Dominating both the local and global competitions, Rupinder Johal, with her workhorse attitude, is determined to represent Canada at the Olympics.
With an impressive list of accomplishments, Rupinder has been the provincial Champion for two consecutive years (2022 and 2023), a 2022 Cadet National team member, a 2022 Canada Summer Games champion, a 2023 National championship, and as most recently a 2024 Junior national team member.
Going undefeated, Rupinder did not surrender a single point throughout
the 2021-22 high school season. Being named the most outstanding female wrestler at the 2022 Pan American Championships, she was also nominated as the BC female athlete of the year!
Currently, Rupinder is signed to the Simon Fraser University’s wrestling team for the 2023/2024 season. We can’t wait to follow along with her future accomplishments!
sQfnk aqy globl mukfbilaF 'qy dbf pfAuNdI hoeI ruipMdr jOhl ny afpxy imhnqI rvweIey nfl ElMipk ivwc kYnyzf dI numfieMdgI krnI sMklp bxf leI hY.
pRfpqIaF dI iewk pRBfvÈflI sUcI dy nfl, ruipMdr lgfqfr do sflF (2022 aqy 2023) qoN proivMsLIal cYNpIan, 2022 kYizt nYÈnl tIm dI mYNbr, 2022 kYnyzf smr gymË cYNpIan, 2023 nYÈnl cYNpIaniÈp, aqy hfl hI ivwc 2024 jUnIar nYÈnl tIm mYNbr rhI hY.
jyqU rih ky, ruipMdr ny 2021-22 dy hfeI skUl sIËn dOrfn iewk vI aMk nhIN smrpx kIqf. 2022 pYn amYrIkn cYNpIaniÈp ivwc sB qoN AuWqm mihlf pihlvfn cuxy jfx kfrn, AusnUM sfl dI BC mihlf aQlIt vjoN vI nfmËd kIqf igaf sI!
vrqmfn ivwc, ruipMdr nUM 2023/2024 sIËn leI sfeImn PryËr XUnIvristI dI kuÈqI tIm ivwc sfeIn kIqf igaf hY. asIN Aus dIaF BivwK dIaF pRfpqIaF nUM vyKx leI ieMqËfr nhIN kr skdy!
The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf
(NC) If you’ve recently moved to Canada and are frustrated by a tough job market, you’re not alone. Many newcomers struggle to find similar positions to those they held back home and take on survival gigs to support their families. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to get closer to your dream job. Here are some tips to get started:
Research your field in the local economy: Learning more about your industry in Canada can help you understand the unique challenges and opportunities here, and better position yourself in cover letters and interviews. Plus, it can mean knowing which jobs and skills are most in demand and what competitive salary ranges are.
To get this key info, check out professional association websites, newspaper articles and industry publications. Even expensive insider conferences will post trends and event summaries on their websites.
Update your resume for the Canadian market: Did you know that in most fields, a resume should be a maximum of two pages? This is shorter than the norm in many other countries, so it’s important to keep it brief and focus on your main achievements. Hiring managers like to see how past experiences directly relate to the job you’re applying for, specific examples rather
than generic skills and numbers to quantify your success.
Use informational interviews to network: Informational interviews are popular in Canada, and a great way to get an insider’s perspective from a leader in your field. During an info interview, you’ll be able to have a friendly conversation with them over coffee or virtually and ask questions about their career path, education and more.
Not sure where to find an industry leader to talk to? Contact the CEO or other executives of companies you’re interested in – you’ll be surprised how many are happy to speak with you. Just make sure to keep it casual; this is a long-term networking play, not the time to ask for a job.
Look for a bridging program in your industry: Organizations dedicated to helping newcomers succeed are a great resource that can help you overcome barriers and get your foot in the door. If you’re in the tech sector, check out ComIT, which provides free technology training and help with job skills like resume building and interviewing. The charity was started by an immigrant from Argentina and connects program participants with employers looking for IT professionals.
Learn more at comit.org.
Chief Editor/Publisher: Dr. Andy Sidhu | General Manager: Dave Sidhu | Administration Executive: Ronnie Sidhu muwK aYzItr/pRkfÈk: zf:
Punjabi Editor
Advertising Executive
Graphic Designer
: Administration Assistant
Gurdeep Singh Grewal
Paramjit Singh Kanda
Ekam Banipal
Gurmeen Banipal, Manvir Kaur Jawanda
Gurjeet Kaur Muhar
Gurneet Sidhu
pMjfbI aYzItr aYzvrtfeIijMæg mYnyjr tfeIipst lyafAUt zIËfeIn gRfiPk zIËfeInr aYziminstryÈn aisstYNt
gurdIp isMG gryvfl prmjIq isMG kMzf eykm bYnIpfl gurmIn bYnIpfl, mnvIr kOr jvMdf gurjIq kOr muhfr gurnIq isWDU :
(Burnaby) Today’s announcement from the BC Ministry of Labour extending presumption to more workers for psychological injury coverage is an important step forward, BCFED President Sussanne Skidmore said today.
“It’s good to see these new occupations join those with fast-tracked claims and timely access to treatment and Workers’ Compensation Board benefits when they suffer a workplace psychological injury,” Skidmore said.
“But as BC’s unions have pointed out, every worker could potentially be exposed to a traumatic event or events and sustain a psychological injury . And there’s no good reason to make them jump through extra hoops to get the support they deserve.”
Under presumption, workers who sustain psychological injuries as a result of work-related trauma don’t have the added burden of proving those injuries were caused by their work; the WCB presumes they were unless the employer proves otherwise. Without presumption, the burden of proof is on the worker.
“Presumptive coverage is a good thing – it helps workers get the treatment they need quickly, and the support they need to return to work,” said BCFED Secretary-Treasurer Hermender Singh Kailley.
“Now let’s take the next step. We urge the government to clear the path for all workers who suffer a workplace psychological injury. Provinces like PEI and Saskatchewan have done this; it’s time BC extended presumptive coverage to all workers.”
klyr kfript Prns klIinMg
ÈIhDy dI BYx sYdF qy Aus dy kryvy dy ÉfvMd buwZy mrfsI bfGI dy Gr sfl 2003 ivwc bwcf hoieaf qF nfm rwiKaf sMgfrI dIn. cfr ku sfl bfd 2007 ivwc bfGI mrfsI dmyN dI bImfrI nfl mr igaf. bfGI dy mrn AuprMq, sYdF df bfhr aMdr Kuwlf iPrnF hor vI suKfÜf ho igaf. sYdF dy do idAur aqy AunF dy muMzy sYdF Auwpr bhuq iKwJdy kfPI tok twkieaf krdy, pr ijwdy iksy dy ivafh ÈfdI dI vDfeI mMgx jFdy qF sYdF nUM buwÈkfr ky nfl lY jFdy. sYdF kfPI vDfeI dy gIq gf lYNdI sI. pr sYdF df afAuxf jfxF vwizaF bMidaF nfl krky Auh kdy AunF dI pRvfh nF krdI. Auh kry vI kI ? afmdn df koeI hor sfDn vI nhI sI. kdy kdy puwq sMgfrI nUM vI nfl lY jFdI, iljfx vfly AuhnUM hwtIE ilaFdy mKfxyN KMz dy bxy iKzfAuixaF (AuwT GoVy) kfikaF ijhF nfl Kyzx lf idMdy, Auh nflo nfl KFdf vI rihMdf. (vwzy hoey nUM sUgr dI bImfrI lY bYTI) sYdF jwtF dy KUhF motrF df iÈMgfr bxI mOjF luwtdI nÈy df Jws iËafdf sI. kdy koeI idn idhfr huMdf qF iqMn pwqf (jUaf) qfÈ cldI qF sYdF vI pwiqaF df joV qoV kr lYNdI. sYdF qkrIbn sfrIaF mfVIaF vihvwqF ivwc ihwsf lYx qoN kdy vI guryË nF krdI.
iek dÌf sfl 2008 ivwc kYnyzf qoN GuMmx iPrn igaf CVf jwgf (jgjIq) mfhl Aumr 53 sfl pMjfb PyrI Auwqy afieaf. Auh kuJ sfl pihlF ‘kfikaF vfly kys’ ivwc kYnyzf pwkf hoieaf sI. ieh kfikaF vflf kys kI hY beI ? ies df nfm qy kYtfigrI BfvyN hor hI sI, pRMqU aFm pMjfbI Aus nUM ‘kfikaF vflf knUMn’ jF kys kihMdy sn. ies knUMn qihq ijhVy ijhVy pRvfrF dy sfry dy sfry jIa kYnyzf pwky cly gey hox, ipCy pRvfr ivco jykr iewk mYNbr ax- ivafihaf CVf (kuafrf) dys rih igaf, BfvyN Aus dI Aumr 50-60 qoN ikMnI vI Gwt jF vwD hovy, Auh kMnUnx pwky kYnyzf jf skdy sn, ieh kfikaF vflf knUMn, kuJ ilimtz sflF vfsqy hI Kuwilaf iPr CyqI bMd ho igaf. eys pUr ivwc, KwV pwky vfly, inkMmy, ivafh vwloN rhy KUhy, ËmIn vwloN nMg mlMg jF iksy bwË krky ivafhy nhIN gey, awK iewk jF zyZ jF donoN hox, iksy ny nhIN prKIaF, vzyrI Aumr dy lMzy icVy, isDry, cuwly ivwc PUkF mfridaF ny dfhVIaF JVvfa leIaF, Gridaf vwloN spFsr hoky, sfry iswDy kYnyzf nUM pwky gey. kuJ ku kys sB kuJ huMidaF hoieaF vI, keI jugfVI bMidaF ny, nfjfiej pulIs dIaF rIportF iqafr krvfeIaF, bnfAutI CVy bxy, ies qrF do nMbr dy lok vI pwky ho gey. AuhnF afpdI aslI jnfnI nUM, pyprF ivwc iksy hor dI pqnI ivKf ky, afp jwdI bnfAutI CVy bxy, pwky hoey, bfad ivwc Auh pyprF ivwc bnfAutI pqI nUM miraf sfibq krky, iPr AuhI afpdI aslI jnfnI nfl
“qIsrf kryvf”
ivafh krky kYnyzf ivwc jugfVI bMidaF ny afp df sfrf twbr juafkF smyq sYwt kr ilaf.
bws Esy lfa Qwly, jwgf mfhl ipCf irhfieÈ bMgf (duafbf) pMjfh sfl df aslI kuafrf, pwkf kYnyzf phuMc igaf. jwgf vyKxI pfKxI TIk hI sI, krV brVI dfhVI dI qfËI Èyv krky, TozI ivc toaf Kusry dI awzI vrgI kwZI, awKF ivwc surmf, sony jiVaf dMd, kMnIN nwqIaF, bfhrlIaF cmkvIaF XfktF pfeI pUrI tOhr ivwc zHYÈF mfrdf. kYnyzf rihMidaF imwl ivwc kMm kridaF Aus dy mlveI imwqr dosq ipafly dy sFJI bx gey. idnoN idn kfPI nyVqf vwD geI qy Auh pwky afVI bx gey. jwgy df do mhIny df pMjfb PyrI df pRogrfm bixaf. AuhnF mlveI XfrF ny jwgy kol kuJ smfn Byijaf nfl qfgId kIqI “sfzy ipMz ËrUr jfeIN, nfly mflvf dys vyK afvIN sfzy Brf qyrI pUrI syvf krx gy” jwgy hfmI BrI, kihMdf “mYN ËrUr jfAUNgf, AuhnF nUM kih dyxf GVf Gol ky rwKx, GrdI df suafd vwKrf huMdf” jwgf idwlI eyar port qoN bs lYky iswDf Èihr bMgy phuMc igaf. kuJ idn atwk ky, Aus ny mflvy jfx dI iqafrI PV leI. dwsy smyN muqfibk Aus ny mogy qwk bws PVI. awgy ipMz kwkV qoN mlveI ajYb qy Aus dy sfQI jIp lYky imwQy smyN muqfibk bws awzy phuMc gey. AuhnF jwgy mfhl nUM cuwikaf, mIt mfrkIt rylvy roz qoN pMj iklo bwkry df mIt KRIidaf, iswDy ipMz jfx dI ibjfey, Kyq purfxy KUh Auwqy phuMc gey. KUMhF dy pfxI dUr jfxy bMd pey sn. iewk pfsy bYTk nfl bfhr vfr suwky KUh ivwc motr lwgI, ijs df stftrr koTVI aMdr lwgf sI. koTVI dy nfl hI Cotf ijhf pwkf cuwlf cONkf vI sI, ijwQy ÈIrI rwiKaf iJAurF df muMzf, nfm kfÜf (kfÜU) qVkF quwVkf BuMndy dI KuÈboa afsy pfsy dUr qwk sugMD iKlfr rhI, nfl hI KUh dI pYV Auwqy ikwkrF brkYxF qy tfhlIaF dy dRKwqF JuMz Qwly pfxI iCVk ky cfr mMjy zfhy hoey, ivckfr iewk purfxf myË, ijs df ÈrdeI rMg rogn kfPI lih cuwkf, Aupr TMzy pfxI dI BrI islvr dI kytlI itkfeI peI, msfly dI KuÈboa dUr qk mihkF Cwz rhI, vwzy rfh qoN KUh vflI phI muVidaF hI ieh KuÈbo nwk nfl tkrfAux lwg peI. rfq dI mihPl dIaF iqafrIaF ho rhIaF sn. kfÜU ny brsIn dIaF vwtF qoN mUlIaF aqy hry lvy ipafË sxy BUkF puwt ky Do svfr ky iek vwzI trya ivc rwK ley. afAux sfr kwcf mIt kfÜy dy hvfly kIqf Aus ny TMzy pfxI nfl Doieaf qy Buwjdy msfly ivwc pf idwqf. CyqI hI guVbuV dI avfË ny mIt irwJxy PuVkVy pf idwqf. Kyq mflk ajYb mlveI ny avfË mfrI “kfiÜaF koTVI aMdrlI almfrI ivwcoN rgiVaf kfÜf lUx qy kfÜIaF imrcF bfhr
cuwk ilaf, afjf ! bfhr rMg bMnIey” kihx
dI dyr hI sI kfÜf aMdro PurqI nfl dony kwc dIaF kOlIaF vrgIaF cOVIaF ÈIÈIaF cuwk ilafieaf nfl iewk aMgryËI Èrfb
dI boql ivwc rUVI mfrkf ijs df pUrf kx
bixaf, sfP ivcdI dUsry pfsy idsdf, pr Auh pUrI BrI nhI, lYvl kuJ nIvF hoieaf, ilaf rwKI. “bfeI mYN cmcf Doky idMdf” kfÜf, cubwcy vwl nUM ho quiraf. “kfiÜaF qyrI cfl dwsdI ey ! pihlF lfieaf lwgdf
Eey” ajYb ny kfÜy nUM pYrF qoN kwZxf cfihaf “hF bfeI, pihlF vfÜy qy dUsry gyV dy GVy dIaF boqlF nyV ò hI nwpIaF sn donF df
‘gurdyv isMG aflmvflf’
tyst cYwk kIqf, iewknF ivwcoN kuJ mfmUlI Ktfs mfrdI sI Auh dwbI rihx idwqI. bws afh ! soicaf kYnyzIan nUM pihly qoV dI nMbr vn (qohÌf) ivKfAuxI, AuwQy jfky mYnUM Xfd kiraf krUgf” jwgf duafbIaf ieh lUx imrc vfly brqx, rUVI mfrkf, sfeIz qy cuwlf, mMjy vyK sfrI gwl BFp igaf, lwgdf ieh jugfVI bMdy af, iewQy ieh awgy vI mylf lfAudy rihMdy hox gy. hws ky kihMdf “ajYb BfjI ! Dfhzy kol hr qrF dy kfrIgr hn, afh ! kfÜy ny qF gwl krky muwZoN nËfrf ilaf idwqf eI” jwgy KuÈI ivc QoVf ijhf isr ihlfieaf.
Friday, June 14th, 2024
BfvyN kYnyzf jfx qoN pihlF jwgy ny bQyrI kwZI qy pIqI, pr Kyq vfly mhOl df nËfrf qy mihPl ieh rOxk mylf pihlI vfr vyK irhf sI. ajYb dy Xfr POjI ny ieÈfrf ijhf krky muwCF Auwqy hwQ Pyiraf kihMdf “ilaf KF kfiÜaF vyKIey qUM ikMny ku pfxI ivc hYN” AuDr ajYb ny axGwVq ijhI krd nfl mUlI kwtidaF lvIN ijhI mUÜI nUM lUx imrc nfl lpyt ky ‘gVwc’ dyxy dMdI vwZI. eyny nUM kfÜy kwc dy glfs pfxI ivwc aMgHfl ky myj Auwqy iswDy kIqy, pfAuxI ÈurU kIqI. pihly qoV dy pYwg pfAux nfl glfs hor vI sfP idwsx lwg pey, QoVf ò pfxI pfieaf qF pYwg ivc mfmUlI nIlI Bfa mfrnI ÈurU hoeI. kfÜU ny mUMh dIaF bfCF ijhIaF iKlfr ky ikhf “myrI bxfeI ! sB ÈrqF pUrIaF krdI bfeI, sfbq krdI ik mYN pihly qoV dI nfr hF” POjI kihMdf “bolo jI imwqrF dI jY ho” sfry kihMdy “jY ho” sfiraF iewk iewk iCwtf DrqI mfqf nUM idwqf Xkdm sfry, sfrf ò pYwg sVfk gey, kYnyzIan stfiel ivwc jwgf ny do ku Guwtf Br ky, glfs rwK idwqf, nfÈF ijhIaF JVfeIaF qy DuVDuVI ijhI leI, pqly ipafË nUM pUC vwilE PV ky lUx imrc ivwc lvyV ky, Kfxf ÈurU kIqf, nfl boilaf “ikdF dy, ikaf kihxy nÈy dy, bhuq vwDIaf KuÈboa CwzdI peI ey, kfÜU Bfa ! lONg lYcIaF qy mlwTI pfeI lwgdI hY” kfÜf vizafeI ivc afieaF pqIly ivwc kwVCI GumfAudf boilaf “bfeI ! kwZx qoN pihlF pUqny dIaF do guwtIaF jfÜI nfl lpyt ky ivc pfeIaF sn” “qFhI, qfhIN BfjI, zgfr vDIaf hfËmyN vflf afieaf eI” jwgy Èyv kIqf mUMh pUMJidaF buwl cwty, KuÈI ivc JUm ky afsy pfsy isr ihlfieaf. POjI ny pihly pYwg nfl aMgVfeI ijhI BMnI kihMdf “sOh grMsF dI jy ikqy ieho ijhI ldfK ivc isafÜF nUM iml jFdI, cIny hor vI Coty ò lwgx lwg pYxy sn BYx dyxy” “AuwQy bfrzr Auwqy asIN pwQrF dI CotI ijhI kMD dy afho sfhmxy bQyry huwJo-huwJI hoey sF” pYwg cldf irhf, nfÜ cuwtkilaF dI mihPl vI cldI rhI. Krf nÈf qfrF bMnI afAuNdf, bfhr KyqF ivwcoN itwizaF ibMizaf, zwzUaF dIaF avfËF vwKrf sMgIq CyV rhIaF sn. jwgf mfhl ieh sfry mfhOl nUM vyK ky bhuq KuÈ, idl AuzUM AuzUM krdf. eyny nUM lwgdf kfÜy nUM nÈy ny Dwkf mfiraf ijvyN cV geI hovy, Aus ny kMn qy hwQ Dr ky, mfxk dI kwlI gfAuNdy ny awVHfT ijhf pfieaf qy hyk cwkI, bs hyk kfhdI sI lyrÙ ijhI mfrI, qF sfry hwsx lwg pey. hryk cutkly df prfgf kfÜy Auwqy JwVx lwgf. “kr lE, kr lE mKOlF mYnUM, jy bfeI jwgf mYnUM kYnyzf lY igaf qF ipwCoN Xfd kiraf kro gy” mIt bx igaf awg ipwCy iKwc idwqI. ajYby Zkfr mfridaF nfsF
ijhIaf cVf ky ikhf “iewk jfxf ipMz jfky cfr ibsqry qy rotIaF vI cwk ilafAu” nfl hI mUMh BuaF ky kfÜy nUM Kbrdfr kIqf “kfiÜaF ! ihsfb nfl rhI myrf iKafl, qYnUM hI ipMz jfxf pYxf, GroN kuJ ibsqry qy rotIaf qUM hI ihMmq nfl ilafAuxIaf, nfl BfnUM beIey nUM lY jfvIN, jIp ihsfb nfl clfAuxI, bs hux hor nF pYwg lfeI, awj afpF pRfhuxcfrI mihmfn invfjI ivc koeI ksr nhIN CwzxI" kfÜf hfmI Br igaf, aFhdf, “bfeI ! jykr ijafdf hI kYnyzIan dI syvf krnI qF sYdF mrfsx nUM cwkI afvF nfly gfAux-pfxI hojU” “vyK lvIN jykr Auh hor pfsy n geI hoeI, jwgy kYnyzIan df pUrf mUz bixaf, afpF syvf nfl pUrf nuhf ky qorF gy” pr ajYb horF nUM ieh nhIN sI pqf ik jwgf ajy CVf CtFk hY, ieh qF bfad ivwc agly idn gwlF KuwlIaF. kfÜy dUsrI boql kwZ ky bfhr myË Auwqy rwK idwqI. cfbI GuMmfeI jIp Èurrr krdI ipMz vwl nUM inkl geI.
hnyrf kfPI vwD cuwkf sI koTVI dy Aupr vflI lfiet qy vwzf blv idn cVfeI bYTf, dUr qwk dwg irhf Aus AudfÜy BmwkVF ny pUrf Jurmwt pfieaf hoieaf. ievyN hI mIt Èrfb AudfÜy Jurmwt, sfry afhr lwgy hoey sn. bwkrf suafd bixaf glfsI cldI rhI. GrdI ny sfry ipafkV cmkf idwqy. do ku KyqF dy guaFZI qF mwTy ò do ku lfky GrF nUM cly gey. ipMz vloN afAuNdI jIp dIaf lfeItF isafx ky ajYb kihx lwgf "afpxy vflI hI lwgdI hY" keI vfr pulIs vI rfq nUM KyqF ivc ryz (Cfpy) mfrdI rihMdI. ies krky KyqF ivc kwZx pIx vfÜy hmyÈf cukMny rihMdy, bixaf mfl qy kwZx vfly BFzy afsy pfsy sFB ky, rwKI rwKdy. jIp KUMh Auwqy phuMc geI. kfÜy qy BfnUM ny smfn lfhuxf ÈurU kIqf.
mgrlIaf sItF qoN ipCly pfsy dI sYdF ny pMjyb vflf iek pYr bfhr kwiZaf. jwgy ny do iqMn vfr awKF mÜIaf ! mqy koeI Kuafb supnf hovy. agly imMt sYdF cuMnI nUM dubfry isr Auqy lY ky muwK svfrdI bfhr AuwqrI. jwgy dI ingfh Aus dI grdn Auqy peI. kfÜI gfnI ivc qvIqVIaf, awKF msqfnIaF ivc kjly dI DfrI, iKcvF surmF, nwk ivc kokf, srIr bhuq sohxf pUrf gwiTaf, pUrI iPwt lwgdI, rMg sFvlf pr ibjlI dy blv ivc gorf ò lwigaf. jwgy dy aMdrlI iek qrMg ny idl nUM guwJf ijhf quxkf mfiraf, Auh sfry df sfrf ihwl igaf. iek GrdI Èrfb df nÈf dUsrf sYdF vwl vyK ky idl ivc qfr vfgUM krMt ijhf lwigaf, ikdF df husn, vyK idl ivcoN hfa ! hfey inklI. jwgf ihwk Auwqy hwQ rwK, lMmF hOkf Br igaf. bfkI agly aMk c
A first for Chilliwack’s growing health community has been achieved with the purchase of a new point-ofcare ultrasound. The latest technology reflects the process of innovation that is at the core of Fraser Health’s continued focus on transformation and growth. The new mobile, handheld, ultrasound (sonographic assessment of patients-incare) provides several benefits the older model was unable to provide. For instance, the new point-of-care ultrasound can be used while a patient is being transported to the hospital or at a site of trauma enabling safe and efficient portable imaging; whereas the bedside ultrasound was only available in a contained space.
According to family physician and UBC Site Director for Chilliwack Family Medicine Residency Program Dr. Alison Henry the “point of Care Ultrasound is a new modality that will allow family physicians to provide improved bedside care. We are very grateful to the Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation for purchasing the handheld ultrasounds on behalf of Family Doctors in Chilliwack.”
According to Dr. Jassal, donor relations, “the new ultrasound allows patients-incare to receive non-invasive, real-time imaging capability, and efficient medical assessment
wherever they are located. The root of our funding is to help provide excellence in health care for Fraser Valley residents”. To support projects like this one please contact: Lakhbir. Jassal@fraserhealth.ca or visit fvhcf. ca to learn more.
Physicians Drs. Richard Darby and Alison Henry showcasing the new equipment for Chilliwack/Fraser Rural primary care providers. The Fraser Valley Health Care Foundation raises funds for vital equipment and programs funded or endorsed by the Fraser Health Authority. They serve the communities of Abbotsford, Mission, Chilliwack, Hope, Agassiz and Harrison Hot Springs.
(NC) As the job market tightens postpandemic and companies look to cut costs, many job seekers are once again finding there’s greater competition for fewer roles. One field that’s bucking the trend and projected to grow? Technology.
According to the Information and Communications Technology Council, Canada’s digital economy employment is forecasted to reach 2.26 million, triggering demand for an additional 250,000 jobs by 2025. So, focusing on the tech industry could be a smart move if you’re looking for work. Even if it isn’t your area of expertise, there are many ways to break into this thriving field. Check out these tips to get started:
Think outside the box. Don’t have an engineering degree or have zero interest in coding? There are plenty of in-demand jobs in the sector that don’t require specialized degrees or knowledge of html. Most tech companies need employees in marketing, sales, customer support, HR, admin and more.
Level up your skills. Keeping up with the latest tools and programs in a con-
stantly evolving field is important. If you have some background in IT, consider taking an online course – many are available for free straight from the software manufacturer or through your local library. If you’re new to tech, look for programs dedicated to helping newcomers to the field. One resource is ComIT, a Canadian non-profit offering job seekers free technology and professional skills training. Through government and partner funding, ComIT offers three-month-long specialized courses for in-demand technology jobs.
Create an online portfolio. Even if you’re a newbie to the industry, you can show off your tech skills and gogetter attitude to a potential employer with a sharp website. Briefly touch on who you are, your transferrable skills, and what you’re looking for in a job. List your achievements, including new certifications and ongoing training. Provide examples of cool projects you’ve completed – at work, school, or in your spare time – that showcase your successes and why you’d be a good hire. Learn more about free tech training at comit.org.
jy qusIN dMd lvfAuxy hn jF iPr lgvfey hn
dMd purfxy hn aqy nvyN lvfAuxy hn quhfzy lvfey dMd iZqly hn jF tuwt gey hn blrfj nfl apfieMtmYNt bxfE aqy Kfxf cMgI qrHF KfE
jy quhfzy sfry dMd nhIN inkly pr Kfxf TIk qrHF nhIN Kf huMdf qF blrfj nUM imlo ieh quhfzI syvf leI srI ivwc hn.
Internationally educated professionals will soon have a more streamlined, efficient and transparent process to get their credentials recognized in B.C.
"The Premier gave me the task to get the International Credentials Recognition Act across the finish line, and I'm happy to say we've done it,” said Ravi Parmar, Parliamentary Secretary for International Credentials. “For too long, skilled professionals from around the world have come to our province hoping for a better life, only to find roadblocks in their way. But now, with these regulations, we're changing that. It means simpler, fairer rules so these professionals can start working in their fields faster, providing the services our communities need.”
The International Credentials Recognition Act will come into effect on July 1, 2024, after significant consultation with 18 regulatory bodies, led by the parliamentary secretary for international credentials.
The act will require regulatory bodies to reduce red tape and remove barriers in 29 professions and make it easier, more transparent and quicker for those qualified professionals to pursue and achieve credential recognition, no matter where they were trained.
One major change is eliminating the catch-22 of unnecessary Canadian work experience requirements for experienced internationally trained professionals. The catch-22 was that a person needed work experience to work in Canada, but couldn’t work in Canada because of the lack of Canadian work experience.
The professions include engineers, social workers, veterinarians, paramedics, early childhood educators, teachers, biologists, land surveyors, architects and more.
The act will also enhance fairness by requiring regulators under the act to charge similar fees for international and domestic applicants, eliminating
redundant English-language testing requirements. There is also required accountability and transparency to the public through new data collection and reporting requirements, and enforcement tools to ensure compliance with the act.
The Province will be appointing a superintendent of international credential recognition. The superintendent will oversee the fair recognition of international credentials, addressing any systemic or procedural issues. Additionally, they will have the authority under the act to issue orders for compliance and impose administrative penalties as needed.
The superintendent will work with regulators on implementation and compliance for the new regulations.
Quick Facts:
The international credentials recognition Act reflects feedback received through public engagement and consultation with regulatory bodies. The act complements the work being done by the Ministry of Health to create new pathways for health-care workers coming to Canada.
Learn More:
Learn more about international credential recognition here: https:// www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/education-training/post-secondaryeducation/international-credentials
The Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf
gOrv muMjfl
asI nvyN zYNtl kyar plYn vfly mrIjL lY rhy hF.
anykF bImfrIafˆ dy shI ielfj leI hux sfzy koloˆ nvIˆ Koj nfl iqafr kIqIafˆ dvfeIafˆ lY skogy.
* mfeIgRyn. * joVfˆ dy drd. * koeI vI aMdrUnI bImfrI. * iksy vI qrHfˆ dI ienPYkÈn. * gRihsqI jIvn sbMDI smwisafvfˆ. * AudfsI aqy Gbrfht rog. * cmVI dy rog. * ikwl muhfsy, iÌnsIafˆ afid. * Qfierfz.
qknflojI dy vwDdy pRsfr nfl sfzI jIvnÈYlI vI bdldI jf rhI hY. sFJy pirvfrF df ruJfn hux Gtdf jf irhf hY. iekihry pirvfrF dI igxqI idnoN-idn
vwDdI jf rhI. ies sB df bwicaF ’qy vI
burf pRBfv pY irhf hY. awj-kwlH dy bwcy irÈiqaF dI kdr krnI Buwldy jf rhy hn. pihlF bwicaF df pflx-poÈx sFJy
pirvfrF ’c huMdf sI, ijs kfrn bwicaF
dy jnm huMdy sfr hI moh dIaF qMdF afpxy irÈqydfrF nfl juVIaF huMdIaF sn. bwicaF nUM dfdf-dfdI, nfnf-nfnI, qfieaf-qfeI, BUaf-PuwPV, cfcf-cfcI df pqf huMdf sI
pr awj-kwlH dy bwicaF nUM mMmI-pfpf qy
aMkl-aFtI df irÈqf hI pqf hY. bfkI
sB irÈqy dUr huMdy jf rhy hn. pihlF sFJy
pirvfrF ’c bwicaF ’c afieaf Coty qoN Cotf bdlfa vI vwizaF dI nËr ivc af jFdf sI. awj dy smyN ’c sB qoN vwzI qRfsdI qF ieh hY ik mF qy ipqf bwcy ’qy nËr nhIN rwK skdy. sfnUM aksr Aus smyN hI hoÈ afAuNdI hY, jdoN bwcf Êlq kMmF ’c bhuq dUr jf cuwikaf huMdf hY. ivKfvf awj sfzy jIvn df aihm aMg bx cuwikaf hY. awj-kwlH hr ivakqI afpxy vwzy nUM dyK ky Aus dI nkl krn dI koiÈÈ krdf hY. bwcf vI vyKo-vyKI mfipaF qoN afpxIaF vwK-vwK qrHF dIaF mMgF krdf hY. awj-kwlH dy bwcy nUM afpxI afËfdI ’c iksy qrHF dI dÉl-aMdfËI psMd nhIN. bwicaF nUM aijhf koeI ivakqI psMd nhIN, jo AunHF dy rihx sihx, Kfx-pIx, GuMmx-iPrn ’c koeI dÉl-aMdfËI kry. hux qF mfqf-ipqf qy bwicaF ivckfr vI qlÉI vwDdI jf rhI hY. awj df bwcf hr smyN ziraf ziraf rihMdf hY. dfdy-dfdI dI khfxIaF, cfcy-qfey, BUaf df ipafr kdy
Aus ny mfixaf hI nhIN. afDuinkqf kfrn pirvfrF dy Ércy qy ËrUrqF vwD geIaF hn. hr ivakqI nUM afpxy pirvfr dy BivwK dI iÌkr hY. Gr dy Ércy clfAux leI mfqf-ipqf dovF nUM kMm leI GroN bfhr jfxf pYNdf hY. AunHF kol ieMnf smF vI nhIN huMdf ik Auh bwcy dIaF BfvnfvF smJx. bwcf Gr ’c tYlIivËn, mobfeIl, tYblt afid kMipAUtr ’qy inrBr ho igaf hY. vIzIE gymF, ieMtrnYwt bwicaF dy sfQI bx gey hn,
ijs kfrn bwcf mfVIaF alfmqF df iÈkfr ho irhf hY. jy asIN ienHF smwisafvF ’qy kfbU pfAuxf cfhuMdy hF qF sfnUM afpxy bwicaF nUM irÈiqaF dI kdr krnI isKfAuxI pvygI. ies leI ËrUrI hY ik sB qoN pihlF asIN Éud irÈiqaF dI kdr krIey. irÈqydfrF dy afAux ’qy mihmfn-invfËI df ivKfvf krn dI QF swcy idl nfl AunHF df suafgq krIey. jy asIN afpxy mfipaF nfl iewko pirvfr ’c rih nhIN skdy qF Gwto-Gwt kuJ idnF bfad afpxy bwcy nUM nfl lY ky AunHF nUM imlx ËrUr jfeIey. Gwto Gwt tYlIPon rfhIN afpxy irÈqydfrF dy sMprk ’c rhIey. jy asIN Éud irÈiqaF dI kdr krFgy qF sfzy bwcy afpxy afp irÈiqaf dI kdr krngy. afE rl ky afpxy bwicaF nUM afDuinkqf dy mwkV jfl ’coN bfhr kwZ ky irÈiqaF dI sFJ ’c Èfiml krIey. iekwly rihx kfrn bwcy irÈiqaF df snmfn krnf qy AunHF nUM iewËq dyxf Buwldy jf rhy hn. AunHF nUM afpxy rIqI-irvfjF qy pRMprfvF df iblkul vI igafn nhIN irhf. ieho kfrn hY ik awj-kwlH dy bwicaF ’c sihxÈIlqf, ipafr, imlvrqn, vMz ky Kfx, iqafg afid guxF dI Gft pfeI jf rhI hY. sB qoN vwzI Gft bwicaF ’c afqm-ivÈvfs dI hY, ijhVf iekwlypx ’c rihx kfrn ivksq nhIN huMdf. purfxy pirvfrF ’c bwcf hmyÈf ÉuÈ qy afqm-ivÈvfs nfl Biraf huMdf sI. hr mF-bfp nUM ieh jfx lYxf cfhIdf hY ik AunHF dy bwcy Auho ijhf hI ivhfr aqy afdqF Dfrn krngy, ijho ijhIaF Auh vyKxgy. mfipaF nUM bwicaF sfhmxy afdrÈ ivhfr apxfAux dI koiÈÈ krnI cfhIdI hY. mfipaF nUM cfhIdf hY ik afdrÈ ivhfr nfl Gr ’c mfhOl hI aijhf isrijaf jfvy ik bwcy Éud cMgIaF afdqF gRihx krdy jfx. afdrÈ ivhfr qoN swKxIaF iswiKafvF bfl mn nUM socx leI mjbUr krdIaF hn. bwcy bol ky byÈwk nf kihx pr AunHF dy mn ivc ieh svfl ËrUr AuwTdf hY ik sfzy mfpy jo AunHF nUM krn leI kihMdy hn, Auh Éud ikAuN nhIN krdy? so mfpy ijho ijhI ÈÉsIaq afpxy bwicaF dI cfhuMdy hn, pihlF Éud Aus ÈÉsIaq dy DfrnI ËrUr bxn.
awj dy Ëmfny ivc hryk bMdy dy ichry ’qy koeI nf koeI tYnÈn idKfeI idMdI hY. hr
Aumr dy bMdy dy ichry ’qy koeI nf koeI qxfE
qF ËrUr huMdf hY. jykr koeI hwsdf vI hY
qF AuwproN-AuwproN. ijs qoN Aus dy duwK bfry nf puwCo suKI kyvl EhI jfpdf hY. drasl ienHF tYnÈnF nUM ijMdgI ’c afAux df swdf vI asIN afp hI idwqf hY. asIN afpxI iËMdgI jF ishq pRqI vDyry tYnÈn dy iËMmyvfr vI afp hI hF. pihlF dy lok sdf hwsdy vwsdy rihMdy sn. awj kwlH sfnUM sfzy roË dy kMmF kfrF ny vDyry dbf ky riKaf hY. asIN lok afpo afpxy kMm DMdy krdy-krdy KuwlH ky aqy ÉuÈ ho iËMdgI ijAUx qoN vFJy hI rih gey hF. drasl sfnUM afpxIaF hr roË dIaF tYnÈnF nUM dUr rwK ky afpixaF nfl vI bihxf cfhIdf hY. jy rwb vloN idwqI ieko iek iËMdgI vI asIN ies tYnÈn dy cwkr ivwc kwt leI qF Pyr Ausdf koeI Ìfiedf nhIN, ikAuNik asIN iËMdgI kwtx nhIN, ijAUx afey hF. jy asIN afpxy idmfÊ nUM aqy afpxy afs-pfs dy vfqfvrn nUM ÉuÈ rKFgy qF hI asIN Éud nUM ÉuÈ rwK skFgy. iËMMdgI sfzy leI rwbI dfq hY ijhdf AupXog sfnUM hws Kyz ky krnf cfhIdf hY. jdoN asIN hwsdy rihMdy hF qF sfzf srIr vI qMdrusq rihMdf hY sfzf ÉUn vI vDdf hY. sfzy cMgy suBfa kfrn hI lokI sfzy nfl rihxf psMd krdy hn. jykr afpF gwl JugIaF-JONpVIaF vfilaF dI krIey qF Auh lok sfzy nfloN ikqy iËafdf ÉuÈ jfpdy ny ikANuik Auh lok inwkI-inwkI gwl ivwcoN vI afpxI ÉuÈI lwB hI lYNdy hn. AunHF nUM jy rotI nf vI imly Auh qF vI ÉuÈ
aqy hr hflq ’c rwb dI rËf ivc rihxf
iswK lYNdy hn. hux jy asIN AunHF dI qulnf vwzy mihl-munfiraF vfly lokF nfl krIey
qF AunHF dy ichry qoN hI pqf lwg jFdf hY ik Auh ikMny ku suKI hn jF ikMny ku duKI.
sfzI iËMdgI ivc jo vI huMdf cfhy mfVf hovy jF cMgf, agr asIN hoey bIqy nUM soc ky AusdI tYnÈn lYx nfloN AuhnUM rwb df Bfxf smJ ky Cwz deIey qF Aus ivwc sfzf hI Ìfiedf hovygf. asIN AunHF inwkIaF gwlF dI vI soc ivcfr kr ky tYnÈnf lY lYNdy hF ijnHF dI loV vI nhIN huMdI. iËMdgI ’c jy kuJ mfVf vI huMdf hY jF sfnUM iksy kMm ivwc sPlqf pRfpq nhIN vI huMdI qF sfnUM Aus bfry soc ky afpxy afp nUM duKI nhIN krnf cfhIdf.
iËMdgI ijwq-hfr dI Kyz hY. ijwqx nfloN hfrnf vDyry kuwJ isKf jFdf hY. hr idn sfnUM ÉuÈI nfl rwb dI rËf ivc ibqfAuxf cfhIdf hY. jdoN asIN duKI rihMdy hF qF asIN afpxy nfl rihMidaF lokF nUM vI afpxy duwK suxf ky duKI krdy hF. sfnUM hmyÈf ÉuÈIaF hI vMzxIaF cfhIdIaF hn. jy afpF iËMdgI nUM ijAUxf hI hY, hr idn ibqfAuxf hI hY qF hws ky ibqfAuxf sfzy leI vDyry cMgf nhIN hovygf? jdoN afpF ÉuÈIaF df bIj lfvFgy qF EhI Auwgx gIaF. ÉuÈ rihxf vI sPlqf dI inÈfnI hY. jy afpF hr cIË nUM ÉuÈI nfl svIkfr rhy hF qF iehdf mqlb asIN afpxI iËMdgI ivwc sPl ho rhy af. ijAuNdy jI qF sfzI ijMdgI ivwcoN kdy duwK hI nhIN muwkxgy.
Father’s Day is a time for people to celebrate the men in their lives. For children, it is a day to show appreciation for their fathers and fatherfigures. For adults, it is a day to show much they love and appreciate the hard work of the fathers and husbands in their lives. Although many of us celebrate Father’s Day, we may not know the history behind this tradition. Surprisingly, this holiday was not completely accepted at first. But over time, people embraced the idea of the influence fathers had on their families, especially in their children’s lives.
According to the History Channel, Sonora Smart Dodd, a woman from Spokane, Washington, was the founder of Father’s Day. She was one of six children raised by her widowed father. Her mother had died during the birth of her sixth child. Since Mother’s Day was established in 1908, Sonora Smart Dodd wanted to have an equivalent holiday for fathers. To promote her idea of celebrating fathers for a day, Sonora visited local churches and the YMCA and met with shopkeepers and government officials to gain support for this new tradition. Because of her hard work, Sonora found success when Washington State celebrated the first Father’s Day on June 19, 1910.
Even though Mother’s Day gained momentum right away, it would take years for Father’s Day to be nationally recognized as a holiday. In 1916 and 1924, Presidents Wilson and Calvin Coolidge showed support for Father’s Day. President Coolidge even urged state governments to celebrate this holiday. But it was not until decades later that Father’s Day would be recognized as a national holiday. In 1966, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed a presidential proclamation designating the third Sunday in June as Father’s Day. In 1972, President Nixon finally established a permanent national observance of Father’s Day. One reason it took so long for Father’s Day to become a national holiday was
because of a lack of support among men. Many men felt the holiday traditions of gift-giving and flowers did not celebrate their masculinity. Some also thought it was a way for stores to commercialize another holiday and to pressure families into spending more money by buying unnecessary gifts. In the 1920s and 1930s, a movement actually attempted to eradicate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. The movement’s supporters called for replacing those holidays with Parent’s Day, in which both parents are celebrated. Despite the movement’s efforts, Mother’s Day stayed on the calendar, and Father’s Day would eventually be added to the national calendar.
Why Should We Celebrate Father’s Day?
Despite the original controversy surrounding Father’s Day, society has had a growing awareness of the importance of fathers. In the early 1900s, fathers did not receive much credit for the influence they had on their children. In fact, most psychological studies completed on parenting focused their research on mothers. However, in the 1970s, psychologists started recognizing the importance of fathers.
Basically, children who have involved fathers are more likely to be healthy emotionally, socially, and intellectually. Even when children face crises, having an involved father helps children regulate their behavior and feelings better than children whose fathers are absent.
In addition, children who have absent fathers are more likely to engage in at-risk behaviors. This is why there has been a push for male mentors in elementary schools.
While mothers have been recognized as the primary caretakers, times are definitely changing as more women are offered more opportunities in the workplace and fathers are becoming more involved in raising children rather than primarily focusing on providing for the family. Fathers
today work hard to take care of their families by providing for their needs, helping with household chores, and spending time with their children.
But sometimes, our fathers are not around to celebrate. If your father has passed or is alive but absent, or you do not have a husband and children, you can still honor a grandfather or male mentor. Think about another man that has positively influenced your life (such as a teacher, coach, or pastor) to whom you can wish a happy Father’s Day. You can even celebrate a friend or a neighbor who is a dad on Father’s Day.
Sometimes, we do not have positive relationships or views of fatherhood from our earthly fathers. If you suffered abuse or neglect at the hands of your father, spend the day focusing on your heavenly Father Who loves you and is the perfect Father—a Father Who will never hurt you and is always for you.
There are a variety of ways we can celebrate our fathers. We can purchase them special gifts, take them to see their favorite baseball team, give them a day to spend on the golf course, or simply buy a card that tells them how awesome they are.
Another way to celebrate Father’s Day is to host a cookout for all the fathers in the family (e.g., brothers, uncles, and grandfathers). If you do not live close to family, you can also host a neighborhood block party to celebrate the fathers in the neighborhood or gather with a few close friends who are fathers.
Oftentimes, we think of mothers as sentimental, but fathers like to hear how much their children love them and why they think their fathers are great. They like to be the superheroes in the story—the ones who save the day and make their children’s and spouse’s lives better. For more ideas on how to celebrate Father’s Day, check out 5 Ways to Celebrate with Dad.
(NC) As the warm weather rolls in, so does the potential for extreme weather events. These can bring strong winds, heavy rainfall and even hail, posing significant risks to homes and properties. Don’t let the wet weather put a damper on your spirit this summer. Consider trying out these tips so you can navigate storm season like a pro this year.
Taking the time to secure or bring any outdoor furniture, decorations or objects inside can prevent them from becoming damage-causing projectiles in high winds. Items such as patio umbrellas, lawn chairs, garden decorations and small potted plants are just some of the items that you should bring in.
Overhanging branches and untrimmed trees can be hazardous during extreme weather, potentially causing damage to your home or neighbouring properties if they fall. Trimming back branches that are close to your home or power lines can reduce the risk. Check with your municipality before cutting any tree significantly as that may require a permit. Regular tree-maintenance can help prevent damage year-round. During storms, windows and doors are vulnerable points of entry for wind and rain. Sealing gaps around them can prevent water intrusion and minimize potential water damage. You may also consider installing storm shutters or impactresistant windows to protect against flying debris and
high winds. By reinforcing garage doors, you can help prevent them from collapsing under high wind pressure.
It is also important to have an emergency kit on hand in case the storm lasts longer than expected or does more damage than anticipated. It is suggested that you fill a storage bin or duffel bag with supplies and store it in an area of your home that’s easy to get to, like a hall closet. You can include things like nonperishable food, a can opener, water, solar-powered chargers and or power banks, battery-powered or hand-cranked radios and flashlights, a first-aid kit, medications, extra glasses or contact lenses, copies of your emergency plan, important documents such as insurance papers and identification, cash in small bills as well as seasonal clothing, sturdy footwear and emergency blankets.
If you are impacted by storm damage this summer and you believe that filing a claim with your insurance is necessary, you can start a claim almost instantly either online or via your insurance provider’s app.
Find more information on how to keep your home safe at belairdirect. com.
(ircmMz-blvMq isMG sMGyVf) 27 meI, 2024 nUM srHI dy krIksfeIz aYlImYNtrI skUl dy qkrIbn 35 aiDafipk aqy tIicMg asistYaMt kuJ hor Dfrimk asQfnF dy nfl gurdvfrf nfnk invfs ircmMz ivKy BI nqmsqk hoey. Auh iswK Drm aqy sfAUQ eyÈIan kimAUintI aqy klcr vfry jfxkfrI hfsl krnf cfhuNdy sn. gurdvfrf pRbMDk kmytI vloN dfs (blvMq isMG sMGyVf) ny AuhnF df inwGf svfgq kIqf aqy ivsQfr ivc iswK Drm aqy afpxI kimAUintI vfry jfxkfrI idwqI. iehnF drÈkF ny bhuuq hI sUJvfn svfl pwuCy. ies islsly ivc diwsaf ik AuhnF sB ny ies PyyrI ivc bhuq hI mhwqv pUrn jfxkfrI hfsl kIqI hY. iehnF ivc kfPI aiDafipk aqy AuhnF dy shfiek pMjfbI
BfeIcfry nfl sbMDq sn. AuhnF sB ny guru Gr dI pRbMDk kmytI dI ieho ijhy AuprfilaF leI bhuq ÈlfGf kIqI. iehnF ny dwisaf ik vwKry vwKry DrmF vfry jfxkfrI hfisl krn nfl AuhnF dy igafn aqy socxI ivc bhuq vfDf huMdf hY. AuhnF nfl ieh BI ikhf ik ies guru Gr ivKy AuhnF df bhuq siqkfr kIqf igaf ijs leI Auh dfs (blvMq isMG sMGyVf) aqy smwucI gurdvfrf pRbMDk kmytI dy bhuq DMnvfdI hn. ies qoN AuprMq AuhnF ny kuJ XfdgfrI qsvIrF BI iKwcIaF. jfx qoN pihlF AuhnF ny bhuq hI svfd smoisaF aqy cfh df afnMd mfixaf aqy dfs aqy gurU Gr dI pRbMDk kmytI df hfridk DMnvfd kIqf. ieho ijhy kfrjF nfl sfzI smuwcI kimAUintI df mfx hor BI vwDdf hY.
isrP suafd hI
nhIN, ishq leI vI bhuq ÌfiedymMd hY aMb, idl qoN lY ky awKF qwk
aMb grmIaF dy mOsm ivwc sB qoN vwD KfDf jfx vflf Pl hY. quhfnUM dws dyeIey ik awjkwlH bfËfr ivwc ies dIaF iewk-do nhIN sgoN keI iksmF AuplbD hn, jo nf isrÌ svfd ivwc hI sgoN ishq dy ilhfË nfl vI cMgIaF huMdIaF hn. ieh rsdfr Pl PfeIbr, kfrbohfeIzryt, pRotIn, Polyt, mYgnIÈIam, potfÈIam aqy ivtfimn ey, sI, bI6 nfl BrpUr huMdf hY. afA awj asIN quhfnUM ies dy syvn dy kuJ hYrfnIjnk ÌfieidaF bfry dwsdy hF. aMb isrÌ svfd leI hI nhIN sgoN quhfzy idl leI vI cMgf hY. quhfnUM dws dyeIey ik ies dy syvn nfl idl dI ibmfrI df Kqrf Gwt ho jFdf hY. ieh kolYstRol lYvl nUM kMtrol krn 'c vI bhuq mddgfr hY. ies qoN ielfvf ies nUM Kfxf ilipz lYvl aqy soj nUM Gwt krn 'c vI ÌfiedymMd sfbq huMdf hY. aMb bItf kYrotIn aqy ivtfimn sI vrgy aYNtIafksIzYNts
nfl BrpUr huMdf hY. aijhy 'c ies dy syvn nfl awKF nfl juVIaF keI smwisafvF qoN Cutkfrf iml skdf hY. ies 'c mOjUd gux rYtInf aqy lYNs dI rwiKaf krdy hn aqy awKF dI roÈnI vDfAux 'c bhuq ÌfiedymMd sfbq huMdy hn. aMb df syvn motfpf GtfAux ivc vI bhuq cMgf mMinaf jFdf hY. quhfnUM dws dyeIey ik ies 'c PfeIbr BrpUr mfqrf 'c huMdf hY, ies leI ies nUM Kfx nfl srIr qoN vfDU crbI nUM bfhr kwZx 'c mdd imldI hY, ikAuNik quhfzf pyt lMby smyN qwk Biraf rihMdf hY. aMb dy syvn nfl mYtfboilËm dI dr vDdI hY aqy pfcn ikiraf qyË huMdI hY. ies 'c mOjUd PfeIbr pfcn ikiraf nUM ibhqr bxfAux 'c bhuq ÌfiedymMd huMdf hY, ies leI jykr quhfnUM vI grmIaF 'c bdhËmI, kbË jF aYsIiztI vrgIaF smwisafvF hn qF qusIN ies rsIly Pl df syvn kr skdy ho.
You are joining 50,000+ alumni making a difference in your community and beyond.
Since 1974, we have been inspired by the community spirit and achievements of UFV students. As we celebrate our 50th anniversary, we honour our past, embrace the present, and look forward to a future shaped by your success.
Special thanks to the UFV Alumni Association for hosting this year’s convocation celebration plaza.
Minister Fraser,
Since the devastating floods in 2021, British Columbians have been repeatedly let down by the Liberal government. With minimal support from Ottawa, the municipalities of Abbotsford, Merritt, and Princeton have struggled to recover and rebuild in advance of future floods. The Prime Minister assured them that his government ‘would have their back.’ Sadly, after this photo-op announcement, he left town the next day never to think about impacted residents again.
In the over two years since, the municipalities have gone through lengthy and expensive applications for federal funding through the Disaster Mitigation & Adaptation Fund. We were shocked to see that on June 3, their applications were denied.
By denying this application, the government is turning their backs on our region and putting critical national infrastructure at risk.
Preventing future recurrences of the 2021 disaster is critical for the people of British Columbia whose homes and livelihoods are under threat, but also to protect food security and supply chain integrity for the entire country. It cannot be overstated how pivotal this region’s flood resilience is to the economy of British Columbia and all of Canada.
The Liberal government has had over two years to help British Columbians prepare for floods. But rather than work constructively with communities, this government has opted to gatekeep and break promises.
This is yet another example of a government that is all talk and no action. Together with my colleagues representing British Columbians, we are demanding that you as Minister of Housing, Infrastructure, and Communities demonstrate real leadership by telling the big government gatekeepers to get out of the way and reopen applications to ensure a fair deal for British Columbia.
Yours sincerely, Dane Lloyd, Member of Parliament for Sturgeon RiverParkland and Shadow Minister of Emergency Preparedness
Dan Albas, Member of Parliament for Central Okanagan-SimilkameenNicola
Hon. Ed Fast, Member of Parliament for Abbotsford
Mark Strahl, Member of Parliament for Chilliwack-Hope
Tako Van Popta, Member of Parliament for Langley-Aldergrove
Brad Vis, Member of Parliament for Mission-Matsqui-Fraser Canyon
The University of the Fraser Valley will present honorary degrees to four exceptional people at next week’s Convocation ceremonies.They include T’ít’elem Spáth Eddie Gardner, a lifelong champion of Indigenous rights and environmental sustainability; Marion Keys, a passionate advocate for social justice and community collaboration; Michelle Frances Good, a tireless proponent for meaningful decolonization and reconciliation; and Nick Taylor, a professional golfer who strongly
believes in giving back to the community he calls home. Convocation ceremonies are being held over three days on the UFV Abbotsford campus. Gardner will receive his honorary degree on June 11 at the 9:30 am ceremony, and Keys will receive hers at the 2:30 pm ceremony. Good will be recognized June 12 in a ceremony that begins at 2:30 pm. Taylor, who is scheduled to compete in the U.S. Open tournament in North Carolina, will appear by video during a June 13 ceremony that begins at 9:30 am.
iZwloN, BMgU, DIr ibRitsL kolMbIaf’c ivDfn sBf cox lVngy
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) kYnyzf dy ibRitsL kolMbIaf sUby dy ivDfn sBf hlkf srI-srpYntfeIn irvr qoN inAU zYmokrYitk pfrtI dy afAuNdIaF ivDfn sBf coxF leI awj hoeI nfmjLdgI cox ivwc puils
aiDkfrI qoN isafsqdfn bxy qy kYnyzf dy pihly dsqfrDfrI iswK puils aiDkfrI blqyj isMG iZwloN ny sLfndfr ijwq pRfpq krky pfrtI AumIdvfr vjoN afpxI sIt
pwkI kr leI hY. blqyj isMG iZwloN ny bIqI
4 jUn nUM hI srgrm isafsq ivwc afAux
df aYlfn kIqf sI. ies dOrfn nvyN bxy
ivDfn sBf hlkf lYNglI-aYbtsPorz qoN
kMjLrvyitv pfrtI afP ibRitsL kolMbIaf
dy AumIdvfr leI hoeI nfmjLdgI cox ivwc
kYnyzIan jMmpl pMjfbI nOjvfn hrmn isMG BMgU jyqU irhf hY. jlMDr nyVly ipMz
pUrnpur dy sv: blivMdr isMG BMgU df
PrjMd hrmn isMG trwikMg kMpnI df mflk hY qy Kud vI trwk zrfeIvr irhf hY. sUby dI swqfDfrI inAU zYmokrYitk pfrtI ny jgrfAuN dI jMmpl qy AuWGI smfj syivkf sunIqf DIr nUM ivDfn sBf hlkf vYnkUvr-lMgfrf qoN afpxf pfrtI AumIdvfr bxfieaf hY. aMgryjLI BfsLf dI qjrbykfr ieMstrwktr
sunIqf DIr sksYs sMsQf’c nvyN kYnyzf afey hjLfrF kolF dI mwdd kr cuwkI hY qy vYnkUvr dy pIar eIlIat trUzo aYlImYNtrI skUl dI pyrYNt aYzvfeIjLrI kONsl dI AuWp cyarmYn rih cuwkI hY. ibRitsL kolMbIaf dIaF ivDfn sBf coxF 19 akqUbr nUM hoxgIaF.
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) Bfrq srkfr ny BfrqI ivdysL syvf dy sInIar
aiDkfrI mskUeI ruMgsuMg nUM vYnkUvr df BfrqI kONsl jnrl inXukq kIqf hY. Auh kONsl jnrl mnIsL dI QF lYxgy ijMnHf nUM Bfrq srkfr vloN sfeIprs df hfeI kimnsLnr inXukqf kIqf igaf hY. mskUeI ruMgsuMg dI inXukqI 3 sfl vfsqy kIqI geI hY. idwlI XUnIvristI qoN aMgryjLI’c mfstr pfs mskUeI ruMgsuMg sMn 2001 qoN BfrqI ivdysL syvf’c syvfvF inBf rhy hn. 1999 qoN 2001 qwk AunHf irjLrv bYNk afP ieMzIaf’c syvfvF inBfeIaF iPr Auh jkfrqf qy Zfkf ivKy skwqr qy kONslr rhy.
2009 qoN 2011 qwk Auh jOhnsbrg ivKy BfrqI kONsl jnrl rhy. mskUeI ruMgsuMg meI 2016 qoN 4 jUn 2024 qwk ijMbfbvy qy jmfiekf’c Bfrq dy hfeI kimsLnr rhy. awj AunHf vYnkUvr’c BfrqI koNsl jnrl vjoN afpxf ahudf sMBfl ilaf hY.
vYnkUvr dI pMjfbx zfktr nUM imilaf vkfrI snmfn
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) kYnyzf dy ibRitsL kolMbIaf sUby’c zfktrF dI hOslf aPjfeI krn vflI sMsQf bI[sI[ kflj
afP PYimlI PjIsLIanjL afP kYnyzf vloN
‘mfeI PYimlI zfktr avfrz 2024’ dy jyqUaF df aYlfn kr idwqf hY. sMsQf vloN ieh vkfrI snmfn sUby dy 5 zfktrF nUM idwqf igaf hY ijMnHf ivwc zf[ pRvjoq kOr inwJr ieh snmfn pRfpq krn vflI iewko
iewk pMjfbx zfktr hY. sUby dy 6 hjLfr zfktrF qy mYzIkl ividafrQIaF dI mYNbrisLp vflI sMsQf bI[sI[ kflj afP PYimlI PjIsLIanjL vloN ieh snmfn AunHf zfktrF nUM idwqf jFdf hY ijMnHf dy mrIjL Aus zfktr dIaF syvfvF qoN pUrI qrHF sMqusLr hox qy zfktr df mrIjL pRqI pfrdrsI qy vDIaf ivvhfr hoxy. Zf[ pRvjoq kOr df jnm pMjfb’c hoifeaf pr Auh 2 sfl dI Aumr’c afpxy mfqf ipqf nfl kYnyzf af geI. skUlI pVHfeI krn AuprMq Aus ny vYnkUvr dI XUnIvristI afP ibRitsL kolMbIaf qoN zfktrI dI pVHfeI kIqI. zf[ pRvjoq kOr inwJr bIqy 21 sfl qoN brnbI dy pRfeIm kyar mYzIkl sYNtr ivKy PYimlI PjIsLIan vjoN syvfvF inBf rhI hY.
Who: For children from Kindergarten to Grade 5. Children in Grade 6 & higher may volunteer.
What: A camp full of learning and excitement! Camp will include Gatka, Punjabi, Sikh Videos, Arts & Crafts, Seva Time, Sakhi Time as well as Sports & Games!
Where: Gurdwara Sahib Kalgidhar Darbar (30640 Blueridge Drive, Abbotsford, BC)
When: TIME:
9:00 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.
SESSION 1 (Limited Spots Available) Monday, July 8 - Thursday, July 18, 2024 (9 Days)
SESSION 2 (Limited Spots Available) Monday, July 22 - Thursday, August 1, 2024 (9 Days)
Why: This camp will allow young Sikh children to grow emotionally, mentally, socially, and spiritually. Other opportunities include making friends, interaction with positive role models, Gurmat & Sikh history education, and lots of fun!
Fee: $20/day
SESSION 1: $180 (9 days) SESSION 2: $180 (9 days)
· Campers are required to bring their own snack, lunch, and water bottle.
· If families would like to sponsor pizza lunch for a specific day or special occasion like a child’s birthday, please contact the office.
SESSION 1 SESSION 2 - Sunday, June 23, 2024 - Sunday, July 7, 2024
(NC) In today’s complicated financial environment, every dollar counts for Canadians. Many may miss the opportunity to maximize their money. The question is: how should Canadians allocate their funds? Should they put it towards personal spending, savings or high-interest debt? What if there was another way to use that money for more financial benefit? Consider investing.
A TD survey found that 47 per cent of Canadians have not made or are not planning to make any contributions to their investments this year. They do not feel confident in their investment knowledge or that they’ll be able to retire by the time they plan to. This financial education gap may cause many to miss out on strengthening their investment portfolios.
Before making big investment decisions, meeting with an advisor or personal banker who can help you navigate your financial needs can be beneficial.
What should you be investing in to optimize your financial future? You may want to consider taking advantage of registered plans available in Canada, including Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs) and Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs). Whichever you choose, the important thing is to get into an investing habit and stick to it.
Contributing to investments is essential. If you’re interested in starting your investing journey, financial institutions offer a variety of tools and resources, including personal bankers, to help Canadians reach their financial goals.Learn more about personal banking at td.com.
afpxy iZwly afcrn krky imwnI afpxy muhwly ivc kfPI bdnfm sI. pr hYrfnI dI gwl qy ieh sI ik Aus nUM ies bdnfmI df Borf iPkr nhIN sI, ijs qrHF ‘cor cor’ dI Kyz ivc ‘cor’ bxy hoey muMzy dy idl ivc ieh kdI nhIN afAuNdf ik Aus ny koeI ksUr kIqf hY. Aus muhwly ivc jy koeI Aus ‘qy quhmq lFdf qF iksy suxn vfly ny kdI gwl nhIN sI prqfeI. Aus dy Gr dy afly-duafly dI hvf Aus dI bdnfmI nfl sMGxI hoeI rihMdI. pr afpxy Gr bYTI imwnI nUM ieh hvf kdy nf CUMhdI, ijs qrHF eyarkMzIsLnz gwzI ivc bYTf musfPr bVy afrfm nfl sPLr krI jFdf hY, bfhr BfvyN grmI qy DUV ny ikMnI afKr ilaFdI hoeI hovy. bdnfmI df syk Aus nUM ies krky nf lwgdf ik Aus muhwly dIaF bhuqIaF jLnfnIaF nfl Aus df myljol hI nhIN sI. Aus dIaF QoVHIaF ijhIaF shylIaF sn, kuJ nyk idl buwZIaF jo ieh mMndIaF nhIN sn ik koeI aOrq ies qrHF dI vI ho skdI hY qy kuJ jvfn iesqrIaF jo AuhdI rMgIlI qbIaq nUM psMd krdIaF sn. iehnF qoN ibnf kuJ afdmIaF nUM Auh jfxdI sI jo kuJ idnF leI, kuJ hPLiqaF leI jF kuJ mhIinaF leI Aus dy jIvn ivc afAuNdy qy iPr hOlI hOlI AuhnF dI QF koeI hor mwl lYNdf. iehnF qoN Cuwt Auh iksy hor nfl gwl bfq nf krdI. ies leI nhIN ik Auh iksy dy imhixaF qoN zrdI lukI rihxf cfhuMdI sI, sgoN ies krky ik Aus nUM hor iksy ivc idlcspI hI nhIN sI. afKLr Aus nUM iksy dI prvfh hI kI sI. afpxIaF gwlF lukfx dI Aus kdy koisLsL hI nhIN kIqI sI. afpxIaF jvfn shylIaF nUM Auh sihj suBf sB kuJ dws dyNdI qy keI vyr AuhnF dosqF nUM vI jo Aus nUM psMd huMdy. iek vyr Aus dy trMk ivc kuJ Poto peIaF hoeIaF sn. Aus dy Gr afieaf iek muMzf AuhnF PotoaF nUM iek iek kr ky vyKx lwg ipaf.
“iehnF ivcoN kI vyKdy ho?” Aus ny kol af ky puwiCaf.“mYN Aus aYs[zI[E[ dI Poto lwB irhf hF ijs dI qusIN kwlH gwl kr rhy sI.”
“Auh, Auh Poto ieQy nhIN, Auh qy hor QF peI hY. iPr iksy vyly quhfnUM ivKfvFgI.” Aus ny azol ijhf jvfb idwqf ijs qrHF Aus aYs[zI[E[ df Aus dy jIvn ivc afAuxf, qy Aus dI Poto Aus dy kol hoxf ieMnI ku hI gwl sI ijMnI Aus df afpxI psMd dI iek slvfr KrIdxf. Aus dy ies qrHF dy jIvn dy awj kwlH dy pVHy ilKy keI kfrn dwsdy. koeI afKdf ieh mqryeI mF dy hwQoN plLy bwcy dI ipafr BwuK hY qy koeI ies nUM Aus dy srIr dI bxqr qy inrBr dwsdf. lokF dy ivMgy tyZy sYxqF iesLfiraF krky imwnI dy pqI nUM vI kdI kdI Aus dy iZwly afcrn dy JfAuly pYNdy, pr jdoN imwnI Aus kol bYTdI, gwlF krdI, afpxy cfvF ivc Aus nUM sfQI bxFdI, Aus bfhr gey nUM swKxI
swKxI ijhI hoeI AuzIkdI rihMdI, Aus dI iek-iek cIjL, iek-iek pYsy nUM sFB sFB ky rwKdI, Aus dI iek-iek Cuh df afdr krdI qF Aus idl ieh mMnxoN nFh kr idMdf ik Auh imwnI dy idl df mflk nhIN hY. Coty ijhy kwd dI, szOl ijhI, iqwKI ijhI imwnI Aus dy Gr lyly vFg ieDr AuDr tpUsIaF mfrdI iPrdI rihMdI qy ieh XkIn krnf aOKf ho jFdf ik Aus df idl iksy hor QF hY.
Auh jfxdf sI ik Auh bVy cMcl suBfa dI hY. Aus dy afpxy mn df imwnI dy mn nfl sfvF dOVnf bVI aOKI gwl hY, ijs qrHF koeI iek iqwqr nUM PVn leI ruwKo ruwK Aus dy ipwCy Bwjdf iPry. ies leI Aus ny imwnI nUM iekwilaF ieDr AuDr jfx dI KuwlH idwqI hoeI sI. pr nfl sLrq ieh sI ik Auh ijwQy jfvy, Aus nUM dws ky jfvy. keI vyr imwnI dI sOK leI Auh rfq pYx qy Aus nUM dwsy hoey QF qoN jf ky lY vI afAuNdf. iek vyr jdoN Auh Aus nUM ilafAux leI isnmf Gr igaf qF imwnI isnmf hfl ivcoN inklx dI QF pirEN sVk vloN af rhI sI. afpxy pqI nUM vyK ky Auh asloN nf GbrfeI. ieho ijhI gwl qoN Gbrfxf Aus dI qbIaq ivc nhIN sI. ‘ipkcr Borf cMgI nhIN sI, ivc bYTy bYTy Qwk geI. mYN ikhf clo quhfzy afAux qwk sVk qy sYr hI krIey.’ Aus ny sfdf ijhf bhfnf bxfieaf. ies qoN ipCoN iek hor idn imwnI svyry AuT ky cuwp cupIqI GroN bfhr tur peI. Auhdf pqI vI Auhdy ipCy ipCy igaf. turidaF turidaF Auh bfgL ivc iek vwzy sfry bohV dy hyT clI geI ijs dy vwzy vwzy Juky hoey tfhx qy sMGxy pwqr rfq nUM dvfly dI ibjlI dI rOsLnI afpxy hyT nhIN sn vVn idMdy. ies dy hyToN lwBidaF lwBidaF Aus afpxI rfq dI izwgI hoeI GVI lwB leI qy hwQ nUM bMnH ky Auh Gr nUM muV afeI. ‘imwnI pihlF bohV hyT kI krn afeI sI? ieh
GVI ieQy iks qrHF izwg peI? jdoN GVI izwgI, AudoN hI ikAuN nf lwB ky lY geI? Aus vyly bhuq hnHyrf hoxf ey.’ iehnF gwlF ivc zuwbf Aus df pqI vI ipCy Gr af igaf. pqlf ijhf, gorf ijhf, bysmJ ijhf Aus df pqI ijs nUM afly-duafly dIaF jLnfnIaF sohxf afKdIaF sn, Gfbiraf hoieaf ieh socdf rihMdf, ik ies sfry ikwsy df kI bxU?
afKr Aus ny imwnI df ikDry iekwilaF jfxf
bMd kr idwqf. pqI ht ky hux Auh cOkIdfr bx igaf. Gr ivc vI Aus ny keI qrHF dIaF zfierIaF KolH leIaF qy AuhnF dy idlF dI afpo ivclI sFJ tuwt geI. imwnI dy cfvF df hux Aus nUM Borf afdr nhIN sI.
Aus dy sO vfr kihx qy vI Auuh afpxI pwg df rMg bdlvf ky imwnI dy mn psMd df rMg nf rMgvFdf. iPkso KuxoN dfVHI iKlfr
rwKdf, pjfmf lfh ky pqlUx kdI nf pFdf. dPqroN af ky Auh bwicaF nUM ‘A, a,’ pVHFdf
rihMdf jF ieDr AuDr Gr df koeI hor kMm
krdf rihMdf. pr Gr ivc sB qoN vwzf kMm
jo Auh ibnf kIqy hI kr irhf huMdf ieh ik
afpxIaF hrkqF nfl imwnI df idl sfVdf rihMdf. keI vyKx vfilaF df qy ieh iKafl sI ik imwnI dy afcrn dI iZilafeI kyvl Aus dy pqI dy suBfa kr ky hY. pr kfrn BfvyN kuJ vI hovy AuhnF df pqI-pqnI vflf islislf hux Kqm hoieaf lgdf sI. afpxy pqI nUM vyK ky imwnI dy idl ivc kdI pqnI vflIaF sWDrF AuqpMn nf huMdIaF. Aus df gorf ijhf, TMZf ijhf, ruwKf ijhf, by-svfd srIr imwnI leI ijLMdgI dIaF qbdIlIaF qy nfAumIdIaF df somf sI. Aus dIaF bfhF sKLq sKLq lgdIaF, Aus dy hwz Aus nuM cuBdy qy Aus dy mUMh ivcoN bo afAuNdI. kdI kdI jdoN ieh qxfa iZwlf hoieaf lgdf qF svyry AuT ky Aus df pqI Aus df mUMh cuMmx nUM krdf pr Auh kih idMdI, ‘jI ieh koeI qrIkf ey, suwqy AuTy ho pihlF bursL qy kr lvo.’ imwnI nUM ies qrHF lgdf ijvyN Aus dy pqI dI KlVI ivc sfh kyvl iesy leI afAuNdf ey ik Auh afp suwK df sfh nf lY sky. ikMnI vfr imwnI ny ardfs kIqI ik prmfqmf Aus dy pqI nUM suwqy hoey nUM hI cuwk lvy pr Auh rojL svyry Aus qrHF hI AuT bYTdf. Aus dy AuTx nfl hI imwnI leI Gr iek kYdKfny ivc bdl jFdf. iPr Auh iesLnfn krdf qy cfh bxFdf. Aus dI iek iek hrkq nfl imwnI df klyjf sO sO pyc
KFdf. Aus dy aMdr BFbV bldf qy iehnF BFbVF ivc Auh BujdI rihMdI. pr ies bMdsL ivc Aus dIaF afdqF nhIN bdldIaF sn. afdqF bdlxf pqI sfhmxy hfr mMnx dy brfbr sI. Auh nhIN cfhuMdI sI ik jo qrIkf Aus dy pqI ny imwnI dy jIvn nUM afpxy iKafl muqfbk Zflx df soicaf hY, Auh sPLl ho jfey. Auh mOikaF dI Bfl ivc rihMdI qy mOky iml hI jFdy. kdI ies qrHF hoieaf ik ikDry jFidaF rfh ivc AuhnF dI lfrI Krfb ho geI. rfq kwtx leI Auh iksy dy Gr cly gey. rfq suwiqaF hoieaF Gr vfly ny imwnI dI iKwc ivc Aus df hwQ Guwt ilaf qy jvfb ivc imwnI ny Aus nUM bfhvF ivc hI lY ilaf jF kdI imwnI dy pqI df koeI purfxf dosq Gr afieaf qF imwnI ny ieh ijLwd kIqI ik cUMik Auh Kfs prfhuxf hY ies leI Aus df pqI PlfxI dukfn qoN afp jf ky vDIaf sLrbq dI boql ilafvy, qy ijMny icr ivc Auh sLrbq lY ky afieaf Auny icr ivc Auh ipCoN iek dUjy dy bhuq nyVy ho gey huMdy. iek vfr imwnI dy pqI df PfAUntYn pYWn Krfb ho ky isafhI bhuqI suwtx lwg ipaf. Aus ny ies nUM TIk krn leI iek dukfn qy idwqf. jdoN pYWn muV ky afieaf qF Auh pihlF nfloN vI vDyry Krfb sI. pYWn nUM dubfrf TIk krvfAux leI Auh dubfrf dukfn qy lY igaf. dukfn vflf muMzf bVf CCorf sI. afKx lwgf ieh pYWn ieQoN qy iblkul TIk ho ky igaf sI. mYN ies nUM dubfrf TIk nhIN kr skdf. ies gwl qy qUM-qUM mYN-mYN qy iPr
kulvMq isMG ‘ivrk’
gflI gloc hox lwgI. imwnI dy pqI nUM ies gwl qy bVf guwsf afieaf. qy Aus ny dukfn dy aMdr vV ky Aus muMzy nUM lMimaF pf ky do iqMn Tuwzy mfry. ies rOly gOly ‘qy afs pfs dy dukfndfr iekwTy ho gey. AuhnF dI njLr ivc ieh bVf BfrI jurm sI. jy awj ies nUM mfr peI ey qy kwlH dUsry dukfndfrF nUM vI pY skdI sI. nyVy cONk ivcoN Auh puils df ispfhI bulf ilafey. Aus ny imwnI dy pqI nUM pkV ilaf. sfry dukfndfr Aus dy nfl gvfhIaF dyx leI tur pey. koqvflI df ieMspYktr vI ies nuM krVf jurm mMndf sI. jy afdmI afpxy Gr ivc, jF dukfn ivc mihPUjL nhIN qF iPr srkfr df kI Pfiedf? Aus ny imwnI dy pqI df clfx kr ky Aus nUM hvflfq ivc zwk idwqf. AuhnF idnF ivc hor lokF nfloN mYN imwnI dy kuJ vDyry nyVy sF. imwnI nUM jd ieh Kbr awpVI qF Aus ny mYnUM shfieqf leI bulfieaf. Aus dy pqI df hvflfq ivc hoxf iek bI byiewjLqI dI gwl sI. ies leI Aus nUM jLmfnq qy Cuzfx df iKLafl sfzy dohF dy mn ivc sB qoN Auqy sI. ies kMm leI iek vkIl cfhIdf sI qy iek jLmfnqI. iehnF dohF df ieMqjLfm mYN kr skdf sF. AuQy bYTy nUM mYnUM awj iek ajIb suafd af irhf sI. ies qrHF lgdf sI, ijs qrHF myrf koeI dUr df sfk mr igaf hY qy myry leI bhuq sfrI dOlq Cwz igaf hY. mYN afpxy afp nUM imwnI df qy ies Gr dIaF hor sB cIjLF df mflk smJdf sF. jLmfnq krfx dy kMm kcihrI jfx qoN pihlF asIN rotI Kfx bYTy. ies qoN pihlF vI asF keI vfr iekwTy rotI KfDI sI. ies ivc koeI nvIN gwl nhIN sI, pr awj qy ajIb hI gwl hoeI. imwnI ny iek grfhI mUMh ivc pfeI qy iPr iek iKafl afAux qy Aus dy jbfVy rotI icwQxoN ht gey. Aus ny hOlI hOlI grfhI mUMh dy swjy pfisEN Kwby pfsy qy Kwby pfisEN swjy pfsy iqlkfeI pr Auh icwQI nf geI. pfxI df Guwt Br ky Aus ny grfhI agFh lMGfeI qy Aus dIaF awKF ivcoN awQrU jfrI ho gey. “hvflfq ivc Kbry AuhnF nUM rotI imldI hY ik nhIN.” Aus ny Bry hoey gly nfl afiKaf. mYN iksy aYho ijhy idRsL leI iqafr nhIN sF. myrf iKafl sI ik imwnI leI ieh bVf KusLI qy afjLfdI df idn sI. “rotI qy hvflfq ivc jrUr idMdy ny. Auh kdI iksy nUM AuQy BuwKf nhIN rihx idMdy. qusIN vI rotI Kf lE. sfrf idn kMm ivc bfhr iPrnf hY, BuwKy iks qrHF iProgy?” mYN Aus nUM smJfieaf pr Auh Ausy qrHF bYTI awQrU kyrdI rhI. “jy qusIN rotI nhIN Kfvogy qF mYN vI nhIN KfvFgf.” myN afKrI dbfa pfieaf. “nhIN, nhIN qusIN guwsy nf hovo. ieh myry vws dI gwl nhIN. AuhnF df hfl jfxy ibnf mYQoN awj rotI nhIN KfDI jFdI.” Aus ny QflI myry vwl srkf idwqI qy isr goizaF ivc dy ky BuwbF mfr mfr ky rox lwg peI.
ajYb isMG ilwdV 6048253131
mYN ilKx lwgF hF awj
bfpU iËMdgI dI Aus
khfxI nUM qyrI CF Qwly jo mOjF mfxIaF sI ikvyN
KolF mYN Aus ptfrI nUM hux
vkq af igaf myrf qYnUM
mYN aYÈ krfAuxI af bYT ky
Kf qUM hux bfpU dunIaf mYN qYnUM idKfAuxI af isr afpxy
qy krËf cuwk ky hY mYnUM bhuq pVfieaf qUM myrI hr iewk
KuÈI dI Kfqr hr QF qy moZf zfihaf qUM hux vkq af igaf
myrf qYnUM mYN aYÈ krfAuxI af bYT ky Kf qUM hux bfpU dunIaf
mYN qYnUM idKfAuxI af Auh
idn vI bfpU cyqy ny jd sfiekl vI nhI koly sI awj Gr ivwc kfrF KVIaF ny
idn bdl gey ny awj bfpU hux
vkq af igaf myrf qYnUM
mYN aYÈ krfAuxI af bYT ky Kf
qUM hux bfpU dunIaf mYN qYnUM
idKfAuxI af
myrIaF rIJF pUrIaF kIqIaF qUM
afpxy CONk dbf bfpU lMG gey
idn grIbI vfly bih ky qUM mOj
Auzf bfpU hux vkq af igaf
myrf qYnUM mYN aYÈ krfAuxI af
bYT ky Kf qUM hux bfpU dunIaf
mYN qYnUM idKfAuxI af imhnq krky
awgy vDxf inafVy vfly nUM isKfieaf
qUM bfpU ajYb cldf AuhnF hI rfhF qy
jo iËMdgI ivwc isKfieaf qUM bfpU
hux vkq af igaf myrf qYnUM
mYN aYÈ krfAuxI af bYT ky Kf qUM
hux bfpU dunIaf mYN qYnUM idKfAuxI af
sfzf bfpU…
blvMq srF mwdoky
bVf ipafrf hws-muK cyhrf, nyk idl iensfn sI Auh.
sfzf bfpU ijvy ÌirÈqf, sfnUM rwb smfn sI Auh.
Auh kdy nf iJVky mfry.
bukÜ lY sfnUM puckfry. mUMh plosy vfl svfry.
mMUhoN boly bol ipafry.
sfzy qoN kurbfn sI Auh.
Auh sfnUM lY jFdf myly.
KUb Krc df pYsy Dyly.
lY idMdf syb sMqry kyly.
Gr muV pYNdy ÈfmF vyly.
AudoN ÈYl jvfn sI Auh.
sfnUM pVHn skUly pfieaf.
ÌwtI bsqf hwQ PVfieaf.
AuVf afVf afp isKfieaf.
eykf dUaf vI smJfieaf.
sfzf guru igafn sI Auh.
sfzf bfpU bMn sI Gr df.
mF nUM bVf ipaf sI krdf.
kdy nf izwTf Aus nfl lVdf.
Aus dI hF ivc hfmIN Brdf.
sfzy Gr df mfx sI Auh.
smF lMiGaf Kbr nf kfeI.
vwzy ho gey BYx qy BfeI.
bfpU kIqI ÉUb kmfeI.
Gr ivc pUrI rOxk afeI.
Gr df ivDI ivdfn sI Auh.
rog ny jd af Gyrf pfieaf.
bfpU sfnUM kol bTfieaf.
sB dy isr nUM hwQ Cuhfieaf.
ÉuÈ rihxf Aus ny Ìurmfieaf.
AudoN bs mihmfn sI Auh.
iek idn hoxIN ny kr qy hwly.
bfpU qur igaf JfV ky pwly.
asIN rih gey 'kwly 'kwly.
awKoN aQrU jfx nf TwlyH.
jf suwqf smÈfn sI Auh.
''srF''df sB nUM ieko kihMxF.
bfpU sdf kol nhI rihxF.
ieh mMgdf siqkfr df gihxf.
bfkI sB kuJ dyxF hI dyxF.
sfzy leI vr-dfn sI Auh.
bfpU sfzf ijvyN ÌirÈqf, sfnUM rwb smfn sI Auh.
aYzvokyt mihMdr isMG
kdy kdfeI sfzf vI hY qrn nUM jIa krdf,
atkF qy JnfvF dy nfl lVn nUM jIa krdf.
jykr Auh swcy qy sfPL ny, Dur aMdroN pfk ny, gunfhgfr nhIN, jo glvwkVIaF pf ky hI mrn nUM jIa krdf.
BuwKy, nMgy qy inQfivaF qoN ivDmfqf mUMh moV cwukI hY, Xfrf! sfzf qF AunHF nfl hI KVHn nUM hY jIa krdf.
iewjLq, afjLfdI qy iensfP aYNvy nhIN imldy, sBo kuJ vfrnf pYNdf, dwso ajokf rihbr, ijs df qvI ‘qy sVn nUM hY jIa krdf?
kVy kfnUMnF nUM pVH-pVH ky awk igaf hF, Qwk igaf hF, hux qF isrPL nfnk qy sukrfq nUM hI hY pVHn nUM jIa krdf.
gurmyl isMG ‘brfV’ rozy afpxy Gr dy vrgIaF mOjF, jwg qy cfr cuPyry nI.
Auh kI jfxy pIV prfeI, ijsny hMJU kyry nI.
jo suwK ivwc jMmy suwK ivwc pl gey iewk idn aOKy hoey nf,
CotIaF AumrF dy ivwc vwzy, bih bih ky dwuK roey nf, ibnF BfiVEN Bfry pwQr, cwk isrF qy Zoey nf, ijnHF drd hMZfey jwg qoN, jFdy ikqy lukoey nf,
cMgf Kfvx mMdf bolx gey gurU dy zyry nI,
Auh kI jfxy pIV prfeI, ijs ny hMJU kyry nI, kI dUjy df krdU jIhny PlI afpdI BMnI nf, awKIN vyKI pIV dUey dI, afpxy idl qy mMnI nf, jKLmI hoey hr iksy dy lIr pfV ky bMnI nf, loVvMd nUM rotI ivwcoN, qoV KvfeI KMnI nf,
Pokf pfxI dyvx dy vI, krkyy vyKy jyry nI
Auh kI jfxy pIV prfeI, ijs ny hMJU kyry nI, gux qy aOgux iensfnF dy, jFdy ikqy lukoey nf,
swc JUT nUM qolx lwgy, iewk brobr hoey nf, puMn pfp df Prk vDyry, iek QF vsdy doey nf, lwKF Jol PyiraF ipwql, sony vrgy hoey nf, sfDU sMqF dy ivwc af ky, bihMdy cor lutyry nI,
Auh kI jfxy pIV prfeI, ijs ny hMJU kyry nI, jo AumrF Br iewk rfq vI, nINd suKF dI suwqy nf, sfrI Aumry Koj KorIaF, sry ajy vI buqy nf, dovyN pYr jwuqI nUM qrsx, lIVf juiVaf Auqy nf, ikAuN AuhnF dy Gry iekyrF, geI bhfry ruwqy nf,
E roizaF vfilaF, ikAuN pRBU ny, AunHF dy idn Pyry nI,
Auh kI jfxy pIV prfeI, ijsny hMJU kyry nI, munfPf
suKdyv DflIvfl
bVI Kqrnfk huMdI hY
munfPy dI lflsf
munfPy dI lflsf dy ‘sunihrI’ bwdlF dI
CF hyT bYT ky
iKMzfeIaF jFdIaF hn
aijhIaF DwupF
jo pwC idMdIaF ny
hr grIb dy ipMzy nUM jo Kf jFdIaF ny, afm lokF dy supny
jo bxf idMdIaF ny
DrqI nUM nrk qy hvf `c
Gol idMdIaF ny
mfrU jihrF qy bhuq kuJ
iesy qrHF hI
munfPy dI lflsf `coN
hI Aupjdy ny sB kukrm
kukrm ieh ijMnHF df
bhuq pYNdf hY iKlfrf ijs df huMdf hY aMq mnuwK dy hI hwQoN byaMq kImq qfrn nfl.
• asIN afeI sI bI sI qoN mnj rsLudf ieMstrktr hF.
• asIN pMjfbI, ihMdI, AurdU aqy ieMgilsL boldy hF.
Seema or Raj (Bobby)
kMm jUn dy aKIr ivwc jF julfeI ivwc sLurU hovygf aYbtsPorz qoN blUbyrI qoVn vfilaF leI rfeIz df pRbMD kIqf jfvygf kIqy kMm dIaF stYNpF idwqIaF jfxgIaF sMprk jfxkfrI
dPqr: 604-850-0377 hrdyv ivrk: 778-241-1914 PYks: 604-855-1625
dPqr df tfeIm: svyry 9 qoN sLfm 5 vjy qwk (somvfr qoN sLuwkrvfr)
kYnyzIan pI afr jWt iswK Aumr 37 sfl kWd 5’7 ibnF bWcy qo qlfksLudf, afpxf Gr qy vDIaF nOkrI kr rhy lVky vfsqy pirvfirk lVkI dI loV hY. ibnF bwcy qo qlfksLudf lVkI qy vI ivcfr kIqf jf
skdf hY
sMprk kro : 604-832-3013
jwt isWK igWl lVkf Aumr 33 sfl kWd 6 Puwt, ielYktrIsLn vrk prmt (Applied for PR ) leI pI afr jF vrk prmt vflI lVkI dI loV hY. lVkf nisLaF qoN rihq aqy sfAU suBfa df hY. sMprk kro: 604-300-6362 604-621-0315
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The City of Richmond is also known as the Child of the Fraser. Its Steveston Village and Highway to Heaven (aka #5 Road) are some of the most popular places to visit. Since 2008, the Richmond Museum Society with support from the city has been a very popular Doors Open Program. It involves opening this community’s doors to the public on a weekend in June. So far, more than 250,000 visitors have participated in the Open Doors Program. This annual event highlights this city’s heritage and important civic services. Of particular interest to visitors is the small stretch of #5 Road, popularly known as the Highway to Heaven. A few kilometers of this road have close to 25 places of worship of different denominations. Most of them open their doors to the public on the June weekend. This year again, more than 40 diverse organizations, local businesses, cultural sites and places of worship welcomed visitors on June 8 and 9.
At India Cultural Centre of Canada Gurdwara Nanak Niwas, 8600 #5 Road, Richmond, we had many visitors who were welcomed by our young hosts also known as goodwill ambassadors. Most of these youth were students. They were supported and guided by several dedicated adults. These young people did an amazing job in welcoming the visitors from very diverse communities. After a very warm welcome they would explain to them the main highlights of Sikhism, the role of our Gurdwara in serving the community and show them around. Not only that, but they would also answer any questions the visitors had about Sikhism, Punjabi/ South Asian community or the Gurdwara.
As part of this program the Gurdwara management had planned to offer refreshments and langar to the visitors. Most of them enjoyed the delicious langar in the Langar Hall. Some of these visitors had visited our Gurdwara for the first time. They were very impressed with the generosity
of the Sikhs. All of them appreciated learning more about the youngest and the fifth largest religion of the world -Sikhism. They were amazed to learn that Guru Nanak Dev ji, our first Guru and founder of Sikhism spent almost 28 years travelling around the globe more than 500 years ago conveying his message of universal brotherhood, equality, making an honest living, generosity and belief in God Almighty. Before leaving the Gurdwara premises each one of these visitors expressed their sincere thanks and appreciation to the Gurdwara Management for opening its doors to the public at large.
On behalf of the India Cultural Centre of Canada Gurdwara Nanak Niwas Management Committee, I am very thankful to our young guides and their mentors. They include Arjun Singh Bains, Saiya Kaur Sanghera, Sharon Kaur Athwal, Rhea Kaur Bains, Jasleen Kaur Bains, Ranveer Singh Gill, Lovereet Kaur, Gurseerut Kaur, Gurnadar Kaur, Jasmeet Kaur and many others. Also, I would like
to thank their adult mentors including Rajinder Singh Grewal, Jaswant Kaur Johal, Manjit Singh Sekhon and many others. All of them have made our Doors Open experience to be very enjoyable
Balwant Sanghera
Secretary, India Cultural centre of Canada Gurdwara Nanak Niwas 8600 #5 Road, Richmond, BC
People and communities are benefiting from reduced emissions, cleaner air and more jobs in the clean economy thanks to investments in new, clean technology in local industries.
“The CleanBC Industry Fund is an important tool that accelerates development and use of new, cleaner technologies that help grow our local economy, support a more sustainable future for British Columbians and continue our collective fight against climate change,” said George Heyman, Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy. “Clean industry is the future and we are seizing this opportunity to work together with industry and be an international leader in this growing market.”
The CleanBC Industry Fund invests carbon taxes paid by large industries back into clean-technology projects
that reduce emissions and create clean jobs.
“British Columbia is well-positioned to lead the next global wave of innovation, development and commercialization in clean transportation,” said Josie Osborne, Minister of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation.
“Today’s CleanBC Industry Fund recipients are wonderful examples of local industries taking action to reduce emissions, while creating new clean jobs for people.”
This year, the CleanBC Industry Fund is providing a total of $32.6 million to 12 large industry projects to help reduce emissions through clean technology. Applications are open for the fifth intake of projects.
Lafarge Canada is receiving more than $7 million to add additional infrastructure to allow increased co-processing of alternative fuels,
reducing the use of fossil fuels at the Richmond Cement Plant. This builds on a $5-million contribution to Lafarge in 2023 to support the use of captured carbon dioxide.
“Industries play a critical role in addressing climate change and protecting the environment for future generations,” said Brad Kohl, president and CEO, Lafarge Canada, Western Canada. “We are committed to pursuing initiatives to decarbonize across our operations and are eager to see the advancements made by other recipients of the CleanBC Industry Fund.”
The City of Vancouver will receive more than $6 million to capture more methane and reduce fugitive methane emissions at its Vancouver landfill. This is estimated to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 716,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) by 2033, and
builds on continued work through the CleanBC Industry Fund to collect and re-use landfill gas at the facility.
“We are excited to receive this funding, which gives us the opportunity to lead the way in making our landfills more sustainable by reducing methane emissions,” said Ken Sim, mayor of Vancouver. “Only by working together can we take this important step to protect our environment.”
Since 2019, more than $244 million has been invested back into industry, reducing more than nine million tonnes of emissions over 10 years, the same as removing almost 240,000 cars from the road each year during that time.
The Government of B.C. continues to work with industrial operators to deliver on commitments through the CleanBC Roadmap to 2030.
Contact: Jasvir Dhaliwal 604-825-5115 From Pind Rama, Dist Moga
We’re a local Abbotsford, British Columbia florist delivering courteous, professional service and the highest quality flowers in Abbotsford. We pride ourselves in an inviting shop. Our experienced designers can create floral arrangements that will complement any occasion and meet your budget and style expectations as well. We also offer daily delivery to all local funeral homes and hospitals.
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Email: rchawla@murraygmabbotsford.com
Sunil Desai
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Ned Bhatti
Sales & Lease Consultant
Phone: 604-308-4944
Email: nbhatti@murraygmabbotsford.com
Jasdeep Aujla (founder) jsdIp aOjlf (sMsQfpk)
ALG Lawyers was founded by Jasdeep Aujla. ALG established its roots in Abbotsford and now provides legal services and has lawyers across the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley, with offices in Surrey and Vancouver. Jas has been acknowledged and has the distinction of being the first South Asian from the city of Abbotsford to play CIS football at UBC. On account of pioneering that achievement, he continues to ensure that ALG is involved in local sports organizations amongst other local community initiatives. Most recently, Jas and other lawyers at ALG were asked to assist in helping to bring the 55+ BC Summer Games to Abbotsford.