January 18th, 2019

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The Patrika 604.852.2288 | “ B R I D G I N G

COMMUNITIES” Weekly | Friday Jan 18th, 2019 | Vol.23. No.17 | www.patrika.ca/e-newspaper | e:info@patrika.ca

inrpwK, suqMqr aqy agFhvDU soc nMU prnfieaf hoieaf A SECULAR, INDEPENDENT & PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER

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The Patrika




Friday, January 18th, 2019


itAUn aWp, brykF, aYgjLfst, PrMt aYWz vrk, ieMjn irpyarjL, klWc, vftr pMp, trYnI srivs, XU- jfieMtjL, PrMt aYksl sLfPtjL afid

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nvW kI ho irhw quhwfy Sihr iv`c KrIddwrI smyˆ Awpxy koL Awpxw bYg lY ky Awvo[

AwE 2019 leI vyst G`t krn dw pRx leIey

KrIddwrI smyˆ Awpxy koL Awpxw bYg lY ky Awvo[ qusIˆ pqly plwsitk bYg nhIˆ sgoˆ rIXUz krnXog SOipMg bYg lY ky Awvo, ies qrHwˆ krn nwL plwsitk bYgz dI vrqoˆ GtygI[ quhwnUM pqw hY ik plwsitk bYg pwxI dy vhw leI rukwvt bxdy hn Aqy zmIn nUM nkwrw bxOˆdy hn[ bYg auh r`Ko jo nroey hox Aqy aunHwˆ au`pr koeI AYsw pyst l`gw hoieAw hovy jo nmIˆ qoˆ bcwE kry[ jy AsIˆ swry hI Awpo AwpxI izMmyˆvwrI smJidAwˆ eydwˆ krIey qwˆ Awdqn vI cMgy l`gwˆgy qy sPweI vI brkrwr rhygI[ ies vwsqy swrI jwxkwrI pRwpq krn leI abbotsford.ca/wastewizard 'qy jwE

AwE vyst Gtwaux dw PYsl leIey[ AMdwzn hr kYnYfIAn jy 720 ik`lo ( 1587 pwaUˆf) vyst swlwnw Gtw dyvy qwˆ zmInI ivgwV bc jwxgy[ ies swl qusIˆ PYslw lvo ik vyst nUM zrUr Gtwauxw hY[ ies nUM nypry cwVHn leI CotIAwˆ CotIAwˆ swvDwnIAwˆ dI loV hY ijvyˆ Enw KrIdo ijMny dI loV hY, jo KrIidAw hY aus nUM inbyVo, jo bwkI bicAw hY aus nUM hI vyst hox idE[ ies bwry hor jwxkwrI leI abbotsford.ca/collection 'qy jwE qy vyst dI vrqoˆ dI jwxkwrI abbotsford.ca/ wastewizard. 'qy l`Bo[

PRC dw ih`sw bxo

kimaUintI bYnr pRojYkt

28 PrvrI qoˆ pihlwˆ PRC dI mYˆbriS`p lE Aqy A`Dy GMty dw ieksprt sYSn pRwpq kro[ pRvyS kro qy 1 qoˆ 20 v`fy ienwm ij`qx leI Xog hovo[ pUrI jwxkwrI leI abbotsford.ca/prc 'qy jwE

swlitn bir`j pYdlwˆ qy sweIklwˆ vwilAwˆ dw puL swlitn rof bir`j, jo mwrSl rof qy ikMg rof nUM imlwauˆdw hY Aqy ies dy au`pr hI pYdl svwrwˆ Aqy sweIkl svwrwˆ leI vI lwˆGw idMdw hY, 23 jnvrI nUM srkwrI qOr qy cwlU ho irhw hY[ hux ies auproˆ pYdl Aqy sweIkl svwr sPr kr skxgy[


2019 iv`c AYbtsPorf dy 2600 biSMdy bYnr mukwbilAwˆ leI vot pwauxgy Aqy aunHwˆ iv`coˆ au`prly dswˆ leI strIt lweIts stYˆfrfwˆ leI swry swl dIAwˆ syvwvwˆ bwry jwxkwrI auplbD hovygI[

vlMtIAr leI mOky

AYbtsPorf istI vlMtIArwˆ nUM Kws mOky pRdwn krn jw irhw hY ijvyˆ qusIˆ koeI pwrk jwˆ strIt AfOpt kr skdy ho, qusIˆ tRYiPk kMtrol syvwvwˆ leI mOkw lY skdy ho, Awp storm tru`prz dIAwˆ syvwvwˆ kr skdy ho, nwL kimaUintI nUM mn-pRcwvy vwLy pRogrwm vI id`qy jw skdy hn[ jy Awp iksy pwsy leI vlMtIAr syvw dyxI cwhuMdy ho qwˆ ArzI dyx leI abbotsford.ca/volunteer

'qy jwE[



jnvrI 2019 istI kONisl brOfkwst abbotsford.ca/livecouncil. dI vY`bsweIt qy qusIˆ swrIAwˆ mIitMgwˆ dIAwˆ gqIivDIAwˆ lweIv vI dyK skdy ho Aqy lyt dyKx leI irkwrf vI kr skdy ho[ istI kOˆisl dy eyjMfy abbotsford.ca/ Aqy mIitMgwˆ dI jwxkwrI leI councilagendas 'qy jwE[

kwaUˆisl mIitMgwˆ dI smwˆ sUcI jnvrI 21 Swm 3 vjy AYgzykitv kmytI Swm 7 vjy pbilk hIAirMg Aqy rYgUlr kwaUæisl jnvrI 28 dupihr 1æ00 vjy kmytI AYz ey hol (kmrw nMbr 530) PrvrI 7 Swm 3 vjy AYgzykitv kmytI PrvrI 14 dupihr 1æ00 vjy kmytI AYz ey hol (kmrw nMbr 530) PrvrI 21 Swm 3 vjy AYgzykitv kmytI Swm 7 vjy pbilk hIAirMg Aqy rYgUlr kwaUæisl PrvrI 28 dupihr 1æ00 vjy kmytI AYz ey hol (kmrw nMbr 530)


The Patrika


Friday, January 18th, 2019




ICBC CLAIMS afeI.sI.bI.sI dy dfavy

trfiel smyq asIN quhfzy Gr afky vI srivs idMdy hF




trfiel smyq

33222 Elz Xyl roz,aYbtsPorz, bI.sI. imlx leI apufieMtmYNt jLrUrI hY

isrP aYbtsPorz rihx vfilaF leI puwCigwC



The Patrika




Friday, January 18th, 2019


sµpfdkI rWb jF kudrq dIaF nËrF ivWc mnuWK jfqI ieWk smfn hY, Bfv cfhy koeI aOrq hY jF koeI mrd hY, Aus dI soc muqfibk donoN hI ieWko ijhy hn» keI DrqIaF ‘qy ieh ieWk smfn hn, keI QfeIN aOrq df mfx kridaF qy jIvn ivWc Aus dIaF vPfdfr syvfvF krky Aus ƒ BETTER HALF df siqkfr idWqf jFdf hY qy keI QF aYsy vI hn ijWQy aOrq ƒ BAD HALF krky jfixaF jFdf hY qy keI QfeIN Bfrq vrgy dyÈF ivWc aOrq ƒ dfsI, bWcy pYdf krn vfÜI mÈIn, pYr dI juWqI, guWq ipWCy mWq vfÜI, kfÜ m¨µhIN afidk inrfdrF nfÜ durkfiraf jFdf hY» ieiqhfs Polf PflI qoN pqf lWgdf hY ik Bfrq ivWc vI bhuq sdIaF pihlF aOrq qy mrd df siqkfr ieWk brfbr sI pr smyN dy hflfqF ny, DrmF dy glq PlsiPaF ny, ËfqF pfqF dIaF vµzIaF ny, jfbrF dy ËulmF ny aYsIaF aµnHIaF anHyrIaF JulfeIaF qy kfÜy boÜy JWKV Julfey ik aOrq dI aOkfq rolL idWqI, DfVvIaF ny ‘Ër qy Ëoro’ dI aµnHI luWt kIqI» muglF dy qkrIbn 600 sflf rfj ivWc jvfn kuVIaF qy husIn vhutIaF ƒ DWky nflL GrF qoN cuWk ilaf jFdf, hvsF p¨rIaF kIqIaF jFdIaF qy iPr mµzIaF lf ky pȨaF vFg ienHF ƒ vyicaf jFdf irhf» mihm¨d gËnvI ny afpxy Èihr gËnI ƒ luWty husnF dI ivAupfr mµzI bxf idWqf sI» ijWQy mn mrËI dI muitafr KrIdI jFdI rhI» aihmd Èfh abdflI ny qF afpxIaF POjF ƒ hr cIË dI luWt dIaF pfvrF dy CWzIaF sn qF Auh qF lokF dy GroN DIaF, BYxF, lIVy kWpVy, aµn anfj qWk vI luWtdy rhy» Auh qF eyny BuWKV sn peI lokF dy GrF ivWc bcIaF vfD¨ rotIaF qy hor Kfx vfÜIaF cIËF vI nhIN sn CWzdy» qF hI qF pµjfb ivWc AunHF ‘qy lok khfvqF bx geIaF sn “KfDf pIqf lfhy df, bfkI aihmd Èfhy df»” bfbr dI bfdÈfhq vyÜy vI ieh sB kuWJ inrµqr huµdf irhf, sqfrvIN sdI qWk ivafh ky leI jFdy lfiVaF koÜoN zoly luWt ky lY jfxy afm irhf» smyN smyN qy hflfqF dy Bµny hoey lok byvWs hoey rhy»» iksy ÈkqI, iksy dyvI dyvqy ny ies anrQI jbr ƒ rokx leI kuWJ krnf qF kI sI ik hfa df nfhrf vI nf mfiraf»

afvfË afeI, jo afm lokF leI Zfrs bx ky afeI, Auh afvfË sI pihly gur¨ gur¨ nfnk sfihb jI dI» AunHF ablf nfrI dy hWk ivWc ikhf “so ikAuN mµdf afKIaY ijq jµmyN rfjfn»” siqgurF ny bfbr dy kukrmF ƒ ‘bfbr bfxI’ dy isrlyK hyT qrqIb vfr iliKaf» AunHF luWt ky leI jFdIaF aOrqF df sfkfr r¨p pyÈ kridaF iliKaf ik suµdr aOrqF, suµdr GrfixaF dIaF DIaF ƒhF ƒ hr QF qoN luWt ky ieWk QF ispfhI iekWTIaF krdy, iPr rWisaF nfÜ pȨaF vFg nrV krdy, ivroD krn vfÜIaF dy j¨V pfey jFdy qy imQy hoey QF vl cfly pfey jFdy, vWzHI dirµdgI aqy ÈrimµdgI dI gWl ik POjI ispfhIaF ƒ ienHF by-vWs DIaF dIaF ieWËqF luWtx dy hukm idWqy jFdy» kfrn qy ks¨r ieho hI sI ik ieh Bfrq dI aOrq Ëfq sI» bfbr bfxI ivWc gur¨ nfnk sfihb vrnx krdy hn ik bfbr afpxy POjIaF ƒ luWt leIaF aOrqF nfÜ blfqkfr dy hukm dy rhy hn‘d¨qF ƒ Purmfieaf, lY cWlo pWq gvfey’

ienHF hflfqF ivWc ijAUx nfÜoN mOq cµgI lWgx lWgdI hY» pr aWj ieWkIvIN sdI dy hflfq hor hn» aWj ivDfn hY, sivDfn hY» aWj aOrq Ëfq ƒ mrd vfÜI styjI pWDr qF ajy vI nhIN imlI pr Prk Ër¨r hY» Prk eynf ik asIN aWj kuVI muµzy ivWc Prk nf smJidaF ienHF ƒ brfbr smJx lWg pey hF qy muµizaF vFg kuVIaF ƒ ipafr vI krdy hF qy mlHfr vI» ivWidaf aqy hor loVF ivWc vI brfbrqf dI soc apxf rhy hF» ies qoN vI vWD Ër¨rI mslf ieh hY ik asIN kuVIaF ƒ mfrn qoN sµkoc krn dI soc apxf rhy hF» AunINvIN vIhvIN sdI dIaF kuVIaF ƒ jnm qoN bfad mfr dyx df ieWk irvfj ijhf hI sI pr ieWkIvIN sdI ivWc skYinµg isstm dI eIjfd ny hor vI Ëulm vDf idWqy ik pihlF qF jnm qoN bfad mfrdy sn pr ies isstm dy tYstF dy nqIijaF ny kuVIaF ƒ grB j¨n ivWc hI mfr mkOx dIaF qrkIbF lWB leIaF» ienHF qrkIbF df asr ieh hoieaf ik pµjfb ivWc 1000 lVky ipWCy 630 lVkIaF dI igxqI rih geI hY» moty ihsfb nflL qIjf pµdrvIN sdI dy aµqly smyN pµjfb dI DrqI ihWsf muµizaF dy ivafh nhIN ho skxgy, qoN bgfvqI soc aqy hWk sWc dI rfKI dI jbr jnfh ijhy kukrm vDxgy, lPµgfvfd


vDygf, ieWËq afbr¨aF leI Kqrf vDygf» ienHF burfeIaF ivWc rWb df ks¨r iblkul nhIN, ks¨r mnuWK df hY qy bVf hI Gfqk ks¨r hY» aWj soc bdl rhI hY, kfrn keI hn» pihlf kfrn pµjfb ivWc muµizaF df nÈyVI hoxf qy mOq dy m¨µh pYxf, aWj mfpy socx leI mjb¨r hn ik muµzf nf hovy DI jµmy qF ik niÈaF qoN bcI rhygI» DrmF rfhIN ho rhy kukrmF leI jfgRqI afeI hY» Bfrq dy sfry DrmF dIaF kurIqIaF ivruWD ivigafnk soc ny mWQf lfieaf hY, lok-soc shI idÈf vl qurI hY» aOrq ƒ 10 sfl qoN lY ky 50 sfl qWk dI Aumr qWk (kudrqI Drm pIrIaz) mµdrF ivWc mWQf tykx dI keI DrmF ivWc mnfhI hY, Drm duafiraF qy pfT jF kIrqn krn dI mnfhI hY, hux ienHF DfrnfvF ƒ nkfiraf jfx lWg ipaf hY» amIr lok agFhvD¨ soc df pWlf PVn lWgy hn, ieµglYNz, amrIkf, afstrylIaf qy knyzf vrgIaF DrqIaF qy lVkIaF df siqkfr vDx lWgf hY» lVkIaF ƒ vI ienHF DrqIaF qy afpxI ÈÉsI hoNd idKOx dy mOky iml rhy hn» iesy krky hI ienHF DrqIaF qy lVkIaF ny i˵dgI dy hr Kyqr ivWc AuWcIaF mWlF mfr idKfeIaF hn» pµ j fbIaF dI Ku È nsIbI hY ik sfzIaF kuVIaF aWj hr Kyqr ivWc ÈlfGfXog AulFGF puWt rhIaF hn» ienHF dIaF ihµmqF aqy vPfdfrIaF sfzy idlF ivWc vsybf krngIaF»

gWl nf mµnIN kuVIaF vDx kOVI vyl dy vfÕ¨µ aWj jµmI Blky muitafr jWg dIaF AUNjF huxy iqafr» so ivroDI hflfqF vjoN jWg dIaF AUNjF, Gr dIaF ieWËqF dI brbfdI, dyh vpfr, durfcfr eynf vD igaf sI ik jn-jIvn gmgIn bx igaf, lVkIaF ƒ Guµz kWZx, burkf qy ihjfb pihnx dIaF loVF peIaF, aOrq dI rfKI dy bµDn socy gey, mkfnF dIaF kµDF ivWc hvf leI rWKIaF qfkIaF bµd krnIaF peIaF ikAuNik qfkI ivWcdI dyK ky suµdrqf dI luWt kIqI jFdI sI» kuVIaF dy ivafhF dy Krcy, kuVIaF df kmfAU nf hoxf, dfj dhyj vrgy mfVy irvfj vI kuVIaF ƒ mfrn leI i˵myvfr sn» aWj hflfq suKfvyN hn, kuVIaF pVHn ivWc, i˵myvfrIaF ivWc, pirvfrk KuÈhflIaF ivWc, kmfeIaF ivWc, smfijk vrqfiraF ivWc qy bËurgF dI sFB sµBFl ivWc mµuizaF nfÜoN ikqy vWD i˵myvfrIaF idKf rhIaF hn» so sfƒ hux afpxI soc bdl ky ienHF ƒ ienHF df hr QF bxdf hWk dyx dI iqafrI krnI cfhIdI hY» hux sfƒ ieh socxf cfhIdf hY ik ieh muµzy kuVIaF sfzy bWcy hn pr kdI vI mn ivWc nhIN ilaOxf cfhIdf ik ieh muµzf hY qy ieh kuVI hY» iesy soc ‘qy hI ienHF ƒ ieWko ijhf ipafr, ieWko ijhf ivhfr, ieWko ijhf mlHfr dyxf cfhIdY» bfkI rsmF vI ieWko ijhIaF kridaF kuVI dI lohVI vI mnOxI cfhIdI hY, jnm idn vI Ausy sWDr nfÜ mnOxy cfhIdy hn qy ies gWl dI i˵myvfrI lYxI cfhIdI hY ik ieh ieWk smfn bWcy hn, kuVIaF jF muµzy nhIN» eysy hI vydxf ƒ suxo mjb¨r kuVI dy m¨µhoN-

Auprokq hflfq Brosf idvONdy hn ik aOx vfÜy smyN ivWc kuVI muµzy ivWc Prk idlF ‘coN k¨c kr jfvygf» asIN muµzf vDIaf qy kuVI GtIaf dI soc ƒ shI QF ‘qy lY afvFgy qy lVkIaF dI hoNd bf-K¨bI arÈI isqfiraF vFg zlHkygI qy sfzI soc ‘qy pey prdy bdl jfxgy» pµjfb dy nfmvr Èfier s[ s[ mIÈf ny apxy Gr jµmy pihly bWc,y jo ik lVkI sI, dy jnm idn qy nËm ilKI sI, ijs df pWuq cµgf DI mfVI bfbl qyrf vihm purfxf hY ÈIrÈk sI ‘pRfhuxI’ qy bol snqfr qfr ËflmF kIqI myrf sihm purfxf hY sfzy Gr ieWk inµkI ijhI pRfhuxI afeI inWkf inWkf hWsy, vWzf vWzf rovy» sfzy Gr dIaF rsmF dyK ijvyN GbrfeI sfzy[[[ dfdI khy mYN kih idaF ies dy kMnIN bIbI bx ky Aumr guËfrIN, dyKIN idl dI

aWj smyN ny krvt bdlI mYN muµzy qoN GWt ikvyN? mYN cmkFgI cµd dy vFÕ¨µ, nHyiraF cuWkI aWq ikvyN? Dµnvfd sihq, sµpfdkI mµzl

The Patrika


Friday, January 18th, 2019




qyrf kmrf myrf kmrf dlIp kOr itvfxf

dPæqr ivc myrf kmrf qy qyrf kmrf nflo nflL hn » iPr vI nf ieh kmrf Aus vWl jf skdf hY qy nf Auh kmrf ies vWl af skdf hY» dovF dI afpxI afpxI sImf hY» dohF dy ivckfr iek dIvfr hY» dIvfr bVI pqlI ijhI hY» BuWl BulyKy vI jy AuWDr qyrf hWQ vjdf hY qF afvfjæ myry kmry ivc phuµc jFdI hY» iek idn Kæbry koeI ies dIvfr ivc qyry vflLy pfsy ikWl gWz irhf sI, myry kmry dIaF sfrIaF dIvfrF Dmk rhIaF sn» mYN AuWT ky bfhr geI ik dyKF, pr qyry kmry dy b¨hy AuWqy BfrI prdf ltk irhf sI» mYN prq afeI» aWj klH lokIN afm hI b¨hy bfrIaF Auqy Bfry prdy lfeI rKdy hn, qF jo bfhroN iksy ƒ kuJ nf idWsy» prdf qF myry kmry dy b¨hy aWgy vI hY, mYƒ iKLafl afieaf » kdy kdy jdoN iksy gWloN q¨µ cpVfsI nflL AuWcf boldf hYN, mYN kµm krdI krdI klm rWK ky bYT jFdI hF» myrf mn krdf hY qYƒ puWCF, “kI gWl hoeI ?” pr iPr iKLafl afAuNdf hY, qYƒ sæfied ieh cµgf nf lWgy ik jdoN q¨µ cpVfsI nflL AuWcf bol irhF sYN qF mYN sux rhI sF» qYƒ qF ies gWl df iKLafl vI nhIN rihµdf ik q¨µ z¨µGf sfh vI BryN qF nflL dy kmry ivc suxfeI dy jFdf hY» iek idn kµm kridaF kridaF myry hWQoN klm izWg peI» inWb ivµgI ho geI» Aus idn mYƒ iKLafl afieaf sI qyry kmry ivWcoN koeI klm mµgvF lvF» pr ies zroN ik Kæbry q¨µ afK ByjyN ik myry kolL vfD¨ klm nhIN, mYN ieh hOslf nf kr skI» bhuq vfrI ieEN hI huµdf hY ik asIN afp hI svfl krdy hF qy afp hI Aus df jvfb dy lYNdy hF» kdy kdy mYN socdI hF ik jy BlLf dohF kmiraF dy ivckfrlI ieh dIvfr tuWt jfvy» pr ies nflL qyrf kmrf sfbq nhIN rih jfvygf, myrf kmrf vI sfbq nhIN rih jfvygf» iPr qF ieEN hI lWigaf krygf ijvyN KuWlHf sfrf, vWzf ijhf ieko kmrf hovy» pr ieEN krnf sæfied TIk nf hovy» bxfAux vflLy ny kuJ soc ky hI ieh vWKo vWK kmry bxfey hoxy ny»

eyN, hOlLI hOlLI sItI mfrdf eyN» ies kµD ivc kµm krn vflLIaF hornF ƒ imlx qurI AuWqy hWQ lf ky kursI Auqy bYTf, DrqI AuWqoN rihµdI hF» pYr cuWk lYNdf eyN, Aus vylLy mYN ieWDr jærf vI KVfk nhIN hox dyNdI mqF q¨µ cONk pvyN» “afey nhIN ieµny idn?” pqf hox dy bfvj¨d mYN qYƒ puCWdI hF » kdy kdy afAux jfx vylLy q¨µ mYƒ kmry qoN bfhr iml pYNdf eyN» ‘ suxfE kI hfl hY ?’ “bImfr sI”, q¨µ afKdf hYN » q¨µ puCWdf eyN» “hux qF TIk ho?” “TIk hY ”, mYN jærf ku hWs ky afKdI hF» “hF TIk hF, imhrbfnI”, afK q¨µ afpxy qy q¨µ afpxy kmry ivc cilaf jFdf eyN qy mYN afpxy kmry ivc» nf Auh kmrf ieWDr kmry ivc cilaf jFdf eyN qy mYN afpxy kmry af skdf hY, nf ieh kmrf AuWDr jf skdf ivc clI jFdI hF» q¨µ afpxf kµm krn lWg hY» dohF dI afpxI afpxI sImf hY» dohF jFdf eyN qy mYN afpxf» dy ivckfr iek dIvfr hY » iek vfrI mYN keI idn CuWtI AuWqy rhI» iek idn myry kmry ivc cldf cldf pWKf “bIbI jI af nhIN rhy?”, q¨µ myry cpVfsI bµd ho igaf» sæfied ibjlI clI geI sI» kuJ imµt mYN AuzIkdI rhI» iPr grmI qoN ƒ puWiCaf » Gbrf mYN kmry qoN bfhr brFzy ivc af “Auh jI bImfr ny”, Aus ny dWisaf » geI jo dohF kmiraF dy aWgy sFJf hY» mYƒ pqf sI qyry kmry df pWKf vI bµd ho igaf “aWCf…[[aWCf …” afK q¨µ afpxy kmry hovygf» iPr vI mYN jærf ku qyry kmry aµdr ivc cilaf igaf» Jfk ky puWiCaf, ‘quhfzf pWKf cldf hY ?’ Gr zfk dyx afey cpVfsI ny mYƒ ieh myrf Bfv sI jy nhIN cldf qF q¨µ vI sFJy dWisaf» agly idn jdoN buKfr jærf GWt brFzy af jfvyN» jdoN aµdr hMums hovy pl do pl leI bfhr af jfx ivc koeI zr sI mYN dPæqr af geI» nhIN huµdf»

qYƒ sæfied pqf nhIN sI» Aus idn q¨µ do iqµn vfr cpVfsI ƒ zFitaf» keI vfr kfgjæ pfVy, ijvyN gælq iliKaf igaf hovy» iek do imlx afieaF ƒ vI khf Byijaf ik iksy idn iPr afAuxf» iksy kµm q¨µ kmry qoN bfhr igaf» mYN vI iksy kµm bfhr inklI» “afey nhIN keI idn?” q¨µ jfxidaF hoieaf pWuiCaf, “bImfr sI»” “hux qF TIk ho? ” “hF TIk hF, imhrbfnI”, afK, mYN afpxy kmry ivc clI geI qy q¨µ afpxy kmry ivc cilaf igaf» nf ieh kmrf AWuDr jf skdf hY, nf Auh kmrf ieWDr af skdf hY» donF dI afpxI afpxI sImf hY» dovF ivckfr iek dIvfr hY» iek kmrf qyrf hY» iek kmrf myrf hY» iPr vI mYN socdI hF ik eynf vI kI GWt hY ik donoN kmry nflo nflL hn, ivckfr isrP iek dIvfr hI qF hY»

“nhIN pWKf qF nhIN cldf, pr mYN ipClI bfrI KolH leI hY”, q¨µ afiKaf» pr mYƒ Kæbry ipClI bfrI df iKLafl hI nhIN sI afieaf iesy leI mYN kmry qoN bfhr af geI sI» ivckfr BfvyN dIvfr hY iPr vI ijs idn q¨µ dPæqr nf afvyN, afpxy kmry ivc nf bYTf hovyN, mYƒ kuJ ajIb ajIb ijhf lWgdf hY» Aus idn mYN keI vfrI GVI dyKdI hF» mYN keI vfrI pfxI pINdI hF» lokF ƒ tYlIP¨n krdI rihµdI hF» ieWkTf hoieaf ipClf kµm vI mukf sutdI hF» aWj sfhb nhIN afey? AuDroN lµGdI qyry cpVfsI ƒ pWuCdI hF» iPr Auh afp hI dWs idµdf hY ik sfhb bfhr gey hoey hn, ik sfhb dy irsæqydfr afey hoey hn, ik sfhb dI qbIaq TIk nhIN, ik sfhb ny ikµny idn dI CuWtI leI hY?

kdy kdy mYƒ ieEN lgdf hY ijvyN mYN ies pWkI sIimµt dIvfr dy ivWcoN dI dyK skdI hF» qd hI qF mYƒ pqf lWg jFdf hY ik aWj q¨µ kµm nhIN kr irhf» kdy CWq vWl qWkx lWg jFdf eyN qy kdy hWQ dIaF lkIrF vWl» kdy PæfeIlF KolH lYNdf eyN» kdy bµd kr dyNdf eyN» kdy b¨t lfh lYNdf eyN qy kdy pf lYNdf eyN»

ienHF idnF ivc mYƒ bVIaF Pæjæ¨l Pæjæ¨l gWlF suJdIaF rihµdIaF ny, ik aWj qoN sO sfl pihly ies kmry ivc kOx bYTdf hovygf? nflL vflyL kmry ivc vI koeI bYTdf hovygf? aWj qoN sO sfl ƒ ies kmry ivc kOx bYTf hovygf» nflL vflLy kmry ivc kOx bYTf hovygf? bµdy mr kfhqoN jFdy ny? Pyr kdy kdy q¨µ bhuq Kusæ ho irhf huµdf eyN» AudoN iKLafl afAuNdf hY, bµdy pYdf kfhqoN huµdy ny? myjæ Auqy pey pyprvyt ƒ GumfAux lWg jFdf qy iPr ienHF gWlF qoN Gbrf ky mYN dPæqr PAGE 5

The Patrika





Friday, January 18th, 2019

Member of Parliament for Abbotsford, the Hon. Ed Fast, calls on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to intervene with China regarding Robert Schelleberg’s death sentence.


he Hon. Ed Fast, Member of Parliament for Abbotsford, responded to the troubling news that Robert Lloyd Schellenberg, whose family is resident in Abbotsford, has been sentenced to death by the Chinese government.

citizen so he does not lose his life over a political dispute,” said Fast. “I am calling on the Prime Minister to imme diately intervene to protect this man’s life.”

“Mr. Schellenberg was originally detained in 2014 and sentenced to 15 years in prison for drug trafficking,” noted Fast. “It appears from the rush to re-try and re-sentence Mr. Schellenberg that the Government of China is politicizing his appeal in retaliation for the arrest of Huawei executive “While I do not question Mr. SchelMeng Wanzhou.” leberg’s criminal past or China’s right to govern its own criminal justice Since the December 1st arrest of Ms. system, that does not extend to the use Wanzhou, Canada has been subject to of the death penalty, which Canada retaliatory detentions by the Chinese fiercely opposes,” said Fast. “All government. Dozens of Canadians Canadians are entitled to due process have been detained on administrative and protection from cruel and unusual grounds or had their visas questioned. punishment, and I am urging Prime “The Government of Canada needs Minister Trudeau to immediately into outline what steps they are taking tervene to protect and defend the life to ensure the safety of this Canadian of this Canadian.”

Guarding against spam nuisance

(NC) Many of us roll our eyes when we see one of those official-looking emails everybody gets but nobody wants. But we may not understand how dangerous they can be. Spam email takes many forms —a lawyer trying to contact you about an inheritance from a long-lost relative, a foreign prince who wants to send you money, or a tax collector who needs your bank account number. More than a nuisance, these messages can expose your computer to spyware or “phishing” attempts to collect personal information. All told, when you receive spam, it’s best just to delete it rather than open or respond.

from unfamiliar people or organizations. Use one address for trusted contacts and a second for online shopping and social media. It’s also a good idea to install security software and update it regularly.

Find more tips on protecting your Canadians can protect their personal inbox, computer or mobile device information by not opening emails from spam at priv.gc.ca/spam. PAGE 6

The Patrika


Friday, January 18th, 2019




SPALDING NAMED OFFICIAL BASKETBALL OF THE CANADIAN ELITE BASKETBALL LEAGUE Spalding, the largest basketball equipment supplier in the world, and the Canadian Elite Basketball League announced Tuesday that they have entered into a three-year partnership agreement that makes Spalding the Official Basketball of the CEBL. Spalding will provide each of the league’s teams with basketballs for practices and games, as well as noncompetition balls for community events. Spalding will be the exclusive basketballs sold in CEBL and member team stores and retail environments. Additionally, each CEBL team will have Spalding branded tables on the court following each game where players will sign Spalding-branded autograph cards for fans. Spalding will be featured on each team’s and the league’s website and social media platforms. “We are very pleased to welcome the iconic Spalding brand to our family of partners,” said Mike Morreale, Chief Executive Officer of the CEBL. “Spalding has been part of basketball for more than a century. It speaks to their passion for the sport that they are now joining us in creating a new basketball experience for fans and growing the game across Canada.” Spalding developed the first basketball for official use. It has been the official basketball of the National Basketball Association for 33 years, and is the official basketball of the Women’s National Basketball Association. “It is undeniable that basketball is on the rise in Canada. The level of talent the country has produced the last few

years has been phenomenal,” said Joe Agro, Spalding Canada Vice President & General Manager. “As a basketball organization we are dedicated to growing the sport in Canada, and our partnership with the CEBL is a testament to this commitment. We are proud to be working with a league that shares our passion. We look forward to working with the CEBL and providing Canada’s elite basketball talent with equipment that will take their game to the next level.” Spalding is also the official backboard of the NBA and NCAA. The SPALDING trademark is owned by Russell Brands, LLC. The CEBL, the official professional league partner of Canada Basketball, opens its inaugural season in May with franchises in Edmonton, Guelph, Hamilton, Fraser Valley (Abbotsford), Saskatchewan (Saskatoon), and Niagara (St. Catharines). Teams will play a 20game regular season, culminating with a league championship playoff at a site to be announced. CEBL rosters will be predominantly comprised of Canadians playing professionally during the traditional basketball season, as well as a limited number of international and U SPORTS players.

Celebrating National Popcorn Day Sweeten the deal. Melt some dark or milk chocolate and drizzle over warm, freshly popped popcorn to satisfy Need some inspiration on how to cel- both those sweet ebrate with popcorn? Here are a few and salty cravings. fun and easy ideas. Make it your own. Throw in some Spice it up. Dress your popcorn with pretzel bits and your favourite movie a dash of chili powder and some lime theatre candy for a fun and personalized treat. juice to spice things up. (NC) The enveloping aroma and satisfying crunch of popcorn is every snacklovers dream. And this classic treat gets the chance to step into the spotlight on January 19, National Popcorn Day.


The Patrika





aYvyN hWisaf nf kr[[[[[[[[ mYN iek rsfly ivWc lyK pVH ky p®Bfivq hoeI» iesdf isrlyK sI “sdf hWsdy rho” ies lyK ivWc afdmI dy KuÈ rihx kfrn anykF p®kfr dy lfBF bfry iliKaf sI» srIr inrog rihMdf hY, hMsU hMsU krdy ichry ƒ hr koeI KuÈ ho ky imldf hY qy Ausdf kMm CyqI ho jFdf hY» hWsidaF dy Gr vsdy afid» lyK pVH ky mYN vI mn bxfieaf ik sdf hWsdy rihxf cfhIdf hY» dUjy idn qoN ies PfrmUly qy aml krnf ÈurU kr idWqf» svyry AuTidaF sfr cfh bxf ky jdoN hWsdI hWsdI ny Gr vfly ƒ kWp PVfieaf qF Auh kuJ ÈWk dIaF nËrF nflL vyKx lWgf» mYN vfps rsoeI ivc afeI hI sI ik Auh vI mgr cfh df kWp lY ky af igaf» ibnF boly qoN cfh ƒ pux ky dUjy kWp ivWc pf ilaf qy pihly kWp ƒ GoKx lWgf» mYN iPr hWsdI ny puWiCaf, “aWj kI ho igaf, dUjI vfr afp cfh puxn lWg pey»” Auh aWgoN iKiJaf hoieaf boilaf, “qUM ijhVI afh dMdIaF ijhIaF kWZI jfnI aYN nf, mYƒ lWigaf qUM koeI KrfbI kIqI hoxI aY» Kbry cfh ’c kI imlf ky mYƒ iplfAux lWgI sI»” asl ivWc Aus ƒ myry KuÈ rihx Bfv hWsx dy PfrmUly ny ÈWk ivWc pf idWqf» KuÈI KuÈI bWicaF ƒ AuTfieaf, nuhfieaf qy iqafr



kIqf» bWcy myry vWl ajIb qrHF vyK ky KuÈ ivWc myry bfry keI qrHF dIaF gWlF huMdIaF ho rhy sn» bWicaF ƒ qor afp dPqr jfx rhIaF» dI iqafrI krn lWgI» Èfm ƒ muVn vylLy bWs ivWc kMzktr qoN hWs GroN iqafr ho ky Ausy AuqÈfh qy KuÈ mUz ky itkt mMgI qF Auh lWtU ho igaf» mYƒ ivc bWs stfp puWjI» myry hWsx qy KuÈ qbIaq vyK ky bWs stYNz qy KVHf nOjvfn pYsy moVdf hoieaf kih irhf sI ik “bWs, hOlLI hOlLI myry nyVy iKskx lWgf» mYN nËrF BrjfeI jI, pYsy af gey smJo» afh PVo dUjy pfsy GMmf ky KuÈ rihx df mn bxfeI itkt qy iek vfr hWs ky ivKf idE»” mYƒ rWiKaf» Auh ZIT qF hor nyVy ho igaf qy qF sWqIN kWpVI aWg lWg geI ik ieh ikhVf lWigaf kihx, “sohixEN, ikWDr dI iqafrI af igaf BrjfeI kihx vflLf? guWsf ichry aY?” mYN qF hux ksUqI PsI mihsUs krn qy sfP Jlk irhf sI qy hfsf gfieb» lWgI» Èukr ik CyqI hI bWs af geI qy Ptf Pt bWs cVHn dI kIqI» Aus id®V sMklp nflL dPqr puWjI qF hr iek myry hWsdy mUMh vWl do do vfr dyKy» afpxI kursI qy bYTI qF KuÈ hoeI ƒ vyK ky nflL dI shylI myry kolL afp hI af geI» hOlLI hOlLI lWgI gWlF bnfAux» aKy, kWlH KUb msqI kIqI hoxI aY» aWj iksy purfxy bylI ny imlx afAuxf hovygf» jdoN mYN dWisaf ik hux mYN KuÈ rihx df inÈcf kr ilaf hY qF Ausny bVIaF nsIhqF idWqIaF» Ausdf kihx sI ik qIvIN ƒ Gr qoN bfhr kdy nhIN hWsxf cfhIdf» hWsx nflL sO ieWl blfa cuMbV jFdI aY» AusdIaF gWlF sWcIaF lWgx pr myrf ierfdf vI pWkf sI» sfrf idn dPqr

Friday, January 18th, 2019

gurdrÈn isMG mfvI Gr puWj ky inafixaF dI hflq vyKI qF jIa kry ik dWb ky kuWt idaF» svyry dy myry hfsy qoN cfmHly hoey Ërf vI itk ky nhIN sI bYTy» Gr df smfn Ault pult kIqf ipaf sI» Gr vflLf GroN gfieb sI» inafixaF ny dWisaf ik Auh aWj sI[afeI[zI[ krn igaf hY» smJ afeI ik myry hfsy krky Aus ƒ hor vI ÈWk ho igaf» inafxy nuhf Duaf ky pVHn ibTfey qy sbËI cIrdI hoeI soc rhI sI ik qIvIN leI hWsxf ajy sKq mnHf hY» smfj suDr jfAU qF iPr vyKFgy»

The Patrika


Friday, January 18th, 2019





The Patrika





Friday, January 18th, 2019

bhupWKI nfmvr hsqI dljIq isµG shoqf nfÜ ivÈyÈ imlxI ieµglYNz aqy pµjfb dy g¨VH isafsqdfn s[ dljIq isµG shoqf 15 jnvrI 2019 ƒ pµjfbI pWiqRkf dy dPqr phuµcy» Auh 1980 ivWc cVHdI Aumry hI ieµglYNz af gey sn» ijWQy isrqoV imhnq kridaF afp ny pihlF nOkrI kIqI, iPr ivAupfr, ieµzstrI ivWc lµmIaF AulFGF puWtidaF smyN dy hflfqF anusfr lokF dI hr iksm dI syvf krnf afpxf Drm qy jIvn df mnorQ inÈfnf qYa kIqf» inmrqf, imWTI bolI, hr iek leI hmdrdI, syvf Bfvnf qy loVvµdF dIaF sB loVF p¨rIaF krn df jjLbf hox krky kimAUintI dy lokF ny KuÈ ho ky ienHF ƒ isafsI aKfVy ivWc kuWdx leI pRyiraf» isafsq ienHF df mnBfAuNdf Kyqr sI ikAuNik iËlHf huiÈafrpur ivWc pYNdy mhFngr mfihlpur dy nfÜ vsy ipµz CotIaF vfVIaF dI isafsI vfgzor ienHF dy bfbf jI qy ipqf jI koÜ rhI sI» kflj ivWc pVHidaF ivWidaf aqy ividafrQIaF dIaF loVF leI bxI isWK st¨zYNts PYzryÈn dI pihlI vfr 1978 ivWc hoeI ielYkÈn ivWc ijWq ky dljIq isµG shoqf ny iËlHf pRDfn dy qOr qy syvfvF idWqIaF» Eho hI lgn ieµglYNz ivWc phuµcx qy iPr jfg AuWTI» sbWb nfÜ Aus vyÜy dI bhuq hI mÈh¨r aKbfr ‘dys pRdys’ dy bfnI qrsym puryvfl nflL AunHF df sµprk hoieaf» sony qy suhfgy vflI gWl AudoN bxI jdoN Bfrq dI vËfrq dy aqy isafsq dy bfbf bohV s[ svrn isµG dy sky BqIjy s[ blvIr isµG, jo pµjfb ivWc bhuqf smF minstr aqy aYm[ pI[ rhy, AunHF nfÜ sµprk bixaF» isafsI gqIivDIaF ivWc rfq idn ieWk kridaF AunHF afpxy siqkfrq vIrF, ielfky dy lokF, BYxF BrfvF aqy ÈuWBicµqkF nfÜ nyVqf bxfeI, ijs sdkf AunHF ƒ EvrsIË kFgrs dy sInIar vfeIs cyarmYn inXukq kIqf igaf, iPr cyarmYn bxy aqy iPr 2017 qWk Auh pRDfn rhy» afpxy 37 sflf isafsI sPr ivWc Auh Bfrq dy pihly pRDfn mµqrI pµ[ jvfhr lfl nihr¨ dy pirvfr dy bhuq nyVy rhy aqy aWj vI hn»pµjfb dIaF kFgrsI srkfrF vyÜy pµjfb jf ky lokF dy kµm krn krOx vfsqy AunHF afpxIaF syvfvF idWqIaF» svrgvfsI muWK mµqrI s[ byaµq isµG nfÜ bhuq nyVqf rhI aqy 1998 qoN kYptn amirµdr isµG nfÜ ieksur hn» aWj kWlH pirvfrk iËWmyvfrIaF qoN ivhly hn» ieWk mhInf ieµglYNz rihµdy hn qy cfr mhIny afpxy ipµz pµjfb ivWc» AuWQy rihx sdkf ielfky dy lokF ƒ bhuq sh¨lqF suK pRfpq hoey hn aqy ies kfrn hI bVy lµmyN smyN bfad ies vfr kFgrs ny ieh sIt 30 hjLfr votF dy Prk nfÜ ijWqI hY» pµjfb srkfr dIaF iZWlIaF kfrguËfrIaF aqy mhOlI ivgfVF df jvfb idµidaF AunHF ikhf ik bhuq CyqI hI hr pµjfbI dI soc ƒ PÜ lWgygf, niÈaF ƒ nWQ pvygI, X¨vk rotI rojLI isr ho jfxgy, durfcfrI mfhOl TIk hovygf, aYn[afr[afeI[ BYx Brf BfvyN pµjfb qoN bfhr Auh iksy dyÈ ivWc vI vsdy hox, AunHF dIaF jfiedfdF dI pWkI ihPfËq hovygI, aYn[afr[afeI[ adflqF kfiem ho rhIaF hn ijnHF ivWc prvfsIaF dy msly qyË spIz nfÜ hWl ho skxgy, iksy ƒ vI kbËy df, vWt bµny df, afz KfÜ df, DoKfDVI df Kqrf nhIN rihx idWqf jfvygf» aµq ivWc AunHF ikhf ik Auh sfl ivWcoN 9 mhIny pµjfb ivWc hI huµdy hn, iksy vI BYx vIr ƒ koeI kµm pvy qF AunHF dy kMm afAuxf afpxf suBfg smJxgy» PAGE 10

The Patrika


Friday, January 18th, 2019





Dhami Narang & Company LLP (“DNC Lawyers”) was established in 2010 by Rajan Dhami and Amrik Narang. With the help of our valued clients, DNC Lawyers has now grown into a mid-sized law rm with of ces in Abbotsford and Surrey, British Columbia. To serve our clients best, DNC Lawyers has an experienced team of 9 lawyers to cater to the individual needs of our clients. Every member of our law rm strives to provide outstanding service to produce the best results for our clients.


We use a collaborative team approach to your legal problems to get you the best results possible. We are only happy when you are happy and realize that our success depends on referrals from our client base.

rfjn DfmI aqy amrIk nfrMg vloN 2010 ivwc sQfpq kIqI geI sI. sfzy suihrd klfieMts dI mwdd nfl DNC Lawyers ny qrwkI kridaF imwz sfeIjLz lfa Prm bxf leI hY, ijs dy dPqr bI sI dy sLihrF aYbtsPorz aqy srI ivwc hn. afpxy klfieMts dIaF smUh musLiklF nfl nijwTx leI vwzy qjLribaF vfly 9 vkIlF dI tIm iqafr ho geI hY. afpxy klfieMts dIaf qmfm smwisafvF dy hYrfnIjnk nqIijaF leI hux awzI cotI dy Auprfly kIqy jfx gy.

qswlIbKsL proPYsLnl syvfvF quhfnMU vDIaf knMUnI nqIjy dyx leI asIN sfry sFJI tIm dy qOr qy Xqn krdy hF quhfzI KusLI hI sfzI KusLI hovy gI, asIN mihsUs krdy hF ik sfzIaF sPlqfvF quhfnMU idwqy cMgy nqIijaF AuWqy hI inrBr hn.

REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS We deal with all matters relating to the sale and purchase of residential and commercial property. By contacting us before you sign a contract, you can make sure your rights are protected. We will provide you with reliable and timely legal advice. PURCHASE & SALE: RESIDENTIAL ·Negotiating and Drafting Agreements of Purchase and Sale ·Acting for Buyers or Sellers on Purchases and Sales of New Homes, Condominiums, Assignments, Recreational and Cottage properties ·Acting for Borrowers or Lenders on Mortgage Transactions ·Advising Borrowers on Mortgage Liability PURCHASE AND SALE: COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL

·Purchases and Sales of Commercial Real Estate

Apartment and Office Buildings ·Land Purchases or Sales ·Acting for Borrowers or Lenders on Mortgage Transactions ·Advising Borrowers on Mortgage Liability ABBOTSFORD OFFICE

Dhami Narang & Company LLP Suite 301-2975 Gladwin Road Abbotsford, BC V2T 5T4

ICBC CASES We handle a full range of ICBC personal injury claims, including head injuries, broken bones, soft tissue injuries, muscle strains, psychological injuries & others asIN afeI sI bI sI nfl sbMDq iNnWjI srIrk swtF PytF ijnHF ivc isr dIaF swtF, tuWtIaF hWzIaF, koml itsULaF dIaF cotF, pWiTaF dIaF sWtF, mfnisk ivgfV aqy hor hfnIaF sLfml hn, dy klym hYNzl krdy hF. THE LAWYERS AT DNC PROVIDE COMPREHENSIVE LEGAL SERVICES IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS:

zI aYn sI dy vkIl iehnHF syvfvF ivwc quhfzI pUrI mdd kr skdy hn: Personal Injury / ICBC Business / Corporate Commercial Litigation Real Estate Wills / Probate Estate Litigation

prsnl swt jF af sI bI sI kfrobfr / kOrpryt kOmrsLIal mukwdmf rIal iestyt vsIaq jF pRobyt jfiedfd mukwdmf

rIal iestyt trFjLYksLns asIN vpfrk aqy rhfiesLI jfiedfdF vycx aqy KRIdx sbMDI sB kfrjF df kMm krdy hF. koeI vI kOntrYkt sfeIn krn qoN pihlF sfzI islfh jLrUr lvo. asIN quhfnUM qswlI kr ky dwsF gy ik quhfzy hwk syP hn ik nhIN? asIN afp jI nUM tfeIm isr shI aqy BrosyXog kfnUMnI msLvrf idMdy rhF gy.

prcyjL aYNz syl rYjLIzYNsLIal •KrId aqy vyc dy sihmqI zrfPitMg aYgrImYNts •asIN vycx vflLy dI vI aqy KRIdx vflLy dI vI shI mdwd krdy hF ijvyN nvyN Gr KrIdx, kONzmInIams, rhfiesLI dsqfvyjL. mn-prcfvy vflLIaF aqy kfitj prfprtIjL leI. •mfrtgyj idvOx ivwc asIN KRIdx vflLy dI vI aqy vycx vflLy dI vI mdwd krdy hF •KRIdx aqy vycx vflLy dI mfrtgyj Xogqf bfry dwsdy hF

kmrsLIal aqy ieMzstrIal prcyjL aqy syl •kmrsLIal rIal iestyt aYpfrtmYNt aqy afiPs iblizMgF dI KrId aqy vyc •jLmIn dI KrId aqy vyc •vycx vfilaF aqy KRIdx vfilaF leI mfrtgyj trFjLYkisLn •KRIdx vfilLaF nUM mfrtgyj lfieibltI vfry shI slfh idMdy hF.

SURREY OFFICE Dhami Narang & Company LLP Suite 313-14928 Hwy 10 Surrey, BC V3S 2N5 Toll Free: 1-877-864-6131


604-864-6131 PAGE 11

The Patrika



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Friday, January 18th, 2019

The Patrika


Friday, January 18th, 2019


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Tips to avoid running injuries (NC) With today’s busy lifestyles, running is an affordable, convenient way to stay healthy. As more us make it part of our routine, health professionals are encouraging runners to pay close attention to their footwear. Harper says today’s running shoes are the product of years of research and development and are specifically designed to provide support and cushion joints.

Be aware of new pains. If your feet, knees or hips start to hurt during your regular run it’s a good indication that the cushioning or supports in your shoes are worn down. Now is the time to start breaking in a new pair.

But over time, the support and cushioning wear down. If you run frequently and far, train primarily on roads or have a heavier build, your running shoes will break down even faster. As your shoes wear, your ankles, knees, hips and back will have to absorb more and more of the impact.

Examine your shoes. Turn your shoes over and look at the wear patterns and see if any cracks are forming. Also look carefully at the inside and outside of the shoes. If the treads and sides are visibly worn and the shoes don’t feel firm when you twist them, it’s time to get a new pair.

Overuse injuries develop slowly, from small tears to swelling to persistent pain. Here’s how you can reduce your risk:

Book a consultation. Canadian certified pedorthists have extensive knowledge in biomechanics and are footwear and foot orthotic experts. If you have uneven wear on your treads or are experiencing foot, ankle, knee or hip pain, they can advise you on whether foot orthotics or a different brand and style of footwear will help.

Track your distance. Running shoes should be replaced every 600 to 800 kilometres If you wear your running shoes for other activities beyond running, that distance counts too.

Exceptional Quality Blueberry Nursery Stock

BLUEBERRY PLANTS Sidhu Growers is British Columbia's leading quality blueberry nursery. At Sidhu Growers, we grow healthy, disease free, virus indexed and true-toname Blueberry plants. We specialize in growing blueberry plants and have 20 plus years of experience in the blueberry business.

  virus indexing Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â?  ­ Â? € Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â?

We are the only authorized nursery in Canada to sell Reka, a northern blueberry variety and have documentation from where the variety originated from, which is New Zealand, and have proof of it. Make sure when purchasing Reka you ask to see the signed authorization from New Zealand. Being the only authorized nursery to sell Reka we can provide you with this.

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When purchasing blueberry plants, buy from a reputable blueberry nursery that specializes in growing blueberry plants. Ask to see virus testing documentation. Make sure plants are produced from cuttings. Plants produced from tissue culture or cuttings taken from tissue culture plants tend to be difficult to machine harvest and require more pruning.

€ � � � � † „� „ � � � � � „ � � † … † �† … ‡ „ ˆ � � � � � …� � � � � � � � � ‰ Š† � � ‹� � � � ‰

We are committed to provide you with only the best blueberry plants available and guarantee it.

�€ � � � � �„ … � � … � �

We offer: • Expert Consulting • Competitive Pricing • Exceptional Quality Stock • A Wide Selection of Varieties • Complete Customer Satisfaction

Â? ÂŒ Â? ‰ Â? Â? † € Â? € „ Â… ÂŒ ÂŽ ‘­Â’ “”• –——”

• •  • • � •

For Further Information or to Place an Order Please Call:

Kam or Harry: (604) 853-1775

32787 Townshipline, Abbotsford, B.C. PAGE 13

The Patrika





Friday, January 18th, 2019

Agricultural Enhancement grant applications now being accepted Abbotsford Community Foundation announces launch of the 2019 Agriculture Grants program. Lead: The Abbotsford Community Foundation (ACF) is pleased to announce that applications for the 2019 Agricultural Enhancement grants are now being accepted. “In 2019, the focus of this round of funding is revitalization of unused or underutilized farmland located within the Abbotsford ALR and we will provide grants of up to $50,000 for each successful applicant to a total of $100,000 available for granting.” advised Marcus Janzen, Chair of the ACF’s Agricultural Enhancement Grants Committee. “We’re looking for projects that will have positive economic, social and/or environmental outcomes as a direct result of receiving the grant. These projects should work towards increasing both the capacity and productivity in the use of the farmland for food production. We have a particular interest in projects involving land parcels of 10 acres or less that will enhance our agricultural community by increasing productivity and sustainability through innovative practices. “

to inspiring, impacting and investing in our community.” Applicants are invited to visit the grants section of www.abbotsfordcf. org to find the program guidelines, which involves both a Letter of Intent (LOI) and an application process. “Those applicants for whom their LOI is given a green light will be sent the full application package,” said Wendy Neufeld, Executive Director. Deadlines to submit the LOI are April 2nd and the full application is due by April 15th.

ACF is pleased to be partnering with the City of Abbotsford to bring this program to our community. Valuable information cards for the 2019 Agriculture Grants will be available at their booth #134 at the Pacific Agricultural Show from January 24th – 26th at the “We are pleased to have distributed Abbotsford Tradex, so be sure to visit more than $640,000 in grants to benefit them there. agriculture in Abbotsford since 2013,” said, Lorna Hart, ACF Board Chair. For more information on the Agricul“We are celebrating our 40th year of tural Enhancement Grants program, giving this year and these grants dem- email Executive Director, Wendy onstrate ACF’s ongoing commitment Neufeld at wendyneufeld@abbotsfordcf.org or call 604-850-3755.


The Patrika


Friday, January 18th, 2019




Gurmat Centre Hosts 26th Annual Cross-Legged Competition


egistration for the 26th annual cross-legged competition is now


This event is open to all students from kindergarten to grade 12. Students are divided into three groups and are encouraged to sit in a cross-legged position for as long as possible. Reciting Mool Mantar Jaap during the competition, children are given the opportunity to develop sikh values of patience and focus.

Registration deadline: Sunday, February 3, 2019 Cross-Legged Records •Pre - Gr.3: 5 hours by Anshnoor Kaur Jatana (2015)

•Gr.4 - 7: 7 hours & 40 minutes by All participants receive individualChandan Singh Pandher (2015) ised certificates and prizes for every hour they are seated. participants in •Gr.8 - 12: 7 hours & 15 minutes by 1st, 2nd and 3rd place also receive Jasanpreet Kaur Jhajj (2014) trophies in all age groups. All Time Record Date: Saturday, February 16, 2019 7 hours & 40 minutes by Chandan Time: 10:30 am (arrive at 10:20 am) Singh Pandher Fee: $5.00 Location: Gurmat Center basement

To register, visit www.gurmatcenter. com/register


The Patrika





Friday, January 18th, 2019


p®o[ hirMdr kOr ‘sohI’ ikÈn isMG hWilaF vyÜy pfiksqfn dy iËlHf lfielpur dy cWk nMbr 52 ivcoN AuWjV ky afieaf sI» Auh afpdy pirvfr smyq kfÌly rfhIN huMdf hoieaf iriÌAUËIaF dy zyry rulLx qoN bfad luiDafxf iËlHy dy ipMz qlvMzI ivKy af itikaf» ikÈn isMG dy pirvfr ivWc Aus dy do puWqr kysr qy eIÈr, do nUMhF aqy iqMn jvfn nvyN ivafhy poqy sn» ikÈn isMG df Biraf BkuMinaF Gr pfiksqfn ivc rih igaf sI» Ausƒ afpxy Xfr-bylI, Kyq-Gr, ipMz-glIaF sB kuJ CWz afAux df hyrvf sI» Ausdy mn ƒ ieh bhuq gihrf sdmf lWgf sI» ijs sdkf Auh cuWp-gVuWp ijhf ho igaf» Ausdf mfnisk qvfjLn ihWl cuWkf sI» Auh gWl krdfkrdf BuWl jFdf» keI vfr qF Aus ƒ rotI Kfx df vI cyqf BuWl jFdf» nUMhF mWlo-mWlI bfpU ƒ rotI KuafAuNdIaF» puWq-poqy afÜyduafÜy bYT ky hONslf idMdy ik “bfpU asIN pMj jfxy hF kMm krn vfÜy» sB kuJ bxf lvFgy»” pr bfpU qy koeI asr nf huMdf» ikÈn isMG aksr hI ivhVy ivc qUq dI CfvyN zhI mMjI qy ipaf huMdf» kdy-kdy afpxy isrhfxy pey zvWty nfÜ JWl ijhI


mfrdf» AusdI itk-itkI BfvyN qUq dy iek qUq vfly Coty ijhy ivhVy ƒ kbUlx pWiqaF qy lWgI huMdI, pr AusdI surqI cWk leI iqafr nhIN sn huMdIaF» iesy hyrvy nMbr 52 vflLy Gr aqy KyqF ivc jf lWgdI» ivc inZflL hoieaf afpxy mUMh ƒ zvWty nflL pUMJdf hoieaf Auh iPr mMjI qy tyZf ho jFdf» Aus ƒ afpxy Gr inMmF-zykF nflL Biraf nINd BfvyN AusdI Auz-puWz geI sI, pr Auh KuWlHf ivhVf cyqy afAuNdf» ijs nfl Auusdy DWky nflL aWKF muMd lYNdf» iPr Ausdy cyiqaF jnm qoN buZfpy qWk dIaF sFJF juVIaF ivc bcpn qoN lY ky buZfpy qWk dIaF XfdF hoeIaF sn» Ausƒ ivhVy ivclI KurlI qy KOrU pfAux lWgdIaF» sMnHI KFdIaF hQxIaF vrgIaF nroeIaF mWJF-gfeIaF dI pyNj Xfd afAuNdI» ivhVy kdy Ausƒ sbfq ivc peIaF pytIaF dI ivc tpU s IaF mfrdy kWtrU - vWCrU cy q y kqfr aqy kdy ipWql nfl mVHy sMdUk cyqy afAuNdy» Ausƒ ivhVy ivc KVHy boqy tokiraF afAuNdy» kdy Ausƒ Gr dy mUhrlI izAUZI ivcoN gpl-gpl Boa KFdy idsdy» ivhVy ivc bYTI byby crKf kWqdI idsdI» Ausƒ dy KUMjy ivc bxy KuWzy dI jfÜI ivcoN kuWkV- afpxy ivhVy dIaF qfrF qy drIaF leI kukVIaF qy cUcy cuMJF bfhr kWZI, KuWzy rMigaf, rMg-brMgf sUq ltkdf idsdf» ivcoN bfhr kWZx leI Ausƒ avfËF mfrdy kdy KysF dy sUq dy Zyr idKfeI idMdy» jfpdy» Auhdy bWicaF vFg pfÜy kuWqy jbrU kdy AusdI surqI hor vI vIh sfl aWgy dy BONkx dI avfË AusdIaF aWKF nm kr clI jFdI» AusdIaF sjIaF-DjIaF nUMhF idMdI» kdy Auhdy cyiqaF ivc gWzy qy pWTy ivhVy ivc kMm krdIaF iPrdIaF» Auhdy ilaf irhf kysr afAuNdf aqy gWzy mUhry juVy inWky- inWky poq y bfpU- bfpU krdy Au h dy bÜdF dy gÜ pfeIaF tWlIaF dI tuxkfr sux afly-duafly iPrdy» kdy Auhƒ poqy jvfn Auh iek-dm AuT ky bYT jFdf» hoey idsdy, kdy poq-nUMhF bfby ƒ rotI PVfAu N d IaF idsdIaF» kdy Au h cldy ikÈn isMG bYT ky afpxIaF KuWlHIaF aWKF itAUvYl kolL drKqF dI CfvyN ipaf huMdf ƒ kdy Jmkdf, kdy mÜdf» AuhdIaF aWKF qy muMzy nWky moVdy iPrdy» pr Gr-bfr, pfiksqfn ivcly KuWlHy-zuWlHy ivhVy dI QF

ËmIn-jfiedfdF CuWtx df hyrvf qF ikÈny ƒ lY ky bYT igaf sI» ikÈn isMG KyqI vI sucWjy ZMg nflL krdf sI» iehI isWiKaf Auh afpxy puWq-poiqaF ƒ vI idMdf sI» ikÈn isMG dy KyqF dIaF isWDIaF vWtF, ieko ijMny ikafry, GVIaF hoeIaF ÉflLF aqy lih-lih krdIaF PslF ƒ dyK ky hr koeI aÈ-aÈ kr AuWTdf sI» Ausny imhnq aqy srÌy nflL cOdF ikWilaF qoN pUrf murWbf ËmIn bxfeI sI» ËmIn qF murWbf bx geI, pr srÌy dI afdq hWzIN rc geI sI» murWbf bxfAux qoN bfad Ausny sony dIaF mohrF iekWTIaF krnIaF ÈurU kr idWqIaF sn» hr Psl vycx qoN bfad sony dIaF QoVHIaF-bhuqIaF mohrF ÉrIddf qy sFB idMdf» Auh kihMdf huMdf sI ‘sonf vI bMdy df dUjf puWq huMdf ey» duKdy-suKdy kMMm afAuNdf ey»’ Auh socdf sI ik afpxy poiqaF dy ivafhF qy Gr peIaF mohrF dIaF tUMmF bxvf dyvygf» iPr iekdm sonf KrIdxf aOKf nhIN hovygf» poiqaF dy ivafh ho gey, pr mohrF vycx dI loV nf peI» so Ausny Gr peIaF pMjfh mohrF corI dy zroN kuWjy ivc pf ky kMD ivc ilWp idWqIaF» inÈfnI

The Patrika


Friday, January 18th, 2019




vjoN ikWl gWz ky Aupr bfby nfnk dI Ìoto ‘Blf mohrF ikhVf ikÈn isAuN ny afp vrqxIaF sI» pqf nhIN, poqy-pVoqy kIhny lgf idWqI sI» vrqxIaF sI» pr ieh cMdrf kfhƒ icWq acfnk ipMz ivc cONkIdfr ny hokf idWqf ik ƒ hyrvf lf bYTf mohrF df»’ pfiksqfnoN AuWjV ky afey lokF ƒ iek hÜ mgr bfrF ikWly ËmIn alft kIqI jfvygI» ‘beI iehny qF do rotIaF KfxIaF sI, Auh lokF ’c KuÈI dI lihr PYl geI» kysr qy KfeI jFdf» tWbr bQyrf mfx-qfx krdf» eIÈr ny vI afpxy bfpU dy isrhfxy bYT ky iehny ËmIn qy mohrF Blf ihWk qy rWK ky Ausƒ ieh KuÈKbrI suxfeI» Aus idn qoN iljfxIaF» aYvyN hyrvf krI jFdf» bfpU tihk ivc af igaf sI» Auh KUMzf ‘dunIaF ’c bMdf KflI hWQ afieaf, KflI PV ivhVy ivc gyVy idMdf» drvfËy mUhry hWQ hI jfxf» iPr kfhdy leI mfieaf moh bYTdf» nUMhF qy poq-nUMhF ƒ avfËF mfr ky ƒ jWÌy mfrny aF»’ cfh-pfxI dI mMg krdf» koeI gIqf df, koeI suKmnI sfihb df pfT iek idn bfpU mMjy qoN AuBVvfhy AuiTaf qy suxfAux ƒ kihMdf» koeI gMgf jl mUMh ivc “Auey kysrf-Auey kysrf” kih afpxy vWzy pfAux dI slfh idMdf qF jo ivcfry ikÈn puWqr kysr nUM avfËF mfrn lWg ipaf» isMG dI jfn suÉflI inkl jfvy» sfry hIly “bfpU kysr qF Kyq igaf»” eIÈr ny POVHy vsIly kIqy gey» pr bfpU qF aWK nhIN sI nflL mWJF df gohf ipWCy htfAuNdy ny jvfb pWtdf» idWqf»

iPr kysr ny eIÈr nflL aMdr jf ky slfh kridaF ikhf ik “bfpU ny hux bWcxf qF hY nhIN, jy ieh mohrF df hyrvf nflL lY ky jfAUgf qF aYvyN iehdI rUh BtkdI iPrU» iehƒ suxy jF nf suxy mYN iehdy kMn ivc iek vfr bol dyvFgf ik mohrF mYN lY afieaf hF» myrI ikhVf mohrF bfry iehdy nflL koeI gWl hoeI af»”

“Pyr qUM sux myrI gWl” bfpU ny GbrfeI avfË ivc eIÈr ƒ ikhf» ‘afieaf bfpU’ kih ky eIÈr KurlIaF ’coN kWZI purfxI qUVI ƒ sIÉ lf ky mGfAux lWg ipaf qF jo DUMaF krky zMgrF ƒ mWK qy mWCrF qoN bcfieaf jf sky» bfpU dI iPr kVkvIN avfË sux Auh sB kuJ ivWcy CWz Auhdy isrhfxy jf eIÈr ƒ vI ieh gWl TIk lWgI ik GWto-GWt KVHf hoieaf» Auhdy bfpU dI afqmf ƒ qF ÈFqI imlygI hI» “Blf kysr kMD ivcoN mohrF vfÜf kuWjf kWZ ilafieaf sI?” ikÈn isMG dIaF aWKF ivc idn dy iCpf nflL jdoN pqf lYx afey lok Gro-GrI cly gey» bfpU dI poq-ƒh bfpU icMqf Jlk rhI sI» dy mUMh ivc do cmcy duWD dy pf afeI sI» “nhIN bfpU, mohrF qF nI ilaFdIaF geIaF» kysr qy eIÈr bfpU dy mMjy kolL gey» kysr pr qUM Èukr kr ik tWbr shI slfmq af ny bfpU dy kMn kolL mUMh krky AuWcI avfË igaf» cMgI gWl af» pr iqÜ-iqÜ joV ivc ikhf, ky bxfeIaF mohrF’ kihMdf bfpU htkory Brdf mMjy qy pY igaf» iPr ds idn Auh “bfpU mohrF vflLf kuWjf mYN kMD ivcoN kWZ nf boilaf qy nf hI kuJ KfDf-pIqf sI» ilafieaf sI»” bfpU dy buWlH Prky» kysr jbrdsqI Ausdy mUMh ivc duWD-pfxI jF ny afpxy Èbd iPr duhrfey» dovF BrfvF ny dlIaf pfieaf jFdf» pirvfr ivc kdrF- iek dUjy vWl sMquÈtI nflL dyiKaf ikAuNik kImqF cMgIaF hox krky sfry bfpU dI syvf bfpU dy Prkdy buWlH Ausƒ mohrF vfÜI gWl smJ afAux dy p®qIk sn» bfpU dy mUMh krdy» keI vfr eIÈr pCqfvy ivc kysr ivc eIÈr ny pfxI pfieaf» bfpU ny QoVHIaF ƒ kihMdf, ijhIaF aWKF pWtIaF» iPr kuJ kihx leI ‘jy mYN bfpU ƒ pfiksqfn rih geIaF mohrF buWlH ihWly» kysr ny kolL ho ky gWl suxn bfry nf dWsdf qF Èfied bfpU dI afh df Xqn kIqf qF bfpU kmËor avfË ’c hflq nf huMdI» bfpU qF mohrF df hyrvf boilaf, “mohrF iml geIaF?” kr igaf»’ sfrf tWbr afÜy-duaflLy iekWTf ho igaf» bQyrf ielfj krfieaf» vYd-hkIm bfpU plo-plI TIk ho irhf sI» ijhVf kMm bulfey» pr bfpU ƒ moV nf ipaf» ipMz dy koeI dvf-dfrU nf kr skI, koeI vYd-hkIm lok bfpU dI Ébr-sfr lYx afAuNdy gWlF nf kr sikaf, Auh mohrF dI JUTI qsWlI ny kr idKfieaf» krdy,


The Patrika




Friday, January 18th, 2019



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cfcy dI Aumr BfvyN sfzy bfpU qoN vWzI sI pr asIN Aus ƒ cfcf hI afKdy sF» KOry ies kr ky ik Auh ajy qIkr kvfrf sI» mYN Aus ƒ bQyrf smJfAuNdf ik pMjfb ivc svfxIaF bMidaF nflLoN QoVHIaF hn ies leI sfiraF df ivafh nhIN ho skdf, pr Aus ‘qy dlIl df Ërf asr nf huMdf» ipMz dy sfry bMdy ivafhy hoey sn qy hr iek dy Gr keI keI DIaF qy nUMhF sn, iPr kflL kfhdf hoieaf? cfcy dI BUaf ny vI iÌroËpur dy iËlHy ivWcoN sfk qy iek buirafr kuVI df ilaFdf sI pr mgroN cfcf ipMz dy iek muMzy jYbU ƒ juWqIaF mfr bYTf qy Es ny gWl jF KolHI ik cfcf qy KWbI aWKoN pMGrf ky vyNhdf hY» gWl sWcI sI, so kuVI vflLy sfkoN muWkr gey» “kMm qy cOV kIqf sOhry jYbU ny, hor svfxIaF GWt vWD kI hoxIaF ny?” cfcf afKdf huMdf sI» jYbU ƒ juWqIaF mfrn df Auhƒ Ërf Brm nhIN sI» jYbU ny afpxy sWjry vWZ ivWcoN cfcy dIaF mWJIaF ƒ soty mfr ky bfhr kWZ idWqf sI qy jy cfcf jYNbU nf mfrdf qF mWJIN BuWKIaF rihMdIaF» dunIaF ivc mWJIN qoN ipafrI Aus ƒ kyvl afpxI mF hI sI jo 60 virHaF dI Aumr ivc vI lMgr pfxI df kMm torI afAuNdI sI» Auh DMmI vylLy AuTdf qy ilafrIaF ƒ hvylI ivcoN bfhr kWZ ky pWTy pfAuNdf qy iPr sUrj dI itWkI nflL co ky ipWql df ilÈkdf dohnf duWD df Br ky ibnF hWQ pfieaF isr ‘qy DrI DrI mrWibEN Gr lY afAuuNdf» mF dy hWQF dy pWky do prONTy Kf ky qy do iqMn pWly bMnH Auh iPr mrWby jf ky mWJIN CyV iljFdf qy idn zWuby moV ilafAuNdf» bhuqy CyVU muMzy mWJIN ƒ Aus dIaF vhutIaF qy kWtIaF kWitaF ƒ Aus df bfl bWcf afKdy sn» “bfl isMhF qyrI iek vhutI qy myry zMgrF dI ikqy lWq nhIN lWgx dyNdI»” iek CyVU ny ijs dIaF mWJIN ƒ bfl isMG dI mWJ mfr rhI sI, hWsdy hoey afiKaf»

dI BWTI cVHI hoeI sI lY igaf qy AuQy iek nflL ijs df iek isrf iek vWzI dyg ivc qy dUjf iek gVvy ivc bMd sI, vWl ieÈfrf krky boilaf: “lY kMƒ aYs nflL qy bWs coaf coaf pfxI GWqI af,” qy iPr Auh gWlF sunfAux lWg ipaf» “mYN qy qyrI cfcI iek vyrI cWly mWisaf, aMbrsr dI» tyÈn dI ajy aWD ku vft vI nhIN sF gey qy polf ijhf mUMh bxf ky afKx lWgI ‘lY af Ërf mMuzf qy PV, myrI qy bFh vI afkV geI ey»’ mYN afiKaf ‘cuWkI af sU KF agHF, mYN qy nhIN sI nf jMimaF iehƒ»’ ieh gWl kr ky cfcf afpy hI hWs ipaf qy mYN vI Aus dy nflL hI hWsx lWg ipaf» “ivWcoN qy ieh zr sfsU peI jy muMzy ny mUqiraf qF sWucy kWpVy gvIc jfxgy» hor bFh qy kI QWknI sfsU»” cfcy ny gWl agHF toridaF hoieaF afiKaf: ‘tyÈn ‘qy apVy qy mYN afiKaf peI qUM vI mrdfvIN gWzI ivc eI bih jf, dovyN rlL ky gWlF bfqF krdy cWlFgy» nhIN, aKy mYN ËnfnI gWzI ivc hI bihxf eyN, mYƒ bMidaF kolLoN sMÕ afAuNdI ey» mYN afiKaf cMgf» itktF sn dovyN myry kolL» jF mfCIikaF dy tyÈn jf ky mYN bfhr iDafn mfiraf qy Auhƒ itktF vflLI mym vyhVI iPry» aWgy aWgy Auh qy ipWCy ipWCy mym qy GWqI mYƒ peIaF lWBx» mym qy afKy qum hm ko jlqI itkt idKlfE qy cfcI qyrI sWqHrI bWqHrI kdI aYDr jfey qy kdI EDr» myry Éfny kolLoN lMGx lWgx qF mYN Ërf igWcI lPf CWzF» aKIr mYN soicaf peI ieh mymnI jhI iehƒ ikqy agHF ipCFh nf kr CWzy» hyTF Auqr ky mYN itktF vKfeIaF qy vcfrI dI KlfsI hoeI»” ieh gWl suxf ky cfcf hWsdf hWsdf prHF tur igaf, ieh vyKx peI koeI pulsIaf hI nf af PVy» mYN Ausy qrHF Es nfl qy pfxI pFdf irhf ijs ivc BfP TMZI ho ky Èrfb dy kqry bx rhI sI»

“kdI mhIny mWisaf ƒ cfr boqlF kWZIdIaF ny qy Auhdy leI vI pey kmfdF ivc luk luk ky BWTIaF bxfeIey» inklygI qy ieh jWt dI hvylI ivc eI, AuNj BfvyN iksy idn AuVMgy hI jfeIey» pr smJ qy eys gWl dI rhI ey cfcy ƒ muMizaF dIaF mfvF df sWcIN muWcIN kuJ aOxoN peI srkfr ƒ pIV kfhdI ey? afpy vDyry hI iÉafl rihMdf sI» cIË bxfnI qy afpy pIxI qy iPr hlky hoey “quhfzy Gr rfq ƒ cUhI cUhf lVdf ey?” BWj BWj ky hWQIN pey pYNdy ny»” cfcy mYƒ inWky huMdy ƒ iek vfrI puWiCaf» qy mYƒ vI srkfr dI ieh gWl vfDU jhI lWgI» bgYr Aus dI gWl smJx dy mYN afK idWqf jd afdmI ƒ rotIaF pkf ky Kfx dI afigaf “hF bhuq lVdf ey»” iPr Aus mYƒ kuWCV cWuk ilaf qy hvylI dy aMdr ijWQy kVy pfxI “Eey qF kI hoieaf? qyrI mF jy aFZnF gvFZnF nflL lVdI iPry qF qyry ipE ny Auhƒ GroN QoVHf kWZ CWznf ey” bfl isMG ny jvfb idqf»

The Patrika


Friday, January 18th, 2019

sI qF Èrfb kWZ ky pIx dI afigaf ikAuN sfrf idn asIN Aus jWt dy nflL iPrdy rhy» afAux lWigaF Aus Gr vfsqy cvfnI dIaF nhIN sI? irEVIaF leIaF» “mYN igaf sOhry” cfcy ny Pyr vhutI vflLI lVI joVidaF hoieaF afiKaf - “EQy “eyQy myry pWly vI bMnH Eey cvfnI dIaF, Blvfn iek pr cMgf iPWitaf hoieaf qy aYvyN aMÖfny ro ro moiZaF ‘qy pey cVHdy ny” aWq zfZI cfeI hoeI Es» myrf sflLf afKy, cfcy ny hWtI vflLy ƒ cvfnI dyNdy hoey ikhf» ‘BfeIaf iehdy nflL GulL»’ mYN afiKaf lY gWlF bfqF krdy Gr af rhy sF ik mgroN BeI kWZ sU»’ Blvfn qy kdI eyDr dIaF jYbU rlL igaf» mfry qy kdI EDr dIaF » mYN idl ivc “bfl isMhF qyrf nf rMn nf kMn, afh afiKaf peI Xf pIr cuWp Èfh hfnq nf afvy irEVIaF ikhdy leI bMnHIN jfnf eyN?” jYbU sOhry Gr» qfhIEN jy ijAuN cuWikaf jWt ny ny qfhnf mfiraf» cfcy ƒ ijvyN iksy ny CurI lWkoN, qy Blvfn hurIN ptVy vFg BoeyN ‘qy af mfr idqI» pey» qy cfcI qyrI afAux Gr vDfeIaF hI Es ipCFh BON ky Ëor dI cpyV jYNbU ƒ mfrI» vDfeIaF»” jYNbU dy hWQ ivc zFg sI, Aus cfcy dIaF mOrF cfcy ny hWsdy hWsdy gVvf ihlfieaf» Auh ‘qy itkf idWqI» mYQoN irhf nf igaf» AuWgr Biraf Biraf jfipaf» guV sWk dy ihsfb AuWgr ky do zFgF jYNbU ƒ mfrIaF qy jYNbU hyT nflL Èrfb pUrI inkl cuWkI sI» cfcy ny nflL izWg ipaf» cfcy ny vI iek do mfrIaF qy gVvy nflLoN nKyV idqI» ‘lY kMƒ qUM pfxI asIN BWj gey» mYN rfqo rfq BWj ky ÌOj ivc ilaf ky BWTI ivWcoN aWg buJf dy»” Aus mYƒ BrqI ho igaf qy cfcy ny Qfxydfr ƒ sUaf syvf bKÈI» cuMGfx leI mWJ dy ky KlfsI krfeI» myry jMmx vylLy myry cfcy ny myrf nF kuMdn isMG nIXq kIqf sI pr myrI byby ny eys kMm ivc cfcy df kuJ qjLrbf nf vyK ky myrf nF kuJ hor hI rWK idqf» cfcy ƒ eys gWl df Ërf iÌkr nhIN sI» Auh myrf EhI nF sddf jo Aus ny pihly idnoN rWiKaf sI» aWg buJfAux df kMm mYƒ dy ky cfcy ny vWzI dyg cuWk ky nflL dy CWpV ivc rohV idWqI qy iPr ÉflI kr ky iljf ky jvfr ivc lukf idqI» ies gWl ƒ keI sfl bIq gey» nflL dy ipMz iek kFgrs df jlsf hoxf sI» mYN qy cfcy vI jfx dI slfh kIqI» rfh ivc iek hor ipMz df jWt, ijhVf sfzf pihlF jfxU nhIN sI, iml ipaf qy cfcy ƒ pihlF Aus Ìqih bulfeI»




iqM n cfr virH a F ipWCo N mY N keI kvY d F prytF kr ky qy keI lfmF lV ky CuWtI Gr afieaf» cfcf bhuq bImfr sI» bUhy ivc Kloqy hkIm ƒ mYN cfcy df hfl puWiCaf» Aus slfh idWqI ik mYN aMdr nf jfvF» “jy afsy df inWkf Cohr ey qF aMdr lMG afAux idE su, pMzq jI” cfcy ny hOlLI jhI afiKaf» aM d r jf ky mY N cfcy ƒ hfl pu W iCaf» “kmËorI zfhzI ho geI ey qy iZWz ivc pIV vI Zyr ey» kfeI ivskI nhIEN ilaFdI POj ivWcoN? ienHF BWTIaF dIaF qWqIaF ny qy jI cf CWizaf ey myrf»”

mYN sWcI muWcI ivskI ilaFdI hoeI sI» kOlI ivc pf ky ibnf pfxIAuN mYN cfcy ƒ idqI qy “vfhr jI kI” cfcy ny Ìqih prqfeI» Auh zk zk krdf pI igaf» muWCF ivWcoN Auh purfxI ÉuÈbo afAux lWg peI qy aWKF “mfmlf qy srkfr GWt krnoN rhI qy ienHF ivc Auho jvfnI» Auh AuT ky bih igaf» kFgrsIaF sfƒ rWq pf leI ey» jlsy qy jlsf cfVHI afAuNdy ny» roË pWTy dWQy qoN “qUM myrf puWqr eyN kMƒ” cfcy ny myry vWl vI rhIdf ey»” Es jWt ny Ërf iKJ ky ipafr BrI nËr kr ky afiKaf» “afho afiKaf» cfcf” mYN Aus dI hF ivc hF imlfxf cfhuMdf sF» “mfmlf vI GWt huMdf koeI nhIN idsdf qy GrF dI lIr tfkI df Érc vI Zyr vD igaf “kfeI cfcI qy PVI afvyN af myry leI EQoN» ey» mYN qy afhnF ieh KWdr pfx vflLI gWl Dko DkI gWzI ivc sut ilafAuNdoN, POjIaF cMgI ey, jy jnfnIaF mMnx qy»” cfcy ny ƒ kOx puWCdf ey»” afpxy afp ƒ tWbrdfr dWsidaF hoieaF “hux afieaf qy ilafvFgf cfcf»” afiKaf» mYƒ Aus dI eys gWl ‘qy koeI hYrfnI nf hoeI ikAuN jo mYƒ inWky huMdy eI “afKIN hm qumko EQy bfr mYN bhuq afrfm dyvygf»” ÌrËI cfcI dIaF sB gWlF Xfd sn»




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The Patrika





Friday, January 18th, 2019

Tracycakes Bakery Cafe winner of the 1st Annual Gingerbread Houses for Hope contest


he Salvation Army is pleased to announce the winner of the 1st Annual Gingerbread Houses for Hope contest 2018 ? Tracycakes Bakery Café. Tracy and her team will receive a $2,000 print advertising campaign package donated by event partner - The Abbotsford News. Their beautiful creation raised $287.50 - each $ that was donated was counted as 1 vote. The contest was a brand new event for The Salvation Army Abbotsford & Mission and raised a total of $614. A big thank you to all the businesses who participated: Just Ink Services, Livwell Collective, Razor’s Edge Hair Gallery, Karl’s Meat Market and Vintelier - a kettle location for donations. “This was a trial year for the event and we are very pleased that it raised awareness and we had the opportunity to do an event within the Historic Downtown core, states Kim Hissink Fundraising Coordinator, The Salvation Army. We look forward to the event growing year over year and invite all businesses to participate. It is a great opportunity for families to visit Downtown Abbotsford at Christmas time and vote for their favourite creations.” The monies raised will be utilized in several programs at The Salvation Army’s - Centre of Hope including the Meal Centre providing over 300 meals per day, and Family Services working with local families offering a multitude of support services. “We are so pleased to support and BUILD up the women in our communities using simple building blocks - like gingerbread houses - to promote empowering women to believe in themselves and what they can do! Special thanks to our customers and the local community who supported and donated! Thank you to the Salvation Army for the opportunity to build a better community together PAGE 20

and make a difference- one person at a time!” Tracy Dueck, Owner. “The Abbotsford News has a long history of supporting The Salvation Army and the Abbotsford Downtown. We are pleased to partner with The Salvation Army on this new initiative focused on the Abbotsford downtown this holiday season.” Carly Ferguson, Group Publisher. For information on how you can participate in the 2nd Annual Gingerbread Houses for Hope in 2019 please contact Kim Hissink, Fundraising Coordinator 604.852.9305 ext. 138 . The Salvation Army is an international Christian organization that began its work in Canada in 1882 and has grown to become one of the largest non-governmental direct providers of social services in the country. Working in 400 communities across Canada and more than 120 countries around the world, we provide practical, compassionate support to meet basic human needs. By giving people hope, we transform lives of British Columbians today and every day.

The Patrika


Friday, January 18th, 2019




New skills training, employment supports for people who need it


urvivors of violence and abuse, as well as older workers, will have access to skills training and employment supports so they can participate in British Columbia’s thriving economy.

Both programs will include skills training and wraparound supports, to address the barriers to employment that older workers and survivors of violence and abuse can face. The programs will be available regardless of eligibility for Employment Insurance, giving those with multiple barriers more access to skills training and supports for employment.

The Province is inviting service providers to submit proposals to deliver skills training and employment services under two new Skills Training for Employment (STE) programs posted to Starting in 2019, the Province is inBC Bid. vesting $26.8 million per year in six “Survivors of violence and abuse, and STE programs, to help up to 3,500 older workers, face multiple barriers to people throughout B.C. access trainfinding steady, good-paying jobs. I’m ing and wraparound supports to obtain proud that our government is expand- sustainable employment. Wraparound ing programs that help break down supports address barriers to participathose barriers,” said Melanie Mark, tion in skills training and employMinister of Advanced Education, Skills ment. Examples include counselling, mentoring, child care, transportation, and Training. The $3.2-million Survivors of Vio- disability supports, work experience, lence and Abuse program will provide wage subsidies and equipment. supports to over 300 people per year. The $3.2-million Older Workers 55+ program will help 400 people update their skills.

The STE programs are funded through the Workforce Development Agreement, which was signed in March 2018 with the Government of Canada.


The Patrika





Friday, January 18th, 2019

Local tourism events to draw crowds from around the world From snowbombing to surf and strongmen, visitors and residents of B.C. will enjoy festivals in 2019, thanks in part to funding from the Government of British Columbia’s Tourism Events Program.

entertainment at the world’s largest conference on gender equality and the health, rights and well-being of girls and women.

Cranbrook’s Strongman Classic, a classic strength competition for men “The wide variety of B.C. festivals and and women in its 15th year, and a events mean there is something for cornerstone of the community’s Sam everyone,” said Lisa Beare, Minister Steele Days. of Tourism, Arts and Culture. Funding through the Tourism Events In 2018, 45 events and festivals in B.C. Program supports events that raise communities were supported by the awareness nationally and internationprogram. This year features 15 new ally of B.C.’s tourism experiences winter and spring events, including: and help inspire people from around Snowbombing Canada, which returns the world to visit the province. These to Sun Peaks resort for three days of events also generate tourism and entertainment and spring skiing. economic activities in communities Surf Canada National Championships throughout British Columbia. and Canadian Olympic Trials, which Applications for Tourism Events will select Canadian athletes for To- Program funding are accepted twice kyo 2020, where surfing will make its yearly. The next application window Olympic debut. will open March 1, 2019, for events Women Deliver 2019 Culture Night, taking place between Nov. 1, 2019, and will showcase B.C.’s culture and Oct. 31, 2020.

To learn the truth and/or participate; Visit www.erwinsinghbraich.com www.waterfrontinmissionbc.com PAGE 22

The Patrika


Friday, January 18th, 2019




NEW YEAR, NEW APPROACH Creating A Safe Village For Our Children

January 6th @ 10 am to 12 pm at Khalsa Diwan Society, Abbotsford January 20th @ 10 am to 12 pm at Banda Singh Bahadar Gurdwara January 27th @ 10 am to 12 pm at Kalighidhar Gurdwara Sahib Every life is precious, and we need to make every effort to preserve it and reach its full potential.


Join us for Kirtan, Simran, and discussion. Sponsored by: WoMen on the Rise & Kirpa Our Hearts Foundation.



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Our goal is to engage our youth in positive activities and deter from going down the wrong path Raise awareness of various programs for youth in the community Strengthen spirituality Volunteer for citizens patrol Volunteer for Mentorship programs Raise funds for “ Dunk gangs” Sign a petition for funds for preventative programs Please follow or contact us on:

WoMen on the Rise






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* * * *

bryk~ EYgz`st itaUn-E@p ieMjn vrk

* * * *

tr~simSn ielYktrIklz eyEr kyEr rIpyEr kMipaUtr r~hI cYkE@p

rIpyEr pUrI qs@lIbKS kIqI j~dI hY|

EYbtsPorf itaUn-E@p sYNtr EYl.tI.fI. Unit #24 - 3275 McCallum Road Abbotsford B.C. V2S 3M7 (Across from Air Care)

nvW swl nvIN phuMc swfy b~icAW leI ie~k sr u ~iKAq ipf M bxwax u w

Kwlsw dIvwn suswietI, AYbtsPorf ivKy 6 jnvrI svyry 10:00 qoN dupihr 12:00 vjy q`k bMdw isMG bhwdr gurduAwry ivKy 20 jnvrI svyry 10:00 qoN dupihr 12:00 vjy q`k klgIDr gurduAwrw swihb ivKy 27 jnvrI svyry 10:00 qoN dupihr 12:00 vjy q`k hr iek ijMdgI kImqI hY Aqy swnMU iesnMU sur~iKAq Aqy

pUrI qrHW smr~Q bxwaux leI hr koiSs krn dI zrUrq hY[

blqyj isMG iF`loN (Awr.sI.AYm.pI A&sr)

kIrqn, ismrn Aqy crcw leI swfy nwl juVo[ spWsr: vUmYn Aon dw rweIs


swfw mu`K tIcw swfy nOjvwnW nMU skrwqmk gqIivDIAw v`l lgwauxw Aqy glq rsqy qy jwx qoN rokxw hY[ Awpxy BweIcwry iv`c AiDAwqimk mjbUqI leI Awpxy nOjvwnW nMU nOjvwnW leI v`K-v`K pRogrwmW bwry jwgrUk krvwE, gSq leI nwgirk vlMtIAr, mYNntriSp pRogrwmW leI vlMtIAr, “fMk gYNgs” leI PMf iek`Tw krnw[ bcwau pRogrwmW leI PMf Aqy ptISn qy dsqKq kro[ Please follow or contact us on:

WoMen on the Rise




vlMtIArW dI loV hY PAGE 23

The Patrika




dzîÆ×z¶ôé Áå¶ ëËÇîñÆ ñÅÁ


auph`r kOr D`lIv`l


2459 Pauline Street Abbotsford, BC V2S 3S1

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dzîÆ×z¶ôé Áå¶ ëËÇîñÆ ñÅÁ


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ÇÕzîÆéñ ìÚÅÀ° òÕÆñ


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• Drug Offences

• âz¼× Ãì³èÆ ç¯ô

• Assaults Including Domestic & Sexual • Impaired and Other Driving Offences • Theft, Fraud and Property Crimes • Weapons Offences • Proceeds Of Crime • Young Persons Charged with Criminal Offences RUBINDER DHANU



- Marijuana Grow Operations - Cocaine and Heroin Trafficking - Importing/Exporting


Friday, January 18th, 2019

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The Patrika


Friday, January 18th, 2019




gurdvwrw klgIDr drbwr

30640 Blueridge Dr, Abbotsford, BC V2T 5W3 gurdvwrw klgIDr drbwr swihb AYbtsPorf ivKy

ies h&qy dy pRogrwm

sRI gurU nwnk dyv jI dy 550 swlw pRkwS gurpurb nMU smripq jnvrI 18 Su`krvwr ArMB sRI AKMf pwT swihb Aqy lMgr syvw BweI lCmn isMG klyr Aqy auhnW dy pirvwr v`loN

jnvrI 19 SnIvwr

AnMd kwrj BweI minMdr isMG shoqw Aqy auhnW dy pirvwr v`loN

jnvrI 20 AYqvwr

Bog sRI AKMf pwT swihb Aqy l Mgr syvw BweI lCmn isMG klyr Aqy auhnW dy pirvwr v`loN

jnvrI 20 AYqvwr

sRI suKmnI swihb pwT Aqy lMgr syvw BweI syvw isMG Aqy auhnW dy pirvwr

jnvrI 20 AYqvwr

sRI suKmnI swihb pwT Aqy lMgr syvw BweI gurpRIq isMG Aqy auhnW dy pirvwr v`loN b`cI pRBlIn kOr dy jnm dI KuSI iv`c gurdvwrw klgIDr drbwr swihb ivKy sRI gurU nwnk dyv jI dy Awaux vwly 550 swlw pRkwS purv nMU smripq hryk hPqy sMgq dy sihXog nwl sRI AKMf swihb jI dI lVI cl rhI hY[Awp smUh swDsMgq nUM inmrqw sihq bynqI kIqI jWdI h Y cl rhI lVI iv`c sRI AKMf swihb dI syvw lY ky gurU swihb jI dIAW KuSIAW pRwpq kro jI[

gurdvwrw swihb ivKy hwzrI Br rhy pRcwrk isMG

• rwgI j~Qy – BweI hrimMdr isMG jI hzUrI rwgI gurdvwrw s Mq Kwlsw rofy BweI rivMdr isMG jI AwlmgIr mMjI swihb vwly • FwfI j`Qw - igAwnI hrdIp isMG jI mwxocwhl • kQw vwck – igAwnI rxjoD isMG jI dmdmI tkswl vwly

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How to help your savings last through retirement (NC) For many retirees, it can be a challenge to shift mindsets from saving and investing during working years to spending it in retirement. But learning to plan and pace your spending can go a long way toward ensuring your retirement savings will last through your lifetime. Here are a few tips to get started: Revisit your budget. As your circumstances change, so will your budget. There are items you may no longer need to purchase, such as commuter passes, workweek lunches or a special work wardrobe. However, other living expenses could increase in later years, such as medical care, supportive living or caregiver costs. Plan for your needs and wants, then be careful about spending outside your budget. Understand registered plan rules. Be aware of the different features of your savings and investing accounts. Your Registered Retirement Savings Plan, for example, must be converted into a Registered Retirement Income Fund by

the time you are 71 years old. Become an active and informed participant in your plans to manage taxes and maximize savings. Get good advice. Talk to a licensed financial or tax advisor about when to apply for CPP, Old Age Security and your options for drawing on any company pension plans you may be eligible for. If you have money saved in multiple places (for example, an RRSP, TFSA and bank account), get some advice about where to withdraw money from first. Your advisor can help you plan to achieve your goals so you have peace of mind and are well prepared for your later years.


The Patrika





Friday, January 18th, 2019

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The Patrika


Friday, January 18th, 2019




Need a job? Artificial intelligence could be your next employer. n artificial intelligence simulation uses algorithms to score how fit the candidate is for their next job.


Written and Submitted by: Baneet Braich role in our decision making; espe- A recent study suggests how specially in recruiting and it adversely cifically, applicants with Asian affects the person that is trying to get names have a 28 per cent reduced a job,” says Ahmed, “and these biases likelihood of getting called for an are making a lot of good candidates interview compared with applicants fall through the cracks.” with an Anglo name even when all Knockri currently shortlists candi- qualifications are equivalent and dates for companies like IBM. It uses Canadian in origin. One problem video to assess good correlation and is that employers are themselves qualifications. The technology first disadvantaged by lacking resources scores the content of answers, then to acknowledge the qualifications the delivery of the content (tonality), of applications and their different and lastly facial contractions on how names.

Bhavna Dabysingh and her husband are newcomers to Canada. With a foreign name on her resume, her job applications in Ottawa have been dismissed with lack of Canadian experience. People have asked her to apply for manual labour while others cannot believe why her husband is jobless because he is so overqualified. Despite over qualifications, fluency candidates express their answers. And while a company could use an AI in both English and French, “we’ve They indicate attributes like confi- to fight bias in hiring from blind reseen that the bias is real....” she says. dence and communication skills. The sumes, and video assessments, some Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolu- short list is given to employers with critics say it’s too new of a technology tionizing employment for people like only scores and no names or faces to foster people’s qualifications Dabysingh who constantly struggle attached.“This technology looks into “There is this hocus, pocus mysteriwith unconscious bias as employ- soft skills which traditional methous aspect where people feel technolers reject candidates based on their ods of resumes can’t address,” says ogy can do anything,” says Jeffrey names, ethnicity, accents. Challeng- Ahmed. Reitz, a sociology professor at the ing unconscious bias stems from AI University of Toronto and co-author companies like Knockri in Toronto Broke and desperate for a job at the of the study, “Do Large Employers time, Ansari expressed how his strugwhose co-founder and CEO Jahanzaib Ansari struggled with biased gles with unconscious bias spurred Treat Racial Minorities More Fairly? rejection himself. AI tools are now shortlisting candidates with video interviews analyzing candidate’ responses, tonality, facial contractions or screening online resumes. AI in the workplace is an ongoing phenomenon with supporters and critics who are tentative about its capabilities. Nevertheless, 14 per cent of employers in Ontario are using AI in human resources (HR) and 16 per cent of HR professionals believe reducing bias is one of the top challenges AI can help overcome, according to a recent report by the Human Resources Professional Association. Although AI is in its early stages for employment Dabysingh shocwases the AI technology strategies, it is making bold changes. “We have seen a 23 per cent increase his frustrations into co-founding the in the diversity and inclusion funnel company. of the shortlists,” says Knockri co“As a candidate, I used to hate the founder Faisal Ahmed. fact that no one reached out to me. It As you look into the webcam every- was like I was stuck in the dark,” says thing from the content you speak, Ansari who after some advice found to where your eyes wander, to how a solution. “I started to anglicize my long it takes to formulate a response, name on my resume like Jason, Jay, programmed algorithms-not humans Jordan and honestly the same jobs are scoring if you are fit for the job. that I would first try to apply to I “Humans have a lot of unconscious would hear back and got a job within biases which subconsciously play a four to six weeks.”

Baneet Braich performance of performers behind a screen to reduce gender bias. Reitz feels blind recruitment is one of many ways to reduce bias and better assess qualification. “For me, the use of AI will never replace human selection in the search for talent,” says Dabysingh. She feels a fair selection process would be asking for anonymous resumes which are similar to the blind recruitment method that Reitz discussed. Fawad Khan develops AI to shortlist candidates based on their resume submissions and the employer’s expectations in Ottawa. “Oftentimes decisions are based on the name and the origin of the name,” he says. “And by taking the name out of the resume the focus shifts to experience and skill.” After one submits their resume online, AI searches for basic keywords from the resume in a quarter of a second including geography, years of experience per title and position, and skills, according to Khan. Although AI selects the top 10 candidates based on experience and skills, there is no guarantee they will get hired. AI professionals recognize that the human element is still needed even though measures are being taken to reduce unconscious bias and increase racial diversity for people like Dabysingh and her husband.

He suggests that AI seems hopelessly inadequate to be a summary of qualification. Reitz emphasized that most of the capabilities of AI are still unknown. Depending on the type of AI used, “when it eliminates information it also may eliminate information “I don’t think it is a good idea to comabout qualifications,” he says. pletely eliminate the human aspect.” For Reitz, it all depends on the says Khan.”Although AI can recomdevelopments of our time. For ex- mend somebody, there still needs ample, blind recruitment methods to be a human at the end to give the with orchestras assess the musical final call.”


The Patrika




Friday, January 18th, 2019


bhuVI jgdyv isµG jtfxF (imÈn) jfbr mfrdf iPrdY bVHkF, muV cuWkI hoeI aWq gur¨» Èrm Drm ny Cup KVoqy, AuWz igaf jq sq gur¨»


zf[ gurBjn igWl dyih iÈvf vr moih qWk qF, vDIaf sOKf sr jFdf hY»

mWl isMG cImf dfq dyxI bxdIaY PYly aMDivÈvfÈ dI»

sLuB krmn qWk phuMcidaF ikAuN, pfpI mn zr jFdf hY»

zyrfvfd, bfibaF qy pMzqF dy sfhs dI»

kroD-ktorI nWko nWk qy, mYlL kucYlLf mn df ÈIÈf,

crcy ny iehnF dy hI aWjkWlH tI[vI[ qy»

kuWqI rÜ geI nfÜ corF dy, vfV Kyq ƒ Kfx lWg peI»

pqf nhIN ikMj myry vrgf, sWcy gur dy dr jFdf hY»

hoey lIzr aµnHy, boÜy, g¨µgy,idWsy mfrI geI ijAuN mWq gur¨»

bfbr vylLy qoN aWj qIkr, Ëor jbr dI nyrHI cWly,

DVy ipafry hoey Drm qoN, rfjnIqI leI Drm roÜqf

mYN suixaF sI, pfp df BFzf, hOlLI hOlLI Br jFdf hY» Auzx Ktoly, lMmIaF kfrF, suxn dyx df ieh iPtkfrF,

iksy dI iehnF kI bcfAuxI, rolx afpxI pWq gur¨»

pYdl bMdf KVHf Kloqf ieh kuJ sux ky, mr jFdf hY»

rfjy ÈINh muWkdm kuWqy, EvyN iPrdIaF aWj iPr hyaVF

mn qF Btky dys dsOrI, idn qy rfq itky nf iek pl,

Aus iemfrq ivWc bYTy aF, jIhdI izWgx vfÜI CWq gur¨»


ieh qn eynI Btkx lY ikAuN, ÈfmF vyly Gr jFdf hY»

nftkF df asr hY hr ieWk bIvI qy» iPt lfhnq loko ies sdI vIhvIN qy» puVIaF nfl kIqy hoey iehnF dy ielfj dI» zyrfvfd, bfibaF qy pMzqF dy sfhs dI» DobI dy kuWqy vFg sB Gr dy nf Gft dy» pVHy ilKy lok pqf nI ikvyN lWg jfx cftqy»

hr pFzv dy aMdr bYTf, mrd hmyÈf nftk krdY;

iehnF dIaF AuNglF qy ikAuN rihx nfcqy»

DrmoN inWj ipafrf hoieaf, Drm dy TykydfrF ƒ muV

rfj Bfg dI Éfqr hI ikAuN, sdf dropid hr jFdf hY»

Kyh ieh AuzfeI jfx sfzy hI ieiqhfs dI»

Gr dy ZfhI jfx pnfÜy, krdy BfeIaF nfÜ kupWq gur¨»

ieh klmF dy sfeIN sfry, ho jFdy ikAuN byieqbfry,

zyrfvfd, bfibaF qy pMzqF dy sfhs dI»

hukmrfn jd sUhI QYlI, cONk cursqy Dr jFdf hY.

pUjf, pfT qy cVHfivaF df mfl CkI jFdy ny»

p®dysI puWq

gurU vflLI golk dI vI AuzfeI PWkI jFdy ny»

dyv GolIaf Kurd rIJ pugfeI qyrI qy qYƒ bfhr Byijaf aVky

kIqIaF krqUqF ƒ ieh ikvyN ZWkI jFdy ny»

bfhrilaF ivWc ihµmq ikWQy, nfÜ Kflsy lfAux dI mWQf ieh qF hn sB Gr dIaF jokF, cUs rhIaF jo rWq gur¨» vFg ttIhrI pfÜ BulyKf, kihx sfzf asmfn TWilHaY

tyzy myzy vfl ktf ky iPrdf rFJf bxky

tuWtIaF lWqF vfÜy rihµdy, hr QF aVfAuNdy lWq gur¨»

hWQ vWs sB kuJ qyry qy hux qUM nf ipWCf BulfvIN,

byadbI gur¨ grµQ dI hoeI, kursI Kfqr cWlIaF cflF

qUM krn kmfeIaF afieaf qy bs krky Pyr vKfvIN»

isWKF ƒ bypWq krn dI nyqf nf KuMJx idWqI vWq gur¨»

sWQF dy ivc gWlF huMdIaF jd puWq nf duWK vMzfvy, mhF mUMhIN isr ciVHaf krËf, kOx ikWdF iPr lfhvy,

iml bYT nf cODrI imQ skdy, avqfr purb dI ieWk imqI

pWj sWq sfl lfeIN qy suWKI sFdI Gr muV jfvIN,

kYlµzr klyÈ ny afm isWK dI, mfrI peI aY mWq gur¨»

qUM krn kmfeIaF afieaF qy bs krky Pyr vKfvIN»

aµdroN kfÜy gÜy sVy hoey, cmkIly pr pihnx bfxy bfbf igrI ƒ h¨MJx dy leI, koeI qF s¨rmf GWq gur¨» dWs bfbf ‘jgdyv jtfxF’, ikµnI hor Ëlflq JWly hWdF bµny tuWt gey sfry, bhuq hoeI durgWq gur¨» hor sihx nhIN huµdf bfbf, eysy leI hI ivlk ipaY jF mkiraF ƒ lfE soDf, jF iPr bKÈ sumWq gur¨» PAGE 28

kr dyx afs pUrI ieh tuWtI hoeI afs dI» zyrfvfd, bfibaF qy pMzqF dy sfhs dI» ikAuN nI DWky cVHdy ieh qrkÈIl vIrF dy» sfnHF vFg plLy cIimaF nfl ieh KIrF dy» ho jfx rWbf Kfqmy ieh lkIr dy PkIrF dy» dys dI qrWkI dy clfey kuVImfr Grft dI» zyrfvfd, bfibaF qy pMzqF dy sfhs dI»


rihmq huMdI Aus rWb dI, ijhVy krmF nfl bfhr afAuNdy,

pfl iZWloN

vyKIN vqn vfpsI qy iPr lokIN hWs ikvyN bulfAuNdy,

mYN suixaf hY


nf pvy musIbq isr qy qUM sdf rWb df nfm iDafvIN,

dUsiraF dI ËubfnoN


qUM krn kmfeIaF afieaF qy bs krky Pyr vKfvIN»


qy suMdrqf

huMdIaF mfvF TMZIaF CfvF qy hWQIN CfvF krky qoiraf, dunIaF dI hr vsqU nfÈvfn hY qfhny imhxy pWly pYxgy jy nf ipClf muWl moiVaf pr ‘dyv GolIaf’ vfly dI nf gWl df burf mnfvIN, mYN jfxdf hF qUM krn kmfeIaF afieaf qy bs krky Pyr vKfvIN»


nfÈvfn nhIN ho skdy iehnF dI afpxI hI sdf rihx vflI hoNd hY»

The Patrika


Friday, January 18th, 2019




pRsMg bydfvf gurU qoN bymuWK kUVI iËMdgI vFg ey bulbly dy, kMZy ndI dy KVHf ijEN ruWK hovy» eys leI inrMkfr ƒ ismr bMdy,

qyry isWK nhIN gurU nf qYƒ kihMdy[[[[[» jWt qF mJYl asIN, srdfr dfiqaf»

isrF AuWqy lY lE hux, cMunIaF lsUVIaF» hWQF ivWc pf lE sfry, kWc dIaF cUVIaF»

gurpfl isMG ‘nUr’ KVkx qygF iqWKIaF ieAuN dyh lbF AuWqy afeI iËMdgI bhuqf icr lfieE nf» ilÈkfrF» jIkx igWDy pfAu N d IaF ku V IaF muitafrF»

Gr bfr dfiqaf»

isMGo mrdfvF»

jMg dOrfn jÉmI hflq ivWc mhF isMG vWloN sfihb ÈRI gurU goibMd isMG ƒ Xfd krnf

‘nUr’ kuJ nhIN qyry qoN hor lYNdy,

af gey[[[[[»

myrI byVI pfr lgf jfxf»

sFB lY bydfvf afpxf»

QozI jgHf jMg ivWc,

E dsm ipqf dsmyÈ gurU,


qyry isWK nhIN gurU nf qYƒ kihMdy

asF hux jfxf ey»

myrI byVI pfr lgf jfxf»

gurU Gr qoN ijhVf bymuWK hovy»

sFB lY bydfvf afpxf»

dfÊ jo bydfvy vflLLf,

jo qyry dr df ho jFdf»

mWQy qoN luhfxf ey»

Auh pfpF dI ml Do jFdf»

‘nUr’ qyg lY ky,

qUM lWKF zuWbdy qfry ny,

anMdpur jfvF»

ieWk cWpU mYƒ lf jfxf»

af gey[[[[[»

qyry crnF dI shuM KFdf hF»

Kdrfxy dI Zfb AuWqy isMGF aqy duÈmx POjF ivckfr Gmsfn df jMg hoxf

hWQ joVky BuWl bKÈFdf hF»

ismrn ibnF nf kdI vI suWK hovy» ijhVf EhdI rËf ivWc rhy rfËI, Auhƒ iËMdgI Br nf duWK hovy» aYpr Auhƒ nhIN kdy arfm

qyry leI CWzy asIN,

anMMdpur sfihb dy iklLy ivWc mfJy bydfvf dy ky Gry phuMcy isMGF ƒ mfqf Bfgo jI ny iPtkfrnf dy isMGF ny bydfvf ilK ky dyxf qyry isWK nhIN gurU nf qYƒ kihMdy,

Qoƒ lWK iPWt lfaxq pfvF,

sFB lY bydfvf afpxf»

af gey gurF nON qoV ky»

idn hor nf iklLy dy ivWc rihMdy,

aWg QozIaF juafnIaF ƒ lfvF,

sFB lY bydfvf afpxf»

af gey gurF nON qoV ky»

rotI qoN bgYr sfQoN,

bfjF vflLy gurU qoN jF,

liVaf nI jFvdf»

muWKVf Bvfieaf sI»

BuWKy rih ky vYrIaF ‘qy,

isWK nhIN qyry hWQIN,

ciVHaf nI jFvdf»

ilK ky PVfieaf sI»

vWt BuWK dy klyijaF ’c pYNdy»

ikAuN nf zOilLaF qoN,

sFB lY bydfvf afpxf»

tuWt geIaF bfhvF»

qyry isWK nhIN gurU nf qYƒ

af gey[[[[[»


bVy sI dlyr qusIN,

bIq gey mhIny keI,

mMny pRmMny vy»

duWKVy jridaF»

cOVI CfqI vfly,

Gfh PUs pWiqaF qy,

kWd srU jyhy lMmy vy»

guËrF kridaF»

kIqf jWg ivWc,

idn BuWK dy hor nhIN sihMdy,

roÈn nFvF»

sFB lY bydfvf afpxf»

af gey[[[[[»

kMm CWz dyvo,

lWKF nflL mukfblf kr rhy isMG cflLI» PVky ckrI Buaf rhy ny duÈmx vflLI» ijAuN vfDU lgrF vWZdy bfgF dy mflI» qfry tuWtx rfq ijAuN mWisaf dI kflLI» CWzx qygF mUMh QIN rWq BrIaF lfrF» hfQI rx ivWc izWgdy Kf Kf ky mfrF»

mYN hWQIN jo sI dy afieaf, myrf kfgË pfV ivKf jfxf» qUM Gt Gt dI jfxdf eyN» jy Bly bury pihcfxdf ey» ies pfpI aOguixafry dI, ruWsI qkdIr mnf jfxf» myry nYx vI ro ro QWk gey ny» pr rfh qyrf eI qWk rhy ny» af iml ieWk vfrI ‘nUr’ cfhy, mYƒ nrkF dy rfh pf jfxf» jQydfr mhF isMG df sÉq jLÉmI hflq ivWc arËoeI krnf

mYQoN miraf jFdf nhIN» jd qk bfjF vfilLaf, qYQoN BuWl bKÈFdf nhIN» mYN dovyN hWQ bMnHdf hF» pfVdIN bydfvf dfiqaf mYN mfPIaF mMgFdf hF» sfry aOgux Do jFdy» ‘nUr’ kdI jFdI vfrI jy Qozy drÈn ho jFdy» dsmyÈ ipqf ny Kdrfxy dI Zfb ivKy phuMc ky bydfvy vflLf kfgË pfVnf nhIEN rfj qy jgIrF qYQoN mMgdf, bydfvf myrf hWQIN pfVdy» nIr aWKIaF ’coN CMm CMm jFvdf» lWK qrly mhF isMG pFvdf» mYQoN JWilaf nIN dfqf jFvdf» bydfvf myrf[[[[[[» myrI mMn lY arË bfjF vfilLaf» mYN sI qyry vWloN muKVf Bvf ilaf» jy qUM GuWt hux sIny nflL lf ilaf» bydfvf myrf[[[[[[» mYƒ crnF qoN prHy nf htfvxf» ibnF pfVy nf bydfvf cly jfvxf» hux hor nf ivCoiVaF ’c pfvxf» bydfvf myrf[[[[[[»

myry sfhmxy bydfvf huxy pfV dy» qusIN Gt Gt jfxdy E» koTy ivWc Bucfl dy ijAuN Zihx Es kfgË ƒ aWg ivWc sfVdy» af imlLo mhF isMG ƒ jy bury vI hËfrF» pihcfxdy E» ‘nUr’ gWzI drgfh dI mYƒ cfVHdy» jIkx ibjlI mfrIaF Zih pYx myry kIqy ipWCy jfieE nf» bydfvf myrf[[[[[[» dIvfrF» PAGE 29

The Patrika




I am proud to be a part of Kalank : Sonakshi Actress Sonakshi Sinha has wrapped up shooting for the upcoming multi-starrer "Kalank" and says she is very proud to be a part of it. "Just the beginning of the year, and the end of a new film! Its a wrap for me on 'Kalank'... a project I am proud to be a part of! Cant wait for you all to see it. On top of the world," Sonakshi said on Instagram. Kalank also features Alia Bhatt, Sanjay Dutt, Varun Dhawan, Madhuri Dixit-Nene and Aditya Roy Kapur. Abhishek Varman is directing the epic drama, which will hit the screens on April 19. The film is being produced by Karan Johar, Sajid Nadiadwala, Hiroo Yash Johar and Apoorva Mehta. It has been coproduced by Fox Star Studios.

Nora Fatehi is one of the most hard working humans I ve met : Varun Actor Varun Dhawan has praised actress Nora Fatehi, who will be seen in Remo D'Souza's upcoming dance film with him, saying she is one of the most hardworking and driven human beings he has met."She's one of the most hardworking and driven human beings that I have ever meet. Welcome to the gang. Going to feed you cheese and dance with you. Hey, Nora Fatehi we going to kick up a storm," Varun said.The yetuntitled film also stars Shraddha Kapoor. This will be the second time Varun and Shraddha will be seen sharing screen space after "ABCD 2" in 2015. Other details related to the film are still under wraps.With Katrina Kaif walking out of the film at the eleventh hour, the unit has already approached Shraddha Kapoor to return to the series for this edition too, and groove alongside leading man Varun Dhawan. Bhushan Kumar and D'Souza's wife Lizelle are set to produce the offering, which is likely to kick off within a month.


Friday, January 18th, 2019


Being the best entertainer is my single point agenda : Ranveer With the success of his two projects Padmaavat and Simmba, Ranveer Singh has delivered Rs 500 crore nett box office in India within a single year. The actor says he wants to stay away from letting this get to his head, and that he is focussed t o w a r d s becoming the "best entertainer". On his success, Ranveer said "I'm uncomfortable in these scenarios, in these discussions, people discuss money and I start scratching my head. I feel I should protect myself now more than ever before from these sorts of things. I find myself

receding because I don't know where this will take me, whether it will colour my thinking because I have been a certain way. "So far it has worked for me, and I hope to continue as the same kind of artiste and very committed to protecting that integrity that I have towards my art, craft, and I don't want to start with making choices that I have to do with anything other than honesty, that will be the death of me." He knows the number game and what it means. But Ranveer said: "I also want to stay away this getting into my head. I want to protect the sanctity of my craft and my love for cinema. I have followed a certain ethos that has brought me to this position and I don't want to change that and film, it seems like a Rs 300 cr don't want to get into making prospect. choices thinking when we do that

Winning battle against cancer has made me a better performer : Manisha Koirala

From writing about her battle against cancer to inspiring many lives with her motivational talks -- and even acting in films like "Sanju" and "Lust Stories" -- Nepal-born Bollywood actress Manisha Koirala has of late been keeping herself occupied. She says perhaps her fight against cancer has made her a better performer. Asked if her approach towards acting has changed, the "Bombay" famed actress said "I am more mindful of everything now. Yes, I have experienced life and that way I can say that winning the battle (against cancer) has perhaps made me a better performer. I know that these days, when I hear a story and read the character that I would perform, I go a bit deeper into it, I try to connect with the mind of my character, and there is certain nuance I look for." Manisha released her first book titled "Healed: How Cancer Gave Me a New Life" -- published by Penguin Random House -- here on Tuesday Emraan Hashmi’s upcoming film Cheat India has got a new title evening. The launch was graced by Bollywood just a week before its release. The new title of the Soumik Sen directorial is celebrities like Vidhu Vinod Chopra, Mahesh Why Cheat India. The change has happened after the Central Board of Bhatt, Anupam Kher, Gulshan Grover, Imtiaz Ali, Film Certification (CBFC) objected to the title on the grounds of it being Rekha, Deepti Naval and Ketan Mehta, among misleading. The producers, T-Series Films, Ellipsis Entertainment and many others. Her growing attention to detail is Emraan Hashmi Films confirmed the new title of their film in a something even Chopra pointed out to Manisha, statement.“The CBFC had concerns about the title Cheat India. We who has featured in films like "1942 A Love Story", had an extensive conversation with the Examining Committee and "Mann", "Khamoshi" and "Dil Se..." in the past. Revising Committee regarding the proposed change as the film has been "Now when I look at a script, I do not look at the in public domain for a year, and more importantly, because the theatrical length of my role. All that matters is how teaser, trailer and television promos had already been certified substantial the character is in the narrative. with the original title. This would lead to dual communication I won't mind then even if it is a role of five a week before the release. The duress of lack of time left us scenes," said the 47-year-old actress, with no choice but to mutually agree to the new title, Why looking as radiant as ever. Manisha Cheat India,” read the statement.Cheat India, now Why was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in Cheat India, has Emraan Hashmi playing the role of a 2012. Her book gives an insight into conman. He is the mastermind behind the entrance the struggle she went through and examination scam which has a team of toppers who how she emerged triumphant. write exams for other candidates for money. The film Manisha, while writing the book, highlights the corruption which prevails in the Indian had to relive those dark memories education system. all over again.

Emraan Hashmi’s Cheat India is now Why Cheat India

The Patrika


Friday, January 18th, 2019




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The Patrika



ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď

Friday, January 18th, 2019


mIrËfdy df nWk

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jiqMdr pMnUM dupihr dI rotI Kf ky hty sF, jdoN drvfĂ‹y PyrUM, ijMny vfl JVngy, EnIaF mohrF dyAUNgf vloN afvfĂ‹ kMnIN peI, ‘rMgf isMG rfjy df qYƒ’ iPr rxjIq isMG ny hWQ Pyiraf, dobfg hiraf, qyjf isMG rfjy df bfg hiraf, iqMn vfl hI lWQyÂť sfzf vzyrf afKx lWgf, nMd isMG rfjy df bfg hiraf, GuWlf isMG ‘jjmfn, vflLF df KĂ‹fnf vI qyrf, mohrF df rfjy df bfg hiraf[[[’ vyiKaf qF drF vI qyrf qy hWQ vI qyrfÂť mohrF vflLI borI mUhry BfgU KVf dfs dI bMsfvlI igxfeI jf qdy iZWlI hoAU, jy KĂ‹fny dovyN qyry qy hWQ irhf sIÂť dfdy nMdf isMG qy pVdfdy GuWlf myrf hoAU’ rxjIq isMG ny vflLF dI Ăˆrq isMG df qF pihlF vI cyqf sI, pr Aus qoN CWz ky mohrF dI QflLI AuhdI JolLI pf CWzI ipClIaF ijhVIaF solF-sqfrF pIVHIaF sIÂť sfzf iek hor vzyrf iek vfr aMgryĂ‹F sfzy ies ‘mIrĂ‹fdy’ ny igxf idWqIaF, AunHF dI ikÂŽpf nflL akfl-qÉq sfihb df hfkm df nf EdoN pihlF cyqf huMdf sI, nf Aus qoN bx igafÂť jdoN zfier ny bfg ivc golL I clfeI qF Auhny zfier Ć’ sropf idWqf sIÂťâ€? mgroN Xfd rih skIaFÂť ‘klfx’ pUrI krn mgroN BfgU ivhVy ivWc zMgrF dI KurlI lfgy afx bYTfÂť dfs ny puWiCaf, ‘suxf beI BfgU, ikWdF drĂˆn idWqy aY?’ Aus ny hWs ky ikhf, ‘srdfr, CkxI iekaWD rotI hY qy jy CkfAuxI peI kWlH dI igWlF dI kuVI dy ivafh dI jUT df pIpf Gry ipaf hYÂť pr qusIN ikhVf sfzy grIbF nflL qur pYxf eyN?’ gWl ivclI coB dI cIs Ć’ axgOilaF krn leI dfs ny sÂŽImqI Ć’ afvfĂ‹ idWqI BfgU leI rotI ilafAux vfsqyÂť Auh pihlF hI mWkI dIaF do rotIaF AuWqy aOly qy zyly df acfr rWK ky leI afAuNdI sIÂť rotI PVf ky sÂŽImqI dy muVn qWk BfgU koeI nvIN coB nf lf dyvy, ies zroN dfs ny hI Aus Ć’ puWC ilaf, ‘aWCf beI BfgU, sfzy qF sfry agly-ipCly igxf idWqy, quhfzy afpxy agly-ipCly vI Xfd ny qYĆ’?’ BfgU ny jvfb idWqf, “srdfr, sfzI brfdrI df iek bMdf skUly muMzf dfÉl krfAux igaf sIÂť AuQy mfstr ny puWC ilaf, ‘mIrĂ‹fidaf, ieh qyrf muMzf ey?’ Auhny hWs ky ikhf, ‘myrf kfhdf mfstr jI, afpxf eI smJo’ iPr mfstr ny muMzy Ć’ puWiCaf, ‘kfkf ieh qyrf ipE ey?’ muMzy ny afiKaf, ‘myrf kfhdf mfstr jI, afpxf eI smJo’ ieMJ hI agilaF-ipCilaF dI gWl smJoÂť quhfzy bhfny afpixaF Ć’ Xfd kr leIdYÂť kI pqf, iehnF ’coN quhfzf ikhVf qy sfzf ikhVfÂťâ€? dfs ny iPr puWiCaf, ‘AuNj ieh qF pqf hoAU ik quhfzI kul ĂˆurU ikWQoN hoeI sIÂť koeI vWzf bMdf vI hoieaf ik nhIN kdy?’ bWs BfgU iCV ipaf jI, kihx lWgf; “ieh qF pqf nhIN ĂˆurU ikQoN hoeI, pr vWzy bMdy bVy hoey ny sfzyÂť iek sfzf vWzf-vzyrf akbr dy nflL vĂ‹Ir huMdf sI, Auh ijhVf bIrbl sIÂť kMm-kuMm koeI nhIN sI krdf, pr rfj-kfj Auhdy ibnF nhIN sI cWldfÂť iek sfzf vWzf-vzyrf mhfrfjy rxjIq isMG dy drbfr ivWc vI jf viVafÂť rxjIq isMG ny ikhf, ‘mIrĂ‹fidaf, mYN dfhVI AuWqy hWQ


Ă‹rf ku sfh lY ky BfgU iPr bol ipaf, “CWzo gWlF pfdĂˆfho purfxIaF, sfzI brfdrI dI qF aWj kWlH vI rfj-drbfr qWk pUrI phuMc hYÂť jdoN ieMdrf gFDI ny aYmrjMsI lfeI sI nf, EdoN sfzf iek BfeIbMd sfry mulk ivWc ‘ieMdrf ieĂ‹ ieMzIaf’ qy ‘ieMzIaf ieĂ‹ ieMdrf’ df pÂŽcfr krdf iPrdf sIÂť iek hor hMudf sI, Auhny ieh nfhry GVy sn, ‘dyĂˆ kI nyqf : ieMdrf gFDI, XuvkoN ky nyqf : sMjy gFDI, iesqrIEN kI nyqf : mynkf gFDI, bWcoN ky nyqf : rfhul gFDI, BfV myN jfey : mhfqmf gFDI’ jdoN rfhul gFDI ‘bWcoN ky nyqf’ afiKaf jf irhf sI EdoN ajy rfhul gFDI Ć’ nWk pUMJxf nhIN sI afAuNdfÂť qy Auhny krnf vI kI sI srdfr jI isWK ky, vĂ‹IrIaF dy cfhvfn ju af jFdy sn bQyry Auhdf nWk pUMJx vfsqy? AudoN iek vfr hvfeI jhfĂ‹ qoN AuWqrn vylLy rfhul dy cfcy sMjy gFDI dI cWpl pYr ivWcoN inkl geI qF iek muWK mMqrI ny AuhdI cWpl PV ky pYrIN pfAux ivWc mdd kIqI sIÂť Auh muWK mMqrI vI sfzf irĂˆqydfr eI sI, mgroN Auh rfĂˆtrpqI bx igaf sIÂťâ€? dfs dI hYrfnI qoN axjfx BfgU khI igaf, “ieWk sfzf irĂˆqydfr AunHF idnF ivc sMjy gFDI Ć’ ‘pMjfb df jvfeI BfeI’ afKdf huMdf sI, pr jdoN ‘jvfeI BfeI’ mr igaf qF DI-rfxI mynkf dy lfgy lWgx dI QF Au h dI sWs ieM d rf gFDI dy aWgy ipWCy pUC ihlfAuNdf iPrdf sIÂť iek hor sfzf irĂˆqydfr murfrjI izsfeI Ć’ ‘pMjfb df kuVm’ afKI jFdf sIÂť Auh qF izsfeI dy mgr lWg ky mUqr-pfn rfhIN ielfj vfsqy iek kudrqI hspqfl vI KolHx Ć’ iPrdf sIÂť Auhny qF ieho ijhy do ku sO bMidaF dI sUcI vI bxf leI sI, ijhVy KUn-dfn vFg mUqr-dfn krn leI Kud vI iqafr hox qy ieho ijhy kYNp vI lfAuNdy irhf krnÂť jy AuhdI sMsQf Ć’ mfnqf iml jFdI qy Auh ‘dvfeI’ rijstr krf leI jFdI qF zfbr dI ‘cvn-pÂŽfĂˆâ€™ iksy ny nhIN sI KrIidaf krnIÂť AuNj ijnHF ny iBMzrfvfly Ć’ ‘igafrvF gurU’ bxf ky pyĂˆ kIqf sI, Auh vI sfzy hI irĂˆqydfr huMdy snÂťâ€? bfkI pMnF 44 'qy

The Patrika


Friday, January 18th, 2019




AYbtsPorf ivc pirvwr iltrysI idn mnweIey[






Saturday, Jan 26, 2019, 11 am – 2 pm at Clearbrook Library and The Reach Will’s Jams 11:15 am – 12 pm at Clearbrook Library The Purple Pirate Magic Show 1 pm – 1:45 pm at The Reach Community Literacy Partners tables, activities, refreshments, balloon sculpting, and fun for the whole family. All free. Free Pancake Breakfast 10 am – 11:30 am at Fire Hall #1 beside Clearbrook Library. Pick up your Community Reading Challenge Log and tuck into flapjacks cooked by Rescue Services firefighters. Read What You Love and you could win a prize! Illustration inspired by sculpture by Manjit Sandhu.

Clearbrook Library 32320 George Ferguson Way

Parking available in front of The Reach and on Justice Way in City Hall Visitor parking area and the parking lot across from the Police Department.

The Reach Gallery Museum Abbotsford 32388 Veterans Way


BµglF ipµz dy juJfr isµG iZWloN aYbtsPorz ‘c svrgvfs kYnyzf dy ibRitÈ kolµbIaf s¨by dy Èihr aYbtsPorz dI jfxI pCfxI ÈÉsIaq qy klyabrn toieµg kµpnI dy mflk juJfr isWG ‘ibWlf’ iZWloN bIqy idnIN acfnk akfl clfxf kr gey» Auh 52 virHaF dy sn» pµjfb dy iËlHf ÈhId Bgq isµG ngr nyVly ipµz BµglF dy jµmpl juJfr isµG bIqy 25 sflF qoN kYnyzf ‘c rih rhy sn» Auh afpxy ipWCy Drm pqnI bIbI ibµdr iZWloN, do spuWqr qy do DIaF CWz gey hn» AunHF df aµiqm sskfr 20 jnvrI 2019 (idn aYqvfr) ƒ Èfm 3 vjy PryËr irvr iPAUnrl hom, aYbtsPorz ivKy hovygf» Auprµq aµiqm ardfs gurduafrf sfihb bfbf bµdf isµG bhfdr isWK susfietI ivKy sLfm 4[30 vjy hovygI» pirvfr nfÜ duWK sFJf krn leI AunHF dy spuWqr crnpRIq isµG iZWloN nfÜ 604-832-1200 jF iȵgfrf isµG igWl 778-240-3450 ‘qy sMprk kIqf jf skdf hY» PAGE 33

The Patrika





Friday, January 18th, 2019

kfql vI inWkilaf blfqkfrI bfbf, sIbIafeI adflq ny suxfieaf ieiqhfsk PYslf hirafxf dI pMckUlf siQq ivÈyÈ sIbIafeI adflq ny zyrf isrsf muKI rfm rhIm nUM isrsf dy pwqrkfr rfm cMdr CwqrpqI dy kql mfmly ivc doÈI krfr idwqf hY. rfm rhIm nflL zyrf isrsf dy mYnyjr smyq do zyrf pRymIafˆ nUM vI kql mfmly df doÈI Tihrfieaf igaf hY. iqMnfˆ nUM sËf df aYlfn 17 jnvrI nUM kIqf jfvygf. CwqrpqI dy puwqr aMÈul CwqrpqI ny 17 sfl bfad ipqf dy kql df inaF imlx ‘qy qwslI pRgtfeI kYptn dI PwtI pocx` vfly ËIrf ny hux afpxI hI qy jwj smyq sfirafˆ df DMnvfd kIqf. sIbIafeI dy jwj jgdIp isMG ny cfrfˆ ivruwD srkfr iKlfP idwqI Drny dI DmkI PYslf suxfAuNidafˆ zyrf isrsf muKI rfm rhIm, zyry dy mYnyjr ikRÈn lfl qy zyry dy ipCly idnIN niÈafˆ dy muwdy ‘qy srkfrI smfgm df bfeIkft kr mIzIaf qy pUry pMjfb kfrIgr inrml qy kuldIp nUM pwqrkfr rfm cMdr CwqrpqI dy kql kys ivwc ivwc sfhmxy srkfr dI pol KolHx vfly ËIrf dy kfˆgrsI ivDfiek kulbIr isMG ËIrf nUM doÈI krfr idwqf hY. pfrtI nwQ pfAux dI iqafrI kr rhI hY. dUjy pfsy ËIrf ies leI iqafr hn qy afpxy bfdl vwloN modI nUM ilKy Kq `qy kfˆgrs nUM ieqrfË msly nf hwl hox `qy Auh Drny vI dyxgy. pfrtI ny AunHfˆ nUM kfrn dwso noits jfrI kIqf hY. afpxI sPfeI pyÈ kridaf ËIrf ny ikhf ik AunHfˆ shuM cuwk smfroh dOrfn iProËpur sfbkf muwK mMqrI pRkfÈ isMG bfdl ny pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI nUM iksfnI qy krËf ryˆj dy afeIjI muKivMdr isMG CInf iKÜfP afvfË cuwkI sI nf ik kfˆgrs srkfr dy. muafPI bfry icwTI iÜKI hY. ies `qy kYbint mMqrI suKijMdr isMG rMDfvf ny ikhf ik ËIrf ny ikhf kfˆgrs vwloN afey noits df jvfb idwqf jfvygf. bfdl nUM Aus smyˆ icwTI ilKxI cfhIdI sI jdoN AunHfˆ kol muwK mMqrI df ahudf sI jfˆ vyly jdoN pIaYm nirMdr modI gurdfspur afey sn. AunHfˆ ikhf ik jdoˆ pIaYm modI Kihrf qy mfn df hwQ imlvfAuxgy tksflI, dovfˆ iDrfˆ ny Augursdfspu r rYlI krn afey sn qfˆ Aus vyly akflI dl nUM styj qoN iksfnI dIafˆ mMgfˆ kbUlI bRhmpurf dI slfh krnIafˆ cfhIdIafˆ sI . krËy muafPI dI Xojnf `qy akflI dl vwloˆ jqfey ieqrfË ÈRomxI akflI dl tksflI dy pRDfn rxjIq isMG bRhmpurf afm afdmI pfrtI qy pMjfbI bfry rMDfvf ny ikhf ik pMjfb srkfr afpxf krËf muafPI df vfadf pUrf kr rhI eykqf pfrtI dy mohrI lIzr XfnI BgvMq mfn qy suKpfl Kihrf nUM iekwTy krngy. hY. nirMdr modI dI pMjfb PyrI dOrfn AunHfˆ nUM afs sI ik Auh vI iksfnfˆ nUM kuJ rfhq ies df Kulfsf bRhmpurf ny cMzIgVH ivwc kIqI pRYWs kfnPrMs dOrfn kIqf. iek svfl dyxgy pr aijhf kuJ nhIˆ hoieaf.

dy jvfb ivwc bRhmpurf ny ikhf ik AunHfˆ afm afdmI pfrtI qy suKpfl Kihrf DVy nUM hirafxf `c BKI iswK isafsq,JIˆzf vwloˆ asqIPf , sfˆJI slfh idwqI sI ik pMjfb ivwc coxfˆ iewko pwDr `qy af ky lVIafˆ jfx. bRhmpurf ny ieh vI ikhf ik Kihrf qy mfn ies suJfa qy rfËI vI hn. AuWDr suwcf isMG Cotypur ny nvlI hwQ gurduafrf kmytI df kmfn vI ies qIjy bdl dI hmfieq kIqI qy ikhf iekwTy lVn `c Pfiedf hY ,vwK vwK lV hirafxf iswK gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI dy pRDfn jgdIÈ isMG JIˆzf ny afpxy ahudy qoˆ ky qfˆ Ëmfnqfˆ Ëbq ho jfxgIafˆ. asqIPf dy idwqf hY . buwDvfr nUM aYc[aYs[jI[pI[sI[ dy muwK dPqr cIkf siQq gurduafrf jdoN bfby ny BgvMq mfn nUM styj qy Byt kIqI dysI CyvIˆ qy noˆvI pfqÈfhI ivwc kfrkfrnI kmytI dI bYTk ivwc ies nUM svIkfr vI kr ilaf igaf hY . jrnl skwqr jogf isMG ny dwisaf ik sInIar pRDfn dIdfr isMG nlvI nUM ‘boql` soÈl mIzIaf `qy vfeIrl kmytI dy kfrjkfrI pRDfn Qfipaf igaf hY .nvyˆ pRDfn qy aYgËIikAUitv bfzI dIafˆ afm afdmI pfrtI dy sMgrUr qoN sMsd mYˆbr BgvMq mfn dI iewk vIzIE soÈl mIzIaf coxfˆ leI 30 jnvrI nUM afm mIitMg bulfeI geI hY. JIˆzf dI agvfeI ivc 13 sfl dy AuWpr vfierl ho rhI hY . ies ivwc iewk bËurg BgvMq mfn nUM boql Byt kr rhy hn. lMby sMGrÈ bfad ÈRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI (aYsjIpIsI) qoˆ vwK aYcaYsjIpIsI keI lok ies nUM Èrfb dI boql dws rhy hn pr ieh iGE dI boql hY. drasl BgvMq df gTn kIqf igaf sI . mfn brnflf rYlI leI lokfˆ dy iekwT nUM sMboDn kr rhy sI. iesy dOrfn pMzfl `co AuWT ky bËurg ny BgvMq mfn nUM mMc `qy iewk boql Byt kIqI. boql vyK iewk vfr qfˆ sfry mnjIq isMG jIky dIafˆ muÈklfˆ vDIafˆ, hYrfn rih gey. bfad ivwc pqf lwgf ik boql ivwc dysI iGE hY. bËurg ny ikhf ik iBRÈtfcfr df mfmlf drjL AunHfˆ dy Gr dIafˆ gfvfˆ dy duwD df iGE hY. AunHfˆ ny BgvMq mfn nUM ieh iGE ies leI idwqf hY ik Auh lok sBf coxfˆ qgVy ho ky lV skx. idwlI iswK gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI dI pRDfngI qoˆ asqIPf dy cuwky ÈRomxI akflI dl BgvMq mfn nUM nhIN, bfdlfˆ dI nUMh nUM twkr dyxgy Kihrf idwlI iekfeI dy sfbkf pRDfn mnjIq isMG jIky smyq zIaYsjIaYmpI dy AuWuc ahudydfr rih cuwky iqMn ivakqIafˆ qy kys drjL kIqf igaf hY. idwlI dy nfrQ aYvyinAU Qfxy ivwc pMjfbI eykqf pfrtI bxfAux mgroN suKpfl isMG Kihrf lok sBf coxfˆ ivwc sMgrUr qoN kmytI dy sfbkf jrnl skwqr gurmIq isMG ÈMtI dI iÈkfieq `qy idwlI puls ny DoKfDVI BgvMq mfn nUM nhIN sgoN biTMzf qoN bfdlfˆ dI nUMh hrismrq kOr bfdl nUM hI cuxOqI , iBRÈtfcfr qy gurduafry dy PMzfˆ dI durvrqoˆ krn dy ielËfm qihq kys drjL kIqf dyxgy. Kihrf ny nvIN pfrtI bxfAux mgroN ikhf sI ik Auh sMgrUr jfˆ biTMzf qoN lok hY. hux jIky nUM jld hI igRPqfr kIqf jf skdf hY. drasl idwlI dI pitaflf kort sBf cox lV skdy hn. suKpfl Kihrf ny hux afpxI pfrtI df pihlf dPqr biTMzf ny bIqy kwlH jIky dI aYPafeIafr rwd krn dI ptIÈn Kfrj kr idwqI sI qy hux jIky ivwc bxfieaf hY . ies qoN sfP hY ik Auh biTMzf qoN hI cox lVngy. AuNJ Kihrf ny ies iKÜfP kys drjL ho igaf hY. bfry puÈtI nhIN kIqI. Kihrf ny ikhf ik Auh lok sBf coxfˆ ivwc akflI dl qy kfˆgrs nUM twkr dyx leI hmiKLaflI pfrtIafˆ nfl iml ky sfrIafˆ sItfˆ `qy cox lVn bfry ihMdU sMgTnfˆ dIafˆ DmkIafˆ mgroˆ nvjoq iswDU `qy jYwz ivcfr kr rhy hn.

PYzryÈn BMg kr ky pIr muhMmd ny leI tksflIafˆ dI Et PYzryÈn lIzr krnYl isMG pIr muhMmd ÈRomxI akflI dl tksflI ivwc Èfml ho gey hn. akflI dl tksflI dy pRDfn rxjIq isMG bRhmpurf ny pIr muhMmd df svfgq kridaf AunHfˆ nUM pMjfb dy nOjvfn tksflIafˆ nfl joVn dI iËMmyvfrI vI sONp idwqI. bRhmpurf ny ikhf ik nOjvfn pIVHI nUM Gr Gr jf ky akflIafˆ df swc ibafn krky tksflI pfrtI ivwc ilafˆdf jfvygf,ijs ivwc krnYl isMG cMgI BUimkf inBfa skdy hn. iËkrXog hY ik kuJ smfˆ pihlfˆ krnYl isMG ny afpxI afl ieMzIaf iswK stUzYˆt PYzryÈn nUM BMg kr idwqf sI. PAGE 34

plws surwiKaf CwqrI

pMjfb dy sQfnk srkfrf bfry mMqrI nvjoq isMG iswDU hux jYwz plws surwiKaf hyT rihxgy. krqfrpur lfˆGy df mslf pfiksqfn kol AuTfAux qy pMjfb rfjfˆ dIafˆ coxfˆ ivwc pRDfn mMqrI nirMdr modI nUM krVy hwQI lYx krky AunHfˆ nUM keI DmkIafˆ iml rhIafˆ hn. ies mgroˆ KuPIaf eyjMsIafˆ ny AunHfˆ dI surwiKaf vDfAux dI isPfrÈ kIqI sI.pMjfb srkfr ny iswDU dI jfn nUM Kqrf mMnidafˆ bulyt prUP gwzIaf smyq mMqrI dI surwiKaf ivwc BfrI vfDf kr idwqf hY. kYptn srkfr ny iswDU nUM sUbfeI pwDr qy jYwz plws surwiKaf ÈRyxI ivwc Èfml kr ilaf hY. isWDU nUM kfˆgrs vloˆ 2019 dIaF pfrlImfnI coxfˆ dOrfn stfr kMpynr aYlfinaf hoieaf hY. kYptn srkfr ny ieh vI ikhf hY ik sQfnk srkfrf bfry ivBfg dy mMqrI nUM zrwg mfPIaf qy mfeIinMg mfPIaf qoˆ vI Kqrf hY.

The Patrika


Friday, January 18th, 2019




Basketball fever hits Abbotsford this weekend with three major tournaments his weekend marks the 59th annual Snowball Classic basketball tournament (Sr. Boys) and marks the second time Mt. Vernon Knights from New York is participating. Mt. Vernon won the championship in 2016. The Knights defeated the Kelowna Owls 104-87 in the 2016 final, and the program went on to capture a New York state championship in 2017.


Local teams competing include: the W.J. Mouat Hawks, MEI Eagles and the Robert Bateman Timberwolves. Mouat first game is versus Charles Tupper on Jan. 17 at 10:45 a.m., while the Timberwolves versus Belmont on Jan. 17 at 9 a.m.

Besides the Knights, the other teams receiving first round byes include: Kelowna, Walnut Grove Gators and Burnaby South (last year’s AAAA BC Champions). These teams are considered the top teams in the tournament. The Abbotsford Basketball Association will be sponsoring the “Best of Abby” award which is awarded to the Most Valuable Player from an Abbotsford team participating in the tournament.

ing the rematch victory after Howe Middle won in the APD City Basketball Tournament final. This weekend could be another rematch between the two powerhouses, whom are two of the top Grade 8 Boys teams in British The tournament tips off Jan. 18th Columbia. 11:00am with host Eugene Reimer Girls at Eugene Reimer versing Mt. The tournament tips off on Friday Jan. Slesse and then at 1:00pm with host 18th at 1:30pm with host Gordie Howe Eugene Reimer Boys at Eugene Reimer Middle versus Brookswood Secondary. versing Heritage Park. This tournament These three tournaments are great for is electric and a must-watch, organizer families to attend and watch! and Athletic Director of Eugene Reimer Robb Rutley has invited some of Support local youth sports. the top grade 8 teams in the province. (Grade 8 Boys and Girls) which will be hosting 16 teams from all across the Fraser Valley. All games are hosted at Eugene Reimer Middle School and Rick Hansen Secondary.

The 2019 Snowball Classic final is scheduled to tip off on Jan. 20 at 8 p.m. All games occur inside the Abbotsford Senior Secondary gym. For more information on the event, visit facebook. A n d a n o t h e r marquee tournacom/snowballtournament. ment is the Howe Alongside the Snowball Classic is Bulldogs Classic the Ravenball basketball tournament (Grade 8 Boys) which will feature another crop of the top Grade 8 Boys teams in the province. Local teams participating are Gordie Howe Middle, W.A. Fraser Middle and Abby Middle. On Tuesday January 15th was the APD City Basketball Tournament final rematch between Gordie Howe and Abby Middle, a great game from both sides but saw Abby Middle tak-


The Patrika





Friday, January 18th, 2019

mfG sMkRFqI


joiqS, Eqy  Eqy 604-751-0220 kro





myK – rog, zr Dn lfB ho ky vI hfnI df zr, PjUl Krc, jfiedfd df JgVf, sMqfn suwK, nvIN Xojnf qoN lfB, iesqrI pwKoN icMqF, kfrobfr ivwc rukfvt pYdf hovygI. jnvrI 14,21,22,29,30,31 PrvrI 8,9,10 asLuB.

Something you began considering needed to change to make things better for yourself about 9 months ago, can become a clearer possibility from now. Ridding yourself of certain obligations will be part of it. There needs to be finality and this has perhaps held you back. It will be easier to gain any agreement necessary now.

Best you have an optimistic attitude about where life can head in the long term and set your goals with this attitude. It will take some serious commitment on a very steady basis to fulfil them. Your nature is one of persistence, so you are well equipped to put yourself on this path. Life will be like it has never been before.

  ibRK – KfsI aqy gYs df rog, afriQk siQqI kmjor hovygI, imwqrF qoN mdd imlygI. sMqfn pwKoN lfB qy KusLI, nvIN Xojnf qoN lfB, iesqrI ksLt, kfrobfr ivwc suDfr dI XojnF. jnvrI 15,16,23,24, PrvrI 1,2,11,12 asLuwB.





imQun – ivgVy kMm bxng, krjf isr cVHygf, jmIn jfiedfd qoN lfB iesqrI aqy sMqfn pwKoN ksLt, kMm bdlx df ivcfr. jnvrI 17,18,25,26, PrvrI 3,4,5 asLuwB.

Krk – gupq icMqf vDygI, sLUgr ibmfrI nfl ksLt afriQk siQqI TIk rhygI, inwjI lokF df suwK, Xfqrf ivwc ksLt, iesqrI ksLt kMm bdlx ivwc lfB. jnvrI 19,20,27,28, PrvrI 6, 7 asLuwB.



isMG – ishq TIk rhygI, Dn lfB Krc aiDk, imwqr ipafiraF qoN ksLt, kfrobfr mwDm, nvIN Xojnf qoN lfB. jnvrI 14,21,22,29,30, 31, PrvrI, 8,9,10 asLuwB.



There can be some interesting interactions with others. You could establish a friendship from involvement in a group. You may meet an interesting person through a friend. As flexible and easy going as others may seem you should bear in mind that there is a strong level of determination they are not being open about.

Someone will expect to be in control. This doesn’t mean you have to accept it. The time may have come where you need to move on from obligations you have accepted in the past because you will be going into a different era in life. You can enjoy getting some jobs out of the way that you have been lazy with. Get on with it.

There will be little rest from having to be responsible for daily routines that cannot be put to one side. The ability to wing things is fast fading away and you will have to get used to being better organised. At the same time, plenty of opportunity for enjoyment will present itself, so it may seem you go from one thing to another.

Taking a serious approach with loved ones might be the only choice you have if you want to make some progress. Once they realise you are determined they could be more prepared than you anticipated to go down the path that will create harmony rather than discord. Don’t let someone’s doubts interfere with your decisions.

On one level there can be easy interaction between you and others. In a situation where you are unwavering about the way you want things to be structured you could get a rebellious reaction. You should not vacillate in response to any deliberate intention to generate guilt in you. What you are setting out to structure is sensible.

The temptation to spend without thinking will be strong. You could be lucky enough to come across something you have wanted for a long time. Anything that has a practical everyday use is worth considering over something that would just be nice to have. You could be challenged with something technological. Be patient.

kMinaF – KfsI qy vfXU rog, Dn lfB hoky vI hfnI df zr, inwjI lokF nfl JgVy df zr, iesqrI pwK qoN lfB, kfrobfr TIk rhygf. jnvrI 15,16,23,24, PrvrI 1,2,11,12 asLuwB.

7 

qulf – pyt dI KrfbI, afmdn nfloM Krcf aiDk hovy, imwqr ipafiraF df suwK, sMqfn qy iesqrI ksLt, kMm bdlx ivwc lfB pRfpqI. jnvrI 17,18,25,26, PrvrI 3,4,5 asLuwB.



ibRsLck- ishq ivwc KrfbI, Dn lfB, BrfvF df suwK, sLqrU hfvI hocgy, jfiedfdqy svfrI df suwK, kfrobfr ivwc qrwkI hovygI. jnvrI 19,20,27,28, PrvrI 6,7 asLuwB.



DnU – Dn lfB hoky hfnI df zr, inwjI lokF df sihXog, sMqfn pwKoN pRysLfnI, sMpqI lfB, iesqrI ksLt, kMm bdlx ivwc lfB hovygf. jnvrI 14,21,22,29,30, 31, PrvrI, 8,9,10 asLuwB.

10 

mkr – ishq TIk rhygI, Dn lfB, imwqrF qoN sihXog, sMqfn suwK, iesqrI ksLt, kMm bdlx iwvc lfB hovygf. jnvrI 15,16 23,24 PrvrI 1,2,11,,12 asLuwB.

11  kuMB – ishq TIk rhygI, Dn lfB hoky hfnI df zr, ieaqrI qy sMqfn pwKoN KusLI, imwqr bMDU ksLt, afmdn nfloN Krc ivwc vfDf, jnvrI 17,18,25,26, PrvrI 3,4,5 asLuwB.



mIn – rog zr, rfj drbfr qoN Kqrf, BfeI bMDUaF df sihXog, iesqrI nUM rog qoN ksLt, kfrobfr TIk rhygf. jnvrI 19,20,27,28, PrvrI 6,7,8 asLuwB.


You will greatly enjoy doing something out of the ordinary, especially if it involves some travel. The ability to establish this as a regular part of life is doubtful. Enjoy it while it lasts because more serious considerations will require your attention. These will be connected to commitments that are tied into financial stability.

Put your mind on anything important to you – your focus can be steady, intense and practical. You can also be seen as highly reliable when it comes to what you are capable of producing. There is also the opportunity for you to streamline the way something has been done for a while. It can free you up or take some pressure off.

Involvement with a group of people could expose you to some new ideas that would be worth pondering. This can encourage you to look at ways you can change things towards focus on your own needs. This will not be accomplished overnight but you have to start looking at what has to be left in the past to eventually move on

Seriously look at what you wish to be involved in with your life so that you make commitments you will be happy to carry through. You can so easily be encouraged to look at things, as you want to see them. If you do this it will lead to disappointment and then getting matters back on an even keel can be hard work.

The Patrika


Friday, January 18th, 2019





The Patrika




Friday, January 18th, 2019



Begins January 21, 2019

The Abbotsford School District is proud to offer a wide range of educational options for all types of learners. In addition to excellent neighbourhood schools, we offer District Programs that include French Immersion, Integrated Arts, Nature Kindergarten and Traditional Schools. Come learn with us!

How do I register for Kindergarten? Go online to www.abbyschools.ca/kindergarten to review our procedures and guidelines. Register with your neighbourhood catchment school on January 21, 2019 Families must register their child with their neighbourhood catchment school.



Was your child born outside of Canada? Set up an appointment with the School Board office to complete initial registration. Call (604) 859-4891 to make your appointment.

Was your child born in Canada? Complete AP336 - Student Registration & Catchment forms found online and take your registration and appropriate documents to your neighbourhood catchment school on January 21.

Learn More Online www.abbyschools.ca/kindergarten

Key Dates January 21, 2019: Kindergarten Registration Opens! January 22, 2019: Online Lottery Process Opens! (District Programs) January 25, 2019: Online Lottery Process Closes (District Programs) February 1, 2019: General Registration Opens! (Gr. 1-12 Students) Including Cross Boundary Application

If your child turns 5 in 2019, it is time to register for Kindergarten! jy quhwfw b`cw 2019 iv`c 5 swl dw hY qW ikMfrgwrtn iv`c huxy hI rijstr krvwau[



The Patrika


Friday, January 18th, 2019





The Patrika




Friday, January 18th, 2019


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The Patrika


Friday, January 18th, 2019




ivrly kyeI…

igafnI aqy zrfievr cfcy dIaF roaF nfl nfl hox kfrn awj svyr qoN hI sfKIaF df islislf cflU ho igaf. cfcy ny visLsLt irsLI dI kQf bMd kIqI qF igafnI vloN asLtrkr irsLI dI sfKI sLurU ho geI qF jMg isMG afpxy nfl vfly sfQI nUM kihx lwgf, `awj do guxI igafnI iekwTy ho gey. awj sfrI idhfVI clxgIaF sfKIaF.` jMg isMG dI gwl sux cfcf boilaf, `jMg isaF, afpF ikhVy guxI igafnI aF. bws mn KusL kr leIdf eyDrlIaF EDrlIaF mfr ky. guxF dI guWQlI qF afpxy aih igafnIjI aY ijhVy Dur drgfh dIaF bfqF suxfAuNdy aY.` swcmuc hI igafnI guxF df BMzfrf ny, nf qF Ausdf koeI Gwt hI jfxdf sB igafnI jI kih ky bulfAuNdy ny. ieQoN qwk Aus dy kfrz Aupr vI nF dI QF igafnI jI iliKaf jFdf. iksy vI ivsLy Auwpr gwl huMdI qF Auh Aus gwl dI zUMGfeI ivwc jf pUry ivsQfr nfl ibafn krdf. bs iewk isafsq dy ivsLy Aupr Auh afpxI cwup sfD lYNdf. Drm bfry igafn Ausdf aQfh sI, iswK Drm dy nfl nfl Ausdf dUsry DrmF bfry vI bhuq aiDaYn kIqf hoieaf jfpdf, jdoN Auh koeI gwl nf kr irhf huMdf qF koeI nf koeI gurbfxI df sLbd , PrId jI dy slok jF rhIm df koeI dohf, guxguxF irhf huMdf. jgqfr isMG aqy igafnI df roa df sfQ hOlLI-hOlLI dosqI df sfQ ho inbiVaf. Auh dovyN iekwly iekwly hox krky iewkTy iewko roa nUM lgdy pr aYqvfr nUM jgqfr isMG igafnI dy sfQ qoN ivrvf rih jFdf. keI vfr qF Aus nUM sLukrvfr qoN aYNqvfr qwk iqMn idn iksy hor nfl byrI qoVnI pYNdI. dovyN afpo ivwc ieqnf Guliml gey ik Auh afpxy GrylU msilaF Auwpr vI ivcfr ictFdrf krdy. afm qF Auh sFJy msilaF Auwpr gwlF krdy hI rihMdy. jdoN Auh afpo ivwc hOlI hOlI gwlF krdy qF koeI nf koeI nyVy roa vflf AuwcI afvfjL ivwc kih idMdf, ‘igafnI jI, jLrf AuwcI bolo, sfzy kMnI vI koeI igafn dI gwl pvy. jHfbF df ByV qF sfrI idhfVI krI jfeIdf hY.’ ‘bfeI jI, asIN hux qF GrylU gwlF krdy hF. jdoN koeI sFJI gwl clI jLrUr AuwcI bolFgy.’ igafnI bVI hlImI nfl jvfb idMdf. Auh hr iewk nUM bfeI jI kih ky bulfAuNdf aqy inwkI Aumr qoN vwzI Aumr dI qINvIN qwk nUM bIbI kihMdf. Ausdf ivcfr sI ik bIbI sLbd bVf hI ipafrf qy siqkfr Biraf hY. bIbI sMboDn inwkI kuVI qoN ibrD jLnfnI qwk bVf ZukvF vI sI. Ausdy mUMhoN bIbI kihxf Pbdf vI bVf sI. Aus koloN keIaF ny AusdI ividak Xogqf bfry puiCaf. Auh sB nUM

jrnYl isMG syKf ieho Auwqr idMdf, ‘ bfeI jI, afpF ikhVI iewk vfr srbsMmqI nfl mYnUM ipMz dI pI aYwc zI kIqI hoeI hY. ieh ijhVIaF pMcfieq df srpMc cux ilaf igaf. Aus cfr gwlF kr leIdIaF ny ieh quhfzy vrgy smyN dOrfn ipMz dy sFJy kMm qF bhuq hoey mhFpursFL dI sMgq ivwcoN hI iswKIaF hn. pr sfry lok KusL nf ho sky. keI afpxy hI ivroDI ho gey. Aus qoN mgroN iPr pMcfieq pRMqU jgqfr isMG nUM Aus ny bfry ies qrHF df srpMc jF pMc nhIN bixafN pr ipMz dy dwisaf, mYN afpxy mfipaF df do BYxF mgroN sFJy kMmF ivwc hwQ jLrUr vtfAuNdf irhf. iewklf puwqr hF. mYN iewk aijhf bdnsIb puwqr hF ijs ny afpxy ipE df mUMh nhIN mF dIaF rIJF dI pUrqI leI Aus dI psMd dyiKaf. myry jnm qoN CyqI hI mgroN AuhnF kIqI kuVI nfl ivafh krvfieaf aqy Aus dI mOq ho geI. myrf bfp vI awgoN mfipaF dy mn dI rIJ pUrI krn Kfqr hI afpxI df ieklOqf puqwr hox krky jLmIn dI ZyrI vwzI kuVI df sfk eyQy knyzf ivwc afpxI vfhvf hY. myrI mF ny mYnUM bhuq lfz ipafr irsLqydfrI coN mMuzy nUM kr idwqf. Pyr aMn nfl pfilaf. mYN pRfiemrI qF afpxy ipMz pfxI sfnUM vI ieQy lY afieaf. ijhVI mF ny qoN hI pfs kr leI. mF dI ieh iewCf ik mYN sDrF nfl pfl pos ky vwzf kIqf awj Aus Aus dIaF awKF qoN dUr nf rhF. Auh agFh nUM buwZy vfry AuQy hI rulLidaF Cwz afieaf mYnUM pVHfAux leI iqafr nf hoeI. Pyr mfmy hF. ijhVf awgy Dfrimk gRMQF ivwcoN hvfly dy dI isPfrsL nfl mYN hfeI skUl buwtr ivwc dy ky sbr df sbk idaf krdf sI. afpxI dfKl ho igaf. myrI mF mYnUM dUr qwk skUl sMKyp jIvxI suxfAux smyN aMq Auwpr Ausdy Cwzx jFdI aqy muVdy sfr mYnUM rfh ivwc sbr df ipaflf vI Clk ipaf. Ausdy imldI BfvyN ik do muMzy hor myry nflL pVHn ichry Auwpr AudfsI dI iewk prq af geI. jFdy sn pr mF nUM mYN iewklf skUl jFdf ‘ qusIN mfqf jI nUM nfl ieQy leI afAuxf sI hI jfpdf. sfzy ipMz dy nfl hI rfmUvflf jF hux ieQoN aplfeI kr idMdy.’ Jgqfr ipMz hY AuQoN dy muMizaF df vI rfh df sfQ isMG ny igafnI dI Bfvukqf anuBv kridaF bx igaf krnYl isMG pfrs kivsLr df ikhf. lVkf hrcrn isMG myrf jmfqI sI. Aus nfl rihMidaF mYnUM kvIsLrI krn df sLOk ‘ bhuq Xqn kIqy, bVf jLor lfieaf ik Auh ho igaf. keI vfr Aus nfl AuhnF dy Gr ieDr af jfx pr Auh afAux nUM iqafr hI vI cilaf jFdf aqy AuQoN ikqfbF ilaf ky nhIN hoey. AuhnF dy mn dI ieh Bfvnf ik pVHdf. ies qrF sfihq pVHn ivwc rucI Auh vI Ausy DrqI AuWpr pRfx iqafgx ijQy vDx lwgI. dsvIN qwk jFidaF mYN bhuq sfry AunHF dy isr dy sFeIN (ipqf jI) ny akfl pMjfbI lyKkF dIaF pusqkF pVH leIaF. clfxf kIqf sI. mYN AuhnF dIaF BfvnF nUM Tukrf nhIN skdf. bwcy qF sYwt ho hI gey dsvIN krn mgroN qF mF ny awgoN pVHfAuxoN ny, nhIN qF Auh sYwt ho hI jfxHgy. hux qF qF iblkul hI ienkfr kr idwqf. hux myrI myry mn dI ieho cfhnf hY ik jf ky mF dI Aumr vI pMdrF sfl dI ho cuwkI sI mYnUM syvf krF.’ Aus afpxy mn dI gwl jgqfr smfjk sUJ bUJ vI kuJ af geI. mYN jlMDr isMG nfl sfNJI kIqI. jf afpxI mfsI kol agFh pVHn df pRgtfvf kIqf. Auh myry nfl hI ipMz af geI qy myrI byrIaF dy sIjLn ivwc koeI ipwkr Gwty hI mF nUM pVHfeI leI mnf ky mYnUM nfl hI jlMDr CwutI krdf hY. iqMn mhIny lgfqfr byrI lY geI. AuQy zI ey vI kflj ivwc dfKl tutwdI hY. CuwtI AuhI huMdI hY ijhVI Tykydfr krvf idwqf. AuQoN hI sMsikRq pVHnI iswKI. vloN kIqI jfvy. iPr igafnI qF keI keI aqy ihMdU Dfrimk pusqkF AuwQy hI pVHIaF. CuwtIaF krdf. jgqfr isMG dy puwCx qy aYP ey df iemiqhfn dy ky ipMz afieaf qF dwisaf, ‘aYqvfr gurdvfry jfeIdf hY. AuQy mF sKq ibmfr ho geI. iPr qF mF ny kih ijMnI ho sky syvf krIdI hY. jy aKMz pfT dI idwqf ky jy mYN Aus qoN dUr irhf qF Aus df rOlL vfsqy kihx qF iqMn idn dI vI CuwtI mrI df mUMh dyKF. so aYP ey qoM agFh nf krnI pY jFdI hY.’ pVH sikaf. pr pVHn dI lgI hoeI lgn igafnI guru gRMQ sfihb df pfT bhuq hI Cuwt nf skI. KyqI df kMm qF hY nhIN sI surIlI avfjL ivwc krdf, ies leI Aus nUM jLmIn awD Aupr idwqI hoeI sI. Gr ivhlf aKMz pfT vfsqy afm hI swd ilaf jFdf. bYTf vI kI krdf bs ikqfbF pVH CwzxIaF. jgqfr isMG ny srsrI kih idwqf, ‘ pfT BfeI vIr isMG dI iswK iPlfsPI nUM jfnx dI rOlL lfAuxf qF TIk hY byrI qoVn nfloN dI lflsf ny iswK Dfrimk sfihq pVHn vwl qF cMgI idhfVI bxdI hY.’ ruicq kIqf. ieslfm aqy iesfeI Drm bfry vI piVHaf qF jo sfry DrmF df qulnfqimk igafnI ny bVIaF hI mfXUs njLrF nfl aiDaYn ho sky. ipMz ivwc lfiebRyrI KulHvf jgqfr isMG vwl qwikaf, ijvyN Aus ny koeI leI. afp vI pusqkF KrId ilafAuNdf. so alokfr gwl kr idwqI hovy ijhVI Aus dy Gr ivwc vI inwkI ijhI lfiebRyrI bx geI. mUMhoN PwbdI nhIN sI. Pyr Auh sLFq icwq

boilaf, ‘ bfeI jI, afpF qF syvf krdy hF. ijMnf ku ho sky gurdvfry dfn krIdf hY. gurdvfry qoN lYxf ikAuN hY!`’ ‘sfry pfTI lYNdy ny. gurduafry vfly vI qF Gr vfilaF koloN sfry pfTIaF dI imhnq lY lYNdy hn. ieh qF afpxI imhnq dI mjLdUrI hY. imhnq df muWl lYxf qF gunfh nhIN. qusIN eyDroN vI qF kMm Cwzdy ho.’ jgqfr isMG ny dlIl idwqI. ‘bfeI jI, ivcfr afpo afpxf hY. myrI soc ies qoN vwKrI hY. quhfnUM vI qF iswK Drm aqy iswK ivcfrDfrf bfry jfxkfrI hY. afpxy gurUaF bfxI dI rcnf dunIaF dy Bly leI kIqI hY. AunHF afpxy hwQIN poQIaF ilK ilK lokF ivwc vMzIaF. AunHF gurbfxI nUM vyicaf qF nhIN. awj mYN gurbfxI df mwul vwtF? myry koloN ieh nhIN ho skdf.’ Aus afpxf ivsLvfs idRVHfieaf. ‘ qusIN Aus idn dwisaf sI ik iksy gurmuK ny afpxy Gr ivwc guru gRMQ sfihb dI bIV rwKI hoeI hY. Auh sLrDfvfn iswKF dy GrIN sihj pfT jF aKMz pfT rwKdy hn. qusIN ipCly hPqy AuhnF vwloN rKvfey aKMzpfT Aupr rOlLF lfeIaF. AuhnF ny quhfzy pYsy Gr vfilaF kolLNo jLrUr ley hoxgy. jgqfr isMG ny puiCaf. ‘hF, ley sI. Auh sB pfTIaF dy pYsy qF lYNdy hI hn.’ igafnI ny dwisaf. ‘ Pyr qF quhfzy vloN pYsy ley gey. quhfzI imhnq Aus gurmuK ny rwK leI iksy Drm arQ qF nf lwgI. jy Auh rkm lY ky iksy Drm arQ lwg jfvy qF ies nfloN cMgf nhIN . jgqfr isMG ny iewk hor dlIl idwqI. bfeI jI ies bfry mYN kdy nhIN soicaf ik Auh rkm kOx lYNdf hY aqy Aus df kI krdf hY? mYnUM qF gurbfxI pVHidaF iewk aMqRIv anMd pRfpq huMdf hY. bws ieho hI myrI kmfeI hY. ieho myrI sfDnf hY.’ ieMnI gwl kih igafnI ny jgqfr isMG nUM cuwp krf idwqf. Pyr nhIN jgqfr isMG ny koeI hor dlIl idwqI. agly idn igafnI byrI qoVn nf afieaf. pqf lwgf ik Aus dI mF ibmfr hY aqy Auh sB kuJ Cwz Czf ky mF dI dyK Bfl krn jf irhf hY. jgqfr isMG vfps af ky Aus nUM imlx qur igaf. jdoN Auh Aus dy Gr kol puwijaf qF Auh eyrport jfx leI kfr ivwc bYTx hI lwgf sI. igafnI ny jgqfr isMG nfl hwQ imlfieaf qy Aus nUM ivgocy ivwc KVHf Cwz kfr ivwc jf bYTf aqy kfr eyar port nUM qur geI. PAGE 41

The Patrika



Workers Needed Arjuna Berry Farms Ltd. requires workers for 8 months starting April 01, 2019. Duties include weighing, sorting, picking and packing fresh berries. Other general farm labour is needed as well. Wages are $12.65/ hr 40-50hrs/ week. Fax resume to 604.852.3979 or email to info@arjunaberries. com or apply in person at 32320 Huntingdon Rd., Abbotsford. Workers Wanted KN Berry Farms Requires 9 full-time employees in Abbotsford, BC. 50-60 hours/week $12.65/hour + possible bonuses. Piece rate if applicable Duties include: weeding, tying, pruning, harvesting, digging and other farm related duties, in all weather conditions. Approx Start date: May 21, 2019. Apply at KN Berry Farm, 32236 Huntingdon Road Abbotsford, BC V2T5Y7. OR Email: amrit_49@ hotmail.com vr dI loV 35 sflf jwt isWK, ivjLtr afeI hoeI lVkI leI knyzIan PR jF istIjLn lVky dI loV hY. hor jfxkfrI leI sMprk kro: 604-744-5871 jF 778245-2369 PAGE 42



G E N E R A L FA R M Workers Wanted WORKERS WANTED Creekside Hothouse is Seasonal employment looking for full time, harvesting and pruning general greenhouse vegetable workers. Starting raspberries and blueberin January 2019.Locaries, from approx. April tions in Aldergrove and 15th till Winter 2019. Surrey. Salary: $12.65 Individuals must be pre- per hour, plus 4% Holpared to work varying iday pay. Please call hours in an environment Manager Resham Singh that is physically de- @ 778 240 7170 manding. Requires the ability to work repetitive tasks in a range of outdoor weather conditions. Hourly wage of $12.65, 45 to 60 hours per week. If interested, please fax resume to J & J Farms Ltd. (604) 8550534 located at 30860 Huntingdon Rd., Abbotsford, BC V2T 6B7.

grIn hfAUs vrkrF dI loV


kYnyz f ivWc ivËtr vIËy ‘qy afey jWt isWK igWl, 24 sflf, kWd 5’ 9” lVky leI lVkI dI loV hY» lVky df sfrf pirvfr kYnyzf ivWc sYtlz hY» sµprk- 604825-9398

krIksfeIz hOt hfAUs vfiÜaF ƒ aYlzrgrov aqy srI ivKy PuWl tfeIm jnrl grInhfAUs vYjItybl vrkrF dI lo V hY » kµ m jnvrI 2019 qoN Èur¨ ho irhf hY» qnKfh 12[65 zflr pRqI Gµtf aqy 4% holIzy pya» sµprk kroryÈm isµG (mYnyjr): 778240-7170 lVkI dI loV

lVkI dI loV jwt iswK iswDU suhxy suxwKy 5 Puwt 7 ieMc lMmy 34 sflf jrmn istIjLn lVky leI kny z f dI istIjL n , PR lVkI dI loV hY. lVkf awj kwl aYbtsPorz ivwc rYh irhf hY aqy vrk primt ‘qy kMm kr irhf hY. lVkf pMjfb ivwc kOnvYNt aYjUkytz hY aqy hotl mYnyjmYNt df kors aiDkfrI hY aqy 13 sfl qo N iew k mfihr sL Y P dy qOr qy kMm kr irhf hY. hor jfxkfrI leI Pon nM: 778-878-1501 & 778933-1469 Workers Wanted B & J Berry Farms Ltd. Requires 8 full-time employees in Abbotsford, BC. 50-60 hours/week $12.65/hour + possible bonuses. Piece rate if applicable. Duties include: weeding, tying, pruning, harvesting, digging and other farm related duties, in all weather conditions. Approx Start date: May 18, 2019. Apply at B & J Berry Farm Ltd. PO BOX 2520 STN A Abbotsford, BC V2T6R3. OR EMAIL: bandjberryfarm@gmail. com

Permanent Resident Ramgarhia Sikh, born in 1975 is looking for a suitable wife. Girl should be from a good vrkr dI loV and respectable family, presently in Canada. aYbtsPorz ivwc pIjf stor Leave message at 604- vfsqy pIjf kuwk hYlpr aqy 377-2890 lVkI dI loV iewk pIjf zilvrI zrfeIvr dI loV hY. aMgryjI afAuNdI gurisWK jWt isWK lVkf, lVkI dI loV hovy, qjLrbykfr nMU pihl Aumr 22 sfl, kWd 5’8”, kYnyzIan pI[ afr[ B.Tech E.C.E. kYnyzf rfmgVHIaf isWK, jnm idwqI jfvygI. 778-878ivËtr vIËy ‘qy afieaf 1975, leI kµinaF dI 4723 hoieaf hY, leI kYnyzIan nF dI bdlI loV hY» lVkI cµgy aqy lVkI dI loV hY» pI[ afr[, siqkfrq pirvfr nfl mYN kulvµq isµG puWqr Èfm vrk primt aqy st¨zYNts sbµDq hovy aqy kYnyzf ivc isµG vfsI ipµz mfhlf Kurd vI sµprk kr skdy hn» hovy» sµprk leI mYisj iËlf mogf ny afpxf nFa Pon: 604-751-3777 CWzo-604-377-2890 bdl ky kulvµq isµG brfV rWK ilaf hY»

Friday, January 18th, 2019

Nanny Required Required Nanny for three children. Full-time, permanent basis, $13/hr, location: Abbotsford, BC, Language: English, skills: High School & 1-2 years of experience/training. Duties: supervise & care for children, preparing and feeding meals, personal care for children, maintain safe, clean and healthy environment. Contact: sukhisidhu5130@ gmail.com

The Patrika


Friday, January 18th, 2019





SPECIALIZED IN NEW & OLD RENOVATION HOMES Tiles (Wall , & Floor Tiles, All Kinds Of Tiles) Entrance Way Tiles Kitchen (Floor & Backsplash) Kitchen Cabinet And CounterTop Full Bathroom Renovation (New & Old) Floor Lamination

tfeIlF (kMDF qy, PrsL tfeIlF, hr iksm dIaF tfeIlF ieMtryNs vy tfeIls ikcn PrsL, bYk splYsL ikcn kYbinwt, aqy kFAUtr tOp nvyN aqy purfxy bfQrUm dI pUrI rYnovysLn Plor lYmInysLn

High Quality Services at Very Reasonable Prices hr pRkfr dIaF tfielF iPks krvfAux leI sMprk kro

Spl: We Do Cabinet Installation for New or Old Houses All Kinds of Renovations Basement Washroom Kitchen Painting Plumbing

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Crown, Baseboard Door, Fireplace

HARDEEP BIRDI: 778-823-0765

TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED ¯Truck Drivers ¯Local Work Only ¯No Long Haul Wages Based Upon Experience sfnMU trwk zrfeIvr, aqy lokl kfimaF, dI loV hY| lONg hfl nhIN hY. cMgI qnKfh qjLrby anusfr idwqI jfvygI | : Please send resumes too:

Contact Jordan : 778-240-3457 E-mail : info@naforest.com | Fax: 604-850-7225 1702 Foy St, Abbotsford BC V2T6B1


The Patrika





Friday, January 18th, 2019

pMnf 32 dI bfkI QoVHf ijhf ruk ky Auh iPr bol ipaf, “sfzy irÈqydfrF ivWcoN ieWk hor ny pMjfb dy sfbkf muWK mMqrI byaMq isMG ƒ gurUaFpIrF-pYgMbrF vrgf avqfr afiKaf sI» AudoN Auhdy dyhFq mgroN Auh hrcrn isMG brfV dI bMsfvlI rtdf iPrdf sI» iek ‘buWDIjIvI’ vI sfzf irÈqydfr hY» Auh kdy akflIaF vWl clf jFdf hY, kdy kFgrs vWl» ipClI vfr jdoN Auh kFgrspury vWl afieaf qF byaMq isMG ny lfry bQyry lfey, pWly kuJ nf pfieaf» pr koeI nf, ipWCy ijhy hoeIaF È®omxI kmytI coxF ivWc tOhVy vflLy jQydfr dI syvf krky Auh bQyrI KWtI KWt igaY»” iPr iekdm moVf kWt ky kihx lWgf, “sfzy irÈqydfr iekWly srkfry-drbfry nhIN rihMdy, vWzy aÌsrF ivWc vI hn» ieho ijhy irÈqydfr supr-kOp ky[pI[aYs[ igWl dy idnF ivWc sUrj zuWbx qoN pihlF-pihlF mihMgy qoN mihMgy muWl dI Èrfb lY ky Aus dI syvf ivWc hfËr ho jFdy sn qy afpsI iËWd ivWc iek dUjy qoN aWgy lMGx dy cWkr ivWc vWzy sfhb ƒ mMjy dI QF soPy ’qy tyZf kr dyNdy sn» jdoN igWl sfihb dI CuWtI ho geI qF Auh Aus ƒ ‘isry df ÈrfbI’ qy Aus dI QF afey nvyN sfhb ƒ ‘piVHaf-iliKaf pMzq’ kih ky vizafAuNdy iPrdy sn, pr


Auhdy pfsy huMdy sfr rfqo-rfq agly nvyN sfhb dIaF PotoaF lf ky DUP dyx lWg pey sn» Auh sfry sfzy ivWcoN eI qF ny» gWl bdlx dy iKafl nflL dfs ny ikhf, “koeI nf BfgU, dunIaF qF eydF eI cWldI ey, qUM rotI vI nflLo-nflL KfeI jfh»” bVI dIngI nflL Auhny ikhf, “rotI qF pfdÈfho, mYN kdoN dI mroV dyxI sI, aOlLf qy zylf eI ipÈfb krn gey muVy nhIN»” AuhdI nËr df ipWCf kridaF dfs ƒ zMgrF dI KurlI kolL ipaf aOlLf vI idWs ipaf qy zylf vI, ijhVy Aus ny pqf nhIN kdoN aWK bcf ky ryVH idWqy sI» dfs smJ igaf ik aWj BfgU acfr nflL rotI cWbx vflLf nhIN» s®ImqI ƒ ÈWkr ilafAux leI afvfË dyx mgroN ÈrimMdgI dy aihsfs ƒ lukfAuNidaF dfs ny hOlLI ijhI puWiCaf, “qF iPr qyry qF vWzy-vWzy sky-sbMDI ny BfgU» suixaF, qyry muMzy df agly mhIny ivafh aY, EdoN sWdyNgf nf sfiraF ƒ?” Auhny moVvF jvfb idWqf, “nf srdfr, kdy nf» AUN qF Auh ‘vWzy’ ny, jy sWd ilaf qF af vI jfxgy, pr ÈrIky ivWc nWk vWiZaf jfAU quhfzy mIrËfdy df. lok kihxgy, ‘ieho ijhy’ irÈqydfr ny BfgU dy?” sux ky KuÈI hoeI dfs ƒ, ik BfgU nWk bfry eynf iÌkrmMd hY, dfs nflLoN vI iËafdf»

The Patrika


Friday, January 18th, 2019




GrF dI mihMgfeI kfrn pRiqBfsLflI lok vYnkUvr Cwzx lWgyu

jlvfXU dI mlInqf GtfAux leI klIn bI sI plYn jfrI

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The Patrika





Friday, January 4th, 2019

Another record-setting year at Abbotsford International Airport


he Abbotsford International Airport (YXX) welcomed recordbreaking passenger volumes in 2018, announced Mayor Henry Braun. A total of 842,212 passengers were serviced at YXX in 2018, which is an increase of 164,559 or 24.3 per cent year-over-year. In 2017, 677,653 passengers were serviced at YXX, which is an increase of 147,010 or 27.7 per cent year-over-year.

million terminal expansion without increasing direct or in-direct airline fees. YXX is very proud to offer one of the most competitive airport platforms in Canada. We look forward to another record-breaking year in 2019 with the addition of more domestic and international routes. Working with airlines like Swoop and others to provide our region with our more travel options, YXX is making air travel more accessible for travelers across the country.”

YXX also added 14,000 square feet of new building space to the terminal building, two additional airline gates, and doubled seating capacity in the secure area to accommodate 600 guests. YXX is also now home to four National Airlines and 2018 brought increased service from Swoop Airlines to destinations across Canada as well Henry Braun as Las Vegas Nevada, and Mazatlán and Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, also Mayor, City of Abbotsford Flair Airlines added regular service to “We are proud of our great relationship Calgary International. with Abbotsford International Airport Key to YXX’s future success is its and congratulate them on their recordongoing strategy to innovate and breaking year in 2018. Abbotsford empower the business community. continues to deliver on the promise of By using a partnership business keeping fees low and we look forward model, YXX is well-positioned for to working together to keep the costs opportunities and growth in 2019. of travel competitive for our Lower The Abbotsford International Airport Mainland and Canadian guests in continues to serve as an economic 2019.” enabler for the region, providing Brian Znotins, exciting options for travelers. Vice-President Network Planning, Quotes: Alliances and Corporate Development, “YXX one of Canada’s fastest growing Westjet airports, having just completed a $5


To learn the truth and/or participate; Visit www.erwinsinghbraich.com www.waterfrontinmissionbc.com “From day one Abbotsford has been an enthusiastic partner for Swoop. It’s no surprise that their open minded approach when working with carriers and their passion for creating a stress free, seamless airport travel experience has led to record-breaking passenger volumes. We are confident that Abbotsford will continue to deliver valuable enhancements for years to come that mutually benefit its partners like Swoop, and the people and businesses in the Lower Mainland.”

“Abbotsford International is a key economic enabler for the region. 2018 was a record year; YXX processed 842,212 passengers and several airlines introduced new domestic and Steven Greenway international routes. 2019 should be another banner year. Thank you to all President, Swoop Airlines the travelers that support the airlines “We are delighted to be a part of Abbotsford International Airport’s operating from YXX”. success story and we look forward Parm Sidhu, to being a part of their future growth Airport General Manager plans.”

The Patrika


Friday, January 18th, 2019





The Patrika




Friday, January 18th, 2019




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Friday, Jan 18, 2019

Baldev Singh Gill 

Kirandeep Singh Gill


604.825.8886 31046 SOUTHERN DRIVE

Very clean 3 storey house with a walkout basement in West Abbotsford. Heated kitchen, ensuite and a family room floors. New furnace and new central air conditioner. Roof was replaced few years ago. Close to all levels of schools, Fruiticana and Highstreet Mall. Call for more info.

3131 267A STREET


Custom built 3 storey home with 2-5-10 years warranty in West Abbotsford’s newest subdivision. 4 bedrooms upstairs with 3 full baths. One bedroom with full bathroom on main floor. Walk out basement has 3 bedrooms , 2 full bath and very spacious media room.


2300 Sq. ft. Rancher with full basement is located in a quiet dead end street. 7700 Sq. ft. flat lot. Some recent updates are: New windows, new blinds, new washer/dryer, new carpet on stairs and brand new full bath in the basement.

Over 3200 Sq. ft. home in West Abbotsford. Several upgrades including: new laminate flooring in living and family rooms, new tiles in the foyer and kitchen, brand new blinds, only 4 years old roof, a fully fenced backyard and relatively new paint. Close to Rotary stadium, W.J. Mouat Secondary and Gordie Howe Middle School.

Farm Listing 19.44 Acre Full Production 33629 Clayburn RD Blueberry Farm

11 year old 1/2 duplex with living, dining, kitchen, family room and 2 piece bath on main; 3 bedrooms and 2 full bath on upstairs. Single garage, fenced private backyard with covered patio and store. No strata fee, independent living, lot of privacy Close to elementary school.


#207 1909 SALTON ROAD



2 Bed & 1 Bath Apartment on the Main Floor with 2 parking spots. Many upgrades in past few years including: Laminate floors, white baseboards, designer paint, blinds, counter tops, white appliances, bathroom tile around tub, vanity fixtures, electrical plugs & switches! Great location viewing the private common area.

3130 267A STREET


Duke and Bluecrop varieties. Very good production for 2017 Full irrigation system and machine pick. House and Barn.

16.32 acre income producing blueberry farm. 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 1950 sqft rancher. 100x40 barn, has 2 storeys, oversized doors on both ends of barn, extra concrete slab. Peat moss, Huge potential here! Close to town and Mission Hwy.





Friday, Jan 18, 2019


Friday, Jan 18, 2019

Raman Dhillon

Personal Real Estate Corporation raman.realestate@hotmail.com | www.dinvestorsgroup.com


R E A LT Y I N C .









Call For More Info. Abbotsford




S $2895,000 Hope Silver Creek 45 20118 BEACON ROAD



Hope Silver Creek

44 20118 BEACON ROAD


Hope Silver Creek

46 20118 BEACON ROAD



Hope Silver Creek

03 20118 BEACON ROAD



Abbotsford West


D SOL Chilliwack



Investors,Developersand BuildersAlert!Property locatedinadesirableareaof WestAbbotsfordwith possibilitytobesubdivideinto 2lots.

Chilliwack 8524 FOREST GATE DRIVE

$749,700 Chilliwack 8488 FOREST GATE DRIVE

$849,000 Abbotsford





Great Location 16.44 acres Blueberry farm with beautiful Home. 7 year old Mega house 6700 SF with 10 bedroom and 8 Washrooms. 4 kitchens. Over 13 acres of land was planted in 2000 with

10 acre blueberry farm, a few minutes from town. Trade Welcome.



65 ACRES Raspberry Farm. Great Rental Income. Close to Town. Trades Welcome.

$2,499,000 35062 HARRIS ROAD High production farm, Blue crop variety, very well kept, great location with smaller house.


19 + ACRES

Raspberry Farm & BIG House!



20+ ACRES Duke & Blue Crop. High production.


Townhouse site & 7 storey apartment building site. Prime Location!

For Sale 8 Brand New HOUSES! in Promontory Area Chillwack! 2 & 3 Storey Houses Available NOW!




Pizza Place $199,000

Commercial Unit In Cedar Park Abbotsford Contact For Detail



Friday, Jan 18, 2019

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Friday, Jan 18, 2019



dIp iFloN 604.832.0480


Ph: 604-864-0666 • Fax: 604-864-0668 Toll Free: 1-866-967-0666

Call Today for your Free Market Evaluation!

#110- 30485 Cardinal Avenue, Abbotsford BC V4X 2M9


3789 Coachstone Way, 3363 Horn St Abbotsford Abbotsford Creekstone on the Park". Well-kept Custom built 2 storey w/walk-out basement backing onto green space. Very private setting. Many updates. 3 bedrooms up, 1 bedroom in the bsmt and den on main. home features 4 gas fireplaces, granite countertops, S/S appliances in the kitchen, hardwood floor on main and 2nd floor. W/O basement has 4th bedroom, rec room with marble decorated wet bar, theater room and sauna in the basement.

MILLION DOLLAR MOUNT BAKER VIEW CENTRAL Location, view, You can have it all! It offers Blueberry, panoramic views of mountains. Impressive 4799 sq.ft. mansion is located on 8.5 acres Planted Duke, 4 yrs old plants. Covered sundeck, spectacular bedrooms with Ensuites.

$ 1,899,000

3 SOLD ONE AVAILABLE Townhouse Legal Suite close to Baba Banda 407 31771 13505 62 Ave Singh Peardonville Rd Surrey Abbotsford Bahadur This home has 2 spacious Gurdwara bedrooms, 2 baths, living area, good size kitchen and dining space Penthouse. Lots of updates include new laminate flooring, fresh paint, newer roof and much more. The building has been very well maintainedwell managed.

$ 349,000



$ 599,000 For more info please call Deep or Harjinder

property into two RF lots

6757 134A St 33394 Hawthorne Ave Abbotsford Surrey Totally renovated gem located in quite and central location of West Newton. This 2700 sq.ft home features two and one bedrooms suites as great mortgage helper. Upgrades include new roof, furnace, hot water tank, flooring, kitchens, washroom , appliances and windows. big lot 66 by 122.

$ 1,250,000 $ 1,049,000

70 x 115 Rancher

Mainly Landvalue

$ 619,000



Friday, Jan 18, 2019 MLS TOP 10%

Jag S Sidhu Personal Real Estate Corporation

Listing Needed Call Jag

#110 - 30485 Cardinal Ave Abbotsford, BC V2T0E5

Phone: 604.625.2245 Fax: 604.625.2249 Toll Free: 1.866.967.0666

Call Gurcharan or Jag for your FREE no obligation Market Evaluation


New listing on Upper Maclure 6 bedrooms 5 bath recroom call jag 32277 PEARDONVILLE RD

This home is centrally located in West Abbotsford, close to schools, shopping and parks. OVER 12000 SF Large lot, that can be subdivided into 2 lots that would be over 6000 sqft each. Build your dream home and sell the lot beside you or hold the property


2 lot approval. Documents are available from seller once accepted offer and you can verify with the city of Abbotsford prior to making any offer for final approval of 2 lots. Close to French Immersion Elementary school, Stadium, Bus and recreation. Call Gur Dhillon

3510 Promontory crt

West Abby. 3 story 5 bedrooms up den on main two bedroom legal suite and a Rec room for owner use.





West Abbotsford on firhill dr, 26 year old house 5 bedroom 3 bath family room, recroom legal suite close to all levels of school Call Gur Dhillon

30966 Brookdale Crt

Abbotsford near gurdwara on 30658 steelhead crt. 4 bedroom den(5th) bedroom legal suite clean cul-de-sac!!

34041 Wavell Lane, Abbotsford It is a two bedroom house, close to Wal-Mart and freeway. It is rented for $950 per month. It is hard to find in this price in Abbotsford area, demolish it and make a new house. No sign on property.

New listing near all levels of schools, gurdwara shaib, fully renovated home 3 bedroom family room and great room up 1 suite and huge theater room for owner use with bar!!

Unit 40 - 31255 Upper Maclure Road

THE GABLES, a family friendly community! A well maintained family home and complex. 4 Bdrms, 3 FULL baths, BIG rec-room, LARGE balcony and DOUBLE garage. Prime location, walking distance to Fruiticana Grocery Store, Eugene Reimer Middle School,Highstreet mall and easy access to highway.


In Maple Ridge Green Belt Call for more detail

214500 Morris Valley Rd Off hwy 7 East Mission

5 Acres

2 bdrm + extra with private fenced yard with patio, extra parking/long driveway to a detached 20 x 5 garage/room. New roof & appliances.close to public transit/school, shopping

#30 - 31098 Westridge Pl 2 Bedroom Townhouse

KETCH PLACE 4 BEDRM HOUSE single garage 700,00 sq feet





2151 Meadows St. Great Location & Big Lot !Spacious Rancher with over 2600 sq ft of living space; 8300 sq. ft lot with a fenced back yard. In a quiet neighborhood, close to schools,Mill lake park, shopping and close freeway access.Three bedrooms up with two down along with large rec-room, full bathroom and large storage room. A new patio deck will help you enjoy this west facing back yard. Sevral Updates Include New roof, vinyl windows, New Paint, New Furnace & water tank, Updates Bathrooms. A truly great family home. Call today to View......

$ 759,000



2060 Broadway Street



Personal Real Estate Corporation


iksy vI qrHF dI pRfprtI KRIdx jF vycx leI suwK mwlI nflL sMprk kro TIN

Blueberry Farm West Abbotsford with a house. Good production Blueberry BlueCrop & Duke Variety call for more info

Sukh Malhi

604.832.6034 LIS

New listing hitting the market this week. West Abby 3420 Headwater pl!!8 bedroom 9 bath, spice kitchen, radiant heat, high ceilings, A/C and generator ready. 2 suites, recroom/ theatre room/bar walking distance to schools!!

3 Lot LEFT Subdivision


3 story 7 bedroom and 8 bath with great views!!

Sold 8 plus acres on hope rd in Abbotsford with 6500sqft home


31031 Southern Drive Amazing West Abbotsford home On a Corner Lot, offering 5 Bedrooms and 3 Baths. Large Double Garage and lots of parking . Recent upgrades include New paint,New Floors,Blinds & Kitchen Counter top.Close to all levels of schools & Grocery Stores . Don't forget the new Highstreet Mall is just blocks away! 3 bedrooms upstairs Great value & a great location. Patio area to enjoy the private backyard. This is the perfect home! Walking distance to shopping, transit and parks. Call today to View......


32173 Mouat Drive Great location!Investor or First time buyer alert. Just Steps Away from all levels of Schools. This home located on Quiet cul-desac! This 4 bdrm/2 bath home has legal suite. This home needs TLC - Either bring it back to its former glory or build your dream home here.

$ 799,000



124 3160 Townline Rd.

Office 604.855.0800

$ 729,000



52 31098 Westridge Place



315-2962 Trethewey Street

3106 Mouat Drive

Super bright and spacious unit in the popular Cascade Green complex. With 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, you'll love the modern feel and open plan. New Carpet, New paint, New Granite Counter tops newer lighting fixtures. Huge covered deck, in-suite laundry with lots of storage, walk-in closet in master, 3 pc ensuite with stand-up shower, QUIET LOCATION IN THE COMPLEX, the list goes on! One parking stall with additional spots available, pets allowed with restrictions.

Great location! Just Steps Away from both Schools. Simply gorgeous home located on large corner lot with gated RV parking! This 5 bdrm/3 bath home! This home sits on 6550 Sq ft of land. Some of the Updates new roof, new laminate floor downstairs, new paint, Large sundeck over double garage.

Call today to View......

$ 299,000



31914 Hopedale Ave

$ 779,000



99 3030 Trethewey St.


Friday, Jan 18, 2019

RESIDENTIAL | www.veermalhi.com Near Sikh Temple LD


3088 Princess st




2108 Vinewood st



$679,800 32372 Alpine ave, 5 bedroom, 2.5 bathrooms, 7738 sqft lot


2 Storey With Bsmt 5 Bdrm, 3.5 Bath Recroom & Bsmt Suite

44-31255 Upper Maclure 32043 Tims Avenue 32827 Hardwood place

House on 2 legal lots 12798 sqft

12240 sqft lot Duplex

2095 Beaver St

11-33682 Marshall rd 403-33960 Old Yale Road

34118 Larch Street 32107 Clinton Ave 2411 Adelaide st 122-2515 Park dr 2994 Eastview street

FARMS | www.buyandsellfarms.com LD

5.08 acres


20 Acres

12 Acres

10 Acres

planted in blueberries flat rectangluar parcel build your dream home 5 min from abbotsford centre

28218 Layman ave, Abbotsford 2 homes on 5 acres 2 acres in blueberries Near Abbotsford, Aldergrove



19.5 Acres

Sumas Prairie, Abbotsford Flat fertile land Plant berries or other crops Near no. 3 rd exit

10 Acres

$2,299,000 565 MARION RD, ABBOTSFORD New listing Build your dream home Sumas prairie Drip irreg Duke & Elliot Variety

40721 No. 1 Rd, Abbotsford 12 Acres bare land 3 Bedroom hous



BEHARREL RD, ABBOTSFORD Planted In Blueberries Flat Rectangular Parcel Build Your Dream Home 5 Min From Abbotsford downtown



25.39 Acres



Full production blueberry 5 bedroom house (2012 built) near no. 3 rd exit


MISSION Good location Planted in Blueberries 2 bedroom house

10 mins from sumas way


10 Acres



69.29 Acres


32425 King Road..............................5 Acres 1723 Jackson Street.........................Appx 5 Acres 28028 layman avenue .....................Appx 5 Acres 6230 riverside street.........................Appx 5 Acres

6113 Beharrell Road..............................Appx 10 Acres 7.09 acres lot B Haverman ...................Appx 7 Acres 5111 Tolmie road................................... Appx 8 Acres 14627 Dixon road ..................................Appx 30 Acres




Friday, Jan 18, 2019

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