December 14th, 2018

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The Patrika 604.852.2288 | “BRIDGING COMMUNITIES” Weekly | Friday Dec 14th 2018 | Vol.23. No. 13 | | inrpwK, sqMqr aqy agFhvDU soc nMU prnfieaf hoieaf A SECULAR, INDEPENDENT & PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER

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The Patrika


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Friday, December 14th, 2018

itAUn aWp, brykF, aYgjfst, PrMt aYWz vrk, ieMjn irpyarjL, klWc, vftr pMp, trYnI srivs, XU- jfieMtjL, PrMt aYksl sLfPtjL afid

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nvW kI ho irhw quhwfy Sihr ivc dsMbr 2018 srd ru~q iv~c krbsweIfkulYkSn

istI dw stwP TÂľFy qoN TÂľFy mOsm iv~c vI hr QW qoN mtIrIAl iek~Tw krdw rhygw pr syPtI pihl id`qI jwvygI[ jy kdI quhwfw swmwn nhIN cu~ikAw jWdw qW aus Ć’ sÂľBwLI r~Ko Aqy Agly inrDwrq idn qy cu~ky jwx leI iqAwr r~Ko, jy iksy kwrn ieh nhIN vI huÂľdw qW Agly inrDwrq smyN dI aufIk kro, iPr qusIN fbl swmwn cukw dyx dy h~kdwr hovogy[ hor jwxkwrI leI qy jwau[

2019 swl leI krbsweIf kulYkSn klYNfrs

swl 2019 dy krbsweIf kulYkSn klÂľfr fwk rwhIN Byj id~qy gey hn ienHW Anuswr qusIN ies qoN jwxU ho skogy ik iks idn quhwfw rI-sweIkl, kÂľpostybl Aqy gwrbyj cu`ikAw jwxw hY[ jy quhwĆ’ aus bwry hor jwxkwrI dI loV hovy jW kwpI dI loV hovy qW istI dI vY~bsweIt qy jwau[

pI.Awr.sI ivMtriPst

qusIN 22 dsÂľbr qoN 6 jnvrI q~k swfy nwL ARC Aqy MRC leI juVo[ rozwnw siv~imÂľg, skyitÂľg, ij~m, hor vI AYkitvtIz Aqy fy-kYNp hoxgy[ qusIN ivÂľtr iPst Plwierz dyKo[


ie~k su-pRis~D SihrI cuxo

AYbtsPorf Sihr ny ie~k inAwrw qy ipAwrw SihrI l~Bxw hY ijs ny lÂľmy smyN leI lok syvwvW kIqIAW hox[ ies cox vwsqy aus dIAW ielwky iv~c kIqIAW vDIAW gqIivDIAW, s~iBAwcwrk kwrjW, kimaUintI Aqy Awm lokweI leI kIqy vDIAW kwrjW, ivrwsqI sWB sÂľBwL, lokW iv~c ivcrn Aqy KHyfW leI kIqy auprwilAW dy lyKy joKy krny hn[ ies kwrj leI dsÂľbr 31 q~k nwmzdgIAW dI aufIk rhygI[ hor jwxkwrI leI qy jwE[

sIznl rIsweIkilÂľg

holI-fy sIzn qoN bwAd dI sPweI ijs iv~c igPtW dy pypr rYp, grIitÂľg kwrf, itSU pypr ijnHW iv~c qohPy lpytxy hn, ies sB ku~J Ć’ qusIN nIly bYgW iv~c pYk kr skdy ho pr Xwd r~iKE ik irbn Aqy boAs gwrbyj iv~c pOxy hn[ jy Awp jI dy igPt pYk pqly qwmVy dy hn jW iv~coN KoKly hn qW ienHW Ć’ vI gwrbyj iv~c hI pwvo[ jy quhwĆ’ iksy g~l dI shI smJ nw l~gI hovy qW qusIN qy jw ky aunHW itps qoN jwx¨ ho skogy ijnHW iv~c rI-sweIkl, ifspoz Aqy hor sYNkVy AweItmW dI jwxkwrI iml jwvygI[

srdIAW iv~c sVk dI swP sPweI AYbtsPorf Sihr 910 iklomItr lÂľmIAW sVkW dI sWB sÂľBwl Aqy swP sPweI krdw hY[ swfIAW srd ru~q dIAW sVk sPweI pihlkdmIAW dyKx leI ‘qy jwE[



Cu~tIAW iv~c istI hwl bÂľd rhygw

25 dsÂľbr idn mÂľglvwr qoN 1 jnvrI 2019 idn mÂľglvwr q~k istI hwl bÂľd rhygw[ istI hwl muV 2 jnvrI qoN Awpxy kwrj AwrÂľB kr dyvygw Aqy kÂľm dw smW hovygw svyry 8.30 vjy Swm 4.30 vjy q~k[

istI kwauNisl brOfkwst swry SihrI mIitÂľgW dw lweIv pRswrx livecouncil qy jw ky dyK skdy hn[ swrIAW mIitMgW Awpxy inrDwirq idn nMU lweIv idKweIAW jWdIAW hn Aqy bwAd iv`c dyKx leI AwrkweIv vI kIqIAW jWdIAW hn qy l~B skdy

kauNisl mIit¾g dw lyKw joKw ds¾br 17 Swm 3 vjy AYgzYkitv kmytI Swm 7 vjy pbilk suxvweI / rYg¨lr kwauNisl jnvrI 7, 2019 Swm 3 vjy AYgzYkitv kmytI Swm 7 vjy rYg¨lr kwauNisl jnvrI 14 dupihr 1 vjy kmytI AOP holH (kmrw n¾br 530) jnvrI 21 Swm 3 vjy AYgzYkitv kmytI Swm 7 vjy pbilk suxvweI / rYg¨lr kwauNisl jnvrI 28 dupihr 1 vjy kmytI AOP holH (kmrw n¾br 530)


Friday, December 14th, 2018

The Patrika



ICBC CLAIMS afeI.sI.bI.sI dy dfavy

trfiel smyq asIN quhfzy Gr afky vI srivs idMdy hF




trfiel smyq

33222 Elz Xyl roz,aYbtsPorz, bI.sI. imlx leI apufieMtmYNt jLrUrI hY

isrP aYbtsPorz rihx vfilaF leI puwCigwC



The Patrika



ijhVy pµjfbI sfihq dy suihrd pfTk aWj 80 sfl qoN AuWpr dI Aumr ivWc hn, Auh keI vfr pµjfbI pRWiqRkf dIaF CpdIaF ilKqF qy iÊlf krdy hoey AulFBy dy lihËy ivWc kihµdy hn ik purfxy ilKfrI s[ gurbKÈ isµG pRIqlVI, BfeI vIr isµG jI, s[ nfnk isµG jI, pRo[ mohn isµG jI, aµimRqf pRIqm jI, ajIq kOr jI jo ilK gey hn, Es pWDr df sfihq aWj ikAuN nhIN iliKaf jf irhf? AunHF siqkfrq BYxF, vIrF dy ies svfl dy hWl lWBxy sfzy aWj dy muWdy hn» bynqI hY ik ilKfrIaF dy pWDr imQxy bVf aOKf mslf hY» bdldy rihxf kudrqI hY, hux rfq hY, ies qoN bfad svyr dI vfrI hY, hux grmI hY, TµZ iqafrIaF kr rhI hY, duWK hY, Èfied suK vI nsIb ho jfvy» sfihq smfj df puWqr hY, smfj df ÈIÈf hY» jo kuWJ smfj ivWc ho irhf hY Aus dI qsvIr sfihq coN dyK skdy ho» koeI PotogRfPr qF bfhrI qsvIr hI iKHWc skdf hY pr sfihqkfr Es qoN agFh df klfkfr hY, jo smfj dI aµdrlI qsvIr vI qy bfhrlI qsvIr vI iKHWc skx dI smrWQf rWKdf hY» smfjk bxqr vI ieWk guµJldfr buJfrq hY» smfj jn-sm¨h qoN pYdf huµdf hY qy jnsm¨h ivWc anykqf hI anykqf hY» X¨nfn dy do mhfn iPlfsPrF imstr Xuµg aqy im[ Prfiez ny iensfn dI sYks sfeIkflojI dI Koj kridaF Byd KolHy hn ik sfrI kfienq vFg iensfn ivWc vI iBµnqfvF dI bhuq lµmI lVI hY» ieWko mF, bfp dy bWicaF dy


rµg,kWd kfT, soc, idmfg, kfrj alWg qy DrmI, EQoN dy ivÈvfs qy aµD ivÈvfs, alWg huµdy hn» EQoN dy lokF dy srIr, lokF dI soc, axK, hIxqf, iensfP, by-iensfPIaF, sdfcfr, aTfrvIN sdI ivWc ieµ g lY N z dy mhfn durfcfr, ipafr, nPrq, ÈFqI, GWl¨Gfry, iPlfsPr zyivz ihAUm ny mnuWKI suBfa sihcfr, aWiqafcfr qy hor bhuq kuWJ dy vWKrypn qy Koj kIqI qF nqIjf kWiZaf ivWc iviBµnqfvF qoN munkr nhIN hoieaf jf ik mnuWKI jInË dIaF AuzfrIaF bhuq hI skdf» hr Èfm kuWJ afpxI buWkl ivWc luko romFisk hn» AunHF ieh Byd jfx ilaf ik ky lY jFdI hY qy hr svyr kuWJ nvF nvyklf aOrq mrd dy sµBog qoN pYdf hoeI aglI lY ky hfËr huµdI hY» pIVHI df AunHF qy jfxf Ër¨rI nhIN, Bfv BYVy mfipaF qoN pYdf hoieaf bWcf bhuq hI cµgf hux sfzf mslf hWl dy nyVy phuµc igaf hY» iensfn bx skdf hY qy bhuq hI pVHy ilKy, mqlb ik jy smfj bdl irhf hY qF Aus suxWKy, agFh-vD¨ mfipaF df bWcf AunHF qoN dI qsvIr pihlF vfÜI ikWdF rih skdI iblkul Ault suBfa df ho skdf hY» hY? so smfj vFg sfihq ivWc nvInqf afAuxI kudrqI hY, ies ƒ koeI vI qfkq rok cIn df mhfn iPlfsPr eI[ vONg kihµdf hY nhIN skdI» asIN sfry hI suihrd pfTk ik kudrq dy Gr ivWc vI anHyr hY» bµdf BYxF, vIrF leI ieh qF kr skdy hF ik kWd¨ bIjdf hY qF kWd¨ df PÜ lWgdf hY, Pr¨t kuWJ purfqn vI Cfipaf jfvy, kuWJ ishq df b¨tf lONdf hY qF Esy nsl df PÜ KFdf smWisafvF dy ielfj Cfpy jf skx, kuWJ hY, pr aOrq mrd qoN pYdf hox vfiÜaF df bËurg pIVHI dIaF hYrfn kr dyx vfÜIaF koeI vI nym nhIN hY, ÈrIP Gr kµjr jµm imhnqF df iËkr kr skIey aqy Kfs krky jFdf hY, zrpok dy Gr s¨rmf jµm jFdf hY, aWj dI juafn pIVHI dI KuÈhflI ipWCy mhfn lutyr dy Gr dfnI jµm pYNdf hY» ieh qF bVf bËurgI dy rol pyÈ kr skIey qy vWD qoN vWD hI lµmf qy srbivafpI vrqfrf hY» nvIN pIVHI leI vI pyÈkfrIaF kr skIey» ieh qF isrP ieWk pWK hI idisaf hY, ajy asIN ienHF rfhF qy qur rhy hF» qF anykF pWK hor hn» Auh ieh hn ik pIVHI df Gfpf bhuq ajIb vI pyÈ krdf bµdy dy jIvn qy ikhVy ikhVy hor kfrn hn hY» sfzI irÈqydfr lVkI ieWk idn bfbf ijnHF kfrn Auh ivlWKxqfvF hµZfa irhf PrId sfihb dy slokF dy arQ isWK rhI hY» Auh kfrn hn ijWQy koeI bµdf vs irhf sI» PrId sfihb bfhrvIN sdI dy jIvn hY, EQoN df Drfql pWDr, EQoN df mOsm, EQoN Zµg dI pyÈkfrI qy bµdy dy buZfpy dIaF qbdI afriQkqf, EQoN df rihx sihx, EQoN dIlIaF qy qrsXog hflqF qy ijhVf slok dy rsmo irvfj, EQoN dy mnpRcfvy, EQoN dy ilK gey hn, Auh hY_ myly gyly, EQoN dI i˵dgI dy hflfq, EQoN df rfj pRbµD, EQoN dI rfjnIqI, EQoN dy Drm ieµnI inWkI jµGIeyN Ql z¨gr BieEm

Friday, December 14th, 2018

aWj PrIdf k¨jVf sY kohF QIEm» ies slok dy arQ dWsy ik jdoN bµdf jvfn huµdf hY, Auh p¨rf pfvrPuWl huµdf hY, Aus smyN Auh CotIaF CotIaF lWqF nfÜ lµmIaF qy AuWcIaF vftF ƒ qYa krdf QWkdf nhIN pr buWZI Aumry blhIx Eho hI bµdf mµjy qy ipaf hY, Aus ƒ ipÈfb dI hfËq hoeI hY pr qfkq qy ihWmq nf hox krky Aus ƒ afpxy mµjy hyTF ipaf ipÈfb krn vfÜf BFzf sYNkVy kohF qy ipaf mihs¨s huµdf hY» ieh arQ sux ky Auh bWcI bhuq hYrfn hoeI, duKI hoeI kihx lWgI, ‘qusIN lok aYny gµdy sI ik qusIN brqnF ivWc ipÈfb krky mµjy hyTF rWKdy sI, qusIN bfQr¨m ivWc ikAuN nhIN sI jFdy?’ qF asIN ikhf “puWqrf bfQr¨m qF asIN aYQy af ky dyKy hn, pµjfb ivWc qF lokF vloN m¨µh d¨jy pfsy kr ky jo mrËI krI jfE, hr QF hI bfQr¨m bx jFdf hY»“ bWs ieho hY aWj dy msly df hWl ik qbdIlI ny pl pl aOxf hY, asIN nhIN rok skdy, jIvn dI qbdIlI df sfihq ivWc aOxf aqI Ër¨rI hY» qbdIlI df smfj ivWc aOxf aqI Ër¨rI hY» smfj dI Poto sfihq ivWc aOxI mjb¨rI hY» qbdIlI dI pyÈkfrI krnI sfzI mjb¨rI hY» pr afp jI dI gWl vl kµn Drnf vI aqI Ër¨rI hY» Dµnvfd sihq, sµpfdkI mµzl.

bfbf bMdf isMG bhfdr

igafn isMG kotlI bfbf bMdf isMG gurU dsmyÈ jI ƒ Esy duÈt dI alK mukfAux JMzf Drm df asIN JulfAux cWly» dWsI dIn qy duKI qoN vfr ijMdVI, jMbUrF nflL vI mfs quVvf ilaf cWilaF» hY» krËf pMQ df isroN Auqfrnf hY aWj kihr dy Èihr srhMd vflI, isWKI Èfn ƒ hor inKfr idWqf» dWsI dfqf qUM jfc ÈhIdIaF dI, nflL ieWt dy ieWt KVkfAux cWly» zolH zolH ky sUiraF KUn afpxf, nMnHf puWq hY god ’c kql kIqf, sWcy pfqÈfh dyvo asIs mYƒ, jbr Ëulm dI aWq mukfAux dWisaf vYrI ƒ ikvyN llkfrnf hY» srbMs dfnIaF qUM hI sbk idWqf, isWKI Èfn df mihl Ausfr idWqf» Auhdf kfljf mUMh ƒ lf ilaf hY» cWilaF»

kPn bMnH ky isrF qy afp hWQIN, sihxf Ëulm nf vYrI vMgfrnf hY» dWsdI qyry ÈhIdF dI amr gfQf, aWKF sfhmxy ieWk qoN ieWk sUrf, hWQIN bMnH ÈhIdI df afp gfnf, krËf pMQ df isroN Auqfrnf hY» hWQIN vfr Gr bfr srbMs sfrf, doKI duÈt ƒ ikvyN sMGfrnf hY» isMG sWq sO kql krvf ilaf hY» lfVI mOq ƒ aWj prnfAux cWilaF» ciVHaf Drm dy XuWD df cfE dfqf, krËf pMQ df isroN Auqfrnf hY» aMg aMg ktvf ky bdn afpxf, quWC Byt ÈhIdI dI ieh dfqf, syvf AuWqm hY Ëulm ƒ nWQ pfAuxI, jfnF pMQ qoN Gol GumfAux cWly»

krËf pMQ df isroN Auqfrnf hY» ijs ‘qy isWKI ny mihl Ausfrnf hY» syvf AuhI mYN aWj kmfAux cWilaF» purËf purËf ny sUrmy kWt mrdy, axK afn ƒ hor iÈMgfr idWqf» dfqf dyK qUM qyry aWj dfs bMdy, icxy kMDF jIhny mfsUm qyry, hWs ky EvyN ÈhIdIaF pfAux cWly» lfh ky gWdI qoN BUqry ËflmF ƒ, ruqbf ikvyN ÈhIdI df pf ilaf hY» ajy hor vI isMGF ny crKIaF ‘qy, krËf pMQ df isroN Auqfrnf hY» dIn duKI mËlUmF dI bFh PVnI, isMGF mOq dy Gft Auqfr idWqf» aWKF kWZIaF hWQ qy pYr vWZy,


sWcy pfqÈfh qyiraF sUiraF ny,

Friday, December 14th, 2018

The Patrika



A Everyone is welcome to attend a World Religion Day program & Public Forum on Refugees “FAITH & REFUGEES: Building * What next steps are most approOne World Together” priate in Abbotsford ‘s integration Sunday, January 20 at 7pm -- Matsqui process? Centennial Auditorium at City Hall In this public forum -- comments, 32315 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, questions and suggestions from all participants are most welcome. This BC V2T 1X1 elevated discourse is intended to lead Co-sponsors: Baha’i Community of Abbotsford, Abbotsford Inter- to positive community change by infaith Movement, Interfaith Refugee spiring new and renewed work with Project, Abbotsford Community refugees, while generating fresh outServices, Inasmuch Homes for Refu- reach, cooperation and communitygees, Mennonite Central Committee, building initiatives. and The Patrika Bilingual Newspaper Panel Program: Opening by ModeraTheme & Questions: All faith com- tor -- Nora Weber -- public relations munities share universal guidance strategist such as: welcoming the stranger, offering hospitality and refuge, => Keynote on Global Refugees comforting the afflicted, alleviating -- Jennifer Mpungu -- migration, suffering, and respecting diversity. resettlement & newcomer p r o Faith communities, at their best, offer gram coordinator at MCC service and cooperation for benevolent purposes, while contributing => Keynote on Local Refugees -to the building of a unified world Andrea Loewen -- community concommunity where peace and justice nections coordinator at ACS may prevail. Abbotsford is blessed => First Nations spokesperson -- Stewith many faith-based initiatives and high-minded secular agencies ven L. Point ? -- former lieutenantengaged in helping refugees. Often governor of BC, now provincial court these efforts are combined -- provid- judge, Abbotsford… or Gwen Point ing excellent service to our fellow ?... or to be arranged human beings from afar. Our keynot=> Christian spokesperson -- Peter ers and panelists will consider these Prediger – executive director, Inasquestions: much Homes for Refugees * What motives, heartfelt convictions and moral principles guide our work => Muslim spokesperson – Bibi Dilmahomed – employment outreach with refugees? worker with the employment mentors * What inspiring and encouraging program at ACS stories are emerging from this work? => Sikh spokesperson -- Satwinder * What partnering projects are integrating newcomers effectively from Bains -- director of the South Asian Studies Institute troubled lands?



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bryk~ EYgz`st itaUn-E@p ieMjn vrk

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* What are we learning about the => Baha’i spokesperson -- Rita Rasti unity-building process for Abbots- immigrant, teacher & community ford’s diverse communities? service worker PAGE 5


The Patrika 

Friday, December 14th, 2018

Mortgage Insurance – Make an informed and wise Decision. If you have a mortgage on your home, chances are good you also have mortgage insurance. The idea is that if you should become seriously ill or die before paying off the mortgage, the coverage will kick in and pay it off for you. It is meant to offer peace of mind and to reassure you that your family will be able to stay in your home if anything should happen to you.

• If you have already purchased your credit insurance you can cancel anytime. Keep in mind, however, that you may lose premiums already paid. Shop around • Consider buying from a licensed insurance broker who will explore any medical issues upfront.

• Consider buying or topping up How to buy insurance that really will an individual life insurance policy to protect you. Be sure you qualify cover your mortgage • There are many terms and Know your coverage exclusions associated with credit insurYou may already have adance policies, learn what they mean • equate insurance coverage through and how they apply to you. your work or other policies. Insurance • Call the insurance company experts say it’s better to buy one tradidirectly (NOT the bank that sold you tional insurance policy than purchase a the coverage) for clarification about number of small policies for a variety pre-existing medical conditions. of products. • Call your doctor to clarify de- Be sure you need it tails of any pre-existing medical condi• The purpose of credit life tions you may be concerned about. mortgage insurance is to protect your Know that you can get out loved ones from making mortgage payments if something were to happen • You usually have 10-30 days to you. This type of insurance may not to review your policy after the initial be applicable if you do not have any purchase (this is known as a “cooldependents that would need to keep down” or free look period). your home if something happened.

Apply for community arts festival and youth engagement grants than one day in duration. Grants of up to $6,000 are available to offset the costs paid to professional artists and technicians from throughout B.C. and Canada. Submissions for Community Arts Festivals grants must be postThe BC Arts Council’s Youth Engage- marked no later than Jan. 30, 2019. ment Program provides grants to eligible arts and cultural organizations in First Nations band councils and Indigorder to engage young British Colum- enous friendship centres are eligible to bians in the arts. Funding is intended to apply to both programs. support the development and delivery More information on guidelines and of programs that give youth opportuniprogram details, including further ties to take part in arts and culture as eligibility criteria, can be found here: participants, makers and audiences. Submissions for the Youth Engagehtml ment Program must be post-marked no later than Jan. 15, 2019. The BC Arts Council is the provincial government’s agency for arts funding The BC Arts Council’s Community and development. In Budget 2018, Arts Festivals grants are offered to the Province increased support of the non-profit community-based arts and BC Arts Council by $15 million over cultural organizations involved in the the next three years to help artists and production of local arts and culture fescultural organizations flourish in 220 tivals. Eligible festivals must be more communities throughout the province. The BC Arts Council is accepting applications for two of its projectassistance funding programs: Community Arts Festivals and the Youth Engagement Program.


The Patrika

Friday, December 14th, 2018





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The Patrika 

Friday, December 14th, 2018

The Patrika

Friday, December 14th, 2018



mOjUdf lokqMqr nUM lok-Bfvnfvfˆ df anusfrI bxfAux dI loV ieh qswlI vflI gwl hY ik afËfdI imlx AuprMq Bfrq aMdr jmhUrI pRxflI kfiem rhI hY aqy guafˆZI dyÈ pfiksqfn vfˆg iswDy rUp ivc POjI rfj jfˆ qfnfÈfhI hkUmq sQfpq hox qoN sfzy lokfˆ df bcfa irhf hY. 1975 ivc ibnfˆ iksy Xog kfrn dy kfˆgrsI srkfr dI muKI sRImqI ieMdrf gfˆDI vwloN ielfhfbfd hfeI kort dy PYsly nUM driknfr krky isrP afpxI gwdI kfiem rwKx leI aMdrUnI aYmrjYˆsI TosI geI qy sfrIafˆ lok rfjI kdrfˆ-kImqfˆ nUM pYrfˆ hyT mDol idwqf igaf. pRMqU do sflfˆ bfad hI ies qfnfÈfhI kdm ivruwD AuWTy jnqk ivdroh ny kfˆgrsI srkfr df Bog pf idwqf qy ies dy afgUafˆ nUM 1977 dIafˆ lok sBf coxfˆ aMdr BfrI hfr df sfhmxf krnf ipaf. afËfdI aMdoln ivc BfrqI lokfˆ dy mnfˆ aMdr AuqpMn hoeIafˆ jmhUrI KfihÈfˆ qy dyÈ aMdr KwbIafˆ qy jmhUrI ÈkqIafˆ dI BfrqI rfjnIqI ivc pRBfvÈflI dKlaMdfËI kfrn hukmrfnfˆ dy gYr-jmhUrI ierfidafˆ nUM Pl nhIN sI lwg sikaf. dyÈ dI rfjnIqI dy sMdrB ivc KwbIafˆ qy agfˆhvDU ÈkqIafˆ dI ieh cMgI pRfpqI hY. pRMqU ies Aujly pwK dy dUsry pfsy psry hnyry nUM awKoN Ehly nhIN kIqf jfxf cfhIdf. dyÈ dI lok rfjI pRxflI jmfqI nukqf ingfh qoN doÈ mukq nhIN hY. ieh mUl rUp ivc BfrqI lokfˆ dy hkIkI mq nUM Aujfgr nhIN kr skI. dyÈ dI swqf df Dn kubyrfˆ dy hwQfˆ ivc kyˆdirq hoxf, grIbamIr dy pfVy `coN Aupjy kfrporyt Grfixafˆ vwloN pYsy dy Ëor nfl lok rfjI pRxflI nUM agvf kIqf jfxf, ijQy Dn qy bfhUblIafˆ dI shfieqf nfl lokmq nUM afpxy hwQ ivc Bugqfieaf jf skdf hY aqy aPsrÈfhI, inafˆpfilkf qy srkfrI mÈInrI dy mOjUdf sQfpqI dy hwk ivc KVHI hox sdkf mOjUdf lok rfjI ivvsQf sImfvfˆ dy Gyry ivc kYd hY. dyÈ df vwzf ihwsf awj vI mnuwKI aiDkfrfˆ df Gfx krn vfly kfnUMnfˆ nfl iGiraf hoieaf hY, ijQy mnuwK dI iksy vI pIV qy hoNd nUM ‘dyÈ DRohI`, ‘ivkfs ivroDI`, ‘kMm ivroDI` afid ivÈyÈx lgf ky axizwT qy Kqm kIqf jf skdf hY. ies qoN vI vwD Kqrnfk pwK ieh hY ik ienHfˆ sfry gunfhfˆ leI iksy vI doÈI iDr AuWpr AuNgl nhIN AuTfeI jf skdI, sËf dyxI qfˆ dUr dI gwl hY. iksy jurm leI ‘jvfbdyh` bxfAux smyˆ doÈI dy mnobl izgx df qrk rihq qy nfkfbly Xog bhfnf GiVaf jfˆdf hY. pIVq dy mnobl dy izgx dI jgHf julm krn vfly df ‘mnobl` kfiem rihxf cfhIdf hY-kmfl dI dlIl hY srmfeydfrI pRbMD dI.

srkfrfˆ lokfˆ dy tYksfˆ rfhIN Bry KËfny nUM afpxIafˆ pRfpqIafˆ qy mÈhUrIafˆ leI pfxI vfˆg vhfeI jfˆdIafˆ hn. hr mMqrI qy hfkm iDr df afgU afpxy sMsdI ahudy jfˆ asYˆblI mYˆbrI nUM kfiem rwKx leI afpxy hlky ivc ibnfˆ iksy XojnfbMdI dy pYsf Krcx leI pUrf Ëor lgfAuNdf hY qy ies df coKf Bfg iBRÈtfcfr krky hVwp lYˆdf hY. coxfˆ vfly sfl ivc qfˆ srkfrfˆ vwloN nvyˆ pRfjYktfˆ dy nINh pwQr rwKx qy lokfˆ nUM ‘mMgqy` smJ ky ingUxy dfn dyx df kMm byÈrmI dI hwd qwk awpV jfˆdf hY. ienHfˆ gYr-kfnUMnI kfrvfeIafˆ AuWpr iksy iksm dI koeI rok jfˆ pfbMdI nhIN hY. coxfˆ dy nqIjy lokfˆ dI hmfieq pRfpq krn nfloN iËafdf pYsy qy gYr smfjI ZMgfˆ nfl kIqI jfx vflI ‘mYnyjmYˆt` AuWpr inrBr hn. AumIdvfr KVHy krn smyˆ vI rfjnIqk pfrtIafˆ pfrtI pRogrfm jfˆ lok syvf leI pRqIbwDqf nfloN iËafdf cox ‘ijwqx dI smrwQf` vfly AumIdvfrfˆ nUM itktfˆ idMdIafˆ hn, ieh aml kdy vI lok ihqfˆ dy anusfr nhIN ho skdf. coxfˆ aMdr ijs qrHfˆ Dn, nÈy qy hor iBRÈtfcfrI ZMgfˆ df iesqymfl kIqf jfˆdf hY, nfl cox kimÈn vwloN cox Kricafˆ dI imQI hwd iek mËfk bx ky rih jfˆdI hY, Aus nfl iksy vI pwDr dIafˆ coxfˆ sB iDrfˆ leI brfbr df Drfql muhweIaf nhIN krf skdIafˆ. cox mYnIPYsto lokfˆ nUM DoKf dyx vfly iek rwdI dy tukVy qoN isvfey hor koeI mhwqqf nhIN rwKdf. hfˆ, ieh jnsmUhfˆ nUM Brm jfl ivc Psf ky luwt-Ksuwt ivc ipsx df afdI ËrUr bxf idMdf hY. jdoN koeI pfrtI jfˆ sUJvfn ivakqI cox mYnIPYsto nUM iek kfnUMnI drjf dy ky ies AuWpr sbMDq pfrtI nUM pfbMd rwKx dI mMg krdf hY, qd Aus mMg nUM hfkm iDr vwloN ‘asMBv` afK ky rwd kr idwqf jfˆdf hY. coxfˆ dOrfn inwjI gflI-gloc, JUTy vfady qy gYr-sMjIdf BfÈxfˆ df hVH af jfˆdf hY, ijs ivc sfDfrn lokfˆ dy jIvn nfl sbMDq muwdy alop ho jfˆdy hn. ies leI sfrIafˆ jmhUrI, dyÈ Bgq qy agfˆhvDU rfjnIqk pfrtIafˆ aqy sMjIdf ivakqIafˆ leI socx df smfˆ hY ik iek pfsy Auh mOjUdf lok rfjI pRxflI AuWpr hfkm iDrfˆ vwloN ho rhy hmilafˆ nUM rokx leI lfmbMd hox qy dUsry pfsy ies lokqMqr nUM hkIkI rUp ivc lokmq df anusfrI bxfAux leI ies dIafˆ AUxqfeIafˆ nUM dUr krn dI mMg krn. ies muwdy AuWpr pRBfvI qy kfrgr hiQafr jnqk lfmbMdI hI afKI jf skdI hY, jo dyÈ aMdr lok rfjI pRxflI nUM mËbUq krn ivc shfeI ho skdI hY.

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3 plant-based holiday smoothies P l a n t based gingerbread smoothie. Adding dried ginger powder or root can Plant-based “eggnog” smoothie. Enjoy give your digestion the kick it needs the same taste as conventional eggnog to reduce inflammation from all the without the added sugars. This verholiday fair. sion is made fresh with spices, fruit and vegetables to provide you with Ingredients: an extra boost. Simply blend together 1 cup of almond milk and sip away. ½ tsp freshly grated ginger or the dry Ingredients: equivalent 2 cups water ½ tsp cardamom ½ cup raw cashews ½ tsp turmeric powder 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 banana 1 tsp cinnamon 1 tbsp coconut oil 4 medjool dates, pitted 3 tbsp hemp hearts ½ cup spinach Visit your local Canadian Health Food Fruit of choice and any other spices Association member store to find a variety of ingredients to give your preferred, sprinkled on top smoothies an extra kick of nutrition. Find your nearest location at (NC) Whether you’re looking to indulge in a festive holiday treat or need a quick solution to fill up before a latenight dinner party, holiday smoothies are a great option that can be whipped up in no time. Check out the recipes and benefits of each below.



The Patrika 

Friday, December 14th, 2018

Pacific Top Team Abbotsford Brazilian Jiujitsu and Muay Thai's Grand Opening!

myrf plYn mYnUM dyNdf hY ijLafdf zYtf qy hux, bonws zYtf vI.

FREEDOM nfl juV ky qusIN lY skdy ho 100 GIGS qwk df bonws zYtf. aYqkIN iqEhfrF dy mOsm ivwc quhfzy leI kuJ KLfs lY ky afey hF. Freedom plan ivwc iml rhy KLUb sfry zYtf dy nfl, hux qusIN 100GB qwk df bonws vI lY skdy ho. jsLn sLurU qF hox idE.

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The Patrika

Friday, December 14th, 2018




Dhami Narang & Company LLP (“DNC Lawyers”) was established in 2010 by Rajan Dhami and Amrik Narang. With the help of our valued clients, DNC Lawyers has now grown into a mid-sized law rm with of ces in Abbotsford and Surrey, British Columbia. To serve our clients best, DNC Lawyers has an experienced team of 9 lawyers to cater to the individual needs of our clients. Every member of our law rm strives to provide outstanding service to produce the best results for our clients.


We use a collaborative team approach to your legal problems to get you the best results possible. We are only happy when you are happy and realize that our success depends on referrals from our client base.

rfjn DfmI aqy amrIk nfrMg vloN 2010 ivwc sQfpq kIqI geI sI. sfzy suihrd klfieMts dI mwdd nfl DNC Lawyers ny qrwkI kridaF imwz sfeIjLz lfa Prm bxf leI hY, ijs dy dPqr bI sI dy sLihrF aYbtsPorz aqy srI ivwc hn. afpxy klfieMts dIaF smUh musLiklF nfl nijwTx leI vwzy qjLribaF vfly 9 vkIlF dI tIm iqafr ho geI hY. afpxy klfieMts dIaf qmfm smwisafvF dy hYrfnIjnk nqIijaF leI hux awzI cotI dy Auprfly kIqy jfx gy.

qswlIbKsL proPYsLnl syvfvF quhfnMU vDIaf knMUnI nqIjy dyx leI asIN sfry sFJI tIm dy qOr qy Xqn krdy hF quhfzI KusLI hI sfzI KusLI hovy gI, asIN mihsUs krdy hF ik sfzIaF sPlqfvF quhfnMU idwqy cMgy nqIijaF AuWqy hI inrBr hn.

REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS We deal with all matters relating to the sale and purchase of residential and commercial property. By contacting us before you sign a contract, you can make sure your rights are protected. We will provide you with reliable and timely legal advice. PURCHASE & SALE: RESIDENTIAL ·Negotiating and Drafting Agreements of Purchase and Sale ·Acting for Buyers or Sellers on Purchases and Sales of New Homes, Condominiums, Assignments, Recreational and Cottage properties ·Acting for Borrowers or Lenders on Mortgage Transactions ·Advising Borrowers on Mortgage Liability PURCHASE AND SALE: COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL

·Purchases and Sales of Commercial Real Estate

Apartment and Office Buildings ·Land Purchases or Sales ·Acting for Borrowers or Lenders on Mortgage Transactions ·Advising Borrowers on Mortgage Liability ABBOTSFORD OFFICE

Dhami Narang & Company LLP Suite 301-2975 Gladwin Road Abbotsford, BC V2T 5T4

ICBC CASES We handle a full range of ICBC personal injury claims, including head injuries, broken bones, soft tissue injuries, muscle strains, psychological injuries & others asIN afeI sI bI sI nfl sbMDq iNnWjI srIrk swtF PytF ijnHF ivc isr dIaF swtF, tuWtIaF hWzIaF, koml itsULaF dIaF cotF, pWiTaF dIaF sWtF, mfnisk ivgfV aqy hor hfnIaF sLfml hn, dy klym hYNzl krdy hF. THE LAWYERS AT DNC PROVIDE COMPREHENSIVE LEGAL SERVICES IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS:

zI aYn sI dy vkIl iehnHF syvfvF ivwc quhfzI pUrI mdd kr skdy hn: Personal Injury / ICBC Business / Corporate Commercial Litigation Real Estate Wills / Probate Estate Litigation

prsnl swt jF af sI bI sI kfrobfr / kOrpryt kOmrsLIal mukwdmf rIal iestyt vsIaq jF pRobyt jfiedfd mukwdmf

rIal iestyt trFjLYksLns asIN vpfrk aqy rhfiesLI jfiedfdF vycx aqy KRIdx sbMDI sB kfrjF df kMm krdy hF. koeI vI kOntrYkt sfeIn krn qoN pihlF sfzI islfh jLrUr lvo. asIN quhfnUM qswlI kr ky dwsF gy ik quhfzy hwk syP hn ik nhIN? asIN afp jI nUM tfeIm isr shI aqy BrosyXog kfnUMnI msLvrf idMdy rhF gy.

prcyjL aYNz syl rYjLIzYNsLIal •KrId aqy vyc dy sihmqI zrfPitMg aYgrImYNts •asIN vycx vflLy dI vI aqy KRIdx vflLy dI vI shI mdwd krdy hF ijvyN nvyN Gr KrIdx, kONzmInIams, rhfiesLI dsqfvyjL. mn-prcfvy vflLIaF aqy kfitj prfprtIjL leI. •mfrtgyj idvOx ivwc asIN KRIdx vflLy dI vI aqy vycx vflLy dI vI mdwd krdy hF •KRIdx aqy vycx vflLy dI mfrtgyj Xogqf bfry dwsdy hF

kmrsLIal aqy ieMzstrIal prcyjL aqy syl •kmrsLIal rIal iestyt aYpfrtmYNt aqy afiPs iblizMgF dI KrId aqy vyc •jLmIn dI KrId aqy vyc •vycx vfilaF aqy KRIdx vfilaF leI mfrtgyj trFjLYkisLn •KRIdx vfilLaF nUM mfrtgyj lfieibltI vfry shI slfh idMdy hF.

SURREY OFFICE Dhami Narang & Company LLP Suite 313-14928 Hwy 10 Surrey, BC V3S 2N5 Toll Free: 1-877-864-6131


604-864-6131 PAGE 11


The Patrika 

Friday, December 14th, 2018

We Teach You More Than Driving! GLP CARS




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asIN quhfnUM ICBC nOilj dI iqafrI aMgryjLI qy pMjfbI ivwc krfvF gy tYst


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The Patrika

Friday, December 14th, 2018



Pilots acquire Will Hazell-Penaluna from Port Moody


he Abbotsford Pilots announced today that the club has acquired forward Will Hazell-Penaluna from the Port Moody Panthers in exchange for forward Alex Beechey. Hazell-Penaluna, (2000), was the Panthers leading scorer this season notching 16 goals and 13 assists in 26 games. The 5’10”, 160-pound forward was in his second season with the Panthers.

13 goals and 15 assists in 40 games played in 201718. HazellPenaluna is a product of the Port Moody Minor Hockey Association, and the Vancouver NE Chiefs of the BC Major Midget League.

The Port Moody native split time last season between the Panthers and Hazell-Penaluna joins former Port the Grandview Steelers, notching Moody Panther teammates Allan Gekhman and Noah Findlater in Abbotsford, who were also acquired by the Pilots via trade. Hazell-Penaluna practiced with the Pilots on Tuesday night and is expected to make his debut this week.



The Patrika 

Friday, December 14th, 2018

CleanBC plan to reduce climate pollution, build a low-carbon economy


he Government of British Columbia has released its CleanBC plan aimed at reducing climate pollution, while creating more jobs and economic opportunities for people, businesses and communities.

fies measures that will eliminate 18.9 megatonnes (Mt) of its 2030 target. Remaining reduction initiatives will be quantified over the next 18 to 24 months. “With CleanBC, British Columbia is rising to the challenge of climate change,” Premier Horgan said. “Every year, we’re seeing the unprecedented wildfires and floods that hurt so many people, communities and businesses. We need to begin changing how we live, work and commute to put B.C. on a cleaner, more sustainable path.”

“The low-carbon economy we build together will bring opportunities and jobs throughout the province, so people can live and work with greater security in the communities they call home,” said Premier John Horgan. “By moving to clean, renewable energy – like our abundant supply of B.C. electricity – we can power our growing economy and make life “CleanBC will position our province better and more affordable for British for success as the world transitions to low-carbon solutions,” said Andrew Columbians.” Weaver, leader of the B.C. Green cauIn unveiling the CleanBC plan, Pre- cus and MLA for Oak Bay-Gordon mier Horgan said his government has Head. “It is a testament to what we can accomplish when we recognize put priority on: our shared values and commit to reducing climate pollution by shift- working together. I look forward to ing homes, vehicles, industry and working with government, business business off burning fossil fuels and and other stakeholders to action this toward greater use of clean B.C. elec- plan, so that British Columbians can tricity and other renewable energies; count on a bright future where all boosting energy-efficient solutions, our communities enjoy a thriving like zero-emission vehicles and home economy and a high quality of life heat pumps, by making them more for generations to come.” affordable and available for British Highlights of the CleanBC plan inColumbians; and clude: becoming a destination for new investment and industry looking to meet the growing global demand for low-carbon products, services and pollution-reducing technologies.

By 2040, every new car sold in B.C. will be a zero-emission vehicle. Government is helping people afford cleaner cars and save money on fuel with incentive programs, and making The CleanBC plan was developed as it easier to charge or fuel them: 1.3 Mt a pathway to achieve the Province’s of carbon pollution reduced by 2030 legislated climate targets of reducing The Province is speeding up the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by switch to cleaner fuels at the gas 40% by the year 2030, based on 2007 pump – with further reductions to levels. The plan describes and quanti- the carbon intensity of transporta-


tion fuels: 4.0 Mt of carbon pollution mate change,” said George Heyman, Minister of Environment and Climate reduced by 2030 Change Strategy. “We can build a Every new building constructed in low-carbon economy that includes B.C. will be “net-zero energy ready” all sectors and all workers. Together, by 2032. Along the way, government we can protect our children’s future, is requiring new buildings to be more while making life more affordable efficient, and ramping up funding for today.” renovations and energy retrofits to existing homes and offices, including The Province is committed to giving $400 million to support retrofits and people the skills they need to thrive in upgrades for B.C.’s stock of publicly the low-carbon economy. As part of funded housing: 2.0 Mt of carbon this strategy, government is developing a CleanBC labour readiness plan pollution reduced by 2030 to address the labour and workplace Government is helping B.C. to reduce opportunities that emerge through the residential and industrial organic implementation of CleanBC. waste, turning it into a clean resource: “We can make things more efficient, 0.7 Mt of carbon pollution reduced use less energy and waste less, while by 2030 we make sure that the energy we use The Province is helping industry lower its emissions and reduce its pollution: 8.4 Mt of carbon pollution reduced by 2030 “CleanBC is a B.C.-specific approach to making our communities strong and vibrant for decades to come as we rise to the challenge of global cli-

is clean and made in B.C.,” said Michelle Mungall, Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources. “We look forward to continuing our work with resource industries that have been taking action over the last two decades to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and that are embracing the responsibility to do more.”

Friday, December 14th, 2018

The Patrika

Canada’s rules are changing: Temporary and permanent resident applicants from Asia, Asia Pacific and the Americas will soon need to give their biometrics


anada is expanding its biometrics collection program. Starting December 31, 2018, nationals from countries in Asia, Asia Pacific and the Americas will need to give their fingerprints and a photo (biometrics) when applying for a Canadian visitor visa, study or work permit, or for permanent residence. This same requirement has applied to nationals from countries in Europe, the Middle East and Africa since July 31, 2018, and to temporary resident applicants from 29 countries and 1 territory since 2013. Collecting biometrics provides many benefits: it helps stop those who pose a risk to the safety and security of Canadians from entering the country, while also helping officials better manage applicants’ identities, facilitating application processing and simplifying entry for travellers with legitimate identities. Share the information: People expecting family and friends from overseas should be aware of the changes so they can make sure their visitors are prepared. Help us spread the word by sharing this information with your readers.




roz tYst pihlI afeI sI bI sI nOlyj tYst dI iqafrI muPq vfr hI pfs kro ivwc, Gr bYT ky pMjfbI aqy aMgryjLI ivwc kro.

asIN aYbtsPorz aYlzrgrov aqy imsLn ivwc isKlfeI idMdy hF.

and for families applying together at the same time, it is CAD $170. • Applicants who use the services of an immigration consultant or a travel agent to complete their application will still need to go in person to give their biometrics. • Applicants can give their biometrics at: o any Visa Application Centre (VAC), provided they can legally enter the country the VAC is located in. o a U.S. Application Support Center (ASCs) or VAC, provided they are already legally in the U.S. There are 135 ASCs in the U.S. and U.S. territories and 2 VACs (New York City and Los Angeles).

zrfieivMg skUl

sfzy 94% stUzYNt pihlI vfr hI pfs ho jFdy hn.

afrv zrfieivMg skUl mobfiel aYp aYpl aqy aYnzrfiez qy AuplbD hY|

· vfr vfr PylH ho cuwky ho qF iewk lYsn sfzy nfl jLrUr lY ky dyKo qy iPr prKo. · asIN CotI kfr qy isKlfeI idMdy hF jo ik iswKx aqy pfrikMg lgfAux ivwc bhuq ijLafdf asfn huMdI hY. · asIN pfrikMg bhuq hI asfn qrIky nfl lgfAxf isKfAuNdy hF. · ijnHF ny kdy vI kfr nhIN clfeI asIN AuhnF nUM vI pwky zrfievr bxfAux dI pUrI smrwQf rwKdy hF. · asIN roz tYst qoN pihlF quhfnUM 100 qoN vI vwD Kfs suJfa idMdy hF ik roz tYst mOky iknHF iknHF glqIaF qoN bcxf hY. · quhfzy smyN muqfbk svyr qoN dyr sLfm qwk isKlfeI idMdy hF. · isKlfeI pMjfbI, ihMdI aqy aMgryjLI ivwc idMdy hF.

· nOlyj tYst dI iqafrI krn leI afpxy Pon qy sfzI aYp muPq zfAUnloz kro. · ieh iqafrI qusIN ibnF aYp zfAUnloz kIqy hoey sfzI vYbsfeIt qy jf ky afpxy kMipAUtr jF lYptfp qy vI kr skdy ho. · sfzI aYp ivwc 428 pRsLn/Auwqr pMjfbI ivwc aqy 564 aMgryjLI ivwc hn jo ik hux qwk iksI hor aYp ivwc nhIN hn. · ieh sfry pRsLn/Auwqr afeI sI bI sI dI buwk ivwcoN hI hn.

ijLMdgI bhuq kImqI hY qy iesnUM afpxI jF dUsiraF dI lfprvfhI nfl gvf nf bYTo.

App:Apple & Android

asIN quhfnUM isrP roz tYst pfs hox dy mksd nfl hI nhIN isKfAuNdy blik sfzf mksd quhfnUM surwiKaq aqy rwiKafqmk zrfievr bxfAuxf vI hY jo roz qy afpxy afp aqy dUsiraF nUM bcf ky clfvy.

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• Applicants must make an appointment to give their biometrics at a VAC in Asia, Asia Pacific and the Americas. To note, Canada is doing everything it can to make the process as smooth as possible. For example: • Those applying for a visitor visa, study or work permit only have to give biometrics once every 10 years, which greatly facilitates those who make repeat visits to Canada.

Quick tips for those expecting family • We are also expanding our or friends from overseas worldwide network of VACs, and • Biometrics adds a new step increasing capacity at existing VACs, in the application process. Applicants to make services more accessible to will need to factor in the time to give a wider audience. By December 31, their fingerprints and photo before 2018, there will be 152 VACs in 103 travelling to Canada. countries. • Applicants should pay the biometrics collection fee when they submit their application. Otherwise they may experience delays. For Individual applicants, the fee is CAD $85,

Visit for more information, including who needs to give biometrics; where to go to give biometrics; and the steps to give biometrics. PAGE 15


The Patrika 

Friday, December 14th, 2018

Eugene Reimer Middle School Students along with Four Elementary Schools Came Together around a Random Act of Kindness Project Wednesday, December 5th Eugene Reimer Middle School Rural Ravens Club and grade six students led a Random Act of Kindness initiative. These student leaders of Abbotsford District put others before themselves, and showcased empathy by honoring emergency responders in our community. Four elementary school's joined in including Mt. Lehman, Harry Sayers, Dave Kandal and Blue Jay elementary. The middle school the help of the teachers, parents, adstudents inspired and role modeled ministrative teams from each school, for the elementary students. With students delivered 250+ cake pops from Starbucks as a sign of appreciation to the Paramedics, Emergency Room Staff and Firefighters. The students with the support of their teachers and administration including Mrs. Sangha, Mr. Batt, Mrs. Moffat, Mr. Wodtke, Mrs. Fortin,


Mr. Whalley, Mr. Gill, Mrs. Gill, Mr. Chan, Mrs. Andrews, Mr. Sekhon, Mr. Levings, Mr. Cochrane and Mrs. Jensen raised funds. Students thanked their teachers and principals for bringing their project to life. Fraser Valley Indo- Canadian Business Association, Starbucks and KS&A Chartered Accountants as community oriented organizations donated alongside the students. These middle and elementary students had not met each other before and yet they came together around an act of kindness as agents of change to build community. They increased their sense of belonging, strengthened their communication skills and made connections with each other and community members. Along with the cake pops, posters with personal messages of gratitude were delivered to communicate a special thanks to the paramedics, emergency room staff and firefighter for taking on a these tough jobs and

still smiling. Students of Abbotsford School District #34 understand that kindness is a universal language. Students do and can make a difference! A special thanks to our first responders, Justin, Brian, Craig, and Rosalene who helped coordinate the Eugene Reimer Middle Random Act of Kindness Project. Sincerely, Mrs. Sidhu and the Rural Ravens

Friday, December 14th, 2018

The Patrika



msfny df kYˆsr, alfmqfˆ qy ielfj

srIr dy iksy vI ihwsy dy kYˆsr bfry smJx vfsqy Aus dI bxqr qy Aus aMg dy kMm bfry sMKyp jfxkfrI hoxI ËrUrI huMdI hY. msfnf jfˆ XUrynrI blYzr, gubfry dI Èkl vrgf aMg, pyt ivwc DuMnI qoN hyTfˆ huMdf hY. ies df afkfr puwTy GVy vfˆg idsdf hY. dohfˆ (Kwby qy swjy) guridafˆ ivwc bnx qoN bfad ipÈfb, nflIafˆ (XurytrË) rfhIN msfny ivwc puwjdf, iewkTf huMdf qy hfjq hox `qy afpxI mrËI nfl asIN ies nUM KflI krdy hfˆ. ieh awDy qoN zyZ lItr qwk ipÈfb jmHfˆ kr skdf hY. mrdfˆ ivwc gdUd (pROstyt), ies dy hyTly pfsy vwl, ‘GVy` dI DOx vflI Qfˆ `qy huMdf hY. msfny dI dIvfr dIafˆ iqMn qihafˆ huMdIafˆ hn: sB qoN aMdrlI qih jo ipÈfb dy sMprk ivwc rihMdI hY. ieh iek Kfs iksm dy sYlfˆ dI bxI huMdI hY jo PYl skdy hn. ivckfrlI qih (lYmnIafˆ pROprIaf) ivwc KUn-nfVIafˆ qy nrvË df iek jfl buixaf huMdf hY qy bfhrI sB qoN motI qih,pwiTafˆ dI huMdI hY. ijvyˆ ijvyˆ blYzr Brdf hY ieh pwTy iZwly hoeI jfˆdy hn qy ipÈfb krn vyly ieh hOlI hOlI suMgV ky ipÈfb nUM bfhr vwl pMp kr idMdy hn. msfny dy kYˆsr nUM tRfˆËIÈnl kfrsInomf ikhf jfˆdf hY ijs dy kfrnfˆ df Bfvyˆ ajy qwk pUrI qrHfˆ pqf nhIN lfieaf jf sikaf iPr vI kuJ aYsy nukqy hn jo ies vfsqy iËMmyvfr hn: aOrqfˆ dI bjfey mrdfˆ ivwc ieh kYˆsr iqMn guxfˆ vDyry huMdf hY. afm krky vzyrI Aumr dy ivakqI hI ies rog dy kfbU afAuNdy hn. ies kYˆsr dy mrIËfˆ coN 80 pRqIÈq, 55 sfl qoN vzyrI Aumr vfly huMdy hn. isgrtnoÈfˆ ivwc ieh kYˆsr AuqpMn hox dy vDyry mOky huMdy hn. kYmIklË : ikAuNik rMg-rogn ivwc vrqy jfx vfly pdfrQ?, ijvyˆ iQwnr afid, kYˆsr pYdf krn vfly rsfiex huMdy hn. ies leI ienHfˆ kfrKfinafˆ dy kfimafˆ nUM ies kYˆsr df Kqrf rihMdf hY. iesy qrHfˆ ies kYˆsr, hyar zrYisMg qy Kjfb (hyar zfeIË) vfly kYmIklË vI nfl sbMiDq hY. rbVieMzstrI, Dfqfˆ, rogn, tYkstfielË, pyˆtr, cmVy dI rMgfeI aqy bYtrIafˆ df kMm krn vfly ivakqIafˆ nUM kYmIklË krky ieh kYˆsr hox df vDyry Kqrf rihMdf hY.

zf[ mnjIq isMG bwl jIvfxUM (pYrfsfeIt) pfieaf jfˆdf hY jo pfxI jfˆdI hY. kYˆsr borz dy mYˆbr zfktrfˆ dy sfvDfnIafˆ vrqx. ijhVy BUgoilk Kyqrfˆ rfhIN srIr ivc dfKl ho ky, msfny dI dIafpsI slfh-mÈvry nfl hryk kys nUM loV ivwc ies kYˆsr df Kqrf hY, AuWQy pYrfsfeIt vfr dIafˆ qYihafˆ ivwc puwjdf hY. ienHfˆ dyÈfˆ ivwc msfny dy kYˆsr dI dr kfPI iËafdf hY anusfr kImo-QYrfpI, ryzIE-QYrfpI aqy qoN bcx leI icqfvnI df iKafl rwKo. srIr jo ies pYrfsfeIt, isstosomf hImytobIam ieimAUno- QYrfpI,idwqI jfˆdI hY. dy ieimAUn isstm nUM TIk qy qMdrusq rwKx krky huMdf hY. XUnfn ivwc iesy pYrfsfiet iDafn Xog gwlfˆ: qMbfkUnoÈI sLurU hI nf leI sMquilq qy nroaf Bojn Cko. srIr dy krky msfny df kYˆsr 20 qoN 44 sfl dy mrdfˆ dI mOq df muwK kfrn hY. ienHfˆ Qfvfˆ kro. jykr kr cuwky ho qfˆ ies nUM Cwz Bfr nUM vI kMtrol ivc rwKo. jykr ipÈfb `qy Xfqrf krn vfilafˆ nUM Éfs icqfvnI idE. kYmIklË, rMgfeI,rsfiexfˆ, rMg ivwc KUn afvy qfˆ ibnf dyrI dy zfktr dI idwqI jfˆdI hY. rogn vflIafˆ Qfvfˆ `qy kMm krn vfly kfmy slfh lvo. GrylU qy dysI totky nf vrqo. alfmqfˆ: ipÈfb ivwc KUn df afAuxf iek KULJEET SANGHA muwK lwCx hY pr nfl hI ieh vI smJ lYxf ËrUrI hY ik KUn isrP msfny dy kYˆsr krky HARPREET RANA Book Your Flights For Your Dream Destination And Get Best Rate hI nhIN afAuNdf, ies dy hor vI keI kfrn Call For huMdy hn. nfrml hflqfˆ ivwc kdI vI ipÈfb PH:604.743.1099 | Fax: 604.743.1098 More Information ivwc KUn nhIN afAuNdf. jd vI KUn afvy qfˆ ipÈfb dy rMg (lfl jfˆ BUry) qoN pqf lwg jfˆdf hY. ipÈfb dy rMg ivwc qbdIlI hovy YEARS EXPERIENCE qfˆ iekdm zfktr kol jf ky muafienf 11 sflF df krvfAuxf cfhIdf hY. qjLrbf BuwK qy Bfr df Gtxf (jo iksy vI aMg CALL KULJEET FOR INFOMATION: FLIGHT TICKETS VACATION PACKAGE HOTELS kYˆsr ivwc ho jfˆdf hY). pyt ivwc hyTfˆ ijhy hr jfxkfrI leI kuljIq nMU Pon kro PlfeIt itktF vkysLn pYkyj hotls lwk ivwc drd. ipÈfb krn vyly drd jfˆ #32765 HAIDA DR ABBOTSFORD BC V2T 4Z6 iekdm kfhlI pYxf. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK


jfˆc: ies qrHfˆ dy lwCx hox qfˆ qhfnUM XUroloijst zfktr jfˆ srjn kol jfxf cfhIdf hY jo kuJ tYst krvfAux bfry khygf. rutIn dy KUn qy ipÈfb dy tYst qoN bfad, ipÈfb dI KurdbInI jfˆc kIqI jfˆdI hY. ies ivwc kYˆsr dy sYlfˆ df pqf lwg jfˆdf hY. altrf sfAUNz; sI[tI[ skYn; aYm[afr[afeI[;pyt skYn (loV anusfr). isstoskopI: pwkf pqf lgfAux leI isstoskop, jo ipÈfb rsqy QfxI msfny jfˆ XUrInrI blYzr dy aMdr pfeI jfˆdI hY, nfl itAUmr df inrIKx krky iek Cotf ijhf tukVf (bfieEpsI) lY ilaf jfˆdf hY ijs dI pYQfloijst rfhIN KurdbInI jfˆc krn `qy pUrf qy shI pqf lwg jfˆdf hY ik kYˆsr iks iksm df hY qy ikhVI styj `qy hY. srIr dy bfkI aMgfˆ dy kYˆsrfˆ vfˆg, ies df vI jykr muwZlI styj `qy pqf lgf ky ielfj krvf ilaf jfvy qfˆ kfPI mrIË lMmfˆ smfˆ vDIaf jIvn jIa skdy hn.

ielfj: srjrI -afm krky isstoskop rfhIN kIqI jfˆdI hY. keIafˆ kysfˆ ivwc jd blYzr df kfPI ihwsf nuksfinaf igaf hovy qfˆ pyt qoN apRyÈn krky blYzr kwZ pYrfsfeIt: Bfrq ivwc nhIN pr dunIafˆ dy idwqf jfˆdf hY. ies nUM isstYktmI ikhf keI Bfgfˆ-ijvyˆ aPrIkf dy kuJ ihwsy, imzl jfˆdf hY. Aus qoN bfad rI-kMstRkt krky eIst, eIrfn, mOrIÈIas afid ivc iek ipÈfb stor krn leI jgfh iqafr kIqI

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Cedar Park Place, Abbotsford PAGE 17

The Patrika



Friday, December 14th, 2018

lhU df muWl jrnYl isMG syKf pMjfb dy iksy ipMz ivWc ieWk durGtnf ho nYgyitv gruWp df lhU KuÈI KuÈI ies vfsqy geI, ijs ivWc ieWko prvfr dy Cy jIa mfry idWqf sI»” gey» afm lok ies Gtnf df sbMD ËmIn dy ienspYktr ƒ pihcfx ky muMzy dy ichry JgVy nfl joVdy prMqU pulIs dy ivcfr ivWc Aupr KuÈI dI lihr dOV geI» Aus ny ieh kfrvfeI KfVkUaF vWloN kIqI geI sI ienspYktr ƒ inmrqf nfl ikhf, “iensqF jo ielfky ivWc dihÈq df mfhOl bixaf pYktr sfihb, Èfied qusIN mYƒ jfxdy hovo, rhy» pulIs CWk dI ibnf qy kuWJ gBrUaF ƒ quhfzy ËÉmI hox smyN mYN hI quhfzy leI KUn PVky Qfxy lY afeI» AuhnF ƒ bVy qsIhy idWqf sI» idWqy gey pr ienspYktr ƒ AunHF koloLN Gtnf sbMDI koeI jfxkfrI prfpq nf ho ienspYktr kuWJ dyr muMzy dy ichry vWl nIJ skI» aKIr pulIs ienspYktr AuhnF kolL lf dyKdf irhf» muMzy dy ichry ƒ inhfridaF afieaf aqy ey[aYs[afeI[ ƒ kihx lWgf, ieMJ jfipaf ijvyN Aus dy moZy AuWproN iek “lY cWlo ienHF ƒ vI AuWQy hI, ieMJ nhIN ienHF stfr tuWt ky QWly izWg ipaf hovy aqy dUjy hI pl Auh sMBilaf aqy dUjy hI pl Aus ƒ afpxy mUMhoN kuWJ bkxf»” afpxy moZy AuWpr ieWk ÌIqI hor lWgdI hoeI muMizaF ƒ bMnH ky jIp ivWc ibTfieaf jfx mihsUs hoeI» iPr Auh afpxy ichry AuWpr lWgf qF ieWk muMzy ny ikhf, “ieh qF Auho ieWk iBafnk muskfn ilafAuNdy hoey boilaf, afdmI hY ijs ƒ gMBIr ËÉmI hflq ivWc “TIk hY, idE beI eys ƒ KUn df isÜf» hspqfl ilaFdf igaf sI jdoN mYN afpxI lhU df muWl qF imlxf hI cfhIdf hY»” mF dI ibmfrI smyN Aus kolL sI» iesdy lhU dy gruWp df lhU nf imlx krky ies sfry muMizaF ƒ lY ky, Èfied lhU df muWl dI jfn Kqry ivWc sI aqy mYN afpxf E qfrn leI, jIp QfixEN bfhr ho geI»

afDuink pMjfbI kivqf dy moZI BfeI vIr isMG afDuink pMjfbI kivqf dy moZI BfeI vIr isMG df jnm 5 dsMbr, 1872 nUM gurU kI ngrI aMimRqsr ivKy hoieaf. afp jI dI ÈKsIaq `qy afp jI dy ipqf crn isMG df pRBfv sI ikAuNik afp jI dy ipqf ihMdI, sMsikRq qy ibRj BfÈf dy ivdvfn sn qy isMG sBf lihr dy sMcflkfˆ `coN iewk sn. BfeI vIr isMG ny 1891 ivwc mYitRk pfs kIqI qy iswK Dfrimk lihrfˆ nfl juV gey qy keI lihrfˆ dI agvfeI vI kIqI. 1893 `c BfeI vIr isMG ny Kflsf trYkt susfietI dI sQfpnf kIqI. 1898 `c vËIr ihMd pRYWs KoilHaf qy 1899 `c Kflsf smfcfr spqfihk pwqr jfrI kIqf. 1899 `c BfeI vIr isMG df pihlf nfvl ‘suMdrI` pRkfiÈq hoieaf jo bhuq mkbUl hoieaf. BfeI vIr isMG Bfvyˆ kfPI Dfrimk lihrfˆ nfl juVy rhy pr afpxI iËMdgI df bhuqf smfˆ AunHfˆ ny pMjfbI sfihq dI rcnf `c lfieaf.

kMbdI klfeI, pRIq vIxf, kMq, mhylI df bfrfˆmfh, myry sfeIafˆ jIAu afid BfeI vIr isM G dy pR i sw D kfiv sM i gR h hn. sMdrI, sqvMq kOr, ibjY isMG, bfbf nOD isMG BfeI vIr isMG dy nfvl qy gurU nfnk cmqkfr, ast gu r U cmqkfr, klgIDr cmqkfr aid gwd rcnfvfˆ hn.

BfeI vIr isMG ny Koj sMpfdnf dy Kyqr ivwc vI mhwqvpUrn kfrj kIqf. ‘myry sfeIafˆ jIAu` leI BfeI vIr isMG jI nUM BfrqI sfihq akfdmI vwloN purskfr idwqf igaf. pMjfb XUnIvristI ny zfktr afP ErIaYˆtl lrinMg dI izgrI idwqI. 1952 `c afp jI nUM pMjfb ivDfn pirÈd df mYˆbr nfmËd kIqf igaf. Bfrq srkfr ny 1954 `c BfeI vIr isMG nUM pdm BUÈx dI AupfDI pRdfn kIqI. bhupwKI pRiqBf dy mflk BfeI vIr isMG dIafˆ rcnfvfˆ iswK Drm qy ieiqhfs dI ÈrDfmeI ivafiKaf rfxf sUrq isMG (mhfˆkfiv), ibjlIafˆ hY. afp jI dIafˆ rcnfvfˆ nUM pVH ky hr dy hfr, lihrfˆ dy hfr, mtk hu l fry , ihrdf ivsmfd ho jfˆdf hY. PAGE 18


crn isMG ‘sPrI’ sfzy nYxF ivWc vWsy nnkfxf

rITVy df imWTf bx jfxf,

sfzy nYxF ivWc vWsy nnkfxf,

nfnk sfzy idl ivWc hY»

nfnk sfzy idl ivWc hY»

ijnHF vI p®Iq AuhdI,

asF hor nf lWBx ikqy jfxf, nfnk sfzy idl ivWc hY» Bfgo Auhdy Bf df jI, BUq hY jF ijMn hY» Auh qF bih ky lflo dI, kuWlI ’c p®sMn hY» af koDry df Bojn Ckfxf, nfnk sfzy idl ivWc hY»

bfxI nflL pfeI ey» BWT ivc BuWjI ijMd, jMz ’nf jlfeI ey» ipaf ihWk qy ieMjx atkfxf, nfnk sfzy idl ivWc hY» moh mfieaf vflVf, qUÌfn TfTF mfrdf»

ijWQy vI ipafr nflL,

‘sPrI’ qUM vyKyNgf,

mfhI myrf qWkdf»

iknfrf Aus pfr df»

aMb vFgUM afAuNdf ey,

asIN bfby dy shfry qur jfxf,

suafd kOVy aWk df»

nfnk sfzy idl ivWc hY»

Friday, December 14th, 2018

The Patrika

Op-Ed: Is it time for an external review of the Speaker?



Stuck for Christmas gift ideas?

(NC) Shopping for some people on your list is fun and easy — you know Andrew Wilkinson In the past two weeks, two senior suggested – falsely in my view – that exactly what they want and where officials with 30 years’ service have the Speaker has a quasi-judicial role. to get it. For others, not so much. If been suspended from their posts at the But even if that were true, he must you’re stumped on gift-giving ideas, here is some affordable inspiration to British Columbia Legislature at the still be accountable. keep you within your budget. initiative of the Speaker, and the norMy point is that with the entire fabric mally low profile role of the Speaker For the kids. How many toys does of the Legislature has been mired in democratic government being woven a kid really need? Whether you’re controversy. It has been noted that with accountability, it cannot be that shopping for your own child or somebetween elections the Speaker is ac- the Speaker of the Legislature is one else’s, chances are they’ll receive countable to no one unless he dies accountable to no one. So what to plenty of toys this season. Minimize or resigns. Even the President of the do? The Speaker recently told off a waste and unused toys by using this USA can be removed when he or she reporter, saying that the media should list — want, need, wear and read. is incapacitated or unable to serve, do its due diligence. That is exactly Coordinate with relatives to make but the Speaker faces no such limits what should occur. sure the kids in the family have one and our laws do not provide for his re- When due diligence is needed in of each for a balance of both useful view or replacement. These dramatic areas where information is sensitive and fun gifts. events in the BC Legislature have or confidential, we turn to trusted led many of us to wonder – should authorities. We ask them to review For work Secret Santa. Here, stick the citizens of BC be able to hold the the circumstances and report not the with something edible or a fun gag gift if you know them well. ChocoSpeaker accountable? facts and circumstances, but their lates are always a safe bet, but look A fundamental aspect of our democ- conclusions on whether matters have for nut-free varieties in case of racy is the idea of accountability. Par- been dealt with fairly or not. So let’s sensitivities in the office. Another liaments developed to keep the Crown appoint a trusted person to review the idea is to try a twist on the tradition accountable to the people through the circumstances to date and, if the facts — have everyone pick out a toy the election of representatives. For many warrant, reassure the public that ap- kid version of their recipient would years this was enough. But as the role propriate decisions have been made. of government grew, parliaments The public must have confidence created new offices to assist them in in its democratic institutions. Let’s their responsibility to hold public adhave someone do the due diligence ministration to account. To cite just a suggested by the Speaker to reassure few examples, Auditors General hold governments to account on financial us that confidence in the operation matters; Ombuds offices hold gov- of the Legislature is warranted. This ernments to account on individual person must be independent of the administrative issues; and advocates Legislature, the Speaker, government for children hold governments to ac- and any BC political party. What count when government becomes the about former Governor General Daeffective parent of children in need vid Johnston or a former speaker of of care. In each case, these offices another parliament? They would be are – in turn – accountable to the strong candidates for the role. Let legislatures that appoint them. And of them review all of the circumstances course, members of the legislature are and report to us whether our instituaccountable to the citizens at every tion has acted properly, and what improvements are needed to restore election. credibility. Some might ask “what of judges? – don’t they lack accountability?” Our democracy depends upon pubWhile it is true that judicial indepen- lic confidence in our institutions of dence is a fundamental part of our governance. Our strength lies in our democracy, judges are accountable ability to constantly improve these when their judgments are subject institutions, rather than let them drift to appeal. And ultimately, even a into controversy without any plan for judge can be removed from office improvement. The time has come for in extraordinary circumstances that the Speaker to be accountable to the thankfully rarely arise. I raise the citizens of BC, just as every other example of judges because it has been institution has been for decades.

have loved, and donate the lot to a toy drive after unwrapping them as a group. For couples. Whether it’s your empty-nester parents, a young couple with a toddler or a power career duo without kids, all partnerships could benefit from a weekend away together. Think a staycation with a hotel in their same city, a holiday in a new place or a spa retreat in the country. If you’re a Marriott Rewards member, you can even use your rewards points to book a night or two away for a wow-factor gift that’s easy on your budget. Find more information at



mihÌlF qF ieWk qoN ieWk cVHdIaF mfxIaF hn dfs ny, pr sB qoN vWD luqÌ dfrU pIixaF nflL bYT ky hI imldf ey» iehnF dfrU-pIixaF dI sB qoN Kfs gWl ieh huMdI ey ik AuhnF ivWcoN koeI BfvyN ikMnI vI pINdf hovy, ieh kdy nhIN mMndf ik Auh ÈrfbI ho igaf ey» hF, kdy-kdfeIN koeI nf koeI ieh kih dyNdf hY ik ‘hux CWz dyxI hY’ qy agly idnIN iPr pINdf iml jFdf ey» jy puWCo ik ‘qUM qF CWz dyxI sI’ aWgoN khygf, ‘CWzxI qF hY, pr CWzI nhIN jFdI»’ ieho ijhy iek dosq ƒ dfs dy lMgotIey Xfr jWgf isMG ny iek vfr ikhf sI, “qusIN kfsy jogy nhIN, ijhVy kihMdy ho, ‘CWzI nhIN jFdI»’ myry vl vyKo, mYN hux qWk cflLI vfr CWzI aY»” qy ÈrfbIaF dI mihÌl ’coN iksy ny gOilLaf hI nf ik jy CWzI cflLI vfr hY qF CWzx dI shuM vI qF eyny vfr eI qoVI hovygI» eydF df eI dfs df iek sWjx hY jIqf isMG» AuhdI hflq jdoN ivgVnI ÈurU ho geI qF Aus dy puWqr cuWk ky zfktr kolL lY gey» zfktr ny puWiCaf, ‘Èrfb dy ikMny ku pYWg lY lYNdf hYN roË?’ Aus ny dWisaf, ‘bWs solLF ku pYWg»’ hYrfn hoey zfktr ny ikhf, ‘jy bcxf hY qF kuJ GWt kr, qUM aWj qoN aWT pYWg qoN vWD nf lfieaf kr»’ Auh pWkf vfadf krky af igaf» vfadf Aus ny nf qoiVaf, pr ishq ivgVdI geI» Auh iPr zfktr kolL igaf» zfktr ny ikhf, ‘hY qF aOKf, pr ieMj kr, hux cfr pYWg qoN vWD nf ilaf kr»’ Aus ny nf qoVn vflLf vfadf kr ilaf, pr ishq ivgVnoN nf ruk skI» iPr zfktr kolL gey qF Aus ny ikhf, ‘dyK jIqf isMG, jy aYnf kIqf eI, hux QoVHI hor Kycl kr, isrÌ do pYWg qWk af jf»’ Auh af igaf do pYWg AuWqy, pr ishq hor ivgV geI» zfktr ny sfry tYst krky ikhf, ‘iek hor hMBlf mfr, hux isrÌ iek pYWg nflL kMm sfrn dI koiÈÈ kr»’ Aus dI gWl ivcoN tok ky jIqf isMG ny ikhf, ‘mYN qF koiÈÈ kr lAUN, pr solLF ijWzy ieWko pYWg leI iglfs ikWQoN ilafAUN? aWgy do pYWg lYx leI mYƒ purfxy Ëmfny df kVy vflLf glfs vrqxf ipaf qy Auhdy ivWc vI pfxI pfAux dI QF nhIN sI bc skI»’ zfktr ny qF nsIhqF dyxIaF bMd kr idWqIaF ny, pr jIqf isMG hflyL qWk jIvI jFdf ey» jIqf isMG iËMdgI ivWc pIx-ipafAux vflLy keI idlcsp qjribaF ivWcoN guËiraf hY» jdoN Auh pihlI vfr knyzf vWsdy BqIijaF koloN jf ky afieaf qF Aus ny vfpsI ’qy aMgryËI Èrfb dIaF pMj-Cy boqlF lY aFdIaF PAGE 20

The Patrika 

XfrF nflL bYTx df mËf

Friday, December 14th, 2018

jiqMdr pƒ

sn» ipMz afieaf qF XfrF dI mMzlI ny dfs ny ikhf, ‘clo gurf isMG lMbVdfr ƒ Gyr ilaf, “ilaf beI jIqf isMhF, sfƒ vI puWCdy aF»’ GuWt-GWut ipaf dy ‘gryjF dy mulk’ vflLI»” gurf isMG ƒ puWiCaf qF kihx lWgf, “afh jIqf isMG ny ikhf, ‘ipafAUNgf ËrUr, pr bfeIpfs ’qy sMqF df nvF zyrf KuWilHaf hY» pIxI vI EdF hI pAUgI»’ AuWQy lY jfAu, afpy Cuzf dyxgy»” Auhdy jotIdfr mMn gey» ivhVy ivWc mMjIaF zfh ky tolI bYT geI» PuWlF vflLy kWc dy iek idn jIqf isMG ƒ lY ky Aus dI Gr glfsF ivWc pf ky sB ƒ PVf ky jIqf isMG ny vflLI qy muMzf Aus zyry gey» sMqF ny puWiCaf, ikhf, “hux sfry jWt glfs AuWcy cuWk ky pIx ‘bMdf qF BfeI jIqf isMhF qUM cMgYN, nÈy qF qoN pihlF ieWko afvfË ivWc kho ‘mMjIaF’» nhIN krdf?’ sfiraF ny Aus dy mgr ikhf, ‘mMjIaF’ qy jIqf isMG ny ikhf, ‘aYvyN kdy-kdfeIN Ërf mUMh kOVf kr leIdY» mWCr-mWKI qoN bc afpo afpxf glfs cfVH gey» ky nINd sOKI af jFdI aY» AuNj afpF koeI iPr lMbVdfr gurf isMG ny puWC ilaf, “Xfr afdI QoVHy aF?’ jIqf isMhF, hY qF svfdI, pr ieh ‘mMjIaF’ afKx nflL svfd df Ìrk pY jFdf hY?” sMqF ny ikhf, ‘Auh vI CWz dyh»’ jIqf isMG ny hWs ky ikhf, “nhIN lMbVdfrf, ieh qF pIx vylLy df jYkfrf ey» aMgryË lok jdoN pIx lWgdy ny qF kihMdy ny ‘cyarË’» cyar AuhnF dy mulk ivWc kursI ƒ kihMdy ny» Auh kursIaF ’qy bih ky pINdy ny, qF ‘cyarË’ kihMdy ny, jy afpxy vFg mMjIaF ’qy bYT ky pINdy qF AuhnF vI ‘mMjIaF’ hI afiKaf krnf sI»” sfiraF ny dfd idWqI» dfd BfvyN akl dy muËfhry nflLoN vWD sfhmxy peI boql krky idWqI hovy» iPr jIqf isMG ny dWisaf ik Aus dy BqIjy afpxy Gr ivWc aWgoN-ipWCoN qF bVI ieWËq krdy sn, pr jdoN koeI gorf imlx af jfvy qF nflL nhIN sI ibTfAuNdy» dfs ny puWiCaf ik ‘eydF kfhqoN krdy sI Auh?’ jIqf isMG df jvfb bVf suafdlLf sI» kihx lWgf, “zrdy sI» iek idn iek BqIjy ny ivclLI gWl dWs idWqI» kihMdf, jdoN pihlLI vfr sfzy pMjfbIaF dI mihÌl ’c iek gorf afieaf qF sfry pIx bYT gey» glfs Bry qy jWtF ny ikhf, ‘cuWko’» sfiraF ny cuWk ky ieWko zIky glfs KflI kr idWqy» gory ƒ vI ieMj hI krnf ipaf» QoVHy icr ƒ iPr iglfs Bry qy ikhf, ‘cuWko’, qy sB glfs KflI ho gey» gorf vI nflL rlL igaf» iPr qIjf pYWgf, iPr cOQf qy iPr pMjvIN vfr ‘cuWko’ hox qWk gorf mUDy mUMh ho igaf» sfiraF soicaf ik ies ƒ mMjy ’qy pf dyeIey» jdoN sfiraF ny lWqF-bfhF qoN PV ky ikhf, ‘cuWko’, gorf qVpx lWgf, ‘no mor cuWko’» Aus ny smiJaf ik ieh iPr Aus ƒ ‘cuWko’ vflLf pYWg ipaf dyx lWgy ny» EdoN dI eynI mÈhUrI hoeI ey ik iksy vI nvyN afey pMjfbI nfl bYTxoN ajy qWk gory lok zrI jFdy ny»” iek idn jIqf isMG dy Coty muMzy ny dfs ƒ afx Gyiraf» kihx lWgf, ‘bfpU dI Èrfb ny Auhdf byVf grk kr idWqf hY» jy Aus ny Èrfb pIxI nf CWzI, qF bcxf nhIN»’

afpxI Gr vflLI aqy puWqr dy nflL-nflL dfs ƒ vI zOr-BOr hoey bYTy sMqF dy crnF ivWc cVHfvy vFg pey CWz ky jIqf isMG zyirEN inklL quiraf» akfÈIN BONdy bWdlF qy zuWbdy sUrj dI lflI ny Aus dI cflL eynI ku qyË kr idWqI sI ik ipMz phuMcx qWk imlL nhIN sI sikaf iqMnF ivcoN koeI vI Aus ƒ» koeI gWl nhIN, qF kI hoieaf, mËf qF ajy jIqf isMG hOlLI ijhy boilaf, “hor kI CWzxf vI dfs ƒ jIqf isMG hurF nflL bYT ky eI eyN sMq jI, mYN aWj qoN ieQy afAuxf CWizaf»’ afAuNdf ey» jIqf isMG cuWp irhf» sMqF ny do-iqMn vfr ikhf, pr jIqf isMG ny huMgfrf nf Biraf» sMqF ny QoVHf ijhf Ëor dy ky ikhf, ‘dyK BfeI jIqf isMG, sfzy zyry af ky lok aÌIm KfxI CWzdy ny» isgrt-bIVI CWzdy ny, Èrfb pIxI CWzdy ny, qUM vI qF dWs nf, qUM kI CWzxf eyN»’

The Patrika

Friday, December 14th, 2018



Despite steps taken, homeless counts show challenges ahead


he first-ever provincewide homelesscount report shows that while B.C. has taken important first steps to house British Columbians, more work needs to be done to prevent and address homelessness in B.C. communities. According to the report — which brings together statistics from 24 communities over the past two years — at least 7,655 people are experiencing homelessness across a broad demographic of individuals, families, youth and seniors. Indigenous peoples and former children in care are significantly overrepresented.

to find solutions, build new housing and deliver effective supports. The kind of homelessness we’re seeing today didn’t happen overnight and it won’t be fixed overnight, but we haven’t waited to get started.” The report is the first time this information has been compiled on a provincial level and will help government, community partners and housing providers develop better supports and services to help people who are experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness. Government will release a homelessness action plan as part of B.C.’s first Poverty Reduction Strategy in early 2019.

“Too many British Columbians — working, on a pension, suffering from illness — have been left behind for far too long,” said Shane Simpson, Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction. “This level of homelessness should never have been allowed to take hold. The numbers we’re seeing make us even more determined to make housing more available and affordable for all Brit- “This report is another reminder of why we have made it a priority to reish Columbians.” build the social programs people rely The B.C. government began work- on,” added Simpson. “Many people ing with partners to take action on living on the street are struggling homelessness soon after being sworn with challenges that are intensified in last year by fast-tracking modular through their experience of being housing in 22 communities, and homeless. You can’t live on the street supportive housing for Indigenous and not be affected both mentally and peoples, seniors, and women and physically by the constant struggle. children fleeing violence. “In the coming months, we will be “Having a place to call home, know- looking to other levels of government ing there is somewhere to go that and our community partners to help is safe and secure means different us deliver a wide range of supports, things to different people,” said Se- with a focus on early intervention lina Robinson, Minister of Municipal services that will help prevent people Affairs and Housing. “For some, it from becoming homeless in the first is a new start, opening a door to new place.” opportunities. For others it is hope, Addressing poverty and homelessrelief from grinding despair. ness is a shared priority between “At the same time, we know there are government and the B.C. Green many more people who still need a caucus and is part of the Confidence safe place to call home. We continue and Supply Agreement. to work closely with all our partners PAGE 21


The Patrika 

5 activities for your kids to do over winter break (NC) There’s the busy lead-up to Christmas, the happy frenzy of the day itself and that sweet spot afterwards, when children’s gifts are still new and interesting. But most kids get two weeks off school. It’s easy to default to Netflix or videogames, but these can leave everyone climbing the walls after awhile.

Download an educational app or two. Then give your kids a series of challenges to complete. Google Earth can take them anywhere in the world. What are five things they see when standing beside the Eiffel Tower?

Deliver a gift overseas. The World Vision Gift Catalogue explores the lives of kids in developing countries. Have your child browse the site and select a gift from your family to theirs. Your If you’re home with your kids, there are donation before December 31 means a many things to do to fill the time. Many 2018 tax receipt. involve learning something together — Read a new book together. You can not a bad idea for kids who’ll need to share the same book or read your own think again in January. together. Chat about the latest chapter Here are five things you can do over at dinnertime each day. Which character do they like best? Can they guess the winter break: what will happen next? Take advantage of free activities. Take a bus or train trip. Is there a part of Check the “What’s On?” schedule for the city you haven’t visited? A nearby your community. Community centres, town you’d like to see? Pack a lunch, libraries and public parks and rinks then hit the road on wheels or rail. If often have great ways to spend time they have a phone, document the day with pictures. together.


Friday, December 14th, 2018

Friday, December 14th, 2018

The Patrika 


Canada adopts historic agreement to address migration Migration Compact is the first, globally negotiated, cooperative framework to facilitate safe, orderly and regular migration

ing to the United Nations, there are currently about 258 million people on the move. Of these, 68.5 million are forcibly displaced people - including refugees and asylum seekers - who are Canada believes that effective inter- forced to flee their homes in search of national cooperation is essential in new ones due to violence, discriminaorder to address common challenges as tion and war. well as harness the benefits of global The Compact sets out 23 objectives, migration. each focusing on one aspect of miToday, Canada announced it signed the gration. Participating states are not Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and expected to implement each action, Regular Migration (GCM), the first but to view them as examples of best global framework on all aspects of in- practices on how to achieve the objecternational migration. The Honourable tives. It emphasizes state sovereignty Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigra- as a guiding principle and that it is a tion, Refugees and Citizenship, made state’s sovereign right to control its the announcement at the Intergovern- own borders. mental Conference to Adopt the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Canada has been actively engaged in the development of the GCM. This Migration in Marrakech, Morocco. includes the majority of the almost 200 The GCM acknowledges the serious action items, which reflect Canadian challenges that irregular migration practices and are aligned with the composes, while emphasizing the posi- pact’s objectives and commitments. tive contributions of migrants, and the Following more than a year of negobenefits of regular pathways and well- tiations, this is an important milestone managed migration systems. Migrant and represents the first multilateral and refugee flows are a growing phe- framework for the global response to nomenon around the world. Accord- migration.

Exceptional lawyers recognized with Queen’s counsel designation David Eby, Attorney General, has announced the 2018 recipients of the honorary title of Queen’s counsel (QC). “Congratulations to each of the recipients of this prestigious designation,” said Eby. “The QC appointment is a very special honour that denotes a superb record of achievement and commitment to our province’s legal system. Your education, community volunteerism valuable work is helping to make and mentorship of new legal British Columbia a stronger and more professionals. equitable place to live.” The QC designation is conferred This year’s 28 appointees are British each year on members of the legal Columbian lawyers with a diverse profession who have been nominated set of professional specializations by their peers and have been members i n c l u d i n g F i r s t N a t i o n s l a w, of the B.C. bar for at least five years. criminal law, commercial litigation, After the call for nominations in family law and mediation. The September, an advisory committee appointees have been chosen for r e v i e w e d a p p l i c a t i o n s a n d their distinguished accomplishments recommended candidates to the in areas such as continuing legal attorney general. PAGE 23

The Patrika




dzîÆ×z¶ôé Áå¶ ëËÇîñÆ ñÅÁ


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604-746-3330 Fax: 604-746-3331

auph`r kOr D`lIv`l

dzîÆ×z¶ôé Áå¶ ëËÇîñÆ ñÅÁ


ruibMdr (rOb) DMnU

ÇÕzîÆéñ ìÚÅÀ° òÕÆñ


• Immigration Appeals • Refugee Claims • Sponsorship & Citizenship • Permanent Resident & Green Card • Visas (Tourist, Employment, Student, Nafta) • Provincial Nominations • Investor & Business Applications

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• Drug Offences

• âz¼× Ãì³èÆ ç¯ô

• Assaults Including Domestic & Sexual • Impaired and Other Driving Offences • Theft, Fraud and Property Crimes • Weapons Offences • Proceeds Of Crime • Young Persons Charged with Criminal Offences RUBINDER DHANU



- Marijuana Grow Operations - Cocaine and Heroin Trafficking - Importing/Exporting


Friday, December 14th, 2018

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The Patrika

Friday, December 14th, 2018

prIaF dI mF pRo: surjIq isMG bDysLf

rwb ny mYnUM do dfqF qF idl KolH ky idwqIaF, grIbI aqy husn. ipE dy Gr zMg dI zMg rotI rwjvIN nf imlxI, qn dy kwpVy pfty-purfxy, mYly-kucYly, isafl dI TMZ ny hwz BMn suwtxy, mF dy iZwz nfl lwg ky inwG lYxf. dUjI dfq sI husn dI. myrf gorf rMg, gol mUMh iqwKy nYx-nksL, inrf rbV df bfvf. muitafr hoeI qF myry qy husn dIaF nHyrIaF Juwlx lwgIaF. swpxI ijhI cfl, srU ijhf kwd, cMd ijhf ichrf, cMbf klI vrgI muskfn, sLrfb ijhI msqI. muitafr kfhdI hoeI…. bfpU dI rotI lY ky Kyq jFdI mwJF dIaF DfrF kwZx jFdI, pfxI dy GVy Brn jFdI, skUl jFdI, kflj jFdI, ielfky dy gwBrU sB kMm Cwz ky vI AuzIkdy huMdy. pr mYN qF bcnF nfl bwJI hoeI sI. bfpU dI icwtI pwg leI, ipMz dI DI dy pfk irsLqy dI slfmqI leI, koVmy dI iewjLq leI. myry dIvfinaF ny bVy pfpV vyly, bVy prvfny afps ivwc iCwqr-pqfn hoey, keI pVHfeIaF ivwcy Cwz gey, pr mYN afpxy kMj kuafry-pn qy pihrf idwqf. mYN aiDafpkf lwg geI, mF ipE ivafh dy iPkrF ivwc zuwb gey. cMgf vr-Gr lwB lYNdy pr dfj dhyj vflf Kfnf qf iblkul KflI sI. iewk Kfnf bVf Biraf ipaf sI, Auh sI mfipaF dI sLrfPq qy iensfnIaq. puils aPsr, qihsIldfr, vkIl aqy imltrI aPsrF vwloN irsLqy leI bVy mOky imly pr mYN qF afpxy mfipaF df jIvn pwDr vI socdI sI. iewk idn myry ipMz df sfd murfdf bMdf myry bfpU kol afieaf, Auh sI cMnx CVf. Aus ny lfgly ipMz dy iewk skUl mfstr dI dws pfeI. muMzf lMmf-Jwmf, gwBrU, sfd-murfdf qy lok BlfeI dI soc rwKx vflf, Gr sfzy Gr vrgf grIb. dfj koeI nhIN, gihxf-gwtf, kwpVf lwqf koeI nhIN, pMj bMd brfqI aOxgy, cfh pIxgy, afnMd kfrj dI rsm hoeygI qy zolf qur jfeygf, koeI bfjf nhIN-eyQoN qwk ik pMjy brfqI sYklF qy aOxgy qy sYkl ipwCy bhf ky hI zolf lY jfxgy.



QoVHy idnF bfad sLrIky ivwc iewk muMzy df ivafh hoieaf. nvIaF purfxIaF vhutIaF hfr isLMgfr lf ky af hfjLr hoeIaF. koeI myry nfl gihixaF df tfkrf kry, koeI kImqI kwpVy lwqy df, koeI motr sfiekl qy kfr df, koeI rMg-rUp df, koeI kwd-kfT df qy koeI ivwidaf dI izgrI df. iewk bjLurg mfqf ny mYnUM QfpVf idMidaF ikhf, “lfl godVIaF ivwc af ky hor vI kImqI bx jFdy hn. ies lVkI dy gl ivwc ivwidaf df rfxI hfr hY, dfj qoN bgYr ivafh ies dy mfipaF vwloN jgfeI iewk nvIN rOsLnI hY, sfdgI qy slIkf sfzy leI iewk sbk hY, sUrq qy sIrq ies kol vwzy KjLfny hn, afE afpF sfry hfjLr iewk pRx leIey, muMzy kuVIaF pVHfeIey, dfj lYx qy dyx vfly leI sKq sjf imQIey, suQry smfj dI nINh rwKIey.” mYN Aus mihPl ivwc jfx qoN pihlF hIxI soc dI isLkfr sI pr jdoN Gr muVI qF mhfn KjLfinaF dI milkf mihsUs kr rhI sI. sfl ipwCoN mYnUM jOVIaF kuVIaF jMmIaF. kOVI vyl vFgUM vD geIaF. skUlF dy suMdrqf mukfbilaF ivwc awvl, pVHfeI `coN awvl, gIqF igwiDaF `coN awvl. kflj geIaF, sLrm hXf dIaF puVIaF, KyzF ivwc kYptn, pVHfeI `coN skflrisLp, igwiDaF dIaF rfxIaF, husn dIaF prIaF. pMjfb ivwc ies joVI ny afpxy kflj aqy ipMz df nfm cmkf idwqf. XUnIvristI dy ienfm smfgm ivwc mYnUM Aucycy qOr `qy swidaf igaf qy ‘prIaF dI mF’ dy iKqfb nfl snmfinq kIqf. AunHF hI idnF ivwc kYnyzf qoN afey pirvfr ny dohF df irsLqf sky BrfvF leI mMigaf. aYm[ ey[ dy pyprF qoN do mhIny bfad hI knyzf jf vsIaF qy EQoN dy qyjL qrfr jIvn dI dOV ivwc jf vVIaF.

gurdvwrw klgIDr drbwr

30640 Blueridge Dr, Abbotsford, BC V2T 5W3 gurdvwrw klgIDr drbwr swihb AYbtsPorf ivKy

ies h&qy dy pRogrwm dsMbr 4 Su`krvwr

sRI gurU nwnk dyv jI 550 swlw pRkwS gurpurb nMU smripq ArMB sRI AKMf pwT swihb Aqy lMgr s yvw Bw: gurmIq isMG Aqy auhnW dy pirvwr v`loN

dsMbr 16 AYqvwr Bog sRI AKMf pwT swihb Aqy lMgr syvw Bw: gurmIq isMG Aqy auhnW dy pirvwr v`loN

dsMbr 15 SnIvwr AnMd kwrj sIrw isMG brwV Aqy auhnW dy pirvwr v`loN ies swl nvMbr qoN lY ky AwauNdy nvMbr 2019 q`k, sRI gurU nwnk dyv jI dy pRkwS purb dy sbMD ivc gurduAwrw klgIDr drbwr swihb ivKy h&qwvwrI sRI AKMf pwTW dI lVI smUh sMgq dy sihXog nwl clweI jwvygI[ smUh sMgq nMU bynqI kIqI jWdI hY ik cl rhI lVI ivc sRI AKMf pwT swihb dI syvw lY ky gurU swihb jI dIAW KuSIAW pRwpq kro jI[

gurdvwrw swihb ivKy hwjrI Bry rhy pRcwrk isMG

• rwgI j~Qy – BweI jgjIq isMG jI hzUrI rwgI sRI drbwr swihb BweI hrimMdr isMG jI rofy sMqsr vwly • FwfI j`Qw - igAwnI hrdIp isMG jI mwxocwhl • kQw vwck – – igAwnI jsbIr isMG jI KuSidl

gurdvwrw swihb ivKy prRogwm b`uk krn leI sMprk kro

gurdvwrw swihb 604-504-5530, BweI jIq isMG is`D(U m`K u syvwdwr) 604-556-4089 igAwnI bic`qr isMG m`K u gRQ M I 604-600-1600

kfr. GroN keI keI idn bfhr rihx lwgf. myry qoN pYsy lY jfxy; Krc lYxy, Auzf lYxy, mYN qF mF sI, mYN cuwp iPkrF dI ndI ivwc zuwbx lwgI. ipE df srIr iPkrF ny Kor idwqf. iewk idn svyry ds ku vjy pMj muMzy afey, kihMdy ‘aMtI kYptn Gry hI hY?’ mYN ikhf ‘ikhVf kYptn?’ hws ky kihMdy ‘sfzf Brf, quhfzf lVkf.’ mYN ikhf ‘nf ieh kbwzI Kyzy, nf hfkI nf Puwtbfl, ieh kYptn kfhdf?’ muMzf AuWiTaf qy AunHF nfl clf igaf. ds idnF bfad afieaf, ipE qoN pYsy mMgy, AunHF nhIN idwqy, myry qoN mMgy mYN cuwp rhI. Aus ny rfq nUM almfrI dI cugfT puwt ky Gr dI nkdI kwZI qy qVky motr sfeIkl qy zg zg krdf clf igaf. afpxy ipE dy dosqF qoN, keI ipMzF qoN JUT bol ky pYsy lY lY Krc ley, BUaf qoN, mfimaF qoN, mfsIaF qoN, myrIaF shylIaF qoN, gwl kI ijwQoN ijwQoN vI jo imilaf lY afAuNdf irhf. sfnUM iksy dlfl qoN pqf lwgf ik Auh qF afpxy ipE dI jLmIn df sOdf krn dI vI koisLsL ivwc hY qy kYptn Aus nUM qF swddy hn ikAuNik ielfky dy sfry nsLyVI muMizaF qoN sB qoN vwD nsLf krdf hY.

ienHF kuVIaF dy jnm qoN ds sfl bfad nF chuMidaF hoieaF myrI kuwK Pyr hrI ho geI qy kfky df jnm hoieaf. Auh vI BYxF vrgf suhxf. dsvIN jmfq qwk 90% qwk nMbr lY ky pfs huMdf irhf, kwd ijvyN srU df bUtf, gwl sB nUM psMd af geI, qfrIk rwK idwqI rMg gorf inCoh, afigafkfr mF ipE leI geI, myrf ivafh ho igaf. sOhry Gr, sOhry srvx puwq. ipMz qy ielfky ivwc sfzI joVI dIaF DuMmF pY geIaF. sfnUM lok agFh vDU smfj dy icrfg kflj dfKlf ilaf, KOry iksdI njLr lwg smJx lwgy. myry pyikaF sOhiraF df siqkfr geI? nfl dy muMzy aYm[ey[ kr gey qF Auh viDaf. ipMz dIaF buVHIaF kuVIaF mYnUM sLgn bI[ey[ ivwc hI Cwz ky hONslf hfr igaf. cuwp pOx afAudIaF. myry koeI gihxf nhIN, koeI cuwp rihx lwg ipaf, dg dg krdf ichrf surKI pfAUzr nhIN, koeI PMU PF nhIN, mYN sfd kflf klUq ijhf ho igaf, ipE dy kihxy qoN ieh sux ky Aus df ipE qF idl dy dOry nfl bfhr, cuwp cuwp, guMm suMm, nf koeI kMm nf cwldf lwgf. mYnUM hYrfnI hoeI jd Auh iewk murfdI.

muitafr kuVI nUM Gr lY afieaf. Aus nfl ivafh rijstr krvf ilafieaf. dovyN kMm koeI krn nf, pihnx nUM vI qy Kfx nUM vI cMgf Bflx, rMg ZMg qoN mYnUM qF Auh kuVI, vI nisLaF dI afdI lwgI. mYnUM Gr df icrfg buJdf idsx lwgf. keIaF ny qF sfzf Gr qy keIaF ny sfzI jLmIn KrIdx dIaF skImF vI bxf leIaF. mYN ijAuNdI miraF brfbr. asIN kI sI? kI hF? kI ho jfvFgy? ienHF socF ny mYnUM mn df rog lf idwqf, myrf qn qbfh kr idwqf, mYnUM zr Kfx lwgf ik kdy vI myrf puwq qy myrI ieh nUMh mYnUM jfnoN mfr dyxgy qy idl df dOrf ipaf afK ky mYnUM PUk dyxgy. mYN sdf aMdrlf kuMzf lf ky hI sONdI. iewk rfq mYnUM suPnf afieaf. suPny ivwc mYN mr geI. myrI arQI nfl nf koeI irsLqydfr qy nf koeI sLrIkf BfeIcfrf, bws muMzy dy nsLyVI Xfr pMj swq. koeI rfhI puwCdf, kOx mr igaf? qF ipMz dI iewk qIvIN kihMdI, “mYnUM lwgdf prIaF dI mF mr geI hY.” mYnUM bVf guwsf lwgf ik myry “kYptn puwq dI mF” mr geI ikAuN nI ikhf? prIaF qF kdoN dIaF prdysI hn. PAGE 25

The Patrika



Friday, December 14th, 2018

sqIaF syeI dlIp kOr itvfxf

jdoN vIr Bgq isµG, dWq ƒ idWqf PFsI df hukm suxf» AuhdI hovx vflLI nfr ƒ iksy ipµz ivc dWisaf jf”» gWzI ivc aµnHF mµgqf gf irhf sI» ”iPr” mYN mµgqy dy m¨µh vWl qWikaf pr styÈn af jfx kr ky Auh Aus zWby ivWcoN AuWqr ky d¨jy ivc jf ciVHaf» mYƒ muV muV iKafl afAux lWgf ik jdoN iksy ny ipµz ivc jf ky dWisaf hoxf eyN, kI guËrI hoAU Bgq isµG dI mµgyqr dy idl `qy? mYN zWby dI bfrI ivcoN bfhr qWkx lWgI» ieAuN lWgdf sI ijvyN sfhmxy Kyq, KyqF ivWc AuWgIaF PslF qy drWKqF dIaF kqfrF nWTIaF jf rhIaF hox» AunI hI qyËI nfl iKafl myry idmfg ivc nWTx lWgy» myrI klpnf d¨r idshWdy qoN vI d¨r ipµz dy iksy kWcy koTy ivc bYTI crKf kWqdI sunWKI iesqrI ƒ lWBx lWgI» cuWp cfp mYN Auhdy m¨µh vWl qWkx lWgI» “kI afhnI eyN”?” Auh bolI» “q¨µ ikvyN Aumr guËfrI?” mYN puWiCaf» “mYƒ AuhdI ieWËq df pfs sI» lokF kihxf sI, ieh Bgq isµG dI mµgyqr ey» mYN ikvyN sfhs CWzdI? imhnq mËd¨rI kIqI, lokF dIaF kpfhF cugIaF, kWqxf kWiqaf, pIhxy pITy, koTy ilWpy, Gfh Koqy `qy zµg tpfieaf»”

“qYƒ purfxI lWgdI hoAU» mYƒ qF ieAuN lWgdI ey, ijvyN hfly kWlH dI gWl hovy» jdoN iek idn dIvy blLidaF nflL Auh sfzy ipµz afieaf sI, bfhr K¨h `qy Klo iek inafxy hWQ mYƒ sunyhf Byj idWqf» mYN iJjkdI iJjkdI sB qoN corI AuQy af geI» boilaf“q¨µ iPkr nf krIN, ajy mYƒ Ër¨rI kµm ny» jdoN ivafh kIqf, mYN qyry nflL hI krFgf» mYN CyqI hI afvFgf»” Auh cilaf igaf qy muV ajy qWk nhIN afieaf»” Aus vyly mYƒ iek r¨sI gIq Xfd afieaf`sfzf Gr sjnIey eyzI d¨r qF nhIN sI ik Aumr Br Pyrf nf pfieaf»` ienHF lPËF dI qVP Auhdy m¨µh qoN lWBdI sI ijhVI i˵dgI Br Auhƒ AuzIkdI rhI ijs ny muV kdy Pyrf nf pfieaf» “q¨µ ienHF pIVF dI sfr kI jfxy!” Auh aWKF Br ky bolI» do hµJ¨ vih qury» mYƒ lWigaf ijvyN Auh kih rhI hovy- `ieh ikhI vy Drq kµizaflI, ieh ikhy vy jIvn dy bryqy` myry sfh suWkdy jf rhy ny» “rWb qYƒ lµmI Aumr bKÈy»” Auhdy kumlfey m¨µh vWl qWk ky mYN afiKaf» Auh ieAuN qRBkI ijvyN mYN Auhdy cpyV kWZ mfrI hovy» iPr kruxf BrI afvfË ivc kihx lWgI, “myrIey hmdrdxy, lµmI Aumr leI myrI cfh nhIN» Aumr dy qF ieh idn vI nhIN muWkdy pey»”

AuhdI AudfsI myry koloLN dyKI nf geI» gWl “ikAuN, qyry mfipaF ƒ qyrf iKafl nhIN bdlx leI mYN afiKaf, “q¨µ myry nflL Èihr sI?” mYN puWiCaf» cWl» myrI BYx df ivafh ey, do cfr idn “ikhVf sfl CI mhIny dI gWl sI ik mYN AunHF suhxy lµG jfxgy»” `qy boJ bxI rihµdI? ieh qF AumrF dy mfmly “nhIN mYN ivafh nhIN jf skdI»” Auh sn» nflyL AunHF Auhƒ hI kosxf sI ijhVf bolI» afpxy PrËF ƒ ivcy hI CWz igaf sI»” “ikAuN?” mYN puWiCaf» “q¨µ srkfr kolLoN mdd mµg lYxI sI»” mYN “KuÈIaF dy mOky myry koloLN JWly nhIN jFdy» Audfs ho ky afiKaf» aijhy mOikaF `qy mYN bVI QWk jFdI hF» “mYN AuhdI mµgyqr ho ky iksy aWgy hWQ aWmYQoN afpxy gm hux GVI pl leI vI d¨r zdI, ieh mYQoN ho nhIN sikaf»” nhIN kIqy jFdy» mYƒ ienHF dy nflL rihx dI Auhdf isdk, Auhdf sfhs, Auhdf isrV afdq pY geI ey» iek gWl dWsyNgI?” Auhny dyK, myrf idl kry; ies mhfn aOrq dy afs nflL myry vWl qWikaf» pYr C¨h lvF» AumrF dy iCWlV lfh Auh “hF puWC»” mYN afiKaf» Br jvfn kuVI bx, myrI Xfd ivc AuGV “kI sWcI muWcI koeI aglf jnm vI huµdf KloqI» hY?” “suixaF ey Auhdy ipµz AuhdI Xfd mnf rhy `ivcfrI!` myry idl ny afiKaf» ny» q¨µ jfeyNgI?” mYN puWiCaf» “mYN” mYN Auhdy ipµz Blf ikvyN jf skdI hF? Auhny vWjdy vfijaF nflL ishry bµnH ky mYƒ lYx afAuxf sI, Auh afieaf nhIN» iPr mYN ikvyN jf skdI hF?” “ieh qy bVI purfxI gWl ho geI ey»” mYN afiKaf» PAGE 26

“hF, hr GVI hr pl Auh mYƒ Xfd rihµdf ey» kdy kdy qF bVf mn krdf ey ik koeI af ky afKy- `nhIN Auh miraf nhIN, Auhƒ PFsI nhIN idWqI geI, Auh ijAuNdf ey»` kdI kdI socdI hF, jy ikDry Auh sWcIN-muWcIN muV afvy, mYN Auhƒ afKF- “khu vy ienHF qkdIrF ƒ, ieAuN nf d¨r Klox, mYN vI iksy dI DI vy, mYN vI iksy dI BYx” pr hux ienHF qkdIrF kolL myry jogf hY eI kI ey»” Auh Audfs ho ky bolI» “hux qF Bgq isµG dy supny p¨ry ho rhy ny» dyK, dyÈ ikvyN qrWkI vl jf irhf ey» q¨µ vI koeI ihWsf pf» dyK nvF vrHf afieaf ey, nvF kdm cuWk»” mYN afiKaf» Auhdf m¨µh ihWs igaf qy Auh cuWp cfp myry vl qWkx lWgI, ijvyN kihµdI hovy, ipClf vrHf ro ky tur cWilaf, aglf vI KVHf Audfs» ikhVy vy munI srfipaf, q¨µ muV nf puWCI bfq» “q¨µ kI soc rhI eyN?” mYN puWiCaf» Aus ny hAukf Biraf, ijvyN kihµdI hovy- `rfq dI rfxI mYƒ puWCdI, ikWQy qF geIaF nI qyrIaF nINdrF! idhuµ vI AulFBy idµdf, ikWQy qF KoeIaF qyrIaF s¨rqF!” mYN muV muV qYQoN puCdI, kOx Br¨ vy myrI khfxI df huµgfrf? kOx bx¨ vy myry duWKF df sIrI?`

“Auh bVf sohxf sI» sfzy ipµz dIaF sfrIaF kuVIaF dy prfhuixaF nfloN sohxf»”“qy aWigAuN Auhdf glLf Br afieaf qy iPr ijvyN afpxy afp gWlF krn lWgI, ‘afAuNdy jFdy rfhIaF dy mYN m¨µh vWl qWkdI, koeI kdy vI qyrI gWl» mYN kµinaf kuafrI KVHI AuzIkdI vy, kdy qF sunyhF GWl»` “kI soc rhI eyN sohxIey?” mYN puWiCaf» Auh afpxy hWQF dIaF lkIrF vWl iDafn nflL qWkx lWgI, ijvyN kih rhI hovy- `mF afpxI ƒ mYN puWCdI, DI dy ikhy lyK ilKfey»` mYN Auhdy vl qWkdI rhI» koeI lft blLdI sI AuhdIaF nËrF ivc» koeI kihr sI Au h dI qWkxI ivc» mY ƒ lWigaf ijvy N Auh koeI nfgx bx ky Puµkfr rhI hovy» Bgq isµG dy kfqlF ƒ ijvyN huxy zWs lYxf locdI hovy» ijvyN sB kuJ Bµn qoV, msl dyxf cfhuµdI hovy» iPr Auhny plkF Jukf leIaF ijvyN kihµdI hovy- `mYN Blf kI kr skdI hF?` “q¨µ inrfÈ nf ho» Bgq isµG isrP qyrf hI nhIN sI, Auh sfzf sfiraF df sI» AuhdI mOq df duWK qYƒ hI nhIN, sfry dyÈ ƒ hY» asIN Auhƒ BuWly nhIN, sfƒ q¨µ vI Xfd eyN»”

ieh sux ky AuhdIaF aWKF Br afeIaF qy hµJ¨ kyr Auh myrI klpnf ivWcoN muV cWlI» mYƒ lWigaf- ‘Drq aµbr vI socdy, kI mYN Auhdy m¨µh vl qWikaf- nfnk sqIaF dyx qsWlI»` jfxIain ij ibrhy cot mrµinÒ ies kQn ieµny ƒ iek J¨ty nfl gWzI styÈn Auqy afx aWgy mYN isr Jukf idWqf» AuhdI tuWtI hoeI KVHI hoeI» Auh mµgqf iPr zWby aWgy vI juWqI `qy myrI nËr pY geI» mYN iDafn nflL gfAuNdf jf irhf sI, “hF, Ër¨r huµdf ey»” mYN kih idWqf» ieh dyiKaf, AuhdI kmIË ƒ vI tfkIaF lWgIaF jdoN vIr Bgq isµG, dWq ƒ, sux Aus dIaF aWKF ivc cmk afeI qy Auh hoeIaF sn» mYƒ duWK lWgf» muskrf peI» “q¨µ Auhƒ vyiKaf sI?” Auh ajy vI Auhdy idWqf PFsI df hukm suxf» “kI ajy qIk vI Auh qYƒ Xfd ey?” mYN bfry hI soc rhI sI» AuhdI hovx vflLI nfr ƒ, puWiCaf» iksy ipµz ivc dWisaf jf. “nhIN»” mYN afiKaf»

Friday, December 14th, 2018

The Patrika 


sPlqfvfˆ df mujwsmf sn eyar cIP mfrÈlAujarjn isM G fgr isMG BfrqI hvfeI POj dy pihly aqy afKrI mfrÈl, eyar cIP mfrÈl arjn isMG 98 sfl dI Aumr ivc 16 sqMbr, 2017 nUM ies PfnI sMsfr nUM alivdf kih gey hn. AunHfˆ nUM POj dy rIsrc aYˆz rYPrl hspqfl ivc idl df dOrf pYx qoN bfad sincrvfr svyry hI dfKl krvfieaf igaf sI. eyar mfrÈl arjn isMG dIafˆ ibhqrIn syvfvfˆ krky AunHfˆ nUM jnvrI, 2002 ivc mfrÈl df iKqfb idwqf igaf sI. Auh pMj stfrfˆ vfly hvfeI POj dy ieko iek aiDkfrI sn. ies qoN pihlfˆ Ql sYnf dy 2 aiDkfrIafˆ ky[aYm[ kirafpf aqy jnrl sYm[ mfinkÈfa nUM mfrÈl df iKqfb idwqf jf cuwkf sI. Bfvyˆ rsmI qOr `qy eyar mfrÈl arjn isMG 1969 ivc syvf mukq ho cuwky sn pRMqU mfrÈl df ruqbf imlx krky Auh hvfeI POj ivcoN afKrI dm qwk syvf-mukq nhIN hoey. iensfn dI kfblIaq, kfrguËfrI, Xogqf aqy idafnqdfrI Aus dy ivakiqqv df pRgtfvf krdI hY. ijhVf ivakqI afpxI srkfrI nOkrI dOrfn afpxy PrËfˆ dI pUrqI lgn aqy imhnq nfl krdf hY, Kfs qOr `qy dyÈ dIafˆ srhwdfˆ AuWpr afpxI jfn dI pRvfh nf kridafˆ ijhVf POjI jvfn jfˆ aiDkfrI afpxy PrËfˆ leI mr imtx leI iqafr rihMdf hovy Auh hmyÈf dyÈ dI jnqf vloN siqkfiraf jfˆdf rhygf. aijhy hI iek mhfn jfˆbfj dyÈ Bgq eyar mfrÈl arjn isMG sn, ijnHF ny afpxy PrË idafnqdfrI nfl inBfAuNidafˆ dyÈ dIafˆ srhwdfˆ dI rfKI kIqI sI. dyÈ pRqI AunHfˆ dI sMjIdgI ies gwl qoN vI spwÈt huMdI hY ik Auh 98 sfl dI Aumr qwk hr sfl ÈhId POjIafˆ dI kOmI Xfdgfr AuWpr af ky Pul cVHfAuNdy rhy. afm qOr `qy sfbkf POjI syvf-mukqI qoN bfad isvl vrdI ivc rihxf psMd krdy hn pRMqU eyar mfrÈl arjn isMG hmyÈf sYrImonIal smfgmfˆ AuWpr pUrf sj-Dj ky afpxI vrdI ivc phuMcdy sn. ies qoN vwzf AunHfˆ dI dyÈ pRqI bcn vwDqf df sbUq hor koeI ho nhIN skdf. s: arjn isMG df jnm 15 apRYl, 1919 POjI aOlK pirvfr ivc lfielpur iËlHy dy kohflI ipMz ivc ipqf ikÈn isMG aqy mfqf krqfr kOr dy Gr hoieaf. afp dy ipqf lfˆs dPLydfr, dfdf irsfldfr myjr hukm isMG aqy pVdfdf nfieb irsfldfr sulqfnf isMG sn jo aPgfn jMg ivc ÈhId ho gey sn. ies krky dyÈ BgqI afp ivc kuwt-kuwt ky BrI hoeI sI. afp ny muZlI pVHfeI imMtgumrI aqy gOrimMt kflj lfhOr qoN pRfpq kIqI. AuWc pVHfeI leI afp ieMglYˆz cly gey aqy AuWQy afr[ey[aYP[ kflj kryv vYl ivc

dfKlf lY ilaf . afp ny iewQoN afpxI pVHfeI 1938 ivc mukMml kIqI. ies qo N bfad afp 1938 ivc hI POj ivc pfielt dI tRyinMg leI cuxy gey qy kflj dI Au c y r I pVH f eI ivckfr hI Cw z idw q I. afp ny dUjy ivÈv XuwD ivc mhwqvpUrn BUimkf inBfeI. afp iek inpuMn PlfieMg afPIsr sn. afp ny 1939 ivc kimÈn pRfpq kIqf. dUjy ivÈv XwuD ivc krqwv idKfAuNdy hoey inwzr aqy adwuqI pfielt mMny jfx kfrn afp nUM zI[aYs[sI[ arQfq ‘izMgUieÈz PlfieMg krfs` nfl snmfinaf igaf. afp ny 1945 ivc ivMg kmfˆzr bxky ieMglYz ˆ ivc bRyknl dy stfP kflj ivc kors kIqf. dyÈ dI afËfdI qoN bfad 1947 ivc qrwkI AuprMq gruwp kYptn bx gey qy lgfqfr 7 sfl afpRyÈn sukaYz dI kmfˆz sMBflI. 1948 ivc AunHfˆ df ivafh qyjI nfl hoieaf. AunHfˆ df iek lVkf arivMd amrIkf dI XUnIvristI ivc pRoPYsr hY. iek lVkI dI 1999 ivc iek hfdsy `c mOq ho geI sI. sB qoN CotI lVkI afÈf idwlI ivKy rihMdy hn. AunHfˆ dI pqnI qyjI arjn isMG df 2011 ivc idhfˆq ho igaf sI. jUn 1960 ivc afp eyar vfeIs mfrÈl bx gey. eyar Pors ivc nOkrI dOrfn afp ny 60 iksmfˆ dy iek qoN iËafdf ieMjxfˆ vfly hvfeI jhfË Auzfey. 1962 dI ihMd cIn jMg dOrfn Kud PrMt qy muafienf kridafˆ Auzfxfˆ ivc ihwsf ilaf aqy POjfˆ dI agvfeI kIqI. gxqMqr idvs dIafˆ hoeIafˆ Auzfxfˆ dI 7 sfl lgfqfr agvfeI krn df ishrf vI afp nUM hI jfˆdf hY. afp nUM 1 agsq, 1964 ivc cIP eyar stfP inXukq kIqf igaf, ies ahudy `qy afp 15 julfeI, 1969 qwk rhy. 1965 dI Bfrq pfik jMg dOrfn afp ny hvfeI POj dI Èfndfr agvfeI kIqI ijs krky aKnUr hlky ivc pyÈyvr ZMg dI kuÈlqf krky pfiksqfnI POjfˆ dy Cwky Cuzf idwqy. 44 sfl dI Br jvfnI ivc hvfeI sYnf dI kuÈlqf nfl agvfeI krky Bfrq df nfˆa rOÈn kIqf. afpxI nOkrI dOrfn AunHfˆ Bfrq dI hvfeI POj nUM ivÈv dI cOQI sB qoN vwzI hvfeI POj bxfAux ivc aihm BUimkf inBfeI. eyar mfrÈl arjn isMG df Bfrq dy POjI ieiqhfs ivc nfˆa DrU qfry dI qrHfˆ cmkdf rhygf. jMg ivc AunHfˆ dI dlyrI, kfrjkuÈlqf, bhfdrI idRVHqf

1) slfnf mYNbrisLp $200 hY

3) mYNbrF dI kfnMUnI mdd qy roz qy afAuNdIaF smwisafvF nMU hwl krn leI bkfiedf 2) sfl 2018 leI $100 dyx vfly ies dPqr Koilaf hY. sfl dI kirsms pfrtI ivwc muPq dfKl ho skxgy jdoN ik 19 leI $200 dyx vfly 4) sMsQf dI sihXogI sMsQf ilijt ienPo es sfl qy agly sfl vI muPq dfKl ho dIaF sfrIaF syvfvF ivwc mYNbrF nMU 15 qoN 20% irafieq idwqI jfvygI skxgy. aqy PurqIlypn ny pyÈyvr muhfrq pYdf krn ivc mhwqvpUrn Xogdfn pfieaf. jMgI nfiek dy qOr `qy AunHfˆ nUM hmyÈf Xfd kIqf jfˆdf rhygf. Bfrq srkfr ny afp nUM 1965 ivc vDIaf syvfvfˆ bdly dyÈ df dUjy nMbr df sB qoN vwzf purskfr pdm ivBUÈn pRdfn kIqf. sMn 1971 ivc jdoN Bfrq-pfik XuwD lwigaf qfˆ afp BfrqI hvfeI sYnf dy eyar cIP mfrÈl sn aqy eyar mfrÈl df rYˆk sI. ies XuwD ivc afp aDIn BfrqI sYnf ny jo mwlfˆ mfrIafˆ Auh hux ieiqhfs df ihwsf hn. afp ny BfrqI sYnf qy nyvI nfl iml ky bMglfdyÈ hI afËfd nhIN krfieaf sgoN pfiksqfn nUM krfrI hfr idwqI. iesy krky afp nUM Bfrq df pihlf cIP mfrÈl vI bxfieaf igaf sI. afp iek cMgy afPIsr dy nfl-nfl cMgy iKzfrI vI sn. afp srkfrI kflj dI qYrfkI tIm dy kpqfn vI sn. afp nUM 1971 ivc Bfrq df sivtËrlYˆz ivc rfjdUq lgf idwqf igaf sI. ies qoN bfad 1974 ivc kInIaf df hfeI kimÈnr bxf

idwqf igaf. iPr afp 1975 qoN 81 qwk Bfrq dy Gwt igxqI kimÈn dy mYˆbr rhy. ies qoN bfad 1989 ivc afp nUM idwlI df lYPtInYˆt gvrnr bxf idwqf igaf, ijs ahudy `qy afp dsMbr 1990 qwk rhy. 2002 ivc afp nUM Bfrq srkfr ny 83 sfl dI Aumr ivc mfrÈl afP df ieMzIan eyar Pors dy iKqfb nfl snmfinaf. eyar mfrÈl arjn isMG hvfeI POj dy sfbkf POjIafˆ aqy AunHfˆ dy pirvfrfˆ dI shfieqf krn leI hmyÈf qqpr rihMdy sn. ies leI AunHfˆ afpxf idwlI nËdIk KyqIbfVI Pfrm vyc ky ‘df mfrÈl afPL eyar Pors qy imisË arjn isMG trwst` bxfieaf, ijhVf AunHfˆ dy pirvfrfˆ dI afriQk shfieqf krdf hY. ies qoN ielfvf 2 kroV rupey AunHfˆ Aus trwst nUM dfn vI kIqy. eyarPors df muKI Aus trwst df cyarmYn rhygf. smfj syvf dI ies qoN vwzI Audfhrx hor ho nhIN skdI. pMjfb srkfr ny AunHfˆ dy siqkfr vjoN iqMn idn dy sog df aYlfn krky ÈrDfˆjlI Byt kIqI hY. PAGE 27


The Patrika 

XqnF dy bfvjUd by-GiraF dI smwisaf gMBIr by-GiraF dI kIqI geI plyTI igxqI drsfAuNdI hY ik BfvyN bI sI srkfr ny by-GiraF dI smwisaf nUM hwl krn ihq bhuq AuWdm kIqy hn prMqU ieh smwisaf ajy vI gMBIr bxI hoeI hY| ies igxqI qoN pqf lwgf hY ik sUby ivc 7655 lok aijhy hn ijnHF kolL Gr nhIN| ies bfry smfj ivkfs aqy grIbI GtfAux dI mMqrI sLyn isMpsn df kihxf hY ik srkfr ieh mslf krn leI idRVH hY| imAuinspl mfmilaF dI mMqrI sYlInf rfibnsn ny vI ikhf ik Gr qoN bgYr hr pRfxI inrfsL ho jFdf hY ; isr lukox leI afsrf hr iek nUM cfhIdf hY| AunHF ikhf,” ieh hflq iek idn ivc pYdf nhIN hoeI aqy nf hI ieh iek idn ivc suDrygI pr ies dy hwl leI srkfr hr sMBv Xqn krygI| srkfr 2019 dy sLurU ivc Poverty Reduction Strategy df aYlfn krygI ijs ivc by-GiraF dI smwisaf dy hwl leI vI Xojnf hovygI | AunHF ikhf, “grIbI aqy by-Gr hox dy kohV nUM Kqm krnf srkfr dI aiq jLrUrI pihl hovygI|

cInI tYlIkfm dI AuWc-aiDkfrI $10 imlIan dI jLmfnq ‘qy hoeI irhf 11 dsMbr nUM cInI tYlIkfm dI aPsr mYNg vfjLU nUM iqMn idnF dI suxvfeI mgroN $10 imlIan dI jLmfnq ‘qy Cwz idwqf igaf hY| Aus AuWpr amrIkI pfbMdI dI AulMGxf aqy eIrfnI mfrikt qwk phuMc krn dy dosL hn| jLmfnq dyx vfly mfnXog jwj ivlIam aihrky ny jLmfnq idMidaF ikhf ik $10 imlIan ivWcoN $7 imlIan nkd hoxy cfhIdy hn| Aus Aupr ieh vI pfbMdI hY ik Auh afpxf ivvhfr cMgf rwKy; afpxy pqI dy mkfn ivWc rhy| Aus nUM bI sI qoN bfhr jfx dI afigaf nhIN hovygI|

19% Gfqk dur-GtnfvF ivc trWk afid sLfml bI sI dy afzItr jnrl df kihxf hY ik ipCly ds sflF ivc vfprIaF durGtnfvF df ivsLlysLn krn ‘qy pqf lWgf hY ik ienHF ivcoN 19% ivc trWk afid BfrI vhIkl sLfml huMdy hn| kYrol bYlriMgr df kihxf hY ik tRFsportysLn, pbilk syPtI, aqy afeI sI bI sI ny kmWrsLl vfhkF dI surwiKaf ihq keI pRogrfm bxfey hoey hn prMqU sVkF nUM surwiKaq bxfAux leI hor keI kuJ krn dI loV hY| vrxnXog hY ik kokIhflf ‘qy kmWrsLl vhIklF dy jfx dI mnfhI hY| ieh vI dwisaf igaf hY ik BfvyN rijstrz vhIklF ivc kmWrsLl vhIkl 3% hn pr ienHF krky 19% durGtnfvF ho rhIaF hn| AunHF ikhf ik ienHF vhIklF dy zrfeIvrF dy zrfeIivMg liesYNsF dy imafrF dI njLrsfnI hoxI cfhIdI hY|

Friday, December 14th, 2018

bI sI ivc bwicaF dI sMBfl ivc vrqI jf rhI axgihlI dI khfxI bI sI dy bwicaF dI sMBfl dy hmfieqIaF vwloN pRkfsLq kIqI geI irport ivc iek nMgy, gMdy, cwlx qoN asmrwQ bfrF sflf bwcy dI khfxI ibafn kIqI geI hY| Aus dy kmry ivc gMdgI sI| irport ivc ieh vI dwisaf igaf hY ik biwcaF dy mMqRfly ny Aus dI koeI sfr nhIN leI| puils dy Aus QF phuMcx qoN pihlF Auh bwcf ds imMt cIkdf irhf| jdoN Aus nUM hspqfl iljfieaf jf irhf sI qF Auh ziraf hoieaf ishq krmIaF nflL icMbiVaf hoieaf sI| ieh irport sUby dy bwicaF dI ishq sMBfl krn vflLy ZMgF/ qrIikaF ‘qy rOsLnI pfAuNdI hY|

BfrI vrKf nflL bI sI dy dwKxI qwt qy hVH - tRYiPk ivWc ivGn 10 dsMbr nUM bI sI dy dwKxI qwt ‘qy ieMnI vrKf hoeI ik AuWQy hVH af igaf aqy tRYiPk ivc BfrI ivGn ipaf| mYtro vYnkUvr ivc vI BfrI vrKf dI icqfvnI idwqI geI| vfqfvrn kYnyzf vwloN 40 qoN 60 imlImItr vrKf dI BivwKbfxI kIqI geI| skfreItRyn dI syvf ivc vI ivGn ipaf, pRBfivq stysLnF Aupr bws syvf df pRbMD kIqf igaf| pRBfivq hoey ielfikaF ivc koiktlm aqy mYplirwj dy Kyqr sLfml hn| 11 dsMbr nUM srI ivKy kfrF gozy gozy pfxI ivc cldIaF njLr afeIaF | tRFsilMk dy bulfry ikRs birafn ny ikhf ik hVH nflL XfqrIaF nUM pRysLfnI df sfhmxf krnf ipaf|

lYNglI sLihr skfeItRyn syvf leI Auqsk lYNglI dI myar vfl vyn zyn brok ny ikhf ik Auh skfeItRyn syvf bfry Auqsk hn pr tRFsilMk kolL ies ivsQfr leI loVINdf Dn nhIN jfpdf| AunHF ik ajy ieh vI spwsLt nhIN ik ies ivsQfr leI ikMny Dn dI loV hY| AunHF ikhf ik AunHF nUM ies KLbr nflL koeI inrfsLf nhIN hoeI ik ies pRojYkt dy isry cVHn ivc smF lwg skdf hY| ies bfry tRFsilMk dy bulfry ijwl izRAU df vI kihxf hY ik lYNglI qwk skfeItRyn syvf AuplbD krfAux ‘qy ikMnf Krc hovygf aqy ikMnf smF lwgygf? ienHF KLbrF dy bfvjUd lYNglI invfsI inrfsL nhIN hoey sgoN bVy DIrj nflL ies pRojYkt dI sMpUrnqf bfry afsvMd hn

pfeIp lfeIn Dmfky krky kudrqI gYs dIaF kImqF vDx dy afsfr

Porits bI sI df kihxf hY ik aYnibWRj pfeIp lfeIn dy Dmfky mgroN AunHF ny bI sI pRImIar dy ibafn nflL Cyikaf hoieaf mihsUs kr irhf XUitiltIjL kimsLn qoN jnvrI 1, 2019 qoN kudrqI gYs dI kImq vDfAUx dI pRvfngI lY leI hY| ies sMsQf dI mIq pRDfn xfienf rfie df kihxf hY ik Auh Xqn krngy ik hF – gorzn ivlsn ieh vfDf bhuqf nf hovy| ieh vfDf 9% hox df anumfn hY| do mhIny pihlF hoey Dmfky ilbrl nyqf gorzn ivlsn df kihxf hY ik pRImIar jOn hOrgn ny jo sLbd AunHF pRqI df pRBfv Gwt krn df Xqn rhygf pr kuJ vfDf jLrUr hovygf| vrqy hn, mYN AunHF nflL Cyikaf hoieaf anuBv kr irhf hF| Auh ies mfnhfnI bdly $5 imlIan df KimafjLf mMg kr rhy hn| Aus dy ibafn ny AunHF dI sflF dI pbilk syvf nUM imwtI ivc imlf idwqf hY| ieh muafvjLf lYx leI AunHF ny adflqI mukwdmf dfier kIqf hoieaf hY| BfvyN pRImIar jOn hOrgn aqy rflstn Aus itwpxI leI iKLmf jfcnf kr cuwky hn pr ivlsn sMqusLt nhIN| AunHF df kihxf hY iKmf mMgx qwk AunHF dy mfn nUM swt vwj cuwkI sI|

hfeI skUl dI pVHfeI pUrI krn vflLy mUlvfsI ividafrQI dI igxqI vDI bI sI dy isiKaf mMqRflf vwloN pRkfisLq irport ivc dfavf kIqf igaf hY ik pihlF nfloLN vDyry mUlvfsI ividafrQI hfeI skUl dI pVHfeI pUrI kr rhy hn| ies pVHfeI dOrfn AunHF nUM mUl aqy afpxy ieiqhfs dI jfxkfrI iml rhI hY| 2017-18 ivc ieh pVHfeI pUrI krn vfly mUlvfsI ividafrQIaF dI igxqI 58% rhI jo 2013-14 nfloN 8% vwD sI| Pst nysLn aYjUkysLn stIairMg kmytI dy pRDfn tfieron mYknIl ny ies pRfpqI ‘qy pRsMnqf df pRgtfvf kIqf| bI sI srkfr df kihxf hY ik AunHF nUM aihsfs hY ik isWiKaf mUlvfsIaF dI qrwkI dI kuMjI hY| isWiKaf mMqRflf vDyry mUlvfsI aiDafpk hfier krn dy Xqn kr irhf hY aqy aijhy tIcr iqafr krn leI $400,000 df invysL kr irhf hY| PAGE 28


Friday, December 14th, 2018

The Patrika 

gurU goibMd isMG jI dy cfr tIcy gurU goibMd isMG jI dI sfrI Aumr muÈkl qoN muÈkl iemihqfnF ivcoN lMGI» AunHF ny iekqflI vrHy dI CotI afXU ivc iek Xug ijMnf kMm mukf idWqf» AunHF qoN pihlF qy AunHF qoN bfad dy Xug ivc, iq®kflF qy p®Bfq ijMnf Ìrk hY» nON sflF dI Aumr ivc hI ienHF ƒ gur-gWdI sMBflxI peI, qy ijs Xogqf qy DVWly nflL ienHF ny Aus smyN, jdoN isWKF dy isr muWl ivkdy sn, ieh aOKI gWdI sMBflI, Auh smuWcy mnuWKI ieiqhfs df rWqf kFz hY» isrÌ cONh dhfikaF dI Aumr ivc AunHF luk iCp ky mMdrF qy dyvIaF dyviqaF kolLoN suWKxF mMg mMg ky jIAux vfly inruqÈfh qy sihmy lokF ƒ bIr bhfdrF dI kOm bxf idWqf» krfmfq jyzI ieh krnI Auh kIkr kr sky, iehdf aiDaYn hr muÈkl mYdfn Ìqih krn df hIaf mnuWKF ivc jgf skdf hY» kfmXfb iËMdgI muÈklF nflL sdIvI Gol huMdf hY, qy gurU goibMd isMG jI df jIvn aMqm Ìqih df p®jvlq sMdyÈ hY, gurU sfihb cfr tIcy afpxy sfhmxy rWK ky, hr kdm soD soD ky, mMËl Auqy mMËl mfrdy gey» pihlf tIcf AunHF afpxy sfhmxy bhfdr mrdfngI df rWiKaf» eys tIcy leI pihlI loV sohxI qy qkVI ishq dI hY» ishq leI AunHF hr KyHz KHyzI, afpxy srIr ƒ kmfieaf qy blvfn srIr ƒ Èsqr-aiBafs qy GoV-svfrI nflL hor vDyry sXog bxfieaf» AunHF ƒ idWs ipaf sI ik iËMdgI df sMgrfm AunHF kolLoN byaMq ÈkqI dI mMg krygf» jdoN qurkI POj ny JUTI sONh Kf ky afnMdpuroN gurU sfihb dy clLy jfxf mnvf ilaf, qy jFidaF Auqy hWlf bolL idWqf, qF gurU sfihb dy anykF bhfdr sfQI mfry gey, AunHF dy anykF g®MQ brbfd kr idWqy gey; pr bIrF dy bIr gurU goibMd isMG jI duÈmx dIaF sÌF cIrdy, sWBy aOiKafeIaF lMG ky jMglF dI sMGxI ihÌfËq ivWc phuMc gey» iehnF jMglF ivWc gurU sfihb dI imknfqIsI ÈkqI ny mMgl rcf idWqf»

puMnqf p®fpqI kIqI» iehnF sfrIaF ËubfnF gurU sfihb dy bIrqf mrdfngI qy suqMqrqf ivWc AunHF aduWqI kivqf ilKI qy iËMdgI dy dy ieÈk ivWcoN ieh llkfr AuWTI ik suqMqr hr msly Auqy rOÈnI pfeI» mnuWK hI aÉlfk, cMigafeI qy rUhfnIaq df pr mhFpurKF dI vWzI isPq ieh vI huMdI pd pRfpq kr skdf hY» prfDIn leI ieh hY, ik Auh invyklI mhfnqf nflL sMquÈt isÌqF asMBv hn» prfDIn ƒ suÌny ivWc nhIN ho skdy» sfry sfQIaF qy smkflIaF vI suK dI afs nhIN ho skdI» prfDInqf dI mhfnqf AuhnF df inÈfnf bx jFdI hY» ƒ gurU sfihb ny sB burfeIaF dI dldl CotI Aumr ivc hI gurU sfihb AuWc-kotI dy smiJaf» ivdvfnF ivWc igxy jfx lWg pey sn, pr cOQf tIcf AunHF df mnuWKI vizWqx qy sicatIcf AunHF df ivdvfn qy sfihq-ipafrI feI dI aMqm Ìqih ivc atWl ivÈvfÈ sI» kOm sI» Es smyN ivWidaf df mfiDam eys ivÈvfÈ ny gurU sfihb ƒ Auh ÈkqI ÌfrsI qy sMsik®q sn» ieh dovyN ËubfnF idWqI ik afpxI by-sro-sfmfnI dy bfvjUd AunHF afp isWKIaF, qy Pyr afpxy suGV AunHF ny aOrMgËyb vrgy aflmgIr ÈihnÈfh isWKF ƒ sMsik®q dI ivWidaf lYx leI kfÈI ƒ llkfr ky afiKaf: “jy qUM qÈWdd dy GoVy vrgy ivWidaf-KyqrF ivc GWilaf, ÌfrsI dy ƒ lÊfm nf idWqI qF iehdy pYr pYr hyTF mYN ÌfËl bxfieaf» eys mMzl df kMm sMsik®q, aWg dy lUMby ivCf idaFgf»” ihMdI, ÌfrsI dy g®MQF ƒ pMjfbI ivc AulQfxf ijs gurU kolL koeI ÌOj nhIN sI, ijs dy qy mOilk rcnf krnf sI» keI g®MQF dy isWKF dy isr ivWkdy sn, ijs nflL ihMdU AulWQy gurU sfihb ny afp vI kIqy» rfjy eIrKf krdy sn, Es gurU df ieh anykF kvI AunHF ny afpxy duafly iekWTy mhfn Brosf ik iekWlf-kfrf iensfÌ vI kr ky afnMdpur ƒ ivWidaf df kyNdr bxf by-iensfÌI dy lÈkrF ƒ dlL skdf hY, idWqf, ijWQy ieWk aflmfnf vfXU-mMzl pYdf hr siq-aiBlfKI leI mhF pRyrnf bx ho igaf» roËfnf AunHF dy drbfr ivWc skdf hY» kvI qy ivdvfn goÈtIaF krdy, rcnfvF gurU sfihb dy sfry tIcy sMpUrn hoey» BfvyN pVHdy qy lokF ivc ivWidaf pRcfrx dy nym afpxy jIvn ivc Auh isafsI suqMqrqf bxFdy» eys qrHF bhuq QoVHy smyN ivc qy dy tIcy ƒ sMpUrn huMdf nf vyK sky, pr sIimq sfDnF nfl ijMnf kuJ AunHF ny nypry qÈWdd dy rfj dy pYr AunHF ny AuKyV idWqy» cfVH ilaf, Auhdy vl iDafn kIiqaF ieWk aOrMgËyb dy bfad koeI bfdÈfh afpxI hsrq ijhI aYs vylLy idloN AuWTdI hY ik aWj pYrIN KVoqf nf rih sikaf qy gurU sfihb dy jdoN gurU sfihb dIaF GflLF qy kurbfnIaF pMjfb ivWc muÊl rfj dI smfpqI ho geI, dI quÌYl isK pMQ kolL lWKF hI rupeIaF Drm suqMqr ho igaf, mfq-BfÈf surÉrU dy sfDn hn, hirmMdr sfihb vrgy keI ho geI, qy mMdrF gurduafiraF ƒ msijdF qÉqF Auqy AuhnF df aiDkfr hY, anykF isWK vrgI pdvI iml geI» ivdvfnF dI imlvrqx AuhnF ƒ iml skdI hY, afpxy CfpyKfny asQfpn kIqy jf skdy mnuWKF dI hr nsl dy sfhmxy prbq jyzy hn» iehnF sfry sfDnF dy huMidaF isWK pMQ svfl huMdy hn» prbqI svflF df hWl cfhy qF vIh virHaF ivWc pMQ dy hr pFDI ƒ ZUMzxf hI iËMdgI df ivkfs hY» aWj sfzy ivdvfn bxf skdf hY, qy dunIaF sfrI dy pMjfbIaF dy sfhmxy svflF df svfl pMjfbI vWzmuWly sfihq ƒ pMjfbI ivc AulQf skdf kOmIaq dI eykqf hY» asIN eys eykqf ƒ hY; hrimMdrF dy nflL srIrk Xogqf leI ihMdU isWK dI dvYq ivWc toty kr ky duKI ho ksrq-Gr rc skdf hY, ikAuNik ishq rhy hF» eys dvYq ny sfzy sUby dI isafsq mrdfngI dI nINh hY, qy mrdfngI ivc ivWc Ëihr GolL idWqf hY» AuWnqI dy XuWg iËMdgI df jobn qy husn huMdf hY, iehdy ivc ivc asIN ipCFh DWky jf rhy hF» sfry dyÈ hI inrBYqf huMdI hY - pr aÌsos ieh hY ik ieh vWzmuWly vsIly isWK pMQ dy ivkfs leI nhIN, isrÌ iPrkfpRsqI dI pikafeI leI vrqy jFdy hn» jy asIN iehnF AuWqy gurU sfihb dI mhfn Cuh df Jlkfrf pf dyeIey, qF isWK pMQ Pyr aWj sohxy pMjfb df isafxf rfhnumf bx skdf hY»

PAGE 29 gurbKÈ isMG p®IqlVI

ivc, sfzy cfloN iQVk jfx dIaF gWlF ho rhIaF hn» ihMdI qy pMjfbI dohF bolIaF df ivkfs gurU sfihb df dUjf inÈfnf sI» asIN iehnF ƒ ieWk dUjy dy mukfbly ivc KiVHaF kr ky, dohF dIaF vWzmuWlIaF dyxF qoN ivrvy rih rhy hF» mnuWKF dy prm mnuWK, pMjfbIaF dy prm pMjfbI, gurU goibMd isMG jI, ƒ Xfd kr ky, sfƒ AunHF dy mhfn mnuWKI tIicaF df iDafn Drnf cfhIdf hY, qy qMg iÌrkU kImqF qoN AuWicaF ho ky, pMjfbIaF dI eykqf, mnuWKF dI eykqf, sfrI is®ÈtI dI eykqf ivWc suKfvF qy hr muÈkl Ìqih kr skx vflLf ivÈvfÈ pWkf krnf cfhIdf hY» Es ipafr-puMj siqgur df vfsqf pf ky mYN afpxy ihMdU qy isWK vIrF ƒ Xfd krfxf cfhuMdf hF ik ijs gurU ny mnuWKI ÈÉsIaq df afdr kfiem rWKx leI afpxf afp, afpxy cfry puWqr, afpxf ipqf qy afpxf sfrf srbMs kurbfn kr idWqf sI, Auh sfzy kolLoN afs rWK skdf hY ik asIN afpxy ingUxy qaWsb iqafg ky, afpxy BrfvF nflL Brf bx ky, afpxy pMjfb ƒ dUijaF df mÈkUlf bxfn dI QF dUijaF df rÈk bxf deIey» bVy ipafr nflL myry ieh lÌË sfry pMjfbI vIrF BYxF dI suihrdqf ƒ Cuhxf cfhuMdy hn.

gurU sfihb dI bIrqf ƒ pUrf qolL skx dI Xogqf nf rWKx krky, mhfqmf gFDI ny AunHF dI bIrqf nflL iensfÌ nhIN kIqf, pr mhfqmf jI dy afpxy ÈrDflUaF dI srkfr bIrqf dy Kyqr ivc gurU sfihb dy pYr-icq®F AuWqy qur rhI hY» ijs pfisEN vI ÌOj DmkI afvy, Auhdf jvfb jÌrnfmy dy ÈbdF ivc dyNdI hY: “duÈmx dy pYr hyT aWg dy lUMby qIjf tIcf gurU sfihb df isafsI suqMqrqf Dr idWqy jfxgy»” sI» suqMqr isafsq ibnF mnuWKF dy ÈÉsI dUjf tIcf gurU sfihb df sucyq afqmf sI» hWk kfiem nhIN rWKy jf skdy» gurU sfihb sucyq afqmf hI blvfn srIr ƒ cMgy lyKy dy smyN ieWk-purKI rfj sI» ieh rfjlf skdI hY» sucyqnf leI ivdvqf loVINdI pRmuWK qy qMg-idl jF sMg-idl huMdf sI qy huMdI hY» ividaf-p®fpqI ƒ gurU sfihb ny Élkq df sfh GuWt GWqdf sI; lok bfdÈfh afpxI lgn bxf ilaf» afpxI mfq-bolI ÈqrMj dy bybs mohry bx jFdy sn; lokF df dy nflL ihMdI, ÌfrsI, qy sMsik®q ivc in- husn bfdÈfhF dI aYÈ ivc rulL jFdf sI»


The Patrika



Friday, December 14th, 2018

poh sMkRFqI


joiqS, Eqy  Eqy 604-751-0220 kro





myK – smF pRsLfnI vflf hY. sLnI aqy mMglvfrF nU cot qoN bco. afriQk sMkt vDygf, imwqrf qoM mdd, iesqrI qy sMqfn pwKoN icMqF, hOsly nfl kMm lE. dsMbr 16,17,25,26 jnvrI 2,3,4,12,13 asLuwB.

There can be some sort of finality between what someone else expects of you and what you are prepared to give. It could also be that you decide the only way you can change things is to stand your ground, even if that means rebelling. This could mean the end of something that has existed one way or another since 2010.

It will become difficult to ascertain what somebody else thinks, even though much may have been discussed from 1st December. They can now become more secretive until early January. This could have already occurred during November. You can experience having to respond to them rather than making your own choices.

  ibK- pyt jF nyqr dI pIVF, kfrobfr ivwc lfB, sMqfn suwL, iesqrI ksLt, mhIny dy aMq ivwc ivsLysL Krc hovygf. dsMbr 18, 19, 27, 28jnvrI 5,6 asLuwB.





imQun – kRoD ivwc vfDf, Dn lfB, imwqr ipafiraF df pUrf sihXog, AuqsLfh vDygf, rfj drbfr ivwc ijwq dI pRfpqI hovygI kfrobfr TIk rhygf. dsMbr 20,21,22,29,30 jnvrI 7,8,9 asLuwB.

krk- ishq TIk rhygI. Kfrobfr iwvc lfB, imwqr ipafiraF qoN lfB, sMqfn ksLt, iesqrI pwKoN icMqf, mhIny dy aMq ivwc Krc aiDk hovygf. dsMbr 23,24,31, jnvrI 1,10,11 asLuwB.



isMG – Kun –ipwq ivkfr, Dn lfB, imwqrF nfl axbx hovy, iesqrI suwK kMm bdlx ivwc lfB, afmdn nfloN Krc aiDk. dsMbr 16, 17,25,26, jnvgrI 2,3,4,12,13 asLuwB.



kMinaf – gYs qy pyt rog, Dn lfB ho ky vI hfnI, inwjI lokF nfl aqy jfiedfd dy JgiVaF qoN bco, GrylU klysL, iesqrI pwKoN lfB, kfrobfr ivwc rwdo bwdl ho skdf hY. dsMbr 18, 19,27,28, jnvrI 5,6 asLuwB hovygI.

7 

qulf- ishq TIk rhygI, afriQk sMkt df sfhmxf krnf pvygf, imwqrF qoN mdd imlygI, iesqrI ksLt, sMqfn suK imlygf, kfrobfr mwDm rhygf. dsMbr 20,21,22,29,30, jnvrI 7,8,9 asLuwB hovygI.



ibRsLck – pyt dI KrfbI, acfnk hfnI df zr, imwqr ipafiraF qoN lfB, iesqrI ksLt kfrobfr ivwc lfB hovy, dsMbr 23,24,31 jnvrI 1, 10, 11 asLuwB.



DnU – sMXm qoM kMm lE, apmfn df zr hY, PjUl KrcI, Brf qy imqwr qoM lfB, sMqfn qy iesqrI pwKoN ocMqF, kfrobfr TIk rhygf. idsMbr 16, 17, 25, 26, jnvrI 2,3,4,12,13 asLuwB.

10 

mkr ishq TIk, Dn lfB, imwqrF qt BrfvF df sihXog, sMqfn ksLt iesqrI suwK, kfrobfr TIk rhygf, dsMbr 18, 19,27,28, jnvrI 5,6 asLuwB hovygI.

11  kuMB – ishq TIk rhygI, sLuwB smfcfr imly, Dn lfB, imwqr ipafiraF nfl mn mutfE, iesqrI suK aqy kfrobfr ivwc lfb pRfpq hovygf. dsMbr 20,21,22,29,30, jnvrI 7,8,9 asLuwB hovygI.



mIn – ishq TIk, Dn lfB hoky vI hfnI df zr, imwqr ipafiraF df ivroD, jfiedfd df JgVf, iesqrI aqy sMqfn suK, nvyN kfrobfr df Xog bxygf. dsMbr 23,24,3`, jnvrI 1,10,11 asLuwB


Activity and much interaction with others will begin to pick up again this week and carry through to early January. It will also be possible to get a clearer idea of either what they think about you or the support they are prepared to give after perhaps having some doubts since early December. Be clear about expected commitments.

Normal routines have likely been interrupted from the beginning of December. From now to early January you need to be mindful of getting some order in place, mainly with the little things. If you don’t, they will get out of hand in a big way. It can be time for you to get back to an exercise routine if you have been slack of late.

Social activity will step up a notch or two between now and Christmas but will still continue to a large degree to early January. This is certainly a good time to have a break and go on a holiday. Even a holiday at home would be good for restoring some sort of balance to things or just to get away from normal routine and relax.

You can move on from distractions that have likely plagued you since early December and concentrate on getting things in place to early January. You could have the opportunity to finish something off that you began during November. This can have something to do with home and family as much as your own desires.

Finalise money matters at the start of the week because after that you will become very busy until early January. There can be many distractions. It will be the little things that will trip you up, if you are not careful. This is the beginning of learning not to take on too much at once as this will be a tendency all of next year.

You have had the opportunity to settle your mind on things since early December. Now you will need to focus on finances again to early January. This occurred previously in November. You can easily spend more than you intend, so keep a check, especially with credit cards, as you will be encouraged to enjoy yourself.

Mercury moves back into your sign for its second stay this year until 5th January. It was here the first time in November. This can allow you to make final decisions or become more comfortable in your own mind about what is right for you. There will be a sense that life has plenty to offer with this new 12 year cycle that has started.

You could feel more like getting away from it all than anything else from now to early January. It won’t be entirely possible as you also have social cycles operating. Your energy level will not be the greatest so make sure you do find time to get sufficient rest in between activities. Be sure responsibilities get shared around.

You need to move on from more serious matters that have likely required attention since early December and catch up with friends, accept invitations to group activities up to early January. This is also a good time to give consideration to important priorities over the next year and shore up something from November.

Be mindful about commitments you take on from now to early January. There could be a lot more attached to them than is obvious to begin with. You could be more certain in your mind about something you first considered during November. You are in a better position now to be sure of the action you need take to get things going.

The Patrika

Friday, December 14th, 2018



Letter to the Editor Statistics Canada, in its report Homicide in Canada, 2017, confirmed gang violence drove our nations homicide rate to its highest point in almost a decade. StatsCan also confirmed British Columbia gangs are responsible for much of that rise, primarily in Abbotsford, Surrey and Vancouver. “With 2.45 homicides per 100,000 population, the homicide rate in British Columbia was up 32%, making it the province’s highest rate since 2009. This increase occurred in both urban and rural areas and can be partly explained by more gang- and firearm-related homicides,” the report says. Yet while gang shootings rise unabated here in British Columbia, Trudeau’s Liberal government stripped funding from one of BC’s most effective gang interdiction programs, Abbotsford’s In It Together, whose mission is to disrupt and interrupt the flow of young people into organized crime or gangs. Initial 5-year funding for the program came from the Ministry of Public Safety in 2013. Despite In It Together’s success at diverting over 1,500 young people out of violent criminal gangs and thereby saving their lives, Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale’s office refused to renew the program’s funding and the MP for Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon said nothing about it. Brad Vis, MA

sµq bwbw Piqh isµG jI Kosw kotlw vwiLAW dI Xwd iv~c sRI AKµf pwT dy Bog 23 dsµbr ƒ sµq bwbw Piqh isµG jI Kosw kotlw vwLy jo 18 dsµbr 2015 ƒ sµgqW ƒ sdIvI ivCoVw dy gey sn[ Kosw kotlw vwiLAW dy ielwky dI kYnyfw rihµdI sµgq vloN aunHW dI qIsrI brsI gurduAwrw Kwlsw dIvwn soswietI AYbtsPorf, 33094 swaUQ Pryzr vyA, ivKy mnweI jw rhI hY[ ies sbµDI 21 dsµbr 2018 idn Su~krvwr ƒ sRI AKµf pwT pRkwS kIqw jwvygw Aqy 23 dsµbr 2018 idn AYqvwr ƒ Bog svyry 10.30 vjy pwieAw jwvygw[ KoisAW dI sµgq vloN sm¨h ielwkw invwsIAW ƒ bynqI hY ik sµq bwbw jI dI brsI mOky rKwey gey AKµf pwT dy iqµnoN idn gurduAwrw swihb ivKy phuµc ky syvw iv~c h~Q vtwE Aqy ieh jwxkwrI v~D qoN v~D ielwkw invwsIAW ƒ phuµcwaux dI ikRpwlqw kro jI[

hor jwxkwrI leI -AYbtsPorf

Bjn isµG qUr Kosw pWfo 604-832-7777, bic~qr isµG qUr Kosw kotlw 604-864-8798 rySm isµG qUr Kosw rxDIr 604-832-9309

srI Aqy vYnkUvr

soƒ q¨Ur Kosw rxDIr 778-565-8564, Twxw isµG qUr Kosw kotlw 604-572-3261, gurnwm isµG qUr Kosw pWfo 604-763-2646, krnpwl isµG qUr Kosw rxDIr 778-710-4393 X¨. AYs. ey. jlµDr isµG qUr Kosw pWfo 360-201-1834


The Patrika



sËf ajy bfkI aY[[[

Friday, December 14th, 2018

gurU nfnk

gurbcn kOr iZWloN

lKbIr lWkI gWKV (aYbtsPorz 604-825-0566) jd dunIaF ’qy GuWp hnHyrf sI, gurU nfnk ny avqfr ilaf»

gurU nfnk ny bfbrF jfbrF ƒ

rfh idKfAux leI BuWly BtikaF ƒ,

sfnI bfby df koeI nhIN ho skdf,

KVH ky ivc mYdfn vMgfiraf sI»

qyrF qyrF dy vWty nfÜ qol idWqf»

cux dyK lE sfry sMsfr ivWcoN»

‘imtI DuMd jWg cfnx hoaf’ kr dunIaF df byVf pfr igaf»

sonf somnfQ df jd luWt quiraf,

syvf Bfv df idWqf AupdyÈ sohxf,

sWcy sOdy dIaF hWtF KHol bfby,

‘ikrq krnI, vMz ky Ckxf’ eyh dy ky sI sMskfr igaf,

iksy vI gËnI ƒ nhIN llkfiraf sI» aMim®q sB dy idlF ivc GolL idWqf»

KWtI KWtI sI iesy vpfr ivcoN»

kqly afm jo hoieaf ivWc idWlI,

igafn pMjF qWqF df dy sB ƒ,

aWj vyhlV Kohky KFdy ny, Auhdf afAuxf qF by-kfr igaf»

vWZ bWcy, buWZy nfdr nhIN hfiraf sI»

AupdyÈ ÈFqI KVH azol idWqf»

QF-QF ’qy kOzy rfkÈ ny, ‘sWjx’ sWjx ƒ TWgdy ny,

rukI sMGF dy ivc avfË sB dI,

jVH pWt hAumYN dI gurU nfnk,

hfa df nfhrf vI iksy nhIN mfiraf sI»

pMjy ivÈy ivkfrF ƒ hoV idWqf»

lWut-KsuWt, guMzfgrdI, QF-QF ’qy GplybfËI aY,

axK Auz geI sI KMB lf ky,

zoly kdy nhIN BIVF aOKIaF ivWc,

afpf iksy n afpxf vfiraf sI»

bcn sqnfm sqnfm Aucfiraf sI»

lfieaf mWQf nfl jrvfixaF dy,

ieWk iZWz ’coN KohI jFdI aY, bWs ieWk df iZWz qF rfËI aY»

gurU nfnk ny bfbrF jfbrF ƒ,

gurU nfnk ny bfbrF jfbrF ƒ,

bfbf kdy n iksy qoN hfiraF sI»

niÈaF dIaF mMzIaF QF-QF ’qy KuWlHy gWPy cWldy ny,

KVH ky ivc mYdfn vMgfiraf sI»

KVH ky ivc mYdfn vMgfiraf sI»

gurU nfnk ny bfbrF jfbrF ƒ,

pihlf avqfr afieaf Drq Auqy,

kOzy rfkÈ df kr AuDfr pihlF,

KVH ky ivc mYdfn vMgfiraf sI»

sO, sWq vIhF df qkVy df, mfVy dy gozy lWgdy ny»

iËMdgI-kbr dI ivWQ nhIN, nf mYÉfny nf sfkI aY» pyÈf, ahudf, koeI kfƒn nhIN, iZWz kursI dy bWs hfmI hF,

nMnHIN Aumry hI pihlI Jlk ivcoN, qWkxI qWkI sI rfey bulfr ivcoN» mlWmf rqf vI ikqoN nf lWiBaf sI, jIvn Br dy sfry ikrdfr ivcoN»

nfl AuhnF dy vWzf ienklfb afieaf» iPr sWjn TWg df pfp ProiÜaf sI» jnnI rfijaF dI dWs ky iesqrI ƒ, jIvn aMdr jMm cuWky pfxIaF ivc, mlk Bfgo dy pUVy coN rWq kWZ ky, idWqI nfrI dI bdl qkdIr nfnk» pGr pGr ky iek slfb afieaf»

BFzf ivc dorfhy dy PoiVaf sI»

roVH lY igaf duWK qy drd sfry,

rotI koDry dI pUVy qoN dWs cMgI,

PuWtbfl, kbWzI, ik®kt hY, cfhy KHyz Auh hfkI aY»

sB hWQ iek nvF sMsfr afieaf»

pfpI mlk ƒ pfp qoN hoiVaf sI»

bUtf isWKI df iPr p®PuWlq hoieaf,

pMjf sfihb aMdr pWQr qy lf pMjf,

kuWKF ’c kqÜyafm ikAuN, ikAuN duÈmx, aOrq, aOrq dI ?

iKVky tihxIaF AuWqy gulfb afieaf»

mfx vflI kMDfrI df qoiVaf sI»

gulfbI PuWl dI lflI dy ÈoK rMg ƒ,

Bry hoey pfpF dy KUh ivWcoN,

sbk dy ky mWky ivc kfjIaF ƒ,

bfby nfnk ny hI ÈMgfiraf sI»

nfnk duWDoN pfxI inqfiraf sI»

iPr TWgF ƒ jf suDfiraf sI»

gurU nfnk ny bfbrF jfbrF ƒ,

gurU nfnk ny bfbrF jfbrF ƒ,

gurU nfnk ny bfbrF jfbrF ƒ,

KVH ky ivc mYdfn vMgfiraf sI»

KVH ky ivc mYdfn vMgfiraf sI»

KVH ky ivc mYdfn vMgfiraf sI»

koeI ÌrË nhIN vrdI pihnI df, BfvyN nIlI, icWtI KfkI aY» iksy isqfry df koeI nF nhIN, qmigaF dy muWl pYNdy nf,

jy afp hI mfrogy afpixaF ƒ, iÌr krnI iks ny rfKI aY ? ‘hm nhIN cMgy burf nfhIN koie’, gurUaF ny gWl afKI aY, ‘lWkI’ cuWp krky kWtI cWl, qyrI ‘sËf ajy bfkI aY’»

rmË jf smJfeI XogIaF ƒ, mfr mfr ky igafn dy qIr nfnk» BuWlV Brm BulyiKaF ƒ dUr kIqf» pWCm vWl ƒ zohl ky nIr nfnk»

krnl hrjIq bsI

ipAu-puWqr ikMnf huMdf mYN ipaf socF

Èrm n aFdI qYƒ vyKo

nyVy ho ky suxn lWgf

jfiedfd vMzn Kfiqr

sfrI Aumry krdf irhf

dvf KrId idAu mYƒ

puWqrF ƒ ipAu nfl ipafr,

KMG mUMh qy QuWkdf jFdf»

mYN AuhnF dIaF gWlF,

mr jfvFgy asIN lVdy»

inBfeI sI sfrI iËMmyvfrI

AuWh bImfr hY idl df»

gWl sfrI smJx leI

ikMnI vfrI qYƒ dWisaf

puWqrF sI Gyr rWiKaf

isafxp ieho hI kihMdI

apny hI prfieaf mMndy

jo afKogy ivWc bdly

mYN qWikaf aMdr bfihr»

QuWikaF gMd hY pYNdf,

ipAu apnf Auh iekWlf»

ikAuN nf huxy PYslf krdy

jWd afeI AusdI vfrI»

mYN hF kr skdf

imilaf iek aijhf buWZf

AuWT jfky nflI ivWc

sfry Auhƒ afK rhy

vyc pry mihl apxy

ijhVy pfilLaf puWqrF ƒ

bcf lvo ipAu myrf

gWl krdf krdf KMGy,

ikAuN nhIN QuWk lYNdf»

hux qF ihWsy pfdy,

ihWsy sfzy hWQIN Drdy»

Auh hI ny AusqoN aOKy

mr jfvy nf zr lWgdf»

inZfl izWigaf mMjI Auqy

aWgy quiraf qF mYN vyKF

asIN vI lgdy kuJ qyry

lWgy igdF vFg puWqr

apnf-apnf krdf irhf

idl myrf kihn lWgf

ipaf sI mOq dy kMZy»

iKVIaF sI PuWl bhfrF

sfzy hWk PVf dy»

duafly gey sI af

Auh KFdf irhf BulyKy»

ieh vI hY iek irÈqf

ieny ƒ puWqr Ausdf

bxI hoeI vWzI koTI

kI hoieaf kWlf irhf

kdoN cUMzx ipMjr Auhdf

qWd acfnk iksI af ky

puWqr iehI khfx jogf

ikDroN sI Gr afieaf

KVHIaF sI motr kfrF»

qUM hYN AumrF sfrI,

kdoN muWkygf AuWc sfh»

sI myrf iDafn htfieaf

srvn vrgf idsdf»

aMdr vVdy ny hI vyKF

lfn ivc bYTf bfbf

KyHl hux Kqm ho jfxf

BfrI mnI pWQr ’qy bih

mdd kro qusIN myrI

ieWk irÈqf do qsvIrF

bfpU ƒ dWbkf lfieaf»

pf icWty suhny kWpVy,

kWl afeygI qyrI vfrI»

mYN sI socx lWigaf

kih aWgy hWQ vDfieaf»

ieWk mMdI ieWk cMgI

sfrf idn mr KWp mYN

kol KVHy cfro puWqr

clf igaf jy ibn dWsy

apny hI puWqrF ipAu

ipAu myrf bImfr hY zfZf

kmfeI kr hF aFdf,

iksI gloN krdy JgVy»

qUM dunIaF ƒ CWz ky

apny bxf nf sikaf»

kMm-kfr nhIN imldf

vfh hrjIiqaf KUb bxfeI rWb dunIaF rMg ibrMgI.


The Patrika

Friday, December 14th, 2018

sWcy bol

aYs[KuÈhfl gulftI




cuglI inMidaf rsnf kr rhI ey

surjIq pfqr af nI DIey jI afieaF ƒ

rOlf rWpf sux QWk gey kMn sWjxF»

PuWlF ’qy bYTI iqqlI nrk kI hY

pfl iZWloN pI ky rMg

ieh prIaF qoN suMdr

af nI DIey jI afieaF ƒ

ielm nhIN

niÈaf rhI hY

hY bx Tx ky inWklI

aWKF cMgIaF ikqfbF nf pVHdIaF ny,

vfrI sdky jfvF

svrg kI hY

msqIaF ivc

PuWlF ’qy bYTI iqqlI

vyKdIaF Cx Cx sWjxF»

kuWJ nf kih qUM kI kuWJ hoieaf

jfxdI hY

ipafr dI

PuWlF ’qy zr zr

durgMD kI hY

pf rhI ikklI

pb jd ieh DrdI

sWjx TWgF nfl eyh jhfn Biraf,

hoieaf jo kuJ hoxF

ieh nf jfxy

PuWlF ’qy bYTI iqqlI

zrfkl bVI hY

Biraf nfl vkfrF dy mn sWjxF»

sfrI dyhI drd smuMdr

sugMD kI hY

prF ’qy ilKf ky

ieh pOxF qoN zrdI

kI aWKIaF coN roxF

mfxdI hY

muhWbq muhWbq

bhfrF leI hI

af qyrI hoNd dy hr iek sWl ƒ

ÉuÈ bVI hY

ieh sB qoN duafvF

duafvF hY krdI

muskrf rhI hY

qy lYNdI hY Èohrq

iÉËfvF hmyÈf ieh

nWc rhI hY

nfËuk bVI hY

mr mr ky jrdI

gf rhI hY

ieh gIqF dI rfxI

koml suBfa dI

af myrI glvWkVI


bVI hI ipafrI

bVI mnclI

Aumr Auqfr ky EDr rWK dy

dunIaF qoN dUr

ieh p®IqF dI rfxI

PuWlF ’qy bYTI iqqlI»

eyDr duWK dI gWTVI


GVf sWc df ipWlf ‘KuÈhfl’ hoieaf, kry JUT df tn tn sWjxL» hryk hWQ dy ivc mobfiel PiVaf, pfeI moZy ’qy hoeI gMn sWjxF» aWj mfmy DrqI kihx lWg pey, pihlF kihMdy sI mfmf cMn sWjxF» nMgf sUrj df cyhrf vI kr idWqf, hoeI nfsf dI DMn DMn sWjxF» sfieMs GWt sI, GWt ibmfrIaF sn, qfkqvr sI jnnI jn sWjxF» aWj dvfeIaF dy Bry stor pey ny, Bry nflL ibmfrIaF qn sWjxF» ilKy sWc ‘glotI’ kry quWkbMdI, lfAuNdf hr koeI hrÌF ƒ sMnH sWjxF» pfp kdy nf guWJf rihMdf, iek idn sfhvyN af jFdf»

aWj axhoNd bxfvF af nI myrI kuWK dIey jfeIey


kI hoieaf jy cfr-cuÌyry nHyrf hY»

gurBjn igWl Drm krm dy rfKy vyKo zr jFdy ny»

afpxf nfm Auqfr ky suWt dy

nHyry dI kuwK ivc hI son svyrf hY»

qF hI supny jMmxoN pihlF mr jFdy ny»

jo idWqf sI qYƒ

cÀd plLF dI KuÈb¨ hY, ieh ijsmF dI,

ies DrqI qy bhuqy zfky eysy krky,

kWlH jd iPr qMU jfxF hoieaf

pr muVHky df jIvn bhuq lÀmyrf hY»

rKvfly hI aWKF lFBy kr jFdy ny»

nvF Drf dAUN qYƒ

JIQF ivcdI vyNhdy jIvn icwqr jo,

hy mn myry, sfvDfn ho, eyhI vylf,

Auh kI jfxn ies df kOx icqyrf hY?

cuWp dy kfrn, pfp dy BFzy Br jFdy ny»

bwdlF dI CF AuWqy kfhdf mfx kryN,

AUNG rhy ny hWk sWc iensfÌ dy rfKy,

bohVF dI CF vrgf sfzf jyrf hY»

kUV amfvs dy ivWc qfry mr jFdy ny»

bUhy AuWqy PuwlF lwdI vyl sjy,

mYN qF cONkIdfr, avfËf dyxf hI hY,

Gr aÀdr qF pqJV df hI zyrf hY»

sON jFdy ny mflk, jd vI Gr jFdy ny»

hfly vI hY jgmg jgmg mVHIaF ivc,

DrqI puWqr ibrÉ KVHy ny DuWpy, CFvyN,

KolH ky kYdI pMj qWqF ƒ qWqF ivc rlfvF

nfm purfxy sMg juV jfvx sYaF kUV-kQfvF p®Iq-ivhUxI hWQF ny jo suhxIaF duWDIaF CohIaF

hrdm isMG mfn

nÈf dosqo axKF ieWËqF df,

rWq dIaF bUMdF, duWD dI rfhy

jfiedfdF ƒ Kf jFdf»

aWD ivc aWQrU hoeIaF

PuWl jo tuWitaf tfhxI nflLoN,

rWq ƒ, duWD ƒ qy hMJUaF ƒ

CyqI hI murJf jFdf»

muV ky nIr bxfvF

dIvy bfJoN swKxf ipaf bnyrf hY»

mF sdky ieh ikMny sdmy jr jFdy ny»

Auh ‘KuÈhfl’ idl df vWzf,

af nI DIey jI afieaF ƒ

dOlqmÀdF dI bsqI ivc rihxYN ‘mfn’?

qUM qIlHI ƒ bfÜ, mÈflF lY ky qur pAu,

kr glqI jo pCqf jFdf»

vfrI sdky jfvF»»

iPr qF rWKxf pYxf zFg ’qy zyrf hY»

gUVHy nyrHy ies qoN aksr zr jFdy ny» PAGE 33


The Patrika 

AujfV aflf isMG hux buwZf ho igaf sI, pr eynf buwZf nhIN ik Auh zfˆg lY ky afpxy KflL dy mUMhNy `qy nf bYT skdf hovy, afpxIafˆ pYlLIafˆ dvfly Pyrf nf mfr skdf hovy, jfˆ iksy prHy ivwc KVkf ky gwl nf kr skdf hovy. Ausdy mUMh qy koeI JurVI nhIN idWsdI sI, sgoN icwtI plmdI dfVHI dy AuWqy AusdIafˆ gorIafˆ gwlHfˆ ajy iQMidafeI dI Bfh mfrdIafˆ. AusdI nËr pihlfˆ qoN vI qyË ho geI jfpdI sI. ajy aglLy idn Auh qy Ausdf inWkf puwqr afpxI BuwlI hoeI gfˆ lwBx cVHy sn qy aflf isMG ny afpxy muMzy qoN pihlfˆ hI dUr cugdI gfˆ vyK ky pCfx leI sI. dMdfˆ ivWc pIV hox krky Ausny bhuq sfry dMd kZvf idWqy hoey sn, pr ies nflL Ausdy ichry df ruhb nhIN sI ivgiVaf. hfˆ, dfl slUxy ibnfˆ Auh rotI aOKI hI Kf skdf sI qy hr slUxy ivWc Auh qrI ËrUr cfhuMdf sI. ieWk vfrI jdoN AuhdI buwZI vhutI ny goBI iGE ivWc BuMn ky bxf idwqI qfˆ Aus bVf iKJ ky afiKaf, “goBI TIk bxfxIN eyˆ qUM, ijvyˆ afˆzVy huMdy ny.” gMny qy byrfˆ dy svfd qoN hux Auh vfˆJf ho igaf sI qy dfxy cwbxy Aus leI asloN asMBv sn. iehnfˆ sfrIafˆ cIËfˆ dI ksr Auh vDyrf duwD pI ky kwZ lYˆdf. Èfied iesy duwD df sdkf hI sI ik jdoN koeI kfmfˆ hlL KlHfr ky pYlLI dIafˆ guwTfˆ gozx lWgdf qfˆ aflf isMG Kloqf hlL afp ihWk lYˆdf. iehnfˆ buwiZafˆ Zwigafˆ dI Auh rg rg qoN jfxUM sI. ies DOlLy Zwgy dI mfˆ dI mfˆ Aus dy puwqr dy dfj ivwc afeI sI qy Ausdy Gr af ky ds sUey sUeI sI. Auhnfˆ ds sUieafˆ ivWc iewk ies buwZy Zwgy dI mfˆ sI. inWkf huMdf ieh DOlLf Zwgf bVf ÈYqfn sI. jdoN aflf isMG ies nUM KolH ky gfˆ hyT Cwzdf qfˆ ieh gfˆ vl eyzI Ëor dI Bwjdf ik ies qoN gfˆ dy kolL afpxy afp nUM TwilHaf nf jfˆdf qy ieh gfˆ dy hyT pYx dI Qfˆ Aus koloNL agfˆh lMG jfˆdf qy iPr muV ky afAuNdf. gfˆ cuMGdy nUM bMnHx lwigafˆ pYr imwD dyˆdf qy kdI-kdI guwsy ivWc, bMnH ky ipCfˆh htx lwigafˆ nUM, isr vI mfrdf. ies dI Aumr dy dUjy vrHy jdoN sfry zMgr cugx leI iCVdy qfˆ ieh vihVkf KurlI qy hI bwDf rihMdf. KuWilHaf hoieaf qy ieh kfbU hI nhIN sI afAuNdf. iek vyr ieh rwsf quVf ky KuWlH igaf sI qy aMnyvfh bVI dUr Bwj igaf. msfˆ msfˆ aflf isMG dy puwqr ny GoVI qy cVH ky ies nUM vyVH ky afˆdf qy keIafˆ jixafˆ rlL ky PiVaf. qy qIjy vrHy ies ny bwDy bwDy hI iewk mwJ qRt idwqI qy aflf isMG nUM mwJ nUM bImfr hox qoN bcfAux leI Aus dy ipMzy `qy cIkxI imwtI mlLxI peI sI.


cOQy vrHy jdoN ies dy glL GuMgrUafˆ df hfr pf ky muhrly PlHy juwqf qfˆ keI mMgx afey bfËIgr qy bfËIgrnIafˆ ies dIafˆ lMmIafˆ plfˆGfˆ qy GuWtvyˆ juwsy dIafˆ isÌqfˆ kr ky qy ies dy glL kOzIafˆ qy mxikafˆ dIafˆ gfnIafˆ pf ky aflf isMG qoN kxk dIafˆ BrIafˆ lY gey. hlLIN juwqy dI nwQ aflf isMG ipCfˆh nUM PVI rwKdf. nhIN qy ieh afpxy hyTly Zwgy nUM iswDf nhIN sI hox idMdf.

mINdfr sI ijs nUM mlk sfhb afKdy sn. hr aYqvfr AusnUM lfhOroN aÉbfr afAuNdI. Ausdy afpxy ipMz zfkKfnf nf hox krky zfkIey dy Pyry qwk aÉbfr aflf isMG dy ipMz hI peI rihMdI. ies AuzIk qoN bcx leI mlk hurfˆ afpxf nOkr GoVI qy aflf isMG qy Gr Gwlxf afrMB idwqf. nOkr dy Pyirafˆ ivWc aflf isMG nUM mlk `qy afpxI ijWq lukI hoeI idwsdI sI. eyzf vwzf mlk ho ky vI zfkÉfnf nhIN lvf skdf sI.

Friday, December 14th, 2018

kulvMq isMG ivrk Aus lYxoN nfˆh kr idwqI, “nhIN BeI vIrU, jdoN myrI DI shury jfey iehdy qy cVH ky jfey qy jdoN afvy iehdy qy eI cVH ky afvygI.”

pr hux qy ipMz ivWc hvf eI kuJ puwTI ijhI vg geI sI. Ausdy afpxy AuWdm nfl Cqfey hoey sfˆJy twp hyT kfvfˆ rOlLI ijhI peI rihMdI. kuJ muMzy Ausdy bYiTafˆ hI qfÈ Kyzdy rihMdy qy afps ivwc JgVdy rihMdy jfˆ koeI pfVHf aÉbfr lY ky bih jfˆdf qy prl prl aÉbfr hI suxfˆdf rihMdf. Enf icr pr hux qy nwQ Cwz ies dy glL rwsy dI vI loV nhIN sI. ieh DOlLf Zwgf qy afpxI hoNd jdoN vI Auh nOkr nUM vyKdf qfˆ ËrUr puwCdf, hor koeI gwlbfq nf ho skdI ikAuN jo sfry lokfˆ df iDafn aÉbfr suxn vwl hI huMdf. qoN vI munkr sI. ijwQy joeIey, ibnfˆ aVI dy “ awj nvfb ikwDr svfr hoieaf ey?” juwp pYˆdf. gwzy AuWqy Bfvyˆ koeI afdmI vI nf “ikDry nhIN jI, afh mlk hurfˆ dI aKLbfr pqf nhIN ikAuN aflf isMG nUM aÉbfr dI hovy, iswDf Gr lY afAuNdf. EV asloN iswDI lYx cwilafˆ.” nvfb Ausdf jvfb idMdf qfˆ dUijafˆ nfloLN Gwt smJ afAuNdI qy Auh ies kwZdf. iesdIafˆ koeI vwKrIafˆ afdqfˆ nhIN aflf isMG poly mUMh afK dyˆdf, “awCf awj bfry kdy koeI svfdlI gwl nf kr skdf. sn, nf koeI ÉrfbIafˆ, nf ies dIafˆ koeI aYqvfr hoxf ey nfˆ.” pr afpxy afp nUM kih keI vyrI iKJ ky Auh afKdf, “ieh sB JUT ÉfihÈfˆ sn aqy nf Auhnfˆ dy pUrf krn df irhf huMdf:” aflf isMafˆ, qUM bVf bMdf eyˆ, ey. Auh kUV Qwp ky eyQy Gwl dyˆdy ny, Auhnfˆ nUM koeI Xqn. ieh kyvl pwTy Kfˆdf, sfh lYˆdf ijs zfkÉfnf lvf ilaf ey, vyK ikwzy ikwzy sfrIafˆ gwlfˆ df ikvyˆ pqf cwl jfˆdf ey.” pr qy jUlLy hyTfˆ juwpdf. koeI pMdrfˆ vrHy pihlfˆ iksy qy ies gwl df rqI asr nf huMdf. sB bMdy iCWky tMgy hoey nIN.” ieh DOlLf vihVkf qy aflf isMG dovyˆ ijAuNdy kuJ JUT iks qrHfˆ ho skdf sI? jdoN lVfeI sn, pr hux iekwlf aflf isMG hI. Ausdy ipMz dy nyVy dI afbfdI ivWc dUjy lwgx dI Ébr afeI qfˆ sB kuJ mihMgf hox iËilHafˆ qoN afey afbfdkfr vsy hoey sn. lwg ipaf. lIzr kYd ho gey qy Auhnfˆ dy hfˆ, aflf isMG buwZf ho ky vI ajy ijAuNdf sI. iehnfˆ nUM qy aflf isMG afdmI nhIN sI ikDry jfx afAux dI koeI Ébr nhIN sI Ausdy ijAuNdy hox df inÈcf kyvl zfktrfˆ smJdf. ieh sfry af ky AusdI puafˆdI afAuNdI. aMgryËfˆ dI ijwq dIafˆ Ébrfˆ afAux nUM hI nhIN sI, sgoN sfirafˆ nUM, Gridafˆ nUM, bihMdy. Auhnfˆ dIafˆ gvfcIafˆ mwJIN Auh kolL lwgIafˆ, qfˆ lIzr Cwz idwqy gey. jdoN lVfeI ipMz vfilLafˆ nUM qy kolL dy ipMz vfilLafˆ nUM dy jfˆglIafˆ idafˆ ipMzfˆ ivWcoN muVf idMdf, pr htx dI Ébr afeI qfˆ koeI nhIN sI kihMdf vI sI. iehnfˆ sfirafˆ leI Auh ajy ijAuNdf keI vfrI Auh afp kuJ Brfvfˆ nUM nflL lY ky ik lVfeI ajy nhIN htI. pr aflf isMG leI sI. sfry AusdI suwK sfˆd puwCdy aqy Ausdy DWko DWkI Auhnfˆ dIafˆ pwkIafˆ hoeIafˆ kxkfˆ ieh sB kuJ JUT sI. jy twp Qwly JUT df hI bfbq gwlfˆ iDafn nfl suxdy. afpxy dvfly vwZ ky gwizafˆ qy lwd ilafAuNdf huMdf sI. pRcfr hoxf sI qfˆ ikAuN nf gurduafry dy BfeI dy ipMzfˆ dI qy Auh mfnoN hvf ivWc AuWkiraf hoieaf sI. koeI soJI vflf rfhI jfˆ pRfhuxf aflf isMG dI Èkfieq nf krn df hurIN af ky eyQy `pMQ pRkfÈ` jfˆ `rfj Éflsf` vI Aus dy nfˆ qoN jfxUM hoieafˆ ibnfˆ nhIN sI afbfdkfrfˆ nUM lfB ËrUr imlLdf. Auhnfˆ piVHaf krn. jdoN BfeI horIN rfg nfl rfj dy zMgr Gwt corI huMdy, Auhnfˆ dIafˆ srHvfˆ Éflsf pVHdy qy ikqoN ikqoN mqlb smJfˆdy rih skdf. qy kxkfˆ ivWc rfqIN jfˆglI afpxIafˆ mwJIN qfˆ twp Qwly amn ho jfˆdf. sfry lokfˆ dIafˆ keIafˆ virHafˆ qoN aflf isMG iesy qrHfˆ ijAuN nf cfrdy qy Auhnfˆ dIafˆ kWulIafˆ ivWc sMnHfˆ cqrfeIafˆ qy zUMGIafˆ ivcfrfˆ nUM lgfm imlL irhf sI. pihly virHafˆ ivWc qy ieh jIvn Gwt lWgdIafˆ. afpxy ipMz dy sfry rMzy jfˆdI qy hr pfsy cup ho jfˆdI. aflf isMG tor hor vI iqWKI sI. Ausdf srIr eyzf vwzf kvfry kMmI aflf isMG ny iehnfˆ ipMzfˆ ivwc dy Bfry aqy siqkfry hoey srIr df ruab aqy qgVf sI ik nyVy nyVy dy ipMzfˆ ivwc Ausdy ivafh ley sn. ies qrHfˆ pYdf hoey Klfa ivwc Cf jfˆdf qy myc df koeI bMdf nhIN sI. iewk vfr jdoN Ausdy mn nUM ÈfˆqI imldI. ies imwTy ijhy aMimRqsr dI mwisaf qy Ausdf kVf pfx nUM afey gey dI syvf ivWc aflf isMG sB qoN awgy vfXUmMzl df iemiqhfn lYx leI Auh kdI jIa kIqf sI qfˆ sfry aMimRqsr ivWc Aus sI. Kuirafˆ ipwCy BwjdIafˆ vfhrfˆ nUM Auh rotI kdI kuJ boldf: “BfeI jI, eyQoN Ërf sihj dI vIxI qy koeI kVf pUrf nhIN sI afieaf. KvfAuNdf. iewk vfr akflIafˆ dy ieWk jwQy nUM nfl pVHo”, “ BfeI jI iehdf mqlb Ërf nihrfˆ afAux `qy Aus zMgr Cwz ky afpxy rotI Kvfx bdly keI rfqfˆ AusnUM hvflfq smJfieaf jy,” “DMn iswK sn jI Auh.” purfxy ipMz qoN pMj Cy koh dUr afpxI BoieM ivWc kwtxIafˆ peIafˆ sn. iek khfxI Aus pr mfrÈl lfa vfˆg ieh BfeI hurfˆ vflf ivwc afpxy nvyˆ ipMz dI nINh rwKI sI. Aus nUM bfry bVI pRiswD sI. ieWk Èfm Auh GoVI qy hiQafr vI kdI kdI hI vriqaf jf skdf munsÌ mMn ky sfry ipMz ny afpxy Grfˆ leI cVH ky mMzIEN Gr af irhf sI. Ausy rfh qy sI, hr roË qfˆ nhIN. hfqy vMzy sn. Ausdy Ëor dyx qy kMmIafˆ nUM vI ieWk nvfˆ ivafihaf joVf sVk suafr sI. Gr Cwqx leI hfqy imlLy sn. kolL dy iksy “Cohrf ikwQy jfAU eyˆ?” aflf isMG ny muMzy kdy kdy twp Qwly bihsfˆ huMdIafˆ, grm grm bihsfˆ, akflIafˆ dIafˆ ,kfˆgrsIafˆ dIafˆ, ipMz ivwc kMmIafˆ dI koeI afpxI Qfˆ nhIN sI. qoN puwiCaf. kimAUinstfˆ dIafˆ. bihs krn vfly joÈ Ausny hI sfry ipMz nUM AuWdm dy ky sfˆJf KUh “bhflIkI jfAU afˆ, afpxy shury.” bhfivwc af jfˆdy, ijvyˆ koeI Auhnfˆ dy Gr `qy lvfieaf sI qy ipMz dI CwpV dy pfxIafˆ qoN lIkI aflf isMG df afpxf ipMz sI. vfr kr irhf huMdf hY. aflf isMG jfxdf KlfsI krfeI sI. iewk vwzy aÌsr nUM imlL sI akflI iswK pMQ dI AuWnqI cfhuMdy hn, ky Aus ipMz ivwc zfkÉfnf KulHvf ilaf sI. “ikdHy Gr?” kfˆgrsI dyÈ dI afËfdI qy kimAUinst sB ies nUM Auh afpxy rsUK df isÉr smJdf “vIrU sHfeI dy.” iewk krnI cfhuMdy hn, pr eys qoN vDyry Auh sI. afpxy sfilafˆ nUM Auh bVf iqV ky kihMdf, “ quhfzf kft qy sfnUM Jwt af imldf aflf isMG afp GoVI qoN AuWqr bYTf qy Auhnfˆ iehnfˆ bfry kuJ nhIN sI kih skdf. Auh ey, sfzf kft eI ikDry Bory pY jfˆdf ey.” nUM AuWqy ibTf idwqf. rfq nUM jdoN Auh eIsfeI mwisaf qy swjy rfjsI dIvfnfˆ ivwc bYTf sI. nflL dy ipMz ivWc bVf vwzf muslmfn iËM- GoVI aflf isMG dy Gr bMnHx afieaf qfˆ Auhnfˆ dIafˆ gwlfˆ suxIafˆ qy smJIafˆ sn,

Friday, December 14th, 2018

The Patrika



pr cMgI qrHfˆ nhIˆ. ieh bihsfˆ krn vfly aÉbfrfˆ qy rsfly vI pVHdy sn. bfhroN afey vrkrfˆ nUM imldy sn. gwzIafˆ ivwc, hwtIafˆ `qy, styÈnfˆ `qy, sVkfˆ `qy ieho hI gwlfˆ krdy qy suxdy sn.

imsr, ietlI Prfˆs qy ieMgilsqfn ivwc Auh gey. ikMnIafˆ kOmfˆ dIafˆ AumYdfˆ bxy rhy. aflf isMG nUM afÉr Auh ikwzf ku vwzf bMdf smJ skdy sn? iewk kvI muMzy nUM dUroN jlisafˆ `qy swdy afAuNdy. vwzy vwzy aÉbfrI lokfˆ nflL Ausdf mylL imlfp sI. iehnfˆ KwqrI qy kmIn vI iehnfˆ bihsfˆ ivwc nflL mulfkfqfˆ dIafˆ gwlfˆ Auh jlisafˆ qoN af ky rlL jfˆdy qy iPr ieh lok twp Qwly BoieM jfˆ suxfˆdf qy lokIN bVy ghu nfl suxdy. ies sB afpxI mMjI qy bihx dI Qfˆ bihs krdy jwtfˆ kuJ dy sfhmxy aflf isMG lVKVf jfˆdf. dy nflL hI qÉqpoÈ jfˆ mMjI qy bYT jfˆdy. keI vyrI qy ieh kmIn bihs ivwc iksy jwt ipMz ivwc sB qoN AuWcI Qfˆ qoN ibnfˆ Aus hor nUM hOilafˆ kr dyˆdy. aflf isMG leI ieh koeI Qfˆ nhIN sI vyKI qy ies Qfˆ qoN ibnfˆ hor kljug dI JfkI huMdI. Auh hYrfn sI ik Auh koeI Qfˆ Auh kbUlx leI iqafr vI nhIN sI. jwt ies kMm qoN ht ikAuN nhIN sI jfˆdf. jdoN Auh twp Qwly af ky bihMdf qfˆ lokfˆ df aflf isMG df kdy iksy ny inrfdr nhIN sI iDafn iKHwcx leI keI gIty afpxI guQlI kIqf qy nf kdy iksy AusdI gwl tokI sI, ivwcoN kwZdf. nyVy-qyVy dy vwzy pIrfˆ, ÌkIrfˆ pr Ausdf mn qy iehnfˆ guMJlfˆ vl afAuNdf dIafˆ gwlfˆ suxfˆdf, “ pIr bhfr Èfh qy hI nhIN sI qy nf hI Auh kuJ kih skdf sI. asloN msqfnf sI. myrI iewk mwJ nUM GotU afpxI hwQIN Cqfey twp hyT Auh ies qrHfˆ ipaf, bVI mwJ sI Auh, iehnfˆ vwtUafˆ qoN bYTf rihMdf, ijvyˆ iksy mOjI rfjy ny afpxI leI sI mYˆ lV JgV ky. zMgr nhIˆ sn ieh irafsq dy hfeIkort jwj nUM isvl srjn shury hwQoN Cwzdy, lyKf Bfvyˆ ikMnfˆ deIey. Es bxf ky iksy hspqfl ivwc ibTf idwqf hovy mwJ nUM GotU ipaf qy mYˆ KIr suwKI. mwJ bc qy AusnUM pqf nf hovy ik Auhny kI krnf hY? rhI, rwboN hI bc rhI. bhfr Èfh ivcfry EQy kI krnf sI? lE jI mYˆ Auh KIr lY ky ipM z ivw c kimAU i nstfˆ dy jlsy hu M d y . igaf qy iewk QVHy ijhy qy bYTf hoieaf, pr kimAU i nst lIzr Qfxy d frfˆ qy pu l s nMgf eI qy bws asloN eI plfˆG ku qy kol kpqfnfˆ nUM Auhnfˆ dy mUMh qy iswDIafˆ iswDIafˆ QVHy dy AuWqy hI JfVy iPiraf hoieaf sU.” suxfˆdy, “qusIˆ inwky inwky ihtlr qy tojo ho, asfˆ Auhnfˆ df rfj Kqm kr idwqf hY, qy kdI koeI hor anoKI ijhI gwl nUM lY quhfzf rfj vDyrf icr nhIN rih skdf.” qurdf, “ ieh ijhVy aMgryË ny, ieh bVI jfˆ “puils vfilLafˆ nUM cfhIdf hY ik Auh qfV vflLy bMdy huMdy ny, nuhfr dI bVI isMJfx afpxIafˆ rotIafˆ nflL bMnH ky ilafieaf rwKdy ny. iewk bMdobsq vflLf sfhb sI krn, jwtfˆ dy GroN rotIafˆ Kfx df Auhnfˆ nUM purfxf qy ikDry bfpU Aurfˆ dy vyly iewDr rih koeI hwk nhIN.” aflf isMG tozI nhIN sI. igaf hoieaf sI. amr isMG dI rwK ivwc murwby imlx vylLy Aus murwbf lYx qoN nfˆh iÈkfr Kyzdf mYnUM twkr igaf. ajy kflI kr idwqI sI. Auh sfihb dy qrly nhIN sI dfVHI sfˆ AudoN. Jwt afˆhdf ey, “ Eey qum pfAuxf cfhuMdf, pr ieho ijhIafˆ gwlfˆ Ausdy nwQf isMG df lVkf eyˆ.” mYˆ afiKaf, “jI mUMhoN nhIN sI inkl skdIafˆ. Aus Auh vyly afho, Auh myrf bfp sI.” dyKy sn jdoN nMbrdfr jfˆ ËYldfr ivruwD kdI Au h ipM z dy mu M i zafˆ dy dfidafˆ gwl afKxI jurm sI. Auh iehnfˆ gwlfˆ qy pVdfidafˆ dy GolLfˆ qy dOVfˆ dy mukfbly jfˆ qflI nhIN sI vjf skdf. zr qoN nhIN, ies BwtIafˆ qy KrlLfˆ dI vwzI lVfeI dIafˆ gwlfˆ leI ik ieh Ausdy idl dIafˆ afvfËfˆ nhIˆ CyV idMdf. gwlbfq ivwc Auh sfry ipMz ivwcoˆ sn, pr Auh ieh vI anuBv kr lYˆdf ik sucwjf sI, gwlfˆ aMq muwk jfˆdIafˆ. QoVHI dyr Auh hux muhrlI pfl ivwc nhIN Kloqf sI. rs rihMdf qy iPr kfvfˆ rOlI pY jfˆdI qy ies Ausdy awgy hor keI lok sn qy Auh Bwj ky kfvfˆ rOlI ivwc aflf isMG dI ÈÉsIaq Auhnfˆ nUM nhIN iml skdf sI. gvfc jfˆdI. kimAUinst muMzy izptI kimÈnrfˆ qy puls iewk idn iewk vwzf sfrf ienfmI GoVf aflf kpqfnfˆ nUM imldy qy DMnvfdI hox dI Qfˆ isMG muwl lY afieaf. nyVy nyVy dy sfry cMgy Auhnfˆ nflL hoeI-hoeI gwlbfq AuWqy KuwlHy GoVIafˆ GoVy Aus mukfbly leI ivsfKI dy jlisafˆ ivwc nukqfcInI krdy. srkfr myly qy swdy qy hrf idwqy, Bwjx ivwc, nyjy dy bfry ieh lok ies qrHfˆ gwlfˆ krdy ijvyˆ ivwc qy BuMbr ivwc. aflf isMG dI hvylI `qy iksy nfl dy ipMz dI prHy huMdI hY. GoVf vyKx vfilafˆ df mylf lwgf rihMdf. keI ÌOjI muV ky ipMz af rhy sn, afËfd Auh vI GoVy nUM loV qoN vwD sMgl ipCfVIafˆ ihMd POj dy qy keI dUjy. rfj AultfAux dy pfeI rwKdf. afey gey nUM rotI pfxI idMdf supny dyKx vflLy, afËfd dyÈfˆ ivwc bMidafˆ qy GoVy dIafˆ gwlfˆ suxfˆdf. vfˆg iPrn vflLy. iehnfˆ POjIafˆ ny jrnYl iewk vfr iewk aVI KoVf jwt vI afpxI GoVI vyKy, bfdÈfh vyKy, bMdUkfˆ, qopfˆ, mÈIn gMnfˆ Bjfx leI EQy lY afieaf. afKy jfˆ GoVI dy clfxIafˆ iswKIafˆ; motrfˆ qy tYˆk clfxy dyxI jfˆ GoVf lY lYxf, dOV hoeI, GoVI hfr iswKy. aMgryË vyKy, amrIkn vyKy, hbÈI geI. GoVI vfly jwt ny GoVI aflf isMG dI vyKy, ietYlIanfˆ nUM kYd rwiKaf, eIrfn,


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KurlI `qy bMnH idwqI. sfrI BIV dy sfhmxy aflf isMG ny Ausdy moZy `qy hwQ Dr ky afiKaf, “gwl sux Brfvf, ieh KurlI vI qyrI qy ikwly vI qyry. jy qfˆ GoVI bwDI af afpxI krky qfˆ jm jm bMnH, pr jy myrI kr ky bwDI af qfˆ huxy KolH lY. mYˆ koeI qyrI GoVI df bpfr qy nhIN nf krnf. beI koeI bpfrI afˆ mYˆ. mYnUM qy ieh myrf afpxf eI bVf ey krmfˆ vflf, bws ijAUNdf rhy.” hr pfisEN vfh-vfh hoeI.

Xfr sI. pr dUr hox krky dovyˆ Gwt vwD hI imlLdy sn.

agly idn hI izsitRkt borz dI iewk sIt leI mYˆbr KlHfrx dI gwl ho geI. aflf isMG dy iÉafl ivwc ieh koeI vDyry socx vflLI gwl nhIN sI. Aus afiKaf, “ipClI vyr mYˆbr sI Èyry kI brfdrI df, aYqkIˆ sfzI twly ikafˆ dI vfrI aY. ipMz qy Auhnfˆ nfloLN sfzy Zyr bhuqy ny, pr awD qy dyx nf sfnUM.”

“ af ipMz cwlIey aflf isMafˆ, twp hyT bhfˆgy, Jwt, koeI gwl krfˆ suxfˆgy.” mMgl isMG ny slfh idwqI.

“mMgl isMhfˆ, qYnUM afiKaf sI nf, afhlixEN izwgf bot muV nhIN ivwc ipaf kdI. ipMzoN inkl ky qUM asloN bygfnf ho igaf eyˆ.” aflf isMG ny AulHfmf idwqf, qy Pyr hor gwlfˆ huMdIafˆ rhIafˆ, mfl zMgr dIafˆ, Ìslfˆ dIafˆ, gvfˆZI ipMzfˆ dIafˆ, gwzI dIafˆ, BoieM dIafˆ.”

“ipMz qy asloN Kwc ho iga ey. bMdf qy muwZoN irhf eI kfeI nhIN nf. muMzIr qy BUqrI hoeI qy hr vylLy kfvfˆ rOlLI pfeI rwKdI ey. nfˆ koeI sur suafd dI krnI qy nf koeI suxnI. mYnUM qy ipMz asloN AujfV lwgdf ey; AujfV. pr aflf isMG dI ieh dlIl iksy nUM jcI mYˆ neIN jfxf EQy kdI.” nf. Auh pfrtIafˆ dIafˆ itktfˆ, pflsIafˆ qy pRogrfmfˆ, cOVy qy sOVy idRÈtIkoxfˆ dIafˆ gwlfˆ kol hI byrI hyT bwDf DOlLf Zwgf AugflLI krn lwg pey. afÉr ieh kOx lok sn jo kr irhf sI. Ausdy pwky hoey kMn `qy iewk afpxI kul nfloN itkt nUM cMgf smJdy sn. kfˆ cuMJ mfr ky lhU kwZ irhf sI, pr buwZf ipCly idn dI vfh-vfh ipwCoN ieh hfr coKI hoieaf Zwgf afpxy lMmy isMgfˆ nflL AusnUM cuBdI sI. aflf isMG AuWT ky afpxI hvylI htfˆdf nhIN sI. nUM tur ipaf. sVk ‘qy mlk df nOkr ipMzoN aÉbfr ilaEQy murwibafˆ vflf mMgl isMG afieaf hoi- fAux leI GoVI ‘qy ciVHaf jf irhf sI. aflf eaf sI. mMgl isMG aflf isMG df lMgotIaf isMG ny AusnUM vyiKaf, pr awj kvfieaf nf. PAGE 35

The Patrika



Friday, December 14th, 2018

nvjoq iswDU dy glLy ivc suDfr

gurU sB jfxI jfx hn-bfdl

pMjfb dy sQfnk srkfrfˆ, sYr spftf aqy sWiBafcfrk mfmilafˆ bfry mMqrI nvjoq iswDU dI syhq ivc suDfr ho irhf hY. kfˆgrs pfrtI dy stfr cox pRcfrk vjoN Aus ny 70 rYlIafˆ kIqIafˆ, ijs kfrn Aus dy glyL `c KrfbI af geI qy afvfË bMd ho geI . zfktr ny ajy vI Aus nUM Gwto Gwt 10 idn AuWcI bolx qoN mnHfˆ kIqf hY . Ausdy glLy ivc jLKLm ho gey sn. hux qwk Auh mOn hI cwl rhy hn, zfktrfˆ dy dwsx anusfr iek hPLqy qwk iswDU TIk ho jfxgy.

kYptn ny iewk lwK qoN vwD iksfnfˆ dy krËy ÈRomxI akflI dl ny hirmMdr sfihb smUh `c afKMz pfT krvfky ipCly 10 sflfˆ dy rfj ivc hoeIafˆ BuWlfˆ dI iKLmf Xfcnf leI ardfs kIqI. jd pwqrkfrfˆ ny puwiCaf `qy mfrI lkIr ikhVIafˆ ikhVIafˆ Buwlfˆ hoeIaF qfˆ bfdl ny ikhf ik Buwlfˆ dI sUcI gurU nUM nhIN dyxI huMdI, gurU sB jfxI jfx hn. pihlfˆ vwzy bfdl ny ikhf sI,pwqrkfrfˆ dy hr svfl mwuK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG ny krËf mfPI dy dUjy gyV dy pihly smfgm ivwc iewk df jvfb Bog vfly idn dyvfˆgy, pr hux Auh sfry svflfˆ dy jvfb qoN tflf vwt gey . lwK qoN vwD iksfnfˆ isr cVHy kmrÈIaÜ bYˆkfˆ dy krËy muafPL kIqy. ies dy nflL hI pMjfb srkfr ny iksfnfˆ dy krËf mfPI dy aglLy pVfa dI ÈurUafq kr idwqI hY. ies qoN sdBfvnf dl vwloN bfdlfˆ iKlfPL ros ivKfvf pihlfˆ srkfr ny sihkfrI bYˆkfˆ dy krËy mfP kIqy sn. kYptn amirMdr ny pitaflf iswK sdBfvnf dl vwloN ÈFqmeI ZMg nfl bfdlfˆ iKlfPL ros ivKfvf kIqf igaf,Auhnfˆ nyVy EmYks istI kolL krvfey smfgm ivwc iksfnfˆ dy krËf mukqI dy srtIiPkyt ny akfl qKq sfihb dy nyVy hwQfˆ ivwc qKqIafˆ PVIafˆ hoeIafˆ sn,ijhnfˆ Aupr iliKaf vMzy. smfgm ivwc kYptn amirMdr sxy pMjfb kfˆgrs dy pRDfn sunIl jfKV vI styj hoieaf sI, `mfPI gLlqI dI huMdI hY,gunfh nf bKÈxXog huMdy hn`. akfl qKq qoN idwqf `qy mOjUd rhy. ies qoN ielfvf ivwq mMqrI mnpRIq bfdl qy kYbint mMqrI ivjyieMdr purskfr PLKLr-ey-kOm vfps lvfˆgy. ros ivKfvf jwQybMdI dy muKI bldyv isMG vzflf isMglf vI mOjUd sn. dI agvfeI ivWc ivKfvfkfrI vwzI igxqI ivWc hwQfˆ ivc qKqIafˆ lY ky vfihgurU df jfp ÈRomxI akflI dl dy nflL hI ÈRomxI kr rhy sn, vzflf ny ies muafPInfmy dI ardfs nUM isafsI zrfmf dwisaf . pMjfb `c pMcfieqI coxfˆ dIafˆ qfrIKfˆ df aYlfn, jfxo pUrf vyrvf pMjfb ivwc pMcfieqI coxfˆ df ibgl vwj cuwkf hY . cox kimÈn ny awj cox pRikiraf df sfrf ÈYizAUl jfrI kr idwqf hY. ies dy nfl hI cox Ëfbqf lfgU ho igaf hY. pMjfb ivwc 30 dsMbr nUM pMcfieqI coxfˆ leI votfˆ pfeIafˆ jfxgIafˆ. iesy idn votfˆ dI igxqI hoeygI. 31 dsMbr qWk sfrI cox pRikiraf mukMml kr leI jfeygI. ies sbMDI 15 dsMbr nUM notIiPkyÈn jfrI hoxgy. 19 dsMbr qWk nfmËdgIafˆ BrIafˆ jfxgIafˆ qy 20 dsMbr qWk nfmËdgIafˆ dI CfˆtI kIqI jfeygI. 21 dsMbr qWk nfmjLdgIafˆ dy kfgË vfps lY ley jfxgy. 30 dsMbr nUM svyry 8 vjy qoN lY ky ÈfmI 4 vjy qwk votfˆ pfeIafˆ jfxgIafˆ .

krqfrpur lfˆGy bfry kYptn dy ibafnfˆ dI inKyDI pMjfb dy muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG vwloN krqfrpur lfˆGy nUM pfiksqfnI POj dI sfiËs dwsx vfly ibafn dI gurU nfnk nfl lyvf sMgq ivwc guwsy dI lihr hY qy ies ibafn dI cuPyirEN inMdf ho rhI hY. ivdyÈfˆ ivWc vsdy pMjfbIafˆ ny vI ies ibafn `qy ros pRgtfieaf hY qy rfjnIqk pfrtIafˆ vI kYptn dy ibafn qy KPLf hn. afm afdmI pfrtI dy sfbkf ivDfiek jrnYÜ isMG ny vI kYptn dy ibafn dI inMdf kIqI hY. kYptn ny ikhf sI krqfrpur sfihb lfˆGf KolHx nfl aiqvfd ivc vfDf hovygf .

kmytI vI bKÈfeygI Buwlfˆ

ÈRomxI akflI dl dy nflL hI ÈRomxI kmytI vI Buwl bKÈfeygI. ÈRomxI kmytI dy pRDfn goibMd isMG lONgovfl ny ikhf hY ik Auh vI ÈRomxI akflI dl dy Buwl bKÈfAux sbMDI smgfm ivwc ihwsf lY rhy hn. lONgovfl df kihxf hY ik ÈRomxI kmytI akflI dl df hI aMg hox dy nfqy Auh vI ardfs smfroh ivwc Èfml hn. ÈRomxI akflI dl vwloN byadbI qy pMQk muwidafˆ `qy hoeIafˆ Buwlfˆ bKÈfAux leI ardfs smfgm kIqf jf irhf hY . ies dI kfˆgrs ny aÜocnf kridaF ikhf 2019 dIaF coxfˆ vyK ky akflI dl df rfjnIqk zrfmf hY .

idwlI gurduafrf kmytI BMg, nvyˆ isirEˆ hoxgIafˆ coxfˆ idwlI iswK gurduafrf mYnyjmYˆt kmytI dy pRDfn mnjIq isMG jIky qy skwqr jrnl mnijMdr isMG isrsf smyq sfry 15 ahudydfrfˆ ny asqIPf dy idwqf hY. jIky ny pRYs kfnPrMs kridafˆ puÈtI kIqI hY ik gurduafrf kmytI AuWpr ielËfm lwgx qoN bfad sfry ahudydfrF ny asqIPy dyx df PYslf kIqf hY. hux afAux vflLI 27-30 dsMbr qWk kfrjkfrnI coxfˆ krvfAux leI cox kimÈn nUM apIl vI kr idwqI hY. ieh coxfˆ aglLy sfl krvfeIafˆ jfxIafˆ sn pr hux iqMn mhIny awgy krvfAux dI apIl kIqI hY. jIky ny pRYws kfnPrMs dOrfn dwisaf ik ielËfmfˆ dy sfP hox qk Auh iksy vI ahudy `qy nhIN bYTxgy .

'nvjIvn`aKbfr muV kIqf lfˆc

bfdl dy Kfs-m-Kfs koilLafˆvflLI nUM iewk hor Jtkf

kfˆgrs dy kOmI pRDfn rfhul gfˆDI aqy zf[ mnmohn isMG sfbkf pRDfn mMqrI aqy kfˆgrsI lIzrfˆ ny muhflI dy sYktr 78 ivc `nvjIvn` aKLbfr dI punr surjIqI dI aqy aKLbfr dy 150 sflf mhfqmfˆ gfˆDI ivÈyÈ aMk dI GuMz cukfeI kIqI . rfhul gfˆDI ny ikhf, ‘pihlfˆ mIzIaf Èyr huMdf sI , pr Bfjpf srkfr ny ies nUM kfgjLI Èyr bxf idwqf hY. ies mOky rfhul ny zf[ mnmohn isMG nUM PLKLr-ey-kOm ikhf. iPr Auh pMjfb dy muwK mMqrI df hfl cfl puwCx leI Aus dy srkfrI invfs ‘qy vI gey. kYptn ipCly kuJ idnfˆ qoN bImfr cwly af rhy hn .

bfdl pirvfr dy Kfs-m-Kfs idafl isMG koilLafˆvflLI nUM ikqoN vI shfrf nhIN iml irhf. hfeIkort qy suprIm kort vwloN Ëmfnq arËI rwd krn mgroN koilLafˆvflLI df afKrI pYˆqVf vI asPl irhf hY. drasl koilLafˆvflLI ny muhflI adflq ivwc pyÈ ho ky rYgUlr Ëmfnq dI mMg kIqI ijs nUM Tukrf idwqf igaf. koilLafˆvflLI ny adflq nUM ikhf ik AunHfˆ dI inafˆiek ihrfsq mMndy hoey AunHfˆ nUM rYgUlr Ëmfnq dy idwqI jfvy. adflq ny AunHfˆ dI arËI rwd kr idwqI. hux koilLafˆvflLI kolL afqm smrpx krn qoN ibnF koeI cfrf. koilLafˆvflLI afmdn qoN vwD jfiedfd bxfAux dy ielËfmfˆ df sfhmxf kr rhy hn.

kYptn srkfr brgfVI morcy dIafˆ sfrIafˆ mMgfˆ mMnx leI iqafr kfˆgrs dy sUbf pRDfn sunIl jfKV ny ikhf hY ik pMjfb srkfr brgfVI morcy dIafˆ sfrIafˆ mMgfˆ mMnx leI iqafr ho geI hY. srkfr morcy vwloN cuwkIaf sfrIafˆ mMgfˆ pUrIafˆ kr rhI hY. morcy dI pihlI mMg golIkfˆz mfmly dy doÈIafˆ iKlfPL kfrvfeI krnf hY. ies qoN ielfvf AunHfˆ pMjfb qoN bfhr jylHfˆ ivwc bMd iswK kYdIafˆ dI irhfeI dI vI mMg kIqI sI. sunIl jfKV ny ikhf pMjfb srkfr morcy dy afgUafˆ dIafˆ dovfˆ mMgfˆ `qy kMm kr rhI hY. ies krky hI brgfVI df morcf Kqm kr idwqf igaf hY. ies dy nflL hI AunHfˆ ÈRomxI akflI dl vwloN drbfr sfihb jf ky muafPLI mMgx sbMDI vI keI svfl KVHy kIqy. AunHfˆ ikhf ik akflI dl spwÈt kry ik afKr suKbIr bfdl muafPLI iks cIË dI mMgx jf rhy hn? AunHfˆ ikhf ik prmfqmf dy Gr `c vI isafsq KHyzI jf rhI hY . PAGE 36

asqIPy mgroN jIky dIafˆ vDIafˆ muÈklfˆ, iBÈRtfcfr dy kys df PYslf rfKvfˆ idwlI dI pitaflf hfAUs kort ivwc idwlI iswK gurduarf pRbMDk kmytI qy Aus dy sfbkf pRDfn mnjIq isMG jIky ‘qy iBÈRtfcfr dy mfmly sbMDI suxvfeI kIqI geI. ies mOky puils ny afpxI aYkÈn irport pyÈ kIqI. adflq ny mulËmfˆ iKLlfPL aYPafeIafr drj krn df PYslf rfKvfˆ kr ilaf hY. PYsly dI suxvfeI nUM kIqI jfeygI. Xfd rhy ik idwlI iswK gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI `qy 51 lwK rupey dy kYÈ, 82 hËfr ikqfbfˆ qy PrËI kMpnI bxf ky Gply dy ielËfm lwgy hn. ies mfmly ivwc kmytI dy sfbkf pRDfn mnjIq isMG jIky,amrjIq isMG pwpU qy hrjIq isMG nUM mulËm krfr idwqf igaf hY .

Friday, December 14th, 2018

The Patrika 


Satti Grewal of Swing Opitcal, along with Palwinder Kaler, Gurdeep Pandher, Pammi Toor, local Taxi Drivers and Mission Mayor, Pam Alexis deliver food to the less fortunate in Mission, B.C.

To learn the truth and/or participate; Visit



The Patrika 

Friday, December 14th, 2018

h`Q KVHy kro, Awpxy inAwry siqkwry SihrIAW leI ! Awrfr AOP AYbtsPorf dIAW nwmzdgIAW hux svIkwr kIqIAW jw rhIAW hn[

To learn the truth and/or participate; Visit

Awrfr AOP AYbtsPorf aunHw inAwry lokW nMU idqw jWdw hY, ijnHw ny Sihr nMU lMby smyN qoN au`cy p`Dr dIAW suihrd syvwvW pRdwn kIqIAW hox[

mhwn ivAkqI hI mhwn smwj isrj skdy hn, AwE aunHw dy jSn mnweIey dsMbr 31 q`k iksy vI auGy ivAkqI nMU cuxo

hor jwxkwrI leI:


The Patrika

Friday, December 14th, 2018

Actor Anushka Sharma says her debut film Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi, which clocks 10 years on Wednesday, has a special place in her heart as she got to work with people who had faith in her. The actor said she is close to producer Aditya Chopra and her co-star Shah Rukh Khan even today.“Adi (Aditya Chopra, director) used to say that ‘we have taken you because you can stand on your own against anyone’. Yashji (Yash Chopra) had also said the same. For a young person like me to hear that was a huge confidence booster,” Anushka said. “I got to work with people who were very nice and generous to me. I share a beautiful equation with all of them even now. I am blessed to be working on this film. It changed my life. It is something that is going to be the most special thing I have done,” she added.

A web show is no less than a film : Ali Fazal Working in American TV show Bollywood Hero to sharing screen space with Oscarwinning veteran actress Judi Dench in the British-American film Victoria & Abdul, making a mark in Bollywood in the beginning of his career with his presence in the National Awardwinning film 3 Idiots to becoming a part of web series “Mirzapur”, actor Ali Fazal has successfully dabbled in different realms of the entertainment world.The actor says the entertainment industry going through a positive transformation where the lines between web series and feature films are blurring to celebrate good stories over screen size.“I think this transformation is a

natural progression that was bound to happen. Now, a web show is no less than a film. This is the same phase Hollywood went through five years ago when, whether it was OTT (over-the-top) platforms like Netflix, Amazon Prime or even television, they offered their audience… great content. That time, cinema faced a challenge…“Now, globally, the youth is smart enough to consume content on their smartphones, smart TV and the demand for content is increasing,” added the Fukrey actor.

I am very excited for my special appearance : Kiara Advani Kiara Advani is excited about her special appearance in Abhishek Varman's period drama Kalank. Kiara interacted with the media. On her upcoming projects, she said: "I am very excited for my special appearance in 'Kalank' since it's a huge film and it's the first time I am doing something in the period space. I have finished shooting for that."Kiara said she has started shooting for Kabir Singh and Good News. "I have just begun shoot for both Kabir Singh and Good News simultaneously and it's going very well. We are excited to continue the shoot and make a really good movie for the audience so, it has been a busy month," said the Lust Stories actress.On Kabir Singh, in which she stars with Shahid Kapoor, Kiara said: "We have just wrapped up the December schedule of the film and we will again start shooting for the film in the first week of January. So, after



Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi changed my life : Anushka

Actor Sunil Grover, who will be next seen in Ali Abbas Zafar’s directorial Bharat, has said that he has not seen a disciplined human being and artiste like Salman Khan in the film industry. Sunil, who is sharing screen space with Salman for the first time in “Bharat”, said: “I haven’t seen a disciplined human being and artiste like him (Salman). He does so much work at one time. He does shoots for his current film and at the same time, he listens to scripts which he is going to do in year 2032. “He is a very busy artiste. He does television, travelling and also looks after his ‘Being spends two hours at the gym. but on the third day again, I saw Human’ charitable organisation. Few days back, I saw that he him exercising. I feel he is made Apart from that, every day he fractured his rib while exercising of some other soil.”

I haven’t seen a disciplined human being like Salman Khan: Sunil Grover

Christmas and New Year, we will get back to shoot in Delhi."

Go Goa Gone sequel is better than the first film : Vir Das Actor-comedian Vir Das believes the sequel to his 2013 hit zombie comedy Go Goa Gone is going to be better and crazier than the original. The film, which also featured Kunal Kemmu, Anand Tiwari and Saif Ali Khan, will be once again helmed by director duo Raj Nidimoru, and Krishna DK. “We just had a meeting. It was wonderful. We all kind of realised ‘I missed you a lot in the last four years now let’s go and make this movie’. None of us expected ‘Go Goa Gone’ to be the cult film that it turned out to be. We were just making a film with passion and we hoped that somebody would get it and somebody would watch it,” he

said.“The fact that Saif would end up campaigning the film or that it would get the kind of audience it did, we didn’t expect any of that. But now the pressure is definitely there to make a good film. It has to be just as crazy as the first one. So we had a meeting with the directors and I can confidently tell you that it’s better than the first film,” Vir siad.The film is expected to go on floors in February. Currently, Vir is filming for his first American TV series in Prague. The ABC series titled Whiskey Cavalier, is produced by Warner Brothers.The actor says he was roped in for the series after the success of his first Netflix comedy special Abroad Understanding.



The Patrika 

Friday, December 14th, 2018

TfT bnfm gurduafry gwl 1977 eI: dI hY. ieMzIan afrmI dy iswK rYjmYNt sYNtr qy pMjfb rYjmYNtl sYNtr myrT (XU[pI[) qoN qbdIl ho ky rfmgVH (ibhfr) ivc jf cuwky sn. rfmgVH dy nyVy hI rFcI sLihr hY. mYN Aus vyly pMjfb sYNtr ivc gRMQI (irlIjIas tIcr) dI syvf kr irhf sF. pMjfb qoN iek sMq jI afey, ijnHF dI iswKI syvkI rFcI ivc vfhvf sI. mYN AudoN qwk sMprdf dy pihly mhFpurK df jIvn hI piVHaf sI, ijnHF sfrI ijLMdgI JuwgIaF ivc ismrn kridaF ibqfeI. AunHF qoN bfad dUjy mhFpurKF df vI Aus ielfky ivc Bjn bMdgI sdkf kfPI siqkfr sI. qIsrI pIVHI qwk phuMcidaF sMprdfvF aksr nUM hI do PfV ho jFdIaF hn. pr ieh sMprdf iqMn PfV ho geI. iqMn muKI bx gey qy TfT dy vI iqMn Bfg bx gey. AunHF iqMnF ivcoN hI iek mhFpurK iewQy afey jo srIrk pwKoN pihlvfn lwgdy sn. mYN vI AunHF nUM jf bynqI kIqI ik rfmgVH sfzy sYNtr ivc vI crn pfE. AunHF bVI KusLI nfl pRvfn kr ilaf. mYN jo piVHaf suixaf sI ik ies TfT ivc mfieaf nhIN cVHdI, ies ny hI mYnUM pRBfivq kIqf sI. insicq idn `qy aYqvfr dy dIvfn ivc sMq jI afpxy lfE-lsLkr smyq phuMc gey. sUbydfr myjr mohr isMG qy kuJ hor srdfrF nfl mYN vI AunHF dy svfgq leI bfhr KVf sI. AunHF kfr `coN AuqridaF hI afpxy gVbeI dI aYho ijhy sLbdF ivc lfh pfh kIqI jo myrI klm ilKx qoN asmrwQ hY. KYr, sMq jI dIvfn ivc puwjy. mYN AunHF dy svfgq ivc do sLbd kihMidaF mfx mihsUs kIqf ik iswKF dI ies sMprdf dy zyiraF (TfTF) ivc mfieaf nhIN cVHdI. awj dy Xuwg ivc vyKo ikMny moh mfieaf qoN inrlyp hn ieh mhFpurK? hux afpxI rsnf qoN imwTy bolF dI Cihbr lfAuxgy. sMq jI ny styj `qy bihMidaF hI pRvcn sLurU kIqy. “sMgqo! sMq huMdy af by-pRvfh. qfrdy iPrdy Kfh-mKfh. sfzIaF qF Dur drgfhoN zItIaF lwgIaF. ijhVy gurU nfnk sfihb jI ny afpxI joiq nfl vwK-vwK srIrF ivc afAuxf kIqY. sMq prmysLr ivc koeI Byd nhIN huMdf. afh ijhVI gwl kyvl suMh ny khI aY ik sfzy zyry pYsf nhIN cVHdf, eyhnUM kI pqf. afh kfrF ijhVIaF syvk sfnUM ardfsF krfAuNdy aY, ieh prrol df Krcf PAGE 40

nhIN idMdy. ieh qF qusIN dyxY. asIN DMn gurU nfnk dyv jI vloN lwgI syvf krdy aF. Krcf qusIN nhIN dUMgy qF hor BfeI kOx dAUgf?” sMqF dy muKfribMd qoN ieh bcn iblfs sux ky jo idl ivc sLrDf sI sfrI AuWz puwz geI. sUbydfr myjr sfihb nUM kihky isropfE dy nfl pMj sO rupey dy ky AunHF nUM ivdf kIqf. jfx qoN bfad iek gwloN qF mn nUM Drvfs hoieaf ik asIN ieMny mfVy nhIN hF. ieh sMq jI Auh sn jo sRI akfl qKLq sfihb dI srkfrI kfr syvf vyly 1984 ivc sMqf isMG inhMg vloN pMj ipafiraF ivc sLfml hoey sn. pUry pMQ ivcoN ienHF df siqkfr jFdf lwgf sI BfvyN srkfr vloN ienHF nUM aMg-rwiKak (gMnmYn) vI iml gey sn. ieh Gtnf myrI awKIN dyKI sI, hux kMnIN suxI suxo: ig: divMdr isMG dsmysL drbfr srI ivKy gRMQI isMG dI syvf krdy hn. myry nfl hI kmry ivc rihMdy hn. mYnUM AunHF ies TfT bfry gwl suxfeI. kihMdy, myry cfcf jI arjntInf ivc rihMdy hn. jgrfvF dy kol iek ipMz hY rUmI. AuWQoN dy iksy bMdy ny cfcy dy kol jfxf sI. asIN kuJ sfmfn phuMcfAux leI rUmI gey. hnyrf ho igaf. jgrfvF qoN koeI bws nf imlI. asIN tYNpU krky AuWQy nyVy TfT (gurduafrf sihb) ivc puwjy. iek isMG myry nfl hor sI. tYNpU vfly nUM pYsy dy ky asIN aMdr cly gey. rfq kfPI jf cuwkI sI. iewko pRymI jo bfhroN afieaf hoieaf sI, AuhI jfgdf sI. Aus nUM bynqI kIqI ik rfq kwtxI hY, koeI ibsqrf iml jfvy. Auh kihx lwgf, ieMcrfj jo iewDrlf hY, Auh sON cuwkf hY. AuWTxf nhIN Aus ny ikhf, clo dUsry sMqF dy pfs cldy hF. AuWQy do cfr syvfdfr jfgdy sn. Aus pRymI ny sfzy vfsqy ibsqiraF dI bynqI kIqI. ijhVf muwK syvfdfr sI, Aus ny bVy ghu nfl sfzy vwl qwikaf. iPr Aus nfl afey nUM kihx lwgf, “qUM ikwDroN afieaf hYN?” Aus ivcfry ny dws idwqf ik mYN dUsry sMqF vloN afieaf hF, Auh sfry suwqy pey ny. ieMnI gwl sux ky muwK syvfdfr df pfrf swqIN asmfnIN cVH igaf. Auh gMdIaF gflHF Aus nUM kwZIaF ik rhy rwb df nF. nfl hI DmkI idwqI ik huxy dPf ho jfh iewDroN nhIN qF ieMny zwkry kr dAUN ijhVy igxy vI nhIN jfxy. asIN vfps af gey. Auh pRdysI bMdf bVf duKI hoieaf.

igafnI kyvl isMG inrdosL

Aus kol iek loeI sI, Auh ivcfrf Dwky nfl sfnUM dy igaf! asIN hYrfn sF icwty kwpiVaF Qwly kflK ikqnI hY? svfl hY aYsy sMqF nUM pfldf kOx hY? inscy hI rfjnIqk lok, Auh BfvyN iksy vI pfrtI nfl sbMiDq hox. sfDF sMqF nUM sLrDflU syvk cfhIdy hn qy rfjsI afgUaF nUM votF. lokI loVdy ny aiDafqimk iqRpqI. Auh iewDroN imldI nhIN. cfhy koeI afpxy afp nUM sLRomxI sMq khfvy, cfhy sMq bfbf[[[isMG jI Kflsf. ieh aKOqI sfD sMq iesy qrHF dndnFdy rihxgy. iek gwl hor, sfry mhF purK iewko ijhy nhIN huMdy. pRMqU ijnHF kol nfm dI qfkq hY, ijnHF dy “cOigrdy hmfry rfmkfr” hY, AunHF nUM nf qy bMdUkF vfly aMg-rwiKakF dI loV hY aqy nf hI Auh afpxy duafly BIVF iekwTIaF krI iPrdy ny. aYsy `hYin ivrly nhIN Gxy’ hn jo lok syvf ihq afpxf jIvn lfeI jf rhy hn. gurpur vfsI Bgq pUrn isMG vrgy BfeI GnweIaf jI dy vfrs cuwp cupIqy syvf qy ismrn kridaF “afpu jpY avrh nfm jpfvY” dI swcI ikrq krdy hn. awj dy qxfE Bry vfqfvrx ivc hr koeI afqimk sLFqI cfhuMdf hY. aiDafqimk BuwK hr iek dy aMdr hY. Auh ies dI iqRpqI leI Btkdf iPrdf hY. iswK Drm df sunihrI asUl hY:-

kUVu amfvs vriqaf, hAu Bflix ciVaf sMsfrf. (vfr 1, pfAuVI 29) sRI gurU nfnk dyv jI ny jogIaF nUM AulFBf idwqf. iswDo! qusIN qpwisaf kIqI, sfDnf duafrf mn sfiDaf, quhfnUM swc dI kuJ so J I afeI? qu s IN Bw u l I BtkI lu k feI nUM ijLMdgI dI syD dyxI sI, pr qusIN qy KudgrjL bx ky phfVF dIaF guPfvF ivc jf Cupy. jgq df AuDfr iks ny krnf sI? isD Cip bYTy prbqI kAuxu jgiqR kAu

ikriq ivriq kir Drm dI hQhu dy kY pfir Auqfrf. Blf mnfvY. (BfeI gurdfs jI) pr awj df mnwuK eyzf KudgrjL ho igaf hY ik Aus nUM inwj df iPkr hY, dUsrf BfvyN ZwTy KUh ivc pvy. aijhy Btky hoey iensfn hI ienHF ByKDfrIaF dy cuMgl ivc Ps jFdy hn. ies ivc ksUr iks df hY? jdoN gurU nfnk dyv jI iswDF nUM imlx sumyr prbq `qy gey qF AunHF gurU nfnk dyv jI nUM pRsLn kIqf. BfeI gurdfs jI ilKdy hn:-

ies dI bjfie ik iksy dUsry dI afs qwkIey, sfnUM afp hI afpo afpxI QF `qy hMBlf mfrn dI loV hY. afpxy afp qoN sLurU hoeIey. ibgfnIaF afsF lfh ky iek mflk dI Et qwkIey:pRQmy mnu prbODY apnf pfCY avr rIJfvY. (aMg 381)

iPir puCix isD nfnk, mfq lok ivic ikaf vrqfrf?

inwj qoN sLurU krIey. jo afp Btky hoey ny,

sB isDI ieh buiJaf kil qfrix nfnk avqfrf.

pUrih qfl.’ vflI gwl hY. Drm prcfrk,

bfby afiKaf nfQ jI, scu cMdRmf kUVu aMDfrf.

sfnUM kI syD dyxgy? sB ‘rotIaF kfrix awj iksy vI rUp ivc ivcr irhf hY, Drm dI gwl Cwz ky DVy dI isafsq Kyz irhf hY. iehI awj kOm df duKFq hY.

Friday, December 14th, 2018

The Patrika 


Tips to protect your kids from the flu this winter (NC) In the winter, when kids are cooped up indoors at home and school, it’s easier for them to catch and spread viruses like the flu. For children under five who get the flu, complications can include pneumonia, ear infections and dehydration, which can result in a trip to the helps prevent the virus from spreadhospital, or even death in rare cases. ing, as it can live on hands for up to Help protect your kids with these tips: three hours. Cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and shared objects like Get the shot. It’s your best defence. countertops, keyboards and toys help The flu shot helps children build up prevent germs from spreading. their immunity so they’re better able Eat healthy and exercise. The healthto fight off the infection. ier kids are, the better they’re able to Coughing and sneezing etiquette. fight off infections like the flu. This Germs are spread through the air. means ensuring they are eating plenty That’s why it’s important to teach of fruits and vegetables and getting kids to cover their mouths and cough enough exercise. or sneeze into a tissue or their sleeves Stay at home when sick. Viruses to stop germs from spreading. spread more easily in public settings Keep hands and shared objects clean. like schools and businesses. If your Washing with soap and water (or child is sick, it’s best to keep them hand sanitizer) for at least 15 seconds at home.

TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED ¯Truck Drivers ¯Local Work Only ¯No Long Haul Wages Based Upon Experience sfnMU trwk zrfeIvr, aqy lokl kfimaF, dI loV hY| lONg hfl nhIN hY. cMgI qnKfh qjLrby anusfr idwqI jfvygI | : Please send resumes too:

Contact Jordan : 778-240-3457 E-mail : | Fax: 604-850-7225 1702 Foy St, Abbotsford BC V2T6B1

To learn the truth and/or participate; Visit PAGE 41


The Patrika 

Friday, December 14th, 2018

Abbotsford Stories Project Launched to Highlight Abbotsford’s Homelessness Prevention and Response System


he City of Abbotsford has released a series of videos that highlight the City’s Coordinated Intake and Referral (CIR) Program as part of the ongoing work of the Abbotsford Homelessness Prevention and Response System, announced Mayor Henry Braun today. The video launch took place at the University of the Fraser Valley with partner organizations and members of the public in attendance. Background In May 2015, the City of Abbotsford received $400,989 in funding from Service Canada towards the development of a Coordinated Intake and Referral (CIR) model to provide individuals who are experiencing homelessness or who are at risk of homelessness to access housing and health supports. The CIR was developed by a research and design team comprised of local housing and service providers, Fraser Health Authority, BC Housing, Ministry of Social Development-Poverty Reduction, and the City of Abbotsford. The purpose of the Abbotsford Stories project is to provide the following: Document the collaborative planning process and stakeholder perspectives related to the research, design and implementation process; Provide information regarding the Abbotsford Homelessness Prevention


and Response System and Coordinated Intake and Referral Model from the perspectives of stakeholders and Farm Workers Wanted participants; and Six Fruit Farm Workers Increase awareness about the com- wanted in Abbotsford, BC for Bathe Farms Ltd. Work location is at 30069 Huntingdon Rd, 672 Ross Rd and 695 Ross Rd. Work involves pruning, weeding, tying, harvesting and other farm work. Work is outdoors, seasonal and full time, in all weather conditions and physically demanding. Starting June 10, 2019. $12.65/hr + 4% vacation pay and posplexity and diversity of vulnerability sible bonuses, 40-60 hrs/wk. No minimum in our community. education or work expeIn addition to the videos, the City has rience required. Fax repartnered with the University of the sume to 604-856-9747 Fraser Valley to develop an online or mail to 695 Ross Rd, curriculum as part of the Abbots- Abbotsford, BC V4X ford Homelessness Prevention and 2M6. Response System’s Community of Help Wanted Integrated Practice. The curriculum can be accessed free of charge and General Farm workers will provide multi-sectoral profes- required on a berry farm sionals, community members and in Abbotsford, BC. Dustudents an opportunity to increase ties include harvesting, awareness and understanding about cultivation, sorting fruit, spraying, irrigation, liftissues related to homelessness, the ing berry containers, Abbotsford Homelessness Prevention packing, pruning, tying and Response System, and merging as well other general practices related to respectful service farm work duties. Must delivery for vulnerable populations. be productive. Should The curriculum will be fully launched be able to work with as a pilot in early 2019. farm machinery and be able to work in difTogether, the Abbotsford Stories ficult weather condition. Project and the online curriculum Should be able to work respond to the Homelessness in Ab- with others. Experience botsford Action Plan’s strategic direc- preferred. 40-70 hrs/ tion to create a culture of inclusion week. Up to 14-month term. Beginning May and respect. 15, 2019. $12.65/hr. Fax resume to 604-8507612 or mail to Kahlon Farms Ltd. 262 Columbia St. Abbotsford, BC V2T 5X6.

kfimaF dI loV

Nanny Required

Required Nanny for three ieMzIan rYstorYt aYgjI children. Full-time, perbI[sI ivc iclfvYk kol hY[ manent basis, $13/hr, location: Abbotsford, sfnUM do ikcn hYlpr dI BC, Language: English, jrUrq hY,kMm Pul tfiem skills: High School & 1-2 years of experience/ hY[rhfiesL df prbMD vI training. Duties: superkIqf jf skdf hY[Xog vrkr vise & care for children, preparing and feeding dI vrk prmt leI vI meals, personal care for shfieqf kIqI jfvygI[hor children, maintain safe, jfxkfrI leI Pon kro jI clean and healthy environment. Contact: sukhi604-615-1021

lMbr imwl ivwc lMbr stYikMg krn leI kfimaF dI loV hY|

cMgI qnKfh $18 jF vwD qjLrby anusfr idwqI jfvygI, kMm aMdr sYLwz ivwc hovygf| hor jfxkfrI leI gurjIq nUM Pon kro: 604-866-3923 jF PYks: 604-597-3228, Address: 6350 Unsworth Rd, Chilliwack

The Patrika

Friday, December 14th, 2018


ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď


SPECIALIZED IN NEW & OLD RENOVATION HOMES tfeIlF (kMDF qy, PrsL tfeIlF, hr iksm dIaF tfeIlF ieMtryNs vy tfeIls ikcn PrsL, bYk splYsL ikcn kYbinwt, aqy kFAUtr tOp nvyN aqy purfxy bfQrUm dI pUrI rYnovysLn Plor lYmInysLn

Tiles (Wall , & Floor Tiles, All Kinds Of Tiles) Entrance Way Tiles Backsplash) iksy vIKitchen qrHF rYn(Floor ovysLn &krvfAu x leI sMprk kro Kitchen Cabinet And CounterTop Full Bathroom Renovation (New & Old) Floor Lamination

High Quality Services at Very Reasonable Prices hr pRkfr dIaF tfielF iPks krvfAux leI sMprk kro

Spl: We Do Cabinet Installation for New or Old Houses All Kinds of Renovations Basement Washroom Kitchen Painting Plumbing

Drywall Roofing Framing Siding Tile

* Full Finish Basement * Sundeck All Complete

Laminate Finishing Sundeck Vinyl Paper &more

OďŹƒce Administrative Assistant

G-Load Transport Inc. Salary: $23.00/Hourly Job Type: Full-Time, Permanent Language: English Start Date of Employment (Approx.): As soon as possible Minimum Education: High School Positions Available: 1

Email : Fax : 604-852-6690

Job Location(s) 31137-SOUTHERN DR ABBOTSFORD, British Columbia V2T 5K2 Canada

G-Load is looking for a high-functioning, reliable and self-motivated individual to fulďŹ ll the role of OďŹƒce Administrative Assistant


Framing for two & three-story houses We have an excellent framing record Our framing is passed on the very first inspection We provide home warranties

EsINĂŠs`ryĂŠloErĂŠmynlYNfĂŠEqyĂŠPryzrĂŠvYlIĂŠivcĂŠdoĂŠEqyĂŠiqMnĂŠstorIĂŠ Gr~ĂŠdIĂŠPryimMgĂŠkrdyĂŠh~ s`fyĂŠkIqyĂŠhoeyĂŠkMmĂŠ(PryimMg)ĂŠd`ĂŠirk`rfĂŠs`&ĂŠsuQr`ĂŠhYĂŠEqyĂŠ hmyS`ĂŠpihlIĂŠv`rĂŠp`sĂŠhoieE`ĂŠhY|ĂŠ

We build custom homes We provide 10 years home warranty tfAUn hfAUs, nvyN Gr grMtIsLudf kuafltI vrk & Pfst srivs rYjLIzYNsLIal aqy kmrsLIal

Workers Wanted

Set up and maintain manual and computerized information ďŹ ling systems

ANAND Irrigation Well Pump Installation and Service

5390 Gladwin Road Abbotsford BC HARRIS RD







HWY 11

asIN sYpitk tYNk lfAuNdy hF We install septic tanks

Anand Irrigation


Arrange travel, related itineraries and make reservations


Greet people and direct them to contacts or service areas • Fax 604-850-9308


and co-ordinate the ow of information


HWY 11

Open and distribute regular and electronic incoming mail and other material

Jarnail Maan


Type and proofread correspondence, forms and other documents

kfimaF dI loV hY


Determine and establish oďŹƒce procedures and routines Schedule and conďŹ rm appointments Answer telephone and relay telephone calls and messages, Answer electronic enquiries Compile data, statistics and other information, work with elogbooks Order oďŹƒce supplies and maintain inventory

• • • •

Crown, Baseboard Door, Fireplace

HARDEEP BIRDI: 778-823-0765

G-load AD

& Framing Ltd. J&J Fresh Look JJ Home Builders

• Irrigation Installation

ierIgySn ienst`lySn

• Post Pounding

post l`auxy

• Drip and Sprinkler Systems

fir@p Eqy spirMklr

• Ditch Digging and Cleaning

if@c putxIE~ Eqy s`P krnIE~

• Farm Drains

Kyq~ iv@c fryn p`auxy

Workers Wanted: Welder & General helper good wages, must speak English, knowledge of Punjabi will be an asset We Specialize in Blueberry Draining Systems

Call Tarsem Singh at 604-897-2152 or 604-852-0552 PAGE 43

The Patrika



pMjfbI swiBaqf AuWqy mMzrf irhf KLqrf kuwJ swiBafqfvF jy Kqm ho cuwkIaF hn, Kfqmy vwl lY geI. jdoN hyTlI pwDr dy lok kys drj krn dI QF gwl rPf-dPf krn AunHF ivc Jfq mfr ky vyKIey, ik AunHF df inkly qF vwzy vpfrI vI Kfx pIx nUM qrsdy nUM kihMdI hY. mihMgfeI qy soky nUM vyKdy Auh QF Cwz gey. aMq ikAuN qy ikvyN hoieaf! 7[ ipqf afpxy jvfeI qy DI nUM kql kr 1[ pihlF gwl krIey mfieaf swiBaqf dI:- Pyr rfjy iknHF AuWqy rfj krdy? amIr qbkf idMdf hY, ikAuNik DI ny afpxI mrjLI nfl ivafh krvfieaf. mYksIko qoN gutmflf qwk PYly kmfl dy pwky vI hOlI-hOlI ieh QF iqafg igaf. iprfimz bxfAux vfly, Aus smyN qy ihsfb dy cotI dy mfihr, ilKfrI, kYlMzr bxfAux ivc 3[ eIstr swiBaqf vI 700 qoN 1200 8[ koeI vI bMdf afpxf asr rsUK vrq ky mfihr, pOVIdfr Pfrm bxfAux ivc kmfl sMn qwk vDdI PuldI rhI qy aKIr sfry grBvqI aOrq qwk df blfqkfr krky, Aus krn vfly, slIky nfl rihx sihx vfly aqy drwKq vwZx, pfxI df somf mukfAux qy nUM mfr kuwt ky jF kql krky bc jFdf hY. afpxI mfq BfsLf nUM ipafr krn vfly afKr KyqIbfVI ivc pfxI dI Gft kfrn hOlI-hOlI 9[ iekqrPf ipafr df jvfbI huMgfrf nf sMn 900 ivc pUrI qrHF iKMz puMz ikAuN gey? aMndfiqaF vwloN ies QF nUM iqafgx sdkf imlx AuWqy cldI sVk AuWqy mnclf afisLk Aus smyN dIaF ilKqF mOjUd hn ikAuNik Auh ieh swiBaqf vI hOlI-hOlI Kqm ho geI. kuVI AuWqy qyjLfb suwt idMdf hY jF Aus df sfry ilKx df sLOk rwKdy sn. gjLb dI gwl 4[ qurkI ivc vI 9000 sfl pihlF dI kql kr idMdf hY qy rfh cwldy bfkI lok ieh hY ik AunHF dI bolI hfly qwk ikqy nf swiBaqf aijhy kfrnF krky Kqm ho geI. pfsf vwt ky lMG jFdy hn. ikqy bolI jf rhI hY ijs sdkf AunHF bfry kuwJ ku cfnxf hfly qwk pfieaf jf skdf 5[ ielInoieaf ivcly imwsIiswpI vI bhuq 10[ nfbflg bwcIaF dy smUhk blfqkfr hY. jo swiBaqf dy mr muwk jfx dy anumfn vDIaf kfrIgr sn. KyqIbfVI qoN ielfvf, afm gwl bx ky rih gey hn. BFzy, Gr bfr qy vwzy mkfn vI sMn 600 lfey gey, Auh sn:qoN 1400 qwk AunHF ny sFBI rwKy pr, aKIr 11[ nsLy dy asr hyT puwqr hI mF df jLbr 1[ mOsm ivc bhuq ijLafdf qbdIlI kMm kfr dI qlfsL vfsqy nOjvfn qbkf hor jnfh kr rhy hn. QfeIN inkl igaf. pfxI dI Gft qy bImfrI 12[ gIq sMgIq ivc lwcrqf prosI jf rhI 2[ lVfeIaF 40,000 lokF nUM ieh QF hmysLf leI Cwzx hY. kfm BVkfAU sfihq dI ivkrI jLorF AuWqy mjLbUr kr geI. 3[ sokf AuWqy hY. 4[ lokF df dUjI QF kmfeI leI cly jfxf ienHF qoN ielfvf vI bQyrIaF hor swiBafqfvF qy AuWQoN df swiBafcfr apxf ky AuWQy df hI jo Kqm hoeIaF AunHF dy vwzy kfrn ieho lwBy gey hn:bx ky rih jfxf, bhuqy ieiqhfskfr ies qwQ nfl sihmq hoey hn ik eynI agFh vDU swiBaqf jo soikaF nfl lVI, Kurfk dI kmI kfrn bQyry lokF dy hor QfvF vwl cly jfx nUM vI JwlI, aKIr lVfeI JgiVaF qoN aOKI ho ky pUrn rUp ivc Aus QF nUM hmysLf leI alivdf kih geI. iek gwl jo iKwc pfAuNdI hY, Auh hY eynIaF sdIaF bfad vI jLbfn df bcy rihxf. kfrn sI-bhuigxqI jLbfn ilKx qy pVHn nUM qrjIh idMdy rhy. ipMzF ivc ieh jLbfn bolx vfly bcy rih gey. sLihrI qF dUjIaF jLbfnF ivc rc imc gey.

sokf, DrqI hyTlf pfxI dI kmI

2[ ieMzs swiBaqf:-

3[ aMndfqy KudkusLIaF krn lwg pey hn.

hjLfrF sfl pihlF hVwpf swiBaqf nfl juVy 5 imlIan bMdy jo mOjUdf Bfrq, pfiksqfn, ierfn qy aPgfinsqfn ijMnI QF AuWqy PYly hoey sn qy Aus smyN dy kmfl dy Gr bfr bxf, vwzIaF dukfnF bxf, pfxI dI inkfsI dy vDIaf pRbMD qy ies swiBaqf ivc anyk buwDIjIvIaF dy huMidaF vI lgBg 3000 sfl pihlF soky kfrx iZwz Brn qoN aOKy, hor QfvF vwl qur jfx nUM mjbUr ho gey. KyqIbfVI ivc keI hor cIjLF sLfml kIqIaF geIaF ijnHF ivc Gwt pfxI loVINdf sI, pr iPr vI imwtI dy sYNpl dwsdy hn ik pfxI dI Gft hI aKIr eynI vwzI swiBaqf nUM

4[ ipqf afpxIaF DIaF df blfqkfr krn lwg pey hn. Brf afpxIaF BYxF nUM cwb rhy hn.


bImfrI iks qrHF df inGfr pRqwK idsx lwg ipaf hY, Aus vwl iDafn krIey:1[ pMjfb dy aMdr vs rhy pMjfbIaF nfloN pMjfboN bfhr rojLI rotI kmfAux leI vwD pMjfbI vs cuwky hn. 2[ pMjfb dI DrqI hyTlf pfxI df pwDr bhuq nIvF jf cuwikaf hY.

5[ KLbrF ikho ijhIaF nsLr ho rhIaF hn:- iek aOrq ny pihly pqI nUM Cwz ky dUjy ivafhuqf bMdy nfl Gr vsf ky, iqMn bwcy hor jMmy. pr, dUjy pqI ny pqnI qy iqMnoN bwicaF dy isr vwZ Cwzy aqy qIjI aOrq nfl sbMD bxf ley. 6[ bjLfr ivc pqI pqnI sYr leI inkldy hn qF koeI vI mnclf sLrq lf ky aOrq nUM sVk AuWqy inrvsqr kr idMdf hY qy puils

Friday, December 14th, 2018

zf: hrisLMdr kOr

jf irhf. jy iehI hfl irhf qF pMjfbIaF dI igxqI pMjfb aMdroN Gwt ky hornF mulkF ivc vwD ho jfvygI qy pfxI ivhuxf, kYNsr pIVq, nsLy dI mfr Jwldf pMjfb afpxI mfq BfsLf nUM iql-iql mrdf vyK hOlI-hOlI ies nfl juVI swiBaqf df aMq vI vyK lvygf ikAuNik kuwKF Kqm kr ky pMjfbIaF df jIn vI sfbq nhIN bcx lwigaf.

Auh swiBafqfvF jo Kqm ho geIaF, ivwcoN lwBy kfrn awj sfnUM agfAUN KqiraF bfry 13[ sfihqkfrF nUM axgOilaF kIqf jf spwsLt kr rhy hn. irhf hY qy pMjfbI ivc rcy vDIaf sfihq mOjUdf ivgVy hflfq jy vyly isr nf sMBfly nUM pRoqsfihq nhIN kIqf jf irhf. gey qF agly 50 sfl pMjfbI swiBaqf qy 14[ jLbfn rojLI rotI kmfAux Xog nhIN rhI jLbfn AuWqy Bfr sfbq hoxgy. jIn nUM sfbq qy ies jLbfn nUM iqlFjlI dyx vfly anyk sUrq aglI pusLq qwk phuMcfAux vflI aOrq qF isrP iKzOxf bxf ky rwK idwqI geI iqafr ho cuwky hn. hY qy jLubfn…? pMjfb dI DrqI Cwz cuwikaF 15[ hornF sUibaF ivwcoN hOlI-hOlI eyny lok dI dUjI pusLq ivwcoN ikMny pMjfbI ivc sfihq iewQy af ky vs cuwky hn ik AunHF dI jLbfn rc rhy hn qy ikMny ku pMjfbI pVH skdy hn, qy swiBafcfr mOjUdf vsnIkF AuWqy hfvI hox ienHF svflF df jvfb agly afAux vfly lwg ipaf hY. pMjfh sflF dI siQqI spsLt kr dyvygf. 16[ BMgVy igwDy dI QF izsko ny lY leI hY. ijvyN Kqm ho cuwkIaF swiBafqfvF ivwcoN iksy 17[ pMjfbI jLbfn nUM Cwz ky ihMdI qy aMgryjLI hor QF qbdIl krn bfad swiBaqf dubfrf nhIN pnp skI blik dUjI swiBaqf ivc jLbfn nUM qrjIh idwqI jf rhI hY. dPLn ho geI, ieMj hI anumfn lfieaf jf 18[ prvfsI mjLdUrF vwloN mMdbwuD bwcIaF, irhf hY ik dUjy mulkF ivc vwsy pMjfbIaF mMdbuwD nOjvfn qy nfbflg pMjfbI bwcIaF dI qIjI pusLq Ausy mulk df ihwsf khfeI nfl kukrmF dIaF axigxq KLbrF rojL Cp jfeygI ijwQy Auh vws rhy hn, nf ik pMjfbI rhIaF hn. sUby df ihwsf. socx vflI gwl ieh hY ik pMjfbI jLbfn jF pMjfbI swiBaqf nUM pUrn 19[ bfhroN KrId ky ilafeIaF jf rhIaF rUp ivc qor skx vfly pMjfb aMdr ikMny nUMhF sdkf awgoN jMm rhy bwicaF ivclf ku bcxgy jdoN BfsLf ivBfg vrgy ivBfgF pMjfbI jwusf qy nuhfr vI qbdIl ho rhy hn. dIaF grFtF bMd kr ky sMG Gwuitaf jf kI ieh sfry qwq pMjfbI swiBaqf dy ivgfV irhf hovy aqy sfihq sBfvF pRqI srkfrF qy ivnfsL vw l iesL f rf nhIN kr rhy ? df nkfrfqmk rvweIaf hovy qy dUjy pfsy ieho ijhIaF anyk qbdIlIaF jo kfPI smyN aMgryjLI jLbfn nUM isKfAux vfly qy pMjfboN qoN lgfqfr ids rhIaF hn, ieh spsLt bfhr Dwkx vfly sYNtr idn dUxI rfq cOguxI kr rhIaF hn ik pMjfbI swiBaqf nUM sMBfl qrwkI kr rhy hox. rwb hI rfKf hY pMjfbI ky rwKx vfly pfsy bhuqf iDafn nhIN idwqf swiBaqf df!

The Patrika

Friday, December 14th, 2018



krmÈIlqf hI iËMdgI pRo[ mnjIq iqafgI

kMm krn vfly ivakqI leI qfˆ sfrf jIvn hI iewk Auqsv hY. ies sdI df muwK eyjMzf hY ik vwzf soco qy ibhqr kro. kMm iensfn dI iËMdgI df afDfr hY. kMm qoN ibnHfˆ iËMdgI ijAUx Xog nhIN rihMdI. kMm krn vflf iensfn hI kuJ isrj skdf hY. iËMdgI dy cfvfˆ, rIJfˆ, AumIdfˆ aqy supinafˆ nUM hkIkq ivwc bdlx leI ruJyvyˆ, kMm-kfr hfˆ pwKI BUimkf inBfAuNdy hn. ijhVy dyÈfˆ ivwc kMm nUM pUjf smiJaf jfˆdf hY Auh mulk hmyÈfˆ hI dUjy mulkfˆ qoN awgy rihMdy hn. pwCmI dyÈfˆ dI Audfhrn sfzy sfhmxy hY ijvyˆ Coty kYnvs `qy vwzI qsvIr bxfAuxf sMBv nhIN Ausy qrHfˆ CotI soc nfl koeI vwzf kMm krnf sMBv nhIN. ivhly rihxf qy smyˆ dI kdr nf krnf afpxy afp ivwc hI iBafnk rog hY. ivhlV iensfn hmyÈfˆ Qwikaf-Qwikaf rihMdf hY. Auh afpxIafˆ ÈkqIafˆ nUM pUrI qrHfˆ jgfAux leI kdy Xqn hI nhIN krdf. smfˆ bIqx dy nfl Auh afls dIafˆ qMdfˆ dI jkV `c af jfˆdf hY. nqIjy vjoN Auh jvfnI ivwc buZfpy dIafˆ alfmqf df sfhmxf krn leI mjbUr ho jfˆdf hY. iËMdgI df mËf lYx leI iksy nf iksy kMm ivwc ruwJy rho. iËMdgI dy hr pVfa `qy ikrq krnf qy ruwJy rihxf srIrk aqy mfnisk qMdrusqI df pRmfx hY. awj hryk nOjvfn dI iewk hI iewCf hY ik pVHfeI pUrI krn AuprMq Aus nUM srkfrI nOkrI iml jfvy, pr jdoN Aus nUM nOkrI nhIN imldI qfˆ Auh byruËgfr POj df mYˆbr bxn leI mjbUr ho jfˆdf hY. srkfrI nOkrI Aus nUM imldI nhIN qy hwQIN ikrq krn nUM Auh iqafr nhIN huMdf. aijhI siQqI ivwc nOjvfnfˆ nUM cfhIdf hY ik srkfrI nOkrI ipwCy dOVn dI bjfey Auh iksy mncfhy kMm ivwc lIn ho jfx. QoVHy smyˆ bfad hI AunHfˆ nUM ikrq dI imwTI KuÈbU aqy nyk kmfeI `coN pYdf hoeI ruwKI-suwkI rotI ivwcoN vI aMimRq df mËf afvygf. ivhlV ivakqI DrqI `qy boJ hY. ivhlV df ichrf qfˆ Aus dI mfˆ nUM vI cMgf nhIN lwgdf. iËafdfqr lok pYsf kmfAux leI kMm krdy hn qfˆ ik Auh roËfnf dIafˆ ËrUrqfˆ pUrIafˆ kr skx. Bfvyˆ ikhf jfˆdf hY ik hr cIË pYsy nfl nhIN KrIdI jf skdI, pr pYsy qoN ibnfˆ koeI Kfs cIË vI nhIN KrIdI jf skdI. ies leI mOjUdf dOr ivwc hryk bMdy leI kMm krnf ËrUrI hY. smfj ivwc do qrHfˆ dy vrg hn jo duwKfˆ qoN pRBfivq hn. iewk vrg kol kuJ nhIN hY, iewQoN qwk ky AunHfˆ nUM do vkq dI rotI vI nsIb nhIN huMdI, Auh duKI hY. dUjf vrg Auh hY ijs kol sB kuJ hY, pr kMm nf krn kfrn akyvf AunHfˆ dy duwK df kfrn bx igaf hY. AunHfˆ nUM afpxf jIvn byrsf, byrMgf aqy boJl lwgdf hY. iËMdgI df asl suwK kMm ivwc msLrUP rihx vfly hI mfxdy hn. mMiËl `qy Auh hI phuMcdy hn ijhVy svyry rvfnf huMdy hn. qYrnf Auh hI iswKdy hn jo

zuwbx dy zr qoN mukq ho ky pfxI ivwc kuwd pYˆdy hn. mhfn ivakqI iËMdgI `c AudyÈ rwKdy hn qy kMm nUM afpxf Drm smJdy hn. jdoN ik sfDfrn ivakqI dy jIvn `c isrP iewCfvfˆ hI huMdIafˆ hn. keI nOjvfn afpxy motrsfeIklfˆ, jIpfˆ qy kfrfˆ ipwCy afpxy ipqf df ruqbf ijvyˆ srpMc, ËYldfr, lMbVdfr, jfqI jfˆ koeI goq afid ilKf ky lokfˆ `c tohr idKfAux df Xqn krdy hn. smfj `c mfnqf pRfpq krn leI ieh iewk qrlf hI huMdf hY. aijhy nOjvfn ieh Buwl jfˆdy hn ik mMgvy prfˆ nfl lMmI Auzfx nhIN BrI jf skdI. ho skdf hY ik kuJ smyˆ leI qusIN lokfˆ df iDafn iKwcx ivwc sPl vI ho jfvo, pr lMby smyˆ leI lokfˆ dy idl ivwc vVn leI qy lokfˆ qoN siqkfr lYx leI qusIN qfˆ hI sPl ho skogy jy afp imhnq krky nyk kMm krogy. hux quhfzf dOr hY. smfj quhfzy kMm dyKygf nf ik quhfzy ipqf dy. jy qusIN iËMdgI ivwc qrwkI cfhuMdy ho qfˆ afpxy mn dI koTVI dy drvfËy hmyÈfˆ AusfrU aqy sfkfrfqmk ivcfrfˆ vfsqy KuwlHy rwK ky AudyÈfˆ nUM pRfpq krn leI inrMqr kMm krdy rho. ijhVf ivakqI kMm nhIN krdf Aus dIafˆ iÈkfieqfˆ aqy igly-iÈkivafˆ dI sUcI lMbI huMdI jfˆdI hY. kMm ivwc mÈrUP rihx vflf ivakqI byloVI Btkxf aqy bycYnI qoN bc jfˆdf hY. kfrjÈIl rihx krky CotIafˆ cIËfˆ vwl Aus df iDafn hI nhIN jfˆdf. aijhf ivakqI afpxy mksd nUM pUrf krn leI kMm nUM hI pUjf smJdf hY qy isr suwt ky kMm krdf hY. byloVIafˆ gwlfˆ jfˆ cIËfˆ Aus df iDafn BMg nhIN kr skdIafˆ. ijhVf ivakqI asPl hox kfrn kMm sLurU hI nhIN krdf Auh iËMdgI `c kuJ mfxXog pRfpq nhIN kr skdf. jdoN vI qusIN iksy kMm nUM idRV ierfdy nfl sLurU krogy qfˆ pihlfˆ nËr afAux vflIafˆ muÈiklfˆ iewk iewk krky alop ho jfxgIafˆ qy quhfzy inrMqr Xqnfˆ sdkf sPlqf quhfzI JolI ivwc hovygI. afm iensfn qoN mhfn ÈKsIaq bxn leI rfqfˆ dI nINd iqafg ky kMm krnf pYˆdf hY. dyKx ivwc afieaf hY ik iËafdf pVHy-ilKy lok iËafdf soc ivcfr krdy hn jdoN ik AunHfˆ dy mukfbly Gwt pVHy ilKy lok kMm krn `c iËafdf Brosf krdy hn. Èfied iesy krky hI kroVpqIafˆ dI sUcI ivwc qusIN dyKogy ik bhuigxqI Gwt piVHafˆiliKafˆ dI hY. ies leI ‘kMm hI pUjf` vflf isDfˆq apxf ky qusIN afpxI aqy afpxy pirvfr dI dÈf suDfr skdy ho. sLuB smfˆ sLurU hox nfl kMm sLuB nhIN huMdf sgoN kMm sLurU hox nfl smfˆ sLuB ho jfˆdf hY. ies leI kdy vI kMm dI sLurUafq krn mOky koeI Kfs idn jfˆ Kfs lgn dI AuzIk krky afpxf amuwl smfˆ ivarQ nf guafE. bs kMm sLurU kr idE.

zyˆgU df ielfj qy sfvDfnIafˆ nirMdr kumfr BdOVIaf (zf[)

zyˆgU iewk vfiers df nfm hY. zyˆgU hox df kfrn ienPYkÈn huMdf hY. ieh ienPYkÈn zyˆgU dy krIb cfr qrHfˆ dy vfiers krky huMdf hY. ieh vfiers hn 45aYnvI1, 45aYnvI 2, 45aYnvI 3 aqy 45 aYnvI4 zyˆgU buKfr, zyˆgUgRsq mwCr dy kwtx nfl huMdf hY ijs df nfm eyzIË hY. ieh iewk mnuwK, ijs nUM zyˆgU hY, rfhIN iek mnuwK qoN dUsry mnuwK qwk eyzIË mwCr PYlfAuNdf hY. ies mwCr dy srIr aqy lwqfˆ `qy kfly aqy icwty rMg dIafˆ DfrIafˆ huMdIafˆ hn. ies krky ies nUM cIqf mwCr vI ikhf jfˆdf hY. ieh mwCr idn smyˆ kwtdf hY. mfdf mwCr afpxy afˆzy sfP pfxI dy kMtynrfˆ ivwc hI idMdI hY. isrP mfdf mwCr hI zMg mfrdf hY ikAuNik ies nUM afˆzy dyx leI pRotIn dI ËrUrq huMdI hY jo ies nUM mnuwKI KUn coN iml jfˆdI hY. ies nfl ies dy afˆzy nUM vDx ivwc afsfnI ho jfˆdI hY. ies mwCr dy kwtx qoN swq idnfˆ bfad ies df vfiers mnuwKI srIr `c Gr kr jfˆdf hY. iek mfdf eyzIË dI Aumr lgpg iqMn hPqy mMnI jfˆdI hY. pRMqU ieh mfdf mwCr afpxI Aumr ivwc 3 jfˆ 4 vfrI afˆzy idMdI hY. hr vfr idwqy afˆizafˆ dI igxqI krIb 200250 huMdI hY. vwzy bx cuwky mwCr afm qOr `qy anHyry Qfvfˆ Aupr ijvyˆ ik kmry ivwc bYWz dy hyTfˆ, pridafˆ dy ipwCy, kursIafˆ aqy myËfˆ dy Qwly luk ky bYTdy hn. ienHfˆ dy zMg mfrn leI Auzx dI smrwQf bhuq QoVI huMdI hY. ieh mwCr qkrIbn 400 mItr qwk AuzfrI mfr skdf hY. sfP pfxI nfl Bry hoey kMtynr, pfxI vfly GVy, purfxy skUtrfˆ sfeIklfˆ dy tfier, gmly aqy hor aijhf sfmfn, ijs ivwc pfxI KVHf hovy, afˆzy dyx leI vrqdy hn. ies df iswDf mqlb ieh inkldf hY ik ieh mwCr hOlI hOlI afpxy afˆizafˆ nfl ies ibmfrI nUM bhuq hI afsfnI nfl PYlfa idMdy hn. zyˆgU mfdf mwCr kdy vI afpxy afˆzy dyx leI cwldy pfxI df iesqymfl ijvyˆ sUey, nihrfˆ, zrynfˆ, ndIafˆ, JIlfˆ afid nUM nhIN vrqdy. dyKx ivwc afieaf hY ik mfdf mwCr dy zMg mfrn qoN 5-6 idnfˆ bfad mwCr dI ienPYkÈn mnuwKI srIr ivwc Gr krdI hY. ies df iswDf ijhf mqlb ieh hY ik iksy vI zyˆgU mfdf mwCr dy kwtx mOky ienPYkÈn nhIN huMdI sgoN 5- 6 idnfˆ ivwc ies df asr hoxf sLurU huMdf hY. zyˆgU df mwCr afm krky idn vyly zMg mfrdf hY. ieh dyKx ivwc afieaf hY ik ieh sUrj inklx qoN do GMty bfad aqy Èfm nUM sUrj iCpx qoN do GMty

pihlfˆ aYkitv rihMdf hY Bfv zyˆgU df mwCr isrP idn smyˆ hI kwtdf hY. ies qoN bcx leI pUrIafˆ bfhfˆ dy kwpVy pihno. ies qrHfˆ dy kwpVy pfAu ijs nfl pUrf srIr Zikaf jfvy. idn smyˆ mwCr BjfAux vflIafˆ krImfˆ, guwz nfeIt, afid df iesqymfl kro. Kfs krky bwicafˆ aqy bjLurgfˆ df iDafn rwKoˆ ikAuNik idn smyˆ iËafdfqfr bwcy aqy bjLurg afrfm krdy hn. zyˆgU dIafˆ inÈfnIafˆ: qyË isr drd hoxf, awKfˆ dy ipCly ihwsy ivwc iËafdf drd mihsUs hoxf, mfspyÈIafˆ df drd, joVfˆ df drd, KfrÈ nfl dfxy inklxf aqy nwk qy msUiVafˆ ivcoN KUn vgxf. ieh lwCx afm qOr qy zyˆgU dI ibmfrI gRsq mwCr dy kwtx qy idKfeI idMdy hn. iewQy ieh vI ijkrXog hY ik ieh Auprokq lwCx hox df mqlb ieh vI nhIN hY ik ijs mnuwK `c ieh lwCx hox Aus nUM zyˆgU hoxf XkInI hY. jy iksy mnuwK nUM lwgdf hY ik Aus ivwc zyˆgU buKfr dy lwCx hn qfˆ Auh jldI zfktr kol jf ky afpxy KUn dy sYˆpl dy skdf hY. sYˆpl dI irport afAux qy sfP ho jfˆdf hY ik zyˆgU hY jfˆ nhIN zyˆgU dy tYst do pRkfr dy huMdy hn. iek tYst pihly pMj idn ivwc zyˆgU dy lwCx mihsUs hox aqy dUjf tYst pMj idnfˆ qoN bfad huMdf hY. sfDfrn zyˆgU buKfr ivwc mOq nhIN huMdI aqy lgpg iewk hPqy bfad mrIË TIk ho jfˆdf hY. pr jykr mrIË nUM agly pVfa zyˆgU sok isMzrm dy lwCx hox aqy smyˆ isr BrqI nf krvfieaf jfvy qfˆ jfnlyvf ho skdf hY. 3 qoN 5 idnf dy buKfr qoN bfad Auprokq lwCx idKfeI dyx qfˆ mrIË nUM qurMq hspqfl BrqI krvf dyxf cfhIdf hY. nvjMmy bwcy aqy Coty bwcy ies df jldI iÈkfr ho skdy hn. shI smyˆ kIqf igaf ielfj zyˆgU mrIË dI iËMdgI bcf skdf hY. ies ivwc dyrI hox kfrn mOq df Kqrf vI bixaf rihMdf hY. zyˆgU dy icMnH: iËafdf pyt drd aqy vfrvfr AultI afAuxf. lfl rMg dy Dwby jfˆ cmVI dy pYicj. nwk rfhIN KUn df afAuxf. AultI rfhIN KUn df afAuxf. sfh lYx vyly qklIP hoxf. ijs mrIË nUM iek vfr zyˆgU ho cuwkf hovy Aus nUM dubfrf vI zyˆgU hox dy afsfr hn, pr dUsrI iksm dy vfiers qoN. qMdrusq idKx vflf ivakqI vI zyˆgU df mrIË ho skdf hY. iËafdfqr mrIË zyˆgU buKfr df ielfj afpxy Gr krvfAuNdy hn ikAuNik afpxy Gr ivwc mrIË suKfvfˆ rih ky afpxy Kfx pIx df iËafdf iDafn rwK skdf hY. PAGE 45


The Patrika 

Friday, December 14th, 2018

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The Patrika

Friday, December 14th, 2018

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The Patrika



Friday, December 14th, 2018



is announcing the merging of their two locations! Vick, Aman & Sunny would like to thank their customers for the continued support over the years and want to assure everyone the same great ser vice will be available from the location at

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Sunny Ahuja




O ROGERS,. Authorized Dealer

HIGHSTREET UNIT CllO - 3112 MT LEHMAN ROAD 604-381-2802 For Information on our other 20 Locations visit PAGE 48



Friday, Dec 14th, 2018



HARJ BRAR Real Estate Advisor

ROBBY GILL Real Estate Advisor






ABBOTSFORD ABBOTSFORD New Price $698,000 $648,888

ABBOTSFORD New Price $1,498,888


STARTING AT $350,000 LOTS 1 & 2, 270B STREET Level rectangular lots located close to all amenities and all levels of schools. Build your DREAM HOME NOW! Located in walking distance to the New Aldergrove Credit Union Community Centre consisting of state of the art swimming pool, gym, and skating ring only steps. Not to mention shopping, restaurants, coffee shops, close highway access, etc. Lot is ready to build and have house plans ready. Hurry, don't miss out!!!

Call Harj 604-309-1111

3373 – 273 STREET * 2 Storey w/ Bsmt * Stonebridge Estates * 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms

6969 MARBLE HILL ROAD Come build your executive custom home on this 1.12 acre lot in Eastern Hillsides. This property offers outstanding value and is a unique

* House size: 3,629 sq. ft.

opportunity to create your family's

* Lot size: 5,030 sq. ft.

dream property. It is located high

* Bright and spacious layout * Granite countertops, ss appliances * Fully fenced backyard, great location

Call Harj 604-309-1111

above the valley on a quiet street, yet only minutes from town and highway access. Make this lot yours today, it won't last long!

Call Harj 604-309-1111




Are you looking for the perfect lot to build your dream home on? Look no further, this prime lot in east Abbotsford & located in a cul-de-sac offering gorgeous views of the Sumas Prairies and surrounding mountains! Conveniently located close to highway 1, Abbotsford/Mission Hwy, shopping, restaurants, schools, churches, recreation & the Sumas Border.

* 2 Storey Townhome – Corner lot * 3 bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms * Size of unit: 1,308 sq. ft. * One bed & one bath upstairs * Large fully fenced & private backyard * Pet & family friendly complex * Upgrades: fence, windows roof & sliding door * Close to all levels of schools

* Basement Entry Home * 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms * House size: 2,565 sq. ft. * Lot size: 7,010 sq. ft. * 1 bedroom suite (bedroom converted to home salon) * Private backyard has Garden & Workshop w/ power * Central location * Some updates, call for list

Call Harj 604-309-1111

Call Harj 604-309-1111

Call Harj 604-309-1111

32564 PEARDONVILLE ROAD * Split Entry home, 3 storey * 6 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms * House size: 2,177 sq. ft. * Lot size: 6,600 sq. ft. * 2 bedroom LEGAL suite * Vaulted ceilings, wood fireplace * Fully fenced, flat backyard * Central location

Call Harj 604-309-1111

2247 WINDSOR STREET * Rancher/Bungalow w/Bsmt * over $300,000 in renovations * 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms * House size: 3,713 sq. ft. * Lot size: 16,366 sq. ft. * Unauthorized suite * Detached shop w/ 200 amp power * Contact me for a list of features Call Harj 604-309-1111

LOTS FOR SALE Call Harj 604-309-1111



Friday, Dec 14th, 2018

Thinking of Buying or Selling? Give me a call today! Residing in the Fraser Valley for the past 20 years


#110-30485 Cardinal Ave

Abbotsford, BC V2T 0E5




Friday, Dec 14th, 2018

Sukh Malhi


Personal Real Estate Corporation

iksy vI qrHF dI pRfprtI KRIdx jF vycx leI suwK mwlI nflL sMprk kro ING






2151 Meadows St. Great Location & Big Lot !Spacious Rancher with over 2600 sq ft of living space; 8300 sq. ft lot with a fenced back yard. In a quiet neighborhood, close to schools,Mill lake park, shopping and close freeway access.Three bedrooms up with two down along with large rec-room, full bathroom and large storage room. A new patio deck will help you enjoy this west facing back yard. Sevral Updates Include New roof, vinyl windows, New Paint, New Furnace & water tank, Updates Bathrooms. A truly great family home. Call today to View......

$ 759,000


2060 Broadway Street

32173 Mouat Drive Great location!Investor or First time buyer alert. Just Steps Away from all levels of Schools. This home located on Quiet cul-desac! This 4 bdrm/2 bath home has legal suite. This home needs TLC - Either bring it back to its former glory or build your dream home here.

$ 799,000

$ 729,000




124 3160 Townline Rd.

Office 604.855.0800


31031 Southern Drive Amazing West Abbotsford home On a Corner Lot, offering 5 Bedrooms and 3 Baths. Large Double Garage and lots of parking . Recent upgrades include New paint,New Floors,Blinds & Kitchen Counter top.Close to all levels of schools & Grocery Stores . Don't forget the new Highstreet Mall is just blocks away! 3 bedrooms upstairs Great value & a great location. Patio area to enjoy the private backyard. This is the perfect home! Walking distance to shopping, transit and parks. Call today to View......




52 31098 Westridge Place



315-2962 Trethewey Street

3106 Mouat Drive

Super bright and spacious unit in the popular Cascade Green complex. With 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, you'll love the modern feel and open plan. New Carpet, New paint, New Granite Counter tops newer lighting fixtures. Huge covered deck, in-suite laundry with lots of storage, walk-in closet in master, 3 pc ensuite with stand-up shower, QUIET LOCATION IN THE COMPLEX, the list goes on! One parking stall with additional spots available, pets allowed with restrictions.

Great location! Just Steps Away from both Schools. Simply gorgeous home located on large corner lot with gated RV parking! This 5 bdrm/3 bath home! This home sits on 6550 Sq ft of land. Some of the Updates new roof, new laminate floor downstairs, new paint, Large sundeck over double garage.

Call today to View......

$ 299,000



31914 Hopedale Ave

$ 779,000



99 3030 Trethewey St.

To learn the truth and/or participate; Visit PAID ADVERTISEMENT Contact us to start your advertising campaign.

604.852.2288 33222 Old Yale Rd., Abbotsford BC V2S 2J5

British Columbia’s only Bilingual Newspaper

@ patrikamedia

Serving the community since 1996



Friday, Dec 14th, 2018

RESIDENTIAL | Near Sikh Temple LD


3088 Princess st




2108 Vinewood st



$679,800 32372 Alpine ave, 5 bedroom, 2.5 bathrooms, 7738 sqft lot


2 Storey With Bsmt 5 Bdrm, 3.5 Bath Recroom & Bsmt Suite

44-31255 Upper Maclure 32043 Tims Avenue 32827 Hardwood place

House on 2 legal lots 12798 sqft

12240 sqft lot Duplex

2095 Beaver St

11-33682 Marshall rd 403-33960 Old Yale Road

34118 Larch Street 32107 Clinton Ave 2411 Adelaide st 122-2515 Park dr 2994 Eastview street


5.08 acres


20 Acres

12 Acres

10 Acres

planted in blueberries flat rectangluar parcel build your dream home 5 min from abbotsford centre

28218 Layman ave, Abbotsford 2 homes on 5 acres 2 acres in blueberries Near Abbotsford, Aldergrove



19.5 Acres

565 MARION RD, ABBOTSFORD New listing Build your dream home Sumas prairie Drip irreg Duke & Elliot Variety 10 mins from sumas way


Flat fertile land Plant berries or other crops Near no. 3 rd exit

10 Acres



Sumas Prairie, Abbotsford

40721 No. 1 Rd, Abbotsford 12 Acres bare land 3 Bedroom hous



10 Acres


BEHARREL RD, ABBOTSFORD Planted In Blueberries Flat Rectangular Parcel Build Your Dream Home 5 Min From Abbotsford downtown



25.39 Acres



Full production blueberry 5 bedroom house (2012 built) near no. 3 rd exit


MISSION Good location Planted in Blueberries 2 bedroom house

32425 King Road..............................5 Acres 1723 Jackson Street.........................Appx 5 Acres 28028 layman avenue .....................Appx 5 Acres 6230 riverside street.........................Appx 5 Acres


69.29 Acres


6113 Beharrell Road..............................Appx 10 Acres 7.09 acres lot B Haverman ...................Appx 7 Acres 5111 Tolmie road................................... Appx 8 Acres 14627 Dixon road ..................................Appx 30 Acres

Friday, Dec 14th, 2018




Friday, Dec 14th, 2018

Amit Sudhakar

Nav Aulakh

Seller’s Agent 778.552.5658

Buyer’s Agent 778.347.8700

Exceptional Client Service & Professional Real Estate Advice RESIDENTIAL

32773 Cowichan Terrace

Make a huge 6000+ sq ft duplex on this 10680 sq ft lot . 3500 sq ft house built in 2018 with suite available in Chilliwack,


Asking $799,000


Maple Ridge Asking $7.6M • 19 Lot Subdivision

Maple Ridge Asking $599,000 • 6,200 sq.ft. Lots available

Site in Clayton Asking $15.5M 83 Unit Townhome site

25 unit townhouse site in South Surrey asking 5,625,000

Lots available in Abbotsford, Mission, Maple Ridge, Surrey and Langley

2 lot subdivision in Abbotsford on Babich st. Already application done.


Duplex lots in Delta Asking Price



10 Acre assembly in Langley Asking $1.8M/acre • Brookswood - for Mixed


2 & 3 Lot Development Potential in Abbotsford. Call for more info!

Site in Central Gordon Asking $7M • 50 Unit Townhome site

South Surrey Starting from $565,000/lot • 55 Lot Subdivision


44 unit apartment building in maple ridge with PLA. Asking 3.5 mill

Apartment site in Burnaby asking 7.5 million


1990 Coquitlam Ave. Asking $3.5M • apartment building 9 units available

42 unit apartment site in Abby asking 2.9 million

South Surrey half acre lot asking 1.6 million

South Surrey Asking $9.5M • 19 Lot Subdivision


10 Acre Blueberry Farm Asking $1.6M • Close to 256 & 16th Ave • Lots of outbuildings & 3 bedroom house. • Variety is Duke.

5050 157 Street Asking This is a 35.35 Acre blueberry Farm with very central location. Build your beautiful dream house to live in a country side living.

$4,499,000 .

Looking to sell your property ? Call us today for a FREE no obligation evaluation ! PAGE R6

Friday, Dec 14th, 2018


To learn the truth and/or participate; Visit PAID ADVERTISEMENT



Friday, Dec 14th, 2018

Curb appeal can enhance your bottom line

Ms. Jones, a potential buyer, drives by your soon as a potential buyer sees your home, home prior to viewing it with her Real Es- they will begin creating an emotional connectate Professional. The red brick, the large tion, be that good or bad, with your home. A buyer begins to form a picture in their minds. Could I live here? Can I maintain my current lifestyle in this home? How much work do I have to do? After viewing a home that looks cared for, on the outside, they will want to move inside. Be sure to consider the following areas when enhancing your curb appeal. Paint

Hose down sidewalks and driveways. Clear any clutter. Store any toys, sporting equipment or bicycles, neatly in the garage or basement. Remove stray weeds from adjoining lawn areas. Eavestrough If possible hose them down, along with the siding and sidewalks. Remove any leaves or debris. If they're damaged or loose, repair them. Fences/siding/exterior Complete any repairs to these areas. A fence that looks like it will blow over the in the next strong wind, leaves a bad impression. Be sure to hose down these areas, prior to viewing. Cracked/uneven foundation

Chipped or peeling paint Have this area repaired. A buyer is less likely to purchase your home if they will be hit with foundation repairs. Lighting windows and the two-car garage looked very attractive in the properties listing. However, she can’t avoid noticing the patchy lawn, missing shingles on the roof, the chipped window frames, soiled siding, and kids’ bicycles and wagons stacked three-deep on the side of the garage. The front door is a foul shade of violet. Now she knows why that shot never made it into the properties listing pictorial. She shakes her head and drives away, without even getting out of her car. She calls her Real Estate Professional and detracts from your home’s appearance. An says she would like to look at another house. inexpensive paint job, including front door, fence, shutter and other surfaces can signifiIt’s always a good idea to improve your cantly enhance your home’s appearance and home’s outside appearance. In fact, it’s value. Choose a neutral color that matches essential to increasing the price you will re- the brick, siding, fence or trim of your home. ceive for your home. A prospective buyer will determine, in seconds, whether your home Landscaping is a prospect. Mow and edge your lawn. Repair any unSet the stage with good curb appeal Curb appeal is the overall impression that your home creates when viewed by a potential buyer. It is the quality that gets buyers’ thinking about your home as their home. As PAGE R8

Upgrade any worn or rusted lighting. Warm lighting around your home’s exterior creates an inviting appearance. Even a smaller home can appear cozy with the correct lighting. Finishing touches Put out a new, inexpensive welcome doormat. Clean any outdoor furniture and replace old and worn cushions. If you have a pet that lives in the backyard, be sure to advise your Real Estate Professional in advance. Even better, arrange for pet boarding when showing your home.

When you pay attention to the curb appeal of your home will likely spend less time on the market. Uncompleted repairs could lengthen the time needed to sell your home. The first impression that a buyer makes of your home is important. It sets the tone for the rest of the sightly patches. Trim trees and shrubs. walk through. When your prospective buyer Replace old pots with new ones. Water falls in love with the exterior, he or she will flowers. Store garden tools in the garage or anticipate an equally appealing interior. With basement. good curb appeal, you are issuing a personal invitation: “Welcome. Come on in.” Sidewalks/driveway


Friday, Dec 14th, 2018

Baldev Singh Gill 

Kirandeep Singh Gill


604.825.8886 31046 SOUTHERN DRIVE

Very clean 3 storey house with a walkout basement in West Abbotsford. Heated kitchen, ensuite and a family room floors. New furnace and new central air conditioner. Roof was replaced few years ago. Close to all levels of schools, Fruiticana and Highstreet Mall. Call for more info.


Custom built 3 storey home with 2-5-10 years warranty in West Abbotsford’s newest subdivision. 4 bedrooms upstairs with 3 full baths. One bedroom with full bathroom on main floor. Walk out basement has 3 bedrooms , 2 full bath and very spacious media room.


2300 Sq. ft. Rancher with full basement is located in a quiet dead end street. 7700 Sq. ft. flat lot. Some recent updates are: New windows, new blinds, new washer/dryer, new carpet on stairs and brand new full bath in the basement.

Over 3200 Sq. ft. home in West Abbotsford. Several upgrades including: new laminate flooring in living and family rooms, new tiles in the foyer and kitchen, brand new blinds, only 4 years old roof, a fully fenced backyard and relatively new paint. Close to Rotary stadium, W.J. Mouat Secondary and Gordie Howe Middle School.

Farm Listing

3131 267A STREET

19.44 Acre Full Production 33629 Clayburn RD Blueberry Farm

11 year old 1/2 duplex with living, dining, kitchen, family room and 2 piece bath on main; 3 bedrooms and 2 full bath on upstairs. Single garage, fenced private backyard with covered patio and store. No strata fee, independent living, lot of privacy Close to elementary school.


#207 1909 SALTON ROAD



2 Bed & 1 Bath Apartment on the Main Floor with 2 parking spots. Many upgrades in past few years including: Laminate floors, white baseboards, designer paint, blinds, counter tops, white appliances, bathroom tile around tub, vanity fixtures, electrical plugs & switches! Great location viewing the private common area.

3130 267A STREET


Duke and Bluecrop varieties. Very good production for 2017 Full irrigation system and machine pick. House and Barn.

16.32 acre income producing blueberry farm. 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 1950 sqft rancher. 100x40 barn, has 2 storeys, oversized doors on both ends of barn, extra concrete slab. Peat moss, Huge potential here! Close to town and Mission Hwy.


Legal Representation & Real Estate Lawyers

If your car needs repair, you take it to a mechanic. If your teeth need attention, you visit your dentist. Likewise, when you are selling a home, legal representation can protect your investment. Look for a lawyer experienced in real estate transactions. He or she can protect your interests and can ensure that the numerous details of your real estate transaction are h a n d l e d c o rrectly. In short, a lawyer’s role in acting for you, the seller, is to ensure you get what you bargain for, at the agreed price, under the agreed terms. When it comes to selling a home, a lawyer will complete the following services:

Act as escrow agent to hold a down payment, binder or money deposit. Evaluate offers from potential buyers. Ensure that the contract is legal, valid and that you understand the conditions of the agreement. Host and handle the closing. Evaluate financial arrangements. Ensure that the adjustments are properly calculated and that the purchase monies have been properly disbursed. Advise you on the tax and estate issues of the sale of the home. The sale of your home is a precise and legal procedure that must be accurately completed to protect your rights and profits. Knowing how to handle all of these details means the difference of thousands of dollars in your pocket. PAGE R9


Friday, Dec 14th, 2018

Low Cost Ways to Improve Your Home's Interior When it comes to the sale of your home, it is the little things that can go a long way to increasing the price you will receive. Most buyers respond positively to a clean, clutter-free home that is in good condition. The more effort you put into the appearance of your home, the more likely you’ll receive greater activity, multiple offers and possibly generating a higher profit. Over time, we become accustomed to our homes, often overlooking the eyesores and the list of honey-do’s that were never completed. Clutter accumulates. We think nothing of the low light and the pale and cracked paint.

Create space. Ensure that all doors, cabinets and drawers open all the way without sticking or bumping into anything. Clean out the entrance hall closet. Move oversized furniture to a storage facility or garage. Entrances to all rooms should have an open flow. Make the most of your views.

Put a screen or a basket of flowers n front of a fireplace if not in use. Make sure there is enough room for visitors to view out the winCreate warmth and coziness in the living dows. Remove any clutter around room, with a crackling fire. Put a pair of wine window areas. Clean windows glasses and a vase of flowers on the coffee An unbiased opinion is a wonderful idea. A Create counter space. table in front of the fire. Real Estate Professional has the knowledge Store away extra appliances. Put away dish and experience to know where you can imracks, soap dishes and other clutter. Remove prove your home. At the same time, he or Eliminate the odors. she is familiar with other homes magnets from refrigerator. in your neighborhood. He or she is familiar with repairs that should be completed. Your Real Estate Aim for neutral décor. Professional can recommend De-personalize your teenager's larger items to complete, such as room, the family room or other painting, flooring upgrades. Howareas by removing wild posters or ever, there are numerous smaller, items that could be construed as inexpensive things you can do to greatly improve the showing offensive. of your home. With a little elbow Increase the wattage. grease, and a little creativity, it is easy to keep your home in prime Pay attention to the laundry room, showing condition. kitchen and bathrooms. Prior to showing, turn on the lights in every Prior to the listing, have a garage room. sale. The rule is “less is better.” Clean. Organize. Discard. Donate. Pack all that you can. Clean out closets and storage areas. Donate old clothes and furniture to local charities. This will create a sense of greater space -- and mean less to move. What about all those books and magazines that you do not want? Perhaps you can donate them to a local library, hospital or charity.

Buyers respond less favorably to smells. Use cleansers of all kinds to make the home smell fresh, from carpet freshener to potpourri. Deodorize your cat’s litter box. Scoop litter daily. Put cedar chips inside the closets. Use the sense of smell to your advantage by having fresh-baked cookies or other baked goods on the kitchen table. People have both allergies and concerns when it comes to animals. If Set the stage. you have a pet, make arrangements to have Take full advantage of the areas in your it elsewhere when a home is being shown. home. Set the table with your best china. PAGE R10

Family photos. Place family photos throughout your home especially in living room, bedrooms and family rooms. After you have completed these inexpensive tasks, stand back. Ask a friend to view your home. Is it warm and inviting? Does it look comfortable and spacious? Is the aroma pleasant? When you create a positive, warm environment it is likely your buyer will feel the same way.

Friday, Dec 14th, 2018





Friday, Dec 14th, 2018

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