc iqMn jMgI nfiekfˆ dIafˆ qsvIrfˆ sQfpq kIqIafˆ jfxgIafˆ. ienHfˆ qsvIrfˆ qoˆ prdf htfAux dI rsm ÈRomxI kmytI dy pRDfn pRo, ikrpfl isMG bzUMgr vwloˆ adf kIqI jfvygI.ÈRomxI kmytI vwloˆ ies qoˆ pihlfˆ gurU kfl vyly dy iswK jrnYÜfˆ aqy KfVkUvfd smyˆ dy iswK ÈhIdfˆ dIafˆ qsvIrfˆ nUM kyˆdrI iswK ajfiebGr ivwc sQfpq kIqf jf cuwkf hY. hux kyˆdrI iswK ajfieb Gr ivwc mfrÈl arjn isMG, lYPtInYˆt jrnl hrbKÈ isMG aqy lYPtInYˆt jrnl jgjIq isMG aroVf dIafˆ qsvIrfˆ sQfpq hoxgIafˆ.
kI hirafxf srkfr zyry dy mfmly `c puils kfrvfeI isrP idKfAux leI kr rhI hY ? kI asl `c srkfr kuJ nhIˆ krnf chuMdI ? hirafxf ivDfn sBf dy sYÈn dOrfn gUhlf qoˆ bIjypI dy ivDfiek kulvMq bfËIgr ny KuwlH ky zyry dy pwK `c ibafn idwqf hY . ivDfeik ny ikhf hY ik puils ny zyry vfly inrdoÈ lokfˆ qy golIaf clfeIaf . Auh koeI dyÈ DRohI nhIˆ blik dyÈ pRymI sI. bfËIgr ny ikhf ik hnIpRIq,aidwiqaf ieMsf qy bfkIafˆ `qy dyÈDRoh df kys bxdf hI nhIˆ sgoˆ AunHfˆ nUM ibnHfˆ gwloˆ qMg kIqf jf irhf hY.AunHfˆ ikhf ik srkfr nuUM AunHfˆ nUM muafvËf dyxf cfhIdf hY qfˆ ik imRqkfˆ dy pirvfrf dI mdd ho sky.AunHfˆ ikhf ik Auh ies mfmly nUM srkfr kol AuTfaxgy.
krËf muafPI dI AuzIk `c bYTy iksfnfˆ leI cMgI Kbr,mnpRIq bfdl df ieh ibafn sux iKV jfxHgy ichry
mjITIaf iKlfP kfrvfeI leI aVy kfˆgrsI
ivwq mMqrI mnpRIq isMG bfdl muqfbk pMjfb srkfr ny iksfnfˆ dy krËf muafPI dI kvfieq ÈurU kr idwqI hY . iksfnfˆ df krËf ó ikÈqfˆ `c muafP kIqf jfvygf aqy ies dI pihlI óöú kroV dI ikÈq sihkfrI bYˆkfˆ nUM nvMbr mhIny qwk dy idwqI jfvygI. KËfnf mMqrI df kihxf hY ik bfkI do ikÈqfˆ `c kmrÈIal bYˆkfˆ aqy afVHqIafˆ nUM bfad `c adfiegI kIqI jfvygI. ieQy dwsxXog hY ik iksfn muafPI df notIiPkyÈn srkfr ny pihlfˆ hI jfrI kr idwqf sI . mnpRIq df kihxf hY ik iksfn krËf muafPI leI srkfr ny kvfieq ÈurU kr idwqI hY . PAGE 38
ÈRomxI akflI dl dy ivvfidq afgU qy sfbkf mMqrI ibkrm isMG mjITIaf iKlfP kfˆgrsI ivDfiekfˆ vwloˆ ivwZI lVfeI ivwc mMqrIaf dI ÈmUlIaq dy afsfr bx gey hn. mjITIaf iKÜfP kfrvfeI dI mMg nUM lY ky mfJf iKwqy nfl sbMDq kfˆgrsI ivDfiek aMimRqsr ivwc iekwTy ho rhy hn . mIitMg leI iesy Kyqr nfl sbMDq mMqrIafˆ nUM vI swDf idwqf igaf hY .sUqrfˆ ny sQfnk srkfrfˆ bfry mMqrI nvjoq isMG iswDU dI hox vflI mIitMg `c ÈmUlIaq krn dI puÈtI kIqI hY jdoˆ ik do hornfˆ mMqrI iqRpq rfijMdr isMG bfjvf qy aruxf coDrI dy ruK bfry ajy koeI jfxkfrI hsfl nhIˆ hoeI .ibkrm mjITIaf iKlfP kfˆgrsI ivDfiekfˆ dI ho rhI lfmbMdI `c mMqrIafˆ dI ÈmUlIaq ny ies isafsI lVfeI nUM hor iqwKfˆ bxf idwqf hY .
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
The Patrika
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
idwlI nfloˆ Ă‹ihrIlI hoeI pMjfb dI afbo-hvf,sfh lYxf hoieaf muĂˆikl pMjfb dy lok ipCly kuJ idnfˆ qoˆ idwlI dy mukfbly iĂ‹afdf Ă‹ihrIlI hvf ivc sfh lY rhy hn.kyˆdrI pRdUĂˆx kMtrol borz dy eyar kuafieltI ieMzYks muqfbk luiDafxf vrgy vwzy Ăˆihr ivc hvf dI ieMzYks vYilAU ôúú qwk phuMc geI hY , jdik idwlI ivc ipCly iek hPqy qoˆ luiDafxf dy mukbfly Gwt pRdUĂˆx drj kIqf igaf hY.aMimRqsr qy mMzI goibMdgV ivc vI hvf Ă‹ihrIlI huMdI jf rhI hY.pMjfb ivc ieMnHfˆ Ăł kyˆdrfˆ `qy hI kyˆdrI prdUĂˆx kMtrol borz vwlo afbo-hvf nUM mfipaf jfˆdf hY . sfDfrn pwDr `qy pMjfb ivc hvf df ieMzYks ùúú dy nyVy qyVy rihMdf hY. mqlb ik ipCly iek hPqy ivc hvf Ă´ guxf Ă‹ihrIlI ho geI hY .
pMjfb `c Ăˆrfb dy Tyky KolHy qy skUĂœ kIqy bMd mfnsf iĂ‹lHy dy ipMz iKaflf Kurd dI pMcfieq Ăˆrfb df Tykf bMd krfAuxf cfhuMdI sI pr srkfr ny ipMz df pRfeimrI skUĂœ bMd krn df Prmfn Byj idwqf. ipMz dy srpMc jgrUp isMG ny dwisaf ik pMcfieq ny Tykf bMd krfAux df mqf pfs kIqf sI,jo srkfr ny pRvfn nhIˆ kIqf pr skUĂœ nUM bMd krn dy hukm af gey hn. srpMc ny ikhf ik Auh hux ipMz `c Ăˆrfb df Tykf vI nhIˆ rihx dyxgy.biTMzf dy ipMz mihrfj dy koTy twlvflI qy ipMz ipplI dy srpMcfˆ ny Ăˆrfb dy Tyky nUM cuwkx dI mMg kIqI hY . pr ienHfˆ dovy ipMzfˆ dy pRfeimrI skUl bMd krn df PYslf hoieaf hY . koTy twlvflI dy srpMc suKmMdr isMG qy ipplI dy srpMc myjr isMG ny ikhf ik Auh skUl qfˆ nhIˆ cuwkx dyxgy pr Ăˆrfb dy Tykf Ă‹rUr ckOx gy.
jfKV qy iswDU dI zIjIpI qy muwK skwqr nfl KVkI ! pMjfb srkfr ivc do isKrly pRĂˆfskI ahuidafˆ `qy bYTy sInIar aiDkfrIafˆ muwK skwqr krn avqfr isMG df sQfnk srkfrfˆ bfry mMqrI nvjoq isMG iswDU aqy zIjIpI suryĂˆ aroVf df pMjfb kfˆgrs pRDfn sunIl jfKV nfl tkrfa kYptn hkUmq leI vwzI isr drdI bx skdf hY . BrosyXog sUqrfˆ anusfr pRdyĂˆ kfˆgrs pRDfn ny akflI nyqf idafl isMG koilafˆvflI dy muwdy `qy puils Auqy dbfa pfieaf, ijs qoˆ bfad akflI afgU iKlfP ierfdf kql kys drj hoieaf. ieMj hI, sQfnk srkfrfˆ bfry mMqrI ny muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG vwloˆ hfl hI `c Ăˆihrfˆ nUM idwqIafˆ grftfˆ dI vrqoˆ rokx dy mfmly ivwc muwK skwqr nfl qlKklfmI kIqI aqy muwK skwqr nUM afpxf rvweIaf bdlx leI mjbUr kIqf.dovy mfmly awj srkfrI hlikafˆ ivwc crcf df ivĂˆf bxy rhy .
hYloeIn qoN pihlfˆ nĂˆIly pdfrQfˆ nflL lYs kYˆzIĂ‹ bĂ‹fr ivwc phuMcIafˆ! mfˆtrIal: hYloeIn afAux hI vflLI hY pr AuWqrI ikAUibk dy aiDkfrI kuwJ Kfs iksm dy gmI bIar nUM bwicafˆ dI phuMc qoN dUr rwKx dI koiĂˆĂˆ kr rhy hn.
HWY 11
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ibafn ivwc afiKaf igaf ik asIN ieh nhIN jfxdy ik ieho ijhf pdfrQ iksy hor vI kimAUintI ivwc pfieaf jf skdf hY ik nhIN. ies leI asIN sfrIafˆ kimAUintIĂ‹ nUM ies Kqry qoN cOks krnf cfhuMdy hfˆ. asIN hYloeIn nUM iDafn ivwc rwKky hor iĂ‹afdf iDafn ies mfmly vwl dy rhy hfˆ pr ieh aYlrt hmyĂˆfˆ leI bixafN rhygf. ikAUibk pRoivMsIal puils dy bulfry ny ies gwl dI puĂˆtI kIqI ik 21 akqUbr nUM iewk 20 sflf ivakqI nUM 300 gRfm qoN vwD dIafˆ Kfx pIx vflLIafˆ vsqfˆ ijvyˆ ik rfeIs ikRspI tfeIp skueyarĂ‹, bRfAUnIĂ‹ qy kYˆzIĂ‹ rwKx leI igRPqfr kIqf igaf sI.
Well Pump Installation and Service
Anand Irrigation
gmI bIar sDfrn kYˆzI vfˆg hI nĂ‹r afAuNdy hn, AunHfˆ dy rMg-rUp qy afkfr ivwc vI koeI Prk nhIN hY qy keIafˆ nUM qfˆ afm kYˆzI vfˆg plfsitk dy rYpr ivwc hI lpyitaf vI igaf hY. inAUĂ‹ rlIĂ‹ ivwc afiKaf igaf hY ik aiDkfrI vI ieh nhIN jfxdy ik hr kYˆzI ivwc ikMnI mfqrf ivwc zrwg hY? qy AunHfˆ vwloN ies muwdy nUM Kqry dy sMkyq vjoN ilaf jf irhf hY. AunHfˆ dwisaf ik bwicafˆ ivwc nĂˆy dI zoĂ‹ cly jfx mgroN Auh lVKVf ky cwl skdy hn, AunHfˆ nUM bolx ivwc idwkq ho skdI hY qy jfˆ iPr AunHfˆ df jI kwcf vI ho skdf hY.
ANAND Irrigation
ieXU iesqcI jymĂ‹ bya tYrytrI dy aiDkfrIafˆ vwloN lokfˆ nUM ieh cyqfvnI idwqI jf rhI hY ik Auh Kfs iksm dIafˆ kYˆzIĂ‹ KrIdx qoN guryĂ‹ krn. puils ny dwisaf ik ipwCy ijhy sQfnk kRIa kimAUintI leI afeI nĂˆIly pdfrQfˆ nflL lYs kYˆzIĂ‹ dI iewk Kyp AunHfˆ vwloN PVI geI hY. ipCly vIrvfr ieXU ienoXU puils qy rIjLnl pbilk hYlQ borz ny iewk sfˆJy ibafn ivwc afiKaf ik sIĂ‹ kIqIafˆ kYˆzIĂ‹ gmI bIar kYˆzIĂ‹ hn ijnHfˆ AuWqy tI[aYc[sI[ dI prq cVHI hoeI hY, ieh cIĂ‹ nĂˆIly pdfrQfˆ ivwc pfeI jfˆdI hY.
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Call Tarsem Singh at 604-897-2152 or 604-852-0552 PAGE 39
The Patrika
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
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Friday, November 3rd, 2017
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
The Patrika
Raj Gill and Sharnjit Gill Team: Superior Mortgage Gets another Award Mortgage Professional Raj Gill receiving an AWARD at NVEST in Vancouver on 17th October,2017. Our Team got an Award serving the Canadians over 15 years. The Father (Sharnjit S Gill) and Son (Raj Gill) Team has been getting Awards Since 2002- The First Award was from the Envision Credit Union in 2002. Since then – they have been getting distinctions on consistent basis. Sharnjit Singh Gill has been ranked one of the TOP MORTGAGE BROKERS in Canada for the last 9th Year in row. Raj Gill and Jasdeep Gill have been looking after VANCOUVER OFFICE and Sharnjit S Gill has been working from their SURREY OFFICE. Sharnjit S Gill & Raj Gill along with their family came to Canada in 1995. Sharnjit S Gill joined the Bank of Montreal in 1996- as Manager, Financial Services in Surrey Scotsdale Branch. Started working Independently since 2001 helping clients getting their dream house We continue to add value to our services and demonstrate the same to our clients. We promise “Getting Right with our clients” by providing expert opinion and guidance
The Patrika
PlYto PlYtI khfxI “bfeI isaF, ikhVf `lfkf aY afpxf?” “sMgrUr, brnfly lvy qy afpxf?” “luiDafxf, jgrfEN kol.” “jgrfvF dy ikhVy pfsy?” “rfeykot kol.” “vfh beI vfh! sfzf ipMz vI rfeykot vwl eI aY, dwdfhUr kol.” “Pyr qF afpxf ieko `lfkf hI hoieaf.” “qy hor kI.” Auh dovyN ipwkr iek dUjy dy vfkP ho gwlIN
juwt gey. eyQy gwl krn leI qF rfh lwBx dI loV huMdI hY, Pyr qF cwl so cwl skIrIaF kwZIaF jFdIaF hn, skIrIaF pfeIaF jFdIaF hn. gwlF kridaF aqy hwsidaF KyHzidaF byrI qoVnf sLugl bx jFdf hY. afm qOr `qy nflL dIaF roaF vflLy qF gwlF dy sFJIdfr huMdy hI hn, keI-keI vfr
cfr-cfr pMj-pMj roaF vflLy vI, ijwQoN qwk afvfjL phuMc sky gwlF sFJIaF krdy hn. “Pyr mlfgr isaF, ikMnf icr ho igaf afieaF nUM, kOx kOx afey qy ikvyN afey?” suKrfj isMG ny iekwiTaF hI keI svfl puwC ley. “kuVI ivafhI sI, AunHy swidaf. dovyN jIa asIN qy kuVI muMzf nflL afey aY. vwzf muMzf ivafihaf hoieaf sI, Auh EDr rih igaf. afh cOQI vfr byrI qoVn lwgy hF.” mlfgr PAGE 44
isMG ny sMKyp ivc suKrfj isMG dy sfry “bfeI isaF, sfzf kuJ vMizaf hoieaf svflF dy jvfb dy idwqy. nhIN. do Brf asIN eyQy aF. iek Auh EQy aY. sB kuJ sFJf cldf.” suKrfj isMG “bws, byrIaF eI qoVIaF hor koeI kMm nhIN ny spsLtIkrn idwqf. imilaf? ieh vI koeI kMmF `coN kMm aY. ieh qF kuwqf ijhf kMm aY aOKf bhuq aY.” suKrfj isMG ny nwk cVHfieaf. hux mlfgr isMG nhIN boilaf. dl isMG “koeI aOKf nhIN Brfvf, EQy vI kMm eI bfry Auh bhuq kuJ jfxdf sI. lokF dI krIdf sI. eyQy af ky ieh kMm imlL igaf ijhVI rfey Aus bfry sI, Aus qoN vI Auh ieh krI jFdy aF. bQyrf kMm kIqf EQy. BlI-BFq jfxU sI. hux Auh suKrfj isMG pihlF hlL vfihaf, Pyr trYktr lY ilaf qF dIaF gwlF df ‘hUM’ ‘hF’ krky hI huMgfrf afpxy hwQIN trYktr clfieaf. afpF nUM KusLI Brdf. pr suKrfj isMG afpxIaF, afpxy huMdI aY kMm krky. muMzf cfr awKr piVHaf pirvfr dIaF gwlF hI krI jf irhf sI. sI-cOdF pfs krky afieaf aY. jdoN mlfgr isMG df PlYt Br igaf aqy AuhnUM eyQy imwl ivc nOkrI imlL Aus dI hwQ vflLI bfltI vI Br cwlI qF geI. kuVI ajy pVHdI aY. hux Auh suKrfj isMG nUM kihx lwgf, “myrf AuhnUM CuwtIaF aY. Auh afpxI qF PlYt Br ky bfltI vI Br geI. PlYt mF nflL byrI qoVdI aY. asIN qF ajy qwk nhIN afey. hux bYTy roeIey ienHF dovyN jIa aYqkIN ieMzIaf vI jf dI jfn nUM? suKrfj isaF iek KflI PlYt afey. nflyL muMzy df pwk Twk kr qF hudfrf dyeIN. ivhly qF nf bYTIey.” afey qy ikwlf jLmIn df vI rlLf “myry kolL qF ieho iewk hY ijhVf QohVy icr ilaf.” mlfgr isMG ny bVy PKLr nUM lf lYxy. qUM iksy hor qoN pqf kr lY.” qy qhwlm nflL gwl kIqI. suKrfj ny nFh kr “kI krnIaF jLmInF. bQyrI peI idwqI. aY jLmIn EQy. Eho sFBI rhy “cl ieAuN kr, myrI bQyrI aY. afpF nUM qF eyQy vI pYsy ieh bfltI afpxy df koeI lflc nhIN. rwb df idwqf bhuq kuJ PlYt ivc puaf lY. aY. bws, sLOkIaf eI af jfeIdf. bfhr qurn AudoN qwk PlYt af iPrn nf gey, cfr PlYt qoV ley.” suKrfj hI jfxgy.” mlfgr isMG ny afpxf vzwpx drsfieaf. isMG ivhlf bYTxf “swcI gwl qF Brfvf ieh aY, eyQy sfry pYsy nhIN sI cfhuMdf. dI Kfqr eI afAuNdy aY. nhIN qF kIhdf jIa “nf beI nf, ieh gwl krdf Bry BkuMny Gr JUTI. jy PlYt nf afey Cwz ky eyDr afAux nUM? qF Pyr mYN kI krUM?” afpF qF koeI lko nhIN “Xfr koeI Prk nhIN rwKdy. ijMnI ihMmq hY pYNdf. qusIN qF sLOkIaf ipwCy nhIN htIdf. pihlF eI byrI qoVdy E, iek PlYt Gwt tuwt igaf GM i taF `qy jFdy rhy qF kI? cl jy nf PlYt afey qF qUM bfltI hF. jdoN GMitaF df kMm nf moVIN. mYN ivhlf qF nf bYTF.” nhIN huMdf, byrI qoVn af jfeIdf.” mlfgr isMG “nhIN jI, ieh sFJ iBaflLI nhIN puwgxI.” ny spsLt gwl kIqI. suKrfj isMG ny qoV ky jvfb dy idwqf. “nhIN Eey mlfgr isaF, bhuqy lflc ivc nhIN peIdf. rfh isr df kMm hI krnf cfhIdf. afpF qF ipMz vI zwkf BMn ky dUhrf nhIN sI kIqf. pihlF GoVI qoN QwlHy nhIN Auqry, iPr jIp qoN pYr Qwly nhIN lfihaf. do BwTy qy iek sLYlr cldf afpxf EQy. vwzf Brf qIh sfl qoN srpMc quiraf afAuNdf ipMz df. srkfry drbfry pUrI cODr aY. dl isMG df nF suixafN hoxf.” suKrfj afpxI vizafeI dy afp pulL bMnHI jf irhf sI.
ieMnI dyr nUM PlYtF vflLf trwk afAuNdf ids ipaf. trwk dyK ky sfry ipwkr roaF ivcoN AuWT-AuWT trwk vwl Bwjy. PlYt lYx leI afpo DfpI mwc geI. hr koeI iek dUjy dy AuWqoN dI ho ky PlYt lYx leI koisLsL kr irhf sI. mlfgr isMG qy suKrfj isMG vI Bwj ky gey. suKrfj isMG ny ivcoN dI GusV ky do PlYt PV ley. AunHF nUM iek pfsy rwK hor PlYt lYx leI koisLsL krn lwgf. jdoN kirMdy ny trwk qoN PlYt vgfh ky mfry qF mlfgr isMG aqy suKrfj isMG df iekwiTaF df hI do PlYtF nUM hwQ pY igaf. dovyN hI iek dUjy kolLoN PlYt Kohx lwgy. jdoN “awCf, awCf! qusIN dl isMG dy BfeI E, dohF PlYt hwQoN nf Cwzy qF mlfgr isMG ny AuhnUM qF sfry jfxdy aY. hYgy af Auhdy BwTy ‘byeImfn’, luwicaF df twbr’ kih suKrfj qy sLYlr mYnUM pqf.”
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
jrnYl isMG syKf
isMG dI bdKohI kIqI. awgoN suKrfj vI gflLF kwZidaF PlYt mlfgr isMG dy isr ivc mfrn lwgf. awgoN mlfgr isMG ikhVf Gwt sI. Aus ny hwQ afieaf PlYt suKrfj isMG dy isr `c mfiraf. suKrfj isMG ny afpxf PlYt awgy kr idwqf ijs Aupr mlfgr df PlYt vwijaf aqy suKrfj dy hwQoN izwg ipaf. Auh Bwj ky afpxy dUjy PlYt cuwk ky mfrn leI AuDr ahuilaf qF AuWQy Auh PlYt nhIN sn. dUsry ipwkr AunHF df qmfsLf dyKx leI Tihr gey sn. jgqfr isM G vI PlY t lY x leI Au W Qy
phuMc igaf. Auh vI AunHF dy nflL dI roa ivc hI byrI qoV irhf sI. Aus ny AunHF dIaF sfrIaF gwlF suxIaF sn. AunHF dy PlYto-PlYtI huMidaF dy Auh ivckfr ho igaf aqy kihx lwgf, “E BfeI suKrfj isaF, qUM BwiTaF qy sYLlrF df mflk ho ky afpxy afp nUM ieMnf nIvF kr ilaf? qyry mUMhoN ieh gflLF soBdIaF ny Blf! ieh vI qyry nflL df sfQI sI, do PlYt qYnUM imlL gey sI do qUM ies nUM lY jfx idMdf. qUM qF afpxy lfxy nUM eI lfj lf irhf eyN.” Pyr Auh mlfgr isMG vwl hoieaf, “qy mlfgr isaF, qUM hI eys nUM PlYt Cwz idMdf ieMny icr ivc qF qUM hor PlYt lY skdf sI. hux vI iek iek PlYt lY jfE. lVfeI ivcoN kuJ nhIN imlxf. ahu hor trwk af irhf hY, ijMny kho mYN leI afvFgf quhfzy leI PlYt.” Auh inMmoJUxy hoey iek-iek PlYt PVI nIvIN pfeI afpxIaF roaF vwl qur pey. jgqfr isMG trwk dI AuzIk ivc AuWQy KVHf ienHF lokF ivc afeI mfnisk igrfvt bfry socI jf irhf sI.
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
The Patrika
iksy vI qrHF rYnovysLn krvfAux leI sMprk kro
Spl: We Do Cabinet Installation for New or Old Houses All Kinds of Renovations Basement Washroom Kitchen Painting Plumbing
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Laminate Finishing Sundeck Vinyl Paper &more
Crown, Baseboard Door, Fireplace
HARDEEP BIRDI: 778-823-0765
The Patrika
Employment zrfeIvr dI loV aY b tsPo r z dI trW i kM g kMpnI nUM bI[ sI[ - kYlgrI, ipMn qoN ipMn cWlx leI klfs 1, sL r fb aqy nisL a F qo N rihq zrfeIvr dI qurMq loV hY | $6500 / mhInf dI grMtI, qnKLfh hr do hPqy bfad idWqI jfvygI | 3 sfl df qjLrbf aqy klIn aYbstRkt hovy | loz leI no-vyitMg | sMprk kro : (604)751-1500 PYks rYsmy : (604)744-9200 Workers Wanted
Wanted 5 Ironworkers Wages $27.50-$34.00/ hour. Full time work. Minimum 1-year of experience. Contact: chahal0161@yahoo.ca or vancouverrebar@ gmail.com kimaF dI loV aYbtsPorz ivwc lokl imwl leI lMbr cuwkx vfly Pork ilPk zrfeIvr dI loV hY. 1 sfl df qjLrbf hoxf cfhIdf hY. sfMnU iek bIlzr dI vI loV hY! cMgI qnKfh aqy vDIaf mhOl. hor jfxkfrI lYx leI Po n kro : 604807-2097. PAGE 46
Child Care Giver Wanted Wanted F/T in Home Child Caregiver to work from a Mission home 40hrs/wk $12.00 hr help take care out 1 child. Both parents work full time. Must be able to speak/read English. Drop and pick from school, prepare meals, snacks, help with homework, after school activities, appointments, light housekeeping duties. Optional accomodation available at no charge on a live-in basis.Note: this is not a condition of employment: baltejsekhon99@gmail. com
lMgr iqafr krn leI vrkr dI qurMq loV hY. (syvfdfr) gurU Gr dy lMgrF vfsqy iewk lyzIL jF jYNt dI jLrUrq hY jo lMgr iqafr krnf jfxdf hovy. jldI qoN jldI hyT ilKy nMbrF qy sMprk kro. sPfeI krn leI vrkr dI qurMq loV hY. (syvfdfr) gurU Gr dI sPfeI vfsqy Pul tfeIm vrkr cfhIdf hY. jo sPfeI df sfrf kMm juMmyvfrI nfl inBf skdf hovy. jldI qoN jldI hyT ilKy nMbrF qy sMprk kro. Bjn isMG qUr:-604864-7700 qrsym isMG idafl:778-552-4466
Dump truck drive wanted. Full-time. Wages negotiable. Minimum of 1-year experience required. Must have sufficient knowledge of the Fraser valley area. Call 604-825-1294
lVkI dI loV ieMzIaf ivwc rih rhy 28 sflf, 5’10 jwt iswK aMimRqDfrI lVky leI kYnyzf ivwc prmfnYNt rYjLIzYNt jF istIjLn lVkI dI loV hY. lVky df pUrf pirvfr kYnyzf ivwKy rih irhf hY. hor jfxkfrI leI sMprk kro: 778-779-2526 jF 604-832-7756
Announcements nsLy Cwzx leI jy qusIN sLrfb jF zrwg dy kfrn musIbq ivwc ho aqy Cwzx leI mdwd dy cfhvfn ho qF jOhn nUM Pon kro: 604-859-8244 jF 778-7791337 jF jjt.fvu@gmail.com
asIN ipCly 20 sflF qoN BfeIcfry dI syvf krdy af rhy hF. 50 sYNt nMU kursIaF (ijMnIaF mrjLI) 5 zflr nMU tybl (ijMny mrjLI) (stor qoN lY ky jfxf aqy Cwz ky jfxf quhfzI ijMLmyvfrI hovygI)
20 x 20 df tYNt isrPL $150 df hfeI pIk tYNt, tybl aqy kursIaF, sfAUNz isstm, zFs PLlor, kuikMg leI pqIly, gYs stov, hItr, lfeItF, eyrIaf rgjL, Qrms, PUz vfrmrjL, bfrbIikAU aqy qMdUr aqy hr iksm df zYkorysLn df smfn jfgo df smfn qswlIbKsL syvfvF iek vfr syvf df mOkf jLrUr idAu asIN zYkorysLn vI krdy hF! zYkorysLn df smfn XU. aYsU. eyU. aqy ieMzIaf qoN ilaFdf igaf hY. WE ALSO DO DECORATIONS FOR ALL EVENTS! hor jfxkfrI leI awj hI PoLn kro:
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The Patrika
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C E L L : 6 0 4 .8 3 2 .6 3 6 3 - O F F IC E : 6 0 4 .7 4 6 .2 7 7 7 PAGE 47
The Patrika
BfeI lflo jI nUM gurU nfnk df AupdysL: muKiqafr isMG jLPLr gurU nfnk jI afKdy BfeI lflo, suwqy lok jgfAux dI loV smJF. pfeIaF vMzIaF lokF ivwc KudgrjLF, iewko mUl smJfAux dI loV smJF. glq rsmF dy sMglLI lok nrVy, bMdI mukq krfAux dI loV smJF. zrU mqlbI Juky ierfidaF nUM, inwJr gurmuK bnfAux dI loV smJF. TwlH igafn dI hVH bygYrqI nUM, lf ky vihx bdlfAux dI loV smJF. jLPLr krn leI bdI dy Kfqmy nUM, nykI lihr clfAux dI loV smJF. BfeI lflo suwqf mulk jgfAuxf cfhIdf suxIN Brfvf lflo vylf eyho mMg kry. hukm dwsIey rwb dy, jyhVy jLfbr BMg kry. inrBY ho ky Zol qy zwgf lfAuxf cfhIdf. BfeI lflo… awlf pRBU rfm nfm hn iewko hsqI dy. kry sLfqrF toty iewko rwbI sLkqI dy. nPLrq dy ivwc sVidaF qfeIN bcfAuxf cfhIdf. BfeI lflo… jfq mjLhb goqF dy lokIN cfhVy, BwTy ny. Puwt pf ky lokF ivwc hfkm rihMdy kwTy ny. ipafr nflL iewk hox leI smJfAuxf cfhIdf. BfeI lflo… loV smyN dI jflL qoVIey, krmF BrmF dy. ByKI Kwtx lfhf, gux suwcy ny DrmF dy. bdI nflL nykI nUM hY trkfAuxf cfhIdf. BfeI lflo… mfns iewko jfq ikrq qF, BfeIcfrf hY. Bgq Bys ivwc luikaf, vyhlV qy hiqafrf hY. nfs Auhdy leI iewk muhfjL bnfAuxf cfhIdf. BfeI lflo… rIqF nhIN prIqF dy nflL, awgy gwl qurU. igafn dy hVH ivwc vihm dI TyrI, awK dy Por KurU. GfloN GfloN ivwc nhIN vkq gvfAuxf cfhIdf. BfeI lflo… jLPLr bcfeIey dfgI hoxoN icwtI cfdr nUM. Kqm krn leI jwgoN joLrfvr qy jLfbr nUM. rVk mVk dy nflL hmysLF ijAuxf cfhIdf. BfeI lflo… PAGE 48
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
gYNgs, nsLy aqy byGrqf dIaF pRmuwK smwisafvF irc ny ikhf: iesy qrHF jfiedfdF qy byGrqf qy vD rhy ivvfdF qy kMm krn vfly sM g Tn bx cuwky hn jF bx rhy hn.
puils muKI bOb irc ny qIjI slfnf kRfeIm iejL tost PMz ryjLr `qy bolidaF vI gYNg
Aus ny dwisaf aYbtsPorz ivwc bhuq sfry ivakqI jLmInF hVwpx vfly ivvfdF `c AulJy hoey hn aqy Kfs qOr qy Auh nOjvfn hn jo nsLf qsLkrI krn aprfD, vD rhy nsLy lYx df sMkt aqy byGrqf ijhIaF gMBIr smwisafvF nUM hwl leI rwKy gey hn. krn leI kimAUintI sYNtr dI mwdd qy AuhnF ikhf ik isrP AuhnF nUM puils jLor idwqf. ihrfsq `c lYxf qy AuhnF koloN QoVf bhuq kMm krvf lYxf smwisaf df pwkf hwl nhIN irc ny aY b tsPo r z `c trY z Y ks ivKy qkrIbn 200 lokF dy iekwT nUM sMboDn hY. kIqf aqy ikhf ik ieh Auh muwK smwisafvF Au h nF ikhf ik ies dI ro k Qfm leI hn ijMnHF df kimAUintI nUM sfhmxf krnf aY b tsPo r z pu i ls izpfrtmY N t vY s t pY irhf hY. aYbtsPorz XUQ vrikMg gruwp nfl iml ky kMm kr irhf hY. ijkrXog hY ik anykF hor AuhnF ny ies sfl sLihr (istI) ivwc hoey eyjMsIaF ijvyN skUl izsitRk, aYbtsPorz Cy kqlF bfry vI cfnxf pfieaf ijMnF df kimAUintI srivss iml ky kMm kr rhy sbMD aprfDI gYNgF nfl sI. hn asl `c sfiraF nUM iekwTy ho ky kMm “aijhy mhOl `c kimAUintI leI rihxf krn dI loV qy jLor idwqf. bhuq aOKf hY. iek vfr asIN socdy hF ik sfzy kol kuJ hor msly hn-ieh nhIN ik asIN aihMsf dI siQqI nUM kfbU kr ilaf sfry dy sfry sulJfey jf rhy hn. pr asIN hY qy asIN ‘08 qy 09’ dy mhOl `c vfps afpxI jdo-jihd jfrI rwKFgy aqy lokF df prq gey hF pr sfzy awgy iewk nvIN cuxOqI AuWT KVI hY.” sihXog nfl isry lfvFgy. ‘dI kRfiem iej tost eIvYNt’ df aXojn aYbtsPorz puils izpfrtmYNt dy pRogrfmF isry cfVn aqy Aus dI ivwqI mdd krn ihwq kIqI igaf. ikAuNik ey[pI[zI[ ies aprysLn dIaF gqI ivDIaF dy bjt ivwc nhIN afAuNdf.
irc ny dwisaf ky grwup aijhy pRogrfm AulIk irhf ijvyN ik skUl dy smyN qoN bfad bwicaF dIaF gqI-ivDIaF qy ingrfnI rwKxI jo mfipaF dI mdd nfl AuhnF dI rihnumfeI ho sky.
Aus ny ikhf “mYN ivsLvfsL krdf hF ik smF ies slfnf eIvYNt qy jo vI PMz iekwTf hovygf bIqx nfl asIN aijhy bwicaF ivwc Prk Aus df AupXog iewk zRon jhfj KrIidaf lwBx `c kfmXfb ho jfvFgy ijMnF dy sLOk jfvygf ijs nfl aprfD dI qPqIsL leI vwKry hn.” shfeI iswD hovygf aqy hor XUQ nfl sbMDq Aus ny ikhf, mYN ivsLvfsL krdf hF ik smF pRogrfmF ijvyN ik ey[pI[zI[ istI bfsktbfl bIqx nfl asIN AuhnF bwicaF dI ijLMdgI tUrnfmYNt aqy XUQ dy agFhvDU pRogrfmF qy. `c qbdIlI ilaf skdy hF jo KLqrnfk gYNgs, nsLy aqy byGrqf muwK smwisafvF- rfh apxfAuNdy hn. Aus ny awgy ikhf ik nf aijhI klpxf kIqI jfvy ik aijhy puils muKI bwcy nUM ikvyN PVnf hY jF ikvyN iksy aMDyrI bOb irc df trzYks ivKy (kRfeIm iej qy mINh vflI rfq nUM mfr ky Aus dI lfsL tost PMzryjr dy qIjy slfnf smfroh qy kol KVy hoeIey. ibafn bIqy buwDvfr svyry aYbtsPorz dy
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
The Patrika
For the Record: Freedom of Expression vs. Basic Decency
et me be honest with you… political correctness has gotten to the point where it makes my head spin.
my own thoughts about her behaviour I then remembered another value I was raised with – always take the high road. So, I smiled politely and said “I’m sorry I made you feel that way” Though in principle I understand and walked away. the importance of taking in to consideration the beliefs of others, For The Record… and while I do my very best at all The story above is just one of a few times to show respect towards others, examples where, despite doing my it has gotten to the point where I absolute best to always be respectful now find myself panicking in certain and polite, I was met with unjustified situations for fear of saying the wrong hostility. As you can imagine, this is thing and being unfairly labeled as why I have a challenging relationship either uninformed or, worse yet, with the notion of political correctness. intolerant. Indeed, dare I say that it However, as much as I feel as though has gotten to the point where political the notion of political correctness has correctness is creating intolerance gotten just a little bit out of control, amongst those who are allegedly its I also strongly believe in freedom of greatest champions. expression and the fact that everyone The most recent example in my own is entitled to their beliefs. life was when I held the door open for This brings me to another interesting a woman as we were both entering notion… the balance between the same building. Why did I do freedom of expression verses basic so? I did so because I was raised decency. This is a topic that I am with the notion of ‘ladies first’ on intentionally writing on this first week the basis that it’s polite. Having also of November, prior to Remembrance been raised with the notion that men Day. and women are equal, as well as the notion that no one person is ‘lesser’ While I may have a challenging than another regardless of gender, relationship with political correctness, race, religion, sexual orientation and whereas I also completely respect or otherwise, I never once held the the fact that everyone is entitled to door open for a woman for any other their beliefs, there are a couple of reason than it’s polite. Of course, as things that I feel strongly about where a child, the women I most often held political correctness and personal the door open for were my Mom beliefs are secondary to the greater and my Oma (Grandmother) who good – one of those being anything always thanked me and gave me a to do with Christmas activities prior smile. Thus, imagine my surprise to Remembrance Day. when I held the door open for this As it stands, Christmas has already woman only to be greeted with a become such a hyper-commercialized barrage of condescending remarks spectacle that the essence of Christmas that had me literally stunned. Like a – and by that I don’t necessarily mean deer in headlights all I could do was the story of Jesus (though, for me, stand there as my brain attempted to that’s what Christmas is about), comprehend what was happening. but rather the sentiments of loving It began with a snide “I don’t need the and caring for one another – is door held for me” to which I replied, almost all but forgotten. However, “I was just trying to be polite”. What almost nothing offends me more ensued was a lecture (almost as though than when I hear Christmas music it were rehearsed) that included or see Christmas anything prior to everything from her ‘independence’ Remembrance Day. to my ‘white male privilege’. As Coming from a military family I stood there and contemplated a (readers may remember that my response I very quickly felt my step-father spent 11 years with the otherwise polite demeanor begin to Canadian Forces Military Police leave me. On the verge of offering
(Airforce) prior to his 29 years with the Vancouver Police Department) I firmly believe that Remembrance Day is a day that should be spent in solemn reflection as we contemplate all those who have lost their lives – as well as those currently serving – in defence of the freedoms and security we enjoy today. To that end, I find it gut-churning when I see anything Christmas related going-up before November 11th. Now there are those who will argue that because of the freedoms we enjoy that putting up decorations and turning-on Christmas music before November 11th is a ‘tribute’ to the sacrifices made by others. That, however, holds little credibility in my eyes because I see that as selfish. Why? Because even though there may be some semblance of merit to the argument the reality is that byand-large those in uniform – not to mention those who have lost loved ones in uniform – do not see it that way. Thus, if it is their sacrifices that we are remembering than we should do so in a manner that best speaks to their beliefs.
Justin P. Goodrich like to think that we could all get on the same page about not celebrating anything Christmas related until after Remembrance Day – and not just because it’s politically incorrect to do so (irony intended), but because it is simply wrong. On that note, I for one will not shop at any store that has Christmas merchandize for sale or music playing – nor will I enter someone’s home that has Christmas decorations up – before November 11th. To that end, I invite you to join me in taking such a stand so that when Remembrance Day arrives on November 11th it is given the respect and dignity it deserves.
In closing, though I am the first to admittedly roll my eyes at times when Previous issues of For the Record can it comes to this hyper-politically be found online at www.patrika.ca/ correct world we live in, I would for-the-record.
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Friday, November 3rd, 2017
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
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Friday, November 3rd, 2017
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Friday, November 3rd, 2017
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Friday, November 3rd, 2017
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
Friday, November 3rd, 2017
Don't want to act in real-life : Rajinikanth Superstar Rajinikanth is confident that his mega-budget sci-fi thriller "2.0" will be the most prestigious Indian film ever."It will appeal to both the global and Indian audiences. Director Shankar has a nice social message for everyone in the film," Rajinikanth, 66, told reporters at a press conference in Dubai.The team of "2.0", including Rajinikanth, Akshay Kumar, A R Rahman, director Shankar, Amy Jackson and producer Allirajah Subaskaran were present at the event. Asked about his down-to-earth
personality, Rajinikanth said, "I don't want to act in my real-life because no one pays me to act off-screen."Akshay, 50, said he had a completely different experience working in "2.0", which is touted to be Asia's costliest movie at a budget of Rs 400 crore."I've never done a role like this in my entire career. And, I've never seen anyone doing a character like this. It was a whole new experience to play the role of an anti-hero," said Akshay, adding that Shankar is not just a filmmaker but a scientist with a grand vision.
Ileana D’Cruz loves cooking for her beau Looks like Ileana D'Cruz knows that the way to her man's heart is through his stomach and pleasing his taste buds. The actress, last seen in Baadshaho, is in a steady relationship with Australian photographer Andrew Kneebone for the last couple of years. A foodie herself, she recently baked special teddy cookies for her beau during her recent trip to Melbourne, which he relished.When BT asked Ileana about his favourites, she said, "Andrew loves the pizza I make. Creme brulee is also a favourite. In fact, it has become my signature
Christmas treat."Incidentally, Andrew, too, loves cooking. Probe her if he gave her any tips, and she says, "It's more about learning through trial-and-error. Andrew cooks a lot, but he follows a different style. I have always loved cooking and I keep trying out new recipes and picking up tips from cookery shows." Ileana admits she's inspired by her mother, who she insists, is a fantastic cook. The actress, who finds cooking therapeutic, continues, "I cherish the days when I have the time to cook. There's nothing better than the smell of fresh, home-baked bread. So, I would totally recommend people to get off their couches, stop ordering in and start cooking. It's the most rewarding experience ever."
'Ishqiya 3' not happening : Arshad No one can recreate Sridevi's Hawa Hawai : Vidya The keenly awaited Vidya Balan-starrer 'Tumhari Sulu' pays a tribute to Sridevi’s iconic song 'Hawa Hawai' from 'Mr. India'. The film has an office party scene where the characters played by Vidya (Sulu), Neha Dhupia (Maria) and RJ Malishka (Albeli Anjali) are dancing to the tunes of the erstwhile Kavita Krishnamurthy track. The gratifying part is that the original vocals of Kavita have not been altered.However, Vidya, a well-known Sridevi fan in real life, is quick to point out that the
new 'Hawa Hawai 2.0' is not a remake or attempt to recreate the original. It is a fun, up-tempo moment in the film where the trio gets to dance on a song that they all have enjoyed listening to while growing up.Vidya asserts, "We are not recreating or remaking the original. It is us dancing at a party. Because you cannot do a Sridevi song. Only Sridevi can do a Sridevi track. I just danced through Hawa Hawai in the film because it was so much fun."
Retracing from his previous suggestions of Ishqiya 3 being in the works, Arshad Warsi said, "The film is surely not happening." The third instalment of the 2010 black comedy, starring Naseeruddin Shah and Vidya Balan, was meant to go on floors soon, but the makers have revisited their decision. "There was talk of the third part. But, I had a conversation with the producers, and [they told me that] the last instalment was too expensive. They couldn't recover the costs. As a result, they have changed their mind. As of now, the film isn't in the pipeline. Naseer saab and I had hoped that this project would work out," Warsi said.
Taapsee gets into a ‘legal’ situation It's a high for anyone to buy a house, but what if you don't get to spend any time in the beloved property? Ask Taapsee Pannu, who has barely spent time at her newlyacquired home. After playing a London-based NRI and a spy in her recent releases, Taapsee Pannu has now started shooting for filmmaker 'Mulk'. The social thriller, being shot in Lucknow, that also stars Rishi Kapoor in a pivotal role, has the actress playing a lawyer.Given how nuanced most of her performances have been, Taapsee met a lot of her friends in the legal space to get a clear understanding of the profession. She has also been interacting with the lawyers her friends
have referred her in a bid to understand how counsels argue in the court room, what their mannerisms are and what their mindset is while debating from either side."Some of my lawyer friends handle high-profile criminal cases. So, I decided to meet them with my script and wanted them to help me understand what the story behind the scenes is. I wanted to know how cases are presented to the judge. They're guiding me on how lawyers prepare themselves for a case while battling their personal opinion on the matter. I'm getting a hang of their body language, too. It's fascinating to understand what a lawyer's day-to-day job entails," says Taapsee.