Ear to speaker, Candy Anomaly adjusted the machina. Turning the dials. Turning the dials. She took notations. Deciphered anomalous code. Rewinding her own gears, when needed.
Transmissions emerged from the Etheric field, Purple in hue at first, eventually deepening into a spectrum of vibrations. It became clear what era the machina was locking into.
image: TerryJuku
An Aethergram from the Editorial Chieftess
s ial Chieftes r o t i d E e h t om Ethergram fr e local after learning th s, on si is sm an tr closed d at the START ary to issue the en ould only be save w d an , on ti nc It became necess fu mal to be had succumbed to solutions needed er th O P O printer's scanner T S k urple-their cloc after learning theSlocal ion of Phad ... on traditscanner on It became necessary tope issue these transmissions, printer's g rs in ir pr pa e re th a n -i of eleas hand th reat are 24saved pril be nthoclock. an Aonly atwould succumbed to malfunction, and the hand ofthaerepairperson... ck FaeryonAtheir re th la su B en to r fo ed s oy an pl sc em e rdial And while ath24th adership aly's Aetofhe Other solutions needed to ebereemployed to, ensure release,Cin the Purple. Anomtradition dy Spring an of s on si made its way to th is sm the tranare the as it turns, the transmissions of rn thes,Aetherdial right on time. As it tu s will flicker with ht ig tl ar he procured STOP ur yo d consumption of the green & violet intel herein. pethe It is ho OP flicker It is hoped your heartlights with STwill STOP are right on time violet intel herein & n ee gr e th of n consumptio bit... rmat is aEnjoy. As this is an off-schedule boon of the smittle variation, the format isn, a bit... anomalous. the fo io at ri va e tl it e sm hedule boon of th As this is an off-sc Enjoy STOP anomalous STOP
-PurpleZoe from aboard the Strawberry Zeppelin in the OtherAether, crackling open a fresh back of mulberry vegly gum-- a product of the future-now. eZoe
nvein Eth' Zoem a.k.a Dazjae 'Moo
to the Othr n-usual variation coveries of the no dis g din ad ile ether, wh ped Purple elin in the OtherA nning the revam Strawberry Zepp process, and pla in ^) *_ ~from aboard the er th #e cl.... quel-of-a-sort (in now~* d Wonderdark se uct of the futureCompendium , an vegly gum-- a prod rry lbe mu of ck pa cks open a fresh Aethersite,. *cra
......the dial clicked,dreamspill flying out to cover, paper, wall, and garb. Candy Anomaly paused to gasp with delight, before proceeding.
Within Candy Anomaly's Aetherdial - Issue's #9.5 ...the nanoverse, and etherverse, and many verses of other rushed the screen.
Editorial Chieftess: PurpleZoe
Cake and HardCandy p4 Resident Greenbone: Sholokahn
#AltUmoja Alt-POC movement talk p5
Ink Faeries: Dazjae Zoem, TerryJuku, MM Carter, Moonvein.
#IndieMarketing Part 6
VioletPaper's Purple Mag serves underreprsented Mythmaking and Indie/DIY Other-culture/Alt-culture
ranging from Speculative fiction media creation [Fantasy,
Mimicry's the new art?
Magical Realism, Scifi] to mediums ranging from
experimental to other-traditional. Out hope is that the Other Black/POC experience can be celebrated and
#ModernMyth/HuemindFantastic/Im agisms p8,12,15
embraced in its full beauty, rather than in poisonous stereotypes found so often in mainstram media. We began this journey in '06, and hope to continue for many moons to come. We're not-for-profit and intend to
stay that way, using any coinage from donations and print
Terry Juku p14 Gimp-color Tutorial p9
issues for overhead/magazine projcects and events,. We're primarily digital , but issues are offered in archival print as well within two weeks of digital issue release.
EnergyMail: Purplemag@gmail.com,
Muthawitticisms p11 DANimality p19
#TheCuriousBazaar p18 #TheLastWord p20 #SubmissionGuidelines Inside Back-cover
Made in 4�5 days with Opensource Technology
Scribus. Open Office. Gimp. Grassroots, baby!
a.k.a Magikal Veganry
Cake. It's veddy easy to veganize by subbing 1 tsp cornstarch for ea egg a non-Vegan recipe calls for (truth be told, cake can be made without cornstarch if you use baking powder, but use it anyway if you like).
Sub Earthbalance butter (or any butter with VegetableMonodiglycerides --if it doesn't say Vegetable, it's animal parts-- and no dairy in the ingredients), or oil where butter is called for.
Sub Veg milk for dairy. Soy, Rice, Almond and Hemp are but a few available that will add nicely to texture and taste (dependent upon your preference of course).
In lieu of Baking Powder, 1/2 teaspoon baking soda to 1/8 tsp salt aids nicely in a recipe using a cup to a cup and 1/2 of unbleached or almond/nut-based flour, cup organic sugar, 1/2 cup oil, 1/2 cup water, 2 tsp Cornstarch, and 2 tsp flavor extract (Naturesflavors.com carries numsical vegan extracts)
Baking times vary, but for a small cake like the abovementioned, a 1/2 hour usually suffices at 350 degrees. Poking with a fork until it comes out dry is a decent test.
Hard Candy. note: Youth, get parental permissions. This can be dangerous and unfun burnwise. Amazingly easy hard candies without all of the extra nonsense, are not difficult to make. In a nutshell, you will require organic sugar and just enough water to cover the amount you settle on, a tsp or two of lemon juice to provide the acidity needed to keep the sugar syrup from sticking, a mold or regular cookie sheet and butter knife to score the candies once you've poured the boiled oil onto the sheet. Begin by allowing the sugar syrup to thicken over medium-high to higher temp according to your stove, without constant stirring (keep stirring to a bare minimum). Use a candy thermometer to indicate when the syrup's reached 300 degrees (hard candy temp), or take a bit of the syrup onto your spoon, and pour it into a glass of iced water. If it's ready to be poured into the molds, it will form a thin, breakable streak in the water. At proper temp, gently stir in your extract flavor or homemade syrup flavor, pour the candy syrup into your pre-oiled molds, or a lightly -oiled cookie sheet (and make criss-cross marks with a butter knife before it hardens, for later easeful breaking of candy pieces).
Vhala! fifty-leven chemical-free, and cert. Vegan.
Purple Mag. 9.5
#AltUmoja As we move forward into what has been a chaotic beginning to a new millenium, we're seeing more alternative POC movements step to the forefront. The Black Rock Coalition paved the way 25 years ago, with URB Alt next making its beginning as a 2001 showcase of a different name and eventually morphing into a fest and genre for the boxless multi-cultural experience/process, Afropunk made a profound POC-punk impression with a 2004 documentary and annual festival celebrating afropunks by visionary James Spooner --who I've recently learned hasn't run AP for 3 years or so-- to my surprise, ,next, PrimordialPunk's tribal punk pinups and burlesque events began gracing our collective, BoldasLove.us's BoldasLive and blog rose as a firm champion of underrepresented alt-culture news with an emphasis on Black Rock, and recently an emergence of Bazaar Royale's Ghettometal arose to represent our beloved headbangers. These and the others I am sure are budding in the soil of our underrepresented collective otherness, are profoundly important to the Black/POC community, as they represent our right to 'be', rather than accept caricaturization and conditioned (overrun) stereotypes placed upon us by Mainstream interests. The indiestream is vital to everyone now, considering the artlessness in the mainstream, in my humble opinion. As an indie cheerleader, recently hearing that Sir Spooner is no longer running AP saddened and dissapointed. Next, anger naturally arose, in assumption that AP was usurped, but the facts haven't been presented, and if they have its been under the hush of this important news (hardly anyone knows about this), from what can be gathered it changed hands willingly. I didn't delve any further researching the issue, because I can only hope it will be run in the spirit of alt-Umoja, and serve the purpose of underrepresented alt-events. Alarm need only be raised if word of mistreatment of the legacy arises, that needs to be addressed. But this issue leads into an important one for us as an alt-community regarding, art-culture and
A few other networks for Nerds Of Color (thankyou Sir Arcturus for sharing knowledge of
the term):
profit. Where are we headed? Will we see uncompromised otherness celebrated, and still in the hands of our community, or will it be commodified, and sold out from under us.... like the majority of mainstream hiphop? I'm serious, now, this is
QuirkyBlackGirls.ning. com
an issue that affects all alt-organizations. How are we, the alt-people going to champion our heartinvestment? Will we congratulate each other, as well as check each other when sight of the larger picture's
been lost? Will we succeed at rising above the crabs-in-a-barrel mentality that's been conditioned into our community through the belief of lack imposed upon people of color? I think we can. I think it will take integrity on everyone's part. It will take artists that won't be compromised. Event organizers that celebrate
BlackNerdsNetwork.blo gspot.com
the power of non-formulaic identity rather than the profit-only stance. Black Rock evangelists who will continue to spread the word, as Sir Fields (BoldasLove) has described. It will take indie media that will be
honest, and as unbiased as possible. It will mean putting the movement first, even if it means 'checking' our friends when necessary. It would be a tragedy to see this gift, as that's exactly what it is, thrown away for fools gold.
AfroAlternateRealities (on Spruz and Ning)
Wouldn't it be wonderful to form into the collective alternative fam we are on some Voltron-type sh--? We've seen too many gems emerging from original diasporic soil, fall prey to vision-interference in the past. It shouldn't be so with the other black experience. Nerds of color *are* the highermind of the community. We should use this opportunity to lead, or at the very least, congratulate one another and do our own thing within the alt-hive. I propose a non-profit ring of alt-heads, that celebrates the underrepresented alt-family, and help announce the happenings within the collective from the various alt genres, as well as the birth of new genres and families within the family. If you agree and have ideas, for an as yet non-existent alt-platform, that can act as a diaspora-owned catch-all POC alt-culture phrase/hashtag/banner for our sites, please share it with the community.
If you know of others drop a DM or @CandyAnomaly text in the nanoverse. Purple Mag. 9.5
#Indie Marketing-Part 1 For part 1 of this article series a grouping of solid marketing tips that can be read with ease during your commute, or at other convenient times, has been organized below.We'll be including quotes from folks in various positions of indie commerce/industry in future installments. The sole purpose of this series is to make it easeful for indie artists and merchants to move
casting your
forward sans confusion.
gems 'pon Logos, and spokespersons are identif iable sweethearts to the consumer
eye. They represent familiarity (the psyche likes what it's used to.) If
space. Indie
you're not the model for your product, hire models for your product, and
marketing is
take hi-res fotos* that aren't hard on the eye of the consumer. Consider
yourself when faced with clever storytelling in an ad, or just plain high
, when it's
quality simplicity. Image has power. Have a logo developed that will
done right.
remind your intended audience of your brand everytime they see it, and be sure your models/images reflect the quality and personality of your brand. Send press releases to media especially indie media from the contact
printouts, the list goes on... the more unusual and useful for your
list you develop. Create a microblog on Status.net or *shudder* twitter, intended audience the better. and share facts and news related to your product/service. Send intel to Be conf ident. If you trust in your product so will those you come mags and etc at least 4 mos in advance, regardng releases and events.
into contact with. If you don't trust your product and have even
Most mags are laying out a mag ahead of time. If you know your
the slightest desperation for others to approve of it "for you", your
product's releasing in May, send your press release/promo packets to
marketing efforts will repel potential audience members, rather
them by January.
than attract. You could be sitting on a masterwork, but if you
And always remember the value of being polite. Being rude to the folks don't believe in it, that truth will come through in your eyes, tone that support and believe in you, taking it all as given without so much
of voice, and everything you do in association to it. You MUST
as a thankyou can turn off a warm heart ready to stand behind what
believe in its worth to sell it effectively (and get to sleep at night
you do. Nothing beats humility, and keeping your feet firmly planted on *_^). Heart-centered marketing is the truest form of marketing. the ground. Repetition is fun when it's clever and has value. It's spam when it's
Marketing is work. To be an indie merchant or artist these days,
repetitive and uninspiring. Repetition is however, necessary. The
you HAVE to be prepared to log the man hourse to get the word
average attention span and time it take to remembr something, varies
out. Results will come, but it is doubtful they will come overnight.
from person to person, but unlss the impression is MAJOR, it will need Commit to marketing your product with some kind of method at to be made more than once to be recalled and for a brand to be
least once a week. Get in the habit of bringing it up (non-
established 'pon the psyches of potential partakers of what you extend. agressively) in convo. Be witty. Develop one-sentence soundbytes Write articles surrounding your product, approach a publication that
that describe your product, sound, or etc to keep the attention
apprciates your work about starting a column, or offering content that spans of folks who ask you about it. Long, unclear descriptions ties into your brand while offering value to their readers.
could lose potential audience members/buyers.
Venues care how you effect them. Musicians, bring an audience with you, or feature someone who has an audience that will come to see
Comments, questions about part 1 of this series? Beam them
them. Geniuses that few know, will likely fill few seats. Venues can be
through the nanoverse @candyanomaly
leary of this. Be vigilant. Keep extending your brand with value that rings true to your identity (eps, flyers, newsletters in fun forms, useful
Purple Mag. 9.5
Mimicry: The new? notcreativity
I'm all for paying homage to those who come before us, and find reinvention a slick and beautiful thing, but it has to be asked. What's happening to mainstream artists? Is it a sign that the part-mighty mainstream is on its last leg to see so much regurgitation pressed and packaged for the consumption of the masses?
Sleepwalking can be good, like when you have to visit the powder room in the middle of the night, and your body allows you to do it half-sleep, automatic-response like. It can also be bad, like when you totally forget the people who are consuming your media/message, and in the mad rush to keep or attain a record/book/etc deal, you throw both art and voice to the wind and embrace the non-logic that regurgitating something that was done before to happy reception, in the form of remix, straight up jackmove, or other, is somehow... okay, and not a total betrayal of what you're supposed to stand for as an artist.
Purple Mag. 9.5
And what are we to do, aside from what alot of us have done by turning the radio off? Not everyone will turn the radio off, but will instead allow themselves to lose IQ points and think unoriginal things because they believe they're seeing something (that emerged long ago) for the very first time. Calling out names is futile, when we see so many artists doing it. What is necessary, at least, is the applause of the original few that raise the societal vibration with their mere presence. Imagine the change for the better if the masses were to partake of their theta nectars. Your thoughts in song lyric, poemlet, micro-blog, letter, shared diary page, image-comment, and/or etc. is welcome, and may be published in the next issuing.
image: P.Savitha
#DIY Coloring with Gimp (for intermediate users)
Image editing is only an ardurous task when you don't have the basics extended in the beginning. Once you know the tools, how to resize and set resolution and the like, the rest is a matter of play, discovery and thoutube tutorials.
Above image: Yoshiaka
In Process Screenshots
Coloring in Gimp is incredibly easy.
With your base image in the layers, right click on the layer, and click on duplicate image 4 or 5times (as needed). Then change the mode to -multiply- on each duplicated layer. Name the layers according to the parts you want to color. e.g. Skin, hair, wings *_^, etc. Click on the layer you want to begin coloring on, leaving the base layer black and white beneath. Begin to color after you select your color, paint tool, and the size of the brush in the Gimp toolbox selection area (usually below all of the tool icons). Color the area with your brush but be mindful to color without lifting the brush before you cover every part. Don't worry
about mess. The layers beneath are safe. When you've covered say the entirety of skin in your image (se pict A), set your tools to an eraser with brush size you want to use, then erase the color that bleeds over the lines and onto parts of the image you want to cover in another color or have remain untouched (see pict B). Move onto the next layer and repeat, and so on and so forth. When finished, you will be able to go in layer by layer and fix what you need to without accidentally making mistakes on another part of the image (see pict C.). The result is a clean color, that is hassle free (Play with the burn tool to add easier highlights or shade...very interesting business). Now you may save as .jpg, .png (for a clean online experience- press the eye by the background if you have a partly or fully transparent background that you've erased or set that way,
then save. Saving it this way will create a transparent background via .png- it's not smooth if you save it as a .gif, however), .psd if you want to edit it later in photoshop, .and so forth. Save as .xcf to work on it again later in GIMP. Enjoy!
If you're new to Gimp, it's Opensource, gratis, extended to help us get from under the boot heel of the (little, but) big (seeming) guy. Download it @ Gimp.org, and visit youtube to watch beginner tutorials. If you're reeaaallly irritated and want a few pointers. Seesmic us @CandyAnomaly We'll be glad to share the intel. Gimp is a winner.
C. Purple Mag. 9.5
#HuemindFantastic #LeSteam
MM Carter's 'Shadow of the Red Hyena'
(Part Deux)
rated: Mature Teen
establishment inside. The banners and pennants of city, region and national ball teams hung from the rafters or were pinned to the walls, along with team individuals from the teams photos who had eaten there . Green leather booths hugged the wallls except near the kitchen and bathrooms, the rest were tables or in a special alcove on the northside ,the two rough,made from scrap wood, benches that were the original eating places when the late Thomy Bleeker and Jerry Earle first opened the establishment back on Strodes and Nyzinga, two blocks up the street from where they lived with there young families, the Randolph Mitchell Tower. Or Kickback Palace as Thomy Bleeker called it in its first few years. Jerry took to calling it the same as the older teens; The Hell. A product of a need for housing, old style political corruption, and big government Bowing slightly to the Inspector, Doctor Doopyduk came into Inspector Okoye’s office carrying his slowly revolving spheres spinning in counter direction from the silver girded etched glass globe. A well groomed and dressed figure of medium height, Oliver Doopyduk had the look of a successful stage performer. But that as, Okoye had learned,had driven the Vodunologist to become one of the most academically esteemed scholars among his peers of all subjects, a rarity Okoye knew, a flash of his solving a murder case at Haven City College involving rival professors,running through his mind as the doctor set down his gear. ” Inspector the news I bring, I believe, is the most disturbing in, I think four generations. The Benin OutBreak is it’s closest rival.” He had sat in a plush leather chair,his legs crossed, his expensive dyed navy blue ostrich leather shoes gleaming in the light of the office. The shoes alone were two months salary to Okoye. But he no longer bore any resentment towards the doctor for his acquired wealth in fact on many a occasion had been there when the aid of the Vodunologist had helped break what would have been called an insolvable crime. * Dintine’s was a favored restaurant at the head of the West Avenue- Pierce El crossings of the bay. Painted blue and molasses brown on the outside, depending on the time of day it was either a bright yellow or a muddy gold colored walled
indifference, The Hell became a breeding ground for all the ills the Establishment sought to sweep away and appease. But the Bleekers and the Earles, their wives Anna and Netty, respectively, and hundreds of other made do and grew a garden from amid the weeds. Though Waymon Earle wouldn’t have said it like that to the two men sitting at the old plank bench with him. They were ex Hell Tower Boys too, and still crewed with Blip” Death” Tosten. A guy he and his pride cat Chris Bleeker didn’t crew with,hardcore wise, but gave and were equally given respect to. ” I tell ya mon, Way, ya daddy still be stirring on these pigfeet and blackeyed peas,” said a contentedly smacking Yancy ” No survivors” Mtume. 6’4” 326 pounds of a human volcano, Yancy coud be the best friend you ever had, or the ticket to the graveyard. Blood and life had given him features that you expected grunts to issue from, except when he was truly happy, then he had the look of a baby being tickled by his favorite relative, such as now. “All the way” Upton Sinclair was better looking but just as deadly as Yancy. Waymon remembered back to when at a house party on the twenty-fourth floor back when he was fifteen and felt now was the time to mingle with the big boys, Cathy Gowan, had asked him where he got his nickname from. “because little honeydrop, if a sumbeaytch gets on me nerve he’s ghoing have my size 11” all the way up his a--!”
Follow the series on HuemindFantastic.tumblr.com The start link is in the top side column. Purple Mag. 9.5
#Muthawit� ticisms (The good Doctor is in. Take out your earplugs)
"Anti-matter is anti-time."
"It's 2010. Am I naive to feel that your success is my success?" "Get your thumb out of your mouth."
"Wound In the Winds: Elvis Owes My Family and I'm The Tax Collector"
"The only reason to be ashamed of your gifts is if you know you didn't earn them."
"Artists, this is 2010. Your label(major or indie) and mgmt should never be the same company. It's a recipe for indigestion."
"Everyone can't have killer tone but they can care enough to sing in tune." @Muthawit
...The people of the trees poked out their heads, just long enough to register on the dial.
image: Tina Lawson a.k.a MsLovely
image: P.Savitha
Aura Reading for Mythwhisperers If you can discern his tale in poemlet, nanolit, or a longer telling, send it 'pon the ethers for potential publishing in a Purple issuing.
Purple Mag. 9.5
#TerryJuku images: TerryJuku
Wisdom belongs to the innerchild. It was always there. Bitterness belongs to the elder who never used the voice as it was meant to be used. Terry Juku represents a generation of young adults that've been changing the world, with voices they embrace and explore, untethered and gladly.
What are some of your earliest inspirations that support your decision to embrace your individuality and creativity?
My earliest memories of creativity came when I sewed doll clothes with my mother as a child. My mom bought this kit that was basically a long piece of fabric with outfits printed on them. You would cut a section out, sew the sides together and have new clothing for your Barbie dolls. Later, on when I was about ten years old, I received an American Girl doll named Melonie. I would search toy stores to buy clothing for her, but found nothing. I decided to make clothes for her myself from scratch. My mother's sewing tips, coupled with my own imagination gave way to doll clothes that were uniquely my own designs. When I entered middle school I found the confidence to embrace who I was as an individual. Surrounded by intelligent, creative and imaginative friends, I developed the person I am apart from the mass identity, pulling inspiration from all directions. I also received my first sewing machine during this time and used my clothing to interpret my visions outwardly, for better or worse.
When did you f irst pick up a camera? Is it your primary artistic focus or do you also work in other mediums? Are you self-taught? Is your DIY ethos experimental, causing you to try your hand at alot of different crafts?
My first camera was a little pink, film Barbie camera gifted to me when I was maybe 7 or 8 years old. Nothing came of it, except for a few blurry, confusing photos of people and stuffed animals. I hadn't picked up a camera again until I was 13 and owned my first digital camera. Photography is just one of my main artistic outlets. I've always enjoyed sewing and designing for as long as I can remember. Recently, I've been dabbling in drawing and painting a bit, but have yet to make a full fledged exploration. Everything I do is self taught. Aside from the very last art class I took in 8th grade and random tutorials I find online, everything I do comes straight from my noggin (however, I am itching to take courses to fill in any information I may be overlooking). Experimentation is my #1 method and in fact, it forces me to try a variety of things. When you don't necessarily have certain resources, you're on your own to provide them, which leads me to try my hand at it all.
What art-masters (any medium) do you immerse yourself in the ethers of? Do you think everyone is an artist of a sort (thought most may have shut themselves down), or do you think artists are a special kind of messenger, sent as an example in their own way to help others bloom?
Zoetica Ebb, Miles Tsang, Katie West and Lou O' Bedlam are currently my main sources of inspiration in both photography and illustration. However, there are scores of Flickr users, online artists and fashion designers that influence me everyday. Even ordinary people, nameless faces on the street and friends ignite creativity in me as well. I believe everyone harnesses the power to create. It is a human instinct we all share. It is what has helped our species to communicate and survive. Everyone has a craft they can master, a medium in which they can interpret their experiences. Whether they want to call themselves an artist or not, people are creative, innovative creatures. I wish more people would find what they're good at and express their feelings.
"I believe everyone harnesses the power to create. It is a human instinct we all share. It is what has helped our species to communicate and survive. Everyone has a craft they can master, a medium in which they can interpret their experiences. Whether they want to call themselves an artist or not, people are creative, innovative creatures."
I wish more people would find what they're good at and express their feelings.
What are you hoping to capture with your lense? What kinds of stories? Will there be a coffee table book some day of your dreamvision?
Today, I still struggle with what exactly I'm trying to say when I'm behind (or even in front) of the lens. Outwardly, if feels like I'm trying to capture important moments in my life so I can hold onto them and remember them as long as I live. I would say that's why most people photograph. Then I question whether I want to expose these images to other people, if there's a point to
" It is vital to relate your experiences with the world. Experiment, find your craft and create. Fulfill yourself. "
share my life with others. Inwardly, I sense a greater motive and possibility for my photography that I haven't pinpointed yet. I expect it to come with more practice, experience and experimentation. Despite this conflict, I know I want to teach people and show all walks of life because I feel currently, people lack an understanding and acceptance of different lifestyles, even with today's cultural diffusion. A coffee table book is far off from anything I'm expecting, but if it happens, I'll be completely excited and proud.
Is there anything you'd like to share with the readers that we haven't covered? (Shoutouts, words of wisdom, etc)
I heard a quote once, "If you hear a voice inside of you that says, 'You are not a painter,' then, by all means, paint! And then that voice will be silenced." It's by Vincent Can Gogh and I cannot express how true it rings. Often, I will talk myself out of doing things because I believed I couldn't, but that closed the doors to a whole range of possibilities, unfortunately. Notably, this kind of thinking often spurs moments of creativity and I urge everyone to fight it. Do not suppress the vision or message you want to relay for any reason. It is vital to relate your experiences with the world. Experiment, find your craft and create. Fulfill yourself.
You can currently find Lady Juku's works via her TekkyTechno Flickr, her Deviant art page, and via Otherbox.tumblr.com Purple Mag. 9.5
... beyond a static that almost obscured the etheric, the young Anomaly caught the signature of further huemind dreamspill, abundant in otherworld news, and story. It was so much, it could only be shared a bit at a time.
#HuemindFantastic (Updates) MM Carter's 'Shadow of the Red Hyena is still going strong at HueMindFantastic. Sir Uzzle's comic, Neters, has released another volume. After the BSFS scare two networks saved the day before that BSFS admin put the network back online. Show them love: AAR: BlackSciFiFantasy24.ning.com and Wagadu.ning.com Enjoy them. Ecbacc is coming!!!! May 15. Visit Ecbacc.com for details. Google Steve Hyppolite's 'A Warrior's Passage' and thanks us later<3
Gentle Ward, Black Fae Antho sneak peek: artistry ala PZ
Valjeanne Jeffers Immortal III: Stealer of Souls draws near.
SilverGoggles is extra sleek with its new layout and SteamPunk Nusantra (on Dreamwidth) is the bidness :D Props to the Ldy Jahmeia.
"Imagined you doing pixie dust drivebys in the hood. You load up the shotty. Mad dust from the bag in the backseat. Shoot a dude in the arm @ the corner store - it turns mechanical. Shoot a Sis' in the back, she grows wings. Pull out a ninja star.
BeyondVictoriana is a .com now. Blessings 'pon the Lady Ayleen.
*camera zoom follows the stars to a high schoolers head. Sends him hightailing it to a library." - @MiQL a.k.a MiQL Xander
Sandrine Thomas' steam romance blog is offering many resources for Afrikan-American period writing.
"*the blackbirds perched 'pon her shoulders & took berries frm vines twined in the blk cotton hair, leaving rebirth there*
'Virtuoso' an Afrikan Steam comic has recently been released, with print copy available for retail.
#LuneMath" "#Antiplastic *he was non-standard issue. Instantly imperfect (and therefore sane) in an upside world*"
Check the HuemindFantastic.tumblr.com for more intel, and drop us an @reply @CandyAnomaly with any news we may have missed.
Purple Mag. 9.5
#TheCuriousBazaar For connoisseurs of fine ethers, and original arts, applauding rebel beauties of chromosome x and y.
Where do you go for hoops shaped in the form of the Motherland continent, crochet caps to house the locs, Vegan Mexicana Cookery zines, teabowls from descendants of Asiatic teahouse tradition? You go to the source, which is fortunately not as difficult to find now, as it usually is... Makers of color are doing their thing, and Etsy Artists of Color is a group intent on shining a strong light 'pon the works. Enjoy their etsyaoc.ning.com, and search them @ Etsy for further details on joining this group if you're an Etsian of color, or finding Sister-Brother makers if you're looking to purchase wares.
Recommended links to Etsians of Color http://www.etsy.com/shop/PeaceImages http://www.etsy.com/shop/UrbanAdornments http://www.etsy.com/shop/TizzyDee http://www.etsy.com/shop/naKiMuli http://www.etsy.com/shop/junkprints http://www.etsy.com/shop/OdodoOriginals Props to @ MiQL for lending suggestions.
Not sure where to have your zine or press/promo book designed? Rates begin @ 150, less if you provide proof of low income.
DM @CandyAnomaly or email: CandyAnomaly@gmail.com
note: A few articles we were unable to fit into the issue are en route and include Elsie Law, Signif the gift, Bless Roxwell, and Cailloux Williams. Soon come.
#YumEthers Artists releasing EPs For the Etherbox currently searchable on the Aethernet: Rick Lucy, URBAlt Sampler Dos, Haz Solo, Tone Trezure, Phraim, JDavey, Iman Williams' Stupid Human Trick, Matt Martian- Jet Age, Jneiro Jarel, Full Crate and Mar.
#Greenmen Khalief Khadafi
and Safari_Black have recently extended High Ethers. Visit Sir Khalief's zone (add a .com to his name in the url-bar) to download the Rebel From America LP, and peep Sir Black's newly released 'Uncivil war' track from the forthcoming EP @ the Safari_Black Bandcamp. Log onto Safari-Black @blogspot of the same name for more on the Vegan HipHop movement, and tutorials for veg-numsicals. Both of these greentongues are peoples with high-end gems to extend.
Have we missed anyone? Seesmic @CandyAnomaly Heartable Etheric Havens MuphoricSounds.com, ThisisRealMusic.com, URB ALT.ning.com (URB Alt Fest in June <3 #Yay), SongsInTheKeyOfLife
On Danimality... "I'm sayin,' what are they sayin? I got monopoly money thats screamin' for land! Talkin' bout using intellectual property as the commodity to back wharbux or dan3r0s." "If anyone asks me what's the difference from me now and my music years ago, I'd say intimacy."
A snippet of an interventure starring the UA Maestro Boston Fielder and Dan The Man.
#The Last Word Tune into Higher Frequencies
What we give our attention to grows. A lazy mind, supports lazy giants, and their overworked minions (both witting and unwitting). What seems impossible is often made to seem that way. Indie thought manifests just as powerfully, as programmed thought. Your mind is your responsibility, as it's been given to you. Love it. Guard it fiercely. Tune it into higher frequency. Share higher frequency. Those little regurgitated made-bigs, are only as powerful as their audience. They are nothing without our minds. Celebrate true artistry. Reject marketing hype in favor of heart-centered marketing (not stunts, but actual this-is-who-I-am based ads/articles/style editorial/and other promo). Again, the negative soul-eating media placed on your tv's and in your mainstream mags, etc, by the highest bidders, does erode the thought process overtime. How fortunate then, you have the choice to tuneout.
Currently recommended Indie Mags that aren't psuedo-juggernaut-policed Grungecake Crisis (There are adult and Lite versions of this fly-quality art publication, as I understand it. Seek the appropriate end for your age group). NeetMagazine.com (For the indie fashionistas, indie makers, and merchants.) Anomaly Mag (an anti-hierarchical alt-culture experiment in-process- DM @CandyAnomaly for details. Vivalamoda.co.cc (High end indie fashion/handmade) You running or reading a mag that's indie, supportive and non-anti-competitive of fellow indie's?
DM @CandyAnomaly with the details. We support fam.
Submission process Keep it non-shock language enough to be acceptable for leaving on the house table with youth therein. Use innuendo. Cant forget the youth/importance of the developing mind.
Send images @300 dpi Hi-res, it's necessary to enable print magik.
In cases where its possible, cater to the average compromised attention span. 500-800 words is solid article size. Shorter is acceptable for mini-features. Longer lit may be broken up over the course of several issues if accepted.
Do share your Otherness, and experimental approaches to lit, image, and other. Style editorials via image and photogographic splendor are acceptable. Lean towards ethical/vintage materials. We're very impressed with personalities that don't need stylists to shape them, and simply are who they are creatively. Indie artisans/merchants can utilize style editorials, articles, advice pieces, and etc to promote their brand. We're open to artists who are who they are. The 'f lyer-than-thou egos are tired. We celebrate the down to Earth 'Shine-the-lights' *_*
We're developing a 'Word' column that will include an image and quote about a particular social issue, or indie-think generated thought. Send your images and quotes for consideration in future issues.
Underrepresented ModernMyth submitted may f ind its way also to the HuemindFantastic online tumblr or one of the two of the emerging machina that will allow readers to post pieces for fellow-reader feedback and possible publishing.
Keep ads, and sponsorship intentions based on products/merchantry of ethical/cruelty-free, indie, fairtrade where possible, acceptably tasteful wares/services following the guidelines above where they apply. See issue 9 for extended guidelines. Ads: Donations of 25 for Summer/Fall 2010 get you a half page ad (double will get you the other half) and other promotional joys. Donations of any kind will be get you digihearts, mentions, and appreciative boons. Donating the much-needed DSLR to our mission will get you a serious promo-love campaign and co-brainstorm sessions to that end, from glowing neuroned, market-savvy heads. Some contributors will be eligible for guest editor credit, dependent upon the extensiveness of their contributions to an issue. Pay in most cases is ad-space (ads must follow the ethical--some vintage falls into this category), acceptable to be left on the coffee table in a house w/youth (basically non-gratuitous sex/violence), underrepresented (original/indigenous cultures who have been disincluded or tokenized in the mainstream) culture flow. Keep the spirituality focusing on principles, rather than religions (we have a wide range in our readership who won't appreciate being condescended or subjected to fright tactics-Keeping it neutral is good for everyone). We believe spirituality is love-based round these parts. Attach a copy of your image ad, or text ad with submission. If you forget, and contact us past deadline about it, we may reserve a spot in a future issue for you, but it's best to include it before deadline for a guaranted spot. In some cases we will design the ad for you.
Submit to both (important that you submit to both so no emails are lost): Purplemag@gmail.com, and HuemindFantastic@tumblr.com
Reorient Your Myth Machina
We're far more than what's let on... Focus=Being=Key. purplemag.com