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Word count: 337 1. How to Treat athlete’s foot with vinegar and Listerine Athlete’s foot is a fungus that causes cracking of skin which allows germs to enter under the skin and it is itchy. It can be worse if you are diabetic since the sugar will feed the germs. Treating athlete’s foot fungus has many ways. Some possible cures are with the use of natural home remedies. Some use over-the-counter treatment medications. Some visits physicians. There are a lot of ways to treat this fungus without any prescriptions or just over-the-counter medications. Either of the two, traditional or natural cure, you use the important matter is you start the treatment immediately when symptoms appear. Here’s how you can treat athlete’s foot with vinegar: 1. Get something large enough to hold an amount of water and your feet. 2. Pour a part of vinegar and 2 parts water. 3. Soak your feet once a day for about an hour. Use Listerine and vinegar soak to treat athlete’s foot. You can also do it with Listerine alone: 1. Take half Listerine and half vinegar into the water. 2. Mix it then soak your feet into it. 3. For plain Listerine, you can either soak your feet or apply it directly to the infected part using a cotton ball. For some it is surprising, but people really do use Listerine for the treatment of fungus. And some say it is really effective. Who would have thought that something that you use for your mouth would also be useful to your specific foot nails. Tips and Warnings: It is advisable that you do not stop the treatment not until it has been treated. Do not soak the infected part with the healthy side to avoid exposing the healthy part to fungus. When using Listerine, you can see that your foot will turn to green. It is normal; just exfoliate your feet with a wet cloth to reduce discoloration. Ask your doctor to see if you have diabetes or other allergies that may possibly cause bad effect before trying to use Listerine for fungus.
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Word count: 317 2. How to Prevent an asthma attack The key to managing asthma effectively is to prevent an attack before it occurs. Under these home remedies, you make important changes in lifestyle, May you be able avoid triggers that can aggravate your asthma. These are some of the things you need to know to prevent asthma attack: 1. Quit from smoking tobacco. Smoke can be an irritant that triggers asthma as well as an allergen that affects create an allergic reaction leading to asthma. 2. Check on for the weather condition. Knowing what types of weather can leave you a breath of air can help you avoid problems. 3. Be aware of the foods that you are going to eat. An attack that is precipitated by certain foods most likely to occur one hour of ingesting it. 4. Always check for your health status. Maintaining good health can reduce the frequency and intensity of asthma attacks. Here are the basic steps you can do when you are triggered with your asthma: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Take a deep breath by inhaling through the nose. Keep your weight less and down. Do not over react since it will affect on how you will deal with your asthma. Relax, stay calm, and do not panic so that you can inhale and exhale properly.
You can do some practice exercises with the steps that have been mentioned. You can start with practicing yourself in inhaling and exhaling through your nose rather than your mouth. And always keep in mind that you can handle the situation so that it will not trigger even more. Tips and Warnings: Refrain from chemicals. A number of chemicals can trigger an asthma attack in susceptible people, such as paint or perfume, or chemical additives, such as sulfites which are used as preservatives in foods. Refrain from certain kind drugs. Some people with asthma are sensitive to certain drugs, particularly non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
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Word count: 322 3. How to Relieve back pain The following remedies are appropriate to all those who suffer from back pain due to tight muscles back together or strain. However, if you experience pain, weakness or numbness in the legs, or loss of intestine or bladder control, consult a doctor immediately. Here are the basic steps that you can follow: 1. Apply an ice to reduce the swelling. Immediately after your back is injured, blood rushes in the damaged area. Even if the swelling is part of the body's normal healing process, too much inflammation can increase pain and prolong your recovery time. Applying ice immediately after a strain reduces the amount of inflammation, accelerate the healing process, and some can numb the pain. 2. Compress the area where you feel the pain. Gently compress injured area. It can help the ice reducing inflammation and pain, while the speed of recovery. Compressing the muscle can provide some temporary support for the region. It allows you to move more easily, while you more comfortable. 3. Take aspirin as your medication. Taking in over-the-counter analgesic such as aspirin, acetaminophen or ibuprofen may help relieve your pain. However, be aware that all drugs, even without a prescription, are for everyone. 4. If the amount of pain does not reduce, know when you can see your doctor. Finally, it is time to see your doctor when it takes larger amounts of medication to reduce your back pain. If you follow these steps, you should be able to reduce some of your discomfort and reduce swelling in your back. Tips and Warnings: Serious injuries that are untreated or treated incorrectly can be dangerous, leading to further impairments and possibly irreparable damage. One of these symptoms does not automatically mean that you need major therapy. However, it is better to let your doctor rule serious problems of the spine so that you can put your mind at ease and move forward with the business of healing.
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Word count: 312 words
4. How to Treat Cholesterol With Natural Supplements Cholesterol is a lipidic, waxy alcohol that is found in the cell membranes, which will be transported to the blood plasma of all animals. It is also found in the blood circulation of humans. There are two different cholesterol types. The LDL is the bad one which increases the risk of coronary heart disease. This produces cholesterol plaque that causes the artery walls to get thick and the arteries get narrow, this is called atherosclerosis. On the other hand, the HDL is the opposite. It extracts cholesterol from the artery walls and deposits them to the liver. Through this process, atherosclerosis is being prevented. You really need to be aware of the levels of the cholesterol in your body. High levels of LDL and low levels of HDL can be alarming since this ratio can result to atherosclerosis. You need to maintain the high levels of HDL and lower the levels of your LDL. If you want to do it the natural way, you better find the right natural supplements for your body. Here are some steps to help you with lowering your bad cholesterols using natural supplement: 1) Research on the natural supplements that help you lower your bad cholesterol level. 2) If you have found which natural supplements you think is best for you, ask those who are experts on this matter. 3) Make sure your sources are reliable and are not promoting any brand to avoid wasting your money. 4) Do not forget that whatever supplement you take—natural or not, if you do not discipline yourself, you will never achieve your goal. There are a lot of natural supplements that will surely lower down your bad cholesterol level but still it is best to consult your physician for he knows more things than you do. Follow what he says and for sure, you will live a healthy life.
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Word count: 310 words 5. How to Pick the Winning Horse at the Racetrack Horse racing is known a few centuries ago as the sport of the kings because this was the sport most royalties love. This as well as the method of betting became more popular the following years. Everywhere in the world, people who are engaged in gambling would place their bets on their favorite horses. Picking the winning horse at the racetrack is one of the most difficult things to do. There is no standard process on how to do it. All you need is enough knowledge
about the sport and of course, enough knowledge about the horses that are joining the race. Here are four areas to be considered when picking a winner: 1) Condition. Make sure the horse you are planning to place your bet on is really in good condition and is well-conditioned by its owner. A horse in good condition can sustain the race until it ends. 2) Pace. This refers to the two-beat manner of running of the horse. A slow pace makes the rider comfortable since he is lightly rocked from side to side. On the contrary, a fast pace is uncomfortable since the rider is moved rapidly from side to side. 3) Speed. This is one of the most popular areas to be studied since a fast horse will surely win the race. 4) Class. This is the most difficult area for a horse to maintain. A class is the ability of the horse to repeat a great performance no matter what the conditions it is experiencing. After examining each of the areas aforementioned, you must be able to decide wisely on which horse you are going to place your bet on. Just remember that these points do not give 100% probability of winning the race. These are just some areas which most experts think should be thoroughly studied before picking the winning horse.
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Word count: 310 words 6. How to Place a bet at horse and dog races Racing is one of the most popular sports that involve gambling. Horse and dog racing are just one of the most popular sports. People bet on a certain animal and if that animal wins the race, the person wins as well. Placing bets at horse racing is so simple. The minimum wager is $2 at most tracks. Your competitors are the other people at the track. If you win, the others will lose the game. This is the same as dog racing. All you need is a wager and you are all set to bet. The big question here is how to bet on dog and horse racing. Here are some tips: 1) Choose the animal which you think will be lucky for you. In horse racing, you only need to pick one. As for the dog racing, you can choose the wheel wager wherein you are allowed to wager on many or even all of the dogs in the race. Just make sure that the animal you placed your bet on has a good record and
is known to be fast. 2) Pick the amount you want to wager. If you are just a newbie, stick to the lowest amount so that you will not regret whatever the result is. 3) Place your bet, enjoy the race and check if you win. If you are a beginner, do not take the race seriously if you do not intend to gamble everyday to avoid addiction. Make sure that you have researched well on the track and the animals that are racing so that you will not have a hard time deciding on the animal you will place your bet on. When placing your bet, have your money ready before going to the teller so that it will be fast and easier for you but still check your ticket before leaving.
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Word Count: 342 7. How to avoid horse race betting scams
One recreational activity common in society today is gambling. People are getting hooked and addicted to games that merely depend on luck. In gambling, you have to take the risk of betting the money or any tangible items. One of the questions you should ask yourself before considering placing down your stake money. Does the horse racing pick give enough value? When you engage yourself into any horse racing system, here are tips to consider: 1. Do not bet more than you can afford to lose—a number of people just take the risk hoping for some kind of miracle that they will win big. To simply have a chance of winning, there has to be a consistent plan involved. 2. Follow the ethics- -There are actually ethics associated to the activity of betting. All you need to do is follow them dutifully while taking the part. This will certainly help you out to keep your pace. 3. Plan your betting- - your plans in betting depending on the conditions do not necessarily prove to be useful in any case. You have to be aware of the experience and the skills of the person conducting the betting on horse racing. 4. Gather information on your betting bank- - You need a lot of things which require assistance. You have to gather information on the average odds, the losing runs, and the strike rate. You have to keep a record on a spreadsheet to have the exact idea about your betting activity. 5. Do not use a single betting bank- - You have to take the chance of betting from various banks to make it unpredictable. Widen your betting work in different banks and use numerous betting methods. 6. Join forums- - It is highly recommended that you take part in forums. Join only the high quality and graded forums to acquire the exact knowledge and information. Now you have the tips for safe and secure play in your horse race betting. Enjoy your betting but don’t forget to know when to stop!
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Word Count: 314 8. How to play fantasy football Fantasy football is big time recently. With the different ways to play the game, there are certain strategies and caution to each playing style. 1. Standard League- - There are 2 types of standard draft leagues namely the head-to-head and total points. In a head-to head type, the team matches up against another team each week with the team obtaining the most points acknowledged as winner. 2. Auction League- - This can either make use of a head-to-head or total points system. The only difference is that owners are given a fixed amount of money to bid on any player he likes. 3. Dynasty League- - This league is for the serious fantasy football owner and need a commitment over various seasons. After the initial draft in the inaugural season, a predetermined set of players remain on the same roster from one season to the next except the player is released or traded with another player. 4. Keeper League- - It is like a hybrid involving a standard draft league and a dynasty league. Before the season arrives, the players are drafted although owners are permitted to keep a predetermined set of players on their roster from the year before. 5. IDP Leagues- - This league uses defensive players on an individual bases including the use of team defensive units. In an IDP league, the owners need to perform a lot of research when there are additional players and vacant positions to fill. 6. Survivor leagues- - This type of league can use any type of draft. However, standard or auction type is the most commonly used. This league is unique due to its team scoring. The team having the least amount of points in a certain week is eliminated for the remaining season. Remember that acting on exclusive, timely information is the most important difference between winning and losing in playing fantasy football.
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9. How to Prevent an Xbox 360 from overheating If you already have your Xbox 300, I’m sure you have encountered all the different headaches and problems that come with this new technology. One of the most common problems of Xbox 360 is overheating. This problem happens because the design of this product does not allow air flow to keep and maintain the entire system cool. However, a number of people have figured out the use of an extra cooling unit on top of it. By following these steps, you can surely prevent your Xbox 360 from overheating. 1. Never place your Xbox 360 console in an enclosed area. Place it an area that has good ventilation. Do this for your power adapter as well. 2. Make sure that your Xbox 360 is placed in an enough space to effectively run without a lot of heating taking place. 3. It only adds more problems if you are using an intercooler that snaps onto the back, so it is better to get rid of it. 4. If you have found an intercooler that will surely work, do not hesitate to get one. This idea will indeed help. 5. Avoid placing your Xbox 360 in high areas. Experts don’t recommend this. 6. The use of air-condition or any thing that produces cool air over it prevents the occurrence of hot air around the vents which causes overheating of the product. 7. Never keep it on something that will trap and absorb the amount of heat. It is recommended to keep it on varnished wood or glass, which is to some extent raised off the ground. 8. Do not play your Xbox 360 unit for prolonged periods. Now you have these easy steps. In order to be safe, follow these steps before it is too late. Start preventing your Xbox 360 from overheating! Matched Phrases Total Matched Phrases / Total Submitted
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Word Count: 328 10. How to Disassemble a Nintendo "Wii" Need to install a chip into your Nintendo Wii? Here, we have created simple and comprehensive steps in disassembling your Wii like a pro. First you’ll have to gather the following tools necessary for the disassembling process: 1 Tri-wing Screwdriver 2 Flat-head Screwdriver 3 Razor knife When you’re ready to start: 1. Remove the control port and the memory card doors by opening the doors and pushing them towards the tops side of the console, and then simply pull out.
2. With the console turned upside down, use your flat-head screwdriver to remove the two plastic feet on the sides. And for the two paper feet, use the razor knife in removing. With your tri-wing screwdriver, remove the tri-wing screws.
3. With the side with the serial number faced to you, remove the plastic foot and the paper foot. With your head screwdriver, remove the battery screw and then the battery as well. Locate the head screw which is under the plastic foot and then remove it, as well as the tri-wing screw in the battery compartment and the screw under the paper foot.
4. With the controller ports facing you, remove the three black screws with a head screwdriver, and remove the last screw that is holding the faceplate.
5. Slide off the front panel and let it fall off without detaching it completely from the console. Disconnect the LED connecter by gently pulling it out.
6. Separate the case hood gently from the whole console.
7. Now atop the DVD drive, remove the four screws.
8. Lift the DVD drive in 35 degrees. Remove the white cable by pulling it out with the circuit board. Flip the DVD to a wider angle and remove the gray ribbon cable. Wear protective gloves before starting on the process. Or discharge yourself first. The process involves direct contact with the console’s component which may produce electrostatic discharge fatal to the Wii. Read all the steps thoroughly first before starting. Matched Phrases Total Matched Phrases / Total Submitted
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Word Count: 312 11. How to Explore the jukebox using iTunes Everything you need to enjoy with your new digital library is all in the iTunes. Itunes organizes all your music and video files into what seems like a huge music library. You get access to your kind of music in just a few clicks. To start, simply open your jukebox in your desktop, and just let the fun and entertainment keep rolling. 1
To browse through your media files, simply click on the array of categories listed on the left pane. Clicking on a category will show all of its contents on
2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9
the right pane. To play a media file, just click on its name on the big pane on the right. If you’d like to find songs without going through the list of categories, just type in the name of the media file in the search field on the upper right side. To see your entire collection again, click on the x button in the search field. To sort the media collection, click a column name to sort them by name, artist or song. Rearrange columns by simply dragging them from left to right. The view buttons found in the upper pane, enables you to switch from one viewing preference to another. The browse album organizes your collection by genre, artist, or album. The left side of your iTunes window shows lists of CDs that are currently inserted in your drive, as well as music devices such as iPods. Playlists are song collections you can create. Clicking on a playlist name will display its contents on the right pane.
iTunes makes it easy to browse through and find your favorite media files by organizing them in such ways most convenient to you. Start exploring your jukebox now using iTunes with the power of your own fingertips.
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Word Count: 302 12. How to Import Music from CDs into your iTunes Library Don’t have any ideas how to rip your music from a CD and import it into iTunes? Then worry no more because we have created simple and easy to follow steps for you in copying your favorite music from your CD to your iTunes library. To do this, all you are going to need is your favorite CD with your songs on it, and your iTunes library opened on your desktop of course. 1. Insert an audio CD into your disk drive. On your iTunes window, display the contents of your CD by clicking on the CD icon at the left pane of the window.
2. You will see a checkbox before every song title on the list. On default, all the boxes are checked. Deselect the checkboxes of the songs that you don’t want to be copied into the iTunes library.
3. Once you have decided on which songs to copy, next thing you need to do is click the import button. This button can be found at the bottom-right corner of your iTunes window. You can view the progress of the operation through the status display. To cancel copying the files, click the small x button next to the progress bar located in the status display. Currently imported songs are indicated by an orange, animated icon next to it. While songs that are already imported has a check mark next to it.
4. When all the songs are already imported, eject your CD by clicking the eject button just beside the import CD button at the lower-right corner of the iTunes window. So it’s that easy. Just be sure that your CDs are original to avoid problems during the importing process. So just because you have an iPod doesn’t mean your CDs are useless.
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13. How to Make a Traffic Light shot Cocktail mixing is an exciting activity to do during a party with colleagues and friends. If you have not yet tried on cocktail-mixing, we will introduce to you a beautiful color combination of cocktails in a shot – the traffic light shot. Traffic light shot is a very interesting drink which is otherwise called as the Mexican flag or Italian flag. It has three distinct colors of red, green, and yellow which is inspired from the colors of a traffic light. Make your party much festive, with these easy to follow tutorial on making a traffic light shot. Things you will need: Grenadine – color red (bottom part) Crème de banana – color yellow (center part) Green crème de menthe – color green (upper part) Shot glass Steps: 1. Prepare all your ingredients in the place you wish to work. It is best if you choose a place that is safe from spills, like your kitchen table. 2. Position your shot glass in an oblique situation and pour in the grenadine. Fill just 1/3 part of the glass. 3. Follow with a crème de banana with the other 1/3 part of the glass. Be sure to stay in an oblique position while pouring. 4. Lastly, fill the last 1/3 part of the shot glass with green crème de menthe. Still in oblique position all throughout. 5. Repeat procedures 1 to 5 to make many servings. Tips and Warnings: • Be extra careful while pouring your three cocktails. Just gradually pour them in the shot glass one after the other. Make it slowly but surely. • No to drink and drive. Drinking too much may cause you to be intoxicated. If this happens to you, be sure you have reserved someone to substitute you in driving. As always, be responsible enough when you are drinking.
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Word Count: 302 14. How to Make Green Beer Green Beer is a very common serving on a St. Patrick’s Day. American people who celebrated this occasion seem to have an incomplete day without a green beer as thirst-quencher. It has been their tradition since then. If you are a bit curious on what it looks like, follow this simple recipe on how to make a green beer fast and easy. Things you will need: Beer (any kind of beer will do) Green Food Coloring Empty Glass or Mug Steps: 1. Secure a place where spilling is safe. Cooking place is best advised. 2. Pour the beer in an empty glass or mug. In every 341-355ml of beer, place 46 drops of green food coloring. Estimate the number of drops to achieve the shade of green you prefer in your drink. 3. Gradually stir the mixture. 4. Serve and Enjoy! Tips and Warnings: • In case you are having a hard time getting the perfect green-colored beer, try placing a few drop of the food coloring first in an empty glass. Then add in the beer. • It is best if you could purchase a lighter colored beer to make the food coloring more noticeable. If you opt for a yellow beer, perhaps you could add a blue food coloring to get the green color. • Keep in mind that most Irish people find it silly for Americans to be making a tradition of serving green beer on a Saint Patrick’s Day. To avoid culture clash, know how to spot an Irish person in the group in case you are serving this kind of liquor. • No to over drinking. Remember this is a Saint’s day, thus it must be treated much as a sacred day and not a social gathering or merrymaking. Moderation on anything is always a good practice.
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Word Count: 328 15. How to Use playlists to organize your music in iTunes Playlists in your iTunes makes it easier for you to organize your tracks and categorize them according to genre, artist, or any title you want them to be grouped. They are different ways in organizing your playlists such as; creating a custom playlist, creating playlist from an album or artist, opening a playlist in another window, finding which playlists the song belongs to, copy the contents of one playlists to another, and view playlist’s specific duration. Steps: Creating a custom playlist: 1. Choose new playlist from the file menu or click the Add (+) button on the lower-left corner of the window. Make a title of your newly created playlist. 2. Drag a song from your library to the playlist. You can select multiple songs from the windows by holding the control key. 3. Drag the songs to where you want to place them. 4. If you want to delete a song from the playlist, select the song and press the delete key. Creating playlist from an album or artist: 1. Select library 2. Go to edit menu and click show browser 3. Select your desired artist or album and drag it to the source column. This will then create a playlist. Opening a playlist in another window: 1. Double click the item (from a playlist, Music Store, or Party Shuffle) in the source list that you want to view in another window. 2. Having two windows in iTunes lets you compare two playlists and drag songs between the two playlists. View playlist’s specific duration: 1. Select a playlist in the source list 2. In the bottom of the iTunes window, view the total playlist duration, number of songs in the playlist, and the amount of space on your computer. Tips and Warnings: • Be extra careful in dragging songs to one playlist to another because it might create multiple copies. • Arrange songs in your playlists according to genre to follow your mood for the day.
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Word count: 301 16. How to make a Bat Bite Cocktail? Planning a party? If you are looking for something different yet not expensive to serve in your party, then better include a bat bite cocktail in your list of drinks. This is a delicious and easy to make cocktail drink. You certainly do not need those hardto-find and so-expensive ingredients.
Here are the ingredients you need to buy to make a Bat Bite Cocktail: 1 2 3 4
Rum – spiced rum/Bacardi rum (2 shots) Juice – cranberry juice Syrup – grenadine syrup (1 splash) Ice
Aside from these four ingredients you also need to have a Highball glass. This is the serving glass for a Bat Bite Cocktail.
The six (6) easy steps in making a Bat Bite Cocktail: 1. Get and prepare a highball glass. 2. Place the ice inside the highball glass. Better the ice to be in cubes and putting too many ice cubes is not recommended. 3. Get the rum (spiced rum/Bacardi rum) and pour it over the ice cubes in a highball glass. 4. Get the juice (cranberry juice) and fill the highball glass (now with ice and rum) with it. 5. Get the syrup (grenadine syrup) and splash it on the combined ice, rum and cranberry juice in a highball glass. 6. Stir them all carefully and serve.
Just six simple steps plus four ingredients and you can definitely make a Bat Bite Cocktail for your party!
Some tips and warnings: 1. If you want to add some decoration to your Bat Bite Cocktail to enhance its appearance, you can garnish it with a lime wedge. 2. Remember that this is an alcoholic drink, so if you are inviting or expecting
some guests who are not yet in the legal age to drink then better make sure that this drink is out of their sight and reach.
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Word count: 303 17. How to mix a perfect Mojito with fresh ingredients and rum Aside from being the traditional and national drink of Cuba, mojito is also a popular refreshment drink especially during the hot season due to the combination of its sweetness, refreshing citrus and mint flavors. The mojito has a few different variations found in different countries. Preparing one at home is not a problem since it has only few ingredients and the mixing directions are quite simple.
Here are the ingredients for the perfect mojito: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Sugar (1 tbsp) White Rum (2 Oz) Mint leaves Lime (1/2 and cut into 3 wedges) Club Soda Sweet and Sour Mix (1.5 Oz) Ice (in cubes and crushed)
In addition, you need to have a muddler, spoon, strainer, shake and a glass.
The seven (7) easy steps in mixing a perfect mojito: 1. Get the mint, limes and sugar. Combine all and muddle it until you can smell the mint. 2. Get the white rum and add 2 Oz of it on the muddled mixture. 3. Get and add the sweet and sour mix. 4. Get and add the ice cubes. 5. Shake it well and hard 6. After shaking, strain it twice into a glass full of crushed ice. 7. Add the club soda and you are done!
Just seven simple steps and your mojito is ready to serve!
Some tips and warnings: 1. If you want to add some beauty to your mojito, you can simply garnish it with a lime wheel and some fresh sprigs of mint. 2. You can also use the Golden rum if you want your mojito to have a stronger taste of rum and alcohol. 3. Mojitos get better the longer they sit. 4. This is an alcoholic drink and therefore only those of the legal age are allowed to drink it. Drink responsibly.
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Word count: 301 18. How to mix a classic Vodka Martini The popularity of vodka martini is greatly associated with James Bond. It started to become popular during the late twentieth century. The vodka martini or vodkatini is a relatively flavorless common variation of Martini. There are only two main ingredients needed in making a classic vodka martini. These ingredients are: 1 2
Vodka (one and one-half shots) Dry vermouth (three-fourths shot)
Here are the other things you need in making a vodka martini: 2 3 4 5 6
Cocktail shaker or mixing glass Ice Strainer Cocktail glass spoon
The five (5) easy steps in mixing a classic vodka martini: 1. Get and add the ice to the cocktail shaker. You can use a mixing glass as an alternative if you do not have a cocktail shaker. 2. Get and add the vodka in the cocktail shaker or in the mixing glass. 3. Get and add the dry vermouth in the cocktail shaker or in the mixing glass.
4. If you are using a cocktail shaker, shake well the mixture. If you are using a mixing glass, stir the mixture well. 5. After either shaking or stirring, strain it into a cocktail glass and you are done!
Just two ingredients plus five easy and simple steps and you can have the famous James Bond cocktail drink!
Some tips and warnings: 1. If you want to garnish your vodka martini, you can use an olive or a strip of lemon peel either twisted or squeezed. You can also use capers or some cocktail onions for garnish. 2. Since this recipe makes a very dry vodka martini, you can use more vermouth if you wanted it to taste sweeter. 3. In adding the ice, do not skimp because ice is a necessary component to both blend and chill the ingredients. 4. Always drink responsibly.
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Word count: 302 words 19. How to make white Chocolate martini Think your white chocolate martinis are getting lame? Here’s a way to add new excitement to it. Add banana on your favorite white chocolate martini! This will be one special treat that will surely spice up your evening. What to buy to make this martini: (there may be other brands that you want or trust, they are fine but just make sure that the percentage of the contents are basically the same with the suggested ingredients) Maraschino Cherry Juice, Bittersweet Cocoa Powder, 1 Strawberry, 1 oz. Vodka, ¾ oz. Godiva White Chocolate Liqueur, ½ oz. White Creme de Cocoa and ¼ oz. Creme de Banana. Directions: 1) Dip the rim of the cocktail glass ½ inches into maraschino cherry juice. Shake off excess and gently dip into the cocoa powder. 2) Slowly turn glass till you have a ½ inches of the rim covered with chocolate around the cocktail glass. Place strawberry on rim of the glass. 3) Combine vodka, white chocolate liqueur, creme de cocoa, and creme de banana in
a shaker. 4) Add ice and shake vigorously. 5) Pour into the prepared cocktail glass and serve. It would also be best if you serve the martini chilled. The best way to chill your martini glasses is to fill them with ice, top off with cold water, and let them sit for at least 10 minutes. Once you’ve shaken the cocktail, quickly empty the ice water from each glass and strain the mixture into it. White chocolate martinis may be offered in wine shops or at the bars but when you’re hosting your own party, this cocktail drink is best served for those who have sweet tooth. Some may not be inclined to chocolates being mixed into their vodkas so make sure you know whom to serve the martinis you made.
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Total Matched Phrases / 0% (0/28) 0% (0/28) Total Submitted Word count: 348 words 20. how to make candy cane Christmas martini for the holidays With just a more days before the holidays, it is would be wise to prepare your menu for the parties you would throw with friends. To be bit elite without affecting your budget, here are easy steps to make your candy canes Christmas martini. Make sure you have prepared these ingredients so you would not lack any ingredient that will make your martini less delicious. What you’ll need: Mini candy canes, 2 saucers, 1 tbsp. water, Martini glasses, Martini shaker, 1.5 oz vodka, 0.5 oz peppermint schnapps, some ice and ribbons. The steps: 1) Pound the mini candy canes by crushing them with a rolling pin or other heavy object. You could put the candy canes in a small plastic bag first to lessen on the mess. Aim for the texture and size of sugar crystals with some slightly bigger chunks of cane. Put the candy cane powder and chunks in the lower layer of the saucer. 2) Place 1 tbsp. of water on the other saucer. Dip the rim of your martini glass in the water to wet it. Then dip the rim of the glass into the candy cane powder. Set in the refrigerator to chill. 3) Fill a martini shaker with ice. Measure 1.5 oz of vodka and 0.5 oz of peppermint schnapps into the martini shaker then shake. 4) After 30 minutes or an hour, take out the glass from the refrigerator. Strain the mixed martini into the glass. Do not disturb the candy cane powder on the rim. 5) Garnish with one whole candy cane hooked over the rim. Tie a ribbon in a bow around the stem of the martini glass for an added holiday touch. The ribbon make have different colors depends on what color you like. If children are around make sure they don’t mistakenly drink the martinis. Instead give them the extra candy canes you bought. This candy cane martini will not just
add spice to your party into the holiday mood but also helps in freshening up your breath when a special someone comes along under the mistletoe.