Pure Potentials
What's On Your Bucket List? How To Create A Great Bucket List Why Don't Most People Think BIG Enough? Why most people don't think big enough and how that impacts their lives! Energy Leaks What are they and how can you get rid of YOURS?
You Are Only Confined By The Walls You Build Yourself! Everything That You've Ever Wanted Is One Step Outside Of Your Comfort Zone!
Do One Thing Every Day That Scares You! Anyone who has grown mentally, physically or spiritually, knows that growth does not happen in comfort!
Are You Really Happy Or Just Comfortable?
Creating Your Bucket List
Adventure Is Good For Business When is the last time you just went
out and enjoyed an adventure? As adults we often forget the value of new and novel activities in our lives. Join the Pure Potentials Adventure Club and watch your life, passions and inspirations grow! BACK COVER
What Are Energy Leaks And Where Are Yours? Energy leaks are those little things that are nagging at us and we never get them finished. They could be little leaks and they could be big leaks, but either way they are preventing us from moving forward and accomplishing bigger goals. This is your time to get rid of things that are no longer serving you. PAGE 11
I think everyone should have a Bucket List or a “To Experience” list. Here’s why: • Bucket lists make you stop and think what you actually want to experience in this lifetime. • Bucket lists remind you that life is short and we should live it to its fullest. • Bucket lists increase our happiness because they give us both hope and curiosity (2 essential ingredients for happiness). PAGE 4
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Your Bucket List
Creating An Amazing Bucket List Step 1: Dream-storm The first thing you can do to create your bucket list is to dream-storm–this is a combination of dreaming and brainstorming. Take out a piece of paper or open a new document and set aside at least 15 minutes to put all of your ideas into writing. Here’s the key: Remove all limits. The most important part of dream-storming is allowing your mind to be as free as possible.
Step 2: Time List Step One is all about putting Next it’s time to break-up your down every. single. idea. that list by time. This is crucial pops into your head. It’s not because otherwise your bucket crazy, it’s not impossible, it’s not list could languish in your silly–just put it down! computer or desk drawer without You are not allowed to edit for ever getting done because it feasibility or possibility in dream- feels too long and overwhelming. storming. When you let your brain You are going to look at all of the and mind free, it’s amazing what items on your list and figure out if ideas will come out. Ready? Go! they are short-term, long-term or special term. Here are the categories you can consider JACKI MCLENAGHAN using the following examples: EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
Creating An Amazing Bucket List
by: Jacki McLenagahn
Summer Bucket List: Are there items you think you can get done this summer or next? For example, this summer I hope to go berry picking at a local farm, paint a Jacopo Dal Ponte picture, learn how to grow tomatoes, eat at all of the PDX Eater restaurants and design a dress. 30s /40s/50's and Beyond Bucket List: What do you want to achieve before you hit your next birthday milestone? City Bucket List: Are you living in a city temporarily or new to a place? What do you want to achieve in your location? College / High School / Certification Bucket List: What do you want to get done before you are done with school? Perhaps you are in a temporary job or certification program? What do you want to achieve? 2018 / 2019/ 2020 Bucket List: You can also break your bucket list into years. This is great to think about along with resolutions and goals. However, don’t wait until the end of the year to do this! For big bucket list items like travel or learning, you often have to save up money, book flights or coordinate plans more than a year in advance. So, think about your next year bucket list right now to start to prepare. Step 3: Partner in Joy You don’t have to do this, but after sharing and comparing you might want to consider asking someone to be your bucket list buddy, your partner in joy or your to-do list teammate. You don’t have to do your entire list with someone, but you can have certain items shared with someone else. For example, it is helpful to have similar items to spouses or travel buddies so you can do things together. I would highly recommend trying to partner up for the bigger costly activities to split expenses and get accountability in planning. Step 4: TOP Three Creating your bucket list is almost as fun as completing your bucket list! Now it’s time to turn some of those dreams into reality. it can be overwhelming to look at your long list and think about how and when you will complete them all–don’t worry this is the BEST problem to have. I want you to pick 3 items to work on planning. Yup, just 3 right now. More than that and it becomes too much to think about. Here’s how to pick the TOP Three:
Creating An Amazing Bucket List
What excites you most? Scan your list and take note of the items that give you a little rush or when you think of them your blood starts to pump. What has a time limit? Is there anything that you need to do soon because of a time limit? For example, I want to go berry picking this summer and berries are only in-season for a few weeks so I need to get that on the calendar Once you pick your 3, it’s time to start the first steps of planning. Basically:
Who: Are you flying solo or do you need a partner in joy to join? When: When does this need to happen? What time of day? Weekend or weekday? Get specific! Where do you need to go and how do you get there? Do you need to book transport ahead of time like a ticket or car? How: How do you complete this item? How much money do you need to save up? Most Important) What: What do you need to do to make this happen? What is your very first step? Step 5: Who, When, Where & How Much?
After you’ve picked up on which ones excite you, narrow down to your top three by asking yourself these questions: What items has a time limit? Are there any items that you need to start soon because of time constraints? Who is doing it with you?
Do they require special accommodations? Where is it? Do you need to arrange travel ahead of time? How much does it cost? How long will it take you to save up the funds? Using those questions, you can decide which bucket list item you can make your number one and start right away and which ones require more time. Once you’ve chosen your top three, it’s time to begin planning. Be as specific as possible and anticipate potential problems so when the time comes to make your memories you can focus on enjoying the moment without facing last-minute issue
Creating An Amazing Bucket List
Step 6: Never-Ending
This might sound odd, but the goal of your bucket list is not to finish it. It’s to keep it growing. The best lists are constantly changing–you are adding items and checking off items you have completed. Keep the never-ending bucket list mentality to live a regret-free life. See the world through the lens bucket list–what do I want to do in my lifetime? What can I savor and celebrate once I have completed an item? There are two ways to keep your bucket list up-to-date:
1. Keep a copy on your phone so you can add new items when inspiration strikes. 2. Revisit your bucket list every time you cross off an item. It’s a great time to add new ideas and decide if you want to continuing pursuing your current top three or change it up. THE END. https://www.honestbirthtalk.com/
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Get On Stage, Share Your Message, Gain MASSIVE INFLUENCE!
THE SPEAKERS RETREAT February 8 - 10 , 2019 www.purepotentials.com/speakers-retreat This is an event UNLIKE anything that you’ve every attended before. THIS is an interactive event where you will be learning, implementing AND speaking in our SPEAKOFF competition! You will leave this event with some very important, tangible and foundational pieces of your speaking business puzzle firmly put in place. PLUS YOU COULD WIN $$10,000 WORTH OF PRIZES! TICKETS ARE ONLY $197 At This Retreat You Will Also:
Accelerate Your Learning Learn from high level Speakers and Influencers on how to grow your speaking biz, get on more stages and make money with your message! * Close the Sale from Stage * Book Sponsors * Build a Social Media Following * Build and Manage a Leadership Team * Use Facebook Effectively
Get Your Tickets TODAY! www.purepotentials.com/speakers-retreat
Why Don't People Think BIG Enough?
by: Jacki McLenagahn
Over the last 6 months I’ve decided to really look at and take seriously the idea of SUCCESS. What does it look like for myself? What does it look like for others? How can people achieve it? While looking at this somewhat subjective topic, I started to notice something really interesting… Success Blockers They are pesky little beasts that everyone one has to some degree. They are very sneaky, You sometimes don’t even know that they are there and they look and sound different for everyone. But not only that...THEY PREVENT US FROM THINKING BIG ENOUGH! Ooooooh….. An unknown force blocking us from living the fullest, most glorious expression of our most successful life…not cool. If success and happiness are the goal (which they are) then how can we overcome and remove something that we are unaware of. ASK YOURSELF THESE QUESTIONS: #1 In which areas of my life am I experiencing strain or struggle? #2 What are the things that I know I must do but consistently put on the back burner? FINDING YOUR SUCCESS BLOCKS! Now, it’s time to dig down deep and find the layered and complex answers to these two simple questions. You do this by first seeing what instantly comes to mind and the second is to look at how these blocks could be presenting themselves in your life. There are some common symptoms and they are as follows:
Symptoms of Success Blockers
1. You hear yourself say, “I’ve literally tried everything.” That is not possible and it is the calling card of the saboteur. 2. Anytime you hear the word “Can’t” coming out of your mouth. (This one is old school straight up kindergarten but still so very true.) 3. Procrastination or as I like to call it “A case of the Intend to’s.” Stop intending and look at the real reason why you may not be doing what you know will bring prosperity into your life. 4. Anger, judgment or taking offense scream discontent and that deserves investigation. 5. Comparing yourself to others or jealousy. (We all know people who think that they enjoy an experience more if it makes someone else feel bad.) Here’s a secret for you…people who do this do not feel good about themselves. 6. Any red flags AT ALL that you ignore. 7. Letting other people treat you badly. Recognize your success blockers and stop self sabotage in it's tracks!
Successful Speaker Spotlight - MEET Vaughn Pyne
Vaughn Pyne is a speaker, author and coach with over 16 years experience in sales and training. He focuses on helping organizations tap into their most precious resource: its employees. Vaughn also has over 10 years experience in performing and teaching improvisational theater with over 400 performances under his belt. He brings an unmatched level of humor, passion, and energy to his training and speaking engagements. A father of four grown children, he co-authored a book with his wonderful wife, Suzanne, entitled, Families Better Bit By Bit with the intent to help build stronger family relationships by keeping the lines of communication open. He enjoys running, hiking and is currently earning his 2nd degree blackbelt in the art of listening to what his wife says.
What Are Energy Leaks And Where Are YOURS?
Energy leaks are those little things that are nagging at us and we never get them finished. They could be little repairs around the house that are driving us crazy or they could be that email that you don't want to send to a client because you are fearing a conflict. They could be little leaks and they could be big leaks, but either way they are preventing us from moving forward and accomplishing bigger goals. This is your time to get rid of things that are no longer serving you. Here are your instructions:
1. Below, list all your nagging outstanding To Do Items (both big and small). 2. Do one of these items today and physically cross it off with a pen. 3. Endeavour to get as many of these items off that list in the next 26 days Energy Leak Examples: 1. Those broken household items that either need to be fixed or thrown away. 2. A messy office, desk, closet, etc. Mess = Stress! 3. Anything that you've been holding onto that you know you need to throw away. 4. Too many emails in your inbox (my guilty sin and I promise I'll do this too). 5. That email or letter you need to write.
Clean Up Your Energy Leaks TODAY! 1. __________________________________ 2. __________________________________ 3. __________________________________ 4. __________________________________ 5. __________________________________ 6. __________________________________
7. __________________________________ 8. __________________________________ 9. __________________________________ 10. __________________________________ 11. __________________________________ 12. __________________________________
13. __________________________________ 14. __________________________________ 15. __________________________________ 16. __________________________________ 17. __________________________________ 18. __________________________________
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UPCOMING EVENTS: THE PURE POTENTIALS SPEAKERS RETREAT February 8 - 10, 2019 In Calgary Alberta Canada This is a 3-Day conference for those who would like to grow their speaking business OR grow their business by using the power of speaking! Get on more stages and make money with your message! www.purepotentials.com/speakers-retreat THE SPEAKERS CLUBS Ongoing Throughout Canada and The USA Want an instant stage to share your message? Find a Speakers Club near you or start your own chapter! www.purepotentials.com/lead-a-club THE SELF CARE FESTIVAL November 17, 2018 In Calgary Alberta Canada Do you find yourself running from one place to the next? Is your selfcare slipping lower and lower on your to-do list? Are you ready to make a change? Join us for a day of learning, connecting and self-care! www.selfcarefestival.com PROMOTE YOUR UPCOMING EVENT HERE! Want to get some great exposure on an upcoming event that you are hosting? Pure Potentials would love to add your listing to this magazine as well as on our online events calendar. For only $12 USD you will enjoy the following: - An events listing in this magazine - Distributed monthly to over 20,000 people - A full listing on our online events calendar. This includes the ability to add images, videos and your own web links. To promote your event please click on this link: speakers.purepotentials.com/calendar-of-events
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Are You Ready For Adventure?
Personal Development!
The Adventure Club is a diverse community of individuals who are seeking new friends, fun and connection. In this club we enjoy life enhancing experiences, personal growth and contribution. We Believe…. We believe that adventurous experiences promote personal growth, and create a passionate, purposeful and fulfilled life! Are you tired of waiting for things to happen? The Adventure Club is a passion project designed by Pure Potentials to help those with a desire to experience life to its fullest, find the people, connections and opportunities that will allow them to design and experience a life worth living! It’s Completely FREE To Join! There is no fee to join the Adventure Club we simply ask that you have an open mind and a willingness for adventure. This is not about extreme sports or activities, but instead it is about finding out who you are and what brings you joy. JOIN THE CLUB TODAY! Learn More At