MORE NOIZE # 1 (July 2009) DON'T JUST BE ANOTHER CONSUMER - GET INVOLVED - DON’T BE JUST ANOTHER DOWNLOADER GET IN TOUCH Send for Reviews to Tony Gunnarsson 31 Woodville Road London e17 7er UK
IT WAS EASY. QUICK. FUN. & CHEAP. I want punk to be more than buying records. I want punk to be more than saving data files. I am bored with punk on the internet. I am bored observing the same handful of people at concerts. Some of the best punk bands of all time are around today but where are all the people? Surely there must be more people into noisy punk than just me & twenty people spread across the world? This newsletter shit was made in order to force people like you into actually getting involved somehow. Don't be a stranger! - TG, June 2009. "NEWS" (Gossips really, half of it made up, hah!) - Terveet Kädet is touring the UK in late August 2009. The Wankys are touring Japan January 2010, with Chaos Channel. They're also off to USA summer 2010, touring with Chaos Destroy & Lotus Fucker. Corrupted is playing a one-off London show in July 2009. State Poison is to tour Australia, sometime this year maybe. Numerous great releases are ahead (see also reviews, below):Zyanose LP,Ferocious-X discography release(from German label) plus ten thousand other that I don’t have space to list here. There are also a bunch of DVDs out with Japanese bands like Framtid & Disclose. With some luck I'll be able to review them next issue. One thing is clear 2009 is the year punk explodes! By the look of things it will also be the year when the industry for Discharge merchendise will reach the Misfits proportions! If not the Amebix merch industry get there first. Ha ha ha. That's a joke. Anyway, that's about it. For now. INFO - Bands, labels & zines that have something in common with what are reviewed below should get in touch to be reviewed in the next issue which incidentally will be a splitissue with Croatian fanzine VAPAUS. I intend to have some shit in the next issue about the elusive Swedish noise-core band Döden & perhaps something about Lama, a.k.a. the best band ever! Vapaus will have interviews with Conclude, Chaos Destroy & Punjena Papiga etc. The zine is planned for end of July 2009 which is also the deadline for sending me stuff to reviews for that issue. After that I'm going to do another split zine issue (due in August perhaps) with Mat from Idoneum Bello Records (Germany) which is fun news as fuck. I am toying with the idea to put out a one-pager between the splits. Damn. I'll be busy. Anyway, contact me for info: Tony Gunnarsson 31 Woodville Road London E17 7ER United Kingdom. Email: Please note I am currently not seeking sexual offers. EXIT HIPPIES INTERVIEW (Interview sent by email to Jo2 summer 2008, answers received December 2008) Tony: What is new with Exithippies? Are you still together & playing as a band? Rumour is band broke up when you moved to Australia? Jo2: yes we still do play exithippies,unfortunality we have got new member,buy the way i live in australia just me Tony: Please tell me who plays in Exithippies? Jo2: OK. takaaki itho(vo,proglame ) jo2(vo,samepling,gu) endoom(gu), i know nothing about another exithippies member any more, becose i already fucking stone hahaha, Tony: Do you play in other bands at the same time? Did you play in other band before Exithippies? Jo2: yes i did some band, it was fuckin shit, when i was stared band alady with oki makota, he is new smell owner besides exithippies drummer!! Tony: I know that you (Jo2) also DJ sometimes, tell me something about it, what type of music do you DJ? Jo2: almost i play electro,house,why do i have to play punk in club??? Tony: I have tried to write correct list of Exithippies discography. Here it is: S/t 7"; Acid Rain flexi, Record & fantasy 7"; Split with Stagnation 7", Split with Tantrum EP, Hard Funk 12"; Split with Aostrapos 12"; Split with TANTRUM 12"; Split with Joy 8"; Compialtion V/A - Tokyo Sound System 1+2=3 CD/LP; & 3 CD-r demos; a split cd-r…Is this list correct? What is missing? Jo2: almost correct,actually i do not know about exithoppers,so sorry,Tony: Tell me about The Wankys split 12" record that is due to be released soon. What type of Exithippie music/noise? [note: see review below] Jo2: we really respect the wankys,i love wankys stingy noise, What type of Exithippie music/noise??? we always same kind of music you do not boring??? ,soon we going to change music maybe hevy metal hahaha Tony: Also, Black Konflikt Record Label in Malaysia is releasing Exithippies "Fuck Here Discography" cassette. Tell me about this. Is this official release? Can we buy this on CD also? Jo2: yes of course it is official,but just tape, Anyway i hate CD, Tony: "War crimes - how to have a number one the easy way"????! Ha ha ha. Please explain!! [Note: A slogan on Exithippies t-shirt] Jo2: i have no idea Tony: What's up with the fanzine Distopia? It is in Japanese so I don't know what text means....but it looks nice ha ha ha! Jo2: mr nakazima is boss now i do not know about that but it was fucking nice japanese zine!! Tony: What are your inspiration for Exithippies noise? What music do you listen to? What are your favorite records? Jo2: ok nows top 5 artist(in this tine except dance music for you) ENT, DOOM, chaos UK ,PIL, Tony: Some people describe Exithippies as raver crust or techno noise punk etc, what do you think? Jo2: It seems that you thought we exactry poser,liar, i think you think so too , Tony: Elmo the Monster likes noise? Why Elmo Exithippies mascot? Do you know of cookie monster? He is more brutal I think.. Jo2: i think so too ,every night when i go to sleep elmo call me,do not forget me ..... Tony: Ok, tell me about future of Exithippies - any new records on the way? What projects are you working on right now? Jo2: we have some rerease plane ,soon we dorop 4way split 7inchep with aostorapos, stagnation, tantram, it alady finished recoding we waiting artwork maybe it will be fucing nice. we going to rereace ,the wankys & exithippies tape from (Black Konflikt Record
Label in Malaysia), va cd(earthbeat project from akita japon). Tony: Thank you for interview, how can people contract you? Add anything you like to say here: Jo2: please believe each other,do not believe struggle thank you very interested question!! Tony: On the Exithippy / Stagnation split (PAANK-016) it says on the EH side - " The First Punk Band From North Korea"??? Explain this!!!! Jo2: i did not do that art work , kennpal(PAANK owner) he did maybe just big joke,also he stupid like me. -> REALITY CRISIS INTERVIEW (Another email interview this one is also slightly dated, from the end of 2008.) Tony: What is the history about REALITY CRISIS? When did you start? Who plays in the band? Did you play in other bands before (like "Code"?) Aichi: reality crisis started from 1995. one vocalist and one guitarist are original member. they started reality crisis after MINDSUCK. and the basist and i joined 5years ago. i used to play in a band in JUUM and ROTARY BEGINNERS. and one other vocalis and guitarist joined 3 years ago. they used to play in EXTERMINATE. Tony: What records do you have? When is your next record coming?Aichi: last year we released our 2nd lp 'discharge your frastration'. and we were going to do a split ep with DISCLOSE but.... we joined our local omnibus lp in this year. Tony: I think Reality Crisis "Discharge Your Frustration" LP is a new style for the band compared to first LP. The first LP is more like Doom (UK) I think. What are you musical inspiration?Aichi: every uk and japanese hard core. Tony: Are you happy with "Discharge Your Frustration" LP? Did you get good response from people to the LP?Aichi: yes. but next release is more great! Tony: Tell me about your city. How is life as punk there? Do you have many punk / crust concerts? What about record shops? What bands do you have in your town? Aichi: our city is nagoya. it's not so big city compared with tokyo or osaka. but we have many concerts and great bands. c.f.d.l, order, crown, dclone, demolition, juum and more. we have good record shop called 'answer record'. good record shop. actually speaking,i live in toyota city. motor city. it's nest to nagoya. order is there too. Tony: Do you have any plans for touring / playing outside of Japan? For example, in Europe? Aichi: we want to tour in europe, america, southeast asia, australia. near feature! Tony: Tell me something about Reality Crisis that nobody knows about!?? Tell me a Reality Crisis secret!!! Aichi: we all like meat!! Tony: Why does your guitar player wear a facemask? I mean, it looks very mysterious... Aichi: it's japanese old punk style. everyone should wear it! and shout 'doyounoyorudaze!' Tony: What do you do besides play in Reality Crisis? Do you have jobs? Play in other bands? Make fanzines? Aichi: we all have jobs. we don't play in other band and make fanzines. work, play, beer! Tony: Ok, that was all questions. Please give some information to people on how to contact you and where to buy record and stuff. Aichi: we really want to tour in europe, especially uk. is it good idea or not so good? tell me! -> MUSIC REVIEWS: TAPES: Warning//Warning - Demo K7 Tape (France, 2009) -This new French band has only been around for a handful of months but has managed an impressive first 8-track demo that is very much in the vein of Lebenden Toten. While the band is still some way from developing a unique style, it sounds far better than most newer bands that play noisy punk of this style. I am toying with the idea of saying it's the best demo of the year. For the style is re-created perfectly, there's no fillers & the lyrics are genuinely pro-punk -PUNK IS LOVE! Best are the slow matured noize parts, reaching a climax in 'Feedback Sabbath'. I can imagine this is a band that could go on to be great -I hear the drummer of State Poison may release W/W on vinyl one day, that's a very good decision indeed.Buy this!(email: Schizophasia - Nonsense Tape (Capitalicide Tape #8, Canada, 2008) Feedback launches into early Chaos UK beat & vocal style with a background of fuzz, influenced by Confuse. Psychomania is really "Hate (Is it war?)" from Nuclear Addicts Flexi with different lyrics (!), & this musical loan/theft works perfectly! Short & sweet demo that has six tracks & a groovy tiger on the cover (ha ha ha). Not too sure I hear much Hawkwind on here though (as someone wrote). When I first wrote this review I said something like 'it's a shame this band is taken less serious than Germ Attack (with whom the band share members) which are a good band but not as great as Schizophasia!', but just before going to print Jo wrote me to say that the band is indeed serious (no mere Germ Attack one-off side-project!) & to prove it they've recorded another bunch of demos (some of it may be heading to vinyl shortly). Ouch. Bad me. The latest Schizophasia demo 'Sadist of the Earth' is fucking AMAZING to boot! (full review will have to wait for the next issue). 2009 is a great year already. (Email: Exithippies -Fuck in Here Discography Tape (Malaysia, Black Konflikt, 2008) - This is one fucking chaotic "fucking stone" cassette tape. Last time I listened to it my partner pulled a knife on me in protest. HA HA HA. Anyway, the tape compiles a lot of records but of course does not include the complete Exithippies recordings the demos aren't on here nor is the Wankys split-LP as it came out after, even if the songs are old enough to be on here (see review below). Exithippies is the best band ever. Stab me to death or be deaf for ever. Or something catchy like that. You know you need this. Lastsentence - Demo Tape (Japan, 2008) Female-fronted Japanese noisy hardcore of the Gloom school that rightly has