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ABC Finance LLC
trucking industry where 70,000 owner-operators have been left in limbo as the law takes effect. More litigation is sure to follow, and SCOTUS may still decide to hear a similar case as other states pass laws like AB5.
One thing is for sure, we have not heard the last of the problems involving AB5.
Another case involving some of the same issues was also denied a hearing by the high court. In Miller vs. C.H. Robinson, the defendant, who had been injured in a collision with a truck hired by Robinson, claimed that he received injuries due to the negligence of Robinson, a thirdparty logistics brokerage, who hired the driver knowing he had multiple traffic violations on his record.
Like CTA, Robinson argued that a state could not rule on their liability because they were involved in interstate commerce and that F4A should have been the guiding principle of the case. Again, the lower court ruled that F4A did not preempt the state’s laws governing such accidents and awarded damages to Miller.
The upshot of these cases is that for the time being the U.S. will remain a jumble of laws in different states that may collide with federal laws when it comes to interstate trucking. The lack of a SCOTUS decision on this important litigation leaves independent truckers in turmoil and brokerages such as Robinson, and the shippers it represents, on the defensive when it comes to claims against its carriers.
In other words, the high court’s lack of decisiveness adds more confusion to the trucking industry at a time when the industry is facing several other issues.
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AsIN quhwfIAW ienvOiesW sym fyA pyA krdy hW Aqy quhwfI klYkSn vI hYNfl krdy hW[
AijhI iksI vI qrWH dI srivs leI mYnUM A`j hI kwl kro[
Bobby Dhillon
President – Western Division
(855) 879-1511 ext 332 (559) 900-9001
2941 Larkin Avenue Clovis, CA, 93612
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SCOTUS dy mh`qvpUrn tr`ikMg kysW dI suxvweI iv`c AsPl hox nwl pUrw tr`k audXog Arwjkqw dy mwhOl ivc hY
jdoN qoN sYnyt dy bhuigxqI nyqw imc mYkkonyl ny 2016 iv~c AYNtoinn skwlIAw dI QW lYx leI rwStrpqI brwk Ebwmw dy XUAYs suprIm kort (SCOTUS) dy mYirk gwrlYNf dI nwmzdgI 'qy suxvweI krn qoN ienkwr kr id~qw sI, hweI kort Aksr ivvwdW dw kwrn irhw hY[ ies swl Adwlq grBpwq, bMdUkW Aqy iemIgRySn bwry PYsilAW nwl iPr qoN crcwvW iv~c hY[ ipCly kuJ dhwikAW iv~c pihlI vwr Adwlq iv~c bRYt kYvwnOg Aqy AYmI konI bYryt dIAW inXukqIAW dy nwl rUVIvwdI j~jW dI bhuigxqI hY[ hwl hI dy AqIq iv~c, Adwlq iv~c fYmokryitk Aqy irpbilkn pRDwnW duAwrw inXukq kIqy gey j~jW dw ie~k smwn imSrx sI[
A`j, Adwlq iv~c irpbilknW duAwrw inXukq kIqy Cy Aqy fYmokryts duAwrw isrP iqMn j~j hn[
SCOTUS ivSlySkW ny keI iQaUrIAW pyS kIqIAW hn ik ieh nvIN Adwlq keI mu~idAW 'qy ikvyN rwj krygI[ ie~k g~l sp~St jwpdI hY, Adwlq dsvIN soD dI vkwlq krdI hY jo kihMdI hY ik PYfrl srkwr ƒ ivSyS qOr 'qy nhIN id~qIAW geIAW SkqIAW rwjW dI qrjIh hn[ audwhrn leI, Adwlq ny roA bnwm vyf dy mu~K grBpwq dy kys ƒ r~d kr id~qw Aqy ikhw ik grBpwq dI AwigAw dyx jW nhIN ies bwry PYslw rwj 'qy inrBr krdw hY[
ies leI ieh hYrwnI dI g~l nhIN hY ik tr~ikMg audXog nwl juVy mu~idAW dw vI ieh hI hwl kIqw igAw hY[ kYlIPornIAw tr~ikMg AYsosIeySn (sItIey) bnwm boNtw iv~c, ivvwdgRsq kYlIPornIAw kwƒn AB5 jo ik kwimAW dy vrgIkrx nwl sbMDq hY, iv~c hweI kort ny ie~k hyTlI Adwlq dI ApIl ƒ suxn qoN ienkwr kr id~qw ijsny PYslw id~qw ik AB5 sMivDwnk sI Aqy AMqrrwjI vxj iv~c dKl nhIN idMdw sI[
CTA ny dlIl id~qI ik PYfrl eyvIeySn AYfiminstRySn AQwrweIzySn AYkt (F4A) ny iksy vI rwj dy kwƒn ƒ pihlW qoN r~iKAw hY jo motr kYrIAr dIAW drW Aqy syvwvW iv~c dKlAMdwzI krdw hY[ nOvyN srkt leI XUAYs kort Aw& ApIlz ny rwj dy h~k iv~c PYslw suxwieAw[ CTA ny iPr ApIl kIqI pr SCOTUS ny kys dI suxvweI nhIN kIqI[ kys dI suxvweI iv~c AsPlqw ny kYlIPornIAw dy tr`ikMg audXog ƒ Jtkw id~qw hY ij~Qy kwƒn dy lwgU hox qoN bwAd 70,000 mwlk-AwprytrW ƒ AiV~ky iv~c C`f id`qw igAw hY[ hor keI muk~dimAW dw ltkxw XkInI hY, Aqy SCOTUS Ajy vI iesy qrHW dy kys dI suxvweI krn dw PYslw kr skdw hY ikauNik dUjy rwj AB5 vrgy kwƒn pws krdy hn[
Aijhw hI ie~k hor kys ijs ivc ieho ijhy mu~dy sn, ausdI suxvweI krn qoN vI hweI kort v~loN nw kr id~qI geI sI[ imlr bnwm sI.AY~c. rOibnsn, bcwE p`K, jo roibnsn duAwrw ikrwey 'qy ley gey ie~k tr~k nwl tkrwaux iv`c zKmI ho igAw sI, ny dwAvw kIqw ik ausƒ roibnsn dI lwprvwhI dy kwrn s~tW l~gIAW hn, ijs ny frweIvr ƒ ieh jwxidAW hoieAW ikrwey 'qy r~iKAw sI ik ausny keI tRYiPk aulMGxwvW kIqIAW hn[
CTA vWg, rOibnsn ny dlIl id~qI ik koeI rwj AwpxI dyxdwrI 'qy rwj nhIN kr skdw ikauNik auh AMqrrwjI vxj iv~c Swml sn Aqy F4A ƒ kys dw mwrgdrSk isDWq hoxw cwhIdw sI[ dubwrw iPr, hyTlI Adwlq ny PYslw suxwieAw ik F4A ny Aijhy hwdisAW ƒ inXMqirq krn vwly rwj dy kwƒnW dI pwlxw nhIN kIqI Aqy imlr ƒ hrjwnw id~qw[ iehnW kysW dw nqIjw ieh hY ik hwl dy smyN leI jykr AMqrrwjI tr~ikMg dI g~l AwauNdI hY qW U.S. v~K-v~K rwjW iv~c kwƒnW dw ie~k aulJx bixAw rhygw jo sMGI kwƒnW nwl tkrw skdy hn[ ies mh~qvpUrn muk~dmy 'qy SCOTUS dw PYslw nw Awauxw suqMqr tr~krW ƒ mjDwr ivc C~f idMdw hY Aqy dlwlW ijvyN ik rOibnsn ƒ r~iKAwqmk hox leI mjbUr krdw hY, jdoN iesdy kYrIArW ivru~D dwAivAW dI g~l AwauNdI hY[ dUjy SbdW ivc, hweI kort dI inrxwiekqw dI Gwt tr~ikMg audXog leI Aijhy smyN ivc hor aulJx pYdw krdI hY, jdoN audXog keI hor mu~idAW dw swhmxw kr irhw hY[