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Bendida F1

Bendida is a medium early, semi-determinate hybrid for protected cropping (plastic tunnels) and open field production. It has high yield and productivity. Bendida is orange, glossy, and round with high beta carotene (pro vitamin A) and a fruit size of 180-200 g.


Sem-determinate 77-91 180-200 gr. Orange Round ToMV, Va, Fol

Max’s Gold F1

Bellerose F1 (76465)

Bellerose is a pink beefsteak type with round fruits. It is highly productive turning from green to pink. Fruit has fleshy interior for slicing.

Indeterminate 77-91 185-200 gr. Pink Round TYLCV, TSWV, N, Va, Fol R1, & R

Rugby F1

Rugby is an early indeterminate hybrid recommended for all-season protected cropping and open field production. It is a pink heart-shaped tomato that is firm and glossy. It has an average fruit size of 200-220 g. Excellent choice for canning.

Sem-determinate Early 200-220 gr. Pink Heart ToMV, Va, Fol

R= Resistance, ToMV= Tomato Mosaic Virus, Fol= Fusarium Wilt, TYLCV= Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl, TSWV= Tomato Spotted Wilt, N= Roundworm, Va= Verticilium Wilt

Chiffon F1

Winter Squash

Max’s Gold is a top choice for the Pure Line team for its exceptional savory flavor and consistent, beautiful golden-yellow color. Seed development is slow and fruit holds its shape throughout the season. Great for frying or baking. 45 Golden Yellow

This cream colored summer squash is highly durable and has good resistance to Powdery Mildew. Chiffon has been impressive during trials, proving to be unique because of its slow seed formation and as a high yielder that is both beautiful and delicious.

Kai Kai F1 c. moschata R= Resistance, PM=Powdery Mildew, CMV=Cucumber Mosaic Virus, PRSV-W=Papaya Ring Spot Virus, ZYMV= Zucchini Yellow Mosaic Virus

Soft flesh texture, hard fruit skin, and great for transportation. First fruit setting at the 8th node. Flesh has an eating quality similar to Butternut Squash. Rind starts green and matures to a mottled tan and green. Excellent disease resistance in field.



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