The Patrika 604.852.2288 | “ B R I D G I N G
COMMUNITIES” Weekly | Friday Mar 15th 2019 | Vol.23. No.25 | |
inrpwK, suqMqr aqy agFhvDU soc nMU prnfieaf hoieaf A SECULAR, INDEPENDENT & PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER
Kids Play Foundation hosts 3v3 Basketball Tournament in Abbotsford. ikfs plyA PwaUNfySn ny AYbtsPorf iv`c bwsikt bwl tUrnwmYNt krvwieAw
See story on pg. 5
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AvrsIjL afto bfzI sLfp aYbtsPLorz
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The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
itAUn aWp, brykF, aYgjLfst, PrMt aYWz vrk, ieMjn irpyarjL, klWc, vftr pMp, trYnI srivs, XU- jfieMtjL, PrMt aYksl sLfPtjL afid
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istI ivKy kI kuJ nvW hY vftr smfrt pRogrfm ies bsMq ruwq vftr smfrt ivd pfrks ,rYkrIeysLn & klcr pRfpq kro aqy qrn df qrIkf iswKx leI qrn df ZMg iswKo aqy pfxI ivc Kyzxf iswKo| bflgF leI ieh kMm iswKx leI $5 df iek kUpn imlf hY aqy bwcy leI do kUpn imldy hn|‘qy aOnlfeIn rijstr hovo|
spirMg strIt ieMprUvmYNt
afpxy guaFZ ivc glIaF dy suDfr bfry sucyq hovo| aYbtsPorz istI ny bsMq ruwqy keI nvyN roz projYkt arMB kIqy hn ijMnHF dI jfxkfrI ‘qy pRfpq hY|
rImweINfr: bI.sI. spYkulySn tYks
aYbtsPorz tYksybl rIjnjL ivcoN iek hY jo srkfr ny afpxy nvyN spYkUlysLn aqy vykYNsI tYks leI bxfey hn| irhfiesLI mkfnF dy sfry mflkF ny sUbfeI arjLI dfavf 31 mfrc,2019 qwl srkfr nUM Byjxf hY BfvyN AuMnHF nUM Cot vI imlI hovy| ieh sUbfeI tYks hY| sLihr invfsIaF nUM sUbfeI srkfr nfl 1-833-554-2323 ‘qy sMprk jLrUr bnfAuxf cfhIdf hY|
mwrc 2019 istI kfAuNisl pRsfrn
kimAuintI irport istI ny 2018 dI kimAuintI irport ivc afpxIaF pRfpqIaF df AulyK kIqf hY| ieh irport communityreportpunjabi ‘qy AuplbD hY|
PRC ivKy bhwr ru`q mMc kYNps
idl prcfvy aqy kYNipMg leI bwicaF nUM rijstr krvfE ijs nfl AuMnHF df akyvF dUr hovygf| asIN qYrfkI aqy supr skyitMg dy ivsLys kYNpF df afXojn kIqf hY qy rijstr krvfE|
guaFZI CotIaF gRFtF guaFZI CotIaF gRFtF AuMnHF lokF dI shfieqf krdIaF hn ijhVy afpxy guaFZ nUM cMgyrf bnfAuxf cfhuMdy hn| asIN AuMnHF pRojYktF leI $1000 qwk dI gRFt idMdy hF ijhVy lokF nUM iek dUjy dy nyVy ilaFAuNdy hn, hunr iek dUjy nfl sFJy krdy hn; apxq aqy ijLmyvfrI aqy siqkfr dI Bfvnf pYdf krdy hn; aqy iviBMnqf df anMd mfxdy hn| afKrI imqI 9 apRYl qwk ‘qy aOnlfeIn arjLI dyvo|
bsMq ruwq dy vyst nbyVy dy nukqy
sLihr invfsI kfAuNisl dIaF mIitMgF dI kfrvfeI istI dI vYbsfeIt ‘qy vyK skdy hn| sfrIaF mIitMgF dI kfrvfeI ijAuN dI iqAuN pRsfirq huMdI hY| ieh bfad ivc vI vyKI jf skdI hY| istI kfAuNisl mIitMgF aqy eyjMzf ‘qy vyiKaf jf skdf hY|
kfAuNisl mIitMgF dI sfrnI mfrc 18 1 vjy dupihry sfrI kmytI (kmrf 530)
mfrc 25 3 vjy dupihry kfrjkfrnI kmytI 7 vjy sLfm pbilk suxvfeI/ rYgUlr kfAuNisl
apRYl 1 3 vjy dupihry aYgjLYkitv kmytI 7 vjy sLfm : pbilk suxvfeI apRYl 8 1 vjy dupihry sfrI kmytI( kmrf 530)
apRYl 15 3 vjy dupihry aYgjLYkitv kmytI 7 vjy sLfm pbilk suxvfeI
kUVy dy Zol ivcoN plfsitk dIaF cIjLF kwZ dyvo; kfgjL dy bYg vrqo jF lybl vfly zwby ivc pfE; plfsitk dy bYg pRvfn nhIN hn; DMnvfd
apRYl 22 koeI mIitMg nhIN
apRYl 29 1 vjydupihry sfrI kmytI (kmrf 530)
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
sIrIAs AweI.sI.bI.sI klym
AsIN kys ij`qx q`k swry Krcy Awp cu`kdy hW
muAwvzw nw imlx dI sUrq iv`c koeI kwnMnI PIs jW Krcw nhIN
AweI.sI.bI.sI dy dwAvy
“isMpsn Qoms Asl iv`c ie`k AwdrSk kwnUMnI tIm hY ijhVI ies kys nMU pyS AweIAw kwnUMnI cuxOqIAW nMU iDAwn iv`c r`Kdy hoey mOky qy KrI au`qrI hY[ hor koeI Prm ieh kys nhIN ij`q skdI sI ikauNik ies iksm dw kys lVn leI bhuq swry vsIilAW dI loV huMdI hY[” *AYbtsPorf iv`c ivAwh dOrwn jwgo mOky vwpry duKWq dy sbMD ivc ie`k muv`kl dI it`pxI ijhVI ilMk AKbwr iv`c 12 mwrc, 2011 nMU CpI sI[
• idmwgI s`t • ivHplYS • s`t kwrx l`qW Aqy bwhW dw Apwhj hoxw • rIfH dI h`fI dI s`t • h`fIAW dI tu`t B`j Aqy durGtnwvW idmwgI s`t, s`t kwrx l`qW Aqy bwhW dy Apwhj hox dI hwlq iv`c kwnMUnI kysW dI PIs iv`c ktOqI 20% trwiel smyq[
AsIN hux AYbtsPorf iv`c vI syvwvW idMdy hW AsIN quhwfy Gr Aw
ky vI srivs dy skdyy hW[
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33222 Elf Xyl rof AYbtsPorf, bI.sI. imlx leI AYpuAWieMtmYˆt zrUrI hY
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
sMpfdkI aMqr-rfsLtrI nfrI idvs lMGI 8 qfrIK nMU sI,asIN ipCly hPqy awj vflIaF ivcfrF pysL krnIaF sn pr Ksry dI iBafnk bImfrI dI jfxkfrI nMU pihl idMidaF asIN nfrI idvs qy awj ilK rhy hF. sMsfr pwDr dI sohxI soc df ipCokV lY ky pwCmI DrqIaF dy kuJ sUJvfn ivakqIaF ny nfrI nMU brfbr df ruqbf dyx leI iewk PMksLn 1911 ivwc sLurU kIqf jo sMsfr dIaF agFhvDU DrqIaF qoN huMdf hoieaf awj sfry sMsfr qy hr sfl 8 mfrc nMU ipafr siqkfr nfl mnfieaf jFdf hY.ies df mksd ieh dwsxf hY ik nfrI mrd dy brfbr dy ruqby dI milkf hY. DrqI dy bhuq QfvF qy aOrq nUM bMdf hI nhIN smiJaf jFdf,smfj dI ies glq soc ny aOrq qy by-ihsfby jbr Zfhy.ies ivc koeI sLwk nhIN ik kudrqI hI aOrq srIrk qOr qy mrd nfloN kuwJ kmjLor hY pr ieh gwl vI brfbr iDafn ivc rwKxI cfhIdI hY ik ieh sMsfr rcxhfrI,ipafr dI mUrqI,muhwbqF df DUrf,irsLiqaF dI gMZ,ijmyNdfrIaF dI pMz qy PrjL inBfAux ivwc mhFpRcMz hY.ies dI hoNd qy iewjLq afbrU qF mrd qoN vI vwD hY ikAuNik sfrf sMsfr ies dI kuwK qoN pYdf hoieaf hY qy hoxf hY.smfj ivc ies dI igxqI axsuKfvIN hY Bfv keI QfeIN aOrqF mrdF qoN vwD hn qy keI QfeIN mrdF qoN Gwt. ijs smfj ivw c mrdF dI igxqI vw D hovy,EQy aOrqF dI iejLq mihPUjL nhIN huMdI aqy EQy aOrqF muwl ivkdIaF hn,ijQy aOrqF dI igxqI vwD hY EQy iek mrd keI ivafh kr skdf hY.
ieiqhfs dIaF vwK-vwK pRsiQqIaF kfrn aOrq nfl durivhfrI vrqfry vI byaMq huMdy af rhy hn.Bfrq ivwc 6 sdIaF mugl rfj irhf qy hr rfjy ny Dn dOlq nfl EQoN dIaF suMdr mfvF,DIaF,BYxF,nfrF,muitafrF nMU jbrI cuwikaf,afpxy hrmF ivwc rwiKaf,pwqF luwtIaF,mMzIaF ivwc psLUaF vFg vyicaf,aMg-aMg noicaf.ies swc nMU hrmn ipafry gurU nfnk sfihb afpxI ilKq ‘bfbr bfxI’ ivwc ilK ky dsdy hn ik POjIaF vwloN iewk rwsy nfl nUVIaF hoeIaF muitafrF nUM Bfrq ivwcoN iljfx vyly bfbr rfjy df hukm sI— ‘dUqF nMU Purmfieaf,lY cwlo pwq gvfey.’ikwnI sLrm vflI gwl hY ik koeI rfjf iejLqF luwtx df hukm dy irhf hY.iewnHF aOrqF nfl kMjrI bfjLfr cflU kIqy,ckilaF ivwc amIr lokF dy kfm-nft leI nfcIaF dy Tumky sLurU kIqy gey. mrd ny hr QF mOky df Pfiedf lYidaF aOrq nfl Dwky qy Dwkf kIqf hY.kfm pUrqI leI jy hF nhIN kIqI qF jbr jnfh,smUihk jbr jnfh ies ivcfrI nMU pl-pl sUlI tMgdy rhy.ivafhF dy dfj dhyj qoN zridaF,iejLq ajLmq nMU TIk rwKx leI,bhuqI QeIN lVkI nMU jnm qoN bfad jLihr dy ky mfr idwqf jFdf irhf qy awj tYknflOjI dy afsry jMmx qoN pihlF hI ies nUM ibly lOx df aprfD vI Gt nhIN irhf. aOrq nUM jUey ivwc ijwiqaf hfiraf jFdf irhf, rfijaF dIaF POjF dy XuwDF ivwc ijwqx vflLf rfjf hfrn vflLy qoN DI jF BYx df zolLf lY ky Ausdf ipwCf Cwzdf sI, mnuwKF dI lVfeI ivwc Gr bYTI byksUr
aOrq jLfq nUM DI, BYx, jF mF dI gflL kwZx sfzf PrjL bxdf hY ik ipCFh-iKHcU socF dI burfeI qoN afpF sfry hI jfxU hF. eydF dy CwzIey, cOVy ihridaF nflL aOrq df sfQ GtIaf hflfqF ny aOrq dI mfniskqf nUM deIey, ies dy hONsly vDfeIey, ies kolLoN swt mfrI hY qy Auh afpxy afp nUM GtIaf suKfvyN suxwKy qy suQry aMqrrfsLtrI smfj smJx lwg peI hY. GtIaf qF iksy gwloN dI qvwko krIey, iewjLqF nfl ies dI JolLI vI nhIN hY pr hflfqF ny Auh nUM inrfsLf dI BrIey, hr QF ies dy nflL KVHIey. hr sfl ndI ivwc suwt idwqf hY. 8 mfrc nUM nfrI idvs, mnOxf BuwilE nf mrd nUM socx dI loV hY ik aOrq qF smfj ikAuN ik : leI bhu-rUpIaf irsLqf hY. ieh DI hY, BYx hY, pqnI hY, pRymkf hY, mF hY, mfsI hY, BUaf hY, mfmI hY, dfdI hY, nfnI hY, isRsLtI isrjk hY, Xuwg sMcflk hY iPr eyny irsLiqaF dI milkf mrd qoN GtIaf ikvyN mMnI jFdy EN? kfrn sfP hY ik mrd pRDfn smfj dI aMnHI soc ny ies mhfn irsLqy nUM ies df bxdf mfx qfx nhIN idwqf. hF sMsfr dy kuwJ ihwisaF ivwc ijwQy sLFqI rhI, DfVvI nhIN phuMcy, hmly nhIN hoey, luwtF KohF nhIN hoeIaF, jbr jnfh nhIN hoey EQy aOrq nUM mrd dy brfbr hr mOkf pRfpq hoieaf hY qy ho irhf hY. ijwQy ijwQy ies nflL
‘brfbr pYdf kIqy rwb ny, mrd ivqkry pfey, duwKVy hMZfey. mfVI soc dy glby dy ivwc, nrkIN goqy Kfey pysL nf jfey. iks pwKoN hY GtIaf nfrI, iswD kr koeI idKfey ienfm lY jfey
by-iensfPIaF hoeIaF hn, EQy EQy ies dy afpxy dm qy sMGrsL kr jlvy KUB idKfey apmfn bfry jfx ky mn by-cYn huMdy hn. idl Brmfey aOrq nUM dfsI, kmjLfq, kMjrI, luwcI, pYr dI juwqI, guwqipWCy mwq vflLI, vrgy aivsLysLx idwqy gey pr ivksq qy sLFq DrqIaF qy aOrq nUM zfrilMg, zIar, bYtr hfP vrgy ivsLysLx idwqy gey. hux smF hY afpF sfry aslI soc dy swc qy afeIey ik aOrq mrd dy brfbr hY, iksy pwK qoN vI Gwt nhIN hY. sMsfr ivwc hr Kyqr ivwc aOrq dy ikRsLmy hYrfn krI jFdy hn.
zIar, zfrilMg, bYtr-hfPL df ruqbf imldf jfey cMgy idn afey afp sB nUM cMgy idnF dI lwK lwK vDfeI hovy. sMpfdkI mMzl
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
inwq pRqI
jwQydfr rUp isMG gUVHI sMGr aYt aYbtsPorz bI[sI sLfmI afQx vyly agly idn dy kMmF dI ivENq bxfky aqy pUrI iqafrI krky hI sfAux dI koisLsL kro svyry vyly isr AuWTo, ibsqry ivwcoN AuWTx qoN pihlF ibsqry qy ipaf hI lwqF bfhF pUrI qrHF insfl ky aM g VfeI lE aqy mUhoN do cfr vfr vfihgurU df nfm jwpo ies qrHF krn nflL srIr ivwc cwusqI af iensfn aqy iesLnfn df gUVHf sMbMD hY. ies leI rojL iesLnfn kro. gurbfxI ivc jFdI hY vI iesLnfn nUM bhuq mhfnqf idwqI hY. gurU kurlI krky inrny hI pfxI pIE. grmI gRMQ sfihb ivwc gurF ny iliKaf hY: ivwc inwGf aqy srdI ivwc grm pfxI hOlLI kr iesnfn ismir pRB afpnf hOlLI pIE. kdy vI pfxI KVHy ho ky nf pIE bYT ky pIE. mn qn hoie arogf idn vyly sKLq kMm krdy ho qF ds pMdrF koit ibGx lfQy pRB srxI imMt leI hlkI vrijsL kro. TMZ vyly aMdr qy grmI vyly bfhr qfjLI hvf ivwc kro. pRgt Bey sjogf] ‘suvfs Xogf’ kOr jo cfr pMj imMtF ivwc hI dfqx bursL krky mUMh qy dMdf dI sPfeI ho jFdf hY qF bhuq jI cMgI gl hovygI. kro. Xogf nUM lok swdIaF qoN krdy af rhy hn. ies nfl ijwQy idmfg qro-qfjLf ho jFdf hY AuprMq cfh vgYrf pIE aqy cfh nfl kuJ AuQy keI rogF qoN PYadf huMdf hY qy ichry jLrUr KfE. df jlfl vDdf hY. hflfqF anusfr QoVHf smF bfxI df jfp kro. ivwDI: swjy hwQ df aMgUTf aqy ivckfrlI AuNgl vrqxI hY. pihlF aMgUTy nfl nwk jy svyry svyry nfm nhIN jipaf jFdf qF dI swjI nfs bMd krlo aqy KwbI nfs rfhIN idny afpxy kMm kridaF mUl mMqr df jfp aMdr nUM pUrf sfh iKwco ijs nfl iZwz Pwul jLrUr kro. sLfm nUM rihrfs sfihb df pfT jfvy. iPr ivckfrlI AuNgl nfl KwbI nfs jLrUr kro. bMd krlo qy sfh aMdr iKHco qy vwD qoN vwD AuprMq jo vI hfjLr hovy Kf pI ky afpxI smF sfh nUM iZwz ivc hI rwKo iPr ies nUM ijLMmyvfrI qno-mno inBfE. swjI nfs rfhIN bfhr kwz. swjI nfs rfhIN bfhr kwzo. aqy iPr iesy hI nfs rfhIN pUrf gurbfxI dIaF pMkqIaF sfh aMdr nUM iKHwco aqy ieh nfs aMgUTy nflL ijQy bolx hfrIaY bMd krlo. iPr KwbI nfs rfhIN sfh nUM bfhr kwZo aqy iPr iesy hI nfs rfhIN pUrf sfh iqQY cMgI cup aMdr nUM iKHwco qy ivckfrlI AuNgl nfl nfs nUM bMd krlo. iPr ieh sfh swjI nfs rfhIN vKq vIcfry su bMdf hoie bfhr kwZo aqy iesy hI nfs rfhIN aMdr nUM iPr iKwHco qy nfs nUM aMgUTy nfl bMd kro nUM iDafn ivwc rwKidaF ijho ijhf slUk iesy qrHF hI vfr vfr kro, ieh qMdrusqI afvdy leI cfhuMdy ho dUijaF nflL krdy df KjLfnf hY. hoey qury clo. PAGE 5
The Patrika
B.C.’s construction industry launches code of conduct on International Women’s Day
How to afford a home renovation that fits your life (NC) Changing seasons always bring about the desire to update our living spaces. But your life stage and budget can influence what kind of upgrades you can make. Here are some tips to get you started. Assess the investment. The first step is to gauge how much value your investment will bring, whether you’re looking to sell or grow into a family home. A common misconception among home owners is that all renovations will increase a home’s value; unfortunately, this is not always the case. It’s always a good idea to strategically renovate the space to fit your life plan and goals. Plan for both long- and short-term value. As a homeowner, it is important to assess what kind of value items can contribute to your life plan. Searching for products that are energy efficient, like an eco-friendly washing machine or water filtration system, can help you save on your monthly bills. A long-term investment, such as hardwood floors or
Friday, March 15th, 2019
bathroom tiles, can spruce up a living space for years to come. While somenew initiative called the Buildtimes this require a larger budget, the ers Code aims to retain more project can be both appealing to future women in the construction buyers and stand the test of time in a trades by creating a supportive, inclufamily home. sive work environment that works for Use a payment plan. For those high- everyone. ticket investment items, consider using A key goal is to have women make a payment plan. Payment solutions up 10% of B.C.’s construction trades such as The Home Depot Project Loan by 2028, a standard not yet reached can help with bigger renovations. This by any province in Canada. Currently, allows you to stick to your budgeting women comprise only 4.7% of B.C.’s goals while using a flexible payment construction trades. plan to make larger purchases more accessible.
hazards to include stress or distraction caused by discrimination, bullying, hazing or harassment. Builders Code worksites will be free from behaviours that affect job performance, health, well-being, safety, productivity and the efficiency of workers. The Builders Code also provides contractors with competitive ways to attract and retain skilled tradespeople at time when B.C. is facing a skills shortage. Although women, youth,
Use DIY to offset costs. In addition to using a payment plan, taking on a few safe and simple renovation projects yourself is an easy way to offset renovation costs. Your local hardware store can help source materials and provide helpful tips to make those doit-yourself projects, such as refinishing cabinets or sanding old hardwood floors, a breeze.
The Builders Code was launched on International Women’s Day by the provincial government and industry partners including the BC Construction Association (BCCA), Industry Training Authority, WorkSafeBC and LNG Canada. The Builders Code is a standard code of conduct for all workers on construction sites in B.C., supported by a series of innovative services and resources for employers.
Indigenous peoples and other equityseeking groups are entering construction trades at a higher rate than in the past, their numbers remain low.
“All British Columbians deserve the opportunity to share in the benefits of our thriving economy,” said Mitzi Dean, Parliamentary Secretary for Gender Equity. “With a construction industry that’s booming and thousands of tradespeople needed, the Province is proud to support B.C.’s construction “Advancing women in the construc- employers in making sure everyone tion trades is a key way to address the on a jobsite knows what’s expected need for skilled workers throughout the and can work safely and productively.” province,” said Melanie Mark, Minister of Advanced Education, Skills and The pilot program will help people Training. “International Women’s Day learn how jobsite behaviour and betcelebrates the incredible contribution ter human resource tools can improve women make to our strong economy, retention. Employers can access noand we honour the impact of trades- cost posters and policies and training, women by looking for more ways to as well as advice from experts with ensure their success continues beyond experience in human resource managethe classroom. Working together, we ment, including mediation and conflict resolution. Contractors who lead the can build the best B.C.” way can be recognized by an awards The Builders Code, which includes a program created specifically for the voluntary standard code of conduct construction industry. for all workers on construction sites in B.C, expands the definition of “A skilled tradesperson is a valuable construction safety beyond physical asset, not a gender or demographic,”
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
said Chris Atchison, president, BCCA. “Jobsite behaviour is not a women’s issue, it’s a business issue. The Builders Code and ‘10% over 10 years’ target are industry’s way of stepping up on International Women’s Day to show that we recognize the need for change and we’re ready to do the work. The resources are available to all construction employers and we’re confident they will be used.” The Builders Code partners seek to make equity and diversity a corporate leadership priority for construction employers. Throughout 2019, the Builders Code will roll out expanded resources and services in every region of the province.
The Builders Code is an initiative of the Construction Workforce Equity Project, funded by the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training through the Sector Labour Market Partnerships program. On International Women’s Day in 2018, the Province announced $1.8 million to support resources aimed at removing barriers to women’s participation in the construction trades. Two groups, the BCCA and the BC Federation of Labour, and their industry partners are developing a range of programs that support construction employers and advance career opportunities for women in the building trades.
B.C. and tech startups team up to improve government services
hree of the province’s startup companies and government are at the BC Tech Summit to demonstrate how their projects benefit British Columbians.
ernment’s commitment to reconciliation;
The Startup in Residence (STIR) program pairs small tech firms with public servants to collaborate on technology challenges. Companies join the Province on a 16-week virtual residency to create and test solutions they can later market to customers around the world.
The Environmental Assessment Office benefited from the expertise of Victoria’s Kinsol Research to better understand British “It is so inspiring to see the result of Columbians’ opinions on potential the collaboration between the tech development projects. startups and ministry staff because each team created an innovative solution to “Startup in Residence is a game a complex problem in a short period changer for early-stage tech compaof time,” said Jinny Sims, Minister nies operating throughout B.C.,” said of Citizens’ Services. “STIR helps Raghwa Gopal, president and CEO, government benefit from cutting-edge Innovate BC. “The program’s focus on advances in the tech sector, while also collaboration, teamwork and creative promoting growth in an industry that problem solving reflects how startups do business, making it easier for them creates well-paying jobs.” to gain the valuable experience of The program’s second group developed working with government.” solutions to challenges in economic development, First Nations nego- Competing for government contracts tiations and consultation with British can be costly and time consuming, which is especially challenging for Columbians: small businesses. STIR reduces these The Ministry of Jobs, Trade and barriers by streamlining the approach. Technology teamed up with Victoria’s OrpheusKey to make it easier for or- Participating teams receive $10,000 ganizations to find funding for projects during their residency and each STIR project has the potential to continue to grow B.C.’s economy; for up to four years through annual Vancouver-based UrbanLogiq Soft- government contracts. The program ware helped the Ministry of Indigenous also gives small companies the abilRelations and Reconciliation respond ity to reference the B.C. government more effectively in negotiations with as a customer when marketing their First Nations, a critical aspect of gov- products.
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
4 bad car habits to ditch this spring (NC) Spring has sprung and so have bad habits. This season, ditch your old ways and improve your car maintenance practices to avoid any that may be harming your vehicle.
brakes inspected, cleaned and adjusted in combination with cleaning and lubricating the “sliders” on the disc brake calipers to help deal with any salt and sand build-up that can take a toll on these components.
Here are four bad habits OK Tire recommends changing to keep your car in Treating winter tires like all-weather. A common misconception about leavtip-top shape: ing your winter tires on all year is that Not getting a deep clean. Much like it can save you money. This is a false you would spring clean your home, statement. In fact, leaving them on your car deserves the same care. Often, year-round will cost you more in the we neglect our vehicles and their need long-run. Winter tires are made from a for a good cleaning once winter finally softer rubber-polymer mix that allows ends. Winter months wreak havoc on the tire to better grip the road when vehicles as cold temperatures and cor- it’s below 7°C. This different type of rosive road salt can eat away at both material will wear rapidly in warmer the interior and exterior. Don’t forget temperatures, causing premature wear to clean from the inside out this spring and reducing the tread life of the tire. If to avoid any damage, and top things off you use winter tires all spring and sumwith a fresh coat of wax. mer, you will need to purchase a new Forgetting regular maintenance. Much set of winter tires come fall. A better like we go to the dentist for check-ups, alternative to driving on your winter your vehicle needs the same attention tires year-round is to purchase a set with specific mileage intervals and of all-weather tires. Because they can changing of the seasons. Whether it’s a handle light to moderate rain, ice and fluid top-up or an engine flush, regular snow conditions, they might provide maintenance will keep your car running you with the best of both worlds. smoothly. Consider getting your drum
Ignoring your air filter. Your cabin air filter keeps the air flow for your heating and cooling systems working efficiently. It also keeps your interior free of musty odours and allergens. Getting rid of an old air filter is essential for keeping the air flowing efficiently within the interior of the vehicle. A dirty cabin air filter can reduce the air flow within the car and cause the inside of the windows to fog up, making it difficult to see where you are going. This should be inspected and replaced, if required, at every oil change interval.
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
Fraser Valley Indo-Canadian Business Association raises a total of $21,000 for Salvation Army!
rom crisp white décor to flowing gala outfits and everything in between, the Fraser Valley Indo Canadian Business Association’s Winter Wonderland Gala was definitely a sight to be seen!
The Association’s 31st Annual Gala was not only an amazing evening, but also a significant fundraiser for Abbotsford’s Salvation Army. With proceeds going to benefit the charity directly, FVICBA was able to raise a total of $21,000!
“We are so thankful for the incredible support of the FVICBA along with their partners, and so appreciative of the ongoing partnership that continues to develop”, says Captain/Pastor Mark Dunstan of Salvation Army. The generous donation from the FVICBA will
assist The Salvation Army in Abbotsford to continue providing healthy meals to people everyday (125,000 last year); practical support for families through emergency food, clothing, and household items; additional support through holistic care and programming; ‘Drop In’ – meals, along with practical daily care of showers, laundry, job searches, housing searches, etc. (12,000 people assisted last year); Pantry34 program that supports 21 Abbotsford schools with healthy snacks for children; our weekly Adult Day Program; and the Supportive Independent Living for 14 men; and more. No community effort from the Fraser Valley Indo-Canadian Business Association is complete without the generous help of its community partners. From large scale businesses to individuals who both donated and attended the event, they are grateful to each and every person who helped support this amazing cause.
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
Dhami Narang & Company LLP (“DNC Lawyers”) was established in 2010 by Rajan Dhami and Amrik Narang. With the help of our valued clients, DNC Lawyers has now grown into a mid-sized law rm with of ces in Abbotsford and Surrey, British Columbia. To serve our clients best, DNC Lawyers has an experienced team of 9 lawyers to cater to the individual needs of our clients. Every member of our law rm strives to provide outstanding service to produce the best results for our clients.
We use a collaborative team approach to your legal problems to get you the best results possible. We are only happy when you are happy and realize that our success depends on referrals from our client base.
rfjn DfmI aqy amrIk nfrMg vloN 2010 ivwc sQfpq kIqI geI sI. sfzy suihrd klfieMts dI mwdd nfl DNC Lawyers ny qrwkI kridaF imwz sfeIjLz lfa Prm bxf leI hY, ijs dy dPqr bI sI dy sLihrF aYbtsPorz aqy srI ivwc hn. afpxy klfieMts dIaF smUh musLiklF nfl nijwTx leI vwzy qjLribaF vfly 9 vkIlF dI tIm iqafr ho geI hY. afpxy klfieMts dIaf qmfm smwisafvF dy hYrfnIjnk nqIijaF leI hux awzI cotI dy Auprfly kIqy jfx gy.
qswlIbKsL proPYsLnl syvfvF quhfnMU vDIaf knMUnI nqIjy dyx leI asIN sfry sFJI tIm dy qOr qy Xqn krdy hF quhfzI KusLI hI sfzI KusLI hovy gI, asIN mihsUs krdy hF ik sfzIaF sPlqfvF quhfnMU idwqy cMgy nqIijaF AuWqy hI inrBr hn.
REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS We deal with all matters relating to the sale and purchase of residential and commercial property. By contacting us before you sign a contract, you can make sure your rights are protected. We will provide you with reliable and timely legal advice. PURCHASE & SALE: RESIDENTIAL ·Negotiating and Drafting Agreements of Purchase and Sale ·Acting for Buyers or Sellers on Purchases and Sales of New Homes, Condominiums, Assignments, Recreational and Cottage properties ·Acting for Borrowers or Lenders on Mortgage Transactions ·Advising Borrowers on Mortgage Liability PURCHASE AND SALE: COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL
·Purchases and Sales of Commercial Real Estate
Apartment and Office Buildings ·Land Purchases or Sales ·Acting for Borrowers or Lenders on Mortgage Transactions ·Advising Borrowers on Mortgage Liability ABBOTSFORD OFFICE
Dhami Narang & Company LLP Suite 301-2975 Gladwin Road Abbotsford, BC V2T 5T4
ICBC CASES We handle a full range of ICBC personal injury claims, including head injuries, broken bones, soft tissue injuries, muscle strains, psychological injuries & others asIN afeI sI bI sI nfl sbMDq iNnWjI srIrk swtF PytF ijnHF ivc isr dIaF swtF, tuWtIaF hWzIaF, koml itsULaF dIaF cotF, pWiTaF dIaF sWtF, mfnisk ivgfV aqy hor hfnIaF sLfml hn, dy klym hYNzl krdy hF. THE LAWYERS AT DNC PROVIDE COMPREHENSIVE LEGAL SERVICES IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS:
zI aYn sI dy vkIl iehnHF syvfvF ivwc quhfzI pUrI mdd kr skdy hn: Personal Injury / ICBC Business / Corporate Commercial Litigation Real Estate Wills / Probate Estate Litigation
prsnl swt jF af sI bI sI kfrobfr / kOrpryt kOmrsLIal mukwdmf rIal iestyt vsIaq jF pRobyt jfiedfd mukwdmf
rIal iestyt trFjLYksLns asIN vpfrk aqy rhfiesLI jfiedfdF vycx aqy KRIdx sbMDI sB kfrjF df kMm krdy hF. koeI vI kOntrYkt sfeIn krn qoN pihlF sfzI islfh jLrUr lvo. asIN quhfnUM qswlI kr ky dwsF gy ik quhfzy hwk syP hn ik nhIN? asIN afp jI nUM tfeIm isr shI aqy BrosyXog kfnUMnI msLvrf idMdy rhF gy.
prcyjL aYNz syl rYjLIzYNsLIal •KrId aqy vyc dy sihmqI zrfPitMg aYgrImYNts •asIN vycx vflLy dI vI aqy KRIdx vflLy dI vI shI mdwd krdy hF ijvyN nvyN Gr KrIdx, kONzmInIams, rhfiesLI dsqfvyjL. mn-prcfvy vflLIaF aqy kfitj prfprtIjL leI. •mfrtgyj idvOx ivwc asIN KRIdx vflLy dI vI aqy vycx vflLy dI vI mdwd krdy hF •KRIdx aqy vycx vflLy dI mfrtgyj Xogqf bfry dwsdy hF
kmrsLIal aqy ieMzstrIal prcyjL aqy syl •kmrsLIal rIal iestyt aYpfrtmYNt aqy afiPs iblizMgF dI KrId aqy vyc •jLmIn dI KrId aqy vyc •vycx vfilaF aqy KRIdx vfilaF leI mfrtgyj trFjLYkisLn •KRIdx vfilLaF nUM mfrtgyj lfieibltI vfry shI slfh idMdy hF.
SURREY OFFICE Dhami Narang & Company LLP Suite 313-14928 Hwy 10 Surrey, BC V3S 2N5 Toll Free: 1-877-864-6131
604-864-6131 PAGE 11
The Patrika
Our Gang Crime Unit tip for this week... Be engaged in your child's world. As our children grow up & become teenagers, continue to be involved in their lives. Get involved in school activities, sporting events or whatever your child's interest is. Know who your child's friends are... and meet the parents. Monitor your children and know what they are doing. Need help? Call a Gang Enforcement Officer at 604-864-4777 or check out:
ies hPLqy df gYNg krfeIm XUinwt[[ afvdy bwcy dI ijMLdgI nfl juVo. jdoN afpxy bwcy vwzy ho jFdy hn aqy juafn bx jFdy hn, jLrUrI hY ik afpF AunHF dI ijMLdgI nfl juV ky rhIey. skUl aYkitivtIjL, sports, aqy hor cIjLF nflL juVo jo quhfzf bwcf psMd krdf hY. afvdy bwicaF dy dosqF nUM jfxo aqy AunHF dy mfqf-ipqf nUM imlLo. afvdy bwicaF qy ingHf rwKo aqy jfxo ik Auh kI krdy hn. jy quhfnUM koeI mwdd dI loV hY qF Pon kro gYNg ienPorsmYNt aPsr nUM. Po: 604-8644777 jF afh vYbsfeItF qy jfE
Friday, March 15th, 2019
Recycle your electronics- protect yourself from fraud March is Fraud Prevention Month- AbbyPD and Electronic Recycling Association (ERA) are partnering up on March 28th to help protect you from fraud and keep you data secure after destruction. Bring your hard drives, for shredding and unwanted electronics such as old computers, laptops, phones, tapes and other small devices holding sensitive data equipment will be destroyed for FREE. Be assured that your data will be safe and secure. Your electronics will be destroyed on-site to prevent data being recovered from old equipment. Join us at the Abbotsford Police Headquarters Building (2838 Justice Way) On March 28th, 2019 from 11am to 1 pm. If you are unable to attend, please check out for drop off instructions and locations. afvdy eIlYktrOinks nUM rIsfeIkl kro aqy PrOz qoN bwco mfrc PrOz qoN bwcx leI mhInf hY- aYbI pI[zI aqy eIlYktrOink rIsfeIkilMg asosIeysLn (eI[afr[ey) ny kwTy ho ky mfrc 28 nUM quhfnUM PrOz qoN bcfAuxf hY aqy quhfzI ienPormysLn surwkisLq rwKxI hY. qusIN hfrz zrfeIvF, purfxy kMipAUtr, lYptOp, Pon, typF jF hor keI CotIaF eIlYktrOink cIjLF, ijs ivwc quhfzI ienPormysLn hY, lYky af skdy ho. asIN ienH cIjLf nUM muPLq ivwc qbfh krFgy. quhfzI sfrI ienPormysLn surwkisLq rhygI. quhfzIaF eIlYktrOink cIjLf AuQy hI Ausy vKLq qbfh kIqIaF jfx gIaF. sfzy kolL afieE: aYbtsPorz puils zIpfrtmYNt iblizMg (2838 jsits vy) mfrc 28, 2019 nUM svyr dy 11 vjy qoN sLfm dy 1 vjy qwk. jy qusIN nhIN af skdy ho qF h ps://www.electronicrecyclingassocia qy jf ky dyKo ik qusIN afvdIaF cIjLF ikwQy lY ky jf skdy ho.
Call APD non-emergency at 604-859-5225 or text ABBYPD (222973) To make an anonymous report, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or report online at
aYbtsPorz pulIs zIpfrtmYNt nMU nfn-aYmrjMsI lfeIn 604-589-5225 'qy Pon kro jF 222973 'qy tYkst mYsj Bojo. aigafq rIport ilKvfAux leI krfeIm stfprjL nMU 1-800-222-7477 'qy Pon kroo jF afnleIn jf ky 'qy rIport ilKvfE.
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
Exceptional Quality Blueberry Nursery Stock
BLUEBERRY PLANTS Sidhu Growers is British Columbia's leading quality blueberry nursery. At Sidhu Growers, we grow healthy, disease free, virus indexed and true-toname Blueberry plants. We specialize in growing blueberry plants and have 20 plus years of experience in the blueberry business.
  virus indexing � � � � � � � � � �   � € � � � � � � � �
We are the only authorized nursery in Canada to sell Reka, a northern blueberry variety and have documentation from where the variety originated from, which is New Zealand, and have proof of it. Make sure when purchasing Reka you ask to see the signed authorization from New Zealand. Being the only authorized nursery to sell Reka we can provide you with this.
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When purchasing blueberry plants, buy from a reputable blueberry nursery that specializes in growing blueberry plants. Ask to see virus testing documentation. Make sure plants are produced from cuttings. Plants produced from tissue culture or cuttings taken from tissue culture plants tend to be difficult to machine harvest and require more pruning.
€ � � � � † „� „ � � � � � „ � � † … † �† … ‡ „ ˆ � � � � � …� � � � � � � � � ‰ Š† � � ‹� � � � ‰
We are committed to provide you with only the best blueberry plants available and guarantee it.
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We offer: • Expert Consulting • Competitive Pricing • Exceptional Quality Stock • A Wide Selection of Varieties • Complete Customer Satisfaction
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• •  • • � •
For Further Information or to Place an Order Please Call:
Kam or Harry: (604) 853-1775
32787 Townshipline, Abbotsford, B.C. PAGE 13
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
New legislation will strengthen independence of Agricultural Land Commission
egislation has been introduced to strengthen the independence of the Agricultural Land Commission (ALC), so it can better fulfill its mandate of preserving the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR), while encouraging farming and ranching within British Columbia. Bill 15, the agricultural land commission amendment act 2019, continues the Ministry of Agriculture’s efforts to revitalize the ALR, the farmland within B.C. that’s protected for the adding more compliance and enforceprovince’s food security. ment capacity and tools, including a “The bill tabled today builds on the new offence for landowners who do work we started over a year ago to not produce records to the ALC when better protect farmland and encourage ordered; farming and ranching in B.C.,” said requiring that exclusions be submitLana Popham, Minister of Agriculted to the ALC only by local governture. “We are ensuring the commisments, First Nations governments or sion has the tools and the governance the Province, to encourage these type model required to strengthen its of applications be done as part of independence and ability to act in the thoughtful land-use planning process. best interest of our farmland within the Agricultural Land Reserve, so The legislative changes are part of the that British Columbians are able to government’s ongoing commitment access safe, locally grown food for to revitalize the ALR and the ALC. The ALR was established in 1973 to generations to come.” protect land with prime agricultural If passed, the legislation will strengthconditions for farming and ranching. en ALC governance and indepenIt currently protects approximately dence, and further protect land within 4.6 million hectares of agriculturally the ALR by: suitable land in British Columbia. replacing the current ALC gover- The ALR is administered by the nance model of six panel regions Agricultural Land Commission, an and an executive committee with one independent tribunal mandated to commission maintaining regional preserve agricultural land and encourrepresentation by requiring mem- age farming on agricultural land. bership from all six administrative “BC Agriculture Council appreciates regions; working with government on its efproviding the chair of the ALC with forts to revitalize the ALC/ALR,” said more flexibility to organize commis- Stan Vander Waal, president, BC Agsion members into a decision-making riculture Council. “In order to ensure panel on applications when war- farmland is protected for current and ranted, by topic, technical expertise future food security, while protecting the rights of farmers and ranchers, or by an administrative region; the ALC’s governance structure must adding new decision-making criteria have a decision-making process that to prioritize the protection and enis flexible, adaptive and efficient. hancement of the size, integrity and Overall, the update is a positive step continuity of the land base that the forward. We strongly support local ALC must consider when exercising regional input, which is critical given any power or performing a duty under the diversity of agriculture in B.C.” the ALCA; PAGE 14
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
Province makes historic investment in rural internet service
overnment is making the largest investment in connectivity in the province’s history, with $50 million to expand high-speed internet service for people living in approximately 200 rural and Indigenous communities. “High-speed internet provides the foundation for British Columbians to access online learning and telehealth care, conduct business and be alerted in an emergency,” said Jinny Sims, Minister of Citizens’ Services. “Connectivity helps small communities grow and prosper by creating jobs, attracting new residents and enabling more young people to stay in their hometowns, close to their loved ones.” Since July 2017, projects supported by the Connecting British Columbia program to improve high-speed internet connectivity are underway or completed in 417 communities, including 74 Indigenous communities, or nearly 43,000 households.
“This new funding demonstrates that the Province is deeply committed to expanding connectivity and improving the quality of life of people living in rural and Indigenous communities,” said Joel McKay, CEO, Northern Development Initiative Trust. The Ministry of Citizens’ Services provides resources and expertise to help communities design new digital infrastructure in order to maximize the benefits of improved connectivity. Local governments and internet service providers are encouraged to work together to find the best solutions that meet the specific needs of their communities. “High-speed internet is essential for companies of all sizes to grow their operations, reach new customers and offer innovative products and services,” said Lynda Pattie, executive director, AscenTECH Solutions. “Investments in broadband services inject new life into our local economies by creating opportunities for traditional and modern industries to thrive.”
The Patrika
afpxy afp nUM vws `c kro ivdvfnF df kQn hY ik jo mnuwK afpxy afpxI afjLfdI, sLFqI, suwK aqy afnMd nUM afp nUM vws `c kr skdf hY, Auh sMsfr guaf bYTdf hY. nUM ijwq lYNdf hY. asl ivwc iswiKaq AuhI pl Br df afvysL jIvn Br nUM kuVqxF aqy hY jo afpxy afp nUM vws ivwc kr lYNdf hY. duwKF ivwc Br idMdf hY. jo afpxy afn nUM vs ivwc kr lYNdf hY, AuhI quhfzf pl dI pl df guwsf iksy dI jfn mhfn bxdf hY. jIvn ivwc svY-sMjm jLrUrI vI lYNdf hY. hY. ijhVy lokF ivwc svY-sMjm dI Gft hY qy ijMnHf nUM QoVHI-QoVHI ijhI gwl qy guwsf afpxy guwsy Auwqy kfbU nf kr ky qusIN dUsiraF af jFdf hY, Auh kdy vI afpxIaF AuwcIaF dy jIvn ivwc jLihr vI Gol idMdy ho. Aus ieCfvF nUM pUrf nhIN kr skdy. jLihr qoN qusIN vI bcy nhIN rihMdy. afpxy afp nUM vws ivwc nf kr skx kfrn bhuq sfry pRiqBfvfn ivakqI vI ipCVy rihMdy hn. Auh awgy vDxf cfhuMdy hoey vI awgy nhIN vD skdy. AuhnF dy BivwK nUM sB cMgf dsdy sn Pyr vI Auh pCV gey.
anyk lok awj sMsfr ivwc guwsy dI sjLf Bog rhy hn. AuhnF dy jIvn kdy hry-Bry sn. pl hI pl dy guwsy hmysLf dy leI AunHF df sfrf suwK cYn Koh ilaf aqy Auh ijAuNdy jIa nrk ivwc jf izwgy.
afey idn aijhIaF GtnfvF huMdIaF hn ik koeI iksy dI hwiqaf kr idMdf hY, corI kr lYNdf hY, jLKmI kr idMdf hY, aijhIaF GtnfvF jo ijLafdfqr guwsy ivwc huMdIaF hn jdoN mnuwK afpxf sMquln gvf bYTdf hY. guwsy dy vyg ivwc lok glqI kr idMdy hn.
bhuqy lok hn jo guwsy ivwc afpxf afpf Buwl jfx dy kfrn gRihsQI jIvn qbfh kr lYNdy hn.
guwsy dy kfrn, afvysL ivwc kIqy gunfh dI sjLf Bog rhy mujLrm qoN koeI puwCy qF pqf lwgy ik Aus ny afvysL ivwc af ky gunfh kr idwqf sI. mujLrm ies qrF dy gunfh krky
pqI guwsy ivwc pqnI Auwqy hwQ cuwk idMMdf hY, pqnI guwsy ivwc pykIN clI jFdI hY qF pqI Aus nUM apmfinq kr idMdf hY, Auh pqI nUM apmfinq kr idMdI hY. dovF ivwc qxfE vDdy hn, Gr dI sLFqI BMg huMdI hY, bwicaF Auwqy BYVf asr pRBfv pYNdf hY, mn Gbrfieaf aqy Audfs ho jFdf hY. kdy kdy
Friday, March 15th, 2019
svyt mfrzn
qF dUrIaF ieMnIaF vD jFdIaF hn ik nObq qlfk qwk af jFdI hY. ieh sB guwsy dy kfrn huMdf hY. bhuq sfry lok guwsy Auwqy kMtrol rwKx ivwc smrQ huMdy hn ik Auh byhwd pRiqBfsLflI aqy Xog huMdy hn. afpxI Xogqf dy blbUqy pfey hoey Auwcy ahudy aqy iewjLq nUM lok pl Br dy guwsy dy vyg ivwc guaf bYTdy hn. QoVHI ijhI gwl Auwqy ahudf iqafg dyx vfly aijhy bhuq sfry Auwcy aiDkfrI dyKy jf skdy hn jo bfad ivwc pCqfAuNdy hn pr Ausy glqI nUM hor jgHf vfr vfr duhrfAuNdy vI hn. ikAuNik afpxy afp Auwqy kMtrol nhIN rwK pfAuNdy. AunHF nUM guwsf af hI jFdf hY.
qusIN hryk Kyqr ivwc guwsy dy gulfm lokF dy drsLn kr skdy ho. aijhy lokF nUM bVI jldI guwsf afAuNdf hY, ijs kfrn Auh afpxy sB kIqy krfey qy pfxI Pyr bihMdy hn, sB kuJ pl Br ivwc imtf lYNdy hn.
guwsy ivwc ivakqI afpxf sMquln guaf bihMdf hY aqy aijhy kMm kr bihMdf hY jo Ausdy leI sLoBf nhIN idMdy, jo Ausdy leI nf krn vfly huMdy hn. aijhy lok guwsy dy gulfm hn.
jo afpxy ivcfrF nUM dUsiraF Auqy Qopx dy kfrn afpxf DMdf cOpt kr lYNdy hn. afpxy gRhfkF nUM Bjf idMdy hn ikAuNik bihs ivwc guwsy ho jFdy hn. gflLF qwk dyx lwg pYNdy hn.
gusYly suBfa kfrn keI Auwcy ahuidaF qy bYTy ivakqIaF ny afpxy ahudy gvfey hn. afpxf jIvn ivgfV ilaf. Auh vwzy vwzy kMm kr skdy sn, jy Auh dUsiraF dIaF vwzy vwzy pwqrkfr, lyKk, pRoPYsr, BfvnfvF dI iewjLq krdy, afpxy Auqy kfbU ivigafnk aqy Auwcy ahuidaF AuWqy kMm rwKdy qF ahudf aqy iewjLq nf gvfAuNdy. guwsy kr rhy srkfrI aiDkfrI qwk vI glqIaF ivwc pfgl ho ky AuhnF ny jIvn Krfb kr krdy hn. ilaf hY. afpxf BivwK vI ivgfV ilaf hY. guwsf ivvyk df dusLmx hY. aijhy vpfrI aqy dukfndfr vI huMdy hn
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
aijhI bihs qoN bcxf cfhIdf hY. ikAuNik guwsf mnwuK dI Aumr nUM Gwt krdf hY. ivarQ dI bihs kMm ivgfVdI hY. bhuq bhuq sfry lok guwsy ivwc afAux qoN bfad lok qF guwsy vws rfKsL bx jFdy hn. bhuq dyr qk kMbdy rihMdy hn. Auh GMitaF mYN iewk aijhy afdmI nUM jfxdf hF jo guwsy qwk koeI kMm vI nhIN kr skdy ikAuNik ivwc qoV PoV kr idMdf sI, rOlLf pfAux AuhnF df idmfg asLFq hUMdf hY. jdoN qwk lgdf sI. iksy nUM vI gfl kwZx ivwc pUrf mn sLFq nHIN ho jFdf, ivvyk shI nhIN iJjkdf nhIN sI. Aus nUM smJfAux vflf vI ho jFdf, Auh kMm nhIN kr skdy aqy jo Aus dy guwsy df isLkfr ho jFdf sI. nqIjf krngy qF axAuicq hI krngy. ieh huMdf sI ik lok Aus qoN pfsf vwtdy sn. Ausdy Kfs dosq aqy jfxkfr vI Aus Bhuq sfry aijhy pirvfr hn ijnHF ivc sfry qoN iknfrf kr jFdy sn. pr jdoN Aus df mYNbr hr smyN lVky rihMdy hn. guwsy kfrn guwsf Auwqr jFdf sI qF Auh afpxy afp qy AunHF ny Gr nUM nrk bxfieaf huMdf hY. guwsy sLrimMdf huMdf sI. TMZf pY jFdf sI. pCqfvf kfrn iewk mYNbr dUsry nUM vwZx nUM dOVdf hY. krn lwgdf sI. qMdrusq huMdy hoey vI bydm AunHF dy Gr dy bfhr iek aijhIaF afvfjLF afAuNdIaF hn ijvyN dYNq lV rhy hox. aijhy ijhf ho jFdf sI. GrF dy guaFZ ivwc rihx vfly vI prysLfn guwsy ivwc asl ivwc mnuwK afpxI suwD buwD rihMdy hn. duwKF nfl jUJdy rihMdy hn. Gr guaf bYTdf hY pfgl ijhf ho jFdf hY. Aus dI sLFqI aqy KusLhflI nUM ieh guwsf Kqm kr nUM ieh vI pqf nhIN rihMdf ik Aus ny ikhVI idMdf hY. pirvfr qbfh ho jFdf hY. aijhy gwl kihxI hY aqy ikhVI nhIN kihxI. bhuq pirvfrF ivwcoN aYsLo arfm, suwK aqy anMd sfry aijhy sLbdF dI Auh vrqoN kr jFdf hY gfieb ho jFdy hn. jo AusdI pCfx dy myl dy nhIN huMdy . guwsy df iBafnk dYNq AusnUM BYVf rfKsL bxf idMdf kuJ lok qF guwsy dy gulfm ho jFdy hn. hY. jo ivakqI guwsy nUM nhIN mfr skdf, Auh cfhy ikMnf vI piVHaf iliKaf hovy, sfDU sMq Auh afpxy afp nUM vs ivwc nhIN kr pfAuNdy jF ivdvfn hovy, Aus nUM smJdfr mnuwK nhIN blik guwsf AuhnF ivcfiraF nUM afpxy vs mMinafN jf skdf. aijhy ivdvfn nUM mUrK krI rwKdf hY. ieh BYVf guwsf aijhy lokF qoN hI mMnxf cfhIdf hY. guwsy dy vs ivwc aijhy kdy kdy qF afpxy bwcy pqnI aqy Brf jF ivdvfnF nUM vI byisr pYr dI bkvfs krn dosq dI hwiqaf qwk krvf idMdf hY. dy bfad pCqfvf krnf pYNdf hY. ieh iewk scfeI hY ik srIr nUM guwsf cwt guwsy ivwc kIqy gey kMmF dy leI hryk mnuwK nUM pCqfAuxf pYNdf hY. aijhy lokF nUM Kud Auwqy sLrm afAuNdI hY, mfnisk iglfnI Auwqy duwK huMdf hY. eIrKf, nPrq aqy bdly dIaF BfvnfvF vI guwsy df kfrn bxdIaF hn.
jFdf hY aqy KoKlf kr idMdf hY. ijLafdfqr lokF dI ibmfrI df kfrn hI guwsf huMdf hY. guwsy df mUl kfrn mqlb hY. mqlb nUM jo ivakqI ijwq lYNdf hY, Auh guwsy nUM vI ijwq lYNdf hY.
vwzIaF vwzIaF lVfeIaF, JgVy, dMgy aqy durGtnfvF guwsy dy kfrn GtdIaF hn. mqlb iksy vI qrF df hovy, Aus nUM iqafg dyvo qF duwK nhIN rihMdf. duwK df kfrn vI lok bVI imhnq nfl jIvn ivwc bhuq ieh mqlb hI hY. kuJ hFsl krdy hn. sfKL bxfAundy hn, pRiqsLTf aqy iewjLq kmfAuNdy hn. smfj qusIN koeI aihsfn krdy ho Auh quhfzf ivwc nfm kmfAuNdy hn pr guwsy dy gulfm imwqr hY, Brf hY, jF irsLqydfr hY. Auh bx jfx qy Auh QoVHI ijhI dyr ivwc sB kuJ bdly ivwc quhfzy nfl burf krdf hY. quhfnUM brbfd kr lYNdy hn. afpxf pUrf BivwK duwK vI afAuNdf hY qy guwsf vI. kfrn ieh ivgfV lYNdy hn. hY ik Aus aihsfn ivwc mqlb sI. qusIN aihsfn dy bdly ivwc aihsfn, BlfeI jF srIr dy leI guwsf bVf Gfqk huMdf hY. pRsMsF dy BuwKy sI. ishq nUM vI ieh guwsf brbfd kr idMdf hY ikAuNik srIr dy sfry jIvfxU qMqUaF Auwqy iksy nUM kuJ dyvo vI qF bdly dI afs nf rwKo. guwsf bVf pRBfv pfAuNdf hY. guwsf cirwqr nUM Quhfzy nfl koeI burf krdf hY qF bdly dI kmjoLr krn dy nfl srIr ivwc vI kmjoLrI Bfvnf nf rwKo. bKsL dyx df Bfv mn ivwc ilafAuNdf hY. rwKo. guwsf nhIN af skygf. gusYly ivakqI dI sfry buirafeI krdy hn quhfnUM sB qrHF dy mqlbF df iqafg krky, ikAuNik Auh gusy ivwc aksr buirafeI Xog mn ivwc muafPI, DIrj, pRym aqy inaF dy kMm krdf hY. Bfv rwKxy cfhIdy hn. icMqf ksLt qy nsLy nfl vI ieMnI hfnI nhIN quhfzy ivwc Pyr Auwc afdrsLF df sMcfr huMdI ijMnI gwusy nfmI dYNq nfl ho jFdI hY. hovygf. qusIN AucfeIaF vwl vDogy, qrwkI guwsy rUpI awg dy nfl vwzy vwzy sLRysLt afdmI krogy aqy lokF ivwc qusIN iewjLqdfr bxogy. vI duwK Bogdy hn. Pyr qusIN kI nhIN kr skdy?
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
Helping B.C. students fight lure of gangs with new ERASE strategy
tudents, parents, educators, law enforcement and local partners in 12 B.C. communities will immediately begin receiving additional support and training opportunities to help at-risk kids get off the pathway to gun and gang violence, with a $1.12-million investment from the Province.
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The sessions will be provided by Safer Schools Together, the Ministry of Education’s service-delivery partner for ERASE. Topics will include an overview of the current B.C. gang landscape, how gang members are recruiting, myths and realities of gang membership, warning signs and how “Young people are being supported to to help if someone is being recruited make the right decisions and not join or is already involved in gang-related gangs, with the backing of our educa- activity. tion, law enforcement and community Safer Schools Together will also partners,” said Rob Fleming, Minister develop a new provincial learning reof Education. “We’re ensuring all B.C. students receive an education free from source for B.C. education professionals discrimination, bullying, harassment, focused on gang prevention. It will be intimidation and, most importantly, aligned with the provincial physical and health education curriculum, and violence, for generations to come.” will include videos and a teacher guide The funding supports the new ERASE focused on helping all students develop (Expect Respect and a Safe Educahealthy relationships, avoid unsafe or tion) school-based gang prevention exploitive situations, and how to proprogram. It will be offered in priority tect themselves from harm. Localized communities identified by police and safety experts as those that could ben- monthly reports on public social media efit from additional gang prevention activity regarding gang activity will support. Communities include Ab- also be provided to school districts, botsford, Burnaby, Delta, Kamloops, along with support as needed on how Kelowna, Langley, Nanaimo, Prince best to address any concerning online George, Surrey, Vancouver, Victoria behaviour. and Williams Lake. The program will “Ending the gun and gang violence see the creation and delivery of new that’s taking young lives and threatentraining and intensive supports focused ing our communities will continue to on gun and gang violence awareness require strong, strategic prevention and and prevention, and will also include enforcement efforts,” said Mike Farnthe creation of resources for classroom worth, Minister of Public Safety and teachers. Solicitor General. “Early intervention Funding will go to the B.C. School and prevention programs like ERASE Superintendents Association (BCSSA), are vital to ensuring our young people supporting districts in 12 priority com- are both knowledgeable and resilient munities to partner with the Boys Club to the lure of gangs and gang vioNetwork. The Boys Club Network is lence — helping them make their own a B.C.-based non-profit organization positive life choices. Our government that works with school districts and will continue to pull out all the stops community partners to create safe to identify bold, new actions that can spaces for boys aged 12-19. Through support police, our justice system, our the partnership, after-school programs schools and our communities in curbwill be set up (where they do not aling gang and gun violence and saving ready exist), and new local secondary young lives.” school elective courses will be created, focused on connecting teenage The provincial ERASE strategy offers boys with positive adult role models services and resources to foster school and providing leadership and career connectedness, address bullying and development opportunities. prevent violence in B.C. schools, and The BCSSA will also use the funding to provides support to school districts durprovide 2,200 students, 1,500 parents ing critical incidents. Throughout the and 2,500 educators, law enforce- 2018-19 school year, ERASE is being ment officials and representatives of expanded to be a more comprehensive community-based organizations with resource, and will also focus on gang an opportunity to participate in gang prevention, mental health and wellness, prevention and awareness education substance use, social media and sexual and training sessions. orientation and gender identity.
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
Governments Support British Columbia Farmers Dealing with Farm Income Challenges
ritish Columbia’s agriculture sector contributes $3.2 billion to Canada’s economy, with more than $2.6 billion in agri-food exports to 147 markets. The governments of Canada and British Columbia remain committed to the continued growth and success of British Columbia.’s agriculture sector by ensuring producers have the tools they need to
of Canada and British Columbia are working together to ensure producers make full use of support available through existing programs.
disaster framework that provided up as participating in local agricultural to $5 million to help the province’s events, to highlight strategic federal agriculture sector recover from the agricultural investments and programs agricultural losses caused by the and how they will help to build an even 2018 wildfires. These fires consumed stronger and more innovative sector Today, Minister of Agriculture and Ag1,300,000 hectares of land, surpassing for Canada. ri-Food Marie-Claude Bibeau and Britthe record damage caused in 2017. ish Columbia’s Minister of Agriculture The tour began on March 11 in Vernon, Lana Popham announced they have The announcement is part of Minister British Columbia and ends on March triggered the late participation mecha- Bibeau’s first agricultural tour. Min- 13 in Winnipeg, Manitoba with stops nism under the AgriStability ister Bibeau is meeting with farmers, in Kelowna, British Columbia and program for the 2018 pro- processors and industry leaders, as well Calgary, Alberta. gram year to help farmers access needed support to deal KULJEET SANGHA with income losses. This new HARPREET RANA feature, introduced under the Book Your Flights For Your Dream Destination And Get Best Rate Canadian Agricultural PartCall For nership, means hundreds of PH:604.743.1099 | Fax: 604.743.1098 More additional farmers and ranch- Information ers from British Columbia will be eligible to join and benefit from the program. This feature YEARS manage significant risks that threaten EXPERIENCE can be triggered by governments in the viability of their farms. 11 sflF df situations where there is a significant qjLrbf 2018 was an extremely challenging income decline in the farm sector and year for many British Columbia pro- a gap in program participation. FLIGHT TICKETS VACATION PACKAGE CALL KULJEET FOR INFOMATION: HOTELS ducers who faced financial pressures hr jfxkfrI leI kuljIq nMU Pon kro PlfeIt itktF vkysLn pYkyj hotls This is in addition to assistance previas a result of significant production ously announced by governments in #32765 HAIDA DR ABBOTSFORD BC V2T 4Z6 and market losses. The governments October 2018 under the AgriRecovery OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK
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The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
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VENUS LAW is moving to a new location as of April 1st, 2019
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Auh AuWQy hI KVHf sI» myrI pqnI ny mYQoN corI-corI rsoeI ‘coN inkÜ ky Auhƒ do vfr dyiKaf» Pyr Auh b¨hy ‘c KlLo ky myry vWl vyKx lWgI» mYN iKJI nËr nfÜ Auhƒ vyiKaf qF Auh rsoeI ‘c vV ky cfh bxfAux lWg peI» mYN myË ‘qy bih ky Pyr AuhI icWTI ilKx df jqn krn lWgf ijhVI keI idnF qoN aD¨rI peI sI» jµgÜfq dy aÌsr, afpxI B¨af dy puWqr-Brf ƒ ÌrnIcr bxvf ky Byjx leI ilKxf sI» sfeIË qy izËfeIn ilKx vyÜy gWl AulJ geI sI» Ërf ku sulJx lWgI qF pqnI ny af ky hOlLI dyxI ikhf, ‘’hYN jI, Auh AuuWQy eI KloqY!’’ pqnI hfly vI bycYn sI» mYN cfhuµdf sI peI Auhdf iDafn hI nf kry» pr mYQoN afp icWTI ilKI nhIN sI jf rhI» mYN vI Auhƒ bfrI ivWcoN keI vfr vyK cuWkf sI» Auh AuNjy Kloqf sI-cOk dy KWby pfsy, afpxy irkÈy df ruÉ pfrk vWl ƒ kr ky» pihlF Auh irkÈy dI gWdI ‘qy bYTf sI» Pyr Auh pYzlF ‘qy KlLo igaf» hux Auhny kfTI ‘qy k¨hxI rWKI hoeI sI qy Juikaf Kloqf sI» ijvyN Auhny ikqy jfxf vI nhIN huµdf» Auhny ieWk vfr vI muV ky sfzy vWl nhIN sI vyiKaf» GWto-GWt AudoN Auh ÉflI plft vWl vyKI jf irhf sI, ijvyN Auhdf sfzy nfÜ koeI lYxdyx hI nf hovy» kuWbI hoeI AuhdI ipWT ‘qy sWjy moZy dI hWzI qWk, BYVI ijhI buÈrt ‘qy hor rµg dy kWpVy dI tfkI lWgI hoeI sI» kWCy hyT kfÜIaF suWkIaF lWqF sn qy isr dy vfÜ mYÜy, AulJy hoey sn» Auhƒ vyK ky eI idl Érfb huµdf sI» jy AuhdI Poty iKHWc ky aÉbfr ‘c CfpI jfvy qy hyTF ilK idWqf jfvy-ieh hY Auh muµzf ijhVf afpxy mflk, AuhdI pqnI qy ieWklOqy puWqr ƒ kql kr ky AuhnF dy sfry gihxy lY ky BWj igaf sIqF lok sWc mµn lYxgy» iehdIaF BuWKIaFBuWKIaF nËrF eys qrHF hYrfnI nfÜ vyKdIaF ny, ijvyN kuJ cµgf vyiKaf hI nhIN huµdf [[[ kmInIaF ijhIaF» jdoN Auhny BYVf ijhf m¨µh kr ky, afny kWZ ky myry vWl qWikaf sI, ijvyN hWqk kr irhf hovy, qF mYƒ iKJ af geI sI» qy jdoN Auhny myrI pqnI dy PVfey do rupey buV-buV krky vgfh mfry sn qF myrf idl kIqf sI peI Auhƒ vfÜF qoN PV ky QWly suWt lvF aqy suWkIaF ijhIaF bFhvF dy kfny mroV idaF» pr myrI pqnI ny mYƒ rok idWqf» kuJ mYN afp vI cuWp kr igaf peI eys kmIny ijhy bµdy ƒ kI hWQ lfAuxf ey, iCWty hI pYxgy» Auh inWkI ijhI gflL kWZ dyvy, hWQ cuWk lvy, ÈrIÌ afdmI imWtI ho jFdf ey» Pyr BfvyN Auh afpxy afp ƒ hI gflLF kWZ lvy, lok smJdy ny d¨jy ƒ hI kWZ irhf ey» AuNÖ vI mYN nhIN cfhuµdf peI mfVy bµdy nfÜ liVaf jfvy» pr ieh byiensfÌI vI sih nhIN huµdI» sbËI-mµzI qoN ieQoN qWk dy do rupey dyxy qYa kIqy sn myrI pqnI ny» Pyr JgVf kfhdf? ieh kmInf qrIkf ey iehnF df mµgx df jF TWgx df» pihlF kihxgy, jo mrËI dy idAu» pr lYx vyÜy afpxI mrËI dy lYxgy» jy pYsy qYa kr lAu qF jdoN muhWlf nyVy afAux lWgdf ey qF
pRym pRkfÈ
kihx lWg pYNdy ny-bIbI jI, ieh qF bVI d¨r ey» Èihr df d¨jf pfsf af igaf» mfzl tfAUn qF z¨Z mIl lµmf ey, ÊrIb afdmI ƒ mfr ilaf» eys vyÜy koeI eynI d¨r kfhƒ afAuNdf ey» aWj qF dupihr dy do hI vWjy sn» iehdf iÉafl sI peI Gr ‘c koeI mrd nhIN hovygf, ËnfnI ƒ TWg lvFgy» irkÈf rok ky kihµdf ieh qF bIbI jI ÈkqI ngr eI af igaf» sVk tuWtI peI ey»iqµn rupey idE» avfË sux ky mYN bfhr inkÜ afieaf» Auhny myry sfhmxy myrI pqnI dy PVfey do rupey vgfh suWty» jdoN mYN Auhƒ kmInf kih ky mfrn lWgf qF-ÊrIb hF nf, mfVf bµdf hF nf-afKdf BYVIaF ijhIaF nËrF nfÜ vyKdf irkÈf lY ky qur igaf» mYƒ pqf sI peI Auh ieWk rupieaf vWD mµg ky pµjfh pYsy vWD lYxf cfhuµdf sI» pr ieh koeI qrIkf sI? Auh imµnq nfÜ, imµnq nf shI, inmrqf nfÜ kihµdf peI mYN smJdf sI koTI nyVy hovygI, pr bIbI jI, ieh d¨r inkÜI» mYƒ pµjfh pYsy hor dy idAu» Auhƒ Ausy vyÜy imÜ jfxy sn» BgqxI myrI pqnI qF qury jFdy ÊrIb-Êurby ƒ rotI cfh dy idµdI ey» iehny qF Pyr vI Auhƒ Zo ky ilaFdf sI» pr puafVf pY igaf Auhdy rupey suWtx aqy myry grm hox ‘qy» myrI pqnI cfh df afpxf kWp vI myry koÜ lY afeI, qF cInI lYx dy bhfny ieWk vfr Pyr Auhƒ vyK afeI» kursI ‘qy bih ky cfh pINdI ny myry ichry vWl qWikaf» jd mYN cuWp hI irhf qF afp hI bolI, ‘’CWzo pry iqµn rupey hI ny, dy idE, afh!’’ ‘’nhIN »’’ mYN ieWko Èbd boilaf» ''Auh ÊrIb ey, pYsy izwg vI pYNdy ny» bWcy roË rupieaf do rupey Érc dyNdy ny» ikµny pYsy aYvyN rohV CWzIdy ny?’’ Auh irkÈy vfÜy dI vkIl bxI bYTI sI» hmrdrdI nfÜ jF zr nfÜ» AuNÖ AuhdI gWl TIk sI» mYN roË iqµn-ZfeI rupey dIaF isgrtF pINdf hF» mhIny ‘c do-iqµn vfr isnmf dyKdf hF» ''zYzI, irkÈy vfÜf AuWQy Kloqf» [[[ ieWk bµdy ny puWiCaf, cWlxf eI kµpnI bfÊ-kihµdf nhIN»'' myry vWzy puWqr ny af ky dWisaf» byvk¨Ì, jfhl, qdy sfÜy ÊrIb ny» nfjfieË qrIky nfÜ ieWk rupieaf kmfAux bdly do rupey dI svfrI guaf idWqI» p¨rf ieWk Gµtf brbfd kr ilaf» pµj rupey kmfey jf skdy sI, eys smyN, ‘c»’’ buVbuVf ky mYN ieMÖ ikhf peI muµzf nf suxy» qy icWTI aD¨rI hI prHy kr idWqI» mYN nhIN sI cfhuµdf peI muµzy ƒ myry ichry qoN ies icµqf df pqf lWgy, ijhVI irkÈf vfÜy dy Klox nfÜ mYƒ ho rhI sI» mYN pqnI ƒ vI ievyN Ëfihr kr irhf sI qy smJf vI irhf sI peI Auh AuWDr iDafn hI nf dyvy» sfÜf afpy QWk-hfr ky cilaf jfvygf» pqnI kWp cuWk ky rsoeI ‘c clI geI» mYN AuWT ky bfrI ivWcIN JfqI mfrI» koeI hor irkÈy vfÜf Auhdy koÜ Kloqf sI» Auh d¨jf irkÈf vfÜf koeI gWl krky kfhÜ nfÜ aWzy vWl ƒ clf igaf» mYƒ lWgf, Auh afpxy sfQIaF ƒ bulfAux igaf ey» iehnF ivWc eykqf bVI ey» JgVf hox ‘qy sfry
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
cµbV jFdy ny» pr d¨jy musfÌr vyK ky vI lµG jFdy ny» bulf ilafvy ipaf, mYN koeI zrdF» soc ky mYN kursI ‘qy bih igaf» pqnI muV ky af ky b¨hy ‘c KlLo geI» hOÜI dyxI kihµdI, ‘’irkÈy vfÜy ƒ cµgf huµdf, ieWk kWp cfh ipaf dyNdI» hux zolHxI peI ey»'' Auh smJOqy df rfh lWB rhI sI» lWgdf sI, Auh hfr geI ey» jy Auh irkÈf vfÜf muV ky af jfvy qy mYN ieWQoN clf jfvF qF ieh Auhƒ cuWp krky iqµn rupey hI dy dyvygI» ''ikAuN jI,’’ Auh kihx lWgI» ''jy rfq hovy, mINh vsdf hovy qF iqµn hI rupey lYNdy ny irkÈy vfÜy?’’ ‘’hux mINh vsdY?’’ myry m¨µhoN ieh gWl sÉqI nfÜ inkÜ geI, eys df aihsfs mYƒ vI iÈWdq nfÜ hoieaf» Auh AuWT ky d¨jy kmry ‘c clI geI» [[[ mYN icWTI ‘qy do iqµn sqrF JrItIaF qy p¨rI kr idWqI, p¨rI kI kr idWqI, QWk-hfr ky ilK idWqf-hor gWlF mYN aglI icWTI ‘c ilKFgf» izËfeIn ijhVf quhfƒ cµgf lWgy, qy lWkV bfry imsqrI ny ijhVI gWl mYƒ dWsI sI, Auh BuWl-BWl geI ey» ivckfr hrfmËfdf Auh af igaf sI, ijhVf cOk ‘c Kloqf sI» Èfied hflLy vI AuNÖ Kloqf hovy, irkÈy dI kfTI ‘qy k¨hxI itkf ky» mYƒ pqnI dI eys afdq ‘qy iKJ afeI ik jdoN vI koeI mËd¨r JgVf pfvy qF vWD pYsy dy ky ÉlfsI kr leI jfvy»[[[qy aWzy ‘qy bYTy mµgqy dI ieh gWl mµn leI jfvy pµJI pYsy df pfn Kf ky QuWk dyNdy ho, ies ÊrIb dI
qÜI ‘qy QuWk idE» ies mfmly ‘c mYN Auhdy nfÜ bihs nhIN krnf cfhuµdf» ikAuNik ieh gWl dlIl nfÜoN vWD Bfvnf dI ey» Auh puµn smJ ky suKI ho jFdI ey qy irkÈy vflLf jF mµgqf Tyky qoN boql lY afAuNdf ey» myrf idl kIqf, AuWT ky irkÈy vfÜy koÜ jfvF qy puWCF peI qYN jfxf ey ik nhIN ? Blfmfxs bx ky pYsy lY ky tur jf, nhIN qF iCWqr lf[[[ luaf idaFgf» puils ƒ Ìon krky kih idaFgf[[[ ieh bdmfÈ irkÈf vfÜf mYƒ DmkIaF dyNdf ey» myrI ieWËq ƒ hWQ pfAux ƒ iPrdf ey» aOKf ijhf AuWT ky mYN brFzy ‘c afieaf» guWsy nfÜ ivhVy ‘c igaf» gyt vWl viDaf qF Auh irkÈf vfÜf AuWQy nhIN sI» mYN ipCFh muV ky pqnI ƒ ‘vfË mfrI» Auh koeI Drm-poQI pVHdI bfhr inkÜI, mYN Auhƒ dWisaf ik Auh clf igaf ey»'' Auhny Jt dyxI poQI bµd kr ky brFzy dI bµnI ‘qy rWK idWqI» asIN lfan ‘c peIaF kursIaF ‘qy bih gey» Auhdy ichry ‘qy duWK df ijhVf pocf iPiraf ipaf sI, Auh Dup igaf sI» mYN aYvyN puWiCaf, ‘’aWj rfqIN iÌlm nf vyK afeIey ?’’ ‘’h¨µ[[[AuN-AuN»[[[ hux afpF ieh iqµn rupey ipµglvfVy ƒ dy idaFgy»'' ''qy Auh pµjfh pYsy, ijhVy qYN vWD dyxy sn?’’ ‘’Auh? Auh aWzy vfÜy mµgqy dI qÜI ‘qy Dr idaFgy»'' ''ijvyN qyrI mrËI» q¨µ muÉiqafr eyN» mYƒ kI?’’ gWl kr ky asIN ieWk d¨jy vWl vyiKaf qy muskrf pey.
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
ormer SFU and UFV stars, Hill and Graves, now two of the Lower Mainland’s leading basketball practitioners, are set to bolster Peter Guarasci’s coaching staff in advance of Bandits’ inaugural season at Abbotsford Centre.
about is their reputation as teachers, rather than coaches. Virgil and Kyle are lifelong learners with a true ability to connect with students and athletes. Their personable approach will greatly benefit our roster.”
The Fraser Valley Bandits have announced that Virgil Hill and Kyle Graves will be the team’s Assistant Coaches for its inaugural season in the Canadian Elite Basketball League (CEBL), the Official First Division Professional League Partner of Canada Hill’s decorated basketball lineage Basketball. extends back to Ontario, where he won a silver medal at the Ontario Hill and Graves join Head Coach Federation of School Athletic Assoand General Manager Peter Guarasci ciations Provincial Championships. to help form a trio of leaders on the Following high school, Hill took his Bandits’ bench. Together, they will talents to SFU, where he played for be tasked with evaluating prospective the men’s basketball team for four talent in advance of the CEBL Entry years as a guard and small forward Draft on March 16, and also assessing throughout the early 1990s. He led the Bandits’ Training Camp roster in by example as a starter for two seaadvance of the team’s home opener at sons and a team captain in his senior Abbotsford Centre on Thursday, May year as well. When not contributing 9, against the Guelph Nighthawks. as a key cog in the Clan’s rotation, “It gives me immense pleasure to Hill was a two-sport athlete, playing announce Virgil and Kyle as our varsity football as well. Hill’s integral assistant coaches. Together, they role in SFU’s athletics community bring decades of experience as both paved the way for a six-season stint players and coaches,” Guarasci said. as an Assistant Coach with the Clan, “However, what I’m most excited in which he also coached British PAGE 22
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
Columbia’s Under-19 Team to a National Championship in 1998. In 2000, Hill was named Head Coach of the Laurentian Voyageurs in Ontario University Athletics (OUA). Following a seven-year tenure in Sudbury, in which Hill also represented Canada at the 2003 Summer Universiade in Daego, South Korea, Hill relocated to become Head of Basketball with the Collingwood School in West Vancouver, where over the course of eight pivotal seasons, he helped sculpt the program into an annual provincial contender, capped off by a Provincial Championship in 2016. Graves’ basketball roots run deep in the Fraser Valley. After leading Chilliwack’s Sardis Secondary School to its first-ever provincial tournament appearance in 2000 and helping the team earn a top-15 provincial ranking in 2002, Graves took his talents to the University of the Fraser Valley (UFV) where he emerged as a force on the glass and in the post for the UFV Cascades. Graves served as the
Cascades’ team captain for four years, twice being named a British Columbia Colleges Athletic Association All-Star (now known as the Pacific Western Athletic Association). He was instrumental in helping UFV win two BCCAA Championships prior to driving UFV to its first-ever Canadian Interuniversity Sport (now known as U SPORTS) postseason birth against the University of British Columbia (UBC). Today, Graves continues to develop as a leader in the Chilliwack community. In addition to teaching at Sardis Secondary School, Graves is the Founder of Chilliwack Basketball Club. His program serves as a stepping stone for Chilliwack youth to access elite basketball instruction and has become the home of skills training in the region, as well as boys and girls club programming thanks to more than 200 players joining the club’s elementary and high school ranks annually. Before returning to Chilliwack, Graves served as an Assistant Coach for the UBC Okanagan Heat and the UFV Cascades.
The Patrika
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2459 Pauline Street Abbotsford, BC V2S 3S1
604-746-3330 Fax: 604-746-3331
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• Immigration Appeals • Refugee Claims • Sponsorship & Citizenship • Permanent Resident & Green Card • Visas (Tourist, Employment, Student, Nafta) • Provincial Nominations • Investor & Business Applications
FAMILY • Divorce, Custody & Adoption • Child/Spousal Support • Provincial Court and Supreme Court
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- Marijuana Grow Operations - Cocaine and Heroin Trafficking - Importing/Exporting
Friday, March 15th, 2019
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The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
gurdvwrw klgIDr drbwr
30640 Blueridge Dr, Abbotsford, BC V2T 5W3 gurdvwrw klgIDr drbwr swihb AYbtsPorf ivKy
ies h&qy dy pRogrwm
sRI gurU nwnk dyv jI dy 550 swlw pRkwS gurpurb nMU smripq mwrc 14 vIrvwr
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gurdvwrw swihb ivKy pRogrwm b`uk krn leI sMprk kro
gurdvwrw swihb 604-504-5530, BweI jIq isMG is`DU (m`K u syvwdwr) 604-556-4089 igAwnI bic`qr isMG m`K u gRQ M I 604-600-1600
Minister’s statement on ombudsperson’s involuntary admissions report
udy Darcy, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions, has issued the following statement in response to the Office of the Ombudsperson’s report entitled Committed to Change: Protecting the Rights of Involuntary Patients Under the Mental Health Act:
“Nothing is more important to me than keeping people safe. This is balanced with the need to ensure dignity and fairness when someone is vulnerable and receiving mental-health care. This is critically important as we work to improve the systems of health and mental health.
“Our government takes the safe practice of involuntary admissions under the B.C. Mental Health Act very seriously. To ensure the safety and rights of individuals are held to the highest standard, we have already taken the “The findings and recommendations following actions, based on our disoutlined in this report align with our cussions with the ombudsperson as goals for mental-health care – to he developed his report: improve the system of mental-health and addictions care in B.C., to keep a review of existing Mental Health people safe and to provide people Act forms and tracking tools, with with the quality of care and support the goal to develop standardized they need and deserve. Strengthen- provincial tools; ing the monitoring and evaluation of regional working groups in Frathe Mental Health Act will help us ser Health, Island Health, Northachieve these goals. ern Health and Vancouver Coastal
“I thank the ombudsperson for this report and for the office’s commitment to ensuring the safety and rights of people living with mental illness and addiction in British Columbia.
Health, to address the recommenda- t a r y a d missions tions in the report; under the an educational iLearn module and Mental mental-health toolkit is available for Health all Interior Health staff and physi- A c t a n d cians; of their a regional lead at Island Health is rights. working with operations, medical “Governleads and the practice support team to ment accreate a strategic plan that addresses cepts the the recommendations outlined in the intent of report; all of the recommendations in the a renewed in-person education pro- report and the ministries of Mental gram for Northern Health physicians Health and Addictions, Health and and staff is in the works, as well as Attorney General, as well as the the review and revision of existing health authorities, are working together to address them. web-based learning modules; “People who access mental-health care in B.C. deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Anything less is unacceptable. Our priority is to build a system of mental-health and addictions care that works for a video is in development to inform everyone, and that is what we are patients and families of involun- working toward.” weekly audits by the Provincial Health Services Authority’s psychiatrist-in-chief of all patients admitted involuntarily under the Mental Health Act at BC Children’s Hospital; and
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
Named top 5% of Realtors in the Fraser Valley, Rajin Gill joins BC Farm & Ranch Corp.
C Farm & Ranch is celebrating over 20 years of service as BC’s first and only brokerage to exclusively handle farm, ranch, and acreage properties through BC. From large commercial farming operations to estate acreages, greenhouse and nursery to development land, we have the experience and connections to get your property sold “At BC Farm and Ranch we offer Premium Marketing, 200+ years in experience, $ 1 billion + In sales and much more. Let’s sit down, grab a cup coffee and chat about what your property may be worth!” says co-owner, Realtor Greg Walton. BC Farm & Ranch Realty Corp. is excited to announce that Rajin Gill is now part of their growing team. Representing the top 5% of realtors in sales in the Fraser Valley, Rajin brings an exciting new set of skills to BC Farm & Ranch with a goal of building long term relationships with his clients and a determination to provide the best service possible. Rajin is born and raised in Abbotsford and is a graduate from MEI schools. During his school career, he was an accomplished wrestler with a number of winnings in provincial and national titles. More
recently, Rajin has translated that This is also why he hard work and dedication towards stresses that its is imreal estate. portant to find a realtor that suites your needs Rajin was always interested in when buying or selling business and enjoyed looking/ a home. He suggests viewing well built homes. Howevfinding someone who er, what really attracted him to the reflects your values, has profession was when he realized a good standing in the how much he loved interacting market, and provides inwith people through this capacity. dustry standard services. “Real estate is a unique field, we Through B.C. Farm & get to see our clients’ high points Ranch, Rajin Gill proand low points and connect on a vides premium marketpersonal level. I’ve always ening and approach. Their joyed showing and selling farms, services go beyond just I absolutely love it! Part of that your immediate real estate duties. comes from getting the opporSome of many of their services tunity to learn from Ajmer Jerry include; MLS exposure, print adSeikhon who was a farm specialvertising (local real estate weekly ist with B.C. Farm and Ranch and papers as well as agriculture newssold Farms for over 25 years! It papers), email Advertising - All was the natural fit for me”, says our new listings, listing changes Rajin. go to our extensive database Being in business for 3 years now, of potential Buyers and Sellers Rajin reflects back on his success. complied over the years, internet “Often times people will ask me Advertisement - Including but not how I got my foot in the door with limited to personal and company real estate. Whether my family website (Facebook, Instagram, member was a realtor, if I have a Twitter, Craigslist, Kijiji), distincdeveloper in the family, if I bought tive signage (every farmer knows a retiring realtors clientele book. the green & yellow signs!), profesMy answer is No, No and No, I sional photography, professional simply work hard, put in the hours, video & aerial, and a weekly & and give my honest opinion. It is quarterly Newsletter (which goes an amazing feeling when your cli- to an extensive agriculture dataents put their faith and trust in me.” base). Rajin advises all new potential home buyers and sellers; firstly find a Realtor who is the right style/fit for you, build a good and honest relationship with your Realtor, discuss all the things you want and don’t want in your next home and let them work away, and most importantly, “allowing the buyer to understand DO YOUR DUE DILIGENCE; buying a home is often the largest purchase you will ever make in your life. Whether the due
diligence takes time, cost money I believe it is super important to do the research. Be advised and not surprised.” Aside from the numbers, accomplishments in Real Estate, Rajin is very thankful that he got the opportunity to meet and work with such wonderful people. Rajin and a fellow Realtor David Corrie had the opportunity to be the area leaders for the Blanket Drive for homeless, for which they were able to get the highest total since 2010! Rajin has also recently been selected to sit on Professional Standards committee with the Fraser Valley Real Estate Board, which he is super excited and thankful for. “As you know, I greatly value the business and personal relationships that I have. If your friends, family, or colleagues would appreciate the level of service I provide, please send their information my way. I’ll be happy to follow up and provide exceptional real estate services”. Rajin is active on social media through Instagram and Twitter, @ RajinRealtor, and Facebook: @ RajinRealEstate. You can visit his website at
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
People don t look at your acting if you re in glamorous role : Kriti
Kriti Sanon says it took a Bareilly Ki Barfi for people to take note of her talent as she believes there is common perception that if an actor is not glamorous, she will act well. Though she started out with big commercial ventures, her turn as a small town girl in the Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari directorial "drastically changed" the game for Kriti."It's weird but when you are in a de-glamorous role people see your acting more. When you are slightly more dressed up, it takes a while to see beyond the looks and the acting. Especially when they don't already have a perception of you being an actor," Kriti said."Once you break that and they know you are an actor, then doing a glamorous part is ok. Then they say you are showing your range," she added.Kriti said today she has gained the confidence to take risks. "When you don't have someone backing you, you do feel scared to be doing something away from what is expected of a normal heroine. When you step out of the conventional commercial space, you think 'what if it doesn't work.' Today I feel I'm more greedy as an actor." Kriti will be next seen in Luka Chuppi co-starring Kartik Aaryan. The Laxman Utekardirected romcom chronicles the story of a couple living-in together in Mathura and the complications that follow. The actor said filmmakers are approaching her with meatier characters now.
Don t have a problem working in multi-starrers : Riteish Apart from being multi-starrers, there is another common thread which binds films like "Masti", "Housefull", "Malamaal Weekly", "Dhamaal" and "Apna Sapna Money Money" together -- actor Riteish Deshmukh. Having started his career over 16 years ago with the standalone film "Tujhe Meri Kasam", Riteish has mostly featured in multi-starrers. And he has no qualms about it. "Why should I have any problem with that. For me, a good role and a good script matter the most," Riteish said. "First of all when you do a multi-starrer film, one should know what part he/she is doing. If you are happy with it, you should go for it and give 100 per cent to it," he said. The 40-year-old feels people need to change their attitude towards multi-starrers. "It is not easy to make a multistarrer film. The more the actors, more the responsibilties on director. Proper coordination is needed between the actors while shooting. Films like 'Housefull' and 'Dhamaal' can't be made alone (with a single actor). Such films need multiple actors. Such scripts require multiple talent. And honestly speaking, a multi-starrer film reflects the real abilities of an actor. Among several other talented actors, if you are able to impress the audience then that shows your real powers." Riteish said people should now start using "ensemble" cast instead of the word "multi-starrer". "Multi-starrer is not a wrong term, but ensemble cast sounds much better because now each actor plays a unique character and contributes equal part in the film. The concept of multi-starrer films have evolved with the time. It would be better if we all start using ensemble cast than a multi-starrer film," he added.
Being judged is part of being a public figure : Diana Penty Actress Diana Penty says being constantly judged is a part and parcel of being a public figure, and she agrees it can be ruthless sometimes.Asked what she thinks about constant judgment made on a celebrity's style, Diana said. "While I agree that it is a part and parcel of being a public figure, I do think people can be a little ruthless sometimes. It is very easy to sit in the comfort of your home, scroll through your Instagram feed and pass judgments on a celebrity's choice of outfit, hair
and make-up."There are so many factors that contribute to that final look you see in pictures. Like the kind of event it is, whether there's a certain brief the celebrity is expected to stick to, body types, what suits you, what doesn't, what kind of day you've had, and sometimes unforeseen circumstances where you have only a couple of hours to find something to wear."The 33-yearold actress said that given all the craziness, the celebrities still "make it work, so it wouldn't hurt being just a little considerate sometimes".Diana began her
modelling career in 2005. She made her acting debut in 2012 with the romantic-comedy film "Cocktail". She followed it up with films like "Happy Bhag Jayegi" and "Lucknow Central".
Never told anyone that I am granddaughter of Nutan : Pranutan Bahl From giving auditions for several films for two years to being launched by Salman Khan in Notebook, actor Pranutan says she has consciously refrained from introducing herself as granddaughter of legendary actor Nutan or daughter of Mohnish Bahl.The debutante, who will be starting her journey with Notebook, directed by National Award-winning filmmaker Nitin Kakkar and produced by Salman's banner SKF, said the makers chose her for the part after an intense audition process."I did gave lot of auditions for two and half years or so for lot of films. I never used to say I am from a film family. For this film they knew that I was Mohnish's daughter."I gave a five hour long audition for this film. But they called some other girls also as they were like if they take me then it will be like 'I am from film family'. So they auditioned some 80 to 100 girls but Nitin sir (director Nitin Kakkar) felt I was the right choice," Pranutan said while interacting with media at the trailer preview of Notebook. She said she is aware of the expectations and the responsibility that comes along with her family name. "I am very happy that I am making my debut as an actor but I am also nervous as there is responsibility on my shoulders. Not only in terms of the actor she (Nutan) was but her personality was so huge. All this is tough for me," she added.
I don t think actors should have language restriction : Zareen Actress Zareen Khan, who will be seen in a Punjabi film titled Daaka, feels that actors shouldnt limit themselves when it comes to working in films in different languages. Talking about working in various film industries, Zareen said: "Earlier also, I had worked in a Punjabi film. I don't understand why people ask 'You are a Bollywood actor then how are you working in a Punjabi film." "I am an actor. I would like to work in Hindi, Marathi, Punjabi or Bengali films. I don't think any actor should have a language restriction. If I like a film script in whatever language, then I will do that film." Does the film industry put pressure on actors to be fit or look in a certain way? She said: "I don't know about industry pressure but I try to be fit because fitness has become a part of my lifestyle. When I was a plus size teenager, that time I realised that my mother and maternal grandmother had to deal with a lot of diseases because after their marriage and after having kids,
they didn't look after their fitness so, I feel you have to be fit for your well-being." "I think you shouldn't stay fit under any kind of pressure. People should stay fit so that they can stay away from various kinds of diseases."
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
blvMq srF mWdo ky qusIN qF af ky muVy-ijvyN ajnbI koeI»
pRdysx DI
Èrfb idWqI CWz sohxIey
pvn igWlF vflf
rxjIq ikMgrf koeI afKdf XfrI df inWG idMdI, koeI afKdf myrI ijMd jfn dfrU»
ilKdI DI pRdysx, roNdIaF aWKIaF mfeyN nI,
cMgI qrHF, nf mYN muWK qWikaf, nf gWlbfq hoeI» sfƒ AuzIkF kridaF, kdI ijAuNidaF kdI mridaF» sfƒ qF jugVy bIq gey-pIrF dI cONkI BridaF»
qyry bfJoN ikhVf myry drd vMzfey nI? sUlLF vrgI iËMdgI ruWlLdI ivWc p®dysF dy,
koeI afKdf myry idldfr vrgI, koeI afKdf myrf Bgvfn dfrU» lWKF pUjdy eys ƒ vFg dyvI, ikMny lokF df dIn eImfn dfrU»
jd af qusIN muV gey srdloN- hMJU nhIN vy aWKoN rWq coeI»
ikhVy duWK ilKqy rWb ivWc myry lyKF dy»
qusIN qF af ky muVy-
ivWc ivCoVy ib®hoN dI ikMJ jUn hMZfey nI,
CMnf duWD df ilaf dy, myry mUMh nf’ afp lf dy
qYƒ lWK sunyhy Byjy vy, af ky TMZy kr klyjy vy»
ilKdI DI pRdysx[[[
aWKF aWKF nf’ imlLf dy, nI qUM hWs ky ivKf dy
pr by-ruÉI dy sWjxf-sfzy sIny mfry nyjy vy»
sfry guWsy igly idl ivWcoN kWZ sohxIey»
kihMdI sI jfh DIey ijWQy svrg bxfey nI,
dyK ky qYƒ muVdy ƒ- cMn, ikvyN asfzI rUh roeI qusIN qF af ky muVy-
kI pYsy ƒ mYN cWtxf mfhI nËr nf afey nI»
qUM ikMnf by-p®vfh vy, sfzI lWg nf jfvy hfa vy»
puWTIaF isWDIaF iÈPtF kr idn-rfq lMGfey nI,
qUM pYrF hyT imWD igaf-sfzy icr qoN sFBy cfa vy»
ilKdI DI pRdysx[[[
qyrI jFdy dI qWk ky ipWT ƒ-qVp ky sfzI rUh moeI» qusIN qF af ky muVy»
mF dI mmqf, ipafr bfpU df, lWBdI BfeIaF ƒ,
afh lY! aWj qoN Èrfb idWqI CWz sohxIey! afh lY! aWj qoN [[[ KUn KUn qoN krfey; ieh puafVy bVy pfey, qfhIEN cMdrI df jUV idWqf vWZ sohxIey afh lY! aWj qoN [[[ ieh lVfeI dI ey BYx; sfry kihx iehƒ zYx, vYr vIrF dy puafAuNdI isrvWZ sohxIeyN
sIny ivc luko ky pIVF iZWzoN jfeIaF ƒ»
rWb dI idWqI dfq df, mfx qYƒ AuWcI jLfq df» sfzf qF sfQI sbr hY-sfƒ pqf sfzI aOkfq df»
geIaF XfdF bx pRCfvyN pr kuJ nËr nf afey nI, ilKdI
qYƒ AuWcy lok AuzIkdy-krn leI idl-joeI»
DI pRdysx[[[
qusIN qF af ky muVy-
pfr smuMdroN jnm hY dUjf pr koeI mF nhIN,
sfzy Gr ƒ Bfg qUM lf igaf, jd vyhVy pYr qUM pf igaf»
ruWK hirafly zfZy koeI AunHF dI CF nhIN»
‘blvMq srF’ vy DMnvfd Auhdf-jo do pl Jlk idKf igaf» qUM ÉuÈ QIvyN, jug jug jIvyN-ieh hI sfzI arjLoeI qusIN qF af ky muVy-ijvyN ajnbI koeI.
kUk kUk ky ikMgrf khy Xfro, DoKybfË dfrU, hY ÈYqfn dfrU»
afh lY! aWj qoN [[[ pWgF isrF qoN luhfAuNdI; inWq byËqI krfAuNdI, pYx juWqIaF ijAuN KVky koeI ZWz sohxIey afh lY! aWj qoN [[[ suWD buWD hI Bulfey; mUMhoN gMd kZvfey, pI ky bxy bMdf mUrK AujWz sohxIey
qpdy “pvn” dupihry nf vfa vqnF dI afey nI,
afh lY! aWj qoN [[[
ilKdI DI pRdysx roNdIaF aWKIaF mfeyN nI»
idE qusIN vI Èrfb hux CWz sohixEN»
bWcI dy jMmx ’qy ipafrI bWcI!
hrjIq dODrIaf isWDf KVH ky siqkfr krnf, brfbrI dy hWk qoN nf iJjkIN, nf GbrfvIN
hr gfl mF-DI-BYx ƒ hY jFdI
Èukr aY qyrI aWK AuWGVI
mOky ’qy PYslf krn igWJIN,
Jukxf, mWQy rgVnf nf-mnËUr
hWsxf-KHyzxf mn-pRcfvf brkrfr rWKxf
buWlHF ’qy muskfn afeI
pVHfeI vylLy afpxI rucI aqy psMd dy ivÈy cuxIN
mrd-pRDfnqf dIaF kVIaF qoV dyvIN»
Gsy hoey Koty isWikaF ƒ kbUl nhIN krnf
purfqnqf dI igWcI mroV dyvIN
BfvyN ieh ikMny vI ilÈkf ky pyÈ kIqy jfx
qUM DrqI ’qy pulFG puWtyNgI
sMsfr ivigafnk soc Dfrn krIN» hnHyrIaF-qUÌfnF ’c ctfn bxy rihxf kuVI-muMzy leI nvIN qrË dI lohVI bflxf smyN smyN vfprdIaF, bdl rhIaF hflqF muitafr ho ky afpxf jIvn sfQI afp cuxIN jLfq-pfq, vihm-Brm qy ipCfKV ƒ kUVy ’c vWzI huMdI jfvyNgIGr-Gr sWdf dyxf dy Zy r ’qy su W t dI rihxf ivafh vylLy pWly dy lV do huMdy ny, Xfd rWKIN CVWpy CflLF mfryNgI ‘afE lohVI lfeIey KVHy pfxI ƒ CWz vgdy pfxIaF dIaF cUlLIaF qUM DrqI ’qy nf q®wBkIN, nf sMgIN, nf ÈrmfvIN, iek lV mfpy qyry jIvn sfQI ƒ PVfAux eyky qy ivDI dy iqÜ mGdI sUhI DUxI ’qy Brnf pfeIey dUjf lV qyry jIvn sfQI dy mfpy qYƒ sihm ky KUMjy lWg ’gUTf cuMGdI luk ky nf dunIaF ’c koeI cIË sdIvI nhIN isvfey bYTINgIq gfeIey qusIN dovyN iek dUjy dy lV lWgogy qbdIlI dy» muÈtMizaF vFÕ kVkIN,
brfbr qurIN, aDInqf pRvfn nf krIN»
ipafr dI nvIN BfÈf isrjxf
eIÈr afey dilWdr jfey
ryÈm dI zorI vrgI nrm
BYx-Brf ieWk dUjy dy rWKVI bMinHEN
afpsI afdr-mfx, hfn-lfB ƒ apnfAuxf
dilWdr dI jVH cuWlHy pfeIey
tuWtx ’c kTn aqy mËbUq rhIN
afpxI rWiKaf afp krIN
gfl kWZx-kZfAux qoN vrjdy rihxf
svyr ƒ aMDkfr dI hoeI svfh vyKIey’
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
rµglf pµjfb jrnYl Gumfx brbfd ! rµglf pµjfb hoeI jFdf ey » brbfd rµglf pµjfb….
myry aµdr
surjIq pfqr ikµny csæmy qy ikµny hI juaflfmuKI myry aµdr vI cWldI hY iek guPLqg¨
kfgËF ‘c aYvIN, ijLµdfbfd hoeI jFdf ey.
cfry pfsy Cf igaf hnHyr, nHyr GuWp hux,
ijWQy myry lPjæF ‘c Zldf hY myrf lh¨
ikµnI koml aqy ikµnI K¨µKfr vI
lIzrF ilafqIaF ny, kfgËIN krFqIaF,
hr muWdy AuWqy BlLI, Bly lokf cuWp hux ,
ijWQy myrI bihs hY myry nflL hI
qyrI kudrq hY PuWl qy peI qryl vI
ijWQy vfirs qy purKy KVHy r¨br¨
qyrI kudrq hI hY ihrnIaF df lh¨
myry aµdr avfjæF qF hn bypnfh
eynI bµidsæ ‘coN bµdy ny kI lWiBaf
myry mWQy ‘c pr akl df qfnfsæfh
koeI juaflfmuKI idl ‘c hY dWibaf
sB avfjæF sux¨µ kuJ cux¨µ iPr bx¨µ
eys agnI ƒ sIny ‘c hI rihx dy
iPr ibafn afpxf koeI jfrI krUM
qF hI cuWlHf blL¨ qF hI dIvf jg¨
prq AuWqrI qF mYN kfm moh loB sF
mYN nhIN mµndf sF nhIN jfxdf
hor AuWqrI qF jl Kfk aWg pOx sF
ik jdoN mYƒ cIrogy afry dy sµg
hrIaF qy icWtIaF pqf nhIN ikµny BFqIaF, GflLf mflLf bhuq hI, jnfb hoeIN jFdf ey» BfÈxF ‘c afieaf, ienklfb hoeI jFdf ey.
brbfd rµglf pµjfb ….
brbfd rµglf pµjfb ….
ivdvfnoN, sfieµsdfnoN,
Gr Gr ivWc pYr isafsq psfr cWlI,
Ërf nyqf jI ivcfr kro,
lIzrF dI pfeI PuWt irÈqy ivgfV cWlI,
kI aY BivWK sfzf, soc lgfqfr kro,
jxF KxF eyQy, nyqf sfhb hoeI jFdf ey» ‘Gumfx’ dyxf aOKf, eyh jvfb hoeIN jFdf ey» brbfd rµglf pMjfb[[[.
brbfd ! rµglf pµjfb hoeI jFdf ey»
by-ruËgfrI lWk pfhV¨aF df qoV idWqf,
kfgËF ‘c aYvIN, ijLµdfbfd hoeI jFdf ey.
pµjfb dI jvfnI qfeIN niÈaF ‘c rohV idWqf,
surmf bx muMizaf
ies qoN pihlF ik lWgdf pqf kOx hF
iek asih cIs ho iek akih drd bx
mihk ivh¨xf hux gulfb hoeI jFdf ey»
gurbcn kOr iZWloN
ho igaf hoNd afpxI qoN hI surKr¨
myry aµdroN vI inklygf vfhygur¨
ÈIÈy mUhry KVH qWkF, surmy dI Dfr vy»
Kfk sI pusæp sI nIr sI agn sI
mYN hI mYN jd ikhf qF KmosæI qxI
Dfr ivWcoN mYƒ idsy qyrI hI nuhfr vy»
bfJ pihrfivaF vI kdoN ngn sI
ruWK lWgy DuKx, pOx D¨µaF bxI
qYƒ qWk qWk idl pRcfvF mYN qWkdI jfvF»
bWs ieh bµdy ny pWqy jdoN pihn ley
jd mYN afpF ikhf, pWqy bx gey surF
vy surmf bx muMizaf,
ho geI ngnqf dI khfxI sæur¨
hoeI jµgl dy ivc k¨h¨k¨-k¨h¨k¨[[[[
brbfd rµglf pµjfb …. ÈfhF df krË ikrsfnI qfeIN Kf igaf, z¨µGy bor lfAux df Krc KuWzy lf igaf, Kfd, qyl lµbf hI ihsfb hoeI jFdf ey» brbfd rµglf pµjfb[[[. PokI Èohrq ny kIqy ivafhF dy Krc vWzy,
qYƒ ivWc aWKIaF dy pfvF,
aWK mtkfvF vy surmf bx muMizaf»
gurBjn igWl
cobrF dI ZfhxI KVHNy rFJf bx ky»
eys iPkr ny mfr ilaf hY, ikhVf aWj kWlH kI krdf hY»
sfƒ qUM smJyN vy itWc krky»
eysy krky hr ieWk bµdf jINdf GWt qy vWD mrdf hY»
qyry AuWqoN bilhfrI jfvF, Gol GumfvF,
ieWk d¨jy qoN eynI corI hWdoN vD geI byivsævfsI,
vy surmf bx muMizaf,
sWjy hWQ ƒ Kæbr nf koeI, KWbf aWj kWlH kI krdf hY»
ipµz ipµz hIrF aqy rFiJaF df hVH afieaf,
kihMdy ny nfrI huMdI BuWKI vy ipafr dI»
idl aµdr keI ndIaF nfly qlKæ smuµdr KæOr¨ pfvy,
ieWËqF df Gfx, by-ihsfb hoeIN jFdf ey»
loV Auhƒ sdf rihMdI mOsmI bhfr dI»
gæm df ikµnf z¨µGf toieaf AuWCldf pr inWq Brdf hY»
brbfd rµglf pµjfb….
qF hI solLF mYN ÈMgfr bxfvF,
mµjiæl vWl ƒ pYr inrµqr qurdy jFdy eysy krky,
votF vflLI rfjnIqI nyqf sfzy krIN jFdy,
duaflLf ruÈnfvF»
ieWk rqf ku qurdf ipWCy, d¨jf kdm agFh Drdf hY»
dovyN iDrF ieWko, doÈ afps ‘c mVHI jFdy,
vy surmf bx muMizaf,
sæIsæy aµdr hr bµdf hI ikEN nhIN qWkdf afpxf ichrf,
jnqf nf buWJy, kIhƒ lfB hoeI jFdf ey»
muMizaf vy iZWloN ƒ ÈudfeI krqf»
myrf afpxf afpf vI hux ies dy koloN ikEN zrdf hY?
brbfd rµglf pµjfb….
kuVIaF dI ZfhxI ivc rfeI krqf»
jfn qoN ipafrf afKx vflLf aWj kWlH jo m¨µh Pyr ky lµGdY,
vWizaF GrF ƒ vyÉ, CoitaF ny pYr CWzy, sfiraF df hfjmF, Krfb hoeI jFdf ey» brbfd rµglf pµjfb…. mobfiel Pon afieaf, nflL ieÈk krFqI ilafieaf,
lok ihWqF dy ihqYÈI ivWk jfx plF ivWc, vy mYN ijAuNdI hI mr jfvF, vylLy ƒ pCqfvF
idl qF krdY puWC lvF ik ibn sfhF qoN ikµj srdf hY?
Btkdy CWz jfx, lokF qfeIN QlF ivWc,
vy surmf bx muMizaf,
ivWc hnHyry qIr clf ky smJ rhy hF ijWq leI bfjæI,
d¨r loVF p¨rdf, Jnfb hoeIN jFdf ey»
qYƒ ivWc aWKIaF dy pfvF
sony dI lµkf ivWc bYTf rfvx eydF ikµj mrdf hY? PAGE 29
The Patrika
sLok smfcfr afp jI nMU bVy duKI ihrdy nflL sUicq kIqf jFdf hY ik srdfr gurmuwK isMG gryvflL afpxI sMsfirk Xfqrf pUrI krky sdf leI alivdf kih ky cly gey hn| Ah ipCly 29 sflF qoN aYbtsPorz ivWc rih rhy sn aqy AunHF df ipClf ipMz iklf-rfeypur, ijlHf luiDafxf sI| Auh afpxy ipwCy afpxf pUrf pirvfr Cwz gey hn AunHF df iPAUnrl 16 mfrc, 2019 idn sL n Ivfr nU M Pry j L r irvr iPAU n rl ho m aY b tsPo r z ivKy bfad dupihr 3 vjy hovygf aqy Aus AuprMq AunHF dI afqimk sLFqI leI rwKy gey sihj pfT dy Bog aqy aMiqm ardfs 4:30 vjy Kflsf dIvfn susfietI grUGr (sfAUQ Pryjr vya), aYbtsPorz ivKy hovygI| pirvfr nflL duwK sFJf krn leI hyT ilKq nMbrF ‘qy sMprk kro: BuipMdr isMG gryvfl (spuwqr) L: 604-613-3857
Friday, March 15th, 2019
ÖÅñÃÅ çÆòÅé ùÃÅÇÂàÆ, ÁËìàÃë¯ðâ
33094 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 2A9 Ph: (604) 850-7338, Fax (604) 854-1165, e-mail:
nvwˆ swl nwnkSwhI sMmq 550vwˆ 14 mwrc 2019 idn vIrvwr AwrMB sRI AKMf pwT swihb svyry 10 vjy syvw smUh sMgq AYbtsPorf vloˆ sMgrwˆd AwrMB cyq
16 mwrc idn SnIvwr Bog sRI AKMf pwT swihb jI svyry 10 vjy syvw smUh sMgq AYbtsPorf v`lo 10 vjy Bog pYxgy 10 qoˆ 12 vjy qk kIrqn drbwr sjygw
jsvIr isMG gryvflL (spuwqr): 604-855-4817 jF 1-360-961-0142 2019 - NEW YEAR, NEW APPROACH Creating a safe village for our children
Our goal is to engage our youth in positive activities and deter them from going down the wrong path by: Raising awareness of various programs for youth in the community Strengthen spiritualty and mindfulness
is`K motr sweIkl kl`b vloˆ PrI dsqwrwˆ id`qIAwˆ jwxgIAwˆ Aqy bMnHxIAwˆ isKweIAwˆ jwxgIAwˆ
Join us in engaging discussion,kirtan and simran Sponsored by: WoMen Rise & Kirpa Our Hearts Foundation
Kalgidhar Gurdwara Sahib April 7, 2019 @ 11:45 am to 1:15 pm Banda Singh Bahadur Gurdwara May 5, 2019 @ 10:30am to 12:15pm
Every life is precious, and we need to make every effort to preserve it and reach its full potential
nvyˆ swl nwnkSwhI sMmq qy phuMc rhy j~Qy: BweI gurieMdr isMG jIry vwlyæ BweI rivMdr isMG im`Tw itvwxw vwLy kQw vwck: mndIp isMG BwmIAw FwfI j`Qw: jrnYl isMG 'in`DVk'
Thank you for volunteering for citizens patrol and mentorship progams Your donations for Abbotsford Police Dept. programs are greatly appreciated Sign a petition for funds for preventative programs
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED WoMen Rise Help Line (236) -887-4217 @WoMenRiseAbbotsford
hY`f gRMQI: suKdyv isMG (luiDAwxy vwly) mæ nMæ 778-878-1810 jnrl sYktrI: jiqMdr isMG ig`l (hYpI) 604-832-4000
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
ÖÅñÃÅ çÆòÅé ùÃÅÇÂàÆ, ÁËìàÃë¯ðâ
33094 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 2A9 Ph: (604) 850-7338, Fax (604) 854-1165, e-mail: 1[
hr aYqvfr nUM svyry 10 vjy qoN dupihr 12 vjy qwk myn drbfr hfl ivwc ivsLysL dIvfn sjfey jFdy hn.
hryk sMgrFd vfly idn smUh sMgqF vloN hYrItyjL gurduafrf sfihb ivKy sRI sihj pfT sfihb dy Bog AuprMq 10 vjy qoN 12 vjy qwk kIrqn, kQf aqy ZfzI vfrF df gfien kIqf jFdf hY. sLfm nUM 5:45 qoN 7:45 vjy Kflsf dIvfn sosfietI dy myn hfl ivwc kQf, kIrqn aqy ZfzI drbfr huMdy hn. sMgqF pRqI bynqI hY ik donoN vkq gurbfxI kIrqn sux ky jIvn sPl bxfE jI.
hr aYqvfr vfly idn bIbIaF vloN gurduafrf sfihb dy Auprly hfl (qIjI Plor) ivwc dupihr 12[30 vjy qoN 4[00 vjy qwk sMgqI rUp 'c sRI suKmnI
hYrItyj gurduafrf sfihb ivKy hr mMglvfr qy vIrvfr nUM Xogf dIaF klfsF sLfm 7[00 qoN 9[00 vjy qwk lgfeIaF jFdIaF hn.
hYrItyj gurduafrf sfihb drbfr hfl ivKy hr sLnIvfr nUM sLfm 6 qoN 8 vjy qwk ismrn huMdf hY. ismrn krky afpxf jIvn sPl kro.
hYrItyj gurduafrf sfihb (imAUjIam hfl) ajfieb Gr sMgqF dy drsLnF leI hr rojL svyry 9[00 qoN sLfm 5[00 vjy qwk KoilHaf jFdf hY.
gurduafrf Kflsf dIvfn sosfietI ivKy iswK ieiqhfs dI jfxkfrI leI lfiebRyrI sQfpq kIqI geI hY. sMgqF vwD qoN vwD lfB AuTfE jI.
pMjfbI dIaF klfsF gurduafrf sfihb ivKy hr sLnIvfr aqy aYqvfr nUM 9 vjy qoN 11 vjy qwk lgfeIaF jFdIaF hn.
sfihb jI dy pfT huMdy hn.
pRB kf ismrnu sB qy AUcf..
$ 12.65
sUcnfvF:- mhIny ivwc hr vIrvfr nUM grBvqI aOrqF vfsqy klfsF lgfeIaF jFdIaF hn ijs ivwc Kfx pIx qy Kurfk vfsqy jfxkfrI vI idwqI jFdI hY.
hYwz gRMQI
kQf vfck
2[ hr vIrvfr nUM 10 vjy qoN 12 vjy dupihr nUM ishq bfry jfxkfrI idwqI jFdI hY ijs ivwc bwcy, jvfn aqy bjLurg vI sLfml ho skdy hn. moinkf 604-308-8216
rfgI jQf
BfeI suKdyv isMG BweI BweI ipRQIpwl isMG BweI gurieMdr isMG jIry vwly luiDafxy vfly jMmU vwly BweI rwivMdr isMG im`Tw itvwxw vwly
mfrc 14, vIrvfr mfrc 14, vIrvfr mfrc 14, vIrvfr mfrc 15, sLwukrvfr mfrc 16, sLnIvfr
mfrc 16, sLnIvfr mfrc 16, sLnIvfr
DrimMdr sLrmf: 778-683-3019
mfrc 17, aYqvfr mfrc 17, aYqvfr mfrc 17, aYqvfr mfrc 21, vIrvfr mfrc 21, vIrvfr mfrc 22, sLuwkrvfr mfrc 23, sLnIvfr mfrc 23, sLnIvfr mfrc 24, aYqvfr
hYrItyj guruGr sRI sihj pfT dI syvf
ZfzI jQf BweI mwhl isMG mwhI
BweI AmndIp isMG Kwlsw
sMgrFd arMB (cyq) nvF sfl nfnksLfhI sMmq 550 afrMB sRI afKMz pfT sfihb jI gurU Gr ivKy syvf smUh sMgq aYbtsPorz dy pRIvfrF vloN. nvyN sfl nfnksLfhI sMmq 550 afrMB sRI afKMz pfT sfihb jI gRih ivKy syvf gurdyv isMG DflIvfl dy pRIvfr vloN. afrMB sRI afKMz pfT sfihb jI gurU Gr ivKy syvf isLv kumfr ahUjf dy pRIvfr vloN. Bog sRI afKMz pfT sfihb jI gurU Gr ivKy syvf smUh sMgq aYbtsPorz dy pRIvfrF vloN. nvyN sfl nfnksLfhI sMmq 550 iswK motr sfeIkl klwb vloN PrI dsqfrF idwqIaF jfxgIaF aqy bMnHxIaF isKfeIaF jfxgIaF Bog sRI afKMz pfT sfihb jI gRih ivKy syvf gurdyv isMG DflIvfl dy pRIvfr vloN. suKmnI sfihb dy pfT aqy kIrqn gRih ivKy syvf amIr isMG sMDU dy pRIvfr vloN. Bog sRI afKMz pfT sfihb jI gurU Gr ivKy syvf isLv kumfr ahUjf dy pRIvfr vloN. Bog sRI sfihj pfT sfihb jI guru Gr ivKy syvf kuldIp isMG dy pRIvfr vloN. primMdr kOr dI Xfd ivwc. suKmnI sfihb dy pfT gRih ivKy syvf suKivMdr isMG dy pRIvfr vloN.
pUrnmfsI anMd kfrj dI rsm pivwqrjIq kOr puwqrI s: BuipMdr isMG dy pRIvfr vloN. afrMB sRI afKMz pfT sfihb jI guru Gr ivKy syvf hrjIq isMG DUq dy pRIvfr vloN. anMd kfrj dI rsm gurnyk isMG brfV dy pRIvfr vlo sLfm dy lMgrF dI syvf bldyv isMG brfV smflsr dy pRIvfr vloN. Bog sRI afKMq pfT sfihb jI gurU Gr ivKy syvf hrjIq isMG DUq dy pRIvfr vloN.
sMprk kro: mIq pRDfn Bjn isMG qUr: 604-832-7777 sYktrI, jiqMdr isMG igwl (hYpI igwl): 1-604-832-4000 zfierYktr qrsym isMG idafl: 1-778-552-4466
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
moh dy inÈfn
blijµdr isµG smfG
‘prdysIN hoieaF ƒ ikµny vrHy bIq gey ny» pqf hI nHIN lWgdf, smyN df cWkf ikµnI rPæqfr PVI bYTf ey» hux qF afvdy mulk dIaF XfdF vI DuµdlIaF pYxIaF Èur¨ ho geIaF ny» hux qF ieh mulk vI afpxf-afpxf ijhf lWgx lWg ipaf ey» hux qF iehdI imWtI ivWcoN afAuNdI KuÈb¨ vI r¨h ƒ niÈaf jFdI ey»’ rfjivµdr jdoN vI socF dI ies GuµmxGyrI ivWc Pisaf nËr afAuNdf qF sB qoN pihlF aµimRqf dy bol hI Aus ƒ hl¨xf mfrdy, ‘‘zfktr sfbH, hux XfdF dI bflkonI ivWc bYT ky J¨rnf CWz vI idE» ienHF hvfvF nflL idl lgfAux dI koiÈÈ kro» asIN hux ieWQy hI rihxY» sfzy bWicaF ny vI ieWQy hI pµG¨Vy J¨txy ny» ipafr idE ies DrqI ƒ, vyiKE ikvyN duWgxf ipafr moVdI aY»’’
mF dIaF XfdF df srmfieaf sI» Aus ƒ ivhVy ivWc qurdI, kµm krdI, Aus dy kys vfhuµdI, iJVkF idµdI aµmI idsdI» mF dy gory qy lfl s¨hy ichry dI qsvIr rfjivµdr dIaF qr aWKF ivWc qYrdI rihµdI» pqf nhIN Auh ikhVf mfVf vylLf sI jdoN cµdrI mOq Aus ƒ ivlkdy bflF dI glvkVI qoN Koh ky lY geI sI» nf bcpn nf jvfnI, ieho ijhI Aumr sI jdoN Bry Brfey Gr ivWc dovyN Brf mF ivh¨xy ho ky rih gey» ipµz vsdy dfdf dfdI, cfcy, qfey, AunHF dy bWcy, aµimRqf dIaF aWKF ivWc surmeI BivWK dI suWK nflL pµdrF vIh jixaF df Biraf p¨rf afs rfjivµdr ƒ iPr AuWTx df hlorf pirvfr sI» idµdI» Auh XfdF dI z¨µGI KWz ivWcoN inkldf qy vrqmfn dI phI ’qy ijLMdgI dI gWzI nvyN pr jy kuJ nhIN sI qF Auh mF sI» Blf jnm isry qoN roVHn lWgdf» dfqI ƒ vI koeI BuWl skdf hY? kOx AunHF hWQF ƒ ivsfr skdf hY ijs ny quhfƒ lfz rfjivµdr qy aµimRqf ƒ inAUËIlYNz vfsf lzfey hox, quhfzy kys vfhy hox, quhfƒ kIiqaF sWq vrHy bIq cuWky hn» dovF mmqf dI cfÈnI ivWc iBWjy prONiTaF nflL kolL cµgIaF nOkrIaF hn» hr suK sh¨lq sk¨l Byijaf hovy? rfjivµdr dy socidaF hY» ipCly vrHy jdoN AunHF dy puWqr adb df iPr hOlLI hOlLI sfrf idRÈ Duµdlf ho jFdf, jnm hoieaf qF ienHF KæuÈIaF ny duWgxIaF Aus ƒ kuJ nËrIN nf pYNdf» AuNj vI AuWQy cOgxIaF ho ikrfey dy mkfn ivWc Kæ¨b ClFgF qF hux kuJ vI nhIN sI» roËI rotI dy cWkr mfrIaF sn» kdy kdy dovF ny bIc iknfry ivWc hI Brf ny kYnyzf jf zyry lfey» AunHF bYT ky iCpdy s¨rj nflL cVHdy BivWK dy dy zYzI vI iËafdf smF AuWQy hI gujæfrdy» supny buxny qF AunHF ƒ ieWk DuVk¨ ijhf vI lWgf rihxf mqy ijnHF supinaF ƒ lY ky rfjivµdr jdoN vI iKæaflF dy vihx ivWc bygfnI DrqI ’qy ijLMdgI nflL afZf lfieaf vihµdf qF aµimRqf Auhƒ ipafr puckfr ky hY, pqf nhIN Auh supny p¨ry hoxgy vI jF iPr vrqmfn dI dihlIjæ ’qy lY afAuNdI» nhIN? pr dovF dI imhnq nflL hr supny Aus df mn cfhy ijµnf mrjæI Biraf huµdf, df hr qµd slIky nflL proieaf jf irhf pr aWj qwk aµimRqf sfhmxy Aus ny kdy sI»ijæµdgI dI cfdr dI kZfeI df hr rµg afpxy afp ƒ zolx nhIN idWqf sI» g¨VHf sI» aµimRqf TIk hI kihµdI sI ik ies aµimRqf qy adb Aus ƒ sfhF qoN vI ipafry bygfnI DrqI ny sky puWqF vFg¨µ ipafr idWqf jfpdy» adb vI hux ruVHnf isWK irhf sI» sI» iPr vI ieWk Klfa sI jo rfjivµdr bYkXfrz ivWc QoVHI ijhI kWcI jgHf ’qy dovyN ƒ aµdroN AUxf hox df aihsfs krvfAuNdf jxy Aus ƒ imWtI nflL GulLdf dyK ky afnµidq rihµdf» BWj dOV BrI ijæµdgI ivWc jdoN kdy huµdy» Aus dy nflL cIkF mfrdy, inWkIaF Tihrfa df koeI pl afAuNdf qF Auh Kæud inWkIaF gWlF krdy»aWj adb dy KyHzx qoN ƒ rok nf skdf» Aus df vj¨d mWlo-jæorI bfad aµimRqf Aus ƒ sulfAux leI aµdr aqIq dI JolLI jf bYTdf» XfdF Aus ƒ ipWCy clI geI»rfjivµdr AuWQy hI bYTf aKæbfr moV iljFdIaF» Auh mogy Èihr dy afpxy pVHn lWg ipaf» kfPæI smyN bfad vI jdoN Gr jf phuµcdf… Aus df afpxf Gr, ijWQy Auh aµdr nf afieaf qF aµimRqf ny iKVkI kdy Aus df sfrf sµsfr vsdf sI» Aus QfxIN ingHf mfrI» Aus ny dyiKaf ik Auh df Brf sI, zYzI sI qy jF Aus dI moeI hoeI imWtI AuWqy ijvyN kuJ vfh irhf hovy»
Auh poly ijhy kolL afeI qF rfjivµdr nIvIN pfeI BurBurI ijhI imWtI ’qy adb dy pYrF dy inÈfn inhfr irhf sI» aµimRqf isrhfxy KVHI qF Aus dIaF aWKF ’coN do aWQr¨ imWtI Auqly inÈfn ’qy jf pey» aµimRq kuJ puWCdI, ies qoN pihlF hI rfjivµdr dI BuWb inkl geI» ikµnf icr aµimRqf dy gozy lWg roNdf irhf ijvyN virHaF df ruikaf vihx aWj hI vg ky muWkxf hovy» QoVHf ÈFq hox ’qy Aus ny afp hI gWl CyVI, ‘‘jdoN mµmI dI mOq hoeI qF zYzI nOkrI krdy sI» mµmI Gr hI rihµdy» sfrf idn kuJ nf kuJ krdy rihxf» nOkrIpyÈf qy ÈihrI Gr hox dy bfvj¨d mµmI ny ijæWd krky ieWk mWJ vI rWKI hoeI sI» AuhdI sµBflL vI krdy» pfQIaF vI pWQdy» zYzI ny bQyrf kihxf, ‘ikAuN gohy ivWc hWQ mfrdI eyN!’ pr mµmI ny afdq m¨jb afpxy kµm lWgI rihxf» jdoN mµmI sfƒ CWz ky cly gey qF mYN msF 13 ku sfl df hovFgf» mµmI qoN ibnF hmyÈF zOr-BOr ijhf hoieaf rihxf ik ieh kI ho igaf? kuJ smJ nf pYNdI» hOlLI hOlLI ijæµdgI dI gWzI lIh ’qy afAux lWgI» ieWk idn mYN cuWlHy m¨hry bYTf aWg bflL irhf sI» bflx, pfQIaF qoV qoV cuWlHy ivWc lgf
irhf sI» acfnk ieWk pfQI ’qy af ky myrI ingHf ruk geI» pfQI ’qy myrI mµmI dIaF AuNglF dy inÈfn sn» mµmI dy hWQF nfl bxfeIaF pfQIaF ’qy AunHF dIaF AuNglF CpIaF hoeIaF sn» mYN ikµnf icr hI bYTf Aus pfQI ƒ plosdf irhf ijvyN mF dI Coh ƒ mihs¨s krnf cfhuµdf sI» pr iPr pqf nHIN ikAuN mYQoN Auh pfQI sµBflLI nhIN geI qy mYN Auhƒ vI aWg dy hvfly kr idWqf»’’ ieh gWl hox mgroN rfjivµdr qy aµimRqf dovyN ikµnf hI icr ÈFq bYTy rhy» dovF ƒ koeI gWl nhIN ahuV rhI sI» dovyN adb dy pYrF dy inÈfn inhfr rhy sn» ‘‘koeI nf zfktr sfbH, afpF afpxy ienHF inÈfnF ƒ sµBflL ky rWKFgy» ieh XfdF df amIr Bµzfr jmHF krFgy…’’ ies qoN pihlF ik aµimRqf kuJ hor boldI, rfjivµdr ny poly ijhy AunHF inÈfnF ’qy hWQ Pyr idWqf qy ikhf, ‘‘nhIN aµimRqf, ieh moh dy inÈfn ny» ienHF ƒ kµDF ’qy nHIN ltkfieaf jf skdf» moh dy inÈfn idl dy sÌy ’qy AuWkry huµdy ny» kImqI srmfieaf z¨µGIaF iqjorIaF ivWc hI surWiKaq rihµdf hY» idlF bgYr ieh inÈfn D¨VF ivWc rulL jfxgy» ienHF ƒ ieWQy hI rihx dy…»’’ ‘‘TIk aY zfktr sfbH,’’ aµimRqf kolL kihx leI hux kuJ vI nhIN sI» PAGE 33
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
pMjfb `c iPwt bYTygf `afp` df idwlI vflf PfrmUÜf look sBf coxfˆ qoˆ pihlfˆ afm afdmI pfrtI pMjfb ny ibjlI aMdoln BKf ilaf hY . aijhy hI aMdoln nfl arivMd kyjrIvfl ny idwlI df qKq ijwiqaf sI.kyjrIvfl ny Kud KMiBafˆ qy cVH ky qfrfˆ dy kunykÈn joVy sI . ies nfl lokfˆ ny vI afm afdmI pfrtI nUM cMgf huMgfrf idwqf sI . hux BgvMq mfn vI iehI PfrmUlf vrq rhy hn.`afp` ny dfavf kIqf hY ik hux qwk awDy pMjfb ivc aMdoln phuMc igaf hY . afm afdmI pfrtI ny lokfˆ mnqfr brfV dI igRPqfrI leI iswt ny kIqy kmrkwsy qwk phuMc krn leI aijhy muwdy nUM PiVaf hY ijs df syk hr iksy nUM lwgdf hY.pMjfb byadbI qy golIkfˆzfˆ dI pVqfl kr rhI ivÈyÈ jfˆc tIm ny akflI afgU mnqfr isMG ivc ibjlI drfˆ kfPI AuwcIafˆ hn . ibjlI dI KLpq vDx krky ibwl vI moty afAuˆdy hn brfV dI igRPqfrI dI iqafrI kr leI hY .BrosyXog sUqrfˆ ansfr iswt ny brfV nUM . ies leI pfrtI nUM huMgfrf vI kfPI iml irhf hY . igRPqfr krn leI adflq qoˆ afigaf mMgI hY.sfbkf akflI ivDfiek mnqfr brfV rfm rhIm nUM muafPI: iekbfl isMG vwloˆ sfQI isMG dI blYˆkyt byl arËI KfrË kr idwqI sI,ikAuˆik brfV hux kotkpUrf golIkfˆz mfmly sfihbfn dI pol KolHn df aYlfn ivwc bqOr mulËm nfmËd hn.iswt ny mnqfr brfV nUM ñòù nMbr aYPafeIafr ivwc nfmËd kIqf hY .shfiek atfrnI pMkj qnyjf ny ikhf ik aYsafeItI ny awj adflq qKq sRI ptnf sfihb dy sfbkf jQydfr igafnI iekbfl isMG ny ahuidEˆ pfsy htx ivwc dwisaf ik mnqfr brfV nUM Qfxf istI kotkpUrf ivwc drjL aYPafeIafr nMbr qoˆ bfad hmlfvr ruK aKiqafr kr ilaf hY . iekbfl isMG ny ikhf hY ik AunHfˆ nMU ñòùḲòúñø ivwc nfmjLd kIqf igaf hY . jfxbuwJ ky Psfieaf jf irhf hY .AunHfˆ ieh vI ikhf ik zyrf isrsf muKI gurmIq rfm rhIm nUM muafPI dyx df ivroD krn `qy AunHfˆ nUM bdnfm kIqf igaf hY. iekbfl isMG ny holy mhwly `qy ÈRomxI kmytI qy gurU dIafˆ lfzlIafˆ POjfˆ ikhf ik zyrf muKI dI muafPI nUM igafnI gurmuK isMG qy gurbcn isMG ny sMpfdq kIqf sI qy muafPI nUM jfieË TihrfAux leI ùú lwK dy ieÈiqhfr vI idwqy gey .AunHfˆ ikhf ik afhmo sfhmxy ienHfˆ Gtnfvfˆ ny Dfrimk sMsQfvfˆ qy isafsI pfrtIafˆ dy gTjoV dI pol vI KolH idwqI . nfnkÈfhI kYlMzr ny hux holy mhwly df puafVf pf idwqf hY. ÈRomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk aMqr rfÈtrI mihlf idvs mOky sVkfˆ qy AuwqrIafˆ kmytI qy inhMg isMG jQybMdIafˆ ny vwKo-vwK holy mhwly mnfAux df aYlfn kr idwqf hY . ies nfl sMgqfˆ ivc vI BMblBuwsy vflI hflq bx geI hY . drasl ÈRomxI kmytI ies aYnafrafeI lfiVafˆ vwloˆ CwzIafˆ aOrqfˆ vfr vI smuwcI iswK kOm nUM iewkmwq krn ivc kfmXfb nhIˆ ho skI. ies leI hux ÈRomxI kmytI qy inhMg isMG jQybMdIafˆ vwKo vwKrf mhuwlf sjfAuxgy.ÈRomxI kmytI anusfr ñõ ivafh krky pRvfsI BfrqI ijnHfˆ kuVIafˆ nUM Cwz gey,AunHfˆ kOmfˆqrI idvs mOky jlMDr dy mfrc dI awDI rfq nUM holf mhwlf gurduafrf iklf afnMdgVH sfihb qoˆ ngfry vjf ky mihlf Qfxy qk ros mfrc kwiZaf.pMjfb ivc ôú,úúú aOrqfˆ pRvfsI lfiVafˆ dy ieMqËfr ÈurU kIqf jfvygf jo ñö,ñ÷ mfrc nUM kIrqpur sfihb ivKy qy ñù,òú aqy òñ mfrc nUM ivwc hn. ienHfˆ ivwcoˆ òú,úúú aOrqfˆ duafby Kyqr dIafˆ hn jo ik ipCly keI sfÜfˆ qoˆ sRI afnMdpur sfihb ivKy mnfieaf jfxf hY. sRLomxI kmytI nfnkÈfhI kYlMzr anusfr afpxy pqIafˆ df ieMqËfr kr rhIafˆ hn. sflfˆ qoˆ iensfP dI AumId ivwc ijAUˆdIafˆ òñ mfrc nUM mhwlf kwZygI jdik inhMg isMG POjfˆ purfqn rvfieq anusfr òò mfrc hn, pr puils, adflq qy srkfrfˆ iksy ny ienHfˆ dI pRyÈfnI df hwl nhIˆ kwiZaf . nf hI afpxI pqnI nUM Cwzx vfly iksy aYnafrafeI iKÜfP sKq kfrvfeI leI koeI kfnUMn nUM mhwlf kwZxgIafˆ . bixafN hY . ivdyÈfˆ ivwc vwsy muMzy pMjfb af ky kuVI vfilafˆ nUM sbËbfg idKf ky ivafh suKdyv isMG ZIˆzsf qy bldyv isMG iZwloˆ df pdm BUÈx krvf lYˆdy hn. kuJ idn iekwTy rihx mgroˆ ivdyÈ cly jfˆdy hn.pqnI nUM ieh kih ky jfˆdy hn ik Aus nUM jld hI bulf lYxgy , pr pqI dy ieMqËfr ivwc muitafrfN ijAUˆdI nfl snmfn lfÈ bx ky rih jfˆdIafˆ hn . pMjfb KyqIbfVI XUnIvristI dy kulpqI zf[ bldyv isMG iZwloN qy sInIar akflI lIzr iswDU `qy bfˆsl pey BfrI,smfgm `c aiVwkf suKdyv isMG ZINzsf nUM pdm BUÈx nfl snmfnq kIqf igaf. rfÈtrpqI rfm nfQ koivMd ny AunHfˆ nUM purskfr Byt kIqf . zf[ iZwloˆ nUM KyqI ivigafn ivwc vzmuwlf XOgdfn lok sBf coxfˆ dI itkt leI kfˆgrs pfrtI dy cMzIgVH qoˆ do dfavydfr Èwukrvfr nUM iPr pfAux bdly ieh snmfn idwqf igaf hY .AunHfˆ mwkI dIafˆ Auwqm iksmfˆ ivksq krn afhmo sfhmxy ho gey . nvjoq kOr iswDU ny cMzIgVH kfˆgrs Bvn ivwc kOmfˆqrI aOrq ivwc iËkrXog BUimkf inBfeI.dyÈ dy srbAuwc snmfnfˆ ivwcoˆ iewk hfsl krn qy ZINzsf idvs mOky smfgm krnf sI pr iemfrq nUM ijMdry mrvf idwqy gey . lok sBf coxfˆ qoˆ ny KuÈI df pRgtfvf kIqf . AunHfˆ ikhf ik srkfr ny AunHfˆ dy kMm nUM dyKidafˆ hoieafˆ ieh pihlfˆ kfˆgrs df afpsI klyÈ iPr jnqk ho igaf.cMzIgVH sIt qoˆ lok sBf coxfˆ dI aYvfrz idwqf hY qy AunHfˆ nUM byhwd KuÈI hY. dfavydfr nvjoq kOr iswDU df smfgm kfˆgrs Bvn ivwc nhIˆ hox idwqf igaf. ies `qy
pMjfb `c vI hoeygI sybfˆ dI KyqI, huiÈafrpur dy iksfn ny kIqI pihl
nvjoq kOr iswDU dy smrQkfˆ ny pvn kumfr bfˆsl qy ielËfm lfieaf hY ik jfxbuwJ ky kfˆgrs Bvn nUM qflf lfieaf igaf hY .
lok sBf coxfˆ qoˆ pihlfˆ suKbIr bfdl dIafˆ izwgIafˆ
sybfˆ dI gwl kIqI jfey qfˆ pihlfˆ jMmU kÈmIr qy ihmfcl pRdyÈ df nfˆ hI afAuˆdf hY pr iqMn ivktfˆ hux jld hI pMjfb df syb mMzIafˆ ivwc ivkdf nËr afeygf . drasl huiÈafrpur dy iksfn virMdr isMG bfjvf ipCly ö-÷ sfl qoˆ huiÈafrpur dy nIm phfVI ielfky ivwc akflI dl leI Gor sMkt KVHf ho igaf hY . ies df kfrn akflI dl dy do sMsd syb dI Psl lfAux leI Xqn kr rhy hn.hux AunHfˆ dI imhnq rfs afeI hY . jld mYˆbrfˆ qy iewk rfj sBf mYˆbr vwloˆ pfrtI nUM alivdf kihxf hY .ies vyly iProËpur qo Èyr isMG Gubfieaf,KzUr sfihb qoˆ rxjIq isMG bRhmpurf bfgI ho cuwky hn.sMgrUr qoˆ hI AunHfˆ vwloˆ Augvfieaf syb pMjfb dIafˆ mMzIafˆ ivwc ivkygf. sBf mYˆbr suKdyv isMG ZIˆzsf vI mYdfn Cwz gey hn. ienHfˆ iqMnfˆ lIzrfˆ df afpxy tksflIafˆ leI sIt dI kurbfnI dyx leI awgy afeI rfj hlikafˆ ivwc vwzf afDfr hY . ies leI mMinafN jf irhf hY ik akflI dl ienHfˆ hlikaf ivwc ivroDIafˆ nUM twkr nhIˆ dy skygf. ies qoˆ ielfvf byadbI qy golLI kfˆz ivwc akflI `afp` lIzrfˆ df nfˆ afAux krky pfrtI pRqI iswKfˆ ivwc guwsf hY . afAuˆdIafˆ lok sBfˆ coxfˆ dy aYlfn mgroˆ sLRomxI akflI dl (tksflI) nfl gTjoV isry Üok sBf coxfˆ df aYlfn,AultI igxqI ÈurU cfVHn leI afm afdmI pfrtI vI awgy vD geI hY.afnMdpur sfihb sIt df ryVkf Kqm krn leI afp ny tksflIafˆ nUM biTMzf sIt dI pyÈkÈ kIqI hY , qfˆ jo Auh afpxf BfrqI cox kimÈn ny coxfˆ df aYlfn kr idwqf hY . ññ apRYl qoˆ ÷ pVfvfˆ ivc votfˆ AumIdvfr afnMdpur sfihb qoˆ Auqfr skx.hflfˆik ,tksflIafˆ ny sfbkf kfˆgrsI lIzr pYxgIafˆ.nqIjy òó meI nUM inklxgy. cox jLfbqf lfgU ho igaf hY .pMjfb ivc votfˆ bIr divMdr isMG nUM afnMdpur sfihb qoˆ afpxf AumIdvfr aYlfinaf hoieaf hY qy sIt nUM ñù meI nUM pYxgIafˆ.pMjfb dIafN ñó sItfˆ leI AumIdvfrfˆ aqy pfrtIafˆ ny kmrkwsy gTjoV qoˆ vwD mhwqqf vI idwqI hY .`afp` dy nirMdr isMG Èyrigwl vI kfPI smyˆ qoˆ iewQy kr ley hn.pMjfb ivc kul ò kroV ó lwK ÷ô hËfr votr hn. nfmËdgI leI pMjfb srgrm hn.ipCly vfr afp dy ihMmq isMG Èyrigwl iewQoˆ AumIdvfr sn , jo akflI ivc afKrI qfrIk òù apRYl hY. cox kimÈn ny srkfrI prcfr,mwuK mMqrI qy mMqrIafˆ dl dy pRym isMG cMdUmfjrf qoˆ kuJ hI Prk nfl hfry sn . dIafˆ qsvIrfˆ vfly horizMg Auqfrn dy hukm jfrI kr idwqy hn . PAGE 34
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
cyq sMkRFqI
joiqS, Eqy Eqy 604-751-0220 kro
myK- purfxy msly hwl hoxgy, ishq TIk rhygI, Dn lfB, jfiedfd TIk, Brf df suK qy imwqr nfl JgVf ho skdf hY, kfrobfr TIk rhygf. mfrc 17,18,25,26 apRYl 4,5,13 asLwuB
Find time to reflect on where you want to head in the long term. You could have toyed with certain ideas 9 months ago but will now be in a better position to see what is possible and work towards that over the next 18 months. Only take on obligations that will not interfere with your finances or earning capacity.
The main thing is to focus on yourself, where you stand in life so you can establish some well-structured goals to pursue now that you are out of the holding back cycle that has been in effect since 2010. Reviewing your priorities can come into this and may very well include challenging the desires of others that have other expectations.
ibRK- kRoD qy kfbU rwKo, hfnI df Kqrf hY, Dn lfB, injI lokF df sihXog, Xfqrf ivwc ksLt, sLuB kMm hovy mfsFq sLuB. mfrc 19,20,27,28,29,apRYl 6,7,8 asLuwB.
imQun- Dn lfB hoky vI hfnI df zr, sLqrU kmjLor, iesqrI qy sMqfn qoN suK, jfiedfd df lfB, Brf qoN mdd imlygI. mfrc 20,21,26,27,apRYl 9,10,11 asLwuB.
krk- pyt qy nyqr rog, sMqfn suK, iesqrI ksLt, Dn lfB hoky vI hfnI df zr, mhIny dy aMq ivwc suwK imly. mfrc 15,16,19,20 apRYl 4,5,7,8 asLuwB.
isMG- Dn lfB, jfiedfd qy svfrI df suK, hfnI df zr, injI jn sihXog, mhIny dy aMq ivwc suwK imly. mfrc 18,19,26,27,apRYl 9,10,11 asLuwB.
kMinaf- afpixaF qoN lfB qy sihXog, iesqrI ksLt, sMqfn suK, jfiedfd ivc vfDf, kfrobfr qy kMm df sQfn bdlx df ivcfr bxygf, lfB hovy. mfrc 17,19,20,21,apRYl 2,3,4,7,8 asLwuB.
quwlf- purfxI jfiedfd df mslf hwl hovy, imwqr ipafiraF dI mdd, sMqfn qy pqnI suwK, jfiedfd df lfB, nvIN Xojnf hovy. mfrc 17, 18,26,27,28 apRYl 2,3,5,6 asLuwB hovygI.
ibRsLick- ishq TIk, afmdn qoN Krcf vwD, kfrobfr mwDm rhy, imwqr bMDU ksLt, krjLf isr cVHy. mfrc 14,20,30,31 apRYl 10,11,12 asLuwB.
DnU- acfnk ksLt, zr, Xfqrf ivwc sfvDfn rho, mhIny dy aMq ivwc sLuwB lfB, sLnI-rfhU df dfn krnf sLuB rhygf, kfrobfr ivc lfB rhygf. mfrc 17,18,25,26 apRYl 4,5,13 asLuwB.
mkr-rog zr, afmdn hoky vI hfnI df zr, aiDk Krcf, krjyL dI nObq af skdI hY. imwqr ksLt, sMqfn suK, iesqrI ksLt rhy, mhIny dy aMq ivwc KusLI imly. mfrc 19,20,27,28,29 apRYl 6,7,8 asLwB.
11 kuMB- sLqrU kmjLor, suK lfB, Dn lfB,imqrF qoN mdd, GrylU JMjtF qoN bco, jfiedfd qy kfrobfr TIk rhy. mfrc 14,21,22,30,31 apRYl 9,10 asLuwB.
mIn- ishq TIk, ivarQ dy JgVy ivwc nf AulJo, Brf qoN lfB, sMqfn qoN icMqf, iesqrI suK imlygf, jfiedfd df lfB hovy. mfrc 15,16,23,24, apRYl 1,2,3,11,12 asLuwB.
You are in a good position to see how you can be affected by the expectations of others, especially when it comes to the obligations you either have or could entail. You should not take a casual approach to anything you don’t want to proceed or continue on with. Put some time aside to consider the actions you can take.
You need to be careful that you are not adding more than is necessary to daily routines either with work or personal, otherwise you can easily become a slave to the expectations of everybody else. You have the opportunity to make your goals clear so that others know what to expect. Be realistic about what you can manage.
If you are prepared to be disciplined you can get a lot of things out of the way that have been left for a while. This can include cleaning out anything that has served its purpose or you don’t need any more. You might need to pull back on social activity that could be interfering with priorities connected to other people’s needs.
Something can increase as a result of your involvement with others. If you enjoy the process and you can see some future benefit that is a good thing. Even so, you need to be mindful of the responsibilities or obligations that will come with it. Don’t take promises for granted. Look carefully at what you will be able to manage.
You are in a good position to help somebody else solve a problem. Once you start looking into any information you could find there is a lot more detail than initially seemed to be the case. Your vision of future prospects can be quite clear and unlimited. Don’t stray away from the process of getting a solid foundation in place.
Changes with the position of somebody else could make you feel at their mercy. The best thing is to communicate because there is the opportunity to gain greater clarity in your own mind. That might make you aware of other information you need to seek out. Don’t take any risks financially without gathering all the details.
Another person can start to show their position more clearly. Up until this point you may not have taken a lot of notice but now realise you should because of the effect this can have on you, which can be either good or bad. You need to take into account how this could alter the way things are presently structured in your life.
Get onto anything you have been avoiding. Once you get started you can quite enjoy the process and feel very pleased about getting it out of the way. It will leave you free to focus on other things you have wanted to focus on and perhaps better understand. This can include a subject you have previously paid attention to.
You will have a sense of knowing the best actions to take to enable you to put things in place in a solid manner. It might take a while to see final results so don’t let that bother you. Don’t waver when it comes to important priorities, especially if money is involved, as something is beginning to come out in the open more so.
The need to reassess your position in light of the obligations or responsibilities you have to handle is likely, as well as necessary, so that these don’t get out of hand. It might be essential to either discuss things or gather more information so that you can prioritise. It is by taking action that you can generate a pleasing outcome.
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
Kids Play Foundation
ids Play Foundation, a nonprofit organization committed towards keeping kids away from the lifestyle of drugs, gangs, and violence, hosted their first ever 3V3 Basketball Tournament in Abbotsford! The response of teams and parents showed how much of an appetite there is for free programs like this. There were over 200 volunteers, participants and parents. Everything was provided by Kids Play hence keeping it free of cost for
each attendee. This is made possible due to sponsors who give back so generously to the communities they work and live in. Thus far, with over 500 volunteer members, spearheading over 80 projects and 180 events, Kids Play has impacted over 50,000 youth through their free programs since their inception in 2015. The bedrock and fundamental principle of these programs is to establish a rapport with the youth through the medium of sports. Organized sports are being used throughout the world as a dynamic mechanism to engage youth of all races, genders, and classes. Through the initiative of providing the youth with an opportunity to play in organized sports tournaments, they strive to bridge a gap between the youth and adults in a constructive manner. In doing so, providing young people with a positive identity and feelings of empowerment, whilst developing sportsmanship, leadership, teamwork and self governance skills.
the BC Lions; the Vancouver Giants, Hockey Canada; as well as a team of decorated volunteers, all working tirelessly towards one common goal: the betterment of the youth. They run an Afterschool program in Dasmesh Punjabi School from which a lot of volunteers helped our at the tournament. Additionally, all volunteers and participants at the tournament went away with scholarships/ bursaries and recognized with certificates. Kids Play volunteers have been recognized by multiple levels of government. They invite the community to see first hand the difference they are making with their free programs. They have a few events coming up where they hope to see the Abbotsford community more involved. Kids Play Foundation is committed to promoting and developing interactive and collaborative ways to action core character values to benefit the community at large.
Kids Play’s ever-growing family includes, veteran law enforcement officer and Kids Play founder and CEO, Kal Dosanjh; Ambassador, Wally Oppal; the first ever Indian basketball player to play in the NBA, Satnam “We’ve all been directly Singh; Indo-Canadian professional or indirectly effected by wrester, Jinder Mahal; the Whitecaps; the havoc wreaked by youth gang violence, and if we can play a small role in deterring even one youth from going down the path of no return, we've succeeded. However, if we can engage our youth in creating a movement and ridding our community of the youth and gang violence epidemic at its root, well, we just saved an entire generation. In the face of adversity, its time to come together and claim back our community, our youth.” Words of the youth volunteers. PAGE 36
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
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The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
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The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
lfvF vflf sUt dfs jdoN vI Audfs huMdf Auh dyvkI df lfvF “BfvyN dyvkI nUM pqf huMdf sI ik dfs df vflf sUt kwZ ky sfhmxy rwK lYNdf. jIa iesLfrf kI hY?” Br ky AusnUM dyKdf. sUt nUM ieDroN AuDroN Auh jfx buJky dfs nUM kihMdI. Poldf. itwk itwkI lf ky ivhMdf rihMdf. sUt nfl afpy gwlF krI jFdF. ijvyN Aus nUM awgoN mYN ikhf iksy dI avfjL afAux dI AumId hovy. jdoN “kI kihMdy jy”? awgoN koeI huMgfrf nf imldf iPr cuwp kr jFdf. keI- keI GMty Auh cuwp vwtI rwKdf. Auh jfx buJ ky dfs nUM iKJFdI. nF hI kuJ KFdf qy nf hI kuJ pINdf. gm nfl ibmfr pY jFdf. jdoN iksy BYx, BfeI nUM jdoN dfs klp jFdF iPr dyvkI kihMdI dfs dI ies hrkq df pqf lgdf. Auh af “iswDf ikAuN nhIN kihMdy beI myrI psMd ky AusnUM smJfAuNdy qy dvf dfrU lY ky dyNdy. vflf sUt pFeIN”? lfvF vflf sUt qy dfs dI ijMd jfn sI. ies sUt nUM qy Auh vI awKoN proKy nhIN sI hox dyNdf. keI sfl ho gey ies sUt nUM sFB ky rwiKafN. keI sfl bIq gey sn pr ieh sUt ajy vI nvF nkor sI. ijs qrF huxy iksy dukfn qoN KrIidaf hovy. ieh sUt qy kIqI islvr rMg dI kZfeI AuvyN hI cmkf mfr rhI sI. ieh sUt dfs leI bhuq kImqI sI. Ausny iesnUM gihxy vFg sFB ky rwiKaf hoieaf sI.
dwso ikhVI gwl ey? qUM cfhuMdI ey beI mYN vI qyry vFgUM srkfrI nOkrI krF. pr ieh sB kuJ myry vs dI gwl nhIN. ieh sB kuJ iksmq df lYx dyx ey. jykr ieh sB kuJ myry vws ivwc hovy mYN qy iewk pl vI nf lfvF. ieh sB kuJ pRmfqmf dy hwQ vs hY. jy myrI iksmq ivwc srkfrI Dn iliKaf hovygf qF iPr mYnUM jLrUr imlygf. qUN icMqf iks gwl dI krdI eyN? vyK qUM qnKfh lY rhIN ey. kuJ mYN kmf irhf hF. eyny pYisaF nfl asIN vDIaf gujLfrf kr skdy hF. dfs ny dyvkI nUM sfrf kuJ smJf idwqf. pr ieh sfrf kuJ dyvkI dI smJ qoN bfhr sI. nOkrI pysLf hox kfrn Aus ivwc eIgo bhuq sI. Auh smJdI sI beI mYN pVHI ilKI hF nOkrI pysLf aOrq hF bhuq smJdfr hF.
eydF ipafr dI nok Jok kfPI dyr cldI rihMdI sI. jdoN dfs dI psMd df sUt pf ky dyvkI iqafr ho jFdI, dfs KusLI nfl KIvf ho jFdf qy ipafr nfl AusnUM gly lf ky kihMdf “ikaf bfq hY, zfrilMg awj qy akfsLNo prI AuWqrI lgdI eNy.” rysLm df kZfeI vflf gulfbI sUt pf ky qy Auh kZfeI vflI cuMnI mYnUM kOx smJfAux vflf jMimafN? lY ky dyvkI jdoN iqafr ho jFdI sI iksy prI nfloN Gwt nhIN sI lgdI. Ausdf iPwkf dfs, dyvkI dI ies eIgo pfvr qoN cMgI qrF sFvlF rMg, BrvF sLrIr gulfbI sUt pf ky vfikP sI pr Aus ny bVy DIrj nfl ikhf bhuq Pwbdf sI. ipEr rysLm dy Dfgy df bixafN hoieaf sI “vyKo dyvkI sfzf pirvfr hY. ieh sUt. dfs iesnUM hmysLF lfl rMg dy dfs qy dyvkI dI afpsI pihcfx kfPI kwpVy ivwc lpyt ky rwKdf sI. sLgnF df icrfkI sI. jdoN dfs kflj pVHn jFdf sI, bwcy hn. ieh sUt sMdUk ivwc bMd rihMdf mqy iksy AudoN dyvkI koeI tRyinMg krdI huMdI sI. Auh dI njLr ies qy pY nf jfvy. dfs dI vwzI rojLfnf iewko bws ivwc jFdy sn. sPr ivwc ies qrHF iKiJaf Kipaf cMgf nhIN lwgdf. BYx ny keI vfr ies sUt dI mMg kIqI sI. AUh iewk dUjy nUM cMgI qrF jfxdy sn. iPr bwicaF qy mfVf pRBfv pYNdf hY. Ehny ikhf sI dohF df irsLqf qYa ho igaf. dohF dy pirvfr nfly dI hfso hIxI bxdI hY. nUM koeI ieqrfjL nhIN sI hoieaf. bVI KusLI “dfs ieh sUt mYnUM dy dy. nfl ieh irsLqf qYa ho igaf. tRyinMg krn jykr mYN srkfrI mulfjLm nhIN hF. mYN ieh sUt qyrI BxyNvI dy ivafh qy anMd qoN QoVHI dyr bfad dyvkI nUM nOkrI iml geI. pr mYN ivhlf bYTky vI nhIN KFdf. kfrj vyly pfvFgI” dfs ajy byrojLgfr sI. piVHaf iliKaf qy Auh bhuq sI pr nOkrI nHIN iml rhI sI. afpxI rotI mYN kmf lYNdf hF. dfs ny afpxI BYx nUM korf jvfb dy dyNdy Bwj nwT Aus ny bhuq kIqI pr sB ivarQ ikhf sI. jy bhuqI kmfeI qy nhIN hY. sI. aKIr hfr hMB ky Aus ny afpxf kfrobfr “nhIN BYx jI. KHol ilaf. Gr df rotI pfxI qy mYN clfeI jFdf hF.” mYN ieh sUt afpxy ijAuNidaF jIa iksy nUM awzy dI dukfn hox kfrn dukfn bhuq cwlI. nhIN dyxf. Aus nUM kfPI bwcq ho jFdI sI. svyr vyly Auh dyvkI nUM bws awzy qy Cwz afAuNdf sI qy dyvkI dI ieh afKrI insLfnI bcI hY, myry iPr sLfm vyly vI lY afAuNdf sI. dyvkI afp kol.” srkfrI mulfjm hox kfrn dfs df ieh ieh sUt dfs dI pqnI dyvkI dy anMd DMdf psMd nhIN sI krdI. iesy krky Auh kfrj vflf sUt sI. ijs nUM ieh ijMd jfn dfs dy hr kMm ivwc nuks kwZdI rihMdI sI. qoN vI ipafrf smJdf sI. lfvF vflf ieh dfs vI AusdI ieh nukqfcInI bhuqI psMd sUt dyvkI ny afpxy hwQIN KrIidaf sI. nhIN sI krdf. keI vfrF qy Auh inwkI motI coKI kImq sI ies sUt dI Aus smyN. dyvkI gwl qy hI KihbVn lwg pYdI sI. dyvkI df iewk srkfrI mulfjm sI qF hI Aus ny ieMnF aMdroN mn sI ik dfs vI AusdI qrF srkfrI mihMgf sUt KrIidaf sI. bVy cfvF nfl Aus nOkrI kry. dfs ny iewk vfrI dyvkI nUM kol ny drjLI koloN svfieaf sI. dyvkI jdoN ies ibTf ky ikhf sI sUt nUM pfAuNdI sI prI vFg lgdI sI. dfs “dyvkI” df ipafr AudoN TwilHaf nhIN sI jFdf jdoN koeI vI sLfdI jF iqwQ iqAuhfr huMdf, dfs “hF” jdoN dyvkI nUM ieh sUt pf ky iqafr hox “dwso” leI isPfrsL krdf. mYN qyry nfl koeI gwl sFJI krnI cfhuMdf hF. PAGE 40
nUM ikhf “ ik Auh bfhrly dys jfxf cfhuMdI hY. dfs, dyvkI dI gwl suxky dMg rih igaf. Aus ny dfs nUM dwisaf ky bfhrly dysL ivwc Ausdy izpfrtmYNt izplomf dI bhuq loV hY. mYN bwicaF nUM vI nfl lY ky jfvFgI. bwcy cMgy QF jf ky pVHfeI kr jfxgy. AuhnF nUM vI nOkrI leI bhuqI pROblm nhIN afvygI.” qusIN vI inwq aKbfrF rsfilaF ivwc pVHdy rihMdy ho ik knyzf amrIkf ivwc izplomf holzrF dI ikMnI mMg hY. dfs nUM qy Ausny iesLfrf hI kIqf pr ivwcoN Auh pUrI qrF iqafr sI. afpxy Brf nUM nfl lY ky Aus ny pfs buwk iqafr kr leI sI qy vIjLF vI lvf ilaf sI.
dyvkI dy Brf ny vI dfs nUM dws idwqf sI beI dyvkI bfhrly dys jf rhI hY. kI qYnUM koeI ieqrfjL qy nhIN? Aus nUM jfx qoN rokI nf. iehdy ivwc lfB eI ey hfnI koeI nhIN. nfl Aus ny smJf idwqf ky koeI gwl nhIN bwicaF df BivwK suDr jfvygf. smF pYx qy Auh qYnUM vI bulf lvygI. dfs leI ieh gMBIr smwisaf qy iemiqhfn dI sB qoN aOKI GVI sI. subfh Auzfn sI. dfs nUM smJ nhIN sI af rhI ik Auh kI kry. Bry mn nfl Auh sfry kMm kr irhf sI. nf cfhuMidaF hoieaF vI Auh dyvkI qy bwicaF nUM idwlI cVHfAux leI igaf. Auhdf ichrf Auqiraf hoieaf qy Audfs sI. qurn lwigaF dyvkI qy bwcy bhuq KusL sn pr dfs bhuq Audfs sI. jFdI vfrI AuhnF ny dfs nUM alivdf khI. Bry mn nfl dfs sLfm nUM iewklf Gr prq afieaf. Gr dI iekwlqf AusnUM pRysLfn kr rhI sI. Auh soc irhf sI ik bwcy hux kdoN vfips afAuxgy? pqf nhIN vfips afAuNdy vI ik nhIN. pUry mhIny mgroN dyvkI df KLq afieaf. Ausny dwisaf ky asIN TIk amrIkf phuMc gey hF. myrI jOb vI lwg geI hY qy mYN bwicaF nUM vI cMgy skUl ivwc dfKl krvf idwqf hY. dfs iemfndfr qy sfAU suBfa df bMdf sI. hr gwl ihrdy ivwc ibTf lYNdf sI. sLFq Kq nUM dfs ny keI vfrI piVHaf. Auhdf koeI suBfa hox kfrn Auh gwl bVy DIrj nfl kMm krn nUM icwq nhIN sI kr irhf. Auh krdf sI. AusdI afdq sI. beI keI vfr soc irhf sI ik ieh ikho ijhI sjLf iml Auh ijLafdqI huMdI dyK ky vI brdfsLq geI mYnUM. iewkilaF phfV ijwzI ijLMdgI kr lYNdf sI. AusdI ieh iemfndfrI df hI ikvyN ibqfvFgF. Auh hr vkq ibVkF lYNdf iswtf sI ik dyvkI hr vfr AusdI Bfvnf rihMdf sI. nUM kucl dyNdI sI. jy dfs Aus nUM mfVf motf jdoN vI koeI gyt KVkdf, iJVk dyNdf sI qF dyvkI nrfjL ho ky pyky clI jFdI sI qy keI keI mhIny muVdI nhIN dfs Jwt jf ky gyt awgy Klo jFdF. sI. dfs iewklf Gr idn kwtI krI jFdf sI. Gr dI gwl bfhr jFdI dyK ky Auh kdy vI ikqy Auhdf afpxf gyt qF nhIN sI KVk irhf. iksy sfhmxy nhI sI AuBfsrdf. Auh sgoN dyvkI nUM hr qrF ko-apryt kr lYNdf sI. sLfied. dyvkI df suBfa bVf awKV iksm df sI. “nv” afieaf hovy. dfs nUM smJ nhIN sI afAuNdI ik Auh ies qrF ikAuN krdI hY? afpy hI mn nfl aMdr bYTf Auh pYrF dIaF ibVkF lYNdf rihMdf. smJfAuqf kr lYNdf sI. hflfq bd qoN bdqr ho gey sn. iewk idn dyvkI ny dfs
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
glI ivwcoN jdoN vI bwcf lMGdf, Auh afht ijLMdgI qoN Qwk hfr cuwkf dfs iewk mrjIvVf sI. ijhVf sfhF krky isrP ijAu irhf sI. pihcfxdf. Auhdy ijAux df cfrm sfrf Kqm ho cuwkf AusnUM “nv” vrgf BulyKf pYNdf. sI. Gr dIaF kMDf AuhnUM zrf rhIaF sn. gyt ivwc Klo ky ieDr EDr ivhMdf rihMdf. afpxy prfey nfl Auh iksy nfl vI koeI sLfied Aus nUM afpxy byty vrgI koeI sLkl sMbD nhIN sI rwKdf nf Auh ikqy jFdf sI nF hI afAuNdf sI. bws iekwlf hI Gr dI cfr ids pvy. Auh hr bwcy ivwcoN byty df muhFdrf idvfrI aMdr iGiraf rihMdf sI. inhfrdf. Auh qy afpxf ichrf vI iksy nUM idKfAuxf pihlF pihl qy dyvkI dy Kq jldI af jFdy psMd nhIN sI krdf. pqf nhIN Auh ikhVy sn. ijvyN ijvyN smF bIqdf igaf, dyvkI dy vyly dukfn qy clf jFdf sI? Kfx, pfAux Kq vI afAuxy Gwt gey qy iPr vkq aijhf dI vI koeI bhuqI prvfh nhIN sI krdf. afieaf ky dyvkI dy Auwkf eI Kq afAuxy afpxy aMgF sfkF dy Gr vI bhuq Gwt jFdf bMd ho gey. hux qF keI sfl bIq gey sn sI. irsLqydfr vI Aysdy ies ivhfr qoN dMg AusnUM GroN gey. Auh vfips nhIN sn prqy. sn. bhuqI lMbI ijLMdgI ijAuxf Auhdy leI
koeI bhuqy mfieny nhIN sI rwKdI. Auh qy bws vkq lMGf irhf sI. Auhdy sfhmxy hmysLF Aus dy bwcy afAuNdy jFdy rihMdy sn. Auh socdf sI ik dyvkI nUM GroN igaF bhuq sfl ho gey ny. hux bwcy jvfn ho gey hoxgy. “nv” nUM qF dfhVI af geI hoxI aY. Auhdy aMdr keI qrF dy svfl AuwTdy rihMdy sn. Auh ajy vI afs lfeI bYTf sI ik dyvkI vfps jLrUr afeygI. iesy AuzIk ivwc AuhdI afpxI jvfnI Zl geI sI. Auh afpxI Aumr qoN vwD isafxf lwgx lwg igaf sI. Auh kdI afpxI iksmq nUM kosdf kdI afpxI jnm dyx vflI mF nUM.
jdoN qoN asIN afpxI Aumr dy qrHytvyN vrHy ivc pRvyÈ kIqf hY, AudoN qoN hI sfzy srIr dI koeI nf koeI c¨lL iZWlI hoeI rihµdI hY» kdy aWKF aWgy Bµb¨qfry ijhy nWcxy Èur¨ ho jFdy hn aqy kdy kµnF dI ‘kµnF bftI kurr’ ho jFdI hY» kdy bI[pI[ AuqFh aqy kdy TFh ho jFdf hY» kdy X¨rIaf vD jFdf hY aqy kdy Ȩgr vD jFdI hY» ipCly mhIny qoN nvF hI XWB pY igaf» sfzI sWjI lWq ny sfzy afKy lWgxf hI bµd kr idWqf hY» hux asIN ZIck mfr ky hI qurdy hF» asIN iehdy ielfj leI bhuq pfpV vyly, pr Borf vI Ìrk nhIN ipaf» cµgy qoN cµgy zfktrF kolL gey» kih idµdy hn: jI QozI iksy nfVI ivWcoN ɨn dI splfeI bµd hoeI lWgdI aY» qusIN afrfm kro, p¨rf afrfm» nflL vWzI sfrI prcI AuWpr Zyr sfrIaF golLIaF ilK idµdy hn» asIN hux ieh mxF-m¨µhIN golLIaF Kf-Kf ky aWk cuWky hF» mhIny Br dy p¨ry afrfm qoN bfad vI sfzI lWq TIk nf hoeI qF aWj asIN idl krVf ijhf krky afpxy jotIdfrF ƒ imlx leI GroN cWl pey»
vf-viVµg… ieh sfrf kuJ cµgI qrHF kuWt leIN qy Pyr afQxy iehdf kfVHf bxf ky pI lvIN» jdoN qVky AuWTyNgf qF q¨µ GoVy vrgf hovyNgf» qyrI afh lWq aYn irÈt-puÈt ho j¨…»’’ BuWcr tyZI aWK nflL sfzf ichrf pVHdf hY»
‘‘E suxf bfeI ishF, ikWQy irhf eynf icr? qyry ibnF qF afpxy sfry jotIdfr hI Edry pey sI»’’ jdoN asIN jugƒ jfVHGuWt dI dukfn ’qy phuµcy qF AuWQy bYTf iBµzI kf BuWcr sfƒ AuWz ky imilLaf»
‘‘BuWcr BfeI, qyrI pqnI keI sflF qoN gTIaf vfa nflL mµjy ’qy peI aY» jy qyry nusKy eyny hI ÈrqIaf hn qF q¨µ Aus ivcfrI ƒ TIk ikAuN nhIN kr lYNdf?’’ asIN ienHF AUl-jl¨l nusiKaF dI P¨k kWZidaF ikhf»
‘‘jfxf ikWQy sI! myrI sWjI lWq ivc koeI nuks pY igaf lWgdY, jIhdy krky mYN mhInf Br Gry hI bYTf irhf»’’ asIN sµKyp jvfb idWqf.
‘‘Brf myry, mYN qF qYƒ afpxI kImqI slfh idWqI aY» jy mµn leyNgf qyrI mrËI qy jy nf vI mµnyNgf qF vI qyrI mrËI» nflLy mYN ikhVf qYQoN zflr mµgI jfnYN» ieh qF iblkul muÌqo-muÌqI df sOdf aY…»’’
‘‘Bilafmfxsf, duKdI qF myrI lWq aY qy dyeI q¨µ mYƒ kfVHf jfnYN» ieh kI quk hoeI BlLf?’’ sfƒ BuWcr dI vYdgI ’qy ȵkf hoieaf» ‘‘cµgf, Pyr kfVHy ƒ golLI mfr» q¨µ afh nvF nusKf ilK» aYn solLF afny Krf» iqµn qolLy kV¨, pµj qolLy kflLI ËIrI, do qolLy kflLI imrc, do qolLy suhfgf, CtFk pWkf pfiksqfnI l¨x… ieh sfrf mfl-mWqf k¨µzy ivc pf ky cµgI qrHF rgV leIN» jdoN ienHF df aYn surmf bx igaf qF Pyr iehdIaF inWgr ijhIaF qIh puVIaF bxf leIN» hr roË inrxy kfljy iek puVI mhInf Br leIN» qyrI lWq aYn tWlI ho j¨…»’’ BuWcr ny iek hor nusKf sfzy aWgy pros idWqf sI»
asIN jugƒ jfVHGuWt dI dukfn qoN ZIck mfrdy agFh ƒ qur pey sF» ‘‘Brf jI, hux qF eId df cµd hI bxy rihµdy E, kdy drÈn hI nhIN hoey» aWgy qF vfhvf lµGdy-tpdy imlL pYNdy sI»’’ iȵdy ÈONkI ny sfƒ gAUmfrF dy moV ’qy jFidaF ƒ rok ilaf sI»
kuJ nhIN sI bicaf. bs dyvkI df ieh lfvF vflf sUt sI. ijs nfl AusdI jvfnI dy keI Kfb juVy sn. ies sUt nUM Aus ny bhuq sFB ky rwiKaf hoieaf sI. AuhdI mfnisk klpnf sI ik dyvkI jdoN vI vfips afvygI mYN khFgf. “dyvkI” aY dyK mYN qyrf lfvF vflf sUt iks qrF sMBfl ky rwiKaf hoieaf hY.
ieh sUt afpF afpxI DI nUM idaFgy. ivCoVy df ieh drd AuhnUM bhuq bihbl krdf sI. ijLMdgI ijAux vfsqy Auhdy kol Auh vI ieh sUt pf ky qyry vFg prI lwgygI.
ivaµg: muÌq dy slfhkfr
‘‘E vfh beI! qyrI eys iek lWq df kI sI» mYN qF afpxy ÈrqIaf nusiKaF nflL ieho ijhIaF hËfrF lWqF TIk krqIaF» q¨µ mYƒ iek sunyhf qF Byjdf» qyrI qF kI, qyry iksy guaFZI dI lWq vI nhIN sI duK skdI» jo dyrI hoxI sI hogI» hux q¨µ afh kfVHf ilK do qolyL munWkf, do qolLy KqmIN, pµj qolLy KbËI, CtFk muÈk-k̨r, do qolLy soey, iqµn qolLy
ipRµ[ bldyv isµG afËfd
‘‘ÈONkI sfbH, afh lWq ny bxf ’qf mYƒ eId df cµd» mhInf ho igaf suµn hoeI ƒ» qy ijhVI cIs pYNdI aY, AuhdI bfq hI nf puWC…»’’ asIN sotI df afsrf lYNidaF afpxI ipWT isWDI kIqI» ‘‘q¨µ qF jvHF hI AuWikaf iPrdf bfeI ishFafpxy qF Gr ivc hI gµgf vgdI aY» Auh hY nf vWZKfixaF df mfstr… E kI nF hY Auhdf… hF, Xfd afieaf mfstr munfPf mWl» q¨µ Auhdy kolL jfh» Auh hQOlLf pfAuNdY hr ÈnIvfr qy aYqvfr» bWs, iqµn ku hÌqy Auhdy qoN hQOlLy puaf lvIN» qyrI lWq i˵dgI Br nhIN duKygI»’’ iȵdy ÈONkI ny afpxI kImqI slfh sfƒ qurµq dy idWqI sI» ‘‘ÈONkI sfbH, kdy hQOilLaF nflL vI duKdIaF lWqF TIk ho e IaF ny » Brf my r y , ieh ivigafn df XuWg aY, ivigafn df» hQOlLy, t¨xy, tyvy, Dfgy, qvIq ieh sB bIq cuWky smyN dIaF bfqF hn»’’ asIN iȵdy ÈONkI dy suJfa ƒ m¨lLoN hI rWd kr idWqf sI» asIN hux gAUmfrF dy moV qoN ZIck mfrdy sWQ vWl cWl pey sF» ‘‘aWj qF sfzf bfeI hIr dy cfcy dI qor qur irhY, suWK qF hY?’’ srpµcF ky GIly ny sfzI qor d¨r qoN hI pCfx leI sI»
‘‘bfeI jI, Auhdy kolL qF rINGx vfa df ielfj krvfAux vfsqy d¨roN-d¨roN mrIË afAuNdy aY» Auh koeI dvfeI b¨tI nhIN idµdf» sfrI krfmfq Auhdy nfgvl aqy hJoky dI hI aY» ipCly idnIN afpxy cONkI vflLy Qfxydfr df gozf duKxoN nf hty» lE jI, Auh puWCdf-pCfAuNdf rfm¨ mflI kolL af phuµicaf» rfm¨ ny kolL ipaf rWsf cuWk Auhdy nflL Qfxydfr dy duKdy gozy ƒ nfgvl pf ilaf» Pyr Xkdm Aus ny jæor nflL aijhf hJokf mfiraf ik Qfxydfr dIaF cµiGafVF kZf idWqIaF» kihµdy aY Aus qoN bfad Qfxydfr df gozf kdy nhIN duiKaf» prsoN iesy rfm¨ ny rulLIey rOlLI dI KWcr df c¨kxf vI TIk kIqf aY» rfm¨ mflI dy hWQ qF bfeI jI bfhlf hI jWs aY» q¨µ vI huxy jf Auhdy kolL» isWDf ÈmÈfnGft clf jfh» qYƒ Auh AuWQy qurdf-iPrdf imlL jfvygf…»’’
‘‘Xfr GIilaf, kfhdI hIr dy cfcy vflLI qor qurnI sI mYN» ieh sfry ipWtxy qF eys ‘‘nf Brf, ajy myrf ÈmÈfnGft jfx df koeI lWq ny pfey aY» duKxoN hI nhIN htdI»’’ pRogrfm nhIN» asIN ksIs ijhI vWt ky sWQ asIN sWQ ivc pey KuµZ ’qy ikvyN nf ikvyN ivWcoN AuWTy aqy Gr vWl ƒ cWl pey» ibrfjmfn ho gey sF» ‘‘vyKIN mnF, ikqy ienHF muÌq dIaF slfhF ‘‘ieh qF bfeI jI Qoƒ rINGn vfa hoeI dyx vfilLaF ipWCy lWg ky iksy nIm-hkIm lWgdI aY» qusIN aYN kro, huxy hI rfm¨ mflI dy aiVWky cVH jfvyN» qYƒ kuJ nhIN hoieaf» kolL jfE» Auh kr¨ QozI lWq df imµto-imµµtI nflLy duWK-suWK qF srIr dy nflL hI rihµdy ielfj»’’ hn» jy aWj duWK hY qF kWlH ƒ suWK vI Ër¨r ‘‘nf, Auh ikvyN kr dyAU beI myrI lWq df afvygf»’’ asIN Gr ƒ jFdy hoey afpxy afp ielfj?’’ asIN hux qwk muÌq dIaF slfhF nflL gWlF krdy jf rhy sF» hux sfzI cflL ivc pihlF nflLoN vWD rvfnI sI» sux-sux ky aWk gey sF» PAGE 41
The Patrika
Workers Needed
If you or a loved one are having a problem with alcohol, we are here to help. Please call our 24hour line 604 615 2911 or email us at info@ For a meeting location go to our website
The Patrika is looking for workers to do paper deliveries.For more information, call: 604852-2288
WaterTec Irrigation LTD. We Are Hiring! Please send your resume to or call 604-882-7405. Nanny Required Required Nanny for three children. Fulltime, permanent basis, $13/hr, location: Abbotsford, BC, Language: English, skills: High School & 1-2 years of experience/ training. Duties: supervise & care for children, preparing and feeding meals, personal care for children, maintain safe, clean and healthy environment. Contact: lVkI dI loV jwt, iswK sMGf ijs kolL knyzIan pI[afr hY. 28 sfl df 6 Puwt 4 ieMc kwd hY iek sohxI pVHI ilwKI 5 Puwt 6 ieMc kwd vflLI kuVI lwB ihrf hY. stUizMt jF pI[afr vfilaF nUM pihl idwqI jfvygI. Pon: 250-317-3812 PAGE 42
Friday, March 15th, 2019
kfimaF dI loV nrsrI ivwc kMm krn vflLy lVky aqy lVkIaF dI loV hY| hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 604-308-9626
GENERAL FARM WORKERS WANTED Seasonal employment harvesting and pruning raspberries and blueberries, from approx. June 15th till Winter 2019. Individuals must be prepared to work varying hours in an environment that is physically demanding. Requires the ability to work repetitive tasks in a range of outdoor weather conditions. No education or experience required. Hourly wage of $12.65, 45 to 60 hours per week. If interested, please fax resume to J & J Farms Ltd. (604) 855-0534 located at 30860 Huntingdon Rd., Abbotsford, BC V2T 6B7.
vr dI loV 35 sflf jwt isWK, ivjLtr afeI hoeI lVkI leI knyzIan PR jF istIjLn lVky dI loV hY. hor jfxkfrI leI sMprk kro: 604-744-5871 jF 778245-2369 kfimaF dI loV hY kMm DMdy hn: trYktr nflL Gf df pw D r krnf, sfP sPfeI krnf, prUinMg prYsLrvfsL krnf aqy kwuJ hor kMm. kfmy nUM bdlvyN GFitaF anusfr kMm krnf pvy gf, kfmf ishqmMd hovy qF ik hr qrF dy mOsm ivwc kMm kr skdf hovy. sMprk nM: 778-5495319
If you or someone you know has a problem with drinking,
Please call our hotline at 604-615-2911 or go to our website
Available in English and Punjabi
zrfeIvr dI loV aY b tsPo r z dI trWikM g kMpnI nUM bI[ sI[ - kYlgrI, ipM n qo N ipM n cWlx leI klfs 1, sLrfb aqy nisLaF qoN rihq zrfeIvr dI qurMq loV hY | $7000 / mhInf dI grMtI, qnKLfh hr do hPqy bfad idWqI jfvygI | 3 sfl df qjLrbf aqy klIn aYbstRkt hovy | loz leI no-vyitMg | sMprk kro : (604)751-1500 PYks rYsmy : (604)-744-9200
Alcoholics Anonymous is here to help.
jy qusIN jF quhfzf koeI jfxkfr sLrfb pIx dI mfVI afdq qoN Cutkfrf pfAuxf cfhMudy ho qF sfzy nflL sMprk kro: 604-615-2911 jF sfzI vYbsfeIt 'qy jfE:
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
ď °ď ?ď Şď ď ˘ď ‰ď€ ď °ď €ď Šď ąď ’ď Ťď
Spl: We Do Cabinet Installation for New or Old Houses
All Kinds of Renovations
SPECIALIZED IN NEW & OLD RENOVATION HOMES Tiles (Wall , & Floor Tiles, All Kinds Of Tiles) Entrance Way Tiles Kitchen (Floor & Backsplash) Kitchen Cabinet And CounterTop Full Bathroom Renovation (New & Old) Floor Lamination
tfeIlF (kMDF qy, PrsL tfeIlF, hr iksm dIaF tfeIlF ieMtryNs vy tfeIls ikcn PrsL, bYk splYsL ikcn kYbinwt, aqy kFAUtr tOp nvyN aqy purfxy bfQrUm dI pUrI rYnovysLn Plor lYmInysLn
High Quality Services at Very Reasonable Prices hr pRkfr dIaF tfielF iPks krvfAux leI sMprk kro
kstm Aqy kuAwiltI ikcn kYbints Aqy klozt AwrgynweIzr (pYNtrIz) AsIN ikcn Aqy vwSrUm dy purwxy kwaUNtr tOp vI bdldy hW Basement Washroom Framing Painting Plumbing
Drywall Finishing Sundeck Siding Tile
* Full Finish Basement * Sundeck All Complete
Laminate Kitchen Vinyl Paper
Crown, Baseboard Door, Fireplace
hrdIp ibrdI
Call : HARDEEP BIRDI: 778-823-0765
ANAND Irrigation Well Pump Installation and Service
5390 Gladwin Road Abbotsford BC HARRIS RD
HWY 11
HWY 11
asIN sYpitk tYNk lfAuNdy hF We install septic tanks
Anand Irrigation
• Irrigation Installation
ierIgySn ienst`lySn
• Post Pounding
post l`auxy
• Drip and Sprinkler Systems
fir@p Eqy spirMklr
• Ditch Digging and Cleaning
if@c putxIE~ Eqy s`P krnIE~
• Farm Drains
Kyq~ iv@c fryn p`auxy
Workers Wanted: Welder & General helper good wages, must speak English, knowledge of Punjabi will be an asset We Specialize in Blueberry Draining Systems
Call Tarsem Singh at 604-897-2152 or 604-852-0552 PAGE 43
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
ABB-SRY RENOVATION LTD. Low Prices . Fast, Friendly Service
hr qrFH dIaF rYnovysLn jLrUrqF leI Pon kro Fully Finish Basement Washroom Tile Painting
Plumbing Drywall Roofing Framing Siding
CALL: JAGIR SANDHU | CELL : 604-857-3828
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
aYm pI jqI iswDU Pfrm ienkm dIaF cxOqIaF ivwc Psy bI[sI dy PfrmrF nUM idwqI jfx vflLI sport nUM jI afieaF kihMdy hn lyt pfrtIsIpysLn mkY i njL m 2018 dy aYgrI styibiltI pRogrfm leI kyNdr aqy sUbf srkfr dy sFJy Auprfly dI Auh kdr krdy hn. 11 mfrc 2011-imsLn birtsL kolMbIaf 2018 df vrHf birtsL kolMbIaf dy ijxs AuqpfdkF leI bhuq hI musLiklF Biraf sI ienHf ivcoN iksfnF nUM ivwqI sMktF dy dbfE Qwly ivcrnf ipaf hflF ik PfrmrF Auqpfd vDyry kIqf pRMqU mfrikt ivwc nuksfn AuTfieaf ies qy iDafn DridaF sUbf srkfr aqy kyNdrI srkfr ny AuqpfdkF nUM XkIn duafieaf hY ik Xqn kIqy jf rhy hn ik Auh kuwJ pRogrfm AulIk rhy hn ijnHf qihq iksfnf dI kmfeI nUM siQr rwiKaf jf sky.
gf. ieh nvIaF AulFGF jo knyzf dI KyqI BfeIvflLI nflL sMbMDq hn KyqI dy nuksfnf dI KfqrdfrI krngIaF Bfv ies ivwc bI[sI dy keI sYNkVy iksfn aqy zyrIPfrmr BfeIvfl hoxH gy jo ienHf df Xog lfhf lY skx gy. srkfrF pUrI bfj awK rwKidaF GoK krn gIaF ik ikwQy kmfeI nUM ksfrf lwg irhf hY qy KyqI ikwqy nUM pUrf kmfeI vflLf bxfeI rwKxf, Gfty qoN vcOxf qy siQr rwKxf srkfrF df muwK insLfnf hovy gf.
2018 akqUbr nUM jo srkfrF ny anfAUNs kIqf sI, ieh Aus qoN vwKrf hY qy ies df mksd KyqI’c ho rhy axidsdy nuksfnf dI BrpfeI bxfeI rwKxf hY, ies qihq 5 imlIan zflr vwK rwKy gey hn jo 2018 dIaF jMglI awgF dy syk nflL hoey KyqI Kyqr dI BrpfeI leI shfeI hox gy. ieh awgF awj aYgrI PUz aqy KyqIbfVI mMqrI mrI 1,300,000 hYktyar jLmIn qy lwgIaF jo klOz bIbo aqy bI[sI dy KyqI mMqrI lfn 2017 dy nuksfnf dy aMkiVaF qoN ikqy vwD pophYm ny sFJf ibafn idwqf hY ik AunHf nuksfn kr geIaF. mYkfinjLm pfrtIsIpysLn nUM iewk insLfnf bI[sI dy aY g rI sY k tr ny kny z f dI imiQaf hY jo siQr KyqI pRogrfm 2018 afriQkqf ivwc 3[2 imlIan zflr df dy qihq iksfnf dI aqI jLrUrI loV Bfv vfDf kIqf, ies qoN ibnF 2[6 iblIan lfB nUM nuksfn qoN vcOxf afpxf tIcf rwKy zflr aYgrI PUzjL drfmd kridaF 147
mMzIaF nUM smfn vyicaf. aYm[pI iswDU ny ikhf, “knyzf srkfr aqy bI[sI srkfr ny afpxy kIqy ho e y vfady pU r y kIqy hn ijvyN ik KyqI Kyqr dy lgfqfr ivkfs aqy Auh pRbMD jo vfprdy nuksfnf nUM kfbU krn, jo Pfrmf dI hoNd nUM Kqrf hn, ieh mMndy hn ik ieh anfAUNs mYNt bI[sI dy ierd igrd dy aqy PryjLr vYlI dy qmfm nuksfny gey iksfnf leI hONsly df sunyhF hY “iswDU ny ikhf, “mYnUM bhuq mfx hY srkfr qy, ijs df mYN ihwsf hF, srkfr ny AunHf iksfnf aqy zyarI PfrmrF dI bFh PVI hY ijnHf nUM BYVy mOsmf aqy mMzIkrn vyly Gwt kImqF ny vwzI swt mfrI sI.” iswDU ny ikhf, mYnUM pUrf Brosf hY ik aYgrI styibiltI lyt pfrtIspysLn sMsQf hor iksfnf dI vI mwdd
kry gI aqy AunHf dI loV qoN vI vwD hYlp kry gI. mYN sfry imsLn, mYtskueI (mfskI), PryjLr kynIaOn dy Xog iksfnf nUM swdf idMdf hF ik qusIN sfry ibjLnYWs irsk mYnyjmYNt progrfmrs, smyq aYgrIienvYst aqy aYgrIiensLUrYNs dy vwD qoN vwD lfhy lvo.”
MP Jati Sidhu Welcomes Support for B.C. Farmers Facing Farm Income Challenges
ederal and provincial governments trigger late participation mechanism under 2018 AgriStability program 2018 was an extremely challenging year for many British Columbia agriculture producers, many of whom faced significant financial pressures as a result of high production and market losses. However, the governments of both Canada and British Columbia are striving to ensure producers make full use of support available through existing programs.
Today, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Marie-Claude Bibeau and British Columbia’s Minister of Agriculture Lana Popham announced they have triggered the late participation mechanism under the AgriStability program for the 2018 program year to help farmers access needed support to deal with income losses. This new feature, introduced under the
Canadian Agricultural Partnership, means hundreds of additional farmers and ranchers from B.C. will be eligible to join and benefit from the program. This feature can be triggered by governments in situations where there is a significant income decline in the farm sector and a gap in program participation. This is in addition to assistance previously announced by governments in October 2018 under the AgriRecovery disaster framework that provided up to $5 million to help the province’s agriculture sector recover from the agricultural losses caused by the 2018 wildfires. These fires consumed 1,300,000 hectares of land, surpassing the record damage caused in 2017. “B.C.’s agriculture sector contributes $3.2 billion to Canada’s economy, with more than $2.6 billion in agrifood exports to 147 markets,” MP
Sidhu said. “The governments of Canada and British Columbia have proven their commitment to the continued growth and success of this sector by ensuring producers have the tools they need to manage significant risks that threaten the viability of their farms.” Sidhu, a former farmer, believes that this announcement will be a great benefit to many throughout B.C., including those producers affected in the Fraser Valley.
“I’m proud to work with a Government that recognizes many B.C. farmers and ranchers are facing real hardship caused by extreme weather and poor market prices,” Sidhu said. “I’m confident the AgriStability late participation feature will help more farmers access the support they need. I encourage all eligible farmers in Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon to take full advantage of these Business Risk Management programs, including AgriInvest and AgriInsurance.” PAGE 45
The Patrika
Friday, February 1st, 2019
NDP ignores seniors’ needs for cost-effective home support services LEARN AHEAD FOR THE NEXT GRADE & MAKE THIS SUMMER PRODUCTIVE! PREVENT SUMMER LEARNING LOSS!
Tutoring, Homework Help, Test Preparation And Concept Based Learning
No Registration Fee When You Bring This Ad.
604-615-7164 | 778-855-9306
Balwinder S. SRAN 778-242-1202
VANCOUVER (March 13, 2019) – BC Liberal MLAs Linda Reid and Norm Letnick are calling out the NDP government for reducing choice and driving up costs for seniors by moving private home support services into health authorities. This move comes at a time when British Columbia is facing an acute shortage of care aides for seniors. “It’s about choices for seniors and innovation of the home support system, which comes from an array of providers,” says Linda Reid, BC Liberal Critic for Seniors Care and MLA for Richmond South Centre. “Today’s announcement will reduce both." The NDP made these cuts to consumer choice and created service
WAS: $47,635 Dealer’s Discount $6,500
WAS: $51,640 Dealer’s Discount $6,500
Best Deal in TOWN
Navjot AHLUWALIA 778-344-0007
reductions without any consultation with the sector, just weeks after the province celebrated home-care support workers in Victoria. “The system needs innovation and there is no room for petty politics when it comes to the health of British Columbians,” adds Norm Letnick, BC Liberal Critic for Health and MLA for Kelowna-Lake Country. “The NDP are targeting hard-working senior care providers just like they did to MRI providers. This appears to be another example of the government picking winners and losers based on which union donated the most the NDP. Who will be their next target?” Today's announcement will impact Vancouver Health, Fraser Health, and Island Health.
WAS: $50,730 Dealer’s Discount $6,500
swry kwsko mYNbrW leI: Receive Preferred Pricing 2019 AYs.XU.vI. mwfl on Select 2019 SUV Models vDIAw rytW qy KRIdo ELIGIBLE ALL COSTCO MEMBERS:
30355 Automall Drive, Abbotsford, BC V2T 5M1 | Toll Free: 1.888.220.1853
Rushal CHAWLA 604-300-7015 PAGE 46
All prices do not include taxes, license or admin fee of $599, see dealer for details. All prices, Details , Description may change .
“All prices do not include license, taxes or documentation fee of $599. See dealer for complete details”
jI.AYm. (GM) dI koeI vI g`fI KRIdx jW lIz ‘qy lYx leI nvjoq jW blivMdr nwl sMprk kro
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
The Patrika
Friday, March 15th, 2019
twaUn iv`c vDIAw fIlW leI swfy hweI strIt jW vYst Eks qy AwE Aqy ivk, Amn jW ienHW dI tIm dy iksy vI mYNbr nMU imlo[
Awpxy ibzns dIAW jrUrqW leI
snI AhUjw nMU sMprk kro, auh quhwnMU quhwfy Awi&s iv`c Aw ky imlxgy
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Friday, Mar 15, 2019
Friday, Mar 15, 2019
Friday, Mar 15, 2019
Raman Dhillon
Personal Real Estate Corporation |
R E A LT Y I N C .
Call For More Info. Abbotsford
S $2895,000 Hope Silver Creek 45 20118 BEACON ROAD
Hope Silver Creek
44 20118 BEACON ROAD
Hope Silver Creek
46 20118 BEACON ROAD
Hope Silver Creek
03 20118 BEACON ROAD
Abbotsford West
D SOL Chilliwack
Investors,Developersand BuildersAlert!Property locatedinadesirableareaof WestAbbotsfordwith possibilitytobesubdivideinto 2lots.
Chilliwack 8524 FOREST GATE DRIVE
$749,700 Chilliwack 8488 FOREST GATE DRIVE
$849,000 Abbotsford
Great Location 16.44 acres Blueberry farm with beautiful Home. 7 year old Mega house 6700 SF with 10 bedroom and 8 Washrooms. 4 kitchens. Over 13 acres of land was planted in 2000 with
10 acre blueberry farm, a few minutes from town. Trade Welcome.
65 ACRES Raspberry Farm. Great Rental Income. Close to Town. Trades Welcome.
$2,499,000 35062 HARRIS ROAD High production farm, Blue crop variety, very well kept, great location with smaller house.
19 + ACRES
Raspberry Farm & BIG House!
20+ ACRES Duke & Blue Crop. High production.
Townhouse site & 7 storey apartment building site. Prime Location!
For Sale 8 Brand New HOUSES! in Promontory Area Chillwack! 2 & 3 Storey Houses Available NOW!
Pizza Place $199,000
Commercial Unit In Cedar Park Abbotsford Contact For Detail
Friday, Mar 15, 2019
Friday, Mar 15, 2019
dIp iFloN 604.832.0480
Ph: 604-864-0666 • Fax: 604-864-0668 Toll Free: 1-866-967-0666
Call Today for your Free Market Evaluation!
#110- 30485 Cardinal Avenue, Abbotsford BC V4X 2M9
3789 Coachstone Way, 3363 Horn St Abbotsford Abbotsford Creekstone on the Park". Well-kept Custom built 2 storey w/walk-out basement backing onto green space. Very private setting. Many updates. 3 bedrooms up, 1 bedroom in the bsmt and den on main. home features 4 gas fireplaces, granite countertops, S/S appliances in the kitchen, hardwood floor on main and 2nd floor. W/O basement has 4th bedroom, rec room with marble decorated wet bar, theater room and sauna in the basement.
MILLION DOLLAR MOUNT BAKER VIEW CENTRAL Location, view, You can have it all! It offers Blueberry, panoramic views of mountains. Impressive 4799 sq.ft. mansion is located on 8.5 acres Planted Duke, 4 yrs old plants. Covered sundeck, spectacular bedrooms with Ensuites.
$ 1,899,000
3 SOLD ONE AVAILABLE Townhouse Legal Suite close to Baba Banda 407 31771 13505 62 Ave Singh Peardonville Rd Surrey Abbotsford Bahadur This home has 2 spacious Gurdwara bedrooms, 2 baths, living area, good size kitchen and dining space Penthouse. Lots of updates include new laminate flooring, fresh paint, newer roof and much more. The building has been very well maintainedwell managed.
$ 349,000
$ 599,000 For more info please call Deep or Harjinder
property into two RF lots
6757 134A St 33394 Hawthorne Ave Abbotsford Surrey Totally renovated gem located in quite and central location of West Newton. This 2700 sq.ft home features two and one bedrooms suites as great mortgage helper. Upgrades include new roof, furnace, hot water tank, flooring, kitchens, washroom , appliances and windows. big lot 66 by 122.
$ 1,250,000 $ 1,049,000
70 x 115 Rancher
Mainly Landvalue
$ 619,000
Gary Tiwana
gYrI itvfxf Cell
604-807-6477 5 Acres - House & Blueberries
Beautiful 5 Acres & Renovated Home 3 Bdrm Rancher . Office & Big 22 X 70 Shed. 7 Yr Old Blueberries (Bluecrop & Duke). TOTAL INCOME $50,000/yr Close To Town. Asking $1,499,900
READY TO BUILD 2 Building Lots in East Abbotsford. Legal Suites over 5000Sq. Ft.
Fraser Hwy & 271 st. Flat, 6000 sq. ft. commercial lot. Ready to build in downtown Aldergrove. No GST. Building plans submitted. Zoning C-2 allows retail office & residential. Can build multi storey, Call Gary $699,900
OPEN HOUSE JAN 5 & 6 SAT & SUN 1:30 - 4:00 PM 203 - 33898 Pine Street
Best value in town. Great location. Spacious, bright & clean 1 Bed, 1 Bath, Condo. Granite counters, S/S Appliances. Laundry. U/G parking & storage. S/D overlooking green space. Rental & Pet allowed. Come & see it yourself. ONLY 299.900
“La Galleria”
BUSINESS FOR SALE SHEFFIELD & SONS’ FRANCISE IS FOR SALE Great opportunity to own this well-established, sucessful business since 1995. Booming Post office and cigarette sales, Lotto, rental mailboxes and gift items. Low rent & overhead. Gross sales over $1.1 million/yr. Husband & wife operation. Call Gary for more info.
$694,900 Spacious & Clean corner 2 bedroom , 2 bath unit. Central location, Cascade Green Complex, U/G Parking. Quick Poss
$694,900 $749,900
Spacious 2 bedrrom+den & 2 full bath unit on 4th floor. 2 U/G Parking. View to north. Est. Compl. Jan 20, 2019. Assignment of CPS. Call GARY for more info.
Fully Renovated, Clean Family Home. 5 Bdrm, 2 full baths Kitchen With Island .Great For 1st Time Buyers Or Investor Loads Of Parking. Nice Fenced Backyard, Private Walk To School & Shopping. ASKING ONLY $694,900
Friday, Mar 15, 2019 MLS TOP 10%
Jag S Sidhu Personal Real Estate Corporation
Listing Needed Call Jag
#110 - 30485 Cardinal Ave Abbotsford, BC V2T0E5
Phone: 604.625.2245 Fax: 604.625.2249 Toll Free: 1.866.967.0666
Call Gurcharan or Jag for your FREE no obligation Market Evaluation
New listing on Upper Maclure 6 bedrooms 5 bath recroom call jag 32277 PEARDONVILLE RD
This home is centrally located in West Abbotsford, close to schools, shopping and parks. OVER 12000 SF Large lot, that can be subdivided into 2 lots that would be over 6000 sqft each. Build your dream home and sell the lot beside you or hold the property
2 lot approval. Documents are available from seller once accepted offer and you can verify with the city of Abbotsford prior to making any offer for final approval of 2 lots. Close to French Immersion Elementary school, Stadium, Bus and recreation. Call Gur Dhillon
West Abbotsford on firhill dr, 26 year old house 5 bedroom 3 bath family room, recroom legal suite close to all levels of school Call Gur Dhillon
30966 Brookdale Crt
3510 Promontory crt
West Abby. 3 story 5 bedrooms up den on main two bedroom legal suite and a Rec room for owner use.
Abbotsford near gurdwara on 30658 steelhead crt. 4 bedroom den(5th) bedroom legal suite clean cul-de-sac!!
THE GABLES, a family friendly community! A well maintained family home and complex. 4 Bdrms, 3 FULL baths, BIG rec-room, LARGE balcony and DOUBLE garage. Prime location, walking distance to Fruiticana Grocery Store, Eugene Reimer Middle School,Highstreet mall and easy access to highway.
34041 Wavell Lane, Abbotsford
New listing near all levels of schools, gurdwara shaib, fully renovated home 3 bedroom family room and great room up 1 suite and huge theater room for owner use with bar!!
Unit 40 - 31255 Upper Maclure Road
It is a two bedroom house, close to Wal-Mart and freeway. It is rented for $950 per month. It is hard to find in this price in Abbotsford area, demolish it and make a new house. No sign on property.
3 story 7 bedroom and 8 bath with great views!!
2 bdrm + extra with private fenced yard with patio, extra parking/long driveway to a detached 20 x 5 garage/room. New roof & appliances.close to public transit/school, shopping
#30 - 31098 Westridge Pl 2 Bedroom Townhouse
Sold 8 plus acres on hope rd in Abbotsford with 6500sqft home
New listing hitting the market this week. West Abby 3420 Headwater pl!!8 bedroom 9 bath, spice kitchen, radiant heat, high ceilings, A/C and generator ready. 2 suites, recroom/ theatre room/bar walking distance to schools!!
3 Lot LEFT Subdivision
In Maple Ridge Green Belt Call for more detail
214500 Morris Valley Rd Off hwy 7 East Mission
5 Acres
Blueberry Farm West Abbotsford with a house. Good production Blueberry BlueCrop & Duke Variety call for more info
KETCH PLACE 4 BEDRM HOUSE single garage 700,00 sq feet
NEW LISTING OPEN HOUSE Friday 15th March: 4pm - 7pm Saturday 16th March: 3pm - 6pm Sunday 17th March: 3pm - 6pm This is the cheapest DETACHED property in Abbotsford
1885 Shore Crescent, Abbotsford, BC V2S 5H1 Bedrooms: 2 , Bathrooms: 2 Square Feet: 1,326, Lot Size: .09 Year Built: 1991 Listing ID: R2341145
Amazing Location!! Located a short walk away from the new foot bridge near McCallum Road. Own a detached home with land minutes away from the UFV. Extremely well looked after 2 BEDROOM AND 2 BATH Family home in Central Abbotsford. Has a fabulous feel when you walk into the lounge and Kitchen area. Also has a second living room. Large bedrooms!! And 2 FULL Bathrooms!! Spectacular eateries literally 2 blocks away!! Especially promising for a first time home buyer or investors. This home backs on to a peaceful park which has a Baseball field, child friendly neighborhood. Fantastic open floor plan. Sit in peace and tranquility reading on you own GAZEBO. Do not pass on this opportunity of a lifetime. Absolutely no Strata, your rules are the rules!! Absolutely Fantastic!! COME AND SEE!!
Amritpal Sura 778.999.1531
Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.
RE/MAX Little Oak Realty 9, 2630 Bourquin Crescent West Abbotsford, BC V2S 5N7
604.807.0599 Email: 2597 MINTER ST, ABBOTSFORD
OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY MARCH 16TH / SUNDAY MARCH 17TH BETWEEN 2-4PM. Here's your chance to own a spectacular 4700+sqft home centrally located in the heart of Abbotsford! This luxury home has a total of 9 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, huge kitchen with a large centre island, wok-kitchen, formal living, dining area, large family room, high-end stainless steel appliances, fully fenced backyard, lots of parking, surveillance system, storage shed, all quality craftsmanship in this home. Also features a 2 bedroom legal suite and a 1 bedroom in-law suite, great for mortgage helper. Close to schools, shopping and recreation. This home shows extremely well! Don't miss out!
Thinking of buying or selling?
For a free evaluation call today!
I have a wide range of expertise in Agricultural, New construction & Residential properties
Friday, Mar 15, 2019
Friday, Mar 15, 2019