10 minute read
Naomi Davis, Chinedu Ebube, Kade, Kake, Yunyi Pei
Naomi Davis Naomi Davis Naomi Davis SubstanceSubstance AbuseAbuse
What is Substance Abuse? What is Substance Abuse? What is Substance Abuse?
Substance abuse is the act of someone using alcohol, Substance abuse is the act of someone using alcohol, prescription medication, and other substances outside of prescription medication, and other substances outside of it's intended use. This can vary from taking too much or it's intended use. This can vary from taking too much or taking it for reasons other than what it is intended for. taking it for reasons other than what it is intended for. Typically this condition can cause significant problems or Typically this condition can cause significant problems or distress in everyday life. distress in everyday life. Typically someone will abuse medications that have the Typically someone will abuse medications that have the ability to change the natural chemistry of the mind and ability to change the natural chemistry of the mind and body. The user gets addicted to the pleasure they get body. The user gets addicted to the pleasure they get from taking the substance. from taking the substance. The longer a patient is on heavy therapy such as an The longer a patient is on heavy therapy such as an opioid, it is easy to develop an addiction, even if it's opioid, it is easy to develop an addiction, even if it's unintended. The opioid medication can block pain unintended. The opioid medication can block pain signals and release large amounts of dopamine. The body signals and release large amounts of dopamine. The body may get used to those effects, and the patient will begin may get used to those effects, and the patient will begin to develop an addiction or dependency on the medication to develop an addiction or dependency on the medication
Stats Stats Stats
There have been around 700,000 drug overdose There have been around 700,000 drug overdose deaths in the US since deaths in the US since Over 70,000 drug overdose deaths occur in the US Over 70,000 drug overdose deaths occur in the US annually annually It is estimated that of the 246 million people It is estimated that of the 246 million people worldwide who used drugs in 2013, around 27 worldwide who used drugs in 2013, around 27 million people have drug use disorders million people have drug use disorders
Substance Abuse and Addiction Statistics. National Center for Drug AbuseSubstance Abuse and Addiction Statistics. National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics. Published February 8, 2022. Accessed February 17, 2022.Statistics. Published February 8, 2022. Accessed February 17, 2022. https://drugabusestatistics.org/ https://drugabusestatistics.org/
Pharmacy Viewpoint
Substance abuse is a global health issue that impacts people from a wide range of backgrounds. There is a serious need to educate patients about substance abuse and how it can happen. I especially believe that in circumstances where a patient is given a high abuse drug, they are properly counseled and warned. Lastly, there should be universal help to help those suffering from drug addiction or substance abuse.
Treatment Treatment Treatment
To help those suffering from substance abuse there are Relapse Prevention Models. These models consist of strategies such as psychoeducation, understanding highrisk situations, coping skills, changing lifestyle behaviors, and drug/alcohol monitoring. To achieve this goal patients will have to go through serious counseling
Rawson, Obert, J. L., McCann, M. J., & Marinelli-Casey, P. Relapse Prevention Models For Substance Abuse Treatment. Psychotherapy. 1993;30(2): 284–298. https://doi.org/10.1037/0033-3204.30.2.284
Impact Impact Impact
Substance abuse is a global issue and can affect Substance abuse is a global issue and can affect anyone, regardless of race, socioeconomic status, anyone, regardless of race, socioeconomic status, location, etc location, etc Substance abuse disorders are more likely to affect Substance abuse disorders are more likely to affect young males young males The average life expectancy in the US declined The average life expectancy in the US declined between 2015 and 2017 due to opioid overdose between 2015 and 2017 due to opioid overdose deaths deaths High-risk behaviors and substance abuse result in High-risk behaviors and substance abuse result in higher chances of contracting viral infections such higher chances of contracting viral infections such as hepatitis or HIV. Substance abuse affects as hepatitis or HIV. Substance abuse affects symptoms and adversely changes the outcome of symptoms and adversely changes the outcome of infectious diseases. infectious diseases. Several studies show a close link between illicit Several studies show a close link between illicit drug use, crime, sexual abuse, and interpersonal drug use, crime, sexual abuse, and interpersonal violence violence

Homicide, Suicide, and Self-Harm
Canva Graphics What is Homicide?
As reported by Cornell Law School, "Homicide is when one human being caused the death of another." Homicide can be unintentional or intentional committed by a person or a group of people. Homicides occur worldwide, and although there are higher rates of homicide in more troubled areas, it can affect several people regardless of their environment and their background. Global Statsistics and Facts
In an article written in 2019, it was found that 464,000 people around the world fell victim to homicide. 80% of the victims were men and 20% were women. Of the 464,000 homicides the most common weapons used were guns, knives, and poison.
Punishment and Prevention
Prevention: Education is viewed as a major factor in molding the levels of homicide in several countries with a low homicide rate in Asia like China and Japan. At a school in Chicago, Illinois, an afterschool program was implemented called BAM (Becoming a Man). This program was used to aid teenage boys who were at risk of joining Gangs or committing violent crimes. The placement of properly trained law enforcement in communities with high crime and homicide rates also tends to lead to an overall drop in those rates. Punishment: In the United States, Capital Punishment is typically used to punish those who've committed homicide-related crimes. In Norway, someone who is convicted of homicide is typically locked up for 21 years depending on if they're a threat to society at the end of their time served. When looking at Uzbekistan women tend to have a lesser maximum sentence than men.


https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/murder-rate-bycountry Countries like El Salvador, Jamaica, and South Africa have homicide rates all above 30 deaths per 100k people compared to places like Japan, China, and Norway which have a homicide rate of under one death per 100k people.

http://cdn.statcdn.com/Infographic/images/normal/15390.jpeg This image shows how men are generally more likely to commit suicide than women. It's also seen that countries such as the US, South Korea, South Africa, and Russia have the highest rates of suicide for men all of which are above 20 deaths per 100k people.

What is Suicide?
Suicide is a global issue defined by the CDC as, “death caused by injuring oneself with the intent to die. A suicide attempt is when someone harms themselves with any intent to end their life, but they do not die because of their actions.” Self-Harm is defined by the Crisis Text Line as “any form of hurting oneself on purpose.”
Suicide: Warning signs for suicide include feelings of hopelessness, increased use of alcohol and drugs, extreme mood changes, withdrawal from interpersonal relationships, and talking about wanting to die or killing oneself. Self-Harm: Some symptoms and warning signs for self-harm include scars, fresh cuts, burns, bruises, struggling with interpersonal relationships, Behavioral and emotional instability or impulsiveness, and feelings of helplessness or worthlessness.
https://media.istockphoto.com/vectors/anxiety-woman-fears-and-phobias-thoughts-get-confused-and-crushed-vector-id1288872979?k=20&m=1288872979&s=612x612&w=0&h=_SWfXheBkSR0Jztn-rMzgpgM9HpVfDDm9nLWRNK6eU4=Prevention and Treatment Limiting access to objects that can lead to suicide (pesticides, firearms, medications, etc.) It's important to reach out to 24 hr. hotlines such as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and Veterans Crisis Line or tell a trusted family member or adult in your life. Another option Seek counseling or therapy to sort through traumatic experiences, emotions, or urges that caused you to self-harm or feel suicidal, along with equipping mechanisms to help you in case you feel suicidal or have self-harm urges in the future. Monitored medication can be beneficial for some people who are at risk for suicide or self-harm.

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Author's Opinion
I believe that homicide, suicide, and self Harm are major issues that affect everyday people. Specifically, the fact that several young adults harm themselves and see suicide as the only option is incredibly concerning. I think that while there are good resources to turn to when someone is suicidal or looking to self-harm, there's a major stigma of seeking help in our nation for fear of being deemed crazy which leads people to suffer in silence. Even in our schools, the resources are quickly breezed through and not emphasized nearly enough when going through the syllabus. In general, having a bigger conversation about what causes people to be suicidal or self-harm needs to be had, and properly trained counselors/therapists who are less dismissive should be implemented in the workplace and schools. ~ C. Ebube
by Kade Kake (BSPS/PH candidate)
Background: In our everyday life, everywhere in the world we deal with many types of vehicles on the road. These include cars, buses, trucks, motorcycles, mopeds, pedestrians, animals, taxis, and other guests. Most unintentional deaths occur due to injuries resulting from traffic accidents. Injuries resulting in DALYs resulting from disability are the most common injury-related disability. Additionally, they affect an enormous amount of people economically and socially. However, RTIs remain a neglected public health issue, particularly in low- and middle-income countries.
Global health issues
According to the Center for Disease and Prevention: • Worldwide, there are 1,35 million road fatalities each year. • Nearly 3,700 people die every day in car, bus, motorcycle, bicycle, truck, or pedestrian accidents worldwide. Most of the victims are pedestrians, motorcyclists, and cyclists. • Children and young people 5–29 years of age are more likely to die from crash injuries than any other age group and crash injuries are estimated to be the eighth most common cause of death worldwide.
Crashes now kill more people than HIV/AIDS. • A crash injury that results in a death or non-death is estimated to cost the global economy $1.8 trillion. • Males are more likely to be involved in road traffic crashes than females • low- and middle-income countries o Road traffic injury death rates are highest in the African region.
Risk factors
• Speeding & Roads with poor design and maintenance • Driving under the influence of alcohol and other psychoactive substance • Nonuse of motorcycle helmets, seatbelts, and child restraints. • Distracted driving like using cellphones, eating while driving. • Inexperience and youth, • Leakage of Hazardous material and Unsafe vehicles • Inadequate post-crash care and law enforcement of traffic laws.
Current effort/ Response/ Intervention
• Vision Zero, the Safe System Approach, and Road to Zero. • Save LIVES: a road safety technical package is an evidence-based inventory of priority interventions with a focus on Speed management, Leadership, Infrastructure design and improvement, Vehicle safety standards, Enforcement of traffic laws and post-crash Survival. • United Nations (UN) Decade of Action for Road Safety • 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety Personal: I believe paying more attention to the risk factors is crucial to minimize RTIs. Construction of highways and roads that are walkable can help reduce car accidents in low- and middle-income countries.
Prevention Methods
• Seat belts should be worn on every trip, no matter how short or in which part of the vehicle you are traveling. • Children should always be buckled up in an appropriate seat belt, booster seat, or car seat that is appropriate for their age, height, and weight in the back seat. • When riding a motorcycle, motorbike, or bicycle, always wear a helmet. • Avoid driving with an impaired driver, and do not drink or take drugs before driving. • Drive within the speed limit. • Avoid distractions while driving. Don't text or use your cell phone while driving, for example. • Particularly if you live in a country where motorists drive on the left side of the street, be alert when crossing streets. • Don't take unmarked or unofficial taxis. Seat belts should be available in all seating positions in taxis and ridesharing vehicles. • Avoid overcrowded, overweight, or vans with tops that are too heavy.
Global Road Safety. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/injury/features/global road-safety/index.html. Published December 14, 2020.
Accessed April 11, 2022. Road traffic injuries. World Health Organization. https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/roadtraffic-injuries. Accessed April 11, 2022.