Purity Pulse July - September Juillet - Septembre 2023

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BACK TO SCHOOL trends tendances DE LA RENTRÉE SCOLAIRE JULY - SEPTEMBER 2023 JUILLET - SEPTEMBRE 2023 TOP 25 Best Sellers Les 25 Meilleurs Vendeurs Cold & Flu Rhume et la Grippe 10 10 MEILLEURS TOP LES POUR LE
Introducing NEW Magnesium Lotion in Unscented, Lavender and Arnica from Bolton’s Naturals! boltonsnaturals.com



At Purity Life we strongly believe in innovation and continuous improvement and significantly invest in our people, processes, and systems to ensure that we remain industry leaders and provide the best service to our business partners. We often talk about these investments and improvements which are easy to see when they result in a new distribution centre or updated ordering platform. One area that may not be quite as obvious is our investment into new brands and bringing innovation to the market but rest assured, Purity Life puts significant effort into this area every day. Our Vendor Relations team, led by Dale Simmons our Senior Manager, Vendor Relations & New Products, works hard to bring


Chez Purity Life, nous croyons fermement en l’innovation et en l’amélioration continue et nous investissons beaucoup dans notre personnel, nos processus et nos systèmes afin de demeurer des chefs de file de l’industrie et d’offrir le meilleur service à nos partenaires commerciaux. Nous parlons souvent des investissements et des améliorations qui sont évidents lorsqu’il s’agit d’un nouveau centre de distribution ou d’une nouvelle plateforme de commande. Nos investissements dans de nouvelles marques et nouveautés sur le marché ne sont peut-être pas aussi évidents, mais soyez assurés que Purity Life y consacre des efforts considérables au quotidien. Notre équipe chargée des relations avec les fournisseurs, dirigée par Dale Simmons, notre gestionnaire supérieur des relations avec les fournisseurs et des nouveaux produits,


innovation and newness to the market, constantly monitoring trends and growing categories, so they can bring the latest and greatest brands into the Purity Life portfolio. Some of this is still based on “gut feel” of what will be successful, but Purity Life also invests in market data to validate those feelings and monitor trends.

We source new brands by attending tradeshows in the United States, Europe and of course the CHFA NOW events. Referrals are also an important part of the new brand pipeline, and we appreciate recommendations from our retailer and broker partners. If you have a brand that you think Purity Life should carry, please let your sales representative know and they can bring this to the attention of our Vendor Relations team. If you are a prospective new brand, visit our website: www.puritylife.com and click on “Become a Vendor” to complete the new

s’efforce de promouvoir l’innovation et la nouveauté sur le marché, en surveillant constamment les tendances et les catégories en croissance en vue d’ajouter les marques les plus récentes et les plus performantes au portefeuille de Purity Life. Cette approche repose encore en partie sur l’intuition de ce qui sera couronné de succès, mais Purity Life investit également dans des données du marché pour justifier cette intuition et surveiller les tendances.

Nous recherchons de nouvelles marques en participant à des salons professionnels aux États-Unis, en Europe et, bien sûr, aux événements CHFA NOW. Les recommandations constituent également un aspect important de l’acquisition de nouvelles marques, et nous apprécions les recommandations de nos détaillants et de nos courtiers. Si vous connaissez une marque que vous pensez que Purity Life devrait distribuer, veuillez en informer votre représentant commercial qui pourra en faire part à notre équipe chargée des relations avec les fournisseurs. Si vous êtes une nouvelle marque potentielle,

product submission form. Some brands that approach us are in the start-up phase and not quite ready to go to market. For these circumstances we have a network of resources that we can utilize to help them get ready to launch, including regulatory, translation, marketing, importer of record assistance, and graphic design. The entrepreneurial spirit is such an important part of our industry and valuing bringing innovation to the market, we want to help and support these entrepreneurs as much as we can to ensure that we have a steady stream of new products to offer to our customers.

Our portfolio of products has grown to over 400 brands, consisting of over 12,000 SKUs. We will continue our quest for new brands so that we can bring innovation to the market and fulfill our promise of being

visitez notre site Web : www.puritylife. com et cliquez sur « Devenir fournisseur » pour remplir le formulaire de soumission de nouveaux produits.

Certaines marques nous contactent lorsqu’elles sont en phase de démarrage et qu’elles ne sont pas encore prêtes à entrer sur le marché. Dans ces situations, nous disposons d’un réseau de ressources pouvant les aider à se préparer au lancement, notamment en ce qui concerne la réglementation, la traduction, le marketing, l’assistance à l’importateur officiel et le graphisme. L’esprit d’initiative est un élément important de notre industrie, ainsi que la mise en valeur de l’innovation sur le marché.

Nous tenons à aider et à soutenir ces entrepreneurs autant que possible afin de garantir un flux constant de nouveaux produits à offrir à nos clients.

Notre portefeuille de produits compte aujourd’hui plus de 400 marques, soit plus de 12 000 UGS. Nous poursuivrons notre quête de nouvelles marques afin d’assurer l’innovation sur le marché et de tenir notre promesse de #FaciliterLesAffaires



Mike Roberts Vice President, Purchasing and Vendor Relations Vice-président, Approvisionnement et relations avec les fournisseurs
TABLE DES MATIÈRES TABLE OF CONTENTS 06 08 10 16 20 23 69 72 76 12 Top 25 Sellers | March - April Les 25 meilleurs vendeurs | mars - avril Julie & Erin Talk Trends Parler des tendances Product Features Produits vedettes BACK TO SCHOOL Rentrée Scolaire NEW Brands Nouvelles Marques CUSTOMER LINK
MISSION Purity Life will improve the health of Canadians by delivering an unrivaled and innovative Natural Health Products Portfolio to our customers. / Purity Life améliorera la santé des Canadiens en leur offrant une gamme inégalée et novatrice de produits de santé naturels. DISTRIBTION CENTRES CENTRES DE DISTRIBUTION HEAD OFFICE / SIÈGE SOCIAL ACTON, ON CALGARY, AB VANCOUVER, BC LAVAL, QC This magazine is 100% recyclable and printed on FSC certified paper. The bag the magazine was mailed in is both 100% biodegradable and recyclable. Ce magazine est 100 % recyclable et est imprimé sur du papier certifié FSC. Le sac dans lequel le magazine a été envoyé est 100 % biodégradable et recyclable. Login to your account at puritylife.com or Connectez-vous à votre compte au puritylife.com ou Phone your order in to / Passez vos commandes par téléphone au 1-800-265-2615 or / ou au 519-853-3511. Download our app on the Apple App Store or Google Play / Téléchargez l’application sur l’App Store ou Google Play Email your order to / Envoyez votre commande par courriel à order@puritylife.com Top 10 Cold & Flu Les 10 Meilleurs Pour le Rhume et la Grippe Education Portal Le Portal Éducatif Brands Marques #NewtoPurityLife #NouveautésPurityLife
6 www.puritylife.com 1 5 6 7 13 12 14 15 1. SOAP WORKS 795216 Tea Tree Oil Soap 110g, 795107 Aloe Vera & Vitamin E Soap 110g, 795215 Cucumber and Calendula 110g, 795213 Olive Oil Soap 110g, 795106 Oatmeal Soap 110g, 795101 Evening Primrose Oil Soap 110g, 795102 Bee Pollen Soap 110g, 795126 Pure Vegetable Glycerine Soap 95g, 795218 Emu Oil Soap 110g, 795118 Sea Kelp Soap 110g, 795108 Chamomile Soap 110g, 795116 Clay Cleansing Soap 110g, 795105 Carbolic Soap 110g, 795109 Pine Tar 110g, 795127 Shea Butter Soap 110g, 795300 Shampoo Bar with Conditioner 110g, 795113 Pumice Soap 90g. 2. GREEN BEAVER 428100 Frosty Mint Toothpaste 75ml, 428145 Spearmint Toothpaste 75ml, 428150 Sensitive Toothpaste 75ml. 3. SURO 757200 Organic Elderberry Syrup Adult 236ml, 757305 Organic Elderberry Syrup for Kids 236ml. 4. DR. BRONNERS 200695 Hand Sanitizer Lavender 59ml, 200205 Baby-Unscented Bar Soap 140g, 200215 Lavender Pure-Castile Bar Soap 140g, 200750 Hand Sanitzer Peppermint 59ml, 200250 Peppermint ALL-ONE Toothpaste 140g, 200120 Baby-Unscented Pure-Castile Liquid 946ml. 5. NATRACARE 540140 Curved Panty Liners 30ct, 540170 Ultra Pads w/Wings Regular 14ct, 540135 Mini Panty Liners 30ct, 540185 Ultra Pads w/Wings Long 10ct, 540175 Ultra Pads w/Wings Super 12ct. 6. JASON NATURAL PRODUCTS 450780 Powersmile Whitening Toothpaste 170g, 450790 Sea Fresh Toothpaste-Strengthening 170g. 7. BACH 495107 Rescue Pastilles Original 50g, 495110 Rescue® Remedy Drops 20ml, 495116 Rescue Pastilles Black Currant 50g. 8. TRADITIONAL MEDICINALS 822251 Organic Peppermint Tea 16bg, 822241 Organic Chamomile 16bg, 822532 Organic Roasted Dandelion Root 16bg, 822291 Organic Nettle Leaf 16bg, 822530 Organic Spearmint 16bg, 822528 Organic Dandelion Leaf & Root Tea 16bg, 822276 Organic Hibiscus 16bg, 822422 Organic Lemon Balm 16bg, 822163 Organic Nighty Night Extra 16bg, 822534 Organic Ginger 16bg. 20 21 22
TOP 25
2 3 8 9 10 11 16 18
120g, 825400 Org Manuka Honey Drops Ginger 120g, 825410 Org Manuka
Drops Eucalyptus 120g. 14. DERMA E 340150 Vitamin E Skin Oil 14,000 I.U. 60ml. 15. KYOLIC 339405 Extra Strength 1000 mg, One A Day 60vcap. 16. REDMOND 755110 Stand-up Pouch (fine) 737g. 17. LILY OF THE DESERT 346130 Aloe Vera Gel - Plastic 946ml, 346215 Aloe Vera Juice Inner Fillet - Gls 946ml, 346215 Aloe Vera Juice Inner Fillet - Gls 946ml. 18. ORGANYC 611505 Pads - Heavy Flow w/Wings Folded 10ct, 611510 Pads - Moderate Flow w/Wings Folded 10ct. 19. LILY OF THE DESERT 346181 Aloe Vera Gelly 99% Cert Organic 113g. 20. URBAN SPA 948120 The Loads of Lather Pouf 1un. 21. GOLI 294100 Apple Cider Vinegar Gummy 60gmy. 22. SMARTSWEETS 521140 Gummy Worms 12 x 50g, 521115 Sweet Fish 12 x 50g. 23. EARTHWISE
ECO-WISE NATURALS 455645 Pure Witch Hazel Distillate 250ml. 24. WELEDA 965702 Calendula Diaper Cream 81g. 25. ORGANYC 611110 Beauty Cotton Rounds 70ct 23 24 25 4 19 7 JULY - SEPTEMBER 2023
9. MANITOBA HARVEST 34911 Hemp Hearts 227g, 349150 Organic Hemp Hearts 340g, 349170 Hemp Hearts 227g.10. WELEDA 965640 Skin Food Original 75ml. 11. AQUAOMEGA 656300 AquaOmega High EPA Softgels 120sg. 12. EVERYONE 565639 Soap - Lavender+aloe 946ml, 565637 Soap - Citrus+mint 946ml, 565638 Soap - Coconut+lemon 946ml. 13. WEDDERSPOON
825405 Org Manuka Honey Drops Lemon


As children prepare to head back to school, many parents are looking for ways to ensure their kids are healthy and energized throughout the day. Retailers, this is great opportunity to merchandise supplements and vitamins for parents to support the health of their children as they return to school.

Here are some of the latest trends in back-to-school supplements and vitamins for you to have available in your stores.

Immune-Boosting Supplements: With the fall cold and flu season, many parents are looking for ways to support their children’s immune systems. This has led to an increase in demand for supplements that contain immuneboosting ingredients like vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, mushrooms and elderberry. Purity Life offers a variety of immune boosting supplements from Suro, Herbaland, Suku, St. Francis and much more!

Vitamin D: Vitamin D is essential for bone health and may also play a role in immune function. Many children don’t get enough vitamin D from food and sunlight, so supplements are often recommended. Vitamin D supplements are available in drops, chewable tablets, and gummies.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Omega-3s are essential fatty acids that play a vital role in brain health and cognitive function. They are found in fatty fish, nuts, and seeds, but many children don’t consume enough of these foods. As a result, omega-3 supplements are becoming increasingly popular for kids. Our top selling, non fishy tasting brand, Aquaomega offers a wide range of delivery systems such as liquid, capsules and chewable.

Multivitamins: Multivitamins are a convenient way to ensure that children are getting all the essential vitamins and minerals they need. Many multivitamins for kids are formulated with ageappropriate doses of vitamins and minerals, and some also contain added ingredients like probiotics or omega-3s. Difficult to convince the kids to take a capsules? Make sure that you have a wide offer of gummies. Suku and Herbaland have many great options!

Probiotics: Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that live in the gut and help support digestive health. They may also play a role in immune function, and some studies suggest that they can improve mood and behavior in children. Probiotic supplements are available in a variety of forms, including chewable tablets and gummies. Biok-K+ and Genestra offer potent options!

Anxiety: Anxiety is a condition that impacts kids back to school performance and well-being. As such, parents are looking for natural solutions to provide comfort to their children’s. One option is Vitality’s Magnesium+ Chamomile For Kids. In a powder form it is very easy to absorb! Herbaland has a gummy option called Calm and chill.

In conclusion, back-to-school supplements and vitamins for kids are very popular as parents seek to support their children’s health and well-being. Immune-boosting supplements, omega-3s, probiotics, vitamin D, multivitamins and anxiety support are among the most popular options. Make sure you have your back to school sets well merchandised with eye catching signage to drive incremental sales and take advantage of this great selling period.

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Alors que les enfants se préparent pour la rentrée scolaire, de nombreux parents cherchent des moyens de s’assurer que leurs enfants sont en bonne santé et pleins d’énergie tout au long de la journée. Pour les détaillants, c’est une excellente occasion de promouvoir aux parents des suppléments et des vitamines qui favoriseront la santé de leurs enfants pour la rentrée scolaire.

Voici quelques-unes des dernières tendances parmi les suppléments et les vitamines pour la rentrée scolaire, afin de vous aider à promouvoir ces produits auprès des parents qui préparent leurs enfants à la rentrée scolaire.

Suppléments renforçant le système immunitaire : Lors de la saison automnale du rhume et de la grippe, de nombreux parents cherchent des moyens de favoriser le système immunitaire de leurs enfants. Cela a entraîné une augmentation de la demande de suppléments contenant des ingrédients qui renforcent le système immunitaire, comme la vitamine C, la vitamine D, le zinc, les champignons et le sureau. Nous pouvons citer Suro, Herbaland, Suku, St-Francis et bien d’autres encore!

Acides gras oméga-3 : Les oméga-3 sont des acides gras essentiels qui jouent un rôle crucial dans la santé du cerveau et des fonctions cognitives. On les trouve dans les poissons gras, les noix et les graines, mais de nombreux enfants ne consomment pas suffisamment de ces aliments. C’est pourquoi les suppléments d’oméga-3 sont de plus en plus populaires chez les enfants. Aquaomega, notre marque la plus populaire, sans goût de poisson, offre une large gamme d’options en différents formats comme les liquides, les capsules et les comprimés à croquer.

Probiotiques : Les probiotiques sont des bactéries bénéfiques qui vivent dans l’intestin et contribuent à la santé digestive. Ils peuvent également jouer un rôle dans la fonction immunitaire et certaines études suggèrent qu’ils peuvent améliorer l’humeur et le comportement des enfants. Les suppléments de probiotiques sont notamment offerts sous forme de comprimés à croquer et de gélifiés. Bio-K+ et Genestra offrent des options puissantes!

Vitamine D : La vitamine D est essentielle à la santé des os et peut également jouer un rôle dans la fonction immunitaire. De nombreux enfants ne reçoivent pas un apport suffisant en vitamine D par l’alimentation et l’exposition au soleil. C’est pourquoi il est souvent recommandé de prendre des suppléments. Les suppléments de vitamine D sont disponibles sous forme de gouttes, de comprimés à croquer et de gélifiés.

Multivitamines : Les multivitamines sont un moyen pratique de s’assurer que les enfants consomment toutes les vitamines et tous les minéraux essentiels dont ils ont besoin. De nombreuses multivitamines pour enfants sont formulées avec des doses de vitamines et de minéraux adaptées à l’âge, et certaines contiennent également des ingrédients supplémentaires comme des probiotiques ou des oméga-3. Il est parfois difficile de convaincre les enfants de prendre une capsule, donc assurez-vous d’offrir une large gamme de gélifiés. Suku et Herbaland offrent de nombreuses options excellentes!

Gestion de l’anxiété : Il s’agit de troubles qui ont un impact sur les performances et le bien-être des enfants lors de la rentrée scolaire. C’est pourquoi les parents recherchent des solutions naturelles pour offrir du confort à leurs enfants. La camomille de Vitality pour enfants est une option. Sous forme de poudre, il est très facile à absorber! Herbaland offre une option sous forme de gélifié appelée Calme et détente.

En conclusion, les suppléments et vitamines pour enfants pour la rentrée scolaire sont très populaires chez les parents qui cherchent à favoriser la santé et le bien-être de leurs enfants. Les suppléments renforçant le système immunitaire, pour la gestion de l’anxiété, les oméga-3, les probiotiques, la vitamine D et les multivitamines figurent parmi les options les plus populaires.

Assurez-vous que vos ensembles de produits pour la rentrée scolaire sont bien mis en valeur avec des affiches attrayantes afin d’augmenter les ventes et de profiter de cette période de vente formidable. - Julie Drapeau & Erin Macklin







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Natural Health Supplements for Kids

At ChildLife Essentials, we believe that every child deserves the best in natural health supplements. That’s why we’ve brought our high-quality products to Canada. Our supplements, including our best-selling Liquid Calcium with Magnesium, provides the essential nutrients kids need to support their growth and development. All our products are made with the highest quality ingredients and are free of artificial colours, flavours, and sweeteners. Give your customers peace of mind with ChildLife Essentials supplements. Contact us today to learn more.


Wellness From the Hive

Dutchman’s Gold unique propolis products deliver beehive wellness to the entire family in tasty, convenient formats. Experience the power of propolis with our sugar free Gummy, Mint and Honey Throat Spray or Immunity Spray. Made in Canada according to the principles of our Bee Friendly Promise. Beekeepers since 1981.


Healthy snacks that are rich in nutrients & minimally processed. Made Good Drizzle Crispy Squares are chewy, vanilla, with just the right hint of chocolate. Made organic, vegan, gluten free, and with nutrients from vegetable extracts.

Made Good Soft Baked Mini Cookies are an ode to the world’s most beloved cookie. Soft, chewy and chocolatey, now baked into perfect mini cookie.





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The better-tasting, better-absorbing, best-loved magnesium gummies.

Top-selling Calm gummies are delicious, vegan, and gluten-free, with no preservatives, artificial flavour or colour and less than one gram of sugar per serving. Perfect for the whole family, from ages 4 and up!


Health Never Tasted So Good!

Getting your health back on track just became easier! New Nordic gummies offer you high quality, natural and therapeutic ingredients, in a vegan and very tasty gummy. We extract the beneficial elements from plants and formulate them into our finished products, in order to provide healthy and vital solution to ailments.


Your Partner in Family Health

Quest’s personalized multis can nurturing your family simply comes naturally.

Our best-seller Quest Super Once A Day, contains a complete spectrum of essential vitamins and easily absorbed amino acidchelated minerals. The time release format gives a continuous supply of nutrients, assuring maximum utilization of each ingredient.

Made in Canada since 1973.



Spread the sweet, not the sugar.

Back-to-school is leaps ahead when you start the day with Nutiva Organic Coconut Spread. Our creamy, indulgent spread is so good you won't believe it only has 2g of sugar per serving.

Delicious on toast, smoothies and more! IMPORTED

Also available in Chocolate with just 3g of sugar


Back to school, Naturally!

Stodal® are homeopathic syrups used for cough*. Oscillococcinum® is a homeopathic medicine for the relief of flu-like symptoms such as body aches, headache, fever and chills. Reduces the duration of flu symptoms.

*NOTICE – These claims are based on traditional homeopathic references and not modern scienti c evidence. These homeopathic medicines may not be right for everyone. Always read and follow the label.

*** ***



Best tasting gummies with essential vitamins, zinc, and magnesium to support children’s health, immunity, sleep, and energy.

Les gélifiés les plus savoureux avec des vitamines essentielles, du zinc et du magnésium pour soutenir la santé, l’immunité, le sommeil et l’énergie des enfants.

Vegetarian Friendly · Gelatin Free · Low Sugar · Made in Canada

Végétarien · Sans gélatine · Faible en sucre · Fabriqué au Canada


High DHA Omega-3 Gummies for Kids.

Gélifiés d’oméga-3 à DHA élevé pour enfants

Helps Support Cognitive Health · Gelatin & Sugar Free · No Artificial Colours or Flavours

Amazing flavours with 20g of Protein to power you through your day!

Des arômes incroyables avec 20 g de protéines pour vous donner de l’énergie tout au long de la journée!

100% Plant Based · Vegan · Kosher & Halal Certified

100 % végétal · Végétalien · Certifié kasher et halal

Nurturing childhood wellness, one essential at a time.

Favoriser le bien-être des enfants, un élément essentiel à la fois.

Non-GMO · Gluten-Free · High-Quality Ingredients · Great Taste

656352 266120 234205 234200 234220 656347 656317 656322 144505 144700 144510

Sans OGM · Sans gluten · Ingrédients de haute qualité · Goût délicieux

16 www.puritylife.com
Aide à favoriser la santé cognitive · Sans gélatine ni sucre Sans colorants ni arômes artificiels CHEF WOO

Dream Water® Sleep Shots’ proprietary blend of GABA, Melatonin, and 5-HTP, helps you relax, fall asleep fast, sleep deeply and wake refreshed.

Le mélange exclusif de GABA, de mélatonine et de 5-HTP de Dream Water® coups de sommeil vous aide à vous détendre, à vous endormir rapidement, à dormir profondément et à vous réveiller reposé.

No sugar · No calories · Gluten-free · Natural flavours & colours ·Kosher Sans sucre · Sans calorie · Sans gluten · Saveurs et couleurs naturelles · Kascher

Look Good, Feel Good, Do Good

Helping our children LOOK good, and FEEL good and DO good as they go back to school.

Bien paraître, bien se sentir, bien faire. Aider nos enfants à bien paraître, à bien se sentir et à bien faire pour la rentrée scolaire.

100% recyclable and biodegradable · 100% Compostable 100 % recyclable et biodégradable · 100 % compostable


New generation of reusable bags

Nouvelle génération de sacs réutilisables

100% Platinum silicone · BPA, lead & phthalate free · Dishwasher, microwave, freezer & oven safe ·Easy to clean & dry

100 % silicone platine sans BPA, plomb ni phtalates Va au lave-vaisselle, au micro-ondes, au congélateur et au four · Facile à nettoyer et à sécher

Oh my! Gummies. These gummies are the best candy around, with only 2g of sugar and 25g of fiber per pouch.

Gélifiés Oh my! Ces gélifiés sont les meilleurs bonbons qui soient, avec seulement 2 g de sucre et 25 g de fibres par sachet.

Plant-based · All-natural flavours

À base de plantes · Arômes entièrement naturels

DREAM WATER® 459760 459755 261100 262430 261105 221220 221230 221215 221200 459750 262450262445262440262425262420262435
For more products, scan here Pour plus de produits, scannez ici



Homeopathic Medicine for kids 0-9

Remèdes homéopathiques pour les enfants de 0 à 9 ans

Natural Delicious Flavours · Easy to use Droppers and Syrups Arômes naturels délicieux · Compte-gouttes et sirops faciles à utiliser


Kyo-Dophilus® Kids Probiotic chews

Probiotiques Kyo-dophilusMD comprimés croquables pour enfants

Helps restore a normal balance of friendly intestinal flora. · Delicious chewable tablet · Heat stable and maintains potency without refrigeration

Aide à rétablir l’équilibre de la flore intestinale · Délicieux comprimé croquable · Stable à la chaleur et conserve sa concentration sans être réfrigéré


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493409 493108 493117

Kids Calm Magnesium - ideal for kids to help with sleep, growing pains and concentration.

Le supplément de magnésium Calm pour enfants est idéal pour aider les enfants à dormir, à supporter les douleurs de croissance et à se concentrer

Kids love the fizzy bubbles and the organic raspberry flavour Parents love that Natural Calm has no sugar, preservatives, additives or artificial sweeteners

Les enfants adorent les bulles pétillantes et le goût de framboise biologique. Les parents apprécient que Natural Calm ne contienne pas de sucre, d’agents de conservation, d’additifs ni d’édulcorants artificiels

Nutrition parents trust the taste kids love.

Les parents font confiance à la nutrition avec le goût que les enfants adorent

Whole-food fruits and vegetables · Supports healthy growth, immune support & development

Fruits et légumes entiers · Favorise une croissance saine, le système immunitaire et le développement.

Brain Function Kids & Teens

Fonction cérébrale pour enfants et adolescents

Improves Concentration · Improves Learning & Memory · Relieves symptoms of ADD/ADHD

Améliore la concentration · Améliore l’apprentissage et la mémoire · Soulage les symptômes du TDA/TDAH


Function meets design with funky shaped lip balms!

La fonction rejoint la forme avec ce baume à lèvres en forme amusante!

100% Natural · Restores & protects lips from dryness · Soothes & calms irritated lips, even sensitive

100 % naturel · Répare et protège les lèvres du dessèchement · Apaise et soulage les lèvres irritées, même sensibles

For more products, scan here Pour plus de produits, scannez ici

432310 432320 580157 619910 619610 752102 752113 752117 619600


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BROKERED BY Broker Name website.com Description of the brand CATEGORY 123456 Product Description Purity ‘sell by’ size XX% XX% XX% 00 0 00000 00000 0 B Stock Description Size JUL AUG SEP Case UPC Lang. Groc ID# Discount Discount Discount Size Item PAF GLU ORG NGM KOS VEG HAL FTR A G 0 N K V H F Bilingual Flag Canadian Vendor Education Portal Course Available Brand Contains Grocery Items B=Bilingual M=Minimal French E=English Only UPC Number Grocery Item Fair Trade Certified Halal Vegan Kosher Organic Gluten/Wheat Free Priority Allergen Free* Non-GMO Discount Amount *Priority Allergen Free (PAF) items are: Egg, Dairy, Mustard, Peanuts, Seafood, Sesame, Soy, Sulfites, Tree Nuts HOW TO READ OUR LISTINGS COMMENT LIRE LES DESCRIPTIONS DE NOS PRODUITS ��








treatment for your nails
des pieds et mains en beauté! For beautiful feet and hands!
essentielle de l’Arbre à thé
essentielle d’Origan
essentielle de Cannelle
essentielle de Romarin
Tree essential oil
essential oil
essential oil
essential oil
actif pour les ongles Active treatment for your nails Essential oil Formula for nails Helps ght nail fungus 15ml / 0.5 oz Vitamin Vitamine E DUO ULTRAPERFORMANT ULTRA PERFORMING DUO Crème avec Vitamine E naturelle Huile pure de Vitamine E Cream with natural Vitamin E Pure Vitamin E oil ABIO COSMETIC A Division of SURO



A line of products with natural properties, free of any chemical addition, thus respecting the needs and trends in cosmetics and health. Abio prioritizes well-being and health, and offers you constantly evolving products that adapt to our reality and our personal rituals.

Une ligne de produits aux proprietes naturelles, libre de toute addition chimique, respectant du coup, les besoins et les tendances en matiere cosmetique et sante. Abio priorise le bien-être et la sante, et vous propose des produits en constante evolution qui s’adaptent à notre realite et à nos rituels personnels. PODIEX - NAIL




Elemental Herbs started with a simple, beautiful vision, best described by its name: to harness the natural powers of the environment’s purest, most elemental ingredients and organic herbs in order to offer natural healing products that are good for people and good for the earth.

Elemental Herbs est ne d’une vision simple et belle, decrite par son nom : exploiter les pouvoirs naturels des ingredients les plus purs et les plus elementaires de l’environnement et des plantes biologiques afin d’offrir des produits de soins naturels qui sont bons pour les êtres humains et bons pour la planete.



Boutique manufacturer of natural bath, body and home products for the whole family. Makers of Peas in a Pod. Produits naturels et biologiques pour le bien-être de la future maman, du bebe et de la famille.




At Alora Naturals we believe in the power of natural health. Our mission is to provide effective nutritional supplements that are naturally pure, potent and safe to help you achieve optimal health. Alora Naturals is passionate about manufacturing quality nutritional supplements. We are committed to deliver premium products with a high level of efficacy without compromising on quality.

Chez Alora Naturals, nous croyons au pouvoir des produits de sante naturels. Notre mission est de fournir des supplements alimentaires efficaces, naturellement purs, puissants et sans danger, pour vous aider à rester en bonne sante. Alora Naturals se passionne pour la fabrication de supplements alimentaires de qualite. Nous nous engageons à fournir des produits de qualite superieure avec un haut niveau d’efficacite sans faire de compromis sur la qualite.


102265 True Greens Raspberry Lemonade






8 70847 00109 2



Andalou Naturals is the first Beauty Brand with all products Non-GMO Project verified. All of our vegetarian formulas are gluten-free and meet a minimum of 70% certified organic ingredient content, utilizing exceptional natural ingredients at effective levels for optimum results. Andalou Naturals shares your concern for animals, and without exception, we are cruelty-free and oppose all animal testing for cosmetic and personal care products.

Andalou Naturals est la premiere marque de beaute dont tous les produits sont verifies dans le cadre du Projet sans OGM. Toutes nos formules vegetariennes ne contiennent aucun gluten et sont composees d’au moins 70 % d’ingredients certifies biologiques. Elles contiennent des ingredients naturels exceptionnels à des niveaux efficaces pour obtenir des resultats optimaux. Andalou Naturals partage votre preoccupation au sujet des animaux et, sans exception, nous offrons des produits sans cruaute et nous nous opposons à tous les tests sur les animaux pour les produits cosmetiques et de soins personnels.

25 JULY - SEPTEMBER 2023 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com Stock Description Size JUL AUG SEP Case UPC Lang. Groc ID# Discount Discount Discount Size Item PAF GLU ORG NGM KOS VEG HAL FTR
830100 Podiex 15ml 12 6 28451 32001 2 B SKIN CARE / SOINS DE LA PEAU 830200 Cream with Natural Vitamin E 120ml 12 6 28451 32002 9 B 830205 Vitamin E Pure Skin Oil 30ml 12 6 28451 32003 6 B
547810 Body Wash - Bergamot Citrus 470ml 15% 6 8 50932 00884 7 B 547805 Body Wash - Coconut Lavender 470ml 15% 6 8 50932 00882 3 B 547800 Body Wash - Lavender Peppermint 470ml 15% 6 8 50932 00883 0 B
HOME / MAISON 905391 Kitchen + Laundry Bar 6 x 130g 6 8 76565 00740 8 V B �� 905394 Laundry Soda 1100g 4 8 76565 00344 8 A V B �� 905393 Laundry Stripper 1100g 4 8 76565 00345 5 A V B �� 905392 Oxygen Brightener 450g 8 8 76565 00346 2 A V B ��
1000 ROSES 131726 1000 Roses Biome Balancing Day Cr 50g 6 8 50018 11940 5 B PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 23 for details GLU Gluten/Wheat Free ORG Organic NGM Non-GMO KOS Kosher VEG Vegan HAL Halal FTR Fair Trade SOME ITEMS ARE SOLD ONLY BY THE CASE.

La beauté réinventée

Reinventing beauty

Maquillage solide et sans plastique, avec des bienfaits pour la peau.

Solid and plastic free makeup with skin benefits.

AVEC DU PHYTOGLYCOGÈNE WITH PHYTGLYCOGEN plus hydratant que l’acide hyaluronique sur le long terme more hydrating that hyaluronic acid over the long term





ANS Performance is a premium quality sport nutrition and wellness brand. Our doctor-formulated products strive to deliver innovation, incredible taste and unrivaled quality with unmatched performance and results. With a full product range, ANS Performance offers weight management solutions, muscle building proteins, sport performance support and a full range of ketogenic products for low-carb lifestyles.

ANS Performance est une marque de nutrition sportive et de bien-être de premiere qualite. Nos produits formules par des medecins s’efforcent d’être innovants, d’offrir un goût incroyable et une qualite irreprochable avec des performances et des resultats inegales. Avec une gamme complete de produits, ANS Performance offre des solutions pour gerer le poids, des proteines pour developper les muscles, un soutien aux performances sportives et une gamme complete de produits cetogenes pour les regimes à faible teneur en glucides.





Across Bath & Body, Baby & Kids, Household and Pet Care, with new lines emerging with each epiphany. All of our products are made with natural, plant- and mineral-based ingredients that have the least impact on our families and the planet. These clean ingredients are developed with EWG’s strictest standards in mind: free of cancer-causing chemicals, mutagens endocrine disruptors and other ingredients of concern. Our products are also ECOLOGO and PETA Certified, hypoallergenic, vegan and cruelty-free.

ATTITUDE a demarre ses activites en 2006 avec une selection de huit produits d’entretien menager. Aujourd’hui, l’entreprise compte 250 produits dans les gammes Soins corporels, Tout-petits, Menager et Animaux, et bonifie son offre au gre de ses inspirations.

Tous nos produits sont faits d’ingredients naturels de sources minerales et vegetales ayant un impact minimal sur les familles et la planete. Nous developpons ces produits sains avec les normes strictes de l’EWG (Environmental Working Group) en tête : pas de contaminants cancerigenes, aucun mutagene ou perturbateur endocrinien ni autres ingredients inquietants. Nos produits sont aussi certifies ECOLOGO et PETA, hypoallergeniques, veganes et sans cruaute.

27 JULY - SEPTEMBER 2023 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com Stock Description Size JUL AUG SEP Case UPC Lang. Groc ID# Discount Discount Discount Size Item PAF GLU ORG NGM KOS VEG HAL FTR 131716 1000 Roses Biome Balancing Toner 178ml 6 8 50018 11943 6 B 131736 1000 Roses Fortifying Night Cream 50g 6 8 50018 11944 3 B 131790 1000 Roses Fresh Dewy 2 in 1 Serum 30ml 6 8 50018 11937 5 B 131761 1000 Roses Gentle Cleansing Form 163ml 6 8 50018 11941 2 B 131702 1000 Roses Instant S & S Sheet Mask 6 x 18ml 36 1 08 50018 19327 7 B 131795 1000 Roses Perfecting Lip Sugar 14.2g 6 8 50018 11942 9 B 131731 1000 Roses Soothing Squalane Oil 30ml 6 8 50018 11938 2 B
129751 DIABLO L-Carnitine 3000 Pink Lemon 473ml 12 6 28081 00540 2 G B
OCEANLY - PLASTIC FREE BEAUTY / OCEANLY - SOINS BEAUTE SANS PLASTIQUE 137595 Oceanly Bronzer - Coffee 8.5g 6 6 26232 16138 0 V B 137594 Oceanly Bronzer - Ebony 8.5g 6 6 26232 16137 3 V B 137599 Oceanly Bronzer - Golden 8.5g 6 6 26232 16136 6 V B 137317 Oceanly Cheeks Blush - Corail 8.5g 6 6 26232 16123 6 V B 137316 Oceanly Cheeks Blush - Ginger 8.5g 6 6 26232 16122 9 V B 137319 Oceanly Cheeks Blush - Happy Berry 8.5g 6 6 26232 16124 3 V B 137314 Oceanly Cheeks Blush - Rose 8.5g 6 6 26232 16121 2 V B 137313 Oceanly Cheeks Blush - Silky Pink 8.5g 6 6 26232 16120 5 V B 137581 Oceanly Eye Concealer - Caramel 5.7g 6 6 26232 16133 5 V B 137579 Oceanly Eye Concealer - Cream 5.7g 6 6 26232 16130 4 V B 137323 Oceanly Eye Concealer - Dune 5.7g 6 6 26232 16132 8 V B 137597 Oceanly Eye Concealer - Espresso..............................................................5.7g 6 6 26232 16135 9 V B 137582 Oceanly Eye Concealer - Moka 5.7g 6 6 26232 16134 2 V B 137322 Oceanly Eye Concealer - Nude 5.7g 6 6 26232 16131 1 V B 137587 Oceanly Foundation - Caramel 12g 6 6 26232 16143 4 V B 137583 Oceanly Foundation - Cream 12g 6 6 26232 16140 3 V B 137586 Oceanly Foundation - Dune 12g 6 6 26232 16142 7 V B 137589 Oceanly Foundation - Espresso 12g 6 6 26232 16145 8 V B 137588 Oceanly Foundation - Moka 12g 6 6 26232 16144 1 V B 137584 Oceanly Foundation - Nude 12g 6 6 26232 16141 0 V B 137596 Oceanly Highlighter- Gloden Rose 8.5g 6 6 26232 16156 4 V B 137598 Oceanly Highlighter- Sunset Glow 8.5g 6 6 26232 16157 1 V B 137311 Oceanly Lip Gloss - Ginger 3.4g 6 6 26232 16112 0 V B 137312 Oceanly Lip gloss - Happy Berry 3.4g 6 6 26232 16114 4 V B 137318 Oceanly Lip Gloss - Silky Pink.....................................................................3.4g 6 6 26232 16110 6 V B 137592 Oceanly Tinted Oil - Caramel 12g 6 6 26232 16153 3 V B 137593 Oceanly Tinted Oil - Espresso 12g 6 6 26232 16155 7 V B 137591 Oceanly Tinted Oil - Nude 12g 6 6 26232 16151 9 V B LEAVES BAR (ZERO-PLASTIC) / LEAVES BAR (ZERO-PLASTIQUE) 137577 Men Body Soap Patchouli& Blk Pepper 113g 6 6 26232 17162 4 V B 137578 Men Body Soap Ppprmnt & Swt Orange 113g 6 6 26232 17163 1 V B 137572 Men Body Soap Sage & Rosemary 113g 6 6 26232 17161 7 V B 137573 Men Deodorant Patchouli & Blck Pppr 113g 6 6 26232 17125 9 V B 137576 Men Deodorant Ppprmnt & Swt Orange 113g 6 6 26232 17126 6 V B Maquillage solide et sans plastique
Solid and plastic free makeup



Bang Energy is an RTD energy drink, targeting fitness conscious consumers. The product contains 180mg caffeine as the primary energy source as well as BCAAs and B12, and can claim zero calories, zero carbs, and no sugar.

Les boissons energisantes BANG ciblent une clientele acces sur la sante et le conditionnement physique. Ce produit contient 180mg de cafeine, ainsi que des acides amines à chaîne ramifiee et du B12 sans aucun glucide, 0 sucre et 0 calorie.




The big hearted team at Big Cove Foods are proudly family owned and operated in Atlantic Canada. Their bold, inspirational spice blends are handcrafted in small batches, and available in convenient jars and pouches. The versatility of their unique gourmet spices sets them apart from the crowd. think tacos, BBQ season, soups, vegetables and more! They even include tips for creative uses on their packaging. Their newest line of sweet spices offer a tasty creative way to enjoy your favorite baking items, smoothie bowls, yogur t parfaits etc. Thoughtfully co-packed using a local social enterprise their spices are: Produced locally in small hand crafted batches, Vegan, Low sodium, Made with no fillers. Have no MSG added L’equipe au grand cœur de Big Cove Foods est fierement detenue et exploitee par une famille au Canada atlantique. Leurs melanges d’epices audacieux et inspirants sont fabriques à la main en petits lots et disponibles dans des pots et des sachets pratiques. La polyvalence de leurs epices gastronomiques uniques les distingue de la foule. pensez aux tacos, à la saison du barbecue, aux soupes, aux legumes et plus encore ! Ils incluent même des conseils pour des utilisations creatives sur leurs emballages. Leur nouvelle gamme d’epices douces offre une façon creative et savoureuse de savourer vos pâtisseries preferees, bols de smoothie, parfaits au yogourt, etc. Soigneusement co-emballes à l’aide d’une entreprise sociale locale, leurs epices sont: Produit localement en petits lots artisanaux, Vegetalien, Faible teneur en sodium, Fabrique sans charges, Ne pas ajouter de MSG


Premium ingredients, product transparency, functionality first, and a certainty that there is always a better way are the four beliefs that drove the birth of BioSteel. These are the values that continue to drive our unwavering dedication to bringing quality nutritional products to Canadians everywhere and empowering people to live a performance lifestyle.

Des ingredients de premiere qualite, la transparence sur les produits, la fonctionnalite avant tout et la certitude qu’il existe toujours une meilleure façon de faire sont les quatre convictions qui ont conduit à la naissance de BioSteel. Ce sont les valeurs qui continuent d’animer notre engagement inebranlable à offrir des produits nutritionnels de qualite aux Canadiens et à leur donner les moyens de mener un mode de vie performant.

28 www.puritylife.com PAF GLU ORG NGM KOS VEG HAL FTR Stock Description Size JUL AUG SEP Case UPC Lang. Groc ID# Discount Discount Discount Size Item PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 23 for details GLU Gluten/Wheat Free ORG Organic NGM Non-GMO KOS Kosher VEG Vegan HAL Halal FTR Fair Trade 137574 Men Deodorant Sage & Rosemary 113g 6 6 26232 17124 2 V B BABY LEAVE BARS (ZERO PLASTIC) / BEBE LEAVES BARS (ZERO PLASTIQUE) 137757 Diaper cream zinc 30g 6 6 26232 18260 6 V B 137756 Face & Cheek Balm - Unscented 30g 6 6 26232 18250 7 V B BLOOMING BELLY 137571 Body Butter Stick - Pink Argan 85g 6 6 26232 18221 7 V B 137498 Nursing Balm Stick - Unscented 30g 6 6 26232 18230 9 V B 137499 Stretch Mark Body Oil Stick 85g 6 6 26232 18211 8 V B
BEVERAGE 172145 Delish Strawberry Kiss 12 x 473ml 12 6 10764 02839 6 B ��
SPICE BLEND POUCHES / SACHETS DE MELANGE D’EPICES 236325 Egyptian Summer - Pouch 15 x 20g 15 2 06 28504 22319 9 G V B �� 236315 Maple Mustard Hamonizer - Pouch 15 x 20g 15 2 06 28504 22333 3 G V B �� 236305 Mary Had A Lot Of Lamb - Pouch 15 x 20g 15 2 06 28504 22258 8 G V B �� 236320 Porcini BBQ Genie - Pouch 15 x 20g 15 2 06 28504 22241 1 G V B �� 236310 Red Rub - Pouch 15 x 20g 15 2 06 28504 22265 5 G V B �� 236300 Taco Enhancer - Pouch 15 x 20g 15 2 06 28504 22302 2 G V B ��
PROTEIN POWDERS / POUDRES DE PROTEINES 116184 100% Whey Protein Chocolate 420g 6 8 83309 00192 9 B 116183 100% Whey Protein Vanilla 420g 6 8 83309 00222 3 B RTD SPORTS DRINKS / BOISSONS SPORTIVES 116760 Sports Drink Cherry Lime 4 x 500ml 24 8 83309 00321 3 A B �� 116755 Sports Drink Peach Mango 4 x 500ml 24 8 83309 00322 0 A B �� 116750 Sports Drink Pink Lemonade Ltd Ed. 12 x 500ml 12 8 83309 00335 0 A B �� HYDRATION MIX - 315G / MELANGE D’HYDRATATION- 315 G 116350 Hydration Mix Pink Lemonade Ltd Ed. 315g 6 8 83309 00143 1 V B HYDRATION MIX - 7CT BOX CADDY / MELANGE D’HYDRATATION - CAISSE DE 7 BOÎTES 116812 Hydration Mix Ice Pop 6 x 7ct 4 1 08 83309 02237 7 B 116830 Hydration Mix Pink Lemonade Ltd Ed. 6 x 7ct 4 8 83309 00145 5 V B 116811 Hydration Mix Tart Cherry 6 x 7ct 4 8 83309 00226 1 B




Alternative to coffee beverages that will pick you up and make you feel fresh/wonderful/rad and kinda trendy.

Des boissons alternatives au cafe qui vous reveilleront et vous feront vous sentir en pleine forme/magnifique/genial et un peu à la mode.

Contains: 18x each: Reishi Hot Cacao, Matcha Coconut, Salted Caramel Single Serve




Boiron is a French pharmaceutical company, world leader in manufacturing Homeopathic medicines. Our medicines are made in accordance with pharmaceutical standards and follow the same tradition of excellence that has been the Boiron hallmark for the past eight decades. To satisfy your customers’ needs, Boiron is offering a complete line of products including a large variety of homeopathic single remedies and multiple ingredient formulations for common ailments.

Boiron est une societe pharmaceutique française, numero un mondial de la fabrication de medicaments homeopathiques. Nos medicaments sont fabriques en conformite avec les normes pharmaceutiques et suivent la même tradition d’excellence qui caracterise Boiron depuis huit decennies. Pour repondre aux besoins de vos clients, Boiron propose une gamme complete de produits comprenant une grande variete de remedes homeopathiques simples et de formulations à ingredients multiples pour les affections courantes.





Premium quality teas, mushrooms and spices sustainably harvested by Indigenous people from the boreal forest of Northern Saskatchewan

Thes, champignons et epices de qualite superieure recoltes de maniere durable par les peuples autochtones de la forêt boreale du nord de la Saskatchewan


29 JULY - SEPTEMBER 2023 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com Stock Description Size JUL AUG SEP Case UPC Lang. Groc ID# Discount Discount Discount Size Item PAF GLU ORG NGM KOS VEG HAL FTR
DISPLAYS / PRESENTOIRS 232915 Pumpkin Spice PDQ Counter Display 1disp 30 1 08 39172 01556 6 O E �� Pumpkin Spice Fall PDQ - 30 units 232910 Single Ser ve Display 1disp 54 8 39172 00152 8 O V B ��
232150 Matcha Coconut - Single Ser ve 8ct 6 8 39172 00117 7 O V B �� 232140 Reishi Hot Cacao - Single Serve 8ct 6 8 39172 00118 4 O V B �� 232145 Salted Caramel - Single Ser ve 8ct 6 8 39172 00119 1 O V B ��
135157 12 Salts Formula 6DH 240tab 1 7 74016 81688 6 B 135150 Calcarea Fluorica 6DH 240tab 1 7 74016 81687 9 B 135151 Calcarea Sulphurica 6DH 240tab 1 7 74016 83293 0 B 135152 Kalium Phosphoricum 6DH 240tab 1 7 74016 83296 1 B 135153 Magnesia Phosphorica 6DH....................................................................240tab 1 7 74016 83298 5 B 135154 Natr um Phosphoricum 6DH 240tab 1 7 74016 83300 5 B 135155 Natr um Sulphuricum 6DH 240tab 1 7 74016 83301 2 B 135156 Silicea 6DH 240tab 1 7 74016 83302 9 B
BAGS / SACHETS DE THE 263300 Energization Tea - Bagged 6 x 30g 48 5 84 27980 01155 5 B �� 263305 Labrador Tea - Bagged 6 x 30g 48 5 84 27980 00929 9 B �� 263310 Relaxation Tea - Bagged 6 x 30g 48 5 84 27980 00851 1 B �� 263315 Restoration Tea - Bagged 6 x 30g 48 5 84 27980 00165 5 B �� SPICE POUCHES / SACHETS 263500 Alder Pepper - Pouch 8 x 20g 42 6 84 27982 01148 8 B �� 263505 Chanterelle/Wild Rice Powder-Pouch 8 x 20g 42 6 84 27982 01216 6 B �� 263510 Juniper Berries - Pouch 8 x 20g 42 6 84 27982 01384 4 B �� 263515 Rosehip Powder - Pouch 8 x 20g 42 6 84 27982 01452 2 B �� 263540 Seasonings Set - Pouches 8 x 20g 42 6 84 27982 08178 8 B �� Set of 8 Boreal Seasonings, 1 unit of each ; Alder Pepper , Chanterelle/Wild Rice Power , Juniper Berries, Rosehip Powder , Spruce Tip Powder , Sweet Gale , Wild Mint , Yarrow 263520 Spr uce Tip Powder - Pouch 8 x 20g 42 6 84 27982 01520 0 B �� 263525 Sweet Gale - Pouch 8 x 20g 42 6 84 27982 01698 8 B �� 263530 Wild Mint - Pouch 8 x 20g 42 6 84 27982 01766 6 B �� 263535 Yarrow - Pouch 8 x 20g 42 6 84 27982 01834 4 B �� SPICE TINS / ÉTAIN D’ÉPICES 263400 Alder Pepper - Tin 8 x 20g 216 6 84 27982 00158 8 B �� 263405 Chanterelle/Wild Rice Powder - Tin 8 x 20g 216 6 84 27982 00226 6 B �� 263410 Juniper Berries - Tin 8 x 20g 216 6 84 27982 00394 4 B �� 263415 Rosehip Powder - Tin 8 x 20g 216 6 84 27982 00462 2 B �� PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 23 for details GLU Gluten/Wheat Free ORG Organic NGM Non-GMO KOS Kosher VEG Vegan HAL Halal FTR Fair Trade





BRIXY was founded by two best friends well versed in working together to solve big problems. With an expertise in identifying products with harmful chemicals and introducing safe alternatives, BRIXY is now addressing the issue of disposable plastic. We started with better-for-you and made it better for the planet.


Bars that work so well you won’t miss your old plastic bottles!

Formulated for beauty enthusiasts who expect only the best results


Packed with gentle cleansers and super hydrators

Free of palm oil, sulfates, parabens, phthalates, artificial scents and colorants

Certified cruelty-free and vegan

Feel good about looking good!

Lasts longer than two bottles and plastic-free

1% of sales donated to ECOEVO


Set of all 8 Boreal Seasonings. Ideal as a gift package featuring these unique Canadian flavours. Contains 1 unit of each; Alder Pepper



BRIXY bars were born from the idea that exceptional hair and skin care doesn’t have to come in a plastic bottle. Making Our BRIXY bars work as well as the stuff in plastic bottles was not good enough. We set out to make our BRIXY bars perform even better while delivering a luxuriously sudsy experience. Using only effective hero ingredients. Our BRIXY bars last at least twice as long as long as your old bottles meaning you’ll purchase less often and save money over time. The Founder and CEO were good friends long before they started working together. After developing a line of hugely popular safe sunscreens, they set out to do it all over again with their next chapter. Through a shared vision of doing right thing for people and the planet, they’ve set on another journey that is BRIXY. Les barres BRIXY sont neé de l’idée ce soin exceptionnel des cheveux et de la peau n’a pas à venir dans une bouteille en plastique. Faire en sorte que nos barres BRIXY fonctionnent aussi bien que les trucs dans des bouteilles en plastique n’etait pas assez bon. Nous avons decide de rendre nos barres BRIXY encore plus performantes tout en offrant une experience luxueusement savonneuse. Utiliser uniquement des ingredients de heros efficaces. Nos barres BRIXY durent au moins deux fois plus longtemps que vos anciennes bouteilles, ce qui signifie que vous acheterez moins souvent et economiserez de l’argent au fil du temps. Le fondateur et le PDG etaient de bons amis bien avant de commencer à travailler ensemble. Apres avoir developpe une gamme d’ecrans solaires sûrs extrêmement populaires, ils ont decide de tout recommencer avec leur prochain chapitre. Grâce à une vision commune de faire ce qu’il faut pour les gens et la planete, ils se sont lances dans un autre voyage qui est BRIXY.


31 JULY - SEPTEMBER 2023 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com Stock Description Size JUL AUG SEP Case UPC Lang. Groc ID# Discount Discount Discount Size Item PAF GLU ORG NGM KOS VEG HAL FTR 263440 Seasonings Set - Tins 8 x 20g 27 6 84 27982 08000 0 B ��
, Chanterelle/Wild Rice Power , Juniper Berries, Rosehip Powder , Spruce Tip Powder , Sweet Gale , Wild Mint , Yarrow 263435 Spr uce Tips - Tin 8 x 10g 216 6 84 27982 00530 0 B �� 263420 Sweet Gale - Tin 8 x 20g 216 6 84 27982 00608 8 B �� 263425 Wild Mint - Tin 8 x 20g 216 6 84 27982 00776 6 B �� 263430 Yarrow - Tin 8 x 20g 216 6 84 27982 00844 4 B ��
SHAMPOO BAR / BARRE DE SHAMPOOING 785100 Shampoo Bar - Citr us 113g 10% 6 8 50032 89328 2 B 785105 Shampoo Bar - Coconut Vanilla 113g 10% 6 8 50032 89329 9 B 785110 Shampoo Bar - Mint Eucalyptus 113g 10% 6 8 50032 89330 5 B CONDITIONER BAR / BARRE DE REVITALISANT 785200 Conditioner Bar - Citr us 113g 10% 6 8 50032 89325 1 B 785205 Conditioner Bar - Coconut Vanilla 113g 10% 6 8 50032 89326 8 B 785210 Conditioner Bar - Mint Eucalyptus 113g 10% 6 8 50032 89327 5 B BODY WASH BAR / BARRE DE GEL DOUCHE 785300 Body Wash Bar - Citrus 113g 10% 6 8 50032 89331 2 B 785305 Body Wash Bar - Coconut Vanilla 113g 10% 6 8 50032 89332 9 B 785310 Body Wash Bar - Mint Eucalyptus 113g 10% 6 8 50032 89333 6 B ACCESSORIES / ACCESSOIRES 785400 The BRIXY Bar Boat 1ct 10% 18 8 50032 89324 4 E PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 23 for details GLU Gluten/Wheat Free ORG Organic NGM Non-GMO KOS Kosher VEG Vegan HAL Halal FTR Fair Trade




Buddy Wipes is changing the way pet parents approach hygiene by providing natural, safe, environmentally-friendly grooming wipes made specifically for your dog. We did not cut corners when formulating Buddy Wipes. As pet parents ourselves, we understand how important your dog is to you. We worked closely with leading Vets to create a clean, natural solution for your dog.

Buddy Wipes change la façon dont les proprietaires d’animaux abordent l’hygiene en fournissant des lingettes de toilettage naturelles, sûres et respectueuses de l’environnement specialement conçues pour votre chien. Nous n’avons pas lesine sur la formulation de Buddy Wipes. En tant que parents d’animaux nous-mêmes, nous comprenons à quel point votre chien est important pour vous. Nous avons travaille en etroite collaboration avec les meilleurs veterinaires pour creer une solution propre et naturelle pour votre chien.





BUFF is Canada’s first nationally available artisan crafted, bison based, fermented and cold smoked meat snack. BUFF is committed to creating quality from nature, for our wellness oriented meat eating, quality seeking customers. Striving to always improve products and relationships based on what is best for the animals, land and the customers.

BUFF est engage à creer des produits de qualite, en s’inspirant de la nature, pour ses clients orientes bien-être, consommant de la viande et à la recherche de la qualite. BUFF ameliore constamment ses produits et ses relations en se basant sur ce qui a de mieux pour les animaux, la terre et les clients.



CanPrev Natural Health Products Ltd., based in Toronto, Ontario, is an all-Canadian, employee-owned and -operated company that develops and markets premium natural health products.

Tanya Salituro, Vice-President and three-time cancer survivor, founded CanPrev in May of 2005 as a response to her search for alternative health solutions and to the perceived need for highly comprehensive, premium quality, natural health products

CanPrev Natural Health Products Ltd, dont le siege social est situe à Toronto, en Ontario, est une entreprise entierement canadienne, detenue et exploitee par ses employes, qui met au point et commercialise des produits de sante naturels de qualite superieure. Tanya Salituro, vice-presidente et triple survivante du cancer, a fonde CanPrev en mai 2005 en reponse à sa recherche de solutions de sante alternatives et au besoin apparent de produits de sante naturels tres complets et de premiere qualite.

33 JULY - SEPTEMBER 2023 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com Stock Description Size JUL AUG SEP Case UPC Lang. Groc ID# Discount Discount Discount Size Item PAF GLU ORG NGM KOS VEG HAL FTR
794100 Buddy Wipes - Grooming Wipes 100ct 18 6 28942 04107 5 A B
5 PACK / PAQUET DE 5 674100 Bison Snack Stick - Bacon Burger 12 x 125g 12% 60 6 28634 90609 5 B �� 674105 Bison Snack Stick - Chipotle 12 x 125g 12% 60 6 27987 35363 1 B �� 674110 Bison Snack Stick - Original 12 x 125g 12% 60 6 27987 35359 4 B �� TWIN PACK / PAQUET DE 2 674200 Bison Snack Stick - Bacon Burger 30 x 50g 12% 150 6 28634 90612 5 B �� 674205 Bison Snack Stick - Chipotle 30 x 50g 12% 150 6 28634 90681 1 B �� 674210 Bison Snack Stick - Original 30 x 50g 12% 150 6 27987 35356 3 B ��
WOMEN / CANPREV FEMMES 195619 Prime Fertility 276g 12 8 86646 50290 6 N M PRO ESSENTIALS / CANPREV PRO ESSENTIALS 195625 Quercetin Liposomal 450ml 12 8 86646 50296 8 M PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 23 for details GLU Gluten/Wheat Free ORG Organic NGM Non-GMO KOS Kosher VEG Vegan HAL Halal FTR Fair Trade SOME ITEMS ARE SOLD ONLY BY THE CASE. PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF SIZE COLUMN WHEN PLACING YOUR ORDER.


LEAN & CLEAN because your customers deserve only the best

Original Flavour

Bold Chipotle

Bison Bacon Burger

100% Responsibly farmed bison, beef & pork. Ingredients

All Buff. No Fluff.

Twin Pack (50g) Case Five Pack (125g) Case Twin Pack (50g) Case Five Pack (125g) Case
Twin Pack (50g) Case Five Pack (125g) Case


BROKERED BY / COURTIER ASSIGNÉ North South Management Inc.


The first organic, fully plant and protein based instant ramen. All with savory-tasting flavors that will ignite your taste buds as well as your body and soul.

Les premiers ramens instantanes biologiques, entierement à base de plantes et de proteines. Tous ces produits ont un goût savoureux qui eveillera vos papilles, votre corps et



Since 1996, Country Prime Meats, also known as CPM, has specialized in producing Premium Quality Meat Snacks. CPM is a family owned and operated business, located in British Columbia. Production facilities are federally inspected, HACCP approved and SQF level 2 Certified. Our company policy is to use ONLY highest quality ingredients that are carefully selected and sourced as local as any way possible, to ensure the Premium Quality and freshness in its shelf life. Our products are Preservative Free, Nitrites Free, Gluten Free, Lactose Free and have zero Trans Fats.

Depuis 1996, Country Prime Meats, egalement connu sous le nom de CPM, est specialise dans la production de collations de viande de qualite superieure. CPM est une entreprise familiale situee en Colombie-Britannique. Les installations de production sont inspectees par le gouvernement federal, approuvees par le HACCP et certifiees SQF de niveau 2. Notre politique d’entreprise est d’utiliser SEULEMENT des ingredients de la plus haute qualite qui sont soigneusement selectionnes et sources aussi local que possible, pour assurer la qualite Premium et la fraîcheur dans sa duree de vie. Nos produits sont sans conservateur, sans nitrites, sans gluten, sans lactose et sans gras trans.


BROKERED BY / COURTIER ASSIGNÉ Propel Natural Brands www.coveredbridgechips.com

A Family owned and operated business. We grow our own potatoes and manufacture them into great tasting kettle cooked chips. They are all Natural, Gluten Free, and Kosher certified and what makes them really unique is that they are made from a dark russet potato.

Covered Bridge Chips shipped will have a shelf life of at least 30 Days. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-dated or unsold products.

Une entreprise familiale detenue et exploitee. Nous cultivons nos propres pommes de terre et les transformons en frites cuites à la marmite au goût delicieux. Ils sont tous certifies naturels, sans gluten et casher et ce qui les rend vraiment uniques, c’est qu’ils sont fabriques à partir d’une pomme de terre rousse foncee.

Les puces Covered Bridge expediees auront une duree de conservation d’au moins 30 jours. Aucun retour ou credit ne sera ensuite emis pour les produits perimes ou invendus.




With almost four decades of experience perfecting the craft of delivering unpasteurized, award winning natural honey to your table, you could say that we’ve come a long way. From humble beginnings in 1981, the Van Alten family launched Dutchman’s Gold locally, selling bottled honey off the front porch of the family home and in local farmer’s markets.

Avec pres de quatre decennies d’experience dans le perfectionnement de l’art de livrer du miel naturel non pasteurise et prime à votre table, vous pourriez dire que nous avons parcouru un long chemin. Apres des debuts modestes en 1981, la famille Van Alten a lance Dutchman’s Gold localement, vendant du miel en bouteille sur le porche de la maison familiale et sur les marches fermiers locaux.

35 JULY - SEPTEMBER 2023 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com Stock Description Size JUL AUG SEP Case UPC Lang. Groc ID# Discount Discount Discount Size Item PAF GLU ORG NGM KOS VEG HAL FTR
âme. PLANT BASED RAMEN PACKET / PROTEINES VEGETALES 234305 Braised Beef Flavour Ramen 24 x 85g 8% 24 0 08 10037 11575 5 K V H B �� 234300 Roasted Chicken Flavour Ramen 24 x 85g 8% 24 0 08 10037 11377 7 K V H B �� PLANT BASED RAMEN CUP / PROTEINES VEGETALES 234220 Spicy Tequila Lime Flavour Ramen 12 x 71g 8% 12 0 08 10037 11599 9 K V B ��
SINGLE STICKS / BATONNET INDIVIDUEL 230316 Classic Dry Pepperoni, Stick 100 x 40g 100 1 06 98189 03638 8 G B �� 230311 Honey Garlic Dry Pepperoni, Stick 100 x 40g 100 1 06 98189 03645 5 G B �� 230306 Super Hot Pepperoni, Stick 100 x 40g 100 1 06 98189 03652 2 G B �� 230301 Teriyaki Dry Pepperoni, Stick 100 x 40g 100 1 06 98189 03669 9 G B ��
LELA’S CHICKPEA CHIPS 182620 Chickpea Chips Cracked Pepper 8 x 120g 8 1 06 73879 02344 4 G N K B �� 182616 Chickpea Chips Creamy Dill 8 x 120g 8 1 06 73879 02368 8 G N K B �� 182601 Chickpea Chips Plain & Simple 8 x 120g 8 1 06 73879 02337 7 G N K B �� 182611 Chickpea Chips Red Curry 8 x 120g 8 1 06 73879 02351 1 G N K B ��
DISPLAYS / PRESENTOIRS 685900E Propolis Spray Display - Empty 1disp 1 0 00000 00000 0 B Merchandising Support - Propolis Throat Spray Empty Display, Holds 12 Propolis Throat Spray total. PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 23 for details GLU Gluten/Wheat Free ORG Organic NGM Non-GMO KOS Kosher VEG Vegan HAL Halal FTR Fair Trade SOME ITEMS ARE SOLD ONLY BY THE CASE. PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF SIZE COLUMN WHEN PLACING YOUR ORDER.


BROKERED BY / COURTIER ASSIGNÉ Blume Natural Sales And Marketing


Earth Mama Organics products contain only the highest-quality, certified-organic or organically grown herbs and oils. Our products are 100% toxin-free, cruelty-free, vegan, and free from all artificial preservatives, fragrances and dyes. Unlike many so-called natural and organic products on the shelves today, an Earth Mama product has to pass our founding Mama’s rigorous tests for safety, purity and efficacy. As a mother, nurse and herbalist, Mama’s promise is that only pure, safe and effective products will leave the shipping docks. We believe that your gift from heaven deserves only the purest gifts from the earth.

Les produits Earth Mama Organics ne contiennent que des herbes et des huiles de la plus haute qualite, certifiees biologiques ou issues de l’agriculture biologique. Nos produits sont entierement sans toxines, sans cruaute, vegetaliens et sans agents de conservation, parfums ou colorants artificiels. Contrairement à de nombreux produits dits naturels et biologiques que l’on trouve aujourd’hui en magasin, un produit Earth Mama doit reussir les tests rigoureux de securite, de purete et d’efficacite de notre fondatrice. En tant que mere, infirmiere et herboriste, la promesse de Mama est que seuls des produits purs, sûrs et efficaces quitteront les quais d’envoi. Nous croyons que votre cadeau du ciel ne merite que les cadeaux les plus purs provenant de la terre.


257222 Sweet Orange Baby Wash..............................................................................1L



Educated Beards is a leader in conscious men’s grooming products. Their products are handcrafted using only the finest ingredients that have been selectively curated to create an effective and sustainable product. Each ingredient has been carefully researched and selected based on its unique properties specific to skin and hair.

Educated Beards est un leader dans les produits de soins pour hommes conscients. Leurs produits sont fabriques à la main en utilisant uniquement les meilleurs ingredients qui ont ete selectionnes de maniere selective pour creer un produit efficace et durable.

Chaque ingredient a ete soigneusement etudie et selectionne en fonction de ses proprietes uniques propres à la peau et aux cheveux.*MAP Policy Applies*

Oil, 1x 250ml Bergamot and Grapefruit Beard Wash, 1x 100ml Bergamot and Grapefruit Beard Butter. The perfect bundle.

you require for maintaining your beard.

KIT: 1x 30ml Peppermint and Cedarwood Beard Oil, 1x 250ml Peppermint and Cedarwood Beard Wash, 1x 100ml Peppermint and Cedarwood Beard Butter. The perfect bundle.

for maintaining your beard.

BEARD KIT: 1x 30ml Unscented Beard Oil, 1x 250ml Unscented Beard Wash, 1x 100ml Unscented Beard Butter. The perfect bundle. Everything you require for maintaining your beard.




EMUAID First Aid Ointment renews, replenishes and repairs the most damaged, painful, uncomfortable, and unsightly skin ailments, including molluscum, shingles, psoriasis , bed sores, burn and wound and skin eruptions from acne, eczema or minor infection. The unique combination of ingredients stimulates blood-flow to rapidly repair damaged, irritated skin conditions while simultaneously fighting bacterial and fungal infections.

La pommade de premiers soins EMUAID renouvelle, regenere et repare les affections cutanees les plus dommageables, les plus douloureuses, les plus inconfor tables et les plus inesthetiques, notamment le molluscum, le zona, le psoriasis, les plaies de lit, les brûlures et les eruptions cutanees dues à l’acne, à l’eczema ou à une infection mineure. La combinaison unique d’ingredients stimule le flux sanguin pour reparer rapidement les peaux endommagees et irritees, tout en combattant les infections bacteriennes et fongiques.*MAP Policy Applies*

37 JULY - SEPTEMBER 2023 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com Stock Description Size JUL AUG SEP Case UPC Lang. Groc ID# Discount Discount Discount Size Item PAF GLU ORG NGM KOS VEG HAL FTR
8 59220 00051 8 O N B
BEARD KIT- 3 PIECE / ENSEMBLE POUR BARBE-3 PIECES 274715 Beard Maintenance Kit Balsam Eclip. 1kit 1 6 28504 02750 9 B BEARD KIT: 1x 30ml Balsam Eclipse Beard Oil, 1x 250ml Balsam Eclipse Beard Wash, 1x 100ml Balsam Eclipse Beard Butter. The perfect bundle. Everything you require for maintaining your beard. 274710 Beard Maintenance Kit Berg/Grpfr t 1kit 1 6 28504 02749 3 B BEARD KIT: 1x 30ml Bergamot and Grapefruit Eclipse Beard
274705 Beard Maintenance Kit Peppmnt/Cedar 1kit 1 6 28504 02748 6 B BEARD
274700 Beard Maintenance Kit Unscented 1kit 1 6
6 B
28504 02751
OINTMENT / POMMADE 372110 First Aid Ointment 14ml 105 8 52304 00472 3 B 372115 First Aid Ointment, Max 14ml 105 8 52304 00473 0 B PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 23 for details GLU Gluten/Wheat Free ORG Organic NGM Non-GMO KOS Kosher VEG Vegan HAL Halal FTR Fair Trade SOME ITEMS ARE SOLD ONLY BY THE CASE. PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF SIZE COLUMN WHEN PLACING YOUR ORDER.
The World’s Best Tasting Chocolate Just Got Healthier! *Cacao 100% Single Origin from Ecuador, know for producing some of the best tasting cacao in the world **A chocolate with much less sugar and infused with vitamins and supplements SUGAR added Real Chocolate & Espresso ENERGIZE ME Real Chocolate & Creamy Fudge VITAMIN ME Real Chocolate & Almond PROTEIN ME Real Chocolate & Salted Caramel PROTEIN ME Real Chocolate & Sea Salt BEAUTY ME NEW AMAZINGTASTE! Finally, Chocolate that’s good for you! GLUTEN FREE GF KETO 100% Single Origin BEAN-TO-BAR FineAroma Cacao World’s Best Chocolate Suzie Yorke CEO SUGAR added Infused with Vitamins, Supplements, Minerals, Protein and MCT Oil * **


BROKERED BY / COURTIER ASSIGNÉ R eveal Canada Inc., Ultimate Sales Canada


Essencia, a Canadian line of premium quality aromatherapy products. Steam distilled essential oils, diffusers, grapeseed and sweet almond oil based massage oils containing 5% of the essential oils, floral waters, air fresheners enriched with essential oils and outdoor protection with citronella essential oil.

Essencia, une gamme canadienne de produits d’aromatherapie de qualite superieure. Huiles essentielles distillees à la vapeur, diffuseurs, huiles de massage à base d’huile de pepins de raisin et d’amande douce contenant 5 % d’huiles essentielles, eaux florales, desodorisants enrichis en huiles essentielles et protection pour le plein air avec de l’huile essentielle de citronnelle.


BROKERED BY / COURTIER ASSIGNÉ Propel Natural Brands www.everymanjack.com

Modern and complete men’s care line. See our Women’s line under “OWN Beauty by Every Man Jack”. Gamme moderne et complete de soins pour hommes. Decouvrez notre gamme pour femmes sous la section « OWN Beauty by Every Man Jack ».




The FourX Better Chocolate. A new line of vitamins/supplements in a delicious pure chocolate bite and also a new line of Functional chocolate. Each are bites of Dark Chocolate with a creamy milk chocolate centre. The cacao is Fine Aroma Cacao from small NGO (Non-Government Organization) farms in the heart of Ecuador, only a few clean ingredients, no alkali and 0g of sugar. They are infused with feel good adaptogens and have a HIGHer absorption as have added MCT oil.

Le FourX Better Chocolate. Une nouvelle ligne de vitamines / supplements dans une delicieuse bouchee de chocolat pur et aussi une nouvelle ligne de chocolat fonctionnel. Chacun est une bouchee de chocolat noir avec un centre de chocolat au lait cremeux. Le cacao est Fine Aroma Cacao de petites fermes d’ONG (Organisation Non-Gouvernementale) au coeur de l’Équateur, seulement quelques ingredients propres, pas d’alcali et 0g de sucre. Ils sont infuses avec des adaptogenes se sentir bien et ont une absorption HIGHer comme ont ajoute de l’huile MCT.

39 JULY - SEPTEMBER 2023 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com Stock Description Size JUL AUG SEP Case UPC Lang. Groc ID# Discount Discount Discount Size Item PAF GLU ORG NGM KOS VEG HAL FTR
DIFFUSERS / DIFFUSEURS 493680 Aroma Wood Diffuser 1ea 1 7 78159 96215 8 A B
DISPLAYS / PRESENTOIRS 384919 Body Wash Sw/CW - 24PC PDQ..............................................................1disp 24 8 78639 01310 0 M Contains: 12 units - Body wash Sandalwood, 12 units - Body wash Cedarwood FACE CARE / SOINS DU VISAGE 384921 Sandalwood Beard Trail Set 1kit 6 8 78639 01182 3 B Contains: Beard + Face Wash: 60 mL, Beard Oil: 15 mL BODY CARE / SOINS CORPORELS 384920 Cedar wood Body Trail Set 1kit 6 8 78639 01184 7 B Contains: Body Wash: 60 mL, Deodorant: 14 g 384922 Sandalwood Body Trail Set 1kit 6 8 78639 01183 0 B Contains: 2 in 1 Shampoo and Conditioner 60ml, Body Wash 60ml
DISPLAYS / PRESENTOIRS 664905 PDQ Functional Chocolate 1disp 44 1 08 45482 00981 1 B �� Contains: 10x Protein Me Salted Caramel, 8x Protein Me Almond, 10x Energize Me Expresso, 8x Vitamin Me Creamy Fudge, 8x Beauty Me Sea Salt 664900 Shipper Functional Chocolate 1disp 45 1 08 45482 00967 7 B �� Contains: 9 each - Protein Me salted Caramel, Protein Me Almond, Energize Me Espresso, Vitamin Me Creamy Fudge, Beauty Me Sea Salt FUCTIONAL CHOCOLATE / CHOCOLAT FONCTIONELLE 664110 Beauty Me - Sea Salt 112g 11% 12 8 45482 00050 2 B �� 664115 Energize Me - Espresso 112g 11% 12 8 45482 00011 3 B �� 664105 Protein Me - Almond 112g 11% 12 8 45482 00046 5 B �� 664100 Protein Me - Salted Caramel 112g 11% 12 8 45482 00047 2 B �� 664120 Vitamin Me - Creamy Fudge 112g 11% 12 8 45482 00008 3 B �� PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 23 for details GLU Gluten/Wheat Free ORG Organic NGM Non-GMO KOS Kosher VEG Vegan HAL Halal FTR Fair Trade SOME ITEMS ARE SOLD ONLY BY THE CASE. PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF SIZE COLUMN WHEN PLACING YOUR ORDER.



Galerie au Chocolat is a Canadian owned and operated chocolate-maker that uses Fine Belgian Chocolate and other high quality ingredients for fillings and inclusions. All products are free of oils, emulsifiers and preservatives. The chocolate factory is peanut-free and kosher. This may be the best chocolate you have ever tasted! Galerie au Chocolat is best known for Fair Trade and Organic chocolates, as well as No Sugar Added items and delightful Seasonal treats and gifts! From first glance of the packages, to the last bite of chocolate, your customers will be absolutely delighted!

Galerie au Chocolat est un chocolatier canadien qui utilise du chocolat belge de qualite superieure et d’autres ingredients de haute qualite pour les garnitures et les inclusions. Tous nos produits sont exempts d’huiles, d’emulsifiants et d’agents de conservation. La chocolaterie est kasher et exempte de toute trace d’arachide. C’est peut-être le meilleur chocolat que vous puissiez deguster! Galerie au Chocolat est surtout reputee pour ses chocolats equitables et biologiques, ainsi que pour ses creations sans sucre ajoute et ses delicieuses friandises et ses collections saisonnieres! Du premier regard sur les emballages à la derniere bouchee de chocolat, vos clients seront absolument combles!





Genestra Brands supplements support individualized treatment plans with a 350+ professional-grade products offering in a variety of formats, proven safe, effective and reliable for over 30 years, backed by clinical or traditional evidence.

Les supplements Genestra Brands soutiennent les plans therapeutiques personnalises avec une gamme de plus de 350 produits de qualite professionnelle offerts dans une variete de formats. Ces produits sont sûrs, efficaces et fiables depuis plus de 30 ans, et sont appuyes par des preuves cliniques ou traditionnelles.*MAP Policy Applies*




Handfuel is a great tasting snack to fit your on-the-go lifestyle. It is a perfect hybrid between great flavour and simple ingredients for you to enjoy!

Handfuel est un en-cas savoureux qui s’adapte à votre mode de vie nomade. Il s’agit d’un equilibre parfait entre une saveur exquise et des ingredients simples à savourer!


41 JULY - SEPTEMBER 2023 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com Stock Description Size JUL AUG SEP Case UPC Lang. Groc ID# Discount Discount Discount Size Item PAF GLU ORG NGM KOS VEG HAL FTR
293475 Vegan Chocolate Covered Almonds 6 x 120g 6 1 00 63783 20055 5 G N K V B �� 293470 Vegan Hazelnut Butter Cups 6 x 120g 6 1 00 63783 20031 1 G N K V B �� 293465 Vegan Rocky Road Bark 6 x 120g 6 1 00 63783 20048 8 G N K V B �� VEGAN MILK-LESS CHOCOLATE BAR / BARRE DE CHOCOLAT VEGETALIENNE SANS LAIT 293460 Vegan Coconut Chocolate Bar 8 x 80g 24 0 63783 10094 7 G N K V B �� 293450 Vegan Milk-less Chocolate Bar 8 x 80g 24 0 63783 10093 0 G N K V B �� 293455 Vegan Salt Caramel Pecans Choc Bar 8 x 80g 24 0 63783 10095 4 G N K V B ��
Distributor for Garden of Life and Wobenzym in Canada. Distributeur de Garden of Life et Wobenzym au Canada. VITAMIN CODE 812556 Vitamin Code Raw B-12 30caps 6 8 86866 00153 1 G N V B 812546 Vitamin Code Raw Iron 30caps 6 8 86866 00155 5 G N V B 812570 Vitamin Code Raw Zinc 60caps 6 8 86866 00161 6 G N V B DR. FORMULATED PROBIOTICS / PROBIOTIQUES DR FORMULATED 812245 Digestive & Immune 40 Billion CFU 30caps 12 8 86866 00204 0 G N B
PROBIOTICS / PROBIOTIQUES 328171 HMF Baby F 66g 120 8 83196 15650 4 N K B 328161 HMF Fitness 60caps 24 8 83196 15649 8 A N K V B
REGULAR SIZE / TAILLE NORMALE 272301 Maple Pecans 12 x 120g 12 1 06 28504 35422 2 G N B �� PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 23 for details GLU Gluten/Wheat Free ORG Organic NGM Non-GMO KOS Kosher VEG Vegan HAL Halal FTR Fair Trade



Herbaland Naturals is Canada’s leading manufacturer of enhanced confectionery delivery systems for the nutraceutical market. We produce gummy vitamins and supplements with a delicious recipe using the highest quality raw materials available, manufactured at our own local facility, free of artificial additives & preservatives.

Herbaland Naturals est le principal fabricant canadien de systemes de distribution de confiseries enrichies pour le marche des nutraceutiques. Nous produisons des jujubes de vitamines et des supplements avec une delicieuse recette utilisant des matieres premieres de la plus haute qualite, fabriques dans notre propre usine, sans additifs artificiels ni agents de conservation.*MAP Policy

HONIBE �� �� W



Honibe is dedicated to delivering affordable, real health benefits to our customers. Our own honibe honey technology has created the world’s first line of 100% pure natural solid honey and honey gummy products manufactured in PEI Honibe s’engage à offrir à ses clients des avantages reels et abordables en matiere de sante. Notre propre technologie du miel Honibe a permis de creer la premiere gamme au monde de miel solide naturel 100 % pur et de produits gelifies au miel fabriques à l’I-P-É.



Change their game by boosting their bowl. Offering a line-up of supplements and treats to augment your pets’ meals whether you’re feeding kibble, canned or raw food. When you choose Hungr y Hunter, you can be sure your pet is getting healthy, human grade ingredients. Proudly Canadian.

Changez la donne en rehaussant leur bol. Une gamme de supplements et de friandises pour completer les repas de vos animaux de compagnie, que vous leur donniez des croquettes, des conserves ou des aliments crus. Lorsque vous choisissez Hungry Hunter, vous pouvez être sûr que votre animal reçoit des ingredients sains et de qualite humaine. Fierement Canadien.


43 JULY - SEPTEMBER 2023 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com Stock Description Size JUL AUG SEP Case UPC Lang. Groc ID# Discount Discount Discount Size Item PAF GLU ORG NGM KOS VEG HAL FTR
Applies* OH MY! 459765 Oh My Canada! Maple 12 x 50g 120 8 13523 00627 1 A G N V B �� VEGAN ADULT ESSENTIALS / ESSENTIELS VEGETALIENS POUR ADULTES 459715 Joint Care 60gmy 48 8 13523 00610 3 A G N V B VEGAN KID ESSENTIALS / ESSENTIELS VEGETALIENS POUR ENFANTS 459124 Kid’s D3 and B12 90gmy 48 8 13523 00544 1 A G N V B WELLNESS FOR ADULTS / BIEN-ÊTRE POUR ADULTES 459186 Ashwagandha 60gmy 48 8 13523 00597 7 G N V B 459184 Balanced Flow 90gmy 48 8 13523 00596 0 G N V B
DISPLAYS / PRESENTOIRS 640940 Floor Display - ACV + Friends 1disp 60 6 63448 00393 6 B Contains: 24x Apple Cider Vinegar, 12X Adult Immune, 12x Vitamin D3, 12x Melatonin 640945 Floor Display - All time Favourites 1disp 84 6 63448 00396 7 B Contain: 12x Vitamin D3, 12x Melatonin, 12x Adult Immune, 24x Lemon Lozenge, 24x Immune Lozenge 640930 Gummies - PDQ 1disp 36 6 63448 00391 2 B Contains: 9x Adult Immune, 9x Vitamin D3, 9x Omega-3, 9x Melatonin 640935 Gummies Floor Display 1disp 60 6 63448 00392 9 B Contains: 24x Adult Immune, 12x Vitamin D3, 12x Omega 3, 12x Melatonin
DEHYDRATED TREATS / GÂTERIES DÉSHYDRATÉES 667300 Beef Gullet 12 x 1ea 15% 12 6 27818 00643 9 B 667310 Bully Sticks 12 x 1ea 15% 12 6 27818 00640 8 B 667305 Chicken Feet 12 x 1ea 15% 12 6 27818 00588 3 B 667325 Duck Wings 12 x 1ea 15% 12 6 27818 00587 6 B 667320 Flat Rib Bones 12 x 1ea 15% 12 6 27818 00642 2 B 667315 Pig Ears 6 x 1ea 15% 6 6 27818 00585 2 B PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 23 for details GLU Gluten/Wheat Free ORG Organic NGM Non-GMO KOS Kosher VEG Vegan HAL Halal FTR Fair Trade


BROKERED BY / COURTIER ASSIGNÉ Lebeau Excel Ltd. Sales & Marketing


ITL Health manufactures premium magnesium supplements that are 100% pure, highly absorbable and affordable. ITL Health’s supplements are formulated using cutting-edge research for real health results, leading it to become a top selling brand in Europe and the winner of multiple awards, including Best Sleep Aid, Best Women’s Product, Business of the Year, Best Magnesium Manufacturer and others.

ITL Health fabrique des complements de magnesium de qualite superieure, 100% purs, hautement absorbables et à des prix abordables. Les complements d’ITL Health sont formules à partir de recherches de pointe pour des resultats concrets en matiere de sante. Ceci lui a permis de devenir l’une des marques les plus vendues en Europe, remportant ainsi de nombreux prix, tels que ceux du meilleur aide-sommeil (Best Sleep Aid), du meilleur produit pour femmes (Best Women’s Product), de l’entreprise de l’annee (Business of the Year), du meilleur fabricant de magnesium (Best Magnesium Manufacturer), et bien d’autres.



At J.R. Watkins we aspire to set your body & spirit right with our line of products made with natural ingredients that have stood the test of time for 150 years.


BROKERED BY / COURTIER ASSIGNÉ Momentum Natural Brands, Quebec Contact kariderm.com

Canadian natural skincare products made from certified organic and certified fair trade shea butter. Produits

soins de la peau naturels canadiens conçus à partir de beurre de karite certifie biologique et issu du commerce certifie equitable.


BROKERED BY / COURTIER ASSIGNÉ Propel Natural Brands www.leafsource.com

Leafsource is a leading provider of natural health products, dedicated to empowering individuals to live their healthiest lives. Our team of expert health professionals carefully crafts each product using the highest quality, innovative all-natural ingredients. We believe in the transformative power of nature, and our products are designed to support and enhance the body’s natural healing processes. Whether you’re looking to improve your overall well-being, or targeting specific health concerns, Leafsource has a solution for you. Trust us to be your partner in health and wellness. Leafsource est un fournisseur leader de produits de sante naturels, dedie à donner aux individus les moyens de vivre leur vie la plus saine. Notre equipe de professionnels de la sante experts elabore soigneusement chaque produit en utilisant des ingredients entierement naturels innovants de la plus haute qualite. Nous croyons au pouvoir transformateur de la nature et nos produits sont conçus pour soutenir et ameliorer les processus de guerison naturels du corps. Que vous cherchiez à ameliorer votre bien-être general ou à cibler des problemes de sante specifiques, Leafsource a une solution pour vous. Faites-nous confiance pour être votre partenaire sante et bien-être.*MAP Policy Applies*

45 JULY - SEPTEMBER 2023 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com Stock Description Size JUL AUG SEP Case UPC Lang. Groc ID# Discount Discount Discount Size Item PAF GLU ORG NGM KOS VEG HAL FTR
MAG365 407180 MAG365 - Exotic Raspberry Lemon 150g 48 5056480800994 V B
HAND SOAPS / SAVONS POUR LES MAINS 390323 Coconut Hand Soap 325ml 3 8 56294 00830 3 A B 390381 Neroli Thyme Hand Soap 325ml 3 8 56294 00835 8 A B 390391 Ocean Breeze Hand Soap 325ml 3 8 56294 00836 5 A B
FACIAL CARE / SOINS DU VISAGE 403140 Eye Contour Cream 20ml 24 8 30665 00307 4 B 403145 Radiant Oil 30ml 24 8 30665 00310 4 V B ORGANIC OILS / HUILES BIOLOGIQUES 403220 Hibiscus Oil Organic 50ml 10% 10% 48 8 30665 00710 2 O B 403225 Marula Oil Organic 50ml 10% 10% 48 8 30665 00708 9 O B 403215 Tamanu Oil Organic 50ml 10% 10% 48 8 30665 00709 6 O B
REAL MULTI / VRAIES MULTIVITAMINES 797200 Real Multi Vitamin 30vcap 3 8 03348 00011 0 N B COLD FORMULA / FORMULE POUR LE RHUME 797300 Cold Formula 60vcap 3 8 03348 00012 7 N B HUMIC FULVIC 797105 Humic Fulvic Acid Complex 60vcap 10% 6 8 03348 00002 8 G N V B 797100 Humic Fulvic Acid Complex 120vcap 10% 6 8 03348 00006 6 G N V B STRESS / CONTRAINTE 797400 Stress Complex 60vcap 6 8 03348 00013 4 N B PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 23 for details GLU Gluten/Wheat Free ORG Organic NGM Non-GMO KOS Kosher VEG Vegan HAL Halal FTR Fair Trade
Highly Thoughtful Snacks T: 416-360-8200 | info@madegoodfoods.com | www.madegoodfoods.ca At the heart of everything we do, our mission is to inspire a healthier and more compassionate world. MadeGood® snacks are baked with good intentions like organic ingredients, whole grains and veggies that are loved by kids and grown-ups alike. Book your Open Stock now! Back to School season with MadeGood 596570 596380 596126 • Gluten Free • Certified Organic • Non-GMO Project Verified


BROKERED BY / COURTIER ASSIGNÉ Don Kashin & Associates www.lilyofthedesert.com

All products contains 100% pure certified organic Aloe Vera. OUTDOOR TOPICALS / TOPIQUES EN PLEIN AIR




fat is back. sugar is out! introducing new bars from Love Good Fats - full of good fats, low in sugar (1-3g) and ridiculously delicious. eat and enjoy good fats!

Le gras est de retour. Le sucre n’est plus là! Voici les nouvelles barres de Love Good Fats - pleines de bons gras, pauvres en sucre (1 g à 3 g) et ridiculement delicieuses. Mangez et appreciez les bons gras!*MAP Policy Applies*

Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure the products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-date or unsold Products.



LOVE. NOURISH. COMMUNITY. These are the guiding lights of Made with Local! Our mission is to continue nourishing our local community through local suppliers and social enterprises; and to be the voice of intuitive, mindful nourishment in your grocery stores’ snack aisle.

AMOUR. NOURRIR. COMMUNAUTÉ. Tels sont les principes directeurs de Made with Local! Notre mission est de continuer à nourrir notre communaute locale par le biais de fournisseurs locaux et d’entreprises sociales, et d’être la voix de l’alimentation intuitive et reflechie dans l’allee des collations de vos epiceries.



MadeGood is a Canadian Company dedicated to providing healthy snacks that are rich in nutrients and minimally processed. All of our products contain wholesome ingredients that are ethically sourced. MadeGood TM is a good choice for your health, your family’s health and the planet’s health. Real Goodness for real life

Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure that all products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-dated or unsold products.

& Mini`s Half Pallet: 330ct: 100x Chocolate Chip Bars, 90x Birthday Cake Bars, 70x Mixed Berry Bars, 70x Chocolate Banana Minis



Mill Creek Botanicals is a full line natural and organic beauty care manufacture since 1975. Our products are formulated free of any harsh chemicals or preservatives and full of all natural hair and body nourishing ingredients. Our packaging is vibrant and colorful depicting the natural ingredients that are in the products with soft touch laminate labels for a quality look and feel. Mill Creek is a sustainable practices company utilizing wind power, SFI certified packaging, post consumer recycled jars, and other earth friendly practices to manufacture our products. We pride ourselves on quality products while giving consumers a natural and safe choice at a great value.

Mill Creek Botanicals est un fabricant de produits de beaute naturels et biologiques depuis 1975. Nos produits sont formules sans produits chimiques agressifs ni agents de conservation, et contiennent des ingredients naturels pour nourrir les cheveux et le corps. Nos emballages sont vibrants et colores, illustrant les ingredients naturels contenus dans nos produits, avec des etiquettes laminees au toucher doux pour un aspect et une sensation de qualite. Mill Creek est une entreprise aux pratiques durables qui utilise l’energie eolienne, des emballages certifies SFI, des pots recycles apres consommation et d’autres pratiques ecologiques pour fabriquer ses produits. Nous sommes fiers de proposer des produits de qualite tout en offrant aux consommateurs un choix naturel et sûr à un prix avantageux.


355665 Extra Hold Hair Spray

6 0 82982 66100

47 JULY - SEPTEMBER 2023 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com Stock Description Size JUL AUG SEP Case UPC Lang. Groc ID# Discount Discount Discount Size Item PAF GLU ORG NGM KOS VEG HAL FTR
346178 Aloe Vera Gelly 99% Organic Pump 454g 11% 12 0 26395 01328 9 B
520510 Chocolate Caramel Protein Bar 12 x 55g 12% 12% 6 8 40659 00215 0 B �� 520505 Cookie Dough Protein Bar 12 x 55g 12% 12% 6 8 40659 00211 2 B �� 520500 Peanut Caramel Protein Bar 12 x 55g 12% 12% 6 8 40659 00207 5 B ��
BARS / BARRES 561235 Real Food Bar - Rainbow Chip 12 x 53g 144 6 28055 50735 2 G B ��
DISPLAYS / PRESENTOIRS 596938 Choc Drizzle Variety Display 1disp 11% 51 6 87456 26580 3 A G O N K V E �� Contains: 24x Chocolate Chip, 18x Birthday Cake, 9x Chocolate Banana 596939 Mini & Bar Half Pallet 1disp 330 6 87456 26575 9 G O K V E �� Granola
G M PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 23 for details GLU Gluten/Wheat Free ORG Organic NGM Non-GMO KOS Kosher VEG Vegan HAL Halal FTR Fair Trade





Miracle Noodle is a traditional Shirataki noodle made from the milled flour from the root of the Konnayaku Imo plant. Shirataki noodles have been used in Japanese cooking for 1000 years. Miracle Noodle is a plant-based noodle/rice that is made from 97% water and 3 % soluble plant fiber. They contain no fat, sugar, starch, slow digestion, and prolong the sensation of fullness, making it an essential part of any weight loss program. At the same time, it has all the benefits of soluble fiber. Miracle Noodle lowers blood sugar, improves insulin function, and curbs appetite. A pasta lover’s dream come true! Miracle Noodle is the go-to healthy pasta alternative for people wanting to enjoy pasta without the guilt

Miracle Noodle est une nouille traditionnelle Shirataki fabriquee à partir de la farine moulue de la racine de la plante Konnayaku Imo. Les nouilles Shirataki sont utilisees dans la cuisine japonaise depuis 1000 ans. Les nouilles Miracle Noodle sont des nouilles/du riz à base de plantes, composees de 97 % d’eau et de 3 % de fibres vegetales solubles. Elles ne contiennent ni gras, ni sucre, ni amidon, ne ralentissent pas la digestion et prolongent la sensation de satiete, ce qui en fait un element essentiel de tout programme de perte de poids. En même temps, ces produits possedent tous les avantages des fibres solubles. Miracle Noodle diminue la glycemie, ameliore l’action de l’insuline et reduit l’appetit. Le rêve d’un amateur de pâtes devient realite! Miracle Noodle est l’alternative saine aux pâtes pour les personnes qui veulent profiter des pâtes sans culpabilite.



Discover the sun-soaked flavour of Morocco. Authentic extra virgin olive oil from our Moroccan orchards with rich texture and high polyphenols brings fresh aroma and taste to your everyday cuisine. Decouvrez la saveur ensoleillee du Maroc. L’huile d’olive extra vierge authentique de nos vergers marocains avec une texture riche et des polyphenols eleves apporte arôme frais et goût

votre cuisine quotidienne.


BY / COURTIER ASSIGNÉ M2 Brand Management www.natural-immunogenics.com

Our Mission is to produce the finest mineral hydrosols and natural health products as the first line of defense in the journey to health sovereignty. Our Vision is to rediscover nature’s most effective solutions to the increasing health challenges facing humanity.

Notre mission est de produire les meilleurs hydrolats mineraux et produits de sante naturels comme premiere ligne de defense dans le cheminement vers la souverainete de la sante.

Notre vision est de redecouvrir les solutions les plus efficaces de la nature aux problemes de sante croissants auxquels l’humanite est confrontee.*MAP Policy Applies*


BROKERED BY / COURTIER ASSIGNÉ Cyba-Stevens Natural www.natureclean.ca

All Nature Clean products are non-toxic and biodegradable and are created from naturally derived ingredients. We follow strict guidelines from groups in the US and the European Union when choosing our ingredients to ensure that we avoid any possible suspected carcinogens (cancer causing chemicals).

Tous les produits Nature Clean sont non-toxiques et biodegradables et sont crees à partir d’ingredients d’origine naturelle. Nous suivons les directives strictes de groupes americains et europeens lors de la selection de nos ingredients, afin d’eviter toute suspicion de cancerogenes (substances chimiques cancerigenes).

49 JULY - SEPTEMBER 2023 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com Stock Description Size JUL AUG SEP Case UPC Lang. Groc ID# Discount Discount Discount Size Item PAF GLU ORG NGM KOS VEG HAL FTR
PASTA ALTERNATIVE / SUBSTITUT DE PÂTES 564202 Spinach Angel Hair 6 x 200g 6 1 08 50033 35033 3 A G N K V B �� READY TO EAT / PRÊTES À MANGER 564420 Ready To Eat Penne 6 x 200g 6 1 08 50033 35040 0 A G N K V H B ��
EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL / HUILE D’OLIVE VIERGE EXTRA 783100 Extra Virgin Olive Oil 6 x 1L 15% 6 1 08 32650 03011 1 N K B �� 783105 Extra Virgin Olive Oil 6 x 500ml 15% 6 1 08 32650 03004 4 N K B �� FLAVOURED / AROMATISE 783205 Basil Infused EVOO 6 x 500ml 15% 6 1 08 32650 03189 9 N K B �� 783200 Beldi Lemon Infused EVOO 6 x 500ml 15% 6 1 08 32650 03233 3 N K B �� 783210 Chili Pepper Infused EVOO 6 x 500ml 15% 6 1 08 32650 03240 0 N K B �� 783215 Focaccia Infused EVOO 6 x 500ml 15% 6 1 08 32650 03202 2 N K B �� 783220 Garlic Infused EVOO 6 x 500ml 15% 6 1 08 32650 03295 5 N K B ��
COLLOIDAL COPPER / CUIVRE COLLOÏDAL 545215 Sovereign Copper 10ppm 59ml 10% 15% 60 6 84088 23139 8 G N V B 545200 Sovereign Copper 10ppm 118ml 10% 15% 48 6 84088 23140 4 G N V B 545205 Sovereign Copper 10ppm 236ml 10% 15% 48 6 84088 23141 1 G N V B 545210 Sovereign Copper 10ppm 473ml 10% 15% 24 6 84088 23142 8 G N V B
DISHWASHING / DETERGENT POUR LA VAISSELLE 538101 Automatic Dishwasher Pods Tin 46ct 6 0 58951 38021 4 A B �� LAUNDRY / LESSIVE 538253 Laundry Detergent Pods Tin 46ct 6 0 58951 30719 8 A B �� PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 23 for details GLU Gluten/Wheat Free ORG Organic NGM Non-GMO KOS Kosher VEG Vegan HAL Halal FTR Fair Trade SOME ITEMS ARE SOLD ONLY BY THE CASE. PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF SIZE COLUMN WHEN PLACING YOUR ORDER.


• Relieve cramps, bloating and flatulence

• Improve gut health and prevent overgrowths

• With extracts of cinnamon, garlic, oregano and olive leaf

• Reduce wrinkles and fine lines from within

• Hyaluronic acid for hydration and skin elasticity

• Marine collagen for skin structure and strength

• Vitamin C to enhance collagen formation

• High concentration of turmeric extract in one tablet

• With added black pepper for optimum absorption

• Helps relieve joint pain and inflammation

• Helps maintain proper muscle function and relaxation

• With added maritime pine bark extract

• Contributes to the normal function of the nervous system

NEW NORDIC INC. | www.newnordic.ca | 1.877.696.6734



Driven by science to bridge the gap between self-care, beauty, and wellbeing. Research backed total body selfcare products providing solutions to nourish the body and improve lifestyle. Pousse par la science pour combler le fosse entre les soins personnels, la beaute et le bien-être. Des produits d’autosoins corporels complets, etayes par la recherche, offrant des solutions pour nourrir le corps et ameliorer le mode de vie.


436900 Counter Display - 27 Units 1disp

Our Pre-Pack displayer comes prepackaged with 9 bath teas (3 X Mountain, 3 X Garden, 3 X Island), 6 X Dream Feet Pedi sticks, 6 X Revive+Repair face oil and 6 X Revitalize face sprays

Includes Displayer



Nelson Naturals, the Original Zero Waste Toothpaste, is the leader for oral care in the plastic free revolution. Our wildly popular toothpaste and toothpaste tablets are sought out around the world by customers looking to reduce their plastic footprint. Crush & Brush toothpaste tablets are the first available to retailers at a wholesale level. Travel friendly, fun, fizzy and perfectly portioned, simply chew and brush like normal.100% Canadian made. Think outside the tube!

Nelson Naturals, le dentifrice original sans dechets, est le leader des soins bucco-dentaires de la revolution sans plastique. Notre dentifrice et nos tablettes dentifrices, tres populaires, sont recherches dans le monde entier par des clients desireux de reduire leur empreinte plastique. Les comprimes de dentifrice Crush & Brush sont les premiers offerts aux detaillants à un prix de gros. Pratiques en voyage, amusantes, petillantes et parfaitement dosees, il suffit de les mâcher et de se brosser les dents comme d’habitude. Fabriquees à 100 % au Canada. Pensez au-delà du tube!



New Nordic is a leading manufacturer of natural products in Scandinavia and markets its products worldwide. We have strived for over 30 years to develop innovative, relevant, and effective products, inspired by nature. We extract the beneficial elements from plants and formulate them into our finished products, in order to provide healthy and vital solution to ailments.

New Nordic est l’un des principaux fabricants de produits naturels en Scandinavie et commercialise ses produits dans le monde entier. Nous nous efforçons depuis plus de 30 ans de developper des produits innovants, utiles et efficaces, inspires par la nature. Nous extrayons les elements benefiques des plantes et les formulons dans nos produits finis, afin d’apporter une solution saine et vitale aux affections. BEAUTY



Nutrameltz Inc was born to make taking supplements as easy as possible for everyone. With our new Quick-Dissolving Tablets (QDT) technology, you can take your vitamins and supplements without water and on the go. No Water? No Problem! And they TASTE AMAZING!

Nutrameltz Inc est ne pour rendre la prise de supplements aussi facile que possible pour tout le monde. Grâce à notre nouvelle technologie de comprimes à dissolution rapide (QDT), vous pouvez prendre vos vitamines et supplements sans eau et en deplacement. Pas d’eau? Aucun probleme! Et ils ont un GOUT INCROYABLE !*MAP Policy Applies*



51 JULY - SEPTEMBER 2023 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com Stock Description Size JUL AUG SEP Case UPC Lang. Groc ID# Discount Discount Discount Size Item PAF GLU ORG NGM KOS VEG HAL FTR 538254 Oxy Stain Remover/Bleach Powder Tin 1.4kg 6 0 58951 30932 1 A B ��
MENAGER 538251 Car Wash Strips 12 x 36ct 12 2 00 58951 87005 5 B ��
1 6 89481 66919 9 B
MOUTHWASH TABLETS / COMPRIMES RINCE-BOUCHE 516300 Crush & Swish Mouthwash Tablets 50g 168 8 54178 00036 8 A G V B
FROM WITHIN / BEAUTE INTERIEURE 609207 Natural Magic Beauty Tablet 60tab 6 7 41805 00187 7 G N B GENERAL HEALTH / SANTE GENERALE 609280 dida+ 60tab 6 7 41805 71774 7 G N V B
WHOLE BODY HEALTH / SANTE DU CORPS 796315 Biotin - 500mcg 60tab 15% 15% 15% 144 6 84482 02201 1 K H B 796320 Biotin Max - 5000mcg 60tab 15% 15% 15% 144 6 84482 02101 4 K H B 796335 Calcium + Vitamin D3 60tab 15% 15% 15% 144 6 84482 00701 8 K H B 796345 CoQ10 - 100mg 60tab 15% 15% 15% 144 6 84482 02301 8 K H B 796340 L-MTHF Folate - 1mg 60tab 15% 15% 15% 144 6 84482 01201 2 K H B 796300 Nicotine - 2mg 60tab 15% 15% 15% 144 6 84482 01801 4 K H B 796305 Nicotine Max - 4mg 60tab 15% 15% 15% 144 6 84482 01701 7 K H B 796310 Vitamin D3 - 1000 IU 60tab 15% 15% 15% 144 6 84482 00101 6 K H B 796330 Vitamin K2 - 100mcg 60tab 15% 15% 15% 144 6 84482 02401 5 K H B SLEEP AND MOOD SUPPORT / SOUTIEN DE SOMMEIL ET HUMEUR 796105 Melatonin - 5mg 60tab 15% 15% 15% 144 6 84482 00201 3 K H B 796100 Melatonin Max - 10mg 60tab 15% 15% 15% 144 6 84482 01301 9 K H B ANTIOXIDANTS
SOUTIEN IMMUNITAIRE 796220 Carbonyl Iron - 18mg 60tab 15% 15% 15% 144 6 84482 00401 7 K H B PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 23 for details GLU Gluten/Wheat Free ORG Organic NGM Non-GMO KOS Kosher VEG Vegan HAL Halal FTR Fair Trade


Convenience - No Water ? No Problem

Quick Dissolve Tablets - Every Nutrameltz vitamin is 100% bioavailabe

Blister Packs - First tablet same freshness as last tablet

Combats Pill Fatigue - Perfect for anyone who can’t or won’t take pills

Faster Absorption - Enters bloodstream through the mouth

Eliminates Digestion or Constipation - No G.I. tract issues

Tastes Great! - Natural flavour with no artificial colours or preservatives

source of pure iron,
no G.I.
you get to sleep and no getting up for water.
you meet your RDA and you can take them anywhere.
Carbonyl Iron 18mg Melatonin 5mg Multivitamin Nicotine 4mg Sugar free Gelatin free Gluten-Free No added Preservatives No artificial colours *Now available from Purity Life. Please contact your Purity Life Sales Representative. www.Nutrameltz.com 100% Canadian Made and Family Owned
melts in your mouth !
Provides the strength to
cravings and withdrawal symptoms



OM is the leading producer of the highest quality, certified 100% organic functional mushroom powders that conribute to optimal health. Having traveled the world to discover our unique mushroom varieties, we’ve combined the perfect balance of ancient wisdom with modern methodology to grow these miraculous mushrooms in our state-of-the-art facility.

OM est le principal producteur de poudres de champignons fonctionnels de la plus haute qualite, certifiees 100 % biologiques, qui contribuent à une sante optimale. Apres avoir parcouru le monde pour decouvrir nos varietes uniques de champignons, nous avons combine l’equilibre parfait entre la sagesse ancienne et la methodologie moderne pour cultiver ces champignons miraculeux dans nos installations de pointe.





Orange Naturals is a new product line developed by CanPrev to make naturopathic medicine more accessible. It is a line of professional grade, naturopathic products that makes it simpler and more affordable for Canadians to experience the powerful health benefits of naturopathic medicine. Orange Naturals offers you and your customers over 100 new products, including botanical tinctures and essential nutritional formulations. The line maintains the high standards of quality and consistency you have learned to expect from CanPrev, with a wider choice, lower price points, and a more intensive consumer education strategy.

Orange Naturals est une nouvelle gamme de produits developpee par CanPrev pour rendre la medecine naturopathique plus accessible. Il s’agit d’une gamme de produits naturopathiques de qualite professionnelle qui simplifie et rend plus abordable pour les Canadiens l’experience des puissants bienfaits de la medecine naturopathique. Orange Naturals vous offre, ainsi qu’à vos clients, plus de 100 nouveaux produits, dont des teintures botaniques et des formulations nutritionnelles essentielles. La gamme maintient les normes elevees de qualite et d’uniformite dont vous vous attendez de CanPrev, avec un plus grand choix, des prix plus bas et une strategie plus intensive d’education des consommateurs.


Developed by naturopathic doctors, Orange Naturals supplements are complex, potent, professional-grade formulations. These essentials are the culmination of our research efforts to bring together the core components of naturopathic medicine - including vitamins, minerals, probiotics, antioxidants and specialty formulations. One complete solution that offers your customers professional-grade naturopathic products.


BROKERED BY / COURTIER ASSIGNÉ Propel Natural Brands www.advantagehealthmatters.com

Prevention, Regeneration, Longevity.

Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure that all products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-dated or unsold products.



Pacifica has become known as the most innovative, creative natural beauty brand on the market with a full range of cosmetics, perfumes and skin care.

Pacifica s’est fait connaître comme la marque de beaute naturelle la plus innovante et la plus creative du marche, avec une gamme complete de cosmetiques, de parfums et de soins de la peau.


53 JULY - SEPTEMBER 2023 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com Description Size JUL AUG SEP Case UPC Lang. Groc Discount Discount Discount Size Item PAF GLU ORG NGM KOS VEG HAL FTR 796200 Multi Vitamin 60tab 15% 15% 15% 144 6 84482 00801 5 K H B 796225 Vitamin B12 - 1000mcg 60tab 15% 15% 15% 144 6 84482 00301 0 K H B 796230 Vitamin B12 Max - 5000mcg 60tab 15% 15% 15% 144 6 84482 01001 8 K H B 796210 Vitamin C - 250mg 60tab 15% 15% 15% 144 6 84482 00501 4 K H B 796205 Vitamin C + Zinc 60tab 15% 15% 15% 144 6 84482 01101 5 K H B 796215 Zinc - 25mg 60tab 15% 15% 15% 144 6 84482 00601 1 K H B
Master Blend Mushroom 650mg 68caps 18% 6 8 50030 55378 2 N K V B
194498 Cardio Multi 60tab 24 8 86646 06138 0 B
DISPLAYS / PRESENTOIRS 690920 One Tree Plant Display Coffee EN 1disp 10% 1 6 27733 01114 3 A E �� Coffees: 12x each: Endurance Fuel, Dirty Chai, Mocha 690925 One Tree Plant Display Greens EN 1disp 10% 1 6 27733 01116 7 A E �� Contains: 12x each: Barley Grass, Super 5 Grass, Wheat Grass 690915 One Tree Plant Display Lattes EN 1disp 10% 1 6 27733 01112 9 A E �� Lattes:12x each - Matcha, Turmeric, Chocolate. DRIED FRUITS / FRUITS SECS 690519 Organic Honeydew Jerky 12 x 36g 12 1 06 27733 03411 1 O K B �� 690518 Organic Honeydew Jerky 165g 6 6 27733 00342 1 O K B �� 690521 Organic Watermelon Jerky 12 x 36g 12 1 06 27733 03435 5 O K B �� 690520 Organic Watermelon Jerky 165g 6 6 27733 00344 5 O K B ��
FACIAL PADS 723147 Glow Baby Brightening Peel Pads 60ct 3 6 87735 30501 5 V B PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 23 for details GLU Gluten/Wheat Free ORG Organic NGM Non-GMO KOS Kosher VEG Vegan HAL Halal FTR Fair Trade



Performa PerfectShaker has been supplying shaker cups and fitness accessories to the Canadian Specialty Stores for 10 years now! Check out our new Performa Activ Shaker and our new Performa Matrix 6 Meal and 3 Meal Cooler Bags. We sell the meal prep containers separately as well.

Performa PerfectShaker fournit des melangeurs et des accessoires de bonne condition physique aux magasins specialises canadiens depuis 10 ans maintenant! Decouvrez notre nouveau Performa Activ Shaker et notre nouveau Performa Matrix 6 Meal et sacs-repas 3 Meal Cooler. Nous vendons egalement les recipients de preparation des repas separement.



BROKERED BY / COURTIER ASSIGNÉ Lebeau Excel Ltd. Sales & Marketing

Every age and stage of life is unique. And every lifestyle has its own set of daily nutritional requirements. We know that. That’s why Prairie Naturals and our team of Canadian nutritional health experts have designed a whole new family of nutritional formulas. Just for you & your lifestyle. Live the Healthy Life with Prairie Naturals.It’s easier than ever to boost the protein and antioxidant power of your daily diet with our Vegan & Organic Protein Powders and Organic SuperFood Concentrates!

Chaque âge et chaque etape de la vie est unique. Et chaque mode de vie a son propre ensemble d’exigences nutritionnelles quotidiennes. Nous savons que. C’est pourquoi Prairie Naturals et notre equipe d’experts canadiens en sante nutritionnelle ont conçu une toute nouvelle famille de formules nutritionnelles. Juste pour vous et votre style de vie. Vivez une vie saine avec Prairie Naturals. Il est plus facile que jamais d’augmenter le pouvoir proteique et antioxydant de votre alimentation quotidienne avec nos poudres de proteines vegetaliennes et biologiques et nos concentres de superaliments biologiques !*MAP Policy Applies*

1disp 1 0 67953 00801 9

Contains: 8x each: Prost-Force 60 cap , Vigor-Force 60 cap , Andro-Force 60 cap , Z-Mag-Force 60 cap, Trib-Force 60 cap , Multi-Force 60 cap


Incredible organic teas and food supplements that combine nature’s finest ethically sourced herbs with the wisdom of our master herbsmith Sebastian Pole. Together we create uniquely beautiful, D’incroyables thes et des supplements alimentaires biologiques qui combinent les meilleures plantes naturelles de provenance ethique à la sagesse de notre maître herboriste Sebastian Pole. Ensemble, nous creons des assemblages uniques, esthetiques et benefiques.


Rebels Refinery is a premium natural skin care line. We use the highest quality natural ingredients and outperform the synthetic options in the industry Rebels Refinery est une ligne de soins de la peau naturels de qualite superieure. Nous utilisons des ingredients naturels de la plus haute qualite et nous faisons mieux que les options synthetiques du

55 JULY - SEPTEMBER 2023 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com Stock Description Size JUL AUG SEP Case UPC Lang. Groc ID# Discount Discount Discount Size Item PAF GLU ORG NGM KOS VEG HAL FTR
800ml 12 6 72683 01080 7 A E
800ml 12 6 72683 00778 4 A E 800ml 12 6 72683 00308 3 A E 800ml 12 6 72683 00625 1 A E 800ml 12 6 72683 00777 7 A E 800ml 12 6 72683 00779 1 A E 800ml 12 6 72683 00310 6 A E 800ml 12 6 72683 00775 3 A E
4 x 20bg 15% 4 4 50 60519 48269 9 A G N K V H F B ��
LIP BALM / BAUME POUR LES LEVRES Refillable Ice Cream Lip Balm Lemon 14g 10% 6 0 55664 10048 1 M 14g 10% 6 0 55664 10049 8 M PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 23 for details GLU Gluten/Wheat Free ORG Organic NGM Non-GMO KOS Kosher VEG Vegan HAL Halal FTR Fair Trade SOME ITEMS ARE SOLD ONLY BY THE CASE. PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF SIZE COLUMN WHEN PLACING YOUR ORDER.

Whatever, Forever.

The most awkward lip chap of my life. For lips, hands, chapped skin & whatever I feel like I wanna do, gosh.

MADE WITH A BASE OF OUR NIGHT FACE SERUM. Lasts 12 months to forever.

Cream, Perfected.

Texture, style & signature scent. Bottles made Wild in the West in the Canadian Rockies.



At routine., we believe your scent is like a fingerprint that tells a unique story. Our credo is to offer beautiful, natural personal products that feel and smell incredible. Everyday routines that do good and are life-changing. To compliment your pheromones without compromise. To honour nature, and to produce products that are kinder to the earth in our neighbourhood of the Canadian Rockies. And to bring the joy, fun, and wild back into the modern bathroom.

Routine utilise des ingredients à base de plantes qui fusionnent et se melangent avec vos pheromones pour que vous vous sentiez comme vous-même, mais en mieux. Nos produits naturels revolutionnaires ont ete crees un beau jour par les sœurs Neige et Pippa. Avec une pincee de magie des Rocheuses et un arc-en-ciel de par fums fonctionnels, Routine vous offre une teinte

bonheur qui vous ressemble.




Satya is a non-toxic, non steroid, and effective anti-inflammatory that can be used for your face or body. Made with 5 simple ingredients selected by traditional knowledge and scientific research. Fragrance free, certified organic, NPN approved, eczema relief product

Satya est un anti-inflammatoire non toxique, non steroïdien et efficace qui peut être applique sur le visage ou le corps. Compose de 5 ingredients simples selectionnes par le savoir traditionnel et la recherche scientifique. Produit sans parfum, certifie biologique, approuve par NPN, pour soulager l’eczema.*MAP Policy Applies*


58 www.puritylife.com PAF GLU ORG NGM KOS VEG HAL FTR Stock Description Size JUL AUG SEP Case UPC Lang. Groc ID# Discount Discount Discount Size Item PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 23 for details GLU Gluten/Wheat Free ORG Organic NGM Non-GMO KOS Kosher VEG Vegan HAL Halal FTR Fair Trade
NATURAL HAND & BODY CREAM / CREME NATURELLE POUR LES MAINS ET LE CORPS 710670 A Girl Named Sue Body Cream 350ml 24 8 38996 00142 4 V M 710353 Johnny’s Cash Body Cream 350ml 24 8 38996 00007 6 V M 710354 Like a Boss Body Cream 350ml 24 8 38996 00141 7 V M 710356 Lucy in the Sky Body Cream 350ml 24 8 38996 00006 9 V M 710352 Maggie’s Farm Body Cream 350ml 24 8 38996 00180 6 V M 710357 Moon Sisters Body Cream 350ml 24 8 38996 00181 3 V M 710682 Sweet Jane Natural Body Cream 350ml 24 8 38996 00198 1 V M NATURAL BODY CREAM - REFILL 710672 Cat Lady Body Cream Refill 4L 2 8 38996 00192 9 V M 710677 Dirty Hipster Body Cream Refill 4L 2 8 38996 00193 6 V M 710680 Sexy Sadie Body Cream Refill 4L 2 8 38996 00194 3 V M 710475 Superstar Body Cream Refill 4L 2 8 38996 00195 0 V M 710480 The Class Botanic Body Cream Refill 4L 2 8 38996 00196 7 V M 710675 The Curator Body Cream Refill 4L 2 8 38996 00191 2 V M NATURAL DEODORANT - STICKS / DÉODORANT NATUREL - BÂTONS 710555 A Girl Named Sue Deodorant Stick 50g 54 8 38996 00166 0 M 710560 Bonita Applebom Deodorant Stick 50g 54 8 38996 00167 7 M 710565 Bonnie n’ Clyde Deodorant Stick 50g 54 8 38996 00168 4 M 710575 Maggie’s Farm Deodorant Stick 50g 54 8 38996 00169 1 M 710570 Sweet Jane Deodorant Stick 50g 54 8 38996 00170 7 M NATURAL HAIR CARE / SOINS CAPILLAIRES NATURELS 710885 Johnny’s Cash Conditioner 350ml 24 8 38996 00173 8 V M 710880 Johnny’s Cash Shampoo 350ml 24 8 38996 00172 1 V M
MULTI-USE RELIEF / DISPOSITIF DE SECOURS POLYVALENT 751121 Calendula Flower Oat Bath 100g 50 6 28634 10620 4 G B




What the world needs is more ease, more moderation - easy choices. We may not change the world, but our subtly scented all natural soaps and pure essential oils might change the way you live. A t Sensible Co we are dedicated to simple truths, simple ingredients and simple products that work hard for you. Just good old fashioned sensible soap made by our family with your family in mind. Ce dont le monde a besoin, c’est de plus de facilite, de plus de moderation - de choix faciles. Nous ne changeons peut-être pas le monde, mais nos savons subtilement par fumes entierement naturels et nos huiles essentielles pures pourraient changer votre façon de vivre. Chez Sensible Co, nous nous consacrons à des verites simples, des ingredients simples et des produits simples qui travaillent dur pour vous. Juste un bon savon sensible à l’ancienne fabrique par notre famille en pensant à votre famille.*MAP Policy Applies*



Siip Bone Broth is a shelf-stable, delicious and nutritious instant bone broth that comes in convenient, single-serve stick packs, so you can enjoy the benefits of bone broth anytime, anywhere within minutes. Designed for ease of use- just open a packet, add boiling water, stir and enjoy an instantly nourishing treat while at work, traveling or on-the-go. Made in Canada with non-gmo, gluten-free, dairy-free and keto certified ingredients.

Siip Bone Broth est un bouillon d’os instantane, delicieux et nutritif, de longue conservation, qui se presente sous forme de bâtonnets pratiques à usage unique, afin que vous puissiez profiter des avantages du bouillon d’os à tout moment, n’importe où en quelques minutes. Conçu pour une utilisation facile - il suffit d’ouvrir un paquet, d’ajouter de l’eau bouillante, de remuer et de profiter d’une gâterie nourrissante instantanement au travail, en voyage ou en deplacement. Fabrique au Canada avec des ingredients certifies sans OGM, sans gluten, sans produits laitiers et ceto. BEEF



Outrageously Delicious Superfood Snacks for Super Busy People. Des collations super alimentaires ultra-delicieuses pour les gens super occupes. ENERGY BITES / BOUCHEES D’ENERGIE

59 JULY - SEPTEMBER 2023 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com Stock Description Size JUL AUG SEP Case UPC Lang. Groc ID# Discount Discount Discount Size Item PAF GLU ORG NGM KOS VEG HAL FTR
SOAP / BARRE DE SAVON 826135 Bar Soap - Cedarwood Vanilla 110g 10% 10% 10% 100 6 77079 00166 7 M 826130 Bar Soap - Coconut Lime 110g 10% 10% 10% 100 6 77079 00164 3 M 826105 Bar Soap - Lavender 110g 10% 10% 10% 100 6 77079 00162 9 M 826115 Bar Soap - Lemongrass 110g 10% 10% 10% 100 6 77079 00161 2 M 826125 Bar Soap - Olive Leaf & Citrus 110g 10% 10% 10% 100 6 77079 00165 0 M 826140 Bar Soap - Orange Blossom Mylk 110g 10% 10% 10% 100 6 77079 00167 4 M 826120 Bar Soap - Patchouli 110g 10% 10% 10% 100 6 77079 00160 5 M 826110 Bar Soap - Peppermint 110g 10% 10% 10% 100 6 77079 00163 6 M 826100 Bar Soap - Unscented 110g 10% 10% 10% 100 6 77079 00159 9 M LIQUID SOAP / SAVON LIQUIDE 826210 Liquid Soap - Citrus 475ml 10% 10% 10% 8 6 77079 00192 6 M 826205 Liquid Soap - Lavender 475ml 10% 10% 10% 8 6 77079 00191 9 M 826215 Liquid Soap - Mint 475ml 10% 10% 10% 8 6 77079 00193 3 M 826200 Liquid Soap - Unscented 475ml 10% 10% 10% 8 6 77079 00190 2 M
D’OS DE BŒUF SIIP 314200 Beef Bone Broth - 4 Pack 12 x 4pk 12 1 06 27987 30363 3 G B �� VEGAN MUSHROOM BROTH / BOUILLON DE CHAMPIGNONS VEGETALIEN 314300 Vegan Mushroom Broth- 4 Pack 12 x 4pk 12 1 06 27987 30387 7 G V B ��
697240 Pumpkin Spice 12 x 150g 12 2 08 51141 01173 3 B �� PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 23 for details GLU Gluten/Wheat Free ORG Organic NGM Non-GMO KOS Kosher VEG Vegan HAL Halal FTR Fair Trade

Just good old fashioned sensible soap made using traditional methods by our family with your family in mind.

take good care everyday. CRUELTY FREE MADE IN CANADA PLANT
sensibleco.ca • @sensibleco



At Soap Works we have been making biodegradable and specialty soaps for over 30 years. We use time tested soap recipes, traditional ingredients, and old fashioned production methods. We strive to maintain high quality at reasonable prices.

Chez Soap Works, nous fabriquons des savons biodegradables et des savons artisanaux depuis plus de 30 ans. Nous utilisons des recettes de savon eprouvees, des ingredients traditionnels et des methodes de production artisanales. Nous nous efforçons de maintenir une qualite elevee à des prix raisonnables.


BROKERED BY / COURTIER ASSIGNÉ Reveal Canada Inc., Ultimate Sales Canada


For over 45 years Solaray has been capturing the goodness from the sun in every capsule to help people live better and truly radiate light from the inside out. Our goal is to create the most efficacious products that just work better, to help people live a little brighter.

Depuis plus de 45 ans, Solaray capte les bienfaits du soleil dans chaque capsule pour aider les gens à mieux vivre et à rayonner veritablement de lumiere de l’interieur

Notre objectif est de creer les produits les plus efficaces, qui fonctionnent mieux, pour aider les gens à vivre un peu mieux.




Provide your customers with Sun Chlorella’s line of premier, natural, health boosting products. Sun Chlorella is GMP certified in Japan and also meets all cGMP requirements for the U.S.,which assures high standards in manufacturing and quality control.

Proposez à vos clients la gamme de produits Sun Chlorella de premiere qualite, naturels et benefiques pour la sante. Sun Chlorella est certifiee GMP au Japon et repond egalement à toutes les exigences cGMP pour les États-Unis, ce qui garantit des normes elevees en matiere de fabrication et de contrôle de la qualite.




Since 1847, THAYERS has been providing all natural health and beauty products.

Depuis 1847, THAYERS fournit des produits de sante et de beaute entierement naturels.



Family owned and operated, we at The future is bamboo aim to make eco-friendly bamboo products available and affordable to everyone. Billions of plastic items such as toothbrushes, straws, utensils and cotton swabs end up in our oceans and landfills every year. Our mission is to help people choose a biodegradable bamboo option over a plastic one - and we want YOU to be part of it!

En tant qu’entreprise familiale, The future is bamboo tient à rendre les produits de bambou ecologiques disponibles et abordables pour tout le monde. Des milliards d’articles en plastique tels que des brosses à dents, des pailles, des ustensiles et des cotons-tiges finissent dans nos oceans et nos decharges par milliard chaque annee. Notre mission est d’aider les gens à choisir une option de bambou biodegradable plutôt qu’une option en plastique - et nous voulons que VOUS en fassiez partie!

61 JULY - SEPTEMBER 2023 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com Stock Description Size JUL AUG SEP Case UPC Lang. Groc ID# Discount Discount Discount Size Item PAF GLU ORG NGM KOS VEG HAL FTR
DISPLAYS / PRESENTOIRS 795906 Reusable Single SKU Cardboard Tray 1disp 40 6 70841 00957 1 A B A single SKU reusable cardboard tray that holds up to 8 soap bars. POINT OF SALE / POINT DE VENTE .795L40 Tray Stickers QR Code - EN 1ea 40 0 00000 00000 0 E .795FL40 Tray Stickers QR Code - FR 1ea 40 0 00000 00000 0 F
BONES/TISSUE/HEART MUSCLE / DES OS/TISSU/MUSCLE CARDIAQUE 732641 Magnesium Glycinate 120vcap 6 0 76280 36798 0 B
OPEN STOCK / À L’UNITE 721145 Chlorella Powder 30 x 6g 40 0 29918 00007 0 G N V B
800805 Hydrating Milky Cleanser 237ml 10% 10% 12 0 41507 05161 4 B 800800 Hydrating Milky Toner 355ml 10% 10% 24 0 41507 05010 5 G M
ORAL CARE / SOINS BUCCODENTAIRES 259440 Adult Medium Toothbrush 6 x 1un 180 6 87672 00095 0 V B PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 23 for details GLU Gluten/Wheat Free ORG Organic NGM Non-GMO KOS Kosher VEG Vegan HAL Halal FTR Fair Trade SOME ITEMS ARE SOLD ONLY BY THE CASE. PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF SIZE COLUMN WHEN PLACING YOUR ORDER.

WHY Sweet Monk?

Pure Liquid Monk Fruit

Natural Sugar Alternative

Sugar Free (Diabetic & Keto Friendly)

Zero Calorie

No Bad Aftertaste

150 Servings Per Bottle

No added: water, sugar alcohols (eyrthritol), stevia

Canadian Women co-founded

FOLLOW US OL ÜNATURALS @sweetmonk @sweet.monk




Since 2010, The Seaweed Bath Co. has been devoted to transforming the skin and hair care ritual by providing nutrient-rich, performance-optimized personal care formulas that offer visible results, as well a unique ocean-inspired sensory experience that instills a sense of well-being. This is achieved by harnessing the powerful benefits of The Seaweed Bath Co.’s hero ingredient: bladderwrack seaweed.

Depuis 2010, The Seaweed Bath Co. se consacre à la transformation du rituel du soin de la peau et des cheveux en proposant des formules de soins personnels riches en nutriments et à la performance optimisee, qui offrent des resultats visibles, ainsi qu’une experience sensorielle unique inspiree de l’ocean, insufflant un sentiment de bien-être. Ce resultat est obtenu en exploitant les puissants avantages de l’ingredient phare de The Seaweed Bath Co. : le fucus vesiculeux.




Three Farmers is a Saskatchewan based company that grows, processes and markets wholesome, natural pulse snacks. Our products are made with natural and quality ingredients. Dry roasted, never fried - a fraction of the fat convent vs the competition. Gluten Free, Vegan, Kosher, Non-GMO, High Fibre, Nothing Artificial. A great source of energy.

Three Farmers est une entreprise de la Saskatchewan qui cultive, transforme et commercialise des collations saines et naturelles à base de legumineuses. Nos produits sont fabriques avec des ingredients naturels et de qualite. Rôtis à sec, jamais frits - une fraction de la teneur en gras par rapport à la concurrence. Sans gluten, vegetalien, casher, sans OGM, riche en fibres, rien d’artificiel. Une excellente source d’energie.

Important Notice: Purity Life will ensure that all products shipped will have a shelf life of at least 2 months. No Returns or Credits will subsequently be issued for stale-dated or unsold products.





63 JULY - SEPTEMBER 2023 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com Stock Description Size JUL AUG SEP Case UPC Lang. Groc ID# Discount Discount Discount Size Item PAF GLU ORG NGM KOS VEG HAL FTR
788645 Heat Care Conditioner - Lime Papaya 354ml 15% 12 8 57854 00769 9 G V M SHAMPOOS / SHAMPOOINGS 788655 Gloss Shampoo - Sea Salt 354ml 15% 12 8 57854 00775 0 G V M 788650 Heat Care Shampoo - Lime Papaya 354ml 15% 12 8 57854 00768 2 G V M
SHIPPERS / EXPEDITEURS 816903 BTS - 36 UNIT Shipper 1disp 36 6 06 79339 00599 9 B �� Contains: 12x each: Roasted Favas Zesty Cheddar 140g, Roasted Favas Dill Pickle 140g, Roasted Chickpeas BBQ 120g 816901 BTS Shipper 40g 1disp 144 6 06 79339 00650 0 B �� Contains: 36x each: Roasted Favas Zesty Cheddar, Roasted Favas Dill Pickle, Roasted Lentils BBQ, Roasted Lentils Sea Salt 816907 Chickpea Shipper 1disp 36 6 06 79339 00605 5 B �� Chickpeas Shipper Contains: 12 - Roasted Chickpeas BBQ 120g, 12- Roasted Chickpeas Sea Salt Lime 120g, 12-Roated Chickpeas Sea Salt 120g DISPLAYS / PRESENTOIRS 816904 Dark Chocolate Chickpeas PDQ 1disp 42 6 06 79339 00674 4 G K V B �� Contains 42 units of Dark chocolate Chickpeas CLIP STRIPS / BANDES D’ETALAGE 816906 Dark Chocolate Chickpeas Clip Strip 2clstr 24 6 06 79339 00681 1 B �� Includes 2x 12 unit clips strip of Dark Chocolate Chickpeas SEASONAL / SAISONIERS 816401 Dark Chocolate Chickpeas 100g 6 6 79339 00072 4 G K V B ��
PREMIUM ADULT TOOTHPASTE / DENTIFRICE POUR ADULTES PRIME 813169 PurActive Sensitive & Whitening 76ml 10% 24 8 27854 00659 6 B 813168 PureActive Fresh+Bright 85ml 10% 24 8 27854 00447 9 B PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 23 for details GLU Gluten/Wheat Free ORG Organic NGM Non-GMO KOS Kosher VEG Vegan HAL Halal FTR Fair Trade

Authentic Manuka Honey and Organic Drops, Straight from New Zealand

Produced by bees feeding on the nectar on the Manuka bush found on New Zealand’s North and South Islands, Manuka Honey is one of nature’s most complex creations - perfect for everyday wellness.

Our Organic Throat Drops are handcrafted with premium herbs like Echinacea and Bee Propolis and are delicious for seasonal support or year-round.

• immunity • nourishment • energy • beauty MANUKA SUPPORT



Beautiful, natural home scenting. Traditional home scenting products use toxic ingredients to mask odor. We think it’s time for a different kind of air-one that’s light, beautiful, and full of possibility. Beau parfum d’interieur naturel. Les parfums d’interieur traditionnels utilisent des ingredients toxiques pour masquer les odeurs. Nous pensons qu’il est temps pour un autre type d’air, leger, beau et plein de possibilites.




Watkins Inc.Crafting Award-Winning Gourmet Flavors Since 1868 (TM). Watkins offers products that deliver a superior experience, using environmentally-friendly and responsible ingredients and packaging.

Watkins Inc. elabore des saveurs gourmandes primees depuis 1868. Watkins propose des produits offrant une experience exceptionnelle, en utilisant des ingredients et des emballages ecologiques et responsables.


65 JULY - SEPTEMBER 2023 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com Stock Description Size JUL AUG SEP Case UPC Lang. Groc ID# Discount Discount Discount Size Item PAF GLU ORG NGM KOS VEG HAL FTR
ESSENTIAL OILS 769235 Dusk Blend Essential Oil 15ml 6 6 28055 61952 9 A V M 769230 Sleep Blend Essential Oil 15ml 6 6 90156 00100 8 A V M DIFFUSER / DIFFUSEUR 769300 Glow Essential Oil Diffuser 1ea 4 6 90156 00196 1 A M
DISPLAYS / PRESENTOIRS 912925 Organic Grilling Variety Display 56 x 1disp 56 8 13724 02805 8 O N K B �� 1868 Organic Grilling Variety Display, Contains: (8) Garlic & Herb Seasoning, (8) Steak Seasoning, (8) Chicken Seasoning, (8) Smoked Maple Rub, (6) Chili Lime Seasoning, (6) Hamburger Seasoning, (6) Buttery Herb Seasoning, (6) Sweet & Savory Rub FOOD COLORING/DECORATING / COLORATION/DECORATION ALIMENTAIRE 912315 Rainbow Decorating Nonpareils 3 x 120g 12 2 08 13724 26980 0 K B �� ORGANIC GOURMET GRILLING SPICES / ÉPICES À GRILLADES GASTRONOMIQUES BIOLOGIQUES 912560 Organic Mesquite Rub 3 x 98g 12 1 08 13724 27881 1 O N K B �� 912565 Organic Salt-Free Chicken 3 x 76g 12 1 08 13724 27904 4 O N K B �� 912570 Organic Salt-Free Garlic & Herb 3 x 67g 12 1 08 13724 27928 8 O N K B �� 912575 Organic Salt-Free Steak Seasoning 3 x 75g 12 1 08 13724 27959 9 O N K B �� SPICES / ÉPICES 912124 Organic Fennel Seeds 3 x 53g 12 1 08 13724 27799 9 O N K B �� 912123 Organic Ground Allspice 3 x 71g 12 1 08 13724 27775 5 O N K B �� 912121 Organic Ground Nutmeg 3 x 82g 12 2 08 13724 27208 8 O N K B �� 912126 Organic IPA Seasoning 3 x 102g 12 2 08 13724 25600 0 O N K B �� 912128 Organic Pumpkin Pie Spice 3 x 74g 12 1 08 13724 27812 2 O N K B �� 912119 Organic Rubbed Sage 3 x 20g 12 2 08 13724 26522 2 O N K B �� PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 23 for details GLU Gluten/Wheat Free ORG Organic NGM Non-GMO KOS Kosher VEG Vegan HAL Halal FTR Fair Trade




In 1921 Pharmacists and physicians gathered in Switzerland under the guidance of Dr. Rudolf Steiner, the founder of anthroposophy, to create a natural and personal care company later called WELEDA. Using pharmaceutical techniques combined with a spiritual approach, they formulated a truly innovative line of quality products based upon the study of relationships between the substances and processes of nature and the human being. By cultivating plants using organic and biodynamic agricultural methods, harvesting them at peak times, and processing them with the utmost care, WELEDA believes it is possible to retain a plant’s inherent qualities and healing properties.

En 1921, des pharmaciens et des medecins se sont reunis en Suisse sous la direction du Dr Rudolf Steiner, le fondateur de l’anthroposophie, pour creer une entreprise de soins naturels et personnels, baptisee WELEDA. En utilisant des techniques pharmaceutiques combinees à une approche spirituelle, ils ont formule une ligne de produits de qualite veritablement innovante, basee sur l’etude des relations entre les substances et les procedes de la nature et l’être humain. En cultivant les plantes selon des methodes agricoles biologiques et biodynamiques, en les recoltant au moment le plus propice et en les traitant avec le plus grand soin, WELEDA pense qu’il est possible de preserver les qualites et les proprietes curatives inherentes à une plante.



Canada’s first organic bean-to-bar chocolate maker, Wild Mountain Chocolate, has launched to provide craft chocolate that challenges the norms of the chocolate industry. Their chocolate is certified organic and ethically sourced. Made from the cocoa bean in the Canadian Rockies, Wild Mountain Chocolate uses simple, natural and organic ingredients to create chocolate with complex flavours. By using only ethically sourced, premium, organic, raw cocoa beans, they control every step of the chocolate making process, resulting in incredible flavour profiles that allow the specific properties of the beans to shine through. Wild Mountain Chocolate is certified organic under Canadian Organic Standards, which guarantees the quality and authenticity of products from field-to-table or beanto-bar. Being organically certified in Canada guarantees the cocoa beans have not been fumigated with pesticides as they are transported between countries. They are the first chocolate maker in Canada that handles the entire chocolate-making process to create a certified organic, made in Canada, chocolate bar. They feel it’s important to the integrity of their product and company to work in this way.

Le premier fabricant de chocolat, biologique, de la feve a la tablette au Canada, Wild Mountain Chocolate, a lance pour fournir du chocolat artisanal qui remettre en cause les normes de l’industrie du chocolat. Leur chocolat est certifie biologique et d’origine ethique. Fabrique à partir de feves de cacao dans les Montagnes Rocheuses Canadiennes, Wild Mountain Chocolate utilise des ingredients simples, naturels et biologiques pour creer du chocolat aux saveurs complexes. En n’utilisant que des feves de cacao crues, biologiques et de qualite ethique, ils contrôlent chaque etape du processus de fabrication du chocolat, ce qui se traduit par des profils de saveur incroyables qui permettent aux proprietes specifiques des feves de briller. Wild Mountain Chocolate est certifie biologique selon aux normes canadiennes sure la culture biologique, ce qui garantit la qualite et l’authenticite des produits du champ à la table ou de feve à la tablette. Le fait d’être certifie biologiquement au Canada garantit que les feves de cacao n’ont pas ete fumigees avec des pesticides lorsqu’elles sont transportees d’un pays à l’autre. Ils sont le premier fabricant de chocolat au Canada qui s’occuper de l’ensemble du processus de fabrication du chocolat pour creer une barre de chocolat certifiee biologique, fabriquee au Canada. Ils estiment qu’il est important pour l’integrite de leur produit et de leur entreprise de travailler de cette maniere.


BROKERED BY / COURTIER ASSIGNÉ Marsham International www.yogitea.com

Our story began over 30 years ago with an herbal tea blend of Ginger, Cinnamon, Clove, Black Pepper, and Cardamom; a blend treasured for its wellness-supporting properties. Since then, we’ve continued to make delicious, functional teas made from only the finest spices and botanicals sourced from around the globe. We believe in the synergistic benefit of herbs; complementing them with intriguing, delightful flavours - qualities that make all of our teas uniquely Yogi.

Notre histoire commence en 1969, lorsque Yogi Bhajan, un professeur inspire par un mode de vie holistique, commence à enseigner le yoga en Amerique. Il a partage avec ses eleves la sagesse et les connaissances de l’Ayurveda et d’un mode de vie sain qu’il avait acquises en Inde, tout en servant un the specialement epice, qu’ils ont affectueusement baptise le the du Yogi. Yogi a continue à elargir et à faire evoluer ses offres de the pour atteindre le nombre de 21 au Canada, qui repondent à des besoins de sante specifiques en creant des formules specialisees à base de plantes, preparees à la fois pour la saveur et le resultat.



Today, 30 million women around the world are convinced of the high quality and performance of our products. Yves Rocher explores the most powerful active ingredients of botanicals to offer highquality, custom solutions for every skin type while preserving the environment. By managing every step of production, Yves Rocher regulates the cost of its products as successfully as their quality. We do this with one goal in mind: affordable beauty for every woman, without exception. With our Green Heroes, we offer products that are more ecological to reduce our impact on the environment. Each product has been developed with less plastic, less CO2, but always with exceptionnal care and sensoriality. Because every beauty step can make a difference.

Aujourd’hui, 30 millions de femmes dans le monde sont convaincues de la haute qualite et des performances de nos produits. Yves Rocher explore les actifs les plus puissants des plantes pour offrir des solutions de haute qualite et sur mesure pour chaque type de peau tout en preservant l’environnement. En maîtrisant chaque etape de la production, Yves Rocher regule le coût de ses produits avec autant de succes que leur qualite. Nous le faisons avec un seul objectif en tête : une beaute abordable pour toutes les femmes, sans exception. Avec nos Green Heroes, nous proposons des produits plus ecologiques pour reduire notre impact sur l’environnement. Chaque produit a ete developpe avec moins de plastique, moins de CO2, mais toujours avec un soin et une sensorialite exceptionnels. Parce que chaque etape beaute peut faire la difference.

67 JULY - SEPTEMBER 2023 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com Stock Description Size JUL AUG SEP Case UPC Lang. Groc ID# Discount Discount Discount Size Item PAF GLU ORG NGM KOS VEG HAL FTR
965295 Skin Food Ultra-Light Dry Oil 100ml 12 4001638580373 B
CHOCOLATE BARS / BARRES DE CHOCOLAT 578150 Canadian Maple Vegan Mylk Chocolate 12 x 80g 12 1 06 81163 00778 8 O N M �� 578155 Darkest Mint Chocolate 99.9% Cocoa 12 x 80g 12 1 06 81163 00792 2 O N M ��
394435 Soothing Cinnamon Stress Support 16bg 6 0 76950 20911 4 A O N K B �� 394430 Sweet Citrus Positive Energy 16bg 6 0 76950 20841 4 A O N K B ��
/ SAISONIERS 394500 Favourites Variety Gift Box 45ct 22 0 76950 20913 8 O N F B �� Contains: 30 NHP Tea Bags - 10x Chamomile Passionflower, 10x Restful Sleep, 10x Sweet Citrus. 15 Herbal Tea Bags - 5x Egyptian Licorice, 5x Green Tea Kombucha, 5x Lemon Ginger
957366 EB Rep Anti-Pollution Day Care 50ml 12 3660005556895 B 957371 EB Rep Anti-Pollution Night Care 50ml 12 3660005557175 B PAF Priority Allergen Free* see pg 23 for details GLU Gluten/Wheat Free ORG Organic NGM Non-GMO KOS Kosher VEG Vegan HAL Halal FTR Fair Trade SOME ITEMS ARE SOLD ONLY BY THE CASE. PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF SIZE COLUMN WHEN PLACING YOUR ORDER.
68 www.puritylife.com 68 Cold & Flu Rhume et la Grippe 10 10 MEILLEURS POUR LE BY UNITS SOLD SELON LES UNITÉS VENDUES TOP LES TOP LES 1. QUANTUM 735640 TheraZinc Elderberry Rolls Ctr Disp 12 x 14pc 735435 Organic Cough Relief Bing Cherry 18ct 735440 Organic Cough Relief Meyer Lemon 18ct 735445 Organic TheraZinc Blood Orange 18ct 735430 Organic TheraZinc Elderberry Lozeng 18ct 735425 TheraZinc Elderberry Lozenges 60ct 2. NIN JIOM PEI PA KOA COUGH SYRUP 363115 Nin Jiom Herbal Syrup 150ml 363120 Nin Jiom Herbal Syrup 300ml 1
69 JULY - SEPTEMBER 2023 3. BEEKEEPER’S NATURALS INC. 124215 Propolis Throat Spray 6 x 30ml 124210 Propolis Throat Spray For Kids 6 x 30ml 4. HERBION 427605 Honey Lemon Cough Loz Pouches 5 x 25lz 427101 Herbion All Natural Cough Syrup 150ml 427102 Herbion Cough Syrup For Children 150ml 427103 Herbion Ivy Leaf Cough Syrup 150ml 427515 Herbion Mint Cough Lozenges 6 x 18lz 427500 Herbion Sugar Free Cherry Cough Loz 6 x 18lz 427510 Herbion Sugar Free Honey Lemon Loz 6 x 18lz 427505 Herbion Sugar Free Orange Cough Loz 6 x 18lz 427520 Honey Lemon Cough Lozenges 6 x 18ct 5. SAMBUCOL® 777131 Anti-Viral Flu Family Syrup 230ml 777126 Black Elderberry Pastilles 20ct 777135 Cold & Flu Kids Chewables 24ch 6. KYOLIC 339155 Formula 103 Immuni-Shield 90ct 339158 Formula 103 Immuni-Shield 180ct 7. NEW NORDIC 609250 Elderberry Gummies 60gmy 8. KALAYA HEALTH & WELLNESS 463660 Breathe Easy Vaporizing Rub 60g 9. HONIBE 640330 Honibe Honey Lozenges Elderberry 12 x 10lz 10. MARTIN & PLEASANCE NORTH AMERICA 595730 Ki Cold & Flu Day/Night Formula 30tab 595735 Ki Oral Sore Throat Spray 20ml 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2

A Lotta Love For Little Bodies

ChildLife Essentials® was founded over two decades ago by a pediatrician who saw the importance of supplementing kids’ diets with essential nutrients. Today, we continue to provide parents with high-quality supplements that support their children’s health and well-being.

Our mission is to help every child reach their full potential in life, and our vision is to create a world where all children are healthy and thriving.

4 Non-GMO 4 Gluten Free 4 Natural Ingredients 4 No Artificial Colors or Flavors childlifenutrition.com
72 www.puritylife.com MacBook Pro

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We love using the Purity Education Portal! I tell my new staff about it and encourage them to sign up. It’s quick, easy and informative. And who doesn’t like to be rewarded with a free gift? I think it’s a great training tool... Highly recommend it! - Lidia, Heart Pharmacy

I like when there are new products [as] it helps to educate my staff [and] helps sell the products... every sale counts. It’s awesome that this is free to us, education is the key to great products. - Kim, The White Lotus

I find the Education Portal very informative. It is easy to use. The videos hold your attention, and the educators make it not only a learning experience but a fun one as well. - Debbie, Healthy Habits


Nous adorons utiliser le portail éducatif de Purity! Je le mentionne à mes nouveaux collègues et je les encourage à s’inscrire. C’est rapide, facile et instructif. Et qui n’aime pas être récompensé par un cadeau? À mon avis, c’est un excellent outil de formation. Je le recommande vivement! - Lidia, Heart Pharmacy

J’apprécie les nouveaux produits, car ils contribuent à la formation de mon personnel et à la vente des produits... chaque vente compte. C’est génial que ce soit gratuit pour nous. L’éducation est la clé des bons produits. - Kim, The White Lotus

Je trouve le portail éducatif très instructif. Il est très convivial. Les vidéos sont intéressantes et les éducateurs en font non seulement une expérience d’apprentissage, mais aussi une expérience amusante. - Debbie, Healthy Habits


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75 JULY - SEPTEMBER 2023 BRANDS MARQUES Visitez CustomerLink pour voir les détails sur les produits, les rabais volume, les spéciaux mensuels et bien plus encore! Visit CustomerLink to view Product Details, Case Stack Deals, Monthly Deals and more! Monthly Deals Promotions du mois Case Stack Deals Les Rabais Volume
76 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com GROCERY CANADIAN SUPPLEMENTS HABA 53 ACRES - MAPLE SWEETENERS www.53acres.ca 416-689-7082 ABEEGO BROKERED BY Propel Natural Brands abeego.com 855-522-3346 SAVE JUL, SEPT ABIO COSMETIC abiocosmetic.com 514-357-2267 ACTIVE HUMANS https://activehumans.ca/ 250-808-5117 ACURE BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management acureorganics.com 877-902-2873 SAVE AUG AERYON WELLNESS BROKERED BY Lebeau Excel Ltd. Sales & Marketing www.aeryonwellness.com 855-500-6568 SAVE AUG AISLE BROKERED BY Agency Brand Management (formerly LBN) www.periodaisle.ca 888-590-2299 SAVE JUL AIYA COMPANY LIMITED BROKERED BY Indigo Natural Products Management www.aiya-america.com ALBA BOTANICA BROKERED BY Advantage Solutions www.albabotanica.ca +1 888-659-7730 SAVE JUL, SEP ALEVA NATURALS www.alevanaturals.com 800-373-5383 ALKALIFE BROKERED BY Don Kashin & Associates www.alkalife.com 888-261-0870 ALL GOOD BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management http://www.elementalherbs.com 805-528-4000 SAVE JUL, AUG, SEP
77 Pour une liste complète et en savoir plus sur les produits, connectez-vous à CustomerLink à l’adresse www.puritylife.com EDUCATION PORTAL CASE STACK DEAL IN SELECT MONTHS ALL THINGS JILL www.allthingsjill.ca/ 403-452-5645 ALLKIDZ NATURALS INC. BROKERED BY Reveal Canada Inc., Ultimate Sales Canada allkidzcanada.com ALLO NUTRITION https://liveallo.com/ 416 660 9626 ALORA NATURALS BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management aloranaturals.com 866-939-4100 SAVE SEP AMODA www.amodatea.com 855-980-7350 ANCIENT NUTRITION BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management SAVE SEP ANDALOU NATURALS BROKERED BY Propel Natural Brands www.andalou.com 415-446-9470 SAVE JUL, AUG, SEP ANOINTMENT www.anointment.ca 506-939-3042 ANS PERFORMANCE ansperformance.ca 888-385-9169 ANTIPODES www.antipodesnature.com AQUAOMEGA BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management www.myaquaomega.ca SAVE AUG ARTESTILE www.artestilebeauty.com 416-858-4722
78 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com GROCERY CANADIAN SUPPLEMENTS HABA ATKINS GINSENG www.atkinsginseng.com 519-443-7236 ATLANTICK https://www.atlantick.ca/ 902-440-4141 ATTITUDE BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management https://ca.attitudeliving.com/ 514-509-7225 SAVE JUL, AUG AURA CACIA BROKERED BY Indigo Natural Products Management www.auracacia.com 800-437-3301 SAVE JUL, AUG, SEP AURA NUTRITION BROKERED BY Abundant By Design Inc. www.youraura.ca 888-333-1352 SAVE JUL, SEP AURALIS BOTANICAL BROKERED BY North South Management Inc. auralisbotanical.com SAVE JUL AVALON ORGANICS BROKERED BY Advantage Solutions www.avalonorganics.ca +1 800-227-5120 SAVE JUL BABYGANICS BROKERED BY Lebeau Excel Ltd. Sales & Marketing www.babyganics.ca 800-267-7259 SAVE SEP BABZ www.buybabz.com 250-718-7341 BACH BROKERED BY ANB Canada, Propel Natural Brands www.nelsons.net +1 800-319-9151 SAVE JUL, SEP BACK TO EARTH getbacktoearth.com 250-550-6789 BADGER BALMS BROKERED BY Global Health Brokerage, Momentum Natural Brands www.badgerbalm.com 603-357-2958 SAVE JUN
79 Pour une liste complète et en savoir plus sur les produits, connectez-vous à CustomerLink à l’adresse www.puritylife.com EDUCATION PORTAL CASE STACK DEAL IN SELECT MONTHS BALZAC’S COFFEE ROASTERS BROKERED BY Natural Specialty Sales www.balzacs.com 905-662-3500 SAVE SEP BANDED www.banded2gether.com 615-628-8159 BANG ENERGY BROKERED BY Murray Market National bang-energy.com 604-952-6025 BASD BROKERED BY Clean Life Science www.basdbodycare.com BASS BRUSHES www.bassbrushes.com 800-742-4736 BEAUTY AND THE BEE BROKERED BY Natural Specialty Sales https://dutchmansgold.com/ 905-689-7294 BEEBAGZ beebagz.com/ 888-416-9489 BEEKEEPER’S NATURALS INC. BROKERED BY Marsham International beekeepersnaturals.com 844-225-5608 SAVE AUG, SEP BIG COVE FOODS BROKERED BY Mountain2Inc https://bigcovefoods.com/ 902-921-1600 BIO-FEN www.biofen.com 866-424-7745 BIO-K+ BROKERED BY Propel Natural Brands https://biokplus.com/ 1-800-593-2465 SAVE SEP BIOGAIA PROBIOTICS CANADA INC www.biogaia.com 437-533-3939
BLUME BROKERED BY Lebeau Excel Ltd. Sales & Marketing itsblume.ca 778-707-0445 BOIRON www.boiron.ca 800-461-2066 SAVE JUL, AUG, SEP BOO BAMBOO BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management www.boobamboo.com 877-821-6021 SAVE JUL BOOBY BOONS www.boobyboons.com 4169971876 BOODY ECO WEAR ca.boodywear.com +1 858-793-0150
81 Pour une liste complète et en savoir plus sur les produits, connectez-vous à CustomerLink à l’adresse www.puritylife.com EDUCATION PORTAL CASE STACK DEAL IN SELECT MONTHS BOREAL HEARTLAND BROKERED BY Red River Brands https://borealheartland.ca/ (306) 425-4778 BOTANICAL THERAPEUTIC www.carinaorganics.com 604-985-5120 BRAGG LIVE FOOD PRODUCTS BROKERED BY Indigo Natural Products Management www.bragg.com 800-446-1990 SAVE JUL, AUG BRIXY https://gobrixy.com/ 416-559-1233 SAVE JUL BROOKLYN BORN CHOCOLATE BROKERED BY Abundant By Design Inc. www.brooklynbornchocolate.com 718-788-0200 SAVE AUG BRUSH WITH BAMBOO www.kmhtouches.com 519-871-8165 BRUST BROKERED BY Natural Specialty Sales www.brustbeverages.com SAVE JUL, SEP BUDDY WIPES BROKERED BY Mountain²Inc https://buddywipes.co/ 647-871-8494 BULLETPROOF BROKERED BY Brandseed Marketing Inc. www.buff.ca 519-375-6668 SAVE SEP BULLETPROOF BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management bulletproof.com 360-775-2931 BUSTER RHINO’S www.busterrhinos.com 905-493-2387 BUZZD NUTRITION INC. https://www.buzzdnutrition.com 519-580-8119

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GROCERY CANADIAN SUPPLEMENTS HABA C4 ENERGY BROKERED BY Murray Market National https://cellucor.com/pages/c4-energy 905-399-0721 CANPREV www.canprev.ca 888-226-7733 CARINA ORGANICS www.carinaorganics.com 800-663-0479 CARLSON LABORATORIES BROKERED BY Bioresource Inc. www.carlsonlabs.com 888-234-5656 CELESTIAL TEA BROKERED BY Advantage Solutions www.celestialseasonings.ca +1 800-351-8175 CHA’S ORGANICS BROKERED BY Indigo Natural Products Management www.chasorganics.com 514-369-8175 SAVE JUL, AUG, SEP
83 Pour une liste complète et en savoir plus sur les produits, connectez-vous à CustomerLink à l’adresse www.puritylife.com EDUCATION PORTAL CASE STACK DEAL IN SELECT MONTHS CHEF WOO BROKERED BY North South Management Inc. https://chefwoo.com/ 647-588-7227 SAVE SEP CHERRY BAY ORCHARDS www.shorelinefruit.com 800-836-3972 CHILDLIFE ESSENTIALS BROKERED BY Natural Wellness Sales www.childlifenutrition.com 1-800-993-0332 SAVE SEP CITROBUG-CITROLUG heloiselab.com 514-781-5175 CLEAN BEANS www.nutraphase.com 866-202-1313 CLEANCULT BROKERED BY M.C.P. McCaughey Consumer Products Management Inc. https://www.cleancult.com/ 1-866-627-8745 CLEANSIFY www.cleansify.com 416-899-8499 CLOUD 9 GLUTEN FREE BROKERED BY Salud Brand Management www.cloud9glutenfree.com 604-249-5008 SAVE AUG COCONUT SECRET BROKERED BY Propel Natural Brands https://www.nutiva.com/pages/coconut-secret 800-993-4367 SAVE AUG COLORA HENNA www.coloraproducts.com 201-939-0969 CORE & RIND BROKERED BY Mountain2Inc www.coreandrind.com 314-971-7240 COUNTRY PRIME MEATS www.countryprime.com/ 250-396-4111

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85 Pour une liste complète et en savoir plus sur les produits, connectez-vous à CustomerLink à l’adresse www.puritylife.com EDUCATION PORTAL CASE STACK DEAL IN SELECT MONTHS COVERED BRIDGE POTATO CHIPS BROKERED BY Propel Natural Brands www.coveredbridgechips.com CRATE 61 ORGANICS INC. BROKERED BY Propel Natural Brands www.crate61.com 647-964-1137 CRAWFORD STREET SKIN CARE https://www.crawfordskincare.com/ 416-843-9079 SAVE AUG CROSSFUEL BROKERED BY Indigo Natural Products Management mycrossfuel.com/ DECODE BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management decodeformen.com SAVE SEP DERMA E BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management www.dermae.com 800-521-3342 SAVE JUL, SEP DESERT ESSENCE BROKERED BY Natural Specialty Sales www.desertessence.com 858-750-2083 SAVE SEP DIVA INTERNATIONAL BROKERED BY Indigo Natural Products Management www.divacup.com 866-444-3482 DIVINE ESSENCE BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management www.divineessence.com 888-344-9676 SAVE JUL, SEP DR. BRONNER’S MAGIC SOAP BROKERED BY Indigo Natural Products Management www.drbronner.com 760-743-2211 SAVE JUL, AUG, SEP DR. MIST www.drmist.ca 866-697-2824 DREAM WATER drinkdreamwater.com 1-888-999-7913 SAVE JUL, SEP
86 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com GROCERY CANADIAN SUPPLEMENTS HABA DRIZZLE HONEY BROKERED BY Lebeau Excel Ltd. Sales & Marketing www.drizzlehoney.com DRNK drnkbev.com 647-284-5315 DRTUNG’S www.drtungs.com 808-239-5799 SAVE JUL DRUIDE LABORATORIES www.druidebio.com 800-663-9693 DUTCHMAN’S GOLD INC. BROKERED BY Natural Specialty Sales https://dutchmansgold.com/ 905-689-7294 SAVE AUG, SEP EARTH MAMA ORGANICS BROKERED BY Blume Natural Sales And Marketing www.earthmamaorganics.com EARTH SCIENCE BROKERED BY Lebeau Excel Ltd. Sales & Marketing www.earthsciencebeauty.com 800-347-5211 SAVE JUL EARTH’S CARE BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management www.earths-care.com 888-602-6380 SAVE SEP EARTHLI www.earthli.ca 902-402-8021 EARTHWISE/ECO-WISE NATURALS www.earthwisenaturals.com ECO GUARDIAN www.ecoguardian.com 905-235-4015 ECO LIVING CLUB https://ecolivingclub.com/ 778-892-7246
87 Pour une liste complète et en savoir plus sur les produits, connectez-vous à CustomerLink à l’adresse www.puritylife.com EDUCATION PORTAL CASE STACK DEAL IN SELECT MONTHS ECO TOOLS https://ecotools.com/ SAVE AUG ECO VESSEL LLC www.ecovessel.com 800-969-2962 EDUCATED BEARDS www.educatedbeards.ca 506-883-3232 ELLIE BIANCA www.elliebianca.com 403-466-7802 EMUAID BROKERED BY Maverick Sales www.emuaid.com 800-881-3900 ENDANGERED SPECIES CHOCOLATE BROKERED BY Marsham International www.chocolatebar.com 800-293-0160 SAVE JUL, AUG, SEP ENER-LIFE BROKERED BY Martin And Pleasance North America https://ener-life.ca/ 855-674-6676 EO PRODUCTS BROKERED BY Lebeau Excel Ltd. Sales & Marketing www.eoproducts.com 800-570-3775 SAVE JUL, AUG, SEP ERBOLOGY www.erbology.co +447899763198 ERGOGENICS NUTRITION www.ergogenicsnutrition.com 778-279-1460 ESSENCIA BROKERED BY Reveal Canada Inc., Ultimate Sales Canada www.homeocan.ca 800-556-0824 SAVE AUG ESSENTIAL OXYGEN BROKERED BY Hofstetter Marketing Services www.essentialoxygen.com
88 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com GROCERY CANADIAN SUPPLEMENTS HABA ESSIAC www.essiac.ca 613-729-9111 ETHICAL BEAN COFFEE www.ethicalbean.com 877-431-3830 EVE’S CRACKERS BROKERED BY BNQ Management www.evescrackers.com SAVE SEP EVERY MAN JACK BROKERED BY Propel Natural Brands www.everymanjack.com 877-875-5225 SAVE SEP EVERYONE BROKERED BY Lebeau Excel Ltd. Sales & Marketing www.eoproducts.com 800-570-3775 SAVE SEP F.E.T.E. www.fromearthtoearth.uk SAVE AUG, SEP FARM GIRL farmgirl.work FATSO BROKERED BY Propel Natural Brands eatfatso.com 250-885-1366 SAVE JUL, SEP FERRING INC www.biogaia.com 800-263-4057 FLOURISH BROKERED BY Propel Natural Brands https://www.flourishpancakes.com/ 647-391-5700 SAVE AUG FOAMIE BROKERED BY Naturally Perfect Consulting https://www.foamie.co.uk/ 905-709-2650 SAVE JUL, SEP FOOD HUGGERS www.foodhuggers.com 877-543-9546
89 Pour une liste complète et en savoir plus sur les produits, connectez-vous à CustomerLink à l’adresse www.puritylife.com EDUCATION PORTAL CASE STACK DEAL IN SELECT MONTHS FORAGE BROKERED BY Marsham International https://foragehyperfoods.com/ 416-994-6700 SAVE JUL, SEP FORTA BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management www.vivobrands.com 877-738-8486 SAVE SEP FOUR O’CLOCK BROKERED BY Agency Brand Management (formerly LBN) www.fouroclock.ca 450-441-0779 SAVE SEP FOURX BETTER CHOCOLATE BROKERED BY Propel Natural Brands https://thebetterchocolates.ca/ 416-848-3116 SAVE AUG GALERIE AU CHOCOLAT www.galerieauchocolat.ca 888-806-9840 SAVE SEP GARDEN OF LIFE trophicproducts.com 800-361-0324 GENESTRA BRANDS www.seroyal.ca 800-263-5861 GENIAL DAY BROKERED BY Abundant By Design Inc. genialday.com 888-730-8358 SAVE SEP GENUINE HEALTH www.genuinehealth.ca 877-500-7888 GENUINE TEA BROKERED BY Agency Brand Management (formerly LBN) www.genuinetea.ca 416-890-5495 SAVE JUN GIOVANNI COSMETICS BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management www.giovannicosmetics.com 800-563-5468 SAVE JUL, AUG GOBIO! ORGANICS BROKERED BY Indigo Natural Products Management www.gobiofood.com SAVE AUG, SEP
90 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com GROCERY CANADIAN SUPPLEMENTS HABA GODDESS GARDEN www.goddessgarden.com 855-723-3786 GOLD TOP ORGANICS www.goldtoporganics.com 877-891-4019 GOLI BROKERED BY Connect Brand Management https://ca.goli.com/ 888-345-1452 GOOD TO GO www.good2gosnacks.com 416-360-8200 GOODIO goodiochocolate.com/ 646-912-4406 GRANDMA’S FOR BEES grandmasforbees.ca 450-857-1060 GREEN BEAVER CO. BROKERED BY Propel Natural Brands www.greenbeaver.com 888-666-1206 SAVE JUL, AUG, SEP GREEN CRICKET greencricket.ca 877-476-2758 HANDFUEL BROKERED BY Propel Natural Brands handfuel.ca 16475044281 SAVE AUG HAPPY NATURAL PRODUCTS www.happynaturalproducts.com 647-262-2471 HEAL + CO. BROKERED BY BNQ Management healandco.co 888-277-6014 SAVE SEP HEALING HAZEL www.healinghazel.com 8195638165
91 Pour une liste complète et en savoir plus sur les produits, connectez-vous à CustomerLink à l’adresse www.puritylife.com EDUCATION PORTAL CASE STACK DEAL IN SELECT MONTHS HEALTH LOGICS LABORATORIES, INC. BROKERED BY Naturally Perfect Consulting www.greenbeaver.com SAVE JUL, SEP HEALTHY GENIE BROKERED BY Mountain2Inc www.healthygenie.ca 647-787-6726 HERBAL GLO www.herbalglo.com 800-663-2285 HERBAL SELECT www.herbalselect.ca 800-265-7245 HERBALAND www.herbaland.com 6042845050 SAVE AUG, SEP HERBAMAX INC www.herbamax.ca HERBAN COWBOY www.herbancowboy.com 866-209-2097 HERBION BROKERED BY Propel Natural Brands www.herbion.com SAVE AUG, SEP HERITAGE STORE BROKERED BY Reveal Canada Inc., Ultimate Sales Canada https://heritagestore.ca 800-862-2923 SAVE AUG HOMEOCAN BROKERED BY Reveal Canada Inc., Ultimate Sales Canada www.homeocan.ca 800-556-0824 SAVE AUG HOMEOVET HOMEOPATHIC DROPS BROKERED BY Reveal Canada Inc., Ultimate Sales Canada www.homeocan.ca 800-556-0824 HONIBE BROKERED BY Propel Natural Brands honibe.com 877-564-5035 SAVE SEP
92 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com GROCERY CANADIAN SUPPLEMENTS HABA HUNGRY HUNTER www.hungryhunter.ca 905-957-2717 SAVE JUL HYLAND’S (STANDARD HOMEOPATHIC) www.hylands.ca 800-363-8933 SAVE AUG IMARAIS BEAUTY imaraisbeauty.com 647-970-6887 INECTO NATURALS BROKERED BY Naturally Perfect Consulting https://www.inecto.com/en_gb/ 905-709-2650 SAVE JUL, SEP INNOVITE innovite.ca 888-226-7733 IONOVO www.terragenx.com +15147923294 SAVE SEP ITL HEALTH BROKERED BY Lebeau Excel Ltd. Sales & Marketing https://www.itlhealth.com/ 519-330-4598 SAVE SEP J.R. WATKINS https://jrwatkins.com/ +1 888-384-1945 JASON NATURAL PRODUCTS BROKERED BY Advantage Solutions www.hain-celestial.ca/ourbrands/jason 877-527-6601 SAVE AUG JELLY BELLY ORGANIC BROKERED BY D.Pearce Brand Management www.jellybelly.ca 800-323-9380 SAVE SEP JOHN MASTERS ORGANICS johnmasters.com 908-472-4895 JONI www.getjoni.com 250-882-8535 SAVE SEP
93 Pour une liste complète et en savoir plus sur les produits, connectez-vous à CustomerLink à l’adresse www.puritylife.com EDUCATION PORTAL CASE STACK DEAL IN SELECT MONTHS JULI’S COOKIE CO www.juilscookieco.com 416-219-3954 SAVE JUL, SEP JUSTEA BROKERED BY Marsham International www.JusTea.com 844-832-7827 SAVE JUL, SEP JUSTIN’S BROKERED BY Indigo Natural Products Management http://justins.com/ 888-972-0568 SAVE AUG JUSU https://getjusu.com/ 7789962395 KAHA NUTRITION www.kahanutrition.com 778-279-1460 KALAYA HEALTH & WELLNESS www.kalaya.ca 888-829-7165 KARIDERM BROKERED BY Momentum Natural Brands, Quebec Contact kariderm.com 877-527-4838 SAVE JUL, AUG KATO MATCHA BROKERED BY Agency Brand Management (formerly LBN) www.genuinetea.ca 416-890-5495 KISS MY FACE BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management www.kissmyface.com 508-210-0383 SAVE AUG, SEP KITE www.drinkkite.com KMH TOUCHES www.kmhtouches.com 519-871-8165 KOFFEE BEAUTY BROKERED BY Abundant By Design Inc. https://koffeebeauty.com/ 506.232.0955 SAVE SEP
95 Pour une liste complète et en savoir plus sur les produits, connectez-vous à CustomerLink à l’adresse www.puritylife.com EDUCATION PORTAL CASE STACK DEAL IN SELECT MONTHS KYOLIC BROKERED BY Purity Life www.kyolic.ca 877-265-2615 LAFE’S BODY CARE BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management www.lafes.com 800-926-5233 SAVE JUL, SEP LAKE & OAK TEA CO. shoplakeandoak.com 647-818-4797 SAVE JUL LAND ART BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management www.landart.ca 800-445-0441 SAVE AUG LAVILIN (HLAVIN) BROKERED BY Blume Natural Sales And Marketing hersko.ca 888-764-1640 SAVE SEP LEAFSOURCE BROKERED BY Propel Natural Brands www.leafsource.com 1-800-987-8759 SAVE JUL LEANFIT BROKERED BY Clean Life Science leanfit.com 1-800-537-3256 SAVE AUG LIBERTY CUP BROKERED BY Reveal Canada Inc., Ultimate Sales Canada https://libertycup.weebly.com/ LIFE CHOICE lifechoice.net 866-226-1722 LIFE-FLO BROKERED BY Reveal Canada Inc., Ultimate Sales Canada life-flo.com 954-960-4904 LILO & CO. http://koanaturalfoods.com/#clusters LILY OF THE DESERT BROKERED BY Don Kashin & Associates www.lilyofthedesert.com 800-229-5459 SAVE JUL, AUG, SEP
96 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com GROCERY CANADIAN SUPPLEMENTS HABA LIQUID EARTH https://theliquidearth.com/ 437-345-8753 SAVE SEP LIVE CLEAN BROKERED BY Advantage Solutions www.live-clean.com/en 800-668-1118 SAVE AUG LIVRELIEF www.livrelief.com 888-788-2320 SAVE JUL, SEP LOVE GOOD FATS BROKERED BY Propel Natural Brands lovegoodfats.com 647-778-8950 SAVE JUL, AUG LUNCHSKINS lunchskins.com 301-652-3331 MACROLIFE NATURALS macrolifenaturals.com 800-521-5867 SAVE JUL MADE WITH LOCAL madewithlocal.com 902-809-1322 MADEGOOD www.madegoodfoods.com 416-360-8200 SAVE AUG, SEP MANITOBA HARVEST BROKERED BY Marsham International www.manitobaharvest.com 800-665-4367 SAVE JUL, AUG, SEP MAROMA BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management maromausa.com 888-376-3381 SAVE SEP MARTIN & PLEASANCE NORTH AMERICA BROKERED BY Martin And Pleasance North America 855-674-6676 MASTER INDIAN SPICE BROKERED BY Mountain2Inc https://www.masterindian.com/ 506-447-7980
97 Pour une liste complète et en savoir plus sur les produits, connectez-vous à CustomerLink à l’adresse www.puritylife.com EDUCATION PORTAL CASE STACK DEAL IN SELECT MONTHS MILL CREEK www.millcreekusa.com 866-447-6758 MINERAL FUSION NATURAL BRANDS BROKERED BY Propel Natural Brands www.mineralfusion.com 800-428-1668 SAVE AUG MINTIER www.shopmintier.com 905-447-1620 MIRACLE NOODLE BROKERED BY Affinity Sales miraclenoodle.com +1 800-948-4205 SAVE SEP MODERN SEASONINGS www.modernfearn.com MOOV BEAUTY www.moovcosmetics.com 416-830-2699 MORESH https://moresh.com/ SAVE AUG MORE THAN LIPS https://morethanlips.net/ 647-454-1355 MORNING RECOVERY BROKERED BY D.Pearce Brand Management morelabs.com 226-268-0204 SAVE JUL, SEP MOUNTAIN SKY SOAPS www.mountainskysoap.com +1 866-309-4552 MRS. MEYER’S CLEAN DAY BROKERED BY Lebeau Excel Ltd. Sales & Marketing www.mrsmeyers.ca/ 877-576-8808 SAVE SEP MSPREBIOTIC BROKERED BY AC & Co. www.msprebiotic.ca 844-834-2001
99 Pour une liste complète et en savoir plus sur les produits, connectez-vous à CustomerLink à l’adresse www.puritylife.com EDUCATION PORTAL CASE STACK DEAL IN SELECT MONTHS NAKED NATURAL FOODS BROKERED BY Natural Specialty Sales www.nakednaturalfoods.com 604-721-0644 SAVE SEP NANNOPAD www.nannocare.ca 800-841-5330 NATRACARE BROKERED BY Natural Specialty Sales www.natracare.com 800-796-2872 SAVE SEP NATURA SOLUTIONS BROKERED BY ILevel Management Inc. https://www.natura.solutions/ (877) 371-1832 SAVE JUL NATURAL CALM BROKERED BY Marsham International www.naturalcalm.ca 866-854-2256 NATURAL IMMUNOGENICS BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management www.natural-immunogenics.com 888-328-8840 NATURAL PATH SILVER WINGS BROKERED BY Marsham International npswsilver.com 800-952-4787 NATURAL STACKS BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management www.naturalstacks.com 855-678-2257 SAVE SEP NATURALLY FRESH BROKERED BY Reveal Canada Inc., Ultimate Sales Canada NATURE CLEAN BROKERED BY Cyba-Stevens Natural www.natureclean.ca 905-940-1107 SAVE JUL, AUG, SEP NATURE’S HARMONY www.naturesharmony.com 877-265-2615 SAVE AUG, SEP NATURE’S HOLLOW BROKERED BY Abundant By Design Inc. natureshollow.com 435-654-3393 SAVE SEP
100 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com GROCERY CANADIAN SUPPLEMENTS HABA NATUREMARY naturemary.com 403-888-0330 NATURES PLUS BROKERED BY Don Kashin & Associates naturesplus.com 800-645-9500 SAVE SEP NATUREZWAY BROKERED BY Hofstetter Marketing Services www.naturezway.com 323-581-3000 NAVITAS ORGANICS BROKERED BY Lebeau Excel Ltd. Sales & Marketing navitasorganics.com 888-645-4282 SAVE SEP NELSON NATURALS www.nelsonnaturals.com NEOTOL https://neotol-collagen.com/ 902-302-8566 NEW NORDIC www.newnordic.ca 877-696-6734 SAVE AUG, SEP NIA PURE NATURE www.niapurenature.com 877-879-2982 NIN JIOM PEI PA KOA COUGH SYRUP www.ninjiom.com 604-681-6111 NIXIT www.nixit.ca 647-202-4223 NO JET-LAG www.nojetlag.ca +1 4508571060 NO PONG NATURAL DEODORANT www.nopong.ca 905-995-6510
101 Pour une liste complète et en savoir plus sur les produits, connectez-vous à CustomerLink à l’adresse www.puritylife.com EDUCATION PORTAL CASE STACK DEAL IN SELECT MONTHS NO SUGAR COMPANY BROKERED BY Indigo Natural Products Management thenosugarcompany.com SAVE SEP NOBLE JERKY BROKERED BY Marsham International www.noblejerky.ca 6042455930 SAVE JUL, SEP NORTH AMERICAN HEMP CO. BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management northamericanhempco.com 877-821-6021 SAVE JUL, SEP NORTH AMERICAN HERB & SPICE www.p-73.com 800-243-5242 NOVA SCOTIA FISHERMAN www.novascotiafisherman.com 888-681-1362 NOVA SCOTIA ORGANICS www.novascotiaorganics.ca 877-434-7206 NOWA BAR nowabar.com (514) 284-0934 NUD FUD BROKERED BY Borealis Brands nudfud.com 647-351-9000 NUTIVA BROKERED BY Propel Natural Brands www.nutiva.com 800-993-4367 SAVE AUG, SEP NUTRAMELTZ www.nutrameltz.com 905-817-9750 SAVE JUL, AUG, SEP NUTRIPUR INC BROKERED BY Reveal Canada Inc., Ultimate Sales Canada www.nutripur.com SAVE AUG NUUN & COMPANY, INC BROKERED BY Indigo Natural Products Management SAVE JUL, SEP
102 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com GROCERY CANADIAN SUPPLEMENTS HABA NUVOCARE HEALTH SCIENCES BROKERED BY Reveal Canada Inc., Ultimate Sales Canada www.nuvocare.com 800-895-3129 OATBOX BROKERED BY Cyba-Stevens Natural oatbox.com SAVE JUL, AUG, SEP OH MY OKRA www.ohmyokra.com/ 289-763-7763 OIAMIGA BROKERED BY Naturally Perfect Consulting https://www.oiamiga.com/ (929) 265 4211 SAVE JUL, SEP OLBAS BROKERED BY ILevel Management Inc. www.olbas.com 905-669-9057 SAVE SEP OM MUSHROOM BROKERED BY Marsham International www.ommushrooms.com 866-740-6874 SAVE SEP ONE WITH NATURE BROKERED BY Cyba-Stevens Natural www.onewithnature.com 800-600-1445 SAVE SEP ONEROOT 1root.ca 855-701-7668 ORANGE NATURALS http://www.orangenaturals.com 888-226-7733 OPTIMI BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management optimilife.com 778-761-4551 ORGAIN INC. BROKERED BY Cyba-Stevens Natural DrinkOrgain.com 888-881-4246 SAVE SEP ORGANIC TRADITIONS BROKERED BY Marsham International, Propel Natural Brands www.advantagehealthmatters.com 800-304-1497 SAVE JUL, AUG, SEP
103 Pour une liste complète et en savoir plus sur les produits, connectez-vous à CustomerLink à l’adresse www.puritylife.com EDUCATION PORTAL CASE STACK DEAL IN SELECT MONTHS ORGANYC BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management www.organyc-online.com 888-868-0127 SAVE SEP OVRY https://www.myovry.ca/ 844-210-6879 PACHA SOAP pachasoap.com 402-834-0551 PACIFICA www.pacificabeauty.com PATCH BROKERED BY ILevel Management Inc. us.patchstrips.com 888-868-0127 PATIENCE FRUIT & CO. BROKERED BY Indigo Natural Products Management us.patchstrips.com SAVE JUL, SEP PBFIT BROKERED BY Propel Natural Brands www.pbfit.com (866) 404-6582 SAVE AUG PEAS IN A POD www.peasinapod.ca 877-982-5455 PEETZ BROKERED BY Mountain2Inc https://enjoypeetz.ca/ 613-799-3739 PERFORMA performa.com 800-916-1146 PETVET BROKERED BY Reveal Canada Inc., Ultimate Sales Canada www.naturebeautesante.com 800-667-4952 PHILLIP ADAM INC. www.phillipadam.com 778-928-9264 SAVE AUG
104 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com GROCERY CANADIAN SUPPLEMENTS HABA PIPERWAI www.piperwai.com 551-404-2012 PLATINUM NATURALS www.platinumnaturals.com PLUMPP www.plumpp.com 647-823-9255 POO POURRI BROKERED BY Natural Specialty Sales https://www.poopourri.com/ PRAIRIE NATURALS HEALTH PRODUCTS INC. (EASTERN CANADA ONLY) BROKERED BY Lebeau Excel Ltd. Sales & Marketing www.prairienaturals.ca 800-931-4247 PRESERVE BY RECYCLINE www.preserve.eco 888-354-7296 PUKKA TEA BROKERED BY Natural Specialty Sales www.pukkaherbs.com/ SAVE SEP PUR GUM www.pur-gum.com 855-478-7486 PURELYGREAT www.mynaturaldeodorant.com 416-993-2561 SAVE JUL, AUG, SEP PURESSENTIEL ca.puressentiel.com 855-565-7873 QUANTUM www.quantumhealth.com 800-448-1448 QUEST - THE QUEST FOR HEALTH www.questvitamins.com 877-265-2615 SAVE AUG, SEP
105 Pour une liste complète et en savoir plus sur les produits, connectez-vous à CustomerLink à l’adresse www.puritylife.com EDUCATION PORTAL CASE STACK DEAL IN SELECT MONTHS RADIUS CORPORATION BROKERED BY ILevel Management Inc. www.madebyradius.com 800-626-6223 SAVE AUG REBELS REFINERY
BY Alpine Marketing www.rebelsrefinery.com SAVE AUG REDFEATHER NATURAL PRODUCTS www.redfeather.ca 416-929-5444 REDMOND BROKERED BY ILevel Management Inc. www.realsalt.com or www.redmondclay.com 800-367-7258 SAVE AUG RICOLA BROKERED BY Natural Specialty Sales www.ricola.ca SAVE AUG ROOTALIVE INC. www.rootalive.com 855-633-0278 ROUTINE OLFACTORY LAB www.routinecream.com 403-978-5088 ROWLAND FORMULAS BROKERED BY Reveal Canada Inc. SAVE AUG SAMBUCOL www.sambucol.ca SATYA ORGANICS INC BROKERED BY Maverick Sales www.satya.ca 778-772-4587 SCHMIDT’S NATURALS BROKERED BY Indigo Natural Products Management www.schmidtsnaturals.com 855-866-9748 SAVE JUL, SEP SEA BERRY THERAPY BROKERED BY Cyba-Stevens Natural www.sibu.com +1 800-710-7428
106 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com GROCERY CANADIAN SUPPLEMENTS HABA
SPRING SPROUTED FOODS secondspringfoods.com SENSIBLE CO. BROKERED BY Marsham International https://www.sensibleco.ca/ 844-244-2401 SAVE JUL, AUG, SEP SEQUENCE HEALTH LTD. BROKERED BY Lebeau Excel Ltd. Sales & Marketing http://sequencehealth.ca 519-900-5594 SAVE SEP SESH+ seshproducts.ca 604-562-6732 SHIKAI BROKERED BY ILevel Management Inc. www.shikai.com 800-448-0298 SIIP BONE BROTH BROKERED BY Global Appetite https://siipbroth.com/ 416-803-6952 SILKENY www.silkeny.com SILVER BIOTICS www.silverbiotics.com 801-756-1000 SAVE SEP SIMILASAN BROKERED BY M.C.P. McCaughey Consumer Products Management Inc. similasannaturalremedies.com 800-953-2140 SAVE JUL SIMPLY GUM www.simplygum.com SIMPLY ORGANIC BROKERED BY Indigo Natural Products Management frontiercoop.com 800-669-3275 SAVE JUL, AUG, SEP SIMPLYPROTEIN BROKERED BY Propel Natural Brands https://simplyprotein.ca 1-800-547-5790 SAVE AUG
EDUCATION PORTAL CASE STACK DEAL IN SELECT MONTHS SMARTSWEETS www.smartsweets.com 604-279-0019 SAVE SEP SMARTYPANTS BROKERED BY Indigo Natural Products Management www.smartypantsvitamins.com SAVE AUG SNACK CONSCIOUS BROKERED BY Lebeau Excel Ltd. Sales & Marketing www.snackconscious.com 877-834-5227 SOAP WORKS www.puresoapworks.com 800-440-5597 SOJA&CO. www.sojaco.ca SOLARAY BROKERED BY Reveal Canada Inc., Ultimate Sales Canada www.solaray.ca 855-700-9468
108 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com GROCERY CANADIAN SUPPLEMENTS HABA SPATONE BROKERED BY Propel Natural Brands www.spatone.com 800-319-9151 SPERRI BROKERED BY Indigo Natural Products Management sperri.ca 1-800-667-5767 SAVE AUG SPLENDOR GARDEN www.splendorgarden.com 855-700-8219 SAVE JUL SPOTMYUV www.spotmyuv.com 647-762-7567 SPROOS BROKERED BY BNQ Management www.sprooslife.com 604-677-0907 SAVE JUL, SEP ST. FRANCIS HERB FARM INC. www.stfrancisherbfarm 800-219-6226 SAVE JUL, AUG, SEP SUBI FOODS INC. BROKERED BY ILevel Management Inc. https://getsubi.com 778-389-0657 SUBSTANCE MOM & BABY BROKERED BY Momentum Natural Brands www.mattercompany.com 877-655-4372 SAVE SEP SUKIN BROKERED BY Propel Natural Brands SUKU VITAMINS BROKERED BY Lebeau Excel Ltd. Sales & Marketing www.sukuvitamins.com 844-HEY-SUKU SAVE SEP SUN CHLORELLA USA BROKERED BY Abundant By Design Inc. www.sunchlorellausa.com 800-829-2828 SUNCOAT BROKERED BY Naturally Perfect Consulting www.suncoatproducts.com 855-563-9800 SAVE JUL, AUG, SEP
EDUCATION PORTAL CASE STACK DEAL IN SELECT MONTHS SUNDHED www.himalayanpuresalt.com 604-952-0700 SAVE JUL, AUG SURO BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management www.suro.ca 450-246-2255 SWEET LEILANI COSMETICS www.sweetleilani.com 778-807-9107 SWEETMONK BROKERED BY AC & Co. www.shopsweetmonk.com 778-245-4485 SWERVE BROKERED BY Marsham International swervesweet.com/ SAVE SEP SWISS NATURAL www.swissnatural.com +1 844-339-9355
110 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com GROCERY CANADIAN SUPPLEMENTS HABA TEECCINO BROKERED BY Propel Natural Brands teeccino.com 800-498-3434 SAVE JUL TERRA DELYSSA www.cho-america.com 514-612-1241 SAVE JUL THAYER’S COMPANY BROKERED BY Natural Specialty Sales www.thayers.com 888-842-9371 SAVE AUG, SEP THE FUTURE IS BAMBOO https://www.thefutureisbamboo.com/ THE GINGER PEOPLE BROKERED BY Propel Natural Brands gingerpeople.com 800-551-5284 SAVE JUL, SEP THE GOOD BEAN BROKERED BY Brandseed Marketing Inc. www.thegoodbean.com 510-452-7523 THE HUMBLE CO. BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management https://www.thehumble.co/ SAVE SEP THE LAST STRAW www.allthingsjill.ca 877-982-5455 THE SEAWEED BATH CO. BROKERED BY Propel Natural Brands seaweedbathco.com 877-317-3106 SAVE JUL THE UNSCENTED CO. BROKERED BY Propel Natural Brands www.theunscentedcompany.com 855-933-1555 SAVE SEP THERA WISE BROKERED BY Naturally Perfect Consulting www.therawise.com 888-488-1808 SAVE JUL, SEP THERANEEM NATURALS BROKERED BY Reveal Canada Inc., Ultimate Sales Canada www.theraneem.com 800 538-5888 SAVE AUG
EDUCATION PORTAL THINKSPORT THINKBABY www.gothinksport.com 877-446-1616 THREE FARMERS BROKERED BY Propel Natural Brands www.threefarmers.ca 877-295-1551 SAVE JUL, SEP THRIVE PROVISIONS thriveprovisions.ca 403-684-3540 THUNDERBIRD www.thunderbirdbar.com 512-383-8334 TICK’D OFF BROKERED BY ILevel Management Inc. www.aurium.ca/brands/70 877-728-7486 SAVE JUL, SEP TINTS OF NATURE BROKERED BY Naturally Perfect Consulting www.herbuk.com 888-597-5538 SAVE SEP CASE STACK DEAL IN SELECT MONTHS
112 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com GROCERY CANADIAN SUPPLEMENTS HABA TOM’S OF MAINE BROKERED BY Advantage Solutions www.tomsofmaine.com 800-572-0004 SAVE AUG TRACE MINERALS RESEARCH BROKERED BY Reveal Canada Inc., Ultimate Sales Canada traceminerals.com/ +1 800-624-7145 TRADITIONAL MEDICINALS www.traditionalmedicinals.com 800-543-4372 TROPHIC www.trophicproducts.com 800-663-4136 UNCLE LEE’S TEA BROKERED BY ILevel Management Inc. www.unclelee.com 626-350-3309 SAVE JUL, AUG, SEP UPFRONT COSMETICS https://upfrontcosmetics.ca/ 506-461-2528 SAVE JUL URBAN SPA BROKERED BY Propel Natural Brands www.urbanspa.ca 866-877-1262 SAVE JUL, SEP UTIVA utivahealth.ca 888-622-3613 VEGAN PURE BROKERED BY Indigo Natural Products Management myveganpure.com VEGO www.vego-chocolate.com +49 306-953-6740 VITA-BIO BROKERED BY Momentum Natural Brands, Quebec Contact www.vitabio.ca 877-446-1475 VITAL PROTEINS BROKERED BY Marsham International www.vitalproteins.com 224-544-9110 SAVE AUG, SEP
113 Pour une liste complète et en savoir plus sur les produits, connectez-vous à CustomerLink à l’adresse www.puritylife.com EDUCATION PORTAL CASE STACK DEAL IN SELECT MONTHS VITALITY PRODUCTS INC. www.vitality.ca 888-855-7776 VITRUVI www.vitruvi.ca 844-484-4065 WATKINS CO. BROKERED BY Natural Specialty Sales www.watkins1868.com 800-243-9423 SAVE JUL, SEP WEAN GREEN https://weangreen.com/ 888-923-9326 WEDDERSPOON BROKERED BY Propel Natural Brands wedderspoon.ca 888-256-6603 SAVE JUL WELEDA BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management www.weleda.com 800-241-1030 WELL TOLD HEALTH welltold.com 855-935-5865 SAVE JUL, SEP WELLY www.wellybottle.com WHISPS BROKERED BY North South Management Inc. https://whisps.com/ 18334 WILD MOUNTAIN CHOCOLATE bean2bar.ca 778-526-5200 SAVE MAY WILD ROSE www.wildroseproducts.com 800-663-4136 WOBENZYM www.wobenzym.ca 866-856-9954
114 For complete product listings and details, log in to CustomerLink at www.puritylife.com GROCERY CANADIAN SUPPLEMENTS HABA WONDER OIL www.wonderoil.ca WYOMING GOURMET BEEF BROKERED BY Saralex www.wyproducts.com 307-587-9841 YES TO BROKERED BY M2 Brand Management yesto.com/ 866-627-8745 SAVE SEP YOGI ORGANIC TEAS BROKERED BY Marsham International www.yogitea.com SAVE JUL, AUG YVES ROCHER https://www.yvesrocher.ca/
DB BROKERED BY Mountain2Inc https://drinkzerodb.com/ ZORAW CHOCOLATES BROKERED BY Mountain2Inc https://www.zorawchocolates.ca/ 416-998-8457
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