February 15, 2019

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The Patrika 604.852.2288 | “ B R I D G I N G

COMMUNITIES” Weekly | Friday Feb 15th, 2019 | Vol.23. No.21 | www.patrika.ca/e-newspaper | e:info@patrika.ca

inrpwK, suqMqr aqy agFhvDU soc nMU prnfieaf hoieaf A SECULAR, INDEPENDENT & PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER Flag Day, is observed annually on February 15 to commemorate the inauguration of the Flag of Canada on that date in 1965. The day is marked by flying the flag, occasional public ceremonies, and educational programs in schools.

Feb. 15th – National Flag Day

Amid much controversy, the Maple Leaf flag replaced the Canadian Red Ensign, which had been, with various successive alterations, in conventional use as a Canadian National Flag since 1868. The flag, designed by George Stanley, was proclaimed by Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, on January 28, 1965, and took effect “upon, from and after” February 15.

Introducing The Abbotsford Police Community Page : See Page 12 For Weekly Press Releases And Community Safety Tips pysL krdy hF aYbtsPorz pulIs kimAUintI pyj ijwQoN qusIN hr hPqy pulIs vloN idwqIaF geIaF sUcnfvF aqy pRYs rlIjLF pVH skdy ho| ies hPqy vyKo pMnHf 12

AvrsIjL afto bfzI sLfp aYbtsPLorz



2342 windor st. Abbotsford


The Patrika





itAUn aWp, brykF, aYgjLfst, PrMt aYWz vrk, ieMjn irpyarjL, klWc, vftr pMp, trYnI srivs, XU- jfieMtjL, PrMt aYksl sLfPtjL afid

Repair Shop E`p dI k`r j~ ip@kE@p dI hryk qrH~ dI mkYnIkl sm@isE` d` h@l qs@lIbKS kMm r`hIN kIq` j~d` hY! Looking for a 3rd or 4th year Mechanic!


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Friday, February 15th, 2019

The Patrika


Friday, February 15th, 2019




ICBC CLAIMS afeI.sI.bI.sI dy dfavy

trfiel smyq asIN quhfzy Gr afky vI srivs idMdy hF




trfiel smyq

33222 Elz Xyl roz,aYbtsPorz, bI.sI. imlx leI apufieMtmYNt jLrUrI hY

isrP aYbtsPorz rihx vfilaF leI puwCigwC



The Patrika




Friday, February 15th, 2019


sMpfdkI sMsfrI AuWnqI dy rfjLF dI gwl kridaF dunIaF dy mhfn sfihqkfr qy buwDIjIvI Eleanor Roosevelt ilKdy hn The future belongs to those, who believe in the beauty of their dreams. eyQy gwl supn sMsfr dI kIqI hY, Bfv supny hI sMsfrk qrwkIaF dI kuMjI hn. supny bVIaF hI rOickqf aqy romFs BrIaF kQfvF huMdy hn. supinaF dIaF iksmF qF bhuq hn pr motIaF do hI hn. iewk Auh ijs ivwc sfnUM suwiqaF nUM supny afAuNdy hn qy dUjy Auh jo sfnUM suwiqaF vI afAuNdy hn qy jfgidaF vI. asIN dUjI iksm dy supinaF dI crcf krFgy.

hn. ienHF qoN Bfv koeI Xojnf GVnf, koeI pRogrfm AulIkxf, koeI insLfnf imQxf, kuwJ nvF kr ivKfAuxf, kuwJ anoKf krnf, kuwJ ajIb krnf qy kuwJ alwg krnf huMdf hY. supnf qF iewk Jlk hI idKfAuNdf hY qy prfxI ies Jlkfry nUM iewk projYkt dy qOr qy hMZfAuNdy hn qy ies nUM amlI jfmf pihnfAuNdy hn. aml ivwc ilafAux leI keI PYktr kMm krdy hn. ijvyN iksy mMqrI, bxn df supnf ilaf hovy qF Aus nUM bhuq hI ipafry smfijk sbMDF dI loV hY, bhuq Dn dI loV hY, isafsI sUJF dI loV hY, Xogqf dI loV hY, hfr jfx qy hfr dI swt Jwl skx dI smrwQf dI loV hY.

ienHF supinaF df sbMD sirsLtI dI sLurUafq iesy hI supny ny dysL qoN prdysL idKfey hn qoN lY ky inrMqr awj nfl juiVaf hoieaf qy sMsfrk qrwkI dy awj dy idn idKfey hY qy cVHn vfly kwlH df afgfjL leI bYTy hn. ivwidaf, sfieMs, mYzIkl qy mkYnIkl

bfdsLfhF qoN BIK mMgFvdf ey.” Kyqr, KojF, koml klfvF qy mnprcfvy ienHF supinaF dI hI dyx hn. ieh ivsLf bVf lMmf cOVf, zUMGf aqy AuWcf hY. asIN qF afp jI so nqIjf ieh inkldf hY ik asIN suwqy vI qy jfgdy vI supny leIey qy AunHF dI pUrqI leI qIk iewk Jlk hI pysL kIqI hY. hMBly mfrIey, ienHF leI sfnUM sfDn, isrV, ieh supny curfsI lwK jUn ivwc ibrfjmfn isdk, sMXog, sumwq, shUlq, sMklp, ishq hn. hr prfxI cMgf mMdf supnf lY ky hI Aus nUM isrjx leI qurdf hY. ienHF dIaF qy syD dI loV hY. pRfpqIaF iswDIaF vI ho skdIaF hn qy afvo afpF vI koeI supn sMsfr AusfrIey, puwTIaF vI-ienHF AuWpr vI koeI srbsLkqI rfj krdI hY. qF hI pMjfbI dy mhfn kvI sMsfr mMzlIN lMmI AuWcI AuzfrI mfrIey, sLfh muhMmd ies dohry vrqfry df ijLkr iksmq qy rwK zorIaF, nf BrmIN byVy qfrIey, ieMJ krdy hn:jo kr ilaf Cfvf,Cy[[hux hor hMBlf mfrIey “jdoN krm svwlVy afx hovx, Kyq jMmdy BwuijaF dfixaF dy…

DMnvfd sihq,

sLfh muhMmdf Es qoN sdf zrIey,

sMpfdkI mMzl

PYimlI zy aqy vYilntfeIn zy

pRo: surjIq isMG bDysLf

ikAuN nf BYVy ikrdfrF df awj Bog hI pfeIey

iewk Psy hoey gwzy nUM vI pfr lY jfeIey

prym hI pRB hY, jLfhrf jwg hY, kOx kry ienkfr?

afvo ik afpF sfry PYimlI zy mnfeIey

afvo afpF sfry vYilntfeIn mnfeIey

jy asIN pRym ndI ivwc vhIey huMdy byVy pfr

suhxf, Bwdf, gorf kflLf kudrq dIaF dyxf

afvo rlL imlL sfry iewk krIey qhweIaf

afvo afpF vI sfry prym dy sohly gfeIey

bdsUrqI qy grIbI nf koeI bxdf myhxf

hr nr nfrI dI rUh ivwc vsy BfeI knHeIaf

awj hY vYilntfeIn afE afpF nwcIey gfeIey

ijs dy hwQ ivwc zor Aus pwq ivhnf

hr koeI nwcy nfc qy gfvy QeIaf QeIaf

gOz iejL lv aYNz lv iejL gOz

afvo sfry rlL ky sFJy nfc ncfeIey

jo nhIN sfqoN ho sikaf Auh kr idKfeIey

bfkI sB jo idsdf hY inrf iPrOz

afvoN afpF vI vYilntfeIn mnfeIey

Aus dy hwQ sB qfkqF kI eIvn kI aOz

irsLqydfrF XfrF imwqrF nflL msqIaF krIey

84 lwK jUnf’c dyKo Esy rfs rsfeI ey

mnBfAuNdy KfeIey Kfxy qy sFJy Gwut BrIey

afvo afpF vI sfry PYimlI zy mnfeIey

nwcIey, gfeIey, BMgVy pfeIey qy bwkry bulfeIey

jy qUM akl lqIP qF kflLy ilK nf lyK

afvo afpF vI PYmlI zy mnfeIey

afpnVy igrIvfn mih isr nIvF kr dyK

iekwTy bYTIey Gr dy sB mYNbr qy irsLqydfr

guwsf mfr kr Blf hr iewk df sB brkqF pYrF hyT

Guwt Guwt lfeIey, luqP hMZfeIey sfrf pirvfr

sFJy nfc nwcIey sfry gIq mhuwbqI gfeIey

bwcy nwcx, ikwklIaF hwsx, vfsf kry nvIN bhfr

afvo iPr afpF sfry vYilntfeIn mnfeIey

bjLurgF dIaF sKLq imhnqF dy qrfny gfeIey

rfjn kI jnnI hY, nhIN pYr dI juwqI

afvo afpF vI vYilntfeIn mnfeIey

pRB hY prym ipafr, qUM sux myry Xfr

ieh hY irsLiqaF dI gMZ, ijwmyvfrIaF dI pMz jgfvo jLmIr bfhroN aOny kMm kr ky vy mMjf idl dy cbfry ivwc zfhvF suwqI imwTf imwTf hws bol ky vy qyrf Qwikaf mYN mn prcfvF

afvo afpF vI sfry PYmlI zy mnfeIey qohPy deIey, igPtF leIey hfisaF dIaF vI isLPtF leIey iewk dUjy dy bx ky rhIey ipafr ndI ivwc qfrIaF lfeIey afvo afpF sfry vYilntfeIn mnfeIey Cwz burfeIaF bxIeyN cMgy iewk hoeIey sB rMg brMgy jfeIey iewk hI rMg ivwc rMgy aMbrIN sqrMgI iewk pING cVHfeIey afvo afpF vI PYmlI zy mnfeIey

blfq shy, jLbr jLulmF ny mfrI qy vwZI tuwkI

kOx afKU hOldfrnI vy af jfvIN nf quVf ky nfvF

surjIq inmfxf kmlLIaF mfry

eys Drq qy eys qoN BuwlF bKsLfeIey

afvo ies dI BgqI df bxdf muwl pfeIey

cMgy ikhVy kIqy Aus kfry

afvo ik mF dI hoNd nUM sB sIs JukfeIey

afvo afpF vI sfry PYmlI zy mnfeIey

glIN bfqIN buwqy sfry

dUeI dvYq qy cuglI inMidaf axmnuwKI kfry

qusF ies DrqI qy afx ky kIqy kMm vwzy

clo Aus nUM vI cMgI mwq dy afeIey

vYr, eIrKF, hyrf PyrIaF psLUaF ivcfry

idsdf nhIN koeI rfh ijwQy nhIN JMzy gwzy

afvo afpF vI vYilntfeIn mnfeIey

lwBo eys sB kuwJ ny ikhVy kfj svfry?

qusIN cVH gey CflF mfrdy ijwQoN lokF idl Cwzy

afvo sfry rlL ky PYmlI zy mnfeIey


The Patrika


Friday, February 15th, 2019




Steering clear of danger when driving with children (NC) Travelling by car when road conditions are less than ideal is a reality for Canadians. Rain, snow, sleet or fog can turn running a typical errand with the kids into a stressful drive.

(NC) The onset of colder temperatures and poor weather conditions bring about many challenges for drivers, including a negative impact on a car’s fuel economy. While gas may be an unavoidable expense at this time of year, here are some tips and tricks you can apply to get the most mileage out of every drop of fuel.

smooth, gentle pressure when getting up to speed.

“When it comes to fuel consumption, more important than what you drive is how you drive,” explains Michael Bettencourt, managing editor at Autotrader.ca. “A little preparation and foresight can go a long way in setting yourself up for some great savings at the pumps.”

Watch your weight. Remove heavy items from your vehicle, including ski or luggage racks when not in use to improve aerodynamics and reduce drag.

Curb unnecessary braking and pedal power. When driving, read the road and gauge the traffic ahead to keep momentimeters (5 inches) of extra legroom, tum and avoid needless deceleration. allowing children to ride safely rear- Aggressive acceleration can also eat facing longer. Find more information up a lot of fuel, so be mindful of how at www.gracobaby.ca. hard your engine is working and apply

Team effort. Carpooling is a great way to stretch your budget by splitting fuel costs and as a bonus, it gives you access to HOV lanes for a smoother ride.

A recent survey of Canadian parents found that over half of them worry about driving during bad weather when traveling by car with children. Here are some tips to help you feel more ensure your seat is installed correctly confident behind the wheel — in all and your child is securely harnessed. conditions. Caregivers can also work with certified Keep children rear-facing as long as car seat technicians who host clinics possible. Nationally, 39 per cent of across the country to review the instalparents polled believes the best time lation and use of their car seat. to move a child from a rear-facing to Find a seat that’s right for you. While forward-facing car seat is when the some parents worry about the comfort child weighs more than 40 pounds. of a rear-facing car seat, some options Transport Canada states that children offer added flexibility and safety. Try are the safest rear-facing car as long as Graco’s Extend2Fit Convertible Car they are still below the seat’s weight Seat, which features a four-position and height restrictions. extension panel that provides 12.7 cenMake sure it is installed properly. Always be sure to reference the manufacturer’s installation guidelines and Transport Canada recommendations to

jdoN do mMijafˆ nUM joV spIkr lwgdy sI ÈmÈyr isMG sohI

ijwQy awj dy smyˆ ivwc lok ivafhfˆ ÈfdIafˆ mOky mYirj pYlysfˆ jfˆ Grfˆ ivwc zI[jy[ lgf ky nwc twp ky qy BMgVy pf ky ivafh dIafˆ KuÈIafˆ mnfAuNdy hn. AuWQy lMGy vyilafˆ ivwc ivafh vfly Gr ivwc koTy `qy do mMijafˆ nUM puwTy lot KVHy kr ky pfivafˆ nfl bMnH ky spIkr lfieaf jfˆdf sI. awj dy rOly rwpy qoN rihq Aus smyˆ spIkr vflf bMdf jdoN gRfmoPon mÈIn `qy lgfAuNdf sI qfˆ ivafh vfly Gr ivwc iewk vwKrf mfhOl isrj idMdf sI. AunHfˆ simafˆ ivwc afs pfs dy ielfky ivwc tfˆvf twlf hI spIkr vflf huMdf sI. spIkr vflf dUr df sPr qYa krdf hoieaf gwzy `qy jfˆ sfeIkl `qy sMdUk, mÈIn, aYˆplIPfier, irkfrz, bYtrIafˆ qy hor sfjo sfmfn lwd ky ivafh vfly Gr keI idn pihlfˆ hI phuMc jfˆdf sI. ipMz vfilafˆ nUM spIkr suxn df cfa ieMnf iËafdf huMdf sI ik ivafh qoN keI idn pihlfˆ hI Auh afpxf sfrf kMm kfr mukf lYˆdy sn. Byzfˆ dy afjVHI Aus ipMz dI hwd ivwc hI Byzfˆ cfrdy sn ijwQy spIkr lwgxf huMdf sI. ivafh vfly Gr ivwc spIkr

5 ways to improve your car’s fuel economy and save money

vfly nUM pYsy dy ky vfro vfrI afpxf-afpxf psMdIdf gIq lgvfieaf jfˆdf sI qy bVy ipafr siqkfr nfl sfry rl ky suxdy sn. AudoN awj vfˆg zI[jI[ `qy gIq lfAux `qy lVfeI nhIN sI huMdI. ijs spIkr vfly nUM ivafh dIafˆ rsmfˆ muqfibk gIq lgfAux df igafn sI, Aus df ivafh vfly Gr bhuq siqkfr kIqf jfˆdf sI. Gr vfly spIkr vfly dI pUrI afE Bgq krn dy nfl nfl pRogrfm Kqm hox `qy Aus nUM kwpVy qy pwg vI dy idMdy sn. hux pihly simafˆ vfˆg ivafh dy mOky spIkr nhIN vwjdy. hux ivafh ÈfdIafˆ `qy spIkr dI Qfˆ kMn pfVvIN afvfË vfly zI[jy[ isstm ny lY leI hY. ijwQy AuWcI afvfË ivwc Bfvyˆ koeI vI gIq lwg jfvy hr koeI nwcygf ËrUr. AunHfˆ simafˆ ivwc Gr Bfvyˆ kwcy sn, pr lokfˆ ivwc afpsI ipafr bhuq iËafdf sI. spIkr vflf jdoN mÈIn `qy jnm qoN mrn qwk hr rsm muqfibk gIq vjfAuNdf sI qfˆ lokfˆ ivclI afpsI sfˆJ hor gUVHI krdf sI.

Avoid idling. Avoid idling when possible. Once you have adequate visibility, the best way to warm your vehicle it to drive it. Make sure you turn off the engine when parked, and skip the drive thru.

Where rubber meets road. Ensure tires have adequate tread depth and are properly inflated, as under-inflated tires use more fuel.

Find more information at www.autotrader.ca/newsfeatures.

roˆdI DI pMjfb dI blvMq srfˆ mwdoky

mYM loko DI pMjfb dI,

vy AucIafˆ dfsqfˆ vfilE.

awj roˆdI jLfro-jLfr.

vy vIro ihÌfjLqfˆ vfilE.

koeI pq myrI nMU rolLdf,

bfˆh cuwk ky koeI bol `po,

koeI DI dI lY lE sfr.

jy hY koeI Êm-Éfr.

vy rfijE rfjfˆ vfilE.

myrI kfieafˆ lhU luhfn.

vy AWuicafˆ qfjfˆ vfilE.

ik lgy ByVIey mYˆnMU Kfx.

vy kuMZIafˆ muwCfˆ vfilE.

vy myrI muwTI dy ivc jfn.

vy AucIafˆ puwCfˆ vfilE.

ik iensfn hoieafˆ hYvfn.

QozI DI curfhy rulL rhI,

sI icVI qVp ky mr rhI,

koeI DI dI suxoˆ pukfr.

pey hwsI jfx Êvfr.

QozI DI mYˆ Drmfˆ vfilE.

vy mYˆ KVIH vhfvfˆ nIr.

QozI DI mYˆ Èrmfˆ vfilE.

myry isr cuMnI lIro lIr.

QozI DI mYˆ klmfˆ vfilE.

hY koeI puwq pMjfb df ?

QozI DI mYˆ krmfˆ vfilE.

jo dyvy iKHwc lkIr.

myry qn dy kwpVy pft `gy,

luwtI DI dI pwq df-

myrf jfmfˆ hieaf lMgfr.

jo dyvy krjL Auqfr.

vy vIro irafsqfˆ vfilE.

mYˆ loko DI pMjfb dI,

vy vIro isafsqfˆ vfilE.

awj roˆdI jLfro-jLfr. PAGE 5

The Patrika





Friday, February 15th, 2019

Family Day Extravaganza at The Reach kicks off Heritage Week!


ring the entire family to a fun, FREE Family Day Extravaganza at The Reach Gallery Museum on Sunday, February 17, 2019 from 1-4pm! During this BC Family Day weekend celebration, children, parents and grandparents can participate in a variety of arts and heritage hands-on activities, hear and share precious family stories, learn about artifacts that tell our community’s stories, plus enjoy entertainment and favorite refreshments.

1-4pm at The Reach, 32388 Veterans Way, and is supported by the Province of British Columbia. Sunday Family Arts activities are sponsored by Prospera Credit Union. Following the Family Day Extravaganza, Heritage Week at The Reach features a free C3 (Culture, Coffee + Cookies) presentation on Wednesday, February 20 at 10:30am with Kris Foulds on The Draining of Sumas Lake, which ranks among the largest earth moving projects in Canada’s history. Also, on Saturday, February 23 from 1pm-4:30pm, award winning literary figure Philip Sherwood leads Part 1 of his 2-part Life Writing Workshop. Seats are still available for this workshop, which will appeal to anyone who wants to write their life story or their family history.

“This is also a kick-off to Heritage Week, which is from February 18 to 24. Since we’re home to the national award-winning museum exhibition Voices of the Valley, we want to invite everyone to take a tour and get involved in other activities on Sunday of the Family Day long weekend” explains Anna Williams, Curator of Learning and Community Engagement. Finally, if all this heritage has made Kris Foulds, Curator of Historical you thirsty and you want to support Collections and spellbinding story- The Reach and local business, the new teller, will regale you with fascinating, Trading Post Eatery at 3058 Gladwin sometimes funny, and always insightful Road will generously donate $1.00 stories about Abbotsford’s past using from every 16oz. Rye Amber Ale sold objects from The Reach’s collections. at their Abbotsford location during Families can also take part in a How to Heritage Week (February 18 to 24) Create Your Own Family Tree art proj- to The Reach’s history and archives ect, where they will be guided through programs. investigating, sharing and recording For more details on the Family Day your family’s history. Extravaganza and other Reach Heritage The Family Day Extravaganza at takes Week programs go to: www.thereach. place on Sunday, February 17 from ca.

Guilt-free, chocolate chip cookies (NC) There is nothing better than Directions: eating guilt-free comfort foods. This Preheat oven to specified temperature chocolate chip cookie recipe is just the on package directions. treat you’ve been looking for. Combine all ingredients in mixing Healthy Chocolate Chip Cookies bowl. Beat well until soft dough forms. Makes: 36 cookies Drop by teaspoons two inches apart Ingredients:

onto ungreased cookie sheet. Bake according to cookie package directions.

1 (17.5 oz.) package chocolate chip Remove from oven and let cool for cookie mix around 10 minutes before removing ½ cup margarine, soft from cookie sheet. 1 egg Nutritional information per two cook2 tbsp water ies: calories 182, protein 2.5 g, carbo1 (2.08 oz.) package AdvoCare vanilla hydrates 22 g, dietary fibre 2 g, sugar 12 g, fat 3.5 g, sodium 104 mg. meal replacement shake powder


The Patrika


Friday, February 15th, 2019




Winter weather conditions – community updates Recent winds and sub-zero temperatures have impacted roads, parks, and electricity across Abbotsford. All City parks and trails have been temporarily closed due to current weather conditions. Residents are reminded to use caution in icy conditions and to refrain from ice skating and/or walking on frozen ponds and lakes as it is extremely hazardous.

lometers of roadways, usually local roadways, not identified as first and second priority.

First priority roads are maintained until conditions are under control and safe, subject to worker and equipment availability and weather. Once these roads are cleared, resources are redirected to second priority routes and then to third priority routes. The City of Abbotsford Road crews have been sanding & salt- maintains and manages approximately ing and are continuing throughout the 910 km of paved roadways across the day today. Roads are classified into community. three priorities: The following shelters will be provid•First Priority Roadways: includes ing additional shelter spaces during the approximately 350 kilometers of all extreme winter weather. high volume and strategic arterial and • Salvation Army, 34081 Gladys Avcollector roads which includes transit enue, Abbotsford routes, school zones and major access • Gateway Church, 2884 Abbotsford to hillside areas. Mission Highway, Abbotsford •Second Priority Roadways: includes approximately 170 kilometers of the • The Warm Zone (adult females), remaining arterial, hillside and collec- 33264 Old Yale Road, Abbotsford tor routes. To arrange outreach and/or transporta•Third Priority Roadways: includes tion, please call the Cyrus Centre at the remaining approximately 390 ki- 604-859-5773

Learn to Write Your Life Story at The Reach Fraser Valley residents who wish to write their life stories or family histories can kick-start the process at two lifewriting sessions (1-4:30pm) on February 23 and March 2, 2019 at The Reach Gallery Museum in Abbotsford. Participants will identify strategies for completing the four-step writing process, explore the principles and best practices of creative non-fiction, and gain insights into thorny issues such as how much truth to tell and dealing with trauma. The seminar will be instructed by local writer/editor Philip Sherwood. Cost is $95 with a 10% discount for Reach Friends. “We have held two information sessions on lifewriting that have been well attended,” says Anna Williams, Curator of Learning and Community Engagement at The Reach. “It’s clear that many people want to write their stories, and this seminar equips them with the necessary skills to get going.”

Williams emphasizes that registration is required and can be completed online at thereach.ca, by phone at 604.864.8087 (ext. 0), or in person at The Reach, 32388 Veterans Way. A course outline is also available on The Reach’s website. Philip Sherwood’s company lifewriters.ca specialises in helping individuals, families, organisations, and communities tell and preserve their stories in book form. Sherwood has twice been awarded the Abbotsford Arts Council Arty Award for Literary Merit. The Reach Gallery Museum will offer two more workshops for lifewriters and family historians this spring. A session on book and cover design and selfpublishing will be held on March 9, and a seminar on interviewing skills is scheduled for March 16. Both sessions run 1-4pm. For more information, visit thereach.ca or call The Reach.


The Patrika





Friday, February 15th, 2019

Stranded in your car in the winter? What to do. (NC) As a Canadian driver, chances are you’ve thought about what would happen if you ever got stuck on the side of the road in a snowstorm. The dreaded fear of your vehicle breaking down in -20°C weather is enough to make any of us weary of what’s to come this winter. Fortunately, these tips can help make things a bit easier in a worst-case scenario.

what route you’re taking and your expected arrival time. This way, if something goes wrong, someone will know where you might be stuck. If you do end up facing car troubles, let other drivers know you need help. There’s no harm in writing “help” on your snow-covered windshield.

Call for roadside assistance. A good insurance provider, like Belairdirect, offers a roadside assistance program that allows you to make four service calls per insurance year, regardless of who is driving the insured vehicle. Stay in your car. One of the biggest This can be especially helpful during livering gas (up to 10 litres), towing mistakes you can make is walking the cold winter months. It includes (up to 50 km) and boosting batteries. away from your car. If it’s cold out, changing tires, unlocking doors, de- Find more information at belairdirect. you are unfamiliar with where you’re com. going and visibility is low, you put yourself in danger of being hit by another vehicle. You can also become severely injured from frostbite, as it only takes 10 to 15 minutes for hypothermia to set in when temperatures are below freezing. Roadside assistance operators will find you if you stay in your vehicle.

Use your emergency kit. Packing an emergency road kit is crucial. You can pick up all the supplies for your kit yourself. You’ll need ice scrapers, jumper cables, road flares, a flashlight, blankets, matches/candles, bottled water, dry food and a small first aid kit. Although it might seem like a lot to pack, these items could potentially save your life or help you avoid being stranded longer than Run your car. It might seem like a needed. waste of fuel, but by only running your vehicle for 10 minutes every Let people know you’re driving. If hour, you can still conserve fuel while you must venture out in a winter staying warm. Be sure to also check storm, tell someone you’re leaving, if the exhaust pipe is clear of snow to



keep carbon monoxide from entering the vehicle.

The Patrika


Friday, February 15th, 2019





The Patrika




Friday, February 15th, 2019


Top 3 money lessons to teach your kids Shop online securely. Depending on their age, your child may already be doing some shopping online, even if it’s just buying a new character or setting in an app or video game. Educate them on the importance of using a secure connection – like their home Wi-Fi or cellphone data – as well as setting strong passwords Protect your information. Bank accounts and credit and checking with a trusted adult to make sure it’s safe. cards are vulnerable to hacking and identity theft, especially in our digital age. In fact, every year, thousands of Trust your instincts. Part of understanding the value of Canadians lose millions of dollars to fraudsters. Teach money is being able to spot a great deal. But shocking your children to never provide their personal or financial offers, unbelievable discounts and unreal rates may siginformation over the phone, via text message, email or nal that the offer isn't quite what it seems. Ridiculously low prices usually equal cheap products or counterfeit the internet when someone asks for it unsolicited. (NC) We all want our kids to be safe, happy, healthy and successful. One critical way to help them have a great future is to teach them about finances and how to take care of their money and savings. Here are three lessons experts recommend sharing with your kids.

goods. Free offers may require providing your credit card for shipping. Small tactics like these can lead to big profits for scammers, so it pays to trust your instincts – anything that sounds too good to be true usually is. Find more information at www.competitionbureau.gc.ca/fraud.



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The Patrika


Friday, February 15th, 2019





Dhami Narang & Company LLP (“DNC Lawyers”) was established in 2010 by Rajan Dhami and Amrik Narang. With the help of our valued clients, DNC Lawyers has now grown into a mid-sized law rm with of ces in Abbotsford and Surrey, British Columbia. To serve our clients best, DNC Lawyers has an experienced team of 9 lawyers to cater to the individual needs of our clients. Every member of our law rm strives to provide outstanding service to produce the best results for our clients.


We use a collaborative team approach to your legal problems to get you the best results possible. We are only happy when you are happy and realize that our success depends on referrals from our client base.

rfjn DfmI aqy amrIk nfrMg vloN 2010 ivwc sQfpq kIqI geI sI. sfzy suihrd klfieMts dI mwdd nfl DNC Lawyers ny qrwkI kridaF imwz sfeIjLz lfa Prm bxf leI hY, ijs dy dPqr bI sI dy sLihrF aYbtsPorz aqy srI ivwc hn. afpxy klfieMts dIaF smUh musLiklF nfl nijwTx leI vwzy qjLribaF vfly 9 vkIlF dI tIm iqafr ho geI hY. afpxy klfieMts dIaf qmfm smwisafvF dy hYrfnIjnk nqIijaF leI hux awzI cotI dy Auprfly kIqy jfx gy.

qswlIbKsL proPYsLnl syvfvF quhfnMU vDIaf knMUnI nqIjy dyx leI asIN sfry sFJI tIm dy qOr qy Xqn krdy hF quhfzI KusLI hI sfzI KusLI hovy gI, asIN mihsUs krdy hF ik sfzIaF sPlqfvF quhfnMU idwqy cMgy nqIijaF AuWqy hI inrBr hn.

REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS We deal with all matters relating to the sale and purchase of residential and commercial property. By contacting us before you sign a contract, you can make sure your rights are protected. We will provide you with reliable and timely legal advice. PURCHASE & SALE: RESIDENTIAL ·Negotiating and Drafting Agreements of Purchase and Sale ·Acting for Buyers or Sellers on Purchases and Sales of New Homes, Condominiums, Assignments, Recreational and Cottage properties ·Acting for Borrowers or Lenders on Mortgage Transactions ·Advising Borrowers on Mortgage Liability PURCHASE AND SALE: COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL

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ICBC CASES We handle a full range of ICBC personal injury claims, including head injuries, broken bones, soft tissue injuries, muscle strains, psychological injuries & others asIN afeI sI bI sI nfl sbMDq iNnWjI srIrk swtF PytF ijnHF ivc isr dIaF swtF, tuWtIaF hWzIaF, koml itsULaF dIaF cotF, pWiTaF dIaF sWtF, mfnisk ivgfV aqy hor hfnIaF sLfml hn, dy klym hYNzl krdy hF. THE LAWYERS AT DNC PROVIDE COMPREHENSIVE LEGAL SERVICES IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS:

zI aYn sI dy vkIl iehnHF syvfvF ivwc quhfzI pUrI mdd kr skdy hn: Personal Injury / ICBC Business / Corporate Commercial Litigation Real Estate Wills / Probate Estate Litigation

prsnl swt jF af sI bI sI kfrobfr / kOrpryt kOmrsLIal mukwdmf rIal iestyt vsIaq jF pRobyt jfiedfd mukwdmf

rIal iestyt trFjLYksLns asIN vpfrk aqy rhfiesLI jfiedfdF vycx aqy KRIdx sbMDI sB kfrjF df kMm krdy hF. koeI vI kOntrYkt sfeIn krn qoN pihlF sfzI islfh jLrUr lvo. asIN quhfnUM qswlI kr ky dwsF gy ik quhfzy hwk syP hn ik nhIN? asIN afp jI nUM tfeIm isr shI aqy BrosyXog kfnUMnI msLvrf idMdy rhF gy.

prcyjL aYNz syl rYjLIzYNsLIal •KrId aqy vyc dy sihmqI zrfPitMg aYgrImYNts •asIN vycx vflLy dI vI aqy KRIdx vflLy dI vI shI mdwd krdy hF ijvyN nvyN Gr KrIdx, kONzmInIams, rhfiesLI dsqfvyjL. mn-prcfvy vflLIaF aqy kfitj prfprtIjL leI. •mfrtgyj idvOx ivwc asIN KRIdx vflLy dI vI aqy vycx vflLy dI vI mdwd krdy hF •KRIdx aqy vycx vflLy dI mfrtgyj Xogqf bfry dwsdy hF

kmrsLIal aqy ieMzstrIal prcyjL aqy syl •kmrsLIal rIal iestyt aYpfrtmYNt aqy afiPs iblizMgF dI KrId aqy vyc •jLmIn dI KrId aqy vyc •vycx vfilaF aqy KRIdx vfilaF leI mfrtgyj trFjLYkisLn •KRIdx vfilLaF nUM mfrtgyj lfieibltI vfry shI slfh idMdy hF.

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604-864-6131 PAGE 11

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Friday, February 15th, 2019

The Patrika


Friday, February 15th, 2019


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5 ways to winterize your vehicle (NC) While proper vehicle maintenance is important to practice all year, it’s particularly important during the winter months when weather is unpredictable and road conditions can change in an instant. “Cold weather can challenge you and your vehicle,� says Michael Bettencourt, managing editor at Autotrader. ca. “Being prepared and taking the proper steps to winterize your vehicle will ensure you’re ready for the cold roads ahead.� Invest in winter tires. Winter tires may seem like an unnecessary expense, particularly if your vehicle is equipped with all-wheel drive, but they are well worth the initial investment. Designed with more aggressive tread patterns and composed of a softer, more pliable compound, winter tires provide improved traction on cold and slippery surfaces.

by snowy conditions. There is never a convenient time to be stuck on the side of the road, but getting stranded in the winter may not only be frustrating, but dangerous. Inspect your vehicle. It’s important to take the time to properly inspect your vehicle. Visibility is very important in colder months, so ensure the defrost function and headlights are in working order. Make sure the windshield wipers are in good shape, windshield washer fluid is topped up, and you have a decent snow brush.

Be prepared. Assemble a winter emergency kit in case you become stranded in an isolated area. Include essentials like warm clothing and blankets, nonperishable food items, a flash light and batteries, flares or a reflective triangle, a first-aid kit, jumper cables and a small shovel. It’s a good idea to keep your cell phone fully charged in the event you need to call for assistance. At the Fuel up. It’s always a good idea to very least have a portable charger on ensure you have enough fuel to reach hand. your destination safely, but this is especially true during the winter months Find more tips at www.autotrader.ca/ when fuel economy can be made worse newsfeatures.

Exceptional Quality Blueberry Nursery Stock

BLUEBERRY PLANTS Sidhu Growers is British Columbia's leading quality blueberry nursery. At Sidhu Growers, we grow healthy, disease free, virus indexed and true-toname Blueberry plants. We specialize in growing blueberry plants and have 20 plus years of experience in the blueberry business.

  virus indexing Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â?  ­ Â? € Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â?

We are the only authorized nursery in Canada to sell Reka, a northern blueberry variety and have documentation from where the variety originated from, which is New Zealand, and have proof of it. Make sure when purchasing Reka you ask to see the signed authorization from New Zealand. Being the only authorized nursery to sell Reka we can provide you with this.

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When purchasing blueberry plants, buy from a reputable blueberry nursery that specializes in growing blueberry plants. Ask to see virus testing documentation. Make sure plants are produced from cuttings. Plants produced from tissue culture or cuttings taken from tissue culture plants tend to be difficult to machine harvest and require more pruning.

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We are committed to provide you with only the best blueberry plants available and guarantee it.

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We offer: • Expert Consulting • Competitive Pricing • Exceptional Quality Stock • A Wide Selection of Varieties • Complete Customer Satisfaction

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Kam or Harry: (604) 853-1775

32787 Townshipline, Abbotsford, B.C. PAGE 13

The Patrika





Friday, February 15th, 2019

Making life better for people at the heart of throne speech for people. More than 17,000 homes are underway, including homes for students, Indigenous communities, women and children leaving domestic violence and affordable rentals for “People deserve the opportunity to middle-income families. build a good life in the communities they call home, with housing and Tens of thousands of families are child care they can afford, quality already enjoying the benefits of public services, like health care and B.C.’s affordable child care program. education, good jobs and a better To make sure more affordable child


he speech from the throne presents a clear path forward for a government that is working to make life better for people.

future,” said Premier John Horgan. “For years, choices were made for the few at the top, while life became more difficult for everyone else. Our government is making different choices and working to build a better B.C. for everyone.” Government is putting people first and making progress on the shared priorities outlined in the Confidence and Supply Agreement, negotiated with the BC Green Party caucus. To help people struggling to make ends meet, government is making life more affordable by eliminating Medical Services Plan premiums starting Jan. 1, 2020. To help the 22 million passengers who travel on BC Ferries each year, government is freezing ferry fares on major routes and maintaining its discounts on minor and northern routes for the second consecutive year. To help more families find an affordable home in their community, government will address the recommendations of the Rental Housing Task Force, deliver more efficient project approvals and keep building housing PAGE 14

care is available to more families, government will set out to create new legislation that gives universal access to quality, affordable child care the force of law. As the Phase 1 review of BC Hydro nears completion, government will take steps to protect ratepayers and ensure proper oversight as the corporation provides affordable, clean and reliable power for generations to come. And government is undertaking the most significant reforms to car insurance in a generation, after the old government ignored the worsening situation at ICBC – leaving the Crown corporation with losses of more than $2 billion in the last two years. Government will continue to consider further measures to make sure that ICBC can deliver high-quality public auto insurance coverage at the lowest possible cost. To help people save money and crack down on unscrupulous business practices, government will set new rules for live-event ticket sales, take action on unfair payday loan practices, provide greater transparency

The Patrika


Friday, February 15th, 2019




in cellphone billing and advocate for decisions affecting their rights and more affordable options. lands, B.C. will become the first province in Canada to legislate impleTo reduce climate pollution and crementation of the UN Declaration on ate jobs and opportunities for people, the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. government has released its CleanBC plan, which will reduce emissions To make sure people can continue to and create an innovative, low-carbon enjoy B.C.’s natural spaces and celeconomy. Government will bring ebrate the province’s rich history and forward measures for the implemen- culture, government will designate tation of CleanBC in Budget 2019. new Class A parks, modernize the From action to protect wild salmon, Royal BC Museum and establish a renewal of B.C.’s coastal forest sec- Chinese Canadian museum to honour tor, innovation in agriculture and the community’s contributions to the liquefied natural gas, government province. is strengthening B.C.’s traditional “Making life better for people starts industries and making sure they are with the choices we make every day. working for people. Our government’s affordability ini“We’re encouraging economic growth across sectors by investing in people and the infrastructure and services communities need. It’s part of delivering the strong, sustainable economy B.C. needs, now and into the future,” Premier Horgan said.

tiatives have put more money back in people’s pockets. We are on the path to better health care for patients, quality care for seniors, better schools for our kids, more opportunities for young people, and good jobs with good wages in every region.

Building on the work that is underway to share gaming revenues, forge stronger partnerships and make sure First Nations are full participants in

“Today and every day, our government is going to keep working hard to make life better for people,” Premier Horgan said.


The Patrika






Friday, February 15th, 2019

The Patrika


Friday, February 15th, 2019



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kuJ ichry iKVy gulfb vFg huµdy hn» ienHF ’qy d¨ijaF leI suhfvxI i˵dgI ijAux df sunyhF iliKaf huµdf hY» kudrq ny hr mnuWK ƒ vWKrf ichrf pRdfn kIqf hY» ichrf sfzf ijAuNdf-jfgdf pCfx pWqr hY» mnuWK d¨jy dy ichry dI Jlk pfAuNdy sfr isrPæ 100 imlI sYikµz dy smyN ivc hI Aus bfry afpxI rfie bxf lYNdf hY» lok ichrf dyK ky Aus dy ivÈvfspfqr hox, imlxsfr, ruWKy, nuksfndyh, Pfiedymµd, DoKybfË, Éqrnfk, cflfk jF isafxy hox df aµdfËf lgf lYNdy hn» ies aµdfËy afsry hI mnuWK afpxI pRqIikiraf krdf hY»

d¨ijaF dy kµm afAux vflLy ichry Xfd rWKy jFdy hn» jo afpxy leI nhIN smfj leI ijAuNdy hn, aijhy ichry mnuWKqf dI ivrfsq huµdy hn» ienHF ƒ lok ies qrHF imldy hn, ijvyN ipafsy pfxI dy JrinaF ƒ imldy hn» cirWqr dy rµg ichry qoN Jlkdy hn» jdoN mn ivc pfvn ivcfr hox qF ichrf ibnF iȵgfr qoN vI mihkdf hY» ÉuÈIaF dy qrfny CyVdf hY» jdoN mn aµdr ÈFqI nf hovy qF suµdr ichry dy rµg vI Audfs ho jFdy hn» sµisaF nflL Bry mn df asr ichry ’qy pYNdf hY» ichrf mn df drpx hY» mn df pRgtfvf hY» ichrf dyK ky pqf cWl jFdf hY ik ivakqI cfa nfl ivafh ƒ cWilaf hY jF mjb¨rI ’c glL ipaf Zol vjfAux cWilaf hY»


zf[ rfijMdr isµG kurflI

ƒ bhuq gihrfeI ivc pRBfivq krdy hn» kuJ lokF kolL aµdr dy Byq qy mns¨by Cupf lYx dI aµqF dI klf huµdI hY» AunHF dy mn ivc hor qy m¨µh ivc hor hox dy bfvj¨d ichrf pVHnf muÈikl ho jFdf hY» aijhy lok aksr d¨ijaF ƒ TWgx ivc kfmXfb ho jFdy hn» mhfn ÈÉsIaqF df pRBfv ies leI ivafpk huµdf hY ikAuNik AunHF dy mn, bcn, krm qy ichry df Bfv iek huµdf hY» AunHF df asr kb¨lxf hI pYNdf hY» aijhy ichry kOmF dI qkdIr bx jFdy hn» ieh cVHdy s¨rj vFg mfnvqf ƒ jgfAux vflLy huµdy hn» sµsfr ivc ichiraF dI BIV hY» ies ivÈfl myly ivc muskrfAuNdy ichry cµd vFg cmkdy hn» asIN AunHF ichiraF ƒ kdy nhIN BuWldy jo hWs ky imlLdy hn jF sfzI shfieqf krdy hn» ieh ichry gIq qy mn-mIq bx jFdy hn» sfƒ pRyÈfn krn vflLy jF BYVy bolF dIaF brCIaF mfrn vflLy ichry nPærq dI vhI ivc drjL ho jFdy hn» ieh hfry dI aWg vFg sulGdy rihµdy hn»

ichry dI pCfx Ausdy hWsmuK, AuqÈfhI, Gbrfht, mfX¨s, ruWKypx, mWkfrI, suihrdqf qy ÈrfPq BrI qWkxI afid qoN huµdI hY» ichry df rµg-r¨p, aWKF dI suµdrqf, vflLF df rµg, iesqrIaF dy BrvWitaF qoN ibnF ichry dy Bfv vI ies ƒ invyklI idWK pRdfn krdy hn» ivdvfnF dy ichry ’qy icµqf nhIN ichry ƒ suµdr bxfAux leI mnuWK sdIaF icµqn huµdf hY» cµgy aiDafpk dy ichry qoN iȵgfr krdf af irhf hY» ies rucI ’qy ividafrQI pRqI snyh BrI i˵myvfrI kfrn glLI-glLI ibAUtI-pfrlr KuWlH gey dI Jlk huµdI hY» hn» kuJ lok ichry ƒ nroaf rWKx leI ksrq, sYr jF dvfeIaF df afsrf lYNdy ichry dI bfhrI suµdrqf df afDfr lok hn» ichrf suµdr bxfAux leI suµdr mn gIqF anusfr ‘gorf rµg qy ÈrbqI aWKIaF’ bxfAux df Xqn ivrly hI krdy hn» jdoN hn» aijhy ichry akrÈx df kfrn mn cµgy ivcfrF nflL Biraf hovy qF ichry huµdy hn, pr d¨ijaF dIaF qkdIrF bdl ’qy suµdrqf dy rµg afp muhfry PYl jFdy hn» dyx vflLy ichry ’qy n¨r huµdf hY» AunHF qoN jdoN mn ivc kRoD, eIrKf, lflc qy vfÈnf anuBv, igafn qy pRym dI afBf JlkdI dy cµigafVy hox qF suµdr ichry zrfAuxy hY» mhFpurÈF dy ÈFqI qy prAupkfr nflL Bry ichiraF dy drÈn krn leI lokfeI bx jFdy hn» sdf locdI hY» svyry pYgµbrI s¨rqF ƒ Xfd mnuWK ijs qrHF socdf hY, ijs qrHF dy krky idn dI Èur¨afq kIqI jFdI hY» vfqfvrn ivc rihµdf hY jF ijs qrHF dy kµm krdf hY, Aus qrHF df Aus df ichrf dunIaF ivc asIN anyk ichiraF ƒ ipafr bx jFdf hY» dukfndfrF dy ichry gfhk ƒ krdy hF» sB qoN vWD mnuWK afpxy afp ƒ jI afieaF afKdy hn» pulIs krmcfrI dy ipafr krdf hY» vfr-vfr ÈIÈf qWkxf ichry ’qy roab huµdf hY» PæOjIaF dy ichry jF sYlPI lYxI afpy pRqI moh df pRmfx hY» ’qy sÍY-mfx qy vqn-pRsqI df jËbf huµdf ijnHF ichiraF ƒ mnuWK ipafr krdf hY, hY» kµm dy boJ kfrn ivakqI dy ichry ’qy AunHF ƒ smfgm jF BIV ivc guafcy gihxy Qkfvt sfPæ pVHI jf skdI hY» hflfq dy vFg lWBdf hY, d¨ijaF ƒ sfhmxy dyK ky vI mfry ichry icµqf, Gbrfht qy mfX¨sI nflL axdyKy kr idµdf hY» Bry huµdy hn» bWicaF dy ichry ÉuÈI ivc asl ivc mnuWK nhIN Aus df ichrf hI PuWlF vFg jfpdy hn» pRisWDI jF bdnfmI hfsl krdf hY» pRisWDI ichry dy hfv-Bfv sfzy aµdr dy Byd KolH pfAux leI nvIN ivafhI joVI vFg sWjidµdy hn» jdoN aµdr AudfsI jF duWK hovy, DWj ky Poto iKcvfeI jFdI hY» bdnfm lok pr mnuWK muskrfAux df Xqn kry qF ieh afpxy ichry kYmiraF qoN CupfAuNdy hn» bnfAutIpx ichry qoN sfPæ Jlkx lWgdf hY» mnuWK afAuNdy jFdy hn» AuWcy AudyÈF ƒ aijhy smyN kIqI vfrqflfp d¨jy ƒ pRBfivq smripq hoey ichry ieiqhfs bx jFdy hn» nhIN krdI, Aultf pol KolH ky rWK idµdI hY» aijhy ichry mrdy jF BuWldy nhIN amr ho jdoN mn qy ichry dI BfÈf iek hovy qF d¨jy jFdy hn» PAGE 17

The Patrika





Friday, February 15th, 2019



YOUR CAREER. YOUR LIFE. SIMPLIFIED. advisors, with or without experience, to join a winning team.

The Canadian Elite Basketball League (CEBL), and U SPORTS, the national brand for university sports in Canada, announced Tuesday a partnership that will provide competitive developmental opportunities for Canadian University men’s basketball players. This unique collaboration will allow student-athletes to sign a CEBL de-

Hamilton, Fraser Valley (Abbotsford), Saskatchewan (Saskatoon), and Niagara (St. Catharines).

velopmental contract that offers them a platform to further help grow their talents in the summer months. Top U SPORTS student-athletes will be drafted as part of a league-wide Entry Draft scheduled for mid-March, following the 2019 U SPORTS Men’s Basketball Final 8, hosted by Dalhousie University at the Scotiabank Centre in Halifax.

for student-athletes to develop their talents right here in their home country and that’s a sign of a very exciting time for the sport”.

“A partnership between the CEBL and U SPORTS bodes well for the development of basketball in Canada,” said Glen Grunwald, CEO and President of Canada Basketball. “This opens up a unique opportunity

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“We are excited to partner with the CEBL and give our men’s basketball student-athletes the chance to stay in Canada to pursue their dreams,” said U SPORTS President and CEO Graham Brown. “We are happy to see the sport of basketball grow at home following Canada’s recent qualification for the FIBA World Cup and help create a bright future for the sport across the country.” The CEBL, the official professional league partner of Canada Basketball, opens its inaugural season in May with franchises in Edmonton, Guelph,


CEBL teams will play a 20-game regular season from May 9 to August 15, culminating with a league championship playoff at a site to be announced. CEBL rosters will be predominantly comprised of Canadians playing professionally during the traditional basketball season, as well as a certain number of international and U SPORTS players. More information about the CEBL may be obtained at www.cebl.ca. “Partnering with U SPORTS to help grow the rising stars of basketball in this country really excites us,” said Mike Morreale, Chief Executive Officer of the CEBL. “I would like to thank Graham and his team for their passionate involvement in helping the CEBL develop and grow the game in this country and make it a global basketball powerhouse.”

The Patrika


Friday, February 15th, 2019




Tired of feeling tired? Top tips to boost your energy (NC) Life is busy, and a lack of sleep, an unbalanced diet and high levels of stress can leave you feeling tired and run down, making even mundane daily tasks feel difficult. If you’re in a low-energy rut, here are a few simple ways to get you feeling more energized and focused: Get some z’s. Everyone knows that getting a good night’s sleep helps increase energy levels. But what many don’t realize is how much your energy level can be impacted by when you go to bed, not just how many hours of sleep you get. Going to bed at a consistent time each night is important for ensuring a good sleep. Drink your vitamins. According to Dietitians of Canada, B vitamins help keep your nervous system healthy and help your body use energy from food. How about getting more B vitamins in your diet with a cup of tea? Tetley has just released Canada’s first lineup of teas fortified with vitamins and minerals, including Tetley Super Green Tea - Boost, which provides

an excellent source of Vitamin B6, a factor in energy metabolism and in the maintenance of good health. The hydration from the tea is an added bonus, since lack of fluids is a major cause of fatigue.

Get physical. It’s important to remember that human beings don’t “get” energy, we create it. Physical activity is one of the most important ways to feel more energized, release stress hormones and improve the quality of your sleep. Start small — you don’t need to run a marathon. Consider a 10-minute walk on your next lunch break or a few jumping jacks in the middle of a busy afternoon at your desk. Take a deep breath. Practice revitalizing breathing by letting your stomach expand outwards and your ribs flare out to the sides while your shoulders, upper chest and abdomen remain motionless. Fill every part of your lungs with air. This is called diaphragmatic breathing and it can almost instantly help you feel more energized.

Practice self-care. It’s a simple equation — more stress equals less energy. This is because stress is a result of anxiety, which uses up lots of energy and can often impact sleep patterns. Take some time for selfcare, whether it means talking with family or friends, a daily dose of meditation or doing some yoga. Just find a moment every day to relax and recharge.




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The Patrika





Friday, February 15th, 2019

Filling up on food knowledge (NC) A recent study suggests that Canadian parents think their kids would benefit from improved food and nutrition knowledge. Conducted on behalf of PC Children’s Charity, the survey revealed that 87 per cent of respondents believe the school curriculum should include more practical skills, like cooking and food preparation. Here are a few tips to get kids up to speed on nutritional education and cooking skills.

The organization also funds food and nutrition education for kids through meal programs and new school curriculum developed in conjunction with WE Schools. Tell your child’s teacher about WE Schools nutrition curriculum. WE Schools offers a range of supplementary resources and activities for kids in kindergarten to grade eight. Healthy Foods for Healthy Bodies is a classroom resource that explores how healthy food helps the body grow, function and develop and helps with understanding the importance of making healthy food choices. The knowledge students gain helps prepare them to make their own wise food choices and can encourage those around them to make good choices as well.

Take kids shopping and engage them in the kitchen. There’s no better classroom to learn about nutrition than the aisles of your local grocery store and the kitchen at home. Shopping and cooking with kids can teach them the practical skills they need to make healthy choices and survive on their own once they leave the nest. It can also Stay tuned for Canada’s new food create healthy habits that are likely to guide. Canada’s Food Guide is still in the revision process, but the governlast for years to come. Donate to nutrition and meal programs. ment is aiming to release new guideDonations to organizations like PC lines in the coming months. If you have Children’s Charity provided 6.9 mil- kids or work with kids, familiarizing lion meals to feed Canadian kids in yourself with the new guidelines is a the last year, but it doesn’t stop there. good way to share the most up-to-date info.

Limiting use of experts to reduce costs, delays in motor vehicle disputes


hanges to court rules will help bring balance between reducing legal costs and the ability of British Columbians injured in motor vehicle accidents to receive the medical benefits and settlements they need to recover from their injuries.

VENUS LAW is moving to a new location as of April 1st, 2019

Simon Ave #100A - 2860 Trethewey St., Abbotsford, V2T 4X5


S Fraser way

Garden St.

George Ferguson Way

ports permitted to address the issue of damages, such as wage loss, future wage loss and future care that can be used by each side of a motor vehicle dispute. Parties will be able to use one expert and report for fast-track claims (e.g., less than $100,000), and up to three experts and reports for all other Amendments to the B.C. Supreme claims. However, the judiciary will be Court Civil Rules Regulation will put able to permit additional court-appointa stop to the disproportionate use of ed or joint experts at its discretion. experts and expert reports currently being used in motor vehicle-related court These amendments will come into cases. These amendments are designed effect immediately upon deposit for to encourage earlier settlements and motor vehicle-related actions. They help reduce the costs of settling vehicle will also apply to all personal injury claims as of Feb. 1, 2020, subject to injury claims. the further analysis and consultation Vehicle injury claims have increased that the ministry plans to undertake. by 43% in the past five years. The in- More information will be available in creased use of experts has contributed the coming weeks. to a 20% increase in ICBC’s litigated These changes will bring British Coinjury settlements over the last year. lumbia in line with other provinces The proposed amendments will limit that limit the number of experts in the number of experts and expert re- court cases.

The Patrika


Friday, February 15th, 2019




5 surprising things to know about asthma (NC) Asthma is a common disease, affecting 2.4 million Canadians. But it’s also a disease that’s surrounded by stigma, misconceptions and misinformation.

while mental well-being is certainly a positive thing, asthma is a lung disease that needs treatment. A positive attitude is not enough to eliminate asthma attacks.

Asthma can affect adults. Asthma can affect children, but it is not strictly a kids’ disease. Some children “outgrow” their asthma and some adults develop Asthma and exercise do mix. The asthma later on in life. misconception that they don’t can Asthma doesn’t equal allergies. Not lead people with asthma to have an everyone who has asthma has allergies unnecessarily sedentary lifestyle. But and vice versa. However, many people people who have their asthma under with allergic asthma do have triggers control can lead active lives. The key that are allergies. is control and prevention of triggers — for example, if pollen is your trigger, An inhaler isn’t for calming nerves. avoid jogging in a field. Always keep a Some movies would lead us to believe blue rescue inhaler at the ready should that inhalers can be used to calm nerves in a stressful situation. However, this exercise trigger an asthma attack. is not true. Inhalers contain medication Asthma isn’t just in your head. Nearly and are used to treat asthma or other one in four people with asthma recall lung diseases. being told that their disease can be overcome with a good attitude. And Find more information at lung.ca. Chances are you might know someone who has asthma, so it’s a good idea to learn more about the disease to support your loved ones.


The Patrika





5 tips for landlords to protect themselves against bad tenants.

Smart & Caring Community grant applications now being accepted

Here are some smart ways to protect lease to record existing damage. Along bbotsford Community Founwith protecting yourself should new yourself: dation announces launch of damage occur, this step will make the 2019 Smart & Caring Learn provincial guidelines. Provinces it easier if you need to involve your have different rules when it comes to provincial rental authority in case of Community Grants program. rentals, so make sure you are familiar a problem. Lead: The Abbotsford Community with yours. Not sure if you can request a security deposit? Check with your Ask your tenant for a lease guarantee. This is a new way to protect yourself provincial rental authority. from many renting risks, reimbursing Screen potential tenants. To avoid be- you quickly in case of a rent payment ing stuck with noisy tenants who dam- default or property damage. A lease age your property and stop paying rent, guarantee from Locnest can pay up to conduct the proper credit checks and to $5,000 in case of default or property ask for references from current and past damage. It also assesses prospective employers and landlords. tenants through credit checks and Get the right insurance. Most policies eliminates tasks associated with holdcan protect your property from major ing security deposits, such as paying damage. But what if your tenant falls interest, saving you time and money.


on the staircase and sues you for injury? Premises liability insurance will protect you against such claims and cover your legal expenses if you are not found to be negligent.

Lease guarantees can replace security deposits in provinces where they are legal. Where security deposits are prohibited, a lease guarantee can act as a guarantor or co-signer.

dren and families,” said, Lorna Hart, ACF Board Chair. “We are celebrating our 40th year of giving this year and these grants demonstrate ACF’s ongoing commitment to inspiring,

impacting and investing in our community.”

Record property condition. Walk Find more information and a free through the space with your tenant at downloadable condition of premises the beginning and at the end of their form at locnest.com.

The granting guidelines and applications are now available on the Foundation’s website at www.abbotsfordcf.org under the Grants section. The deadline to apply for grants of up to $10,000 is March 29, 2019.

Foundation (ACF) is pleased to announce that applications for the 2019 Smart & Caring Community grants are now being accepted. The Abbotsford Community Foundation (ACF) has launched its 2019 Smart and Caring Community Grants Program. “This year we have $90,000 to distribute to charities for projects or programs that help children or youth at risk in Abbotsford,” said Andrea Senft, Chair of the Community Grants committee, which has six volunteer members from the community that review all applications received and determine the successful applicants. “We are pleased to have distributed more than $500,000 in grants since 2013 to Abbotsford charities for their programs that help vulnerable chilPAGE 22

Friday, February 15th, 2019

The ACF raises funds for their Smart & Caring Community Fund in a variety of ways, including their charity golf tournament held at Ledgeview Golf Course each year in September. Registration has just opened up for the 4th Annual Smart & Caring Golf Classic which will be held on September 19, 2019. Golfers are encouraged to sign up early as the event last year sold out almost 3 months ahead of time. “We were so pleased to raise over $100,000 in 2018 from our golf event” said Judy Redekop, ACF Fund Development Chair, “All monies raised go directly into the Smart & Caring Community Fund which will benefit Abbotsford charities in perpetuity” she added. For further information on how to register, please visit the Events page on the ACF website at www.abbotsfordcf.org or contact Wendy Neufeld, Executive Director at 604-850-3755.

The Patrika


Friday, February 15th, 2019




Crossroads restaurant owner gives back to community


aul Chheu, owner of crossroads restaurant in Abbotsford will host the second annual Kiwanis SIGN-Fracture care fundraising dinner.

TD Canada Trust

For more information, please contact: Dave Gill Account Manager 604-807-4761 Baldev.Gill@td.com

Meet your Agriculture Specialist Dave Gill has been working for many years in various roles within the financial industry. Dave is an Account Manager with the TD Abbotsford Agriculture Services.

Paul, a Cambodian refugee, escaped the Khmer Rouge with his family in 1977. Along with his parents and two sisters they fled to Vietnam. In 1986, the family was sponsored by a church in Ponoko, Alberta to come to Canada.

Experience: Dave’s current position as an agriculture specialist in your area, focuses on helping farm and agribusiness customers and prospects reach their financial goals. Using a suite of specialized financial products and services, he can tailor competitive lending solutions to match the requirements of your farm or agribusiness. He has over 20 years of banking experience and has held various positions including Financial Advisor and Small Business Advisor providing support to a business portfolio of clients. Dave hails from a first generation family of farmers; he has solid and proven expertise in the agriculture business.

In 2006 along with his wife and two children Paul moved to BC and purchases Crossroads restaurant in 2014. Paul provides a three -course meal with 100% of the proceeds going At an early age Paul was taught by his to help treat the poor especially in grandfather to help your community Cambodia. and pay it forward. The cost to produce the implant is Currently five non-profit organiza- $100.00. Last year the event raised tions meet at Crossroads regularly. $9000.00 providing 90 life altering Including two Kiwanis clubs, Rotary surgeries. SIGN trains local doctors club, Bikers against child abuse and and has provided enough supplies to Abbotsford seniors. Paul has a per- treat over 220,000 injured poor. sonal connection to each. The dinner is Friday March 1, 2019 at When Paul learned the Abbotsford crossroads restaurant on Sumas way Kiwanis club supports SIGN-Frac- in Abbotsford. 6-8 pm ture care, a non- profit organization that provides free surgical implants, Cost is $25.00. RSVP annpenner11@ training and supplies to the poor in gmail.com the world he wanted to help.

Dave understands agriculture and the specific needs of your enterprise. From day-to-day financing to acquisition of machinery/equipment and quota or real estate requirements, he can help you choose products and services that best suit your unique agriculture business needs.

afpxy aYgRIklcr spYsLilst nMU imlo dyv igwl ipwCly keI sflF qoN ivwqI ivBfg dy vwK vwK ahuidaF ‘qy kMm krdy af rhy hn. dyv awj kl tI zI aYbtsPorz aYgRIklcr srivs dy akfAUNt mYnyjr hn. qjLrbf: dyv quhfzy ielfky dy aYgRIklcr srivs dy akfAUNt mYnyjr hox dy nfqy quhfzy KyqIbfVI dy kfrobfr ivwc mdd krdy hn qF ik qusIN afpxy ivwqI tIicaF nMU skfr kr sko. ivwqI Auqpfd aqy syvfvF dI vrqoN kr ky, dyv quhfzy KyqIbfVI dy kfrobfr muqfibk quhfzIaF loVF nMU pUrf krdy hn. dyv igwl 20 sflfN qoN vwD bYNikMg kfr-ivhfrF df qjLrbf rwKdy hn | PfeInYNsLl azvfeIjLr aqy Coty kfrobfr dy slfhkfr rih cuwky hn. iksfn pRIvfr ivwc pYdf hox dy nfqy AuhnF nMU KyqIbfVI dy kfrobfr ivBfg df pUrf qjLrbf hY. dyv quhfzIaF sfrIaF KyqIbfVI aqy kfrobfr dIaF loVF nMU pUrI qrHF smJdy hn. rojL hox vflIaF KRIddfrIaF qoN lY ky msLInF aqy sfmfn dI KRIddfrI jF rIal iestyt sbMDI loVF leI Auh quhfnMU quhfzI loV muqfibk syvfvF pRdfn kr skdy hn.

Our goal is to help you succeed. sfzf mksd hY quhfzI sPlqf ivwc mwdd krnI.

3 things to know about antioxidants (NC) Antioxidants are good for you, right? But what, exactly is an antioxidant? Why are they so important in your diet? And how can you up your intake? Boost your health by learning more. About antioxidants. Antioxidants are a substance that may protect your body’s cells from damage due to a process called oxidation. Some damage to your cells is natural as you age, but other damage happens due to external factors such as pollution, smoke or an unhealthy diet. Antioxidants essentially help prevent or delay this damage.

to lower your risk of infections, diabetes, neurological disorders and some forms of cancer. Vitamin C. There are a number of great sources of antioxidants, including Vitamin C. So, eating foods or drinking beverages that are high in Vitamin C is a great way to get antioxidants into your body. Try oranges, broccoli, lemons, brussel sprouts and strawberries. For a simple, cozy way to get an added dose, try Tetley’s new Super Green Tea-Antiox, specially fortified with vitamin C and combined with a delicious tropical flavour. A single cup contains 25 per cent of an adult’s recommended daily intake.

Benefits. Research from Dietitians of Canada has shown that consuming foods rich in antioxidants may be good Find more information on at www. for your heart health and may also help tetley.ca.


The Patrika




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auph`r kOr D`lIv`l

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- Marijuana Grow Operations - Cocaine and Heroin Trafficking - Importing/Exporting


Friday, February 15th, 2019

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The Patrika


Friday, February 15th, 2019




gurdvwrw klgIDr drbwr

30640 Blueridge Dr, Abbotsford, BC V2T 5W3 gurdvwrw klgIDr drbwr swihb AYbtsPorf ivKy

ies h&qy dy pRogrwm

sRI gurU nwnk dyv jI dy 550 swlw pRkwS gurpurb nMU smripq PrvrI 14 vIrvwr

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PrvrI 16 SnIvwr

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gurdvwrw swihb ivKy pRogrwm b`uk krn leI sMprk kro

gurdvwrw swihb 604-504-5530, BweI jIq isMG is`DU (m`K u syvwdwr) 604-556-4089 igAwnI bic`qr isMG m`K u gRQ M I 604-600-1600

sLUgr rogIaF leI ikho ijhI hovy Kurfk zf[hrisLMdr kOr sLwkr rogI jy pqlf hovy qF Aus nUM Bfr vDfAux leI KLurfk rfhIN ijLafdf kYlrIaF KfxIaF cfhIdIaF hn pr jy motfpf hovy qF Bfr GtfAuxf jLrUrI hY. isrPL Bfr hI nhIN, sLwkr rog nUM kfbU ivwc rwKx leI rojLfnf dI ksrq vI bhuq jLrUrI hY. sB qoN cMgI gwl qF iehI hY ik qxfE Gtf ky ijLMdgI nUM rwj ky jIa ilaf jfvy qy Kfx leI nf jIivaf jfvy blik ijAUx leI ijMnf ku loVINdf hY, Enf hI Kf ky sMqusLtI kr leI jfvy qF sLwkr rog qoN kuJ hwd qk bicaf vI jf skdf hY. jy sLwkr rog ho cuwikaf hY qF vI Bfr Gtf ky aqy qxfE Gtf ky ies nUM iekwlI Kurfk shI krky vI kuJ ku lokF df sLwkr rog kfbU kIqf jf skdf hY. iksy vI sLwkr rogI nUM 25 qoN 35 kYlrIaF pRqI iklo vjLn qoN vwD nhIN lYxIaF cfhIdIaF. KLurfk ivclI iQMdfeI pUrIaF kYlrIaF ivwcoN isrPL 20 qoN 25 PLIsdI hI hoxI cfhIdI hY. pUrI iQMdfeI ivwcoN sYcUryitz iQMdf isrPL Cy qoN swq PLIsdI hI hoxf cfhIdI hY. pU P f iQM d f (pO l I ansY c U r y i tz) pU r IaF kYlrIaF ivwcoN isrP Cy qoN swq PLIsdI aqy mUPf (monoansYcUryitz iQMdf) vI eynf ku hI hoxf cfhIdf hY. aYn Cy/aYn iqMn vI 1:1 jF 4:1 hI hoxf cfhIdf hY. sOKy qrIky smJx leI eynf hI bhuq hY ik hr mhIny iewk bMdy nUM awDf iklo qoN vwD iGE jF qyl afpxy Kfxy ivwc vrqxf

cfhIdf. pUrI Kurfk ivclf kfrbohfeIzRyt vI iqMn sO imlIgRfm hr rojL qoN vwD nhIN hoxf cfhIdf. ijwQoN qwk pRotIn df svfl hY, ieh 0 gRfm pRqI iklo Bfr dy ihsfb nfl hI lYxf cfhIdf hY. pRotIn pUrf krn leI mwCI, murgf, duwD qy dhIN afid ilaf jf skdf hY. sLwkr rogIaF leI PlF df rs lYxf TIk nhIN rihMdf blik rojLfnf 400 gRfm qfjLf Pl hI lYxy cfhIdy hn. PlF df PfeIbr motfpf GtfAuNdf hY ikAuNik iZwz Brn df aihsfs ho jFdf hY qy loVoN vwD Kurfk nhIN KfDI jFdI. PfeIbr sLwkr nUM CyqI jjLb nhIN hox idMdf, iesy leI sLwkr rogIaF leI PLfiedymMd sfbq huMdf hY, ieh kbjL vI nhI hox idMdf aqy aMqVIaF nUM vI keI rogF qoN bcfAuNdf hY. sLwkr rogIaF nUM 30 qoN 40 gRfm PfeIbr rojL lYxf cfhIdf hY. ies leI CfxbUry vflf aftf, Pl, sbjLIaF rojLfnf KfxIaF jLrUrI hn.

gRfm rojLfnf qoN vwD nhIN hoxI cfhIdI. imwTf lYx df qF svfl hI nhIN AuTdf. sLUgr PrI, aYspfrtym qy skrIn vI byihsfb lYxI TIk nhIN huMdI. jwcf nUM aqy duwD ipafAuNdIaF mfvF nUM qF ieh iblkuwl hI nhIN lYxIaF cfhIdIaF. sLrfb vI nhIN lYxI cfhIdI ikAuNik ieh srIr aMdr iQMdy dI sLkl ivwc jMm jFdI hY. iewk pYWg ivskI ivwc 10 gRfm sLrfb huMdI hY aqy iewk gRfm ivwc 7 kYlrIaF huMdIaF hn. bIVI kfrbohfeIzyRt dI mfqrf pUrIaF kYlrIaF ivwcoN isgrt df ijLkr krnf hI PLjLUl hY ikAuNik 60 PLIsdI hoxI cfhIdI hY. sfdf kolYstrol ies nfl isrP nuksfn hI huMdf hY. ijvyN bykrI dIaF jF KuwlHy qyl ivwc qlIaF cIjLF dI QF kMplYks kolYstrol Bfv dflF, PlIaF, jy Kurfk ivwc eynIaF ku hI sfvDfnIaF vrq kxk, sbjLIaF aqy slfd Kfxf cfhIdf hY. leIaF jfx, Krfb afdqF Cwz idwqIaF jfx, pUry idn ivwc KfDy lUx dI mfqrf Cy qoN awT qxfE Gwt krn dy qrIky apxfey jfx aqy gRfm qoN vwD nhIN hoxI cfhIdI. jy blwz pRYsLr rojLfnf sYr kIqI jfvy qF sLwkr rog dy srIr df rog hovy, gurdy PylH ho gey hox jF idl AuWqy huMdy mfVy asrF qoN kfPLI dyr qwk bicaf df rog vI nfl hI hovy qF lUx dI mfqrf cfr jf skdf hY.

aflU buKfrf Kfx nfl ryzIeysLn dy KLqry qoN bcfa huMdY inAUXfrk: Kurfk ivwc suwkf aflUbuKfrf DrqI aqy pulfV dovF dI QFvF dI ryzIeysLn aYkspojLr qoN hox vfly hwzIaF dy nuksfn nUM rokx ivwc mddgfr hY. iewk nvIN Koj ivwc ieh jfxkfrI imlI hY. Koj rsfly sfieMitiPk irportjL ivwc CpI hY. amrIkf dI tYksfs ey aYNz aYm XUnIvristI qoN ies aiDaYn dI Kojkfr nYnsI trnr ny dwisaf ik ryzIeysLn kfrn hwzIaF df nuksfn iewk mwuK ishq smwisaf hY, Kfs krky AunHF leI jo ijLafdf smF ryzIeysLn ivwc lMGfAuNdy hn. trnr muqfbk ieh smwisaf isrP pulfV XfqrIaF nUM hI nhIN, sgoN ryzIEQYrypI lYx vfly kYNsr rogI, ry z IEsL n ivw c kM m krn vfly ikrqIaF aqy pRmfxU hfdsf pIVqF nUM vI pRBfivq krdI hY. PAGE 25

The Patrika




Friday, February 15th, 2019


ipafry imwqr kfmryz syKoN sfihb leI sLrDFjlI

iekwlf mYN hI nhIN, sfry dosq Aus nUM kfmryz kih ky swddy sn. sLfied ies leI ik Auh shI arQF ivc kfmryz sI. rMg, nsl, dy Byd-Bfv qoN AuWcf, ivdvfnF df kdrdfn, hlIm, rfjsI kfimaF df syvfdfr, luk ky kM m krn vfly isafsI lIzrF df mIjLbfn, diraf-idl, nyk-bKLq, sfPL-go, spsLtqfvfdI, idldfr, idlnvfjL, nukqfdF, nukqf bIN-kI kuJ khF, myry leI hI nhIN, Auh sfry dosqF leI ieh sB kuJ sI. AunHF sfiraF leI Auh iek sMsQf sI. iek mGdI cMigafVI, AuqsLfh qy Aumfh vMzdI sKLsLIaq, kuJ kr gujLrn qy kr idKfAux leI pRyrdI hsqI. Aus dy bolF ivc qfsIr sI, BfsLx ivc sLkqI, afvfjL ivc mDurqf qy kruxf. Auh ijMLdf-idlI df iek puMj sI. ies albyly, ltbOry qy lfAubflI qbIaq dy svfmI kfmryz guridafl isMG syKoN df jnm ipMz dfKy dy iek zfktrF dy pirvfr ivc mfeI hr kOr dI kuwKoN afpxy nfnky Gr rwqovfl, ijLlHf luiDafxf ivc 29 nvMbr 1914 nUM hoieaf. dfdf bfl iksLn qy cfcf arjn isMG vI zfktr sn aqy rfDf svfmI vI. ipqf zf[ srdfrf isMG PLOj ivc af ky mhfrfj Brqpur dy jLfqI zfktr bx gey sn qy AuQy hI 1920 ivc Auh pRlok isDfry. do CotIaF BYxF dy Auh ieko iek Brf sn. CotI BYx svdysL ienHF vFg hI dysL Bgq qy


Kwdr-DfrI sI ijs df ivafh 1937 ivc af alK jgfAuNdf, “syKoN pfqsLfh dI KLYr ipMz dihVU dy iek dysL Bgq pirvfr ivc hovy.” syKoN Jwt iek ruipaf kwZ PVfAuNdy. s[ nwQf isMG nfl ibnF dfj dhyj dy hoieaf. AudoN AunHF dI qnKLfh 65 rupey mhInf sI. awj dy Xuwg ivc mnuwK Dn, rfjsI vkfr, AurdU dy rojLfnf aKLbfr ‘imlfp’ qy ‘pRqfp’ pdvI, aPLsrI qy ahuidaF, nfl imixaF qy aMgryjLI itRibAUn mMgvfAuNdy. sfry dy sfry jFdf hY. Auh aijhI iksy pdvI qoN ibnF hI pVHdy. ‘pRqfp’ ies leI ik mhfisLaF dI iek mhfn mnuwK sn. pRfiemrI skUl dy kfrkrdgI df pqf lgdf rhy. AunHF idnF mfstr huMdy hoey Auh iksy lft dI pRvfh nf ivc vI kdy AunHF dukfndfr qoN cIjL df krdy. iksy aPLsr dI KLusLfmd qF iek pfsy Bfa nf puwiCaf. jo loV sI KrIidaf qy jo Auh kdy iksy kol kdI iksy sPLfrsL leI nf agly mMigaf, PVf idwqf. qnKLfh nfl qF gey. pRqfp isMG kYroN AunHF dy mulqfn jylH kI srnf sI, rihMdI KUMhdI jLmIn QoVI QoVI dy sfQI sn. AunHF dI hkUmq dy smyN iek krky vycdy qy zMg tpfeI jFdy. idn vI mwQy nf lwgy. mYN afiKaf kfmryz hux qF kYroN sfihb afjLfdI dy GulftIaF nUM pMdrF eykV jLmIn dy rhy hn. kihx lwgy, “gurmIq! jy jLmIn df hI lflc huMdf qF afpxI vyc ky ikAuN kFgrs dIaF kfnPLrMsF’qy jFdy. nfly ies jLmIn leI pqf nhIN ikMny awzIaF gozy rgVny pYxy hn. kYroN awgy jf ky hwQ awzx qoN vwzI jLlflq myry leI hor kI ho skdI hY?”

ijLlHf luiDafxf dy ipMz cwk-klF ivc keI sfl pRfiemrI skUl mfstrI kIqI. dvfeI bUtI vloN sfry ipMz dI syvf muPLq, tIky muPLq. gLrIbF dI idljoeI hor vI vwD krdy. nMjU cmfr jy sLrfb dI tot pYx’qy kdI pYsy mMg iljFdf qF skUl dy gvFZ JuwgI ivc bYTf iek amlI buwZf sFhsI hPLqy ds idn ipwCoN

Auh ivcfrF vjoN mfrksI sn, pwky isdkidl mfrksI. pr ruwKy, awKV qy kwtV mfrksI nhIN. hmdrdI qy iensfnIaq df puMj, gLrIb qy kmjLor dy hmdrd qy shfiek, nyk-bKq dy dieaf dy puqly. mn hI mn ivc keI vfr mYN AunHF dI sKLsIaq df tfkrf pMjfbI dy pRiswD kvI pRo: pUrn isMG nfl krdf.

ipMzoN dsvIN pfs krky lfhOr afpxy pYnsLnr zfktr cfcf arjn isMG kol jf itky qy nYsLnl kflj ivc pVHn lwgy. Aus smyN Bgq isMG qy AunHF dy sfQIaF ivruwD lfhOr sfijLsL kys cwl irhf sI. ieh isafsI pYNPilt ilafAuNdy, vMzdy qy pRcfrdy. srkfrI pYnsLn dy zroN zf[ cfcy ny pVHfeI ivc mdd krno ienkfr kr idwqf. ieh muV kdI lfhOr nf

pRo: gurmIq isMG ‘itvfxf’

gey qy KLflsf kflj aMimRqsr pVHn lwgy. pr 1936 ivc Cpfr (ijLlHf luiDafxf) dy myly ivc bfbU bcn isMG jo bfad ivc aYm[aYl[ey bxy df BfsLn sux ky, kmIjL qy pjfmf moZy qy tMg, kwCy bunYx nfl Gr prqy qy muV 40 sfl BYx svdysL smyq Kwdr qoN ibnF hor koeI kwpVf aMg nf lfieaf. Auh sfihq dy rsIey, romFs dy puqly qy axQwk pVHfkU sn. tfms hfrzI dy ‘tYs’ dI Auh qfrIPL krdy nf Qwkdy. munsLI pRym cMd, qy ikRsLn cMdr AunHF dy mfzl sn. iesmq cu gL q feI, by d I qy mM t o dIaF khfxIaF vI pVHdy. sfihr luiDafxvI, ijgr murfdfbfdI, iPLrfk gorKpurI qy gLflb dy Auh idldfdf sn pr zf[ iekbfl qy PLYjL aihmd PLYjL vrgy pRiswD pfiksqfnIaF dI mihmfn-nmfjLI df sLrP vI AunHF nUM hfsl hoieaf. ivskI df Guwt pI ky kdy kdy afpxy mKLsUs aMdfjL ivc zf[ iekbfl df ieh sLyar gux-guxF AuTdy: “gujLfrf kr hI lyqf hY koro bIafbF myN ik sLfhIN ky lIey ijLwlq hY kfry afisLaF bMdI.” bd-iksmqI kho jF AunHF dI nyk-idlI, Auh 1942 ivc hI kFgrs nfloN tuwt ky sI[pI[afeI[ nfl af rly. kFgrs df iek eImfndfr qy agFh vDU DVf dUjy mhF-XuwD

The Patrika


Friday, February 15th, 2019

smyN rUs-pwKI hox krky kFgrs pfrtI nUM Cwz igaf sI. Auh lYinn dy smfjvfd df supnf ihtlr hwQoN qbfh hoieaf dyKxf nhIN sI cfhuMdy, ies pwKoN AunHF dy idl idmfgL ivc iek zUMGI inrfsqf sI. “gurmIq! jy dsvIN pfs kridaF hI POLj ivc igaf huMdf qF hux qfeIN bRgyzIar jF myjr jYnrl huMdf qy jy kFgrs ivc irhf huMdf qF hux qfeIN vjLIr huMdf.” AunHF df pRoK rUp ivc iesLfrf afpxy ipMz dy jmfqI myjr jYnrl sMq isMG vwl huMdf. mYN kihxf, “kfmryz, ieh qyrI KLfm-iKLaflI hY. qyrI lf-AubflI qbIaq nf PLOj nUM rfs afAuxI sI aqy nf hI qyry vrgf sfPL-go, spsLt, inrCwl qy inrkpt afdmI vjLIr bx skdf sI.” aKLIr Auh myry nfl sihmq ho jFdy.

dy gUVHy qy inwGy sMbMD sn. ‘afrsI’ qy ‘pRIq lVI’ AunHF nUM hmysLf smyN isr lMzn phuMcdIaF aqy hor ‘nvXug pRYs’ dIaF keI nvIaF pRkfsLnF vI. keI grIb qy Pfkf-ksL jylH dy sfQIaF nUM Bfpf jI rfhIN hI shfieqf Byjdy. afpxI ngUxI pYnsLn ivcoN hI keIaF dIaF pYnsLnF lf rwKIaF sn. vIaqnfm dI lVfeI qoN lY ky hux qfeIN 30 pONz sflfnf vIaqnfm PMz ivc idMdy rhy. ‘afrsI’ dI gwl kridaF hoieaF keI vfr kihMdy, “beI dljIq bVI nyk-bKLq kuVI aY, jdoN dI afeI hY pRIqm isMG dy vfry inafry ho gey hn.” hux ieMglYNz qoN QoVy icr leI Bfrq afeI jgjIq GuMm iPr ijQy qyrI mrjLI aY, pr idwlI ivc sotI qyrI myry Gr hI rhygI.” ieh kihMdI kihMdI jgjIq awKF Auh 1936 ivc hI mUMh isr muMzvf cuwky Br afeI sI. sn. dysL dI vMz smyN ipMz dy akflIaF qoN asrdfr pwqr ilwKx ivc kfmryz aduwqI jfn df KLqrf qF AunHF nUM AudoN qoN hI bixafN sn. dosqf dy nF lMmIaF lMmIaF icwTIaF Auh afieaf sI pr 1947 ivc qF Auh mOq dy sdf AurdU ivc hI ilKdy. ienHF icTIaF dI sfey ivc hI ivcrdy, muslmfnF dI rwiKaf nsr (gd) mhfsLf ikRsLn dy ‘rojLfnf pRqfp’ df bIVf ipMz ipMz cuwkI iPrdy rhy. Aus ivcly muwK lyKF nUM mfq pfAuNdI idsdI. dwsdy kqlo-gLfrq df AunHF dy idl idmfgL’qy ieMnF huMdy sn ik cVHdI jvfnI ivc afpxI mfsLUkf zUMGf asr hoieaf ik afKLrI dm qwk AunHF dy nFa AunHF dI pihlI icwTI 110 sPLy dI dy nfl irhf. Auh AudoN keI mhIny zOr-BOr sI, awDy dsqI dI iek kfpI. ieh icwTI ajy hoey iPrdy rhy. 1947 qoN pihlF AunHF ny vI iksy dosq dy lohy dy trMk ivc sMBflI pRIq ngr skUl ivc pVHfAuxf sLurU kIqf. peI hY. kfmryz jjLbfq qy KLlUsidlI df Auh sR[ gurbKsL isMG dy bhuq AupfsLk iek qUPLfn sn, AunHF nfl gwl krky koeI sn. ipafrf isMG sihrfeI vI AunHF dy sfQI vI AunHF dI sKLsLIaq dI mhfnqf qoN kfiel aiDafpk sn. sPLfeI psMd ieMny sn ik hoey ibnF nhIN rih skdf sI. ipClIaF Kwdr dy hI kurqy pjfmy dy iqMn sUt iek coxF (1984) smyN cODrI dyvI lfl dy iewk idn ivc bdldy. AuQy hI jgjIq qUr nfl shfiek qy purfxy jylH dy vkIl sfQI ny AunHF AunHF pRIq-ivafh kr ilaf, kihMdy huMdy, qoN puwiCaF sI, “cODrI sfihb, kI quhfnUM “myry ivafh’qy isrPL bfrF afny lwgy sn, afpxf mulqfn jylH df sfQI guridafl tFgy’qy bYT ky kcihrI gey sF, jgjIq AudoN isMG syKoN Xfd hY.” cODrI sfihb df AuWqr pRIq ngr dI nUr jhF sdvFdI sI.” afpxI sI, “Bfrdvfj sfihb, mYN guridafl nUM pihlI mMgyqr AunHF 11 sfl dI Aumr ivc ikvyN Bwul skdf hF, Auh qF mYnUM jylH ivc hI Cwz idwqI sI. mfrksvfd pVHfieaf krdy sn. kfmryz mjLfh (hfs-rs) dy bfdsLfh sn. AunHF dy mjLfkF ivc kInf qy bugjL nf huMdf sgoN bybfkI, dlyrI qy KLlUs huMdf. jdoN mYN afpxy ivafh ipwCoN pqnI nfl pihlI vfr AunHF nUM jgrfAuN imilaf qy hsdy hsdy myrI pqnI dy sfhmxy kihx lwgy: “jgjIq dyK lY, qUM vI bxI iPrdI aYN, jwt rUVIaF’coN eI hIrf lwB ilafieaf.” AunHF dIaF vwzIaF do lVkIaF mohnI qy amrjIq qy Cotf puwqr rfimMdr, iqMny hI pVHfeI ivc bhuq jLhIn sn. sfry bI[ey aOnrjL qoN vwD hI pVHy. kuVIaF ny mn-mrjLI dy muslmfn muMizaF nfl ivafh krvf ilaf, ijnHF ivcoN iek smfjk igafn df pRoPYsr sI qy dUjf zfktr. ajLIjL rfimMdr ny iek vkIl grIk kuVI nfl afpxf irsLqf joV ilaf. kihMdy huMdy, “afm lokF dI qF gwl Cwzo, sfzy mfrksvfdIaF leI ‘hIr’ Enf icr hI iek afdrsL pfqr hY ijMnf icr Auh AunHF dI afpxI DI jF BYx nf hovy.” pRIq ngr ivc mfstrI dy smyN qoN hI sR[ pRIqm isMG aYzItr ‘afrsI’ nfl AunHF




kfmryz Aumr dy ipCly dhfky ivc aYlkohilk ho cuwky sn, BfvyN jIvn dy pihly 35 sfl AunHF sLrfb nUM hwQ nhIN sI lfieaf. jgjIq dy skUl jFidaF hI pIcI sLurU kr idMdy qy GMty ku ipwCoN hI mYnUM torFto PUn KVkf idMdy, “jwtf! kI krdYN, bxfeI jf zflr, bxfeI jf, nfl lY jfeIN ienHF zflrF nUM. asIN qF Blf ingury hoey, qUM afpxy gurU qoN hI iswiKaf lY ilaf kr! Auh qF kihMdy sUeI vI nfl nhIN jfxI.” mYN kihxf, “kfmryz bs kr hux qF PuUn nUM bhuq dyr ho geI. [[[(gflL kwZ ky) dyr df, pYsy mYN dyxy aF ik qUM. qYnUM pqf nhIN ieQy qF sLurU qoN eI mfieaf rMn bxf ky rwKI hoeI aY.” Gr ivc vflpypr lfAuNidaF jgjIq dI shfieqf krdy aihjy iqlHky ik pYr dI hwzI iqMn QfvF qoN twut geI. TIk ho gey, pr pYr df drd nf igaf. kihMdy, ‘Xfr mMjy qy hwzIaF gozy rgV ky mrnf mYnUM AuWkf psMd nhIN, idl dI bImfrI nfl mOq vrgI vDIaf mOq hor koeI nhIN.’ 400 gjL quiraF hI drd sLurU ho jFdY. mYN iek homIEpYiQk dvfeI ByjI. kihMdy, “kmfl kr idwqf Xfr qyrI dvfeI

ny, hux mYN iek iklomItr ibnF drd cwl sLfd, kqIl sLwPfeI, PYjL aihmd PYLjL qy zf[ bcn isMG nUM imlxf cfhuMdf hF.” ieh gwl lYNdf hF.” mY N ku J sflF leI dy s L prqx df mn 15 akqUbr 1988 dI hY. bxfieaf, soicaf kfmryz ny qF hux kdy Bfrq af nhIN skxf. idl ivc Aubfl AuiTaf, cloN lMzn hI iml afvF, jFdI vfr df hI shI. itkt ilaf, vIjLF lgfieaf qy lMzn jf Auqiraf. agly idn hI jgjIq ny skUl jf dwisaf, “AunHF df iek dosq kyvl AunHF nUM imlx leI hI kYnyzf qoN afieaf hY, ieMglYNz Auh pihlF vI keI vfr dyK cuwkf hY.” aiDafpkfvF hYrfn sn. kyvl imlx leI hI ieMnf Krcf. myrI qy kfmryz dI dosqI dIaF DuMmF pY cuwkIaF sn. AunHF dI vkIl grIk nUMh hwkI bwkI rih geI sI, “ibnf kMm kOx ieMnf pYsf brbfd krdf hY.” 15 idn sfrf smF Gry rih ky gwlF krn’qy vI sfzIaF gwlF nhIN muwkIaF. mYN ikhf, “kfmryz, jy qUM sLrfb Cwz dyvy, qyrf hlkf-Pulkf qy PLurqIlf srIr 15 sfl hor lMGf skdf hY.” “gurmIq! hux hor ijAux dI qmMnf nhIN rhI, bQyrf ijAuN ilaf, 75 sfl koeI QoVHy huMdy ny, sdI dI iqMn cOQfeI, pUrI Aumr Bog cuwkf hF, hux qF jo ijAuN lvF rUMgy df hI hY. hux qF ies prfey dysL ivc hI myrf afKLrI sPLr roljL rfeIs ivc hovygf, qUM myry Puwl gMgf pf dyvIN. myrf hux punr jnm ivc atuwt ivsLvfs ho igaf hY. hux mYN CyqI hI aKLqr sLIrfnI, nrysL kumfr

9 apRYl 1989 nUM jdoN mYN dysL prq irhf sF, ikvyN iek rfq lMzn rukx dI guMjfiesL itkt rfhIN kwZ leI. Auh sfnUM dohF nUM lYx jgjIq nfl hvfeI awzy’qy afey, pr kmjLorI qy inrblqf dI iek qsvIr. ichrf dyKidaF hI myrf idl bYT igaf. Auh hux Gor inrfsqf dI dldl ivc Ps cuwky sn. AunHF dI kmjLorI kfrn rfq nUM bhuqIaF gwlF vI nf ho skIaF. myry qurn vyly AunHF ivc drvfjLy qwk Cwzx df Auqsfh vI nhIN sI irhf. mYN drvfjLy qoN muiVaf, Auh ibsqry qoN AuTy qy asIN afKrI vfr bglgIr hoey. hux mYN afpxI ijMLdgI ivc afpxf vfh pey sB qoN mhfn mnuwK nfloN sdf leI ivCV irhf sF. 24 apRYl 1989 dI svyr torFto qoN myry lVky crn df Pon afieaf. ‘lMzn qoN aFtI jI df Pon afieaf hY, quhfzy idwlI dy PLon df AunHF nUM pqf nhIN sI, aMkl jI 24 apRYl dI svyr nUM afpxI gUVHI nINd qoN nhIN jfgy.’ hjLfroN brs nrgs afpnI by-nUrI py roqI hY, bVI musLikl sy hoqf hY cmn myN dIdf vr pYdf. mfhnfmf ‘afrsI’ jUn 1990 ivc Cipaf.

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The Patrika




Friday, February 15th, 2019



kflLIey bWdlIey nI

lKvIr lWkI ‘gWKV’ imWtI df bixaF, afiÉr imWtI ivWc imlxf, keIaF dy prdy kWjy ny,

rxjIq ikMgrf jfh kflLI bdlotIey, nI qUM kr Èfh kflLf vys»

imWtI df Kud vI aMq imWtI ivWc imlxf,

myry krky hI iZWzoN rWjy ny»

ieWk QF qoN dUjI QF qy cWldy iPrnf,

hr roË hI ikMny hI myrI ihWk qy vfr huMdy ny?

asmfnI AuWz-AWuz ky vI afiÉr

iql vrgy bIj vI myrf sInf pfV idMdy ny,

sInF BuWjy (jF) mINh vrHy, mYƒ nfgxF jfpx kys»

Drq ‘qy igrnf»

myrI cIk kdy iksy dy kMnIN peI hY?

ikAuN ibrhoN dy ivWc rolLqI, myrI sohixaF aWlHV vrys»

PuWl bÊIcy Ìl pdfrQ gulÈn aqy bhfrF,

mYN gUMgI bolLI suWky pWiqaF nflL KyHzdI hF

hr ieWk dI hMudI pYV myry ‘qy kI

kdI sVk dy ies pfsy kdI Aus pfsy,

gWzIaF kI kfrF,

pfxI dIaF qYhF vI myry ’qy hI rfj krdIaF ny,

dyx dI hY bWs soJI mYƒ, mYN kuJ nf soc ivcfrF,

smuMdr dI zUMGfeI vI mYƒ CUhky

AunHF ƒ vI idMdI rhFgI,

hI mfpI jFdI hY»

ijnHF vyicaf ivWc bËfrF»

pr pfxI qoN mYN GbrfAuNdI vI hF,

JVI JVI kr ijvyN mYN hF JV cWlI, Eh vI hMJU hMJU ho ky jfx muWk vy»

sonf Augl ky vI afiÉr imWtI hF,

mYƒ roVH ky GroN by-Gr kr dyNdf hY»

bx gey nfsUr myry idl dy ËÉm, ijhVy irsdy krn tWs tWs nI» kflLIey[[[[

kfienfq sjf ky vI imWtI dI imWtI hF,

mYƒ msl msl ky cMgf GolL krdf hY,

nÌrqF durkfrF ƒ sihMdI,

cWk qy GuMmx GyrIaF vI KvFdf hY,

hr ieWk dI loV dy pUrf AuqrdI hF,

afiÉr aWg ivWc Jok idMdy hn,

bWs ieWk afpxf muWl nhIN puaf skI,

myrf rMg bdl dyNdy hn,

ikAuNik mYN qF imWtI hF»

kWcy qoN pWkf aKvfAuNdI hF»

vWKry vWKry akfrF ivWc qusIN sfry hI

cl iÌr kI? myry rMg bhuq ny,

qUMhIEN myrf rWb sI qy qUMhIN myrf rWb hYNgf, rhyNgf hmyÈf myrf rWb vy»

mYƒ vyKdy ho»

myry nF vI anyk ny,

qyry p®dysI muV kdy vI nhIN afAuxf, mYƒ mfrdy ny qfany lokIN sB vy»

AuWcy AuWcy phfVF ’qy myrf isMGfsn,

mYN qF hr ieWk dy kMm afAuNdI hF,

ndIaF nihrF dirafvF qy myrf pihrf

myrI Aumr bhuq lMmyrI hY»

mfrUQlF dI ÉUbsUrqI dI crcf

pr ieWk QF rihMdI bhuqf icr nf,

kI hoieaf kMnF vfilLE,

asmfnI AuWz AuWz ky vI,

quhfƒ iZWzoN pYdf nhIN kIqf,

afiÉr Drq qy igrnf,

pr quhfƒ idWqf vI kI nhIN?

ikAuNik ‘mYN qF imWtI’ hF»

dyeIN sunyhVf Es ƒ jo jf CuipaY prdys»

kflLIey bWdlIey nI mMn lY imMnq jf ky sWjxF dy Èihr AuWqy vWs nI» myry vFgUM roNdI ipWCy, qyrI mihbUb bYTI, sWjxF ƒ jf ky dyeIN dWs nI» hMJUaF dy hVH afey nYxF hrnoitaF ’coN, zuWlHdf ey pfxI buWk buWk vy»

suWK nf sunyhF ByjyN hY nhIN isrnfvF, dWs ilK ilK ByjF ikWQy Kq nI? JWilaF dy vFgUM roNdI rhF idn rfq ijvyN, mfrI geI hovy myrI mWq nI» Kfxf pIxf sOxf mYƒ hfr qy iÈMgfr BuWly, aONsIaF ’c poty gey Gs nI» kflLIey[[[[

qIr nI ivCoVy vflLy KuWB gey klyjy myry, ips geI aF vFgUM KsÉs nI» kflLIey[[[[ sfAux df mhInf afieaf sBnF shylIaF dy, af gey mfhI EnHF ƒ qF lYx vy» virHaF dy vFg sfzf kWlf kWlf idn lMGy, sdIaF dy vFgUM rfq zYx vy» mylHdy jo ihWk AuWqy nfg ieh judfeIaF vflLy, pl pl jFdy mYƒ zWs nI» kflLIey[[[[

buWZy nflL ivafh

suÈIl kOr

ivafh ky buWZy nflL,

ivafh ky buWZy[[[

mr gey ny cf myry sBI GuWt GuWt ky

mr jfvF ieho cMgf Kf ky puVI Ëihr nI

kIqf mfipaF ny kihr nI

buZVy vlfieqIey df ieho vWzf gux nI

roxf nf mYN cfhvF pr aFsU nhIN rukdy

ivafh ky buWZy[[[

eHydy nflLoN mfr dyNdy mYƒ dy ky Ëihr nI

pYisaF dy nflL rihMdI jybH iehdI qMun nI

vyKI Èfm, vyKI nf juafnI dI dupihr nI

lfvF cfr dy ky aYsf ikhVf puMn KWitaf

cfr Gr, do PlYt ivWc lMzn Èihr nI

ivafhI buWZy nflL kIqf mfipaF ny kihr nI

AumrF df roxf myry glL pf suWitaf

lok kihMdy eyhdy AuWqy bfby dI hY imhr nI

mfipaF ny soicaf mYN rfj eyQy krFgI

cYn qy krfr igaf myrf sfrf luWitaf

eyhdI nhIN loV mYƒ dyvo puVI Ëihr nI

nflL pYsy, ËyvrF iqjorI ÉUb BrFgI

jdoN CUhxf cfhy mYƒ ho jfey buÉfr nI

ivafh ky buWZy[[[

eyhdy nfloN Ëihr dy ky mYƒ dyNdy mfr nI

supny aDUry, aDvfty rhy tuWt ky


pYsy nflL ÉuÈIaF ÉrId nhIN huMdIaF sWDrF murfdF vI nsIb nhIN huMdIaF pYsy dIaF cmkF sdIv nhIN huMdIaF

ieh nf AuhnF soicaf mYN iql iql mrFgI buWZy nflL ivafh ky kIqf mfipaF ny kihr nI smF vI mYN BuWl geI, hY Èfm ik dupihr nI

eHydy nflLoN mfr dyNdy mYƒ dy ky Ëihr nI»

The Patrika


Friday, February 15th, 2019




Éq ilKIN

kMizaflI QorH

JFjr qy bMdUk

zf[ jgqfr koeI mjb¨rI nhIN jy idl kry qF Éq ilKIN »

mYN JFjr hF

irÈiqaF dI BIV ‘coN Pursq imlLy qF Éq ilKIN »

hr idl dI DVkx hF

vYx idl cIr dyx vflLy,

kOx jÈnF ivWc iksy ƒ icWq Dry, cyqy kry,

soË hF

drd jfn lYx vflLy,

sfË hF

Aupjdy ny qyry kihr ’coN»

luqÌ hF

qYƒ dyKky hr koeI

mihkdy mihµdI Bry hWQF dI ieWk vI ryK ‘coN,

myry borF ’c sMgIq hY

sihmdf hY

rµg jy myrI muhWbq df idsy qF Éq ilKIN »

gIq hY

zrdf hY

myrI bµjr Éfk ƒ qF Éfb qk afAuxf nhIN,

muskrfht hY

qUM ipafr qoN kohF dUr

jd iqrI imWtI ‘c koeI PuWl iKVy qF Éq ilKIN »

mYN sB ƒ


i˵dgI ivWc jd kdy qlÉI vDy qF Éq ilKIN » hY bhfrF df ajy mOsm q¨µ jµm jµm mfx ieh, qyry aFÕx ivWc jdoN pWqy JVy qF Éq ilKIN »

i˵dgI dy hr pVf, hr moV ‘qy hr pYr ‘qy, jd AudfsI ivc kdy vI idn DuKy qF Éq ilKIN » mihÌlF ivWc, Xfr XfrI ivWc, iksy Auqsv ‘c vI, iËkr myrf jy iksy ƒ vI cuwBy qF Éq ilKIN »

pfl iZWloN suxdI ey cIk qy kUk

ncf skdI hF nWc skdI hF myry ’coN sMgIq Aupjdf hY

Èihr, prbq, vfdIaF vyKy jo myry nflL q¨µ,

iÈMgfr inKrdf hY

iks qrHF lWgy, jy hux guËry kdy qF Éq ilKIN »

myrI mDur afvfË sux

hY duaf myrI ik hovy hr KuÈI qYƒ nsIb,

KVH jFdy ny rfhI

sih-suBfa vI pr kdy jy aWK Bry qF Éq ilKIN » jo iqrf qIrQ, iebfdq, dIn dunIaF sI kdy, hux kdy ‘jgqfr’ Auh qYƒ imlLy qF Éq ilKIN »

Drq dI afvfË sqvMq kOr pMDyr

mYN DrqI pMjfb dI, hWQ bMnH bMnH arË krF» rotI roËI vfsqy vy,

idl hr jFdy ny afpxy afp ƒ myry qoN kurbfn krn ƒ mcldy ny

chMu iCWlVF ƒ gey sI,

myry hËfrF lWKF afiÈk ny

ijhVy prq ky afey nf»

jfn hQylI DrI iPrdy ny

myrI suMnI god AuzIkdI,

ikAuN ik mYN JFjr hF[[[»

mYƒ CWz ky jfieAu nf» jfieAu dyÈ ibgfny, XfdF muV muV afAuxgIaF»

ijvyN puWq AuzIky mF» mYN DrqI pMjfb dI, hWQ bMnH bMnH arË krF»

bx supny suWiqaF ƒ,

rotI roËI vfsqy vy,

nINdF ivc qVpfAuxgIaF»

mYƒ CWz ky jfieAu nf»

qy qUM eNy bMdUk nf iksy dI mfÈUk nf iksy dy idl dI hUk jd vI, qUM afpxf kfrj krdI eyN

lhU dI ipafsI mOq eyN drd eyN iksy dI hm-drd nhIN jy mYN ÈIÈf hF qF qUM pWQr eyN jy mYN KuÈI hF qF qUM gmI eyN mYN mihk

iÈv kumfr mYN kMizaflI QorH vy sWjxf mYN kMizaflI QorH vy sWjxf, AuWgI ivc AujfVF»

AuWgI ivc jo byly,

jF AuzdI bdlotI koeI,

nf koeI myrI CFvyN bYTy,

vrH geI ivc phfVF»

nf pWq Éfvx lyly»

jF Auh dIvf ijhVf blLdf,

mYN rfjy dI brdI aiVaf,

pIrF dI dyhrI qy,

qUM rfjy df jfieaf,

jF ko e I ko i el kM T ijdH y qUhIEN ds vy mohrF sfhvyN dIaF, muWl kIh Kovx Dyly ? sUqIaF jfvx nfVF» isKr dupihrF jyT dIaF ƒ jF cMby dI zflLI koeI, sfAux ikvyN mYN afKF jo bflx bx jfey, cOhIN kUtIN BfvyN lWgx jF mrUey df PuWl bsMqI, lWK qIaF dy myly» jo TuMg jfx gutfrF» qyrI myrI p®Iq df aiVaf jF koeI bot ik ijs dy hfly AuhIE hfl sU hoieaf, nYx nhIN sn KuWlHy ijAuN ckvI pihcfx nf sWky mfiraf mflI kWs gulylf cMn ciVHaf idhuM vyly» lY dfKF dIaF afVF» mYN kMizaflI QorH vy sWjxf, mYN kMizaflI QorH vy sWjxf, AuWgI ivc jo bfgF» AuWgI ikqy kurfhy» myry muWZ bxfeI vrmI nf iksy mflI isMijaf mYƒ, kfly ÌnIar nfgF» nf koeI isMjxf cfhy» Xfd qyrI dy AuWcy mihlIN,

mYN murgfeI mfnsrF dI

mYN bYTI peI rovF,

jo PV leI iksy iÈkry

hr drvfËy lWgf pihrf,

jF koeI lflHI pYr sMDUrI

ikAuNik mYN JFjr hF»

afvF ikhVy rfhy ?

noc ley ijdHy kfgF»

qy qUM

mYN Auh cMdrI ijs dI zolI,

jF sWsI dI BYx vy dUjI


luWt leI afp khfrF,

kMm ijdHf bs roxf

bMnHx dI QF bfbl ijs dy,

luWt KiVaf ijdHf puƒ hoqF

afp klIry lfhy»

pr afeIaF nf jfgF»

kUlLI pWt Aumr dI cfdr

bfgF vfilLaf qyry bfgIN

ho geI lIrF lIrF

hux jI nhIEN lgdf,

cIÉ eyN,

iqVk gey vy ZovF vfly

KlI-KloqI mYN vfVF ivc

ikAuNik qUM bMdUk eyN»

plMG vsl leI zfhy»

sO sO duKVy JfgF»

nUr srUr hF

ÈYqfn hYvfn drd


The Patrika





ijAUx jogy sfrf aflLf duaflLf ruµz muµz ho igaf ey» mor pqf nhIN ikAuyN nhIN k¨kdy[[[prsoN jµglI murgy dy KµB sfrI sVk ‘qy iKWlry pey sn…PV PV krdf vWzI ikWkr duaflyL PyrIaF lfieaf krdf sI, rfq ikWkr ‘qy hI rihµdf sI…ikµny gihry qy cmkIly rµg sn Auhdy! …svyry sVk ‘qy KMB iKWlry pey sn» pqf nhIN iksy iÈkfrI ny…jF iksy ibWlI, kuWqy dy kfb¨ af igaf sI…Auh afÉrI jµglI murgf sI jo ies ikWkr qy rihµdf sI» ies ipµz dy krmF ‘c Zihxf hI iliKaf sI pr iewQoN dy vfsI ipµz CWzx leI AuWkf iqafr nhIN sn» Èihr vwDdf vwDdf aYn ipµz dy nflL af lWgf sI» keI noits af cuWky sn ipµz KflI krn dy» pr bhuiqaF ƒ aWgoN koeI Boieµ nhIN sI imlLI» keIaF ny zyarIaF bxf rWKIaF sn» kuJ ieWk ny Èihr ‘c Dµdy KolH rWKy sn» kuJ bËurgF ƒ ipµz nflL moh zfhZf sI…hfeI kort qy iPr suprIm kort…aÉIrly noits qoN bfad dndxFdf hoieaf bulzoËr ipµz dI iPrnI ‘qy af Kloqf sI…ipµz’c KlblI mc geI sI» qIvIaF bµdy GrF ‘coN smfn kWZ-kWZ BWjx lWgy, pȨaF ƒ zµzy mfrdy hoey KuWizaF dIaF qfkIaF KolHdy hoey, KµB PVPVFdIaF kYNa kYNa krdIaF murgIaF, ‘mYN mYN’ krdIaF bWkrIaF, trµk, BFzy, mµjIaF, Dr¨µhdy, Grkdy, hÌdy, bWcy, buWZy, jvfn, gflLF kWZdy, roNdy cIkdy dOVdy jf rhy sn…» “qvHfzf kWK nf rhy vy qvHfzf, qvHfƒ pvy vy ZfeIaF GVIaF dI vy sfƒ ‘jfVn vfilE…»” bo l dI, bkdI, DR Y N h DR Y N h bWkrIaF ƒ sotf mfrdI, DWkdI, KwulHy Jfty, JWgo JWg hoeI, kfÜI mF df r¨p DfrI Bµqo mihrI izWgdI ZihµdI BWjI jf rhI sI… bVboilaF dI buWZI sfho sfh hoeI afpxI mµjI Dr¨hI jf rhI sI…aVFa aVFa krdIaF mWJF muV-muV EQy hI gyVy kWZI jFdIaF» kWcy, aWD pWky koTy, vWzy-vWzy q¨VI dy kuWp, ghIry bulzoËr aWgy ieµj AuWz rhy sn ijvyN koeI vWzf q¨Ìfn af igaf hovy…» …aKy PlYt AuWsrngy, vWzy vWzy Èoar¨m bxngy, pWkIaF sVkF bxngIaF…pihlF kuJ lokF ny bulzoËr ƒ rokx dI koiÈÈ kIqI sI, iPr lVdy JgVdy srkfr ƒ kosdy GrF ‘coN smfn kWZx lWg pey sn» ZWTdy koTy vyK, ieWk d¨jy vWl vyK, iPr mfipaF dy Audfs m¨µhF vWl vyKdy aµJfxy cuWp-cfp ijhy lfgy iPrdy sn…ajIb ijhI aWcvI lWgI peI sI AuhnF ƒ… mfipaF dy htkx dy bfvj¨d Auh bulzoËr dy mgr ho qury sn ‘ahu vyKo kfl¨ dI izAUVI…Tfh izWgI…»’ iBµdf cIk ipaf sI» PAGE 30

‘iPWty m¨µh qvHfzf vy byÈrmo…»’ krqfro iBµ d r qy ÈIȨ Tfh Tfh krky hWs pey ny» AuhnF ny iCµdy ƒ iJVikaf sI» ny kuhfVy s¨q ley ny»purfxy ‘ahu vyK DIry quhfzI sbHfq…dYVH dYVH Tfh ipWpl dy qxy ƒ…ipWpl Tfh…» muµizaF df bdobdI hfsf inkl bhuq cIhVf ey…krqfr igaf sI» ƒ, iBµdr ƒ, ÈIȨ ƒ, sfh ‘vy qvHfƒ KuÈI kfhdI cVH geI sfzf Gr ciVHaf hoieaf ey» izWgx dI…»’ DIry dI mF ƒ guWsf cVH ‘vy jWd-muinafd nhIN igaf sI» rihµdI…nf vWZo vy ipWpl, muµzy hux kmilaF hfr ieWk d¨jy qoN aWgy dyvqf huµdf ey…»’ Bµqo dOVdy hoey, agly GrF df smfn kZfAuNdy, mihrI duhfeI dyNdI lµG Dr¨µhdy iPrnI qWk ilaFAuNdy muVHko muVHkI geI ey…suixafN ey kmlLI ho geI ey, pihlF K¨h hoey pey sn» bµd ho gey, iÌr hotlF ny sfrI rfq kuWqy roNdy rhy sn, mlby dy ZyrF ‘qy mihiraF df kµm bµd krvf bYTy ajIb ‘vfjF kWZdy, roNdIaF ibWlIaF ZWTy idWqf» muµzf hotl ‘c eI nOkr ho igaf… ipµzF dy cWkr kWZdIaF rhIaF sn…Bµqo hux cµzIgVH rihµdf ey…Bµqo EQy nhIN geI, mihrI dI brVfeI ijhI afvfË, kdI jfpdf Èfied geI sI pr af geI ey, Auhdf idl cIkF mfrdI ey, kdI jfpdf roNdI ey…iPr nhIN lWgf EQy…Auh afpxy ipµz vflLy kWcy qfVI mfr ky hf…hf…hf krky athfs koTy ‘c hI rihµdI sI, aWD kmlLI ijhI, kdI kdI BWTI qfa bihµdI, dfxy BnfAux krdI hoeI…ieWk ÉOPnfk afvfË…» koeI afAuNdf eI nf…lok hWsdy, Auh iPr idn cVHidaF hI Tykydfr af igaf ey afry vI bflx JokI jFdI BWTI hyT…keI vyr kuhfVy qy mËd¨r lY ky» ipµz dy ipWpl, bohV kVfhI ‘c kuWjf mfr rhI huµdI, ijvyN CoilaF qy DrykF vWZx leI» ieh iesy ipµz dy lok dIaF iKWlF kWZ rhI hovy» ny jo ÈihrI mËd¨r bx gey ny…ies AuWjVy ipµz dy lokF ‘qy srkfr dI bVI ikrpf ey, ‘hfa vy lWC¨ afh vyK mWkI ikµnI iKVI ey!’ Auh ryq CfxI jFdI» kWcIaF nOkrIaF qy rWK ley gey ny…» ‘qfeI ilaf dfxy ‘qy cbfa»’ lµGdy afAuNdy ‘vy kWK nhIN jy rihxf, ipWpl nf vWiZE…»’ Bµqo ƒ mÉOl krdy, itckrF krdy» Bµqo mihrI bfhvF KVHIaF kr duhfeI pf rhI ey…ieWk imµt leI mËd¨r iTTk gey ny» Auhdf Gr-vflf lWC¨ mihrf…bWkrIaF df ieWjV sI Auhdf, pihlF ipµz df pfxI Brdf ‘ikAuN kI ho igaf?’ Tykydfr ny roab nflL K¨h qoN, iPr ieWjV CyV lYNdf… ikWkrF dI puWiCaf ey» JµgI vWl ho qurdf, bWkrIaF, ikWkrIaF nflL iekdm AuhnF ieWk d¨jy vWl vyiKaf ey… plm plm jFdIaF, murk murk ikWkrIaF TWk TWk kuhfVy cWl pey ny» ‘qyrI mF…»’ dy luµg crdIaF…lWC¨ mfqf dIaF BytF koeI qxy dy cIhVy hox ƒ gfhlF kWZ irhf Cuh lYNdf qy iPr bygo nfr…koeI zWkx vflLf huµdf nf hoVn vflLf…ipµz dI sFJI ey» BoN, ÈFmlft…keI mWJF dy CyV¨ vI EQy af kihr BrIaF nËrF nflL, kdI asmfn vWl, jFdy, ikWkrIaF hyT lµmf lµmf Gfh» mWJF kdI ieWk-d¨jy vWl qy kdI Tykydfr vWl crdIaF…muµzy ibd ibd ky Gol krdy, kOzI ivµhdy hoey, aWtxF BrIaF qlLIaF ‘qy QuWkdy KHyzdy…iek do jxy vfrI nflL sfrIaF mWJF AuhnF ƒ sihlfAuNdy, qxy ‘qy muV-muV vfr sµBfl lYNdy»’ krky muVHkf p¨µJdy sfho sfhI ho rhy ny…» ‘ikAuN qfey, buVHf ho igaf, lWlH nf gey’ hux Auh pfxI dy GVy duaflLy ho gey ny» imrËf gfAuNdy ƒ muµzy tFc krdy» pr jd krqfrf kih irhf ey, ‘ahu sI sfzf Gr, Auh dyvI dIaF BytF gfAuNdf qF gfAuNdf ahu inµm myry pVdfdy ny lfeI sI…dyK gfAuNdf ÈudfeI ho jFdf, vjd ‘c nWcx lE-kyzf motf qxf ey» …eys QWly myrI lWgdf, dulWqIaF mfrn lWgdf» mF crKf kWiqaf krdI sI…dfdI atyrn ‘Eie bONigaf, afh qyrIaF sflIaF» nflL nflL s¨q atyiraf krdI sI»’ dI pYlLI ivclf jWt AusdIaF bWkrIaF

Friday, February 15th, 2019

suKvµq kOr mfn

hWQ Pyrdf, sihlfAuNdf, ipafr krdf… vyKdf iksy dI lWq vWZI huµdI, iksy dy ipµzy ‘qy tWk lWigaf huµdf, Auhdy aWQr¨ plm afAuNdy, AuhdI iGWgI bWJ jFdI, Gr jFdf qF Bµqo bWkrIaF igxdI. ieWk bWkrI jF lylf guµm hoieaf huµdf…muV muV igxdy…igxdy igxdy iPr BuWl jFdy…afpo ‘c lV pYNdy… Auh Bµqo ƒ kuWtdf mfrdf, AuhdI guWq puWtdf, Gr ‘c kuhrfm mc jFdf…» ‘qyrf kWK nf rhy vy, gihl¨ vy qeIƒ afvy ZfeIaF GVIaF dI vy, myrI bWkrI curfAux vfilLaf»’ ‘sux lY vy ipµz, aWj curfeI iehny myrI bWkrI, kWlH ƒ myrI kuVI ƒ hWQ pfAU, mYN toty nf kr idWqf qF…bixafN iPrdf ey, kuWqf jWt…»’ Bµqo hWQ ivc bWkrIaF vflLf ZFgf leI, gihl¨ dI ahI qhI PyrI jFdI» ‘vWZ dAUN ikWkrI dy luµgF vFg¨µ’ gflLF kWZdI kWZdI Auh dOVn lWgdI» lWC¨ mgry dOVn lWgdf» Auh Bµqo dy mgr dOVdf gµd bkdf…Bµqo hor aWgy dOV jFdI…» rfqIN gihl¨ dy Gr mfs irWJdf, pqIlf gVHkdf, qVky dI KuÈbo aWDy ipµz ivc PYl jFdI» keI GrIN mfs dy kOly vrqdy, Èrfb pI gihl¨ Bµqo dy Gr vWl BWj lYNdf» ‘qyrI Eey, mYN…qyrI DI dI’, Auh gµdIaF gflLF kWZdf, AuhdI DI ƒ cwukx dy zrfvy idµdf, Bµqo vWZ vWZ Auhƒ pYNdI, lWC¨ Auhƒ guWqoN PV GVIs aµdr zWk idµdf» svyry Gr jf ky lWC¨ ipWtdf, jjmfnF dy aWgy illkVIaF kWZdf, roNdf mimaFdf, pµcfieq juVdI»

‘nhIN’ ieµj qF grIb df gwlL vWZx vflLI gWl hoeI»’ gihl¨ df koeI ÈrIk lWC¨ leI ‘clo vWZo beI…»’ Tyk yd fr ny hok rf ƒ DRYNh DRYNh kuWtdf, ieWjV leI afAuNdf» hfa df nfarf mfrdf» lWC¨ vyKdf, zYNbrIaF ijhIaF bWkrIaF mfiraf ey» mimafAuNdIaF hoeIaF Auhdy duaflLy kWTIaF ‘mfeI bfp afh ‘qy hoeI hWk dI gWl, moqIaF ‘qyrI Eey…»’ krqfry ny m¨µh hI m¨µh ‘c hox lWgdIaF» ieWk ieWk dy m¨µh ‘qy Auh afilLE»’ gflL kWZI ey…» bfkI pMnf 35 'qy

The Patrika


Friday, February 15th, 2019




Smart tips for reducing screenrelated eyestrain (NC) How much screen time have you tronic device. Enhad today? sure that According to research by Essilor, 72 all screens per cent of Canadian adults spend ( i n c l u d seven or more hours in front of three ing your different electronic devices per day. p h o n e ) A full 90 per cent of them reported at a r e a t least one eye-related problem linked to least at arm’s distance from your face. digital devices last year. Brighten up. After a long day at work, While smartphones, tablets and com- it’s nice to dim the lights, pour yourself puters have become an essential, a drink and watch some Netflix. Howunavoidable part of our personal and ever, it’s much easier on your eyes if professional lives, there are smart ways you keep the room softly lit. to reduce the impact of screen-induced Don’t be left in the dark. Do you sufeyestrain: fer from headaches or other symptoms Take a break. If you’re using a com- after excessive screen time? It may puter for an extended period, give your be time to get glasses or update your eyes a rest by looking away from your prescription. Not only can an eyecare monitor. Try the 20-20-20 rule: Every professional correct your vision and 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet help you understand the impact of screen time, but regular comprehensive away for at least 20 seconds. eye exams can lead to early detection Distance yourself. Just as your parents of health issues, including diabetes, told you not to sit too close to the TV, cancer and even high blood pressure. it’s important to maintain a healthy You can find a qualified eyecare profesdistance between you and your elec- sional at myeyeexam.ca.

$ 12.65

DrimMdr sLrmf: 778-683-3019 PAGE 31

The Patrika





i˵dgI vfrs hY

ielfky dy mÈh¨r ds-nµbrIey jgIry ny “cµgf jgIiraf, qyry AWuqy mYN Éfs aWK afpIN Qfxy jf ky Qfxydfr dy pYr PV ley» rWKFgf, qy jy Cy mhIny qyrI koeI mfVI irport nf afeI, qy jy qyrf koeI cµgf kµm “h˨r, aWj qoN mYN bdmfÈI CWzI qy qusIN myry vI mYN sux ilaf qF ds nµbr ‘coN qyrf nF isr ‘qy hWQ rWKo, qF iksy idn mYN ielfky dy kZfa idaFgf»” sfAUaF ivc igixafN jfvFgf»” ieh gWl pihlI akq¨br ƒ hoeI sI, qy jgIrf bVf sunWKf drÈnI jvfn sI» GroN aWj qyrF akq¨br sI, ik Auh burI qrHF vI cµgf sI, pr mF-ipE moieaF BYVI suhbqoN vWiZaf-tuWikaf Qfxy ivc ilaFdf igaf» ivgiVaf hoieaf sI» aWj pqf nhIN ikhVf koeI duÈmx afpxy vloN Auhƒ mfr-mukf ky vlyl Auhƒ Qfxy lY afieaf? ikWkrF dI JµgI ivc suWt igaf sI» ËÉm Qfxydfr vI asr mµnx vflLf aÌsr sI, by-Èumfr sn, KWbf hWQ nfloLN hI lih igaf sI, lh¨ nflL kWpVy gVuWc sn, ichrf byhWs ky afiKaf s¨:

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rµg sI, pr Auh ajy bol skdf sI, qy p¨rI dI Èrq sI» hOldfr afdmI koeI mfVf hoÈ ivc sI» nhIN, pr ÈrIk iehdy puWj ky vYlI ny» “ikAuN jgIiraf, ieh kI hoieaf? iks ƒ myry afAuNidaF hI AunHF ƒ ieh duWK vV qyrI Ébr dyeIey?” Qfxydfr ny puWiCaf» igaf ik pµjfh ivWGy qF ivrsy ivWcoN AuWz hI gey, aOlfd BfvyN myry ivWcoN hovy qy BfvyN “jy qusIN qrn qfrnoN hOldfr surmuK isµG nf hovy…. pihlF qF mYƒ ienHF vrglfxf dI vhutI ikWCo ƒ mµgfa idEN, AuhI d¨roN- cfihaf ik hOldfr buWZf nkfrf ey» Pyr pfroN myrI kuJ lWgdI ey ÈYd mYN bc eI qµg krky mYƒ ikqy nTfxf cfihaf, mYN nf jfvF!" mµnIN» KWjl-KuafrI qoN mYƒ zr lWgdY» qF Qfxydfr ƒ jgIry nflL kuJ Auns ho geI AunHF mYƒ mfr-mukfx dI slfh bxf leI» sI» AuhdI dIdfrI jvfnI hr iksy ƒ KuÈI afpIN mfrnoN Auh zr gey ik nF ÈrIkF df dyNdI sI, qy mfVy kµmF qoN Auhdf pCqfvf hI lWgygf» Auh afp jo ¨pµjfh ivWGy tWbr sux ky Qfxydfr ƒ Éfs KuÈI hoeI sI» aWj dI mflkI ‘coN inkl jfx dy KuWlHy roxy ro cuWky acfnk mOq dI kµDI Auqy Auhƒ sWuitaf vyK sn» … AunHF iksy ƒ rupeIey dy ky mYƒ ky Qfxydfr dy idl ivc bVf kuJ hoieaf mrvf CWzx df mns¨bf bxfieaf» afpIN sI, iek ispfhI qurµq qrn qfrn vl qor rlL ky ieh sfry mYƒ mWisaf dy myly AuWqy lY idWqf, qy puls ny hspqfl dy zfktr ƒ gey» hOldfr vI nflL sI pr Aus ivcfry ƒ qF ieh buWD¨ bxfeI rWKdy ny» iksy nf iksy mµgf ky loVINdI pWtI krf idWqI» qrHF BIV ivc sfry myry nflLoN inWKV gey» “qkdIr nflL lVfeI kr irhY, pr hY sÉq bVI GbrfeI hoeI mYN jxy Kxy koloLN puWCF» jfn, idl blf df mËb¨q s¨ koeI ajIb gWl qdy ieh jgIrf myry kolL af igaf» eys mYƒ nhIN ik bc eI jfey”, zfktr dI rfey sI» dWisaf ik ieh myry Gr idaF ƒ jfxdY, qy iqµnF GµitaF ivc hI ispfhI ikWCo, Auhdy AunHF kolL mYƒ pucf dyvygf» pqI qy do ÈrIkF ƒ nflL lY afieaf» hOldfr “pr AunHF kolL pucfx dI QF ieh mYƒ afpxy ipnÈnI sI, pµjfh dy lgBg hovygf» pr Gr lY igaf» idWsxoN ieh mYƒ cµgf afdmI hOldfrnI msF vIhF-bfeIaF virHaF dI lWgf sI, pr iehdf vqIrf mYƒ ÈWk pfeI idsdI sI» inrI idsdI hI nhIN, Auhdy jFdf sI» kdy ieh afpxI ikrpfn kWZ m¨µh AWuqy jvfnI dI koeI mÈfl lt lt kr ilafvy, AuhdI Dfr vyKy» mYN iehƒ kih rhI sI» qy jvfnI dy aµg vI szOl hox qF idWqf ik mYƒ iehdy AuWqy ieqbfr nhIN» mYƒ Auhdf KyVf jF AuhdI ÊmgInI vyKx vfilLaF ieh iÉafl afAuNdf sI ik ies Gr ivc qF Auqy iek qilWsm kr dyNdy ny» ibjlI dy mYƒ mfrn nhIN lWgf, bfhr hI ikqy KVygf, cµigafVy suWtx vflLy aµgF ƒ pWtIaF ivc qy mYN Èor pf idaFgI jF pµcfieq kolL clI bWDy qy BKdI lflI ƒ bWgI p¨xI hoeI vyK jfvFgI» qF eys ny bVy Èrmfey ijhy m¨µh ky ikWCo dy kflijEN iek afp muhfrI cIk nflL mYƒ sfrI gWl dWs idWqI ik sfzy ÈrIkF inklI, qy Aus ny jgIry df sfbq hWQ afpxy ny iehƒ pµj sO rupWeIaf nkd idWqf qy pµj hWQF ivc PV ilaf» sO kµm ho jfx bfad dyx df iekrfr kIqf “ikWCo, ikWCo, ro nf hux mYN nhIN mrnf q¨µ j¨ sI, jy ieh mYƒ mfr ky iksy ieho ijhy QF af geIEN!” qy Aus ny Auhdy hWQ afpxI suWt dyvy ijWQoN ikDroN s¨h nf inkly… ihWk AuWqy iKHWc ley» ‘pr ikWCo, qYƒ mfry kOx? pµj sO nhIN pµj ikWCo ny Qfxydfr ƒ afiKaf ik ijµnI gWl df hËfr kolLoN dy ky vI mYN qYƒ imldI ƒ ivafj Auhƒ pqf ey, sfrI Auh dWsygI, pr dWsygI ilafvF»’ jgIry ny mYƒ afiKaf» qy Auhdf iekWilaF» Qfxydfr Auhƒ afpxy dÌqr lihjf sI ijdHI sWcfeI qIvIN dy aµdr Ds jFdI ey» Aus dI gWl sfrI dI sfrI JWt ivc lY igaf» myry mµnx ivc af geI» hOldfr dy ÈrIk “ijEN jfxdy E, jgIry ƒ bcf lE”, ikWCo afpxy pµjfh ivWiGaF dI Éfqr myry pµjfh Qfxydfr dy pYrIN pY geI, “ieh hIrf bµdf toty krf dyx leI idn rfq ivlH rhy sn» jy!” hOldfr BolLf afdmI ey» Auhƒ ienHF mnfa “jo q¨µ jfxnI eyN, sWcIN sWcIN dWs dy. jgIry ilaf ik mYN myly ivc eyDr-EDr ho geI sF kolL qWdy mYN iksy ƒ kuJ puWCx nhIN idWqf, Auh jF ikWDry afp hI nWT geI sF» mOq nflL GolL kr irhY, sfrI qfkq AuhdI “eys jgIry ƒ ijAuN ijAuN mYN vyKF iesdI mOq nflL hI GulLy. q¨µ dWs iks nfmurfd dI gWl myry kµnF ivc vWjy : ‘ikWCo, qYƒ mfry ieh krq¨q ey?” kOx!’ ieh mYƒ cµgf lWgdf jfey» kI dWsF “Auhdf qF mYƒ pqf nhIN, pr ijµnf pqf mYƒ hY, Auhdy qoN qusIN Ër¨r koeI s¨h kWZ lvogy… myrf ivafh mfipaF ny kuJ lY-dy ky eys buWZy hOldfr nflL kr idWqf, iehƒ aOlfd dI isWk sI, qy sO ivWiGaF df ieh mflk sI» pµjfh ivWGy eys koloN myry mfipaF ny pihlF hI myry nF ilKf ley ieh ivafh


Friday, February 15th, 2019

koeI jfc ey iehƒ cµigaF lWgx dI! koeI idl ey iehdy aµdr» mYƒ jfipaf ijAuN mYN pihlI vfrI koeI mrd vyiKaf sI» nf pyikaF qy nf shuiraF dy lfxy ivc mYN koeI mrdF vflLI gWl qWkI sI» rupWeIaf, ËmIn, mflkI ienHF iqµnF dy sohly qy ienHF iqµnF dy hI kIrny mYN suxy hoey sn» pihlI vfrI mYN iek mrd-idl ƒ afpxy qFGdy idl nflL

The Patrika


Friday, February 15th, 2019



DVkidaF suixafN, qy myry idl ny hfmI BrI ijs ƒ ieh jxf ipafr kry Auhdf srIr hI nhIN, AuhdI r¨h iKV jfey» myrI pµGrI hoeI r¨h ivWcoN qrlf AuWiTaf :

‘jy q¨µ nf afAuxf cfhyN, qF iehƒ mYN kWZxf nhIN, qYƒ qyry Gr pucfxf smJFgf»’

‘nhIN ikWCo, eyzI sOKI qy isWDI ieh gWl nhIN, jy pµj sO nf ilaf huµdf, qYƒ afpIN iKskf ilafieaf huµdf, qF eyAuN ho skdf sI» aslI bdmfÈF df vI Drm huµdY, qy i˵dgI ivc mYN jo kuJ vI bixafN hF, aslI hI bixafN hF, nklI nflL myrI axbx hY» ieh pµj sO mYƒ moVnf hI hovygf, qy Auhdy nflL hI afpxy idl dI nvIN bxI dOlq, ikWCo, vI moVnI hovygI»’

afieaf, qy rupeIaf vI moV afieaf» mYƒ Aus qfkId kIqI ik iksy ƒ mYN aslI gWl dI iBxk nf pYx dyvF»


“qy Qfxydfr jI, myrf rom rom Auhƒ afpxI by-ËbfnI ivc kih irhf sI, ‘jgIiraf! jy “jy jgIiraf, q¨µ mYƒ mfrnf nhIN cfhuµdf qF iek hÌqf hor q¨µ mYƒ afpxy kol rWK leyN!’ mYƒ afpxy Gr vsf lY»” hÌqy bfad Auh mYƒ hOldfr kolL CWz

“Auhdy bfad nvIN hI musIbq KVHI ho geI» ÈrIkF ny GoK-GfK ky mYQoN jfxnf cfihaf ik mYƒ aslI gWl df pqf sI ik nhIN» mYN ieh dWsF ik iekWlI BtkdI ƒ jgIrf lY igaf sI, kihµdf sI Auh mYƒ Gr pucfa afvygf pr aWj kWlH krdf koeI nf koeI ‘qF q¨µ mYƒ ipafr nhIN krdf? qYƒ myry nflLoN bhfnf pFdf rihµdf sI, EVk rWb krfieaf bdmfÈF df Drm hI vWD ipafrf hoieaf!’ qy Auh mYƒ eyQy CWz igaf» mYN nhorf dy ky afiKaf» “AunHF ƒ ieh zr sI ik jy ikDry jgIrf ‘nhIN, nhIN, ikWCo, qyry qy mYN jfn vfr skdf hOldfr ƒ sWcI gWl dWs dyvy, qF hOldfr hF» qy kdy vfr ky dWsFgf vI pr ieh ny guWsf Kf ky bfkI pµjfh ivWGy vI ikqy rupWeIaf mYN bdmfÈ hox dI hYsIaq ivc iblLy lf CWzxy ny. ËmIn sfrI kuJ qF Auhny iksy bdmfÈ dy rfhIN ilaf sI. bdmfÈ q¨µ afp ÉrIdI qy kuJ bhfdrI ivc srkfroN hux mYƒ rihx nhIN idWqf» eys leI ieh imlI hoeI ey» mYƒ AunHF dIaF gWlF qoN p¨rf rupWeIaf moVnf hI hovygf» qy qYƒ vI iek pqf lWgx lWg ipaf sI ik ijs qrHF Auh vfrI qyry kfƒnI vfrsF kolL CWz afAuxf mYƒ mrvfxf cfhuµdy sn, Esy qrHF hux Auh jgIry ƒ mrvfx dI soc rhy sn, qy Auho hovygf» qy Pyr….’ pµj sO rupWeIaf AunHF iksy hor bdmfÈF dI ‘qy Pyr ijs kohl¨ duaflyL BOx leI ikWCo ZfxI ƒ dy idWqf ey» mYN mn ivc gIhtIaF dI qkdIr iehdI jvfnI dIaF aWKF Auqy peI ÊfldI sF iksy qrHF jgIry ƒ huiÈafr Kopy cfVH geI ey, Ausy dy duaflLy Auh BONdI kr idaF, ik quhfzf ispfhI mYƒ lYx af rhygI, qy q¨µ jgIiraf, zfky mfrIN, by-ks¨rF igaf» mYN afpxy afp ƒ bVf koisaf» hux ƒ kql krIN, qy bdmfÈF nflL afpxf Drm mYN mrdI jfnI aF ik Es myrI jfn bÉÈI, pflLdf rhIN!’ mYN AuhdI jfn bcfx leI kuJ nhIN kIqf… “myrIaF aWKF sfhmxy hOldfr dIaF by- Qfxydfr jI! mYN quhfzy pYrIN pYNdI hF ijvyN ilÈk aWKF qy Auhdy ÈrIkF dIaF sVdIaF huµdf jy jgIry ƒ bcfa lvo, mYN pµjfh ivWGy aWKF af KloqIaF sn» mYƒ eys qrHF afiËË AunHF dy AunHF ƒ moV dyvFgI… nhIN qF jgIry hoeI vyK ky jgIry ny bFh myry lWk duaflLy dy nflL mr jfvFgI»” pf leI, qy quhfƒ kI dWsF Qfxydfr jI? “jgIry dy bcx dI afs hY vy» zfktr eys afdmI dI bFh dI Cuh ivc, ikho ijhI aFhdf sI, pr ieh gWl eyzI isWDI nhIEN qsWlI sI, qy jdoN aWKF Br ky Es myry vl ik qyry pµjfh ivWGy CWz idWiqaF inWbV jfvy» qWikaf qF Auhdy m¨µhoN inkly lÌËF ivWcoN mYƒ qyry ibafn muqfbk hux mYƒ sBnF df clfn rWb afp boldf jfipaf» Es mYƒ XkIn krnf hovygf, bVf vWzf mukWdmf cWlygf duaf idWqf : qyrI, qyry hOldfr qy Auhdy sB ÈrIkF dIaF ‘nhIN, ikWCo, mYN TIk nhIN sI afiKaf, iksy ËmfnqF mYƒ lYxIaF hoxgIaF»” DVy-Drm krky mYƒ ieh soc nhIN sI “jo cfho, Qfxydfr jI, kr lvo» pr mYƒ afeI» soc afeI qy eys zroN ik rupWeIaf hspqfl ivc jgIry kolL rih lYx idE. jy dyx vflLy duÈmx bx jfxgy, AunHF mYƒ cYn mYN Auhƒ afpxI dunIaF ivc nf rWK skI, qF nhIN lYx dyxf qy mylI vI Auh bdmfÈF dy ny Auhdy nflL jfx dI iqafrI krdI rhFgI»” qy nflLy qyry kuJ idnF dy sfQ ny iek Borf “ieh gWl kIkr hovy qYƒ afpxy KONd nflL vI myry aµdr rihx nhIN idWqf. qyrI QF jy hI jfxf pvygf»” koeI hor huµdI qF pqf nhIN mYN kI kr bihµdf’ “nhIN, nhIN, Qfxydfr jI, Auhdy Gr hux ‘Auhƒ q¨µ mfr mukFdoN, qyrI ikrpfn dI kdIey kfl mYN jfxf nhIN, mYN eyQy quhfzI Dfr bVI iqWKI ey’, Auhƒ hor Èrmfx leI hvflfq ivc rihxf mn˨r krFgI» iek afiKaf» vfrI AunHF vYrIaF dy hWQoN mYN bc inklI, Pyr ‘ikWCo, mYƒ bhuqf nf Èrmf qy mYƒ kih lYx hux mYN mOq dy m¨µh pYxf nhIN»” dy jo myry idl ivc afieaY qy mhInf mYN tWpx Qfxydfr socx lWg ipaf» sI Auh idl vflLf nhIN dyxf qYƒ gWj-vWj ky kWZ ilafvFgf»’ aÌsr» gWl vI ikWCo dI TIk sI» sfiraF

ikWCo dI gWl mYijstryt dy idl vI lWg geI ik Auh afpxy vfrsF kolL jfxoN ienkfr df hWk rWKdI sI» Auhƒ srkfrI ingrfnI ivc rWKy jfx df hukm iml igaf» AuhdI s¨rq, Auhdf bol, qy AuhdI jfn bÉÈx vflLy jgIry leI AuhdI vÌf, AuhdIaF amoV isÌfrÈF sn» Qfxydfr qy mYijstryt dovyN AuhdI hmfieq ivc ho gey»

“jgIiraf, jy adflq ny aÉIr mYƒ myry kfƒnI vfrsF kol hI moV idWqf?” icµqf dI m¨rq bxI ikWCo jgIry ƒ kih rhI sI»

“ikWCo df vfrs mYN hF… hor kOx ho skdf ey? mOq vfrs nhIN ho skdI, i˵dgI hI ivrsy Auqy dfavf kr skdI ey» qyry kfƒnI vfrsF qYƒ mrvfa CWizaf hoieaY… Auh qyrI mOq ny, mYN qyrI i˵dgI hF… koeI adflq myrf ivrsf mYQoN nhIN Koh skdI, jgIry ƒ do idn vWzy hspqfl ivc rWK ky jy q¨µ…" Qfxydfr ny Auhƒ puils hvflfq ivc mµgf ilaf» hspqfl ivc Auhdf kmrf jgIry “jy q¨µ… jgIiraf, kI? … q¨µ hukm kr!” qy ikWCo dI hvflfq bx geI» bfhr sµqrI Auqsuk ho ky ikWCo ny puWiCaf» df pihrf lWg igaf» “Auh mYN afpxy m¨µhoN nhIN kWZ skdf ikWCo ƒ afp hI smJxf hovygf»” ‘myrI ijµd jgIry dI muWTI ivc sI, Ërf ku muWT Auh GuWt lYNdf, myrI hsqI muWk jgIrf afÈkfnf afiËËI dI qsvIr bixafN jfxI sI» jgIry ny muWT Gutx dI QF cOVI Kloqf sI. afpxy buWlH Auqy afpxy lÌË KolH idWqI» mYN ajy ijAuNidaF ivc hF’ htkory lY lY pey atkdy ny, Auhdy buWlHF ikWCo jgIry dy suWqy hoey m¨µh vl vyKidaF Auqy afpxI qkdIr df ÌYslf suxn leI socdI»qy iekdm Auhdy aµdroN ierfdf aWKF by-Jmk gWzIaF jFdIaF ny, gWlHF Auqy iek rµg afAuNdf qy d¨jf jFdf ey» mËb¨q AWuTdf : ‘jgIrf eys vylLy mOq dy m¨µh ivc qoN mËb¨q idl vI bykrfr ho ky afpxI ihWk ey, eys m¨µh ivc jo Diraf jf skdY mYN dIaF kµDF nflL Dk Dk ipaf krdf ey» DrFgI» idn-rfq jfgdI afpxI syvf DrFgI qy loV peI qF afpxI ijµd vI eysy ÌOrI huµgfrf mµgdIaF jgIry dIaF aWKF ivc m¨µh ivc Dr idaFgI, pr eys mOq-m¨µh ƒ AuhdI ipafr-isWk vyK ky ikWCo kolLoN irhf mYN afpxy jgIry dI iekWlI ijµd Auqy mIty nf igaf, qy BrI adflq ivc ispfhIaF, gvfhF, ÈrIkF dy sfhmxy Es ny jgIry dI jfx nhIN dyxf»’ Aus bFh dy tuµz ƒ cuµm ky CfqI Auqy Dr ‘kWZ ilafieEN qF Pyr qYƒ pCqfvf nf df clfn kr ky Aus AunHF ƒ hvflfq dy idWqf keI mhIinaF bfad AunHF dI afÉrI pyÈI ilaf, ijs bFh nflLoN hWQ kWitaf jf cuWkf qy ikWCo ƒ Auh afp hvflfq ivc lY igaf» adflq ivc ho rhI sI» lWg¨?’ sI» PAGE 33

The Patrika





Friday, February 15th, 2019

afp vwloˆ pMjfb dy qIjy PrMt `c sMnH lfAux dI iqafrI

ibjlI aMdoln: mfn dI jfKV nUM vMgfr,asqIPf idE jfˆ srkfr iKlfP KolHo morcf afm afdmI pfrtI (afp) pMjfb pRDfn qy sMsd mYˆbr BgvMq mfn ny kfˆgrs pRDfn sunIl jfKV nUM vMgfiraf hY ik jy kYptn amirMdr isMG ÈRomxI akflI dl dy pRDfn suKbIr bfdl nfl imlIBugq krky jfKV dI nhIˆ suxdy qfˆ sfry kfˆgrsIafˆ nUM jfˆ qfˆ asqIPy dy dyxy cfhIdy hn jfˆ iPr kfˆgrs pRDfn rfhul gfˆDI dy Gr sfhmxy pwkf morcf lf lYxf cfhIdf hY .BgvMq mfn ny ikhf jdoˆ `afp` dy ibjlI aMdoln ny pMjfb dy lokfˆ nUM nvIN AumId idKfeI hY qfˆ kfˆgrsI ,akflI–Bfjpf qy ienHfˆ dIafˆ ey-bI tImfˆ bOKlf geIafˆ hn . AunHfˆ dwisaf ik afp df ibjlI aMdoln sUby Br `c qyËI nfl PYl irhf hY .ibjlI aMdoln dy cOQy idn pMjfb dy krIb öõú ipMzfˆ `c jnqk iekwT hoey ijMnHfˆ ivwc ipMz pwDrI ibjlI kmytIafˆ df gTn hoieaf .

pfik aOrq nfl zIjIpI dI nyVqf Kihrf nUM nhIN afeI rfs bIqy idnIˆ pMjfb dy nvyˆ bxy puils muKI zIjIpI idnkr gupqf dI pfiksqfnI nfgirk arUsf aflm nfl qsvIr qy pMjfbI eykqf pfrtI dy pRDfn suKpfl Kihrf ny svfl cuwky hn. jlMDr ivKy qsvIr jfrI kridafˆ Kihrf ny zIjIpI dI kfPI aflocnf kIqI . Kihrf ny idnkr gupqf `qy svfl cuwkidafˆ ikhf ik zIjIpI pfik aOrq nfl pfrtIafˆ krdf hY . AunHfˆ qsvIr idKfAuˆidafˆ ikhf ik idnkr gupqf ,arUÈf dy gozIˆ hwQ lf irhf hY . kYptn amirMdr isMG nUM svflfˆ dy Gyry ivwc ilafAuˆidafˆ ikhf ik cMgy aPsrfˆ nUM Cwz ky aijhy zIjIpI dI inXukqI kIqy jfxf mMdBfgf hY .

ipRaMkf dI isafsI aYˆtrI `qy nvjoq iswDU dI `tvIt JVI` kfˆgrs pfrtI leI srgrm isafsq ivwc kuwdI ipRaMkf gfˆDI df KUb siqkfr ho irhf hY . pfrtI dy stfr pRcfrk qy pMjfb dy sQfnk srkfrfN bfry mMqrI nvjoq iswDU ny ipRaMkf dI nvIˆ pfrI `qy KUb ÈÜfGf kIqI . iswDU ny islislyvfr tvIt krky ipRaMkf dI qfrIP dy pulL bMnHy .Auwqr pRdyÈ dI jrnl skwqr bxn mgroˆ pihly roz Èoa leI phuMcI ipRaMkf nUM nvjoq iswDU ny koihnUr hIrf dwisaf.Èbdfˆ dI jfdUeI vrqoˆ krn vflLy afpxy lihËy ivwc iswDU ny ikhf ik ipRaMkf kfˆgrs leI iblkul Auvyˆ hY ijvyˆ ndIafˆ leI Jrny qy iemfrqfˆ leI nIhfˆ huMdIafˆ hn .

aiDafpkfˆ dI bgfvq ny ihlfeIafˆ kYptn srkfr dIafˆ cUÜfˆ pitaflf ivwc aYqvfr nUM sMGrÈÈIÜ aiDafpkfˆ Auwpr lfTIcfrj mgroˆ iswiKaf mMqrI EpI sonI qy iswiKaf skwqr ikRÈn kumfr dIafˆ muÈklfˆ vD geIafˆ hn aiDafpk hor mMgfˆ dy nfl nfl iswiKaf skwqr ikRÈn kumfr dy qbfdly leI vI zt gey hn. ies dy nfl ipCly mhIinafˆ qoˆ sVkfˆ qy Auwqry aiDafpkfˆ df mslf hwl nf kr skx krky iswiKaf mMqrI `qy vI svfl AuwTx lwgy hn.aiDafpkfˆ df kihxf hY ik ikRÈn kumfr hI AunHfˆ dy msly hwl nhIˆ hox dy rhy qy srkfr nUM guMmrfh kr hy hn.aiDafpk XUnIanfˆ df kihxf hY ik iswiKaf skwqr qfˆ iswiKaf mMqrI vwloˆ ley gey PYsilafˆ nUM vI lfgU krn qoˆ ienkfrI hn .

sIbIafeI dI qrË `qy pMjfb `c bxygf vwKrf jfˆc ibAUro,inklxgIafˆ hËfrfˆ nOkrIafˆ suprIm kort dy hukmfˆ qoˆ bfad kYptn amirMdr isMG dI agvfeI vflLI pMjfb srkfr ny ibAUro afP ienvYstIgyÈn bxfAux nUM hrI JMzI dy idwqI hY . ieh jfˆc ibAUro jfˆc eyjMsI dI qrË `qy bxfieaf jfvygf . ijs ivwc ôõúú qoˆ vwD asfmIafˆ kfiem kIqIafˆ jfxgIafˆ .jfˆc ibAUro sUbf puils dy punrgTn vfˆg hovygf. ijs ivwc òø puils kpqfn(aYspI),ñúø Aup puils kpqfn(zIaYspI),ñöô ieMspYktr,õùó sb- ieMspYktr,ññôú shfiek ieMspYktr,ññõø hYwz kfˆstybl qy ó÷ó kfˆstybl dIafˆ kuwl ôõòñ asfmIafˆ nvIafˆ BrIafˆ jfxgIafˆ . PAGE 34

afm afdmI pfrtI ny pMjfb zYmokRYitk PrMt dI ihwsydfr bx cuwkI bhujn smfj pfrtI nflL gTjoV krn dI iqafrI iKHwc leI hY . pfrtI dI pMjfb iekfeI ny pMjfb ivwc bspf nfl gTjoV krn df PYslf ilaf hY . ies bfry hfeIkmfˆz nUM vI sUicq kr idwqf hY .`afp` dI pMjfb iekfeI ny kor kmytI bYTk dOrfn ieh PYslf ilaf hY . kor kmytI df PYslf arivMd kyjrIvfl qk phuMcf idwqf igaf hY . bspf nfl gTjoV krn df afKrI PYslf kyjrIvfl df hovygf . doafby ivwc afp df afDfr kmËor hY qy doafby ivwc dilq votrfˆ dI bhuqfq nUM dyKdy hoey pfrtI ny afpxI zuwbdI byVI bMny lfAux leI bspf df shfrf lYx dI socI hY .hflfˆik, ies bfry bspf df kI stYˆz hY,ieh sfP nhIN .

kYptn ny idnkr gupqf nUM cuixaf nvfˆ puils muKI muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG ny ñùø÷ bYc dy puils aiDkfrI idnkr gupqf nUM pMjfb puils df muKI aYÜfn idwqf hY .Auh zIjIpI suryÈ aroVf dI Qfˆ lYxgy. gupqf ies vyly ietYlIjYˆs dy muKI vjoˆ syvfvfˆ inBfa rhy hn. pMjfb dy nvyˆ zIjIpI dI inXukqI leI sMG lok syvf kimÈn (XUpIaYssI ) vwloˆ rfj srkfr nUM iqMn afeIpIaYs aiDkfrIafN df pYnl Byijaf sI . ies pYnl ivc ñùø÷ bYc dy puils aiDkfrI idnkr gupqf,imQlyÈ kumfr iqvfVI qy ivryÈ kumfr BfvVf df nfm Èfml hn. ies pYnl ivwcoˆ muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG ny idnkr gupqf nUM cuixafN hY.pqf lwgf hY ik ñùøõ qy ñùøö bYc dy afeIpIaYs aiDkfrIafˆ nUM pYnl ivwc nËr aMdfjL kIqf igaf hY AunHfˆ aiDkfrIafˆ ny pYnl nUM suprIm kort ivwc cuxoqI dyx df PYslf kr ilaf hY .

kfˆgrsI smJdy ijwq qfˆ vwt `qy peI, itktfˆ leI lwgI lYn kfˆgrs ivwc lok sBf coxfˆ leI itktfˆ dI sB qoˆ vwD mfro-mr hY . iewk iewk itkt leI keI keI dfavydfr hn. idlcsp gwl hY ik iewko sIt qoˆ keI keI sInIar lIzr dfavf pyÈ kr rhy hn. ies df kfrn kfˆgrs dIafˆ ivroDI pfrtIafˆ df kmËor hoxf mMinafN jf irhf hY . kfˆgrsI lIzrfˆ nUM lwg irhf hY ik ijwq qfˆ vwt qy peI hY. drasl kfˆgrs vwloˆ cox lVn dy ieCuwkfˆ qoˆ arËIafˆ mMgIafˆ jf rhIaf hn . ienHfˆ arËIafˆ ivwcoN hI pMjfb dI cox kmytI vwloˆ hfeIkmfn nUM isPfrÈ kIqI jfeygI . ies leI itktfˆ leI sB qoˆ vwD dOV kfˆgrs ivwc hI vyKI jf rhI hY.dUjIafˆ pfrtIafˆ ajy Èfˆq hn .

suKbIr bfdl leI nvIˆ musIbq,jsits rxjIq ny Toikaf `mkwdmf ` byadbI aqy golIkfˆz mfmilafˆ dI jfˆc krn vfly jsits (syvf mukq)rxjIq isMG ny sfbkf Aup muwK mMqrI suKbIr bfdl iKlfP aprfiDk mfmlf drjL krn leI iÈkfieq idwqI hY . syvf mukq jsits ny suKbIr bfdl vwloˆ AunHfˆ dI srkfr smy vfpry byadbI qy golIkfˆz bfry rxjIq isMG kimÈn vwloˆ iqafr kIqI irport bfry glq ÈbdfvlI vrqx iKlfP kfrvfeI mMgI hY . AunHfˆ adflq ivwc suKbIr bfdl iKlfP iÈkfieq idwqI hY . rxjIq isMG ny ies bfry jfxkfrI idMidafˆ ikhf hY ik suKbIr bfdl ny iewk nhIˆ blik keI vfr AunHfˆ dy kimÈn `qy pwKpfqI hox dy doÈ lfey hn, jo srfsr glq hn .

lok sBf coxfˆ `c inwqiraf brgfVI morcf, aYlfny AumIdvfr

brgfVI iensfP morcf isafsq ivwc inwqr afieaf hY . morcy dy lIzrfˆ ny lok sBf coxfˆ leI afpxy cfr AumIdvfrfˆ df nfvfˆ df aYlfn kr idwqf hY . morcy dy mohrI afgU qy sRI akfl qKq sfihb dy kfrjkfrI muqvfËI jQydfr iDafn isMG mMz ny biTMzf ivwc pYRYs kfnPrMs kr ky cfrfˆ AumIdvfrf dy nfvfˆ df aYlfn kIqf hY . pRYs kfnPrMs nUM sMboDn kridafˆ iDafn isMG ny ikhf ik morcy ny sMgrUr qoˆ ismrnjIq isMG mfn ,sRI afnMdpur sfihb qoˆ ibkrmjIq isMG soZI,biTMzf qoˆ gurdIp isMG aqy KzUr sfihb qoˆ mohkm isMG dy cox lVn df PYslf kIqf hY .

sfbkf POj muKI ny suKbIr `qy lfey sfiËÈ dy ielËfm BfrqI POj dy sfbkf muKI jrnl(syvfmukq) jyjy isMG ny tksflIafˆ nfl hwQ imlfAux mgroˆ ÈRomxI akflI dl `qy gMBIr ielËfm lfAuˆidafˆ ikhf ik AunHfˆ nUM ipClIafˆ ivDfn sBf coxfˆ dOrfn sfijÈ qihq hrfieaf igaf hI . jyjy isMG ny Kfs gwlbfq dOrfn ikhf ik akflI dl dI sfijÈ sI, ik AunHfˆ nUM cox nf ijwqx idwqI jfvy. syvfmukq jrnl ny akflI dl ivwc Èfml hox nUM vwzI Buwl vI dwisaf. hux jyjy isMG ÈRomxI akflI dl tksflI df ihwsf bx cuwky hn.sfbkf POj muKI vwloˆ ÈRomxI akflI dl tksflI df pwlf PVn mgroˆ rxjIq isMG bRhmpurf ny ikhf ik AunHfˆ dI qfkq idn-b-idn vDdI jf rhI hY .

The Patrika


Friday, February 15th, 2019




pMnf 30 dI bfkI ‘iehdIaF bWkrIaF myrf qorIey df Kyq Èfmlft dIaF vWZIaF peIaF ikWkrIaF 'c ‘ieh qF lYxIaF dIaF dyxIaF, afh dyK rfqo rfq ipµz dI iÌrnI duafly tYNt AuWg AujfV geIaF ny, mYN hrjfnf lvFgf»’ ZWTy pey aflHxy imWDy icWDy ijhy bot, ivwcy lY gihl¨, lWC¨ dI bWkrI Kf igaf sI, hux afey hn, tuWty BWjy hfiraF ƒ joV, gohy gihl¨ pfsf swutdf» DuaFK qIvIaF ny vltohIaF ‘c dflF rWK aFzy tuWty hoey AuWpr ibjiVaF dI icicaft» ibgfny puWqrF»’ idWqIaF hn. kolL bYTy Audfs mrd bftIaF ‘hF beI, mfqf df Bgq ey, jd BytF gfAuNdy ‘beI gdr ey inrf»’ vf-vrolLy ijhy df buWlf mlby qoN dI Guµmdf ‘c grm grm cfh suVHk rhy hn» ƒ hfl cVH jFdf ey qF iehƒ hoÈ nhIN ijhf pWkI sVk pfr kr igaf ey, jµglI mWJF leI Gfh lYx afeIaF qIvIaF rihµdI»’ murgy dy gihry cmkIly KHµB sVk qoN AuWz aµJfixaF ny ieWk avfrf Koqf PV ilaFdf ivcfrIaF ijhIaF ho ky Kloa geIaF ny, ey, AuhdI p¨C nflL ieWk tuWtf hoieaf pIpf ‘ieh qF mµinaF, afpxf lWC¨ Bgq qF p¨rf bfbf lWKf qy cyq¨ dovyN afpxIaF sotIaF ky d¨r-d¨r qWk PYl gey ny» bµnH idWqf ey……» ey»’ tykdy, ies AuWjVI vWZI Èfmlft vWly vyKdy ‘ahu inµm rih geI vWZx vflLI»’ Tykydfr ipµz dy kuJ lok hspqfl gihl¨ df pqf lYx ‘prsoN jgrfqy ‘qy dyiKaf mYN qF, bWs puWTf kuWby ijhy qurdy ZWTy ipµz vWl ho gey ny»’ ny mËd¨rF ƒ ikhf ey, ‘cWlo veI cWlo»’ gey sn huxy muVy hn, cuWp aqy Audfs hn» ho ho nWicaf»’ inWky aµJfxy ibjiVaF dy aflHxy ‘kWTy kr ‘hF jI»’ ‘dyK lE keI idnF qoN kuWqy roNdy sn. sfD dI rhy ny» sfry hWs pey sn» ‘s¨q lE kuhfVy iPr»’ itWbI ‘qy»’ aµbo, kfro, bIbo qy bµqI mlby ‘hF beI lWC¨ afpxIaF bWkrIaF sFB ky Bµqo mihrI iPr af geI ey, Auh afeI hI ‘cWl beI pVpoiqaf Ërf vWZ KF afpxI ‘qy bYTIaF hAuky ijhy BrdIaF afpo ‘c gWlF rWiKaf kr»’ srpµc qxbIh krdf» lWC¨ rihµdI ey, Auh ikqy vI nhIN jFdI» jWdI puÈqI inµm’ ÈIȨ ny krqfry ƒ tFc kr rhIaF hn» ƒ mÈkrIaF krdI pµcfieq inWKV jFdI» ‘hfey vy rWbf iehnF df rhy kWK nf vy»’ Auh kIqI ey» ‘ieWk idn mYN aWDI rfq jfgI» PrvfhI ‘qy tu W t y afhlixaF ‘qy vW Z IaF ikW k rIaF ko l L lWC¨ hr ivafh ‘qy bWkry vWZdf, mIt bVI AuWl¨ ipaf boly»’ ‘bVI motI ey veI»’ rIJ nflL bxfAuNdf, mylI gylI sB AuNglIaF bih ijvyN vYx pfx lWg peI ey» cWtdy rih jFdy, keI ipµzF ‘c Auhdy mhF- ‘mK qfry huxIN qF trWk lY afey ny»’ iksy ‘kuJ nhIN rihxf eyQy sfbqf»’ kÈmIrf Tfh ‘ieh ÈYaF qF AujfV BfldIaF ny BfeI»’ Tfh hWisaf ey» pRsfd dI Duµm peI hoeI sI» jIqo qy rfxoN ikqoN ibWlI dy bl¨µgVy lY BWjy afAuNdy ny Ébr idWqI ey» kfl¨L, gol¨L pr hOlLI-hOlLI Èihr ivcly hotlF ny Auhdf qy mµnF sB BWj BWj ky cIËF trWkF ‘qy rWK ‘clo veI CyqI kro»’ Tykydfr ny kfhl afeIaF. hflIN aWKF vI nhIN Ko h lIaF AuhnF» rhy hn, ipµz dy kuJ lok AuhnF kolL KVHy cfVHI ey» Dµdf vI TWp krf idWqf sI» hn, ËmInF dIaF gWlF kr rhy hn, Bfa lWC¨ dIaF bWkrIaF hOlLI hOlLI guafcdIaF mËd¨rF ny kuhfVy s¨q ley ny, afpxIaF ‘lAu afh ikWQoN lY afeIaF?’ puWC rhy hn, trWk qurn ‘qy Auh sfry Audfs hoeIaF sfrIaF hI guafc geIaF sn, iPr qlIaF’qy QuWkdf vWt Kf ky krqfrf inµm ‘qy ‘iehnF dI mF mr geI ey ivcfrI»’ ho gey hn, keIaF dIaF aWKF vI Clk ieWk rfq Auhny afpxy afp ƒ aWDI rfqIN… vfr qy vfr krI jf irhf ey, aµnHf Ëor af ‘hfieaf! mYN mr geI»’ BµqI df m¨µh qrs sfhmxy ikWkr dy tfhx ‘qy tµg ky Pfhf lY afeIaF hn» igaf ey Auhdy ‘c i̵jV i̵jV inµm tuWkI jf ilaf sI» iBµdf, mihxf qy ibWl¨ d¨roN hÌy af rhy ny, rhI ey» m˨r CuWtI kr ky cly gey ny, inWky nflL mom ho igaf ey» rfxo afpxI mF kolLoN aKy astyt afiÌs vfilLaF ny mWJF zWk aµJfxy vWZI hoeI inµm vWl vyK cuWp ijhy ho kOlI ‘c duWD puaf ky ilafeI ey, hux r¨µa dy PHµBy nflL bl¨µgiVaF dy m¨µh ‘c duWD coa leIaF ny, mfr mfr ky mWJF dy lyvy Bµn gey ny. iPr inWky inWky inµm dy b¨ty jo inµm ‘heI Èfvf, Ërf Ëor nfl»’ Tykydfr ny idWqy, aVFa aVFa krdIaF mWJF ipCFh ƒ QWly afpy AuWg pey sn, gcx lWg pey ny» rhI ey» mËd¨rF ƒ hWlf ÈyrI idWqI ey» BWjdIaF, AuhnF zFgf mfr mfr ky AuhnF dy muµzy Koqy ƒ sotI mfr mfr dOVfa rhy ny, ‘bIbI, afh vyK inµm dy b¨ty ikWQy lfeIey?’ pIpf KV KV vWj irhf ey, muµzy ihV ihV ‘Èfbf! vWZo beI ikWkrIaF…afh ieWk do Kuµny Bµn idWqy, koeI sWqr aWsI mWJF Auh vlL pRIq¨ mF kolLoN puWC irhf ey» ky lY gey ny, afh vyKo jµgI dy sWtF lWgIaF, hWs rhy ny» eI qF rih geIaF ny»’ afh Ëory dI bFh mroV idWqI, gihl¨ dy isr ‘hfa, hfey afpxf qF ivhVf eI hY nhIN»’ ‘nIN vyK ijvyN ivafh ricaf hovy»’ inWky inWky PurqIly jfnvr, cIN-cIN krdy ‘c zFg vWjI ey, hspqfl ‘c ey, asIN qF pRIq¨ ieh soc ky hYrfn ijhf rih igaf ey» hvf ‘c Ault-bfËIaF lf rhy hn, ikWkrIaF ‘nI afho dyK qF sfzy aflLf kflL¨ ikvyN BWjf Ébr dyx afey aF ik mr nf jfey. gihl¨ dI amr¨ dI buVHI afpxy Gr dy Auqly mlby ‘qy duaflLy mµzrf rhy hn, ijnHF nflL AuhnF dy iÌrdf?’ Gr vflLI roNdI ipWtdI BWjI jf rhI ey, buWZy bYTI vYx pf rhI ey, prHF kuWqf ro irhf ey» aflHxy tµgy hoey ny, ivc ivc nµnHy bot ny, mF-bfp zµgorIaF tykdy pqf nhIN ikWDr ƒ ‘prsoN dy sk¨l ikhVf gey ny?’ jo cuµJF aWzdy qy mItdy zfZy inmfxy lWg ho qury ny, Bµqo mihrI, pqf nhIN ikdHy bWcy ieWk kuWqI dy kq¨ry mlby hyT dWb ky mr rhy ny» nOlLdI ‘hYa rWbf’ krdI, kmilaF hfr BWjI gey hn» hux qF kuWqy AuhnF ƒ Dr¨hI iPrdy ‘hy ahu vyKo kfl¨ Koqy ‘qy cVH beITf jy»’ ‘srdfr jI qrs ijhf afAuNdf ey iehnF jf rhI ey» hn, asmfn ‘c igrJF iPr rhIaF hn. ‘nI p¨Cl vWl m¨µh krky»’ bciVaF qy»’ Èyr¨ ny kuhfVf rokidaF ikhf» ieWk c¨hf tWp ky mlby hyT Cup igaf ey» kihµdy hux jurmfnf mµgdy pey ny astyt ‘iPWty m¨µh qvHfzf !’ sfrIaF Tfh Tfh hWs Tykydfr suixaF axsuixaF kr ky prHF afiÌs vflLy» BuWKIaF BfxIaF mWJF, gihl¨ dI dfdI vI amr¨ dI buVHI kolL af peIaF ny, cilaf igaf hY» iqRhfeIaF hI mr jfxgIaF, duWDoN suWk bYTI ey» dovyN slfrIaF nflL mWQy ZWkI roxI ‘vy m¨µh vI kflLf kr idE vy iehdf»’ aµbo ‘DWq! ieho jI nOkrI dy, jmF jIa mfr… jfxgIaF, muVHko muVHkI hoey, BWjdy nWTdy, ijhI afvfË ivc kuJ buV buV krI jf ny AuWcI dyxI ikhf ey» CyqI CyqI koeI t¨µm-CWlf Drm¨ bfxIey kolL, rhIaF ny, rfq Kvry iksy pWkI KfDI vI ikhVy jug Blf hoAU»’ m¨µhoN mµgy s¨d ‘qy rkmF lY astyt afiÌs nhIN, qIvIaF aµJfxy sB afpo afpxy GrF cfh pINdy bµidaF dy hWQoN cfh vflLIaF krqfry ny mWQy ‘qy afieaf muVHkf p¨µiJaf vWl ho gey ny. AuhnF dI smJ ‘c nhIN dy mlibaF ‘coN kuJ lWB rhy hn. koeI inWkI bftIaF Cutk geIaF ny. qIvIaF hWs hWs ey» afAuNdf peI Auh afpxI BoNieµ ‘c pȨ ikAuN ijhI cIË lWBx ‘qy vI aµJfxy BWj ky mfvF d¨hrIaF ho rhIaF ny, hoa hWlf krdy, ‘afh dyK ibjVy roNdy, afh dyK kikafht nhIN CWz skdy? hflLI KflI peI ey, aYvyN do kolL phuµc ky ÉuÈI ÉuÈI Auh cIË ivKfAuNdy hWsdy BuVkdy, qfVIaF mfrdy muµzy Koqy dy pf rWKI…hy vfKr¨, ikhVy kµmy lfieaf!’ cfr koTIaF hI qF peIaF ny» mgr ho ley ny. hn» PAGE 35

The Patrika





Friday, February 15th, 2019

Pwgx sMkRFqI


joiqS, Eqy  Eqy 604-751-0220 kro





myK-ksLt, zr, gupq icMqf, acfnk Dn lfB, sLqrU pwK kmjor, cMgy lokF nfl myl-imlfp, sihXog, pRgqIvfdI XojnfvF qoN lfB, kfrobfr

Something you began considering needed to change to make things better for yourself about 9 months ago, can become a clearer possibility from now. Ridding yourself of certain obligations will be part of it. There needs to be finality and this has perhaps held you back. It will be easier to gain any agreement necessary now.

Best you have an optimistic attitude about where life can head in the long term and set your goals with this attitude. It will take some serious commitment on a very steady basis to fulfil them. Your nature is one of persistence, so you are well equipped to put yourself on this path. Life will be like it has never been before.

  ibRK- ishq TIk Dn lfV, BfeI bMDUaF df suK, sMqfn aqy iesqrI pwK qoN icMqf, kfrobfr TIk aqy vyN kfrobfr df vI ivcfr bxy. PrvrI 20, 21, 28 mfrc 1, 2, 10, 11 asLuwB.





imQun- ishq TIk, hONslf bulMd rhy, Dn lfB, imqrF nfl guwsf, mhIny dy aKIr ivwc Krcf aiDk hovy. PrvrI 13, 14, 22, 23 mfrc 3, 4, 12, 13 asLuwB.

krk- AulJy msly hwl hoxgy, afmdn Krc brfbr, BrF nUM ksLt, rfj drbfr qoN lfB qy ijwq, iesqrI qy sMqfn nUM suK, kMm bdlx dI Xojnf sPl. PrvrI 15, 16, 17, 24, 25, mfrc 5, 6, 7 asLuwB.



isMG- pyt dI KrfbI, PjUl KrcI, imwqr ipafiraF qoN lfB, purfxy JMJt sulJxgy. iesqrI suwK, lfB kMm hoxgy. PrvrI 18, 19, 26, 27, mfrc 8, 9 asLuB.



kMinaf- pyt dI KrfbI, Dn lfB hoky vI hfnI df zr, injI lokF nfl JgV, imqrF df suwK, ividaf ivc sPlqf, acfnk lVHfeI qoN sfvDfn rho, kfrobfr TIk. PrvrI 20, 21, 28, mfrc 1, 2, 10, 11 asLwuB.

7 

qulf- ishq TIk, Dn lfB, injI lokF nfl JgVf ho skdf hY, sMqfn qy iesqrI pwKoN suK dI pRfpqI, jfiedfd suK. PrvrI 13, 14, 22, 23, mfrc 3, 4, 12, 13 asLuwB.



ibRsLick- pyt qy nyqr rog, Dn lfB hoky vI hfnI df zr, injI lokF qoN suK dI pRfpqI, nvIN asPLl Xojnf. lfB kMm hovy, kMm bdlx nfl Dn lfB hovy. PrvrI 15, 16, 17, 24, 25, mfrc 5, 6, 7 asLuwB.



DnU- sLUgr qoN pRysLfnI, Dn lfB, sMqfn ksLt, iesqrI suwK, kMm bdlx df ivcfr bxy. PrvrI 18, 19, 26, 27 mfrc 8, 9 asLwuB.

10 

mkr- ishq TIk, Dn lfB hoky vI vfnI df zr, iesqrI pwKo suK, lfV, kMm qy kMm df sQfn bdlx qy lfB imly. PrvrI 20, 21, 28, mfrc 1, 2, 10, 11 asLwuB.

11  kMuB- swuK, lfB, gupq sLqrU qoN icMqf, iesqrI qy sMqfn suK, nvIN Xojnf qoN lfB, kfrobfr ivwc vfDf hovy. PrvrI 13, 14, 22, 23 mfrc 3, 4, 12, 13 asLuwB.



mIn- pyt dI KrfbI, BfeI bMDUaF dy sihhXog nfl lfB, nvIN Xojnf qoN lfV, iesqrI pwKo icMqf, apmfn df zr, afmdn qoN vwD Krcf hovy. PrvrI 15, 16, 17, 24, 25, mfrc 5, 6, 7 asLuwB.


There can be some interesting interactions with others. You could establish a friendship from involvement in a group. You may meet an interesting person through a friend. As flexible and easy going as others may seem you should bear in mind that there is a strong level of determination they are not being open about.

Someone will expect to be in control. This doesn’t mean you have to accept it. The time may have come where you need to move on from obligations you have accepted in the past because you will be going into a different era in life. You can enjoy getting some jobs out of the way that you have been lazy with. Get on with it.

There will be little rest from having to be responsible for daily routines that cannot be put to one side. The ability to wing things is fast fading away and you will have to get used to being better organised. At the same time, plenty of opportunity for enjoyment will present itself, so it may seem you go from one thing to another.

Taking a serious approach with loved ones might be the only choice you have if you want to make some progress. Once they realise you are determined they could be more prepared than you anticipated to go down the path that will create harmony rather than discord. Don’t let someone’s doubts interfere with your decisions.

On one level there can be easy interaction between you and others. In a situation where you are unwavering about the way you want things to be structured you could get a rebellious reaction. You should not vacillate in response to any deliberate intention to generate guilt in you. What you are setting out to structure is sensible.

The temptation to spend without thinking will be strong. You could be lucky enough to come across something you have wanted for a long time. Anything that has a practical everyday use is worth considering over something that would just be nice to have. You could be challenged with something technological. Be patient.

You will greatly enjoy doing something out of the ordinary, especially if it involves some travel. The ability to establish this as a regular part of life is doubtful. Enjoy it while it lasts because more serious considerations will require your attention. These will be connected to commitments that are tied into financial stability.

Put your mind on anything important to you – your focus can be steady, intense and practical. You can also be seen as highly reliable when it comes to what you are capable of producing. There is also the opportunity for you to streamline the way something has been done for a while. It can free you up or take some pressure off.

Involvement with a group of people could expose you to some new ideas that would be worth pondering. This can encourage you to look at ways you can change things towards focus on your own needs. This will not be accomplished overnight but you have to start looking at what has to be left in the past to eventually move on

Seriously look at what you wish to be involved in with your life so that you make commitments you will be happy to carry through. You can so easily be encouraged to look at things, as you want to see them. If you do this it will lead to disappointment and then getting matters back on an even keel can be hard work.

The Patrika


Friday, February 15th, 2019





The Patrika




Friday, February 15th, 2019


Shraddha all set to treat the Bollywood doesn’t make comedies anymore: Sunny Actor Sunny Deol says people in Bollywood don’t audience with her new avatar make comedy films like Bhaiaji Superhit anymore. “The Actress Shraddha Kapoor, who enthralled the audience with her power-packed performance in her recent film Stree will now treat her fans with a totally different avatar in her upcoming film 'Chhichhore'. Shraddha's look in Chhichhore is very different from her roles in her previous films.Shraddha will, in fact, be seen in two different avatars in Chhichhore. This is for the very first time Shraddha will be seen donning a short hairdo for her film showcasing the 90's retro look. On the other hand, Shraddha will also be seen playing a middle age woman who dons a saree along with long wavy hair and bindi.Interestingly even Shraddha's look from Stree had got her rave appreciation from across quarters. Be it red carpet gowns or traditional ensembles, Shraddha Kapoor is known for putting her most fashionable foot forward. Shraddha Kapoor has also been running a hectic schedule with an array of films lined up, leaving the actress juggle between films.As a result, the growth rate of Shraddha's engagement on social media has been increasing. Shraddha leaves no stone unturned in treating her fans with multiple pictures and videos on her social media handle. On the work front, Shraddha Kapoor will be next seen in Saaho alongside Prabhas and Chhichhore with Sushant Singh Rajput.

It s good to be a young parent : Ayushmann Khurrana

Actor Ayushmann Khurrana says it is good to have children at a young age. The Badhaai Ho star opened up about his equation with his children when he shot for the chat show Famously Filmfare Season 2, read a statement. Asked how it


is to be a hands-on parent, Ayushmann said: "Today, I had to wear glasses because I got up early in the morning for a shoot. It was also her sports day and I was all ready and geared up to win that 100 meter race with fellow parents as I was one of the youngest out there."I was really excited, but sadly that didn't happen. Even though I've underslept today, it is alright. It is good to be a young father, a young parent. You have that energy and you are growing up with them." Ayushmann and Tahira share a daughter Varushka and a son Virajveer. He feels his son is more talented than him when it comes to playing the piano. "Being a young parent, you can play cricket, football and I can play chess with my son. In fact, he plays the piano better than I do. We got the piano installed because of my film 'AndhaDhun'. He started learning recently and already has a concert coming up."

decision to take up the movie was based on my instinct. I have acted in comedy movies previously, but this was quite an experience. I truly feel that the role I play in Bhaiaji Superhit is almost on the lines of the roles I used to play in the 1990s – where men are vendetta-driven and love to stomp feet, flex biceps, uproot water pumps and roar like lions,” Sunny said in a statement.Set in Varanasi, Bhaiaji Superhit revolves around ‘bhaiaji’ who wants to be an actor in Hindi cinema. It also features Preity Zinta, Arshad Warsi, Shreyas Talpade and Ameesha Patel. The film will premiere on Zee Cinema . “Bollywood doesn’t make such movies anymore and hence it becomes really important for today’s millennials to watch movies like this,” he added. Sunny is known for his performance in iconic films like Border, Gadar – Ek Prem Katha, The Hero: Love Story of a Spy, Yamla Pagla Deewana and Ghayal.

The more you will cry foul, the louder my characters will speak : Kanika Dhillon Screenwriter Kanika Dhillon believes it is a great time to be a storyteller today as the film industry has become welcoming towards good and unique content.The Manmarziyaan writer believes filmmakers and audiences have become open-minded which makes the job of a creative person more

Jessica Chastain s character inspiration for my role : Yami Set to feature as an intelligence officer in Aditya Dhar's Uri: The Surgical Strike, Yami Gautam drew inspiration from American actor Jessica Chastain, who essayed a similar role in Zero Dark Thirty (2012).The actor, who counts the Kathryn Bigelow-directed thriller — which chronicled the story of the CIA's decade-long manhunt for Osama Bin Laden — among her most revered films,he said, "Jessica was at her best in the movie. So, watching it and noticing the nuances that the role demands, [was a learning experience]. Physical factors, such as the voice and body language, matter when playing an intelligence officer. Her character was truly inspirational. Watching her helped me before I began shooting for Uri."Based on the 2016 surgical strikes by the Indian Army in retaliation to the attacks by Pakistan on unarmed Indian military persons, the film features Vicky Kaushal in the lead. Gautam chopped off her long tresses to adopt a serious look, in keeping with her character.

interesting.“It’s a beautiful time to tell stories and I am loving it for now. You can be imaginative, you have the technology to convert your vision, you have the freedom to write the kind of stories you want to tell beyond the set formulas. Also, you have varied platforms to tell different kinds of stories,” Kanika said.Kanika, whose latest release is Kedarnath, believes writers should “demand a fair price” for the content they provide.“If by now the writers in the industry have not realised that they can ask and claim a good amount to write or create content then you are living in a cave. Everyone is hungry for content and you are content creators and if you are not negotiating a good price no Robinhood is coming to save you.”As a screenwriter, Kanika’s method of penning a story is more emotional, instinctive and volatile and she does not adhere to a specific process.“I don’t think in genres. Once I get a germ of an idea I wait for it to die! And if it refuses to die and keeps coming back, I start thinking more about it. Then come the world and the characters. I wait to get bored and if I don’t get bored- then I start building on them.”This year the writer’s both the releases were caught in controversy — Anurag Kashyap’s Manmarziyaan for hurting Sikh sentiments and Sara Ali Khan’s debut film Kedarnath for promoting love jihad. Kanika says if her stories are making people uncomfortable her purpose as a writer is solved.

The Patrika


Friday, February 15th, 2019




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The Patrika





i˵dfbfd murdfbfd dsµbr mhIny df aWD» sfrf AuqrI Bfrq kVfky dI aiq TµzI sIq lihr nflL jkiVaf hoieaf sI» ipCly pµdrF idnF qoN s¨rj dyvqf, DrqI vl ipWT krI, aVIal twt¨ vFg ivtiraf hoieaf sI» Bfry kotF qy moty kWpiVaF ivc Zky hoey lok, aWg kolL bYTy vI Tr¨µ Tr¨µ krI jf rhy sn»

Friday, February 15th, 2019

bldyv isµG

jdoN iqµn cfr jxy Auhƒ AuTfAux leI nyVy afey»iek ny kµbl lfhuxf cfihaf, qF Auh cOkVI lWgI lgfeI, smfDI dI avsQf ivc hI tyZf ho ky izWg ipaf»‘ieh qF afkV igaf beI?’ sfiraF ƒ iPkr hoieaf»

iPr Auhƒ GVIs ky trWkF dI Et ivc lY gey» lWkVF df pRbµD hox lWgf» iek jxf tYNkI ivWcoN zIËl kWZ ilafieaf» koeI purfxI itAUb lYx BWijaf» iek bfhroN tfierF dI dukfn qoN kfr df kµzm tfier cuWk ilafieaf. plF ivc hI Auhdy lfgy lohVI bflL idWqI» Èrfb dy do cfr GuWt vI kolLoN dI lµGdy lok, hYrfn ho ky Aus vl DWky nflL Auhdy aµdr suWty» vyKdy hn» Ausƒ ies qrHF TµZ ivc bYTf vyK ky, keIaF ƒ srIr ivWcoN dI sIq aWg dy syk qy Ausdy aµdr geI aWg dy Jrnfht guËrdI mihs¨s huµdI hY» ijhVy ikRÈmy sdkf Ausny cONkVI KolH ky lWqF nsfl ByqI hn, Auh Ërf ku muskrfAuNdy hn, iek ky afkV BµnI qy aWD KuWlHIaF nÈeI aWKF pl Aus vl vyKdy vI hn, iPr lµG jFdy nflL blLdI aWg aqy afsy pfsy KVHy afpxy bfeIcfry vl qWkx df Xqn kIqf, pr aWKF hn» Pyr imc geIaF» sfzf ieh zrfeIvr, kdy kdy Joly KFdf hY, ijvyN AuWcy lWdy mfl vflLf trWk Jol mfrdf ‘hor nf ikqy KHyz jy Xfr?’ iek ny iPkr hovy» pr Auh, kdy sWjI bFh nflL qy kdy kIqf» KWbI nflL afpxy afp ƒ sµBflx df Xqn ‘iehdf inq df kµm aYN» q¨µ koeI nvF krdf rihµdf hY» afieaYN? asIN qF dsF sflF dy ivµhny aYN» aijhI iBafnk Tµ Z ivc, sfzf iek zrfeIvr trWk XUnIan dy bfhr, Èrfb dy nÈy ivc tuWl hoieaf, nµgI DrqI ‘qy iek hlky ijhy kµbl ivc m¨µh lkoeI cOkVI mfrI bYTf hY, ijvyN smfDI ivc hovy»

afpxy afp qF Gry igaf eI nI kdy» ijWdyN nhIN igaf, AWudyN kuWqy ibWlIaF iehdI rfKI qRkflF df smF hY» Duµd huxy qoN hI pYx lWgI krdy aY» Auh qF iehƒ vyK ky eI p¨CF hY» afsy pfsy lfeItF jg peIaF hn» mfrn lWg jFdy aY’» kuJ hWs pey» lok afpxy afpxy itkfixaF ‘qy phuµcx dI lgfqfr aWg dy syk nflL, ÈrfbI surq PV kfhl ivc hn» afieaf qy zOr BOr hoieaf afsy pfsy Jfkx ‘iehƒ, Xfr iksy pfsy cWuk ky pf dIey» lWigaf» iPr ÜVKVfAuNdy ijhy Ausdy bol eyhny kµjr ny TµZ ivc afkV jfxY’» kfPI sfiraF ƒ suxy ‘…my…lo…nI my…lo’» icr ÈrfbI zrfeIvr vl vyK rhy iek keIaF df Pyr hfsf inWkl igaf» jfxkfr zrfeIvr ny d¨sry ƒ hmdrdI ‘sfilLaf mylo jogf hYgYN?’ sBnF ƒ pqf sI nflL ikhf» mylo AusdI Gr vflLI df nF hY» ‘kuÈ nI huµdf eyhƒ» jy hYgI af qF pAUaf ‘clo AuTfE eyhƒ» shI aY hux» afpF vI hor sWut eyhdy aµdr’» jfxY’» sFJI rfie bxI qF doNh jixaF ny ‘surqI qF pihlF hI dsvyN duafr cVHI aY’» AusdIaF blF ivc hWQ dy ky KVHf kIqf. iPr hWQ CWz ky jFicaf» jdoN Auh iek pfsy ‘hyTF AuqrdI vyKIN-hYgI aY?’ AuWlrn lWgf qF kfhlI nflL PV ilaf» ‘dfr¨ qF hYgI af, pr iehdy aµdr lµG¨ ‘ajy sflL f my l o ƒ Xfd krdY ’ » ko e I ikvyN?’ hWisaf» ‘kmfl aY Xfr! kWty ƒ lWsI nI ipafeIdI?’ ies qoN bfad QoVHI ijhI AulJvIN kQf hY» ‘hFa’» ikvyN Auhƒ Gr phuµcfieaf igaf» pr iek ‘bWs AuvyN eI» mYN iehdf m¨µh qFh cuWkdY, vWzI jdojihd jdoN sr ho geI qF CWzx q¨µ ivc pAUaf Psf dy» grl grl jfAU afieaF ƒ mylo sfAux dy Cvfky vFg gflLF aµdr! ieh eyvyN igWiJaf hoieaY» iPr Gr df mINh lY ky tWkrI»

‘krlo nykI» hor CWzx afAu eyhƒ’» koeI ipafAuNdf» Auh qF BfeI Drny ‘qy bYTgy» hWqk mµndf, mylo ƒ suxfAuNdf» nfary mfrn lwg py…sfzy hwk, aYQy rwK» sfzy hwk aYQy rwK’» mYN afiKaf BkfeI ‘Qoƒ sWdx geI sI mYN? ipaf rihx idµdy mfrI jfAu, prvfh nI kIqI mYN vI» soicaf Eqy eI» nflyL eyhƒ vI pqf lWg jFdf» afpy BONk ky ht jfxgy» pr QoVHI dyr ‘AuQy TµZ ivc qVky ƒ kohV ikrly aFÕU bfad aµdroN afvfË afeI» -PnIar swp afkiVaf ipaf huµdf ieh» Pyr qF q¨µ vI murdfbfd, PnIar swp murdfbfd’» nµgy isr, nµgy pYrIN BwjI afAuxf sI» koeI nf BfeI, hux kI ho igaf» kwlH ƒ shI» ‘PnIar swp ikhVf?’ hux ikhVf iehny srsy afilLaF df nfm lY ‘mYƒ afK idµdy aY’» ilaf» Cwzx aflLy afpxy aµdrlI BVfs ‘aWCf aWCf…lWCx vI PnIarF vflLy eI kwZ ky muVy» aY’» pwuCx vflLf hwisaf» iek idn sfzf ieh zrfeIvr cµgy m¨z ivc sI» kµbl ivc m¨µh luko ky, Buµjy bYT ‘Pyr bfeI mYQoN AunHF dI hflq vyKI nI geI» ky smfDI lfAux dI avsQf ajy nhIN sI qrs af igaf mYƒ» soicaf eyhnF ny qF rfq nI kwtx dyxI mYƒ» kµnF ivc kdy afeI» murdfbfd kdy hfie hfie…[hQoiVaF vFg ‘jy aYN eI irhf kryN, ikµnf cµgf lwgdY’» iek vwjy» hfr ky mYN iek pYWg dyqf AuhnF ƒ» jxy ny Ausƒ vizafieaf» jdoN Auh cwup krgy, iek pYWg hor dyqf» ‘mYN qF bQyrI koÈt krdYN» pr sfly mµnx Pyr krn lwgpy» PnIar swp i˵dfbfd» vI? qF AUeIN CWz idaF pWkI» jvF nF m¨µh PnIar swp i˵dfbfd» mYN vI hOsly ivc ho ‘qy DrF» pr myrI cwlx ikwQy idµdy aY» sflLy igaf» i˵dfbfd sux ky cfa cVH igaf» iqµn cfr pYg hor dyqy» Pyr qF bfgo bfg Gµtf nI ktdy’» hogy» bws beI aYN eI huµdI aY myry nflL» ‘kOx?’ pwuCx vflLf hYrfn hoieaf» sfry iGrfAu kr lYNdy aY myrf»’ ‘kItfxM¨, Xfr ieh ikwQy ijAux idµdy aY ‘qy jdoN kµbl ivc m¨µh lkoeI» smfDI mYƒ?’ lfeI bYTf sI kwlH, AudoN kI afKdy sI qyry

‘kItfxM¨? puwCx vflLf pihlF qoN vI vwD kItfx¨µ?’ puwCx vflLy ny ivaµg kIqf» hYrfn hoieaf» ‘AudoN?’ Auh QoVHf hwisaf- AudoN qF kItfx¨µ ‘qy hor! iek idn sONh Kf lI» mhfNrfj cVHdI klf qoN ho ky muVdy aY qy iPr DOxF suwt m¨hry vI mwQf tykqf beI awj sfrf idn nIN idµdy aY-qy hOlLI hOlLI khI jFdy aY’ [[PnIar pIxI» vyKIey Blf kI ho j¨» jYpur df gyVf swp-amr rhy» PnIar swp-amr rhy’» lf ky afieaf sI» nHf Do ky bih igaf» … dosqo! ieh hwsx vflLI gwl nhIN hY»asIN sflyH rotI nf Kfx eyh qF» mylo ny bQyrf trWkF vflLy bwsF vflLy, ies amr rhy dI ikhf-rotI Kf lf…’ieh khI jfx nhIN» siQqI ivc phuµc ky, pqf nhIN iknHF iknHF …-‘kOx khI jfx?’ lokF dIaF KuÈIaF, hfsy, rOxkF Kohx df phuµcx jogf ho j¨»mhIny ivc pµj sWq idn ‘myry ipAu dy sflLy, nflLy iehqoN pINdy aY, nflLy ‘EhI kItfxM¨ Xfr! mYN vI iËd PV igaf» sbWb bxdy hF» ieh soc ky mn Audfs ho qF ieh aYN eI krdY’. afiKaf puwq jo mrËI ho jy, awj nI Qoƒ jFdf hY» myry glL miraf sWp pf jFdy aYN’»


The Patrika


Friday, February 15th, 2019




pMjfb dy kudrqI sroqfˆ dI rwiKaf ËrUrI zf: amr isMG afjLfd

Bfrq dy jfxy-pihcfxy gfˆDI-vfdI, lyKk, pwqrkfr, vfqfvrn-pRymI aqy jl-rwiKak anupm imÈr iek lMmI ibmfrI AuprMq ipwCly sfl sfnUM ivCoVf dy gey. pUry dyÈ nUM aqy Kfs krky pMjfb nUM anupm imÈr dy jIvn qoN bhuq kuJ iswKx dI loV hY. anupm imÈr nUM nyVy qoN jfxn vfly dosqfˆ df kihxf hY ik Auh dyÈ dy bhuq ihwisafˆ ivc pfxI dI mOjUdf siQqI qoN bhuq icMqq rihMdy sn. Auh bhuq hI gihrI pIVf mihsUs krdy hoey aksr hI ikhf krdy sn ik asIN pfxI pRqI afpxy puriKafˆ dI sdIafˆ purfxI ivrfsq nUM Bulf ky byhwd gMBIr glqI kr rhy hfˆ. AunHfˆ dI ieh icMqf isrP Èbdfˆ qwk hI sImq nhIN sI. AunHfˆ ny sfrI Aumr lokfˆ nUM pfxI bcfAux dI mhwqqf smJfeI aqy afpxy hwQfˆ nfl pfxI bcfAux leI ipMz-ipMz jf ky kMm kIqf. AunHfˆ ny afpxI smJ aqy kMmfˆ nfl pUry dyÈ nUM jo sunyhf idwqf Auh hrigË vI BulfAux vflf nhIN. AunHfˆ dI smJ dI numfieMdgI krdI axmol ikqfb hY “ab BI Kry hYˆ qflfb” jo 1993 ivc pihlI vfr CpI. ieh ikqfb hux qwk 19 BfÈfvfˆ ivc Cp cuwkI hY. ies ikqfb df pMjfbI anuvfd KyqI ivrfsq imÈn vwloN Cfp ky vMizaf jf cuwkf hY. ieh ikqfb vfqfvrn aqy kudrq-pRymIafˆ aqy pfxI `qy kMm krdy hr ivakqI aqy jQybMdI leI iek Drm-gRMQ ijMnI snmfinq hY. AunHfˆ qoN pRyrnf lY ky aqy AunHfˆ qoN iswK ky sYˆkVy kudrq aqy vfqfvrn pRymI aqy pfxI dy muwdy `qy kMm krn vfly srgrm kfrkuMn awj vI pUrI afsQf aqy lgn nfl afpxy jIvn nUM kudrq, jMgl, vfqfvrn aqy pfxI nUM smrpx kr rhy hn. rfijMdr isMG aqy lCmx isMG vrgy jl XoDy ijnHfˆ ny rfjsQfn vrgy sUby ivc pfxI dI smwisaf nUM hwl krn leI byimsfl kMm kIqf afpxyafp nUM anupm jI dy cyly khfAux ivc mfx mihsUs krdy hn. ies ikqfb ivc aMkq igafn nfl dyÈ ivc hËfrfˆ qflfb, toBy, JIlfˆ aqy ndIafˆ muV-surjIq kIqIafˆ jf cuwkIafˆ hn. pfxI AuWpr, dUsrI ikqfb“rfjsQfn kI rjq bUdyˆ” 1995 ivc CpI jo ik anupm jI dy rfjsQfn ivc Kud kIqy kMm `qy afDfirq hY. Bfrq srkfr dy vfqfvrn aqy jMglfq mMqrfly vwloN AunHfˆ nUM sfl 1996 ivc “ieMdrf gfˆDI vfqfvrn purskfr” nfl invfijaf igaf. sfl 2007 ivc mwD pRdyÈ srkfr ny AunHfˆ nUM ‘ÈhId cMdr ÈyKr afËfd kOmI purskfr` nfl snmfinq kIqf. sfl 2011 ivc AunHfˆ nUM jmnf lfl bjfj aYvfrz nfl invfijaf igaf. Auh bhuq sflfˆ qwk, gfˆDI pIs PfAuNzyÈn dy do-mfsk rsfly dy aYzItr rhy. anupm jI dI gihrI smJ sI ik vfqfvrn, jMgl aqy pfxI iqMnfˆ nUM

sfˆBxf DrqI `qy vsdy jIvn leI byhwd ËrUrI hY. iqMnfˆ dI sMBfl iek-dUjy nfl juVI hoeI hY aqy iqMnfˆ dI sMBfl mnuKqf aqy bfkI jIv-jMqUafˆ dI hoNd leI aqI ËrUrI hY. AunHfˆ df mMnxf sI ik ienHfˆ iqMnfˆ dI sfˆBsMBfl leI sfzy puriKafˆ kol iek gihrI smJ sI jo ik asIN ivsfrI jf rhyˆ hfˆ, ijs dy byhwd mfrU iswty inkl rhy hn. anupm jI ny afpxf sfrf jIvn vfqfvrn, jMgl aqy pfxI dI sMBfl nUM smripq kr idwqf. jMglfˆ aqy drwKqfˆ dI sMBfl dI mhwqqf nUM smJdy hoey Auh swqrivafˆ ivc AuWqrfKMz dI icpko-lihr nfl bhuq nyiVAuN juVy rhy. sfl 1978 ivc AunHfˆ dI aMgRyËI ikqfb CpI ‘icpko lihr-AuqrfKMz dy jMglfˆ dI dOlq nUM bcfAux leI aOrqfˆ dI koiÈÈ`. AunHfˆ ny pfxI nfl juVIafˆ smwisafvfˆ nUM hwl krn leI rvfieqI aqy sQfnk igafn dI vrqoN AuWpr inrBr kIqf. ies igafn dy kyˆdr hn-qflfbfˆ/toiBafˆ nUM bcfAuxf, ienHfˆ dI sfˆB-sMBfl krnf aqy mr cuwky qflfbfˆ/ toiBafˆ df punr-surjIqIkrn krnf; jl pRbMDn krnf aqy mINh dy pfxI nUM sMBflxf. awj BfrqIafˆ aqy Kfs krky pMjfbIafˆ nUM anupm jI dI iËMdgI qoN bhuq kuJ iswKx dI loV hY. pfxI, imwtI, kudrqI soimafˆ aqy mnuwKI ishq dI jo brbfdI pMjfb ivc hoeI hY Èfied hI dunIafˆ dy iksy hor dyÈ jfˆ Bfrq dy iksy hor sUby ivc hoeI hovy. ipCly 50-60 sflfˆ qoN KyqI ivc awq dy ËihrIly rsfiexfˆ dI vrqoN ny pMjfb dy hvf-pfxIimwtI nUM Ëihrfˆ nfl Br idwqf hY. zUMGy pwqxf dy pfxI dI vwD vrqoN aqy snaqI kUVykrkt ny vI ies ivc vwzf ihwsf pfieaf hY. qfp ibjlI Grfˆ ivcoN inkldI suafh vI aMqfˆ dI ËihrIlI huMdI hY jo ik hvfpfxI-imwtI ivc hI iml rhI hY. vfhnfˆ `coN inkldf DUMafˆ aqy plfsitk dI aMnHy-vfh vrqoN vI hvf-pfxI-imwtI ivcly Ëihrfˆ ivc vfDf kr rhy hn. sYˆtrl pRdUÈx kMtRol borz, pMjfb pRdUÈx kMtRol borz, sYˆtrl grfAUNz vftr borz, bfbf PrId sYˆtr Pfr spYÈl iclzrn, Bfbf prmfxU Koj kyˆdr, styt vftr tYsitMg lYb aqy anykfˆ hor sMsQfvfˆ dIafˆ irportfˆ spwÈt gvfh hn ik pMjfb dy pfxI dy sfry sroq burI qrfˆ pRdUÈq ho cuwky hn. tYst irportfˆ ivc pfxI aqy Kfs krky DrqI hyTly pfxI ivc lYwz, afrsYink, kYzmIam, pfrf, XUrynIam aqy hor ËihrIlIafˆ Dfqfˆ; PlorfeIz aqy hor anykfˆ ËihrIly pdfrQ vwD mfqrf `c imly hn. hvf, imwtI aqy KfD-pdfrQfˆ dIafˆ irportfˆ vI iesy qrHfˆ dy nqIjy idKf rhIafˆ hn. Bfvyˆ Kojfˆ bhuq Gwt hn pr jo vI hn Auh spwÈt drsfAuNdIafˆ hn ik pMjfb dy hvf-pfxI-imwtI aqy KfD-pdfrQ Kqrnfk Ëihrfˆ nfl Br cuwky hn.

hvf-pfxI-imw t I ivco N ieh Ëihr isw D y jfˆ Bo j n rfhIN sfzy aqy hor jIv-jMqUafˆ dy srIrfˆ ivc phuMc jfˆdy hn. ieh Kqrnfk ËihrIly rsfiex sfzy srIr dy sohl rsfiexfˆ, jInfˆ aqy koiÈkfvfˆ nUM TIk ZMg nfl kMm nhIN krn idMdy-ijs kfrn Bfˆq-Bfˆq dIafˆ purfxIafˆ aqy lf-ielfj ibmfrIafˆ, pMjfb ivc afm vrqfrf ho igaf hY. iswty vjoN pMjfbI iewk ibmfrfˆ dI kOm bx ky rih gey hn. ibmfrIafˆ dI lMmI sUcI ivc Èfiml hn-srIr dI lVn ÈkqI df kmËor hoxf; kYˆsr; Bfˆq-Bfˆq dIafˆ aYlrjIafˆ aqy afto-ieimAUn ibmfrIafˆ; hw z Iafˆ - jo V fˆ - pw i Tafˆ dIafˆ ibmfrIafˆ ; sUgr, blwz-pRYÈr, idl aqy KUn-nfVfˆ dIafˆ ibmfrIafˆ; cmVI, idmfg aqy nsnfVfˆ dIafˆ ibmfrIafˆ; mfnisk ibmfrIafˆ, nÈy aqy ihMsf aqy pRjxn-pRxflI dIafˆ any k fˆ alfmqfˆ afid. pM j fbIafˆ ivc srIr dI lVn ÈkqI dy kmËor hox nfl anykfˆ sMkRfimk ibmfrIafˆ ivc vwzf vfDf hoieaf hY-PlU, zyˆgU, ickn-gunIafˆ aqy hor vfierl buKfr; kflf-pIlIaf, mwsy, eyzË, awz-awz aMgfˆ dI tI[bI[; cmVI, nONhfˆ aqy hor aMgfˆ dIafˆ AuWlI- ienPYkÈnfˆ; aYc-pfeIlorI aqy pyt-Krfb krn vflIafˆ hor ienPYkÈnfˆ, mUqr aqy pRjxn-pRxflI dIafˆ ienPYkÈnfˆ aqy ienHfˆ ienPYkÈnfˆ qoN hox vfly kYˆsr afid. ies gwl dy spwÈt sMkyq iml rhy hn ik pMjfbIafˆ dI pRjxnpRxflI hOlI-hOlI PylH ho rhI hY. sLukrfxUafˆ dI igxqI df Gtxf; nuksdfr sLukrfxUafˆ dI anupfq df vDxf; vIrj dI guxvwqf dy hor mfpdMzfˆ ivc igrfvt; afpxy-afp grB-pfq, iCmfhy-sqmfhy bwcy, kmËor aqy jmfˆdrU nuksfˆ vfly bwcy pYdf hox dI dr ivc coKf vfDf; mrdfnf-kmËorI dI iÈkfieq df afm hoxf; mhfˆ-vfrI dy nuksfˆ, pRjxn aMgfˆ dIafˆ rsOlIafˆ aqy kYsr aqy

byaOldy joiVafˆ dI igxqI ivc vwzf vfDf afid ies gMBIr smwisaf dy sbUq hn. Bfvyˆ pMjfb ies qrHfˆ dIafˆ smisafvfˆ qoN vwD gRihsq hY, dyÈ dy hor ihwsy vI iesy idÈf vwl vD rhy hn. hry ienklfb dy nfˆa `qy Kqrnfk KyqI rsfiexfˆ dI vrqoN, snaqI pRdUÈx, koly aqy ptrol-zIËl dI vrqoN aqy plfsitk dI vrqoN dyÈ dy hor sUibafˆ ivc vI vD rhI hY. iesy kfrn krky pMjfb vrgIafˆ ishq smwisafvfˆ hor sUibafˆ ivc vI vDx dIafˆ irportfˆ af rhIafˆ hn. ies sMdrB ivc anupm imÈr jI df jIvn aqy kMm dyÈ aqy Kfs krky pMjfbIafˆ leI Kfs mhwqv rwKdy hn. afE! anupm jI dy jIvn aqy Gflxf nUM Xfd krIey. ies Xfd nUM lMmyˆ smyˆ qwk afpxy ihridafˆ ivc smo ky rwKIey. AunHfˆ dy isKfey hoey asUlfˆ aqy qknIkfˆ nUM afpxI jIvn-jfc bxfeIey. ies qoN pihlfˆ ik hflfq nf-muVnXog siQqI ivc phuMc jfx, pMjfb dy jl-sroqfˆ nUM bcf leIey. kudrqI sroq iksy vI swiBaqf df afDfr huMdy hn. asIN kudrq dy hI bwcy hfˆ. sfzy aqy hor jIvfˆ dy srIr kudrq dy hI mUl qwqfˆ dy bxy hoey hn aqy ienHfˆ qwqfˆ nUM vrq ky hI kMm krdy hn. afpxy kudrqI sroqfˆ (hvf-pfxI-imwtI, smUh jIv-jMqU aqy mnuwK) nUM qbfh krky asIN afpxy pYrfˆ `qy afp hI kuhfVI mfr rhyˆ hfˆ. anupm jI dy jIvn aqy Gflxf qoN isKdy hoey kudrq nUM sMBflx leI, shI jIvn-jfc iswKxI smyˆ dI sB qoN vwzI loV hY.


The Patrika





Workers Wanted

Gr rYNt leI KLflI hY

Workers Needed


General Farm workers needed. Job duties include pruning, weed control, harvesting berries. Individuals must be prepared to work varying hours in an environment that is physically demanding and in all weather conditions. Start date June 01, 2019. $12.65/ hr, please mail resume to Toor Farms, 2124 Chateau Place, V2T 3V1 or email to joetoor@hotmail.com

2 bYwzrUm, aqy iewk vfsLrUm vflf Auprlf Plor rYNt leI hY. rYNt mhIny df $1650 hovygf. hor jfxkfrI leI sMp rk kro: 604-6156215 lVkI dI loV

Mount Lehman Fruit Growers, 28349, 0 Ave, Abbotsford, BC, requires workers for 6 months starting June 01, 2019. Duties include planting, weeding, pruning, harvesting of berries as well as other general farm work duties. Should be able to work with farm machinery and be able to work in cold and wet conditions. Wages $12.65 per hour, 40 to 50 hours per week. Fax resume to 604-853-9625 or Call: 604-807-4170

If you or a loved one are having a problem with alcohol, we are here to help. Please call our 24hour line 604 615 2911 or email us at info@ abbotsfordaa.org. For a meeting location go to our website www.Abbotsfordaa.org.

vr dI loV 35 sflf jwt isWK, ivjLtr afeI hoeI lVkI leI knyzIan PR jF istIjLn lVky dI loV hY. hor jfxkfrI leI sMprk kro: 604-744-5871 jF 778245-2369

lVkI dI loV

jwt iswK lVkf bVYc 32/6’2” BSc. MA. MSc. BED. PGDCA, teacher leI knYzIan lVkI dI loV hY BYx knyzf ivwc rihMdI hY 604 217 4243 Nanny Required Required Nanny for three children. Fulltime, permanent basis, $13/hr, location: Abbotsford, BC, Language: English, skills: High School & 1-2 years of experience/ training. Duties: supervise & care for children, preparing and feeding meals, personal care for children, maintain safe, clean and healthy environment. Contact: sukhisidhu5130@gmail.com

jWt isWK iswDU lVkf, Aumr 25 sfl, kWd 6’0”, B.A. leI kY n y z Ian lVkI dI loV hY»lVkf cMgy pirvfr ‘coN hY aqy lVky dy mfqf ipqf kYnyzf ivwc vYl sYtlz hn. sMprk krn leI Pon: jy ky PYbirks bfrgyn sYNtr 778-549-7250 eyQoN qusIN PYbirks, zOlr kfimaF dI loV pMjfbI pwiqRkf nMU pypr zilvrI vfly kfimaF dI loV hY. hor jfxkfrI leI sMprk kro: 604-8522288 Workers Needed The Patrika is looking for workers to do paper deliveries.For more information, call: 604852-2288 PAGE 42

stor df smfn, kMipAUtr lYsn, lYptOp, skrIn rIpy a rjL , ienkm tY k s PfeIl Brnf, ienkm tYks kors, trYiPk itktF, lYNz lOrz aqy ikrfeydfr dy JgiVaF dy hwl, mnI trFsPr, ho m o p Y Q I dIaF dvfeIaF lY skdy ho aqy hr iksm dy Pfrm Brvf skdy ho. sfzf pqf: #1032464 klIarbruwk roz, aYbtsPorz- 604-7240440

WaterTec Irrigation LTD. We Are Hiring! Please send your resume to HR@watertecna.com or call 604-882-7405.

Friday, February 15th, 2019

If you or someone you know has a problem with drinking, Alcoholics Anonymous is here to help. Please call our hotline at 604-615-2911 or go to our website www.abbotsfordaa.org

jy qusIN jF quhfzf koeI jfxkfr sLrfb pIx dI mfVI afdq qoN Cutkfrf pfAuxf cfhMudy ho qF sfzy nflL sMprk kro: 604-615-2911 jF sfzI vYbsfeIt 'qy jfE:


Available in English and Punjabi


The Patrika


Friday, February 15th, 2019





SPECIALIZED IN NEW & OLD RENOVATION HOMES Tiles (Wall , & Floor Tiles, All Kinds Of Tiles) Entrance Way Tiles Kitchen (Floor & Backsplash) Kitchen Cabinet And CounterTop Full Bathroom Renovation (New & Old) Floor Lamination

tfeIlF (kMDF qy, PrsL tfeIlF, hr iksm dIaF tfeIlF ieMtryNs vy tfeIls ikcn PrsL, bYk splYsL ikcn kYbinwt, aqy kFAUtr tOp nvyN aqy purfxy bfQrUm dI pUrI rYnovysLn Plor lYmInysLn

High Quality Services at Very Reasonable Prices hr pRkfr dIaF tfielF iPks krvfAux leI sMprk kro

Spl: We Do Cabinet Installation for New or Old Houses All Kinds of Renovations Basement Washroom Kitchen Painting Plumbing

Drywall Roofing Framing Siding Tile

* Full Finish Basement * Sundeck All Complete

Laminate Finishing Sundeck Vinyl Paper &more

Crown, Baseboard Door, Fireplace

HARDEEP BIRDI: 778-823-0765

Travelling abroad? Fight the bite (NC) Aloha sand, beaches, mojitos … Use insect repellent on exposed skin. Insect repellents that contain DEET and travel-related diseases? or Icaridin (also known as Picaridin) There are many travel-related disare the most effective. eases such as Zika virus, malaria, chikungunya, yellow fever and Consider your accommodations. Try dengue that are caused by the bite to stay in rooms that are completely of infected mosquitoes. Depending enclosed or well screened. on your destination, you may come Sleeping outdoors or staying in a across a species of mosquito that can building that is not completely enspread diseases not found in Canada. closed or well screened increases If you are planning a tropical vaca- your exposure to mosquito bites and tion, don’t let a bite ruin your trip. Be the diseases that they may carry. sure to follow these simple measures Covering your bed, playpens, cribs to protect yourself and your family: or strollers with mosquito netting will provide you with extra protection. Visit a healthcare professional or travel health clinic at least six weeks Educate yourself. Learn about the before you travel. They may recom- time of day (day vs. night) and season mend vaccines or medications for when mosquitoes are most active, protection against diseases and ill- as well as other factors that can put you at a higher risk of exposure to nesses spread by mosquitoes. diseases spread by mosquitoes. Cover up. Wear light-coloured, long-sleeved, loose-fitting, tucked-in Find more information on insect bite shirts, long pants, shoes or boots (not prevention measures at canada.ca/ insect-bite-prevention. sandals) and a hat. PAGE 43

The Patrika






Friday, February 15th, 2019

The Patrika


Friday, February 15th, 2019



pfxI ivc imRqk dy pYr qoN kfronr vwloN Aus dI pCfx krn df Xqn


vYnkUvr dy skUl vDyry surwiKaq bxfey jf rhy hn

bI sI dy kfronr srivs vwloN pfxI ivc imly pYr qoN imRqk dI pCfx krn dy Xqn kIqy jf rhy hn| ieh pYr mYrIn zRfeIv aqy 30 stRIt dy ivckfr sqMbr ivc imilaf sI| kfronr vwloN DNA dy tYst pihlF kIqy jf cuwky hn pr koeI pqf nf lwg sikaf| kyvl ieMnf pqf lwgf ik ieh pYr iksy mrd df hY| hwzIaF qoNpqf lwgf ik imRqk 50ku sfl df sI| afKr kfronr vwloN lokF nUM apIl kIqI geI hY ik jy iksy ies bfry kuJ pqf hovy qF dwsx dI ikrpf kry|

bI sI dy isiKaf mMqRflf vwloN aYlfn kIqf igaf hY ik vYnkUvr dy skUlF ivc BucflI Kqry qoN bcfa krn leI vYnkUvr dy iqMn aYlImYNtrI skUlF ivc BucflI rwiKaf suinsicq kIqI jfvygI| ies kMm leI $40[6 imlIan pRvfn kIqy gey hn| sqMbr 2017 qoN hux qwk ies kMm leI $230 imlIan Krc kIqy gey hn| vYnkUvr skULl izsitRkt dI muKI jynt PRyjLr vwloN mMqRflf dy ies aYlfn df suafgq aqy DMnvfd kIqf igaf| iesy qrF vYnkUvr skULizsitRkt dI suprientYNzYNt sUjLyn hfPmYn vwloN vI ies aYlfn dI sLlfGf kIqI hY|

afeI sI bI sI dy swtF PytF dy klymF ivc duelling expert dI vrqoN nUM sImq kIqf jf irhf hY

ivDfn sBf dy aYsLpRsqI krn dy dosLI aiDkfrIaF nUM bI sI lIzrF df jvfb

afeI sI bI sI dI asiQr mflI hflq ny TIk krn ihq srkfr zUieilMg mfhrF dI vrqoN nUM sImq krn dI soc rhI hY| srkfrI sUqrF anusfr pRfeIvyt vkIl aijhy mfhrF dI syvf lY ky afeI sI bI sI qoN nfvfjb klym pRvfn krvf lYNdy hn| hux $100,000 hjLfr dy klym qwk kyvl iek mfhr hI ilaf jf skygf| atfrnI jnrl zyivz aYbI df kihxf hY ik ies qbdIlI nfl afeI sI bI sI df nfjfiejL klym adf krn qoN bcfa ho jfvygf| AuDr aprfDk bcfa vkIl pfl zfrosLYNko df kihxf hY ik kfnUMnI isstm ivc aijhy mfhrF dI BUmkf mhwqvpUrn hY | srkfr dy ies kdm nfl swtF PytF dy klym lYx vfilaF leI musLklF KVHIaF ho jfxgIaF|

bI sI dy iqMn lIzrF df kihxf hY ik AuNhF nUM dosLI krfr idwqy geyy aiDkfrIaF df Auwqr iml igaf hY | hux Auh AuMnHF dy ilKqI jvfbF dI pUrI GoK krngy| AunHF nUM Cwzx jF ruqby dI bhflI AuMnHF vwloN idwqI jfxkfrI dy afDfr qy kIqI jfvygI| aMqm PYslfkfnUMnI slfh dy afDfr qy kIqf jfvygf| Xfd rhy ik muawql kIqy gey aiDkfrI lYNjL, jymjL afpxy afp nUM inrdosL kih rhy hn | Auh kih rhy ik AuMnHF ny koeI Krcf nfjfiejL nhIN kIqf| lYNjL ny ikhf ik ies nfjfiejL ksm df Aus Aupr aqy Aus dy pirvfr Aupr Aultf pRBfv ipaf hY|

skft roz skfeI tRyn ivc golLI clfAux vfly ‘qy dosL Qfpy gey

Coty bwcy vwloN kmry ivc bMd kIqI mF nUM awg-buJfAU mihkmy ny bcfieaf

jnvrI 30 nUM skfeI tRyn dy skft roz stysLn ‘qy golLI cwlx dI Gtnf vfprI ieh golI ipCly idnIN brnbI ivKy iek Coty bwcy ny axjfxy afpxI mF nUMiek kmry ivc bMd kr tRFijLt puils dy aPsr Aupr clfeI geI sI| swrHI afr sI aYm pI dy sUqrF anusfr idwqf| drvfjLf aMdroN nhIN KulH skdf |mF ny Pfier ivBfg nUM Pon kIqf | AuMnHF ny AuMnHF 35 sflf zyEn glfsgo ‘qy hyT ilKy dosL afropy gey hn| ny zYzbolt qoV ky Aus mF nUM bfhr kwiZaf| awg buJfAU amly df kihxf hY ik AuMnHF nUM • nfjfiejL vrqidaF kql krn df Xqn aijhy Pon qF afAuNdy ijwQy Coty bwcy afpxy afp nUM axjfxy vfsLrUm ivc bMd kr lYNdy • mnHF kIqy gey hiQafr nUM kql krn dI mnsLf nfl vrqxf hn pr ieh siQqI vwKrI sI|

ilMgI Byd-Bfv df svfl AuwTx qy XU bI sI ny nvIN nIqI lfgU kIqI

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mOsm dI KrfbI kfrn skULl izsitRkt aqy XUnIvristIaF bMd kIqIaF geIaF TMZ aqy brPbfrI kfrn Krfb hoey mOsm kfrn do drjn qoN vwD skUl ijLlHy aqy muK XUnIvristIaF bMd kIqIaF geIaF| loar myn lYNz aqy mYtro vYnkUvr dy skUl aqy XUnIvristIaF bMd krnIaF peIaF| 10 PrvrI,aYqvfr nUM sLrU hoeI brPbfrI somvfr dI sLfm qwk jfrI rhI ijs nfl mOsm aiq TMZf ho igaf aqy afvfjfeI burI qrF pRBfivq ho geI| PAGE 45

The Patrika





Friday, February 1st, 2019

The Golden Tree Farmworkers Vigil Vigil Farmworkers

Saturday, March 2, 2019

11:30 AM Reception | 12:30 PM Ceremony Matsqui Centennial Auditorium 32315 South Fraser Way Abbotsford BC ThePatrika “BRIDGING COMMUNITIES”


The Patrika


Friday, February 15th, 2019





The Patrika






Friday, February 15th, 2019


Friday, Feb 15, 2019


Jim Braich



Large New Building Lots in Mission

New Building Lots in Abbotsford

Lot A 14,640 sq. ft. Lot B SOLD Lot C 13,990 sq. ft. Lot D 13,780 sq. ft.

10 brand new level lots on a cul-de-sac close to the University and McCallum Rd Highway #1 access.

Located on desirable Hatzic Bench 34903 Dewdney Trunk Will build to suit

All will accommodate inground basements/3 level homes. Starting at $469,900 + gst. Hurry to reserve yours! Located on the corner of Keats St and Hawthorne Ave.

R2248866, R2248861, R2248832

10 Pin Bowling Alley/Entertainment/Banquet Centre Business Opportunity for Lease Formerly operated as the iconic Dogwood Bowling Alley in Abbotsford.


Investors! 30 Unit Strata-Titled Condo Building for Sale in Chilliwack. Built in 2013. Single Owner. Keep as a rental building or sell off individual units.




Friday, Feb 15, 2019


Friday, Feb 15, 2019

Raman Dhillon

Personal Real Estate Corporation raman.realestate@hotmail.com | www.dinvestorsgroup.com


R E A LT Y I N C .









Call For More Info. Abbotsford




S $2895,000 Hope Silver Creek 45 20118 BEACON ROAD



Hope Silver Creek

44 20118 BEACON ROAD


Hope Silver Creek

46 20118 BEACON ROAD



Hope Silver Creek

03 20118 BEACON ROAD



Abbotsford West


D SOL Chilliwack



Investors,Developersand BuildersAlert!Property locatedinadesirableareaof WestAbbotsfordwith possibilitytobesubdivideinto 2lots.

Chilliwack 8524 FOREST GATE DRIVE

$749,700 Chilliwack 8488 FOREST GATE DRIVE

$849,000 Abbotsford





Great Location 16.44 acres Blueberry farm with beautiful Home. 7 year old Mega house 6700 SF with 10 bedroom and 8 Washrooms. 4 kitchens. Over 13 acres of land was planted in 2000 with

10 acre blueberry farm, a few minutes from town. Trade Welcome.



65 ACRES Raspberry Farm. Great Rental Income. Close to Town. Trades Welcome.

$2,499,000 35062 HARRIS ROAD High production farm, Blue crop variety, very well kept, great location with smaller house.


19 + ACRES

Raspberry Farm & BIG House!



20+ ACRES Duke & Blue Crop. High production.


Townhouse site & 7 storey apartment building site. Prime Location!

For Sale 8 Brand New HOUSES! in Promontory Area Chillwack! 2 & 3 Storey Houses Available NOW!




Pizza Place $199,000

Commercial Unit In Cedar Park Abbotsford Contact For Detail




Friday, Feb 15, 2019


Friday, Feb 15, 2019



dIp iFloN 604.832.0480


Ph: 604-864-0666 • Fax: 604-864-0668 Toll Free: 1-866-967-0666

Call Today for your Free Market Evaluation!

#110- 30485 Cardinal Avenue, Abbotsford BC V4X 2M9


3789 Coachstone Way, 3363 Horn St Abbotsford Abbotsford Creekstone on the Park". Well-kept Custom built 2 storey w/walk-out basement backing onto green space. Very private setting. Many updates. 3 bedrooms up, 1 bedroom in the bsmt and den on main. home features 4 gas fireplaces, granite countertops, S/S appliances in the kitchen, hardwood floor on main and 2nd floor. W/O basement has 4th bedroom, rec room with marble decorated wet bar, theater room and sauna in the basement.

MILLION DOLLAR MOUNT BAKER VIEW CENTRAL Location, view, You can have it all! It offers Blueberry, panoramic views of mountains. Impressive 4799 sq.ft. mansion is located on 8.5 acres Planted Duke, 4 yrs old plants. Covered sundeck, spectacular bedrooms with Ensuites.

$ 1,899,000

3 SOLD ONE AVAILABLE Townhouse Legal Suite close to Baba Banda 407 31771 13505 62 Ave Singh Peardonville Rd Surrey Abbotsford Bahadur This home has 2 spacious Gurdwara bedrooms, 2 baths, living area, good size kitchen and dining space Penthouse. Lots of updates include new laminate flooring, fresh paint, newer roof and much more. The building has been very well maintainedwell managed.

$ 349,000



$ 599,000 For more info please call Deep or Harjinder

property into two RF lots

6757 134A St 33394 Hawthorne Ave Abbotsford Surrey Totally renovated gem located in quite and central location of West Newton. This 2700 sq.ft home features two and one bedrooms suites as great mortgage helper. Upgrades include new roof, furnace, hot water tank, flooring, kitchens, washroom , appliances and windows. big lot 66 by 122.

$ 1,250,000 $ 1,049,000

70 x 115 Rancher

Mainly Landvalue

$ 619,000

Buying a Home: Needs vs Wants House buying needs and wants Similar to the list you develop to purchase groceries, why not develop your own list of needs and wants in a new home. This doesn’t mean you can not have what you want in your home, but rather, that you have a priority list of the most important features. You may not be able to obtain all the “want” items on your list, within your budget. You may have to compromise on a few items to stay in line with your budget. Here’s a review of needs versus wants: NEEDS Adequate square footage for comfortable living. Sufficient bedrooms for your family Sufficient bathrooms Comfortable eat-in kitchen Garage or basement for storage needs Backyard for children’s play area Easy access to school WANTS Specific carpeting, paint, exterior color Pool Jacuzzi Hardwood floors Bay windows Built-in entertainment center Brass lighting fixtures Skylights A pretty view Try finding a happy medium of NEEDS and WANTS. That is, you will want to look for a home that includes all of your needs, with as many wants as practical, while remaining within your budget. Once you have this information in hand, your needs will be clearly defined from your wants. Having this knowledge will establish a clear direction for your new home shopping.



Friday, Feb 15, 2019 MLS TOP 10%

Jag S Sidhu Personal Real Estate Corporation

Listing Needed Call Jag

#110 - 30485 Cardinal Ave Abbotsford, BC V2T0E5

Phone: 604.625.2245 Fax: 604.625.2249 Toll Free: 1.866.967.0666

Call Gurcharan or Jag for your FREE no obligation Market Evaluation


New listing on Upper Maclure 6 bedrooms 5 bath recroom call jag 32277 PEARDONVILLE RD

This home is centrally located in West Abbotsford, close to schools, shopping and parks. OVER 12000 SF Large lot, that can be subdivided into 2 lots that would be over 6000 sqft each. Build your dream home and sell the lot beside you or hold the property


2 lot approval. Documents are available from seller once accepted offer and you can verify with the city of Abbotsford prior to making any offer for final approval of 2 lots. Close to French Immersion Elementary school, Stadium, Bus and recreation. Call Gur Dhillon

3510 Promontory crt

West Abby. 3 story 5 bedrooms up den on main two bedroom legal suite and a Rec room for owner use.




West Abbotsford on firhill dr, 26 year old house 5 bedroom 3 bath family room, recroom legal suite close to all levels of school Call Gur Dhillon

30966 Brookdale Crt

Abbotsford near gurdwara on 30658 steelhead crt. 4 bedroom den(5th) bedroom legal suite clean cul-de-sac!!

THE GABLES, a family friendly community! A well maintained family home and complex. 4 Bdrms, 3 FULL baths, BIG rec-room, LARGE balcony and DOUBLE garage. Prime location, walking distance to Fruiticana Grocery Store, Eugene Reimer Middle School,Highstreet mall and easy access to highway.

34041 Wavell Lane, Abbotsford

New listing near all levels of schools, gurdwara shaib, fully renovated home 3 bedroom family room and great room up 1 suite and huge theater room for owner use with bar!!

Unit 40 - 31255 Upper Maclure Road


3 story 7 bedroom and 8 bath with great views!!

It is a two bedroom house, close to Wal-Mart and freeway. It is rented for $950 per month. It is hard to find in this price in Abbotsford area, demolish it and make a new house. No sign on property.

New listing hitting the market this week. West Abby 3420 Headwater pl!!8 bedroom 9 bath, spice kitchen, radiant heat, high ceilings, A/C and generator ready. 2 suites, recroom/ theatre room/bar walking distance to schools!!

3 Lot LEFT Subdivision


In Maple Ridge Green Belt Call for more detail

214500 Morris Valley Rd Off hwy 7 East Mission


5 Acres

2 bdrm + extra with private fenced yard with patio, extra parking/long driveway to a detached 20 x 5 garage/room. New roof & appliances.close to public transit/school, shopping

#30 - 31098 Westridge Pl 2 Bedroom Townhouse

Sold 8 plus acres on hope rd in Abbotsford with 6500sqft home

Blueberry Farm West Abbotsford with a house. Good production Blueberry BlueCrop & Duke Variety call for more info

KETCH PLACE 4 BEDRM HOUSE single garage 700,00 sq feet


Easing Home Seller Stress Death, taxes and moving - the three facts of life. When you are selling your home and planning a move, it is a stressful time in life. Moving is more than packing and paperwork. It is an emotional process. You are saying goodbye to memories, a neighbourhood and friends. You are thinking about the adjustments you will have to make in your new home and community. You are trying to calm yourself down. You are trying to calm down your nervous children.

environment and create a network of new friends and associates.

Conduct research.

Prior to your move, you should research your new community. Round up as much information as you can about your new community or city. What kinds of cultural offerings does the community have? Are there any landmarks that you and your family would like to visit. Are all the services you require close by?

You tell yourself you will meet nice people in your new neighbourhood, you bought the best home within your budget and your kids will do well in their new school. Despite all these jitters, moving is an exciting adventure with many prospects of new beginnings. Here are a few ideas on how you can make the selling of your home less stressful for you and your family.

Take time.

Don’t forget to take care of yourself and your family. This means taking a break for a movie, a meal or any other activity the family would like. Taking care of yourself is not a waste of time. Rather, it is essential. When you are stressed out yourself, you can not properly care for others or handle the numerous details involved with a move. Stress is sneaky. It eats at us during the happiest of times. Any major life change is stressful, whether positive or negative. For your family’s sake, be sure to deal with the stress as it happens. If stress is suppressed, it can wreck havoc both emotionally and physically and spread throughout your family. It is not a


Envision your new home.

Where will you place the furniture? What pictures will look best in what room? What about closet space? A large backyard and/or swimming pool? Try to picture you and your family spending quality time together and enjoying your new home. pleasant experience, moving a grumpy family across town or across the country.

Respect your feelings.

It is normal to feel unsure of your decision. With any major commitment, there are always second thoughts. “What on earth did I do,” worries surface after signing contracts and making life-changing decisions. You’ve probably heard the expression: “When one door closes, another opens.” Look upon this move as a new opportunity. It is your chance to meet new people, begin life in a new

Have fun.

Like the many challenges that you have previously handled, you will handle this move, just fine. And while you are at it, have some fun. Even if you are broke, take some time to go to a movie, go out for dinner or even a picnic. Engage in a fun activity that gets you and your family out of the house and away from boxes, paperwork, emotions and the premove concerns. Remember: the stress will not last forever. Regardless of the way you are feeling right now, you will get moved, settled into your new home and you will be just fine. Everything will fall into place. While journeying into the unknown can be difficult, it is also very rewarding

Friday, Feb 15, 2019





Friday, Feb 15, 2019

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