8 minute read
Nutrition (H Lim, J Park, S Williams
Diet is defined as “a special course of food to which one restricts oneself, either to lose weight or for medical reasons” 1
What are the trending areas?
“Fad” Diets Diets that promise quick results/weight loss, usually strictly time meals (intermittent fasting) or withhold certain food groups (keto diet). 2 Tips for deciding if these diets are for you: ● make sure all key nutritional needs are met ○ consult an expert if there is uncertainty ○ see “Choose My Plate” image below for reference of nutritional goals ● avoid unrealistic lifestyle changes, such as long term fasting schedules ● avoid diets that promise weight loss without exercise, large weight loss short term, or other “too good to be true” type claims ● eating disorders and poor body image can encourage extreme dieting 3
Vegan/Vegetarian Diet Vegan involves avoiding animal products, namely in diet Vegetarian involves avoiding the consumption of meat Substitutions are needed to ensure these individuals are consuming all necessary food groups. Diet has to be full of nutritional foods and proper substitutions are needed for categories such as proteins. If doing to lose weight, processed foods will need to be avoided like with any other diet. 4
Value versus Cost of Food Healthy food has been proven to be more expensive. There is research proving the deficit between healthy, nutritional foods and “empty calorie” foods, like overly processed foods. There is also proof though that healthy eating mat be more expensive short term, but in the long term will save people money by reducing medical bills. 5,6 Tips for eating healthy on a budget ● make a grocery list with all ingredients needed for the week’s meals ● look for coupons and enroll in discount/reward programs ● consider buying store brands over “name” brands ● look into foods like whole grains, vegetables and beans ○ possibility to make multiple servings for about $2 7,8,9
People need to be very careful when it comes to diets. Starting a diet that is unrealistic or has unreliable supporting data will cause discouragement, health issues, and can waste time and money. Diets need to be critically examined before starting to ensure they are realistic. It is also important to create food budgets to allow for healthy eating, both globally and nationally S. Williams
Nutrition SPRING 2020 Jungwon Park, BSPS student Heesoo Lim, BSPS student Sydney Williams, BSPS student
Nutrition can be defined as “the process by which living things receive the food necessary for them to grow and be healthy”. 1 As important nutrition is to people’s well being, there are problems that arise when nutrition is not being carefully considered. We have defined diet, malnutrition, and dietary supplements as some of the biggest problem areas of nutrition that can be found and affect people globally.
Malnutrition & Food Assistance Programs
What is malnutrition?
Malnutrition refers to deficiencies, excesses or imbalances in a person’s intake of energy and/or nutrients and concurrent ongoing global issue. 10
What are the following issues?
More than 3 millions of children die from malnutrition and about 3.9 billion of people have malnutrition which are almost a half of whole population. Malnutrition, as described in its definition, it does not only include undernutrition, but also overnutrition which is commonly referred as obesity. Dietary supplements are any products that are taken orally that contain dietary ingredients, such as vitamins, amino acids, minerals, herbs or proteins. 14 Dietary supplements can help people get certain nutrients that they lack or can’t acquire by eating food. Therefore, they can be extremely beneficial to your health when taking the appropriate supplement at the correct dose.
What’s the issue?
Nutrition is a crucial aspect of people’s lives and they need to consume proper nutrients to live a healthy life. However, with the trends in the current society, people around the world aren’t getting enough nutrients via consumption of various foods, but relying on the nutrients supplied by dietary supplements. In fact, according to CDC, only 12% of Americans consume the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables, 15 and this gap in nutrition intake is being filled by dietary supplements. This trend is spreading around the world, which can be observed by looking at the graph below. As the demand grows for the dietary supplements, the market size will grow and will continue to grow as the convenience of taking a pill outweigh the labor of purchasing or preparing different types of foods.
Another issue is that as people take these supplements, they unknowingly overdose themselves with it, causing them to experience an adverse event. According to a study by the New England Journal of Medicine, an average of 23,000 people visit the emergency room due to an adverse event caused by dietary supplements. 16 This occurs mostly because people consume nutrients through meals, but without considering how much nutrients they have taken in through their meals, they take a fixed dose of the supplement, with which they may end up having too much of.
Lastly, the development and production of dietary supplements are not regulated by the FDA, and this may lead to production of tainted products. Currently, the FDA regulates dietary supplements under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA). This act, however, only requires the producers of dietary supplements to get their product reviewed, but not necessarily approved, by the FDA which may lead to problematic products. For example, a dietary supplement containing Acacia rigidula was found to contain a substance called β‐methylphenylethylamine (BMPEA), which was never studied. 17 Because this substance lacks evidence of safety in humans, it may be unsafe for people to consume this product.
What is being or should be done?
- FDA and NIH are constantly conducting post market research on products currently on market to find any irregularities - People should be educated on the proper consumption of dietary supplements
Personal Opinion
Because consuming enough nutrients is crucial for one’s health, taking dietary supplements is great, just as long as people are careful and aware of what they are consuming. Supplements should be taken with a proper product at a safe dose in order for them to be truly beneficial to our health. Therefore, it would be best if people visit a doctor or nutritionist to discuss about their health and what kind and how much supplements they should take. J. Park
Child Malnutrition Rates, 2010.

Child malnutrition is total big issue in the 3 rd world countries. Those children have same feature in common. Those are stunting(significantly below standard height for their age), underweight(significantly below standard weight for their age), wasting(significantly below standard height to weight ratios), and micronutrient deficiencies. Especially these children will face the cycle of hunger in their further life. They will meet difficulties in their education, relationships and biological reproduction. However, this is the only for those who survived from malnutrition. 11
Adult malnutrition is also big issue. This has been issued more in wealthy country since the obesity population is increasing with sufficient intake of food. But in also some relatively poor countries, the social isolation comes from aging causes adult malnutrition. By aging, they naturally have body dysfunction which can induce lower in appetite. Furthermore, isolation causes less access to food. 12
What are food assistance programs?
Nutritional treatment 13 ○ Dietary supplements ○ Ready-to-use therapeutic food(RUTF) ○ Genetically modified produce(GMP) Support from international organization ○ 2030 agenda from UN ■ Agricultural sustainability, education on nutrition, governmental support Education ○ something that has to be done in school as well as all communities spontaneously
Personal Opinion
Intake of food itself is never difficult. Being aware of the people, recognizing the problems that they have and sharing what I have are also not difficult. Even though malnutrition, the imbalance, is no one's fault but I think this is everyone's responsibility. This is disease that each individuals can prevent with interest, concern and a bit of morality. H. S. Lim

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