March 29, 2019

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The Patrika 604.852.2288 | “ B R I D G I N G

COMMUNITIES” Weekly | Friday Mar 29 2019 | Vol.23. No.27 | |

inrpwK, suqMqr aqy agFhvDU soc nMU prnfieaf hoieaf A SECULAR, INDEPENDENT & PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER

dwKlw SurU hY jI

sqMbr 2019 leI

not: f, YbtsPor mSn A AsIN Gr ov, i r g r f AYl r`j qoN i q`k l p Y m Aqy upl`bD a w b`s srivs v y b`s s Y[ h idMdy hW

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Introducing The Abbotsford Police Community Page : See Page 12 For Weekly Press Releases And Community Safety Tips pysL krdy hF aYbtsPorz pulIs kimAUintI pyj ijwQoN qusIN hr hPqy pulIs vloN idwqIaF geIaF sUcnfvF aqy pRYs rlIjLF pVH skdy ho| ies hPqy vyKo pMnHf 12

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The Patrika





itAUn aWp, brykF, aYgjLfst, PrMt aYWz vrk, ieMjn irpyarjL, klWc, vftr pMp, trYnI srivs, XU- jfieMtjL, PrMt aYksl sLfPtjL afid

Repair Shop E`p dI k`r j~ ip@kE@p dI hryk qrH~ dI mkYnIkl sm@isE` d` h@l qs@lIbKS kMm r`hIN kIq` j~d` hY! Looking for a 3rd or 4th year Mechanic!


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Friday, March 29th, 2019

The Patrika


Friday, March 29th, 2019




qusIN kdI inkwrw kr dyx vwLI cot qW nhIN KwDI? ICBC dy motr vhIkl

AYksIfYNtW dy klym • • • • • •

idmwgI s`tW, Asih drd, idmwgI KrwbI l`qW dw Krwb hoxw srIr nkwrw hoxw rIVH dI h`fI t`utxw h``fIAW tu`txIAW mOq

idmwgI s`twˆ, l`qwˆ bwhwˆ dw inkwrw ho jwx dI hwlq iv`c trwiel smyq 20% G`t PIs

eI. AYnQonI Qoms

ismpsn Qoms AYsosIeyt sInIAr moFI BweIvwl hn jo 30 swlwˆ qoˆ motr vhIkl AYksIfYˆtwˆ dy kys lVdy Aw rhy hn, Awp knyfIAn bwr AYsosIeySn dy mYˆbr hn, bIæsI AYsosIeySn dy trwiel vkIl hn, bI.sI byrn ieMjrI AYsosIeySn dy mYˆbr Aqy spweInl korf ieMjrI bI.sI AYsosIeySn dy mYˆbr hn[

AYnQonI Qoms dI lIfris`æp iv`c ismpsn Qoms AYsosIeyts ie`k AwdrSk knUnI tIm hY[ ismpsn Qoms Aqy AYsosIeyt swfy kys iv`c AweIAwˆ knUnI cxOqIAwˆ h`l krn iv`c KrI au`qrI hY[ hor koeI Prm ieh kys nhIˆ ij`q skdI sI, ikauˆik ies iksm dy kys lVn leI bhuq swry vsIilAwˆ dI loV huMdI hY[ ieh Sbd AYbtsPorf iv`c ivAwh dI jwgo dOrwn vwpry duKwˆq dy sMbMD iv`c ie`k muv`kl vloˆ kIqI it`pxI hn jo 12 mwrc, 2011 nUM ilMk A^bwr iv`c CpI sI[

trwˆslySn dIAwˆ syvwvwˆ auplBd

imstr Qoms nwL AYpuAwieMtmYˆt leI Pon :


isMmpsn Qoms qy aunHw dy swQI ismpsn AYˆf kMpnI, bYrnI ismpsn isrP motr vhIkl AYksIfYˆt dIAwˆ s`twˆ dy ICBC dy kys 50 swl qoˆ lVdy Aw rhy hn[

lIgl PIs G`t qoˆ G`t (trwiel smyq 24%)

sYtlmYˆt nw hox qy koeI knUMnI PIs nhIˆ qy nw koeI hor Krcw srI/fYltw dw dPqr 7253-120 strIt fYltw bI.sI. Pon: 604-591-8885

brnbI dPqr rUm E sUeIt 219 4501 norQ rof vYnkUvr dPqr brnbI bI.sI. V3N 4R7 sUeIt 1301-808 nYlsn strIt vYnkUvr bI.sI. Pon: 604-689-8888 Pon: 604-689-8888 (ApuAwieMtmYˆt lY ky Awvo)

AYbtsPorf dPqr 33222, Elf Xyl rof, AYbtsPorf bI.sI. Pon: 604-697-3977 (ApuAwieMtmYˆt lY ky Awvo) pu`C pVqwl krnI hovy qwˆ imLo

dIp krn pMnUM nUM

AYmrjYˆsI dIAwˆ 24 GMty dIAwˆ syvwvwˆ

swry bIæsI iv`c tol PrI: 1-800-668-3788 PAGE 3

The Patrika



jy ivwidaf bMdy dI qIjI awK mMnI jFdI hY qF ivigafn aqy qrk bMdy dI cOQI awK hox df hwk rwKdIaF hn. ivwidaf-ibhUxy Bfv anpVH bMdy dI soc dI qor iksy aMnHy bMdy dy qurn smfn huMdI hY. ijvyN awKF qoN ibnf bMdf shI qur nhIN skdf, AuvyN hI anpVH bMdf shI soc nhIN skdf qy shI pfsy qur nhIN skdf. Aus nUM hr rfh qy hr soc dy itkfxy lwgx leI shI idsLf nhIN imldI. jy aMnHy bMdy nUM rfhy jFdy nUM koeI kurfhy pOx vflLf twkr jfvy qF Aus dy duwK hor vD jFdy hn. pMjfb aqy pMjfbIaF dI qrfsdI hY ik eyQy ivwidaf bhuq Gwt lokF nUM nsIb hoeI. sB qoN pihlF bRfhmx lok pVHy pr AunHf ny afpxI ivwidaf nUM pwuTy ZMg nflL vriqaf. Bfv hwQ ryKfvF qoN, msqk qoN jF pwqrI qoN afm lokF ivwc aYny BMbl Busy pf idwqy ik lok-jIvn ivwc aMD ivsLvfsLF df vfsf ho igaf qy ienHf aMD ivsLvfsLF ny by-sLumfr burfeIaF pYdf kIqIaF. ijhVy lok pMjfb qoN knyzf af ky vsy AunHf aMD ivsLvfsLF aqy vihmf Brmf nUM vI nflL hI lY aFdf hY, ienHf qoN sLutkfry qy rfhqF pOx leI jo qrIky ieh vrq rhy hn, Auh qIh bwqI pMjfb ivwc qy kuwJ ku knyzf, amrIkf, ieMglYNz qy astRylIaf ivwc vsdy Tg joqsLIaF aqy ielmf dy aKOqI mfihrF vloN vrqfey jFdy kUV prcfrF dI dyx hY. ipCly do mhIny qoN knyzf ivwc Ksrf rog dy kuwJ rogI trys hoey hn. ies rog dy ielfj jfdU tUixaF nflL nhIN ho skdy pr Auprokq kurfhIaF dy sLrDflU shI ielfj nflLoN ienHf nUM pihl dy rhy hn. tI[vI pRogrfmF qoN aqy kuwJ swQF ivwcoN ies dy ielfj sux ky sfzf idl Gbrf irhf hY ik asIN awj dy ivigafnk Xwug ivwc vI aMDivsLvfsL dI zMgorI PVky qur rhy hF. iewk joqsLI tIvI qy afK irhf sI ik ‘hr rojL suBf sLfm Gr ivwc guwglL dI DUxI, swq idn idE- Ksry dy jrm mr jfxH gy. clo vDIaf qrIkf hY. ieh swc hY ik guwglL df DUMaF jrmnfsLk hY pr ieh iblkul nhIN ik Auh Ksry dy ktfxUaF nUM mfr sky. swQ ivwc iewk bMdf kih irhf sI ik kIVIaF dy BOx qy dlLIaf aqy iqlL pOx nflL Ksrf lfgy nhIN lgdf.





iewk BYx bVI qswlI idvFAuNidaF afK rhI sI ik pMj pfeIey icwty cOlL lfl kwpVy ivwc pMj gMZF bMnH ky pMj cOkF ivwc rwKx. ies kropI qoN vicaf jf skdY.

nflL dflLF ies krky nhIN prKI dIaF ik eyQoN dIaF dflLF sfP suQrIaF aqy mfrkf bMd hn pr dfqy dI imhr ho geI ik dflL irMnHx vflLy BYxf vIrF dI hYrfnI dI hwd nf rhI jd dyiKaf ik ies lPfPy dy mhF ivwc iewk hor BYx df sMdysL hY ik iqlLcOlLI dy kflLIaF CotIaF brMjIaF awDo awD imkdfr pMj pfeIey lY ky ndI kMZy phuMco aqy sUrj ivwc sn. dyvqf nflL awKF imlfANidaF jl prvfh kr idE. hux afpF TMZy idl nflL socIey ik ieh iksy jfdU tUixaF vflLy vIr BYx df hI vrqfrf iewk vIr ies gwl qy vI jLor idMdf suixaF sI. jy dflL cYWk nf huMdI, myKF irwJ ky sMgq ik lfl kwpVy grIbF ivwc vMz idE sB lMgr ivwc Ck lYNdI, Ckx vfilLaF nflL kI dilwdr Kqm. kI bIqdI? ies df lyKf joKf qusIN afp kro. iewk hor sfQI df ivcfr hY ik homlYWs lokF so afp sB BYx BfeIaF dy pivwqr crnf nUM iewk zMg Bojn sLkf idE, koeI vI bImfrI ivwc bynqI krdy hF ik ivigafn aqy qrk lfgy nhIN afvy gI.

Friday, March 29th, 2019

df pwlf PVIey qy sfrQk insLfinaF dI pRfpqI krIey. asIN qF ienHf puwTy kfiraF nUM aYdF afKF gy: BrmF vihmf dy vihx ivwc Guwp anHyry ny afvf pUrf AUq igaf hY, nf vws qyry nf myry ny qrk Cwz, aMD ivsLvfsLF dI GoVI cVHnf, nrkIN zyry ny swpF nUM kYd kr ilaf ieh afK spyry ny ik bMdy nUM zwsx leI eyQy bMdy bQyry ny DMnvfd sihq sMpfdkI mMzl

Auprokq sfry ivcfr cOQI awK nf hox dy hI BfeI bicwqr isMG hYWz grMQI aqy pMj isMG sfihbfn sbUq hn. Auprokq ivcfr nf qF ivigafnk soc dy myc dy hn qy nf hI qrk dy. bvyk, iswK kOm dI cVHdI klf aqy bMdI isMGF dI irhfeI leI qrk aqy ivigafn dy Xwug ivwc awkIN plfhIN ardfs krdy hoey hwQ mfrny TIk nhIN hn. isrI gurU grMQ so sB vIrF BYxf nUM pwiqRkf adfry vloN s f i h b s i q k f r sinmr bynqI hY ik kurfhy pY ky nuksfn kr kmy t I aqy smU h lYx dI QF rfhY pY clIey. shI rfh hY quhfzf sMgqF vloN BfeI PYimlI zfktr. sfnUM sfiraF nUM cfhIdY ik sby g isM G , BfeI afpo afpxy PYimlI zfktr dI islfh lY ky sLfhbfjL isMG aqy sL h Id Bgq isM G Aus anusfr hI krIey. aqy AunHf dy sfQIaF jfdU tUixaF jF joqsLIaF dy mgr lwg ky aqy jilH a F vflL y asIN afpxf Blf krdy krdy keI vfr bfg dy smUh sLhIdF dUijaF df bhuqf nuksfn kr idMdy hF. asIN dI Xfd ivwc sLhIdI swq awT sfl pihlF dI iewk imsfl dy rhy idvs gu r du a frf hF Auh ieh ik imsLn gurduafrf sfihb klgIDr drbfr ivwc pfT dy Bog qoN bfad sMgq nUM styj aYbtsPorz ivKy sLrDf nflL mnfieaf aqy sMgqF ny boly-so-inhfl dy jYkfry Cwzy igaf. ieh jfxkfrI s: kuldIp isMG syKoN jI ny skwqr sfihb ny bynqI kIqI ik lMgr vfsqy pysL kIqI sfbq mhF dI dflL gurU Gr mwQf tykidaF sLhIdI df rfh sfihb gurU arjn dyv jI iblkul nf cVHfE. sfnUM ieh gwl bhuq burI ny lokfeI leI sIs dy ky idKfieaf. aKMz isrI gurU grMQ sfihb siqkfr kmytI dy aqy aZuwkvIN lwgI. sfzI soc qF ieh sI jfpF dy Bog AuprMq kQf, kIrqn siqkfr mYNbrfn, syvfdfrF, aqy smUh sMgqF df veI gurU sfihbF lMgr ivwc mhF dI dflL kmytI aqy sB bulfiraF ny sLhIdI sfikaF josLIlf idRsL: jLrUrI smJidaF vrqI hY ikAuNik ies ivwc aqy smUh sLhIdF nUM sLrDf dy Puwl Byt kIqy pOisLitkqf vDyry hY qy srIrF leI jLrUrI vI hY. pRogrfm dy Kfqmy qoN bfad asF skwqr sfihb qoN ieh puwiCaf ik afp jI ny mhF dI dflL qy rok ikAuN lfeI hY? qF jvfb sux ky asIN sLrm dy smuMdrF’c jf izgy. AunHf ikhf ik ipCly idnI koeI sLrDflU mwQf tykx leI sfbq mFh lY ky afieaf aqy ivwc kflLIaF brMjIaF (myKF) rlLf ky mwQf tyk igaf. lMgr dI dflL Drn vyly bhuqf gOr

The Patrika


Friday, March 29th, 2019



myrI nMnHI illfh amrIkf dy sLihr XMgstfAUn ivwc, dPqroN Gr muVidaF, iewk Gr dy sfhmxy hry cmn Auwqy mYN inwq kuJ bflF nMU KHyzidaF dyKdf huMdf sF. ieh bfl vI mYnUM vyiKaf krdy sn. ikAuNik Aus sLihr ivwc mYN iewk anoKI sUrq sF. awT lwK afdmIaF ivwc iewk pwg vflf, dfVHI vflf. bfl qy ikqy rhy, buWZy vI pihlI vfrI Klo ky, awK curf ky vyKxoN nhIN sn rih skdy. ieh cmn AuWqy KHyzx vfly bfl myrf rfh vyhMdy rihMdy aqy dUroN vyK ky KyHz bMd kr idMdy qy afps ivwc gwlF krdy sn. mYN kolo lMG jFdf sF, pr ieh myry AuWqy hswdy nhIN sn.

inwG ijhf af igaf. muVky vyKF , illfh iKV iKV peI hwsdI sI. mYN Aus nUM kmry dI iewk nuwkr vwl lY igaf. Aus dysL ivwc lfiebRyrI ivwc koeI jrf ijMnI vI avfjL nhIM krdf. hjLfr afdmI aMdr pVHdy hox, bfhroN jfpdf hY koeI aMdr hY hI nhIN. “E illfh qMU ikDroN ieQy af geIEN?” “ myry nfl skUl dy hor muMzy kuVIaF vI hYn asIN ikqfbF lYx afey sF.”

amrIkf ivwc vwzIaF lfiebRyrIaF ivwc bwicaF df Bfg vI huMdf hY. hr bwcf swq sfl qoN vwzf, ijs dy mF ipE df nfm ngr kmytI dIaF ikqfbF ivwc drjL hovy, ibnF cMdf idwqy, dsqKq krky do ikqfbF Gr iewk idn mYN vyiKaf, ienHF ivwcoN iewk swqF iljf skdf hY. hjLfrF ikqfbF bwicaF dy awTF virHaF dI kuVI sVk dy kMZy Auwqy myry pVHn vflIaF rwKIaF huMdIaF hn. rfh dy nfl af KloqI qy jdoN mYN lMiGaf qF mYnMU CyqI nfl hwQ lf ky afpxy sfQIaF nfl “illfh! mYN Auhdf mUMh cuMm ky afiKaf, “ jf rlI. mYN Klo igaf. mYN suixaF: “ vyiKaf do hPiqaF ipCoN qUM imlI eyN eyny icr ivwc jy, mYN hwQ lf afeI, AunHF mYnUM kuJ vI nhIN qUM bVI vwzI ho geI eyN sohnI sohnI peI afiKaf.” sfry bfl AuhdI bhfdrI Auwqy lgnI eyN. hYrfn ho rhy sn. “asIN awDy mhIny leI bfhr kYNp AuWqy gey mYN Aus bflVI nUM avfjL mfrI. Auh sihm geI, pr myry kol af geI, mYN ipafr nfl Auhdy doNvyN hwQ PV ley, puiCaf, bwcy kI afKdy sn?” “ jI Auh afKdy sn, ik BfeI bflF nUM cuwk iljFdf hY!” “qy qUM kI afNhdI sYN?” “ mYN aFhdI sF, ieh nhIN cukdf ----- mYN hwQ lf ky dws idaFgI.” “qyrf nF kI ey ?” “jI—illfh --?” qy bfl awKF coN njLr Br ky Aus mYnUM bVy ipafr nfl dyiKaf.

gurbKsL isMG pRIqlVI

pINGF Auwqy. koeI rwsI nfl twp irhf sI koeI koeI gol dfiery ivwc iewk dUjy nfl ikwklI pf irhf sI. ienHF ivwcoN do AusqfdnIaF vI sn. mYnUM ijhVf bwcf dyK lvy dUsry nUM dws dyvy hOlI hOlI AusqfdnI qwk Kbr apwV geI. Auh myry kol afeI mYnUM afdr nfl ipRMsINpl dy kmry ivwc lY geI. ipRMsINpl awgoN AuwT ky imlI. qIh pYNqI vrHy dI suGV, kuafrI iesqrI, sohxI, ivdvfn, imwT bolVI, sbr BrI sUrq vflI. mYnUM ibTfieaf KusLI pRgt kIqI, DM n vfd kIqf, Py r ikM z rgfrtn kmrf idKfieaf, sfry skUl ivwc iPrfieaf, muMizaF dy iKzHOxy bxfAx vflI QF dwsI, kuVIaF df ksLIdf kmrf dwisafqy rsoeI idKfeI qy muV dPqr af ky GiVafl vjfieaf.

bwcy sB lYkcr kmry ivwc iewkTy ho gey. kmry ivwc bwicaF dy sfhmxy ihMdusqfn df nksLf ltkfieaf hoieaf sI. ipRMsIpl ny ihMdusqfn df hfl dwisaf, Aucy ihmfilaf dI gwl dwsI, dwisaf ik ihMdusqfn ivwc rhy hF. AuQy bVf sohxf sI. – KHyz sI ,mwl hfVH isafl sUrj cmkdf rihMdf hY. bfkI sI, nwcxf kudxf qy khfxIaF mwkI dIaF leI afiKaf imstr isMG quhfnUM bVIaF CwlIaF nUM BuMn ky Kfxf. Pr afE mYN quhfnUM suafdlIaF gwlF suxfAuxgy. afpxy imwqrF nfl imlfxf cfhuMdI hF.” mYN nksLy Auwqy AunHF nUM afpxf sLihr dwisaf. afpxy sLihr isaflkot dy rfjy aqy pUrn dI bwicaF dy pVHn kmry ivwc iewk gol bYNc Auwqy pMj bfl bYTy ikqfbF coN mUrqF vyK rhy khfxI bVy suKfly qy QoVHy lPjLF ivwc suxfeI. sn. sfzy kol apVx AuWqy Auh AuWT Kloqy. qy Pyr AunHF nUM svfl puwCx leI afiKaf. bwicaF ny awDf GMtf myry koloN keI qrHF dy illfh ny bVy mfn nfl AuhnF nUM dwisaf, svfl puwCy; swpF df hfl puwiCaf, iksmq “ ieh myry imwqr imstr isMG ny, ijnHF dy dswx vfilaF bfry puiCaf, muMizaF kuVIaF dys dIaF itktF mYN quhfnUM dyNdI huMdI hF!” dy skUlF bfry puiCaf. iewk inwky ijMny muMzy ny qy myry vwl nUM mUMh krky qy vfrI vfrI bflkF JkidaF JwkidaF svfl kIqf, “ jI quhfzy nUM hwQ lf ky afKx lwgI, pfl, ircI, sfrf, Gr AWqy sfzy Gr vFgU cMn cVHdf hY?’ bhuqy jIn, ivwlI.” bfl hws pey, “ cMn qy sfry QFeIN cVHdf hY.”

mYN sfiraF nfl hwQ imlfieaf, iewk iewk “cMgf illfh --- mYnUM afpxy sfQIaF nfl pfeI idwqI, do do gwlF kIqIa, illfh nUM cl ky imlf, mYN AunHF nUM ipafr krFgf.” pfrf idwqf, jt qurn lwgf sF jdoN pfl nUM sfiraF bwicaF nfl mYN hwQ imlfieaf, boJy kuJ cyqy afieaf----- jI ------ qusIN coN kwZ ky iewk iewk pfeI mYN sfiraF nUM idwqI. AuWQy rihMdy ho, ijQy ihmfilaf phfV huMdf hY. ieho ijhy bwcy Aus dysL ivwc mYnUM keI vfr eyny nUM illfh nUM vI kuJ cyqy af igaf--imldy sn qy mYN hr vyly afpxy boJy ivwc “swc sfzI AusqfdnI jI afKdy sn ik iksy afpxy dysL dIaF purfxIaF itktF qy nvINaF idn sfzy skUl afvo qy bicaF nUM afpxy dys ilC ilC krdIaF pfeIaF, pqly kfgjL dIaF kuJ gwlF suxfE---- kdoN af skogy?” ivwc vlytIaF rwKdf sF. AuQoN dy bwicaF ivwc mYN CyqI nfl iekrfr kIqf, qy Gr af ky dUjy dysLF dIaF itktF qy iswikaF df mYN bVf AunHF dy skUl dI ipMRsINpl nUM icwTI ilKI. sLOk dyiKaf sI. ipRsINpl df Auqr dUjy idn hI af igaf ik hux ieh bwcy sfry myry Xfr bx gey. Pyr Auh mYnUM qIjy idn awDI CuwtI AuzIkxgy. sdf mYnUM sVk Auwqy dOV ky iml jFdy, hfl iewk pRfiemrI skUl sI. kuVIaF muMzy iewkTy puwC jFdy, myrf hwQ PV ky ihlf julf jFdy. pVHdy sn. bVI sohxI QF sI. bVf sfP keI hPqy eyvyN lMGdy gey iewk sLfm vyly ahfqf. nf ikqy koeI iCWlV sI nf ikqy koeI mYN iewk lfiebRyrI coN ikqfbF ZUMz irhf sF. kfgjL df tukVf njLr afAuNdf sI. hiraF ipwCoN af ky iksy ny lwqF nUM jwPI pf leI. cmnF Auwqy bwcy KyHz rhy sn, pMGUiVaF Auwqy


mYN ipRMsIpl vl qwikaf, Aus ny ikhf Auh afpxIaF shylIaF nUM dPLqr ivwc lY afvy, ikAuNik sfry bwcy kfpIaF ivwc nF ilKvfAuxf cfhuMdy hn ieMnf vkq imstr isMG kol hoxf nhIN. dPLqr ivwc mYN kuVIaF dIaF kfpIaF ivwc aMgryjLI aqy gurmuKI dohF ivwc nfm ilK idwqf. qF holI idwqy illfh puCx lwgI ik sfzI ieiqhfs dI AusqfdxI aFhdI sI ik, qusIN hwQ dyK ky dws idMdy E ik ieh bwcf agoN kI bxygf--- qusIN myrf hwQ nf vyKogy?” mYN hws ipaf ikAuNik amrIkf ivwc jxf Kxf, rfh jFidaF, motr KlHfr ky mYnUM hwQ dyKx keI afK idMdf sI. mYN bhuqyrf afKF ieh hunr mYnUM afAuNdf nhIN. pr keI kfhlIaF kuVIaF bdo bdI myry hwQ ivwc afpxf hWQ PVf idMdIaF sn.

illfh dy inwky ijhy hwQ Auqy do AuNglF Pyr bwcy bVy KusL sn sfry sfP, iksy df kwpVf ky mYN afiKaf, “illfh qUM bVI bIbI kuVI Gwt nhIN sI. sB dy pYrIN jurfbF qy glIN kot hovyNgI, bVI sohxI kuVI hovyNgI bVI lfiek sB vfl kMGf kIqy hoey qy mUMh Doqy hoey. bxyNgI. mYN illfh vwl qwikaf Auh PuwlI nhIN sI illfh nwcx lwg peI ipRMsIpl sfiraF smFdI. AwNj Auhdf imstr isMG skUl df bwicaF nUM qor ky mYnUM rsoeI ivwc lY geI. pRfhuxf sI. awj AuhnF dy imstr isMG dy ijWQy pMjvIN jmfq dIaF kuVIaF ny myry leI duafly AuhnF dI ipRMsINpl iPrdI peI sI. dupihr dI rotI iqafr kIqI sI. kuVIaF ipRMsIpl kolo mYN afigaf mMgI ik illfh nUM ny afp sB kuJ pkfieaf sI, CurIaF kFty afpxy kol bulf ky ipafr idaF. ipRMsINpl joVy sn, bVy cuwp cfp mlHkVy qurdIaF ny ny avfjL mfrI qy illfh tup tup krdI myry sfnUM rotI KuafeI. mYN AuhNF dy hr pkvfn kol af geI. dI slfhnf kIqI. mYN Aus dy moZy ihlf ky puiCaF illfh qUM bwicaF nfl AusqfdnIaF nfl hwQ imlf ky KusL hYN? mYN jfx dI afigaf leI. ipRMsIpl mYnMU Pftk qk Czx afeI. “jI bhuq bhuq.” “mY qyry leI kuJ kr skdf hF?” “ myrIaF vfr shylIaF afpxIaF kfpIaF ivw c qu h fzy ko l o N qu h fzf nF ikKvfxf cfhuMdIaF hn.”

keI hor hPqy lMG gey myrf smF Gr muVn df af igaf. pMdrF idnF nUM mYN jhfjy cVHnf sI. Aus idn brP pY rhI sI. hwQ vlHytI mYN nINvy iDafn quiraF jf irhF sF. iksy ny PAGE 5

The Patrika






New federal budget delivers for Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon and all B.C.

P Jati Sidhu hails Budget 2019: Investing in the Middle Class for its commitment to province, riding

"This Budget is great for Canadians and great for British Columbians," said Sidhu. "Its aims, specifically as regards housing, education, seniors Since 2015, hard-working Canadi- and healthcare, will be of tremendous ans have proven what has long been benefit to the people of Missionunderstood: a strong economy starts Matsqui-Fraser Canyon." with a strong middle class. Since 2015-16, major federal transNearly four years ago, Canadians fers to British Columbia have grown chose a plan to invest in the middle by $1.2 billion, from $6.2 billion to class and offer real help to people $7.4 billion. Further, Budget 2019 delivers $2.2 billion through the federal working hard to join it. Gas Tax Fund to address short-term Today, Jati Sidhu, Member of Par- infrastructure priorities in municipaliliament for Mission-Matsqui-Fraser ties and First Nation communities, Canyon, welcomed Budget 2019, In- including $278.6 million for British vesting in the Middle Class, the Gov- Columbia. A number of communities ernment’s plan to create more good in Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon well-paying jobs, put homeownership stand to benefit, including: within reach of more Canadians, help • Vi l l a g e o f A s h c r o f t : working people get the training they $127,059.72 need to succeed, support seniors, Village of Cache Creek: and lay the foundation for national • $101,078.38 pharmacare.


Friday, March 29th, 2019

• Village of Harrison Hot Springs: $119,989.96 •

District of Kent: $305,394.18

• District of Lillooet: $157,724.76 •

Village of Lytton: $65,199.40

Budget 2019 further aims to: • Make homeownership more affordable for first-time buyers by implementing a First-Time Home Buyer Incentive, a shared equity mortgage program that would reduce the mortgage payments required to own a home; and by providing greater access to their Registered Retirement Savings Plan savings to buy a home. • Support municipalities’ local • Help workers gain new skills infrastructure priorities by proposwith the creation of the new Canada ing a one-time top-up of $2.2 billion Training Benefit, a benefit that will through the federal Gas Tax Fund give workers money to help pay for that will double the Government’s training, provide income support dur- commitment to municipalities in ing training, and, with the cooperation 2018-19, and make sure communities of the provinces and territories, offer have the funds they need to pay for job protection so that workers can crucial repairs and other important take the time they need to keep their local projects. skills relevant and in-demand. • Give all Canadians access to • Prepare young Canadians for high-speed internet so all Canadian good jobs by helping make education homes and businesses have access to more affordable through lowered interest rates on Canada Student Loans, 50 Mbps high-speed internet no matmaking the six-month grace period ter where they live – including people interest-free after a student loan bor- and businesses in rural, remote and rower leaves school, and creating up northern communities. to 84,000 new student work place- • Lower Canadians’ energy ments per year by 2023-24. costs by partnering with the Fed• Help Canadians with the cost eration of Canadian Municipalities of prescription drugs by taking steps to increase energy efficiency in towards a national pharmacare plan, residential, commercial and multi-use starting with creating a new Canadian buildings, and by introducing a new Drug Agency that could lower Cana- incentive for buying electric battery dians’ drug costs by as much as $3 or hydrogen fuel cell vehicles with a billion per year, developing a national manufacturer’s suggested retail price formulary for prescription drugs, and under $45,000. a national strategy for high-cost drugs for rare diseases. With the new investments in Budget • Support low-income Ca- 2019, combined with lower taxes, nadian seniors who choose to stay more money in their pockets each in the workforce by enhancing the month and more good jobs, there is Guaranteed Income Supplement good reason for middle class Canadiearnings exemption so that they can ans to feel more confident about what effectively keep more of their hard- the future holds for themselves and earned income. their families.

The Patrika


Friday, March 29th, 2019




Legislation introduced to complete fiscal framework for LNG investment, jobs and benefits


egislation introduced today will pull together the final pieces needed to deliver liquefied natural gas (LNG) investment that brings long-term benefits to the province and thousands of goodpaying jobs for B.C. workers, while operating within strong environmental protections. “British Columbians are counting on us to attract LNG investment that meets strict conditions: delivering jobs and financial benefits to B.C., creating economic partnerships with Indigenous peoples, and protecting our clean air, land and water,” said Carole James, Minister of Finance. “This legislation completes the process of creating a fiscal framework that invites investment while supporting those conditions.”

to be the cleanest of its kind in the world, meaning it will fit within the greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets of government’s CleanBC climate action plan. “Our government’s vision is to make life better for British Columbians in all regions of our province,” said James. “Along with providing services people need, like affordable child care and interest-free student loans, that also means delivering new jobs and opportunities through resource development that is environmentally responsible.

“With CleanBC, we’ve put in place a climate action plan that is the strongest in North America. Our GHG reduction targets are firm — we will be working with LNG Canada to make sure its development and operations The legislation brings together the live up to its environmental responsifinal fiscal elements of the policy bilities to British Columbians.” framework for natural gas develop- The completed fiscal framework ment set out by Premier John Horgan comes after months of discussion a year ago. Government has already between government, communities, provided a PST performance payment Indigenous peoples and the LNG inagreement and provided industrial dustry to make sure the LNG Canada electricity rates on par with other project meets government’s enviindustrial users in B.C. ronmental goals and commitments When passed, this legislation will: to economic partnerships with First Nations. amend the Income Tax Act to implement a natural gas tax credit for LNG Effective Jan. 1, 2020, the new natural gas tax credit will be available to development in British Columbia; qualifying corporations and is currepeal the Liquefied Natural Gas rently calculated at 3% of the cost of Income Tax Act that created barriers natural gas. The tax credit can be used for investment in B.C.’s natural gas to reduce B.C.’s corporate income tax sector; and rate from 12% to 9%. repeal the Liquefied Natural Gas Project Agreements Act that left British Columbians vulnerable to footing the bill for special industry tax and regulatory protections. Once complete, these steps will deliver the fiscal setting needed for LNG Canada’s proposed $40-billion project in northern British Columbia — the largest private-sector investment in B.C.’s history. It is expected to create 10,000 construction jobs and up to 950 permanent jobs in the Kitimat processing terminal. Additionally, this project is also on track

Economic benefits of the LNG Canada final investment decision also include: $24 billion of direct private-sector investments in B.C.; $23 billion in new government revenues over the life of the project, creating new resources for health care, schools, child care and services for British Columbians; and significant funding for First Nations capacity building, training and education, contracting and employment, and community contributions. PAGE 7

The Patrika





pqf nhIN lokF dI smJ nUM kI hoieaf, jxyKxy nUM kihMdy iPrdy af ‘Cotf pirvfr suKI pirvfr’, ‘Cotf pirvfr suKI pirvfr.’ sfnUM smJ nhIN afAuNdI ieho ijhy kuPr qol ky AunHF nUM kI imldf? aYdUM vwzf JUT hor koeI ho hI nhIN skdf. Gr ivc Zol nhIN, nhIN qF gl ivc pf ky jLrUr KVkfAuNdy, QF QF jf ky lokF nUM kihMdy, ‘vwzf pirvfr suKI pirvfr’, ‘loko hor inafxy jMmo’. sfzI gwl swc hY, awKr awKr swc hY, jykr XkIn nhIN qF jLrf ku gOr kro qy iPr Kud-b-Kud qusIN vI sfzy nfl sihmq ho jfvogy. Auh Gr, Gr nhIN sgoN vIrfn QF hY ijwQoN hr smyN rOly-rwpy qy sLor-sLrfby dIaF afvfjLF nhIN afAuNdIaF. KVky-dVky dIaF afvfjLF nhIN afAuNdIaF. KVky-dVky nfl hI Gr dI tOhr bxdI hY, dUroN hI pqf lgdf hY ik koeI vsdf hY qy vsx df pqf qF hI lwgdf hY, jykr rOlf-rwpf pfAux vfly awT-ds bwcy Gr ivc hox. ies hr smyN dy rOly-rwpy kfrn glI ivcoN lMGx vfly, glI ivcoN hI ikAuN sgoN aFZ-guaFZ dIaF do-cfr glIaF ivcoN lMGx vfilaF dy kMn vI shy vFg KVHy ho jfxgy qy Auh quhfzy sdf-bhfr KVky-dVky nUM dyKxsuxn leI Auqsuk ho jfxgy. hOlI-hOlI hr koeI quhfzy cfnx munfry ijhy Gr nUM jfx jfeygf qy quhfzI pRiswDI hovygI. iPr jdoN vI quhfzy ies ajUby vrgy Gr dI gwl hovygI qF lokIN quhfzf nF vI jLrUr lYxgy. ies qrHF quhfzI vfh-vfh hovygI qy ielfky ivc quhfzf nF hr iewk dI jLubfn qy cVH jfvygf. ies qrHF



vwzf pirvfr suKI pirvfr (ivaMg)

muPq dI pRiswDI sdkf, qusIN agly ielYksLnF ivc aYWm[aYl[ey[ jF aYWm[pI vI bx skdy ho. ho skdf hY muwK mMqrI jF pRDFn mMqrI hI bx jfvo. so vwzf pirvfr hI koTIaF qy kfrF dy mflk bxn df sOKf rfh hY. nf ihMg lwgy nf PtkVI, rMg coKf. mMn ilaf ik asIN iek sLFqI psMd dysL dy vsnIk hF. pr sfzy ivwcoN ikMny ku aijhy hn ijhVy ik iek cpyV Kf ky dUjI cpyV Kfx leI dUjI gwlH awgy kr dyx? sLfied koeI vI nhIN. jy koeI sfzy iek muwkf mfrdf hY qF sfzI axK sfnUM vMgfrdI hY qy asIN Aus dy sO muwky mfrn df ierfdf krdy hF. aFZ-guaFZ nfl lVfeI qF hoeI hI rihMdI hY qy asIN dusLmxF nUM qF hI iswiDaF kr skdy hF, jykr sfzI afpxI koeI POj hovy. jykr sfzy bhuqy bwcy hoxgy qF sfzI Gr dI POj iqafr ho jfvygI aqy iPr mjLfl hY koeI sfzy vwl vyK vI jfvy? jykr sfzI afpxI Gr dI POj hovygI qF sfzf ielfky ivc rohb-vDygf qy aFZI-guaFZI sfQoN Qr-Qr kMbxgy. awT-ds bwicaF nfl quhfzf rohb qF pY skdf hY pr mjLf qF hI hY jykr quhfzy GwtoGwt igafrF bwcy hox. jykr pRmfqmf quhfnUM igafrF bwicaF dI dfq bKsL dyvy qF quhfzy pON-bfrF hn. smJ lE ik quhfzI lftrI KuwlH geI qy dfqy dI quhfzy `qy Puwl ikrpf hY. quhfzy igafrF bwcy quhfzy leI igafrF kroV df KjLfnf iswD ho skdy hn. jLrf soco ik jykr qusIN ienHF nUM ikRkt Kyzx isKf idE qF ikMnf vDIaf rhy. afpxI hI Gr dI tIm bxf ky

kYrI pYkr vrgy nfl sbMD bxfE qy dunIaF dIaF sB tImF nUM hrf ky kroVF rupey kmfE. sfzI duaf hY ik pRfmqmf quhfzy qy ieh imhr jLrUr kry. quhfzy ikRkt dy iKzfrIaF dI PrI koicMg dI ijLMmyvfrI sfzI hovygI. AumId hY qusIN sfnUM inrfsL nhIN krogy. suixaf hY ik aMgryjLF dy smyN vwzy pirvfrF vfilaF nUM murwby dy ky snmfinaf krdy sn. awj-kwlH vI keI mulkF ivc bhuqy bwicaF vfilaF nUM anykF ienfm imldy hn qy Auh mflfmfl ho jFdy hn. kwlH iks ny dyiKaf hY? afdmI AumIdF qy hI ijAuNdf hY. sLfied sfzI srkfr dy mn vI imhr pY jfvy qy Auh bhuqy bwicaF vfilaF nUM muPq jLmInF jF mkfn

Friday, March 29th, 2019

blrfj isMG hI alft krn lwg jfvy. sLfied muPq ivc rfsLn hI splfeI krn lwg pvy. AumIdF nfl hI sMsfr ijAuNdf hY. jykr nyqfvF dy BfsLx qy rok nhIN qF quhfzy bwicaF qy ikAuN? vyiKE mOkf KuMJ nf jfvy. hF iek gwl hor! jykr quhfzy bwcy hoxgy qF quhfzI bhuqI bwcq hovygI, ikAuNik iPr qusIN iksy nUM pMsfrI, iksy nUM zfktr, iksy nUM mfstr, iksy nUM mocI, iksy nUM bjfj, iksy nUM DobI, iksy nUM hlvfeI, iksy nUM nfeI, iksy nUM Qfxydfr qy iksy nUM ieMjInIar bxf skdy ho. ies qrHF qusIN CwqI pRkfr dy Bojn vI muPq Ck skogy aqy lIiVaF kwpiVaF ivwc vI bwcq kr skdy ho.

The Patrika


Friday, March 29th, 2019





The Patrika



Friday, March 29th, 2019



Canada’s Food Guide wants us to eat together

(NC) Our food preferences and eating habits have evolved and so has Canada’s Food Guide. While still focusing on establishing healthy nutritional habits, the revamped version also puts an emphasis on how we eat.

Eating together is not only a great way to instill new habits and achieve our nutrition goals, it also allows us to find our passion for cooking, nutrition, and sustainability as a family. To help make the most of mealtime, it is also recommended that we put away our devices and enjoy quality time with our loved ones. This is also a great opportunity to cook together. Getting the kids involved is a great way to teach good nutritional habits that can last them a lifetime. When

working to establish new habits, try to set goals to help protein-rich your family remain accountable and have fun tracking foods. When your progress along the way. it comes Setting goals to incorporate the new recommendations t o s e r v i n g from the guide can be as easy as setting aside one day healthy proa week to meal-prep for the week ahead, planning a t e i n s , t r y weekly dinner with friends or extended family, making n e w, s u s the commitment to go meatless on Mondays or introduc- tainable alternatives. ing new recipes to your repertoire. The new food guide stresses the importance of the healthy Why not try plate, which is a very simple way to think about balance s w a p p i n g and portion size. The model is half vegetables while the out ground rest of the plate is balanced out with whole grains and meats in recipes for black beans and crumbled tofu on taco night or chickpeas and lentils in chili or shepherd’s pie. Try incorporating the new guidelines into your routine with this simple and quick one-pan puttanesca. We’ve swapped out the pasta for zucchini noodles, to squeeze some extra veggies onto your plate. One-Pan Zucchini Noodle and White Bean Puttanesca Serves: 4 Ready in: 20 minutes Ingredients: 2 tbsp (25 mL) olive oil, divided 1 cup (250 mL) cherry tomatoes 2 cloves garlic, minced ½ tsp (2 mL) salt ¼ tsp (1 mL) freshly ground black pepper Pinch (0.5 mL) hot pepper flakes 1 can (540 mL) no-salt added white kidney beans, drained and rinsed ¼ cup (50 mL) whole Kalamata olives, drained, pitted and sliced 1 tbsp (15 mL) capers, drained and rinsed 1 pkg (340 g) spiralized zucchini veggie noodles 1/4 cup (50 mL) torn fresh basil Directions: Heat 1 tbsp oil in large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add tomatoes; cook, stirring occasionally, until softened and golden; 2 to 3 minutes. Add garlic, salt, black pepper and hot pepper flakes. Cook, stirring often until fragrant; about 1 minute. Add beans; cook, stirring often until heated through; 1 to 2 minutes. Stir in olives and capers. Transfer to large bowl. Set aside. Heat remaining 1 tbsp oil in same skillet over medium-high heat. Add veggie noodles; cook, tossing and stirring often until tender-crisp; 1 to 2 minutes. Add tomato mixture; cook, stirring to coat, until heated through; about 1 minute. Sprinkle with basil.


The Patrika


Friday, March 29th, 2019





Dhami Narang & Company LLP (“DNC Lawyers”) was established in 2010 by Rajan Dhami and Amrik Narang. With the help of our valued clients, DNC Lawyers has now grown into a mid-sized law rm with of ces in Abbotsford and Surrey, British Columbia. To serve our clients best, DNC Lawyers has an experienced team of 9 lawyers to cater to the individual needs of our clients. Every member of our law rm strives to provide outstanding service to produce the best results for our clients.


We use a collaborative team approach to your legal problems to get you the best results possible. We are only happy when you are happy and realize that our success depends on referrals from our client base.

rfjn DfmI aqy amrIk nfrMg vloN 2010 ivwc sQfpq kIqI geI sI. sfzy suihrd klfieMts dI mwdd nfl DNC Lawyers ny qrwkI kridaF imwz sfeIjLz lfa Prm bxf leI hY, ijs dy dPqr bI sI dy sLihrF aYbtsPorz aqy srI ivwc hn. afpxy klfieMts dIaF smUh musLiklF nfl nijwTx leI vwzy qjLribaF vfly 9 vkIlF dI tIm iqafr ho geI hY. afpxy klfieMts dIaf qmfm smwisafvF dy hYrfnIjnk nqIijaF leI hux awzI cotI dy Auprfly kIqy jfx gy.

qswlIbKsL proPYsLnl syvfvF quhfnMU vDIaf knMUnI nqIjy dyx leI asIN sfry sFJI tIm dy qOr qy Xqn krdy hF quhfzI KusLI hI sfzI KusLI hovy gI, asIN mihsUs krdy hF ik sfzIaF sPlqfvF quhfnMU idwqy cMgy nqIijaF AuWqy hI inrBr hn.

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ICBC CASES We handle a full range of ICBC personal injury claims, including head injuries, broken bones, soft tissue injuries, muscle strains, psychological injuries & others asIN afeI sI bI sI nfl sbMDq iNnWjI srIrk swtF PytF ijnHF ivc isr dIaF swtF, tuWtIaF hWzIaF, koml itsULaF dIaF cotF, pWiTaF dIaF sWtF, mfnisk ivgfV aqy hor hfnIaF sLfml hn, dy klym hYNzl krdy hF. THE LAWYERS AT DNC PROVIDE COMPREHENSIVE LEGAL SERVICES IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS:

zI aYn sI dy vkIl iehnHF syvfvF ivwc quhfzI pUrI mdd kr skdy hn: Personal Injury / ICBC Business / Corporate Commercial Litigation Real Estate Wills / Probate Estate Litigation

prsnl swt jF af sI bI sI kfrobfr / kOrpryt kOmrsLIal mukwdmf rIal iestyt vsIaq jF pRobyt jfiedfd mukwdmf

rIal iestyt trFjLYksLns asIN vpfrk aqy rhfiesLI jfiedfdF vycx aqy KRIdx sbMDI sB kfrjF df kMm krdy hF. koeI vI kOntrYkt sfeIn krn qoN pihlF sfzI islfh jLrUr lvo. asIN quhfnUM qswlI kr ky dwsF gy ik quhfzy hwk syP hn ik nhIN? asIN afp jI nUM tfeIm isr shI aqy BrosyXog kfnUMnI msLvrf idMdy rhF gy.

prcyjL aYNz syl rYjLIzYNsLIal •KrId aqy vyc dy sihmqI zrfPitMg aYgrImYNts •asIN vycx vflLy dI vI aqy KRIdx vflLy dI vI shI mdwd krdy hF ijvyN nvyN Gr KrIdx, kONzmInIams, rhfiesLI dsqfvyjL. mn-prcfvy vflLIaF aqy kfitj prfprtIjL leI. •mfrtgyj idvOx ivwc asIN KRIdx vflLy dI vI aqy vycx vflLy dI vI mdwd krdy hF •KRIdx aqy vycx vflLy dI mfrtgyj Xogqf bfry dwsdy hF

kmrsLIal aqy ieMzstrIal prcyjL aqy syl •kmrsLIal rIal iestyt aYpfrtmYNt aqy afiPs iblizMgF dI KrId aqy vyc •jLmIn dI KrId aqy vyc •vycx vfilaF aqy KRIdx vfilaF leI mfrtgyj trFjLYkisLn •KRIdx vfilLaF nUM mfrtgyj lfieibltI vfry shI slfh idMdy hF.

SURREY OFFICE Dhami Narang & Company LLP Suite 313-14928 Hwy 10 Surrey, BC V3S 2N5 Toll Free: 1-877-864-6131


604-864-6131 PAGE 11

The Patrika





Police Warn of Increase of Distraction Thefts The Abbotsford Police Department is investigating two distraction-style jewellery thefts this week. Both victims in Abbotsford were elderly and were walking in their neighborhoods with their grandchildren. In both instances, a vehicle stopped and a female passenger asked the victim for directions to the hospital. After directions were provided, the female exited the vehicle and made an excuse to place jewellery on the victim. While doing so, the suspect discreetly removed the victim's own expensive jewellery. The female suspect in both Abbotsford thefts is described as South Asian or Middle Eastern in appearance, 50-60 years old, with a heavy build and black hair. The male driver is described as South Asian or Middle Eastern in appearance, 20-30 years old, with black hair. There has been a noticeable increase in similar distraction-style thefts in other Lower Mainland municipalities in recent weeks. The thefts involve the suspect getting out of their vehicle to make conversation with a victim wearing jewellery. The suspect then makes various excuses to make physical contact with the victim, at which time the thief smoothly removes the victim's jewellery. The unsuspecting victim often doesn't realize the theft has occurred until the suspects leave. The descriptions of the suspects and their vehicles vary, so it is possible multiple thieves are working as a group. The Abbotsford Police Department is requesting that family members alert seniors or those visiting or new to our community about this 'switcheroo' type scam. AbbyPD recommends that you conceal valuable items under your clothing when in public, and not allow strangers into your personal space. If you are approached by a stranger and you feel threatened: Clearly tell the person you are not interested and to leave you alone. Draw attention to the situation. Call 911 and report the incident to police. iDafn iKHwc ky corI krn dI vfrinMg aYbtsPorz puils zIpfrtmYNt 2 iDafn iKHwcx vflLIaF ijAUlrI corIaF dI jFc-pVqfl kr kr rhy hn. ies hPLqy aYbtsPorz ivwc 2 bjLurg aOrqF afvdy guaFZ ivwc afvdy poqy-poqIaF nflL qur rhIaF sI. iewk gwzI afeI aqy iek aOrq ny AuhnF nUM hspqfl jfx dy rfh vfry puwiCaf. jdoN AuhnF ny rfh vfry dwisaf qF aOrq afvdI kfr ivwcoN AuWqrI aqy koeI bhfnf lf ky bjLurg aOrqF qy afvdy gihxy rwKx lwgI. jdoN Auh aOrq afvdy gihxy bjLurgF qy rwKdI sI, qF Auh hOlLI hOlLI bjLurgF dy gihxy lfh lYNdI sI. ieh aOrq dyKx nUM pMjfbI jF arb kMtrI qoN lwgdI hY, Aus dI Aumr 50-60 sfl dI lwgdI, aqy Auh Bfry srIr dI hY aqy Aus dy kflLy bflL hn. jo Aus dy nflL mrd zrfeIvr huMdf hY, Auh pMjfbI jF arb kMtrI qoN lwgdf hY, 20-30 sfl dI Aumr df lwgdf hY, aqy Aus dy kflLy bflL hn. ipCly kuC hPiqaF qoN iDafn iKHcky hox vflLIaF corIaF loar mynlYNz ivc bhuq vwD geIaF hn. ieh sfrIaF corIaF ivwc cor afvdI kfr ivwcoN bfhr inklLdf hY aqy AuhnF nflL gwl krdf hY ijnHf dy gihxy pfey huMdy hn. ies qoN bfad cor koeI bhfnf lf ky quhfnUM hwQ lfAux dI koisLsL krdf hY aqy quhfzy gihxy hOlLI dyxy corI kr lYNdf hY. Auh corI ienI sPfeI nflL krdy hn ik quhfnUM corI vfry pqf hI nhIN lwgdf. bhuq alwg alwg cor corIaF kr rhy hn, aqy ho skdf hY ik sfry iek gruwp nflL rlLy hox. aYbtsPorz puils zIpfrtmYNt quhfnUM durKfsq krdI hY ik bjLurg jF nvyN aYbtsPorz ivwc afey lok ies corI df isLkfr nf bxn aqy mihMgIaF cIjLF kwpiVaf dy Qwly pihxn jF anjfixaF nUM kolL nF afAux dyx. jy quhfzy kolL koeI anjfx afAuNdf hY aqy quhfnUM KLqrf mihsUs huMdf hY qF: qusIN anjfx bMdy nUM dwso ik Auh dUr cilaf jfvy. aflLy duaflLy lokF df iDafn afvdy vwl iKHwco. 911 nUM Pon kro aqy puils nUM rIport ilKfE.

Friday, March 29th, 2019

This is a FREE seminar on April 10 at 9 AM for business owners to meet with some of our experts on Crime Prevention for your Business. Please pre-register ONLINE at… Cst. Steve Kern will present on CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) for your business - making your business less appealing to the property thief and combatting the "Broken Window Theory" Ms. Tanya Jeske, Community Policing Coordiantor, will be presenting on CPTED principles for inside your business, tips on combating theft, both external and internal and other tips for better sightlines to help you reduce your risk. Cst. John Koppes will be presenting on POS Fraud and theft - sharing some trends that are being seen and used within the business community. Ms. Kelly Pater will be presenting on Robbery Prevention and Awareness - what to do before, during and after a Robbery. Location Community Room at the Clearbrook Library 32320 George Ferguson Way

apRYl 10 nUM svyry 9 vjy iek muPLq df sYmInfr hovygf ibjLins EnrjL leI. ieQy qusIN krfeIm prIvYnisLn dy mfhrF nUM imlL skdy ho. qusIN ies eIvYNt leI rYijstr krn leI EnlfeIn jfE: h ps:// on-for-your-busi… kOnstfbwl stIv kurn CPTED pysL krngy quhfzy ibjLins leI- ibjLins corF leI Gwt apIl lwgdf hovy aqy “broikn ivMzo QIErI” vfry vI smJfieaf jfeygf ims qfnIaf jYsk, kimAUintI pulIisMg korzInytr, ny CPTED corI nUM GtfAux leI itwps pysL krygI,, aqy hor itwps jo quhfzy ibjLins nUM KLqry qoN bcfa skdy. kOnstfbwl jOn kOp POS PrOz aYNz QYPt nUM pysL krngy- itwps jo ky bhuq sfry ibjLins vrq rhy hn ims kYlI pytr rObrI prIvYnsLn aqy avyrnYs nUM pysL krygI- kI pihlF krnf, Aus smyN aqy corI qoN bfad kI krnf cfhIdf hY. lokysLn kimAUintI rUm klIarbrwuk lfiebRyrI 32320 jorj Purigsn vya

Call APD non-emergency at 604-859-5225 or text ABBYPD (222973) To make an anonymous report, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or report online at

aYbtsPorz pulIs zIpfrtmYNt nMU nfn-aYmrjMsI lfeIn 604-589-5225 'qy Pon kro jF 222973 'qy tYkst mYsj Bojo. aigafq rIport ilKvfAux leI krfeIm stfprjL nMU 1-800-222-7477 'qy Pon kroo jF afnleIn jf ky 'qy rIport ilKvfE.

Wall Panels • Roof Truss • Lumber Joist / Beams • Pre-Fab Stairs kMD dy pYnls • rU& tr`s • lMbr joiest/ bIms • pRI-PYb pOVIAW Call for FREE ESTIMATE PRI AYstImyt leI kwl kro:

Rick Tatla

604.353.5401 604-546-3232


The Patrika


Friday, March 29th, 2019


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How the whole family can reduce their carbon footprint (NC) A carbon footprint is described as the total emissions caused by an individual, event, organization or product. It’s often discussed in the news as something that we all need to reduce. In order to try and lower our ecological footprint, it is important to take small steps towards this larger goal. We first need to measure our current impact by looking at our daily activities and how they could possibly place a strain on the environment. This includes everything that we eat, wear and drive. It is important to be a conscious consumer and take note of small habits that can make a big difference. For example, unplugging devices, even when they are powered down, can minimize the energy a household consumes.

These activities aren’t just for humans, because the products, food and services we use for our pets can also impact the environment. One small thing we can do is invest in eco-friendly products for our furry friends. PetSmart suggests considering poop bags made from recycled content, properly disposing of your pet’s food bags and cans, as well A good way to start making these as donating old items to shelters so they changes is to get the whole family don’t end up in landfills. involved in order to hold each other ac- When it comes to helping our planet countable. A fun and educational activ- and minimizing our carbon footprint, ity to do with the kids is to learn about everyone has a part to play, so make the three R’s and how the household sure you are all working together. can reduce, reuse and recycle more frequently.

Exceptional Quality Blueberry Nursery Stock

BLUEBERRY PLANTS Sidhu Growers is British Columbia's leading quality blueberry nursery. At Sidhu Growers, we grow healthy, disease free, virus indexed and true-toname Blueberry plants. We specialize in growing blueberry plants and have 20 plus years of experience in the blueberry business.

  virus indexing Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â?  ­ Â? € Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â?

We are the only authorized nursery in Canada to sell Reka, a northern blueberry variety and have documentation from where the variety originated from, which is New Zealand, and have proof of it. Make sure when purchasing Reka you ask to see the signed authorization from New Zealand. Being the only authorized nursery to sell Reka we can provide you with this.

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When purchasing blueberry plants, buy from a reputable blueberry nursery that specializes in growing blueberry plants. Ask to see virus testing documentation. Make sure plants are produced from cuttings. Plants produced from tissue culture or cuttings taken from tissue culture plants tend to be difficult to machine harvest and require more pruning.

€ � � � � † „� „ � � � � � „ � � † … † �† … ‡ „ ˆ � � � � � …� � � � � � � � � ‰ Š† � � ‹� � � � ‰

We are committed to provide you with only the best blueberry plants available and guarantee it.

�€ � � � � �„ … � � … � �

We offer: • Expert Consulting • Competitive Pricing • Exceptional Quality Stock • A Wide Selection of Varieties • Complete Customer Satisfaction

Â? ÂŒ Â? ‰ Â? Â? † € Â? € „ Â… ÂŒ ÂŽ ‘­Â’ “”• –——”

• •  • • � •

For Further Information or to Place an Order Please Call:

Kam or Harry: (604) 853-1775

32787 Townshipline, Abbotsford, B.C. PAGE 13

The Patrika





Friday, March 29th, 2019

B.C. government doubling grant funding to provide low-cost dental care to more people


wenty-four not-forprofit dental clinics around the province will have their annual operating support from the British Columbia government doubled, helping them provide a mix of free and low-cost dental care to people living in poverty. The $3.6 million in funding over three years, which includes $2 million to upgrade dental equipment in the clinics, comes just days after the Province launched TogetherBC, B.C.’s firstever poverty reduction strategy. “Too often, people living in poverty cannot afford to take proper care of their teeth because they have to put the basics like food and shelter first,” said Shane Simpson, Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction.

increase doubles the amount the clinics received in 2017. approximately $2 million over three years to support capital needs such as equipment like X-ray machines, dental chairs, pediatric equipment and computer software for the electronic submission of dental forms. “Oral health is an important component of our overall health,” said Dr. Raymon Grewal, president, BCDA. “This funding will play a critical role in enhancing the access to dental care for financially vulnerable British Columbians, improving their quality of life and employment opportunities while also reducing the cost to the public health-care system by helping these patients remain free of oral pain and infection. The BCDA welcomes this partnership with the provincial government and looks forward to supporting its poverty reduction plan.”

“Access to quality, affordable dental health and hygiene care should be available to more people, and that’s why we’re making it a part of this government’s efforts to reduce poverty throughout B.C. This investment in community-based dental services will support not-for-profit dental providers across the province and benefit thousands of low-income families, Increasing access to dental care for children and seniors over the next people in need is part of TogetherBC, the Province’s first poverty reduction three years.” strategy. TogetherBC reflects governThe one-time $3.6-million grant to ment’s commitment to reduce poverty the BC Dental Association (BCDA) and make life more affordable for will help B.C.’s 24 not-for-profit clinBritish Columbians. ics provide more services to some of the province’s most vulnerable Guided by extensive engagement undertaken with thousands of British people, including: Columbians, TogetherBC represents an annual grant of $20,000 for each a starting point for delivering on the clinic over the next three years to help targets introduced in the 2018 Poverty offset the costs of materials and dental Reduction Strategy Act: a 25% reduclab fees required to provide services tion in B.C.’s overall poverty rate and to financially vulnerable people. The a 50% reduction in the child poverty rate by 2024. PAGE 14

The Patrika


Friday, March 29th, 2019




Education awards nomination deadline extended


he nomination deadline for the 2019 Premier’s Awards for Excellence in Education has been extended to April 30. With spring break here, it is a great opportunity for children, parents, school administrators and community members of all ages to take advantage of the extra time to nominate a deserving teacher, administrator or support-staff member who has made a lasting impact in the lives of British Columbia’s students. The Premier’s Awards for Excellence in Education, launched in 2018, are an opportunity to recognize the outstanding contributions of public, independent and First Nations school-system teachers, principals, vice-principals, administrators and support staff who go above and beyond to make life better for students in B.C. This year, 10 awards will be given out, with six honouring teach-

ers, two open to school and district administrators, and two recognizing support-staff members. The 30 finalists will be announced in mid-May and will be invited to an awards ceremony at Government House in Victoria on Oct. 4, held in conjunction with World Teachers’ Day. Winners will receive a $3,000 personal bursary for professional learning, a $2,000 contribution to their school community for professional learning and a commemorative work of art. Runners up will receive a certificate of recognition signed by Premier John Horgan and Rob Fleming, Minister of Education.


The Patrika



* mnuwK iek dukfn dI qrHfˆ hY aqy jLbfn iek qflf hY, jdoˆ qflf KulHdf hY qd pqf cldf hY ik dukfn ivc sonf hY jfˆ kolf. * pYr ivc moc aqy CotI soc ivakqI nUM awgy vwDx nhIˆ idMdI.



Friday, March 29th, 2019

anmol ivcfrfˆ df sMgRih

mihMdr isMG vflIaf brYptn kYnYzf * iËMdgI dI ÈfˆqI leI do qrIky hn * duÈmn bnfAux leI lVn dI loV * bfirÈ dIafˆ bUMdfˆ cfhy ikMnIafˆ vI iek AunHfˆ nUM mfP krdo, ijnHfˆ nUM qusIˆ Bwul nhIN qusIN QoVHI sPlqf hfsl kro. duÈmn CotIafˆ hox pRMqU AunHfˆ df lgfqfr vrHnf vwzIafˆ ndIafˆ df bhfv bx jfˆdf hY. nhIˆ skdy. dUjf AunHfˆ nUM Buwl jfvo ijnHfˆ nUM KYrfq ivc iml jfˆdy hn. qusIN mfP nhIˆ kr skdy. afpxI CvI df iDafn rwKo ikAuˆik * sfry idn ivc Èyr 20 GMty sOˆdf hY, * CvI dI Au mr quhfzI Aumr qoˆ vwzI hY. * AuVo, pr AuQy qk ijwQy qk ËmIn jy iekwlI imhnq sPlqf dI kuMjI huMdI qd nËr afAuˆdI rhy. gDf jMgl df rfjf huMdf. * iËMdgI ivc irsk lYx qoˆ nf zro * bgfvq jvfnI df PYÈn hY, smJOqf * muhwbq jy krnI hY qd rUh nfl jfˆ qfˆ ijwq imlygI nhIˆ qfˆ iswK imlygI.

* jo afpxy kMm Auqy Brosf krdy hn, Auh nOkrI krdy hn, jo afpxy afp Auqy Brosf krdy hn, ivAupfr krdy hn. buZfpy df gihxf hY. * sUrj aqy pqnI ivc iek smfnqf hY ik qusIˆ dovfˆ nfl GUr ky nhIN dyK skdy. * jdoˆ qoˆ aOrMgËyb roz df nfˆ bdl ky abdul klfm rwiKaf igaf hY, qd roz Auqy BIV Gt geI hY, ikAuˆik AunHfˆ dy rfh Auqy cwlxf aOKf hY.

bfirÈ smyˆ sfry pMCI surwiKaf Qfvfˆ kro, ichry qoˆ ÈurU hoeI muhwbq ibsqr pr * dI Bfl krdy hn, pRMqU bfj bwdlfˆ qoˆ Aupr * dfdf aqy poqf iewk dUjy dy sUhIey Kqm ho jfˆdI hY. jf ky bfirÈ nUM mfq pf idMdf hY. huMdy hn. * mfVf dosq tuwtI hoeI cwpl dI qrHfˆ * lfpRvfhI nfl suwtI iek mfics dI * mMdy aqy nIc bMidafˆ df sMg kfly huMdf hY, jo quhfzy nfl cldy-cldy smyˆ qIlI jM g l PUk skdI hY, pRMqU kYˆp Pfier koilafˆ dI qrHfˆ huMdf hY, jo grm hox Auwqy Pt-Pt krdf hY, DUV Klyrdf hY. smyˆ ÈurU krn leI mfics dI zwbI lwg jfˆdI sfVdf hY aqy TMzHf hox `qy kflK idMdf hY. * Èyr Cfl mfrn qoˆ pihlfˆ iek kdm hY. * jy qusIˆ iksy ivÈy Aupr iËafdf ipCy htdf hY. * eImfndfrI nfl 8 GMty kMm krn igafn hfsl krnf cfhuMdy ho, qd hfsl * Èfndfr iËMdgI dy do ZMg hn, jo nfl bfs bx skdy ho aqy 12 GMty kMm kr kIqf igafn vMzxf ÈurU kro. psMd hY, hfsl kro jfˆ jo hfsl hY Aus nUM skdy ho.

* mYˆ quhfzI gwzI dI bryk qfˆ TIk nhIˆ kr skdf, pr hornf dI afvfË AucI kr idMdf hfˆ. * jy qusIˆ ijwq jfˆdy ho qd pRÈn * hIry dI pihcfx leI hnHyry df hoxgy, jy hfr jfˆdy ho qd iËafdf smJdfr ieMqËfr kro, Duwp ivc sfry kwc dy tukVy bxogy. lgdy hn. * iksy df kIqf aihsfn Buwlxf nhIˆ

psMd kro.

* smyˆ dy pfbMd hox dI smwisaf ieh * aiDafpk aqy iËMdgI ivc Prk hY ik phuMcx Aupr pRÈn krn vflf koeI ieh hY ik aiDafpk pVHf ky iemiqhfn lYˆdf nhIN huMdf. hY, iËMdgI iemiqhfn lY ky sbk isKfAuNdI * jy nIXq sfP rwKdy ho aqy * mYdfn ivc hfiraf ivakqI iPr vI cfhIdf. afpxy vwloˆ kIqf aihsfn Xfd nhIˆ hY. iÈkfieqfˆ Gwt krdy ho qd koeI vI irÈqf ijwq skdf hY, pRMqU mn qoˆ hfiraf ivakqI rwKxf cfhIdf. * pfxI dI bUMd df smuMdr ivc koeI inBf skdy ho. kdy nhIˆ ijwq skdf. * jy kmIË df iek btn glq lwg aDfr nhIˆ huMdf, pMRqU jd pwqy Aupr phuMcdI * jy irÈqf sMBflx df smfˆ nhIN qd smfˆ irÈqy ingl jfvygf. * sB qoˆ vwzf rog, kI kihxgy lok. jfvy qd bfkI btn vI glq lwgxgy. hY moqI vfˆg ilÈkdI hY.


The Patrika


Friday, March 29th, 2019




* QoVHf hwsxf vI iswK roxf qfˆ jnm * Dn jfiedfd iewCf nUM aqy swqf vyly hI iswK ilaf sI. hMkfr nUM vDfAuˆdIafˆ hn. * jy qusIN AuˆglIafˆ Aupr afpxIafˆ * mYˆ vigaf df diraf bx ky Kyq glqIafˆ igxn lgdy ho qd hornf vl isMjy hn jy mYˆ ruikaf rihMdf qd Kyqfˆ ny AuˆglI krn dI loV nhIN pvygI. hI pI ilaf huMdf. * iewCf nfl kuJ nhIˆ bdldf PYsly * ijhVy cldy hn aqy cldy rihMdy nfl sB kuJ bdldf hY. inÈcY nfl sB kuJ hn, AuhI phuMcdy hn. bdl skdf hY. * pwqJV Bfvyˆ ikMnI hI jfbr hovy, * igrigt kihMdI hY ik awj kl rMg kwuJ Pwul bgfvq krky iKV jfˆdy hn. bdlx ivc lokfˆ df mukfblf krnf sMBv * cM g Iafˆ afdqfˆ mihM g Iafˆ nhIˆ nhIN. huMdIafˆ aqy mihMgIafˆ afdqfˆ cMgIafˆ nhIˆ * iËMdgI iek sfeIkl dI qrHfˆ huMdI huMdIafˆ. hY, qusIˆ Audoˆ qwk nhIN izgdy jd qk pYzl * mnuwK df blI hwQ hr cIË ivc mfrny bMd nhIN krdy. jfn pf idMdf hY. * qusIN ijs Byd nUM gupq rwKxf cfhuMdy * sYr krn nfl idRÈtIkox AusfrU ho qd kdy vI afpxy dosq nUM vI nf dwso nhIˆ ho jfˆdf, sYr krdy hI Auh hn ijnHfˆ ikAuˆik quhfzy dosq dy awgy dosq hn. df idRÈtIkox AusfrU hovy. * kMm aijhI guxkfrI bUtI hY, ijhVI * smfj sdf AunHfˆ nUM Xfd krdf hY, mnuwK df akyvfˆ, Qkyvfˆ aqy icMqf dUr krdI ijnHfˆ ny smfj qoˆ Gt ilaf huMdf hY, pRMqU hY. smfj nUM moiVaf vD huMdf hY. * mnuwK dUjy dy doÈfˆ nUM qUVI vfˆg * Dn iksy dI rwiKaf nhIˆ krdf, AuzfAuNdf hY, pr afpxy doÈfˆ nUM juafrI dIaF ikAuˆ jo Dn nUM Kud rwiKaf dI loV huMdI hY. igtIaf vfˆg CupfAuˆdf hY. * mflk nhIˆ Qwkdy ijhVy Qwkdy hn * jIvn dy hr Kyqr ivc sPlqf df Auh nOkr huMdy hn. isDfˆq hY ik inrDfirq kMm qoˆ iËafdf kIqf * vihmI lok joqÈIafˆ kol jfˆdy hn jfvy. aqy hor nvyˆ vihm lY ky af jfˆdy hn. * Xog smyˆ kihxf mnuwKI ikrdfr dI * purÈ Gr iqafg dyvygf pr isDfˆq AucfeI hY. nhIˆ Cwzygf. iesqrI Gr bcfAux leI * sfh lYxf ijAUxf nhIˆ huMdf. ijAUxf inXm iqafg dyvygI. qfˆ sUrj bxnf huMdf hY. * jy rwb nUM grIb mnuwK dI qrHfˆ * jy qusIˆ afp eImfndfr bx jfvo iËMdgI bqIq krnI pY jfvy qd kuJ GMitafˆ qd dunIaf ivc iek byeImfn Gt jfvygf. ivc hI afqm hwiqaf kr lvygf. * ijhVf PlL imhnq qoˆ ibnf pRfpq * Gr ivc afieaf mihmfn koeI huMdf hY, Auh hjLm nhIˆ huMdf. hovy, jfx smyˆ awCf lgdf hY. * cMgy kMm dI pihcfx ieh hY ik jdoˆ * aOrq, tI-bYg dI qrHfˆ huMdI hY, kr ilaf jfˆdf hY qd ies dy keI dfavydfr ijs dI qfkq grm pfxI ivc pf ky hI pqf pYdf ho jfˆdy hn. cldI hY. * igafn kdy vI muÈkl ivc nhIˆ * ijhVf mnu w K afpxy ikw q y nfl pfAuˆdf. vPfdfr hY, Auh iksy nfl vPfdfr nhIˆ ho * afqm ivÈvfÈ dI kmI aMDivÈvfÈfˆ skdf. dI jVH hY. * hr ivakqI pRsMsf df BuwKf hY, pRMqU * ijs afdmI ny kdy glqI nhIN jy pRsMsf hornf dI hfËrI ivc kIqI jfvy kIqI, qd smJ lvo ik Aus ny kdy kMm nhIˆ qd iËafdf anMd idMdI hY. kIqf. * Drm vyKx nUM qfˆ Bfvyˆ lokfˆ nUM joVdy * afqm-ivÈvfÈ dI ivDI hY ik qusIN hn, pr swc ies qoˆ Ault hY. ieh kMm kro ijs nUM krn qoˆ qusIN zrdy ho. * iensfn ijAuˆdy afdmI nUM musIbqfˆ * kdy vI ibnf socy smJy hfˆ krnI, idMdf hY, pr mrn qoˆ bfad ÈrfD pUjdf hY. mn dI srlqf, ierfdy dI kicafeI aqy * swc leI hr vsqU dI kurbfnI nfdfnI df pRqIk hY. idwqI jf skdI hY, pRMqU swc dI blI iksy * bihs qoˆ lfB AuTfAux df iek dI vsqU leI nhIˆ idwqI jf skdI. mfqr ivDI hY ik bihs nf kIqI jfvy. * mnuwK mfl gwzIafˆ dy zwby vfˆg huMdf * qUPfn qF mukfblf ardfsfˆ nfl hY. KflI bhuq KV-KV krdf hY, Biraf nhIˆ Audm nfl hI huMdf hY. hoieaf cuwp cfp lMG jfˆdf hY. PAGE 17

The Patrika





Friday, March 29th, 2019

Child care planning goes local


ocal child care needs from now through 2029 are the focus of $3 million in municipal planning grants that will help ensure communities are responsive to young families.


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sure that child care investments are strategic and new spaces are created where they are most needed,” said Katrina Chen, Minister of State for Child Care. “We know that when families have access to affordable, quality child care spaces where they live, it is good for our communities. Local businesses thrive and families have more stability.”

“These planning grants will help municipalities and regional districts assess their current child care circumstances and identify what local families will need over the next decade,” The funding comes from the Comsaid Katrine Conroy, Minister of Children and Family Development. “Local governments know best the unique needs in their communities, and working together makes us stronger and better able to respond quickly.” munity Child Care Planning Program, Local governments will use their and is the first step in a $3-million grants to create an inventory of exist- partnership launched in September ing child care spaces, identify how 2018 between the Province and the many child care spaces are needed Union of British Columbia Muncinow and how many will be needed palities (UBCM). over the coming years, as well as “This program will strengthen local the type of child care that is needed. government knowledge of child care They will then draft an action plan needs in our communities,” said to create these spaces and work with Arjun Singh, UBCM president. “I their school districts, local health appreciate the integrated approach authorities, Indigenous partners and involving multiple stakeholders and other key child care stakeholders to believe there will be long-term imbuild these plans. This information provements to the overall availability will be shared with the Ministry of and quality of child care services.” Children and Family Development to help inform future provincial child In addition to the Community Child Care Planning Program, the Province care investments. launched the $13.7-million CommuMore than 70 local governments ap- nity Child Care Space Creation Proplied for up to $25,000 each to plan gram in September 2018 in partnerfor the long-term child care needs ship with UBCM and funded through of families in their communities, the Canada – BC Early Learning and with some governments choosing Child Care Agreement. This program to work collaboratively with nearby will provide local governments with communities. up to $1 million and support the “We can’t solve the child care short- creation of new licensed child care age on our own. Municipalities know spaces, with a focus on infant and todthe needs of families in their com- dler care. Successful applicants will munities, and this insight will make be announced in the coming weeks.

The Patrika


Friday, March 29th, 2019




Emergency operations centres and training funds help B.C. communities


ixty-three local and regional governments and First Nations communities have been approved to receive their share of nearly $1.5 million in provincial emergency preparedness funding to support emergency operations centres (EOCs) and related emergency training. Since the September 2017 Budget update, communities and governments throughout B.C. have received more than $20.5 million through the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund (CEPF). Now, another 57 applicants in 63 communities are receiving targeted funding specifically for equipment and supplies required to maintain or improve EOCs, and to enhance EOC capacity through training and exercises. People in all corners of B.C. will benefit from this funding.

require to respond to the emergency quickly and efficiently,” said Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General. “This investment will increase capacity and provide training for emergency operations centres throughout B.C. so that people on the ground have the tools they need to keep their loved ones and other people safe.”

The Province provides the funding, Evacuation routes which is administered by UBCM and divided into five streams: The next deadline to apply for this

program is Oct. 25, 2019, for strucFunding for the EOC and training Flood risk assessment, flood mapping tural flood mitigation second intake. component of the CEPF was an- and flood mitigation planning nounced at the Union of British CoKULJEET SANGHA lumbia Municipalities convention in HARPREET RANA September 2017. This funding is part Book Your Flights For Your Dream Destination And Get Best Rate of a $33.5-million plan designed to Call For PH:604.743.1099 | Fax: 604.743.1098 help communities prepare for, and More Information respond to, disasters.


“Having the right tools is key when it comes to responding to and recovering from any type of disaster,” said Jennifer Rice, Parliamentary Secretary for Emergency Preparedness. “When an emergency situation hap- “Providing funding like this increases pens, it’s crucial that communities the capacity of our communities to have the training and resources they respond in the event of an emergency


and improves resiliency when it Emergency social services comes time to recover and rebuild.” Emergency operations centres and The CEPF is a suite of programs training designed to enhance the resiliency of local governments and their residents. Structural flood mitigation

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The Patrika





Friday, March 29th, 2019

Province provides record funding for ground search and rescue in B.C.


he Province is providing $18.6 million in one-time funding to ground search and rescue (GSAR) groups throughout the province to be used over the next three years. This funding will help the BC Search and Rescue Association (BCSARA) and GSAR groups bolster training, provide administrative support and equipment renewals. It also will support the Province and BCSARA in work to develop and implement a new governance and funding model. “In discussions with BCSARA, I’ve heard the ground search and rescue community’s strong concerns about the need for both an immediate infusion of funding and a clearer path toward long-term sustainable funding,” said Mike Farnworth, Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General. “That’s why we’re providing a record-level of funding as an immediate top-up of what B.C.’s GSAR groups are already receiving, as well as establishing a joint committee to move more quickly toward developing a sustainable funding model.”

with BCSARA on the development and implementation of a new governance and funding model. “On behalf of the 80 ground search and rescue groups and 2,500 members across the province, our thanks to the provincial government for the single largest influx of funding for search and rescue to date,” said Chris Kelly, president, BCSARA. “The funds will provide critical core supports over the next three years, while final details are completed in the short term on a sustainable model.” Representatives from Emergency Management BC and BCSARA will create a partnership committee, which will set policy direction and consistent standards for search and rescue, and a management committee, which will make joint decisions on the distribution of funding to B.C.’s 80 search and rescue groups.

This new funding is in addition to funding that the Province already provides each year – $9 million in 2017-18 – to cover GSAR operational costs for deployment, as well as training and equipment costs, and the insurance and The $18.6 million represent the single liability for the 80 groups serving B.C. largest provincial GSAR investment in B.C.’s history – a 24% increase from $5 The Province’s 2,500 registered search million per year in supplemental fund- and rescue volunteers provide a vital ing announced in 2016. As well, Emer- public safety service for citizens and gency Management BC has funding for visitors, responding to more than 1,600 two additional staff positions to work incidents each year.

Is vaping safer than smoking? (NC) You may have heard how vaping is the ‘safe’ version of smoking. For smokers who switch completely to vaping, it is indeed less harmful than smoking, as vaping exposes users to a small fraction of the toxic chemicals found in tobacco smoke.

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consider replacing their cigarettes with vaping. Switching completely will reduce their exposure to the cancer-causing chemicals contained in tobacco smoke. And, there are short-term general health improvements if smokers completely switch There’s also the factor that for sec- from smoking to vaping. ond-hand exposure, vaping devices A word of caution – vaping is not only put out emissions when they’re for youth and non-smokers. Because activated for a puff, whereas cigarettes constantly burn and put out vaping still exposes users to harmful chemicals, it’s best to prevent its upside-stream smoke. take and stay smoke- and vape-free! While quitting smoking can be In the end, if you don’t smoke; don’t difficult, it is possible, and help is vape. available. Because vaping delivers nicotine in a less harmful way Get the facts about vaping and smokthan smoking, smokers may want to ing at

The Patrika


Friday, March 29th, 2019




blvMq isMG sMGyVf vloN hPqy ivc Gwto Gwt do jfˆ iqMn grwup gurdvfrf nfnk invfs nMbr 5 roz ircmMz ivKy nqmsqk hox aqy iswK Drm vfry jfxkfrI hfsl krn leI afAuNdy hn.ies islisly ivc idn sLnIcrvfr, 23 mfrc nUM bfeIbl kflj aYbtszorz qoˆ 30 ividafrQI aqy Auhnfˆ dy aiDafipk gurU Gr phuMcy. Auhnfˆ dI agvfeI ieMtrklcrl stwzIj dy zfierYktr proPYsr kYrf brgstrOm kr rhy sn. ieh Auhnfˆ dI aMqr rfÈtrI Drmfˆ dI klfs sI. gurU Gr phuMc ky Auhnfˆ ny iswK Drm aqy ieMzo-kYnyzIan kimAUintI vfry jfxkfrI pRfpq kIqI aqy cfh pfxI df anMd mfixafN. jfx qoˆ pihlfˆ kYrf brgstrOm ny blvMq isMG sMGyVf, blbIr isMG jvMdf aqy smuwcI pRbMDk kmytI df DMnvfd kIqf aqy iek gruwp Poto iKHcvfeI.Poto ivc ieh sB gurU Gr dI pRbMDk kmytI dy kuJ mYNbrfˆ aqy igafnIafˆ nfl KVHy hn.


The Patrika



Friday, March 29th, 2019





he Canadian Elite Basketball League (CEBL) revealed all the top talent that was drafted by the league’s six teams in its first ever Entry Draft on Saturday, March 23, 2019. The draft reveal took place at the Art Gallery of Hamilton in front of media, sports and lifestyle influencers, prominent basketball personalities and executives. The Fraser Valley Bandits had the first overall pick in the regional rounds and selected 6-foot-5 guard Joel Friesen, a Fraser Valley native who played for the University of the Fraser Valley and the University of

Alberta before launching his professional career in 2015.

From players who have represented Canada Basketball to rising talents from current U SPORTS programs, below is a breakdown of all the players that were drafted into the CEBL. Regional Rounds: The first four rounds of the draft had a regional focus as CEBL teams selected players from their respective territories, allowing each team University (Hometown: Abbotsford, to have a nucleus of players from its BC) own region. Round 3: Round 1 1. Fraser Valley Bandits: Diego 1. Fraser Valley Bandits: Joel Kapelan, McNeese State University Friesen, University of Alberta / (Hometown: Vancouver, BC) University of the Fraser Valley (Hometown: Abbotsford, BC) Round 4:

playing in U SPORTS programs across Canada Round 1 1. Fraser Valley Bandits: Mason Bourcier, University of British Columbia Round 2

Round 2

1. Fraser Valley Bandits: Dallin 1. Fraser Valley Bandits: Grant Bachynski, University of Utah (Cal- Shephard, University of British Co1. Fraser Valley Bandits: Marek gary, AB) lumbia Klassen, Point Loma Nazarene Open Rounds: The CEBL, the official professional league partner of Canada Basketball, Commencing with Round Five, the opens its inaugural season in May draft opened up for all teams to select with franchises in Fraser Valley (Abplayers from any region of the world. botsford), Edmonton, Guelph, HamThe following were the players draftilton, Saskatchewan (Saskatoon), ed by each team in the open rounds: and Niagara (St. Catharines). CEBL teams will play a 20-game regular Fraser Valley Bandits: season from May 9 to August 15, • Ransford Brempong, Western culminating with a league championCarolina University ship playoff at a site to be announced. • Rashaun Broadus, Brigham By The Numbers: Young University The CEBL Entry Draft saw promi• Elijah Foster, University of nent athletes being picked from sevNevada eral world class leagues and univer• Troy Gottselig, University of sity programs. Below is a summary of where these athletes came from. Saskatchewan • Maurice Jones, Northwest U SPORTS Background – 37 players from 21 different schools Nazarene University • Levon Kendall, University of U SPORTS Developmental Players – 8 players Pittsburgh • Conor Morgan, University of NCAA Background – 42 players from 28 different schools British Columbia U SPORTS ROUNDS

NBA G-League Experience – 12 players

The rising stars of tomorrow – these rounds saw teams select emerging Canadian National Team Experience Canadian basketball talent currently – 26 players International Players – 10 players PAGE 22

The Patrika


Friday, March 29th, 2019





WSO to Host KaursVote Panels For Sikh Heritage Month

Tentative agreement reached with resident doctors, health employers

n marking Sikh Heritage Month, the are a number of possible reasons for this lack World Sikh Organization of Canada will of engagement with Sikh women, which the be hosting “KaursVotes” panels in cities WSO’s KaursVote initiative will help address. across Canada. The WSO will be initially hosting panel disKaursVote is a non-partisan initiative that cussions in Brampton and Surrey with panels will address the underrepresentation of Sikh to follow in Calgary and Edmonton. Panelists women in the political process by focusing on from a variety of backgrounds will discuss why Sikh women’s voices are so important. how Sikh women can effectively engage in The initiative will help start dialogues for the democratic process in Canada at the variSikh women across the country on how they ous levels of government. can better engage with the political process and ensure that politicians are responsive and The KaursVote panels currently planned for accountable to their issues. Sikh Heritage Month in April are as follows:

The Resident Doctors of BC (RDBC) and the Health Employers Association of BC (HEABC) have reached a tentative agreement under government’s Sustainable Services Negotiating Mandate, which focuses on improving services for people and ensuring fair and affordable compensation.

The Sikh community has established itself as a political force in Canada in the last number of decades. However, while the entire community has seen the election of a record number of Sikh elected officials, Sikh women have not typically participated as vigorously in the electoral process. Politicians routinely court male members of the Sikh community without addressing the specific needs of Sikh women or creating forums through which women can have their issues heard. There

The tentative agreement covers nearly 1,350 resident physicians working for publicly funded health-care employers in British Columbia. Further details about the agreement will be available once the ratification process for the HEABC board and RDBC members is completed.

Brampton: April 6, 2019 from 2pm-4pm at PAMA, 9 Wellington St. E. Brampton. https:// Surrey: April 7, 2019 from 2pm-4pm at Strawberry Hill Library - Surrey Libraries 7399 122 Street, Strawberry Hill Library Meeting Room, Surrey, BC. https://www.

The Sustainable Services Negotiating Mandate supports government’s commitment to improve the services people count on, make life more affordable and invest in sustainable economic growth. The mandate is consistent with B.C.’s commitment to balanced budgets and sound fiscal management, and provides parties with the ability to negotiate conditional and modest funding to drive tangible service improvements for people in B.C. Nearly 215,000 unionized public-sector employees are covered by tentative or ratified agreements reached under B.C.’s Sustainable Services Negotiating Mandate. PAGE 23

The Patrika



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Friday, March 29th, 2019


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The Patrika


Friday, March 29th, 2019




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Corner Unit- Mouat Gardens! A great complex for a family. This unit features 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, bright living room, spacious dining area, kitchen, sundeck & a big backyard for entertainment. Other features- In suite laundry, low strata fee, corner unit, across from Mouat School, no age restrictions, rentals allowed and much more. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, malls, public transit & easy access to freeway.



BRAND NEW HOME NEW LISTING Brand New Custom built 2 storey/w bsmt home in Auguston. This home features 6 bedrooms/5 bathrooms & a big backyard for entertainment that backs onto a Greenbelt. Main floor features bright great room, huge kitchen with quartz counter tops & tons of storage, dining area, den/office, laundry room & a huge sundeck. Above floor features 4 bedrooms/3 bathrooms with an ensuite in 2 bedrooms including the Master and 1 bathroom attached to the other 2 bedrooms. Basement features a separate entrance with big rec room, 2 bedrooms/ 1 full bathroom & paver stone driveway & much more.



NEW LISTING Perfect family home in a great neighborhood. This home features 4 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms with an en suite powder in the master, bright living room, spacious kitchen, dining area, den, sunny sundeck & a backyard for entertainment. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit, malls, parks & easy access to freeway. $697,700



Corner Unit! Only 11 yrs old townhome with over 1600 sqft living area in West Abbotsford. This home features 3 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms with lots of living space. Main floor features bright & spacious living room, family room, dining area, good size kitchen with an eating bar island & tons of storage, half bathroom and 2 sunny sundecks (front & back). Above floor features- 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms with an ensuite & walk in closet in the master and a laundry room. Other features- Low Strata Fee ($180 per month), tons of visitor parking, rentals allowed & much more. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, Sikh Temple, parks, malls, Cineplex & easy access to freeway.



NEW LISTING Fully Renovated Ground Level Unit. This unit is ready to move in to. This home has 2 spacious bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms with an en suite in the master, bright living room, good size kitchen, dining space, patio and gives you a feeling of having your own private yard. The building has been well maintained & well managed. Other features- In Suite Laundry, exercise room in the building & elevator. Close to schools, shopping, malls, parks, recreation, public transit & easy access to freeway. 354,700




Only 2 years old Custom Built Quality Home in a Central Location. This 2 Storey w/Basement home features 6 bedrooms/ 6 bathrooms with a huge sundeck & nice backyard for entertainment. Main floor has a modern great room concept, big kitchen with a huge island, granite counter tops, stainless steel appliances & tons of storage, dining area, den, half bathroom, laundry & a welcoming foyer. Top floor has 4 good size bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms out of which 2 bedrooms have ensuite & a walk in closet in the master. Basement area has a rec room, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms with a separate entrance. Close to amenities.



51 32310 MOUAT DRIVE


Solid Custom Built Massive Rancher w/basement sitting on a huge lot. Original Owners. This home features 5 bedrooms/3 baths with an ensuite in master, bright living room w/fireplace, dining area, big solid oak kitchen with a huge island & tons of storage, cozy family room w/fireplace, eating area, rec room, office, den, flat big backyard, sunny deck for entertainment & Detached/ insulated workshop with 1 pc bath. Other features-Heat pump/ air conditioning, built in vacuum, thermo windows, 2x6 construction, energy efficient home, heavy insulation throughout, heat recovery ventilation system, public transit, malls & easy access to freeway.





Solid & well maintained Rancher in a Central Location. This home features 3 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms with an ensuite in the master, bright living room, dining area, cozy family room, laundry room, double garage & a nicely fenced backyard for enterntainment. Some of the updates are- stainless steel appliances in kitchen, new furnace, new hotwater tank, central air conditioning, shed roof, skylights, updated plumbing, paint inside and out including the fence & much more. Close to hospital, schools, shopping, recreation, public transit, restaurants, parks, malls & easy access to freeway.




Fairfield Estates! 2 Storey home in a perfect location. This home features 5 bedrooms & 3 bathrooms. Main floor has a nice entrance, huge living room, dining area, family room, nook, kitchen, 1 bedroom (can be used as a den/office) & a half bathroom. Upstairs has 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths & a laundry room (good size to make it a 5th bedroom upstairs). Other features- Newer roof, quiet neighborhood, good size bedrooms, steps to Rotary stadium, fenced backyard & much more. Close to shopping, schools,




Allwood Place! This townhome features 2 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms with an ensuite in the master PLUS a huge rec room in the basement, bright living space, open layout & modern kitchen concept with quartz counter tops/ stainless steel appliances and a nice balcony for entertainment. Other featuresE x e r c i s e C e n t e r, Re n t a l s A l l o w e d , Playground, Low Strata Fee, fenced backyard with a walk out door from rec room in the basement and much more. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, parks, malls, restaurants, public transit & easy access to freeway. *NO GST*

Location! Corner lot & closer to cul de sac. A great neighborhood to raise your family. This home features 4 bedrooms/ 3 bathrooms, bright living room, dining area, kitchen, huge basement area with separate entrance, big rec room, laundry, sundeck & nice fenced backyard for entertainment. Other featuresNew windows, newer renos in the basement area, newer roof, new hot water tank, updated furnace, new storage shed, central air conditioning and much more. Close to MRC, shopping, recreation, malls, restaurants, schools, public transit

102 2567 VICTORIA ST.

109 2958 TRETHEWEY ST.





Cascade Green! Neat & Clean Ground Level Unit. Affordable and great starter home in a friendly neighborhood which is perfect to raise your kids. view now!.




JAGDISH KANG 604-226-6611 jgdIS kMg

Your Dream Home Is Just A Call Away!

2365 -264 ST. LANGLEY 8 BED | 6 BATH | 27,300 sqft


3 BED | 1 BATH | 1054 sqft




I SOLD W Two Master Bed rooms |Big Kitchen | Lot of Upgrades

12707 N 104A AVE, SURREY 7 BED | 7 BATH | 4,612 sqft


4 BED | 2 BATH | 3,737 sqft

Call : 604-226-6611


5 BED | 3 BATH | 7,080 sqft



Large Double Garage | Close to Elementary School, Shopping, Library & Bus Route

7294 W 129B ST, SURREY


5 BED | 3 BATH |


Two large Bed rooms |Close to all amenties

Two Master Bed rooms | Big Kitchen | Lot of Upgrades


3 BED | 2 BATH | 1,296 sqft






Lot size : 100 * 200 = 20,000 sqft| Build Two Houses House Plan is approved

32782 OKANAGAN DR. ABBOTSFORD 33143 Dalke Ave, Mission 5 BED | 4 BATH | 1,200 Sqft 7 BED | 5 BATH $799,900 $825,000

19 - 3635 Blue Jay St. 4 beds | 3 baths | 2300 sqft


SOLD 32369 Alpine Ave

2 Bed | 2 Bath | 2000-2500 sqft


Three Master Bed rooms | High end features | Near to Skytrain Station

2238 Bedford Place 5 Bed | 3 Bath | 2392 sqft

First time home buyers | Lots of Parking | Close to Shopping, Park and University

Rancher Style Home | Double Garage | Walking distance to Abbotsford Rotary Stadium

2 Bed Legal Suite | Rec Room


3 - 2048 Mccallum Rd. 33437 George Ferguson Way 31112 Southern Drive 31496 Sunnyside Cres. 165 - 32550 Maclure Rd. 2 Bed | 2 Bath | 940 sqft

3 Bed | 2 Bath | 1460 sqft



LARGE RANCHER WITH SUITE-Centrally located near schools and transit.



4 Bed | 3 Baths | 1653 sqft

4 Bed | 4 Bath | 6,600 sq ft





3 Bed | 3 baths | 1164 sqft


The Patrika



Friday, March 29th, 2019



gurdvwrw klgIDr drbwr

30640 Blueridge Dr, Abbotsford, BC V2T 5W3 gurdvwrw klgIDr drbwr swihb AYbtsPorf ivKy

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mwrc 31 AYqvwr

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gurdvwrw swihb ivKy hwzrI Br rhy pRcwrk jQy

• rwgI j~Qy – BweI Drm isMG jI Ajnohy vwly BweI rivMdr isMG jI AwlmgIr mMjI swihb vwly • FwfI j`Qw igAwnI suKdyv isMG jI hrIky p`qn vwly • kQw vwck – igAwnI gursyvk isMG jI iProzpur vwly

gurdvwrw swihb ivKy pRogrwm b`uk krn leI sMprk kro

gurdvwrw swihb 604-504-5530, BweI jIq isMG is`DU (m`K u syvwdwr) 604-556-4089 igAwnI bic`qr isMG m`K u gRQ M I 604-600-1600

Joint statement on International Day for How insurance apps can save the Elimination of Racial Discrimination you money


remier John Horgan and Ravi Kahlon, Parliamentary Secretary for Sport and Multiculturalism, have released the following statement marking the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination: “Today, British Columbians join people around the world as we recognize the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination and honour the strength, courage and perseverance of people in B.C., Canada and around the world who experience and confront racism every day. “The devastating acts of terrorism in New Zealand remind us that we must stand together against racism, white supremacy and Islamophobia that are being used by cowardly people as tools for political gain. “While we celebrate the values of diversity, inclusion and mutual respect, we strongly condemn the deeply troubling rise of hatred, nationalist populism and extreme racist ideologies around the globe. “Today, and every day, we will use our voices and platforms to speak out against racism, prejudice and intolerance. By acknowledg-


ing and confronting our own privileges and biases, we can learn to see the world from a different perspective than our own and begin to understand the experiences of others.

(NC) Incorporating new technology into our daily lives can be intimidating. But when it comes to insurance, many companies such “Our government is taking action to make as Belairdirect are offering usersure everyone in B.C. is treated with dignity friendly apps to improve conveand respect. We are in the process of ap- nience and save you money. pointing a new human rights commissioner Here are some ways insurance to protect and promote human rights, and technology is changing the concreate a more inclusive and just society for sumer experience: all British Columbians. Accessing information 24/7. “We also updated the Multiculturalism Self-service technology apps can Grants program to support organizations help you take care of your car or that are working to improve intercultural home insurance from anywhere interactions, reduce barriers and eliminate and at any time – regardless of discrimination, alongside our Organizing if you’re a night owl or an early Against Racism and Hate program. bird. You can do everything from “We are proud of the diverse and inclusive tracking a claim to reviewing and province we are so lucky to live in. Together, managing your account at any we must fight for a better world. Only with hour, meaning you can manage love can we stop hate. Only with compassion the important things in life on can we understand that we are all the same. your schedule.

A seamless and consistent experience. Today’s sophisticated technology means insurance consumers have access to a reliable and consistent platform, which makes looking for information seamless when you need it.

Empowering customers. Apps that include programs such as Belairdirect’s automerit allow consumers to participate in a usage-based insurance program, which gives you more control over what you pay for your car “Our government will always stand up for On-the-spot assistance. Many insurance. The program rewards equality, defend human rights and work insurance apps provide you with safe driving behaviour and low every day to make B.C. a better place for immediate direction and support annual kilometres – something all consumers can get behind. everyone who lives here.” in the event of an accident.

The Patrika


Friday, March 29th, 2019

sivwqrI bhuq hI KusL imjfjL suBfa vflI aOrq sI. ijs ipMz ivwc Auh ivafhI hoeI sI, Auh ipMz sLihr dy iblkul njLdIk sI. ies ipMz dy njLdIk mMgiqaF dI abfdI vI kfPI sI. ienHF dy afpxy pwky zyry bxy sn. jdoN vI koeI ivafh sLfdI huMdI; ieh iBKfrI lok afpy af Dmkdy sn. ivafh vfly Gr pRfhuixaF nfloN ienHF dI igxqI ijLafdf huMdI sI. sivwqrI keI vfr ieh gwl afpxy mUMhoN vI dsdI huMdI sI. qy awj sivwqrI bhuq KusL lwg rhI sI. sLfied afpxy puwqr dy ivafh krky. jdoN bwcf jvfn huMdf hY, kudrqI gwl hY, ik mF-bfp dy ichry qy KyVf af jFdf hY. nfly mF bfp nUM Aus idn dI AuzIk huMdI hY ik kdoN AunHF df bwcf jvfn hovy, AuhdI mMgxI qy ivafh kIqf jfvy. sivwqrI ny afp vI qy bhuq burf vkq dyiKaf sI. Auhdf lwgBg sfrf jIvn sMGrsL ivwc lMiGaf sI. keI vfr bYiTaF Auw iTafN Auh afpxf sfrf duwK suwK Pol lYNdI sI. Auh dsdI sI ik Ausny afp bVI musLikl nfl pVHfeI kIqI sI. ivafh qF BfvyN Auhdf cMgy pirvfr ivwc ho igaf pr pqI Ausdf aiq drjy df sLrfbI sI. hYgf vI Auh iewk srkfrI mulfjLm sI. afpxI qnKfh Auh sfrI sLrfb rFhIN Auzf idMdf sI qy rihMdI KUMhdI ksr Auh sivwqrI dI qnKfh nfl pUrI kr Cwzdf. iewk idn aijhf afieaf ik sLrfbI pqI sivwqrI koloN pwlf Cuzf ky clf igaf. mgr aYzy vwzy pirvfr dI ijMLmyvfrI sivwqrI dy isr af peI. cfr DIaF, puwqr, sws-shurf, ies sfry pirvfr dI rojLI rotI sivwqrI dI qnKLfh qy hI inrBr sI. cfr bwicaF nUM Aus ny bVI musLikl nfl pVHfieaf ilKfieaf qy pflx posLx kIqf. kuVIaF qF BfvyN Aus ny cMgy pirvfr ivwc ivafh idwqIaF sn pr puwqr Ausdf kuVIaF qoN Cotf sI. aKIrlf Gol smJ ky Auh cfhuMdI ik Auh sfrIaF sDrF pUrIaF kry. iesy krky Auh puwqr dy ivafh df inAuNqrf Kud afp hr iewk dy Gr dy rhI sI. rivMdr nUM vI kihx lwgI Bfa jI myry byty df ivafh jnvrI mhIny df pwkf kr idwqf hY. Gr kihx leI afvF ik eyQy khy qy sr jfvygf. rivMdr kihx lwgf sivwqrI qyrI mrjLI hY. Gr kihx leI afvyNgI qF hor vI sony qy suhfgf hovygf nfly Gr vI pqf hoAU beI sivwqrI dy byty df ivafh hY. sivwqrI kihx lwgI TIk hY BfjI sMzy nUM mYN Gr afvFgI nfly BfbI nUM vI kih idaFgI. rivMdr ny Gr jf ky afpxI pqnI nUM dwisaf ik sivwqrI ny afpxy byty df ivafh dy idwqf hY. kihMdI sI mYN Gr vI kihx leI afAuxf. quhfzf kI ivcfr hY? AusdI pqnI




ny rivMdr nUM ikhf jykr koeI ipafr nfl bulfey qF jLrUr phuMcxf cfhIdf hY. sLgn vfly idn rivMdr qy AusdI pqnI sivwqrI dy Gr phuMc gey. AuhnF nUM Gr afieaF dyK ky sivwqrI bhuq KusL hoeI qy kihx lwgI,” Bfa jI pihlF cfh pIE, bfad ivwc bfbf jI dy mwQf tyikE”. afey hoey sfry mihmfn pihlF pMzfl ivwc jFdy sn. cfh pfxI pINdy sn qy iewk dUjy nfl vDfeIaF sFJIaF krdy sn. ivafh vflf Gr hox kfrn bhuq rOxkF lwgIaF hoeIaF sn. pMzfl dy aMdr bfhr bhuq sjfvt kIqI hoeI sI. pMzfl dy sfhmxy kuJ Epry ijhy lok bYTy sn. rivMdr dI pqnI ny puiCwaf ieh sfhmxy bYTy lok kOx hn? Aus ny muV ky dyiKaf pMzfl dy sfhmxy kuJ pMj swq mMgqIaF bYTIaF sn. sLihrI hox kfrn AusdI pqnI ny puiWCaf, “ kI ienHF nUM iksy ny bulfieaf jf ieh lok afpxy afp hI af gey hn.” rivMdr ny ikhf. “Auh sfhmxy sVk bx rhI hY, BeIey rfxIaF hoxgIaF, ivafh vflf Gr smJky af geIaF hoxgIaF beI cfh pfxI pIx nUM iml jfvygf. pRfhuxy af jf rhy sn ienHF mMgqIaF vwl koeI nhIN sI vyK irhf. ieh mMgqIaF bws mUkpfqr bxIaF bYTIaF sn. ieMnHF mMgqIaF nUM koeI nhIN sI puwC irhf. ijvyN vfDU axswdy mihmfn hox. rivMdr qy AusdI pqnI ny plytF ivwc izsLs pfeIaF qy pMzfl dy sfhmxy iewk pfsy Klo ky Kfx lwgy. sfrIaF mMgqIaF AuhnF vwl vyK rhIaF sn. ijvyN AuhnF nUM iksy Bly dI AumId hovy. rivMdr vI soc irhf sI ik jykr ieh axswdy mihmfn cfh pfxI pI lYx qF ies ivwc kI hrjL hY? eynF rfsLn pwikaf ipaf hY. ienHF dy Kfx nfl ikhVf Gwt cwilaf hY. pqf nhIN ivcfrIaF ikhVy vyly dIaF bYTIaF hn. ieMny icr nUM iewk mMgqI AuhnF kol af ky Klo geI qy kihx lwgI, “ vy srdfrf sfnUM vI kuJ Kfx pIx nUM dy idE.” sfry Kfx lwgy hn. rivMdr soc irhf sI ik Auh ikvyN AuhnF nUM hOslf dyvy. Auh qF afp afm irsLqydfrF vFg ivafh dyKx leI afieaf hoieaf hY. AusdI koeI Kfs irsLqydfrI qF hY nhIN. bws sivwqrI dy nfl iewk srkfrI mulfjLm jLrUr hY! Auh mMgqI bolxoN nf htI hfr ky rivMdr ny ikhf, “bIbI qusIN vI ieQON plytF PV ky pvf lAu. nhIN srdfrf , asIN eyny jogIaF ikQoN? AunHF ny afpxI mjbUrI dws idwqI.” iPr iewk hor mMgqI AuhnF kol af ky Klo geI qy kihx lwgI, hfVHy vy vIrf asIN svyr dIaF eyQy KVHIaF hF, sfnUM iksy nhIN puwiCaf.

Ahu vyK BeI rfxI nUM pkOVy pf ky dyx zhy. asIN qy iPr vI ies ipMz dIaF hF. sfnUM vI kuJ Kfx pIx nUM dy idAu. Auh qrly kwZx lwgI.” pr hY Auh byvws sn. afpy pf ky Auh Kf nhIN sn skdIaF. rivMdr ikAuNik iewk piVHaf iliKaf bMdf sI Auh smJ rhIaF sn ik Auh sivwqrI dy nyVy df irsLqydfr hY qy vDyry phuMc vflf hY. eysy krky Auh bfr bfr rivMdr vwl af rhIaF sn. ajy Auh afps ivwc gwlF hI kr khy an ik sivwqrI vI AuDroN GuMmdI GumfAuNdI hoeI rivMdr hoxF dy kol af phuMcI. kihx lwgI BfjI cfh pfxI pI ky Auwpr Cwq qy bYT jfieE. sfry gYst Cwq qy Duwpy bYTy sn. rivMdr ny ikhf sivwqrI TIk hY asIN qy Duwpy cly jfvFgy qy afh mMgqIaF. ieMnI gwl ajy Ausdy mUMh ivwc sI ik sivwqrI ny ikhf, koeI gwl nhIN Bfa jI ieh sfzy ipMz dy mMgqy ny. ipMz dy bfhr ieMnHF df zyrf hY. ieh ieQoN dy pwky vsnIk hn. pihlF gYstF nUM cfh pfxI ipaf leIey iPr jo sry bxygf ienHF nUM vI dy idaFgy. nfly ienHf ikhVf huxy bMd ho jfxf rfq qwk qury rihxf ieMnHF ny. ieh gwl sux ky sfrIaF mMgqIaF AuhnF dy duafly iewkTIaF ho geIaF. ijAuNdf rih srdfrf. qyry puwq ijAux. rwb bhuqf dyvy. BMzfry Bry rihx. pqf nhIN ikMnIaF ku asIsF dyky AuhnF ny rivMdr dI JolIaF Br idwqIaF sn. iPr Aus koloN irhf nf igaf qy Ausny dubfrf iewk mMgqI nUM ikhf bIbI qusIN vI ieQoN plytF PVo, bihry koloN pkOVy qy miTafeI pvf lvo. rivMdr dy eynF kihx dI dyr hoeI ik do mMgqIaF ny plytF PVIaF bihry koloN miTafeI qy pkOVy puafey qy BuMjy bYh ky Kfx lwgIaF. Auh soc irhf sI ik ienHF grIbF dy Gr ikhVf kVHfeI qfxI huMdI ey. jjLmfnF dy GrF qoN hI ienHF nUM afs huMdI hY. ieh lok ivcfry AuzIkdy rihMdy hn ik kdoN iksy dy Gr ivafh hovy qy ieMnHF dy vI rojLy KuwlHx. ieh kI hoieaf bfeI? quhfnUM iksy swdf Byijaf? sivwqrI df shurf AuWcI AuWcI AunHF nUM bolx lwg ipaf. mUMh cuwk ky af vVdy ny. gMd pfieaf ies mFgq jLfq ny. dwso Blf sfzy nfl quhfzI koeI irsLqydfrI ey? ies qrHF AuWcI avfjL c bolidaF sux ky sfry irsLqydfr iewkTy ho gey. kI hoieaf bfeI? hr iewk dUjy nUM puwCI jfvy Auh mMgqIaF kuJ vI nhIN sn bol rhIaF. afpxy afhry lwgIaF rhIaF. KihVf Cuwtdf nf vyK ky rivMdr bol ipaf. kuJ nhIN hoieaf BfeI sfihb. kI Prk pYx lwgf? eynf rfsLn pwikaf ipaf ey, Krfb ho jU. kuwqy ibwlI dy awgy suwtx nfloN qy cMgf iksy iensfn dy mUMh pY jfvy. AuDroN hwt ky Auh rivMdr nfl KihbVn lwg ipaf. “nhIN”

PAGE 27 ipRM: jgqfr isMG srdfr jI, qusIN smJ ikAuN nhIN rhy? ieh iBKfrI, ieh mMgqy. pqf nhIN Ausny kI kI pux Cfx mfiraf? AunHF grIbF df. sfrf rfsLn iBRsLt kr idwqf ienHF ny. Kfx dy Xog nhIN irhf. kdI nhfAuNdy nhIN ieh kwpVy nhIN DoNdy. pMzF nfl mYl cwkI iPrdy ny ieh. ieh rfsLn hux ikvyN KfeIey. rivMdr ny bhuq ikhf, BfeI sfihb, kuJ nhIN hoieaf, quhfzy rfsLn nUM. qusIN vI iewk pfisEN pf ky Kf lvo. sfry Kfx lwgy ny. kuJ nhIN lwgf ieMnHF dy hwQF nUM. ieh vI iensfn ny rwb dy Byjy hoey. iehdy ivwc jLfq kujLfq vflI koeI gwl nhIN. abf qbf boldf hoieaf Auh pMzfl ivwcoN bfhr clf igaf. Aus ny iksy cIjL nUM hwQ nhIN lfieaf. rivMdr soc irhf sIik rwb ny vI kI ieh bMdy bxfey hn? keI bhuq amIr qy keI bhuq grIb. grIbF ivcfiraF nUM kOx puwCdf? ieh qy ivcfry do jhfn qoN Dwky hoey ny. Auhdy mn ivwc keI qrHF dy svfl AuWT rhy sn. ieh lok mMgqy ikAuN bxy? kI smfj ny ieMnHF nUM mMgqy bxfieaf? jF hlfqF ny ieMnHf nUM mMgqy bxn leI mjbUr kr idwqf hY. kI ieh afpxy ipCly jnmF df koeI sMqfp Bog rhy hn? sfzIaF srkfrF ieMnHF mMgiqaF df kuJ nhIN kr skdIaF. jykr srkfrF df mn hovy qF ieMnHF mMgiqaF dI igxqI Gwt skdI hY pr dUjy pl hI Ausny soicaf “nhIN” ieh qy AunHF df vot bYNk hY. pwky votr hn srkfr dy. jdoN ielYksLn isr qy afAuNdf hY, isafsI lok ienHF JuwgI JOpVI vfilaF dy GrF sfhmxy zyrf lfAuNdy hn. pYsf idKf ky KrId lYNdy hn; ieMnHF grIb lokF nUM. ies krky kI loV hY, ienHF dI hflfq suDfrn dI? Kfxf Kfx qoN bfad sLgn AuhnF ny sivwqrI nUM PVfieaf qy Gr vfpsI leI bws awzy phuMc gey. bws ivwc bYT gey. bws ivwc bY T idaF Au s dy sfhmxy Au h I mM gqIaF dy ichry GuMmdy rhy. Auh sfry rfh AunHF mMgqIaF dy BivwK nUM suDfrn leI socdf irhf. Auh mn ivwc ivcfr kr irhf sI ik ieMnHF grIbF nUM pVHfeI ilKfeI nfl kI vfsqf? ieh qy ivcfry pyt pflx qwk hI sIimq hn. bws mMg ky Kf ilaf. ienHF socF ivwc zuwbf Auh Gr dy moV qwk jf phuMcf. AusdI pqnI ny rivMdr nUM ikhf, “ jI Gr jfx qoN pihlF sLnI leI koeI Kfx pIx vflI cIjL lY ilE svyry GroN qurn lwigaF roNdf sI.” PAGE 27

The Patrika





Friday, March 29th, 2019

sLhId s: Bgq isMG jI

holf mhwlf mf: hfkm isMG sfgr dy aMimRq KMzy df, siqgurU, bKisLaf bfxI bfxf. PLOjF cVH lfzlIaF afvx dUr dUr qoN cwl ky.

jogf isMG jogI iqMny sLyr cVHf ky PFsI jdoN jlflF lfey.

ikhf sLsqrDfrI ho aYvyN, duwK kwitaf nhIN jfxf.

gwz qMbU QfvF’qy bYTx pf CfAuxIaF mwl ky.

ipCoN pfVI kMD ijhl dI cfhuMdy pfp lukfey.

kI ijAux gulfmF df, jfvy ibrQf jnm amolf.

koeI gwqkf KHyz irhf ikDry cwkr bxy vrolf.

sB qoN pihlF toikaF dy nflL hwQ pYr sI CMzy.

krqwv hiQafrF dy krky, isMG mnfAuNdy holf.

krqwv hiQafrF dy krky isMG mnfAuNdy holf.

Bfrq dy iqMn lfl cmkdy sI sqluj dy kMZy.

sB cfl ZflL bdlI, idwqIaF bdl inkMmIaF rIqF.

ikqy GoV svfrI dy krky krqwv isMG idKfAuNdy.

sihjy sihjy Cotf kfto ieAuN aPsr sI kihMdf.

Cwz vrx jLfq pfqF, vFg BrfvF krn prIqF.

KVHky do GoiVaF qy srpt AunF qfeIN duVfAuNdy.

mqF koeI ivroDI kr iqafrI jy sfzy glL pYNdf.

nfAuN jpdy vMz Ckdy, mMndy nf koeI ivwc ivcolf.

swBy srdfr bxy nf koeI mflk nf koeI golf.

pfpI bMidaf sdf corIaF jfxIaF nhIN lukfeIaF.

krqwv hiQafrF dy krky isMG mnfAuNdy holf.

krqwv hiQafrF dy krky isMG mnfAuNdy holf.

sUrj dy zuwbx dy ipwCoN hoxgIaF rusLnfeIaF.

jfbr hwQ sLkqI hY, KHyzI jfx KUn dI holI.

ieAuN Brn dlyrI nUM afls aqy kfierqf kwZdy.

dysL Bgq keI iPrn BflLdy loQ Bgq dI cuwkxI.

keI swj ivafhIaF dI, rsqy ivc Koh lYNdy zolI.

jo sLsqr imlL jfvy Aus nUM hwQ’coN mUl nf Cwzdy.

gory dI bytI dI kihMdy BYVI ho geI qwkxI.

idaf dI ikAuN afs kry, lylf smJ sLyr qoN Bolf.

Br dyvx josL nvF kwZ ky zr BY TMZ TMZolf.

Xfr gory sI KusLI mnONdy Ckx KusLI dy mMzy.

krqwv hiQafrF dy krky isMG mnfAuNdy holf.

krqwv hiQafrF dy krky isMG mnfAuNdy holf.

Bfrq dy iqMn lfl cmkdy sI siqluj dy kMZy.

Cwz rMg iKlfrn nUM cfVHo rMg bIrqf vflf.

hY Drq anMdpur dI pfk pivwqr BfgF vflI.

qlvfr qIr qygf KMzf rfm jMgf rKvflf.

ijwQy sfj Kflsy nUM kr igaf coj pMQ df bflI.

dusLmx jrvfxy nUM pf ky srnf nhIN hwQ polf.

ijMnHF iswk drsLn dI, afvx cVH’ky Auzx Ktolf.

krqv hiQafrF dy krky isMG mnfAuNdy holf.

krqwv hiQafrF dy krky isMG mnfAuNdy holf.

rUh nvIN PUkxI hY Cwz pKMzI bujLidl kfry.

nf gwl holkf dI nf koeI sV mfrn dIaF gwlF.

lAu iswiKaf sLsqr dI bx ky isMG jMgjU sfry.

krdy aiBafs jMgI mfrn dUr dUr qwk mwlF.

sB Byd Bfv moty Kqm kr idE rOlL Gcolf.

dyK Bwul jfey vrsx qoN hfkm isMGf bwdl bolf.

krqwv hiQafrF dy krky isMG mnfAuNdy holf.

krqwv hiQafrF dy krky isMG mnfAuNdy holf.

af jf bhfr!

sI loQF nUM lBdI iPrdI kOm vyrfgx ho ky. Bfrq mfqf ipwt rhI sI loQF kolL Klo ky. EDr lMzn dIaF prIaF ny KUb pusLfkF pfeIaF. sUrj dy zwubx qoN ipCoN hoxgIaF rusLnfeIaF. ibnF pCfx qoN hIry moqI kOzF dy Bf qwuly. prjf pflx vflLIaF rIJF rfjy vkqI Bwuly. lIrF dy ivc hIrf cmky swc dy JUlx JMzy. Bfrq dy iqMn lfl cmkdy dI sqluj dy kMZy. jdoN vYrIaF lFbU lfieaf afKx lgIaF rUhF. hux gory df rfj nI rihxf ieAuN afKy ipaf DUMaF.

sqvMq kOr pMDyr

EDr mymF nwc rhIaF sI surKI pOzr lfeIaF.

af jf! af jf bhfr! lY ky KusLIaF hjLfr.

psLU pMCI qyrf lwK vfrI sLukr mnfAux.

qyry rfhF’c Kloqy krdy hF ieMqjLfr.

kdy bYT ky gulfb, dI qUM godI muskfvyN.

qur pey sfry ihMdusqfnI lY eyky df jMqr.

ijwQoN lMGyN iek vfrI, jfvy DrqI isLMgfrI.

rfqIN bx ky qryl, nI qUM hfjLrI lvfvyN.

hux gorf nf eyQy rhygf Bfrq hoAU suqMqr.

nIN mYN cMd lPLjLF’c, ilKF qyrI adfkfrI.

ikrn sUrj dI jdoN pRBfq PyrI pfvy.

koeI socy prI arsLF, qoN AuWqrI qUM hoxIN.

qyry kIilaF nUM hor vI sLudfeI krI jfvy.

klf kudrq dI qUM, koeI rhy mnmohxI.

BOry Puwly nf smfey, klIaF dy pf ky hfr.

rfj qyrf mnjLUr goiraf ieh pwtI nhIN pVHnI.

hsUM-hsUM krdy ny, ijwQoN lMGdI qUM jfvyN.

pMCI Cwz cwly aflHxy, jf hoeI qVksfr.

jLor iksy df sdf nhIN rihMdf qur geIaF pfqsLfhIaF.

Puwl pwqIaF dy qfeIN, nIN qUM nwcxf isKfvyN.

vfh-vfh kry sqvMq, qyrf dyK cmqkfr!

sUrj zuwbx qoN ipCoN hoxgIaF rusLnfeIaF.

ruwK icrF qoN ny suwqy, nf hI ichiraF qy Bfg.

afKy aY kudrq! qYQoN jfvF bilhfr!!

qYnUM dyK jIx jogIey nI, Auh vI pey ny jfg.

af jf! af jf bhfr! lY ky KusLIaF hjLfr.

Puwl iKV-iKV sBnf dy, mn qfeIN BfAux.

qyry rfhF’c Kloqy, krdy hF ieMqjLfr.


sUrj zuwbx qoN ipCoN hoxgIaF rusLnfeIaF.

vIrF dy gilLaF qy cwlxy nhIN vIrF dy KMzy. Bfrq dy iqMn lfl cmkdy sI sqluj dy kMZy. ies DrqI dI ijnHF pivwqR Kfk vI af cuwk KVnI.

siqluj dy pfxI coN suxdy ienklfbI nfhry. gory pfpI vfDy krdy ibjlI kry iesLfry. jogI ijnHf gdfrI kIqI Auh jfvxgy BMzy. Bfrq dy iqMn lfl cmkdy sI sqluj dy kMZy.

The Patrika


Friday, March 29th, 2019

dwso gurU vfilLE






bfb¨ ÌIroËdIn ÈrÌ

rivµdr rvI

gurBjn igwl dwso gurU vfilLE pµjfb ikwQy hY?

b¨ty ny JfVF dy,

aWK vI jy lV jfvy,

gµZ-quWp dy ivc bIqy jIvn

qyry aµdr: hIr ‘c gµZF

bfxI nflL vwjdI rbfb ikwQy hY?

myry idloN afh inkly,

Ërf vI nf D¨µ inkly,

gµZ-quWp ivc sB irÈqy

pqnI dy KmIr ‘c gµZF

hwtI dI QF mfl qy plfËy af gey»

sIny sVdy phfVF dy »

BfvyN qn mn sV jfvy »

qn ivc gµZF, mn ivc gµZF

qyrI hr qsvIr ‘c gµZF

pwky qy pkfey bfhroN Kfjy af gey»

kVCy nsIbF dy,

ijµdVI mukdI ey,

gµZF vsqr, gµZF vfxI

DrqI qoN asmfn C¨h rhy

qUÀbI algoËy dI QF vfjy af gey»

afÈkF dI nbË izWTI,

ieÈk nf iCpdf ey,

gµZF hyT alop hY vsq¨

ÈIiÈaF dy ies jµgl aµdr

mihkdf Auh suwcVf gulfb ikwQy hY?

hWQ sV gey qbIbF dy »

kWKIN aWg vI nf lukdI ey »

gµZIN AulJI sgl khfxI

gµZ ‘coN gµZ dy PuWtx vFg¨µ

bfxI nflL vwjdI[[[»

qfry pey igxny aF,

rfh BuWl gey itkfxy dy,

gµZF dy ivc GuWitaf afpf

ibµb ‘coN ibµb inkldy afvx

Kwitaf guafieaf jo vI lyKf kwZ lAu»

gË lY ky hAuikaF dy,

ieÈky dI j¨h vV ky,

gµZF ivc bWJI hY afËfdI

gµZo gµZI qurdy jfeIey

mnF ivwcoN afpxy BulyKf kwZ lAu»

idn AumrF dy imxny aF »

ho gey cor Ëmfny dy »

glL ivc gµZF, jIB ‘c gµZF

GuWtdy, tuWtdy, Burdy jfeIey

nÌy nuksfn ’c lkIr kwZ lAu»

roNdf hsf jfvIN,

mrd nf BWjdy ny,

idl ivc gµZF, soc ‘c gµZF

dr ivc vI, dIvfr ‘c gµZF

dwso hoeI bIqI df ihsfb ikwQy hY?

cµnF ! rfqF cfnxIaF,

PuWl ipWCoN tutdf ey,

gµZ dI j¨n Bugqdy pRfxI

mµdr, gur¨-dvfr ‘c gµZF

cOvI Gµty Kfxf pIxf aYÈ krnf»

luk iCp ky q¨µ af jfvIN »

pihloN kµzVy vwjdy ny »

suPny gµZF, hoÈ ‘c gµZF

isstm AulJy, AulJI nIqI

pr iehdf pYxf hrjfnf Brnf»

ieÈk mjfËI ey,

‘ÈrÌ’ ieh kihµdf ey,

hux jd qyrf cyqf afvy

vfd ‘c vI, ivcfr ‘c gµZF

imwtI df vjUd Krnf hI Krnf»

sµBl ky cwl sWjxf,

afÈkF dI mOq cµgI,

gµZIN bWJf ijsm idsy bWs

hr pRfxI gµZF df guµbd

bfpU ijhVI dy igaf ikqfb ikwQy hY?

ieh iqlkx bfËI ey »

nF dunIaF ‘qy rihµdf ey.

q¨µ ikDry vI nËr nf afvyN

AulJ igaf, sµsfr ‘c gµZF!

zuÀn vwtf bx bih ky nhIAuN srnf» Éud pYxf hIlf qy vsIlf krnf» jfgy nf, pµjfb, mrnf hI mrnf» ichry qy jo huÀdI sI, Auh afb ikwQy hY? dwso gurU vfilLAu pµjfb ikwQy hY?


qVI jWt dI


rxjIq ikMgrf ipMz dy ivWc qVI jWt dI, hovy muWC KVHI jWt dI,

kdy bWdl, kdy mYN brÌ, pfxI vI mYN bixaF hF,

BYVI af aVI jWt dI, ipWCy iPr hWtdf nhIN»

kdy mYN asq bixaF Kud, msfxI vI mYN bixaF hF»

zrky jo aMdr vVjy, kihMdy puWq jWt df nhIN» zrky[[[[[[ rOlf jd pYNdf vWt df, Aubldf KUn ey jWt df, ipWCy ƒ pYr nf pWtdf, bMny qoN ihWldf nhIN»

bldyv ‘sIhrf’

klm bixaF, kdy kfgË, kdy mYN hrÌ bx bx ky, mYN bixaF Éud, ÊËl, nÊmf, khfxI vI mYN bixaF hF»

suirMdrpRIq GxIaF

BYVI af bolI jWt dI, mfVf pr idl df nhIN» BYVI af[[[[[[

mYN qYƒ muWdqF qoN imlx dI Kfiqr imry Xfrf,

kqrf-kqrf ho ky vkq tpfAuNdy hF»

qVky AuWT rWb iDafvy, joVy hlL KyqF ƒ jfvy;

kdy mYN PuWl bixaF, ibrK, tfhxI vI mYN bixaF hF»

nykI dI ikrq kmfvy, DoKf kdy jrdf nhIN»

mYN qYƒ Xfd rWKx vfsqy hF Kfb vI bixaF,

hovy grIb nf ’DWkf, AuWkf eI jWt jrdf nhIN» hovy [[[[[[

iksy pl Xfd Auh qyrI purfxI vI, mYN bixaF hF»

AunHF Bfxy rfjæI-KæuÈI ijAuNdy hF» cµdrf idl ieh hor vI Bfrf ho jFdY,

jd vI jWt XfrI lfAuNdf, mrdy dm qWk qoV inBfAuNdf;

afQx vylLy afpxy Gr jd afAuNdy hF»

lWgIaF dy bol pugfAuNdf, isr DV dI lf idMdf»

ikhVy cfr BrfvF dI gWl krdy ho?

pYNdI jd loV Xfr ƒ, BVQU hI pf idMdf» pYNdIy[[[[[[

mYN qyrI Bfl ivc ryqf qoN lY ky qfiraF qIkr, mYN bixaF arÈ qy DrqI inmfxI vI bixaF hF»

kWZdf jd vYr purfxy, luWt lYNdY Tyky Tfxy;

mYN qyrf hÈr qIkr hmsÌr bx jfx dI Éfiqr,

jWjF dI aWK pCfxy, Bugqy qrIkF ƒ»

sÌr mYN bx igaf Éud hI, slfnI vI mYN bixaF hF»

guWTy khy lf ky rWKxY, jWt ny ÈrIkF ƒ» KUMjy khyy[[[[[[

ivCoVf JWlxyN dy vfsqy aY dosqf qyrf,

prdy AuWqy ikµny Bys vtfAuNdy hF»

jd vI Gr rWb df dyKy, Juk Juk ky mWQy tyky;

mYN Éud hI vsl, drdF dI khfxI vI mYN bixaF hF»

aµdr sfzy EhI purfxf mOsm hY,

KFdf nhIN Brm BulyKy, vihmF qy BrmF dy»

asIN qF afpxI arQI afp AuTfAuNdy hF» J¨TI i˵dgI dI ieWk iÌlm bxfAux leI,

aWKF ’qy inWq aYnk nvIN lgfAuNdy hF» sfzy duWK dIaF qrËF iksy ny kWZIaF nf, ilK-ilK afpxy duWK afp hI gfAuNdy hF»

krdf siqkfr idloN hY, sfry eI DrmF dy» krdfy[[[[[[ gWzI nfl bld iÈMgfry, nWZI ƒ kry ieÈfry;

ieh jMmx mrn dy cWkr ƒ smJx vfsqy aksr, kdy BMvrf, kdy ÈmHF, prfxI vI mYN bixaF hF»

ckr ƒ cWl muitafry, ikMgry dI bWlIey nI»

ieh qyrf ‘dyv’ sfh lY ky AuDfry hr jnm qYQoN,

notF nfl gIJf Biraf, myly ƒ cWlIey nI, notF nfly[[[[[[

mYN qyrf aks bixaF hF, kdy hfxI vI mYN bixaF hF» PAGE 29

The Patrika



ikAuN, awj srkfrF ikvyN peIaF ny? anHyrf ho cwilaF ey, prvfny afAux vI lwg pey ny, pr sLmHF koeI iqafrI nhIN kr rhI? hYN! roxf? mYnUM lwgdf ey awj Pyr Auh Auh afieaf hoxf ey. qUM pfgl eyN jmf pfgl. sLmHf df kMm hI rosLnI vMzxf eyN. AuwT iqafr ho. bulf nfly iksy nUM, kuJ Kfx pIx nUM mMgvfeIey. Blf hovy lftF vflI mfeI df, awj df swtf qF kwTf hI cfr sO bcf igaf ey. vyKIN Pyr awj nhIN mYN mfrvfVI nUM awgy vDx dyxf, notF df mINh vrsf dyxf eyN” rMjn ny pfn nfl rMgI jIB buwlHF qy PyridaF afiKaf. “nhIN rMjn awj myrI qbIaq TIk nhIN” sLmHF ny zMUGIaF AudfsIaF ivwc Ko ky afiKaf. “ijs idn Auh, myry mUMhoN hor gflL inkldI aY, afpxI mnhUs sLkl idKf jFdf ey Ausy idn qyrI qbIaq Krfb ho jFdI ey. Cwz KihVf Aus rMg df aYvyN hAuky Brn lg jfnI aYN, shurf byvkUP sfzf vI mjLf Krfb kr jFdf ey.” “nhIN rMjn Auh bVf cMgf bMdf ey. qUM Aus nUM smJdf nhIN.””vfh ry, qUM sux leIaF Aus dIaF gwlF. cMgf huMdf qF iPr afAuNdf?” “iehI qy keI vfrI socdI hF. pr ieQy vI Auh quhfzy sBnF vFg nhIN afAuNdf. bVf anoKf bMdf ey. sLfied pihlF kdy iksy vysvf dy nhIN igaf qd hI keI vfrI bVIaF ajIb gwlF puwCdf ey. iewk idn mYnUM afKx lwgf sLmHF jdoN koeI siVaf ijhf jF sLrfbI bMdf afpxf mUMh qyry mUMh kol lY jFdf qYnMU ikvyN mihsUs huMdf ey?” “Pyr qYN kI jvfb idwqf? rMjn ny sfhmxI kMD qy lwgy vwzy sLIsLy ivwc afpxf mUMh qwkidaF puwiCaf. “mYN afiKaf ik pihly vfr pMj mhIny qF mYN bVI aOKI hoeI sI hux qy kuJ mihsUs hI nhIN huMdf. sLfied sfzy lokF ivwc mihsUs krn df mfdf mr jFdF ey.” “Cwz pry sLmHf iehnF PjLUl gwlF nUM qy cwl awj Pyr AuhI gfxf suxf dy “mjLf ly ly ijLMdgI myN” rMjn ny iewk pfn hor mUMh ivwc pFidaF afiKaf. “nhIN, rMjn nhIN, awj gfx nUM nhIN sgoN sgoN myrf qF cIkF mfr mfr ky rox nUM idl krdf ey” sLmHfh Aukf Br ky bolI. “bVI ajIb gwl ey myrI jfn! kI qYnUM sfzy grIbF qy nhIN qrs afAuNdf? sohixE quhfzI mrjLI. Pyr afpxy hwQF nfl iewk pYwg qF ipaf idE” rMjn ny glfs awgy kridaF afiKaf. “kI qusIN sfry afdmIaF ny ieko sfry lPjL Xfd kr rwKy huMdy ny. ijhVf vI afAuNdf ey “myrI jfn sohixEN, ipafirE, mlfeI dy zUinEN.”pr huMdy sB hI afdmI JUTy E.” “afdmI huMdy hoxgy pr mYN qF nhIN” rMjn ny gwl tok ky afiKaf. sLmHf df bdobdI hfsf inkl igaf qy iPr dwsx lwgI “Auh muwCl ijhf inwq zIgF mfiraf kry qy afiKaf kry “myrI jfn, dyK qyrI Kfqr puqilaF vrgIaF doNh nUM Gr PAGE 30


Friday, March 29th, 2019

iewk vysvf

zf[ dlIp kOr itvfxf “qYnUM awj kI ho igaf ey sLmHf ! ieh nfjL nKry kI Gwt kImqI ny? dyK prvfny ikvyN Bwjy afAuNdy ny.” “hF rMjn prvfny! sLmHf dy puwqr dy hfx dy prvfny, sLmHf dy bfp dy hfx dy prvfny” sLmHF ny ivaMg nfl afiKaf. “awj qy qyrIaF gwlF nfl sgoN nsLf Auqrdf jf irhY. sohixEN sfzf ikhVf jLor ey” afKdf rMjn awDIey ivwcoN afKrI pYwg pI ky clf igaf. sLmHf kwpVy bdl ky koTy qy pY geI. bfeI jI ny iewk do vfrI tyZIaF njLrF nfl qwikaf. pr buwZI bfeI jI sLmHF dI kmfeI qy plx vflI hux Aus qy pihlF vflf roab nhIN sI pf skdI. coKI rfq lMG geI. sLmHf nUM awj nINd nhIN sI aff rhI. qVky ijhy jf ky Aus dI awK lwgI qy jdoN Auh jfgI qF coKIaF DuwpF cVHIaF sn. Aus df isr Bfrf Bfrf ipaf sI qy aMg aMg ivwc mfnoN cIsF pY rhIaF sn. dfqx lY ky Auh Dur AuprlI Cwq qy clI geI sI. zr ky AuzI jf rhI iewk kfvF dI zfr Auhdy isr AuproN lMG geI. hyTF glI ‘c BuwKf aMnHF PkIr JolLI awzI mMg irhf sI qy sLYqfn muMzy Aus dI JolLI ivwc TIkrIaF pf ky hws rhy sn. “mY kI hF?” Guwg vswdy sLihr qoN njLrF htfAuNdy hoey sLmHf ny afpxy afp nuM aiKaf. jvfb imlx qoN pihlF hI pOVIaF cVHdy iksy bUtF dy KVfk ny Aus df iDafn iKHwc ilaf qy dUjy hI pl afdrsL bfbU Aus dy sfhmxy sI. “afp? ies vyly svyry hI svyry?” sLmHf ny pRsMn awKF nfl Auhdy vwl qwkidaF ibKry vfl TIk kridaF kol peI kursI vwl iesLfrf krky afiKaf. “bs sLmHf mYN qy KVHf hI KVHf afieaF hF. myrI bdlI acfnk bIkfnyr dI ho geI ey qy Pyr qF ikqy sfl do sfl ipwCoN hI gyVf lgUgf. soicaf jFdy jFdy iml hI jfeIey. cfr pMj idn qF dosqF imwqrF dy cfhF pfrtIaF qy Kfxy KFidaF, imlidaF imlfAuNidaF hI lMG gey qy awj sLfm dI gwzI jfxf ey. swc sLmHF qUM qy mYnUM bVI Xfd afieaf kryNgI. hux qy qyry nfl bVf moh ho igaf sI. Auho nON vwj gey …muafP krIN sLmF nOM vjy qF mYN iksy nUM imlx jfxf ey… awCf Kudf hfiPjL.” ibnF iewk imMt vI TihiraF bONdilaF vFg KVIH qwk rhI sLmHF nUM Cwz afdrsL bfbU kfhlI kfhlI pOVIaF Auqr igaf. sLmHF sfh sq hIx AuwQy hI KVHI rhI. afpxIaF pqnIaF qy bwicaF nUM bdlI hoeI qy lokI nfl lY jFdy ny. afpxy aMgF sfkF nUM Auh idKfAux leI kol swd lYNdy ny. kdy afp AuhnF dy jf afAuNdy ny pr mYN…mYN qy afdrsL bfbU dI kuwK vI nhIN, kuJ vI nhIN. mYN qy isrP iewk vysvf hF.” “ies qoN ielfvf rUs ivwc koeI vysvf nhIN” sfhmxy koTy qy vrFzy ivwc hvf hfry bYTf mfstr “rUsI njLfm’ nfmI pusqk ivwcoN AuwcI AuwcI pVH irhf sI. sLmHF socIN pY geI.


iptdIaF Cwz ky afAuNdf hF” ipCoN jf ky pqf lwigaf ik Aus ny qF pMj sON qoN iewk qIvI muwl leI sI, ijhVI do mhIny ipwCoN hI iksy hor nfl inkl geI sI.” “ieAuN qF Pyr afdmI aOrq nUM KusL krn leI afKdy eI huMdy ny” rMjn ny jvfb idwqf. “qF qy qusIN bVy DoKybfjL huMdy E?” “nhIN, sLmF nhIN, jvfnI dI shuM, mYN swcI hI qyrf pRvfnf hF. swc sLmHf kI afdrsL bfbU qYnUM afKdf huMdY ijvyN hor afKdy ny?” nhI! Auh qy sgoN iewk idn afKdf sI “afpxI cMgI aPrq dy svC mUMh vwl qwk ky mYnUM keI vfrI afpxy afp nfl hilafx ijhI huMdI ey ik mYN ikAuN ies ickV BrI dunIaF ivc afAuNdf hF.” sLmHf ny dwisaf. “jy Aus nUM ieh rMgIn dunIaF qy hsIn dunIaF icwkV BrI lwgdI ey qF hkIm ny dwisaf ey ik jLrUr aieaf kry” rMjn boilaf. “pihly pihl qy Auh ies dunIaF nUM nyiVEN qwkx qy jfnx leI afAuNdf sI qF jo Auh afpxIaF ilKqF rFhIN….” “awCf qF Auh lyKk ey. dyKIN sLmHf AuhdIaF gwlF ivwc nf af jfvIN. pYsy dyx dy mfry ieh lok bQyry ZoNg rc lYNdy huMdy ny.” “nhIN rMjn, Auh jdoN vI afAuNdf ey pUry pYsy dy ky jFdf ey, BfvyN kdy kdy myrf bVf idl krdf ey ik pYsy moV idaF qy kih idaF “qUM hr rojL afieaf kr afdrsL bfbU, mYN qYQoN kuJ vI nhIN ilaf krFgI.” vfh rI iksmq, ikQy asIN hF jfn vfrdy hF qy iksy nUM pRvfh nhIN qy ikQy Auh hY jIhdy ipCy… suhixEN kdy sfnUM vI ieAuN afK Cwizaf kro.” “pr afdrsL bfbU nhIN cfhuMdf ik sfzI sFJ iewk sOdy qoN vwD kuJ hovy. iesy kr ky jfx lwigaF pUry pYsy dy jFdf ey. pqf nhIN rMjn, ikAuN iehnF pYisaF qoN zr ijhf lwgx lwg ipaf ey ijvyN iehnF ivwc jfn hovy. ijvyN bfeI jfn dI pytI ivwc rwKy Coty vwzy notF dy ieh Qwby jfn mYnUM pytI ivwcoN pYsy kwZx ByjdI hF qF ieAuN lwgdf ey ijvyN loQVy awKF AuGyV AuGyV myry vwl qwk rhy hox. mfnoN ieh myry ijsm ivwc pYdf hoey suMzF df Zyr hovy qy myrf jI kwcf kwcf hox lwg pYNdf ey.” “kI PjLUl gwlF kr rhIN eyN sLmHF qUM qF sgoN bVI BfrI sosLl srivs kr rhI eyN. Eynf inrpwK qF nihrU vI nhIN hoxf ijMnI qUM eyN. hr jfq kOm leI qyrf drvfjf hmysLF KuwlHf rihMdf ey. Qwky tuwty lok do GVI idl prcf jFdy hn. ieh QoVHI lok- BlfeI ey? jy mYN ihMdusqfn df prDfn huMdf qYnUM jLrUr ies smfjI syvf bdly sony df qgmf idMdf.” rMjn lor ivwc afieaf ikMnF kuJ afK igaf. ‘ieh smfj dI syvf nhIN rMjn, mYN qF sgoN smfj df kuhj hF, gMdgI hF” ieh kihMidaF hI sLmHf dIaF awKF Br afeIaF. “ieAuN nf afKo sohixE; sfzf XqImF df qF qusIN hI afsrf ho. myrf iKafl ey ieho ijhIaF PjLUl gwlF quhfnUM afdrsL bfbU hI dwsdf hoxf ey. ieh lyKk lUKk ijhy Kfsy

isr iPr huMdy ny, jy iehI hfl irhf qF sLmHF dy drvfjyL iewk idn prvfinaF ny afAuxf bMd kr dyxf.” “rMjn iewk idn afdrsL bfbU aFhdf sI, sLmHf qUM mYnUM bVI cMgI lgdI eyN. qy myrf idl kIqF jdoN vI afdrsL bfbU afvy mYN kihlf ByjF ik vyhlI nhIN qy Auhdy mn ivwc kdy iehnF gfhkF leI sfVf pYdf ho sky. kdy Auh afKU sLmHf klH sfrf idn myrf hoieaf.” “kdy myrI jfn sfnUM vI ieAuN afK idaf kro. pr awCf beI ijvyN qusIN rfjLI, swcy afsLk jo hoey.” rMjn boilaf. “bfeI jI, koeI bfbU motf sf…” nOkr ny af ky afiKaf. “kih do afj myrI qbIaq TIk nhIN” sLmHf iKwJ ky bolI. “jIqI rho myrI jfn” rMjn ny slfm kr ky afiKaf. “sLmHf rfxI jI qYnUM qy afdrsL bfbU eynF cMgf lgdf ey pr AuhnUM qF qyrI kwK prvfh nhIN, qdy qF eyny eyny idn muV ky nhIN afAuNdf.” “qUM TIk afhdF eyN rMjn. AuhnUM myrI kwK pRvfh nhIN qd hI qF myry nfl gwlF krdf krdf keI vfrI iewk dm KVHf ho jFdf ey ik myrI bIvI bwcy AuzIkdy hoxgy. myrf jvfb suxn qoN pihlF hI Auh dlIjF twp jFdf ey. kdy kdy mYnuM bVf hrK afAuNdf ey qy idl krdf ey AuhdI bIvI qy bwcy mr jfx iPr qF myry koloN jfx leI kfhlf nf hovy. pqf nhIN AuhnF axdyKy mUhF nfl mYnUM ieMnI eIrKf ikAuN ho geI. pr iewk idn qF afKdf sI, sLmHf qUM mYnUM AuhnF sBnF qoN ijLafdf cMgI lgdI eyN. qy jdoN Auh afpxy bwicaF dIaF inwkIaF inwkIaF gwlF bVy cfa nfl dwsdf ey qF myrf bVf idl krdf ey myry vI koeI bwcf hovy qy Aus bwcy df vI koeI cfAu nfl gwlF krn vflf bfp hovy, pr…pr bwcy qF aOrqF dy huMdy ny mYN aOrq QoVy hF” Bfvk ho ky sLmHf ikMnF kuJ afK geI. “mYnUM qF qyrIaF gwlF dI kwK smJ nhIN af rhI. sLmHf aOrq nhIN qF kI qUM afdmI eyN?” rMjn boilaf. “nhIN, rMjn nhIN, mYN aOrq nhIN. afdrsL bfbU afNhdf sI aOrq Auh huMdI ey jo iksy dI mF hovy …BYx hovy…pqnI hovy…rMjn qUM myrIaF pfglpx dIaF gwlF qoN Aukqf igaf hovyNgf. pr awj myrf idl krdf sI krI jfvF, khI jfvF jo idl afAuNdf. pqf nhIN awj myry idmfg nUM kI ho igaf ey ijvyN koeI hQOVf mfr irhf hovy.” “hQOVy df nfm n lE sohixEN, ikqy klH nUM vrMt eI inkly iPrn…nfly …hF, pr qyry vrgIaF sUrqF gvf ky rUsIaF vFg, dfqIaF, hQOiVaF nUM kI asIN ctdy iPrFgy? sfnUM qF myrI jfn qUM cfhIdI eyN.” nsLy dI lor ivw rMjn gwl hor dI hor pfsy lY igaf. “rMjn! Aus idn afdrsL bfbU aFhdf sI aOrq ivwc sLrm sB qoN ipafrI cIjL huMdI hY, pr sfzI lokfN dI sLrm qF gfhk cwt jFdy ny.”

The Patrika


Friday, March 29th, 2019






ÖÅñÃÅ çÆòÅé ùÃÅÇÂàÆ, ÁËìàÃë¯ðâ

33094 South Fraser Way, Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 2A9 Ph: (604) 850-7338, Fax (604) 854-1165, e-mail: 1[

hr aYqvfr nUM svyry 10 vjy qoN dupihr 12 vjy qwk myn drbfr hfl ivwc ivsLysL dIvfn sjfey jFdy hn.


hryk sMgrFd vfly idn smUh sMgqF vloN hYrItyjL gurduafrf sfihb ivKy sRI sihj pfT sfihb dy Bog AuprMq 10 vjy qoN 12 vjy qwk kIrqn, kQf aqy ZfzI vfrF df gfien kIqf jFdf hY. sLfm nUM 5:45 qoN 7:45 vjy Kflsf dIvfn sosfietI dy myn hfl ivwc kQf, kIrqn aqy ZfzI drbfr huMdy hn. sMgqF pRqI bynqI hY ik donoN vkq gurbfxI kIrqn sux ky jIvn sPl bxfE jI.


hr aYqvfr vfly idn bIbIaF vloN gurduafrf sfihb dy Auprly hfl (qIjI Plor) ivwc dupihr 12[30 vjy qoN 4[00 vjy qwk sMgqI rUp 'c sRI suKmnI


hYrItyj gurduafrf sfihb ivKy hr mMglvfr qy vIrvfr nUM Xogf dIaF klfsF sLfm 7[00 qoN 9[00 vjy qwk lgfeIaF jFdIaF hn.


hYrItyj gurduafrf sfihb drbfr hfl ivKy hr sLnIvfr nUM sLfm 6 qoN 8 vjy qwk ismrn huMdf hY. ismrn krky afpxf jIvn sPl kro.

sfihb jI dy pfT huMdy hn.

pRB kf ismrnu sB qy AUcf..

$ 12.65


hYrItyj gurduafrf sfihb (imAUjIam hfl) ajfieb Gr sMgqF dy drsLnF leI hr rojL svyry 9[00 qoN sLfm 5[00 vjy qwk KoilHaf jFdf hY.


gurduafrf Kflsf dIvfn sosfietI ivKy iswK ieiqhfs dI jfxkfrI leI lfiebRyrI sQfpq kIqI geI hY. sMgqF vwD qoN vwD lfB AuTfE jI.


pMjfbI dIaF klfsF gurduafrf sfihb ivKy hr sLnIvfr aqy aYqvfr nUM 9 vjy qoN 11 vjy qwk lgfeIaF jFdIaF hn.

sUcnfvF:- mhIny ivwc hr vIrvfr nUM grBvqI aOrqF vfsqy klfsF lgfeIaF jFdIaF hn ijs ivwc Kfx pIx qy Kurfk vfsqy jfxkfrI vI idwqI jFdI hY.

hYwz gRMQI

kQf vfck

2[ hr vIrvfr nUM 10 vjy qoN 12 vjy dupihr nUM ishq bfry jfxkfrI idwqI jFdI hY ijs ivwc bwcy, jvfn aqy bjLurg vI sLfml ho skdy hn. moinkf 604-308-8216

rfgI jQf

BfeI suKdyv isMG BweI BweI ipRQIpwl isMG BweI gurieMdr isMG jIry vwly luiDafxy vfly jMmU vwly BweI rwivMdr isMG im`Tw itvwxw vwly

mfrc 29, sLuwkrvfr mfrc 30, sLnIvfr mfrc 31, aYqvfr mfrc 31, aYqvfr apRYl 5, sLuwkrvfr apRYl 6, sLnIvfr apRYl 7, aYqvfr apRYl 7, aYqvfr

DrimMdr sLrmf: 778-683-3019

apRYl 9, mMglvfr apRYl 12, sLuwkrvfr apRYl 13, sLnIvfr apRYl 14, aYqvfr apRYl 14, aYqvfr

apRYl 16, mMglvfr apRYl 19, sLuwkrvfr apRYl 19, sLuwkrvfr apRYl 20, sLnIvfr apRYl 26, sLuwkrvfr apRYl 27, sLnIvfr

hYrItyj guruGr sRI sihj pfT dI syvf

ZfzI jQf BweI mwhl isMG mwhI

BweI AmndIp isMG Kwlsw


afrMB sRI afKMz pfT sfihb jI gurU Gr ivKy syvf irwkI Plorf dy pRIvfr vloN. anMd kfrj dI rsm mndIp kOr gryvfl dy pRIvfr vloN. Bog sRI afKMz pfT sfihb jI gurU Gr ivKy syvf irwkI Plorf dy pRIvfr vloN. sLfm dy lMgrF dI syvf bUtf isMG DflIvfl ipMz rfmf dy pRIvfr vloN. afrMB sRI afKMz pfT sfihb jI gRih ivKy syvf rUp isMG sMDU dy pRIvfr vloN. anMd kfrj dI rsm ieMdrpfl isMG gryvfl dy pRIvfr vloN. Bog sRI afKMz pfT sfihb jI gRih ivKy syvf rUp isMG sMDU dy pRIvfr vwloN. Bog sRI sfihj pfT sfihb jI aqy lMgrfN dI syvf gurU Gr, syvf mihMdr kOr dy pRIvfr vloN. suKmnI sfihb dy pfT gRih ivKy syvf sohx isMG muMzI pRIvfr vloN. afrMB sRI afKMz pfT sfihb jI gurU Gr ivKy syvf aYbtsPorz dy pRIvfrF vloN. (ivsfKI dy sbMD ivwc) anMd kfrj dI rsm sohx isMG muMzI dy pRIvfr vloN. Bog sRI afKMz pfT sfihb jI gurU Gr ivKy syvf aYbtsPorz dy pRIvfrF vwloN. (ivsfKI dy sbMD ivwc) insLfn sfihb dy cOlf sfihb dI syvf hYrItyj gurduafrf sfihb 9 vjy svyr, myn gurduafrf sfihb insLfn sfihb dI syvf 10 vjy svyr, dsmysL pMjfbI skUl dy bwicaF vloN kIrqn dI syvf kIqI jfvygI. suKmnI sfihb dy pfT gRih ivKy syvf gurdyv isMG pRIvfr vloN. pUrnmfsLI anMd kfrj dI rsm mihMdr isMG sMGf dy pRIvfr vloN anMd kfrj dI rsm jspfl isMG hYrI dy pRIvfr vloN. anMd kfrj dI rsm hrdyv isMG brfV dy pRIvfr vloN. anMd kfrj dI rsm jspfl isMG smrf dy pRIvfr vloN.

sMprk kro: mIq pRDfn Bjn isMG qUr: 604-832-7777 sYktrI, jiqMdr isMG igwl (hYpI igwl): 1-604-832-4000 zfierYktr qrsym isMG idafl: 1-778-552-4466


The Patrika



dfs dy dosq vI ajIb iksm dy lok ny. iewk idn ibnF iksy kMm qoN hI mwlo-mwlI bFh PV ky jIp ivwc ibTf ilaf. kihx lwgy, ‘ afE jLrf Gumf iPrf ilafeIey.’ qy dfs qoN nfh nf kIqI jf skI. lfgly sLihr jf ky ruky qF pqf lwgf ik POjF qF idwlI nUM jf rhIaF hn. dfs ny bhfnf GV ky dosqF nUM vfsqf pfieaf, ‘ dvfeI vI Gr rih geI qy dvfeI vflI prcI vI. nFh qF nhIN krdf pr jy ibmfr ho igaf, ikQy sFBdy iProgy jI?’bhfny nUM bl bKsLx Kfqr dfs ny do ku vfr KMG ky vI vKf idwqf. gwl AuhnF dy pwly pY geI qy Auh bws awzy nyVy Auqfr gey.



rofvyz dI lwrI

ny quhfnUM Gr ivwc slfhF krdy sux ilaf hoAUgf qy dvfeI KfDI nhIN hoxI. dvfeI ivwc koeI nuks nhIN sI. jy prKxI AUN qF Bfa myiraf, awj Gry jf ky afp Kf ky vyK lvIN….’ qy Aus dy aglI gwl kihx qoN pihlF hI hyTF AuWqr igaf.

dy mMuzy qy kuVIaF bYTy sn Auh khy jy jfxf hY qF itktF lvo, muMzy kuVIaF khI jfx ik AunHF kol pfs hn. iPr gwl vwD geI qy cOh pMjF dI kMzktr mMzlLI ny muMizaF kuVIaF nUM Dwk ky bwsoN lfh idwqf.

gIq hfly pUrf nhIN sI hoiueaf ik bws nUM cuPyirEN pfiVHaF ny afx Gyiraf. kMzktrF dI ZfxI awgoN afkV peI, ‘ pqf jy bws kIhdI ey? mMqrI jI dI kMpnI dI bws jy, huxy puls af jfAUgI.’ QOVI dyr dI qUM qUM mYN mYN mgroN pfiVHaF ny kMzktr nUM DU ky kuwtxf sLurU kr idwqf qF iewk kMzktr, ijhVf pihlF bVf qINGVdf sI, JkfnI dy ky svfrIaF ivwc af luikaf. pfVHy mgr cVH afey ky kMzktr lwBxf hY. svfrIaF coN koeI dwsy hI nf. AunHF dy hwQ zrfievr af igaf. EDr zrfievr kwut KfeI jfvy qy eyDr typ cwlI jfvy, ‘puwq jwtF dy, zrfitvr trwkF dy….’ Dwky DoVy KFidaF dfs Auqr ky iPr rozvyj dI bws ivwc afx bYTf. Aus bws dy kMzktr ny sItI vjf ky zrfievr nUM afiKaf, cwl isLMgfrf isMhF, AuNnHF dI qF jFdI nhIN idsdI qUM hI qur pY.’

bws sVk qwk phuMcI qF dfs ny suWK df sfh ilaf. iPr kMzktr itktF kwtx lwgf. ijs kol vwzf not hovy Ausdf bkfieaf itkt ipCy ilK dyvy qy ijhVf pUry pYsy dyvy, Ausdy pYsy Joly ivwc suwt ky ibnF itkt idwiqaF awgy qur jfvy. vfrI afAux AWuqy jdoN dfs ny pUry pYsy idwqy qF kMzktr ny jvfb idqf qornI qUM eyN qF vyK kMzktr iPr awgy qur ipaf. dfs ny itkt bfry lY, asIN qF iljfxI eyN?’ puiCaf qF kVkvIN avfj ivwc boilaf, ‘itkt puwCx vflf qF cuwp kr igaf pr dfs ny cwtxI AUN’, awzf afAUgf qF qfr idaFgy. itkt aglf svfl puwC ilaf, / ieh qF ds idE, lYxI AU qF huxy qfr dyAUN dohF ipMzF ivcfly.’ qy dfs iPr cuwp kr igaf. kdoN ku quroNgy?’

ho skdIaF. skuaYz dy muKI ny dfry nUM GUiraf, ‘ qUM eynI corI krdf eyN Eey.’ dfrf hws ky boilaf, ‘sfhb bhfdr quhfzy leI krnI pYNdI ey, sfzf qF qnKfh ivwcoN hI sr jFdY.’ muKI ny ikhf, clfx qF ktxf hI pAU.’ dfry ny afiKaf, ‘ijhVy hr mhIny quhfnUM dyNdy aF, jy clfx eI kwtxy aF qF muMzy nUM sfk krfeI dy lYNdy jy?’ gwl vDdI vyK ky dfry ny isLMgfrf isMG zrfievr nUM hfk mfrI. Aus ny af ky dwisaf ik Auh qF XUnIan df jUnIar pRDfn hY. PlfieMg skUaYz df muKI iekdm iZwlf pY igaf. afKx lwgf, ‘ vyKo pRDfn jI, qusIN nfl hovo, ieh muMzf itktF dy pYsy Kf jfvy, ikMnI mfVI gwl ey?’ isMLgfrf isMG ny smJfieaf, ‘ clo Cwzo jnfb, corI qF dfrf kr lYNdf ey, pr XUnIaN df bVf pwkf ey.’ aPsr ny ikhf, ‘ pr ieh qF pRDfn jI corI nhIN,zfkf ey, ieh sfrI bws KfeI jFdY. ieh qF zfkU jy….’

Aus df rvfieqI ijhf hvfb sI ik hfly vIh ku iklomItr hI gey sI ik agoN zrfievr isLMgfrf isMG hws ky boilaf,’ koeI nhIN jnfb, ny avfj mfrI,’dfiraf, afAuNdI AU ipAuaF dI tfiem nhIN hoieaf.’ afpy mhfrfj akl dyAUgf qy ieh vI bflmIk gwzI.’AudoN PurqI vyKI asF dfry kMzktr dI,

Dfs ny iPr puiCaf, ‘jy tfiem nhIN hoieaf Cy Cy rupey ley hoey sI, iewk iewk rupey dIaF vFg zfky mfrny Cwz ky mflf jpx lwg pAUgf. qF bws stfrt ikAuN rwKI ey, bMd ikAuN nhIN itktF kwt ky dfry ny sB dy hwQIN Jwt PVf nfly iewk awDI bws nfl ieh ikhVf suKrfm bx igaf ey?’ kr idMdy?’ idwqIaF.

Aus ny awKF twz ky afiKaf, ‘ mwqF nf dyh qUM sfnUM, ieh Dwky nfl stfrt huMdI ey. jy bMd ho gI qUM Dwkf lfvyNgf?’ qy dfs cuwp sfrI bws ivwc hfsf pY igaf, pr Aus ny vI kr igaf. moVvF jvfb dy idwqf, ‘sI qF dvfeI nf, mYN Eyny nUM nyVy af ky iewk pRfeIvyt bws lwg vI ieho ikhf dvfeI vycdF, ieh qF nhIN geI. Aus dy zrfievr ny vI stfrt krI ikhf ik dMdF dvfeI vycI jfnF.’ rwKI. kdy do Puwt awgy kr dyvy qy kdy ipwCy. Aus bMdy ny iPr ikhf, ‘pr qyrIafN ijhVIaF kMzktr pqf nhIN ikhVf sI, pr cfr-pMj golIaF mYN lY ky igaf sI, AunHF cUhf qF koeI avfjF mfrn vly sn. Auh afKI jfx, af mfiraf nhIN sI. Auh ajy vI AuNj hI Bwjy jfE, ijMnHF pihlF jfxf, af jfE.’ iPrdy ny.’ bfkI svfrIaF dI vyKo vyKI dfs vI Auhdy dvfeI vycx vflf ikhVf Gwt sI, Jwt ivwc jf ciVHaf. kMzktr itktF ktdf boilaf, ‘mYN kI krF nhIN miraf qF, AunHF ktdf Aus QF jf ky ruk igaf, ijwQy kflj PAGE 32

jiqMdr pMnUM

bfkI dIaF itktF kwtidaF qwk bws pUrI Br bws Br cuwkI sI ik do-iqMn kfljI pfVyH afx geI. zrfievr ny bs ivwc typ clf idwqI, ‘puwq cVHy. aMdr vVdy sfr eyDr-EDr njLr mfr jwtF dy zrfievr trwkF dy…….’

ky iewk jxf boilaf, ‘cwl jIiqaf, AWqr Qwly, bws ivwc qF purjf eI koeI nhIN.’ AunHF muMizaF dy hyTF AuWqrn dI dyr sI ik svfrIaF vI awgV-ipWCV hyTF Auqrn lwgIaF. iewk buVHI buV buV krdI bwsF vfly awzy dy aMdr jfx leI ieDr AuDr jfvy, ‘ruVH jfxy nf hox qF, kdy bws dIaF iKlry gMd qoN bcxf qF sOKf sI, pr aslI bfrIaF hY nhIN, kdy kuJ hY nhIN. awj purjf nklI mMgiqaF koloN kMnI CzfAuxI vfhvf hY nhIN.’ aOKI jfpI. dfs ipMz nUM jfx vflI bs vfly kFAUNtr AuWqy puwjf. iewk lfrI rozvyjL dI svfrIaF dy hyTF AuWqrdy sfr sItF ivhlIaF KVHI sI. sLkl sUrq qoN jfpdI sI ijvyN Aus hoeIaF vyK ky do-iqMn kuVIaF afx bYTIaF. jLmfny dI hovy, jdoN rozvyjL dI QF EmnI bws mgrlI sIt AWuqy Auho muMzy afx bYTy. hYrfn hoeI Aus mfeI ny jf ky puwiCaf, ‘ ‘vy puwq, kMpnI huMdI sI. qusIN qF afKdy sI ik bws ivwc koeI purjf bws qF stfrt sI, pr zrfievr hY nhIN hY nI hux jf vI bYTy AuN.’ iewk jxf muskxI sI. ivwc bYTIaF svfrIaF vwl vyK ky dfs hws ky boilaf, ‘ hF mfqf EdoN hY nI sI, hux vI jf bYTf. aMdr iewk Cotf ijhf muMzf Kwty af gey af purjy.’ vflI dfl vycdf iPrdf sI. hokf idMdf Auh kih qF irhf sI ,’krfrI dfl ey’, pr lwgdf mfeI dy pwly kuJ ipaf jF nhIN, pr Auh ieMj sI ijvyN kih irhf hovy ‘ikrfey df mfl’ buV-buV krdI muV ky afx cVIH. bfkI aY. bwicaF vflIaF svfrIaF awgy Auh jfx svfrIaF vI afx bYTIaF pr zrfievr muV buwJ ky joLr lf irhf sI. Aus dy jFdy sfr ky afx df nF nhIN sI lY irhf. nyVy iPrdf iewk hor af igaf, sMqry vycx vflf. iPr kMzktr njLrIN ipaf qF dfs dy nfl bYTy iek hor kyilaF vflf. bMdy ny puiCaf, ‘bfeI jI, kdoN ku qornI eyN?’ mgroN iewk af igaf dMdf dI dvfeI vycx vflf. pqf nhIN ikhVy KfndfnI hkIm dI msLhUrI kr irhf sI. Auh kih irhf sI, ‘ ieh dvfeI qF kmfl ey. ijs ny vrqI Aus nUM puwCo, dMdf df kI svfd huMdY. ieh dvfeI vrqdy rho, dMdF bcy rihxgy. bMdf dunIaF Cwz jfvygf, pr dMd KihVf nhIN Cwzxgy. ijs dy sfry JV cuwky ny, Auh vI vrqy, nvyN Auwg pYxgy. mYN JUT nhIN afKdf huMdf. ies awzy Auwqy afAux-jfx vfly jfxdy ny, mYN ipCly vIhF sflF qoN dvfeI vyc irhF iewQy, awj qwk iksy ny ieh nhIN afiKaf, dMd TIk nhIN hoey. ipCoN iek awDKV ijhy ny ikhf ipCly mhIny qF qMU cUhy mfrn dIaF golIaF vycdf sI.’

Friday, March 29th, 2019

bws rukI qF PlfieMg stfPL vfly bWs ivwc itktF cYwk krn cVH gey qy dfrf kMzktr PlfieMg sukaYz dy dy muKI nfl gwlIN jf lwgf. muKI qF muwK KHoly qy hOlI ijhI kuJ khy, pr dfrf afpxI bolI Ausy sur ivwc rwK ky khI jfvy, ‘ sfhb bhfdr, bcdf kI ey ies kMjrKfny ivwcoN? awj ajy jI aYm df isafpf kr ky afieaF. mnyjr df mwQf vI qkflF nUM jf ky zMmxf pAU. jIqy BuwK nUM vI ieMspYktr bxfAux vfilaF ny sfzy zIpU ivwc hI Byj idwqf hY, kIhdf kIhdf iZwz BrIey? Eyny icr nUM stfP vfly itktF PVI hyTF af gey. AunHF dwisaf ky pcvMjf itktF isrP iewk rupeIey vflIaF ny, pMc vI iewkTf vwjf ey, eynIaF svfrIaF iewko awzy dIaF nhIN

iPr Auhny dfry vwl mUMh krky afiKaf, Cwz dfiraf, PVf do ku sO, jfx vfly bxIeNy.’ pRDfn jI dy krfey ies sOdy nUM dovF iDrF ny mMn ilaf. bws ivwc cVHdy sfr dfry nUM mfeI ny afvfjL mfrI, ‘vy Bfa, bkfieaf qF dy Cwz.’ dfrf Kfx nUM ipaf, ‘ cuwp kr mfeI, myrI pwkI PLsl Auwqy gVy-mfrI ho geI af qYnUM bkfey dI peI af.’ agly awzy AuWqy Auqrn qwk iPr nhIN sI koeI boilaf bws ivwc, sxy Aus mfeI dy ijhVI bkfieaf ley ibnF hI qurdI bxI sI. qy dfs nUM awj qwk nhIN Buwilaf Aus idn df rozvyjL dI lfrI df JUtf.

The Patrika


Friday, March 29th, 2019




2019 - NEW YEAR, NEW APPROACH Creating a safe village for our children

Our goal is to engage our youth in positive activities and deter them from going down the wrong path by: Raising awareness of various programs for youth in the community Strengthen spiritualty and mindfulness

Join us in engaging discussion,kirtan and simran Sponsored by: WoMen Rise & Kirpa Our Hearts Foundation

Kalgidhar Gurdwara Sahib April 7, 2019 @ 11:45 am to 1:15 pm Banda Singh Bahadur Gurdwara May 5, 2019 @ 10:30am to 12:15pm

Multiculturalism and anti-racism champions honoured fear of facing racism or prejudice,” said Lisa Beare, Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture. “To the recipients, I applaud each of you for your leadership in fostering inclusiveness, understandBALTEJ SINGH DHILLON “Diverse and inclusive communities ing and mutual respect.” Inspector are strong communities,” said Premier The ceremony took place on the InJohn Horgan. “Congratulations to these ternational Day for the Elimination remarkable individuals and organiza- of Racial Discrimination and featured Thank you for volunteering for citizens patrol and mentorship progams tions, who are working to end racism special performances in recognition discrimination, and make sure ev- of Nowruz, the Persian New Year, and Your donations for Abbotsford Police Dept. programs are greatly appreciated and ery person feels welcome to participate Holi and Hola Mohalla, the Hindu and in B.C.’s economy, culture and society. Sikh celebrations of spring. Sign a petition for funds for preventative programs Their actions are helping build a better “We’re at a critical moment in history B.C. for us all.” where acts of racism and hatred are The B.C. Multiculturalism and Anti- increasing, across the world and here at Racism Awards celebrate British Co- home in B.C.,” said Ravi Kahlon, Parlumbians for excellence in promoting liamentary Secretary for Multiculturalmulticulturalism and addressing rac- ism and Sport. “We must stand together ism. Each year, members of the public against those who seek to divide us and nominate individuals, organizations recognize that we each have the power and businesses whose outstanding to create a more inclusive society for work has strengthened inclusion and everyone. The exemplary people reccultural diversity in their communities. ognized by these awards are creating @WoMenRiseAbbotsford wmrise women.rise “It’s unacceptable that in a province as the change that we need for a more just diverse as B.C., people live with the and inclusive society.”

Every life is precious, and we need to make every effort to preserve it and reach its full potential

Five deserving British Columbians are being honoured for their work to end acts of racism and promote cultural inclusion at the Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Awards.


WoMen Rise Help Line (236) -887-4217


The Patrika





Friday, March 29th, 2019

akflIafˆ dI itkt nf afeI rfs, ivDfiekf dy aPsr pqI ny ilaf XU-trn

rfm rhIm nUM muafPI vfly dsqfvyË jfˆc kmytI kolL puwjy, suKbIr bfdl dIafˆ vDxgIafˆ muÈklfˆ zyrf isrsf muKI gurmIq rfm rhIm nUM muafPI dyx vfly dsqfvyË sRI akfl qKq sfihb dI swq mYˆbrI jfˆc kmytI nUM sOˆp idwqy gey hn. aijhy ivwc sfbkf Aup muwK mMqrI suKbIr bfdl dIafˆ muÈklfˆ vwD skdIafˆ hn. qKq sRI ptnf sfihb dy sfbkf jQydfr igafnI iekbfl isMG df dfavf hY ik AunHfˆ vwloˆ sOˆpy gey dsqfvyËfˆ ivwc zyrf isrsf vwloˆ Byijaf igaf pwqr vI Èfml hY,ijs dy afDfr `qy muafPI idwqI geI sI. hflfˆik,AunHfˆ df dfavf hY ik zyry qoˆ imlLy pwqr ivwc ikqy vI iKmf jfcnf df iËkr nhIˆ sI. Ëfhr hY ik iekbfl isMG hux ienHfˆ muafPI sbMDI zyrf isrsf qoˆ afey kfgËfq nUM afpxy bcfa vjoˆ vrqx leI kmytI snmuK pyÈ kr rhy hn .

kfˆgrs nfl hwQ imlfAux leI kyjrIvfl iqafr-br iqafr lok sBf coxfˆ `c gwTjoV leI kfˆgrs byÈwk do icwqI ivwc hY pr afm afdmI pfrtI iqafr-br iqafr hY . idwlI kfˆgrs dy lIzrfˆ ny awj mIitMgfˆ mgroˆ gwTjoV dy PYsly bfry sfry hwk pfrtI pRDfn rfhul gfˆDI nUM dy idwqy hn.AuDr, idwlI dy muwK mMqrI qy `afp` dy kOmI knvInr arivMd kyjrIvfl nUM vI smJOqf hox dI pUrI afs hY . kyjrIvfl df kihxf hY ik kfˆgrs vwloˆ gwlbfq df swdf afAux idAu Auh ies muwdy `qy crcf leI iqafr hn. qfËf srvyKx muqfbk idwlI ivwc kfˆgrs nUM qfˆ hI lfhf iml skdf hY jykr Auh `afp` nfl gwTjoV krdI hY nhIˆ qfˆ Bfjpf bfËI mfr skdI hY .

coxfˆ qoˆ pihlfˆ hI iqVky mfn qy brgfVI morcy dy irÈqy

ÈRomxI akflI dl leI PqihgVH sfihb (rfKvfˆ) lok sBf sIt itkt dyxI kuJ suKflI ho skdI hY . iewQoN cox lVx leI do srkfrI aPsrfˆ ny asqIPy idwqy sn, ijnHfˆ ivwcoˆ iewk ny isafsI qoey-qoey Cwz muV qoˆ srkfrI nOkrI krn df PYslf kr ilaf hY. huiÈafrpur dy afrtIE krn isMG ny asqIPf vfps lY ky muV nOkrI juafien kr leI hY.krn isMG ivDfn sBf hlkf Èuqrfnf qoˆ sfbkf akflI ivDfiek vinMdr kOr lUMbf dy pqI hn.sUqrfˆ muqfbk pfrtI qoˆ itkt leI nfˆh hox `qy krn isMG ny vfps nOkrI juafien kIqI hY .gwlbfq dOrfn krn isMG ny dwisaf ik kuJ qknIkI kfrnfˆ krky AunHfˆ df asqIPf mnËUr nhIN hoieaf .

biTMzf qoˆ hI ikAuˆ KVHy hoey suKpfl Kihrf ? AuwGy isafsqdfn qy pMjfb eykqf pfrtI dy muKI qy biTMzf sIt qoˆ lok sBf coxfˆ dy AumIdvfr suKpfl Kihrf ny kOmI isafsq ivwc pYr Drn df PYslf kr ilaf hY .Kihrf ny eybIpI sfˆJf` dy Kfs pRogrfm `muwkdI gwl` ivc af ky sfP kIqf ik AunHfˆ biTMzf qoˆ hI cox lVn df ierfdf ikAuˆ bxfieaf. suKpfl Kihrf ny dwisaf ik Auh hrismrq bfdl qy mnpRIq bfdl iKlfP mYdfn ivc Auwqry hn . AunHfˆ ikhf ik pMjfb qy kfˆgrs qy ÈRomxI akflI dl, dovyˆ rvfieqI pfrtIafˆ df kbËf hY , ijs nUM qoVn dI byhwd loV hY qy Auh lokfˆ nUM qIjf bdl dy rhy hn .

zyrf muKI qoˆ puwCigwC leI aYsafeItI nUM adflq vwloˆ hrI JMzI byadbIafˆ qy bihbl klfˆ qy kotkpUrf golIkfˆz dI pVqfl kr rhI aYsafeItI hux zyrf isrsf muKI gurmIq rfm rhIm qoˆ puwCigwC krygI. PrIdkot adflq ny aYsafeItI nUM zyrf muKI qoˆ puwCigwC krn dI ieËfjq dy idwqI hY . gurmIq rfm rhIm rohqk dI sunfrIaf jylH ivwc blfqkfr aqy kql dy doÈfˆ ivc sËf kwt irhf hY.aYsafeItI iksy vyly vI Aus koloN jylH ivwc jf ky puwCigwC kr skdI hY . aYsafeItI ny gurU gRMQ sfihb dI brgfVI ivc hoeI byadbI mfmly ivc zyrf pRymIafˆ dI igRPqfrI dy cwlidafˆ aqy qPqIÈ ivwc vfr vfr zyrf isrsf dI ÈmUlIaq df iËkr hox kfrn zyrf muKI qoˆ puwCigwC krn leI adflq qoˆ afigaf mMgI sI .

afp ny gTjoV lfˆBy kr qYa kIqy brgfVI morcy vwloˆ ÈRomxI akflI dl aMimRqsr nfl gwTjoV dy aYlfn Dry Drfey rih gey ,jd afpxf AumIdvfr aYÜfnx smyˆ morcy ny pYr ipCfˆh iKHwc ley.morcy qy pMjfb dy ñó AumIdvfr isrmnjIq isMG mfn dI pfrtI drimafn mwqByd dyKx nUM imly.hflfˆik,akflI dl aMimRqsr ny iewkjuwt hox dI gwl khI pr biTMzf sIt qoˆ afpxf AumIdvfr vI aYlfn afm afdmI pfrtI iksy vI isafsI pfrtI nfl rlL ky cox nhI lVygI. afp ny pMjfb idwqf.drasl,brgfVI morcy vwloˆ biTMzf lok sBf sIt qoˆ cox lVn leI AumIdvfr dIafˆ ñó sItfˆ qoˆ afpxy AumIdvfr aMqm kr ley hn. pfrtI ny AumIdvfrfˆ dI sUcI iqafr kr leI hY aqy ies hPqy AumIdvfrfˆ df aYlfn sMBv hY. `afp` dI kor kmytI gurdIp isMG ny cox nf lVn df PYslf kr ilaf hY . vwloˆ AumIdvfrf dI sUcI iqafr kr leI hY , ijs qy pfrtI dI kOmI isafsI mfmilafˆ dI kmytI(pIeysI) ny hI muhr lfAuxI hY .pRfpq jfxkfrI muqfbk ies vfr pfrtI bfhrI Kihrf dI biTMzf `c llkfr, isafsI nyqfvfˆ dI Qfˆ pfrtI dy afgUafˆ nUM hI itktfˆ dy rhI hY . kyjrIvfl dy ivDfiekfˆ ny idwqf sfQ

pMjfb eykqf pfrtI dy muKI ny afpxy lok sBf cox hlky biTMzf ivwc afpxI cox muihMm ÈurU kr idwqI hY . suKpfl Kihrf ny roz Èoa afrMB idwqy hn.Kihrf dy roz Èoa ivwc afm afdmI pfrtI dy bfgI DVy dy do ivDfiek vI Èfml hoey . Kihrf ny dwisaf ik afAuˆdI óú mfrc nUM hmiKaflI pfrtI nfl bYTk krngy. ies mgroˆ Auh bfkI dy AumIdvfr vI aYlfn dyxgy. mfnsf qoˆ afp ivDfiek nfjr isMG mfnÈfhIaf qy mOV dy ivDfiek jgdyv isMG kmflU ny suKpfl Kihrf dy roz Èoa ivwc iÈrkq kIqI .ies qoˆ ielfvf pMjfb zYmokRYitk alfieMs dy pitaflf qoˆ lok sBf amIdvfr zf[ DrmvIr gfˆDI aqy afp dy biTMzf ivDfn sBf hlky qoˆ AumIdvfr dIpk bfˆsl vI roz Èoa df ihwsf bxy .

suKbIr bfdl ny BgvMq mfn nUM idwqI cuxOqI ÈRomxI akflI dl dy pRDfn suKbIr bfdl ny afm afdmI pfrtI dy pMjfb pRDfn BgvMq mfn nUM cuxOqI idwqI hY ik Auh vI hrismrq bfdl iKlfP af ky cox lV lYx. suKbIr ny aijhf BgvMq mfn vwloˆ suKpfl Kihrf dy biTMzy qoˆ cox lVn iKlfP kIqy ibafn bfry bol rhy sn. drasl,BgvMq mfn ny bIqy idn ikhf sI ik pMjfb eykqf pfrtI dy muKI suKpfl Kihrf hrismrq bfdl nUM ijqfAux leI biTMzf jf rhy hn .mIzIaf nfl gwlbfq kridaf suKbIr bfdl ny ikhf ik pMjfb dIafˆ sfrIafˆ isafsI pfrtIafˆ iewk pfsy aqy akflI –Bfjpf dUjy pfsy hn. PAGE 34

bfby nfnk dI ËmIn bfry pfiksqfn vwloˆ vwzf PYslf,iswDU ny ilKI sI icwTI krqfrpur sfihb leI gilafrf Ausfrn smyˆ gurU nfnk dyv jI dy Kyqfˆ nfl koeI CyVCfV nhIN hovygI.ieh aYÜfn pfiksqfn dy sUcnf qy pRsfrx mMqrI Pvfd cODrI ny kIqf hY .cODrI ny pwqrkfrfˆ nUM dwisaf ik pRDfn mMqrI iemrfn Kfn nUM pMjfb dy mMqrI nvjoq isMG iswDU dI icwTI imlI sI, ijs ËmIn qy gurU nfnk dyv jI KyqI krdy sn,Aus nUM Auvyˆ hI rwiKaf jfvy. iemrfn Kfn srkfr ny iswDU dI ieh mMg mMnidafˆ gurU nfnk dyv jI dy óú eykV dy Kyqfˆ `c iksy iksm dI AusfrI nf krn df aYÜfn kIqf .

bIjypI gurdfspur qy aMimRqsr qoˆ AuqfrygI iPlmI isqfry !

pMjfb dI Bfjpf cox kmytI ny gurdfspur hlky qoˆ AumIdvfr vjoˆ ivnod KMnf dy iksy pirvfrk mYˆbr dy nfˆ dI isPfrÈ kIqI hY . pfrtI ny KMnf pirvfr dI ivrfsq nUM kfiem rwKx df PYslf kIqf hY . ÈRomxI akflI dl nfl gTjoV ivwc pfrtI kol ñó ivwcoˆ iqMn sItfˆ hn. pfrtI dy sInIar lIzr ny ikhf ik ieh AumIdvfr adfkfr dI pqnI kivqf KMnf jfˆ AunHfˆ dy puwqr akÈy KMnf ho skdy hn.AunHfˆ ikhf ik awj qwk ivnod KMnf nUM afpxy hlky nfl ipafr sI.pfrtI AunHfˆ dy pirvfr dy nfˆ `qy ivcfr krygI.aimq Èfh dy aDIn kyˆdrI cox kmytI afKrI PYslf krygI .

The Patrika


Friday, March 29th, 2019




 cyq sMkRFqI


joiqS, Eqy  Eqy 604-751-0220 kro





myK- purfxy msly hwl hoxgy, ishq TIk rhygI, Dn lfB, jfiedfd TIk, Brf df suK qy imwqr nfl JgVf ho skdf hY, kfrobfr TIk rhygf. mfrc 17,18,25,26 apRYl 4,5,13 asLwuB

Find time to reflect on where you want to head in the long term. You could have toyed with certain ideas 9 months ago but will now be in a better position to see what is possible and work towards that over the next 18 months. Only take on obligations that will not interfere with your finances or earning capacity.

The main thing is to focus on yourself, where you stand in life so you can establish some well-structured goals to pursue now that you are out of the holding back cycle that has been in effect since 2010. Reviewing your priorities can come into this and may very well include challenging the desires of others that have other expectations.

  ibRK- kRoD qy kfbU rwKo, hfnI df Kqrf hY, Dn lfB, injI lokF df sihXog, Xfqrf ivwc ksLt, sLuB kMm hovy mfsFq sLuB. mfrc 19,20,27,28,29,apRYl 6,7,8 asLuwB.





imQun- Dn lfB hoky vI hfnI df zr, sLqrU kmjLor, iesqrI qy sMqfn qoN suK, jfiedfd df lfB, Brf qoN mdd imlygI. mfrc 20,21,26,27,apRYl 9,10,11 asLwuB.

krk- pyt qy nyqr rog, sMqfn suK, iesqrI ksLt, Dn lfB hoky vI hfnI df zr, mhIny dy aMq ivwc suwK imly. mfrc 15,16,19,20 apRYl 4,5,7,8 asLuwB.



isMG- Dn lfB, jfiedfd qy svfrI df suK, hfnI df zr, injI jn sihXog, mhIny dy aMq ivwc suwK imly. mfrc 18,19,26,27,apRYl 9,10,11 asLuwB.



kMinaf- afpixaF qoN lfB qy sihXog, iesqrI ksLt, sMqfn suK, jfiedfd ivc vfDf, kfrobfr qy kMm df sQfn bdlx df ivcfr bxygf, lfB hovy. mfrc 17,19,20,21,apRYl 2,3,4,7,8 asLwuB.

7 

quwlf- purfxI jfiedfd df mslf hwl hovy, imwqr ipafiraF dI mdd, sMqfn qy pqnI suwK, jfiedfd df lfB, nvIN Xojnf hovy. mfrc 17, 18,26,27,28 apRYl 2,3,5,6 asLuwB hovygI.



ibRsLick- ishq TIk, afmdn qoN Krcf vwD, kfrobfr mwDm rhy, imwqr bMDU ksLt, krjLf isr cVHy. mfrc 14,20,30,31 apRYl 10,11,12 asLuwB.



DnU- acfnk ksLt, zr, Xfqrf ivwc sfvDfn rho, mhIny dy aMq ivwc sLuwB lfB, sLnI-rfhU df dfn krnf sLuB rhygf, kfrobfr ivc lfB rhygf. mfrc 17,18,25,26 apRYl 4,5,13 asLuwB.

10 

mkr-rog zr, afmdn hoky vI hfnI df zr, aiDk Krcf, krjyL dI nObq af skdI hY. imwqr ksLt, sMqfn suK, iesqrI ksLt rhy, mhIny dy aMq ivwc KusLI imly. mfrc 19,20,27,28,29 apRYl 6,7,8 asLwB.

11  kuMB- sLqrU kmjLor, suK lfB, Dn lfB,imqrF qoN mdd, GrylU JMjtF qoN bco, jfiedfd qy kfrobfr TIk rhy. mfrc 14,21,22,30,31 apRYl 9,10 asLuwB.



mIn- ishq TIk, ivarQ dy JgVy ivwc nf AulJo, Brf qoN lfB, sMqfn qoN icMqf, iesqrI suK imlygf, jfiedfd df lfB hovy. mfrc 15,16,23,24, apRYl 1,2,3,11,12 asLuwB.

You are in a good position to see how you can be affected by the expectations of others, especially when it comes to the obligations you either have or could entail. You should not take a casual approach to anything you don’t want to proceed or continue on with. Put some time aside to consider the actions you can take.

You need to be careful that you are not adding more than is necessary to daily routines either with work or personal, otherwise you can easily become a slave to the expectations of everybody else. You have the opportunity to make your goals clear so that others know what to expect. Be realistic about what you can manage.

If you are prepared to be disciplined you can get a lot of things out of the way that have been left for a while. This can include cleaning out anything that has served its purpose or you don’t need any more. You might need to pull back on social activity that could be interfering with priorities connected to other people’s needs.

Something can increase as a result of your involvement with others. If you enjoy the process and you can see some future benefit that is a good thing. Even so, you need to be mindful of the responsibilities or obligations that will come with it. Don’t take promises for granted. Look carefully at what you will be able to manage.

You are in a good position to help somebody else solve a problem. Once you start looking into any information you could find there is a lot more detail than initially seemed to be the case. Your vision of future prospects can be quite clear and unlimited. Don’t stray away from the process of getting a solid foundation in place.

Changes with the position of somebody else could make you feel at their mercy. The best thing is to communicate because there is the opportunity to gain greater clarity in your own mind. That might make you aware of other information you need to seek out. Don’t take any risks financially without gathering all the details.

Another person can start to show their position more clearly. Up until this point you may not have taken a lot of notice but now realise you should because of the effect this can have on you, which can be either good or bad. You need to take into account how this could alter the way things are presently structured in your life.

Get onto anything you have been avoiding. Once you get started you can quite enjoy the process and feel very pleased about getting it out of the way. It will leave you free to focus on other things you have wanted to focus on and perhaps better understand. This can include a subject you have previously paid attention to.

You will have a sense of knowing the best actions to take to enable you to put things in place in a solid manner. It might take a while to see final results so don’t let that bother you. Don’t waver when it comes to important priorities, especially if money is involved, as something is beginning to come out in the open more so.

The need to reassess your position in light of the obligations or responsibilities you have to handle is likely, as well as necessary, so that these don’t get out of hand. It might be essential to either discuss things or gather more information so that you can prioritise. It is by taking action that you can generate a pleasing outcome.


The Patrika





bI sI ivc Ksry dy tIky lgfAux dI muihMm sLurU ipwCy ijhy Ksry nfl bImfr hoey bwicaF nUM muK rKidaF srkfr ny sUby ivc Ksry dy tIky lfAux dI muihMm sLurU kIqI hY| ies muihMm df tIcf sUby 95% jvfnF nUM ieh tIkf lfAux df rwiKaf igaf hY| ishq mMqrI aYzrIan izks ny ikhf ik sMBv hY ik aglI pwqJV qwk pbilk aqy pRfeIvyt skUlF’c ieh tIkf lfAuxf lfjLmI kr idwqf jfvy| lfjLmI tIkf lgfAux dy vyrvy meI ivc nsLr kIqy jfxgy| srkfr ies tIky KrIdx leI $3 imlIan Krc krygI| CUq dI ies bImfrI qoN bcx leI tIkf kgvfAuxf jLrUrI hY| mMqrI ny ikhf ik 2018 dy aMkVy dsdy hn ik 7 sfl dy bwicaf ivcoN 82% nUM tIkf kgfieaf igaf sI| Xfd rhy ik 2010 dIaF EilMpk KyzF dOrfn 87 jvfnF nUM Ksrf ho igaf sI |

Friday, March 29th, 2019

bI sI vwloN qyl aqy gYs dI Zoaf-ZuafeI ‘qy aiDkfr jqfAuxf anuicq –adflqI afdysL knyzIan srkfr df kihxf hY ik bI sI tRFsmfAun tyn pfeIplfeIn nUM rokx df Xqn kr irhf hY jo Auicq nhIN ikAuNik aMqr-sUbfeI pRojYktF Aupr kyvl PYzrl srkfr df aiDkfr hY| ieh dlIl vkIl jYn bRFjrjL vwloN bI sI kort aOP apIl ivc idwqI geI| AuDr bI sI vwloN ikhf igaf ik Auh ieh ies pRojYkt ivc aiVwkf nhIN pf rhy sgoN vfqfvrn dI surwiKaf XkInI bnfAuxf cfhuMdy hn aqy jy koeI nuksfn ho jfvy qF pRojYkt bnfAux vflI Aus nuksfn dI qlfPI kry|

bI sI ivc qfpmfn dy 18 hor irkfrz tuwty

22 mfrc nUM spfrvuwz ivc qfpmfn 19[8 irhf ijs nfl spfrvuwz bI sI ivc sB qoN vwD grm irhf| ies grm qfpmfn krky iZwgF izwgx bfry icMqf pYdf hoeI hY| ipCly hPqy ivktorIaf aqy gRytr vYnkUvr knyzf Br ivc sB qoN grm rhy| vfqfvrn knyzf bI sI dy aYgrIklcrl lYNz kimsLn vwloN pRsqfivq qbdIlIaF qoN prysLfn hoey iksfnf df kihxf hY ik bI sI ivc ipRMs rUprt ivc qfpmfn 18 izgrI ho igaf ijs nfl AuwQoN df kihxf hY ik lgdf hY ik srkfr df lokF nfl sMprk nhIN| ibwl 52 Pfrm 5400 df 1915 df irkfrz tuwtf | kul imlf ky 18 irkfrz tuwty| vrg Puwt qoN vzyrf Gr bnfAux dI mnfhI krdf hY| vwzy pirvfrF vfly iksfnF dI dlIl aYjUkysLn avfrzF leI nfmjLdgI dI aMqm qfrIK hY ik ieh mnfhI sMXukq pirvfrF nUM vwKry vwKry rihx leI mjbUr krdI hY jo iblkul glq hY| iksfn iewQoN qwk nfrfjL hn ik Auh lYijslycr dy lfn ivc kUVf suwtx dIaF vDfeI geI gwlF krn lwgy hn| AuDr KyqIbfVI mMqrI lfnf poPm ny ikhf ik ilbrl pfrtI vfly Premier’s Award for Excellence in Education leI nfmjLdgI hux 30 apRYl qwk kIqI JUTI jfxkfrI dy ky iksfnF nUM BVkf rhy hn | jf skygI| iswiKaf ivc rucI rwKx vfly hux iksy vDIaf tIcr, pRbMDk jF ipRMsIpl, stfP mYNbr df nfm 30 apRYl qwk Byj skdy hn| ieh avfrz 2018 ivc sLurU kIqf 95 sfl dI Aumr ivc qrn df sLOk kfiem igaf jo AuMnHF ivakqIaF nUM idwqf jFdf hY ijMnHF ny isiKaf dy Kyqr ivc sLlfGfXog kMm 95 sfl dI bYtI bRwsljL df kihxf hY ik Aus nUM qrn df sLONk sI jo ajy vI kfiem hY| kIqf hovy| ies sfl aijhy 10 avfrz idwqy jfxgy ijMnHF ivcoN Cy aiDafpkF leI, do Aus ny ikhf,” myry kol iek bYg hY jo mYzlF nfl Biraf hoieaf hY| 90ivaF ivc kYnyzf skUl aqy izsitRkt prbMDkF leI aqy do stfP mYNbrF nUM idwqy jfxgy| jyqU nUM $3000 afeI bYtI ny bjLurgF dy vrlz mfstr gymjL ivc qrn dy mukfbly ivc Bfg ilaf sI| Aus dI pRoPYsLnl lrinMg leI, $2000 Aus vwloN skUl kimAuintI leI pfey Xodfn Aus nUM afpxI koc kYrl gyar ‘qy mfn hY ijs ny Aus nUM qYrfkI dy gur isKfey| ipCly krky idwqy jfxgy| mhIny Aus ny 95-99 sfl dIaF aOrqF dy qYrfkI mukfbly ivc 50 mItr bRYststRok df irkfrz qoiVaf| Aus df kihxf hY ik Aus nUM mYzlF dI koeI pRvfh nhIN; bws pUl bI sI srkfr nUM grInjL dI shfieqf qoN ibnF aY aYn jI ivc Cfl mfr ky qrn df sLOk hY Aus ny ikhf,” jdoN mYN qrdI hY qF mYN nOjvfn mihsUs kfnUMn pfs krn dI afs krdI hF; mYN hor sB kuJ Buwl jFdI hF mYnUM KusL rihx dI afdq hY prpUl ivc ieh bI sI dI srkfr dI srkfr kudrqI qrl gYs bfry iek kfnUMn bnfAuxf cfhuMdI hY KusLI hor vD jFdI hY|” ijs aDIn ies gYs nfl sbMNDq tYks kRYizt ho skygf pr aYn zI pI dI BfgIdfr pfrtI ies dy hwk ivc nhIN | srkfr nUM afs hY ik grIn pfrtI dI hmfieq qoN vYnkUvr dy ivqkrf-ivruwD gruwp vwloN nslI ivqkrf grIn ibnF hI Auh ieh kfnUMn pfs krvf lvygI| ieh kfnUMn ies gYs ivc invysL krn dy krn vfilaF nUM nMgf krn dI mMg aml nUM Auqsfihq krygf ies kfnUMn pfs hox qy mUlvfsIaF nfl afriQk ihwsydfrI ivqkrf-ivruwD gruwp dI bfnI mOrgyn Egr df kihxf hY ik kYnyzf Br ivc nslI ho skygI, nOkrIaF pYdf hoxgIaF; hvf sfP hovygI | ieh afs ivwq mMqrI kYrljymjL ivqkrf krn vfilaF dI insLfndyhI kIqI jfvy| Aus ny ikhf ik ivcfr ieh hY ik ieh vwloN pRgt kIqI geI hY| jfxn df Xqn kIqf jfvy ik ieh nPrq jF ivqkrf ikvyN PYlfieaf jFdf hY|; ieh vI iKafl rwiKaf jfvy ik nPrq PYlfAux df ieljLfm aYvyN nf lgfieaf jfvy| Aus ny ikhf jMglfqI syvf vwloN ruwKF nUM BUMzF qoN bcfAux leI kIVy mfr ik aijhf kuJ bI sI dy Dur aMdly ielfikaF ivc ho irhf hY jF white supremacy dvfeI df iCVkfa krn dI slfh groups aijhf kr rhy hn| Egr ny ikhf ik aijhI insLfndyhI akfdimk ivdvfnF aqy kfnUMn lfgU krn vfilaF leI lfBdfiek rhygI| tRfNto ivc aDfirq knyzIan aYNtI-hyt bI sI dy jMglF ivc keI iksm dy BUMz drwKqF nUM KoKlf kr idMdy hn| ies syvf vwloN nYwtvrk vI pbilk, mIzIaf, KojIaF, adflqF nUM jfxkfrI dy ky nslI ivqkry bfry lokF nUM slfh idwqI geI hY ik Auh ruwKF nUM aijhy BUMzF qoN bcfAux leI kIVy mfr dvfeI df iCVkfa krn| afm qOr qy ieh BUMz jrjry ruwKF nUM afpxf isLkfr bxfAuNdy hn pr jfgrUk kr irhf hY| AuMnHF BUMzF dI sMiKaf vD jFdI hY qF Auh ishqmMd drwKqF nUM vI Korf lfAux lwg jFdy hn| zgls Pr bItljL (BUMzF) nUM sB qoN vwD Kqrnfk smiJaf jFdf hY| hfrmonjL dy aiDaYn leI XU bI sI nUM

aYn zI pI dIaF Pfrmf bfry pRsqfivq qbdIlIaF dI aflocnf ho rhI hY

muitafrF lVkIaF dI loV

hfrmonjL dy qyjLI nfl vDx nfl jo asr mnoBfvnfvF Aupr huMdf hY dy aiDaYn leI XU bI sI dy KojIaF nUM muitafr lVkIaF dI loV hY ies aiDaYn ivc vD Pul rhy idmfgL Aupr ijhVf asr ilMgI hormonjL df huMdf hY , df aiDaYn kIqf jfvygf| ivigafnIaF nUM ieh qF pqf hY ik srIr ivc hox vflIaF qbdIlIaF hfrmonjL dy vDx nfl hI huMdIaF hn pr ies bfry Gwt pqf hY ik iksoLr Aumr vfilaF dIaF BfvnfvF Aupr iks qrF df asr huMdf hY| ies krky hux aijhy KojIaF nUM muitafr kuVIaF dI loV hY ijnHF dI Aumr 13-15 sfl dI hovy| aijhIaF kuVIaF df luafb/Quwk lY ky ilMgI pRBfv aqy qxfa df aiDaYn kIqf jfvygf| PAGE 36

ilbrl ivDfiek js jOhl ny ivDfn sBf ivc ikhf ‘cmcf’ sLbd vfps ilaf bI sI ivDfn sBf ivc jdoN aYgrIkcrl lYNz irjLrv bfr kIqIaF qbdIlIaF bfry bihs ho rhI sI qF ilbrl ivDfiek js jOhl ny ijwQy KyqIbfVI mMqrI dI aflocnf kIqI AuwQy aYn zI pI dy ivDfiekF nUM vI ‘cmicaF’ df iek tolf ikhf| Aus ny dosL lfieaf ik ivDfiek iksfnF vfsqy kuJ nhIN kr rhy| pMjfbI mUl dI ivDfiekf ijMnI ismjL ny mMg kIqI ik jOhl nUM muafPI mMgxI cfhIdI hY ikAuNik ‘cmcf’ sLbd iblkul anuicq hY, apmfn jnk sLbd hY| kuJ crcf hox mgroN jOhl ny ‘cmcf’ sLbd vfps lY ilaf.

The Patrika


Friday, March 29th, 2019




From Paris with love SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 2019

Pwrm swzo-smwn dI inlwmI

Quality Hotel & Conference Centre

ApRYl 5 Aqy 6 nMU hYrItyz pwrk iv`c

Su`krvwr Swm 4 vjy ie`nfor Aqy SnIvwr svyry 9 vjy AwaUtfor

Butterfly Ball · A Celebration Supporting The Abbo t sford Hospice Societ y ·

rijstRySn Aqy fItyls

To purchase tickets visit Early bird pricing for tickets purchased before March 1

For more information about sponsorship or donations, contact Patricia Driessen at or 604-556-1031 PAGE 37

The Patrika



Friday, March 29th, 2019



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The Patrika


Friday, March 29th, 2019




There is a pressure to not let Salman Khan down: Zaheer Iqbal Was told I wasn t good enough : Fatima Mohnish Bahl’s daughter Pranutan, says even though Salman’s name is attached to the project, their performances in the movie will decide their fate. “I know about the pros and cons and the pressure of being launched by Salman Khan. I know what people will say. There is a pressure to not let him (Salman) down,” Zaheer said.“He told me that his name is associated with film and therefore the film will be screened at the 12 pm or 3 pm slots at the theaters but after that, the film will ride on us and its story. So we know that few people might come to watch because of him,” he adds.Since his childhood, Zaheer has been catching up on almost every film and his love for cinema grew

further during his college days when he used to actively participate in theatre and other creative activities.Zaheer, who worked with Sohail Khan as an assistant director on Jai Ho, says his training was not only about acting or dancing.“Salman bhai also prepared us for how to face love, success and failure. He told us we can’t please everyone every time.”Notebook, directed by National Award-winning filmmaker Nitin Kakkar, is adapted from Thai film Teacher’s Dairy and Zaheer says he has seen only a few portions of the original.

Bollywood's leading lady Deepika Padukone has time and again exhibited her thirst for challenging roles with her diverse choice of films. Giving testimony of the same yet again, Deepika will be seen slipping into the skin of an acid victim survivor for Chhapaak and is exhilarated to give to the audience an important story. Chhapaak will not only test Deepika

She made a stunning debut with Dangal, but Fatima Sana Shaikh says getting a perfect launch pad was not a cakewalk as people told her she did not have the "looks" of a heroine like Deepika Padukone and Katrina Kaif.Fatima, who started her journey in the movies as a child actor with Kamal Haasan's 1997 film Chachi 420, says the rejections shifted her focus from waiting for a conventional lead role to searching for a good character. "I have been a child actor. I quit but making a comeback after that was difficult. I was not getting any work. People used to tell me I don't look like Deepika Padukone or Katrina Kaif. They said, since I didn't have the looks of a heroine, I should do whatever I'm offered. There have been many incidents where I was told that I was not good enough," Fatima said. The actor says her desire to perform in front of the camera was so strong that she did not pay heed to what people thought of her. "I only had acting on my mind. The reason why I used to

Padukone's acting caliber but also prove to be her maiden production, adding to the challenge to deliver for the actress. However, the Superstar believes in pushing the envelope and step out of her comfort box to better herself at every step. After playing the most beautiful woman in Padmaavat, Deepika Padukone showcases beauty in a different light with the upcoming film Chhhapaak. The irony of her characters, however, is while Alauddin was ready to destroy everything for her, the upcoming film will see the man destroying her face. Shedding light on the same, Deepika Padukone said, "It's ironical really. Padmaavat was all about physical beauty, the traditional notion of beauty that has filtered down through generations. And now, I am a part of a film that will help people see beauty in a different light, redefine the notion in a way. Having dealt with a man who will destroy anyone and everyone who comes in his way to getting this beautiful woman in my last film, this will be another challenging role. It's too early to go into details but both are important stories."

Actor Richa Chadha believes she is as “independent and empowered” as any other working woman but that does not mean she is only drawn to such characters. The actor, known for her powerhouse performances in films such as Oye Lucky Lucky Oye, Gangs of Wasseypur series and Masaan, said the roles she chooses resonate with reality.“I’m as independent or empowered as any other working woman in this city. To be pursuing any profession isn’t easy because it is still primarily a man’s world. It affects how you get paid and your hours of work, among other things.“It’s not like I’m drawn to only these characters. Maybe I’m getting a bit stereotyped. But at least I’m not getting stereotyped as some weeping victim,” Richa said.The actor says her process of selecting projects has changed with time.“I consider ‘Gangs…’ my turning point. I can’t believe it has been seven years already. I have come a long way since then, especially in terms of what I want to do now. I have the wisdom today,” she added. And that is why, when filmmaker Pradeep Sarkar approached her to feature in the music video Neel Samandar as an Andaman tribal, she could not refuse the offer.“Of course, it meant that shooting the song would be a lot of fun but what I also loved about this was that it showed the matriarchal side of things. Showing that about an island tribe in a music video was very interesting,” she said.

Zaheer Iqbal, who is making his Bollywood debut with Salman Khan’s production Notebook, says there is a pressure to not disappoint the superstar. The newcomer, who stars in the film alongside

Chhapaak will help people see beauty in a different light : Deepika

Chuck Russell didn t behave like star on film set : Vidyut Jammwal Vidyut Jammwal, gearing up for the release of his next film Junglee, has said Chuck Russell, director of the action-thriller, "brings star value to the film but doesn't behave like a star on the set". Jammwal was interacting with the media during the promotion of his movie. Sharing his experience with Russell, Jammwal said: "Chuck sir is a known director. He made The Mask with Jim Carrey, launched Dwayne Johnson in The Scorpion King and worked with Arnold Schwarzenegger in Eraser. I was very happy to work with him." Talking about the difference between Indian and Hollywood filmmakers, Vidyut said: "There isn't much difference. We have good filmmakers in India too, but Hollywood directors work in a slightly different manner," he said. Hollywood directors were very conscious about punctuality, he said and added, "If they decide to start shooting at 6 am then all have to follow the schedule. If pack up is decided at 6 pm, you will have to follow that also. I think discipline is the biggest difference between Indian and Hollywood directors.". Hailing Russell's behaviour on set, Jammwal said despite being such a well-known director, he treated everyone with a lot of respect. "He brings star value to the film, but doesn't behave like a star on a film set," he said.

go for every audition was because I would get to perform in front of the camera, even if the set-up was small." The success of Aamir Khan-starrer Dangal, however, made things easier for Fatima as it gave her the option to choose.

I am as independent, empowered as any other working woman : Richa Chadha


The Patrika





blYkbYrI dy bUty (khfxI) hrjIq ny cfeIN-cfeIN tonI dy ivafh dy nvyN Cpfey kfrzF df bMzl myjL AuWqy ilaf itkfieaf aqy mnjIq nUM kfrzF dI CpfeI, rMg afid bfry Aus dI psMd puwCx leI afvfjL mfrI. awKF nfl hI mnjIq df AuWqr AuzIkx lwgf.

trwkF nfl sFJ vDyry ho jFdI hY. iewQy qF kMmF nfl hI rotI qurdI hY. kihMidaF sws ny mnjIq nUM afpxy klfvy ivwc lY ilaf. sws dy ipafr nUM vyKidaF mnjIq ny vI afpxy awQrUaF ivwc hfsf imlf idwqf. “koeI nhIN mF jI, kMm nhIN krFgy qF KfvFgy ikwQoN.” asIN ikhVy zflr Joly Brky ieMzIaf qoN mnjIq ny hfly kuJ nhIN sI ikhf, Auh Pyr afpxy nfl lY ky afAuNdy hF.” mnjIq ny boilaf, “lokF nfloN vwKry hI bxvfey hn. sulJy lPjF ivwc AuWqr idwqf. sfry kMmF ivwc pYsf nhIN vyiKaf jFdf. puwqF dy ivafh qF krmF vfilaF dy ihwsy afAuNdy rfqF dIaF isLPtF idn dIaF isLPtF, idn hn. lokIN ieMzIaf qoN vI kfrz Cpvf ky lY rfqF dI dUhrIaF isLPtF, vwzy vwzy Gr, afAuNdy vyKy aY. imhrF ny AuWpr vfly dIaF. vwzIaF vwzIaF bYNkF dIaF dyxdfrIaF aqy jwt awgy ipwCy vwjx vflf nhIN. gwj vwj ky ies sB leI imwtI nfl imwtI huMdy prvfr, sfrf kfrj krFgy.” hrjIq qoN ijvyN KusLI iKMzdy-tuwtdy irsLqy ies vwzI dOV Bwj ny irsLiqaF nUM rol ky rwK idwqf hY. pqI Gr sFBI nhIN sI jf rhI. hY qF pqnI Gr nhIN, pqnI Gr hY qF pqI mnjIq ny iewk kfrz kwiZaf, rMg, CpfeI lMmy sPr qy igaf hoieaf hY. pqI dy mFaqy idK vyKx dI QF kfrz AuWqy iliKaf ipAu dy pypr Brny hn. pqnI dy mF-ipAu pVHn lwg peI. tonI dy mfqf-ipqf dy nfvF qy BYx BrfvF nUM swdxf hY. afmdn pUrI dy nfl-nfl dfdy-dfdI aqy nfny-nfnI df krn leI koeI kflf bYl vI iewQoN dy vrg nF vI Cfpy hoey sn. pr ikMnI dyr mnjIq dI dI rIs nhIN kr skdf. srkfr dy tYksF njLr ipqf dy nF vfly Kfny `qy jf ky atkI df hI Qfh nhIN. irsLiqaF nfl pUry Auqrn rhI. hrjIq nIJ lf ky hrjIq dy hfv leI afpxy irsLiqaF nUM kurbfn krnf pYNdf Bfv inhfrdf irhf. Aus ny soicaf mnjIq hY. irsLqy bx qF jFdy hn pr irsLiqaF sLfied ipMz rihMdy svrgI bfpU df nF pVHky df inwG iehnF ivcfry lokF dy ihwsy Gwt hI Bfvuk ho geI hovy. bfpU poqy dy ivafh nUM afAuNdf hY. iehnF dI ijLMdgI ivwc irsLiqaF AuzIkdf kuJ mhIny pihlF pirvfr df sfQ dI aihmIaq hI gvfc geI hY. iewQy Cwz igaf sI. afpxy afp nUM ies siQqI qoN prvfrF nUM iekwiTaF krn leI kurbfn ho pfsy krn leI mnjIq ny vI qur gey bfpU rhIaF nOjvfn muitafrF afpxI JolI KflI df hI shfrf ilaf, “krmF vfly dfdy hI leI iPrdIaF hn. bwcy ho jfxgy qF vDyrI poiqaF dI brfq cVHdy hn.’ Aus ny afK hI afmdn ikwQoN afvygI? bwicaF nUM sMBflidaF idwqf. hrjIq nUM kfrzF leI DMnvfd ikhf kMm nhIN kIqy jfxgy. Pyr afmdn df muwl qy afpxy ichry df rMg bdlx dI koisLsL qfrnf pAU? AuDr ieMzIaf ivwc isafxIaF kIqI. hrjIq qF Kfxf Kf ky dosqF ivwc swsF afpxIaF nUMh nUM vrHf-do vrHy bwcy dI kfrz vMzx clf igaf pr mnjIq dIaF AumIdvfrI nf hovy qF vYdF hkImF dy leI awKF awgy AuhI kfrz dy awKr GuMmdy rhy. iPrdIaF hn. iewQy swsF afpxIaF nUMhF nUM ijvyN tonI dy ipqf df nF sunihrI moty awKrF bwcy nf jMmx dy ZMg qrIky dsdIaF hn. ivwc Cipaf hoieaf sI. mnjIq dIaF awKF “DIey, aOKy sOKy sMjm rwKidaF cfr vrHy, awigAuN sfrI bIqI khfxI iPlm vFg awgy dwbky kMm kro. Gr bx jfxgy. sfrf twbr lMGx lwgI. jd Auh pihlI vyr ivnIpYWg rl ky bYTFgy. rl ky bYTy twbr ivwc Pyr eyarport `qy jhfjLoN AuWqrI qF lMmy sPr df bwcy sFBxy vI suKfly ho jFdy hn. Pyr sfrf QkyvF sI. soicaf sI prvfr smyq hrjIq kuJ TIk ho jfAU suwK nfl. sfhmxy Kloqf bysbrI nfl AuzIk irhf hovygf. imlygf qF sPr df qF hI ipCly pUry “kyhI cMdrI DrqI hY, iewQy af ky sB socF sfl dI iekwl df QkyvF vI Auqr jfvygf. hI bdl jFdIaF hn.” pr Aus dIaF nIJ lf ky vyKdIaF awKF nUM mnjIq dy aMdroN hOl ijhf AuWiTaf. pr hrjIq ikDry nf idisaf. sws ny ghu nfl afly-duafly vwl njLr mfridaF aMdr hI nUMh dIaF awKF nUM piVHaf aqy bnfAutI dwb ky rih igaf. hfsy nfl mnjIq nUM prcfAuNdI hoeI kihx “ikvyN irsLiqaF dI BMn qoV krky qfeylwgI, “DIey hrjIq qF ipCly hPqy df cfcy, mfmy-BUaf dy prvfrF nfl PrjI kYlyPornIaf leI quiraf sI. AuQoN kihMdf irsLqy isrjdy hoey lok afpxI Aumr dy Auh torFto df loz buwk kr ilaf. asIN qF prsoN vrHy gvf bYTdy hn jo Pyr ijLMdgI df ihwsf dy AuzIkdy rhy hF. vfr-vfr Pon krdf irhf hY. vyly isr puwj jfx bfry dwsdf irhf nhIN bx skdy. afpxI phuMc qoN vDyry dfj hY. pr DIey ieh trwkF df DMdf. kdy loz dy ky DIaF nUM prdysL qordy mfpy soc lYNdy nhIN imilaf, kdy loz nhIN Auqiraf. kdy hn, “sfzI DI rfxI bxky jhfjL ivwc cVH tfier Krfb, kdy koeI mkYnIkl pRfblm, geI hY” pr AuhI DI icwTIaF ivwc aqy PonF trwkF vfilaF dI qF DIey pirvfrF nfloN `qy afpxf duwK mfipaF nfl jdoN sfJF krdI PAGE 40

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ibwkr isMG Kosf

hY qF mfpy isrP afpxI byvsI `qy JUr hI skdy hn. hwQ pwly kuJ nhIN afAuNdf iewQy aYm[aYs[sI[ aqy aYm[iPl dI izgrI vflI DI anpVH Kyq mjLdUr pqI nfl idn vyly Kyq mjLdUrI krdI hY qy rfqF vyly storF dIaF iblizMgF dI sPfeI krdI hY. jdoN dI iewQy AuWqrI hY kdI rwj ky nhIN suwqI aqy afpxy ivhVy ivwc Kyzx vfly bwcy leI qrsdI rihMdI hY. mnjIq df irsLqf lYx leI mnjIq dI ivwidak Xogqf, rMg rUp aqy Aumr dy nfl nfl Aus dIaF iqMn BYxF df vI sOdf hoieaf sI. AuhnF ivcfrIaF nUM vI ibnF hIl hujq kIiqaF axjoV muMizaF nfl ivafihaf igaf sI. iewQoN dI dOV ivwc sLfml hox leI ieho ijhIaF kurbfnIaF aksr krnIaF hI pYNdIaF hn. mnjIq jdoN iewQy nvIN-nvIN afeI sI qF hrjIq jldIjldI Gr muVn dI koisLsL krdf bYNkF dIaF pymYNtF ipwCy rih jFdIaF. Pyr vwzIaF pymYNtF dyx leI lMmy sPr nUM inklxf pY jFdf. hPqy df rfsLn mukf ky Gr muVdf. byhf qbyhf Kf ky loVF dI hnyrI ivwc gvficaf rihMdf. mnjIq kol idn rfq df kMm huMdf aqy jF iPr Pon rfhIN hrjIq df suwK sunyhf puwjdf rihMdf.

leI hflfq ijLMmyvfr sn. ieh soc ky mnjIq ny mn nUM Zfrs dy rwKI sI. tonI pYdf ho igaf. Gr bUtf lwg igaf. nUMh rfxI df ruqbf AuWcf ho igaf. nUMh rfxI df mfx-snmfn vD igaf. gurduafriaF ivwc lMgr lwgy. vwzf hfl buwk krvfieaf igaf. dUr-durfzy qoN irsLqydfr swdy gey. iewk do irsLqydfr ieMzIaf qoN vI ies smfgm dI afV ivwc vIjLf lY ky sLfml ho gey. awDI rfq qIk rMg rfg dIaF mihPlF lwgIaF pr mnjIq nUM pl-pl Aus df aMdrlf iDrkfrdf irhf. pUry vIh sfl Auh afpxy ies glq PY s ly leI afpxy afp nU M ksUrvfr mMndI rhI aqy afpxy ies gunfh df aihsfs Aus dy aMdr KOrU pfAuNdf irhf.

hrjIq ivcfrf qF prvfr dy suwK leI PkIrI mwlI iPrdf sI. nf idn nUM afrfm nf hI rfq nUM cYn. mnjIq AusI dI dyxdfr sI. Aus ny afpxy PrjF qoN pfsf vwitaf sI. Auh afpxy afp nUM dosL idMdI rhI. pr ies sB

sunihrI awKrF ivwc iliKaf nF hor bycYn kr irhf hY. Gr dy gfrzn dI KflI peI nuwkr ivwc iek blYk bYrI df bUtf AuWg afieaf hY. mnjIq dIaF njLrF Aus bUty `qy hI lwgIaF hoeIaF hn.

tonI ny grYjUeysLn kr leI. “koeI kMmkfr sLurU kr idMdy aF puwq nUM” hrjIq afKdf. mOjF AuzIkidaF nUM mOjF vfly idn kdy nf “bhu q IaF pVH f eIaF ivw c vI kI ipaf imly. Pfrm ivwc kMm krn vfly Aus idn hY. byloVy Krcy hn. XUnIvristIaF dy.” grmI vDyry hox krky hflo byhfl ho rhy mnjIq afKdI. sn. iewk bwdlI lihMdy vwloN AuWTI qy ikximx hox lwg peI. pRIqm jo iewQy riPAUjLI iewk idn tonI ny ikhf “mYN qF nOkrI krUMgf. bx ky rih irhf sI. mnjIq jo afpxy idl afpxy kMmF ivc vkq hI ikwQy aY. mYN zYzI dy aMdr cfa ismt ky bYT geI sI, Qwky dI hflq vyKdf irhf hF. ikDry mfnisk tuwty afpxy-afpxy duwK sFJy kr rhy sn. aqy srIrk sMqusLtI nhIN.” srIrk sMqusLtI iekwTy kMm kridaF aijhI sFJ aksr hI vflf lPjL mnjIq dy klyjy ivwc ktfr ho jFdI hY. “riPAUjLI qF nrk dI ijLMdgI vFg vwijaf. hMZf rhy hn iewQy” lMmy smyN qoN prvfs df sMqfp Bogdy pRIqm ny hOkf ilaf. ‘nf qF tonI dy irsLqy dI gwl vI qurI. lVkI vyKI pirvfrk sFJF rhIaF aqy nf hI srIrk geI. irsLqy dI gwl pwkI ho geI. mnuwK suwK” Gr jf ky vI mnjIq nUM pRIqm vwloN leI kfrobfr vI jLrUrI hY. pr pirvfrk khy srIrk suwK dI gwl Xfd afAuNdI rhI. sFJF nUM kfiem rwKx leI vkq vI loVINdf srIrk suwK qF iewQy prvfrF ivwc bYiTaF hY. ‘Coty ijhy Gr dy gfrzn nUM vI jy bxf nUM vI nhIN iml irhf. mnjIq vfr-vfr sMvfr ky avysly ho jfeIey qF blYk bYrI pRIqm dI qsvIr vyKdI rhI. agly idn dy bUty AuWg afAuNdy hn. KflI jLmIn ivwc Pyr mINh ipaf. pRIqm mINh ivwc iBwjI qF bIj ny ikrnF hI huMdf hY. ieh bIj hvf mnjIq vwl vyKdf irhf. mINh ivwc iBwjI ivwc AuWz ky vI af jFdy hn. mnjIq ivwcoN iek KusLbo pRIqm vwl vDI. “DrqI qF mF huMdI hY. hvf ivwc Auzdy iek qVp, iewk hOkf ikx imx aqy vwqrI bIjF nUM sFBx dI smrwQf DrqI ivwc afid DrqI dI mihk. AuhnF srIrk suwK dI qMd kfl qoN hY.” mnjIq nUM ikcn gfrzn dI joV leI. mnjIq jF pRIqm qoN ho hoieaf Auh sMBfl krn leI afpxy bfp dy khy lPjL krnf nhIN sn cfhuMdy. pRIqm afpxy afp Xfd afey. kfrzF df vwzf bMzl myjL AuWqy nUM iDrkfrdf irhf. mnjIq afpxy afp nUM ipaf hY. kuJ kfrz mnjIq awj vMz ky lfhnqF pfAuNdI rhI. af jfvygf. mnjIq afpxy byty dy nF nfl

The Patrika


Friday, March 29th, 2019



gulfm rFqI iqMnF zrfievrF ny slfh bxf leI ik kwlH nUM TykydfrF dIaF vYnF dy phuMcx qoN pihlF hI Pfrm ivwc phuMicaF jfvy. pihlF phuMcx df kfrn strfbyrI roaF df Gwt hoxf sI. ijhVy pihlF phuMc gey, AuhnF ny strfbyrI qoVnI qy bfkIaF ny rs byrI qoVn lwgxf sI. sB dI ieh soc ik rs byrI dI pihlI quVfeI hox krky Aus ivwcoN kuJ nI bxnf, so strfbyrI qy pihlF phuMicaf jfvy. bxfeI hoeI ivAuNq kfrn iqMny vYnF svyry pMj vjy hI cwl peIaF. vYn dI typ Auwpr sB ipwkr BfeI hrbMs isMG rfgI df kIrqn suxn ivwc mgn sfZy Cy Pfrm qy phuMc gey. pr awgy Pfrm df gyt bMd sI. “ afpF sMdyhF af gey, mflkF ny swq qoN pihlF gyt nhIN KolHxf.” iewk zrfievr ny dUjy nUM ikhf. “ koeI gwl nhIN, afpF awDf GMtf hor AuzIk kr lYNny aF. afey qF afpF hI pihlF qy afpF nUM hI Auh strfbyrI qoVn lfAuxgy. zrfievr cfcy ny Drvfs dvfieaf.

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PlYt qoV lYxy sI. pihlI qINvI ny zrfievrF idwqf. Aus nUM XkIn sI ik awj cfr PlYtF qoN vwD nhIN tutwxy. nUM qurn leI joLr pfieaf. sfry ipwkrF dy rOlf pfAux qy koeI sfZy awT vjy dy krIb vYnF dUjy Pfrm nUM cwl peIaF. nON ku vjy vYnF dUjy Pfrm qy puwjIaF qF AuwQy rs byrI tutdI dyK ky zrfievrF nUM bVf guwsf afieaf. zrfievr cfcf guwsy ivwc Biraf mflk vwl igaf ik ies Pfrm ivwc byrI qoVn bfry AuhnF nUM pihlF ikAuN nhIN dwisaf. mflk ny cfcy df guwsf TMZf kridaF dwisaf, “ mYN qF kwl rfq hI Tykydfr nUM sUcnf dy idwqI sI ik quhfzy ipwkr agly Pfrm ivwc rs byrI qoVn jfxgy. AuQy do hor TykydfrF dy ipwkr vI puwjy hoey sn. jy quhfzf Tykydfr sLrfb df rwijaf quhfnUM nhIN dws sikaf qF sfzI ies ivc koeI glqI nhIN. hux vI quhfnUM dUsry Pfrm ivwc jfxf pvygf, ijhVF ieQoN pwcI ku mIlL dUr hY. jy qusIN Aus Pfrm ivwc pihlF kdy gey nhIN qF iewk bMdf quhfzy nfl jFdf rhygf.

mflk dI gwl sux cfcf nIvIN pfeI vYn kol awDf GMtf AuzIk, GMtf hor AuzIk jdoN zyZ af igaf vYnF aglyry Pfrm vwl qor leIaF GMty qwk vI koeI gyt KolHx nf afieaf qF ijhVIaF sfZy ku ds vjy AuwQy puwjIaF. ipwkr qrlo mwCI hox lwgy. koeI mflk nUM “ clo beI, krIey rs byrI df AudGftn.” aqy koeI zrfievr nUM kos irhf sI. iewk igwl rs byrI df dfxf bfltI ivwc sutidaF aOrq qF zrfievrF nUM hI burf Blf kihx afpxy afp nUM boilaf. lwgI, “ lgdy hoey sMdyhF af ky cMgIaF roaF rokx dy,sfzI nINd vI Krfb kIqI qy strfa byrI qoVn vyly kIqIaF jFdIaF gwlF hux pqMdrF nUM ieQy qfVI bYTy af. kI pqf df svfd rs byrI qoVn vyly nhIN afAuNdf. AuhnF ieQy lfAuxf hovy ky nf.” ikAuNik rs byrI dy bUty Auwcy hox krky iewk “BYx suwKo TIk afKdI aY. kI pqf AuhnF dUjy dy mUMh nhIN idsdy. bs avfjF pihcfx ieQy qoVnI nf hovy. BfeI koeI qusIN Pon Pfn ky hI gwlF kIqIaF jfdIaF hn. Auh vI iewk krky pqf kro. qusIN sfnUM ieQy kfhnUM bMnH ky do roaF qwk dy sfQIaF nfl hI. ibTfieaf. iewk hor vzyrI Aumr dI qINvI “ieQoN ajIb ijhI gMD afAuNdI hY. ieh gMD guwsy ivwc bolI. rs byrI dI qF jfpdI nhIN. jgqfr isMG ny “aFtI sfzy kol Pon ikQy. Pon qF gyjy kol afpxy nfl vflI roa vfly sfQI nUM puiwCaf. af. AuhdI vYn brfVF dy Pfrm qy GwlI aY.” “hF, bU ijhI qF mYnUM vI afeI ey.’ ieAuN ivcoN iewk zrfievr kihx lwgf. lgdY ijvy ieQy nyVy ikqy murdfr ipaf “ jy eyQy lwgxf huMdf qF iksy hor Tykydfr hovy.” dy ipwkr vI ieQy af jFdy. dUjy Pfrm qy kMm “ eyh durgMD qF BfeI sfhb ieDr vI aY.” cldf hoxY. AuWQy cly clo.” jMg isMG ny cfcy igwl ny dUroN AuwcI avfj ivwc ikhf. nUM slfh idwqI. ies bdbU nUM sfry hI mihsUs kr rhy sn. “ Xfr, kfhdI gwl eY. ipwkrF nUM qF ieh pr ies bdbU nUM Buwl ky ijhVI Kwjl KuafrI afpxf gulfm hI smJdy ny. ijvyN mrjLI qy awj AuhnF nUM hoeI, Aus bfry gwlF krn lwgy. ijwDr mrjLI DUeI iPro.qVky cfr vjy dy GroN inlky hoey aF. rfqIN iqMn GMty vI nI “Tykydfr afey qF AuhnUM puwCxf, beI awj dI suwqf igaf. hux eyQy zwkI bYTy ny.” igwl awDI idhfVI df juMmyvfr kOx hoAU? blbIro qoN vI irhf nf igaf qF Aus vI afpxf duwK krmjIq nUM kih rhI sI. pRgt kIqf. ijMmyvfrI kfhdI kbUlxI aF Auhny, dMdIaF “ BfeI, qusIN qur cwlo dUjy Pfrm vwl, ieQy kwZ ky afK dyxf Auhny aFtI iqMn sO bxf hI nf idn Cpf idE. hux nUM qF cfr cfr ilaf awj qUM qF.” gwjx ny ivwcoN hI kih

“clo qoVI clo, byrI vfhvf pwkI hoeI ey. pMj –pMj cfr-cfr qF qoVFgy hI.” krmjIq kihx lwgI. ies qrF gwl kridaF dupihr do vjy qwk keIaF ny do do PlYt qoV ley. PlYt jmF krfAux vflf trwk dUr KVf hox krky PlYt lY ky iewk lMmI ijhI iblizMg kol dI lMGxf pYNdf sI. iblizMg kol dI lMGidaF ieMnI bdbU afeI ik nwk bMd krky lMGxf ipaf. “afh qF mMno afpF nUM hwzf roVI kol byrI qoVn lf qf.” srpMc afpxy PlYt jmHF krf ky muVdf hoieaf AuwcI avfjL ivwc boilaf. asl ivwc Auh QF murigaF dI kqlgfh sI, ijQy murigaF dI vwz tuwk krn AuprMq AuhnF dy awz awz ihwisaF nUM pYktF ivwc bMd krky storF nUM phuMcfieaf jFdF sI. ies kqlgfh ivwc do ku idnF qoN kMm bMd hox krky vgdI hvf dy kfrn sB pfsy bdbU PYlI hoeI sI. jdoN jgqfr isMG afpxy PlYt jmHF krvfAux leI AuQoN dI lMiGaf qF Auh Aus bdbU nUM sihx nf kr sikaf qy AultIaF krn lwgf. Auh PlYt jmHF krvf byrI qoVn dI QF vYn ivwc jf bYTf Aus idn grmI pUry jobn qy sI. jgqfr isMG nUM vYn ivwc bYiTaF dyK hor vI keI ipwkr vYn ivwc Aus kol af bYTy.

“aMkl,aFtI, kI gwl? vYn ivwc bYTy E? kMm muwk igaf?” Tykydfr ny afAuNidaF hI ruwKy ijhy ZMg nfl svfl kIqf. “nhIN, afh, sfly murgy ijhy eyQy vZdy af nf, AuhnF df musLk ijhf eI bfhlf mfrdf sI qy grmI vI bhuq sI qF asIN QoVHf ijhf icr bYT gey.” cwGV ijhVf kihMdf sI mYN afpy isMJU Tykydfr nfl sB qoN pihlF bfltI cuwk ky vYn ivwcoN Auqwr igaf aqy Aus dy mgr hOlI hOlI dUjy Auwqr gey. “ikAuN aMkl qusIN nhIN jfxf?”

“afh , mfstr nUM qF AultIaF lwgIaF “aMkl, AuwT ky byrI qoVo, bfs guwsy ho irhf hoeIaF qy myrf isr bhuq duKdf. hor koeI ey. Tykydfr ny vI af ky guwsy hoxY. aFtI, gwl nhIN.” jMg isMG ny bVI afjjLI nfl qusIN vI AuwT ky byrI qoVn cwlo, eyQy bYTx Tykydfr nUM dwisaf. df koeI kMm nhIN.” gryvfl zrfievr vYn “TIk aY, iZwly E qF bYTy rho. koeI golLI lY ivwc bYTidaF nUM AuTf ky byrI qoVn leI qrly kr irhf sI. pr Aus dy khy AuiTaf lYxI sI. cfcy kol keI iksm dIaF golIaF koeI nf aqy Auh buV buV krdf clf igaf. rwKIaF hoeIaF hn. awCf, jy koeI afky vYn ivwc bYTy qF bYTx nhIN dyxf. mYN krdfN “qur igaf ivcfrf ‘aMkl’ ‘aFtI’ krdf. aglIaF vYnF ivwc jy koeI bYTf qF AuhnF Auhny vI afpxI izAUtI pUrI krnI sI kr nfl gwl . ieMnf afK Tykydfr afpxI vYn igaf. stfrt kr agFh clf igaf. “afpF qF iqMn PlYt qoV ley. bs afpxf “dyiKaf mfstr cwGV df hfl. kihMdf sI kotf qF pUrf ho igaf. hux nhIN jFdy.” jMg ‘Tykydfr nfl afpy gwl krUN’ hux sfiraF qoN isMG ny kih idwqf. pihlF Auqiraf Cfl mfr ky vYn coN. afpF “vwD qoN vwD iewk do hor qoV lvFgy. koeI nI nhIN gey. bih gey so bih gey. afpxy leI Tykydfr mUMh c pfAuNdf. bYTy rho rfm nfl kMm krnY nhIN icwq krdf nf shIN. asIN cuwp krky. mYN afpy isMJU Tykydfr nfl.” iksy dy gulfm qF nhIN.” jMg isMG ivjweI cwGV ny ihwk AuWqy Qfpf mfiraf. sur ivwc kihx lwgf. “Tykydfr ny qF awj afpxI byrI qVfAuxI “jMg isaF, jy afpF gulfm nhIN qF gulfmF sI, Auh qF awj sLfied hI afey.” jl kOr qoN Gwt vI nhIN. svyr qoN lYky hux qwk jo ny nvIN jfxkfrI idwqI. bIqI hY Aus nUM ivcfr ky dyKo. afpxI gwl Auh bYTy ieh gwlF kr hI rhy sn ik afK ky jgqfr isMG sIt AuWpr lMmf pY Tykydfr dI vYn af ky AuhnF kol rukI. igaf. PAGE 41

The Patrika



Nanny Required Required Nanny for three children. Full-time, permanent basis, $13/hr, location: Abbotsford, BC, Language: English, skills: High School & 1-2 years of experience/training. Duties: supervise & care for children, preparing and feeding meals, personal care for children, maintain safe, clean and healthy environment. Contact: sukhisidhu5130@

Farm workers needed for D&B Farms

Please send resumes to vr dI loV

EhI Pon krn, ijhVy lVkI dy ieMzIaf rih rhy Brf, ijs ny I.T.I vYlzr kors kIqf hoieaf hY, Aumr 31 sfl kwd 5’9 nUM pwky qOr qy knyzf mMgvf skx.

Alcoholics Anonymous is here to help. Please call our hotline at 604-615-2911 or go to our website

jy qusIN jF quhfzf koeI jfxkfr sLrfb pIx dI mfVI afdq qoN Cutkfrf pfAuxf cfhMudy ho qF sfzy nflL sMprk kro: 604-615-2911 jF sfzI vYbsfeIt 'qy jfE:

Available in English and Punjabi

zrfeIvr dI loV aYbtsPorz dI trWikMg kMpnI nUM bI[ sI[ - kYlgrI, ipMn qoN ipMn cWlx leI klfs 1, sLrfb aqy nisLaF qoN rihq zrfeIvr dI qurMq loV hY | $7000 / mhInf dI grMtI, qnKLfh hr do hPqy bfad idWqI jfvygI, 3 sfl df qjLrbf aqy klIn aYbstRkt hovy | loz leI no-vyitMg |

sMprk kro : (604)751-1500 PYks rYsmy : (604)-744-9200


sMprk nM: 604-8970974 ieMzIaf: 95013-14231 lVkI dI loV

jwt, iswK sMGf ijs kolL knyzIan pI[afr hY. 28 sfl df 6 Puwt 4 ieMc kwd hY iek sohxI pVHI ilwKI 5 Puwt 6 ieMc kwd vflLI kuVI lwB irhf hY. stUizMt jF If you or a loved one are pI[afr vfilaF nUM pihl having a problem with idwqI jfvygI. alcohol, we are here to Pon: 250-317-3812 help. Please call our 24hour line 604 615 2911 Farm for Lease or email us at info@ For a blUbyrI Pfrm lIjL qy lYx meeting location go to leI Pon kro: 604-856our website www.Ab- 7441


If you or someone you know has a problem with drinking,

For planting, pruning, tying, harvesting & weeding. Work is physically demanding. 6 days a week in all weather conditions. Work will start May 15, 2019 at minimum wage.

jwt iswK knyzf pwky qOr qy rih rhI B.Sc nrisM g pfs, nOkrI kr rhI 32 sflf kwd 5 Puwt 4 ieMc suhxI suxwKI lVkI leI Farm Workers Required pVHy ilKy Xog vr dI loV hY. Farm Workers required starting May/June 2019 till Dec 2019, 45 to 60 hours per week. Duties include weeding, maintaining, and harvesting berry crops; prune and tie crops. As well as other general farm duties. Wage $12.65 ($13.85 as of June 1) / hour. Work is outdoors & can be physically demanding. Fax resume to 604-850-7597. Townline Growers Ltd, 340 Townline Rd, Abbotsford, BC V2T 6C9. Services

Friday, March 29th, 2019



1 Bedroom Basement Suite for rent, full washroom, beautiful kitchen with granite countertops. Hydro, and Wifi included, No pets, no smoking, no laundry, available asap, $950/month.

Call (604) 832-3674 for more info or to view.

The Patrika


Friday, March 29th, 2019





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tfeIlF (kMDF qy, PrsL tfeIlF, hr iksm dIaF tfeIlF ieMtryNs vy tfeIls ikcn PrsL, bYk splYsL ikcn kYbinwt, aqy kFAUtr tOp nvyN aqy purfxy bfQrUm dI pUrI rYnovysLn Plor lYmInysLn

High Quality Services at Very Reasonable Prices hr pRkfr dIaF tfielF iPks krvfAux leI sMprk kro

Tips to maintain your wooden fence (NC) Whether you’ve just had a new wooden fence installed or are planning for one, it is important to learn how to take care of it, as a well-maintained fence can last 10 to 15 years. The experts at HomeStars, a free service that helps people search, read reviews and connect with reputable home service pros for their renovations and repairs, are sharing their tips to keep your fence looking great for years to come. Seal your fence. Wood is very absorbent, making it vulnerable to weather, especially rain and snow. Moisture can cause it to warp or rot, so it’s important to protect your fence against these elements by sealing it with an oil-based stain. You will want to do this once every few years to keep your fence looking sharp. Keep it clean. Dirt and debris buildup can make a new fence look old and tired quickly. You can use a scrub brush, soap and water to lightly clean a wooden fence or consider hiring a

professional to power-wash it, which is a faster and more thorough option. Looks for cracks and rot. It’s important to inspect your fence and look for cracks or rotting spots on an ongoing basis. These spots will only get worse as time goes on, so you’ll want to repair them before inclement weather leads to further damage.

Spl: We Do Cabinet Installation for New or Old Houses All Kinds of Renovations

kstm Aqy kuAwiltI ikcn kYbints Aqy klozt AwrgynweIzr (pYNtrIz) AsIN ikcn Aqy vwSrUm dy purwxy kwaUNtr tOp vI bdldy hW Basement Washroom Framing Painting Plumbing

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hrdIp ibrdI

Call : HARDEEP BIRDI: 778-823-0765

Earning money in the sharing economy? Make sure you know the tax rules. (NC) The sharing economy makes it easier for people or businesses to connect directly with others who can provide them with products and services they want.

If you are earning money from ridesharing platforms or considering operating a taxi, you need to register for GST/HST regardless of your earnings – even if you earn less than $30,000 What are your tax obligations in the annually. General maintenance. There are several sharing economy? If you earn less than $30,000, there are small things to keep on top of to ensure your fence lasts for a long time. These There are various tax implications still advantages to registering volunto consider when income is earned tarily for a GST/HST account. If you include: do, you can claim input tax credits through the sharing economy: Sprinkler placement — as water can which can help you recover some of cause wood to rot, try not to place your Earnings from renting out property are the GST/HST you paid. sprinkler in an area that soaks your considered by the CRA to be either fence every time you water your grass. rental income or business income, Getting your reporting right can help depending on the duration and the you avoid interest and penalties later. Treat for bugs — termites love wooden types of services included in the rental Small business owners or self-emfences. To ensure your fence doesn’t agreement. Both must be reported for ployed individuals who need help become a termite buffet, be sure to treat tax purposes. understanding their tax obligations can your fence to keep bugs away. If you earn more than $30,000 in gross ask for a free visit from a CRA LiaiRemove snow — in the winter months, revenue over 12 consecutive months or son Officer at: can build up on fences so it’s less, you need to register for a GST/ officer. For more information about a good idea to clear it off, including HST account, then start collecting and tax considerations when working in around the bottom, to avoid water sending GST/HST to the Canada Rev- the sharing economy, visit enue Agency (CRA). damage. taxes-sharing-economy.


The Patrika






Friday, March 29th, 2019

The Patrika


Friday, March 29th, 2019




ibrK kI Cfieaf isAu rMgu lfvY..


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hr qrHW dy Coty v`fy Gr bxwauNdy hW 2-5-10 vwrMtI lwiesYNsf iblfr vwzb kImq vDIAW kMm Gr bxwaux dw 20 swl dw qzrbw purwxy Gr Fwhux qoN pihlW AYsbYsts tYsitMg vI krdy hW imMnI AYkskwvySn dw swrw kMm krdy hW

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ajIq isMG ibrK nf huMdy qfˆ ieh DrqI bMjr hoxI sI qy mnuwK vI ibrK ibnfˆ eynf KUbsUrq jIvn nhIN sI jIa skdf. ibrK ies DrqI df iÈMgfr hn qy lMby-cOVy JUMmdy ibrK ikMny suMdr lwgdy hn. keI ibrKfˆ dI Cfˆ ieMnI sMGxI huMdI hY ik iensfn ies Qwly bYT ky iqwKV-dupihr ivwc guËfrf kr skdf hY. keIafˆ ibrKfˆ dy Puwl ikMny KUbsUrq huMdy hn qy jIa krdf hY ies ibrK nUM jwPI pf ky ipafr kIqf jfvy. hvf nfl ibrKfˆ dIafˆ ÈfKfˆ JUty lYˆdIafˆ qy nfl hI sMgIq vI pYdf krdIafˆ hn. ienHfˆ ibrKfˆ hyT hI purfxy simafˆ ivwc lokIˆ nlky lgvf ky svrg df afnMd lYˆdy sn. keI ibrK rfhfˆ `qy lgfey jfˆdy sn ik rfhI pfˆDI sPr krn vyly iewQy bYT ky sfh lY skx. afrfm kr skx. aMbfˆ dy ibrK ijwQy ieMnI sMGxI qy imwTI Cfˆ idMdy hn, AuWQy Pl vI idMdy hn. ikMny iksm dy aMb hn jo ienHfˆ ibrKfˆ `qy lwg ky DrqI dI ÈoBf vDf idMdy hn. keI aMbfˆ `qy jUn dy mhIny jdoN koiel kUkdI hY qfˆ Aus dI imwTI afvfË sfzy sIny nUM skUn bKÈdI hY. quiraf jfˆdf iensfn koiel dI imwTI afvfË suxn leI AuWQy hI pYr gwz ky Klo jfˆdf hY. amrIkf ivwc rihMidafˆ mYˆ vyiKaf hY ik iewQy ibrKfˆ dI igxqI vDyry hY. ienHfˆ ibrKfˆ dI KUbsUrqI kfrn hI amrIkf iewk amIr dyÈ vjoN vI jfixaf jfˆdf hY. iewQy ibrKfˆ dy JuMz isr AuWcf krI Kloqy hn qy ieh JuMz DrqI dI Zlfn `qy ieMj Kloqy hn ijvyˆ koeI mÈvrf kr rhy hox. ies DrqI df koeI vI ihwsf Gfh qoN KflI nhIN hY. ieh Gfh awKfˆ leI qrfvq bKÈdf hY qy ies Gfh nUM pfxI lfAux leI Coty Puhfry vI sVkfˆ dy afsy-pfsy cwl rhy hn. sVk dy iknfry `qy qurn smyˆ iensfn sihjy hI ies Gfh dI sohxI Cb vyK ky KuÈ huMdf hY. mKmlI sVk df totf iksy muitafr dy kwZy cIr vfˆg ivKfeI idMdf hY. jy ibrK nf hox qfˆ ieh DrqI sV bl jfvy qy iensfn, ibrKfˆ qoN ivrvf ho ky rohI bIafbfn ivwc iËMdgI guËfry. pr ibrKfˆ kfrn sfrI DrqI `qy hirafvl nËr afAuNdI hY. keI vfr asIN jMglbyly quridafˆ vyKdy hfˆ ik iewk itwby AuWpr iKiVaf kysU df ibrK afpxy sohxy Puwlfˆ nfl aMigafr bx sfrI ihXfqI nUM KUbsUrq bxf idMdf hY. amrIkf ivwc qfˆ keI ibrK ieMny AuWcy hn ik AunHfˆ dI tIsI vwl vyiKafˆ DOx nhIN muVdI qy keI ruwK ieMny moty hn ik hËfrfˆ sflfˆ qoN iewQy KVHy sVkfˆ nUM rMg-Bfg lgf rhy hn. iewQy ruwKfˆ nUM kwitaf nhIN jfˆdf. ibrKfˆ dI rfKI kIqI jfˆdI hY. hPqy ivwc iewk vfr bfrÈ ËrUr pYˆdI hY ijs kfrn ruwK hry rihMdy hn. keI ibrK Bfvyˆ moty ho ky sVkfˆ dI afvfjfeI leI rukfvt bxdy hn qfˆ vI AunHfˆ nUM zyigaf nhIN jfˆdf blik qrfÈqrfÈ ky sVkI afvfjfeI cldI rihMdI hY. ienHfˆ ibrKfˆ kfrn hI sfzy BfrqI lok amrIkf ivwc zyry lfeI bYTy hn. iewQy ienHfˆ

cMdn ibrKfˆ qoN ibnfˆ Èfndfr Gr qy KUbsUrq sVkfˆ amrIkf dy Èihr nUM hor KUbsUrqI bKÈ idMdIafˆ hn. purfxy simafˆ ivwc qfˆ ibrKfˆ dI pUjf vI kIqI jfˆdI sI qy awj kwlH vI keI lok ipwpl dy ibrK dI pUjf krdy hn qy Aus dy afly-duafly Dfgy bMnH ky murfdfˆ mMgdy hn. ijwQy ibrK sfnUM Pl, Cfˆ qy lwkVI idMdy hn, AuWQy hI ienHfˆ dy suwkx `qy ies lwkVI nUM bflx leI vriqaf jfˆdf hY. inMm dy pwqy qy nmolIafˆ Kfx nfl keI rog tuwtdy hn qy KUn sfPL huMdf hY. ieMj hI jfmx df ruwK vI bVf AupXogI hY. jfmx dy kUly pwqy Kf ky keI Èwkr rogI afpxf ielfj krdy hn qy tfhlI dI lwkVI KUbsUrq PrnIcr, drvfËy qy bfrIafˆ bxfAux leI vrqI jfˆdI hY. aOrqfˆ dy sfË-iÈMgfr leI cIl qy idAUdfr dI lwkVI vrqI jfˆdI hY. ijhVy lok ruwKfˆ dI mhwqqf jfxdy hn. Auh awj vI ibrK bIj ky afnMd mfxdy hn. jfmx, aMb qy hor Pldfr ruwK lf ky lokIˆ afpxf ruËgfr vI qordy hn . purfxy simafˆ dy lok ieh mMndy hn ik ibrKfˆ nU M kw i taf pfp lw g df hY . Au h lok pRikrqI nfl iewk-imwk ho ky jIvn guËfrdy hn. iesy leI Auh hfrt atYk, Èwkr-rog qy hfeI blwz pYWRÈr vrgIafˆ iBafnk ibmfrIafˆ qoN bcy hoey hn. jdoN qoN lokfˆ ny pRikrqI vwl ipwT kIqI hY, AudoN qoN hI Auh anykfˆ iBafnk rogfˆ dI pkV ivwc af cuwky hn. awj-kwlH dy nvyˆ Ëmfny ivwc ibrKfˆ dI kdr nhIN rhI. iesy leI amIr lok ibrKfˆ nUM kwt ky vwzIafˆ-vwzIafˆ iemfrqfˆ Ausfr rhy hn. nvyˆ qy AuWcy, Èfndfr Gr bxf ky Auh afpxI hAumY nUM pwwTy pf rhy hn. hAumY kfrn hI iensfn pRikrqI df moh iqafg cuwkf hY. keI lok ienHfˆ vwzy-vwzy Grfˆ ivwc iekwly rih ky anykfˆ rogfˆ nfl gRsq hn, pr sfP-suQrI hvf qy kudrq dy vMn-suvMny ibrKfˆ qoN iensfn dI BuwK qy moh imwt cuwkf hY. iensfn pRdUiÈq qy gMdI hvf ivwc sfh lY irhf hY. vDyry mOqfˆ iesy kfrn ho rhIafˆ hn. iensfn pRikrqI dI hoNd nUM Bulf bYTf hY. Auh hor ruwK lfAux ivwc ivÈvfs nhIN rwKdf. sgoN pihlfˆ KVHy ruwKfˆ nUM kwt ky pwQr dy jMglfˆ ivwc Btkdf iensfn iewk idn afpxI iËMdgI qoN hwQ Do bYTygf. amrIkf ivwc ruwqfˆ dy bdlx nfl ibrK afpxy pwiqafˆ df rMg bdldy hn. pwqJV dI ruwq ivwc purfxy pwqy JV ky Qwly izwg pYˆdy hn qy nvyˆ pwqy inkl ky ibrK nUM nvIN CvI bKÈdy hn. keI vfr ieh pwqy sony-rMgy bx jfˆdy hn qy ieMj lwgdf hY ijvyˆ sony df ibrK Kloqf hovy. ienHfˆ son-rMgy pwiqafˆ vfly ibrKfˆ kfrn hI amrIkf dI Èfn inrflI hY. gurU arjn dyv jI ny suKmnI sfihb dy pfT ivwc Èlok Aucfiraf hY:ibrK kI Cfieaf isAu rMgu lfvY.. Eh ibnsY Auhu min pCuqfvY.. PAGE 45

The Patrika



Friday, March 29th, 2019





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“All prices do not include license, taxes or documentation fee of $599. See dealer for complete details”

jI.AYm. (GM) dI koeI vI g`fI KRIdx jW lIz ‘qy lYx leI nvjoq jW blivMdr nwl sMprk kro

The Patrika


Friday, March 29th, 2019





The Patrika



Friday, March 29th, 2019



twaUn iv`c vDIAw fIlW leI swfy hweI strIt jW vYst Eks qy AwE Aqy ivk, Amn jW ienHW dI tIm dy iksy vI mYNbr nMU imlo[

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Friday, Mar 22, 2019


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33230 Old Yale Rd Unit# 101, Abbotsford, BC V2S 2J5

10119 Swenson Way LADNER


Now $1,098,000.00


$1,125,000 X

2 storey with basement home in desirable Pepin Brook. Alphaconcrete flooring on main. Bright kitchen with loads of cabinets, quartz countertops. Covered deck off eating area. Great room with built-in shelves surrounding the F/P. 2 pc powder on main. Vaulted ceiling with beams. Lots of big window looking out at the mountains. 4 bdrms up, 2 with ensuites plus two with shared bath. Master bdrm with 5 pc ensuite including soaker tub and double sinks, plus 2 closets with built-in shelving. Walkout basement with Living room, two bedrooms full bath with private entry. High efficiency furnace, RI heat pump. Appliance package. Double garage. Well priced home. ready to move in with a smile.



Commercial Property with huge development opportunity in the fastest growing area in Campbell River's Willow Point Commercial Centre. Presently running Bottle depot exchange business from 32 years in business, commercial C-2 zoned with 85' of highway frontage and over 14942 sqft of land that's presently being used as bottle depot and partially rented. 2 separate buildings. (#1 Blocked one story 900 sqft leased for $900 per month until August 2018.)(#2. Building is 2 story: Main: 1800 sq.ft retail consist of Bottle depot business & Barber shop. Barber pays $450 per month (8 years in Business ). Upstairs: Approx 1720 Sq.Ft. 3 bedroom living accommodation, owner lives. Great to place raise your family.



Detached Townhouse, Nice Corner unit 3 bedroom, 3 Baths, Very clean, Super desired area, Spacious kitchen, Bright living room, Family room, Dining area, Private Separate Entrance & Double car garage, Private Patio, Small pets welcome, On site Visitor Parking, Located close to shopping, Public transit, Schools, Parks, Recreation, High street Mall & Hwy access.Won't last long.

Approx.3 acres of land-surrounded by industrial the corner of nordal way & sweson way-2 road frontages.beside alex fraser bridge,few minutes to hwy 77 & hwy 99-rare find of such big size of commerial property in delta.presently 4800sq.ft burger king building & truck card lock,explore your opportunity to rezone/develop.central locatioon.




Friday, Mar 22, 2019


Friday, Mar 22, 2019

Raman Dhillon

Personal Real Estate Corporation |


R E A LT Y I N C .









Call For More Info. Abbotsford




S $2895,000 Hope Silver Creek 45 20118 BEACON ROAD



Hope Silver Creek

44 20118 BEACON ROAD


Hope Silver Creek

46 20118 BEACON ROAD



Hope Silver Creek

03 20118 BEACON ROAD



Abbotsford West


D SOL Chilliwack



Investors,Developersand BuildersAlert!Property locatedinadesirableareaof WestAbbotsfordwith possibilitytobesubdivideinto 2lots.

Chilliwack 8524 FOREST GATE DRIVE

$749,700 Chilliwack 8488 FOREST GATE DRIVE

$849,000 Abbotsford





Great Location 16.44 acres Blueberry farm with beautiful Home. 7 year old Mega house 6700 SF with 10 bedroom and 8 Washrooms. 4 kitchens. Over 13 acres of land was planted in 2000 with

10 acre blueberry farm, a few minutes from town. Trade Welcome.



65 ACRES Raspberry Farm. Great Rental Income. Close to Town. Trades Welcome.

$2,499,000 35062 HARRIS ROAD High production farm, Blue crop variety, very well kept, great location with smaller house.


19 + ACRES

Raspberry Farm & BIG House!



20+ ACRES Duke & Blue Crop. High production.


Townhouse site & 7 storey apartment building site. Prime Location!

For Sale 8 Brand New HOUSES! in Promontory Area Chillwack! 2 & 3 Storey Houses Available NOW!




Pizza Place $199,000

Commercial Unit In Cedar Park Abbotsford Contact For Detail




Friday, Mar 22, 2019


Friday, Mar 22, 2019



dIp iFloN 604.832.0480

Ph: 604-864-0666 • Fax: 604-864-0668 Toll Free: 1-866-967-0666

Call Today for your Free Market Evaluation!

#110- 30485 Cardinal Avenue, Abbotsford BC V4X 2M9


3789 Coachstone Way, 3363 Horn St Abbotsford Abbotsford Creekstone on the Park". Well-kept Custom built 2 storey w/walk-out basement backing onto green space. Very private setting. Many updates. 3 bedrooms up, 1 bedroom in the bsmt and den on main. home features 4 gas fireplaces, granite countertops, S/S appliances in the kitchen, hardwood floor on main and 2nd floor. W/O basement has 4th bedroom, rec room with marble decorated wet bar, theater room and sauna in the basement.

MILLION DOLLAR MOUNT BAKER VIEW CENTRAL Location, view, You can have it all! It offers Blueberry, panoramic views of mountains. Impressive 4799 sq.ft. mansion is located on 8.5 acres Planted Duke, 4 yrs old plants. Covered sundeck, spectacular bedrooms with Ensuites.

$ 1,899,000

3 SOLD ONE AVAILABLE Townhouse Legal Suite close to Baba Banda 407 31771 13505 62 Ave Singh Peardonville Rd Surrey Abbotsford Bahadur This home has 2 spacious Gurdwara bedrooms, 2 baths, living area, good size kitchen and dining space Penthouse. Lots of updates include new laminate flooring, fresh paint, newer roof and much more. The building has been very well maintainedwell managed.

$ 349,000


$ 599,000 For more info please call Deep or Harjinder

Gary Tiwana Cell

READY TO BUILD 2 Building Lots in East Abbotsford. Legal Suites over 5000Sq. Ft.


Fraser Hwy & 271 st. Flat, 6000 sq. ft. commercial lot. Ready to build in downtown Aldergrove. No GST. Building plans submitted. Zoning C-2 allows retail office & residential. Can build multi storey, Call Gary $699,900


$ 1,250,000 $ 1,049,000

70 x 115 Rancher

Mainly Landvalue

$ 619,000

Jinder Sidhu 403-830-2773 Office: 403-247-5171 Email : Website:

SHEFFIELD & SONS’ FRANCISE IS FOR SALE Spacious & Clean corner 2 bedroom , 2 bath unit. Central location, Cascade Green Complex, U/G Parking. Quick Poss



$559,000 OPEN HOUSE JAN 5 & 6 SAT & SUN 1:30 - 4:00 PM 203 - 33898 Pine Street 2 Storey home with 4 bedrooms and 3.5 washrooms.3538 s��. very well kept home in a great community. Call for more info. $559,000

2 storey home with 4 bedrooms and 2.5 washrooms. family-room and living-room. 3284 s��. Built in 2016



Best value in town. Great location. Spacious, bright & clean 1 Bed, 1 Bath, Condo. Granite counters, S/S Appliances. Laundry. U/G parking & storage. S/D overlooking green space. Rental & Pet allowed. Come & see it yourself. ONLY 299.900



“La Galleria”

Completely updated Rancher with 5 bedrooms and 2 washrooms. A must see. Call today



Totally renovated gem located in quite and central location of West Newton. This 2700 sq.ft home features two and one bedrooms suites as great mortgage helper. Upgrades include new roof, furnace, hot water tank, flooring, kitchens, washroom , appliances and windows. big lot 66 by 122.



Great opportunity to own this well-established, sucessful business since 1995. Booming Post office and cigarette sales, Lotto, rental mailboxes and gift items. Low rent & overhead. Gross sales over $1.1 million/yr. Husband & wife operation. Call Gary for more info.

6757 134A St 33394 Hawthorne Ave Abbotsford Surrey

Alberta's economic growth to leap from last place in 2019 to country-leading in 2020: Conference Board


Beautiful 5 Acres & Renovated Home 3 Bdrm Rancher . Office & Big 22 X 70 Shed. 7 Yr Old Blueberries (Bluecrop & Duke). TOTAL INCOME $50,000/yr Close To Town. Asking $1,499,900

property into two RF lots

RE/MAX Real Estate (Mountain View) #222-4625 Varsity Drive NW Calgary, Alberta T3A 0Z9

gYrI itvfxf 5 Acres - House & Blueberries





Stunning 2 storey home in NW Calgary. 4,000 s�� of living place, 4 bedrooms and 2.5 washrooms. $694,900


Fully Renovated, Clean Family Home. 5 Bdrm, 2 full baths Kitchen With Island .Great For 1st Time Buyers Or Investor Loads Of Parking. Nice Fenced Backyard, Private Walk To School & Shopping. ASKING ONLY $694,900

Spacious 2 bedrrom+den & 2 full bath unit on 4th floor. INVESTING MOVING TOJanCALGARY CALL JINDER 2 U/G Parking.OR View to north. Est. Compl. 20, 2019. Assignment of CPS. Call GARY for more info.



Friday, Mar 22, 2019 MLS TOP 10%

Jag S Sidhu Personal Real Estate Corporation

Listing Needed Call Jag

#110 - 30485 Cardinal Ave Abbotsford, BC V2T0E5

Phone: 604.625.2245 Fax: 604.625.2249 Toll Free: 1.866.967.0666

Call Gurcharan or Jag for your FREE no obligation Market Evaluation 33280 NORTHMOUNT TERRACE







Over 15,000 sq. ft lot available in Mission



This home is centrally located in West Abbotsford, close to schools, shopping and parks. OVER 12000 SF Large lot, that can be subdivided into 2 lots that would be over 6000 sqft each. Build your dream home and sell the lot beside you or hold the property


NEW LISTING!! THE GABLES, a family friendly community! A well maintained family home and complex. 4 Bdrms, 3 FULL baths, BIG rec-room, LARGE balcony and DOUBLE garage. Prime location, walking distance to Fruiticana Grocery Store, Eugene Reimer Middle School,Highstreet mall and easy access to highway.

West abby on castle court lot huge over 9500 sqft house rented for $2400 a month. Subdivision into 2 lots potential 30966 Brookdale Crt

3510 Promontory crt

West Abby. 3 story 5 bedrooms up den on main two bedroom legal suite and a Rec room for owner use.

2 lot approval. Documents are available from seller once accepted offer and you can verify with the city of Abbotsford prior to making any offer for final approval of 2 lots. Close to French Immersion Elementary school, Stadium, Bus and recreation.

34041 Wavell Lane, Abbotsford

New listing near all levels of schools, gurdwara shaib, fully renovated home 3 bedroom family room and great room up 1 suite and huge theater room for owner use with bar!!

Unit 40 - 31255 Upper Maclure Road

It is a two bedroom house, close to Wal-Mart and freeway. It is rented for $950 per month. It is hard to find in this price in Abbotsford area, demolish it and make a new house. No sign on property.


3 story 7 bedroom and 8 bath with great views!!

West Abbotsford on firhill dr, 26 year old house 5 bedroom 3 bath family room, recroom legal suite close to all levels of school Call Gur Dhillon

Sold 8 plus acres on hope rd in Abbotsford with 6500sqft home

#30 - 31098 Westridge Pl 2 Bedroom Townhouse

New listing hitting the market this week. West Abby 3420 Headwater pl!!8 bedroom 9

3 Lot LEFT Subdivision


In Maple Ridge Green Belt Call for more detail

214500 Morris Valley Rd Off hwy 7 East Mission

5 Acres

2 bdrm + extra with private fenced yard with patio, extra parking/long driveway to a detached 20 x 5 garage/room. New roof & appliances.close to public transit/school, shopping

New listing on Upper Maclure 6 bedrooms 5 bath recroom call jag

Blueberry Farm West Abbotsford with a house. Good production Blueberry BlueCrop & Duke Variety call for more info

KETCH PLACE 4 BEDRM HOUSE single garage 700,00 sq feet


NEW LISTING OPEN HOUSE Friday, 29, March 4pm - 6pm Saturday, 30, March 2pm - 5pm This is the cheapest DETACHED property in Abbotsford

604.807.0599 Email:


1885 Shore Crescent, Abbotsford, BC V2S 5H1 Bedrooms: 2 , Bathrooms: 2 Square Feet: 1,326, Lot Size: .09 Year Built: 1991 Listing ID: R2341145

Amazing Location!! Located a short walk away from the new foot bridge near McCallum Road. Own a detached home with land minutes away from the UFV. Extremely well looked after 2 BEDROOM AND 2 BATH Family home in Central Abbotsford. Has a fabulous feel when you walk into the lounge and Kitchen area. Also has a second living room. Large bedrooms!! And 2 FULL Bathrooms!! Spectacular eateries literally 2 blocks away!! Especially promising for a first time home buyer or investors. This home backs on to a peaceful park which has a Baseball field, child friendly neighborhood. Fantastic open floor plan. Sit in peace and tranquility reading on you own GAZEBO. Do not pass on this opportunity of a lifetime. Absolutely no Strata, your rules are the rules!! Absolutely Fantastic!! COME AND SEE!!

Amritpal Sura 778.999.1531

Each Office Independently Owned and Operated.


RE/MAX Little Oak Realty 9, 2630 Bourquin Crescent West Abbotsford, BC V2S 5N7


2245 Merlot Blvd, Abbotsford $995,000 OPEN HOUSE

SATURDAY MARCH 30th / SUNDAY MARCH 31st BETWEEN 2-4PM. Pepin Brook Vineyard Home by Morning Star homes. Open Modern floor plan with Towering Vaulted Ceiling, 5 spacious Bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms, Gourmet Kitchen with Top of the Line appliances, Granite Counter tops, New Paint and New Carpet. Basement is fully finished with Grand Media Room with surround sound, built in Wet Bar for your entertainment. Inground Sprinklers, Alarm/Surveillance System, artificial turf, Fully Fenced South Facing back yard with new spacious Covered Deck. Loads of upgrades have been done throughout the home and outside. Close to all amenities. Great place to raise your family. House shows very well. Won't last long. Priced to Sell.

29310 0 Ave Abbotsford


Rare 15 Acre (494 ft x 1325 f t) Raspber r y Farm Located in South Abbotsford Close to Town, Airpor t, & US Border! This Desirable Level Acreage Offers Mt. Baker Views. Ideal for Raspber r y and Blueber r y Far mers, Build your Dream Home, or for a Hobby F a r m o r f o r Owner/Operator Truckers. Bring your ideas. Please Call for More Info.

2597 Minter St, Abbotsford OPEN HOUSE



Here's your chance to own a spectacular 5000+sqft home centrally located in the heart of Abbotsford! This luxury home has a total of 9 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, huge kitchen with a large centre island, wok-kitchen, formal living, dining area, large family room, high-end stainless steel appliances, fully fenced backyard, lots of parking, surveillance system, storage shed, all quality craftsmanship in this home. Also features a 2 bedroom legal suite and a 1 bedroom in-law suite, $2,500 Rental Income, great for mortgage helper. Close to schools, shopping and recreation. This home shows extremely well! Don't miss out!

Thinking of buying or selling?

For a free evaluation call today!

I have a wide range of expertise in Agricultural, New construction & Residential properties

Friday, Mar 22, 2019





Friday, Mar 22, 2019

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