Numbers on the fold-out map correspond to different locations along the self-guided tour.
H a l l
o f
M u s i c
D a u c h
A l u m n i
Ce n t er
of the West Lafayette Campus
U n i v er s i t y
H a l l
A Self-Guided
Contact us:
E l l i o t t
Visitor Information Center Purdue University 504 Northwestern Avenue West Lafayette, IN 47907
An equal access/equal opportunity university Produced by Purdue Marketing and Media
1300609 7/09
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R a w l s
H a l l
Phone: (765) 494-INFO (4636) (765) 494-4600 (Purdue operator) Fax: (765) 496-1207 E-mail: Web:
A Visitor Information Center B Materials and Electrical Engineering Building C Physics Building D Neil Armstrong Hall E Lambert Fieldhouse F Cary Quadrangle G Student Health Center (PUSH) H Heine Pharmacy Building I Civil Engineering Building J Johnson Hall of Nursing K Forney Hall of Chemical Engineering L Schleman Hall M Hovde Hall N Elliott Hall of Music O Purdue Bell Tower P Psychological Sciences Building Q Haas Hall R Lawson Computer Science Building S Beering Hall T Mathematical Sciences Building U Class of 1950 Lecture Hall V Recitation Building W University Hall X Matthews Hall Y Stone Hall Z Stewart Center AA St. Thomas Aquinas Center BB Agricultural Administration Building CC Forestry Building DD Pao Hall EE Hawkins Hall FF Dauch Alumni Center GG Young Hall HH Krannert Building II Rawls Hall JJ Purdue Memorial Union (PMU) KK Grissom Hall LL Heavilon Hall MM Brown Laboratory of Chemistry NN Wetherill Laboratory of Chemistry OO Stanley Coulter Hall PP Engineering Administration Building QQ Mechanical Engineering Building RR Electrical Engineering Building