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Call 1-800-233-0439 to try a sample at your next service.
C A S K E T CA P PA N E L S R E AWA K E N E D Call 1-800-233-0439 to try a sample at your next service. See us at the NFDA Conference in Indianapolis – Booth #1549.
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De • zed i m sto u c ely t e l p Com • ns g i s l de e n pa p a fc o s red d n • Hu
gh i n r ve
Call 1-800-233-0439 to try a sample at your next service.
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De • zed i m sto u c ely t e l p Com • ns g i s l de e n pa p a fc o s red d n • Hu
gh i n r ve
Call 1-800-233-0439 to try a sample at your next service.
Call 1-800-233try a sample at your
C A S K E T CA P PA N E L S R E AWA K E N E D Call 1-800-233-0439 to try a sample at your next service. See us at the NFDA Conference in Indianapolis – Booth #1549
FHG-AFD OctAd.indd 1
9/2/15 11:00 AM
The Funeral Professional’s #1 Resource For Business Growth and Profitability | March/April 2014
How Funeral Home Gifts Tribute Blankets Changed My Business, My Career, & My Life An Interview by Robin Heppell with David Navarrete
Robin Heppell sat down with David Navarrete to discuss his story of progression from grave digger to funeral home & cemetery General Manager to Senior VP of Funeral Home Gifts.
blanket and ships it for next day delivery. The total next day cost including freight is only $ 84.99.
David Navarrete can be reached at 1-800-233-0439 or by email at or visit
CREATE MOMENTS OF HEALING AND YOU HAVE THEIR LOYALTY FOREVER P RO V I D I N G G I F T S O F H E AL I NG F OR A LIFE REMEMBERED. Funeral Home Gifts, is committed to providing you personalized gifts to create lasting memories for your client families. Tell their story and build your market share. See us at Booth #1509 and #837 NFDA Conference in Nashville, TN. Call 1-800-233-0439 today for a free sample to try at your next service. Use code: NJSFDA14M. Don’t miss the presentation to our 2014 Memorial Day Design Contest award winner, Myers Mortuary of Brigham City, UT at Booth #1509 at 2:00 PM on Monday October 15th!
Memorable & healing cremation ceremonies are created around Funeral Home Gifts Tribute Blankets. Tell their story, build your market share. Call 1-800-233-0439 ext. 501 today for a free sample to try at your next service. Use code: AFD 614.
Memorable & healing cremation ceremonies are created around Funeral Home Gifts Tribute Blankets. Tell their story, b ui l d your mar ket share. Call 1-800-233-0439 ext. 501 today for a free sample to try at your next service. Use code: AFD 614.
Call 1-800-233-0439 ext. 501 today for your FREE SAMPLE to try at your next service. Use code: AFD1013.
that your families will cherish forever.
Watch this video now to see how Funeral Home Gifts Tribute Blankets comfort families a n d b u i l d business at Berardinelli Family Funeral Service. To watch the video, simply scan this QR code or browse the web to http://funeralhomegifts. com/videos.
See us at the NFDA International Convention and Expo in Austin– Booths 2426 and 2332. Call 1-800-233-0439 ext. 501 today for your FREE SAMPLE to try at your next service. Use code: AFD1013.
FHG-FBA May Full Page.indd 1
5/6/13 4:55 PM
Visit us at the NF DA International Convention and Expo in Charlotte, NC. B ooth Numbers 2945, 2051 and 2142.
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9/4/12 12:59 PM
“The blankets allow us to connect with our client families at another level. It takes the loved one out of the setting of the funeral, and let them be preserved in whatever setting the family would find comfort in,” shares James “JC” Battle. His brother Linwood agrees. “We like to think of them as a way to provide perpetual aftercare for our families,” he offered. JC Battle and Sons has been partnered with Funeral Home Gifts since August of 2009. “I saw them at one of the NFDMA conventions,” shared JC, “and I thought it was a great way to provide immediate solace for the family. “These are more than just ‘blankets’ – in fact, we call them ‘tapestries” because the word highlights the beauty and detail of the weaving, unlike the rather utilitarian term, “blanket.” “We give our families a more meaningful funeral experience by usin g Tri b u te tapestries into our ceremonies. We tell the family and guest that we’re going to be placing a pall on the casket, and then drape the tapestry over the casket as it is being escorted out of the chapel. “It often makes it easier to close the casket. Families don’t rush to stop us, because their loved one is still ‘present’ on the blanket. They often reach out to touch the tapestry as it goes by, while speaking words of farewell. It’s a very moving experience.” “ The first tapestry is a gift to the family and we have found that this is appreciated and unexpected, but we regularly get orders for duplicates. “In short, the tapestry has helped to grow our business. Many of our first-time client families have come to us as a direct result of seeing the tapestry at another one of our services.”
“The blankets allow us to connect with our client families at another level. It takes the loved one out of the setting of the funeral, and let them be preserved in whatever setting the family would find comfort in,” shares James “JC” Battle. His brother Linwood agrees. “We like to think of them as a way to provide perpetual aftercare for our families,” he offered. JC Battle and Sons has been partnered with Funeral Home Gifts since August of 2009. “I saw them at one of the NFDMA conventions,” shared JC, “and I thought it was a great way to provide immediate solace for the family. “These are more than just ‘blankets’ – in fact, we call them ‘tapestries” because the word highlights the beauty and detail of the weaving, unlike the rather utilitarian term, “blanket.” “We give our families a more meaningful funeral experience by usin g Tri b u te tapestries into our ceremonies. We tell the family and guest that we’re going to be placing a pall on the casket, and then drape the tapestry over the casket as it is being escorted out of the chapel. “It often makes it easier to close the casket. Families don’t rush to stop us, because their loved one is still ‘present’ on the blanket. They often reach out to touch the tapestry as it goes by, while speaking words of farewell. It’s a very moving experience.” “ The first tapestry is a gift to the family and we have found that this is appreciated and unexpected, but we regularly get orders for duplicates. “In short, the tapestry has helped to grow our business. Many of our first-time client families have come to us as a direct result of seeing the tapestry at another one of our services.”
“The blankets allow us to connect with our client families at another level. It takes the loved one out of the setting of the funeral, and let them be preserved in whatever setting the family would find comfort in,” shares James “JC” Battle. His brother Linwood agrees. “We like to think of them as a way to provide perpetual aftercare for our families,” he offered. JC Battle and Sons has been partnered with Funeral Home Gifts since August of 2009. “I saw them at one of the NFDMA conventions,” shared JC, “and I thought it was a great way to provide immediate solace for the family. “These are more than just ‘blankets’ – in fact, we call them ‘tapestries” because the word highlights the beauty and detail of the weaving, unlike the rather utilitarian term, “blanket.” “We give our families a more meaningful funeral experience by using Tribute tapestries into our ceremonies. We tell the family and guest that we’re going to be placing a pall on the casket, and then drape the tapestry over the casket as it is being escorted out of the chapel. “It often makes it easier to close the casket. Families don’t rush to stop us, because their loved one is still ‘present’ on the blanket. They often reach out to touch the tapestry as it goes by, while speaking words of farewell. It’s a very moving experience.” “ The first tapestry is a gift to the family and we have found that this is appreciated and unexpected, but we regularly get orders for duplicates. “In short, the tapestry has helped to grow our business. Many of our first-time client families have come to us as a direct result of seeing the tapestry at another one of our services.”
STANDING ON CEREMONY with Tribute Blankets from Funeral Home Gifts
“The blankets allow us to connect with our client families at another level. It takes the loved one out of the setting of the funeral, and let them be preserved in whatever setting the family would f i n d c o m f o r t i n ,” s h a r e s J a m e s “ J C ” B a t t l e . His brother Linwood agrees. “We like to think of them as a way to provide perpetual aftercare for our families,” he offered. JC Battle and Sons has been partnered with Funeral Home Gifts since August of 2009. “I saw them at one of the NFDMA conventions,” shared JC, “and I thought it was a great way to provide immediate s o l a c e for th e fami l y. “ These are more than j u s t ‘blankets’ – in fact, we call them ‘tapestries” because t h e w ord h igh ligh ts the beauty and detai l o f t he weaving, unlike the rather utilitarian term, “blanket.” “We give our families a more meaningful funeral experience by using Tribute tapestries into our 1-800-233-0439 ext. 214
ceremonies. We tell the family and guest that we’re going to be placing a pall on the casket, and then d ra p e t h e t a p e s t r y o ve r t h e c a s k e t a s it is b eing escorted out of the chapel. “It often makes it easier t o c l o s e t h e c a s k e t . F a m i l i e s d o n ’t r u s h t o s t o p us, because their loved one is still ‘present’ on the blanket. They often reach out to touch the tapestry a s i t g o e s b y, w h i l e s p e a k i n g w o rd s o f f a r e w e l l . It’s a very moving experience.” “ Th e f i rs t t a p e s t r y i s a gi f t t o t h e f a m ily and w e have found that this is appreciated and unexpected, but we regularly get orders for duplicates. “In short, the tapestry has helped to grow our business. Many of o u r f i rs t -t i me c l i e n t f a m i l i e s h a ve c o m e t o us as a d i re c t re s u l t of seeing the tapestry at another one of our ser vices.”
w w w. f u n e r a l h o m e g i f t s . c o m