Problem Solving Games to Rescue Your Mind Everyday we see kids play games and we try to stop them, but before you stop them You should know the benefits of the problem solving games 1 :Fresh ideas and a new perspective : They find different ideas to solve a problem in an easy way and develop problem solving skills 2: They take time and think having the best ability at solving problems: Yes when the kids play problem solving games they get sharper and think faster 3: Magnifies creativity : when it comes to problem solving games , we get so smart we find various ideas to solve one problem , it develops creativity in us 4: Significant-thinking and great planning : due to these problem solving games we think better and future planning becomes first priority
5: Motor skills and spacial awareness : as the reflexes become strong so does our awareness about our surrounding becomes strong, it improves our attention as well 6:Improves IQ. : puzzle games such as punny fuzzle, chess help us in our IQ. And grows your memory 7: Perks your social skills : if the puzzle is difficult we learn how to deal with frustration