May & June 2021
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May & June 2021
FROM THE EDITOR Raman S. Dhillon
No industry is perfect. There is always room for improvement. One of the issues that has plagued the trucking industry for years is towing fraud and a rash of staged accidents. The American Trucking Associations (ATA) decided to do something about this particular issue and has partnered with the American Property Casualty Insurance Association (APCIA) and the Coalition Against Insurance Fraud to help fight back. Their mission is to help save trucking companies money and avoid fraudulent activity that has cost the trucking industry millions of dollars. The partnership is working on legislation and pursuing the establishment of more laws that would help tackle the ongoing issues. More is being done on helping improve the trucking industry to operate in a safe and efficient manner. President Joe Biden has recently released details of his promise to financially help transportation infrastructure. The legislation, called the American Jobs Plan, includes $621 billion for transportation infrastructure. This will help fix highways, rebuild bridges, upgrade airports
and transit systems. Many fear this will raise taxes but Biden has stressed this investment will not raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 per year and he also promises not to raise fuel taxes to help fund highway construction. With many changes on the way to improve the trucking industry, I would like to remind our Canadian readers that the Canada ELD deadline is still set for June 12, despite running into a few issues. Canada had announced the mandate nearly two years ago but has been slow to begin certification. Officials have yet to announce when penalties will be enforced but the push to switch to ELD is still on schedule. So for our Canadian trucking companies, be ready to be in compliance! I would also like to remind everyone to stay safe on the roads and if you need anything to listen on the road, please be sure to check out Punjabi Trucking 360 on The Raman Dhillon Show to listen to truck related news. New episodes are every week!
EDITOR Raman S. Dhillon
Official Magazine for: North America Punjabi Trucking Association
Published Bi-monthly by Primetime Multimedia Company LLC 4709 North El Capitan #104, Fresno, CA 93722 Tel: 001 877 806 2525 | Email: info@punjabitruckingusa.com
GRAPHIC DESIGN Maxx Printing, LLC Harshpal Brar
TRANSLATIONS Harjinder Dhesi
CONTRIBUTORS Rhea Randhawa Harkiran Sidhu Harjit Kaur Ruchika Kashyap Pash Brar Raman Singh Ravi Dhillon Michael Smith
OFFICE MANAGER Melissa Nolasco info@punjabitruckingusa.com
All Rights Reserved. No material herein or portions thereof may be printed without the written consent of the publisher. DISCLAIMER: Primetime Multimedia Company LLC assumes all advertisers to be reliable and responsible for any and all liability for their claims. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertisement it may find unfit for publication. The opinions expressed in articles and features are of the writers and may not be those of the publisher. THE PUBLISHER ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY OF ANY KIND.
May & June 2021
ADVERTISING SALES Raman S. Dhillon sales@punjabitruckingusa.com
May & June 2021
A Product of
CONTENTS Apex (Nextload) .......................................... 05
Automann ....................................................... 45 Big Rig Tires & Alignment ............................. 43 BP Lab Services ............................................ 28 Compass Funding Solutions ........................ 39
toA tr`k cwlkW dI DoKybwzI Aqy nklI hwdisAW nwl nij`Tx leI ey.tI.ey ny g`TjoV bxwieAw
CVTR Inc ...................................................... 27 Ex-Guard ..................................................... 02 Flat Rate Dispatching ................................. 19 Gillson Trucking Inc. ..................................... 13
Mental Health on the Road
Golden State Peterbilt ................................... 03 Golden Land Trans. Insurance .................. 23 Jagdeep Singh Insurance Agency ................ 21 Kal Trailers ................................................... 47
Connect with Us
14 kI fr`g klIAirMg hwaUs cwlk smr`Qw qy nvW slwnw qxwA bxygI?
16 spIf ilimtr, svYcwilq bRyikMg AYn.tI.AYs.bI dI sB qoN izAwdw loVINdI ilst ivc Swiml
Kam-Way Transportation Inc .................... 41
Legend Transportation Inc. ......................... 46
2020 iv`c ip`Cly 5 swlW mukwbly hoeIAW sB qoN v`D kwrgo corIAW: irport
Load Stop ...................................................... 24 Maxx Printing ............................................... 31
NAPTA .................................................... 29, 35 ORBCOMM ................................................. 48 Punjabi Trucking 360 .................................... 25 Punjabi Trucking App ............................. 15, 23
Primelink Express ........................................ 27 Speedy Truck Wash Inc. ............................... 30 TXT ELD Solutions ..................................... 11 Volvo Trucks ................................................. 07 6
May & June 2021
32 bwiefn dy buinAwdI plYn nwl 2.8 imlIAn tr`ikMg nOkrIAW pYdw ho skdIAW hn
38 Biden infrastructure plan may need various funding sources
43 nvW AYP.AYm.sI.AYs.ey muKI mwrtweInz qoN bwAd pihlW sYnyt dI puStI kIqw pRbμDk hovygw www.punjabitruckingusa.com
iPaUl qy b`cq 6% q`k
AglI pIVI dw volvo D13 Turbo Compound swfw A`j q`k dw sB qoN G`t iPaUl dI Kpq krn vwlw ieMjx hY[ iPaUl dIAW bcqW ienIAW AisvkwrxXog hY ik AsIN ies nUM Awpxy mShUr VNL mwflW iv`c stYNfrf hI bxw id`qw hY[ D13TC swfy 2020 D13 VGT ieMjx nwlo 6% izAwdw qyl dI b`cq krdw hY, inrBr krdw hY AYplIkySn qy[ DMnvwd hY Dynamic Torque Aqy soDy hoey wave piston design dw, ijs nwl D13TC hux lgBg iksy vI qrHW dI PlIt dI iksy vI qrHW dI AYplIkySn au~qy iPaUl qy pYsy dI b`cq krdw hY[ Learn more at volvotrucks.us/d13tc
The Volvo D13TC
May & June 2021
ATA forms coalition to battle tow truck fraud and staged accidents
n league with the American Property Casualty Insurance Association (APCIA) and the Coalition Against Insurance Fraud, the American Trucking Associations (ATA) are out to fight back against both towing fraud and a rash of staged accidents that have plagued the trucking industry in recent years. The new partnership, which has yet to be named, hopes to save trucking companies money and avoid fraudulent activity that has cost the industry millions of dollars. Long considered expensive burdens and often regarded separately, towing fraud and staged accidents are tied together because they both involve insurance fraud. With insurance rates edging higher every year, the ATA felt now was the time to deal with this issue. In a press release on the ATA website, ATA Chair Sherri Garner Brumbaugh said, “Our members are increasingly concerned with the impact predatory towing and staged accidents are having on their ability to conduct business. By joining with APCIA and the Coalition Against Insurance Fraud, we are confident we can put an end to these unscrupulous and unethical practices.” One problem that has been identified with tow truck fraud is that law enforcement actually tends to help predatory tow truck companies who monitor police scanners for crashes and then show up before a truck driver has a chance to properly assess the situation. While this is not law enforcement’s fault, there have been incidents when an officer has made arrangements with tow truck companies to receive a kickback for their referral. In response, the group is working on legislation which would deal with price gouging and fraud. It is also identifying guidelines that can be used by carriers in the event of an accident. Other goals considered by the group include a state regulatory body dealing with towing and superseding local laws, more resources for agencies which enforce these laws, codified towing rates that are transparent and cannot be increased when a company sees fit. The group would also pursue the establishment of more laws such as Alice’s Law in New York which says that additional criminal charges can be filed against individuals who participate in, plan, or are involved in, a staged accident which causes injury or death. The law was named after Alice Ross who was killed in a staged crash. Unfortunately, however, these laws take time—Ross was killed in 2003 and the law wasn’t passed until 2019. 8
May & June 2021
The American Trucking Associations (ATA) are out to fight back against both towing fraud and a rash of staged accidents that have plagued the trucking industry in recent years
toA tr`k cwlkW dI DoKybwzI Aqy nklI hwdisAW nwl nij`Tx leI ey.tI.ey ny g`TjoV bxwieAw
AmrIkn pRwprtI kYjXUltI ieMSorYNs AYsosIeySn (ey.pI.sI.AweI.ey) Aqy bImw DoKwDVI dy sMgTx nwl rl ky ey.tI.ey ny toieMg iv`c huMdI DoKwDVI Aqy tr`k hwdisAW nwl lVHn bwry soicAw hY ijs kwrn ip`Cly kùJ swlW iv`c tr`ikMg audXog ƒ kw&I nukswn J`lxw ipAw hY[
AmrIkn pRwprtI kYjXUltI ieMSorYNs AYsosIeySn (ey.pI.sI. AweI.ey) Aqy bImw DoKwDVI dy sMgTx nwl rl ky ey.tI.ey ny toieMg iv`c huMdI DoKwDVI Aqy tr`k hwdisAW nwl lVHn bwry soicAw hY ijs kwrn ip`Cly kùJ swlW iv`c tr`ikMg audXog ƒ kw&I nukswn J`lxw ipAw hY[ ies nvIN BweIvwlI qoN ieh aumId kIqI jw rhI hY ik ies nwl tr`ikMg kMpnIAW dw pYsw Aqy auhnW ƒ DoKwDVI dy mwmilAW qoN bcwieAw jw skygw ijs nwl Ajy q`k l`KW fwlr dw Gwtw ho cùkw hY[ lMby smyN qoN mihMgy boJ Aqy Aksr v`Kry qOr qy mMny jWdy tr`k hwdisAW Aqy toieMg DoKwDVI dy mwmilAW ƒ Awps iv`c joiVAw jw skdw hY ikENik iehnW dovW iv`c bImw DoKwDVI Swml hY[ bImw dr hr swl v`Dx nwl, ey.tI.ey ny ieh mihsUs kIqw ik hux ies mùdy dw h`l k`Fx dw smW Aw igAw hY[ ey.tI.ey dI vYbsweIt 'qy ie`k pRYs ibAwn jwrI kridAW, ey.tI.ey cyAr SYrI gwrnr br`mbOP ny d`isAw ik auhnW dy krmcwrI lgwqwr v`Ddy toieMg DoKwDVI Aqy tr`k hwdisAW dy mwmilAW ƒ lY ky icMiqq hn ijs kwrn kwrobwr krn dI Xogqw qy vI bhùq pRBwv pY irhw hY[ auhnW ƒ ieh ivSvws hY ik ey.pI.sI.AweI.ey Aqy bImw DoKwDVI dy sMgTx nwl rl ky, iehnW byeImwn Aqy AnYiqk AiBXwsW ƒ roikAw jw skdw hY[ iek sm`isAw ieh vI hY ik kwƒn lwgU krn vwly Asl ivc prIfytrI toieMg tr`k kMpnIAW dI mdd krdy hn jo hwdisAW leI pihlW puils skYnrW dI ingrwnI krdy hn Aqy iPr tr`k frweIvr dy swhmxy siQqI bwry d`sx qoN pihlW hI aùQy mOjUd ivKweI idMdy hn[ hwlWik ieh kwƒn lwgU krn vwilAW dI glqI nhIN hY pr AijhIAW GtnwvW pihlW vI vwprIAW hn jdoN ie`k AiDkwrI ny toieMg tr`k kMpnIAW nwl Awpxy rY&rl leI ik`kbYk pRwpq krn dw pRbMD kIqw sI[ ies sm`isAw dw h`l k`Fx leI Aijhy kwƒn bxwaux 'qy kMm kIqw jw irhw hY jo v`DdIAW kImqW Aqy DoKwDVI dy mwmilAW nwl nij`T skx[ kYrIArW duAwrw iksy durGtnw dI siQqI iv`c vrqy jwx vwly idSw-inrdySW dI pCwx vI kIqI jw rhI hY[ smUh duAwrw ivcwry gey hor audySW iv`c ie`k rwj styt rYgUlytrI sMsQw dI sQwpnw hY jo ik sQwnk kwƒnW ƒ qoVmroV ky pyS krn dI sm`isAw dw h`l k`FygI, eyjMsIAW leI vDyry sroqW dI loV hY jo ienHW kwƒnW ƒ lwgU krngy, tOieMg ryt koifPweIf krny cwhIdy hn qW jo koeI kMpnI iP`t vyK ky auhnW ƒ vDw nw sky[ inaU Xwrk ivc nvyN kwƒnW dI sQwpnw vI kIqI jwvygI ijvyN ik AlIs kwƒn ijs ivc ikhw igAw hY ik Aijhy ivAkqIAW iKlwP kys drz kIqw jw skdw hY jo iksy vI Aijhy kMm iv`c ih`sw lYNdy hn, Xojnw bxwauNdy hn ijs nwl s`t jW mOq huMdI hY[ ies kwƒn dw nwm AYils rOs dy nwm 'qy r`iKAw igAw sI jo iek Acwnk krYS ivc mwry gey sn[ hwlWik, ieh inXm smW lYNdy hn pr bdiksmqI nwl, rOs ƒ 2003 iv`c mwirAw igAw sI Aqy ieh kwƒn 2019 qk pws nhIN kIqw igAw sI[ May & June 2021
West Virginia bill allows seat belt evidence in civil court cases
egislation passed out of the West Virginia Legislature on April 7 now establishes the admissibility of evidence related to seat belt usage with regard to a claimant’s damages in civil court actions. Laws that eliminate what is called the “seat belt gag rule” had long been sought by the commercial trucking industry. If a person makes a claim for damages in a civil case, evidence of whether the claimant driver was wearing a seat belt or not is now admissible in court. The evidence could be used to show that a driver’s negligence in not wearing a seat belt worsened or contributed to the claimant’s damages. The law also requires a defendant to have expert testimony as part of the burden of proof. The bill extends to passengers as well, stating that if a person claiming damages was an adult passenger in a vehicle at the time of an accident evidence that the passenger was not wearing a seat belt can be admissible. Evidence could show that failure to wear a seat belt caused more damage than if they had been wearing one. Lawsuit abuse directed at trucking companies has long been an issue for trucking organizations such as the American Trucking Associations (ATA) who have pledged to change the landscape surrounding litigation against truckers. ATA President Chris Spear applauded the decision, saying, “Common sense measures like the bill passed today, which simply allows the jury to see that a litigant suing over medical 10
May & June 2021
Evidence could show that failure to wear a seat belt caused more damage than if they had been wearing one
bills wasn’t even wearing a seat belt, is an important step to help restore balance and fairness to a system that desperately needs it.” The bill also identifies cases where seat belt use-related evidence is not admissible to show negligence. The bill indicates that when a person making a claim for damages was the driver of a passenger vehicle involved in a collision, evidence that the driver was not wearing a seat belt at the time of the collision is not admissible to show his or her negligence. Likewise, when a person making a claim for damages was an adult passenger in a vehicle involved in a collision, evidence that the person was not wearing a seat belt is not admissible to show negligence. This part of the law, however, does not apply to civil actions against a vehicle manufacturer or the manufacturer of any part of a vehicle which is involved in such a case. Like most states, West Virginia’s law mandates proper seat belt usage by a driver and any passengers using a public street or highway. As part of the law, West Virginia also announced it would introduce an educational program that would remind and encourage the public to be compliant with seat belt laws. “This program shall be focused on the effectiveness of safety belts, the monetary savings and the other benefits to the public from the usage of safety belts, and the requirements and penalties specified in this law,” the legislation says. The seat belt law follows on the heels of a recent West Virginia bill which provided clear guidelines for employers when determining whether a worker was an employee or an independent contractor. Trucking industry stakeholders hailed this new law as well. At the time, West Virginia Trucking Association President Traci Nelson said, “While the plaintiffs’ bar sees trucks as rolling piggy banks to shake down, our lawmakers are reminded that trucking accounts for one out of every 15 jobs in West Virginia. We thank (House of Delegates Judiciary Committee) Chairman Moore Capito and the legislature for taking well-reasoned steps to protect all West Virginians from the harm being caused by lawsuit abuse. Their leadership should be heeded by state houses across the nation.” www.punjabitruckingusa.com
Truckers can now take a 100% tax deduction for meals
temporary exception in current tax laws will now allow for a 100% deduction for food or beverages purchased in a restaurant by businesses. It should be a benefit for many truckers who are usually dependent on restaurant food. The deduction had been raised to 50% with recent passage of the Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Relief Act of 2020. Issued by the IRS and the U.S. Treasury Department in early April, the temporary exception now allows businesses to claim the higher deduction for the next two years—Jan. 1, 2021 through Dec. 31, 2022. A business owner or employee would have to be present when the food was purchased, and the meals should not be considered lavish or extravagant. The new guidance could definitely help out owner-operators who eat in restaurants on a regular basis. The new guidance, however, does not modify the section covering travel expenses, which has brought on several requests to the IRS and Small Business Administration for further information. Truckers who intend on taking advantage of the deduction should save all of their meal receipts. They should
then consult with a tax expert on whether it would be better to claim the new deduction or to simply stick with the per diem rate. A trucker cannot claim both. Currently, the per diem rate is at $66 and the rate for meals is 80% of that.
May & June 2021
Mental Health on the Road
May & June 2021
It all stems from frustration. People in general are upset from being told to stay home, we cannot travel or see loved one’s. But that is the everyday reality of being a trucker. The general population is upset from being isolated for this past year, but truckers face isolation each day on the job, for many years. Overdose drug deaths are increasing and in fact, higher than Covid deaths, and liquor sales have increased significantly from the start of the pandemic. Turning to a substance during tough times is not the solution. Some cannot control their addictions, but there is help for those who seek it, and I hope those who can, will seek help. People everywhere have gained weight during the pandemic. Some have put on 30 pounds or more! When we eat food that is not nutritious it may make us feel good temporarily and provides emotional comfort in the short term for our problems. But after the plate is empty it does not feel so good anymore. Insulin levels will spike and I know so many drivers who have diabetes. Food that is not nutritious is not the solution to any anxiety or nerves you may be feeling. It’s fun to have a treat, but only sometimes in moderation and not every day. I encourage truckers to bring healthy sensible food from home that makes you feel energized on the road when they can. Having fast food on the road constantly will not feed your emotional pain. It will
Pash Brar
ruckers, especially long haul drivers, are alone on the road for a great deal of time. It can take a toll on their mental wellbeing. Mental health is especially on the forefront more so during Covid 19. What is the punishment if you do a crime? You are put in jail and separated from your family and friends. If you are punished within the jail, you are put in complete isolation. Solitary confinement is considered punishment, but truckers do it every day to deliver the goods we all need and want. 72.5% of the nation’s freight is moved by trucks. Staying alert and safe on the road is a balance of mental health and dedication to the job. One of the few advantages of Covid, is less traffic on the roads. This has provided for quicker freight. Accidents have decreased with less traffic and it has become a safer environment for the drivers. But less traffic can lead to boredom, becoming less alert and increases the isolation a driver already feels. Imagine driving for hours and fatigue sets in and you are completely alone. It may be safer physically, but not mentally to be alone for so long. Humans are social animals who need interaction with others. I know that I have noticed some changes in behavior with some drivers, and others in general since the onset of the pandemic. People are less patient, hostile and angry.
is also more environmentally friendly. This may lead to job only make you feel physically worse and lead to health problems. losses in trucking. Trucks will still have to transport goods from I read on a bag from Lululemon that “stress is the cause of 99% of all illnesses.” One of my clients told me his beard has gone grey the rails to the receiver, but rail may be the more economically feasible method for transport. The Keystone XL Pipeline that was since the start of the pandemic. It’s from all of the stress He’s the sole provider and worried about how he will pay the bills. People cancelled is also an impact on jobs for truckers. I deal with many flat deck drivers and firms, and they are are making less money, we are feeling all feeling the impact of this cancelation. isolated and depressed. Truckers who were making pretty good money before, This is out of our control, but cancelled People are making less pipelines and extended rail lines are have reported that their income has money, we are feeling decreased significantly since the start adding more stress and anxiety to the trucking industry. of the pandemic. I know of a driver isolated and depressed. Whether isolation has you down, who committed suicide. He couldn’t Truckers who were making or the stress of reduced income and afford to buy a home and things just pretty good money before, spiralled out of control for him. We are possible job losses; everyone is feeling have reported that their all experiencing stress. A great way to the impact on our mental health now more than ever. Isolation which is a daily combat stress is with exercise. I walk income has decreased occurrence for truckers, is now being outdoors daily. I get fresh air and as I significantly since the start experienced by everyone worldwide and walk, I feel it clears my mind. I don’t of the pandemic. listen to music, I just hear the natural it is difficult to cope. If you are feeling anxious or upset, I encourage you to talk sounds of the environment, like birds to someone. Whether it’s a friend, family chirping and children playing in the member or therapist. Every life has value and hearing of suicides, distance. I encourage drivers and anyone who is experiencing or drug and alcohol dependency, and obesity to cope with problems stress, to do something to get you moving daily. Do something is not the solution. Remember, as a trucker, you are someone who you enjoy and can stick to. It really does help calm the nerves. is extremely important and essential because you bring us the There was an announcement that Canadian Pacific Railway stuff we need, so never forget that. So seek help if you are feeling (CP Rail) is buying Kansas City Southern, to create the first USoverwhelmed, because a lot of us are feeling bad too. You’re not Mexico-Canada rail line. This could have a major impact on the alone on the road. trucking industry. It is cheaper to ship via rail than trucking. It
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May & June 2021
kI fr`g klIAirMg hwaUs cwlk smr`Qw qy nvW slwnw qxwA bxygI? 2020 dI cOQI iqmwhI ivc, ikrwey qy tr`k dyx vwly audXog ny ƒ ibAwn krdw hY[ lgBg 29,000 nOkrIAW idqIAW jo ik 25 swlW iv`c iksy vI iqMn dsMbr Aqy jnvrI dy ArMB dOrwn ikMny tr`k cwlkW iv`c mhIny dI imAwd iv`c sB qoN v`D nOkrIAW id`qy jwx dw irkwrf igrwvt AweI? ies bwry jwxn leI swfy kol inScq qOr qy hY[ pr jnvrI iv`c tr`ikMg iv`c isrP 800 nOkrIAW Swml loVINdw jwxkwrI nhIN hY pr igAwn Aqy qzrby nwl AsIN ie`k kIqIAW geIAW jd ik PrvrI iv`c, audXog ny 4,000 nOkrIAW cMgw Anumwn lgw skdy hW[ guAw id`qIAW[ AsIN 2020 dOrwn-ruzgwr qoN pihlW dy skwrwqmk nqIijAW ieh Acwnk PrIt qy Awaux vwlI ivkrI AjIb hY ikauik PrIt dI sMiKAw nwl SurUAwq krdy hW Aqy pihlW hI lgwey gey tr`k dI mMg dy bhuqy sMkyqk - ijvyN ik spwt mwrkIt dI mwqrw Aqy cwlkW dI igxqI bwry, byqrqIb jWc dy kwrn iksy vI qrW htwey drW, KpqkwrW dy Krcy Aqy audXoigk auqpwdn - ƒ ikrwey qy gey cwlkW dI igxqI bwry Anumwn lgwauNdy hW[ jwxkwrI Anuswr jwrI r`Kx leI lgwqwr dbwA dw suJwA id`qw igAw hY[ AsIN ieh mMn ky c`ldy hW ik bcy hoey tr`k cwlkW iv`coN A`Dy dsMbr v`Ddy ruzgwr dy m`D ivc ieh Acwnk igrwvt Awauxw AsDwrn Aqy jnvrI 2021 dy pihly pMj idnW dOrwn htwey gey sn ikENik hY, pr ieh Swied swlwnw vrqwry dI iek pihlI Jlk ho skdI A`DI pu`Cig`C ausy Arsy dOrwn kIqI geI sI[ hY[ PYfrl motr kYrIAr syPtI AYfiminstRySn dy fr`g AYNf ienHW DwrnwvW dy m`dynzr, AsIN Anumwn lgwauNdy hW ik Alkohl klIAirMg hwaUs ny ieh ^br id`qI ik dsMbr Aqy klIAirMg hwaUs dI pRikirAw ivc k`Fy gey tr`k cwlkW qoN jnvrI dy ArMB iv`c skwrwqmk nSw ielwvw ies imAwd dy dOrwn G`to G`t jWc kwrn cwlkW dw ie`k AswDwrx v`fw 3,500 frweIvrW ƒ htw id`qw igAw sI[ nukswn hoieAw hY[ ieh Swied v`fI sMiKAw nw l`gy, pr ieh 2020 dy SurU ivc lwgU hoey klIAirMg lgBg ie`k mhIny iv`c bMd ho rhy 13vyN mhWmwrI dy kwrn, AYP.AYm. hwaUs, kol ie`k ivDI dI Gwt hY ijs sB qoN v`fy tr`k loAr kYrIAr dy brwbr sI.AYs.ey ny byqrqIby jWc nwl jykr iek jgHw qy kMm krx vwlw hY[ tr`k cwlk nSy dI jWc iv`c swkwrqmk mhWmwrI dy kwrn, AYP.AYm.sI.AYs.ey iv`c kw&I iF`l id`qI hY, pwieAw jWdw hY qy dUjI jgHw qy aus bwry ny byqrqIby jWc iv`c kw&I iF`l id`qI ies leI Swied ies dOrwn jwxkwrI id`qI jw sky[ ies leI AYP. hY, ies leI Swied ies dOrwn Awm Awm nwloN G`t frweIvrW ƒ AYm.sI.AYs.ey ƒ Aijhy bMidAW dI loVH hY nwloN G`t frweIvrW ƒ htwieAw igAw jo ik swl ivc G`t qoN G`t iek vwr swry hY[ AsIN ieh vI mMndy hW ik ruzgwr qoN htwieAw igAw hY[ tr`k cwlkW koloN “AMSk’ pu`Cig`C krn pihlW dI jWc iv`c skwrwqmk pwey jwn qW ik ieh pqw kIqw jw sky ik ruzgwr vwly A`Dy cwlk pihlW hI iksy hor vwhk pRIiKAwvW qoN pihlW iksy cwlk dI nSw leI tr`k clwaux dw kMm kr rhy sn[ irport swkwrqmk qW nhIN AweI[ AsIN nhIN jwxdy pr sMBwvq qOr qy ieh pihlI swlwnw pu`Cig`C leI AwKrI imqI 5 jnvrI, 2021 sI[ pRqISqqw vDyry hY[ aus iv`coN lgBg A`DI pu`Cig`C dsMbr Aqy jnvrI dy pihly pMj hwlWik vwhkW ny Swied swlwnw pu`Cig`C krn 'qy A&sos kIqw idnW iv`c ho geI sI[ aus vyly jWc swkwrqmk Awaux kwrn hovygw, pr AsIN Awm qOr' qy hr swl ies qrHW dI pu`Cig`C dI frweIvrW dI igxqI ivc BwrI igrwvt AweI jo ik 2020 dy aumId krdy hW[ jykr klIAirMg hwaUs nSy dI vrqoN krn vwly bwkI swry idnW dy mukwbly sB qoN ijAwdw sI[ qnKwhW dyx vwly cwlkW ƒ bwhr k`Fx iv`c Awpxw kMm krdw hY, qW swƒ hr swl ruzgwr qy ieh ie`k bhuq v`fw Gwtw hoxw sI jo ik Awpxy Awp swkwrqmk irport kwrn k`Fy gey tr`k cwlkW dI igxqI iv`c iv`c jnvrI 'c hoey nw brwbr vwDy Aqy &rvrI iv`c hoey' nukswn igrwvt vyKx ƒ imlygI[ 14
May & June 2021
May & June 2021
spIf ilimtr, svYcwilq bRyikMg AYn.tI.AYs.bI dI sB qoN izAwdw loVINdI ilst ivc Swiml
sur~iKAw eyjMsI rYgUlytrW 'qy dbwA bxwauNdI rihMdI hY qW jo tr`kW' iv~c gqI sIimq jMqrW ƒ zrUrI kIqw jwvy[ nYSnl tRWsportySn syPtI borf (AYn.tI.AYs.bI) rYgUlytrW 'qy dbwA bxw irhw hY ik auh tr~kW' qy spIf ilimtr lgwaux dy nwl-nwl AwtomYitk AYmrjYNsI bRyikMg (ey.eI.bI) Aqy hwdisAW qoN bcwaux vwlI qknwlojI ƒ zrUrI krn[ aunHW suJwvW ƒ sur`iKAw eyjMsI dI qwzw most vWtyf ilst ivc 2021-22 leI sB qoN zrUrI 10 tRWsport sur~iKAw suDwrW iv~c Swml kIqw igAw sI[ spIf ilimtr lgwaux dw suJwv AYn. tI.AYs.bI dI 2019-20 ilst iv~c sI, Aqy ey.eI.bI ƒ swl 2016 qoN cotI dy 10 suDwr vjoN drswieAw igAw[ smuMdrI, ryl Aqy hvweI sur~iKAw leI vI PrmwieSW kIqIAW geIAW sn[ mMglvwr ƒ AYn.tI.AYs.bI dy cyArmYn rObrt sumlt ny ikhw, "AYn.tI.AYs.bI dy borf mYNbr Aqy swfI vkwlq tIm lgwqwr most vWtyf ilst (AYm.fblXU.AYl) bwry g~lbwq krdI rihMdI hY[ ijvyN hI AsIN 2021-2022 AYm.fblXU.AYl leI vkwlq dIAW koiSSW SurU krdy hW, AsIN Awpxy vkwlq BweIvwlW ƒ Awpxy sur~iKAw sMdySW ƒ vDwaux Aqy aunHW iv~c suDwr ilAwaux ivc shwieqw 16
May & June 2021
krdy hW qW jo swfy swirAW leI AwvwjweI ƒ sur~iKAq bxwieAw jw sky[" AYn.tI.AYs.bI ny d~isAw ik qyz r&qwr kwrn 2009 Aqy 2018 drimAwn lgBg 100,000 mOqW hoeIAW, jo ik XU.AYs iv~c swrIAW tRYiPk mOqW dy ie~k iqhweI dy nyVy hY[eyjMsI dwAvw krdI hY ik ieh AMdwzw sMBwvq qOr qy G~t hY ikauNik gqI nwl sbMDq hwdisAW dI irporitMg bhuq G~t kIqI jWdI hY[ eyjMsI dw kihxw hY "swfy BweIcwirAW ivc v~fy tr~kW, svYcwlq lwgUkrn, mwhr spIf ivSlySx aupkrxW Aqy is~iKAw muihMmW dI spIf sIimq kIqy jwx vwly aupkrnW dI vrqoN pUrI qrHW nhIN kIqI jWdI hY[ ienHW suJwvW Aqy rxnIqIAW ƒ ies sur~iKAw sm~isAw ƒ sulJwaux leI lwgU kIqw jwxw cwhIdw hY[” AYn.tI.AYs.bI ny isPwrS kIqI hY ik rYgUlytrs: spIf ilimt krn vwlI qknwlojI leI pRdrSn dy mwpdMfW dw ivkws krn, ijvyN ik pirvrqnSIl spIf ilimtr aupkrn, tr~kW, b~sW Aqy motrkocWkIqy jwx[ tRYiPk sur`iKAw dy ih~sydwrW dy sihXog nwl c`l rhy pRogrwmW ƒ ivksq Aqy lwgU krn qW ik rwStrI tRYiPk sur~iKAw mu~dy dy rUp iv~c lokW ivc gqI hwdisAW sMbMDI jwgrUkqw pYdw kIqI jw sky[ www.punjabitruckingusa.com
gqI sMbMDI loVW ƒ pUrw krn leI inXmW iv`c soD krnw cwhIdw hY Aqy ieh mwrgdrSn ƒ htwauxw cwhIdw hY ik spIf zonW iv~c gqI sImw 85 vIN pRqISq gqI dy 5 mIl pRqI GMtw dy AMdr hoxI cwhIdI hY[ gqI lwgU krn dy idSw-inrdySW iv`c nvIAW qknwlojIAW ƒ Swiml kIqw jwxw cwhIdw hY Aqy ienw dI v~D qoN v~D vrqoN kIqI jwxI cwhIdI hY[ ijvyN ik ipCly pMj swlW iv~c ieh hoieAw hY, AYn.tI.bI.AYs ny sur~iKAw suDwr sUcI iv~c t~kr qoN bcx Aqy vwhnW ƒ qknwlojI nwl Awps iv~c joVHn vwly aupkrnW dIAW zrUrqW vI r~KIAW, Kws qOr qy ey.eI.bI Aqy t`kr hox dI cyqwvnI dyx vwly aupkrxW dw hvwlw id`qw[ auhnW ny ikhw ik ies dy bwvjUd, A`j izAwdwqr sVk 'qy c~lx vwly XwqrI vwhn Aqy vpwrk vwhn (ijvyN ik BwrI tr~k Aqy skUl b~sW) iv~c jIvn bcwaux vwlIAW qknwlojIAW nhIN hn Aqy nw hI aus dI zrUrq hY[ "rwStrI hweIvyA tRYiPk sur~iKAw pRSwsn ny iehnW qknwlojIAW dy pRdrSn leI ivAwpk mwpdMfW dw ivkws nhIN kIqw hY, nw hI auhnW duAwrw ienHW dI pRBwvSwlI FMg nwl pVqwl kIqI geI hY Aqy ies jwxkwrI ƒ vwhnW dI sur`iKAw drjwbMdI iv~c vI Swml nhIN kIqw igAw hY[" vpwrk vwhnW leI, AYn.tI.AYs.bI ny rYgUlytrW ƒ isPwrS kIqI hY ik : vpwrk vwhnW iv~c t~kr-cyqwvnI Aqy ey.eI.bI pRxwlIAW leI pUry mwpdMf Aqy swry vwhnW, swrIAW nvIAW skUl b`sW iv~c ies qknwlojI ƒ jrUrI kIqw jwvy[ vwhnW ƒ qknwlojI nwl Awps iv`c joVHn vwly aupkrnW leI pRdrSn dy mwpdMfW ƒ ivksq krn qW jo ies qknwlojI ƒ swry nvyN inrimq vwhnW qy sQwpq kIqw jw sky[
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May & June 2021
New decision favorable to AB5 comes under scrutiny by lawyers on both sides of the issue
hile a federal appellate court handling the injunction AB5, following the California vs. Cal Cartage decision which initially put forth by the California Trucking came down last November. Association (CTA) preventing the implementation Following the Parada decision, lawyers from both camps have of AB5 continues to deliberate, lawyers from both sides are now sent letters to the three-judge federal panel making their cases as arguing the merits of a new decision which is favorable to AB5 to why the Parada (or Cal Cartage) decision should or should not and the ABC test. be considered in regard to the current injunction. So far, the injunction against AB5 has been upheld and Lawyers representing CTA argue that Parada should not be independent contractors are still being used in the trucking considered because a federal court “is not bound by state court industry in California, despite the law’s clear language in the B decisions on the preemptive effect of federal law.” Lawyers cite a section of the ABC test which says, “The worker performs work 1981 decision as precedent. The letter’s author, Miriam Nemetz of that is outside the usual course of the hiring entity’s business,” the Washington office of Mayer Brown, further contends that the which, of course, is an impossible hurdle to clear for independent Parada decision “lacks persuasive value” and that the attorneys drivers. defending East Coast Transport “devoted less than two pages of Arguments against AB5 have centered around the Federal its brief to preemption.” Aviation Authorization Act (F4A) which lawyers battling AB5 In contrast, lawyers for the International Brotherhood of say prohibits California law from Teamsters, who want the injunction precluding federal law when it comes lifted and full implementation of AB5 to action that could affect prices, to proceed, are arguing that the Parada “In Parada, the Court of routes or services of “any motor decision is correct and the F4A does Appeal held that Assembly carrier.” CTA lawyers have made this not preempt AB5. argument stand up, so far. The letter also cites the Cal Cartage Bill 5…is not preempted by But a recent decision from the decision as well as the fact that the the FAAAA, which is the 2nd District of California’s Court of decisions come from two different precise issue before this court Appeals in the case of Erick Parada et. divisions of the appellate court. The in this case,” said a letter al. vs. East Coast Transport Inc. could teamsters also continue to argue that signed by two attorneys change the minds of the federal court. AB5 is a “law of general applicability” In this case, judges ruled that the F4A and should be comprehensive. To for the firm of Altshuler did not preempt the implementation counter that argument, CTA lawyers Berzon, Stacey M. Leyton and of AB5. cite the many exemptions to the law Andrew Kushner which are This is now the second decision which have already been made by the representing the Teamsters. saying that the F4A does not preclude state. 18
May & June 2021
May & June 2021
What carriers need to know about the Drug & Alcohol Clearinghouse In fact, of the nearly 56,000 drivers who were disqualified because of a violation, about 8,000 of them have returned to driving with another 7,500 eligible to return for testing.
May & June 2021
lthough nearly 48,000 drivers have been sidelined for drug or alcohol violations by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s Drug & Alcohol Clearinghouse since its inception in January, trucking analysts believe it is good news for the industry and less than had been expected. The number represents only 1.5% of total commercial drivers. The clearinghouse, an electronic database, tracks drivers who have tested positive for banned substances or alcohol or who have failed to provide test results. The database also records when drivers have completed a required return-to-duty course. Marijuana far outpaced other drugs in positive drug tests with cocaine, methamphetamine and amphetamine in second, third and fourth with marijuana five times more likely to be identified. The clearinghouse makes it difficult for drivers with past offenses to simply move to another motor carrier and lie about past test results. Most analysts agree the database is a definite improvement, although it can create problems for drivers and carriers who are not paying attention, including the following: • Registration is important Large numbers of carriers have yet to register with the clearinghouse. Currently there are over 215,000 employers registered but that is only about half of what is estimated to be over 500,000 commercial trucking employers in the U.S. Too many carriers seemed to have relied on a third-party clearinghouse assistant to assist with compliance, but these third parties do not automatically register the carrier. Other carriers have delegated the duties to employees who are also responsible for other jobs such as accounting and not been able to stay focused on clearinghouse compliance issues. www.punjabitruckingusa.com
Not surprisingly, many carriers have been informed they are not registered during routing audits. Other carriers have been informed of non-compliance during roadside inspections, but often officials neglect to check a carrier’s status leading to more companies not being registered. • Fines can be steep Fines of up to $5,833 could result if companies fail to report violations to the clearinghouse or do so improperly. Fines may be levied against drivers, carriers and medical review officers for a variety of reasons such as not reporting violations or querying the database without proper consent from a driver. Jerad Childress of the legal firm Childress Law, which specializes in transportation related issues, warns that if the FMCSA discovers a number of clearinghouse violations a company could be subject to civil penalties far greater than $5,833. “While civil penalties are not always issued, we normally see a potential range of $10,000 to $50,000 for civil penalties following an audit with extensive violations. Now we have the chance to see civil penalties closer to the six-figure range, which would be a surprise for many motor carriers to see—even big ones,” said Childress. • Drug and alcohol policies need to be updated regularly In order to avoid penalties, motor carriers should update their drug and alcohol policies with the most current information about compliance with the clearinghouse. A competent policy would include all of the following: when you will report; what you will report and how quickly and other what circumstances will reports get to the clearinghouse. Policies will also need to address topics such as reasonable suspicion and actual knowledge which can be complicated, according to Childress.
you should not be sending a driver for reasonable-suspicion testing," Childress says. “Motor carriers must have an individual trained on reasonable suspicion making the determination.” Rules and statutes also have to be followed regarding selfreporting. Carriers should document that self-reporting can act as an exception to actual knowledge by following section 382.121 in FMCSA regulations. • Return-to-Duty policies At a time when there are widespread driver shortages, carriers should consider hiring drivers who have completed the Department of Transportation’s return-to-duty process. In order to complete the process, a driver will need to take a minimum of six follow-up tests over a 12-month period in order to be reinstated as a driver. The number of returned drivers continues to increase, and analysts believe the clearinghouse will be instrumental in requalifying drivers. In fact, of the nearly 56,000 drivers who were disqualified because of a violation, about 8,000 of them have returned to driving with another 7,500 eligible to return for testing. Unfortunately, more than 38,000 drivers who were guilty of violations according to the clearinghouse have not yet started the return-to-duty process. Analysts believe that because the process can be timeconsuming many drivers don’t apply for it and many simply believe that they can’t get rehired because of drug or alcohol violations. Carriers need to make it clear that they will rehire drivers who successfully navigate the return-to-duty process.
• Reasonable Suspicion and actual knowledge Carriers must avoid not understanding the definition of actual knowledge because it is difficult to remove incorrect actual knowledge reports from the clearinghouse. Actual knowledge means that an employer knows that one of its drivers has used drugs or alcohol based on direct observation (observing drug or alcohol use while a driver is driving or performing a safety function), a traffic citation for driving a commercial truck under the influence or from information gathered from a previous employer. Reasonable suspicion is when a trained employee believes a driver is possibly impaired. This can lead to testing based on reasonable suspicion. It is, however, not the same as actual knowledge. “You’ve got to be sure on actual knowledge because not only have civil penalties increased, but motor carriers also have the risk of having a driver file a lawsuit in the instance of improper reporting of actual knowledge if the driver can't get a job because of a motor carrier's reporting actual knowledge improperly,” said Childress. In addition, the difference between reasonable suspicion and actual knowledge can be confusing for carriers to handle correctly. “If you’re not properly trained to identify reasonable suspicion, www.punjabitruckingusa.com
May & June 2021
Biden calls for $621 billion investment in transportation infrastructure
ollowing up on one of his most important campaign promises, President Joe Biden released details of his $2 trillion infrastructure plan on March 31. The legislation, called the American Jobs Plan, includes $621 billion for transportation infrastructure. A White House press release said, “The American Jobs Plan is an investment in America that will create millions of good jobs, rebuild our country’s infrastructure, and position the United States to out-compete China…The American Jobs Plan will invest in America in a way we have not invested since we built the interstate highways and won the Space Race.” Biden hopes to invest about one percent of gross domestic product each year (total U.S. GDP is approximately $21 trillion) for the next eight years to “fix highways, rebuild bridges, upgrade airports and transit systems.” The plan will spend $115 billion to modernize 20,000 miles of roads and fix the “ten most economically significant bridges in the country” while also repairing “the worst 10,000 smaller bridges.” It will “replace thousands of buses and rail cars, repair thousands of stations, renew airports, and expand transit and rail into new communities.” The plan will also provide $20 billion for road safety in order to reduce accidents and deaths involving pedestrians and cyclists. Another $17 billion will be used for inland waterways, land ports of entry and ferries. Claiming that the “U.S. market share of plug-in electric vehicle (EV) sales is only one-third of the Chinese EV market” Biden is proposing to spend $174 billion in the EV market over the next ten years. Biden’s plan would provide grants and other incentives for state and local governments as well as the private sector to build a network of 500,000 charging stations by 2030. 22
May & June 2021
To that end, Biden has already received support from NATSO, the organization which represents the nation’s truck stops. NATSO says fuel retailers are the best option for owning and operating EV charging stations. With this investment will also be the need for a restructured power grid to meet the demand. In a recent statement, NATSO President and CEO Lisa Mullings said, “The competitive market dynamics that govern the retail fuel market today should be replicated to accommodate electric vehicles. The consumer should have multiple charging options all competing for their business on price, speed, and quality of service." In addition, the plan would replace 50,000 diesel transit vehicles with EV’s as well as electrifying at least two out of every ten yellow school buses with electric models. In order to pay for his infrastructure plan, Biden also released his Made in America Tax plan, which would increase the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28% and add provisions that would make it more difficult for American companies to go offshore. The corporate tax rate was dropped from 35% to 21% during the Trump administration. Biden stressed he would not raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 per year and he would not raise fuel taxes which has been the usual source for funding highway construction. The administration has admitted that raising the fuel tax will not be very profitable as more EV’s hit the road. While unions are supporting the tax proposal, many Republican politicians and business groups have voiced opposition. Greg Regan, president of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO, said: “President Biden’s American Jobs Plan offers the visionary leadership we need to rebalance our economy in favor of working families, help America live up to its ideals, and ensure our economy is globally competitive for generations to come. Transportation labor is committed to working with Congress to ensure President Biden’s vision becomes a reality.” Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said that if the plan is “going to have massive tax increases and trillions more added to the national debt, it’s not likely” he would support it.
Utah trucking company owner admits guilt in bribery and PPP fraud cases
former Utah trucking company owner has pleaded guilty in federal court to bribery and defrauding the PPP loan program. Between 2012 and 2019, Hubert Ivan Ugarte of Draper, Utah paid about $490,000 in bribes to a FedEx Ground manager in a pay to play scheme that allowed Ugarte’s company’s trucks to operate three times as many routes as established FedEx policies permitted. Ryan Lee Mower, a senior linehaul manager, allowed Ugarte access to 45 delivery routes in the Salt Lake City hub. Known as “overscaling” in the shipping industry, Ugarte’s contracts would have been immediately ended if discovered by FedEx Ground. Mower has also been accused of taking bribes from at least nine other defendants who paid Mower approximately $1 million in bribes. Ugarte’s 14 trucking companies made over $24 million over those seven years which was only a fraction of the $280 million earned as a result of the bribes paid to Mower. Ugarte also pleaded guilty to trying to cheat the Small Business Administration’s Payment Protection Program (PPP) by
submitting a fraudulent loan application. The program was set up to assist struggling businesses during the pandemic. Even after being indicted for bribery, Ugarte knowingly lied on the PPP loan application, answering “no” when asked if he was under formal criminal charges in any jurisdiction. He also lied about having been placed in a two-year pretrial diversion program because of a past felony drug possession charge. Court documents indicate Ugarte’s loan application was denied by two banks after discovering he was under indictment for bribery but he was still able to get a $210,000 loan from a third bank, the Transportation Alliance Bank of Ogden, Utah, in the name of his company, Frisbu Trucking in May 2020. As part of the loan agreement, Ugarte agreed to use 75% of the loan for payroll, but instead, he used about $127,000 to make past due payments on 13 trucks and purchase various truck parts. Federal officials concluded that Ugarte had also committed fraud by not following the loan agreement. Ugarte is scheduled to be sentenced for both felonies on June 3 while a status conference is scheduled for May 13 in Mower’s case with no trial dates yet arranged for other nine bribery defendants.
May & June 2021
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May & June 2021
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May & June 2021
Great Dane’s new FleetPulseGO uses GPS for improved telematics
hicago based trailer manufacturer and telematics provider Great Dane has recently launched its new FleetPulseGO, a GPS-only solution for used trailers that also use telematics. The new product works with the FleetPulsePro integrated smart trailer. “Data is critical to running our business and our decisionmaking process. In the past, we’ve only been able to get GPS location data from our trailers. Now we have a comprehensive view on the health and utilization of our trailers,” said Bill Bliem, SVP of Fleet Services at NFI.” Featuring 4G LTE wireless technology, the FleetPulseGO allows fleets to receive tracking and utilization data in one stream through a single portal for their entire trailer fleet. It gives fleets the ability to monitor a trailer while in motion and every 12 hours when stationary. Dwell time and breadcrumb tracking of a trailer’s location are also available. “We recognize the challenges investing in new trailer technology poses for fleets, and that new assets often are acquired in phases. This solution provides complete fleet visibility even if only a portion of a fleet currently features FleetPulsePRO trailers,” said Mike Molitor, Great Dane’s head of Business Development. Not surprisingly, FleetPulseGO works best with Great Dane trailers and delivers original equipment 26
May & June 2021
manufacturing information such as VIN specifications and parts identification and availability. It also maximizes repair time and scheduling. “Our deep understanding of trailer products, and access to proprietary build information on pre-owned trailers, allows us to interpret data and generate outcomes for fleets in unique ways that third party GPS tracking devices cannot match,” Molitor said. “FleetPulseGO and the open API FleetPulse platform ensure fleets can easily connect their trailer data to wherever they want to run and orchestrate their operations.”
Hendrickson STEERTEK NXT Available on Select Kenworth and Peterbilt Truck Models
endrickson Truck Commercial Vehicle Systems announced today that its STEERTEK™ NXT fabricated front steer axle has been selected as the standard front axle on the new Kenworth and Peterbilt mediumduty truck models. STEERTEK NXT is now available to order on Kenworth® T180, T280, T380, & T480 trucks and Peterbilt® Models 535, 536, 537, & 548 trucks as standard equipment with the additional capacity options. Hendrickson’s proprietary design and manufacturing process saves weight compared to traditional I-beam axles while combining rigid strength, outstanding maneuverability due to 55 degrees of wheel cut, and reduced maintenance. As with the rest of the STEERTEK™ NXT portfolio, these new axles come with a best-in-class service interval and feature an exclusive 10-year, 1-million-mile warranty. “The availability of STEERTEK NXT being offered as standard on both of the new Kenworth and Peterbilt medium-duty trucks is a huge positive for the OEMs, Hendrickson, & their collective customers,” says Sean Whitfield, director of marketing for Hendrickson Truck Commercial Vehicle Systems. “STEERTEK NXT offers a tremendous value with our best-in-class warranty
and extended service intervals, and in the cost-sensitive mediumduty market, this value is a benefit for any fleet owner.” Available in capacities from 8,000 to 14,600 lbs., STEERTEK™ NXT is approved for on-highway & medium duty truck bus and motorhome applications. For additional information on STEERTEK™ NXT, contact Hendrickson Truck Commercial Vehicle Systems at 630-910-2800 or www.hendrickson-intl.com. Hendrickson, a Boler company, is a leading global manufacturer and supplier of medium- and heavy-duty mechanical, elastomeric and air suspensions; integrated and non-integrated axle and brakes systems; tire pressure control systems; auxiliary lift axles systems; parabolic and multi-leaf springs; stabilizers; bumper; and components to the global commercial transportation industry. Hendrickson, based in Woodridge, Ill., USA, continues to meet the needs of the transportation industry for more than 105 years.
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May & June 2021
Global cold chain logistics market to grow by nearly 18% according to Allied Market Research
n a recent report, Allied Market Research predicts the global cold chain logistics market will grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 17.9% in the next six years to $585 billion. The report analyzes market characteristics, potential, growth by segment and competitive landscape. The cold chain combines temperature-controlled surface transport and supply chains. It includes the freezing solutions needed to maintain fresh produce, frozen foods, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and photographic film. Cold chain analysis is important for avoiding over capacity and assuring product freshness. Transportation options include refrigerated trucks and railcars as well as air cargo refrigeration. Lalit Katare, a research analyst at Allied, said, “Increase in refrigerated warehouses, adoption of automated software, and growth of processed food industry and pharmaceutical sector have boosted the growth of the global cold chain logistics market. However, the dearth of standardization and high operational costs hamper the market growth. On the contrary, the advent of RFID technology is expected to open lucrative opportunities for the market players in the future.” Currently, the meat, fish and seafood segments dominate the market with dairy and frozen desserts expected to record the highest CAGR of 20.7% during the period studied. The market is studied across the globe and Allied projects the biggest growth to take place in the LAMEA (Latin America, Europe, Middle East and Africa) sector with Asia-Pacific remaining the largest. Allied gets its data from analyzing major market companies
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such as AmeriCold Logistics, Lineage Logistics, AGRO Merchants Group, VersaCold Logistics, Preferred Freezer Services, Nichirei Logistics Group, Burris Logistics, Congebec Lodistics, Tippman Group and Conestoga Cold Storage. About Allied Market Research: Allied Market Research (AMR) is a full-service market research and business-consulting wing of Allied Analytics LLP based in Portland, Oregon. Allied Market Research provides global enterprises as well as medium and small businesses with unmatched quality of "Market Research Reports" and "Business Intelligence Solutions." AMR has a targeted view to provide business insights and consulting to assist its clients to make strategic business decisions and achieve sustainable growth in their respective market domains. We are in professional corporate relations with various companies, and this helps us in digging out market data that helps us generate accurate research data tables and confirms utmost accuracy in our market forecasting. Allied Market Research CEO Pawan Kumar is instrumental in inspiring and encouraging everyone associated with the company to maintain the high quality of data and help clients in every way possible to achieve success. Each and every data presented in the reports published by us is extracted through primary interviews with top officials from leading companies of the domain concerned. Our secondary data procurement methodology includes deep online and offline research and discussion with knowledgeable professionals and analysts in the industry. www.punjabitruckingusa.com
May & June 2021
Canadian truck driver acquitted of carrying heroin across U.S.-Canada border
Canadian judge has ruled to acquit an off-duty truck driver who carried 13 bricks of heroin in a car across the U.S.-Canada border. The judge decided the driver’s excuse that the drugs must have been planted while he helped another truck driver at a rest stop was “plausible” although the judge admitted to being skeptical about the driver’s story. Dump truck driver Gurpeet Mand was arrested on two drug counts in 2017 but was found not guilty on April 1 after a lengthy trial. Mand had been asked by a friend, driver Pirthi Sidhu, to help him after a breakdown near the border. Mand agreed and used a loaner car from an auto body shop, which he was using while his wife’s car was being repaired, to meet his friend. Mand testified that he met Sidhu at a rest area and assisted him in replacing a radiator pipe. He said that he might have left his car unlocked during the time it took to repair the pipe and that there were several people at the rest stop who could have accessed his vehicle. When Mand returned across the border, he was detained by border officials who eventually searched the car and found a suitcase containing the heroin in the trunk. He denied having knowledge of the drugs, which had a street value of about $790,000.
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In her ruling, British Columbia Supreme Court Justice Neena Sharma said, “For the reasons discussed in this judgment, although I did not completely believe that Mr. Mand did not know about the heroin, I have a reasonable doubt about his knowledge.”
Sharma cited a lack of forensic evidence, such fingerprints, linking Mand to the heroin. She also sided with Mand on his account of his interactions with border patrol officers. While officials claimed Mand had seemed nervous and jittery when they questioned him, the judge said that the video of the encounter did not reveal the same characteristics. Although Sharma was not convinced of Mand’s guilt, she did note that sections of his testimony during the trial were “troubling in terms of his credibility.” Ultimately, however, Sharma came to the conclusion that Mand could very possibly have been set up to carry the drugs across the border. She said, “Instead, I find it plausible that Mr. Sidhu, or someone working under Mr. Sidhu’s direction, put the suitcase with heroin into Mr. Mand’s car while he was repairing Mr. Sidhu’s truck at the rest area.” www.punjabitruckingusa.com
2020 iv`c ip`Cly 5 swlW mukwbly hoeIAW sB qoN v`D kwrgo corIAW: irport splweI cyn dI ingrwnI krn leI h~l pRdwn krn vwlI iek kMpnI,synsItYk, dI irport Anuswr, swl 2020 iv~c pUry AmrIkw iv~c 870 kwrgo corIAW hoeIAW, jo ik 2019 mukwbly 23% dw vwDw hY, Aqy ipCly pMj swlW iv~c sB qoN v~D irkwrf kIqI geI mwqrw[ 2020 iv~c corI dw mu~l $166,854 sI, jo ik 2019 nwloN 41% v~D hY[ 2019 dIAW 4 corIAW dy mukwbly, swl 2020 iv~c 10 corI hoeIAW ijnHW dI kImq 10 l~K fwlr jW ies qoN izAwdw hY[ synsItYk AiDkwrIAW ny AwpxI irport iv~c d~isAw ik kwrgo corIAW v~DdIAW jw rhIAW hn[ 2011 qoN bwAd pihlI vwr kwrgo corI dI mwqrw lgwqwr dUjy swl vDI hY[ ie~Qy corI dI dr 2.39 pRqI idn sI[ mhWmwrI nwl pRBwivq hoey pihly mhIny, ApRYl iv~c sB qoN izAwdw kwrgo corIAW hoeIAW[ ku~l corIAW 'coN l~gB~g 11% corIAW ApRYl mhIny iv~c hoeIAW Aqy 10% corIAW dsMbr mhIny iv~c[ synsItYk AiDkwrIAW ny d~isAw ik koivf -19 dOrwn in~jI
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May & June 2021
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Donaldson now monitors fuel filters and engine oil with its Filter Minder Connect
innesota based Donaldson Co. is making life easier for heavy duty truck owner-operators and fleets by announcing that its Filter Minder Connect can now monitor fuel filters and engine oil condition on big rigs. Donaldson has been providing quality products for over 100 years. Donaldson boasts that its Filter Minder Connect can maximize productivity by monitoring air, fuel and oil status while communicating with fleet management and maintenance. It can also reduce costs by keeping managers aware of engine conditions in real time. Donaldson’s website says, “Filter Minder Connect monitoring solutions are always connected, providing the data and confidence to build a precise maintenance plan.” Filter Minder Connect sends its data to the cloud where it is measured by predictive analytics to inform users about when filters and engine oil are in need of changing. Data can be received on both laptops and mobile devices with the MyGeotab
dashboard to provide the best connectivity possible. Donaldson believes its new innovation will work as well for oil filters and oil as it has for air filtration in long haul trucks and off-road equipment. The company also services aerospace, agriculture, construction, food and beverage and manufacturing.
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May & June 2021
Canada ELD deadline still set for June 12 despite issues
lthough no certified electronic logging devices (ELDs) are yet available, Transport Canada, the government agency responsible for developing regulations and policies for the nation’s road, rail, marine and air transportation is maintaining June 12 as the deadline for compliance. On that date all carriers operating in Canada will need to transition to ELDs. Canada announced the mandate nearly two years ago but has been slow to begin certification. U.S. trucking companies were mandated to switch to ELDs in Dec. 2019. Canadian officials, however, have suggested that enforcement will be lax in the beginning, consisting mainly of “education and awareness.” Officials have yet to say when actual penalties would be used to force compliance. In a March statement, Minister of Transport Omar Alghabra said, “With the support of provinces and territories, and in consultation with industry, we will work together on the successful and effective implementation of a progressive enforcement period. This will give sufficient time for industry to obtain and install certified electronic logging devices without penalty as of June 12, 2021. Early enforcement measures will consist of education and awareness.” With only one organization providing certification, FPInnovations of Pointe Claire, Quebec, the process is unfolding far more slowly than in the U.S. which allowed manufacturers to provide their own certification. Certification 34
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FPInnovations can complete the certification of a specific ELD model in about four to six weeks. Analysts estimate that between 25 and 50 devices should eventually make their way through certification and be available for Canadian fleets. Unfortunately, only about 15% of U.S. ELD makers will even attempt to enter the Canadian market because of high technical standards. Many ELDs used in the U.S. are simple apps that are easily tampered with and will not meet Canadian certification. Another impediment for many ELD makers is the fact that a device may not pass on its first attempt. Additionally, certification can cost up to $50,000 initially for each device and then about $10,000 each year after for retesting. Yet another problem for carriers who travel back and forth over the border is that the current ELD they are using may not meet Canadian certification making it essential they transition to certified devices. This means actually procuring a new ELD, which can get complicated, and then spending time and money to train drivers and office staff on the new device. Differences in U.S. and Canadian rules Before the introduction of ELDs, drivers basically ignored Canadian hours-of-service regulations, opting to stick with American rules. This hasn’t been a problem, until now. Canada’s ELD rules are different from the U.S. which will prompt training for drivers to become accustomed to the differences. One major difference will be the inspection of a driver’s records of duty status. The U.S. has a file transfer system built into the ELD while Canada will use an email transfer of PDF www.punjabitruckingusa.com
files. Canada will also allow transfer by either Bluetooth or USB. During a recent webinar, Scott Stofer from fleet management and telematics company Orbcomm said, "In Canada, drivers will be required to actually interact with the system. The driver will enter an email address that's specified by the inspector.” This will make it important that drivers understand this requirement and know how to enter an email address manually on their ELD. Other regulatory differences include personal conveyance and yard moves which drivers and dispatchers will need to understand. Canada limits personal conveyance to about 46 miles a day with the ELD switching to drive status after that point. Yet another difference is with yard moves. In Canada if a driver is in the yard and exceeds 20 mph the ELD will automatically switch to drive status. "Canada built this in as a safety net so that if you leave the yard, you're not stuck in yard moves, which happens here
quite a bit," said Stofer. "Managers won't have to go back and try to figure out what happened and make all kinds of complex edits or try to untie yourself in a situation where you get pulled over within the period of time after leaving your yard, but you are still in yard move status." Enforcement deadline looms Transport Canada officials have remained firm with their June 12, 2021 date and it would take government legislation to make a change. How long the period of simple “education and awareness” will last before actual penalties go into effect is currently unclear. On June 12, however, inspectors will still have the option of documenting any violations and possibly issuing a citation to carriers who are out of compliance. Inspectors are currently in training regarding how to handle ELD compliance. At any rate, with the deadline fast approaching there are certain to be calls for soft enforcement and deferrals.
May & June 2021
Battery electric eCascadia and eM2 now available for order
ith production ramping up beginning in late 2022, Daimler Trucks North America (DTNA) recently announced that its zero-emission battery electric semi, the Freightliner eCascadia, and its medium duty box truck, the Freightliner eM2, are now available for order. On its website, DTNA called the eCascadia, “perfect for short-haul last-mile logistics, with the superior performance, comfort and driver experience you’d expect” and “a truck that makes great business sense.” Both the eCascadia and eM2 employ the specially designed all-electric Detroit ePowertrain which “provides the ultimate in power, efficiency and sustainability.” The models also come equipped with the
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Detroit Assurance suite of safety systems and the advanced telematics of Detroit Connect. The Detroit ePowertrain comes with a single or dual motor system and provides up to 23,000 lb-ft of torque to power the eCascadia which has a GVW (gross vehicle weight) of 82,000 lbs. The eCascadia can go up to 250 miles on a full charge while the eM2 has a range of 230 miles. The eCascadia can achieve an 80% recharge in 90 minutes and the eM2 just takes an hour for an 80% recharge. DTNA boasts that the eCascadia and eM2, in partnership with its “customerpartners,” are “approaching a million cumulative miles on North American roads, with zero emissions.”
Partners who helped financially support development include the South Coast Air Quality Management District and the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. Currently, 38 trucks are on the road involved with drayage, regional and local pickup and delivery as well as food and beverage delivery. Customers can also purchase additional services from an eConsulting team. DTNA said, “Freightliner is fully prepared to create and sustain the building blocks our customers need to transition to battery electric trucking, with our comprehensive eConsulting services, incentives and the industry’s best service and support network.”
Reducing Costs with ‘Triple Play’ Mixed Fleet Telematics
easoned fleet and operations managers know all too well the headaches in navigating multiple portals, platforms, reports and third-party integrations required to track all assets. Picking up a product and getting it from manufacturer to retail shelf can be complicated. It involves several steps, multiple platforms and digital and paper documents. It is easy to see where things can go wrong. And that is before managing multiple types of assets, like reefers, trucks, chassis or dry vans. Imagine for a moment the cost-savings, simplicity, and ease of managing all these moving parts and processes in one place. ORBCOMM delivers this streamlined functionality with the ORBCOMM platform — and to make it even more worthwhile, the telematics pioneer is offering special savings for fleet operators. Unlock Valuable Fleet Management Data Whether you operate trucks, reefers, dry trailers, containers, chassis, or a mixed fleet with multiple asset types, the ORBCOMM platform is a game-changer. This one-to-many model unlocks valuable insights by making high-quality data from around the business available in real-time in one place to those who need it. Deep analytics and reporting help to optimize asset use, comply with regulations, protect cargo and improve fleet safety, performance and productivity. By integrating all assets into a single platform, businesses can create new efficiencies and better meet supply chain goals. Built for the future, the platform supports the evolving need for increased data and more sophisticated solutions in a 5G IoT ecosystem. Best-in-class Feature Set The ORBCOMM platform supports every type of commercial asset class for telematics applications including: www.punjabitruckingusa.com
• Truck Management and ELD • Reefer Monitoring • Dry Van Trailer Tracking • Chassis and Genset Tracking • Intermodal Container Monitoring Operators can eliminate the stress of switching between platforms by using a solution that delivers a unified view of driver performance, asset location, fuel use or workflow status. Hardware, in-cab devices, data connectivity plans and the ORBCOMM platform are all designed to work together, and there’s only one number to call if an issue arises. And fleets will never lose track of an asset again. ORBCOMM’s solutions are uniquely backed by satellite communications to ensure a continuous flow of data, even if cellular networks go down. Collecting all the data in one place is only useful if it can be actioned. The ORBCOMM platform delivers transformational business information by digging deeper into data to reveal hidden opportunities for your business. Advanced analytics and faster data retrieval deliver deep business insights to equip you with the knowledge to face any challenge in the competitive transportation landscape. Take Advantage of Bundled Offers ORBCOMM offers special telematics bundles to maximize use, streamline operations and deliver savings for operators of all sizes. Fleets can choose from special bundles: single (one asset), double-play (two trailers or tractor/trailer combo) or triple-play (three or more asset types). If your fleet has more than one asset type to manage, take advantage of a telematics double or triple play at https://www2. orbcomm.com/triple-play.
May & June 2021
Biden infrastructure plan may need various funding sources and the VMT tax is still an option
n order to pay for its newly released $2 trillion infrastructure plan, President Joe Biden’s administration is exhausting every option to pay for the much-needed improvements to America’s roads, bridges, airports and other core infrastructure. One revenue option being considered is a vehicle-miles traveled (VMT) tax which would bolster the dwindling Highway Trust Fund. In a recent interview with CNN, Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said the VMT had possibilities but later indicated the administration would not offer a VMT tax nor would it raise fuel taxes at this time. Instead, Biden said he would pay for his plan by raising the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%. Corporate rates had gone from 35% to 21% in 2017. The ranking members of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, however, have rekindled the VMT idea and public support for such fees has grown by 20% in the last ten years. A VMT tax would obviously hit commercial trucking the hardest so it’s not surprising that stakeholders in the industry are opposing the idea. The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association supports fuel taxes to fund highways because the cost is distributed equally among all drivers. “We understand that many elected officials lack the courage to raise fuel taxes,” said OOIDA President Todd Spencer in a press release. “But singling out trucks to carry all the weight is discriminatory." Nevertheless, in a recent poll conducted by the Mineta Transportation Institute at San Jose State University, 53% of 38
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Americans support a potential VMT which would charge diesel trucks at a higher rate. In the same poll, 52% of those surveyed thought mileage fees should be higher for gas and diesel and lower for electric vehicles. About half of those polled also said they would support a “business road-use fee” on the number of miles traveled by commercial trucks while on duty. In contrast, the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI), a research affiliate of the American Trucking Associations, has done polling suggesting that a federal VMT tax would be “strongly disliked” by Americans. ATRI further contends a VMT tax would be a complex and expensive alternative to the fuel tax. The best way to gather the data needed to levy such a tax would be to install onboard tracking devices on every commercial truck—some 272 million vehicles at a cost of more than $13 billion. ATRI estimated that the majority of the U.S. freight and delivery vehicles are private cars and SUVs, followed by pickups, straight trucks, buses, vans and motorcycles. Only about 2.7 million vehicles of the total U.S. fleet are made up of tractortrailers owned by the trucking industry. Although only about 1%, commercial trucks are responsible for more than 5% of total miles driven. The Federal Highway Administration is currently testing new ways to increase the Highway Trust Fund with grant money of $18.7 billion going to projects that pilot new user-based funding for roads and bridges. www.punjabitruckingusa.com
Electronic medical certification delayed by tech problems, leaving drivers and carriers still responsible for filing
rivers and carriers will still need to make sure that medical certificates are properly registered for the next five years while state and federal agencies fix technology problems that are hampering a more streamlined compliance system. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has recently issued a proposed rule which would extend the final rule for the Medical Examiner’s Certification Integration from June 22, 2021 to June 23, 2025. “This action is being taken to provide FMCSA time to complete certain [IT] system development tasks for its National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners (National Registry) and to provide the State Driver’s Licensing Agencies (SDLAs) sufficient time to make the necessary IT programming changes after the new National Registry system is available,” the proposed rule said. FMCSA created the national registry in 2014 which mandates that physicians are registered in an attempt to ensure that truck drivers meet FMCSA’s health qualifications. In 2015, a final rule sought to set up electronic certification in order to make it easier
for all involved. Continued problems, however, have delayed this process. “Challenges” faced by the new registry included “an attempt by an intruder to compromise” the system in 2017. FMCSA said, “Although no personal information was exposed, FMCSA took the National Registry system offline until mid-2018 to ensure it was secure. This action and other related actions affected the schedule for implementing the provisions of the 2015 final rule and resulted in the postponement of the compliance date” to 2021. Meanwhile, the trucking industry has grown impatient with these “challenges.” Analysts argue that the FMCSA should already be connected with the state’s DMV’s, which was the point of the 2015 rule. Instead, delays continue so that motor carriers and drivers are still responsible for filing certifications. Analysts also argue that without electronic certification, unscrupulous companies can file falsified paper medical certificates while other companies still have outdated certificates and medical licenses on file.
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May & June 2021
Ford and GM temporarily shutter plants because of global chip shortage
mid a worldwide shortage of semiconductors, both General Motors and Ford have had to cut production at their North American factories which will limit dealer inventory of new vehicles in coming months. As vehicles go to more tech heavy features such as lane assist and adaptive cruise control, computer chips have become essential for the automobile industry. GM, however, has indicated that it will do all it can to keep churning out its lucrative full-size pickup trucks and SUVs. A press release from the company said, “GM continues to leverage every available semiconductor to build and ship our most popular and in-demand products.” The chip shortage has also crippled the laptop, mobile phone and video game industries. Laptop manufacturers, who have seen a jump in demand due to students being home during the pandemic, have had to scramble to meet its needs. A ground container ship which blocked the Suez Canal for several days has also contributed to the problem. In some cases, factories have had to shut down due to the shortage, leaving vehicles that can’t be finished without the necessary chips. Shortages are likely to stymie consumers who are looking to purchase the newest models. 40
May & June 2021
GM factories affected include those in Tennessee, Mexico, Canada, Michigan and Kansas. At Spring Hill, Tennessee the factory which produces Cadillacs and Acadia SUVs shut down for a week in April while the Lansing, Michigan Grand River plant, which makes Camaros and Cadillac sedans will shutter through the end of April. The Lansing Delta Township factory will also close for a week, stopping production of the Chevy Traverse and Buick Enclave. The factories in Ontario, Canada and at Fairfax, Kansas will be down through the second week of May after having been originally closed in early February. At Ford, factories in Chicago, Flat Rock, Michigan and the Transit Van section of its Kansas City Plant in Claycomo, Missouri shut down the week of April 12. The plant in Chicago manufactures Ford Explorer and Lincoln Aviator while Flat Rock produces Mustangs. Ford did indicate, however, that seven U.S. factories will run through June and July, which are traditional shutdown weeks. The U.S. car manufacturers expect losses of as much as $2 billion each while Nissan, Stellantis, Volkswagen and Honda will also be hard hit by the shortages. The shortages have already cut production in North America by 100,000 vehicles. www.punjabitruckingusa.com
Utility now features ConMet PreSet Plus hubs as standard equipment
os Angeles based Utility Trailer Manufacturing Co. recently announced a major upgrade on its trailer’s base specifications to ensure low maintenance while maximizing performance and durability. The upgrade includes adding ConMet’s Preset Plus wheel end hubs as the standard base specification on all of its models. Utility manufactures dry freight vans, flatbeds and Tautliner curtainsider trailers. According to Utility’s website, the ConMet Preset Plus has long been considered the “most advanced wheel end system in the market.” It “features an optimized bearing spacer, long-life bearings that are engineered to withstand demanding operating conditions, an integrated spindle nut that makes installation
easier and improves wheel end clamp load to maintain proper endplay, precision machined casting, extended life seals, ABS tone ring, magnetic fill plug and easy access fill hole.” The ConMet hubs also boast an eight-year warranty, come in aluminum or iron and have drum and disc brake options for TP and TN axle configurations. “At Utility, we are continuing efforts to upgrade our base specifications to maximize the reliability and performance of our trailers. We are very pleased to make the ConMet Preset Plus wheel end hub a standard on all of our trailer models,” said Steve Bennett, Vice President of Utility. “The Preset Plus with its state-of-the-art design is low maintenance and is also designed to have maximum durability.”
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May & June 2021
Embark partners with Top Fleets while integrating with major Truck Manufacturers
an Francisco based self-driving technology company Embark has formed a Partnership Development Program with four important U.S. fleets while also launching a first-ever interface which will allow its Automated Driving System to work with any of the four major truck manufacturers in the nation. Werner Enterprises, Mesilla Valley Transportation, Bison Transport and Anheuser Busch InBev, all on the Transport Topics Top 100 For-Hire Carriers list, have agreed to partner with Embark on improving its autonomous vehicle (AV) footprint. According to Embark, the program “will improve speed and reliability for customers, as well as safety and work-flexibility for professional truck drivers.” Through the program, these fleets will become more familiar with the software and support services needed to own and operate trucks which have been equipped with Embark technology. Areas such as remote vehicle monitoring, vehicle maintenance procedures, teleoperations, autonomous vehicle dispatching rules and transfer hub logistics will be refined and scaled to meet each fleet’s particular needs. Embark’s software features the Embark Driver which can navigate a carrier-owned truck from its original base to any destination. Fleets will also be equipped with the Embark Guardian which offers remote vehicle monitoring, dispatching and real-time data about weather and road conditions. "Embark's commitment to having carriers purchase and 42
May & June 2021
operate our autonomous trucks, while Embark provides a software subscription and support services, is a win-win because it leverages the logistical expertise of the carrier, allows the technology to scale more quickly through existing shipper-carrier relationships, and enables Embark to focus on delivering a safe and reliable autonomous truck," said Embark co-founder and CEO Alex Rodrigues. In order to achieve its goal, Embark will be working with manufacturers Peterbilt, Volvo, International and Freightliner to employ its Embark Universal Interface (EUI), a “set of hardware, and software components that allow Embark to integrate its selfdriving technology with trucks from any of the four major truck brands.” Embark made a conscious decision when it started to develop an automated system that could work across different platforms. The EUI has a two-part design with one part made up of a standardized package of components including sensors and a computer system. The second part is a set of hardware and software interfaces that provide connectivity throughout the system. In other words, all elements are covered, such as steering, braking, throttle, telematics, power, chassis and HVAC. "We absolutely believe that integrating with OEMs is the path to market for self-driving trucks," said Rodrigues. "We also believe that being cross-compatible and easy to integrate into all OEM's vehicles as their Level 4 [autonomous] platforms continue to develop gives us a competitive advantage." www.punjabitruckingusa.com
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May & June 2021
Video Telematics Solutions will grow by Billions in next five years while providing Enhanced Safety
May & June 2021
ith revenue set to exceed $8 billion, the transportation video telematics industry will grow by at least 29% through 2026. Fleets are anxious to install video systems for safety and liability issues and video evidence can often determine whether a truck was at fault during a crash, ultimately lowering insurance rates. In an eBook on the subject, fleet management company Samsara says that safety is the top priority of fleet managers. Samsara says “FMCSA estimates that 71% of large-truck crashes occur due to driver distraction. Unsafe practices, including texting or calling while driving, increase the likelihood of crashes. They also affect a fleet’s brand image and reputation, while creating challenges related to driver retention.” Therefore, detecting driver fatigue or distractedness can limit the number of accidents as well as the potential for what are called “nuclear verdicts” where a plaintiff is able to win a suit worth millions of dollars. Cameras focused on what the driver sees can provide video evidence determining who is at fault in the event of a crash. New technology allows video telematics to have 360-degree views of in-cab and road with live streaming of as many as eight cameras. Fleets hope that enhanced video capabilities will help battle high insurance payments, decreased employee productivity and property damage. Video telematics solutions can capture the period before and after safety events while delivering footage to remote cloud servers. This evidence can usually determine who is at fault in any accident. Cameras can cover forward monitoring including views of the road while also analyzing road conditions. Driver monitoring records the driver and cab area, recording distractions such as phone use as well as use of safety equipment such as seat belts. Side monitoring captures hard to see sideswiping incidents. Rear monitoring records the view of the back of the tractor or trailer and captures backing up or rear end crashes. Interior monitoring keeps an eye inside the trailer to detect any problems with a load. Samsara claims that in-cab alerts from a video system can reduce fatalities by 44%, rear end crashes by about 28%, injuries by 47% and rear end crashes by 28%. www.punjabitruckingusa.com
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May & June 2021
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May & June 2021
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May & June 2021