December 7th, 2018

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The Patrika 604.852.2288 | “ B R I D G I N G

COMMUNITIES” Weekly | Friday Dec 7h, 2018 | Vol.23. No.12 | |

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The Patrika





Friday, December 7th, 2018

itAUn aWp, brykF, aYgjLfst, PrMt aYWz vrk, ieMjn irpyarjL, klWc, vftr pMp, trYnI srivs, XU- jfieMtjL, PrMt aYksl sLfPtjL afid

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mhwn ivAkqI hI mhwn smwj isrj skdy hn, AwE aunHw dy jSn mnweIey

hor jwxkwrI leI:

The Patrika


Friday, December 7th, 2018




ICBC CLAIMS afeI.sI.bI.sI dy dfavy

trfiel smyq asIN quhfzy Gr afky vI srivs idMdy hF




trfiel smyq

33222 Elz Xyl roz,aYbtsPorz, bI.sI. imlx leI apufieMtmYNt jLrUrI hY

isrP aYbtsPorz rihx vfilaF leI puwCigwC



The Patrika






mnuWKqf df jnm ipafr qoN hoieaf qy ipafr hI mnuWKqf df afDfr hY» mnuWK ipafr qoN pYdf ho ky afpxf m¨l CWz ky kurfhy pY quiraf qF Aus ƒ smJOx leI kuWJ safxy icµqkF ny vWK vWK r¨pF ivWc afpo afpxy cµgy as¨lF rfhIN kurfey pey mnuWK ƒ aslI rfh ‘qy ilaOx leI smyN smyN Auprfly kIqy, ienHf AuprfilaF dy kfiedy, kfƒn, as¨l jF isWiKafvF vWK vWK lokF dy vWK vWK Drm bx gey» ijvyN ihµd¨ Drm, bRfhmx Drm, isWK Drm, musilm Drm, Xh¨dI Drm, ikRÈcIan Drm afidk» ienHF DrmF dIaF aWgy hor vµzIaF hoeIaF qy ienHF dy as¨lI mWqBydF ny ienHF dy afpsI ByV krfey» ienHF ByVF ny keI sµsfr AujfVy qy keI sWiBafqfvF dIaF jVHF puWt ky asmfn vl kr idWqIaF» muslmfn Drm ƒ mµnx vfÜy bhuqy rfijaF ny ihµd¨ qy isWK Drm ƒ Kqm krky sfiraF ƒ muslmfn bxOx leI K¨nI ndIaF vhfeIaF» aWj Bfrq ivWc ihµd¨ rfj dy muWdeI bfkI DrmF ƒ iksy nf iksy Zµg nfÜ ihµd¨ Drm ivWc bdlx leI qrlomWCI ho rhy hn» ikRÈcIan Drm ivWc BfvyN CotIaF CotIaF ivroDI pfrtIaF vI hn, ijnHF dy as¨l ieWk d¨jy dy pWky duÈmx hn, Auh hr moV qy prcfr krdy qy iltrycr vµzdy idKfeI dy rhy hn, tIcf AunHF df hY ik sfrf sµsfr ikRÈcIan Drm apxf lvy qF sfiraF dy sfry duWK sdf leI Kqm ho skdy hn»

(rfh dsyrf) hn, i˵dgI leI cµgy as¨l imÜ jfx qF jIvn svrg bx skdf hY pr smyN smyN bµdf Drm nfÜ hI DoKf krdf irhf hY» ienHF DoiKaF ƒ keI icµqk lokF ny jWg Ëfihr kIqf qF smyN smyN kurfhy jFdy lokF ƒ rfhy pOx dy mihµgy Auprfly kIqy» isWK Drm dy bfnI gur¨ nfnk dyv jI ny qF byiensfPIaF dyK ky rWb ƒ vI AulFBy dy idWqy» bfbr dy Ëulm qoN Kurfsfn qF rWb ny bcf ilaf pr ihµdosqfn c hr qbfhI hoeI- Auh axK afbr¨ dy hWk ivWc sWc boly-

ienHF dI soc qF TIk hY pr ieWk pfsy Drm hY qy d¨jy pfsy kOx hY? [[[ d¨jy pfsy bµdf hY» bµdf Drm df Brm pfÜ irhf hY, DrmI nhIN hY, bµdf Drm df vpfrI hY, Drm dy nF qy ivBcfrI hY»

asIN hr Drm dIaF pusqkF qy motI ijhI Jfq mfridaF moty moty as¨l kWZy hn jo ·bx ky ieWk hI n¨r qoN, bµdf bdly rµg afp jI ƒ eys qrHF pyÈ krdy hFnykI, syvf, sFJ ƒ, iCWky idWqf tµg» (igWl morFvflI) 1[ikrq kro, ikrq KfE qy ikrq PYlfE»

sfhF surq gvfeIaF, rµg qmfsy cfie» bfbr bfxI iPr geI, kuier nf rotI Kfie» iensfn dy hYvfnI kihrF ny lokF ƒ eynf duKI kr idWqf ik rWb dI hoNd ‘qy lok ÈWk krn lWg pey» muslmfn mhfn s¨PI kvI buWlHy Èfh ny qF kOVf sWc kih idWqfisjdy kridaF Gs gey mWQy, nf rWb qIrQ, nf rWb mWky ijn pfieaf, iql n¨r anvfr ieÈk dI nvINEN nvIN bhfr ies mhfn s¨PI kvI ny bhuq vWzf sWc boilaf hY ik hr bµdf rWbI r¨p hY, hr bµdy ƒ rWb smJ ky ipafr kro, afDfr kro qy siqkfr kro» sfƒ ies PYsly qy sµquÈtI nhIN imÜI

2[BuWKy, loVvµdF dIaF loVF p¨rIaF krn Drm bµdy ny bxfey» mnuWKI jIvn dy duWKF leI kuWJ dfn kro» ƒ suWKF ivWc bdlx leI smyN smyN DrqI 3[hWk prfieaf nfnkf, Aus s¨ar Aus dy hr ihWsy dy DrmI pIr, PkIr, gur¨, gfey» rihbr pRgt hoey» AunHF mnuWKI jIvn dIaF cµgIaF kdrF kImqF dI BfÜ kIqI, ienHF 4[hr duKI ƒ suKI krn leI kuWJ kro, Aus suhxy as¨lF dy sµgTn ƒ Drm dI AupfDI dIaF asIsF dI Èbnm quhfzf bfg bhfrF idWqI geI» so Drm lokF leI mfrg drÈn ivWc bdl dyvygI»


Friday, December 7th, 2018

sB Drm inµidaf, cuglI, iksy leI BYVf KuÈIaF df KËfnf hY» gur¨ sfihb kihµdy socxf qy BYVf krnf psµd nhIN krdy qy hnafE asIN ienHF rfhF qy qurIey» nPrq, ijn pRym kIE, iqn hI pRB pfieE inµidaf, cuglI, DrmF dIaF vµzIaF, ËfqF dy pfVy, grIbI amIrI dy vrqfry, mfVI bfbf buWlHy Èfh kihµdy hnsoc, BYVy afkIdy, AUc nIc df mItr, loB, jF mYN rmË ieÈk dI pfeI hµkfr, kroD, duÈmxIaF, afqimk sfVy, ieh sB kuWJ iksy iensfn ƒ hYvfn bxOx mYNnf q¨qI mfr mukfeI leI kfPI hn» aµdr bfhr hoeI sPfeI jy srIr iensfnI hovy qy soc, kihxI qy ijq vl dyKF Xfr E Xfr krnI hYvfnI hovy qF ijµdF suWK dIaF syjF nhIN mfx skdIaF, Auh duWKF dy BFbVF df ieÈk dI nvINEN nvIN bhfr» syk hI hµZfa skdIaF hn» Coty huµdy pµjfb ivWc spIkrF ‘c vWjdy ieWk so sfƒ mnuWKI jfmf imiÜaf hY, afE afpF irkfrz ny duibDf ivWc pf idWqf sI, Aus nrkF dy cfly CWz ky svrgI rfhF vl dy bol snruÉ krIey, qurn dy Auprfly krIey» ieh af jf ipafr kr ly, af jf ipafr kr ly Auprfly ies qrHF kIqy jf skdy hn·PrIdf jy q¨µ akl lqIP hYN qF kfÜy ilK pYsy koÜ hY nI qF AuDfr kr ly» nf l»K ies gIq ilKx vfÜy ƒ bhuq vWzf BulyKf hY, ·PrIdf bury df Blf kr, guWsf mn nf hµZfey Aus ƒ pqf hoxf cfhIdY ik ipafr ivAupfr dyhI rog nf lWgeI pWly sB ikC pfey» nhIN ho skdf, ieh qF r¨hF df vrqfrf hY» sfzy gur¨ jI kihµdy hn·nfnk iPWkf bolIaY, qn mn iPWkf hoie» jy qAu pRym Kylx kf cfE» ·imWTq nIvIN nfnkf, gux cµigafeIaF qWq isr Dr qlI glI morI afEÒ ·buWilHaf ieh kuWqy qYQoN AuWqy, ies sB kfsy df incoV ieh hY ik i˵dgI dy idny krn sfihb dI cfkrI, cµgy as¨l suWKF Biraf svrg bKÈdy ny qy rfqIN jf rVI qy sWqy» mfVy cfly nrk dy dr KolHdy hn»

ieh sB kuWJ sfry lokF qy nhIN ZuWkdf» bhuq lok mnuWK nhIN iensfn hn qy bhuqy mnuWK nhIN hYvfn hn» Auh iensfn ƒ vI mfVf igxdy hn, pr ieh soc QoV-icrI hY» cµigafeI burfeI ƒ Kqm krdI afeI hY, ies dy vfDy leI sfƒ sfiraF ƒ hr QF hr vyly, hr hflq ivWc XqnÈIl rihxf hovygf» sfry jhfn ƒ ipafr kro, ipafr

so afE, mn bxfE eyDr jfE jF EDr jfE sfƒ vI dWso ikWdF krIey surg hµZfeIey jF nrkIN mrIey Cotf ijhf jIvn hY, kuWJ kr idKfE nrkF ƒ vI surg bxfE» DMnvfd sihq, sµpfdkI mµzl»

The Patrika


Friday, December 7th, 2018



kOmF dy swKxy ihrdy

ietlI ivwc PfsLIvfd aqy jrmnI ivwc nfjLIvfd df Bog pYNidaF bhuqf smF nhIN lwgf. kudrq df isDFq hY ky jdoN sMsfrI jIv rwbI jOhr nfloN tuwt ky sunIaF qy swKxIaf KMdkF dI dldl ivwc Dws jFdy hn qd suBfvk hI AuhnF dy ihrdy aqy mn KLlfa dI siQqI ivwc pRvysL krdy hn. rwbI isDFq hY ik ies bRhmMz dI koeI vI jgHf iksy hflq ivwc vI KLlfa dI siQqI ivwc nhIN rih skdI ilhfjf Auh lfjLmI hI BrI jfvy. mnwuKI jIvn sFrIaF hI jUnIaF df isr mOr hY. ies df jIvn mnorQ rwbI aMsL ivwc pRvysL krnf hY. agr iksy mMdBfgI dsLf dy kfrn ies dy ihrdy ivwc swKxqf pRvysL kr jfvy , qd suBfvk hI inrXqn hI vfihgurU dI joiq aQvf rwbI jOhr iksy pYgMbr dy rFhI aQvf prf drgfhI sLbd dy rFhIN, swKxIaF kOmF dy Klfa nUM Br idMdf hY. ivrqIhfx smyN dI njKfkq nUM iDafn ivwc rwKidaF jdoN asIN rwbI jOhr vloN swKxIaF ho cuwkIaF kOmF dy jIvn qy iewk srsrI Jfq mfrdy hF. qd iswK kOm iewk aYsI kOm hY jo jIvn ivwc afeI suMjqf nUM sMsfrI pdfrQF, ivigafn ivwidaf, sLfsqrI hunrF, cMgf rihx sihx aqy sMsfrI rMg rlIaF nfl prI pUrn krnf locdI hY. pMjfb dy ipMzf dI Xfqrf ies iKafl dI sfKI BrdI hY ik pMjfb df iswK, iswKI jOhr nMU iqafg ky afqmk jIvn dy pqn dI crm sImF vwl aiq qyjI nfl vwD irhf hY. iehnF cIjF dy huMidaF hoieaf vI aMqRIvI qOr qy iehnF dI ijMLdgI ivwc swKxfpx inrXqn hI dyiKaf jf skdf hY. ieQy iewk aiq gMBIr pRsLn Auqpn huMdf hY ik ieh ihrdy rUpI DrqI suMnI aqy swKxI ikAuN hY? ies dIKq sMsfr df rcYqf Auh vfihgurU afp hY. ieh ikvyN ho skdf hY ik rcYqf nfloN tuwt ky AusdI rcnf dI pUrn sMpMnqf aqy prIupUrxqf nUM pRfpq kr sky Aukq drsfeI vfrqf df qwqvsfr aQvf aMqRIvI Bfv ieh hoieaf ky ieh suMqf dy kfrn dunIaF df iensfn rwbI pRvfr nfloN goXf prf sFJIvflqf nfloN tuwt ky zYmokRyitk pUMjIvfd (pMUjIvfd dI sFJIvflqf) nfl sFJ pfeI bYTf hY. nvMbr 2, 1983 ivwc iewk isrkwZ romn kYQoilk kflm nvIs ny iewk jnrl pypr ivwc lyK idwqf sI ik rwbI sFJIvflqf sMq jnF df mfrg hY. ijvyN :

PAGE 5 sMqf isMG qfqly

In the Presbyterian journal November agnI dI mfr qoN koeI ivrlf guriswK hI 2nd, 1983 the eminent Catholic columnist, bicaf hovygf jo gurmiq dI afbf nUM sMBflI Michael Novak, says of our sitiation: bYTf hovy. ijvyN: “Socialism is a system for saints, dfvf agin bhuq iqRx jfly koeI hiraf democratic capitalism is a system for bUt rihE rI .. sinners. That’s why he feels socialism (afsf m: 5 pMnf 384/2) won’t work in this world. asIN ies BfeIvfl suMnqf dy sihXogI ikvyN asIN iehnF mfrgF qy cldy cldy Qwky hI bx skdy hF? nhI, blik hus gey hF, hux qy dum dbf ky Bwjx vflI siQqI af bxI hY. ies qoN jdoN ik sfzy sfhmxy ieh mfrg aiq suMnf, AujiVaf hoieaf, by rOxk, vIrfnf, gYr ijLafdf pUC dbf ky Bwjx dI ikRaf ikQo ku abfd aqy Audfsinqf dy sMkyq dy irhf hovy. qwk krdy rhFgy? ikQoN ku qwk hor rsqy ies dy kfrn asIN aq inrfsqf aqy akyNvyN Bfldy rhFgy? ikwQy ku qIk aMny KUh dIaF dy dfiery ivwc pRvysL kr cuwky hF. asfzI kiVkIaF c Psdy rhFgy? iswKI jgq kol afqmk jIvnI lflc, iGrxf aqy ivBcfrI ieqnf smF nhIN hY ik ieh hor ieMqjLfr rucI dy kfrn DIry DIry dMm qoV rhI hY. kry. hor ieMqjfrI df arQ ieh hovgf asI ieMny inqfxy qy by afsrf ho cuwky hF ik ik ieh Aus mfrg dy pFDI bx cuwky hF jo iehnF burfeIaF dy cuMgl ivwcoN injfq hFsl DIry DIry iswKI dy srvnfsL vl vDdf jf krnI aiq kiTn ho jfpdI hY. avC hI koeI irhf hY. sLYqfn sfzI awDo- gqI nUM vyK ky aYsI ivDI lwBxI pvygI ijs dy afsry iehnF pUrI KflsfeI kOm df mjLfk Auzf irhf hY. qoN Cutkfrf pf skIey. aMiqRvI suwK sLFqI dI sLYqfink hwlfsLyrI df psfrf ieMnf ho cuwkf hY pRfpqI ihwq, ies suMnqf dy KLlfa nUM iksy ijs ny Dfrimk dunIaF dIaF muilk sLlfvF hIvn pRdfn krn vflI mMpMnsLIl vsqU nUM ihlf idwqf hY. Drm ieqnf KIxq ho cuwkf nfl Brnf hI pvygf. smF aqy sfgr dIaF lihrF kdy vI iksy df ieMqjfr nhIN krdy ik qusIN iqafr ho jfAu, asIN quhfzI Kfqr QoVf Tihr jFdy hF. pRcilq smyN dI rvfnI aqy smyN dI hkUmq ny iswKI dI qbfhI vfsqy Auh sfry hiQafr muhweIaf kr idwqy hn, jo sfzy jIvn dy hr gosLy ivwc psry pey hn, ijMnF dI vrqoN kIiqaF kOm dI brbfdI dy sMkyq idRsLtImfn ho rhy hn. mfJy df sUrmf ijs dy GoVy dIaF tfpF nfl dwrf KYbr dy pwQrF ivwc Qrfht iCV jFdI sI awj AuhI mJYl sUrmy afr aYs aYs dIaF nIkrF nUM vyK ky bUhy dy aMdr bYT ky jIvn dIaF GVIaF pUrIaF krn leI mjbUr hoey bYTy hn. kOmF dI qbfhI kdI vI iksy hiQafr nfl nhI kIqI jf skdI, blik kOmF dI AunmUlxqf (qbfhI) Aus vyly svYm hI ho jFdI hY, jdoN kOm dI siBaqf, Drm aqy kOm df Kfn pfn pihrfn KIxq kIqy jfx. awj pUry pMjfb ivwc iswKI Drm, aqy iswK Drm dI AunmUlxqf, pRcilq iswK ieiqhfs dI kurUpqf pRqwK qOr qy vyKI aqy suxI jf skdI hY. iswK Drm dy bgIcy nUM Kfs krky pMjfb ivwc dfvf agnI lwg cukI hY ijs dIaF AudfhrxF pMjfb dy hr ipMz ivwcoN, hr gurduafry ivwcoN, sLRomxI kmytI ivwcoN afm hI vyKIaF suxIaF jf skdIaF hn ik dfvf

hY ik Drm dI anyHrI ny swc aqy JUT dI pihcfx ryKf hI imtf idwqI hY. iensfnI jIvn ivwc apwdrqf, hPVf dPVI, gVbV Gutflf aqy Gbrfht jYsIaF siQqIaF ny kOm df muhFdrf hI bdl idwqf hY. adBuq gfQf qF ieh hY ik aWj df iswK ies krUpqf nUM hI, svqMqrqf smJdf aqy gurbq dy gRih nUM inwjI vqn smJI bYTf hY. ijvyN : kYdI hUM aOr kPs ko cmn jfnqf hUM. gurbq ky gLmkdy ko vqn jfnqf hMU.


The Patrika




Friday, December 7th, 2018


Why avoid the bank’s Critical Illness Insurance

BRINDER GILL (Insurance Expert) (Bachelor of Commerce).


hen you arrange a mortgage with your financial institution, you are offered to buy critical illness insurance with your mortgage. This benefit will pay off your mortgage should you be diagnosed with a critical illness that satisfies their policy definitions and requirements. Here is why you must say “no” to the bank:

Here’s why you should buy a personal • You do not own the policy. They control your policy and the plan instead. You own your policy. coverage you receive. You decide the coverage you need. • They can cancel your policy • Only you can cancel your at any time, without your permission. policy at any time. • They can raise your premiums at any time, without your permission. • You premiums are guaranteed • Your coverage terminates in writing not to change. when you refinance your loan. You Your plan is portable. You will be required to re-qualify medi- • cally and your premiums will go up. can refinance your mortgage at any • If you switch to another bank time. Your plan stays intact and your that offers you a better interest rate premiums don’t go up. upon your mortgage renewal, you lose your coverage. Your premiums • Proceeds are payable directly will go up. to you. Pay down debt, mortgage or • Your coverage is decreasing out of country medical treatments. while your premiums remain level. This is a very expensive form of • You chose the length of covercoverage. age: 10, 20 years to age 65, to age 75, • The proceeds are payable or to age 100. only to the mortgage company. You get nothing to aid in your physical • Obtain coverage of up to 25 recovery. illnesses. • Most banks limit their coverage to age 65. What about the next • Benefit from our experienced 10 years, when you are at the highest and licensed independent brokers risk? The banks win, you lose. who will help you to find the best • Illnesses covered are restrictsolution. ed from 3 to 8 at best. • Most loan officers are not licensed to be insurance agents. They cannot, by law, provide you with insurance advice as they are not trained or qualified. PAGE 6

For a no obligation appointment, please call me at 604-825-9697 or email me at abbotsfordbranch@

The Patrika


Friday, December 7th, 2018




Abbotsford Falcons Rise Up to Victory and win Provincial Championship


he Abbotsford Falcons Peewee good tackle or block. Also the helmet Black won the provincial title slaps as the players passed each other this pass Sunday over the South lining up.

side Dawgs from the island who this year had a by to the big game wile the Falcons had to play a semi-final game against the Champion of the VMFL, the North Surrey Cardinals. The Falcons representing the VCFL won the coin toss to start the game, this high octane offence got right on the game to score their firs TD of the game, followed by an outstanding defense that just allowed one first down to the Dawgs team all game long, the Falcons offence work like all season scoring in all but one of their times to the ball leading to the final score of the game of 46-0. The players that score on this game were Elijah Black and Joel muller with one td each Jaden Sharma and Rielly Mcdonal with two td’s each and five kick 2 points conversions for Jaden Sharma. All this wouldn’t be possible with out the offensive line and block from the receivers too. The defense showing of speed and response to the ball carrier make impossible the running game for the islanders.

Back Row: Laurie Clark - Manager, Luis Garcia - Head Coach, David Bench - Trainer, Cindy MacDonald Trainer

Abbotsford brought big crowds to cheer them up between trumpets, air horns and even a (Indian drum, called a dhol) and loud cheering from the parents and friends that created a great atmosphere.

The Falcons completed a flawless season of 12-0 to win the provincial title, with a high scoring offence that put out 465 points and steel like defense that allowed just 6 points all season long. The Falcons played three preseason tournaments on which they start to show signs of good teamwork winning two first places and a second place. After that they didn’t look back and won 12 straight games including the provincial title!

Sundays game against the Nanaimo south side dawgs was indeed the culmination of the hours put in. The falcons organization was proud to watch the sportsmanship demonstrated by both teams as players on both squads helped each other get up off the field after a

Second Row: Derek Black - Coach, Leonard Kleiber - Coach, Ethan Kleiber - Coach, Bo Sidhu - Coach, Gurbir Dherari - Coach Third Row: Rajan Sidhu #58, Steven Bowering #52, AJ Dawit - #57, Santiago Llarena #10, Aryan Dawit #54, Evan Bhatti #53 Fourth Row: Stu Bolanos - Coach, Gabe Currie #48, Tyler Ste. Croix #66, Jeevyn Pangli #63, Justyn Lobban #82, Balkaran Khehra #85 Fifth Row: Ishaan Sahota #84, Ryelly MacDonald #44, Cade Handy #21, Jaggi Sangha #65, Jaiden Sharma #22 Bottom Row: Rohan Dherari #12, Kalan Bench #20, Matthias Wall #27, Joel Muller #23, Phoenix Trolland #89, Mahlon Peters #88, Elijah Black #17 Season recap


The Patrika






pvn "igwlF vflf" Kfb kdy vI socF ivwcoN muwky nhIN cuMnI vfly kdy iknfry tuwky nhIN. XfdF sfey vFgMU hr pl nfl myry supny kdy vI awKIaF vfly twuty nhIN. bx pRCfvF nfl myry qUM qurdf rhyN qfhIN asIN qf zoly jF kdy ruky nhIN. PwulF vFgMU hwsdf ichrf rwiKaf ey pqJV dy ivwc af ky vI asIN suwky nhIN. qyry nFa dI nfm-KumfrI cVHI rhy nYxI-nINdr huMidaF vI asIN suwqy nhIN aFdr aFdr tohdF hY jd ipafr iqrf, ruwqoN kdy vI huMdy asIN kruwqy nhIN. nIly-nIly aMbr ivwc AuzfrIaF ny DrqI nfloN "pvn" ajy asIN tuwty nhIN.


Friday, December 7th, 2018

The Patrika


Friday, December 7th, 2018





The Patrika






Friday, December 7th, 2018


aint Soldier & Rózsa wrote the song “Dark around the realities of domestic abuse. Shades” in an effort to spread a message of A kickstarter campaign, to fund the hope and self love while raising awareness production of the music video, is running until December 16th.

From the valley of British Columbia comes this unique approach to speaking out against domestic violence. A song, which follows the story of a mother in an abusive marriage as she fears for her and her son’s life. Rózsa says, “Music is an effective way to spread a message. We can only hope this song comes on strong and unveils the courage someone may need to take a step to better their lives or those around them. This isn’t just speaking to the women (or men) experiencing abuse but also to the abusers, hopefully they can see the situation in a new light.” Saint speaks on how the song came to be: “The subject matter of domestic abuse is something I’ve personally wanted to speak on for years. I only recently found the courage to write this song, alongside my new wife, Rózsa. We wrote most of this song last year and now we have a team around us ready to shoot an impactful video, we just need help from our fans to match our grant funding from CreativeBC.” The video is planned to have dark, yet stunning, elements. There are flashbacks, “where did I go wrong?” moments and a twist ending. The message of hope sits pretty in Saint’s third verse, “Diamonds that come from pressure glisten the most but you gotta be dug up and gotta be found and you’re the only one that can dig you up from beneath the ground” Instead of writing about attaining diamonds, they write about creating them. Hallelujah. PAGE 10

The Patrika


Friday, December 7th, 2018





Dhami Narang & Company LLP (“DNC Lawyers”) was established in 2010 by Rajan Dhami and Amrik Narang. With the help of our valued clients, DNC Lawyers has now grown into a mid-sized law rm with of ces in Abbotsford and Surrey, British Columbia. To serve our clients best, DNC Lawyers has an experienced team of 9 lawyers to cater to the individual needs of our clients. Every member of our law rm strives to provide outstanding service to produce the best results for our clients.


We use a collaborative team approach to your legal problems to get you the best results possible. We are only happy when you are happy and realize that our success depends on referrals from our client base.

rfjn DfmI aqy amrIk nfrMg vloN 2010 ivwc sQfpq kIqI geI sI. sfzy suihrd klfieMts dI mwdd nfl DNC Lawyers ny qrwkI kridaF imwz sfeIjLz lfa Prm bxf leI hY, ijs dy dPqr bI sI dy sLihrF aYbtsPorz aqy srI ivwc hn. afpxy klfieMts dIaF smUh musLiklF nfl nijwTx leI vwzy qjLribaF vfly 9 vkIlF dI tIm iqafr ho geI hY. afpxy klfieMts dIaf qmfm smwisafvF dy hYrfnIjnk nqIijaF leI hux awzI cotI dy Auprfly kIqy jfx gy.

qswlIbKsL proPYsLnl syvfvF quhfnMU vDIaf knMUnI nqIjy dyx leI asIN sfry sFJI tIm dy qOr qy Xqn krdy hF quhfzI KusLI hI sfzI KusLI hovy gI, asIN mihsUs krdy hF ik sfzIaF sPlqfvF quhfnMU idwqy cMgy nqIijaF AuWqy hI inrBr hn.

REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS We deal with all matters relating to the sale and purchase of residential and commercial property. By contacting us before you sign a contract, you can make sure your rights are protected. We will provide you with reliable and timely legal advice. PURCHASE & SALE: RESIDENTIAL ·Negotiating and Drafting Agreements of Purchase and Sale ·Acting for Buyers or Sellers on Purchases and Sales of New Homes, Condominiums, Assignments, Recreational and Cottage properties ·Acting for Borrowers or Lenders on Mortgage Transactions ·Advising Borrowers on Mortgage Liability PURCHASE AND SALE: COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL

·Purchases and Sales of Commercial Real Estate

Apartment and Office Buildings ·Land Purchases or Sales ·Acting for Borrowers or Lenders on Mortgage Transactions ·Advising Borrowers on Mortgage Liability ABBOTSFORD OFFICE

Dhami Narang & Company LLP Suite 301-2975 Gladwin Road Abbotsford, BC V2T 5T4

ICBC CASES We handle a full range of ICBC personal injury claims, including head injuries, broken bones, soft tissue injuries, muscle strains, psychological injuries & others asIN afeI sI bI sI nfl sbMDq iNnWjI srIrk swtF PytF ijnHF ivc isr dIaF swtF, tuWtIaF hWzIaF, koml itsULaF dIaF cotF, pWiTaF dIaF sWtF, mfnisk ivgfV aqy hor hfnIaF sLfml hn, dy klym hYNzl krdy hF. THE LAWYERS AT DNC PROVIDE COMPREHENSIVE LEGAL SERVICES IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS:

zI aYn sI dy vkIl iehnHF syvfvF ivwc quhfzI pUrI mdd kr skdy hn: Personal Injury / ICBC Business / Corporate Commercial Litigation Real Estate Wills / Probate Estate Litigation

prsnl swt jF af sI bI sI kfrobfr / kOrpryt kOmrsLIal mukwdmf rIal iestyt vsIaq jF pRobyt jfiedfd mukwdmf

rIal iestyt trFjLYksLns asIN vpfrk aqy rhfiesLI jfiedfdF vycx aqy KRIdx sbMDI sB kfrjF df kMm krdy hF. koeI vI kOntrYkt sfeIn krn qoN pihlF sfzI islfh jLrUr lvo. asIN quhfnUM qswlI kr ky dwsF gy ik quhfzy hwk syP hn ik nhIN? asIN afp jI nUM tfeIm isr shI aqy BrosyXog kfnUMnI msLvrf idMdy rhF gy.

prcyjL aYNz syl rYjLIzYNsLIal •KrId aqy vyc dy sihmqI zrfPitMg aYgrImYNts •asIN vycx vflLy dI vI aqy KRIdx vflLy dI vI shI mdwd krdy hF ijvyN nvyN Gr KrIdx, kONzmInIams, rhfiesLI dsqfvyjL. mn-prcfvy vflLIaF aqy kfitj prfprtIjL leI. •mfrtgyj idvOx ivwc asIN KRIdx vflLy dI vI aqy vycx vflLy dI vI mdwd krdy hF •KRIdx aqy vycx vflLy dI mfrtgyj Xogqf bfry dwsdy hF

kmrsLIal aqy ieMzstrIal prcyjL aqy syl •kmrsLIal rIal iestyt aYpfrtmYNt aqy afiPs iblizMgF dI KrId aqy vyc •jLmIn dI KrId aqy vyc •vycx vfilaF aqy KRIdx vfilaF leI mfrtgyj trFjLYkisLn •KRIdx vfilLaF nUM mfrtgyj lfieibltI vfry shI slfh idMdy hF.

SURREY OFFICE Dhami Narang & Company LLP Suite 313-14928 Hwy 10 Surrey, BC V3S 2N5 Toll Free: 1-877-864-6131


604-864-6131 PAGE 11

The Patrika




Friday, December 7th, 2018




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The Patrika


Friday, December 7th, 2018


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď


“kudrq aqy mnuWKâ€? lKbIr ‘lWkI’ gWKV (aYbtsĂŒorz, bI[sI[- 604-825-0566) kudrq bhuq mhfn hY, kudrq df rol leI do do aMg bhuq hI mhWqvpUrn hYÂť afpF Ă‹rf ku vI pÂŽdfn kIqy, iDafn dy ky socIey qF pl ivWc hI “qUM DMn ieWk kM m nf hYNâ€? kih AuWTIdf hYÂť kudrq dIaF bKĂˆĂˆF, kry qF dUsrf rihmqF hI hn; ijvyN rfq-idn, grmI- shfeI ho jFdf srdI, DuWp-CF, mINh, hvf, aWg, pfxI, Bfv hYÂť ik hr vsqU, pdfrQ, ijs dI bdOlq hI afpF sfh lY rhy hF, bVf anMdmeI jIvn ies dy nfl hI kudrq ny bqIq kr rhy hFÂť kuJ srIrk mnuWK dI aMdrlI bxqr aqy kudrq dy inXmF qy gOr krIey ik ikvyN afpxI shUlq aMgF Ć’ ieWk leI, afpxy srIr leI do-do cIĂ‹F bKĂˆIaF ieWkihry hI hn, ijvyN: do aWKF, rWb nf kry ieWk aWK bMd rWKky pUrn rUp, pUrn suK vI bKiĂˆafÂť vI ho jfvy qF afpF dUsrI aWK nfl dunIaF ‘idl’ ieWk idWqf - ‘idmfg’ ieWk idWqf Br df nĂ‹frf lY skdy hF - ieWk kMn qoN â€˜Ă‹bfn’ (jIB) ieWk idWqI afid! mnuWKI jfmy sunx dy kfbl nf hoeIey qF dUsry kMn nfl ivWc af ky mnuWK sfry srIr dy dUhry dUhry dunIaF df Ăˆor GWt nhIN suxygfÂť nWk df ieWk aMgF Ć’ qy iekihry iekihry aMg (idl, pfsf bMd ho jfvy qF quhfzf sfh bMd nhIN ho idmfg, jIB) Ć’ vrq ky ikWQy df ikWQy phuMc jfvygfÂť dohF coN ieWk ikznI (gurdf) Krfb igaf hY? iPr rWb nf kry jykr kdy mnuWK Ć’ ho jfvy - ieWk PyPVf, kMm nf kry qF mOq bKiĂˆaf iekihrf aMg idl jF idmfg kMzm qoN iPr vI dUr hI hFÂť ieWk pfsy dI jfVH, ho jFdf qF kI afs ho skdI sI? dMd qklIĂŒ idMdI hovy qF qrHF qrHF dy Bojn Ckx df anMd Krfb nhIN ho jFdfÂť rWb aWj ieWk “idlâ€? ieWk “idmfgâ€? nfl mnuWK nf kry- ieWk hWQ, pYr, lWq jF bFh clI ies mukfm qy phuMicaf bYTf hY - agr ies jfvy qF afpF inkMmy inkfrf nhIN ho jFdyÂť dy ‘do idl’ ‘do idmfg’, ‘do jIBF’ huMdIaF kudrq ny mnuWK dI Ă‹rUrq leI aqy shUlq qF Kvry ies ny kI krnf sI?

Exceptional Quality Blueberry Nursery Stock

BLUEBERRY PLANTS Sidhu Growers is British Columbia's leading quality blueberry nursery. At Sidhu Growers, we grow healthy, disease free, virus indexed and true-toname Blueberry plants. We specialize in growing blueberry plants and have 20 plus years of experience in the blueberry business.

  virus indexing Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â?  ­ Â? € Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â?

We are the only authorized nursery in Canada to sell Reka, a northern blueberry variety and have documentation from where the variety originated from, which is New Zealand, and have proof of it. Make sure when purchasing Reka you ask to see the signed authorization from New Zealand. Being the only authorized nursery to sell Reka we can provide you with this.

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When purchasing blueberry plants, buy from a reputable blueberry nursery that specializes in growing blueberry plants. Ask to see virus testing documentation. Make sure plants are produced from cuttings. Plants produced from tissue culture or cuttings taken from tissue culture plants tend to be difficult to machine harvest and require more pruning.

€ � � � � † „� „ � � � � � „ � � † … † �† … ‡ „ ˆ � � � � � …� � � � � � � � � ‰ Š† � � ‹� � � � ‰

We are committed to provide you with only the best blueberry plants available and guarantee it.

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We offer: • Expert Consulting • Competitive Pricing • Exceptional Quality Stock • A Wide Selection of Varieties • Complete Customer Satisfaction

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For Further Information or to Place an Order Please Call:

Kam or Harry: (604) 853-1775

32787 Townshipline, Abbotsford, B.C. PAGE 13

The Patrika





Friday, December 7th, 2018

Alcoholics Anonymous host Free Informational Luncheon t is our great pleasure to invite you and your colleagues to our informational free Luncheon for the Professionals this coming December 14th from 11:45 to 1:45 at the Abbotsford Arts Center. Through speakers, entertainment and fellowship learn how Alcoholics Anonymous works with the members in our community to help the still suffering alcoholics This is a "by invitation only" event


and tickets are limited so please contact or call 604 615 2911 for more information ASAP." If for some reason, at this late stage we are unable to reach you, please understand that you will be welcomed at the door regardless. If you have any questions please call me, Jim Rolston at 604 615 6264 or email wjrolston@ Thank you

Maternal stress at conception linked to children’s stress response at age 11

new study published in the Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease finds that mothers’ stress levels at the moment they conceive their children are linked to the way children respond to life challenges at age 11. SFU health sciences professor Pablo Nepomnaschy led an interdisciplinary research team on this first cohort study. Researchers measured cortisol levels from mothers-to-be starting before pregnancy and continuing through the first eight weeks of gestation, and then years later from their children. Their goal is to understand the associations between maternal biological stress around the time of conception and the development of their children’s stress physiology. Using urine samples to measure reproductive hormones, the researchers identified the day children were conceived, as well as the moms’ cortisol levels, a biomarker of physiological stress, during the first eight weeks after conception. Twelve years later, they studied how these children reacted to the start of a new school year (a well known “natural” stressor) and to a publicspeaking challenge (a frequently used “experimental” stressor). Maternal cortisol following conception was associated with different facets of the children’s cortisol responses to those challenges, and many of these associations differed between boys and girls.



Study lead author Cindy Barha, who worked under Nepomnaschy as a doctoral student, reports that sons of mothers who had higher cortisol in gestational week two had higher cortisol reactions to the experimental public-speaking challenge, but this association was not observed in daughters. In contrast, mothers with higher cortisol in gestational week five had daughters with higher ‘basal’ cortisol before the start of a new school term, but not sons. However, both sons and daughters had higher cortisol responses to the start of a new school term, and in response to the experimental public speaking challenge, if their mothers had higher cortisol during gestational week five. The biological mechanisms mediating these associations are not yet known, but are likely to involve genetics and epigenetics as well as environmental and cultural factors shared by moms and their children. “Stress plays a critical role not only in children’s ability to respond to social and academic challenges, but also in their development and health as adults,” says Nepomnaschy. The researchers will continue their investigations into the connection between maternal and child stress from the moment of conception onwards. The findings will help to develop successful programs and interventions that prepare children to live healthy and fulfilling lives and realize their full potential.

The Patrika


Friday, December 7th, 2018




Rick Hansen Secondary School Students Present at City Hub Day


his past November students from Rick Hansen worked on challenging questions provided by the City Of Abbotsford. These questions addressed some of the issues with trying to reach the population goal of 200,000 people in a short period of time. There were 18 projects to being with and narrowed down to 5 projects from grade 10-12 students who presented at the City Hub day. City officials, UFV reps, Rick Hansen staff, and the mayor himself evaluated the projects. Winners from Rick Hansen are awarded lunch with the mayor and gift cards. This was an amazing experience for the students and a great partnership between the City of Abbotsford and Rick Hansen Secondary.


The Patrika




Friday, December 7th, 2018


pMjfbI gIqfˆ ivwc svYiewCq jlfvqnI df drd

afriQkqf df pwDr AuWcf cuwkx dI lflsf ihq jdoN koeI ivakqI dyÈ Cwz ky prdys jfˆdf hY qfˆ Auh dyÈ vfsIafˆ leI prdysI bx jfˆdf hY. prdysI muV afpxI DrqI df aMg bxn dI locf rwKdf hY. Aus dI ieh iewCf afpxy Gr-pirvfr aqy mfq-BUmI nfl moh kfrn huMdI hY. nslI ivqkry df aihsfs, ivdyÈ ivwc sQfnk lokfˆ nfl iBMn-iBMn Drfqlfˆ ‘qy huMdf tkrfa, swiBafcfrk qxfa ijQy prvfsI nUM jfq-pfq, nsl, Drm afid dy qMg dfiery qoN bfhr inklx leI mjbUr krdf hY, AuWQy afpxI DrqI ‘qy afpxy dyÈ nfl joVdf vI hY.

svYiewCq jlfvqnI nfl sbMDq iPlmfˆikq pMjfbI gIq iviBMn pRkfr dy sMktfˆ nUM afpxy klfvy ivwc lYˆdy hn. kmËor afriQk siQqI dy bfvjUd hor pirvfrk jIafˆ smyq bhuigxqI mfpy afpxI nOjvfn aOlfd nUM pRdys Byjx dI iewCf nhIN rwKdy. Aumr dy vDx nfl AunHfˆ dI afqm-inrBrqf GtdI jfˆdI hY. Auh aOlfd dy prvfs nUM qrjIh nf idMdy hoey, Aus nUM afpxy kol rwKxf Auicq smJdy hn. pfsport bxn dI afrMBk pRikiraf qoN lY ky pfsport bxn qwk kdy Auh hAuky


Brdy idKfeI idMdy hn aqy kdy pfsport nfjfieË qrIikafˆ nfl bfhr jfˆdy pMjfbIafˆ dy guMm ho jfx dI duaf krdy hn : guMm ho aqy AunHfˆ dy pirvfrfˆ nUM kI-kI sMqfp Bogxy pYˆdy hn, ieh hkIkq jwg Ëfihr hY, pr jy puwqrf vy pfsport qyrf, iPr vI jvfnI bfhr jfx dI iËwd pugf ky qyry ibnfˆ idl cMn lwgxf nI myrf rihMdI hY. ivCoVy df swl sB qoN mfrU huMdf dyAUgf irËk rwb Gry hI bQyrf, hY. Auzfx vflI imwQI qrIk af jfˆdI hY. ies siQqI ivwc mUlvfsIafˆ dI qrHfˆ prvfs buwZI mfˆ dI vI qwk lY vrHys nUM, Dfrn krn vflf ivakqI vI zoldf nËr nf jf vy puwqrf nf jf, nf jf vy qUM pRdys nUM. afAuNdf hY: gfiek mlkU rwbf aYnf qUM pMjfb nUM amIr kr dy mo h -mfieaf dIafˆ qM d fˆ pR d y s jfx qo N rokdIafˆ vfsqy pfAuNdIafˆ nËr afAuNdIafˆ puwq kdy vI iksy df pRdys jfvy nf.(bljIq mflvf) hn : sfzy idl qoN puwC swjxf, asIN ikAuN prdysI zolI qyrI BYx dI nUM kOx hwQIN cfAUgf. hoey? ipAu qyrf buwZy vfry kIhnUM gl lfAUgf. Gr Cwzxy sOKy nhIN, Gr Cwzx vyly roey. gfiek mlkU (hrjIq hrmn) ivdyÈI suwKfˆ dI ckfcOND kfrn cMgyry BivwK qy KuÈIafˆ-KyiVafˆ Biraf jIvn bqIq krn GroN quridafˆ hI sky-sbMDIafˆ aqy XfrfˆdI iewCuk aqy iviBMn mjbUrIafˆ drsfAuNdI bylIafˆ dIafˆ Xfdfˆ prvfsI bx rhy ivakqI nOjvfn pIVHI ivdyÈ jfx leI biËd nËr dI mfniskqf nUM Gyr lYˆdIafˆ hn. prvfs afAuNdI hY. Auh prdys jfx leI gYr- AuprMq BU-hyrvy dI sur pYdf krdy prvfsI, kfnUMnI ZMg apxfAux leI iqafr rihMdI hY. guafcy Grfˆ nUM qlfÈdy nËr afAuNdy hn. afpxI mfq BUmI qy jwdI-puÈqI Grfˆ df

ivgocf AunHfˆ dy idlfˆ ‘qy BfrU rihMdf hY. purK pRDfn smfj dy ijhVy lfzly puwqr GrylU kMmfˆ ivwc hwQ vtfAux nUM afpxI byieËqI smJdy hn, prvfs dOrfn cuwlHy-cOˆky qoN lY ky mËdUrI, zrfeIvrI, cOˆkIdfrI, Pl qoVn, sPfeI krn ijhy kfrj krn leI Kud nfl smJOqf krdy idsdy hn: afty guMnHdy nUM bVf Xfd afAuNdI, nI byby qyrI afty dI icVI (ÈYrI mfn) prvfs Au p rM q afrM B k pVfa dO r fn prvfsI pMjfbI, pdfrQk suwK-shUlqfˆ dI pRfpqI vwl qvwjo idMdy hn. mMzI aqy bfËfr dI BfˆqI irÈqy inBfAux vflI dunIafˆ ivwc afpxf sMquln kfiem nf rwK skx vfly kuJ prvfsI ieh afKdy hoey vqn prq afAuNdy hn ik ‘mn df pMCI kYd, iewQoN hux AuWzxf cfhvy, ies inrmohI ngrI df, nI mfey hux moh nf afvy` (hrjIq hrmn) zflrfˆ dI ckfcOND jfˆ ipwCy gihxy rwKIafˆ ËmInfˆ nUM CuzfAux dI mjbUrI vs sMGrÈ dy rfh pey rihMdy hn. Auh vqn prqx jfˆ nf prqx df PYslf nhIN kr pfAuNdy. ijhVy nhIN prqdy mfipafˆ dI gwl nf mMnx

bfkI pMnHf 23 'qy

The Patrika


Friday, December 7th, 2018




NEW ERA TO BE OFFICIAL PARTNER FOR JERSEYS, ON-COURT APPAREL, HEADWEAR FOR FRASER VALLEY BANDITS, CANADIAN ELITE BASKETBALL LEAGUE International sports and lifestyle brand New Era Cap Co., Inc. will be the Official On-Court Partner as the licensee of all on-court apparel and product for the Fraser Valley Bandits as part of a five-year agreement between the Canadian Elite Basketball League and the apparel company announced Tuesday. Bandits merchandise is now available on the team’s website at The CEBL is the first basketball league ever to have a partnership with New Era. All six CEBL clubs will take to the court in May 2019 for the league’s inaugural season wearing jerseys that are expected to be unveiled next spring. “This is the first time New Era Cap will be featured on a basketball court

with uniforms and sideline apparel in addition to our line of fan gear and headwear that blends sports with lifestyle,” said Rick Baetz, Managing Director, Canada at New Era Cap. “The CEBL is all about delivering unique uniforms, apparel and headwear that will support the spirit of this new league.” A national league created by Canadians for Canadians, CEBL rosters will be comprised predominately of Canadians playing professionally during the traditional basketball season, along with international players and players drafted out of U SPORTS programs. The Bandits open the 2019 season on Thursday, May 9 at home against the Guelph Nighthawks at Abbotsford Centre.

'Tis the Season for Charitable Giving

(NC) After a year that feels particularly unkind, many of us are looking to give back this holiday season. Whether you've waited until the last minute to buy that perfect gift or you're just feeling extra charitable, here are a few ideas to get you inspired: asking your guests to bring a nonCharitable gift card. Canada Helps, perishable item to be donated to your a platform for donating online, sells local food bank. Another great way to charity gift cards for all occasions. gift food is through grocery stores, You can give these as a gift and your which put together pre-packaged bags recipient can redeem them online, full of goods that can be purchased choosing from 17,000 Canadian and dropped in a bin located in the charities such as Amnesty Interna- store so you can skip having to make tional. In fact, the organization itself the drop-off yourself. is a non-profit, making the decision Volunteer. There are plenty of charithat much easier. ties that require extra help around the Participate in a oy drive. Many workplaces take part in a local toy drive, an easy way to give to a child in need. If your workplace doesn't participate in one, try creating your own or buying a toy and gifting it through a drive at the mall.

holidays to sort toys, clothes and even turkeys. Local volunteer centres are a good place to start. They can help connect you with opportunities in your community.

Make a donation. December 31st is your last chance to make a donation Collect items for a local food bank. in 2018, and therefore the last chance Hosting a holiday party? Consider to reap the tax benefits this year. PAGE 17

The Patrika





Friday, December 7th, 2018

Accessibility grants help break down barriers to inclusion


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ixteen accessibility projects throughout British Columbia are benefiting from $500,000 in provincial funding that focuses on promoting greater accessibility and inclusivity for people with disabilities. The funding is being distributed through an accessibility project grant program administered by Disability Alliance BC (DABC). The 16 notfor-profit organizations will receive funding between $10,000 and $40,000, depending on the size and scope of the project. “People with disabilities can face barriers that prevent them from fully participating in their communities and workplaces,” said Shane Simpson, Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction. “What better way to celebrate International Day of Persons with Disabilities than to embrace projects that support people with disabilities to overcome those barriers?” On Aug. 15, 2018, DABC issued a call for proposals for community-based projects that promote greater accessibility and inclusivity for people with disabilities in B.C., and which focus on:

The grants support government’s commitment to create a more inclusive B.C. and are included in the 2018 Accessibility Progress Update, which was released on Dec. 3, 2018. The update highlights accessibility initiatives and successes from around B.C. that are helping make B.C. a better place for people with disabilities to live, work and play.

“Each project has tangible short- and long-term outcomes, including creating and enhancing opportunities for employment, education, sports and recreation, cultural engagement and employment and community connec- community participation,” said Sam tion Turcott, Disability Alliance BC’s executive director for programs and emergency planning and response policy. “Our collective goal is to emarts, culture and tourism power people with disabilities and I sports and recreation look forward to watching these projects unfold throughout the province.” education and learning community participation Successful projects were reviewed and chosen by a committee of representatives from organizations throughout B.C. that work with people with disabilities. All of the 16 projects will be completed by February 2020. “Our project will support people with disabilities in Prince George and adjacent communities to be better prepared


in the event of natural disasters, such as fire or flood,” said Alison Hagreen, executive director for the Prince George Brain Injured Group Society. “Wildfires have hit the North very hard in the last several years and we are thrilled to be able to help promote the well-being and security of some of our community’s most vulnerable residents.”

Since 1977, Disability Alliance BC has been a provincial voice in B.C. for people with disabilities, supporting people of all abilities to live with dignity, independence and as equal and full participants in their community. The alliance champions issues that affect the lives of people with disabilities through direct services, community partnerships, advocacy, research and publications.

The Patrika


Friday, December 7th, 2018




MP, Jati Sidhu and Minister of Defense, Harjit Sajjan visit Dasmesh Punjabi School eeping youth in our communities safe includes providing them with mentorship and keeping them on the right path. On November 30, MP Jati Sidhu joined National Minister of Defence Harjit Sajjan at Dashmesh Punjabi School, where both spoke about how the Kids Play Youth Foundation will work


with the school to develop young leaders through sport. According to Sidhu: “With the right guidance and leadership from positive role models, we can keep our kids engaged in their communities and equip them to make better choices in their own lives.”




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The Patrika




Friday, December 7th, 2018


vIizE gymfˆ, kfrtUn iPlmfˆ qy sfzy bwcy

hrI ikRÈn mfier awj df dOr, nvInqm sMcfr qknIkfˆ df msqI krnI cfhIdI hY. Aus nUM rvfieqI dOr hY. aKLbfr, ryizE, tYlIivËn, mobfeIl iKzOixafˆ nfl Kyzx df mOkf dyxf cfhIdf hY. Pon, ieMtrnYWt, soÈl mIzIaf aMqrgq vIizE gymfˆ dy pwK ivwc keI lok dlIlfˆ Pysbuwk, vtsaYWp ny jxy Kxy nfl rfbqf idMdy hn ik ienHfˆ nUM Kyzdy smyˆ bwcy dy idmfg bxf ilaf hY. ienHfˆ ny sfzy bwicafˆ dI jIvn nUM keI pfsy kMm krnf pYˆdf hY. ies leI jfc ivwc bVI qyËI nfl qbdIlI ilafˆdI vwKo vwK kuÈlqfvfˆ dI loV pYˆdI hY. vIizE hY. Coty Coty bwcy smfrt Pon aqy tYblt gymfˆ bwicafˆ dIafˆ mfnisk kuÈlqfvfˆ nUM dI vrqoN krn lwgy hn. bwcy aYplIkyÈnj hor cMgyrf bxf idMdIafˆ hn. jdoN bwcf zfAUnloz kr lYˆdy hn. AupBogqf irportfˆ koeI aijhI Kyz Kyzdf hY, ijs ivwc Auh qoN pqf lwgdf hY ik bIqy vrHy 75 imlIan qoN afpxy idmfg nUM isr `qy peI muÈikl vwD amrIkn bwcy afnlfeIn srgrmIafˆ df hwl lwBx ivwc muhfrq hfsl krnf

ivwc BfeIvfl bxy. pMj sfl dI Aumr dy 50 PIsdI bwcy roËfnf kMipAUtr `qy kMm krdy hn. swq jfˆ awT sflfˆ dy bwcy roËfnf vIizE gymfˆ Kyzdy hn. bwcy mfqf ipqf nfloN iËafdf vkq afnlfeIn srgrmIafˆ ivwc ruwJy rihMdy hn. Pysbuwk leI Gwto Gwt 13 sfl Aumr df hoxf ËrUrI hY, pr bVI hYrfnI huMdI hY ik awj 5 imlIan bwcy ijnHfˆ dI Aumr ds sfl qoN Gwt hY, Pysbuwk dI Èfn nfl vrqoN kr rhy hn. mfˆ bfp ieh soc ky bfËfroN vIizE gymfˆ KrId ky lY afAuNdy hn ik ienHfˆ gymfˆ nfl Kyz ky, AunHfˆ df lfzlf bwcf PurqIlf bx jfeygf. Aus dI buwDI QoVHI qyË ho jfvygI, pr mnoivigafnI ies nfloN Ault socdy hn ik vIizE gymfˆ bwicafˆ dy mnfˆ AuWpr burf pRBfv pfAuNdIafˆ hn. ieh bwicafˆ nUM smfrt nhIN bxfAuNdIafˆ. iewQy ieh dwsxf bVf ËrUrI hY ik do sflfˆ qoN Gwt Aumr dy bwcy df idmfg ivksq ho irhf huMdf hY. bwcy nUM tYlIivËn, vIizE gymfˆ nfl irJfAuxf Kqrnfk ho skdf hY. ies mOky `qy bwcy nfl gwlfˆ krnIafˆ cfhIdIafˆ hn. Aus nfl hwisaf Kyizaf jfxf ËrUrI huMdf hY. Aus nfl PAGE 20

isKfAuNdf hY. aijhIafˆ kuJ vIizE gymfˆ ivwc aYˆgrIbrzË, kwt dI rop afid muÈkl df hwl qlfÈx aqy dlIl ijhy gux bwcy nUM isKfAuNdIafˆ hn. AunHfˆ df kihxf hY ik ies qoN ielfvf Xog pRbMDn aqy XojnfbMdI krn df gux vI ienHfˆ Kyzfˆ qoN bwcy iswK lYˆdy hn. AunHfˆ df qrk hY ik ienHfˆ gymfˆ nUM Kyzdy smyˆ bwcy nUM qurMq socx, Xojnf bxfAux, PtfPt inrIKx, Jwt PYslf lYxf, ijwq vwl vDx df qrIkf af jfˆdf hY. keI mnoivigafnIafˆ df kihxf hY, “aYkÈn gymfˆ Kyzx vfly bwcy iËafdf drusq aqy qyËI nfl PYslf lYx vfly huMdy hn. AunHfˆ nUM siQqI nUM vfcxf aqy smJxf afAuNdf huMdf hY. gixq aVfAuxIafˆ, qrk, ivvyk, XfddfÈq, iekfgrqf ienHfˆ gymfˆ ËrIey inKfry jf skdy hn.`` dUjI qrP keI aijhy mnoivigafnI vI hn jo vIizE gymfˆ, kfrtUn iPlmfˆ bfry bVf kuJ nfˆh pwKI vI kihMdy hn. keI vfr nfˆh pwKIafˆ dI dlIl vI mn ivwc soc pYdf kr jfˆdI hY. Auh kihMdy hn ik vIizE gymfˆ ivwc kuwtmfr, ihMsf bwicafˆ nUM gusYl bxfAuNdI hY. icVicVy bxfAuNdI hY. vIizE gymfˆ Kyzx vfly bwcy smfijk qOr `qy iekwly pY jfˆdy hn. Auh nf qfˆ dosqfˆ nUM imldy hn, nf AunHfˆ nfl

The Patrika


Friday, December 7th, 2018

Kyzx jfˆdy hn. Auh qfˆ afpxy pirvfr dy mYˆbrfˆ nfl vI KuÈ nhIN rihMdy. vIizE gymfˆ hkIkq aqy klpnf ivckfr ibKyVf KVHf kr idMdIafˆ hn. pRBfivq bwcy skUl ivwc mfVI kfrguËfrI idKfAuNdy hn. aiDafpkfˆ nfl bihs krdy hn aqy JgVflU ibrqI dy bx jfˆdy hn. bhfnybfË bx jfˆdy hn. pRIiKafvfˆ ivwc Gwt aMk pRfpq krdy hn. vIizE gymfˆ glq ÈbdfvlI aqy glq vqIrf vI bwicafˆ nUM isKfAuNdIafˆ hn. ieh gymfˆ bwicafˆ nUM afnlfeIn ËoKm Bugqx leI vI iqafr krdIafˆ hn. ieh gymfˆ bwicafˆ ivwc ns dbfa aqy ivafkulqf df sqr AuWcf cuwkdIafˆ hn. lgfqfr gymfˆ Kyzx vfly bwcy mnovygI vqIry vfly huMdy hn. aijhy bwicafˆ dy mnfˆ ivwc smfijk zr Jlkdy hn. ienHfˆ df mn iewk Qfˆ `qy iekfgr nhIN huMdf. ies leI afpfˆ kih skdy hfˆ ik ijwQy vIizE gymfˆ dy keI Pfiedy hn, AuWQy nuksfn vI Gwt nhIN hn. aijhy hflfq ivwc mfipafˆ aqy aiDafpkfˆ dI iËMmyvfrI bxdI hY ik Auh bwicafˆ nUM ienHfˆ ivwc sMquln bxfAux leI AunHfˆ df mfrg drÈk krn. bwcy nUM ieh smJfAuxf bVf hI ËrUrI huMdf hY ik vIizE gymfˆ, kfrtUn iPlmfˆ dy pfqr kflpink aqy mnGVq huMdy hn. ieh pfqr XQfrQ dy sMsfr ivwc nhIN ivcrdy. hr smwisaf




df hwl lVfeI JgVf krky jfˆ ihMsk ho ky nhIN inkldf. ijvyˆ ik kfrtUn iPlmfˆ ivwc nfiek hwl kwZdy hn. bwcy keI vfr vIizE gymfˆ vfly pfqrfˆ vrgy hoxf cfhuMdy hn. AuhI adfvfˆ krdy hn, AuhI kfrnfmy qy AuhI kwpVy pihnxy cfhuMdy hn. AunHfˆ nUM ieh ielm nhIN huMdf ik jo kfrnfmy kfrtUn kr skdy hn, hkIrq ivwc bMdy nhIN kr skdy. klpnf aqy hkIkq ivwc ËmIn afsmfn df Prk huMdf hY, ijhVf ik bwicafˆ nUM smJfAuxf ËrUrI hY. bwicafˆ nUM sfrf sfrf idn vIizE gymfˆ Kyzx, kfrtUn iPlmfˆ dyKx dI bjfey AunHfˆ nUM smyˆ dI shI vrqoN krnI isKfAuxI cfhIdI hY. QoVHf smfˆ sfQIafˆ nfl Kyzx, kuJ smfˆ ikqfbfˆ pVHn, kuJ smfˆ skUl vwloN idwqf kMm krn ivwc lgfAux, QoVHf smfˆ afpxy mfqf ipqf, BYx Brfvfˆ nfl gwlfˆ krn ivwc lgfAux leI pRyirq krnf cfhIdf hY qfˆ ikqy jf ky bwcy dI ÈKsIaq dI shI AusfrI ho skdI hY. AuNj alwg alwg iviÈafˆ `qy iqafr vIizE iPlmfˆ dyKxf koeI burf kMm nhIN huMdf. sgoN dyKI hoeI smwgrI, icr qwk iËhn `qy peI rihMdI hY. iksy Gtnf, vrqfry bfry sMklp hor spwÈt ho jfˆdy hn. aijhy smyˆ ivwc mfpy aqy aiDafpk dovyˆ imlky bwicafˆ dI shI idÈf ivwc rihnumfeI krn leI Xog BUimkf inBf ky bwicafˆ dy BivwK nUM AuWjvl bxf skdy hn.


The Patrika





Friday, December 7th, 2018



nited Nations-Associated Humanitarian NGO UNITED SIKHS Continues To Lead Advocacy

ment of Canada to create a special program under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act. The Minister of Immigration is already empowered by legislation to allow vulnerable minorities to come to Canada as privately sponsored refugees, directly from the country where they face persecution.

UNITED SIKHS welcomes the news that Canadian Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, The Honourable Ahmed Hussen, has moved forward the approval of asylum and resettlement for Afghan Through the petition, UNITED refugees. These refugees are currently living in a state of uncertainty on the SIKHS urged the Immigration Minister to: Indian side of Punjab. On 24, October 2018, UNITED Use the powers granted to him to SIKHS participated in a multi-party create a special program to help press conference and reading of a persecuted minorities in Afghanistan petition to bring Afghan refugees to Canada under a special program. This initiative was led by the Conservative MP Garnett Genuis. The petitions, read in the parliament by MPs of the Conservative Party of Canada, NDP and Green Party, asked the Govern-


Raise the persecution faced by this community with his Afghan counterpart Strongly advocate for more to be done to protect Afghan Sikhs and Hindus

The Patrika


Friday, December 7th, 2018




pMnHf 16 dI bfkI lwgxy keI sfl, myrI mfˆ nUM nf dwisE. gIqfˆ dy iPlmfˆkx vyly aijhy idRÈ iPlmfey (amirMdr igwl) jf rhy huMdy hn ijnHfˆ ivwc jfˆ ipAu Aus dy hyrvy ivwc lfcfr bYTf huMdf hY jfˆ Aus dI aijhI siQqI nfl sbM D q gIqfˆ ivw c mfˆ dI lfÈ ivhVy ivwc peI huMdI hY. nfrI prdysI dI gYrhfËrI ivwc Aus nUM imlx sMdrB ivwc dyKIey qfˆ prvfsI dI mUlvfs dIafˆ aDUrIafˆ swDrfˆ idl ivwc lY ky BYx ‘qy bYTI mfˆ, pqnI, mMgyqr, pRyimkf jfˆ BYx jfˆ DI dI zolI qur jfˆdI hY, mMgyqr Aus df dy nfrI Bfvfˆ dI qrËmfnI krdy gIqfˆ dy ieMqËfr krdI krdI hfr jfˆdI hY, isr bol vI vDyry krky gfiek pyÈ krdy nËr dy qfj nUM AuzIkdy mfpy iËMdgI df sPr afAuNdy hn. gfiekfvfˆ vwloN gfey gIq Gwt pUrf krky cly jfˆdy hn, AunHfˆ dI arQI nUM pRdysIˆ vsx vfilE vy, igxqI ivwc imldy hn. iPr vI dovfˆ vwloN moZf sfk-sbMDI idMdy hn. pqnI hovy qfˆ gfey gIqfˆ dy pRsMg ivwc gwl krfˆ qfˆ ienHfˆ kdy vqnIˆ Pyrf pf ilE vy. Gr-pirvfr dIafˆ iekwilafˆ iËMmyvfrIafˆ gfixafˆ ivwc npIVI geI sfDfrn aOrq dI inBfAuNidafˆ DOly af cuwky huMdy hn. vfaidafˆ hor ikqy kuJ cyqy Bfvyˆ nf rwKxf, dÈf pRsquq hoeI hY. Aus leI qfˆ dys vI aqy Broisafˆ dy bfvjUd prvfsI lMmf smfˆ pRdys dI BUimkf inBfAuNdf hY. Gr bYTI Auh iewk imwtI afpxI BuwilE nf, Gr-pirvfr vfilafˆ nUM imlx leI nhIˆ anyk iksm dy sMktfˆ nfl jUJdI hY, sMqfp iewk cyqy afpxI mfˆ rwKxf.(amirMdr igwl) prqdy qfˆ AunHfˆ kol Potoafˆ jfˆ tYlIPon rfhIˆ hMZfAuNdI hY aqy bMidÈfˆ nfl BrpUr jIvn Xfdfˆ sfˆJIafˆ krn qoN ibnfˆ hor koeI cfrf lwK pRdysI hoeIey, afpxf dys nI BMzIdf, ijAuNdI hY. ieklfpf Aus nUM Jwlf kr idMdf nhIN rih jfˆdf: ijhVy mulk[[[(gurdfs mfn) hY. afpixafˆ dI dUrI, ÈrIkfˆ vwloN idwqy duwK, Buwl jfx vfilaf ivsfr jfx vfilaf qfany aqy prvfsI vwloN idwqy jfˆdy vfpsI dy prvfs Dfrn krn qoN pihlfˆ dIafˆ Zfrs, kdy Aus nUM joVdy hn aqy kdy qoVdy: siQqIafˆ drsfAuNdIafˆ hn ik prvfsI ieh ijAuNdf rvHyˆ ijAuNidafˆ nUM mfr jfx vfilaf. hrBjn mfn) af vy mfhIaf kdy moV muhfrfˆ, vy qUM mulk supnf lY ky prvfs Dfrdf hY ik Dn dOlq vsf ilaf ikhVf dI pRfpqI AuprMq Auh dyÈ prq afvygf mUlvfsIafˆ nUM jfpdf hY ik zflrfˆ-pONzfˆ kfrn, Kud nUM mfVy nsIbfˆ vfly krfridafˆ pwly pey nf mukx vfly roixafˆ dI gfQf ibafn krdy hn. jdoN Auh bhuq kuJ guaf bihMdy hn qfˆ AunHfˆ df Gr-pirvfr, pMjfb, dyÈ, pRqI ipafr pMjfbI bolx, pVHn, dys AuzfrI mfrn aqy pMjfbI swiBafcfr nUM jIvn aMg vjoN svIkfrn dI iewCf sihq nËr afAuNdf hY:

aqy pirvfr smyq suwK-afrfm vflI iËMdgI bqIq krygf. hkIkq ivwc aijhf nhIN hoxf huMdf. prvfs Dfrn krn AuprMq anyk mfipafˆ dy prdysI puwq, pqnIafˆ dy pqI jfˆ BYxfˆ dy vIr lMmf smfˆ vqn Pyrf nhIN mfrdy. vqnfˆ dI Xfd Bulf ky, bYTf pRdysIN jf ky, idnfˆ hPiqafˆ sflfˆ vflf lf ky dyK ihsfb, E pMjfbI Èyrf swddf ey qYnUM ieh pMjfb. (mnmohn vfirs) Gr dI afriQk siQqI nUM AuWcf cuwkx leI prvfsI pYsy Bfvyˆ Byjdy rihMdy hn, pr pirvfr dy duwK-suwK ivwc Auh vyly isr ÈrIk nhIN ho pfAuNdy. PrËfˆ nUM pUrf krn dI cfh rwKx vfly mjbUr, sMvydnÈIl qy afpxy pirvfr leI iPkrmMd prvfsI jdoN CyqI dyÈ Pyrf nhIN mfr skdy qfˆ AunHfˆ prvfsI vIrfˆ rfhIN Gridafˆ nUM isrP afpxI suKsfˆd dI KLbr Byjdy hn, ijhVy vqn jf rhy huMdy hn: aMmVI dy sIny lwgfˆ idl qfˆ kr irhf bQyrf, eyQy vI rihxf pYxy pwQr ijhf krky jyrf mYnUM gl lfAux ‘c hfly, myry ipMz afAux ‘c hfly,

apxfAuNdI aqy afpxI hoNd nfl Bfr ZoNdI vI nËr afAuNdI hY. siQqI cfhy puwq nUM prdys Byjx vyly dI hovy qy cfhy prvfs hMZf rhy pqI dI: dUroN bYT duafvfˆ krdI aMmI, sfnUM nf kuJ ho jfey, zrdI aMmI.(siqMdr srqfj) afpxIafˆ dwbIafˆ Bfvnfvfˆ dy ieËhfr leI ijvyˆ nfrI-mn lokgIq GVdf irhf, Ausy qrHfˆ Gr-pirvfr aqy afpxy BUgoilk cOigrdy qoN dUr bYTy prvfsIafˆ aqy Aus df ivCoVf jrdy mUlvfsIafˆ dIafˆ Bfvnfvfˆ dI qrËmfnI krdy iPlmfˆikq pMjfbI gIq keI iDrfˆ nUM afpxy nfl joVdy pRqIq huMdy hn. Auh pRdysfˆ dy mUlvfsIafˆ nfl afpxy sbMDfˆ dy kOVy-imwTy anuBv, prvfsI nOjvfnfˆ leI agvfeI jfˆ hmdrdI Bry bol, pirvfrk ivCoVy dy swl, dyÈ nfl juVIafˆ Xfdfˆ, suKduK, hAuky-hfvy aqy idl dy gubfr nUM afpxy vrgy hor prvfsIafˆ qy dyÈ vfsIafˆ nfl sfˆJf krdy hn. mUlvfs aqy prvfs nfl sbMDq iPlmfˆikq pMjfbI gIqfˆ dy afDfr ‘qy kih skdy hfˆ ik bhuqy gIq nOjvfn muMizafˆ dy prvfs nfl sbMDq hn, kuVIafˆ dy prvfs nfl Gwt. grIn kfrz pRfpq krn dI ivvsQf hox AuprMq mwDvrgI pVHyilKy qy smfijk-mfnisk qOr ‘qy jfgrUk lokfˆ vwloN kIqf prvfs aqy buwDIjIvI lokfˆ df prvfs ienHfˆ gIqfˆ df kyˆdr-ibMdU nhIN bxdf. ienHfˆ gIqfˆ dI isrjxf mjbUrI ivwc kIqy prvfs, prvfsI vjoN drpyÈ sMktfˆ nUM AuBfrdI hoeI aqy iËhnI qOr ‘qy afpxIafˆ jVHfˆ df afsrf lYˆdy prvfsIafˆ aMdr imwtI df moh nf Gtdf idKfAuNdI hY. ieh gIq jIvn-pwDr AuWcf cuwkx leI AunHfˆ dy EvrtfeIm lf ky qn-mn df suwK vfrn nfl vI sbMDq hn. prvfsI afpxy Gr-pirvfr dy inwG qoN ivrvy rih ky qyË rPqfr iËMdgI nfl afpxf br mycx dI koiÈÈ krdy hoey AudfsI, iekwlqf, inrfÈf, bygfngI vrgy aihsfsfˆ nfl do-cfr huMdy nËr afAuNdy hn. mUlvfsI Bfvuk pwDr ‘qy prvfsIafˆ nfloN vDry duwK Bogdy nËr afAuˆuN hn. ies leI pMjfbI mfniskqf anusfr bhu-igxqI gfixafˆ ivwc prvfsI lfcfr qy ivzMbq mnuwK vjoN pRsquq hoieaf hY:

kfrn Aus df pirvfrk irÈiqafˆ qy dyÈ pMCI prq Grfˆ nUM af gey, ikAuN jI nhIN vwloN moh BMg ho igaf hY aqy jfˆ Aus ny iksy krdf qyrf? (jIq jgjIq) gorI nfl ivafh krvf ilaf hoxf hY. bhuq kuJ vI ho jfvy, hr rUp ivwc nfrI dI sfry gIq mfipafˆ dy ienHfˆ ÈMikafˆ dy shI afrËU pRdysI dI dunIafˆ afbfd rihx hox dI gvfhI Brdy hn: dy supny sMjoˆdI hY ikAuNik BfrqI smfj afey sfˆ kmfeIafˆ leI qy cwkrfˆ ‘c pY gey ivwc pirvfr KMizq nhIN hoieaf. ivafh krky ivafh qy vlYq jogy rih gey.(akrm nUM smfijk-swiBafcfrk kdrfˆ-kImqfˆ anusfr sfrI Aumr inBfieaf jfx vflf rfhI) bMDn svIkfr krdI hoeI, Auh irÈiqafˆ ivafh krvf ky AuQy isrijaf pirvfr, dy swiBafcfr nUM nhIN iqafgdI. mrd svYafriQk mjbUrIafˆ, KpqkfrI swiBafcfr iewCq prvfs Dfrn krdf hY, pr nfrI leI aqy afpxy dyÈ ivclf iBRÈtfcfr, byruËgfrI svY-iewCf vrgf Èbd inrfrQk hoieaf aqy grIbI prvfsI leI afpxf supnf jfpdf hY ikAuNik ienHfˆ gIqfˆ ivwc Aus dI sfkfr krn ivwc rukfvt bxdy hn. ajIb iewCf muqfbk kuJ vfprdf nhIN idKfieaf iksm dI srfpI jUn Bogdf prvfsI df jfˆdf. pqI dy prvfs kr jfx AuprMq Bfv pirvfr ieh vI socdf hY ik Aus ny afpxy pqI-pqnI dy ipafr-sbMDfˆ dI axhoNd dy ipMz dy pOx-pfxI aqy pirvfr vwloN byruKI bfvjUd smfijk iËMmyvfrI kbUlidafˆ Auh Dfr leI hY: Gr-pirvfr aqy bwcy sMBfldI hY. aijhf zflrfˆ BulfeIafˆ qYnUM tfhlIafˆ qy byrIafˆ, kridafˆ Bfvyˆ Aus dI mfniskqf pRBfivq huMdI hY qy hflq qrsXog bx jfˆdI hY iPr dUr qYQoN ipwplfˆ dI Cfˆ hoeI.(abrfr-AulvI gIqfˆ ivwc Auh nf qfˆ ivafh bfhrI sbMD hwk) bxfAuNdI hY aqy nf pirvfr vwloN byprvfh ijAuNdy jIa iewk vfr ipMz dI jUh ivwc huMdI nËr afAuNdI hY. ienHfˆ gIqfˆ ivwc Auh vVn dI iswk keI prvfsIafˆ df mUMh dyÈ pirvfr dI KuÈhflI leI prMpirk irÈiqafˆ vwl kr idMdI hY. mfipafˆ nUM acMiBq krn nUM kbUl krdI hoeI, qxfa nUM Bogx qoN myrf mfˆ dy hwQfˆ dIafˆ pwkIafˆ rotIafˆ, Kfx nUM bVf eI idl krdY. (mlkIq) ihq jy prdysI acfnk dyÈ afAuNdf hY qfˆ iknfrf krn dI Qfˆ sihxÈIlqf df gux


The Patrika




dzîÆ×z¶ôé Áå¶ ëËÇîñÆ ñÅÁ


auph`r kOr D`lIv`l


2459 Pauline Street Abbotsford, BC V2S 3S1

604-746-3330 Fax: 604-746-3331

auph`r kOr D`lIv`l

dzîÆ×z¶ôé Áå¶ ëËÇîñÆ ñÅÁ


ruibMdr (rOb) DMnU

ÇÕzîÆéñ ìÚÅÀ° òÕÆñ


• Immigration Appeals • Refugee Claims • Sponsorship & Citizenship • Permanent Resident & Green Card • Visas (Tourist, Employment, Student, Nafta) • Provincial Nominations • Investor & Business Applications

FAMILY • Divorce, Custody & Adoption • Child/Spousal Support • Provincial Court and Supreme Court


(ÁîðÆÕÅ Áå¶ ÕËé¶âÅ) • dzîÆ×z¶ôé ÁêÆñ • ÇðÇøÀ±ÜÆ Õñ¶î • Ãê»ÃðÇôê Áå¶ ÇÃàÆ÷éÇôê • êðîÅé˺à ðË÷Æâ˺à ÕÅðâ Áå¶ ×ðÆé ÕÅðâ • òÆ÷Å (àÈÇðÃà, Á˺êñÅÇÂî˺à, ÃàÈâ˺à, éËëàÅ) • êz½Çò³ôñ éÅîÆé¶ôé÷ • ÇÂéòËÃàð Áå¶ òêÅðÕ Áð÷ÆÁ»

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ruibMdr (rOb) DMnU


ÃÅìÕÅ ÕðÅÀ°é êð½ÃÆÇÕÀ±àð


âz¼× նû ÇòÚ ÇòÁÅêÕ å÷ðìÅ

• Drug Offences

• âz¼× Ãì³èÆ ç¯ô

• Assaults Including Domestic & Sexual • Impaired and Other Driving Offences • Theft, Fraud and Property Crimes • Weapons Offences • Proceeds Of Crime • Young Persons Charged with Criminal Offences RUBINDER DHANU



- Marijuana Grow Operations - Cocaine and Heroin Trafficking - Importing/Exporting


Friday, December 7th, 2018

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The Patrika


Friday, December 7th, 2018




inMmoJUx GVIaF gurbKÈ isMG p®IqlVI

gurdvwrw klgIDr drbwr

30640 Blueridge Dr, Abbotsford, BC V2T 5W3

BfeIcfrk qy mfiek nukqy qoN myry iek bVy kfmXfb imWqr ny keI vfr mYƒ puWiCaf hY, ik Auh kdy kdy ibnF kfrn hI Audfs ho jFdy hn, idl nhIN lgdf, koeI Gft vI idsdI nhIN, pr sB kuJ iPWkf iPWkf Bfsdf hY»

gurdvwrw klgIDr drbwr swihb AYbtsPorf ivKy

ieh inMmoJUx GVIaF iksy iek dI Éfs qklIÌ nhIN» sfzf sfiraF df ienHF nfl vfh pYNdf hY» sfl dy ivc iek do smyN Audfs ijhy igxy jFdy hn» sB kuJ Ausy qrHF hI huMdf hY, koeI mfVI Ébr BI suxI nhIN huMdI, qF BI iËMdgI BfrU BfrU ijhI mlUm huMdI hY»

Bog sRI AKMf pwT swihb Aqy lMgr syvw Bw: jgjIq isMG is`DU Aqy auhnW dy pirvwr v`loN

keIaF dI ieh hflq pWk vI jFdI hY, Éfs kr ivhly amIr afdmI iesq®IaF ƒ ieh qklIÌ iËafdf ny inMmoJUx GVIaF qoN ÉlfsI lYxI hovy, Auh huMdI hY» keIaF df nqIjf KudkuÈI inkldf hY, qy vyKx suxn vfly hYrfn huMdy afpxf AuqÈfh BÉidaF rWKx dy sfmfn hn-puCdy hn: Blf ies ƒ kI Gft sI? kfiem rWKy» ijnHF dIaF idlcspIaF idlmlvIaF nhIN, Auh ies rog qoN nhIN bc keI lok ies hflq qoN mËbUr ho ky sfDUaF skdy» KHyz, sfQ, kMm, mËfk, muqfilaf, sMqF kol jFdy hn, pfT pUjf ivc idl ipafr, ivhl, CuWtI, ipkink, lMmf sÌr, prcFdy hn, BgqI dy gurmMqr lYNdy hn» kdy kdy mUrK bx skxf, bWicaF nfl KyHz sfry rhsX-afÈrm qy KuÌIaf Dfrmk skxf iesq®I mrdF df rl iml ky KyzHxf jmfqF inMmoJUx GVIaF ivcoN pYdf hoey hn» - ieh sB smyN kMm ivc ilaFdy jf skdy mrIË afpxf ielfj tUixaF ivcoN lBdf hY, hn» ijhVf koeI iehnF nfloN afpxy afp ƒ ies ƒ rWb dy imlx dI qFG iÉafl krdf bhuqf gMBIr smJdf hY, Aus ƒ kdy kdy ieho hY, vYrfg df Aucf iÉqfb dyNdf hY, guÌfvF ijhIaF GVIaF df sfhmxf krnf pYNdf hY ivc jf kyy mn iekfgr krdf hY» ik iËMdgI dI sfrI joq buJ geI jfpdI hY» pr asl ivc ijsmfnI, jËbfqI jF idmfÊI afpxI afqmf dy hr Bfg ƒ Aus dy hWk idWqy ajoVqf huMdI hY» jd qk sfzy ijsm dIaF ibnF iËMdgIaF sfvIN nhIN qur skdI» ikqy mMgF, sfzy jËibaF dIaF rIJF qy sfzy ikqy iblkul hI aV KlovygI» jËibaF ƒ idmfÊ dIaF AuzfrIaF iqMny sfvIN qy pWDrI kfbU ivc rWKxf drusq hY, pr iehnF ƒ avsQf ivc nhIN ho jFdIaF, sfzI afqmf kuclxf bVf Éqrnfk hY» afpxy hr jËby inMmoJUx jF bykrfr rihMdI hY» dy ivkfs leI koeI Xog rfh lWiBaf jfey, jdoN kdy ibnF kfrn AudfsI afAuNdI mihsUs afpxy ijsm ƒ sMquÈt rWiKaf jfey, afpxy kro, srIr, idl, idmfg, iqMnF dI puWC- idmfÊ leI nvINaF AucfeIaF lWBIaF jfx» pVqfl kro» koeI sMq ies df ielfj nhIN bWcy ƒ jy koeI KyzH nf imly qF Auh ÈrfrqF dWs skdf» by-AumYd ivDvfvF, ajoV krdf hY, iesy qrHF jy sfzy idmfÊ ƒ AucfeI sfQIaF, anruWJy idlF Auqy AudfsI dy bWdl nf lWBy qF ieh toieaF vWl qWkx lWg pYNdf bhuqI vfrI afAuNdy hn» aÉlfkI, svY- hY» koeI idmfÊ jdoN AuqFh cVHxoN bMd ho bMDn afpf p®gt krnoN rokdy hn, ijs krky jFdf hY, qF hyTF jfx lWg pYNdf hY» iËMdgI Drm dI afV lY ky suqMqr kIqf jFdf hY» iek slfmIdfr cVHfeI hY, ijMnf icr afpxy supny kWsIaF hoeIaF vfgF ƒ iZWilaF kr aMdrly DWky nfl mnuWK AuqFh cVH skdf hY, ky idl ƒ tuWtxoN bcFdy hn» ieh agFh vWl qurdf hY, qy ruk jfx AuWqy pr ies avsQf df mUl kfrn iËMdgI ivc ies df sfrf Ëor iQVky pYr sMBflx ivc GtdI idlcspI hY» ies df ielfj AuqÈfh lWg jFdf hY, qy ijhVy nhIN sMBl skdy Auh ƒ iksy qrHF BÉidaF rWKxf hY» ijs iksy hyTF jf KloNdy hn»

ies h&qy dy pRogrwm dsMbr 7 Su`krvwr

sRI gurU nwnk dyv jI 550 swlw pRkwS gurpurb nMU smripq ArMB sRI AKMf pwT swihb Aqy lMgr s yvw Bw: jgjIq isMG is`DU Aqy auhnW dy pirvwr v`loN

dsMbr 9 AYqvwr

dsMbr 8 SnIvwr

Swm dy lMgr dI syvw AWcl kOr brwV Aqy auhnW dy pirvwr v`loN 16vyNjnm idn dI KuSI iv`c

dsMbr 9 AYqvwr

Swm dy lMgr dI syvw jobn isMG sMDU Aqy auhnW dy pirvwr v`loN ies swl nvMbr qoN lY ky AwauNdy nvMbr 2019 q`k, sRI gurU nwnk dyv jI dy pRkwS purb dy sbMD ivc gurduAwrw klgIDr drbwr swihb ivKy h&qwvwrI sRI AKMf pwTW dI lVI smUh sMgq dy sihXog nwl clweI jwvygI[ smUh sMgq nMU bynqI kIqI jWdI hY ik cl rhI lVI ivc sRI AKMf pwT swihb dI syvw lY ky gurU swihb jI dIAW KuSIAW pRwpq kro jI[

gurdvwrw swihb ivKy hwjrI Bry rhy pRcwrk isMG

• rwgI j~Qy – BweI jgjIq isMG jI hzUrI rwgI sRI drbwr swihb BweI hrimMdr isMG jI rofy • FwfI j`Qw - igAwnI hrdIp isMG jI mwxocwhl • kQw vwck – – igAwnI jsbIr isMG jI KuSidl

gurdvwrw swihb ivKy prRogwm b`uk krn leI sMprk kro

gurdvwrw swihb 604-504-5530, BweI jIq isMG is`D(U m`K u syvwdwr) 604-556-4089 igAwnI bic`qr isMG m`K u gRQ M I 604-600-1600

jdoN inMmoJUxqf afvy, afpxf kdm bdl gMBIrqf bWdlF vFg mOky mOky hI mn psMdI lvo» hQlf kMm CWz ky dUjf PV lvo, jF huMdI hY» bhuqf smF sfzIaF aWKF sUrjI iblkul insicMq ho ky afpxy sfQI ƒ ikqy ikrnF dIaF cfhvfn rihM d IaF hn» bfhr lY jfE» AuQy Auh gWlF kro, ijhVIaF inMmoJUx GVIaF df hnHyrf isrP iksy sUrjI KyVy nfl hI ilÈkfieaf jf skdf hY» KyVy qusF ikMny icr qoN nhIN kIqIaF» Kyzo hWso, dy ijMny vsIly hn, AunHF qoN iksy Aumr ivc eyQoN qWk ik Auh kuJ vI kro, ijs ƒ qusIN vI by-vfsqf nhIN hoxf cfhIdf» hux mUrKqf iÉafl krn lg pey ho» keI vfr mUrK bx skxf hI aklmMdI huMdI vDdI Aumr jy kdy kdy mrËI nfl bflpx, hY» iksy hor imWqr dy Gr cly jfE» ies nOjvfnI qy Br jvfnI nfl KVo ky suafd nhIN mfx skdI qF ies df keI vfrI hflq ivc pVHnf pVHfxf koeI bhuqf asr inMmoJUx GVIaF nfl vfh pvygf» koeI pUjf nhIN rKdf» iËMdgI dIaF keI cUlLF ivc pfT, gurmMqr jF iebfdq ienHF qoN Cutkfrf AuqÈfh df qyl KuÈk ho igaf huMdf hY, qy nhIN duaf skxgy» AuhnF dI “cIkUM cIkUM” AudfsI dIaF afvfËF AuqÈfh ƒ lfl BÉidaF rWKo - kdy TMZf bx ky p®gt ho rhI huMdI hY» nf hox idE - jdoN hrfrq Ërf vI Gty, sdf gMBIr iËMdgI sdIvI bWdlvfeI dI qn, mn, idmfÊ, iqMnF dIaF PUkF nfl Pyr inafeIN hY» ijhVy bWdlF dI grj sfvx qpf suWto» ivc sfƒ pINGF dy Jutfry dyNdI hY, Auh iksy ies BÉf ƒ kfiem rWKx leI kdy vI ÊYrhor smyN bVI zrfAuxI jfpdI hY» ijs vfjb vsIly vrqx dI loV nhIN pvygI» asmfn ivcoN kdy sUrj nhIN inkilaf, Aus iËMdgI ivc cMgy vsIly mMidaF nfloN bhuqy dy bWdlF dI GnGor Gtf AuWqy mor ppIhy hn» isrP ies gWl qoN jfxU hox dI loV nhIN boldy - bolxf qF kI, AuQy pYdf hI hY - ik AudfsI isrP AuqÈfh ivc BÉf df Gt jfxf huMdf hY» nhIN huMdy» PAGE 25

The Patrika



ALL KIND OF FORMS _ Indian Passport Application _ Canadian Passport Application _ India E Visa, Regular Visa, O.C.I. _ Pan Card _ EI Benefits, Sickness, Reporting etc. _ US Visa Application _ PR Card, Citizenship Application _ Security Licence Application _ New Born Child Registration w Child Benefits, w SIN w Birth Certificate

hr qr~ dy P`rm Brn ivc m@dd kIqI j~dI hY

Ph: 604-825-0408

Cedar Park Place, Abbotsford




Friday, December 7th, 2018

Government releases ICBC regulations, confirming direction overnment has released regulations on the auto insurance product changes announced earlier this year, increasing care for injured people while helping ICBC return to financial sustainability.


The regulations establish items including: updated treatment fees and types of treatments covered by ICBC, such as acupuncture and counselling, effective April 1, 2019, for both new and existing claims;

treatment of minor injuries to provide more consistent care for people injured in a crash; and

using registered care advisors as a new and increased accident benefits, new resource to support physicians. such as wage loss, will come into These changes to ICBC’s accident effect for accidents occurring on or benefits will cost an estimated $200 after April 1, 2019; million annually. This will be offset by an estimated saving of $1.2 billion the complete definition of a minor per year through reduced legal costs, injury as it relates to payouts for pain a limit on payouts for pain and sufand suffering, building on the legisfering for minor injuries and a new lated definition; dispute resolution model, resulting treatment protocol guidelines for ex- in projected net savings of $1 billion amination, assessment, diagnosis and annually.

The Patrika


Friday, December 7th, 2018




KIDS PLAY LAUNCHES YOUTH MENTORSHIP PROGRAM AT DASMESH PUNJABI SCHOOL n November 30, 2018, for the first time in the Abbotsford School District, Kids Play Foundation launched the Kids Play Mentorship Program for Youth, at Dasmesh Punjabi School (DPS). The program was officially inaugurated by Minister of Defence, the Honourable


elementary school level, who will foster strong life skills while being mentored by other young community leaders. With over 400 youth in our program, we will guide, teach and mentor these youth into the leaders of tomorrow, says says founder and CEO, Kal Dosanjh “These youth will go into the community and be the catalyst for change” he says. Kids Play is a non-profit organization committed towards keeping kids away from the lifestyle of drugs, gangs, and violence, by reinforcing a sense of belonging and self-worth in youth. Thus far, with 500 members, spearheading over 60 projects and 140 events, Kids Play has impacted over 40,000 youth through free programs since its inception in 2015. The free programs have been made available all across the Lower Mainland.

“Drugs and gangs is a community issue which impacts us all, Harjit Singh Sajjan and Honourable Jati Sidhu, Member of Parliament. and we cannot afford to work alone anymore while more children die The primary focus of the program needlessly”, says Dosanjh. "It takes is to develop strong leaders from a village to raise a child, and every

child deserves an equal opportunity and access to adequate resources to live a successful life." With over 17 years of law enforcement experience with his respective agency, Dosanjh served in one of North America’s most challenging and violent environments, the Downtown Eastside for approximately 8 years. His work in the Downtown Eastside, and the steady proliferation of youth entering the open air drug market, became the basis for ratifying and implementing programs for youth.. The programs focused on providing youth constructive outlets through the portal of sports. This served as the genesis in the founding of Kids Play Foundation. The bedrock and fundamental principle of all these programs is to establish a rapport with the youth through the medium of sports. Organized sports are being used throughout the world as a dynamic mechanism to engage youth of all races, genders, and classes. Through the initiative of providing the youth with an opportunity to play in organized sports tournaments, we strive to bridge a gap between the youth and adults in a constructive manner. In doing so, pro-

viding young people with a positive identity, feelings of empowerment, and sense of belonging whilst developing sportsmanship, leadership, teamwork and self-governance skills.

dsmysL pMjfbI skUl vl hoeI ikzs plya pRogrfm dI sLurUafq 30 nvµbr 2018 ƒ ikzs plya vloN dÈmyÈ pµjfbI sk¨l ivWc X¨Q slfhkfr sµsQf Èur¨ kIqI jf cuWkI hY» aYbtsPorz sk¨l izsitRkt pihlI vfr ikzs plya PfAUNzyÈn dy sihXog nfl X¨Q ƒ ieWk d¨jy dI slfh lY ky aWgy vDx ivWc AuqÈfihq krygf» asl ivWc ies pRogrfm dI Èur¨afq mfnXog rWiKaf mµqrI sfihb s[ hrjIq isµG sWjx aqy mfnXog mYNbr pfrlImYNt jqI isWD¨ rfhIN srkfrI qOr qy kIqI jf cuWkI hY» “ies kfrj df muWK inÈfnf aYlImYNtrI sk¨l pWDr dy ividafrQIaF ivWc mËb¨q lIzriÈWp pYdf krnf hY» ieh lIzr iPr hor kimAUintIaF dy lIzrF nfÜ iml jul ky Ausfr¨ soc df jfÜ buxngy» hux asIN qkrIbn 400 qoN vWD X¨Q ƒ afpxy pRogrfm ivWc ilafvFgy, jo mËb¨q joÈo KroÈI leI isWiKaq kIqy jfxgy, jo afAux vfÜy kWlH

dy lIzr hoxgy»“ ieh Èbd sµsQf dy moZI aqy sIeIE kYl dusFJ ny khy» AunHF afiKaf ik ieh isWiKaq X¨Q kimAUintI ivWc jf ky bVI qyËI nfÜ qbdIlIaF lY aOxgy»

kr skdy» hux qF hr ipµz ivWcoN koeI lfl pYdf hovy qy ieh bhuqy X¨Q juV ky ieWko ijhy mOky pRfpq krky, ieWko ijhy ËrIey pRfpq krky Xog agvfeI dyx dy smrWQ ho jfx»

AunHF sµsQf dIaF 17 sfl qoN vI vWD syvfvF df iËkr kridaF ikhf ik AuWqrI amrIkf ivWc bVIaF KqiraF BrIaF ihµsk siQWqIaF zfAUn tfAUn dy p¨rbI sfeIz qy qkrIbn 8 sfl hµZfeIaF, zfAUn tfAUn p¨rbI sfeIz qy AunHF dy kfrjF ny aqy X¨Q vWloN imly sihXog sdkf ielfky dI KuWlHI zrWg mfrkIt ƒ kfb¨ kIqf jo X¨Q dy pRogrfm leI cmqkfr isWD ho inWbiVaf, X¨Q ƒ Ausfr¨ rucIaF vfÜy pfsy aqy sports vl ruicq kIqf» ies qoN hI bWicaF dI sports sµsQf leI Xogqf pRfpq hoeI» ies prpWk siQqI imstr dusFJ ny ikhf ik zrWg aqy gYNgs ivWc moZI XogqfvF aqy sucWjy as¨lF ny X¨Q sfrI kimAUintI leI mfr¨ hn, sfzy bWcy hr leI sports df rfh cuixaF» XojnfbWD roË mr rhy hn qF asIN iekWly kuWJ nhIN sports sµsQfvF sfry sµsfr ivWc gqIÈIl

ikzs plya sµsQf munfPf rihq iek sµsQf hY ijs df tIcf bWicaF ƒ zrWgs, gYNgs aqy lVfeIaF qoN bcf ky surWiKaq jIvn jfc isKOxf hY» ies dI p¨rqI leI bWicaF ƒ aihsfs krOxf hY ik asIN sB ieWk brfbr dy hF» hux qWk 500 mYNbrF ny 60 qoN vWD pRojYkt clf rWKy hn aqy 2015 qoN hux qWk ies PrI pRogrfm muihµm nfÜ 40 hËfr X¨Q hm-sPr bx cuWky hn» ieh muPq syvfvF sfry hI loar mynlYNz ivWc AuplWBd hn»

hn aqy cuµbkI Z µ g nfÜ hr Ëfq, hr ÈRyxI aqy lVky lVkIaF ƒ afpxy nfÜ joV rhIaF hn» X¨Q ƒ mOky pRdfn kIqy jFdy hn ik Auh AulIky hoey pRogrfm anusfr KHyzx aqy t¨rnfmYNtF df afXojn krn» asIN X¨Q aqy vzyrI Aumr dy lokF ivWc myl imlfp dy puÜ Ausfrn leI BIK mµgdy hF» ies qrHF kridaF asIN nOjuafnF ƒ ieWk kImqI pihcfn dy Xog bxf skdy hF» ÈkqIÈflI aihsfs, imÜ juÜ ky rihx dI soc, KHyz Bfvnf, lIzriÈWp, tIm vrk aqy svY-anuÈfsn sikWls pRfpqI leI ieh aqI Ër¨rI hY» PAGE 27

The Patrika






gurmIq KoKr qyrI srdl awgy kdmF rukxf hI sI‌. qyry dr ‘qy sIs asfzf Jukxf hI sI‌. myrI tfhxI nflLoN ijhVy pwqy tuwty myry aMdroN moh AuhnF df muwkxf hI sI‌. myrI awK c sihrf af ky bYT igaf hY myrI awK df awQrU awQrU suwkxf hI sI‌. Ausdy ichry Auwqy iÈkn anykF hI sn iqVky ÈIÈy ivwc pr iÈknF lukxf hI sI‌. Ausdy leI hmyÈF inwky bfl ijhf hY

Friday, December 7th, 2018



ipRM: suirMdr kOr brfV sB kuJ bdl irhf hY qF hI qF kMjkF DrqI ’qy afAux qoN pihlF ieh DrqI nf qyrI hY nf myrI ‘svfhF’ kr idWqIaF jFdIaF hn» asIN qF sB iesdy guMmy hoey qF hI cMdry svyry aƒafN

hrjIq dODrIaf mËHbF dI dÈf sfrI dunIaF ivc mËHbF dI kivqf dy aiBmfn ƒ pihlF mhFrQIaF ny ÉUb iÈMgfiraf Pyr DnpqIaF ny iehnF dI klpnf ƒ ÉUb AuBfiraf

df ËoiÉm AuTfAuNdy

aÉbfrF dIaF surÉIaF bx

afpxI-afpxI DrqI dI Bfl ivc hF»

sfzIaF aWKIaF ivc rVkdy hn qF hI qF gIqF dI lMbI hyk

ieh qF iskMdr qy ihtlr dI nhIN hoeI

mflk-lfixaF ny ÈrIkF dy kMzy kWZx leI

hux cIk vrgI lgdI hY

iehnF BUqF ƒ ÉUb vriqaf

qF hI qF smyN dI isafsq

sUmF dy mfl vFÕUM Éricaf

iek rMgI nhIN

smF guËridaF mËHbI mskInF dI aYsI bfrI KuWlHI

srkfrI klf ny klpq p®sMgF ƒ iDr bxfieaf sfihbF vFÕUM ÉUb sjfieaf

moZy Auwqy cMn,rfq ny cuwkxf hI sI‌.

ieh qF Éud jvflfmuKI qoN q®ihMdI-q®ihMdI

qyrI glLI df nkÈf hI jd bdl igaf hY

suMgVn lWgI hY

bhurMgI ho ky

ipGrx lWgI hY

iek sfiËÈI ÉfnfjMgI ho geI hY»

Kyq c koeI zrnf qIk vI gwizaf neIN hY

grkx lWgI hY

qF hI qF smyN dy ieÈkF kolLoN

huWb huWb ky dihÈq ƒ sUrbIrqf drsfvx

qoiqaF af ky CwlIaF nUM iPr tuwkxf hI sI‌.

qF hI qF ies dIaF ÈfmF ivcoN

idnoN idn mWCrdy jfvx, pWsrdy jfvx

‘KoKr’ dI hY sUrj dy sMg sFJ iBafÜI

apxWq dI sfrI grmI

hux ÈrfÌqI bÊfvq dI bU afAuNdI hY»

Ausdy dr sjdy nUM DuwpF Zwukxf hI sI‌.

Éfrj ho geI hY»

cWkr af rhy hox»

qF hT-DrmIaF dI khfxI df prdf pfitaf

qyry Gr df cyqf mYnUM Auwkxf hI sI‌.

gLjLl bldyv sIhrf guËfirÈ hY imrI qUM afpxy idl df kMvl dy dy, iqrI mrËI hY idl eysy hI pl,

nf iehnF ƒ cVHI dI nf lWQI dI vWizaF CoitaF dIaF dfVHIaF ƒ hWQ pfvx DIaF BYxF dIaF cuMnIaF lfhvx

BIVIaF nIqF-socF dy iÈkfr vrjn ’qy Aultf llkfrn qy ruWK hux iksy axdWsIaF QfvF AuNgl ’qy ncfAux vfilaF almbrdfrF dfinÈmMdF ny vWl BWjx lWgy hn mfrn-KMizaF dy DWkV-JWl qoN bcx Kfqr qy ieMJ lgdY afpxy drF aWgy buWlt-prUÌ Ètr cVHf ley[[[[[[[[ ijvyN simaF ƒ bdhvfsI dy jdoN lokF dy nfsIN DUMaF afieaf, isrF qoN dI pfxI vigaf

qF hI qF iesdy sUrmy duÈmxF dI QF dosqF nfl byikrkI df ibgl vjfAuNdy hn»

cursiqaF ’c ÈbdF df BFzf PuWtf[[[[ kUV inKuWtf!!

jF agly pl dy dy»


imry Xfrf qUM pUjf rWb dI idn rfq krdF eyN, imlf prÈfd ivc mYƒ, muhWbq df qUM jl dy dy,

rfijMdrjIq qurn df hOslf qF pWQrF ’qy pYr Drdf hY

qmMnf hY imrI mYN sfQ qyrf hr jnm pfvF,

bdn ÈIÈy df pr hfly iqVk jfvx qoN zrdf hY

gly lg ky ju imilaf BrQrI ƒ

ikqy kuJ DVkdf hY iËMdgI dI qfl ’qy hux vI

iehnF dI hAumYN ƒ rbV vFÕ vDfeI jfxgy

ikqy kuJ aOV dy sIny dy AuWqy ÈFq vrHdf hY

Qok dy lfeI lWgF qoN cWk QWl krvfeI jfxgy

amr PlL dy dy» mYN aËlF qoN iqry ibrhf df hI qF Êm hMZfieaf hY,

ajy qfeIN vI myry rfm df bxvfs nf muWikaf

ÊmF dy nfÜ ies inrbl ƒ

myry aMdrlf rfvx roË hI sVdf qy mrdf hY

lVny df qUM bl dy dy»

iksy vI Gr dIaF nINhF ’c Auh qfhIEN nhIN lgdf

mYN kfiÌr qF nhIN krky hlfl ieAuN mfr nf mYƒ,

Auh pWQr afpxy hI syk sMg ipGlx qoN zrdf hY

jy mYƒ mfrnf cfhuMnf eyN qF ieÈky df sl dy dy» iqrI jy afrËU, mYN hÈr qIkr BuWl jF qYƒ, BulfAuxf jfxdf nf mYN, BuWlfAuxy df qUM vl dy dy»

puWTIaF vihbqF dy nvyN nvIn ZMg apxfeI jFdy aMnHy grm joÈ ƒ idnoN idn hor grmfeI jFdy lWgdY ajy bhuq icr

mUrKF qoN mhF-mUrK bxfeI jfxgy ijMnf icr ieh smF-ivhfey Drm-E-dIn-eImfn jfqF pfqF cmicaF, kViCaF, pqIilaF dy ZWkxF vFÕUM vrqINdy jfxgy afey idn jUTy kr mFjINdy rihxgy kivqf qoN khfxI

jdoN vI quridaF aksr mYN Tokr Kf ky izWgdf hF

khfxI qoN zrfm bxdy hI rihxgy

myrf afpf myrI nIaq dy isr ielËfm Drdf hY

ijMnf icr ieh sucyq ho ky

AuzIkF ivWc nf mfrIN qUM eynI imhr qF kr qUM,

ajy qWk vI iehnF dI hoNd qy aOkfq hY vWKrI

qUM apxy sMdlI sfh dyv ƒ bs kuJ pl dy dy»

ajy cfnx qy nHyry ivWc koeI bfrIk prdf hY


pqMdr KuPIaf kfry-hWQy idnoN idn

nvyN isirEN lokF dy hfxI bxky kflLy qy BUry df Prk nhIN pihcfxdy Enf icr ieh Eho dy Eho hI rihxgy[[[[[[[[[[

The Patrika


Friday, December 7th, 2018

g®MQF df sWc hrbMs kOr bYNs vyd grMQ sWB iehI afKx, lyKIN iliKaf pfieaf ey» koeI lyKf dyx afieaf» koeI lYx lyKf afieaf ey» hfsy KylLy, KylH qmfÈy»

pvn tMzn lY jo nI afÈk vfrI[[[ Èyar - KuÈbU afvy qy BOry ny msq huMdy, qy PuWl nfl bhfrF dy iKldy ny» rWb-svWbI ny rUhF dy myl huMdy,

roxy Doxy ipWt isafpy» sWB krmF dy qfxy bfxy»

ieh lWigaf mylf do idn df,

koeI lyKf dyx afieaf» koeI lYx lyKf afieaf ey» krmF dy iCVy ivvfdF qoN»

luWt lE nI kuVIE jo imldf» KOry kd lWgxI eyh ieÈk dukfn qF, lY jo nI lY jo afÈk vfrI jFdy jfn qF»

lyKy idaF ihsfbF qoN»

cVHdI jvfnI ijAuN smuMdrI qF lihrF ny,

ieh bMdf hux bc nhIN skdf»

Zl geIaF Pyr qYQoN iksy ny kI lYxf ey»

igx igx lyKy pfieaf ey» koeI lyKf dyx afieaf» koeI lYx lyKf afieaf ey» krmF dy sB sfk sbMD hY»

buWZy ho ky kIhny iPr qWkxf asmfn qF, lY jo nI lY jo afÈk vfrI[[[ idlF dI dukfn Auqy ipafr dIaF zorF ny,

krmF dy hI mfp dMz hY»

soc nf nI bhuqf nhIN lY qF jfxI horF ny»

afpxy kIqy krmF ny ieh»

pWly rih qF jfxy qyry tuWty armfn qF,

mfieaf jfl ivCfieaf ey» koeI lyKf dyx afieaf» koeI lYx lyKf afieaf ey» lyKf dy rhI dunIaF sfrI»

lY jo nI lY jo afÈk vfrI[[[ roË nhIEN afAuxf nYxF idaF vxjfiraF, rMg-brMgy sohxy-sohxy tUxy hfiraF»

lyKy dy hI hF ivpfrI»

afÈkF df mylf iehIE rMglf jhfn qF,

mfVf cMgf, cMgf, mfVf»

lY jo nI lY jo afÈk vfrI[[[

Bugq lYxf bMdy ny sfrf» vyd grMQ sWB iehI afKx, lyKIN iliKaf pfieaf ey» koeI lyKf dyx afieaf» koeI lYx lyKf afieaf ey»

sWcy bol


jd sWjx-sWjxF ƒ afx ky imldy ny»

krmF df KylH rcfieaf ey»




qur gey vpfrI QfvF suMnIaF ivcfrIaF, igWlF dy pvn afsF mn c ivsfrIaF» kOx afAuNdf AucI-AucI lYNdf qyrf nfm qF, lY jo nI lY jo afÈk vfrI[[[

aYs KuÈhfl glotI isafxy bMdy qoN koeI nf zrdf, jobn afieaf hAumY afieaf,

lfAuxoN nhIN Auh htdf.

zrdy ny sB kmlLy qoN.

igaf jobn qy muwk igaf.

pCvfVy gyVy kwiZaF Xfro,

vYlI bMdy df pqf hY lgdf ,

sfh vflI aMbI ‘KuÈhfl’,

vYr kdy nf lwQdf.

kMn qy Cwzy Cmly qoN.

mOq df qoqf tuwk igaf.

ivrlf ihrdf hoxf eyQy,

awj qwk mYN nf bol suixafN,

cVHI hovy asmfnI guwzI,

ijhVf nhIN qpdf.

vwD mfxk qy rmlLy qoN.

BuMjy lfhdy ivgiVaf kfkf. ‘KuÈhfl’ glotI sfzf pMjfb, iksy ‘KuÈhfl’ nf qUMbI vjfeI, mF dy jINdy jI kdI nf, gurUaF dy nF qy vsdf. vDIaf awj qwk Xmly qoN. puwq qur jfx df hovy vfkf. pfV ‘c PiVaf, cor aKvfvy, swcy bol hmyÈf dosqo, ‘KuÈhfl’ glotI dunIaF dy inklL jfvy qF sfD. ivc, lfAuNdy mn qy cobHF. srihMd ijhf nf hoxf sfkf. tuwk ibnF ijMd bc skdI ey, qyl jVHF ivc pfey qoN. bcdI nhIN ibn afb. ieh dunIaF Xfro iCwqr dI, sV jFdIaF gobF. ‘KuÈhfl’ bhuqI hlImI nUM,

nf swjx dI nf imwqr dI.

sIs qlI qy rwKxy pYNdy,

Kf lYNdIaF rohbF

gey qoN bfad pUjf krdI,

hoxf jy afËfd.

irÈvq lYNdf PiVaf igaf,

ieh ‘KuÈhfl’ icwqr dI.

iËMdgI Br mgroN nhIN lihMdy,

dy ky irÈvq Cuwt igaf.

ijwQy vI dfa lwgy jIhdf lwgy,

mVHIafˆ qy myly

‘KuÈhfl’ nUM lwgy jo dfÊ. rxjIq ikMgrf lwgxgy

iewk vfrI qUM afpxf afK qfˆ shI, sIs dyKIN iPr qlI qy ikvyˆ itkdy? sfzy ipafr ivCoVy dy gIq Xfrf, rihMdI dunIafˆ qwk rihxgy Èfier ilKdy. pYdf hoxgy ijhVy mÈUk afÈk, sfzy ieÈky qoˆ rihxgy sbk iswKdy. kdy swqfˆ vlfieqfˆ dy muwl nUM vI, ipMz ckr dy ikMgry nhIN ivkdy. swq ajUby ies dunIafˆ dy, awTvfˆ asIˆ bxfvfˆgy. ipafr nypry ikvyˆ ny cVHdy, dunIafˆ nUM idKlfvfˆgy. DMn ieÈk sI afAux vflIafˆ nslfˆ iehIE kihxgIafˆ. mVHIafˆ qy myly lwgxgy, rfqfˆ nUM bfqfˆ pYxgIafˆ[[[[ ies dunIafˆ qoˆ dUr ikqy asIˆ ipafr aflHxf pfvfˆgy. jy klIafˆ qy Puwl nf lwBy asIˆ kMizafˆ nfl sjfvfˆgy. pfÊl lokfˆ dy qfhny nf ieh koml ijMdfˆ sihxgIafˆ[[[[ awz kdy koeI kr nhIN sikaf Puwlfˆ qy KuÈboafˆ nUM. kdy iksy ny dyK nhIN skxf vwK vwK sfnUM dohfˆ nUM. sfzy ieÈk dI crcf hoxI jdoˆ ZfxIafˆ bihxgIafˆ[[[[ ikDry ieÈk bhfrfˆ vMzdf, ikDry pYˆdy swQr ny. pRIqfˆ dI vMzI ruÈnfeI qfj mihl dy pwQr ny. pfk ieÈk nUM sdf hI kOmfˆ sIs JukfAuˆdIafˆ rihxgIafˆ[[[[ jd vI koeI do pRymI ies ngrI aMdr vsxgy. ipMz ckr dy lokI AudoN sfzf hI nf dwsxgy. Auhnfˆ dIafˆ qfˆ nËrfˆ ikMgry sfnUM lwBdIafˆ rihxgIafˆ. mVHIafˆ qy myly lwgxgy rfqfˆ nUM bfqfˆ pYxgIafˆ[[[[ PAGE 29

The Patrika




Noir cinema suits their palate : Nawazuddin Siddiqui Nawazuddin Siddiqui is no stranger to France - after all, many of his films have done the rounds of the annual Cannes Film Festival at the French Riviera. In the latest development, the actor's 2016 offering, Raman Raghav 2.0, has got a new lease of life - the Anurag Kashyapdirected thriller released in France last week. Titled The Mumbai Murders, the movie has been dubbed in French by local artistes and is reportedly enjoying a run across 2,700 screens there. The actor is elated that the noir thriller - which was widely applauded at the Cannes Film Festival 2016 - will now reach the audience at large. "When the film was screened in Cannes, it had opened to rave reviews. What's gratifying for me, as an

actor, is that the film is garnering love and accolades even after two years of its original release," says Siddiqui.The actor adds that he is keen to gauge the foreign audience's reaction to the moody thriller, based on the serial killer by the same name. "I think noir cinema suits the French palate.

Technicians and labourers are unsung heroes of film industry : Kangana Recently, there were reports of the workers on the sets of Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi not getting their dues paid for this film. However, in a recent interaction with Kangana Ranaut, when she was prodded with this question, she said, "I've been informed about it there's nothing as such and it's just a dispute with a vendor where they don't think that they should pay as much the vendor is demanding for." Kangana further added, "I also feel like being a technician as I think they're devalued. I also want to venture into writing and direction and jobs which are for the unsung heroes, and I also want to motivate the people for same. But when this injustice happens with labourers and

technicians, it can't be tolerated".She claims to be standing tall with technicians and workers, and promised to disassociate with this movie if she learned of any kind of injustice happening on Manikarnika's sets. "I said that I won't go for any promo launch and I won't promote the film as well even if a single labourer's money has got stuck. I also don't think any such issue can happen on a film like this and Zee Studios has a great reputation. So, there'll be no complaints from our end," concluded Kangana.

[More importantly], French films have a special place in my heart because the real awakening in terms of cinema happened there."The film was apparently chosen from several Indian entries by Film France, the national film commission after a viewing last month." Kashyap, on his part, is thrilled that unlike the 127minute-long version aired in India, the director's cut is being screened in France. "The original cut is the shorter and non-linear version. The film has enjoyed a strong first week with great reviews and footfalls."

Amyra Dastur, who has worked with female directors like Sonam Nair and Leena Yadav and fellow actresses like Shweta Tripathi and Sapna Pabbi, says women can work in harmony and create moments of magic. Amyra, Mallika Dua, Shweta and Sapna had teamed up for The Trip 2. "It's a bittersweet ending. I love my girls and I am glad that I've made three

Want to explore different things till I’m 70 : Kareena From doing films as different as chalk and cheese to redefining professionalism for working mothers to trying her hands at a radio show, top actress Kareena Kapoor Khan does not want to stop there and says she would like to keep exploring “different things” till she is 70 years old. Kareena made her acting debut in 2000 with Refugee. She was later seen in films like Ajnabee, Asoka, Chameli, Yuva, Omkara, Jab We Met, Heroine, Satyagraha, Ki&Ka and Udta Punjab. She launched her radio show titled What Women Want with Kareena Kapoor Khan on Ishq 104.8 FM last month. Asked if she aspires to do something more, Kareena said “The idea today is only about content — and being a part of good content, whether it is the web, cinema, stage or radio. I think today artists and actors are all about supporting content. I am just happy that I have got to try

my hand… It’s the first time for me. So, lets see… I would like to try different things till probably I am 70.” The 38-year-old actress, who hails from Indian cinema’s first film family, redefined professionalism by returning to work soon after delivering her first son named Taimur in 2016. Kareena, who married actor Saif Ali Khan in 2012, also praised digital platforms and added: “I am glad all this is opening up for us.” She added: “The content in cinema and different platforms is changing. There are so many options to do what you want in today’s time and I think it’s the best time to be an actor.”

Southern stars more punctual, professional : Akshay Akshay Kumar says working in the Rajinikanth-starrer 2.0 was a learning experience for him as he realised the south industry is not only more punctual but also more professional than Bollywood. The actor plays the villain, Dr Richard, in the film which is a sequel to

Women can work in harmony : Amyra


Friday, December 7th, 2018


amazing new girlfriends. This show was my first foray into the digital world and I couldn't have asked for a better project," Amyra said in a statement. "For me this show symbolises the fact that women can come together, work in harmony and create moments of magic. I was hoping that the show would do well, but the fact that every episode has trended on YouTube and the viewership is increasing hour by hour, as an actor I couldn't have asked for more," she added.

Shankar's blockbuster Enthiran. "Technologically, South is more advanced than us. They are more professional than us. If the shoot time is 7.30, the shooting will start sharp on time. Here, 7.30 means you can come by 9.30. Their superstars arrive on time on set," Akshay said in a group interview. The actor believes newcomers should do at least five films down south before coming to Bollywood as time is not a luxury one can afford in southern cinema. "You learn a lot. I sometimes feel a newcomer should do five films there and then come here. He or she will learn a lot. In a day, they take 30-40 shots. Here we manage around 12-13 shots... They don't take other people for granted. They value other people's time," he said. The actor says he was bowled over by the humility of megastar Rajinikanth when he first met him."We used to talk in

Marathi. He is a Maharashtrian and I also know the language. He is a great man. It's amazing how you give him one dialogue and he changes it into an epic dialogue. He puts entertainment in every line," he said. Recently, Rajinikanth had said that 2.0 will belong to Akshay but the Padman star consider himself to be the Amrish Puri of the actionfantasy genre. "He (Rajinikanth) is just being humble. It's very much his film because the title is 2.0. I can't be that. He is 2.0. he is just being kind and nice to me. I respect him for that. It's very much his film. I am the Amrish Puri of the film," he quipped.

The Patrika


Friday, December 7th, 2018





B.C.’s economic growth pays dividends

tatistics Canada has confirmed that British Columbia’s economy grew by 3.8% in 2017, exceeding February’s Budget 2017 forecast of 2.3% provided by the Economic Forecast Council (EFC). The province’s economic growth in 2017 triggers the Economic Stability Dividend (ESD), negotiated as part of the Province’s 2014 Economic Stability Mandate. The ESD will provide unionized employees with a 0.75% additional wage increase beginning in February 2019. All four dividends total 1.95% and over the five-year term, employees will have received 7.45% in cumulative wage increases, including the 5.5% negotiated under the Economic Stability Mandate. To activate the ESD negotiated in the 2014 mandate, real gross domestic product (GDP) growth for B.C. must exceed the forecast provided by the

independent EFC for the calendar year. The wage increase is calculated based on 50% of the positive difference between the EFC forecast for real GDP growth and actual growth as reported by Statistics Canada. British Columbia is on track to be one of Canada’s strongest economies in 2018 and 2019. B.C. has the lowest unemployment rate in the country and private sector economists expect British Columbia’s economic growth to rank near the top of the provincial rankings.

$ 12.65

DrimMdr sLrmf: 778-683-3019 PAGE 31

The Patrika



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Balwant Sanghera anada is a very inclusive, ber 3,628. Richmond leads the way in welcoming, compassionate this regard. As reported by the local and and generous country. It has national media, birth tourism industry received accolades as one of the best, if is thriving in Richmond and many other not the best, country to live in .People communities. It is very encouraging to from more than 200 countries from see that not only our local MLAs but every corner of the globe call Canada also MPs have raised this issue at the their home. Over the years, Canada has local, provincial and federal levels. become as one of the most welcoming, Hopefully, our law makers will take inclusive multicultural and multilin- appropriate steps to stop this abuse of gual countries in the world. It was Canadian hospitality, generosity and the first western country to adopt the leniency .Not only this, our hospitality Multiculturalism Act in 1971 that made is also being misused/abused in many this nation a truly multicultural one. other areas including the influx of ilOver the years, Canada has become as legal refugees /asylum seekers through one of the most popular countries to Canada’s unmanned entry points in live in by the rich and poor alike. Our Manitoba, Ontario and Quebec. diplomatic missions abroad, especially in countries like India and China, are According to federal government’s overflowing with applications from po- own figures, more than 36,000 illegal tential immigrants. Strangely, this has refugees/asylum seekers have entered also given rise to scammers, fraudsters Canada (through the United States) at and cheaters who are taking advantage our unmanned border entry points. A of vulnerable people eager to enter large number of these are reported to be Canada legally or illegally. Our rather economic refugees from countries like lenient and lax laws make Canada an Nigeria and Haiti. The Immigration and easy target for such characters. Refugee Appeal Board is reported to have a backlog of nearly 65,000 legal Unfortunately, quite often, this nation’s and illegal asylum seekers. The cost generosity is misused and even abused. for illegal refugees/asylum seekers Take for example, the situation relating to birth tourism and illegal refugees/ alone is reported to be close to $400 asylum seekers. Both of these issues million alone at the federal level. This have become a major concern for is in addition to huge costs incurred by Canadians. The issue of birth tourism the provincial and local governments has been a major concern especially in looking after these uninvited and in communities like Richmond. It unwelcome “guests�. This is despite happens when a foreigner pregnant the fact that hundreds of thousands mother enters Canada to give birth to of applicants around the globe are paa child for the sole purpose of gaining tiently waiting for their turn to come Canadian citizenship for the new born. to Canada legally. Furthermore, it is This mother, as well as the child’s fa- costing a bundle of tax payer’s dollars ther doesn’t have any status in Canada. to deal with people who have no regard None of them is a Canadian citizen or for Canadian laws and borders. Ottawa a Permanent Resident in Canada. Her/ must take effective measures to stop their sole purpose is to give birth to the this flow by the people who are mischild in Canada so that the child gets using/abusing this nation’s empathy, instant citizenship of this country with compassion and generosity. all of the accompanying benefits. Canada’s borders must be fully secured A recent report by the Institute for Public Policy states that every year 1,500 to 2,000 children are born in Canada to mothers who have no status in Canada. They just come to this country to give birth to their children who will automatically become Canadian citizens. This entitles them to all of the benefits that Canadian citizens enjoy. Last year alone such births are reported to num-


Friday, December 7th, 2018

in order to have much needed integrity. These are just two of the major issues that our lawmakers need to address immediately. These issues go beyond party lines. As Canadians and taxpayers we should all be concerned when our lenient and very soft laws are misused and abused by unscrupulous elements. We should urge our elected officials to take immediate action in this regard.

The Patrika


Friday, December 7th, 2018




jug jug jIvy pMjfbI XUnIvristI! zf: gurnfm isMG ardfs hY, jug ju g jIvy pM j fbI XUnIvristI! pMjfb, pMjfbI aqy pMjfbIaq dy rMg ivc rMgI, mfˆ bolI nUM smripq pMjfbI XUnIvristI ny virH a fˆ df sPr bVI Èfn nfl qYa kIqf hY pr awjklH pMjfbI XUnIvristI nUM ipafr krn vfly kuJ Audfs hn. mUMh nfl mUMh qy kMn nfl kMn joVI bfqfˆ ho rhIafˆ hn pr idl nfl idl qy moZy nfl moZf joV XUnIvristI nUM ies dI sPlqf leI XqnÈIl hox vfly ivrly hn. isPq qy slfh nfloN Kbrfˆ qy aPvfhfˆ dI ruwq grm qy srgrm hY, ijs nfl pMjfbI XUnIvristI dy BivwK Auqy durgfmI asr hox dI icMqf vI ho rhI hY. pMjfbI XUnIvristI dy ieiqhfs ivc jdoN vI rfj-Bfg bdilaf, ieMJ hI hoieaf. kursIafˆ mwlx dI qfk-Jfk dI lukxmIcI dI Kyz aksr KyzI jfˆdI rhI.

rhI hY. pMjfbI XUnIvristI ny XU[jI[sI[ dI nYk gryizMg ivc vI sdf mhwqvpUrn pRfpqI kIqI hY. aiDafpkfˆ qy ivBfgfˆ ny XU[jI[sI[ dIafˆ-vwK vwK skImfˆ ijvyˆ XU[jI[sI[ sYp ivc 11, bI[aYs[afr[ ivc 6, zI[bI[tI[ ivc 5, zI[aYs[tI[- aYP[afeI[aYs[tI[ ivc 11 ivBfgfˆ dI kmfeI kIqI hY. sB Drmfˆ df cfnx munfrf gurU goibMd isMG Bvn pMjfbI XUnIvristI dy cMgy mfVy dOrfˆ df gvfh hY. Drm, sfihq qy swiBafcfr dy Kyqr ivc ies XUnIvristI df koeI hfxI nhIN. igafn, ivigafn, pMjfbI BfÈf qy sfihq dy ivdvfn aMqrrfÈtrI pCfx bxf kuwl dunIaF ivc vsdy pMjfbI XUnIvristI cuwky hn. ividafrQI kyvl izgrI krky hI nf ho pMjfbI XUnIvristI, asIN qyry nfl dy ipafirafˆ XUnIvristI dy vkfr nUM nhIN, mn, soc qy ivcfr krky vI smfijk hfˆ. asIˆ ËrUr bdlfˆgy aqy bdlfˆgy qyrI nuhfr qy qkdIr. sMBflx df vylf hY. iksy nUM dwsx dI loV qy rfjnIqk qOr `qy jfgrUk hn. nhIN ik pMjfb dI Drq mfˆ aqy mfˆ bolI nUM pMjfbI qy pMjfbI ipafirafˆ dI syvf krn smripq ho ies XUnIvristI dy ivdvfnfˆ, pMjfbI XUnIvristI dy aflxy ivc 60% qoN vflI pMjfbI XUnIvristI ny vxj kdy vI aiDafpkfˆ, krmcfrIafˆ ny pMjfbIafˆ dIafˆ iËafdf mflvy aqy pMjfb dIafˆ DIafˆ pVH nhIN kIqf. Èbd, sMgIq qy igafn-ivigafn keI puÈqfˆ nUM ivwidaf nfl ruÈnfieaf rhIafˆ hn. 27000 qoN vwD ividafrQIafˆ nUM dy rhws KolHx vflI ies XUnIvristI ny hY. igafn-ivigafn dy ivBfgfˆ ny anyk ivwidaf df dfn dyx vflI ies XUnIvristI ivwidaf vIcfr nUM prAupkfr dI idRÈtI qoN duÈvfrIafˆ Jwl ky mflvy dI DrqI nUM afpxI ny afpixafˆ dy boiJafˆ dI sfr lY dUsrIafˆ hI hr pl jIivaf hY. pMjfbI XUnIvristI akl qy hunr nfl isMj ky jIvn pMD Auqy XUnIvristIafˆ nfloN PIsfˆ vI Gwt rwKIafˆ hn lfhy dI hwtI nhIN bxI, sgoN ies ny sLuB guxfˆ sPlqf nfl qoiraf hY. gurU goibMd isMG aqy PIsfˆ vDfAux qoN vI vDyry krky sMkoc dI KwtI vwl iDafn idwqf hY. afE, pMjfbI dI ‘pRgt hmfrI kfÈI` dI rUh nUM iesy hI kIqf hY. pMjfb dI nOjvfnI nUM niÈafˆ qy XUnIvristI pRqI sfkfrfqmk phuMc rwK XUnIvristI ny sfkfr kIqf hY. awj pMjfbI ivkfrfˆ qoN mukq krky qMdrusqI qy KuÈhflI ky mflvy qy pMjfb dy puwqrfˆ qy ivÈyÈ krky XUnIvristI dy 60 tIicMg ivBfg, 13 Koj df rfh ivKfAuNidafˆ pMjfbI XUnIvristI ny DIafˆ dy AuWjl qy surwiKaq BivwK leI ies ivBfg, 6 cyarË aqy 9 iËilHafˆ ivc 11 Kyzfˆ dy Kyqr ivc srboqm XUnIvristI bx XUnIvristI dy ivkfs ivc ihwsf pfeIey. irjnl sYˆtrË, 11 kMstIicAUt kflj ky awTvIN vfr mfkf trfPI ijwq ky ivKfeI hY. aqy 278 kfljfˆ nUM afpxy nfl joV ky swiBafcfr dy Kyqr ivc sMgIq, lok sMgIq, bfbf aflf isMG dI Drq pitaflf qy rfÈtrI aMqrrfÈtrI pwDr df aiDafpn lok nfc, QIeytr qy gurmiq sMgIq rfhIN pMjfbI ipafirafˆ dy mn msqk ivc vsI krvf rhI hY. ies XUnIvristI ny pMjfb mrdfny dI rbfb, pMjfb dy sfË, pMjfb dy XU n IvristI dIafˆ mu Z lIafˆ pu r fxIafˆ dy inmfxy inqfxy skUlfˆ, kfljfˆ qoN afAux nfc, pMjfb dI afvfË aqy pMjfb dI adf- qsvIrfˆ ivc Aus smyˆ dy rfÈtrpqI zf: vfly sMgfAU gwBrU supinafˆ nUM pMjfb dy adfkfrI nUM punr surjIq kIqf hY. afpxy rfDf ikRÈnn, muwK mMqrI s: pRqfp isMG BivwK leI isMijaf qy qrfiÈaf hY. mfˆ bolI sMprk qy sroqfˆ nfl ies XUnIvristI dy kYroN, zf: BfeI joD isMG aqy zf: PKrUdIn nUM ijAuNdf rwKx leI pMjfbI XUnIvristI dy sLuB icMqkfˆ ny Bvn AusfrIafˆ vI krvfeIafˆ alI aihmd vrgIafˆ ÈKsIaqfˆ aksr vwK-vwK Koj ivBfg srgrm hn. 3000 aqy ivwqI sihXog vI idwqf. inrsMdyh hr vyKIafˆ jfˆdIafˆ hn. ienHfˆ ÈKsIaqfˆ dy qoN vwD ikqfbfˆ, koÈ, ivÈv koÈ, pMjfbI aiDafpk, krmcfrI qy ividafrQI ny nfl hI AuWcy kwd qy suwcy srUp vfly mhfrfjf XUnIvristI dI virHafˆ dI kmfeI hn, jo pMjfbI XUnIvristI dy kx-kx nUM mnoˆ XfdivMdr isMG iksy qoN Buwly nhIN, ijnHfˆ dy ivÈv dy pMjfbI ipafirafˆ qy pfTkfˆ qwk krky ipafr kIqf hY. iesy krky vrqmfn spuwqr kYptn mhfrfjf amirMdr isMG XUnIvristI ssiqAuN ssqy muwl `qy phuMcf siQqI nUM vyK sB mn afK rhy hn, Audfs pMjfb dy vrqmfn muwK mMqrI hn. mhfrfjf

XfdivMdr isMG pMjfbI XUnIvristI sQfpq krn vfly kimÈn dy cyarmYn vI sn, ijnHfˆ ies pitaflf dI DrqI Auqy pMjfbI XUnIvristI dI sQfpnf nUM icqivaf aqy sfkfr kIqf. vrqmfn smyˆ df swc ieh hY ik virHafˆ qoN pMjfbI XUnIvristI df bjt Gwtdf jf irhf hY aqy vfDy dIafˆ sMBfvnfvfˆ vI nhIN idsIafˆ. pMjfbI dy ivkfs leI bjt vI guMm-suMm ho igaf hY. jykr pMjfb srkfr ny kdy vfDU gRfˆt dyx dI nIaq vI bxfeI qfˆ srkfrI aiDkfrIafˆ dI Kot ny puwTIafˆ isw D Iafˆ Èrqfˆ lf XU n IvristI Ko j qy pRÈfsn ivc KVoq aqy qxfa hI pYdf kIqf. pM j fb dy mfxXo g mu w K mM q rI kY p tn amirMdr isMG aqy mhfrfxI prnIq kOr nUM cfhIdf hY ik afpxy puriKafˆ dI mfx mwqI Èfn nUM kfiem rwKidafˆ mflvy qy pMjfb dy lok ihwqfˆ nUM smripq pMjfbI XUnIvristI nUM Zuwkvfˆ ivwqI bjt dy ky surwiKaq kIqf jfvy. pMjfb dI ies ivwidak ivrfsq nUM hr pKoN pwky pYrIN krky afAux vflIafˆ pIVHIafˆ dy AuWjl BivwK nUM sMBflx dI buinafdI ËrUrq hY. ikqy pMjfbIafˆ dI ieh ivwidak ivrfsq isafsq dy sfey Qwly hor Audfs nf ho jfvy. afE, duaf krIey-jug jug jIvy pMjfbI XUnIvristI! PAGE 33

The Patrika





Friday, December 7th, 2018

iswDU nUM Gyrdy akflI qy BfjpfeIafˆ dy iswky vI inkly Koty …!

kYptn myry ipqf smfn pMjfb dy kYbint mMqrI nvjoq iswDU ny muwK mMqrI amirMdr isMG nUM ikhf ik Auh myry ipqf smfn hn. iswDU ny ikhf mYˆ kYptn nUM bhuq ipafr krdf hfˆ Auhnfˆ nfl imlLky sfry msly sulJf lvfˆgy . pihlfˆ Auhnfˆ ny ikhf sI , kYptn qfˆ afrmI dy kYptn hn qy myry kYptn rfhul gfˆDI hn. ies ibafn Aupr ivvfd KVHf ho igaf qfˆ nvjoq iswDU ny XU-trn lYˆidafˆ ikhf , mIzIaf ny myrf pUrf ibafn nhIˆ suixaF .

øô dy dMigafˆ dIafˆ öó PfeIlfˆ guMm idwlI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI dy pRDfn mnjIq isMG jI[ky ny afrop lgfieaf hY ik idwlI dy kfnUMn ivBfg dy dPqr ivc øô dy iswK dMigafˆ nfl sbMDq öó PfeIÜfˆ guMm hn. ieh PfeIlfˆ idwlI dy kilafxpurI Kyqr ivc mfry gey iswKfˆ nflL sbMDq hn. jI[ky ny muwK mMqrI kyjrIvfl Aupr dMigafˆ dy doÈIafˆ nUM bcfAux df doÈ lfieaf hY . Ausny ieh mfmlf iPr kort lY jfx dy sMkyq idwqy hn.

vIjy vfilafˆ nUM krqfrpur sfihb Èihr ivc GuMmx dI Cot

pMjfb dy kYbint mMqrI nvjoq iswDU nfl pfiksqfn afDfrq KfilsqfnI smrQk gopfl isMG cfvlf dI qsvIr `qy svfl cuwkx vfly ÈRomxI akflI dl dy lIzr qy BfrqI jnqf pfrtI dy smrQk JUTy ijhy pY gey jfpdy hn. iswDU dI cfvlf nflL qsvIr PYÜx qoˆ bfad hux Bfrq dy iswKfˆ dy Dfrimk lIzr qy Bfrq srkfr dy numfieMdy vI gopfl cfvlf nfl qsvIrfˆ ivwc dyKy gey hn. ÈRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI dy pRDfn goibMd isMG lOˆgovfl ny gopfl cfvlf nfl sYlPI iKHcvfeI hoeI hY. iewk hor qsvIr ivwc kyˆdrI mMqrI hrismrq kOr bfdl qy hrdIp isMG purI vI gopfl cfvlf nfl KVHy ivKfeI dy rhy hn. iswDU nfl cfvlf dy KVyH hox dI qsvIr idKfeI idMidaF hI akflI dl ny iswDU nUM pMjfb vËfrq `co bfhr kIqy jfx dI mMg cuwk idwqI hY . drasl gopfl cfvlf pfiksqfn iswK gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI dy ahudydfr hn.

kYptn amirMdr isMG dI hflq suDrI, pIjIafeI `coˆ imlLI CuwtI muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG dI hflq suDr geI hY. cYwkap mgroˆ AunHfˆ nUM pIjIafeI cMzIgVH ivcoˆ CuwtI imlL geI hY . kYptn amirMdr isMG nUM lMGy idn buKfr krky pIjIafeI dfKl krvfieaf igaf sI. AunHfˆ nuM hlkf buKfr sI. zfktrf ny AunHfˆ nUM afrfm krn dI sflfh idwqI hY . hfsl jfxkfrI anusfr AunHfˆ dy keI tYst kIqy gey . AunHf ny srIr `c drd qy CfqI BfrI hox dI iÈkfieq kIqI sI , ijs qoˆ bfad pIjIafeI ny AunHfˆ df srkfrI irhfieÈ ivKy cYwkap kIqf qy pIjIafeI af ky kuJ tYst krvfAux dI slfh idwqI sI .

kYptn amirMdr isMG nUM sfbkf

pfiksqfn srkfr ny krqfrpur sfihb sImfˆ Aupr ieMmIgryÈn sYˆtr KolH ilaf hY,pfk zIjIpI sumyD sYxI df Gyrf sMGI jfˆc eyjMsIafˆ dy izptI zfierYktr muPKr adIl ny dwisaf ,vIËf lY ky afey ÈrDflUafˆ nUM krqfrpur Èihr aMdr jfx dI KuÜH hovygI. jdoˆ ik primt lY ky afAux luiDafxf dy bhu-cricq istI sYˆtr kys ivc muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG dIafˆ vfly ÈrDflUafˆ nUM gurduafrf sfihb dI hwd qoˆ bfhr jfx dI afigaf nhIN hovygI . muÈklfˆ GtdIafˆ nËr nhIN af rhIafˆ.ies mfmly ivwc Aus vyly nvfˆ moV af igaf, jdoˆ pMjfb dy sfbkf zIjIpI qy ivjIlYˆs dy muKI rhy sumyD sYxI ny afpxy vkIl rmnpRIq krqfrpur lfˆGy dy ivkfs leI aQfrtI kfiem isMG sMDU rfhIN iËlHf qy sYÈn jwj gurbIr isMG dI adflq ivc arËI dfier kIqI pMjfb kYbint ny sRI gurU nfnk dyv jI dy õõú vyˆ pRkfÈ purb qoˆ pihlfˆ zyrf bfbf nfnk .AunHfˆ afpxI arËI ivc ikhf ik jykr adflq AunHfˆ nUM blfAuˆdI hY qfˆ Auh istI sYˆtr qy ies dy aflLy-duaflLy dy ivkfs qy suMdrIkrn leI zyrf bfbf nfnk ivkfs aQfrtI nfl juVy keI mhwqvpUrn qwQ qy kfgËfq adflq sfhmxy rwK skdy hn . ies mfmly sQfpq krn leI ivÈyÈ mqf pfs kIqf hY. ieh mqf muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr ivwc aglI suxvfeI 7 dsMbr nUM hovygI . isMG dI agvfeI ivwc hoeI pMjfb kYbint ivwc pfs kIqf igaf. muwK mMqrI vwloˆ ies hlvfrf ivKy aMqr rfÈtrI hvfeI Auzfxfˆ nUM pRvfngI ieiqhfsk mOky ies ielfky ivwc lwKfˆ ÈrDflUafˆ dy afAux dy mwdy nËr buinafdI Zfˆcy df pwDr Auwcf cuwkx qy suivDfˆvfˆ vfsqy pihlfˆ hI ivkfs pRojYktfˆ df aYlfn kIqf jf pMjfb mMqrI mMzl vwloˆ mwuK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG dI agvfeI ivc ivÈyÈ mqf cuwkf hY .krqfrpur lfˆGy nUM KolHx df ivÈyÈ mqy rfhIˆ svfgq kIqf igaf . ies nflL pfs kridafˆ luiDafxf ,jlMDr aqy huiÈafrpur afid dy snaqkfrfˆ aqy vpfrIafˆ ieiqhfsk krqfrpur gurduafrf sfihb ivKy ÈrDflUafˆ vwloˆ nqmsqk hox df rfh dI lMmy smyˆ qoˆ cwlI af rhI mMg nUM muwK rwKidafˆ luiDafxy ivKy hlvfrf hvfeI sYnf dy hvfeI awzy qy aMqr rfÈtrI isvl trmInl leI prvfngI dy idwqI geI hY , glfzf pwDrf ho igaf hY . aqy eyar port aQfrtI afP ieMzIaf vwlo iek sfˆJI kMpnI rfhI ieh hvfeI awzf bfdlfˆ dIafˆ bwsfˆ nUM afm afdmI pfrtI ny Gyiraf sQfpq hovygf . afm afdmI pfrtI(afp) pMjfb ny iewk vfr muV bfdl pirvfr dIafˆ bwsfˆ nUM Gyiraf hY. kOmI rfjDfnI idwlI dy ieMdrf gfˆDI ieMtrnYÈnl eyarport qwk pMjfb dIafˆ bwsfˆ dy muwdy `qy afp ny ielËfm lfieaf hY ik bfdl pirvfr kMtrYkt kYryj `c styt kYryj primt vfˆg bwsfˆ clf rhy hn. ieh gYr kfnUMnI kMm pMjfb srkfr dI ivÈyÈ imhrbfnI nfl ho irhf hY. cMzIgVH ivKy pRYs kfnPrMs nUM sMboDn krdy hoey ivroDI iDr dy nyqf hrpfl isMG cImf,sInIar afgU qy ivDfiek amn aroVf qy ivDfiek pRo blijMdr kOr ny ikhf ik bfdl pirvfr ny afpxy 10 sflf mfPIaf rfj dOrfn inXmfˆ-kfnUMnfˆ nUM iCwky tMg ky afpxy pirvfrk ihwqfˆ qy inwjI kfrobfr nUM smuwcy isstm `qy amr vyl vfˆg PYlf idwqf. bws mfPIaf ies dI stIk imsfl hY .

igafnI gurbcn isMG dIafˆ vD skdIafˆ muÈklfˆ ! sRI akfl qKq sfihb dy sfbkf jQydfr igafnI gurbcn isMG dIafˆ muÈklfˆ vD skdIafˆ hn . AunHfˆ koloN byadbI kfˆz qy golLI kfˆz bfry puwCigwC ho skdI hY.ÈRomxI akflI dl ivwcoˆ kwZy gey sfbkf ivDfiek amrpfl isMG bonI ajnflf ny jQydfr nUM jfˆc ivwc Èfml krn dI mMg kIqI hY. AunHfˆ ny mMglvfr nUM ivÈyÈ jfˆc tIm dy mYˆbr afeIjI kuMvr ivjy pRqfp nUM mMg pwqr sOˆipaf hY. bonI ajnflf ny afiKaf ik afeIjI vwloˆ Brosf idwqf igaf hY ik ies mfmly ivc inafˆ kIqf jfvygf qy loV muqfbk iksy vI ivakqI koloˆ puwCigwC kIqI jf skdI hY . jfˆc tIm vwloˆ iesy mfmly ivwc sfbkf muwK mMqrI pRkfÈ isMG bfdl,sfbkf Aup muwK mMqrI suKbIr bfdl qy adfkfr akÈY kumfr kolLo puwCigwC kIqI jf cuwkI hY . PAGE 34

nvjoq iswDU ny ijwiqaf pfiksqfnIafˆ df idl

pfiksqfn ivwc krqfrpur lfˆGy dy AudGftn mOky kYbint mMqrI nvjoq iswDU ny sBnf dy idl ijwq ley. AunHfˆ ny pUry AuqÈfh nfl ijwQy pfiksqfn dy pRDfn mMqrI iemrfn Kfn df DMnvfd kIqf, AuWQy hI dosqI qy ipafr df sunyhF dy ky mylf luwt ilaf.iswDU dy iewk iewk ibafn df hfËr lokfˆ ny qflIafˆ nflLL svfgq kIqf . idlcsp gwl hY ik iswDU nUM sB qoˆ pihlfˆ bolx df mOkf idwqf igaf. AunHfˆ ny pUrf BfÈn pMjfbI ivwc idwqf. dUjy pfsy kyˆdrI mMqrI hrismrq bfdl ny ihMdI ivwc BfÈn idwqf. iswDU ny smfgm dI styj `qy ÈfierI nflL ipafr df sunyhF idwqf. AunHfˆ ny ikhf ik dovfˆ dyÈfˆ nuM afpxI soc bdlxI pvygI. iswDU ny iemrfn dI qfrIP vI kIqI .AunHfˆ ikhf ik Bfrq srkfr qy iemrfn Kfn ny puMn df kMm kIqf hY.

iswiKaf mMqrI ny iËwd pugfAux leI ilafˆdf bdlIafˆ df hVH

iswiKaf mMqrI EpI sonI ny aiDafpkf nUM sbk isKfAux leI bdlIafˆ df hVH ilaf idwqf hY. qnKfh ktOqI dI Èrq nf mMnx vflyL aiDafpkfˆ nUM dUr durfzy bdl idwqf hY . ieh bdlIafˆ afrËI kIqIafˆ geIafˆ hn ijs df mksd srkfr dI Èrq kbUÜ krn leI dbfa bxfAuxf hY . srkfr cfhuMdI hY ik zrf ky vwD qoˆ vwD aiDafpkfˆ nUM qnKfh ktOqI dI Èrq mnf leI jfvy .drasl srkfr ny qnKfh ktOqI dI Èrq mMnx leI smfˆ sImf vDf idwqI sI pr aiDafpkfˆ ny srkfrI Èrq mMnx qoˆ ienkfr kr idwqf. ies qoˆ guwsy ho ky iswiKaf mMqrI ny sKqI leI zMzf cuwk ilaf .

The Patrika


Friday, December 7th, 2018




sfzy Qwky-hfry qn aqy murJfey mn

boJl ho rhIafˆ jybfˆ dI lfgq asIN Qwkyhfry qn nfl aqy murJfey mn nfl adf kr rhy hfˆ. asIN sON ky aglI svyr jd AuTdy hfˆ qfˆ qfËf dm nhIN, sqhIx kumlfey AuTdy hfˆ. qd sfzf joV joV duhfeI dy irhf huMdf hY aqy mn nUM axsulJIafˆ smwisafvfˆ BmoV rhIafˆ huMdIafˆ hn. qxIafˆ nsfˆ aqy mfspyÈIafˆ kfrn sfzy ‘coN lgpg iek iqhfeI pUrI nINdr nhIN mfx rhy. aijhf bjurgfˆ nfl hI nhIN, huMdVhylfˆ aqy aDKVfˆ nfl vI bIq irhf hY. zfktrfˆ duafly juV rhI BIV vI ivafpk aijhI siQqI dI Audfrqf sihq puÈtI kr rhI hY. apxfey jIvn-ZMg kfrn, sfzf jIvn nf svYinrBr irhf aqy nf hI arog. asIN sMjm nfl Kf pI nhIN rhy aqy nf qn aqy mn df shI AupXog kr rhy hfˆ. sfzy mn igafn ibnfˆ KoKly hn aqy qn, afrfmqlb bxy susq hn. ies dy bfvjUd, asIN afqmbl cUs rhI Bwj-dOV kr rhy hfˆ aqy aijhf kridafˆ, kmfeI krn qoN ibnfˆ hor kuJ vI krn nUM asIN smyˆ df guafieaf jfxf smJ rhy hfˆ. jykr asIN nhIN smJ rhy qfˆ ieh ik igafn ivhUxy mn nfl aqy susq dOrf kr rhy lhU vfly qn nfl sfvfˆ-pwDrf aqy arog jIvn Bog skxf sMBv nhIN. ijs qrHfˆ df iQVkvfˆ jIvn asIN ibqf rhy hfˆ, Aus nUM syD arpx krn leI vI prKypVqfly igafn dI agvfeI kbUl krn dI bjfey, asIN aMDivÈvfsfˆ ‘c iGry rihx nUM qrjIh dy rhy hfˆ. bhuq hn, pVHy-ilKy vI ijhVy afpxI qkdIr pulfV ‘c dUr ikDry cwkr-gRsq gRihafˆ ‘coN Koj rhy hn. hor Auh vI hn, ijnHfˆ dy jIvn df afDfr jnmkuMzlIafˆ hn jfˆ hIry-pMny ijhy pwQr hn aqy ijhVy kfrj afrMB krn leI mhUrq Aupr inrBr hn. Prfiez ny bhuq pihlfˆ smJfAux dy Xqn kIqy sn ik sfzf jIvn jykr AuliJaf bIq irhf hY qfˆ ies krky, ikAuNik sfzIafˆ kudrqI pRivrqIafˆ sMquÈt nhIN ho rhIafˆ. ivigafn, awj Prfiez dy ies ivcfr dI hfmI Brdf hoieaf ies dI ivsiqRq vMz dI ivafiKaf vI kr irhf hY. jIvn qoN mfXUs aqy Auprfm hoey asIN, pr, nf Prfiez dI khI gwl vwl iDafn dy rhy hfˆ aqy nf hI ivigafnk afDfr vfly igafn vwl, hflfˆik jIvn ibqfAux leI asIN vDyry ivigafn Aupr hI inrBr hfˆ. ivigafn dI kuwKoN puMgrI tYknflojI dy isr ‘qy awj

surjIq isMG iZwloN sfzf jIvn pihlfˆ nfloN suKwlf aqy surwiKq bIq irhf hY. grmI, srdI anuBv krn qoN asIN Auqfˆh ivcr rhy hfˆ aqy sMsfr dI ivÈflqf, sfzy leI, hr bIqdy idn suMgVdI jf rhI hY, jdik mn pRcfvy dy sfDn vI Gr Gr hn. ijhVIafˆ shUlqfˆ awj sfzy jIvn df iÈMgfr hn, Auh awj qoN sO vrHy pihlfˆ ivcr rhy sfzy bjurgfˆ leI svrg mfnx dy qul sn. sfnUM iPr ikAuN nhIN svrg ‘c ivcrn df anuBv ho irhf? ies df kfrn sfzI asvsQ aqy aÈfˆq avsQf hY, ijhVI sfzy apxfey jIvn-ZMg dI sfnUM dyx hY. hrkq ibnfˆ sfzy srIr jMgfly jf rhy hn aqy Ëhflq kfrn sfzy mn murJf rhy hn. sfzf pUrf lgdf hY. svfsfˆ aMdr smfeI afksIjn iDafn srIr nUM kÈt nf dyx vwl hY aqy aqy hËm hoeI Kurfk aMdrly qwq, qyË afvygI cyÈtf nfl Kfx-pIx vwl hY. ies hrkq kr rhy lhU duafrf, loV anukUl, dy PlsrUp sfzy srIr boJl hoeI jf rhy Auicq mfqrf ‘c, srIr aMdr QfˆE-QfeIN hn aqy ijnHfˆ aMdr lhU vI susq cfly dOrf puwjdy rihMdy hn. dUjy bMny, QfˆE-QfeIN kr irhf hY. susq vgdy lhU duafrf idmfg Aupj rhI rihMd-KUMd vI, qyË vg rhy lhU dI pOÈitkqf leI aqy afksIjn leI loV duafrf, inptfry leI BlI pRkfr smytI jfx pUrI nf hox krky sfzf mn vI sVdf-Buwjdf, lgdI hY. aijhf hox AuprMq mn iKiVaf Auprfm hoieaf aÈfˆq ivcrdf hY. aijhI aqy qn qfËf hoieaf mihsUs krdf hY. mn siQqI ‘c svrg mfxn df anuBv hoxf kI aqy qn dy psInf kwZ lYx AuprMq qfËgI afK? asIN afpxI ZihMdI klf df ielfj nfl iKVy hoey hox ‘c, ies smyˆ idmfg dvf-dfrU duafrf jfˆ Kfx-pIx duafrf aMdr irs rhy aYˆzfriPn aqy srIr aMdr krn dy afdI hfˆ. dvf-dfrU aqy imwTy qly sfry BlI pRkfr iKlr rhy hfrmon vI ihwsf pkvfn qfˆ sgoN ies duibDfjnk siQqI nUM pf rhy huMdy hn. psInf kwZx AuprMq ijs hor vI AulJfeI jf rhy hn. mfmUlI Qwkx Qwkx df anuBv huMdf hY, Auh isQl ivcr aqy susqI dUr krn ‘c cfh, cfklyt jfˆ rhy srIr dI jmUdI jkVn nfloN iBMn huMdI sUhI vfeIn jykr AupXogI iswD ho vI rhy hY. ies nfl srIr sqhIx susq nhIN, sgoN hn, qfˆ ies leI, ikAuNik ienHfˆ aMdrly qwq AuqÈfihq hoieaf mihsUs krdf hY. iPr, lhU df idmfg aMdr vhfa vDf idMdy hn, inwq Bwj-nwT kr rhy aqy sMjm nfl Kf ijs kfrn ivakqI, kuJ smyˆ leI, cusq pI rhy srIr Aupr crbI vI nhIN cVHdI. hoieaf mihsUs krdf hY. ksrq dOrfn vI cVHI crbI vflf srIr jdoN jdoN vI Auqyijq qfˆ ieho hI huMdf hY, ijs df icrsQfeI bxy hox dy Xqn krdf hY, qd ies aMdr axU rihx vflf pRBfv pYˆdf hY aqy ijs dI idl Aupjx lgdy hn. ieh axU, sfDfrn, srIr nUM nroaf krn ‘c aqy idmfg nUM roÈn krn aMdr nhIN Aupjdy; kyvl roggRsq srIr ‘c vI mhwqv BUimkf hY. jykr aijhf hY ienHfˆ nUM AupjfAuNdf hY, qfˆ jo rogI cwlxfqfˆ iPr sfnUM suasQ aqy Èfˆq rihx leI, iPrnf iqafg ky afrfm krn leI mjbUr sMjm sihq pOÈitk Kfx-pIx dI aqy inwq ho jfvy. srIr ienHfˆ axUafˆ nUM rog mukq hox smyˆbwD ksrq krn dI afdq ikAuN nhIN dy sfDn vjoN AupjfAuNdf hY, AuNj nhIN. pr, pkf lYxI cfhIdI? Aupcfrk ksrq krn boJl srIr, hrkq ‘c nf afAux dy vsIly qoN vI vDIaf iswtf, bwJvyˆ smyˆ leI, sohl vjoN, ienHfˆ axUafˆ nUM roggRsq hoey ibnfˆ vI kdmI nwT ky, Cohly kdmI pYdl qur ky, AupjfAux lgdf hY. iPr, boJl srIr aMdr sfeIkl dI svfrI krky, qur ky jfˆ iPr lhU-nflIafˆ dy iKlfr ‘c aMq df vfDf ho hPf dyx vflI Kyz-Kyz ky pRfpq krnf sMBv jfx kfrn idl nUM vI vfDU muÈwkq krnI hY. aijhf kridafˆ zUMGy svfs afpxy-afp pYˆdI hY, ijs kfrn vI srIr dI afls ‘c afAux-jfx lgdy hn, idl dI DVkx vD vfDf huMdy rihxf suBfvk hY. srIr nUM cusqjfˆdI hY aqy lhU vI qyË gqI nfl dOrf krn cOks aqy ies dy ikRafvI sMquln nUM bxfeI

rwKx ‘c grMQIafˆ ‘coN irs rhy hfrmonfˆ df aqy idmfg aMdr aqy nsfˆ dy isirafˆ qy irs rhy ns-sMcflkfˆ df vI hwQ hY. zfpwimn aqy isrotwinn ns-sMcflk asfzy mUz aqy sfzI afnMd mfnx dI rucI nUM vI pRBfivq krn Xog hn aqy ienHfˆ dI Gft dy gMBIr pirxfm inkldy vI hn. zfpwimn dy irsx df Gwt jfxf pfriknsn rog df kfrn bx jfˆdf hY. isrotwinn dy idmfg aMdr Gwt irsx kfrn ivakqI nUM AudfsIafˆ aqy zoibafˆ dI mfr JwlxI pY jfˆdI hY aqy Aus dI nINdr vI aOtlx lgdI hY. jykr mn Audfs hY aqy Aucft nINdr kfrn pryÈfn hY, qfˆ srIr ny vI, ibnfˆ kfrnoN, Qwikaf-hfiraf mihsUs krnf hI hoieaf. ns-sMcflkfˆ df shI rsfE, mnluBfAuxI srgrmI ‘c AulJy rihx dOrfn, afpxy-afp huMdf rihMdf hY. sfnUM smJ af jfxf cfhIdf hY ik nf sPlqf pUrbk smwisafvfˆ sulJf irhf mn pryÈfn rih skdf hY aqy nf CohlIafˆ hrkqfˆ kr irhf srIr Qwikaf hfiraf anuBv kr skdf hY. suKwlf jIvn Bogdy rihx krky sfzI afdq smwisafvfˆ dy lMby-cOVy nhIN, sMKyp hwl Kojx dI hY. inwq ksrq krn nfloN aqy inwq sfdf Bojn gRihx krn nfloN asIN nusiKafˆ-aOÈDIafˆ df AupXog krn nUM qrjIh dy rhy hfˆ, ijnHfˆ bfry Brm hY ik rfhq df ieh qqkflI sfDn hn. pr, sfnUM smJ lYxf cfhIdf hY ik jykr awj asIN roggRsq hox leI vDyry sMvydnÈIl huMdy jf rhy hfˆ aqy sfzy axpCfqy rogfˆ ‘c vfDf vI hoeI jf irhf hY qfˆ aijhf dvfdfrU dI PjUl vrqoN krdy rihx krky ho irhf hY. ies kfrn sfzI rog-roDk pRxflI apfhj bxdI jf rhI hY aqy sfzy aMdr rih rhy lfBdfiek sUKm jIv nÈt hoeI jf rhy hn. PAGE 35

The Patrika





Friday, December 7th, 2018

mwGr sMkRFqI


joiqS, Eqy  Eqy 604-751-0220 kro





myK- ishq ivwc gVbV, Dn lfB, afpxy lokF nfl JgVf, Xfqrf iwvc cot df zr, sMqfn suwK, kfrobfr iwvc suDfr. nvMbr 18, 19,20,27,28, dsMbr 6,7 asLuB.

As tempted as you might be to put things in motion, you should hold back. There is too much going that is not obvious. making it wise for you to wait and see. Other people have been changeable since August and they are now coming to the stage where they will become definite in relation to their own desires. Let them emerge.

You can once again feel you have to make adjustments to suit others. This may have first arisen in August followed by new ideas being floated mid to late October with the result that nothing became finalised. From now to mid December, others can be definite with their decision-making, so you can then know what they expect.

  ibRK – Kun ipwq ivkfr, kfrj Kyqr bdlx nfl lfB, GrylU JMJtF qoN dUr rho, imwqrF df sihXog, iesqrI pwKoN icMqF, sQfn pirvrqn df ivcfr bxy, nvMbr 21,22,29,30,dsMbr 8,9,10, asLuwB.





imQun – pyt dI KrfbI, Dn hfnI, PjUl KrcIBfeI bMDU suK sMqfn qy iesqrI ksLt, sFJydfrI iwvc hfnI rhygI,. kMm bdlx df ivcfr bxygf. nvMbr 23,24, dsMbr 1,2,3,11,12,asLuwB.

Krk- swt df zr, Dn lfB, Krcf aiDk, imwqrF qoN lfB, sMqfn qy iesqrI pwKoN icMqf, kfrobfr ivwc Gftf rhygf. nvMbr16,17,25,26,dsMbr 4,5,13,14,15 asLuB.



isMG – pyt dI KrfbI, swtf lgfAux nfl hfnI, sMqfn ksLt, dusLmxF iwvc vfDf, GrylU JMJtF qy jfiedfd dy ivvfd qoN bco. nvMbr 18,19,20,27,28,dsMbr 6,7 asLuB.



A new direction can begin to take shape in your dealings with others. They can be very enthusiastic but what you need to be careful of is either the level of commitment or responsibility on your part. You need to take daily routines into account that can’t be changed. You will see things clearly from mid December.

You can afford to be a little carefree when it comes to decisions, particularly involving rest or holidays. This could follow a period of being undecided from mid to late October. If not holidays, you could feel it is time you made some decisions that will allow you to incorporate more time for pleasure on a regular basis.

Decisions that need to be made or finalised regarding home or family matters should now take shape to mid December. This is also a good period to decide on anything you feel needs to be put in place or structured in a better way. You will get a sense of peace about getting these things settled before the new year begins.

You need to rely on what you think is best. This will not be the first time you have had to consider matters but you have had time in the last few weeks to look into facts more or gather information on anything you have not been confident about. You cannot allow yourself to be influenced by someone else being disappointed.

The time has come to make some final decisions related to your finances. This could be connected to spending or how you should move forward with commitments. Some unexpected expenses related to what is required in daily life could be part of this. Don’t be encouraged to increase anything. Be practical.

You can finally experience moving ahead with personal matters after many starts and stops since August. Make final decisions by mid December. You will be naturally inclined to ensure these will produce a sense of balance, particularly to you personally. You have got to 7th January to work on creating exactly this, so go to it.

kMinaF – Kun kI KrfbI, krjy qoN bco, Dn hfnI qoN mn icMqF Xukq rhygf, imwqrF nfl JgVf, sMqfn ksLt, pqnI suK imlygf. nvMbr 21,22,29,30 dsMbr 8,9, 10, asLuB.

7 

qulf – ishq TIk rhygI, kRoD qy kfbU rwKo, lVHfeI JgVy qoN dUr rho, rfj drbfr qoN ksLt iml skdf hY inwjI lokF nfl JgVf qy kMm bdlx ivwc lfB hovygf. nvMbr 23,24, dsMbr 1,2,3,11,12 asLuwB hovygI.



ibRsLick – pyt rog, Dn hfnI, Krc aiDk sMqfn pwK qoN KusLI nvIaF XojnfvF qoN lfB, kfrobfr TIk rhygf, nvMbr16,17,25,26,dsMbr 4,5,13,14,15 asLuB.



DnU – pyt dI KrfbI, iesqrI jF puwqr ihwq ivsLysL Krcf hovygf, nIc ivakqIaF qoN hfnI jF apmfn df zr, afriQk lfB, nvMbr 18,19,20,27,28,dsMbr 6,7 asLuB.

10 

mkr – kRoD qy kfbU rwKo, Dn hfnI ho skdI hY, Brf df suwK, Dn lfB, kfrobfr iwvc rukfvt pYdf ho skdI hY. . nvMbr 21,22,29,30 dsMbr 8,9, 10, asLuB.

11  kuMB – pyt dI KrfbI, Dn lfB, BfeI bMDUaF df suwK. sMqfn ksLt, dusLmx kmjor, iesqrI pwK sluwB, kfrobfr ivwc rukfvt pYdf ho skdI hY. nvMbr 23,24, dsMbr 1,2,3,11,12 asLuwB hovygI.



mIn – ishq TIk, afmdn Krc brfbr,, inwjIlokF qoN ksLt, nvIaF XojnfvF qoN hfnI, kMm jF kfrj sQfn bdlx df ivcfr pYdf ho skdf hY. iesqrI qy sMqfn pwKoN icMqF. nvMbr 16,17,25,26,dsMbr 4,5,13,14,15 asLuB.


The New Moon this week occurs in your sign, providing the opportunity for you to work on new directions. It might be difficult to be clear on what actions should be taken to put things in place, especially if it involves family. There has been a lot of change behind the scenes since August. All of this should settle by January.

Your main focus needs to be your priorities. It has been difficult to stay on the one path, off and on, since August. Now you can move ahead to early January. This could also include greater clarity with changing situations with friends or any group of people you have been involved with. Find time to yourself for contemplation.

Greater certainty when it comes to what you want to commit yourself to or the obligations you are willing to accept can establish itself from now to mid December. This will likely involve lowering the level in some situation by early January so that it is either more fair or makes you feel more comfortable. Watch impulsive spending.

You can be unusually hasty with something new. If you are not careful this could land you with new responsibilities that will increase much more than you first anticipate. Get your focus back to long-term plans you have considered off and on since August. How you can move forward can become clear to mid December.

The Patrika


Friday, December 7th, 2018




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Punjabi Patrika



The Patrika




Friday, December 7th, 2018


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grYNf EpinMg


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AsIN iksy vI stor dI kImq nUM mYc krWgy[

swfIAW kImqW gorimMt storW nwloN G`t hoxgIAW[ spYSl kImqW isr& dsMbr 29, 2018 q`k hI hn[ (pr 100 fwlr Krcx qy mu&q lMc b&y dsMbr 29, 2018 q`k lY skdy ho) Kim crAWfOrD ApOthic smirnOff YEllOW tAil GrEY rED vODKA chArDOnnAY sAUviGnOn BlAnc GOOsE 750 ml 750 ml 750 ml 1.75 L 750 ml







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The Patrika


Friday, December 7th, 2018




Budget-friendly holiday hosting tips (NC) With parties, family dinners and pesky out-of-town guests, this season of joy can end up being stressful and expensive. But you can ease the pressure and be the hostess with the mostest with these budget-friendly hosting tips. Create a scent-sational experience. Make your house a home by simmering ingredients like fresh cinnamon, pine or ginger. It’s an inexpensive way to means you never know when an unadd some extra magic your guests expected guest may drop by. Using will love. your Walmart Reward Dollars you Clean out your closets and make can pick up a little extra something space. Clear out your entryway closet that’s neutral and suitable for a varito make room for your guests’ coats ety of would-be recipients while still and winter boots Making extra space staying on budget. will help make them feel at home Nothing sings holiday cheer like and help you feel less cluttered and music. Get your guests in the holiday stressed. mood with some classic Christmas Always have an extra gift on hand. carols. They’re sure to add some fesThis season can get busy, which tive cheer to any party.

AYbtsPorf Sihr

dy iblfrW Aqy fIzweInrW dI mIitMg

13 dsMbr, 2018 8:30 vjy qoN 9:30 vjy svyry mYtskueI sYnItynIAl AYfItorIAm ivKy

iblfrz, fIzweInrz,ieMjnIArz,AwrkItYkt Aqy fvYlprz nMU Ku`lHw s`dw hY ik Awp swry AwE qW ik istI iblifMg primt isstm ivc AweIAW qbdIlIAw qy ivcwr vtWdry kIqy jwx[ ieh iek mOkw hY jdoN qusIN iblifMg primt isstm nMU ibhqr bxwaux leI Awpxy ivcwr Aqy suJwA sWJy kr skdy ho[

mu`K mu`dy hn:-

• • • • • •

iblifMg bweI-lwA Apfyts prPwrmYns sikauirtI plMibMg primts iblifMg primt sbimSns ienspYkSn ivc kI qy kI nhIN krnw cwhIdw ifzItl sbimSns

For more information:


The Patrika




Friday, December 7th, 2018


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The Patrika


Friday, December 7th, 2018




bI sI ivc iek nvIN guPLf imlI

cMgy sLihrIaF nUM idwqy jfx vfly mYzlF df aYlfn

bI sI dy vYljL gy pRoivMsLl pfrk dy Auwqr-pUrbI Kyqr ivc iek nvIN guPLf imlI hY ijs nUM kYnyzf Br ivc sB qoN lMmI guPLf smiJaf jf irhf hY| ies dI lMbfeI lgBg 135 mItr dwsI jf rhI hY| hfl dI GVI ies nUM Sarlacc’s Pit ikhf jf irhf hY| ies df pqf iek hYlIkfptr dy amly nUM lwgf| BUMm ivigafnI kYQrIn ihksn df kihxf hY,” ies nfl kYnyzf dI guPfL lwBx dI khfxI ivc iek nvF cYptr juV igaf hY| ieh bhuq hYrfnI jnk hY | ies df afkfr iek sOkr dy grfAuNz ijwzf hY AuwQy jfx qoN pihlF Auh aqy Aus dy sfQI ies dIaF AupgRhI mUrqF aqy pwQrF df aiDaYn krdy rhy|

bI sI dy sYrspftf, afrts aqy swiBafcfr mMqRflf dy 4 dsMbr dy pRsfsLLn ivc cMgy sLihrIaF dI kimAuintI syvf nUM mfnqf idMidaF AunHF nUM mYzldyx df aYlfn kIqf igaf hY| ies sbMDI pRImIar jOn hOrgn ny ikhf,” susfietI dI syvf krn vfilaF nUM vDfeIaF idMidaF mYN mfx mihsUs krdf hF| ieh mYzl AunHF dI sRysLt syvf nUM mfnqf dyx dy lKfiek hn|” sYrspftf mMqrI lIjLf byar ny vI ikhf,” awj mYzl lY irhf hr ivakqI vDIaf ibRitsL kolMbIan hY| cox kmytI dy sfry mYNbr ienHF cMgy sLihrIaF dI diraf idlI, hmdrdI Bfvnf, aqy kurbfnI qoN pRBfivq hoey hn| ienHF sB nUM sLuwB kfmnfvF ! “

aOrqF kMm ‘qy AudoN vwD KLusL rihMdIaF hn jdoN AuwQy mrd QoVHy hox – iek aiDaYn

votrF nUM anupfqI pRqIinDqf rfey sLumfrI dy pwqr Byjx dI apIl

XU bI sI dy KojIaF vwloN kIqy gey iek aiDaYn ivc dwisaf igaf hY ik aOrqF afpxy kMm ‘qy AudoN vwD KLusL huMdIaF hn jdoN AuwQy mrd QoVHy hox aqy AuMnHF dIaF sfQxF vDyry hox| pr mrd ieAuN mihsUs nhIN krdy| Journal of Happiness Studies ivc ipCly mhIny CpI irport 2010 2013 ivc amrIkf ivKy 4486 kfimaF dI KusLI nUM nfpx ihq kIqI Koj ‘qy aDfirq hY| XU bI sI dI smfj-ivigafn dI pRoPYsr Yue Qian ny vI ies Auprokq iswty dI pusLtI kIqI hY| Aus df kihxf hY ik iksy kMm ‘qy mrdF dI igxqI vDx nfl aOrqF dI KusLI ivc kmI afAuNdI hY|

ielYksLn bI sI vwloN apIl kIqI geI hY ijnHF votrF ny anupfqI pRqIinDqf dy rfiesLumfrI pwqr nhIN Byjy Auh qurMq Byj dyx| ieh pwqr Byjx dI aMqm qfrIKL 7 dsMbr hox krky ieh apIl kIqI geI hY ik hux ieh pwqr inwjI qOr ‘qy AuMnHF QfvF ‘qy phuMcfAux ijnNHF dI jfxkfrI ielYksLn bI sI dI vYbsfeIt ‘qy AuplbD hY| ajy 39% bYlt hI ielYksLn bI sI kol phuMcy hn| ienHF votF rfhIN bI sI invfsI ieh PYslf kr rhy hn ik kI Auh vrqmfn pRxflI hI cfhuMdy hn jF anupfqI pRqIinDqf psMd krdy hn| aiDkfrIaF df kihxf hY ik bI sI invfsIaF df huMgfrf bhuq mwTf hY|

iclfvYk ivc bIar df ivsLfl kfrKfnf AusfrI aDIn

B.C Buy Local Week

bIar bnfAux vflI pRiswD kMpnI Molson Coors hux iclfvYk ivKy 14[5 eykV ivc bIar df ivsLfl kfrKfnf bxf rhI hY| ieh kfrKfnf tRFs kYnyzf hfeIvya dy lfgy hovygf| ieh kfrKfnf pWCmI kYnyzf ivc sB qoN vwzf kfrKfnf hovygf| kMpnI dfkihxf hY ik ieh kfrLfrKfnf imQy smyN qoN pihlF iqafr ho jfvygf| AuwQy 100 ibRAU tYNk Dry jf cuwky hn ijnHF ivc POlfdI lwqF vfly fermentation tank rwKy jf cuwky hn| pfeIpf aqy ibjlI nUM joVn df kMm vwzI pwDr ‘qy ho irhf hY| ies qrF Coty sLihr iclfvYk ivKy bIar bnfAux df ivsLfl kfrKfnf CyqI mukMml ho jfvygf|

3 dsMbr qoN 9 dsMbr df hPqf bI sI dIaF vsqF KrIdx df hokf dyx df hPqf hY| ies bfry ikhf jf irhf hY ik bI sI invfsIaF nUM bI sI ivc pYdf hoeIaF jF bxfeIaF vsqF KrIdxIaF cfhIdIaF hn qF jo iewQoN dy AuqpfdkF nUM hOslf imly| anumfn lgfieaf igaf hY jy qusIN $100 dI KrIddfrI krdy ho qF ies ivcoN $46 sQfnk afrQkqf ivc jFdy hn| ieAuN krn nfl hor nOkrIaF pYdf hox dI sMBfvnf vDdI hY| LOCO BC nfm dy sMGTn dy Coty vpfrF dy mflk ieh hPqf mnfAux leI pRcfr kr rhy hn qF jo bI sI dy vpfr nUM hulfrf iml sky|

pRcwlq isgrtnosLI nUM rokx leI skUl dy bfQrUm bMd kIqy gey AuwqrI vYnkUvr dy sykov sYkMzrI skUl dy do bfQrUm ies krky bMd kIqy gey ikAuNik ividafrQI AunHF ivc vV ky isgrtF rfhIN nisLaF df syvn krdy hn| ies sbMDI lgfey noits ivc iliKaf igaf hY ik ieh smwisaf gMBIr ho geI hY hux ijMm dy lOkr vI klfs dy sLurU aqy bMd hox vyly KolHy jfxgy| skUl aiDkfrIaF df kihxf hY ik ividafrQIaF nUM vyipMg arQfq isgrtnosLI dy asr bfry jfgirq hoxf cfhIdf hY| vyipMg arQfq eI-isgrt nosLI ividafrQIaF dy jIvn ‘qy mfrU asr pfAuNdI hY _ ies krky ies nUM TWlH pfAux leI bfQrUmF nUM bMd krn df aOKf kdm puwtxf ipaf hY|

mfn hfnI dy mukwdmy ivc hoieaf $1 df jurmfnf bI sI suprIm kort dI mfnXog jwj nInf sLrmf ny lKpqI izvYlpr mfiePI pYn nUM $1 df muafvjLf dy ky mukwdmy df aMq kr idwqf| ieh jurmfnf pYn Aupr dosL lfAux vfly ibMg cYn goaf nUM kIqf ijs ny pYn ‘qy tYks corI krn aqy Dnfz huMidaF vI cfielz tYks lfB lYx df dosL lgfieaf sI| BfvyN ies DnI pYn nUM ieh muafvjLf idvfieaf igaf prMqU jwj ny Aus dy adflq ivc ivKfey ivvhfr nUM aqI inMdxXog afiKaf| ies amIr afdmI ny adflq ivc bVI ZITqfeI nfl mMinaF ik Aus ny amIr huMidaF vI cfielz tYks df lfhf ilaf ijs df Auh hwkdfr nhIN sI| jwj sfihbf ny pYn vwloN mfn hfnI bdly $360,000 qoN $450,000 dy muafvjLy dI mMg pRvfn nf kridaF kyvl $1 df jurmfnf hI kIqf |


gihxy gwty corI krn vflf joVf igRPqfr puils df kihxf hY ik sflmn afrm dy vfsIaF vwloN sLkfieqF iml rhIaF sn ik AunHF dy gihxy corI ho rhy hn| afr sI aYm pI df kihxf ik aijhy cor Epn hfAusF ivc hfjLrI Br ky sMBfvI KrIddfr hox df ivKfvf krdy sn| hux puils ny aijhf joVf igRPqfr kIqf hY jo ies DMdy ivc lwgf hoieaf sI| AunHF koloN corI kIqy bhuq sfry gihxy PVy gey hn| PAGE 41

The Patrika





Friday, December 7th, 2018

B.C. government, First Nations will share gaming revenue, codevelop legislation to implement UN declaration The joint announcement was made by the provincial government and First Nations Leadership Council at the annual B.C. Cabinet-First Nations Leaders’ Gathering in Vancouver, where more than 650 meetings between First Nations leaders, cabinet ministers and The BC Assembly of First Nations, deputy ministers will be held over the First Nations Summit and Union of next two days. BC Indian Chiefs, working together as “This is a historic and progressive the First Nations Leadership Council action by the provincial government (FNLC), and the Province announced to address the ongoing issues regardthey are co-developing new legislation ing jurisdiction and gaming revenue for introduction in 2019 to implement sharing,” stated Regional Chief Terry the United Nations Declaration on the Teegee of the BC Assembly of First Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UN Nations. “We see this as a positive first declaration) in B.C. step and look forward to this new fiscal “Undoubtedly this is a momentous arrangement. We will see a growth in occasion for all First Nations in the the number and quality of community Province of B.C.,” said Grand Chief projects, including business ventures Joe Hall, First Nations lead negotiator that will consequently contribute to and past chair of the BC First Na- increased economic prosperity for all tions Gaming Commission. “We have British Columbians.” worked at this for many, many years “We are committing to work together and now we have finally arrived at an with First Nations throughout B.C. in agreement that will see much-needed ways we never have before, to take revenue from gaming shared with all bold steps that truly support self-govthe First Nations communities of B.C. ernment and self-determination,” said The countless stories that we heard Scott Fraser, Minister of Indigenous about how the revenue will make a Relations and Reconciliation. “For the significant difference in our commu- first time, the B.C. government will nities was both heart-warming and be sharing gaming revenues with First inspirational. Our negotiating team is Nations, for the benefit of every nation so pleased that this government has by across this province.” demonstration addressed and resolved this specific long-standing unfairness. The Province’s commitment to gaming It bodes well for the reconciliation ef- revenue sharing starts with $2 million in immediate support to establish a forts in this province.” B.C. First Nations gaming distribution “UN declaration legislation and gam- limited partnership, which will manage ing revenue sharing are important steps the new revenue. forward to advance true and lasting reconciliation, and create certainty “This is an enormous step forward on and opportunity for First Nations and the path to reconciliation and truly recthe province as a whole,” said Premier ognizing the right to self-determination Horgan. “Sharing gaming revenues will for First Nations,” said Carole James, mean First Nations have the ability to Minister of Finance. “First Nations invest in the services and infrastructure know better than anyone what their healthy communities need – child care, communities need to thrive. When First supports for new mothers, housing, Nations can focus on their priorities, road upgrades and economic devel- it creates new opportunities for comopment to create a better future for munities to flourish both today and for everyone in B.C.” the generations to come.” .C. First Nations will share in provincial gaming revenue to support self-government, strong, healthy communities, and services that make life better for families. This funding will be a central piece of Budget 2019 to support reconciliation.



kfimaF dI loV ieMzIan rYstorYt aYgjI bI[sI ivc iclfvYk kol hY[ sfnUM do ikcn hYlpr dI jrUrq hY,kMm Pul tfiem hY[rhfiesL df prbMD vI kIqf jf skdf hY[Xog vrkr dI vrk prmt leI vI shfieqf kIqI jfvygI[hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro jI 604-615-1021 Services If you have drug or alcohol problems, there is help contact John

lMbr imwl ivwc lMbr stYikMg krn leI kfimaF dI loV hY|

cMgI qnKfh $18 jF vwD qjLrby anusfr idwqI jfvygI, kMm aMdr sYLwz ivwc hovygf| hor jfxkfrI leI gurjIq nUM Pon kro: 604-866-3923 jF PYks: 604-597-3228, or Address: 6350 Unsworth Rd, Chilliwack jy quhfnMU alkohl jF zrwg dI pRObilm hY qf asI quhfzI hYlp krF gy sMprk kro John (778)779-1337

Nanny Required Required Nanny for three children. Full-time, permanent basis, $13/hr, location: Abbotsford, BC, Language: English, skills: High School & 1-2 years of experience/ training. Duties: supervise & care for children, preparing and feeding meals, personal care for children, maintain safe, clean and healthy environment. Contact: Workers Wanted

Looking for an experienced Class 1 dump truck driver. $27-$30/ hr depending on experience. All local work. Call 604-614-7448

The Patrika


Friday, December 7th, 2018





Spl: We Do Cabinet Installation for New or Old Houses All Kinds of Renovations

SPECIALIZED IN NEW & OLD RENOVATION HOMES Tiles (Wall , & Floor Tiles, All Kinds Of Tiles) Entrance Way Tiles Kitchen (Floor & Backsplash) Kitchen Cabinet And CounterTop Full Bathroom Renovation (New & Old) Floor Lamination

Basement Washroom Kitchen Painting Plumbing

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High Quality Services at Very Reasonable Prices hr pRkfr dIaF tfielF iPks krvfAux leI sMprk kro

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hr qrFH dIaF rYnovysLn jLrUrqF leI Pon kro Fully Finish Basement Washroom Tile Painting

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CALL: JAGIR SANDHU | CELL : 604-857-3828

sfnMU trwk zrfeIvr, aqy lokl kfimaF, dI loV hY| lONg hfl nhIN hY. cMgI qnKfh qjLrby anusfr idwqI jfvygI | : Please send resumes too:

Contact Jordan : 778-240-3457 E-mail : | Fax: 604-850-7225 1702 Foy St, Abbotsford BC V2T6B1


The Patrika




Friday, December 7th, 2018


VR IN THE ER PUTS PEDIATRIC PATIENTS AT EASE ew places are scarier to a child than a hospital emergency room. They are injured or not feeling well, there are a lot of strange sights and sounds, and the people around them are likewise not well. But a Peace Arch Hospital emergency doctor is utilizing virtual reality (VR) technology and robots to make visits to the emergency room less scary and painful for pediatric patients.


“By looking to innovation to improve the health-care experience, we’re finding new and creative ways to make going to the ER a more simple and comfortable experience for children,” said Health Minister Adrian Dix. “Thanks to the use of virtual reality in the ER, children aren’t coming in expecting something scary. Just imagine the uses for virtual reality — it has the potential to make things like getting stitches a better experience.” Dr. Amir Behboudi started using virtual reality headsets with children while giving them stitches and found the results were very positive. He also uses Pepper, an interactive robot, for children and families to play with in


the Peace Arch Hospital waiting room into practice during the 2017 winter as they wait for treatment. holidays when he stitched up a young girl’s hand laceration while she wore a “Our dream is for kids not to be afraid VR headset and watched a rollercoaster when they visit the ER,” said Dr. Behsimulation. Almost instantly, she was boudi, a Peace Arch Hospital emergencalmer, remained still for the treatcy physician and a clinical instructor ment, and not crying or fearful. The in UBC’s Department of Emergency technology he uses is inexpensive and Medicine. “There are simple things we mass market: a VR headset retailing can do to completely change the way for as low they react to pain and to the hospital. We can take their attention away from $40 and is paired with a basic $200 the pain with VR. We know that dis- smartphone loaded with VR experitraction works. The brain can get fooled ence apps. He is interested in trialing a when multiple inputs are coming in.” newer version of headset, which offers more immersive experiences. “It’s kind Dr. Behboudi is also studying the of a no-brainer to give this to a child. impact of VR distraction on children. It’s cheap, it doesn’t take much time, He has a passion for making kids’ exand their whole experience completely perience in the emergency department changes,” said Dr. Behboudi, a father better, and has expanded the use of VR of two himself. “Harvard did a study from children’s cuts to lab tests, IV and found young kids actually thought insertions, treating sprains and even they had gone to amusement parks for minor plastic surgery procedures. when asked about what they did the day One study about children using a VR before, and did not dwell on hospital headset for 15 minutes during IV intrauma.” sertion shows it significantly reduced the child’s reported levels of anxiety. He worked to duplicate the Peace Arch Inspired by a Peace Arch Hospital ini- Hospital trial at BC Children’s Hostiative to create a more child-friendly pital, partnering with children’s pain facility, Dr. Behboudi put his idea specialist Dr. Ran Goldman, who was

enthusiastic about the work and was soon using it and studying the results with his own patients. Dr. Behboudi wants a child’s positive experience to start as soon as they enter the hospital doors. This is why he also introduced Pepper. Children can dance with the interactive robot, they can ask it questions, and it can play music and relay information to the children. He is working with other emergency rooms in Fraser Health, including Surrey Memorial and Abbotsford Regional Hospitals, to brief them on the study and VR technology applications.

The Patrika


Friday, December 7th, 2018




Attention Abbotsford, please come and join us on December 18 to help celebrate 25 years of Rick Hansen Secondary. Open to the general public. Tickets are $5 each while they last. It will be a very eventful evening featuring two games and a 3 pt competition. We are raising funds in hopes of generating scholarships and improving our basketball program. Doors open at 5:30pm and event runs until 9:30pm.


The Patrika





Eugene Reimer Middle School Students along with Four Elementary Schools Came Together around a Random Act of Kindness Project ugene Reimer Middle School of Kindness initiative. These student Rural Ravens Club and grade leaders of Abbotsford District put six students led a Random Act others before themselves, and showcased empathy by honoring emergency responders in our community. Four elementary school's joined in including Mt. Lehman, Harry Sayers, Dave Kandal and Blue Jay elementary. The middle school students inspired and role modeled for the elementary students. With the help of the teachers, parents, administrative teams from each school, students delivered 250+ cake pops from Starbucks as a sign of appreciation to the Paramedics, Emergency Room Staff and Firefighters. The students with the support of their teachers and administration including Mrs. Sangha, Mr. Batt, Mrs. Moffat, Mr. Wodtke, Mr. Whalley, Mr. Gill, Mrs.



Gill, Mr. Chan, Mrs. Andrews, Mr. Sekhon, Mr. Levings, Mr. Cochrane and Mrs. Jensen raised funds. Students thanked their teachers and principals for bringing their project to life. Fraser Valley Indo- Canadian Business Association and KS&A Chartered Accountants as community oriented organizations donated alongside the students. These middle and elementary students had not met each other before and yet they came together around an act of kindness as agents of change to build community. They increased their sense of belonging, strengthened their communication skills and made connections with each other and community members. Along with the cake pops, posters with personal messages of gratitude were delivered to communicate a special thanks to the paramedics, emergency room staff and firefighter for taking on a these

tough jobs a n d still smiling. Students of Abbotsford School District #34 understand that kindness is a universal language. Students do and can make a difference!

The Patrika


Friday, December 7th, 2018





The Patrika





Friday, December 7th, 2018



is announcing the merging of their two locations! Vick, Aman & Sunny would like to thank their customers for the continued support over the years and want to assure everyone the same great ser vice will be available from the location at

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Sunny Ahuja




O ROGERS,. Authorized Dealer

HIGHSTREET UNIT CllO - 3112 MT LEHMAN ROAD 604-381-2802 For Information on our other 20 Locations visit PAGE 48



Friday, Dec 7, 2018

Baldev Singh Gill 

Kirandeep Singh Gill


604.825.8886 31046 SOUTHERN DRIVE


Very clean 3 storey house with a walkout basement in West Abbotsford. Heated kitchen, ensuite and a family room floors. New furnace and new central air conditioner. Roof was replaced few years ago. Close to all levels of schools, Fruiticana and Highstreet Mall. Call for more info.

Custom built 3 storey home with 2-5-10 years warranty in West Abbotsford’s newest subdivision. 4 bedrooms upstairs with 3 full baths. One bedroom with full bathroom on main floor. Walk out basement has 3 bedrooms , 2 full bath and very spacious media room.


2300 Sq. ft. Rancher with full basement is located in a quiet dead end street. 7700 Sq. ft. flat lot. Some recent updates are: New windows, new blinds, new washer/dryer, new carpet on stairs and brand new full bath in the basement.

Over 3200 Sq. ft. home in West Abbotsford. Several upgrades including: new laminate flooring in living and family rooms, new tiles in the foyer and kitchen, brand new blinds, only 4 years old roof, a fully fenced backyard and relatively new paint. Close to Rotary stadium, W.J. Mouat Secondary and Gordie Howe Middle School.

Farm Listing

3131 267A STREET

#207 1909 SALTON ROAD


19.44 Acre Full Production 33629 Clayburn RD Blueberry Farm


2 Bed & 1 Bath Apartment on the Main Floor with 2 parking spots. Many upgrades in past few years including: Laminate floors, white baseboards, designer paint, blinds, counter tops, white appliances, bathroom tile around tub, vanity fixtures, electrical plugs & switches! Great location viewing the private common area.

3130 267A STREET


11 year old 1/2 duplex with living, dining, kitchen, family room and 2 piece bath on main; 3 bedrooms and 2 full bath on upstairs. Single garage, fenced private backyard with covered patio and store. No strata fee, independent living, lot of privacy Close to elementary school.

Duke and Bluecrop varieties. Very good production for 2017 Full irrigation system and machine pick. House and Barn.


16.32 acre income producing blueberry farm. 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 1950 sqft rancher. 100x40 barn, has 2 storeys, oversized doors on both ends of barn, extra concrete slab. Peat moss, Huge potential here! Close to town and Mission Hwy.


440 Sumas Way, Abbotsford


1/2 acre property with 4 bedroom- 2kitchens basement entry home in great condition. all new carpets and freshly painted walls,doors,trim and exterior trim as well property has 10’side yard access to back yard on both sides of the home.50’ frontage by 400’ to park all your vehicles.lots of room to build shop.home has large east facing sundeck with view of mt.baker.large steel box container in back yard for plenty of extra storage.

Approx.3 acres of land-surrounded by industrial the corner of nordal way & sweson way-2 road frontages.beside alex fraser bridge,few minutes to hwy 77 & hwy 99-rare find of such big size of commerial property in delta.presently 4800sq.ft burger king building & truck card lock,explore your opportunity to rezone/develop.central locatioon.


201-30505 Blueridge Drive Abbotsford








4021 Glenmore Road

BUILD YOUR DREAM HOUSE 1.38 acre corner lot..Beautiful nature's lover, tranquil , peaceful location to enjoy . Just minutes from MEI school ,Parks,Golf, Comuubity Church & Clearbrook Elementary School.

Best Deal: $ 1,350,000







$ 1,450,000 (U.S.A)

Best Deal: $ 998000

FOR LEASE 984 SQFT SPACE RETAIL OR OFFICE FOR YOUR PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS South side of Khalsa Credit Union Ideal for immigration consultant, accountants, travel agency, transportation dispatching, fabric/clothing store, audio/video store or any other professional business. parking. Ready to occupy.





Friday, Dec 7, 2018


Friday, Dec 7, 2018

Raman Dhillon

Personal Real Estate Corporation |


R E A LT Y I N C .









Call For More Info. Abbotsford




S $2895,000 Hope Silver Creek 45 20118 BEACON ROAD



Hope Silver Creek

44 20118 BEACON ROAD


Hope Silver Creek

46 20118 BEACON ROAD



Hope Silver Creek

03 20118 BEACON ROAD



Abbotsford West


D SOL Chilliwack



Investors,Developersand BuildersAlert!Property locatedinadesirableareaof WestAbbotsfordwith possibilitytobesubdivideinto 2lots.

Chilliwack 8524 FOREST GATE DRIVE

$749,700 Chilliwack 8488 FOREST GATE DRIVE

$849,000 Abbotsford





Great Location 16.44 acres Blueberry farm with beautiful Home. 7 year old Mega house 6700 SF with 10 bedroom and 8 Washrooms. 4 kitchens. Over 13 acres of land was planted in 2000 with

10 acre blueberry farm, a few minutes from town. Trade Welcome.



65 ACRES Raspberry Farm. Great Rental Income. Close to Town. Trades Welcome.

$2,499,000 35062 HARRIS ROAD High production farm, Blue crop variety, very well kept, great location with smaller house.


19 + ACRES

Raspberry Farm & BIG House!



20+ ACRES Duke & Blue Crop. High production.


Townhouse site & 7 storey apartment building site. Prime Location!

For Sale 8 Brand New HOUSES! in Promontory Area Chillwack! 2 & 3 Storey Houses Available NOW!




Pizza Place $199,000

Commercial Unit In Cedar Park Abbotsford Contact For Detail



Friday, Dec 7, 2018

House buying needs and wants Similar to the list you develop to purchase groceries, why not develop your own list of needs and wants in a new home. This doesn’t mean you can not have what you want in your home, but rather, that you have a priority list of the most important features. You may not be able to obtain all the “want” items on your list, within your budget. You may have to compromise on a few items to stay in line with your budget.


Here’s a review of needs versus wants:

• Brass lighting fixtures


• Skylights

Adequate square footage for comfortable living.

• A pretty view

Sufficient bedrooms for your family Sufficient bathrooms Comfortable eat-in kitchen Garage or basement for storage needs Backyard for children’s play area Easy access to school


• Specific carpeting, paint, exterior color • Pool • Jacuzzi • Hardwood floors • Bay windows • Built-in entertainment center

Try finding a happy medium of NEEDS and WANTS. That is, you will want to look for a home that includes all of your needs, with as many wants as practical, while remaining within your budget. Once you have this information in hand, your needs will be clearly defined from your wants. Having this knowledge will establish a clear direction for your new home shopping.


Friday, Dec 7, 2018



dIp iFloN 604.832.0480

Ph: 604-864-0666 • Fax: 604-864-0668 Toll Free: 1-866-967-0666

Call Today for your Free Market Evaluation!

#110- 30485 Cardinal Avenue, Abbotsford BC V4X 2M9


3789 Coachstone Way, 3363 Horn St Abbotsford Abbotsford Creekstone on the Park". Well-kept Custom built 2 storey w/walk-out basement backing onto green space. Very private setting. Many updates. 3 bedrooms up, 1 bedroom in the bsmt and den on main. home features 4 gas fireplaces, granite countertops, S/S appliances in the kitchen, hardwood floor on main and 2nd floor. W/O basement has 4th bedroom, rec room with marble decorated wet bar, theater room and sauna in the basement.

MILLION DOLLAR MOUNT BAKER VIEW CENTRAL Location, view, You can have it all! It offers Blueberry, panoramic views of mountains. Impressive 4799 sq.ft. mansion is located on 8.5 acres Planted Duke, 4 yrs old plants. Covered sundeck, spectacular bedrooms with Ensuites.

$ 1,899,000

3 SOLD ONE AVAILABLE Townhouse Legal Suite close to Baba Banda 407 31771 13505 62 Ave Singh Peardonville Rd Surrey Abbotsford Bahadur This home has 2 spacious Gurdwara bedrooms, 2 baths, living area, good size kitchen and dining space Penthouse. Lots of updates include new laminate flooring, fresh paint, newer roof and much more. The building has been very well maintainedwell managed.

$ 349,000



$ 599,000 For more info please call Deep or Harjinder

property into two RF lots

6757 134A St 33394 Hawthorne Ave Abbotsford Surrey Totally renovated gem located in quite and central location of West Newton. This 2700 sq.ft home features two and one bedrooms suites as great mortgage helper. Upgrades include new roof, furnace, hot water tank, flooring, kitchens, washroom , appliances and windows. big lot 66 by 122.

$ 1,250,000 $ 1,049,000

70 x 115 Rancher

Mainly Landvalue

$ 619,000



Friday, Dec 7, 2018 MLS TOP 10%

Jag S Sidhu Personal Real Estate Corporation

Listing Needed Call Jag

#110 - 30485 Cardinal Ave Abbotsford, BC V2T0E5

Phone: 604.625.2245 Fax: 604.625.2249 Toll Free: 1.866.967.0666

Call Gurcharan or Jag for your FREE no obligation Market Evaluation


New listing on Upper Maclure 6 bedrooms 5 bath recroom call jag 32277 PEARDONVILLE RD

This home is centrally located in West Abbotsford, close to schools, shopping and parks. OVER 12000 SF Large lot, that can be subdivided into 2 lots that would be over 6000 sqft each. Build your dream home and sell the lot beside you or hold the property


2 lot approval. Documents are available from seller once accepted offer and you can verify with the city of Abbotsford prior to making any offer for final approval of 2 lots. Close to French Immersion Elementary school, Stadium, Bus and recreation. Call Gur Dhillon

3510 Promontory crt

West Abby. 3 story 5 bedrooms up den on main two bedroom legal suite and a Rec room for owner use.





West Abbotsford on firhill dr, 26 year old house 5 bedroom 3 bath family room, recroom legal suite close to all levels of school Call Gur Dhillon

30966 Brookdale Crt

Abbotsford near gurdwara on 30658 steelhead crt. 4 bedroom den(5th) bedroom legal suite clean cul-de-sac!!

34041 Wavell Lane, Abbotsford It is a two bedroom house, close to Wal-Mart and freeway. It is rented for $950 per month. It is hard to find in this price in Abbotsford area, demolish it and make a new house. No sign on property.

New listing near all levels of schools, gurdwara shaib, fully renovated home 3 bedroom family room and great room up 1 suite and huge theater room for owner use with bar!!

Unit 40 - 31255 Upper Maclure Road

THE GABLES, a family friendly community! A well maintained family home and complex. 4 Bdrms, 3 FULL baths, BIG rec-room, LARGE balcony and DOUBLE garage. Prime location, walking distance to Fruiticana Grocery Store, Eugene Reimer Middle School,Highstreet mall and easy access to highway.


In Maple Ridge Green Belt Call for more detail

214500 Morris Valley Rd Off hwy 7 East Mission

5 Acres

2 bdrm + extra with private fenced yard with patio, extra parking/long driveway to a detached 20 x 5 garage/room. New roof & appliances.close to public transit/school, shopping

#30 - 31098 Westridge Pl 2 Bedroom Townhouse

KETCH PLACE 4 BEDRM HOUSE single garage 700,00 sq feet





2151 Meadows St. Great Location & Big Lot !Spacious Rancher with over 2600 sq ft of living space; 8300 sq. ft lot with a fenced back yard. In a quiet neighborhood, close to schools,Mill lake park, shopping and close freeway access.Three bedrooms up with two down along with large rec-room, full bathroom and large storage room. A new patio deck will help you enjoy this west facing back yard. Sevral Updates Include New roof, vinyl windows, New Paint, New Furnace & water tank, Updates Bathrooms. A truly great family home. Call today to View......

$ 759,000



2060 Broadway Street



Personal Real Estate Corporation

iksy vI qrHF dI pRfprtI KRIdx jF vycx leI suwK mwlI nflL sMprk kro TIN

Blueberry Farm West Abbotsford with a house. Good production Blueberry BlueCrop & Duke Variety call for more info

Sukh Malhi

604.832.6034 LIS

New listing hitting the market this week. West Abby 3420 Headwater pl!!8 bedroom 9 bath, spice kitchen, radiant heat, high ceilings, A/C and generator ready. 2 suites, recroom/ theatre room/bar walking distance to schools!!

3 Lot LEFT Subdivision


3 story 7 bedroom and 8 bath with great views!!

Sold 8 plus acres on hope rd in Abbotsford with 6500sqft home


31031 Southern Drive Amazing West Abbotsford home On a Corner Lot, offering 5 Bedrooms and 3 Baths. Large Double Garage and lots of parking . Recent upgrades include New paint,New Floors,Blinds & Kitchen Counter top.Close to all levels of schools & Grocery Stores . Don't forget the new Highstreet Mall is just blocks away! 3 bedrooms upstairs Great value & a great location. Patio area to enjoy the private backyard. This is the perfect home! Walking distance to shopping, transit and parks. Call today to View......


32173 Mouat Drive Great location!Investor or First time buyer alert. Just Steps Away from all levels of Schools. This home located on Quiet cul-desac! This 4 bdrm/2 bath home has legal suite. This home needs TLC - Either bring it back to its former glory or build your dream home here.

$ 799,000



124 3160 Townline Rd.

Office 604.855.0800

$ 729,000



52 31098 Westridge Place



315-2962 Trethewey Street

3106 Mouat Drive

Super bright and spacious unit in the popular Cascade Green complex. With 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, you'll love the modern feel and open plan. New Carpet, New paint, New Granite Counter tops newer lighting fixtures. Huge covered deck, in-suite laundry with lots of storage, walk-in closet in master, 3 pc ensuite with stand-up shower, QUIET LOCATION IN THE COMPLEX, the list goes on! One parking stall with additional spots available, pets allowed with restrictions.

Great location! Just Steps Away from both Schools. Simply gorgeous home located on large corner lot with gated RV parking! This 5 bdrm/3 bath home! This home sits on 6550 Sq ft of land. Some of the Updates new roof, new laminate floor downstairs, new paint, Large sundeck over double garage.

Call today to View......

$ 299,000



31914 Hopedale Ave

$ 779,000



99 3030 Trethewey St.


Friday, Dec 7, 2018

RESIDENTIAL | Near Sikh Temple LD


3088 Princess st




2108 Vinewood st



$679,800 32372 Alpine ave, 5 bedroom, 2.5 bathrooms, 7738 sqft lot


2 Storey With Bsmt 5 Bdrm, 3.5 Bath Recroom & Bsmt Suite

44-31255 Upper Maclure 32043 Tims Avenue 32827 Hardwood place

House on 2 legal lots 12798 sqft

12240 sqft lot Duplex

2095 Beaver St

11-33682 Marshall rd 403-33960 Old Yale Road

34118 Larch Street 32107 Clinton Ave 2411 Adelaide st 122-2515 Park dr 2994 Eastview street


5.08 acres


20 Acres

12 Acres

10 Acres

planted in blueberries flat rectangluar parcel build your dream home 5 min from abbotsford centre

28218 Layman ave, Abbotsford 2 homes on 5 acres 2 acres in blueberries Near Abbotsford, Aldergrove



19.5 Acres

Sumas Prairie, Abbotsford Flat fertile land Plant berries or other crops Near no. 3 rd exit

10 Acres

$2,299,000 565 MARION RD, ABBOTSFORD New listing Build your dream home Sumas prairie Drip irreg Duke & Elliot Variety

40721 No. 1 Rd, Abbotsford 12 Acres bare land 3 Bedroom hous



BEHARREL RD, ABBOTSFORD Planted In Blueberries Flat Rectangular Parcel Build Your Dream Home 5 Min From Abbotsford downtown



25.39 Acres



Full production blueberry 5 bedroom house (2012 built) near no. 3 rd exit


MISSION Good location Planted in Blueberries 2 bedroom house

10 mins from sumas way


10 Acres



69.29 Acres


32425 King Road..............................5 Acres 1723 Jackson Street.........................Appx 5 Acres 28028 layman avenue .....................Appx 5 Acres 6230 riverside street.........................Appx 5 Acres

6113 Beharrell Road..............................Appx 10 Acres 7.09 acres lot B Haverman ...................Appx 7 Acres 5111 Tolmie road................................... Appx 8 Acres 14627 Dixon road ..................................Appx 30 Acres



Friday, Dec 7, 2018

ikRsims aqy nvyN sfl dIaF mubfrkF !


32712 Huntingdon House is fully renovated


6.9 Acres with House

2775 sq.ft. home. 3 bdrms + Den. GreatLocation. Recently Renovated. Landscaped yard.

$1,647,000 **LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION*** Priced to Sell. Here's your chance to own 6 Acres located in one of the most desirable areas of South Abbotsford. Located off of Huntingdon, close to Highway 1/Airport/Aldergrove Border.

Experience Our Service





32679 Avalon Cr 3000 SQFT home on huge 9500+SQFT lot in quiet cul-de-sac

14-3635 Bluejay


13 - 2962 Trethewey St

28 - 31125 Westridge Pl This three bedroom home features a flexible open plan layout with a gourmet kitchen featuring granite counter top. flat panel cabinetry.

Nice view of the northern mountains from this 2 bedroom 2 bath condo in Cascade Green. Located on the quiet side of the building. Cozy gas fireplace in the living room. Great central location for all levels of schools, shopping and recreation.

Still Available $2,677,000

591 Short Rd Modern 8,000+ sq. ft. house with a barn on 4.9 Acres in one of the best locations

32698 Pandora Ave

8411 Harms St

SOLD 4 - 31235 Upper Maclure

210 - 32550 Maclure

2921 Babich St

162 - 3162 Townline Rd


aYbtsPorz ivwc iksy vI qrHF dI rYjIzYNsLIal jF kmrsLIal pROprtI KrIdx jF vycx leI qjLrbykfr iraltr crnjIq isMG jMzU nflL sMprk kro|


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