MLFTC Grant Hackathon, October 2016

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MLFTC Grant Hackathon Organized by

Office of Scholarship Office of Research Advancement ASU Foundation / MLFTC Development Office

October 21, SkySong

Hackathon Sign In Activity  Find your photo sheet  Write one item for each of…  Something interesting about you  Key research interests  Research methodology you use  Hang your photo sheet on the wall

 Walk around, read others’ sheets  Place a yellow sticky note with your name to show similar personal interests  Place a green sticky note with your name to express interest in collaborating on the research topics  Place a purple sticky note with your name to express interest in collaborating for research methods

MLFTC Grant Hackathon Organized by

Office of Scholarship Office of Research Advancement ASU Foundation / MLFTC Development Office

October 21, SkySong

Today’s Schedule  Debrief Sign In Activity  Introductions  Design Challenge 1: Spencer Grant  Break  Design Challenge 2: NSF DR-K12  Looking Forward – Upcoming grant deadlines  Q&A  All resources will be posted at

Who we are  ASU Foundation / MLFTC Development Office  Carly Nieri, Senior Director

 Office of Scholarship  Clarin Collins, Coordinator

 Office of Research Advancement  Sarah Polasky, Senior Director

TODAY’S PLAN How to address design challenges

The design process

Our process

Our process

DESIGN CHALLENGE 1 Spencer Foundation Research-Practice Partnership Program

Process  Spencer Foundation Research-Practice Partnership Program  Select: Find a group of four to work with  We encourage you to sit with people you have NOT worked with before

 Learn: Go online to: (  Assign one task per person: Read the Program Statement; Read about the Review Panel; Review Past Grantees; Read FAQs (10 minutes total)

 Network: Each person share what you learned about the program (20 minutes total)

 Ideate: Use chart paper to represent/describe a project that your group

could submit that each of you could not implement as an individual? (20 minutes total – write group member names on paper)

 Walkabout: Review other project ideas; add comments/thoughts on other posters with sticky notes (10 minutes)

BREAK – 10 minutes

 Please sit with a new group when you return from your break.

DESIGN CHALLENGE 2 Discovery Research PreK-12 (DRK-12)

Process  NSF Discovery Research Pre-K12 (DRK-12)  Select: Find a different group of four to work with  We encourage you to sit with people you have NOT worked with before

 Learn: Go online to: (  Assign tasks: Two people - Skim the Solicitation (15-592); Read the Program Officers’ bios (or google them); Review What Has Been Funded (this page loads slowly) (10 minutes total)

 Network: Each person share what you learned about the program (20 minutes total)

 Ideate: Use chart paper to represent/describe a project that your group

could submit that each of you could not implement as an individual? (20 minutes total – write group member names on paper)

 Walkabout: Review other project ideas; add comments/thoughts on other posters with sticky notes (10 minutes)

Next Steps  Looking Forward – OofS will follow up on Design Challenge Ideas

 Upcoming grant deadlines  Go to:  Click on Office of Scholarship  Click Grant Hackathon  Click “timeline of grants…”

 Q&A  All resources will be posted at

Thank you! Organized by

Office of Scholarship – Office of Research Advancement – ASU Foundation / MLFTC Development Office –

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