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Licorice (Hien Hoang , University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy
Hien Hoang
Student pharmacist Spring 2022
https://www.google.com/search?q=licorice+plant&tbm=isch&ictx=1&tbs=rimg:CY46LRmU459yIgiOOi 0ZlOOfcioSCY46LRmU459yERH11Gz4c1tq&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi625yF4Kz2AhXog2oFHQ 05BFUQiRx6BAgAEAQ&biw=928&bih=735 Scientific Name: Glycyrrhiza glabra Common Names: Bois doux, Gan Cao, Glycyrrhizae extractum, crudum, Glycyrrhizae radix, Kanza.
Background/history: Licorice comes
from the juice of the root of the plant name Glycyrrhiza Glabra. Licorice with the name of Liquorice has been found in 2300BC. It has been used in the ancient by Chinese people as a medicine. Now a day, they grow in North Africa, across the Middle East and to China. Today, Licorice is used as sweetener, supplement, oil and gel. Besides, people use it as tea. Pharmacology/mechanism of action
and common uses: Licorice contains an active metabolite is Glycyrrhetic acid. It inhibits the enzyme 11-Bhydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzyme type 2 with a resultant cortisol-induced mineralocorticoid effect and the tendency towards the elevation of sodium and reduction of potassium levels. Licorice also used to kill MRSA via the disruption of the membrane permeability and the proton motive force. Today, Licorice is used to treat hepatitis, viral infections in adults and pediatric. Especially, it can treat dental care in children. Dosage Forms: Licorice root comes with vary forms, including chewing gum, chewing tobacco, deglycyrrhizinated chews, extract, intravenous solution, and tea. Typical Dosing:
Ulcer and Gastritis: 1.5 to 3g daily Peptic Ulcer: 380 to 760 ml TID Upper respiratory tract: 0.5 to 1g daily General use root, oral: 1 to 5g TID for 6 weeks General use extract: 2 to 4ml TID Skin: 2% for 2 weeks

https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3 A%2F%2Fstock.adobe.com%2Fsearch%3Fk%3 Dlicorice%2Bplant&psig=AOvVaw0ImJVFo9a vuUsDQjF17NZE&ust=1646496813776000&so urce=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAsQjRxqFwoTC PDgleTsrPYCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD
Effectiveness: Licorice is effective to reduce the count of Steptococcus Mutans and preventing dental caries in children. Licorice root also used to keep people teeth clean. One of a study has showed that licorice is effective to chronic hepatitis B in Japan. In addition, using licorice gel to apply to skin to reduce redness, swelling, and itching. Interaction: Due to its mechanism of action, Licorice causes potassium fall. Therefore, patient who are taking fludrocortisone should avoid to take licorice. Licorice also interacts with ACE inhibitors, diuretics, digoxin, MAO inhibitors, warfarin, cisplatin, and liver medications. Safety: Pregnant women should avoid to take licorice. This may cause a miscarriage or early delivery. Women who are breast-feeding do not take licorice. With people using this product as tea, do not take over 100ml per day to avoid adverse effects. Toxicity: People consume too much licorice root or some products derived from licorice (candies, soft drink) can be dangerous because it lowers people’s potassium levels.
https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http s%3A%2F%2Fimages.vitaminimages.com%2Fpp %2FVF%2Fpuritanspride%2Fproduct_images%2 Fproduct_detail%2F022333.jpg&imgrefurl=htt ps%3A%2F%2Fwww.puritan.com%2FlicoriceAdverse effects: The main adverse effect of licorice is hypertension and hypokalemia. Although rare, arrhythmias, torsades de points, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea may occur. 621%2Fpplicorice-root450mg60cap022333&tbnid=8kzzsaNdef7aXM&vet=12ahUKE wj7h6L8-qz2AhWYRs0KHdZDMwQMygCegUIARDsAg..i&docid=kv2Y1Vjwx KmXcM&w=1001&h=1846&q=licorice%20supple ment&ved=2ahUKEwj7h6L8-qz2AhWYRs0KHdZDMwQMygCegUIARDsAg Professional Opinion: I found some studies on finding a cure for Covid-19 by using licorice. However, I do not think there is enough good evidence to support using it for Covid-19 treatment. Although licorice is used for many purposes, we still have to limit their uses because there is not enough reliable information to know if it might be helpful. ~ H. Hoang
Addition information: Eating a large amount of black licorice candy can cause severe side effect with heart health.

History of liquorice, https://tomsgroup.com/en/toms-history/the-storyof-liquorice/ Accessed March 4, 2022 Therapeutic basis of glycyrrhizin on chronic hepatis B, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8783808/ Accessed March 4, 2022 Effectiveness of licorice in preventing dental caries in children, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33402612/#:~:tex t=Conclusion%3A%20Licorice%20extracts%20pr oves%20to,is%20well%20accepted%20by%20chil dren, Accessed March 4, 2022