2018 New England Holstein Annual

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2018 Holstein Annual

New England Holstein Association Officers

Events April 5-9

New York Spring Carousel, Syracuse, NY

April 27 & 28

Northeast Show Calf Summit, Rutland Fairgrounds, Rutland, VT

May 31

Borderview First Edition - 100 Head of Borderview's Finest Sell, 10:30 am, Richford, VT Md Hillbrook and Borderview Genetics LLC Managers

Pictured L-R: Dan LaCoss, treasurer; Mary Margaret Cole, vice-president; Jim Strout, Sr., president; David Schillawski, immediate past

July 13

Connecticut/Rhode Island Holstein Show, Goshen Fairgrounds

Jerseys will show on the same day. There will be a barbecue Thursday night prior to the show on Friday

president; missing Kirsten Kruger, secretary

President: James Strout, Sr. jimstrout@live.com | 207.399.3226

July 18

722 West Ridge Rd., Cornville, ME 04976

The Northern New England Holstein Summer Show, Hopkinton Fairgrounds, Contoocook, NH - Open to all New England members

Vice President: Mary Margaret Cole prettycows1170@comcast.net | 860.608.0286

Aug. 27

209C Pendleton Hill Rd., North Stonington, CT 06359

Secretary: Kristen Kruger kekawb61@gmail.com | 860.716.0722 301 Maple Ave., Meriden, CT 06450

Pine Tree Holstein State Holstein Show, Windsor Fairgrounds - Judge Gillis Benard, PEI

Sept. 14

Northeast Fall National Holstein Show at the Big E - Judge Nathan Thomas, OH

Treasurer: Dan LaCoss daniel_lacoss@cargill.com | 802.274.4768 1620 Witherspoon Rd., East Ryegate, VT 05042

Executive Manger: Linda Haggarty

Oct. 26-27

New England States Holstein Assoc. Convention & Annual Meeting

hosted by Connecticut/RI Holstein in Manchester, CT

neholstein@nesholsteins.com | 802.757.2442 234 Bayley Hazen Dr., Wells River, VT 05081

Committees Finance - Chair Pete Waterman, Jim Strout, Sr., Dan LaCoss, Dave Schillawski, Lee Salonen, Linda Haggarty Membership - Chair Betsy Bullard, Marion Seifert, Ryan Zimmerman Breed Promotion & Show - Chair Rick Allyn, Scott Davenport, Bonnie Burr, Arnie Nieminen, Betsy Bullard Youth: Chair Nicole Fletcher, Labette Page, Leanne Strout, Kirsten Kruger

On the Cover:

Published for the New England Holstein Association by:

Featured on the cover is the 2017 Grand Champion of the Northeast Fall National Holstein Show at the Big E: Hazels Gldwn Hatty-ET, owned by Clark Woodmansee III, with Tim Coon on the halter. Photo by MJ Designs & Photography. www.purebredpublishing.com 1224 Alton Darby Creek Rd, Ste G, | Columbus, OH 43228 New England Holstein Annual | 2018 | 3

Noreen Tassinari Director of Marketing, Eastern States Exposition


astern States Exposition, home of The Big E, has presented the finest livestock, the most innovative commercial, industrial and artistic developments, and the highest caliber of varied entertainment to the people of the northeastern United States for more than a century. More than 1.5 million people now attend the 17 day Big E, an annual autumn extravaganza of entertainment, exhibits and agriculture in West Springfield, Mass. – the culmination of a visionary idea first expressed by Joshua L. Brooks at the beginning of the 20th century. Brooks knew that farming in New England was on the decline and that production costs were soaring. His hope was to create an Exposition that would provide demonstrations of new farming methods and establish competitive awards which would

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inspire farmers to produce more efficiently and sponsor cooperative purchasing that would lower their costs. Above all, Brooks believed in developing and showcasing an agricultural New England. In May, 1914, with 63 people listed as original corporators and $200,000 in capital stock, the Eastern States Agricultural and Industrial Exposition was incorporated. Working with regional and community leaders, Brooks spearheaded the purchase of 120 acres of former swampland in West Springfield and a plan was put in place to launch the first Exposition by inviting the prestigious National Dairy Show to hold its 10th annual event at the site. In January, 1916, Brooks and a determined group of New England businessmen and elected officials traveled by rail to Chicago in a blinding snowstorm and convinced the executive body of the National Dairy Show to hold its annual extravaganza in West Springfield, the first time the show was

to be held east of Chicago. In less than nine months, Brooks and his supporters raised $750,000 and constructed the Coliseum, cattle barns, Machinery Hall and a racetrack in time for the October event. At that show, the largest array of purebred dairy cattle ever displayed at a single site broke all previous records set in the Midwest. The National Dairy Show was deemed a huge success with 45,000 in attendance. The West Springfield event inaugurated the State Herd Contest, which became an important feature of future national shows. The history of the ESE Horse Show dates back to 1916, however the show’s roots are in “The First National Springfield Horse Show” held in 1853 on the parade grounds of the Springfield Armory. The show was moved to the Exposition grounds in 1916 under the auspices of The National Dairy Show where it remains the oldest horse show in the United States and in 2016, became a USEF Heritage Competition.

Eastern States Exposition West Springfield, Massachusetts The following year the National Dairy Show returned to Chicago. In the spring of 1917, 122 of the nation’s foremost manufacturers presented their products at the Industrial and Export conference in Exposition Park. And, in the fall of that same year, the very first Eastern States Exposition was opened to the public. A total of 138,000 people gathered at what would become an enduring tradition: the annual September event now known as The Big E. To this day, that tradition has been interrupted only by two World Wars. The 129,400 sq. ft. Mallary Agricultural Complex houses all production livestock including seven different breeds of dairy cattle. Breeders from all over the US and Canada enter their animals at ESE, the largest livestock show in the East, vying for the coveted prize, “Eastern States Exposition Grand Champion.” In addition to the livestock shows, consumer education exhibits, milking demonstrations, Farm to Table initiatives and 4H and FFA contests and programs are an important part of the Fair. The preservation of the New England states’ agricultural land is also encouraged through live exhibits and “hands on” demonstrations of farming techniques and innovations. ESE was the site of the 100th anniversary gathering of the Holstein-Friesian Association (Now Holstein Association USA, Inc.) in June, 1985. In 1994 the Big E became a nationally recognized show again for the Holstein breed. As reported in


the December, 1994, Holstein World, Glen McNeil of Canada served as the judge and named two five-year-old Bridon Astro Jet daughters as champions. The 1993 Res. AllAmerican Four-Year-Old, owned by Clark Woodmansee III, Lo-Pine Jet Bianca was tapped for Grand Champion. Hanover-Hill Jet Mae-ET owned by J.L. LaFrance Inc and Edward and Wade Dicke of Canada, was named Reserve Grand of the show. Today the ESE continues to hold national Holstein, Ayrshire, Brown Swiss and Milking Shorthorn shows each September. Begun with the dream of keeping

business, industry and agriculture alive and thriving in New England, Eastern States Exposition has more than fulfilled the vision of its creator. It remains a site for celebration, a central showplace for the creative, industrial and agricultural resources of the Northeast and a reflection of the best of the region’s people. Photos: Top left: The majestic Coliseum built in 1916 to house the National Dairy Show. Above: The dairy cattle barn

As for the show at the Big E (Northeast Fall National) I’ve been the Holstein Breed Representative for the last several years and along with Arnold Nieminen and Bonnie Burr, the Dairy Superintendents, we have worked on establishing sponsorships from the agricultural industry to help create an enticing show for exhibitors from the Northeast as well as Canada. This, along with the outstanding facilities and exhibitor-friendly atmosphere that we offer, has developed this show into a true benchmark of competition for the Holstein breed. Year after year placings at The Big E help secure nominations in the All-American contest for our exhibitors. Many of the cattle from our show go on to win top honors at the World Dairy Expo in Madison, Wisconsin. -Rick Allyn

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PETER WATERMAN is honored with the

Distinguished Service and Master Breeder Awards

When it comes to pedigrees, this year’s Distinguished Service Award winner runs very deep. Coming up through the ranks of state president, and after completing a three-year tenure as president of the association in 2003, Peter went on to chair the much acclaimed 2005 Holstein USA national convention hosted by the New England Association in Maine. Just two years later, he took over the reins of Finance Chair from Lee Salonen and has been serving in that capacity for the past 10 years (yes, 10!), never missing a single annual meeting. Always ready and willing to represent New England dairymen, Peter successfully ran for Holstein USA Region 1 Director in 2010. Over the course of six years of dedicated service on the Holstein Association USA board of directors, Peter was a member of the Executive Committee, and served on the Legislative Affairs, International Marketing and Genetic Advancement Committees. He also served on the Type Advisory Committee for four years, most recently as chair. This pedigree does indeed run deep, and merits additional recognition with the Master Breeder Award. Rodonwa Farm is synonymous with the kind of deep-pedigreed, long-lived, appealing cattle we all strive to breed; the kind that mean there are always terrific cows in the barn, and surplus heifers available. The Rodonwa name consistently appears in the high BAA herd lists published by Holstein USA at 109.9, flirting with that 110 BAA. The herd has been recognized numerous times as Progressive Genetics herd and PBR herd. This Maine Outstanding Young Holstein Breeder in 1994 and Distinguished Dairy Cattle Breeder 2005, is also dedicated

Pictured (L-R) standing are Michael Waterman, Kristen Waterman, Peter & Vickie Waterman, Jim Waterman; seated are Robert Waterman, Evelyn and Don Waterman

to the other tools for breeding better cows, such as service for “as long as anyone can remember” in the county DHI. The New England Association is proud to present Peter Waterman with this year’s Distinguished Service Award AND Master Breeder Award. For the presentation, Peter was joined by his family, who had successfully managed to keep the awards a secret.

RALPH GUSHEE is honored with the caretaker award A new award was presented at the New England Convention this year - the first ever Caretaker Award. This goes to a person who can stay home and keep the farm running while others are away or can go on the road to care for the top cows in the world and get them to the show ring in winning form. Ralph Gushee was named as the first winner of this award given he has worked with some of the very best cattle New England has ever bred and/or developed. Ralph shared that early in life he was given opportunities to learn. He took advantage of every one of the jobs he was offered if it meant getting to work with the best cattle he could. He thanked those who have believed in and trusted him with their cows, and let him and his family be part of theirs. Ralph was joined by his family for the presentation.

Pictured (L-R) standing are Cindy Gushee, Diane Gushee & Joline Gushee; seated are grandson PJ Gushee, great-grandson Bowen Bly, Ralph Gushee and Barbara Gushee New England Holstein Annual | 2018 | 8

The result of Ralph’s hard work has been to let the cows and the farms that own them shine.

New England Holstein Annual | 2018 | 9

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a publication for all purebred dairy breeders! Special rates for national sale consignment ads & reduced combo rates for all publications. Contact us for details on advertising & subscriptions! Marjorie - 614.339.5394 / Emily - 814.414.7676 Cheri - 614.339.5393

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| 2017 New England Jr. Report By Maggie LaPrise

This past year has marked one of the more active years for the New England Junior Holstein Association. Last March the Junior Association had a booth set up at the 2017 Massachusetts Calf Sale held at the Eastern States Exposition. The booth was used to recruit new members as well as portray the events held throughout the year. The spring was full of youth activities. In April, over 100 youth attended the Northeast S h o w S u m m i t h e l d i n Ve r m o n t . Workshops included nutrition, packi n g fo r t h e s h o w, a n d s h o w m a n s h i p. In May, a Spring Dairy Day was held at Smyth’s Trinity Farm in Connecticut. Youth from the southern New England states attended and participated in workshops including, judging, nutrition, and animal disease and health management. I n J u n e, 1 2 N e w E n g l a n d y o u t h made the trek across the country to B e l l e v u e, Wa s h i n g t o n f o r t h e 2 0 1 7 National Holstein Convention. The convention started off with a bang! M a d d i e B e a u d r y , K a i l e y Fo s t e r , and Dan Clapp competed in Dairy Jeopardy. The highlight of the day was Da n C l a p p, o f M a s s a c h u s e t t s , p l a cing third in the Intermediate Dairy Jeopardy! Three juniors, Erin Norris, Gregory Norris, and Dan Clapp also participated in the public speaking contest. After a long day of competition the youth spent the night at a junior mixer held in the Space Needle! The next day juniors enjoyed touring farms in Northern Washington. The last contest of the week was Dairy Quiz Bowl. The senior team, which placed fourth o v e ra l l , c o n s i s t e d o f C h e l s e y Pa t c h , Miriam Dugas, Gregory Norris, and Erin Norris. The junior team was Trevor Clapp, Austin Norris, Katelyn Poitras,

and Sydney Bullard. At the Junior Awa r d s Lu n c h e o n t h e N e w E n g l a n d J u n i o r s c r a p b o o k p l a c e d fo u r t h a n d the digital scrapbook placed second! T h r o u g h o u t t h e s u m m e r a n d fa l l many youth participated in highquality Holstein shows throughout the region. The biggest show for many of the youth was the Northeast Fall National Holstein Show which is held at the Eastern States Exposition in September. There was a very large and competitive show this past fall and many youth competed in it. A big award presented at the end of the show was the Lee Salonen Award which goes to an outstanding Hollstein junior exhibitor, and it was given to Isabel Hall of Vermont. A huge amount of youth attend the New England Holstein Convention in Auburn, Maine in October. Farm tours began with Juniper Farm and Pineland Farm. After tours many of the young members attended a junior mixer while others attended the Dairy Girl Network event. Saturday morning started with a n A w a r d s B r e a k f a s t . Fo l l o w e d b y the New England Junior Association Annual Meeting. Elections took place with the new officers being, PresidentErin Norris, Vice President- Maggie LaPrise, Secretary- Maddie Beaudry, a n d Tr e a s u r e r - G r e g o r y N o r r i s . T h e membership voted to change officer terms to one year and to begin a New England Holstein Queen and Princess Contest. It was also discussed to hold a Spring Dairy Day in the northern states as well. After the business meeting the c o m p e t i t i o n s b e g a n . Yo u t h t o o k a written test and competed in dairy quiz bowl and jeopardy. The junior quiz bowl team that will compete in Michigan this year is Regan Johnson,

Pictured (L-R) Junior Quiz Bowl Team L-R coach Nicole Fletcher, Katelyn Poitras, Sydney Bullard, Trevor Clapp, Austin Norris.

Pictured (L-R) Senior Quiz Bowl Team is L-R Chelsey Patch, Erin Norris, Gregory Norris, Miriam Dugas, and coach Nicole Fletcher

S y d n e y B u l l a r d , K a t e Po i t r a s , a n d Owen Brown. The senior team is G r e g o r y N o r r i s , C h e l s e y Pa t c h , Maggie LaPrise, and Maddie Beaudry. Yo u t h p a r t i c i p a t i n g i n j e o p a r d y a r e, Erin Norris, Lauren Schillawski, Austin Norris, Miriam Dugas, Charlie Haynes, Gabriel Michaud, and Lincoln Michaud. Erin Norris was also selected as the Distinguished Junior Member. Gregory Norris, Maddie Beaudry, and Sydney Bullard were selected to compete in the public speaking contest at the National Convention. Over t h e p a s t fe w m o n t h s , j u n i o r p a r t i c ipants have been attending practices to study dairy bowl and practice their speeches. Everyone is looking forward to continuing practices throughout the spring and attending National Holstein Convention in Traverse City, Michigan!

Contact Emily or Marjorie to advertise on holsteinworld.com

emshaw13@gmail.com purebred.sales@gmail.com Contact them for complete marketing of your genetics!

New England Holstein Annual | 2018 | 12

| 2017 All-New England Winners Based on placings at the Northeast Fall National Holstein Show SPRING CALF: C0-Vista Doorman 2417- R&S Allyn; F&D Borba; Dan Hovden, CT Reserve: Arethusa Solomon Aloha-ET- Mathew Senecal, Arethusa Farm, LLC, CT Honorable Mention: Hilltop Manor Echo Electra-Michael Wolf, CT WINTER CALF: Brigeen Brash Paddy-Reeve Twitchell, ME Reserve: Budjon-Abbott Gold Ashes- Borderview Genetics; Budjon Farms, VT Honorable Mention: Auburn Star Elude 2016-Christopher Girard, VT FALL CALF: MS AOL DB Raspberry-Red-Jayden Kimball, ME Reserve: MM-T Pockets Loreleie-ET- R&S Allyn; Michael Maloney CT; Honorable Mention: WKV-Parfaits Pearle-ETS- Noah & Brianna Reid; Jayden & Kennedy Kimball, ME SUMMER YEARLING: Watch-Hill Atwood Elouise-Cynthia Shaw, MA Reserve: Carpsview Meridian Pepper- Mackenzie Carpenter, VT Honorable Mention: Stunning Awesm Avery-Red-ET- Chestnut-Hyll Farm, LLC, CT SPRING YEARLING: Oakfield Doorman Embrace-ET-Borderview Genetics, VT Reserve: Tol-Je-So Dempsey Pantene- Katelyn Williams, CT Honorable Mention: Juniper Wish Come True-ET-Brigeen Farms Inc., MA WINTER YEARLING: Budjon-Vail Drmn Asjley-ET- Borderview Genetics; Clark Woodmansee; Parrabel Genetics, VT Reserve: Hamlett Hill Drmn Hez-ET- R&S Allyn; F&D Borba; Jason Miss Honorable Mention: MS Doorman Gill-ET-Jadyn & Kennedy Kimball, ME FALL YEARLING: Whittier-Farms Clevage-Emily Syme, CT JUNIOR BEST THREE FEMALES: Brigeen Farms Inc. ME Reserve: Scott Davenport; Alan Shearer, CT YEARLING IN MILK: T-Triple-T-Ent Prty Girl-ET-Borderview Genetics, VT Reserve: Schillinwood Brigham Mousse- David Schillawski, CT Honorable Mention: Woodmansee ATW Liora-ET- Clark Woodmasee, CT JUNIOR 2-YEAR-OLD: CarpsView Armani Velvet-ET- Bethany & Seth Carpenter, VT Reserve: Ms Triple-T Dany Delight-ET-Lindsey Clark, NH

Honorable Mention: Pottsdale Atwood Roswell-Borderview Genetics, VT SENIOR 2-YEAR-OLD: Arethusa GC MacKenna-ET-Mathew Senecal, Arethusa Farm, LLC, CT Reserve: Hillmont Equation Carol-Bordervue Genetics; C&J Hill; T. Wagner, VT Honorable Mention: Fairmont McCutchen Lylar- Fairmont Farm, VT JUNIOR 3-YEAR-OLD: Woodmansee Henry Dara- Clark Woodmasee, CT Reserve: Schilldale Goldilocks-Red, David Schillawki, CT SENIOR 3-YEAR-OLD: Sunny Plains Dempsey Laurel, Borderview Genetics, VT Reserve: Woodmansee Wdbrk Haute-ET-Clark Woodmansee, CT Honorable Mention: Comestar Spice Aftershock-ET- Ryan Simpson, VT 4-YEAR-OLD: Midas-Touch Mcuth MMalibu-ET-Borderview Genetics, VT Reserve: Arethusa Goldsun Molly-Arethusa Farm, CT Honorable Mention: Long-Haven Afterschock Ada- Lindsey Clark, NH 5-YEAR-OLD: St-Jacob Stormatic Adel-ET-John & Sara Carpenter, VT Reserve: Ernest-Anthony GS Abby-Areathusa Farm, LLC, CT Honorable Mention: Wendylawn Sid Sidney-Lindsey Clark, NH COW SIX & OVER: Fox-Field Pitbull Lair-Ricky & Elizabeth Hall, VT Reserve: Howardview WG Gold Casey-Juniper Elite Holsteins, ME Honorable Mention: Valleyville Goldwyn Tasha-ET-Lindsey Clark. NH 150,000 POUND COW: Hazels Gldwn Hatty-ET-Clark Woodmansee, CT Reserve: VT-Pond-View Stm Cora-ET-Scott Langmaid, VT PRODUCE OF DAM: Arethusa Dundee Mallory-ET-Arethusa Farm, LLC, CT Reserve: Dubeau Dundee Hez-Clark Woodmansee, CT Honorable Mention: Watch-Hill La Mor Sara-Scott Davenport & Alan Shearer, CT DAM & DAUGHTER: Clark Woodmansee, CT Reserve: Juniper Farm, ME Honorable Mention: David Schillawski, CT SENIOR BEST THREE FEMALES: Clark Woodmansee, CT Reserve: David Schillawski, CT DAIRY HERD: Clark Woodmansee, CT Reserve: Borderview Genetics, VT Honorable Mention: David Schillawski, CT

| 2017 Junior All-New England Winners SPRING CALF: Hilltop Manor Echo Electra-Michael Wolf, CT Reserve: MS AOL C Rightaway-Red- Jayden & Kennedy Kimball, ME Honorable Mention: MS AOL Condtr River-Red-Jayden & Kennedy Kimball, ME WINTER CALF: Brigeen Brash Paddy-Reeve Twitchell, ME Reserve: Willow-Terrace Hypntc Ivory- Grace Strillacci, CT Honorable Mention: Auburn Star Elude 2616-Sydney Bullard, ME FALL CALF: Ms-AOL DB Raspberry-Red-ET-Jayden Kimball, ME; Reserve: MS Contenders Rage-Noah Reid & Kennedy Kimball, ME Honorable Mention: MS Diamondback Remix-Noah Reid & Kennedy Kimball, ME SUMMER YEARLING: Watch-Hill Atwood Elouise-Cynthia Shaw, MA Reserve: JW-Aghamora Malibu-Red-ET-Gregory Norris, MA SPRING YEARLING: Tol-Je-So Dempsey Pantene-Katelyn Williams, CT Reserve: Tullando Beemer Etta-Sophie Tullar, NH Honorable Mention: Fairmont Solomon Adriana-ET-Isabel Hall, VT

WINTER YEARLING: MS Doorman Gill-ET-Jayden & Kennedy Kimball, ME Reserve: Maple-Hollow Sndr Daisy Mae-Samantha Cohen, NH Honorable Mention: Stanver Axford Mint-Red-Abigail Wilber, CT FALL YEARLING: Whittier-Farms Clevage-Emily Syme, CT YEARLING IN MILK: Watch-Hill Armani Sassy-Miriam Dugas, CT JUNIOR 2-YEAR-OLD: Ms Triple-T Dany Delight-ET-Lindsey Clark, NH Reserve: Miss Crème Brulee-Lindsey Clark, NH SENIOR 2-YEAR-OLD: Lylehaven Cvt Lisa-ET-Lindsey Clark, NH 4-YEAR-OLD: Long-Haven Aftershock Prestige-Lindsey Clark, NH Reserve: Schilldale De Princess-Red-Lauren Schillawski, CT 5-YEAR-OLD: Wendylawn Sid Sidney-Lindsey Clark, NH SIX YEARS & OVER: Valleyville Goldwyn Tasha-ET-Lindsey Clark, NH

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For a complete list of New England States Holstein Association members visit the New England States Holstein Association website at:


Managing Editor | Cheri Oechsle 614.339.5393 | purebred.editor@gmail.com Creative Director | Ashley Shaffer ashaffer@usguernsey.com Advertising Sales | Marjorie Rida 614.339.5394 | purebred.sales@gmail.com Social Media, Subscriptions & Advertising | Emily Shaw emshaw13@gmail.com Intern & Data | Kayla King Proofreaders | Junia Isiminger & Robin Alden Bookkeeping | Rita Rittgers accounting@usguernsey.com Chief Executive Officer | Doug Granitz 509.301.1394 | dlgranitz@usguernsey.com


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