4 minute read

Gone Fishin'

The Noble Park Fish Out

By Cassie Johnson


The warm sunshine and fresh breezes of spring are the perfect weather for fishing! Paducah Parks & Recreation is proud to present its annual Noble Park Fish Out. This fin-tastic event has been catching family fun on the first Saturday in June for over 20 years.

On Saturday, June 4 kids ages 5 to 12 years are invited to join the fun at Lake Gerry B. Montgomery, located at Noble Park. The first weekend in June is Kentucky’s Free Fishing Weekend – there’s no fishing license needed and you can have fun at no cost. Registration will begin at 8:30am at Shelter 10, located across the road from the Noble Park Pool. Fishing will be from 9 - 11am. Don’t forget that early birds catch the worms - gift bags will be handed out to the first 75 children registered. The Kentucky Department of Fish & Wildlife Resources stocks the lake throughout the year as part of the Fishing in Neighborhoods (FINs) program. The lake population consists mainly of catfish, trout, crappie, and sunfish. This is a Catch and Release tournament, so remember taking a keeper home is not an option.

“Each child will need to be supervised with a parent or guardian present the entire time,” said Taylor Morsching, Recreation Superintendent with Paducah Parks & Recreation. “Parents or helpers can assist with baiting and removing fish from the hook, but children must do all fishing on their own. As soon as a fish is caught and reeled in, participants need to see a Parks & Recreation staff member to measure, record, and release the fish. Staff members will be available to assist the baiting and unhooking process, but are mostly there to

“Only one fish can be recorded at a time, so please be patient!” added Morsching. “Last year, we had between 50 and 70 participants and it takes time to get to everyone. Do not wait until you catch multiple fish as each one will need to be returned to the lake as soon as possible to maintain their good health.”

No Pole? No Problem!

Children may use their personal pole and bait, or they can borrow both from Paducah Parks & Recreation while supplies last. To borrow a pole, a parent or guardian must fill out and sign the registration form with the pole rental agreement to ensure the pole will be returned as soon as the tournament is over. No license is needed as Kentucky does not require a fishing license for children under 16. An awards ceremony will follow the tournament at Shelter 10 to wrap up the day. Awards will be given for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places for two different categories. The Longest Fish and Most Fish Caught for both a boys division and girls division will be given prizes. Prizes may include a fishing pole, tackle box, or other fishing gear.

Pick Your Spot

“The fishing pier, pavilion, and bridge areas offer plenty of room for everyone,” said Morsching. “For safety, please avoid areas with erosion to the shoreline.”

Wherever you choose, be aware of others in your area when casting and reeling in your fish. Look around to make sure you have plenty of space. This helps prevent accidents, possible injuries, and lines from being tangled.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorships are always helpful in presenting community events, and sponsors are still needed this year. Call 270.444.8508 for information on how your business can participate. This is a rain or shine event. In case of severe weather resulting in a cancellation, check the Facebook event page Noble Park Fish Out. You can also visit paducahky.gov/ noble-park-fish-out.

Fishing for Fun

The most important rule is to have fun. Relax, enjoy the day, and watch happy kids reeling in those whoppers! No matter the size of the fish or the age of the child, fishing is a wonderful opportunity to make unforgettable memories. You’ll be hooked in no time! 

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