The Patrika 604.852.2288 | “ B R I D G I N G
COMMUNITIES” Weekly | Friday Jan 4th, 2019 | Vol.23. No.15 | |
inrpwK, suqMqr aqy agFhvDU soc nMU prnfieaf hoieaf A SECULAR, INDEPENDENT & PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER
Karamjit Rajwan An Insurance Expert assits Super Visa client received about $ 100,000 claim
krmjIq rwjvwn ieMSorYˆs dy Kyqr iv`c qzrbykwr slwhkwr, ijnHwˆ ny Awpxy gRwhk nUM l`gB`g ie`k l`K fwlr (100,000 fwlr) dw klym duAwieAw[ krmjIq rwjvwn ieMSorYˆs dy mYdwn iv`c keI swlwˆ qoˆ qzrbykwr Aqy keI Avwrf jyqU shI slwhkwr Aqy bhuq hI TMFy suBwA vwLy Aqy shI l&zwˆ rwhIˆ hr ieMSorYˆs dy quhwfy svwlwˆ dy jvwb dyx dI muhwrq r`Kdy hn[ ijvyˆ auprokq d`s rhy hwˆ ik ienHwˆ ny ieMfIAw qoˆ supr vIzy ‘qy Awey pirvwrwˆ nUM Acwnk ishq sm`isAw nwl hspqwl iv`c dw^l hoxw ipAw Aqy ielwj qoˆ qMdrusq hox q`k pirvwr nUM bhuq hI pRySwnI dw swhmxw krnw ipAw[ pRMqU Aijhy kiTn mOky ‘qy rwhq idvwaux ‘c krmjIq rwjvwn horwˆ dI supr vIzy leI id`qI pwilsI ny sB dy ichirAwˆ ‘qy KuShwlI dI lihr ilAw id`qI jd ik mrIz nUM ie`k l`K fwlr (100,000 fwlr) dy l`gB`g swrw muAwvzw imilAw[ kimaUintI iv`c rwjvwn horwˆ dw nwm hor vI nwmvr ieMSorYˆs slwhkwrwˆ iv`c drz hY[ kimaUintI nUM vI mwx hY ik Aijhy pRoPYSnl, shI slwhkwr swbq hox! *PYimlI plwn - iksy vI bImwrI jwˆ s`t Pyt l`gx dI hwlq iv`c quhwnUM muAwvzw imlygw jo Awp 85 swl dI aumr q`k r`K skdy ho[ (ijvyˆ pihlwˆ ijMny mrzI klym kIqy hox) * tr`k qy tYksI frweIvrwˆ leI spYSl ifseybiltI plwn- iksy kwrn vI kMm dy Xog nw hovoˆ qwˆ ies plwn leI pUrw muAwvzw lY skdy ho[ * swfw mksd quhwfy swry pirvwrwˆ nUM sur`iKAq r`Kxw hY, qwˆ ik jdoˆ vI koeI ishq sMbDI muSkl Acwnk Aw jwvy qwˆ shI ieMSorYˆs pwilsI hI quhwfI loV vyLy m`ddgwr hovygI[ * AsIˆ XkInn quhwfy sB leI hI kMm krdy hwˆ, nw ik ieMSorYˆs kMpnIAwˆ leI[ iksy vI ieMSorYˆs sbMDI svwl jwˆ slwh mSvrw krn leI (bwkI s&w 14 qy) krmjIq rwjvwn nwl 604.897.9646 qy sMprk kr skdy ho[ (PAID ADVERTISEMET)
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The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
itAUn aWp, brykF, aYgjLfst, PrMt aYWz vrk, ieMjn irpyarjL, klWc, vftr pMp, trYnI srivs, XU- jfieMtjL, PrMt aYksl sLfPtjL afid
Repair Shop E`p dI k`r j~ ip@kE@p dI hryk qrH~ dI mkYnIkl sm@isE` d` h@l qs@lIbKS kMm r`hIN kIq` j~d` hY! Looking for a 3rd or 4th year Mechanic!
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klgIDr gurduafrf sfihb ivwKy hoey dsqfr mukfbly dIaF kuJ JlkIaF (bfkI pMnf 6 'qy)
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
ICBC CLAIMS afeI.sI.bI.sI dy dfavy
trfiel smyq asIN quhfzy Gr afky vI srivs idMdy hF
trfiel smyq
33222 Elz Xyl roz,aYbtsPorz, bI.sI. imlx leI apufieMtmYNt jLrUrI hY
isrP aYbtsPorz rihx vfilaF leI puwCigwC
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
sµpfdkI kuWl mnuWKqf ivWc rWb dI hoNd ƒ mµnx vfÜy qy rWb ƒ nf mµnx vfÜy lokF dy mWq vWK vWK hn» rWb ƒ mµnx vfÜy lokF ny i˵dgI dy kuWJ as¨l imQy, ijnHF ƒ Drm df nfm idWqf igaf» sµsfr ‘qy by-igxq Drm hn qy DrmI vI» sfry DrmF dI Koj kIqI jfvy qF sfP ho jfvygf ik hr Drm dy as¨l alWg aWlg hn» as¨lF dI alWgqf krky keI DrmF ivWc JgVy vI huµdy rhy, ijs kfrn by-ks¨r lokF dy K¨n zuWlHdy rhy» BfrqI sµsikRqIaF anusfr mnuWKI jIvn rWb dI ieWk vzmuWlI dfq hY aqy ies ƒ shI Zµg nfÜ ijAUxf mnuWK df PrË hY» keI vfr koeI shI Zµg nfÜ ijAUN irhf hY pr Aus ƒ koeI jrvfxf ijAUx nhIN dy irhf qF lVfeIaF pYdf huµdIaF hn» buWD qy jYn Drm ÈFqmeI jIvn dy pujfrI hn, isWK Drm grIb dI rWiKaf, jrvfxy dI BWiKaf leI Èsqr XuWD ƒ TIk mµndf hY» ieslfm Drm, Drm hyq mrn viÜaF ƒ mOq qoN bfad h¨rF nfÜ ivafh ho jfx df lflc idµdf hY» keI Drm ÈFqmeI jIvn rfh df hokf idµdy hn, AunHF ivWcoN ieWk hY ikRscIan Drm» ies ivWc vI QoVHy QoVHy vKryvyN rWKdy hoey keI iPrky hn pr smuWcy qOr qy ienHF dIaF isWiKafvF ÈFqmeI gqIÈIl mfrg dI gvfhI BrdIaF hn» ienHF df mWq hY ik DrqI qy pihlF sB aWCf sI, pr burfeI pYdf ho geI qF Ausny bVy Krfby kIqy» burfeI Èur¨ AudoN hoeI jdoN ÈYqfn ny pihlf J¨T boilaf» Aus ny cfihaf ik lok prmyÈr dI bjfey Aus dI p¨jf krn» Aus ny sµsfr dI pihlI aOrq hWvf ƒ J¨T bol ky ies gWl leI mnf ilaf ik Auh rWb df kihxf mµnx dI QF Aus df kihxf mµny» pihly mnuWK afdm ny vI rWb qoN m¨µh moV ilaf, ies glq ley PYsly krky dunIaF
ivWc duWK, klyÈ, sfVf, luWt Koh, vWZ tuWk, DWkyÈfhI qy mnuWKI irÈiqaF ivWc tuWt BWj afid burfeIaF jnmIaF» ienHF burfeIaF dy Kfqmy leI iXs¨ DrqI ‘qy afieaf» prmyÈr ny svrg ivWcoN mrIam nfm dI kuafrI kuVI ƒ sµsfr ivWc Byijaf qy Aus kuafrI kuVI mrIam dI kuWK ivWc iXs¨ dI jfn pf ky jnm krfieaf» ies krky iXs¨ df koeI iensfnI bfp nhIN hY» iXs¨ ƒ DrqI ‘qy Byjx dy keI tIcy sn» pihlf sI iXs¨ lokfeI ƒ rWb bfry sWcfeI dWsy, d¨jf sI - muÈiklF sih ky sfzy leI suWK ÈFqI pYdf kry, qy qIjf sI - afpxI jfn kurbfn krky vI sµsfr qy lokF dy suKI jIvn leI jWdo-jihd kfiem rWKy» iXs¨ iek iensfn sI, jo DrqI qy aOx qoN pihlF iek d¨q vjoN svrg ivWc rihµdf sI pr ies DrqI ‘qy af ky Aus ny bImfrF dI syvf krky rfËI kIqf, muÈiklF hWl krn ivWc lokF dI mWdd kIqI qy muridaF ƒ ijAUNdf kIqf» jdoN iXs¨ Xr¨Èlm nyVy bYQnIaF nF dy ipµz phuµicaf qF Aus dy ijgrI dosq lfËr ƒ miraF cfr idn ho gey sn, iXs¨ Aus dIaF roNdIaF ipWtdIaF BYxF nfÜ kbr ‘qy igaf, EQy hor vI bhuq lok iekWTy ho gey, iXs¨ ny afpxy Xfr ƒ ijAUNdf kr idWqf qy Auh kbr coN AuWT ky bfhr af igaf qy AunHF AuWcI afvfË ivWc ikhf ik mr cuWky lWKF lokF ƒ muV ijAUNdf kIqf jfvygf, qy ijAUNdy hoey lok ijhVy cµgy kµm krngy, Auh hmyÈf ijAUNdy rihxgy» AunHF pµj isWiKafvF idqIaF-
3[ pivWqr syvk bx ky sB dI syvf kro» mµdBfvnf rWKdf hY» bhuqy DrmF dy as¨l d¨jy DrmF ƒ psµd nf hox krky DrmF dIaF 4[ iXs¨ ÈYqfnF qy AunHF dy d¨qF dy Kfqmy df lVfeIaF ho rhIaF hn» sfry DrmF df sµdyÈ idµdf hY» aµqm inÈfnf rWb ƒ imlxf hY pr rfh vWKo 5[ jy qusIN prmyÈr dy rfj dIaF brkqF vWKry hn» rWb kI hY? rWb dI Èklos¨rq pOxIaF cfhuµdy ho qF, iXs¨ dy afigafkfr ikWdF dI hY, rWb rihµdf ikWQy hY? ienHF dy ho jfE» AuWqr pRfpq nhIN hn» hr pirvfr dI KuÈhflI leI AunHF kuWJ hukm kIqy sn, Auh ieh hn- pirvfrk KuÈIaF df afnµd lYx leI kfƒnI qOr qy ivafh hoxf aqI Ër¨rI hY» pqI pqnI iek d¨jy nfÜ ipafr, siqkfr, kurbfnI, srIrk loVF qy mfnisk loVF dI p¨rqI leI sdf sucyq rihx, ivafhuqf jIvn ivWc CotIaF motIaF muÈiklF mihs¨s hox qF aWz ho jfxf jfieË hY, bWicaF ƒ slfh hY ik Auh afpxy pirvfrF dy puriKaF dy qËribaF dy KËfinaF qoN lfB AuTOx, mfipaF df PrË hY ik Auh bWicaF ƒ isWiKaf idµidaF prmyÈr nfÜ ilvlIn hox dI, prmyÈr dy as¨lF qy cWlx dI, lok syvf dI, anusfÈn ivWc rihx dI isWiKaf dyxH» prmyÈr ƒ ikWdF dI BgqI pµsd hY? bfry dWsidaF iXs¨ kihµdy hn ik sdf rWb dI rËf ivWc rho, BgqI ivWc imlfvt nf kro, sWcy idloN ieksur hovo» sWcy BgqF dI pCfx kro, roËI rotI leI kmfeI kro, homlYWs nf bxo, jo imilaf hY Aus qy sbr qy sµqoK kro jfnlyvf bImfrIaF aqy hfdisaF qoN bco, pqnI nfÜ burf sl¨k nf kro, pfpF qoN qobf kro, iekWTy ho ky rWb nfÜ juVo, J¨Ty DrmF qoN iknfrf kro»
nqIjf ieh inkilaf ik bµdy dI i˵dgI ijAUx dy as¨l qy qOr qrIky hI Drm khONdy hn» jy asIN cµgy as¨lF muqfibk ijAUNdy hF qf ieh sfzf afpo afpxf inafrf Drm hovygf» ikqy ikqy Drm aDrm hY ikqy ikqy aDrm vI Drm hY» ikqy ikqy Drm iek Brm hY ikqy ikqy Brm hI Drm hY» iPr kIqf kI jfvy? kIqf iPr ieh jfvy“afvo ik imhnq muÈWkq dI afrqI AuqfrIey AuWdm qy ikrq kr sB dy sIny TfrIey, afvo ik lok syvf sµg, zuWbdy byVy qfrIey afvo ik inµdaf, cuglI, curfhy sfVIey afvo ik muhWbq ipafr dI mihb¨bf inhfrIey afvo ik sFJIvflqf df crc AusfrIey afvo ik aWj dy kWlH df muWKVf svfrIey
afvo ik DrqoN aµbrI AuWcI AuzfrI mfrIey sµsfr dy sfry DrmF dI gWl krIey qF ienHF 1[ iXs¨ ies gWl qy KuÈ hovygf ik DrqI sfry afvo mYrI ikRsms AucfrIey ivWc kuWJ sFJF vI hn qy ivlWKxqfvF vI» qy vsx vfÜy sfry lok eykqf dy bµDn ivWc sFJF pWKoN dyKidaF lgdf hY ik hr Drm afvo hYpI inAU XIar df mihl AusfrIey." bWJ jfx» aµD ivÈvfs df muWdeI hY, hr Drm ÊYr Dµnvfd sihq, 2[ d¨ijaF dI mWdd kro qy AunHF qoN mWdd kudrqI (SUPER NATURAL ) vrqfiraF lvo» sµpfdkI mµzl» nfÜ Eq po q hY , hr Drm d¨ j y leI
adfrf ‘pµjfbI pWiqRkf’ dy smuWcy pirvfr vloN sRI gur¨ goibµd isµG jI dy pRkfÈ Auqsv dIaF sm¨h jgq ƒ bhuq bhuq vDfeIaF!
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
Kflsf pµQ dy isrjk: sRI gur¨ goibµd isµG jI jhFgIr dy hukmF nfl ÈhIdI hoeI sI» ijs qoN bfad CyvyN gur¨ sRI gur¨ hirgoibµd sfihb jI ny mIrI-pIrI dI nIqI apxfa ky isWKF ivc iek nvIN siprt BrI, ijs dI isKr sRI anµdpur sfihb dI DrqI ‘qy ‘Kflsy’ dy r¨p ivc dsvyN pfqÈfh sRI gur¨ goibµd isµG jI ny pRgt kIqI» aOrµgËyb vWloN vI iesy qrHF ieslfm qoN CWut d¨jy DrmF ivÈyÈkr bRfhmx (ihµd¨) vrg df jo hfl kIqf igaf, Aus dI siQqI ieµnI qrsXog sI ik ibafn qoN vI bfhr hY» gLYr-ieslfmI Dfrimk kyNdrF ƒ Zfh ky AunHF AuWpr msIqF qhI pRkfs hmfrf BXoÒ ptnf shr ibKY bxvfeIaF jfx lWgIaF» ivÈyÈkr AuWqrBv lXoÒ Bfrq dy Kyqr pµjfb qy kÈmIr ies qihq gur¨ sfihb ny afpxy jIvn-kfl dOrfn jo vWzf sµqfp Bogx lWgy» mhfn kfrj kIqy AunHF dI imsfl dunIaF kÈmIrI pµzqF ƒ jd afpxy Drm df bcfa dy ieiqhfs ‘qy ikDry nhIN imldI» ieh krn leI koeI hor rfh nf lWBf qF Aus smyN imsflmeI kfrj gur¨ jI vWloN afpxy 42 kÈmIrI pµzqF df iek jQf pµzq ikrpf sflF dy jIvn ivc kIqy aijhy prAupkfr rfm dI agvfeI ivc afpxy Drm dI rWiKaf sn, ijnHF ny sµsfr dy ieiqhfs ivÈyÈ krky Kfqr sRI anµdpur sfihb (cWk nfnkI) dy Dfrimk jgq aµdr aijhIaF AudfhrnF rfhy pY ky sRI gur¨ qyg bhfdr sfihb jI pYdf kIqIaF ijnHF ny Drm ƒ kyvl idWbqf dI Èrn ivc afieaf» ies df iËkr ‘BWt jF dYvI anuBv nflL hI nhIN jooiVaf, sgoN vhI’ ivc ieµJ imldf hY: jn-sDfrn aµdr smfijk kilafx dI Bfvnf pYdf kr ky, BgqI qoN ÈkqI df sumyl ikrpf rfm bytf aV¨ rfm kf poqf nrYx kr ky hfkmF dI dWbI-kuclI aqy ÈoÈx dfs kf df iÈkfr jnqf ƒ afpxy pYrIN KVHy hoxf KoVs muKI bRfhmx kf sµg lY ky cWk nfnkI isKfieaf» gur¨ sfihb dy ieh kfrj afpxy afieaf» qoN pihlF dy nON gur¨ sfihbfn dI isDFqk lIh ‘qy gurmiq ivcfrDfrf ƒ ivhfrkqf bWs iPr kI sI, ieWQoN hI ieiqhfs aµdr ivc moVn df Auprflf sI, ijs ƒ sRI gur¨ Auh moV muiVaf ijs qihq ijWQy isWK Drm goibµd isµG jI ny ipqf, sRI gur¨ qyg bhfdr dy gur¨-sfihbfn ny afpxy Drm ‘qy atWl sfihb dI ÈhIdI qoN Auprµq lIhy cfiVHaf. rihx leI jo kuWl dunIaF ƒ sunyhf idWqf sI, Ausy isDFq ‘qy Éud cWlidaF ieh gWl sRI gur¨ goibµd isµG jI vWloN kyvl 33 sflF ivhfrk qOr ‘qy spWÈt vI kr idWqI ik dI afX¨ ivc sµn 1699 eI: dI vYsfKI ƒ sRI mËl¨m dI aqy Dfrimk suqµqrqf dI rWiKaf anµdpur sfihb dI DrqI ‘qy kIqI Kflsf leI ikvyN qqpr rihxf hY» pµQ dI isrjxf kyvl ihµdusqfn hI nhIN, blik dunIaF dIaF AunHF qmfm pRB¨-sWqf so iesy qihq bfl goibµd rfey (sRI gur¨ sµpµn iDrF ƒ iek cuxOqI sI aqy aWj vI goibµd isµG) jI ny afpxy ipqf sRI gur¨ hY, jo rfj gWdI ‘qy bYT ky afm jnqf aqy qyg bhfdr jI ƒ BfrqI lokF dy Drm aqy mËl¨m iDrF dI hWk-sWc dI rfKI dI bjfey, AunHF dy iqlk-jµJ¨ dI rWiKaf Kfqr sRI AunHF AuWpr iek ivÈyÈ aqy afpxI mrËI df anµdpur sfihb (cWk nfnkI) qoN idWlI ivKy isstm Qop ky, sB ƒ ieWko ÊulfmI dy j¨lLy ÈhIdI dyx leI Byijaf» gur¨ jI dI idWlI hyToN kWZxf cfhuµdIaF hn» ivKy ies Èhfdq df iek vWKrf gOrvmeI ieiqhfs hY» gur¨ jI vWloN ‘Kflsf pµQ’ dI isrjxf ny ieh isWD kIqf ik mnuWKI hWk kyvl hk¨mqF qy sRI gur¨ goibµd isµG jI ny iesy anµdpur AunHF dI rfj-sWqf aDIn svY-suafrQ ivc sfihb dI DrqI ƒ AudoN sdf leI amr kr ivcrdy cµd ku lokF dy muQfj nhIN, blik idWqf, jd Bfrq dy vWK-vWK pRFqF qoN afeI DrqI ‘qy ivcr irhf hr mnuWK BfvyN Auh lokfeI ivWcoN pµj mrjIviVaF ƒ aµimRq dI iksy vI iKWqy, Drm, jLfq, nsl df ikAuN nf dfq bÉÈ ky aqy Éud AunHF qoN aµimRq Ck hovy, vI AunHF hWkF ƒ p¨rI KuWlH aqy aËfdI ky ‘Kflsf’ Bfv Aus ÈuWDqf df r¨p idWqf, nflL mfxn df hWkdfr hY» ijs aµdr nf qF zr sI, nf hI iksy dI aDIngI ƒ kb¨l krn dI Bfvnf, blik aOrµgËyb dy kWtV rvWeIey ny p¨ry ihµdusqfn Kflsf mËl¨mF dI ZflL bx ky, jbr aqy ivc ieslfm ƒ kb¨lx df afdyÈ idWqf Ëulm dI jVH ƒ muWZoN hI puWt dyx df jËbf hoieaf sI» jo lok dIn-ey-ielfhI Bfv rWKdf sI, ijs ny vfkie ieh sB kuJ kr ieslfm Drm ƒ kb¨l nhIN sn kr rhy, idKfieaf» ies jËby df gvfh bfad ivc AunHF ƒ sÉq sËfvF dyx df dOr jfrI kIqf bfbf bµdf isµG bhfdr dIaF ijWqF aqy igaf» ieWQy ieh vI iËkrXog hY ik muÊl mhFrfjf rxjIq isµG df rfj vI bixaF» hfkmF dI ies kWtV aqy ieslfm qoN ielfvf iksy d¨jy Drm ƒ brdfÈq nf kIqy jfx ieh sRI gur¨ goibµd isµG jI dy aµimRq aqy dI nIqI qihq hI isWKF dy pµjvyN gur¨, sRI Aus ivclI ÈkqI df jËbf hI sI, ijs ny gur¨ arjn dyv jI dI qqkflI bfdÈfh dsvyN gur¨, bfdÈfh drvyÈ, hWk-sWc qy inaF dy rfKy, srbµsdfnI, sfihb-eykmfl, mhfn bfxIkfr, inzr XoDy sRI gur¨ goibµd isµG jI ny sRI gur¨ nfnk sfihb dI inrml joq dy dsvyN vfrs vjoN Ëulm aqy jLflm df Kfqmf krn ihWq sRI ptnf sfihb, ibhfr dI DrqI ‘qy 1666 eI[ ivc nOvyN pfqÈfh sRI gur¨ qyg bhfdr sfihb jI dy gRih mfqf gujrI jI dI pfvn kuWKoN pRkfÈ Dfiraf» gur¨ jI afpxI pivWqr bfxI ‘bicqR nftk’ ivc PurmfAuNdy hn:
PAGE 5 ibkrmjIq isµG jIq
‘svf lfK sy eyk lVfAU’ df hONslf pYdf gur¨ jI vWloN sjfey gey ‘Kflsf pµQ’ ny AunHF lokF ƒ vµgfiraf jo DWky nflL afpxI kIqf» bfdÈfhq sQfipq krnf cfhuµdy sn» BfvyN sRI gur¨ goibµd isµG ny sRI anµdpur sfihb muÊl hk¨mq sI qy BfvyN phfVI rfjy sRI dI DrqI ‘qy Kflsf pµQ dI sfjxf qoN gur¨ goibµd isµG jI ny ‘rxjIq ngfry’ bfad sdIaF qoN cWldIaF af rhIaF AunHF dI cot nflL AunHF sfiraF ƒ ies gWl qoN prµprfvF ƒ vI iek nvIN idÈf aqy nvF r¨p afgfh krvfieaf ik ijAuN-ijAuN DrqI ‘qy idWqf, jo ik lokF aµdr buËidlI aqy P˨l Ëflm df Ëulm qy jbr vDygf, iqAuN-iqAuN dy krm-kFzF ƒ AuqÈfihq krdIaF sn» hI lok-mnF aµdr roh qy ros dI Bfvnf pRbl hovygI qy iksy nvIN kRFqI df afÊfË dsvyN pfqÈfh ny iek nvIN ‘rihq mrXfdf’ hovygf» iehI nvIN kRFqI ‘Kflsy’ dy r¨p ivc sQfipq kr ky, Kflsy ƒ pµj bfxIaF aqy dunIaF dy sfhmxy afAuNdI hY, ijs ny ivÈv pµj kkfr bKÈ ky, BgqI aqy ÈkqI df DrmF dy ieiqhfs ivc iek nvF mIl pWQr sumyl idWqf» holI vrgy iek-d¨jy AuWpr sQfipq kr ky dunIaF dy lokF ƒ afpxy rµg qy gµd pfAux vflLy iqAuhfrF ƒ bdl Drm, grIb-gurby aqy mËl¨m iDrF dI ky ‘holf mhWlf’ df r¨p dy ky ieWk akfl dy rfKI krnI isKfeI» gur¨ jI vWloN ‘Kflsf pujfrI bxf ky s¨rbIrqf aqy aiDafqmk pµQ’ invyklI hoNd-ivDI kfrn aWj p¨rI dunIaF ivc afpxI vWKrI pCfx rWKdf hY» dy rµg ivc rµigaf» sRI gur¨ goibµd isµG jI ny dunIaF dy qmfm sRI gur¨ goibµd isµG jI dI ieh kRFqIkfrI ivcfrDfrf AunHF vWloN rcI bfxI ivc vI lokF aµdr brfbrqf, smfnqf, Dfrimk spWÈt nËrIN pYNdI hY» AunHF ny afgfh aËfdI dI Bfvnf pYdf kr ky kWtVqf dI krvfieaf hY ik mËl¨mF dI rfKI ihWq jd sOVI soc ƒ mnuWKI mnF aµdroN prHF vgfh koeI vI sfDn kfrgr isWD nf hovy qF jµg dy mfiraf» sRI gur¨ goibµd isµG jI ny smuWcI mYdfn ivc inWqr ky ikrpfn cuWkxI lfËmI mfnvqf ƒ afpxy AunHF ihWqF dI rfKI krnI aqy jfieË bx jFdI hY: isKfeI, ijhVy sdIaF qoN cWlI af rhI BfrqI jnqf dI mfniskqf ivc kfierqf cM¨ kfr aË hmh hIlqy dr guËÈqÒ vflLI Bfvnf dy pnpx krky ikDry guafc hlflWsq burdn b ÈmÈIr dsqÒ (ËÌrnfmf) cuWky sn»
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
klgIDr gurduafrf sfihb ivwKy mnfieaf igaf nvfˆ sfl hr sfl dI qrHfˆ ies sfl vI nvyN sfl dI ÈuwB arMBqf leI gurdvfrf klgIDr drbfr sfihb ivK 31 dsMbr Èfm nMMU ivÈyÈ dIvfn sjfey gey.idvfn ivwc rfgI jwQf BfeI jspfl isMG dmdmI tksfl, BfeI hrimMdr isMG jI rozy, kQfvfck igafnI jsbIr isMG KuÈidl, pMQ pRiswD ZfzI jQf igafnI hrdIp isMG jI mfnocfhl ny sMgqfˆ nuUM gurbfxI kIrqn, gurmiq vIcfrfˆ aqy ZfzI vfrfˆ nfl inhfl kIqf.smUh sMgqfˆ ny nfm jpidafˆ bIqy smyN df Èukrfnf aqy aAux vfly smy dI ÈuwB arMBqf leI pMjfˆ ipafirafˆ dI agvfeI hyT gurU crnfˆ ivwc ijQy smuwcI mfnvqf dy Bly leI ardfs kIqI EQy nfl LhI jYkfirafˆ dIafˆ gUMjfˆ nflL nvyˆ sfl nUM jI afieafˆ afiKaf. gurdvfrf klgIDr drbfr sfihb dy muwK syvfdfr aqy sYktrI vwloˆ afeIafˆ hoeIaF smUh sfD sMgqfˆ df DMnvfd kIqf igaf
dsqfr mukfblf 2018 hr sfl dI qrfˆ gurdvfrf klgIDr drbfr sfihb ivKy cfr sfihbËfdy aqy smUh ÈhId isMGF dI Xfd ivwc nOjvfn pIVHI nUM guriswKI jIvn (gurmiq) vl AuqÈfihq krn leI pRogrfm aXoijq kIqf igaf. ijs ivc cfr Aumr vrg dy bwwicafˆ aqy nOjvfnfˆ nMU ivÈyÈ snmfn idwqy gey. dsqfr mukfbly ivwc pihly iqMn jyqUafˆ nMU lYptfp, afeIpYz, tYblyt, aqy igPt kfrz aqy hor byaMq ienfm vMzy gey.ies mukfbly ivwc vwzI qdfd ivwc bwicaF aqy sMgqfˆ ny Bfg ilaf. vwK vwK Aumr dy bwicafˆ ny gur ieiqhfs, gurbfxI kMT mukfbilafˆ ivc Bfg ilaf. gurdvfrf klgIDr drbfr sfihb dy muwK syvfdfr aqy sYktrI vwloˆ afeIafˆ hoeIaF smUh sfD sMgqfˆ df DMnvfd kIqf igaf. hor vyKo pMnF 2 'qy
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
Friends Club Trucking Association hosts Holiday event
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
A new year, new you: Add B.C. products to your routine Need help meeting New Year’s reso- “We’re very grateful to be receiving lutions? support from the Buy BC Partnership program,” said Dhruv Sood, coTwo B.C. businesses receiving Buy founder, Fresh Prep. “We are looking BC funding have tasty, healthy forward to bringing our service to choices to kick off the new year with more customers across B.C. and have a fresh start. them experience a convenient and “These two local companies are affordable way to eat fresh, homeproviding British Columbians with cooked meals.” healthy products and the perfect start Start the day on the right note with to 2019,” said Lana Popham, Minister Singing Bowl Granola. This musicof Agriculture. “The Buy BC partnerthemed company provides healthy ship is helping Fresh Prep and Singgranola cereals, including Morning ing Bowl Granola increase their brand Chorus, Mega Medley and Mapleawareness so more consumers can try Pecan Duet. Victoria’s Singing Bowl out their tasty products.” Granola is looking to raise consumer Fresh Prep is a Vancouver-based awareness of its products across delivery service that provides chef- Vancouver Island and the Lower designed and nutritionist-approved Mainland. meal kits. Customers can choose from “Nothing attracts new customers eight new recipes each week. Fresh quite like a free sample,” said JesPrep will deliver locally sourced sica Duncan, owner, Singing Bowl and organic ingredients, when posGranola. “Launching my granola into sible, including Ocean Wise certified the major supermarket chains, it was seafood, right to the door, ready to important to get shoppers tasting the prepare. products and learning about all the things that make Singing Bowl Gra-
nola ‘Vancouver Island’s premium granola’. The funding from the Buy BC Partnership program has allowed me to hire brand ambassadors to hit all the stores that I can’t personally reach and adding the Buy BC logo to our packaging will help consumers identify that Singing Bowl Granola is B.C.-made.”
funding per year, over the next three years, for B.C. businesses marketing their products to a domestic audience.
The Buy BC Partnership program is delivered by the Investment Agriculture Foundation of B.C. (IAFBC). Fresh Prep will receive up to $45,000 and Singing Bowl Granola up to $5,100 to help with their marketing Fresh Prep and Singing Bowl Gra- efforts, including using the Buy BC nola are receiving support from the logo on their products or promotional Buy BC Partnership program, which materials. provides $2 million in cost-shared
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
Education funding model review focuses on more equitable services for students s the next phase of renew- This follows release of the final report In Phase 2, the B.C. government’s
ing the Province’s education from the independent review panel on education partners will form workfunding model, B.C.’s Min- education funding. ing groups to provide advice on how ister of Education is asking parents, Rob Fleming, Minister of Education, to move forward on the key themes raised in the report. teachers, support staff, school ad- said the panel’s report has identified ministrators and others to help shape challenges with the current education “We want to make sure all students funding model, which is resulting in are getting the supports they need the path forward to make education inequities in education services and no matter where they live. I want ward,” said Fleming. “Now it’s up to funding work better for students in programs, especially for students with to thank the panel for helping define all of us who care about students to special needs and vulnerable students. the challenges and identify paths for- deliver solutions. Given the scope of the classroom. the recommendations, we now need to work with our partners to better understand the benefits for students, parents, educators and school districts. It’s critical we get this right for our kids.” The working groups will be formed in January 2019 to engage further on the key areas and themes identified in the report: inclusive education, distributed learning, adult education, financial management, accountability. The working groups will provide advice to the minister on how to best move forward on the recommendations in order to make the funding model work better for students. They will assess the implications of the recommendations made by the panel and look at how the ministry can maximize dollars invested in the classroom to improve services, drive better outcomes and make sure rural and remote districts, as well as the fast-growing districts, get the resources they need. The working groups will include representation by all education partners including teachers, parents, school administrators, support staff, trustees, superintendents, the First Nations Education Steering Committee and inclusive education groups. The groups will report back in the fall of 2019. No changes will be made to the existing funding model for the 2019-20 school year. “The challenge to us all is to deliver a better funding model that allows for all classrooms across British Columbia to be the best they can be for the individual learning needs of every student,” said Fleming, who adds the current funding model was imposed in 2002, with no consultation. Reviewing the K-12 education funding model, with a view to ensuring equitable access for students, is a shared priority between government and the B.C. Green caucus and is part of the Confidence and Supply Agreement.
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
Dhami Narang & Company LLP (“DNC Lawyers”) was established in 2010 by Rajan Dhami and Amrik Narang. With the help of our valued clients, DNC Lawyers has now grown into a mid-sized law rm with of ces in Abbotsford and Surrey, British Columbia. To serve our clients best, DNC Lawyers has an experienced team of 9 lawyers to cater to the individual needs of our clients. Every member of our law rm strives to provide outstanding service to produce the best results for our clients.
We use a collaborative team approach to your legal problems to get you the best results possible. We are only happy when you are happy and realize that our success depends on referrals from our client base.
rfjn DfmI aqy amrIk nfrMg vloN 2010 ivwc sQfpq kIqI geI sI. sfzy suihrd klfieMts dI mwdd nfl DNC Lawyers ny qrwkI kridaF imwz sfeIjLz lfa Prm bxf leI hY, ijs dy dPqr bI sI dy sLihrF aYbtsPorz aqy srI ivwc hn. afpxy klfieMts dIaF smUh musLiklF nfl nijwTx leI vwzy qjLribaF vfly 9 vkIlF dI tIm iqafr ho geI hY. afpxy klfieMts dIaf qmfm smwisafvF dy hYrfnIjnk nqIijaF leI hux awzI cotI dy Auprfly kIqy jfx gy.
qswlIbKsL proPYsLnl syvfvF quhfnMU vDIaf knMUnI nqIjy dyx leI asIN sfry sFJI tIm dy qOr qy Xqn krdy hF quhfzI KusLI hI sfzI KusLI hovy gI, asIN mihsUs krdy hF ik sfzIaF sPlqfvF quhfnMU idwqy cMgy nqIijaF AuWqy hI inrBr hn.
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prsnl swt jF af sI bI sI kfrobfr / kOrpryt kOmrsLIal mukwdmf rIal iestyt vsIaq jF pRobyt jfiedfd mukwdmf
rIal iestyt trFjLYksLns asIN vpfrk aqy rhfiesLI jfiedfdF vycx aqy KRIdx sbMDI sB kfrjF df kMm krdy hF. koeI vI kOntrYkt sfeIn krn qoN pihlF sfzI islfh jLrUr lvo. asIN quhfnUM qswlI kr ky dwsF gy ik quhfzy hwk syP hn ik nhIN? asIN afp jI nUM tfeIm isr shI aqy BrosyXog kfnUMnI msLvrf idMdy rhF gy.
prcyjL aYNz syl rYjLIzYNsLIal •KrId aqy vyc dy sihmqI zrfPitMg aYgrImYNts •asIN vycx vflLy dI vI aqy KRIdx vflLy dI vI shI mdwd krdy hF ijvyN nvyN Gr KrIdx, kONzmInIams, rhfiesLI dsqfvyjL. mn-prcfvy vflLIaF aqy kfitj prfprtIjL leI. •mfrtgyj idvOx ivwc asIN KRIdx vflLy dI vI aqy vycx vflLy dI vI mdwd krdy hF •KRIdx aqy vycx vflLy dI mfrtgyj Xogqf bfry dwsdy hF
kmrsLIal aqy ieMzstrIal prcyjL aqy syl •kmrsLIal rIal iestyt aYpfrtmYNt aqy afiPs iblizMgF dI KrId aqy vyc •jLmIn dI KrId aqy vyc •vycx vfilaF aqy KRIdx vfilaF leI mfrtgyj trFjLYkisLn •KRIdx vfilLaF nUM mfrtgyj lfieibltI vfry shI slfh idMdy hF.
SURREY OFFICE Dhami Narang & Company LLP Suite 313-14928 Hwy 10 Surrey, BC V3S 2N5 Toll Free: 1-877-864-6131
604-864-6131 PAGE 11
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
Farm workers who hand-harvest crops get rate increase
he minimum wage for farm workers paid by piece rate will increase by 11.5% on Jan. 1, 2019, making life more affordable for workers who hand-harvest certain crops in B.C. This increase is the same rate of increase made to the general workers and sustainable for farm minimum wage in June 2018. The operators. last increase to the agricultural piece rates took place in September 2017. Karen Taylor, an agricultural economist, is preparing a report to inform In B.C., piece rates are set for 15 difthis work, which will include input ferent crops, including many products from farmers, as well as workers who enjoyed by people over the holidays, hand-harvest crops, on how the piece such as Brussels sprouts, mushrooms, rate system is working in B.C. apples, peas, grapes and green beans. The independent Fair Wages ComTo ensure farm workers paid by mission was established to advise piece rate are making, and continue government on an approach to raisto make, a fair wage, the Fair Wages ing provincial minimum wages with Commission is taking an in-depth increases that are regular, measured look at how to ensure compensaand predictable. tion for farmworkers is both fair for
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The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
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Exceptional Quality Blueberry Nursery Stock
BLUEBERRY PLANTS Sidhu Growers is British Columbia's leading quality blueberry nursery. At Sidhu Growers, we grow healthy, disease free, virus indexed and true-toname Blueberry plants. We specialize in growing blueberry plants and have 20 plus years of experience in the blueberry business.
  virus indexing � � � � � � � � � �   � € � � � � � � � �
We are the only authorized nursery in Canada to sell Reka, a northern blueberry variety and have documentation from where the variety originated from, which is New Zealand, and have proof of it. Make sure when purchasing Reka you ask to see the signed authorization from New Zealand. Being the only authorized nursery to sell Reka we can provide you with this.
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When purchasing blueberry plants, buy from a reputable blueberry nursery that specializes in growing blueberry plants. Ask to see virus testing documentation. Make sure plants are produced from cuttings. Plants produced from tissue culture or cuttings taken from tissue culture plants tend to be difficult to machine harvest and require more pruning.
€ � � � � † „� „ � � � � � „ � � † … † �† … ‡ „ ˆ � � � � � …� � � � � � � � � ‰ Š† � � ‹� � � � ‰
We are committed to provide you with only the best blueberry plants available and guarantee it.
�€ � � � � �„ … � � … � �
We offer: • Expert Consulting • Competitive Pricing • Exceptional Quality Stock • A Wide Selection of Varieties • Complete Customer Satisfaction
Â? ÂŒ Â? ‰ Â? Â? † € Â? € „ Â… ÂŒ ÂŽ ‘ÂÂ’ “”• –——”
• •  • • � •
For Further Information or to Place an Order Please Call:
Kam or Harry: (604) 853-1775
32787 Townshipline, Abbotsford, B.C. PAGE 13
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
muwK pMny dI bfkI (Paid Advertisement)
Karamjit Rajwan An Insurance Expert assits Super Visa client received about $ 100,000 claim krmjIq rfjvfn ieµÈorYNs dy Kyqr ivWc qËrbykfr slfhkfr, ijnHF ny afpxy gRfhkF ƒ lWgBWg ieWk lWK zflr (100,000 zflr) df klym duafieaf» kuWJ Ër¨rI hdfieqF- quhfƒ pfilsI lYx vyÜy afpxy ieµÈorYNs eyjµt dI gWl cµgI qrHF smJxI Ër¨rI hY, aqy qusIN koeI vI svfl kr skdy ho aqy eyjMt dy puWCy svflF dy shI, sWcy jvfb dyxf quhfzf PrË hY qF ik klym vyÜy koeI muÈkl pyÈ nf afvy» ijvyN - purfxI srIrk bImfrI, duafeIaF afid cldIaF hox afid»
skdy ho» - shI pfilsI, shI mOky ‘qy, shI slfhkfr qoN leI hI quhfzI muÈkl smyN leI mWddgfr ho skdI hY» WE SPECIALIZE IN:- Life Insurance, Mortgage Insurance, Accident Disability & Sickness, Critical Illness, RRSP, RESP, super Visa and travel Insurance
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Cell: 604-897-9646
B.C. Infrastructure Benefits board of directors confirmed
laire Trevena, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure, has announced the board of directors of B.C. Infrastructure Benefits Inc. (BCIB), the Crown corporation responsible for executing the Province’s Community Benefit Agreement (CBA).
recruitment, hiring and co-ordination of skilled labour for these projects, in addition to human resources, employee relations, identifying training needs and reporting and performance measurement.
The board will provide corporate leadership and governance for BCIB Effective Jan. 30, 2019, the following as it implements its overarching obchair and six members have been ap- jective of providing skilled labour pointed to BCIB’s board of directors in support of the delivery of public for a three-year term: infrastructure projects under CBA on time and on budget, while delivering Allan Donald Bruce (chair) good-paying jobs, more training and Roberta Ellis apprenticeships, and better local opportunities for Indigenous peoples, Kirsten Ragnhild Wilson women and youth. Michael Alan Bonshor The Crown agencies and Board Gary Wayne Kroeker Resourcing Office at the Ministry of Finance worked closely with the Anita Kaur Atwal Minister of Transportation and InfraClyde Hill Scollan structure to source and appoint board BCIB was established in July 2018, members, and will continue to work with its first priority being to sup- with BCIB on governance matters port the delivery of the new Pat- such as board orientation and traintullo Bridge and projects within the ing, and meeting public sector reportTrans-Canada Four-Laning program ing requirements under the Budget under the CBA. BCIB will lead the Transparency and Accountability Act. PAGE 14
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
Premier’s statement on proportional representation ‘No’ vote Premier John Horgan has provided i n s u c h the following statement about the s t r o n g vote on proportional representation: n u m b e r s and ex“This year, British Columbians parpress my ticipated in an important conversation gratitude about the future of our democracy. to Elec“People took part in the largest pub- tions BC lic engagement in B.C.’s history and f o r i t s gathered in communities around B.C. work runfor town halls and discussions about ning a fair how we vote in our province. referendum that engaged people throughout B.C. “British Columbians have now spoken and chosen to stick with the cur- “Since forming government, we have rent voting system. This referendum been working to make life better for was held because we believe that this people. We’ve already banned big decision needed to be up to people, money and introduced tough new not politicians. While many people, restrictions on lobbyists to put people myself included, are disappointed back at the centre of our politics. in the outcome, we respect people’s There’s a lot more work to do, and our decision. government is going to keep working with our partners in the B.C. Green “British Columbians are passionate caucus to make government work for about our democracy. I want to thank people in B.C.” everyone who turned out to vote
The Patrika
mfsI ƒ afpxI BfxjI dy ivafh df gozy gozy cfa sI» Auhdy cfa ƒ vyKidaF AuhdI BYx ny Aus ƒ cfr pMj idn pihlF Gry sWd ilaf qF jo afey gey mihmfnF dI aqy cIËF vsqF dI sFB sMBfl ho sky» mfsI vI cfa nflL AWuzI iPrdI kMm Ptf Ptf inptfeI jFdI» AuhdI BYx qy jIjf jo vI KrIdo ProKq krky ilafAuNdy Auhƒ ÈOk nflL idKfAuNdy qy Auhdy spurd kr idMdy» Auhny Gr df sfrf cfrj sMBflL ilaf sI» svyr qoN lY ky rfq dy ds vjy qWk koeI nf koeI kMm lWgI hI rihMdI» keI vfr Auh iËafdf kMm krn krky dWbI mihsUs krdI pr BYx dy kMm afAux dI KuÈI kfrn sB BuWl jFdI» idn lMGdy lMGdy ivafh vflLf idn vI CyqI hI af igaf» ivafh pYlys ivWc hox krky sfry AuQy hI phuMc rhy sn qy ieDroN Gr vflLy vI afpxf sfrf smfn lY ky cly gey» mfsI vI jdoN pYlys phuMcI qF AuhdI BYx ny gihixaF dy zWibaF nflL Biraf JolLf Auhƒ sMBfldy hoey qfVnf kIqI ik ies JolLy ƒ cMgI qrHF sMBflL ky iek pfsy kursI ‘qy bYT jf» Auhdy jIjy ny iek gMnmYn dI izAUtI lf idWqI ik ies bIbI dy nyVy iksy ƒ nhIN afAux dyxf» kI pqf iks Bys ivWc zfkU, bdmfÈ af ky
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gihxy lY jfx» so gMnmYn dI izAUtI bMidaF ƒ dUr rWKx dI sI aqy mfsI dI izAUtI JolLf sMBflL ky kursI ‘qy bYTx dI» mfsI aWDf ku GMtf qF vfhvf cOkMnI ho ky bYTI rhI pr jdoN kWT mWT ’c keI irÈqydfr idWsx lWgy qF Auhdf mn moh nflL Br igaf» Auhdf jIa kry hryk dy glL lWg ky imlF qy suK sFd puWCF» iek vfr qF hOslf ijhf krky Auh AuWT ky KVHI vI ho geI qy JolLf kursI qy rWK ky qurn lWgI qF gMnmYn ny JWt puËIÈn lYNdy hoey qfVnf kIqI ik bIbI kursI ‘qy eI bYTI rih» aYvyN do iqMn lWK df nuksfn nf krvf dyeIN» imlxf iglxf GMtf Tihr ky ho jU pr gvfcy gihxy muV nhIN lWBxy»
so ivcfrI mfsI idl msos ky bih geI» bihiraF ƒ qurdy iPrdy qy lokF ƒ KFdy pINdy dyK ky hux mfsI ƒ BuWK mihsUs hox lWgI» Auhny bihiraF ƒ keI afvfËF mfrIaF pr rfm rOlLy ivWc koeI suxdf hI nhIN sI» iPr ieÈfrf krky iek bihry ƒ kolL sWidaf qF gMnmYn ny qurMq puËIÈn lY ky bMdUk bihry vWl qfx leI» bihrf qF AuQoN eI hvf ho igaf» hux qF mfsI df burf hfl sI» Auhny gMnmYn vWl kOVf kOVf vyKdI ny Auhƒ hI pfxI iplfAux leI ikhf» gMnmYn qF afp
duKI sI, Auh aWgoN JeI lY ky ipaf “bIbI myrI izAUtI af qyrI rfKI krn dI, jy mYN pfxI lYx clf igaf qy myry mgroN koeI Bfxf vrq igaf qF ijMmyvfr kOx hovygf? mYN qF ieWQoN ihWl nhIN skdf»” lokF dI BIV ivcoN jdoN Auhdf jIjf Auhdy vWl afAuNdf idisaf qF mfsI dI jfn ivWc jfn afeI» mfsI roxhWkI ho ky kihx lWgI ik qusIN mYƒ cMgI sËf idWqI aY» nf pfxI, nf DfxI, nf iksy ƒ imlxf iglxf, nf kuJ vyKxf ivKfAuxf» afh PV afpxf JolLf qy mYƒ ivafh vyK lYx dy» Auhdf jIjf aWgoN imMnq krky kihx lWgf ik qUM afpxy Gr dI mYNbr hox krky eyzf vWzf KËfnf qYƒ sONipaf hY» bWs GMtf ku hor, afpF ieh JolLf muMzy vfilLaF dy hvfly kr dyxf aY» bWs ivhl hI ivhl aY» qrs Kf ky mfsI iPr bYT geI qy jIjf afp kolz zirMks, cfh snYks, pkOVy, itWkIaF afid nflL dI kursI ‘qy rWK ky Kfx ƒ kih igaf» gMnmYn vI eyny ivWc dfa lf ky kuJ Kf pI afieaf qy do iqMn pYg iekWTy cfVH ley» Kf pI ky mfsI ƒ kuJ Drvfs hoieaf» hOlLI hOlLI AuhdI kursI ‘qy hI aWK lWg geI» QoVHy icr mgroN Auhdy hWQoN JolLf ieWk pfsy luVk igaf» JolLy ivcoN gihixaF vflLy zWby Tfh Tfh krdy PrÈ qy izWg pey» gMnmYn
Friday, January 4th, 2019
gurdrÈn isMG mfvI ny zWby izgdy vyKy qF iqMn cfr hvfeI Pfier kr idWqy» Pfier df KVfk suxdy hI sfry pfsy BfjVF pY geIaF» BWjy jFdy mihmfnF dy sWtF vI lWgIaF qy kWpVy vI Krfb ho gey» keI myË Ault gey qy glfs plytF hyTF izWg pey» bhuqy pirvfr qF eyny zr gey ik AuhnF isWDf Gr df rfh PiVaf» ijhVy kuJ ku bfkI rih gey AuhnF df sfrf svfd kOVf ho cuWikaf sI» kuJ ku mfsI duaflLy ho gey ik kI hoieaf, kIhdy golLI lWgI afid» kuJ ÈrfbI nOjvfn Aus gMnmYn ƒ lWBdy iPrn, pr Eh qF kdoN df pWqrf vfc igaf sI» qIvIaF khI jfx ik Èukr aY, nuksfn hox qoN bc igaf» ÈrfbI df kI pqf, QoVHI ijMnI golLI nIvIN ho jFdI qF ivcfrI mfsI df pWqf sfP ho jfxf sI» hux sB ƒ vfps Gr afAux dI kfhl ho geI» Gr af ky qF mfsI ijAuN mMjy qy lMmI peI, AuWTy hI nf» Auhdy idmfg ivWc ivafh bfry qrHF qrHF dy iKLafl GuMmI jfx» dUjy idn qVky eI mfsI qF afpdy ipMz jfx leI iqafr ho ky bih geI» ipMz phuMc ky vI ikMny idn guMm suMm hI rhI» hux jdoN vI Auhdy inafxy ivafh df kfrz idKf ky puWCdy af ik byby afpF ivafh jfxY qF Auh buV buV krdI, Gr rihxf hI cMgf smJdI aY»
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
clfk jWtI
zf[ dlIp kOr ‘itvfxf’ iek smyN dI gWl hY iek ipMz ivc iek jWt rihMdf sI» cfr Aus dIaF DIaF sn qy do Coty puWqr sn» ipMz dy prly isry AuWqy jWt dy Kyq sn» KyqF qoN prHy iek ndI vgdI sI» grmIaF ivc jdoN phfVF AuWqy mINh pYNdf ndI ivc hVH af jFdy! kWcy kMZy Burn lgdy» srdIaF ivWc pfxI bVf nIvF vgdf» ndI dy dohIN pfsIN CAuN vflLy drÉq sn» drÉqF AuWqy pMCIaF ny aflHxy vI pfey hoey sn» Auh jWt qmfV DuWp ivWc hlL vfhuMdf kdy kdy ndI dy CAuN vflLy drÉqF vWl qWk lYNdf» pr Auh AuWQy kdy jFdf nhIN sI» ies qrHF kMm df hrj hoxf sI» cfr Aus dy DIaF sn qy do Coty puWqr» pIx vflLf pfxI Auh hmyÈf GroN hI lY ky afAuNdf sI» ndI df pfxI gMDlf vI ho skdf hY qy Kfrf vI» ies leI Auh kdy AuWQy nhIN sI igaf» kdy kdy Aus ƒ lWgdf, ho skdf ey ndI df pfxI inrml hI hoey» hlL vfhuMdf kdy kdy Auh socx lWg jFdf, ‘ieh ndI ikWQy ƒ jf rhI aY? Kbry pMCIaF ƒ ies dI bolI afAuNdI hI hovy, qy AunHF ny ies qoN puWC hI ilaf hovy»’ “pr sfAU kWly ieAuN rfh nIN peIdf huMdf Ëmfnf Kotf aY” iek idn Aus ny ndI ƒ ikhf» ieh gWl Auh afm krky afpxI sB qoN vWzI DI ƒ afKdf huMdf sI» KyqF ivWc kMm krdy ƒ Aus ƒ dUr vgdI ndI dI afvfË suxdI rihMdI qy Aus ƒ lWgdf ieWQy AujfV ivWc Auh iekWlf nhIN» Gr iksy nf iksy gWloN jdoN jWtI Aus nflL lV pYNdI Auh KyqF vWl ƒ qur afAuNdf» KyqF dy pfr BfvyN kdy kdy Aus ƒ AuNj hI qOKlLf lWg jFdf ik jdoN Auh AuWQy jfeygf qF ndI AuWQy nhIN hovygI»
jWt bYTf bYTf socx lWg ipaf» ‘afÉr bMdf kfhdy leI jWg AuWqy afAuNdf aY?’ Aus dy kolL hI iek kflLI icVI aWk dI tfhxI AuWqy bYTI bVy arfm nflL JUty lY rhI sI» ibnF mqlb qoN hI» jWt AuWT ky ndI vWl ƒ qur ipaf» ibnF mqlb qoN hI» jWtI ny smiJaf pfxI pIx jf irhf ey» aMdrlI grmI qoN Gbrf ky jWt ny afpxy isr AuqoN pWg Auqfr leI» jWtI ny smiJaf ndI nhfAux cWilaf ey» ‘aWCf qfhIeyN nIN myry lVn df koeI asr huMdf» afp eyQy TMZy pfxI ivWc mOjF nflL qfrIaF lfAuNdf aY’ Aus ny soicaf» iPr pqf nhIN ikvyN afp hI Aus ƒ iÉafl afieaf ‘ikDry ieh ies ivWc zuWb ky mr hI nf jfvy»’ jWt sWcmuWc hI ndI dy kMZy Auqy KVoqf ndI ƒ nIJ lfeI qWk irhf sI» Kbry soc irhf sI ik gMgf vI iek aijhI hI ndI hY ijs ivc bMdy dy PuWl pfey jFdy hn» qy gMgf Aus jWt dI mF df nAuN vI sI»
idn pr idn Auh buWZf ho irhf sI» Aus df pirvfr jvfn ho irhf sI» vWzI kuVI qF Aus ny ivafh vI idWqI sI» idn pr idn jWtI Aus nflL vDyry lVdI» hor krdI vI kI, Gr df kMm qF bhuqf Aus dIaF DIaF ies qoN pihlF ik jWt ndI ivWc nhfAuNdf, kr lYNdIaF sn» jF pfxI pINdf, jF zuWb ky mrdf, jWtI ny hor aWj jdoN Auh lVI, jWt hmyÈf vFg KyqF kuJ lWBdf nf dyK aflLy duafilEN gMd mMd ƒ qur ipaf» jWtI qoN ieh brdfÈq nf iekWTf kIqf qy ndI ivWc vgfh mfiraf» hoieaf» Auh vI ipWCy ipWCy hI qurI ik dyKF ‘afpxy hWQF df kI ey Auh qF Doqy jfxgy»’ qF shI» Aus ny soicaf» Kyq phuMc ky jWt QWikaF vFg Kyq dI vWt Auqy bYT igaf» juWqI lfh idWqI» Gfh dI jWt ieh dyK ky hYrfn ho igaf» ikAuNik nf iek iqVH qoV ky zWky nflL dMd Krocx lWg Aus df ndI ivWc nhfAux df iÉafl sI, nf ipaf» jWtI ieWk drÉq dI afV ivWc KVoqI pfxI pIx df qy nf hI zuWb ky mrn df» Auh sB kuJ vyK rhI sI» qF AuNj hI AuWQy af igaf sI» by mqlb hI»
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
B.C. company advances nextgeneration computing to reduce energy use
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new generation of made-inB.C. quantum computers will use advanced technology to help reduce the energy used by computers that solve large, complex problems. The Province is supporting Burnaby-based D-Wave Systems to develop a next-generation quantum computer. It will be far more powerful than its current model, on a wider variety of applications, without increasing power demands. The technology will also improve the way computers solve problems for people in areas such as precision medicine, discovery of new materials, traffic management and climate change. “We need to invest in the technology and jobs of the future,” said Michelle Mungall, Minister of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources. “We’re supporting innovation in quantum computers that will reduce overall energy use and create sustainable economic opportunities for people in B.C.” Classical computers process large amounts of information very quickly. However, they require significant amounts of electricity to operate. For certain problems, D-Wave’s existing quantum systems dramatically reduce power consumption, using up to 100 times less, while still running faster than a classic computer solving the same problem.
the Innovative Clean Energy (ICE) Fund, which supports energy efficiency and clean initiatives. It adds to the $10 million provided through Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) and private investment raised by D-Wave specifically for this project. “D-Wave Systems is developing technology with the potential to help solve some of the world’s most complex problems whether they be technical, scientific or commercial,” said Leah Lawrence, president and CEO of SDTC. “We are proud our partnership with the B.C. ICE Fund creates a one-window approach for companies to access the funding they need to deliver economic and environmental prosperity for Canadians.” D-Wave develops systems used by leading global organizations, including Volkswagen, DENSO, Google and NASA, among others. “This investment will help accelerate our company’s next-generation quantum system, developed right here in B.C.,” said Vern Brownell, chief executive officer at D-Wave. “Our advanced technology is leading the sector and will significantly improve energy efficiency for hard computational problems and may, over time, help address climate change.”
“Solving the complex problems of tomorrow requires a new kind of computing innovation,” said Bruce Ralston, Minister of Jobs, Trade and Technology. “Groundbreaking projects like this address the energy needs of future computers and contribute This initiative aligns with CleanBC, to the growing clean-tech sector in the province’s pathway to a more prosperous, balanced and sustainable B.C.” future, and will get B.C. closer to its B.C.’s $2-million investment in D- climate goals. Wave’s project was provided through
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
Expert panel on money laundering seeks public input People in B.C. have the opportunity to participate in a public consultation on how to better protect the province’s real estate sector from becoming distorted by money laundering.
tions of real estate professionals and jurisdictional gaps between B.C. and the federal government. The panel’s final report and recommendations are due to government in March 2019.
“We’re in the middle of a serious housing crisis and we need to be diligent to ensure that our housing market is not being used as a hub to launder money,” said Carole James, Minister of Finance. “We don’t want any gaps in our laws or regulations. Dirty money has no place in British Columbia.”
Maloney is joined by Tsur Somerville, an expert on real estate, development and housing markets from UBC’s Sauder School of Business, and Brigitte Unger, an internationally renowned money laundering expert from the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands. All three experts are respected The Government of British Columbia’s and recognized for their work in policy Expert Panel on Money Laundering in and economics. Real Estate is immediately launching its public consultation and will consid- The public consultation and expert er submissions as part of its review and panel are a part of the government’s final report to government. The panel is 30-point Plan for Housing Affordabilchaired by Maureen Maloney, a public ity, which seeks to stabilize the housing policy and dispute resolution profes- market, build homes that people need, sor from Simon Fraser University and improve security for renters and crack former B.C. deputy attorney general. down on loopholes and tax fraud. The panel’s work will investigate gaps This expert panel is in addition to in existing laws, consumer protections, ongoing work being conducted by the financial services regulations, regula- Ministry of Attorney General.
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The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
pymI dy inafxy
sµq isµG vIh ku sfl pihlF dI gWl hY, mYN sWq vrHy df sI qy myrI vWzI BYx igafrF vrHy dI» sfzf Kyq GroN mIl ku dI ivWQ ‘qy sI» aWD ivckfr iek jrnYlI sVk lµGdI sI, ijs ivcoN jFglIaF, pTfxF, rfisLaF qy hor prdysIaF df kfPI lFGf sI» asIN sB inafxy , ijnHF ƒ rfisæaF qoN Gr bYiTaF vI zr afAuNdf sI, ies sVk ivWcoN dI iksy isafxy qoN bgYr lµGx qoN bhuq BY KFdy sF» pr tµtf ieh sI ik idny iek do vyly sfƒ Kyq bfp¨ qy kfmy dI rotI PVfx jær¨r jfxf pYNdf sI qy sfzI avsQf hr rojæ iek musækl GftI lµGx vflLI huµdI sI» asIN afm qOr ‘qy GroN qF hONslf kr ky iekWly hI qur pYNdy, pr jd sVk do iqµn GumF dI ivWQ Auqy rih jFdI qF nihr s¨af tWpx lWgy pToiraF vFg Klo ky afsy-pfsy qWkx lWg jFdy, qF ju iksy ipµzoN afAuNdy jFdy isafxy dI særn lY ky ies BY-sfgr ƒ qrn jogy ho jfeIey» sfzI mjæhbI qbIaq vI kuJ ies iksm dI sI ik aijhy zr sfzy suBfvF df ihWsf bx gey sn» asIN Gr isafixaF kolLoN nrk svrg dIaF khfxIaF hr rojæ sæfm ƒ suxdy» svrg qF sfƒ KHyz qoN bfhr ikqy GWt hI pRfpq huµdf pr nrk dy hr QF KulHy gWPy imldy» sB qoN vWzf nrk mdrsf sI qy jy AusqoN iksy idn CuWt jFdy qF Kyq rotI dyx jfx df nrk pysæ af jFdf» gWl kI sfzy ieµÖfxy rfh dy hr iek moV qy jfxo nrk Gfq lfeI Kloqy huµdy» Kæbry ies sVk df BY-sfgr lµGx krky sfƒ Kyq jfxf nrk lgdf sI jF Kyq rotI lY jfx lWgy ies sVk ƒ lµGxf sfƒ BY sfgr idKfeI idµdf sI, mYN ies dI bfbq XkIn nflL kuJ nhIN kih skdf» ieh mYƒ pqf hY ik Kyq svrg sI qy Kyq rotI lY jfx dI Kycl nrk aqy Auh jrnYlI sVk ivckfrlf BY-sfgr» isafl dy idn sn» asIN dovyN BYx-Brf dupihr dI rotI lY ky Kyq ƒ cWl pey» inWGI inWGI DuWp pY rhI sI qy asIN tury jFdy vI isafl dI DuWp df inWG lY rhy sF, pr idl ivWc sVk lµGx df zr c¨hy vFgr kuqr irhf sI» asIN zr ƒ dbfx df iek afm qrIkf vrqxf cfihaf» BYx mYƒ iek khfxI suxfx lWg peI» “iek sI rfjf, AuhdI rfxI mr geI» mrn lWgI rfxI ny rfjy ƒ ikhf, ‘q¨µ mYƒ iek krfr dyh»’ rfjy ny puWiCaf, ‘kI’? mYN khfxI vWloN iDafn moV ky ipCFh ipµz vWl ƒ dyiKaf ik ikqy koeI afdmI sfzy rfh jfx vflLf af irhf hovy»
syKoN “aWCf, jd Auh rfxI mrn lWgI qF Ausny rfjy ƒ sWd ky ikhf, q¨µ myry nflL krfr kr» rfjy ny puWiCaf, ‘kI?’ rfxI ny ikhf, ”q¨µ hor ivafh nf krfeIN»’ sWc, dWsxf BWul geI, rfxI dy do puWq qy iek DI sIgy» sfƒ rfjf qy rfxI afpxy mF ipAu vrgy hI Bfsdy sn» jy sfzI mF mrn lWgy qF asfzy ipAu ƒ vI ieh bcn dyx leI afKy-ieh iKLafl sfzy acyq mn ivc kµm kr irhf hovygf» mYƒ Auh DI afpxI BYx lWgI qy Auh do puWq myrf afpxf afp» myrI BYx ipµz vWl dyK rhI sI» “suxf vI gfhF”, mYN Ausƒ pihlI qrHF KrHvNy bol nflL afiKaf» “rfxI ny ikhf, beI myry puWqF qy DI ƒ mqRyeI dWuK dyAUgI”, BYx ny hor vI imWTI qy hor vI qRImq bx ky dWisaf» “ies krky Ausny rfjy qoN ieh krfr mµigaf» rfjy ny ikhf, ‘cµgf mYN krfr idµnF»” ijvyN ikqy jy rfjf ieh krfr nf dyNdf qF rfxI mrn qoN nFh kr dyNdI» “h¨µ!” BfvyN sfƒ dohF ƒ pqf sI ik idny khfxIaF pfx nflL rfhI rfh BWul jFdy hn, asF iek d¨jy ƒ ieh cyqfvnI nf krvfeI, qy ies s¨J ƒ afpxy idlF qy ivcfrF AuWqy asr nf krn idWqf» “pr rfjy ny JWt hI d¨jf ivafh krvf ilaf»” “h¨µ!” ipCly moV ‘qy sfƒ iek afdmI afAuNdf idisaf» asF suK df sfh Biraf qy Ausdy nflL rlx leI Klo gey» sfzI bfq vI Klo geI» pr Auh afdmI iksy hor pfsy ƒ jf irhf sI qy sfzy vWl nf muiVaf» ijs mµqv ƒ p¨rf krn leI asF ieh bfq df pKµz ricaf sI, Auh p¨rf nf ho sikaf» sfzf iKLafl sI, bfq dy ruJyvyN ivc asIN acyq hI sVk pfr ho jfvFgy» pr hux jd sVk QoVHI ku d¨r rih geI qF sfzI khfxI vI TTµbr ky Klo geI qy iksy isafxy sfQI dy af rlx dI afs vI tuWt geI, asIN dovyN sihm ky Klo gey» ds vIh kdm hor puWty qF sfzf zr hor vD igaf» sVk ivc iek pfsy iek kfly s¨t dI vfskt qy pTfxF vrgI KuWlHI slvfr vflLf afdmI lµmf ipaf sI»
“q¨µ suxdf nhIN, bIr!” BYx ny myry moZy ƒ “aOh dyK bIbI! rfsæf ipaf»” Aus afdmI hl¨x ky afiKaf» ny pfsf priqaf» “nhIN, mYN suxdF”, mYN BrfvF vflLI gusqfKæI “ieh qF ihldY, jfgdY”, myrI BYx ny sihm nflL jvfb idWqf» ky afiKaf, “hux kI krIey?” PAGE 20
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
“ieh afpF ƒ PV lAU?”
afs p¨rI huµdI nf idsI» asIN iek d¨jy dy m¨µh vWl qWkdy rhy, pr mYƒ Xfd hY ik asIN “hor kI?” Ausny jvfb idWqf» Aus vyly iek d¨jy dy ichiraF ivWc kuJ lWB asIN rfq GroN bfhr qF GWt hI kdI inkly nhIN sF skdy» sfzf BrWpx, sfzI eykqf, sF, pr ieh suixaF hoieaf sI ik jy zr bykfr hoey Kloqy sn» kuJ imµtF qWk myrf lWgy qF vfihgur¨ df nfm lYxf cfhIdf hY, rox inkl igaf» iPr zr ht jFdf hY» sfzI mF sfƒ mfmy myrI BYx ny pWly nflL myry aWQr¨ p¨µJidaF dI gWl suxFdI huµdI sI» iek vfrI sfzf afiKaf, “nf bIr! roNdf ikAuN aYN? afpF mfmf qy iek bRfhmx ikqy rfq ƒ iksy ipµz ieWQy KVony hF, huxy ipµzoN koeI af jfAU»” idaF isivaF ivWcoN lµG rhy sn ik AunHF dy pYrF ivc vWzy vWzy dgdy aµigafr izWgx mYN cuWp kr igaf» asF kuJ kdm sVk lWg pey» bRfhmx ny sfzy mfmy ƒ pWuiCaf, vWl puty, pr Klo gey qy iPr Auh hI pµj ‘kI krIey?’ Ausny ikhf, ‘pµzq jI, rWb rWb kdm muV afey» aµq myrI BYx ny kuJ ivcfr kro»’ sfzf mfmf ‘vfihgur¨ vfihgur¨’ krn bfad ikhf, “afpF khFgy asIN qF pymI dy lWg ipaf, pµzq ‘rfm, rfm’»aµigafr inafxy hF, sfƒ nf PV»” izWgdy qF rhy , pr EnHF qoN d¨r »sfƒ ies Ausdy m¨µhoN pymI sæbd bVf imWTf inWkldf gWl krky afpny mfmy AuWqy bVf mfx sI » huµdf sI qy hux qF jd Auh myry vWl Juk ky “afpF vfihgu r ¨ vfihgu r ¨ krIey ” , mY N mYƒ qy afpxy afp ƒ idlfsf dy rhI sI, dWisaf » Auh Kæud pymI bxI hoeI sI» myry idl ƒ Zfrs bWJ geI» rfsæy ƒ jd pqf lWgygf “vfihgur¨ qoN qF B¨q pryq eI zrdy ny, ik asIN pymI dy inafxy hF qF Auh sfƒ kuJ afdmI nI zrdy”, myrI BYx ny ikhf» nhIN afKygf, nhIN PVygf» mYN mµn igaf» sVk ivc ipaf rfsæf qF ijvyN kµbdf ihrdf qy iQVkdy pYr rWb rWb afdmI sI, Auh rWb qoN kd zrn lWgf sI? krdy sæmsæfn B¨mI ivWcoN gujær jFdy hn, “qF Pyr hux kI krIey?” asIN pµj sWq imµt ijvyN ihµd¨ gAU dI p¨C PV ky Bv-sfgr qr sihm ky Kloqy rhy» hfly vI sfzy idlF ivc jFdf hY, asIN pymI df nfm lY ky sVk pfr afs sI ik koeI afdmI ies rfsæy afdmI ƒ ho gey» rfsæf Ausy qrHF AuWQy hI ipaf irhf» zrfx vflLf sfzy nflL af imlygf» pr ieh
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
Ring in 2019 with a commitment to emergency preparedness
ith the start of a new year, make a resolution to be better prepared for potential emergencies. Emergency Management BC (EMBC) urges British Columbians to make a commitment to better prepare themselves and their families for possible emergencies. Start by building an Cellphone with charger (inverter or emergency kit and developing a solar charger) household plan that individuals and families can practise throughout the Cash in small bills year. A local map with a family meeting A home emergency kit does not take a place identified long time to create and does not need A minimum three-day supply of food to be expensive. Just follow the basic and water but aim for a week to two list below, and remember to store colweeks. lected supplies in an easy-to-access Garbage bags location: First-aid kit
Dust mask
Battery-powered or hand-crank radio Seasonal clothing and footwear Flashlight and extra batteries Whistle to signal for help
Water (minimum of four litres of water per person, per day)
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
NEW YEAR, NEW APPROACH Creating A Safe Village For Our Children
January 6th @ 10 am to 12 pm at Khalsa Diwan Society, Abbotsford January 20th @ 10 am to 12 pm at Banda Singh Bahadar Gurdwara January 27th @ 10 am to 12 pm at Kalighidhar Gurdwara Sahib Every life is precious, and we need to make every effort to preserve it and reach its full potential.
Join us for Kirtan, Simran, and discussion. Sponsored by: WoMen on the Rise & Kirpa Our Hearts Foundation.
604 854-5500
OIL CHANGE $34.95 AirCare
Repair Centre
Our goal is to engage our youth in positive activities and deter from going down the wrong path Raise awareness of various programs for youth in the community Strengthen spirituality Volunteer for citizens patrol Volunteer for Mentorship programs Raise funds for “ Dunk gangs” Sign a petition for funds for preventative programs Please follow or contact us on:
WoMen on the Rise
Certified Technician
* * * *
bryk~ EYgz`st itaUn-E@p ieMjn vrk
* * * *
tr~simSn ielYktrIklz eyEr kyEr rIpyEr kMipaUtr r~hI cYkE@p
rIpyEr pUrI qs@lIbKS kIqI j~dI hY|
EYbtsPorf itaUn-E@p sYNtr EYl.tI.fI. Unit #24 - 3275 McCallum Road Abbotsford B.C. V2S 3M7 (Across from Air Care)
nvW swl nvIN phuMc swfy b~icAW leI ie~k sr u ~iKAq ipf M bxwax u w
Kwlsw dIvwn suswietI, AYbtsPorf ivKy 6 jnvrI svyry 10:00 qoN dupihr 12:00 vjy q`k bMdw isMG bhwdr gurduAwry ivKy 20 jnvrI svyry 10:00 qoN dupihr 12:00 vjy q`k klgIDr gurduAwrw swihb ivKy 27 jnvrI svyry 10:00 qoN dupihr 12:00 vjy q`k hr iek ijMdgI kImqI hY Aqy swnMU iesnMU sur~iKAq Aqy
pUrI qrHW smr~Q bxwaux leI hr koiSs krn dI zrUrq hY[
blqyj isMG iF`loN (Awr.sI.AYm.pI A&sr)
kIrqn, ismrn Aqy crcw leI swfy nwl juVo[ spWsr: vUmYn Aon dw rweIs
swfw mu`K tIcw swfy nOjvwnW nMU skrwqmk gqIivDIAw v`l lgwauxw Aqy glq rsqy qy jwx qoN rokxw hY[ Awpxy BweIcwry iv`c AiDAwqimk mjbUqI leI Awpxy nOjvwnW nMU nOjvwnW leI v`K-v`K pRogrwmW bwry jwgrUk krvwE, gSq leI nwgirk vlMtIAr, mYNntriSp pRogrwmW leI vlMtIAr, “fMk gYNgs” leI PMf iek`Tw krnw[ bcwau pRogrwmW leI PMf Aqy ptISn qy dsqKq kro[ Please follow or contact us on:
WoMen on the Rise
vlMtIArW dI loV hY PAGE 23
The Patrika
dzîÆ×z¶ôé Áå¶ ëËÇîñÆ ñÅÁ
auph`r kOr D`lIv`l
2459 Pauline Street Abbotsford, BC V2S 3S1
604-746-3330 Fax: 604-746-3331
auph`r kOr D`lIv`l
dzîÆ×z¶ôé Áå¶ ëËÇîñÆ ñÅÁ
ruibMdr (rOb) DMnU
ÇÕzîÆéñ ìÚÅÀ° òÕÆñ
• Immigration Appeals • Refugee Claims • Sponsorship & Citizenship • Permanent Resident & Green Card • Visas (Tourist, Employment, Student, Nafta) • Provincial Nominations • Investor & Business Applications
FAMILY • Divorce, Custody & Adoption • Child/Spousal Support • Provincial Court and Supreme Court
(ÁîðÆÕÅ Áå¶ ÕËé¶âÅ) • dzîÆ×z¶ôé ÁêÆñ • ÇðÇøÀ±ÜÆ Õñ¶î • Ãê»ÃðÇôê Áå¶ ÇÃàÆ÷éÇôê • êðîÅé˺à ðË÷Æâ˺à ÕÅðâ Áå¶ ×ðÆé ÕÅðâ • òÆ÷Å (àÈÇðÃà, Á˺êñÅÇÂî˺à, ÃàÈâ˺à, éËëàÅ) • êz½Çò³ôñ éÅîÆé¶ôé÷ • ÇÂéòËÃàð Áå¶ òêÅðÕ Áð÷ÆÁ»
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ruibMdr (rOb) DMnU
ÃÅìÕÅ ÕðÅÀ°é êð½ÃÆÇÕÀ±àð
âz¼× նû ÇòÚ ÇòÁÅêÕ å÷ðìÅ
• Drug Offences
• âz¼× Ãì³èÆ ç¯ô
• Assaults Including Domestic & Sexual • Impaired and Other Driving Offences • Theft, Fraud and Property Crimes • Weapons Offences • Proceeds Of Crime • Young Persons Charged with Criminal Offences RUBINDER DHANU
- Marijuana Grow Operations - Cocaine and Heroin Trafficking - Importing/Exporting
Friday, January 4th, 2019
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The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
qkIaf klfm jiqMdr pƒ
dfs ieWk gWl aWj qWk nhIN smJ sikaf jI ik ko e I lÌË ‘qkIaf klfm’ bx ky ikWdF cVH jFdY kuJ lokF dI Ëbfn ’qy? cMgy-Bly isafxyisafxy lokF dIaF gWlF iDafn nflL suxIeNy qF lWB jFdY ik Auh koeI Kfs lÌË vfr-vfr boldy ny qy bolI jFdy ny» ieho ijhy sWjxF ivWcoN kuJ nflL dfs dI vI nyVqf rhI hY, kuJ nflL qF hux vI hY» ieWk eydF dy sWjx hn idaflpurIey qfrf isMG hurIN, Auh hr gWl nflL aWj qWk afKdy ny, “ijs ny lfhOr nhIN izWTf, Auh jMimaf eI nhIN»” afp Auh inWky huMidaF iek vfr afpxy ÈrfbI qfey dy kMDfVy cVH ky lfhOr vyK bYTy sn qy aWj qWk AunHF ƒ Xfd hY ik qfieaf gMgf isMG ieWk bËfr ivWc jf ky surKI-ibMdI vflLIaF kuJ bIbIaF kolL Aus nUM CWz ky QoVHI dyr leI iKsk igaf sI» qfey dy muVn qWk qfrf isMG, EdoN Auhƒ ‘qfrI’ kihMdy huMdy sn, mrUMzf cWbdf irhf sI» lWgdY qfrf isMG ƒ lfhOr nhIN, surKI-ibMdI vflLIaF df cyqf eI muV-muV afeI jFdY aWj qWk» vMz mgroN Auh jlMDr iËlHy ’c af ky pMj muMizaF qy cfr kuVIaF df bfp bixaF, ijnHF ny aWj qWk lfhOr nhIN vyiKaf» ies ihsfboN qfrf isMG ny pOxI drjn inafxy hflLy qWk “jMmy eI nhIN”, ikAuNik AunHF ny hflLy qWk tky df mrUMzf cWbx leI Aus ‘glI’ df cWkr ju nhIN lfieaf» dfs dy ieWk hor sWjx hn, Auh ieWk adfry dy mflk ny, vWzy sfry adfry dy» sfrf idn Auh mulfËmF nflL mgË-pWcI vI krI jFdy ny qy ÌfeIlF ’qy dsqÉq vI» do lÌË AunHF dy mUMh ’qy cVH gey ny, “bolo” qy “pihlF ikAuN nhIN dWisaf»” ieWk idn Auh ÌfeIl vyKx ivWc mgn sn» kmry ivWc iksy dy afAux dI afvfË suxI qF kihx lWgy, “bolo”» aWgoN afvfË afeI, “myry ipMzoN huxy sunyhf afieaf[[[»” bolx vflLy dI afvfË sMG ivWc ruk jfx vWloN byiDafny hoey AunHF iPr ikhf, “bolo”» afvfË afeI “jI, myrI mfqf acfnk guËr geI ey qy hux jfxf pYxY»” dfs dy sWjx dy mUMhoN inkilaf,“hUM, pihlF ikAuN nhIN dWisaf?” ivcfrf mulfËm ikvyN smJf skdf sI, jdoN nf qF mF ny hI mrn qoN pihlF puWq dy mflk ƒ dWsxf ËrUrI smiJaf sI qy nf Drmrfj ny hI!
gurdvwrw klgIDr drbwr
30640 Blueridge Dr, Abbotsford, BC V2T 5W3 gurdvwrw klgIDr drbwr swihb AYbtsPorf ivKy
ies h&qy dy pRogrwm jnvrI 4 Su`krvwr
ArMB sRI AKMf pwT swihb Aqy lMgr syvw PryimMg kMpnI dy smUh syvwdwrW Aqy pirvwrW v`loN
jnvrI 6 AYqvwr
Bog sRI AKMf pwT swihb Aqy lMgr syvw PryimMg kMpnI dy smUh syvwdwrW Aqy pirvwrW v`loN
jnvrI 11 Su`krvwr
Dµn Dµn swihb sRI gurU goibµd isµG jI
dy pRkwS gurpurb dy sbµD ivc gurdvwrw klgIDr drbwr swihb dy myn hwl ivKy Su~krvwr jnvrI 11, 2019 ƒ svyry 9:00 vjy pwT AwrµB hoxgy Aqy Bog AYqvwr jnvrI 13, 2019 ƒ svyry 9:00 vjy pYxgy
jnvrI 13 AYqvwr
AYqvwr jnvrI 13, 2019 klgIDr drbwr swihb ivKy syvyry 6:30 AµimRq sµcwr hoxgy smUh AµimRq AiBlwSI Awpxy nwm gRµQI isµG ƒ drj krvwaux
jnvrI 3-4 vIrvwr Aqy Su`krvwr
isMG swihb igAwnI hrpwl isMG jI PiqhgVH swihb vwly Swm 6:15 qoN 7:15 q`k hwzrI Brngy
aÌsrF dI mYWs ivWc pfrtI cWl rhI sI» gurdvwrw swihb ivKy hwzrI Br rhy pRcwrk isMG ieWk ardlI ny afx ky AunHF ƒ dWisaf ik • rwgI j~Qy – BweI jspwl isMG jI dmdmI tkswl vwly AunHF dy zYzI afey hoey ny qy irhfieÈ ’qy BweI hrimMdr isMG jI hzUrI rwgI gurdvwrw sMq Kwlsw rofy bYTy ieMqËfr kr rhy ny» Auh Èrfb df pYWg • FwfI j`Qw - igAwnI hrdIp isMG jI mwxocwhl cuWk ky nflL bYTy aÌsrF ƒ boly, “E[ky[ • kQw vwck – igAwnI rxjoD isMG jI dmdmI tkswl vwly gurdvwrw swihb ivKy pRogrwm b`uk krn leI sMprk kro ÌrYNzË, lYts kflL iet ey zy” (cMgf dosqo gurdvwrw swihb 604-504-5530, BweI jIq isMG is`DU (m`K u syvwdwr) 604-556-4089 hux mihÌl Éqm)» iksy ny puWC ilaf “kI igAwnI bic`qr isMG m`K u gRQ M I 604-600-1600 gWl?” JWt boly, “mfeI bfstrz Ìfdr ieË vyitMg aYt rYËIzYNs” (hrfmËfdf bfp koTI qusIN hovogy jI Xfrf nf[[[»” AuhdI gWl Auh hr gWl nflL ‘afpxf’ afKx dy afdI bYTf AuzIk irhY)» pUrI hox qoN pihlF Auh kuVI aMigafry vFg ny» sihj-suBfa kih dyxgy, “qusIN BfeI ieWk puls aÌsr huMdy sn, ivcfry Kudf ƒ BbkdI vfps muV ky puls muKI dy kmry sfihb, afpxf, ikrpfl isMG ƒ ieWk sunyhf ipafry ho gey» dfs dy dosq huMdy sn Auh ivWc jf vVI qy jFdy sfr lWgI aWg Auglx, qF dyeI jfxf, afpxf» hor koeI bMdf iml vI» AunHF df qkIaf klfm bVf ajIb sI, “qusIN iks bdqmIË kolL Byj idWqf mYƒ, nhIN irhf, ies leI, afpxf, quhfƒ qklIÌ “Xfrf nf[[[»” Auh hr gWl ieMj krdy sn, Aus ƒ gWl krn dI smJ vI nhIN»” dyx lWgy hF»” afm qOr ’qy kMm cWlI jFdf “asIN ikhf, Xfrf nf, gWl eI koeI nhIN, hY, pr ieWk vfr QoVHf ijhf Krfb ho jfx jdoN Xfrf nf asIN bYTy hF»” pMjfbI ivWc vWzy sfhb ny pihlF AuhdI gWl suxI aqy lWgf sI» ‘nflL’ ƒ vI bhuqI vfr ‘nf’ kih ky sfr iPr dfs dy dosq ƒ qlb kr ilaf» jdoN ilaY jFdY» iesy leI ‘Xfrf nf’ kihx df puWiCaf, “hF beI! kI ikhf sI qUM mYzm ƒ? Au s idn Au h afpxy iqM n do s qF nflL ieh kihMdy ny kuJ glq boilaf hY qUM?” pTfnkot qoN muV rhy sn bWjrI dI ZoafBfv ‘Xfrf nflL’ inkl afAuNdf sI» aWqvfd dy idnIN ieWk vfr idWlI qoN ieWk Aus ny jvfb ivWc ikhf, “sr, eyny sflF qoN ZuafeI df tYNzr Br ky» rfh ivWc ieWk QF pWqrkfr kuVI aMimRqsr dy hflfq jfxn af Xfrf nf qusIN ieWQy ho, jI Xfrf nf kdy koeI ipafs lWgI» aWgy ieWk ‘imlk bfr’ idWs geI» Aus ny iËlHy dy puls muKI ƒ afpxI glq gWl krdy qusIN vyiKaf hY jI aWgy? ipaf» gWzI rokI qy AuWqr ky rvF-rvIN Xfqrf df mMqv dWisaf qF Aus ny dfs dy qusIN ikhf sI Xfrf nf jf ky ies bIbI ƒ jf ky imlk bfr vflLI mulfËm ƒ boly, dosq ƒ Pon krky kih idWqf ik pWqrkfr Èihr ivKfAuxf ey, mYN ikhf clo Xfrf nf “bIbI jI, afh cfr ku boqlF duWD idE jy kuVI ƒ aMimRqsr df cWkr Auh lgvf dyvy» Èihr vyK afE, mYN qF sgoN Qfxy ivWc ieh afpxf»” imlk bfr vflLI qoN vI pihlF jdoN Auh kuVI dfs dy dosq kolL geI qF Aus vI kih idWqf sI ik rotI vI mYzm ƒ Xfrf glqI df aihsfs nflL idaF sWjxF ƒ ho ny svfgq krdy hoey ikhf, “afE jI, DMn nf KvfAuxI aY»” igaf qy Auh “rihx idE jI” kih ky Jtpt Bfg aY, qusIN aMimRqsr vyKxf Xfrf nf, eydU gWzI ivWc afx bYTy» Aus bIbI dy juVy dMd vWzI kI KuÈI dI gWl hY jI Xfrf nf» idny bVI muÈkl smJ afeI sI Aus kuVI ƒ qy KuWlHx qoN pihlF gWzI aglf iklomItr vI qusIN Èihr df cWkr lfE, Xfrf nf jWilHaF jdoN pUrI smJ af geI, iPr Auh ‘Xfrf nf’ vflLf bfg vyKo, Èfm ƒ Xfrf nf kMpnI bfg dfs dy dosq nflL keI idn lf ky aMimRqsr lMG geI sI»
qy lfrMs roz ’qy cWilE» aWqvfd df Ëor dI pUrI irport bxf ky hI muVI sI» dfs dy rMgIly dosqF ivWc ieWk ÌOjI aÌsr aY jI, jdoN qusIN Xfrf nf jfEgy, sB pfsy vI ny» Auh iksy ƒ vI ‘bfstrz’ (arQfq suMnsfn hoAUgI» Xfrf nf quhfzy ibnF iksy qy ieho ijhy hI ieWk hor dosq hn dfs dy» : hrfmËfdf) kih skdy ny» iek vfr pfsy Èfm ƒ hor iksy idWsxf eI nhIN» isrÌ ikWqy vjoN sVkF dy Tykydfr ny» bMdy Auh vI bVy ipafry ny, suBfa dy vI inWGy, pr
dosq qF ieho ijhy hor vI bQyry hn dfs dy, pr AunHF dI kQf kdy Pyr hI CyVFgy» AuNj bx ikWdF jFdY qkIaf-klfm, ieh gWl ajy vI nhIN smJ sikaf dfs! PAGE 25
The Patrika
ALL KIND OF FORMS _ Indian Passport Application _ Canadian Passport Application _ India E Visa, Regular Visa, O.C.I. _ Pan Card _ EI Benefits, Sickness, Reporting etc. _ US Visa Application _ PR Card, Citizenship Application _ Security Licence Application _ New Born Child Registration w Child Benefits, w SIN w Birth Certificate
hr qr~ dy P`rm Brn ivc m@dd kIqI j~dI hY
Ph: 604-825-0408
Cedar Park Place, Abbotsford
Friday, January 4th, 2019
B.C. Air Access Program helps create safer airport facilities Small, regional airports, heliports and water aerodromes around the province have an opportunity to improve their infrastructure for travellers, thanks to funding from the B.C. Air Access Program (BCAAP). A call for applications is now open and will be received up until Feb. 18, 2019. BCAAP is a cost-share program that provides funding to assist communities with improvements to their aviation infrastructure, including funds to support safety improvements, economic opportunities and green initiatives.
Since its launch in 2015, BCAAP has provided nearly $30 million in funding to 50 airports throughout the province. Projects have ranged from improveThe program introduced new funding ments for crack sealing at Vanderhoof incentives last year for airports work- Airport, to a terminal building expaning on environmental improvements sion in Terrace. that will benefit the communities, staff B.C. has more than 300 public airports, and travellers who use them. Incentives heliports and water aerodromes, which around green initiatives help aviation play a significant role in connecting facilities align with the Province’s communities and in supporting the recently announced Clean BC plan – a economy. The province’s airports plan aimed at reducing climate pol- handle 20% of Canada’s airport traffic, lution, while creating more jobs and and nearly a quarter of all takeoffs and economic opportunities for people, landings. businesses and communities.
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
bfrU zoizaF vflLf aWj luiDafxf iËlHy dy vWzy ipMz bylcf dI pWkI dfxf mMzI ivc KUb cihl-pihl sI» iek idn pihlF zozy vycx afey rfie isWKF aqy puils ivckfr jMm ky hoeI lVfeI dy sfry pfsy crcy sn» aWDKVH aqy buWZy isr joV-joV ky mOjUdf hflqF qoN icMqq hoey gWlF kr rhy sn» nOjvfnF dIaF ZfxIaF Thfky mfr-mfr ky gWlF ’coN anMd lY rhIaF sn» “kWlH qF nËfrf eI af igaf» motf ispfhI ijhVf bMdy ƒ bMdf nIN sI smJdf, jdoN AuhdI DOx ’c peI zFg, Auh qF iKWdo vFgUM nyq rfm afVHqIey dI PVHI qWk ruVHdf eI igaf[[[ beI bfrU ny ijhVy pulsIey CWlIaF vFg kuWty[[[ aÈky Auey bfrUaf” BlvfnF df jMtf iksy jyqU vFg nOjvfnF dy toly ’c KVHf bfrU dI bhfdrI dy kfrnfmy suxf irhf sI» “bcn isMaF socx aflLI gWl qF ieh af ik jy aWj eysy qrHF zozy ivkdy rhy, kWlH ƒ afpxy muMzy iksy kMm dy nhIN rihxy» ËmInF ivk jfxgIaF qy ieh vI idhfVI-dWpy ’qy af jfxgy»” nfjr ishuM ny iÌkrmMd huMdy hoey ikhf» bfrU isMG rfie-isWK ijsny kWlH dfxf-mMzI ivc puils nfl vMgfrmeI nMgI icWtI lVfeI lVI sI» Auh bylcf dy nËdIk hI byt dy ielfky dy ipMz koTy myrU df vsnIk sI» bfrU df bfp dInf jWtF dy KyqF ’c idhfVIaF lfAuNdf qy jF iPr sIrI rldf irhf sI» AuhdI hmyÈf iehI ieWCf huMdI sI ik Ausdf iekloqf puWq bfrU pVH-ilK ky iksy cMgy ahudy ’qy lWgy» ijs sdkf Gr dI ÊrIbI kWtI jfvy» Ausny bfrU ƒ srkfrI p®fiemrI skUl ivc dfKl krvf idWqf sI» JolLy ivc kYdf, slyt, slytI aqy PWtI vgYrf pf ky skUl qornf ÈurU kr idWqf sI» idn-rfq ieWko gWl Auhdy idmfg ivc GuMmdI ik myrf bfrU pVH-ilK ky qrWkI krygf» Auh bfrU ƒ smJfAuNdf, “pu W q bfrU a f, mY N qF jWtF dIaF KflL F GVidaF jUn gfÜ idWqI» ÈrfbF, zozy qy Ërdy df lflc dy-dy ky duWgxf kMm ilaf ienHF pqMdrF ny» mYN cfhuMnY qYƒ nf ienHF dy hWQF vWl Jfkxf pvy» qUM pVH ky iksy cMgy ’huWdy ’qy lWgIN»” byt dy ielfky ivc srkfrI skUlF df mMdf hfl sI» bfrU df iek aiDafpk vflLf skUl iksy ivrly-tfvyN idn hI KuWlHdf sI» bfrU BfvyN pVH qF nf sikaf pr Ausdy mn ivc Auhdy bfp dIny dI ieh gWl Gr kr cuWkI sI ik jWtF dy KyqF ivc idhfVI-dWpf krky jUn Érfb nhIN krnI» Auh jfxdf sI ik ies qrHF krn nfl qF rWjvIN rotI vI nhIN KfDI jf skdI» iPr Auh roËI rotI leI hWQ pYr mfrn lWgf» bVIaF koiÈÈF dy bfvjUd Ausƒ bylcf ipMz dy afVHqIey s[ hrbMs isMG kol dfxf mMzI ivc qoly df kMm imlL igaf» rotI-pfxI sohxf cWlx lWg ipaf» hryk afVHqIaf bfrU ƒ kMm dy ky rfjLI sI ikAuNik hux bfrU Cy PuWtf axGVq tMby vrgf nroaf gWBrU bx cuWkf sI» Ausdy Èfh-kflLy rMg ivc icWty-
pIlLy dMd aqy aWKF bYtrIaF vFgUM dgdIaF sn» hsmuWK, imlxsfr qy dlyr sI bfrU» zrU dIny df bhfdr puWq» hOÜI-hOÜI Auh mËdUrF df Tykydfr bx igaf» dIny ƒ vI afpxy puWq dI qrWkI ’qy mfx hox lWgf» dIny ny bfrU df ivafh kr ilaf qy Ausdy Aupro-QWlIN iqMn puWqr hoey» mMzI ivc mËdUr kxk-Jony dy sIËn ivc idn-rfq ieWk krky pYsf iekWTf krn leI aksr hI nÈy-pWqy dI vrqoN krn lWg pey sn» so bfrU ƒ vI sMGoN hyTF Auqrdy nÈypWqy df srUr cMgf lWgx lWg ipaf sI» mMzI ivc iek Eprf bMdf rfq smyN zozy ilafAuNdf, sfry mËdUr Ausdy afÜy-duafÜy jf prny ivCfAuNdy» Auh iek-aWD GMty ivc hI GWt kImq ’qy ilaFdy zoizaF df borf vWD kImq ’qy vyc ky qurdf bxdf» bfrU dy mn ivc vI keI vfr ieh gWl KOrU pfAuNdI ik ikAuN nf iehI sOKf kMm ÈurU kr idaF» iekWTy ssqy zozy ilaFdy, mihMgy vycy, bWs nÌf hI nÌf» so iek idn bfrU ny vI afVHqIey qoN mF dI ibmfrI df bhfnf lf ky rupey AuDfr lY ley» Auh AunHF pYisaF df zoizaF df borf lY afieaf, ijsƒ mMzI ivc mËdUrF ƒ vycx qoN bfad qkrIbn duWgxf nÌf ho igaf» AunHF idnF ivc KfVkUvfd df Ëor sI» KfVkU niÈaF dy sÉq ivroDI sn» rfh-KihVy jy koeI ÈrfbI jF nÈeI AunHF ƒ iml pYNdf qF cMgI pryz krvf idMdy sn» rfq-brfqyy ikqy zoizaF df trWk afAuxf huMdf qF amlIaF ivWc afm qOr ’qy Ausƒ jhfË Auqrnf kihMdy sn» bfrU ƒ pqf lWg igaf ik aWj aWDI rfq mogy nyVly bflo ipMz dy isivaF lfgy jhfË Auqrnf hY» Ausny afpxy iek sfQI ƒ nflL ilaf qy do sfeIklF ‘qy AuQy phuMc gey» do bory zozy ley aqy dovF ny afpo-afpxy sfeIklF ’qy lWd ley» dovyN sfeIklF ƒ hvf nflL gWlF krvfAuNdy amIr bxn dy supny buxdy isWDy bylcf ipMz vWl af rhy sn» jgrfvF vflLI pulI dy nyVy ajy phuMcy hI sn ik AunHF ƒ pMj-Cy bMdy dUroN idKfeI idWqy» Auh smJ gey ik sfhmixAuN KfVkU af gey hn» hux AunHF dI ÉYr nhIN» pihlF sfeIkl suWt ky KyqF ivc BWjx lWgy» pr iPr sfrI kmfeI suWtx ƒ jIa nf mMinaF» iPr Auh bMdy idsxoN ht gey» AunHF soicaf ik Èfied ieh BulyKf hI sI» ies leI Auh iPr cWl pey» jdoN Auh aYn pulLI ‘qy phuMcy qF BUrIaF dIaF buWklF mfrI kWCF ivc kuJ iqWKfiqWKf lukfieaf hoieaf, bMdy iPr mUhry af gey» AunHF ƒ sfeIkl suWt dyx df hukm hoieaf» bfrU sfeIkl suWt ky AunHF dy pYrIN pY igaf» AuWcI-AuWcI rovy, imMnqF kry ik mYN ieh ÊlqI pihlI vfr kIqI hY» bfibE bÉÈ idE» Ausƒ mOq sfhmxy idKfeI dyx lWgI» iPr iek bMdf boilaf ik ienHF qy do golLIaF Érfb nhIN krnIaF» dovF dy kMn joV ky ieko golI mfr idAu» dovF dI Ëubfn suWk geI» pr iËafdf imMnqF krn
‘qy AunHF ƒ aWgy qoN zozy nf KrIdx aqy nf vycx df vfadf lY ky KflI hWQ KyqF ivWcoN dI Bjf idWqf» svyry bfrU Aus smyN pCqfa irhf sI, jdoN Ausƒ pqf lWgf ik Auh KfVkU nhIN sn» Auh qF nyVly ipMz mflIpur dy bfjIgr sn» jo BUrIaF ivWc Coto-Coty zMzy dy ky hI luWtFKohF df kMm krdy sn» Auh vI jI[tI[ roz ’qy cVHn qoN pihlF-pihlF puils dy hWQ af gey sn» bfrU ƒ lWg irhf sI ik mYN qF ieMnf qkVf hF ik ienHF sfiraF df iekWlf hI mukfblf kr skdf sI» so bfrU ƒ Aus idn KfVkUaF df Bys DfrI KVHy lutyiraF qy rih-rih ky guWsf af irhf sI» Aumr aqy qjLribaF ny bfrU ƒ hor vI prpWk kr idWqf sI» AuDr bfrU dy bWcy vI vWzy ho gey sn» iek idn Ausny do bory zozy Gr ilaf ky lukfey hoey sn» puils ƒ ipMz ’coN sUh lWg geI aqy Cfpf pY igaf» Ausny afpxy muMzy aqy AunHF dI mF kMD tpf ky Bjf idWqy» afp ivhVy ivc mMjI ’qy bYT igaf» Qfxydfr nvF sI, biTMzy vWloN bdl ky afieaf sI» jdoN Ausny bfrU ƒ KVHf hox leI mMjy dy pfvy ‘qy zMzf mfiraf qF bfrU ny aMnHf hox df zrfmf kIqf qy dWisaf “mYƒ qF idsdf kuJ nhIN, afh Gr dy pqf nhIN kI-kI krdy rihMdy ny» mYN qF afp ienHF qoN qMg aF» BfeI afpy eI Pol lE Gr»” Qfxydfr ny soicaf ik jy bfrU ƒ Qfxy lY jfvFgy qF afpy tWbr CuzvfAux afvygf» so ispfhI bfrU ƒ dovF bfhF qoN iDafn nflL PV ky hmdrdI nflL gWzI vWl iljf rhy sn qF dUroN Ausƒ Ausdf hmfieqI sUbydfr jrnYl isMG idisaf» “afh jrnYl isMG nI afAuNdf Blf” bfrU ny ajy ikhf hI sI ik ispfhIaF ƒ Ausdy aMnHy hox dy zrfmy df pqf lWg igaf aqy AunHF AusdI DOVI lfh idWqI» bfrU ny DOVI qF lhf leI pr zozy puils dy hWQ nhIN lWgx idWqy» hux bfrU iksy df muQfj nhIN sI irhf» Ausdf afpxf kfrobfr sI» pr kWlH mMzI ivc jo hoieaf sI» Auh qF Gtnf nhIN sgoN kfrnfmf sI» pWkI mMzI dy ivckfr afÜy-duafÜy kxk dIaF borIaF lWgIaF hoeIaF sn» isrÌ iek pfisEN lMGx leI Cotf ijhf rsqf sI» ijs ivcoN lMG ky ieMspYktr vgYrf bolI lgfAux afAuNdy sn» kWlH Ausy rsiqAuN iqMn skUtrF qy bfrU smyq Cy bMdy iqMn bory zozy lY ky aYn mMzI dy ivckfr af KVHy» sB qoN mUhrly skUtr ‘qy bfrU sI aqy ipWCy AusdI tIm dy bfkI PIly» AunHF kolL afpoafpxIaF mËbUq zFgF, toky qy brCy sn» Auh by-zr ho ky Èryafm zozy vyc rhy sn ik acfnk puils dI gWzI af geI» mMzI ivc BgdV mWc geI» puils dy aWT bMdy gWzI ivcoN Auqr ky AunHF vWl BWjy» bfrU ny vI llkfrf mfiraf» puils dI agvfeI aYs[aYc[E[ gurjIq isMG kr rhy sn» AunHF ƒ guWsf af igaf ik sfzy huMidaF ienHF rfie-isWKF dI aijhI Ëuarq» bWs iPr
PAGE 27 pRo[ hirMdr kOr ‘sohI’ kI sI» iek pfsy bfrU horIN Cy rfie-isWK, dUjy pfsy aYs[aYc[E[ horIN aWT pulsIey» zFgo - zFgI[[[Tfh-Tfh[[[llkfry - lhU luhfx[[[» bfrU afpxy bMidaF nfl sB qoN mUhry lVdf hoieaf hWlfÈyrI dy irhf sI» cWk idE[[[mfr idE[[[CWzxy nhIN aWj pulsIey[[[» hux mYN p®Dfn hF quhfzf[[[bfrU zoizaF vflLf» ieAuN jfp irhf sI ijvyN gWqky KHyzx df mukfblf ho irhf hovy» pulsIey srIrk qOr ’qy moty pr kmËor sn» pr bfrU horIN qkVy sn» aMq ivc pulsIaF dy mUMh aWzy gey, Auh zr ky ipWCy BWjx lWgy» iek pulsIaf dOV ky afpxI gWzI Aupr cVH igaf» dUjy afÜy-duafÜy qmfÈf dyKdI BIV vWl iKskx lWgy » bfrU ny Tfh krdI zFg aYs[aYc[E[ dI bFh ’qy mfrI» bFh tuWt ky lmkx lWg peI» aYs[aYc[E[ ny afpxI byieËqI nf JWldy hoey kMbdy hWQ nflL ipstl kWZ ilaf aqy isWDI golI bfrU vWl syD idWqI» goÜI bfrU dy igWty ivc lWgI» aÉIr sxy aYs[aYc[E[ sfry pulsIey ipWCy ht gey» bfrU ny afpxy bMidaF ƒ skUtr stfrt krn df hukm idWqf» Auh CyqI nflL skUtr lY ky BWjx hI lWgy sn ik mMzI dy aYn ivckfr KVHf bfrU grijaf, “Auey aYh borf CWz ky nhIN jy jfvxf, jy ieh borf rih igaf qF bfrU dI ieWËq imWtI ivWc iml jfsI»” AunHF borf cuWikaf qy jyqUaF vFg iqMnF skUtrF ‘qy dhfVdy hoey mMzI ’coN cly gey» pulsIey jo mfVy ansrF nflL isWJx leI qnÉfhF lYNdy hn, Auh afpxy moty-TuWlHy juWisaF ƒ sMBfldy hoey ibnF afÜy-duafÜy aWK imlfey iKsk gey» aWj mMzI ivc puils dI burI qrHF hoeI hfr aqy rfie-isWKF dI ijWq ‘qy nOjvfn qF hWs rhy sn» pr isafxy icMqq sn» srpMc jgq isMG ny afpxy pMcfieq mYNbrF dI ipMz dy isafxy bMidaF nfl mIitMg sWdI qF jo ipMz ivc cWl rhy niÈaF dy kohV qy kfbU pfieaf jf sky» AunHF ies kMm ivc puils ƒ sihXog dyx dI Tfx leI» srpMc jgq isMG ËÉmI hoey aYs[aYc[E[ sfihb dI Ébr-sfr lYx igaf» aYs[aYc[E[ sfihb ny dWisaf ik huxy-huxy zI[aYs[pI[ sfihb bYTy gey ny» Auh qF kihMdy sI ik qYƒ kI loV sI aijhf pMgf lYx dI» ijnHF lokF dy muMzy nÈy lWg rhy ny, Auh qF ies lVfeI df anMd mfxdy rhy» nflLy quhfƒ pqf srpMc sfihb ik ieh zozy iksdy sI? “hF jI, bfrU dy” srpMc ny jko-qkI ivc ikhf» “nhIN, jI nhIN, mYƒ zI[aYs[pI[ sfihb ny dWisaf ik ieh zozy qF sfzy ishq mMqrI s[ mukMd isMG lhOrIaf dy sn»” srpMc dIaF aWKF aWzIaF rih geIaF» Auh kdy ishq mMqrI bfry, kdy bfrU zoizaF vflLy bfry aqy kdy afpxy ipMz dy nOjvfnF dy BivWK bfry socdf hI rih igaf» PAGE 27
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
iÈv kumfr btflvI mYN iks hµJ¨ df dIvf bfl ky jo lohf pI sky Auh gIq
nvyN vrHy qoN mµgI BIK
ik®sims dIaF CuWtIaF
sfeIN vy sfeIN vrHf sulWKxf cVHfeIN
sqvMq kOr pMDyr hWso-KHyzo mOj mnfE CuWtIaF dy idn afey,
sfeIN vy sfeIN KyVy KuÈIaF ilafeIN
rÜ ky KuÈIaF nfÜ mnfeIey» pr nf pI ky kfr clfE»
pRoN surjIq isµG bDyÈf
qyrI afrqI gfvF
ikQoN lY ky mYN afvF
mYN ikhVy Èbd dy b¨hy ‘qy
mYN afpxI pIV dy aihsfs kolLoN
sfeIN vy sfeIN mINh rihmqF df pfeIN
mµgx gIq aWj jfvF
d¨r ikµj jfvF »
sfeIN vy sfeIN iensfnIaq isKfeIN
jo qYƒ krn leI Bytf
mYN qyrI AusqqI df gIq
sfeIN vy sfeIN hYvfnIaq lYNdf jfeIN
mYN qyry duafry ‘qy afvF
cfhuµdf hF ik Auh hovy
myrf koeI gIq nhIN aYsf
ijdHy hWQ sWc dI qlvfr
jo qyry myc af jfvy Bry bfËfr ivc jf ky jo afpxf isr ktf afvy
qy nYxF ‘c roh hovy ijdHy ivc vqn dI imWtI leI aµqF df moh hovy
ivsfKI vFgUM ikRsims dI
dUijaF dI ihÌfËq krky
rOxk ƒ hor vDfeIey»
afpxI vI qusIN jfn bcfE»
sfeIN vy sfeIN moh muhWbqF vDfeIN
cfry pfsy rOxk mylf
sfeIN vy sfeIN sfzy sfVy sfV jfeIN
ikRsims lok mnfAuNdy»
inWq dy huMdy hfdisaF qoN isWKIey kuJ isKfeIey»
sfeIN vy sfeIN mYÜ idlF dI DuafeIN
bWcy ivWc skUlF dy,
sfeIN vy sfeIN jfÜ muhWbqI ivCfeIN
rÜ imÜ ky jÈn mnfAuNdy»
sfeIN vy sfeIN KyVy KuÈIaF dy jfeIN sfeIN vy sfeIN dsF nhuµaF dI KuvfeIN
ieko rWb, aWz nf DrmF dy gWl ieh idlIN vsfeIey»
CuWtIaF dy idn[[[ rWbf iek arËoeI qYƒ krdI hY “sqvMq” inmfxI» isr qy CWq, by-Gr nUM
jo afpxy sohl iCµdy bol
ijdHy ivc lh¨ qyry dI
sfeIN vy sfeIN dsvµD kZvfeIN
nINhF ivc icxf afvy
rlLI lflI qy loa hovy
sfeIN vy sfeIN koeI BuWKf nf svfeIN
CuWtIaF dy idn[[[
iqhfey Èbd ƒ qlvfr df
mYN afpxy lh¨ df
sfeIN vy sfeIN Gr svrg bxfeIN
Gr Gr cWlx pfrtIaF
pfxI ipaf afvy
iksy gIq ƒ itWkf ikvyN lfvF
sfeIN vy X¨Q ƒ kµmkfr idvfeIN
KyVy suWK qF ivhVy suWK
igÌt idMdy qy lYNdy»
dI lVI ƒ hor vDfeIey»
mYN buËidl gIq lY ky
bWcy bWcIaF nUµ ipafr vrqfeIN
pr nf BuWlxf, kuJ ivcfry
CuWtIaF dy idn[[[
ies qoN vFJy rihMdy»
CuWtIaF dy idn afey,
sfry sµsfr qy ÈFqI vsfeIN
loVvMd dI mWdd krky
rÜ ky KuÈI mnfeIey»
sfeIN vy sfeIN mµgF BIK JoÜI pfeIN
afAu krm kmfeIey»
ivsfKI vFg ikRsims dI,
CuWtIaF dy idn[[[
rOxk ƒ hor vDfeIey»
jo luWt jfvy qy muV vI
bËurg BYxF vIrF leI siqkfr lYNdf afeIN
XfrVy dy sWQrIN gfvy
iks qrHF qyry duafr ‘qy afvF»
icVI dy KµB dI llkfr
mYN cfhuµdf eys qoN pihlF
sO bfjF ƒ Kf jfvy
ik qyrI afrqI gfvF
mYN ikµj qlvfr dI gfnI
mYN mYlLy Èbd Do ky
sfeIN vy sfeIN, sfeIN, sfeIN, sfeIN, sfeIN[[[»
aWj afpxy gIq glL pfvF
jIB dI ikWlI ‘qy pf afvF
myrf hr gIq buËidl hY
qy mYlLy Èbd suWkx qIk
nvyN sfl dy s¨rjf
mYN ikhVf gIq aWj gfvF
qyrI hr pYV cuµm afvF
mY ikhVy bol dI Bytf
qyrI hr pYV ‘qy
lY qyry duafr ‘qy afvF
hµJ¨ df iek s¨rj jgf afvF
myry gIqF dI mihÌl ‘coN
mYN lohf pIx dI afdq
koeI Auh gIq nhIN lWBdf
Ërf gIqF ƒ pf afvF
jo qyry sIs mµgx ‘qy
mYN Èfied Pyr kuJ
qyry sfhvyN KVHf hovy
Bytf krn Xog ho jfvF
jo mYlLy ho cuWky lohy ƒ
mYN buËidl gIq lY ky
imt jfvx sB hWdF bµny rhy nf qyr myr
afpxy K¨n ivc Dovy
iks qrHF qyry duafr ‘qy afvF
nvyN sfl dy s¨rjf[[[
ik ijsdI mOq ipWCoN
mYN ikhVy Èbd dy b¨hy ‘qy
sB ƒ vµzIN KuÈIaF-KyVy nf koeI hµJ¨ kyry
Es ƒ koeI Èbd nf rovy
mµgx gIq aWj jfvF
duWK dilWdr d¨r Bjf sB krdy nvyN svyry
ik ijs ƒ pIV qF kI
myrf hr gIq buËidl hY
khy ‘zflvI’ cfnx dI koeI aYsI ikrn Klyr
pIV df aihsfs nf Cohvy
mYN ikhVf gIq aWj gfvF.
nvyN sfl dy s¨rjf koeI cfnx nvF bKyr
2019 sB leI iKiVaf bxfeIN
bhfdr zflvI nvyN sfl dy s¨rjf koeI cfnx nvF bKyr d¨r hovy duWKF dI kflK suWKF dI cVHy svyr
dyvIN, hr BuWKy ƒ aMn qy pfxI»
aYvyN kfhƒ JUrI jFdYN igafn isMG ‘kotlI’ isWJ lY hoxI nflL KVo ky, aYvyN kfhƒ JUrI jFdYN
Pyr mnuWKqf kohy nf koeI bx sunfmI kihr
hWsdf vsdf rsdf rih»
ÈYhy vFgUM bYT nf Èih»
Drm dy nFa ‘qy pfvy nf koeI afps dy ivc vYr
gWl ingUxI CWz proKy,
JWKV JFjf mINh hnHyrI,
sWcI kihxI zt ky kih»
nflL afPqF qx ky Kih»
doKI inMdk pfsoN bc ky,
koml PuWl sjf ky ihrdy,
BilaF aMdr jMm ky bih»
kMizaF ƒ muskf ky kih»
cfry pfsy nÌrq vflLf hovy d¨r hnHyr nvyN sfl dy s¨rjf[[[ rWb kry iPr hovx nf BYxF qoN vIrn d¨r dfj dI Kfqr blLI cVHy nf ho ky DI mjb¨r
hr AulJx dy kWZdy vWt, CWz ky ihMmq arÈI dfeIey, isWDI krky lf dy qih»
izgdf ZihMdf hyT nf lih»
CWz ky soc vsIly hIly,
ihMdU musilm isWK iesfeI,
aNYvyN iZg dy vFg nf Zih»
sB ƒ Xfr bxf ky rih»
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
nvyN vrHy qy duaf
nvF sfl mubfrk
rfijµdr pRdysI afE imWqro sfry rlL ky mµgIey ieh duaf.
mulK rfj bjfj sfl 2018 mfrI AuzfrI, nvF 2019 afieaf
surjIq pfqr mYN rfhF qy nhIN qurdf mYN qurdf hF qF rfh bxdy
nvyN sfl ivWc vgy nf koeI afÌq df diraf»
irÈqy dosq dyx vDfeI, afps ipafr jqfieaf
XugF qoN kfPly afAuNdy iesy sWc dy gvfh bxdy
ikximx kxIaF sUrj ikrnF nvF prfhuxf afieaf
ieh qpdI ryq dWsdI hY ik rsqf TIk hY myrf
tI[vI, ryzIE, aÉbfrF, PysbuWk ruÈnfieaf
ieh sVdy pYr, Trdy idl, myry sWc dy gvfh bxdy
afE imWqro sfry rlL ky mµgIey ieh duaf
do hËfr ’TfrF XfdF BuWldIaF nhIN BulfeIaF
ju lo mWQy ‘coN PuWtdI hY, Auh aslI qfj huµdI hY
hWkF Éfiqr lVn juJfr¨ ijWq dy gWzx Jµzy
aWiqafcfr, Ëulm bQyry, CupdIaF nhIN CupfeIaF
krn bÊfvq ‘myry mOlf’ srkfrF dy zµzy
hOl kfljy pYNdy AunHF, ijnHF duWK AuTfey
Êrkjfxy ieh Êrkx sWBy bfr¨dF dy Zyr dunIaF qy amnF dI cmky inWq hI nvIN svyr JgVy JyVy aqy nÌrqF sB ho jfx ivdf
lokF dy aµdroN imt jfvy luWt df KOÌ ijhf nvyN sfl ivWc vgy nf koeI afÌq df diraf» nµigaF ihWsy kWpVf afvy qy BuWiKaF dy rotI
bygunfh keI mfry gey rovx jxdy jfey afpxy dyÈ dy bxy duÈmx Bfrq sVn lWgf
AunHF ƒ ‘Auh’ aklF bÉÈy nIq ijnHF dI KotI
luWtF KohF, corI zfky, blfqkfr, vDx lWgf
byGiraF leI KuWlHy ‘Xf-rWb’ Gr Gr df b¨hf
rfjDfnI idWlI ivWc lVkI nflL gYNgryp hoieaf
afE imWqro sfry rlL ky mµgIey ieh duaf krn bÊfvq bFdrIaF sB mµnx hfr mdfrI qoVn jflL kb¨qr sWBy hox mfX¨s iÈkfrI
kÈt shfry bcf nf sky, sfrf dyÈ roieaf AUVf, jUVf kdr nf rhI rovy mF pMjfbI
qvI dy qKq ‘qy bih ky hI sWcy pfqÈfh bxdy ieh pµzq rfg dy qF ipWCoN sdIaF bfad afAuNdy ny myry hAuky hI pihlF qF myrI vµJlI dy sfh bxdy asfƒ rIq qoN vWD ky iksy dI prIq ipafrI hY q¨µ ilK lyKf qy ilK ijµny vI ny sfzy gunfh bxdy rFJy nf vI huµdy qF vI nf bxdy asIN kYdoN asIN jF nfQ huµdy jF asIN luWzx mlfh bxdy AudoN qWk q¨µ hYN sfzI ihWk dy ivWc mihP¨Ë mr ky vI jdoN qWk ijsm sfzy hI nhIN sV ky suafh bxdy
afËfdI dI ÉuÈb¨ vµzy TµZI Tfr hvf
DIaF gAUaF ieWËq nf, nÈy byihsfbI
nvyN sfl ivWc vgy nf koeI afÌq df diraf»
iB®Ètfcfr, vWZIKorI, kflLf Dn, rOlLf pfeI jFdf
suWKIN sFdIN Gr prqx prdysF qoN ‘prdysI’
dunIaF mqlb dI lIzr CflLF bhuq lgFdf
mYN iek gWl jfxdF ik hY koeI ÈY ies vj¨d aµdr
KWtIaF kOVIaF XfdF BuWlo CWzo Êlq ivcfrF ƒ
Auh ijhVI ilÈk AuTdI hY jdoN sB ruWK isafh bxdy
lMiGaf vylLf hWQ nf afvy pkVo ÈuWB ivcfrF ƒ
kdI diraf ieWklf qYa nhIN krdf idÈf afpxI
nvyN vrHy ivWc vgy nf koeI afÌq df diraf
‘pRymI’ eyky dy ivWc huMdI brkq siqgur mddgfr
ËmIN dI ZflL, jl df vyg hI rlL imlL ky rfh bxdy
afE imWqro sfry rlL ky mµgIey ieh duaf
nvF sfl mubfrk sB ƒ hovy amn ÈFqI ipafr
acncyqI iksy ibµd¨ ‘coN cÈmf PuWt pYNdf hY
krn qrWkIaF ÉuÈIaF vµzx sB dy bytf bytI rhy mihkdf kµinafvF dI ÉuÈb¨ nflL vrHf afE imWqro sfry rlL ky mµgIey ieh duaf
isWKI isdk
ÌkIrF dy suKn kuC Xfr, kuC qfrIK dy mµËr jdoN mYN ËKLm Kf lYnF myrI Éfqr pnfh bxdy
isWK Drm dy vWizaF CoitaF ny,
ivDfqf isMG ‘qIr’ dyhI nflL afry dy icrvf idWqI» iksy isdk ÈhIdI dI Xfd aMdr,
afpo afpxI cMgI inBf idWqI»
iksy cfVH ky isdk dI zor AuWqy,
mOq idl qoN AuWkI Bulf idWqI»
iksy puWg ky isdk dI KHyz aMdr,
KUb isr dI guWzI Auzf idWqI»
keI inWikaF lfiCaF lfiVaF ny,
jy mYN afKF ik mYN kuJ hF kQn myry gunfh bxdy
bfËI vYrIaF dI PylH pf idWqI»
iksy sfhmxy vyK ky afeI crKI,
sfry jWg dI aWg buJfx Kfqr,
ijMd afpxI pUxI bxf idWqI»
lVn lWigaF mOq zrf idWqI»
ieh qurdf kOx hY mYN kOx hF qy kOx puWCdf hY
qWqI qvI ‘qy rWq vgf idWqI»
iksy eyqnf axK df jfp kIqf,
keIaF sUiraF axKIaF dUilaF ny,
ieh socF df sPr hY ijs leI sIny hI rfh bxdy
‘moqI-isdk’ leI iksy mr-jIvVy ny,
aMg aMg dI mflLf iPrf idWqI»
tuWbI AuWbldI dyg ivWc lf idWqI»
sUrj ZfilLaf iksy ny ËflmF df,
nfl DONs dy Drq Dmkf idWqI» inWky lflF nINhF ivWc icxy jf ky,
iksy cMd ny cFdnI cONk aMdr,
aYsI qyj qlvfr cmkf idWqI»
Ëflm rfj dI nINh ihlf idWqI»
nUrI idl dI idWlI lutf idWqI»
iksy kuVI kurbfnI ‘qy mohq ho ky,
‘qIr’ isdkIaF dIaF kurbfnIaF ny,
iksy hIry ny cmk ivKfeI aYsI,
lfh ky KWlVI hyTF ivCf idWqI»
isWKI Drm dI Èfn vDf idWqI»
ieh dfavydfr dfavydfr aYvyN KfhmKfh bxdy mYN kuJ nfdF qy ibµdF df imlx-ibµd¨ hF mYN kI hF
jdoN qk lPË ijAUNdy ny suKnvr ijEx mr ky vI Auh kyvl ijsm huµdy ny jo isivaF ivc suafh bxdy hmyÈf loicaf bxnf quhfzy ipafr dy ‘pfqr’ kdy nf soicaf afpF ik ahu bxdy jF afh bxdy PAGE 29
The Patrika
When I sign a film, I first look at the story: Aamir
Superstar Aamir Khan, who is called as the perfectionist of Bollywood, looks at the script while deciding a film.“When I sign a film, I first look at the story or the script. Actors and technicians are all a part of the film but it all begins with the writer,” said Aamir.“The writer is the origin and the most important aspect of the making of a film,” the actor further added.The Thugs of Hindostan actor is currently judging Cinestaan India’s Storytellers Script Contest.So while sharing what
he expects from the aspiring writers, he said, “We are looking at somebody with an imagination and a different story or scenario that we come across, where the characters have been well written, the premise and goal is clear and where the whole journey of the story is highly entertaining and engaging. That’s what we look for in a good script.” Cinestaan India’s Storytellers Script Contest is launched by Cinestaan Digital Pvt. Ltd. As a part of the contest, the winners with the best script will be awarded a prize of Rs 25 lakh.
The new year has an exciting and eclectic slate of films lined up for Sonakshi Sinha, who says she would love to work in a movie aimed at entertaining children. "I feel it is very crucial to keep the kids entertained in every household as it keeps them occupied and also aids them in learning new things. I hope to see more films which are made by keeping kids in mind as an audience and more engagement events to be held," Sonakshi said. The actress joined in a bit of kiddie fun in Mumbai earlier this month at the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards, which will be aired on Nickelodeon on January 6, 2019.Anything specific that she would like to do in the children's genre? "I would love to. I do feel I have a very strong connection with kids, could be because we're on the same wavelength (laughs). "Kids are just drawn to me and I just enjoy being around them, so I feel it would be wonderful if I was able to work on a film that is all out just for kids," she said. In 2019, Sonakshi has films like Kalank, Mission Dangal and Dabangg 3 to look forward to. "I feel blessed that I have such wonderful projects coming my way and it is truly thrilling to work on them. I cannot wait for all of them to hit the theatres," she said. There is also news that she may be seen in Nikkhil Advani's Snow. But Sonakshi steered clear of confirming. "The best people to give out any details of a film are either the producer or the director. I prefer not to speak about any films until I've actually signed on the dotted line," she said.
Would be wonderful to work on film for kids : Sonakshi PAGE 30
Friday, January 4th, 2019
Critics will have to shut their mouths after watching Manikarnika : Kangana Kangana Ranaut, who is gearing for the release of her forthcoming film Manikarnika – The Queen of Jhansi, says that people who criticise her at the drop of a hat will have to shut their mouths after watching the film.Talking about her critics, Kangana said, “I feel people who are not saying good things about me or my film will have to shut their mouths after watching the film and people who are saying good things, their mouths can’t be shut by anyone, this is what I feel.”Kangana has turned director for the forthcoming film apart from playing the titular role. The trailer of Manikarnika – The Queen of Jhansi has been receiving an overwhelming response from the audiences since its release.Sharing her feeling about this positive response, Kangana said, “I feel that’s the result of a team work. Initially, I found it difficult but then, I felt that I can do justice to the film as an actor and as a director.”
Katrina Kaif opts out of Remo D’Souza’s upcoming dance film Katrina Kaif, who was all set to team up for the first time with Varun Dhawan for a dance film, to be directed by Remo D’Souza, has now opted out of the project due to date issues. The film to be produced by Bhushan Kumar’s TSeries is touted to be India’s biggest dance film. Along with Varun Dhawan, the yet-tobe-titled film also features actorchoreographer-director Prabhudeva, Dharmesh Yelande, Raghav Juyal and Punit Pathak. The film was scheduled to release on November 8, 2019. “Katrina Kaif
had to opt out of Remo D’Souza’s upcoming dance film owing to her hectic schedule for Bharat. Katrina has always been a thorough professional. She decided to step out of the film as her dates were clashing with Bharat, which she is currently shooting for,” read a statement from Katrina’s spokesperson. Bharat, an official remake of the Korean film An Ode To My Father, will depict the history of India through the life of an ordinary man. Reportedly, Salman Khan will be sporting five different looks, spanning over 60 years. The film is being directed by Ali Abbas Zafar who has earlier collaborated with Salman on Sultan and Tiger Zinda Hai.
Simmba will make audience feel high : Rohit Shetty Filmmaker Rohit Shetty, who is looking forward for the release of his forthcoming film Simmba, has said that the film will make audience feel high as it has the combination of action, comedy, romance and emotions. "I am not saying that we have created something different but this film will give you a high. The film will make you happy and cry at the same time" Rohit said while interacting with media here on Wednesday at the promotional meet of "Simmba" along with the star cast of the film Ranveer Singh, Sara Ali Khan and Sonu Sood. Simmba is an action-comedy drama which revolves around a corrupt police officer who eventually stands up against rapist in the film. Rohit hosted screening of Simmba for his friends in the film industry, when asked Rohit what kind of response he received after the film's screening, he said, "I think we have made a good film. I make films every year. Last year, Golmaal Again was released." "I am not one of those filmmakers who make one film in four years but there are few films like Chennai Express, Golmaal 3, Golmaal Again and Singham that you know that it's an on beat film and it has been made the way we wanted it to make so, Simmba is one of them." he added.
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
$ 12.65
DrimMdr sLrmf: 778-683-3019 PAGE 31
The Patrika
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ies mfieaf ky qIn nfm
ANAND Irrigation Well Pump Installation and Service
nfnk isMG mYN vI qF ies Byq df ByqI sFÂť iPr ikAuN nf ies lotI qoN lfB AuTFdf, pr ieh ‘mMgU’ bWs ivWcoN AuWqridaF hI Aus mYĆ’ puWiCaf qF burI Ă‹ihmq bx ky cMbV igaf mYĆ’Âť qy jvfb ivc mYN jdoN isr dy ieĂˆfry nflL ‘hF’ ikhf qF Auh myry glL df hfr hI qF jo kuJ vI mYN ikhf, ijMnf vI ikrfieaf dyxf bx igafÂť cfihaf, ijhVIaF vI ĂˆrqF khIaF, mMgU df bWs ieWko jvfb sI-‘qQf asqU’ zlhOĂ‹I myry leI koeI Eprf Ăˆihr qF hY nhIN sIÂť lgfqfr keIaF sflF qoN ieWQy af mMgU ny dWisaf ik Auh afpxy mflkF dIaF irhf sFÂť amUmn mYN jFidaF hI ikrfey dI koTIaF dI cONkIdfrI qoN CuWt AuhnF Ć’ ikrfey QF nhIN lY lYNdf huMdfÂť muWZly iek do idn cfVHn ivc vI QoVHI bhuq mdd krdf hYÂť iksy dosq imWqr kolL jf Tihrdf qy iPr myrf asbfb cukvf ky Aus mYĆ’ moqI itWby sihj nflL dyK Bfl ky koeI mnmrĂ‹I df dI iek koTI aWgy jf Kilhfiraf qy kihx itkfxf lWBdf huMdf sFÂť pr Aus dI KuĂˆlWgf, “lE jI, ieh koTI iblkul quhfzy hI ÉlkI ny qy Aus dy ĂˆrIĂŒfnf bolx ZMg ny mqlb dI jyÂť ikMnf iekFq QF qy iblkul myry AuWqy ijvyN koeI jfdU ijhf kr idWqfÂť sfhmxy rfvI df nĂ‹frf idsdf hY[[[Âťâ€? Aus ny afpxf nF dWisaf ‘mMgU’ QF sWcmuWc hI myry mnBfAuNdI sI, pr koTI zlhOĂ‹I Ć’ jy mYN iek iesqrI dy rUp ivc dI hflq bVI hI Ksqf sIÂť jfpdf sI ijvyN klp lvF qy kihxf pvygf ik ies Ć’ mYN virHaF qoN Aus dI murMmq vWl iksy iDafn dohF hflqF ivc vyiKaf hY - pihlF dulhn nhIN idWqfÂť phfVI mkfnF dI Aumr AuNj dI hflq ivc qy Pyr ivDvf dy rUp ivcÂť hI GWt huMdI ey, ieQy mINh JWKV hWQoN cMgy sWc puWCo qF zlhOĂ‹I df husn vI qy suhfg cMgy mĂ‹bUq mkfnF dy bKIey AuWKV jfieaf vI aMgryĂ‹F dy nflL hI clf igafÂť mYĆ’ Auh krdy nyÂť pr aMdrly ihWsy dI hflq eynI idn vI Xfd ny jdoN zlhOĂ‹I phfV dI cihl mfVI nhIN sIÂť nflLy svfl ieh sI ik pUrI pihly qy gihmf gihmI isÉr ’qy puWjI hoeI sfrI koTI Ć’ lY ky mYN krFgf kIÂť mYĆ’ qy sIÂť sYlfnIaF dI BIV df ieh hfl huMdf sI isrĂŒ iek kmry dI loV sIÂť pr mMgU qF ik sdr bfĂ‹fr qoN lY ky bkroty qIk moZy myrI iksy vI gWl Ć’ BuMjy nhIN sI pYx dyNdfnflL moZf KihMdf sIÂť koTIaF ĂŒlYt qy hotlF “qusIN jI, ijMnf QF loVINdf jy vrqo, bfkI dy kmry TsfTs Bry huMdy snÂť ies phfV kmry pey rihx dyxy qy ikrfieaf ijMnf jI ’qy phuMc ky ijs Ć’ rihx leI mnmrĂ‹I df kry, dy CWzxfÂťâ€? QF iml jFdf, smJo Aus dI iksmq jfg pr ies ‘jI kry’ dI vI qF hWd hoxI cfhIdI pYNdIÂť hotlF vflLy ÉUb rWjvIN iCWl lfhuMdy hYÂť jI qF afdmI df krdf hY ik Aus Ć’ sn sYlfnIaF dIÂť Coty qoN Coty kmry df sBo kuJ muĂŒq hI iml jfeyÂť aÉIr ijMnf ikrfieaf vI pMj sWq rupey qoN GWt nhIN sI vI ikrfieaf mYN Aus Ć’ ikhf, Auh Enf hI huMdfÂť koTIaF vfilLaF df idmfĂŠ qF sWqvyN mMn igaf qy mYN bVy afrfm nflL Aus koTI asmfn ’qy huMdf sIÂť BYVI qoN BYVI koTI df, ivc Auqfrf kIqfÂť sIĂ‹n df ikrfieaf zyZ hĂ‹fr qy Auh vI sfrf pyĂˆgIÂť mMgU bVf hI bIbf afdmI jfipaf mYĆ’Âť Auh myry leI pfxI ilafAuNdf, mkfn dI sĂŒfeI pr ieh EdoN dI gWl hY jdoN zlhOĂ‹I ‘sfhb krdf, rotI pkf dyNdf qy kWpVy qWk Do dyNdfÂť lokF’ qy ‘mym sfihbfvF’ df ‘smr ihWl’ sIÂť eynf hI nhIN, Auh hr vylLy koTIaF dI murMmq hux qF EQy ieh hfl hY ik bVIaF bVIaF ivWc vI juitaf rihMdfÂť ijWQoN ĂˆIĂˆf tuWitaf aflIĂˆfn koTIaF qy hotlF ivc AuWlU boldy hovy EQy PWtIaF jV dyNdf, PrĂˆ plsqr nyÂť ikrfey Gtdy Gtdy aWT ds ĂŒIsdI ijWQoN puWitaf hovy EQy afp hI kFzI PV ky ’qy phuMc gey ny, iPr vI gfhk nĂ‹r nhIN pocfpfcI krn zih pYNdfÂť hor qF hor, lfg afAuNdfÂť lYNz lfrzF dI bdhflI ivWc ajy pfs dIaF koTIaF ivWcoN PuWlF dy bUty pqf nhIN vI jy koeI ksr sI qF Aus Ć’ pUiraF kr ikvyN ilafAuNdf qy AuhnF Ć’ QfAuN QfeIN lfx idWqf inkfsI jfiedfdF nyÂť 1947 qoN pihlF ivWc ruWiJaf rihMdfÂť Aus AuWqy ijvyN hr vyly muslmfn mflkF dIaF ijhVIaF koTIaF ieho iĂŒkr svfr huMdf ik mqy mYN iksy gWloN hĂ‹frF rupey sIĂ‹n ’qy cVHdIaF huMdIaF asMquĂˆt ho ky QF nf CWz jfvFÂť sn, EhI koTIaF hux pMdrF vIh rupey ’qy alft kIqIaF jf rhIaF sn qy eynf ssqf sfrIaF hI ÉUbIaF vyKIaF mYN Aus ivWcÂť ikrfieaf huMidaF vI ikrfeydfr GWt vWD pr ieWko Aus ivWc sB qoN vWzf BYV sI ik hI lWBdf hYÂť Auh hWd drjy df lflcI sIÂť ikrfieaf pyĂˆgI lYx dI koeI Ăˆrq nhIN sI, pr Aus ijs sfl df mYN iĂ‹kr kr irhf hF ieh ny bVIaF jugqF nflL kih sux ky mYQoN pyĂˆgI Ăˆfied 1949 jF 50 df smF sIÂť EdoN qWk ruipaf lY hI ilafÂť eyny AuWqy hI bWs nf zlhOĂ‹I df bWs nF hI bfkI rih igaf sIÂť krky Auh hr dUjy cOQy idn af myry duaflLy aMdfĂ‹n nWby PIsdI mkfn ÉflI pey rihMdy huMdf-koTI df tYks dyxf hY jI, mflkF vWloN snÂť “srdfr jI, bMglf cfhIey?â€?
Anand Irrigation 5390 Gladwin Road Abbotsford BC HARRIS RD
HWY 11
HWY 11
asIN sYpitk tYNk lfAuNdy hF We install septic tanks • Irrigation Installation
ierIgySn ienst`lySn
• Post Pounding
post l`auxy
• Drip and Sprinkler Systems
fir@p Eqy spirMklr
• Ditch Digging and Cleaning
if@c putxIE~ Eqy s`P krnIE~
• Farm Drains
Kyq~ iv@c fryn p`auxy
Workers Wanted: Welder & General helper good wages, must speak English, knowledge of Punjabi will be an asset We Specialize in Blueberry Draining Systems
Call Tarsem Singh at 604-897-2152 or 604-852-0552
Friday, January 4th, 2019
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
mnIafrzr afAux vflLf hY, bWs Blky nhIN qF prsoN quhfƒ moV idaFgf» afid gWlF kih ky Auh mYQoN agly CWzy ky aglyry mhIny df ikrfieaf vI muWC ky lY igaf» pr nf hI Aus df ‘Blky prsoN’ afieaf qy nf hI Aus kdI moiVaf» keI vfr qF Auh ingUxy iek jF do rupeIaF dI ÌrmfieÈ pf bihMdf» bQyrf mYN idl ivWc Dfr lYNdf sF ik bs hux Aus ƒ iek pYsf nhIN dyxf, BfvyN ipWt ky mr jfvy» pr pqf nhIN Aus dy bolF ivc qy Aus dy vrqfAu ivWc ikhVI igWdVisMGI sI ik jdoN hI Auh bVy ÈrIÌ lihjy ivc af ky kuJ mMgdf, mYQoN ienkfr nf ho skdf»
qy iek hor idn Aus dI ‘mflk pRsqI’ df iek nvF sbUq vyKx ivc afieaf» Aus rfqIN acfnk hI ieqny Ëor dI mINh ipaf ik jlQl ho igaf» aWDI rfqIN jdoN myrI aWK KuWlHI qF ibsqry df kfÌI ihWsf iBWjf ipaf sI, bWqI jgf ky vyiKaf qF CWq keIaF QfvF qoN co rhI sI» nfl dy Coty kmry ivc jf ky qWikaf, hor vI kfÌI sfmfn iBWjf ipaf sI» bVf guWsf afieaf Aus mMgU dy bWcy AuWqy ijs ny cfr sO vIh kr ky ieh inkMmI koTI myry glL mVH idWqI» qy mMgU qoN vI iËafdf afpxI akl AuWqy afvy ik zlhOËI, ijWQy koTIaF ƒ aWj kWlH kuWqy vI nhIN kbUldy, myry leI ieho Zfrf rih igaf sI? idl kry PV ky glLf GuWt suWtF mMgU df»
iek idn ju mYN svyry AuWiTaf qF bfhr kuJ rOlLy dI afvfË suxI» brFzy ivc af ky sfmfn ƒ iek QfAuN cuWk dUjy QF rWK, mMjf vyiKaf iqMn cfr bMdy mMgU ƒ GyrI burI qrHF aYDroN GsIt, aODr kr eys kMm ivc lWgf Aus dI JfV JMb kr rhy sn» hoieaf sF ik CWq dI tIn AuWqy mYƒ iksy puWCx ’qy pqf lWigaf ik mMgU ny AuhnF dI dy qurn dI afvfË suxfeI idWqI» zr ijhf bgIcI ’coN kuJ bUty curf ilaFdy sn qy ieh lWgx lWg ipaf mYƒ» slfh hoeI mMgU ƒ AuhdI pihlI hI corI nhIN sI, ies qoN pihlF jgfvF jf ky» koTI dy hI ieh iek ihWsy ivc vI AuhnF dy kfÌI pOdy corI ho cuWky sn» sONdf sI» tfrc lY ky jd mYN Aus dy kmry ivc puWjf qF mMgU df ibsqrf KflI vyiKaf» qrs vI afieaf mYƒ mMgU dI hflq AuWqy qy guWsf vI. Blf byvkUP nUM koeI puWCy ik koTI qF kI mMgU hI CWq ’qy quiraf iPrdf hY? iksy dI, rihx vflLf koeI qy Auh kfhdy leI qy ijAuN hI sfhmxI kMD vWl myrI nËr peI ies bygunfh bylWjLq df BfgI bxdf sI. ik mMgU ƒ mYN CWq qoN AuWqridaF vyiKaf» KLYr mYN imMnq qrlf krky mMgU df KihVf Aus dy isr ’qy gfry vflLI tokrI sI qy hWQ Cuzf idWqf qy Auh lok kyvl myry ilhfË ƒ ivc kFzI» srdI nflL Aus df srIr JMibaf ipaf» hYrfn rih igaf mYN ieqnI sÉq TMZ vfps cly gey» ivc giVaF dI vfCV vI pY rhI sI qy ieh mgroN mYN Aus ƒ ÉUb qfVnf kIqI» kihx kMmbÉq nMgy ipMzy CWq ’qy quiraf iPrdf lWgf-“aYvyN srdfr jI, ÉfhmÉfh myry sI» myrf sfrf guWsf rÌU cWkr ho igaf» nflL Éfr-bfËI krdy ny» Blf ÉflI peIaF koTIaF ’coN jy do-cfr bUty lY hI aFdy qF afAuNidaF hI Auh myry pYrF ’qy izWg ipaf» kI afÉr af geI» AuNj vI qF suWk sV hI srdI dy mfry sfbq gWl Aus dy mUMhoN nhIN sI jfxy sn, jd ik koeI Ksm sFeIN hY nhIN inkldI, “quhfƒ bVI qklIÌ hoeI hovygI srdfr jI, mYƒ kI pqf sI ies qUÌfn AuhnF df»” df» aWj kWlH qy GWt vWD hI brKf hoieaf “mUrKf” mYN Aus ƒ Ptkfiraf-“Ésm sFeIN krdI aY»” hovy nf hovy, corI qF afÉr corI hI hY» iPr qYƒ hI iks cWtI pfeI hY ik muÌq ivWc pfp ijMnf kuJ mMgU AuWqy vrHfAux leI mYN idl dI pMz isr ’qy cuWkyN» mflkF ƒ loV hovygI ivWc ’kWTf kIqf hoieaf sI Aus dy sinmr qy ÈrimMdgI Bry vfkF ivWc ijvyN sfrf hI qF afp bUty lvFdy iPrngy»” vih igaf qy isrÌ ieqnf hI mYN Aus ƒ kihx lWgf-“srdfr jI mflkF dI gWl qy kih sikaf-“pr pfÊlf qyrf ieh lfieaf koeI nhIN» mYƒ ies gWl df zr rihMdf hY hoieaf gfrf TihrnF vy EQy» ieh qyË ik mqy qusIN nf Audfs ho ky cly jfvoN»” vfCV ny qF JWt hI Auzf ky lY jfxf vy»” mYN ikhf-“hWCf, jy clf hI jfvFgf qF koeI Auh EvyN igVigVfieaf-“aWj dI rfq aOKI hor af jfeygf?” sOKI inkl jfvy, Blky mYN sImYNt ilaf ky “hor ieWQy ikhVf aOx izhf hoieaY jI iehnF pWkI lyNbI kr idaFgf jI»” koTIaF ivWc» aWDf sIËn lMG igaf» msyN aMdr jf ky qWikaf» kuJ nf kuJ mMgU dI ikqy qusF af ky bUhf KuWlHvfieaf hY, nhIN imhnq PlIBUq ho hI geI» CWq hux EnI qF BfvyN sfrf hI sIËn ivhlI rihMdI»” nhIN sI cONdI» “qy iPr qYƒ kI? ies gWl dI icMqf mflkF dUjy idn Auh Pyr af myry duafly hoieafƒ nhIN qy qYƒ bhuqI hY?” “srdfr jI, bVI Èrm afAuNdI hY mMgidaF, mMgU Pyr nhIN boilaf» mYN vI hor JfV pfxI pr mflkF vWlo N mnIafrzr ajy nhIN munfsb nf smJI» soicaf-nOkr vÌfdfr phuMicaf» jy pMjF ku ruipaF dI myhrbfnI kr sko qF jf ky sImYNt lY afvF»” hovy qF ieho ijhf»
zfZf hI idl siVaf Aus dI hr vyly dI mMg qoN» iek vfrI qF idl kIqf ik Ërf kMnF dIaF iKVkIaF KolH idaF sU ik myry kolL koeI QYlI jmHF kr rWKI sU» pr kuJ nf pyÈ jf skI jdoN aWKF ivc Xfcnf dy zUMGy Bfv qWky» not kWZ ky mYN Aus ƒ PVf hI idWqf»
mYƒ cpVfsI dI Ëbfn ’qy ieqbfr nf afAuNdf jy mYN Aus nots qoN ieh sqr nf pVH lYNdf-“lflf mMgq rfm lYNz lfrz zlhOËI»” cpVfsI ƒ puWiCaf-“qF qy beI bVf kMjUs hY ieh[[[»”
qy iPr mYN vyKdf irhf svyr qoN lY ky zUMGy soqy qIk mMgU KVHI lWq ilMbo pocI ivWc juiVaf ajy hor kuJ puWCx hI lWgf sF ik cpVfsI irhf» idl ivWc bfr bfr ieho khF-DMn hY bol ipaf-“kMjUs nhIN jI bdnsIb» Aus dI iek hor vI koTI hY ieWQy, eydUM vI vWzI mMgU qy DMn hY ies dI mflk pRsqI» qy ienHF hI koTIaF dy isr ’qy mMgq rfm qy aÉIr iek idn mMgU dI ies mflk-pRsqI df kunbf kdI aYÈ kiraf krdf sI» hux df Byd KuWlH hI igaf» dupihry brFzy ivWc qy ivcfiraF qoN murMmq qy tYks df Érc bYTf mYN ilK irhf sF ik imAUNsIpYiltI df vI nhIN inkldf»” qy cpVfsI ny TMZf iek cpVfsI af ky puWCx lWgf- “srdfr sfh Biraf-“zlhOËI clI geI srdfr jI ikWQy aY lflf mMgq rfm?” jI aMgryËF dy nflL» hux qy bWs nF hI rih “ikhVf mMgq rfm?” mYN Aus AuWqy svfl igaY ies df»” kIqf» zlhOËI dI bdlI hoeI qsvIr qF pihlF “jI koTI df mflk, Aus dy nF nots afieaY qoN hI vyK cuWkf sF, pr mMgU dI qsvIr vI myrIaF aWKF aWgy bdl geI jdoN mYN cpVfsI pRfprtI tYks df»” dy mUMhoN ieh gWlF suxIaF» mYN puWiCaf-“Blf mYN jvfb idWqf-“pr eyQy qF nhIN rihMdf jy ieh hfl hY qF vyc ikAuN nhIN suWtdf koTI df mflk» hF AuhnF df cONkIdfr mMgU iehnF ƒ?” hY, ijhVf ikqy eyDr EDr igaf hovygf»” cpVfsI ny jvfb idWqf-“vycy ivcfrf iks cpVfsI hWs ipaf-“qF qusIN nhIN jfxdy kolL» jfiedfd df muWl afbfdI krky hMudY srdfr jI» mMgU hI qF hY ies koTI df srdfr jI»” mflk» lE iPr aYh nots dy dyxf Aus ƒ»” TMZf sfh Br ky cuWp ho igaf mYN» PAGE 33
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
swjx kumfr nUM hfeIkort df iewk hor Jtkf
sWjx kumfr nUM sËf idvfAux vfly vkIlfˆ qy gvfhfˆ df snmfn tilLaf 1984 dy iswK kqlyafm dy doÈI swjx kumfr nUM idwlI hfeIkort vwloN Aumr kYd dI sËf dy PYsly mgroN ÈRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI ny ies kys dy muwK gvfhfˆ qy vkIlfˆ df snmfn krn df aYlfn kIqf sI. iPlhfl kmytI ny ieh pRogrfm mulqvI kr idwqf hY. pihlfˆ ieh snmfn 26 dsMbr nUM kIqf jfxf sI. nvIN qfrIK ajy qYa nhIN hoeI. ÈRomxI kmytI dy bulfry idljIq isMG bydI ny dwisaf ik iswK nslkuÈI dy doÈI swjx kumfr df kys lVn vflLy vkIÜfˆ dy nflL nflL pIVqfˆ qy gvfhfˆ nUM ÈRomxI kmytI vwloN snmfn dyx df pRogrfm awgy pf idwqf igaf hY .
ivDfiekfˆ dIafˆ qnKfhfˆ vDfAux qoN pihlfˆ mulfËmfˆ nUM KuÈ krygI pMjfb srkfr pMjfb dy ivDfiekfˆ dIafˆ qnKfhfˆ vDfAux sbMDI ajy bYTk hI hoeI sI ik cuPyry ies df ivroD hoxf ÈurU ho igaf sI. pr pMjfb srkfr df ivwq ivBfg ivDfiekfˆ dIafˆ qnKfhfˆ vDfAux qoN pihlfˆ mulfËmfˆ df ruikaf hoieaf zIey dyx dy hwk ivwc hY . ivwq mMqrI mnpRIq bfdl ny ikhf ik ivDfiekfˆ dIafˆ qnKfhfˆ qoN pihlfˆ zIey dyxf vDyry ËrUrI hY. mIzIaf irportfˆ mqfubk ivwq ivBfg dy aiDkfrIafˆ df mMnxf hY ivDfiekfˆ dI qnKfh vDfey jfx qoN pihlfˆ mulfËmfˆ dy bkfieaf zIey dIafˆ ikÈqfˆ df Bugqfn kIqf jfxf ËrUrI hY. aijhy ivwc hfly ivDfiekfˆ dIafˆ qnKfhfˆ vDfey jfx `qy iPlhfl ivrHfm icMnH lwg igaf hY . pr aiDkfrIafˆ ny hfly ieh nhIˆ dwisaf ik mulfËmfˆ dy bkfieaf zIey dIafˆ ikÈqfˆ kdoN jfrI kIqIafˆ jfxgIafˆ.
hvfrf nUM iqhfV jylH `c imlx mgroN jQydfr mMz df vwzf PYslf sRI akfl qKq sfihb dy muqvfËI jQydfr jgqfr isMG hvfrf nfl mulfkfq qoN bfad AunHfˆ dI Qfˆ `qy kfrjkfrI muqfvfËI jQydfr iDafn isMG mMz ny PiqhgVH sfihb ivKy 10 jnvrI nUM swdI bYTk rwd kr idwqI hY . mMz ny ieh PYslf hvfrf nfl iqhfV jylH ivwc mulfkfq qoN bfad ilaf hY . drasl, ipClI 9 dsMbr nUM mMz dy brgfVI iensfP morcf Kqm krn dy PYsly dI cuPyirEN hoeI nukqfcInI mgroN 20 dsMbr nUM PiqhgVH sfihb ivKy iekwqrqf swdI sI pr iPr AunHfˆ ies bYTk nUM 10 jnvrI 2019 `qy pf idwqf sI . mMz dy shfiek jgdIp isMG Buwlr ny dwisaf ik hvfrf nfl mulfkfq qoN bfad AunHfˆ bYTk nUM rwd krn df mn bxf ilaf hY .
byadbI dI jfˆc krn vfly kimÈn dy muKI `afp` `c Èfml ! lok sBf coxfˆ qoˆ pihlfˆ afm afdmI pfrtI ny kmrkwsy kr ley hn aqy pMjfb ivwc burI qrHfˆ nuksfny gey pfrtI dy Zfˆcy nUM muV qoN KVHf krn leI sfP aks vflLy lokfˆ nUM awgy ilafAux df kMm vI ÈurU kr ilaf hY. `afp` ies kMm dI ÈurUafq sfbkf jwj qoN krn jf rhI hY. ÈRomxI akflI dl dI srkfr dOrfn gurU gRMQ sfihb dI byadI mfmilafˆ dI qPqIÈ kr cuwky jsits (syvf-mukq) Ëorf isMG ny afm afdmI pfrtI nflL isafsI sPr ÈurU krn df PYslf kIqf hY qy Auh afp pfrtI ivc Èfml ho gey hn.
Kihrf DVy nUM Jtkf, iewk ivDfiek ny Cwizaf sfQ afm afdmI pfrtI dy bfgI DVy nUM Aus vylLy Jtkf lwgf jdoN gVHÈMkr qoN ivDfiek jY ikÈn roVI ny suKpfl Kihrf df sfQ Cwz ky muV kyjrIvfl nflL hwQ imlLf ilaf hY. ivDfiek roVI ny pihlfˆ hI bfgI DVy qoN dUrI bxfeI hoeI sI. idwlI ivwc AunHfˆ ny muV afm afdmI pfrtI juafien kr leI. roVI sxy swq ivDfiekfˆ ny suKpfl Kihrf dI agvfeI hyT kyjrIvfl iKlfP JMzf cuwikaf sI. ies mgroN pfrtI ny ienHfˆ sfry ivDfiekfˆ nUM muawql kr idwqf sI . PAGE 34
idwlI hfeIkort ny iswK kqlyafm dy doÈI swjx kumfr nUM iewk hor Jtkf idwqf hY. adflq ny afqm smrpx leI hor smfˆ dyx qoN ienkfr kr idwqf hY. adflq ny ikhf hY ik hor smfˆ dyx df koeI afDfr nËr nhIˆ afAuNdf. sfbkf kfˆgrsI lIzr swjx kumfr ny afpxy afqm smrpx leI iewk mhIny df hor smfˆ lYx leI idwlI hfeIkort `c phuMc kIqI sI. swjx kumfr nUM 1984 dy iswK kqlyafm sbMDI Aumr kYd dI sËf suxfeI sI. adflq ny afqm smrpx leI Aus nUM 31 dsMbr df smfˆ idwqf sI. swjx kumfr ny afqm smrpx leI 31 jnvrI qk df hor smfˆ mMigaf sI .
krqfrpur sfihb vflLI ËmIn pMjfb nflL vtfAux nUM pfiksqfn nhIN iqafr krqfrpur sfihb bdly Bfrq nfl ËmIn vtfAux dI pyÈkÈ nUM pfiksqfn ny Tukrf idwqf hY. pfiksqfn dy ivdyÈ mMqrfly dy aiDkfrq bulfry zf[ muhMmd PYËl ny vIrvfr nUM ieslfmfbfd ivwc ikhf ik ËmIn dI adlf bdÜI krn df svfl hI pYdf nhIN huMdf hY. bulfry ny ikhf ik pfiksqfn ny mnuwKqf dy afDfr `qy hI iswK ÈrDflUafˆ leI krqfrpur sfihb dy lfˆGf KolHx df PYslf ilaf hY. ies leI ËmIn dy iksy vI ihwsy dI adlf bdlI nhIN hovygI. hflfˆik Bfrq vwloN muMbeI ivclI pfiksqfnI jfiedfd ijnfh hfAUs nUM afpxy aiDkfr hyT lYx dy svfl `qy AunHfˆ iqwKI pRqIikiraf Ëfhr kIqI .
zyrf pRymIafˆ nflL JgVy dy kys `c dfdUvfl brI zyrf pRymIafˆ qy iswK sMgq ivcflLy hoey JgVy dy mfmly ivwc isrsf dI adflq ny muqvfËI jQydfr bljIq isMG dfdUvfl smyq 15 iswKfˆ nUM bfiewËq brI kr idwqf. ieh JgVf sfl 2007 ivwc ipMz GuwikafˆvflI ivc hoieaf sI. zyrf muKI vwloN sRI gurU goibMd isMG vrgf bfxf pf ky aMimRq CkfAux df iswK pMQ ny ivroD kIqf sI. ies mfmly ivwc 17 meI 2007 nUM qKq sRI dmdmf sfihb qlvMzI sfbo ivKy iswK pMQ df vwzf iekwT hoieaf qy pMj qKq sfihbfn dy jQydfrfˆ vwloN zyrf muKI dy bfeIkft df hukmnfmf jfrI kIqf sI. sRI akfl qKq sfihb dy Aus hukmnfmy AuWpr pihrf idMidafˆ 16 julfeI 2007 nUM zyrf muKI gurmIq rfm rhIm dy ipMz GuwikafˆvflI iËlHf isrsf `c puwjx qy iswK sMgq vwloN iGrfE kIqf igaf sI.
pRDfn mMqrI dI icwTI mgroN ÈoRmxI kmytI coxfˆ dI bwJI afs ÈRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI dIafˆ coxfˆ jld ho skdIafˆ hn. drasl aYc aYs PUÜkf nUM ies sbMDI icwTI imlLI hY . ijs dy mwdynËr AunHfˆ ieh jfxkfrI sfˆJI kIqI hY. Aunfˆ dwisaf ik pRDfn mMqrI dy afey jvfb qoN lwgdf hY ik Cy mhIinafˆ aMdr hI coxfˆ ho skdIafˆ hn. AunHfˆ dwisaf ik ÈRomxI kmytI coxfˆ krvfey jfx dI pRikiraf Èuru ho cuwkI hY. AunHfˆ aPsos jqfieaf ik pMjfb srkfr ies bfry koeI kfrvfeI nhIN kr rhI. ÈRomxI kmytI bfry bolidaF AunHfˆ ikhf ik jy aYsjIpIsI `qy gwl CwzI jfey qfˆ coxfˆ kdI nhIN hoxgIafˆ .
afp dy bfgIafˆ nflL hwQ imlfAuxgy tksflI akflI afm afdmI pfrtI dy bfgIafˆ vwloN bxfey gey pMjfb zYmokyRitk PrMt nflL hwQ imlfAux leI ÈRomxI akflI dl (tksflI) vI iqafr hY. nvyˆ bxy dl dy pRDfn rxjIq isMG bRhmpurf ny suKpfl Kihrf vwloN PrMt ivwc Èfml hox dy swdy `qy hfˆ pwKI huMgfrf Biraf hY. AunHfˆ ikhf ik hmiKaflI pfrtIafˆ nflL AunHfˆ df gwTjoV ho skdf hY. Auh bYT ky ies muwdy `qy crcf kr skdy hn . sMBv hoieaf qfˆ ieh PrMt iekwTy ho ky lok sBf coxfˆ vI lV skdf hY. bRhmpurf ny iewk hor gwl joVidaF ikhf ik lok sBf dy srd ruwq sYÈn dOrfn AunHfˆ nuMU suKdyv isMG ZINzsf vI imlLy sn. ZINzsf ny AunHfˆ nUM ieh afiKaf sI ik Auh AunHfˆ dy nflL hn.
modI pMjfb qoN krngy imÈn 2019 df afgfË, 3 jnvrI nUM afAuxgy pMjfb pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI vwloN pMjfb ivwc pihlI rYÜI krky imÈn lok sBf 2019 df afgfË kIqf jfeygf. modI 3 jnvrI nUM gurdfspur `c rYÜI krngy. ies rYÜI ivwc bIjypI dy nflL hI BfeIvfl akflI dl vI iÈrkq krygf. ieh jfxkfrI Bfjpf dy pMjfb pRDfn Èvyq milk ny idwqI hY. ies mOky modI zyrf bfbf nfnk df dOrf vI kr skdy hn ijwQy sRI krqfrpur sfihb dy lfˆGy df nINh pwQr rwiKaf igaf hY. crcf hY ik bIjypI sRI kfrqfrpur sfihb dy lfˆGy df kRYizt kfrz KHyz ky iswK votrfˆ nUM iKwHcx dy rONa ivwc hY .
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
Mission child care centre selected to deliver universal low-cost child care
amilies at Heritage Park Childcare Centre are now paying no more than $200 a month per child as part of a B.C. government universal child care prototype project.
“Heritage Park Childcare Centre’s philosophy of learning through play extends beyond the classroom,” said Katrina Chen, Minister of State for Child Care. “There is plenty of outdoor play on the safe and secure grounds. This is where children build imagination, get exercise and learn about the providers to make life better for B.C. world around them.” families.” Heritage Park Childcare Centre is one The prototype sites will model what of more than 50 sites chosen to offer high-quality, affordable, universal child low-cost child care to B.C. parents. The care may look like for B.C. families. community-based centre, governed by This funding will allow Heritage Park a board of parents and members of the Childcare Centre to offer 37 low-cost public, provides a fun learning environlicensed child care spaces to parents in Mission. In all, parents of around 2,500 children throughout the province will benefit from prototype projects. This project is funded through a $60-million investment as part of the Early Learning and Child Care agreement with the Government of Canada. It complements the Province’s $1-billion threeyear investment through Childcare BC to move toward its long-term vision of affordable, accessible and quality child care for any family that needs it.
ment where children are allowed to be children through play. They also gain the independence they need to grow and flourish in the school system by putting away their toys and packing up from lunch. Working closely with families, the centre provides individualized Parents who are not accessing these child care for all children, including low-cost spaces may still be eligible for support through the Affordable Child those who need extra support. Care Benefit, which provides up to “We committed to introduce afford- $1,250 per child a month for families able, accessible and quality child care with an annual income of $111,000 or for every parent who wants it,” said less. Families using licensed child care Katrine Conroy, Minister of Children may also see savings through the Child and Family Development. “These low- Care Fee Reduction, which has so far cost spaces will help shape the future helped to reduce the cost of almost direction of our Childcare BC plan, and 52,000 child care spaces around the we’re excited to be working alongside province.
Reducing asbestos risks for workers, public and environment The B.C. government has released a report that includes a wide range of draft recommendations on ways to reduce exposure to asbestos, to protect workers, homeowners, the public and the environment from the dangers of asbestos. Asbestos poses serious long-term health risks. Since 2000, more workers have died from asbestos-related occupational diseases in B.C. than any other workplace injury, and the rate of occupational disease associated with asbestos is on the rise. “We need to do more to keep people and our environment safe from the deadly consequences of exposure to asbestos,” said Harry Bains, Minister of Labour. “There’s a wide range of actions we can take to improve how asbestos is handled and disposed of in B.C. that will better protect workers and citizens, and I look forward to hearing from people what we should prioritize.”
on the recommendations, will impact how the construction sector handles asbestos-containing materials and how homeowners undertake home renovations. Specifically, government is asking for input and expertise on the following:
People are asked to provide feedback until Feb. 15, 2019, on the ideas outlined in the report, Keeping Workers, the Public and the Environment Safe from Asbestos. This will help develop solutions and shape what actions government moves forward on. The report was prepared by a working group led by the Ministry of Labour and included WorkSafeBC and the ministries of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, Health and Municipal Affairs and Housing. Input was received from the construction industry, employers, workers, contractors, homeowners, union locals and local governments. The Province learned that stakeholders would like to continue to be involved in developing solutions.
a licensing or certification requirement for contractors, consultants and surveyors options for increasing capacity for the disposal of materials within B.C. opportunities to create provincially recognized standards and programs for the training of asbestos abatement workers
opportunities to create an incentivebased program to encourage safe The report identifies a range of con- asbestos removal practices from cerns about the current handling and buildings disposal of asbestos. Changes, based PAGE 35
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
poh sMkRFqI
joiqS, Eqy Eqy 604-751-0220 kro
myK – smF pRsLfnI vflf hY. sLnI aqy mMglvfrF nU cot qoN bco. afriQk sMkt vDygf, imwqrf qoM mdd, iesqrI qy sMqfn pwKoN icMqF, hOsly nfl kMm lE. dsMbr 16,17,25,26 jnvrI 2,3,4,12,13 asLuwB.
There can be some sort of finality between what someone else expects of you and what you are prepared to give. It could also be that you decide the only way you can change things is to stand your ground, even if that means rebelling. This could mean the end of something that has existed one way or another since 2010.
It will become difficult to ascertain what somebody else thinks, even though much may have been discussed from 1st December. They can now become more secretive until early January. This could have already occurred during November. You can experience having to respond to them rather than making your own choices.
ibK- pyt jF nyqr dI pIVF, kfrobfr ivwc lfB, sMqfn suwL, iesqrI ksLt, mhIny dy aMq ivwc ivsLysL Krc hovygf. dsMbr 18, 19, 27, 28jnvrI 5,6 asLuwB.
imQun – kRoD ivwc vfDf, Dn lfB, imwqr ipafiraF df pUrf sihXog, AuqsLfh vDygf, rfj drbfr ivwc ijwq dI pRfpqI hovygI kfrobfr TIk rhygf. dsMbr 20,21,22,29,30 jnvrI 7,8,9 asLuwB.
krk- ishq TIk rhygI. Kfrobfr iwvc lfB, imwqr ipafiraF qoN lfB, sMqfn ksLt, iesqrI pwKoN icMqf, mhIny dy aMq ivwc Krc aiDk hovygf. dsMbr 23,24,31, jnvrI 1,10,11 asLuwB.
isMG – Kun –ipwq ivkfr, Dn lfB, imwqrF nfl axbx hovy, iesqrI suwK kMm bdlx ivwc lfB, afmdn nfloN Krc aiDk. dsMbr 16, 17,25,26, jnvgrI 2,3,4,12,13 asLuwB.
kMinaf – gYs qy pyt rog, Dn lfB ho ky vI hfnI, inwjI lokF nfl aqy jfiedfd dy JgiVaF qoN bco, GrylU klysL, iesqrI pwKoN lfB, kfrobfr ivwc rwdo bwdl ho skdf hY. dsMbr 18, 19,27,28, jnvrI 5,6 asLuwB hovygI.
qulf- ishq TIk rhygI, afriQk sMkt df sfhmxf krnf pvygf, imwqrF qoN mdd imlygI, iesqrI ksLt, sMqfn suK imlygf, kfrobfr mwDm rhygf. dsMbr 20,21,22,29,30, jnvrI 7,8,9 asLuwB hovygI.
ibRsLck – pyt dI KrfbI, acfnk hfnI df zr, imwqr ipafiraF qoN lfB, iesqrI ksLt kfrobfr ivwc lfB hovy, dsMbr 23,24,31 jnvrI 1, 10, 11 asLuwB.
DnU – sMXm qoM kMm lE, apmfn df zr hY, PjUl KrcI, Brf qy imqwr qoM lfB, sMqfn qy iesqrI pwKoN ocMqF, kfrobfr TIk rhygf. idsMbr 16, 17, 25, 26, jnvrI 2,3,4,12,13 asLuwB.
mkr ishq TIk, Dn lfB, imwqrF qt BrfvF df sihXog, sMqfn ksLt iesqrI suwK, kfrobfr TIk rhygf, dsMbr 18, 19,27,28, jnvrI 5,6 asLuwB hovygI.
11 kuMB – ishq TIk rhygI, sLuwB smfcfr imly, Dn lfB, imwqr ipafiraF nfl mn mutfE, iesqrI suK aqy kfrobfr ivwc lfb pRfpq hovygf. dsMbr 20,21,22,29,30, jnvrI 7,8,9 asLuwB hovygI.
mIn – ishq TIk, Dn lfB hoky vI hfnI df zr, imwqr ipafiraF df ivroD, jfiedfd df JgVf, iesqrI aqy sMqfn suK, nvyN kfrobfr df Xog bxygf. dsMbr 23,24,3`, jnvrI 1,10,11 asLuwB
Activity and much interaction with others will begin to pick up again this week and carry through to early January. It will also be possible to get a clearer idea of either what they think about you or the support they are prepared to give after perhaps having some doubts since early December. Be clear about expected commitments.
Normal routines have likely been interrupted from the beginning of December. From now to early January you need to be mindful of getting some order in place, mainly with the little things. If you don’t, they will get out of hand in a big way. It can be time for you to get back to an exercise routine if you have been slack of late.
Social activity will step up a notch or two between now and Christmas but will still continue to a large degree to early January. This is certainly a good time to have a break and go on a holiday. Even a holiday at home would be good for restoring some sort of balance to things or just to get away from normal routine and relax.
You can move on from distractions that have likely plagued you since early December and concentrate on getting things in place to early January. You could have the opportunity to finish something off that you began during November. This can have something to do with home and family as much as your own desires.
Finalise money matters at the start of the week because after that you will become very busy until early January. There can be many distractions. It will be the little things that will trip you up, if you are not careful. This is the beginning of learning not to take on too much at once as this will be a tendency all of next year.
You have had the opportunity to settle your mind on things since early December. Now you will need to focus on finances again to early January. This occurred previously in November. You can easily spend more than you intend, so keep a check, especially with credit cards, as you will be encouraged to enjoy yourself.
Mercury moves back into your sign for its second stay this year until 5th January. It was here the first time in November. This can allow you to make final decisions or become more comfortable in your own mind about what is right for you. There will be a sense that life has plenty to offer with this new 12 year cycle that has started.
You could feel more like getting away from it all than anything else from now to early January. It won’t be entirely possible as you also have social cycles operating. Your energy level will not be the greatest so make sure you do find time to get sufficient rest in between activities. Be sure responsibilities get shared around.
You need to move on from more serious matters that have likely required attention since early December and catch up with friends, accept invitations to group activities up to early January. This is also a good time to give consideration to important priorities over the next year and shore up something from November.
Be mindful about commitments you take on from now to early January. There could be a lot more attached to them than is obvious to begin with. You could be more certain in your mind about something you first considered during November. You are in a better position now to be sure of the action you need take to get things going.
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
Communities receive funds to boost emergency social services Communities throughout British Columbia will receive approximately $2 million i n p r o v i n c i a l e m e rg e n c y preparedness funding to support emergency social services. The Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) has released the funding for Intake 2 of the Emergency Social Services component of the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund (CEPF) that was announced at the UBCM convention in September 2017. The funding is part of a $33.5-million plan designed to help communities prepare for, and respond to, disasters. “Emergency social services represent a lifeline for individuals and families who have been evacuated and need help,” said Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General. “These volunteers provide a vital service to British Columbians during their greatest hour of need, and this funding will help communities better support this vital emergency function.” Intake 2 of Emergency Social Services funding under the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund closed on Oct. 5, 2018. Twenty-five applications have been approved for Emergency Social Services training, volunteer recruitment and retention, and the purchase of equipment. Another 10 applications are being reviewed. “During the unprecedented flooding and wildfires this past couple of years, I’ve seen first-hand how emergency social services volunteers work tirelessly to make a difference,” said Jennifer Rice, Parliamentary Secretary for Emergency Preparedness. “Emergency social services provide a first step forward for a community that has suffered an emergency by providing assistance to meet immediate needs and helping people find a path forward after Flood Risk Assessment, Flood Mapping and Flood The next deadlines to apply for this program are: Mitigation Planning an emergency.” Feb. 1, 2019: Emergency Operations Centres and Training Intake 2 The CEPF is a suite of programs designed to Emergency Social Services Feb. 22, 2019: Flood Risk Assessment, Mapping, enhance the resiliency of local governments and Emergency Operations Centres & Training and Mitigation Intake 2 their residents. The Province provides the funding, Structural Flood Mitigation which is administered by UBCM and divided into Oct. 25, 2019: Structural Flood Mitigation Intake 2 five streams: Evacuation Routes PAGE 39
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
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The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
sohixaF ƒ vyKdIaF aWKF hn pr iKHWc idl ƒ pYNdI hY, pRsMn mn huMdf hY, BWKdf srIr hY aqy rWjdf idmfg hY» lok sohxy, nYx-nkÈF krky lgdy hn pr ipafr AunHF dy guxF nflL kIqf jFdf hY» ipafry sfƒ cMgy lWgx krky sohxy pRqIq huMdy hn aqy sohxy afpxI suMdrqf krky sfƒ ipafry lWgdy hn» iksy df sohxf jF ipafrf lWgxf sfzf inWjI PYslf huMdf hY» iesy krky kihMdy hn ik iksy ƒ inrpWK ho ky psMd nhIN kIqf jf skdf» jy mjƒ inrpWK huMdf qF Aus ƒ lYlf kdy psMd nhIN sI afAuxI» iksy ƒ psMd krn vylLy mnuWK mn-mrËI krdf hY» mnuWK ijs ƒ psMd krdf hY, Aus df ivroD jF Aus nflL bihs nhIN krdf, ikAuNik psMd krnf sihmq hox df Kyqr hY» bihs AunHF nflL kIqI jFdI hY, ijhVy sfƒ sohxy nhIN lWgdy» ijhVf sfƒ ipafrf lgdf hY, Aus nflL gWlbfq kdy vI bihs nhIN bxdI pr ijhVy sfƒ cMgy nhIN lgdy, AunHF pRqI asIN keI ZMgF nflL, ijvyN afAux ivWc dyr krky, Pfsly ‘qy bih ky jF aiq sMKyp AuWqr dy ky, ivroD pRgtfAuNdy hF» iksy ivakqI, cIË jF QF ivc koeI suMdrqf nhIN huMdI» suMdrqf vyKxf, vyKx vflLy dy mn df gux hY» jdoN iksy cIË ƒ ipafr nflL vyiKaf jfvy, Auh sohxI vI lgdI hY, ipafrI vI aqy anoKI vI» iesy afDfr Auqy mF ƒ afpxI sMqfn, icWqrkfr ƒ afpxf bxfieaf icWqr aqy kvI ƒ afpxI kivqf sohxI aqy ipafrI lgdI hY» iesy afDfr ’qy pWQr hIry nËr afAuNdy hn aqy gihxy sohxy lgdy hn» jdoN asIN iksy cIË ƒ sohxI kihMdy hF qF asl ivc kih ieh rhy huMdy hF ik ieh mYƒ psMd hY, myrf idl ies ƒ p®fpq krnf cfhuMdf hY, mYN ies dy nyVy hoxf cfhuMdf hF» asIN dUijaF nflL kyvl ivhfrk gWlF hI krdy hF pr hr mnuWK ƒ iksy aijhy ipafry dI loV huMdI hY, ijs nflL sfrIaF gWlF kIqIaF jf skx» iesy krky ijAuN ijAuN koeI sfzf ipafrf hoeI jFdf hY, iqAuN iqAuN asIN afpxI iËMdgI dy aMdrly Byq Aus ƒ dWsI jFdy hF» dUjI iDr vWloN sfƒ afpxy inWjI vyrvy dWsxy, Aus dy sfzy ivWc ivÈvfs df pRgtfvf huMdy hn» iksy nflL vfprI durGtnf df duWK sfƒ Aus nflL afpxI nyVqf dy anupfq ivc mihsUs huMdf hY» ipafiraF aqy sohixaF nflL nWcx aqy turn ivWc kdy Qkfvt nhIN huMdI» afpxy ipafry ƒ afAuNdf vyK ky aWKF Bjn gfAux lWg pYNdIaF hn» asIN psMd afAux vflLy lokF dI hfËrI ƒ hI mfxdy hF jdoN ik ivroDIaF dI hfËrI ivc sfƒ afpxf afp vI boJl lWgx lWg pYNdf hY» duÈmxF ivc
sohxy aqy ipafry
hAumY huMdI hY, hAumY df rUp koeI hovy Aus ƒ psMd nhIN kIqf jFdf» ipafr ivc hAumY df boJ lih jFdf hY» jy iksy sohxy ƒ afpxy sohxy hox df gumfn hovy qF Aus ƒ BYVy ivakqI nflLoN vI BYVf smiJaf jFdf hY» sfzI soc sfrI lokfeI ƒ cMigaF-mfiVaF ivc vMzdI hY» sfzI soc ijs ƒ cux lYNdI hY Aus ƒ ivÈyÈ bxf idMdI hY» ivÈyÈ bxfAux dI ies p®ik®af ƒ hI ipafr kihMdy hn» sfzf ipafrf, iek aijhf ivakqI huMdf hY, ijs nflL asIN iËMdgI dIaF lMbfeIaF, cOVfeIaF, zUMGfeIaF aqy isKrF mfpdy hF» ipafry vFg duÈmx vI ivÈyÈ ivakqI huMdf hY pr ipafry ƒ muskRfhtF imldIaF aqy duÈmx ƒ iqAuVIaF» ijs nflL sfzf aqy ijs df sfzy nflL CMd iml jFdf hY asIN Aus ƒ aqy Auh sfƒ qflL dyx lWg pYNdf hY» dohF dIaF loVF hI kuJ ies p®®kfr dIaF ho jFdIaF hn ik AunHF ƒ, dUjI iDr hI pUiraF kr skdI hY» ijhVf sfƒ sohxf-ipafrf lgdf hY, Aus ƒ asIN afpxy nflLoN Aucyrf aqy afpxy afp ƒ Aus nflLoN nIvF smJx lWg pYNdy hF aqy afpxy suK nflLoN Ausdf suK pihlF socdy hF aqy afpxy duWK nflLoN Aus df duWK vWzf smJdy hF aqy Aus leI sfzy vWloN kIqI jfx vflLI kurbfnI df kWd AuWcf huMdf jFdf hY» jIvn dy rfh dIaF musIbqF sfƒ afpxy ipafiraF dy hor nyVy lY afAuNdIaF hn» ipafr dIaF musIbqF afpxI gMBIrqf aqy KqiraF kfrn sfƒ Audfs krdIaF hn pr ipafr ivc AudfsI gihxy vFg pihnI jFdI hY» ipafr ivc pRymIaF ƒ drd hMZfAux dI mOj imldI hY» sWc qF ieh hY ik ipafr krnf AudfsI ivWcoN afnMd lYx df Kyqr hY» Audfs ivakqIaF ivWc aÉlfk dI pWDr AuWcI huMdI hY, Auh vDyry sfAU aqy isafxy pRqIq huMdy hn» inmrqf df gux, AudfsI dI pIV ivWcoN hI jfgdf hY» jdoN Èbd, pIV jF AudfsI df boJ nhIN cuWk skdy qF mnuWK aWQrUaF dI BfÈf ivWc boldf hY» roxf, iesqrI dI purÈ nflLoN ieWk AucyrI Xogqf hY» jy purÈ ivWc vI rox df gux huMdf qF sMsfr ivc ipafr vDyry aqy nPrq-ihMsf GWt hoxI sI» pRsMnqf dy mukfbly, AudfsI vDyry zUMGf anuBv hY» AudfsI ivWcoN hI mhfn klf df jnm huMdf hY» AudfsI dI gihrfeI ipafry vWloN afpxy sWcy hox dy anupfq ivc huMdI hY» AudfsI aYlfn krdI hY : hux qyry ibnF guËfrf hoxf muÈikl ho igaf hY» keI gWlF aijhIaF huMdIaF hn ijhVIaF sMKyp ivc nhIN kIqIaF jf skdIaF, ijvyN sohixaF dI suMdrqf dI ivafiKaf aqy ipafry vWloN afpxy ipafr df vrnx»
ipafr iek sWjrf aqy nroaf anuBv huMdf hY, iesy krky ies df nroeI Aumr jF jvfnI nflL sbMD hY» jvfnI ies leI msqfnI huMdI hY ikAuNik jvfnI AuWqy pRMprfvF dy bMDn nhIN huMdy, qjLrby df boJ nhIN huMdf, XQfrQ dI krUpqf nhIN huMdI, bIqy dIaF nÌrqF, bdly dI Bfvnf aqy ipWCy iKHWcx vflLy pCqfvy nhIN huMdy» jvfnI ivWc qfkq huMdI hY aqy ijqnf icr qfkq rihMdI hY Auqnf icr mnuWK afpxy afp ƒ jvfn smJdf hY» jvfnI ivc ipafr df, kurbfnI df, supinaF aqy afdrÈF df Ëor aqy joÈ huMdf hY» kmËor nf afp sohxy huMdy hn, nf hI koeI ienHF ƒ sohxf lgdf hY» jdoN Aumr jvfn hovy, socF ivc afdrÈvfd hovy aqy jËibaF df syk hovy qF sohxy lok hI imldy hn jF jo imldy hn Auh sohxy lgdy hn» sohxy hox ivc nYx-nkÈF df Xogdfn bhuqf nhIN huMdf, bhuqf Xogdfn suMdrqf aqy ipafr dy rhWs ivc huMdf hY» imlx vflLf afnMd ies rhWs ivWcoN Aupjdf hY» sohxy aqy ipafry hoxf hI kfPI nhIN huMdf» suMdrqf aqy ipafr df rhWs Aupjxf vI ËrUrI loV hY» cMn dI rOÈnI ivc rhWs huMdf hY» ies rhWs kfrn hI cMn sohxf lgdf hY» asIN afpxy ipafry ƒ ipafr nhIN krdy, Aus dy rhWs ƒ ipafr krdy hF» rhWs Auh hY jo sfzI pkV ivWc nhIN afAuNdf» iesy leI pRymI ieWk-dUjy bfry ikafs lfAuNdy rihMdy hn aqy rhWs ƒ pkVn leI Auqfvly huMdy rihMdy hn» ieh rhWs aMdrly guxF nflL Aupjdf hY» soc smJ ky kIqy ipafr suafrQ qoN pRyirq huMdy hn, ies leI AunHF ivWc rhWs nhIN huMdf» ies rhWs ƒ hI afdrÈvfd kihMdy hn» ipafr afdrÈvfd df Kyqr hY» jy rhWs jF afdrÈ dI pWDr AuWcI nhIN qF XQfrQ dI pWDr vI Au W cI nhIN ho skdI» ies rhWs ƒ hI afnMd, afqmf aqy prmfqmf kihMdy hn» ies rhWs nflL ipafr kfrn hI sUÌI drvyÈF, gurUaF, sMqF aqy BgqF afid ƒ rhWsvfdI ikhf jFdf hY» ipafr aqy prmfqmf df ko e I isDFq nhIN huMdf, ieh dovyN afpxy rhWs kfrn mhWqvpUrn hn» ienHF ivc rhWs dI sFJ hY» rhWs Aus Byq ƒ kihMdy hn, ijs ƒ smJx df ijqnf vDyry Xqn kIqf jFdf hY, Auh Auqnf vDyry guMJldfr hoeI jFdf hY» rhWs df sbMD idmfg nflL nhIN, idl nflL hY; smJ nflL nhIN, mihsUs krn nflL hY» prmfqmf aqy ipafr idsdy nhIN pr asIN ienHF ƒ pRfpq krn leI inrMqr qFGdy hF» iehI rhWs hY» jy ipafr ivc rhWs nf hovy qF ikhf jFdf hY : Auh sohxf qF bVf hY pr Auh ipafry vrgf nhIN hY; Aus dI suMdrqf iKWHc qF pfAuNdI hY pr Auh BrosyXog nhIN hY»
PAGE 41 nirMdr isMG kpUr jdoN koeI sohxf vI hovy qy ipafrf vI hovy qF Aus dy lfry vI vfady pRqIq huMdy hn, ikAuNik ipafiraF dIaF ijhVIaF gWlF sfƒ suxn ivc rs idMdIaF hn, Auh sWcIaF vI lgdIaF hn» ieh rhWs acfnk nhIN Aupjdf» qUM ikqnI sohxI hYN! jF qUM bVf ipafrf hYN! suxn vfsqy bVI imhnq krnI pYNdI hY» cMgy, ipafry aqy sohxy, aksr duWK pfAuNdy hn» duWK qF sfry pfAuNdy hn pr afpxy ipafiraF df duWK sfzf iDafn vDyry iKWHcdf hY» sfƒ ipafrf koeI koeI lgdf hY jdoN ik bhuiqaF nflL sfzI jfx-pCfx hI huMdI hY» ijnHF nflL sfzI kyvl jfx-pCfx huMdI hY, AunHF dy duWK, sfƒ duWK nhIN, smWisafvF hI pRqIq huMdy hn» duWK ipafiraF dI cMigafeI ƒ idRVH krdy hn» hIry rgV qoN ibnF cmkdy nhIN, rgV hIry leI duWK hY» sonf, aWg qoN ibnF ÈuWD nhIN huMdf, aWg sony leI duWK hY» ivCoVy qoN ibnF ipafr imWTf aqy iqWKf nhIN huMdf, ivCoVf pRymI leI duWK hY» cMgy aqy ipafry bMdy duWKF ivWcoN lMG ky hI cMgy aKvfAuNdy hn» duWK cMgy bMidaF df iemiqhfn huMdy hn» jy aMdr ipafr hovy qF duWKF nflL jIvn BYVf nhIN sgoN hor zUMGf ho jFdf hY» ikAuNik duWK bfry sfzf id®ÈtIkot nFh-pWKI huMdf hY, ies leI asIN duKI huMdy hF» duWKF qoN mukq jIvn dI koeI sMBfvnf nhIN» ijnHF ƒ duWKF ivWcoN lMGxf pYNdf hY, Auh ivÈfl aqy imWTy ho jFdy hn» duWKF ivWcoN hI mhfn ivakqIaF, amr rcnfvF, sdf tuMbdy rihx vflLy gIqF df jnm huMdf hY» hr duWK df iek lfBkfrI pWK vI huMdf hY» jIvn ivc jy duWK nf huMdy qF afqmf, prmfqmf, hmdrdI, sihXog, ipafr afid dy sMklp vI nf huMdy» ivCoVy df vI lfB huMdf hY» ivCoVy ivc asIN dUjy dy mhWqv ƒ pCfxdy hF» sMkt df vI lfB huMdf hY, sMkt ivc sfzI socx dI smrQf vWDdI hY» sMkt ivc socxf hI sMkt df hWl ho inWbVdf hY» sMkt sfƒ isafxf bxf idMdy hn» sMsfr df mhfn igafn sMktF dI dyx huMdf hY» hr cIË df muWl Aus dI ivroDI siQqI ivWc jfgdf hY, ijvyN Bojn df mhWqv BuWK ivWc, pfxI df mhWqv ipafs ivWc aqy afrfm df mhWqv Qkfvt ivWc jfgdf hY» ipafr ivc do h F iDrF dy iek ho x dy aihsfs nflL sMkt aqy musIbqF sihx dI ihMmq vD jFdI hY aqy ieh sMkt aqy musIbqF hI sohxIaF aqy ipafrIaF XfdF bxdIaF hn» asIN aqIq dIaF XfdF nflL BivWK dIaF muÈiklF aqy cuxOqIaF df sfhmxf krdy hF» jy ipafr sWcf irhf hovy qF ivCVn mgroN vI dovyN iDrF iek dUjy dy sMprk ivc rihMdIaF bfkI pMnHf 44 'qy PAGE 41
The Patrika
Farm Workers Wanted
Help Wanted
Six Fruit Farm Workers wanted in Abbotsford, BC for Bathe Farms Ltd. Work location is at 30069 Huntingdon Rd, 672 Ross Rd and 695 Ross Rd. Work involves pruning, weeding, tying, harvesting and other farm work. Work is outdoors, seasonal and full time, in all weather conditions and physically demanding. Starting June 10, 2019. $12.65/hr + 4% vacation pay and possible bonuses, 40-60 hrs/wk. No minimum education or work experience required. Fax resume to 604-856-9747 or mail to 695 Ross Rd, Abbotsford, BC V4X 2M6.
General Farm workers required on a berry farm in Abbotsford, BC. Duties include harvesting, cultivation, sorting fruit, spraying, irrigation, lifting berry containers, packing, pruning, tying as well other general farm work duties. Must be productive. Should be able to work with farm machinery and be able to work in difficult weather condition. Should be able to work with others. Experience preferred. 40-70 hrs/ week. Up to 14-month term. Beginning May 15, 2019. $12.65/hr. Fax resume to 604-850-7612 or mail to Kahlon Farms Nanny Required Ltd. 262 Columbia St. Required Nanny for Abbotsford, BC V2T three children. Full-time, 5X6. permanent basis, $13/hr, MATRIMONIAL location: Abbotsford, BC, Language: English, Permanent Resident skills: High School & Ramgarhia Sikh, born 1-2 years of experience/ in 1975 is looking for training. Duties: super- a suitable wife. Girl vise & care for children, should be from a good preparing and feeding and respectable family, meals, personal care presently in Canada. for children, maintain safe, clean and healthy Leave message at 604environment. Contact: 377-2890 sukhisidhu5130@gmail. lVkI dI loV com kYnyzIan pI[ afr[ vr dI loV rfmgVHIaf isWK, jnm 35 sflf jwt isWK, ivjLtr 1975, leI kµinaF dI afeI hoeI lVkI leI loV hY» lVkI cµgy aqy kny z Ian PR jF istIjL n lVky dI loV hY. hor siqkfrq pirvfr nfl jfxkfrI leI sMprk kro: sbµDq hovy aqy kYnyzf ivc 604-744-5871 jF 778- hovy» sµprk leI mYisj CWzo-604-377-2890 245-2369 PAGE 42
Workers Wanted Creekside Hothouse is looking for full time, general greenhouse vegetable workers. Starting in January 2019.Locations in Aldergrove and Surrey. Salary: $12.65 per hour, plus 4% Holiday pay. Please call Manager Resham Singh @ 778 240 7170
grIn hfAUs vrkrF dI loV krIksfeIz hOt hfAUs vfiÜaF ƒ aYlzrgrov aqy srI ivKy PuWl tfeIm jnrl grInhfAUs vYjItybl vrkrF dI lo V hY » kµ m jnvrI 2019 qoN Èur¨ ho irhf hY» qnKfh 12[65 zflr pRqI Gµtf aqy 4% holIzy pya» sµprk kro- ryÈm isµG (mYnyjr): 778-2407170
Services If you have drug or alcohol problems, there is help contact John jy quhfnMU alkohl jF zrwg dI pROblm hY qF asIN quhfzI hYlp krFgy. sMprk kroJohn or (778)779-1337
vrkr dI loV aYbtsPorz ivwc pIjf stor vfsqy pIjf kuwk hYlpr aqy iewk pIjf zilvrI zrfeIvr dI loV hY. aMgryjI afAuNdI hovy, qjLrbykfr nMU pihl idwqI jfvygI. 778-8784723
Friday, January 4th, 2019
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
Spl: We Do Cabinet Installation for New or Old Houses All Kinds of Renovations
SPECIALIZED IN NEW & OLD RENOVATION HOMES Tiles (Wall , & Floor Tiles, All Kinds Of Tiles) Entrance Way Tiles Kitchen (Floor & Backsplash) Kitchen Cabinet And CounterTop Full Bathroom Renovation (New & Old) Floor Lamination
Basement Washroom Kitchen Painting Plumbing
tfeIlF (kMDF qy, PrsL tfeIlF, hr iksm dIaF tfeIlF ieMtryNs vy tfeIls ikcn PrsL, bYk splYsL ikcn kYbinwt, aqy kFAUtr tOp nvyN aqy purfxy bfQrUm dI pUrI rYnovysLn Plor lYmInysLn
Drywall Roofing Framing Siding Tile
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High Quality Services at Very Reasonable Prices hr pRkfr dIaF tfielF iPks krvfAux leI sMprk kro
Laminate Finishing Sundeck Vinyl Paper &more
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HARDEEP BIRDI: 778-823-0765
ABB-SRY RENOVATION LTD. Low Prices . Fast, Friendly Service
TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED ¯Truck Drivers ¯Local Work Only ¯No Long Haul Wages Based Upon Experience
hr qrFH dIaF rYnovysLn jLrUrqF leI Pon kro Fully Finish Basement Washroom Tile Painting
Plumbing Drywall Roofing Framing Siding
CALL: JAGIR SANDHU | CELL : 604-857-3828
sfnMU trwk zrfeIvr, aqy lokl kfimaF, dI loV hY| lONg hfl nhIN hY. cMgI qnKfh qjLrby anusfr idwqI jfvygI | : Please send resumes too:
Contact Jordan : 778-240-3457 E-mail : | Fax: 604-850-7225 1702 Foy St, Abbotsford BC V2T6B1
The Patrika
PAGE 44 pMnHf 41 dI bfkI hn aqy iek-dUjy dI iËMdgI ƒ isMjdIaF rihMdIaF hn» sohxI iesqrI ƒ vyKx jF ipafry purÈ ƒ imlx ipWCy AudyÈ svrg dI Jlk vyKxf huMdf hY» KUh ivc asIN pfxI nhIN, zUMGfeI vyKdy hF» ipafry ƒ asIN vyKdy-imldy nhIN, Aus aMdr Auqrdy hF» ipafry BrfvF dI qfkq, BYxF ivWc JlkdI hY aqy sohxIaF BYxF dI suMdrqf BrfvF ivWcoN idsdI hY» iksy dI suMdrqf jF Ausdf sfzy leI ipafr, sfzI Aus bfry cMgI rfie Ausfrn ivWc
shfiek huMdf hY» sohixaF nflL sfry sbMD Ausfrnf cfhuMdy hn» hr koeI AunHF ƒ AuzIkdf hY» AunHF nflL nyVqf sfƒ afpxI akl aqy ruqby dy AuWcy hox df aihsfs krfAuNdI hY» iksy ƒ psMd krnf aqy iksy vWloN psMd kIqy jfxf, sfzy qMdrusq aqy cVHdI klf ivc hox df pRmfx huMdf hY» jdoN koeI sfƒ JfV pfAuNdf hY qF sfzI afpxy srIr aqy afpxy afp bfry rfie nINvIN ho jFdI hY aqy asIN afpxy afp ƒ krUp smJx lWg pYNdy hF pr jdoN koeI ipafr jF siqkfr idMdf hY qF sfƒ afpxy sohxy hox df aihsfs huMdf hY»
purÈF dy p®sMsfmeI iDafn nflL Audfs aqy QWkIaF hoeIaF iesqrIaF vI sohxIaF aqy cusq ho jFdIaF hn» sWcy ipafr nflL idl jvfn aqy hOslf bulMd rihMdf hY» sohxI iesqrI ƒ vyK ky hr idl vfly ijAuNdy purÈ ƒ afpxI Aumr vIh sfl Gt geI p®qIq huMdI hY» iek p®ymI ƒ keI vrHy mgroN imlx AuWqy ivÈvfs hI nhIN sI afieaf ik Aus qoN ivCV ky Aus dI pRyimkf kOVy qjLribaF ivWcoN sbUqI lMG geI sI aqy Auh ajy vI Aus ƒ ipafr krdI sI» imlx Auqy pRyimkf ny ikhf sI : qUM qF myry kolL hYN, mYN hI qyry qoN dUr hF» kuJ lok huMdy hn ijhVy sfƒ imknfqIs vFg afpxy vWl iKHWc lYNdy hn» ieh lok sfzI iËMdgI ivc rOxk Br idMdy hn» sfzI iËMdgI dIaF sohxIaF GVIaF ivc anykF ivakqI Èfml hoey huMdy hn» afpxy afp bfry sfzy kolL aMdrlI sUcnf vI huMdI hY jdoN ik dUijaF bfry sfzy kolL kyvl bfhrlI sUcnf hI huMdI hY pr ipafr hox dI sUrq ivc asIN dUjI iDr dy aMdr Jfq mfrdy hF» hr iksy dy aflLy-duaflLy iqMn ku PuWt df iek surWiKaq Gyrf huMdf hY» ies Gyry ivc asIN Aus ƒ pRvyÈ krn idMdy hF, ijhVf sfzf ipafrf ho jFdf hY» afpxIaF aWKF nflL sohxy lokF dI asIN Poto iKHWcdy hF pr ijhVy ipafry vI lgdy hn, AunHF dI asIN pUrI iPlm bxf lYNdy hF» sbMD ikvyN Ausrdy hn, ipafr ikvyN pYNdf hY? smfijk ipCo k V dI sFJ, ieWko ijhy afriQk vsIly aqy sFJIaF kdrF kImqF, muWZlI sihmqI kfrn, irÈqf Ausrn ivc shfiek huMdIaF hn» sihmqI nflL irÈqf sfvF-suKfvF ho jFdf hY» sihmqI nflL asIN dUijaF dy nyVy ho ky surWiKaq mihsUs krdy hF aqy sMsfr dI ivroDqf sihx dy smrWQ ho jFdy hF» irÈqy dy pWkx nflL nyVqf aqy qfkq vWDdI hY aqy Xfd rWKxXog anuBv pRfpq huMdy hn» smuMdr dy iknfry iekWilaF turnf aqy iksy ipafry df hWQ PV ky turnf, AuNj qF dovyN anuBv nhIN BuWlxgy pr jdoN dUjf anuBv Xfd afvygf qF mn ivc vfjy vI vWjxgy» ipafry dy ÈbdF dy mukfbly, Aus dI Coh ƒ asIN vDyry iÈWdq nflL Xfd krdy hF» ijs ƒ asIN psMd nhIN krdy, Aus ƒ sohxf vI nhIN smiJaf jFdf» jy Èkl vI BYVI hovy aqy ivhfr vI mfVf hovy, qF smJ hI nhIN afAuNdI ik doÈ iks cIË ƒ idWqf jfvy» afpxy ipafry ’qy sfƒ ieWk ivÈyÈ pRkfr df Brosf huMdf hY ik Auh jo krygf cMgf hI krygf» ipafr df irÈqf pRymIaF ivckfr hI nhIN huMdf, ies dy hor vI keI rUp hn» ipafr dy pWKoN Bfrq ivc sB qoN mËbUq irÈqf, pqI-pqnI aqy pRymIaF nflLoN vI mËbUq irÈqf, mF aqy puWqr ivckfr huMdf hY»
Friday, January 4th, 2019
mhfn ivakqIaF pRqI ipafr ivWc ipafr dy nflL siqkfr vI huMdf hY ikAuNik Auh prmfqmf dI imhr df diraf bx ky sfzy jIvn ƒ hiraf-Biraf rWKdy hn» ÈrDf ivWc vI ipafr huMdf hY pr ÈrDf ivWc ipafry aqy ipafr krn vflLy ivckfr ÈrDf aqy siqkfr dI ivWQ bxI rihMdI hY jdoN ik inrol ipafr ivWc kfm dI iKHWc kfrn dovyN iDrF afpsI ivWQ mytx df Xqn krdIaF hn» ipafr aqy iensfP dI Bfvnf nflL boly Èbd Auh JgVy vI inbyV idMdy hn, ijnHF ƒ qlvfrF aqy qopF nflL vI nhIN sulJfieaf jf skdf» KuWlHIaF QfvF sohxIaF lgdIaF hn ikAuNik KuWlHIaF QfvF ivWc sfzf hOslf AuWcf ho jFdf hY» afmdn nINvIN hox dy bfvjUd phfVF ivWc aqy JIlF, dirafvF aqy smu M d rF dy iknfiraF qy vWsx vflLy lokF ivWc jIvn ƒ mfxn dI pWDr AuWcI huMdI hY» iksy Èihr jF dyÈ jF Gr dI aslI amIrI Aus dIaF KuWlHIaF QfvF nflL mfpI jFdI hY» sMsfr ivWc ijqny vI mhfn ivakqI hoey hn, Auh KuWlHy idmfgF aqy Audfr ivcfrF vflyL hox krky sohxy aqy ipafry lgdy hn» AunHF dy ichry qoN aÉlfk df husn Jlkdf hY» mhfn lyKkF dIaF pusqkF mfnvjfqI ƒ idWqIaF hoeIaF ipafrIaF asIsF huMdIaF hn ikAuNik afpxy ivcfrF aqy ÈbdF rfhIN mhfn lyKk aqy kvI afpxI qfkq, pRÈfd vFg vMz jFdy hn» sMgIq vrgI klLf pYdf vI ipafr ivWcoN huMdI hY aqy smJI vI ipafr nflL jFdI hY» klf nflL sfzf afqmk suhWpx inKrdf hY» sohxf Auh hY, ijs ƒ afqmf svIkfr kry» jy afqmf pRsMn hovy qF sfrf sMsfr sohxf aqy ipafrf lWgdf hY» sMsfr ieqnf vWzf aqy vMn-suvMnf hY ik ies df koeI ieWk cirqr jF rMg-rUp nhIN hY» iesy krky suMdrqf df sMklp hryk smfj ivc vWKrf hY pr qMdrusqI, sPfeI aqy aWKF dI cmk suMdrqf dy sdIvI gux hn» sohxf idsxf hryk dI rIJ huMdI hY aqy sohxf idsx ipWCy AudyÈ ipafrf lWgxf huMdf hY pr koeI ipafrf qF hI lgdf hY jy Aus ivWc gux vI hox» koiel vI kflLI hY aqy kF vI kflLf hY pr kflLI hox dy bfvjUd koiel afpxy guxF krky ipafrI lgdI hY» nYx-nkÈ muWZlI jfx-pCfx hI krvfAuNdy hn, ipafr guxF nflL hI kIqf jFdf hY» soco aqy ivÈvfs kro ik quhfzy ivc vI gux hn» afpxy gux pCfxo, afpxf muWl afpxI Xogqf aqy afpxy guxF nflL puafE» quhfzy gux quhfƒ hrmn ipafrf bxfAuxgy aqy ievyN quhfƒ afpxy sohxy hox df BrpUr aihsfs hovygf» aijhI hflq ivc pYsy hox, nf hox, qusIN afpxy afp ƒ Biraf hoieaf, KuÈhfl aqy amIr smJogy»
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
Sandeep Singh: Spinning around the world records ribbling and shooting are the most common and conventional basketball skills that you would like to master once you start playing the game. But there is one man from Abbotsford, who is setting and breaking records for his unconventional and yet very impressive basketball skills.
my finger. Then along with playing volleyball, I started practicing the spinning. In 2015 I watched a video of David Cain of US on YouTube. He spun football on his index finger for 33 seconds. I was very much inspired and encouraged to perform something similar. In 2016 I tried to spin volleyball for 45 seconds,” he said.
basketball on his finger and then transferred it to a toothbrush and finally balancing the toothbrush on his mouth by leaning his head to the side.
Meet 25-year old Sandeep Singh who has mastered the art of spinning the basketball on fingers and even on toothbrush for longest periods of time. He has become the invincible champion of spinning a basketball that his name has found its place in Limca and Guinness Books of World Records.
Sandeep first aimed for the national records. But since they did not have any category of valley ball spinning, he was offered to perform the feat either with soccer ball or basketball. “I decided to go with basket ball,” he said. He spun three basketballs on two toothbrushes and one hand for 19 seconds in February 2017.
Singh managed to keep the ball rotating for an incredible 53 seconds. Singh’s attempt was nearly nine times longer than the previous record of 6.84 seconds. “It was my dream to break a world record,” he said.
Singh hails from Village Badduwal near Moga district in Punjab. He used to practice Volley ball shooting in India. “After the game when I would have enough time to hold the ball in my hand, I would spin the ball on prmfqmf ny hr iewk mnuwK nUM iewk vwKrI klf dy ky invfijaf hY bws loV hY sfnUM Aus klf nUM afpxy aMdroN bfhr kwZx dI. afE awj gwl krdy hF aijhI hI vwKrI klf dy mflk sMdIp isMG kYlf dI. sMdIp isMG kYlf df jnm ipMz bwzUvfl ijLlHf mogf ivwc srdfr muÉiqafr isMG dy Gr hoieaf. sMdIp isMG bcpn qoN hI Kyzfˆ ivwc Bfg lYx lwgf. Aus ny 2004 ivwc vflIbfl ÈUitMg KyzxI ÈurU kIqI sI, Aus smyˆ qoN hI Aus ny bfl GumfAuxI ÈurU kIqI pr Aus smyˆ Aus nUM ieh nhIN pqf sI ik ies klf krky Auh pUrI dunIafˆ ivwc mÈhUr ho jfvygf. sB qoN pihlfˆ Aus ny 2016 ivwc 25 sfl dI Aumr ivwc amrIkf dy zyivz kYn df 33 sYikMz df irkfrz qoV ky 45 sYikMz kIqf. ieh irkfrz Ausny vflIbfl nflL
Sandeep then applied for the Guinness record. It was in April 2017, when he broke the record for longest duration spinning a basketball on a toothbrush in Dharamkot, Punjab. He spun the qoiVaf pr igMnIjL vrlz irkfrz vfiÜafˆ ny Aus df ieh irkfrz drjL nhIN kIqf ikAuNik Auhnfˆ kolL vflIbfl nUM GumfAux dI kYtfigrI nhIN sI. iPr Aus ny julfeI 2016 ivwc bfsktbfl GumfAuxI ÈurU kIqI qy 8 apRYl 2017 ivwc Ausny Bfrq dy izpfˆÈU imÈrf df tuwQbrwÈ AuWqy bfsktbfl GumfAux df igMnIjL buWk df 42:92 sYikMz df irkfrz qoV ky 53 sYikMz kIqf. iPr Aus ny nypfl dy Qfnsyvr gurgeI df iewko smyˆ iqMn bfsktbflfˆ GumfAux df 11 sYikMz df nYÈnl irkfrz qoV ky 19 sYikMz kIqf qy ilmkf buwk afP irkfrz ivwc drjL krvfieaf. iPr Aus df 53 sYikMz df irkfrz Bfrq dy kunfl isMgl ny qoV ky 55:80 sYikMz kr idwqf aqy iPr kunfl isMgl df 55:80 sYikMz df irkfrz qoV ky jrmn dy iesqvfn ksfpo ny 55:90 sYikMz kr idwqf pr hux sMdIp kynYzf af cuwkf sI aqy pr iewQy af ky vI itk ky nf bYTf qy 25 dsMbr nUM jdoN pUrI dunIaF ikRsms mnf rhI sI Aus ny Aus idn ieh 55:80 sYikMz df irkfrz qoV ky 60:50 Bfv iewk imMt qy pMjfh imlI sYikMz kr idwqf aqy igMnIjL vrlz irkfrz buwk ivwc afpxf nfm dUjI vfr drjL krvfieaf aqy aijhf kfrnfmf krn vflLf sMdIp isMG kYlf ies dunIaF df pihlf iensfn bx igaf. Aus qoN pihlF bfsktbfl GumfAux ivwc iewk imMt iksy ny nhIN kIqf sI. ies qoN pihlfˆ ieh irkfrz 9
one more Guinness record for longest duration spinning a basketball on a toothbrush for 60.50 seconds.
After his impressive performance in India, Singh moved to Abbotsford, Canada in August 2017. It was not enough for him just to sit down and celebrate his achievement. He started practising again. And in December 2017, he broke his own record by set
He says there is no other world record that has been broken and then recreated for 10 times except this one. Sandeep says it is a skill that is a gift from God to him which he discovered with time. A proud Punjabi, he wants to do new experiments with his skills around the world and take it to newer levels.
vfr tuwt cuwkf sI qy 10vIN vfr hux sMdIp ny qoiVaf hY. 11vIN vfr hux Aus ny afpxf hI irkfrz qoV ky 63 sYikMz leI igM n IjL leI aplfeI kr idwqf hY. hux Auh aijhf ivÈv kIrqImfn sQfipq krnf cfhuMdf hY ijsnUM koeI qoV hI nf sky pr nflL dI nflL Auh ieh vI kihMdf hY ik irkfrz hmyÈf tuwtx leI bxdy hn. ies qoN ibnF Auh 4 hor irkfrz bfsktbfl GumfAux ivwc bxfAuxf cfhuMdf hY. hux sMdIp bfsktbfl nflL 16 vwK vwK krqwb kr lYˆdf hY. ijvNy awKfˆ qy pwtI bMnH ky vI Auh bfsktbflfˆ Gumf lYNdf hY. awj kwlH Auh kYnyzf dy aYbtsPorz (bI sI) ivwc rih irhf hY. Auh kYnyzf aqy amrIkf ivwc huMdy KyHz mukfbilafˆ ivwc afpxI klf dy jOhr idKf irhf hY. ies qoN ibnF Auh dunIaF dy keI vwzy dyÈfˆ ivwc afpxI klf df lohf mMnvf cuwkf hY. nflL hI nflL sMdIp kynYzf qy amrIkf ivwc huMdy vflIbfl ÈUitMg dy tUrnfmYˆt vI PrYˆzs klwb aYbtsPorz vwloN KHyz irhf hY qy Ausny keI tUrnfmYˆt ijwqy vI hn. sMdIp ny pUrI dunIaF nUM dwisaf hY ik bwzUvfl ipMz ikwQy vsdf hY? aqy Aus ny pUrI dunIafˆ dy nkÈy AuWqy ipMz bwzUvfl,
iËlHf mogf aqy afpxy sohxy dyÈ pMjfb df nfm cmkfieaf hY. Auh niÈafˆ qoN hmyÈf dUr rihMdf hY. Ausny ÈoÈl mIzIaf dI vI hmyÈf shI vrqoN kIqI hY. Aus df XU-itAUb AuuWqy Kud df cYnl sMdIp isMG bfsktbfl dy nfm ‘qy hY jykr koeI Aus dI vIzIE dyKxI cfhuMdf hY qF dyK skdf hY. ies qoN ielfvf Ausdy aKbfrfˆ ivwc 50 dy krIb afrtIkl lwg cuwky hn aqy 11 aMqrrfÈtrI tI[ vI[ cYnlfˆ nflL ieMtrivAU kr cuwkf hY. Aus dIafˆ 8 Ébrfˆ vI tI[ vI[ ‘qy lwg cuwkIafˆ hn aqy Aus AuuWqy iewk Documentary (dsqfvyËI) iÌlm vI bx cuwkI hY. ieMnI CotI ijhI Aumr ivwc ieMnfˆ kuJ iksy iksy dy ihwsy afAuNdf hY. ies sB kuJ leI Auh hmyÈf prmfqmf df DMnvfd krdf rihMdf hY. Aus duafrf 60:50 seconds df bxfieaf irkfrz ajy qwk brkrfr hY. PAGE 45
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
The Patrika
Friday, January 4th, 2019
Friday, Jan 4, 2019
Baldev Singh Gill
Kirandeep Singh Gill
604.825.8886 31046 SOUTHERN DRIVE
Very clean 3 storey house with a walkout basement in West Abbotsford. Heated kitchen, ensuite and a family room floors. New furnace and new central air conditioner. Roof was replaced few years ago. Close to all levels of schools, Fruiticana and Highstreet Mall. Call for more info.
3131 267A STREET
Custom built 3 storey home with 2-5-10 years warranty in West Abbotsford’s newest subdivision. 4 bedrooms upstairs with 3 full baths. One bedroom with full bathroom on main floor. Walk out basement has 3 bedrooms , 2 full bath and very spacious media room.
2300 Sq. ft. Rancher with full basement is located in a quiet dead end street. 7700 Sq. ft. flat lot. Some recent updates are: New windows, new blinds, new washer/dryer, new carpet on stairs and brand new full bath in the basement.
Over 3200 Sq. ft. home in West Abbotsford. Several upgrades including: new laminate flooring in living and family rooms, new tiles in the foyer and kitchen, brand new blinds, only 4 years old roof, a fully fenced backyard and relatively new paint. Close to Rotary stadium, W.J. Mouat Secondary and Gordie Howe Middle School.
Farm Listing 19.44 Acre Full Production 33629 Clayburn RD Blueberry Farm
11 year old 1/2 duplex with living, dining, kitchen, family room and 2 piece bath on main; 3 bedrooms and 2 full bath on upstairs. Single garage, fenced private backyard with covered patio and store. No strata fee, independent living, lot of privacy Close to elementary school.
#207 1909 SALTON ROAD
2 Bed & 1 Bath Apartment on the Main Floor with 2 parking spots. Many upgrades in past few years including: Laminate floors, white baseboards, designer paint, blinds, counter tops, white appliances, bathroom tile around tub, vanity fixtures, electrical plugs & switches! Great location viewing the private common area.
3130 267A STREET
Duke and Bluecrop varieties. Very good production for 2017 Full irrigation system and machine pick. House and Barn.
16.32 acre income producing blueberry farm. 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 1950 sqft rancher. 100x40 barn, has 2 storeys, oversized doors on both ends of barn, extra concrete slab. Peat moss, Huge potential here! Close to town and Mission Hwy.
Friday, Jan 4, 2019
Friday, Jan 4, 2019
Raman Dhillon
Personal Real Estate Corporation |
R E A LT Y I N C .
Call For More Info. Abbotsford
S $2895,000 Hope Silver Creek 45 20118 BEACON ROAD
Hope Silver Creek
44 20118 BEACON ROAD
Hope Silver Creek
46 20118 BEACON ROAD
Hope Silver Creek
03 20118 BEACON ROAD
Abbotsford West
D SOL Chilliwack
Investors,Developersand BuildersAlert!Property locatedinadesirableareaof WestAbbotsfordwith possibilitytobesubdivideinto 2lots.
Chilliwack 8524 FOREST GATE DRIVE
$749,700 Chilliwack 8488 FOREST GATE DRIVE
$849,000 Abbotsford
Great Location 16.44 acres Blueberry farm with beautiful Home. 7 year old Mega house 6700 SF with 10 bedroom and 8 Washrooms. 4 kitchens. Over 13 acres of land was planted in 2000 with
10 acre blueberry farm, a few minutes from town. Trade Welcome.
65 ACRES Raspberry Farm. Great Rental Income. Close to Town. Trades Welcome.
$2,499,000 35062 HARRIS ROAD High production farm, Blue crop variety, very well kept, great location with smaller house.
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Raspberry Farm & BIG House!
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Pizza Place $199,000
Commercial Unit In Cedar Park Abbotsford Contact For Detail
Friday, Jan 4, 2019
Friday, Jan 4, 2019
dIp iFloN 604.832.0480
Ph: 604-864-0666 • Fax: 604-864-0668 Toll Free: 1-866-967-0666
Call Today for your Free Market Evaluation!
#110- 30485 Cardinal Avenue, Abbotsford BC V4X 2M9
3789 Coachstone Way, 3363 Horn St Abbotsford Abbotsford Creekstone on the Park". Well-kept Custom built 2 storey w/walk-out basement backing onto green space. Very private setting. Many updates. 3 bedrooms up, 1 bedroom in the bsmt and den on main. home features 4 gas fireplaces, granite countertops, S/S appliances in the kitchen, hardwood floor on main and 2nd floor. W/O basement has 4th bedroom, rec room with marble decorated wet bar, theater room and sauna in the basement.
MILLION DOLLAR MOUNT BAKER VIEW CENTRAL Location, view, You can have it all! It offers Blueberry, panoramic views of mountains. Impressive 4799 sq.ft. mansion is located on 8.5 acres Planted Duke, 4 yrs old plants. Covered sundeck, spectacular bedrooms with Ensuites.
$ 1,899,000
3 SOLD ONE AVAILABLE Townhouse Legal Suite close to Baba Banda 407 31771 13505 62 Ave Singh Peardonville Rd Surrey Abbotsford Bahadur This home has 2 spacious Gurdwara bedrooms, 2 baths, living area, good size kitchen and dining space Penthouse. Lots of updates include new laminate flooring, fresh paint, newer roof and much more. The building has been very well maintainedwell managed.
$ 349,000
$ 599,000 For more info please call Deep or Harjinder
property into two RF lots
6757 134A St 33394 Hawthorne Ave Abbotsford Surrey Totally renovated gem located in quite and central location of West Newton. This 2700 sq.ft home features two and one bedrooms suites as great mortgage helper. Upgrades include new roof, furnace, hot water tank, flooring, kitchens, washroom , appliances and windows. big lot 66 by 122.
$ 1,250,000 $ 1,049,000
70 x 115 Rancher
Mainly Landvalue
$ 619,000
Friday, Jan 4, 2019 MLS TOP 10%
Jag S Sidhu Personal Real Estate Corporation
Listing Needed Call Jag
#110 - 30485 Cardinal Ave Abbotsford, BC V2T0E5
Phone: 604.625.2245 Fax: 604.625.2249 Toll Free: 1.866.967.0666
Call Gurcharan or Jag for your FREE no obligation Market Evaluation
New listing on Upper Maclure 6 bedrooms 5 bath recroom call jag 32277 PEARDONVILLE RD
This home is centrally located in West Abbotsford, close to schools, shopping and parks. OVER 12000 SF Large lot, that can be subdivided into 2 lots that would be over 6000 sqft each. Build your dream home and sell the lot beside you or hold the property
2 lot approval. Documents are available from seller once accepted offer and you can verify with the city of Abbotsford prior to making any offer for final approval of 2 lots. Close to French Immersion Elementary school, Stadium, Bus and recreation. Call Gur Dhillon
3510 Promontory crt
West Abby. 3 story 5 bedrooms up den on main two bedroom legal suite and a Rec room for owner use.
West Abbotsford on firhill dr, 26 year old house 5 bedroom 3 bath family room, recroom legal suite close to all levels of school Call Gur Dhillon
30966 Brookdale Crt
Abbotsford near gurdwara on 30658 steelhead crt. 4 bedroom den(5th) bedroom legal suite clean cul-de-sac!!
34041 Wavell Lane, Abbotsford It is a two bedroom house, close to Wal-Mart and freeway. It is rented for $950 per month. It is hard to find in this price in Abbotsford area, demolish it and make a new house. No sign on property.
New listing near all levels of schools, gurdwara shaib, fully renovated home 3 bedroom family room and great room up 1 suite and huge theater room for owner use with bar!!
Unit 40 - 31255 Upper Maclure Road
THE GABLES, a family friendly community! A well maintained family home and complex. 4 Bdrms, 3 FULL baths, BIG rec-room, LARGE balcony and DOUBLE garage. Prime location, walking distance to Fruiticana Grocery Store, Eugene Reimer Middle School,Highstreet mall and easy access to highway.
In Maple Ridge Green Belt Call for more detail
214500 Morris Valley Rd Off hwy 7 East Mission
5 Acres
2 bdrm + extra with private fenced yard with patio, extra parking/long driveway to a detached 20 x 5 garage/room. New roof & appliances.close to public transit/school, shopping
#30 - 31098 Westridge Pl 2 Bedroom Townhouse
KETCH PLACE 4 BEDRM HOUSE single garage 700,00 sq feet
2151 Meadows St. Great Location & Big Lot !Spacious Rancher with over 2600 sq ft of living space; 8300 sq. ft lot with a fenced back yard. In a quiet neighborhood, close to schools,Mill lake park, shopping and close freeway access.Three bedrooms up with two down along with large rec-room, full bathroom and large storage room. A new patio deck will help you enjoy this west facing back yard. Sevral Updates Include New roof, vinyl windows, New Paint, New Furnace & water tank, Updates Bathrooms. A truly great family home. Call today to View......
$ 759,000
2060 Broadway Street
Personal Real Estate Corporation
iksy vI qrHF dI pRfprtI KRIdx jF vycx leI suwK mwlI nflL sMprk kro TIN
Blueberry Farm West Abbotsford with a house. Good production Blueberry BlueCrop & Duke Variety call for more info
Sukh Malhi
604.832.6034 LIS
New listing hitting the market this week. West Abby 3420 Headwater pl!!8 bedroom 9 bath, spice kitchen, radiant heat, high ceilings, A/C and generator ready. 2 suites, recroom/ theatre room/bar walking distance to schools!!
3 Lot LEFT Subdivision
3 story 7 bedroom and 8 bath with great views!!
Sold 8 plus acres on hope rd in Abbotsford with 6500sqft home
31031 Southern Drive Amazing West Abbotsford home On a Corner Lot, offering 5 Bedrooms and 3 Baths. Large Double Garage and lots of parking . Recent upgrades include New paint,New Floors,Blinds & Kitchen Counter top.Close to all levels of schools & Grocery Stores . Don't forget the new Highstreet Mall is just blocks away! 3 bedrooms upstairs Great value & a great location. Patio area to enjoy the private backyard. This is the perfect home! Walking distance to shopping, transit and parks. Call today to View......
32173 Mouat Drive Great location!Investor or First time buyer alert. Just Steps Away from all levels of Schools. This home located on Quiet cul-desac! This 4 bdrm/2 bath home has legal suite. This home needs TLC - Either bring it back to its former glory or build your dream home here.
$ 799,000
124 3160 Townline Rd.
Office 604.855.0800
$ 729,000
52 31098 Westridge Place
315-2962 Trethewey Street
3106 Mouat Drive
Super bright and spacious unit in the popular Cascade Green complex. With 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, you'll love the modern feel and open plan. New Carpet, New paint, New Granite Counter tops newer lighting fixtures. Huge covered deck, in-suite laundry with lots of storage, walk-in closet in master, 3 pc ensuite with stand-up shower, QUIET LOCATION IN THE COMPLEX, the list goes on! One parking stall with additional spots available, pets allowed with restrictions.
Great location! Just Steps Away from both Schools. Simply gorgeous home located on large corner lot with gated RV parking! This 5 bdrm/3 bath home! This home sits on 6550 Sq ft of land. Some of the Updates new roof, new laminate floor downstairs, new paint, Large sundeck over double garage.
Call today to View......
$ 299,000
31914 Hopedale Ave
$ 779,000
99 3030 Trethewey St.
Friday, Jan 4, 2019
RESIDENTIAL | Near Sikh Temple LD
3088 Princess st
2108 Vinewood st
$679,800 32372 Alpine ave, 5 bedroom, 2.5 bathrooms, 7738 sqft lot
2 Storey With Bsmt 5 Bdrm, 3.5 Bath Recroom & Bsmt Suite
44-31255 Upper Maclure 32043 Tims Avenue 32827 Hardwood place
House on 2 legal lots 12798 sqft
12240 sqft lot Duplex
2095 Beaver St
11-33682 Marshall rd 403-33960 Old Yale Road
34118 Larch Street 32107 Clinton Ave 2411 Adelaide st 122-2515 Park dr 2994 Eastview street
5.08 acres
20 Acres
12 Acres
10 Acres
planted in blueberries flat rectangluar parcel build your dream home 5 min from abbotsford centre
28218 Layman ave, Abbotsford 2 homes on 5 acres 2 acres in blueberries Near Abbotsford, Aldergrove
19.5 Acres
Sumas Prairie, Abbotsford Flat fertile land Plant berries or other crops Near no. 3 rd exit
10 Acres
$2,299,000 565 MARION RD, ABBOTSFORD New listing Build your dream home Sumas prairie Drip irreg Duke & Elliot Variety
40721 No. 1 Rd, Abbotsford 12 Acres bare land 3 Bedroom hous
BEHARREL RD, ABBOTSFORD Planted In Blueberries Flat Rectangular Parcel Build Your Dream Home 5 Min From Abbotsford downtown
25.39 Acres
Full production blueberry 5 bedroom house (2012 built) near no. 3 rd exit
MISSION Good location Planted in Blueberries 2 bedroom house
10 mins from sumas way
10 Acres
69.29 Acres
32425 King Road..............................5 Acres 1723 Jackson Street.........................Appx 5 Acres 28028 layman avenue .....................Appx 5 Acres 6230 riverside street.........................Appx 5 Acres
6113 Beharrell Road..............................Appx 10 Acres 7.09 acres lot B Haverman ...................Appx 7 Acres 5111 Tolmie road................................... Appx 8 Acres 14627 Dixon road ..................................Appx 30 Acres
Friday, Jan 4, 2019