5.2.8 PRINCIPLE 6: CARRY OUT CHANGE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS CMP AND WITH NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL BEST PRACTICE. CMP This CMP is in compliance with national and international best practice at the time of publication in 2019 and should be used to manage change to Coventry Cathedral. The CMP sets out an understanding of the significance of the place, based on an assessment of historical development and consultation with stakeholders. It explains how these international, national and sitespecific values are applied to the Cathedral as a whole and to each individual component.
At a guidance level, Church Building Council56 and the Cathedrals Fabric Commission57 offer guidance specific to significant Church of England buildings. Historic England set out how to approach conservation in their 2008 publication Conservation Principles58 and offer an advice note on dealing with the setting of heritage assets, 2015. 59 The government’s Planning Practice Guidance60 also advises on the historic environment.
Principle 1: The historic environment is a shared resource.
The methodology for assessing significance and impact should be used to inform proposals for development and alteration. Decisions should also be taken in line with the management policies that have been adopted by Chapter. The short-term actions associated with these policies should be carried out as a priority to sustain significance and function.
Principle 2: Everyone should be able to participate in sustaining the historic environment.
Principle 3: Understanding the significance of places is vital.
Principle 4: Significant places should be managed to sustain their values.
Principle 5: Decisions about change must be reasonable, transparent and consistent.
Principle 6: Documenting and learning from decisions is essential.
57 cathedrals-fabric-commission
Approach to conservation and change in listed buildings in the UK The conservation-led approach to change in the UK is championed by Historic England and is enshrined in law and planning policy. The Planning (Listed Building and Conservation Areas) Act, 199053 and the Care of Cathedrals Measure, 201154 represent the legislative framework within with appropriate decisions should be made. At a national policy level, the National Planning Policy Framework, 201955 sets out government policy relating to the conservation and enhancement of the historic environment and how this is expected to be applied. 53
The approach to conservation in the UK can be summed up under Historic England’s six Conservation Principles:
The approach taken within the CMP aligns with the guidance set out in Conservation Principles, including the approach to assessing significance and impact. Approach to the conservation and management of Post-War buildings internationally The international approach to significant Post-War buildings is led by the ICOMOS International Committee on 20th Century Heritage, with the publication of the Madrid – New Delhi Document: Approaches to the Conservation of Twentieth-Century Cultural Heritage, 2017.61 The work of the Getty Foundation as part of their Keeping it Modern grant initiative is equally valuable in better understanding the architectural conservation of these important places.62 The Getty Foundation have supported more than 64 grant projects, including Coventry Cathedral.