5.3.14 ADOPTION, ADVICE AND APPROVALS Adoption of the CMP It is important that the policies and principles within this CMP are adopted by Chapter, with a commitment to implement the recommendations. Periodic review of these policies should be made; either five-yearly or following a major project. The conservation and management of the Cathedral will continue to evolve, and regular review will ensure the document remains useful. It is also important to ensure all key stakeholders are familiar with the document and are committed to adopting the policies contained within it.
Approvals Under the Care of Cathedrals Measure 2011, the Cathedral is required to seek and obtain approval before implementing or consenting to the implementation of specific proposals.84 Generally, proposals that will have a material effect on historic character require consent. It is the level of alteration/harm to that historic character that dictates which body is applied to for approval or advice. The table that follows sets out the level of approval needed for different types of works. This has been utilised in the Capacity for Change table (Section 5.4.4) to understand the level of approval needed for specific components and should act as a guide to those seeking to make changes in the Cathedral.
Consultation and Advice As set out in Principle 4 (Section 5.2.6), public and stakeholder consultation is vital to understanding the needs of users and it plays a role in fostering a sense of local ownership in the process of change. Consultation with interested parties, internal departments, experts and the general public provides an opportunity to inform audiences about what is happening and why. This is the only way in which proposals can adequately reflect the needs and desires of the building’s users within the parameters of sustainable conservation and care of the building. Equally, early and on-going consultation with the FAC and CFCE will be highly beneficial to gaining invaluable, early-stage advice, and ultimately, obtaining permission for proposals. Bodies such as Historic England, and amenity societies (such as the SPAB, Victorian Society, Twentieth Century Society, Ancient Monuments Society and Council for British Archaeology) can additioanlly offer a wealth of advice and information.
More advice can be found in the Care of Cathedrals Measure, User Guide, 2019. UserGuide_CareOfCathedralsMeasure0319.pdf