1 minute read
Drug interactions/toxicology Drug interactions/toxicology
Rohypnol interacts poorly with other CNS depressant drugs. Some examples of those include alcohol and heroin. When taken in combination, it significantly increases the risk of overdose. Sedation, slowed heart rate, unconsciousness, and even death can result from the breathing suppression that happens as a result of these interactions.
Laws Laws
Rohypnol is currently a Schedule IV substance. It is not approved for manufacturing, use, sale, or importation in the United States. This is only in the United States, though, as Rohypnol is manufactured and used legally in other countries.
Monitoring/ Drug Screens: Monitoring/ Drug Screens: Rohypnol is not tested for in Standard Drug Rohypnol is not tested for in Standard Drug Tests, but it can be tested for in Extended Drug Tests, usually only Tests, but it can be tested for in Extended Drug Tests, usually only when use is suspected. Rohypnol can be detected in the urine for 2-4 when use is suspected. Rohypnol can be detected in the urine for 2-4 days after use. days after use.
P Prrooffeessssiioonnaall O Oppiinniioon n
Studies have shown that Rohypnol, as a benzodiazepine, works well. It produces muscle relaxant effects, anti-anxiety effects, and sedation. Its long duration helps with insomnia patients, however, its misuse can have extremely damaging and scary effects. The United States views the drug as "not worth the risk", whereas it is used clinically around the world. With the availability of so many other benzodiazepines that do not have such an infamous history, Rohypnol is not a medication whose legal status needs to be reconsidered. ~
M Robertson
Hoffman La Roche History. Roche. Accessed October 13, 2022.
http://www.roche.com/home/company/com_hist_intro http://www.emergency.com/roofies http://www.erowid.org/library/books/uppers_downers
Staten C. Roofies: the new 'date rape' drug of choice. Emergency Response & Research Institute. Accessed October 13, 2022.
Inaba D, Cohen W, Holstein M et al. Uppers, downers, and all arounders. CNS. Accessed October 13, 2022.
Rohypnol. United States Drug Enforcement Administration. Accessed October 13, 2022. http://www.dea.gov/factsheets/rohypnol