4 minute read

United Truckers Association Stands with ILWU Canada in Labour Disruption

Encourages federal government to intervene without back-to-work legislation

The United Truckers Association (“UTA”) attended two rallies in support of ILWU Canada this past weekend to show solidarity for our striking brothers and sisters.


The main message delivered by UTA spokesperson Gagan Singh on stage was the perils of an imposed settlement based on the UTA’s experience from the 2014 Port of Vancouver labour disruption.

“ILWU is fighting for Canada’s supply chain to function smoothly and for our country’s global competitiveness, and the UTA is warning the federal government not to make the same mistake they did with 2014’s imposed settlement,” says Singh. “It is nearly a decade later, and the federal government has failed to live up to its commitments from the 2014 Joint Action Plan, with our members continuing to suffer as a result.”

The UTA continues to be the local drayage sector’s main advocate for fairness in advocacy with the Port of Vancouver and all levels of government, which is a mandate that includes support for the ILWU’s current demands.

With the Port of Vancouver ranking 347 out of 348 global ports in a recent study, it is critical to have labour that offers flexibility and problem-solving to maintain maximum efficiency in operations. As a result, automation that eliminates jobs is not a solution that the UTA can support.

Further, the federal government’s interest in prices for Canadians remained silent and inactive when shipping companies exponentially increased prices in the months following the outbreak of Covid-19. Hence, there is no reason for any imposed settlement now in the name of consumer protection.

The UTA is warning the federal government of potential escalation of disruption should they consider any kind of imposition of settlement.

“Even though our members are suffering with the lack of work and earnings to support their families at the moment, we remain steadfast in our support of fair and equitable bargaining between parties,” adds Singh. “The federal government should strongly consider the strength of support for ILWU members before they get involved in a unilateral fashion.”

puwq pRdysIN vsidaf

rxjIq ‘ikMgrf’ mYN rulL igaf ivwc pRdysF dy, koeI suxdf nf Pirafd myrI. idl Br Br afey rukdf nf, aMmIeNy jd afey Xfd qyrI.

Auh pl Auh GVIaF Auh lmhy, qyrI godI ivwc ibqfey jo, Auh ‘ikMgry’ df srmfieaf ny, rhy mmqf sdf abfd qyrI. *** mF- puwq pRdysIN vsidaf, vy qUM sux lY mF dI gwl vy, ho ky cMn mjbUr mYN, qYnMU idwqf kYnyzf Gwl vy, lfl vy jIvx joigaf, awKF dy qfiraf, aMmVI nMU Buwl vy igEN[[[[ puwq- sux nI mfeyN myrIey, mYnMU sB kuJ ipClf Xfd nI, DrqI pwQr-idwlF dI, koeI suxdf nf Pirafd nI, rwb vrgI myrI aMmIeNy, mmqf dI mUrqy, mYN qYnMU Buwilaf nhIN[[[[ mF- kwcf koTf Zih irhY, AuWqoN kihrF dI brsfq vy, qUM bYTf ivwc koTIaF, pf kuwlIaF vwl vI Jfq vy, qfhny ny sLrIk mfrdy, puwqrf myiraf, vqnF nMU Buwl vy igEN[[[[ puwq- idny rfq kr nOkrI, irhf mr mr ijLMdgI kwt nI, ickF jdoN mYnMU imldIaF, PV lYNdy shury Jwt nI, zrdf mYN boldf nhIN, mfeyN myrIey, mYN vqnF nMU Buwilaf nhIN[[[[ mF- asIN krjLy hyTF dwb gey, sfh huMdf jFdY bMd vy,


sfbkf srpMc: kokrI Pul isMG ikAuN Eey inhfilaf ajLfdI nhIN vyKI nF Eey Brfvf nf KfDI nf dyKI mYN jwgU qoN suixaF Auh aMbflLy KVHI sI qy bVI BIV Aus dy dvflLy KVHI sI afeI nUM qF BfvyN qIaf sfl bIqf asIN qF ajy qwk drsLn nhIN kIqf idwlI’c afAuNdI hY isaflF dI ruwqy qy hfVHF’c sONdI hY phfVF dy AuWqy ibrly dy Gr vl agfVI sI Aus dI qy jMqf dy vl qF pCfVI sI Aus dI grIbF nF lgdI hY lVI hoeI Kbry amIrF dy hwQI hY cVHI hoeI Kbry aKLbfrF’c piVHaf jrvfxI ijhI hY sohxI nhIN bhuqI qy kfxI ijhI hY mMny jy kihxf qF asIN vI mMgfeI ey

CMnf qy ZfiraF’c BuMjy sONvfeIey pr pqf nhIN Auh kI kI hY KFdI qy ikhVI ikhVI cIj qoN idl ey crFdI ismly’c KFdI ey grm grm aFzy beI sfzI qF KurlI’c ny swky dFdy ajLfdI qF mMnIeyN jy hr idl nUM Bfvy grIb gurby dI vI bFh PVI jfvy lokF ny ilaFdI qy lokF leI hovy lokfeI nhIN cfhuMdI prfeI ho Klovy izwg peI ikwdF kwZIey, sfzI bIhI vwl dI kMD vy, Gr vI AujfV lwgdY, vfrI lfl vy, vqnF nMU Buwl vy igEN[[[[ puwq- bx ky mfeyN aOrqF, eyQy mrd rhy idn kwt nI, nO sO igafrF Pon qy, af jFdI puls hY Jwt nI, dbky jnfnI mfrdI, mfeyN myrIey, mYN vqnF nMU Buwilaf nhIN[[[[ mF- koTy ijwzI ho geI, sfzI iCMdI hux muitafr vy, ilstF gj gj lMmIaF, Auhdy shury mMgdy kfr vy, sfnMU kuJ suwJdf nhIN, puwqr myiraf, vqnF nMU Buwl vy igEN[[[[ puwq- puwq mfpy GrF ’coN kwZdy, eyQy shury rwKdy nfl nI, pYsy ipwCy rul rhy, inwq vyKF nMnVy bfl nI, dwuK pRdysF dy bury, mfeyN myrIey, mYN vqnF nMU Buwilaf nhIN[[[[ mF- awg lwgy Aus pRdys nMU, ijwQy hY nhIN suwcf ipafr vy, icwty hoey KUn ny, aqy AuWjV rhy pRvfr vy, sohixaF qUM Gr muV af, ijgr dy toitaf, af glL mF dy lwgjf[[[[ puwq- pVH icwTI icwq Audfs sI, igaf ckr dy ‘ikMgry’ kol nI, ro ro AusnMU dwisaf, drdF df ikwsf Pol nI, vqnF nMU af mYN irhf, mfeyN myrIey, mYN vqnF nMU Buwilaf nhIN[[[[ mYN aMmVI nMU Buwilaf nhIN, mYN qYnMU Buwilaf nhIN[[[[ qfkq, aklfˆ, vkq iekwTy nhIN bihMdy. zf[ gurBjn igwl qfkq, aklfˆ, vkq iekwTy nhIN bihMdy. iqMny rl ky iek isr aMdr nhIN rihMdy. bcpn vyly KyzHIafˆ KyzHfˆ BuwldIafˆ nhIN, jyb `c pfey jfmx dy rMg nhIN lihMdy. ikwdfˆ jgxf sI iPr ieh dIp afËfdI df, jy DrqI puwq qfj qÉq sMg nf KihMdy. jy simafˆ dI ihwk qy iliKaf pVHdy nf, afpdy mUMhoˆ ieh gwl afpfˆ ikAuˆ kihMdy. hMJUafˆ dy dirafvfˆ nMU vI bMnH mfro, nkÈy ivwc nhIN imldy, ieh jo inwq vihMdy. apxy Gr dI pfto DfV ny mfr ilaf, iek sur hMudy, duÈmx koloˆ ikAuˆ ZihMdy.

KuwlHIafˆ, zuwlHIafˆ jUhfˆ dy ny jfey jo, duwly, buwlHy, eIn iksy dI nhIN sihMdy.

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