The Patrika 604.852.2288 | “BRIDGING COMMUNITIES” Weekly | Friday Nov 30th 2018 | Vol.23. No. 11 | | inrpwK, sqMqr aqy agFhvDU soc nMU prnfieaf hoieaf A SECULAR, INDEPENDENT & PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER
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The Patrika ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
Friday, November 30th, 2018
itAUn aWp, brykF, aYgjfst, PrMt aYWz vrk, ieMjn irpyarjL, klWc, vftr pMp, trYnI srivs, XU- jfieMtjL, PrMt aYksl sLfPtjL afid
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Sat Sharma
Friday, November 30th, 2018
The Patrika
ICBC CLAIMS afeI.sI.bI.sI dy dfavy
trfiel smyq asIN quhfzy Gr afky vI srivs idMdy hF
trfiel smyq
33222 Elz Xyl roz,aYbtsPorz, bI.sI. imlx leI apufieMtmYNt jLrUrI hY
isrP aYbtsPorz rihx vfilaF leI puwCigwC
muWK bµd
The Patrika
Friday, November 30th, 2018
ihµmq qy imhnq guWJy nhIN rihµdy pfx cfVH idWqI geI» ies qsvIr ƒ pµjfb aPrIkf dy Èihr nYrobI ivWc 13 isWKF ƒ dy mhfn kvI s[ krqfr isµG blWgx jI vWK vWK KyqrF ivWc mWlF mfrn ‘qy gOrv vkq dy rumFitk Kyqr vl iDafn dyeIey AuWdm dy dIvy buJy nhIN rihµdy kridaF ivÈyÈ aYvfrz idWqy gey» sµsfr ieAuN pyÈ krdy hnqF pqf lgdf hY ik hr jIv dI ieWko ÈRyxI ivWc ienHF ƒ vWzI jµg dy Èyr krky jfixaF cfly ipaf kWC¨ pf mµiËlF ƒ hWsy, ivWc hI anykqf df psfrf hY» koeI jfmf “vyiKaf iPr muafjËf dunIaF jfx lWgf hY» ies sB ivWcoN ihµmq aqy EprI nËry ieWko ijhf lgdf hY pr jdoN Xogqf df ikRÈmf idKfeI dy irhf hY» iesy ‘c dyKx vfilaF qyË dOVfkF ƒ aklF Auh dWsy Aus bfry pVqfl krIey qF Aus ivWcoN QF ikRÈmy vFg pµjfbIaF ny sµsfr dy hr dyÈ QF qy ivlWKxqf Ëfhrf idsygI» ieh sWc qyg ivWcoN somF aµimRq df vgf idWqf igaf pµCI qy pµjfbI dI AuzfrI dy bfry ivWc jo alWg pihcfn bxfeI hY Aus leI mnuWKqf qy vI p¨rf ZuWkdf hY» mnuWK ijWQy mItIaF aWKF keI, keIaF dy dIdy pft gey, ieh vWzy siqkfr dy hWkdfr hn» sfrI hI dunIaF jFdI bilhfry kWd kfT, rµg r¨p, soc smJ, bol cfl, vrqoN ivhfr, durfcfr qy sdfcr pWKoN vWK jd i˵dgI ƒ mOq dI godI ibTf idWqf igaf prdysF ivWc af ky ivWidaf, ivAupfr, pqfloN akfÈIN jf Jµzy ny gWzy vWK Byd rWKdf hY, EQy ies dy sm¨hF dIaF kfrobfr, AuWc aPsrIaF, puils, POj, hO i kaF dI vfj GIky ivlWKxqfvF vI Ëfhrf hn» imsfl dy vjoN isafsq, dfn,lok syvf, KyzHF, sWiBafcfrk sr kIqy kfrj Coty qy vWzy ikhf jFdf hY ik bµgfl df bµdf lµmy smyN gqIivDIaF, mIzIaf, Dfrimk syvfvF, gWl hfisaF ivWc bdl geI, cµd ieWk burfeIaF hn ‘Cµzo qy Bµzo’ leI itk ky nhIN bYT skdf qy pµjfbI hWQ kI hr Kyqr ivWc mHfarky mfry hn» ieh i˵dgI df sihm sfrf hI mukf idWqf igaf sB kuWJ 100 ku sfl ivWc kr ivKfieaf ‘qy hWQ Dr ky nhIN bih skdf» hY, ieh soc ky ik agly sO sflF qWk ieh qusIN PuWl ho gulfb dy mihkF hI vµzo» pµjfbI df suBfa pµCIaF nfÜ myÜ KFdf hY» AuWTIaF JukIaF DOxF qy qxIaF CfqIaF, krmF vfÜy ikhVy mukfmF qy hoxHgy? Aus df Dµnvfd sfihq, ijvyN pµCI cogy dI BfÜ ivWc d¨r d¨r dIaF igWdVF ƒ Èyr dy jfmy ‘c pf idWqf igaf»“ AuWqr bhuq suBfgf hY, krmF vfÜf hY» afE AuzfrIaF mfrdy hn ievyN hI pµjfbI vI» Aus dI kfmnf krdy hoey khIeysµpfdkI mµzl» ienHF dI smuWcqf ƒ eydF vI afK skdy hF= aWj ienHF ÈyrF dI gWl sµsfr dy hr ihWsy ivWc vsdy pµjfbIaF df isr AuWcf krdI AuWdm, imhnq, AuWnqI hY hY» ieiqhfs anusfr 1880-1937 qWk pµjfb dI DrqI ‘qy mINh nf pey qF 38 vfr ikrdfr pµjfbIaF df kfÜ ipaf, KyqI ikWqf qbfh hoieaf, jWtF dy sµsfr dI hr DrqI ‘qy hY puWq sfD hox leI mjb¨r hoey qy arikkqf jgjIq isMG gxyÈpur iQVk geI» rfj aµ g ry Ë df sI, Au s ƒ PO j F dsmyÈ ipqf vwloˆ Éflsy dI sfjxf idvs afpxy krm nflL hI pihcfixaF jfˆdf hY rfzfr pµjfbIaF df leI lVfk¨aF dI loV sI, qy ieiqhfs dy mOky mrdF nUM afpxy nfm nfl `isMG` aqy ,ies sMdrB ivc iehI ikhf jf skdf hY syvf, dfn qy lµgr Èfhsvfr pµjfbIaF df pµinaF ny isWKF vl ieÈfrf kIqf» Aus smyN bIbIafˆ nUM kOr` lgvfAux dI bÉisLÈ kIqI. ik jdoˆ sfzy nfm nfl ieh Èbd lwgy hoey aµgryË ny BrqI ivWc pihl isWKF ƒ idWqI ipafrF ivWcoN aWvl aONdf `isMG` qoˆ Bfv Èyr, bhfdr, sUrbIr, pRDfn, hoxgy qfˆ sfnUM sfzf ÌrË aqy ieÉlfk cyqy qy isWKF ny isr DV dIaF bfËIaF lONidaF rhygf ik asIˆ kOx hfˆ,sfzy ivrsf kI hY aqy ipafr pµjfbIaF df hr XuWD ivWc inafry inafry nqIjy idWqy» Auwqm aqy `kOr` qoˆ Bfv rfjkumfrI hox qoˆ sµsfr XuWDF ivWc lVidaF by-ihsfby QfeIN ajoky smyˆ pwCmI siBaqf dy pRBfv sfzI smfj pRqI kI iËMmyvfrI hY? duÈmx nfÜ cWldf nhIN AuDfr pµjfbIaF df ienHF s¨rimaF ÈhIdIaF pfeIaF» goiraF hyT jfˆ PokI ÌYÈnpRsqI dI mfr kfrn nO- gurU sfihb jI ny sfzy nfm nfl jfqfˆ, pfqfˆ ienHF ÈhIdF ƒ afpxIaF Dfrimk rhu rIqF jvfn muMzy-kuVIafˆ afpxf pUrf nfm ilKx , kbIilafˆ afid dI pihcfx sdf leI htf sµsfr ‘c hr QF vDdf jfey muqfibk kbrF ivWc dPnf idWqf, ijnHF ƒ aqy bolx qoˆ vI guryË krdy hn. jdoˆ ik idwqI ies sB dy bfvjUd pMjfbI siqkfr pµjfbIaF df aWj dy isdkI ieiqhfskfrF lWB ilaf hY» dsmyÈ ipqf ÈRI gurU goibMd isMG jI vwloˆ hux nfm dy ipwCy goq lgvfAux nUM iËafdf Bfrq ivWc pµjfb dI DrqI ËrKyË hox ienHF dy ikrdfrF ƒ vWzHy mfx ididaF bhuq nfˆdyV ivKy kIqy gey 52 bcnfˆ ivwc hr krky,pµj ndIaF dy pfxI dIaF bhfrF sfry dyÈF ivWc ienHF dIaF XfdgfrF sQfpq iewk iswK aOrq-mrd nUM afpxf pUrf nfm qrËIh idMdy hn.goq ilKxf vwzfpn smiJaf jfx lwgf hY jdoˆ ik iswK dI koeI jfq krky aqy imhnqI biȵdy hox krky ieWQoN ho rhIaF hn» pihlI sµsfr jµg 1914lYx df hukm hY.ajoky mfpy afpxy bwicaF goq nhIˆ pr iPr vI anMd kfrjfˆ dy sbMD dy lok KuÈhfl sn, hr qrF hI suKI sn» 1918 qWk cWlI ijs ivWc pµjfbI isWKF ny df nfm ieho ijhy rwK rhy hn ijnHfˆ df koeI ivwc Cpy swdy-pwqrfˆ smfgmfˆ, Grfˆ dIafˆ eysy krky 600 sfl hr DfVvI, hr rfjf, isr DV dIaF bfËIaF lfeIaF» ienHF bhfhr jfbr ies dy aµg aµg ƒ nocdf irhf» drF dI Xfd ivWc lµzn dy smyQivk pfrk arQ Bfv hI nhIˆ huMdf jdoˆ asIˆ purfqn qÉqIafˆ Auwpr goqf dy nfm vwzy-vwzy awKrfˆ ivWc srdfr ispfhI df buWq sQfpq kIqf» isMGfˆ, isMGxIafˆ df nfm pVHdy suxdy hfˆ ivwc vyKx nUM imldy hn.iswK df nfm qoˆ gur¨ nfnk sfihb jI dy crn pOx nfÜ bfkI ieµglYNz dI srkfr ny mhFrfjf rxjIq qfˆ nfm qoˆ hI joÈ, bIrqf, bhfdrI, syvf bfad jfq jfˆ pfq ilKxf iswKI dy muwZly Bfrq vFg ies dy vI Bfg KuWlHy, lokF suK df isMG dI poqrI soPIaf dlIp isµG df nfm Bfvnf, inmrqf, pivwqrqf df Jlkfrf asUlfˆ nUM rwd krnf hY.gurU sfihb anusfr sfh ilaf, lok kmOx Kfx qy qrWkI krn sµsfr dIaF nfmI hsqIaF ivWc iliKaf hY» pYˆdf sI.ijvyˆ ÈmÈyr isMG, jrnYl isMG, mfnvqf hI iewk sfˆJI jfq hY. lWgy» gur¨ nfnk sfihb jI qoN lY ky ds gurF ies sfl X¨[ ky[ dI POj ivWc BrqI hoxI hY dlyr isMG, ismrnpRIq isMG, inrml isMG, dy juWg pltfAU AuWdmF sdkf qy pµjfbIaF dI qy AunHF Bfrq dy isWK nO-juafnF ƒ pihl dieaf kOr, asIs kOr, inrlyp kOr afid gurU sfihbfn vwloˆ bÉÈIafˆ dfqfˆ nUM ieMJ gur¨ sfihbfnF leI sWcI suWcI ÈrDf sdkf idWqI hY» pihly sµsfr XuWD dy ÈhId buWkm .jy hux dy nfvfˆ dI gwl krIey ijvyˆ snI, nËraMdfË kr ky asIˆ kdy vI Auh sdienHF mihs¨s kIqf ijvyN Auh nrk ivWcoN isµG ƒ torFto lfgy ikcnr Èihr dIaF fcfrk aqy ieÉlfkI gux Dfrn nhIˆN kr mnI, hnI, tomI, tonI, jYËI, irMkI, ipMkI inkl svrg ivWc vs rhy hox» Éfs gWl kbrF ivWc phuµc ky sB BfeIcfiraF ny sIs skdy jo sfnUM pUrI dunIaF ivwc iek vwKrI ieh vI hY ik ieWk qF ienHF df hWz Krf sI Jukfieaf qy rImYNbrs zy ny ieiqhfs ivWc afid nfm sfzy amIr ivrsy qoˆ swKxy pRqIq pihcfx, Auwcf-suwcf ikrdfr aqy srbwq dy qy d¨jy dsF gur¨aF dIaF kuTflIaF ny, dyg isWKF leI ivÈyÈ QF bxfieaf, inAUXfrk huMdy hn. Bly dy sMklp nUM Aujfgr krn ivwc shfeI dy AubfiÜaF ny, cFdnI cONk dI Èhfdq ny, ivWc dsm ipqf dy XuWD pYNqiVaF ƒ ijAuNdf gurU sfihb vwloˆ bÉÈy `isMG` aqy `kOr` ho skdy hn ikAuNik jdoN asIN afpxy nfm bµd bµd dy kWtF ny, KoprIaF dy AuDyVF ny, rWKx leI isWK mfrÈl afrt gWqkf ƒ sfzI hoˆd df pRgtfvf aqy smfj pRqI ÌrËfˆ nfl `isMG` aqy `kOr` lgf ky sfbq sUrq bWicaF dy toty toty hoey toitaF ny, XuWDF mfnqf idWqI geI hY, ivnIpYWg dy ieWk pfrk nUM sucyq krdy hn.keI swjxfˆ df ivcfr iswK srUp nfl sMsfr ivwc Bly kfrjfˆ leI idaF qWiqaF rxF ny, sfihbËfidaF dIaF df nfm ÈhId Bgq isµG rWiKaf igaf hY» dIvfrF ivWc cxfeIaF ny, mfqf gujrI jI iesy 13 qrIk ƒ knyzf srkfr ny isWKF hovygf ik nfm ivwc kI rwiKaf hY? `isMG` nfmxf Kwtdy hfˆ qfˆ sfzy nfl Aus sunihrI ‘qy duWKF dIaF JVIaF ny ienHF ƒ kuTfÜIaF ƒ vWD vIËy dyx ibWl pfs kr idWqf hY» jfˆ `kOr` nfm nfl lgf ky koeI afdrÈ ieiqhfs dI vI pyÈkfrI huMdI hY ijs nUM ‘c pf pf ky sony bxf idWqf» smJo lohy ƒ iensfn nhIˆ bx jfˆdf ikAuˆik iensfn sfzy puriKafˆ ny afpxy KUn nflL iliKaf hY.
gurU sfihb vwloˆ bÉÈy `isMG` aqy `kOr` nfm nfl nf ilKx df Êlq ruJfn
The Patrika
Friday, November 30th, 2018
aYnk df kmfl gurdrÈn isMG mfvI
coxF nyVy af rhIaF hn» nyqf jI duKI hn» afpxy ÈuBicMqk imWqr ƒ ivÈyÈ qOr ’qy imlx gey qF jo duWK vMizaf jfey» imWqr ƒ vyK ky bWs ro hI pey» kihx lWgy “bMDU, kYsy Ëmfny af gey hYN iksI df ieqbfr hI nhIN irhf» afpixaF df moh Kqm ho irhf hY» hr bMdf Pfiedf AuTfAux dy cWkr ivc hY»” nyqf jI dIaF byQvHIaF sux ky imWqr jI BvMqr gey» Auhƒ lWigaf nyqf jI iksy tYnÈn ivc hn» puWC hI ilaf, “gurU jI, ÈuB ÈuB bolo» koeI kMm hovy, bMdf hfËr hY» gWl qF dWso»” “bMDU qUM nhIN jfx skyNgf» coxF isr ’qy af geIaF hn» ajy qWk afpxIaF votF dI igxqI hI nhIN ho rhI» afpxy ibgfny df pqf hI nhIN lWgdf» jy iksy qrHF afpxIaF votF df pqf lWg jfvy qF ijWq vWt ’qy peI aY» keI joqÈIaF, pMzqF zyry dy bfibaF kolL jf afieaf hF pr inrfÈf hI pWly peI hY» qUM hI koeI idmfg lVf ky PfrmUlf kWZ»” imWqr ny kuJ icr soicaf qy aYnkF dI dukfn ’qy lY igaf» nËr tYst krvf ky vDIaf aYnk lY idWqI» aYnk lf ky nyqf jI bfgo bfg ho gey» hux sB kuJ klIar ids irhf sI» aYnk nfl bMdy df ichrf spÈt idsdf sI qy hfv Bfv pVHny sOKy ho gey sn» aYnk ny qF smJo dunIaF bdl ky rWK idWqI» dUroN afAuNdy bMdy dI qor pCfx ky dWs idMdy ik lfBdfiek hY jF aYvyN nMbr bnfAux afieaf hY» aYnk dy ieÈfry nfl lfBkfrI bMdy Dur aMdrly ey[sI[ kmiraF ivc puWj jFdy qy aYry gYry bfhr brFzy ivWc bYNc ’qy ieMqËfr krdy rihMdy» lfBkfrI bMidaF ƒ imlx vyly aYnkF nWk ’qy KuÈI nfl nWc rhIaF sn» afAux vflf afpxy kMm leI pMjfh hËfr aYzvFs myË ’qy rWK ky bfkI rkm kMm hox ’qy dyx df vfadf kr irhf hY» nyqf jI, “hI[[[[ hI[[[[ ” krdy aYnkF cuWkx dy bhfny myË qoN sB kuJ smyt ilafey» aYnkF df PrË pUrf qy hux nWk ’qy bYTIaF hWs rhIaF hn» aYnkF bfry hor aiDaYn krn ’qy pqf lWgf ik ieh qF nWk nfloN vI qfkqvr hn» nyqf jI pihlF nWk ƒ hI vWzf smJdy sn qy hr QF afpxf nWk rWKx dI hI gWl krdy rihMdy» hux jdoN smJ af geI ik nWk AuWqy aYnk hmyÈf svfr rihMdI hY qF aYnk hor vI ipafrI idsx lWgI» ieh vI pqf lWgf
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ik nWk, kMn ƒ joVn vflI aYnk df glLy nfl vI sbMD hY» aYnk afpxy sfhmxy dyK ky hI gWl ƒ vWKo vWK, cMgy mfVy Èbd Aucfrn df ieÈfrf krdI hY» ivroDIaF leI, “vWt kWZ idaFgy, bKiÈaf neIN jfvygf, PWty cuWky idaFgy, quMn CWzFgy, ihsfb lY ky CWzFgy” afid Èbd Augly jFdy hn» afpixaF leI, “dyÈ Bgq, ivcfry, kurbfnI krn vfly, lok syvk, duK suWK ivc KVHn vfly” afid Èbd Aucfry jFdy hn» aYnk nfl kMn, nWk, glLy dI gUVHI sFJ bxI hoeI hY» iek idn AuhI purfxf ÈuBicMqk iml igaf» nyqf jI ƒ KuÈ vyK ky Aus ny dWisaf ik asl ivc quhfƒ dUr id®ÈtI rog sI» aYnk lWgx nfl Auh TIk ho igaf qy hux sB kuJ spÈt hY» Ausny hor vI dWisaf ik ies rog df asr iËMdgI dy aihm PYsly lYx ’qy vI pYNdf hY» jy iksy ƒ dUr dIaF cIËF sfÌ qy spÈt nhIN idsdIaF qF Auh afpxI siQqI TIk nhIN rWK skdf» mMn lE dUr qoN trWk qyË rPqfr nfl afAuNdf hY qy asIN cMgI qrHF Aus bfry jWjmYNt nhIN kr skdy qF durGtnf hox df zr rihMdf hY» iesy qrHF rfjnIqI ivc vI dUr id®ÈtI rWK ky cWlxf pYNdf hY» ijs nyqf dI dUr id®ÈtI nhIN, Auh PylH smJo» nyqf jI ƒ aYnk hor vI cMgI lWgx lWgI» aYnk ny qF keI GftF pUrIaF kr idWqIaF, hux nyqf jI afpxy hlky ivc votF dI pCfx krn Cy mhIny pihlF hI gyVf mfrn lWg pey hn» hux Aus ƒ bMqf, imWTU, subyg, igMdr afid klIar ids rhy hn, ijnHF dI nyqf jI ny sfZy cfr sfl Èkl nhIN sI dyKI» aYnk QfxIN krmf nMbrdfr qy ryÈm isMG srpMc vI lWB gey hn» ivroDI jo mrËI khI jfx, pr nyqf jI dI aYnk qy dUr id®ÈtI ny kfieaf klp kr idWqI hY» gFDI topI, nihrU jfkyt qy iÈmlf KUMzI ƒ muV ilÈkf ky nyqf jI cVHdI klf ivc hn» Auh hryk df ichrf ghu nfl vyKdy, prKdy qy zfierI ivc “afpxI vot” ilK rhy sn» mn ÈFq qy kdmF ivc kfhl hY» ies vfr nyqf jI ËrUr bfËI mfrngy»
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EYbtsPorf itaUn-E@p sYNtr EYl.tI.fI. Unit #24 - 3275 McCallum Road Abbotsford B.C. V2S 3M7 (Across from Air Care)
The Patrika
Friday, November 30th, 2018
Record Breaking Year for Toys for Tots
he sixth annual Toys for Tots Breakfast on November 23rd raised a record-breaking $60,976 and 2,657 toys for children in need over the holidays. The record was achieved, in part, by a $20,000 matching gift from an anonymous donor.
Murray, manager of the Abbotsford Community Services Food Bank. The event included Cliff Prang as emcee, a photo booth, a visit from Santa, and live Christmas music featuring the MEI Chamber Singers, the band Coalmont, Ever After Princesses, Ryan McAllister and more.
“Once again we’re blown away by
the generosity of Abbotsford,” said event organizer and Abbotsford Community Services employee, Rebecca Thuro. Children of all ages, families, community members and local businesses attended the event which for many marks the beginning of the Christmas Season. The event, held at the Quality Hotel and Conference Centre, offered a free buffet breakfast to anyone who dropped off a donation. Organizers say this year’s Toys for Tots event was also the best attended event since its introduction. In 2017, the event raised $58,400 and more than 2,000 toys.
Sponsors included Quality Hotel and Conference Centre, Envision Financial, Teamwork Property Management and a host of Gold, Silver and Table sponsors. A drive-thru for drop-offs was open for those who didn’t have time to stay for breakfast. The toys go to the Christmas Bureau – which operates as the Abbotsford Community Services Food Bank the rest of the year – where families in need can shop for gifts for their children. The agency expects to help more than 1,200 children this season. The Food Bank is one of 90 programs offered by Abbotsford Community Services.
“Not only do the gifts give children Visit the something to open on Christmas website for more information on domorning, it gives hope to their parents nating or sponsoring a family in need. and caregivers that the community cares about their family,” said Dave PAGE 6
The Patrika
Friday, November 30th, 2018
Services Inc.
* LEGAL INCENTIVES UP TO $800 3 - 32056 South Fraser Way Abbotsford, B.C V2T 1V7
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The Patrika
Friday, November 30th, 2018
Friday, November 30th, 2018
The Patrika
BfrqI lVkI
suKdyv isMG sMDU sunihrI vydr smyN qUM sI dyvI, lKCmI durgf srsvqI qyry nfm, ijQy vI qyrI pUjf huMdI AuQy sI rwb dI rhfiesL qy TMZI Cfm. jLulm bwdlI bx ky AuwT jFdf jdoN qUM JFsI dI rfxI bxky qlvfr AuTfeI,
$ 12.65
hux qF inmfxI bx ky rih geI jdoN mrd hwQoN hoeI qyrI mfr kutfeI. mrd dI inijaq glq soc BfvI hoeI, qUM rihMdI hosL guafeI, mrd dI qfkq dy jflL ivwc Psky, qUM afpxI hoNd jVoHN mukfeI. qyrf mrd hwQoN zfZf hoieaf durivvhfr,ijsqy smfj ny imwtI pfeI, burI qUM bxI bury dy awgy aqy cuwp krky pwq luhfeI. qUM iewk cIjL bxky rih geI qy mrd qyrf rKvflf, pihlf rKvflf qyrf ipqf bixafN, iPr Brf qy bfad pqI df bolbflf. iensfnIaq qoN jdoN qYnUM cIjL bxfieaf, mrd ny kIqf qyrf inptfrf qYnUM toty toty kr ky KUh c suwitaf qy afK idwqf ieh qyrf hI kfrf. mnuwKI aiDkfr imlxy qF dUr dI gwl sI qUM jnm lYx qoN vI vMicq hoeI
DrimMdr sLrmf: 778-683-3019
hr iewk muMzf muMzf krdf kuVI dI gwl nf puwCy koeI. qUM mfpy Gr bygfnI shury Gr bygfnI ikqy nf imly ZoeI qyrI igxqI mrd qoN Gwt geI mrd hI puwCy ieh hfl kI hoeI. cMgI Kurfk pVHfeI ajLfdI aqy jfiedfd ieh mrd ny Koh ley qUM rih geI KflI AultI vfV Kyq nUM Kf geI bgIcf Kf igaf mflI. qUM iksy jfnvr qoN nf zrdI zrdI mrd vrgy Bgq qoN qUM rfq brfqy sihmI rhyN, qUM zryN mrd ierfdy kql qoN . muMzF Grdy bUty dI jVH bixafN, qUM rih geI suwkI tfhxI, qUM hr rojL mr mr jIvyN muMzf jIvy cfvo cFvIN qYnUM kuJ vI muPq nhIN imlxf, hwkF dI rfKI afp hI krxI pYxI inmfxI bxky kuJ nhIN bxnf Cwzdy qsLdwd sihxI qUM kmjoLr nhIN Cwxdy rwKVI dy iqAuhfr mnfAuxy afpxI hoNd nf Cwz kuVIey Cwxdy Brf dy sohly gfAuxy qyrI igxqI hoxI cfhIdI mrd qoN ijLafdf, qUM ilaf skdI ienklfb bVy mfVy lyKF dI syD nUM Cwzdy , qyrI jwdo jihd ivwc asIN sfry qyry nfl KVHy. PAGE 9
The Patrika
Friday, November 30th, 2018
ichry qoN JurVIaF aqy sLfeHIaF GtfE Reduce Wrinkles & Blemishes With Botox & Dermapen Micro Needling
LOOK YEARS YOUNGER kI qusIN JurVIaF jF sLfeHIaF (ichry dy dfg-Dwby) qoN Cutkfrf pfAuxf cfhuMdy ho? zf mnjIq gosl botOks aqy zrmfpYwnmfeIkro nIzilMg- dIaF afDuink qknIkF df iesqymfl krky quhfzI smwisaf df hwl kr skdy hn. Before
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Address: #300-2845 Cruickshank St. Abbotsford. OFFICE HOURS : MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9AM - 5PM
The Patrika
Friday, November 30th, 2018
Dhami Narang & Company LLP (“DNC Lawyers”) was established in 2010 by Rajan Dhami and Amrik Narang. With the help of our valued clients, DNC Lawyers has now grown into a mid-sized law rm with of ces in Abbotsford and Surrey, British Columbia. To serve our clients best, DNC Lawyers has an experienced team of 9 lawyers to cater to the individual needs of our clients. Every member of our law rm strives to provide outstanding service to produce the best results for our clients.
We use a collaborative team approach to your legal problems to get you the best results possible. We are only happy when you are happy and realize that our success depends on referrals from our client base.
rfjn DfmI aqy amrIk nfrMg vloN 2010 ivwc sQfpq kIqI geI sI. sfzy suihrd klfieMts dI mwdd nfl DNC Lawyers ny qrwkI kridaF imwz sfeIjLz lfa Prm bxf leI hY, ijs dy dPqr bI sI dy sLihrF aYbtsPorz aqy srI ivwc hn. afpxy klfieMts dIaF smUh musLiklF nfl nijwTx leI vwzy qjLribaF vfly 9 vkIlF dI tIm iqafr ho geI hY. afpxy klfieMts dIaf qmfm smwisafvF dy hYrfnIjnk nqIijaF leI hux awzI cotI dy Auprfly kIqy jfx gy.
qswlIbKsL proPYsLnl syvfvF quhfnMU vDIaf knMUnI nqIjy dyx leI asIN sfry sFJI tIm dy qOr qy Xqn krdy hF quhfzI KusLI hI sfzI KusLI hovy gI, asIN mihsUs krdy hF ik sfzIaF sPlqfvF quhfnMU idwqy cMgy nqIijaF AuWqy hI inrBr hn.
REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS We deal with all matters relating to the sale and purchase of residential and commercial property. By contacting us before you sign a contract, you can make sure your rights are protected. We will provide you with reliable and timely legal advice. PURCHASE & SALE: RESIDENTIAL ·Negotiating and Drafting Agreements of Purchase and Sale ·Acting for Buyers or Sellers on Purchases and Sales of New Homes, Condominiums, Assignments, Recreational and Cottage properties ·Acting for Borrowers or Lenders on Mortgage Transactions ·Advising Borrowers on Mortgage Liability PURCHASE AND SALE: COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL
·Purchases and Sales of Commercial Real Estate
Apartment and Office Buildings ·Land Purchases or Sales ·Acting for Borrowers or Lenders on Mortgage Transactions ·Advising Borrowers on Mortgage Liability ABBOTSFORD OFFICE
Dhami Narang & Company LLP Suite 301-2975 Gladwin Road Abbotsford, BC V2T 5T4
ICBC CASES We handle a full range of ICBC personal injury claims, including head injuries, broken bones, soft tissue injuries, muscle strains, psychological injuries & others asIN afeI sI bI sI nfl sbMDq iNnWjI srIrk swtF PytF ijnHF ivc isr dIaF swtF, tuWtIaF hWzIaF, koml itsULaF dIaF cotF, pWiTaF dIaF sWtF, mfnisk ivgfV aqy hor hfnIaF sLfml hn, dy klym hYNzl krdy hF. THE LAWYERS AT DNC PROVIDE COMPREHENSIVE LEGAL SERVICES IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS:
zI aYn sI dy vkIl iehnHF syvfvF ivwc quhfzI pUrI mdd kr skdy hn: Personal Injury / ICBC Business / Corporate Commercial Litigation Real Estate Wills / Probate Estate Litigation
prsnl swt jF af sI bI sI kfrobfr / kOrpryt kOmrsLIal mukwdmf rIal iestyt vsIaq jF pRobyt jfiedfd mukwdmf
rIal iestyt trFjLYksLns asIN vpfrk aqy rhfiesLI jfiedfdF vycx aqy KRIdx sbMDI sB kfrjF df kMm krdy hF. koeI vI kOntrYkt sfeIn krn qoN pihlF sfzI islfh jLrUr lvo. asIN quhfnUM qswlI kr ky dwsF gy ik quhfzy hwk syP hn ik nhIN? asIN afp jI nUM tfeIm isr shI aqy BrosyXog kfnUMnI msLvrf idMdy rhF gy.
prcyjL aYNz syl rYjLIzYNsLIal •KrId aqy vyc dy sihmqI zrfPitMg aYgrImYNts •asIN vycx vflLy dI vI aqy KRIdx vflLy dI vI shI mdwd krdy hF ijvyN nvyN Gr KrIdx, kONzmInIams, rhfiesLI dsqfvyjL. mn-prcfvy vflLIaF aqy kfitj prfprtIjL leI. •mfrtgyj idvOx ivwc asIN KRIdx vflLy dI vI aqy vycx vflLy dI vI mdwd krdy hF •KRIdx aqy vycx vflLy dI mfrtgyj Xogqf bfry dwsdy hF
kmrsLIal aqy ieMzstrIal prcyjL aqy syl •kmrsLIal rIal iestyt aYpfrtmYNt aqy afiPs iblizMgF dI KrId aqy vyc •jLmIn dI KrId aqy vyc •vycx vfilaF aqy KRIdx vfilaF leI mfrtgyj trFjLYkisLn •KRIdx vfilLaF nUM mfrtgyj lfieibltI vfry shI slfh idMdy hF.
SURREY OFFICE Dhami Narang & Company LLP Suite 313-14928 Hwy 10 Surrey, BC V3S 2N5 Toll Free: 1-877-864-6131
604-864-6131 PAGE 11
AYbtsPorf pulIs ivBwg
The Patrika
AYIAr btsPor lIsAkY ivBwg j¨n puflpuIs fmI
AYbtsPorf pulIs ivBwg
Friday, November 30th, 2018
j¨nIArmwrc pul18-22 Is AkYfmI mwrc 18-22
AYbtsPorf pulIs ivBwg
JUNIOR POLICE nIAr pusnmwn lIs auAkY fmI j¨nIAr pulIs AkYfmI j¨idAwnqdwrI ACADEMY qSwh syvw INTEGRITY
COURAGE mwrc 18-22
mwrc snmwn18-22 auqSwh
izAwdw jwxkwrI leI
‘qy jwE Aqy
qy kilk kro
izAwdw jwxkwrI leI
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qy kilk kro
pYkyj quhwfy sµbµiDq kYrIAr ƒ Awswn kr dyxgy pYkyj quhwfy sµbµiDq kYrIAr ƒ Awswn kr dyxgy Aµiqm imqI 7 dsµbr, Su~krvwr Aµiqm imqI 7 dsµbr, Su~krvwr koeI svwl hovy qW nMU eImyl kro: koeI svwl hovy qW nMU eImyl kro:
izAwdw jwxkwrI leI
‘qy jwE Aqy
pYkyj quhwfy sµbµiDq kYrIAr ƒ Awswn kr dyxgy Aµiqm imqI 7 dsµbr, Su~krvwr koeI svwl hovy qW nMU eImyl kro:
qy kilk kro
izAwdw jwxkwrI leI
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WepYkTeach More Driving! yj quhwfy sµbµiYou Dq kYrIAr ƒ Awswn Than kr dyxgy GLP
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The Patrika
Friday, November 30th, 2018
Falcons Win Semi Final, Off to Provincials
he Abbotsford Falcons peewee black won the provincial semifinal game in a very defensive game. The first half of the game was no score for either team due to great defensive games for both teams North Surrey Cardinals and Abbotsford Black Falcons. The Abbotsford defense kept them in a better field position and late in third quarter the Abbotsford Falcons were able to score their first touchdown by Elijah Black, with great gains on the passing game by Joel Muller and the extra point kick by Jaiden Sharma. In the fourth quarter the Abbotsford defense kept the pressure on the north surrey teem, not allow-
ing any positive yards. This way the offence could regain control and scored for a second time from Elijah black. The extra point was missed. At the end the defense of Abbotsford Falcons stopped the last try of the north surrey team attempt to score with a final result of 14-0 in favor of the Abbotsford Falcons. The Abbotsford Falcons ended their regular season undefeated with 405 points for and just 12 points against. This win sends them to the Provincial Final December 2nd South Side Dawgs from Victoria. Falcons play at Percy Perry Stadium at 10:00 am.
The Patrika
Friday, November 30th, 2018
Prospera Supports Youth through Youth Angel Tree Project and Donation
rospera Credit Union is once again coordinating gifts for disadvantaged youth through the Youth Angel Tree Project. Now in its seventh year, the Young Angel Tree Project makes wishes come true for local youth. Trees are set up at local Prospera branches featuring holiday wishes from over 100 youth. The names and wish lists are provided by the Youth Resource Centre (YRC) at Abbotsford Community Services (ACS). Residents are invited to stop by a branch and take
them they have value and there are positive impact good people out there, which often on those around hasn’t been their experience.” them.” Some of the youth who benefit from this program come from single parent homes or are single parents themselves, are in foster care or have aged out of care and may not have a place to go at Christmas. Past gift requests have ranged from work boots, grocery store gift cards, clothes to books.
Community members can select a youth and their wish list at one of the three Prospera branches in Abbotsford. “The Angel Tree Program is something Once the new that Prospera staff and members look and unwrapped gifts are brought “We’re so thankful for Prospera for beback, Prospera staff wrap the gifts and youth workers at ACS deliver to the ing committed to consistently helping youth. local youth year-round,” said Maassen. “It’s pretty stunning the effort Prospera puts into this event. They coordinate the gifts, check to make sure they’re equal and top them up if needed,” said Maassen. “Every detail down to the wrapping is just so thoughtful.”
Gifts are due back December 11 at the following participating Abbotsford branches: the Abbotsford branch at 34630 DeLair Rd., the West Oaks
branch at 32700 South Fraser Way and Prospera also recently donated $10,000 towards youth programs at ACS for the Clearbrook branch at 32071 South counselling services. Fraser Way.
forward to each year,” said Steven a tag, purchase a new gift for the youth Lang, Prospera’s Regional Director for and bring it back unwrapped. the Fraser Valley. “We see the positive Simone Maassen, manager of youth impact that the program has on both services at ACS, says the holidays can the youth and their parents within the be a stressful and depressing time for community. Abbotsford is a great city and we want to help everyone become some young people. contributing citizens and grow our “When they realize that someone in the community’s resilience. By helping the community cares enough to buy them youth, we hope to show them the good something they wanted, it reminds in others and inspire them to have a
The Patrika
Friday, November 30th, 2018
Is your car keeping you safe? (NC) Wrapping yourself in two tons of steel can feel like protection enough out on the road, but from aggressive drivers to dangerous conditions, many cars just can’t cut it. Look for vehicles with vital safety features to let you explore the road in security and confidence. One major concern and cause of accidents is falling asleep at the wheel, especially when travelling on the highway for longer distances. One great feature that can help with this is lane keep assist with lane departure warning. If drivers let their vehicle drift over a detected lane marking without intentionally steering or using their turn signal, the icon turns amber and the system provides brief steering wheel turns to help guide drivers back into their lane.
and snow banks taking up some spots. To get a bird’s eye view of your surroundings, you can use a feature like surround vision in the Cadillac XT4. Designed to help drivers park and avoid crashes with nearby objects during low-speed maneuvering, it shows an overhead view of the scene around your vehicle on the centre display.
OnStar is the best way to keep you connected in the event of an emergency. If the worst does happen, you need a safety net. You may not have access to your cellphone or even be aware of potential danger. There is nothing better than being connected to a live operator who calls your vehicle after your airbags go off to offer assistance, find your exact location and send help. Also helpful in a different kind of emergency, the service can inform you if your vehicle alarm goes off and Parking is another challenge, especial- use your GPS to locate your car in the ly in busy malls crowded with shoppers event of theft.
Investment in workplace helps people with disabilities
new WorkBC contract that equips people with adaptive technology will open up employment opportunities for people with disabilities and help them thrive in the workplace. Delivered by the Neil Squire Society, the Assistive Technology Services program combines two existing services — Technology@Work and supports offered through individual WorkBC Centres — into one streamlined provincial resource to help more people with disabilities throughout the province fully participate in B.C.’s economy. “British Columbia’s economy is thriving but to be a truly inclusive province, we need everyone to have the tools they need to participate in the workforce and build the life they deserve,” said Shane Simpson, Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction. “The Neil Squire Society has been a leader in innovative assistive technology for over 30 years. As the successful proponent, it can continue its important work with employers and people with disabilities.”
mobility supports, alternative keyboards, voice input equipment and other workplace modification technology
zrfieivMg skUl
roz tYst pihlI afeI sI bI sI nOlyj tYst dI iqafrI muPq vfr hI pfs kro ivwc, Gr bYT ky pMjfbI aqy aMgryjLI ivwc kro.
asIN aYbtsPorz aYlzrgrov aqy imsLn ivwc isKlfeI idMdy hF. sfzy 94% stUzYNt pihlI vfr hI pfs ho jFdy hn.
afrv zrfieivMg skUl mobfiel aYp aYpl aqy aYnzrfiez qy AuplbD hY|
· vfr vfr PylH ho cuwky ho qF iewk lYsn sfzy nfl jLrUr lY ky dyKo qy iPr prKo. · asIN CotI kfr qy isKlfeI idMdy hF jo ik iswKx aqy pfrikMg lgfAux ivwc bhuq ijLafdf asfn huMdI hY. · asIN pfrikMg bhuq hI asfn qrIky nfl lgfAxf isKfAuNdy hF. · ijnHF ny kdy vI kfr nhIN clfeI asIN AuhnF nUM vI pwky zrfievr bxfAux dI pUrI smrwQf rwKdy hF. · asIN roz tYst qoN pihlF quhfnUM 100 qoN vI vwD Kfs suJfa idMdy hF ik roz tYst mOky iknHF iknHF glqIaF qoN bcxf hY. · quhfzy smyN muqfbk svyr qoN dyr sLfm qwk isKlfeI idMdy hF. · isKlfeI pMjfbI, ihMdI aqy aMgryjLI ivwc idMdy hF.
· nOlyj tYst dI iqafrI krn leI afpxy Pon qy sfzI aYp muPq zfAUnloz kro. · ieh iqafrI qusIN ibnF aYp zfAUnloz kIqy hoey sfzI vYbsfeIt qy jf ky afpxy kMipAUtr jF lYptfp qy vI kr skdy ho. · sfzI aYp ivwc 428 pRsLn/Auwqr pMjfbI ivwc aqy 564 aMgryjLI ivwc hn jo ik hux qwk iksI hor aYp ivwc nhIN hn. · ieh sfry pRsLn/Auwqr afeI sI bI sI dI buwk ivwcoN hI hn.
ijLMdgI bhuq kImqI hY qy iesnUM afpxI jF dUsiraF dI lfprvfhI nfl gvf nf bYTo.
App:Apple & Android
asIN quhfnUM isrP roz tYst pfs hox dy mksd nfl hI nhIN isKfAuNdy blik sfzf mksd quhfnUM surwiKaq aqy rwiKafqmk zrfievr bxfAuxf vI hY jo roz qy afpxy afp aqy dUsiraF nUM bcf ky clfvy.
iekbfl iZwloN 604-300-7799
advice to employers on how to be more accessible and inclusive training to help people navigate other services and supports to assist with employment The contract has a five-year term, is valued at $28.8 million and will begin service delivery on April 1, 2019. “The Neil Squire Society is dedicated to breaking down barriers that keep people with disabilities from finding sustainable, meaningful employment,” said Gary Birch, executive director, Neil Squire Society. “This funding will help expand our vision and continue our work to improve the lives and opportunities of people with disabilities.”
The Assistive Technology Services program is one of two WorkBC services that will soon be delivered provincially. Beginning April 1, 2019, Douglas College will provide WorkBC Apprentice Services, including processing financial support applications and facilitating approvals for apprentices to collect employment insurance Supports available through the As- benefits while participating in classsistive Technology Services program room training. This contract is valued at $67.5 million over five years. include:
The Patrika
Friday, November 30th, 2018
afpxy afp nUM vws `c kro
svyt mfrzn
ivdvfnF df kQn hY ik jo mnuwK afpxy afpxI afjLfdI, sLFqI, suwK aqy afnMd nUM afp nUM vws `c kr skdf hY, Auh sMsfr guaf bYTdf hY. nUM ijwq lYNdf hY. asl ivwc iswiKaq AuhI pl Br df afvysL jIvn Br nUM kuVqxF aqy hY jo afpxy afp nUM vws ivwc kr lYNdf hY. duwKF ivwc Br idMdf hY. jo afpxy afn nUM vs ivwc kr lYNdf hY, AuhI quhfzf pl dI pl df guwsf iksy dI jfn mhfn bxdf hY. jIvn ivwc svY-sMjm jLrUrI vI lYNdf hY. hY. ijhVy lokF ivwc svY-sMjm dI Gft hY qy ijMnHf nUM QoVHI-QoVHI ijhI gwl qy guwsf afpxy guwsy Auwqy kfbU nf kr ky qusIN dUsiraF af jFdf hY, Auh kdy vI afpxIaF AuwcIaF dy jIvn ivwc jLihr vI Gol idMdy ho. Aus jLihr qoN qusIN vI bcy nhIN rihMdy. ieCfvF nUM pUrf nhIN kr skdy. afpxy afp nUM vws ivwc nf kr skx kfrn bhuq sfry pRiqBfvfn ivakqI vI ipCVy rihMdy hn. Auh awgy vDxf cfhuMdy hoey vI awgy nhIN vD skdy. AuhnF dy BivwK nUM sB cMgf dsdy sn Pyr vI Auh pCV gey. afey idn aijhIaF GtnfvF huMdIaF hn ik koeI iksy dI hwiqaf kr idMdf hY, corI kr lYNdf hY, jLKmI kr idMdf hY, aijhIaF GtnfvF jo ijLafdfqr guwsy ivwc huMdIaF hn jdoN mnuwK afpxf sMquln gvf bYTdf hY. guwsy dy vyg ivwc lok glqI kr idMdy hn. guwsy dy kfrn, afvysL ivwc kIqy gunfh dI sjLf Bog rhy mujLrm qoN koeI puwCy qF pqf lwgy ik Aus ny afvysL ivwc af ky gunfh kr idwqf sI. mujLrm ies qrF dy gunfh krky
anyk lok awj sMsfr ivwc guwsy dI sjLf Bog rhy hn. AuhnF dy jIvn kdy hry-Bry sn. pl hI pl dy guwsy hmysLf dy leI AunHF df sfrf suwK cYn Koh ilaf aqy Auh ijAuNdy qF dUrIaF ieMnIaF vD jFdIaF hn ik nObq ivwc pCqfAuNdy hn pr Ausy glqI nUM hor jIa nrk ivwc jf izwgy. jgHf vfr vfr duhrfAuNdy vI hn. ikAuNik qlfk qwk af jFdI hY. afpxy afp Auwqy kMtrol nhIN rwK pfAuNdy. bhuqy lok hn jo guwsy ivwc afpxf afpf ieh sB guwsy dy kfrn huMdf hY. AunHF nUM guwsf af hI jFdf hY. Buwl jfx dy kfrn gRihsQI jIvn qbfh bhuq sfry lok guwsy Auwqy kMtrol rwKx ivwc kr lYNdy hn. vwzy vwzy pwqrkfr, lyKk, pRoPYsr, ivismrQ huMdy hn ik Auh byhwd pRiqBfsLflI gafnk aqy Auwcy ahuidaF AuWqy kMm kr pqI guwsy ivwc pqnI Auwqy hwQ cuwk idMMdf aqy Xog huMdy hn. rhy srkfrI aiDkfrI qwk vI glqIaF hY, pqnI guwsy ivwc pykIN clI jFdI hY qF afpxI Xogqf dy blbUqy pfey hoey Auwcy ahudy krdy hn. pqI Aus nUM apmfinq kr idMdf hY, Auh aqy iewjLq nUM lok pl Br dy guwsy dy vyg pqI nUM apmfinq kr idMdI hY. dovF ivwc guwsf ivvyk df dusLmx hY. ivwc guaf bYTdy hn. QoVHI ijhI gwl Auwqy qxfE vDdy hn, Gr dI sLFqI BMg huMdI hY, ahudf iqafg dyx vfly aijhy bhuq sfry guwsy ivwc ivakqI afpxf sMquln guaf bwicaF Auwqy BYVf asr pRBfv pYNdf hY, mn Auwcy aiDkfrI dyKy jf skdy hn jo bfad bihMdf hY aqy aijhy kMm kr bihMdf hY jo Gbrfieaf aqy Audfs ho jFdf hY. kdy kdy
E`p sB nUM dIv`lI dI l@K l@K vD`eI|
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Friday, November 30th, 2018
The Patrika
Ausdy leI sLoBf nhIN idMdy, jo Ausdy leI vwzIaF vwzIaF lVfeIaF, JgVy, dMgy aqy nf krn vfly huMdy hn. aijhy lok guwsy dy durGtnfvF guwsy dy kfrn GtdIaF hn. gulfm hn. lok bVI imhnq nfl jIvn ivwc bhuq qusIN hryk Kyqr ivwc guwsy dy gulfm lokF kuJ hFsl krdy hn. sfKL bxfAundy hn, dy drsLn kr skdy ho. aijhy lokF nUM bVI pRiqsLTf aqy iewjLq kmfAuNdy hn. smfj jldI guwsf afAuNdf hY, ijs kfrn Auh ivwc nfm kmfAuNdy hn pr guwsy dy gulfm afpxy sB kIqy krfey qy pfxI Pyr bihMdy bx jfx qy Auh QoVHI ijhI dyr ivwc sB kuJ hn, sB kuJ pl Br ivwc imtf lYNdy hn. brbfd kr lYNdy hn. afpxf pUrf BivwK ivgfV lYNdy hn. gusYly suBfa kfrn keI Auwcy ahuidaF qy bYTy ivakqIaF ny afpxy ahudy gvfey hn. srIr dy leI guwsf bVf Gfqk huMdf hY. afpxf jIvn ivgfV ilaf. Auh vwzy vwzy ishq nUM vI ieh guwsf brbfd kr idMdf hY kMm kr skdy sn, jy Auh dUsiraF dIaF ikAuNik srIr dy sfry jIvfxU qMqUaF Auwqy BfvnfvF dI iewjLq krdy, afpxy Auqy kfbU guwsf bVf pRBfv pfAuNdf hY. guwsf cirwqr nUM rwKdy qF ahudf aqy iewjLq nf gvfAuNdy. guwsy kmjoLr krn dy nfl srIr ivwc vI kmjoLrI ivwc pfgl ho ky AuhnF ny jIvn Krfb kr ilafAuNdf hY. ilaf hY. afpxf BivwK vI ivgfV ilaf hY. gusYly ivakqI dI sfry buirafeI krdy hn aijhy vpfrI aqy dukfndfr vI huMdy hn ikAuNik Auh gusy ivwc aksr buirafeI Xog jo afpxy ivcfrF nUM dUsiraF Auqy Qopx dy kMm krdf hY. kfrn afpxf DMdf cOpt kr lYNdy hn. afpxy gRhfkF nUM Bjf idMdy hn ikAuNik bihs ivwc icMqf ksLt qy nsLy nfl vI ieMnI hfnI nhIN guwsy ho jFdy hn. gflLF qwk dyx lwg pYNdy hn. huMdI ijMnI gwusy nfmI dYNq nfl ho jFdI hY. aijhI bihs qoN bcxf cfhIdf hY. ikAuNik guwsy rUpI awg dy nfl vwzy vwzy sLRysLt afdmI ivarQ dI bihs kMm ivgfVdI hY. bhuq vI duwK Bogdy hn. lok qF guwsy vws rfKsL bx jFdy hn. guwsf mnwuK dI Aumr nUM Gwt krdf hY. mYN iewk aijhy afdmI nUM jfxdf hF jo guwsy bhuq sfry lok guwsy ivwc afAux qoN bfad ivwc qoV PoV kr idMdf sI, rOlLf pfAux bhuq dyr qk kMbdy rihMdy hn. Auh GMitaF lgdf sI. iksy nUM vI gfl kwZx ivwc qwk koeI kMm vI nhIN kr skdy ikAuNik iJjkdf nhIN sI. Aus nUM smJfAux vflf vI AuhnF df idmfg asLFq hUMdf hY. jdoN qwk Aus dy guwsy df isLkfr ho jFdf sI. nqIjf pUrf mn sLFq nHIN ho jFdf, ivvyk shI nhIN ieh huMdf sI ik lok Aus qoN pfsf vwtdy ho jFdf, Auh kMm nhIN kr skdy aqy jo sn. Ausdy Kfs dosq aqy jfxkfr vI Aus krngy qF axAuicq hI krngy. qoN iknfrf kr jFdy sn. pr jdoN Aus df guwsf Auwqr jFdf sI qF Auh afpxy afp qy Bhuq sfry aijhy pirvfr hn ijnHF ivc sfry sLrimMdf huMdf sI. TMZf pY jFdf sI. pCqfvf mYNbr hr smyN lVky rihMdy hn. guwsy kfrn krn lwgdf sI. qMdrusq huMdy hoey vI bydm AunHF ny Gr nUM nrk bxfieaf huMdf hY. guwsy ijhf ho jFdf sI. kfrn iewk mYNbr dUsry nUM vwZx nUM dOVdf hY. AunHF dy Gr dy bfhr iek aijhIaF afvfjLF guwsy ivwc asl ivwc mnuwK afpxI suwD buwD afAuNdIaF hn ijvyN dYNq lV rhy hox. aijhy guaf bYTdf hY pfgl ijhf ho jFdf hY. Aus GrF dy guaFZ ivwc rihx vfly vI prysLfn nUM ieh vI pqf nhIN rihMdf ik Aus ny ikhVI rihMdy hn. duwKF nfl jUJdy rihMdy hn. Gr gwl kihxI hY aqy ikhVI nhIN kihxI. bhuq dI sLFqI aqy KusLhflI nUM ieh guwsf Kqm kr sfry aijhy sLbdF dI Auh vrqoN kr jFdf hY idMdf hY. pirvfr qbfh ho jFdf hY. aijhy jo AusdI pCfx dy myl dy nhIN huMdy . guwsy df pirvfrF ivwcoN aYsLo arfm, suwK aqy anMd iBafnk dYNq AusnUM BYVf rfKsL bxf idMdf gfieb ho jFdy hn. hY. jo ivakqI guwsy nUM nhIN mfr skdf, Auh cfhy ikMnf vI piVHaf iliKaf hovy, sfDU sMq kuJ lok qF guwsy dy gulfm ho jFdy hn. jF ivdvfn hovy, Aus nUM smJdfr mnuwK nhIN Auh afpxy afp nUM vs ivwc nhIN kr pfAuNdy mMinafN jf skdf. aijhy ivdvfn nUM mUrK blik guwsf AuhnF ivcfiraF nUM afpxy vs hI mMnxf cfhIdf hY. guwsy dy vs ivwc aijhy krI rwKdf hY. ieh BYVf guwsf aijhy lokF qoN ivdvfnF nUM vI byisr pYr dI bkvfs krn kdy kdy qF afpxy bwcy pqnI aqy Brf jF dy bfad pCqfvf krnf pYNdf hY. dosq dI hwiqaf qwk krvf idMdf hY. guwsy ivwc kIqy gey kMmF dy leI hryk mnuwK ieh iewk scfeI hY ik srIr nUM guwsf cwt nUM pCqfAuxf pYNdf hY. aijhy lokF nUM Kud jFdf hY aqy KoKlf kr idMdf hY. ijLafdfqr Auwqy sLrm afAuNdI hY, mfnisk iglfnI Auwqy lokF dI ibmfrI df kfrn hI guwsf huMdf hY. duwK huMdf hY. eIrKf, nPrq aqy bdly dIaF BfvnfvF vI guwsy df kfrn bxdIaF hn. guwsy df mUl kfrn mqlb hY.
mqlb nUM jo ivakqI ijwq lYNdf hY, Auh guwsy iksy nUM kuJ dyvo vI qF bdly dI afs nf rwKo. nUM vI ijwq lYNdf hY. Quhfzy nfl koeI burf krdf hY qF bdly dI mqlb iksy vI qrF df hovy, Aus nUM iqafg Bfvnf nf rwKo. bKsL dyx df Bfv mn ivwc dyvo qF duwK nhIN rihMdf. duwK df kfrn vI rwKo. guwsf nhIN af skygf. ieh mqlb hI hY. quhfnUM sB qrHF dy mqlbF df iqafg krky, qusIN koeI aihsfn krdy ho Auh quhfzf mn ivwc muafPI, DIrj, pRym aqy inaF dy imwqr hY, Brf hY, jF irsLqydfr hY. Auh Bfv rwKxy cfhIdy hn. bdly ivwc quhfzy nfl burf krdf hY. quhfnUM duwK vI afAuNdf hY qy guwsf vI. kfrn ieh quhfzy ivwc Pyr Auwc afdrsLF df sMcfr hY ik Aus aihsfn ivwc mqlb sI. qusIN hovygf. qusIN AucfeIaF vwl vDogy, qrwkI aihsfn dy bdly ivwc aihsfn, BlfeI jF krogy aqy lokF ivwc qusIN iewjLqdfr bxogy. pRsMsF dy BuwKy sI. Pyr qusIN kI nhIN kr skdy?
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The Patrika
Friday, November 30th, 2018
Child care facilities will prototype universal, affordable child care for parents
he B.C. government is moving forward with 53 prototype projects around the province to deliver child care that will cost families a maximum of $200 per month per child. The prototype sites are the next major step in government’s 10-year ChildCare BC plan and will model what high-quality, affordable, universal child care may look like for B.C. families. The prototypes are being
While priority was given to sites that had infant and toddler spaces, the Province has expanded eligibility to include other types of licensed child care. “We are finding new ways to make it easier for families to get by every month and to save for the future,” said Premier John Horgan. “Through this kind of action, where we significantly reduce the cost of child care, we can make life more affordable for
to help inform the future implementa- “Prototype sites give us a glimpse tion of universal care. of what the future of universal child
funded through an investment of $60 million under the Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) Agreement with the Government of Canada. In all, parents of about 2,500 children will benefit from the prototype projects. “The Government of Canada believes that early learning and child care services should be affordable for all families,” said Jonathan Wilkinson, Member of Parliament for North Vancouver and Minister of Fisheries, Oceans, and the Canadian Coast Guard. “Today’s announcement is a big step towards ensuring that children get the best start in life and in delivering better high-quality and affordable child care for families across British Columbia.”
so many B.C. families.” “Government and the B.C. Green caucus are working collaboratively to build quality, universal early childhood education in B.C.,” said Sonia Furstenau, B.C. Green Party MLA for Cowichan Valley. “I am hopeful these prototype sites will have a significant impact on many families and will help us learn how to expand efforts to build a universally affordable system in B.C.”
Under the initiative, child care providers at the new prototype sites will receive government funding to cover their operational and administration costs. In return, they will reduce parent fees to a maximum of $200 per month for full-time enrolment during The Province selected the sites after regular hours and will share their a call for applications in June 2018. feedback with the B.C. government PAGE 18
“This project takes a major step towards universal child care in British Columbia. The demand for this program was so strong that we expanded it to cover more children and more sites in every region of the province in the prototype stage,” said Katrine Conroy, B.C.’s Minister of Children and Family Development. “We want to make life more affordable for families, and this investment will demonstrate the low-cost, high-quality care B.C. parents can look forward to as we fully implement ChildCare BC.”
care in B.C. can be, and are critical
As well, each site will receive a onetime quality improvement grant in 2019 to help enhance the quality of the programs it delivers. The amount of the quality improvement grant for each site will be determined as part of the Province’s evaluations of the sites’ programs and improvement plans.
up to $1,250 per child a month for
as we design and refine our program moving forward,” said Katrina Chen, B.C.’s Minister of State for Child Care. “They build on the work we’ve already done to bring affordability relief to thousands of families through universal fee reductions and the Affordable Child Care Benefit.” Parents who are not accessing these low-cost spaces may still be eligible for support through the Affordable Child Care Benefit, which provides families with an annual income of $111,000 or less. Families using licensed child care may also see savings through the Child Care Fee Reduction, which has so far helped to reduce the cost of almost 52,000 child care spaces throughout the province.
Friday, November 30th, 2018
The Patrika
pRdUÈq cOigrdf bx irhf dunIaF `c vDyry mOqfˆ df kfrn pMj sfl dI Aumr qoN Gwt cfr bwicafˆ ivcoN iek bwcy dI mOq df kfrn pRdUÈq cOigrdf bx irhf hY. vrlz hYlQ afrgynfeIËyÈn dI ijnyvf qoN iek irport muqfibk hr sfl 17 lwK bwcy hvf pRdUÈx, afly-duafly `c PYly isgrtfˆ dy DUMeyˆ, gMdy pfxI, KuwlHy ivc
lYtrIn, mnuwKI irhfieÈI cOigrdy `c PYlI gMdgI kfrn mr jfˆdy hn. ies BYVy cOigrdy kfrn PYlIafˆ bImfrIafˆ hYËf, mlyrIaf, inmonIaf ijnHfˆ qoN sfP pfxI, Kfxf pkfAux dy sucwjy sfDnfˆ afid dI AuplbDqf kfrn bcfAu ho skdf hY, nfl bwicafˆ dI mOq dI dr GtfeI jf skdI hY. pr dunIaF df amIrI-grIbI df pfVf, afm afdmI leI sfDnfˆ dI kmI, mOq dr `c vfDf kr rhI hY. AuproN bwicafˆ dy srIrfˆ ivc rogfˆ nfl lVn dI Gwt smrwQf, sfh dy rog, hvf pRdUÈx afid bwicafˆ `c dmf, kYˆsr, idl dy rogfˆ df kfrn bxdy jf rhy hn. zblXU[aYc[E[ (ivÈv ishq sMsQf) dI bwicafˆ bfry CpI iek irport ‘myrf BivwK pRdUÈq nf kro` kihMdI hY ik hr sfl, 5 sfl dI Aumr qoN Gwt pMj lwK, swqr hËfr bwcy hvf pRdUÈx aqy isgrtfˆ dy DUMeyˆ dy iÈkfr ho ky mrdy hn aqy 3,61,000 bwcy hYËy dI Byt cVHdy hn, ikAuNik AunHfˆ nUM sfP aflf-duaflf aqy sfP pfxI nhIN imldf. 2,70,000 bwcy afpxy jnm dy pihly mhIny `c hI axsuKfvyˆ vfqfvrn dI Byt cVH jfˆdy hn aqy do lwK bwcy mlyrIey kfrn aqy do lwK bwcy hor gYr-kudrqI kfrnfˆ krky mr rhy hn. asl ivc dUiÈq vfqfvrn sfzy Coty bwicafˆ dI ishq Krfb krn df kfrn bx irhf hY. iek Audfhrx lvo, sfzy vfqfvrn nUM dUiÈq krn df vwzf kfrn mnuwK vwloN inwq pRqI vrqy jfx vfly ielYktRoinks aqy ibjlI Aupkrn hn. Krfb hoey mobfeIl Pon, tYlIvIËn, hor ielYktRoink kcrf, shI ZMg nfl rIsfeIkl nhIN kIqf jfˆdf. BYVy ZMg nfl ies dI rIsfeIkilMg mnuwKI PyPiVafˆ nUM qbfh kr rhI hY aqy mnuwKI srIr `c kYˆsr (Kfs krky bwicafˆ `c) df kfrn bx rhI hY.
sfl 2014 qoN 2019 dy drimafn dunIaF Br ivc ibjlI aqy ielYktRoink vsqfˆ dI rihMd-KUMhd ivc 19% df vfDf hox dI sMBfvnf hY Bfv ieh vD ky sfl 2018 qwk 50 imlIan tn ho jfeygI. ies kcry nUM sMBflx df shI pRbMD nf hoxf mnuwKI ishq leI hfnIkfrk ho irhf hY.
Kfxy bxfAux vflIafˆ kMpnIafˆ dI cyn vwzI pw D r Au W qy kr rhI hY, mnuwKI srIr leI aiq Gfqk hY. ies df iËafdf asr mfsUm bwicafˆ dI ishq AuWqy pYˆdf hY, ijs nUM mfˆ dy duwD ivcoN vI zI[zI[tI[ aqy hor kItnfÈk pIx leI imldy hn. ijs sfPt zirMk aqy zwbf bMd jUs dI lok vrqoN krdy hn, Aus kfrn sLUgr, idl df rog qy motfpf afid ibmfrIafˆ srIr nUM GyrdIafˆ hn. PrUt jUs ivc mOjUd Purktoj aqy sfPt zirMk ivc mOjUd sozf ishq leI hfnIkfrk huMdf hY.
mOsm ivc lgfqfr qbdIlI af rhI hY. DrqI `qy qfpmfn vDdf jf irhf hY. hfnIkfrk kfrbnzfieafksfeIz `c inwq idn vfDf ho irhf hY, ijs df iswDf asr bwicafˆ dI ishq AuWqy pYxf kudrqI hY. iek irport kihMdI hY ik kfrbnzfeIafksfeIz dy vfDy dy iswty vjoN bwicafˆ `c dmy dI iÈkfieq (Bfv sfh lYx `c aOiKafeI, Kfs qOr `qy nvyˆ pRdUiÈq vfqfvrn, dUiÈq Kurfk, dUiÈq jMmy bwicafˆ `c) vD rhI hY. pfxI, dUiÈq Gr df aflf-duaflf, gMdI dunIaF Br dy grIb mulkfˆ dy bhuqy Grfˆ hvf nfl Bry Gr, mnuwKI ishq dI jfn df ivc ËrUrI suivDfvfˆ nhIN hn, aflf-duaflf KOa bxy hoey hn. grIb dyÈfˆ dy vwzy Èihrfˆ, gMdgI nfl Biraf ipaf nËr afAuNdf hY. slwm Kyqr ivc ieko CotI Cwq Qwly suwqy pIx leI sfP pfxI dI ikwlq hY, vwzI drjnfˆ srIr, ipMzfˆ `c mnuwK qy psLUafˆ dy igxqI dunIaF dy lok sYnItyÈn shUlqfˆ qoˆ swKxy hn. ihMdusqfn dI awDI abfdI KuwlHy sfˆJy irhfieÈI kwcy mkfn, ipMzfˆ aqy slwm `c jMgl-pfxI (lYtrIn) jfx leI mjbUr Kyqr ivc gMdy sIvryj pfxI dy Kyqrfˆ kMZy hY, ikAuNik Grfˆ jfˆ sfˆJy Qfvfˆ AuWqy lYtrInfˆ nhIN hn. Grfˆ ivc rotI pkfAux leI bflx AuplwbD nhIN. ihMdosqfn vrgy dyÈ ivc pfQIafˆ, KorI, tok (KyqIbfVI rihMd-KUMhd) Kfxf pkfAux leI vwzI igxqI `c lok vrqdy hn. kolf, gohf aqy hor rihMdKUMhd aqy Kyqfˆ `c vrqy jfx vfly inwksuwk nfl hvf df pRdUÈx vDdf hY. Èihrfˆ `c vwzI igxqI `c cl rhy vfhnfˆ, eyar kMzIÈnfˆ `coN inkldI gYs, smyˆ-smyˆ jlfeI jfˆdI PslI rihMd-KUMhd jlfAux qoN pYdf gYsfˆ hvf pRdUÈx df muwK kfrn hn. XUnIsyP vwloN jfrI aMkiVafˆ muqfbk ies smyˆ dunIaF dI 90% abfdI dUiÈq hvf ivc sfh lY rhI hY aqy dunIaF Br ivc hr sfl lgpg 60 lwK lok hvf dy pRdUÈx nfl mrdy hn. hvf-pfxI dy pRdUÈx dy pRBfv hyT mfˆ dy pyt `c pl rhy bwicafˆ dy aMg pRBfivq huMdy hn aqy AunHfˆ ivc rogfˆ nfl lVn dI ÈkqI `c Kqrnfk hwd qwk kmI pYdf krdy hn. bwicafˆ df grB ivc hI pRdUÈx dI mfr hyT afAuxf, mnuwK jfqI leI afAux vfly smyˆ `c gMBIr sMkt pYdf krygf.
gurmIq plfhI
irhfieÈfˆ, gMdy CwpV, nf rihxXog bsqIafˆ `c irhfieÈI JuwgIafˆ `c ieko Qfˆ pldy Coty bwcy qy psLU iek ieho ijhI iËMdgI dI koJI qsvIr pyÈ krdy hn. afAux vflI pIVHI dI cMgI ishq leI sfnUM cMgyry hvfdfr Gr, sfP-suQrf vfqfvrn, sfP pfxI qy sYnItyÈn suivDfvfˆ, cMgyrIafˆ ishq shUlqfˆ, qMbfkU, DUMafˆ rihq vfqfvrn dy nfl-nfl cMgIafˆ lok ihwqU srkfrfˆ qy pRÈfsn vI iqafr krnf hovygf nhIN qfˆ mnuwKI nsl BivwK ivc Aus qbfhI dy kMZy puwj jfeygI, ijwQy koeI srIr ishqmMd, inrog nhIN sgoN cyqMn, isafxf AudmI mnuwK, kmlf-rmlf aqy apMg idsygf.
pRdUÈx pYdf krn vfly hor sroqfˆ ivc sfzy Kfxy, hvf, pfxI aqy sfzy afly-duafly `c vrqy jfx vfly kYmIkl hn. Kyqfˆ `c Kfdfˆ, kItnfÈkfˆ dI vrqoN, Kfx vfly pdfrQfˆ nUM sMBflx leI kYmIklfˆ dI vrqoN, ijs ivc PlorfeIz, pfrf, ijsq (lYz) afid Èfiml hn, aqy ijs dI vrqoN dunIaF Br dy PAGE 19
The Patrika
jgq ivc ijs nUM dyKo kuJ nf kuJ mMg irhf nËr afvygf. hËfrfˆ vflf lwKfˆ pqI lwKfˆ vflf kroVfˆ pqI bnxf cfhuMdf hY. kroVfˆ vflf avl qfˆ arbfˆ pqI hoxf cfhuMdf hY, nhIN qy ieh ipaf cfhuMdf hY ik kroVfˆ pqI bixaf hI rhfˆ aqy pfqÈfh cfhuMdy hn ik AunHfˆ dI pfqÈfhI kfiem rhy. grIb jIvn dy sfDfrn suKfˆ nUM locdf hY aqy amIr afpxI amIrI dy kfiem rWKx qy afhr ivc nËr afvygf. ishq dy pfsy vl afeIey qfˆ hr iek iensfn nUM Bfvyˆ Auh grIb hovy Bfvyˆ amIr qMdrusqI mMgdf qwkfˆgy. koeI ÈÉs nhIˆ jo qMdrusqI jfˆ arogqf nf mMgdf hovy. Pyr jo KuÈI dy pfsy Jfq mfrIey qfˆ hr iek jIv suK jfˆ KuÈI mMgdf nËr afvygf. pirvfr dI KuÈI, dosqfˆ imqrfˆ ivc rlL bYTx dI KuÈI, sMgIq sunx aqy qmfÈy vyKx dI KuÈI, hr iek jIv nUM aWgy nfloˆ kuJ vDyry mMgx vfsqy mËbUr krdI dyKfˆgy. ielm dy pfsy dyKIey qfˆ jo jo iksy ielm df jfˆ igafn df ividafrQI hY, Aus igafn df aMq nhIN pf irhf aqy Aus igafn ivc hor vDyry sUJ, hor vDyry roÈnI mMgdf nËr afvygf. sfDU sMq mhfqmf vI Bfvyˆ jgq dy nfsvMd suK nf mMgdy idsx pr iksy abnfÈI suK, iksy sdIvI suK dI qlfÈ ivc ibhbl nËr afvxgy. sVk qy qurdy iksy afdmI nUM KVHf krky puwC dyKo, Auh quhfnUM afpxIafˆ keI mMgfˆ igxf ky suxf dyvygf. amrIkf ivc iek Dfrmk susfietI ny iek imlIan (ds lwK) afdmIafˆ pfsoˆ ilKq ivc puwiCaf ik AunHfˆ dy mn dI kI avsQf hY? qfˆ ds lwK ivcoˆ ds lwK ny hI ilKq ivc jvfb idqf ik Auh kuJ cfhuMdy hn, kuJ mMgdy hn, AunHfˆ aMdr keI KfihÈfˆ lukIafˆ peIafˆ hn, ijnHfˆ dI pUrqI vfsqy Auh hr vkq koÈÈ krdy rihMdy hn. ieh mMgfˆ ies pRkfr sn- arogqf, ËrUrqfˆ pUrIafˆ krn jogf Dn, pirvfr dI KuÈI, dosqfˆ imwqrfˆ ivc siqkfr, agly jnm df igafn (Knowledge about next world) ies imsfl qoˆ isD huMdf hY ik jgq swcIˆ muwcIˆ iBKfrI hY aqy hr vyly vfihgurU pfsoˆ dfqfˆ mMgdf rihMdf hY. jgq dy jIv Bfvyˆ nfsqk hox Bfvyˆ afsqk, hr vyly kuJ nf kuJ mMgdy rihMdy hn, hr vyly kuJ nf kuJ cfhuMdy rihMdy hn aqy Bfvyˆ hr iek nUM Auqnf jo ik Auh mMg irhf huMdf hY nhIN imldf, pr ieqnf ËrUr imldf rihMdf hY ik ijs nfl Auh kfiem rih sky. mMgiqafˆ dy ies jgq ivc hor gWl dyKI jfvygI ik ijqnf isafxf mMgqf, Aus dI AuqnI hI isafxI mMg hovygI. iek bwcy nUM puwCo qUM kI cfhuMdf hYˆ? qfˆ Auh afKygf mYnUM hvf ivc Auzx vflf bYlUn lY dyvo. jykr Aus qoˆ vDyrI Aumr dy skUl jfˆdy lVky nUM puwCo qyrI kI mMg hY qfˆ Auh afKygf mYnUM bfeIsfeIkl cfhIdf hY. jykr kflj jfx vfly muMzy nUM puwCo ik iks cIË nUM lYxf cfhuMdf PAGE 20
Friday, November 30th, 2018
jgqu iBKfrI iPrqu hY sB ko dfqf rfm.. hY, bYlUn jfˆ bfeIsfeIkl? qfˆ Auh afKygf ik mYˆ motrsfeIkl cfhuMdf hfˆ. iesy qrHfˆ asIˆ dyKfˆgy ik ijAuˆ ijAuˆ jIv isafxf aqy qjLrbykfr mMgqf bxdf jfvygf Auh vzmuwlIafˆ aqy vDyry arsy leI rihx vflIafˆ cIËfˆ mMgygf.
sfrIafˆ brkqfˆ aqy KUbIafˆ jIv aMdr Éud bÉud af jfˆdIafˆ hn. vfihgurU jI dy jIv dy mn ivc invfs krn nfl hI vfihgurU jI dIafˆ dfqfˆ jIv dy awgy ipwCy iPrn lwg jfˆdIafˆ hn-
jIv dIafˆ anyk mMgfˆ ipWCy iek asUl luikaf hoieaf hY aqy Auh ieh hY ik jIv sdf Auh dfqfˆ cfhuMdf hY ijhVIafˆ ies nUM sdf KuÈI qy prsMn rWK skx. pr ikAuˆik jIv aigafnI hY, by-smJ hY, ieh bwcy vfˆgr aYsIafˆ dfqfˆ mMgdf rihMdf hY ijhVIafˆ rbV dy bYlUn dI qrHfˆ POrn nfs hox vflIafˆ huMdIafˆ hn. ieQy sRI gurU grMQ sfihb jI dI isWiKaf jIv nUM bVI BfrI shfieqf bKÈdI hY. gurmq, jIv nUM iek isafxf mMgqf bnfAuxf cfhuMdI hY qfˆ ik Aus dIafˆ mMgfˆ aYsIafˆ pwkIafˆ aqy abnfÈI hox, ijnHfˆ dy pUrf hox mgroˆ jIv nUM kdI Pyr mMgxf hI nf pvy. gurmq jIv qoˆ anykfˆ jnmfˆ df pyÈf iBKfrI-punf hmyÈf leI Cuzfxf cfhuMdI hY.
nf Ehu ibnsY nf hm kiVaf..
gurmq gurisK nUM dWsdI hY ik jykr iksy nUM tksfl iml jfvy qfˆ Aus nUM Pyr rupey vfsqy qrly krn dI loV nhIˆ rihMdI. ijqnf ruipaf Aus df idl kry, tksfl dy ËrIey bxf skdf hY. iesy qrHfˆ agr dfqy koloˆ dfqfˆ mMgx dI bjfey, dfqf Éud hI imlL jfvy qfˆ iPr dfqfˆ mMgx dI loV hI nhIˆ rhygI. dfqy dy imlx nfl dfqy dIafˆ dfqfˆ Éud-bÉud iml jfxgIafˆ. jd sfzy kmry ivc bfrI Kohilafˆ Duwp af jfvy qfˆ Aus dy nfl rOÈnI aqy inwG Éud bÉud hI af jfˆdy hn. jd kmry ivc Duwp af jfvy qfˆ iPr sfnUM Duwp koloˆ cfnx aqy grmI mMgx dI loV nhIˆ pYˆdI. ieh cIËfˆ Duwp dy afAux nflL afpy hI afAuˆdIafˆ hn. gurmq jfˆ sRI gurU grMQ sfihb df pfvn AupdyÈ jIv nUM CotIafˆ CotIafˆ aqy nfsvMd cIËfˆ mMgx dI bjfey srb dfqfˆ dy dfqf, srb suKfˆ dy sfgr srb ÈkqImfn vfihgurU nUM hI mMgx dI pryrnf krdf hY. vfihgurU Aus nUM imldf hY ijhVf vfihgurU jI nUM imlxf cfhy. ijs dy idl ivc vfihgurU nfl Aus dIafˆ dfqfˆ nflLoˆ vDyry prym hovy aqy ijhVf vfihgurU jI nUM hr dm mMg sky, jfˆ hr dm svfs svfs Xfd kr sky. ieCf pUrku srb suKdfqf hir jf kY vis hY kfmDynf .. so aYsf hir iDafeIaY myry jIaVy qf srb suK pfvih myry mnf .. gurmq jIv nUM dsdI hY ik ijs nUM vfihgurU jfˆ srb suKfˆ df dfqf imlL jfvy, Aus nUM Pyr dfqfˆ dy vwKirafˆ mMgx dI loV nhIN rihMdI. ijvyˆ Duwp kmry ivc af jfvy qfˆ cfnx aqy inwG afpy hI Duwp nfl af jfˆdy hn. Ausy qrHfˆ jd jIv nUM vfihgurU df igafn ho jfvy, jd jIv nUM afpxy aqy vfihgurU jI dy aqut irÈqy df pqf lg jfvy qfˆ vfihgurU jI dIafˆ
rGbIr isMG bIr
nf Ehu inrDnu nf hm BUKy..
dIafˆ isPqfˆ jfˆ brkqfˆ invfs krn, Aus mn dI dunIafˆ ivc iehnfˆ eIÈvrI guxfˆ df hI prkfÈ dyKfˆgy. aYsI dunIafˆ ivc suKfˆ dy isvfey hor kWuJ rhygf hI nhIN. aYsI dunIafˆ ivc isvfey suK, anMd, pRsMnqf aqy ÈfˆqI dy hor kuJ nhIˆ rih skdf. ijs asQfn qy rOÈnI hovy, AuQy aMDyrf nhIN rih skdf. ies qrHfˆ ijs ihrdy ivc vfihgurU invfs krn, AuQy suK anMd qoˆ bgYr hor kuJ nhIN rih skdf.
nf Esu dUKu n hm kAu dUKy..
khu nfnk ijin Tfkuru pfieaf..
avru n koAU mfrnhfrf..
sBu ikCu iqs ky igR h mih afieaf.. aMg - 715
nf Ehu mrqf nf hm ziraf..
jIaAu hmfrf jIAu dynhfrf.. nf Ausu bMDn nf hm bfDy.. nf Ausu DMDf nf hm DfDy.. nf Ausu mYlu n hm sd kylf.. nf Ausu socu n hm kAu socf.. nf Ausu lypu n hm kAu iqRsnf.. jf Auhu inrmlu qfˆ hm jcnf.. aMg-391
gurmq jIv nUM mMgx df ieMnf cMgf vl isKfAuˆdI hY ik jIv gurmq dI rOÈnI ivc jIvn bqIq krky dIn dunIafˆ dIafˆ sB brkqfˆ aqy nyamqfˆ qoˆ mflf mfl ho jfˆdf hY. ieh vwl hY kI? bjfey dfqfˆ dy dfqf nUM mMgxf. bjfey dfqfˆ dy dfqy nfl ipafr pfAuxf, bjfey dfqfˆ ipWCy idn rfq Kvfr hox dy, dfqy nUM afpxy mn ivc invfs krfAuxf. jd dfqfˆ imlx qfˆ dfqf dI Ausqq krnI aqy Aus nUM nf ivsfrnf. ieh hY dfqfˆ nUM pRfpq krn df vwl. ieh dfqf nUM pRfpq krky sdf mMgx qoˆ Cutkfrf pfx df vwl.
ijs mn ivc vfihgurU jI dI Xfd jfˆ nfm vs jfvy, Aus mn ivc BuwK, zr, QoV, icMqf, rog, ÊrIbI, nÌrq, kroD, loB, moh, hMkfr df dUr ho jfxf aqy suK, ÈfˆqI, byiPkrI, prym, inrvYrqf, amIrI df af nfnk jfcku dir qyrY pRB quDno mMgY dfnu jfxf lfËmI hY. ijs mn ivc vfihgurU jI .. aMg - 218
The Patrika
Friday, November 30th, 2018
gurmIq KoKr qyrI srdl awgy kdmF rukxf hI sI. qyry dr ‘qy sIs asfzf Jukxf hI sI. myrI tfhxI nflLoN ijhVy pwqy tuwty myry aMdroN moh AuhnF df muwkxf hI sI. myrI awK c sihrf af ky bYT igaf hY myrI awK df awQrU awQrU suwkxf hI sI. Ausdy ichry Auwqy iÈkn anykF hI sn iqVky ÈIÈy ivwc pr iÈknF lukxf hI sI. Ausdy leI hmyÈF inwky bfl ijhf hY moZy Auwqy cMn,rfq ny cuwkxf hI sI. qyrI glLI df nkÈf hI jd bdl igaf hY qyry Gr df cyqf mYnUM Auwkxf hI sI. Kyq c koeI zrnf qIk vI gwizaf neIN hY qoiqaF af ky CwlIaF nUM iPr tuwkxf hI sI. ‘KoKr’ dI hY sUrj dy sMg sFJ iBafÜI Ausdy dr sjdy nUM DuwpF Zwukxf hI sI.
Èok smfcfr bVy hI duWK nfÜ sUicq kr rhy hfˆ ik srdfrnI kmljIq kOr DfmI Drm pqnI sR[ PuMmx isMG DfmI (ipClf ipMz zgfxf klfN ijLlf huisLafrpur sI, apxI Au m r Bo g ky 25 nvMbr 2018 nUM akfl clfxf kr gey hn. AunHfˆ df aMqm sskfr 2 dsMbr, 2018 (aY q vfr) nUM dupihr 12[30 vjy irvrsfeIz iPAUnrl hom, 2061 irvr roz, aYbtsPorz ivKy hovygf aqy aMqm ardfs 2[00 vjy gurduafrf klgIDr sfihb, aYbtsPorz ivKy hovygI. pirvfr nfl duWK sFJf krn leI Pon nMbr 604-556-0695 ‘qy sMprk kIqf jf skdy hY. PAGE 21
The Patrika
Friday, November 30th, 2018
The Abbotsford Community Foundation announces local award winners at their 8th Annual National Philanthropy Day Lunch
he Abbotsford Community Foundation (ACF) held their 8th annual National Philanthropy Day lunch at the Quality Hotel on November 15th to celebrate Abbotsford as Canada’s most giving community. The luncheon theme was Give where you Live. Philanthropy awards were given out in three categories: Youth, Business, and Volunteer of the year and there were a record number of nominations received in each category. Each winner
received $500 to donate to the charity of their choice. ACF’s Community Grants Chair, Andrea Senft said, “the number of organizations and individuals in our community that believe in giving back is always humbling. We are very grateful for their efforts and the various ways that they help those less fortunate in Abbotsford.” The first award category was the Alan and Vivian Trethewey Youth Philanthropy Award which was established to acknowledge Alan and Vivian for their leadership role in starting the Abbotsford Community Foundation in 1979. This year the award was presented to Aidan Schweinbenz by J.O. Trethewey and his wife, Marlene. J.O. is the brother of the late Alan Trethewey. Aidan graduated from PAGE 22
Yale Secondary school in June of this year and is currently attending university in Ottawa. Aidan organized Rockin' Abby Strong in 2018 which focused on bringing people together after some very trying times and events in Abbotsford. Local singers from each of the high schools and other Lower Mainland talent entertained about 400 people, both young and old. Approximately $10,000 was raised which went towards a well in Ethiopia, Constable John Davidson's "Shine on Legacy" fund at the ACF, and the Western Institute of the Deaf. In the category of Business Philanthropy, sponsored by the Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce, Chamber Board Vice President, Sara Lawson presented the award to MNP, LLP. David Turchen, Partner at MNP, accepted the award on their behalf. MNP supports many charities in Abbotsford including Canuck Place, Abbotsford Food Bank, BC Turkey and Egg Board, BC Young Farmers, BC Dairy Association, BC Cattlemen's Association, Farm Management Canada, Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Mainland Young Milk Producers, Pacific Agriculture Show, United Way and more!
the University of the Fraser Valley was shown a video featuring Vivdates to when he was a student at ian Trethewey who was a founding UFV in 2009. However, Nik’s most donor to the ACF. Vivian said in the significant volunteer contributions video: “The Abbotsford Community have been made within the last six Foundation is one of the best ways years through his work as an alumnus. to give; it’s strong and it’s living, it’s alive and active!” In 2012, Nik joined the UFV Alumni Association Board of Directors as a volunteer director at large. Also in 2012, he became Vice-Chair and in 2015, became Chair of the Association. Nik was instrumental in introducing the organization’s first threeyear strategic plan with a focus on mentorship, engagement and fundraising. In 2016, Nik spearheaded a fundraising campaign
for the UFV Alumni Changing Lives Keynote speaker, Ed Fast, MP for Bursary Endowment called the Class Abbotsford, gave an inspiring talk Gift campaign. Because of Nik, the on the impact of philanthropy and he campaign was able to raise over encouraged the audience to give and $43,600 for students in need at UFV. hire where you live as a key way to The Volunteer of the Year award Next year the ACF will be celebrat- contribute to a healthy community. category was sponsored by Assante ing 40 years of giving in the AbTo find out more about the various Wealth Management and was pre- botsford community. Since incepways to support the ACF, please visit sented by Mark Driediger, Senior tion, over $10.5 million dollars has our website at Financial Planner with Assante. The been granted to numerous charities or contact Executive Director, Wendy recipient chosen for 2018 was Niko- and to students for scholarships and Neufeld at 604-850-3755 las Venema. Nik’s volunteerism with bursaries. At the lunch, the audience
The Patrika
Friday, November 30th, 2018
gur¨ nfnk mulK rfj bjfj golyvfÜf kWqk puµinaF idn sI, sI s¨rj ruÈnfieaf» mfqf iqRpqf dI kuWK coN, sI cµn pRgtfieaf» kul dyvI dyvqf drÈn ƒ cWl svrg qoN afieaf» dy ky afpxf aÈIrvfd, sB sIs invfieaf» siqgur nfnk dyv jI, kl¨kfl avqfr pfpF nfÜ DrqI qpI peI, kr idWqI TµzHI Tfr pfp Ëulm ƒ jVH qoN puWtx GWilaf Éud krqfr drÈn krdy ijhVy ies dy, huµdy byVy pfr ipqf kfl¨ dI KuÈI ƒ koeI ivrlf jfxy sB sfk sbµDI dyK ky bx gey isafxy hridafl pµzq ƒ sWd ky ÈuWB nfm kZfieaf nfnk inrµkfrI nfm rWK, K¨b lµgr lfieaf pµj sfl df hoieaf nfnk,pVHn sk¨ly pfieaf sI A, a, isKfey kfËI, nfnk, kYdf pVH suxfieaf sI kfl¨ ƒ iPr sWd ky muWlF kOqk idKfieaf sI Dur drgfh qoN piVHaf nfnk, muWlF sIs Jukfieaf sI 13 sfl df hoieaf nfnk, mWJF cfrn GWilaf sI mWJF ƒ CWz KyqF ivWc, BgqI df rfh mWilaf sI sWp ny CWjlI krky AuWpr, DuWp qoN nfnk bcfieaf sI Kyq hoieaf d¨x svfieaf, mflk sIs invfieaf sI milk Bfgo df hµkfr qoV, p¨rIaF coN lh¨ vgfieaf sI BfeI lflo dI suWkI rotI, Aus coN duWD cuafieaf sI sWjx TWg CuzfeIaF TWgIaF, isWDy rsqy pfieaf sI qyrf qyrf qol ky nfnk, modI Kfnf clfieaf sI blI kµDfrI dYNqF vrgf, Aus ƒ sbk isKfieaf sI pWQr dy ivWc pµjf gWzky, Aus ƒ rok idKfieaf sI AUc nIc df Byd imtf ky, mWkf Pyr Gumfieaf sI chuµ k¨tF ivWc jf ky nfnk, sWc df nfm jpfieaf sI bflf qy mrdfnf sfQI, ijn sWcf pRym inBfieaf sI BuWKy sfD¨ dyK gurF ny sB ƒ aµn Ckfieaf sI vihmF BrmF coN kWZ gurF ny à jpfieaf sI dsmyN jfmy af gurF ny, isWKI df b¨tf lfieaf sI Dµn gur nfnk dyv jI, gur¨aF dI pihlI gWdI chuµ k¨tF ivWc PYl geI, ieh Drm dI gWzI kuWl dunIaF ƒ qfrn leI, gur¨ nfnk afieaf pfp kWty jFvdy, ijn sIs Jukfieaf aWj gurpurb dI, pRymI dyvy vDfeI jo nÈy vrqdy sWjxoN, CWz dyvo BfeI ieWQy sB kuJ rih jfvxf, nf kro lVfeI gur¨ nfnk dI isWiKaf smJlo, sWc dI kro kmfeI PAGE 23
The Patrika
dzîÆ×z¶ôé Áå¶ ëËÇîñÆ ñÅÁ
auph`r kOr D`lIv`l
2459 Pauline Street Abbotsford, BC V2S 3S1
604-746-3330 Fax: 604-746-3331
auph`r kOr D`lIv`l
dzîÆ×z¶ôé Áå¶ ëËÇîñÆ ñÅÁ
ruibMdr (rOb) DMnU
ÇÕzîÆéñ ìÚÅÀ° òÕÆñ
• Immigration Appeals • Refugee Claims • Sponsorship & Citizenship • Permanent Resident & Green Card • Visas (Tourist, Employment, Student, Nafta) • Provincial Nominations • Investor & Business Applications
FAMILY • Divorce, Custody & Adoption • Child/Spousal Support • Provincial Court and Supreme Court
(ÁîðÆÕÅ Áå¶ ÕËé¶âÅ) • dzîÆ×z¶ôé ÁêÆñ • ÇðÇøÀ±ÜÆ Õñ¶î • Ãê»ÃðÇôê Áå¶ ÇÃàÆ÷éÇôê • êðîÅé˺à ðË÷Æâ˺à ÕÅðâ Áå¶ ×ðÆé ÕÅðâ • òÆ÷Å (àÈÇðÃà, Á˺êñÅÇÂî˺à, ÃàÈâ˺à, éËëàÅ) • êz½Çò³ôñ éÅîÆé¶ôé÷ • ÇÂéòËÃàð Áå¶ òêÅðÕ Áð÷ÆÁ»
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• Drug Offences
• âz¼× Ãì³èÆ ç¯ô
• Assaults Including Domestic & Sexual • Impaired and Other Driving Offences • Theft, Fraud and Property Crimes • Weapons Offences • Proceeds Of Crime • Young Persons Charged with Criminal Offences RUBINDER DHANU
- Marijuana Grow Operations - Cocaine and Heroin Trafficking - Importing/Exporting
Friday, November 30th, 2018
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History through interactive crafts and lend a hand as we week as we discover new arts ment, and team-building learning and activities. pay it forward thru communi- and crafts, games, and more activities. ty service and create the from all over the world. hero in all of us.
to help keep the Earth green. Days are balanced with games and fun activities that promote wellness and health.
The Patrika PAGE 25 each week of camp, children will also be learning Sikh History and reciting During Gurbani
Friday, November 30th, 2018
gurU nfnk qy awj gurbKÈ isMG pRIqlVI ieiqhfs afpxy afp nUM sdf nvIN pwDr Auqy CMizaf, mnuwK-DRohI rfj-nIqI dI inrI duhrfˆdf rihMdf, isWKIafˆ aklfˆ nUM muV muV tIkf-itpxI hI nhIN kIqI, sgoˆ inwzr ho idRVH krfˆdf rihMdf, qy mnuwKqf nUM afpxI ky AuhnUM koisaf. jIvn-bfDk hr Dfrimk aMqm mMËl dy nyVy pucfeI jfˆdf hY. ivÈvfs Auqy dlIl dI rOÈnI pf ky mnuwKfˆ dI pMdrHvIN sdI ivc Bfrq df ieh hfl sI ik smJ nUM suDfiraf; qy aMq ivc smuwcy pKMzfˆ rfjy ÈIˆh bxy qy Auhnfˆ dy mukwdm kuwiqafˆ qy aMnHy ivÈvfsfˆ df KMzn kridafˆ afpxI vfˆg pfV-Kfxy sn. Drm df pKMz prcMz lMmI Aumr dIafˆ Gflxfvfˆ qy AudfsIafˆ qfˆ cuqrÌI sI, pr afp Drm pMK lf ky df iswtf iehnfˆ srl sfdy Èbdfˆ ivc kWZ Auwz igaf sI. `swc`, `swc` ihMdU muslmfn ky jn-sfDfrx nUM KyiVafˆ-Biraf hOslf sB kUkdy sn, pr swc cMdrmf ikqy ciVHaf duafieaf : idwsdf nhIˆ sI, cuqrÌI kUV dI mwisaf df hnHyrf sI. ihMdU muslmfn qfˆ Blf JgVdy hI sn, ihMdUafˆ ivc vI pfto DfpI af rhI sIkoeI bRhm df rUp aKvfˆdf qy iksy nUM nIc ÈUdr afK ky inMidaf jfˆdf sI. ieh dunIaF sfieaf qy aglI dunIaF pRDfn smJI jfˆdI sI. jIvn dI ÈuwDqf qy sfrQkqf nUM koeI mhwqv nhIˆ sI. qIrQ, vrq, mukqI, pwQr, pÈU qy mnuwK dI pUjf qy pKMz-jflL ivc sWBo AulJy hoey sn. hr pfsy inrblqf qy hIxqf dI ZihMdI klf pRqwK sI. koeI bRhm, koeI cMzfl, koeI DnI, koeI kMgfl- pr iËMdgI dy suhj qoˆ hr koeI by-pCfx sI. nf hwsx, nf KHyzx, nf pihnx dI iksy nUM sUJ sI. sB mfieaf leI Btkdy, qy nrkfˆ dy zroˆ sihmy iewk dUjy nUM duKfˆdy idn-kwtI kr rhy sn. kudrq dI KUbsUrqI, kudrq dy KyVy, mnuwKI mn dI dOlq, qy sirÈtI dy sMgIq df iksy nUM anuBv nhIN sI. cuqrÌI qÈwdd sI, by-iensfÌI sI, mnuwKqf df apmfx sI, qy hoxI df afqmf-kMbfAU BY sI.
nfnk siqgurU BytIaY, pUrI hovy jugq,
hsMidafˆ, KyzMidafˆ pihnMidafˆ ivcy hovy mukq. qy jIvn dI Auwqm jfc dwsidafˆ Auhnfˆ iqMn kudrqI qy hoxhfr isÌfrÈfˆ kIqIafˆ : nfm jpo, ikrq kro qy vMz Cko. ieh Auhnfˆ dI isWiKaf df qwq sI, ijdHy AuWqy aml krn leI iksy rhws-meI gorK-DMdy dI loV nhIˆ.
nfm jpx sMbMDI Drm dy nfˆ Auqy lokfˆ nUM afpxI eIn ivc rKx dy cfhvfnfˆ ny Pyr keI rhws-jflL guMd ley; pr ienklfbI gurU dI sfrI bfxI nfm jpx df iehI Bfv dwsdI hY ik “aMjn mfih inrMjn rhIey”arQfq inrMjn hI Gt Gt ivc smfieaf hY, sB isRÈtI iewko inrMjn df psfrf hY. Auhdf ismrn mnuwK nUM sfrI kudrq nfl iekimk rWK skdf hY qy Auhdf ihrdf srb-ÈuwDq qy suwcqf nflL juiVaf rih skdf hY. ieh inrf Dfrimk hI nhIN, sfieMEhI hflq aj Pyr Bfrq dI ho geI hY. sI qy mnoivigafnk isDfˆq hY. ijho ijhf hfkm inrdeI hn, Auhnfˆ df amlf afpf- ismrogy Eho ijhf huMdy jfEgy. cMigafeI, DfpI hY. BirÈtfcfr roËfnf jIvn bx igaf KuÈhflI qy suwcqf df mUl-sfDn ismrn hY. hY. Dfrimk pKMz df pMdrHvIˆ sdI nflLoN vI vWD bol bflf hY. eyzy aOKy smyˆ jdoˆ bwicafˆ nfm ismrn df arQ isrjxhfr nUM KuÈ leI Kurfk, KHyzfˆ qy isKlfeI Gor icMqf bx rWKx leI Auhdf jfp krnf nhIN- gurU rhy hn, EdoN vI mwTfˆ, zyirafˆ qy `avqfrI` nfnk dI mhfn rcnf jpujI sfhb Auhnfˆ gurUafˆ dy asQfnfˆ Auqy lKfˆ rupeIey roËfnf dy Bfv nUM cMgI qrHfˆ pRgt krdI hY. gurU inhPl Érc kIqy jf rhy hn. Auhnfˆ dy jI df rwb vizafieafˆ vwzf nhIˆ huMdf, jlUs kwZy, idn mnfey qy BivK-hIn lok Cuitafieafˆ Cotf nhIN huMdf, ihrK sog qoˆ Auhnfˆ agy mwQy rgV rhy hn. grIbI rfq rihq hY. eyzI ivÈfl srbwgqf nUM ismrn dy hnHyry vfˆg psrdI jf rhI hY qy igxqI nflL KuÈ krn df iÉafl isrP BulyiKafˆ dy amIr kflLy Dn dy Zyr joVI jf rhy hn. df BulyKf hY. gurU sfhb iehI idRVH krfˆdy kbËy dI lflsf hr pfsy hY, ipafrnf qy hn ik isRÈtI dI mUl scfeI df sfs grfs vMz Ckxf ax-puwjdIafˆ isÌqfˆ smJIafˆ icMqn mnuwK nUM hmyÈf cMgy rfh Auqy rWKygf, jfˆdIafˆ hn. sfQI mnuwK leI pÈUafˆ ijMnf kudrq dI eykqf nUM pCfxdf hoieaf mnuwK, hr mnuwK df hI nhIN: hr jIv df afdr snyh vI nhIN. krygf, srb-ÈuB-icMqk qy shfiek bxygf. gurU nfnk ny iewko mnuwKI Aumr ivc ieh sfrf afl-jMjfl JfV suwitaf qy afpxI rwb koeI aijhI KuÈfmd-psMd hsqI nhIN jnm-BUmI pMjfb df kfieaf-klp kr jo afpxI isÌq sux ky imhrbfn ho jfˆdI idwqf sI. jdoˆ asIN pMjfbIafˆ df hor pRfˆqfˆ dy hY. Auhnfˆ df nfm ismrn qoˆ Bfv isRÈtI dy lokfˆ nflL mukfblf krdy hfˆ qfˆ Aus kfieaf- hr pwqy, hr ikxky ivc iewko inafˆkfrI, klpI dy KMzr-inÈfn ajy vI pMjfbI jIvn srb-ihqU, srb ÈkqImfn nym df icMqn hY. ÈuwDqf qy suwcqf, imhr qy muhwbq df ivc idwsdy hn. qfˆGI mnuwK EVk sfs-igrfs ismrn gurU nfnk ny pRclq Brmfˆ qy iËMdgI qoˆ dI avsQf ivc phuMc jfˆdf- qy hr GVI swKxIafˆ ho cuwkIafˆ sB rsmfˆ nUM inMidaf,
gurdvwrw klgIDr drbwr swihb AYbtsPorf ivKy
ies h&qy dy pRogrwm nvMbr 30 Su`krvwr
sRI gurU nwnk dyv jI 550 swlw pRkwS gurpurb nMU smripq sR: BuipMdr isMG smrw Aqy auhnwˆ dy pirvwr v`loˆ
dsMbr 2 AYqvwr
Bog sRI AKMf pwT swihb Aqy lMgr syvw sR: BuipMdr isMG smrw Aqy auhnwˆ dy pirvwr v`loˆ
nvMbr 30 Su`krvwr
ArMB sRI AKMf pwT swihb Aqy lMgr syvw sR: ihMmq isMG DwlIvwl Aqy auhnwˆ dy pirvwr v`loˆ
dsMbr 2 AYqvwr
Bog sRI AKMf pwT swihb Aqy lMgr syvw sR: ihMmq isMG DwlIvwl Aqy auhnwˆ dy pirvwr v`loˆ
dsMbr 2 AYqvwr
AMiqm Ardws BweI rwmAwsrw isMG myn drbwr hwl ivKy 12 vjy v`loˆ rwey pirvwr
dsMbr 2 AYqvwr
AiqMm Ardws bIbI kmljIq kOr myn drbwr hwl ivKy 2 vjy v`loˆ DwmI pirvwr
gurdvwrw swihb ivKy hwjrI Bry rhy pRcwrk isMG
• rwgI j~Qy – BweI jgjIq isMG jI hzUrI rwgI sRI drbwr swihb BweI hrimMdr isMG jI rofy • FwfI j`Qw - igAwnI mihqwb isMG jI iBMfr • kQw vwck – igAwnI inSwn isMG jI pauNtW swihb vwly
gurdvwrw swihb ivKy prRogwm b`uk krn leI sMprk kro
gurdvwrw swihb 604-504-5530, BweI jIq isMG is`D(U m`K u syvwdwr) 604-556-4089 igAwnI bic`qr isMG m`K u gRQ M I 604-600-1600
suhxf, suKfvfˆ qy shfiek bxdf jfˆdf hY. ivc koeI rwb df avqfr pUijaf jfˆdf hY. ieh ismrn dI pRIiKaf hY. mWisaf puMinafˆ Auqy aMnHIafˆ BIVfˆ lwgdIafˆ, ikrq dI mhfnqf gurU nfnk dI ieiqhfsk qy hËfrfˆ mnuwK afpxf kImqI smfˆ qy Dn ivÈyÈqf hY. ikrq nUM vizaf ik Auhnfˆ ny Érc krky ÉflI Gr muVdy hn. vKflLy dy AUc-nIc dy zUMGy Dwsy Brm nUM bfhr kiZaf. pfTfˆ df irvfj vD irhf hY. `AUc` qy `nIc` ikrq dy aml AWuqy iËMdgI df sfrf ivkfs ÈRRyxIafˆ ny afpo afpxy dvfry bxf ley hn. inrBr hY. eys aml nUM vizaf ky iqafg ijs iesqRI nUM kbIr, sUr dfs qy hor mMny qy sinafs afid dy `pUj` pr iËMdgI nfl pRmMny Bgqfˆ ny hwdoˆ vD inMidaf, qy ijs iesqRI nUM gurU nfnk ny rfijafˆ qy dunIafˆ ibpRIq ivcfrfˆ df ByV Gtfieaf. vMz-Ckx df isDfˆq afAux vflLy Xug df dI jxnI afK ky brfbrI idqI sI, AuhnUM pUrnf hY. ivkfs krdI mnuwKf iËMdgI eyzI kfnUMnI brfbrI imlx Auqy bhuqf isWK hI guMJldfr ho jfeygI ik sfˆJIvflqf dy isDfˆq ros kr rhy hn. dy Cuwt iehdy kolL agyry ivgsx leI koeI iswKfˆ dy Dfrmk asQfnfˆ dI kroV qoˆ AuWpr rfh nhIN rih jfeygf. eys isDfˆq nUM jy rupeIey sflfnf afmdn hY. eys afmdn nUM apxfieaf nf igaf qfˆ sfrI mnuwKqf iewk gurU nfnk dI isWiKaf anusfr lokfˆ leI prvfr nhIN bx skygI, qy DrqI dI dOlq vriqafˆ pMQ nUM Èfndfr iËMdgI idWqI qy sfry sfirafˆ ivc vMz ky vrqI nhIN jf skygI. pMjfb dI syvf leI iewk syvk Éflsf dl Aus hflq ivc mulk mulk nflL, kOm kOm iqafr kIqf jf skdf hY, isKfˆ nUM pMjfbI nflL, iÌrkf iÌrky nflL, rMg rMg nflL iBV siBaqf dy rfKy bxfieaf jf skdf hY. pr ky qy afpxy mfrU bMb vrq ky afqm-hwiqaf eynf Dn ajy Auhnfˆ Brmfˆ qy iËMdgI-bfDk leI mjbUr ho jfeygf. rsmfˆ nUM pRclq rwKx AuWqy hI Érc kIqf gurU nfnk dI amol isiKaf aWj sfnUM jf irhf hY. afqm-hwiqaf qoˆ bcx leI pRyrdI hY; pr gurU nfnk ny afiKaf sI ik sB gwlfˆ sWc qoˆ aÌsos hY ik afpxy afp nUM Auhdy isWK AurHfˆ hn- pr iewk swc dy prHfˆ vI lMG jfˆdI aKvfx vfilafˆ ny eys sunihrI isWiKaf hY- Auh hY swcI ijAuxI. swcI ijAuxI leI df Xog pRcfr nhIN kIqf. sgoˆ ijMny aMnHy ivÈvfsfˆ df gurU nfnk ny KMzn kIqf sI gurU nfnk dI jIvn-jfc srb Auwqm hY : Auhnfˆ sfirafˆ nUM isWKI Drm df muwK Bfg aMjn mfih inrMjn- qy nfm jpxf, ikrq bxf idwqf hY. ipMz ipMz, Èihr Èihr krnI, vMz Ckxf. PAGE 25
The Patrika
Friday, November 30th, 2018
4,900 new affordable rental homes on the way for B.C. families
elp is on the way for middleincome families in 42 communities as the Province moves forward with more than 4,900 new affordable mixed-income rental homes as part of the Building BC: Community Housing Fund.
“Years of inaction on the B.C. housing crisis left families struggling to get by and unable to get ahead,” said Premier John Horgan. “These new, affordable rental homes are an important step toward addressing the housing crisis and giving families in every part of the province a break from skyrocketing housing costs.” The new homes are designed to address the need for affordable housing across a range of income levels, in response to a housing crisis that has made housing unaffordable for even middle-class families. Much like past investments in co-op and non-profit housing, individual buildings will contain units aimed at a mix of income levels, including homes for middle-income individuals and families, deeply subsidized rentals for seniors and others on fixed incomes, and homes for low-wage workers. “Through the Community Housing Fund, we are building housing so that growing families, aging seniors and low- to moderate-income individuals can afford homes in the communities they live and work in,” said Selina Robinson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. “These new homes will have life-changing impacts for people and communities right across the province.” PAGE 26
The Province’s new Building BC: Community Housing Fund, a $1.9-billion investment over 10 years, will build more than 14,000
From farmer to chef to plate: connecting B.C.’s food systems
early 300 farmers, chefs and food service professionals met to build business relaaffordable rental homes for seniors, tionships around growing and serving families and low- and middle-income the many agricultural and seafood earners, with many to include child products produced in B.C. care. These 4,900 homes, the first set of projects selected through this fund, The Every Chef Needs a Farmer, Evwill include both non-profits and co- ery Farmer Needs a Chef 2018 event ops, and will be built over the next was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture. It connected B.C. chefs two to three years. with farmers, ranchers and other “This historic investment in the producers from around the province community housing sector is an to help educate the restaurant industry investment in British Columbians on the types of products being prostruggling to find safe, secure and duced in different regions of B.C. and affordable housing,” said Jill Atkey, to establish direct sales routes from CEO, BC Non-Profit Housing Assothe farm to the restauarant. ciation. “Non-profit housing partners are hard at work turning these dollars “The connection between chefs and into homes and are committed to en- farmers is incredibly important for suring that what is affordable in our the continued success of B.C.’s agsector today, will remain affordable riculture sector,” said Lana Popham, Minister of Agriculture. “When chefs for generations to come.” and farmers are able to connect like The Province, through BC Housing, this, they’re better able to plan both selected the first set of projects based their menus and their crops for the on a number of criteria, including coming season. Chefs are often the targeted clients and the impact the project is expected to have in reduc- greatest cheerleaders for B.C.’s farming the community’s affordable rental ers and ranchers, championing the local food system and showcasing housing need. B.C.’s amazing products in imaginaDelivering affordable housing is a tive and delicious ways.” shared priority between government and the B.C. Green Party caucus, and The day-long event consisted of is part of the Confidence and Supply three panel sessions with renowned chefs like Lisa Ahier of Sobo and Agreement. Ned Bell of Ocean Wise, as well as
farmers and restaurateurs speaking to the successes they have experienced focusing on local products. In between panels, attendees were able to peruse the exhibitor stations showcasing a wide range of products from throughout B.C., such as hazelnuts, eggs, mushrooms, scallops, haskap berries, garlic, sea salt, beef, vegetables, apples, blueberries, pork, seaweed and vegan meat. “We all want to eat things that express the landscape of where we come from,” said Paul Hadfield, owner of Spinnakers Brewpub in Victoria. “We’ve been able to do this for 34 years thanks to the relationships we’ve built with the farmers and producers who supply us with the B.C. grown products that we present on the plate. This event was a great opportunity for chefs to meet new producers and explore the range of products grown, raised and harvested right here in B.C.” The Every Chef Needs a Farmer, Every Farmer Needs a Chef event is part of the Ministry of Agriculture’s Buy BC program. Buy BC helps farmers, ranchers and producers market their products as locally grown, raised, harvested and produced, making it easy for British Columbians to identify, in an effort to increase demand for B.C. products within the province.
The Patrika
Friday, November 30th, 2018
B.C. eliminates operating debt, surplus grows in second quarter
ritish Columbia is operating debt-free for the first time in more than 40 years, according to the Province’s Second Quarterly Report. “When we formed government, we committed to do things differently. We promised British Columbians that we would take on the big challenges in our province from the housing crisis to child care,” said Carole James, Minister of Finance. “Today’s results show that our plan is working and that investing in people pays dividends. We’re tackling our province’s major challenges head on and, at the same time, eliminating B.C.’s operating debt for the first time in over 40 years.”
cline by an additional $150 million. The decline in real estate revenue is offset by higherthan-expected personal and corporate income tax revenue.
At the end of the second quarter, ICBC’s forecast decreased by a further $206 million. Government is responding to the ongoing risk ICBC poses to the fiscal plan and the moderation in the housing market by increasing the forecast allowance by $600 million. While the B.C. government continues Overall, government’s projected surto make record-level capital invest- plus is $1.35 billion for the 2018-19 ments in affordable housing, schools fiscal year. and hospitals, debt affordability has imPrivate sector economists are predictproved this quarter and the province’s ing stable economic growth and expect debt-to-GDP ratio is at its lowest point B.C. to rank among the top of provinsince the 2008 financial crisis. cial rankings in 2018. B.C. is projected As B.C.’s real estate market continues to lead Canada in gross domestic prodto moderate, the Province forecasts that uct (GDP) growth in 2019, with 2.4% property transfer tax revenues will de- growth expected.
5 tips for keeping your dog active during the colder months (NC) Enjoying the outdoors with your dog can be wonderful, except when the temperature dips down a little too low for comfort. Even if we would prefer to cuddle up on the couch, it’s imperative that our four-legged friends still get enough exercise during the winter.
wash your pet’s paws when you come in from the outdoors.
Working together to end genderbased violence he Province is joining the United Nations' 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence campaign to help advance gender equity, make life better and make communities safer for women, girls and transgender people in B.C. and around the world.
In addition to joining the campaign, the Province has been taking crossgovernment action to address genderbased violence. The Province has allotted $734 million in funding to build 1,500 new transition homes for women and children fleeing violence. The first 280 of these safe spaces will be delivered in 12 projects around the “Everyone has the right to live with- province and will include funding for out fear and violence, yet women, a range of services, such as emotional transgender and gender-diverse people support and safety planning. continue to face gender-based and sexualized violence in every part of Government has also invested $5 miltheir lives,” said Mitzi Dean, Parlia- lion to help reduce waitlists and better mentary Secretary for Gender Equity. meet demand for vital services like “Every step we take in this fight must counselling, outreach and crisis support, with an additional $18 million include the voices and acknowledge the over three years for continued services. experiences of those who have faced this type of violence.” In continuing its work toward reconciliation, government has provided To mark the beginning of the 16 days, funding to the Snuneymuxw Youth and Premier John Horgan and Dean met Family Society in Nanaimo to operate with anti-violence advocates to discuss 10 transition house beds that will prithe progress and challenges of ending marily serve Indigenous women and gender-based violence in B.C. children and will provide culturally ap“We need to work together to end propriate supports. To ensure safe and gender-based violence and build a reliable travel for women in northern better world and brighter future for B.C., the Province is increasing cellular our children and grandchildren,” said service and building a new cell tower Premier Horgan. “We are at a critical along Highway 16 and establishing the moment in history in the struggle for BC Bus North long-haul bus service. gender equality. B.C. is joining people Government is taking steps toward around the world in raising their voices, fighting gender-based violence and telling their stories and fighting to end working together to ensure a better and safer B.C. for all. gender-based violence.”
Take shorter walks more often. It can be easy to take your dog out for long strolls when the temperature hasn’t yet dipped below zero, but it becomes a bit more of a challenge in the winter To help ease the transition, here are five months. Taking shorter walks more (NC) With the cold closing in, it’s imfrequently can help ensure you’re givthings to consider: portant to understand the risks freezing ing your dog enough exercise, without weather can pose to your home, yard Bundle up. Although our furry friends being overexposed. and vehicle. Beyond topping up on have built-in coats, temperatures can Get some extra help. Sometimes our anti-freeze and switching your tires, sometimes drop to extremes, leaving schedules just don’t allow for all the there are several things you can do to you with one shivering pup. Help walks our pups need. Hiring a dog prepare yourself for winter driving. them keep warm and dry with their walker through a service like Rover. own winter jacket for the especially com can help your dog burn off some “Being prepared with a well-stocked cold days. Don’t forget to wear warm energy while you’re out of the house first aid kit, snow removal tools and clothes, too. The warmer you are, the or at work. a battery-powered phone charger can better experience the walk will be for Be mindful of weight changes. Just like provide security for yourself or others both of you. us, our pets may be inclined to curl up should your vehicle break down in a Protect their paws. While many pups on the couch and snuggle away a cold remote area during cold weather,” says love a snowy winter walk, sidewalks afternoon, but added weight to their Lisa Purves, director of personal lines and roads are often treated with harsh small frames can be harmful. Keep an at Intact Insurance. chemicals and salts that can be harmful eye on your pet’s shape and weight to to their paws. Use booties to help pro- ensure they aren’t putting on too many You can’t always predict a turn in the weather and its consequences. Warm tect them during walks and be sure to extra pounds.
Must-have items for your car to keep you safe this winter clothing and blankets are essential items to keep handy for emergency situations. Standard items like scissors, bandages and a flashlight mean you are prepared for a potentially extended wait for help. Along with equipping yourself for winter, you can also outfit your vehicle with jumper cables, de-icing salt and ropes, which may be what you need to get un-stuck from a patch of ice. Whether you’re heading out on a short journey or long winter road trip, make sure you are prepared for the unexpected.
The Patrika
swrHI dy myar vwloN BfrI krjLy dI duhfeI swrHI dy myar zwg mkWlm df kihxf hY ik swrHI dy isr $514 imlIan df bhuq BfrI krjLf hY aqy ies bfry bhuq icMqq hn| prMqU keI lok myar dy ies dfavy nfl sihmq nhIN| AuMnHF ikhf ik AuMnHF dI pihlI trm dOrfn AuMnHF bcfE aqy krjLy qoN bco dI nIqI ‘qy kMm kIqf sI| prMqU ies cox ivc Aus dy ivruwD cox lVn vfly brUs hyn df koihxf hY ik zwg mkwlm krjyL nUM vDf cVHf ky dws irhf hY| Aus ny ikhf ik ieh krjLf lgBg $250 imlIan hY aqy zwg lokF dy mnF ivc zr aqy BY pYdf kr irhf hY| tfm igwl ny vI zwg vwloN dwsy aMkiVaF nUM JUT ikhf hY| tfm ny ikhf ik zwg istI dy srplws asfsy nUM aKON proKy kr irhf hY|
vwzy afkfr dy GrF ‘qy lwgI pfbMdI bfry qOKly bI sI srkfr ny aYgrIklcr lYNz irjLrv ‘qy 5400 vrg Puwt qoN vzyry Gr bxfAux ‘qy pfbMdI lgfAux df kfnUMn pfs kIqf hY| bI sI dI PfrimMg kimAuintI df kihxf hY ik vwzy pirvfrF NnUM swc muwc vwzy GrF dI loV hY| aijhy pirvfrF dy sYNkVy lok swrHI dy tfAun hfl ivc iekwTy hoey aqy ies pfbMdI lgfAux vfly ibwl 52 df ivroD kIqf| AunHF df qrk hY ik srkfr ies pfbMdI nfl iekwTy rihx vfly pirvfrF nUM mjbUr kr rhI hY ik Auh iekwTy nf rihx| ieh srf sr Dwkf hY aqy munwKI afjLfdI df glf Guwtx vflf kdm hY| 1973 ivc bxfieaf igaf aYgRIklcrl lYNz irjLrv kimsLn df Bfv KyqI vflI jLmIn nUM surwiKaq krnf sI , pirvfrF nUM iekwTy rihx qoN rokx df nhIN sI pr srkfr ieAuN kr rhI hY| 39 sflf jskIrq mfn ny ikhf ik kfnUMn bnfAux vfilaF nUM pqf nhIN ik aijhy pirvfr vI hn ijnHF ivc jvfn puwq, Aus dy mfqf ipqf aqy Ausy puwq dy DIaF puwq iekwTy rihMdy hn|
ivroDI ilbrlF vwloN ivDfnk KlblI bfry aYmrjYNsI mIitMg swdx dI mMg
Friday, November 30th, 2018
nrsF dI aYsosIeysLn nfl hYlQ aYNplfierjL aYsosIeysLn df hoieaf smJOqf bI sI dy ivwq mMqRflf dy 26 nvMbr dy pYRWs pRkfsLn ivc dwisaf igaf hY ik nrsF dI sOdfbfjLI krn vflI aYsosIeysLn aqy bI sI dy hYlQ aYNplfierjL ivckfr smJOqf ho igaf hY| ies smJOqy df mMqv lokF nUM loVINdIaF syvfvF AuplbD krfAuxf aqy krmcfrIaF nUM vfjb qnKfhF afid idwqy jfx dI ivvsQf hY| ies smJOqy df lfB 44000 rijstrz nrsF nUM hovygf jo vwK vwK ishq syvfvF ivc kMm kr rhIaF hn| ienHF ivc mnoivigafnk , lfiesYNsz aqy pRYktIkl nrsF sLfml hn| Xfd rhy ik ieh smJOqf sbMDq aYsosIeysLnF vwloN pRvfn hox ipwCoN hI lfgU hovygf|
asIN inrdosL hF --bI sI ivDfn sBf dy muawql kIqy aiDkfrIaF vwloN ibafn ijwQy ivDfn sBf dy muawql kIqy gey aiDkfrIaF vwloN afpxI inrdosLqf df ZMzorf ipwitaf jf irhf hY AuwQy ivroDI iDr dy ilbrl nyqf aYNzrIAU ivliknsn vwloN vI ikhf igaf hY ik AuMnHF nUM spIkr ny gumrfh kIqf ikAuNik Auh 19 nvMbr nUM dyr rfq hoeI mIitMg ivc ieh nf dws sky ik AuMnHF ny 7 mhIny cwlI gupq jFc krn df kMm afpxy dosq nUM sONipaf sI| AuMnHF ikhf ik Auh muawqlI dy mqy nUM rwd krn bfry soc rhy hn| ies qrF ivliknsn ny sKq sLbdF ivc spIkr dI nukqfcInI kIqI aqy iewQoN qwk kih idwqf ik spIkr AuMnHF dy kMtrol qoN bfhr hY aqy Aus ny afpxI bfdsLfhq bxf rwKI hY mihMgy vkIl hfier kIqy hoey hn| muawql kIqy aiDkfrI kih rhy hn ik AunHF nUM pqf nhIN ik AuMnHF df dosL kI hY | jy ivlikns vwloN muawqlI dy mqy nUM rwd krn df mqf ivDfn sBf ivc pysL kr idwqf qF ajIb siQqI pYdf ho jfvygI|
bI sI dI qknflojI nUM do irportF ivc AuWcf sQfn imilaf
ipCly idnIN bI sI ivDfn sBf dy do krmcfrIaF nUM muawql kIqf igaf sI| ivroDI ilbrl mMg kr rhy hn ik spYsLl mIitMg bulf ky spIkr zYirk plYkfjL qoN puwiCaf jfvy ik Aus ny AuMnHF do krmcfrIaF dy ivvhfr dI ingrfnI krn vfsqy spYsLl slfhkfr aYln muln ikAuN hfier kIqf sI jo Aus df dosq sI| AuDr muawql kIqy gey gYrIlYNjL aqy kRyg jymjL df kihxf hY ik Auh inrdosL hn; AuMnHF ny koeI glq kMm nhIN kIqf| hYrfnI dI gwl hY ik AuMnHF do krmcfrIaF nUM srbsMmqI nfl muawql kIqf igaf arQfq ilbrl ivDfiek vI AuMnHF nUM muawql krn dy BfgIdfr hn|
KPMG ny afpxy hr do sfl mgroN CfpI jfx vflI irprt ivc bI sI dy qknflojI sYktr nUM ‘A’ gRyz idwqf hY| ieh gRyz dUsry sUibaF dy qknflojI sYktrF nfl qulxf krn mgroN idwqf hY| irport ivc ikhf igaf hY ik sUby df ieh sYktr sUby dI afrQkqf ivc7% ihwsf pf irhf hY aqy ies sYktr ivc ipCly do sflF dOrfn 11.9% df vfDf hoieaf hY| bI sI tYwk aYsosIeysLn dy sI eI E ijwl itipMg vwloN vI Auprokq nqIijaF df suafgq kIqf igaf hY | vrxnXog hY ik ivktorIaf nUM dysL Br dy 10 AuWc tYwk sYktrF ivcoN iek sYktr igixaf igaf hY|
mUlvfsIaF leI bxngy 100 nvyN Gr
pRiswD BMgVf pRymI bixaF golI df insLfnf
imAuinspl mfmilaF aqy hfAUisMg mMqrI sInfrOibnsn df kihxf hY ,” mUlvfsIaF nUM pysL af rhI GrF dI musLkl bhuq gMBIr hY asIN Pst nysLnjL ,aYboirjnl hfAuisMg mYnyjmYNt aYsosIeysLn nfl iml ky ies smwisaf nUM hwl krn leI vcnbwD hF| bI sI Br ivc 26 kimAuintIaF ivc 1100 nvyN Gr bxfey jfxgy | ienHF ivcoN kuJ irjLrv lYNz ‘qy hoxgy aqy kuJ nfn-irjLrv QfvF ‘qy hoxgy| ies sbMDI mUlvfsI afgU gRys ilAun kMinMGm ny ikhf,” mYN DMnvfd krdf hF ik sfzy nOjvfnF aqy pirvfrF leI 1100 nvyN Gr bxfAux df aYlfn kIqf igaf hY|” vrxnXog hY ik ieh pRojYkt L $550 imlIan Krc krky 1750 nvyN Gr bxfAux dy vwzy pRojYkt df iek Bfg hY|
41 sflf rfj sMGf dy krIbI dosqF ny ies gwl dI pusLtI kIqI hY ik Auh golLI nflL mfiraf igaf| AunHF ikhf ik rfj bhuq hI sfAU iensfn sI aqy BMgVy qoN ielfvf hor KHyzF nUM AuqsLfihq krn ivc mhwqvpUrn BUimkf inBfAuNdf sI| homIsfeIz pVqflIaF df kihxf hY ik Aus nUM insLfnf bxf ky mfiraf igaf hY| AunHF df kihxf hY ik golLI mfrn vflLf kflLy rMg vhIkl ivc AuWQoN Prfr ho igaf | puils lokF nUM apIl kr rhI hY ik jy iksy nUM ies kql bfry kuJ pqf hovy qF Auh puils nfl sMprk kry, Aus dI sLnfKq gupq rwKI jfvygI|
iek rYkUn (irwC vrgf jfnvr) ‘qy ho rhI byrihmI dI dfsqfn ikRtr kyar vfielzlfeIP susfietI dy iek mulfjLm df kihxf hY ik iek bfl rYkUn pfxI nfl Bry gfrbyj kYn ivc Pisaf vyiKaf igaf ijwQoN Auh afpxy afp iksy vI qrF bfhr nhIN inwkl skdf| Aus dy kQn dI pusLtI ikRwtr yar dy shfiek suprvfeIjLr vwloN kIqI geI| ieh gfrbyj kYn iek ipMjry ivc ipaf hYaqy Auh rYkUn ipMjry dIaF qfrF nUM PV ky bYTf hY pr by bws hY| bI sI dI jfnvr bcfAU susfietI vwloN ies byrihmI dI jFc sLurU kIqI geI hY| PAGE 28
The Patrika
Friday, November 30th, 2018
sPlqf df sUqr vkq dI shI vrqoN ieiqhfs dy siPaF `qy sunihrI awKrF dy ivwc afpxf nfm drj krfAux vfly hmysLf isrV aqy isdk nfl hvf dy rwuK qoN Ault qurdy njLr afAuNdy hn. aijhy lokF nUM sukrfq df ieh vcn hmysLf Xfd rihMdf hY ik ijLMdgI jIAux leI Kfxf cfhIdf hY nf ik Kfx leI ijAuNdy rihxf cfhIdf hY. sPlqf aksr AunHF lokF nUM imldI hY jo kiTnfeI Bry kMm krdy hn. asPl lok aksr nqIijaF qoN zrdy hn. puwjdy AuhI hn, jo qurdy hn. cldIaF rfhF `qy vI qurn vfly ijLafdf sPl nhIN huMdy. sPlqf dy pFDI qF afpxIaF rfhF AulIkx dy cfhvfn huMdy hn aqy AunHF nUM pqf huMdf hY ik sPlqf aqy arfm df koeI irsLqf nhIN. sPl mnwuK supinaF dy vxjfry huMdy hn. AunHF nUM supny lYx dI jfc huMdI hY aqy AunHF supinaF nUM hkIkq dy ivwc bdlx dI vI. iewk gwl spwsLt hoxI cfhIdI hY ik supny sLyK iclI dy vI huMdy hn jo mnuwK dy ihwsy isrP asPlqf hI pfAuNdy hn. mYN sLyK iclI vfly supny nhIN blik AunHF supinaF dI gwl kr irhf hF ijhVy quhfnUM idn vyly sOx nhIN idMdy. ijLMdgI nUM KUbsUrq bnfAuxf aqy anMd nfl ijAuxf quhfzf pYdfiesLI hwk hY. quhfzy jMmx `qy quhfzf hwk nhIN pr ijAux `qy quhfzf hwk hY. ijLMdgI dy mOsm nUM KusLgvfr bnfAux leI Xqn krnf jLrUrI huMdf hY. hr iksy nUM sony dy cmcy ivwc sLihd nsIb nhIN huMdf. sLihd nUM pRfpq krn leI zUmxy miKafl dy Cwqy ivwc hwQ pfAuxf hI pYNdf hY. sPl hox leI hmysLf vwzf socxf jLrUrI huMdf hY AuNJ vwzf socxf dunIaF dy lokF leI bhuq musLkl kMm hY. sLfied iesy krky bhuq Gwt lok ieh kMm krdy hn. asl ivwc ijLafdf igxqI ivwc lok ijLMdgI ijAuNdy hn, mfxdy nhIN, AudysLhIx ijLMdgI ijAux vfly lok kroVF dI igxqI ivwc hn. ijLMdgI nUM mUrKqf Bry qrIky nfl jIAUx df nqIjf asPlqf, anpVqf aqy grIbI hI hovygf. sPlqf pfAux leI AudysL, sMklp, idRV-insLcY, afqm-ivsLvfsL aqy imhnq dy nfl nfl iewk hor sUqr vkq df shI pRXog huMdf hY. mYN iksy kflj ivwc pRYktIkl dy islisly ivwc igaf hoieaf sI. mYN AuWQoN dy bwicaF nUM puwiCaf ik qusIN kflj afAux leI iqafr hox smyN ikMnf vkq lgfAuNdy ho qF lwgBg hr bwcy ny 40-50 imMt dwisaf. iewk muMzf kihx lwg 50 imMtF ivwcoN 25 imMt qF pwg bMnx qy hI lwg jFdy hn. mYN Aus nUM puwiCaf, “agr iewk idn ivwc pwg
bMnx nUM 25 imMt lwgdy hn qF mhIny ivwc ikMny lwgdy hn aqy sfl ivwc ikMny.” Aus ny afpxf mobfiel kwiZaf aqy ihsfb lgf ky dwisaf ik “iewk sfl ivwc qkrIbn 9,000 imMt lgdy hn.” mYN Aus nUM ikhf ik “jy iewk mnuwK dI aOsq Aumr 65 sfl hY aqy 30 sfl qF Auh sON ky guaf idMdf hY. bfkI rihMdy 35 sflF ivcoN kfkf jI, qusIN sfZy iqMn sfl qF sjn-sjfAux qy guaf idwqy.” hflF ik jy shI ihsfb lfeIey qF iewk afm aOrq ies kMm qy afpxI ijLMdgI dy byhqrIn 35 sflF ivwcoN 6-8 sfl qF myk-awp aqy sjn-sjfAux qy hI brbfd kr idMdI hY. afsfnI nfl iehdy ivcoN awDf vkq bcf ky AusfrU kMm qy lfieaf jf skdf hY. sPlqf dy sUqr muqfibk vkq df ihsfb pYisaF dy ihsfb nfloN vI vwD kImqI hY. hr sfh dy nfl asIN iewk kdm mOq vDf rhy huMdy hF. ijLMdgI df hr pl kImqI huMdf hY aqy ienHF kImqI plF nUM shI idsLf aqy shI mMjLl vwl lgfAuxf hI vkqdI shI vrqoN hY. mYN vkq dI shI vrqoN leI kuJ suJfE dy irhf hF: 1[svyry AuTx df smF aqy rfq nUM sOx df smF: ieh donoN vkq bhuq mhwqvpUrn hn. ijLMdgI ivwc afm mnuwK leI rojLfnf 6-8 GMty sOxf kfPI huMdf hY. bwcy ijLafdf sONdy hn aqy ijAuN-ijAuN Aumr vwDdI hY, nINd dI jLrUrq GwtdI hY. aMimRq vyly AuWTxf ijwQy quhfzI idn-ciraf nUM shI syD idMdf hY, AuWQy quhfzI srIrk, mfnisk aqy afqimk sLkqI nUM vI sfrQk bxfAuNdf hY. gurU nfnk dyv jI ny vI aMimRq vyly dI mhwqqf nUM ibafn kridaF ikhf hY,
PAGE 29 zf: hrijMdr vflIaf
sfQIaF, bOs dIaF, swsF dIaF, nUMhF aqy nnfxF dIaF gwlF aqy cuglIaF ivwc aYnf ku vkq guaf idMdy hF ik jy Aus nUM shI idsLf ivwc lf leIey qF sPlqf keI kdm sfzy ny V y phu M c skdI hY. mYN iek XUnIvristI ivwc BfsLx idMdy hoey bwicaF nUM svY-pVcol krky eImfndfrI
bjfey sPlqf leI pRyrnf sroq bxfieaf
nfl afpxy dosqF, shylIaF, aiDafpkF jfxf cfhIdf hY. kfm dI AUrjf jy shI rsqy aqy hor kuVIaF-muMizaF dIaF gwlF krn cwlygI qF vwzIaF mMjLlF qih krygI. ivwc brbfd ho rhy vkq bfry dwsx nUM 5[ afqm-icMqn aqy zfierI ilKxf: hr ikhf. jvfb ivwc mYnUM pqf lwgf ik iewk rojL sOx qoN pihlF kuJ smyN leI iDafn afm ividafrQI mhIny ivwc 90 GMty hornF dIaF gwlF aqy inMdf-cuglIaF ivwc Krfb lgf ky bYTo, afqm-icMqn kro, soco iksy krdf hY. mYN suJfE idwqf ik jy iewk mhIny nfl iPwkf qF nhIN boly, iksy df mjLfk qF ivwc ieh kMm leI awDf vkq Gwt kr idE nhIN Auzfieaf, iksy dI inMdf qF nhIN kIqI.
aqy AuhI 45 GMty qusIN afpxI pVHfeI ivwc ivhlIaF gwlF ivwc ikMnf smF brbfd kIqf. lgfAu qF sPl ividafrQI bxn qoN quhfnUM iksy `qy koRD jF guwsf qF nhIN kIqf aqy koeI nhIN rok skdf. 4[ivroDI ilMg pRqI ivvhfr: iewk hor jLrUrI nukqf ijhVf Kfs qOr qy Bfrq dIaF
byloVy kfm AuksfAU idRsLF dI klpnf qF nhIN kIqI. kI afpxy idn df aYm[afeI[tI[ pUrf kIqf jF nhIN. kI mMjLl vwl kuJ kdm
XUnIvristIaF ivwc BfsLx dyx smyN rwKdf vDfey hn. kI idn ivwc koeI pl AudfsI df hF Auh hY ividafrQIaF df ivroDI ilMg qF nhIN hMZfieaf. kI idn ivwc iksy loVvMd
pRqI ivvhfr. ividafrQIaF df bhuq sfrf dI shfieqf kIqI hY jF nhIN. aijhy svfl vkq ivroDI ilMg bfry socx jF iPr Aus afpxy afp nUM kro aqy iemfndfrI nfl swcy nUM imlx aqy Aus nUM imlky Aus bfry gwlF suwcy jvfb idAu. ijwQy ikqy vI koeI AuxqfeI krn ivwc bIq jFdf hY. ieh sfzy jIvn njLr afvy qF agly idn Aus nUM dUr krn
“aMimRq vylf scu nfAu vizafeI vIcfru.
df kOVf swc hY ik asIN sYks pRqI klpnf df Xqn kro. ieAuN qusIN vkq dI shI vrqoN krky vkq brbfd krdy rihMdy hF ies dOV krn lwgogy. jo vkq df shI pRXog krdf
krmI afvih kpVf ndrI moKu duafr.
ivwc Aumr aqy ilMg df Byd vI ijLafdf nhIN hY Auh jLrUr afpxI mMjLl `qy phuMcdf hY.
vkq isr AuWTx df mqlb rojLfn iewk GMty idKfeI idMdf. ivroDI ilMg pRqI iKwc hoxf mYnUM afs hY ik quhfzf nfm vI aijhy sPl suBfvk hY pr ies nUM vkq dI brbfdI dI ivakqIaF dI sUcI ivwc jLrUr drj hovygf. dI bcq. 2[idn df sB qoN mhwqvpUrn kMm: jdoN qusIN AuTo, afpxy prmfqmf nUM Xfd kro. afpxI klpnf ivwc, afpxI mMjLl nUM lY ky afE, idRV insLcY nfl Aus mMjLl vwl vDx leI afpxy afp nfl iewk vfr Pyr vfiedf kro aqy awj dy idn dy mhwqvpUrn kMm nUM krn df insLcY kro. ies qrHF qusIN dyKogy ik quhfzy virHaF qoN twldy jFdy kMm suBfvk hI hoxy sLurU ho jfxgy. 3[inMdf-cuglI: qusIN afqm icMqn krogy qF spwsLt ho jfvygf ik asIN rojLfnf ibnF kfrn afpxy gYr hfjLr dosqF, dPLqr dy PAGE 29
The Patrika
Friday, November 30th, 2018
mwGr sMkRFqI
joiqS, Eqy Eqy 604-751-0220 kro
myK- ishq ivwc gVbV, Dn lfB, afpxy lokF nfl JgVf, Xfqrf iwvc cot df zr, sMqfn suwK, kfrobfr iwvc suDfr. nvMbr 18, 19,20,27,28, dsMbr 6,7 asLuB.
New people can come into your life or new directions with those you know can begin to take shape. Something initially agreed upon could suddenly change from someone else’s perspective. The best way to see where you stand is to make your own priorities clear. However, expect some secretiveness on the part of others.
You should be left in no doubt as to what somebody else thinks, especially if they expect some sort of commitment or role of responsibility from you. They may have to realise that you are changing from what you have normally been. There may be little choice but to challenge any pressure you feel is unfair and won’t accept.
ibRK – Kun ipwq ivkfr, kfrj Kyqr bdlx nfl lfB, GrylU JMJtF qoN dUr rho, imwqrF df sihXog, iesqrI pwKoN icMqF, sQfn pirvrqn df ivcfr bxy, nvMbr 21,22,29,30,dsMbr 8,9,10, asLuwB.
imQun – pyt dI KrfbI, Dn hfnI, PjUl KrcIBfeI bMDU suK sMqfn qy iesqrI ksLt, sFJydfrI iwvc hfnI rhygI,. kMm bdlx df ivcfr bxygf. nvMbr 23,24, dsMbr 1,2,3,11,12,asLuwB.
Krk- swt df zr, Dn lfB, Krcf aiDk, imwqrF qoN lfB, sMqfn qy iesqrI pwKoN icMqf, kfrobfr ivwc Gftf rhygf. nvMbr16,17,25,26,dsMbr 4,5,13,14,15 asLuB.
isMG – pyt dI KrfbI, swtf lgfAux nfl hfnI, sMqfn ksLt, dusLmxF iwvc vfDf, GrylU JMJtF qy jfiedfd dy ivvfd qoN bco. nvMbr 18,19,20,27,28,dsMbr 6,7 asLuB.
A new approach to the nice but unnecessary things in life may need to be taken, especially if this means you have been ignoring detail or slipping back on matters that need to be dealt with regularly. You are in a good position to realise how the necessary things in life can be streamlined to free you up to pursue other likings.
Something you have been focussed on getting in place or sorting out recently can now take any new direction you have wanted. This could also involve matters to do with home and family. It may not be as you expected but it will certainly be a weight of your mind. You may still need to resist pressure coming from others.
Where you have been subject to distraction of late you can now become more determined to not respond to these things anymore, mainly because there are things you need to get organised. Pressure can come from others, especially in situations where something hasn’t been fully sorted out in the past. Get to it.
Information you have been weighing up could suddenly make sense. This could be advantageous where finances are concerned, by providing a new perspective. Go with your own thoughts as you have had continuous cycles focussing you in a straightforward manner on details, which should have strengthened your natural skills in this direction.
The New Moon this week occurs in your sign providing you with the opportunity to tackle things in a new way or to set yourself on a new path. It makes a powerful connection to Pluto that can generate intense determination. Rethinking your finances or spending can emerge unexpectedly as something that requires focus.
Mercury, the planet of thought and communication moves into your sign this week where it will remain until 30th October. Almost immediately you may need to focus on how best respond to unexpected matters with someone else. Don’t be tempted to react too quickly. You are well placed to be able to target actions effectively.
kMinaF – Kun kI KrfbI, krjy qoN bco, Dn hfnI qoN mn icMqF Xukq rhygf, imwqrF nfl JgVf, sMqfn ksLt, pqnI suK imlygf. nvMbr 21,22,29,30 dsMbr 8,9, 10, asLuB.
qulf – ishq TIk rhygI, kRoD qy kfbU rwKo, lVHfeI JgVy qoN dUr rho, rfj drbfr qoN ksLt iml skdf hY inwjI lokF nfl JgVf qy kMm bdlx ivwc lfB hovygf. nvMbr 23,24, dsMbr 1,2,3,11,12 asLuwB hovygI.
ibRsLick – pyt rog, Dn hfnI, Krc aiDk sMqfn pwK qoN KusLI nvIaF XojnfvF qoN lfB, kfrobfr TIk rhygf, nvMbr16,17,25,26,dsMbr 4,5,13,14,15 asLuB.
DnU – pyt dI KrfbI, iesqrI jF puwqr ihwq ivsLysL Krcf hovygf, nIc ivakqIaF qoN hfnI jF apmfn df zr, afriQk lfB, nvMbr 18,19,20,27,28,dsMbr 6,7 asLuB.
mkr – kRoD qy kfbU rwKo, Dn hfnI ho skdI hY, Brf df suwK, Dn lfB, kfrobfr iwvc rukfvt pYdf ho skdI hY. . nvMbr 21,22,29,30 dsMbr 8,9, 10, asLuB.
11 kuMB – pyt dI KrfbI, Dn lfB, BfeI bMDUaF df suwK. sMqfn ksLt, dusLmx kmjor, iesqrI pwK sluwB, kfrobfr ivwc rukfvt pYdf ho skdI hY. nvMbr 23,24, dsMbr 1,2,3,11,12 asLuwB hovygI.
mIn – ishq TIk, afmdn Krc brfbr,, inwjIlokF qoN ksLt, nvIaF XojnfvF qoN hfnI, kMm jF kfrj sQfn bdlx df ivcfr pYdf ho skdf hY. iesqrI qy sMqfn pwKoN icMqF. nvMbr16,17,25,26,dsMbr 4,5,13,14,15 asLuB.
There is too much going on behind the scenes for you to be certain about how best to express your own thoughts or ideas. Even so, if you get annoyed you will be tempted to be verbally aggressive but this won’t bring anything into the open. Better to put these energies into finding out information that can be helpful.
This is a good time to commit yourself seriously with anything that should be given better attention. There can be a sudden renewal of focus on what should take priority. This can make you feel quite pleased with yourself as well as encouraging you to stay on the path. Taking action with a financial matter can be part of it.
Your vision of future possibilities can take a new direction that feels powerful to you, even though complete knowledge of the outcome will not be comprehensible. You may need to take further action on something you have dealt with in the past, perhaps because of information that arises in a most unexpected manner.
Being determined about certain priorities can result in a change of direction when it comes to pressure from someone else. This can result in a better view of what they really think, which makes you realise that entering into conversation might be a good thing for you gain more awareness. This can result in reviewing your goals.
The Patrika
Friday, November 30th, 2018
n this issue, I will discuss all the frequently asked questions of the extremely remarkable life insurance plan Adaptable underwritten by UL Mutual Insurance Company. While the plan is quite impressive, as a prospective client, one may have queries about the plan. I hope the below mentioned questions and their answers will clarify your queries: • For how long shall we have to pay?
No, you won’t get anything. Term Life insurance is usually for short term and Permanent Insurance is for long term needs. If you cancel insurance policy within ten years, there are no cash values and you will lose all the money. But, if you are planning insurance for short term period, its better to buy some Term Insurance such as Term 10, 20, 30 or till age 40. It should be kept in mind though - you cannot treat your life insurance as a bank account which can be encashed within 3-4 years. It doesn’t go like that - Life insurance is a long term plan.
You shall have to pay for a minimum of 20 years. To make it more affordable, we can increase payment period till age 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85 and 95 life • When does the cash value start buildinsurance available at age 75. ing up? • Can we buy the lower face amount or shall we have to buy one million dollar The cash values in the Adaptable plan start building up after ten years and the coverage? biggest attraction of the plan is that at No, it’s not mandatory to buy a mil- age 65, cash values will be half of the lion dollar coverage. As per your own face value and its guaranteed (appliaffordability, you can purchase cover- cable before age 45). age for lower amounts starting from $25,000. The great feature is that the •Once the market fluctuates in case cash values will be half the amount the interest rate goes down or if the of coverage at age 65. For example, company doesn’t make any income, for 100,000 coverage-50,000 cash will my cash values at age 65 change value; for 200,000 coverage- 100,000 or reduce? cash value and; for 500,000 coverNo. Adaptable life insurance contract age-250,000 cash values at age 65- in is a guaranteed and permanent plan. It all cases, if you buy the plan before doesn’t fluctuate with the fluctuating age 45. interest rate of the market and also, • Through which insurance company doesn’t depend upon the income of do you do this insurance? insurance company. If you pay your premium on time as per your chosen The Adaptable insurance plan in which period, nothing can be changed. Life the cash values at age 65 are ‘guaranteed’, half of the sum insured, is offered insurance contract is ‘fully guaranteed’. by UL Mutual.
• What options do I have, especially • Since when has this UL Mutual Insur- at age 65 if I want to withdraw the money? ance Company been in existence? UL Mutual is in insurance business You have few options: since 1889. Recognized in the insurance and financial services market for its financial strength, UL Mutual has a solvency ratio of more than 200% and has strength of more than 250,000 members. UL Mutual is a member company of Assuris. Founded as a not-for-profit organization in 1990, Assuris is designated by the federal Minister of Finance under the Insurance Companies Act of Canada. It protects Canadian policyholders if their life insurance company fails.
• I like the plan, but right now, I to start can’t afford much premium. What shall early for life inI do if I want to purchase? surance You can purchase the plan selecting the n e e d s coverage as per your future needs. Part a n d A coverage ‘Term’ – can be done as per s a v i n g your needs (even for higher amounts of h a b i t s . coverage, which is a very affordable/ T h o s e reasonable option). Furthermore, you i n 3 5 have the option to upgrade it to Perma- 4 5 a g e nent Plan as per your needs, if you feel bracket- if they don’t have any savthat your affordability will increase in ings till date for their retirement and future. You will be given this opportu- don’t have any insurance, they must nity three times - in 3rdyear, 5thyear consider this plan. and 7thyear respectively. It is important that Insurance advisors • If I lose the job, how should I pay the should do proper life insurance and premium? financial needs analysis before advisWe can add a rider on the insurance ing the clients to opt for this plan. policy ‘WPLE’. By adding that, your One has to be a Canadian citizen or premiums are waived for a maximum a permanent resident to opt for this of 12 months per 5 years period. Once plan and the insurance company has to the insurance policy has been in force conduct thorough medical and financial for one year and, if you lose your job underwriting beforehand. These points due to a lay off (due to slow work), have been discussed for information merger or acquisition of companies, purpose only. Once you do insurance, strike or lock-out as well as pregnancy, the underlying provisions of Adaptable your premium will be waived off for plan govern. the period specified by Law. If you add disability rider, during your period of disability, after a waiting period of six months of total disability, your premium will be waived as long as the total disability lasts. Premiums paid during this waiting period of six months are also reimbursed. For the first 24 months, total disability means being prevented by an incapacity resulting from an accident or illness from performing each and every task related to insured’s principal occupation. WPLE is also very good for the female clients who are in future plan of having a baby. If you have this rider, once the policy has been in force for one year, and you go on maternity leave, the premium will be waived off as per government provisions.
It gives me delight to convey that due to its immense popularity among clients, this wonderful promotion has been extended till December 31, 2018.To reap maximum benefit of this unique opportunity, without wasting time, please contact me immediately. As an independent insurance advisor working through Punjab Insurance Agency and dealing with different insurance companies, I can explain to you in detail the features of this useful insurance plan, and will assist you to avail the best insurance coverage suitable for your needs and resources. Besides, I can also help you to purchase mortgage insurance, super visa insurance, disability insurance, critical illness insurance, extended medical plans, group medical plans, RESP, RRSP, travel insurance, TFSA accounts, health and dental plans along with estate planning suitable for your needs and resources. For a no obligation appointment, please call me at 604-825-9697 or email me at BRINDER SINGH GILL, Insurance Expert, (Bachelor of Commerce).
a) You can fully surrender the contract and encash the money/funds but tax will be applicable. The surplus of the total ACB will be imposed in relation to the total net surrender value. This Adaptable plan in very unique b) You can partially cancel the in nature. It is very close to the needs policy as per your requirement and en- of the community who always want cash the money from time to time. Tax a secure future for their kids/family will be applicable. The pro rata surplus and also want to save money for their ‘golden age’. Parents whose kids are of the total ACB will be imposed in studying in some professional field relation to the total net surrender value. and are planning to enter the workforce c) You can borrow against the soon, should purchase coverage under This article is © copyrighted 2018-11• If I cancel my policy after five years, cash values. In case of a loan, the ex- this plan so that they may help their 15 and can be reproduced only with do I get something back? cess of the ACB is taxable. kids make good financial decisions prior permission.
The Patrika
Friday, November 30th, 2018
amrjIq isMG “AulwdxI vflLf” smyˆ ivwc bwJI hY ÌkIrI aqy bfdÈfhI, smyˆ df pfbMd smfˆ smyˆ nfl cwlI jfˆdf,
Éq dI AuzIk blvMq srfˆ (mwdoky) ajy qMU bUhy ivc KVHIN nf. iksy dI hfmI qMU BrIˆ nf.
rukdf nfˆ qurI jfˆdf vyKo iewk cfl jI.
kdy JolLI KflI kdy moqIaF dy QflL jI.
mwQy Auqy hwQ DrIˆ nf.
Éq dI ajy AuzIk krIˆ nf.
muwTI ivwc iesny jhfn sfrf bMd kIqf,
smyˆ vflLI awK bVI pfrKU prK lYˆdI,
ajy klm Éq ilÉ nhI skdI,
iksfn df krjLf ajy nf lwQf.
smyˆ ny ivCfieaf ivwc dunIafˆ dy jflL jI.
sOKy vyly sfry aOKy vyly ikhVf nflL jI.
Éq dI ajy AuzIk krIˆ nf.
PV ky bih igaf KyqIˆ mwQf.
itwk itwk GVI dI jgfvy pl pl sfnUM,
smyˆ nflL smfˆ keI kuwJ hY isKf jfˆdf,
ajy qfˆ bfl ny BwuKy mrdy.
lY ilaf Ìfhf pf ky rwsf.
cwl skdF qfˆ bMdy cwl smyˆ nflL jI.
bx jfˆdy hIry iPr godVI dy lfl jI.
kUVy ivcoˆ tuwkr lBdy.
doÈ koeI myry isr mVIH nf.
smyˆ nflL idn cVHy smyˆ nflL rfq pYˆdI,
kwlH vfry soc soc muKq guafieaf awj,
iPr vI iZwz nf pUry Brdy.
Éq dI ajy AuzIk krI nf.
smyˆ nflL afx jfx ruwqfˆ sfrf sfl jI.
geI kwlH afAuxI nhIN muVky nf Bfl jI.
zfkIaf afAuxf ajy GrIˆ nf.
ajy ieQy iensfÌ nf koeI.
smyˆ nflL smfˆ keI rMg hY ivKfˆvdf,
cwlI jfˆdf smfˆ ipwCy muVky nf vyKdf ey,
Éq dI ajy AuzIk krIˆ nf.
kfql nMU koeI sjLf nf hoeI.
bcpn juafnI qy buZypf bxy kflL jI.
Xfdfˆ idafˆ mihlfˆ ivwc idMdf hY ibTflL jI.
ajy ivlkdI suxdI nfrI.
duKIey nMU nhIN imldI ZoeI.
smyˆ nfl hr kMm smyˆ isr hoxf huMdf,
smfˆ iewk vfrI smfˆ sfirafˆ nUM dy idMdf,
iejLq lutdf vrdI DfrI.
hONslf ihWmq qMU hrIˆ nf.
buwZy bfby hoey iÈkfrI.
Éq dI ajy AuzIk krIˆ nf.
aYˆvYˆ sfnUM smyˆ nflL rihMdf hY mlfl jI.
pfs hovy AuhIE smfˆ lYˆdf jo sMBfÜ jI.
duKVf koeI qMU jrIN nf.
ajy qfˆ zyrIN bYTy luwcy.
Éq dI ajy AuzIk krIˆ nf.
mkr-mkfrI kfm gVWucy.
smyˆ nflL smyˆ vflLI gwzI ijhVf bYT jfˆdf, dunIafˆ dy AuWqy koeI sdf nhIN rihx vflLf, tysLn qy phuMc jfˆdf Auho smyˆ nflL jI.
smfˆ hr smyˆ rihMdf smfˆ hY kmfl jI.
Drm dI vrdI pf ky BfeI.
bfhroˆ bgly icwty swucy.
suwK ivwc dOVdf qy duwK ivwc qurdf nf,
hr koeI hr smyˆ BflLdf hY smfˆ cMgf,
golk qy bih krn lVfeI.
ienfˆH dy qMU pYr ÌVIN nf.
keI rMg bMdy qfˆeIN idMdf hY ivKfÜ jI.
Bfgfˆ nflL imlLy pYˆdI GflxI hY GflL jI.
inWq inWq rWKdy isMg PsfeI.
Éq dI ajy AuzIk krIˆ nf.
smfˆ hI hY gIq aqy smfˆ hI sMgIq iewQy,
koit koit pRxfm dunIafˆ bxfeI jIhny,
ienfH dy qMU QVyH cVIH nf.
ajy klm nMU kMm bQyHry.
smfˆ hI hY iËMdgI dy sfry surqfl jI.
smyˆ bws nhIN iewko purK akfl jI.
Éq dI ajy AuzIk krIˆ nf.
ajy nf afey vkq Blyry.
smyˆ dI hY KyHz sfrI smfˆ hI iKHzfvy KHyzfˆ,
amrjIq sPlf hY EhI smfˆ jwg AuWqy,
ajy qfˆ nyqf hoieaf lutyrf.
“srfˆ`` nMU Xfd ny armfˆ qyry.
hfr ijwq jwg Auwqy sdf smyˆ nflL jI.
ijs smyˆ kr leIafˆ gwlfˆ gurU nflL jI.
Üuwt ky Kf igaf dyÈ bQyrf.
ieÈk df klmfˆ ajy pVINH nf.
ajy nf afieaf smf Blyrf.
Éq dI ajy AuzIk krIˆ nf.
mYˆ qy nfnk
rwbI rbfb!
mYˆ Aus bfry apÈbd suxdf hfˆ AusdI pWq rwKx leI hiQafr cuwk lYˆdf hfˆ Au s dI pWq my r I mu h qfj
Auh afp qfˆ kuWJ vI nhIˆ nf muslmfn,ihMdU nf iswK mYˆ hI kWuJ bxnf ËrUrI smJdf hfˆ…
Auh vyeIafˆ ivwc zuwbdf hY
AusdI gwl krn vflLy
ÉfnfbdoÈ ho jfˆdf hY
sfirafˆ nUM suxdf hfˆ
mYˆ AusdI bfxI df gutkf
ÌVdf hfˆ
bws Ausy nUM hI nhIN suxdf… bUhf Zoa ky bih jfˆdf hfˆ… PAGE 32
Ausdy afiKafˆ rwb nUM iewk mMndf hfˆ rwb dy bMidafˆ nUM iewk nhIN smJdf AudfsIafˆ krn vflLy nUM mYˆ Audfs kr idwqf hY… mYˆ Ausdf iswK hox dI koiÈÈ krdf hfˆ Auh myry nfnk hox dI AuzIk krdf hY…
kI kihMdI ey rwbI rbfb!
crn isMG sÌrI nf kr afpxI jUn Krfb.
ijhlm rfvI Cwm Cwm ruSny,
kI kihMdI ey rwbI rbfb!
kI kihMdI ey[[[[[[[
lhUafˆ dy Guwt bxI cnfb.
rwb qoˆ munkr hoieEN bMi-
hwk bygfnf rwj rwj KfnYˆ.
rsqf Cwz kursqy jfnYˆ.
kI kihMdI ey[[[[[[[ pVHI ijnHfˆ ny gurU kI bfxI.
dyxf pYˆdf kul ihsfb.
Drm rfey jd lyKf mMigaf,
kI kihMdI ey[[[[[[[
kI dvyˆgf Pyr jvfb?
hrI nfm df Cwz suhfrf.
kI kihMdI ey[[[
mn nUM kIqf afp muhfrf.
bdl idwqf pfpfˆ ny pfsf.
Buwj moey keI Puwl gulfb.
kOzy rfkÈ vfˆgUM bMidaf!
sqluj siVaf nfl ibafsf.
kI kihMdI ey[[[[[[[
ijMd AunHfˆ ny gurU kI jfxI. `sÌrI` bldIafˆ lftfˆ Auqy,
The Patrika
Friday, November 30th, 2018
nfnkI df gIq
bfbf nfnk ! ey qyrf kmfl
p®o[ mohn isMG sfzy ivhVy afieaf mFeyN, nUr koeI rWb df,
BfeI vIr isMG bfbf nfnk ! ey qyrf kmfl, rUhfˆ tuMb jgfeIafˆ . PfQIafˆ mfieaf dy afl jMjfl, roˆdIafˆ qUMhyˆ hsfeIafˆ . dyÈ bdyÈIN qUM Pyry cf pfey,
sfry jWg vyK ilaf sfƒ ikAuN nf lWBdf? vyK ilaf dfeIaF qy pCfx ilaf pFiDaF, muuWlF kurbfn hoieaf muK ƒ qkFidaF»
nfd ielfhI qUM dr dr vjfey,
mWJIaF qy gfeIaF izWTf cuWk cuWk bUbIaF,
suwqy idwqy qUM tuMb AuTfl,
kIiVaF qy kfiZaF vI lB leIaF ÉUbIaF»
nvIafˆ ijMdVIafˆ pfeIafˆ .
pMCIaF pCfx ley mFeyN Auhdy bol nI, icqry qy Èyr suWqy msq Auhdy kol nI»
bfbf nfnk ! ey qyrf kmfl, rUhfˆ tuMb jgfeIafˆ . PfQIafˆ mfieaf dy afl jMjfl, roˆdIafˆ qUMhyˆ hsfeIafˆ .
vxF kIqy sfey, sWpF CWjlIaF iKlfrIaF,
kOx hY
vInf vrmf kOx hY ijs ny brbfdI df jÈn mnfieaf hYÉ sfnUM qF afpxy hfl ‘qy roxf afieaf hY. KuÈ iksmq sI iÈv, AuhnUM Èrfb imlLdI sI sfzy ihwsy Guwt hMJUaF df afieaf hY. nf jfm, nf sfkI, nf koeI mYÉfnf ies ngrI dI kYsI mfieaf hY
sfgrF ny rfh idWqy, mWCF ny svfrIaF»
brP df hY bMdf, pwQr dI awK hY
Brmfˆ dy COV idlfˆ coˆ cf kwty,
qWk ky ieÈfry Auhdy mOl peIaF vfVIaF,
sfnUM iksy nUM dyK nÈf nf afieaf hY.
Auqoˆ pfey KuwlHy nfm dy Cwty,
lg Auhdy pMjy nfl rukIaF phfVIaF»
ivCVy myly qUM sfeIN dy nfl,
qWk Auhdy nYxF dIaF zUMGIaF ÉumfrIaF,
jy swc hMZfeIey, qF vI kihMdy nftk hY
BuWl geIaF tUxy kfmrUp dIaF nfrIaF»
ies rMgmMc ny sfzf swc guafieaf hY.
ilv dIafˆ zorfˆ lgfeIafˆ .
TWgF ƒ TgOrI BuWlI pYrIN Auhdy lWg nI,
bfbf nfnk ! ey qyrf kmfl, rUhfˆ tuMb jgfeIafˆ .
qpdy kVfhy buJy, TMZI hoeI aWg nI»
PfQIafˆ mfieaf dy afl jMjfl, roˆdIafˆ qUMhyˆ hsfeIafˆ .
ihWlIaF jF rqf myry vIr dIaF buWlHIaF,
sMgq sfrI dI hY ey duhfeI,
jogIaF ƒ irWDF, inWDF, isWDF sB BuWlIaF»
sfnUM vI ÉYr E nfm dI pfeIˆ,
ieh kI ey jhfn, sfry jWg Auhdy goly nI, cMd sUr gihxy asmfn Auhdy coly nI»
lf leIN afpxy crnfˆ dy nfl,
jlF QlF aMbrF akfÈF Auhƒ pf ilaf,
bÉÈIN sfzIafˆ AukfeIafˆ .
ryq idaF ËWiraF vI Es ƒ qkf ilaf»
bfbf nfnk ! ey qyrf kmfl, rUhfˆ tuMb jgfeIafˆ .
sfry jWg vyK ilaf sfƒ ikAuN nf lWBdf?
PfQIafˆ mfieaf dy afl jMjfl, roˆdIafˆ qUMhyˆ hsfeIafˆ .
sfzy ivhVy afieaf mFeyN nUr koeI rWb df»
mnjIq brfV duWD icWtI dfVHI df mflk
Dn ny iksdf sfQ inBfAuxf»»
bfbf nfnk kI drsfvy»
hWQ ivWc hovy hÜ df muMnf
bMdf kMm ƒ hWQ nf lfvy
jF KyqF ƒ pfxI lfAuNdf»
’qy bYTf ivhlf hI Kfvy?
eydF df koeI nfnk icqro
moZy qy eydF df nfnk
kMmF sMg smfD isKfAuNdf»»
lY ky mn qoN qur neIN hoxf» QoVHI vft igaF qn hfry
nf miraF ivc nf ijAuNdy prdysI ivc msfxf iks ny mMjf zfihaf hY. hr awK mYlLI, sfrf mfl ivkfAU hY idn dy Auwqy vI rfqF df sfieaf hY. nIaq sI aOrq ‘qy pihlF luwcy rwb dI iesy leI qF Aus ny mrd bxfieaf hY. sfrI dunIaF gfvy gIq bhfrF dy mYN hI hF jo gIq drd df gfieaf hY.
muVHkf covy, mn nf hfry idl dy iek iek Cfly nUM hwQ lf ky dyK kuWlI ijhf itkfxf dyvo»» ieMJ icqro koeI bfbf nfnk
hr bUtf mYN afpxy hwQIN lfieaf hY. roeI myrI klm hY, glL lwg kfgË dy
iËMdgI df Auh bfbf lWgy»
jdoN kdy vI qyrf cyqf afieaf hY.
hfÜIaF dy iksy Gr qoN lY ky
hWQIN ikrq isKfvy ijhVf
dIvy vfgUM blL ky sfrI rfq asIN
bfby ƒ ieWk bfxf dyvo»
sfzf purKf-dfdf lWgy»»
rfhIaF dy leI rfhF nUM ruÈnfieaf hY. PAGE 33
“qum nf jfny iks jhF myN Ko gey, hm BrI dunIaF myN qnhf ho gey. qum nf jfny....“ dIivaF imildaF nfl rIqf Dur AuprlI Cwq qy jf ky bVI drd BrI afvfË ivc gfAuNdI. dUr KyqF qoN pry, drÉqF dI iekfeI qoN vI pry, Auh lMmIaF lMmIaF nËrF sut sut dyKdI, kuJ BflLdI. axpCfqy rfhF nUM icwqr icwqr jdoN Aus dIaF nËrF hMB jFdIaF qF Aus dy gIq dI lYa hor zUMGI ho jFdI.
The Patrika
Friday, November 30th, 2018
qum nf jfny
zf[ dlIp kOr itvfxf
afpxy BqIjy nUM kflj ivc dfÉl krfAux leI lY afeI sI qF kihMdI sI, CotI DI aY. mYN qy bIirMdr irhf krFgy. qy Aus idn Auh ikMnI KuÈ sI ik pfpf dy dPqr jfx mgroN hux BfvyN mF jI horIN hr roË lV ipaf krn, mYN bIirMdr nfl bol ilaf krFgI. pr ieh dyK ky Auh bVI inmoJUxI hoeI ik bIirMdr qF sfrf idn pVHdf hI rihMdf hY, nf Auhdy nfl boldf qy nf KHyzdf. Auh bIirMdr vwl qkdI, Aus dy kolL jFdI, iPr qur ky muV afAuNdI, Auh qwkdf vI nf. ikMny idnF mgroN JkdI JkdI ny bIirMdr nUM afiKaf, “ bIrf! mYN kIhdy nflL KHyizaf krF?“
hr roË Auh bws ieho gIq gfAuNdI sI qy do lfeInF gfAuNidaF hI hMJU Aus dIaF gwlHF qy bIirMdr nUM Aus dI gwl qy hfsf af igaf qy vih qurdy. pUMJx dI Auh koiÈÈ nf krdI qy Aus ny rIqf vwl zUMGf ijhf qwk ky ikhf, “ idl df AubflL typf typf kr ky awKF QfxI myry nfl KHyz ilaf kr...“ vih jFdf. “ qUM qF myry nfl boldf vI nhIN. dyK nf, kwkU hOlLI hOlLI aMnHyrf gfVHf huMdf jFdf qy rIqf dI nUM qF ibwlU irbn vI ilaf idMdf ey, guwzIaF afvfË PtdI jFdI pr dUr pry kfly drÉqF vI qy qsvIrF vflLIaF ikqfbF vI...” rIqf nUM cIr ky BwjI afAuNdI, gwzI dI cIk Aus nUM ny igly nfl ikhf. cOkMinaF kr idMdI qy gwzI dy nfl nfl hI “ awCf?” Aus dIaF nËrF qrdIaF jFdIaF. gwzI lMG jFdI qy iPr sfhmxI sVk qy gwzI dIaF svfrIaF lMGx lgdIaF. Auh dyKdI rihMdI. jdoN koeI tFgf jF irkÈf sfhmxf moV muVdf, Auh duaf krdI, “ hy rwbf! ieh sfzy Pftk muV pvy”. pr rwb kdy nf suxdf qy hr vfrI tFgf, irkÈf agFh lMG jFdf. Auh AuzIkdI rihMdI, BflLdI rihMdI pr jdoN sfhmxI sVk qy sB afvfjfeI ht jFdI qF suMnI suMnI sVk vwl lMmf hAukf suwt iQVkdy pYrF nfl Ah koTy qoN hyTF Auqr afAuNdI. afnIN bhfnIN afpxf bks KohldI. lÌfÌy ivwcoN inwkI ijhI Poto kwZdI, nIJ nfl qwkdI qy kuJ socdI, pr jdoN iksy dy pYrF dI ibVk suxdI, Ah CyqI dy ky Poto nUM kwpiVaF hyT luko ieDr AuDr hwQ mfrn lwg jFdI ijvyN kuJ lwBdI peI hovy. awj rIqf bVI Audfs sI. pqf nhIN ikAuN, As df idl kIqf ik afpxy sfry ipMzy nUw pwC lvy qy zUMGy zUMGy GfvF ivwcoN AuTdIaF qrftF ivc Ko jfvy. iPr Aus df idl kIqf ik sipirt pI lvy ijhVI aMdr sulGdI cMigafVI nUM BFbV bxf dyvy. iPr Aus BFbV ivc Auh dgd ho jfvy. Auh ienHF aOKIaF socF nfl qrlomwCI ho rhI sI ik Aus dI nËr kfrns qy peI. sMgmrmr dy aiq sohxy kfky qy jf peI ijs qy keI idn qoN sfÌ nf krn kr ky imwtI jMmI peI sI. rIqf inwky inwky aMgF vwl qwkdI rhI. inwky ijhy mUMh qy inwky inwky hwQF nUM vyNhdI rhI qy socx lwgI, bcpn... bcpn vI ikMnf imwTf huMdf ey!”…ies dy nfl hI Aus df afpxf bcpn Aus dIaF awKF awgy GuMmx lwgf: Aus nUM Xfd afieaf, jdoN Aus dI mqryeI mF PAGE 34
bIirMdr ny pihlI vfrI mihsUs kIqf ik rIqf ikwzI sohxI hY! KMB ijhI! qy Aus nUM qrs af igaf. Aus dy Bolypn qy Aus dy vIr ipafr dy qrsyvyN qy. Auh afKx lwgf:
“nhIN mYN qyrI rfxI rIqf hF qy myrf cUhVf nUM vyK ky ikhf. bIrf eyN.“ “nhIN bfbf, myrI gyNd AuDr izg peI sI, “ nhIN beI, mYN rfjf bIrf qy qUM cUhVI Auh cuwkx geI sI “ rIqf.“ Aus df inwkf ijhf idl bIirMdr kolL jfx “ nhIN beI, mYN rfxI rIqf qy qUM cUhVf leI krdf rihMdf qy Aus df inwkf ijhf bIrf.“ idmfÊ Aus leI bhfny soc soc idMdf... hOlLI hOlLI vkq lMGdf igaf, inwkf idl Auh iKV iKV ky iek dUjy nUM kihMdy, qy vwzf ho igaf sI, inwkI rIqf vwzI ho geI sI. afÉr bIirMdr ny ÌYslf ieAuN kIqf ik, “ Aus dI bIirMdr kol jfx dI cfh vI vwzI awCf beI, Pyr aYAuN shI ik mYN qyrf rfjf ho geI ies dy nfl hI mF jI dI bIrf qy qUM myrI rfxI rIqf“... qy Ah zUMGf ingrfnI krVI ho geI. AunHF dIaF iJVkF ijhf muskrfieaf. hor gusYlIaF ho geIaF sn. pr nfl hI “TIk hY “, rIqf ny ÌYslf mMndy hoey bhfny socx qy lwBx vflLf idmfÊ vI vwzf ho igaf sI. kdI Auh blb qy pYsf Dr ky sfrf afiKaf. iPAUË Auzf idMdI qy kihMdI, “mF jI mYnUM “awCf beI, Pyr hmfrI pVHfeI Érfb ho rhI hnHyry ivwc zr lgdf ey. mYN bfhr bgIcI hY, ies lIey rfjf sfihb rfxI rIqf ko hukm cwlI aF” qy clI jFdI bIirMdr dy kol. kdI dyqy hYN ik vuh hmfry kmry myN sy qÈrIÌ kihMdI, “bfbf, mF jI mYnUM pVHn idਓ, myry kf tokrf ly jfeyN“, bIirMdr ny pIzf mUMh kmry ivc nf afਓ “ qy bYT ky bIirMdr dI qsvIr vfhux lwg jFdI. kdI koeI AunHF dy bxf ky afiKaf. Gr imlx afAuNdf. mF jI AuQy bYTy huMdy qF “ rfxI sfihbf hukm dyqI hYN ik rfjf sfihb Auh Jwt bIirMdr dy kmry ivc phuMc jFdI. pihly hmfry vfloNL ky Cwly TIk kry, iPr hm BfvyN hux Auh kfÌI vwzI ho geI sI pr Aus jfeyNgy“, rIqf ny qx ky afiKaf. dI Auh puwCx dI afdq ajy vI nhIN sI geI, bIirMdr ny Aus dy vflLF ivc CyqI CyqI hwQ ijhf Pyr ky afK idwqf ik “lY TIk ho gey, “bIrf, qUM myrf bIrf eyN nf? sfry df sfrf nf? awCf Pyr myry vflL TIk kr dy....” hux Bwj jf. “
“ mYN ikwQy nHIN boldf, qUM hI qF mYnUM blfAudI nHIN....“ rIqf afAux hI lwgI sI ik sfhmixE Coty mF jI af gey qy Aus nUM bfhoN PV hrK nfl “ jy mYN bulF ilaf krF, Pyr qUM bol ilaf DUMhdy hoey dUjy kmry ivc lY gey, kVk ky kryNgf, bIry?“ boly, “mYN qYnUM ikMnI vfrI afiKaY beI Auhdy “hF rfxI, nfly qyry vfsqy cIËF vI kolL nf jfieaf kr? lfmF hux bUQV qy cfr ...zr BAu irhf eI nHIN, dwsdI aF qyry pfpf ilafieaf krUM.... “ nUM, AuhI suafrngy qYnUM....“ bflVI iKV geI. nwcdI twpdI Auh Coty mF rIqf zr geI qy muV muV socdI, “Blf Auhdy jI kolL geI qy cfAu nfl dwsx lwgI. nflL bolLx nflL kI ho igaf? “ “ mF jI bIirMdr kihMdf ey, mYN qyrf bIr “ kih awj qoN nHIN Auhdy kmry ivc jFdI“, aF.“ mF jI ny GUr ky ikhf. mF jI GUr ky Auhdy vwl qwk ky qy iJVk ky afKx lwgy, “ Auhdy kol nf jfieaf kr, “ awj qoN nHIN jFdI“, rIqf ny sihm ky hor kbuDrF sKfAUgf. vwzI dy BqIjy ny myrI afiKaf. DI nUM koeI cMgI mwq QoVHy dyxI aYN.“ do ku idn Auh nf geI... pr iPr bIirMdr “jfieaf krUMgI jf... “ rIqf ny ros nfl kolL jfx nUM, Aus nflL KHyzx nUM, gwlF krn nUM eynf idl kIqf ik Auh mF jI dIaF iJVkF buwlH ijhy mroV ky ikhf. Buwl iPr bIirMdr kolL clI geI. “jf ky dyKIN jy nf qyry cFty lfmf,“ mF jI “ bIrf, qUM myrf bIrf eyN nf? bIrf, myry vflL ny cFtf idKfAuNdy hoey ikhf. TIk kr dy... bIrf, myry hwQ qy iek imwTI pr jdoN vI dfAu lgdf, mF jI dy nhfAuNidaF, dy dy“ Aus ny inwkf ijhf hwQ bIirMdr dy bfËfr igaF jF rotI KFidaF, Auh Bwj ky buwlHF qy Dr idwqf. bIirMdr dy kmry ivc clI jFdI qy sB qoN pihlF ieh pwuCdI, “qUM myrf bIrf eyN nf?“ bIirMdr ny donF hwQF qy ipafr idwqf qy rIqf mF jI qoN zrdI CyqI dy ky AuQoN clI geI. “hF myrf qyrf rfjf bIrf hF qy qUM cUhVI rIqf “ qUM Pyr geI sI?“ mF jI ny AuwDroN afAuNdI eyN“ iek idn bIirMdr ny ikhf.
“mY koeI qyrf nOkr aF?” bIirMdr kihMdf. “bdl imlygf,” Auh kihMdI. bIirMdr hwQ ijhf Pyr idMdf qy rIqf nUM mihsUs huMdf ijvyN PuwlF dIaF tfhxIaF vflLF ivc tMg idwqIaF hox. ijvyN TMZf TMZf pfxI iCVk idwqf hovy... qy bdlf Auh kI idMdI sI? iek muwkf. polf ijhf, imwTf ijhf. kuJ icr qoN Coty mF jI nUM pqf nhIN kI Èwk pY igaf sI ik Auh rIqf dIaF hrkqF qy krVI ingrfnI rwKx lwg pey sn. hr vyly hrK ky boldy, iJVk iJVk pYNdy. rIqf sihmI rihMdI. bIirMdr kolLoN dI lMG jFdf. Auh awKF AuwcIaF kr ky nf dyKdI. bIirMdr sfhmxy bYTf rihMdf. Auh AuDr nf qwkdI. ieQoN qwk hox lwg igaf ik iewko Gr ivc rihMidaF, iPridaF, quridaF Auh iek dUjy nfl gwl nf kr skdy, iek dUjy df hfl nf puwC skdy. iek idn acfnk bIirMdr rIqf dy kmry ivc afieaf qy af ky Koieaf Koieaf afKx lwgf, “rIqf rfxI, mYN qyry kuMzl sMvfr dyvF?” “mF jI ikwQy ny?” rIqf ny zr ky puwiCafÉ “gryvflF dI buVHI mr geI hY. sB AuQy gey ny, do iqMn GMitaF nUM muVngy. qUM zr nf,” bIirMdr ny dwisaf.
Friday, November 30th, 2018
The Patrika
“awj quhfnUM vfl sMvfrn df iÉafl ikvyN af “jfh cUhVf....” igaf ey” rIqf cuMnI sMvfrdI afKx lwgIÉ dovyN hws pey qy ies qoN ipwCoN ikMnf icr Auh “iÉafl qF mYnUM hmyÈf hI rihMdf ey pr... inwkIaF inwkIaF qy imwTIaF imwTIaF byqy hux nflLy do mhIny qwk iemiqhfn dy ky mqlb gwlF krdy rhy. bfhr kfr df hfrn vwijaf qF bIirMdr CyqI nflL afpxy kmry mYN ieQoN hmyÈf leI cilaf jfvFgf.” ivc jf ky pVHn lwg ipaf qy rIqf ibsqry rIqf ijvyN bONdl geI. Aus df idl Ëor Ëor qy ieAuN mÈt mfr ky pY geI ijvyN kdoN dI dI DVkx lwigaf. ieh Aus ny kdy soicaf suwqI peI hovy. hI nhIN sI. Aus ny lMmIaF nËrF suwt ky bIirMdr dIaF awKF ivc qwikaf. ijvyN puwCdI CotI mF jI kfhlLy kfhlLy Auhdy kmry ivc hovy, “qUM qF kihMdf sYN, bIrf, sfry df sfrf afey pr suwqI vyK ÈFq ho gey. qyrf hF?” rIqf hux Br jvfn sI. Aus dy pfpf nUM Aus bIirMdr Aus dy vflLF ivc hwQ Pyrn lwgf dy BivÈ dI icMqf hox lwgI qy AunHF rIqf nUM qy rIqf ny pihlI vfrI mihsUs kIqf ijvyN bulf ky ikhf, “dyK bytf! hux qUM isafxI bIirMdr dIaF AuNglF dI Cuh Aus dy vflLF ho geI eyN...nflLy myrf srIr vI idno idn ivc dI ho ky sIny qIk qy sIny qoN Dur pYrF igrdf jFdf ey qy mYN cfhuMdf hF ik qYnUM iek vfrI afpxy Gr suKI vsdI dyK jfvF... kI qIk lMG geI hovy qy Auh lrË AuWTI. rxjoD isMG df lVkf pRym qYnUM psMd ey?” “bIrf...?” Aus ny drd nflL ikhf. rIqf df mUMh iekdm lwQ igaf qy Aus ny “dws rfxI” awKF Br ky kMbdI afvfË ivc ikhf, “AuNj qy pfpf quhfzI mrËI aY pr kI qusIN do sfl “kwuJ nhIN, bIrf...” hor nHIN Tihr skdy? mYN bI ey. kr lvFgI “dws rfxI, dws, awj mYN qYQoN bVf kuJ suxnf qy nflLy....” cfhuMdf hF.” “qy nflLy kI, bytf?” “bIrf, qUM ieQy ikAuN afieaf sI?” awKF Br “kuJ nhIN pfpf... pfpf hfly nf myrf ivafh ky rIqf ny ikhf. kro. ajy qF myrf ieQoN jfx nUM idl nhIN “ieQoN cly jfx dy iÉafl nflL myry vI zobU krdf....” pYNdy ny, rIqf....” CotI mF jI kwpiVaF dIaF qYhF krnIaF rIqf ny hAukf Biraf qy hAuky nflL mfno Cwz afKx lwgI, “qusIN gwl pwkI krn dI Auz ky Aus dI sfrI bybsI Aus dIaF awKF kro jI, kuVIaF qF hmyÈf aYAuN hI krdIaF huMdIaF ny.“ ivc af geI. “rIqf, mYN socdf hF... mYN nOkrI vI ieQy ieh sux rIqf ro peI qy pfpf afKx lwgy, “nhIN, mYN afpxI bytI dI mrËI qoN ibnF kr lvF....” kuJ nhIN krnf... cMgf bytf, cuwp kr, qyry mF jI qF aYmyN boldy ny. jdoN qUM khyNgI, AudoN “swc bIrf?” rIqf iKV puV geI. hI krFgy.” “pr iek Èrq qy... ik qUM hr roË afpxy rIqf ny rwb df lwK lwK Èukr kIqf. mfno vflL mYQoN TIk krvfieaf kryNgI....” kihMdy hn, `vkq Dn hY`. kyzI TIk khfvq hY. dunIafˆ jdoˆ pYdf hoeI sI, Kfry pfxIafˆ qy suwky pwQrfˆ dI iek by-murfd ijhI DrqI sI, iehdy hIry qy cfˆdI, sony aijhIafˆ kuMdrfˆ ivc kYd sn ik kroVfˆ vrHy Auhnfˆ df Byq nhIN sn ZUMz sky. jdoˆ mnuwK pRgt hoieaf qy iehdy idmfg ivwc buwDI dI joq jgI qfˆ DrqIafˆ dIafˆ hnHyrIafˆ kuMdrfˆ AuWjlIafˆ hox lwg peIafˆ. Auh amuwk Dn iehdI nËrIN ipaf ik ijWQy kroVfˆ vrHy axpuwiCafˆ bIq gey sn, EQy awj iehnUM GVIafˆ df lflc ho igaf. hryk pl hryk GVI nfl koeI nf koeI hIrf jfˆ pMnf eys
iek bhuq vwzf sihm Aus dy isr qoN lih hoieaf. Aus dI cfh iPwkI nf peI. Êm ny igaf sI. Aus dy nkÈ aiq koml kr idwqy sn. ajy kuJ hI idn hoey sn ik rIqf afpxy pfpf nUM bfhr AuwcI AuwcI bolidaF sux Gbrf ky kmry qoN bfhr inklI. Aus df ieh dyK ky sfh sq hI sUiqaf igaf ik pfpf bIirMdr nUM kih rhy sn, “hrfmËfdy qyrI ieh ihMmq... myry tukiVaF qy plL ky myrI hI iewËq nUM hwQ... bws aYsy vKq inklL jf myry GroN...,” vwzI mF roeI jf rhI sI... bIirMdr cwup cfp KVHf sI qy CotI mF jI qswlI nfl bYTI kwpVy isAuN rhI sI.
acfnk iek idn vwzI mF rIqf dy kmry ivc afeI qy afKx lwgI, “rIqf qYN bIirMdr nUM kuJ kihxf eyN? Auhdy ivafh dI gwT afeI aY. prsoN mYN jfxf ey?” rIqf vwzI mF dy mUMh vwl qwk rhI sI... “nhIN mF jI, mYN kuJ nhIN kihxf,” rIqf ny sMBlidaF afiKaf.
vwzI mF clI geI pr rIqf nUM dunIaF GuMmdI “pfpf ikAuN lohy lfKy hoey pey sn. afKr idsI. Aus dy idmfÊ ivc sF sF hox lwgI. gwl kI ho geI hY?” Aus dy mwQy qy qrylI af geI. sUrj awg df golLf Bfsx lwgf. Aus df idl kIqf ik Auh muV muV socdI. ÌotoaF BMn dyvy, PUldfn ptkf mfry, ikqfbF Aus dIaF BuwbF inkl geIaF jdoN pfpf ny sfV dyvy, Puwl mroV suwty, vflL puwt ley, nOkr nUM ikhf, “Aus kuwqy dy bwcy nUM kih dy, hwQF qy cwk mfr ley. Aus ny muwkI vwt ky huxy myry GroN inklL jfvy. mYN Aus dI Èkl vwzy ÈIÈy qy mfrI. ÈIÈf tuwt igaf qy hwQ nhIN dyKxf cfhuMdf qy muV ky ieDr nUM kdy lhU luhfn ho igaf. mUMh nf kry... nhIN qF mYN burI krUMgf.” “qyrf ivafh ho irhf ey bIrf... pr qUM mYnUM bIirMdr clf igaf. Aus ny muV ky kdy Xfd vI nhIN kIqf!” afAuxf nhIN sI. Aus nUM kdy iksy ny bulfAuxf nhIN sI. qy rIqf zUMGy drdF ivc Ko ky Aus ny bIirMdr dI Èkl awKF awgy ilafAuNidaF ikhf. Aus qoN ipwCoN Auh sfrf gfAuNdI: idn kmry ivc peI rhI- Èfied roNdI rhI. qum nf jfny iks jhF myN Ko gey, afQx vyly drvfËf KVikaf pr rIqf ny hm BrI dunIaF myN qnhf ho gey. gOilLaf koeI nf. Auh isr suwtI soÌy qy peI koeI kMm krn nUM Ahdf idl nf krdf. iksy rhI. hwQ ivwcoN lhU isMm irhf sI. koeI aMdr nflL gwl krn nUM Aus df idl nf mMndf. afieaf, ËÉmI hwQ nUM toihaf, pwly nfl hvf iek AdfsI, iek Élf Auhdy cuPyry iKMizaf idwqI, hMJU pUMJy qy vflLF ivc AuNglF PyridaF rihMdf qy Aus nUM afpxf aMg aMg Kusdf ikhf, “khu klm nUM eys pIV df dfrU bx Bfsdf. pfpf nflL vI Auh nf hwsdI qy CotI ky puMny....” mF nfl vI GuwtI vwtI hI rihMdI. pr kdy iksy ny Aus nUM kuwJ puwiCaf nf. kdy Auhny “aMimRqf ... dIdI... “ ... rIqf glL lwg ky ro rhI sI. Ausy idn ËÉmI hwQ nflL Aus ny iksy nUM kwuJ dwisaf nf. khfxI ilKI ijs df nF sI: sfl lMG igaf. rIqf ny ZyrF dy Zyr ikqfbF pVH suwtIaF pr Aus df drd mwTf nf “ qum nf jfny.“
vkq dI kdr
BMzfr ivwcoˆ cuwk ky bxfieaf jf skdf sI. iblkul TIk, ik vkq Dn hY. Kfry pfxIafˆ ieh BMzfr amuwk hY, pr eyQoˆ cuwk Enf hI qy suwky pwQrfˆ dI DrqI awj imwTf gulËfr koeI skdf hY, ijMnIafˆ GVIafˆ Ehdy kol bxI peI hY, mfieaf nflL KËfny Bry hn, duwD dIafˆ ndIafˆ vg skdIafˆ hn, anfj dy huMdIafˆ hn. aMbfrfˆ dIafˆ cotIafˆ asmfn nfl lwgdIafˆ GVIafˆ hI eys leI hIry hn, GVIafˆ hI sonf hn, svrg nUM mfq krn vflLy mihl hn, hY. GVIafˆ hI Eh sfzIafˆ pytIafˆ hn ijnHfˆ hUrfˆ nUM Èrmfx vflLf husn hY. ivwc ieh Dn afpxy leI asIN iekwTf kr ieh sfrf Dn DrqI dy qihKfinafˆ ivcoˆ skdy hfˆ. ijdHy kol ieh pytIafˆ nhIˆ Aus vkq dIafˆ pytIafˆ ivc bMd krky Auwpr nUM eys KËfny ivcoˆ KflI hwQ lMG jfxf pYˆdf ilafieaf igaf hY. Ehnfˆ afdmIafˆ qy hY. Ehdy sfhmxy lok pytIafˆ hfr jfˆdy hn iesqRIafˆ ny afˆdf hY, ijhVy Kfxf, sOxf, pr Auh afpxy KflI hwQfˆ ivc armfn hI pihnxf Buwl gey qy afpxIafˆ GVIafˆ nUM Dn nfl Br ky lokfˆ dI vrqoˆ leI Byt Brdf rihMdf hY.
gurbKÈ isMG pRIqlVI krdy rhy. jdoˆ sfQI suwqy hoey huMdy sn, jfˆ dfavqfˆ Auwqy bYTy Èrfbfˆ pI rhy qy aYÈ krdy sn, Edoˆ Porz qy aYzIsn afpxy rIsrc kmirafˆ (qjLrbf kmirafˆ) ‘c do idnfˆ dIafˆ anINdIafˆ awKfˆ nfl BuwKy, iqhfey, qjLrby krdy huMdy sn. sfrIafˆ suK--vDfAU kfZfˆ, rylfˆ, hvfeI jhfË, smuMdrI byVy, motrfˆ, qfrfˆ, pulL qy nihrfˆ Ehnfˆ dI ikRq hn, ijnHfˆ afpxI iewk GVI nUM eys qrHfˆ vriqaf hY ijs qrHfˆ koeI isafxf sudfgr afpxy Dn nUM vrqdf hY. vkq hI PAGE 35
The Patrika
Friday, November 30th, 2018
sRI drbfr sfihb ivKy pRkfÈ purb mOky lwgIafˆ rOxkfˆ
krqfrpur lfˆGy dy AudGftn mOky kYptn ny pfik nUM suxfeIafˆ KrIafˆ-KrIafˆ Bfrq srkfr ny afpxy ihwsy vfly krqfrpur sfihb lfˆGy df nIˆh pwQr rwiKaf. hux òø nvMbr nUM pfiksqfn vfly bMinE lfˆGy df nIˆh pwQr rwiKaf jfeygf.smfgm dOrfn iekwT nUM sMboDn kridafˆ muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG ny pfiksqfn nUM rwj ky KrIafˆ KrIafˆ suxfeIafˆ.AunHfˆ iswDf pfiksqfn POj muKI jrnl bfjvf nUM cuxOqI idwqI qy ikhf ik pMjfb dI DrqI `qy KUn Krfbf nhIˆ cwlygf.kYptn ny ikhf ik pfiksqfn ny dInfngr,gurdfspur ivc hmly kIqy.hfl hI ivwc aMimRqsr dy inMrkfrI Bvn `qy vI hmlf hoieaf.AunHfˆ ikhf ik ieh sB kfierfnf hrkqfˆ pfiksqfn dIafˆ hI hn .
swcKMz sRI hirmMdr sfihb ivKy gurU nfnk dyv jI dy pRkfÈ idhfVy nUM bVI DUm-Dfm nfl mnfieaf igaf. ies mOky vwzI igxqI `c ÈrDflUafˆ ny sRI hirmMdr sfihb dy srovr `c ieÈnfn kIqf qy mn dI ÈFqI leI gurU Gr `c ardfs kIqI. ies dOrfn sRI hirmMdr sfihb ivKy drÈnfˆ leI alOikk jlOa sjfieaf igaf. alOikk jlOa dy vwzI igxqI `c ÈrDflUafˆ ny drÈn kIqy. jlOa `c bhu kImqI cIËfˆ ijnHfˆ `c hIry , gihxy sony cfˆdI df sfmfn afid ÈrDflUafˆ dy drÈnfˆ leI sjfieafˆ jfˆdf hY . ies `c sony dy drvfjLy ,sony dIafˆ khIafˆ ,cfˆdI dy pMj qsly, mhfrfjf rxjIq isMG vwloˆ idwqf nO lwKfˆ hfr,nIl kMT df mor,sony dy Cwqr,aslI moqIafˆ dI mflLf Èfml hn .
sRI gurU nfnk dyv jI dy pRkfs purb mOky kYptn dy vwzy aYÜfn
pMjfb srkfr vloˆ sRI gurU nfnk dyv jI dy pRkfÈ purb mOky sQfnk dfxf mMzI sulqfnpur loDI ivKy afXoijq kIqy gey pRogrfm rfhIN gurU sfihb dy 550 sflf smfgmfˆ df afgfË kr idwqf igaf. ies mOky muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG qoˆ ielfvf sfbkf pRDfn mMqrI zf[ mnmohn isMG , pMjfb dy rfjpfl vI [pI ibdnOr, kYbint mMqrI nvjoq iswDU ,pMjfb kfˆgrs dy pRDfn sunIl jfKV qoˆ ielfvf keI kfˆgrs lIzr qy sMq smfj dy afgU mOjUd rhy. ies mOky pMjfb srkfr vloˆ sRI gurU nfnk dyv jI dy pRkfÈ purb `qy pfik jfx df swdf TkrfAux `qy kYptn nUM Kihrf ny 26 pRojYktfˆ df nIˆh pwQr rwiKaf igaf.Èihr dIafˆ sVkfˆ dI idwK suDfrx leI 182 idvfeI `imwqrfˆ ` dI Xfd kroV rupey,zyrf bfbf nfnk dy ivkfs leI 142 kroV rupey,vyeIN dI sfˆB sMBfl leI afm afdmI pfrtI dy bfgI ivDfiek suKpfl isMG Kihrf ny muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr 4 kroV df aYÜfn kIqf . isMG dI ivdyÈI dosqI `qy iPr qoˆ svfl cuwky hn.AunHfˆ ikhf ik jykr kYptn pfiksqfn KMG dI dvfeI ny ksUqf Psfieaf rfjf viVMg dIaf dihÈqI gqIivDIafˆ qoˆ awky hoey ny qfˆ AunHfˆ nUM afpxIafˆ dosqIafˆ inBfAuˆdy smyˆ vI sMjIdgI vrqxI cfhIdI hY.pfiksqfn ny krqfrpur sfihb dy gilafry df nIˆh pwQr kfˆgrs dy sInIar afgU aqy igwdVbfhf qoˆ ivDfiek amirMdr isMG rfjf viVMg dI iek rwKx leI nvjoq iswDU qy kyˆdrI ivdyÈ mMqrI smyq kYptn nUM vI swdf idwqf sI,ijs nUM ivvfdq vIzIE soÈl mIzIaf `qy vfeIrl hoeI. ieh vIzIE rfjsQfn dy hnUmfngVH muwK mMqrI ny Tukrf idwqf hY .suKpfl Kihrf ny tvIt kr ky bgYr arUsf aflm df nfˆ dy pIlIaf bMgf ielfky dI dwsI jf rhI hY , ijQy ivDfiek rfjf viVMg iek rYlI nUM ley ikhf ik muwK mMqrI dI srkfrI irhfieÈ ivwc AunHfˆ dy pfiksqfnI dosq AunHfˆ dI sMboDn krdy hoey rfjsQfn dy votrfˆ nUM pMjfb dI Èrfb nfl luBfAux dI koiÈÈ krdy hoey ieh afK rhy hn ik pMjfb afE,asIˆ quhfnUM gulfb jfmun Kuafvfˆgy aqy rfq nUM KfiqrdfrI df afnMd mfxdy rihMdy hn . KfsI dI dvfeI (Èrfb) vI ipafvfˆgy. ies vIzIE ivc rfjf viVMg vfr vfr ieh afK krqfrpur sfihb dy lfˆGy `c kfˆgrs rhy hn ik hirafxf dy Aus pfr pMjfb ivc kfˆgrs dI srkfr hY ,AuQy Aus dI cwldI hY,aiDkfrIafˆ dI nhIˆ . qy akflI dl df zrfmf krqfrpur sfihb dy lfˆGy dy nIˆh pwQr nfl iswK jgq ivwc KuÈI dI lihr hY pr isafsqdfnfˆ dI iqkVmbfËI ny mfhOÜ nmoÈI vflf bxf idwqf . kyˆdr mMqrI hrismrq kOr bfdl ny iswK kqlyafm nUM lY ky kfˆgrs qy inÈfny lfey qy kfˆgrs pRDfn ny niÈafˆ dy muwdy `qy akflI dl nUM Gyiraf. ies mOky Auwp rfÈtrpqI dI hfËrI ivwc hI nfarybfËI vI hoeI. akflIafˆ ny qfˆ ibkrm mjITIaf dI agvfeI hyT vfkafAut hI kr idwqf. drasl smfgm ivwc suKbIr bfdl nUM bolx df smfˆ nhIˆ idwqf igaf.akflI dl vwloˆ hrismrq bfdl ny morcf sMBfilaf qy pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI dIafˆ qfrIPfˆ dy pulL bMnH idwqy .
bfdlfˆ nUM twkr dyx leI `aslI`akflI dl df aYlfn brgfVI morcy `qy bYTy muqvfËI jQydfrfˆ qy grm iKaflIafˆ ny pMjfb df Dfrimk qy isafsI inËfm bdlx leI nvfˆ akflI dl bxfAux df swdf idwqf hY . bIqy aYqvfr nUM gurU nfnk dyv jI dy pRkfÈ purb qoˆ bfad sfry pMQk lIzrfˆ ny ÈRomxI akflI dl(bfdl) nUM iswDI cuxOqI dyx leI ieh swdf idwqf hY . sRI akfl qKq sfihb dy muqvfËI kfrjkfrI jQydfr iDafn isMG mMz ny ikhf ik ÈRomxI akflI dl(bfdl) df pMQ qy pMQk eyjMzy nfl koeI lYx dyx nhIˆ . ieh pfrtI isrP bfdlfˆ dI jfgIr bx geI hY .AunHfˆ sfry pMQ drdIafˆ nUM nvfˆ qy swcf akflI dl KVHf krn df swdf idwqf. hux brgfVI iensfP morcy dy afgUafˆ dy swdy kfrn pMjfb df isafsI mfhOÜ BK skdf hY .
modI df aYmpI krqfrpur lfˆGy dy iKÜfP, Kqrnfk kdm krfr ijwQy krqfrpur lfˆGy `qy pRDfn mMqrI smyq pUrf dyÈ KuÈ hY ,AuwQy Bfjpf dy rfj sBf mYˆbr ies gilafry dy ivruwD hn. aYmpI subrfmxIam svfmI ny krqfrpur sfihb gilafry nUM Kqrnfk kdm dwisaf qy ikhf ik ies dI durvrqoˆ ho skdI hY . pIaYm modI vI ies lfˆGy nUM Bfrq-pfik drimafn amn-ÈfˆqI dy pulL vjoˆ dyKdy hn pr afpxIafˆ ivvfdiq itwpxIafˆ leI mÈhUr ies bIjypI nyqf nUM ies nyk kdm ivwcoˆ vI gVbVI dI bdbo afAuˆdI hY. svfmI ny ikhf ik ies lfˆGy rfhIN pfiksqfn siQq krqfrpur sfihb jfx leI jykr pfsport vI lfËmI kIqf jfvy qfˆ Auh kfPI nhIˆ hoeygf . PAGE 36
iemrfn vwloˆ krqfrpur lfˆGy dI nIˆh pwQr smfgm `c iswDU nUM swdf
pfiksqfn dy pRDfn mMqrI iemrfn Kfn ny afpxy dosq qy pMjfb dy kYbint mMqrI nvjoq iswDU nUM krqfrpur sfihb dy lfˆGy dy nIˆh pwQr smfgm ivwc Èfml hox leI swdf idwqf hY . pfiksqfn srkfr krqfrpur sfihb ivKy 28 nvMbr nUM twk lf ky gilafry dy AusfrI kfrjfˆ dI Èuruafq krygI. iswDU ny ies swdy nUM pRvfn kr ilaf hY iesy sfl AunHfˆ df dUjf pfiksqfn df dOrf hovygf. pfiksqfn df pihlf dOrf nvjoq iswDU leI kfPI ivvfdmeI irhf sI, pr Auh ies nUM krqfrpur lfˆGy dI ÈurUafq ivwc byhwd shfeI dws rhy hn. Bfrq ny vI 26 nvMbr nUUM krqfrpur lfˆGy df nIˆh pwQr AuWp rfÈtrpqI hwQoˆ rKvfieaf hY .
pfik POj muKI nfl jwPI rMg ilafeI,iswDU dy dfavy `qy suKbIr bfdl BVky
pMjfb dy kYbint mMqrI nvjoq iswDU ny Èukwrvfr nUM krqfrpur sfihb dy gilafry dI AusfrI leI Bfrq qy pfiksqfn vwloˆ iqafrI iKwHcx df ishrf afpxI pfik PyrI nUM bMinHaF hY . iswDU ny iemrffn Kfn dy shuM cuwk smfgm ivwc pfik POj muKI nUM jwPI pfeI sI . ies qoˆ bfad kfPI ivvfd vI KVHf ho igaf sI .mwD pRdyÈ ivwc hox vflIafˆ ivDfn sBf coxfˆ leI pRcfr kr rhy iswDU ny dfavf kIqf ik krqfrpur sfihb lfˆGf kroVfˆ iswKfˆ nUM lfB dyvygf. iswDU muqfbk AunHfˆ dI jwPI rfPyl sOdy qoˆ vDIaf hY . AunHfˆ ikhf ik Gwto Gwt Auh rfPyl zIl qfˆ nhIN sI.AunHfˆ islslyvfr tvIt krky ikhf ik krqfrpur sfihb lfˆGf dovfˆ dyÈfˆ dy Krfb cwl rhy sbMDfˆ nUM suDfrn ivwc shfeI hovygf .
krqfrpur lfˆGy `qy lOˆgovfl ny kwZI iswDU iKlfP BVfs
afm qOr qy isafsI gwlfˆ qoˆ kMnI kqrfAux vfly ÈRomxI kmytI dy pRDfn goibMd isMG lOˆgovfl ny nvjoq iswDU iKlfP KuwlH ky BVfs kwZI. AunHfˆ ikhf ik ÈRomxI kmytI krqfrpur lfˆGy nUM KulHvfAux leI lMmy smyˆ qoˆ koiÈÈfˆ kr rhI hY jdik nvjoq iswDU qfˆ rfjnIqI kr irhf hY .AunHfˆ ikhf ik iswDU JUT bol irhf hY .lOˆgovfl iewQy hI nhIˆ ruky AunHfˆ iswDU vwloˆ pfiksqfnI afrmI cIP nUM jwPI pfAux dI alocnf kIqI.AunHfˆ ikhf ik iswDU pfiksqfnI afrmI cIP nUM jwPI pfAux mgroˆ Bfrq af ky isafsq krn lwg pey .
Friday, November 30th, 2018
The Patrika
The Patrika
Friday, November 30th, 2018
Attention Abbotsford, please come and join us on December 18 to help celebrate 25 years of Rick Hansen Secondary. Open to the general public. Tickets are $5 each while they last. It will be a very eventful evening featuring two games and a 3 pt competition. We are raising funds in hopes of generating scholarships and improving our basketball program. Doors open at 5:30pm and event runs until 9:30pm.
Friday, November 30th, 2018
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The Patrika
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jIvn ÈkqI icMqf isrP mnuwK krdy hn ikAuNik icMqf krn dI Xojnf aqy shUlq isrP mnuwKfˆ nUM pRfpq hY. ieh Xogqf lwKfˆ sflfˆ dy lMmy anuBv ivwcoN ivkisq hoeI hY. pihlfˆ mnuwK vwK vwK kfrnfˆ krky zrdf hI sI. zrn dy mukfbly, icMqf krnI sOKI huMdI hY. ziraf hoieaf mnuwK soc nhIN skdf, icMqfgRsq ivakqI icMqf qoN mukq hox leI socdf hY. ieAuN icMqf kfrn mnuwK ny socxf sLurU kIqf. icMqf ny mnuwK nUM sfvDfnIafˆ vrqx leI pRyiraf aqy sfvDfnIafˆ vrq ky mnuwK ny afpxy afp nUM surwiKaq kIqf hY. icMqf krn dI Xojnf, buwDI dy ivkfs df afDfr hY. psLU icMqf nhIN krdy ijs kfrn AunHfˆ dI buwDI df ivkfs nhIN hoieaf. ho skdf hY, kuJ lwK sfl mgroN jy psLU-pMCI vI icMqf krn lwg pey qfˆ AunHfˆ dI buwDI vI ivkisq ho jfvy gI. ajoky simafˆ ivwc vI icMqf krn vflLf durGtnfvfˆ Gwt krdf hY, vDyry BrosyXog huMdf hY aqy aOsq nflLoN vDyry isafxf huMdf hY. smfj df ivkfs icMqf krn vflLy ivakqIafˆ dy icMqn nflL hoieaf hY. AusfrU icMqf, icMqn khfAuNdI hY jdoN ik mfrU icMqf qOKlf bx jfˆdI hY. Èwk, duicwqI, zr afid icMqf aqy qOKly dIafˆ ivckfrlIafˆ hflqfˆ hn. icMqf krn vflLf ivakqI ivigafnI, klfkfr aqy mfihr ho inwbVdf hY jdoN ik qOKly ivwc gRisaf ivakqI ZihMdI klf df iÈkfr ho ky mfnisk sMquln guaf bYTdf hY. icMqf qoN Bfv kuJ axcfihaf vfprn qoN hY. puwqr POj ivwc hY, jMg lwgI hoeI hY jfˆ koeI EpryÈn hoxf hY jfˆ iemiqhfn df nqIjf inklxf hY. qOKly ivwc by afrfmI mihsUs huMdI hY. skUl ivwc bwcy df pihlf idn qOKlf AupjfAuNdf hY. icMqf aqy akl dovyˆ mnuwKI idmfg dI Aupj hn. jdoN qwk mnuwKI idmfg ivkisq nhIN sI hoieaf, sB kuJ kudrqI nymfˆ anusfr cwldf sI. sB kuJ afpmuhfry mÈIn vfˆg vfprdf sI. mnuwKI idmfg dy ivkisq hox nflL kudrq dy smfnfˆqr nvIN kfrj ivDI ivkisq hox nflL jIvn dI inÈicqqf muwk geI. mnuwK ny nvyˆ nym GVy aqy sQfpq nym qoV idwqy. buwDI dy ivkfs nfl mnuwK kudrqI vrqfirafˆ ivwc dKLl dyx lwg ipaf aqy hor jIvfˆ leI muÈiklfˆ qy pRyÈfnIafˆ isrjx lwg ipaf. afs qfˆ ieh sI ik mnuwK afpxI akl aqy buwDI nflL lfBkfrI inrxy aqy kilafxkfrI kfrj krygf, pr ieAuN vfpiraf nhIN. mnuwK dIafˆ qfˆGfˆ aqy mfnisk qxfE, Aus nUM cfhy anusfr ivcrn nhIN idMdy. ies ivroDI siQqI ivwcoN icMqf AupjdI hY. mnuwK afp vI icMqf krdf hY aqy horfˆ leI icMqf df kfrn vI bxdf hY. icMqf, mfnisk pRikiraf hY. bfhr koeI icMqf nhIN hY, icMqf mnuwK dy aMdr hY. mnuwK qoN hyTly jIvfˆ ivwc koeI icMqf nhIN ikAuNik AunHfˆ kolL buwDI nhIN, Auh socdy nhIN. mnuwK socdf hY, socx dI loV do jfˆ vDyry siQqIafˆ ivwcoN iewk siQqI cuxn vyly pYˆdI hY. cox krn dI soJI isrP mnuwK kolL hY, bfkI jIv-jMqUafˆ leI sB kuJ inÈicq hY. PAGE 40
The Patrika
afE icMqf krIey!
cox krn dI loV jfˆ sMBfvnf nf hox kfrn psLU-pMCI icMqf qoN mukq hn. vMn-suvMnqf aqy vKryivafˆ dI soJI mnuwK dI pRfpqI hY, pr ieh mnuwK dI smwisaf vI hY. ies nflL duicwqI AupjdI hY, ijvyˆ ieh lvfˆ jfˆ Auh lvfˆ, Auh krfˆ jfˆ ieh krfˆ, kI pihnfˆ, kI Kfvfˆ? ieh smwisaf gMBIr ho jfvy qfˆ ieh qOKlf bx jfˆdI hY. glq kors ivwc dfKlf jfˆ glq ikwqy ivwc pRvyÈ jfˆ glq ivakqI nflL ivafh qOKlf bx jfˆdf hY. ijnHfˆ kolL bhuqy kwpVy hox, Auh kuJ pihn lYx, pihn ky mihsUs krdy hn ik ieh nhIN, Auh pihnxy sI. jdoN jIvn ivwc vMn-suvMnqf afAuNdI hY qfˆ nflL hI duicwqI vI afAuNdI hY. vMn-suvMnqf nUM ivkfs df sUck mMinaf jfˆdf hY. so duicwqI aqy icMqf ivkfs dI dyx hn. mihMgf iznr sYWt KrIidaf hY, sMBflx dI icMqf vI nflL hI af geI hY. gihxy KrIdy hn, corI hox dI icMqf vI nflL hI KrId leI hY. ivafh ho igaf hY, sbMD suKfvyˆ nhIN hn, iewk-dUjy `qy Èwk jfg ipaf hY. vPfdfrI df Brosf hY, pr by vPfeI df zr vI hY. hr siQqI dI ivroDI siQqI vI nflL hI jnm lY lYˆdI hY. ieAuN mnuwK dy sfry kfrjfˆ aqy siQqIafˆ ivwc icMqf hY. jIvn df dUjf nfˆ icMqf hY. iesqrIafˆ afpxI icMqf bol ky pRgtfAuNdIafˆ hn, purÈ cuwp krky icMqf krdy hn. icMqf qoN mukq koeI nhIN. AuWc ahudy, vwzy vpfr, vwzIafˆ iËMmyvfrIafˆ aqy ibmfrIafˆ ivwc icMqf hI icMqf hY. iewk ivakqI ny solLfˆ irÈqy vyKy aqy hryk irÈqf koeI nf koeI nuks kwZ ky rwd kr idwqf. sqfrHvfˆ irÈqf vyKdy sfr psMd kr ilaf, pr lVkI ny lVky nUM rwd kr idwqf. pihlfˆ Auh rwd krdf huMdf sI, hux afp rwd hox `qy bVf pRyÈfn hoieaf. ijs kors ivwc dfKlf imlLdf hY Auh kors psMd nhIN, jo psMd hY Aus ivwc dfKlf nhIN imlL irhf. aijhIafˆ siQqIafˆ df hryk ivakqI nUM hr roË keI vfr sfhmxf krnf pYˆdf hY. mnuwK jo krdf hY, Aus leI akl nflL qrk Ausfrdf hY. afpxy vwloN qfˆ sPl hox df Xqn krdf hY, sB TIk krdf hY, pr kuJ vI cfhy anusfr nhIN vfprdf ikAuNik hryk kfrj ivwc keI sihXogI aqy ivroDI iDrfˆ kfrjÈIl huMdIafˆ hn. jdoN pRIiKaf ivwc asPl huMdf hY qfˆ iswiKaf pRxflI ivwc nuks kwZdf hY, pr hfry hoey AumIdvfr nUM koeI nhIN suxdf. ajoky mnuwK nUM hryk Kyqr ivwc mukfbly vflLI siQqI ivwc ivcrnf pYˆdf hY. hryk cox, hryk PYsly, hryk kfrj, hryk sOdy, hryk irÈqy ivwc mnuwK afpxI isafxp vrqdf hY, pr hor lok sfzIafˆ ivAuNqfˆ nUM Aultf idMdy hn. ivroDI tIm sfzI tIm nUM hrf idMdI hY aqy cYˆpIan bxn dy sfzy supny Zih-ZyrI ho jfˆdy hn. ivroDI jfˆ bfgI, hfkmfˆ nUM hkUmq mfxn nhIN idMdy, hkUmq vI bfgIafˆ aqy ivroDIafˆ nUM itk ky ijAUx nhIN idMdI. vpfrI sB qoN vDyry icMqf krdy hn, AudXogpqI qfˆ krdy hI icMqf hn. iesqrI koeI nf koeI icMqf shyVI rwKdI hY. jdoN qwk Gr dy sfry jIa Gr nhIN af jfˆdy, Auh icMqf krdI rihMdI hY.
icMqf vflyL sfry anuBv mnuwK dI rUp-ryKf, suBfa, afdqfˆ afid nUM inrDfrq krdy hn. vfr vfr PylH hox vflLf anYiqk aqy ihMsk ho jfˆdf hY. bMd glLI ivwc iGr gey ivakqI vfˆg pRyÈfn ivakqI mrn-mfrn leI iqafr ho jfˆdf hY. hryk ivakqI iËMdgI df jUaf KHyzdf pRqIq huMdf hY. hfrijwq vfprdI rihMdI hY, pr ivakqI dI iewCf hr vfrI ijwqx dI hI huMdI hY. jdoN do ivakqI jfˆ do iesqrIafˆ afps ivwc gwlfˆ krdIafˆ hn qfˆ Auh afpxIafˆ icMqfvfˆ df hI vtfˆdrf kr rhy huMdy hn ikAuNik hr iksy nUM koeI nf koeI icMqf hY. so icMqfvfˆ dy bfvjUd jIvn dI iKwHc bxI rihMdI hY. iesqrIafˆ, purÈfˆ nflLoN vDyry icMqf krdIafˆ hn ikAuNik AunHfˆ dy ruJyvyˆ aqy iËMmyvfrIafˆ vDyry huMdIafˆ hn aqy AunHfˆ df iDafn vDyry Qfvfˆ aqy ivakqIafˆ `qy vMizaf huMdf hY. nfjfieË irÈqy df AudyÈ qfˆ ipafr-ivhUxy akfAU sbMDfˆ qoN rfhq pfAuxf huMdf hY, pr aijhf irÈqf aksr aijhf qxfa aqy dbfa Ausfrdf hY ik smuwcf pirvfrk jIvn lIh qoN Auqr jfˆdf hY. hux pVHfeI krnI sOKI nhIN rhI, pr anpVHfˆ dI qfˆ ikDry vfrI hI nhIN afAuNdI. bwcy nUM skUl ivwc dfKl krvf ky Aus nUM icMqf df rog lfieaf jfˆdf hY. hryk mnuwK horfˆ nflLoN vwKrf hoxf cfhuMdf hY, pRcfr vI kIqf jfˆdf hY ik BIV qoN vwKry hovo, iekwly KVovo, pr iekwly hox dy sMqfp anykfˆ hn. ies siQqI ivwcoN ivakqIvfd Aupjdf hY. smUihk jIvn dI surwiKaf dI Qfˆ ivakqIvfdI siQqI mnuwKI ivhfr dy nvyˆ rUp AuGfV rhI hY. hux koeI vI do ivakqI iewk-dUjy nflL rlL ky nhIN rih skdy. iehI kfrn hY ik qlfk vD rhy hn aqy mfnisk smwisafvfˆ Aupj rhIafˆ hn. hux hryk adfry, sMsQf afid ivwc pihlfˆ hI drjLfbMdI sQfipq hoeI huMdI hY ijs kfrn iksy df bfhroN af ky pRvyÈ krnf jfˆ kuJ nvfˆ krnf pRvfn nhIN ho irhf. ies kfrn hr iksy nUM pCfVy jfx, ipwCy rih jfx df zr hY ijs kfrn hr koeI mfnisk pRyÈfnIafˆ df sfhmxf kr irhf hY. iksy cIË df cfhy anusfr nf vfprnf, cwl rhy kfrj ivwc ivGn pYxf, irÈqy df ivgVnf, afmdn df nf hoxf afid anykfˆ pwK hn ijhVy icMqf AupjfAuNdy rihMdy hn aqy ivkfs nUM rokdy hn. ajoky sMsfr ivwc koeI vI Kyqr aijhf nhIN hY ijhVf icMqf mukq hovy. ivkfs dI icMqf isrP mnuwKfˆ nUM hY ikAuNik ivkfs df rsqf nf iswDf hY qy nf hI sOKf. hr koeI jldI phuMcxf cfhuMdf hY, pr afvfjfeI rukI hoeI hY. ajoky sMsfr ivwc Drm icMqf nUM dUr nhIN kr irhf sgoN icMqf dy nflL qxfa aqy ivroD vI Aupjf irhf hY. afsqk jfˆ nfsqk hoxf mnuwK df inwjI inrxf huMdf hY, pr ieh dovyˆ inrxy iewk-dUjy dI aflocnf aqy inMdf df iÈkfr huMdy hn. icMqf ivroDI Bfv AupjfAuNdI hY. hux lgpg hryk ivakqI iËMdgI ivwc anykfˆ vfr ieMnf pRyÈfn ho jfˆdf hY ik Auh GroN dOV jfx, afqmGfq jfˆ kql krn bfry socdf hY. niÈafˆ dI vD rhI vrqoN df
Friday, November 30th, 2018
nirMdr isMG kpUr kfrn iËMdgI qoN inrfsqf hI hY. AudyÈhIx jIvn, iksy afs dI axhoNd, vsIilafˆ dI Gft aqy hnHyrf BivwK afqmGfq dy kfrn bx rhy hn. mrn qoN pihlfˆ, mrn dI shUlq isrP mnuwK nUM pRfpq hY. icMqfvfˆ vDx kfrn afqmGfq iewk pRvfinq hwl bxdf jf irhf hY. keI ivkisq dysfˆ ivwc suBfivk mOqfˆ nflLoN afqmGfq vDyry hox lwg pey hn. afpxy afp nUM mfrn dI Xogqf kql krn df hI nvfˆ rUp hY. mnuwK ijs suqMqrqf dI mMg krdf hY, Auh vfsqv ivwc mnmfnI krn dI suqMqrqf huMdI hY. mnuwK suqMqrqf cfhuMdf hY, pr iËMmyvfrI qoN bcdf hY, aiDkfr cfhuMdf hY pr krqwv pflxf leI iqafr nhIN. aijhI siQqI qxfa aqy icMqf isrjdI hY. ies sfrI crcf df AudyÈ ieh sQfipq krnf hY ik icMqf mnuwK dI afpxI isrjxf hY ijhVI vwK vwK sMBfvnfvfˆ aqy siQqIafˆ ivwcoN cox krn krky AupjdI hY. buwDI aqy cyqnf dI durvrqoN kfrn mnuwK kudrq ivwcoN bfhr inklL igaf hY. Audfhrx vjoN mnuwK qoN isvfey koeI JUT nhIN boldf. mnuwK qoN ielfvf smuwcf jIv-jMqU jgq swc ivwc kudrq dy nymfˆ anusfr ijAUˆuNdf hY. mnuwK qoN isvfey hr iksy df Drm swc hY. sfry pfKMz mnuwK dy Aupjfey hoey hn. swc nUM kurbfn krky mnuwK ny anykfˆ Brm aqy Drm Ausfr ley hn ijnHfˆ dI gulfmI ivwc mnuwK suK BflLdf hY. gulfm kdy suK nhIN mfxdy. smUihk ivkfs dy AudyÈ nUM iqafg ky ivakqIvfd nUM apnfAux nflL hAumY aqy icMqf vDI qy PYlI hY. icMiqq ivakqI iew C fvfˆ Au s frdf hY . iew C f, icM q f vjo N pihinafN burkf huMdI hY. mnuwK iewCf krdf hY ik jy ieh imlL jfvy, jy ieAuN ho jfvy qfˆ myrI icMqf muwk jfvygI, pr hryk iewCf Brm sfbq huMdI hY. iew C fvfˆ Kpqvfd vDfAu N d Iafˆ hn aqy Kpqvfd, pfglpx bxdf jf irhf hY. mnu w K fˆ nflL o N vsqfˆ vDy r y kImqI aqy mhwqvpUrn ho geIafˆ hn. mnuwK dy sfry Xqn duKI hox dy hn, pr iewCf suKI hox dI hY. buwD df smuwcf drÈn iewCfvfˆ df hI zUMGf aqy ivÈfl ivÈlyÈx hY. mnuwK ivwc psLU aqy dyvqf dovyˆ bxn dIafˆ sMBfvnfvfˆ hn. sMBfvnf dyvqf bxn dI hY, pr afdq aqy iewCf psLU-ibrqIafˆ mfxn dI hY. kudrq qoN afpxf rsqf vwKrf krnf mnuwK dI sB qoN vwzI glqI bx geI hY. ieh mMnxf ËrUrI hY ik icMqf mnuwK dI buwDI dI durvrqoN df nqIjf hY. ies leI iksy nUM doÈ dyxf vfjb pRqIq nhIN huMdf. kI icMqf krn df koeI lfB vI huMdf hY? mnuwK dI afdq bx geI hY ik Auh icMqf nUM nfˆh-pwKI idRÈtI nflL hI vyKdf hY. mnuwKI siBaqf dI AusfrI ivwc icMqf ny mhwqvpUrn BUimkf inBfeI hY. smuwcy rUp ivwc jy icMqf krnI afAuNdI hovy qfˆ ieh iewk lfBkfrI vrqfrf hY. icMqf dIafˆ AupjfeIafˆ sfvDfnIafˆ vflyL ivhfr ny mnuwK dI hoNd bxfeI rwKx ivwc vwzf Xogdfn pfieaf hY.
The Patrika
Friday, November 30th, 2018
TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED ¯Truck Drivers ¯Local Work Only ¯No Long Haul Wages Based Upon Experience sfnMU trwk zrfeIvr, aqy lokl kfimaF, dI loV hY| lONg hfl nhIN hY. cMgI qnKfh qjLrby anusfr idwqI jfvygI | : Please send resumes too:
Contact Jordan : 778-240-3457 E-mail : | Fax: 604-850-7225 1702 Foy St, Abbotsford BC V2T6B1
ijnHfˆ ny icMqf kIqI hY, AunHfˆ ny hI icMqn kIqf hY. ivigafn isrijaf hY, kfZfˆ kwZIafˆ hn. icMqf vwl ipwT krn nflL icMqf lop nhIN hovygI. jy koeI smwisaf hwl nf kIqI jfvy qfˆ icMqf svyry do vjy nINdr qoV dyvygI. icMqf qoN lfB AuTfAux df ivigafn iswKx dI loV hY. sB qoN pihlI loV hY ik icMqf pRqI asIN afpxf idRÈtIkox bdlIey. smwisafvfˆ kdy ieMnIafˆ vwzIafˆ nhIN huMdIafˆ, ijMnIafˆ vwzIafˆ ienHfˆ nUM asIN bxf lYˆdy hfˆ. kdy suixafN hY ik hnyHry ny svyr hI nf hox idwqI hovy? icMqf df sbMD mOq nflL nhIN hY, jIvn nflL hY. ies nUM AusfrU jfˆ mfrU ÈkqI bxfAuxf sfzy hwQ huMdf hY. pfT jfˆ Bjn jfˆ kIrqn nflL icMqf qoN mukq nhIN hoieaf jf skdf, smwisaf hwl kro, icMqf afpy ipwCy muV jfvygI. asIN sfry jfxdy hfˆ ik icMqf qoN ikvyˆ mukq hoieaf jf skdf hY. jy icMqf anusfr, smwisaf Aupjx qoN pihlfˆ ZuwkvIN iqafrI kIqI jfvy qfˆ hryk siQqI nUM afpxy pwK ivwc kIqf jf skdf hY. jy BUcfl jfˆ hVH dI icMqf krn dI Qfˆ bdlfE Auprfly kIqy jfx qfˆ nuksfn nhIN huMdf. jo BYVy qoN BYVf vfpr skdf hY, Aus dI klpnf kro, Auh kdy nhIN vfpry gf. ieh smJxf ËrUrI hY ik aijhI siQqI kdy nhIN afvy gI, jdoN durGtnfvfˆ nhIN hoxgIafˆ, asPlqf nhIN vfpry gI. ieh vI smJxf ËrUrI hY ik iewCfvfˆ, icMqf nhIN AupjfAuNdIafˆ, icMqf iewCfvfˆ AupjfAuNdI
hY. XMqrfˆ AuWqy vDyry inrBrqf nflL asIN afpxIafˆ smwisafvfˆ vDf lYˆdy hfˆ. icMqf krn leI smfˆ kwZo. cuwp hox dI ivDI iswKo, cuwp hoxf hI Èfˆq hoxf huMdf hY. cuwp ho ky bYTxf afpxy-afp nflL pRsMn hox dI ivDI hY. cuwp hox nflL iekwilafˆ ivcridafˆ afpxIafˆ qxfvfˆ iZw l Iafˆ Cw z x nflL , jIvn nUM srl bxfAux aqy afpxy-afp nUM sfDfrn ivakqI mMnx, lMmy sfh lYx, ruwJy rihx, sYr krn aqy kudrq nflL sbMD Ausfrn nfl hI ivakqI df kfieaf-klp ho jfˆdf hY. afpxf inqnym Ausfrn, shI ZMg nflL sOx aqy jfgx, iKmf Bfvnf aqy hfˆ-pwKI idRÈtIkox apnfAux nflL hI siQqI bdl jfˆdI hY. icMqf dI durvrqoN krky ies nUM asIN pRyÈfnI bxf ilaf hY. icMqf ny durGtnfvfˆ GtfeIafˆ hn, mnuwK dI Aumr lMmI kIqI hY, nvyˆ anuBv idwqy hn, sihxÈkqI vDfeI hY. icMqf krn vflLy vDyry Xog, smrwQ, iËMmyvfr aqy BrosymMd huMdy hn. ieh agfAUN socdy hn, ieh afpxI hI nhIN horfˆ dI surwiKaf vI inÈicq krdy hn. icMqf jIvn-ÈkqI hY. icMqf nhIN qfˆ iËMdgI df jÈn vI nhIN ho skdf. qOKlf nhIN qfˆ afnMd vI nhIN. smuwcf ivkfs aqy suK sfDn icMqf dI Aupj hn. afpxI icMqf df pwDr AuWcf cuwko, ivÈfl idRÈtI nflL icMqf kro, qMg dfieirafˆ ivwcoN bfhr inklLo. icMqf pRqI idRÈtIkox bdlx nflL hI hnHyrf cfnxf ho inbVy gf, hfr aglI ijwq ho inbVy gI.
& Framing Ltd. J&J Fresh Look JJ Home Builders • • • •
Framing for two & three-story houses We have an excellent framing record Our framing is passed on the very first inspection We provide home warranties
EsINÊs`ryÊloErÊmynlYNfÊEqyÊPryzrÊvYlIÊivcÊdoÊEqyÊiqMnÊstorIÊ Gr~ÊdIÊPryimMgÊkrdyÊh~ s`fyÊkIqyÊhoeyÊkMmÊ(PryimMg)Êd`Êirk`rfÊs`&ÊsuQr`ÊhYÊEqyÊ hmyS`ÊpihlIÊv`rÊp`sÊhoieE`ÊhY|Ê
We build custom homes We provide 10 years home warranty tfAUn hfAUs, nvyN Gr grMtIsLudf kuafltI vrk & Pfst srivs rYjLIzYNsLIal aqy kmrsLIal
Workers Wanted Jarnail Maan
kfimaF dI loV hY • Fax 604-850-9308
The Patrika
kfimaF dI loV
Workers Needed
aYbtsPorz dI lokl zrfeIvfl kMpnI nMU kfimaF dI qurMq loV hY. nvyN kfimaF nMU $14[50 pRqI GMtf aqy qjLrbykr nMU qjLrby anusfr. aYbtsPorz aqy aYlzrgRov qoN rfeIz df pRbMD hY. hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-552-6269
Mount Lehman Fruit Growers, 28349, 0 Ave, Abbotsford, BC, requires workers for 8 months starting May 15, 2018. Duties include planting, weeding, pruning, harvesting of berries as well as other general farm work duties. Should be able to work with farm machinery and be able to work in cold and wet conditions. Wages $12.65 per hour, 40 to 50 hours per week. Fax resume to 604-853-9625 or Call: 604-807-4170
Workers Wanted
Geneva Farms requires workers in Abbotsford for pruning, weeding, harvesting crops. All types of weather and repetitive motions. 40-60 hrs/week $12.65/hr. Starts April 2019. Fax resume 604852-4605
Farm Workers Needed Farm Workers Needed for MSB Farms LTD. 5331 Riverside Street, Matsqui, BC, V4X 3R2. General farm duties include berry picking, cultivating, irrigation, cleaning, harvesting. Up to 50 hours/week. Wages are $12.65 per hour. No education is required; Knowledge of English and farm work experience will be assets. For more information call (236) 887-8894 or e-mail msbfarm@ lVkI dI loV jwt iswK kulfr lVkf, Aumr 28 sfl, kwd 5`11", B.Sc Computer Science, 29 ikwly ËmIn dy mflk leI kYnyzIan istIËn jfˆ pI[ afr[ lVkI dI loV hY. sMprk-778-536-2999, 236-887-2798 PAGE 42
kfimaF dI loV
Nanny Required
Required Nanny for three ieMzIan rYstorYt aYgjI children. Full-time, perbI[sI ivc iclfvY k ko l manent basis, $13/hr, hY[ sfnUM do ikcn hYlpr location: Abbotsford, BC, Language: English, lVkIaF dI jrUrq hY,kMm skills: High School & Pul tfiem hY[rhfiesL df 1-2 years of experience/ training. Duties: superprbMD vI kIqf jf skdf vise & care for children, hY[Xog vrkr dI vrk preparing and feeding prmt leI vI shfieqf meals, personal care for children, maintain safe, kIqI jfvygI[hor jfxkfrI clean and healthy envileI Pon kro jI 604-615- ronment. Contact: 1021 lVkI dI loV Workers Wanted jWt isWK aµimRqDfrI 30 Looking for an expe- sflf lVkf, kWd 5’10”, ds sfl df mltIpl kYnyrienced Class 1 dump zIan vIËf-Dfrk leI truck driver. $27-$30/ pµjfbI lVkI dI loV hY» hr depending on expe- sµprk kro- iȵdr igWl rIaYltr 604-832rience. All local work. 0540 Call 604-614-7448
Friday, November 30th, 2018
WELDER WANTED Cedar Shake & Shingle Mill in Mission, BC is seeking a full-time experienced welder. Indian welding certificate or welding experience gained in India or abroad is acceptable. Steel-toed boots are required. Ride to work from Surrey, Mission, or Abbotsford can be arranged.
Call Balwant @ 604-826-3712.
vYlzr dI loV imsLn bI[sI dI sIzr sLyk aqy isMLgl imwl vfilaF nUM qjLrbykfr Puwl tfeIm vYlzr dI loV hY. ieMzIaf df vYlizMg qoN ilaf vYlizMg iekspIrIaYNs mnjLUr hovygf. stIl toa vflLy bUtF df hoxf jLrUrI hovygf. kMm qy phuMcx leI srI, aYbtsPorz, aqy imsLn qoN rfeIz df pUrf pRbMD hY. Pon kro AMimRq DwlIvwl 604-615-7283
The Patrika
Friday, November 30th, 2018
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
SPECIALIZED IN NEW & OLD RENOVATION HOMES tfeIlF (kMDF qy, PrsL tfeIlF, hr iksm dIaF tfeIlF ieMtryNs vy tfeIls ikcn PrsL, bYk splYsL ikcn kYbinwt, aqy kFAUtr tOp nvyN aqy purfxy bfQrUm dI pUrI rYnovysLn Plor lYmInysLn
Tiles (Wall , & Floor Tiles, All Kinds Of Tiles) Entrance Way Tiles Backsplash) iksy vIKitchen qrHF rYn(Floor ovysLn &krvfAu x leI sMprk kro Kitchen Cabinet And CounterTop Full Bathroom Renovation (New & Old) Floor Lamination
High Quality Services at Very Reasonable Prices hr pRkfr dIaF tfielF iPks krvfAux leI sMprk kro
Spl: We Do Cabinet Installation for New or Old Houses All Kinds of Renovations Basement Washroom Kitchen Painting Plumbing
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* Full Finish Basement * Sundeck All Complete
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Crown, Baseboard Door, Fireplace
HARDEEP BIRDI: 778-823-0765
G-load AD
OďŹƒce Administrative Assistant
G-Load Transport Inc. Salary: $23.00/Hourly Job Type: Full-Time, Permanent Language: English Start Date of Employment (Approx.): As soon as possible Minimum Education: High School Positions Available: 1
Email : Fax : 604-852-6690
Job Location(s) 31137-SOUTHERN DR ABBOTSFORD, British Columbia V2T 5K2 Canada
G-Load is looking for a high-functioning, reliable and self-motivated individual to fulďŹ ll the role of OďŹƒce Administrative Assistant
Set up and maintain manual and computerized information ďŹ ling systems
HWY 11
Arrange travel, related itineraries and make reservations
Greet people and direct them to contacts or service areas
asIN sYpitk tYNk lfAuNdy hF We install septic tanks
and co-ordinate the ow of information
5390 Gladwin Road Abbotsford BC HWY 11
Open and distribute regular and electronic incoming mail and other material
Well Pump Installation and Service
Anand Irrigation
Type and proofread correspondence, forms and other documents
ANAND Irrigation
Determine and establish oďŹƒce procedures and routines Schedule and conďŹ rm appointments Answer telephone and relay telephone calls and messages, Answer electronic enquiries Compile data, statistics and other information, work with elogbooks Order oďŹƒce supplies and maintain inventory
• Irrigation Installation
ierIgySn ienst`lySn
• Post Pounding
post l`auxy
• Drip and Sprinkler Systems
fir@p Eqy spirMklr
• Ditch Digging and Cleaning
if@c putxIE~ Eqy s`P krnIE~
• Farm Drains
Kyq~ iv@c fryn p`auxy
Workers Wanted: Welder & General helper good wages, must speak English, knowledge of Punjabi will be an asset We Specialize in Blueberry Draining Systems
Call Tarsem Singh at 604-897-2152 or 604-852-0552 PAGE 43
The Patrika
Friday, November 30th, 2018
Irrfan Khan was my Disturbed by how some communities are targeted : Taapsee acting school : Mithila Palkar
Mithila Palkar says acclaimed actor Irrfan Khan was like an "acting school" for her when she worked with him in Karwaan. The movie features Irrfan and Dulquer Salman.On her experience of working with two well-known actors in the industry, Mithila said in a statement: "Initially it took me time to realise that I am sharing screen space with Irrfan Khan. But when I started working with him, a lot of times I would end up laughing in a scene."I have never been to an acting school and on the sets of 'Karwaan', Irrfan was my acting school. By observing him, I learnt to improvise in the scenes along with focusing on the smallest of the details." Mithila also revealed her current favourite in Bollywood is Alia Bhatt. She feels Alia carries out brilliant roles with ease, and that really inspires her to push herself to perform better.
I want to do all kinds of cinema : Varun Actor Varun Dhawan said that there was a time when he was leaning towards gritty cinema and would have done anything in his power to be launched by Anurag Kashyap. The actor was speaking at an in-conversation session Dha-One, moderated by writer Rumi Jaffery, with his father, filmmaker David Dhawan, at the ongoing International Film Festival of India (IFFI) here. His Badlapur director Sriram Raghavan and IFFI Indian Panorama chairperson Rahul Rawail were part of the audience.”Initially my leaning was always towards the left side. I had loved ‘Black Friday’, Sriram’s films… I was leaning over there. I would have probably given my right hand at that time to be launched by Anurag Kashyap. Honestly,” Varun said.To this David said, “Thank God”. Varun said when he told his father that he was doing Badlapur, the veteran filmmaker received the news negatively. David added, “I saw he had grown a beard for the character, he didn’t use to laugh, he didn’t use to talk for 20 days. So I asked my wife ‘when will he cut his beard?’ I didn’t know what he was doing. But thought, ‘chalo, achhi hee banegi’. “I saw the film. Sriram showed me twice and I loved the film. I said ‘it’s a revenge story, it’s a Hindustani
(Indian) film’.” Varun also revealed he had visited a psychiatrist for a couple of sessions after working on the emotionally disturbing B a d l a p u r. When the revelation was met by both horror and laughs from the audience, the actor gave a nod to mental health awareness. He said, “There’s nothing wrong in that, to speak your mind. Whatever that’s inside you, it just gets balanced. They didn’t say that ‘there’s something’… don’t get scared. Nothing went wrong with me. But the doctor said, ‘If you’ll stay in an intense environment for a long time, so it will happen.”The actor said he realised that David is a known name in the film industry after the watchman of their building told him “your father is a big director”. Recounting his childhood dream, Varun said he wanted to own a channel where he would have his own talk show “where I would be able to do stand-up comedy and entertainment”.
After working in a critically acclaimed film Mulk, which talked about 'Islamophobia' and dealt with other social issues, actress Taapsee Pannu feels happy and disturbed at the same time. "I am very happy with the way the audience has received the film but at the same time disturbed with the way some communities are picked out and targeted by the society," Taapsee said in a statement.The 31-yearold, who played a lawyer in Mulk, wanted to bring a change in society through the film.She said: "I took up this film to stand up for them and initiate a change. There were a few apprehensions initially about the character that I play, but I can now say with conviction rest". Directed by Anubhav Sinha, that they have been put to the film features actors Rishi
Kapoor, Rajat Kapoor, Neena Gupta, Prateik Babbar and Ashutosh Rana in pivotal roles.As Mulk will be telecast on the small screen, Taapsee and Anubhav want people to understand "what film has actually tried to convey". "I hope that with the television premiere, the message is conveyed and people realise it, thus taking that step against creating a difference," added the actress.Mulk, which released in August, did not get a smooth release as it faced a lot of backlash and criticism from people. From the audience lashing out against the subject of the film to trolling of actors and calling them "anti-national", the film was mired in several controversies.
2018 brought me both the worst and best experience of my life: Janhvi Kapoor Janhvi Kapoor Wednesday said the year 2018 was a mixed bag for her as s h e h a d both the “worst and best experience” of her life in the same breath.The young actor’s mother, Sridevi, passed away earlier this year, while she was still filming her debut, Dhadak.Jahnvi said her personal growth has been tremendous and she has
emerged stronger in the trying times.“It’s harder to say anything… When I say growth’, I mean personal growth, I don’t know about artistic. This year brought me both the worst and the best experience of my life. It’s a little strange… Our family is now united, so that is very big thing for me. But whatever happened that too was very heavy (tragedy). We are still in shock, so we haven’t been able to process it properly. I’m really thankful for all the love that we have received and I got a chance to work, which is a big thing for me. I got a chance to make my parents proud, which is most important for me,” she said.Janhvi
said the films that her father called the Golden Era’ of Hindi cinema were ahead of time.“I think they are way ahead of even our time. I feel we have got tangled into a trap, a commercial one. I think the freedom to tell the story was more earlier,” she said.She pointed out films such as Mr and Mrs 55 as an example which celebrated the essence of feminism back in the day.
Sunny has never read a script in his career Thirty five years and several blockbusters later, actor Sunny Deol says his process of working in a film is purely "instinctive" where he is more interested in listening to the storyteller than reading scripts. For Sunny, it is a matter of choice that he avoids reading scripts as he believes he might look at them with a "certain mindset" and hence prefers to hear them straight from the writers."I am a very instinctive person. I hear an idea, a thought and if it is good and I like it, I just jump for it. I don't go into the detailings of it. Right now, you need to do that but back then filmmaking was
different. I never read scripts," Sunny said."I just hear the idea from the director and go for it. I have always interacted with the story writer and heard the subject because that's what is going to eventually come over on screen," he adds. Since his debut in 1983 with Betaab, Sunny has featured in some strong content driven films like Ghayal, Damini, Darr and Gaddar Ek Prem Katha, among others. A process of not reading scripts can be considered risky but Sunny still goes by his instincts while giving nod to a film. "One never takes it as gamble. I do it because I love it and I'm enjoying the story. Obviously sometimes in the journey you realise the production, the director, writer, or some things are going here and there but you don't disown it. You don't run away because it's everyone's baby," he says. The actor is seen in Bhaiaji Superhit, which also features Priety Zinta and Arshad Warsi.
Friday, November 30th, 2018
sivwqrI bhuq hI KusL imjfjL suBfa vflI aOrq sI. ijs ipMz ivwc Auh ivafhI hoeI sI, Auh ipMz sLihr dy iblkul njLdIk sI. ies ipMz dy njLdIk mMgiqaF dI abfdI vI kfPI sI. ienHF dy afpxy pwky zyry bxy sn. jdoN vI koeI ivafh sLfdI huMdI; ieh iBKfrI lok afpy af Dmkdy sn. ivafh vfly Gr pRfhuixaF nfloN ienHF dI igxqI ijLafdf huMdI sI. sivwqrI keI vfr ieh gwl afpxy mUMhoN vI dsdI huMdI sI. qy awj sivwqrI bhuq KusL lwg rhI sI. sLfied afpxy puwqr dy ivafh krky. jdoN bwcf jvfn huMdf hY, kudrqI gwl hY, ik mF-bfp dy ichry qy KyVf af jFdf hY. nfly mF bfp nUM Aus idn dI AuzIk huMdI hY ik kdoN AunHF df bwcf jvfn hovy, AuhdI mMgxI qy ivafh kIqf jfvy. sivwqrI ny afp vI qy bhuq burf vkq dyiKaf sI. Auhdf lwgBg sfrf jIvn sMGrsL ivwc lMiGaf sI. keI vfr bYiTaF Auw iTafN Auh afpxf sfrf duwK suwK Pol lYNdI sI. Auh dsdI sI ik Ausny afp bVI musLikl nfl pVHfeI kIqI sI. ivafh qF BfvyN Auhdf cMgy pirvfr ivwc ho igaf pr pqI Ausdf aiq drjy df sLrfbI sI. hYgf vI Auh iewk srkfrI mulfjLm sI. afpxI qnKfh Auh sfrI sLrfb rFhIN Auzf idMdf sI qy rihMdI KUMhdI ksr Auh sivwqrI dI qnKfh nfl pUrI kr Cwzdf. iewk idn aijhf afieaf ik sLrfbI pqI sivwqrI koloN pwlf Cuzf ky clf igaf. mgr aYzy vwzy pirvfr dI ijMLmyvfrI sivwqrI dy isr af peI. cfr DIaF, puwqr, sws-shurf, ies sfry pirvfr dI rojLI rotI sivwqrI dI qnKLfh qy hI inrBr sI. cfr bwicaF nUM Aus ny bVI musLikl nfl pVHfieaf ilKfieaf qy pflx posLx kIqf. kuVIaF qF BfvyN Aus ny cMgy pirvfr ivwc ivafh idwqIaF sn pr puwqr Ausdf kuVIaF qoN Cotf sI. aKIrlf Gol smJ ky Auh cfhuMdI ik Auh sfrIaF sDrF pUrIaF kry. iesy krky Auh puwqr dy ivafh df inAuNqrf Kud afp hr iewk dy Gr dy rhI sI. rivMdr nUM vI kihx lwgI Bfa jI myry byty df ivafh jnvrI mhIny df pwkf kr idwqf hY. Gr kihx leI afvF ik eyQy khy qy sr jfvygf. rivMdr kihx lwgf sivwqrI qyrI mrjLI hY. Gr kihx leI afvyNgI qF hor vI sony qy suhfgf hovygf nfly Gr vI pqf hoAU beI sivwqrI dy byty df ivafh hY. sivwqrI kihx lwgI TIk hY BfjI sMzy nUM mYN Gr afvFgI nfly BfbI nUM vI kih idaFgI. rivMdr ny Gr jf ky afpxI pqnI nUM dwisaf ik sivwqrI ny afpxy byty df ivafh dy idwqf hY. kihMdI sI mYN Gr vI kihx leI afAuxf. quhfzf kI ivcfr hY? AusdI pqnI
The Patrika
ny rivMdr nUM ikhf jykr koeI ipafr nfl bulfey qF jLrUr phuMcxf cfhIdf hY. sLgn vfly idn rivMdr qy AusdI pqnI sivwqrI dy Gr phuMc gey. AuhnF nUM Gr afieaF dyK ky sivwqrI bhuq KusL hoeI qy kihx lwgI,” Bfa jI pihlF cfh pIE, bfad ivwc bfbf jI dy mwQf tyikE”. afey hoey sfry mihmfn pihlF pMzfl ivwc jFdy sn. cfh pfxI pINdy sn qy iewk dUjy nfl vDfeIaF sFJIaF krdy sn. ivafh vflf Gr hox kfrn bhuq rOxkF lwgIaF hoeIaF sn. pMzfl dy aMdr bfhr bhuq sjfvt kIqI hoeI sI. pMzfl dy sfhmxy kuJ Epry ijhy lok bYTy sn. rivMdr dI pqnI ny puiCwaf ieh sfhmxy bYTy lok kOx hn? Aus ny muV ky dyiKaf pMzfl dy sfhmxy kuJ pMj swq mMgqIaF bYTIaF sn. sLihrI hox kfrn AusdI pqnI ny puiWCaf, “ kI ienHF nUM iksy ny bulfieaf jf ieh lok afpxy afp hI af gey hn.” rivMdr ny ikhf. “Auh sfhmxy sVk bx rhI hY, BeIey rfxIaF hoxgIaF, ivafh vflf Gr smJky af geIaF hoxgIaF beI cfh pfxI pIx nUM iml jfvygf. pRfhuxy af jf rhy sn ienHF mMgqIaF vwl koeI nhIN sI vyK irhf. ieh mMgqIaF bws mUkpfqr bxIaF bYTIaF sn. ieMnHF mMgqIaF nUM koeI nhIN sI puwC irhf. ijvyN vfDU axswdy mihmfn hox. rivMdr qy AusdI pqnI ny plytF ivwc izsLs pfeIaF qy pMzfl dy sfhmxy iewk pfsy Klo ky Kfx lwgy. sfrIaF mMgqIaF AuhnF vwl vyK rhIaF sn. ijvyN AuhnF nUM iksy Bly dI AumId hovy. rivMdr vI soc irhf sI ik jykr ieh axswdy mihmfn cfh pfxI pI lYx qF ies ivwc kI hrjL hY? eynF rfsLn pwikaf ipaf hY. ienHF dy Kfx nfl ikhVf Gwt cwilaf hY. pqf nhIN ivcfrIaF ikhVy vyly dIaF bYTIaF hn. ieMny icr nUM iewk mMgqI AuhnF kol af ky Klo geI qy kihx lwgI, “ vy srdfrf sfnUM vI kuJ Kfx pIx nUM dy idE.” sfry Kfx lwgy hn. rivMdr soc irhf sI ik Auh ikvyN AuhnF nUM hOslf dyvy. Auh qF afp afm irsLqydfrF vFg ivafh dyKx leI afieaf hoieaf hY. AusdI koeI Kfs irsLqydfrI qF hY nhIN. bws sivwqrI dy nfl iewk srkfrI mulfjLm jLrUr hY! Auh mMgqI bolxoN nf htI hfr ky rivMdr ny ikhf, “bIbI qusIN vI ieQON plytF PV ky pvf lAu. nhIN srdfrf , asIN eyny jogIaF ikQoN? AunHF ny afpxI mjbUrI dws idwqI.” iPr iewk hor mMgqI AuhnF kol af ky Klo geI qy kihx lwgI, hfVHy vy vIrf asIN svyr dIaF eyQy KVHIaF hF, sfnUM iksy nhIN puwiCaf.
Ahu vyK BeI rfxI nUM pkOVy pf ky dyx zhy. asIN qy iPr vI ies ipMz dIaF hF. sfnUM vI kuJ Kfx pIx nUM dy idAu. Auh qrly kwZx lwgI.” pr hY Auh byvws sn. afpy pf ky Auh Kf nhIN sn skdIaF. rivMdr ikAuNik iewk piVHaf iliKaf bMdf sI Auh smJ rhIaF sn ik Auh sivwqrI dy nyVy df irsLqydfr hY qy vDyry phuMc vflf hY. eysy krky Auh bfr bfr rivMdr vwl af rhIaF sn. ajy Auh afps ivwc gwlF hI kr khy an ik sivwqrI vI AuDroN GuMmdI GumfAuNdI hoeI rivMdr hoxF dy kol af phuMcI. kihx lwgI BfjI cfh pfxI pI ky Auwpr Cwq qy bYT jfieE. sfry gYst Cwq qy Duwpy bYTy sn. rivMdr ny ikhf sivwqrI TIk hY asIN qy Duwpy cly jfvFgy qy afh mMgqIaF. ieMnI gwl ajy Ausdy mUMh ivwc sI ik sivwqrI ny ikhf, koeI gwl nhIN Bfa jI ieh sfzy ipMz dy mMgqy ny. ipMz dy bfhr ieMnHF df zyrf hY. ieh ieQoN dy pwky vsnIk hn. pihlF gYstF nUM cfh pfxI ipaf leIey iPr jo sry bxygf ienHF nUM vI dy idaFgy. nfly ienHf ikhVf huxy bMd ho jfxf rfq qwk qury rihxf ieMnHF ny. ieh gwl sux ky sfrIaF mMgqIaF AuhnF dy duafly iewkTIaF ho geIaF. ijAuNdf rih srdfrf. qyry puwq ijAux. rwb bhuqf dyvy. BMzfry Bry rihx. pqf nhIN ikMnIaF ku asIsF dyky AuhnF ny rivMdr dI JolIaF Br idwqIaF sn. iPr Aus koloN irhf nf igaf qy Ausny dubfrf iewk mMgqI nUM ikhf bIbI qusIN vI ieQoN plytF PVo, bihry koloN pkOVy qy miTafeI pvf lvo. rivMdr dy eynF kihx dI dyr hoeI ik do mMgqIaF ny plytF PVIaF bihry koloN miTafeI qy pkOVy puafey qy BuMjy bYh ky Kfx lwgIaF. Auh soc irhf sI ik ienHF grIbF dy Gr ikhVf kVHfeI qfxI huMdI ey. jjLmfnF dy GrF qoN hI ienHF nUM afs huMdI hY. ieh lok ivcfry AuzIkdy rihMdy hn ik kdoN iksy dy Gr ivafh hovy qy ieMnHF dy vI rojLy KuwlHx. ieh kI hoieaf bfeI? quhfnUM iksy swdf Byijaf? sivwqrI df shurf AuWcI AuWcI AunHF nUM bolx lwg ipaf. mUMh cuwk ky af vVdy ny. gMd pfieaf ies mFgq jLfq ny. dwso Blf sfzy nfl quhfzI koeI irsLqydfrI ey? ies qrHF AuWcI avfjL c bolidaF sux ky sfry irsLqydfr iewkTy ho gey. kI hoieaf bfeI? hr iewk dUjy nUM puwCI jfvy Auh mMgqIaF kuJ vI nhIN sn bol rhIaF. afpxy afhry lwgIaF rhIaF. KihVf Cuwtdf nf vyK ky rivMdr bol ipaf. kuJ nhIN hoieaf BfeI sfihb. kI Prk pYx lwgf? eynf rfsLn pwikaf ipaf ey, Krfb ho jU. kuwqy ibwlI dy awgy suwtx nfloN qy cMgf iksy iensfn dy mUMh pY jfvy. AuDroN hwt ky Auh rivMdr nfl KihbVn lwg ipaf. “nhIN”
PAGE 45 ipRM: jgqfr isMG srdfr jI, qusIN smJ ikAuN nhIN rhy? ieh iBKfrI, ieh mMgqy. pqf nhIN Ausny kI kI pux Cfx mfiraf? AunHF grIbF df. sfrf rfsLn iBRsLt kr idwqf ienHF ny. Kfx dy Xog nhIN irhf. kdI nhfAuNdy nhIN ieh kwpVy nhIN DoNdy. pMzF nfl mYl cwkI iPrdy ny ieh. ieh rfsLn hux ikvyN KfeIey. rivMdr ny bhuq ikhf, BfeI sfihb, kuJ nhIN hoieaf, quhfzy rfsLn nUM. qusIN vI iewk pfisEN pf ky Kf lvo. sfry Kfx lwgy ny. kuJ nhIN lwgf ieMnHF dy hwQF nUM. ieh vI iensfn ny rwb dy Byjy hoey. iehdy ivwc jLfq kujLfq vflI koeI gwl nhIN. abf qbf boldf hoieaf Auh pMzfl ivwcoN bfhr clf igaf. Aus ny iksy cIjL nUM hwQ nhIN lfieaf. rivMdr soc irhf sIik rwb ny vI kI ieh bMdy bxfey hn? keI bhuq amIr qy keI bhuq grIb. grIbF ivcfiraF nUM kOx puwCdf? ieh qy ivcfry do jhfn qoN Dwky hoey ny. Auhdy mn ivwc keI qrHF dy svfl AuWT rhy sn. ieh lok mMgqy ikAuN bxy? kI smfj ny ieMnHF nUM mMgqy bxfieaf? jF hlfqF ny ieMnHf nUM mMgqy bxn leI mjbUr kr idwqf hY. kI ieh afpxy ipCly jnmF df koeI sMqfp Bog rhy hn? sfzIaF srkfrF ieMnHF mMgiqaF df kuJ nhIN kr skdIaF. jykr srkfrF df mn hovy qF ieMnHF mMgiqaF dI igxqI Gwt skdI hY pr dUjy pl hI Ausny soicaf “nhIN” ieh qy AunHF df vot bYNk hY. pwky votr hn srkfr dy. jdoN ielYksLn isr qy afAuNdf hY, isafsI lok ienHF JuwgI JOpVI vfilaF dy GrF sfhmxy zyrf lfAuNdy hn. pYsf idKf ky KrId lYNdy hn; ieMnHF grIb lokF nUM. ies krky kI loV hY, ienHF dI hflfq suDfrn dI? Kfxf Kfx qoN bfad sLgn AuhnF ny sivwqrI nUM PVfieaf qy Gr vfpsI leI bws awzy phuMc gey. bws ivwc bYT gey. bws ivwc bYTidaF Ausdy sfhmxy AuhI mMgqIaF dy ichry GuMmdy rhy. Auh sfry rfh AunHF mMgqIaF dy BivwK nUM suDfrn leI socdf irhf. Auh mn ivwc ivcfr kr irhf sI ik ieMnHF grIbF nUM pVHfeI ilKfeI nfl kI vfsqf? ieh qy ivcfry pyt pflx qwk hI sIimq hn. bws mMg ky Kf ilaf. ienHF socF ivwc zuwbf Auh Gr dy moV qwk jf phuMcf. AusdI pqnI ny rivMdr nUM ikhf, “ jI Gr jfx qoN pihlF sLnI leI koeI Kfx pIx vflI cIjL lY ilE svyry GroN qurn lwigaF roNdf sI.” PAGE 45
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Help for managing mental health over the holidays (NC) The festive season can be both the best and the worst of times. We are faced with social commitments (or lack thereof), financial pressures and family expectations. It’s also a time that for many can be shaped by grief over loved ones no longer with us. Our personal resources can be stretched to the limit, and in the face of heavy demands and high how you feel physically as well as stress, we often let our own physical mentally. and mental health slide. Watch your alcohol intake, espeSo, what can you do? Here are some cially in the face of a stretch of time ideas: typically marked by less sleep than Take breaks to clear your head and usual. On that note, commit to getting get some fresh air. Make time for enough sleep. a class, climb on an exercise bike, When you need support, reach out in or just take a brisk walk around the a way that suits you, whether it’s talkblock. ing to a close friend, speaking with Don’t let your eating habits go off your family doctor, locating local track. Overdoing it and not balanc- mental health resources or trying an ing your intake will negatively affect online mental health support. PAGE 46
Friday, November 30th, 2018
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Call Harj 604-309-1111
Call Harj 604-309-1111
32564 PEARDONVILLE ROAD * Split Entry home, 3 storey * 6 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms * House size: 2,177 sq. ft. * Lot size: 6,600 sq. ft. * 2 bedroom LEGAL suite * Vaulted ceilings, wood fireplace * Fully fenced, flat backyard * Central location
Call Harj 604-309-1111
2247 WINDSOR STREET * Rancher/Bungalow w/Bsmt * over $300,000 in renovations * 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms * House size: 3,713 sq. ft. * Lot size: 16,366 sq. ft. * Unauthorized suite * Detached shop w/ 200 amp power * Contact me for a list of features Call Harj 604-309-1111
LOTS FOR SALE Call Harj 604-309-1111
Friday, Nov 30th, 2018
Thinking of Buying or Selling? Give me a call today! Residing in the Fraser Valley for the past 20 years
#110-30485 Cardinal Ave
Abbotsford, BC V2T 0E5
Friday, Nov 30th, 2018
Sukh Malhi
Personal Real Estate Corporation
iksy vI qrHF dI pRfprtI KRIdx jF vycx leI suwK mwlI nflL sMprk kro ING
2151 Meadows St. Great Location & Big Lot !Spacious Rancher with over 2600 sq ft of living space; 8300 sq. ft lot with a fenced back yard. In a quiet neighborhood, close to schools,Mill lake park, shopping and close freeway access.Three bedrooms up with two down along with large rec-room, full bathroom and large storage room. A new patio deck will help you enjoy this west facing back yard. Sevral Updates Include New roof, vinyl windows, New Paint, New Furnace & water tank, Updates Bathrooms. A truly great family home. Call today to View......
$ 759,000
2060 Broadway Street
31031 Southern Drive Amazing West Abbotsford home On a Corner Lot, offering 5 Bedrooms and 3 Baths. Large Double Garage and lots of parking . Recent upgrades include New paint,New Floors,Blinds & Kitchen Counter top.Close to all levels of schools & Grocery Stores . Don't forget the new Highstreet Mall is just blocks away! 3 bedrooms upstairs Great value & a great location. Patio area to enjoy the private backyard. This is the perfect home! Walking distance to shopping, transit and parks. Call today to View......
32173 Mouat Drive Great location!Investor or First time buyer alert. Just Steps Away from all levels of Schools. This home located on Quiet cul-desac! This 4 bdrm/2 bath home has legal suite. This home needs TLC - Either bring it back to its former glory or build your dream home here.
$ 799,000
124 3160 Townline Rd.
Office 604.855.0800
$ 729,000
52 31098 Westridge Place
315-2962 Trethewey Street
3106 Mouat Drive
Super bright and spacious unit in the popular Cascade Green complex. With 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, you'll love the modern feel and open plan. New Carpet, New paint, New Granite Counter tops newer lighting fixtures. Huge covered deck, in-suite laundry with lots of storage, walk-in closet in master, 3 pc ensuite with stand-up shower, QUIET LOCATION IN THE COMPLEX, the list goes on! One parking stall with additional spots available, pets allowed with restrictions.
Great location! Just Steps Away from both Schools. Simply gorgeous home located on large corner lot with gated RV parking! This 5 bdrm/3 bath home! This home sits on 6550 Sq ft of land. Some of the Updates new roof, new laminate floor downstairs, new paint, Large sundeck over double garage.
Call today to View......
$ 299,000
31914 Hopedale Ave
$ 779,000
99 3030 Trethewey St.
Friday, Nov 30th, 2018
RESIDENTIAL | Near Sikh Temple LD
3088 Princess st
2108 Vinewood st
$679,800 32372 Alpine ave, 5 bedroom, 2.5 bathrooms, 7738 sqft lot
2 Storey With Bsmt 5 Bdrm, 3.5 Bath Recroom & Bsmt Suite
44-31255 Upper Maclure 32043 Tims Avenue 32827 Hardwood place
House on 2 legal lots 12798 sqft
12240 sqft lot Duplex
2095 Beaver St
11-33682 Marshall rd 403-33960 Old Yale Road
34118 Larch Street 32107 Clinton Ave 2411 Adelaide st 122-2515 Park dr 2994 Eastview street
5.08 acres
20 Acres
12 Acres
10 Acres
planted in blueberries flat rectangluar parcel build your dream home 5 min from abbotsford centre
28218 Layman ave, Abbotsford 2 homes on 5 acres 2 acres in blueberries Near Abbotsford, Aldergrove
19.5 Acres
565 MARION RD, ABBOTSFORD New listing Build your dream home Sumas prairie Drip irreg Duke & Elliot Variety 10 mins from sumas way
Flat fertile land Plant berries or other crops Near no. 3 rd exit
10 Acres
Sumas Prairie, Abbotsford
40721 No. 1 Rd, Abbotsford 12 Acres bare land 3 Bedroom hous
10 Acres
BEHARREL RD, ABBOTSFORD Planted In Blueberries Flat Rectangular Parcel Build Your Dream Home 5 Min From Abbotsford downtown
25.39 Acres
Full production blueberry 5 bedroom house (2012 built) near no. 3 rd exit
MISSION Good location Planted in Blueberries 2 bedroom house
32425 King Road..............................5 Acres 1723 Jackson Street.........................Appx 5 Acres 28028 layman avenue .....................Appx 5 Acres 6230 riverside street.........................Appx 5 Acres
69.29 Acres
6113 Beharrell Road..............................Appx 10 Acres 7.09 acres lot B Haverman ...................Appx 7 Acres 5111 Tolmie road................................... Appx 8 Acres 14627 Dixon road ..................................Appx 30 Acres
Friday, Nov 30th, 2018
Friday, Nov 30th, 2018
Amit Sudhakar
Nav Aulakh
Seller’s Agent 778.552.5658
Buyer’s Agent 778.347.8700
Exceptional Client Service & Professional Real Estate Advice RESIDENTIAL
32773 Cowichan Terrace
Make a huge 6000+ sq ft duplex on this 10680 sq ft lot . 3500 sq ft house built in 2018 with suite available in Chilliwack,
Asking $799,000
Maple Ridge Asking $7.6M • 19 Lot Subdivision
Maple Ridge Asking $599,000 • 6,200 sq.ft. Lots available
Site in Clayton Asking $15.5M 83 Unit Townhome site
25 unit townhouse site in South Surrey asking 5,625,000
Lots available in Abbotsford, Mission, Maple Ridge, Surrey and Langley
2 lot subdivision in Abbotsford on Babich st. Already application done.
Duplex lots in Delta Asking Price
10 Acre assembly in Langley Asking $1.8M/acre • Brookswood - for Mixed
2 & 3 Lot Development Potential in Abbotsford. Call for more info!
Site in Central Gordon Asking $7M • 50 Unit Townhome site
South Surrey Starting from $565,000/lot • 55 Lot Subdivision
44 unit apartment building in maple ridge with PLA. Asking 3.5 mill
Apartment site in Burnaby asking 7.5 million
1990 Coquitlam Ave. Asking $3.5M • apartment building 9 units available
42 unit apartment site in Abby asking 2.9 million
South Surrey half acre lot asking 1.6 million
South Surrey Asking $9.5M • 19 Lot Subdivision
10 Acre Blueberry Farm Asking $1.6M • Close to 256 & 16th Ave • Lots of outbuildings & 3 bedroom house. • Variety is Duke.
5050 157 Street Asking This is a 35.35 Acre blueberry Farm with very central location. Build your beautiful dream house to live in a country side living.
$4,499,000 .
Looking to sell your property ? Call us today for a FREE no obligation evaluation ! PAGE R6
Friday, Nov 30th, 2018
Reasons to Invest in Abbotsford Real Estate Solid reasons for investing in real estate If you invest in the stock market, which includes an assortment of equities, bonds, mutual funds and options, you are in for a rocky ride. 2002 will record the third straight year of losses for North America’s stock market indices. Many financial advisors suggest that if investors can not stomach the rapid rises and falls of a stock, they might want to consider investing elsewhere. Stocks are not for the faint at heart. It takes a great deal of stamina to survive the roller-coaster ups and downs of an investment that is heavily dependent upon economics. What about real estate? Has it done better than the stock market? Let us take a look at Bill and Marsha, who each have received a $10,000 inheritance. They are not sure where to invest their proceeds. Conservative Bill invests his $10,000 in the stock market. With interest in the Internet still growing, he puts it into a S&P 500 index fund. A renter, and inexperienced in the stock market, Marsha uses her $10,000 as a down payment on an $80,000 condominium. Fast forward – 12 years. Who did better on their investment?
Bill’s return Since 1990, the S&P 500 more than tripled. From his initial investment of $10,000, Bill made about $22,000, pre-tax. During the same period, the value of the S&P 500 quadrupled, so Bill's gain was roughly $30,000, pre-tax. Marsha – reaping the benefits of home ownership What about Marsha? During the same period, home values increased roughly 4 percent per year nationally. At that rate, Marsha’s $80,000 condominium is now worth about $126,000. If she sold it, her profit would be about $46,000, tax-free. On average, most Canadians invest and earn more in their homes than they invest and earn from their savings accounts, stocks, bonds and other investments. Gordon Pape, recognized Canadian author and financial advisor, suggests that home equity remains a cornerstone of most families’ wealth. Real estate is a solid, familiar investment In addition, there are several other solid reasons for investing in real estate: Forced savings. Contributing towards a mortgage automatically forces a family to save. Rather than paying rent, these monthly payments contribute to future security.
Appreciation. By nature of the demand and supply, home prices rise. According to the Edmonton Real Estate Board, a home purchased in January 1997 for $123,530 now sells for $167,000. Tax-free profits. When your home is your principal residence, and you sell it, you will not pay tax on any of the profits. This is one of the last and greatest advantages for building wealth left in Canada. Equity build-up. Your home will naturally rise in price, according to the market. In addition, you will be contributing to the reduction of your mortgage. The difference between what is outstanding on your mortgage and what your home is valued at, is your earned equity. Your equity is a valuable commodity that can be used to obtain additional financing, obtain a second mortgage, or move-up to a larger home. Real estate has long been recognized as an inflation-resistant investment, providing homeowners with a tangible incentive to save. Buying your own home, or investing in one, is widely accepted as one of the soundest financial commitments you can make. PAGE R7
Friday, Nov 30th, 2018
10 UPPER MACLURE SINGLE FAMILY LOTS PRE-SALE ON NOW Premium location near all amenities. West Abbotsford development with unmatched views. Now Accepting Offers. RS5 and RS5A Zoning. Don’t miss out on this one of a kind opportunity - no other lots in Abbotsford with this type of central and private location.
Friday, Nov 30th, 2018
Your Abbotsford Home Buying Team When you are buying a home there is an entire team of professionals ready to assist you in the many details that need to be completed for a successful real estate transaction. This article explains these key people and the roles they will perform during the process. Real estate agent A real estate agent is a professional trained in all aspects of real estate. This person can save you time and trouble. They may even save you money. That is because a Real Estate Professional has access to all of the homes available for sale, via the MLS® System. All licensed Real Estate Professionals use this national system. A home listed on the MLS® System is available to any Real Estate Professional in Canada. This is the number one place where buyers and sellers meet. More than 90 percent of homes available are sold through the MLS® System. Due to their training, experience, and industry connections, Real Estate Professionals are an invaluable resource. They have access to resources, and possess experience most people lack. They know the detailed steps involved to assist you in finding a home that meets your needs. They are also good negotiators who work on your behalf, to get you the best price. Here are the valuable services your Real Estate Professional will conduct on your behalf: Clarify your wants and needs so you do not waste time Preview properties for ones that most closely meet your needs Arrange appointments and showings Put you in contact with a network of resources for additional needs you might have, including mortgage brokers, lawyers, home inspectors and appraisers Tour the homes with you, and offer advice based on solid experience and understanding of the industry Keep you informed of factors that influence your buying decision Assist you with all closing details ensuring all items are handled smoothly and professionally Contractors If you are planning on making some improvements to your home prior to move-in, or sometime in the future, you will want to enlist the help of a credible contractor. This person can provide you with a price estimate on the work you would like completed. A good place to start looking for a reliable contractor is with your friends, business associates and your Real Estate Professional. You could also check with a home builder or hardware store. When you have collected two or three names, arrange for estimates. Ask for references and a sample of the work they have previously completed. When you speak with former clients, ask about price, length of time to complete the project, com-
Your home buying team
munication during the project and satisfaction with the completed project. When meeting with the contractor, ensure that he or she understands your needs and budget. They should inspect your home prior to giving you an estimate. If the project is being completed from architect’s drawings, be certain that the contractor has the specific details required. When you have completed the three estimates, review each one carefully. If there is a large difference between each price, get more explanation. A low price does not mean you will get the best work. Or on the other hand, the same could be said of the highest price. There are many factors to consider in a home renovation. A low price might mean that the contract has quoted low to get the work. Once the project is in progress, he might request payment for additional items not covered in the initial price. With a high price, the contractor may have factored in higher quality materials and higher workmanship. Prior to signing, be sure you understand the specific details of the contract including hours of work involved, type of products installed and quality of finishing work completed. Here are some guidelines to help you evaluate a quotation: Details – are all aspects outlined Costs – are all costs clearly stated Extra costs – is there a provision for going beyond stated price Project cap – the project cap should be clearly stated Timeline – can the work be reasonably completed by the specified date Inspections – will all inspections be handled in a timely manner Bookkeeping – ensure you keep all material receipts Subcontract – will any of the work be subcontracted, by whom and how long will it take, and who pays sub contractor as it clearly states. Appraisers In many cases, you may not have to hire an independent appraiser. Your lender usually requires an appraisal from their approved professionals, prior to the purchase of a home. Your Real Estate Professional will also prepare a CMA, "Comparative Market Analysis" for you, to establish a value range. If the home is unusual in some aspect, there are huge discrepancies between the Real Estate Professionals and the bank’s appraisal, you may want to consider an additional appraiser. Lenders A lender is anyone (a bank, your mother-in-law, a credit union, an institutional lender) who lends you money. As this financial commitment determines your future for many years to come, you will want to ensure you have a good relationship with this person or institution, with beneficial rates.
You can conduct your own search for a lender. First, get a copy of your credit history, available through Equifax. Then review the newspaper and other real estate publications and you will see the varying rates for institutions and banks. When you have got all the details established (employment history, credit history, price of home, etc), make an appointment and negotiate your best deal. Mortgage Brokers A mortgage broker could save you time and money. They do the legwork in finding the institution or lender which offers the mortgage terms and conditions that are best for your situation. This person works for you, not any particular lender, although they do have access to all available lenders. The lender will pay the mortgage broker a finder’s fee. Some, mortgage brokers, however may charge you a fee for these services. Lawyers/Notaries A lawyer understands the legal documents and other aspects of buying a home, from both the buyer and seller position. They work on your behalf, ensuring that all documents are properly prepared and you are protected. These legal details must be completed prior to possession date. Home Inspectors A professional home inspection could save you money, and headaches in the future. In a few hours this person will provide a complete, written review of your home, citing areas in good, fair or poor condition. With this report, you will have a good idea of repairs which will be required in a few years. You can make the purchase of the home conditional upon a satisfactory home inspection. If the home inspection reveals some defects, you could cancel the contract, renegotiate or require that repairs be completed by a specified date. Your Real Estate Professional may be able to recommend a skilled home inspector who has the background and knowledge to provide you with an unbiased review. The $300 – 500 you pay for this service is definitely a good investment. Scrimping on this detail or thinking you do not need an inspection, could cost you in the future. Insurance brokers For your safety and to protect your belongings, you will need to ensure you have insurance on your home and valuables. You can shop for insurance yourself, by phoning several insurance companies and asking for a quotation. Or, a broker can save you time and money, as they have access to information from insurance companies. Since your home is used as collateral against your mortgage, the bank insists you have full insurance to cover the property.
Friday, Nov 30th, 2018
Baldev Singh Gill
Kirandeep Singh Gill
604.825.8886 31046 SOUTHERN DRIVE
Very clean 3 storey house with a walkout basement in West Abbotsford. Heated kitchen, ensuite and a family room floors. New furnace and new central air conditioner. Roof was replaced few years ago. Close to all levels of schools, Fruiticana and Highstreet Mall. Call for more info.
Custom built 3 storey home with 2-5-10 years warranty in West Abbotsford’s newest subdivision. 4 bedrooms upstairs with 3 full baths. One bedroom with full bathroom on main floor. Walk out basement has 3 bedrooms , 2 full bath and very spacious media room.
2300 Sq. ft. Rancher with full basement is located in a quiet dead end street. 7700 Sq. ft. flat lot. Some recent updates are: New windows, new blinds, new washer/dryer, new carpet on stairs and brand new full bath in the basement.
Over 3200 Sq. ft. home in West Abbotsford. Several upgrades including: new laminate flooring in living and family rooms, new tiles in the foyer and kitchen, brand new blinds, only 4 years old roof, a fully fenced backyard and relatively new paint. Close to Rotary stadium, W.J. Mouat Secondary and Gordie Howe Middle School.
Farm Listing
3131 267A STREET
19.44 Acre Full Production 33629 Clayburn RD Blueberry Farm
11 year old 1/2 duplex with living, dining, kitchen, family room and 2 piece bath on main; 3 bedrooms and 2 full bath on upstairs. Single garage, fenced private backyard with covered patio and store. No strata fee, independent living, lot of privacy Close to elementary school.
2 Bed & 1 Bath Apartment on the Main Floor with 2 parking spots. Many upgrades in past few years including: Laminate floors, white baseboards, designer paint, blinds, counter tops, white appliances, bathroom tile around tub, vanity fixtures, electrical plugs & switches! Great location viewing the private common area.
3130 267A STREET
Duke and Bluecrop varieties. Very good production for 2017 Full irrigation system and machine pick. House and Barn.
16.32 acre income producing blueberry farm. 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 1950 sqft rancher. 100x40 barn, has 2 storeys, oversized doors on both ends of barn, extra concrete slab. Peat moss, Huge potential here! Close to town and Mission Hwy.
Hidden Costs of Selling Your Home The costs associated with selling
You have spent considerable time and money on home improvements to bring your home into "show" condition. You have taken the dog to the neighbours when your Real Estate Professional hosted open houses. You are pleased that your Real Estate Professional has negotiated the best price on your behalf. The offer has been accepted and you are all set for your move. Congratulations! You have accomplished a major milestone in selling your home. There are financial items you will want to consider upon the sale of your home. The buyer is typically responsible for these closing costs including: • legal/notarial fees for handling the sales transaction • disbursements or out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the lawyer or notary • property tax and utility adjustments • land transfer or "welcome" taxes
#207 1909 SALTON ROAD
As the seller, you will also have some debts to discharge before you can access your funds including: • real estate commissions • building location certificate or survey • legal and discharge fees • outstanding adjustments owed to the buyer • outstanding municipal/school taxes or public service • assessments • outstanding mortgage balance and any charges associated with discharging your mortgage early (if you are not transferring your mortgage to your new home, or the buyer is not assuming it) As fees and costs vary from province to province and city to city, your Real Estate Professional can advise you on the costs you are likely to face when selling your home. It is also a good idea to check with your financial advisor, your accountant and your lawyer prior to the sale.
Friday, Nov 30th, 2018
Friday, Nov 30th, 2018