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目錄 2F 玩自然 ---9 老祖宗沒有現成玩具,他們玩什麼?怎麼玩?

玩藝光年 - 策展概念 ---1

Nature Play

Craftoy - Concept

W h a t d i d o u r g r a n d p a re n t s p l a y w i t h s i n c e t h e y d i d n ’t h a v e t h e re a d y - m a d e t o y s ?

展覽總說 ---3

3F 玩繽紛 ---12



Overview You Can Play it This Way- A Venture of Mixed T i m e a n d M e d i a

穿越時空的遊戲空間 ---5 玩 藝 光 年 展 場 設 計 概 念

Game Space across Time and Space Play thing light year exhibition venue design concept

Fun Play M a t e r i a l G re a t L e a p F o r w a rd ! W h a t d i d o u r f a t h e r a n d m o t h e r p l a y w h e n t h e y w e re y o u n g ? H o w d i d t h e y p l a y ?

4F 玩想像 ---15 現代科技化玩具之外,我們還能玩什麼?自己開創怎麼玩!

Imagination Play

展區主題 ---6

In addition to the modern technological toys, w h a t e l s e c a n w e p l a y ? H o w t o c re a t e o u r o w n g a m e s ?

Exhibition region subject

遊戲大地 ---7

動手就是玩想像 DIY 教室 ---18



Game Land


B a c k t o n a t u re , t h e w o n d e r f u l t i m e o f p l a y i n g !



數位虛擬時代衝擊的不僅是孩童,富含生活智慧的遊藝文化亦然,大量價格低廉、透過標準化生產的全球 化、商品化玩具被生產出來時,獨特地域且具有珍貴文化深度、歷史背景的玩藝逐漸被遺忘、淘汰。如何 能讓現代孩童了解前代的生活智慧及遊藝文化?當面對沒有現成玩具的情景,他們會怎麼玩?不會玩?有 什麼可玩?本展概念以現代小孩身處的時代為第一人稱向古代延伸,企圖以遊戲與情境塑造方式構築、重 現不同時代的玩藝及其當下社會特色,提出玩具工藝之於祖孫三代的跨時空意義,展望其未來可塑性。

遊戲來自大地、玩具來自想像、造型來自生活、樂趣來自互動,「2010 玩具工藝特展─玩藝光年」架構在人、 物、境三個原則之上,企圖以環境營造氛圍、展品構築內容、裝置形成互動,依循著玩具工藝的歷史演進 脈絡,達到全面而通徹的呈現,並且進一步開拓參觀者視野。

The virtual era has an impact not only on the children but the culture of “playing”. When mass amount of cheap, standardized, globalized, and commercialized products are manufactured, the unique local cultures and historic backgrounds of the “play things” are fading away. How do we bring the children to know the wisdoms in life and the “play culture” developed in the preceding generations? How are the children going to play when there is no ready-made toys? What can they play with? This exhibition places the children in the role of the “first-person” and brings them into the past to explore the different ways of fun. It is an attempt to construct and reproduce the childhood fun and the socio-economic background of different times through games and scenarios. Through back-tracking into three generations of toy crafts, we aim to bring the audiences to explore the infinite possibilities in the future. Games come from the land, toys come from imaginations, forms come from life, and fun comes from interactivities. Craftoy- 2010 Craft Toys Exhibition is designed on top of the structure of "people", "things", and 'environment". It is an attempt to create an atmosphere from the elements of the environment, derive stories from the relics, and facilitate interactivity through the installations. Following the history of toy crafts, this exhibition is an attempt to present an overall view of the art of toy crafts and bring the audiences beyond the objects to explore the connotations behind the toys.

Concept 1


玩藝光年 Craftoy 展覽總說 跨越時代與材質,你可以這樣玩! 歷經時代及科技的變革演進,玩具對於人類的意義日新月異,不同時期的玩具,代表著當時人類文明社會 的縮影,從中我們可以窺見先民的生活、祖先的智慧長年累積下來的生活精華,也可見到各種材質、技術、 外形隨著文明演進而物換星移,展現出許多不同的風貌。 現代小朋友身處其中何其幸福?多媒體、虛擬技術日新月異,龐大而刺激的聲光娛樂資料快速、大量地在 他們的世界中流動,使他們能夠更輕鬆地接觸吸收新訊,但這些短暫、片段、不連貫式的訊息,在在降低 了孩子們對於人與人之間互動關係的認知,屬於「純真童年」的生活文化及童玩遊藝,也悄然遠去。當他 們立足於大自然,手中空無一物之時,他們能夠怎麼「玩」? 人類的創造力無窮,前人從生活中萃取靈感,從自然中擷取材料,創造出許多富想像力又饒富趣味、美感 的童玩及遊戲。「玩藝光年 2010 玩具工藝特展」反璞歸真,依循玩藝的歷史背景脈絡,區分為遊戲大地、 玩自然、玩繽紛、玩想像等三階段,並以「玩」( 與物互動 )、「遊」( 與境互動 )、「戲」( 與人互動 ) 為 展場思考方向,全盤地呈現跨世紀的玩藝風采,讓觀展人士不僅可以觀賞、接觸跨世紀、跨材質的玩藝, 更可以在展場中藉由親身參與製作、賞玩、思考去深刻體會其人文背景、豐富創意的生活美感。


The mankind has infinite creativity. Our ancestors grasped the ideas from the everyday activities and manifested them in the materials found from the nature to create fun, interesting, and aesthetic toys and games. In Craftoy- 2010 Special Exhibition of Toy Crafts, our event production team explored deep into the history and development of toys to bring you a sneak peek of the “age of innocence”. This year’s exhibition will be presented in three major sections designed based on the history of toys, including “Toys from the Nature”, “Toys in the Industrial Age”, and “Toys of Wild Imagination”. Each of the sections are further designed into three themes- “Play” (interactivity with things), “Expedition” (interactivity with the environment), and “Games” (Interactivity with others). A comprehensive lineup of toys of the past and present will bring the audiences up-close in direct contact with the cross-time, mixed-media arts of toys. And several interactive games and DIY classrooms will give you an unforgettable experience to the cultural background and creative inspirations of toys from various time periods.

Overview Yo u C a n P l a y i t T h i s Wa y - A Ve n t u re o f M i x e d T i m e a n d M e d i a 4



Exhibition region subject

玩 藝 光 年 展 場設計概念


Game Space across Time and Space Play thing light year exhibition venue design concept This Game Space features modulated toys, which represent the versatility of contemporary arts. The parts of the toys can be dismantled and reassembled based on the elements of forms, totems, and materials. Mixed-media crafts are integrated into the versatility of toys to create a sense of traveling through time and space. And the entrances of the interactive sub-areas are designed with interesting themes and well-illustrated descriptions to give the audiences a knowledgeable guide.






4F 玩想像 現代科技化玩具之外,我們還能玩什麼?自己開創怎麼玩!

3F 玩繽紛 材質大躍進!老爸、老媽玩什麼?怎麼玩?

2F 玩自然 老祖宗沒有現成玩具,他們玩什麼?怎麼玩?

1F- 入口意象 不要懷疑!讓我們一同進入玩藝世界冒險吧!


遊戲大地 回 歸 自 然 , 遊戲時光多美妙!

倦鳥歸巢 Grass ball throwing game

身處在層巒翠綠之間,無不令人放鬆心情、心曠神怡!人類倚靠著大自然生存,大自然也是孩子們最好的 遊戲場,能夠啟發孩子們好奇地去親近、探索、無所不玩。訴求於跨世代探索的玩藝光年,從戶外環境活 動出發,結合草屯在地特色,設置手編草捲、草球、倦鳥歸巢等自然素材製作的大地遊戲,在追、趕、跑、 跳之間,舒筋暢骨之餘,提升自我精神、集中專注力,再進入展場內依循樓層分區挑戰闖關冒險遊戲能更 細察紋理、發揮想像,用心去玩、放心去玩!

Game Land Back to nature, the wonderful time of playing! Enjoy the cheering and relaxing outdoors! The great nature provides the mankind means of livelihood and the children a giant playground. It is a treasure mountain filled with inspiring games waiting for the kids to experience, explore and experiment. In the Crafttoy- 2010 Craft Toys Exhibition,the exhibition starts from a series of outdoor games, featuring Caotun's special hand-made sraw rolls, balls, and bird nest. This series of running and chasing games offer the children an experince of outdoor activities and warms them up for the challenges in the fun games indoor.


草捲 Straw volume

草球 Grass ball


2F 玩自然

老祖宗沒有現成玩具, 他們玩什麼?怎麼玩?

傳統童玩源遠流長、遊藝文化綿延發展,華夏文化當中衍生出的童玩,更有些至今仍有人在玩,以製作角 度來說,這些童玩製作材料大都取自自然,極具野趣與土味,且是以個人巧思、自己動手製作為主,工法 也略為樸拙,近代鄉土時期雖有利用生活中廢棄物及其他材質加以組合甚或取代,但主要材質依然以自然 素材為大宗,形成其特有的風格與造形,玩法上也各有其趣。「玩自然」當中精選「華夏玩藝」、「鄉土童玩」 搭配「益智玩藝」、「原住民玩具」為主題,展區內設計踢毽子懸吊體驗區及布袋戲扮演體驗區,讓您了 解老祖宗玩什麼?怎麼玩!

2F Nature Play What did our grandparents play with since they didn’t have the ready-made toys? The craft of toys has had a long history in the Chinese culture and some of the items are still played today. From the aspect of production, toys of the earlier times were mostly handmade from objects found in the nature. Though unrefined, these toys were original creations of ingenious designs. In the pre-industrial period, toys made from recycle materials were also prevalent, but most of the materials still came from the surrounding environment. Use of such materials molded a unique toy style and created a special way of having fun. The “Toys from the Nature” section features four themes- “Toys in Chinese Culture”, “Toys of Folk Crafts”, “Toys of Brain Games”, and “Toys of the Indigenous Cultures”. The shuttlecock kicking and hand-puppet areas will bring you back in time to see what our grandparents played for fun?


以傳統山水畫構成為整體畫面勾勒視覺基底,安插畫中元素,並搭配傳統生活中所用之布匹圖騰,結 合剪紙概念,於畫面中拼貼華夏鄉土文化童玩之圖片吉帶有童趣之繪本式元素,除顧及主題外,也能 打破對該主題的傳統視覺思維,更能以鮮艷色彩吸引目光。




Pot Casting

Sound-Making Whipping Top


3F 玩繽紛

材質大躍進! 老爸、老媽玩什麼?怎麼玩?


工業化時代來臨!工廠林立,各項建設陸續興建,工商業蓬勃發展,人民生活富足,生活當中的娛樂變多, 玩具的形式逐漸轉變為生活中帶有進步感的事物,各式交通工具、房屋建設、娃娃類陸續成為玩具製作的 大宗,色彩上因生活豐富的物質文化而更顯五彩繽紛、用色鮮明,材質方面更是有了從賽璐璐、鐵皮、合

魯班鎖 Luban Lock-Lock in the Lock Puzzle




(2-2-2) 一組的六子聯方最為普遍。為什麼稱為「六子 聯方」? 清光緒 15 年發行的《鵝幻彙編》中把組木取名



3F Fun Play

M a t e r i a l G re a t L e a p F o r w a rd ! W h a t d i d o u r f a t h e r a n d m o t h e r p l a y w h e n t h e y w e re y o u n g ? H o w d i d t h e y p l a y ?

草編玩具 Straw Woven Toy 各式草 / 麻編擺飾在過去的農村社會中,沒有太多設計 精巧的玩具,草、麻、竹、木等都可以成為玩具的材料。

Along with the arrival of the Industrial Age, factories sprouted, development of infrastructure changed the way people lived, and rising of commercial-based economy brought fast growth in the national income. People became wealthier and therefore the need for entertainment rose. During this period, a series of toys reflecting the advancement of technology became highly popular. Figurines of transportation vehicles, architecture in miniature forms, and human-figure dolls highlighted the rising of the materialistic




culture. A revolution took place in the world of toys and factories began to churn up dazzling choices of toys in bright colors and

Longevity Figurine

Plastic Figurines

novel materials, ranging from celluloid, tin plates, and alloys to plastic. The “Toys of the Industrial Age” section is designed in



a backdrop of modernity and features a lineup of mass-produced toys in various materials and themes. This exhibition will also


feature a set of oversize stuffed-toy puzzle and chess game to bring the audiences a very different hands-on experience in the fun of “stacking” and introduce the audiences to the different feels of various material textures.


火星大王 「玩繽紛」其時代強調的是工業發達、經濟起飛,私有


Super Astronaut


1980 年代火星大王機器人,胸前是可以打開



1950~1970 年代深受小朋友喜歡。

財的樣式與造型成為人類生活重點,「房屋」與「家」 是其代表之一,兩者形象明顯出現在孩童玩耍 ( 扮家家 酒 ) 及選擇玩具,是遊戲也同時是一種社會訓練。「我 家門前有小河,後面有山坡」本區視覺依據此時代特性, 以當時一般孩童夢想中的「西式房屋」為主體,搭配背



Celluloid Doll


賽璐璐在 1869 年被研發出來,在台灣的日治時


代很快被製成許多物品,也包括玩具。由於易 燃的缺點容易釀成火災而漸漸被塑膠取代。

冰鈴 Airplane Roulette Wheel 冰鈴又稱飛機台,因為台內有一架小飛機因此得 名。一按下按鈕小飛機就會鈴鈴繞著圓圈跑,停 下來時看飛機指針的位置,答案便揭曉。




Wind-up Doll

Tin Toy Tricycle




4F 玩想像

現代科技化玩具之外, 我們還能玩什麼?自己開創怎麼玩!

動動腦!啟發自己的想像力與創造力!進入高科技資訊時期,現代虛擬數位空間無遠弗屆,只需要透過手 指頭,就能夠達到超乎想像爆炸式的資訊,而人對於玩具、遊戲的定義、創意及想像力又在哪兒?我們還 能怎麼玩?綜觀玩具不同的造形、功能、材質及色彩,這些元素是否能帶來些許想像?這是個動腦創作的 時代,自己的玩具可以自行定義、自己創造!進入「玩想像」,看見當代潮玩具碰撞上節能減碳環保再生 玩具,再也沒有不可能!當代手作達人教你製作自己的玩具!再從材質、造形、色彩切入,發揮創意,畫 出你心目中最理想的玩具!

4F Imagination Play In addition to the moder n technological toys, what else can we play? How to create our own games? Brainstorm! Brainstorm! Activate your imagination and creativity. In this high-tech age, the virtual and digital spaces are extended without boundaries. All you need to do is to click a few links and you will be bombarded with explosive amount of information. What then defines the meaning of “toys” and where do we find the inspiration for creativity and imagination? How do we play? Do the different forms, functions, materials, and colors of the modern-day toys inspire imagination? This is an era of wild creativity; the players define their own games and sometimes create their own. When you step into the “Toys of wild Imagination” zone,

以數位、資訊為展場構築氛圍的「玩想像」,左方多媒體區外牆大量使用線條裝飾、LED 動態燈光, 呈現前後參差式的光影流動,塑造數位時代變動快速感,子題意象呈現承襲整體風格外,更以電光 球作為主角,象徵人腦川流不息,想像力無窮無盡,呼應主題。

you will find that nothing is impossible, especially when you see the fashion toys clash into the world of eco-friendly recycled materials. There will also be contemporary craft experts onsite to show you how to make your own toys, so you can have a complete experience right from choosing the materials and deciding on the forms and colors to drawing and making the toy of your dreams.



Be@rbrick 1000%-Roen colon-kun 這款 1000% Roen Colon-kun 君,以「小惡魔」為

Da Minci


這 款 由 Tim Tsui 所 設 計 的 Da



的可愛小獠牙, 一副正在動腦筋惡作劇的模樣,



動手就是玩想像 DIY 教室



跨 越 材 料 與 形 式 , 你也可以這樣玩!

活動地點:工藝文化館四樓 活動時間:下午 14:00-16:00 童玩公仔

活動場次:15 場(一場兩梯次)

Toys theme doll

活動人數:每場 30 人(共分兩梯次,一梯次 15 人)

結合傳統童玩主題與流行設計公仔特性設計, 為本展點題。

活動方式:參觀者完成迷宮地圖集章者,可至 1F 服務台報名參與體驗活動,依報名先後順序,額滿為止。


小水鴨 Little duck 將多多罐側挖掉一半,在罐底加一支竹籤與兩支 吸管成為螺旋漿,並用橡皮圈將竹籤與瓶蓋連 結,即成為小水鴨船,在水中划漿非常可愛。




Spider-Man made of paper



日本設計團隊 DEVILROBOTS 設計了台灣獨有的豆腐

有」嗎 ?,您知道紙分成哪六大類嗎 ? 動手捲紙就

人家族新成員「臭豆腐 SMERY」,這個捏鼻子的豆

能把瓦楞紙搖身變成立體公仔喔 !

腐人看起來果然是非常「臭」,可見台灣臭豆腐之 臭連豆腐人都受不了。

7/10 7/17 7/24 7/31 8/07

鴨子上樹 竹頭號 草編+卡片 流星錘 龍的傳人 - 捏麵人

8/14 8/21 8/28 9/04 9/11

紙藝 DIY 銅管車 草編環保扇 虎虎生風 - 捏麵人 風車我和你

9/25 10/09 10/23 11/06 11/20

龍虎翻山板 鴨子上樹 響板 布袋戲偶 草編福氣掃把

( 實際活動時間及內容將視展場現場公布為主 )


畫 下 你 心 中 未 來 的 玩具, 為玩具重新定義!

Go ahead and draw the toy of your dreams. Let's give the concept of "toy" a new definition.




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