November 1, 2024

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dIvflI df iqAuhfr rOÈnI jF KuÈIaF df iqAuhfr. ies idn lok GrF ‘c dIvy

jgfAuNdy hn, miTafeIaF vMzdy hn qy

qrHF-qrHF dIaF miTafeIaF KFdy hn qy

KuÈIaF mnfAuNdy hn. ies iqAubhfr ‘c

lok ptfky vI clfAuNdy hn, ijnHF ‘c bwcy vI Èfml huMdy hn. qusIN jfxdy hovygy ik

ptfky hvf pRdUÈx vDfAuNdy hn, ijs

kfrn ishq nUM kfÌI nuksfn (Harms of iFrecrackers) ho skdf hY. ptfikaF

qoN inkilaF DUMaF bwicaF dIaf awKF leI

hor vI Gfqk sfbq ho skdf hY. ptfikaF nfl hox vflf pRdUÈx bwicaF dIaF awKF

leI gMBIr Éqrf bx skdf hY qy ies dy

Éqry nUM smJxf bhuq ËrUrI hY. ptfikaF

qoN inklx vflf DUMaF keI hfnIkfrk kYmIkl Cwzdf hY jo bwicaF dIaf awKF ‘c

jlx pYdf kr skdf hY, drd df kfrn bx skdf hY qy kfÌI nuksfn phuMcf skdf

hY. jdoN bwcy ies DUMeyN dy sMprk ‘c afAuNdy

hn qF Coty- Coty kx AunHF dIaF awKF ‘c

jf skdy hn, ijs nfl rYwzns, KfrÈ qy

awKF ‘c aYlrjI hox df Éqrf vwD jFdf

hY.bwicaF dIaF awKF ienHF pRBfvF pRqI

iËafdf sMvydnÈIl huMdIaF hn, ikAuNik

AunHF dI ieimAUntI ajy ivkisq ho rhI

huMdI hY. ptfikaF dy DUMeyN ‘c pfey jfx

vfly hfnIkfrk qwq vrgy lIz qy byrIam

aYlrjI pYdf kr skdy hn qy kornIaf

(awK df pfrdrÈI ihwsf jo nËr leI mh-

wqvpUrn hY) vI nuksfn phuMcf skdf hY.

lMmyN smyN qk DUMeyN dy sMprk ‘c rihx nfl

awKF ‘c


KuÈkI dI

smwisaf ho skdI

hY jo

dyKx ‘c

asQfeI aMnHypx qy roÈnI

pRqI sMvydnÈIlqf nUM vDf

skdy hn. ijs nfl bfhr

Kyzxf qy hor gqIivDIaF ‘c Èfml hoxf muÈkl ho

skdf hY. ies dy nfl hI

pRdUiÈq vfqfvrn ‘c kM-

njkitvfieits df Éqrf

vI vwD jFdf hY jo bwicaF ‘c qyËI nfl

PYl skdf hY.

muÈkl qy awKF nUM hor vI keI nuksfn

phuMcf skdI hY. ies qoN ielfvf ptfi-

kaF dy DUMeyN ‘c mOjUd pRdUÈx bwicaF ‘c


qoN inklx vfly DUMeyN

df Éqrf

iewQy hI

Éqm nhIN

huMdf. ies iksm dy

pRdUÈx dy inXimq sMprk nfl awKF

dIaF gMBIr aqy purfxIaF smwisafvF ho

skdIaF hn, ijvyN ik moqIafibMd, jo smyN


Punjabi Editor

Adver tising Executive



The P atrika pMjwbI p`iqRkw

Gurdeep Singh Grewal

Paramjit Singh Kanda

Ekam Banipal

Gurmeen Banipal

dy nfl awKF nUM gMBIr rUp ivwc pRBfivq kr skdf hY. ienHF KqiraF nUM iDafn ‘c rwKdy hoey, mfipaF leI ieh ËrUrI hY ik

Auh bwicaF nUM ienHF ÉqiraF qoN bcfAux leI kdm cuwkx. bwicaF nUM ptfikaF dy DUMeyN qoN dUr rwKxf bhuq ËrUrI hY, ikAuNik AunHF dIaF awKF ivÈyÈ qOr ‘qy sMvydnÈIl huMdIaF hn qy hfnIkfrk DUMaF aqy gYsF sQfeI nuksfn df kfrn bx skdIaF hn. ies leI ptfky iblkul nf clfE pr jy quhfzy afs-pfs lok ptfky clf rhy hn qF bwicaF nUM AuQoN dUr rwKo qy qusIN Kud vI AuwQoN dUr rho.

Chief Editor/Publisher : Dr. Andy Sidhu | General Manager : Dave Sidhu | Administration Executive: R onnie Sidhu mu`K AYfItr/pRkwsæk: fw: AYNfI is`D jnrl mYnyjr: dyv is`DU AYfiminstrysæn mYnyjr: rxvIr rOnI is`DU pMjwbI AYfItr AYfvrtweIijMæg mYnyjr tweIipst lyAwaUt fIjæweIn gRwiPk fIjæweInr gurdIp isMG

Graphic Designer

Gurjeet Kaur Muhar

Administration Assistant : Gurneet Sidhu AYfiminstrysæn AisstYNt : gurnIq is`DU

ijvyN hI dIvflI df iqAuhfr afAuNdf hY, DUMeyN dI iewk sMGxI cfdr idwlI aqy afly-duafly dy ÈihrF nUM Zwk jFdI hY. hr sfl ies smyN dOrfn pRdUÈx df pwDr ieMnf vwD jFdf hY ik ieh sfzI ishq leI gMBIr Kqrf pYdf krdf hY. ptfikaF qoN inklx vflf DUMaF nf isrÌ vfqfvrn nUM dUiÈq krdf hY sgoN sfzI ishq nUM keI qrIikaF nfl nuksfn phuMcfAuNdf hY. vwK-vwK aiDaYnF qoN ieh gwl sfhmxy afeI hY ik ptfikaF dy DUMeyN ivwc bhuq sfry hfnIkfrk rsfiex huMdy hn jo iswDy sfzy

PyPiVaF nUM pRBfivq krdy hn. dIvflI qoN bfad KMG, dmf aqy sfh dI smwisaf dy mfmilaF ‘c kfPI vfDf hoieaf hY. nf isrÌ bflg sgoN bwcy vI ienHF smwisafvF qoN burI qrHF pRBfivq huMdy hn. ishq dy vwD rhy ÉqiraF dy mwdynËr hr sfl ptfky nf clfAux dI apIl kIqI jFdI hY pr iPr vI bfËfrF

ivwc ptfikaF dI ivkrI jfrI hY. keI vfr ptfikaF kfrn hfdsy vI vfpr jFdy hn, ijs

ivc lokF dI jfn vI clI jFdI hY. aijhI

siQqI ivwc, ies lyK ivwc asIN ivsQfr ivwc jfxFgy ik ptfikaF df DUMaF sfzI ishq nUM kI

nuksfn phuMcf skdf hY, ijs leI ibmfrIaF

qoN pIVq lokF nUM ivÈyÈ sfvDfnIaF vrqxIaF

cfhIdIaF hn aqy jykr ptfikaF nfl cmVI sV jFdI hY qF kI huMdf hY. kI Aupfa kIqy jf

skdy hn? ptfikaF df DUMaF isrÌ PyPiVaF

qwk hI sImq nhIN hY; ies dy pUry srIr

‘qy gMBIr nqIjy huMdy hn. ienHF ivwcoN sB qoN

Kqrnfk Éqrf kYNsr hY. jI hF, ptfikaF dI

rMgIn cmk pYdf krn leI vrqy jfx vfly

rsfiex aqy ryzIEaYkitv qwq kYNsr dy Éqry

nUM keI guxf vDf idMdy hn. ieh hfnIkfrk

qwq srIr ivwc dfKl ho ky vwK-vwK aMgF nUM

nuksfn phuMcf skdy hn aqy kYNsr vrgIaF

gMBIr ibmfrIaF nUM jnm dy skdy hn. dIvflI

dy iqAuhfr qoN bfad hvf ivc PYly Ëihr

kfrn sfzI ishq nUM Éqrf pYdf ho jFdf hY.

DUV dy kxF ivwc mOjUd ËihrIly qwq sfzy

PyPiVaF nUM nuksfn phuMcfAuNdy

hn aqy dmy dy mrIËF leI sfh lYx ivwc muÈkl bxfAuNdy hn. kYzmIam nF df qwq KUn ivwc afksIjn dI kmI kr ky sfnUM kmËor bxfAuNdf hY. ptfikaF df DUMaF idl dy rogIaF leI bhuq Kqrnfk ho skdf hY. ptfikaF qoN inklx vflf DUMaF iswDf PyPiVaF ivwc jFdf hY, AunHF nUM nuksfn phuMcfAuNdf hY aqy sfh

lYx ivwc muÈkl pYdf kr skdf hY. ies qoN ielfvf ptfikaF dI AuwcI afvfË idl

‘qy dbfa pfAuNdI hY aqy idl dI DVkx nUM ainXimq kr skdI hY, ijs nfl idl dy dOry df Éqrf vD jFdf hY. ptfikaF dI afvfË Coty bwicaF aqy jfnvrF leI vI bhuq zrfAuxI hY. Auh zr dy mfry rox lwg jFdy hn aqy AunHF dy idl dI DVkx bhuq qyË ho jFdI hY. ptfikaF qoN inklx vfly DUMeyN nfl

grBvqI aOrqF qy AunHF dy axjMmy bwicaF leI gMBIr Éqrf pYdf huMdf hY. DUMeyN ivwc mOjUd hfnIkfrk rsfiex sfh pRxflI nUM pRBfivq kr skdy hn, ijs nfl sfh lYx ivwc muÈkl afAuNdI hY. ies qoN ielfvf, iehnF rsfiexF dy sMprk ivwc afAux nfl axjMmy bwcy ivwc jmFdrU asmrQqfvF df Éqrf vwD jFdf hY. DUMeyN dy lMby smyN qwk sMprk ivwc rihx nfl vI grBpfq df Éqrf vD jFdf hY.

People encouraged to prepare for seasonal weather

As weather in British Columbia transitions into fall, people can expect seasonal stormy conditions and are encouraged to take steps to prepare for cooler temperatures and the increased possibility of rain, snow and flooding.

Currently, there are no active flood warnings or advisories in the province. However, Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) forecasts a storm arriving Friday evening, bringing precipitation throughout B.C. through the weekend. This storm is anticipated to be weaker than last weekend’s atmospheric river event, and will likely bring generally moderate precipitation to coastal regions and parts of the Columbia-Kootenays. There are no anticipated widespread flood hazards at this time, but saturated ground conditions in low-lying areas could lead to reduced drainage and faster runoff.

Wind warnings are in effect for Haida Gwaii and northern Vancouver Island. Strong winds are also expected for southern Vancouver Island, the southern Gulf Islands, east Vancouver Island, Sunshine Coast, the Strait of Juan De Fuca and Strait of Georgia.

Seasonal freezing levels in the Interior could result in snow at mid and high elevations.

While the current weekend’s forecast for wet and stormy weather is seasonally typical, as the fall/winter storm season is underway, the Province continues to monitor conditions closely and works with communities to support preparedness and response actions.

The B.C. River Forecast Centre continues to closely monitor forecasts and will issue updates as conditions warrant.

The Province is taking a number of actions to keep people and communities safe in the event of flooding at all times of the year, including:

- The Ministry of Emergency Management and Climate Readiness (EMCR) is working closely with communities on preparedness activities, including weekly natural hazard information calls with First Nations, communities and partner agencies.

- The forecast centre is monitoring weather patterns and river conditions and remains vigilant for any shifts toward extreme wet weather.

- The Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure will have maintenance contractors monitoring conditions, clearing culverts, and pre-positioning crews and equipment to respond quickly to potential flooding or debris buildup during this weather event, to ensure safe and clear roadways.

- EMCR is prepared to release four million sandbags to communities to protect homes and public infrastructure.

- EMCR is prepared to deploy or preposition sandbag machines to areas of flood concern or potential flood concern throughout the province.

- EMCR is prepared to deploy 12 kilometres of gabions, wall-like structures filled with sand, and 30 kilometres of tiger dams, which are stackable orange tubes filled with water.

- EMCR is able to issue broadcast intrusive alerts as requested by First Nations and local governments to warn people in areas where there may be imminent threats due to flooding.

People are asked to take precautions this season to ensure personal safety, including developing a household plan, putting together emergency kits, connecting with neighbours and learning about the local government emergency response plan for their area.

If you are placed under evacuation alert for any reason, you should immediately:

- Get prepared to leave your home on short notice.

- Get your grab-and-go bags ready (which should include several days of clothing, toiletries and medications), your emergency plan, copies of important documents (including flood and home insurance) and important mementos.

- Listen to local emergency officials for further information on the situation.

If you are placed under evacuation order for any reason, you must:

- Leave the area immediately.

- Follow the directions of local emergency officials and evacuate using the route(s) they have identified.

- Do not return home until you have been advised that the evacuation order has been rescinded.

Following any disaster, property owners and residents are advised to contact their insurance provider immediately to obtain advice about their next steps in cleanup and repairs resulting from the disaster.

As well, people can take the following steps:

Protect your home:

People are advised to prepare for possible flooding of low-lying areas by moving equipment and other assets to higher ground, where possible. Clear perimeter drains, eavestroughs and gutters. Sandbags also help and can be made available through your local government.

Create grab-and-go bags:

Assemble an individual grab-and-go bag for each member of the household with the essentials they will need if asked to evacuate.

Recognize the danger signs:

If you live near a waterway, a change in water colour or rapid change in water level, especially a drop, could indicate a problem upstream. Call your local fire, police or public works department immediately if you suspect something is out of the ordinary.

If you face a threatening flood, park vehicles away from streams and waterways, move electrical appliances to upper floors and make sure to anchor fuel supplies. Listen to local officials if you are asked to evacuate.

In the event of flooding, some tips about what to avoid:

Steer clear of river shorelines:

Keep away from river edges and shorelines. During periods of high flow, river banks may be unstable and more prone to sudden collapse. Stay away and keep young children and pets away from the banks of fast-flowing streams and flooded areas or bridges.

Do not drive through flood water:

Extensive water pooling on roads can be expected. Never attempt to drive or walk in flood water. Approximately 15

centimetres (six inches) of fast-moving water can knock over an adult, and 61 cm (two feet) of rushing water can carry away most vehicles, including SUVs and pickup trucks.

Landslide risk:

Heavy rain may contribute to landslides and dangerous debris in creeks and waterways. Be safe and do not go to watch the rushing water. If you notice trees beginning to lean or bend near your home, or cracks developing in the hillside, consult an engineer or contact local authorities.

There are more details in PreparedBC’s Flood Preparedness Guide. The guide contains useful information to help British Columbians better protect themselves and their homes and understand what to do if their home or community is at risk of flooding.

Driving safety:

Crashes can be prevented when motorists are prepared. Some helpful tips for travelling in wet weather and winter driving conditions:

Research road conditions before you leave at DriveBC’s website. More than 1,000 highway webcam views are available at more than 450 locations throughout the province.

Check the weather forecast and consider postponing travel. If travel is necessary, wait until conditions improve.

Wear comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement while driving. Bring warm clothing, such as winter boots, coat, gloves and hat, in case you need to get out of the vehicle.

Have an emergency plan. Ensure your vehicle is equipped with a full tank of fuel, a windshield scraper and snow brush, food and water, a first-aid kit and other emergency supplies.

Do not panic if you get stuck or stranded. Stay with your vehicle for safety and warmth.

If you have a cellphone, call for roadside assistance. For emergencies, call 911.


• Plumbing • plMibMgL

nvIN bysmYNt aqy bfQrUm aYkstYnsLn

hrI mUMgI dI dfl nf isrP ishqmMd hY sgoN Kfx ‘c vI bhuq svfidÈt hY. iesnUM keI qrIikaF nfl KfDf jFdf hY, ijvyN ik

iKcVI, sUp, slfd, jF msflydfr dfl dy rUp ivwc. jdoN shI msfly aqy sIËinMg nfl iqafr kIqf jfvy qF ies df svfd hor vI vDIaf ho jFdf hY. hrI mUMgI dI dfl pRotIn, PfeIbr, ivtfimn bI, potfÈIam, afiern aqy aYNtIafksIzYNts nfl BrpUr huMdI hY. ieh dfl Bfr GtfAux ‘c mddgfr hox dy nfl-nfl blwz ÈUgr lYvl nUM kMtrol krn ‘c vI mddgfr hY. ies qoN ielfvf ies dy keI hor ishq lfB vI hn, ijs kfrn ies nUM afpxI roËfnf Kurfk ivwc Èfml krnf

cfhIdf hY. hrI mUMgI dI dfl ÈfkfhfrI lokF

leI pRotIn df sB qoN vDIaf sroq hY, ikAuNik ies ivwc mIt aqy aMzy dy brfbr pRotIn huMdf hY jo mfspyÈIaF nUM mËbUq krn aqy srIr nUM

TIk krn ivwc

mdd krdf hY.

ieh srIr nUM

ËrUrI amIno

aYisz pRdfn

krdf hY. hfeI

PfeIbr nfl

BrpUr mUMgI dI

dfl df syvn

krn nfl pyt

‘c lMby smyN

qwk BrpUrqf df aihsfs

rihMdf hY, ijs kfrn Overeating nhIN

huMdI jo Bfr GtfAux ‘c mddgfr hY. ies ‘c

mOjUd hfeI PfeIbr pfcn qMqr nUM suDfrdf

hY aqy kbË vrgIaF smwisafvF qoN rfhq

idvfAuNdf hY. ies dy nfl hI ieh aMqVIaF

dI ishq nUM vI

suDfrdf hY. hrI

mUMgI dI dfl

‘c PfeIbr, potfÈIam aqy mYgnIÈIam

pfieaf jFdf

hY jo blwz pRYÈr nUM kMtrol

‘c rwK ky idl

dIaF ibmfrIaF nUM rokx

‘c mdd krdf

hY.hrI mUMgI dI dfl df glfeIsYimk ieMzYks

Gwt huMdf hY, ijs kfrn ieh blwz ÈUgr dy pwDr nUM kMtrol krdf hY, ieh ÈUgr dy mrIËF

leI ivÈyÈ qOr ‘qy ÌfiedymMd huMdf hY.hrI mUMgI dI dfl ‘c mOjUd aYNtIafksIzYNts aqy

ivtfimn sI srIr dI ieimAUn pfvr nUM vDfAux ‘c mddgfr huMdy hn, ijs nfl srIr dI ibmfrIaF nfl lVn dI smrwQf vDdI hY. anImIaf nfl lVn leI afiern nfl BrpUr hrI mUMgI dI dfl sB qoN vDIaf afpÈn hY. ies dy syvn nfl srIr ‘c hImogloibn df pwDr vDdf hY. hrI mUMgI dI dfl ivwc mOjUd kYlÈIam aqy mYgnIÈIam hwzIaF dI ishq ivwc suDfr krdy hn aqy EstIEporoiss vrgIaF smwisafvF nUM rokx ivwc mdd krdy hn. aYNtIafksIzYNts smyq keI pOÈitk qwqF nfl BrpUr, hrI mUMgI dI dfl JurVIaF nUM Gwt krn aqy cmVI nUM cmkdfr bxfAux ivwc mdd krdI hY. ieh cmVI nUM ishqmMd aqy cmkdfr bxfAuNdf hY.

boldy hF.


jy qusIN dMd lvfAuxy hn jF iPr lgvfey hn dMd purfxy hn aqy nvyN lvfAuxy hn quhfzy lvfey dMd iZqly hn jF tuwt gey hn blrfj nfl apfieMtmYNt bxfE aqy Kfxf

cMgI qrHF KfE

jy quhfzy sfry dMd nhIN inkly pr Kfxf TIk qrHF nhIN Kf huMdf qF blrfj nUM imlo ieh quhfzI syvf leI srI ivwc hn.

sfrf idn smfrtPon aqy kMipAUtr skRInF ‘qy dyKx nfl awKF ‘qy bhuq iËafdf dbfa pYNdf hY. ies kfrn awKF dI roÈnI Kqm hox df Kqrf vwD jFdf hY. ieh smwisaf isrÌ vwizaF jF bËurgF ivwc hI nhIN sgoN bwicaF ivwc vI dyKx nUM imldI hY. ies kfrn cMgI qrHF dyKx leI aYnkF df shfrf lYxf pYNdf hY. kmËor nËr dy ipwCy hor vI keI kfrn ho skdy hn, ijnHF ivwc Kurfk vI Èfml hY. ies leI awKF nUM ishqmMd rwKx leI (Eye Care iTps) sfnUM skRIn tfeIm Gwt krnf cfhIdf hY aqy afpxI Kurfk df vI iDafn rwKxf cfhIdf hY. awKF dI ibhqr ishq leI, ivtfimn ey aqy aYNtIafksIzYNts nfl BrpUr Kurfk df syvn krnf cfhIdf hY qF afਓ jfxdy hF kuJ aijhy PlF aqy sbËIaF(iDet

To Improve iVison)bfry jo quhfzIaF awKF dI roÈnI nUM ibhqr bxfAux ivwc mdd kr skdy hn. gfjr— ies ‘c bItf-kYrotIn aqy ivtfimn ey huMdf hY, jo awKF dI rYtInf

nUM mËbUq bxfAuNdf hY aqy awKF dI roÈnI

vDfAux ‘c mdd krdf hY. ies leI koiÈÈ kro ik gfjr nUM slfd afid rfhIN afpxI

Kurfk ‘c Èfml kro.

pflk - lUtIn aqy ËYksYNiQn vrgy aYNtIafksIzYNts nfl BrpUr, pflk awKF dy

sYwlF nUM nuksfn qoN bcf ky nËr nUM bxfeI rwKx ivwc mdd krdI hY. pflk srIr dy hor aMgF leI vI bhuq PfiedymMd huMdI hY. ies leI ies nUM roËfnf Kfਓ.

ÈkrkMdI— ieh bItf-kYrotIn df cMgf sroq hY, jo awKF nUM vDdI Aumr nfl juVIaF smwisafvF qoN bcfAuNdf hY aqy AunHF nUM ishqmMd rwKdf hY. ies leI ÈkrkMdI nUM Kfxy ‘c ËrUr Èfml krnf cfhIdf hY. tmftr— ies ‘c lfeIkopIn aqy ivtfimn sI huMdf hY, jo awKF dI ishq nUM bxfeI rwKx aqy nËr nUM ibhqr bxfAux ‘c mddgfr huMdf hY.

iÈmlf imrc- ieh ivtfimn

ey aqy sI nfl BrpUr huMdf hY, jo awKF dIaF mfspyÈIaF nUM mËbUq bxfAuNdf hY aqy awKF dI Qkfvt nUM Gwt krdf hY.

kylf- potfÈIam aqy ivtfimn ey nfl BrpUr kylf awKF nUM hfeIzryt rwKdf hY aqy nËr nUM suDfrdf hY. ies nfl awKF ‘c iKcfa aqy suwkIaF awKF dI smwisaf Gwt ho jFdI hY.

ËrUrI hn aqy moqIafibMd nUM rokx ‘c mdd krdy hn.

blUbyrI- ies ivc aYNtIafksIzYNt huMdy hn, jo awKF dy sYwlF nUM afksIzyitv qxfa qoN bcfAuNdy hn aqy nËr nUM suDfrdy hn.

amrUd— ivtfimn ey aqy sI nfl BrpUr amrUd awKF dI roÈnI bxfeI rwKx ‘c mdd krdf hY.

bRoklI— ies ‘c lUtIn aqy ËIaYksYNiQn pfey jFdy hn, jo awKF dI ishq leI bhuq

sMqrf- ivtfimn sI nfl BrpUr sMqrf awKF dIaF nsF nUM ishqmMd rwKdf hY aqy awKF dI roÈnI dI rwiKaf krdf hY.

ies qoN ielfvf roËfnf awKF dI ksrq krn, skrIn df smF Gwt krn, loVINdI nINd lYx, Duwp ivc cÈmf lgfAux aqy kMm dOrfn hr 20 imMt bfad awKF nUM afrfm dyx vrgy

Aupfa apxfAux nfl vI awKF nUM ishqmMd rwKx ivc mdd imldI hY.


than 1,700 lives lost to drug toxicity in first nine months

Unregulated toxic drugs claimed the lives of 187 British Columbians in August and 183 in September, according to the BC Coroners Service.

The preliminary data finds that since January 2024, at least 1,749 people have died from unregulated drug toxicity in communities throughout the province.

The data for the first nine months of 2024 represents an 8% decrease from the number of deaths during the first nine months of 2023 (1,896). In both August and September, approximately six people died each day from suspected unregulated drugs.

Additional findings from the latest report include:


ielfj leI hux sfzy


dvfeIafˆ lY skogy. * mfeIgRyn. * joVfˆ dy drd. * koeI vI aMdrUnI bImfrI. * iksy vI qrHfˆ dI ienPYkÈn. * gRihsqI jIvn sbMDI smwisafvfˆ. * AudfsI aqy Gbrfht rog. * cmVI dy rog. * ikwl muhfsy, iÌnsIafˆ afid. * Qfierfz.

- 48% of unregulated drug deaths in September were people between the ages of 30 and 49, while 1.1% were 18 years of age and below.

- 77% of unregulated drug deaths in September were males, up from the year-todate figure of 74% in 2024.

of 2024

- 26% of deaths related to unregulated drug toxicity were females in 2024. The rate of death among females is 21 per 100,000 people, an increase of 60% from 2020 (13 per 100,000).

- Vancouver (45), Surrey (19) and Greater Victoria (16) had the highest number of unregulated drug toxicity deaths in September.

- While the health authorities of Vancouver Coastal and Interior Health had the highest number of unregulated drug deaths in September with 50 in each region, Interior (5.6) and Northern Health (4.3) had the highest rates of unregulated drug deaths per 100,000 people.

- Fentanyl was detected in 85% and stimulants in 81% of unregulated drug deaths in September 2024 that underwent expedited toxicological testing.

Please note the data is preliminary and subject to change as additional toxicology results are received and investigations are concluded.

Ministry statement on lives lost to poisoned drugs in August and September

The Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions has released the following statement about the BC Coroners Service report about illicit drug-toxicity deaths in August and September 2024:

Today, B.C. mourns the loss of 187 and 183 people to toxic drugs in August and September, respectively. They were brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, friends, colleagues and neighbours.

Although the rate of toxic-drug deaths this year continues to decrease compared to the past three years, the rate of toxicdrug deaths and the impact of toxic drugs circulating in B.C. communities remains unacceptable.

The Province is working urgently to expand access to treatment services and save more lives. The new Opioid Treatment

Access Line is available to people in all parts of B.C. to help them get fast access to addictions care. No matter where you live in the province, you can call 1 888 804-8111 to access same-day support, including medications and connection to health professionals to start you on your path to recovery.

Additionally, as the made-in-B.C. Road to Recovery model of care is expanded to regions throughout the province, more people will be able to get the support, care, and treatment they need throughout their recovery journey.

There is more work needed to save lives and connect more people to treatment services. The Ministry of Mental Health and Addictions is working with all partners to build a better, healthier province for everyone.

Choice Railing & Gates Ltd.

purfxy Ëmfny ivwc, lok iewk cMgI jIvn ÈYlI df pflx krdy hoey, sUrj zuwbx dy nfl sONdy sn aqy

sUrj cVHn qoN pihlF jfgdy sn. ajoky smyN ivwc aijhI jIvnÈYlI df pflx krnf bhuq muÈkl hY, pr jIvn ÈYlI nUM inXMqirq kIqf jf skdf hY. rfq nUM jldI sOx dI koiÈÈ kro. nINd leI afXurvYidk suJfa cMgI nINd qoN bfad svyry AuwT ky qfËgI mihsUs krnf iewk adBuq aihsfs huMdf hY pr ainXimq jIvn ÈYlI aqy Kfx-pIx ivwc lfprvfhI dy kfrn awjkwlH bhuq sfry lok cMgI nINd nhIN lY pfAuNdy hn. aijhy ‘c jykr qusIN vI rfq nUM ibsqr ‘qy afrfm nfl nINd lYx dI koiÈÈ kr rhy ho qF afXurvyd dy kuJ nusKy quhfzy leI PfiedymMd ho skdy hn. ieMdOr siQq aÈtFg afXurvyd kflj dy zfktr aiKlyÈ Bfrgv ies bfry ivsQfr nfl dws rhy hn. purfxy Ëmfny ivwc, lok iewk cMgI jIvn ÈYlI df pflx krdy hoey, sUrj zuwbx dy nfl sONdy sn aqy sUrj cVHn qoN pihlF jfgdy sn. ajoky smyN ivwc aijhI jIvnÈYlI df pflx krnf bhuq muÈkl hY, pr jIvn ÈYlI nUM inXMqirq kIqf jf skdf hY. rfq nUM jldI sOx dI koiÈÈ kro.

rfq df Bojn

rfq nUM bhuq iËafdf crbI vfly Bojn df syvn nhIN krnf cfhIdf. Èfm 6 vjy qoN bfad Kfxf Kfx qoN prhyË kro. Bojn sOx qoN 3 GMty pihlF lYxf cfhIdf hY. rfq nUM isrP hlkf Bojn hI lE. rfq nUM sONdy smyN cMgf pfxI pIE. mobfeIl, tI[vI[ qoN dUr rho rfq nUM sOx qoN do GMty pihlF mobfeIl, lYptfp, kMipAUtr afid dI vrqoN nhIN krnI cfhIdI. ienHF ielYktRfink AupkrnF qoN inklx vflI nIlI roÈnI awKF leI bhuq hfnIkfrk hY. sOx qoN pihlF mobfeIl nUM dUr rwKxf cfhIdf hY. Kwby pfsy sOxf afXurvyd anusfr cMgI nINd leI hmyÈf Kwby pfsy sOxf cfhIdf hY. Kwby pfsy kr ky sOx nfl CfqI ivc jln nhIN huMdI aqy pfcn sMbMDI iÈkfieqF vI dUr huMdIaF hn. ies qoN ielfvf GurfiVaF dI smwisaf vI dUr ho jFdI hY.

ieh iswtf 30 lwK qoN vwD lokF ‘qy kIqI geI Koj ‘qy afDfirq hY. pRkfiÈq KojF ny idKfieaf ik ÈUgr vfly mrd afpxI mYtPorimn dvfeI jfrI rwK skdy hn. ieh mrdF ivwc ÈUgr dy pwDrF dy pRbMDn leI iewk ZuwkvIN dvfeI mMnI jFdI hY. tfeIp-2 zfiebtIË qoN pIVq mrdF qy bwicaF dI jmFdrU ivgfV bfry iewk soD sfhmxy afeI hY. ies ’c ikhf igaf hY ik bwcf pYdf krn dI Xojnf bxf rhy purÈF nUM XkIn idvfieaf jf skdf hY ik dvfeI mYtPorimn lYx nfl AunHF dy bwcy ivwc jnm doÈF df Éqrf nhIN vDdf hY. ieh iswtf 30 lwK qoN vwD lokF ‘qy kIqI geI Koj ‘qy afDfirq hY. pRkfiÈq KojF ny idKfieaf ik ÈUgr vfly mrd afpxI mYtPorimn dvfeI jfrI rwK skdy hn. ieh mrdF ivwc ÈUgr dy pwDrF dy pRbMDn leI iewk ZuwkvIN dvfeI mMnI jFdI hY. iewk qfËf aiDaYn ’c mYtPorimn dI vrqoN aqy myl bwicaF ’c jnm dy ivgV dy vDy hoey joKm bfry icqfvnI idwqI geI

hY, ijs qoN bfad qfeIvfn aqy nfrvy dy KojkrqfvF ny dovF ivckfr sbMDF df mulFkx krn leI iqafr kIqf. zftfbys dI vrqoN krdy hoey AunHF ny 2010-21 dOrfn nfrvy ’c

619,389 nvjMmy bwcy aqy 2004-18 dOrfn

qfeIvfn ’c 2,563,812 nvjMmy bwicaF dI

pCfx kIqI. ienHF ivwcoN nfrvy ’c 2,075 (0[3 ÌIsdI) aqy qfeIvfn ivwc 15,276 (0[6 ÌIsdI) bwicaF dy ipqf ny mYtPorimn dI vrqoN kIqI sI. mYtPorimn dI vrqoN krn vfly lokF ’c pYdf hoey bwicaF ’c iksy vI jmFdrU ivgfV df koeI viDaf hoieaf joKm nhIN pfieaf igaf. nYÈnl qfeIvfn XUnIvristI aqy Eslo XUnIvristI dI tIm ny

ikhf ik ieh nqIjy Brosf pRdfn krdy hn qy bwcy pYdf krn dI Xojnf bxf rhy mrdF ivwc tfeIp 2 zfiebtIË dy ielfj leI mYtPorimn dI cox krn vyly zfktrF nUM PYsly lYx ’c mdd kr skdy hn. ÈUgr dI dvfeI df bwicaF dIaF jmFdrU ivgfVF nfl koeI lYxf-dyxf nhIN , soD ‘c afieaf sfhmxy

pIx dy pfxI ’c lMby smyN qwk afrsYink dI mOjUdgI nfl idl dI ibmfrI df Kqrf vwD jFdf hY. ieh jfxkfrI buwDvfr nUM jfrI kIqI geI iek Koj irport ’c sfhmxy afeI hY. ies ivc ikhf igaf hY ik qYa hwd qoN hyTF pwDr hox dy bfad vI ies df Kqrf bixaf rihMdf hY. ieh aiDaYn kolMbIaf XUnIvristI dy KojkrqfvF vloN kIqf igaf. irport jrnl aYnvfiermYNtl hYlQ prspYkitv ’c CfpI geI hY. ieh mOjUdf rYgUlytrI hwd (10 mfiekRogRfm pRqI lItr) qoN Gwt iekfgRkqf ’qy aYkspoËr-pRqIikRaf sbMDF df vrxn krn vflI Koj hY. ieh ies gwl dI vI puÈtI krdI hY ik pfxI ’c afrsYink df lMby smyN qwk sMprk ieskYimk idl dI ibmfrI dy ivkfs ’c Xogdfn idMdf hY. ieh idl dIaF

mFspyÈIaF nUM KUn dI splfeI krn vflI

koronrI DmnIaF dy Coty hox dy kfrn hox

vflI smwisaf hY. jl splfeI qy idl dI

ibmfrI dy afrsYink Kqry ivcfly sbMDF df

mulFkx krn leI KojkrqfvF ny 98,250

ivakqIaF df ivÈlyÈx kIqf. aiDaYn ’c

pfieaf igaf ik lMby smyN qwk afrsYink df

sMprk idl dI ibmfrI dy sB qoN vwzy Kqry nfl juiVaf sI. ieh nqIjy gMBIr ishq

nqIijaF nUM Aujfgr krdy hn, nf isrÌ

jdoN jl pRxflIaF mOjUdf inXmF nUM pUrf nhIN

krdIaF, blik AunvHF dy hTly pwDr ’qy vI

huMdIaF hn. aiDaYn ’c ibhqr ishq leI

rYgUlytrI inXmF nUM lfgU krn dI loV ’qy Ëor idwqf igaf hY.

2024 Kia EV9 Land AWD : Six-Seater SUV is a milestone.

The new 2024 Kia EV9 inhabits that rarified air of All- Electric three -seat row SUVs that can seat 6 people in an emission free vehicle. The EV9 is new for this year with typical Kia design language; neat detailing, cool lighting, and complex shaped front and rear fascias. It is technologically advanced and has features such as over the -air updates capability, as well as the ability to use your phone as the key. Its large battery can be used as an onboard generator power supply for electrical items with a household three prong connector. Note, all the EV9 has three rows of seating and can seat 6 in comfort.

For Canada there are three EV9 models to choose from, with either single or dual motor drive and two different battery sizes. The rear-wheel drive EV9 Light starts at $59,995; and has the small 76.1 kilowatt-hour battery and a rearmounted motor that delivers 215 hp, 258 lb-ft of torque and a driving range of 370-km. The twin motor RWD Wind

comes in at $62,995; the allwheel drive Land starts at $64,995; the Land AWD

Premium rings in at $74,995; and the top-of-theline Land AWD GT-Line as tested. ($78,995,) has the larger 99.8k-Watt battery has dual-motors with ample power at 379 hp and 516 lb-ft of torque. Electric Driving Range on my tester showed 512 km of driving range! Exclusive-to-Canada Terrain mode is an additional feature for our northern climes.

architecture that allows it to charge at speeds as fast as 350 kW. If you can find a fast charger of this power you can expect a milestone 10 to 80 per cent in 20 minutes with the smaller batteries, and 24 minutes with the larger 99.8-kWh battery. Charging time for Level 2 outlets is – six to hours to 8 hours dependent on battery size with 10 to 80 per cent at 350-kilowatt DC fast charger – 20 - 24 minutes .

Technology features are high on this flagship EV. These include: fourth generation battery technology, connected car navigation cockpit, a new user interface, ergomotion driver relaxation seat, and column mounted shift by wire technology. Also added is ECU over the air updates, dedicated 5-inch HVAC display touch screen, fingerprint module for custom driver settings, digital lighting grille, hidden type touch buttons, remote smart park assist 2 extendable centre rear console and much more.

In terms of charging, the Kia EV9 features the latest 800-volt electric

Interior wise, the EV9 has an upscale sleek looking cabin, luxurious, high quality and refined. The choice of trim and materials is first class and packed with high-end convenience and technology features. The super comfortable ergomotion front seats that have extra reclined and extendable ottoman – style footrest. Meanwhile the stunning glass cockpit instrument panel has twin 12.3-inch widescreen infotainment displays under a single glass panel, touch, haptic and sensory controls.. The second-row seats also has lower rests for all four captain’s chairs, with minivan-style armrests, walk-through ability to the third row and a slide-out tray with storage underneath. All four front seats are cooled and heated, with electric second-row adjustment and full walk-through accessibility to the third row. Speaking of the third row – as with all third-row seats, it is fine for small adults or children; a squeeze for full size adults, but bearable on short trips, Still a third row is always a boon- ask any family!

heft that is confidence inducing. The larger battery offers 389-horsepower and drivers are rewarded with quick acceleration off the line. The 0 to 96 kilometres an hour dash is a very respectable five seconds. Power is abundant thanks to the dual motor set up and a smart front axle decoupler system that under certain driving conditions allow for a ‘coasting’ mode, which Kia says can save up to eight per cent in range saving. Canadian models, include a Terrain select system for Snow, Mud and Sand. Handling for

the EV9 is relaxed and direct and the all-wheel drive performs very well. Properly equipped, the EV9 with twin motors and the larger battery can tow an impressive 5,000 pounds, while the single motor trim can tow up to 1,653 pounds.

To sum up, the 2024 Kia EV9 is the SUV many people have been waiting for – offering decent EV driving range, and most crucially three rows of seats in a premium package. Highly recommended for families everywhere.

On the road the EV9 rides smooth and quiet as you would expect from an EV. The heavy batteries add stability and

2024 Kia EV9 Land AWD - Priced from $59,995 - $78,995 plus PDE, freight and taxes.

More info at

Navigating security in the age of online banking

As Canadians increasingly bank and manage their money online, it’s crucial to stay vigilant in safe-

guarding your transactions and personal information safe and secure.

According to Shekher Puri, RBC’s VP, digital components and platforms, there are a number of easy-to-use digital tools and steps you can take that can help protect you whenever you’re online.

Use multi-factor authentication when possible: Two-factor authentication, or two-step verification, provides an extra layer of security and makes it harder for cybercriminals to steal your information when banking or making transactions online. It does this by using two separate factors to make sure you are who you say you are. For example,

when using two-step verification for online banking, after you enter your username and password, you will receive a notification on a trusted device asking you to allow the login. This ensures that even if someone has your username and password, only you can access your banking information and conduct transactions. While some apps and websites use this type of authentication automatically, some leave the decision up to the user, which is a smart step to take every time you are online.

Use alerts to spot suspicious activity: There are several types of alerts that send a notification if there is out-of-the-ordinary activity on an account. For

example, with a fraud alert, you will be notified if there is an unusual banking or credit card transaction. That’s why it’s important to set up these alerts with all your financial institutions.

Use a trusted device: Only use devices you are familiar with when banking or managing your money online. This means your own personal smartphone, tablet or laptop. It’s also important to only use secure Wi-Fi connections, not public networks.

Learn more about the digital tools available and the steps you can take to stay safe online at cyber-security/how-to-protect-yourself-online.

4 ways artificial intelligence is helping Canadians manage their finances

While you may not always think of using artificial intelligence (AI) to help manage your finances, you may already be benefiting from the insights and support AI-driven financial apps and tools can provide.

According to RBC, here are four ways AI is quietly working behind the scenes to help Canadians make the most of their money.

Automated savings: For those of us who find it hard to save, AI can help by finding those extra dollars you didn’t think you had and putting them aside for you automatically. It does this by predicting how much money you will need to spend based on your transactions and then determining how much you could save.

Budgeting: Creating and sticking to a budget isn’t always easy. With new AI tools, you can take the math out of budgeting and get a calculated budget recommendation based on your unique spending habits. These tools can also provide the nudges and updates you need to stay on track.

Personalized insights: Who couldn’t use a bit of help managing their money? Financial tools that leverage AI can provide personalized insights based on your spending and savings habits to help you stay more

connected to your money and make more informed financial decisions.

Cash-flow forecasting: Managing your cash flow is a cornerstone of healthy personal finances. AI can help by forecasting future cash-flow needs, providing helpful reminders for when bills need to be paid and flagging how upcoming payments may impact your cash flow.

suKmIq isMG swcl nMU imilaf XMg alUmnI avfrz

aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) kYnyzf c zfktrF dI hOslf

aPjfeI krn

vflI nfmvr sMsQf

skhUilc skUl afP mYzIsn aYNz zYitstrI vlo pMjfbI nOjvfn zfktr suKmIq isMG

swcl nMU alumni afP izsitMksn ‘XMg alumnI avfrz 2024 dy ky snmfinq kIqf

hY. sMsQ vloN vwK – vwK syRxIaF ivc ieh vkfrI snmfn 10 zfktrF nMU idwqf igaf hY ijMnf ivc suKmIq isMG swcl ieko iewk

pMjfbI zfktr hY. skhUilc vloN ieh snmfn

hr sfl AunF nMU idwqf jFdf hY ijMnF ny afpo

afpxy Kyqr ivwc aihm Xogdfn pfieaf hovy

aMimRqsr df jMmpl zf suKmIq isMG 8 sfl dI Aumr c kYnyzf afieaf sI suKmIq isMG swcl vYnkUvr dI XUnvristI Afp ibRitsL

kolMbIaf qoN zfkrtI dI pVfeI krn AuprMq syNt josP hYlQ kyar lMzn qo plfsitk qy rIkMstrkitv dI tryinMg kr irhf hY

Auh smfj syvI sMsQf iswK hYlQ PFAuzysLn df sMsQfpk qy dI zvfeI PfAuzysLn df sih sMsQfpk hY ieh dovy sMsQfvF lokF nMU ishq aqy mfnisk ishq bfry jfgrUk krdIaF hn 2018 c kYnyzf srkfr vlo zf suKmIq isMG swcl nMU kYnyzf vflMtIar avfrz dy ky invfijaf sI.

mihkpRIq dy kfql ny adflq c afpxf gunfh kbUilaf

aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) qkrIbn

2 sfl pihlF cfkU mfr ky kql kIqy gey 18 sflf pMjfbI nOjvfn mihkpRIq syTI dy 19 sflf kfql ny afdlq c mYnslftr df afpxf gunfh svIkfr kr ilaf hY XUQ ikRmInl jsits aYkt qihq 18 sfl qo Gwt Aumr hox kfrn Aukq kfql nOjvfn df nF nhI jfrI kIqf igaf ikAuik Gtnf vyly Auh 17 sflf df sI. Gtnf 22 nvMbr 2022 dI hY jdo tvYnivs sYkMzrI skUl dy bfhr mihkpRiq qy cfkY nfl hmlf kIqf igaf gMBIr

jKmI hoey mihkpRiq syTI nMU qrMq hspqfl phMucfieaf igaf ijwQy Auh jKmf dI qfb nf Jwldf hoieaf dm qoV igaf puils ny iewk sfl bfad gvfhF dI puKqf jfxkfrI qy 20 nvMbr 2023 nMU Aukq nOjvfn nMU dUjy drhy dy kql dy dosL c igRPqfr kr ilaf sI pr hux Aus ny mYnslftr df gunfh kbUilaf hY qy Aus nMU 9 jnvrI 2025 nMU sjLf suxfeI jfvygI

kYnyzf dy syvfmukq zfktr dy pyTy ny amrIkf c ijwiqaf 6 lwK 30 hjLfr rupey df ienfm

aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) kYnyzf dy ibRitsl kolMbIaf sUby dy sLihr ircmMz

invfsI 79 sflf syvfmukq dMdF dy zfktr zyv cyn ny afpxy Gr dI vfVI ivwc 2252 pOz

Bfv 10 kuieMtl 21 ikwlo df pyTf Augfieaf

hY Aus ny ies pyTy nMU “mfmf” df nF idwqf hY

kYnyzf dy ieiqhfs ivwc hux qwk df ieh sB

qo Bfrf pyTf hY qy amrIkf dy vfisLMgtn sUby

dy sLihr kYt ivKy hoey pyTf mukfbilaf ivc

zyv cyn dy ies pyTy ny 10,350 zflr Bfv

qkrIbn 6 lwK 30 hjLfr df ienfm ijwiqaf

hY ies pyTy dI AucfeI iewk mItr qy cOVfeI

1.9 mItr hY zfktr zyv cyn ny ies pyTy df

bIj jUn c bIijaf sI qy Aus vloN ies df

pUrf iKafl rwiKaf igaf. zyv cyn df kihxf

h Yik hux Auh ies pyTy nMU hYlovIn vfly idn

31 akqUbr qwk afpxy Gr awgy rwKygf.

aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) vINhvI sdI dy surU ivwc jdoN axvMzy pMjfb qoN bhuq sfry pMjfbI pRvfs krky kYnyzf afey qF Aus smyN Bfrq c iPrMgIaF d IhkUmq sI qy ivdysF c nslvfd sf bolbflf sI qF Aus smyN pMjfbIaF ny ivdysLF c phuMc ky bhuq sfrIaF aOkVF qy musLiklF df sfhmxf kry hoey hwz BMnvI imhnq krky afpxf lohf mnvfieaf ies dOrfn ijlHf luiDafxf dy jgrfAu nyVly ipMz rUmI dy s Bfg isMG idEl rUmI dI jIvn gfQf bVI sMGrsLmeI rhI hY bfpU Bfg isMG rUmI df jnm 13 agsq 1881 nMU hoieaf qy 1904 c Auh pnfmf phMuc gey qy pnfmf nihr

bxfAux ivwc AunF df aihm Xogdfn irhf hY. aYtlFitl qy pYsyiPk smuMdrF nMU joVdI 82 iklomItr lMbI pnfmf nihr 4 meI 1904 nMU bxnI sLurU hoeI sI qy 15 agsq 1904 nMU mukMml hoeI sI bfpU Bfg isMG rUmI 49 sfl afpxy pirvfr qoN dUr pnfmF c rhy qy 21 agsq 1951 nMU vfips Bfrq prq gey aqy 1968 c akfl clfxf kr gey bfpU Bfg isMG rMUmI dy svIzn rih rhy poqry drsLn isMG idEl ny mMg kIqI h Yik srkfr nMU bfpU Bfg isMG dy sMGrsmeI jIvn nMU dyKdy hoey AunF dI koeI ZukvIN Xfdgfr bxfAuxI cfhIdI hY.

kYnyzf c 3 nvMbr nMU GVIaF iewk GMtf ipwCy hoxgIaF

aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) aFAudy aYqvfr 3 nvMbr nMU kYnyzf dIaF GVIaF df smf iewk GMtf ipwCy ho jfvygf ieh smF 2 qy 3 nvMbr dI ivckfrlI rfq nMU svyry 2 vjy bdlygf vrxnXog hY ik pMjgb ivc grm qy srd ruwq dOrfn skUlF

df smF bdilaf jFdf hY jd ik kYnyzf ivc hr

6 mhIny bfad GVIaF df tfiem bdldf hY ieh

tfiem nvMbr dy pijly hPqy qy mfrc dy dUjy

aYqvfr bdlnf pYdf hY 3 nvMbr idn aYqvfr nMU vYnkUvr qo Brfq df smF sfZy 13 GMty, kYlgrI,

aYzimMtn qo sfZy 12 GMty ivNMnIpYg qo sfZy11 jf ik trFto qo sfZy 10 GMty awgy ho jfvygf qy

kYnyzf ivwc ieh smF 8 mfrc 2025 qwk lfgU rhygf.

pMjfbI sfihq sBf aYbtsPorz - mfisk rIport

pMjfbI sfihq sBf aYbtsPorz dI mIitMg

gurduafrf pRDfngI hyT hoeI. hfjrI qoN bfd kivqf pfT c blvMq rfey gwKV jI ny aOrq eyk irsLqy anyk, aOrq dy vwK 2 nFvFqy irsLiqaf pRqI ivsQfr sfihq vrnx kIqf.

bKsLIsL DflIvfl jI ny jwtf jfg leI jmFnf byeImfn ho igaf. hkUmq isMG inJr jI ny goibMd pfrk c juVy pMjfbIaF dI swQ df kivqf ivc nksLf pysL kIqf. krnl bldyv sMGf jI ny ‘hkIkq’ nfmI kivqf c lokF dy ikrdfr dI gwl kIqI. “duhfeI rwbdI” soLr plUsLn sbMDI blvMq rfey j Iny kivqf khI. surjIq acrvfl jI ny afE pMjfb bcfeIey” sfrIaF pfrtIaF nMU pMjfb pRqI iemfndfr hox df swdf iswqf.pvniglF vflf “ aMbrI Gr” jg qoN vKryvy bfry iKafl jfihr kIqy. Bldyv suKI ny pI tI E “imrjf jwt” kuMzlIaf pysL kIqf. aglI mIitMg 24 nvMbr nMU hY hI.

kI quhfnUM Xfd hY ik ipClI vfr qusIN afpxy blwz pRYÈr nUM kdoN mfipaf sI? ho skdf hY ik ieh sQfnk kirafny dI dukfn ‘qy quhfzI afKrI Xfqrf sI, jF Èfied ieh afKrI vfr sI jdoN qusIN afpxy pirvfrk zfktr kol gey sI. ieh ijwQy vI sI, qusIN afpxI ishq dI ingrfnI krn ivwc srgrm BUimkf inBf rhy sI. quhfzI kfrzIEvYskulr ishq bfry sUicq rihx leI aksr quhfzy blwz pRYÈr nUM mfpxf mhwqvpUrn hY. cfhy qusIN Gr ivwc, iksy PfrmysI ivwc, jF iksy zfktr dy dPqr ivwc jFc kr rhy ho, iehnF nMbrF ‘qy nËr rwKxf quhfnUM hfeI blwz pRYÈr dy ÈurUafqI icMnHF df pqf lgfAux aqy idl dI ibmfrI dy joKm nUM GtfAux ivwc mdd kr skdf hY.

qF, hfeI blwz pRYÈr kI hY? zfktrI qOr ‘qy hfeIprtYnÈn vjoN jfixaf jFdf, zblXUaYcE hfeI blwz pRYÈr nUM “jdoN quhfzIaF KUn dIaF nfVIaF ivwc dbfa bhuq iËafdf huMdf hY (140/90 mmHg jF ies qoN vwD). blwz pRYÈr Auh qfkq hY jo quhfzy KUn duafrf quhfzIaF DmxIaF dIaF kMDF dy ivruwD lgfeI jFdI hY. asIN blwz pRYÈr nUM do nMbrF vjoN irkfrz krdy hF, isstoilk (cotI df nMbr) aqy zfiestoilk (hyTlf nMbr). isstoilk quhfzIaF DmxIaF ivwc dbfa huMdf hY jdoN quhfzf idl DVkdf hY,

aqy zfiestoilk DVkxF ivckfr dbfa huMdf hY. iewk afm blwz pRYÈr rIizMg afm qOr ‘qy lgBg 120/80 mmHg huMdI hY. hflFik, iksy ivakqI dI afdrÈ blwz pRYÈr sImf Aumr, jIvn ÈYlI aqy mOjUdf ishq siQqIaF dy aDfr qy QoVHI vwKrI ho skdI hY.

blwz pRYÈr nUM aksr “sfeIlYNt iklr” ikhf jFdf hY ikAuNik ies dy afm qOr ‘qy koeI lwCx nhIN huMdy pr jy iesdf ielfj nf kIqf jfvy qF ieh gMBIr ishq AulJxF df kfrn bx skdf hY. smyN dy nfl, hfeI blwz pRYÈr quhfzIaF DmxIaF, idl aqy hor aMgF ‘qy dbfa pf skdy hn. ainXMqirq blwz pRYÈr quhfzy srIr nUM mhwqvpUrx nuksfn phuMcf skdf hY, aqy idl dI ibmfrI, stRok, gurdy dy nuksfn, aqy idRÈtI dy nuksfn vrgIaF pycIdgIaF nUM rokx leI iesdf shI ZMg nfl pRbMDn krnf mhwqvpUrn hY[ Kfs qOr ‘qy bËurgF leI, bykfbU blwz pRYÈr roËfnf iËMdgI ‘qy mhwqvpUrx pRBfv pf skdf hY, ijs nfl gqIÈIlqf Gwt ho skdI hY aqy izwgx df vDyry joKm huMdf hY.

Gwt blwz pRYÈr, ijs nUM hfeIpotYNÈn vI ikhf jFdf hY, iek hor icMqf hY ijs nUM nËraMdfË nhIN kIqf jfxf cfhIdf[ hflFik ieh Gwt afm hY, Kqrnfk qOr ‘qy Gwt blwz pRYÈr cwkr

afAux aqy byhoÈ hox df kfrn bx skdf hY. quhfzy KUn dy dbfa nUM inXimq qOr ‘qy mfpxf bËurg bflgF leI ivÈyÈ qOr ‘qy mhwqvpUrn hY, ikAuNik hfeIpotYNÈn zIhfeIzryÈn, idl dIaF smwisafvF, jF dvfeIaF dy mfVy pRBfvF vrgIaF buinafdI siQqIaF df sMkyq ho skdf hY. qF iPr, blwz pRYÈr ivwc qbdIlIaF df kfrn kI hY? blwz pRYÈr bhuq sfry kfrkF duafrf pRBfivq huMdf hY, ijnHF ivwcoN kuJ quhfzy inXMqrx ivwc huMdy hn ijs ivwc Kurfk, ksrq, Bfr, Èrfb dI Kpq, qMbfkUnoÈI aqy qxfa Èfml hn. nmk sB qoN mhwqvpUrn Kurfk kfrkF ivwcoN iewk hY jo blwz pRYÈr nUM pRBfivq kr skdf hY. nmk dI Kpq nUM GtfAuxf blwz pRYÈr dy pwDrF nUM mhwqvpUrx qOr ‘qy Gtf skdf hY, hfeI blwz pRYÈr nUM rokx jF pRbMDn krn ivwc mdd krdf hY. ieh sDfrx Kurfk qbdIlI KUn dIaF nfVIaF ‘qy qxfa nUM Gtf skdI hY aqy idl dI ibmfrI aqy stRok dy joKm nUM Gtf skdI hY. sDfrx qbdIlIaF ijvyN ik srIrk qOr ‘qy ikirafÈIl rihxf, qMbfkU qoN prhyË krnf, nmk dI Kpq nUM GtfAuxf, aqy qxfa df pRbMDn krnf quhfzy blwz pRYÈr nUM afm sImf dy aMdr rwKx ivwc mdd kr skdf hY.

hfeI blwz pRYÈr nUM kMtrol krn leI, nmk nfl BrpUr BojnF nUM sImq krnf mhwqvpUrn

hY, ijvyN ik pRosYsz snYks, zwbfbMd sUp, aqy pRosYsz mIt, ikAuNik Auh blwz pRYÈr nUM vDfAuNdy hn[ qly hoey Bojn, imwTy pIx vfly pdfrQF aqy bhuq iËafdf Èrfb qoN vI prhyË krnf cfhIdf hY, ikAuNik ieh Bfr vDfAux aqy hfeIprtYnÈn ivwc Xogdfn pfAuNdy hn. ies qoN ielfvf, sYcuryitz aqy tRFs PYt nfl BrpUr Bojn, ijvyN ik lfl mIt aqy pystrI, kolYstrol aqy blwz pRYÈr nUM vDf skdy hn[ iehnF BojnF nUM Gwto Gwt rwKxf ishqmMd blwz pRYÈr dy pwDrF nUM bxfeI rwKx ivwc mdd krdf hY. iswty vjoN, quhfzy blwz pRYÈr dI inXimq qOr ‘qy ingrfnI krnf ishq dIaF AulJxF nUM rokx df iewk sDfrx pr mhwqvpUrn qrIkf hY. cfhy jvfn hovy jF buwZy, afpxy nMbrF bfry jfgrUk rihxf quhfnUM sUicq, ishqmMd coxF krn ivwc mdd krdf hY. GrylU blwz pRYÈr mfnItr ivwc invyÈ krnf jF sQfnk PfrmysIaF ivwc AuplbD mÈInF dI vrqoN krnf quhfnUM zfktr dIaF mulfkfqF dy ivckfr afpxI ishq dy isKr ‘qy rihx dI afigaf idMdf hY. sMquilq blwz pRYÈr nUM bxfeI rwKxf lMby smyN dI qMdrusqI dI kuMjI hY, aqy ieh sB blwz pRYÈr nfl ÈurU huMdf hY: quhfzy nMbrF nUM jfxnf.

5 tips for Financial Literacy Month this November

November is recognized as Financial Literacy Month in Canada. With many of us struggling to pay our bills and manage our debt, there’s no better time to understand how to manage our finances and set ourselves up for a successful future. Here are five finance-related tips to boost your financial literacy level.

Know your banking basics

You should know the difference between savings and chequing accounts, and how to find the best ones for you. A chequing account is typically used for everyday expenses and paying bills. Savings accounts generally offer higher interest rates on the money you deposit but can be restrictive on how you remove those funds. If you’re not confident in your financial literacy skills, there are many free resources and courses you can take, including those

offered by ABC Life Literacy Canada’s Money Matters program.

Starting planning for your retirement

Being financially secure in retirement starts while you’re still working. An employer-sponsored retirement plan with matching contributions to your RRSPs is a good place to start. If a workplace retirement plan is not available, consider setting aside money for retirement, utilizing a range of investments, including stocks, bonds and mutual funds, held within your RRSP or TFSA. You will also need a retirement budget that accounts for how much money is coming in and how much is going out toward expenses.

Shop around for mortgage renewals

If your mortgage is ending, your bank will remind you at least 21 days before the term ends. But you don’t have to stick with the same lender. Do some research and compare rates with different lenders. There may be better deals available, but be aware that there may also be charges when switching lenders and potential new insurance premiums. Use the insights you gained by shopping around to negotiate with your current lender for a potentially lower interest rate.

Advice for entrepreneurs

According to the annual RBC Small Business Poll, roughly half of all Canadians consider themselves aspiring entrepreneurs, with many wanting to turn their hobbies or side hustles into full-time jobs. Luckily for them, today’s digital world has levelled the playing field, making it easier

to start a business. From e-commerce platforms and online accounting software to cloud-based productivity and security innovations, these tools can help a new business ramp up quickly.

Understanding investing in partial shares

As the name suggests, partial shares, such as those from TD Direct Investing, are fractions of high-priced stocks and exchange-traded (ETF) funds. Partial share trading allows investors to enter the market without a substantial financial commitment, making investing accesible to all. It gives investors the option to own a small part of a stock or ETF based on a dollar amount they want to invest, rather than needing the resources to pony up the full amount of a share.

srhwdI ipMzF dy lokF dy jIvn ’qy hr pl zr dI iewk gihr ijhI CfeI rihMdI sI. poh mfG dI ruwq hovy jF sfAux dIaF PuhfrF, AunHF dy mnF df mOsm sdf gihr vflf hI rihMdf hY. srhwd ’qy Ërf ku TUh Tfh hovy qF AunHF nUM lwgdf ieh gihr huxy qUÌfn bx ky AunHF dy aflHxy nUM qIlf-qIlf kr dyvygI, sB kuJ Auzf ky lY jfvygI.

srhwdI ipMzF dy lokF (People of Border Village) dy jIvn ’qy hr pl zr dI iewk gihr ijhI CfeI rihMdI sI. poh mfG dI ruwq hovy jF sfAux dIaF PuhfrF, AunHF dy mnF df mOsm sdf gihr vflf hI rihMdf hY. srhwd ’qy Ërf ku TUh Tfh hovy qF AunHF nUM lwgdf ieh gihr huxy qUÌfn bx ky AunHF dy aflHxy nUM qIlf-qIlf kr dyvygI, sB kuJ Auzf ky lY jfvygI. Auh afpxy bwicaF nUM dyK, sihm sihm jFdy ny. aijhf sihm hMZfAuNdy qfrf isMG ny ÌYslf kr ilaf sI ik ËmIn vyc ky srhwd qoN dUr ikqy BfvyN QoVHI imly, vsybf kr lvygf. brfbr dI BYx aqy bcpn twpdIaF DIaF df iÌkr AuhnUM qoV-qoV KFdf. iksy dUr pfr dy irÈqydfr nUM kih sux ky Auhny pitafly lfgy iksy ipMz ivwc ËmIn df sOdf kr ilaf. do trwkF ivwc pirvfr, smfn qy zMgr-vwCf lwd ky Auh ijvyN vwsdy ipMz ’coN AuwjV igaf sI. AusdI GrvflI idafl kOr qy BYx pRIqo, guaFZxF qoN ivCVdIaF DfhF mfrmfr roeIaF. qfrf isMG dy mfpy bVf pihlF guËr gey sn, do BYxF srhwdI ipMzF ivwc hI ivafhIaF hoeIaF sn, ijnHF ivwcoN iewk aMimRqsr af vsI sI, Ausdf pqI srkfrI nOkrI ’qy sI.

koeI inwkf ijhf bUtf puwt ky jy dUjI QF lfieaf jfvy Auh vI msF qfb afAuNdf, qfrf isMG ny qF BrI pUrI kbIldfrI df ruwK puwt ky dUjI QF lfieaf sI. AusdI sfrI gRihsQI ihwlI peI sI. Auh ’kwlf kmfAU sI. dovyN DIaF qoN Coty do puwq qF ajy zMgr pÈU nUM pfxI ipafAux jF kwK-pwTf pfAux jogy vI nhIN sn. idafl kOr kfmI sI qy pRIqo vI kMm nUM awgy lf rwKx vflI sI. Auh Brf nfl Kyq vI kMm krvf afAuNdI, zMgr vwCf vI sFB lYNdI. kuVI df sucwj dyK ky hr koeI dMg rih jFdf. ijnHF

ËmIn KRIdx leI qfrf isMG dI mdd kIqI sI, AunHF ny afpxI BYx dy jyT dI dws pRIqo dy irÈqy leI pfeI. bhuq grIbI ’coN AuwiTaf

Auh pirvfr hux cMgI rotI KFdf sI. pr muMzy dI Aumr kuVI qoN jy duwgxI nhIN zyZI qoN vwD ËrUr sI. Auh klkwqy afpxf trwk clfAuNdf sI. Coty do ivafhy Brf Gr sn qy iqMny BYxF vI ivafhIaF hoeIaF sn. QoVf bhuqf KyqI pwqI df kMm vI sI. qfrf isMG ny Gr dI tuwtI BwjI afriQkqf nUM dyK ky pRIqo df irÈqf klkwqy

prmjIq kOr srihMd

vfly muMzy nfl kr idwqf. pRIqo vI pwcIaF nUM

Zuk cwlI sI, Auh sB kuwJ smJdI sI. Auhny koeI Aujr nf kIqf.

pRIqo df ivafh sfdf ijhf, grIbI dfavy vfÜf ho igaf qy Auhny shury Gr jf ky ijvyN suK df sfh ilaf. Auhdf pqI Aumr ’c vwzf hox ’qy vI bxdf Pwbdf sI. Auh pRIqo nUM do cfr mhIny afpxy nfl klkwqy vI lY jFdf. gurmIq isMG df ipE vI kuC smF pihlF mr igaf sI. idErf drfxIaF qy AunHF dy bwicaF ivwc pRIqo rc-imc geI sI. CyqI hI kbIldfrI dy kMmF dy boJ iewQy vI pRIqo dy isr pYx lwgy. QoVHI ijhI ËmIn ’coN awT dws jIaF dy twbr df qorI-Pulkf qF cwlI jFdf pr gurmIq isMG dIaF iqMny BYxF dy kfrjF dy Ércy vI huMdy. ies kbIldfrI dI Cwq df aslI QMmH qF klkwiqEN afAuNdI gurmIq isMG dI kmfeI hI sI.

gurmIq isMG pRIqo nUM bVy cfa nfl klkwqy lY jFdf.

AuQy ikrfey dy kmry ’c afm GrylU loV df smfn

mOjUd sI. do ku mhIinaF

ipwCoN hI iPr gurmIq isMG AuhnUM ipMz Cwz jFdf. iewk vfr pRIqo cfr ku mhIny lgfqfr klkwqy rhI. Auhdf idl hux AuwQy lwgx lwg ipaf sI. keI pMjfbI pirvfrF nfl Ausny sFJ pf leI sI. iewk idn iPr gurmIq isMG ny AuhnUM ikhf, ‘pRIqo mYN qYnUM ipMz Cwz afAuNdf hF iewQy sB kuC muwl df qy AuQy sO cIË Gr dI hY. pRIqo nUM smJ af geI sI ikAuN do ku mhIny ipwCoN hI Auhdf pqI AuhnUM ipMz vfV afAuNdf sI.

jdoN pRIqo klkwqy rihMdI gurmIq isMG dI sfrI kmfeI rotI pfxI qy GridaF hor KricaF ’c lwg jFdI. pRIqoN kuC nf kuC Ehlf rwKky joVdI vI rihMdI, byloVy Krcy qoN sMkoc krdI. pr ipwCy ipMz Gr df sfrf jugfV ihwl jFdf sI. jd vI pRIqo df pqI AuhnUM ipMz jfx leI kihMdf Auh cuwp krky qur pYNdI. Auh socdI ijvyN Bfrq pfiksqfn dI srhwd ’qy huMdI ihwljuwl smyN Auhdf Brf AuhnUM srhwd qoN Ërf htvyN ipMz AuhdI BUaf kol Cwz afAuNdf sI. Auh AuvyN hI iewQy vI rfhF ivwc qurI iPrdI hY. idn bIqdy gey. Auh hux bhuqf ipMz hI rihMdI. idEr awz ho gey sn. sFJy Gr ’coN pflIaF KRIdIaF mwJF Auh lY gey ik gurmIq

isMG ny ikhVf iewQy rihxY. iewk mwJ, mF ny kih sux ky msF rwKI. pRIqo ny iksy nUM kuC nf ikhf afpxy joVy jmHF kIqy rupey sws dy hwQ ’qy ilaf Dry qy afiKaf, “mF afpF cMgI ijhI lvyrI KRId leIey mYN sFB lvFgI.” sws ny bQyrf ikhf ik qUM ikwQy Kyq bMnHy pwTy lYx jFdI iPryNgI, do mwJF leI sFJI sIrI vI nhIN rwK huMdf, nf hI afpxI aYnI proKoN aY. pRIqo ny ikhf, ‘bs qusIN myry nfl cwilaf krnf, Kyq dI vwt ’qy bih jfieaf krnf mYN afpy sB kuJ krUM.’ sucwjI sfAU nUMh df afKf mMn sky puwqF dy rvweIey qoN hrÉI AuhdI sws ny iÈMgfry nUM swidaf. iÈMgfrf isMG ÈrIky ’coN pRIqo df idEr lwgdf sI. Auh nUM afK AunHF mwJ df sOdf kr ilaf. qIjy hI idn iÈMgfry ny srHoN qy qyl nfl copVy isMgF vflI kuMZI mwJ pRIqo dI KurlI ’qy ilaf bMnHI. pihlF pihlF dovyN sws nUMh Kyq pwTy lYx jFdIaF. pr iPr pRIqoN iekwlI hI jfx lwg peI sI. Auh sfAU dy nfl dlyr vI sI. iÈMgfry dy Kyq vI pRIqo dy KyqF dy nfl lwgdy sn. iÈMgfry nUM AuhdI ruldI jvfnI ’qy qrs afAuNdf. keI vfr Auh mwlo mwlI pRIqo dy hwQoN dfqrI PV pwTy vwZ idMdf qy AuhnUM Bfr cukf idMdf. pqf nhI kdoN qrs krdf krdf Auh pRIqo nUM moh krn lwg ipaf. lokI AunHF dIaF gwlF bxfAux lwg pey sn. pRIqo pwky qOr ’qy ipMz rihx lwgI. gurmIq isMG mhIny do mhIny bfad gyVf mfr jFdf, pYsf Dylf dy jFdf. pRIqo ny do qoN vDf ky mwJF cfr kr leIaF sn. pqf nhIN ikvyN swq awT vrHy bIq gey. ienHF virHaF ’c Auh cfr bwicaF dI mF vI bx geI sI. iesy smyN ’c

AuhdI ibrD sws vI jhfnoN qur geI sI. iZwz

nUM gMZF dy dy ky qMgIaF qurÈIaF kwt ky jmHF

kIqy pYisaF nfl Auhny afpxy Kyq nfl lwgdI

QoVHI ijhI ËmIn vI KRId leI sI. gurmIq

isMG byiÌkrf ijhf ho igaf sI qy pRIqo iÌkrF ivwc iGrI rihMdI. keI vfr Auh cfr cfr

mhIny nf afAuNdf. kdy pRIqo DIaF puwqF qoN

Éq ilKf dyNdI, kdy Auhdf Éq af jFdf. jdoN afp afAuNdf qF vI Auh awgy vFg KuwlHf pYsf

Dylf nf dy ky jFdf. pRIqo ipMz kfÜy bld vFg kmfAuNdI rihMdI qy Auh vYlIaF dI ZfxI ’c vYlI hoieaf Èrfb pI pI ky dyh vI gflx

lwgf qy kmfeI vI. pRIqo ny kwcy Gr df mUMh mwQf vI suafr ilaf sI, iewk pwkI bYTk vI Cwq leI sI. Auh duwD vyc ky Gr dy Ércy vI clfAuNdI qy kuC nf kuC jmHF vI krI jFdI. QoVHI QoVHI ivwQ nfl jMmIaF DIaF isroN AuwcIaF huMdIaF jFdIaF sn qy puwq qF ajy inafxf sI. gurmIq isMG jd vI afAuNdf AuhdI ishq pihlF nfloN mfVI huMdI. pRIqo JUrdI rihMdI. kih sux ky loVkU ijhy pirvfrF ivwc DIaF dy sfk kr idwqy. awT awT jmfqF pVHf kuVIaF Gr dy kMmIN lfi dwqIaF sn. Gr dI hflq qy gurmIq isMG dI izwgdI ishq nUM dyK ky pRIqo ny iqMny kuVIaF df sfdf ijhf ivafh iekwTf hI kr idwqf. do iewk Gr, dovyN sky BrfvF nUM ivafh idwqIaF, qIjI Ërf ku cVHI Aumr dy POjI nUM ivafh idwqI. pRIqo df puwqr blkrn awTvIN jmfq ’coN PylH hoieaf muV skUl nf igaf qy Auhdf ipE AuhnUM vI klkwqy lY igaf. Auh vI ipE nfl trwk ’qy hI rihMdf. pRIqo ’kwlI kfrI jMjflF ’c PsI rihMdI. Auhdf idEr iÈMgfrf lMGdf vVdf AuhdI sfr ËrUr lYNdf. pr Auh afp hI ibgfny jMjflF ’c Ps igaf sI. Auhdy vwzy Brf dI srhwd ’qy rfKI kridaF mOq ho geI sI ijs nUM aÉbfr ÈhId kihMdy sn. pMj bwicaF dI mF AuhdI BrjfeI ivMdr nUM irÈqydfr iÈMgfry dy Gr ibTfAux dI gwl krn lwgy, pr iÈMgfry ny sfÌ ÈbdF ivwc kih idwqf sI, “mYN Brf dI pqnI nUM afpxI pqnI nhIN bxf skdf, mYN ivafh vI nhIN krfvFgf qy Brf dI sfrI kbIldfrI sFBFgf” qy keI virHaF qoN iÈMgfrf afpxf Drm afpxy bol pugf irhf sI. pr iÈMgfry nUM keI vfr lwgdf ik ÈhId Auhdf Brf hI nhIN Auh Éud vI hoieaf hY. Gr dI grIbI swDrF ’qy BfrU ho geI sI qy Auhny ivafh nhIN krvfieaf. BrjfeI vwl Auhny kdy awK cuwk ky nhIN dyiKaf sI. pr pRIqo nUM Ébry Auh ikAuN aYnf moh krdf sI. pRIqo sB kuJ jfxdI hoeI ijvyN axjfx bxI rihMdI. Auh nfl dy ipMz aftf iphfAux jFdf pRIqo df pIhx vI afpxy gwzy ’qy rwK lYNdf. afpxy zMgr pÈUaF leI ÈihroN Kl vVyvyN ilafAuNdf AuhdIaF mwJF leI vI do cfr borIaF lY afAuNdf. pRIqo bs aYnf hI kihMdI, ‘qUM myry ’qy aYnf boJ nf cVHf.’ iÈMgfrf awgoN qVp ky kihMdf, “qUM sfrI Aumr kbIldfrI df boJ ZohidaF lMGf idwqI mYN qyrf aYnf ku boJ vI nhIN vMzf skdf ?” Auh Audfs ijhI afvfË nfl kihMdI, “iÈMgfiraf, ieh DrqI iksy isdk ’qy aYnf boJ cuwkI KVHI hY dunIaf df, mYN qF afpxy twbr df hI boJ ZoNhdI hF. kmilaf, qUM ibgfinaF dy boJ ZoNhdf rihMdf eyN .” iÈMgfrf tuwty ijhy idl qy kMbdy ijhy buwlHF nfl kihMdf “mYN qYnUM kdy ibgfnI nhIN

smiJaf qUM BfvyN mYnUM afpxf nf smJ[[[.” pRIqo pMjfhF nUM ZuwkI vI bxdI PwbdI sI, pr bVI sMjIdf qy dfnI ijhI. Auh iÈMgfry dI gwl df jvfb nf dy ky pfsf vwt jFdI.

klkwiqE Éq afieaf gurmIq isMG bVf ibmfr sI qy hspqfl dfÉl sI. pRIqo ny puwq nUM Éq pfieaf ik AuhnUM lY ky ipMz af jf, nfl dy Èihr ielfj krf lvFgy. hÌqy ku ipwCoN blkrn ipE nUM lY ky afieaf qF pRIqo ijvyN suMnH ho geI. gurmIq isMG hwzIaF dI muwT ho igaf sI qy zfktrF AusnUM jvfb dy idwqf sI. pRIqo ny bQyrI nwT Bwj kIqI, nfl dy Èihr vI zfktrF kol cuwkI iPrI. pr gurmIq isMG iËMdgI dI srhwd ’qy AuhnUM duwKF dIaF hor golIaF Kfx leI Cwz ky afp sdf leI qur igaf sI, sB hwdF srhwdF qoN pfr! pRIqo iewk bfr qF bhuq zol geI pr iPr Ausny afpy hI afpxy mn nUM smJfieaf, “Auhdy huMdy ikhVf qUM pwt dy pMGUVy JUldI sI ijhVy Kuws gey.” pr afÉr Auh Auhdy isr df sfeIN sI. Auhdy huMdy Kyq bMnHy iPrdI kMm DMdy krdI Auh iksy hOsly ivwc rihMdI qy hux Auh hOslf Zih igaf sI.

DIaF do cfr idn rih afpo afpxy GrIN qur jFdIaF. blkrn vI mhIny do mhIny ipwCoN gyVf mfr jFdf. pRIqo df guMdvF ijhf srIr ijvyN hux izwgUM izwgUM krdf. puwq afAuNdf qF mF nUM pYsy dyx pr qurn lwgf Aus qoN pYsy mMgdf. vYlI ipE df puwq vI vYlI huMdf jFdf sI. pRIqo ny vkq ivcfridaF, ibnHF dfj dhyj ilaF blkrn df ivafh kr ilaf. Auh socdI sI iËMmyvfrI peI qoN afpy smJ jfAU. Auhny afpxI nUMh kuldIp nUM puwq dy nfl klkwqy qor idwqf. pRIqo pRyÈfn ho jFdI jdoN do cfr mhIinaF ipwCoN blkrn kuldIp nUM ipMz Cwz jFdf. sfl do sfl ieAuN hI bIq gey. kuldIp ny juVvF muMzy kuVI nUM jnm idwqf. pRIqo ny nUMh nUM kol hI rwK ilaf qy iËMmyvfrIaF df jMjfl srhwd dI kMizaflI qfr vFg iPr Auhdy duafly vilaf igaf.

iewk idn blkrn afieaf idny hI Èrfb nfl rwijaf hoieaf qy pRIqo qoN pYsy mMgx lwgf. pRIqo ny TrMmy nfl ikhf, “puwq qF kmfeIaF krky mfvF nUM idMdy ny qUM Aultf mF qoN mMgdf eyN.’ Èrfb dI lor ’c blkrn ny swc Auwgl idwqf ik trwk dIaF ikÈqF pUrIaF nhIN hoeIaF.

krËy ny pRIqo df KUn sukf idwqf. mF dy idwqy pYisaF ’coN vI Auh awD pcwD dI qF vYlIaF ’c

bYT Èrfb pI afAuNdf. sfrIaF gwlF sfhmxy af geIaF sn. blkrn ny keI bYNkF qoN vI

krËf ilaf hoieaf sI. koeI rfh nf idsx

’qy pRIqo ny pfeI pfeI joV ky ilaf ËmIn df totf vyc idwqf pr krËy Pyr vI pUry nf

Auqry. aÉIr Auhny puwq nUM trwk vyc ky Gr af jfx leI afK idwqf. sfry krËy lfh ky ijhVy cfr iCwlV bcy Auh vI blkrn ny mF nUM nf idwqy. Auh ipMz dy ivhlV muMizaF ’c bYT qfÈ Kyzdf, Èrfb pINdf qy rfqIN Gr vVdf. nf AuhnUM afpxy bwicaF df iÌkr sI nf pqnI df.

pRIqo idnF ivwc awDI rih geI. blkrn dI

vhutI ny kdy Gr dI koeI iËMmyvfrI nhIN sI sMBflI, pRIqo aOKI sOKI sfry DMd ipwtI jFdI. keI bfr AuhnUM bVI Gbrfht ijhI huMdI. iewk idn Kyq pwTy lYx geI Auh cwkr af ky izwg peI. koloN vwt qoN lMGI jFdI guaFZx ny nfl dy Kyq ’c pfxI lfAuNdy iÈMgfry nUM ’vfj

mfr ky bulfieaf qy Auh dovyN izwgdI ZihMdI

pRIqo nUM Gr ilafey. ipMz dy zfktr ny dyK

ky dwisaf ik Auhdy ÉUn df dbfa bhuq Gwt igaf sI, Auhny pRIqo nUM lgfqfr duafeI Kfx leI ikhf. AuhdI hflq dyK ky iÈMgfry dy aMdroN gË lMmI lft inkldI, pr Auh Ausdf

hI aMdr sfV jFdI qy pRIqo df kuC nf suafr skdI. ivkI ËmIn df hfvf pRIqo nUM aMdroN

aMdrIN Kf irhf sI.

hux Aus qoN KyqoN pwTy vI nhIN sn ilaf huMdy, mwJF ikwilaF ’qy BuwKIaF iqhfeIaF aVfAuNdIaF KOrU pfAuNdIaF rihMdIaF. pRIqo jy nUMh puwq nUM kuC kihMdI Auh awgoN puwTf boldy. DIaF, mF dI hflq dyK ky rodIaF AuhnUM bQyrIaF imMnqF krdIaF ik sfzy nfl cwl pr pRIqo nhIN sI mMndI. iewk idn puwq dy mn ’c KOry kI afeI pRIqo nUM afKx lwgf, “bIbI qyrI ishq iZwlI rihMdI hY, mhIny vIh idn Èihr mfsI kol lf af, iewQy ipMz ivwc kI hY? AuwQy Èihr ivwc sO cIË imldI hY qyrI ishq nUM

Ìrk pY jfAU.” pRIqo nUM ijvyN iksy ny iksy KUh

ivwc Dwkf dy idwqf hovy [[[ qy KUh ivwcoN ijvyN

AuhnUM afpxy qur gey pqI dI afvfË suxdI

peI sI, jdoN Auh klkiqEN ieho kih ky ipMz

qor dyNdf sI, “eyQy Èihr ’c kI hY, ipMz qF

sO cIË Gr dI hY.” pRIqo dUjy hI idn afpxI BYx kol aMimRqsr clI geI sI. ijs kol

Auhdy vfr vfr bulfAux ’qy vI Gr Cwz ky

nhIN sI jFdI. do mhIny hox nUM af gey sn, nUMh puwq ny muV AuhdI sfr nf leI DIaF

AuhnUM Ìon krdIaF.

iewk idn svyry svyry pRIqo dI BYx dy Gr iÈMgfry df Ìon afieaf, Auh ipMz dy nfl dy ÈihroN bol irhf sI qy pRIqo nUM qurMq bulfieaf sI. ikAuNik rfqIN blkrn df ÈrfbI hoey df aYksIzYNt ho igaf sI. Auh guaFiZaF dy muMzy dy motrsfiekl ’qy nfl dy ÈihroN Èrfb pI ky af irhf sI. dovyN ÈrfbI sn, sVk dy zUMGy toey ’c motr sfiekl izwigaf qy guaFZIaF df muMzf QfeyN Éqm ho igaf. bury hflIN pRIqo afpxy BxyvyN nUM lY hspqfl puwjI. blkrn dIaF dovyN lwqF tuwt geIaF sn, isr ivwc bhuq gMBIr swtF sn. sky idAurF bhuqI sfr nf leI pr iÈMgfrf KVHI lwq Auhdy puwq dy isrHfxy irhf. byhoÈ puwq nUM KUn nfl iBwijaf dyK pRIqo dI Dfa inkl geI qy Auh Gbrf ky puwq dy Auwqy hI izwgx lwgI qF iÈgfry ny AuhnUM boc ilaf. pRIqo dy sbr df kVH awj pft igaf sI. Auh iÈMgfry dy gl lwg Puwt Puwt roeI. iÈMgfry ny AuhnUM idlfsf idwqf “BfbI ro nf, qkVI ho, mYN hr pl qyry nfl KVHf hF. pRIqo ny awQrU pUMJidaF ikhf, ‘ijAuNdf rih, qyrI hmdrdI df rwb vrgf afsrf hY[[[.’ iÈMgfry ny iPr ikhf ‘qUM idn idn eyQy rih mYN hux jf ky pÈUaF df kwK pwTf kr afvF, blkrn dI vhutI ikwQy juafkF nfl Kyq bMnHy qurI iPrU, rfqI mYN blkrn kol rhFgf qUM Gr clI jfvIN.” pRIqo ny dyiKaf quiraf jFdf iÈMgfrf

Aus qoN awK bcf ky moZy qy rwKy zwbIaF vfly prny nfl afpxIaF awKF pUMJ irhf sI[[[. do cfr idn pRIqo df BxyvF vI irhf. idny kdy sws nUMh hspqfl rihMdIaF kdy pRIqo dI koeI

DI jF juafeI af jFdf pr rfq nUM iÈMgfrf hI

blkrn nUM sFBdf, Auhdy kol rihMdf AunINdry kwtdf. mhInf Br musIbqF ktidaF awj blkrn nUM hspqfloN CuwtI ho geI sI pr Auh

Gwto Gwt Cy mhIny AuTx jogf nhIN sI irhf.

Gr dy ivhVy ’c puwq kol bYTI pRIqo socF ’c zuwbI hoeI sI. iÈMgfry ny blkrn dy sfhmxy pRIqo nUM ikhf, “dyK BfbI ieh dunIaF iksy dy ijwqx dI neIN[[ qUM afpxy afp nUM ’kwlI nf

smJI ijMnI dyr blkrn qurn iPrn jogf neIN huMdf awDI rfq ’vfj mfirE mYN hfËr aF iksy gwloN qMgI neIN kwtxI kbIldfrI aY sO cIË dI loV pYNdI af[[ bMdf eI bMdy df dfrU aY[[[[.”

jdoN aqIq dIaF glIaF ’c guMmI iPrdI pRIqo nUM moZy qoN PV ky hlUxidaF iÈgfry ny ikhf “kI socdI eyN BfbI ?” pRIqo afpxy afp ’c afeI pr iÈMgfry dy bol ijvyN Auhdy Dur aMdr lih gey sn, Auhdy kMnF ivwc gUMj rhy sn awDI rfq ’vfj mfirE[[[[[ sO cIË dI loV pYNdI hY[[ bMdf eI bMdy df dfrU af BfbI[[[[.” iÈMgfry dy bol suxky pRIqo ijvyN lwK mxdI ho geI sI. AuhnUM sO cIË dI nhIN bs iesy iewk cIË dI loV sI jo iÈMgfry ny AuhnUM idwqI sI, mn dy moh dI swcI hmdrdI dI kImqI sOgfq qy iek soc ny AuhnUM hlUx idwqf ik iÈMgfrf qF lMmy smyN qoN afpxy mn df ÉflI kfsf cuwkIN Auhdy dr df svflI bixaf irhf[[ ijhVf ÉflI hI irhf, pRIqo dIaF nËrF dy sfhvyN qy pRIqo nUM ieh vI ielm sI ik Aus ÉflI kfsy ivwc qF sO cIË smfeI hoeI sI jo iÈMgfrf AuhnUM arpn kr irhf sI [[[ qy ies GVI pRIqo nUM jfipaf ijvyN Auh sfrIaF musIbqF df tfkrf krn leI, kbIldfrI dy boJ cuwkx leI muV qkVI ho geI sI, ijvyN muV Br juafn ho geI sI[[[[. Auhny ijvyN swc df bkqrbMd pihn ilaf sI qy afpxy afly duafilAuN srhwd qy lwgI kMizaflI qfr vrgI smfj dy zr dI, ÈrIkF dy BYa dI Auh qfr Auhny DUh ky qoV ky prHF vgfh mfrI sI, ijnHF ny kdy musIbqF ’c iGrI nUM swicEN JUiTEN vI AuhnUM nhIN sI puwiCaf. moh Bry bolF nfl, apxwq qy hOsly nfl Auhny iÈMgfry nUM ikhf “qyry ibnF iÈMgfrf isaF sfzf hY kOx, qUM duwK ’c sfzy brfbr KiVHaf ey[, qUM idn af rfq af[[[mYnUM iksy dI pRvfh nhIN qyry myry isdk df rwb gvfh hY.” ieh bol kihMidaf pRIqo ny iÈMgfry dy moZy ’qy hwQ rwK idwqf. iÈMgfrf pRIqo df ieh rUp dyK ky pihlF hYrfn hoieaf ik kI ieh Auh hI pRIqo hY ijhVI AuhnUM afpxy Gr awgoN lMGxoN vI vrjdI rihMdI sI. iÈMgfry ny pRIqo df hwQ PV ky afpxy mwQy nUM lf ilaf[[[ qy iÈMgfry dI krV-brVI dfVHI hMJUaF nfl iBwj geI aqy pRIqo Aus dy hMJU pUMJ rhI sI.

ruwK ‘qy pMCI

sqvMq kOr pMDyr

ruwqF geIaF, ruwqF afeIaF ruwK ny rMg vtfieaf.

hry-Bry [pwqy dyK ky pMCI

dUroN Auzdf afieaf.

krny leI ivsLrfm rfhIaF vI

do pl zyrf lfieaf.

XogI, kvI, sMgIqkfr qy

iek duKIaf vI cwl ky afieaf.

hvf ny dy ky JUtf ruwK nUM

pwqf iek Jtkfieaf.

XogI ny vYrfg ‘c afpxy

awKoN nIr vhfieaf.

sIql buwlf lMiGaf kol dI

pwq pwq JUmx lfieaf.

kvI ny kMnIN sux ky

Auhdf kivqf rUp bxfieaf.

kwTy ho ky buwilaF ny ruwK nUM

Cx Cx Cxkx lfieaf.

sMgIqkfr khy swq surf df

ieh myrf srmfieaf.

afeI hnHyrI tfhxIaF iBVIaF

pwq pwq igaf AulJfieaf.

duKIaf afKy kwlf nhIN mYN

hr koeI lVdf afieaf.

EhI ruwK qy EhI pwqIaF

EhI Aus dI kfieaf.

soc ny iensfnF ivc dyKo

Prk ikMnf hY pfieaf.

amrIkn, rUsI qy BfrqI iekwTy ho ky gwlF kr rhy sn.

amrIkn, sfzy ‘c aYnI hYsIaq hY ik asIN sony df hvfeI jhfjL bxvf skdy hF.

rUsI, asIN Aus AuWpr hIry moqI jVvf skdy hF.

BfrqI, asIN Aus AuWpr ‘myz ien ieMzIaf’ ilKvf skdy hF.

smF pvn igwlF vflf

smF bVf blvfn hY.

rwKy hr iek dI muWTI ivc jfn.

asIN ipafdy – sLqrMj dy, BfvyN bxIey bVy sLYqfn.

pr Aus dI cfl nf jfxdy, kd bdly Kyz Auh afx.

sB Aus dy AuNglIN nwcdy, Auh hYgf bVf mhfn.

asIN mYN nUM sIny lf iPry, Auh ‘qYN’ dy leI vrdfn.

Jwt rfjy rMk bxfvdf, qy PkIrF nUM sulqfn. asIN aYvyN hwQF vflIaF, lY lkIrF nUM pRysLfn.

Auh qkdIrF nUM Jwt bdldy, jd KV jy isr ‘qy afx. nhIN aYvyN igwlF vfilaf, smyN nUM hox slfm.

jy ‘pvn’ bMdf smyN nUM skdf rok qF, iPr bx bihMdf Bgvfn.

afE hwsIey !

mnmuwK (ipafr nfl susLmf df hwQ PV ky, “dyKo afpxy ipafr dI gwl iksy kol nf krIN.”

susLmf, “mYN afpxIaF shylIaF nUM qF jLrUr dwsFgI, Auh kihMdIaF hn ik qyry nfl qF koeI mUrK hI ipafr kr skdf hY.’

gfhk (dukfndfr nUM), ieh murgIaF mYN nhIN

lYxIaF. ieh qF sfrIaF lMgVIaF ny.

myrI afvfjL dI afvfrgI nUM[[[[

surjIq pfqr

myrI afvfjL dI afvfrgI nUM,

surf df afsrf hY BtkdI nUM.

surf ny, sfjL ny ngmf bxfieaf, myry hwQF ‘c rUh dI qVPxI nUM.

Gxy BfsLf dy vx ivc lPjL kMby,

Vrnf iks dyKxf sI rumkxI nUM.

pukfry Auh nf mYnUM n Aus nUM, pukfry sVdf jMgl ikxmxI nUM.

imsLflF, cuwilHaF qy dIivaF ivc, bdl dyvF mYN agnI BtkdI nUM.

hY EDr awg dI ieh ijLd ik sfVF, mYN swcI kUkdI ies bMsrI nUM.

dukfndfr, ikAuN BfeI sfihb, qusIN iehnF murgIaF qoN aFzy lYxy hn nf ik BMgVf puafAuxf?

pqI pqnI isnmy jfx dI iqafrI kr rhy sn. pqnI myk ap kr rhI sI. pqI ny bfhroN hI puwiCaf, hux afvyNgI ik nhIN?

pqnI ny aMdroN hI jvfb idwqf, cuwp vI kro, GMty qoN kih rhI hF ik iewk imMt ivc afeI, pr qusIN ho ik suxdy hI nhIN.

khygf qIr myrf mYnUM lfhnq, indosLI ihwk jy KoBF axI nUM.

qyrf KMjr nhIN myrf lhU hI, Blk df rfh dwsygf ndI nUM. ik ieh ieiqhfs dy phIey nUM qory, hY ieh qOPILk aFdr ivlkdI nUM. qUM ipMjr, pRyq, kbrF pUjdf eyN, mYN pUjF bwicaF dI muskxI nUM.

clo AuTo asIN dIvfr bxIey, bcfeIey dIivaF dI rOsLnI nUM.

ieh myry aMDkfrF dI kQf hY, smripq hY quhfzI rOsLnI nUM.

gurdyv isMG buwtr

gurU (cyly nUM) – jo mnuwK dfn nhIN krdf, Auh ikQy jFdf hY?

cylf – isnmy, Tyky jF GuMmx iPrn.

do afdmI kbrisqfn ivc bYTy sn. pihlf boilaf, Xfr ieh murdy lok qF bVy afrfm nfl sONdy hn.

iek murdf kbr ‘coN AuWT ky boilaf, sONeIey ikAuN nf Auey! asIN ieh jgHf jfn dy ky hfisl kIqI hY.

16/10/2024 qoN 15/11/2024

myK : ishq TIk, Dn lfB, sbMDIaF nfl axbx, GrylU klysL, gupq icMqf, kfrobfr TIk. sqMbr 22,23 akqUbr 2,3,11,12,13, asLuB.

ibRK : Kun dI KrfbI, Dn lfB ho ky hfnI df zr. sMqfn suK, iesqrI ksLt, kfrobfr ivwc suDfr. sqMbr 18,19,27,28 akqUbr 7,8,16 asLuB.

imQun : vfXU ivkfr, Dn lfB, sMqfn aqy iesqrI pwKo icMqf, kfrobfr TIk. mhIny dy aMq ivwc ivsLysL Krc hovygf. aqMbr 22,23,akqUbr2,3,11,12,13 asLuWB.

krk: gupq icMqf, Dn lfB qoN bfad hfnI, sbMDIaF df sihXog ivroDI BfrU hoxgy, krjf isr cVy. sqMbr 16,17,24,25,26 akqUbt 4,5,6,14,15, asuLB.

isMG : ishq TIk, Dn lfB, imwqrF – sbMDIaF df suK, kfrobfr TIk, kMm bdlI qoN lfB, sqMbr 16,17,24,25,26 akqUbr 4,5,6,14,15 asLuB.

kMinaf : ishq TIk, kfrobfr ivwc hfnI, GrylU klysL, sMqfn ihq ivsLysL Krc, kfrobfr ivwc rwdobdl. sqMbr 20,21,29,30 akqUbr 1,9,10 asLuB.

Qulf : ishq TIk, Dn lfB hovy, BrfvF qy sbMDIaF qoN lfB, sNMqfn pwKoN icMqf, iesqrI pwKoN suLB smfcfr imly, Dfrimk qy sLuB kMm hox, sqMbr 18,19,27,28 akqUbr 7,8,16 asLuwB.

ibRsLick : ishq TIk, Dn lfB, Dn lfB, hOslf vDy, kfrobfr TIk, kMm bdlI qoN lfB, sqMbr 16,17,24,25,26 akqUbr 4,5,6,14,15 asLuB.

Dn: vfXU ivkfr, Dn lfB ho ky hfnI df zr, sbMDIaF qoN DoKf, kMm jF sQfn df ivcfr, sqMbr 20,21,29,30 akqUbr 1,9,10 asLuwB.

mkr : nyqr qy pyt rog, kRoD ivwc vfDf, PjULl JgVy qoN bco. imwqrF – sbMDIaF df suK, sMpqI lfB, kfrobfr ivwc rukfvt, sqMbt 20,21,29,30 akqUbr 1,9,10 asuwB.

kuMB : pyt qy vfDU rog, sbMdIaF df sihXog, sMqfn dI icMqf, iesqrI suK, kfrobfr tIk, sqMfn dI icMqf, iesqrI suK, kfrobfr TIk, sqMbr 22,23 akqUbr 2,3,11,12,13 asLuB.

mIn : ishq TIk, Xfqrf suKdfeI, nvIN Xojnf qoN hfnI, iesqrI ksLt, kfrobfr kmjoLr, sMqfn suK, sqMbr 18,19,27,28 akqUbr 7,8,16 asLuB.

Be cautious about what you bring to an end or the way in which you go about winding something up, especially if you think it will open up more choices. The situation will have to be revisited mid April next year. Other things would have changed by then. It might be wiser to let things take their own course right now.

Something that started off as a small thing when it comes to helping out somebody else that seems to keep on growing would be best dealt with now, especially if it is turning into a habit or interfering with your regular routines. It has probably taught you to take more notice of what is important to you, rather than getting distracted..

New directions involving other people can be smooth running if things are done their way. While there might be a lot in common, their determination might clash with yours. If you have been attempting to come to an agreement, this might need to be left for now and revisited mid April as things will likely have changed by then.

Something is winding up on a personal level perhaps in ways you were not expecting that is generating thought of all sorts of possibilities in the long term. Someone can play a powerful role here. However it is to eventually settle will not become evident until January to April next year. Meanwhile just go with the flow.

You can have success in getting something out of the way that has been on your mind for a while but the energy just hasn’t been there. Not that you will feel overly energised just yet. It is more a realisation that time is running out. You know you will feel a lot better once this is done, especially if others have a good view of it.

Something needs to be put into place once and for all so that you know what needs to be spent rather than other things coming up all the time. Whatever you do now can create changes that may not be fully implemented until next year, between January and April. You need to be straightforward and practical with any discussions.

There can be a willingness to let something go that has been a personal priority but doesn’t fit well with someone else. It will be more important to establish underlying stability in situations involving others. This can be temporary as other opportunities to focus on your wishes will arise next year from January to April. Patience can pay off.

The New Moon this week occurs in your sign providing you with the opportunity to generate changed directions on a personal level. Anything that has not been heading in the direction you had hoped might be better let go right now. Becoming more practical can appeal to you, especially when it comes to stability with finances.

There can be new directions building up in the background that will provide the opportunity to put a stable foundation in place. This is likely tied into the decisions of somebody else and something may need to wind up so they can take the next step. There could be more than one stage of development attached to this as well.

It might be time to develop a new attitude when it comes to commitments or obligations in your life, especially if they affect your finances. If you have accepted things without thinking, you could recognise this has to stop. This can only happen when you take the time to analyse what you can realistically manage and follow through.

Changes in somebody else’s life may make you realise things are moving on and it will not be the same for you. This is encouraging you to think about what is important to you. It can actually be freeing you up to do so. This is a first stage. New people can come into your life, especially from January to April next year.

New possibilities in the long term can begin to feel more probable or realistic. This could leave behind a level of personal doubt or insecurity. This can be tied to you becoming more aware of what has been important for a long time but needs to be modified in some way for the future. The second stage can occur January to April next year.

The Patrika

Updated vaccines for influenza, COVID-19 available throughout B.C.

Updated vaccines that protect against the latest influenza strains and COVID-19 variants circulating are available for people in B.C. to help protect families, communities and the health-care system.

Dr. Bonnie Henry, provincial health officer for B.C., again encourages people six months and older to get immunized with the updated influenza and COVID-19 vaccines, and to exercise healthy habits to stay well this fall and winter.

“This is the time of year when we see increases in viral respiratory illnesses in B.C., including influenza and COVID-19, so it is particularly important to remember healthy habits we can all follow to protect ourselves, our loved ones and our communities,” Henry said. “That includes covering your cough, cleaning your hands regularly, staying away from others if you have a cough or a fever, wearing a mask if you have lingering symptoms or need extra protection, and getting the updated influenza and COVID-19 vaccines. By getting immunized for both influenza and COVID-19, we are not only protecting ourselves, but also those around us.”

Invitations for immunizations for priority populations began Oct. 8, 2024. The priority populations include people most at risk of severe illness and complications, such as seniors 65 and older, residents in long-term care facilities, people with chronic health conditions (e.g., cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc.) and health-care workers. People will receive notifications until early November.

People will be able to receive influenza and COVID-19 vaccines at the same time, if they want.

Vaccines are available in more than 1,300 participating pharmacies, health-authority clinics and some primary-care providers’ offices throughout the province. People can call 1 833 838-2323 if they have questions or need help booking. The vaccines remain free and are available for all B.C. residents six months and older, including enhanced influenza vaccines for seniors.

Health Canada has approved updated mRNA vaccines targeting the KP.2 COVID-19 subvariant. These vaccines are approved for use for people six months and older, and are available as part of B.C.’s fall and winter respiratory illness vaccine program.

Govt. Certified Instructor


• asIN quhfzy leI roz tYst buWk krdy hF.

• roz tYst leI kfr vI idMdy hF.

• nrvs ividafrQIaF leI KLfs tryinMg idWqI jFdI hY.

• asIN afeI sI bI sI qoN mnj rsLudf ieMstrktr hF.

• asIN pMjfbI, ihMdI, AurdU aqy ieMgilsL boldy hF.

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CanAm Health and Wellness Foundation


Local fruits and vegetables taste great year-round

As you pack away your fall décor and dig out the snow shovels, remember that your snacking and dinner options don’t have to dwindle during the winter. In fact, many local fruits and vegetables are available even in the colder months.

Winter is an amazing time to explore hearty root vegetables. Potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots and beets are not only packed with nutritious qualities but also provide a burst of flavour that perfectly complements warm stews and soups. These versatile vegetables can be roasted, mashed and added to a wide variety of dishes, making them a staple in your winter cooking.

Local apples, which are harvested in the fall, can also be enjoyed throughout

the winter. Thanks to advanced storage technology, they remain fresh and flavourful throughout the year. Whether you prefer the classic McIntosh or the newer Honeycrisp variety, you’ll have Ontario apples at your disposal all winter long. Try using them in desserts with delicious recipes like apple crisp or caramel apple cheesecake.

Don’t forget about greenhouse vegetables, either. Greenhouses allow for the growth of fresh vegetables like cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, lettuce and, increasingly, fruit like strawberries indoors all year long. These ingredients are perfect additions to your favourite salads, adding freshness even during the peak of winter.

Buying local will not only help you stretch your food budget, but it’s also climate-friendly and more sustainable. A shorter distance from farm to plate means fewer emissions and less food waste. Plus, you’re supporting Ontario fruit and vegetable farmers who are using a wide range of environmentally friendly practices that support sustainable production.

and cover crops; and reducing water and pesticide use.

This includes investments in technologies and practices that support more efficient use of water, energy and fertilizer; using tools like soil testing

Learn more about the varieties of fruits and vegetables grown in Ontario and how they’re being harvested sustainably at

Tickets now available for 2024 Community Builders’ Award

18 individuals and organizations have been nominated for giving back to the community

Eighteen individuals and organizations have been named as nominees for the 2024 Archway Community Builders’ Awards. These awards recognize the extraordinary people and organizations who strengthen the fabric of our community with their leadership, volunteer work and collaborative spirit.

In addition to the Community Builders Awards, the Emerging Community Builders category recognizes those who may be younger, new to the Fraser Valley or have recently started giving back.

“We look forward to recognizing these amazing people and organizations who truly make our community a better place to live,” shared Pamela Chatry, Chair of the awards committee and Archway Board Vice-President.

“We invite the community to join us for an inspiring and heart-warming night recognizing these amazing volunteers.”

The Awards Ceremony will be held on Thursday, November 7th at the Matsqui Centennial Auditorium. The doors will open at 5:45pm and the ceremony will begin at 6:30pm. Community members are invited to purchase tickets to the evening event at

2024 Award Nominees

Community Builders Awards – Individual

Brian Neufeld

Dao Tran

Doreen Schellenberg

Marg Allan

Nancy Croteau

Pixie Wells

Emerging Community Builders Awards – Individual

Cameron Hauck

Gurkeerat Singh (Kang)

Harleen Padam

Tetiana Lytvynenko

Zoe Edward

Community Builders Awards – Community Organizations

BC Muslim Association - Abbotsford Branch

Central Heights Church

Purple Lights Nights Committee

The Book Bags

Community Builders Awards – Corporate Organizations

Abbotsford Canucks

DME Investments Inc (McDonalds)

Longboard Architectural Products

The Community Builders’ Awards were established in 2006 by the Archway board of directors to honour and acknowledge individuals and organizations connected to the organization.

In 2023, the Khalsa Diwan Society, Sevenoaks Alliance Church, Gary McCaskill, and James Clifford were recognized for their contributions to Archway and the larger community. Chantel Funk + Co and Joie Ford received awards in the Emerging Community Builder Category.

Tickets are available for $25 at

Heritage Carpets and Flooring LTD Grand Opening

hYrItyj kfrpyt aqy PloirMg dI sLFndfr EpinMg

Jasbir Bhogal

Sales & Lease Consultant

Phone: 604-300-2885


Rushal Chawla

Financial Services Manager

Phone: 604-300-7015


Sunil Desai

Sales Manager

Phone: 778-868-5757


Ned Bhatti

Sales & Lease Consultant

Phone: 604-308-4944


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