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“ B R I D G I N G C O M M U N I T I E S ” 604.852.2288 | T h e P a t r i k a Weekly | Friday, April 19, 2024 | Vol.28. No.31 | www.patrika.ca/e-newspaper | e:info@patrika.ca inrpwK, sqMqr aqy agFhvDU soc nMU prnfieaf hoieaf A SECULAR, INDEPENDENT & PROGRESSIVE NEWSPAPER Abbotsford, BC - (Head Office) Phone: 604-746-4888 Fax 604-746-4999 Hours of Operation : Mon-Fri: 9:00am - 8:00pm Weekends & Holidays: 10:00am - 6:00pm www.insurelinelighthouse.com #101 - 30485 Blueridge Drive, Abbotsford B.C., V2T 0B1 Home Insurance Super Visa Insurance Travel Insurance Commercial Insurance Townhome/Condo Insurance Construction Insurance Fleet Insurance Cargo Insurance Pro Rate Insurance Farm Insurance Gr dI ieMnsLorYNs supr vIjLf ieMnsLorYNs tRYvl ieMnsLorYNs kmrsLIal ieMnsLorYNs tfAUn hfAUs/ kONzo dI ieMnsLorYNs knstRwksLn dI ieMnsLorYNs PlIt ieMnsLorYNs kfrgo ieMnsLorYNs pRo ryt ieMnsLorYNs Pfrm dI ieMnsLorYNs HOME INSURANCE DISCOUNT CARGO PRO-RATE FLEET BC’s Only Bilingual Newspaper Since 1996. 1996 qoN Cpx vflf ibRitsL kolMbIaf df pihlf do-BfsLIaf aKLbfr T H A NK YOUFORSUPPORTING YOUR PHARMASAVEWESTRIDGE T E A M Now Open in your neighbourhood Westridge Pharmasave Mom to Fri: 9:00am-6:00pm Saturday: 10:00 am-2:00pm | Sunday: Closed Blister Packaging Free Delivery Blood Pressure Monitoring Diabetes Education OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK hPqy ivwc 6 idn Kuly hn Phone: 604.776.3111 Fax : 604.776.3110 #105-3670 Townline Rd. Abbotsford, BC. Pharmacist can now prescribe for common ailments Pfrmfisst hux quhfnUM dvfeIaF pRskrfeIb kr skdy hn bilstr pYkfijMg muPLq ivwc zilvrI blwz prYsLr monItr sLUgr dI ibmfrI bfry jfxkfrI vYstirwj Pfrmfsyv aMgryjI, pMjfbI, ihMdI ivwc dvfeIaF dI jfxkfrI Westridge Pharmasave BUSINESS CARGO LIABILITY PRO RATE FLEET CONTRACTORS #1-32442 George Ferguson Way, Abbotsford 604-853-1600 Fax:604-853-9877 HOMEOWNERS TENANTS FARMS TRAVEL RV’S AGENCIES LTD.
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ngr sRI hirgoibMdpur aqy ies dy Dfrimk sQfn
ngr sRI hirgoibMdpur, qihsIl btflf, iËlHf gurdfspur ivc hY. ieh gurdfspur qoN lwgBg 40 iklomItr aqy aMimRqsr qoN lgBwg 60 iklomItr dI dUrI qy siQq hY. gurU arjn dyv jI ny Drm pRcfr dy nvyN ngr krqfrpur (jlMDr) aqy qrnqfrn vsfey sn. sRI hirgoibMdpur vflI QF qy nvF ngr vsfAuxf vI AunHF dy pRogrfm ivc Èfiml sI. AunHF ny ËmIn KrIdI aqy sMn 1587 ivc ngr vsfAuxf afrMB kIqf. ies ngr df nFa sRI goibMdpur rwiKaf igaf. gurU jI afpxy hor ruJyivaF kfrn ngr vsfAux vwl pUrf iDafn nf dy sky. AunHF ny iswK Drm dy pRcfr, pRsfr aqy lok BlfeI dy kfrjF vwl vDyry iDafn idwqf aqy sRI gurU gRMQ sfihb dI bIV dI iqafrI leI vI lgBg do sfl df smF lgfieaf. iswK Drm dy ivroDIaF dIaF sfijsF nUM nfkfm krn vwl vI iDafn dyxf cfihaf. cMdU Èfh dI Èrfrq nfl ieh asQfn ruhyly ipMz dy Bgvfn dfs GyrV nUM iml igaf. (sRI gurU hrgoibMd isMG) CyvyN pfqÈfh jd eyDr afey qF AunHF ny ies Èihr nUM muV vsfieaf. ieQy gurU jI ny iek srF, gurduafrf aqy msijd bxvfeI. ies ielfky dy anykF pTfx gurU jI dy ÈrDflU bx gey. hirgoibMdpur dI AusfrI df kMm BfeI iesmfeIl, BfeI AumIAU, BfeI bUlf, BfeI jyTf, BfeI lflo aqy BfeI kilafxyN dy hvfly krky gurU sfihb btfly dy rfh aMimRqsr puwjy. gurU hirgoibMd sfihb duafrf muV qoN vsfieaf jfx aqy ivkisq kIqf jfx krky ies ngr df nFa sRI hirgoibMdpur pRiswD hoieaf. sRI gurU arjn dyv jI ny sRI gurU hirgoibMd sfihb dy jnm dI KuÈI ivc ieh ngr vsfieaf ijs df nFa AunHF ny sRI hirgoibMd pur rwiKaf. pihlf jMg rhyly (sRI hirgoibMdpur) df hY sRI hirgoibMdpurf nfm df ngr gurU arjn dyv jI ny diraf ibafs dy iknfry bxfieaf sI. ieh gurdfspur iËlHy ivc cMdU Èfh dy ipMz ruhyly dy nyVy hI hY. cMdU Èfh dI shfieqf nfl hI Bgvfn dfs GyrV ielfky df cODrI bixaf sI. sRI gurU hirgoibMd sfihb kÈmIr dI Xfqrf qoN vfps prqx AuprMq ieDwr afey sn. AunHF iewQy iswK sMgqF dy kYNp lgvfey ies QF dI nvIN AusfrI krnI ÈurU kr idwqI aqy ngr dy afly duafly dIvfr bxfAuxI afrMB kr idwqI. AunHF idnF ivc ijQy vI koeI srdf pujdf cODrI rihMdf sI Aus df ipMz iklHy dI qrHF dIvfr nfl vilaf huMdf sI. Bgvfn dfs GyrV ny smwiJaf ik gurU sfihb ieQy rihx lwg pYxgy qy ieh Aus leI Kqry vflI gwl hovygI. Aus ny
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ky ivrfjxf, iswKF dy nfm ‘hukmnfmy jfrI krnf, ngfrf vjfAuxf, akfl qÉq aqy mIrI-pIrI dy do inÈfn sfihb JlfAuxy aqy AuQy AuGIaF ÈÉsIaqF df imlx afAuxf, iswKF dy msilaF dy ÌYsly krnf, sUrimaF dIaF vfrF gfeIaF jfxIaF, ÈsqrF dy aiBafs hoxyN, POjF iqafr krnf, iÈkfr Kyzx jfxf afid mIrI qy pIrI dy pRqwK sumyl dIaF AudfhrxF hn. gurU jI ny vyly dI hkUmq vloN Tosy sfry XuwD ijwq ley, ieh mIrI qy pIrI dy sumyl df hI iswtf sI. gurU sfihb dy Audm sdkf pRcfr dy keI nvyN kyNdr hoNd ivc afey. pMjfb ivc kIrqpur, krqfrpur, sRI hirgoibMdpur, gVHÈMkr, zrolI, BfeI rUpf, kFgV, mihrfj afid pRcfr kyNdr bxy. kÈmIr ivc sRI ngr aqy bfkI Bfrq ivc nfnkmqf, bnfrs, aXuwiDaf, dyAu ngr, smrfm, ptnf, aflmgMj, jgnnfQpurI ivKy iswK sMgqF sQfipq hoeIaF aqy ienHF asQfnF qoN dUr-dUr qwk Drm pRcfr df pRbMD kIqf igaf. ngr sRI hrgoibMdpur s[ jwsf isMG rfmgVHIey dI rfjDfnI vI sI.
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Chief Editor/Publisher: Dr. Andy Sidhu | General Manager: Dave Sidhu | Administration Executive: Ronnie Sidhu muwK aYzItr/pRkfÈk: zf: aYNzI iswDU jnrl mYnyjr: dyv iswD aYziminstryÈn mYnyjr: rxvIr rOnI iswD
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pMjfbI aYzItr aYzvrtfeIijMæg mYnyjr
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The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf
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Friday, April 19th, 2024 PAGE 3
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The Patrika
(NC) Barbecue season is here, and there are many options to consider when choosing the perfect grill for your next meal. Here’s a guide to help you choose the best grill for your space.
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“A surprising trend is that people now have more than one barbecue in their yard, just like how they have multiple appliances in their indoor kitchen,” says Janna Millious, barbecue merchant at The Home Depot Canada. “For smaller backyards, we’re seeing increased interest in modular grills with a pizza oven, storage, foldable side tables and a griddle top for entertaining, which is great for a group teppanyaki night or for a fun breakfast.”
Natural gas
One of the most widely used grills; the natural gas grill connects to the gas line on the exterior of your home, eliminating the need for propane tanks. While natural gas doesn’t burn as hot as propane, it can be more cost-effective and it offers a constant flow without the need to refill your tank.
Propane tanks can be refilled and are portable, allowing more freedom in where you place the barbecue in your yard.
Charcoal grills are heated using briquettes. When burned, they turn into embers, giving you an even, hot grilling surface that produces a smokier flavour. Charcoal grills are often portable as well and they can be used in a variety of scenarios –from your backyard to a picnic in the park.
Wood pellet
Wood pellet grills are some of the most versatile barbecues on the market because they can be heated to a variety of temperatures, making them an ideal grill, barbeque or smoker. They’re often cylindrical in shape and burn food-safe wood pellets to create heat.
Electric grills are small in size and run completely on electricity, making them the ultimate portable grilling surface if there’s somewhere to plug it in. You won’t get the full, smoky, barbecue flavour that you would from a traditional fire grill, but they can be used almost anywhere.
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F R E E Brake Inspection on Most Cars & Trucks mkYink
Friday, April 19th, 2024 PAGE 4
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The Patrika
klyr kfript Prns klIinMg Friday, April 19th, 2024 PAGE 5 The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf PAGE 5
B.C. plants its 10-billionth tree
B.C. is celebrating the 10-billionth tree planted since reforestation programs began in 1930, with two billion of those trees planted in the past seven years.
“Throughout the province, people are seeing the impacts of climate change on our forests,” said Bruce Ralston, Minister of Forests. “To support healthy forests for people and
communities, we are accelerating tree planting and building on decades of work restoring our forests that provide clean air, recreation, local jobs and so much more. Today’s tremendous achievement is a culmination of those efforts, in partnership with many forest licensees and hard-working tree planters.”
Last year, 305 million seedlings were planted in B.C. forests. One of these seedlings was the 10-billionth planted since work began almost a century ago. In honour of this milestone, Ralston planted a ceremonial tree in Surrey’s Green Timbers Urban Forest Park. The park, dubbed the “birthplace of reforestation,” is home to the Province’s first reforestation efforts in 1930.
Forest tenure holders have been legally required to undertake reforestation efforts since 1987. In 2024, 235 million of the 290 million seedlings expected to be planted will be done through forestry companies, with an additional five million planted by First Nations.
“Ten billion seedlings planted is a remarkable achievement in making sure our forests are with us for generations to come,” Ralston said. “It’s easy to get lost in the number, but there’s a very human story here, too. Planting 10 billion trees means 10 billion carefully wielded shovels by 20 billion hands across almost 100 years. This is an accomplishment we can all be proud of, and it’s an honour to play a small part in that number by planting this tree today.”
In addition to legislated reforestation efforts, the Province will plant an additional 50 million trees this year through several provincial and federal programs. These initiatives focus reforestation efforts on areas that have been adversely affected by natural disturbances, such as mountain pine beetle infestations and wildfire.
“The planting of 10 billion trees in our province is one of B.C.’s most important mega projects,” said John Betts, executive director, Western Forestry Contractors’ Association. “Besides the hard work involved, it’s an act of optimism where the full benefits won’t be realized until well into the future. It’s a fine legacy for all the thousands of nursery workers, planters and foresters involved over the years.”
Included in the 10 billion is a milestone from the Ministry of Forests’ BC Timber Sales (BCTS), which is marking its one-billionth tree planted since the organization was founded in 2003. BCTS issues approximately 40 tree-planting contracts to local and small business operators throughout the province every season. By partnering with other Ministry of Forests branches, as well as industry and the planting contract community, it contributes to the successful planting of millions of seedlings each year.
The Province’s research and investment programs continue to work improving silviculture practices to boost the success of every seedling and help make sure B.C.’s forests are resilient in a changing climate. Climate resiliency is one reason why the Province provided the Bulkley Valley Centre for Natural Resources Research and Management – a world-class research institute based in Smithers – with $10 million in 2023. Its new Silviculture Innovation Program will support research and innovative practices that better address forest and ecosystem health.
Quick Facts:
The provincial Forest Investment Program has yearly targets to plant 40 million to 50 million seedlings.
The program aims to reduce or sequester greenhouse gas emissions by the equivalent of two million tonnes of carbon dioxide per year through forest investment activities, such as planting and fertilization.
BCTS is responsible for reforesting approximately 30,000 hectares (74,130 acres) of land annually, playing an active role in replenishing forests adversely affected by timber harvesting, fires, pests and natural disasters.
BCTS has been working with tree nurseries on innovative ways to reduce waste, packaging seedlings without the use of single-use plastics.
Learn More: B.C.’s silviculture practices: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/ industry/forestry/managing-our-forest-resources/silviculture
BCTS – seedling services: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/industry/forestry/ bc-timber-sales#Seedling
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The Patrika pMjfbI
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GrylU kMm-kfj ijvyN JfVU lgfAuxf, pocf Pyrnf, Gr dI JfV-pUMJ krnf, kxk Cwtxf, aftf guMnHxf qy kwpVy Doxf afid anykF kMm hn jo srIr dI crbI nUM Gwt kr skdy hn| Xogf dy afsx krn nfl motfpf Gwt kIqf jf skdf hY | svyryÈfm sYr krn nfl vfDU kYlorIaF Érc ho jFdIaF hn ajoky smyN ivwc motfpf bhuq sfry lokF leI vwzI smwisaf bixaf hY| ieh mnuwK dy srIr ivwc ÈUgr, idl dy rog, guridaF dy rog, klYstrfl df vwDxf, vwD blwz pRYÈr, joVF dIaF drdF afid pYdf krn dy nfl-nfl mfnisk qxfa qy EnINdry vrgIaF idmfgI pRyÈfnIaF nUM vI jnm idMdf hY| sfzI jIvn ÈYlI hI aijhI bx cuwkI hY ijs ’c srIrk gqIivDIaF Gwt hI huMdIaF hn| mobfeIl Pon q lYptfp ny lokF nUM kMmF kfrF qoN nkfrf kr Cwizaf hY| lok lMmf–lMmf smF cYitMg krdy rihMdy hn, ijs dy iswty vjoN motfpf vwD igaf hY| motfpy df ielfj krvfAux leI lok zfktrF dy cwkr vI lfAuNdy rihMdy hn qy keI vfr ijm jFdy, Xogf krdy pr lok aksr ieh Buwl jFdy hn ik Gryl kMmkfj vI motfpy nUM dUr kr ky srIr nUM iPwt rwKx ivwc aihm BUimkf inBf skdy hn | GrylU kMm-kfj ijvyN JfVU lgfAuxf, pocf Pyrnf, Gr dI JfV-pUMJ krnf, kxk Cwtxf, aftf guMnHxf qy kwpVy Doxf afid anykF kMm hn jo srIr dI crbI nUM Gwt kr skdy hn| Xogf dy afsx krn nfl motfpf Gwt kIqf jf skdf hY | svyry-Èfm sYr krn nfl vfDU kYlorIaF Érc ho jFdIaF hn ijs nfl motfpy nUM dUr krn ivwc shfieqf imldI hY| rwsI twpx nfl srIr df Bfr kfbU ivwc rihMdf hY|[ Gr ivwc pÈU hn qF AunHF nUM nhfAux qy pwTy afid pfAux nfl srIrk ksrq huMdI hY| sfeIkl clfAux nfl srIr df Bfr Gwtdf hY| hlkIaF rvfieqI KyzF srIr nUM cusq rwKdIaF, Bfr nUM kfbU rwKdIaF mn qroqfËf rwKdIaF hn| Dfrimk jF smfijk syvf dy kMm ’c ihwsf lYx nfl mn qy srIr nUM AusfrU AUrjf imldI hY| joigMg Bfr Gwt krn df byhqrIn ZMg ho skdf hY| Gr qoN bfhr kMm leI jfx vfsqy pYdl cwlx nUM qrjIh idE| BrpUr nINd df anMd lE[, iËMdgI qxfa-mukq rwKo| jy Gr ’c koeI ikafrI hY jF bÊIcI qF Aus ivwc GMtf–do GMty imhnq krn nfl srIr dIaF vfDU kYlorIaF Érc ho jFdIaF hn| srIr dI iÌwtnYws vI bxI rihMdI hY qy motfp qoN hox vflIaF ibmfrIaF qoN vI Cutkfrf imldf hY| skrIn tfeIm Bfv tIvI[ qy mobfeIl qy bYTx dy smyN nUM Gwt kr ky srIrk kfrjÈIlqf ivwc ivasq rihxf cfhIdf hY|
George Ferguson Way S Fraser way Simon Ave G ar den St .
- 2860 Trethewey St., Abbotsford, V2T 4X5 Friday, April 19th, 2024 PAGE 7 The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf PAGE 7
City and School Board sign new agreement on turf field management
ABBOTSFORD – April 17, 2024 – The City of Abbotsford and Abbotsford Board of Education have reestablished a new 30-year joint-use agreement for the operations and maintenance of the four synthetic turf fields on the school district’s property.
In addition to a new cost-sharing structure for field maintenance, the operating and licence agreement includes an annual assessment of each field to guide planning for end-of-life replacement and maintenance. With a new agreement in place, the field at Abbotsford Senior Secondary will be reopened to use by community sports groups and funds will be allocated for turf replacement on one of the synthetic fields at W.J. Mouat Secondary School, which has been closed since September 2021.
“As a Council, we value recreation and support facilities, amenities and activities that connect us. Ensuring proper maintenance and enhancement of these fields not only supports our local school athletes, but also the many community sports organizations in need of a space to train and play,” said Abbotsford Mayor, Ross
Siemens. “We are very happy to have renewed this partnership with the Abbotsford Board of Education and to extend the use of these artificial turf fields for the future.”
“Our Board has a longstanding history of working with the City to benefit not only our students, but the entire community,” said Shirley Wilson, Chair of the Abbotsford Board of Education. “Our Board has always supported community access to our educational and recreational facilities, fostering a vibrant and active community. This renewed agreement highlights our ongoing commitment to this vision. Together, we are ensuring that these fields will continue to serve as a valuable resource for our students and the broader community for years to come.”
The agreement entered into by the Board and the City gives the City overall responsibility for the management, administration, booking, operation, custodial services, maintenance and repairs of all four fields, overseeing access to the fields during evenings and weekends throughout the school year and full time during the summer. Annual maintenance costs are estimated at $40,000 per field, which will be split equally between the
City of Abbotsford and the Abbotsford School District. Any capital improvements or end-of-life field replacements will be funded at 65 per cent by the City and 35 per cent by the School District, which aligns with each organization’s respective level of use and access to the four fields.
In early 2023, City and School Board staff renewed discussions to undertake replacement of the synthetic turf and supporting amenities at the fields on Abbotsford School District lands, three of which are situated between W.J. Mouat Senior Secondary and Colleen and Gordie Howe Middle school, with the fourth on the grounds of Abbotsford Senior Secondary.
www.cvinsurance.ca Managing Par tner Managing Par tner 604.615.4950 rdhaliwal@insurebc.ca 778.552.8936 ggrewal@insurebc.ca # 160-32500 South Fraser Way | Abbotsford, BC | V2T 4W1(Beside FreshCo) HOME BUSINESS PROPERTY LIABILITY TRAVEL PRORATE LIFE/HEALTH Gagan Grewal Ravi Dhaliwal Get a Free Rate Comparison Today! 604 744 0999 Open 7 Days A Week Mon-Friday: 9:00 am-8:00 pm Saturday : 9:00 am-5:30 pm Sunday: 10:00 am-5:00 pm Central Valley Insurance Services Ltd. Fax: 604-744-0998 Looking For Insurance? WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED ryt dI qulnf muPq ivwc pRfpq kro! WE SPECIALIZE IN SUPER VISA INSURANCE New Basement and Bathroom Extension DGB HOME RENO We do all types of Renovations • Laminate • Tiles • Painting • Kitchen Cabinets • Framing • Stone Works • Drywall Finishing asIN hr qrF dI rYnovysLn krdy hF: • lYmInyt • ikcn kYbints • PRyimMg • tfeIlF • pyNitMg • ston vrk • zrfeIvfl iPinisLMg nvIN bysmYNt aqy bfQrUm aYkstYnsLn CALL GAGAN 604-791-3933
Friday, April 19th, 2024 PAGE 8
The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf
jy qusIN dMd lvfAuxy hn jF iPr lgvfey hn dMd purfxy hn aqy nvyN lvfAuxy hn quhfzy lvfey dMd iZqly hn jF tuwt gey hn blrfj nfl apfieMtmYNt bxfE aqy Kfxf cMgI qrHF KfE jy quhfzy sfry dMd nhIN inkly pr Kfxf TIk qrHF nhIN Kf huMdf qF blrfj nUM imlo ieh quhfzI syvf leI srI ivwc hn.
nfrIal pfxI jF inMbU pfxI, grmIaF ’c ikhVY iËafdf ÌfiedymMd?
inMbU pfxI ivwc ivtfimn sI, bI, PfeIbr, potfÈIam aqy keI aYNtIafksIzYNt gux vI pfey jFdy hn. ieh nf isrP srIr nUM zItOksPfeI krdf hY blik crbI mukq hox kfrn motfpf vI GtfAuNdf hY. ies dy syvn nfl srIr 'c ieimAUintI vI vDdI hY, AuQy hI ieh zirMk snstRok qoN vI kfPI hwd qwk bcfa krdf hY. grmIaF dy mOsm 'c lok iËafdf qrl pdfrQF df syvn krdy hn, jo ik ËrUrI vI hY. awjkwlH nfrIal pfxI jF inMbU pfxI df bhuq iËafdf syvn kIqf jFdf hY pr kI quhfzy idmfg 'c ieh svfl
afAuNdf hY ik dovF 'coN ikhVf ishq leI iËafdf PfiedymMd hY? afE awj asIN quhfnUM jvfb dyvFgy. dovyN zirMks srIr 'c pfxI dI kmI nUM dUr krn aqy aYnrjI bxfeI rwKx leI vrqy jFdy hn pr iPr vI kuJ aijhIaF cIËF hn jo ienHF nUM iek-dUjy qoN vwK bxfAuNdIaF hn. afE pqf krIey[ ivtfimn ey, bI, sI, afiern aqy potfÈIam nfl BrpUr nfrIal pfxI grmIaF ivwc srIr nUM hfeIzryt rwKx ivwc mdd krdf hY. ies df syvn cmVI aqy vflF leI vI cMgf mMinaf jFdf hY ikAuNik ies ivc keI aYNtIafksIzYNt gux huMdy hn. ieh qyË grmI ivwc srIr nUM iewk TMzf pRBfv idMdf hY aqy iewk kudrqI zItOks zirMk dy qOr qy vI vDIaf kMm krdf hY. inMbU pfxI ivwc ivtfimn sI, bI, PfeIbr, potfÈIam aqy keI aYNtIafksIzYNt gux vI pfey jFdy hn. ieh nf isrP srIr nUM zItOksPfeI krdf hY blik crbI mukq hox kfrn motfpf vI GtfAuNdf hY. ies dy syvn nfl srIr 'c ieimAUintI vI vDdI hY, AuQy hI ieh zirMk snstRok qoN vI kfPI hwd qwk bcfa krdf hY. nfrIal pfxI hovy jF inMbU pfxI, dovF dy afpxy-afpxy Pfiedy hn, ijs 'c iËafdf Prk nhIN hY pr ies dy bfvjUd quhfnUM ienHF df syvn krdy smyN kuJ gwlF df iDafn rwKxf cfhIdf hY. afE pqf krIey[
sImF rWl
jykr quhfnUM zfiebtIË hY qF roËfnf nfrIal pfxI df syvn krn nfl quhfzy blwz ÈUgr df pwDr vD skdf hY. ies ivwc pfeI jfx vflI kudrqI ÈUgr quhfzy leI nuksfndyh sfbq ho skdI hY.
iËafdf nfrIal pfxI pIx nfl srIr 'c ielYktRolfeIts df sMquln vI Krfb ho skdf hY, aijhI siQqI 'c jykr qusIN aksr Qkfvt mihsUs krdy ho qF ies nUM iËafdf pIE. iËafdf inMbU pfxI pIx nfl quhfzIaF hwzIaF kmËor ho skdIaF hn. jykr qusIN ies nUM grm pfxI nfl bxfAuNdy ho, qF ieh bhuq iËafdf mfqrf ivwc aYisz pYdf krdf hY, jo hwzIaF dI ishq leI burf mMinaf jFdf hY.
jykr asIN kImq 'qy nËr mfrIey qF inMbU pfxI nfrIal pfxI qoN kfPI ssqf hY, ies leI qusIN afpxy bjt nUM iDafn 'c rwKdy hoey ienHF zirMks nUM afpxI zfeIt 'c Èfml kr skdy ho.
ies qoN ielfvf jykr qusIN inMbU pfxI ivc cInI imlf ky pINdy ho qF ieh vI ishq leI TIk nhIN hY. jykr qusIN cfho qF ies 'c QoVHf ijhf kflf nmk imlf ky pI skdy ho pr jykr quhfnUM bIpI nfl juVI koeI smwisaf nf hovy qF hI pIE. ies nfl quhfzf pfcn
qMqr TIk hovygf aqy qusIN aYsIiztI qoN vI bc skogy.
Friday, April 19th, 2024 PAGE 9 The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf PAGE 9
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4 tips for helping your kids buy a home
(NC) With housing affordability shifting dramatically for a generation of Canadians, many hopeful homebuyers are turning to the “Bank of Mom and Dad” to help them secure their first home.
While it’s natural for some parents to want to help their kids get a leg up in the real estate market, helping out with a deposit or down payment can represent a significant chunk of money out-of-pocket for parents.
If you are in a position to try and help your kids buy a home, whether that’s with a loan or a gift of money, it’s important to have a plan in place that’s clearly communicated to your children.
Here’s some advice on how to do just that:
Understand your own financial goals and needs
No matter how much you want to help your kids, you’ll first want to make sure you aren’t jeopardizing your own retirement or quality of life to do so.
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Your income, when you plan to retire, how you want to spend your retirement, and whether you plan to make big purchases down the road, are all factors to consider.
If you plan on giving your kids money and need to sell investments or assets to make it happen, you’ll also need to consider the timing and tax implications.
When to consider a gifted down payment
A “gifted down payment” is where the parent gifts their child a certain amount of money which is designated to go specifically to the down payment on a mortgage.
Typically, the person giving the gift must sign a letter stating explicitly that the money is a gift, not a loan, and that the money does not need to be repaid. The letter also includes details such as the date of the gift, the amount of money gifted and the relationship of the gift-giver to the recipient.
It’s important to note that a gifted down payment is considered non-repayable. For example, if you give your child and their spouse a gifted down payment, and your child later gets divorced and sells their home, the equity in the home would be split equally with their ex-spouse.
If parents are looking to lend their children money toward a down-payment (that is, they would like it paid back), you could consider lending the money as a private loan or private mortgage, where a written agreement is drawn up by a lawyer.
Check in regularly with your financial goals
Speaking with someone from your financial institution, like a TD personal banker, and regularly updating your financial goals can help you look at the bigger picture and make a plan so that you’re not losing sleep about your own future because you’ve helped your kids. These kinds of conversations are especially important as your financial needs change over time.
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Friday, April 19th, 2024 PAGE 10 The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf PAGE 10
sfrIaF ieMnsoLrYNs kMpnIaF nUM vI kvr krdy hF.
A study by Simon Fraser University psychologists that examined different facets of mindfulness in Canadians has found that youth and adolescents are more likely to display traits of self-judgment and have worse mental health, including anxiety, depression and stress.
By contrast, older participants were found to be more likely to be mindful and focus their attention on the present moment, observing themselves and others without judgment. Those who showed these traits of high mindfulness and nonjudgmental awareness also reported the greatest mental health and wellbeing, with less anxiety, depression and stress.
“Researchers have known for years that older people tend to report being more mindful. But this doesn’t mean we should assume that youth are not mindful at all,” says Hali Kil, a professor in SFU’s Department of Psychology and Principal Investigator on the study. “When we tease apart specific components of mindfulness, we see that younger people are actually quite good at paying attention to their surroundings; they just don’t tend to be as kind to themselves as older people.”
Mindfulness as a concept has its roots in Buddhist philosophy, and is defined as a state of being that is characterized by attention to the present moment in a way that consciously promotes ethical action and non-attachment. Since the late twentieth century, mindfulness has gained mainstream popularity in many societies as a secular practice. While mindfulness is a term that may be familiar to many, precise definitions of what it entails and how it works are a little harder to pin down.
This study, carried out by PhD student Nathaniel Johnson and undergraduate student Ryan Smith, under the supervision of Hali Kil, aims to change that. The researchers set out to examine specific dimensions of mindfulness and how they manifest in different people by surveying a large sample of 1,600 participants ranging from 14 to 90 years of age, of whom half were women. The participants completed questionnaires to assess how they measured across distinct facets of mindfulness, as well as in life satisfaction, existential well-being, and mental health. The results supported previous findings that high mindfulness is associated with better mental health in general, and further pointed to generational differences; while younger participants were more observant, they generally fared less positively in mental health scores, which might be explained by their tendency to be self-judgmental.
“Younger individuals may be particularly observant of social messages and social cues because social approval tends to be important when we are young,” says Nathaniel Johnson. “Teens also tend to negatively compare themselves to others, which could explain why they are judgmental towards themselves
The study and its findings have important implications for further research on facets of mindfulness and their impact on well-being, as well as research relating to mindfulnessbased interventions to support wellness.
“Although mindfulness can be good, being mindfully observant alone is not enough to support mental health,” notes Johnson. “Being purposeful in our actions and compassionate towards ourselves may be the two key mindful dimensions that promote well-being.”
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kYlgrI(sqnfm isMG Zfa/jrnYl isMG qwgV): arpn ilKfrI sBf dI apRYl mhIny dI mIitMg apRYl 13, 2024 nUM koso hfl ivc zf jogf isMG ishoqf, jsvMq syKoN isMG aqy ipMRsIpl bldyv isMG duwlt dI pRDfngI hyT koso hfl ivc hoeI. skwqr jrnYl isMG qwgV ny styj sMBflidaF jI afieaf aiKaf aqy ivsfKI idvs dI vDfeI idwqI. ies idvs dy ieiqhfsk aqy siBafcfrk pihlUaF qy ivcfr vtFdrf krn leI hfËr sfihq pRymIaF nUM swdf idwqf. nfmvr Èfier kysr isMG nIr ny BfeI vIr isMG aqy pRo[ mohn isMG dIaF rubfeIaF nfl ÈurUafq kIqI.bIbI gurnfm kOr ny ivsfKI dy ieiqhfsk ipCokV bfry gwl gurU nfnk dyv jI qoN ÈurU krky Éflsy dI isrjnf qwk df mMqv dwisaf (jfq-pfq qoN Aucy AuwT ky dwby kucly lokF ivc by-iensfÌI dy iÉlfÌ lVn aqy jbr Ëulm df tfkrf) krn leI ËoÈ Brnf sI. jo imÈn gurU nfnk dyv jI df sI, gurU goibMd isMG jI ny Éflsf pMQ dI isrjnf krky Aus nUM aslI jfmf pihnfieaf. kYlgrI dy KojI kvIÈr jsvMq isMG syKoN ny pMjF ipafiraF dy ipCokV dy ieiqhfs bfry iek pusqk ilKI hY Aus ivcoN gurU jI dy ipafry dYaf isMG dy ipCokV bfry ivsQfr nfl cfnxf pfieaf. bulMd avfË dy mflk aqy hr mn ipafry suKivMdr isMG qUr ny pMjfb qoN afey pRiswD kvI jsivMdr isMG rupfl dI Éflsf pMQ dI isrjnf bfry ilKI kivqf suxf ky sony qy suhfgy dy muhfvry nUM sfkfr kr idwqf. sqnfm isMG Èyrigwl ny ies ivcfr crcf nUM agy qoridaF nslI ivqkry aqy smfijk brfbrI dI gwl kridaF kYnyzIan krMsI dy ds zflr dy not Auwqy kfly mUl dI lVkI dI Ìoto bfry cfnxf pieaf. AunHF dwisaf ik ikvyN Auh bcpn ivc nslI ivqkry df iÈkfr hoeI aqy iËMdgI df sMGrÈ iks qrHF liVaf. ieho sunyhf ivsfKI df idhfVf sfnUM idMdf hY afpxy hwkF leI avfË AuTfE. sMgIq dy mihr, surIlI avfË dy mflk zf jogf isMG ny sfjF nfl ‘aYsf pMQ sjfvFgf, icVIaF qoN bfj quVfvFgf’ suxf ky rMg bMinaf. lKivMdr isMG jOhl ny ‘sFJf pMjfb’ kivqf nfl suxf ky hfËrI lgvfeI. kuldIp kOr GtOVf ny aMimRqDfrI aqy sfihjDfrI iswKF bfry ivcfr pyÈ kIqy. AunHF afiKaf ik bfhrly ivKvy nfloN amlF qy Ëor dy dyx dI vI loV hY. ipMRsIpl bldyv isMG duwlt ny afpxI iËMdgI dIaF XfdF sfJIaF krdy dwisaf ik aiDafpn smyN loVvMd ividafrQIaF dI mdd krnf hI iek aiDafpk df krm Drm hY. jrnYl isMG qwgV ny iek kivqf sFJI kIqI nfl hI afpxI pMjfb PyrI bfry pMjfb dI vrqmfn hflq qy ivsQfr nfl cfnxf pfieaf.
sqnfm isMG Zfa ny ivsfKI idvs dI gwl kridaF ikhf ik ivsfKI idvs qy ijwQy asIN afpxy Dfrimk siBafcfrk rfjnIiqk ivrsy dI gwl krdy hF AuQy awj dy idn asIN jwilaF vfly bfg dy ÈhIdF nUM vI Xfd krdy hF. awj qF sfrI dunIaF Auqy hI jwilaF vflf bfg bixaf ipaf hY. Éflsf pMQ isrjnf idvs sfnUM jbr Ëulm aqy byiensfÌI dy iÉlfÌ avfË bulMd krn df sunyhf idMdf hY. awj ies qy aml krn dI loV hY. ienHF bulfiraF qoN ielfvf ies ivcfr crcf ivc avqfr kOr qgwV, ipRqpfl isMG mwlHI, subf sdIk aqy gurmIq isMG Zfa ny vI BrpUr ihwsf ilaf.
zf[ jogf isMG ny afey hoey sfihqkfrF aqy sfihq pyRmIaF df DMnvfd kIqf. nfl hI AunHF ny bynqI kIqI ik apRYl 21, 2024 idn dupihr 1 vjy aYqvfr nUM tYNpl kuimAuntI hfl ivc sBf dy vfies pRDfn iekbfl isMG kflIrfey (Éfn) df ÈrDFjlI smfgm kIqf jf irhf hY. kYlgrI dIaF sfrIaF sfihqk aqy smfjk jQybMdIaF nUM apIl kIqI ik afAu afpxy imwqr ipafry nUM ÈrDf dy Pwul Byt krdy hoey Xfd krIey.
hor jfxkfrI leI zf[ jogf isMG nUM
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arpn ilKfrI sBf dI mIitMg
Friday, April 19th, 2024 PAGE 12
Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf PAGE 12
Each year Elizabeth’s Wildlife Center in Abbotsford admits over 1500 birds/ animals, with approximately 50% being fully rehabilitated and released. The Center receives over 7,000 phone calls per year with questions regarding situations involving injured/orphaned wildlife. The Center serves not only the City of Abbotsford, but a vast regional area as well.
Elizabeth Melnick, Founder and Executive Director, says “spring is here, and we have many new little ones. We need your help to cover the extra cost of looking after them. So, we have just launched our second on-line 50/50 raffle.”
Please help us to raise awareness and increase sales by distributing this poster and information to your networks.
Additionally, go to this link to get your tickets………….https://elizabethswildlife.rafflenexus.com/
Media contacts:
Marion Keys Melissa Farquhar
mmkeys@shaw.ca melissa.farquhar@hotmail.com
Cell: 604-308-0406 Cell: 604-613-8088
TOWNLINE INSURANCE CONTACT US FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS HARDEEP GREWAL MANNY THIND HOME Gr AUTO aft BUSINESS ibj n s TRAVEL t vl FLEE T/PRO RATE lIt/p r t 604.853.1112 our insurance over the phone and bring it to qusIN dPLqr nhIN af skdy? asIN quhfzf ieMsLorYNs Pon ‘qy hI krky kol ilaf skdy hF | afpxIaF hr qrHF dIaF ieMsoLrs jrUrqF leI sMprk kro. CAN’T COME TO OFFICE? WE DEAL WITH OVER 10 DIFFRENT INSURANCE MARKETS, SO WE ALWAYS GET YOU THE BEST RATE CAR INSURANCE RENEWAL? we can drop off your documents to you! no obligation quote knowledgeable staff with years of experience call for more info Account Manager 778.549.3200 778.908.7168 Managing Partner 205-2580 Cedar Park, Abbotsford, BC V2T 3S5 bYirstr sfilstr aqy notrI pbilk shfrf lfa kfrporysLn SAH ARA L AW CORPORATION BARRISTER SOLICITOR & NOTARY PUBLIC saharalawcorp@gmail.com (778)-347-7525 Areas of Practice Family Law Immigration Law Criminal Law Real Estate Law Notary Services (Provide all kinds of Notary Services) FREE CONSULTATION 20 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE AS A LAWYER IN INDIA Also, member of Punjab & Haryana High Cour t Bar Association and Free consultation About your litigation matters in India. srivss PYmlI lfa iemIgRysLn lfa ikRmInl lfa rIal astyt lfa notrI syvfvF (hr qrF dIaF notrI syvfvF AuplbD hn) Gurmeet Singh Chaina Mon-Sat 9am - 5pm Friday, April 19th, 2024 PAGE 13 The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf PAGE 13
Innovating patient care with roboticassisted surgery at Burnaby Hospital
SURREY – Retired Burnaby firefighter Jeff Clark spent years responding to emergencies and helping others. Decades of repeated use took a toll on his knees and when he needed surgery, Burnaby Hospital was there for him.
“Having both my knees replaced gave me the ability to enjoy my retirement with better mobility and less pain,” says Jeff.
To provide the best surgical care for patients like Jeff, Burnaby Hospital Foundation and Fraser Health are partnering on a new $2.3 million roboticassisted surgical system for the Jim Pattison Surgery Centre at Burnaby Hospital. The Mako Robotic-Arm Assisted System — the first of its kind in Western Canada — allows surgical teams to perform hip and knee replacement surgery with greater precision and accuracy.
“Burnaby Hospital Foundation is excited to lead the charge by fully funding the addition of the Mako system,” says Steven McKoen, Board Chair, Burnaby Hospital Foundation.
“Having the latest tools helps health care teams provide exceptional care to the residents of our province,” says Health Minister Adrian Dix. “We deeply appreciate the generosity and dedication of Burnaby Hospital Foundation to strengthen our health system with leading robotic technology.”
The new system uses CT imaging to create a 3D image of the joint, allowing surgeons to make a customized plan based on their patient’s anatomy. A surgeon guides the robotic arm during surgery, adjusting as necessary, based on visual and audio cues from the arm’s software. At all times, the surgeon, not the robotic arm, is controlling the operation. “The addition of this new robotic-assisted surgical system at Burnaby Hospital leverages groundbreaking advances in technology to equip our world-class care providers with innovative tools to support our patients,” says Dr. Victoria Lee, president and CEO, Fraser Health. “This state-of the-art equipment will help ensure our patients are able to return home to their families and the activities they love as quickly as possible, while also helping us attract top health care professionals to the region.”
Medical teams are currently training with the new system and the first surgeries are expected in the coming weeks. Burnaby Hospital is a centre of excellence in orthopedic surgery and performs up to 1,000 total hip and knee surgeries every year, the most in the Fraser Health region. Innovation has taken many forms in the surgery department, providing solutions to navigate challenges like tight quarters in the operating room and limited bed spaces for recovery. These are some of the issues being addressed by the hospital’s redevelopment, which the Foundation is supporting. The new Jim Pattison Surgery Centre, part of Phase One of the redevelopment, is scheduled to complete in 2025. Burnaby Hospital Foundation is fully funding the $2.3 million Mako system and its support, as well as contributing $30 million towards Phase One of the hospital’s redevelopment. This funding is possible due to the generosity of over 10,000 donors who support the Foundation’s mission to advance health care in their community.
For media inquiries, please contact: Fraser Health media line: 604-613-0794
Burnaby Hospital Foundation: Trevor Lau, Direct: 604-412-6228, Cell: 778-318-3515
Email: trevor.lau@bhfoundation.ca
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2024 Nissan Pathfinder Platinum: The Legend continues!
Review by Veeno Dewan
The mid-sized Nissan Pathfinder SUV has been around since 1986 and has a considerable reputation for versatility, toughness, and reliability, the 2024 Pathfinder arrives with seating for up to eight people, or with available captain’s chairs and a removable console on the top tier Platinum model. For 2024 Nissan keeps carryover V6 engine; a 3.5-litre V6 engine which generates 284 horsepower and 259 pound-feet of torque. The all-new nine-speed automatic transmission and all-wheel-drive (AWD) system was introduced in 2022. There are six trim levels offered for 2024 — S, SV, Rock Creek, SL, SL Premium and Platinum. Pricing ranges from $45,998 MRSP for the S model to $56,998 MRSP for the fully loaded Platinum 4WD trim plus options.. All prices are before options packages, tax plus $1,860 freight charge.
All models include emergency front and rear braking, blind-spot monitoring, automatic headlights, heated front seats and steering wheel, tri-zone automatic climate control, and power driver’s sea, Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, and Siri/ Google Assistant voice recognition is also included. Higher spec models up the ante in terms of more equipment such as: navigation, panoramic sunroof, ventilated seats, rain-sensing wipers, wireless charger, and leather upholstery.
The Pathfinder interior is nice looking and well thought out, Simple easy to use buttons and knobs are sensibly designed and adjust climate functions, seat heaters, drive mode, and other features. Driver ergonomics are good. There is plenty of room in the first two rows of seating, while the third row is for kids, teens, or small adults. The Platinum model as tested is very luxurious with comfortable Semi-Aniline heated and cooled leather front seats. The dash features the new 12.3-inch customizable instrument cluster and nine-inch infotainment screen. Also new is a very good head-up display and ProPilot Assist technology with Navi-link. The infotainment setup gives easy access to Apple CarPlay, Android Auto, navigation, and the audiophile quality sound system. Second row, twin single captains’ chairs are wonderfully comfortable and roomy, replacing the
standard bench seats. The EZ Flex middle row seating gives one-touch access to the third row. Just press a button and the middle seat lifts and pulls the second row out of the way. The cargo capacity is excellentwith all rows up, there is 470 litres; and 1,274 L of cargo capacity with the third row folded flat. Dropping the second row of seats provides a whopping 2,280 L.
Nissan’s advanced driver-assist system is included in all trims, adding adaptive cruise control to keep its distance from traffic ahead, and steering assist that keeps the vehicle centred in its lane. But be conscious of the fact the system is an assist, not a fully autonomous self-driving aid. . Forward collision warning with auto-braking and blind-spot monitoring; to rear cross-traffic alert with auto-braking are part of the package.
On the road, the Pathfinders new transmission makes a significant difference. Up and down shifts from the new 9-speed automatic transmission are now aster and smoother and deliver quicker acceleration, more precise timing, and better fuel efficiency. The new all-wheel drive system, which Nissan calls Intelligent 4WD, features seven selectable driving modes. The V6 engine has plenty of torque for all situation and virtually bulletproof. The seven driving modes comprise: Standard, Sport, Eco, and Tow for on-road situations; along with Snow, Sand and Mud/Rut terrain modes. There is also downhill descent control. The front wheels are powered to improve fuel economy, but when needed the rear wheels are connected instantly, sending as much as 50 per cent of available torque to the rear wheels when needed.
In terms of handling the Pathfinder feels smaller and more agile than it looks ,with somewhat over light steering and quick reflexes. fuel economy is rated at 11.6 L/100 km in the city, and 9.2 on the highway. To sum up, the 2024 Nissan Pathfinder model is a tempting buy. It looks great, can seat up to eight people and is roomy and versatile. It is also comfortable and offers flexible cargo space plus decent towing capacity. Highly recommended for families and the active- inclined.
2024 Nissan Pathfinder Platinum priced from $45,998 - $56,998 MRSP plus $1,860 freight and PDE. Price as tested - $61,078.
More info at www.nissan.ca
Friday, April 19th, 2024 PAGE 15
Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf PAGE 15
iewk mjLbUq aqy iewk-juwt BfeIcfry df inrmfx
dupihr dy Kfxy aqy sflfnf kimAUintI sMboDn leI myar
qrIk: vIrvfr, meI 23, 2024
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rOs sIimMjL nflL Èfml hovo ijs dI UFV dy pRDfn zf[ joaYn mYklIn duafrf myËbfnI kIqI geI jfvygI. ievYNt qoN hox vflI kmfeI UFV-SUS PUz bYNk nUM dfn kIqI jfvygI.
sQfn: aYvrz hfl XUnIvristI afP PryjLr vYlI ivKy 33844 ikMg roz, aYbtsPorz
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itktF hux syl qy hn! dI iewk itkt iml skdI hY iewk tybl, ijs ivc 8 jfxy bYT skdy hn, vI KrId skdy ho.
Friday, April 19th, 2024 PAGE 17
The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf
kYnyzf’c pMjfbI nOjvfn dI sVk hfdsy’c mOq
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) kYnyzf dy ibRitsL kolMbIaf sUby dy sLihr
srI ivKy vfpry sVk hfdsy’c pMjfbI nOjvfn gursfihb isMG bfT dI mOq ho
geI. Auh 23 virHaF df sI. imlI Kbr anusfr gursfihb isMG 144 strIt qy
61 aYvinAU nyVy sVk qy pYdl jf irhf sI ik rfq 8:37 vjy iewk mrsIzI kfr
ny Aus nUM twkr mfr idwqI. gMBIr jKmI hoey gursfihb isMG nUM qurMq hspqfl
phuMcfieaf igaf ijwQy Auh jKmF dI qfb nf Jwldf hoieaf dm qoV igaf. dwisaf
jFdf hY ik gursfihb isMG bfT hoxhfr nOjvfn sI qy Auh pVHfeI krn vfsqy iewk mhInf pihlF hI pMjfb qoN kYnyzf afieaf sI. puils hfdsy dy kfrnF dI jFc kr rhI hY. gursifhb isMG ijlLf aMimRqsr dy mjITf nyVly ipMz mhwdIpur
dy plivMdr isMG bfT df spuwqr sI.
vIaqnfm dy suMdrqf mukfbilaF’c kYnyzf dI pRqIinDqf
krygI alInf isMG
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) vIaqnfm ivKy ho rhy aOrqF dy aMqrrfsLtrI ‘ims arQ 2024’ suMdrqf mukfbilaF’c BfrqI mUl dI 24 sflf alInf isMG
kYnyzf dI pRqIinDqf krygI. afstrylIaf dy sLihr isznI’c jnmI alInf isMG dy mfqf ipqf df ipCokV idwlI nfl hY qy Auh 9 sfl dI Aumr’c afstrylIaf qoN kYnyzf af geI sI. XUnIvristI qoN AuWc ivwidaf pRfpq krn AuprMq Auh hux afkAutYNt dI nOkrI kr rhI hY. alInf isMG kYnyzf ivKy hoey kOmI suMdrqf mukfbilaF’c ‘ims arQ kYnyzf 2024’ cuxI geI sI qy kYnyzf ivwc Auh ieh kOmI suMdrqf mukfblf ijwqx vflI pihlI BfrqI suMdrI hY. vIaqnfm ivKy ho rhy aOrqF dy aMqrrfsLtI suMdrqf mukfbilaF’c kYnyzf, amrIkf, rUs, arjntfeInf, bYljIam, kMbozIaf, bulgfrIaf, kYmrn, al slvfzor, kjLksqfn, grIs, vYnjUeylf, srbIaf qy purqgfl smyq keI dysLF dIaF suMdrIaF ihwsf lYxgIaf qy ims arQ 2023 dI jyqU zrItf jItI ims arQ 2024 dI jyqU suMdrI nUM mukt pihnfeygI.
kYnyzf’c BfrqI ividafrQx nUM imilaf
AuWc snmfn
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) kYnyzf dI gvrnr jnrl mYrI sfeImn ny BfrqI mUl dI AuWGI vfqfvrx pRymI kyhksn bfsU nUM AuWc snmfn ‘mYrItorIas srivs mYzl’ nfl snmfinq kIqf hY. kyhksLn bfsU nUM ieh snmfn Aus vloN vfqfvrx dI sMBfl leI kIqIaF sLfndfr syvfvF bdly idwqf igaf hY. Bfrq dy pwCmI bMgfl sUby dI rfjDfnI kolkwqf nfl sbMiDq 23 sflf kyhksLn bfsU df jnm aMqrrfsLtrI ivsLv vfqfvrx vfly idn 5 jUn nUM hoieaf sI. CotI Aumr’c kYnyzf afeI kyhksLn nUM bcpn qoN bUty lfAux df sLOk sI qy 12 sfl dI Aumr’c Aus ny ‘grIn hop’ nF df sMsQf bxfeI. ies sMsQf nfl 3 hjLfr vflMtIar syvf krdy hn ijhVy smuMdr iknfry qy horf QfvF qy sPfeI krnf qy vwD qoN vwD bUty lfAux df kMm krdy hn. kYnyxf dI kfrinl XUnIvristI ivKy aYm[bI[ey dI ividafrQx kyhksLn bfsU aMgryjI’c ‘dI trI afP hop’ nF dI ikqfb vI ilK cuwkI hY.
kYnyzf’c pMjfbx vkIl ny ricaf ieiqhfs
jIvn DflIvfl lfa ssfietI afP ibRitsL kolMbIaf dI pRDfn cuxI geI aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) kYnyzf ivwc pMjfbIaF dy sunihrI ieiqhfs dy aiDafey qy hux iewk hor pMnf juV igaf jdoN sInIar pMjfbx vkIl jIvn DflIvfl nUM lfa susfietI afP ibRitsL kolMbIaf df pRDfn cux ilaf igaf. sMn 1869’c hoNd’c afeI lfa susfietI afP ibRitsL kolMbIaf dy 155 sflF dy ieiqhfs’c jIvfn DflIvfl ies vkfrI ahudy qy phuMcx vflI pihlI BfrqI pMjfbx vkIl hY. Aus dI inXukqI iewk sfl vfsqy kIqI geI hY. kYmlUps invfsI jIvn DflIvfl ny vYnkUvr dI XUnIvristI afP ibRitsL kolMbIaf qoN aYl[aYl[bI[ krn AuprMq 1998’c vkflq krnI sLurU kIqI sI. Auh sfAUQ eysLIan bfr aYsosIeysLn dI vI pRDfn rih cuwkI hY qy hux
Auh kYnyzf srkfr
dI inaFiek kmytI
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DflIvfl 2014’c
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cfrrs eI pUly 1892 qoN 1912 qwk sB qoN lMmf smF
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Friday, April 19th, 2024 PAGE 18 The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf PAGE 18
pqnI BfvyN kdy-kdy Gr puwqr nf hox kfrn Jorf krdI, rwb awgy puwqr dI dfq leI ardfsF vI krdI. pr Auh pqnI dI icMqf nUM hfsy ivwc tflidaF kihMdf, ‘afpxy leI DIaF hI puwqrF qoN Gwt nhIN. qUM vyKdI nhIN puwqF vfilaF dy hfl nUM. mF-bfp dy gl gUTf dyx qwk jFdy ny. iksy BfgF vfilaF df puwq hI sulwg inkldY. roË suxdy hF puwqF vfilaF dy duwK. hux qF srvx puwqF dIaF bihMgIaF vI Audfs ny. awj kwlH dy muMzy-KuMzy mF-bfp dy pYrIN hwQ nhIN lfAudy, sgoN grdnF ivwc hwQ pfAudy ny. ibrD afÈrm aOlfdF dI byruKI, inrfdr aqy qMg pRyÈfn hoey bËurgF nUM sFBx leI hI qF QF-QF KulH rhy ny.’ ‘nhIN jI, drasl aOrq AnI dyr afpxy afp nUM sMpUrn nhIN smJdI jdoN qwk AuhdI kuwKoN puwqr nf jMmy. DIaF qF bygfnf Dn ny. idnF ivwc muitafr ho ky ibgfny Gr jf vsdIaF ny, aYvyN qF nhIN DIaF nUM ibgfnf Dn ikhf jFdf.’ Auhny ivhVy ivwc KyzdIaF DIaF vwl vyNhidaF hOkf Br ky gwl nUM agFh qoiraf, ‘nfly jI, DIaF pflxIaF aOKIaF nhIN, sMBflxIaF aOKIaF ny[[[.’ Ausny AusdI gwl ktidaF ikhf,‘hux Ëmfnf bdl igaf hY. mfpy muMizaF dI qrHF DIaF dI lohVI mnfAudy ny. DIaF qF lwCmI df rUp huMdIaF ny. mfipaF dI ijMnI syvf krdIaF ny, puwq qF Auhdy pfsk vI nhIN.’
‘iPr vI jI, DIaF vfly Gr qF hr vyly zr df prCfvF rihMdY. dirMidaF dIaF BYVIaF nËrF qoN bcf ky rwKxf bVf muÈkl hY. BfvyN hflF inafxIaF ny pr mYN qF ienHF df Borf vsfh nhIN KFdI. iekwilaF ienHF nUM Gr Cwz ky ikqy jfx nUM vI rUh nhIN krdI.’ bfp ny DIaF df zt ky pwK lYNidaF iPr gwlF dI lVI nUM agFh qoiraf. ‘bfhroN kMm qoN Qwikaf hfiraf jdoN Gr prqdf qF swc mMnI, jdoN ieh donoN Bwj ky mYnUM ilpt jFdIaF ny qF myrf sfrf QkyvF lih jfdYN. ieAu lwgdY ijvyN dunIaf dI sfrI dOlq myrI JolI ivwc pY geI hovy. hflF ienHF dI Aumr hI kI hY? CotI ryÈmf Cy sfl dI aqy pRIqmf awT sfl dI. donoN DIaF bVIaF sulwg ny. kwlH mYN skUl igaf sI. mfstr jI donF dIaF qfrIPF krdy nhIN sI Qwkdy. swcIN bVf mn ÉuÈ hoieaf.’ ‘iPr vI jI, jy rwb DIaF nUM Zwkx leI puwq dy dyvy[[[.’ mF vfr-vfr puwqr pRfpqI leI qrlf lY rhI sI.
lY iPr sux, ‘jdoN afpxy dUjI kuVI hoeI sI nf. mYN mfXUs ijhf hspqfl dy bfhr KVHf sI. qyry Audfs ichry df asr myry ’qy vI ho igaf sI. mYnUM inZfl ijhf vyK ky prly ivhVy df Aujfgr myry kol af igaf. myrI AudfsI df sbMD puwCx ’qy Auhny myry moZy ’qy hwQ rwK ky ikhf, ‘myrf pilaf plfieaf 16 sflF df muMzf qyrI JolI pfAux nUM iqafr hF. nfl pMjfh hËfr ruipaf vI dy dUM. sfly ny sfzI qF jUn aOKI kr rKIaY. inwq koeI nf koeI AuDmUl KVHf rwKdY. roË do iqMn AulFBy af jFdy ny. myry aqy qyrI BrjfeI nfl iswDy mUMh gwl hI nhIN krdf. hux qoN hI niÈaF vwl vI mUMh mfrn lwg igaf. potf potf duKI hF asIN. aijhI aOlfd nfloN qF AUNeI cMgf. ieho ijhI aOlfd kI rgV ky PoVy ’qy lfAuxI aY.’ ieh kihMidaF Auh prny nfl afpxy awQrU pUMJx lwg ipaf. myry donoN hwQ idlfsy leI Auhdy moZy ’qy cly gey. iPr Ausny glf sfÌ kridaF gwl nUM agFh qoiraf. ‘awj kwlH iekwly-iekwly puwq ny. cfr KuwzF vycky AunHF ny ivdyÈF nUM jfx df rfh PiVaf hoieaY. ipwCy rih jFdy ny iekwly mF-bfp. keI vfrI qF Auh mF-bfp dy guËr jfx ’qy moZf dyx leI vI nhIN afAudy. kih idMdy ny jOb qoN CuwtI nhIN
imldI. iPr iksy irÈqydfr nUM sunyhf idMdy ny. Bog pf idAu, Krcf mYN Byj idaFgf.’ ieh kihMidaF Auh Audfs ho igaf.
AudfsI df buwlf AuhdI pqnI vwl vI clf igaf sI. donoN DIaF hflF skUloN nhIN sI prqIaF. Aus ny mwQ ilaf sI ik afpxI pqnI dy mn aMdr puwqr pRfpqI dy Jory nUM Auh awj dUr krky rhygf. Ausny gMBIr ho ky pqnI vwl vyNhidaF ikhf, ‘hflF kuJ idn pihlF hI ieklOqf puwq afpxI mF dIaF hwzIaF pslIaF qoV ky Aus nUM gwTVI ivwc bMnH ky nihr ivwc suwtx jf irhf sI. pMcfieq mYNbr nUM pqf lwg igaf. Aus ny Qfxy ieqlfh idwqI. puls ny Aus nUM mOky ’qy igRÌqfr kr ilaf. bËurg mF nUM hspqfl ivwc dfKl krvfieaf hY aqy Auh iËMdgI mOq dI jMg lV rhI hY.’ ‘zuwb jfxy ny jnm dfqI nfl aijhf Ëulm ikAu kIqf?’ ‘ies leI ik Auh Aus nUM nÈy krn qoN vrjdI sI aqy puwq roË dI tokf tfkI qoN qMg af igaf sI.’ vfgurU-vfgurU kihMidaF AusdI pqnI ny Aupr vwl hwQ joV idwqy. ‘hux qF Ëmfny nUM AueI awg lwgI peI aY. bfp dvfeI leI zuskdY. puwq nUM qrly nfl dvfeI ilafAux leI kihMdY. pr Blf Auhdy kol ivhl ikwQy. hF, ipwCoN buVHy dy Bog ’qy afpxI bwly bwly krvfAux leI hËfrF rupey Érc kr dyvygf. ÈrDFjlIaF smyN bulfry guËrn vfly bËurg df mfVf motf aPsos kr ky puwq df guxgfx kridaF Aus nUM srvx puwq kihx ivwc koeI ksr nhIN Cwzdy.’kuJ plF dI ÉfmoÈI qoN bfad Ausny pqnI nUM muKfiqb huMidaF rfm khfxI nUM agFh qoridaF ikhf, ‘rfiemMz kpVy df vwzf ivAupfrI ijs ny iewk QF qoN dUjI QF jfx leI afpxf hvfeI jhfË rwiKaf hoieaf sI. ies vyly ikrfey dy mkfn ivwc rih irhf hY. Ausdy puwq ny sfrI jfiedfd ’qy kbËf kr ky bfp nUM GroN kwZ idwqf hY. ies qrHF hI hfeI kort dy irtfierz cIP jsits ny afpxy ieklOqy puwq dIaF kmInIaF hrkqF qoN duKI ho ky hfeI kort ivwc afpxI aqy pqnI dI rwiKaf leI apIl kIqI sI. ieho ijhy ivakqI qF duhfeI pf ky kihMdy ny ik asIN aijhI aOlfd nfloN aOq hI cMgy sI.’ hux AuhdI pqnI cuwp kr geI sI. Ausny ieh idRV sMklp kr ilaf ik Auh muVky puwqr pRfpqI vflf iËkr nhIN krygI. donoN lVkIaF pVHfeI, KyzF aqy siBafcfrk gqIivDIaF ivwc vI mohrI BUimkf inBfAudIaF sn. pOVI dr pOVI cVHidaF AunHF donF ny awgV-ipwCV skUl dI pVHfeI pUrI kr leI. AunHF dI iewCf anusfr AunHF nUM AucyrI pVHfeI leI kflj dfKl krvf idwqf. pVHfeI ivwc huiÈafr hox kfrn donoN BYxF bI[aYwz krn AuprMq vwK-vwK srkfrI skUlF ivwc aiDafpk lwg geIaF. Gr dIaF iËMmyvfrIaF, mfipaF dI sMBfl aqy pirvfr dI iewËq nUM bcfeI rwKx ivwc vI Auh koeI ksr nhIN sI rwKdIaF. hux qF mF vI kihx lwg peI sI ik myrIaF DIaF qF puwqF nfloN vI do kdm awgy ny. Xog smF afAux ’qy donF DIaF df cMgy vrH lwB ky ivafh vI kr idwqf. zolI cVHn vyly BuwbIN roNidaF AunHF ny mFbfp dy gl lwgidaF gwc Br ky ikhf, ‘kdy afpxy afp nUM iekwilaF mihsUs nf krnf. quhfzy lwigaf kMzf vI sfnUM pIV dyvygf. quhfzI idwqI iswiKaf ’qy pUrI qrHF aml krnf sfzf ÌrË hY. jdoN vI loV peI, quhfzy awDy bol ’qy BwjIaF afvFgIaF.’ donoN BYxF afpxy- afpxy shury Gr rMgI vsdIaF sn. iewk idn donF DIaF nUM AunHF dI mF df sunyhf imilaf, ‘Qozf zYzI Kfsf iZwlY. KfDf pIqf
hjm vI nhIN huMdf. cwj nfl rotI vI nhIN KFdY.’ donoN DIaF suxky BwjIaF afeIaF. zfktrF nUM cYkap krvfieaf. dwsy tYst krvfey. AudoN Auh aMqF dIaF mfXUs ho geIaF jdoN zfktr ny dwisaf ik ienHF dIaF donoN ikznIaF Krfb ho geIaF ny. iewk ikznI bdlx leI iksy hor dI ikznI lfAuxI pvygI. BfrI Érc sbMDI vI dws idwqf. donoN BYxF afpxy bfbl dI iËMdgI dy Éqry nUM BFpidaF iewk vfr qF suMnH ho geIaF. awQrUaF iBwjI avfË ivwc DIaF ny afpxy pqIaF aqy shury pirvfrF nUM dwisaf. donF dy pqI vI hspqfl puwj gey. donF ny afpxy-afpxy pqIaF nUM KUn dy awQrU kyridaF ikhf, ‘sfzf bfbl sfzf jIvn hY. sfzy leI afpxI iËMdgI vfr ky vI ienHF nUM bcfAuxf ÈuB krm hovygf. asIN ienHF ibnF [[[.’ donF dy pqIaF ny AunHF nUM hONslf idMidaF ikhf, ‘ies duwK dI GVI ivwc asIN quhfzy nfl ctfn vFg KVHy hF.’ aqy iPr DIaF ny qurMq PYslf lYNidaF ikhf, ‘sfzy ivcoN iewk afpxI ikznI dfn krygI aqy dUjI ielfj df sfrf Ércf afpxy isr lvygI.’ vwzI DI ny CotI BYx df hwQ Guwt ky PVidaF ikhf, ‘mYN qYQoN vwzI hF. bfbl nUM ikznI dfn dyxI myrf ÌrË hY.’ ies ÌYsly ’qy shury pirvfr aqy pqIaF dI mohr lwg geI. mF nUM pqf lwgx ’qy Ausny zfZy hI moh nfl afpxIaF DIaF vwl vyiKaf. ielfË ÈurU ho igaf. donF dy loVINdy sfry tYst kIqy gey. sfry tYstF qoN bfad lVkI ikznI dyx dy Xog pfeI geI. inÈcq idn apRyÈn hoieaf. apRyÈn QIeytr qoN bfhr mF, DI, jvfeI aqy hyr irÈqydfr kfljy ’qy hwQ Dr ky apRyÈn kfmXfb hox dI duaf kr rhy sn. keI GMitaF dy apRyÈn qoN bfad zfktrF vwloN apRyÈn kfmXfb df sunyhf imlx ’qy sfiraF dy ichiraF ’qy muskrfht aTKyÜIaF kr rhI sI. iqMn ku mhIny Auh hspqfl ivwc rhy. iPr iewk idn mF ny Gr dy mYNbrF kol pRgtfvf kIqf ik nfl vfly kmry ivwc cMgy KFdy pINdy Gr df 60 ku virHaF df ivakqI donoN ikznIaF Krfb hox kfrn dfKl hY. do puwqF df bfp hY Auh. AunHF ivwcoN iewk ivafihaf hoieaf hY. zfktr ny donF puwqF nUM afpxy bfp leI ikznI df pRbMD krn leI ikhf. donoN Brf jdoN afps ivwc ies sbMDI slfh mÈvrf krn lwgy qF vwzy dI Gr vflI ny kurwKq ijhI BfÈf ivwc afpxy idAur nUM ikhf, ‘myrf Gr vflf qF ikznI kZvfAudf nhIN. jy apRyÈn smyN iehnUM kuJ ho igaf qF mYN sfrI Aumr rMzypf ikvyN kwtUM? Coitaf, qUM hfly kuafrf hYN. ieh kMm qUM kr.’ awigAu Cotf ibPr ky boilaf,‘sfrf pYsf tkf qF qusIN sFBdy rhy ho. hux loV vyly mok mfrn lwg gey. jy ikznI dyx nfl vwzy nUM kuJ ho skdY, qF mYnUM ikAu nhIN. jy apRyÈn TIk vI ho igaf iPr iewk ikznI krky mYnUM qF sfk vI nhIN hoxf. myrf korf jvfb aY. ieMj donF ny hI ikznI dyx qoN jvfb dy idwqf aqy AunHF df bfp iËMdgI aqy mOq dI lVfeI lV irhf hY.’ iPr ijs idn DIaF dy bfbl nUM pUrI qrHF qMdrusq hox qoN bfad hspqfl ivwcoN CuwtI imlI, Ausy idn donF puwqF df bfp puwqF dI ÉudgrjI, aqy pfxIAu pqly irÈqy dI mfr df iÈkfr ho ky dm qoV igaf. hspqfl dy iewk gyt rfhIN DIaF afpxy qMdrusq hoey bfbl nUM iËMdgI iËMdfbfd kihMidaF Gr lY ky jf rhIaF sn. suhfgx mF zfZy hI moh nfl afpxIaF puwqF nfloN ipafrIaF DIaF vwl vyK rhI sI. dUjy gyt rfhIN do puwqF dy bfp dI arQI dy nfl irÈiqaF df jnfËf vI inkl irhf sI.
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April 19th, 2024 PAGE 19
mohn Èrmf Friday,
The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf
TOP 1% FRASER VALLEY REAL ESTATE BOARD FOR 9 YRS 14 YEARS Medallion Member 15 YEARS of Experience IT'S A GREAT TIME TO BUY. GIVE US A CALL FOR SALE Bedrooms: 6 Bathrooms: 6 House Size: 3619 sqft Under Construction3400 sqft house 6 bedrooms + 4.5 Bathrooms Close to amenities SHINDER GILL 604 832 0540 www.shindergillrealestate.com Abbotsford Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 2 House Size: 1495 Sqft 4281 Bradner Road Abbotsford Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2 House Size: 2112 sqft Abbotsford Bedrooms: 6 Bathrooms: 4 House Size: 2,998 sqft $1,299,900.00 Build 2021 Over 3300 sqft house 6 bedrooms + 4.5 Bathrooms Maple Ridge 10531 MCVEETY STREET 70X120 sqft = 8400 sqft Lot Eagle Mountain Plans Ready for 4885 sqft house Massive 14332 sqft land great Potiential for row homes, duplex, Townhomes, or an apartment Buliding as per ocp designation $1,188,800 $1,299,900 ABBOTSFORD 42 Acres Mission 5400 Sqft.lot 3 bed, 2 bathroom CENTRAL ABBOTSFORD Abbotsford 2580 JANZEN STREET 10545 MCVEETY STREET Maple Ridge Lot size: 4,265.0 House size:3955 sqft house Corner lot Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 4 House Size: 2,149 sqft Abbotsford 2055 MCKENZIE ROAD Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 1 7841 sqft lot Abbotsford 3743 LATIMER STREET Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 3 House Size: 2,549 sqft Year Built: 1993 Abbotsford 2546 JANZEN STREET Rezoned for Row home You can build 4 row home. Abbotsford 2877 UPLAND CRESCENT Bedrooms: 5 Bathrooms: 4 House Size: 2,712 sqft ABBOTSFORD East Abbotsford Year built - 1990 13294 sqft Lot Under OCP- Urban 4 Detached Price 1,199,000 Bedrooms: 8 Bathrooms: 4 House Size: 8670 Sqft 31473 Jean Court Price- 1,369,900 Abbotsford Sold Sold Friday, April 19th, 2024 PAGE 20 The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf PAGE 20
IT'S A GREAT TIME TO BUY. GIVE US A CALL 10522 MCVEETY 32674 C ar t er A venue Bedrooms: 6 Bathrooms: 4 Bedrooms: 6 Bathrooms: 4 House Size: 2745 Sqft Bedrooms: 5 Bathrooms: 3 House Size: 2589 sqft PARV H ARRY PA R V H A R R Y G R O U P 604.832.0944 www.parvharrygroup.com www.parvharrygroup.com @parvharrygroup @parvharrygroup Bedrooms: 6 Bathrooms: 4 House Size: 3343 sqft Bedrooms: 6 Bathrooms: 5 House Size: 3233 Sqft Bedrooms: 6 Bathrooms: 5 House Size: 3331 sqft Bedrooms: 5 Bathrooms: 5 House Size: 3,375 Sqft 41-5248 GOLDSPRING PLACE 33582 MCCALLUM PLACE 33590 MCCALLUM PLACE 45-5248 GOLDSPRING PLACE Tejbir Sharma tejbir.sharmaa@gmail.com 778-779-7657 PREC* F OR S ALE 2390 SF BUILDING ENVELOPE 2809SF BUILDING ENVELOPE 3295 SF BUILDING ENVELOPE 7584 SF LOT 8070 SF LOT 8556 SF LOT 50’ 50’ 50’ 147’ 156’ 166’ 176’ PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION REALTOR PARV HARRY A V H A G O U P 604.832.0944 parvharrygroup@gmail.com www.parvharrygroup.com www.parvharrygroup.com @parvharrygroup @parvharrygroup Tejbir Sharma tejbir.sharmaa@gmail.com 778-779-7657 PREC* REALTOR PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION SL 16 6528 WATERSIDE TRAIL Lots for Sale SL 17 6528 WATERSIDE TRAIL Lots for Sale SL 18 6528 WATERSIDE TRAIL Lots for Sale Lots for Sale 2 35133 Christina Place Lots for Sale 33375 Silvertree Lots for Sale CASCADE STREET parvharry@gmail.com Bedrooms: 5 Bathrooms: 6 2 Basement Suit. 8549 FOREST GATE DRIVE CHILLIWACK Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 4 House Size: 2859 sqft 37-5248 GOLDSPRING PLACE Bedrooms: 6 Bathrooms: 4 House Size: 2993 Sqft Bedrooms: 6 Bathrooms: 4 Lot Size: 5737 Sqft Year Built: 2024 43-5348 GOLDSPRING PLACE 4470 STEPHEN LEACOCK DRIVE UNIT 4 23710 133 AVENUE Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 3 House Size: 1378 sqft SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD SOLD 49-5248 GOLDSPRING PLACE Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 4 ABBOTSFORD ABBOTSFORD ABBOTSFORD ABBOTSFORD CHILLIWACK CHILLIWACK CHILLIWACK CHILLIWACK CHILLIWACK MAPLE RIDGE 2731 PEREGRINE WAY MERRITT Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 4 House Size: 2680 sqft 2765 MCCALLUM ROAD ABBOTSFORD Bedrooms: 6 Bathrooms: 5 House Size: 4696 sqft 35468 VERADO CRT ABBOTSFORD 2737 PEREGRINE WAY MERRITT 32674 Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2 House Size: 1,783 Sq Ft 3472 MONASHEE STREET ABBOTSFORD PRICE REDUCED $1,300,000 SOLD OVER ASKING IN 6 DAYS PRICE REDUCED SOLD Sheffield Way Lorem ipsum Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 3 House Size: 1379 sqft 2385 Peardonville Road Abbotsford Lot Size: 12,000 Sqft LOTS House Size: 1811 sqft 3240 Landry Crescent Summerland, BC Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 3 House Size: 2680 sqft House Size: 3356 Sqft 3260 Landry Crescent Summerland,BC PRICE $2,750,000 SOLD PRICE $1,100,000 PRICE $1,149,999 PRICE $1,150,000 Friday, April 19th, 2024 PAGE 21 The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf PAGE 21
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zf[ sMdIp GMz
rfm srUp ÈurU qoN hI smfj syvI sI. loVvMdF dI mdd krnf Aus df krm Drm sI. hux jdoN Aus df afKrI smF nyVy afieaf qF Aus nUM hmyÈf zr lwigaf rihMdf ik kdy bytf glq sMgq ivwc nf pY jfvy. Aus ny byty nUM afpxy kol bulfieaf aqy ikhf ik puwqr mYN afpxf sfrf jIvn dIn duKIaF dI syvf ivwc kwZ idwqf. nOkrI ivwc vI iksy iksm df dfÊ nhIN lwgx idwqf. hux qUM myrI ivrfsq nUM sFBxf hY. Aus ny afpxy byty nUM aqy cMdn aqy koly dy do tukVy ilafAux leI ikhf. pihlF pihlF qF Aus nUM ajIb lwigaf pr ipqf dy hukm nUM tfl vI nhIN skdf sI. Aus ny rsoeI ivwcoN iewk koly df tukVf cuwk ilaFdf. acfnk Aus nuM Xfd afieaf ik ipCÜy idnIN hI pUjf pfT leI cMdn vI ilaFdf sI. Aus ny cMdn df tukVf vI lY aFdf. ipqf ny hux donoN tuikVaF nUM suwt dyx leI ikhf. byty nUM ajIb lwigaf pr Aus ny donoN tukVy Qwly suwt idwqy aqy hwQ Dox lwgf. ipqf ny ikhf ik dyK byty qUM koiely df tukVf kuJ imMt leI hI hwQ ivwc PiVaf qyrf hwQ kflf ho igaf. pr ijs hwQ ivwc cMdn sI Auh hwQ Dox qoN bfad vI Aus ivwcoN ÉuÈbU af rhI hY. pr dUjy hwQ ivwc kolf sI hwQ Dox ’qy vI hwQ ajy kfly hn. ies leI puwqr kdy vI Êlq ivakqI nfl sMgq nhIN krnI Auh hmyÈf koiely vFg nuksfn hI krdy hn pr ijhVy ivakqI cMdn vFg hn Auh hmyÈf hI quhfnUM sugMDIaF vMzdy hn. cMdn bx ky rihxf.
Friday, April 19th, 2024 PAGE 22 The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf PAGE 22 NEW LISTING Achiever 2022, 2021, 2020, 2017, 2016 NEW LISTING 109 33546 HOLLAND AVENUE NEW LISTING 31097 DEERTRAIL AVENUE Attention Investors, 1st time home buyers or Down sizers. Welcome to the pet rental friendly Tempo complex in Central Abbotsford. This unit features large opposing bedrooms, 2 full baths, separate laundry and plus a den that's the perfect size for home office. Your home features laminate flooring, and large ground floor patio with street side access that's perfect for hosting friends and family. Walking distance to Good Coffee, McDonalds, Starbuck, Social Brown House, UFV, Hwy Exit, Hospital, Gas Stations, Recreation, Pharmacy, Restautants, Shopping, Shcools, Public Transit & much more. NEW LISTING NEW LISTING NEW LISTING Investors & 1st time home buyers ALERT! This bright Ground Level unit features 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, spacious living room, dining, kitchen and a big patio. Other features- Rentals Allowed, Shared Laundry, Elevator & much more. Close to schools, shopping, Superstore, Seven Oaks Mall, West Oaks Mall, Mill Lake Park, recreation, public transit, restaurants, coffee shops, parks & easy access to hwy. NEW LISTING 35368 MCKINLEY DRIVE 2 Storey w/ bsmt home with a great plan in McKinley McKee area! This spacious family home is immaculate and features 6 bedrooms/ 4 baths with a fenced backyard which is super private/ level & backs onto greenbelt. Main floor has a great room with a cozy fireplace, huge kitchen with big island, tons of storage and quartz counter tops, den, welcoming foyer, laundry, nook & a sunny sundeck to relax. Top floor features 4 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms with an ensuite in the master. Bright Walkout basement has 2 bedrooms/ 1 bathroom, rec room, living space with a separate entrance. Perfect home for the larger family! Close to schools, shopping, parks, recreation & much more. 2 Storey w/basement home. Great Location. Welcome to this well-kept stunning home located in prestigious neighborhood of Elgin Brooke Estate in South Surrey. This open layout home features 6 bedrooms & 4 bathrooms. Top floor has 4 spacious bedrooms/ 2 full bathrooms with an ensuite in the master. Main floor features bright spacious living area, open kitchen concept with granite counter tops & tons of storage, office, dining area laundry, half bath & patio to relax The lower level boasts a self-contained suite; perfect for family or as a mortgage helper! Excellent location and an easy walk to 217 2964 TRETHEWEY STREET 3136 CURLEW DRIVE Cascade Green! Neat & Clean Unit. Affordable and great starter home in a friendly neighborhood which is perfect to raise your kids. 2 Bedrooms/ 2 full bathrooms with an ensuite in the master, good size cozy living room with gas fireplace, spacious kitchen, laundry room & a balcony to relax. Spacious 985 sqft plan. Large bay window in the kitchen. Most desirable building in the complex. Secured underground parking. Close to all levels of schools, shopping, Rotary Stadium, malls, recreation, public transit & parks. Very attractive 2 storey house on large 6000 sq. ft. level lot. 3 large bedrooms upstairs/ 3 bath (2 pcs powder on the main) Fenced in backyard and your inviting covered deck will be amazing for entertaining. Air conditioning & 2 fireplaces lend to the coziness in this home. Laundry on main & den. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, restaurants, High Street Mall, Auto mall, Walmart, pubs, parks, public transit & easy access to hwy. You'll love it this one and want to call it home!! SOLD SOLD This is the one you have been waiting for and it's ready to move in !! This home has been loved and cared for and tastefully updated by master trades people as the years have gone on. One look at the crown mouldings and the finishing’s in this home and you’ll know it was built with care and skill. 2021 the owners updated the furnace, the hot water tank and installed a brand-new air-conditioning system. Great backyard and huge RV parking to the side of the property. This home also has a fantastic mortgage helper, a fully legal 2 bed one bath suite with it's own laundry. SOLD NEW LISTING 6 2530 JANZEN STREET This is the one you have been waiting for and it's ready to move in !! This home has been loved and cared for and tastefully updated by master trades people as the years have gone on. One look at the crown mouldings and the finishing’s in this home and you’ll know it was built with care and skill. 2021 the owners updated the furnace, the hot water tank and installed a brand-new air-conditioning system. Great backyard and huge RV parking to the side of the property. This home also has a fantastic mortgage helper, a fully legal 2 bed one bath suite with it's own laundry. NEW LISTING 220 1909 SALTON ROAD 404 2493 MONTROSE AVENUE Investors/ 1st time home buyers/ or Downsizers Alert- Great opportunity to get a large unit with a bright living area, dining, kitchen, 2 good sized bedrooms/ 1 bathroom and a balcony. Nice central location next to Cabela's. Comes with 2 parking stalls and a storage locker: Well run complex and has an awesome outdoor swimming pool as well. Close to schools, shopping, recreation, public transit, UFV, parks, restaurants & easy access to hwy. NEW LISTING NEW LISTING Investors & 1st time home buyers alert! This 1 BED + DEN condo features an open concept layout with upscale finishings throughout. Unit comes with en suite laundry, in built A/C, 1 secure underground parking and 1 storage locker. Great location in the historic downtown Abbotsford featuring boutiques, bars, restaurants, and farmers market just out your doorstep. 27 3110 TRAFALGAR STREET NORTHVIEW PROPERTIES - Rarely available large ground floor corner unit! Beautiful and bright with many windows that bring in lots of natural light. Immaculate lower level unit, in quiet area of the complex. Age Restricted 55+. Unit has 2 spacious bedrooms and 2 full baths. Lovely big bright kitchen open to family room with a cozy fireplace. Floor to ceiling stone fireplace is a nice focal point. Spacious living/dining room opens through sliding doors, to a very private patio. Close enough to walk to Seven Oaks Shopping or Mill Lake, located near the Clubhouse NEW LISTING 311 33708 KING ROAD COLLEGE PARK! Corner Unit!!! This unit features 2 bedrooms/ 2 bathrooms, huge kitchen, bright living room with fireplace, dining area & in suite laundry. Bright/ natural light unit and ready for you. Beautiful covered wrap around deck faces trees to the west and north over the roundabout - not looking into another building. Two underground parking spots, onsite gym & well run complex. Fantastic central location. No age restrictions. 3492 147A STREET 127 32850 GEORGE FERGUSON WAY Services / syvfvF Office: (604) 287-8600 | Fax: (604) 287-8601 | karen@kbnotary.ca #A5-32081 Lougheed Highway Mission, BC V2V 1A3 Karen Bungar Notary Corporation Inc. “Karen was commissioned as a Notary Public by the Supreme Court of Canada in July 2016. Previous to founding Karen Bungar Notary Corporation, she worked as an associate Notary at an established firm in Abbotsford. Her professional background includes working for Surrey Provincial Court and with multiple, well-known non-profit organizations, assisting individuals who were battling mental health and addictions. Karen chose to pursue her Master's degree and become a Notary as it allowed her to combine her passion for legal work with her passion for working with people. Her background in Psychology assists her in understanding client concerns while offering a friendly, approachable service. She is also fluent in three languages: English, Punjabi and Hindi.” Real Estate Transactions Estate Planning Personal Planning rIal iestyt tRYNjLYksLn jfiedfd plfinMg inwjI plfinMg notrfeIjLysLn spONsrisLp
Multilingual Client Oriented Service
icwTI Xfqrf icwTI notrI syvfvF bhuBfsLfeI gfhk aDfirq syvfvF
Notarizations Sponsorship Letters Travel Letters
rfsLIPl mhInf cyq sMkRFqI
19/04/2024 qoN 03/05/2024
joiqS,S EqyEijqyiEijqj, i, Eiq Eqy7 1 qyo
myK: ivroDI pwK kmjLor, Dn lfB, AuqsLfh vDygf. cMgy lokF nfl myl, sMpqI ivvfd. mfrc 20, 21, 30, 31 apRyl 7, 8 asLuB.
1S E E E iS Eiy S
ibRK: ishq TIk, afmdn qoN KLrc aiDk, rog, zr, iesqrI suK, kfrobfr TIk, mhIny dy aMq ivwc KLrc aiDk. mfrc 14, 22, 23, 24, apRYl 1, 2, 9, 10 asLuB.
Something could become very obvious where somebody else is concerned, which could be surprising. This is not a time to react quickly. You have moved into a cycle until May where you need to sit back and contemplate before you move forward with anything. This situation may get you to question what is important in life.
Activities with friends or in any situation that involves you with a group of people could get busier than you anticipate. You could get annoyed with somebody who wants to take the lead or assume authority. It might make you realise where you can easily be left with a lot of the work if you just go along with these things.
imQun: srIr ksLt, Dn lfB, guupq icMqf, mhIny dy aMq ivwc sLuB kMmF leI Krc, rfj pwK qoN icMqf. mfrc 15, 16, 25, 26, apRYl 3, 4, 11, 12, 13 asLuB.
iS Ei S Ejjo
krk: iesqrI suK, burf smfcfr imly, sLuB kMmF ivwc mn lwgy, GrylU klysL, icMqf, PjLUl KrcI. mfrc 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29 apRYl 5, 6, asLuB.
iS Ey j
isMG: XojnfvF asPl, kfrobfr ivwc acfnk qrwkI aqy lfB, sLuB kMmF qy KLrc, PflqU JgiVaF qoN bco. mfrc 20, 21, 30, 31 apRYl 7, 8 asLuB.
kMinaf: awg aqy pfxI qoN KLqrf, kfrobfr ivwc rukfvt, afmdn qoN Krc aiDk, inkI lokF nfl mqByd. mfrc 14, 22, 23, 24 apRYl 1, 2, 9, 10 asLuB.
7qS E qqqy q S
qulf: AuqsLfh vDy, lfB ho ky hwQoN inkly, iesqrI suK, kRoD ivwc vfDf, kfrobfr ivwc rukfvt, kMm bdlI qoN lfB. mfrc 15, 16, 25, 26 apRYl 3, 4, 11, 12, 13 asLuB.
This would be a good time to May to start working on any future goals you have been formulating since mid February. This might also be a time where you will get a better idea of the commitment involved. Just how much it might cut into the time you like to have available to relax, could certainly begin to get your attention.
You can become busier than ever over the next 6 months when it comes to involvement with other people. This could entail a lot of running around but it might also be more on the information or communication sides of things. It can be difficult to know where somebody else is coming from between now and May.
Many things can come to light, particularly with home and family, over the next 6 months. Endings and new beginnings can be part of the mix. You have come out of a challenging time when it comes to others that has been in effect since mid February. Up to May focus on future possibilities that could eventually be pursued.
Others could place many expectations upon you from now to May in a manner that will make you feel guilty if you do not comply. Some of this could have started from mid February but now is the time to stand up and fight for whatever you consider is a fair thing. Don’t be put off because it is hard to work out what somebody else really thinks.
8iS Eqo S Ei q
The Lunar Eclipse this week occurs in your sign. This can result in all sorts of personal recognition or generate situations where you are seen. This can be the case for the next 6 months. It could also encourage you to transform things about yourself or matters that involve you, so that you can gain greater pleasure from life.
The more effort you have put into getting some sort of order in place since mid February, the greater will be the pleasure you experience from that up to May. You can probably relax a bit but might need to be careful of being led astray by others who may not be approaching things seriously. It is better to stay on the practical path.
ibRsick: iesqrI suK Dn hfnI, cMgy lokF nfl myl imlfp, rog zr, kRoD ivwc vfDf, mhIny dy aMq ivwc afmdnI TIk rhygI. mfrc 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29 apRYl 5, 6 asLuB.
Dn: pyt dI KLrfbI, Dn lfB, imwqrF qoN mwdd, sMqfn pwK sLuB, nIc lokF qoN apmfn df zr. mfrc 20, 21, 30, 31 apRYl 7, 8 asLuB.
1S Ejo j jj S
mkr: ishq TIk, sMpqI suK, iesqrI pwKoN lfB, kfrobfr TIk mhIny dy aMq ivwc ivsLysL KLrc. mfrc 14, 22, 23, 24 apRYl 1, 2, 9, 10 asLuB.
kuMB: Dn lfB, injI jn suK, jmIn-jfiedfd lfB, sMqfn pwKoN ksLt, kfrobfr ivwc rukfvt. mfrc 15, 16, 25, 26 apRYl 3, 4, 11, 12, 13 asLuB.
mIn: kYd df zr, Dn lfB, Brf qoN mwdd, imwqrF nfl BydBfv, sMqfn pwK sLuB kMm bdlI df ivcfr. mfrc 17, 18, 19, 27, 28, 29, apRYl 5, 6 asLuB.
You need to put your energies into getting a good structure in place up to May. If things need to be done at home, leave them no longer. Family matters could come up as well, especially where there are differences of opinion. This could shine a light on things important to you of which you need to be highly mentally determined.
There has been the opportunity to put new things in place that suit you personally since mid February. You could now become aware of what this could open up to in the future – the next 6 months can be important. Up to May, you need to be mindful of your finances. There can be the temptation to spend on impulse.
Don’t enter into any agreements too quickly up to May, without giving yourself time to think about the commitments attached and just how much this can increase your levels of responsibility. There will be invitations and social activity in the mix as well. Though enjoyable, you could find this will interrupt more practical plans.
Mars has moved into your sign, where it will remain until the 1st May. This should lift your energy level as well as your self confidence. Since mid February it may have been difficult to push yourself but now that should be a different matter. The only thing you have to watch is doing things on impulse. Much can be accomplished.
Friday, April 19th, 2024 PAGE 23 The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf PAGE 23
E q
E Si
aMnI pINhdI kuwqf cwty sB kuJ pY igaf Kfqy vwty
lIzr cuwkI jFdy Pwty jI dunIaF krdI mrjI af ijMdVI mrdI kI nhIN krdI pY geI guMzf grdI aF
byeImfnI cfr cuOyry awgF idsdf ivwc hnyry swjxf rwK lo JMmy jyry kudrqF rws geI jfpo jI
awg smJ nhIN kuJ afAuNdI ijMd jI
hr QF PYlI byrujLgfrI gl koeI smJ nf afvy jI
koeI kI iksy nUM dwsy koeI kI smJfvy jI
dunIaF puwCy rwsqy pY geI gwzI rsqy Auqy lih geI gwl hux kihx vflI nf rih geI nf koeI puwCy dwso jI
aMdroN hoieaf iPr nrsLf AuWqy AuWqoN hsy jI
dunIaF ho geI bVI isafxI muPq’c imldf ibjlI pfxI
aflsI ho geI ieh ijMd mr jfxI nf swcI ikrq kmfvy jI
bMdf lfAuNdf rhy skImF ikvyN muPq ivwc Kfvy jI
sfnUM lIzrF dIaF skImF hux kuMq nI KFdy PIsF
tIvI ivwc idwsx ngInF gwpF mfrI jFdy aF
DflIvfl ieh glF bfqF nf buqfsfrI jFdIaF
blivMdr bflm gurdfspur mo[ – 98156-25409
afkV nf geI hMkfr nf igaf Cwl nf igaf. rwsI sfrI sV geI Aus ’coN vwl nf igaf. Puwl kd dy murJf gey tihxIN suwk geI pr, bIqy simaF dI ÉuÈbU ’coN kwl nf igaf. awg ny bhuq ijafdf koiÈÈ kIqI sI, mYN mom ijhf sF pwQr ivc Zwl nf igaf. simaF dy ivc eyDr ADr huMdf irhf, pfry vfgUM awKF ’coN Auh pwl nf igaf. awKF dy ivc hMJU moh isskdf irhf, AuhnHF icr ivMhdf irhf ijMn icr cwl nf igaf. bytI dI swjI zolI nUM cuMm cuMm ky, AuhnHF ivc roNdf irhf ijMnHF icr Gwl nf igaf. mihÌl dy ivc bih ky JwlvlwlIaF hI mfry, Aumr vzyrI isafxf sI pr Jwl nf igaf. ‘bflm mOsm afieaf qF iPr pUMgrygI, tihxIN suwk qF geI pr jVH ’coN bwl nf igaf.
korVf PLys buwk df kyvl isMG inrdosL
Buwilaf iKafl, hux rotI tuwk df.
pY igaf hY BuUs, Xfro PLys bwuk df.
ruVH irhf byVf, gixq ihsfb df.
aYsf hVH afXf, muwK dI ikqfb df. jfpdf ibgfny, jyVHy bYTy jo kol ny. dUr dy suhfxy, lgdy jo Zol ny.
cMgf jfpy csLmy qoN pfxI Zfb df.
aYsf hVH afXf muwK dI ikqfb df. hoey axjfx, ijnHF qFeI jfxdy.
duwK suwK kwTy, sBy rhy mfxdy.
mihkoN hIxf Puwl, hoXf hY gulfb df.
aYsf hVH afXf, muwK dI ikqfb df.
vyKdy qFhF nMU, pey ingHf gwzky.
qur py mgr, PsIaF nMU Cwzky.
Gry KMz peI, sLONkI hoXf rfb df.
aYsf hVH afXf, muwK dI ikqfb df.
jfg KulHy rfqIN, hY sI jl Cwkdy.
hux Pys buwk, qy kumYNt qwkdy.
aYp hoXf jfxo, KMB surKfb df.
aYsf hVH afXf, muwK dI ikqfb df.
dsdF eyN ikHnMU, jLrf kr hosL qMU.
rwK ky iKafl, adb adfb df.
pVHI jf qMU pMnf, muwK dI ikqfb df.
blivMdr bflm gurdfspur mo[ – 98156-25409
surÉ ingfhF dy ivc zory lgdy ny kmËor ijhy.
aMbr ivwcoN tuwtI guwzI dI lihrfAuNdI zor ijhy.
cMn dy cfnx qfry lY ky cuwp cpIqI rl imly ky, sMn lgf ky rfqF aMdr corI krdy cor ijhy.
myrI hoNd ’c inkly ny jo hoNd imrI dy prCfvyN, Èfm Zly nUM idsdy ny jo horF vrgy hor ijhy.
qyrIaF XfdF vfly Jurmt eydF Pyrf pfAuNdy ny, jMgl dy ivc KMB iPlf ky bYTy ny ijAuN mor ijhy.
bIqy simaF dy jMgl ivc myrI jMnq ivc nËfry, ihrn kulfcy Brdy vyKy iblkul qyrI qor ijhy. mfrUQl dy ichry Auqy mfXUsI df aflm sI, ibn bfirÈ dy cVH ky afey bwdl sI GnGor ijhy. nf koeI myry lfgy cfgy nf koeI dUr durfzy, KvrY ikNJ suxfeI dyvx kMnF dy ivc Èor ijhy. eyky vflI brkq krky BfrI boJ AuTf lYNdy, vyKx nUM qF lgdy sI kIVI dy JuMz kmËor ijhy. iPr ivwc bhfrF apxy rMg rUp c vKry ny, byÈk ieh ÉuÈbU neIN rKdy cfa myry ieh Qor ijhy. rfqIN ikQoN afieaf sI qUM gwlF ikNJ dIaF krdf sI, bflm qyry kdm ievyN sI mYÉfny dI lor ijhy.
sMvfd kyvl isMG inrdoÈ
mn kihMdf mMn myrI imwqrf, kr lY mOj qy msqI. nf iPkrfˆ nf Pfky ijwQy, mncilafˆ dI bsqI.
pI BMgfˆ qy sOˆ bfgfˆ ivc, koeI mry koeI jIvy, rwK inÈfnf ieko kyvl, krnI aYÈ pRsqI.
idl kihMdf dr Cwzky sfry, mwl dr iek idlbr df.
dr dr Auwqy dur dur hovy, hoey nf jo iek dr df.
ijs dunIafˆ leI dIn gvfvyˆ, Auh nf inBdI nfly, afpxy pYrIˆ mfr kuhfVf, kyvl gfiÌl mrdf. jo mn dI mwq ipwCy lwigaf, aMq nUM Auh pCqfieaf. mn Kuthr mn mYgl kfmI, mn kUkr hlkfieaf.
ijEˆ lkVfˆ nfl awg nf rjdI, hor sgoˆ vwD BVky,
kyvl Aus idn hI gwl bxnI, mn ijs idn vs afieaf.
idl diraf ivc ivc bUMd jo izgdI, Èhu sfgr puwj jfˆdI.
mn itwby ivc izgI bUMd bws, afpxI hoˆd imtfˆdI. hAuˆ dI qpÈ lUhy cMigafeIaf, mnUaf bxy mnUrf, kyvl ndir ielfhI kwc nUM, kMcn sdf bxfˆdI.
Friday, April 19th, 2024 PAGE 24
Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf PAGE 24
KvfbF dI dunIaf qy vfsqivk dunIaf ’c huMdf
ÉvfbF df jfdUeI sMsfr hryk mnuwK nUM afpxy vwl afkriÈq krn dI slfhIaq rwKdf hY. jy ghu nfl dyiKaf jfvy qF ÉvfbF dy iqRMJx, AumIdF dI mflH, swDrF dy kwqx aqy ieMqËfr dy qkly ivwcoN hI qF iËMdgI afpxy mfainaF aqy musqkibl nUM qlfÈdI hY. nfmvr AurdU Èfier aihmd ÌrfË ilKdy hn ik Évfb mrqy nhIN, Évfb idl hYN n aFKyN n ÈfsyN ik jo ryËf-ryËf huey qo ibKr jfeyNgy, ijsm kI mOq sy Xy BI mr jfeyNgy, Évfb mrqy nhIN, Évfb qo rOÈnI hYN nvf hYN hvf hYN, jo kfly phfVoN sy rukqy nhIN, Ëulm ky doËÉoN sy BI PuMkqy nhIN, rOÈnI aOr nvf aOr hvf ky alm mkqloN myN phuMc kr BI Jukqy nhIN, Évfb qo hrÌ hYN, Évfb qo nUr hYN, Évfb sukrfq hYN, Évfb mMsUr hYN. jy ies pihlU qoN ÉvfbF dy qilsm dI gwl nUM awgy vDfieaf jfvy qF ieh XkInI qOr ’qy ikhf jf skdf hY ik ies kfienfq aMdr koeI vI aijhf ÈÉs nhIN, ijs nUM kdy ÉvfbF dy qilsm ny mMqrmugD nf kIqf hovy. Aumr dy vwKo-vwKry pVfvF ’qy iensfn dy Évfb vI rUp vtfAudy hn. ÉvfbF df jfdUeI sMsfr hryk mnuwK nUM afpxy vwl afkriÈq krn dI slfhIaq rwKdf hY. jy ghu nfl dyiKaf jfvy qF ÉvfbF dy iqRMJx, AumIdF dI mflH, swDrF dy kwqx aqy ieMqËfr dy qkly ivwcoN hI qF iËMdgI afpxy mfainaF aqy musqkibl nUM qlfÈdI hY. ies nUM iksy supnsfË dI buinafdI iÌqrq hI kih lvo jF Aus dI koeI mjbUrI ik Auh afpxy ÉvfbF dy iqMRJx ivc bYT ky afpxIaF swDrF aqy hsrqF nUM qfAumr hr pl kwqdy rihx ivc hI rfhq, skUn qy qskIn Bfldf hY. ÉvfbF dy sÌr df pYNzf qih krn vfly hr ÈÉs dIaF awKF ivc kdy afpxI mMiËl nUM pfAux dI hsrq CupI huMdI hY aqy kdy Aus dIaF nËrF nUM afpxI mMiËl vwl jFdIaF pgzMzIaF dI qlfÈ rihMdI hY aqy kdy afpxI idl dI hr DVkx nfl afpxI mMiËl dy isrnfvyN dIaF pYVF dy nkÈF nUM ZUMzx df Aus df jËbf hOlI-hOlI jnUMn ivc bdl jFdf hY. Auh lok kdy vI supnsfË, Èfhsvfr aqy sÌl nhIN aKvf skdy hn, jo iËMdgI dy ieimqhfn dyxy qoN zridaF gumnfmI dI iËMdgI guËfrn nUM qrjIh idMdy hn. prbqF dy isÉr CUhxf, smuMdr dI gihrfeI mfpxf aqy aMbrF ivc prvfË Brn leI idRV inÈcf, bulMd hOslf aqy AusfrU soc loVINdI hY. vkq byÈwk bhuq blvfn hY lyikn Aus rwb ny afpxy ies imwtI dy puqly bhuq sfrIaF ÉUbIaF nfl invfiËaf hY. jy loV hY qF iensfn nUM afpxy aMdr JfqI mfrn aqy afpxy aMdr dI ÈkqI nUM pCfxn dI. jy iensfn hr iek qrHF dy hlfqF ’c ijAUx df hunr aqy sihj suBfa quridaF afpxI mMiËl vwl vwDx df hunr ikqy iswK lvy qF aijhI mMiËl nhIN, ijs nUM pfAux dy afpxy Évfb nUM hkIkq ivc nf bdl sky. hryk ivakqI dI ieh buinafdI iÌqrq hY ik jo kuwJ ivakqI dI iËMdgI ivc nhIN vfprdf, Aus dI qlfÈ Auh afpxy ÉvfbF ivwc krdf hY. Auh afpxy ÉvfbF dI qfbIr leI sfrI Aumr qrwdd
krdf hY. Auh ijAuNdf aqy mrdf vI afpxy ÉvfbF leI hY. Évfb Aus aMdr ijAUx df cfa pYdf krdy hn aqy Aus ivwc inwq nvF joÈ Brdy hn. byÈwk iensfn afpxy qmfm
ÉvfbF nUM hr hIly hkIkq df rUp dyxf cfhuMdf hY, lyikn vfsqv ivwc aijhf nhIN huMdf. drasl iensfn dy ÉvfbF df sMsfr vI bVf inrflf, idlÌryb aqy hYrqaMgyË huMdf hY. Évfb qF iensfn dIaF AuhnF aDUrIaF KfihÈF dy aks huMdy hn, jo iensfn nUM nf qF ijAUx idMdIaF hn aqy nf hI Aus dI gqI hox idMdIaF hn. rÌqf-rÌqf iensfn dy Évfb Aus koloN Aus dy idl df krfr qy skUn qwk Koh lYNdy hn aqy Aus nUM lMmIaF vftF df pFDI bxf idMdy hn. Évfb afpxy-afp ivc cfnx munfrf vI huMdy hn aqy kuwJ Évfb bMd glIaF dI qrHF huMdy hn. kuJ ÉvfbF dI ibafngoeI qoN vI mnuwK iJjkdf hY aqy kuwJ dy swc hox qoN bfad vI iensfn cfhuMdf hY ik sfrf bRihmMz Aus koloN Aus dy ÉvfbF dI qÌsIl puwCy. kuJ ÉvfbF df ieËhfr iensfn nUM isirAu kwKoN hOly kr idMdf hY aqy kuJ ÉvfbF df ieËhfr iensfn dI CotI ijhI JolI nUM Ëmfny Br dIaF sfrIaF ÉuÈIaF nfl Br idMdf hY. supnsfË nUM afpxy ÉvfbF dy kYnvs Auwqy Dnk dy sfry rMg idKfeI idMdy hn, pr swc jfixE ÉvfbF dI AuDyV-bux df ieh sÌr supnsfË leI kdy vI sihj, srl aqy asfn nhIN huMdf hY. ÉvfbF df sÌr nf qF pihlF qoN kdy qYaÈudf huMdf hY, nf hI Évfb kdy asUlF qy qkfijaF dy pfbMd huMdy hn aqy nf hI iksy dy qrk dy pYmfinaF dy muQfj. Évfb qF smuMdr dI mOj dI qrHF huMdy hn-vsIh aqy byprvfh. Évfb rumkdIaF pOxF vFg vI huMdy hn, jo iensfn dI rUh dy Dur aMdr srUr aqy vËd dI kYÌIaq pYdf krdy hn. jy ghu nfl vficaf jfvy qF kuJ Évfb iensfn nUM Éfk kr idMdy hn aqy kuwJ Évfb iensfn dy kdmF ivc afÌqfb ilaf rwKdy hn. iensfn qfAumr kuJ ÉvfbF nUM dyKxf locdf hY, kuJ ÉvfbF dI qfbIr leI iensfn qrsdf hY, kuJ ÉvfbF dy ryËf-ryËf hox AuprMq ikxikaF vFg Kud nUM ibKiraf qy qVÌdf hoieaf mihsUs krdf hY, kuJ hsIn ÉvfbF nUM dyKidaF acfnk aDvfty nINd KuwlHidaF afpxy ÉvfbF dy aDUry rih jfx Auwpr Kud nUM luitaf ijhf mihsUs vI krdf hY aqy kuJ ÉvfbF dy swc hox ’qy Kud nUM ies kfienfq df sB qoN vwD ÉuÈiksmq iensfn smJdf hY . iËMdgI dIaF qlÉ hkIkqF, nfgvfr qjrby, duÈvfrIaF aqy Aus dy hflfq mnuwK nUM keI vfr ieMnI ZihMdI klf vwl Dkyl idMdy hn ik ivakqI afpxy ÉvfbF dy hwQoN vI iek idn hfr jFdf hY. iËMdgI keI vfr keIaF leI ieMnI iËafdf qklIÌdyh aqy aËmfieÈF BrpUr ho jFdI hY ik iensfn afpxI iËMdgI qoN vI qMg af jFdf hY. drasl iËMdgI afpxy afp ivwc iewk Auh kOVf swc hY, ijs dy kOVypx nUM iensfn leI cwKxf ieMnf afsfn nhIN huMdf hY. iËMdgI keI vfr Kfry pfxI dI aijhI JIl bx jFdI hY ik ijvyN quhfzy sfhmxy dUr-dUr qwk isvfey
ËmIn-asmfn df Ìrk
zf[ arivMdr isMG Bwlf
pfxI dy ielfvf hor kuJ vI nf hovy aqy qusIN ipafs nfl hI aDmoey ho jfAu. iËMdgI keI vfr iksy cOrfhy ’qy af ky ieAu KVH jFdI hY ik ijwQoN quhfnUM awgy vwDx leI koeI ZukvF rfh nhIN imldf hY. iËMdgI kdy-kdy ieAu iswDI, iqlkxI aqy pQrIlI ctfn vFg vI idKdI hY ik ijs Auwpr cVHnf iensfn leI byhwd duÈvfr huMdf hY.
kdy-kdy iËMdgI dÈq dy Aus sÌr vFg huMdI hY ik cldycldy iensfn dI jfn hI buwlF ’qy af jFdI. Xfd rwKo! KvfbF dI dunIaf aqy vfsqivk dunIaf ’c vI ËmInasmfn df Ìrk huMdf hY. kdy iensfn qlÉ hkIkqF df bVI ihMmq nfl sfmHxf krdy hoey hr muhfË Auqy vI sihjy hI ijwq pRfpq kr lYNdf hY aqy kdy keI vfr kdm-kdm ’qy ajmfieÈF df sfhmxf krdy hoey Aus dy Évfb vI keI vfr cknfcUr ho jFdy hn. ieh vI gOrqlb hY ik iËMdgI ivc ieh ÌYslf krnf vI byhwd kiTn huMdf hY ik iensfn ny afpxy ÉvfbF dI qfbIr dy rUp ivwc jo hfsl kIqf huMdf hY, Aus leI Auh iËafdf mhwqvpUrn huMdf hY jF iPr afpxy ÉvfbF dI qfbIr ipwCy dOVdy hoey, jo kuJ Aus dy jnUMn aqy qVp ny Aus qoN Koh ilaf huMdf hY, Aus leI Auh vwD mhwqvpUrn sI. asIN aksr afpxI qmfm Aumr Aus pl dI AuzIk ivwc guËfr idMdy hF, ijs pl sfzy ÉvfbF dI qfbIr hovygI aqy jdoN Auh aKOqI ÉuÈgvfr pl afAudf hY qF iensfn nUM ieh qklIÌdyh aihsfs vI aMdroN aMdr JMjoVdf hY ik iËMdgI ivc CotIaF-CotIaF ÉuÈIaF nUM mfxn bÊYr Aus dI hr ÉuÈI qy Ìqih df aihsfs aqy hr Évfb dI qfbIr vI aDUrI hY aqy AunHF dI qfbIr hox qoN bfad vI Éud nUM Auh ÉuÈIaF dy pwK qoN kMgfl aqy iËhnI qOr ’qy bycYn pfAudf hY. iensfn nUM iksy Évfb dI qfbIr qwk hI afpxI iËMdgI nUM mihdUd nhIN krnf cfhIdf hY, sgoN Aus nUM iËMdgI ivc CotIaF-CotIaF ÉuÈIaF nUM mfxn df Ìn iswKx vÜ vI qvwjoN dyxI cfhIdI hY. ies qrHF krn nfl hI iensfn afpxy hr Évfb dI qfbIr hox vyly mukMml ÉuÈI, sMquÈtI qy skUn hfsl krn ivc kfmXfbI hfsl kr pfvygy. kdy-kdy ieAu vI huMdf hY ik kuJ Évfb afpxy aDUrypx ivc hI idlkÈ mihsUs huMdy hn aqy keI vfr kuJ ÉvfbF dI qfbIr quhfnUM koeI hor nvF Évfb dyKx dy qvIl sÌr Auqy qor idMdI hY. kuJ ÉvfbF nUM iensfn lko-lko ky puwqF vFg pfldf hY, AunHF dy bcpn ivc afpxy bcpn nUM, AunHF dI jvfnI ivc afpxI jvfnI nUM aqy AunHF dy prvfn cVHn ’qy Éud nUM surÉrU hoieaf mihsUs krdf hY. hmyÈf duaf kro ik koeI iensfn byÉvfb iËMdgI guËfrn leI mjbUr nf hovy. hryk dy kuwJ supny ËrUr sfkfr rUp Dfrn krn. kuwJ supinaF nUM hMZfAuxf quhfnUM nsIb hovy aqy kfÈ! Auh prvrdgfr quhfnUM ieMnIN ku qoÌIk ËrUr dyvy ik dUijaF dy ÉvfbF dI qfbIr dy rfh ivc qusIN shfeI ho pfAu. afmIn sumf afmIn!
Friday, April 19th, 2024 PAGE 25 The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf PAGE 25
ielYWktRIkl blFeINzs zrfeIvfl PryimMg plMibMg
• Gr qoN PrI lY ky jfx aqy CWzx df pRbMD hY.
• asIN quhfzy leI roz tYst buWk
Spl: We Do Cabinet I nstallation for New or Old Houses Basement Dr ywall Laminate Washroom Finishing Kitchen Framing Sundeck Vinyl Paper Painting Siding Plumbing Tile * Full Finish Basement * Sundeck All Complete * Crown, Baseboard * Door, Fireplace kstm Aqy kuAwiltI ikcn kYbints Aqy klozt AwrgynweIzr (pYNtrIz) AsIN ikcn Aqy vwSrUm dy purwxy kwaUNtr tOp vI bdldy hW hrdIp ibrdI Call : H AR DEEP BIR D I : 778-823-076 5 FULL WCB EMPLOYEE INSURANCE COVERAGE Workers Wanted kfimaF dI loV All K inds of Renovations BPR Full Home R enovation WE SPECIALIZE IN TILE INSTALLATION AsIN tweIl ieMstwlySn iv`c mwihr hW Full bathroom renovation All kinds of tile installation Kitchen cabinets & counter tops Laminate Flooring Plumbing Pu`l bwQrUm rYnovySn hr qrHW dI tweIl ieMstwlySn ikcn kYbints Aqy kwaUNtrtOp lYmInyt PloirMg plMibMg New basement & new bathroom extension nvIN bysmYNt Aqy bwQrUm bxwauNdy hW Call Param Gill At : Workers Wanted Abbotsford, B C LT D For more information call: All Instructions are given in Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu & English Seema or Raj (Bobby) 32393 Adair Ave., Abbotsford, B.C. V2L 4L7 Ph: 604-870-0869 Cell: 778-552-4481 Raj (Bobby) We Serve Mission, Aldergrove & Abbotsford Govt. Certified Instructor for Class 4, 5, 7 & Uber
• quhfzI syPtI leI kfrF dy dUhry styairMg aqy brykF hn.
krdy hF.
leI kfr vI idMdy hF.
• nrvs ividafrQIaF leI KLfs tryinMg idWqI jFdI hY.
sI bI sI qoN mnj rsLudf ieMstrktr hF.
asIN pMjfbI, ihMdI, AurdU aqy ieMgilsL boldy hF. 2006 qoN afp dI syvf dy ivwc FULL HOME RENOVATION Puwl hom rYnovysLn GENERAL CONTRACTOR CITY PERMIT FOR LEGAL BASEMENT * * tfeIlF lYmInyt pyNitMg ikcn kYbints iPinisLMg
• • • • • • • • • • TILING • • LAMINA TE • PAINTING • PLUMBING • BLINDS • KITCHEN CABINETS • FINISHING • DR YW ALL • FRAMING ELECTRICAL • WORKERS NEEDED - MUST HAVE RENOVATION EXPERIENCE kfimaF dI loVrYnovysLn ivc qjLrbf hovy BEANT DEOL 778.245.2550 SUPER VISA INSURANCE SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR STUDENTS & SENIORSE Services Provided • Personal & Self-employed Income Tax e- le • Permanent Resident Card App • Indian Passport App & Surrender of Indian Citizenship App • Canadian Citizenship App & Canadian Passport App • USA Visa App • OCI (Overseas Citizen of India) App • Indian Visa (also e-visa, visa to visit India) • CPP Disability App & CPP & Old Age Pension App • Rental Agreement & Evacuation of Tenants • Medical Insurance Plan ( medical health card) App • Business Registration -Sole Proprietor & Partnership) • Name Change App • Security Guard License Renewal App • Work Safe Registration & Claim Filling Contact: Gurbachan Aujla Ph: 604 835 3693 Karan Khanna 604 300 3143 205-2580 CEDAR PARK, ABBOTSFORD BC aujlagee@shaw.ca I Mandeep S/O Gurjant Singh holder of Indian Passport No. R 3024931 issued at Amritsar on 21-08-2017, Resident of Jhok Tehal Singh, Ferozepur Punjab, India and currently residing at 32134 Sorrento Ave, Abbotsford, BC Canada V2T 5B7, do hereby change my name from Mandeep to Mandeep Singh Sandhu with immediate effect. NAME CHANGE Friday, April 19th, 2024 PAGE 26 The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf PAGE 26
• asIN afeI
ways your kids can avoid learning loss this summer
(NC) Kids look forward to enjoying a well-deserved break from school in the summertime. But, did you know kids can lose 25 to 50 per cent of school-year learning gains during the summer months? Fortunately, there are a few simple ways you can keep little ones’ minds engaged during the summer break. From science experiments to nature walks, here are three ways to help your kids continue learning outside the classroom.
Experiment with science: Composting is a great hands-on science activity for kids. Teach them about the process of recycling garden clippings and food scraps to create rich soil for your garden. Kids’ conservation organization Earth Rangers has plenty of free educational activities and trivia on its app to keep kids’ minds stimulated all year long.
Plan nature scavenger hunts: Plan a family nature walk and put together a checklist of insects, flowers and trees for kids to spot. When you get home, make sensory bins with items found while playing outside. This is a fun way to spark your child’s imagination by engaging their senses with sand, dirt, leaves and more.
Learning with leftovers: Have your kids help in the kitchen by “upcooking” leftovers into a new meal. Do your part to cut down on food waste by making cooking fun and eco-friendly.
Maple Leaf Foods’ All Taste, No Waste Cookbook, for example, has recipes that can be made using leftover ingredients. Find it at mapleleaffoods. com/cookbook.
South Asian Community Brings a Ray of Hope to Health Care Initiatives
The South Asian Diaspora has long been known to be a community of givers focused on unity, progress and change. This March, Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation launched its first South Asian fundraiser, Spring Fling, organised by a newly established sub-set committee called ‘Ray of Hope’.
Ray of Hope is dedicated to promoting seva (selfless service; the act of giving without expecting anything in return) principal pillars in both Sikhism and Hinduism. And the new committee is actively looking for members in the South Asian community who would like to dedicate their time to help our local hospitals either by volunteering or giving.
The event, Spring Fling, held at Langley Banquet hall featured music, bright colours, and an array of delicious Punjabi food. And most of all the
event highlighted a community coming together to proudly raise $25,000 for vital medical equipment. Executive director, Elizabeth Harris, Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation states how “we are incredibly grateful and thankful for the local South Asian community for the generosity shown in supporting our hospitals need for vital equipment”.
Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation is proud of being part of the multi-faith community we have here in the Fraser Valley and would like to wish everyone a very happy Vaisakhi!
The Foundation relies on gifts from our community to strengthen our organisation. Please contact Dr. Jassal directly to support our future health and wellness in the Fraser Valley: Lakhbir.Jassal@fraserhealth.ca
Friday, April 19th, 2024 PAGE 27 The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf PAGE 27 kMm jUn dy afiKr ivc sLurU hovygf. (bYNsF dI kYnrI) • kYnrI vrkrjL • lfeIn suprvfeIjLr • kuafiltI kMtrol • PorkilPt Eprytr
vwzI nihr aflf puÜ, prly pfr dy vIh pwcI ipMzF nUM eys Èihr nfl joVdf hY. puÜ pfr krn qoN awgy ZfeI iqMn ku PrlFg dUr, cflI PuwtI myn sVk, aMdr bËfr vwl nUM muVdI hY. Aus dy nfl hI swjy hwQ muVdy rsqy Auwqy, do glIaF, iqMn mMiËlf nfËk alI df mkfn hY. KuwlHf-zuwlHf ivhVf, ivhVy ivcfly pfrk qy pfrk ’c cldf Puhfrf aqy Aus dy afly duafly anykF iksm dy Ìuwl bUty, Coty vwzy drwÉq, ijnHF ny alI dy ivhVy nUM sfry pfisaF qoN iÈMgfiraf hoieaf hY. Èihr df bwcfbwcf, buwZf TyrHf, qIvINaF, buVIaF qy kuVIaF, Es dy Gr df aYzrYws QoVHf ijhf AUNa[[[ kr ky dws idMdIaF hn, blik Aus dy muhwly dy lok nfËk alI aflI gÜI muV afAuxf, Auh afpxy GrF ’c afAux vfly, nvyN irÈqydfrF nUM iehI aYzrYws dwsdy hn. Aus dI koTI qoN nihr dy puÜ df pYdl rsqf msF cfr jF pMj imMt df hovygf, muhwly vfly vI hux Aus nUM nfËk alI Gwt, qrfkU sfbH, qrfkU sfbH iËafdf kihMdy ny. mYN, aYqkIN pMdrF sflF bfad ivdyÈoN vfps muiVaf hF qy awj jdoN mYN Èihr nUM afAudy smyN, nihr vflf puÜ pfr krn lwigaF qF nfËk alI myrIaF awKF awgy GuMm igaf, gwzI ’c nfl bYTy mYN afpxy Coty Brf nUM nfËk alI bfry puwiCaf, ‘imMdr qYnUM nfËk alI bfry pqY kuJ[[[? beI Auh hYgf jF.’ Auh kihx lwigaf,‘Auh qF ajy ijAUNdY, pr hY miraF nfloN vI vwD mMdy hfl ’c, ieAu kih ky Aus ny vI nihr vwl dyiKaf. mYN acncyq hI afpxy Coty Brf dI bFh PV leI, swcI nfËk alI ijAuNdy ajy[[[? swcI gwl aY, sux ky mYnUM aqIaMq ÉuÈI hoeI.‘hF hF mYN swc kihnf vfa vIr jI, ajy Auho ijAuNdY.’ imMdr dy mUMhoN ieh gwl sux ky myrf idl kIqf ik mYN AuV ky phuMc jfvF Aus dy kol, mUMhoN acfnk inkl igaf, ‘mYN huxy hI Aus nUM imlxf cfhuMdf hF, qYnUM AudHf Gr pqY?’ myry mUMhoN ieAu inklx dI dyr sI ik zrfeIvr ny Jwt gwzI nUM, cfÜI PuwtI myn sVk vwl moV idwqf. zrfeIvr vI iehy sfrf kuJ sux hI irhf sI qy agly Jtky nfl gwzI nfËk alI dI koTI awgy jf KVHI. mYN gwzI ’coN bfhr inkl ky Aus dI iqMn mMiËlI koTI dyK ky dMg rih igaf, kI ieh Ausy nfËk alI dI koTI aY, ijhVf iksy vyly JONpVI ’c irhf krdf sI aqy ikvyN pYsy pYsy df muQfj nfËk alI afpxy pyt aqy pirvfr nUM pflx Éfqr ivcfrf qrfkU bixaf, jdoN koeI rupeIaf, do rupeIey df iswkf nihr ’c suwt idMdf qF nfËk alI Jwt nihr ivwcoN kwZ ilafAudf huMdf, afpxI iËMdgI nUM joÉm ’c pf ky sfrI idhfVI ivwc ikMny hI iswky iekwTy kr ilafAudf, lokI cfmlH cfmlH ky iswky suwtdy, dyK beI nfËk ieh do df iswkf suwtx lwigaF ndI ivwc, iehdf sMn mYN dyK ilaf, agr qUM ies nUM kwZ ilafvy qF do df iewk hor iswkf qYnUM ienfm, iswkf suwtx vfly df alI nF, ipqf df nF qy ipMz ËrUr puwCdf qy Aus df nF lY ky hI, nihr ’c zuwbkI mfrdf qy Jwt pwt iswkf kwZ ilafAudf, qy nfloN nfl afpxI iËMdgI dI khfxI vI lokF nUM suxfAudf rihMdf, ijs nUM mYN vI keI vfr, Aus dy mUMhoN sux cuwikaf sF. sfrI idhfVI puÜ Auwqy mylf
ibafndI hY khfxI ‘qrfkU, nfËk alI’
lwigaf rihMdf, ijAu-ijAu Èfm huMdI iqAu-iqAu nfËk alI dI guwQlI iswikaF nfl BrdI jFdI, keI vfr nihr ’c nfËk alI bwicaF nUM qrHFqrHF dy krwqv idKfAudf, kdy puwTIaF CflF mfrky, kdy iswDIaF, AuwQy bwicaF leI muÌq dI srks lwgI rihMdI, jdoN kdI mYN bfpU jI nfl Èihr vwl afAudf qF ikMnI-ikMnI dyr puÜ ’qy KVHf rihMdf, bfpU jI ny gflHF idMdy rihxf, qYnUM nfl ilaf ky qF mYN isafpf KVHf kr lYnf, afKr AunHF kihxf, cMgf qUM KVHf rih eyQy, mYN sOdy pwqy PV ilafvF ÈihroN, iDafn rwKIN, kMZy ’qy nf jfeIN, mYN AuQy KVHy rihxf, nfËk nUM dyKdy rihxf, ijhVf iewk do rupey df iswkf mYnUM jyb Érc leI imlxf Auh nfËk dI Byt cVH jFdf, ievyN Aus df vpfr idn pRqI idn vDdf jf irhf sI. hux mYnUM Aus dI iqMn mMiËlI koTI dyK ky hYrfnI ho rhI aY, Aus qoN vwD ÉuÈI ho rhI hY ik Auh ajy ijAuNdf hY, aYnf pYsf qF mYN ivdyÈF ivwc rih ky vI nhIN kmf sikaf, ijMnf nfËk eyQy kmf igaf. ‘vIr jI kI socdy ho[[[?’ Coty BfeI ny aYnf kih ky ijvyN mYnUM nINd ’coN jgfieaf hovy, aYnI dyr ivwc Auh zrfievr qoN gwzI, sfeIz ’qy lgvf ky myry kol afieaf sI.‘kuJ nhIN[[[.’ mYN aYnf hI kih sikaf aqy agly pÜ asIN alI dI koTI dI GMtI vjf idwqI, Aus dy nOkr ny af ky drvfËf KoilHaf. ‘alI sfbH Gr eI ny’, acfnk asIN dovF ny iekwiTaF ny hI puwiCaf. ‘hF jI af jfE.’ asIN dovyN Brf aMdr cly gey, sfhmxy nfËuk alI pfrk ivwc kursI zfhI bYTf sI pr awj kwlH Aus dI ingfh aYnI kmËor sI ik Èfm dy vkq Aus nUM iblkul idwsxf bMd ho jFdf sI aqy Aus dy nfl hI iqMn cfr kursIaF ievyN pihloN hI zhIaF peIaF sn, ijvyN sfQoN pihlF koeI huxy Aus nUM iml ky igaf hovy. rsmI qOr ’qy asIN Aus nUM adfb khI, Aus ny mMn ky sfnUM bYTx df ieÈfrf kIqf, asIN dovyN Brf bYT gey, bYTdy sfr mYN AunHF df hfl-cfl puwiCaf qy afpxf nF qy ipMz dwisaf. ‘TIk hY, smJ igaf, srUp mfstr df muMzY, dIpf[[[?’ nfËk ny ikhf, ‘aYnI qkVI XfdfaÈq[[[.’ Aus dy mUMhoN afpxf kwcf nF sux ky myrIaF awKF ivwc hMJU afAux leI Auqfvly ho gey, mYN msF AunHF nUM rok irhf sF, ieh aQfh ÉuÈI dy hMJU sn, ijvyN pwcI sfl pihlF df bIiqaf smF myrIaF awKF awgy af KiVHaf hovy qy mYN AuhI bfrF, pMdrF ku sflF df jvfkVf ijhf bx ky Aus dy mUhry KVHf iswky suwt irhf hovf. sfzy iewk Coty ijhy suafl ’qy alI ievyN KuwlH igaf ijvyN pqf nhIN ikMnI ku dyr df Biraf bYTf hovy, ibnF koeI hor gwl kry, Aus ny afpxI kQf ieMJ ÈurU kr idwqI, ijvyN asIN Aus dI ieMtrivAU lYx afey hoeIey. Aus ny ikhf, bcpn ’c hI mF bfp df myry isr qoN sfieaf AuT igaf sI, Èihr dI sB qoN GtIaf qy gMdI bsqI ijhVI gMdy nfly dy nfl-nfl vsI hoeI sI, mYN AuQy hI rihMdf sF, sfzy muhwly dy inafixaF nUM koeI skUl nhIN sI Gwldf, ies krky asIN pVHfeI qoN bFJy rih gey, pyt pflx Kfiqr qfey cficaF dy muMizaF dI rIso rIs, mYN vI sfrI idhfVI borI cuwkI iPrI jfxf, ijwQy vI kUV-kbfV jF kuJ inwk suwk imlxf cuwk-cuwk ky
borI ’c pfAudy jfxf, Aus ivwcoN ijhVf kuJ kbfVIey kol ivkx vflf huMdf, asIN Aus nUM vyc idMdy qy AunHF pYisaF df jo vI Kfx nUM imlxf Kf lYxf, qy afpxIaF JONpVIaF ’c vfps af jfxf. kuJ pl ruk ky, Aus ny aqy asIN vI, pfxI dy glfs pIqy qy Aus ny iPr kQf ÈurU kr idwqI, iewk idn bhuq iËafdf mINh pYx krky, sfzy muhwly vflf nflf pfxI df Biraf cwl irhf sI, pfxI df vhfa vI bhuq qyË sI, mYN, mINh hty qoN afpxf borf cuwk ky rUVIaF vwl inkl igaf, AudoN mYN Kfsf kuwJ kwTf krI iPr irhf sI jdoN iksy ny af ky mYnUM bFh qoN PV ilaf qy cor-cor kih ky myry mUMh ’qy QwpV mfry qy myrf borf gMdy nfly ivwc suwt idwqf. mYnUM bhuq guwsf ciVHaf, Auh afdmI dyKx pfÉx nUM zfhZf qkVf sI, ies leI mYN AusnUM kuJ nhIN kih sikaf qy ruVHdy jFdy afpxy bory nUM dyKdf irhf, Pyr mYN Aus qoN afpxI bFh Cuzvf ky dOV ky bory dy brobr phuMc igaf[[[ ijAu hI bory nUM hwQ pfAux dI koiÈÈ krdf, borf hor awgy ruV jFdf qy hOlI-hOlI vgdy nfly dy ivckfr clf igaf, mYN ivwc Cfl mfr idwqI qy zuwbx hI lwgf sI ik cMgy BfgF nUM bory nUM hwQ pY igaf. borf bfhr kwiZaf sfry rwdI aÉbfr, kfgË qy hor inwk suwk, sB kuJ igwlf ho igaf sI Aus sfmfn nUM mYN Es afQxy vyc nhIN sikaf, mYN Aus rfq BuwKx Bfxy suwqf. asIN ÈFq icwq nfl Aus dI kQf sux rhy sI. Aus ny iPr ikhf, mn ivwc iek hYrfnI BrI KuÈI hoeI jfvy ik mYN ies axjfx nfÜy ivwc ikvyN qYr igaf, mYN zuwibaf nhIN, kI mYN qYr skdf hF,,,? jy mYnUM Es awlHf ny zobxf huMdf jF mfrnf huMdf qF awj hI mfr idMdf . dUsry idn eys vwzI nihr kMZy, kfgË cugx afey ny dyiKaf ik ies nihr c pfxI Gitaf hoieaf qF hY, pr qyËI nfl cwl vI irhf sI, isrÌ kwlH vfly mINh df hI pfxI lwgdf sI, bhuq sfry muMzy nihr c qYr rhy sn, nhf rhy sn iklkfrIaF mfr rhy sn, gMdy nfly qy vfprI kwlH vflI Gtnf mYnUM Pyr Xfd af geI, agr iksy ny awj Pyr myrf borf ies nihr c suwt idwqf Pyr kI krFgf[[[? kI bxygf myrf[[[? kI mYN ievyN hI inwq BuwKf sONieaF krU[[[ ? ievyN qF mYN[[[. mYnUM ies nihr ’c vI qYr ky dyK lYxf cfhIdY, mYN afpxy afp nUM kYVf kIqf. Ausy vkq mYN, borf rwiKaf sfeIz ’qy, afpxI kmIË AuqfrI, Xfh alI kih ky Jwt nihr ’c CfÜ mfr idwqI, myry leI kwlH vflI Gtnf, cfnx munfrf bx geI, bws AudoN Aus ivwc aijhI CfÜ vwjI ik qIh pYNqI sfl nihr ivwcoN inkilaf hI nhIN, ijvyN lok inwq idhfVI ’qy jFdy ny, AuvyN df hI mYN ho igaf sI, pihlF-pihlF isaflF dy mhIny, mYnUM TMZy pfxI qoN QoVHI aOK huMdI sI, Pyr kuwJ ku sflF bfad afdq bx geI, ijhVI Gtnf ny mYQoN nihr ’c Cfl mrvfeI jF ijhVy muMizaF nUM dyK ky mYN nihr ’c CfÜ mfrI sI, nf kdI muV ky Auh muMzy dyKy qy nfhI myry nfl iPr aijhI koeI Gtnf GtI, ijhdy nfl mYnUM ÈrimMdf hoxf pvy. hOlI-hOlI mYN pul ’qy lokF nUM krqwv idKfAux lwigaf, lok pYsy suwtx lwgy, mYN kwZ ilafAudf, awj hor qy iPr kwlH hor, dunIaf plt geI smF ikwQoN df ikwQy af igaf,
rivMdr rupfl kOlgVH
jdoN myry koloN afpxI muwTI ’c pYsy sMBfl nf huMdy, Pyr mYN iewk QYlI afpxy nfl iljfx lwigaf ijhVI Èfm qwk aksr Br jFdI, ievyN myrf jIvn ruVHn lwigaf. ajy nfËk alI dI gwl jfrI sI ik aYny ’c Auhdf nOkr cfh ibskut aqy iewk plyt ivwc nmkIn pf ky sfzy awgy rwK igaf, nfËk ny trya nUM toh ky cuwikaf, sfzy awgy kIqI, cfh pINdy pINdy myry mUMhoN acfnk inkl igaf, Pyr quhfzf afr pirvfr nËr nIN afAudf ikwDr[[[? Auh ho[[[ ieAu kih ky ijvyN mYN Aus dI duKdI rg ’qy hwQ Dr idwqf hovy, myrI gwl sux ky Auh Audfs ho igaf, pr Pyr vI afpxy hOsly nUM iekwTf ijhf kr ky boilaf, bs pirvfr ny qF byVf zoibaY, nhIN qF qrfkU ikwQy zuwbx vflf sI[[[? ieh gwl Aus ny msF pUrI kIqI. mYN awD pIqI cfh df kwp Qwly rwKdy ny ikhf, ‘sOrI alI sfbH mYN glq suafl kr bYiTaf.’ ‘nhIN[[[ nhIN, ieho ijhI koeI gwl nhIN, qusIN qF puwCxf hI sI, iewQoN qF pqf cwldY ik sfhmxy aflf bMdf vI kbIldfr bMdY[[[ myry vI lokF vFgUM do bwcy sn, kuVI qy muMzf. kuVI iksy nfÜ lv mYirj krvf ky GroN Bwj geI, iesy Jmyly ’c muMzy dy ivafh dI ruwq lMG geI, Auh iksy Êlq sMgq ’c pY ky niÈaF df afdI ho igaf. iPr Aus df pqf eI nhIN lwigaf ik Auh ikwDr inkl igaf, bhuq lwiBaf vI, nhIN imilaf ikDry, Auhdy Êm ivwc Aus dI mF awKF mIc geI’, Aus ny iewko sfhy afpxI GrylU kQf vI suxf idwqI. pl Br ruk ky Aus ny bhuq hI gMBIr muMdrf ’c ikhf, ‘aYnI gihrI ndI ivwcoN mYN lokF dy muMzy kuVIaF nUM zuwbxoN bcfAuNdf irhf, anykF lokF nUM mrnoN bcfieaf, pr aPsos afpdy Gr ’c kdI vI zuwb ky nf dyiKaf ik myrf Gr hY ikMnf ku gihrf[[[? myry Gr df hfl kI aY, mYN qF ndIaF dIaF gihrfeIaF hI nfpdf rih igaf, mYQoN afpxy Gr dI zuMGfeI ikAu nf nfpI geI[[[? ieAu kih ky Aus ny iewk hOkf ilaf qy hOlI ijhI afvfË ivwc iPr boilaf,‘ieh pCqfvF qF hux kbrF qwk myry nfl hI jfvygf[[[.’ ieAu kih ky alI cuwp ho igaf qy zUMGI soc ’c zuwb igaf, ijhVI pqf nhIN ikMny smuMdrF qoN gihrI hovygI[[[? kwpF ’coN cfh Éqm ho geI, hnyrf plo plI vwDx lwigaf, Aus df nOkr BFzy cuwk ky lY igaf, iPr af ky nfËk nUM Augl qoN PV, aMdr iljfx leI jdoN vfps muiVaF qF asIN dovF jixaF ny Aus nUM hwQ joV ky adfb khI, Aus ny vI dovyN hwQ joV ky sfzI adfb mMn leI qy inwky-inwky kdmF nfl aMdr nUM qur ipaf.Aus dI duwK BrI khfxI sux ky myry hMJU, ÉuÈIaF dI QF duwKF ’c bdl gey, qy asIN gytoN bfhr inkl afey.awj vfly kMm nUM, kwlH ’qy Cwz ky, vfpsI ’qy jdoN gwzI, puÜ Auwqy af ky cVHI, mYN jyb ivwcoN iewk iswkf kwZ ky nihr ’c suwitaf, mYnUM AumId sI alI khygf, dyK qF iehI nMbr sI qyry iswky df dIipaf[[[? ieh afvfË suxy ibnF, mYnUM puÜ pfr krnf muÈkl ho irhY, mYN nIJ lf ky nihr vwl dyKx lwgf ik Èfied alI afeygf Auh khygf[[[ pr[[[ pr[[[ sfzI gwzI qF puÜ pfr kr geI qy mYN afpxI soc nUM puÜ qoN awgy nhIN sI qor sikaf.
Friday, April 19th, 2024 PAGE 28
The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf
jIvn dI gwzI qorn leI mnuwK nUM jfn joÉm ’c pf ky hwz-BMnvIN imhnq krnI pYNdI hY, kuJ aijhf hI
Smile Cookie
On April 29 until May 5, 2024 - Tim Hortons Restaurant Owners across Canada will be supporting local charities, and this year Abbotsford Hospice & Grief Support Society (AHGSS) has been selected as a charity of choice! 100% of proceeds from the sale of these delicious cookies go towards supporting our Children & Youth Grief Support Program that includes our annual Teddy Bear Picnic, grief camps for children and teens, and educational support for children in partnership with Abbotsford School District. To pre-order your Tim Hortons Smile Cookies box, please complete this form and submit it to: Events@abbotsfordhospice.org no less than 48 hours from your specified pick-up date & time. Please pay for your Smile Cookie boxes at the Tim Hortons location you choose (listed below). Note: last day for Pre-orders is April 27th Supporting Tim Hortons
Not wanting to indulge in a Smile Cookie?
Scan to give a gift in support of AHGSS’ Children & Youth Grief Support Program and help bring a smile to families in our community.
Thank you for your generosity!
Abbotsford Hospice & Grief Support Society
32780 Marshall Road, Abbotsford, BC, V2S 1J7 events@ abbotsfordhospice.org / 604-852-2456 www.abbotsfordhospice.org/smilecookie
Help us bring smiles to our community on Smile Cookie week!
Join us at Abbotsford Tim Hortons® locations from April 29 to May 5!
100% of proceeds from freshly baked Smile Cookies goes towards AHGSS Children & Youth Grief Support Program!
We have volunteer opportunities available for decorating, cookie sales, indoor/outdoor greeters, and our mascot!
Connect with us at events@abbotsfordhospice org 604-852-2456
Friday, April 19th, 2024 PAGE 31 The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf PAGE 31
www spice org/smilecookie
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