2 minute read

Poor sleep (Yuanrui [Gray] Zhao

Browsing social media before falling asleep might feel relaxing, Research shows that more people around the world are suffering from poor sleep due to social media usage before sleep. With the increase of time people spend on social media, everyone could be a potential victim in this case. In the following paragraph, I will talk about how your bedtime social media habits might be stopping you from a good night sleep.

Displacing sleep


First, Browsing social media before sleep displaces your bedtime.How many times have you thought you’d just quickly check your social media account before going to sleep, only to find yourself falling down a rabbit hole of entertaining videos, photos and funny comments And just like that, an hour or even two have passed. When you finally put down our phones, it also takes you longer to fall asleep, the quality of sleep is reduced and you wake up feeling sleepy and unrefreshed. Short duration of sleep often leads to later wake-up times and has a negative effect on time available to complete your work over the next day.

Promoting cognitive arousal Secondly, by looking at social media before sleep, you are providing endless stimulation signalling your brain and body to remain active and keep engaged. It’s not simply the fact that you’re looking at social media which keeps you awake, the type of content has a big impact too for example, a heated debate on a subject you’re passionate about keeps you more awake than passively scrolling through a news feed. This really comes down to how much involvement the interaction calls for.

Disrupting Circadian Rhythms: Last but not least, It’s well-established that phone screens emit mostly blue light, which expresses melatonin production and keeps us productive and focussed. This blue light is perfectly suited for daytime phone usage, but, at midnight, this is not ideal. Basically, exposure to light tells us to be awake, so looking at bright light from a phone just before bed is telling your body it is still time to be awake and not sleep time. This also forms a toxic cycle where Difficulty sleeping leads to increase use of social media (use social media to kill time when having trouble falling asleep) which may in return lead to more problems sleeping


The first step to creating an effective project plan is to set a baseline. The baseline is the foundation on which the other project elements will be built on. This must include a scope statement.

Social media has many positive points, but we need to be mindful of how long we spend on it before sleep.Reducing exposure to social media can help you to disconnect and may improve your sleep quality;Instead of scrolling through your phone, screen-free time, like reading physical book, will help you prepare for sleep.

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