October 26th, 2018

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The Patrika 604.852.2288 | “ B R I D G I N G

COMMUNITIES” Weekly | Friday Oct 26th, 2018 | Vol.23. No.06 | www.patrika.ca/e-newspaper | e:info@patrika.ca

inrpwK, suqMqr aqy agFhvDU soc nMU prnfieaf hoieaf A SECULAR, INDEPENDENT & PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER

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Brenda Falk Ross Siemens Kelly Chahal Sandy Blue INCUMBENT

Introducing The Abbotsford Police Community Page : See Page 12 For Weekly Press Releases And Community Safety Tips pysL krdy hF aYbtsPorz pulIs kimAUintI pyj ijwQoN qusIN hr hPqy pulIs vloN idwqIaF geIaF sUcnfvF aqy pRYs rlIjLF pVH skdy ho| ies hPqy vyKo pMnHf 12




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The Patrika



Friday, Oct 26th, 2018



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kYnyzf ivc huvyeI myt 20 sIrIË df smfrt Pon

huvyeI kMiËAUmr ibjns gruwp (bIjI) ny lMzn ivc krvfey pRogrfm ivc afpxf lMby smyˆ qoˆ AuzIikaf jf irhf huvyeI myt 20 sIrIË df smfrt Pon lfˆc krn df aYlfn kIqf. dunIafˆ dI pihlI 7 aYnaYm mobfeIl afrtIPIÈIal ieMaYlIjYs ˆ (eyafeI) icpsYt ˆ ikrIn 980 rfhIˆ sMcfilq huvyeI myt 20 sIrIË ÈkqIÈflI aOn izvfeIs eyafeIzI nUM dohrI-aYnpIXU, lIkf altrf nfl lIkf itRpl kYmry smyq afDuink smfrt Pon nvInqfvfˆ nfl pRImIam AupXog krqf anuBv pRdfn krdf hY. ieh vfeIz aYˆgl lYˆj aqy eyafeI-ivsQfrq iPlm bxfAux dIafˆ suivDfvfˆ, huvyeI supr cfrj 40 zbilAU qwk dI Auwc gqI cfrijMg aqy qfr rihq irvrs cfrijMg dI suivDf dy nfl nfl aYˆzrOiez pI-afDfirq eIaYmXUafeI 9[0 df smrQn krdf hY. ieh smfrt Pon 6[53 ieMc, 6[39 ieMc aqy 7[2 ieMc dy afkfr ivc AuplbD hY, ies ivc cfr izvfiesfˆ Èfml hn ijs ivc huvyeI myt 20, huvyeI myt 20 pRo, huvyeI myt 20 aYks aqy porÈ izËfien huvyeI myt 20 afraYs ivc AuplbD hY. huvyeI dy pI 20 pRo dI kYnyzf ivc sPlqf qoˆ bfad dunIafˆ df pihlf lIkf itRpl kYmrfhuvyeI kYnyzf jldI hI kYnyzf ivc afpxf pRmuwK Auqpfd huvyeI myt 20 pRo lfˆc krygf jo kYnyzf ivc sB qoˆ vwD mMigaf jf irhf PAGE 2

aqy smJdfr Aupogqfvfˆ leI aiq afDuink izvfies nUM lfˆc krygf. ies ivc aijhIafˆ suivDfvfˆ muhweIaf krfeIaf geIafˆ hn jo hor iksy Pon ivc AuplbD nhIˆ hn. huvyeI myt 20 pRo smfrt Ponfˆ ivc iek nvyˆ imafr sQfipq krdf hY. huvyeI kMiËAUmr bIjI dy muwK kfrjkfrI aiDkfrI ircrz XU ny ikhf, "jdoˆ hr sMgTn, pirvfr aqy hr ivakqI dI phuMc izËItl dunIafˆ qwk hovy asIˆ Audoˆ hI asl ivc igafn df AupXog kr skdy hfˆ aqy smfrt Pon Aus qwk phuMc bxfAux ivc mhwqvpUrn BUimkf inBfAuˆdf hY. huvyeI myt 20 sIrIË afpxy nfˆ nUM spwÈt drsfAuˆdf hY-ieh Aupkrn AupBogqfvfˆ df myt (sfQI) hY, nfl hI Aunfˆ nUM aduwqI bYtrI lfeIP aqy ÈkqIÈflI kYmry dy pRdrÈn nfl igafn aqy jIvn df BrpUr afnMd lYx leI sÈkq aqy smrwQ bxfAuˆdf hY. huvyeI myt 20 pRo dIafˆ muwK ivÈyÈqfvfˆikrIn 980 roËfnf eyafeI pRXogfˆ nUM qyË krdf hY. lIkf altrfvfeIz aYˆgl kYmry nfl lIkf itRpl kYmrf ivÈfl idRÈfˆ aqy Èfndfr rUp nfl AunHfˆ dIafˆ bfrIkIafˆ nUM kvr krdf hY. Èfndfr mY k ro pR d rÈn lY ˆ j nfl 2[5 sYˆtImItr dy krIb vsqUafˆ dI Poto iKwcdf hY.

iPlm myikMg dy PIcr hr iek nUM isnmYitk vIzIE ÈUt krn dy smrwQ krdf hY. iek idn qoˆ iËafdf dy BrpUr AupXog leI AupBogqfvfˆ nUM splfeI dyx vflI smfrt Pon snawq dI mohrI bYtrI hY. aiq afDuink cfrijMg qknflojI huvyeI myt 20 pRo nUM jldI cfrj krdI hY. huvyeI myt 20 qy irvrs cfrijMg suivDf vfierlYˆs awpgryz hY. qsdIkIkrn leI ien-skrIn iPMgr ipRMt sYˆsr hn. huvyeI kMiËAUmr bIjI aqy huvyeI kYnyzf bfryhuvyeI 170 qoˆ iËafdf dyÈfˆ ivc sMcfln nfl dunIafˆ df dUjf sB qoˆ vwzf smfrt Pon inrmfqf hY. smfrt Pon qoˆ ielfvf huvyeI AupBogqfvfˆ nUM pIsI, tYblyt, kwpVy aqy hor syvfvfˆ pRdfn krdf hY. huvyeI 2008 qoˆ kYnyzf ivc kMm kr irhf hY aqy vrqmfn ivc ieh 800 qoˆ iËafdf lokfˆ nUM roËgfr idMdf hY. huvyeI kYnyzf irsrc sYˆtr ivc 500 qoˆ iËafdf ieMjnIar aqy Kojkrqf kMm kr rhy hn jo afr aYˆz zI invyÈ leI kYnyzf ivc 25vfˆ sQfn rwKdf hY. huvyeI kYnyzIan aprytrfˆ, gfhkfˆ aqy AupBogqfvfˆ nUM mohrI aiq afDuink qknflojI pRdfn krn leI

vcnbwD hY. iËafdf jfxkfrI leI sMprk krovyn zoeyl, huvyeI kYnyzf wayne.doyle@huawei.com iËafdf jfxkfrI leI iviËt kro HuaweiCanada.ca lgfqfr apzyts leI sfnUM soÈl mIzIaf qy Pflo kroInstagram: @HuaweiMobileCan Facebook: @HuaweiMobileCAN Twitter: @HuaweiMobileCAN

The Patrika


Friday, Oct 26th, 2018




ICBC CLAIMS afeI.sI.bI.sI dy dfavy

trfiel smyq asIN quhfzy Gr afky vI srivs idMdy hF




trfiel smyq

33222 Elz Xyl roz,aYbtsPorz, bI.sI. imlx leI apufieMtmYNt jLrUrI hY

isrP aYbtsPorz rihx vfilaF leI puwCigwC



The Patrika



mnuwK dy ipCokV dI bhuq purfxI hoˆd aqy srIrk bxqr vwl bhuqf ipwCy nUM nf jfˆidafˆ gwl eyQoˆ hI ÈurU krdy hfˆ ik afidvfsI mnuwK jMglI viÈMdf sI. ies dy qn Zkx leI kwpVf nhIˆ sI, rihx leI mkfn nhIˆ sI, Kfx leI KfD pdfrQ nhIˆ sn qy irÈiqafˆ dI pihcfn aqy suwcmqf vI nhIˆ sI. ijvyˆ koeI jMglI jfnvr ivcr irhf hovy Evyˆ hI mnuwK ivcrdf sI. kudrq dy kirÈimafˆ ny qy hflfqfˆ ny ies nUM AuwnqI dy rfhy qorI rwiKaf qy iPr ieh jMgl `coˆ inkl smfjk jIvn vl nUM qurn lwgf. ies ny mOsm dy ihsfb nfÜ kwpVf iqafr kIqf, rihx leI Cwq vfÜy mkfn aqy iZwz dI BuwK pUrI krn leI ikrq df rfh PiVaf. iPr ivwidaf pYdf kIqI, ivkfs kIqy, kMmfˆ kfrfˆ dy ivkfs kIqy, irsLiqafˆ dI vMz kIqI. jIvn ijAux nUM hor sOKf krn leI Drm aqy Ëfqfˆ dI ÈurUafq hoeI, by-iensfPIafˆ dy Kfqmy leI iensfPI kfnUMn GVy gey qy ienHfˆ kfnUMnfˆ dI sucwjI vrqoˆ leI pMcfieqfˆ hoˆd ivc afeIafˆ. pihlfˆ pihl pMcfieqfˆ dI cox nhIˆ sI huMdI sgoˆ gÜI muhwly ivwcoˆ iksy akl qy asr rfsUÉ vfÜy bMdy nUM iensfP dI qwkVI PVn leI ikhf jfˆdf sI pr afm msilafˆ dy hwl leI cuxy jfˆdy ieh iensfP krn lwgy grIbfˆ qy afm lokfˆ nfÜ byiensfPI kr jfˆdy sn. iPr ivDfn aqy sMivDfn GVy gey qy AunHfˆ anusfr ipMz, Èihr qy sUby dy isafsI mfihrfˆ nUM lokfˆ dIafˆ votfˆ nfÜ cuixafN jfx lw g f. ipM z dI pM c fieq qo ˆ lY ky aYm[aYl[ey[ aqy aYm[ pI[ dI cox, sUbfeI aqy sYˆtrl srkfrfˆ dI hoˆd dy ËrIhy bxy. ies hoˆd nUM amlI jfmf pihnOx leI hr iek ny vot pOx df hwk pRfpq kIqf qy votfˆ pf ky Xog afgU cuxn dI pRikRaf hoˆd ivc afeI. ies qrHfˆ dI cox nUM kfnUMnI bolI ivc ikhf jfˆdf hY Government by the people, Govt of the people and Govt for the people[ ies qrHfˆ dI cox ivc hr iek Drm, Ëfq, AUc nIc qy mfVy cMgy dI ÈmUlIaq huMdI hY, jy ieh cuxy hoey lok shI ZMg nfÜ kMm krn qfˆ lokfˆ nUM svrg Biraf jIvn muhweIaf huMdf hY pr jy ieh nyqf gÜq rfhy pY jfx qfˆ eydfˆ dIafˆ srkfrfˆ nUM Government buy the people, Govt off the people and Govt far the people ijnHfˆ DrqIafˆ qy hyTlf mfzl kMm kr irhf hovy, AunHfˆ lokfˆ dy nrkI jIvn qoˆ awj df hr iensfn BlIBfˆq jfxU hY. iesy hI sMDrv ivc knyzf srkfr aqy bI[sI[ srkfr dI jy gwl krIey qfˆ sMsfr PAGE 4



Friday, Oct 26th, 2018


dy suMdr rfjfˆ vjoˆ ienHfˆ srkfrfˆ nUM igixafN jf irhf hY. eyQoˆ dy votr vI aqI suGV isafxy hn, kfnUMn vI AusfrU ny aqy kfnUMnfˆ anusfr nIqIafˆ krn vfÜy nyqf vI isafxy hn. ijs qrHfˆ guMgy dIafˆ rmËfˆ gUMgy dI mfˆ Jwt jfx lYˆdI hY Esy hI qrHfˆ eyh srkfr vI hr ÈihrI dI hr loV dI pUrqI leI gqIÈIl hY. sfry hflfqfˆ qy awK rwKidafˆ qy ies sfl grmIafˆ dy mOsm ivc bhuq Qfvfˆ qy jMglI awgfˆ dy nuksfnfˆ nUM pihl idMidafˆ srkfr ny aYlfn kIqf hY ik ies kropI smyˆ ijnHfˆ lokfˆ nUM afpxIafˆ jfnfˆ bcOx leI Gr Cwzxy pey sn, AunHfˆ Grfˆ dy Aus smyˆ dy ibwl muafP kr idwqy hn. ies smyˆ lfeItfˆ jfˆ cuwilHafˆ dI vrqoˆ nhIˆ sI hoeI ies leI ieh PYslf jfieË smiJaf jfˆdf hY, iesy hI lVI ivc pfxI dy ibwlfˆ qy vI gOr kIqf jf irhf hY aqy ijnHfˆ mMdBfgI Grfˆ dIafˆ iemfrqfˆ nuksfnIafˆ geIafˆ sn, AunHfˆ dy nuksfnfˆ dI BrpfeI df lyKf joKf vI lfieaf jf irhf hY qy jldI hI ieh rfhqfˆ vI idwqIafˆ jfxgIafˆ.

jfˆdf hY qfˆ, kMm dyx vfÜf ksUrvfr dI msly qfˆ hor vI bhuq hn, AunHfˆ qy BivwK siQqI ivc sËf df BfgI hovygf, ievyˆ hI ivc ivcfrfˆ hoxgIafˆ qy dyKfˆgy ik srkfr jy koeI kMpnI, pfrtI jfˆ ivakqI prvfsI ienHfˆ nUM ikvyˆ lYˆdI hY pr asIN cfhuMdy hfˆ dI Qfˆ lokl bMdy nUM pihl dyvygf qfˆ sËf pUrI Auwqry srkfr lokfˆ dy msilafˆ qy df BfgI hovygf. pUrf kry ieqbfr lokfˆ dy msilafˆ qy aglf mslf jo ajy BMblBUsy ivc hY Auh hY sfzy bhuqy msly dyKx nUM Ëihr ny BMg dI KuwlH df. cfhy BMg dI KuwlH df Kqrf bhuq ids irhf hY pr mYzIkl mihkmy ny ienHfˆ krky vrqy kihrfˆ qy kihr ny qfˆ ies dI vrqoˆ nUM jIE afieafˆ ikhf hY hwl kro srkfr bdlo aqy bhuq sfrIafˆ bImfrIafˆ dy shI ielfj nuhfr sfzy msilafˆ dI leI ies dI loV nUM bhuq aihmIaq idwqI hY. ies KuwlH qoˆ pYdf hox vfiÜafˆ nqIijafˆ pukfr suxy srkfr lokfˆ dy msilafˆ dI qoˆ qfˆ sB nUM zr lwgdf hY pr KojI aqy mwddgfr idsy srkfr lokfˆ dy msilafˆ dI. ishqkrmI ies nUM suBfg smJdy hn. DMnvfd sihq, sMpfdkI mMzl

$100,000 raised for children and families at risk in Abbotsford

3rd Annual Smart and CaraglI smwisaf vI bVI Gfqk qy ihrdyvyiDk ing Golf Classic raises hY, Auh ieh ik QoVHy idn pihlfˆ bI[ sI[ dI $100,000 for Community gYs pfeIp lfeIn ivc bVf hI iBafnk Fund. Dmfkf ho igaf ijs krky bI[ sI[ aqy Lead: The Abbotsford ComvfiÈMgtn sUby dy gYs Kpqkfrfˆ nUM bVIafˆ munity Foundation (ACF) muÈiklfˆ JwlxIafˆ peIafˆ. ies hfdsy krky is pleased to announce the gYs dI splfeI bMd ho geI aqy Kpqkfrfˆ results from their annual golf tournament held SepnUM roËmwrf jIvn ivc muÈiklfˆ pyÈ afeIafˆ. tember 20th at Ledgeview ieh Dmfkf ipRMs jfrj ivKy hoieaf aqy Golf Course, where a total of $100,000 DUMafˆ eynf inkilaf ik iËMdgIafˆ leI was raised for the ACF’s Smart and Kqrf idsx lwgf ies krky bhuq lokfˆ Caring Community Fund. nUM dUjI jgHf iÈPt kIqf igaf. syPtI nUM Income from the Smart and Caring iDafn ivc rwKidafˆ ies ielfky dy gYs Community Fund provides grants anaqy qyl splfeI sroq vI bMd krny pey. nually to a broad spectrum of local ies hfdsy kfrn BVkI awg aqy aMnHy DUMeyˆ charities that support children and ny lokfˆ nUM sfh lYx dI qklIP idwqI, ies families at risk in our community. qoˆ ibnfˆ by-ihsfbI grmI ny lokfˆ dy jIvn “We are proud to have raised over qy asr pfieaf. ies krky gYs vrqoˆ dy $160,000 in the last three years with ivGn kfrn afm lokfˆ dy smuwcy jIvn qy our Smart and Caring Golf Classic.” asr ipaf hY. ijs krky bI[ sI[ dy cIP said, Lorna Hart, ACF Board Chair. minstr bhuq hI icMqq hn aqy lokfˆ nUM “We are so pleased with the success of hdfieqfˆ anusfr cwlx dI bynqI krdy hn. this year’s event which was sold out almost three months in advance. I want to aglI vDIaf gw l krIey ik bI[ sI[ thank Fund Development Chair, Judy srkfr awj kwlH iek kmytI bxf rhI hY Redekop and her hard- working comjo prvfsI kfimafˆ nUM vwK vwK soÈxfˆ qoˆ mittee, along with Executive Director, bcfvygI. ies dy hukmfˆ anusfr prvfsI Wendy Neufeld, ” added Hart. kfimafˆ, ividafrQIafˆ aqy ividafrQxfˆ, ACF Executive Director, Wendy nokrI dyx vfilafˆ, Tykydfrfˆ, aqy pRbMDk Neufeld advised that in 2018 alone eyjMtfˆ nUM rijstr kIqf jfvygf. ies sMgTn the ACF granted out $88,000 to 17 ivc bhuq hI sKqI nfl ieh vI lfgU local charities for their programs that help children and families at risk. One kIqf jfvygf ik mËbUrIvws jy prvfsIafˆ of those charities was the Abbotsford nUM, ividafrQIafˆ nUM aqy ividafrQxfˆ nUM Food Bank for their Starfish backpack srkfrI inXmfˆ nfloˆ Gwt imhnqfnf idwqf program. After a day of golfing, the

participants gathered for dinner and following an inspiring story from committee member, Kal Sidhu, a request was made for each table to fund a back pack for $525. Generous, caring golfers responded with donations totaling $12,075! These funds will feed 23 hungry children every weekend for an entire school year. “The willingness and generosity of our community to help those in need is humbling” remarked Neufeld. “as the charity for charities, we are honored to assist our charity partners in this way.” The annual Smart and Caring Golf Classic is held each year on the 3rd Thursday of September at Ledgeview Golf Course, raising funds that are permanently added to the capital of the Smart and Caring community fund. Save the date for next year’s event: Thursday, September 19, 2019. We will be celebrating 40 years of giving in 2019! For more information on how to support Abbotsford Community Foundation’s

The Patrika


Friday, Oct 26th, 2018






he Leader of the Conservative Minister Modi that a Conservative Party of Canada and the Leader government would remove the roadof the Opposition the Hon. blocks that currently prevent pipeline Andrew Scheer issued the following expansion that would allow Canadian statement on his meeting with Indian oil and gas to reach new markets in the Prime Minister Narendra Modi: Indo-Pacific region. This would allow “Earlier today, I met with Indian Prime India to meet its growing demands with Minister Narendra Modi. We discussed responsible and reliable energy. a range of serious issues including opportunities for greater economic partnerships, improving trade between our two countries, and regional security is-

“I’m here to connect with Indian leaders and to deepen the bonds through which our united countries can work together. Yesterday, I met with Foreign

sues. I expressed to him how important Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, and a productive and positive relationship the Minister of State for Housing and with India would be to me should I be Urban Affairs Hardeep Singh Puri. I elected Prime Minister in 2019. made clear to them that as Prime Min“In recent years, India has seen un- ister I would ensure that India will be precedented growth and has estab- an indispensable priority in all aspects lished itself as a rising power in the of Canadian foreign policy. Indo-Pacific region. I believe there is “I look forward to the remainder of tremendous potential for significantly my mission in India and laying the expanded trade between Canada and foundation for a strong and mutually India that would bring benefits for beneficial relationship in the future.” people in both countries.

Photos of Andrew Scheer’s meeting

“I also expressed my desire to have with Prime Minister Narendra Modi Canada become a supplier of safe and (for use). Photos courtesy the Office secure energy for India. I told Prime of the Prime Minister of India

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The Patrika





Friday, Oct 26th, 2018

Five new directors appointed to BC Lottery Corporation board


structuring and administrative trustee services. Ethans often serves as an expert witness in judicial proceedings. Her community involvement includes BCLC is the Province’s Crown cor- an Indigenous mentoring program and poration that is responsible for the an Indigenous scholarship fund. conduct and management of gambling Mario Lee (term runs to Oct. 31, 2021) in B.C. under the Gaming Control Act. Mario Lee is a former senior social The new directors are: planner for the City of Vancouver, Joan Axford (term runs to Oct. 31, with extensive expertise in gaming policy, and has led a number of public 2021) consultations in this sector. Lee was inJoan Axford is a professional accoun- volved in drafting the 1998 memorantant (CPA) with more than 40 years of dum of agreement on gambling policy experience, who has worked in public between the Government of B.C. and education finance for nearly three de- local governments and helped provide cades. Most recently, Axford worked municipal feedback to the drafting of as the executive director of the BC As- the Gaming Control Act (2002). Lee sociation of School Business Officials. holds a master of arts in political sciShe served as secretary-treasurer with ence from the Simon Fraser University. School District No. 63 (Saanich) until His master’s thesis, The Role of Local 2011. Previously, she held the position Government in Gambling Expansion of director of school finance with the in British Columbia, has contributed Ministry of Education and worked in to the understanding of the sector’s School District No. 62 (Sooke) as the role in the province. He also holds a assistant secretary-treasurer. Axford is graduate diploma in urban studies from past chair of the BC Teachers’ Pension Simon Fraser University. Lee is board board of trustees and of Beacon Com- chair of Little Mountain Neighbourmunity Services. She is also past direc- hood House, a social service agency tor of the British Columbia Investment located in Vancouver, which provides Management Corporation. programs to new immigrants, seniors, youth and families. Hilary Cassady (term runs to Oct. 31, 2019) Coro Strandberg (term runs to Oct. 31, 2020) Hilary Cassady is the senior vice-president, IT and digital strategy at QuadRe- President of Strandberg Consulting, al Property Group (LP). Cassady spent Coro Strandberg has a background in 20 years overseas working in various business, government and non-profit roles for Danone, including regional leadership working in social, enviinformation system director, Asia; di- ronmental and financial roles. She has rector, organizational development and 20 years of experience as a corporate corporate projects; chief information director and six years of industry asofficer (baby and medical divisions) sociation experience. Strandberg was a and director, global e-commerce. Cas- director of Vancity Credit Union for 12 sady also was a management consultant years, three as board chairperson. Durat PricewaterhouseCoopers, Beijing. ing the 1990s, she helped position the credit union as an international leader Lisa Ethans (term runs to Oct. 31, in corporate social responsibility and 2019) values-based banking. Strandberg is A trusted advisor to many First Nations, a member of the Office of the Auditor Lisa Ethans is the founder of Deloitte’s General’s sustainable development National Indigenous Client Services commissioner advisory panel for the practice. Her expertise includes the cre- Government of Canada. She has a ation of First Nation wealth manage- master of social work from University ment and governance structures, trust of British Columbia. he Government of British Columbia has appointed five new directors to the board of the BC Lottery Corporation (BCLC).


The Patrika


Friday, Oct 26th, 2018

Taking action to improve the lives of seniors and people who care for them


eople living and working in residential-care homes throughout B.C. will benefit from $2.6 million in provincial funding, which has been allocated to purchase new equipment that will help improve safety and quality of life of residents. “Dignity, comfort and security are what people and their loved ones expect and deserve when they are in residential care,” said Adrian Dix, Minister of Health. “Government is investing in these long-term care homes by adding new and replacement items, like beds and mattresses and ceiling lifts and sensory rooms, so people can feel comfortable in their surroundings and enjoy their home-like setting.”




homes,” said Anne Kang, Parliamentary Secretary for Seniors.

“BCCPA is extremely pleased to see these dollars invested into strengthening the delivery of seniors care,” said Daniel Fontaine, BCCPA chief executive officer. “With our partners in the Ministry of Health, we have established a simple and fair system to make sure all publicly funded long-term care providers can purchase new equipment The Seniors Safety and Quality Im- that will improve safety and quality of provement Program, managed by the life for B.C. seniors.” BC Care Providers Association (BC- “Revera is very grateful to the Ministry CPA), allows long-term care home of Health and the BC Care Providers operators to apply for funding for new Association for making this imporequipment intended to improve safety tant safety equipment funding availand quality of life for residents. able,” said JP Cadeau, Revera’s vice president, operations, transformation, redevelopment. “We all share a commitment to the safety and quality care of all residents, and we welcome investments like this that contribute to the most supportive environment possible for the seniors we serve.”

An advisory group, which includes representatives from the provincial government, BCCPA, Denominational Health Association and SafeCare BC, oversees funding allocation. Those approved may receive up to $500 per publicly funded bed to purchase equipment and enhance the safety and qualResidential care provides 24-hour ity of life of seniors. Applications for professional care and supervision in a second round of funding will open at a protective, supportive environment the end of August 2018. for people with complex care needs, The 88 successful funding applicants who can no longer be cared for in their will receive more than 1,000 new own homes or in an assisted-living items: beds and mattresses, shower residence. chairs and tubs, mobility equipment – Through Budget 2018, government is such as floor and ceiling lifts, lighting investing $548 million over three years and visual aids, sensory rooms, music to improve care for seniors, including therapy and ergonomic furniture – such investments in primary care, home and as specialized chairs and tables. Precommunity care, residential care and ventative and urgent response systems assisted living. This funding comes in were funded to promote both resident addition to the $250 million in federal and employee safety. funding for home and community care, “We look forward to continue work- which will assist many seniors, along ing with our partners as they continue with the $189 million from the Ministry with this important work of improving of Health’s base budget that has been services for those in residential-care allocated for seniors’ care.a


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The Patrika





Friday, Oct 26th, 2018

TELUS is giving an unprecedented $120 million to help vulnerable youth reach their full potential TELUS launches the TELUS Friendly “At TELUS, we believe that the chal- ers and connect our most Future Foundation, which provides lenges faced by vulnerable Canadian grants to grassroots charities and gives youth are unacceptable, which is why we are increasing our support of this kids a brighter future important group,” said Darren EntwistVancouver – TELUS announced it is le, President and CEO of TELUS. “The giving an unprecedented $120 million, TELUS Friendly Future Foundation launching the TELUS Friendly Future enables even the smallestgrassroots Foundation, an independent charitable charities that are on the front lines in organization mandated to address the our communities - yet are often oversocial and economic challenges facing looked by large corporate donors - to Canada’s disadvantaged youth. This receive funding grants that will be used inaugural endowment is the largest to help young Canadians build digital donation made by a publicly traded literacy skills, provide basic healthcare Canadian company in history and one and mental health support to the homeof the largest ever in North America. less, and open up essential educational Across Canada, 1.5 million children opportunities.” go hungry without access to nutritious Mr. Entwistle added, “In the last two food every single day; 350,000 young decades, TELUS, our team members people are in government care and, and retirees have contributed more lacking the support of a family, often than $1 billion through $530 million experience trauma and an isolating in financial support and 1.21 million transition into adulthood; 30,000 Ca- days of volunteerism, giving with our nadians, many of them young people, hearts and our hands to Canadians, yet are homeless on any given night and still, there is so much more to be done. lack vital access to healthcare; and 40 Working with the per cent of low-income families lack affordable access to the Internet, putting TELUS Community Boards, the kids at risk of falling behind in school. Foundation will help to remove barri-


vulnerable citizens to the resources they need. The potential of these young people is boundless, and it is our responsibility to support and nurture them.” TELUS has a legacy of helping disadvantaged Canadians, earning a global reputation as a values-driv-

Continued on page 44

The Patrika


Friday, Oct 26th, 2018





The Patrika





Friday, Oct 26th, 2018

thank you, Mission! I am humbled by the strength of your support.

AYbtsPorf vwilAW dw


I am ready to serve and looking forward to the future! Mayor-Elect Pam Alexis authorized by A Harper, financial agent 604-826-1631

3 charitable holiday ideas for you and the family (NC) The holidays are a magical time, especially for children. Whether your family decorates the Christmas tree, lights the Kwanzaa kinara or plays the dreidel game for Hanukah (or all the above), it’s easy for any little one to get swept up in the joy of gifts and traditional food. As parents and guardians, we can also forget the fuller meaning of the holidays as we bury ourselves in to-do lists and brave bustling shopping centres for last-minute errands. Of course, the spirit of the holidays is about more than what goes on inside the home. It’s about giving back, beyond setting out cookies and milk for Santa. Here are three family-friendly ways to give back: Volunteer at a soup kitchen. Find a shelter near you that offers a drop-in meal program for those in need. You will likely have to submit an application form, and the sooner the better, as these volunteer spots might fill up fast for the holidays. If that’s the case, then you can always make it your family’s New Year’s resolution. Donate to a food bank. Hit up a grocery store with your children and allow them to pick out canned soup and boxed pasta for a local food bank. It’s a fun way for them to get involved. Give charitable donations. As a family, sit down and pick a charity. Or perhaps each family member can donate money to a charity of their choice instead of, or as well as, giving gifts. However you choose to give back over the holidays, you will not only be doing a good deed – you will teach your children lifelong lessons about poverty, human rights and social justice. Find more information at amnesty.ca.


The Patrika


Friday, Oct 26th, 2018





Dhami Narang & Company LLP (“DNC Lawyers”) was established in 2010 by Rajan Dhami and Amrik Narang. With the help of our valued clients, DNC Lawyers has now grown into a mid-sized law rm with of ces in Abbotsford and Surrey, British Columbia. To serve our clients best, DNC Lawyers has an experienced team of 9 lawyers to cater to the individual needs of our clients. Every member of our law rm strives to provide outstanding service to produce the best results for our clients.


We use a collaborative team approach to your legal problems to get you the best results possible. We are only happy when you are happy and realize that our success depends on referrals from our client base.

rfjn DfmI aqy amrIk nfrMg vloN 2010 ivwc sQfpq kIqI geI sI. sfzy suihrd klfieMts dI mwdd nfl DNC Lawyers ny qrwkI kridaF imwz sfeIjLz lfa Prm bxf leI hY, ijs dy dPqr bI sI dy sLihrF aYbtsPorz aqy srI ivwc hn. afpxy klfieMts dIaF smUh musLiklF nfl nijwTx leI vwzy qjLribaF vfly 9 vkIlF dI tIm iqafr ho geI hY. afpxy klfieMts dIaf qmfm smwisafvF dy hYrfnIjnk nqIijaF leI hux awzI cotI dy Auprfly kIqy jfx gy.

qswlIbKsL proPYsLnl syvfvF quhfnMU vDIaf knMUnI nqIjy dyx leI asIN sfry sFJI tIm dy qOr qy Xqn krdy hF quhfzI KusLI hI sfzI KusLI hovy gI, asIN mihsUs krdy hF ik sfzIaF sPlqfvF quhfnMU idwqy cMgy nqIijaF AuWqy hI inrBr hn.

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ICBC CASES We handle a full range of ICBC personal injury claims, including head injuries, broken bones, soft tissue injuries, muscle strains, psychological injuries & others asIN afeI sI bI sI nfl sbMDq iNnWjI srIrk swtF PytF ijnHF ivc isr dIaF swtF, tuWtIaF hWzIaF, koml itsULaF dIaF cotF, pWiTaF dIaF sWtF, mfnisk ivgfV aqy hor hfnIaF sLfml hn, dy klym hYNzl krdy hF. THE LAWYERS AT DNC PROVIDE COMPREHENSIVE LEGAL SERVICES IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS:

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prcyjL aYNz syl rYjLIzYNsLIal •KrId aqy vyc dy sihmqI zrfPitMg aYgrImYNts •asIN vycx vflLy dI vI aqy KRIdx vflLy dI vI shI mdwd krdy hF ijvyN nvyN Gr KrIdx, kONzmInIams, rhfiesLI dsqfvyjL. mn-prcfvy vflLIaF aqy kfitj prfprtIjL leI. •mfrtgyj idvOx ivwc asIN KRIdx vflLy dI vI aqy vycx vflLy dI vI mdwd krdy hF •KRIdx aqy vycx vflLy dI mfrtgyj Xogqf bfry dwsdy hF

kmrsLIal aqy ieMzstrIal prcyjL aqy syl •kmrsLIal rIal iestyt aYpfrtmYNt aqy afiPs iblizMgF dI KrId aqy vyc •jLmIn dI KrId aqy vyc •vycx vfilaF aqy KRIdx vfilaF leI mfrtgyj trFjLYkisLn •KRIdx vfilLaF nUM mfrtgyj lfieibltI vfry shI slfh idMdy hF.

SURREY OFFICE Dhami Narang & Company LLP Suite 313-14928 Hwy 10 Surrey, BC V3S 2N5 Toll Free: 1-877-864-6131


604-864-6131 PAGE 11


Friday, Oct 26th, 2018



AbbyPD is hiring casual posi ons for Police Clerks in our Records Management Dept. Records staff is responsible for numerous clerical func ons within the department's Records Management System. There are varied classifica ons within the Records Department which include: Canadian Police Informa on Centre (CPIC) clerks, Records clerks, Court clerks, Readers, Criminal Inves ga on Branch (CIB) clerks, and Transcribers. Please apply online to

Abbotsford, please welcome our new AbbyPD Opera onal Support Officers, Karin Fatehali-Jinnah, Natalie Verdicchio & Jean Wilding, to our Community. An exci ng new chapter for these young people as they start on their path to a career in Law Enforcement! An Opera onal Support Officer (OSO) is dis nct and separate from the regular police members at the Abbotsford Police Department. An OSO has restricted peace officer status,but is not a police officer. OSOs are primarily assigned to, and directly support, one of the 4 opera onal Patrol shi�s at APD. OSOs perform specific, authorized du es under the direc on of a regular police officer.

AYbtsPorf puils ivBwg Awpxy irkwrf mYnyjmYˆt ivBwg leI puils klrkwˆ dI BrqI kr irhw hY[ jo irkwrf stwP ivBwg dy irkwrf mYnyjmYˆt isstm ADIn keI qrHwˆ dy klYrIkl kMmwˆ leI izmyˆvwr hoxgy[ irkwrf ivBwg ivc keI v`K v`K kYtgrIAwˆ hn ijhnwˆ ivc Swml hn - kYnyfIAn puils ielPwrmySn sYˆtr (sI pI AweI sI) klrk, irkwrf klrk, kort klrk, rIfrz, ikRmInl ienvYstIgySn bRwˆc (sI AweI bI) klrk, Aqy trwˆskRweIbrz[ ikRpw krky Awn lweIn AplweI kro- h ps://buff.ly/2AovclX

AYbtsPorf puils ivBwg dy auprySnl sports APsrwˆ - kyirn PiqhwlIijnwh, nyqlI vrfIkIE Aqy jIn ivlifMg dw swfI kimaUintI leI svwgq kro[ ienHwˆ nOjvwnwˆ leI iek nvwˆ AiDAwie hY ik ieh lwA ienPorsmYˆt ivc Awpxw kYrIAr SurU kr rhy hn[ AYbtsPorf puils ivBwg ivc iek auprySnl sports APsr (E AYs E) rYgUlr puils mYˆbrwˆ qoˆ iek ivSyS Aqy v`Krw hY [ iek E AYs E rwKvyˆ pIs APsr dw styts r`Kdw hY, pr puils APsr nhIˆ[ E AYs E muFly qOr 'qy Aqy is`DI sport leI ey pI fI qy cwr auprySnl ptrol iSPtwˆ leI r`Ky gey hn[ E AYs E rYgUlr puils APsr dy idSw inrdyS ADIn coxvIAwˆ ifaUtIAwˆ leI AiDkwrq hoxgy[

Have you been asked to produce ID recently for some purchases? Here's why... In June 2018, the AbbyPD implemented “That's Not You” – a project aimed at comba ng the use of stolen debit and credit cards. Cigare e and lo ery ckets are a common fraudulent purchase, frequently made using a stolen bank card's “tap” feature. Requiring a customer to produce ID that matches the name on the presented bank card is an effec ve way of reducing unlawful card use. During the first four months of this project, fraudulent bank card use at convenience/gas sta ons decreased by 50%. Support this ini a ve and produce ID when requested by store personnel – it benefits everyone! More informa on: h ps://buff.ly/2yWtmH2 kI quhwnUM ienHwˆ idnwˆ ivc kuJ KrIddwrI krn smyˆ AwpxI AweI.fI. pyS krn leI ikhw igAw hY? ieh ikauˆ...jUn 2018 ivc AYbtsPorf puils ivBwg ny iek pRojYkt “That’s Not You” SurU kIqw sI ijs dw audyS corI kIqy fYibt Aqy krYift kwrf Aqy AweI .fI. dI iek`iTAwˆ vrqoˆ krnw sI[ corI kIqy gey bYˆk kwrf dy "tYp" PIcr dI ibnwˆ iJjk vrqoˆ kridAwˆ isgrt qy lwtrI itktwˆ Prwf rwhIˆ KrIdIAwˆ jwx vwlIAwˆ Awm vsqwˆ hn[ gwhk nUM AwpxI AweI.fI. pyS krn leI kihxw ijhVI pyS kIqy bYˆk kwrf nwl mYc krdI hovy, ieh iek pRBwvSwlI qrIkw hY ijs nwl ZYr-kwnUMnI kwrf dI vrqoˆ nUM rokxw hY[ ies pRojYkt dy pihly cwr mhIinAwˆ dOrwn Aijhy ZYr-kwnUMnI bYˆk kwrfwˆ dI knvInIAs Aqy gYs stySnwˆ qy vrqoˆ ivc 50 pRqISq dI kmI AweI hY[ so ies pRojYkt nUM sihXog idE Aqy jdoˆ iksy stor qy AweI.fI. mMgI jwˆdI hY qwˆ zrUr idE ieh hr iek dy ihq ivc hY[so ies pRojYkt nUM sihXog idE aqy jdoˆ iksy stor qy AweI.fI[ mMgI jWdI hY qWˆ jrUr idE - ieh hr iek dy ihq ivc hY.[ hor jwxkwrI leI h ps://buff.ly/2yWtmH2

Call APD non-emergency at 604-859-5225 or text ABBYPD (222973) To make an anonymous report, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or report online at solvecrime.ca

aYbtsPorz pulIs zIpfrtmYNt nMU nfn-aYmrjMsI lfeIn 604-589-5225 'qy Pon kro jF 222973 'qy tYkst mYsj Bojo. aigafq rIport ilKvfAux leI krfeIm stfprjL nMU 1-800-222-7477 'qy Pon kroo jF afnleIn jf ky solvecrime.ca 'qy rIport ilKvfE.

e n


The Patrika



AYbtsPorf iv`c ptwKy clwauxy sKæq mnHw hn[

sur`iKAq hYlovIn Aqy idvwlI mnwE!!!


Fire Rescue Service


AYbtsPorf iv`c ptwky clwauxy gYr kwnUMnI hn[ AYbtsPorf Pwiervrks bweI lwA #143-2005 dy ADIn sæihr dIAW sr`hdW dy AMdr ptwikAW dI ivkrI, kbjæy Aqy ifscwrj dI mnwhI kIqI geI hY[ Pwier rYsikaU srivs Aqy bwey lwA AYnPorsmYNt APsr iehnW idnW iv`c bwhr ingrwnI qy hox gy[ jykr iksy vI sæihrI invwsI nUM ptwky clwauNdy PiVAw igAw qW aUhnW nUM $200-$1000 q`k dw jurmwnw kr id`qw jwvygw, Aqy auhnW dy koloN brwmd hoey ptwikAW nUM ihrwsq iv`c r`iKAw jwvygw[ invwsIAW nUM bynqI vI kIqI jWdI hY ik jykr quhwfy Aws pws ptwky vycy jw rhy hn qW auhnW nUM KrIidAw nw jwvy[ izAwdw jwxkwrI leI AYbtsPorf Pwier rYsikau srivs 604-853-3566 qy kwl kro[ abbotsford.ca/fire



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The Patrika


Friday, Oct 26th, 2018


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hrdm isMG mfn pwQr awgy sIs invfAuxf afAuNdf neIˆ. lokIˆ afKx rwb iDafAuxf afANˆdf neIˆ. asIˆ qfˆ drd hMZfieaf pUrI iĂˆwdq nfl, JUTI mUTI idl prcfAuxf afAuNdf neIˆ. Aus ny Puwlfˆ vfˆgUM kfhdf iKVxf hY, kMizafˆ nUM qfˆ glLy lgfAuxf afAuˆdf neIˆ. qyry qmĂŠy hox mubfrk qYnUM hI, sfnUM ĂˆfhI-rfg `c gfAuxf afAuˆdf neIˆ. Xfrfˆ Éfqr hoey hfˆ nIlfm asIˆ, ies qoˆ vwzf muwl pvfAuxf afAuˆdf neIˆ. lok-rMg ivc rMgI `mfn` ĂŠĂ‹l qyrI, qYnUM ĂˆbdI jflL ivCfAuxf afAuˆdf neIˆ.

Exceptional Quality Blueberry Nursery Stock

BLUEBERRY PLANTS Sidhu Growers is British Columbia's leading quality blueberry nursery. At Sidhu Growers, we grow healthy, disease free, virus indexed and true-toname Blueberry plants. We specialize in growing blueberry plants and have 20 plus years of experience in the blueberry business.

  virus indexing Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â?  ­ Â? € Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â? Â?

We are the only authorized nursery in Canada to sell Reka, a northern blueberry variety and have documentation from where the variety originated from, which is New Zealand, and have proof of it. Make sure when purchasing Reka you ask to see the signed authorization from New Zealand. Being the only authorized nursery to sell Reka we can provide you with this.

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When purchasing blueberry plants, buy from a reputable blueberry nursery that specializes in growing blueberry plants. Ask to see virus testing documentation. Make sure plants are produced from cuttings. Plants produced from tissue culture or cuttings taken from tissue culture plants tend to be difficult to machine harvest and require more pruning.

€ � � � � † „� „ � � � � � „ � � † … † �† … ‡ „ ˆ � � � � � …� � � � � � � � � ‰ Š† � � ‹� � � � ‰

We are committed to provide you with only the best blueberry plants available and guarantee it.

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We offer: • Expert Consulting • Competitive Pricing • Exceptional Quality Stock • A Wide Selection of Varieties • Complete Customer Satisfaction

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For Further Information or to Place an Order Please Call:

Kam or Harry: (604) 853-1775

32787 Townshipline, Abbotsford, B.C. PAGE 13

The Patrika





Friday, Oct 26th, 2018

B.C. enters new era as cannabis becomes legal


n Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2018, British Columbians throughout the province became able to legally purchase non-medical cannabis online from: www.bccannabisstores. com

The first BC Cannabis Store in Kamloops is set to open at 10 a.m. (Pacific time) Wednesday morning. The store, located in the Columbia Place Shopping Centre, will have 24 cannabis consultants standing by to serve. The store will feature about 85 dried-flower strains of cannabis plus a selection of oils, capsules and pre-rolls approved by Health Canada.

British Columbians 19 years of age and older will have the opportunity to purchase regulated cannabis regardless of where they live in the province. The Liquor Distribution Branch (LDB) has entered into a contract with Canada Additional licensed cannabis retail Post to deliver online cannabis orders stores will open in the coming months, to customers. as private cannabis retailers proceed Keeping cannabis out of the hands of through the regulatory and permit prominors was a key consideration for cess overseen by the Liquor and Canthe LDB in appointing a third-party nabis Regulation Branch. Private and delivery provider. Canada Post will public retailers will be allowed to sell undertake age-verification checks in dried cannabis, cannabis oils, capsules the event that a customer appears to be and seeds that comply with federal reunder the age of 25 years. If age verifi- quirements. These stores may also sell cation fails, the product will be returned cannabis accessories, as defined in the to the LDB and full purchase price and federal Cannabis Act, such as rolling associated taxes will be refunded. papers, pipes and bongs. Customers will pay a $10 shipping fee when ordering from BC Cannabis The provincial government is commitStores’ online store. Online orders will ted to ensuring safe, responsible sales be shipped from the LDB’s distribution of non-medical cannabis and helping centre within 48 business hours of the ensure products stay out of the hands of minors. order being placed.

B.C. students benefit from enhanced extracurricular activities


tudents in British Columbia will have access to more extracurricular activities with support for parent advisory councils (PACs) and district parent advisory councils (DPACs) through the Community Gaming Grants program. “It’s so important for all children to have access to enriching extracurricular opportunities, and cost should not be a barrier,” said Selina Robinson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. “I commend parents who work tirelessly to ensure all school kids can take part in exciting sports and rewarding field trips, and have safe playground equipment and travel, all of which contribute to an enriched learning environment.” Schools rely on PAC and DPAC funding each year to support a range of extracurricular experiences for K-12 students, such as student publications, societies, ceremonies and sports and


playground equipment; as well as field trips, travel and transportation. For the 2018-19 school year, approximately $13.5 million in Community Gaming Grant funding will be available to more than 1,400 PACs and DPACs throughout B.C. “This funding ensures PACs can more easily fund such things as student clubs, field trips and sports equipment without increased fundraising,” said Andrea Sinclair, BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils president. “Community Gaming Grants enable all students to have an equal opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities that provide immeasurable social, cultural and physical fitness benefits.” Community gaming grants provide up to $140 million to about 5,000 not-for-profit organizations in British Columbia each year.

The Patrika


Friday, Oct 26th, 2018




Government moves forward on MSP premium elimination, tax cut for people


he Government of British Columbia is moving forward with its plan to eliminate Medical Service Plan (MSP) premiums and introduce the employer health tax (EHT).

nesses are protected with a $500,000 exemption amount that phases-out gradually. The legislation also establishes a $1.5-million exemption amount for charities and non-profits, and is similarly phased out.

Together, these measures will reduce taxes on people and businesses by ap- The B.C. government will eliminate proximately $800 million each year. MSP premiums by Jan. 1, 2020, saving individuals up to $900 each year, and “The last government chose to double families as much as $1,800. As a reMSP fees, costing families hundreds of sult, millions of people will have more dollars a year. People deserve a break, money in their pockets and more to which is why we’re eliminating re- invest in B.C. businesses. In addition, gressive MSP premiums,” said Carole the administration of MSP premiums is James, Minister of Finance. “The EHT costly and inefficient. Transitioning to is a fairer approach, similar to other the EHT will save more than $50-milprovinces, and that means lower taxes lion annually. for British Columbians.” B.C.’s EHT rate is tied with Ontario The government tabled the Employer for the lowest payroll tax rate in the Health Tax Act in the legislature on country. B.C. will continue to have one Oct. 16, 2018. Less than 5% of B.C. of the most competitive tax systems businesses will pay the full EHT rate of in the country with this $800-million 1.95%, and the majority of small busi- annual reduction in taxes.


The Patrika





Friday, Oct 26th, 2018

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Ron & Maggie Gale | Health

India’s Miracle Tree - Moringa


hen you ask Siri what the to as the “Miracle Tree” ,”Heals All” point you to the Core Moringa Oleifmost nutritious plant in and “Eat and Drink”, to name a few. era Blend that I recommend for nutrithe world is, you may be tion on the go: Zija’s Core Moringa surprised to hear that it is a miracu- Fast forward to today. Modern scienSuper Mix. It contains a Proprietary lous tree, called Moringa. The most tific research has shown that moringa Blend of moringa leaves, seeds ,fruit studied of the fourteen species of this can be used in the production of food ,vitamins, minerals, proteins, antioxitree is Moringa olifeira, whose culti- and wellness products with its most dants and Omega oils. vation dates back thousands of years nutrient dense properties being found

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a high-standard and quality vetted product as not all supplements are created equal. Products in the PDR must meet claims and be pharmaceutical grade or better. From traditional medicine to scientifically validated supplements, one

to India and Arabia, where it was used in the leaves, seed cake, and fruit- Better yet, ask your doctor because thing stands the test of time: “Let in traditional medicine to heal and pods. There are too many beneficial Zija’s Core Moringa Supermix is food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” ― Hippocrates to prevent hundreds of diseases. In health benefits found in the Moringa listed in your doctor’s Physician’s those times it was frequently referred to do justice in this article, so let me Desk Reference, which means it is To your good health !

ieMzIaf df cmqkfrI drKq – mOirMgf jdoN qusIN afpxy Pon qy isrI nuM puwCdy arbIafN iwvc hoeI, ijwQy ies nUM df ielfj krn vfly pdfrQF ho dunIaF ivwc sB qoN pOsLitk pOdf rvfeIqI dvfeI ivwc BrpUr krn ivwc vriqaf jf skdf hY. ies ikhVf hY, quhfnUM ieh jfx ky bhqu aqy sYNkVy ibmfrIaF nUM rokx leI lyK ivwc mOirMgF dy bhqu sfry hY r fnI ho v y g I ik Au h cmqkfrI vriqaf jFdf sI. AuhnF simaF ivwc PfieidaF bfry dwisaf igaf hY, drKq mOirMgf bfry dwsygI. stwzI ies nUM aksr “cmqkfrI ruwK”, ies leI mYN quhfnuM kor mOirMgf ieh dwsdI hY ik ies qrF dy pOidaF “sB qrF dy duwK dUr krn vflLf”, ElyPyrf blYNz bfry dws rhI hF dIaF cOdF nslF hn ijs ivwc mOrMgF aqy “KfE aqy pIE” dy nfvF nfl aqy ies dy posLx leI isPfrsL ElIPeIrf sB qoN AuWpr hY, ijs dI jfixaF jFdf sI.

krdI hF: ijLaf kor mOirMgf supr

kfsLq hjLfrF sfl pihlF Bfrq aqy

imks. ies ivc mOirMgF dy pwiqaF, hY nf ik bfkI splImYNtF vFg.

awj dI qyjL rPqfr dunIaF iwvc afDuink ivigafnk Koj ny idKfieaf hY ik Kfxy aqy qM d ru s qI dy Au q pfdF iw v c

bIjF, PlL, ivtfimn, Kixk, pRotIn, aYNtIafkfsfeIzYNt aqy Emygf qyl sLfiml hn.

rvfeIqI dvfeI qoN ivigafink qOr qy pRmfixk pUrqF leI iewk gwl ieh vI hY ik ieh smyN dI pRIiKaf hY: “

moirMgf dI vrqoN kIqI jf sLurU krn qoN pihlF qusIN afpxy Bojn nUM afpxI dvfeI smJ ky Kfx skdI hY. ies dy pwiqaf ivwc, zfktr dI slfh jLrUr lvo ikAuNik nflL quhfnUM dvfeI nUM Bojn dI qrHF bIjF ivw c aqy PrU t pO z s ieh ko r mo i rM g F df su p r imks nhIN Kfxf pvygf..” ihwpokryts iwvc pfey jfx vfly inAUirsL zfktr dy ilKy qoN ibnF nhIN KrIidaf qwqF nUU iDafn ivwc rwKdy hoey jf skdf, ies qoN Bfv hY ik ieh iewk ies nUM Bojn aqy ibmfrIaF Auwc pwDr aqy guxvwqf jFc Auqpfd PAGE 16

quhfzI cMgI ishq leI !!

The Patrika


Friday, Oct 26th, 2018




gurmiq mfrg

sMqf isMG gurmiq sdIvI aqy srbkfl sQfeI hY ies ivwc kdI vI pirvfrq nhIN hY. jo kuJ pihlF sI awj vI AuhI hY aqy BivwK iwvc vI AuhI kuJ rhygf. Bfv guru dI miq anfid kfl qoN anMq kfl qwk iewk sQfeI iQr QfvrI aqy iewk rd sLbd hY. ies df nf afrMB hY nf aMq hY, ieh akfl sdIvI lgfqfr aqy iewk rs aKMzq rvfnI hY. jo pRfxI gurmiq nfl juVy rihxgy, inrsMdyh Auh vI gurmiq dy iewk rs aqy aQfh sLbd ivwc sdIv kfl ihwq mIn ho jfxgy. ijvyN

qfqly ivakqI ny isrijaf hY? 2- kI asfnUM iksy AuWG suwG qoN ibnF hI ieQy Byijaf hY? 3- asIN ikQoN afey hF? 4- ikAuN afey hF? 5- kI krn afey hF? 6 ikQy jfxf hY? 7 asIN iks pfsy nUM jfeIey? 8 ieQy koeI aYsI swqf aiDkfrI sLkqI hY ijs dI pnfh ivwc bYT ky suK sLFqI df dm Br skIey?9 – kI ieQy koeI aYsf gfzI mfrg hY, ijs dI syD ivwc ivcrdy hoey, jIvn Xfqrf nUM BlI BUq kr skIey? 10 – kI koeI aYsI loa hY, jo psry hoey DMdUkfrI vfqfvrx nUM ivMnH ky cfnx df dIvf jgf sky? 11 – kI koeI gurmiq miq aclu hY clfie n skY koie.. aYsI ivDI shMqf mfrg drsLI isDFq aQvf Bgqf kf hir aMgIkfru kry kfrju suhfvf ikqfb hY jo asfnUM ies duibDf dy cwkr iwvcoN pfr lMGf sky? 12- kI koeI aYsI jugqI, hoie..ibhfgVf mhlf 3, pMnf 548/19 sfDn jF aiDkfr sMpMn swqf hY jo asfzy smyN dI afpxI rvfnI hY, ieh aiq qIKx jIvn nUM shI syD dy sky? gqI duafrf anykF hI rukfvtf nUM dldf hoieaf inwjI mMjLl vwl vwDdf jf irhf hY. Aukq drsfey pYry iwvc bfrF pRsLn hn. hr iCn mfqr dI sUeI jIvn rfqRI dy aMq ijnHF dI KulI ivafiKaf krn leI iewk hox df pYgfm dy rhI hY. dunIafN df iensfn vwKrI pusqk dI afvsLkqf hY. ieMnHF bfrF aiq ivnfsLkfrI vfqfvrx dI isrjxf krn hI pRsLlnF dy Auwqr pfvn afid sRI guru leI bijLd hY. jIvn dy mrm nUM awCI qrHF gRMQ sfihb jI ivwc pRbuDq ivDI duafrf smJx smJfAux ihwq kuJ aYsy pRsLn hn bhqu hI cMgI qrHF anykF pRmfxF dy aDfr ijMnHF dI bfbq jfnxf bhqu hI lfjLmI hY qy idwqy gey hn. qfik afpF sfry hI jIvn dI sfriQkqf nUM vfihgUrU dI rihmq df sdkf asfzy jIvn cMgI qrHF smJx dy Xog ho skIey. 1- kI nUM shI syD dyvx ihwq asfnUM iksy aividq (anjfxI) sLkqI jF bfkI pMnHf 17 'qy


The Patrika



Friday, Oct 26th, 2018





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The Patrika


Friday, Oct 26th, 2018



he Board of Fraser Health today confirmed the appointment of Dr. Victoria Lee as President and Chief Executive Officer for Fraser Health. “Dr. Lee has an extensive background with Fraser Health and we are excited she will be able to step into the role, where she will be able to continue to drive the positive progress championed by the organization,” said Health Minister Adrian Dix. “She is well known for her compassionate, focused approach in her prior role as Fraser Health’s Chief Medical Health Officer, and I feel confident in her leadership going forward.”

Dr. Lee currently serves as Fraser Health’s Chief Medical Health Officer and Vice President, Population Health. Prior to joining Fraser Health, Dr. Lee worked in consultative roles with national and international organizations including the United Nations Development Programme and the World Bank in the areas of comparative health systems, health policy, health financing and ecohealth. She also worked as a physician in rural communities in Chile and Brazil.

“Victoria is an advocate for wellness, Michael Marchbank is retiring on a supporter of healthy workplaces and October 5, 2018 after being President a well-versed authority on the social and CEO for Fraser Health for 4 years. determinants of health. This is the type

Following consultation, no changes to veterans’ licence plate eligibility include police officers. More than half of all respondents also took the time to leave a written comment about their perspective on the issue. Of those comments, 87% were either not supportive or in opposition to any expansion of the Since 2004, B.C.’s military veterans current criteria. have been eligible to apply for a special Feedback was received from all regions VLP in honour and recognition of their of the province. People with either service. Earlier this year, the Royal only an armed forces background or Canadian Legion Dominion Com- only a police background were equally mand, the Royal Canadian Mounted represented. Police (RCMP) Veterans’ Association and others had requested that govern- Across Canada, there is no uniform ment and the Insurance Corporation definition of “veteran” for the purposes of British Columbia (ICBC) consider of issuing specialty licence plates, nor allowing police officers — specifically is there one agreed to by all the stakeholder groups who represent people RCMP — to be eligible as well. with military service. Public feedback to the online survey showed a strong majority of respon- The full engagement report can be dents (63%) favoured keeping eligibil- found here: https://engage.gov.bc.ca/ ity criteria the same, while only 36% govtogetherbc/impact/veterans-liwere supportive of expanding it to cence-plates-results/ ollowing a six-week public engagement process with feedback from nearly 4,400 citizens, government will not expand the eligibility for B.C.’s Veterans’ Licence Plate (VLP) program to include police officers.

gurduafrf Kflsf dIvfn susfeItI aYbtsPorz ivwKy lfeIP srtIiPkyt atYst

ieMzIaf kONslr dI tIm lfeIP srtIiPkyt atYst krn vfsqy idn aYqvfr 4 nvMbr of person nUM svyry 10 vjy qoN 4 vjy qwk gurU Gr we need to ivKy af rhI hY. do nvyN lfeIP srtIiPkyt continue to PfrmF dy nflL pfsport dI Poto kfpI aqy take Fraser aYzrws df sbUq jLrUrI hY ijvyN ik zrfeIvr Health forlfiesMs, mYzIkl kyar kfrz, ienkm ward. She is a natural intYks dy pypr jF bYNk akFAUNt afid dI kfpI novator and jLrUrI hY. purfxy Pfrm dI QF, nvyN Pfrm I am excited by today’s announcequsIN gurduafrf sfihb dy dPqr ivwcoN lY ment,” said Board Chair Jim Sinclair.

In announcing the appointment to staff and physicians, Fraser Health’s Board Chair, Jim Sinclair says Dr. Lee is a leader, an experienced administrator, physician and researcher. She brings with her a deep understanding of the health care system and the needs of the people within it – both those receiving Dr. Lee will start her new role on Occare and those providing it. tober 6, 2018.





skdy ho. purfxf Pfrm nhIN ilaf jfvy gf. sbUqF dIaF kfpIaF krvf ky kolL lY ky afE, eyQy kfpI krn df pRbMD nhIN hY. spYsLl not: ies qoN ielfvf hor koeI srivs nhIN idwqI jfvygI. hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: vfies pRDfn Bjn isMG qUr: 604-8327777 gurduafrf sfihb: 604-850-7338




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The Patrika



Friday, Oct 26th, 2018



knyizaf Clyizaf pRo: surjIq isMG bDysLf

vfh vfh knyizaf bfhroN rMg brMigaf ivwcoN tyiZaf myiZaf vws’c nf afvyN qUM awQry sLlyizaf qYN KflI krqy sLihr qy igrF vIjLf mYN vI lvOx nUM iPrF ivwcy Cwz ky pVHfeI knyzIan nflL mYN ivafhI qy knyzf clI afeI Cwz afpxf dysL qy igrF


byrIaF mYN qoVdI iPrF

cfa mlHfr, mOj myly pykIN sB rih gey

suhxI ijMLdgI bxOxI

mylL jolL, qyh ipafr KUhy ivwc pY gey

gwzI iswK leI cloxI

KusLIaF qy KyiVaF qy idny zfky pY gey

isLPt zbl zbl lOxI

kI pyky, kI sOhry vYrI ny sfrIaF iDrF

KusL bhuqIaF sI dono iDrF

byrIaF mYN qoVdI iPrF

byrIaF mYN qoVdI iPrF

mfpy swd, PuwPV mfmy mfsIaF vI swdIaF

sIjLn qoN bfad asIN kynrI’c lwgdy

sfiraF kmfey vYr ksrF nf CwzIaF

TfrF TfrF GMty sI bwdl vFg gwjdy

sLrIkxf qF jVHF, sB BflL BflL vwZIaF

kr ky kmfeIaF sfh sUq idwqy swB dy

nI mYN rfq idn kohlU’c ipVF

mYN PuwlF vFg mihkF qy iKVF

byrIaF mYN qoVdI iPrF

byrIaF mYN qoVdI iPrF

muwl dy irsLqy vI puafiVaF dI jVH ny

kr kr srPy lY ilaf Gr sI

lwKF koloN idwqy vI qy lwKF ley PV ny

awDf Gr ikrfey qy igaf Jwt cVH sI

muwl dy irsLiqaF klMk idwqy mVH ny

vDx lwgf bUtf zUMGI jfx lwgI jVH sI

idMdI mYN duhfeI Qozy mohr dI iPrF

KwblL Gf vFg vDx iqVHF

byrIaF mYN qoVdI iPrF

byrIaF mYN qoVdI iPrF

bwicaF df bfpU jI vI Cwzdf sLrfb nf

myry nfl jFdIaF drfxIaF jTfxIaF ibd ibd sfiraF PlYtF BrI jfxIaF

GFAUN mFAUN hoieaf rihMdf idMdf koeI ihsfb nf

Buwl geIaF mOjF sB aMmI ivhVy mfxIaF

prysLfnIaF’c kMm krdf idmfg nf

lwgy sws sOhrf kwZx ikVF

hoey sB vYrI kIhdy kIhdy nflL mYN iBVF

byrIaF mYN qoVdI iPrF

byrIaF mYN qoVdI iPrF

ho gey juafk vwzy Krc bVy vwD gey

knyzf vflLy supny puafiVaF dI jVH jI

sfk sYn Xfr bylI sfQ sB Cwz gey

bx gey mjLUr aYm ey tirwpl vI kr jI

viZaF trwkF ny qF hwz sfzy vwZ ley

EQy lwB lYNdy koeI afpU ijhf Gr jI

mfhIey nUM mYN Guwt pIx qoN vI hoVdI iPrF

kr kr cyqy hOky hfvIN mYN iGrF

byrIaF mYN qoVdI iPrF

byrIaF mYN qoVdI iPrF

kMm kMm kMm nf ivhl lwgy ibMd df

mYqoN ho gI Bwul pr qusIN nf jy kirE

nflL kmjLorI burf hfl hoieaf ijMd df

psLUaF dy vFg nf sOdy bwicaF dy kirE

jy koeI puwCy ik knyzf hY jI ikMj df

dfny sfny mihrmo iDafn pUrf DirE

ivwc hAuikaF qy hfivaF iGrF

suKI vso ivwc sLihrF qy igrF

byrIaF mYN qoVdI iPrF

byrIaF mYN qoVdI iPrF

The Patrika


Friday, Oct 26th, 2018




jMmo nI nv Xug dIE mfvoN hrcMd isMG bfgVI jMmo nI nv Xug dIE mfvoN

iewko awK nfl dyKy ijhVf

qusIN puwq sUrmy jMmo

mMidr msijd gurduafry.

kOm –GfqIaF nflLoN cMgf

jMmo ijsnUM KudgrjLI dI

kuwK apxI nUM QMmo.

kdy nf BuwK sqfey

jMmo nI jo mulk myry ivwc

kuwlI Zfh grIb dI ijhVf

muV Augfey hfsy,

mihl nf apxf pfey.

BMgVf igwDf GolL kbwzI

jMmo nI jo swjx TwgF nUM

sLurU kry hr pfsy.

muV AupdysL suxfey

jMmo nI koeI srjn isafxf

idn idhfVy iPrdy ijhVy

jo Pwt kOm dy sIey.

KFdy hwz prfey.

jKmI hoeI kOm myrI

keI mfvF ny BuwKI kuwKoN.

muV jugF jugF qwk jIey.

kuJ BuwKy puwq jfey.

jMmo nI jo icVIaF koloN

ijnHF afpdI mF dy gihxy

muV iPr bfjL quVfey

lfh gYrF glL pfey.

murdf hoeI kOm myrI ivwc

jMmo nI jo kUV dy mMUh ‘coN

muVky sq Br jfey.

awj iPr swc bcfey

jMmo nI jo kdy nf pfvy

mwisaf dI awj rfq ‘c ijhVf

ieh DrmF dy pfVy

‘cMd’ bx ky cVH afey



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The Patrika



Friday, Oct 26th, 2018



sLok smFcfr

Èok smfcfr bVy hI duKI ihrdy nfl dwisaf jfˆ d f hY ik sfzy siqkfrXog ipqf jI srdfr hrnyk isMG iswDU (hfˆgkfˆg), ipMz pUhlf, iËlf biTMzf, awj kwlH invfsI aYbtsPorz 23 akqUbr buwDvfr nUM akfl clfxf kr gey hn. Auhnfˆ df aMiqm sskfr 27 akqUbr 2018 idn ÈnIvfr nUM irvrsfeIz iPAUnrl hom aY b tsPo r z ivKy du p ihr 12[30 vjy hovygf. AuprMq Bog aqy aMiqm ardfs gurduafrf klgIDr drbfr aYbtsPorz ivKy bfad dupihr 2[00 vjy hovygI.

bVy hI duwK nfl sUicq kIqf jFdf hY ik sfzy bhuq hI ipafry mnvIr isMG

duKI ihrdy-

at the age of 25 due to a car accident. His funeral services will

mfn, spuwqr s: hrbMs isMG mfn iBafnk kfr hfdsy ivwc 25 sfl dI Br jvfnI ivwc sudIvI ivCoVf dy gey hn. AunHf dy sskfr dIaF rsmf 28 akqUbr nUM svyry 10 vjy irvrsfeIz PUnrl hom aYbtsPorz ivKy hoxH gIaF aqy Bog aqy aMiqm ardfs dupYhr 1 vjy gurduafrf Kflsf idvfn sosfietI ivKy hovy gI. duKI ihrdy: hrbMs isMG mfn aqy pirvfr: 778-255-2435


Manvir Singh Maan, son of Harbans Singh Maan has passed away

mfiekl isMG iswDU 250689-0558

be held at Riverside Funeral Home Abbotsford on October 28th

dljIq isMG iswDU (mkYink) 778-552-7654

Bhog will be at Khalsa Diwan Society Abbotsford at 1pm.

gurjIq isMG iswDU 778-241-2213

For more information please contact Harbans Singh Maan at

at 10:00 am 2061 Riverside Rd. Abbotsford.



The Patrika


Friday, Oct 26th, 2018




Contingency plans in place in the event of Canada Post disruption in B.C.


rrangements are being made to ensure that British Columbians continue to receive cheques and critical documents in the event of a Canada Post labour disruption.

payments: 1 877 405-4909 or www. gov.bc.ca/paymsp Ministry of Finance, for information about taxes and tax credits: http://www. gov.bc.ca/taxes

British Columbians who receive government funds by direct deposit will not Ministry of Finance, for information be affected by the labour action and will about making payments for debts owed continue to receive payments. to the province, including ambulance Questions about where to pick up B.C. service fees and court fines: https:// government-issued assistance cheques, billing-and-payment.revenueservices. where and how to make a payment, gov.bc.ca getting B.C. government issued idenICBC: 1 800 663-3051 tification, licences and certificates, and how to apply for a B.C. student loan Service BC contact centre: 1 800 663during a Canada Post labour disruption 7867 can be directed to the ministry/agency Ministry of Attorney General, mainteresponsible: nance enforcement and locate services: Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills 604 660-2528 and Training — StudentAidBC: https:// studentaidbc.ca/ Ministry of Attorney General, victim Ministry of Children and Family De- impact statement forms: http://ow.ly/ Jasy30224ns velopment: 1 877 387-7027

Residential Tenancy Branch: 1 800 663-7867 or https://www2.gov.bc.ca/ gov/content/housing-tenancy/residential-tenancies

BC Mail Plus will consult with customers on a case-by-case basis to find ways to reduce impacts of a Canada Post strike on British Columbians.

Ministry of Social Development and BC Mail Plus will hold all non-critical Poverty Reduction: 1 866 866-0800 or mail until Canada Post resumes normal service. Mail will be deposited to Canhttp://ow.ly/zIYe30229mY ada Post in the order it was received. Vital Statistics Agency: 1 800 663Internal mail between government 7867 offices or broader public sector ofBC Mail Plus provides mail distribufices serviced by BC Mail Plus are tion services for the B.C. public sector, not affected by a Canada Post labour Ministry of Finance — Revenue Solu- Public Guardian and Trustee: 604 660- including schools, health authorities, disruption. Crown corporations and municipalities. tions Branch for Medical Services Plan 4444 or http://www.trustee.bc.ca

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The Patrika



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dzîÆ×z¶ôé Áå¶ ëËÇîñÆ ñÅÁ


ruibMdr (rOb) DMnU

ÇÕzîÆéñ ìÚÅÀ° òÕÆñ


• Immigration Appeals • Refugee Claims • Sponsorship & Citizenship • Permanent Resident & Green Card • Visas (Tourist, Employment, Student, Nafta) • Provincial Nominations • Investor & Business Applications

FAMILY • Divorce, Custody & Adoption • Child/Spousal Support • Provincial Court and Supreme Court


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ruibMdr (rOb) DMnU


ÃÅìÕÅ ÕðÅÀ°é êð½ÃÆÇÕÀ±àð


âz¼× նû ÇòÚ ÇòÁÅêÕ å÷ðìÅ

• Drug Offences

• âz¼× Ãì³èÆ ç¯ô

• Assaults Including Domestic & Sexual • Impaired and Other Driving Offences • Theft, Fraud and Property Crimes • Weapons Offences • Proceeds Of Crime • Young Persons Charged with Criminal Offences UPHAR DHALIWAL



- Marijuana Grow Operations - Cocaine and Heroin Trafficking - Importing/Exporting


Friday, Oct 26th, 2018


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The Patrika


Friday, Oct 26th, 2018





The Patrika



Friday, Oct 26th, 2018





ÃzÆ éÅí Õ§òñ ðÅÜÅ ÃÅÇÔì ÜÆ ç¶ ÁÇéé í×å Áå¶ ×¹ðç¹ÁÅðÅ ÃzÆ ðÅÜÅ ÃÅÇÔì Çê¿â îÜÅðÅ ðÅÜÅ ÃÅÇÔì ç¶ êÇÔñ¶ ðÅÜÅ ÃÅÇÔì ÜÆ ò¾ñ¯º æÅê¶ ðïÖÅé¶ ç¶ îÔ§å ê±ðé çÅà ÜÆ çÆ


siqgur ky pRs`id sy j`inau rUp EnUp

Eid EMq m@D pUrn ANk`r m@D rUp

pRogr`m:- E`rMB sRI EKMf p`T s`ihb jI 9 nvMbr svyry 9.30 vjy

Bog sRI EKMf p`T s`ihb jI 11 nvMbr svyry 9.30 vjy not: dUjy afKMz pfT sfihb dI syvf ipMz ilWdVF dI smUh sMgq aqy smUh ngr invfsIaF vloN krvfeI jf rhI hY. sMprk leI: jmsLyr isMG ilwdV Pon kro: 604-864-6170

gurU ipE`rI s`D sMgq jI, inmrq` sihq bynqI kIqI j~dI hY ik n`B kMvl r`j` s`ihb jI dy Einn Bgq mhMq pUrn d`s jI dI 41vIN brsI E`p sB sMgq~ dy sihwog n`l knyf` iv@c hr s`l dI qr~ 9,10 Eqy 11 nvMbr nMU gurduE`r` sRI klgIDr drb`r, 30604 Blueridge Drive, EYbtsPorf ivKy bVI hI DUm D`m n`l mn`eI j` rhI hY| E`p sB sMgq~ dy crn~ iv@c bynqI hY ik E`p s`ry pirv`r smyq iqMny idn gurU Gr s`ihb phuMc ky gurb`xI d` EnMd m`xo Eqy syv` iv@c h@Q vt` ky E`px` jIvn sPl kro jI| ies s`l do EKMf p`T s`ihb jI dI syv` ho rhI hY|

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Funding for bee health supports innovation for Ethical Bees in B.C.

Experts on money laundering appointed to anti-money laundering panel

The Varroa mite infests the eggs, larvae and pupae of honey bees, as well as adult bees, and has proven to be one of sur Somerville and Brigitte Unthe most destructive honey bee pests. ger have been appointed to join Development of a mite-resistant honey the Province’s Expert Panel on bee will help reduce colony losses and Money Laundering. “Bee heath and population have been eliminate the need for mite-control “Our overheated housing market is slowly declining over the last few years products. vulnerable to those looking to exploit in B.C.,” said Lana Popham, Minister “We’re developing stronger bees that loopholes and engage in illicit activity, of Agriculture. “The funding from Bee have an increased resistance to viruses while families are being priced out,” BC is giving beekeepers the opportu- and parasites,” said Iain Glass, beesaid Carole James, Minister of Finance. nity to help find ways to improve and keeper. “We all want healthy bees, and “This is an unacceptable situation and grow the bee population so that British thanks to this funding, we can continue we are moving to ensure that B.C. Columbians can depend on B.C. food this grassroots movement with our has world-leading protections against for years to come.” group of dedicated beekeepers.” money laundering, and that fairness is The beekeepers receiving funds are This is a multi-year grassroots project returned to our real estate sector.” participating in a project called Ethi- in its second year. The beekeepers have cal Bees. The Ethical Bees project has banded together, providing education The panel will look at gaps in comgrown to include hundreds of hives, and a plan to develop their “better bee.” pliance and enforcement of existing laws, consumer protection, financial including many substantial commercial apiaries. The scope of the project will This project has been given equip- services regulations, regulation of real allow selection from the best local traits ment in five different communities to estate professionals and jurisdictional while introducing highly desirable support its activities throughout South gaps between B.C. and the federal traits, such as Varroa sensitive hygiene and Central Vancouver Island and the government. This panel’s work builds where the bees effectively prevent Gulf Islands, with $3,000 of provincial on the reports by Dan Perrin and Peter mites from reproducing. German, which both noted weaknesses funding going to each region. Beekeepers on Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands, with support from the Government of British Columbia, are working together to develop an innovative approach to help ensure the health of honey bees.



in B.C.’s current real estate regulatory structures and protections against money laundering. Expert panel chair Maureen Maloney, a public policy and dispute resolution professor from Simon Fraser University and former B.C. deputy attorney general, is joined by Somerville, from the University of British Columbia’s Sauder school of business and Unger, from the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands. Both are internationally recognized and respected economists who specialize in real estate finance, public economics and money laundering. A final report with recommendations will be presented to the finance minister in March 2019. Taking action to combat money laundering, tax evasion and tax avoidance is part of the government’s 30-point Plan for Housing Affordability.

The Patrika


Friday, Oct 26th, 2018

Legislation better protects temporary foreign workers from exploitation


eople coming to work in B.C. under the federal Temporary Foreign Worker Program will have better protection against exploitation and abuse as a result of new legislation that has been introduced.

“Workers coming to B.C. want to feel safe, confident their rights are protected, and that abusive employers will be held accountable,” said Harry Bains, Minister of Labour. “The exploitation of anyone working in our province runs against the values of British Columbians. We need to shut any door that allows recruiters or employers to wilfully ignore and abuse the rights of workers in this province.”

imposing tougher penalties for recruiters and employers who violate the legislation, including not just loss of licence or registration but financial penalties and possible jail time. allowing government to recover, and return to workers, any fees charged illegally by recruiters. creating two registries, one for foreign worker recruiters and one for employers, to hold both accountable for their actions and to improve government response to health, housing or other violations of B.C. laws. The registration will be a cost-free and simple online process for employers.

If passed by the legislature, the legislation will improve protection for workers and accountability of recruiters and employers by:

In 2017, the federal government issued approximately 47,620 work permits for foreign nationals destined for B.C., of which 16,865 were issued under the requiring foreign worker recruiters to Temporary Foreign Worker Program. be licensed, and employers who recruit B.C. is second to only Ontario in terms and hire temporary foreign workers to of the number of work permits issued. be registered. Once the legislation receives royal asestablishing criteria for issuing, refus- sent, the Ministry of Labour will take ing, suspending or cancelling a licence next steps to establish the foreign workor registration. er recruiter and employer registries.

B.C. government appoints new chief judge ffective Oct. 19, 2018, British Columbia’s new chief judge will be Melissa Gillespie. She has been serving as the acting chief judge since May 2018 following former chief judge Thomas Crabtree’s appointment to the B.C. Supreme Court.





In addition to sitting assignments, Gillespie has been active in delivering education programs to judges and judicial justices, as well as to the larger legal community and beyond, including her participation in a Justice Education Society project to strengthen the criminal justice system in Guyana. She was also active as a member of the executive of the BC Provincial Court Judges Association for several years.

Gillespie has served the province as an associate chief judge since 2016. She was born and grew up in Calgary. She received her law degree from the University of Toronto and was called Government and the public rely on to the B.C. bar in 1991. judges for their integrity and imparFrom 2000 until 2003, she served tiality, and trust they will deliver fair, as administrative Crown counsel in learned decisions. These qualities are Surrey and then served as regional Crown counsel for the Fraser Region. essential for maintaining the public’s Appointed a Queen’s Counsel (QC) confidence in the courts and are a vital in 2009, Gillespie was sworn in as component of any democratic justice a provincial court judge in February system. The leadership provided by the 2012. Since then, she has presided in chief judge is essential for an effective the Fraser region. justice system for British Columbia.

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The Patrika





bfby aqy mMqrI hkUmq isMG inwJr

jwt dI iËMdgI

pMjfb dy bfby aqy mMqrI

pey mMqrI sfry zrdy ny,

lwKbIr lwkI gwKV nf mÈInfˆ, nf ËmInfˆ, pwly rihxf nhIˆ dfxf.

lgdY dovyˆ hI BfeI BfeI ey

zI[sI[ qfeIˆ aPsr sfry

jy nÈf nf Gr coˆ kwiZaf, krËf kbrfˆ qwk jfxf.

afpo afpxy DMdy aMdr

bfbf jI df pfxI Brdy ny,

iek qyl, bIj, spryafˆ, jwt nUM KUMjy lf idwqf,

dovfˆ rwjky luwt mcfeI ey

ËmIn iksy df kbËf lYxf

Èkl dohfˆ dI momnfˆ vrgI,

jfˆ koeI koTI Cwzdf nhIN,

pfey bfxy iehnfˆ dy icwty ny qusIˆ bfbf jI nf hwQ imlfAu aMdroˆ Pyrn CurI doDfrI,

koeI iehnfˆ qoˆ Bwjdf nhIˆ,

muwK qoˆ bol boldy imwTy ny

nOkrI Auwqy puwq lvfAuxf

bfbf jI lfry lf svrgfˆ dy, jfˆ ivdyÈfˆ ivc mMgvfAuxf,

Bfa aslI, cIËfˆ nklI, buwDU jwt bxf idwqf, kdy rwb vrqfAuNdf afpxI hI mrËI df Bfxf.

ikqy aOV mfrdI zfhZI, kdy ibjlI nhIˆ afAuˆdI, mfVy Jonf, kxk, kpfhfˆ, mMzI bolI nhIˆ lfAuˆdI, iPr awky hoey iksfnfˆ, pYˆdf Ëihr hI Kfxf.

pYsy dy ky bMdf mrvfAuxf sB bfby ikrpf krdy ny, bwcy ikvyˆ pVHfvfˆ, Eey DIafˆ ikvyˆ ivafhvfˆ mYˆ?

dfrU BuwkI aPIm vMzky

bfby bOs bxy ny awj kwlH

Gr lokfˆ dy puwtI jfˆdy ny,

Auwpr vfly qoˆ nf zrdy ny,

dovyˆ hwQ joV mMgdy votfˆ,

mfldfr koeI ivDvf hovy

ieh lfry lwKfˆ lfAuˆdy ny

Jwt ieh jfl ivCfˆdy ny,

afpxf AuwlU iswDf krky

sB kuwJ Aus df vyc vwt ky

muV nf Èkl idKfAuˆdy ny

iPr bfby iqwqr ho jfˆdy ny,

kfr ivdyÈI rwKdy ny bfby,

pwbfˆ c bihky dfrU pIˆdy

nfl gMnmYn aTfrfˆ ny

mfey mYˆ ikAuˆ, BYx iekwlI afˆ nI.

dyK bUty df qn, kmËor nI mfNeyN. godI swq DIafˆ qy cVHI jfvy lor nI mfNeyN.

bUtf mwkI df swq swq CwlIafˆ nI.

swq afeIafˆ qy gl nfl lf leIafˆ. porI porI Auwqy godI `c ibTf leIafˆ. DIafˆ axmol, nf jfxIafˆ suvwlIafˆ nI. bUtf mwkI df swq swq CwlIafˆ nI.

swqy pflLIafˆ Auh lwgIafˆ nf BfrIafˆ. DIafˆ boJ nhIˆ ieh rfj kumfrIafˆ. DIafˆ sfˆBIafˆ, ijAuˆ sony dIaF zlIafˆ nI. bUtf mwkI df swq swq CwlIafˆ nI.

jfˆ dr dr mMgx lwg jfˆ, pf ky Bgvfˆ ijhf bfxf. jy nÈf nf Gr coˆ kwiZaf, krËf kbrfˆ qwk jfxf.

jVy ipMzy Auwqy, moqI anmol nI. jfˆ dyiKaf, puÈk rqf KolH nI.

bult, pocvIafˆ pwgfˆ, jwt nUM ÈOk nhIˆ jInfˆ dy, jwt df isr qfˆ Auwcf huMdY, `lwkI` nfl ËmInfˆ dy, pUrI jwt dI iËMdgI lY ky, iPr vI rwjdf nhIˆ Tfxf. jy nÈf nf Gr coˆ kwiZaf, krËf kbrfˆ qwk jfxf. awj hwsdy hfˆ, awj nwcdy hfˆ qy rwb dI mOj `c vsdy hfˆ,

jUaf KHyzx keI hjfrfˆ df, jy iehI hfl irhf puwqrf, rihxf kwK nI, qfˆ hI dwsdy hfˆ.

inwq cylI nvIˆ Brmf lYˆdy

DMn DMn ieh bfby inwJrf

jy kohV nf ipMzoˆ kwiZaf, jy hor gMd nf dysoˆ kwiZaf,

bfby dIafˆ mOj bhfrfˆ ny,

kI kihxf swcIafˆ

nf mÈInfˆ, nf ËmInfˆ, pwly rihxf nhIˆ dfxf.

phuMc bfby dI sYˆtr qfeIN

srkfrfˆ df.

jy nÈf nf Gr coˆ kwiZaf, krËf kbrfˆ qwk jfxf.


blvMq srfˆ mwdoky bUtf mwkI df swq swq CwlIafˆ nI.

jy nÈf nf Gr coˆ kwiZaf, krËf kbrfˆ qwk jfxf.

dwso ieho ijhy hflfqfˆ ivc, Gr ikvyˆ clfvfˆ mYˆ? mMqrI votfˆ lYx dI Kfqr,


lfeIafˆ CfqI, jo rwb ny GwlIafˆ nI.

jy nÈf nf Gr coˆ kwiZaf, krËf kbrfˆ qwk jfxf. ieh jnqf nUM luwtI jfˆdy ny

Friday, Oct 26th, 2018

mihkfˆ afAux, jwg qoˆ avwlIafˆ nI. bUtf mwkI df swq swq CwlIafˆ nI.

hrIafˆ pihx puÈfkfˆ ax-lwg suwcIafˆ. KuwlHy vfl sunihrI, ijvyˆ mym bwcIafˆ. ijvyˆ cVH mfˆ dI godI myly cwlIafˆ nI. bUtf mwkI df swq swq CwlIafˆ nI.

mwq lY lf mfNeyN CwlIafˆ dI mfˆ qoˆ. nf DIafˆ kuwK ivc mfrIN qUM agfˆh qoˆ. “blvMq srfˆ” nf kr jwg qoˆ kvwlIafˆ nI. bUtf mwkI df swq swq CwlIafˆ nI.

The Patrika


Friday, Oct 26th, 2018




jy afeI pwqJV

bfby nfnk dy nfm iek Éq

surjIq pfqr jy afeI pwqJV qfˆ Pyr kI hY nhIˆ muhwbq koeI msIhf

awj iÌr af peI qyrI loV bfbf.

TfkrI bjfvy twlIafˆ Bjn kry krqfrf,

qUM aglI ruwq `c XkIn rwKIN

qUM ikDry pwQrfˆ coˆ af bOHV bfbf.

vyK qYnUM imlx leI ikdfˆ lwgI af dOV bfbf

lIzr dyÈ nUM luwt luwt KfeI jfˆdy,

mUloˆ ipafrf sUd lY afieaf ivwc knyzy,

hY iksm apxI df ieh qsIhf

mYˆ lwB ky ikiqAuˆ ilafAunfˆ klmfˆ ieh qpdy sihrf `c imrgjl hY

bldyv sIhrf

qUM Puwlfˆ jogI ËmIn rwKIN

n ies `c idl dI qUM mIn rwKIN

ÉOry kdoˆ pYsy dI muwkxI QoVH bfbf?

ieQy mUÜ qy ivafj dovyˆ krn CqOV bfbf.

iksy vI ÈIÈy `c aks afpxf

agn `c bl ky hvf `c rl ky

bMdy knyzf `c keI ivafh krfeI jfˆdy,

qyry dyÈ `c bMdy qIvIˆafˆ nUM JMbI jfˆdy,

gMDldf qwk n Audfs hovIˆ

n afAuxf dyKx asfˆ ny Blky

ieQy lfVy lfVIafˆ dI nf QoV bfbf.

puwCo qy kihx ieh agoˆ boldI kOV bfbf.

sjn dI inrml ndr `c hrdm

asfzy mgroˆ qUM nfm sfzy nUM

ieQy awj lYx lfvfˆ kwlH dOV jfvx,

dUey qIey jnfnIafˆ vI bMdy cukfeI rwKx,

qUM iDafn apxy nUM lIn rwKIN

pfk rwKIˆ mlIn rwKIN

ieh icMbVy smfj nUM bx koHV bfbf.

puwCo qfˆ kihx ey huMdf sI bVf agoˆ cOV bfbf.

iksy nUM mfrn df ZMg ey ieh vI

hnHyirafˆ df ielfj kI hY

jy lokfˆ nUM mwq dI gwl dso qfˆ awgoˆ,

vyKo ieQy bMdf hI bMdy nUM hY KfeI jfˆdf,

ik ÈIÈIafˆ `c ivkfr pfvo

ieh buJ ky jIxf irvfj kI hY

ieEˆ Jfkx ijEˆ Jfky mwJ kOV bfbf.

ijEˆ kIVf Kfvy dMd `c bV KoV bfbf.

qy ÈKsoˆ pihlfˆ hI aks mfro

bÜx ibnfˆ hI imlygf cfnx

rfjy jMmx vflIafˆ nUM ikEˆ mfVf khIey,

muMzy ajy kwlH Auqry ivc srI knyzf,

so Kud `c pUrf XkIn rwKIˆ

ieh afs idl ivc kdI n rwKIN

ienfˆH kuwKfˆ koh bdn idwqy mroV bfbf.

kMnI pf muMdrfˆ bxy iÌrn lgOV bfbf.

ilbfs mMgfˆ n Et mMgfˆ

vPf dy vfady, ieh aihdy ierfdy

ijhVy kfiql DIafˆ nUM kwuKfˆ ivc mfrdy,

knyzf leI muMzy kuVIafˆ ivkx `c mMzI,

n prdfdfrI df Kot mMgfˆ

rhI n iÈwdq qfˆ Pyr kfhdy

ivKf cmqkfr pf ienfˆH nUM qUM koHV bfbf.

muwl pvy ienfˆH df keI keI lwK kroV bfbf.

qyry dyÈ `c inwq bMdy blfqkfr krdy,

vyKo mfpy kmOx pYsy juafk AuzfeI jfˆdy,

bws apxI AulPq dy Auhilafˆ ivc ieh rIqfˆ rsmfˆ ieh kOl ksmfˆ qUM mYnUM prdfnÈIn rwKIN

qUM iÈwdqfˆ dy aDIn rwKIN

kdy af ky ienfˆH dI igwcI mroV bfbf.

ieQy awgf hoieaf dOV ipwCf cOV bfbf.

pqf nf lwgy ieh cMn qfry

mYˆ qyry bfJoˆ kI puwgxf hY

qyry nfm AWuqy sfD zyry clfeI jfvx,

ieQy muMzy kuVIafˆ zuwb gey `c niÈafˆ dy,

bdn hY jfˆ ik ilbfs qyrf

iKlfvfˆ aMdr kI Auwgxf hY

ieh khOx bfby pr aMdroˆ lgOV bfbf.

ijEˆ zuwbdf jfvy pfxI ivc roV bfbf.

qUM apxI kudrq qy apxy ivclf

mYˆ aMq ikrnf hY bIj bx ky

lMby colLy moty iZwzfˆ vfly zyry KolLI bYTy ,

Xfro ieQy aMnHI nUM bolLf GVIsI iÌrdf,

ieh prdf ieAuˆ hI mhIn rwKIN

Ërf ku iswlI ËmIn rwKIˆ

vfˆg Joitafˆ ienfˆH dy bVy bVy pOV bfbf.

ieh aYvyˆ gwlfˆ dy bxfeI jfx bqOV bfbf.

imlfp ivc vI koeI ivCoVf

bury idnfˆ qoˆ zrIN n pfqr

jy golk `coˆ pYsy corI kwZdy PVy jfx,

ieQy inGr igaf hY qyrf smfj bfbf,

hmyÈ rihMdf ey QoVHf QoVHf

Bly idnfˆ nUM ilafAux Kfqr

qfˆ kihx izgdf sdf hI svfr GoV bfbf.

af kwZ rotI coˆ muV lhU incoV bfbf.

Guly plfˆ `c khy koeI

qUM isdk idl ivc qy afs rUh ivc

bMdy qyrIafˆ Ìotoafˆ bxf bxf bycI jfˆdy,

dyv krdf arjoLeI dovyˆ hwQ joV bfbf,

n Guly rihx df XkIn rwKIN

nËr `c supny husIn rwKIN

kihMdy hux rhU nf pYsy dI QoV bfbf.

af jf awj iÌr pY geI qyrI loV bfbf. PAGE 29

The Patrika





Friday, Oct 26th, 2018

kqwk sMkRFqI


joiqS, Eqy  Eqy 604-751-0220 kro





myK – KUn kI KrfbI, corI aqy TwgI qoN bco. gupq sLqrU qoN sfvDfn rho. inwjI lokF nfl lVfeI JgVf, sMqfn qy iesqrI pwK qoN icMqf, kfrobfr ivwc Gftf, akqUbr 22,23,31, nvMbr 1,9,10 asLuwB.

New people can come into your life or new directions with those you know can begin to take shape. Something initially agreed upon could suddenly change from someone else’s perspective. The best way to see where you stand is to make your own priorities clear. However, expect some secretiveness on the part of others.

You should be left in no doubt as to what somebody else thinks, especially if they expect some sort of commitment or role of responsibility from you. They may have to realise that you are changing from what you have normally been. There may be little choice but to challenge any pressure you feel is unfair and won’t accept.

  ibRK – mn dI sLFqI gupq icMqf, afriQk lfB qy Krc brfbr, sMqfn aqy iesqrI dy pwKoN suwK, kfrobfr ivwc hfnI, kMm bdlI df ivcfr, akqUbr 24,25,26, nvMbr, 2,3,11,12 asLuwB.





imQun – isr aqy nyqr ksLt, krjLf isr cVHygf, mn dI asLFqI, GrylU JgiVaF qo bcfE, iesqrI ksLt , kMm bdlx ivwc hfnI, akqUbr 17,18,19,27,28 nvMbr 4,5,13,14,15 asLuwB.

krk – gupq icMqf, kroD ivwc vfDf, dusLmn hfnI krygf, kfrobfr mwDm, PjLUl GrylU JgiVaF qoN bco. akqUbr 20,21,29,30 nvMbr 6,7,8,asLuwB.



isMG – svfrI jF Xfqrf qoN cot df zr, ishq ivwc ivgfV, Dn lfB aqy hfnI brfbr, afpxy lokF nfl ivgfV, XojnfvF bxngIaF, kfrobfr ivwc Gftf hox dI sMBfvnf, akqUbr 22, 23, 31 nvMbr 1,9,10 asLuB.



kMinafN – ishq TIk suqMqr rUp ivwc kfrobfr qoN Gftf, GrylU JgVf, sMqfn ihq ivsLysL Krc, iesqrI suK, kfrobfr ivwc rwdo bdl ho skdf hY. akqUbr 24,25, 26 nvMbr 2,3,11,12 asLuwB.

7 

qulf- vfXU ivkfr, kfrobfr TIk, AuqsLfh ivwc vfDf, GrylU JMjtF qoN duwK pRfpqI, asLFqI , iesqrI pwKoN icMqf pRfpq hovygI, akqUbr 17,18,19,27,28 nvMbr 4,5,13,14,15 asLuwB.



ibRsLick – ishq TIk, AuqsLfh ivwc vfDf, Dn lfB mwDm, iesqrI ksLt, kfrobfr ivwc Gftf, Krc aiDk, ivlfsqf ivwc mn lgygf. akqUbr 20,21,29,30 nvMbr 6,7,8,asLuwB.



DnU – ishq ivwc ivgfV, Dn lfB, afmdn qoN vwD Krc hovygf, kfrobfr ivwc vfDf, kMm jF kfrj sQfn bdlx df ivcfr, akqUbr 22, 23, 31 nvMbr 1,9,10 asLuB.

10 

mkr – gupq icMqf, afpxy lokF nfl GgVy dI siQqI, iesqrI suwK, sMqfn qoN pRysLfnI, kfrobfr Twp rhygf, akqUbr 24,25,26, nvMbr, 2,3,11,12 asLuB.

11  kuMB – KUn ipwq ivkfr, Dn hfnI, imwqr bMDUaF df sihXog, dusLmx qoN pRysLfnI, iesqrI ksLt, sMqfn suwK, kfrobfr ivwc suDfr. akqUbr 17,18,19,27,28 nvMbr 4,5,13,14,15 asLuwB.



mIn – ishq TIk, Dn lfB, acfnk Dn dy Krc dI siQqI bxygI, iesqrI pwKoN icMqf, gupq sLqrU aqy PjLUl JgiVaF qoN dUr rho. akqUbr 20,21,29,30 nvMbr 6,7,8, asLuwB.


A new approach to the nice but unnecessary things in life may need to be taken, especially if this means you have been ignoring detail or slipping back on matters that need to be dealt with regularly. You are in a good position to realise how the necessary things in life can be streamlined to free you up to pursue other likings.

Something you have been focussed on getting in place or sorting out recently can now take any new direction you have wanted. This could also involve matters to do with home and family. It may not be as you expected but it will certainly be a weight of your mind. You may still need to resist pressure coming from others.

Where you have been subject to distraction of late you can now become more determined to not respond to these things anymore, mainly because there are things you need to get organised. Pressure can come from others, especially in situations where something hasn’t been fully sorted out in the past. Get to it.

Information you have been weighing up could suddenly make sense. This could be advantageous where finances are concerned, by providing a new perspective. Go with your own thoughts as you have had continuous cycles focussing you in a straightforward manner on details, which should have strengthened your natural skills in this direction.

The New Moon this week occurs in your sign providing you with the opportunity to tackle things in a new way or to set yourself on a new path. It makes a powerful connection to Pluto that can generate intense determination. Rethinking your finances or spending can emerge unexpectedly as something that requires focus.

Mercury, the planet of thought and communication moves into your sign this week where it will remain until 30th October. Almost immediately you may need to focus on how best respond to unexpected matters with someone else. Don’t be tempted to react too quickly. You are well placed to be able to target actions effectively.

There is too much going on behind the scenes for you to be certain about how best to express your own thoughts or ideas. Even so, if you get annoyed you will be tempted to be verbally aggressive but this won’t bring anything into the open. Better to put these energies into finding out information that can be helpful.

This is a good time to commit yourself seriously with anything that should be given better attention. There can be a sudden renewal of focus on what should take priority. This can make you feel quite pleased with yourself as well as encouraging you to stay on the path. Taking action with a financial matter can be part of it.

Your vision of future possibilities can take a new direction that feels powerful to you, even though complete knowledge of the outcome will not be comprehensible. You may need to take further action on something you have dealt with in the past, perhaps because of information that arises in a most unexpected manner.

Being determined about certain priorities can result in a change of direction when it comes to pressure from someone else. This can result in a better view of what they really think, which makes you realise that entering into conversation might be a good thing for you gain more awareness. This can result in reviewing your goals.

The Patrika


Friday, Oct 26th, 2018




pMnHf 17 dI bfkI iwk ielhfmI ivDI shMqf jF mfrg drsLI gRMQ hY ijs ivwc Aukq drsfey pRsLnF dy Auwqr lwBx leI kuMjI, aiDkfr sMpMn inrdysLfqmk dsqfvyjL, sMpMnsLIl juigqI aqy jIvn dI hr smwisaf nUM hwl krn dy sfDn vI mOjUd hn. mnuwKI sLRyxI df suBfg hY ik ieh drgfhI gRMQ siqgurU arjn sfihb jI dy kr kmlF duafrf agsq 16, sMn 1604 eI nUM pfvn hirmMdr sfihb ivwc pihlI dPf pRkfsL hoieaf. ieh Dur kI bfxI df gRMQ, smyN dy anykF JwKVF nUM pfr krdf hoieaf awj smUh mnuwKqf pRiq mfrg drsLn hY. Dur kI bfxI dy rcn kfl qoN hI ies hsqI nUM imtfvx ihwq anykF pRkfr dy hfnIkfrk afkRmx hoey, pRMqU ieh rwbI sMdysL sdIvI iQr abdl aqy rwbI bMidaF dy ihridaF ivwc, GrF ivwc, gurdvfiraF ivwc kfiem irhf hY aqy rhygf. ies dunIaF ivwc hr vsqU df ivnfsL hovygf pr siqgurU pfiqsLfh jI vwloN bKsLsL kIqf hoieaf drgfhI bcn “afid sRI grU gRMQ sfihb jI” hmysLF hI atwl rhygf. ijvyN:

pVH skdf hY. jdoN asIN ieMnHF ikqfbF df mylfn “ afid sRI guru gRQM sfihb jI” Dur drgfhI bfxI nfl krdy aqy svYm qOr qy inrxfmqmk ZMg duafrf inrIKx krdy hF qd qurMq hI ieh Byd KulH ky asfzy sfhmxy af jFdf hY ik ienHF sfrIaF ikqfbF dy kuJ BfgF iwvc swc pRiq gwl kIqI geI hY, pr buinafdI qOr qy ienHF sfrIaF ikqfbF df ivkfs iksy BMblBUsfvlI aqy BtkI hoeI syD vwl iesLfrf krdf hY. afrMBk qOr qy ieh sfrIaF hI aiq lGU mfqrF ivwc swc dI cmk pRgt krdIaF hn, pR ieMnhF df smucf aMq DMUey dy bwdlF ivwc alop hox qoN isvfie hor kuJ vI nhIN hY. iksy hwd qwk iek ieqPfkIaf acncyqI aflock bhqu jldI ies Byd nUM smJ skdf hY ik pfvn gurbfxI dI mUl DunI ienHF ikqfbF nfloN vKrI sMpMn sLIlqf hY. sfrI dunIaF ivwc kyvl aqy kyvl gurmiq dI iswiKaf hI aYsI amolk vsqU hY, jo dunIafN dy iensfn nUM duvwlI nIqI ivwcoN kwZ ky kyvl iekFgI mfrg dy afsry aBydqf iwvc pRivsLq krdI hY. inrsMdyh kyvl Dur kI bfxI hI kurfhy peI inis bfsur niKaqR ibnfsI riv ssIar dunIafN vfsqy acuwk, BrosyXog aqy avwsL bynfDf.. BfvI mfrg hY. igir bsuDf jl pvn jfiego ieik sfD pfvn Dur kI bfxI dI ilKq nUM sMpUrxqf bcn atlfDf.. dy Kyqr ivwc ilafvn ihwq keI sdIaF df smF cfhIdf sI. afid sRI gurU gMRQ sfihb sfrg mhlf 5 pMnf 1204.6 ivwc bfrHvIN sdI qoN sqfrHvIN sdI qwk hoey pfvn gurbfxI dy ilKx df kfrn iksy iekqflI rwbI ilKfrIaF dy amoilk bcn iensfn dI soc nhIN hY, blik ies dy ilKy siqgurU arjn sfihb jI ny aMkq kIqy jfx df kfrn vfihgUrU ny afp ricaf hY, hn. dubfrf ies pfvn gRMQ dI isrjnf sMn qFik sMsfrI jIvF nUM mukqI bKsLx vflI 1706 eI ivwc dsmysL ipqf jI ny mhlf 9 vfihgUrU dI rcI hoeI qrqIb iBMn iBMn dI bfxI sLfml kIqI. ijqny vI ilKfrIaF ZMgF duafrf aiBaivakq (pRgt) kiqI dI bfxI “afid sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb ivwc jf sky. “afid sRI guru gRMQ sfihb jI” dI drj kIqI hY ieh sfry hI rwbI ilKfrI sn rcnf df vwzf kfrn iehI hY ik vfihgurU ny jo iewk dUjy nfloN keI Auqpfdn pIVHIaF dy afpxy bwicaF vfsqy iksy BulyKy qoN rihq Prk nfl pRgt huMdy rhy. ieMnHF ilKfrIaF ny ieh pRgt kIqf hY ik Dur kI bfxI vfihgurU Auh kuJ nhIN iliKaf jo kuJ ieh socdy jF df ricaf hoieaf sdIvI iQr rihx vflf icqvx krdy sn, blik ieMnHF ny kyvl AuhI drgfhI Purmfn hY. sMBv hY ik duinafvI iliKaf jo kuJ rwbI isDFq ivwc sLfml sI lok ies drgfhI sLbd dy rFhIN vfihgurU qfik pRikRqI dy jIv rwbI pRkfsL dy ielfhI dI prf bKsLsL, sdIvI sMpMnqf, dfnfeI sMdysL nfl juVy rihx. jYsI drgfhI pRyrnf aqy ipafr dy agMmI rs nUM mfxdy hoey, ienHF pRiq vfihgurU vwloN nfjLl huMdI rhI, suasqavsQI jIvn syD lY skx. pfvn ienHF ny AuhI kuJ iliKaf jo kuJ ilKx gurbfxI dI drgfhI syD qoN ibnF, inrsMdyh vfsqy vfihgurU ny ienHF nUM afsmfnI pRyrxf smuwcI dunIafN, cfnx munfiraF qoN swKxI idwqI. ijvyN: mfrg drsLI qoN ivrvI, iewk DuMdrflI aqy Qf mY kihaf khxu jf quJY khfieaf.. iBafnk jGf hovygI. gurmiq dI iswiKaf suBfvk hI ieqnI srl aqy Xog hY, ijs ivwc vfihgUrU df ielhfm insLicq qOr qy aiBivakq kIqf igaf hY. ies dunIaf ivwc anykF hI DrmF vwloN svYm ricq aMjIlF bfeIblF aqy rwb dy nF qy rcIaF hoeIaF bhuq sfrIaF, mnoklpq ikqfbF mOjUd hn. ies sfrIaF hI BrosyXog AuliQaF aqy nvIn rUpFqrx duafrf duinafvI bfjL f rF ivw co N su l Bq hn. ieMnhF ikqfbF nUM koeI vI iensfn

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The Patrika



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Friday, Oct 26th, 2018

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dlIp kOr AudoN mYN nvIN nvIN Pst eIar ivwc dfKl hoeI sF. kuJ AuTdI jvfnI dUjf hostl df romFitk mfhOl, qIjy iPlmF dyKx qy nfvl pVHn dy sLOk ny myry mn ivwc aYsf PqUr Biraf ik hr vyly drid idl dy hI supny lYNdI irhF krF. iKaflF hI iKaflF ivwc hIr nUM zIk lf ky jLihr pINidaF qwkdI, QlF ivwc sVdI swsI dy sVdy sIny dI qpsL mihsUs krdI, zuwbdI sohxI df ipr dyKx dI afs vflIaF awKIaF df qrlf suxdI, qy muV muV AuhnF nUM ipafr sLhIdxF afK afK vizafAuNdI.

itvfxf ik Auh sKq bVI sI. sLfied ies krky ik Aus dy aMdr koeI swDrF nhIN sn idsdIaF. Auh afpxy kMm qy hr vyly cOks rihMdI. kuVIaF dIaF sfrIaF icwTIaF pVH ky idMdI. bfjLfr jfx vyly afp nfl jFdI. Epry iksy nUM Auh imlx nF idMdI qy hostl qoN kflj jfx vyly vI cpVfsI kuVIaF dy nfl ByjdI. jdoN kdy Auh iksy kuVI kol iksy muMzy df Kq dyKdI, bs tuwt ky pY jFdI. sfrf idn grjdI rihMdI, GUrdI rihMdI, afkVdI rihMdI. ieh sB bkvfs hY, DoKf hY, kuVIaF Puslfx dI cfl hY� Auh muV muV kihMdI qy afpxy lPjLF dI scfeI sfbq krn leI anykF JUTIaF swcIaF imsflF Auh lwB lwB ilafAuNdI. afpxy BivsL qy afpxy Kfndfn bfbq socdy hoey sfvDfn rihx dI Auh muV muV icqfvnI krdI qy afKr kflj ivcoN kZvf dyx dIaF Auh DmkIaF idMdI.

BfvyN myrf afpxf rFJf koeI nhIN sI pr myrf bVf idl krdf jy koeI hovy, myry leI ieAuN qVpy, ieAuN suwky qy ieAuN kurbfn ho jfvy. pr awj jLmfnf hor ey. rFJy qF bQyry, Auh lMmy lMmy Kq ilK skdy ny, moty moty hMJU vhf skdy ny, pr Auh idl df drd ikwQy? ijhVf vfirssLfh sfzI khfxI ilKygf? Auh socdy ny. sfrIaF ku V IaF bu w q bxIaF su x dIaF rihM d IaF, so c dIaF rihM d IaF qy rIqf pr ieAuN nf afKo. sLfied hryk kuVI dy ipwCy BYx jI dy clI jfx mgroN vzIaF jmfqF qurn vfilaF rFiJaF qoN ibnF koeI cwj df dIaF kuVIaF CotIaF nUM dsdIaF, AuNJ vI twkr jFdf, jy sfzI vfrzn, kMbKq eynI qy rIqf BYx jI bVy cMgy ny, kuVIaF df sKq nf huMdI. kuVIaF ny Asu df nfAuN pwQr bVf iKafl rwKdy ny pr ieho ijhI jdoN dI mUrqI pf rwiKaf sI. sLfied ies krky koeI gwl ho jfvy iPr bVf nrfjL huMdy ny. ik Auh sohxI bVI sI. sfied ies krky

The Patrika


Friday, Oct 26th, 2018

sfrf idn rotI nhIN KFdy. sfrI sfrI rfq hostl dy lfn ivwc hI iPrdy rihMdy ny. pihrydfr nUM AUNGx qy muV muV zFtdy ny. pqf nHIN ikAuN? ieh ies gwloN bVy sKq ny.’ pr mYN socdI, rIqf BYx jI ipafr nUM smJ nf skdI hovy, ieh qF ho nhIN skdf. Auh khfxIaF ilKdI hY, Auh kivqf kihMdI hY, Auh gfxf gfAuxf vI jfxdI hY. ZyrF dy Zyr ikqfbF nfl Aus dIaF almfrIaF BrIaF rihMdIaF ny. sohxI vI qy Auh Gwt nhIN. AuproN AuproN dyKx nUM BfvyN Aus dy byprvfhI nfl pfey kwpiVaF qoN rwuKy rwuKy byiDafny vfhy vflF qoN qy pwQr vrgy ktmy qy aihl nksLF Auwqy jMmI ktfKsL qy nPrq qoN Auh jMglI ijhI lgdI ey, pr iDafn nflL dyiKaF cOvIaF awKF dy nIlwqx ivwc, idsy nksLF dIaF zUMGfeIaF ivwc Auh bVI sohxI jfpdI sI.




afKx lwgI..”pMmI qUM huxy myry kmry ivwc “ieh lVkf grIb sI” rIqf BYx jI ny Poto vwl iesLfrf krdy hoey kihxf sLurU kIqf. cwl…….” “mYN afpxy Krc iwvcoN pYsy dy ky ies dI Auh bfkI hostl df cwkr lfAux clI geI. pVHfeI ivwc mdd krdI rhI. lV lV ruws mYN bVf hI zrI. myry kmry dIaF hor kuVIaF ruws mYN afpxy Gr idaF nUM ies nflL mMgxy vI sihm geIaF. koeI afKdI, “qyry ipqf qy rfjLI kIqf, ikAuNik quhfzy lokF vFg mYN jI nUM icwTI ilKygI” qy mYN qryilAu qrylI ho vI AudoN iehI socdI sI ijwQy ipafr hY AuQy jFdI. koeI kihMdI, “ipRMsIpl kolL sLkfieq sB kuJ hY. lgfeygI.” koeI kihMdI , “hostl dIaF “mMgxy qoN mgroN ies dI qIbr cfh vlYq sfrIaF kuVIaF nUM qyry nfl bolxoN htf jfx dI sI. mYN ro ro afpxy pRoPysr ipE dyvygI>” koeI kihMdI “iJVkygI”. koeI nuM mnf ilaf ik ijMnfN pYsf myry ivafh qy kihMdI “mfrygI”. qy mYN qRih qRih jFdI. lfAuxf hY ies nUM vlYq jfx leI dy idqf sihm sihm qwkdI. afKr zrdI zrdI mYN jfvy ipafr leI qF lok jfn kurbfn kr rIqf BYx jI dy kmry ivwc geI. idMdy hn. kI mYN ieMJ vI nhIN kr skdI? “bYT, kursI vwl iesLfrf krdy hoey Aus mYnUM bfr bfr iKLafl afAuNdf. mYN afp nOkrI kr leI. isrP 25 rupey afp rwK ky zyZ ny ruwKI nfl ikhf. ikMnf icr Auh myry vwl sO Aus nUM Byj idMdI. qwkdI rhI qy mYN njLrF nIvIaF suwtI bYTI rhI “do sfl mgroN Auh iewk nrs nfl ivafh krf ky prq afieaf hY qy kihMdf hY, “mYN “pMmI, mYN qF qYnUM sB qoN isafxI kuVI qyrf sB rupeIaf vfps kr idaFgf.” ieh smJdI sF”. myrI afs qoN Ault Aus dI afK rIqf BYx jI cuwp kr geI. myrf vI avfjL bVI nrm qy drd vflI sI. idl Br afieaf. hmrdI nfl mYN Aus vwl mYN iewk vfrI Aus vwl qwk ky iPr nIvIN qwikaf. ichry qy iewk akih pIV sI qy pIV ivwc ZlL ky Ausdy nksL aiq koml bx gey pf leI. sn. AUN byvPf muMzy leI myrf idl iglafnI “jy koeI hor kuVI ieAuN krdI, mYN Aus dI nfl Br igaf. qy mYN kuJ soc hI rhI sF Kbr ivwc nhIN , “mYN dyiKaf iewk drd Aus ik rIqf BYx jI bolI, “pMmI , bcpn ivwc dy nksLF qy Cf igaf sI. bxfeIaF ieh rucIaF bVf aOKf krdIaF “qusIN eyzy nfrfjL ikAuN huMdy ho, BYx jI? mYN ny… rwb bcfeI rwKy. ieh ipafr ipAUr kuJ nhIN huMdf. inrf bkvfs huMdf. hOslf kr ky puwiCaf.

do cfr idnF ivwc gwl TMZI pY geI pr mYN muV muV socdI ikqy rIqf BYx jI TIk hI qF nhIN afKdy. ikqy swc muc hI vIhvIN sdI dy sfry hI mrd ieho ijhy qF nhIN ho gey? qy ies dy nfl hI mYnUM afpxy ipMz dI cUhiVaF dI kuVI df iKafl af igaf ijs df pRymI pihlF AUnuM kwZ ky lY igaf qy awgy iksy hor kol vyc afieaf. mYnuM aKbfr ivwcoN pVHI Kbr vI swcI lwgx lgI ik iewk kuVI ny hotl dy koTy qoN Cfl mfr idwqI ikAuNik AUSdf pRymI Aus dy GroN ilaFdy sfry gihxy lY ky Prfr ho igaf. qy mYnuM BwulIaF BulfeIaF keI khfxIaF vI Xfd af geIaF ijMnhF ivwc ipafr rIqf BYx jI dy kihx anusfr, sB bkvfs hI sfbq huMdf hY… socdy socdy myrf isr ckrfAux lwg jFdf.

“qyry vws dI gwl nhIN, pMmI . ieh Aumr hI aijhI huMdI aY, mYN vI kdy qyry vFg hI soicaf krdI sI… cMgf qyrI mrjLI . jfh…., jf ky afpxf kMm kr, pr ieh gwlF iksy kol nf krIN” rIqf BYx jI ny aiq pIVq afvfjL iwvc ikhf.

myry hfx dIaF sB ivafhIaF geIaF ny qy sB twbrF vflLIaF ny. keI vfrI koeI imldI hY qF afpxIaF hI gwlF afpxy hI kMm ivwc eynI ruwJI idsdI hY ik myrIaF gwlF suxn dI ijvyN iksy nUM ivhl hI nhIN huMdI.

kI ies ny kdy nhIN cfihaf ik koeI myry kwd bwuq nUM slfhy, koeI myry nksLF dI qrIP kry, koeI myry vflLF ivwc hwQ Pyry, koeI myry vwl imwTf imwTf qwky, koeI myry nflL inwkIaF inwkIaF gwlF kry, koeI mYYnUM CyVy, qfvy, iKJfvy qy iPr afp hI af ky mnfvy. mYN muV muV socdI, tk lf lf Auhdy mUMh vwl qwkdI, Aus dIaF awKF ivwc JfkdI. rIqf BYx jI eynI sKq huMdI hoeI vI pqf nHIN ikAuN mYnUM bVI cMgI lgdI sI. qy rIqf BYx jI jdoN hws hws myry nfl gwlF krdI, keI vfrI dyr qwk suwqy rihx jF rotI nfl corIEN afcfr Kf lYx df ksUr njLr aMdfjL kr jfNdI, keI afpxIaF ikqfbF pVHn leI dy “ies leI ik mYnUM quhfzy nfl hmdrdI hY. idMdI qF kuVIaF mYnuM bVf CyVdIaF, “bIbI pwQr pMGfr kur, AuhnF myrf nfAuN pf ilaf “pr BYx jI, sfzy gurU, tYgor qy hor anykF klfkfrF ny qF sgoN ….” sI. pqf nhIN ikAuN rIqf BYx jI myrf bVf iKafl rwKdy sn qy bVf ipafr krdy sn. vfk myry sMG ivwc hI atk igaf jdoN mYN dUjIaF kuVIaF Aus qoN bVf zrdIaF sn. dyiKaf rIqf BYx jI itk bMnHI myry vwl vyK jdoN Auh cwkr mfrn afAuNdI Auh nfvl rhI hY. ikMnf icr Auh myry vwl qwkdI rhI luko CwzdIaF. aYktRYsF dIaF qsvIrF Zk qy iPr kuJ socdI ijhI Auh AuWT ky dUsry idMdIaF. pfAUzr krImF dIaF sLIsLIaF qy kmry ivwc clI geI. jdoN muV ky afeI Aus qOlIey pf idMdIaF qy cwup cfp afpxIaF dy hwQ ivwc iewk Poto qy Qwbf sfrf icwTIaF ikqfbF pVHn lwg jFdIaF. kuVIaF vwl df sI. Poto mYN dyKI. iewk muMzf rIqf BYx jI Auh GUr GUr qkdI “qUM awj tyZf cIr dy vflLF ivwc Puwl tMg irhf sI qy dovyN aiq ikAuN kwiZaf ey? ieh inEijLaF dy iClV KusL idsdy sn. aMdr kIhny iswty ny? ieh eynf pqlf kmIjL kIhdf hY? afid tokf tokI krdI ies qoN ipwCoN AuhnF mYNnUM icwTIaF pVHn leI pr myry kol af ky Auh jLrUr muskrf pYNdI, ikhf, icwTIaF sYNkVy sn pr mYN do cfr hI pVHIaF, AuhnF ivwc rIqf BYx jI dy suhwpx mYN hYrfn sF. nUM slfihaf hoieaf sI, Aus dI isafxp dI iewk idn iPr sMgqF dI vfrI af geI. mYN vizafeI kIqI hoeI sI. AuhnF icwTIaF ivwc gurbKsL isMG dI anoKy qy iekwly ikqfb ipafr pRBU hY, rUhF df irsLqf hY, ajLlI pVHn ivwc aYnI msq sI ik sfQxF dy KMGUry iKwHc hY, afid, dwisaf hoieaf sI. swcI sFJ vI nf suxy, iesLfry vI nf qwky qy AudoN hI dy dfavy sn, nf ivCVn dIaF ksmF sn. pqf lwigaf jdoN rIqf BYx jI myry isr qy AuhnF ivwc ipafr iBwjy bol sn. ipafr dy af KVoqI.mYN BvMqr geI. kbol sn. mYN qswlI nfl rIqf BYx jI vwl ikqfb myry koloN guwsy nfl Koh leI qy awg qwikaf pr AuhnF dy nksLF qy pwQr vrgI vrsfAuxIaF awKF nfl myry vwl qwkdI sKqI af geI sI.

pqf nhIN ieh ikhf vkq sI, ikhI GVI sI qy rIqf BYx jI df ikhf pRBfv sI ik hOlLI hOlLI, mYnUM hr afdmI qy AuhdI hr rfey bkvfs lwgx lwg peI. iesy kr ky mYN cfhuMdI hoeI vI iksy nUM ipafr nhIN kr skI. iksy qy ieqbfr nhIN kr skI iksy df shfrf nhIN lY skI qy iksy df shfrf nhIN bx skI.

jIvn dy keI moVF qy kwuJ plkF myry vwl AuWTIaf, pr myrIaF iqrCIaF njLrF, qnjL Bry bol, ktfKsL BrIaF coBF sux Auh prqdy rhy. pr AUhnF iwvcoN iewk aijhf vI sI ijs nUM mYN sB qoN ZIT smiJaf krdI sF. AUh kihMdf huMdf sI, “pMmI qUM bVI ruwKI “pr BYx jI, mYN kuJ kihx hI vflI sF ik eyN, pr Pyr vI pqf nhIN ikAuN qUM mYnUM bVI AuhnF gwl tok ky ikhf…. cMgI lgdI eyN. “qUM pMmI ajy CotI aYN , ienHF gwlF nUM nhIN bkvfs hY, mYN socdI. Auh cilaf igaf. smJdI aj swsIaF sohxIaF df jLmfnf ivafh kr ilaf, bwcy ho gey. ruJyivaF nhIN. vIhvIN sdI df mnuwK bVf clfk hY ivwc ruJ igaf. pr hux kdy kdy Auh sfzy ienHF qoN bc ky rihxf cfhIdf hY. Gr afAuNdf ey. sfzy keI kMm kr jFdf ey. “pr, BYx jI, sfry afdmI iewko ijhy nhIN jdoN afAuNdf ey, iewk iKHwc, iewk bybsI, Aus huMdy. rIqf BYx jI ny myry vwl ktfKsL nflL dIaF awKF ivwc huMdI hY. pr myrI bdnfmI qwikaf, AuhnF dy ichry qy iPr pihlF vrgI qoN zrdf, afpxI bdnfmI qoN zrdf, Auh bwjrqf af geI. hmysLF isafixaF vFg rihMdf hY.

koeI kMm suJdf nhIN, koeI ryJyvF lBdf nhIN. iksy sohxy ijhy bwcy nUM dyK ky jfxI myrf kfljf Kwusx lg jFdf ey. twbrF tIhrF ivwc rcIaF imcIaF jLnfnIaF nUM dyK mYnuM pqf nhIN ikAuN iewk eIrKf ijhI huMdI ey qy “kwuJ vI nhIN” mYN afK CzdI.”aMdr iJVkF awj jdoN mYN qIhF sflF qoN AuWqy iewk aijhy Kf ky, bfhr hr muMzf kuVI iehI kihMdf huMdf moV qy phuMc geI hF, ijwQy ieklfpf vwZ ey, mYnUM qF sLfbfsLy dyx nUM swidaf sI,” koeI vwZ KfNdf ey, mYN muV muV socdI hF kI swc muc hI “ieh sB bkvfs hY?” koeI qnjL nfl afKdI. kuVIaF mYnUM AuzIk rhIaF sn. ibVkF lY rhIaF sn. afAuNdI nUM hI puwCx lwgIaF, “pMmI, Pyr kI hoieaf? kI ikhf? kI bIqI qyry nfl?


The Patrika





Friday, Oct 26th, 2018

iswiKaf mMqrI dI sKqI kfˆgrs leI bxI musIbq, keI mMqrI qy ivDfiek byhwd aOKy aiDafpkfˆ dIaf qnKfhfˆ ôõ,úúú qoˆ Gtf ky ñõ,úúú rupey krn qy ies dy ivroD krn vfly XUnIan lIzrfˆ dI muawqlI qy lgfqfr bdÜIafˆ ny pMjfb srkfr nUM ksUqI hflq ivwc Psf idwqf hY . kfˆgrs dy sInIar lIzr ies gwl nUM lY ky iPkrmMd hn ik coxfˆ qoˆ mihj Cy-swq mhIny pihlfˆ mulfËmfˆ jQybMdIafˆ df srkfr iKlfP roh vwzf nuksfn phuMcf skdf hY. kfˆgrs dy mMqrI qy ivDfiek aMdro-aMdrI ies gwloˆ vI aOKy hn ik iswiKaf mMqrI EpI sonI qy iswiKaf skwqr ikRÈn kumfr dI sKqI AunHfˆ leI kfˆgrs nUM lwgx lwgf brgfVI morcf df syk vI musIbq bxdI jf rhI hY . ieh vI crcf hY ik muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG srkfr `qy viDaf dbfa byadbI mfmilafˆ nUM lY ky iswK sMgq ivwc ÈRomxI akflI dl vI iswiKaf mMqrI qy iswiKaf skwqr ikRÈn kumfr dI kfrËÈYlI qoˆ aOKy hn .ies krky dy nfl nfl kfˆgrs pRqI vI ros vD irhf hY .aYqvfr nUM brgfVI ivwc bihbl kfˆz dI ienHfˆ dI CuwtI ho skdI hY . qIjI vryHgMZ mOky krvfey ÈhIdI smfgm dOrfn byÈwk kfˆgrsI mMqrIafˆ ny vI hfËrI gwlbfq tuwtx mgroˆ pMjfbI XUnIvristI BrI pr brgfVI morcf dy lIzrfˆ qy hor bulfirafˆ dy inÈfny `qy akflI dl dy nfl nfl df mfhOl grmfieaf kfˆgrs vI rhI . bhuqy bulfirafˆ ny Bfjpf,ÈRomxI akflI dl qy kfˆgrs qoˆ iswK pMQ nUM Kqrf dwisaf . ies mOky Bfvyˆ brgfVI morcf nUM Drm XuwD morcf ivwc bdlx qy nf- pMjfbI XUnIvristI df mfhOÜ hor grmf skdf hY .XUnIvristI aQfrtI kuVIafˆ dy imlvrqx lihr ivwZx dy suJfa vI idwqy gey pr brgfVI morcf dy lIzrfˆ ny ÈfˆqmeI hostl òô GMty KuwlHy rwKx dI mMg mMnx leI iqafr nhIˆ. ies muwdy nUM lY ky sMGrÈ kr rhI zIaYsE vI afpxy stYˆz `qy kfeIm hY . zIaYsE nUM hor jQybMdIafˆ dI vI hmfieq qrIky nfl zty rihx df aihd ilaf . iml rhI hY. ies krky sMGrÈ hor iqwKf hox dy afsfr hn.bIqy idnI zIaYsE qy pMjfbI pMjfb `c iPr qoˆ zyˆgU df pRkop,luiDafxf `c hfhkfr XUnIvristI aQfrtI drimafn gwlbfq iksy qx pwqx nhIˆ lwgI. dUjy pfsy mfmly dy pUry pMjfb ivwc jfnlyvf zyˆgU buKfr iewk vfr iPr qoˆ pYr psfr irhf hY . sUby dy snaqI hwl leI lok sBf mYˆbr DrmvIr gfˆDI vI srgrm hn.XUnIvristI ivwc CuwtIafˆ hox dy bfvjUd zIaYsE qy sihXOgI iDrfˆ ny vIsI dPqr awgy Drnf jfrI rwiKaf. sMsd mYˆbr Èihr luiDafxf ivwc hflfq kfPI Krfb hn.luiDafxf ivcw ñöúú qoˆ vwD mrIË ÈwkI zf[ DrmvIr gfˆDI vI DrnfkfrIafˆ nUM imly.AunHfˆ Bfvyˆ ilMg afDfr `qy brfbr aiDkfrfˆ pfey gey hn jdik ñøó mrIË zyˆgU dI cpyt ivwc pfey gey . hux qk Èihr ivwc zyˆgU dI vkflq kIqI, pr hostl òô GMty KuwlHy rwKx dy muwdy `qy qrk idwqf ik iPlhfl krky iewk mOq vI ho cuwkI hY . ishq ivBfg ny luiDafxf ivwc vwzy pwDr `qy jfˆc muihMm aijhf hoxf sMBv nhIˆ hY . ÈurU kIqI hoeI hY , ijs qihq Grfˆ `qy dPqrfˆ ivwc lwgy qkrIbn do lwK kUÜrfˆ dI adflq `c mjITIaf df nfˆ gUMjx mgroˆ inrMjx vwloˆ jfˆc kIqI geI,ijMnHfˆ ivwcoˆ qkrIbn ñöúú aMdr zyˆgU lfrvf pfieaf igaf. luiDafxf dy isvl srjn ny ikhf ik sfry kUlrfˆ nUM KflI kr ky sukf ky vrqxf cfhIdf hY qy Gr asqIPf vfps dy afly duafly sfP sPfeI rwKxI cfhIdI hY . ienPOrsmYˆt zfierYKtr dy Aup- inrdyÈk inrMjx isMG muV qoˆ afpxy ahudy `qy phuMc mMzIafˆ `c srkfrI pRbMDfˆ dI KuwlHI pol , rhy hn.AunHfˆ Èuwkrvfr svyry afpxf asqIPf vfps lY ilaf. drasl , inrMjx isMG dy vkIl ny bIqy idnIˆ pMjfb hirafxf Auwc adflq ivwc Kulfsf kIqf sI ik AunHfˆ dy ñõ-ñõ idnfˆ qoˆ rul rhy iksfn mvwikl dy zrwg kys dI jfˆc dOrfn sfbkf mMqrI qy akflI lIzr ibkrm mjITIaf mMzIafˆ ivwc Jony dI KrId dy sucwjy pRbMD krn dy dfavy krn vflI kfˆgrs srkfr ivruwD jfˆc awgy vDfAux dI afigaf nf imlx qoˆ awk ky ieh asqIPf idwqf hY . inrMjx ny KrId df awDf mhInf bIq jfx dy bfvjUd ajy qwk ÈYlrfˆ dI cox nhIˆ kIqI. iewk isMG df iqMn sflfˆ df kfrjkfl hfly bfkI hY aqy hux AunHfˆ vwloˆ muV izAutI sfˆBy jfx pfsy aiDkfrI mnmrËI nfl KrId kr rhy hn qy dUjy pfsy ajy qwk Jony dI AucfeI df qoˆ bfad ies hfeI pRoPfeIÜ mfmly ivwc vwzy Dmfky hox dy afsfr hn . Auwkf hI pRbMD nhIˆ kIqf igaf . ies krky ivkIafˆ ZyrIafˆ dI rfKI kr rhy iksfnfˆ nUM aiDafpkfˆ dIafˆ qnKfhfˆ `c ktoqI `qy kfnUMnI pwKoˆ vI byhwd pRyÈfnI df sfhmxf krnf pY irhf hY . Bfˆvyˆ mMzIafˆ ivwc Jonf ilafAux vfly iksfn iGrI kYptn srkfr keI idnfˆ qk Psl dI KrId dI AuzIk krdy hn,pr KrId eyjMsI nUM vycy Jony dI ñõ aiDafpkfˆ dIafˆ qnKfˆhfˆ ivwc ktoqI mfmly `qy kYptn srkfr kfnUMnI pwKfˆ qoˆ vI iGrdI idn bIq jfx dy bfvjUd rfKI krn nUM mËbUr hn . nËr af rhI hY.kfnUMnI mihrfˆ df mMnxf hY ik srkfr df ieh PYslf gYr jmhUrI hox dy kYptn ny mMinafˆ KËfnf KflI, nfl-nfl gYr sMivDfnk vI hY . ies dy nfl hI ies PYsly nUM ivDfn sBf df mËfk vI mMinaf jf irhf hY . ies bfry afrtIafeI kfrkun aYzvokyt idnyÈ cwZf df kihxf hY ik nhIˆ dy skdy aiDafpkfˆ nUM pUrI qnKfh srkfrI skUÜfˆ `c ipCly lMby smyˆ qoˆ kMm kr rhy aYsaYsey qy rmsf aiDafpkfˆ nUM glq muwK mMqrI kYptn amirMdr isMG ny mMinafˆ hY ik srkfr kol ieMnf pYsf nhIˆ ik Auh Èrqfˆ qy qnKfhfˆ `c ktOqI krky pwky krn df PYslf gYr jmhUrI qy gYr smivDfnk hY . aiDafpkfˆ nUM ôõ,úúú rupey qnKfh dy skx.AunHfˆ ikhf ik aiDafpkfˆ nUM pUrI qnKfh hux iswK bIbIafˆ nUM nhIˆ pihnxf pvygf hYlmyt nfl rYgUlr nhIˆ kIqf jf skdf. kYptn ny vI dfavf kIqf ik aiDafpk Kud ñõ,úúú rupey mhInf qnKfh nfl rYgUlr hox leI sihmq hoey sn.pihlI vfr srkfr ny mMinafˆ cMzIgVH pRÈfsn vwlo iswK bIbIafˆ smyq sfrIaf aOrqfˆ leI hlmyt lfËmI krn df hY ik mulfËmfˆ nUM pUrIaf qnKfhfˆ dyx leI AunHfˆ kol PMz nhIˆ hn. ies qoˆ pihlfˆ mMqrI PYslf kyˆdr srkfr ny rwd kr idwqf hY . hux cMzIgVH ivwc iswK aOrqfˆ nUM do phIafˆ KËfnf Biraf hox df dfavf krky qnKfhfˆ `c ktOqI leI kfnUMn nUM iËMmyvfr dwsdy vfhn clfAux smyˆ hYlmyt pfAux dI loV nhIˆ pvygI. kyˆdr srkfr ny vIrvfr nUM cMzIgVH sI . kYptn ny ikhf ik hux srkfr dsMbr ivwc hox vfly ivDfn sBf sYÈn ivwc sfry pRÈfsn nUM idwlI srkfr vfˆg iswK bIbIafˆ nUM hYÜmyt qoˆ Cot dyx vfly notIiPkyÈn qoˆ syÈ lYx df mÈvrf idwqf hY . drasl ,vIrvfr nUM ÈRomxI akflI dl ny cMzIgVH pRÈfsn mulfËmfˆ vfsqy kuJ lY ky afvygI . dy ies PYsly ivruwD kyˆdrI gRih mMqrI rfjnfQ isMG nfl mulfkfq sI . ies qoˆ bfad kyˆdr srkfr ny ieh kdm cuwikaf hY . iswiKaf mMqrI dI cyqfvnI dy bfvjUd morcy `c zty


sfˆJfˆ aiDafpk morcf nyN iswiKaf mMqrI EpI sonI dIafˆ DmkIafˆ dI pRvfh nf krdy hoey sMGrÈ nUM hor qyË krn df PYslf kIqf hY . afm afdmI pfrtI qoˆ bfad ÈRomxI akflI dl dI hmfieq hfsl hox mgroˆ aiDafpkfˆ dy hOsly hor bulMd ho gey hn .aYqvfr nUM akflI dl dy sMsd mYˆbr pRym isMG cMdUmfjrf qy sfbkf ivwc mMqrI primMdr isMG ZIˆzsf aiDafpkfˆ dy Drny ivwc phuMcy. ieh sMGrÈ aiDafpkfˆ dIafˆ qnKfhfˆ ôõ,úúú qoˆ Gtf ky ñõ,úúú krn dy iKlfP hY . AuDr,iswiKaf mMqrI ny iPr icqfvnI idMidaf ikhf ik aiDafpk afpxy skUlfˆ nUM prq jfx ,nhIˆ qfˆ ivBfg sKq kfrvfeI krn leI mËbUr hovygf . PAGE 34

ÈROmxI kmytI vwloˆ jQydfr gurbcn isMG nUM bdlx qoˆ ienkfr

ÈROomxI gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI ny akfl qKq sfihb dy jQydfr igafnI gurbcn isMG nUM bdlx qoˆ korI nfˆh kr idwqI hY . hflfˆik,lOˆgovfl ny mMinaf ik rfm rhIm nUM muafPI nhIˆ sI dyxI cfhIdI.aYsjIpIsI pRDfn goibMd isMG lOˆgovfl ny pRYs kfnPrMs dOrfn spwÈt kIqf hfly jQydfr nUM bdlx df koeI ierfdf nhIˆ. ipCly smyˆ qoˆ bfkI qKqfˆ dy jQydfrfˆ ny igafnI gurbcn isMG nfl qflmyl Gtfayx dIafˆ Kbrfˆ af rhIaf hn . hflfˆik sRI akfl qKq dy jQydfr ny ipClI idnIˆ zyrf bfbf nfnk ivKy ies gwl df KMzn kIqf sI .

The Patrika


Friday, Oct 26th, 2018




B.C. drivers are being urged to Shift Into Winter


eople are reminded to stay safe this winter season by preparing themselves and their vehicles for driving. “We want everyone to drive safely and get home to their families this winter,” said Claire Trevena, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure. “Safe winter driving is a shared responsibility and I urge people

do their part by using good winter tires, planning ahead by checking DriveBC, slowing down and driving to conditions.”

months of November, December and January are a particularly dangerous time for people who drive for work, with nearly 28% of all work-related crashes resulting in injury and timeOn average, each year in B.C., the loss claims occurring during these number of fatal crashes caused by months. driving too fast for conditions doubles in December, compared to October — “Safety on the job must always be 246 crashes in December 2017, com- the top priority for employers and pared to 123 in October. The winter workers alike, and it can be particularly difficult when the workplace is mobile,” said Harry Bains, Minister of Labour. “I urge all drivers to be extra vigilant as we move into the winter season with its challenging road conditions. Be alert, be cautious and let’s all get home safely at the end of each shift.”

Stó:lo Xwexwilmexw, B.C., Canada move forward on major treaty innovations

Stó:lō Xwexwilmexw Treaty Association, the Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia have signed an agreement that supports new and innovative approaches to modern treaty negotiations in B.C. and advances them to the final phase of treaty negotiations.

A treaty negotiations memorandum of understanding (MOU) was signed at a ceremony in the Leq’á:mel community by the Chiefs from the six First Nations of the Stó:lō Xwexwilmexw Treaty Association (SXTA) and ministers from the provincial and federal governments. The new agreement commits to a rights-recognition approach for a treaty agreement, consistent with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The new approach explicitly recognizes that Aboriginal rights are inherent and cannot be extinguished or surrendered. It also shifts away from seeking a full and final settlement. Instead, this new approach builds a collaborative and predictable ongoing government-togovernment relationship that can adapt to changing circumstances over time,

as policies evolve or new rights are established by the courts, for example. Under this approach, Canada, B.C. and the SXTA have agreed to develop a “core” treaty together. Key elements, such as the constitutional relationship, self-government, land ownership and jurisdiction would be set out in a constitutionally protected core treaty. But administrative and operational policy matters, such as program delivery and government administration, would be included in supplementary agreements, which are more easily amended than current treaties. Some topics may be concluded at a later date, as part of a living document. Working collaboratively and developing new approaches to reach agreements is a key part of achieving reconciliation with Indigenous people in Canada. The MOU puts into practice innovations that flow from federal and provincial government commitments to relationships with Indigenous peoples based on respect and recognition, and guided by the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action and case law.

Since Oct. 1, drivers were required to equip their vehicles with winter tires (mountain/snowflake or M+S) with a minimum 3.5 millimetre tread depth, and commercial vehicles were required to carry chains. Tires marked with a mountain/snowflake symbol on the sidewall offer the best traction on snow and ice and in cold weather.

Winter tire regulations end on March 31 on many highways. However, this year the regulations have been extended to April 30 on select mountain passes and rural highways, to account for early spring snowfall. Tips for safe winter driving: Plan the route ahead of time — Check current highway and weather conditions on DriveBC.ca and @DriveBC on Twitter. Delay travel if conditions are unsafe. Invest in winter driving training – Learn how to brake safely, how to get out of a skid and how cars handle in winter weather. Slow down – The posted speed limit is the maximum speed under ideal driving conditions, so when inclement weather hits, slow down and drive with extra care. Be prepared – Bring suitable clothing, emergency supplies and a fully charged cellphone in case of travel delays or a motor vehicle incident.

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The Patrika


PAGE 36 pMnHf 31 dI bfkI mihsUs kIqf. “afid sRI guru gRMQ sfihb” kyvl iewko iewk gRMQ hY ijs nUM koeI vI iDafn mgn, ivcfrsL I l, idanqdfr iensfn jIvn dy iksy vI mnorQ pRiq pRsLn puwC skdf hY. Aus nUM vfihgUrU vwloN shIN Auwqr imlygf bsLrqy ik Asu dI puwC igwC krn dI ivDI idanqdfr aQvf sqwXvfdI hovy.



Aus dy aDIn jIvn bqIq krdI hY. iesy qrHF “afid sRI guru gRMQ sfihb” df srb srysLt ivDfn sfrI mfnvqf leI jIvn dy hr pihlU pRiq agvfeI krdf hY. iehI Auh agMmI ivDfn hY jo smuwcI mfnvqf leI apvfd rihq smfnqf bKsLdf hY iksy ivsLysL ivakqI pRqI koeI Kfs ivafiKaf nhIN kIqI geI blik jo pRfxI ies dy aiDkfr Kyqr aQvf ivcfr Kyqr ivwc jIvn bqIq krdy hn, AuhnF sfiraF nUM sFJf aqy smfn AupdysL idwqf jfNdf hY. jo pRfxI gurmiq dI qfalIm df anusfrI ho ky pRBU df nfm jpdf aQvf vfihgUrU aqy Aus dI rcnf nfl pRym krdf hY Auh avwsL hI pfrgrfmI hoie inbVdf hY. Aus nUM hr jLwry jLwry ivwc rimaf hoeaf vfihgUrU pRqwK qOr qy ivdq hoie aFvdf hY ijvyN:

dunIaF dI koeI vI Dfrimk pusqk “afid sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb dI agm aqy aQfh dUr drsqf dI smfnqf nhIN kr skdI. ies dI kfivafqmk suMdrqf, qfrIKI sLuDqf, agMmI vfk bxqr aqy aruwk rvfnI iksy dunIafvI isPq dI mhuqfj nhIN hY. gurmiq dI qfalIm iewk aYsI ivsiqRq ivAuNqbMdI hY aQvf mfstr afrcItYkt vwloN pRfpq hoeI iewk Xojnf hY ijs dy aDfr qy asIN sdIvI jIvn df mihl Ausfr skdy hF, ijs dI KqRI bRfhmx sUdH vYs Aupdys chu vrnf Koj hmysLF hI mnuwKI jIvn df ivsLysL aMg kAu sfNJf.. bxI rhygI. gurmuiK nfmu jpY AuDrY so kol mih Git sulJy hoey dysLF dy sLihrIaF dy rihx Git nfnk mfKf.. sihx leI iewk sMpMnsLIl mhwqvpUrx sUhI mhlf 5, pMnf 747/19 aqy pRmfixk dsqfvyjL iqafr kIqI jFdI hY qfik Aus dysL dy nfgirk inwjI aiDkfr ijvyN dysLvfsIaF vfsqy dysL df ivDfn , ivsLysL irafieqF, ijLMmyvfrIaF aqy Kfs srbAuwcqf dI pdvI rwKdf hY, inrsMdyh bMdsLF ivwc ivcrdy hoey dysL dI hr iewk iesy qrHF “afid sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb” vI shUlq lY skx iensfn kyvl qd hI bMdn vfihgUrU df ricaf hoieaf srb sLRysLt mukq aqy svYDIn jIvn bqIq kr skdf hY ivDfn hY. gurbfxI dy sLysRt pMinaF ivwc Aus bsLrqy ik Auh dysL dy knUMn pRiq jfxkfrI, vfihgurU ny aiDafqmk ivDfn dI sQfpnf sUJ smJ, aqy siqkfr rwKdf hovy. AuhnF aink pRkfrI pRmfixk ivDI duafrf kIqI nUM ieh vI igafn hovy ik asfzy aiDkfr, hY, qfik dunIaF df iensfn ies nUM BlIN irafieqF, ijLMmyvfrIaF aqy bMdsLF kI kI BFq smJdf hoieaf jIvn ivwc Zfl sky. hn. duinafvI qjLrby ny ieh cIjL pRqwK qOr vfihgUrU ny ies afqmk ivDfn dy rFhIN qy sfbq kr idwqI hY ik dysL dy ivDfn dI hI afpxI rcI hoeI rcnf nfl kuJ sdIvI jfxkfrI hoxI aqy ivDfn dy anusfrI ho ky iekrfrnfmy vI pRgt kIqy hn. pRBU dIaF jIvn bqIq krnf hI swcI svqMqrqf hY. bKsLIaF hoeIaF dfqF dy smIp qoN sLRysLt dysL dI inafie pRxflI vI ivDfn dy anusfr aqy srb Auwc pRqwigaf ieh hY ik smuwcI hI prjf nUM snfmnq inafie aQvf PYsly mnwuKqf nUM mukqI aQvf aBydqf df ivsLvfsL dyvy. iewk sLihrI nUM ieh smJxf pvygf ik vI idwqf igaf hY. ijvyN: myry ivDfink aiDkfr kfnUMnI ijLMmyvfrIaF mukiq Bry sfDsMhiq kir iqn ky avgn aqy nYiqk bMdsLF kI hn. agr Auh ienHF siB prhiraf.. ivwcoN iewk cIjL nUM smJx leI aQvf pUrI lrn iwvc koqfhI krdf hY qd smJ lYxf iqn kAu dyiK Bey ikrpflf cfhIdf hY ik Aus dy glq kIiqaF smuwcf iqn Bv sfgr qiraf.. BfeIcfrf duK Bogdf hY. ijvyN inwjI vot sfrg mhlf 5, pMnf 1235/11 dI durvrqoN krnI jF vot pfAux lwigaF axgihlI krnI sfry smfjI ZFcy nU M vfihgurU dI rcI hoeI kudriq dy cmqkfr ainafeI hkUmq dIaF krUp bMdsLF iwvc vI aiq adBuq hn, ijnHF dy rFhI Aus jkVn qoN isvfie hor kuJ vI nhIN hY. krqf dI kfrjkfrI aqy ikRaf pRxflI df ijvyN dunIaF dy smJdfr dysL inwjI ivDfn ivDfn pRqwK rUp ivwc vyiKaf, suixafN, dI vrqoN krdy hoey awgy vDdy aqy AunqI suMiGaf rs mfixaf aqy sprsL kIqf jf krdy hn. hU b hU iesy qrHF gurmiq isDFq skdf hY. kudrq dy rfhIN Aus dI pRbInqf, jo “afid sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb” ivwc inrUpn Aus dI mOilkqf, Asu df husn, Aus dI kIqf igaf hY, ies dy anusfr guriswKI imTfs, ikRq dy jLwry jLwry ivwc Aus dI vMn df ivkfs aqy psfrf sfrI dunIaF iwvc suvMnqf, vicwqrqf anyk rUpqf vyKI jf hoieaf aqy ho irhf hY. ijvyN, dysL df ivDfn skdI hY. kudrq df igafn Aus vfihgUrU ivqkrf rihq aqy ivsLysL pwKpfq qoN mukq ny pfvn gurbfxI duafrf hI iensfn dI sfrI prjf qy smfn lfgU huMdf hY aqy prjf smJ sUJ df ivsLf bxfieaf hY. sImf rihq pulfV dIaF bRhmMzI guMJlF dI jfxkfrI PAGE 36

Friday, Oct 26th, 2018

vI pfvn gurbfxI dy pMinaF ivwc lpytI BfvyN asfzI aMqRIvI pRyrxf aQvf aMqhkrn peI hY. ijvyN : iwvcoN vI vfihgurU dI hoNd pRiq aqy sr apsr dy aMqh df igafn pRfpq huMdf hY, qyrf vrnu n jfpY rUp n lKIaY qyrI kudriq pRMqU ieh sB kuJ mUilk vfsqivkqf nfloN kAunu bIcfry. tuwty hoey kotfn KMzI sMdysL df an dIKq jil Qil mhIail rivaf sRb QfeI agm aMsL hI afiKaf jf skdf hY. aYsy sMdysL iksy hflq ivwc vI gurmiq duafrf drsfey rUp igrDfry.. gey bhu pwKI aqy ivisLsLt rwbI pYgfm dI DnfsrI m: 5 pMnf 670/15 smfnqf nhIN kr skdy. ieh kuJ kyvl aqy agr asIN iksy mugflqy dy kfrn vfihgUrU kyvl “afid sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb” dy mubfrk dy rcy hoey ivDfn qy ivsLvfsL nhIN rwKdy pMinaF iwvcoN hI lwiBaf jf skdf hY. ijs qd afpF kdI vI plfVI sYr spfty nhIN iwvc aiq inrml bydfg aqy iksy qrHF dI kr skdy sF. kI afpF nhIN vyK skdy ik asLuwDqf qoN rihq rwbI sMdysL suBfiemfn bhfr dy idnF ivwc nv jnmy jIvn df ho irhf hY. inrsMdyh, iehI Auh ielhfmI pYgfm lY ky afeI bnspqI dIaF tihxIaF pYgfm hY jo gurmiq aQvf iswKI df aDfr DrqI nUM pfV pfV ky bfhr inkldIaF aqy mUilk isLlf hY. hn. asfzy afly duafly ies suMdrqf dI iswKI dy ijqny vI buinafdI isDFq hn Auh bhuqfq, rwbI sLkqIaF df mhwqv aqy sfry hI “afid sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb jI” dI mfnicqR dI asImqf df ivsqfr sihq iswiKaf dy aDfr qy hI sQfpn kIqy gey hn. pRgtfvf krdIaF hn. kudrq dy qfxy bfxy iswKI jgq ivwc iksy vI iensfn dI koeI ivwc ieqnIaF ivsLysqfqIaF hox dy bfvjLUd soc nhIN hY ik Auh gurbfxI dI qfalIm qoN vI kudrq asfnUM ies vsqU df igafn nhIN ienkfrI ho sky aqy jF koeI lg mfqrf jF dy skdI ik vfihgUrU df ipafr aqy Aus dI lgU Bfg Gwt jF vwD krn df Xqn kry, rihmq kI hY aqy ienHF dI pRfpqI ikQoN huMdI iksy dysL df ivDfn gfhy bgfhy bdlI kIqf hY? kudrq dy lfsfnI jIvF dI pfrgfmqf jf skdf hY, pRMqU pfvn gurbfxI iwvc kdI pRiq vfihgUrU dy idwqy hoey iekrfrnfmy, vI aQvf iksy qRHF dI qrmIm nhIN kiqI vcn pfln avsQf “aMq leygf Czfie” jf skdI. jYsy ivsLvfsL ikQy lupq hoey pey hn. bfkI awgly hPqy

The Patrika


Friday, Oct 26th, 2018




fyv is`DU Dave SIDHU dyv is`DU Aqy smu`cy pirvwr vloN DMnvwd is`DU pirvwr Aqy AYbtsPorf istI kONisl dy aumIdvwr fyv is`DU Awp jI sB dw idlW dIAW gihrweIAW qoN DMnvwd krdy hn ik Awp sB ny rwq idn ie`k krky cox iv`c ih`sw pwieAw[ quhwfIAW idlI koisæsæW dw nqIjw hY ik mY, myrI ij`q dy nyVy phuMcidAW isrP 482 votW qoN ipCy rih igAw[ ieh cox hwr ky vI mYN audws nhIN hoieAw sgoN myry hONsly bhuq bulMd hoey hn[ mYN hux Awp sB dIAW loVW dI pUrqI leI vcnb`D hW mYN AYbtsPorf vwsIAW dI izMdgI nUM su`KW shUlqW BrI bxOx leI bhuq swry progrwm aulIk ley hn Aqy Awp sB nUM vI bynqI hY ik qusIN mYnUM Awpxy suJwA Byjdy irho[ ij`q jW hwr qW r`b dy h`Q iv`c hY pr myrI BgqI eyho hovygI ik mYN rwq idn quhwfy kMm AwvW[ mYN DMnvwdI hW swry votrW dw, sportrW dw, slwhkwrW dw, Su`BicMqkW dw ijnHW myrw qno mno pUrw pUrw swQ id`qw qy Dn nwlæ vI myrIAW jybW BrI r`KIAW[ mYN Awpxy siqkwrXog sihXogIAW dw ivsæysæ DMnvwd krdw hW ijnHw ny imsæn, AYlfrgrov qoN mYnUM gweIf qy myrI sport kIqI[ AwE Agly auprwilAW leI rys SæurU krIey[

To all my friends, family, volunteers, and campaign staff, THANK YOU. I couldn't have come this far without you. To the residents of Abbotsford, thank you for welcoming me with open arms and showing me so much support. PAGE 37

The Patrika





Friday, Oct 26th, 2018

hYnrI brwn myAr




myAr hYnrI brwn v`loˆ sB dw DMnvwd THANK YOU to my supporters, the quiet ones and cheerleaders. THANK YOU to the candidates, who bravely put their names forward and ran for council, mayor, or school trustee. THANK YOU, Abbotsford, for choosing me as your mayor for another four years.

I take your trust seriously and am humbled by it. I will continue to work with council members, new and returning, to guide our city forward. And I look forward to working with YOU to make Abbotsford an even better place for all. Please connect with me regarding City of Abbotsford issues: Mayor@abbotsford.ca PAGE 38

myry swry sportrwˆ dw DMnvwd cu`p cwp votwˆ pwaux vwilAwˆ dw Aqy myrw hOˆslw vDwaux vwLy lIfrwˆ dw SukrIAw! bhwdr aumIdvwrwˆ dw DMnvwd ijnHwˆ ny kwaUNsl, myAr Aqy skUl tr`stI leI kwgz dwKl kIqy[ AYbtsPorf invwsIAwˆ dw DMnvwd ijnHwˆ ny mYnUM 4 swl hor myAr dIAwˆ syvwvwˆ dw mOkw id`qw[

mYˆ Awp sB dw ivSvws pwqr hwˆ ijnHwˆ mYnUM cox leI bl bKiSAw[ mYˆ hux Awpxy kOˆisl mYˆbrwˆ nwL kMm krnw SurU kr irhw hwˆ, purwxy Aqy nvyˆ cuxy gey mYˆbrwˆ dI slwh lY ky Sihr nUM qr`kIAwˆ dIAwˆ bulMdIAwˆ qIk lY jwx dw tIcw hY[ Awp sB nwl iml ky Sihr nUM nmUny dw Sihr bxOn dI koiSS hovygI[ AYbtsPorf Sihr dy msilAwˆ leI ikRpw krky myry nwL juVo mayor@abbtosford.ca

The Patrika


Friday, Oct 26th, 2018





Councillor ELECT


Board of Education, School District No. 34

Stability siQrqf

Continuity inrMqrqf

Accountability jvfbdyhI

Excellence in Education pVHfeI ivwc AuWqmqf

Informed Decision Making sUicq PYsly bxfAuxy


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Shirley WILSON

School Trustee

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pRIq rwey

skUl trstI vloN Awpxy swry sportrW nMU qih idloN DMnvwd krdy hW

PREET RAI School Trustee Thanks voters and supporters for their support!

SUGGESTIONS Please email: raiaji@telus.net

Phone : 604.852.8027

Authorized by Preet Raifinancial agent-raiaji1@gmail.com PAGE 39

The Patrika



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Friday, Oct 26th, 2018



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The Patrika


Friday, Oct 26th, 2018




bI sI ivc BMg vycx dy 35 srkfrI stor KuwlHxgy kYnyzf ivc BMg dI ivwkrI nUM kfnUMnI afigaf imlx AuprMq hfl dI GVI bI sI ivc 17 akqUbr nUM kyvl iewk srkfrI pRvfinq stor ‘qy BMg dI ivwkrI hovygI| bfkI dy 34 hor aijhy stor KulHx ivc kuJ smF lwgygf| ieh jfxkfrI pbilk syPtI mMqrI mfeIk PfrnvrQ vwloN iek kfnPrMs ivc idwqI geI| AuMnHF ikhf ik srkfr aijhf sLfsLk pRbMD kr rhI hY ijs nfl ies pdfrQ dI splfeI ivc kmI nhIN afAux idwqI jfvygI|

imAuinspl coxF ivc vot pfAux vfilaF dI igxqI bhuq Gwt

aYzvFs votF pfAux dy ruJfnqoN ieMj jfpdf sI ies vfr aMqm votF BfrI igxqI ivc pYxgIaF pr ies qrF nhIN hoieaf| Audfhx vjoN brnbI ivc BfvyN votrF ny nvF myar cuixafN hY pr kyvl 33% votrF ny vot pfAux dy aiDkfr dI vrqoN kIqI hY| iesy qrF portm muZI ivc ieh igxqI 37% rhI| AuwqrI vYnkUvr ivc vI kyvl 34% votrF kudrqI gYs bfry mMqrI df ibafn ny vot pfeI jo 2014 ivc 25% sI| BfvyN vYnkUvr ivc poilMgstysLsLn 8 vjy sLfmqoN AUrjf mMqrI mfeIkl muMgfl ny kudrqI gYs bfry ibafn idMidaF ikhf,” sfnUM sB nUM mgroNqwk KulHy rwKxy pey pr pRqI votrF dI gxqI ivc bhuqf Prk nhI Nipaf|| bhuq pqf hY ik ipRMs jOrj dy nyVy aYnibRj pfeIplfeIn nUM phUMcI hfnI krky bI sI dy bhuq sfry sLihrF ivc myar qF nvyN cux gey pr ieh qbdIlI ilafAux vfly 40% qoN vwD sfry BfgF ivc ies gYs dI splfeI Gt geI| ies hfdsy krky bI sI nUM gYs phuMcfAux nhIN rhy| itwpxI kfrF df kihxf hY ik lokF dI ieh byruKI lokqMqr leI cMgI nhIN| vflIaF donoN lfeInF bMd krnIaF peIaF| pr hux aYnibRwj vwloN 30 ieMc vflI lfeIn Anti-money laundering Panel ‘qy do mfhr ivcoN splfeI bhfl kr idwqIgeI hY| dUsrI 36 ieMc vflI dI murMmq krn ‘qy QoVHf inXukq ijhf smF lwgygf| hr sMBv kosL kIqI jf rhI hY ik pihl dy afDfr ‘qy GrF dI aqy kmrsLl splfeI bhfl kIqI jfvy| srkfrI iblizMgF ivc QrmostYt bMd kr idwqy bI sI dI KjLfnf mMqrI kYrol jymjL vwloN ikhf igaf ik gYrkfnUMnI ZMg nfl Dn iekwTy gey hn aYnibRwj aqy Pfrits bI sI nfl iml ky hflfq nUM nfrml bxfAux dy Xqn krn vfilaF nUM nwQ pfAux leI cfr mfhrF dI syvf leI geI hY | AuMnHF nUM gYrkfnUMnI kIqy jfrhy hn|” mYN sB nUM bynqI krdf hF ik Auh POrits bI sI dI vYbsfeIt qoN nvIN Dn nUM rokx vfly pYnl ‘qy inXukq kIqf igaf hY| AuMnHF ikhf ,” ieh kMm rIalaYstyt jfxkfrI lYx dI Kycl kry|” dy Kyqr ivc bhuqf cwl irhf hY ijwQy afm lokF qoN pYsf btoiraf jf irhf hY| asIN cfhuMdy ipCly pMj mhIinaF ivc GrF dI ivwkrI sB qoN vwD GtI hF ik ieh mfrikt vfjb hovy ; ieh mfrikt dunIaF Br ivc gYrkfnUMnI Dn rokx vflI iek nMbr mfrikt hovy|” ies pYnl dy muKI sfeImn PRyjLr XUnIvristI dy pRoPYsr mfrIn knyzIan rIal aYstyt aYsosIeysLn vwloN pRkfsLq jfxkfrI ivc dwisaf igaf hY ik mYlonI hn |hux ienHF dy nfl XU bI sI dy pRoPYsr smrivl aqy nIdrlYNz dI XUnIvristI ipCly pMj mhIinaF ivc vYnkUvr ivc hox vflI GrF dI ivkrI ivc knyzf Br ivc sB dy pRoPYsr Unger nUML inXkq kIqf igaf hY| ieh pYnl afpxI irport mfrc, 2019 qwk qoN vwD kmI hoeI jo 1[5% sI| dysL Br ivc ieh kmI [4% sI| ies df kfrn mfrgyj dy bI sI dI ivwq mMqrI nUM dyvygf| gYrkfnUMnI Dn nUM rokx leI tYks corI rokI jfvygI jo ryt vDxf dwisaf igaf hY| mfrgyj lYx dy Xog hox leI vI inXmF ivc hoeI qbdIlI vI srkfr dy 30 nukfqI pRogrfm Plan for Housing Affordability df iek ihwsf hY| ies kmI df kfrn mMnI geI hY| ieh gwl knyzIan rIal vYlIaYstyt aYsosIeysLn dy pRDfn bfrb skfE vwloN khI geI hY| prMqU PRyjLr vYlI ivc sqMbr dy mhIny 8% vDI| Dfvy mgroN hoeI mOq dI jFc swrHI afr sI aYm pI aqy

aYbtsPorz invfsIaF vwloN gYNg ihMsf Kqm krn dI pukfr

14 akqUbr, idn aYqvfr nUM aYbtsPorz dy kuJ invfsI rotrI styzIam ivc iekwqr hoey| ieh iekwT sLihr ivc vD rhI gYNg ihMsf qoN qMg af ky kIqf igaf| ies ivc jfgo aYbtsPorz dy vflMtIar ieMdrjIq isMG bYNs ny ikhf,” sfnUM bhuq duwK hY| asIN vyK rhy hF ik nOjvfn mr rhy hn; mfr rhy hn; lVfeI JgVy ho rhy hn| asIN surwiKaq mihsUs nhIN kr rhy| asIN zry hey hF| sfzI sbMDq aiDkfrIaF nUM apIl hY ik ies gYNg ihMsf nUM Kqm kIqf jfvy|

Cy mhIny dI hox qoN pihlF iewk bwcI amrIkf dy 50 sUibaF ivc GuMm cuwkI hY

hfrpr nfm dI bwcI dy mfipaF isMzI ilMm aqy iTrsn XIts df kihxf hY ik AuMnHF dI bwcI ajy Cy mhIny dI nhIN hoeI pr Aus nUM nfl lY ky amrIkf dy 50 sUibaF ivc hn| Auh jdoN nvyN sUby ivc pRvysL krdy qF afpxI bwcI nYM sUby dy sfeInborz awgy rwK ky AusdI qsvIr iKwHcy lYNdy | ies qrF Auh bwcI vI mfipaF ilMm pysLy vjoN vkIl hY aqy Aus nfl sfry sUibaF dI sYr kr cuwkI hY| vwzI ho ky Auh ieMnfH qsvIrF nUM vyK ky ikMnI KusL hoieaf krygI| ilMm pysLy vjoN vkIl hY aqy isMzI ieMjnIar hY AuMnHF ny ieh Xfqrf inAU bRMjLivk qoN 18 jUn nUM afpxI jIp ivc arMB kIqI jdoN AuMnHF dI bwcI Cy hPiqaF dI sI| ies qrF hfrpr amrIkf dy 50 sUibaF ivc Xfqrf kr cuwkI hY |

gryhfAuNz bws syvf Kqm hox nfl bI sI dy bhuq sfry lokF nUM hovygI kTnfeI

31 akqUbr qoN bI sI ivc gryhfAuNz bws syvf AuplbD nhIN hovygI| iswty vjoN 1 nvMbr qoN hI bhuq sfry lokF nUM kTnfeI hovygI| gryhfAuNz ny ieh bws syvf bMd krn df kfrn musfPrF dI igxqI ivc afeI BfrI kmI dwisaf hY| kuJ kMpnIaF ny ies syvf dI QF bws syvf sLurUkrn dI bynqI kIqI hY pr ajy koeI PYslf nhIN hoieaf| ieMnHF ibnykfrF ivcoN iek kMpnI aYzmMtn dI hY| Auh hr rojL kYlonf- vYnkUvr aqy kYmlUps-vYnkUvr bws syvf krnI cfhuMdy hn| ies qrF kuJ ibnykfr hor hn| ioeh ibnykfr bI sI tRFsportysLn borz dI pRvfngI dI AuzIk kr rhy hn| ies sbMDI iknfl dy myar bOb isMpsn df kihxf hY ik bI sI srkfr nUM bdlvF pRbMD krnf cfhIdf hY|

IHIT vwloN kIqI jf rhI hY

21 akqUbr, aYqvfr nUM swrHI dy iek gYs stysLn ‘qy KVHy iek ivakqI Aupr iksy hor nyy Dfvf bol idwqf ijs dy nqIjy vjoN Auh jLKmI ho igaf| lgBg 2:45 bfad dupihr puils nUM 104 aYivinAU aqy ikMgjOrj bulyvrz dy ielfky ivc bulfieaf igaf| prMqU puils dy AuwQy phuMcx qoN pihlF Auh donoN Aus QF qoN iKsk gey| bfad ivc kfronr vwlo Nafr sI aYm pI nUM sUicq kIqf igaf ik jLKmI ivakqI hspqfl ivc mr igaf hY| hux ies Gtnf dI pVqfl ientYgryitz homIsfeIz ienvYstIgysLn tIm ny afpxy hwQ ivc lY leI hY| tIm vwloN kyvl ieMnF ikhf igaf hY ik muZlI jFc qoN sMkyq imldf hY ik ieh hmlf imQ ky kIqf igaf hY| jFc jfrI hY |

vYnkUvr tfpU ivc iqMn QfeIN Bucfl dy Jtky afey XU aYs BU-ivgafnk srvyKx anusfr bI sI dy qwtI ielfikaF ivc iqMn QfeIN Bucfl dy jLordfr Jtky afey| sB qoN pihlf Jtkf 21 akqUbr nUM port hfrzI qoN 139 iklomItr dUr dy dwKx ivc afieaf| ieh 6[5 pRmfx df sI aqy ies qoN 24 imMt bfad lgBg 6[8 mfqRf df sI| qIsrf Ausy rfq nUM Ausy Kyqr ivc afieaf ijs df pRmfx 6[5 dwisaf igaf hY| ieMnHF JtikaF nfl koeI jfnI jF mflI nuksfn nhIN hoieaf|

kudrqI soimaF bfry kIqy PYsilaF ivc lok Brosy nUM XkInI bxfAux leI pysLfvr ivDfnk kfnUMn bxygf bI sI srkfr vwloN aijhf kfnUMn bxfieaf jf irhf hY ijs nfl lokF nUM Brosf hovygf ik sUby dy kudrqI soimaF dI TIk vrqoN leI shI PYsly ley jf rhy hn| jy pRsfivq pRoPYsLnl gvrnYNs aYkt pfs ho igaf qF pysLfvr ivakqIaF dI BUmkf aqy afsF nUM bl imlygf| ies sbMDI vfqfvrn mMqrI jOrj hymYn ny ikhf,” ies kfnUMn rfhIN asIN lokF nUM Brosf idvfAuxf cfhuMdy hf ik srkfr kudrqI soimaF nUM bcfAux leI shI ijLmyvfrI inBfa rhI hY| ies kfnUMn aDIn lok kudrqI soimaF bfry loVINdI kfxkfrI afsfnI nfl lY skxgy| ieh qbdIlI Professional Reliance Review vwloN kIqIaF do sPfrsLF nUM muK rKifdaF kIqI jf rhI hY| PAGE 41

The Patrika



Truck Driver wanted Class 1 truck driver required to transport loads for our company. The loads are for USA (CA). Experience in trucking industry will be preferred. Knowledge of English is a must and knowledge of Punjabi will be an asset. Good wages and benefits as per the experience. Driver's abstract and drug test required. Send resume to info@gloadtransport. com or gloadhr@gmail. com, fax: 604-852-6690, or mail to 31137 Southern Drive, Abbotsford, BC, V2T 5K2.

vr dI loV jwt iswK lVkI Aumr 32 sfl, kwd 5’4. M.A. ihstrI, ibAU t I pfrlr 2 sflf izplomf, ivjLtr, knyzIan P.R. jF istIjLn lVky dI loV. Pon nM: 604768-4528 jF 778251-6011 lVkI dI loV pRjfpq iswK 25 sfl, 5’11, ivjLtr vIjLy qy kYnyzf afey lVky leI kYnyzf dI PR jF kYnyzf stwzI krdI kMinaf dI lo V hY . ipqf qy Brf kYnyzf hn. hor jfxkfrI leI Pon kro: 778-5510017 lVkI dI loV jwt iswK igwl vYsLno 25 sflf, 5’9 ieMzIaf qoN pVHy ilKy, mltIpl vIjLy qy afey hoey lVky leI knyzf dI istIjLn jF PR lVkI dI loV hY, lVky df pirvfr aqy irsL q y d fr kny z f sY t lz hn. lVkf 9.5 ikwly df mflk hY. Pon nM: 778552-8079


Friday, Oct 26th, 2018



lVkI dI loV

Workers Wanted

lVkI dI loV

jwt iswK iswDU suhxy suxwKy 5 Puwt 7 ieMc lMmy 33 sflf jrmn istIjLn lVky leI kny z f dI istIjL n , PR lVkI dI lo V hY . lVkf awj kwl aYbtsPorz ivwc rYh irhf hY. lVkf pMjfb ivwc kOnvYNt aYjUkytz hY aqy hotl mYnyjmYNt df kors aiDkfrI hY aqy 12 sfl qoN iewk mfihr sLYP dy qOr qy kMm kr irhf hY. hor jfxkfrI leI Pon nM: 778878-1501 vr dI loV

Farm workers required jw t isWK lVkf 35 sfl for HSS Farms starting 5’8” nisLaF qoN rihq January 2019. 40-70 ivjtr afey leI PR lVkI hours per week. Du- dI loV. lVky df pirvfr ties include pruning, kYnyzf ivwc sYWt. ibnF bwcy planting, weeding, & qo N qlfksL u d f vI sM p rk harvesting berries. As kr skdy hn. 604-300well as other general 0005 jF 604-825-1921 Nanny Required farm duties. Work is outdoors & can be phys- Required Nanny for three children. Full-time, perically demanding. Wage manent basis, $13/hr, $12.65/hour. Email re- location: Abbotsford, sume to s_2001_s@ BC, Language: English, jwt iswK igwl lVkI Aumr hotmail.com or mail to skills: High School & 1-2 years of experience/ 29 sfl, kwd 5’5, izplomf training. Duties: super123 Short Rd. V2S 8A8 eyar hostYWs, vrk primt vr dI loV vise & care for children, vflLI lVkI leI knyzf dy preparing and feeding istIjL n jF PR ho l zr 35 sflf jwt isWK, ivjLtr meals, personal care for jwt lVky dI loV hY Pon nM: a f e I h o e I l V k I l e I children, maintain safe, knyzIan PR jF istIjLn clean and healthy envi778-552-7022 lVky dI loV hY. hor jfxkfrI ronment. Contact: sukhilVkI dI loV leI sMprk kro: 604-744- sidhu5130@gmail.com jwt iswK DflIvfl lVkf 5871 jF 778-245-2369 Aumr 28 sfl kwd 6 Puwt, bI ey pfs, ielYktrIkwl izplomf kIqf hY. 15 eykV jLmIn dy mflk leI knyzf sIzr sLyk & isLMgl imWlL imsLn bI sI ivWc PuWl tfeIm kfimaF dI loV hY aqy nvy kMm isWKx dy kfbl hox | LstIl to iemIgRFt jfN istIjLn | afvydk BrosymMd imhnqIvfly bUt luVINdy hn lVkI dI loV hY bfkI sfrf blOk pfeIlr $16.50 / GMtf kubrmYn – pIs vrk (py ryt leI Pon pirvfr knyzf ivc sYtlz bUm mYn $20.00 / GMtf kro) hY. mfqf ipqf aqy vwzf Brf kWt EP sfa apRytr $20.00 / GMtf kMm leI rfeIz df pRbMD imsLn, spiltr mYn $20.00 / GMtf knyzf ivc sYtlz hn. vYlzr $20.00 / GMtf (qjrbykfr aYbtsPorz, srI aqy iclfvYk qoN kIqf Pon: 604-503-3432, hoxf jrUrI hY pr vYlizMg srtIiPkyt jf skdf hY dI loV nhIN) 778-246-1800 vr dI loV jwt iswK aMimRqDfrI, Aumr 30 sfl, kw d 5’4, MA ieMzIaf rihMdI lVkI leI kY n y z Ian PR, istIjL n jF vrkprimt vflLy lVky dI loV hY. hor jfxkfrI leI sMprk nM: 604-8328424

sMprk kro : amr sLfm 3:30 qoN bfad @ 604-615-7283

WELDER WANTED Cedar Shake & Shingle Mill in Mission, BC is seeking a full-time experienced welder. Indian welding certificate or welding experience gained in India or abroad is acceptable. Steel-toed boots are required. Ride to work from Surrey, Mission, or Abbotsford can be arranged.

Call Balwant @ 604-826-3712.

PMKC Transport Inc HIRING LONG HAUL TRUCK DRIVERS FOR FULL-TIME AND PERMANENT POSITIONS Duties would be to drive long-combination vehicle and straight body trucks, plan trip logistics and prepare documentation for transportation of goods and record trip details etc. No specific education is required. No experience required. On the job training will be provided. Willing to travel cross border and overnight. Willing to work in team Minimum work of 50 hours per week will be given.


Salary will be based on previous experience. “Medical benefits provided”

Please email your resume at : dispatch@pmkctransportinc.co

For any further questions kindly contact : 604-746-7337

G-load AD

Office Administrative Assistant

G-Load Transport Inc. Salary: $23.00/Hourly Job Type: Full-Time, Permanent Language: English Start Date of Employment (Approx.): As soon as possible Minimum Education: High School Positions Available: 1

Email : gloadhr@gmail.com Fax : 604-852-6690

Job Location(s) 31137-SOUTHERN DR ABBOTSFORD, British Columbia V2T 5K2 Canada

G-Load is looking for a high-functioning, reliable and self-motivated individual to fulfill the role of Office Administrative Assistant


Determine and establish office procedures and routines Schedule and confirm appointments Answer telephone and relay telephone calls and messages, Answer electronic enquiries Compile data, statistics and other information, work with elogbooks Order office supplies and maintain inventory

Set up and maintain manual and computerized information filing systems Type and proofread correspondence, forms and other documents Open and distribute regular and electronic incoming mail and other material and co-ordinate the flow of information Greet people and direct them to contacts or service areas Arrange travel, related itineraries and make reservations

CHANGE OF NAME I, Sukhjeet Kaur Sharma, D/O Santokh Singh Gill, D.O.B. Jan. 3rd, 1968 of #65 – 3030 Trethewey St., Abbotsford, B.C. V2T 4N2 have changed my name to Sukjeet Kaur Benipal, effective from September 28, 2018

The Patrika


Friday, Oct 26th, 2018





SPECIALIZED IN NEW & OLD RENOVATION HOMES Tiles (Wall , & Floor Tiles, All Kinds Of Tiles) Entrance Way Tiles Kitchen (Floor & Backsplash) Kitchen Cabinet And CounterTop Full Bathroom Renovation (New & Old) Floor Lamination

tfeIlF (kMDF qy, PrsL tfeIlF, hr iksm dIaF tfeIlF ieMtryNs vy tfeIls ikcn PrsL, bYk splYsL ikcn kYbinwt, aqy kFAUtr tOp nvyN aqy purfxy bfQrUm dI pUrI rYnovysLn Plor lYmInysLn

High Quality Services at Very Reasonable Prices hr pRkfr dIaF tfielF iPks krvfAux leI sMprk kro

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TRUCK DRIVERS WANTED ¯Truck Drivers ¯Local Work Only ¯No Long Haul Wages Based Upon Experience sfnMU trwk zrfeIvr, aqy lokl kfimaF, dI loV hY| lONg hfl nhIN hY. cMgI qnKfh qjLrby anusfr idwqI jfvygI | : Please send resumes too:

Contact Jordan : 778-240-3457 E-mail : info@naforest.com | Fax: 604-850-7225 1702 Foy St, Abbotsford BC V2T6B1


The Patrika





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The Friendly Future Foundation builds on the many achievements of the TELUS Community Boards to date and ensures TELUS’ commitment to giving will be sustained for decades to come, solidifying TELUS’ position as the most giving company in the world. The TELUS Community Boards operate in 18 communities where TELUS team members live and work, both in Canada and abroad through TELUS

Friday, Oct 26th, 2018

ments TELUS’ existing socialpurpose initiatives, including: ● Internet for Good, a ground-breaking program that offers nearly 30,000 lowincome families in B.C. and Alberta access to low-cost, high-speed Internet and a computer. TELUS is expanding this program to even more families through the Government of Canada’s “Connecting Families initiative this November;

● Mobility for Good, which offers a free cell phone and data plan to youth aging out of the foster care system in B.C., Ontario, and Quebec, ensuring this vulnerable population can stay International. Since 2005, the Commu- connected to their support networks, nity Boards have given $72 million to social services, education and employgrassroots registered charities in sup- ment opportunities. port of 7,000 programs. The TELUS TELUS will expand this program to Community Boards operate in Victo- Alberta this November, and Manitoba ria, Vancouver, Thompson Okanagan, in February 2019; Calgary, Edmonton, Manitoba, Ottawa, the Greater Toronto Area, Barrie, Mon- ● Health for Good, an innovative treal, Quebec City, Rimouski, Atlantic national program that provides healthCanada, the Philippines, Bulgaria, care to vulnerable and underserved Romania, El Salvador, and Guatemala. Canadians through the deployment of specially equipped mobile health clinThe support provided by the TELUS ics into communities where frontline Friendly Future Foundation comple- care is urgently needed.

Prepaid credit cards: Do some research before gifting them (NC) Do you want to give someone a gift but don’t know exactly what to choose? A prepaid card could certainly be the solution. But be sure to check carefully before choosing this option, because these popular products do not all work the same way.

There are two main types of prepaid cards, which are sometimes called gift cards. Below is some information to know beforehand about both types. Prepaid cards issued by financial institutions. These are linked to payment card networks such as American Express, MasterCard and Visa. You can use these cards at most merchants that accept credit cards from the same network. The funds on the card do not expire, but the card itself might. If this happens, you might have to pay a fee to transfer the remaining funds to a new card. You can reload the card as many times as you like until its expiry date, but you might have to pay a fee to do so.

Each prepaid card has different terms and conditions. Check the expiry date and any fees or limits. Be sure to provide the recipient with the terms and conditions and proof of purchase. Depending on the type of prepaid card, there may be fees for activating the card, making purchases, checking your balance, withdrawing cash from an ATM, reloading the card or keeping it if you don’t use it for a period of time. Store prepaid cards. These can be used “Some fees may reduce the value of the in a given store or group of stores only. prepaid card,” explains Lucie Tedesco, They usually have an expiry date, and commissioner of the Financial Con- you cannot reload or withdraw from sumer Agency of Canada. She advises them. always reading the conditions to know Find more information at canada.ca/ what fees apply and avoid surprises. money.


The Patrika


Friday, Oct 26th, 2018

Kangana to pack in 10 kilos for her next film Given that she wowed the audience with her impeccable act as a hockey player in Tanu Weds Manu Returns (2015), Kangana Ranaut seamlessly drew attention when news about her playing an athlete again, hit headlines. For Panga, Ranaut is set to up the bar to not only learn the tricks of kabaddi, but also physically transform herself to do justice to the part. The petite actor, we hear, will gain 10 kilos for Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari's directorial offering. A source close to Ranaut tells mid-day, "Kangana will start training in kabaddi as soon as she is back from her vacation in New York. Though she is familiar with the sport, she requires training to showcase it like a professional. But,




before she starts doing so, she will gain weight. She is on a highcalorie protein diet, and, over the next month, intends to pack on six kilos." The source adds that as the film progresses, the actor will be expected to gain another four kilos for the part. Packing on the pounds is going to be no mean feat for the actor, given that she is genetically small-framed. "Kangana may need to incorporate weight training exercises instead." A generous serving of nut shakes, fruits and tofu is expected to be on her dietary chart.

I'm available as an actor across languages : Ashish Vidyarthi National Award winner Ashish Vidyarthi has acted in hundreds of films in languages like Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam and Bengali, but the actor in him wants more. He also feels he has had less opportunities in Bollywood. A few weeks ago, filmmaker Vishal Bhardwaj said Bollywood hasn't given justice to Ashish's talent and that he is an underrated and under-utilised actor. "I would (agree with Bhardwaj)," Ashish said with a laugh. "There are many roles and I haven't had the opportunity to do any of them. I jokingly tell people 'Sometimes I wonder, is the film industry waiting for me to die and then say it's sad. He was a good actor. He was underrated and didn't have enough

chances'," he said. He wants the filmmakers to know that the actor is around. "There are many roles and I am waiting for directors to come out. The actor is available," said the Aligarh actor.He has been in the film industry since the early 90s and he believes he has maintained "my sanity and kept my hunger alive for doing powerful roles". "There are many mature directors. I am sure someday they will say 'You know what? Let's do something interesting'." In fact, one of the reasons why he tried his hand at regional films is because the makers offered him roles of his choice. "I have done 200 plus films in other languages," he said comparing himself to a traveller. "Thanks to this travel of mine, so many other languages have discovered me. I belong to

I was a star kid who no one knew : Rohan Mehra

We should have a civil conduct on social media : Swara Bhasker Known for speaking her mind, actress Swara Bhasker, who has often been a victim of trolling and online bullying, says like any other public sphere, social media should also have a civil conduct. Asked if social media bullying bothers her, Swara said here: “It used to bother me in the beginning when it happened and I felt very hurt. I felt it was very unjust… Then I realised life is unjust. They are not doing it out of a sense of justice, but doing it from a place of viciousness, hatred. So what would you do about that? They have no identity. I became inured to it.” Swara added that “social media is a virtual public sphere and like other public spaces we should have a civil conduct on social media. It is a virtual public space”. The 30-yearold made her debut in filmdom in 2010 with Madholal Keep Walking. She was then seen in Raanjhanaa, Tanu Weds Manu, Tanu Weds Manu Returns, Nil Battey Sannata, Anaarkali of Aarah, Prem Ratan Dhan Payo and Veere Di Wedding. Talking about the kind of work she wants to do now, Swara said: “I am at a strange point… because after ‘Nil Battey Sannata’, ‘Anarkali’ and ‘Veere Di Wedding’, I am like ‘What should my next script be?’ I don’t know how to up that because I feel the

standards have become too high for scripts. I have not signed a film after ‘Veere Di Wedding’.” Over her nine-year-journey in Bollywood, Swara has essayed relatable characters like Chanda from Nil Battey Sannata or Bindiya from Raanjhanaa. “I have been very lucky also with the kind of roles I have been given or that I have landed even if they have been in the supporting category or protagonist roles…. I can’t control what I am offered but I can control what I choose. So, I am very careful of what I choose.” The actress said she is “dying” to do the movies based on dancing around the trees “but now the dancing around the trees in Switzerland is not happening. So, I feel like I am 20 years late in the industry”.

them. I make the most of my journey. I am available as an actor across languages. I am looking forward to interesting roles.... in Hindi too," said the actor, known for films like Droh Kaal, 1942: A Love Story, Arjun Pandit, Vaastav: The Reality and Kaho Naa... Pyaar Hai.

Today star kids become a household name much before they enter Bollywood, but that was not the case with newcomer Rohan Mehra. Rohan, son of yesteryear actor Vinod Mehra who is looking forward to his debut Baazaar, says he intended to stay under the radar. After his father’s

Leena Yadav has brought out my best performance : Amyra Actress Amyra Dastur says filmmaker Leena Yadav has brought out her best performance with Rajma Chawal. "I love Leena. I think she has brought out my best performance till date. She is the definition of a ‘woman on the rise' and someone who truly breaks barriers. I'm really excited about Rajma Chawal, especially now that Netflix has decided to release it worldwide," Amyra said.Rajma Chawal, starring Rishi Kapoor, Amyra Dastur and Aniruddh Tanwar, will be available on Netflix worldwide on November 30. "It is a wonderful feel-good-film and you will even see Rishiji in a different light. I have worked my hardest for this film and I am absolutely confident that people will appreciate my character, Seher and the film as a whole," she added.Set in the chaotic, vibrant Chandni Chowk area in Delhi, Rajma Chawal captures the relationship between a father attempting to reconnect with his estranged son through social media, a new world for him. Amyra will also be seen sharing screen space with actor Rajkummar Rao in Mental Hai Kya and Made In China.

death in 1990, Rohan grew up in Mombasa in Kenya with his mother, sister and grandparents. The actor says people have started talking about him since the film’s trailer released. “I feel I am an outsider despite being his son. I don’t think I’ve ever used his name to get an interview or a meeting. Till last year, if I had gone to a Bollywood party, I would’ve walked and no one would know who I am. “No one even knew I existed. They came to know when the trailer came out,” he said. Rohan says he never received any special treatment from anyone in the industry because of which he has “massive respect for the people”. “The other so-called star kids we speak about, the ones who are spoken about even before their film has released, I wasn’t one of those. I was never on the map. “This is the way I would’ve wanted it to be. I’ve never got anything because of my surname.” He believes the film industry today welcomes outsiders with open arms.


The Patrika





koeI PIs nhIN


The Patrika


Friday, Oct 26th, 2018





The Patrika



Friday, Oct 26th, 2018





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Friday, Oct 26, 2018

Baldev Singh Gill 

Kirandeep Singh Gill


604.825.8886 31046 SOUTHERN DRIVE


Very clean 3 storey house with a walkout basement in West Abbotsford. Heated kitchen, ensuite and a family room floors. New furnace and new central air conditioner. Roof was replaced few years ago. Close to all levels of schools, Fruiticana and Highstreet Mall. Call for more info.

Custom built 3 storey home with 2-5-10 years warranty in West Abbotsford’s newest subdivision. 4 bedrooms upstairs with 3 full baths. One bedroom with full bathroom on main floor. Walk out basement has 3 bedrooms , 2 full bath and very spacious media room.


2300 Sq. ft. Rancher with full basement is located in a quiet dead end street. 7700 Sq. ft. flat lot. Some recent updates are: New windows, new blinds, new washer/dryer, new carpet on stairs and brand new full bath in the basement.

Over 3200 Sq. ft. home in West Abbotsford. Several upgrades including: new laminate flooring in living and family rooms, new tiles in the foyer and kitchen, brand new blinds, only 4 years old roof, a fully fenced backyard and relatively new paint. Close to Rotary stadium, W.J. Mouat Secondary and Gordie Howe Middle School.

Farm Listing

3131 267A STREET

#207 1909 SALTON ROAD


19.44 Acre Full Production 33629 Clayburn RD Blueberry Farm


2 Bed & 1 Bath Apartment on the Main Floor with 2 parking spots. Many upgrades in past few years including: Laminate floors, white baseboards, designer paint, blinds, counter tops, white appliances, bathroom tile around tub, vanity fixtures, electrical plugs & switches! Great location viewing the private common area.

3130 267A STREET


11 year old 1/2 duplex with living, dining, kitchen, family room and 2 piece bath on main; 3 bedrooms and 2 full bath on upstairs. Single garage, fenced private backyard with covered patio and store. No strata fee, independent living, lot of privacy Close to elementary school.

Duke and Bluecrop varieties. Very good production for 2017 Full irrigation system and machine pick. House and Barn.


16.32 acre income producing blueberry farm. 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 1950 sqft rancher. 100x40 barn, has 2 storeys, oversized doors on both ends of barn, extra concrete slab. Peat moss, Huge potential here! Close to town and Mission Hwy.


440 Sumas Way, Abbotsford


1/2 acre property with 4 bedroom- 2kitchens basement entry home in great condition. all new carpets and freshly painted walls,doors,trim and exterior trim as well property has 10’side yard access to back yard on both sides of the home.50’ frontage by 400’deep.room to park all your vehicles.lots of room to build shop.home has large east facing sundeck with view of mt.baker.large steel box container in back yard for plenty of extra storage.

Approx.3 acres of land-surrounded by industrial warehouse.at the corner of nordal way & sweson way-2 road frontages.beside alex fraser bridge,few minutes to hwy 77 & hwy 99-rare find of such big size of commerial property in delta.presently 4800sq.ft burger king building & truck card lock,explore your opportunity to rezone/develop.central locatioon.


201-30505 Blueridge Drive Abbotsford








4021 Glenmore Road

BUILD YOUR DREAM HOUSE 1.38 acre corner lot..Beautiful nature's lover, tranquil , peaceful location to enjoy . Just minutes from MEI school ,Parks,Golf, Comuubity Church & Clearbrook Elementary School.

Best Deal: $ 1,350,000







$ 1,450,000 (U.S.A)

Best Deal: $ 998000

FOR LEASE 984 SQFT SPACE RETAIL OR OFFICE FOR YOUR PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS South side of Khalsa Credit Union Ideal for immigration consultant, accountants, travel agency, transportation dispatching, fabric/clothing store, audio/video store or any other professional business. parking. Ready to occupy.




Friday, Oct 26, 2018

Oak Realty Parv Harry Shinder Gill PREC Little Independently Owned and Operated 604.832.0540 Top 1% Realtor of FVREB 2010-2015 604.832.0944 and Master Medallion 2006-2014

12 Years Experience!

12 Years Experience!

shindersgill@gmail.com | parvharry@gmail.com

Shinder Gill PREC

Parv Harry

Visit our Website for more pictures & New Listings www.teamelite.ca info@teamelite.ca 604-859-2341

NEW "Homes Coming Soon in Abbotsford & Maple Ridge!"


"20 Homes located on East Side of Abbotsford starting at $1.1 Million." "6 Coach Homes in Auguston coming June 2018 starting at $1 Million." "17 Homes in Auguston, some lots with greenbelt, starting at $1.2 Million."


“Ready to build lots available in Maple Ridge, Langley & Abbotsford” "CALL FOR MORE INFO”

Call To Reserve Yours W NE

23118 135 Avenue




New 3 Storey house that is located in a newer developing neighbourhood. House has 5 bedrooms and 4 washrooms along with rec room for upstairs usage to entertain guests. Chef like kitchen with great detail to finishings and nice cabinets for storage of kitchen goods. Great location that is close to all amenities. Call today to get our very own personal tour!




9708 182 Street


11120 241 A St, Maple Ridge 4434 Emily Carr Place, ABBOTSFORD



4422 Emily Carr Place


31076 Firhill Dr, ABBOTSFORD

1.Beautiful Basement Entry Home located on a cul-de-sac with an amazing mountain and greenbelt view. 2.Included on the above floor is a huge kitchen, 4 bedrooms out of which 3 bedrooms have walk-in closets with 2 ensuite bathrooms. 3.3 bedrooms with one which has a


$ 999,000

1.Gorgeous 3 storey home in a great neighborhood. 2.The basement features a big recreational room, a multipurpose room, bedroom and bath.

32656 Marshall Rd,Abbotsford, BC

$ 649,900

Attention Builders/ Investors this well maintained rancher on huge 8400 sqft lot can be built into a duplex or you could build your dream home with city's approval. It has a big 660 sqft shop with big backyard. Close to hospital and schools. Call for you personal tour!

$ 1,679,000

Nice open house with 5 bedrooms and 5 washrooms.House has granite countertops, crown mouldings, 9 feet ceiling along with great finishings around the house. Extra income booster with a 2 bedroom legal suite.

34874 Ackerman Court



$ 655,000 1.Amazing 2 storey house with 3 bedrooms and 3 washrooms. 2.Nice, spacious layout with an open kitchen and island. 3.Lots of natural lighting coming into the house, well kept.


1. 2 Lot subdivision of compact lots already applied for before the Urban 3 Infill cutoff date. 2. One lot over 3,100 sf and the other is almost 3,500 sf, with about 3,000sf homes proposed over 3 floors with big wide back yards.

3316 SAANICH STREET, Abbotsford, BC


1.Amazing corner lot with 2 driveways. 2.House is in mint condition with new kitchen cabinets, new paint, new baseboard and laminate flooring. 3.House has 5 bedrooms and 3 washrooms. Owner has made other upgrades to water tank and furnace as well. 4.Great neighborhood and is close to Rotary Stadium and walking distance to all levels of school.

$ 575,000 1.Opportunity to build your dream home. Developing neighbourhood that has a great view of a greenbelt. 2.Build a house over 4,000 sq.ft. with 5 bedrooms and 4 washrooms. 3.Design your own house the way you like it. 4.Endless possibilities with this lot over 5,400 sq.ft.

3462 Wagner Drive, Abbotsford


$884,900 Nice, well maintained house on a leveled fenced lot. Steps away from all level schools and walking distance to nearby gym/arena. Spacious 3 bedroom and 2 washroom along with 2 bedroom legal suite for extra income.


. Close to 5 acres of bare land . Build your dream house or nice hobby farm 7,700 SQ.FT. HOME WITH PLANS READY FOR A TRIPLE GARAGE HOUSE IN TOWNLINE AREA

. Lot for sale . Can build 5000 sq. ft. house

32295 Slocan Place




$ 899,000


Original owner's pride, home that is custom built. First time on the market . Nice corner lot that is over 6,800 sq.ft. with 5 bedrooms and 4 washrooms. Many upgrades done to the house with newer roof, infloor heating in the basement, built in oven, newer appliances, 2 gas fireplaces, built in vacuum, high efficiency boiler, newer furnace and a over sized double garage. Big windows throughout the whole house providing extra natural lighting into the home. House has skylight, vaulted ceilings and a lot more features that are a must see! Great location in a more desirable part of Abbotsford, Rotary Stadium is just steps away. Close by to all level schools and amenities. Call today to book your very own personal tour!

1.This house is a must see as it implements smart home technology that can be controlled by your very own Ipad. 2.Built in vacuum, fridge, stove, dishwasher, washer and dryer. 3.2 bedroom unauthorized suite in the basement plus a legal 589 sq. ft. coach home

1.Investor Alert! OCP Urban 3-Infill, great opportunity for developer/builder to subdivide into 2 lots. 2.Both houses can face Bakerview or build your your dream house on this lot that is over 10,500 sq.ft. 3.House has 5 bedrooms and 2 washrooms which is currently rented out.



Nice sized lot to build your dream house that you been waiting for. Great location with the Highway #1 just minutes away. Close to all shopping centers and amenities. Build a house with a nice view of the Mountains. Great deal and lot will not last long. Call today for more details!






Nice spacious house with 6 bedrooms and 6 washrooms. Extra kitchen for entertainment. Great location with all level schools that are walking distance. Legal basement suite to help bring in extra income. Minutes from Highway #1 and Fraser Highway.

1.Unobstructed view of Mt. Baker. Custom built home over 4900 sq.ft plus triple garage that is 784 sq.ft. 2.Enjoy the view through the huge windows throughout the home. 3.Enjoy the mini golf course on the front yard. 4.High end craftsmanship in the whole house, modern style custom chef like kitchen and designer colour scheme.

2704 Carriage Court




3 Storey Home with a huge Great Room, Grand Kitchen and beautiful big Dining. The Upper Floor includes 4 bedrooms The Basement has a Kitchen, Living Room, 2 bedrooms, 1.5 bath plus a Theatre Room


Call To Reserve Yours

Big spacious house on a good sized lot. House has a very cozy and elegant feeling that can be felt in every room. Well built with craftsmanship throughout the whole house and can be noticed by the kitchen and amazing wallpapers. Big glass windows throughout the home bringing in extra light. Glass staircase sidings, glass doors, designer wood flooring and high end appliances. Two bedroom legal suite to help bring in extra income. Great developing neighborhood, that is nice and quiet. Call today for your very own personal tour!


Amazing 3 storey house with 1 bedroom suite. Huge backyard and green belt to enjoy. Steps away from future park. Building plans are ready and included! Call today for more information!

3492 Hazelwood Place, Abbotsford



Lot for Sale! Located in a nice quiet neighborhood with Golden Ears connector located only steps away and Highway #1. This lot is over 4,000 sq.ft. allowing you to design your house the way you want. Build the house according to your needs with designer colour schemes. Lot is close to nearby school and amenities. Call today to view the lot!


"Townhome sites available in Langley, Mission & Maple Ridge"

$738,800 1.Updated home on almost 7,500 sq.ft level lot. 2.House has new kitchen cabinets, new quartz counter tops, stainless steel appliances, laminate & tile flooring, updated main washroom. 3. 5 bedrooms and 3 washrooms plus rec room to entertain guests. Ground

33425 Kildare Terrace, Abbotsford

$ 729,900 1.Nice well kept house with the same owners since 1992. 2.There are 5 bedrooms and 3 washrooms with a nice backyard. House has newer kitchen cabinets on the main and basement floor. 3.Newer blinds, water tank was replaced a few years ago. 4.Bigger windows than normal allowing for extra light into the house.

31531 Upper Maclure Rd LOT FOR SALE WEST ABBOTSFORD 1.Ready to build your dream, look no further as this lot that is over 5,400 sq.ft and plans allow for a legal suite. 2.House plans are available to view that has 6 bedrooms and 4 bedrooms accommodating any size family. 3.Great location that is close to all amenities and minutes from freeway access.


NEED MORE LISTINGS! hor ilsitMgjL dI loV hY.

We have qualified buyers PAGE R2

sfzy kol XogqfpUrn (kuaflIPfeIz) KrIddfr hn.


Friday, Oct 26, 2018

Raman Dhillon

Personal Real Estate Corporation raman.realestate@hotmail.com | www.dinvestorsgroup.com


R E A LT Y I N C .









Call For More Info. Abbotsford




S $2895,000 Hope Silver Creek 45 20118 BEACON ROAD



Hope Silver Creek

44 20118 BEACON ROAD


Hope Silver Creek

46 20118 BEACON ROAD



Hope Silver Creek

03 20118 BEACON ROAD



Abbotsford West


D SOL Chilliwack



Investors,Developersand BuildersAlert!Property locatedinadesirableareaof WestAbbotsfordwith possibilitytobesubdivideinto 2lots.

Chilliwack 8524 FOREST GATE DRIVE

$749,700 Chilliwack 8488 FOREST GATE DRIVE

$849,000 Abbotsford





Great Location 16.44 acres Blueberry farm with beautiful Home. 7 year old Mega house 6700 SF with 10 bedroom and 8 Washrooms. 4 kitchens. Over 13 acres of land was planted in 2000 with

10 acre blueberry farm, a few minutes from town. Trade Welcome.



65 ACRES Raspberry Farm. Great Rental Income. Close to Town. Trades Welcome.

$2,499,000 35062 HARRIS ROAD High production farm, Blue crop variety, very well kept, great location with smaller house.


19 + ACRES

Raspberry Farm & BIG House!



20+ ACRES Duke & Blue Crop. High production.


Townhouse site & 7 storey apartment building site. Prime Location!

For Sale 8 Brand New HOUSES! in Promontory Area Chillwack! 2 & 3 Storey Houses Available NOW!




Pizza Place $199,000

Commercial Unit In Cedar Park Abbotsford Contact For Detail



Friday, Oct 26, 2018

What is Fair Market Value? When you are buying or selling a home, naturally, your most important concern is getting the best price. As a seller, you may have lived in your home for years. You have contributed towards the mortgage each month. You have maintained your home. And now, it is only right that you should reap the rewards of your efforts. As a buyer, you want to ensure you are paying fair value for a home. How then, do you get fair market value for your home? In this article we will explain, specific house, present condition and 30 to 90 days, the three factors that influence market value. In this article, we refer to market value, as it applies to single-family homes only. Evaluation methods are different for condominiums and commercial properties. The term, "market value," is a broad and confusing term. Consumers shop in a store and pay the price indicated on the price tag. A book is worth $18.95 according to the tag. A car is worth $15,000 because the price tag says it is. We rarely question the value or worth placed on these items. We just pay the price. At the end of the season, if an item did not sell, its value changes. The $18.95 book did not attract enough buyers. Therefore, the store puts the book on sale to entice people to buy the unsold books. Initially, the market value of the book was $18.95. However, when new titles arrive on the shelf, or the subject of the book is no longer popular, the market value could drop to $9.95. Therefore, market value is the price that an item will sell for, within a reasonable time period. When considering real estate, "reasonable" refers to one to three months. When it comes to determining fair market value on a home, the following definition is helpful: "Market value is the price at which a particular house, in its current condition, will sell within 30 to 90 days." Three criteria make up this definition; 1. Specific house PAGE R4

2. Present condition 3. 30 to 90 days To determine a home's value, most people use an appraisal or comparative market evaluations. An appraisal, conducted by a certified appraiser, is a professional opinion of a property's market value, based on recent sales of comparable properties, location, square footage, construction quality, floor plan, shopping, schools, transportation, etc. On average, this type of

evaluation costs $300 - $500. Lenders require an appraisal as part of the mortgage application process. A comparative market evaluation (CMA), performed by a Real Estate Professional is a free, informal estimate of market value, based on sales of comparable properties. Specific house Market value is limited to your specific house. The location and neighbourhood of your particular home is the starting point for this determination. The exact same house in another city, or another neighbourhood across town, does not matter for your determination. For example, a house in St. Albert could be worth $375,000. But if the exact same home was located in Edmonton, it may only be valued at $300,000. Home prices also fluctuate significantly from city to city and from neighbourhood to neigh-

bourhood. Therefore, when considering the market value of your home, it must be compared to similar homes in the same or adjoning neighbourhoods. Present condition The second factor in determining market value is the condition of your home. Is it in "showing" condition? Does it need some improvements? The condition of your home determines the number of buyers who may want to view and purchase the property. This relates to the time your home will remain on the market before it sells. Most home buyers want a reasonably priced home, in good condition. They may look less favourably on a home that requires major work. Some people determine a market value by subtracting the amount of estimated fix-up costs from the selling price. This may not be the best way to evaluate a home. A home in good condition sells for $80,000. A home you may like needs $4,000 in repairs. This may not equate to a market value of $76,000 ($80,000 - $4,000). Why not? Homes that require work take longer to sell. To attract more buyers, the price may have to be reduced beyond the cost of the repairs. it is all a matter of how much someone is willing to pay for these repairs. Additionally, determining market value for a home that needs some work, is not an exact science. Some Real Estate Professionals suggest subtracting approximately two to three times the amount of the fix-up costs. 30 to 90 days In most markets, a home will sell within 30 to 90 days. If it does not, the price is probably too high. Even homes that are "perfect" will not sell in this time, if the price is too high. On the opposite end: if a house sells within a short period, perhaps the asking price was too low or it could be a hot market. When there are housing shortages or fear of rising prices, many homes are purchased within a matter of days of the listing.


Friday, Oct 26, 2018



dIp iFloN 604.832.0480


Ph: 604-864-0666 • Fax: 604-864-0668 Toll Free: 1-866-967-0666

Call Today for your Free Market Evaluation!

#110- 30485 Cardinal Avenue, Abbotsford BC V4X 2M9


3789 Coachstone Way, 3363 Horn St Abbotsford Abbotsford Creekstone on the Park". Well-kept Custom built 2 storey w/walk-out basement backing onto green space. Very private setting. Many updates. 3 bedrooms up, 1 bedroom in the bsmt and den on main. home features 4 gas fireplaces, granite countertops, S/S appliances in the kitchen, hardwood floor on main and 2nd floor. W/O basement has 4th bedroom, rec room with marble decorated wet bar, theater room and sauna in the basement.

MILLION DOLLAR MOUNT BAKER VIEW CENTRAL Location, view, You can have it all! It offers Blueberry, panoramic views of mountains. Impressive 4799 sq.ft. mansion is located on 8.5 acres Planted Duke, 4 yrs old plants. Covered sundeck, spectacular bedrooms with Ensuites.

$ 1,899,000

3 SOLD ONE AVAILABLE Townhouse Legal Suite close to Baba Banda 407 31771 13505 62 Ave Singh Peardonville Rd Surrey Abbotsford Bahadur This home has 2 spacious Gurdwara bedrooms, 2 baths, living area, good size kitchen and dining space Penthouse. Lots of updates include new laminate flooring, fresh paint, newer roof and much more. The building has been very well maintainedwell managed.

$ 349,000



$ 599,000 For more info please call Deep or Harjinder

property into two RF lots

6757 134A St 33394 Hawthorne Ave Abbotsford Surrey Totally renovated gem located in quite and central location of West Newton. This 2700 sq.ft home features two and one bedrooms suites as great mortgage helper. Upgrades include new roof, furnace, hot water tank, flooring, kitchens, washroom , appliances and windows. big lot 66 by 122.

$ 1,250,000 $ 1,049,000

70 x 115 Rancher

Mainly Landvalue

$ 619,000

Gary Tiwana

gYrI itvfxf Cell


7 Lots In West Abby 7 Lots In East Abby All Lots With Legal Suites. You Can Build 3 Story Homes. Ready to build Now Prices from $ 429,900 - $ 599,900 Call Gary For More Info



NOT LISTED YET. COMING SOON. Clean 2 Storey Home on 4 ft. crawl space, Family Room, 3 full baths, Gas F/P double garage, Beautiful backyard. Only $749,900. CALL ME before it’s gone.


Fully Renovated, Clean Family Home. 5 Bdrm, 2 full baths, Kitchen With Island .Great For 1st Time Buyers Or Investors. Loads Of Parking. Nice Fenced Backyard, Private Walk To School & Shopping. Call Gary For More Info

5 Acres - House & Blueberries

Beautiful 5 Acres & Renovated Home 3 Bdrm Rancher . Office & Big 22 X 70 Shed. 7 Yr Old Blueberries (Bluecrop & Duke). TOTAL INCOME $50,000/yr Close To Town. Drive by 2034 - Bradner Rd.



Friday, Oct 26, 2018 MLS TOP 10%

Jag S Sidhu Personal Real Estate Corporation

Listing Needed Call Jag

#110 - 30485 Cardinal Ave Abbotsford, BC V2T0E5

Phone: 604.625.2245 Fax: 604.625.2249 Toll Free: 1.866.967.0666

Call Gurcharan or Jag for your FREE no obligation Market Evaluation


New listing on Upper Maclure 6 bedrooms 5 bath recroom call jag 32277 PEARDONVILLE RD

This home is centrally located in West Abbotsford, close to schools, shopping and parks. OVER 12000 SF Large lot, that can be subdivided into 2 lots that would be over 6000 sqft each. Build your dream home and sell the lot beside you or hold the property


2 lot approval. Documents are available from seller once accepted offer and you can verify with the city of Abbotsford prior to making any offer for final approval of 2 lots. Close to French Immersion Elementary school, Stadium, Bus and recreation. Call Gur Dhillon

3510 Promontory crt

West Abby. 3 story 5 bedrooms up den on main two bedroom legal suite and a Rec room for owner use.




West Abbotsford on firhill dr, 26 year old house 5 bedroom 3 bath family room, recroom legal suite close to all levels of school Call Gur Dhillon

30966 Brookdale Crt

Abbotsford near gurdwara on 30658 steelhead crt. 4 bedroom den(5th) bedroom legal suite clean cul-de-sac!!

THE GABLES, a family friendly community! A well maintained family home and complex. 4 Bdrms, 3 FULL baths, BIG rec-room, LARGE balcony and DOUBLE garage. Prime location, walking distance to Fruiticana Grocery Store, Eugene Reimer Middle School,Highstreet mall and easy access to highway.

34041 Wavell Lane, Abbotsford

New listing near all levels of schools, gurdwara shaib, fully renovated home 3 bedroom family room and great room up 1 suite and huge theater room for owner use with bar!!

Unit 40 - 31255 Upper Maclure Road


3 story 7 bedroom and 8 bath with great views!!

It is a two bedroom house, close to Wal-Mart and freeway. It is rented for $950 per month. It is hard to find in this price in Abbotsford area, demolish it and make a new house. No sign on property.

New listing hitting the market this week. West Abby 3420 Headwater pl!!8 bedroom 9 bath, spice kitchen, radiant heat, high ceilings, A/C and generator ready. 2 suites, recroom/ theatre room/bar walking distance to schools!!

3 Lot LEFT Subdivision


In Maple Ridge Green Belt Call for more detail

214500 Morris Valley Rd Off hwy 7 East Mission


5 Acres

2 bdrm + extra with private fenced yard with patio, extra parking/long driveway to a detached 20 x 5 garage/room. New roof & appliances.close to public transit/school, shopping

#30 - 31098 Westridge Pl 2 Bedroom Townhouse

Sold 8 plus acres on hope rd in Abbotsford with 6500sqft home

Blueberry Farm West Abbotsford with a house. Good production Blueberry BlueCrop & Duke Variety call for more info

KETCH PLACE 4 BEDRM HOUSE single garage 700,00 sq feet


Sukh Malhi 604.832.6034

Personal Real Estate Corporation

Sukh@sukhmalhi.com iksy vI qrHF dI pRfprtI KRIdx jF vycx leI suwK mwlI nflL sMprk kro Office 604.855.0800 NEW LISTING 3106 Mouat Drive


Great location! Just Steps Away from both Schools. Simply gorgeous home located on large corner lot with gated RV parking! This 5 bdrm/3 bath home! This home sits on 6550 Sq ft of land. Some of the Updates new roof, new laminate oor downstairs, new paint, Large sundeck over double garage.

32173 Mouat Drive


Great location!Investor or First time buyer alert. Just Steps Away from all levels of Schools. This home located on Quiet cul-desac! This 4 bdrm/2 bath home has legal suite. This home needs TLC - Either bring it back to its former glory or build your dream home here.

2553 Alderview St.


Great location! Just Steps Away from both Schools. Simply gorgeous home located on large corner lot with gated RV parking! This 5 bdrm/3 bath home! This home sits on 6550 Sq ft of land. Some of the Updates new roof, new laminate oor downstairs, new paint, Large sundeck over double garage.

RECENTLY SOLD 31914 Hopedale Ave


99 3030 Trethewey St.

29 46840 Russell Rd


30 35287 Old Yale Rd.

3106 Mouat Drive


Friday, Oct 26, 2018

RESIDENTIAL | www.veermalhi.com Near Sikh Temple LD


3088 Princess st




2108 Vinewood st



$679,800 32372 Alpine ave, 5 bedroom, 2.5 bathrooms, 7738 sqft lot


2 Storey With Bsmt 5 Bdrm, 3.5 Bath Recroom & Bsmt Suite

44-31255 Upper Maclure 32043 Tims Avenue 32827 Hardwood place

House on 2 legal lots 12798 sqft

12240 sqft lot Duplex

2095 Beaver St

11-33682 Marshall rd 403-33960 Old Yale Road

34118 Larch Street 32107 Clinton Ave 2411 Adelaide st 122-2515 Park dr 2994 Eastview street

FARMS | www.buyandsellfarms.com LD

5.08 acres


20 Acres

12 Acres

10 Acres

planted in blueberries flat rectangluar parcel build your dream home 5 min from abbotsford centre

28218 Layman ave, Abbotsford 2 homes on 5 acres 2 acres in blueberries Near Abbotsford, Aldergrove



19.5 Acres

Sumas Prairie, Abbotsford Flat fertile land Plant berries or other crops Near no. 3 rd exit

10 Acres

$2,299,000 565 MARION RD, ABBOTSFORD New listing Build your dream home Sumas prairie Drip irreg Duke & Elliot Variety

40721 No. 1 Rd, Abbotsford 12 Acres bare land 3 Bedroom hous



BEHARREL RD, ABBOTSFORD Planted In Blueberries Flat Rectangular Parcel Build Your Dream Home 5 Min From Abbotsford downtown



25.39 Acres



Full production blueberry 5 bedroom house (2012 built) near no. 3 rd exit


MISSION Good location Planted in Blueberries 2 bedroom house

10 mins from sumas way


10 Acres



69.29 Acres


32425 King Road..............................5 Acres 1723 Jackson Street.........................Appx 5 Acres 28028 layman avenue .....................Appx 5 Acres 6230 riverside street.........................Appx 5 Acres

6113 Beharrell Road..............................Appx 10 Acres 7.09 acres lot B Haverman ...................Appx 7 Acres 5111 Tolmie road................................... Appx 8 Acres 14627 Dixon road ..................................Appx 30 Acres



Friday, Oct 26, 2018

ikRsims aqy nvyN sfl dIaF mubfrkF !


32712 Huntingdon House is fully renovated


6.9 Acres with House

2775 sq.ft. home. 3 bdrms + Den. GreatLocation. Recently Renovated. Landscaped yard.

$1,647,000 **LOCATION LOCATION LOCATION*** Priced to Sell. Here's your chance to own 6 Acres located in one of the most desirable areas of South Abbotsford. Located off of Huntingdon, close to Highway 1/Airport/Aldergrove Border.

Experience Our Service





32679 Avalon Cr 3000 SQFT home on huge 9500+SQFT lot in quiet cul-de-sac

14-3635 Bluejay


13 - 2962 Trethewey St

28 - 31125 Westridge Pl This three bedroom home features a flexible open plan layout with a gourmet kitchen featuring granite counter top. flat panel cabinetry.

Nice view of the northern mountains from this 2 bedroom 2 bath condo in Cascade Green. Located on the quiet side of the building. Cozy gas fireplace in the living room. Great central location for all levels of schools, shopping and recreation.

Still Available $2,677,000

591 Short Rd Modern 8,000+ sq. ft. house with a barn on 4.9 Acres in one of the best locations

32698 Pandora Ave

8411 Harms St

SOLD 4 - 31235 Upper Maclure

210 - 32550 Maclure

2921 Babich St

162 - 3162 Townline Rd


aYbtsPorz ivwc iksy vI qrHF dI rYjIzYNsLIal jF kmrsLIal pROprtI KrIdx jF vycx leI qjLrbykfr iraltr crnjIq isMG jMzU nflL sMprk kro|




$1649000 Luxurious custom built 6060 sq ft home on 9078 sqft lot with lots of parking . Main floor Living room, Dining room, Great Size OFFICE on the Main floor and Powder Room, Modern kitchen with central island, also has spice kitchen, huge family room and main floor also has a bedroom with attached bathroom, Covered deck. Upstairs 5 Bedrooms and 3 Full washrooms which include 2 master bedrooms , One of master bedroom has covered deck, Both master bedrooms suite are luxury with glass shower. Downstairs: 2 bedrooms legal suite also has a spacious Living room, bedroom and Full washroom with Separate Entrance and modern bar in basement.





2700 sqft basement entry spacious home in Fairfield, a highly desirable area close to stadium, all levels of schools. Main floor 1550 SF of living space has living room,dining area, family room off kicthen.3 spacious bedrooms and 2 baths.Basement is level with separate entry, basement has living




Rancher with legal suite close to Terry Fox Elementary and Park. Spacious plan and a very private fenced back yard. 6 bedroom and 4 baths . Great for the first time home buyer. Basement suite is legal and has a separate laundry facility . Recroom and full washroom for the owner's own use in the basement . Renovations including New Windows and Newer Roof!




well maintained 3 beds and 3 baths end unit in "Birch Grove Terrace" close to all ammenities, all levels of schools and recreation. Main floor: Living room,kitchen,dining area, 2pcs bath. Upstairs: 3 bedrooms and 2 baths

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