• IV Sedations
• Implants
• Veneers
• Digital X-rays & CBCT
• Nitrous/ Laughing Gas
• IV Sedations
• Implants
• Veneers
• Digital X-rays & CBCT
• Nitrous/ Laughing Gas
We’re excited to announce the recipients of this year’s Agriculture Enhancement Grants! This year, ACF hosted our annual cheque ceremony in the courtyard of the Gur Sikh Temple, a national historic site and the oldest existing gurdwara in Canada. We are so grateful to the Khalsa Diwan Society for sharing this space with ACF for this year’s event.
ACF awarded a total of $60,000 to support of 2 projects supporting agricultural innovation in Abbotsford. Thanks to ACF’s partnership with the City of Abbotsford, the following initiatives are receiving an ACF Agricultural Enhancement Grant this year:
• BC Chicken Growers AssociaBon - Poultry in MoBon Trailer & Website Enhancement The Poultry in MoBon Trailer Enhancement project is advancing Agri-EducaBon by integraBng state-of-the-art tech to adapt their trailer to deliver immersive virtual experiences to schools, fairs, and public events. They also wish to expand their website's mulBlingual capabiliBes to reflect Abbotsford’s mulBcultural diversity.
• University of the Fraser Valley’s Food & Agriculture InsBtute - Agritech Pitch Toolkit Project This toolkit will be tailored to the specific needs of the agricultural industry in the Fraser Valley, which is smaller scale and more intensive than the agriculture found in innovaBon hotbeds
such a Guelph and Calgary, requiring regionally specific approaches to solving problems. This project will directly support the creaBon of a local and regional agricultural innovation ecosystem by networking local entrepreneurs and stakeholders with interested venture capitalists and mentors.
Pictured above: Satwinder Bains, ACF Board Chair & Agriculture Grants Commidee member, Mayor Ross Siemens, along with this year’s Agriculture Enhancement Grant recipients. ACF welcomed recipients to receive their funds and take a moment to share their impressive work with those in adendance. At the event, Satwinder Bains, ACF’s Board Chair and member of the Agriculture Grants Commidee commented, “We are excited to see projects that will advance our local agriculture sector while demonstraBng agricultural innovaBon in unique and inclusive ways. Our partnership with the City [of Abbotsford] conBnues to provide significant opportuniBes for Abbotsford’s farmers.”
Areni Kelleppan, ACF’s ExecuBve Director, noted that, “Thanks to a longstanding commitment from the City of Abbotsford, we have been able to award over $1.3 million in grants to Abbotsford’s Agricultural sector. Since 2013, ACF has supported projects from saki to saffron, strawberries to chicken, along with agri-tourism, drone technology in
Punjabi Editor
Advertising Executive
Graphic Designer
Administration Assistant
field management, robotic harvesting and so much more. Our agricultural industry is innovative, adaptive, and creative. We hope to offer this funding now and for always to ensure a thriving agriculture industry in Abbotsford.”
ACF’s Agricultural Enhancement Grants open in January of each year. Learn more about this program that is open to Abbotsford farmers, agri-tech producers, and
research organizations conducting their work in Abbotsford here. Areni Kelleppan, ExecuBve Director, e.areniK@abbotsfordcf.org Abbotsford Community Foundation.
Gurdeep Singh Grewal
Paramjit Singh Kanda
Ekam Banipal
Gurmeen Banipal, Manvir Kaur Jawanda
Gurjeet Kaur Muhar
Gurneet Sidhu
Over $59,000 awarded to local projects that support children, youth, and families at risk.
We’re excited to announce the recipients of this year’s Smart and Caring Community Grants!
This year, ACF hosted our annual cheque ceremony in the courtyard of the Gur Sikh Temple, a national historic site and the oldest exisAng gurdwara in Canada. We are so grateful to the Khalsa Diwan Society for sharing this space with ACF for this year’s event.
ACF awarded a total of $59,465 in support of 9 local chariAes supporAng local children, youth, and families at risk. Through the generosity of ACF’s incredible donors, the following programs, projects, and initiatives have received a Smart & Caring Community Grant this year:
• Abbotsford Hospice & Grief Society - Children and Youth Grief Support Program SupporAng grieving children and families in our local schools, while providing training and education for teachers and staff, with a focus on our indigenous community.
• Abbotsford AssociaAon for Healthy Aging - Seniors Social Cafe Facilitating and fostering friendships amongst older adults to help reduce social isolation and loneliness. Seniors Social Cafes are tailored to seniors to build on community connections and supports.
• Abbotsford Youth Commission - FOCUS: A Mental Health and Resilience Group FOCUS is a mental health group for youth with workshops that build skills around resilience, emotions, coping strategies, anxiety, stress, and self care.
• Creative Centre Society for Mental Wellness - Young Adults with Severe & Persistent Mental Illness Support Program. This program is to support young adults with severe mental illness; foster recovery, community integration & societal contribuAon through volunteering opportunities. Program expansion will offer additional spaces for vulnerable youth & a teaching kitchen.
• Care for Women - Community Expansion. To expand existing services for an additional 20 pregnant vulnerable and at-risk mothers and their babies with practical and emotional help with a 1:1 mentor in their home, meals, cleaning, transportation to medical appointments, and community resources over 8 months.
• Gathering Markit - School Lunch Kits. These lunch kits come with a choice of drink, yogurt, granola bar, choice of fruit, fresh veggies, cheese and crackers. Parents can choose what their kids will eat for only $1 a kit. No more relying on school handout programs!
• InAsMuch Community Society - Helping Newcomers Thrive in Canada through mental health and parenting supports. Adapting to Canadian life can be challenging for newcomers, especially for refugees. This project will provide parenAng helps, and tools to encourage good mental health so newcomers can thrive here.
• SalvaAon Army - Back to School Backpack Event- One of their most highly requested services for families, they provide students in middle and high schools with packs and supplies along with a gig card for each family to ease their budgeting challenges.
• Volunteer Cancer DriversAbbotsford Cancer patient Complimentary Transportation Program. This project provides complimentary, safe, compassionate and on-time transportation for Abbotsford Cancer patients to and from their essential care at designated Lower Mainland cancer centres.
ACF welcomed recipients to receive their funds and take a moment to share their impressive work with those in aiendance. At the event, Kam Grewal, ACF Community Grants Commiiee Chair and member of our Board of Directors commented, “These projects help build and continue to improve Abbotsford residents’ quality of life and provide
Unit #24 - 3275 McCallum Road Abbotsford B.C. V2S 3M7 (Across from Air Care)
a variety of ways to engage with the community to promote physical, mental and social well-being.”
Areni Kelleppan, our ExecuAve Director, noted that, “It’s a testament to the generosity of our donors that ACF, since the start of its community grants programs, has been able to provide over $1.8 million in funding to organizaAons serving at the frontlines of some of our most complex social challenges.” Funds are raised for ACF’s Smart & Caring
Community grants program in a variety of ways, including the annual Smart & Caring Golf Classic, with the 9th annual event being held on September 12, 2024.
To register for the tournament or help support the Smart & Caring fund in other ways, please go to our Smart & Caring Golf Classic page.
Areni Kelleppan, ExecuAve Director, e. areniK@abbotsfordcf.org, Abbotsford Community Foundation
klyr kfript Prns klIinMg
sfeIkl clfAuxf ishq dy nËrIey qoN bhuq ÌfiedymMd hY. mfihrF anusfr hr roË 30 imMt sfeIkl clfAuxf sfzy srIr ’c mOjUd ieimAUn sYwlF nUM srgrm krdf hY ijs nfl ibmfr hox df Éqrf Gwt ho jFdf hY. sfeIkl clfAuxf isrÌ srIrk ishq leI hI nhIN blik mfnisk ishq leI vI lfBdfiek hY. roËfnf sfeIkl clfAuxf idmfÊ nUM vDyry ikirafÈIl rwKdf hY, socx aqy smJx dI smrwQf nUM vDfAuNdf hY aqy qxfa vI GtfAuNdf hY. iewQoN qk ik zfiebtIË dy mrIË sfeIkilMg nUM srIrk gqIivDI vjoN vrq ky ies nUM kMtrol ivwc rwK skdy hn. sfeIkilMg nfÜ ieimAUn isstm mËbUq huMdf hY aqy qMdrusq srIr nUM hr ibmfrI nfl lVn dI qfkq imldI hY. sfeIkl clfAux nfl srIr ivwc ÉUn df pRvfh vI shI huMdf hY. idl dy dOry dy Éqry nUM vI Gtfieaf jf skdf hY. sfeIkl afvfjfeI df sB qoN lfhyvMd sfDn hY. ieh nf isrÌ ssqf hY sgoN vfqfvrn pwKI vI hY. ies leI sfnUM afpxI inXmq iËMdgI ivc sfeIkl dI iËafdf vrqoN krnI cfhIdI hY. sfeIkl dunIaf dI pihlI aqy pRmuwK kfZ hY ijs nUM lok CotI Aumr ivwc hI clfAuxf ÈurU kr idMdy hn. sMXukq rfÈtr ny ivÈv sfeIkl idvs mnfAux df ÌYslf kIqf qF jo hr pIVHI nUM ies qknflojI afDfirq sMsfr ivwc sfeIkl dI vrqoN krn leI AuqÈfihq kIqf jf sky. ies dy nfl lok afvfjfeI dy inXmq ZMg vjoN sfeIkl dI vrqoN krn dy hF-pwKI pRBfvF bfry hor socxgy. asIN sfeIkilMg rfhIN surwiKaq ZMg nfl nyVy dI iksy vI QF ’qy phuMc skdy hF ijs dy nqIjy vjoN ksrq vI huMdI hY. vfqfvrn ivwc kfrbn monoafksfeIz 30, kfrbn zfeIafksfeIz 302 gYs dI vDdI dr, globl vfrimMg aqy pRdUÈx qoN ivÈv sMsQfvF aqy afm lok bhuq icMqq hn. ies siQqI ivwc sfeIkl dI svfrI nUM apxfAuxf pRdUÈx dI dr nUM GtfAux, jYivk eINDn dI bcq krn, afriQkqf nUM bcfAux aqy iewk itkfAU vfqfvrn bxfAux df AupXogI qrIkf hY. ieh sfzI iËMmyvfrI hY ik asIN dunIaf aqy ies dy vfqfvrn nUM rihx dy Xog bxfeIey. ies leI lokF nUM ies eIkoPRYNzlI moz nUM apxfAuxf cfhIdf hY aqy sfzy sfiraF leI iewk Pldfiek pRdUÈx mukq BivwK df svfgq krnf cfhIdf hY. ieh idn sfeIkl dI ivlwKxqf, itkfAUqf aqy bhupwKIqf df jÈn mnfAux aqy ies nUM afvfjfeI dy iewk sDfrn, itkfAU sfDn vjoN vrqx leI AuqÈfihq krdf hY.
sfeIkl srIrk aqy mfnisk ishq leI cMgf hY. ieh vfqfvrx aqy afriQkqf leI vI cMgf hY. ibnF Èwk sfeIkl clfAuxf iewk
lilq gupqf
Èfndfr ksrq hY aqy sfnUM ikirafÈIl rwKdI hY. ieh iewk ishqmMd jIvn ÈYlI nUM bxfAux ivwc mdd krdf hY. jy qusIN iPwt aqy ishqmMd rihxf cfhuMdy ho qF quhfnUM srIrk qOr ’qy srgrm rihxf cfhIdf hY. inXmq srIrk gqIivDI motfpf, idl dI ibmfrI, kYNsr, mfnisk rog, ÈUgr, gTIaf, afid smyq keI ibmfrIaF qoN bcfAux ivwc mdd kr skdI hY. sfeIkilMg iewk iksm dI aYroibk gqIivDI hY ijs ivwc idl, ÉUn dIaF nfVIaF aqy PyPiVaF nUM ksrq huMdI hY. ishq mfihrF anusfr roËfnf ksrq krn nfl keI ibmfrIaF df Éqrf Gwt ho jFdf hY. Kfs qOr ’qy motfpf, mfnisk qxfa, ÈUgr aqy idl nfl juVIaF ibmfrIaF ’c ksrq krn nfl jldI rfhq imldI hY. ies leI roËfnf ksrq aqy Xogf kro. jy quhfzy kol smF nhIN hY qF qusIN roËfnf sfeIkl clf ky ishqmMd rih skdy ho. ies nfl ishq sbMDI smwisafvF dUr huMdIaF hn. iek hor Koj rfhIN ieh pqf lwgf hY ik sfeIkl clfAux nfl aMqVI dy kYNsr df Éqrf Gwt ho jFdf hY. keI KojF ivwc ieh vI dwisaf igaf hY ik roËfnf sfeIkl clfAux nfl CfqI dy kYNsr df Éqrf Gwt jFdf hY. ies dy nfl hI kfrzIAvYskulr rogF qoN pIVq lokF leI sfeIkilMg ÌfiedymMd hY. ies dy leI qusIN vDdy Bfr nUM kMtrol krn leI sfeIkilMg dI mdd lY skdy ho. ieh mYtfboilËm pwDr nUM vI suDfrdf hY. iswDy ÈbdF ivc, ies nfl mYtfboilËm qyË huMdf hY. roËfnf awDf GMtf sfeIkl clfAux nfl pyt dI crbI Éqm huMdI hY. awDf GMtf sfeIkl clfAux nfl ieimAUn isstm mËbUq rihMdf hY.
lgfqfr sfeIkl clfAux nfl goizaF aqy joVF dy drd dI smwisaf nhIN huMdI. roËfnf awDf GMtf sfeIkl clfAux nfl idmfÊI ÈkqI vI vDdI hY.sfeIkl clfAux nfl keI qrHF dI bwcq huMdI hY aqy vfqfvrn nUM sfÌ rwiKaf jf skdf hY. ieh mfspyÈIaF dI qfkq aqy lckqf nUM vDfAuNdf hY. ieh qxfa dy pwDr nUM GtfAuNdf hY.kfrzIAvYskulr iPtnYs vDfAuNdf hY. ieh joVF dI gqIÈIlqf ivwc suDfr krdf hY. ieh mudrf aqy qflmyl ivwc suDfr krdf hY. ies nfl hwzIaF mËbUq huMdIaF hn. ieh srIr dI crbI dy pwDr nUM Gwt krn ivwc mdd krdf hY. ieh ibmfrIaF dI rokQfm jF pRbMDn ivwc mdd krdf hY. ieh icMqf aqy izprYÈn nUM Gwt krn ivwc mdd krdf hY. ieh motfpf aqy Bfr kMtrol krn ivwc mdd krdf hY. ies leI ivÈv sfeIkl idvs sfnUM sfiraF nUM sfeIkl
Unit# 3 - 32700 George Ferguson Way Abbotsford BC V2T 4V6
dI vrqoN krn leI AuqÈfihq krdf hY ikAuNik sfeIkilMg iewk vDIaf ksrq hY, vfqfvrn anukUl hY aqy qMdrusqI dy pwDr
nUM vDfAuNdI hY. ies leI ijMnf sMBv ho sky sfeIkilMg nUM apnfAuxf sfzy sfiraF dI BlfeI leI hY.
ipCly kuJ sflF qoN iswiKaf ivBfg ny bhuq vwzf Auprflf kIqf hY ik pRfiemrI qoN sYkMzrI skUl pwDr qk lfiebRyrI gRFt jfrI kIqI jf rhI hY, qF jo ividafrQI ikqfbF nfl juV skx qy sfihqk rucIaF pYdf ho skx. ijwQoN qk aiDafpkF dI BUimkf hY, Aus df pRBfv ividafrQI vwD kbUldy hn. sfihq (sf+ihq) do ÈbdF df sumyl hY.
Auh rcnf jo sfiraF dy ihwq nUM iDafn ’c rwK ky rcI jfvy, AuhI asl sfihq aKvfAuNdf hY. sfihq dIaF pRmuwK vMngIaF hn gd aqy pd. gd aDIn sfzf vfrqk sfihq huMdf hY qy pd aDIn kivqf, ÊËl, rubfeI afid Èfml hn. BfrqI kfivÈfsqr anusfr sfihq nUM swiqam, iÈvm, suMdrm ikhf igaf hY. swiqam df arQ hY swc, iÈvm df arQ hY kilafxkfrI qy suMdrm df arQ hY suMdr aqy suhjmeI. bfl sfihq bflF leI ricaf jfx vflf sfihq hY. bfl sfihq dI rcnf bflF nUM hI Durf mMn ky kIqI jFdI hY. ieh muwZ qoN hI mOiKk rUp ’c cwldf irhf hY. CfpfÉfnf
gurivMdr isMG kFgV
afAux qoN bfad ieh ilKqI rUp ’c sfhmxy afieaf hY. rucI df arQ hY iksy cIË pRqI idlcspI rwKxf. hr iensfn dIaF vwKrIaF-vwKrIaF rucIaF huMdIaF hn. jo ivakqI sfihq pVHn-ilKx jF suxn pRqI moh-ipafr rwKdf hY, ieh Aus dI sfihqk rucI aKvfAuNdI hY. ieh iqMn pRkfr dIaF rucIaF ivwcoN iek vI ho skdI hY, do vI ho skdIaF hn qy iqMnoN vI ho skdIaF hn. ajoky smyN ’c sfihqk rucIaF dI siQqI bhuqI sMqoKjnk nhIN hY. soÈl mIzIaf dy psfr ny bwicaF nUM qF ikqfbF qoN dUr kIqf hI hY sgoN bwicaF ny Éud nUM vI svY-kyNdirq kr ilaf hY. bwcy qF bwcy sgoN bflg vI ies dI lpyt ’c af rhy hn qy pfTkF dI igxqI Gt rhI hY. bfl sfihq hfly Aus pwDr ’qy nhIN ricaf jf irhf, ijs pwDr qk iliKaf jfxf cfhIdf hY pr cMgI gwl ieh hY ik ricaf jf irhf hY. jy bfl sfihq lyKkF dI gwl krIey qF bhuq hI igxvyN-cuxvyN nF sfzy sfhmxy afAuNdy hn, ijvyN zf[ drÈn isMG afÈt,
mohn isMG dfAUN, sqpfl BIKI, blijMdr mfn afid. bfl sfihq dI isrjxf krnI bVf aOKf kMm hY. ies dI rcnf krn leI sfnUM bwcy dy pwDr ’qy af ky Aus dy hfx df bxnf pYNdf hY. AunHF dy pwDr dI bolI qy BfÈf dI vrqoN krnI pYNdI hY. Enf Ëor bflg sfihq ilKx vyly nhIN lwgdf, ijMnf bfl sfihq dI rcnf krn vyly lwgdf hY. bflF sbMDI iviÈaF df Gyrf bhuq ivÈfl hY. pRiswD mnoivigafnI Prfiez anusfr bwcy dy muwZly sfl bhuq mhwqvpUrn huMdy hn, ijs dy aDfr ’qy AuhdI pUrI iËMdgI inrBr krdI hY. bfl sfihq dy ivÈy sUJ nUM ivksq krn vfly hoxy cfhIdy hn. klpnf-ÈkqI nUM pRcMz krn vfly hoxy cfhIdy hn. aijhy ivÈy cuxny cfhIdy hn, ijs nfl Aus df srbpwKI ivkfs ho sky. lyKk dI mnodÈf bflkF dI mnodÈf dy hfx dI hoxI cfhIdI hY.
lyKk afpxIaF rcnfvF ivc aOKI ÈbdfvlI nf vrqy. ieh nf hovy ik lyKkF dIaF ilKIaF hoeIaF rcnfvF AunHF dy smJ nf afvy. jy aOKy Èbd vrqy jfxgy qF pwly nhIN pYxgy, ijs krky bwicaF df moh ikqfbF nfl nhIN pvygf. jy mfpy Éud sfihqk rucI nhIN rwKdy qF bwcy nUM sfihq nfl ikvyN joV skdy hn. sfzy GrF ’c skUlI ikqfbF qoN ielfvf koeI hor ikqfbI konf nhIN huMdf, ijwQy islybs qoN bfhrI ikqfbF Èfiml hox. mfipaF df ÌrË bxdf hY ik Auh Gr ivc imMnI lfiebRyrI sQfipq krn. pusqk myly ’c bwicaF nUM nfl iljf ky AunHF dIaF psMd dIaF ikqfbF ÉrId ky dyx. ieh ikqfbF nfl joVn df vwzf Auprflf ho skdf hY. lyKk bfl sfihq dI rcnf vI vwD qoN vwD krn, qF jo ividafrQI vwD qoN vwD sfihq
nfl juV skx. sfihqkfr bOiDk soc vfly ivÈy dI cox krn. ijMn, BUq, prIaF, rfÉÈF afid pfqrF nUM iqlFjlI
dyxI cfhIdI hY. eys vlgx nUM qoVnf awj dy smyN dI muwK loV hY. pihlF skUlF ivc bfl sBfvF lwgdIaF sn. bwcy afpxIaF CotIaF-CotIaF rcnfvF pyÈ krdy sn pr hux ieh irvfj Éqm ho irhf hY. keI vfr ividafrQI kuJ aijhI pyÈkfrI krdy hn, ijs nUM sux ky nmoÈI df sfhmxf krnf pYNdf hY. Dfrimk smfgmF ivc bwcy Èbd-kIrqn vI vDIaf ZMg nfl krdy hn. kvIÈrI gfAuNdy vI vyKy jf skdy hn. ipCly smyN ’c ivafh-ÈfdIaF dy pRogrfm smyN CotIaF bwcIaF iswiKaf boldIaF sn pr ieh irvfj vI iblkul Éqm kr ho cuwkf hY. ikqfbF sfzIaF swcIaF dosq huMdIaF hn, jo sfzy nfl iËMdgI dy qjrby sFJy krdIaF hn. sfnUM cMgy mfipaF vFg iswiKaf dyx df kMm krdIaF hn. so bflkF qy bflgF dovF vrgF nUM vwD qoN vwD sfihq nfl juVnf cfhIdf hY. ipCly kuJ sflF qoN iswiKaf ivBfg ny bhuq vwzf Auprflf kIqf hY ik pRfiemrI qoN sYkMzrI skUl pwDr qk lfiebRyrI gRFt jfrI kIqI jf rhI hY, qF jo ividafrQI ikqfbF nfl juV skx qy sfihqk rucIaF pYdf ho skx. ijwQoN qk aiDafpkF dI BUimkf hY, Aus df pRBfv ividafrQI vwD kbUldy hn. jy aiDafpk vI lyKk hovy qF sony ’qy suhfgy vflI gwl ho jFdI hY. iek aiDafpk bfl-lyKk vI pYdf kr skdf hY. skUl ’c pusqk
pRdrÈnIaF vI lfeIaF jf skdIaF hn. iksy nf iksy lyKk nUM bwicaF dy rUbrU vI krvfAuxf cfhIdf hY. sfihqk rucI dI koeI
Aumr nhIN huMdI.
awKF dI roÈnI, lfeIPstfeIl 'c ieh bdlfa kr ky Cwzo lq
qMbfkU df syvn sdIaF qoN smuwcy smfj leI vwzf Kqrf bixaf hoieaf hY. ieh nf isrÌ XUËrË leI sgoN afly-duafly dy lokF leI vI Éqrnfk hY ikAuNik isgrt df DUMaF afs-pfs mOjUd lokF nUM vI nuksfn phuMcfAuNdf hY. qMbfkU kfrn hr sfl 80 lwK qoN vwD lok mrdy hn, ijnHF ivwcoN 1[25 lwK lok qF qMbfkU vI nhIN pINdy qy nf hI qMbfkU df syvn krdy hn, Auh isrÌ pYisv smoikMg dy sMprk 'c afAuNdy hn. qMbfkU kfrn hox vflIaF sfrIaF ibmfrIaF 'coN kYNsr sB qoN afm hY. ienHF ivc mUMh df kYNsr pihly nMbr 'qy hY, AuwQy hI ies qoN bfad PyPiVaF df kYNsr, PUzpfeIp kYNsr, pyt df kYNsr qy blwz kYNsr Èfml hn. ienHF qoN ielfvf bhuq sfry mrIË qMbfkU kfrn dmf, sIEpIzI, aMnHypx, koronrI hfrt
izËIË, gYNgrIn vrgIaF ibmfrIaF nfl vI pIVq ho rhy hn. Enkoloijst zf[ inmyÈ dfihmf qoN smJdy hF ik qMbfkU df syvn ikvyN Cwizaf jf skdf hY. qusIN inkotIn irplysmYNt QYrypI dI mdd lY skdy ho. hr iksy dy afpxy itRgr puafieMt huMdy hn jo isgrt pIx dI iewCf vwl lY jFdy hn. ies leI jykr qusIN isgrtnoÈI Cwzxf cfhuMdy ho, qF ienHF itRgrF qoN bcxf sB qoN vDIaf hY. afpxI Kurfk 'c vDyry sbËIaF qy PlF nUM Èfml krnf ÈurU kro. srIrk gqIivDIaF 'c ruwJo qy afpxf iDafn BtkfAux dI koiÈÈ kro. jy qusIN isgrt Cwzx dI koiÈÈ kr rhy ho qF iesnUM afpxy aËIËF nfl sFJf kro qy AunHF nUM afpxI Xfqrf df ihwsf bxn leI kho.
jy qusIN dMd lvfAuxy hn jF iPr lgvfey hn
dMd purfxy hn aqy nvyN lvfAuxy hn
quhfzy lvfey dMd iZqly hn jF tuwt gey hn
blrfj nfl apfieMtmYNt bxfE aqy Kfxf
cMgI qrHF KfE
jy quhfzy sfry dMd nhIN inkly pr Kfxf TIk
qrHF nhIN Kf huMdf qF blrfj nUM imlo ieh quhfzI syvf leI srI ivwc hn.
On Friday, May 24th, the New Beginnings Young Parent Program participants gathered to thank the community partners who helped them graduate at the annual Thank You Tea.
Since the program began in 1990, more than 1000 parents have graduated high school. There were seven graduates in this year’s class. New Beginnings is a partnership between the Abbotsford School District, Ministry of Children and Family Development, and Archway Community Services.
“Young parents can face multiple challenges in completing their education, while raising small children. The parents at New Beginnings continue to amaze me with their dedication and perseverance to complete their education and provide a better future for their children,” said Maria Cargnelli, the Associate Director of Early Years and Counselling programs at Archway. “We’re so proud of them and are cheering them on as they step into the next chapter of their lives.”
A highlight of the event is the presentation of quilts for the graduates’ children donated by the Abbotsford Quilters Guild. “The quilts are an amazing way to commemorate the students’ time here at New Begin-
nings. The amount of work that has gone into each quilt does not go unnoticed and truly we are so grateful to be connected to the Abbotsford Quilters Guild,” says Bailey Rowan, Parent Support Worker at New Beginnings. “Thank you to each person who helps create these works of art.”
“We’d also like to thank the Abbotsford Quilters Guild who provided one of the graduates with a $500 scholarship at the event to attend the British Columbia Institute of Technology’s (BCIT) cabinetry program.” The event was attended by officials from the Abbotsford School District, including School Board Trustees Korky Neufeld, Stan Petersen, Jared White, and Rupi Kanda-Rajwan, as well as the Vice Principal of Bakerview Centre for Learning, Dan Village. Representatives from the Ministry of Children and Family Development, Fraser Health, the Abbotsford Quilters Guild and Archway Community Services were also in attendance.
New Beginnings provides flexible part-time and full-time programs for parents to complete or upgrade their high school education. Students have access to high-quality on-site childcare, parenting courses, an on-site satellite Archway Food Bank and individual supports.
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Des Pardes, The Reach Gallery Museum’s groundbreaking exhibition, will be closing on June 15th but its digital content - archival and photographic collections and individual storiesdeveloped through community consultation will remain accessible in a legacy website currently under development.
Welcoming visitors to the exhibition is a mural by acclaimed artist, Sandeep Johal, created specifically for Des Pardes. Titled Motherland –Mother Hand, the mural is a collaborative effort that combines design and concept ideas from six South Asian Canadian women from Abbotsford, and captures the historical and contemporary resilience, strength, and nurturing spirit of women. It fuses their distinct voices and champions the profound significance of women in the cultural tapestry of South Asian Canadian communities. The mural was painted on wood panels and has an overall measurement of eight feet high by twelve feet long.
Rather than see Motherland – Mother Hand placed into storage at the end of the exhibition, The Reach is inviting expressions of interest from local organizations that may wish to
participate in a long-term display loan that will allow the community to continue to enjoy and learn from the striking and meaningful artwork.
Eligible institutions include museums, galleries, libraries, educational facilities, and community, cultural and religious centres with a publicly accessible venue. For more information contact The Reach: info@thereach.ca. Des Pardes focuses on the rich history and bold contemporary culture of the local South Asian Canadian community, captures the histories, personal accounts, and creative talents of more than 100 contributors, resulting in a first-of-its-kind, communityengaged exhibition. There’s still time to see to see the exhibition which closes on June 15.
ICBA Construction Monitor Weak research and development investment – largely caused by high taxation and government policies seemingly designed to discourage investment and innovation – is causing sluggish productivity growth, says the June 2024 edition of The Construction Monitor, published by the Independent Contractors and Businesses Association (ICBA) today. Up until 2000, Canada achieved productivity growth rates above or roughly comparable to those in the U.S., but the country has been consistently falling behind since then.
“We are witnessing Canada’s long, slow decline. On productivity growth and many other measures of well-being and competitiveness, Canada is coming up short among its global peers,” wrote ICBA President Chris Gardner in his introduction to The Construction Monitor. “Why does productivity matter? Because the more Canadian firms innovate, the more they spend on upskilling their people and on adopting new technology, the more profitable they are and the more they can increase the size of paycheques for workers.”
asI s pitk t k lfA d hF
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ies df sB qoN vwzf kfrn pfxI dI kmI hY. grmI ’c jdoN asIN Gwt pfxI pINdy hF qF ieh smwisaf pYdf huMdI hY. hor kfrnF ’c AultIaF afAuxf, dsq, Duwp df durpRBfv, loV qoN vDyry ksrq, Kfx-pIx df shI smF nf hoxf Èfiml hn. ies qoN ielfvf buÉfr, hfeIprtYNÈn, bhuq iËafdf alkohl df syvn, hYËf, kupoÈx vrgIaF ibmfrIaF vI zIhfeIzRyÈn df kfrn bxdIaF hn. qfpmfn ivc inrMqr vfDf ho irhf hY. qfpmfn vDx krky pYdf hoeI grmI nfl srIr ’c pfxI dI kmI ho skdI hY, ies leI zIhfeIzRyÈn dy kfrnF, lwCxF, bcfa qy ielfj pRqI jfgrUk hoxf bhuq ËrUrI hY. sfzy srIr dy vËn df 70 ÌIsdI ihwsf pfxI hY. iËafdfqr pfxI kOiÈkfvF ivc pfieaf jFdf hY, bfkI lhU vihxIaF jF kOiÈkfvF dy ivckfrly sQfn ’c Biraf huMdf hY, ijs qoN aMdfËf lf skdy hF ik qMdrusq rihx leI pfxI ikMnf ËrUrI hY. jy srIr ’c pfxI dI kmI ho jfvy qF Aus nUM zIhfeIzRyÈn jF inrjlIkrn ikhf jFdf hY. grmI kfrn hox vflI ieh afm smwisaf hY pr afm idKx vflI ieh smwisaf vwzIaF ibmfrIaF df kfrn bx jFdI hY qy jfnlyvf vI iswD ho skdI hY. zIhfeIzRyÈn ’c srIr ivwcoN inklx vfly pfxI dI mfqrf srIr ’c mOjUd pfxI dI mfqrf qoN vDyry ho jFdI hY. ivigafnk BfÈf ’c ies nUM hfeIpohfeIzRyÈn ikhf jFdf hY. pfxI dI kmI nfl srIr ivc Kixj pdfrQ, ijvyN nmk aqy Èwkr (glUkoË) Gwt ho jFdy hn. ies nfl mfspyÈIaF qy nsF dI kfrj smrwQf Gwt ho jFdI hY. pfxI dI kmI nfl srIr ’coN ivÈYly qwq bfhr nhIN inkl skdy, ijnHF nfl pfcn pRxflI kmËor hox dy nfl-nfl aMqVIaF dI ienPYkÈn, joVF qy mfspyÈIaF ivc drd vrgIaF smwisafvF pYdf huMdIaF hn. ies df sB qoN vwzf kfrn pfxI dI kmI hY. grmI ’c jdoN asIN Gwt pfxI pINdy hF qF ieh smwisaf pYdf huMdI hY. hor kfrnF ’c
AultIaF afAuxf, dsq, Duwp df durpRBfv, loV qoN vDyry ksrq, Kfx-pIx df shI smF nf hoxf Èfiml hn. ies qoN ielfvf buÉfr, hfeIprtYNÈn, bhuq iËafdf alkohl df syvn, hYËf, kupoÈx vrgIaF ibmfrIaF vI zIhfeIzRyÈn df kfrn bxdIaF hn. jdoN koeI ivakqI zIhfeIzRyÈn dI smwisaf ivwcoN lMGdf hY qF Aus nUM ibnF iksy kfrn qoN Gbrfht, kbË dI smwisaf, cwkr afAuxy, mUMh vfr-vfr suwkxf, cmVI df ÉuÈk
nirMdr pfl isMG
hoxf, isr drd, srIr df kmËor ho jfxf, ipÈfb df pIlf hoxf, vDyry Qkfvt mihsUs krnf, mfspyÈIaF df qxfa afid lwCx sfhmxy afAuNdy hn. grmI dy mOsm ’c lU, zIhfeIzRyÈn qy snstRok dIaF smwisafvF qoN lok vDyry pRyÈfn rihMdy hn. afm qOr ’qy lok ies nUM mfmUlI smwisaf smJdy hn pr srIr ’c pfxI dI kmI nfl keI qrHF dIaF smwisafvF pYdf ho skdIaF hn aqy smyN isr bcfa nf krn ’qy ieh jfnlyvf vI ho skdf hY. ies qoN bcfa leI Aupfa sOKy hn pr asIN ies nUM axgOilaf kr idMdy hF qy iPr gMBIr smwisaf hox ’qy zfktr kol jfxf pYNdf hY. jdoN srIr ivc pfxI dI kmI huMdI hY qF sfh pRxflI ivc smwisaf pYdf huMdI hY, ijs krky sfh lYx ivc pRyÈfnI huMdI hY. jy iksy ivakqI nUM asQmf df atYk afieaf hovy jF afm qOr ’qy atYk afAuNdf hovy qF Aus ivakqI nUM pfxI vDyry pIxf cfhIdf hY. jdoN loV anusfr srIr nUM pfxI nhIN imldf qF srIr iËafdf mfqrf ’c kolYstRol bxfAux lwgdf hY aqy hfeI aYwlzIaYwl idl dy rog smyq hor smwisafvF df kfrn bx skdf hY. jy srIr nUM loVINdf pfxI imldf rhy qF kolYstRol dI smwisaf pYdf nhIN hovygI. loVINdI mfqrf ivc pfxI nf imlx ’qy srIr ivc kYlÈIam aqy mYgnIÈIam dI kmI huMdI hY, ijs nfl srIr ivc pfcn nfl sbMiDq keI smwisafvF pYdf ho jFdIaF hn, ijvyN alsr, gYs aqy aYisz irPlYks afid. Kfxy nUM pcfAux leI pfxI dI loV huMdI hY. sB qoN pihlF srIr ’c pfxI dI kmI nUM dUr krn leI pfxI qy Kixj dI pUrqI krnf ËrUrI hY, ijs leI GrylU pIx vfly pdfrQ ley jf skdy hn. kwcy duwD dI pqlI lwsI, iÈkMjvI, nfrIal pfxI, byl df Èrbq, lwsI, EafraYws df Gol QoVI-QoVHI dyr bfad lYNdy rihxf cfhIdf hY. iËafdf Duwp ivc inklx qoN prhyË kIqf jfvy. jy bhuq ËrUrI kMm leI jfxf vI hovy qF iswDy rUp ivc Duwp dy sMprk ’c afAux qoN bicaf jfvy aqy CwqrI afid dI vrqoN kIqI jfvy. GroN bfhr inkl ky krn vfly kMmF nUM svyry jF Èfm vyly krn nUM qrjIh idwqI jfvy. bwicaF qy bËurgF df Éfs iÉafl rwiKaf jfvy. pfxI nfl BrpUr mOsmI PlF, ijvyN qrbUË, KrbUËf qoN ielfvf slfd nUM afpxI roËfnf Éurfk ’c Èfiml kIqf jfvy. gMBIr hflq ’c ivc zfktrI slfh leI jfvy.
kudrq dy qohiPaF dI slfmqI leI hr ivakqI nUM ivakqIgq iËMmyvfrI inBfAuxI pvygI| pwQr cwt ky muVn qoN pihlF ikqy sB kuJ pwQrf hI nf jfvy| awj kudrq dIaF inafmqF nUM mfxn leI ienHF dI sMBfl ËrUrI hY| iksy kvI dIaF sqrF nfl smfpqI krdy hF ikhf jFdf hY ik DrqI afpxIaF dwbIaF hoeIaF KfihÈF nUM drwÉqF dy rUp ivwc AuGfVdI hY jdoN pOx ienHF dy pwiqaF nUM CUMhdI hY qF mn nUM JUmx lf dyx vflf sMgIq pYdf huMdf hY| cVHdI svyr dy sUrj dy AubfsI lYx qy ruwK vI JUmdy nyy qy ÉuÈI ivwc afksIjn vrgf aMimRq pYdf krdy ny, jo kudrq dI god ivwc Kyz rhy jIv jMqUaF qy AuzfrIaF lfAuNdy pMCIaF dI jIvn joq hY| kudrq ny puqly ivwc jfn pfAux qoN pihlF, AupjfeI ieh AuhI afksIjn hY ijs df iewk prmfxU afpxy afp nUM iqwgxf krdy Ejon bxfAuNdf hY| DrqI ’qy jIvn dI surwiKaf leI iek kMbl df kMm kridaF sUrj qoN af rhIaf Éqrnfk prfvYNgxI ikrnF qoN bcfAuNdf hY| bfbf nfnk qoN ‘gurU’ dI qÈvIh pRfpq hvf ivwc jIvn rwiKak afksIjn pMjvF ihwsf hI huMdI hY qy ies dI ieh QoVHI mfqrf vI DrqI ’qy jIvn dy DVkdy rihx leI ËrUrI hY| jdoN pfxI ivwc pYdf hoey jIvn ny pwDrI DrqI ’qy inkl ky pihlI vfr sfh ilaf qF jIvn dy ivkfs dy mnuwK qwk phuMcx df muwZ bwiJaf sI| ivkfs nUM afpxI isÉr CUhx leI keI kroVF sfl lwgy pr ies nUM qbfh krn leI kuJ sO sfl hI kfÌI hn| awj hvf dI pivwqrqf afDuinkvfd dI blI cVH ky mYlI ho cuwkI hY| cmVI qy sfh rogIaF dI vDdI igxqI ies dI ÈfhdI BrdI hY| afDuink qknflojI dI shUlq nUM mfxn dIaF ÈrqF nUM pUiraF kridaF iËMdgI bhuq qyË cfl nfl cwl rhI pRqIq huMdI hY| ies qyËI ivwc afpxI ÈuwD buwD Koh bYTf afDuink mnuwK ieh Buwl bYTf hY ik kudrq df invfijaf koml srIr vI sFB sMBfl mMgdf hY| awj kwlH dIaF iËafdfqr ibmfrIaF jIvn ÈYlI nfl sbMDq ibmfrIaF hn| ijnHF nUM roËfnf kfrjÈYlI dy bdlfa nfl TIk rwiKaf jf skdf hY| srIrk ikirafvF nUM vDf ky kfPI ibmfrIaF qoN injfq iml skdI hY| mfihrF vloN svyr dI sYr nUM sB qoN Auwqm dwisaf hY| jdoN vI koeI ivakqI idl jF ÈUgr jF vDy jF Gty hoey KUn dy dbfa nUM shyV lYNdf hY jF Aus nUM ienHF cuwp cpIqy srIr dy duÈmxF dI afht mihsUs huMdI hY qF Aus leI iewk afs bfkI huMdI hY ik rihMdI iËMdgI mYN svyr dI qfËI hvf ivwc sYr jF ksrq kr ky afpxy afp nUM sFB lvFgF| pr jy bfhr hvf hI plIqI hoeI imlI qF iPr[[[| awj mMzI ivwc isrÌ munfPy df hI rOlf hY qy sB kuJ ivkx leI
amnpRIq isMG
kfhlf hY| jIvn dI ÈfhdI Brdf pfxI vI muwl imlx lwg ipaf hY| Auh idn dUr nhIN
jdoN hvf ivwc sfh lYx dy vI pYsy lwgxgy qy prvqfrohI qy goqfKorF vFg islMzr
tMgI bMdy afm idsx lwg pYxgy| srIr dI
qMdrusqI leI kIqI jfx vflI ksrq, Xog
sfÌ suQrI hvf ivwc hI srIr nUM qfËgI
bÉÈdf hY pr pRdUiÈq hvf qF rog hI idMdI hY| dyÈ nUM aMdroN aMdr Gux vFg KoKlf kr
rhIaF keI smwisafvF hn, ijnHF dy Kfqmy leI keI ‘srjIkl strfeIks’ dI loV hY|
vfqfvrn dI sMBfl df muwdf ienHF ivwc pihl dy afDfr ’qy ivcfiraf jfxf cfhIdf hY
ikAuNik vfqfvrx df gMDlf hoxf mnuwK dI hoNd nUM DrqI qoN sdf leI imtf skdf hY|
AunHF AudXogF ’qy vI iÈkMjf kwisaf jfxf
cfhIdf hY jo icmnI ivwcoN inkl rhy DUMey nUM
bfhr jfx qoN pihlF soDdy nhI| AudXogF ivwcoN inkldf DUMaF ibnF ËihrIly rsfiex Cfxy iswDf hI hvf ivwc rlx idwqf jFdf hY|
vfhnF leI pRdUÈx srtIiPkyt jfrI krn
dI ikiraf iksy qoN lukI hoeI nhI| gwzIaF df pRdUÈx cYwk kIqy ibnF hI srtIiPkyt jfrI kIqf jFdf hY| byqhfÈf vfhnF ivwcoN inkldf DUMaF hr vyly hvf nUM plIq kr
irhf hY[ Boly Bfly iksfnF nUM PslF dy vwZF nUM
nF sfVn leI AunHF dy afriQk pwDr nUM Auwcf cuwkx vflIaF skImF bxfeIaf jfx qF ik
Auh ies mfrU cwkr ivwcoN bfhr inkl skx|
dIvflI df pivwqr iqAuhfr hr vfr
ptfikaF dy DUMey dI Byt hI cVHdf hY| ienHF dy jlx qoN pYdf ËihrIlf DUMaF sfrI rfq jIv jMqU qy pMCIaF nUM sfh swq hIx krI rwKdf hY| mn dI QoVHicrI ÉuÈI leI kudrq df sInf ClxI krn df ielËfm awj iensfn isr hY qy iehdf muwl Èfied afpxI hoNd nUM dfa ’qy lf ky hI moVnf peygf| dyÈ ’qy rfj krn vfly qy srkfrI mÈInrI ivwc Auwpr qoN hyTF qk sB ies gwl qoN BlIBFq jfxU hn ik ptfky jlx qy hvf ivwc jo Ëihr PYldf hY Aus ny hvf nUM sfh lYx jogI nhI rihx dyxf, iPr ikAuN ienHF dy Auqpfdn ’qy rok nhI lwgdI| ikAuNik iqAuhfr qoN kuJ idn pihlF ptfky vycx dy lfeIsYNs DVf DV bxfey jFdy hn| asIN dyÈ dy pRDfn mMqrI jI nUM kihxF cfhuMdy hF ik jy agly sfl dI dIvflI nUM ‘grIn dIvflI’ krnf cfhuMdy hn qF ptfkf Auqpfdn krn vflIaF PYktrIaF nUM hux qoN hI bMd krvfieaf jfvy qy AunHF
ivwc kMm krdy kfimaF nUM hor kMm idvfAux leI shfieqf kIqI jfvy|
ies leI kfÌI jfgrUkqf dI vI loV
pvygI| lokF dy ishqmMd jIvn nUM DrqI
’qy icrsQfeI bxfAux leI srkfrF vwloN
sÉq kdm cuwky jfxy cfhIdy hn qy afm
lokF nUM ienHF kfrvfeIaF nUM isr mwQy rwKdy
hoey pUrn sihXog dyxf cfhIdf hY| DrqI
’qy hvf, pfxI qy imwtI dI ÈuwDqf leI rl
iml ky suihrdqf nfl ilaf ÌYslf hI
DrqI ’qy rihxXog bxn dI grMtI hovygf|
hvf dy plIq hox ’qy mnuwK dy BivwK bfry
soc rONgty KVHy kr dyx vflI hY| mMgl ’qy
BfvyN jIvn imly jF nf DrqI ’qy mMglmeI
jIvn dI afs smyN nfl mwDm pY jfxI hY, jy hvf sfh lYx Xog nf rhI qy pfxI pIx Xog nf irhf| kudrq dy qohiPaF dI slfmqI leI hr ivakqI nUM ivakqIgq iËMmyvfrI inBfAuxI pvygI| pwQr cwt ky muVn qoN pihlF ikqy sB kuJ pwQrf hI nf jfvy| awj kudrq dIaF inafmqF nUM mfxn leI ienHF dI sMBfl ËrUrI hY| iksy kvI dIaF sqrF nfl smfpqI krdy hF :rihx dy kfdr nUM jo idsdf nhIN hY bhuq eynf ik qUM kudrq nUM dyK|
bwicaF dI mF huMdI hY rwb df dUjf
mnpRIq kOr imnhfs
mF Cotf ijhf Èbd hY pr pUrI kfienfq ies ivwc vwsdI hY| myrI mF myry leI dUjf rwb hY. BfvyN myrI mF nUM afpxI mF df ipafr nhIN imilaf pr sfzI mF ny bwicaF nUM ieMnf ku ipafr idwqf hY ik asIN sfry BYx-Brf iËMdgI Br Aus dy krËdfr rhFgy| mMmI dwsdy ny ik jdoN mYN pYdf hoeI sI, qF AunHF dIaF awKF ivc hMJU af gey, ieh vyK ky iewk nrs kihx lwgI, ‘qusIN rox ikAuN lwg gey qF mMmI ny ikhf, ‘ies qoN vwzI iewk swq sfl dI hor vI DI hY qy hux Pyr kuVI ho geI hY| nrs ny Auwqr idwqf,” ‘qusIN vI qF iksy dI DI ho! jdoN ieh vwzI ho geI qF iehny hI quhfnUM suwK dyxf, iehdy nfl hI idl dI gwl sFJI kiraf krogy, BfvyN iehdy jMmx ’qy qusIN duwK mihsUs kIqf pr ieh suwK dyvygI|’ myrI mF swcIN ieh gwl sihjy hI smJ geI.
kuafltI bOzI aqy pyNt rIpyar syvfvF Prym vrk aqy XUnIbOzI rIpyars pUrIaF pYNt jObs (sOilzs, mYtfolks, trfeIkots, kuaYzkots) afeI.sI.bI.sI klym aqy prfeIvyt klym hYNnzlz promptlI muPq aYstImyts
kstm pyNt kmplIt rIstorysLn
kstm kfr afzIE/ vIzIE
sfrIaF puKqF syvfvF
ijLMdgI Br leI ilKqI grMtI smrwQ aqy dosqfnf syvfvF
anykF bImfrIafˆ dy shI ielfj leI hux sfzy koloˆ nvIˆ Koj nfl iqafr kIqIafˆ dvfeIafˆ lY skogy.
* mfeIgRyn. * joVfˆ dy drd. * koeI vI aMdrUnI bImfrI. * iksy vI qrHfˆ dI ienPYkÈn. * gRihsqI jIvn sbMDI smwisafvfˆ.
* AudfsI aqy Gbrfht rog. * cmVI dy rog.
* ikwl muhfsy, iÌnsIafˆ afid. * Qfierfz.
New for 2024, the Ford Mustang is now in its seventh generation and returns with some tweaking to the styling but is still instantly recognizable as a ‘Stang”. The subtle look is cleaner, more aerodynamic, and subtle and gives a nod to the firstgeneration model with its new grille design and the rear signature tribar lighting. The Ecoboost and V8 powered GT models have their own unique front ends.
The GT has a more aggressive look and has new hood vents and redesigned front splitters. There is a new range of alloy wheels from 17-inch in standard size to 19-inchers for the GT, and with optional 20- inch wheels. Interior wise, there is a “fighter-jet-inspired” cockpit offering two curved displays that can be driver customized. The new, 2024 Mustang is available in fastback and convertible form.
When it comes to engine choice, the top dog motor is the fourth-generation 5.0-litre Coyote V8 gasoline unit with 480 - 486 horsepower.
Changes include an active valve exhaust, new dual air-intake box, and a dual-throttle body design, which helps minimize engine induction loss.
Buyers who want greater fuel efficiency can opt for the EcoBoost model, powered by a new 315-hp turbocharged 2.3L four-cylinder engine mated to the 10-speed automatic transmission.
Talking about transmissions - the 5.0 V8 GT version does have an optional manual transmission — a standard six-speed with a rev-matching fea-
ture that helps hold engine rpm when the clutch is engaged, offering peak torque between gear changes. The 10-speed automatic gearbox is also available with configurable drive modes. Meanwhile the high-performance Mustang Dark Horse version has 500 hp and 418 lb-ft of torque.
New interior highlights include the Jet fighter style dashboard with twin digital instrument cluster that can be optionally configured to flow into a 13.2-inch Sync 4 centre stack behind a single integrated glass panel. Physical hard touch buttons and knobs for such features as radio and climate controls, have been deleted. The 12.4-inch digital instrument cluster is customizable to display different animated designs and new drive-mode visuals with video game like graphics. n terms of safety the Mustang comes equipped with Ford Co-Pilot360 and the full roster of active and passive safety aids.
Standard equipment levels are high and there is a range of options and upgrades. Mustang GT and EcoBoost models are both available with an optional Performance Pack, which adds features such as: a front tower brace, Torsen limited-slip differential and optional MagneRide active suspension, and wider rear wheels. Larger front and rear Brembo brakes are also added. The GT Performance Pack also adds brake ducts for better more cooling, along with an as standard auxiliary engine oil cooler. Recaro seats and active exhaust are also offered.
We tested the 2024 Mustang Ecoboost coupe premium with the 2.3Litre Eco-
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boost engine with 315 Horsepower and the ten -speed auto transmission. Priced at a base $42,000, our tester added the Premium package with a 3.15 ratio limited slip axle, 19-inch wheels and tire package, Premium B & O 12 speaker sound system and the Mustang
Nite Pony package with ebony, black-painted alloys, black spoiler and black painted roof. The active valve performance exhaust by the way makes all the right noises. The final total with options and delivery rang in at $52,090.
On the road, whatever model you drive, be assured of total fun. The Mustang is a comfortable urban cruiser, while adjustable drive modes can offer quicker steering, more engine response, and faster transmission shifts. There is electronic stability control settings and six available drive modes — Normal, Sport, Slippery, Drag, Track, as well as a customizable setting with up to six driver profiles. The Four-cylinder EcoBoost version is a hoot to drive
with a tight balanced engine and transmission combo. Handling is precise and light. The V8 powered GT is the one to get if you can make the financial reach, but the 2.3 four cylinder however is still impressive in both its 315 Horsepower and fuel economy figures at L/100km - 9.2 combined. 10.8 City. 7.1 Highway.
The 10-speed auto transmission offers quick satisfying shifts and acceleration. Suspension and handling upgrades really elevate the performance driving aspect. Downsides are few, there is till some hard plain looking interior plastic trim around in the base models and the V8 is thirsty.
I do however recommend the Ecoboost models as the star in the lineup the four-cylinder engine offer s excellent horsepower and performance for the money. In terms of bang for your buck the 2024 Mustang is one of the most affordable and best value money sports cars on the market.
Number one in its class! 2024 Ford Mustang priced from $37,000$60,000.
The City of Abbotsford and the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) Local 2864 have ratified a collective agreement for the three (3) year period of January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2024.
“We are pleased with this new agreement that supports the residents of the City of Abbotsford, while also being equitable for both IAFF and the City,” said Abbotsford City Manager, Peter Sparanese. “The updates from this bargaining session balance the needs of our employees with the City’s commitment to providing excellent and sustainable essential services. Our thanks go out to the bargaining teams for their hard work, dedication and respectful negotiations.”
In addition to improvements in benefits and premiums, the financial
terms of the new agreement include wage increases of three and one half per cent (3.5%) in year one, four and one half per cent (4.5%) in year two and four and one half per cent (4.5%) in year three.
“The Abbotsford Professional Fire Fighters Association, IAFF Local 2864 is committed to the citizens of Abbotsford and the City in which we all work. We believe this agreement supports the important role we play in our community. We are proud of the collaborative effort our team brought to the negotiations table.” Shane Petrie, President IAFF Local 2864.
The IAFF - Local 2864 union represents the 128 career fire-fighters serving Abbotsford through prevention, education, suppression and investigation.
igwiDaF ’c ikwklI pfAux qy pINGF JUtx ’c prFdy df afpxf hI rMg, nËfkq qy nËfrf huMudf sI| smyN dy nfl lVkIaF ny afpxy lMby suMdr vfl ktf ky Coty kr ley hn ijs ’c guwqF prFdy, jUVy df svfl hI nhIN pYdf huMdf.Auh pty krvf ky ieDr EDr mtkf ky Èfn smJx lwgIaF hn[ koeI Ëmfnf sI jd pMjfbI swiBafcfr ’c lVkIaF ’c guwq nfl prFdI pAux df BrpUr irvfj sI. vYsy vI lMby vflF vflI lVkI nUM Éfs qOr ’qy psMd kIqf jFdf sI. ijvyN rumFitk kvI poR[ mohn isMG dI iek kivqf ’c iËkr hY—‘mYN nf lvF supny ijnHF dy gË gË lMby vfl ‘mYN qF lvF sohixAuN afËfdI dy supny’.do guwqF krnIaF nfl mIZIaF vI guMdxIaF lVkIaF df iÈMgfr irhf hY. qy guwq motI krn leI lVkIaF kfly rMg dy Dfgy dI bxI prFdI vflF nfl rlf ky pfeI jFdI sI, ijnFH dy hyTF lMby Coty rMgdfr PumHx lwgy huMdy sn. iesnUM zorI vI ikhf jFdf sI.qy zorI qoN hI
prFdI ny rUp lY ilaf.
prFdI dy aÉIr ’qy lwgy PuMmHxF dI afpxI sjfvt qy suMdrqf sI, ijsnUM ieDr EDr
jsbIr kOr
jFdIaF kuVIaF mtkfAuNdIaF sn. ivafh
’c Éfs krky lfl rMg df prFdf pihinaf
jFdf sI.vYsy hor PMkÈnF ivc sUt nfl mYc krdy rMgdy prFdy vI bxfey jFdy sn. hyTF golzn rMg df ilÈkdf Dfgf vlyHitaf jF
jflI ijhI bMnHI huMdI sI. prFdy nUM pMjfbI
gIqF ny ivÈyÈ sMBfilaf hoieaf hY.afsf
isMG msqfny df gfieaf bVf mÈhUr gIq
hY—‘kflI qyrI guwq qy prFdf qyrf lfl nI,rUp dIey rfxIey prFdy nUM sMBfl nI’.
igwiDaF ’c ikwklI pfAux qy pINGF JUtx ’c
prFdy df afpxf hI rMg, nËfkq qy nËfrf
huMudf sI| smyN dy nfl lVkIaF ny afpxy lMby suMdr vfl ktf ky Coty kr ley hn ijs
’c guwqF prFdy, jUVy df svfl hI nhIN pYdf
huMdf.Auh pty krvf ky ieDr EDr mtkf ky
Èfn smJx lwgIaF hn qy vflF nUM rMg vI
lfAuNdIaF hn. hux qF dunIaf ivc ikqy cly
jfE Coty vflF nUM hI qrjIh idwqI jFdI hY. kdy prFdI jF prFdf suMdrqf df icMnH huMdf
sI lyikn hux ivrsy dy qOr ’qy styjF jF
BMgVy igwiDaF afid ivc hI vrqy jFdy hn .
ichry nUM JurVIaF qoN dUr rwKx 'c kfrgr hn ieh PUz afeItms , jvfn idKx leI awj hI ienHF nUM afpxI zfeIt 'c kro Èfml
BfvyN mrd hovy jF aOrqF, awj kwlH hr koeI smyN qoN pihlF buZfpy vrgIaF smwisafvF nfl jUJ irhf hY. shI Kurfk cmVI dI Aumr
aqy JurVIaF qoN Cutkfrf pfAux ivwc bhuq mdd kr skdI hY. kuJ Bojn cmVI dI ishq nUM brkrfr rwKdy hn (aYNtI eyijMg PUzË) aqy afksIzyitv qxfa qoN bcfAux ivwc mdd krdy hn jo cmVI dI Aumr vDx dy muwK kfrnF ivwcoN iewk hY. ienHIN
idnIN cmVI 'qy smyN qoN pihlF JurVIaF pYxf
iek afm smwisaf bx geI hY. cMgI ishq
aqy cMgI cmVI leI shI Kurfk lYxf bhuq
ËrUrI hY. awj-kwlH lok roËfnf iËMdgI dy qxfa aqy kMm dy kfrn glq Kfx-pIx dIaF afdqF aqy jIvn ÈYlI nUM apxf rhy hn. ieh burIaF afdqF srIr dI ishq 'qy sB qoN vwD pRBfv pfAuNdIaF hn aqy cmVI
rfhIN idKfeI idMdIaF hn. bhuq sfry lok
aijhy hn ijnHF nUM smyN qoN pihlF JurVIaF pYxIaF ÈurU ho jFdIaF hn aqy AunHF nUM cmVI dI Aumr vDx vrgIaF smwisafvF df sfhmxf krnf pYNdf hY. hflFik, ies smwisaf qoN bcx dy keI qrIky hn. ichry
'qy JurVIaF jF cmVI dI Aumr qoN bcx leI, lok kfsmYitk AuqpfdF ijvyN loÈn, krIm, mfsk aqy sIrm afid dI vrqoN krdy hn. keI lok ies smwisaf dy hwl leI zfktr kol vI jFdy hn. ies qoN pihlF ik bhuq dyr ho jfvy aqy quhfnUM vI ienHF smwisafvF df sfhmxf krnf pvy, afE jfxdy hF ies qoN bcx dy qrIikaF bfry. qusIN afpxI Kurfk ivwc ishqmMd aqy pOÈitk Bojn pdfrQF nUM Èfml krky ies smwisaf qoN bc skdy ho. hyTF Kfx vflIaF cIËF dI sUcI idwqI geI hY jo quhfzI cmVI dI ishq nUM suDfr skdy hn. PlF aqy sbËIaF ivwc amIno aYisz, aYNtIafksIzYNt aqy ivtfimn BrpUr huMdy hn, jo cmVI leI PfiedymMd huMdy hn. Kfs qOr 'qy cmkdfr rMg dy Pl aqy sbËIaF ijvyN broklI, pflk, tmftr aqy aFvlf cmVI dI Aumr qoN bcx leI PfiedymMd mMny jFdy hn. mIt, mwCI, dflF aqy anfj ivwc pRotIn dI iËafdf mfqrf huMdI hY, jo cmVI leI ËrUrI hY. pRotIn cmVI dI rsfiexk bxqr nUM bxfeI rwKx ivwc mdd krdf hY. qyijMdr iQMd
awj imqI 2-6-24 nMU gurduafrf pRbMDk kmytI Kflsf dIvfn susfietI aYbtsPorz aqy ieMzo knyzIan sInIar susfietI mYNbr dI iekwqrqf ivwc jo kmrf sInIarj susfietI leI bx irhf hY Aus ivwc 10,000 zflr sInIarj susfietI vlo dfn vjo minMdr igl pRDfn aqy pRbMDk kmytI gurduafrf sfihb nMU cYk Byt kIqf igaf. sInIarj susfietI vlo kmrf bxfAux leI DMnvfd kIqf igaf.
mohn isMG igwl (pRDfn)
suKdyv isMG mwlI (jnrl skwqr)
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) kYnyzf’c smfj syvf nUM smripq ividafrQIaF nUM vjIPf dyx vfly tYrI POks ihAUmntyrIan avfrz 2024 df aYlfn kr idwqf hY. ieh snmfn lYx vfly kuwl 14 ividafrQIaF ivwc iewko iewk pMjfbI ividafrQI 17 sflf bljoq isMG rfey dI sLfiml hY. tYrI POks ihAUmntyrIan avfrz vfsqy kYnyzf Br’coN 500 qoN vwD ividafrQIaF ny arjLI idwqI sI pr kuwl 14 ividafrQIaF nUM snmfn vfsqy cuixaf igaf hY. ies avfrz qihq hr ividafrQI nUM 28 hjLfr zflr Bfv qkrIbn 17 lwK rupey df vjIPf idwqf jFdf hY. syNt pfl hfeI skUl ivKy 12 vIN jmfq df hoxhfr
ividafrQI bljoq isMG rfey afpxy skUl dy aKbfr df aYzItr aqy vMn ien afl
pRojYkt df sMsQfpk hY qy bIqy 4 sfl qoN
mnuwKI aiDkfr klwb nfl juiVaf hoieaf hY. bljoq isMG
rfey afAuNdy sfl qoN vYnkUvr dI
XUnIvristI afP
ibRitsL kolMbIaf ivKy ieMtrPyQ
stwzIjL nfl
smuMdrI ivigafn dI pVHfeI sLurU krygf.
cuxIaF geIaF
aYbtsPorz (gurdIp isMG gryvfl) kYnyzf ivwc vpfr, tYknflOjI qy hor keI KyqrF ivwc aOrqF nUM AuqsLfihq krn vflI sMsQf ‘vomYn vI azmfier’ vloN tfp 50 vomYn lIzrjL afP vYnkUvr 2024 dy nfvF df aYlfn kr idwqf hY ijMnf ivwc 4 pMjfbxF arsLpRIq kOr srF, hrnIq iZwloN, anIqf igwl, qy avI igwl ies vkfrI snmfn vfsqy cuxIaF geIaF hn. ies qoN ielfvf borz afP tryz srI dI pRDfn BfrqI mUl
dI anIq hMbrmyn vI vomYn lIzr cuxI geI hY. sMsQf vloN ieh snmfn AunHf aOrqF nUM idwqf jFdf hY ijMnHf df smfj syvf qy Kfs krky aOrqF dI BlfeI leI ivsLysL Xogdfn hovyg. ieMglYNz dI vyljL XUnIvristI qoN aYl[aYl[bU[ pfs arsLpRIq kOr srF groQaOps dI gruwp jnrl kONsl mYNbr hY qy vYnkUvr XUnIvristI qoN aYm[bI[ey[ dI pVfeI kr rhI hY. hrnIq iZwloN XUnIvristI kYnyzf vYst dy ihAUmn rIsors
dy lok qy swiBafcfr dI mIq pRDfn hY jd ik vYnkUvr bMdrgfh dI sInIafr sikAurtI aiDkfrI anIqf igwl vYnkUvr PryjLr port aQfrtI dy ishq, surwiKaf qy sikAurtI dy zfierYktr vjoN syvfvF inBf rhI hY aqy avI igwl kYnyzf dy izjLItl mIzIaf’c mwlF mfrn vflI kOmI kimAUnIkysLn eyjMsI tfk sLOp dI zfierYktr hY qy avI igwl kYnyzf qy amrIjf dy keI pRmuwK aKbfrF nfl vI kMm krdI hY.
hrI nfm isMG Kflsf gurdvfrf nfnk invfs phuMcxgy
(blvMq isMG sMGyVf- ircmMz, bI[sI[) ieMzIaf klcrl sYNtr afP kYnyzf, gurdvfrf nfnk invfs, 8600 nMbr pMj roz, ircmMz dI pRbMDk kmytI aqy sMgq leI ieh bhuq KuÈI dI gwl hY ik AuGy iswK ivdvfn BfeI hrI nfm isMG Kflsf hr aYqvfr svyry 11 vjy qoN 11:45 qwk gurbfxI aqy iswK
Drm vfry jfxkfrI nfl sMgqF nUM inhfl krngy. gurdvfrf sfihb dI pRbMDk kmytI vloN dfs sMgqF nUM aqy Kfs kr nOjvfn bwcy bwcIaF nUM swdf idMdf hY ik afAu gurU Gr afky BfeI sfihb koloN aMgryjI ivc gurbfxI aqy iswK
Drm vfry igafn aqy jfxkfrI hfsl kro. gurdvfrf sfihb ivKy cfh pfxI aqy guru ky lMgr df BI afnMd mfxo. hor jfxkfrI leI dfs (blvMq isMG sMGyVf) nfl 604836-8976 sMprk kro. DMnvfd.
(blvMq isMG sMGyVf- ircmMz, bI[sI[) sfzI kimAUintI leI ieh bhq KuÈI dI gwl hY ik ipCly sfl vYnkUvr afeIlYNz qoN sfzI kimAUintI dy nOjvfn rvI prmfr
aYm[aYl[eY[ cuxy gey sn. AuhnF nUM prImIar zyyivz eIbI ny aMqrrfÈtrI prIcy pwqr (krIzYNÈlj) dy sUDfr leI
pfrlImYtrI sYktrI dI ijMmyvfrI idwqI sI. Aus idn qoN hI rvI ies ivc sUDfr
ilafAux leI bhuq imhnq kr rhy hn. 31 meI, 2024 nUM rvI prmfr ircmMz mltIklcrl kimAUintI srivsj dy dPqr ies vfry hor jfxkfrI hfsl krn leI afey. dfs (blvMq isMG sMGyVf) ny keI sfl ies susfietI dy pRDfn vjoN syvf kIqI hY. so susfietI dI ivDfiek prm gryvfl ny dfs nUM BI rvI nUM imlx leI swdf idwqf. asIN dohF ny rvI prmfr nUM aMqrrfÈtrI krYzYMÈlj vfry af rhIaF muÈklF vfry jfxU krvfieaf. ies dy nfl hI Aus ny kuJ pRBfivq swjxF nfl BI mulfkfq kIqI. afs hY ik rvI dI imhnq sdkf ies msly dy hwl CyqI hI lwBy jfxgy. asIN rvI prmfr dy ies ÈlfGf Xog Auprfly leI DMnvfdI hF.
Patrika pMjfbI pwiqRkf
kMm vfly vrkrF dI loV hY.
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Pqih, bynqI hY ik ipMz kuwsf (mogf) smUh sMgq vloN hr sfl dI qrHF sRI aKMz pfT sfihb imqI 07 jUn 2024 sLuwkrvfr nUM svyry 10 vjy aqy 09 jUn 2024 aYqvfr nMU Bog pfey jfxgy. smfgm gurduafrf klgIDr drbfr sfihb, 30640 blUirwj zrfeIv aYbtsPorz bI[sI[ ivKy hovygf. so ipMz dy sfry swjx imwqr, mfvF-BYxF, dohqy-dohqIaF qy kuVIaF nUM phuMcx leI swdf idwqf jFdf hY. so sfry tfeIm nfl jrUr phuMc ky drsLn idAu jI. DMnvfd vloN: lCmx isMG DflIvfl (604-306-4710), rCpfl isMG DflIvfl (604-807-8448), gurjIq isMG DflIvfl (778-928-7000)
PYmlIaF leI jLon
pRfprtI tYks
aqy hom Enr gRFt
pRfprtI tYks 2 julfeI, 2024 qwk jmHf kro. lfeIn nUM Cwzo aqy aOnlfeIn pyimMt kro abbotsford.ca/propertytaxes. hom Enr gRFt vfry nf BuwilE, aqy ies leI aOnlfeI aplfeI kro gov.bc.ca/homeownergrant
kYnyzf zya pryz aqy jsLn
kimwtI AuWqy KflI sItF
apoieMitmMtF hr 2 sflF bfad jF sItF KflI hox 'qy istI kONsl duafrf inXukqIaF jFdIaF hn. inXukqIaF dIaF ÈrqF iksy iewk kmytI ivwc 2 sfl jF vwD qoN vwD lgfqfr Cy sfl qwk hn, pr kONsl inXukqIaF nUM rwd kr skdI hY. ikrpf krky not kro ik sfrIaF kmytI dIaF mIitMgF inXmq kfrobfrI smyN dOrfn huMdIaF hn.
istI kONsl vfry jfxkfrI
sfrIaF mIitMgF, jy nf bdlIaF hox, hr mMglvfr mYtskI sYNtYnIal aOzItorIam, jo istI hflL dy nflL hY, 32315 sfAUQ PryjLr vya, aYbtsPorz ivwc huMdIaF hn.
1 julfeI 2024 nUM kYnyzf idvs mnfAux leI sfzy nfl Èfml hovo. sfzf BfeIcfrk jÈn sfAUQ PryËr vya ‘qy iewk pryz nfl ÈurU huMdf hY, aYbtsPorz aYgËIibÈn pfrk ivKy iewk pirvfrk iqAuhfr ijs ivwc pirvfrk-pwKI gqIivDIaF, mnorMjn, mltIklcrl QImz PUz trwk, kimAUintI Èoakys, aqy iewk afiqÈbfËI dy jÈn nfl smfpq huMdf hY. hor jfxkfrI leI abbotsford.ca/canadaday
pfxI AuWqy pfbMdIaF
pfxI dIaF pfbMdIaF pUry BfeIcfry nUM lfB phuMcfAux leI ÈurU ho geIaF hn aqy ieh XkInI bxfAux leI lfgU hn ik sfzy kol sfrI grmIaF ivwc pfxI dI BrosymMd mfqrf rhy. qusIN afpxy Gfh nUM hÌqy ivwc do vfr svyry 6:00 vjy qoN svyry 8:00 vjy qwk pfxI dy skdy ho. buwDvfr aqy ÈnIvfr nUM eIvn nMbr dy aYzrYs pfxI lf skdy hn aqy vIrvfr aqy aYqvfr nUM aOz aYzrYs vflLy lf skdy hn.
ies smyN istI ieh kimtIaF leI inXukqIaF lwB rhI hY: KyqIbfVI azvfeIjLrI kimtI - KyqI AudXog qoN iewk mYNbr (ijvyN kI byrI, zyarI, gRInhfAus, poltrI jF hor KyqI iksm) ieksYsfibiltI aqy iekutI azvfeIjLrI kimtI - iewk mYNbr jo apfhj ivakqI hn jF jo apfhj ivakqIaF dI shfieqf krdy hn, aqy jo ibRitÈ kolMbIaf ivwc apfhj ivakqIaF dI iviBMnqf nUM drsfAuNdy hn; aqy do mYNbr vwzy pwDr 'qy-borz afP vyrIieMs – iek mYNbr vwzy pwDr’qy pbilk syPtI azvfeIjLrI kimtI – iek mYNbr vwzy pwDr’qy
aYplIkysLn zYzlfeIn jUn 13, 2024 nUM hY. hor jfxkfrI leI jF aplfeI krn leI abbotsford.ca/committee ‘qy jfE.
aYgjLYkitv mIitMgF hux dupihr 3 vjy sLurU huMdIaF hn, jo ik proivMsLl lYijslysLn bdlfa kfrn qbdIl hoeIaF hn. pbilk hIirMgF hux isrP istI EPIsLIal plYn ivwc qbdIlIaF dIaF GosLxfvF leI sLfm 6 vjy skYjUl hoxgIaF.
istI kONsl brOzkYst
istI kONsl mIitMgF aqy ajYNzf abbotsford.ca/ams ‘qy AuplbD hn. kONsl mIitMgF qusIN aOnlfeIn dyK skdy ho abbotsford.ca/watchcouncilonline
2024 kONsl mIitMg skYjUl
jUn 13 kimAUintI, swiBafcfr, aqy vfqfvrx azvfeIjLrI kimwtI jUn 13 KyqI-bfVI azvfeIjLrI kimwtI – kYNsl ho cuwkI hY
jUn 18 dupihr 3 vjy kONsl mIitMg
On Saturday, May 25, Dasmesh Punjabi School hosted its second annual karate tournament. The tournament was a joint venture with Abbotsford Shotokan Karate Dojo. The Dasmesh Punjabi School students performed well and won a combined total of 39 medals, three ribbons, and three trophies. Students from other schools competed, too, though most were from DPS. Dasmesh is one of the few schools in BC that offers a karate program. The DPS Karate Club is led by Ms Bernie Nixon. Attached is a photo from the event.
BACK ROW: Viraj Deol, Mani Sandhu, Gurnihaal Bains, Amberjeet Bhumra, Mahi Dogra, Harkirat Johal, and Aria Cheema.
FRONT ROW: Palak Shukla, Partaapveer Sran, Anayad Bhumra, Tanvi Chopra, and Jeannie Baird.
Here are the results from the DPS students:
Viraj Deol: 3 Gold medals and Division Winner Trophy, Partapveer Sran: 2 Silver medals
Aria Cheema: 2 Gold medals, 1 Silver medal, and Division Winner Trophy.
Palak Shukla: 2 Bronze medals, Surpreet Kaur: two 4th Place ribbons.
Tanvi Chopra: 1 Gold medal, 1 Silver medal., Gurnihaal Bains: 1 Gold medal, 1 Silver medal.
Mani Sandhu: 1 Gold medal, 1 Silver medal, and 1 Bronze medal.
Jeannie Baird: 2 Gold medals, Division Winner Trophy.
A total of 101 foreigners from 49 countries and regions are among this year's spring honor recipients of them, Kenneth S. Wilsbach, 60, former commander of the U.S. Pacific Air Forces, and former Indian Ambassador to Japan Deepa Gopalan Wadhwa, 68, were awarded the Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun. Former professional wrestler Tiger Jeet Singh, 80, whose real name is Jagjeet Singh Hans, was selected for the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Rays.
Anahad Bhumra: 2 Silver medals, Mahi Dogra: 1 Silver medal, 1 Gold medal.
Gunkirat Sidhu: 1 Bronze medal, 1 Gold medal.
Amberjeet Bhumra: 1 Silver medal, 1 Bronze medal, and one 4th place ribbon., Harkirat Johal: 2 Gold medals, and 1 Bronze medal.
Ashveer Brar: 1 Silver and 2 Bronze medals.
Angum Johal: 3 Bronze medals., Eknoor Gill: 3 Silver medals.
Students who are interested in summer karate training and programs should contact Sensei Harry Sidhu of the Abbotsford Shotokan Karate Dojo. The website is www.abbotsfordkarate.com.
(NC) Heat waves, with their hot temperatures and often high humidity, can harm your health and can even be deadly. To help you stay healthy, here are some tips from Health Canada.
Take a break: Plan your outdoor activities for the morning or evening when the temperature is usually a little bit cooler.
If you find yourself in an overheated space, turn on an air conditioner if you have one, or relocate to a cooler location such as a basement, community centre or library.
If you have a window air conditioning unit, using it to cool one room will give you somewhere to go for relief. Using it to cool a larger space won’t be as efficient, and you may still need to seek relief elsewhere.
up. Consider preparing meals by using a microwave or going with cold meals like hearty salads or sandwiches instead.
Use your shade: The sun is a powerful heat source. Did you know that the air can be up to five degrees Celsius cooler in the shade of a tree compared to the surrounding area? Many heat deaths occur indoors, too. To keep cool indoors, consider closing yourcurtains, blinds and shades during the day, and opening windows to let cooler air in.
Avoid the oven: Even if your favourite meals are cooked in the oven, it’s best to swap them out during a heat wave. Your oven heats up your home, and your air conditioner may struggle to keep
Spot trouble: Watch for symptoms of heat illness, which include dizziness or fainting, nausea or vomiting, headache, extreme thirst and rapid breathing and heartbeat. If you experience any of these symptoms, immediately move to a cool place and hydrate. If someone has a high body temperature, has stopped sweating or is confused or unconscious, call 911 immediately because these are signs of heat stroke. Find more information at canada.ca/health.
blivMdr 'bflm'
Ekfr ngr, gurdfspur (pMjfb)
mo: 98156-25409
jUn df mhInf grmI sI kihr dI.
mGdI sI Duwp isr 'qy dupihr dI.
qwqI qvI Auqy gurU sfihb bih gey.
ËflmF df ho jfeygf nfÈ kih gey.
pf ky ÈhIdI ieiqfs rc gey.
sUrj dy vfg iek afs rc gey. ieho ijhf dunIaf 'qy hor hoxf neIN.
afpf iËMdgfnI df iksy vI KoxHf neIN, sfl qrqflI qy mhInf, solHF idn.
ÈhIdI nUM Auh dy gey sdIaF dy iCx. gurU rfm dfs jI dy Gr pYdf hoey.
iPr mfqf BfnI jI dI KuÈI nf smoey.
jnm sQfn sIgf goieMdvfl jI, nykI vfly PuÙlF nfl BrI zfl jI, hoieaf sI ivafh mfqf gMgf nfl jI, pYdf hoey iPr hirgoibMd lfl jI, aMimRqsr pRcfr df sQfn sohxf sI. vfqfvrn kudrq dw mnmohxf sI. anykF hI BfÈfvf dy igafqf hoey ny.
gRMQ dI sMpfdnf dy dfqf hoey ny.
cOdF sO qIh pMinaF nUM isrijaf. swcy sucy kvIaF nUM mfx bKiÈaf.
Bwt, guriswK, BgqF dI bfxI hY. gurU jI dI bwxI ies 'c lfsfnI hY.
jfq pfq rMg rUp nUM iqafg ky. iensfnI kdrF qy kImqF ipafr ky.
gurU jI dy do sO sqwqr slok ny.
cMn aqy qfiraF dy vFg bol ny.
AuhnF dw sI Xfr mIaF mIr bflmf.
Aucw kotI vflf sI ÌkIr 'bflmf'.
ieho ijhy Xfrfny tFvyN-tFvyN 'bflmf'.
jgdy ny dIvy CwvyN-CwvyN 'bflmf'.
sUrj df jgdf pYgfm rvygf. gurU jI df jwg Auqy nwm rvygf.
kyvl isMG ‘inrdosL’
pMjvyN pfqsLfh sLihr lfhOr aMdr, qwqI qvI ‘qy cOkVf lfeI bYTy.
blx lwkVF BwTI ‘coN syk afvy, jLflm kihr dI awg mcfeI bYTy.
cMd cMdU dy cMdry cqr sfQI ,
cMdrI mnF ivwc bxq bxfeI bYTy.
mn ijnHF dy hoey mnUr sV ky, vFg ikrilaF DOxF akVfeI bYTy.
ijhVf ipafr muhwbqF vMzdf ey,
nfl Es dy nPLrqF pfeI bYTy.
PUkx vfsqy amn dy aflHxy nUM, hwQF ivwc cuafqIaF cfeI bYTy.
cMdU afKdf murqjLf KLfn qfeIN, arjn gurU nUM sbk isKflxf mYN.
myrI DI df moiVaf sfk Ausny, mjLf eysdf AuhnUM cKflxf mYN.
mn Aubldf myrf qd sLFq hoxf, jdoN dygL dy ivc Aubflxf mYN.
hrI mMdr ivwc gwdI ‘qy bYTdf jo, qwqI qvI ‘qy AuhnUM bhflxf mYN.
Auhny Kusro dy mwQy ‘qy iqlk lf ky, zyry afpxy ivwc pnfh idwqI.
mMnI eIn nf bfdsLfh ipqf dI qUM, bfgLI pwuq dy qFeI slfh idwqI.
ijhVI sLyKL srhMdI ny cfl cwlI, Auhdf sfQ dy asIN pugf idwqI. afp inkly mwKx ‘coN vfl vFgUM,
jhFgIr nfl kuMzI aVf idwqI. aYpr sbr qy jLbr dI jMg ivwcoN,
gurU ijwiqaf bfdsLfh hfiraf ey.
jhFgIr qy cMdU nUM jwg aMdr, rwj rwj ky igaf iPtkfiraf ey.
hwk swc leI ijhVf kurbfn hovy,
sdf lokF ny AuhnUM siqkfiraf ey.
amr rihx ‘inrdosL’ ieiqhfs aMdr,
afpf ijnHF asUl leI vfiraf ey.
aPËl aihsn rMDfvf
sux rfhIaf krmf vfilaf!
mYN bykrmI dI bfq
myrf cVHdf sUrj zuwibaf
myry idn nUM Kf geI rfq.
myrI sfvI kuwK jnmf cuwkI
ijhVI gurU isafxy vIr
awj qpdnI BwTI bx geI
qy AuhdI vyK asIr.
awj qpdI BwTI bx geI
myrI sfvI kuwK aKIr
ivc PuwilaF vFgU iKV pey
myry Èyr jvfn qy pIr.
awj qpdI BwTI bx geI
myrI mihkF vMzdI kuwK
awj myry bxF 'coN cuMGdy
myry bwcy lhU qy duwK.
awj qpdI BwTI bx geI
myrI swq smuMdr awK
awj bwlI jfey nf jwg qoN
myry ÈhIdF vflI dwK.
awj qpdI BwTI bx geI
myrI cUVy vflI bFh awj
ivc ÈhIdI JMizaF
hY myrf JMzf qFh.
awj qpdI BwTI bx igaf
myrf sgly vflf pYr
awj vYrIaF kwZ ivKfilaf hY
pMj sdIaF df vyr
awj qpdI BwTI bx geI
myrI duwDF vMzdI Cfq
mYN afpxI rwq ivc zuwb geI
pr bfhr nf mfrI Jfq
awj qpdI BwTI bx igaf
myrf mwKx ijhf srIr
mYN kuwK sVI ivc sV
mry myrf rFJf myrI hIr.
awj qpdI BwTI bx igaf
myrf zlkF mfrdf rMg
mYN mr jfxI ivc sV igaf
awj myrf iek iek aMg.
awj qpdI BwTI bx geI
myry ivhVy dI hr iewt ijQy
dunIaf mwQf tykdI
Eh bUtF CwzI iBwt.
myry burj munfry Zfh idwqy Zfh idwqf
qKq akfl myry sony rMgf rMg
awj myry lhU nf' lflo lfl.
myrIaF KUbIaF tYNkF mIzIaF
myrI lUhI bMbF guwq myry kuwCV
aMnHIaF golIaF BuMn suwty myry puwq.
myrf cUVf rfq suhfg df hoieaf
eydF lIro lIr ijMdF ikrcI
ikrcI ho
geI myrI ÈIÈy dI qsvIr
myrf Èyr bhfdr sUrmf
jrnYlF df jrnYl
Aus mOq ivafhI hws ky
Ehdy idl 'qy rqf nf mYl. pr koeI nf AuhnUM bhuiVaf
AuhnUM vYrIaF mfiraf Gyr
AuNJ qwky rih gey GrF 'c myry lwKF puwqr Èyr. sux rfhIaf krmf vfilaf! ies bykrmI dI bfq
myrf cVHdf sUrj zuwibaf
myry idn nUM Kf geI rfq. myry lUM lUM 'coN peI vgdI
BfvyN lhU dI iek iek nihr
mYN ajy ijAuNdI jfgdI
mYN Jwl geI sfrf kihr
mYN mr nhIN skdI kdy vI
BfvyN vwZx awTy pihr
BfvyN dyx qsIhy rwj ky
BfvyN rwj ipaflx Ëihr. myry puwqr sfgr Ëor df hr hr bFh iek iek lihr myry puwqr ipMzoN ipMz ny myry puwqr ÈihroN Èihr. myrI Aumr ikqfb df vyK lY qUM hr hr vrkf pVH
jdoN BfrI bxI hY mF 'qy
myry puwqr afey cVH.
pVH! ikMnI vfrI mF qoN
AunHF vfrI afpxI jfn
pVH! iks idn afpxI mF df
AunHF nhIN sI rwiKaf mfx. sux rfhIaf rfhy jFidaf ! qUM ilK rwKIN ieh bfq myrf zuwibaf sUrj cVHygf EVk muwkygI ieh rfq.
oracleproper tygroup.com
Extra provincial playground funding for the seventh year means more fun for students and families in modern and safe playgrounds.
“Playgrounds enhance our kids’ wellbeing,” said Rachna Singh, Minister of Education and Child Care. “These are spaces where children can truly be themselves, where they express their joy, and learn valuable social skills. Our government is thrilled to ensure communities throughout the province gain better access to modern playgrounds for everyone’s benefit.”
In 2024, the Province is providing funding for 26 more playgrounds in 26 school districts, each receiving $195,000. This investment in playgrounds promotes physical activity for kids, teaches social skills, such as sharing, and helps them develop life skills, such as conflict resolution. The playgrounds are also designed to be accessible for children of all abilities.
Last year’s provincial investment of $5 million supported 25 new school playgrounds – 20 are complete, while the remaining are close to ready. Building new accessible playgrounds is part of the government’s priority to ensure students have positive learning and play spaces, no matter where they live. Since 2018, the government has supported students and families, allocating $40 million toward new playgrounds at 282 schools, benefiting more than 70,000 students. Every school district has received at least one playground since the program started in 2018. Some schools received funding for multiple playgrounds for the communities to enjoy.
Budget 2024 includes $3.75 billion for school capital projects over the next three years, including new and expanded schools, seismic upgrades and replacements, and land purchases for future schools.
vsIaq aqy jfiedfd dI plYinMg
sfrIaF notrI syvfvF
Who: For children from Kindergarten to Grade 5. Children in Grade 6 & higher may volunteer.
What: A camp full of learning and excitement! Camp will include Gatka, Punjabi, Sikh Videos, Arts & Crafts, Seva Time, Sakhi Time as well as Sports & Games!
Where: Gurdwara Sahib Kalgidhar Darbar (30640 Blueridge Drive, Abbotsford, BC)
When: TIME:
9:00 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.
SESSION 1 (Limited Spots Available) Monday, July 8 - Thursday, July 18, 2024 (9 Days)
SESSION 2 (Limited Spots Available) Monday, July 22 - Thursday, August 1, 2024 (9 Days)
Why: This camp will allow young Sikh children to grow emotionally, mentally, socially, and spiritually. Other opportunities include making friends, interaction with positive role models, Gurmat & Sikh history education, and lots of fun!
Fee: $20/day
SESSION 1: $180 (9 days) SESSION 2: $180 (9 days)
· Campers are required to bring their own snack, lunch, and water bottle.
· If families would like to sponsor pizza lunch for a specific day or special occasion like a child’s birthday, please contact the office.
1 SESSION 2 - Sunday, June 23, 2024 - Sunday, July 7, 2024
Three BC municipalities devasted by flooding in 2021, along with industry and business leaders are calling on the federal government to change the way it funds climate change disaster prevention after all being turned down for critical flood infrastructure funding through the Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF).
The federal government launched the $2 billion DMAF in May 2018, adding an additional $1.375 billion in 2021, all of which is to be allocated over the next 9 years. DMAF is a national, competitive, and merit-based contribution program requiring communities to apply for funding through a competitive applications process.
“It’s absolutely ridiculous,” said Abbotsford Mayor Ross Siemens. “The 2021 flood caused significant damage to our regional and provincial transportation infrastructure, property and businesses, and severely impacted agricultural production in the most productive area of Canada. For the first time in our history, we witnessed a 9-day closure of the key transportation corridor (the TransCanada Highway) through the Fraser Valley, which links Canada’s largest port with the interior and Alberta, and yet through this competitive granting program, we did not make it on the list of federal priorities.”
Across BC, the 2021 atmospheric river event disrupted major railway lines, closed several major highways (some for several months), halted the movement of people, goods and services, resulting in severe disruptions to the Asia Pacific gateway supply chain, closed the US/Canada border, and devastated businesses, farms, residences and distressed residents. In Merritt, for example, this storm necessitated dozens of swift water rescues, and caused the flooding of hundreds of homes, months of lost school days, and hundreds of millions of dollars in destruction, including a bridge collapse, a wastewater treatment plant failure, and extensive private and public property damage.
Post flood, the City of Abbotsford took immediate action to assess and develop a flood prevention and management infrastructure solution that would safeguard the community, residents, and the region’s well-being and economic stability. The City applied for DMAF funding when the grant program opened for applications in the summer last year as encouraged by senior government officials.
The City of Merritt developed a comprehensive Flood Mitigation Plan to support their DMAF application. This plan provides updated river modelling that details that a much greater number of homes are now at risk (1,270 homes are now identified as in the flood zone compared to the 130 homes previously identified in the original Provincial floodplain modelling). The flood protections that Merritt had prior to 2021 are now washed down the river and the city remains extremely vulnerable to future and inevitable flooding. The City of Merritt needs a new dike system plus the funding required to purchase the land under its footprint.
The Town of Princeton hired a consultant to update the municipality’s current flood mitigation plan and embarked on a long-term hydrological model simulation identifying the magnitude of future winter and rain events in the vicinity of the municipality. The plan includes options for future diking projects and relocation of key infrastructure.
However, the competitive DMAF requirements mean that municipalities have to compete for the funding with all other communities across Canada. With limited financial means and expertise, this means smaller municipalities and communities do not always have the resources needed to undertake the lengthy and sometimes costly process of preparing an application that stacks up against other applicants competing for the funding.
“Senior levels of government promised to support us. They told us this was the way to get it,” said Merritt Mayor Michael G. Goetz. “We have shared detailed engineering reports that say the return-on-investment of this design is 7:1. Honestly, if preventing an almost guaranteed future disaster with a project like this doesn’t make the cut, I can’t imagine what projects in Canada will.”
“It’s like hoping to win the lottery,” said Princeton Mayor Spencer Coyne. “Community members lost their homes, key infrastructure was impacted, and the community was devastated. The DMAF funding was key to the flood mitigation and adaptation plan of Princeton, but now we are left vulnerable and trying to find a way to pay for the impacts of global climate change on our own with a population of 3,000 and tens of millions of dollars in costs. Rural BC, no, rural Canada is the economic engine of this country and cannot be forgotten just because we might be small.”
In 2019, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) recommended that the federal government “reevaluate” the DMAF program’s eligibility criteria so that communities of all sizes could “access critical funding and support”, yet no changes were made.
Abbotsford’s funding application proposed a solution that would ensure the Trans-Canada Highway would remain open, BC’s provincial food supply would be protected, and ensured that the flow of goods and services by truck and train to and from the Port of Vancouver would continue. ing process by which we are forced to compete against each other for these critical dollars needs to change, and it needs to change now.”
Dr. Joanne MacLean, President & Vice Chancellor, University of the Fraser Valley “The devastating 2021 flood had a profound impact on our UFV community, disrupting students' lives and studies as the highway
closure isolated them from our campus. As an institution deeply rooted in the Fraser Valley, we understand the importance of a secure future in agriculture for our students, whose education and careers are linked to the well-being of this region. Investing in flood mitigation is investing in the future of our students and the resilience of our agricultural community. We urge senior government to come forward with funding support to ensure a flooding disaster of this magnitude does not happen again.”
Gurmeen Banipal, President, Fraser Valley Indo-Canadian Business Association "The Fraser Valley Indo-Canadian Business Association stands with the City of Abbotsford, the City of Merritt, and the Town of Princeton in their collaborative efforts to secure essential disaster mitigation funding. The November 2021 floods were the most expensive natural disaster in B.C.’s history and have had a profound impact on the business community in the Fraser Valley. The FVICBA can attest firsthand to the catastrophic impacts that continue to affect our local business communities, economies, and critical infrastructure. This funding is crucial for the long-term flood mitigation plan, which will significantly impact our business communities by providing much-needed security and stability. By investing in extreme weather measures, we can ensure the resilience of our local businesses and protect the economic backbone of our region."
Alex Mitchell, CEO, Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce "The Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce supports the City of Abbotsford's application for long-term infrastructure funding to address flood mitigation in our community. Significant investments are needed to prevent disruptions to supply chains and support the local businesses and farmers that drive Canada's food security should another extreme weather event occur in the future."
The federal government's longoverdue decision to grant permanent residency on arrival for caregivers under new pilot programs is incredible news that is the result of decades of advocacy and sacrifice by countless caregivers and their families, says the Pinoy Festival Alliance Society, a local Filipino non-profit organization that works to promote the interests of the Filipino-Canadian community in BC.
"This is an incredible step forward for justice for our community. The majority of caregivers from overseas are from the Philippines and today we recognize their courage to share their stories and relentlessly advocate for their rights," says Liberty Aloha de Vera, Pinoy Festival Alliance Spokesperson and daughter of a former Live-in Caregiver. "For too long, the federal government's caregiver programs tore families apart because
many mothers had to leave behind their own children or elderly parents to take care of someone else's child and parent. I am a walking example of the sad and devastating trauma created by unjust caregiver programs that tore families like mine apart," she said.
There are almost one million Filipino-Canadians across the country with almost 200,000 living in British Columbia. "Today is a day to celebrate. We're also grateful to the caregiver organizations for their advocacy and for supporting us; and to the caregivers and their families for the courage to tell their stories because in doing so - they moved a mountain," concluded Imus, who recognized there is still much work to do to genuinely improve conditions for all migrant workers, especially undocumented ones, that are already here.
New funding for one of Canada’s most powerful supercomputers, and the largest research cloud in the country, is supporting cutting-edge research projects in health care, clean energy, neuroscience and climate modelling that will improve people’s lives.
“Our government is investing in B.C. universities to support a range of research bringing about advancements in health care like new heart monitoring technology and artificial intelligence for individually personalized cancer treatments, as well as research that will accelerate
decarbonization pathways and grow B.C.’s hydrogen sector for a cleaner future,” said Brenda Bailey, B.C. Minister of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation.
“Through the B.C. Knowledge Development Fund (BCKDF), we continue to invest in the research tools needed to secure our province’s place as a global leader in innovation, and to make life better for people.”
The BCKDF, the Government of B.C.’s primary source for capital investment in research infrastructure, is providing more than $30 million to enhance the high-performance
computing infrastructure, also known as supercomputers, at two postsecondary institutions: Simon Fraser University (SFU) and the University of Victoria (UVic). B.C. has two of Canada’s five national supercomputer sites.
“Advanced research computing is a vital tool in the Digital Research Infrastructure Strategy,” said Francois-Philippe Champagne, federal Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry. “Today's announcement will help ensure the researchers are better equipped to optimize research data to generate cutting-edge knowledge and ideas. Expanding the capacity of Canadian supercomputing power ensure that Canada maintains its science and research excellence and remain globally competitive.”
This includes more than $24 million to renew the infrastructure of SFU’s Cedar system, one of the most powerful academic supercomputers in Canada. Cedar provides advanced computing power and storage to fuel research innovation and industry, government and academic collaboration across the country. This funding will support SFU, one of Canada’s five national host sites, to build a new system to replace the existing system, which is nearing end of life. The replacement will match or exceed current storage capacity and compute performance to the benefit of tens of thousands of users across Canada. The Digital Research Alliance of Canada is contributing nearly $41 million to SFU’s Cedar supercomputer.
Cedar is helping SFU engineering science professor Mirza Faisal Beg to capture images of the human body and organ measurements much faster than traditional methods, which could help redefine cancer treatment. With each patient's unique body composition, a personalized treatment plan responsive to both disease and individual traits can lead to improved health outcomes, while minimizing adverse side effects.
UVic, also one of Canada’s five national host sites, has been awarded up to a maximum of $6,141,900 through the BCKDF to renew community cloud infrastructure of the Arbutus system, the largest research cloud in the country. Arbutus has revolutionized how scientists across Canada process, share and store massive data sets. Featuring processing speeds thousands of times faster than a desktop computer, it serves as the cornerstone for more than 1,000 research teams across Canada. The Digital Research Alliance of Canada is contributing more than $10 million to UVic’s Arbutus supercomputer.
Arbutus’s use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze and visualize advanced 3D imaging of the brain is helping determine what causes the brain's immune cells to change drastically and how this affects cognitive function. UVic’s Marie-Ève Tremblay’s globally recognized research is providing a better understanding about learning, memory, behaviour and cognition.
High-performance computers are capable of processing large quantities of data, using artificial intelligence and modelling of complex systems in almost any technology-related sector. The use of these supercomputers helps the economy by driving innovation and supports start-up companies, which leads to potential commercial enterprises. By investing in the Cedar and Arbutus high-performance computers, the Province is ensuring that B.C. continues to attract and retain top academics, researchers, and students.
The BCKDF helps grow the economy by improving B.C.’s productivity and competitiveness, which is a key objective of Clean and Competitive: A Blueprint for B.C.’s Industrial Future. Other benefits include potential commercialization, spinoffs, patents, improved environmental management and discoveries that directly affect the health and wellbeing of people in B.C.
BC aujlagee@shaw.ca
kYnyzIan pI afr jWt iswK Aumr 37 sfl kWd 5’7
ibnF bWcy qo qlfksLudf, afpxf Gr qy vDIaF nOkrI kr rhy lVky vfsqy pirvfirk lVkI dI loV hY.
ibnF bwcy qo qlfksLudf lVkI qy vI ivcfr kIqf jf
skdf hY
sMprk kro : 604-832-3013 jwt isWK igWl lVkf Aumr 33 sfl kWd 6 Puwt, ielYktrIsLn vrk prmt (Applied for PR ) leI pI afr jF vrk prmt vflI lVkI dI loV hY. lVkf nisLaF qoN rihq aqy sfAU suBfa df hY. sMprk kro: 604-300-6362 604-621-0315
hor jfxkfrI leI Pon: 778-241-1348 nisLaF qoN rihq jWt iswK kYnyzIan pI afr qlfksLudf Aumr 33 sfl kwd 5’10 lVky vfsqy pI afr jF vrk primt
XkIn nhIN afAudf, mF ny ies qrHF ikAuN kIqf, mF ijs ny kdy afpxy jIvn dI iek rfq vI GroN bfhr nhIN sI ibqfeI.Gr dIaF kMDF Aus vfsqy imwTI jylH sn. hux Ausdy aMiqm sÌr dIaF iqafrIaF ho rhIaF sn. ‘cwl puwq Cwz hux ies nUM[[nhfAux vfsqy KVnf[[[mF dI mMjI dI bfhI ’qy svyr df isr itkfeI bYTF.’ myry isr ’qy hwQ PyridaF qfeI ny myrI ibrqI nUM qoiVaf . ‘koeI ieMJ QoVf jf skdf? ik koeI iksy nUM ieh khy, cMgf mYN qYnUM awgy qoN koeI kMm nhIN kihxf qy dUsry bMny dUsrf eyh kih dy, cl TIk qyrI mrjI[[[. qy iPr khfxI Éqm[[[ qy iËMdgI vI.’ XkIn nhIN afAudf, mF ny ies qrHF ikAuN kIqf, mF ijs ny kdy afpxy jIvn dI iek rfq vI GroN bfhr nhIN sI ibqfeI.Gr dIaF kMDF Aus vfsqy imwTI jylH sn. hux Ausdy aMiqm sÌr dIaF iqafrIaF ho rhIaF sn. ‘cwl puwq Cwz hux ies nUM[[nhfAux vfsqy KVnf[[[mF dI mMjI dI bfhI ’qy svyr df isr itkfeI bYTF.’ myry isr ’qy hwQ PyridaF qfeI ny myrI ibrqI nUM qoiVaf . svyr df pqf nhIN ikMnI vfr BuwbF mfr roieaf sF. XkIn hI nhIN sI af irhf ik mF hux nhIN rhI. sfrI iËMdgI hr duwK-suwK nUM sihj inBfAux vflI awj vI sihjy qur geI sI[[[cuwp cupIqI[[[ÉfmoÈ[ afpxy idl aMdr bhuq kuJ luko[[[.
glI dIaF guafZxF aqy hor mF dI dyh nUM cuwk, nhfAux vfsqy lY geIaF sn. qy mYN[socI jf irhf sI. ieMJ ikvyN ho skdf? mF ieMJ ikvyN jf skdI? Auh vI sdf vfsqy[[[? bfhr af mYN bMidaF vfsqy ivCfeI drI ’qy bYT igaf sF. bfhr awKF ivc awQrU lukfeI bfpU lokF vwloN kIqy jf rhy aPsos nUM pqf nhIN iks qrHF brdfÈq kr irhf sI. qy mYN[[[pqf nhIN ikQy sF[[[? bcpn qoN lY ky awj svyr qwk hr pl mF myry nfl sI. hux vI sI[[[pr hux Aus qrHF nhI sI ijs qrHF Auh aksr huMdI. votF dy idn sn.rfqIN afpxy AumIdvfr dI cox muihMm qoN dyr nfl Gr vfps priqaf sF. pqnI nv jMmy puwq nfl rjfeI ivc GUk sON rhI sI. ‘rotI grm krF?’ mF ny rjfeI ivwcoN bfhr inkldy puwiCaf. ‘nhIN bIbI, rihx dy[[peI rih lMmy[[awgy bVI dyr ho geI.’ mYN juafb idwqf ‘dyr df eynf hI iÉafl huMdf qF pihlF nhIN sI afieaf jFdf.’[sOx df nftk kr rhI pqnI ny cfr ÈbdF ivc hI afpxy guwsy df qoVf JfV idwqf sI. ‘cwl
koeI nhIN [[[mYN cfh bxf idMdI aF[[QoVHI pI
lY[[[ies qoN pihlF mYN pqnI nUM koeI juafb idMdf, mF dy eyhnF bolF ny myrf iDafn iPr
Aus afpxy pfsy iKwc ilaf sI. ‘cwl af[[ myrf puwq[[[afKrI vfr vyK lY[[[ mF nUM[[[Pyr kdy nhIN dyKxf qYN eys nUM.’ qfeI ny bfhr af iPr myry isr ’qy hwQ PyridaF ikhf. aMdr mF dI dyh nuhf Duaf awj guaFZxF pqf nhIN
Aus nUM iks qrIky nfl iqafr kIqf sI?
AusnUM pUry iÈMgfr ivc awj mYN pYNqI sfl dI
Aumr ivc pihlI vfr vyK irhf sI. vyK ky
iPr AuwcI sfrI Buwb inklI, jo Èfied Auh vI pihlI vfr sI. Aus GVI qoN bfad mF df ichrf iPr kdy nhIN sI idwsxf [[[ nf eys jhfn aMdr[[[nf Aus jhfn[[[mF ny ivCV
jfxf sI sdf vfsqy[[[ iPr icwty kwPx ivc lpyt mF nUM Ausy rsoeI dy sfhmxy iltf idwqf sI, ijwQy kuJ smF pihlF Auh myry hI afhr ivc ruwJI hoeI sI. ‘goBI vflI rotI
lfh idMdI aF[[[sfrf idn iPr GuMmdy ny pqf nhIN rfqI kdoN vfps afAxf[[[.’ mF dy afKy eyh bol iPr mYnUM svyr dy smyN ivc lY gey, jdoN mYnUM eyh nhIN sI pqf AusdI
cwkly ’qy vylI rotI kwcI hI nsIb hoxI.
‘cwl vyK lY[[[.’ mYN lfprvfhI nfl afK ky
nhfAux dI iqafrI krn lwgf. bfpU vwzy
muMzy nUM cuwk ky koTy ’qy Duwp sykx clf igaf sI qy bIvI ajy AuwTI nhIN sI. ‘bIbI! myrI bnYx nhIN lwB rhI[[[[ikwQy hY?’ kwpVy nf lwBdy vyK mYN mF nUM puwiCaf. ‘aMdr dyK lY.’ mf ny afiKaf. aMdr Dox vfly kwpiVaF ivc gMdI bunYx nUM dyK pqf nhIN ikAuN guwsf ijhf cVH igaf sI. ‘bIbI[[ eyh qF gMdI ey, DoqI nhIN sI kwl?’ mYN Ërf iKJ ky mF nUM puiCaf
‘kMm vflI nhIN afeI sI kwlH[[[.’ mF ny iPr aMdroN goBI rgVdy sihj hI Auwqr idwqf. ‘iPr qUM Do dyxI sI[[[.’ mYN ikhf. ies df mF ny koeI jvfb nhIN idwqf. ‘cwl TIk[[[[kwlH qoN mYN afpy Do ilaf krny[[[.’ mYN pqf nhIN iks rAu ivc eyh kih idwqf. ‘cMgf qyrI mrËI[[Do ilaf krIN.’ mF dy eyh afÉrI bol sn, jo Aus khy sn]mYN nhfAux lwg ipaf sF qy Auh rotI bxfAux] bfQrUm df Aus idn drvfËf vI KwulHf sI. mF rotI vyldI idK rhI sI qy mYN nhfAuNdy pqf nhIN ikANu bycYn sF? drvfjy ipwCy lwgI ikwlI ’qy kwpVy lfhux vfsqy drvfËf Zoh ky kwpVy pf ky cMd sikMtF bfad jd bfQrUm qoN bfhr inkilaf, mF rsoeI dy bfhr PrÈ ’qy bysuD ÈFq lMmy peI sI. ‘hfey [[ bIbI
mr geI jy[[[.’ pqf nhIN ieh bol ikMJ myry mUMhoN inkl gey sn, jd bunYx kwCy ivc bfQrUm df drvfËf KolH mF nUM ËmIn ’qy ipaF dyiKaf .byvs ho kuJ krn dI bjfey bfhr glI ivc lokF dy drvfËy BMn irhf sF.awK dy Por aMdr aFZ guafZ sB iekwTy ho gey sn. ‘puwq[[[qyrI bIbI[[[[[[hux[[[.’ mF dI nbË vyK iÈMdr mfsI ies qoN pihlF afpxI gwl pUrI krdI,Aus dI Buwb inkl geI sI. ‘clo hux [[[hux iks dI AuzIk ey[[[? lY cwlIey[[tYm hoeI jFdf[[[[.’ mfmy dy ienÙvF bolF ny mYnUM iPr Pwty ’qy peI mF kol lY aFdf sI ‘cwl puwq [[[cuwk [[dy moZf[[[mF nUM[[[.’ qfeI ny mF dI dyh kol byvs Kloqy nUM moZy ’qy hwQ Dr mYnUM afiKaf. ‘qfeI[[[bIbI hux[[[swcI[[.’ myry kol gwl pUrI nhIN sI hoeI. ‘hF puwq [[[hOslf kr[[[.’ qfeI df gwc Br igaf. bfpU QoVHI dUr Kloqf vwzy poqry nUM cuwk aMiqm rsmF df mUk drÈk bx irhf sI. ieMJ lwgf sI ijvyN Auh aMdro aMdr tuwt igaf sI. mF dI arQI nUM moiZaF ’qy cuwk isivaF vwl mF dy aMiqm sÌr nUM cwl pey sF qy mYN afpxy jIvn dy afrMBly pVfa ’qy phuMc igaf sF. mYN skUly pVHdf hovFgf, pqf nhIN ikhVI jmfq ’c sF [[[ mF ibmfr rihx lwg peI sI, isaflU idn hoxgy Èfied, myry Gr prqx qwk Auh bfhrly drvfËy ’qy srdl bx KVHI rihMdI qy Aus idn vI pwQr df buwq bx mYnUM AuzIk rhI sI. rotI Kvf Aus mYnUM afpxy nfl lMmf pf ilaf. ‘jy mYN mrgI[[[ qUM mYnUM Xfd kiraf kryNgf[[?’ mF ny afpxI bFh ’qy iltfeI mYnUM sihj suBfa puwiCaf. ‘hUM [[[.’ myrf rox inkl igaf qy Aus mYnUM Guwt kfljy nfl lf ilaf sI[[[pqf nhIN ikMnI dyr mYN Aus dI buwkl ivc suwqf irhf, jdoN jfg KuwlHI Auh rsoeI ivc bfpU dI rotI bxf rhI sI[[[qy mYN[[[Aus vwl pqf nhIN ikMJ vyK irhf sF. bIbI ny eyh ikAuN puwiCaf[[[? mYnUM smJ nhIN sI afieaf. ‘puwq[[eyQy BMzfr BMn lY[[[qy nfly pfsf bdl lY[[[.’ nfl afAudI qfeI dy bolF ny mYnUM iPr isivaF df awD aqy bIbI dy aMiqm sÌr df awD Xfd krvf idwqf . bIbI dI arQI nUM moZy qoN lfh, lfgy jFdI rylvy lfeIn ’qy bYT igaf sF jdoN BMzfr tuwtdf[[[ mr gey bMdy nUM AudoN pqf lwgdf [[[ik Auh mr igaf[[[lokF dy rox dI smJ iPr pYNdI Aus nUM[[‘awCf qUM rwb ey[[?’ eyk vfr Aus afpxI rwbI iebfdq qy mYN afpxI pVHI ilKI soc df pRgtfvf kIqf sI. ‘hYNa[[eys GVI
bfad[[[sB Aus df tuwt jfxf[[[Gr[[jo imwTI jylH[[[sI[[[[mYN[[[ijs vfsqy sdf Auh srdl bxI rihMdI[[[ inwky inwky jIa[[[ ijnHF nUM CfqI nfl lf afpxf inwG idMdI[[[[ik sB kuJ[[[? ‘quro hux[[[nyrHf pYx izaf [[[.’ cfcy dy bolF ny iPr mF kol ilaf KVHf kIqf sI. ‘BfjI [[[ hux qusIN rihx do[[[mYN cuwkdF[[[myry Jukx qoN pihlF Pwty nUM hwQ pf awKF ’c hMJUaF nUM zwk bIvI dy Brf ny ikhf. ‘koeI nhIN[[[qUM rihx dy[[[.’ mYN ikhf ‘ikAu? mYN ikAuN nhIN[[?’ Ausdy ienHF bolF ny mYnUM by bol kr idwqf. XfdF dy vihx vihMdf mYN AuQy phuMc igaf, jdoN eyh ivafh vfly idn afpxI BYx nfl afieaf sI. ‘bfAuU[[qUM mYnUM mfsI nhIN [[bIbI kihxf[[qy eys nUM BfjI[[[.’ myry vwl ieÈfrf kr, mF ny AusnUM ikhf,[[[[jo hux Ausdy moZy ’qy svfr afpxy isivaF dy bUhy phuMc cuwkI sI. ‘clo af jo[[[ nUMhF DIaF ijnHF mwQf tykxf.’ smÈfn Gft dI syvfkrn vfly bfby nrYxy amlI dy ienHF bolF ny myrI iPr ibrqI nUM qoV idwqf. vfro vfrI sB afpxf Ìrj pUrf kr, iPr nVoey ivc jf rlIaF. lwkVF ’c icxI mF dI icqf agn Byt vfsqy iqafr sI, eys mgroN mF swcIN Éqm ho jfxI sI[[[? ‘kyqI Cuit nfil.’ grMQI rqn isMG dy eyhnF bolF ny mYnUM myry afÉrI ÌrË df cyqf krf idwqf. hwQF ivc bldI prflI dI shfieqf nfl mYN afpxf afKrI ÌrË vI pUrf kr idwqf sI. kuJ plF mgroN AuQy sB ÈFq sI, pUrf ho igaf sI mF df afKrI sPr[[[. pr mYN bycYn sF ik mF ny Pyr hux kdy nhIN imlxf[[. mYN ikAuN ikhf sI ky mYN awgy qoN qYnUM koeI kMm nhIN kihxf[[? ik mF df eyh sÌr vfikaf hI afKrI sÌr sI[[[? ik lFbU lwgx qoN bfd swcIN isdk af jfxf sI[[[[mF df afKrI sÌr pMj qwqF ’c ivlIn ho Éqm ho igaf sI. pr mYN bycYn sF [[aÈFq[[[[[iKMizaf[[ hux vI hF[[[[ jy Auh afÉrI sÌr sI qF mYnUM ajy qwk eyh XkIn ikAuN nhIN afAuNdf ik mF hux nhIN rhI[[? ikAuN mYnUM ajy vI Auh supny afANudy ik Auh ikqy geI, ajy qwk Gr nhIN prqI[[? ikAuN ajy vI socF dI ihwk ’qy iewk sÌr sdf cwldf rihMdf[[[mYN eyh ikAuN ikhf ik awgy qoN koeI kMm nhIN kihxf. ‘sÌr ËrUrI qF nhIN [[[jo isivaF qwk jf ky muwk jFdf[[[ sÌr qF sdf jfrI rihMdf[ [[jfgdY[[[suwqy[[[[bYTdy. pr kI swcIN mF ny hux kdy nhIN prqxf[[[?
picking up Groceries/ Medicines?
kI quhfnUM grosrI jF dvfeIaF ilaOx vfsqy mwdd dI loV hY?
kI quhfzI Aumr 65 sfl qoN vwD hY aqy quhfnUM shfieqf dI loV hY?
sfnUM Pon kro, asIN quhfzI mwdd kr skdy hF.
Need guidance? Someone to talk to?
Help when you are in a tough situation? Call us, we can HELP mfrgdrsLn dI loV hY? iksy nfl afpxy mn dI gwl krnI cfhuMdy ho? kI qusIN koeI musLkl siQqI ivwc ho?
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